

in this issue: regent/parker/joyner/punksquad/cowen/freedom of information xtc/newsfront/blacksmith/whittlefamily/v2/feminism/television


IN DEFENCE OF common denominator (such sive, and in the best elilism) than the other. And interests of the general DISCO like I said "Business (still) public": not a section ofthe Rules OK". Public, but the General THE REGENT THEATRE VICTORY 3 The put-downs of disco One last point-I'm Public. by punk foloweR need an tired of punks and other TTiat 4K0 js in trouble answer. Arrogant slogans refen-ing to the 'mindless- is not hard to believe, such as "Stamp Out Disco!" ness' of disco fans, when since most, if not all, the RONA JOYNER STRIKES AGAIN 5 ignore some important living proof of the mind- advertisers affording media realities, the most lessness bf some punks is coverage would be union significant being that provided by their indis­ bashers or tory voters. criminate acts of Like Goebbels [said] if millions of thinking people TRIPLE - ZED ON FULL POWER 7 destruction and violence at you print a lie often in Amerka and Australia rock venues around town. enough, eventually someone greatly enjoy this type of Even the craziest of animals will believe it musk and dancing. don't foul their own nests. No Stone, or Murphy, or PUNKS AND POLICE 9 Surely they are not all Some punks should listen Braithwaite, or whoever you being manipulated by com­ more carefully to what are, you are just one of mercial interests and even Johnny Rotten, Tom many "advisers" that think if they are, how does this Robinson and others are academics are the answer, ABORIGINAL SELF MANAGEMENT 11 substantially differ from the saying. They at least claim and that, to me, is a "load history of punk, now that to know who their anger of shit". the buJlshit rhetoric sur­ is directed at (politicians, P.S. It will be interesting rounding its arrival has died the press and racists for to see if you are objective INTERVIEW 17 down and business as usual starters). in your general anti-Joh- (inevitably?) becomes the On the other hand if anti-goverament attitude rule? Business Rules OK! some punks hold a total and print this letter, since Punks (we are told) are (no future) contempt for it happens to be the truth. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION BILL 18 non-conformist and want all forms of authority, then Keep up the good work of to get back to basic music- at least do us the favour bashing the TORIES and the self deceit of this belief of dropping the moralistic what is more important staggers even my "punk is superior to all stop mbbishing the Aust­ BRISBANE'S (& IPSWICH'S) LIVING imagination! The non-con­ other music" bullshit and ralian LABOR PARTY. formity is purely extemal wake up to the realisation -DONALD G. WOODMAN GUIDE 21 in most cases; real non­ that there is litde future Senior Vice-President conformists don't have to in playing mindless groupie Zillmere South Branch dress that way to prove to any band you hold in ALP their credentials. In any case esteem-punk or otherwise! REVIEW SECTION (Eleven Pages) 25 if you've seen one torn -B.G. TRAVOLTA Uack tee-shirt and pierced Sandgate SEMPER CRITIQUE ear you've seen the lot. As for basic music-rock In the past you have 'n' roll is still just that, invited constructive com­ rock "n' roll. It involves a THE SHIT HITS THE ment on the progress of limited number of white ALP FANS! your paper. I would like interpretations of a black to congratulate you on the theme-in any case if What a load of Ait! job you have been doing when you compare their Maybe this letter could means only the 'nuts and anything conceming punk vast resources with the have been a little more bolts' approach (Le., the lhat was my Hrst reaction thisyear. is basic, it is that it con­ few available to you, critical to be consistent basics of news and feature You have introduced a tinues to be basically dance to the artkle on the ALP Semper compares moK than with what I find of value writing, copy reading, page music as is equally true in (^eendand, by a peison much needed fresh favourably. in your approach; however, make-up, etc.), his con­ for disco or New York labelled Jane Stone. journalistic breeze into Semper also attempts to as I said, praise ^ould-be tention is quite valid. But if funk. Two sets of drcum- coverage of Queensland's engage in dialogue with given where praise is due he means thoroughgoing Black 'soul' lingers on circumstances prevent the political and cultural life. readers over important and although I know many interpretative joumalism in tl^e shadows of all of ALP from ever goveming Your writers have not issues rather than Umit people who share my sen­ (i.e., what is now being them. Uiis state of Qld: been afraid to take a long opportunities for a full timents about the new look referred to as process jour­ Disco, according to the 1. Failure to control hard look at the failings range of ideas to be pre- Semper, I have rarely seen nalism), his contention is dogmatic outlook of some 'media bias. and strengths of both the sented-something the any of them pass this on rather inadequate. punks, is dance music for 2. The electoral gerry­ Liberal/National Party co­ remainder of the press could to you through your letteis Joumalism schools in the- conformists, yet I fail to mander. alition and the Labor Party • well emulate. pages. United States are now em­ see any essential difference NOTHING ELSE Opposition without Since the same team will Keep up the good work, phasising the bdiavioural between a floor fiill of It truly astounds me to resorting to the use of be producing Semper next .^. LONGLEY science approach to jour­ disco freaks and a floor read garbage like "chronic empty slogans. (I particular^ year (and I gather you Torwood nalism so that news stories full of look-alike stiffs and alcdiolism", "yoiir minds ly enjoyed the critique of plan to carry on improving (the non-event-oriented pogo freaks. You can still can't think past sex" and the Qld ALP in Issue 12). the newspaper if given the type) are written with rage and seat to the sounds "there aren't any votes in Semper plays an im­ necessary ?upport) I look JOURNALISM IN- greater accuracy and ob­ of both. it" when talking of, or portant role in stimulating forward to an even better jectivity. A knovriedgc of But to continue to about, members a party discussion of what higher output of fair and STRUCTION behavioutal science tech­ search for differences-if the writer wouldn't vote standards we shoidd expect independent minded jour­ niques is essential to the any difference exists it is for in a fit, anyway. of both the government and nalism, something t sadly Permit me to pomt out practice of this kind of that disco offers the What makes die writer the opposition. It also has lacking in this State... some fallacies diat a Univer­ precision joumalism. A sig­ potential for a retum to think Messis Braithwaite managed to highlight how Nearly forgot to.niention sity of (2ld JoumalKm lec­ nificant and distinguished variable dancing style. As and Murphy would be ideal we as citizens should be that your thirteen to ilfteen turer pushed thtougjh at a background as a practising well, it offers a return to membeis of Parliament? more active on our own pages of cultural reviews, conference on joumafism journalist would not be behalf and doing more to being conscious of having a Sometime, somehow, some­ including the Living Guide, teaching on Ai^ust 4. In a sufficient qualification in dancing partner. By contrast one has to tell these stop politicians and police has also been exciting prepared speedi (a copy of this context. punk comes over as rock "pseudo-intellectuals" that 'from interfering in so many reading. The down to earth Mdiich has readied us), the In support of his con­ ballet for the alienated. an academic background is of our legitimate social, positive approach you take tention, Mr. Stokes quoted lecturer concerned, Mr. (Jiving ispossiUy the only not the answer to Labor's cultural and educational towards both promoting, die joumalism dean at exception still evident here.) problems any more than a activities. and when necessary Charies Stokes, made the Northwestern Univeisity "Disco is machine union background is. I have been particularly criticising, Brisbane's on­ foUowing points: and also refened to the music." Okay, one point To be objective onei has impressed with the series going struggle to become a 1. Journalism should be joumalism deans at conceded, althou^ oveiseas to see things as they really of special articles you have livelier place to live is most an exception to the 'golden Columbia and Berkdey it can be heard Uve. are and not as certain puUished on the insidious welcome. The douUe review academic rule' that teachers flieieby giving the Musicians do need help peisons want them tq be. way the mass media have concept giving us a chance shbuld have higgler univer­ impression that the world's to read differing opinions of in this town and live music Ihe survey on listener been manipulated by those sity degrees. Tlie prime greatest schools of jour­ .the same event is a good is certainly more vibtanL appeal regarding 4KQ's lis­ in authority to give us a qualification for teaching nalism' have adopted a innovation. However, having conceded tening audience astounds me limited perspective of what joumalism must be a .*si^, similar approach. that much, the dectronics since nearly everyone I is really going on in this Reviews should give niflcant and lUstinguished • Here Mr. Stokes has of disco are not too far know, listens to 4KQ, and state. praise when praise is due background as a practising committed a fallacy by removed from the it is not hard to get a Besides standard research and your positive appraoch journalist in the media'. omission. He has omitted electronics of punk slanted opinion on anything pieces such as those, you to any efforts by entre- 2. Ten to 15 years' ex­ to mention the respected (assuming that the cretinous at all if one looks in the have not been frightened . peneuis (whether music, perience hi a senior media journalism schools at disco jockeys could be right direction. to also interpret the news' theatre or food) to improve position should be accepted Minnesota, Wisconsin and eUminated). llie so-called top station when necessary. This is vital the quality of our Uves as equivalent td the achieve­ .Stanford (among otheis) What about the origins (4IP) sends shiven down if we;are to avoid making. deserves recognition. . ment of a Ph.D. by a full- which would lode at the of these two forms of one's spine with its biain- Ute mistake of equating the Pass on my appreciation time caieer academic: Stokes-approach . witii music-they have arguably washing technique and its sterilised propaglnda of of Matt Mawson's proline, With regard to the first utmost suspicion. Instead of similar roots (Uack) and I obvious disregard for the politicians with the truth. and excellent point, Mr. Stokes faOs to stating -8 half-truth (the fail to see how one is more Broadcasting Act. Hie Courier MaO may cartoons-they are the first .explain what he means by roost insidious propaganda repetitious or more 'lowest' "Adequate, comprehen­ cover more news but thing I look at. joumalism teadiing.. If he (CONTINUED PAGE 4f 2 SEMPER September 20,1978 Queensland Police Active In NSW Surprise Drug Raids Into Murwillumbah Valley

(Queensland Police recently aossed the border into He subsequentiy denied NSW and airested four people for possession of approxi­ that he had been carrying mately $10,000 worth of marijuana. them. Reports from the Mur­ By Jane Stone willumbah Valley suggest taht NSW police involve­ The four persons busted produced a rifle and fired ment in the raid was had been travelling down a two shots, minimal, which raises the roadway not far from Biily The injured man was question-just how often do Nudgel. During the raid, one taken to the nearest hos- Queensland Police under­ man was shot in the ear pital and was found to take activities outside their by police. Reports indicate be in possession of 1,350 normal area of jurisduction? that another man had "trips". University Senate SEAAPER • PARKER Decision Could GIVEAV/AY Save Regent Graham Parker and will present the concert of the year Citizen Campaign Pays Off this Sunday (September 24) at Brisbane's Festival Hall. Following Long Battle Semper is giving away three double

A dedsion made recently by the Bu3ders Workers Industrial Union passes to readers. and anoUier by the University of (^eensland Senate may signify victory for the Save tiie Regent Campaign. As a special bonus we can guarantee Ihe trade union movement approved a request to place the winning seats are in row eleven, a green ban on demolition of the Regent Hieatre. By Carmel Lister They did so because of itt ofHcial classification as a just two rows behind Semper staff. buUding vita! to Australia's heritage. of tiie Mayne bequest) for Union officials said they had been overwhelmed by the approximately 11 years. To win all you have to do is write, degree of public support for saving the building and had Mr Kent diadwick, a acted accordingly. spokesperson for the Save in no more than 50 words, However even more significant was the earlier con­ the Regent Campaign said fidential recommendation by the University of tiiat their battie to save "the name of Graham Parker's Queensland Senate to the trustees of the Mayne Estate die theatre "had been won (co-ownens witii Hoyts of the Regent Theatre site) that on its own merits". favourite model car." they siiould not proceed witii the four cinema complex The green ban which planned for the site. foUowed the Senate decision had become only, Also, your entry must be in our hands This planned re-develop­ members also did not wish one extra safeguard. ment would have required the University's public He added that "finally ' by Friday September 22. the Trustees to divert image to be tarnished by Queensland citizens have funds and take out loans being linked to the des­ been successful in having The Semper editors will judge the best tb the tune of $3 million truction of such an im­ their voice heard." to finance the project. portant building. Semper can only hope entry and notify winners immediately. TTie University of Qld The proposed four that this will also be true' Senate were not happy cinema complex may have with regard to the futures No Semper staff, relative or friends of the with the economics of the shown no retum to thc, of the Bellevue Hotel and scheme. Several Senate Univeisity (as beneficiaries The Mansions. same, can enter the competition. No correspondence will be entered Into.

Do Ubu Want To Stratum Pass Exams WfMmmf Easily?? College A new course has been designed to improve dramatically the skills of Leaming and Mem<»y for students.

The course is designed by Mr John Gibbons, emment Psychologist and graduate of Sydney University, Post Graduate of New En^and and die University of N.S.W. C^NMl&it) Courses will be six VA hour lessons oh 2nd flr. National Mutual Building, 54 Jephson St, Toowong.

For more information contact GRAHAM JONES on 2215095

SEMPER September 20,1978 3 (FROM PAGE 2) tiiis. If Revolution is to just to deprive a man of right-wing anti-abortion ar­ (whfch is an adult resi­ range of residents, as far as technique a Journalist must succeed in the long rUn, it the obligation of protecting gument and an attempt to dential at Fig Tree Pocket), interests and intellect are avoid on ethical grounds), can only be by guaranteeing Uie life, which he after all confuse women (as if they accomodating peisons with concemed, is reasonably wide. Mr. Stokes should have that noone can rule ever helped to create, and of the couldn't think for them­ Cerebraf Palsy)? We would If you Uiink you may pointed out the two domi­ again. joy of owning a child, selves). Also curious is that, like very much to have in­ be interested, please contact nant approaches to teaching -L.L. GRANDSDEN where is the logicality in contrary to the usual jour­ terested persons come out nalistic practices, two our Administratior, Mr. lan joumalism as demonstrated St. Lucia the present system of pro­ and visit us at nigftts and by the. Columbia-North- viding maintenance? Males rushed replies were written McDonald, or his Secretary, weekends to share Miss Ruth Neale, Tel. 378 western-Missouri school on DIVISIONS IN THE Uberation-take three steps and published in the same die one hand, and the forward! newsletter which featured experiences with us, i.e. to 2244, between 8.30am and Stanford-Minnesota-Wiscon­ FEMINIST MOVE- Legalities aside, the no­ the false feminism article diat and perhaps play games 4.40 pm weekdays. sin school on the other. MENT tion that a woman can do submitted by a woman to such as cards and chess. -THE SECRETARY, But more important to away with her baby be­ the committee. BoUi letters As relationships develop Sevenoaks Residents Welfare keep in mind is that both I am a female student cause she doesn't want it, were hopelessly tangential and a positive meaningful aub to her arguments and ans­ rapport is formed, these schools recognise the need on this campus and be­ regardless of the feelings of her husband is utterly ridi­ wered none of the alle­ people could help the resi­ for nuts-and-bolts teachers cause I consider myself a HELPLESS AT H(R0- as well as the ni.D.s. That *s culous and pure selfishness gations posed by her. One dents express their feminist, I have recentiy why the Columbia Graduate on the woman's party. of the replies went so far individual personalities by SHIMA DAY School of Journalism has on taken an interest (from Nature has decided that as to say that the problem occasionally going on shop­ its staff Ph.D.-holders like afar) in the Women's Rights Uie female of the species was heterosexuality. ping expeditions and on My partfcipation at the W. Phillips Davison and Committee, a body funded should be the offspring- Is there any worth in other outings, also by much publicised August Sth assisting with letter-writing Frederick T.C. Yu. The by the Students' Um'on, bearer, but man does not funding a committee whose commemoration of professionals on its staff which is concemed with and procreate through instinct, members profess to hold and maybe the pursuit of a Hiroshima Day in ftisbane's have distinguished them­ for women. Or so they say. and for a woman to seek to such ideas? particular hobby. King George Square has selves not only as joumalists As an outsider, I gather introduce child-bearing as As for those right-wing In short, we would like left me with a sense of but also as prolific authors. there is intemal division some sort of weapon in a women who have declined to have the opportunity to disappointment with tiie in- Such distinction is not amongst the members as to relationship is from lending a hand! Well, meet people, with the thought in mind that they appropriateness of the acquired by a journalist by tiie meaning and aims of self-destioying to say the if that entails shelving such simply working for the news least. literary treasures as will help to provide a "women's liberation", due events of that day, and with media over a long period of I have always beUeved "Vaginal Politics", who can positive atmosphere where mainly to the presence of a wish to encourage an time. that what one meant by blame them? boUi parties will feel evolution of more effective "ri^t-wing women" comfort and mutual This brings us to Mr. feminism would be -(MRS.) F. HANSEN community action against benefits wiU be gained. As Stokes' second point, i.e. amongst tiie members. personal, but apparentiy ArtsII die centralised power struc­ what women's Ubbers weU as individual petsons,. that 10 to 15 years' ex­ Upon reading editions of tures that characterised their newsletter, I can only testify to is that if you're AN INVITATION FOR it is felt also that groups of perience in a senior media both the bombing of Hiro- position should be accepted say that it is about time not for free safe abortions, COMPANIONSHIP people may be interested. ^ima and the forceful con­ as equivalent to the achieve­ that such divisions did exist, free contraception and free We have 45 permanent and very loudly so, and 24-hour child care, you residents at "Sevenoaks", straint of our attempts to ment of a Ph.D. This May I please use this that the veracity of this haven't the credentials of a with ages ranging from 21 focus attention to it. argument shows his failure space in your paper to to understand the purpose committee be determined. true-blue feminist! to 75. Some are totaUy In my opinion, the express an invitation to and nature of a doctorate. Since student money is Pro-abortion feminists independent and mobile, demonstration 'August Sth A doctorate is designed to used, one would expect the refuse to recognise that by your readers from the while others have Co get and on most previous oc- train an individual in committee to spend money crying abortion, they are residents of "Sevenoaks" around in wheelchaiis. Hie (Continued Page 24) rigorous scientific analysis on problems faced by attacking the symptom of witii adherence to the women on campus. their oppression, not the jfmmmfm0^tmm0fH0fm0mmt»mmtimm0Ufmti0*m criteria of validity and But, according to one cause itself and thus practise reliability. This scientific women's libber, the a "false" feminism! Babies training does not come to a Committee was set up by don't oppress women-men newspaperman simply by women's libbers for women's do! It is the historical and occupying a senior position Ubbers. Logic aside, the con­ historicaUy engendered from 10 to IS years. If clusion presumably is that it attitudes of the male sector thit were the case, why not should always remain so. of society wduch are res­ ^ve Ph.D.s in politics to all \Vhen one considers its ponsible for the forms of our longstanding hopeless hotchpotch of oppression found today. politicians? causes viz., abortion, Moreover the availability, The Colleges of uranium, contraception, whether near or far, of Advanced Education Ln, racism and lesUanism, none abortion has worked against Australia have adopted the of which affect them women since it reUeves the nuts-and-bolts approach to* because they are students, irresponsible male of the .teaching joumalism. A maybe this is advisable. tiireat of shot-gun weddings, university need not adopt However, this committee maintenance orders etc; the the same approach because also receives a considerable woman can have an it is the responsibiUty of a sum of money for its abortioQ, and suffer the .university to uplift "activities", ostensiHy fw physical and emotional academic quality wheUier in all women on campus, and sequelae. Or if she decides joumalism or any other dis­ it is the only women's to exercise this so-caUed cipline. group in existence here. "right to choose" and keeps SHELTON GUNARATNE The women's Ubbers the child, she can provide~ Lecturer in Joumalism actively discourage any par­ for the child and bear the Capricorn IAE ticipation by those not stigma of illegitimacy. Rockhampton sharing their views by vir­ Eitiier way, the woman tually telUng them to beat loses out. it and go and fwm their So, where is this "Ubera-, Latest Overseas and own committee (June news­ tion" which was guaranteed REVOLUTION AND letter). by abortion? It is rather NO MASTERS These people, by some Uke the promise made by Austrsilieai Releases strange trust of logic the pro-abortionists Uiat abortion would eliminate L. Amos misses the point evidentiy beUeve that it is diild abuse because every in liis letter to "Semper*. justifiable for them to use George Thorogood & The Destroyers the large amount of money child would be a ''wanted"* Alex Haivey - ROCK DRILL It ou^t to be obvious that child. What happened? meted out to them to XTC-WHITE MUSIC bouigeob State^wer can further their own vision Child abusei tripled in New be destroyed, whetiier by of feminism to the entire York in tJie firstnhree years David Gilmour violent acticHi or otherwise. exclusion of ideas not to of abortion on demand. Western Flyer-FIRST FLIGHT The question is whether their liking. While women's Ubbers Angels - FACE TO FACE it can be destroyed in such Another point, Strangely occupy themselves with a way that it is not replaced enough, the Paton affair conjecturing about power by another system of received only passing notice teiationships and composing power. It is not enough in the newdetter. The such slogans as "Feminuiity to destroy the bourgeoisie: comment made by' one -a Tool of Oppression" and Oppression does not only women's libber was that "Women-Wc incite you to Discount to Students take place on class lines. Mr. Faton's attempt to rebdlion" so-caUed "male It is a depressing fact prevent his wife from having UbciaHnn" continues to that frequentiy ' one can an abortion because he slogans clearly tUustxite that aind 4z2Z v^ibs. only cut diamonds with wanted the child to be bom women's Ubbeis are Ocun- diamonds-to destroy one was "an act of malice", pletely missing the 'point SI Sherwood 1^^ power system, another even (XI his part! No doubt the ^ Characteristic of their Ibowonig r more oppressive has to be libbers consider this a' Intolerance of other points created. victory. I ask them to think of view, pro-abortion ,-;Phoi^:37Q9935;^,,..;^;,;\^^^ Amos' anarcho-nihilism again. feminists have labelled the offen no protection against If British law deems it idea of falsa feminism as a 4 S^peR^^^ir6m^r2^;^?§ S.O.S. Ban Signals Mayday For Teachers Yet Another Joyner Victory In Cabinet

The Queensiand Govemment has banned the educational course Study of Society (SOS) from schools throughout the State. SOS was third in the line of targets after Man: A Course of Study (MACOS) and the Sodal and Educational Materials Project (SEMP), and represents yet another victory for Rona Joyner and her supporters in Cabinet.


Ms Joyner, who was The banning of SOS instrumental in the banning has not so far attracted or MACOS and SEMP, is any publicity, let alone the the organiser of the Cam­ sensational publicity sur­ paign Against Repressive rounding the decision to Education (CARE) and the ban MACOS and SEMP, Society to Outiaw Pomog­ yet simply because it is not introduced. It was never raphy (STOP). When a controversial course like questioned like SEMP and MACOS and SEMP were tiie otiier two, this decision MACOS, and I can only Monkey Trials For banned, she claimed that it should have attracted wide­ assume that the decision to was only the beginning- spread attention and ban the couise is the result SOS would foUow, as would brought the campaign by of bUnd prejudice and otiier mildly progressive or people like Ms Joyner under moraUstic fascism." modem educational couises. scrutiny, Queensland? The teacher declined to Ms. Joyner claims the SOS had already been in be named, saying Uiat courses are "humanist" and use throughout schools for teachers critical of the therefore "subversive" and some time when MACOS govemment decisions, risked Rona Set To S.T.QP. The Course Of Evolution dangerous. and SEMP were introduced. harassment and even being Many teachers feel that, It had replaced the archaic sacked. while Ms Joyner's attitudes manner of teaching social That teacher's hopes, "/ am opposed to evolution being taught Brunner, Ruggs, Counts and many otiieis who are be­ are extreme and eccentric, studies together witii however, may not be tn Primary Schools, because it is unproven and they represent a focal point "Citizenship Education", havioural scientists and reaUsed, given the currentiy unscientific and contrary to the teaching of the for the govemment. In which was a closed system conservative nature of the specialists in mind mani­ other words, her attitudes of teaching about tiie status Qld Teacheis Union, under Bible," pulating and attitude and ideas are a convenient quo of Australian life, Lyle Schuntner. "As the That's a quote from Rona Joyner's or­ changing. excuse for the decisions without regard to social Union was hardly mUitant ganisations Society To Outlaw Pomography 12. I beUeve that issues such as the family, creation should be taught tiiat the government (in in protesting against the and Campaign Against Regressive Education. particular, the Cabinet) has sex roles, race relations and decision to ban MACOS in schools as a worthy alter­ It's'part of a kit Mrs. Joyner distributes to her made on educational soon. and SEMP," said anotiier native to evolution, for couises. This helps to ex­ (These outmoded teacher, "it is unUkely to supporters if any wish to put a submission to those who know, or want plain her apparently dis­ teaching systems are now protest against the banning the Queensland Govemment's enquiry into to leam, the scientific ar­ proportionate influence, to be re-introduced^ of SOS, even though there education. guments against evolution, and in favour of creation, they say. It reoriented, for appear to be vitaUy Many STOP and CARE members, mostiy in northern important reasons for doing and there are many. Teachers had therefore example, the teaching of provincial towns, have submitted opinions to the been expecting this decision so." 13. 1 object to any at­ history from the studies of Inquiry. To suggest the same people are so ktbotomised for some time, I was told, the English monarchy to This will no doubt please tempts to teach Drug (hat they couldn't prepare their own material is and when the news filtered more general Australian and the Department of Education, Deatii Education through quietiy last week, South-East Asian history. Education, which appeais tq ludicrous but apparentiy tiiat's the approach of Rona or Transcendental Medita­ several commented that the TTie course has been be in full agreement witii Joyner. tion i.e. Science of Creative move was part of a "total banned from Grades 11 and the plan to revert to former biteUigence, in any school. 4. I disagree with the reactionaiy plan" to drive 12, the only two levels styles of education, By ROB CAMERON education "backwards to so- at which it was being used. including the banning of_ views of the feminists and caUed basics, basics which "The decision is out­ certain books from school tiieir attempts to remove are now completely out- rageous," one teacher com­ Ubraries (See Semper, Issue Below Semper pubUshes be allowed to be in moral from students' education parts of the STOP and .mpded''. mented, "and I for one wiU 13). , danger through teachers the concept of roles for CARE education kit recom­ . This opinion appeais-to- be doing my. best to have Footnote: At least one being aUowed to continue men and women at home mendations. be fairiy widespread, as a die Qld Teachers Uiiioh schools inspector is causing in employment after known or work. 1. Social workeis should recent issue of the Qld kick up a heU of a row. tite Qld teachers to become moral offences or immoral There's heaps more in­ not be appointed to schools teacheis joumal,''Quest' was "SOS has been widely upset. Queensland teacheis Ufeistyles. It is to be noted formation in Rona Joyner's and thus usurp tiie role of entirely devoted to the accepted by teachers. It have generaUy not foUowed tiiat teaching is a specialty kit. If you would Uke to- subject of "back to basics" tiie famOy and. church. profession. find out more, or if you was more relevant and up- Uie actions of teacheis in Contraception/marriage as seen by the Joynerites, 7. Under tiie Education just require a further in­ to-date than the former the Victorian Teacheis instruction is for the home. and was not at all in favour methods of teaching social Federation, who for ten Act, Bible teaching is pro­ sight uito State Cabinet's of the plan. studies, which are to be re- years have worked out of 2. 1 beUeve in vided for, and it must be model for future education the classrooms whenever an community involvement in made clear that "reUgious in Queensland, wc suggest education, but only at a inspector appeared on the instiuction" refers only to you contact Rona Joyner. *£.t.PrMeiil» parUamentary level, through Christian religious teaching., scene. This ^ radical educationist local members of ParUament (Gas oven philosophy?Eds.) However, one particular Uves at 19 EUen Street, and/or Cabinet ministers. 8. Rote learning and a DON MCLEAN inspector is causing Qld Woody Point. Phone 284 Notiiing else is the exercise sound knowledge of basics teachers to do just this. 3575. of true democracy, for gives aU children a good He was a special appointee ParUament alone is voted chance of reaching their DR MAYNE'S ESTATE of the Minister of Education in or out by aU electors. potential. Modern methods (Val Bird), who had not 3. I urge the govemment often mean tiiat the duU come up through the Reports reachbig to remove humanistic social or lazy faU to get anything Semper say that one of ncmal Education Depart­ engineers from decision­ from a lesson. ment ranks. the last surviving relatives making positions within the 9. I beUeve that no . Teachers say that he is of University of Qld bene­ education department. school Ubrary should factor Dr. James O'NeU a Joynerite, whose special 4. I believe in children contain books with an em­ task is to check wheUier has been unhappy with being instructed in ab­ phasis on witchcraft and the (he way the Mayne estate school Ubraries stiU carry solutes. Hietefore I cannot occult. proscribed books, and say has been administered. He agree with values 10. I object to school cites the sale of Moorlands Uiat he is part of a special clarification, simulation Ubraries containing books and (he faflure to use it harassment campaign by the games, moral dilemmas, sur­ giving details of human as a Vice-Chancfllors resi­ EducaUon Department and vival game role-playing or sexuaUty because this is a dence as one example and the Joyner supporters. any other form of social matter to be handled by the die threatened destruction engineering by means of parents in their own way. of the Regent Theatre as psychological techniques. 11. I do not wish the another. ADVERTISING 5. Homosexuals and doctrines of tiie foUowing It is understood that SUN. 24TH - SEPT. IN SEMPER drug-users and oOier law­ educators to be aUowed to members of the University HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE breakers should not be penetrate our education Senate have received TicktU M.H - HER MAJtSTTS BOX OTFICE CAN WORK FOR PHONE ENO. 221 2777 aUowed to present their system: Dewey, Skinner, copies of a letter which YOU "altemative" Ufestyles to Piaget, Simon, Raths, outlines tiiese complaints. Special Guest SINCLAIR BROS. phone 3711611 Uie students. Harmin, Kohiberg, Cari 6. Children should not Rogers, Maslow, Glasscr.

SEMPER September 20,1978 5 'Invoking the i humani­ gumients against bicycles, as people in China ride bi­ Therefore I have the tarian principles of PancasOa I see them, are listed below, cycles. In Europe there are honour to rquest your kind­ which the RepubUc of just in case there are still dangerously socialist local ness to publish this appeal Indonesia scrupulously deluded persons who be­ authorities that promote in the Newspaper of which adopts as a norm of Ufe, lieve that bicycles are via­ bicycle races, and support you are Director. we ask her to respect the ble in a civilised society. bicycle races. And I hope tiiat this In conclusion, I just re- appeal will have a humani­ Ufe and physical integrity 1. Bicycles are too of our brotheis as weU as quiet. There is sometiiing uiteratc my call for the tarian response among Aust-. UnWersity to impose the ralian Oiristian families. die wiU of those who wish sinister in their sUence in to imigrate. operation. All the success­ strongest possible penalties We wUl be very grateful ful phenomena of our time on peisons riding bicycles. for your efforts on our As for those who are are noisy-cars, pop groups, The signing of a state­ behalf. now in Australia we can oil refineries, transistpr ment by prospective As I will soon leave for only offer them our con­ radios, pneumatic driUs and students to the effect that AustraUa, where my pro­ gratulations for having gravel-crushing plants aU they would undertake not visional address may be- settled down so weU in show that this is so. Bicycles to use bicycles if admitted Freemantie, 2 Manning St, die community of that are unnatural. to University, on pain of 6160. For any urgent in­ blessed land while we express our sincere gratitude 2. Bicycles are one per­ exclusion, would go a long formation please contact: to the AustraUans for the son vehicles, only. There is way to clearing up this Rev. Leo Wearden MSE- friendly welcome and no doubt that they forbid problem. P.O. Box 169 Croydon, Vic. generous hospitaUty given group outings and lead to -MARK STACEY 3136 telephone (03) to our brothers. This gener­ inetrievaWe breakdown of Kenmore 723 0239. osity has extended even as family life in any society. —Fr. Francisco Fernandes far as the Timor refugees Since they only cater for Quinta Da Graca, Cruz in Portugal by neans of one person, aU bicycle Quebrada, Lisboa. TIMORESE APPEAL the substantial donation riders are veiy selfish. TO READERS THE APPEAL TO THE sent to the Seivice of 3. If bicycles became CathoUc migration and des­ prevalent, our economy CHRISTIAN FAMILIES OF AUSTRALIA tined in a special way armed insurrection), while would be in mins. Uiey I'm a Catiiolic Priest, to pay the expenses of the VIOLENCE AND pariiamentaiy elections use a trivial amount of bom in East Hmor. I imigration procedures, would be of secondary im­ steel, and by replacing cars, was the former chairman East Timor for the POLITICAL CHANGE people of that beautiful health assistance and child portance. might completely destroy of the Committee of East our already troubled iron land is today a lost Para­ welfare. Just as fire is most Timor refugees in Atambua, effectively fought with fire and steel industry. The dise: Peace, rest, tranquility As for the 1,600 Timor Indonesia, from October so fascist force can only damage to oU refining belong to the past. War, people now resident in As regards the issue of be defeated by anti-fascist would be unthinkable! And '75 until September *76, hatred and uncertainty have Portugal, no one can count violence and political force on a mass scale; what of our public healtii wiien we were evacuated deprived our lovely on security for the future. change (Semper, No. 11) but first the masses must organisations? to Losbon. ^ homeland of aU the neces­ All Uve at the expense of it firstly needs to be realised be taught to fight by those Protaganists of the two- In Portugal I continue sities of Ufe. Now it is a tile Portugese govemment. that the concept of a who are prepared to demon­ wheeled menace contend to be the chairman of deserted island, abandoned, Witii half a million coniing revdutionary socialist (or strate that the bourgeois tiiat riding of these con­ Comissao dos Refugiades isolated, soUtary. Now, from the ex-Over Seas when jet planes, telecom­ Colonies the Govemment communist) transformation State is a paper tiger, and traptions immeasurably im­ de Timor em Portugal- munication and tech­ is just powerless to cope of society is Utopian. The that those who know what prove health. There is evi­ CRTP-and I'm concemed they want-and who know about the situation of my nological power have eU­ witii the problem of un­ only thewetically possible dence that were such to that the end justifies the eventuate many highly countrymen who need to minated distance and iso­ employment. For this socialist society {i£. diarac- means-wiU achieve what trained medical personnel reconstruct their Uves. lation. reason we, about a year terised by political anarchy they want. would be unemployed, rep­ I'm sure that this goal So, today the. people of ago, appealed to the Aust­ and general eqqalitarianism) Thus, in order to avert resenting a great waste of can be achieved only in Timor are doing aU in their ralian govemment to open is a primitive socialist a fascist totalitarian future, our resources. AustraUa where the biggest power, by every means their door to us. Our first appeal was made by means society (similar to ancient it is necessary to be a 4. Bicycles are in­ Timor community abroad at their disposal to imigrate of a letter published by bribal society), and although radical reformist, rather extricably linked with is settied at present and because the land of their tiie Ulusb'ious journaUst it could be argued that than either a Utopian Communism. Everybody where we fmd the support birth is no longer then (Continued Page 16) such a primitive sociefy is revolutionaiy or a reformist knows that mUlions of of many friends. Paradise, historkally necessary in reactionary (i.e, the ALP). ecological temns, no rational Of course, to individual would want to theoreticaUy condone iUegal violence is bound' to be live in such a society. considered an iUegal act in A mooem technologic- itself (if that is not already aUy advanced society Is the case), so that radical necessarily hierarchical, and reformism is essentiaUy a Undergraduates: materialistic in tiie vidgar revolutionary standpoint, bourgeois sense, and thus, in a supposedly revolution­ in the sense that aU criminal ary society such as Oie activity is essentiaUy re­ USSR tile result is a latentiy volutionary activity, as aU fascistic State-capitalism. criminals are objectively in revolt against the bourgeois Secondly, while it is State. theoreticaUy possible to re­ form a private-enterprise Thus, the radical refor­ One phone call capitalist society so that mist is an intellectual egotist such social problems as un­ (i.e. one who appreciates employment are salved (in the value of tiieoretical both national and inter­ tmth), so that theoretical national terms) it is unUkely tmtil is inherenUy subver­ •that the bourgeois ruUng sive. class wiU tolerate the loss -LEONARD AMOS of their social priveleges Wynnum that such reform wiU necessitate and so. bour­ geois democracy wiU be RIDE ALL OVER supeiseded by bourgeois fas­ SOCIETY interviews. cism, for instance, the com­ mercial mass media which influences puUic opinion In recent years, I and If you're an undergraduate, we bit about you, we'll see if there's a cannot afford to advocate many others have watdied can arrange for three of Australia's social reformism which with alarm the increasing place for you as a spec ialist would weaken their ideo­ numbers of bicycles on our biggest employers to talk with you. commissioned officer in either the logical hyemony. campus. Pick up the phone and contact Navy, Army or Air Force. Thus, under capitalism At least the Unhrersity our Regional Director. He will offer there is an inexorable ten­ Administtation appears to Make the call now. It could be dency towards fascism, so be taking stronger action you three interviews •— one with the best 10 cents you ever invest. (If that when the capitalist qgainst this menace. You the Navy, one with the Army and you're in the country, you can system is in a state of will recall that concrete one with the Air Force. reverse the charges.) crisis (basicaUy in terms of fixtures designed to buckle poUtical economy), there is back wfaeds ^en cyclists From these .interviews you can lUcely to be a fascist coup used them to park tiieir d'etat. find out exactly what we can offer bicycles. Stfll people rode What aU tills means, you in career and money terms, to Unhrersity on tiieir tiierefore, is that Uiose both as an undergraduate and after who are anti-fascist must bicycles! Even fines (or Phone Brisbane theoreticaUy admit the riding on the footpaths you graduate. You'd be surprised at necessity of violent poUtical were not sufficient to rid us the range of professionals we struggle. Thus, in relation of this scourge! currently empk)y; we have people to the achievement of social Now at least meaning­ refonns, the primary em­ ful action has been taken- from many different academic Don Grimley, Regional Director phasis of strugi^e should be impounding of bi^cles disciplines. Once we know, a little on direct action, which when tiiey are parked. Let Recruiting Centre, Brisbane could involve iUeg^ violent us raUy behind the iiUtiatives (of varying deg­ authorities in tiieir rees from fist-fitting to measures. The principal ar^

6 SEMPER September 20.1978" TRIH.EZED HEADS FOR THE HILLS! Brisbane Banana Radio On Full Power From Mount Cootha

4ZZZ-FM, Australia's Number 1 public broadcaster is set to leap into top gear, transmitting from Mt. Coot-tha all over metropolitan Brisbane in stereo. In about a month's time 102.1 on the FM dial will represent the most exciting innovation in the history of public broadcasting in Australia. ROB CAMERON takes a look at a few possibilities for the way 4ZZZ-FM will develop in the short term.

"A pretty strong brew of poor taste, irreligiousness and just a general nonconcem for any of the existing gods, and false structures that prevail." That's a full power formula fi'om 4ZZZ breakfast announcer Michael Finucan. Ifyou like napalm in your cornflakes, then you 11 probably tune in to Michael's Monday to Friday, 5 to 9 show. I found him vacuuming out the station foyer ("I hate smoken as much as I dislike disco " he said, carefully gobbling up the matches and cigarette butts strewn all over die unclean carpet, "well, nearly as much ".) But first back to 4ZZZ co-ordinator have estimated that 4ZZZ's minimum Haydn Thompson explaining the pro­ audience on fuU power wfll be 6% of the jected date for full power transmission, total Brisbane radio audience (presentiy i.e. broadcasting from Mt. Coot-tha on the its about 2%). new FM frequency of 102.1 "Our engineers haven't done any suivey "With the low power temporary Ucence like that. We don't look at it in terms of expiring on the 1st of August, the federal percentage we look in terms of programme government Posts and Telecommunications output and successfuUy communicating Department was backward in being able to relicense the successful appUcants. Now, if they'd reUcensed them on the power and frequency that the stations had proposed to be on, as opposed to what diey were currentiy on, that would have meant a lot of those stations would have had to go off-air because they weren't capable of immediately moving to a new with our audience. FM is so new you can't power and frequency. predict with any certainty what size "4 ZZZ is an exception, we were the audience you'U get. only station that could have, almost over­ "The station whose programming is night, moved from St. Lucia to Mt. Coot­ closest to ours is Sydney's 2JJ which tha and broadcast on the new wave length. oscUlates between 5% and 7% or sometimes "The department assumed that aU lower. But even 2JJ's not a good com­ pubUc broadcasters are in the same boat, parison. FirsUy they're an AM station and so they reissued the Ucences under the old secondly they've also had severe trans­ popular on FM. people listen to us, apart from the prog­ specifications and we got caught up in that mission problems. "The political question there is whether ramming, is that they just don't Uke overaU poUcy. Now we have to go through "We've had similar problems on FM die government is prepared to relax the commercials. Sponsorship, or whatever the lengtiiy process as described in the because you need a high tower to beam provisions of the Broadcasting and' you want to call it, is stUl sweet-smeUing Broadcasting and Television Act of getting an FM signal from and at the moment Television Act which restricts the number commercials. Its less obtrusive but still a the OK from the departmental engineeis our tower is on the SchoneU Tlieatre of Ucences any one company can own in commercial aspect we want to stay away in Brisbane. They write to their head office (University of Queensland) which is in a a capital city. There's a strong lobby now from. in Melboume, who in tum write to the guUy. There are otiier compUcating factors from commercials for a relaxation. For "We've had to rely on the Queensland minister (Tony Staley). He then writes to too: Brisbane tetrain being so hiUy and instance many commercial stations would University Student Union and to a lesser us, and then there's a two week so on. We don't consider a 6% figure im­ want both an AM and FM Ucence operating extent the Queensland Institute of Tech­ notification period in which we reply portant, so long as we're financiaUy from the same studios, possibly simul­ nology, far more than expected, which saying, yes, we want to move. The minister viable." casting." we're not happy about. Without that then teUs the Broadcasting Tribunal fhat Tlie FM revolution, whUe being firmly we would have folded. Now with the we want to move, then they're bound to entrenched in the United States, has yet FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND metropoUtan Ucence we can be more act, agree to it, and inform us. This wiU to commence in AustraUa. What are the THE FUTURE financiaUy independent. take conservatively S to 6 weeks." prospects in the near future here? WhUe stfll being non-commercial, 4ZZZ "We've opened a pub rock venue Why the change in frequency from "In the short term there won't be could introduce limited sponsorship, with the Queens Hotel in Creek Street 105.7 to 102.1? Haydn: "It's a long any giant changes in AustraUa," according whereby the announcer would say on air which has been a money-maker apart range planning policy of the department. to Haydn. "Up to now we've had 13. "the last hour was sponsored by the Jack from providing local and interstate Our current frequency of 105.7 wUl be pubUc broadcasters (i.e., neither ABC Spratt Cyclamates Company". No pre­ bands with a good Brisbane venue." used by the ABC FM station in Brisbane nor commercial) operating across tbe recorded hype, just the sponsor's name As far as Haydn Thompson is con­ vrfien it's finally set up. That won't be for country, about half of these being FM. menticoied. Obviously the finances of cemed, the last 15 months as station a while yet if you look at this year's With the new round of Ucensing, obviously 4ZZZ could be boosted from this source co-ordinator have been fairly tense with budget." there'U be many more over the next year. of revenue. Does Haydn Thompson want the fuUpower cloud hanging over his heed, "Ironically, what will tum people to tiiis for 4ZZZ? being the chief negotiator of 4ZZZ. FM wiU be the hitroduction of commercial "We'd be fairly reluctant unless it was Now that this goal has been reached FM. They'U be stations specificaUy aimed a total absolute emergency and a matter he's not sure what to do. There could be at grabbing audiences with popular prog- of us going to the waU if we didn't. We've some more than interesting changes in rammfaig. The waU-to-waU muzak wUI be found that one of the mt^or reasons the pipeluie. Keep reading in future issues. OTHER BOOSTS There can be three public broadcasting EvansGtidinski presents Ucences issued including one more wide coverage FM Ucence apart from 4ZZZ. It might go to the ckssical station 4MBS- FM. Haydn Thompson says he'd be happy if they get the Ucence. GRAHAM "4MBS have been trying for a long time, about two years; they've had a couple of test broadcasts. Tiiey've also had the experience of a 4 hour shift on PARKER 4ZZZ (Sunday mornings 6 to 10) and clearly there's a need for tiiat type of station in Brisbane, seeing as there's no and THE RUMOUR ABC FM here. . "4MBS have a $25,000 grant from the nCKETS ON SALE NOW! Utah Foundation which is conditional on tiieir getting the Ucence. They presented SUNDAY 24 SEPTEMBER a very strong submission to the FESTIVAL HALL Broadcasting THbunal. Tliey're sincere, 8.15pm Tickets $8.90 good people and I reaUy hope they get one." [Festival Hall Booking Office ph. 2294250] Of course, another FM station in Brisbane can only boost 4ZZZ's ratings by opening up the FM band, Ufting FM Watch out forth e PARKERILLA equipment • sales and creating a greater tl awareness of FM, The engineers at 4IP SPECIAL GUEST "SPORTS S^!^i:!«:^Sep,tembec,20,^^^ 'iZ "You just don't hear cancer jnkes or abortion jokes^)^where_^iese_da)2,exceg£^iH;ZZZ.'' FMAmiU)S Radio 4ZZZ-FM has won two out of the ten award categories in the first FM Radio Awards, The official announcement of the winners and the presentation of the Awards was made at the opening of die Australian Hi-Fi Audio Show at (he Southern Cross Hotel in Melboume on September I. programme about women's won a certificate of merit issues. The particular here for its report on the program which stood out in October 22, 1977 civfl the judged minds was a Uberties raUy and arrests report on M otiiers Day. in Brisbane. Over 400 Thc other award-winning anests were made on that program produced by occasion. The two winning 4ZZZ-FM qualified for the Other awards went to programs from 4ZZZ-FM News Documentary 2MBS-FM in Sydney, were in the categories of category because it took 3RMT-FM in Melboume PubUc or Community an in-depth, investigative and 2MCE-FM at Batiiurst. Service and in the News look at a news topic, ^ving AnoUier went to ABC-FM Documentary section. it a perspective and/or a for creative use of the The awards were drawn point of view. The station medium. from more than seventy entries from FM radio stations throughout Aust­ ralia. Most of these stations are public broadcasters but '•• ''!*? ^ ^f^t the ABC-FM network also 9»»i,' • • submitted entries. (There is -'Mkis cmm wrrH POWER no commercial FM yet in AustraUa.) By ROB CAMERON The idea behind the awards was to encourage A question-and-answer dialogue with Michael Finucan: Michael is wearing a pair eicceUence and originality of athletic bright yeUow satin shorts (he runs to wori( every moming around 4am in creating and presenting from Fig Tree Pocket to St Luda), a T-shirt with black flies on the back, a pair of FM programs. In this way tanned, almost hah-less, well-spread bare feet and a glare. they can be of greatest possible benefit to the With a listening audience multiplied audience, how wUI you adjust? audience to which tiiey by three or four on full power, are you Michael: No doubt many people won't are directed... looking at a change in musical program­ be prepared at aU for what they hear on In tiie Community ming? 4ZZZ. This is a fact we tend to overlook Service Category 4ZZZ- Si:. Michael: "I anticipate a littie modera­ because we aU Usten and take for granted FM won the major award tion at fint. 111 be doing that somewhat a lot of the things said. But ifyou compare with a program prepared on the breakfast show. We have a fairly what is said on 4ZZZ to otiier radio by the 'Through the t specialised audience at the moment which stations, there's just an outrageous Looking Glass' coUective, we've been cultivating tor 2'/4 years. difference. I'll tiy to be conscious of This is a group of women 1 Fiona McLeod^^H "This culture has yidded a very ripe these new Usteneis. v^o produce a weekly Iwith FM Award^HI brew of fettered people sitting out there «ith their tunets relating to various poor taste comments that no other petsons in Brisbane wfll have heard on media. You just don't hear cancer jokes or abortion jokes anywhere these days except on 4ZZZ. "Our Usteneis Uke it I think from the WOMM various contests we've mn. Poor taste competitions. The response to poor taste Just two of the fifteen full-time competitions has been good, so I figure staff at 4ZZZ are women. By means they must Uke it, and we don't get that of simple arithmetic youll probaUy many letters complaining about our poor find tItt rest are male. Hie two are taste comments. Some thought about new wave music. Radia Rouse, a joumaUst, and Fiona "To throw these brand new listeners McLeod. into the brew we've developed might be Fiona is office coK>rdinator, part- a bit rough. We might stop running items time evening announcer, and one of on the road toll death, saying how pleasing die coUective that produces the it is. We'U get them up to a point where Sunday night show, "Through The they can take us head on, take us fat what Looking Glass". we are. 4ZZZ have been looking fen- a fuU- Q. Will your musk widen, like cunning time female announcer for 18 montiis. Friday morning at the zoo disco breakfast Only now do they have a reasonable shows? appUcant (from 2XX in Canberra). Michael: "No, basically, there are stfll Fiona is pessimistic about increasing certain golden rules that'U never be broken. Oie temale component of the staff. And one of them is no disco, unless you're "Women don't think of the rock makhig fun of it. I did play a disco track muac worid as one that's veiy much last Friday and tore the needle ofi' in a to do with them. When boys and loud and noisy fashion just to make a girls are at school it's the boys who are point. into music and spend aU their money "Plenty of new wave, in fact aU the on albums; it's not something girls music* you don't hear .at present on are encouraged to do. Technological commercial radio; we'U stUl be providing ti:aining is sometiiing girls aren't taught die altemative. at sdiool, Q. Whit's the size uf the 4ZZZ record "Women don't feel confident of library? That's the obvious restriction to approaching the station. If they do ^•t's played. SAT. 16 SEPTEMBER they're usuaUy sti-ong people prepared Michael: "It's grown quite a lot; there GREG QUILL & SOUTHERN CROSS to fight for a long time to get on ak. are probably about 4,000 albums, but a STONEGROUND "What we're trying to do is inform lot of them are crap given to us by record $2.50 (4zzz SUBS $1.80} and entertain a general audience aged companies knowing we wouldn't play 18 to 35 aiid that audience is made up of many diverse interests and groups. tiiem. That's the way this wonderful SAT. 23 SEPTEMBER system with record companies works. WED. 20 SEPTEMBER We want to cater to aU of them aU Tbey don't understand what we wfll and NUMBERS TEENAGE RADIO STARS tiie time." won't play. There's .quite a good range STONEGROUND STONEGROUND Women who want to inform otiiers in tile record Ubnry to provide a fuU $2(4zzzSUBS$1.50) $2.56(4zzzSUBS$2) tiirough 4ZZZ, please contact Fiona programming of album music. on3715111. Q. Ghren that you personaUy wiU be THE QUEENS HOTEL, CNR CREEK & CHARLOTTE ST5, CITY broadcasting to a wider, more conservative J 8 settl

Part 1: The Deranged Ball Blow-Up

— ^ ^^•—'^ -* r - . _ • _• Critics Acclaim Arresting Performance by K.R. Darling and the Downers both inside the haU and on Just what do the lungflsh and Brisbane's tiie footpatii, but the BaU punks have in common? Strange bedfellows went on. The Patients were a bit anaemic but stiU indeed, but let's face it, both are vestiges of a enjoyable. No charges of life form long-past extinct on the rest of the resisting arrest were made, planet but which somehow still survives in yet force was used on a fliis farflung outpost of the empire which they number of those arrested. still caU Queensland. And I don't know about Several of those involved aUege they were bashed, the good oie lungfish, but the living fossU thrown up against walls Punkosis Brisbanata following recent events and cars, kneed, punched must qualify as an endangered species. and one claims he was The past week has seen Ihe most intense poUct threatened with a baton. Artistic Ucence I guess. attention to persecution of the punk movement, which by rights should have died last year, as it did in the rest At the watchhouse, of the world, but is still burning today as much a part simflar incidents were aUeged to have occurred. of the resistance in Queensland as it is of the music As a result of these, several scene. Almost fifty arrests have been made during parents whose sons were events in this period. involved, have lodged The Deranged BaU was plaint or could he help official written complaints bflled as Brisbane's first them. On request he pro­ with the PoUce Department. punk baU, and even re­ duced the Uquor Ucence. A poUce doctor even ex­ ceived an unprecedented No complaints had been amined one kid involved headline in the Courier- made but he was told foUowing parental com­ Mafl's "Pop" column, the "we're the fucking poUce, plaints of bruising and cuts Saturday before it was due. we can go where we lUce". suffered by their son. Arranged by the Cane Toad The police expressed the The baU finished about Qub and the Cane Toad opinion that those in atten­ a quarter to twelve, with Times, it was held at the dance were "disgusting" and over ten further arrests Ahepa HaU in the West several entered the haU. outside. One peison whose End shopping cenb-e, with a Razar replied with "Task car was foUowed from near fuU Uquor Ucence, food and Force" (Undercover Cops) die haU, was puUed up in four bands; Razar, the Sur­ thc song they wrote about Stanley St, South Brisbane, Part 2: The Rotten vivors, the Patients and V2 a previous poUce shutdown for faflure to indicate a left and the HUtons. The biggest of a gig at Hamflton, and hand tum. His car was spectacle west of the Mel­ "White Riot". The first searched and given a fuU boume Hotel since the arrest occurred soon after mechanical inspection, he opening of the Rocky on the footpath outside, Records Set-Up was accused of having stolen Horror flop. The organisers on a charge of obscene property in his possession, even employed bouncers for language. and the name given by the the evening but no trouble The second arrest was plainclothes officer differed Mr Plod Lampoons Foreign had occuired as the who's that of a member of the from that which he signed who of the badges and band Razar. As the group on the traffic ticket. leather set chatted finished its first set, he Import Shop excitedly. The incidents at the walked off stage and out of Deranged BaU received no Just why over 30 arrests, die haU, to be arrested coverage on radio (except Maybe you didn't notice but last week was leave. Thc store was five unmarked poUce hnmediately he reached the 4ZZZ-FM) or in the press. Handicapped Peisons Week. Perhaps it was searched, and the ori^al sedans, two paddy wagons footpatii. Another member Apparentiy 30 arrests is ineviiable that greater attention would be paid plainclothes officer who had of the band was later worth nothing any more. bought the record removed and three marked poUce to unfortunate minorities. But...? vehicles should be necessaiy arrested for disorderly Last Saturday, between 10 a S20 note from the cash is not known. The first manner. AustraUa's own V2 and 20 people were arrested Last Thursday a man entered Rotten Records, an drawer, claiming it was the overt poUce presence waitiarrested before he could outside the Exchange Hotel. import record store in Elizabeth Street and asked note he had bought the occurred at about 8.30pm, make his long awaited debut Again, except for 4ZZZ, pro]vtetor Steve Reed if he stocked any records which record with and that it had although several people who performance. He was no coverage. mi^t be suitable for a "budc's party" wliich he said been marked for were mingUng witii the arrested by a plainclothes It is not surprising that he was attending that evening. He also asked if Reed liad identification. The shop and crowd in appropriate dress officer wearing a safety a rather noticeable and access to any obscene films for hire for the ni^t. its stock were subjected to at this stage were later seen pinned shirt (how passe) growing punk contingent a one hour search, and to make arrests. for using obscene language: has been in evidence at Reed suggested the returned in Uie company of poUce confiscated two 12" Approximately 10 uni­ "They're takmg my fucking recent demonstrations. Next National Lampoon Album, four others and ident^ed copiesof Pork Duke and the formed and plainclothes band away". He was soon time you hear "women, That's not funny, that's sick himself and company as sini^es "Ti^t Pussy" and poUce arrived and were reunited with them in the workeis, blacks unite" or an American import. The poUce officers and produced '^Making Bacon". They con­ approached outside the haU paddy wagon. "stop poUce attacks on person paid for the record a search warrant. The shop sidered them "obscene". ''by one of the organisets, Three membeis of the women, gays and blacks " witii a S20 note and left the was closed, and those The customen who had who asked them whetiier band The Same 13 were also spare a thought for your store. customers in the store at the been prevented form leaving they, had received a corn- arrested. Arrests occurred local punks. They need it. Several hours later he thne were not permitted to the store were then SEMPER September 20,1978 9 |> <>!• lT»M Kill ~

sidered the action was taken 'against Rotten Records primarfly because of the store's name, some of its clientele, and its original policy of concentrating on SEMPER punk rock material. However, Steve Reed em­ phasises that the store now carries a fuU range of import records, in addition to new wave, and much of his FREEBIES custom is outside the punk scene (whatever that now is). The Queensland Police Force thinks the National Lampoon records are obscene {see Rotten Records story). Semper begs to differ. We are Mr Plod Meanwhile, a thousand offering our teaders two free copies of the latest National Lantpoon subjected to a body search. records confiscated were aU fur coats feU of their velvet record, "Animal Circus." These records are abailable by courtesy of One claims he was asked to taken. coathangeis as Ascot was leading import record shop Discreet Import Records in Elizabeth Arcade, remove his clotiiing for the Enquiries by Smper shaken to its colonial foun­ the city. We believe "Animal Circus" is even more filthy, obscene and search. Another was taken following the incident have dations by the shock waves revolting than the Lampoon record confiscated from Rotten Records. to the dty police station revealed the albuni to be reverberating from the and charged when police readfly avaUable through banning of the $50- doUar- To win these records simply write down in less than 50 words "Why allegedly found a fiick knife other Brisbane record stores a bottie of Yves St. Laurent Brisbane potice are often seen at punk dances." Send your entry to in his possession. and it is regularly played "opium" perfume. Gripes, Semper, Uni of Old Union, St. Lucia 4067 by no later than September Police informed Reed, on 4ZZZ, even having been Alexander, we'U have to 30. The Semper editors will judge the 2 best entries (no further corres­ diat he would be summoned on air three days after the stock up big next trip to pondence wiil be entered into.) Winners will be announced shortly after. on a charge of distributing incident. The record stores Paris. They're taking our obscene material. The $20 involved have asked not tb liberties away. note plus the change which be named. Talk about disadvantaged n0immm0m 0t$mm0m0iifm0im0tm0m0i0m0mm had been given for tiie However, a spokesperson people. record, plus the other for one said that he con­ YOGA SCK:IETIES OF QUEENSLAND PRESE^^^ RWTfT SHIV SHARMA A TRADITIONAL PHYSICIAN'S VIEWPOINT ON PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASE FORUM & DINNER SOCIAL POLICY - FACT AND FICTION FRIDAY 6 OCTOBER 6:30pm Page Hanify Room, Uni. of Qld Union

MOTORCYCLES INTEREST RATES years of research work costing TICKETS $10 (STUDENTS $8) $24.8 million was undertaken. The hi|^ costs of housing Coal and nuclear research led BOOKINGS Phone 313201 or 366983 have been discussed before in the field, accounting this column, but now I SM respectively for 28% and 23% Building Society interest rates of person years <>nd 33% and with the NSW Permanent are 31% of expenditure on energy 10.6X whereas Queenstandart research. unioncalculatorshop generally pay U% to 11.5X. Research on solar energy A $25,000 loan over 20 yean took up 13% of total person it 10.5X raqtiires monthly years and 13% of total ex­ Motorcycles sre kind to penditure. Solar research was unioncalculatorshop npayments of $249S9 by my energv reserves, but their effect calculations. At 11.516 interest, Gonsidersbiy larger than botii on environmental sound quality monthly repayments. are oil and recycling research. is shattering. Yet state govern­ $266.61. ments in Australia have taken no effective action to control So Qtieensfandars pay more their high-pitched craclde. Por for their money than their NSW example, the fairly progressive counterparts. More importantly PETROL Victorian Environment Pro­ eiough, repayments affect th« POLLUTANTS tection Regulations, 1978, amount one can barrow, ss provide a maximum permissibiB (•payments ara usually limited noiia level under Statutory to a quarter of monthly income. Rule 12B of too d BlA; for Thut with a wvekiy $250 motorcycles. This level is far in Income you oould borrow excess of the 45d (B)A daytime $25,000 in NSW, but only level recommended for residen­ $23,000 from a (^eensiand tial areas t>y Australian Standard Building Society. Such ' a S.A. 10S5. differenca csuld aasKy prevent a low income household from "5 The Old Noise At>atement buying. w Act assented to on June 12th does not give specific levels HP29C in decitjeis and leaves enforce­ C ^^ 0 ment of motor vehicle noise ENERGY RESEARCH •a riTBTTl 3 regulations In the hands of Preliminary results of a traffic police. Measurement and FadanI Department of 5ST ' (,'!! CIO U n enfacement present great dif­ Transport study estimate the c Packard. ficulties, but one approach is 8 1 --.^ cost of reducing the pollutant V.y (l» MO HU «; to set manufecturing limits for lead from 034 to 0,40 grams motorcycle noise at motor car per litre Is only about 2.5c par a. c limits. gallon (1978 prkesl on a The US Environmental national basis. Required 0 keystroke Protection Authority has investment In refining capacity proposed standards which limit is about $250 mHllon. this the noise level of street motor­ seems a pretty small price cycles to TSd 8. '


Hie fragile sand mass of Stradbroke Island is soon If you'd like to join set to become a battleground followmg the recent SIMO send $2 (students establishment of the Stradbroke Island Management and pensioners $1) to the Organization, a group of conservationist island residents. Treasurer, SIMO, c/- Post SIMO is lobbying State and local authorities to Office, Amity Point, Q. 4183. implement recommendations of the 1975 Coastal Management Study regarding North Stradbroke Island and wants to be represented on the forthcoming En­ vironmental Impact Study. JOH SILENT This study will be followmg the influx of looking at the proposed Queensianders who find the Funny how during the multi-million dollar bridge bridge a convenient stepping beer strike we heard so to North Stradbroke. stone for a Sunday after­ little from our teetotalling The 150 members of noon drive. Also, a few Lutheran Premier about SIMO say the future of select govemment MLAs the irresponsibDity of Stradbroke depends on and shire councillors stand diose unionists involved in tourism, which in tum is to make a lot of money stopping the flow of the dependent on the main­ from increased land prices grog. tenance of its reasonably and the influx of consumers unspoiled and varied land­ if the bridge is built. One Racist Act To scape. According to SIMO the financing of the bridge (being supported by the Replace Another ? State Govemment and in ILucJa House particular Main Roads minister Russ Hinze) will Self-Management for Qld require the selling off of of f taujers large tracts of land on the island. Of course, the buyeis Aborigines Highly Unlikely will be housing developers. They say the Coastal Within the next 12 weeks fhe Aborigines Act the review of the Aborigines Management Study, an ex­ will expire. New legislation is expected to be Act, due to expler in pensive government-spon­ sored study by private con­ introduced into the Queensland Parliament to December, 1977, and ex­ tended to June, 1978. The sultants into the future Delivery all around Brisbane replace it. The new bws will shape the Commission was to report needs of the whole of and the world immediate fuhire for the 40,000 black on what laws indigenous southern coastal Qld, has Queensianders on reserves. What will the new Queenslandeis wanted. ah'eady recommended laws for blacks be like? The Queensland Govem­ ITie Aborigines and agamst a bridge. CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS, ment has made no secret of its disregard for the Torres Strait Islanders Legal Improved feny and com­ WEDDINGS, FUNERALS muter services, as the need policies of land rights and self-management so Service (Qld.) Ltd. (ATSISL) and the arises, will eliminate the tiiese are unlikely prospects. Foundation for Aboriginal necessity for a bridge. A more likely recipe for legislation may be found in and Islander Research There is iio doubt the HAWKbN DRIVE, ST.LUCIA die present race laws, garnished widi a daus embarrass survey was based on the University of anbarrassment to the nostaligcs who believe in the principles of black control. rule of law. All previous research by anthropologists, univeisities etc, has been done by Queensland Press By MATT FOLEY whites. In this survey white P.O. Box 42, St Lucia, 4067 consultants were used to Both the Premier, Mr. the grounds that it does assist in questionnaire Bjelke-Peteisen, and the not have a secretariat of its design, training of research Minister for Aboriginal and own and that it meets only staff, and computer Available from the Islander Affairs, Mr. Porter, under the auspices of the processing of the data. Queensland Department of have expressed a laudable lite project committee willingness to be guided in Aboriginal and Islander Advancement. was jointly chaired by the University Booksliop this area by Aboriginal President of the Aborogihal In mid-1977 the Qld wishes. And both are hnour- and Islander Legal Service and other leading booksellers. able men. Dismaying then Govemment appointed an "Aboriginal and Islander Mr. Eric Kyle, and the that both rejected outright President of the Foundation the results of a recently Commission" composed of four indigenous for Aboriginal and Islander published survey of black Research Action, Mr. Les Working Couples by R. & R. Rapoport et al. The Queensianders which Malezer. This book considers particular problems confronting working couples toiluy. Commission was not pro­ revealed ubiquitous The questionnaire paper S7.50 vided with any research or rejection of State govem­ method selected was the Fathers, Mothers and Others: Towards New Alliances by R. & R. Rapoport and ment controls. secretarial assistance, other J. Bumstead than within the Department most satisfactory as it pve What laws do black some written record of what A review of the role and needs of parents through history and in modern parental of Aboripnal and Islander situations. A challenging alternative to current doctrines. cloth S 14.95 Queensianders want? The people said. This was held Queensland Govemment has Advancement itself. The to be Important in the The VD Epidemic: How U Started. Where it's Going, and What To Do About it has consistently claimed Commission was not gazetted under the Commis­ light of repeated by Louis Lasagna that it has the support of Thc most complete guide to the subject written in layman's language. sions of Inquuy Act and Queensland Govemment reserve residents in its legis­ vloih S10.95 so lacked formal legal claims that present laws lation and policies. The Qld are based on "grass-roots Govemment refers to the power. The Right to Choose by Giscle Huliini One of the consultation" with the This book tells of ihc determined struggle ol' the women of l-rancc to change tho Aboriginal Advisoiy Council reserve residents. repressive and archaic abortion laws then operating. paper S7.95 which is comprised of commissioners, Mrs. Rose Colless, has now been Aboriginal and Islander membere of the various research staff underwent a The Other Side oj Rape by Paul R. Wilson sacked following her One uf the tew systematic studies of unreported rape yet undertaken. It luuks at Aboriginal Communities. week's training programme This Advisory Council criticism of Queensland a side of rape thai tew people inside and outside thc criminal Justice system know Govemment policy on the in which they participated about. cloth S11.95;papctS5.95 meets from tune to time in settling the final draft in Brisbane. The Aurukun and Mornington Social Work: Radical Essays edited by Harold Throssell Island dispute. of the questionnaire. The Govemment claims that the dn agers of bias or In the last decade sctious criticisms have developed about the efleciivcncss of" social Advisory Council supports Ihe Aboriginal and work, its social role, and the theories on which it is based. This book provides a prompting, both verbal and criliqueof social work. cloth S 12,95; paper S5,95 the present Aborigines Act. Islander Commission has non-verbal, were stressed. There has been criticism of been asked to advise the the Advisoiy Council on Queensland Government on (Con t in u ed Page 14)

SEMPER September 20.1978 11 ". . . Tlie whole world has been drawn into a single technological scientific society by Westem action. We are all nelghboun. we all sit on each other's doorsteps and we have, I think, to feel a certain responsibility ro inform ourselves both on the impact of what we've done and the con­ sequences for all of us of this change we've wrought in human society. . and I don't think it can be done without some sntdy and some background in depth. "And perhaps of all things that I would wish for you in the School of Joumalism is tlut you should never regard itas only day-to-day reporting, because day-to-day reporting can be like a fevered dream if it is not linked solidly into facts of history, social change, economic fact... "For instance I do feel that anyone aiming at journalism now should have read enough of Chinese history, enough of Indian history, to have some sense of why Asia is as it is and why the reactions are what they are. "I defy anybody to undentand what is going on in China now if they know nothing about the history ofthe last hundred yean, because so many of the responses are profoundly .conditioned by v^at has happened in the encounter between the West and China. And so it could go in society after society." Lady Barbara Ward Jackson, A Critical Look at the April 1961, to Joumalism students. // news is the unusual occunence, the extraordinary event, then it does tend to distort unless the reader knows something about the ordinary people involved. For example, a story about a suburban luDusewife who Press Definition goes benerk and does something weird-munlen her family or whatever- is news. Obviously when she does this she becomes news. But thereaden already know lots and lots of ordinary suburban housewives, so they are able to fit the eccentric one into some sort of context. of News If we apply the same guidelines to a coverage ofthe Negro community and write about the ones who do something extraordinarily good or extraonlinarily bad and you don't know anything about ordinary black people, you "don't have the context in which to fit the extraordinary WHA TIS NEWS? ones. The result, of coune, is distortion WilUam Raspberry The fust American newspaper, which appeared m Boston in 1690, promised to appear about once a month, although it might appear more often, the editor explained To the extent that you are reliant upon institutional sources for news 'if any Glut of Occurrences Happen." Today we have the regular scheduling of news you are reliant upon a self-serving source which, in every case, will attempt output-papers once or twice a ^y, radio newscasts every hdf^tour-and the to put the best face on the news, to interpret hiformation for you in the irregularity of 'occuirences' must be fitted into them. When you tbiidt of the fantastic light of its own interest. . .These institutions have stood stUl whOe the effort in putting together tati bringing out a daily newspaper, it is no wonder that world has moved out firom under them, therefore you are going not only various routines and short-cuts have been devdoped. to a sdf-servhig source for news but to a source that simply may not Not only is the time of its appeanmce fixed but so is the amount of total space. know what it's talking about. . .Anybody who has been roaming the Within this total space, the news bole (i.e. the total space minus the«ds and regular country as a reporter in the last few yean can cite examples of having features) is predetermined and within the total news bole, some topic allocations gone to a perfectly respectable Institution, to a highly official source, Uke sport or foreign news are fairly fixed. This need to reduce the random reality of and taken a statement that seeins to have absolute surface validity, only, news events vo woricaday manageability affects not just the amount of news but the to find that as events unfolded it meant nothing because it was out of tvpe of news and its content. toutJi wiA reaUty. The need to deploy limited penonnel The image the press has of its reader­ Tom Wicker, NYt, 'to maximum output means the staff go ship also influences its output. Newspapers to Joumalism students, 1971. to these places richest in news-to are often read over breakfast or ou the Canberra, rather than Kooweerup, to train or in other situations where people parliament or the police station rather would not usually be able to concentrate ''The people of the United States do not suffer so much from a lack than the suburban shoppuig centre or sufficiently for long on difficult stories. of information as from a lack of penpective. Insofar as the journalistic mundane work-place. For example, the It seems a common belief (perhaps a media are to blame, this is probably due in part to the extreme brevity Los Angeles Times, one of America's self-serving one) among people working of most of our radio and television news, and to the limitations of space best and most respected newspapers, in the media that public taste runs to in newspapen-especially their headlines. For instance, on the day that was caught flat-footed when black riots things like sport, fashion and human President Kennedy and Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko met in broke out in the suburb of Watts. It interest stories and not to "serious" Washington, a network newscaster announced that "The meeting todtiy checked its Tiles and found not a single matters. between President Kennedy and Foreign minister Gromyko may clip on Watts. As William Raspberry, determine whether the United States and the Soviet Union will settle a black columnist wrote, "For the Los their differences around the conference table or on the field of battle." Angeles Times, Watts simply had not This is an example of our over-emphasising the present at the expense existed until it exploded in August of 1965". of the past and the future Anyone familiar with our past efforts to reach an agreement with the Russians should haveknownthat the chances The daily newspaper is the ultimate in plaipied obsolescence. Nothing is so of the two men coming to such a momentous decision on that particular stale as yesterday's news and the em­ PICi URE OF THE WORLD Saturdt^ i^ere infinitesinwl indeed! phasis is on freshness, novelty, up-to- The press' situation contributes to a "The greatest danger fmm journalistic practices such as these is that dateness..- which can obscure the con­ particular definition of news which in we ounelves may make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for our tinuity and history of developments. turn presents a particular peispective own leaden to carry on the prolonged negotiations that peacefitl solutions The time element means that discreet, that has its own biases and priorities. will require. A prolonged cold war is not one that can be treated in the fmite events are covered better than Some stories and events are more likely same journalistic manner as a football game or even a contest on the long processes that are slow-moving and to be covered than others. An oil-slick is indefinite. It means that the pre­ likely to get large coverage, wl^e the traditional 'field of battle'." arranged set-piece, such as a football steady deterioration of the environment Raymond B. Nixon, match, court hearing, political debate, will not be covered-unless itis dramatised editor of Joumalism Quarterly, 1961. or .'airport arrival, is more easily amenable by something like the release of a govern-' to good coverage. The immense time- ment report. The consequences and in­ pressure also partly accounts for the convenience of a strike will get pr^ominent - press' susceptibility to 'pre-processed news' coverage but the preceding negotiations like the press release. (Continued next page)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT 'What Is News?' is reprinted from the publication Communications and PoUtics: The Press, Hie Publk &. The Third Worid by Rod Tiffen. This booklet is published by the Australian Council for Oveneas Aid and is a highly recommended source of Information on the critical nature of the relationship between the media and the state of our social awareness. The retommended retail price of the booklet is 80 cents and it is avaihdfle from some spKialty bookshops or direct from •Actton f(^ World Development. ^ Semper will be pubUshuig more important extracts from Communications and PoUtics in future issues. Schuiz'

12 SEMPER September 20.1978 b^er ,0S: wdmstqaci fl3HM32 (From previous page) The interpretation of an action or event depends very heavily on the context WORLD OF ITS OWN and the rationales for the various claims; Not only do the media impose their in which it occurs. To kneel down in will get little,' and chances of an own pattems. on the events of the world, church is vety different from kneeling in a unprompted investigation into the nature they also create their own world. This is supermarket. Even a minimum of extra of 'normal' working conditions are' seen most cleariy in the phenomenon of context can often change the entire inter­ virtually nil. Oppressed groups like the Celebrity. This particulariy news­ pretation of an event. Take the following Aborigines living in dire poverty usually worthy person is always before us-arriving incident which happened in Taiwan in* become news only under certain con­ at airports, denying' rumours, seeking 1971. Version A; An American journalist ditions e.g. the criminals or alcoholics, privacy, having romances, feeling sick, was arrested today for interfering with giving out mundane pleasantries, pious' threatening violence or disruption, wasting government equipment. Version B: An wishes or outrageous opinions and being public welfare etc. The definition of news American journalist found that his room such a normal, human person. An as disruption can serve to obscure the was being bugged. When he removed the interesting example of a combination of normal workings and nature of society. microphone he was arrested for interfering these news tendencies comes from the Th'e emphasis on the immediate means with government equipment. . Both Melbourne 'Herald'. After Australian that news tends to cover the product Versions A and B are true and accurate novelist Patrick White had won the Nobel without the process, and the event without but fhe added context gives a very Prize for Literature and had thereby its antecedents. It creates a fire-engine different interpretation! effect-stories of violence and disruption become a temoorary Celebrity, the 'Herald' erupting out of nowhere and disappearing was lookmg for a story about him. Rather, than go into non-news, abstract stories just as quickly. It produces an image of Apart from physical descriptions them without elaboration creates like a piece on White's novels, other a discontinuous, inexplicable and without a context, another problem is impressions but doesn't increase under­ Nobel winners etc, the 'Herald' gave a threatening world but thc image is due the frequent use of words and phrases standing. 'human interest' story headed 'Nobel as much to the priorities and type of which need a context to be at all meaning­ Winner Takes It Quietly'. coverage as to the events, ful. For example, we arc told that there INSTITUTIONAL SOURCES are disputes between 'moderates' and Some people have criticised public A second way the media creates its LACK OF NO TEXT 'extremists'-in the A.L.P. between welfare systems for stifling initiative and own worid is what we might call the If we can say that one minimal aim Whitlam and the Socialist Left, within resourcefulness in their recipients. 'fetishism of controversy'. By this I mean of the press should be to increase under­ the U.S. Govemment on foreign policy, However, if any group in society is the substance of political debate is standing and knowledge, much of its and in China between Chou Kn-Lai and suffering from a "hand-out mentality" submerged and secondary to the com­ present reporting is either irrelevant or the 'radicals'. To use the same labels in. it is surely journalists. Such a large propor­ petition'. The questions are who's actually counter-productive. Stories are completely different contexts only tion of "news" is simply the passing-on winning?, what is A's next manoeuvre too often the accumulation of immediate obscures the content and implications and editing of press releases. This no and B's answering tactic?, what are the physical details left hanging in a vacuum. of these disputes. Other descriptive labels doubt makes the enormous task of consequences of C's influence and You don't get meaning by multiplying commonly used e.g. right-wing, left-wing, assembling news more manageable but reputation? These are of course all valid' details-they need to be put in a frame­ hard-line, conservative etc., also lack it also produces its own distortions, questions but they can become detached' work, to show their connections and substance because their meaning varies especially if the reliance on institutional frotn their implications for social policy implications. so much in different contexts. To use sources stifies investigative reporting. which should be the central concern.

The Wizard of Id by Parker and Harl m V."— •'

m mm0im0m0iiiif0if^0(ifi^0mimm0m0tm0iim0m the Xmas hols BALI $230 oneway You could depart Mayte you'd like to BRISBANE return from DENPASAR NOV 22 DEC 20 FEB 21 29 27 28 DEC 06 JAN 03 MAR 07 Collect a Summer Program and check the other Twelfth Night Theatre Company dates. There are several more charter flights to and from Denpasar, besides our ertensive I for South East Asian program. THE QUEENSLAND FESTIVAL OF ARTS presents $8 a day be(i,b/fast,t)ike This is an optional offer, but great value. Out on your motor cycle, you could be anywhere at the end of the day, and that's OK, 'cause the accommodation vouchers are useable at Losmens all over Bali, with breakfast included. V^AUS Student Travel UNION BLDG, QLD UNIVERSITY, TELEPHONE 370 9466 SUMMER PROGRAMS are available at any Union Office. Call into AUS Travel for more details. by JOHN MURRAY from Sept 21 MONTSAT 815 Directed by BILL REDMOND Students from S260 Designed by MIKE BRIDGES BOOKINGS 527843/52 5888 . or Her Majesty s Theatre mmmmim0m0m0m0fmm SEMPER September 20.197d 13 Feminism and the Right-Wing Backlash exception here). arguing that people should Liberation movement) for. ion of homosexual rights ities of the issues at stake, whatever reason has adopt­ Another great strength throughout the community, leads to the possibility of re­ be free (in all respects^to ed an anti-humanist outlook of the movement was its determine the nature of adequate provision of child jection of the whole issue on the nature of our exist­ iiAerent appreciation of the their own sexuality (some- care facilities, exposuig the by a wider public which is ence, will only lead to a loss worth of humanity (partic­ : thing at the heart of all hidden politics of rape, and not so staunchly committed of -support for anything ularly women's) and its initiatives by the Gay Liber­ soon. to feminist ideology, (or so genuinefy important it has close links with all types of conscious of the finer points ation movement when it women-paricularly those in Vet in my opinion, if the to say. of many of the arguments). first became active), need of support from other Mary Whitehouses, the (Already large numbers I do not wish to ignore sections of the feminist of people believe that women. Anita Bryants, and the org­ movement are now virtually However. alienated anisations behind them, the fact that those femin­ women's 'libbers' have no ists who remain active in the telling people that hetero­ sense of humour and unfort­ statements of the kind made pose a genuine threat to the sexuality is unhealthy or by Robin Morgan and promotion of a better movement are still at least unately as with many undesirable. Even if this reprinted on the back page understanding of how out there fighting. They stereotypes this one has a were true for them, can of National W (Sth Sept. women are oppressed then continue to oppose the strong degree of truth in it). they really speak for all 1978) will not lead to so too on occasion does the oppression of women in its This loss of support may people in all relationships. any victory for women. feminist movement itself. many insidious forms even be put down to further In many respects a lot of when others have dropped I have met some real inroads by the Festival of Polarisation at this point the problems the movement out, however such a strong shits of men in my time but Light or its standard bearers of time.within this country, is now facing are of its own commitment can contain 1 have also had encounters but this would be a some­ is destructive not construct­ Unlike many women _ making. built-in dangers. with men (and sexual at what false interpretation of ive-, what we need is not so who "don't believe in Political movements what has been happening. much reinforcement of our women's liberation, but.. ", initially find that there is As 1 have already suggested differences, but reinforce­ I believe in women's liberat­ almost a necessity to reduce often a movement can be ment of our areas of agree­ ion, hut,.. their political analysis down supplying a lot of the ment. What we need is to Having perused a recent to its bare essentials; ammunition being used constantly re-assess the copy of National W, the simplified slogans arising against it. nature of the gains we have national campus newsapaper out of this process At one time the strength made and at the same time of the feminist movement for women, 1 was struck by become in essence bald try to better understand the lay in its mental flexibility, the number of articles (generalised) statements of nature of any weaknesses its lack of a rigid dogma, its which addressed themselves in this case - the feminist One is that of becoming that) which have led me to we have displayed. willingness to dig deeply in to (he problem of the position. This is arguably a so alienated from what one believe that there are whole All women, and men, search of the root problem. current backlash against the necessary part of commun­ perceives to be going on areas of male/female sexual­ who care about the issues (Ironically after initially women's movement by icating in only a few words that it becomes increasingly ity which are not being raised by feminists rejecting marxism- and right wing conservatives. A what are basically important difficult to maintain a adequately imdentood and should feel welcome to trotskyism etc. as oppressive backlash directed against concepts. proper grip on the social which are far more complex contribute to open minded 'male' idedogies, many the underlying philosophy However as time passes, outlook of the broader than many feminists have discussion (and political of feminism and the gains population. led themselves and others feminists have now come to activity) organised around the inherent failing of a embrace them - seemingly made by feminists in such Often this feeling of to believe. these issues. simplified slogan such as because they so badly areas as - redefining the alienation becomes a justif­ The 'human' alternative Only in this way will any "AU men are rapists" to want an all encompassing status of women in the ication for stating a position is the only desirable right wing advances be allow for socially important framework within which to checked and ultimately famfly and marriage, guar­ in more 'extreme' (self altemative and any suggest­ qualifications or even place things. Anarchist turned back. anteeing the right to defeating) forms. For ion that a political move­ proper exploration of some women would be the major -JOAN SIMMONS, abortion, seeking recognit­ of the more subtle complex­ example rather than simply ment (such as the Women's Weller's Hill.

fest wishes of indigenous' Queensianders are to be One Racist Act To put into legislation remains a political question. The (From Page 11) Marquee Attractions. Glen Wheatiey Replace Another ? Aunikun-Momington Island dispute has illustrated the & the bottlers ol Coca-Cola The questionnaire included body responsible for making tiiey thought that the Qld Govemment's present a wide range of qiicstions laws; Aboriginal' people' on the reluctance to defer to the and one open-ended 2. Land ownership of reserves should own the Commonwealth in this area; HOME RUN 78' question, "Do you have the reserves to be in the land of those reserves pre­ Political controversy any suggestions tor changes hands of Aborigines and sently ovwied by the State should not, however, deter in the laws affecting Islanden on reserves; and Govemment. legal research. Hie tech­ Aborigines and Islanders? If 3. The Community A 50 year old woman niques are available to allow so, what?" Council on each reserve to on Woorabinda reserve said: fw systematic surveys to On age and education contrd decision-making on "Queensland Acts should find out what laws people variables the saipple was a veiy wide range of maters. be abdished and replaced want. Those techniques found to approximate the The responses to the with a land Rights Bill should be put at the dis­ distribution characteristics question concei-ning legis­ similar to the Northern posal of those groups who of the census sample. TheC' lative responsibility Territory." most need the protection was a slight bias (60%- indicated that 73.1% of Questions were asked as of the law. 40%) in the sample towards those questioned said that to who should contrd This blackKJontroUed re­ males. flie Commonwealth Govem­ various activities on the search project has heen an All m^or reserves in ment should be responsible reserve: housing, business exercise with not insignifi­ MONDAY — STH — OCTOBER Queensland were visited by for making laws about enterprises, employment of cant fruits . in legal the research team with the Aboriginal and Islandeis staff, mining. Questions education, consciousness- exception of Edward River reserves in Qld. In com- were also posed about raising and community FESTIVAL HALL Community where pariosn only 14.5% of control of persons entering development It may be permission to enter was people questioned said that the reserve, about the salutory for research Just When you thoughtsummerwasn'tcoming. refused. A total of 913 the Qld Govemment shtmld Aboriginal Police Foree, funding bodies to note that 8 P.M. Tickets $8.40 persons were questioned (a be responsible for making liquor on the reserve, and such goals would have been Festival Hall Booking Office waterways and forests. beyond the pale of a con­ Phone enquiries 229 4250 ^^^^ The responses indicate a ventional, positivist, white clear expression of opinion research project What Do Black that the Community Council on the reserve Queenshnders Want ? should be responsible for these matteis. Responses Uni. of Qld TAE KWON-DO Club A 44 year old man on Vairabah reserve varied from 72.0%-control said: of Aboriginal Police by "What about giving our young people thc Council-to 86.2%- chance to use their education? There's too Council control of who DRAINING INDOOR SPORTS PAVILION many «4iite staff around waiting for us and should be on the reserve. (Uni.ofQld) our young people to make a mistake so they can make a big thing out of them. They This would entail a dramatic supposed to be helping our young people to increase in the powers of CHIEF INSTRUCTOR take lesponsible positions; instead they the Community Council on Mr Graham Johnson 4th Dan come and go and another one come and we each reserve. are still no better off. Give ui a chance to Perhaps tlie results of TIMES MONDAY Ito2pm make youi own mistakes and correct them the survey are best summed with dignity. After all we are not God." up by a 64 year old man TUESDAY Ito2pm on Weipa South reserve who THURSDAY Ito2pm FRIDAY 4 to 6 pm sample of about one in laws about Aboriginal and who said: Islander reserves in Qld. "Possessions of mine seventeen adult reserve LOWER RATES FOR STUDENTS & FAMILIES Aborigines or Islanders). One 42 year old-man were taken away from me, Tlie results of ttie survey on Cherbourg reserve said: police giving their excuse conducted between January "Commonwealth should as, everything on Crown BEGINNERS WELCOME TO START AT ANYTIME and March this year, take over. People have never hind belongs to Government indicated that an seen the Act and don't and npt belong to me. I EnquMa 377 2727 (Uni Oub);Susan SObum (Indoor Sports Pavilion) overwhelming minoiity of know what it's ail about. would hke the law to 311835 (Oty aub) leseive residents wanted: New ideas are needed." protect me from bein dis­ 1. Ihe CommonwealQi The overwhelming res­ possessed of my property Affiliated with THE AUSTRALIAN TAE KWON-DO INSTITUTE GoveflUQUt tb replace the ponse from persons ques­ and my UveUhood." 57 Edward St, City State Goramwent as the tioned- (85.6%) was. that Whether or not the mani­

14. SEMPER Septeinber20;1&78 HisExcellency,Sir ZelmanCowen, A.K.,G.C.M.G.,K.StJ.,Q.C., B.A. LLM Melb.,M.A. DCLOxf., Hon LLDMelb., Hon LLD, FASSA.

PART 2: Zehnan Cowen, LAST The C.I.A., and UTAH.

One of the places Zelman taught overseas was thc Bos­ r ton based Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the most famous of all U.S. recruiting grounds for both the CIA and the State Department. He said of liis experiences there "1 was extraordinarily affected by America. In a profound sense 1 was stretched out there," During the 60 s he wanted to be Australia's ambassador to the U.S. Sir Zelman was also 'founding chainnan of the Utah foundation, which gives $500,000 lo charities throughout AustraUa, and to Universities for research In this concluding report on the Zelman Cowen projects which often return' Stoiy, MIKE SANDS examines his relationship with as an investment in the the CIA and Utah. provision of technical data aiding in mining. The found­ Sir Zelman followed a backing is well established. ation also minimises the similar career to that of The CIA money found incidence of tax for Utah, Kerr in intelligence related its way to the Auslralian Austrah'a's most successful work during World War II. branch through the inter­ company. It was during this period national body's Paris head­ The Utah Foundation that Sir Zelman met Kerr quarters. is also without a doubt who was working for the In the mid-50 s, Cowen a soft sell public relations strange Alf Conlon intelli­ joined a notoriously right exercise for this great gence unit. • Given claims wing group called the foreign owned mining multi­ that the CIA was active "Round Table", whose ob­ national which has become in the events of 1975 jectives were to gather a the most controversial in and that because of his group of professional men recent times for what has intelligence background and intellectuals to for­ been referred tp as the Kerr was a "CIA sleeper", mulate and propagate res­ unabashed ripoff of Queens- it is worth examining Sir SIR ZEUMAN FATHER OF YEAR ponsible defence and lands natural resources. Zelmaijs own intelligence SYDNEY: The Qovemor^Oeneral, Sir Zelman Cowen, Is Australia's foreign affain policies The Chairman of the background and C!A con­ whilst standing apart from 1978 Father of the Year. nection. Utah Development Com­ Sir Zelman Is due to receive the prominent citizen of high calibre who the local squabbles of local pany, Mr. Tim Winterer, politicians. award at a luncheon at Sydney's Went­ is a good fatherand tamlly man From 1941-45 he after Sir Zelman resigned worth Hotel later today The Father of the Year awards be­ worked as an intelligence Before Sir Zehnan as chairman in 1977 said: Sir Zelman Is the third Governor- gan ifi 1957, with the first winner being officer with Combined joined in 1951, the "Round "We thought Sir Zelman General to receive the award In its 21- Sir Edward HaUstrom. Operation Intelligence with Table" "was virulently anti- was the man who could year history. Since then winners have included a rank of Lieutenant in the Labor and somewhat to point thc Foundation in He succeeds last year's Father of the the late Sir Robert Menzies in 1964, the right of Sir Robert Year, Sydney radio personality, Gary NSW Governor, Sir Roden Cutler R.A.N. He was stationed the right direction and he O'Callaghan. (1966), former Govemoir-General Lord for a year in the Brisbane- Menzies" ( Nation Review certamly has."Sir Zelman • Sir Zelman and Lady Cowen have Casey (1968), Sir William McMahon based staff of Supreme 21-27 July, 1977, p.5). said on 285.77, that he four children — Simon, 26, Nicholas. (1971). Dr WUliam McBride (1972), Sir Allied Commander, General 22, Benjamin, 11, and a daughter, John Kerr (1974), Majdr-CJeneral Sir resigned as chairman "with Kate, IB., Alan Stretton (1975) and the Prime Douglas MacArthur. great regret." The award'is made annually to a Minister, Mr Praaer (1976). Wiiile the Allied troopsi BY-LAW MANIA pushed the Japanese out The Utah Foundation is of the Pacific the Combined without a doubt a soft Operational Intelligence Although two James sell public relations Cook Unwersity Professors Self-Managed Hostels work at the same time exercise. helped re-establish former have claimed that Brisbane U.S., British, French and could be one of Australia's- Dutch colonial control of major disaster risks in the Under Way event of a severe hit by a Asia. tropical cyclone give the At the close of the They urged a defence Low impact technologies and responsible self-managed community liestyles versus expenditure of seven per­ record of both our state second war, Sir Zelman wor­ or local govemments, little high impact centralised techncrfogies and bureaucracles-the issues have been clearly ked for the American office cent of the gross national stated many times in the last few years. product and suggested that is likely to be done about of Military Government on it. Ihe Environmental Community Hostels Organisation (E.C.H.O.) is working with a the constitutional problems 100,000 Australians should philosophy which should make a significant contribution towards the soft technology of proposed federal system work in defence industries. As we all leamt during In 1952 they accused com­ the disastrous flood of end of the scale. in Germany. This little- ECHO project organiser, Baryll Belling- "The first ECHO will be built near known fact was myster­ munists of interfering with 1974, for the sake of production and causing in­ giving real estate agents a ham, described the potential of environ- Mt. Barney on 5 acres of land leased iously dropped after first mental hostels this way: from the Beaudesert Shire Council. A appearing in the 1950 flation and said this was free hand, approval had the rationale of Menziej been granted for the con­ "Most people these days have read 1^^' ^f°f °^,, ^f\ Environment edition of Who's Who in struction of thousands of Australia from subsequent attempts to outlaw the of the existence of wind generators, JSt, J fh7 r«r^ ^'-^ n'f 1 """f^r Communist Party. More houses on the city's hydrauUc ram pumps, solar coUectors ^IS.'^f/""/ '^^^ in October. If editions. Su* Zelman does natural flood plains. not think his American recently a member of the adobe brick construction, etc., but few ^,i" " .' K/"",, K <^''"'\^'>'^^' and intelligence background . editorial board, H.V. Now we are being have seen them working. project the hostel wiU be operational in Hodsen (former editor of wamed that Brisbane is an embarrassment. He the .Sunday Times) in "A hostel built with recycled and »AS„ •>,„ n.«,,Ki»; • • «• says his work at the time doesn't happen to lie in 1976 endorsed Kerr's ac­ the officially defined minunaUy processed materials, serviced ,..„^'^f'*y*i!, P°'^»','^'^." !^i ^^ " was purely mititary in tions and praised his. tropical cyclone region with low impact energy generators and ?J,t" .°IH " i'''^ w ?* ^''i nature. courage. Sir Zehnan left * and consequently no ad­ coUecton, and run by a smaU communal 5"f"^;"^^ ^^"^ ^"^^ *»^''^ "»d The strongest CIA link the Round Table group • ditional strength in group could provide cheap accommoda- ...n.' , -.»•... A i-t is more recently through when he went to Armidale buildings is required. his association with the tion for individuals and ^oups looking .J^^ """^ not sound hke a very Univeisity in 1967. WUl sanity ever prevail for such education examples ^^^ ?„„!„ "^^ ^ r''^'"^* }^' Cultural Freedom Associa­ over the almighty dollar? tion. For five years until Sir Zelman admits he "Thus, anyone could Uve in an T^ T^^ f"f"f'r "''=°"e'"'*'' has a close association with STOP PRESS: Whne thc environmentally and sociaUy responsiblS t«hn'>'°Kf «"

I wish to comment on die two letten ooncemiiig lAUDITia ALXEC •New Union' whi(* appeared in Semper No. 13. firetfy, (he recent 'New Cust

.t». 8EMPGR SeptanfJber 20,1978 PARKERILLA

BOB DYLAN AND GRAHAM PARKER AT SURREY AIRFIELDS OUTOOOR SHOW, BLACKBUSHE. An open air concert with 250,000 fieople it was the last big concert Parker did before his a/rnnt Australian tour. I^her performers Included Joar) Armatrading and Eric Oapton. Melody Maker wrote: "whatever connections Parker may ar may not have with ttte new wove as such, his musk is seventies in a way that none of the other Blackbushe acts were, and It wos good to see he got people on their feet and swaying for the fint time." By ROB CAMERON

"It's my primal scream" he boasts, albeit hoarsely. "I wanna tell the world Graham Parker's big break came when a demo tape recorded with Chili the way it is. I'm not trying to be a politician, I'm not trying to screw things Willi and the Red Hot Peppers was aired in an influential London R&B up. It's just my dream, what I've got to say when I'm angry." Then he slyJy radio show. Before that he spent two years in Surrey, England breeding glances around to see if anybody is listening. "I never really needed any animals (mosdy mice and guinea pigs) for scientific experiments. Then he encouragement, the songs amazed even me." moved to Guemsty where he worked in a bakery. While preparing his demo What sets Grdham Parker and The Rumour apart from dozens of other tape, he moonlighted in a gas station pumping petrol. derivative acts is Parker's awesome stage magnetism. He looks like a pint Parker's put out 4 legal albums , Howlin' Wind, Heat sized version of Albert Finney in "Saturday Night and Sunday Moming", Treatment and Parkerilla the latest He's extremely attentive to his career his scmgs evoking the harsh vision of working-class rage, bitterly attacking and particularly to other's criticism of his music. When an FM station in the monotony and crassness of evetyday life. Sacramento asked Parker his favourite choice for a single off Heat The Rumour provides a sympathetic visual backdrop, most of the band Treatment, he shrewdly turned the question around. "I don't know, I resembling 1950s Teddy Boys with their period haircuts, ill-fitting leather think everything I write is a single, which one would you choose?" threads and surly Guinness Stout visages. The group, particularly guitarist Sunday September 24 sees Graham Parker and The Rumour live at Bnnsley Schwartz, leader of the late Ducks Deluxe, served a lengdiy pub- Brisbane's Festival Hall. The support act is Melboume new wave band The rock apprenticeship. Sports, vtlio's album "Reckless" is known to be admired by Parker. GKAHAH BUIKER nmSBVIEW Excerpts firom recent interviews done in blues based. I just picked it up from all th e and Route 66. I was well aware of who contrast to the fierce cathartic personality dte VS and Britain widt Graham Parker. people I could. I remember when I was they were copying, people like Jimmy that taitB on stage, thrusting fists. What about the vocal influences, the about 17, sitting in a room and listening to Reed and Chuck Berry, but they were Well, you gotta Uve what you're doing press insistence of comparisons to the album Otis Blue,, and I would sing really just as good as all that. when you're on stage. It's the one point in Springsteen and Dylan? along with it, trying to copy him Also there was their image. They the day when you've got to be completely Tlje Springsteen one is realJy funny, completely. weren't black guys who were being ethnic honest. Maybe you get fed up on a song, 'cause I'd never Iieard of the guy until Bom Sure, Dylan was an influence, but it was about it; they were white guys who were but you see people getting off on it, To Run. I've since heard all the really sort of a late one. I didn't even being angry about it. 1 leamt a lot about connecting with it and you realize it's still albums and I don't think I would've been realise I liked him so much until just a few anger from them and Dylan. A lot of my valid. You got to be careful though. It's influenced by him anyway. He really hit it yeare ago, I went through a period of songs are angry, and that's my only outlet, like with Dylan when people think, "Shit, that's it! He's saying what I really feel." on Bom To Run but some of the early trying to find my voice, and I got into unless I want to go out and punch Some people can put it into words or stuff makes me laugh, the lyrics are too Dylan a bit, trying to sing like him. That somebody in the head, which 1 don't want to do. I think most people think they're movement or whatever, and some people wordy, too uncontrolled. was 'cause my voice wasn't so good, no disrespect to Dylan. I would just sort of right and I'm no exception. It's a selflsh can't. But you can't take it too serioudy. My greatest influences were singers like thing maybe, but all this wimpy Wilson Pickett and Otis Redding, rhythm wail and drawl. But I've got a few notes of But aren't songs like Howlin' Wind and my own voice since then. lightweight stuff that's about these days, it and blues singeis, and it sounds to me like Don't Ask Me Questions pretty serious, just doesn't connect. almost apocalyptic? it was the same for Springsteen. I couldn't Actually the Stones were a much bigger sing like the Beatles, y'know, so there was force for me. The fint LP I ever bought One can't help observe that Parker is (Continued Page 20) only one way to be and that was rough and was their fitst one, the record with Carol actually a soft spoken person, Ay In *lt's my primal scream, I wanna tell the world the way it is. . .1 never really needed any encouragement, the songs amazed even me."

SEMPER September-20,1978. 17

But there's a strong R&B or rockabilly Australia's IVew Freedom PARKERiLLA feel to the first album Howlin' Wind like Britbh rock in the 1960s, of Information Bill (From Page 17) I guess it does have that raw bit. Bands Yeah, they're sort of mystical I guess. spend hours doing operas and making them But I don't want to explain it 'cause it's as seemingly difficult as possible. It's to priw documents under the Bill. There one of those things I can't explain unless harder to play simple. To me that's what IS nothing stopping a minbter or a I write songs about it. I don't think we it's about. I always hoped there would be department: in the exercise of discretion just completely tum into dust when we're more people doing that from a 1978 point making a prior document available." - dead. I don't^want to put forfli any of fivew. Most of what everybody else is theories about It."it's just a feeling that life doing today I've been through. Maybe not CATCH 22 is too powerful, too powerful to be on a professional level because it would John McMillan is a civil liberties lawyer dismissed. have been a flash in the pan. practicing in Canberra. During 1975 and Parker has said he doesn't find contem­ Why the diades? 1976 'he worked with a citizens legal porary music has much to offer. Does he They're just a bad habit. I started to see research organisation in Washington DC too much so I put shades on to cut down Wnich used the newly amended Freedom feel removed from today's music scene. No, ( feel tiiat my music is on what I see. Someone once said that I of Information Act to great effect to get look pretty cool in shades, so I just left infOTmation from the US govemment. He contemporary. I know where the roots are, but I feel that the way we do it is 1978, it's them on. I do take them off in the bath is one of the leading advocates for freedom though.. .if the lights are dim. of information in Australia and is especially i not nostalgia. critical of the narrow retrospectivity of the present bill. "There are many reasons why people would like to look at documents which predate the Bill," Mr. McMillan said. "For instance, the Act has been used to find out publishers of The Age, the David Syme the misdeeds of the law enforcement and organisation. He described the Bill as national security agencies, basically because "a monument to govemment secrecy, TWBESTTHNG these agencies functton in the way that they bureaucratic security and the status quo." have always functioned. He said that the Bill "proposes legal "You will need to do some form of endorsement of the current practices whk:h ABOUT YOURDfGRE. historical research to find out what deny the public information which it has a assassination plots they have been involved right to know. It enshrines in law the in, whom they have killed, which groups discretionary right of a minister-or his or BTHATITMnrQIIAIfYYOU they have tried to disrupt and harass so her appointment—to exempt any document that you can come up with some sensible which discloses any matter constituting suggestions and reforms for controlling opinion, advice, or recommendation to the 10TRYFORQII& those agencies in tlie future. govemment or its agencies." "Similarly, in the pharmaceutical area, Referring specifically to the likely effect B.Scs, B.As, B.Comms. etc. are fine there have been a large number of dmgs of the Bill on the media, Mr. MacDonald quulifications to have. which have been allowed on the market said that it "takes away our room to move Unfortunately, they're not necessarily which are basically unsafe. among the mazes that govemments and the qualifications thai will get you a g(X)d job in "The only way that you will find that govemment bureaucracies erect to protect the short term, or the top job in the long term. Make no mistake, business and government need out is by looking at the govemment files . their interests. We all know that the present people with your degree. But more precisely, they need I'ou'il be that were prepared at the time those drugs situation facing joumalists trying to do people who also haye ours. surprised what doors were released. Also, in the case oi their job is most unsatisfactory. We rely The MBA. Master of Business Administration. our MBA can open. individuals, people will want to have access to a major extent on a news leak. To Or MPA. Master of Public Administration. acknowledge that a story is based on leaked to documents which predate the Bill to Our Masters program is a full lime two year course, designed to develop information may sound good in the sort find out whether that agency has an assess­ the skills and methods which will equip you for executive leadership. term. . .but, in the long term, reliance on ment of that peison which stains that Applicants should normally have a four year degree; or a three year leaks mns contrary to the basic principle agency's future approach to him or her," degree with some work experience; or equivalent tertiary studies. of the public's rightt o know. John McMillan said. However, you may be admitted without these qualifications if you have Appeals under the Bill from a refusal "The dangers that the Freedom of general and professional qualifications acceptable to the school. to disclose a non-exempt document will have Information Bill-as it currentiy reads-will Please complete the coupon below and send to: further estrange members of the public to be refeiTcd to the Administrative Matthew Percival, AGSM, P.O. Box 1, Kensington, NSW 2033. Appeals Tribunal, with the rider that the from the working of their govemment are, OrTel: (02) 6622600. appellant will have to pay his or her costs, I believe, very real," Mr. MacDonald said.

regardless of the outcome of the appeal. CAM 1124 SEMP This is in direct contrast to normal The largest research operation in Dear Sir, I'd like all doors open unto me. litigation, where the wuiner of an appeal Australia is the govemment, and govemment Please send more information. has costs paid by the other side. has an enormous impact on the lives of all of us dafly. We should be lUe to botain Name: , Mr. Curtis said that this was the from the govemment information which is Address: situation under all, or almost all of the relevant to us and which pertains to us.' -Tel. No.. similar tribunals operating under Common­ That hiformation is cunentiy unavaiaUe wealth legislation. He pointed out the fact to us. that the Coaimonwealth has to pay its AUSTRALIAN GRADUATE SCH(X)L costs too. Legal sources indicated to me George Orwell once remarked that OF MANAGEMENT IN THE that to appeal a decision under this Bill 'knowledge is powerful'. If the Freedom UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES would probably cost at least S200 a day of Information Bill becomes law, then the for legal and research fees. power whidt the govemment has over us M^l be almost total. CONCLUSION-A MISNOMER? The IFreeiiom of In formation Bai 1 now rests before the Senate. There is some possibility that it may be referred back Logically, the new Hewlett-Packard Series E have no to a Senate committee chaired by Senator Alan Missen from Vktoria, Senator Missen equal. The price of excellence has never been lower. is an outspoken critic of the Bill from the With HP's new line of scientific, New conveniences include larger Each calculator is accompanied by a govemment side of parliament and has enpneering, and business calculators LED displays for improved complete, modular documentation written articles criticismg it in 77ie Age. - the Series E - excellence becomes readability, commas inserted between system.. Media criticism of the Bill is refiected available at a more aflbrdable price. thousands, a new level of accuracy, in the speech dehvered to the Perth Press Like their predecessors, the Series E and a built-in diagnostic system that For a closer look or further Oub on Monday, August 14 this year by calculators have HFs user-heralded tells you: 1) when you've performed an information, call or visit your nearest RPN logic for fast, elTicient problem incorrect operation; 2) why it was HP Dealer on campus. Ranald MacDonald. Mr. MacDonald is the incorrect; and 3) if the calculator chairperson of the Intemaational Press solving thathas no equal, literally and figuratively. isn't working. Institute and managing-director of the

1 Heahh Foods Shop 17/18 Elizabeth Arcade a n M pr Sandwidies Sit down or takeaway n W Pl P» Jaffles, FIteA fndt juices. Hot vegetarian metis. R n n KI L"u___Ri n ra. Mon-FriaSOm-Spm ^k,u™_^j 'nw-sataaopm-aoapm HP-31E$71 HP:32E$94 HP-33E$116 HP-37E$88 HP-38E$138 _i Advinc«dSci«mme Progninmat>lt BuilntM Advanced Financial stuvtanc witltStirtfatlea SdmUfle . ' M«»gmtnt PnSrmmMir^ J5M aim-12 noon 'Prices shown are recommended SiJn4pm-8pm. HEWLETT M PACKARD less Sales Tax. Sates Tax to be Included where applicable. HEALTH PRODUCTS A MEALS MilWlX 9Ce33A.

?0. S^iyiP^R. .geptemlJer ?Q* iei%. GREG QUILL & THE Friday SOUTHERN CROSS & STONE Wednesday GROUND Music: 15tfi SEPTEMBER 4ZZZ8iQUEENS HOTEL 20th SEPTEMBER 2 Creek St, City SKIN TITE (rock) $2.50 & $1.50 4ZZZ subscribers SKW TITE (rock) HOMESTEAD HOTEL HOMESTEAD HOTEL 114 Zillmere Rd, Boondaii VINTAGE JAZZ SOCIETY OF 114 Zillmere Rd, Boondall Rock, Folk^ Jazz $2 cover charge BRISBANE $2 cover charge TWELFTH NIGHT THEATRE VIBRATES (rock) (in the basement) Cintra St, FELIX (rock) NATIONAL HOTEL Bovran Hills. Licensed. 8.30pm NATIONAL HOTEL Country&Blues 502Queen St.City to midnight 502 Queen St. City $2 cover charge COLD CHISEL & STONE KEN HERRONJAZZ BAND GROUND MELBOURNE HOTEL ;4ZZZ & QUEENS HOTEL 2 Browning St, West End 2 Creek St, City $2.50 cover charge Sunday $3, $2 4ZZZ subscribers

WHITE LIGHTNING (r&b) BENTLEY'S BOOGIE BAND EXCHANGE HOTEL 17th SEPTEMBER MELBOURNE HOTEL Wednesday Thursday 131 Edward St, City 2 Browning St, West End FREE CIGARETTE $2, $14ZZZ subscribers rock) $2.50 cover charge CURRY SHOP MUSKRAT & GUTHER 409 George St, City RIVERSIDE FOLK CLUB GORMAN'S G FORCE $1 cover charge ADVENTURERS CLUB 13th SEPTEMBER 14th SEPTEMBER QUEENSHOTEL 1 Annie St, Kangaroo Point CAXTON ST JAZZ CLUB Licensed. $2,$3 non-members 2 Creek St, City 17 Caxton St, Petrie Terrace SKIN TITE (rockl Licensed, 7.30pm-11pm, HOMESTEAD HOTEL SKIN TITE (rock) 114 Zillmere Rd.Boondall HOMESTEAD HOTEL BRISBANE JAZZ CLUB $2 cover charge 114 Zillmere Rd, Boondall ADVENTURERS CLUB $2 cover charge 1 Annie St, Kangaroo Point DRAGON (rockl Licensed. $2, $3 non-menbere NATIONAL HOTEL VIBRATES (rock) Saturday Thursday 502 Queen St.City NATIONAL HOTEL $4 or $5 cover charge 502 Queen St, City 16th SEPTEMBER NUMBERS (punk) ON JAZZ with KEN HERRON 21st SEPTEMBER JAZZ BAND and intentate EXCHANGE HOTEL SKIN TITE (rock) artitts (ABC televttad) Tuesday FELIX (rock) 131 Edward St. City HOMESTEAD HOTEL MELBOURNE HOTEL •NATIONAL HOTEL $2,$1 4ZZZ subscribers 114 Zillmere Rd, Boondall 2 Browning St, West End I9lh SEPTEMBER 502 Queen St, City $2 cover charge $3 cover charge BtiNTLEVS BOOGIE BAND SKIN TITE (rock) SKIN TITE (rock) .MELBOURNE HOTEL VIBRATES (rock) PHOENIX & REIGN HOMESTEAD HOTEL HOMESTEAD HOTEL 2 Browning St, West End NATIONAL HOTEL QUEENSHOTHL 114Zillmere Rd.Boondall 114 Zillmere Rd.Boondall $2.50 cover charge 502 Queen St, City $2 cover charge $2 cover charge 2 Creek St, City $2 cover charge GREG QUILL & SOUTHERN JAZZ & BLUES FELIX (rock) ON JAZZ with KEN HERRON CROSS & STILETTO NUMBERS (punk) EXCHANGE HOTEL NATIONAL HOTEL JAZZ BAND and Inttntfta 4ZZZ& QUEENS HOTEL EXCHANGE HOTEL 131 Edward St, City 502 Queen St, City artltti(ABCttlevlMd) 2CrBekSt,City. 131 Edward St, City $2,$1 for 4ZZZ subscribers MELBOURNE HOTEL $2.!50 & $1.504ZZZ subscribers $2, $1 4ZZZ subscribars VINTAGE JAZZ SOCIETY 2 Browning St, West End JOHN t JOHN (fight reck) OF BRISBANE $2.50 cover charge RIVERSIDE FOLK CLUB BUCKSKIN (country) CURRVSHOP TWELFTH NIGHT THEATRE ADVENTURERS CLUB MELBOURNE HOTEL 409 George St, City (In the basement) Cintra St, WWITE LIGHTNING a STEAL 1 Annie St, Kangaroo Point 2 Beowning St, West End $1 cover charge Bowen Hills QUEENS HOTEL Licensed. $2, $3 non-menibers $2.50 cover charge Licensed. 8.30pm to midnight. 2 Creek St, City


SEMPER September 20,1978 .21 MWO0^ 6&B©^ STEPHANEGRAPPELLI with the DIz Disley Trio and Friday Sunday introducing singer, , pianist BLOSSOM DEARIE 22nd SEPTEMBER Classical will be playing one night only Live 17th SEPTEMBER Concert at Mayne Hqil Monday 18th FELIX (rock) September, booklngsat Festival BACH SOCIETY OF NATIONAL HOTEL Hall $8,90 inc. enquiries ph. QUEENSLAND prasants: Theatre 502 Queen St, City Bands 2294250. Concert by the Brisbane $2 cover charge Sunday Baroque Playeis-works by Handel, Bach and others SKIN TITE (rock) 10th SEPTEMBER . Arts Theatre, 210 Petrie Toe, Sunday AUSTRALIAN HOMESTEAD HOTEL Brisbane at Spm. Adults $4, JAZZ ENTHUSIASTS 114 Zillmere Rd, Boondall ASSOCIATION FOR CONSERVATORIUM OF students and pensioners $3. will be interested to know $2 cover charge 10th SEPTEMBER MUSIC pretanti: bookings 1397 0361) throughout the city several DANCE EDUCATION Flute Guild Eisteddfod dining rooms have jazz presents: DIXIELAND with KEN MUNICIPAL CONCERT BAND Conservatorium Auditorium, QUEENSLAND YOUTH flavoured dinner music. These HERRON JAZZ BAND Gardens Point, George St, ORCHESTRA prastnts: NEW FARM PARK are The Park Royal Motor Inn 17th SEPTEMBER MELBOURNE HOTEL New Farm 3pm Brisbane Concert by the Wind Ensemble with Bryan King's Park Royal DANCE ACTIVITIES OAY 2 Browning St, West End ad Conservaotirum of Music Trio, Allen Dowden at the opportunities for participation, $2.50 cover charge CITY TEMPLE SALVATION QUEENSLAND CHALUMEAU Auditorium, Gardens Point, Ridge Motel, The Geoff Goon demonstrations, discussion, ARMY SOCIETY presents: George St, Brisbane at 3pm. Trio at the Coronation Motel, panel with an overseas speaker— ABRAXUS&TENTOONE Concert-Old Conservatorium BOTANICAL GARDENS Antico Restaurant with Maurie non-members welcome, Ham to ITS ED (rock) of Musk: Auditorium,Gardens DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Brisbane Spm IDowden and Jeff Ovendon at 4pm.EnquIries57 1918. QUEENS HOTEL Point, George St, Brisbane at pretants: the Springwood Hotel. Gordon 2 Creek St, Ciiy AUSTRALIAN SCOTS PIPE 3pm. Adiirts $2, students & Octet-string and wfnd-works by Cummins plays sdo piano Pensioners $1. Schubert BAND at Raffles Restaurant, Clare BRISBANE ARTS Performance Room, Music KING GEORGE SQUARE and Bemie Hansson do their THEATRE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Building, University of Old Brisbane 3pm duo act at the Zebra Monday RECITALS: at 3pm. Admission free. to Friday, Mervyn Boyd Is on Brisbane Wind Players-works mery second Friday at the THURS. 14SEPTEMBER to by MOzart, Bracanin and George and Charlie Gibbons SAT. 14 OCTOBER Moreton Bay Jazz Band plays Seiber. Butiay by Simon Gray at the Boot Factory each The Performance Room, Music director lan Thompson Friday and Saturday night. Building, Univetsity of Old, at Tuesday Sunday Wed. to Sat at 8.15pm adults Jpm. admission free. $4, students $3 bookings at 19th SEPTEMBER theatre 36 2344. 210 Petrie Tee, Brisbane. SWITCH SAT 2 SEPTEMBER (cont. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC 17th SEPTEMBER will be Playing at the Gympie intoOctobtr) Prasants: Jockey Club Hotel, Exhibition KEDAR, THE KANGAROO Cyane Tolmle (piano), Colin BRISBANE CITIZENS BAldO Road, on the 9th September, BOY (dindrtnds play) Monday Lewis (Baritone], & Peter NEW FARM PARK between 8pm and 11.30pm. Satsat^nm New Farm 3pm . Roennfeldt (piano)-works by Small cover charge 11th to 15th Mahler, Beethoven, Wolf and Bookings at theatre 36 2344 SEPTEMBER Weljem SOUTH BRISBANE FEDERAL Saturday BAND Parformanoe Room, Music REPERTORY CONSERVATORIUM OF Building, Univetsity of Old BOTANICAL GARDENS s^^.^Opm Brisbane 3pm CONCERTS THEATRE AT LA 23rd SEPTEMBER MUSIC prMnti: Master classes by Bela Siki Graham Parker and the BOITE (piano) (resident, Univeisity of FELIX (rock) WMKMMMHi m 'Rumour (with Sports Washington, Seattle). supporting) wilt be playing on NATIONAL H)51?BV Conservatorium Auditorium, FR11 to SAT 16 SEPTEMBER 502 Queen St, Cl^ IMPORTANT NOTICE the 24th September at Festival Gardens Point, George St, TALES FROM THE VIENNA $2 cover charge TO ALL READERS OF Hal). Brisbane, BRISBANE'S LIVING WOODS by Odon von Horvath GUIDE Director Rod Wissler SKIN TITE (rockl . matinee on Sat. 9 Sept at 2pm HOMESTEAD HOTEL 4ZZZ JOINT EFFORT N0.6 and Special Performance on 114Zillmere Rd.Boondall To the best of our On the Bth September at the laiowledge all information Sun 10 Sept at 5.30pm $2 cover charge Uni. of Old, St. Lucia. Bands FRI 22 SEPTEMBER to SAT contained writhin the Living playing wil I be Stiletto, Fuller Guide is accurate at the 14 OCTOBER ^RD COUNTRY LIVIN' Tuesday Banks and the Deventures, KING RICHARD by Stevt J. [(country) time ofgoing to press, Whittle Family and SurvWors. however it is best to check Spears MELBOURNE HOTEL 12th SEPTEMBER Admission Is $3 and $2.50 15 rector Sean Mee opening 2 Browning St, West End .with the relevant 4ZZZ subsaibers. Licensed. night at 8pm admission $4.50 $2.50 cover charge 'organisation (beforehand) 57 Hale St, Milton DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC to see if any signi llcant EXCHANGE HOTEL •RECITALS: alteration has occurred. . : 131 Edward St. City Arthur Johnson (baritone), DARLING DOWNS $2, & $1.50 4ZZZ subscribers & Max Olding (pinao), works HIMMMHMMMMUMM by Schumann YOUTH THEATRE COLD CHISEL & STONE Performance Room, Musk: presents: GROUND ,Bu||dlng, Univenity of Old 4ZZ2& QUEENS HOTEL 'admbslon free. 1.10pm _ Wednesday Sunday Dances 2CreekSt,City SAT 23 SEPTEMBER BOTTOM'S ELECTRIC $3, $2 4ZZZ subscribers 24th SEPTEMBER SUMMERTIME DREAM Adults $3, children, students & THE VINTAGE JAZZ 20th SEPTEMBER pensioners $2. SOaETY OF BRISBANE MUNICIPAL CONCERT BAND BUSH DANCE, HA YON SOCIETY OF OLD Conservatorium Auditorium, TWELFTH NIGHT THEATRE KING GEORGE SQUARE on Friday 15th September at Prastflti: Gardens Point, Geage St, lin the basement] Cintra St, Brisbane Spm Bpm in the Ennoggerra Bowen Hills. Licensed. 8.30pm MARRIAGE OF FIGARO by Memorial Hall, Wardell St, iBrisbene 229 2650 at 5pm and Mozart, performed by Kelvin •8pm to midnight. EXCELSIOR BAND Ennoggara. Band playing wBl Grove College of Advanced NEW FARM PARK ba Ran Tan. Admbslon b $2 Education Mudc Department New Farm 3pm for the North-Westem subavbs students Action Group of Campaign IGNATIONS MUSICAL Theosophical Auditorium, CITY TEMPLE SALVATION Against Nudear Power. SOCIETY 355 Wickham Tee. Brisbane at ARMY 8pm. NEWSTEAD HOUSE FBI 8 to SAT 23 SEPTEMBER Brisbane Spm PIRATES OF PENZANCE by Sunday Ollbirt & Sullivan A ROCK DANCE Thura, Frl & Sat, at Spm, Inthe CPA (CommunistParty. matinee Sat 23 Sept at 1.45 pm 'NORTH BRISBANE COLLEGE Thursday of Australia) at 291 St. Paub adults $4 and $3, chUdren OF ADVANCED EDUCATION 24lh SEPTEMBER • Terrace 7pm on ^B 15th $2 and $1.50 bookings 371 ^praHntie 14th SEPTEMBER September. Music by Ronny 2751 .Concert by North Brisbane CAXTON ST JAZZ CLUB Music Reebit and the Tosdettes and St. Ignatius Church Halt, DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Wind Ensemble 17 Caxton St, Paddington refreshnnnts available. Kensington Terrace, Toowong. Lksnsed. 7.30pm to 1 tpm. pmmts: Room Z71, NBCAE, Kedron Admission $2.50. A Sad Night Corliss Gustavson (piano) Park Rd, Lutwyche at 7.30pm News for'Capltatbml Performanos Room, Music Admission $1. OLD MODERN AND Buldling, University of Old at THE WAKE 1.10pm. Admission free. BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE dance/cabarst/saastigious CONTEMPORARY inoorponting Fraddoa funeral ballanza with four DANCE COMPANY Every Sunday beginning at bjnds, demon liquor, food presents: 6.30pm with vegetarian food •and festivities. Wear black. aeived followed at Bpm by On Saturday, 23rd Septembar WED138B>TCMBERto music and films until t2pm. at 7.30pm In the Refectory. SUN 17 SEPTEMBER Cover charge 60c, Musicians Saturday University of Old. St. Luda. NOUGHTS AND CROSSES and poats welcome. Saturday Director Inara Svalbe, Ray Cook. Harold Cotlira and Ken Kennett Wed 13 and 14 at Opm; CENTENARY POOL 16th SEPTEMBER .23ni SEPTEMBER .Frl 15, at 5.30pm aiftd 8.30pm; RESTAURANT and Midc OAY DANCE Sat. 16, at 2pm and Spm and Walker qONSERVATOftlUlM OF QUEENSLAND SYMPHONY Jn the 15th September In the Sun. 17 Sep( at 2pm and ORCHESTRA praiifltii:. . Every Friday night, John . Relaxation Block, Univenity MIMuMeJAZZCUIB MUnCprMWttK pm. Adulto $5.50; children & 7th Red Subscription circhestral Duffy will be playing, followed of Old. -Rw band playing wBI ADVGNtURERSCLUB . Rtdtol by Bala SIki (piano) pensioners $2.50; youth and b^ John Shaw (ex>)ohn and be Fuller Banks and the •• ComenatorhNn Autfltorlum, •'•ConcartWorks by Vyebar, student concessions 1 Annit St Kinoiroo Pdnt • Brahrra.iirfd.Beetfiowl John) on Saturday night comfn. Debentures, admbslon b $2.50 Gaidam Point, Qaoros St. Twelfth Night Theatre, 4 Cintra LMiMd. $2 miniixKi tnc|.4t? City H^, Brisbane at Spm. Spm. No cover charge and the venue ts licensed. non 14 Design Centre, 19 Birley St, BYJOffNMOLVIG to music by the Bace-Em-Up Speakers will be Keith Wright, 26.27,28,29,30th September Spring Hill (221 8581). They Fri 1 to Sun 17 September . Bush Band-markets-feel free diaries Poarter. Sponsored by SEPTEMBER THE DUELLISTS 7.30pm will be concemed about basic Mon to Sat, 10am to 5pm, to bring your stall-handmade Univors of Qld Public Interest CATCH MY SOUL (a rock THE LATE SHOW 9J0pm model of torso-jacket with Sun 2pm to Spm crafts, art, good food.. .kids Research Group. opera) Fri IS September collar, hood and sleeve, pants, creative activities.. .yoga and 5th Floor, MIM Budg, Ann St, Brisbane (229 2138) Producer Russell Mansfield MURDERN BY DEATH skirts etc. Each course takes rneditatlon and all nev/ age Relaxation Block, University of pm, OBSESSION 9.30pm 35 hours and will cost $90. things. Everyone welcome. QId,St. Luciaat8pm.$2, WORD IS OUT 11.30pm Insipcrition must be made to ARTS ANO CRAFTS FAIR Students and 4ZZ2 subscribers SatieStptambar Designer Tom Larsen, 40 SCIENCE FACULTY BALL Exhibition of Pottery, Bark and $3 for non students. BEYOND GOOD & EVIL (design Centre, or Joy Bowman.Tli e rejuvenation of the Science ,Art, Paintings and Macrame Bookings at Union Calculator 6.1 Spm MURDER BY DEATH Joy Bowman Gallery, 6 Faculty Ball has created a wave Sun 10 September 11am to 4pm Shop phone 371 1611. 7.30pm OBSESSION 9.30pm Leichardt St, Brisbane (221 of interest within the Science 1155 Mount Gravatt-Capalaba WORD IS OUT n.30pm 65321. Work made by students Faculty. Preparations for this Rd, Burbank (3497237) Sun 17 September after the contour cutting occasion have now been corn- OBSESSION S.15pm BEYOND method might be sold by them pteted and a memorable night BRISBANE CIVIC ART THE GOOD AND EVIL 7.30pm from tha Joy Bowman Gallery. is expected. The seating will GALLERY AND MUSEUM CADAVERI ECCELENTI be an°anged such that groups of Tapestries, Paintings and pm POPUUR THEATRE 8 or more can get together and Graphics by Plen-e Clark Mon 8i Tues 19 & 19 Septambar TROUPE resenffl a table when purch'aslng Fri 8 September to Thurs 5 OBSeSSrON 7.30pm, THE needs a whole load of help tickets. Tickets are available OctotKr Man to Frl, 11am to Cinema LATE SHOW 9.30pm from our friends in theform of from departmental representa­ 4pm WOMEN IN ISOLATION AND Wad 8i Thurs 20 8i 21 ideas, material and most of all tives, the Union Agency, or City Hall, Brisbane (225 42651 SOFT DRUG ABUSE HOW September- people from groups and or­ from Bill (a.h. 371 1121), CAN THE COMMUNITY OBSESSION 7.30pm THE ganisations all over Brisbane for Jenny (a.h. 371 3050) or Phil CRAFT ASSOCIATION HELP THE PROFESSIONS? CINEMA CITY: DUELLISTS 9.30pm a giant community event on (a.h. 378 5132). GALLERY Sponsored by Apex and Aderba WARANA PROCESSION DAY, Brisbane Wood by Old Wood- In the Wesley Hall, Ann St craftsman's'Guild Brisbane on 16th Sept comm. SATURDAY, 30th MECCA RESTAURANT at 9am followed by afternoon SEPTEMBER. This year they (Curry Shop) 409 George Fri 15 September to Thurs 12 tea at 4.30pm. Fee Is $5 student ALBERT 3 have been given complete St, City, Midnight to dawn- October Tues to Sat 10am to under 18 years $2.50, pensioners freedom to use all of the square. authentic lebanese food every 4pm $2. Payable to Treasurer Miss If you want to take part ring Friday and Saturday nights. 37 Leichardt St, Spring Hill NEWSFRONT Beardmore, 11 Barr St, Ekibin 36 1745 or better still call at Old films will be shown. (221 2360) SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER (48 9713) 60 Waterworks Rd, Red Hill, THE GOODBYE GIRL DESIGN ART CENTRE 183AlbertSt,City 221 5777 SPRING WORKSHOPS or- Woven Fibres by Carmel Harris MEDITATION CLASSES student discount (mon to Frl) ginhsed ity the QUEENSLAND and Original Drawings from for people who love humanity. ARTS COUNCIL FESTIVAL BY THE LAKE- Frank Moffats book "Pippy" Free classes run by Ananda Marga overy Wed, 8pm at 139 these workshops will cover a EXPO UNI Fri 15 Sept to Thurs 12 Oct FORUM La Trobe Tee, Paddington. period ranging from 14th This year the Union will be Tues to Sat, 10am to 4pm August to 16th October and are organising a festival to coincide 37 Leichardt St, Spring Hill GREASE all full day classes. These are with the Expo-Uni celebrations THURSDAY CLUB 160AlbertSt,City (221 3255) • Fibres, Fabrics, Furnishings, 'on September 15th to 16th GOETHE SOCIETY for Single Motliers (children student discount (Mon to Fri) (4thto15thSepteiTiber), • (Friday and Saturday). There Politics and Society ofthe welcome) held every Thurs ,Watercolour (4th to 15th will be two days of free films Weimar Republic as seen by a • at 17 Cacton St, Paddington between 10.30am and 12.30 September), Bobbin Lace- at Schonell, displays by the Contemporary: The Work pm. Play chess, exchange GEORGE making (4th to 15th Sept). Clubs and Societies and a of Artist, Kari Arnold, German books, play poo! and table Batik (11th to 22nd Sept), festival on the grassed amphi­ Week Exhibition. CONVOY FILM SOCIETIES tennis, morning coffee avail. An INtroduction to Porcelain theatre between the complex Mon 25 to Fri 29 September Contact Rita St. Ledger Gocfffs St, City (221 7866) Painting (22th to 22nd Sept), and the lake. This wJO comprise 0(d Darnell Gallery, Uni of Qld, 360 297. student discount (Mon to Fri) BRISBANE CINEMA Of f-loom weaving (14th, 1 Sth of markets, street theatre, St. Lucia and 16th October). Applica­ poetry reading, a focal point GROUP SCREENINGS tions for enrolment close four­ of altertwtlve life systems (yoga, INSTITUTE OF MODERN SELF-HELP FOR FAMILIES PARIS teen days before the com­ , meditation, ecologically sound ART OF PRISONERS f living, pyramid power, A New installation Work by every Thurs. at 10am, East Tburs 7 Septembar mencement of classes. However, THE CHANT OF JIMMY herbalism, set'-awareness) Cart .Andre and Paintings by Brisbane Community Centre, TOL'ABLE DAVID at 7.30pm allowances will be made for BLACKSMITH and much more. The reason for Robert Hunter 2 Gresham St, East Brlsb^e. Thurs 21 Sept am bar students from remote areas. Albert St, City (221 2277) giving you this advance info, COME BACK AFRICA and For enrolment forms and in­ student discount (Mon to Fri) formation write to Spring is to serve as a cell for any BLACK FANTASY at 7,30pm Workshops, Qld Arts Coundl, interested people to get Adults $2.50, students and PO Box 120, North Quay, Involved. If you would like to Living Guide m\\ publish details of your dances, VALLEY TWIN pensioners $1.80 enqu Qld. 4000 or telephone .be at the nurkets (thousands tilin showings, meetings, expeditions, trips, classes, 221 5900 and speak to Len of people visit Expo) or are In worl

PRINCE ALFRED HOTEL aiTE-A-BULL (tha family Mwmwe^mBrisban e Rd, Bqoval (282 1092) rostaurant) Saturdav DISCO with disc fockay JOHN Brisbane Rd, Gundamba 16th SEPTEMBER RITCHIE (282 4393) STOP PRESS Every Wednesday and Friday COUNTRY AND WESTERN night from 7.30 to 11.30pm VOCALIST SATURDAY NIGHT OUT no cover charge. Licensed. Every Saturday night from variety show with Paul THE BRUCE BENEFIT CABARET NIGHT with 7pm. Sharratt and Ronnie Burns, DANCE 6 SEPTEMBER to SEASONS OF THE WITCH commences at Bpm. Admission Every Saturday night. Cover . 20 SEPTEMBER $4.95 at the Refectory, Univeristy charge $3. of Queensland, St. Lucia. DANCE IPSWICH CIVIC HALL Live rock'n'roll with The 29th SEPTEMBER Numbers, The Go-Betweens, PALAIS ROYALE TAVERN FRIDAY NIGHT MEAT The Patients, The Supports. HOTELS/DISCO/ cnr East & Brisbane Sts, Ipswich to 4th OCTOBER CLEAVER COME AS YOUR Nicholas St, Ipswfch (281 0899) Food and XXXX on sale.' RESTAURANTS (281 0280) FAVORITE BUCH DISCO WITH CLOWN PRINCE Admission only $2. OF DISCO-PETER ALLEN 8th SEPTEMBER SOUTH PACIFIC presented on Friday 22 September at BAKEHOUSE STEAKHOUSE Every Wednesday through to by the IPSWICH ORPHEUS 8pm at Baroona Hall, 17. cnr Darling and Wast Sts, Saturday from 7.30pm to CHORALE Caxton St. Petrie Terrace. MEETING Ipswich (281 7041) 11.30pm KAWAI ORGAN CONTEST performing every night except Beni'fit dance for the GENESIS MATADOR BAR A cross-section of organ music Tuesday and Thursday, comm. Women's Film Festival. BUDDHISM - Free Qasses at 8pm. disco till midnight with top (restaurant) with guitar/vocalist for money prizes. Commences Bands playing - Shaky Ground Contact Klaas de Jong, Admission $4.50 to $2.50 4BC and resident disc jockey. Grey Ryan and interstate and at 7.30pm. Admission $2,20 and Lone Hand. Licensed. PO box 4, Nonh Brisbane, (with concessions for block Every Friday and Saturday local bands Every tuesday and adults, 70c for children and Admission $2. Qld. 4000 bookings) night at 8pm. Saturday night pensioners.

fest was, into setting up our own decentralised power. I am convinced that §•§ we have to develop this City Rubber Co, same group consciousness (From i'age 4) and identify with the issue in non confrontation situa­ MMtheRADIALplace casions in Brisbane failed tions until we are com­ because we structured our petent in collectively acting meeting and action so as to in a confrontation situation. TARINGA set up the same sort of We can't afford to have centralised power and de- more 'demonstrations' like cision-maldng process as this last Hiroshima Day in 244 MoggiU Rd that which we demonstrate Brisbane. The civil liberties against TTie recognised and we are all so concemed ph. 378 8024 often repeated form of the with losing can be public rally with experts, effectively regained if we •representatives', 'organisers' leam how to act together. COOPERS PLAINS speaking from behind a I am presently trying to powerful public address contribute towards the 796 Boundary Rd system to a passive and initiation of one of many ph. 275 3055 usuaUy bored audience can possible means of replacing only increa8&^.^e apathy the destructive centralised SOUTH BRISBANE induced in*'^r community power generation and dis­ by lifetimes of a similar tribution centres. The idea Merivale & Russell Sts communication. of establishing Environmen­ The street theatre was tal and Community Hostel ph. 441191 a small step in the right Centres to provide par­ direction but it was still ticipatory education oppor­ basically a performer/ tunities in the areas of audience situation. This environmentally and com­ 650X13 RETREADS alienation was further in­ munity sensitive tech­ creased when the act of nology. Physically, these 695 X 14 placing the Hiroshima ECHO Hostels would be coffin on the footpath was 'self sufCcient' communcal extended into a con> groups providing accom­ frontation with police modation for any who 5) bpnhcarcl instead of dispersing as wanted to learn or just agreed upon. simply participate in a I toolc part in and self-managed altemative welcome here leamt from an anti- technology experience. I nuclear power demon­ think that if enough support stration held in Canberra enables such hostels to be in the New Year as part set up in attractive urban" of the Bredbo Down-to- and rural situations then Earth Confest. That Con- we will se many positive fest community had for long term effects. BRAND NEW TYRES some weeks prior to the In the meantime, we demonstration addressed *** GOODYEAR 5^0/ probaHy have to continue itself to setting up growth to apply what pressure we orientated alternatives to can on the centralised *** B.F.GOODRICH ^3/0 centralised power struc­ powers that be to try to tures. In physical examples ensure that irretrievable such as blinding a com­ mistakes aren't made before munity kitchen and water responsible self-manage­ supply facilities, in soft ment prevails. Certainly, FREE niTING & technology energy forms mass community demon­ such as solar cooking, and strations are one of the most importantly, in inter­ means which just abdut personal relations these every member of the com­ altemtives were acted on, munity becomes aware of. for the most part, in de­ TTiey are of most use . centralised, non-bureau- STATIC BALANCING however when they leave ciatic, participatory ways, every participant with a this experienced guided feeling of knowing that one the form of the demon­ can act confldently with stration which took the such a community group to form of mass singing, effect change. WHEEL ALIGNMENT chanting, dancing, and -DARYLL BELLINGHAM various emergetic games in Environmental Community BRAKES front of Parliament House. Hoitelt Organisation In this particular case, FRONTEND most of the participants put their newly generated groups consciousness and FULL MECHANICAL SER VICE confidence info POLICE proUmi; kndkxd • participating in the rest of hanks; b your "fiknd" being' the Confest. It could as itefamttoiy of yoa; oontKt STUDENTS LEGAL AID, •well have been.invested in" lit flr. UQ UBBB BuiUiRi, political action of change PICKUP & DELI¥ERI^SER^IC:E or, as I suppose the Con­ •••(•• •24; .SEMPER September20/1978 leason for not choosing to wauling, soaring guitar, It Spanish style guitar under­ Playing on Slow Dazzle ignore it because some is obvious Lee Clayton is laying, songs like "My axe guitarists Phil Manzanera music mag says this stuff is singing as if his life Woman, My Love" and and Chris Spedding of Roxy passe. XTC have made depended on it. His voice "Rainbow in the Sky" re­ Music and various other several appearances on live is a rich baritone, crystal-^ define the art of the consortiums. Their associa­ compilation albums over the edged, so you don't miss ^ romantic ballad. tion widi John Cale has last year or so, notably the In fact after listening to been quite a lengthy one. word. When he sings "I'ni Hope and Anchor Front Border Affair, it would Musically the album comes Row Festival double set gonna And me a recklesi) seem most country style together well, due mostly (a must if you can rake woman/with razor blades will be left to Cale's talents in arrange­ up the money for an im­ and dice in her eyes/with groping to come anywhere ment and production. port copy), and have put just a touch of sadness near the standards set by He has made quite a out a couple of singes. in her fmgers/and thunder Lee Clayton. success as a producer. Unlike some of those and lightning in her thighs", -MAX HUGHES Among his credits are early garage bands, XTC no-one could doubt that included Iggy and the weren't worried about such a woman exists, or Stooges, Mike Heron, the getting an album out in a that with the aid of his Modem Loveis and the hurry just in case the stolen stallion, he will fmd Patti Smith Group-a fairly ' moment passed them by. her somehow. diverse bunch. Lately he has TTiey have more confidence taken an interest in Englisb in themselves than that. It is the atmosphere band Squeeze. He produced I doubt if they are worried of an electric westem their single, "Cat on a WaU" by any of this 'death of movie, with the ending (absolutely great) and also Power Pop'talk. both cosmic and traditional, their debut album, which is Consequently, they have the ouUaw, the woman and yet to be sighted (by me taken the time to produce stallion chasing the sky diat is). a very fine album. In­ forever: ". . .and the sun One criticism about the fluenced by just about eveiy is gonna bum into a cinder/ production of Slow Dazzle En^ish band that's gone Before we ever pass this thought: the lyrics in some before them but by none way again," songs are a littie indiscer- in particular they put for­ Qayton's strength as an nable, which is a pity be­ WHITE MUSIC: ward an interesting and artist lies as it should, in cause John Cale can be a XTC (Festival L26680) quite unique sound. The his poetty, his sensitivity SLOW DAZZLE: very articulate lyricist. music is fast and camival- and depth. He creates meta- John Cale (Festival -VIOLA SHARP Now that "New Wave/Punk/Power Pop' music is like, the latter effect coming phois, which seem closer to L3S594) psychoanalysis than the offtdaOy dead, youVe probably wondering vity I'm maiidy from the keyboards. Bany Andrews, playing honkey-tonks of Nashville. not reviewiitg tbe htest Kiaftwetfc album. Hiere are two 'steam piano and clapped The last verse of "If You Originally coming from veiy good reasons. For one thing Semper didn't give me out organs', has borrowed Can Touch Her At All" Wales, John Gale's initial PETER AND THE any Knftweik records this wedc (I doubt vAiether they a few tricks from The is a potent description of musical training was in the WOLF: Narrated by ever will after this), and basicaUy I'm not prepared to Strangler's Dave GeenGeld. sexual love, "Right or classical vein-piano at the David Bowie accept that sinaUed 'New Wave' is in a state of He could hardly have wrong a woman can own Gufldball school in London. any man/She can take him inevitaUe demise (aldiough .it may soon be against the chosen a more worthy A move to New York David Bowie has been Htw in Queensland). model. inside her/and hold his soul in the mid-sixties brought in his hand/Then leave him my own personal, favourite Sure there arc a few sandshoe can be a bit Hie lyrics are consistent­ him into contact widi Lou rock star for yeara ly good and there are some as weary and weak/as a wet Reed. In 1966 they formed people who have buried nasty too. So it seems that newborn child/Fighting to now-ever since 73 in &ct, their razor blades in time having fun is a risky interesting "comment" Velvet Underground. Cale songs. "New Town Animal" get his first breath/and open when I first Iieard 'Jean capsules and moved on to business-suffocation or in­ his eyes," moved on after two years Genie' on my ratshit little some new fad but they were timidation? is about England's dismal with a band to pursue a "Back Home in Japanese trannie while I was more interested in the idea But if you can't take satellite towns where a good 8(do career. deal of the population now Tennessee", powered by an doing my homeworic. than the music. Ail they've the high paranda level, you Tlie influence of this really left behind is a could opt for a bit of live; "Atom Age" and "I'm American Indian drum beat, Those bizarre lines, "^e describes the search for God stint is easy to pick in his worldwide shortage of European esoteria (i.e. Bugged" about the present, sits like a man but she all over the world, finaUy music. Similarities between leopard-skin leotards and Kraftwerk). You can listen the future and just living. smfles like a reptile" and the to end with an intemal Cale's and Reed's vocal black nail-polish. IhQr have to it in the safety of your They even have a dig at spiritual revelation. As a styles are evident even rattlesnake riff sizzled right seen "punk' dances as a tiiemselves: -"What's that own home (you won't Ond counterpoint to the though they moved in com-' through me. Ihe next day fancy dress occasion noise you're putting on. it anywhere else). If you desperado theme, the thread pleteiy different directions. when I saw thc cover of constantly trying to outdo Tliis is pop" ("This is pop") want to tum it into a of rcligio sity is most in­ Slow Dazzle came out in Aladdin Sane I bought it the next person in out- The only non-original is a social event, you can invite triguing and recurs through­ 1975 but has never before straight away and when I rageousness. a few close friends. Devo-like version of Dylan's out the album, UsuaUy it is been available locally. The got home that night and It has always seemed to But be wamed, they'll 'All Along the Watchtower' expressed m terms of the reason for its release now played it there was an me rather incongruous that expect a S5,000 stereo a litde odd but good for a laugh. humility of the mere has something to do with article in the Saturday Tele­ this eistwhile socially harm­ system so that the music mortal: "And it does a a change in record com­ If after all this, you're graph about Ziggy Stardust, less bunch of funseekers can be 'fully appreciated'. man good sometimes/to get panies, but that's of littie have been such a mapet The addition of a few still determined to succumb down on his knees/and say interest. While they were at and the superstar from for police attention. Who people who know a bit to peer group and record Lord I'm scared/won't you it they could have released Mais. company pressure, buy could possibly think that in about electronics will help help me please." ("Tequila Paris 1919 and Fear, ar­ Ever since then I have our overwhelmin^y white the conveisation along White Music as a parting is Addictive"). guably both more exciting firmly believed that Bowie middle class society there nicely. But as Nick Lowe gesture, a farewell tribute pieces of work. was undoubtedly one of once said, "The wrinklies and may you rot in your "Like a Diamond" woidd be real punks, i have Slow Dazzle as John the most brilliant poets all love it but the kids graves, relates the artist's own never seen anyone at one of development of conscious­ Cale albums go, is reason­ and musicians playing rock can't dance to it." And it -VIOLA SHARP these dances who looks like ness, a yogic realisation that ably laid back, very ballady. n roll. For years it seemed cannot be denied that they grew up in a ghetto. "I know 1 won't find my Keyboards take a very that here was a talent that dancing is traditionally an Still the police will come lost piece of mind/Till I secondary role which is dis­ was at least as important along, in their thousands, important part of musical am perfect/like a diamond." appointing, TTiere are only as The Stones, the Beaties, periiaps they are just appreciation. Set against a backdrop of two standout tracks, "Guts" Elvis and Dylan, and Bowie looking for a good time too. Anyway I'm convinced superb guitarwork by and a aazy venion of certainly did his best to The 30 or so arrests they Qiat Kraftwerk is in reallt>' Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak prove it giving the touch BORDER AFFAIR: Philip Donnelly, who plays made at the Ahepa Hall on a very large computer and excitingly but tastefully Hotel". of life and fame and power Sat 26th August must have whose slick young men on Lee Clayton (Capitol throughout "Border And there's one real to Iggy Pop, Mott the made them very happy. the record covers are. es­ Hoople, Lou Reed and God ST-11751) Affair", on both electric clanger, the last track "The pecially designed cardboard knows how many more be­ For the last year or and acoustic guitars, Jeweller"-a sick nanative cutouts. All I'm really sides. so in Brisbane, and I suspect Occasionally one is for­ Oayton and producer Neil about a man whose eye trying to say is that the turns into a va^a' which Before Bowie I never most other places,, we've tunate enough to Wilbum have assembled a quality of music cannot be disgusts him. Apart from consciously Ustened and had two choices in live . acquire a record which dynamic group of players dance music-the 'punk' determined by the sophis­ who play no small part in being a very nasty noticed the saxophone as an night or the 'disco' fight. tication of the equipment makes an unmistakable creating such a memorable comment, it's completely instrument. Suddenly Bodi have potential dangers.. used to record it or play impact, a musical ex­ record. self-indulgent in present­ there's new voices on my If you decide to go out it back. The whole thing perience not to be dis­ Lee Clayton is a superb ation-dismissable arty-farty records, creating new just reeks of intellectual disco bumping you may missed lightly with a harmonica player, obviously garbage. Peihaps this is the moods. Lou Reed's "Walk pass out from the potent and economic elitism. aware of the power and legacy of too much time On the WUd Side" and all glib string of cliches. .spent with Andy Warhol, of the Diamond Dogs album blend of several hundred All this has virtually From the opemng notes potential of his small in­ varieties of perfumes and nothing to do with XTC's strument, using it to great Patti Smith et al. Perhaps floated on an atmosphere of the first track "Silver aftershaves. A stiletto spike debut album White Music effect on the slower tracks. John Cale is just a latent thick as blue smoke in a dirough the toe of your except that it stands as my Stallion", with its cater­ With Philip DonneUy's bohemian. midnight jazz ceUar, SEMPER September 20,1978 2S pinpoint eyes seen through began to realise that place in the composer's liness which that orchestra harmonic. The former does better suited to the more the darkness. But it was something was happening mind. (The cover^" notes evokes is alarmingly absent not have a 'conductor'; agile and less heavy chamber the lyrics that really carried but 1 didn't know what it mention EUot's comment with Solti's direction of Mairiner is more an adviser orchestra. Bowie to the heights of was. Then Peter and the tiiat the greater the artist, the CSO, particulariy in the and organisational director, You might have the im­ genius. Wolf appears. Suddenly 1 the more complete the sepa­ first two movements (the as his titie impUes. It is pression that I feel this Tiiere is brUliant imagery understand, and it's notjust ration between the person adagio molto-aUegro con quite simply, an academy of recording is fighting some- in the best of Bowie's stuff Bowie's fault, he's merely who suffers and the mind brio and the larghetto). some of Britian's best tiling of an uphill battie with the lyrics submerged part of a much larger syn­ that creates). The second This raised several ques­ classical musicians, who from the outset: certain just enough behind the drome, and this is: symphony is one of tions about the whole play Iheir way. Their dis­ elements conspire to make music to allow the optimum Listening to this record peaceful contentment, witii nature of orchestras and cipUne and skill comes from it so, perhaps. It is of individual interpretation. I immediately reaUsed what an airy brightness. their relationship with con­ their enjoyment and under­ obviously a pity, but is Ihere was a relevance in sort of recording it was. Rather, it is meant to ductors. The CSO, as is the standing, their intemal co­ even more so because we Bowie's music that seemed It is, surprise, suiprise, a be that. SoUi, however, case, for example, with operation and cohesiveness. could do with another com­ to mirror the many stages famdy record and it's re­ could have been expected the Beriin PhUharmonic, is To be a conductor for plete set to give relativity I've gone through. Getting corded 6y a family man, to be slightly heavy-handed not a particularly responsive the Vienna Philharmonic to the widely known set expeUed from school with an old famUy man to be with a symphony Uke this, orchestra, in the sense tiiat "one has to be invited by made by the BerUn PhU­ 'spreading rumours and lies accurate. After all, Bowie's based on past recordings. evocation of mood, feelings, the orchestra thank you harmonic under von and stories they made up/ 31, just three yeais younger I compared this recording attitude, etc. in the music very lauch and it is an Karajan. one makes you made and than Jagger who's no spring wiUi that made by the are a result of discipUne honour to be invited. I am indebted to Harold some make you scream/ chicken by any shake of the Academy of St. MarUn-in- and order imposed from Another point to re­ Greenfield for his one makes youwish that Mongoose. Uie- Fields, directed by without-by the conductor. member is that St-Martins-in abundance of scholarly you've never been seen' Bowie is now a family NevUle Marriner, which is On the otiier hand, there -the-Fields made their re­ advice on this topic, and the playing subliminaliy man and he puts out a one of the finest versions are the more sdf-reUant cording of this symphony sharing of his great musical through my mind. family album, for the kids of this symphony, and the and 'democratic' orchestras as a chamber orchestra, appreciation. The Bewley Brotheis mind you, it's perfectiy feeling of zest and Uve­ such as St-Martin-in-the- unUke the fuU-blown CSO. -gAMIE COLLINS always brings back to me a obvious. True he seems to Fields, or the Vienna Phil­ 1 think this work is far special period of my life spend more time with when I was living in a cocaine snorting black girls special house witii special (and boys) than with Angle friends, sitting up night and Zowie but that's just as the documentary con­ employed within the after night in the kitchen, nitpicking. trasting the Ufestyles of industry at that time. smoking joints and drinking If Carly Simon & James some bikies and ahippy We see the popularity of cidar. To me and aU the Taylor & Paul McCartney Castor and Pollux, the fic­ theatre newsreels peak and other Bowie freaks I ever etc, etc, can play grown tional piece Caravan (again then drop off dramatically met (and 1 met them ups than why can't he? featuring BiU Hunter) and with the introduction of eveiy where; you'd probably Every (Hie else is settUng the aboriginal road movie television in 1955. find them on Mars. Hmm down. Except of coune Backroads It is aU handled so ex­ in fact you would) Bowie tile Sex Pistols and Patti Phil Noyce was a ceUentiy that it is virtuaUy knew our lives inside out. Smitii . . .and Warren graduate of the interim one impossible to teU where the In retum we'd get aU Zevon. year couise at the genuine documentary this feedback on his Ufe. On his latest album Australian Film and Tele­ footage stops and the fic­ Always seemed to know Lou Reed says that he vision School along witii tional footage begins. what he was into by Us­ fought the law and the law GiUian Armstrong {Tlie When the old black and tening to records. Not just won, but he says it with a Singer and the Dancer) white news footage is not the meaning to the lyrics sneer and no-one reaUy and a handful of others. in use, the washed out tones but what was behind them. Since leaving tiie School of the color film used in believes he's stopped NEWSFRONT: We had so many theffl^ies fighting. Meanwhile David he has displayed a real the release prints achieve and so often they turned Bowie setUes down. He can Directed 1^ Phil Noyce, starring Bill Hunter, talent for puisuing a such a vintage feel that out to be right, Uke we no longer afford to fight Wendy Hughes, Gerard Kennedy and others, refreshin^y "naturalistic" you are strongly reminded shared a pool of conscious­ tile law (he has after aU Albert Cinema 2, 183 Albert St, (221 5777) approach to aU his subject of the old "touched up" ness. Like one time we got responsibilities) and on matter. color photos StiU visible laid out aU his records currently screening. 11,00, 2.00, 5,00, 8.00 I^ter and the Wolf he Newsfront represents his in our parents'living rooms. end to end (at the time Sunday 2.00,5.00 pm. successfully masters his new first fuU length feature and aU eleven of them) and Noyce also uses fade- career, just as he has what , a briUiant debut. worked out which drug you outs and fade-ins to show mastered everything else Brisbane bas recendy been hit by a flood of TTie film coveis the were supposed to be on to the passing of time or^a^ he's tumed his hand at. intaesting new films-///ni7iv Blacksmidt, Grease, • period 1948 as seen through gtt the most out of it. change of scene, as was the cine cameras of two Hunky Dory was a mush­ But if I want to listen to Newsfront^a naoiejust a few. traditional in films pf that competing AustraUan news- room record, to listen to it rock n roU, I'U put on Howevtr "'or -^.ne of these, the advance publicity period, reel companies Cine tone properiy you'd have to get Patti Smith, or the Sex has been more successful than the actual content. Newsfront gives us a Pistols. See ya around andNewsco International. wacked on mushies and the Not so with Newsfront This Is a ^nuindy chance to refresh our No doubt the first rep­ The Man Who Sold The David. memories of an important great film and deserves every rave reviewi t has received. resents the old Cinesound Worid was a hash album -G.M. slab of Australia's poUtical, company and the second and Station to Station was a social and cultural past. the foreign owned heavy hash and cocaine We are left in a position Movietone. effort. 2 years later I to reasses the M of Ben read this Playboy interview For those fascinated by Chifley, the election of wliere the man was saying the history of AustraUan Menzies, the use of the BEETHOVEN fdmmaking, Ken HaU of communist bogey ("this is how much he likes coke SYMPHONY No. 2 IN and how he was totaUy Gnesound in 1931 founded a fool's paradise-com­ stoned and influenced by it D MAJOR, OP. 36 the first full length news- munists are trying to on Station to Station, AND EGMONT OVER- reel in the world, and sabotage everything you wiiich IncidentaUy, he con­ TURE: vast audiences flocked to beUeve in"), protestant and see these in theatres right cathoUc rivalries and the tinues, was his most drug Chicago Symphony Or­ mented album since The aiound Australia. Anzac spirit. chestra- ctMiducted by Man Who Sold the Worid, Anyway, in tiie News- In addition we see the ^^4le^e he was "Flying a Geoi^ Solti (EMI SXLA front recreation of the rabbit menace, a CWA fete, banner for hashish". 6761) period, Bin Hunter ex­ FJ Holdens, the Mickey ceUentiy p lays the role of Mouse Show, iceboxes, a diief camera operator for singing dog, biUboards ad­ Ihen came Heroes, cold Tiis is the second LP and stark, as Bowie and Cinetone. His opposite num­ vertising once scandalous Eno learned to Uve without in the complete recixdlngs ber in Newsco is played Bridgitte Bardot fdm And drugs in Berlin while I of Beedi oven's symphonies by Gerard Kennedy and the God Created Wonian, found myself on the media- by Solti and the CSO, film also features Wendy crowds standing outside done programme. a la von Karajan, and Hu^es of Power Without electrical store windows One way and another although I have not heard Glory fame playing anotiier marveUing at the wonders then Bowie has mirrored all the recordings, I suspect staff member within the of television. . Jt's aU much of my Ufe and so the qualities apparent here What is so great about Every so often a film Cinetone organisation. fliere. it came as quite a surpirse to be fairly typical of the it? WeU above all its turns up which displays a the other night when I set. Australian born director rare ability to cut across suddenly reaUsed that David The symphony was com-^ Phil Noyce has blended aU the normal divisions of taste Bowie is no longer an im­ pleted in 1802, towards the elements of a successful in cinema audiences. "Every so often a fibn turns up which portant influence, either in Uie end of Beetiioven's movie in such ia way as to With this in mind. News- displays a rare ability to cut across my own Ufe, or to the achieve maximum enter front can be recommended "eariy period" and the in­ the normal divisions of taste in cinema record buying pubUc. fluence of Mozart is stiU tainment value for the to any AustraUan and it is 1 ^ould have got the very noticeable. It was also audience. almost 100% certain they audiences." hint reaUy when his records the tune when Beethoven I honesdy felt quite will enjoy iLGiven the sub­ began to find their way to was coming to terms with elated after walking out of jectivity of everyone's taste, my turntable less and less the onset of deafness and the film and I know for this couldn't be said for sure that this response was frequentiy, but I never gave wrote the famous HeiUgen- many other movies. Noyce cuts actual news- For obvious reasons, it shared by virtuaUy eveiyone it a second thought. Merely stadt testament, a docu­ Yet in order to gain reel footage of AustraUa's is, easy for anyone to else in the theatre. attiibuted it to a passing ment of profound such a universal response, history (produced during identify with the content infatuation widi the Velvet emotional crisis. In fact the audience was Noyce has not really com­ those years by these two of Newsfront-none of it Underground; then the Yet, to Usten to this so genuinely excited that promised his content. The genuine companies) into is clumsily handled-Noyce^ Modem Lovers, then Patti music, one would never tiiey spontaneously clapped film is an extension of the dramatised fictional footage doesn't ...believe hi heavy" Smith, and finaUy the Sex associate it with the as the final credits rolled talent he had already shown wWch delves into the per­ handed .moralising-he is a Pistols. By diis time I spiritual upheaval taking over the screen. in his earUer "shorts*'-such sonalities of the people master' of understatement

26 SEMPER September 20,1978 and subtlety, (For example Sure there is the token pressed about the fUm by But be prepared to be die arrival of the mid- shot of Chic o Marx playing those aboriginals who have bored in several parts such fifties as signified by a piano and jesting widi some seen it. as the scene in the brief shot of a rocker AustraUan soldiets, and the 1 will fuUy review Chant Tamborine rainforest witii combing back his slicked Vice-President Nixon's in thc next Issue of Semper, die hostage school teacher, hair). goodwill visit.' But th ese however in the meantime, as Schepisi engages in some TTie renaissance of fdm- excerpts only highlight our it is wortii seeing because heavy handed moralising. making in Australia has close cultural links with of what it is attempting There are better ways of been Umited in one America (for better or for to do and dare 1 say it, achieving such ends. important aspect-most of worse) tiien and now because it is AustiaUan. our recent big production one of die best scenes movies have been placed in {„ the movie is tiie re- historical settings. Their enactment of tiie 1954 TheOianl producers and directon Maifland nood which was THE Bth BRISBANE FILM FESTIVAL: seem frightened of outright briUiantiy filmed on the of Jimmie contemporary settings and cheap by using sets standing Schonell Theatre contemporary issues. upright in the waters of a Biadcsmilli Now Newsfront is stiU NSW lake, Of the few films I managed to see at the Festival set in tiie past, but its Another great sequence, Allegro Non Troppo was the most outstanding. content is much closer to is the recreation of the die present time then the Around Australia Redex An Italian made film other Auslralian films I have motoring trial The out- ITH E CHANT OF JIMMY BLACKSMITH: which intercuts short pieces reviewed in this column standing scene here is when ' of live footage, Allegro Non directed by Fred Schepisi, starring Tommy Troppo represents an ab­ during 1978. the "Shiek of Scrubby ' Lewis, Freddy Reynolds, Jack Tliompson, Also connections Creek", Qad Morgan, sings ! solutely brUliant parody of between what was a counti-y tune at the | Ray Barrett, Ruth Cracknell and others. Paris Walt Disney's Fantasia. happening tiien and what is outback Mungundin Dance I Tlieatre Albert St, City (221 2277). now The most fascinating happening now can be more held in honour of the i screening Monday to Saturday 10.45, 1.45, aspect of the film is the contrast in content between readily made because most drivers. ! 4.45, and Spm. of today's Austi-alians exper- i understand that ever j its creator Bruno Bozzetto's ienccd some of it for them- since News from was ; work, and the work of the Jimmy Blacksmith represents the fint Australian Disney studios. selves. screened in Rome, Italians j „ .... , .... . Bozzetto's ideas readily The fdm is based on an have become ecstatic about ^^ ^° "[^'"^^ ^^ big-time pre-release publicity push betray a strong socialist original screenplay by Bob Chad. If you had ever seen T^^ ^ something you come to expect whenever \^ influence whilst Disney's Ellis, who was a co-author him appear at a country a second rate American movie is about to be launched ideas fully reflect his BRISBANE 78 of the successful play The show as I once did, you | rather than a supposedly superior Australian product capitaUst origins and desire Legend of King O'MaUey would know why-definite It suffers badly as a result. Chant of Jimmy Black- and also a one rime con- potential for a FeUini to treat children as simple­ smith is not a great film. It does not have Uie excellence bottom of a coca cola troversial film critic for movie. tons. or the cinematic consistency of Schepisi's earlier produc­ Don't get me wrong, botdc and the other is Nation Review. just how good is News- tion Devd 's Playground. ElUs, who is notorious front then? I'm not criticisng the form tiie attempt by a latterday for tiie odd bit of lunacy ^gy }„ niy book, it The story of Jimmy from Darwin, the story goes of Disney's work, I'm cri­ pied piper to have the rest of a predommantiy from time to time, has comes close to being this BlacksmiUi held a lot of diat Schepisi spotted him ticising the social ideas con­ form, conformist human society dissociated himself from year's best fUm-in fact it potential but it has not at an airport and asked tained witii that Two great segments from foUow him over the edge Noyce's adaption of his jj a film you get a kick been treated properiy in him to play the part, Allegro Non Troppo are of a cUff (of course they script. out of reviewing. tiiis production, despite an Yet given that The Chant stuck in my mind. don't). But putting that aside i suppose it is also exceUent performance by attempts to take up white for now, I want to comment successful because rather Tommy Lewis. racism against the One is his depiction of A great movie and don't on other aspects of News- than seeing an American Lewis stars as Blacksmith Australian aborigine, it is human civilisation evolving despair the SchoneU may from die frotii inside the be bringing it back for a itont. made revival of the SOs era and what a natural talent significant that a lot of regular Brisbane screening. TTie photography is great you could loosely identify he has. A twenty year old disquiet has been ex­ (it even includes Damien witii, here was a fdm witii Parer's Second Worid War which you could fuUy footage), tixe acting is great, identify witii. . .genuine SALES and the humour. . .weU, Ausb-aUan history and for it may be a bit off in parts, what it's wortii Australian but it is thorougjily Aust- culture. ' ralian. ("You were an army Newsfront is great by cook eh? What's wrong witii any standards tiiough, it 4 OHN PTY. LTD. that. Notiiing-I just can't contains all the right HOLDEN "HOLDEN HOUSE" T«l*phoM 4J140U see how our side won"). AU elements for cinema and as TORANA lOM IKWICH MMD MOOCOOM, MISUNt. 4101 GEMINI of this is complemented by i said earUer was veiy sen- P.O. MX n, MOOKOX*. IIIISSANC. 410$ STATESMAN a jaunty musical sounds sitively and inteUigentiy USED CARS track. handled by its dnector PhU REWARD There is also a real Noyce, "best countiy in Uie worid" FinaUy tiie film altiiough To findar of BOB mentaUty flowing tiirough highly entertaining is not DYLAN SUNGLASSES, NEW & USED the film and since when mindlessly so-it exposes has this attitude changed? the political deceit of the lost August 21 during civil In fact I feel that past as weU as the fun and liberties march into Noyce's decision to make vitaUty of an embryonic Adelaide street. MOTOR VEHICLES Uie content unashamedly period in our development. Owner blind, insecure Aush-aUan (but not un- (incidentaPy showing wiUi without them. Contact critically so) could account Newsfront is the spaced out Semper 371 1611. WE OFFER A DISCOUNT PRICING for the film's success over- animated film "Hot to "ftot"- seas. stalling Captain Goodvibes). TO STUDENTS AND STAFF



"Where you get more than just a deali»

SEMPER September 20.1978 27 research wants the attempt Nonedieless when the agree with one management bikes and fast cars, tiien its to go ahead in order to action does happen, comment I heard about it, sometiiing equally extreme maintain (even budd) although it was often namely that "It's the only such as a Walt Disney Presidential and Congress cliched in its content, it type of fdm that'll bring production. support for further projects. managed to stir things up the audiences back." And even more They also equate the and sustain -your interest interesting is that this same value of these projects widi a little longer. ' diet is often fed through the value of building Capricorn One is not another non- drive-in American "national an intellectual film, it is KBISKiHSTIKReSDII outiet—The George cmema prestige" and leadership more a half-baked attempt AllMneiillW in town. DUELtiST throughout the worid- at pure entertainment. Yet, KETTH America must prove once in a period of American Therefore when 1 saw the more its power to all in­ history where an effort is billboards it seemed quite C4RRADJNE habitants of this planet. being made to revive dan­ logical that a movie called Convoy, which starred Kris HARVEY So, in the best tradition gerous old concepts of CONVOY: of American hypocrisy, American power/national Kristofferson and Ali KEITEL they decide to fake It, interest/prestige/security/ directed by Sam McGraw, and which during and three surprised astron­ leadership etc., this film by Peckinpah, starring Kris production must have kept auts are shunted out of exposing the emptiness of Kristofferson and Ali a dozen stunt teams fully occupied for weeks, had their capsule at the last these words, actually makes McGraw. Cinema minute before launching a valuable contribution to tumed up at the George. and taken quietly to an public understanding. Oorge, Geoige St, City However what I wasn't THE DUELLISTS: isolated defence base. On In looking at the manner (221 7866), currently ready for, was the name directed by Ridley Scott, starring Keith tills base a television mock in which the Mars hoax screening 11, 2, 5, Spm of the director listed witiiin Carradine, Harvey Keitel and others, Schonell up of Mars and their landing was attempted, it also raises Sunday 2, Spm. the film's credits. Tlieatre, St. Lucia (371 1379). craft has been created and die warning that "witii Sam Peckinpah gained they are given an ultimatum quite a name for himself tills kind of technology H ave you ever noticed that they must act out you could convince people when censorship relaxed The Duellists is one of the alternating first release how those late night tele­ the rest of the trip for the of anything". during the sixties, because programmes beeing offered under the new programme vision advertisements for viewing public. hi summary Capricorn via films such as The Wild formal cunentiy underway at the Schonell. Thus the woridi greatest One could be a reasonable drive-in theatres always Bunch he took violence to The film revolves around a series of duds of haox is underway. Elliot night out if you can stand feature a particular macho its outer limits-or that's 'lionour" (using both pistol and sword) between two Gould is the pool playing die slow pace-however I'm style of mowe-ultra how it seemed at the time. lieutenants in the Napoleonic Army-Feraud played reporter who uncovers the not sure tiiat I want to violence, sex and dmgs, Howevw if you've always by Harvey Keitd and D'Hubert played by Keitii plot. Cirradine. I won't totally spoil the fdm for you by telling you The director was Scott in period, except for one the rest, but as 1 said con­ Ridley a former English thing-what are those ceptually it is quite in­ television director who has grating American accents RAUNCHY teresting. now tumed his attention to doing in a supposedly 19th Some American movies movies. Century French settmg. are definitely becoming The good news about To make matteis worse, more cynical and Capricorn €K RETURNS Uiis film is the photography at times the dialogue seems One is no exception. Al­ which is astounding in too slick, too modern (it though the main fault of parts-some amazing scenes has more in common with tiiis film is that it overly of casties, forests, and commercial television than contrived in everything it mountains, which wete shot an historic film). Is Scott does, to some extent this in Scotland and France, finding it difficult to escape was intentional. manage to create a genuine from his background here? The movie includes send- mobile oil painting effect (This might also account ups of lots of odier films a.h Barry Lyndon. for the superficiaUty of the of the "B" grade movie plot). One sequence showing era, it includes scene after the war in Russiaj is Vie Duellists has been scene which are highly im- amazing to look at-the acclaimed in Europe-I probaHe, (e.g. the chase snow alone creates its own honestiy can't see why. scene), but which you know texture and feding. If you like pretty pic­ you don't have to believe However careful com­ tures, bloody fight scenes, are for real, because after position of shots is a feature and violence for its own all cinema isn't for real. of virtually any movie these sake, then check it out, The fdm is highly days and unfortunatdy the but otherwise you will amusing in parts with some bad news about Tlie most likely be thoroughly great one line jokes emana­ Duellists was that one could bored like I was. ting from the astronauts be forgiven for thinking and Gould whose role often that these excellent photo verges on a direct satire graphic compositions were of reporters Woodward and the sole excuse for making Bernstein from "All The this film-there was Presidents Men". (Gould certainly no deptii m the often plays a great comic plot. role as evidenced in earlier Notions of "honour" and Sims such as MASH and the concept of "violence for CAPRICORN ONE: Littie Murdeis). its own sake" have been wrilten and ditected by At one point one of better explored in otiier the astronauts looks at the films. There are far more Peter Hom, starring Elliot Gould, Brenda TV lights and video camera significant manifestations of which are being used to AND THE DESTROYERS these ideas availaUe in Vaccaro, Telly Savalas, shoot the fake landing and history than this movie James Brolin. Hoyts says "My, the wonders of attempts to show. Queen St, (221 3516), modem science. Here we hi any case Feraud, the currently showing are hundreds of miles from instigator of the duels, was earth and we can still send A BALLTEARING DEBUT ALBIIM just plain crazy-a patholo­ 11am, 2, 5, and Spm. out for pizza." Thorogood's versions of John Lee Hooker (pound ihal foot) and gical case-so what does this Although the quality of realisation contribute Elmore James (growl that lyric) made his true Forebears — early Rolling "A funny thing hap­ eveiytiimg in this film is Stones. Animnis, Yardbirds. Them. Preiiy Things — sound like Paul towards a more pened on the way to a bit erratic, the Oliver, who doesn't play the blues bui writes books about them. sophisticated understanding Mars." photography is brilliant . Greil Man:us. Ravnls. ROLUNG STONE. of what "honour" has Hie actual concept during quite a few come to represent to a Thorogood and his Dehiwarc Destroyers are ripping up audiences behind this movie is great. sequences. soldier or anyone dse for In one particular scene on both sides of the Mississippi - Including some folk who probably diat matter. The American space agency Ihink Muddy Waters collect in a rain gutter. NASA is about to launch two anonymous and threat­ Daisann McLinc. CRAWDADDY. The film is so super­ ening helicopters are deli- a rocket which will land the ficial that a modem equi­ l>eratdy made to look like valent of what it portrays first astronauts on Mars. This wasn't u while boy doing roots music: this was simply a Ircc spirit mosquitoes as they hover laking his favorites and blowing ihc place oul wiih ihcm. would be a movie starring However one vital and dart about in the sky. Fred Schruers. IWmmimv. ROLLI.SG ST0.'\T: two duelluig football for­ dement in the space The biggest flaw of Cap­ wards-one from Redcliffe vehicle's life support system ricorn One is that overall George Thoropood has got ii iind on the slrcngili of this album aUmc and one from Easts. is not in proper working tiie pacing of the action is I'd mark him dt)wn as the best and hc;ivicst while bluesman to Just as much sense would emerge diis decade — the hoiicsi since Johnny Winters came stumbling order because the company too drawn out-the plot erosvevcd out ofTexas in 'M ... ruck vour socks "111 come out of their story. dows down to almost a The Duellists lacks supplying Jt took a short Charlo-. .S'hiwr .MuVnu. .\/;l( ML Mc .IL EXPRESS. cut to maximse their halt in parts. One of the character devdopment. most boring examples of Feraud is supposed to be profit. Ihus the «1iole project must be cancelled. this was when the doctor motivated by ^ite but we was giving wordy exr However the powerful get to know little about planations to the space DIsirlbutcd by RCA Records lobby behind moves to him. vehicle commanders of why ANiiilublc ut all gtxKl record siorcs plough US govemment (i.e. Everytiiing in the film they had been asked to taxpayers) funds bit? space ia also scrupulously kept collude in the hoax. 28 SEMPER September 20,1978 SSMPSH W^^WW.

suspected that Peckinpah A run-in he has with the academic changes and will BKYOND GOOD & EVIL. Company or in fact White's own dramatic realisation has never had much of sig­ police (who specialise in follow the 9.30 session at Cannes Festival winner THE made it seem. nificance to say as a film­ harassing truckers in some either I Ipm, or 11.30pm DUELLISTS, Art Carney in We have a couple; The feding that the maker (hard as he may try), states of America), leads to on Friday & Saturday Robert Altman's THE glamorous Mag from not handling of this particular dien his latest effort an endless sequence of nights. LATE SHOW, Brian de so salubrious origins and her production (with its Convoy finally confirms it. violent exchanges wiUi the For the newcomer to Palma's OBSESSION. Borol- lawyer husband Richie bedroom romp quality) 1 didn't think it was constabulary which are all Brisbane who hasn't your wczyk's THE BEAST, Bosanquet Q.C. who live in undercut thc stronger possible, but the movie shoi in the inevitable programme, what will \x October Eric Rohmer's a glamorous harbourside dements of the play was version of World Cham­ Peckinpah slow motion. the best way to check MARQUISE VON 0, pendiouse and have two or not hdped by the cast. pionship Wrestiing has Other truckers rally what's on and if you have Jansso's VICES & actually arrived! behind their uncrowned an aheration, how jdo you at least one of everything. Kate Shid's Mag was all VIRTUES, Bertolucci's Mag spends a lot of time gushy rounded-vowds and The same theatrics and leader, Kristofferson, who notify your patrons? 1900, the new full length die same lowest common then takes them across We wili be using the at the hairdressers and toys frenetic high-heded R version of THE MAN with socialism in her spare scampere. Douglas Hedge denominator psychology is America in search of the press via the current guide WHO FELL TO EARTH, fully evident. next fuck and the next in Semper, a weekly diary time. Richie pours scotches wasn't in the least bit November RAISE RAVENS constantly, wears exotic charismatic as Teny and I should have know that speed crash. in Thursday's Courier Mail, to be followed by PARDON Kristoffeison's presence I think ni stop there- and a daily reminder on kimonos when relacing and joim Krummel, the most MON AFFAIRE. Bunud's defen'JS equivocal alone could make a mess die plot is too taxing other days plus a nightly court enjoyable of them all OBSCURE OBJECT OF cases. of the movie. He specialises after that, and in any case in the suburban theatre's seemed like he was stUl DESIRE, Wertmuller's trio Their marriage has that in ridiculous roles and anyone with their own column in the Telegraph. playing liis role in "Tlie NIGHT FULL OF RAIN, stylish viciousness filled Boys in the Band", ridiculous movies. His critical faculties doesn't We do stress for those LOVE & ANARCHY and occasional partnership widi need a review to work unable to collect our with playful ironies and glib \( you are interested in SEDUCTION OF MIMI, witticisms-all the usual Patrick White the dramatist Barbra Streisand in fdms out for themselves what programme we will be Qaude LeLouche's such as A Star is Born Convoy is all about. happy to mail it for one constraints and tensions go and see it. I'll stick to ANOTHER MAN, being redeemed by the very confirms that. year if they will send us his novels. If you want lo see a ANOTHER WOMAN, and cleverness of theu- verbal S2 to cover postage. -Dl PRIEST Anyhow, the real star great moving about trucks hopefully the two Academy exchanges. of Convoy is that great which has absolutely no Whal new releases can Award winners MADAME Is this an incisively ^^^^^^j^^^^^^^^^ invention CB radio. "Ten social pretensions (Peckin­ we look forward to? ROSA and BLACK & critical evocation of our four, this is Rubber Duck." pah take note), go and see September has Cavani's WHITE IN COLOUR' ruling and social elite or is "Rubber Duck" is the Duel next (ime it appears it more reminiscent of the CLOWNEROONIES: CB name for Kristofferson on television or in your clever but somehow un- Workshopped by and his comfort machine- local cinema. substantial stuff coming membere of the QTC a giant explosives truck. -BRUCE DICKSON from die pens of the con- ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ temporary comedy-of- « u n -Z- nu i manners playwrights like ^^^^- '^"'^'"8 ^"^^^ Ayckboum at his worst Hall, Warner St, Valley. EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW and Neil Simon at his ABOUT THE SCHONELL BUT WERE best? tVhat a relief to find AFRAID TO ASK: The third character is that members of the QTC QUEENSUND THEATRE COMPANY Terry Legge, a charis­ are capable of producing matic principled union man Over the past three years, the Schonell has played exciting theatre. So far in who has a rmonatic en­ 1978 the established com- a valuable role in bringing consistently higli quality Potrid< UUhitey tanglement with Mag and is . , , ., . cinema to the public of Brisbane. They are now offered a bribe (a big toy) !«"'« have failed to come initiating a radically new progmmming concept, in an awkward scene of up widi anything really ex- which Schonell Manager Ron Waketishaw discusses camp seduction in order to citing. QTC has continued with a Semper reporter. mellow his evidence for to produce slick, unimagina- tiie prosecution in tive productions; Twdftii What caused the Schonell a review on every movie Bosanquet's "uranium' court Nij^t has ceased to func- to brmg in a new policy screened and offer all the ^^^' tion as a local company; change on its screemings? fdms for the one montii During the past three in different combinations The entiy of Terry into (^ Boite suffeis from such years, the Schonell has con- on different nights so that SiUliKt *« 1^9"^, ™?1^"'^ °f ^^«K inconsistent standards of stantiy experimented witii if you are short of time, and Richie s ufe seems com- ,. ^. ^ , ^. „ , its programming to suit or through study have only pleteiy gratutious, a tenuous «=*">« *!'«^ potentially good both the students and one parricular night or time tli:iUliili(i(l ll lEOVillC device to expose the neg- productions and performan- public. This year it became free during a week, you ligence witii which issues «s are dragged down to a very evident that both have will probably now be able such as uranium, the biggest medioae level or worse and now less time (and probably to find that you can see toy of them all, are dealt die Arts Ibeatre continues less money) to go to the the films of your choice witii by society's on its merry way. cinema as they did in the when you want to. Bosanquets. And the out- [„ contrast the best past where in many in- I know of patrons who BIG TOYS: come? Bosanquet wins the theatre (his year has come stances patrons booked for found it quite difficult to by Patrick White, SGIO Theatre. '^T H '^. 1, »'' n,.u"" from a few small bands of three consecutive nights, know what they would have seduced enough to mdlow ...... TU D.- Now the most successful to pay to see whatever his evidence but re]ects the t^^"^^^^ ««='^' ^'^ ^'^ trend this year has been a combination of Hlms (hey Patrick White has written the stuff of great novds; Ferrari and Mag is left ^^^ Actors Company has swing to see one movie chose in the past. Has this he has not written the stuff of great drama, or not yet. in a distressed foetal produced two excellent only and less frequently, been chtriHed? Big Toys (his first play in IS years) I suspect though, position vrith a new Ferrari, productions; Camerata and What form will the new Yes. Our biggest break- was probably deeper in conception and motivation an emerald necklace and a the Trapdoor Hieatre Com- policy take? Uirough is to now be able than this production by the Queensland Theatre crack in the brilliant integu* pany produced their es- It will cover three areas- to offer a set standard ment of their marriage, pecially memorable "Pas- programming, admissions, admission. Any one movie- and standard times. students. $2, adults $3; and Looking at programming any two consecutive movies THE SIGNET then, in the past the on any day of the week- Schondl has been noted studentsSS, adults $4, for presentmg up to 30 bearing in mind that city MASS MARKET BESTSELLING PAPERBACK. movies in a mondi. Will prices in general are now Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments by this continue? four dollars for one movie No. Quite frankly, no on all nights witii student Dr. Muriel James and Dr. Dorothy Jongeward. one has the time to see discounts only on certain that many movies in a nights, month and of course this Another complaint I gave cause for the com- have noticed in the past plauit 'we missed such and has been the huge variety such because we ^lidn't have of starting times: What has time to see it.' In future, enabled you to now stan­ BORN ce will be collecting 8 to dardise your times? 10 quality GIms a montii. In tiie past widi the set generally more first re- programming we had, it leases, as by now everyone meant we set the times must have seen such past around the fdms but now TO WIN classics as DEATH IN witii varied programming, VENICE, NIGHT PORTER it is possible to set the fdm Through this book, millions of readers have discovered that they were "Born to Win". With 8tc. so many times. around the time. Which the help of the examples and self-help exercises in BORN TO WIN, they've learned to I see your pogramme means, two sessions nightly notes have taken a new (7.30 & 9.30pm), Saturday increase their powers to direct their own lives and develop their self-confidence. look as well. Why was tiib and Sunday early night necessary? sessions at 5.15. Using the techniques of Transactional Analysis, BORN TO WIN offers simple explana­ Well, the fiist change is I have noticed over the tions of the self-defeating games people play in their relationships, on the job, and between to bring it out monthly, past month the Schonell from the Ist day to the has introduced single parent and child. last day of the monUi witii feature late shows. Will a'daily diary so there is these continue? AVAILABLE NOW AT YOUR CAMPUS BOOKSHOP i*aUy no excuse for anyone Yes. They have proved not knowing what is on any most popular and fit in night. We also will now give with the general social and SEMPER SepterTiber20.J,97p 29 &BmwM& mwwtwwB

Show and especially by side QUEENSLAND show alley. The element of THEATRE COMPANY surprise was ever-present and had the audience laughing themselves into a "CLOWNEROONIES!" stupor. Diraetadbi GeoHmr Hush The second half didn't quite come up to the standard of the first. They elected to tie their antics TALES FROM THE VIENNA WOODS: the essence of his characters* around the idea of the by Odon Von Horvath, La Boite Theatre, tiieir foibles and strengtiis, family which limited the Friday 18th August to Sat. 16di September. diat Horvath concentrates. scope of the humour since The narrative of 'Tales' is quite simple. A middle it was, to an extent, a Although I missed seeing Tales from the Vienna predictable sequence-mar­ class Viennese girl falls in Woods yet I managed to have a talk widi Rod riage, birth of a son, love witii a picaresque growing up, first love, son Wissler, its director, about the play, its author, and rogue. She has a child. leaves home, son rehirns its relevancefo r Brisbane audiences. The relationship does not home. Horvadi completed 'Tales' was in London in last, partiy because the 'Tales'in 1930 when he was 1977. Rick Billinghurst, illusion of their love be* comes evident and partiy As a result the element living in Berlin against tiie who is not as hesitant as background of rising Nazism other Brisbane Theatre because of economic cir­ of surprise was dissipated cumstances. She descends and though still funny it and economic crises; an directors to include less historical era not dissimilar conventional material into tiie lower deptiis* didn't reach the earlier until she is eventually lured from our current lurch when planning repetoires, heights. It had the feeling back into marriage and her towards fascism. Intuitively chose to give it its first of having lost some of the former class. Horvath sets a dissenter, there underiies Australian production, creative momentum of the die action against the the substance of Horvath's Hovarth's 'elemental re- opening act. music of Strauss because it lighter-veined narratives- bellion' against social in- provides an image of Vienna sionate Positions" and the and yet avoid the terrible acute criticisms of the social justice was not unlike that Geoffrey Rush deserves in which we can all share. Popular Theatre Troupe mistake of overdoing it. heaps of praise for his status quo. Probably of the German playwright continues to produce ex­ In tiie first half of the direction and no doubt his because of this, his plays Breeht. They differ in that In this production we citing and socially rdevant show 'the great Weevil' recent training overseas was disappeared from the Horvath looks a littie less hear a spinnet, a lute, a violiiust and members of theatre. Ron Finney and (Geoff Cartwright) witii a responsible for much of the German stage for some time trenchantiy at society. He die Brisbane Lidertafel all Ensemble Productions also perfect impish happy/sad impetus behind the whole until they reemerged in the takes into account the cir- 60s. cumstantial forces that of which serve as a quota­ left thdr mark on the scene clown's face, and 'Skeeta' venture. Tlie first English produced his bourgeois tion of Vienna. with their "In Camera" and (Gillian Hyde) took the I don't really want to audience through some single anyone out but I language production of characters, and it is on Rod Wissler sees 'Tales' now Geoffrey Rush and traditional clown antics (the think Geoff Cartwri^t de­ members of the QTC have best of which are based on serves special mention. 1 workshopped a clown die most simple situations) thought he showed excep­ classic and performed it in -Weevil setting up his music tional skills as a clown. an ideal intimate venue, the stand and chair complete Uniting Church Hall in the with mishaps, sneezes and Russell Nevmian exuded VaUey. very littie music; Weevd and a wonderful boozy-clown's charisma Gillian Hyde and There'= nothing worse Skeeta rolling a cigarette Geoffrey Rush were delight­ tiian a badly told joke or as a team with disastrous ful and Fat Thompson has an unfunny clown; they can results. the most incredible stage be agonisingly embarrassing, •Bob the Uncanny' tongue I've ever seen. Which seems to indicate (Russell Newman), 'Moggy' tiiat clowning is a subtie (Fat Thompson) and 'Roy Finally a plea. Dear art involving as well as the the Wonderboy' (Geoffrey QTC: What a great in­ basic skills of acting and Rush) subsequentiy novating opportunity you timuig, the ability to see appeared and led the have, pJeiise encourage and atdinaiy events in a audience on a mad romp support your company in humorous context and ex> through unexpected scene tiiese "Off Turbot Street" tract the last ounce of after scene shrongly in­ productions. lau^ter from the situation fluenced by the recent RNA -STEVE CAPELIN

0RIEN1AL BAZAAR Batik, Chinese, Indian Gothing and Goods Happy coals, happy pants, caftans, wraparound skirts. Incenw, woks, tnditn flutes, buddhas lOO? STUDENT DISCOUNT Li^t Gourmet meals ON CLOTHING 267 Given Tee, Paddiiigton Pritchards ph. 366 963 393 George St, CITY

/•Jl2:3iTiiVMitOiiivpta0 to 3:30p m j III 6:3S:3 0 to llpm (dosed Monday night)


30 SEMPER September 20.1978 BMMWWBL MWWtl^WB

as basically a popular enter- which have cogent applica- Then there was Evie Since then he has still tainment counterpoised tion to our own society, Tomquist. Not a local giri had to handle the odd il ^rf.n*«r W6' Tht ««-> ^tkteofeot a««. wilM JHHTW ,«br»c«. maybe, but my, how she family problem. His son witii rich text, tiie social -DI PRIEST / mt T'ne tcB. MJ- iM Tft^wowH, <^H& u ""^fc^ *'1'- iind political nuances of sang her way into our Wit somehow developed hearts each night on the a hankering for playing UiP <,nvi w)iT» us AT TME »niirrL6. WiUCH | telly. Goodness me, why punk rock, but Slim in­ J should Slim Whittie, his telligently averted a major •'..:.'"•-',>. wife Tammy and the rest crisis by convincing Wit of the family, who had that he should channel his come all the way up from talents along God's path. Tamwortii, be any "I'm a punk for you different! Jesus, I bet you're punk When his hand gripped too. •f^ yours, you felt that Slim "I slash your name in was a person who couid the train. make it in any profession. "We're gonna start a Rock solid and a good new wave testament," THE WHITTLE FAMILY: family man. (Lyrics which lack the Slim (Mitchell Faircloth), Tammy (Tracey But he chose country depth of such country Harvey), Wit (Simon TTiorpe), Acacia and western, and predic­ greats as "Stand by your (Lindy Allen) and Jack (Gary Adams). 2nd tably, his family got right man", but a good start review. behind his decision. nevertheless.) There was brother Jack, daughter Acacia (Miss Brick Ultimately this flexible Although the standard of the act occasionally and Pipe Industries in the approach has paid off. fluctuates. The Whitile Family represent incredible 1978 Miss Australia quest), Qitics may claim that the entertamment. Whiti-od ("Wit") his son, Whittie Family's success has Great ham acting, clever and of course his sweet largely resulted from tele­ satirical scripts and lots and singing Wife Tammy (who vision promotion of their lots of theatrical/musical met Slun while working the best selling W-Tel records, energy. Dairy Queen Machine at but their fans know better. In sending up country, Coles in Tarn worth). THE WHITTLE FAMILY: As manager Buck they have zeroed in on to From a small beginning Queens Hotel and Union Creperie, Brisbane- McMoney will no doubt some ripe subject matter. in the country music scene, confirm, their continued However they do not stop 1st Review they quickly went to the popularity originates in the there. The group's parodies top (even to the extent of fresh inland breeze that of Channel 9's Worid "Thank you. you're the best audience we've ever receiving a favourable always accompanies them Championship Wrestling and POLICE problems; landlord review in Theatre Australia had" and their music wherever K-Tel records television hauks; is your "friend" being which both they and fans defamatory of you; contact -Sure you'd heard it before, but you somehow they go. You can't help promotion were hilarious. like myself could never but notice it. Other highlights were the STUDENTS LEGAL AID, knew that dtis band was different. . on the level. . . 1st flr UQ Unk>n Building. quite work out), but tiien evangelical revival session country folks just don't know any other way. Slim's typically modest Open Monday, Friday 10am O-agedy sbiick. and the two punk numbers. I mean Brisbane, despite to our own gospel singing explanation: that "It's to 4pm. Ph 371 1611 for Following an accident. always different because of If you missed their act, its big smoke image, still sons - Family (we secretly appointment, ask for Narelle Slim got hooked on mor­ the audience-no audience gallop don't drive, to see Ward, Admin. Seaetary. takes pride in its bush knew they would go on to phine. His only chance of ever comes back a second them on stage next tune William Beattie-Director. roots-why apologise for conquer the world, as they recovery lay in the bible. time." tiiey hit town. it-look at the encourage- did), He pulled through, a -IWORETON REEVESBY -CHIP BLOTTO ment we so willingly gave changed man. cafMships

TWO MUSICA VrVA come to Brisbane its per­ playing, especiaUy in CONCERTS: sonnel, apart froma core of moments of the Bach Triple older professionals, has been Concerto and tiie Mayne Hall, St. Lucia markedly changed. humourous double bass economics Whilst this core is an features in the Rossini string IVtusica Vh^a concerts are admirable nucleus of Hne sonata. I wish, however, for third year always a delijlit to attend. players, the lack of con­ that encouragement (and IhQT afford Brisb^e with tinuity sh ows in blemishes funds!) could be made avail­ econorhlcslcornmerce able to ensure its die rare opportunity to in intonation and balance continuity. honours students savour the delists of (the violas were generally overshadowed) and the ab­ ->iOHN COLWILL studying for an Honours Degree In Economics, Commerce or chamber music, not Arts (Economics) for completion In 1979? sence of that certain lustre promoted by our august which comes to string If so, you may be interested in a Cadetship sponsored by the screen printed Broadcasting Commission. playing when the playera are Department of Ihe Treasury to cover your final year of studies. And if oji the rareoccasion s of one accord. This sheen TSHIRTSC This would lead to employment as a Research Officer. the programme is not up to vns more than evident when The Treasury standard, there is tune to members of the Quartet di This Department, which has a central role in economic review the set of familiar Roma played a Schubert SnCKERS manayement, is seeking lo recruit as Cadets Economics and half-fofgotten feces, a String TYio. Commerce.students proceeding to Honours courses in 1979 with fis^mmper stickers sbgular audience vOtkh The two performances and Dostere in small Quahtptie5 the expectation of upper Second or Rrst Class Honours. On also illuminate the problems tol.doOsi graduation they would be appointed to Canberra as Research appears from modiballs to Ask fuf a poce > ^lace only our Musica Viva of balance between strings Officers in work areas concerned with the following principle and keyboard. Winsome C&S DESIGNS Treasury functions: ,. concerts. screen pnnUrtg Evans, whose harpsichord eSfwrsStNodhgalc ' Resource allocation; Budgetary policy; Mor^etary policy; Taxation Tardiness in reviewing playing I always enjoy for policy; Incomes and pricespolicy: External economic policy and 266 7033 these concerts has its spontaneity and colour, relations; Commonwealth-Stale financial relations; fortuitously afforded this provided part of the Commonwealth Govemment loan programs; Financial markets writer witti the chance to and Banking/non-banking institutions; Australian capital continue for the Australian dwell on a most important Chamber Orchestra. The investment abroad; Foreign investment in Australia. aspect of musical ~ peifor- Students with interests and background in macro and micro blending of shings and harp­ mance-the settied sichord witii the mcom- economics, public finance, international trade, morietary theory, experience which exudes labour economics and econometrics would be particularly patability of Steinway tone from a long established and string sound hard in the welcomed, ^ . ^ .„u ,^ ensemtde. SALARIES On appointment Cadets (Economics) will be paid early Beethoven Quartet. WhUst such experience Such is the problem in within the range $3378-5462 p.a. according to age, until can degenerate into com­ completion of their Honours degrees. On graduation and much chamber music and placency, which was almost part of the art of its per­ advancement to Research Officer the salary range nses to die case with the Beedioven $10,038-12,335 depending on qualification. ^, ^ , ^ formance is in disguising (Juartetto di Roma's playing diese discrepancies.. Much WANT FURTHER DETAILS? If so, write immediately for of an early Beethoven Piano application form and further information about work and career of course depends on the Quartet, their proficiency texture of the composition IF YOUVE 60T KouG PINION, STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING. of anticipation and balance, and the Faure C Minor SOMETHING TO The Treasury, Canberra. A.C.T 2600. Phone (062) 633670. beautifuUy displayed in tiie Quartet is a sublime ex­ SAY Faure Quartet, stands in ample of well written Applications close 30 September, 1978, sharp contrast to the oc­ AND WANT VALUE chamber music. department of the casional rawness of FOR MONEY ensemble presented by the It is not my intention PHONE Australiatf Chamber Or­ to deride our own Aust­ chestra. ralian ensemble; it provided ROBCAMERON treasury On the three occasions us with a well-rounded prog­ 3711611 this chamber group has ramme of some exceUent

SEMPER September 20,1978 31 MmwEwmB

'at least, he felt he would writings as an intellectual prefer to spin records over justification for their ac­ rock station 2JJ in Sydney. tivities during Worid War However as a producer II. Feminists would also with a new challenge he have much to criticise in might easily revive his old Nietzsche's attitude towards self. die relationship between hi addition to - Hogan, men and women in society. there is Gordon Bick of Chequerboard, Jeff Watson However for his time he of TDT, Holiday and undoubtedly was a sig­ Comers and Peter Meakin nificant figure, although I'm of/I Current Affair. not so sure that Cavani On camera reporters will makes us fully aware of include Ray Martui, the just how much so, or of former ABC New York what a great range of man, and George Negus subject his mind explored. and Kate Baillieu of A She depicts him as a man Current Affair. ahead of his time. Fritz at one point in the film Like Hogan, Negus was goes to bed with a pros­ once working as a journal­ titute in full knowledge of ist in Brisbane (on Tlie die fact that she has the Australian) and since then "french disease" which he has been provided with a later contracted. He does so television image, on TDT because it represents his and on Channel 9. I vividly first major step towards 60 MINUTES: recall his weak sycophantic freeing himself from the QTQ 9 interviews of Fraser prior established culture. to die Kerr Coup by con­ trast to his nasty inter­ BEYOND GOOD AND At its simplest level, Despite speculation that it might never go to air, views witii the then prime Beyond Good and Evil If you can get into the production is well underway for the Nine Networic's EVIL: meaning of that then you'll minister Gough Whitiam. is a study of the real life new current affair show 60 Minutes. directed by Liliana probably also understand Ironically the only time menage a trois between Commercial television witiiui Australia has rarely Cavani, starring three historic personalities, his statement that "jokes he ever pushed Fraser produced any good public affairs television and con­ Dominique Sanda, philosopher Friedrich and laughter are the first (veiy mildly mind you), signs on the right path." sequently the farcical programmes that Sbcty Minutes by challen^ng Malcolm's Erland Josephoun, Nietzxche, Lou Andreas- I could go on, but see is deseed to replace such as A Current Affair, continual evasions of a Virini Lisi, Robert Salome and Paul Ree. Vic­ question, was during the torian society was shocked it for youiself and don't Federal File and the locally produced dose Up will Powell, Schonell Lynch affair and not long by their communal be­ blame me if you don't represent no loss at all. Theatre St. Luda, (371 like it. afterwards he was no longer haviour and defiant stand Federal File was a classic Funny how all of us the ABCs principle reporter 1379). against the conventions of example of television are down on the unionists, in Canberra. the times. I still feel Liliana Cavani (you may have seen serving as a conservative but none of us ever seem I hold ambivalent Unfortunately it would her fdm The Night Porter propaganda outiet-30 to know a uidon member, 60 Minutes wHI have a feelings towards this take far more space to which again .explores a seconds of illogical rubbish despite the fact that strong international flavour movie-one moment I feel explore the films' treatment difficult theme) is an amaz from that unduly smug old millions of them are present with teams sent off through­ of Nietzche and his ideas ingly capable director and it bore Alan Reid was enough in the Australian workforce, it verges on being one out the worid in search of tiian I can afford for this is a pity that her filmj for me. Seldom have I seen Anyhow the good news big intellectually stories. Let's hope that it review. are not easy to endure a reporter or commentator about the forthcomhig pretentious work and the He is a most controver­ revel m being so blatantly weekly programme 60 represents a return to tough next, a f3m exhibiting some sial figure particularly .since anti-ujiion or anti-Labor, A//««to is that besides being public interest journalism- great direction and journalism v^ich examines Hitier's National Socialists -BRUCE DICKSON but that's what you came financed to the tune of %1 unportant social concepts. attempted to use his to expect from the old million a year, it's producers real issues and not the Packer stable. (ii not its reporters) include trivia we have been forcefed Equally frivolous and iome of the most for so many years over socially inesponsible in its experienced television jour- the commercial networks. treatment ofissues, was that nalists in Austrah'a. I'm sure many Australian otiier 'in depth' news prog­ Allan Hogan (formeriy viewers who eiyoy good ramme tumed showbiz- of TDT and Four Corners) current affaiis programming "A Current Affair' at one time could virtually would prefen to watch a When its reporters lay claim to being the forth ri^t and responsible weren't making fools of hardest hitting reporter in journalist in action rather themselves as ham actors Australia. Unfortunately he dian a cheap imitation of a somewhere or trivialising seemed to become jaded sh owbusiness celebrity . the important events of over the years and visibly (which, unfatunately most the day: they were always ^o^^ someof his itellectual television. reporters have able to fall back on that and philosophical edge-- become since the sixties). "old rehable"-union possiWy this was inevitabJe. -BRUCE DICKSON bashing. 1 recall how for a while!

FOUR CORNERS: subsequentiy arrested and brought to trial ui W. ABQ 2 Germany. It is intriguing to ask Just «4ien it seems to be dying on its feet after years just why so much damning' of fiiithfully reporting issues to the puUic, Four Comers material on World War II takes on some new staff or caries a report from Bdtisfa fascism has recentiy been Tdlevision znd momentarily revives. put on television. Holocaust and Auschwitz in particular, Take the excellent prog- programme made it clear gained massive audiences. ramme on Interpol (which tiiat following the Allied ALLEGRO NON TROPPO exposed its nazi origins), victory in Germany, the Revlewad on pagt 27 Is it because American and the equally good prog­ new West German govern­ and European Jews are ramme prepared tiy the ment deliberately included highly conscious of what British Panarama team former Nazis in its ranks the Four Comers report called "A Blind Eye to (at top levels) because they disdosed-that only one 59 HAREGRAVE ROAD/ WEST END, Murder". could vouch for their anti- year remains before all nazi This latter show exposed communist/anti-socialist war crimuials are granted a PHONE: 392 2301 (MESSAGES). the fact that prominent views, full amnesty? (Incidentally, Nazi war criminals Even today tiie SS is amnesties are never granted OPEN 10-5pmTuesdiy andTTiundiy (members of the SS) in­ once more making public to people charged with cluding a cfty mayor and appearances and claiming in murder under normal lO-€pm Wednesday a company director, who court (and elsewhere) that circumstances). had been directly involved the number of Jews, Or would someone in a in overseehig the slaughter gypsies, Poles and Russians more cynical state of mind of the jews, were still living killed in concentration argue tiiat aU the publicity freely in West Germany. camps was "grossly" exag­ can't harm Israel's public Altiiough convicted in gerated". unage. . Vege and Fruit orden once • week their absence in French The showing of this same Large heil th food range on ifadres courts, no effort was being programme In Europe BULK & HEALTH FOCOS CO-OPERATIVF made by tiie West German caused such B' stir that (CONTINUED govemment to bring them the three nazi war criminals to justice, In fact the featured on the show were NEXTISSUE)

32 SEMPER September 20,1978 .•^ -.c^Vm NEW


'.LIV. >wfi-f.- i-iV-.-vJKj Vi^, ALBUM


^'J--'^V,. -><« «S, .-—;

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^^ This album may ndl change your life, 36300 but ft will touch ll Jdd/i^ , • ^ Armatmding

BACK TO THE NIGHT JOAN ARMATRADING 36072 35967 in RECORDS & TAPES «.<^ titrtrnKuxrvti*.

SEMPER September 20, B^^Wl^BL WkWWt'^WB

pastel colourfield, to a I don't know too much Peter Costello showed painting titied "Caged In" Further ventures into -various faces in a grid Brisbane's art scene took me about that side of it die greatest individuality although I do get the and sensitivity of style per­ pattern and behind bars. to explore the Eagle St. impression that they are haps a bit too sophisticated For some reason, art Galleries downtown in the trying to create a happening at times; Ches Hargreaves students seem tohave an vital tiirobbing heart of place, providing space for presented just a whole lot of obsession with this theme Brisbane. Enter building no. "up-and-coming-young- Womens Weekly and (Wonder why?); and tiien 72 and catch a rickety old artists" to show tiieir work. Hay boy cutouts with a there were the pen and ink lift widi graffiti all over the One such exhibition is few erotic suggestions here line drawinp of Marty Goodreid which were at walls, ta floor five. This on now, a group show by and there-these revealed no times rather amusing. is a good gallery space, Peter Costello, Ches Har- great skUl, especially their Overall, I do not tiiink still relatively new (so far greaves, Geoffrey O'Shea, frames which look as and Marty Goodreid. I think though they were bunged diis exhibition showed any there have been two ex­ it is great tiiat these guys on at the last moment. great skill or sensitivity to hibitions) therefore flocks paint or style. One needs are exhibiting theu- work, Geoffrey O'Shea was the of people are not flocking experience in presenting an but 1 can't really say I was most eclectic of the group. exhibition and it is valuable there as'yet. all that impressed by the His paintinp took amazing diat the Eagle St. galleries Tliey do have various show. Much of the work I leaps from one style to offer such an opportunity. art classes there at night feel 1 have seen before. anotiier, ranging from fluffy -ELENI RIVER

PANDIT SHIV SHARMA Pandit Shiv Sharma is an authority and practitioner Profile by PETER STEINHEUER of traditional Indian medical science of Ayurveda, or the study of psychosomatic diseases. Scientific interest in this fidd evolved in during the 1920s and 30$ m the He's a dirty stinking animal. The biggest scum wake of advances made by psychology, psychoanalysis in Brisbane. That's what he's called anyway. Short and the study of mind-body interactions. bright red hair, a multicoloured face, or maybe just Pandit Shiv Sharma is equilibrium. all white or all Mack, bulging eyes, manic, about to personal physician to the According to Ayurveda, ignite. His name is VZ Rresident of India and was diere is nothing about 19 years old, unemployed, but he works full time a member of the Indian human beings that is ex­ at being what he wants to be. Whataver that is. Tbe Parliament from 1967 to clusively psychic or ex­ two tides at the start of the first paragraph come 1970. clusively somatic; every­ courtesy of the Queensland Police Force. Ayurveda is literally a thing is psychosOTiatic. V2 teas a lot of them, so he saiys. Hs says many very wide term, much wider Pandit Shiv Sharma is plainclothes men know him by name. How many than is required to denote presentiy in Australia as a medical system. The main guest speaker at the Inter­ times a weak would you get puHed up? About 10, objective of Ayurveda (or national Congress on Mind- says V2. They tell him: "We're |oing to get you on tiie "Science of life") is Made Diseases and is being something V2. You just wait" V2 has nothing dse restoraticm and the main­ sponsored by the Helen to do, so he's always at whatever's on. He was tfiera tenance of the metabolic Vale Foundation. in the shop when Rotten Records got done. Last Friday, he was hanging around Roma Street INDIAN FLOOD RELIEF FUND Station with "my roadie" Lee Birmingham when he says two plainclothes police. approadwd him and The India-Austialia Society appeals to all members said they knew the Deranged Ball was on and "you're of staff and students of the Univeisity for then- dona­ going to be arrested toni^t". He was. tions to help the thousands of unfortunate people V2 spent from Friday nite till 2.30 Monday affected by the recent unprecedented floods in the afternoon in Boggo Road jail. He's on parole for North Indian states. If you are forwarding your donation driving a car without a licence and missed a parole by dieque, please draw the cheque in favour of "/nd«w check in. So he spent three days in the Remand Relief Fund" and send it to Dr. M.N. Bhattacharyya, section of HM Prison. He has no complaints about Treasurer, Cj-Department of Economics. his treatment there. But at the watdiouse on Friday For cash donations and further details, ring the nite, he daims hs was bashed by two uniformed and Secretary Dr. Rao ext. 3516. one plainclothes police. V2 does use the word "fuckin" a great deal. He claims that much of his experiences widi police ara because he is known to live with rommunists. It V2 does stand out in a crowd. He was there at the last street march. He is getting together a band called THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. the Hiltons, he hopes. JAGGER: Hillsdon Road When questioned on his pharmaceutical habits, V2 admits he does "take a few pills to make me sing Recent RdlUng Stone interview widi Mick Jagger better." Australia's own V2 was to make his gala resulted in the following gems of knowledge- . public debut at the Deranged Ball, but. Instead he Jagger: Sure I believe in tiie Lord. I believe the eventaully made it at the Curry Shop last Sunday Lord's in gospel music. I learned to preach from week. A star is bom. Catch him if you can. Uttle Richard. I don't preach as much as 1 used to. I just play guitar now, that's all I want to do.. .The Salon Oh bondage, up yours. oidy numbers I preach on now are "Eyes" and FOR COMPLETE PERSONAL.ATTENTION "Beast of Burden". ". . .Punk, punk, punk. We're a punk band, one of the few. Elizabeth FIippo:You're punks and you're staying at the & Fairmont with police esdorts for your limos? C'mon Carol Mick. The Lef tuce Leaf "Shut up, shut up. It's tite attinide that counts." will attend to your hair care problems Doner Kebabs GUNSTON TO TOUR WITH STONES? Prices that students can afford Rumour lately has been saying that the Rolling WE ALSO OFFER We have a full range (if STones may tour Australia with Notman Gunston smoothies quality hair care products fredt fruit and vege juices as their support. wholesome salads It fits with information contained wiUiui the loast pork widi apple sauce same information which disclosed lentil and soyburgers tiiat Jagger was found in a hotel room watching a nutritious casseroles video tape of Gunston interviewing people lined up 28-Hillsdon Road sandwiches, Jaffles, humus outside Elvis' Graceland mansion, waiting to file Taringa thick homemade soups past the earthly remains of the King. Gunston was Ph 3709595 wholemeal goodies for dessert askhig people if they would scream when Mick Jagger came onstage. in ihe SHERWOOD HOUSE ARCADE 'i- dodn't know the Stones would be here," oeiVA 39SHERWOOD RD, TOOWONG was one perplexed answer. Mick found this highly HuicMi rmoucts amusing. He was taking voluminous notes on a legal When you're looking good-itTs Delva pad.

34 "SEMPER September 20,1978. sssipsm msv xsws

entree and dessert dishes. covered that the Scaramouche, Manouche out are still spent at Witches By the way the choice for explanation for its tender­ and La Grand Bouffe and Restaurant in Red Hill, dessert was Homemade ness and taste lay in the it will soon be a strong and at the Centenary Pool icecream and fruit salad fact that the owners obtain rival for these other es­ Restaurant on Gregory Tee. S2, apple crumWe $2.50 diese ducks from a small tablishments. The people who run and brioche at $1.50. farm at the Gap. Overall it basically pro­ these places are great fun, Garlic bread was also At the end of the main vides that littie bit of and their menus are well available at 50c a serve, course it stnick me that I extra elegance and style that priced, imaginative and ex­ and cold drinks at 30c would be in for a real some people are wdling to cellently prepared. a glass. The soup that struggle if 1 ordered a pay good money to obtain. The pork dish one night night was beef and vege­ dessert but I later had no -BRUCE DICKSON at Witches may have con­ table. The vegetables having reason to regret my decision tained more fat than pork been cut into strips before to do so. and the Centenary Pool cooking. All I can say is As I waited for my may not have supplied any­ that it was good enough stomach 'to settie before where near enough vege­ 1978's BEST EATING for the price. eating it, I again took in tables wiUi my roast beef The Moussaka as with a litde more of the and avocado/mint sauce, all of the dishes served trimmings to the piace-the The thou^t recently but taken togedie' they that night had obviously miiTors and paintings on the crossed my mind thaf widi have bodi done wonders been carefully prepared. walls, the old style blue the end of the year fast for Brisbane diners. The vegetables ac­ and white plates, the -BRUCE DICKSON companying the meat dishes candles, and the Jackson approachmg Uie time could were a good measure. Browne music playing well be ripe to summarise die finduigs of my endless PEPPE'S PIZZERIA: Neither over or gendy in the background. Had a chance to revisit undercooked, they managed But then I finally tried quest for the "holy meal". MANO RESTAURANT: Peppe's recently and found to retain a healthy looking the Brioche. What a pick­ In strictly food terms, tiiat a new improved model 14 CoUingwood Street, Paddington (36 4809), texture and colouring. (Care up it tumed out to be. Feroza at Paddington is jukebox had been installed BYO, Corkage 40c per person, open every night had obviously been taken The lowest price and the still my pick for cuiries, and was still giving 3 plays 6.30pm until late and 12 noon untfl 2pm in the way the food was best taste! Leon Restaurant for Asian for 20 cents! Monday to Friday. visually presented). Essentially it was a cake food, and Lucky's for Actually I tried out some The zucchini's had a mixture of wholemeal flour, Italian. of the pasta dishes and 1 can delicate garlic taste to them, raw sugar, vanilla and mixed genuinely recommend It was one of those occasions when I wished the the carrots had been cooked fruit and nuts, served with Peppe's lasagne as one of However for all round Semper copy deadline wasn't so god-damned close. in nutmeg and honey, the lots of whipped cream and a tiie best in town. TTie pizzas good times, my There was no way I could avoid reviewing a potato arrived in thin crisp lone cherry (all Sl.SO). best night also are as good as ever too. restaurant that ni^f, but I didn't particularly fed like baked slices, and there was A good end to a good meal. eatmg. also some sauerkraut and a To summarise my garden fresh piece of un­ findings, personally I can Naturally witii my bad luck I had also managed to SEMPER STAFF VoL 48, Nos. 14 & 15 cooked cabbage just for only afford to eat in a stumble across a new place which would serve up an contrast. restaurant (lying within this excellent meal and in sizeable quantities too. . .Life slightiy higher price EOrrORIAL BOARD: Bruce Dickson, sure can betou^. However tuming to what was the special dish bracket) every so often. Jamie CoUins, Marie Blanch, Sally-Ann Mano has joined the ^esh mushrooms in sauce of thc night I must pass But for the variety and Tennent, Rfob Cameron. new restaurant belt which ($3.20), and vol-au-vent comment on the roast duck. extra seivice you receive, TYPESETTER: Marie Blanclu seems to start at Petrie which was puffed pastry I'm normally wary of duck it represents good value, Tee and Caxton Street.and some of the dishes wiU BUSINESS MANAGER: Rob Cameron. fdled with rich seafood because in many restaurants AbDKBSS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: extend all the way along mornay at 52.75. placing an order for it obviously be better value the main road to Bardon tiian others (e.g. the meat c/- Univenity of Qld l/aion. St. Lucia, The main courses ranged can lead to disappointment Qld. 4067. (371 Iill A,H. 371 182l]t shopping centre. from Moussaka ($4.50), to (yet a large bill). in die curries is nothing to rave about altiiou^ the It is a pleansant little cuny prepared with The Mano roast duck LAYOUT: Jamie Collins, Bruce Dkkson, sauce is okay) however I restaurant and the service coconut milk and served in had been partly boned, Sally Tennent, Rob Cameron. found that for this type of is friendly, prompt and half a pineapple $5.20, basted in Chinese style sauce COVERS AND GRAPHICS: Matt Mawson, restaurant the size of tiie attentive. (Did I say "littie" Hungarian Goulash S5.30, and served witii stuffed PRINTER: SuafhiiK Co«t Newpaper actual helpings is more than restaurant? It actually scats rib fdlet steak $5.75, roast apricots on top, and in a Cbmpny, Acredrorae Road, Maroochy­ adequate (unlike the Cen­ close to 40 people but has duck $7.20 and a pork word, it was excellent dore. tenary Pool for instance). a deceptively intunate at­ dish which comprised a The bird itself was a very The contents of Semper are copyright Mano has set out to mosphere because of its pork chop split open and fleshy one and it arrived -Original materlat may bs reprinted as sbrike the middle ground long as It Is placed In its correct conteKt, It Is design). stuffed witii cheese, ham topped witii tiun slices of not being published for prnflt.and the source Is between the cheapo res­ I suppose you could caU and prunes and then served ham, apricots and blanched fully acknowledged. taurant and the ritz type it French (?) styling, the with apple sauce (S6.20). almonds. restaurant. interior had stained glass We decided to try the Again it had been cooked windows, provincial style top and bottom price main to just the right extent (it It shares this middle curtains, floral design table couises and the cheapest wasn't dry) and I later dis­ ground with places such as mats (with the Mano name stitched on them) and matching floral seat cushions [n addition there was a tiled floor, plastered ceiling, a rarved wood crockery cabinet, plus lanterns and li^t fixtures made out of stained glass and lace. If it sounds a strange mixture, believe me,in its own bizarre fashion it actually works. There is an obvious effort showing in every­ thing the restaurant does but even so a relaxed en­ vironment is the maia out­ come. If you take along some wine, an ice bucket is quickly provided-in fact there is a huge tub in the back room which can hold dozens at a time. After you have placed your order you have just enough time to take in the small landscaped area Getthoseentriesfaiinill out the Inck steps, as well as the vases full of fresh flowers and fems on each SEMPER / UNI. of QLD UNION WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP table and up tiiere on the BEER DRINKING COMPETITION wall next to the doUs, a small but amazingly butter­ fly collection. . ."papilo The Wodd Cbaraplonsfiip Beer Drinking Competidon consumed by each competitor stands at 7.9 seconds. Ulysses", "graphuim is to be held at Ipm on Wednesday October 4 in the Ihe prize for anyone beating this record, donated by the eurous". . .(I read the Forum area of the Univeisity of Queensland. Union Calculator Shop, is a stereo set or colour TV to labels). Competitors must submit their names in writing to the the value of S500. But then tiie food it­ Semper ofHce by Spm on Monday October 2, roustb e The fastest time is vrordi 5 dozen bottles of beer and self I First a rundown on over 18 and must have proof that tiiey are cuirently die runner up will receive 2 doten botties. die menu-soup at SI.50, enrolled in a 1978 course at die University. The judges decbion will be final. entirees of pate at $2,20, Ihe record for tiie 52 ounces (2 botdes worth) to be _ No Semper staff may enter die competition. wholemeal crepes filled witii

SEMPER September 20,1978 35 Between 1900 and 1969, more than 750,000 "Our govemment is persons died in the United tUtHAtm concerned about the States of non-military gun­ decUne of certain free­ shot wounds inside or doms." outside the home, (the death rate now is higher "Nobody gets into. tiiaa 50 people per day). j-ji^\trouble for arguing widt More than one and a 'lathis government or any half million Americans •—^ other govemment." have also been killed by One faitiiful Semper die automobUe since its CHARLES PORTER leader was sitting in a introduction into that Liberal Mem fier for large Brisbane Ford car country. Toowong, (speaking dealers office and over­ at Univenity of .Old heard a conveisation bet­ POW BRAINWASHING for this, were that their on the March ben. ween two Ford salesmen. A bright orange light 6/9/78). FOUND TO BE diet was healthier (rice ANOTHER ROCKARENA seen high over Closebum One was explaining to HEALTHY as opposed to cocay the North VieUiamese You may recall that die festival will tour all before burning out. and interned in prisons even after the war when States. Likely artists are These balloons can be for the dutation of the some American POWs said Peter Frampton, Littie bought in West Germany POUCE PREJUDICE & war, are now in vastiy they were treated very Feat, The Kmks, Sberbert for about $15. PETERNALISM superior physical shape well—these obviously and Cold Chisel. Spectacular! to all thek fellow com­ demaged statements were You're not going to As if to confhin in batants who continued pnt down to severe bram- HOGES STROPPY believe tiiis, but it's 95% their own words, the pre- fitting. wasfaing by the Army and certahi that in iate vaduig police prejudke Explanations forwarded Washington Officials. October or early against aborigioes, an November 4ZZZ"will put article in the January on st the Queens Hotel 1978 Issue of the Aust- in Creek Street two per­ talian Police Journal (en­ formers who will provide titled "Hie Police and the die pnb/rock night of die Reserve Abwigines")' decade. states- CAUFORNIA COVER- PIERCING INDICTMENT The two performers are "It has generally been Elvis Costdlo and Ian AGE OF QLD OF POLICE found that the Abnigine Dury on the same bQl. GENDARMES is a normal human being Bodi will be doing capable of emotions and During die August 21 Australia wide tours. If receptive to outside hi- anti-Budget demonstration they do come to Brisbane Ouences the same as the in King George Square/ Recent combhied came up with the idea. you can thank 4ZZZ. European person." Addaide St, 4ZZZ jour­ protest rally (over budget, Also in large Ixdd type nalist Barry Weston had his dvil liberties, Aurukun, at the top of the page was microiAone ripped off its women's ri^ts) in Khig a certain four letter word cord by a large and vicious George Square saw a starting with F and ending I^aio clothes policeman. certain inspector Hog.ui of With K, wfajdnriienutteted This occuned after Weston die Special Brandi by protesters at an earlier A Semper reader wrote asked die cop a question receiving a taste of his rally hsd led to their fan- to us: "Tliou^t you (on tape for air play) after own medicine. mediate arrest. might be interested to a particularly t«utal arrest Being fredy handed out know that the Women's Weston complained to the hi front of him were AJA and to the police, Semper understands march (on Intematiotial giant posters which the latter beii^ most that Les Hogan has been Women's Day) made the featured a blown tip pbotoj anxious to have tiie micro-, Kceivbg quite a few caOs television news in Califor­ of the ssme Les Hogan. phone ffared up before any fiom memben of (he nia. Had a letter from my In one comer of the poster pnUie since the release of motherin-law expressing publicity could erupt. Itiis was d