The Adult EP85.Ad937.897a Finding aid prepared by Ellen Williams.

Last updated on November 27, 2019.

University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

2012 The Adult

Table of Contents

Summary Information...... 4 Biography/History...... 5 Scope and Contents...... 7 Administrative Information...... 8 Controlled Access Headings...... 8 Bibliography...... 9 Collection Inventory...... 10 June, 1897: A Journal for the Advancement of Freedom in Sexual Relationships...... 10 September, 1897: A Crusade Against Sex-Enslavement...... 11 October, 1897: A Journal for the Free Discussion of Tabooed Topics...... 12 November, 1897: The Journal of Sex...... 13 December, 1897: The Journal of Sex...... 15 January, 1898: The New Year's Illustrated Double Number...... 16 Feburary, 1898: The Journal of Sex...... 19 March, 1898: The Journal of Sex...... 21 April, 1898: The Journal of Sex...... 24 May, 1898: The Journal of Sex...... 26 July, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor...... 28 August, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!...... 30 September, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!...... 32 October, 1898: An Unconventional Journal, Edited by Henry Seymour...... 35 November, 1898: An Unconventional Journal, Edited by Henry Seymour...... 36 December, 1898: An Unconventional Journal...... 38 January, 1899: An Unconventional Journal...... 40

- Page 2 - The Adult February, 1899: An Unconventional Journal...... 42

March, 1899: An Unconventional Journal...... 43

- Page 3 - The Adult

Summary Information

Repository University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

Creator Bedborough, George

Title The Adult

Call number EP85.Ad937.897a

Date [inclusive] 1897-1899

Extent 20 items

Language English

Abstract The Adult was begun in June, 1897 as the “organ of the Legitimation League,” a London organization that promoted free unions (cohabitation outside legal marriage) and . The journal ran for twenty monthly issues, surviving a prosecution for obscenity and undergoing a significant change of editorship in the wake of that scandal. Its purpose was to create a forum for discourse on “tabooed topics:” its editor, the Legitimation League’s Honorable Secretary George Bedborough, wrote in the first issue that the journal’s pages would “be open for the discussion of important phases of sex questions which are almost universally ignored elsewhere.” The Rare Book and Manuscript Library holds a full run of the journal.

Cite as:

The Adult, 1897-1899, EP85.Ad937.897a, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania

- Page 4 - The Adult


The Adult began in June, 1897 as the “organ of the Legitimation League,” a London organization initially dedicated to securing the legal rights of illegitimate children. The Adult ran for twenty monthly issues, surviving a prosecution for obscenity and undergoing a significant change of editorship in the wake of that scandal. Its editor, the Legitimation League’s Honorable Secretary George Bedborough, wrote in the first issue that the journal’s pages would “be open for the discussion of important phases of sex questions which are almost universally ignored elsewhere.” The Legitimation League was founded in 1893 by Oswald Dawson to advocate for and legally register illegitimate children, who were often unrecognized by their families and had few legal rights. As a legal campaign, the League was closely tied to the larger Personal Rights movement and was easily backed by the late Victorian era’s steadily growing Secularist establishment. Under Dawson’s influence, the League voted in 1895 to expand its agenda to include the promotion of free unions—cohabitation without marriage—and by 1897 it was openly advocating for free love. While free unions and free love were clearly antithetical to conventional Victorian morality, they were also, perhaps less obviously, outside the scope of common Secularist morality. Many freethinkers considered the League’s new positions extreme and rescinded their support of the organization (Royle 253). The Adult was created in 1897 to serve the Legitimation League’s updated agenda. The first issue of the journal carried the subtitle “A Journal for the Advancement of Freedom in Sexual Relationships;” the second, “A Crusade Against Sex-Enslavement;” and the third, “A Journal for the Free Discussion of Tabooed Topics.” Starting with the fourth issue, the journal’s regular subtitle became “The Journal of Sex.” The shifting subtitles reflect both the kinds of topics covered by the publication and the nature of its content. The journal, and the Legitimation League in general, did indeed promote freedom in sexual relationships and crusade against what they perceived as the sexual enslavement of men and women according to the strict moral codes of the late Victorian period, especially the code attached to marriage. In the eyes of the League's members, the strict control of marriage by the Church and the gender roles assigned to each sex in Victorian marriages kept both men and women from realizing their full potential as human beings and members of society. It also resulted in unhappy families: when parents were unhappily married, their children were also likely to be miserable. From the beginning, the journal was a forum for the discussion of topics related to sex. The Adult covered subjects ranging from the benefits of legalizing prostitution to the relationship between music, religion and sex. Controversial articles were often answered in subsequent issues by letters to the editor or counter-articles: for example, Victor Martell’s article about the Contagious Diseases Acts in the first issue was answered from a woman’s perspective in the following issue by E. Wardlaw Best. The overall project of The Adult was to give legitimacy to a radical way of thinking about sex: though its varied contributors rarely held a single opinion regarding any issue discussed in its pages, each author sought to demonstrate that his position was moral, logical, and supported by scientific evidence. Producing a journal also allowed the Legitimation League to position itself as part of Britain's larger reformist community, which was busy producing circulating literature: between 1890 and 1910, more than 800 labour and socialist papers were founded there.

- Page 5 - The Adult About a year into Bedborough’s editorship of The Adult, an undercover detective named John Sweeney entered Bedborough’s office to buy a copy of Dr. ’s Sexual Inversion. Ellis’s book, the first in his six-volume series The Psychology of Sex, was the first scientific study of homosexuality printed in English. Bedborough was subsequently arrested for selling what the police considered obscene material. He was prosecuted on eleven charges: one for selling Sexual Inversion, another for selling Orford Northcote’s pamphlet “The Outcome of Legitimation,” and nine related to material published in The Adult (Humpherys 69). Members of the Legitimation League and their friends quickly formed the Free Press Defence Committee to advocate for Bedborough. The Committee “rallied all sorts of radicals, socialists, freethinkers and progressive intellectuals [including G.B. Shaw and Grant Allen], and united the generations in protest” (Royle 277). Much to their chagrin, Bedborough pleaded guilty to the first two charges and one relating to The Adult (essentially admitting guilt for the other eight), and was released on the condition that he would have nothing more to do with the League or The Adult. He wrote in its pages: “I adhere to my resolution not to excuse myself. I am a coward… I thank Henry Seymour, Mr. Foote, and others with all my heart and soul for their work, which I have requited illy indeed” (December 1898, pp. 331). Havelock Ellis thought that Bedborough had been targeted as a threat to him and his work, but Ellis was never prosecuted, nor were his publishers. Bedborough's prosecution was instead aimed at the Legitimation League. Before he was arrested, an investigation into The Adult by the Public Prosecutor had found that the content of the magazine was “within the law” and that “there was never any suggestion of indecorous behavior at League meetings.” Even so, police worried that the success of The Adult and the Legitimation League gave “support and meeting venues for political groups more active and dangerous” and so targeted Bedborough (Humpherys 70). Upon Bedborough’s incarceration, Henry Seymour, editor of the journal The Anarchist, took control of The Adult. During Bedborough’s prosecution, the journal became a source for news about the trial and a vehicle for the Free Press Defence Commission, and Seymour emblazoned the cover with the headline “Prosecuted for Obscenity!!” in bold type. After Bedborough pleaded guilty, The Adult published his apology to the League, and his former supporters lamented his lack of courage in its pages (December 1898). After the ordeal was over, Seymour, who was a “free thinker, anarchist and socialist” but not the advocate of sexual freedom that Bedborough was, softened the content of the journal (Royle 254). He changed The Adult’s subtitle to the less controversial “An Unconventional Journal” and filled the issues with “inoffensive” articles and his own fiction (Humpherys 70). He even went so far as to say in the January 1899 issue that the journal had once been “nominally” connected to the Legitimation League but that it had “no connection under the present editorship” (24). The journal only lasted nine months under Seymour’s editorship. In Ann Humphery’s words," The Adult floundered for want of a clear and separate identity but mainly lack of funds” (Seymour repeatedly requested financial help from readers in the final issues). Without the Legitimation League and without Bedborough, The Adult served little purpose and received little support. Though the front cover of the journal proudly announced its prosecution for obscenity during Bedborough's trial, no headline announced The Adult’s end. The final issue includes no elegy, nor even an announcement that the current issue is the last.

- Page 6 - The Adult

Scope and Contents

The Adult ran for twenty monthly issues: the first appeared in June 1897 and publication became monthly that September. The library holds a complete run of the journal. The Adult’s purpose was to freely discuss “tabooed topics,” mostly related to “sex questions.” The Legitimation League, the organization which founded the journal, promoted free unions (cohabitation outside legal marriage) and free love. In The Adult, freethinkers discussed the codes of morality and behavior related to sex and marriage that went largely undiscussed in Victorian society and made arguments for the morality of freethinking about sexual relationships. Editor George Bedborough published a range of opinions on varied topics in the journal, from Orford Northcote’s semi-scientific articles about sexual practices to a discussion of the differing effects of sexual liberation on men and women to reviews of the London theatre. The Adult's content mostly consisted of short articles and letters written to the journal. Bedborough opened each issue with an editorial, usually introducing its contents. Bedborough mainly relied on a regular group of authors, including Orford Northcote, Victor Martell, William Platt, and “Sagittarius,” to contribute the material for the journal. Articles were never illustrated, though Bedborough occasionally published portraits of important members of the Legitimation League. Most issues had a small number of advertisements, either in the front cover, back cover, or both: advertisements were mostly for publications of likely interest to readers, but Bedborough also published a small number of personal advertisements for those interested in the kind of unions promoted by the Legitimation League. For example, from the October 1897 issue: “A middle aged gentleman wishes to correspond with a lady aged 25 to 30 with a view to a permanent union on Ruedebusch’s principles.” Until Bedborough’s trial, many issues of The Adult updated readers on the Legitimation League’s activity, including a full issue reporting the proceedings of the Legitimation League’s annual meeting (January 1898). As discussed in the Historical Note above, Bedborough promoted a discursive atmosphere in The Adult’s pages, often publishing replies or counter-articles to pieces that had previously appeared in the journal. He also published the opinion of multiple authors on a single topic as multi-issue series, as in the case of “The Question of Children: A Symposium” (a discussion of what should happen to children who are the product of the free love advocated in The Adult). The series began in July, 1898 with an article by R.B. Kerr and another by Henry Seymour (who would go on to edit The Adult), and continued with an article from a different author in almost every issue until that November. After George Bedborough was prosecuted, Henry Seymour became The Adult’s editor. Seymour retained the look of the journal but shifted its content. Rather than writing an editorial article at the front of the journal as Bedborough had, Seymour included several pages of editorial “Memoranda:” short, unrelated paragraphs on current events, the contents of other magazines, and various social and political topics he considered pertinent to readers. Seymour continued to publish articles related to “sex questions,” such as Abdullah Quilliam’s two-part article “Polygamy Considered from a Muslim Standpoint,” but also included poetry and serialized fiction (his own). Seymour filled out The Adult’s pages with anecdotes, jokes, quotations, and short news items; these are not listed individually in the finding aid. An example from the September 1898 issue: “‘Darling,’ he cried, in tender tones, ‘I never loved but thee!’ ‘Then we

- Page 7 - The Adult must part,’ the maid replied; ‘no amateurs for me!’” The Adult continued to advertise for publications of interest to its readers (including Seymour’s own work), as well as services they might use: Sophie Lepper, “Unitist Free Lover” regularly advertised her services under Seymour’s editorship. Unlike Bedborough, however, Seymour refused to publish personal ads.

Administrative Information

University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

2012 Finding aid prepared by Ellen Williams.

Sponsor The processing of this collection was made possible through generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources' "Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives" Project.

Access Restrictions This collection is open for research use.

Use Restrictions Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

• The Legitimation League (London, ).

- Page 8 - The Adult


• Periodicals

Personal Name(s)

• Dawson, Oswald • Ellis, (Henry) Havelock, 1859-1939 • Seymour, Henry Albert, 1861-1938


• Sex-oriented periodicals • Sexual freedom


Humpherys, Anne. "The Journal that Did: Form and content in The Adult (1897-1899)." Media History 9.1 (2003): 63-78. Royle, Edward. Radicals, Secularists and Republicans: Popular in Britain, 1866-1915. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1980. Weeks, J. “Ellis, (Henry) Havelock (1859–1939).” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004. Online ed. Ed. Lawrence Goldman. May 2006.

- Page 9 - The Adult June, 1897: A Journal for the Advancement of Freedom in Sexual Relationshi...

Collection Inventory

June, 1897: A Journal for the Advancement of Freedom in Sexual Relationships.

Volume-Issue Page

Important Notice: The Next Public Meeting of the Legitimation League will I-I front cover be held... Thursday, May 27th, 1987... Mr. Leighton Pagan will deliver a lecture entitled "The Judgment of --New Style".

The Legitimation League: Officers, Constitution. I-1 inside front cover

Editorial. I-I 1-2

What the Legitimation League Means. By George Bedborough, Hon. Sec. I-I 2-5

To the "Obscure Judes" and Distracted "Sues." By Leighton Pagan. I-I 6

Facing the Enemy. By Oswald Dawson. I-I 7-8

Some Sex Problems Considered. By Orford Northcote. I-I 8-11

The New President of the Legitimation League. Letter from Lillian I-I 11 Harman.

The Garden of Love. Poem by William Blake. I-I 12

The Health of British Troops in India. By Victor Martell. I-I 11-15

An Apology for the Legitimation League. By B.C. Pulleyne, Solicitor to the I-I 15-16 League.

- Page 10 - The Adult September, 1897: A Crusade Against Sex-Enslavement

Advertisements. I-2 back cover

Forthcoming Books: "The Outcome of Legitimation." Edited by Oswald Dawson.

Legitimation League Publications: The Rights of Natural Children, contains the Inaugural Proceedings of the Legitimation League, with portraits of Mr. Donisthorpe, and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, &c.; The Bar Sinister and Licit Love, contains portraits of Lillian Harman, Edith Lanchester, &c.; Love and Law: An Essay on Marriage, by Wordsworth Donisthorpe; Personal Rights and Sexual Wrongs, by Oswald Dawson.

The Old Ideal and the New, a solution of that part of the Social Question which pertains to Love, Marriage, and Sexual Intercourse. By Emil F. Ruedebusch.

Love's Coming of Age. By .

Slaves to Duty. By John Badcock, Junr.

September, 1897: A Crusade Against Sex-Enslavement.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial. By George Bedborough. I-2 18

Our Letter-Box. I-2 18-19

Go to the Butterfly, Thou Slave. By John Badcock, Jun. I-2 19-20

The Mutability of Sex-Love. By Orford Northcote. I-2 20-25

Sexual Freedom in Relation to Women and Economics. By Sagittarius. I-2 25-30

Our Troops in India. [A Reply]. By E. Wardlaw Best. I-2 30-32

- Page 11 - The Adult October, 1897: A Journal for the Free Discussion of Tabooed Topics

Publications. I-2 32

All readers of The Adult should subscribe regularly for "Lucifer" and "Our New Humanity".

What the Young Need to Know: A Primer of Sexual Rationalism, by E.C. Walker.

The Cosmos Library, 194, Rue de Rivoli, and 2, Rue St. Roch, Paris. Books, rare and curious, dealing with subjects not available at English booksellers.

October, 1897: A Journal for the Free Discussion of Tabooed Topics.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial. By George Bedborough. I-3 34

Prostitution. By Orford Northcote. I-3 34-38

Two Haymarket Plays [The Silver Key, A Marriage of Convenience]. By I-3 38-40 Victor Martell.

Free Thought and Free Love. By Lucy Stewart. I-3 40-44

Sexual Freedom and the Alleged "Mutability of Sex-Love." By Sagittarius. I-3 44-47

Answers to Correspondents: A. Villette, Murray (York), A Legitimation I-3 47 Leaguer from the First, May White, J.M.L., Arthur K.

Exchanges; Received: New Era (Lakebay), Truth Seeker (Bradford), I-3 48 Reformer, Altruist, Firebrand, Freedom, Liberty, Age of Thought.

Advertisements. I-3 48

Lucifer: A Weekly Journal of Sexual Rationalism. Edited by M. Harman, Chicago.

- Page 12 - The Adult November, 1897: The Journal of Sex

What the Young Need to Know, by C.E. Walker.

The Cosmos Library, 2, Rue St. Roch, Paris. Books, rare and curious, not obtainable from ordinary English booksellers. Publishers of "Untrodden Fields of Anthropology" and other rare works.

Legitimation League Publications: The Rights of Natural Children, with portraits of Mr. Donisthorpe, and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson; The Bar Sinister and Licit Love, contains portraits of Lillian Harman, Edith Lanchester, &c.; Love and Law: An Essay on Marriage, by Wordsworth Donisthorpe; Personal Rights and Sexual Wrongs, by Oswald Dawson.

Three personal ads.

Read Henry Seymour's "Reply to Marx's Theory of Surplus Value".

November, 1897: The Journal of Sex.

Volume-Issue Page

The Legitimation League: Objects, Membership, Announcements. I-4 inside front cover

Editorial. By George Bedborough. I-4 49-50

Sex Love and Mutability: A Rejoinder. By Orford Northcote. I-4 50-52

The Last Citadel of Authority. By Robert Braithwaite, Barrister-at-Law. I-4 52-55

Spiritual Law. By William Platt. I-4 55-57

Wanted: A New Dictionary. By Ess Tee. I-4 57-58

- Page 13 - The Adult November, 1897: The Journal of Sex

The Judgment of Paris, Up to Date. A Lecture given by Mr. Leighton I-4 59-72 Pagan before the Legitimation League on 27th May, 1987, at the Holborn Restaurant, London.

Answers to Correspondents: Justitia (Brighton), J.M. (Glasgow), Lucy I-4 inside Stewart, Exchanges, Received. back cover General note

Replies to Justitia (Brighton), J.M. (Glasgow), and Lucy Stewart.

Publications. I-4 back cover

Lucifer: A Weekly Journal of Sexual Rationalism. Edited by M. Harman, Chicago.

Legitimation League Publications: The Rights of Natural Children, with portraits of Mr. Donisthorpe, and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson; The Bar Sinister and Licit Love, contains portraits of Lillian Harman, Edith Lanchester; When Love is Liberty and Nature Law, by John Badcock, Junr.; Personal Rights and Sexual Wrongs, by Oswald Dawson.

Romantic Love and Personal Beauty. A complete encyclopœdia of the subject, by Henry T. Finck.

The Labor Annual. A year book of Social Economic and Political Reform.

The Red Heart in a White World, by J.W. Lloyd.

Read Henry Seymour's "The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus Value".

Six personal ads. I-4 back cover

- Page 14 - The Adult December, 1897: The Journal of Sex

December, 1897: The Journal of Sex.

Volume-Issue Page

Books and Booklets. Reviews. I-5 inside front cover

Isabel's Intention, by Mariette.

If I Were God: A Conversation, by Richard Le Gallienne.

Book of Chains.

Editorial. By George Bedborough. I-5 73-75

Dress in its Relationship to Sex. By Orford Northcote. I-5 75-80

"The Liars"; Or, Marriage at the Criterion Theatre. By Sagittarius. I-5 80-87

Self Reverence, Self Knowledge, Self Control. By Robert Braithwaite. I-5 88-90

The Poetry of the Passions. By Henry Seymour. I-5 90-92

Answers to Correspondents: A.W. Thornhill, J.H. (Croydon), J.M. I-5 92 (Glasgow), W. Kelly (Roscommon), A. Knight.

An Appeal to Glasgow Friends. By William Gilmour, Hon. Corresponding I-5 93 Secretary for Scotland, Legitimation League.

Important Notice. I-5 93

Publications. I-5 94

Lucifer--The Light Bearer: The Pioneer Organ of Sex Reformers, Published Weekly in Chicago.

- Page 15 - The Adult January, 1898: The New Year's Illustrated Double Number

Legitimation League Publications: The Rights of Natural Children; The Bar Sinister and Licit Love; When Love is Liberty and Nature Law, by John Badcock, Jr.; Personal Rights and Sexual Wrongs, by Oswald Dawson.

Four personal ads. I-5 94

January, 1898: The New Year's Illustrated Double Number.

Volume-Issue Page

Two Editorials (with a Special Notice). I. By George Bedborough. II. By I-6 95-96 Oswald Dawson.

Chapter I: The Annual Meeting and Dinner. Reported by Mr. D. Oliver. I-6 98-124

Chapter II: Friction!. I-6 124-126

Portrait of Lillian Harman. I-6 between 124 and 125

Chapter III: Eighteenpence or Half-A-Crown?. I-6 126-127

Chapter IV: The Play's the Thing: Being the Diary of a London Playgoer, I-6 127-133 1896-1897. By Victor Martell.

Portraits of Louie Bedborough and George Bedborough. I-6 between 132 and 133

Chapter V: Some Letters, The Constitution, and a Speech. Speech by I-6 133-137 Captain Robert C. Adams.

- Page 16 - The Adult January, 1898: The New Year's Illustrated Double Number

Chapter VI: The Judgment of Paris. I-6 137-138

Chapter VII: Which Sex Suffers Most? (Communicated.). I-6 138-139

Chapter VIII: The Physiology of Love (Communicated.). I-6 139-140

Chapter IX: Sexual Education (Communicated.). I-6 141-142

Chapter X: Spiritual Love (Communicated.). I-6 142-143

Chapter XI: Miss De Cleyre on the League, and the Woman Question. I-6 143-145

Chapter XII: The New Idealism. I-6 145-147

Chapter XIII: An Autonomistic Marriage. I-6 147-148

Chapter XIV: Marriages Made in Russia. I-6 148-149

Chapter XV: Cast Off the Shell! By Lillian Harman. I-6 149-150

Chapter XVI: The Firebrand in the Flames. By Lillian Harman. I-6 151-152

Chapter XVII: The New Martyrdom. By Lillian Harman. I-6 152-156

Chapter XVIII: Letters and Reviews. I-6 156-162

Chapter XIX: Free Love and Lesbian Love. I-6 162-164

Chapter XX: Powder Magazines and Lighted Lucifers. I-6 164-170

Why I Oppose Marriage. By Moses Harman. I-6 170-172

Chapter XXI: Personal Rights and Sexual Wrongs. By Moses Harman. I-6 172-175

Copy of Telegram from the Printers. I-6 175

- Page 17 - The Adult June, 1898: The Journal of Sex [Missing covers]

Advertisements. I-6 back cover

The Outcome of Legitimation, A Lecture by Oswald Dawson.

The Bar Sinister and Licit Love: The First Biennial Proceedings of the Legitimation League.

The Rights of Natural Children: The Inaugural Proceedings of the Legitimation League.

Personal Rights and Sexual Wrongs, by Oswald Dawson.

The Adult, 16 John St, Bedford Row, London.

Lucifer, 1394 West Congress Street, Chicago.

June, 1898: The Journal of Sex [Missing covers].

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial Notes. By George Bedborough. II-5 125-127

The Sexual Enslavement of Men. By M. Florence Johnson. II-5 127-131

A Note on Nordau. By Orford Northcote. II-5 131-133

A Woman's Tragedy. By M.R. II-5 133-138

Controversial Correspondence: The Eagle and the Serpent. By Leighton II-5 138-139 Pagan.

"The Monogamic Ideal" and "The Ideal Man". By Edwin C. Walker. II-5 139-141

Heloise, Part II. By Berta C.E. Buss. II-5 141-142

A Note on Woman's Love. By W.M.G. II-5 143-148

- Page 18 - The Adult Feburary, 1898: The Journal of Sex

Monogamy and Variety. By William Platt. II-5 148-150

"How Can Free Lovers Be Happy Though Married?" By (Rev.) Sidney II-5 151-152 Holmes.

The Legitimation League. II-5 152-155

"The presidential address delivered at the afternoon meeting is now in the II-5 155 press...".

Advertisements. II-5 back page

Some Problems of Social Freedom, by Lillian Harman.

Edward Baker, 14 and 16, John Bright Street, Birmingham [Various Titles].

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover.

To "The Girls Who Do." Vacancy in Shorthand-Writer's Office for Pupil. Thorough training for business or press. Write for particulars to Manager, Reporting and Typewriting Office, 2, Princeton Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. The Editor of the Adult can answer bona fides.

The Eagle and the Serpent: Proves that in Social Science Altruism is Damnation and Egoism is Salvation.

Feburary, 1898: The Journal of Sex.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial. By George Bedborough. II-1 1-4

Music, Religion, and Sex, Part I. By Orford Northcote. II-1 4-8

Malthus. By Lady Cook, neé Tennessee Claflin. II-1 8-12

- Page 19 - The Adult Feburary, 1898: The Journal of Sex

"Love's Coming of Age." By Sagittarius. II-1 12-16

The Sex Philosophy of Exeter Hall. By W.F. Dunton. II-1 16-17

The Divine Woman. By William Platt. II-1 18

Two Gifts. By Edward Carpenter. II-1 18

Wonderland: A Woman's Answer. Poem by Amy C. Morant. II-1 19

The Home and the Family. By Robert Braithwaite. II-1 19-21

Correspondence: Mr. Northcote and His Critics. By Orford Northcote. II-1 21-22

Does William Platt Understand Love? By Daylight. II-1 23

Further Criticism of William Platt. By Ess Tee. II-1 23-24

William Platt and "The Adult"--To the Editor. By William Platt. II-1 24-25

Extract from Chapter XIX of the Adult for January: "Free Love and II-1 25-26 Lesbian Love". By William Platt.

"Fellis." By William Platt. II-1 26-27

Some New Books. Reviews by George Bedborough. II-1 27-28

Studies in Frankness, by Charles Whibley.

The Secret Cabinet of History, by Doctor Cabanés.

For Love and Money, by Leighton Pagan.

- Page 20 - The Adult March, 1898: The Journal of Sex

Advertisements. II-1 covers

Lucifer--The Light Bearer: The Pioneer Organ of Sex Reform. Editor: Moses Harman. Sub-Editor: Lillian Harman.

The Adult--The Journal of Sex. Special Offer to Subscribers.

[Various Titles], The Legitimation League, 16, John Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C.

The Works of William Platt.

The Legitimation League: The next Public Meeting will be held at 8 p.m., in the French Room, St. James's Hall...

Preliminary Notice of Annual Meeting.

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover, Adviser on Sex Matters.

Four personal ads.

For Sale: Le Musée Royal de Naples du Cabinet Secret, 60 fine steel plates, 3 Guis.; Le Culte de Priape, suivi d'un essai sur le culte des pouvoirs générateurs, by R.P. Knight, 40 plates, 2 Guis. --No. 91, Adult Office.

For Love and Money: Two Essays by Leighton Pagan.

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology, New and Considerably Enlarged English Edition.

March, 1898: The Journal of Sex.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial. By George Bedborough. II-2 29-31

- Page 21 - The Adult March, 1898: The Journal of Sex

A Note on "The Woman Who Did." By Grant Allen. II-2 32

"Eve and her Eden." By Lillian Harman. II-2 32-35

Sexual Topics. By R.A. Gordon, M.D. II-2 35-40

Music, Religion, and Sex, Part II. By Orford Northcote. II-2 40-46

The Moloch of the Monogamic Ideal. By Edwin C. Walker. II-2 46-50

"How to Be Happy Though Married." Reported by Oswald Dawson. II-2 50-52

Controversial Correspondence. II-2 52-55

George Eliot's Inconsistency, by William Platt.

The Conversion of Orford Northcote, by William Platt.

The Disillusionment of William Platt, by Orford Northcote.

Dress and Sex--A Reply to Orford Northcote, by Grace Maurice.

"A Pathetic Case" [To the Editor]. By "Another Woman". II-2 56

Books Received. II-2 56-58

The Physiology of Love, by Henry Seymour.

Man's Faith: The Creed of an Artist, by Ilex Illuminati.

The Confession of Stephen Whapshare, by Emma Brooke.

The Old and New Ideal, by E.F. Ruedebusch.

The Labor Annual.

- Page 22 - The Adult March, 1898: The Journal of Sex

The Morality of Marriage, by .

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology.

A Notable Novel: The Chastisement of Mansour, by Hector . II-2 58-59 Review by J.P. Gilmour.

The Proceedings of the Legitimation League, 1898. II-2 59

Advertisements. II-2 covers

The Works of William Platt.

The Physiology of Love: A Study in Stirpiculture, Illustrated, by Henry Seymour.

Medical Works [Various Titles], Popular Medical Catalogue Free, E. Baker, Bookseller, 14 and 16 John Bright Street, Birmingham.

The Legitimation League Notices.

Lucifer--The Light Bearer: The Pioneer Organ of Sex Reform. Editor: Moses Harman, Sub-Editor: Lillian Harman.

The Adult--The Journal of Sex. Special Offer to Subscribers.

[Various Titles], The Legitimation League, 16, John Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C.

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover. Adviser on Sex Matters.

Personal ad.

The Adult: Vol. I.

The Outcome of Legitimation: A Lecture by Oswald Dawson.

- Page 23 - The Adult April, 1898: The Journal of Sex

Slaves to Duty, by John Badcock, Junr.

The Chastisement of Mansour, Englished out of the French of Hector France by Alfred R. Allinson.

April, 1898: The Journal of Sex.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial. By George Bedborough. II-3 61-62

Comstock Rex. By George Bedborough. II-3 63-65

The Bed of Love. Poem by James F. Morton, Jr. II-3 66

The Question of Children. By Herbert A. Edwards. II-3 67-68

The Ideal Man. By Robert Braithwaite. II-3 68-70

Music, Religion, and Sex, Part III. By Orford Northcote. II-3 70-77

Dress and Sex: A Rejoinder. By Orford Northcote. II-3 77-78

I Swear by the Body Beautiful. Poem by J. Wm. Lloyd. II-3 79

Lover's Counsels. Dialogue by Lewis Wade. II-3 80-84

The Millard and Thompson Cases. By Orford Northcote. II-3 84-87

Pen Points. By Lillian Harman. II-3 84-87

Books Received. Reviews by George Bedborough. II-3 88-90

Ruled by the Tomb: Or Freethought and Free Love, by Orford Northcote.

- Page 24 - The Adult April, 1898: The Journal of Sex

Intermarriage, by Alexander Walker.

"Woman," by Alexander Walker.

Curious By-Paths of History, by Dr. Cabanes.

The Chastisement of Mansour.

The Ballad of Reading Gaol, by C.3.3. [].

Neo-Malthusianism, by R. Usher.

"The Eagle and the Serpent," A Journal of Egoistic Philosophy and II-3 90-91 Sociology. Review by Sagittarius.


Publications [Various Titles]. The Works of William Platt. May be obtained post free from Adult Office, 16, John Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C.

The University Press, Limited, Watford, London: The University Magazine and Free Review, Edited by "Democritus"; Sexual Inversion, by Havelock Ellis; The Blight of Respectability, by Geoffrey Mortimer.

The Legitimation League. The next Public Meeting will take place on Monday Evening, April 4th, in the French Room, St. James's Hall at 8 p.m...

Edward Baker, 14 and 16 John Bright Street, Birmingham [Various Titles].

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover, Adviser on Health and Sex Matters.

Personal ad.

Index and Title Page for binding with Vol. I of "The Adult," post free 3d. A few bound volumes may be had price 10s. 6d.

- Page 25 - The Adult May, 1898: The Journal of Sex

Prize Competition. The Proprietors of the University Press, Limited, Watford, London, have decided to offer two prizes of one hundred guineas and of fifty guineas for the two best works on "The Danger of Celibacy," from a psychological, pathological, and sociological standpoint.

The Physiology of Love: A Study in Stirpiculture, Illustrated, by Henry Seymour.

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology, New and Considerably Enlarged English Edition.

May, 1898: The Journal of Sex.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial Notes. By George Bedborough. II-4 93-95

Pen Points. By Lillian Harman. II-4 95-96

The Conversion of Mrs. Grundy: A Lecture Delivered before the II-4 96-101 Legitimation League at St. James's Hall, March 7th, 1898. By Dora F. Kerr.

A Giant in Chains: A Dissertation on the Intellectual Hypocrisy and II-4 101-104 Moral Cowardice of the English Press. By a Member of the Institute of Journalists.

Heloise. Poem by Berta C.E. Buss. II-4 104-106

Music, Religion, and Sex, Park IV. By Orford Northcote. II-4 106-111

- Page 26 - The Adult May, 1898: The Journal of Sex

Love and Business Principles. By William Platt. II-4 112-113

Volume-Issue Page

Book Notes. II-4 123

An Unknown People, by Edward Carpenter.

The Sexual Instinct and its Morbid Manifestations, by Prof. B. Tarnowsky.

Anarchism: A Criticism and History of the Anarchist Theory, by E.V. Zenker.

The Old and the New Ideal, by E.F. Ruedebusch.

Some Free Love Problems. By Robert Braithwaite. II-4 116-118

The Legitimation League. By George Bedborough. II-4 118-121

The Legitimation League Proceedings. II-4 121-122

Advertisements. II-4 covers

Publications [Various Titles]. The Works of William Platt. Can be obtained post free from Adult Office, 16, John Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C.

The University Press, Limited, Watford, London: The University Magazine and Free Review, Edited by "Democritus"; Sexual Inversion, by Havelock Ellis; The Blight of Respectability, by Geoffrey Mortimer.

The Legitimation League: Special Notice. The Annual Meeting will be held of Saturday, April 30th, at 3:30 p.m., at the Holborn Restaurant...

Edward Baker, 14 and 16, John Bright Street, Birmingham [Various Titles].

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover, Adviser on Health and Sex Matters.

- Page 27 - The Adult July, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor

Confidential.--To the married who study economy and "prudence." A new and improved valuable necessity will be sent for P.O. 1s. W. Goodbourn, Brookside Villa, Grange-street, Hull.

Personal ad.

Love and Money, by Leighton Pagan; When Love is Liberty and Nature Law, by John Badcock, Junr.

Prize Competition. The Proprietors of the University Press, Limited, Watford, London, have decided to offer two prizes of one hundred guineas and of fifty guineas for the two best works on the psychological, physiological and pathological effects of Celibacy on Women...

The Eagle and the Serpent.

A Book for Ladies. The book can be had in envelope from Dr. T.R. Allinson...

Mr. Charles Carrington's List: The Sexual Instinct and Its Morbid Manifestations, by Dr. B. Tarnowsky, done into English by W.C. Costello, Ph.D., and Alfd. Allinson, M.A. (Oxon.); A Plea for Polygamy, from the standpoint of History and Philosophy; Remarkable Study of the "Sixth Sense" and its Manifestations and Aberrations among Barbarous Races; Untrodden Fields of Anthropology: Observations on the Esoteric Manners and Customs of Semi-Civilised Peoples.

July, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor.

Volume-Issue Page

To the Breach, Freemen! By the Editor. II-6 158-160

Editorial Notes. II-6 160-162

The Prosecution. By Lillian Harman. II-6 163

The Question of Children: A Symposium. Part I by R.B. Kerr and Part II by II-6 163-168 Henry Seymour.

- Page 28 - The Adult July, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor

Marriage Morals. Scene. II-6 168

Monogamy, Variety, and Ideals. By Robert Braithwaite. II-6 169-172

Free-Speech. By William Platt. II-6 172-175

How Detectives Are Detected. II-6 175

The Economic Position of Women. By Egeria. II-6 176-179

George Bedborough on Lillian Harman's Visit to London [Extract from a II-6 179 letter to "Lucifer" of April 4th].

The Hardwicke Society. By J.W. Mason. II-6 180-181

The Assignation. Poem by William Francis Barnard. II-6 182

Parisian Experiences [From L'Intransigeant]. II-6 182

Comments on the Case. From Reynolds', Agnostic Journal, and Freethinker. II-6 183

Shelley on Free Love [Epipsychidion]. Poem. II-6 184

Books Received: Men, Women, and Chance, by William Platt. Reviewed by II-6 184-187 Edward Temple.

Answers to Correspondents: B.D. (Brighton), John Sales, (Mrs.) H. Morris, II-6 187 T. Smithers, W. Robinson (Manchester), R.J. (North Wales), "Boomerang".

Advertisements. II-6 covers

The University Press, Limited, Watford, London: The University Magazine and Free Review, Edited by "Democritus"; The Blight of Respectability, by Geoffrey Mortimer.

- Page 29 - The Adult August, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!

The Works of William Platt.

Free Currency Tracts, No. I: The Monomaniacs: A Fable in Finance, by Henry Seymour.

Ten Men of Money Island, by Seymour F. Norton (Editor of Chicago Sentinel).

A Book for Ladies. The book can be had in envelope from Dr. T.R. Allinson...

Edward Baker, 14 and 16, John Bright Street, Birmingham [Various Titles].

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover, Adviser on Health and Sex Matters.

Vacancy in Shorthand-Writer's Office for Pupil. Thorough training for business or press. Write for particulars to Reporting and Typewriting Office, 2, Princeton Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C.

"Those who are interested in Family Limitation, Marriage Reform, and various Sex Problems, should read Dr. H.A. Allbutt's Works".

The Physiology of Love: A Study in Stirpiculture, by Henry Seymour.

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus-Value, by Henry Seymour.

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology, New and Considerably Enlarged English Edition.

August, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!.

Volume-Issue Page

Portrait of George Bedborough. II-7 frontispiece

An Appeal to the People: The Bedborough Prosecution. By Henry II-7 189-191 Seymour, Hon. Sec.

Memoranda. II-7 192-197

- Page 30 - The Adult August, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!

The Worship of Ignorance. By William Platt. II-7 197-200

I Saw a Fair House. By Edward Carpenter. II-7 200-201

The Prosecution of "The Adult". Letter by M. Maeterlinck. II-7 202

Late Telegram. II-7 202

The Question of Children: A Symposium. Part III by Mary Reed. II-7 203-205

The Two Loves. Poem by J.F. II-7 206

Two Purity Societies. By Arthur Collier. II-7 207-210

A Scientific Authority on Marriage [From "The Natural History of the II-7 211 Temperaments"].

Public Meeting. II-7 212

The Natural History of Love. II-7 213

Ruskin's Marriage Romance. From the New York Graphic. II-7 213-214

A Song. Poem by "May". II-7 214

A Love Tale of Old Sardinia. By Henry Seymour. II-7 215-220

Answers to Correspondents: N.B, "Octogenarian," "Esau," Inquirer, J. II-7 220 Eames, "Solomon," J.E., Wordsworth Donisthorpe, B. Williams, F.E., W. Barnes.

- Page 31 - The Adult September, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!

Advertisements. II-7 covers

The University Press, Limited, Watford, London: The University Magazine and Free Review, Edited by "Democritus"; The Blight of Respectability, by Geoffrey Mortimer.

The Works of William Platt.

The Physiology of Love: A Study in Stirpiculture, Illustrated, by Henry Seymour.

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus-Value, by Henry Seymour.

A Book for Ladies. The book can be had in envelope from Dr. T.R. Allinson...

The Eagle and the Serpent: A Journal of Egoistic Philosophy and Sociology.

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover, Adviser on Health and Sex Matters.

Italian Language and Literature, Signor Dr. Fanchiotti, 55, Torrington Square, London, W.C.

"Those who are interested in Family Limitation, Marriage Reform, and various Sex Problems, should read Dr. H.A. Allbutt's Works".

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology, New and Considerably Enlarged English Edition.

September, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!.

Volume-Issue Page

Memoranda. II-8 221-230

The Prosecution of Mr. Bedborough. By G. Bernard Shaw. II-8 230-231

Reputations. By William Platt. II-8 232

- Page 32 - The Adult September, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!

What Do the Censors Want? By Lucy Stewart. II-8 232-234

To Eleanore. Poem by William Francis Barnard. II-8 235

The Question of Children: A Symposium. Part IV by William Platt. II-8 238

An Easy Way to Stultify the Marriage Laws. II-8 238

Pertinent Paragraphs (Selected). By George Bedborough. II-8 239

The Logic of Free Love. By Gerard Moore. II-8 240-241

If I Were Good. Poem by Swanhilde Bulan. II-8 241

The Martyrdom of Mrs. Maybrick. By Verax. II-8 242-243

A Love Tale of Old Sardinia, Continued. By Henry Seymour. II-8 244-248

Books Received. II-8 249-252

Scientific Marriage, by Rev. Jesse H. Jones.

A Plea for Polygamy, by M. Chas. Carrington.

Sophie Arnould, Actress and Wit, by Robert B. Douglas.

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology: Observations on the Esoteric Manners and Customs of Semi-Civilised People. Being a Record by a French Army Surgeon of Thirty Years' Experience in Asia, Africa, America, and Oceana.

Answers to Correspondents: "C.", J. Toms, Frank Wood, B.S. II-8 252

- Page 33 - The Adult September, 1898: Henry Seymour, Editor. Prosecuted for "Obscenity"!

Advertisements. II-8 covers

The University Press, Limited, Watford, London: The University Magazine and Free Review, edited by "Democritus"; The Blight of Respectability, by Geoffrey Mortimer.

The Works of William Platt.

The Monomaniacs: A Fable in Finance, by Henry Seymour.

Ten Men of Money Island, by Seymour F. Norton (Editor of Chicago Sentinel).

Ruled by the Tomb: A Discussion of Free Thought and Free Love, by Orford Northcote.

Scientific Marriage, a treatise founded upon the discoveries and teachings of William Byrd Powell, M.D., by Rev. Jesse H. Jones.

The Physiology of Love: A Study in Stirpiculture, Illustrated, by Henry Seymour.

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus Value, by Henry Seymour.

The Eagle and the Serpent: A Journal of Egoistic Philosophy.

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover, Adviser on Health and Sex Matters.

"Those who are interested in Family Limitation, Marriage Reform, and various Sex Problems, should read Dr. H.A. Allbutt's Works".

Ibsen's Women: A Lecture given before the London Ethical Society, by M.S. Gilliland.

The Maybrick Case: A scathing indictment of our criminal procedure, and a eloquent appeal for remedial measures in this notorious miscarriage of justice, by Dr. Helen Densmore.

- Page 34 - The Adult October, 1898: An Unconventional Journal, Edited by Henry Seymour

October, 1898: An Unconventional Journal, Edited by Henry Seymour.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial Memoranda. II-9 253-260

Marriage A La Mode. By Emile Zola. II-9 260-263

Joys. By William Platt. II-9 263

Christianity and Marriage. By W.B. Greene. II-9 266-267

Seaweed: A Cornish Idyll, By Edith Ellis. An Appreciation. By Verax. II-9 267-270

Correspondence: Should Sex-Reformers Establish an "Introduction II-9 270-272 Agency"?. Letter from C. and response from the editor.

The Bedborough Prosecution: The Indictment. II-9 272-274

Between the Dances. (A Frivolous Dialogue for Serious People.) By F. II-9 274-277 Malibran.

Mr. William Platt and the Federation for the Abolition of State Vice. II-9 277-278

"Liberty and love alone...". Poem by Alexander Petöfi. II-9 278

Martyrdom. Poem by William Francis Barnard. II-9 279

A Love Tale of Old Sardinia, Continued. By Henry Seymour. II-9 280-284

Love's Influence. Poem by Berta C.E. Buss. II-9 284

Answers to Correspondents: Mrs. C.S., T. Wells, "Sympathiser," Dr. F. II-9 284

- Page 35 - The Adult November, 1898: An Unconventional Journal, Edited by Henry Seymour

Advertisements. II-9 covers

The Sexual Instinct and Its Morbid Manifestations, by Prof. B. Tarnowsky, translated by W.C. Costello, Ph.D., and Alfred Allison, M.A.

A Plea for Polygamy, in the Light of History and Philosophy, by Mr. Charles Carrington.

The Works of William Platt.

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover, Adviser on Health and Sex Matters.

"Those who are interested in Family Limitation, Marriage Reform, and various Sex Problems, should read Dr. H.A. Allbutt's Works".

Scientific Marriage, a treatise founded upon the discoveries and teachings of William Byrd Powell, M.D., by Rev. Jesse H. Jones.

The Monomaniacs: A Fable in Finance, by Henry Seymour.

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus-Value, by Henry Seymour.

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology, New and Considerably Enlarged English Edition.

November, 1898: An Unconventional Journal, Edited by Henry Seymour.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial Memoranda. II-10 285-289

Our Conventional Virtue. By Henry Seymour. II-10 289-291

Pope's Heloise. Poem. II-10 291

In Defence of Free Discussion. By William Platt. II-10 292-293

- Page 36 - The Adult November, 1898: An Unconventional Journal, Edited by Henry Seymour

Free Love and Sex Relations. By G.D.L. II-10 293-295

Chinese Opium and Gambling Dens in London. By J. Platt, Jun. II-10 295-297

Emerson quote. II-10 297

Conjugal Lives of Novelists. II-10 298

Take Ye the Courage of Your Love!. George Frankland. II-10 299-300

The Recrudescence of the Anarchist. By Verax. II-10 300-301

An Immigration Bureau Outrage. By Edwin C. Walker. II-10 301-304

"Love, that's too generous to abide..." Poem from Butler's Hudibras. II-10 304

At Low Street Fleece Court: A Free-Lover's Dream of A.D. 2898. By Court II-10 305-307 Jester.

The Question of Children: A Symposium. By Alfred Martin. II-10 307-308

Correspondence: The Maybrick Case. Letter from Victor Martell with a II-10 308-309 reply from Henry Seymour.

Love and Hypnotism. By Medicus. II-10 310-311

Haeckel on Schenck's Theory of Sex. From the Daily News. II-10 311

A Love Tale of Old Sardinia, Continued. By Henry Seymour. II-10 312-316

Answers to Correspondents: BJ. Clark, "Gertrude," James Powell, Victor II-10 312-316 Martell, Lucy Stewart, Ernest Crawford, Ed. Temple, C.S. Jones, Egeria, W. Fortune, Mrs. E. Baines, "Scotland Yardian," T.S., J. Thornhilly. By Henry Seymour.

- Page 37 - The Adult December, 1898: An Unconventional Journal

Advertisements. II-10 covers

Fraulein Lepper, Unitist Free Lover. Adviser on Health and Sex Matters.

The Works of William Platt.

The Light-Bearer Library: Ruled by the Tomb, by Orford Northcote.

The Maybrick Case, by Dr. Helen Densmore.

Free Currency Tracts, No. 1: The Monomaniacs: A Fable in Finance, by Henry Seymour.

Ten Men of Money Island, by Seymour F. Norton.

The Physiology of Love: A Study in Stirpiculture, Illustrated, by Henry Seymour.

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus-Value, by Henry Seymour.

Untrodden Fields of Anthropology: New and Considerably Enlarged English Edition.

December, 1898: An Unconventional Journal.

Volume-Issue Page

"Give us men!..." Poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes. II-11 317

Editorial Memoranda. II-11 318-323

The Literary "Hall-Mark" of the Old Bailey. By Henry Seymour. II-11 323-325

The "Chronicle" and the Unthinking. By William Platt. II-11 325-327

In Defence of "Heloise". By Berta C.E. Buss. II-11 327-329

- Page 38 - The Adult December, 1898: An Unconventional Journal

The Survival of the Inquisition. By Justitia. II-11 329-330

George Bedborough: Coward. By George Bedborough. II-11 331

To My Wife. Poem by George Earle. II-11 331

The Advantages of Celibacy. By C. II-11 332

The "Trial" of George Bedborough: Verbatim Report. II-11 333-337

Sanctified Immorality [From "The Awakener of India"]. II-11 338

The Bedborough Case [Extracted from the Manifesto of the Free Press II-11 339-341 Defence Committee, recently issued].

The Protection of the Young. [From "The Reformer."]. II-11 342

The Bedborough Case. [Edward Carpenter in the "Saturday Review."]. II-11 342-343

A Note on the Bedborough Case. By Havelock Ellis. Price Sixpence. II-11 343 Advertisement.

A Love Tale of Old Sardinia, Concluded. By Henry Seymour. II-11 344-348

The Man of "Blood and Iron". Poem by Lothrop Withington. II-11 348

Answers to Correspondents: F.J.T., Ernest (Bath). II-11 348

Advertisements. II-11 covers

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus Value, by Henry Seymour.

Seaweed: A Cornish Ideal; A Noviciate for Marriage; Democracy in the Kitchen; The Masses and the Classes. By Edith Ellis.

- Page 39 - The Adult January, 1899: An Unconventional Journal

The Works of William Platt.

The Bijou Press, London: Various Titles.

Edward Baker: Walker's Woman; Walker's Intermarriage; Beauty and Hygiene for Women and Girls; Health Gossips for Women; Longshore-Potts, Mrs.; Marriage and Parentage.

Read "Justice:" The Organ of Social Democracy.

The "Social Democrat:" A Social Magazine and Review.

January, 1899: An Unconventional Journal.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial Memoranda. III-1 1-4

The Dreyfus Case. By Bernard Lazare, translated by James Platt. III-1 5-8

The Conquest of the Air, Part I. By Henry Seymour. III-1 9-13

Heloise, Part III. Poem by Berta C.E. Buss. III-1 13-15

Experiments on Hospital Patients. By Alice Jane Beatty, M.R.B.N.A., III-1 16-17 Diplomee Lond. Obstet. Society, Late Hospital Superintendent of Nurses.

A Chinese Ghostseer. By James Platt, Jun. III-1 17-18

The Determination of Sex, Part I. By Verax. III-1 18-20

Sham Modesty. By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. III-1 20-21

Evolution. By Edward Carpenter. III-1 21-22

- Page 40 - The Adult January, 1899: An Unconventional Journal

Love's Balm. Poem by William Platt. III-1 22

The Secret "Dossier" in the Maybrick Case. III-1 23

"Consider the Lilies How They Grow". Poem by J.B.S. III-1 23

Book Notices. III-1 24

"What is Property: An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government," by P.J. Proudhon.

"Turkish Baths: their Relation to Health, and the Senses," by "Lennox".

Correspondence. Letter from "One Executive of F.P.D.C.". III-1 24

Answers to Correspondents: F.W. III-1 24

Advertisements. III-1 covers

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus Value, by Henry Seymour.

Seaweed: A Cornish Idyll; A Noviciate for Marriage; Democracy in the Kitchen; The Masses and the Classes. By Edith Ellis.

The Adult: Vol. II. Part II.

The Works of William Platt.

The Bijou Press, London: Various Titles.

Fräulein Sophie Lepper, Specialist in Sex Matters, Food, and Lecturer on Dietetics.

The Necessity of Criminal Appeal: As Illustrated by the Maybrick Case. Edited by J.H. Levy.

Read "Justice:" The Organ of Social Democracy.

- Page 41 - The Adult February, 1899: An Unconventional Journal

The "Social Democrat:" A Social Magazine and Review.

February, 1899: An Unconventional Journal.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial Memoranda. III-2 25-27

The Anti-Anarchist Congress at Rome, 1898. By Louise Michel. III-2 27-28

The Moribund Morality. By John Banaston. III-2 29-33

The Rabbi Lion. By James Platt, Junr. III-2 33-34

Polygamy Considered from a Muslim Standpoint, Part I. By W.H. III-2 34-36 Abdullah Quilliam (Sheikh-ul-Islam of the British Isles).

Lilies in Corruption. By John K. Prothero. III-2 37-39

The Money Monopoly. By G.O. Warren. III-2 39-41

The Determination of Sex, Part II. By Verax. III-2 41-42

The New Year Number of "The Reformer" starts a new series...". III-2 42

The Conquest of the Air, Part II. By Henry Seymour. III-2 43-47

The Criminal. Poem by William Platt. III-2 47-48

Answers to Correspondents: Erratum, F. Jones. III-2 48

Advertisements. III-2 covers

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus Value, by Henry Seymour.

- Page 42 - The Adult March, 1899: An Unconventional Journal

Seaweed: A Cornish Idyll; A Noviciate for Marriage; Democracy in the Kitchen; The Masses and the Classes. By Edith Ellis.

The Adult: Vol. II. Part II (July to December, 1898).

The Works of William Platt.

The Bijou Press, London: Various Titles.

Fräulein Sophie Lepper, Specialist in Sex Matters, Food, and Lecturer on Dietetics.

Works by Edward Carpenter: Love's Coming-of-Age, Towards Democracy, Angels' Wings.

Read "Justice:" The Organ of Social Democracy.

The "Social Democrat:" A Social Magazine and Review.

March, 1899: An Unconventional Journal.

Volume-Issue Page

Editorial Memoranda. III-3 49-51

The Case of Mrs. Maybrick. [An Open Letter to the Right Honorable III-3 52-57 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart., Secretary of State for the Home Department.]. By Henry Seymour, with a portrait of Mrs. Maybrick.

The United States and Mrs. Maybrick. [Communicated.]. III-3 57-58

The Sexuality of Matter. By Robert Park, M.D. III-3 58-61

The Custom of Marriage. By Dora F. Kerr. III-3 61-64

- Page 43 - The Adult March, 1899: An Unconventional Journal

Polygamy Considered from a Muslim Standpoint, Part II. By W.H. III-3 64-66 Abdullah Quilliam, Sheikh-ul-Islam of the British Isles.

The Guernsey Market House. [From Trials and Triumph of Labor.]. By III-3 66-69 G.B. De Bernardi.

Food and Sex. By Sophie Lepper. III-3 69-71

A Quaint Old Book. By James Platt, Junr. III-3 71-72

Advertisements. III-3 covers

The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus Value, by Henry Seymour.

The Labour Annual: The Year Book for Social and Political Reformers.

Seaweed, A Cornish Idyll; A Noiviciate for Marriage; Democracy in the Kitchen; The Masses and the Classes. By Edith Ellis.

The Adult: Vol. II. Part II (July to December, 1898).

The Works of William Platt.

The Bijou Press, London: Various Titles.

Fräulein Sophie Lepper, Specialist in Sex Matters, Food, and Lecturer on Dietetics.

Works by Edward Carpenter: Love's Coming of Age, Towards Democracy, Angel's Wings.

Read "Justice:" The Organ of Social Democracy.

"The Social Democrat:" A Social Magazine and Review.

- Page 44 -