The California Tech Volume CXX number 4 Pasadena, California
[email protected] oCtober 17, 2016 A Trumpian mess - a review of the second debate RAMYA DESHPANDE As Morgan Kousser, Professor Page Editor of History and Social Science here at Caltech, puts it, “I was “Because you’d be in jail,” beginning to wonder if I’d just smirked the same man who once romanticized previous campaigns; proclaimed his endless wit in misremembered what had gone avoiding taxes, as he interrupted on, when I happened upon a presidential candidate with 30 rebroadcasts of previous debates years in public service. on CSPAN. But in fact, every “I am very embarrassed by it presidential debate before this year and I hate it, but it’s locker room was much better. Richard Nixon talk and it’s one of those things,” and Jack Kennedy were so much he said, attempting to explain away better prepared than Trump is, sexual assault. and they discussed the particulars “I have great respect for women. of each other’s programs and their Nobody has more respect for own with considerable precision. women than I do”, he continued, Even Reagan was infinitely more standing next to a woman who has serious and, I thought that I’d devoted her career to equal pay, never say this, more acute about reproductive rights and family policy than Donald Trump is”. leave. Let me paint the picture: the It’s difficult to digest the reality. Trump campaign’s guests included This was the second presidential three women who have accused debate for the highest office of the President Bill Clinton of sexual United States and it showed us assault - a base attempt to attack how horrifically unfit a particular a female candidate through her candidate is for the presidency.