Summer 2011 • `Šryz a`-fenz-oeiq

ACCENT IS ON COMMUNITY AS CLASS OF 2011 DEPARTS Community was the paramount theme as 45 seniors joined the ranks of Maimonides School alumni on Sunday morning, June 19, highlighting the school’s 59th Commencement. “I believe that our greatest accomplish- ment as a class is the community that we have built,” declared Daniel Poritz in his English valedictory. Addressing his class- mates, he continued, “Each of you holds Members of the Class of 2011 the power to improve yourself and to improve those around you. The amount of good we have done as a group has and preserve our Jewish values,” she talked to the Class of 2011 about “what proven that to me.” wrote. “We always must fortify ourselves I have learned about you as a commu- “We have proven that we have the power with prayer—we must strengthen our- nity.” She applauded the seniors for “your to come together,” read the translation of selves internally in order to maintain our grand capacity to accept and include Tamara Kosowsky’s Hebrew valedictory. identity and stand up for our religious individuals,” as well as for “extraordinary The Brookline resident emphasized that beliefs and commitments.” assertiveness” and “good manners.” the school has provided a sacred context. Both student speakers are children of In his opening remarks to the class, Rabbi “Sometimes we must participate in and Maimonides alumni, two of 10 such com- Yaakov Jaffe, Upper and contribute to modern society. Other binations in the graduating class. principal, cited important interpretations times we must fight to hold our ground Judy Boroschek, Upper and Middle from Masechet Sanhedrin, which seniors and even distance ourselves to defend School principal for general studies, have been studying with him. According to Rabbi Dr. Joseph Soloveitchik, he said, judges in Talmudic LONG-RANGE PLANNING PROCESS UNDERWAY times—and Maimonides School today— Maimonides School has launched a long- experience includes all of the necessary stressed the importance of “the values range planning process that will focus first elements—academic and spiritual—to of social harmony and promoting peace on the current state of the school, then ensure that our graduates have the tools to among friends and other people.” Another move into phases identifying key strategic succeed in their chosen fields of endeavor lesson Rabbi Soloveitchik derived from priorities and implementation planning. and in their lives as halachic Jews.” Sanhedrin was “if we have prepared you well, you will never find a moment where The school, as voted by the Board of Mr. Katz said a volunteer steering com- you feel that cannot weigh in on Directors in June, has retained an indepen- mittee has been named to oversee the the issues you are facing.” dent consulting firm to facilitate the long- process, “shaping communication and range planning effort, which is expected providing thought leadership in helping to Diplomas were conferred by Jeffrey to take the better part of a year. frame issues and interpret findings.” Swartz, chair of the Board of Directors, whose youngest son Noah was among “This is an opportunity for us to refocus on The group has begun meeting, and hopes the graduates. “The world awaits you, our mission,” said Nathan Katz, executive to deliver a formal presentation of first-phase and you are prepared, in no small part director, “and make sure that the student findings to the Board in September. Continued on page 6  RETIREMENT SALUTE ENCAPSULATES MAIMONIDES MISSION, VALUES As the sun set on Yom Ha’Atzmaut “You are unfailingly modest about your these core values, and to instill them in 5771 on May 10, three generations of many academic and personal accom- generations of Maimonides students. Maimonides School saluted the contri- plishments, and your kindness toward And we, the recipients of this Mesorah, butions and legacy of two beloved and every student in the school has left a the alumni of the school, have been respected teachers who have decided lasting impression on the many stu- inculcated with this guide, to lead a life to retire. dents you’ve taught,” she said. “Your of and halacha, and to allow it to Rabbi David Shapiro, rosh yeshiva and contributions here are truly enduring, define our everyday lives and interac- former principal, and veteran teacher and Maimonides will certainly be differ- tions in the real world.” Rabbi Jon Bloomberg graciously ent without you.” Michael Bohnen, a volunteer commu- accepted accolades and good wishes Social Studies Department Chair nal and philanthropic leader in Boston’s during a warm and emotional evening Roberta Wright recounted how Rabbi Jewish community, provided a differ- at the school. Bloomberg was her mentor, providing ent perspective. Mr. Bohnen spoke on invaluable orientation on Jewish cul- behalf of the adults who learn from ture, history and tradition. “He helped Rabbi Shapiro at a weekly shiur he deliv- pioneer the use of technology for stu- ers. “His broad erudition, his welcom- dent presentations,” she said. “This was ing nature, his careful preparation, his done to be a better teacher to his stu- skillfulness and patience as a teacher, dents, to use the technology they used, his openness to adults with a range of to meet them in a place where they backgrounds, and his humility and kind- could best learn. That is Rabbi Dr. Jon ness have all endeared Rabbi Shapiro Bloomberg, a man who always strives to his students,” Mr. Bohnen said. “He to be a better teacher by connecting to treated each of his students with great his students.” respect, and that respect was always Formal tributes to Rabbi Shapiro began reciprocated by all who attended the with Elliot Salinger, a student in the class.” rosh yeshiva’s 11th grade Talmud class. Dr. Atarah Twersky, chair of the Mr. Salinger described the intellectual Maimonides School Committee for quality and intensity of the class, then many years, spoke warmly of both rab- noted, “But beyond simply teaching us bis. “Their lives are suffused with ahavas the material, Rabbi Shapiro also con- Torah and yiras shomayim,” she said. veyed themes, ideas, and values that Rabbi David Shapiro comprise the basis of halachic living. Rabbi Shapiro would speak of the need to ‘connect oneself to the Mesorah’ and Rabbi Shapiro’s Maimonides career to conduct oneself by what he once began on the faculty in 1970. He was referred to as ‘the interlinear dimension named assistant principal in 1974 and of the halacha’.” principal in 1978, retiring from that position 21 years later but continuing as Dr. Jennifer (Kosowsky) Michaelson a Judaic studies coordinator and then ’85, a current Maimonides parent and the school’s first rosh yeshiva. Rabbi director, continued on that theme. Bloomberg joined the Judaic studies Rabbi Shapiro, she said, is the “embodi- faculty in 1985 and has taught Tanach, ment” of the Tradition’s mandates to Talmud, Jewish history and advo- teach the new generation. “His defining cacy. He is the author of two Jewish his- philosophy emanates from the teach- tory textbooks written for high school ings of the founder of our school, Rav students. (Joseph) Soloveitchik, zt”l, and Rabbi (Yitzhak) Twersky, z”l. These core phi- Both retiring teachers plan to make losophies are what defined the mission ­aliyah, joining children and grandchil- of the school at its inception more than dren who are residents of Israel. 70 years ago,” she said. Speaking as a former student, 2001 “As the principal of Maimonides for over graduate Rachel (Chiel) Katz began 20 years, it was Rabbi Shapiro’s personal the formal program by lauding Rabbi mission to ensure the propagation of Bloomberg’s scholarship and patience. Rachel (Chiel) Katz ‘01  with his family this summer. Miriam and Rabbi Shapiro noted recent concern that I were married in Israel, and have always “with the continued passage of time, we yearned to live there. Our children’s feel ourselves less secure in our ability to initiatives have now prompted us to fol- know with certitude how the Rav or the low them and our grandchildren, and to Talner Rebbe would have advised us on realize our own dream.” any given issue. This could be a cause Rabbi Shapiro offered his unique per- for pessimism. I believe, however, that spective on the school, which he first those who will now lead Maimonides encountered as a part-time teacher School forward into the next 74 years will while engaged in graduate study at continue to benefit, as Rabbi Bloomberg Harvard University with Rabbi Twersky. and I have, from the foundation laid by these two giants.” “His unified, totally integrated, religious and intellectual personality taught me by personal example what I knew from students of the Rav about the man they knew so well: that we serve God with every facet of our being, and that one should not suppress or deny one’s intellectual and cultural drives for fear that they will undermine one’s commit- ment to meticulous observance of our halachic tradition,” he said. “We need only filter the values of these other pur- Dr. Atarah Twersky suits through the prism of unadulter- ated, uncompromised Torah principles. Mrs. Twersky, daughter of Rabbi This is, not surprisingly, the credo of Soloveitchik, pointed out that the Torah Maimonides School.” never designates Moshe with titles, but Referring to commentary on shmittah, simply as an eved Hashem, a servant Rabbi Shapiro said, “The lesson of par- of God. That label applies to the two shat Behar is thus the humbling one that retiring rabbis, she said, according to each of us is but a transient sojourner— three criteria: subjugating desires, life- sometimes for even as long as 49 styles and actions; committing to the years—but that we must then step aside Torah’s eternal truth; and serving as a and recognize that the ultimate destiny teacher of Torah “in the broad sense of of the land transcends our involvement the word—formally or informally, by with it. Rabbi Bloomberg and I, similarly, instruction and by example, exemplify- now step aside with the confidence that ing the beauty and truth of Torah and the continued success of Maimonides inspiring others.” School transcends the role that we have Rabbi Bloomberg acknowledged the played in its development.” tributes, saying, “These past 26 years at He continued, “As Rabbi Bloomberg and Rabbi Jon Bloomberg Maimonides represent a very meaning- I now take leave, and as our long-term ful time of my life. I have made very colleagues have already approached or special friendships with faculty, espe- will soon approach their own personal The school presented the retiring rabbis cially Rabbi Shapiro, and with staff. I decisions to retire, we can each look with a promise of special Maimonides have taught, and learned from, many back with gratitude for having been School mezuzot, now being designed. students. I shall always be profoundly part of the vision that is Maimonides In addition, a seven-foot map of Israel grateful for the privilege to have been School, and look forward with optimism in Saval Auditorium was dedicated in enriched by these relationships.” and confidence in the knowledge that their honor. Colored pins on the map He said he and his wife Miriam “are our many junior colleagues that have designate residences of more than 230 furthermore grateful to Maimonides come on board since 1985, and a few Maimonides School alumni who have School for helping us to inspire our as recently as within the past very few made aliyah. three children to love Eretz Yisrael. Our years, will continue to shepherd the two daughters have already settled school into the third major phase of its there, and our son is now making aliyah history.”

 ISRAEL CONSOLIDATES CULTURES FOR TWO MAIMONIDES ALUMNAE But barriers seem to be disappearing Tobi Betesh Abay Girum and Tobi Abay Twelve years ago, Tobi Betesh ’05 was all over. “One of my friends is dating a preparing for a huge transition—mov- Russian Israeli. Another is married to a ing from the Elementary School to Brazilian Israeli. Another is married to Grade 7 at Maimonides. Meanwhile, an Argentinian Israeli (that’s Ellen Roth Girum Abay also was on the move— Kaczor ’05).” from Shahura, a small city in western The couple has an apartment in Kiryat Ethiopia, to Gondar in the north, begin- Ono, a few minutes from Bar-Ilan ning what would be a seven-year wait University. Tobi just landed a full-time job before flying to Israel. in customer service with the diamond Fast-forward to June 28, 2011, the day exchange in Tel Aviv. Girum is beginning Tobi and Girum were married in Israel. his second year with the Israel Air Force and has plans to attend university. “After all he has been through, and everything he came from, to think that Adina (Bloomberg) Melese grandmother there, surrounded by we, such seemingly different people, relatives, with parents learning Hebrew You might not think that a shadchan are aspiring to build a life together with through their children. would match a Maimonides School grad- shared values and goals is crazy—in a uate from Brighton with a former shep- Girum’s background, Tobi observed, good way, of course,” Tobi asserted. herd from Ethiopia. However, someone gives him a broader perspective. “He They met on a trip sponsored by the at www.SawYouAtSinai.com was espe- just accepts life. He knows how to take Jewish Agency’s Minhal Hastudentim, cially perceptive and matched Adina what he has and be happy.” an opportunity for young olim to meet (Bloomberg) Melese ’93 and Aviv socially. “He came over to me and we Their relationship has been “a long pro- Melese. Adina and Aviv were married just started talking and exchanged num- cess,” as the couple tiptoed into unex- in May 2010 and they have a daughter bers. It was a little weird in the begin- plored territory. At one point they met Achva, who was born on Shavuot. with an Ethiopian rabbi who was part ning. I said, ‘OK, he’s Ethiopian’.” Ironically, it was Adina’s conversation of the Operation Moses exodus from “He made aliyah when he was 18, so with another Ethiopian Israeli two days Ethiopia in 1984. “He was nervous that we came to Israel at the same age,” she before the couple’s first date “that made we were going to disagree a lot about continued. “And I think we also felt a me much more open minded about things,” Tobi said. “He told us that we connection here because we were both going out with Aviv.” That individual are going to have to compromise—and recent olim with a feeling of not being was Girum Abay, who subsequently always to pick the answer that is going fully Israeli. So we were emphasizing our married another Maimonides graduate, to get you further.” similarities rather than our differences.” Tobi Betesh ’05. “Speaking with him and She stressed that “to me, what matters Girum, she said, “is very adaptable. He being exposed to how emotionally intel- are religious and educational values. didn’t know alef bet when he came and ligent he is definitely opened my mind There never was an issue of the color of now he speaks Hebrew at a really high more to the possibility of dating some- his skin.” level… He always knew he was Jewish, one of Ethiopian origin,” Adina said. but as a child he didn’t know what that The wedding was a microcosm of “It has become clear that our values are even meant. He remembers his father their cultural identities, with traditions very similar,” said Adina. “We are both reciting brachot in Amharic.” included from both sides that Tobi and very committed to community and to Girum experience every day. “Leading When Girum was 11, Tobi related, a Jewish education. Aviv is a teacher, up to the wedding, we were so nervous Jewish Agency representative came which runs in our family.” (Adina is the about how this four-hour event was to his community and announced daughter of Miriam and Rabbi Jon going to work out,” Tobi recounted. “We that the next aliyah would leave from Bloomberg, recently retired from the really felt scared about the music. We Gondar. The family sold everything, Maimonides limudei kodesh faculty, and just wanted all the guests to be happy.” moved to the city and waited for seven sister Zehava ’04 has an MA in early During the simcha, she added, they kept years. Girum ended up moving to Israel childhood special education.) It is also whispering to each other—“How’s it in 2005 with his grandmother, two important to us both to build a home going? Do you think it’s working?” younger brothers and other relatives. together based on Jewish values.” Now guests are posting videos on Today most of the extended family, Their commitment to community and YouTube and calling the couple to say including nine aunts and uncles, reside Jewish education is evident in their the wedding was “a breath of fresh air.” in a single neighborhood of Rishon current jobs. Adina is employed at the Letzion. Toby and Girum often visit his Tobi acknowledged that their cross-cul- Orthodox Union’s Israel Center as well tural marriage is still unusual in Israel. as at the Machon Maayan, a post-high  school program for girls attended by a The older generation of Ethiopian number of Maimonides graduates. Her Israelis include instrumental Mazal tov to… Yaffa (Stern) ’56 and Joseph Lauer on the marriage of their husband works in Modi’in at the hesder music in on the granddaughter, Miriam Lauer Johnstone. Among those attending the yeshiva, teaching in an after-school chagim as occurred in the Beit simcha were her great-uncle Naftali Stern ‘57 and her great-aunt program, as well as tutoring Ethiopian HaMikdash. Their tradition Eleanore (Stern) Weiner ‘58. elementary school children. teaches that they left Israel before Lisa (Brecher) ’76 and Jeremy Aranov on the birth of a grandson. Aviv made aliyah in 1991 as part of the the second Beit HaMikdash was Leah (Rosenfield) ’78 and Dr. Hylton Lightman on the engagement Operation Solomon airlift, and “we talk built and therefore retained the of their daughter Rafaella. about the differences in our aliyah experi- traditions of that time period. Yocheved and Rabbi Elly Krimsky ’86 on the birth of their daughter, ences a lot,” said Adina, who has lived in “Aviv has been adamant about Rachel Chaviva. Israel for five years. “For me it was a deci- integrating Ethiopian culture as Dori and Matthew Brenner ’93 on the birth of their daughter, Yael Rina. sion to leave family, friends and the com- much as he can halachically,” Aviv and Adina (Bloomberg) Melese ‘93 on the birth of their forts of the U.S. behind. For him, moving Adina noted. For example, at daughter, Achva. to Israel was positive in every way. He weddings of secular Ethiopians, Amy Margulies and Gabe Kahn ’96 on the birth of their son, Evan Nadav. didn’t leave anything behind. In fact it “he makes a point of dancing Erica (Bogdansky) ’96 and Reuben Scherzer on the birth of their son, Meir Simcha. was dangerous for Jews in Ethiopia.” so that non-religious Ethiopians Shuli (Gertel) ‘97 and Rabbi Avi Bossewitch on the birth of twin see him with his kippa and tzitzit After coming to Israel at age 16 and sons, Avraham Simcha and Moshe Yosef. Grandmother is Reva mastering Hebrew, Aviv graduated participating in the traditional (Levovitz) Gertel ‘68. from high school when he was 21. He dances. He wants them to Ilana and Shlomo Hoffman ’97 on the birth of their son, Yosef Kalman. then served in an armored unit of the see that halachic Judaism and Emely and Dr. Daniel Aghion ’99 on the birth of their son, Matan Joseph. Ethiopian culture are not mutu- Israeli army as part of the hesder pro- Blair Chaletzky ’99 on her marriage to Josh Dorfman. ally exclusive.” gram at Yeshiva Mitzpe Ramon. “I think Richard and Dr. Penina (Schreiber) Dorfman ’99 on the birth of it’s fascinating how far he has come. Adina also mentioned a tradition their son, Noam Akiva. He has been a trailblazer in his family. among Ethiopian Jews prohibit- Beth (Lamport) ’00 and Yashi Kraus on the birth of their daughter, Education has been important to Aviv, ing marriage between anyone Emma Clare. and due partly to his encouragement, who is related, going back seven Alyson (Singer) ’00 and Shamir Seidman on the birth of their son, most of his eight siblings have estab- generations. “There was no Sam William. lished careers for themselves here.” chance of that being an issue Rachel Galper ’01 on her engagement to David Borden. The younger generation of Ethiopian with us,” she laughed, adding, “it Leslie and Eli Hartman ’01 on the birth of their son, Gedalia Moshe Caleb Nathaniel. Israelis continues to navigate differences almost made it easier for me to Dr. Doni and Mickey (Blechner) Nyer ’02 on the birth of their daughter, between halacha and their elders’ reli- be accepted by his family.” Abigail Samantha. Grandfather is Mark Blechner ’67. gious traditions. For example, shechitah The Bloomberg-Melese wedding Jonathan Aghion ’03 on his engagement to Corinne Supowit. is different from halachic shechitah. was a multi-cultural experience. Sara Gale ’03 on her marriage to Keith Weinberg. “The kes, Ethiopian religious leader, in Aviv’s mother and some of his Kenny Gerber ’03 on his marriage to Chana Penini. Aviv’s parents’ community is learning other relatives wore traditional Jacqueline and Lev Novikov ’03 on the birth of their son, Ari Noam. halachic shechitah so that the meat Ethiopian dress. Music and danc- Tobi Betesh ’05 on her marriage to Girum Abay. he prepares can be eaten by both the ing were a mixture of Ethiopian older and younger generations,” Adina and Chasidic, Adina said. Guests Avi Garritano ’05 on his marriage to Leora November. recounted. from each side tried out the Hannah Schacht ’05 on her marriage to Michael Lefkovich. Yitzi Zisblatt ’05 on his marriage to Gabrielle Binstock. Aviv and Adina Melese other style of dancing. (“I’m not and Achva very good at the shoulder dance Joseph Itkis ’06 on his marriage to Abby Phillips. that they do,” she said wryly.) Tova (Kelman) ’06 on her marriage to Moshe Lerer. Moshe’s mother “Because we got married older, is Eve (Chanowski) Lerer ’78. everyone was just so happy. Moshe Klausner ’06 on his engagement to Rachel Epstein ’07. There was a unique energy in the Jessie Klein ’06 on her marriage to Josh Jasper. room. Cultural differences were a Shoshana Blechner ’07 on her marriage to Aryeh Wasserman. Shoshana is the daughter of Zev Blechner ’76. non-issue.” Nathan Gilson ’08 on his engagement to Samantha Luxemberg. Interracial marriages are still unusual in Israel, Adina said. In Chashmonaim, where they reside, Condolences to… Mordechai de la Funte ’65 on the loss of his beloved mother, Mrs. “people have been very accepting. Roosie de la Fuente, z”l. Once they meet Aviv, they warm Miriam (Rosenberg) Golombeck ’83 and Rebecca (Rosenberg) up to him immediately and seem Weinreich ’84 on the passing of their beloved father, Rabbi Aivadia to almost forget about the differ- Rosenberg, z”l. ences in our cultural origins.” Sandra (Laserson) Krakow ’69 on the passing of her beloved mother, Mrs. Miriam Laserson, z”l. ALUMNI  GRADES 6-8 ARE UNIQUE YEARS, SAYS NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL LEADER Maimonides School’s new Middle School assistant principal regards Grades 6-8 as a unique opportunity to shape young lives. “This is an age group that’s often mis- understood, both by society and by the students themselves,” Brian Cohen observed. “It’s a period of time of incredible growth, a time of increasing self-governance as the boundaries of Brian Cohen meets with Middle School grade deans, from younger childhood begin to change, and left, Jack Fidler, Stephanie Samuels and Aliza Baronofsky. adolescents are expected to become more accountable for their decisions.” “I feel as an administrator that if I sup- The Middle School logo does a fine job port teachers in the myriad ways they of encapsulating the most important “It’s an exciting time,” he continued, need then they will be more able to ideals of what a middle school com- “when you are learning new things focus on their teaching; a process munity should hold for itself, Mr. Cohen about yourself and the world, yet that often leads to more engaging, commented. The logo incorporates have more questions than ever about relevant instruction. If I can support the principles of respect, responsibility how and why things are the way they students in their developmental and and safety in student relationships with are. They are hungry for information academic growth, then they can take themselves, other people, and G-d. that helps them make sense of their that instruction and get the most out world. My role as as a middle school “I am excited to be working with such a of it. And if I can partner with parents leader is to keep this information close caring, well thought out community of in their efforts to support their children in mind as I work with faculty and par- teachers and learners,” he declared. and the school, then they will be more ents to design systems that address the able to contribute in a profound way.” full range of students’ academic and developmental needs.” At TechBoston, Mr. Cohen supervised Gala Celebrates Community and evaluated teaching and non-teach- Continued from page 1 Mr. Cohen, most recently assistant ing staff. He also was responsible for due to your teachers, who are the heart headmaster at TechBoston Academy student support, technology, and the of the school,” he stated. in Dorchester, will administer the safety and security program. When Maimonides Middle School, under the Two other seniors were honored with President Barack Obama met with guidance of Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe, princi- speaking parts during Commencement. students at the school several weeks pal, and Mrs. Judy Boroschek, general Sarah Jacobs and Jonathan Robison ago, he recalled, the President said he studies principal. Rabbi Dov Huff ’00, read excerpts in Hebrew and English expected the entire student body to Middle and Upper School assistant prin- from the writings of the school’s name- move on to college. They were inspired cipal, will work closely with Mr. Cohen sake, the Rambam. to receive personal permission from and oversee all aspects of religious life Other graduates were Avishai Alge, President Obama to attend college, in the Middle School. Oryan Barta, Elan Baskir, Noach Mr. Cohen recounted, “by order of the Blechner, Tzukit Cohen, Sophie The new administrator said one of his president of the !” strongest assets is that “I’m a pretty Edelman, Batya Franklin, Leah Geller, E. Mr. Cohen grew up in Indianapolis and good tour guide through this new and Paige Hamer, Brittani Hirsh, Sara Itkis, earned his undergraduate degree at complex landscape for children, and Zachary Jaffe, Ariella Kasmer-Jacobs, the University of Indiana. He arrived in I can work with adults to help them Akiva Katz, Seth Katzman, Betzalel the Boston area in 2008 to complete understand what works best at this dis- Kosowsky-Sachs, Samuel Larson and a school leadership program at the tinct developmental level.” Dalya Lerner. Also, Yardenna Milgram, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Max Naggar, Ariel Noorparvar, “I went into the classroom because I where he received a master of arts Julia Packer, Tifara Ramelson, Rivka really wanted to help children open degree. He resides in Newton with his Rumshiskaya, Ari Schaffel, Meir their minds to new and exciting things, wife and their two young children. Schechter, Menachem Schindler, to help them work toward realizing “Brian’s experience as a classroom Yitzchak Snow, Esther Sokolinski, their potential,” said Mr. Cohen, who teacher, a supervisor of faculty, and Jacob Stark, David Swartz, Yael spent six years teaching Language Arts a leader of student support has pre- Toren, Rachel Weinberg, Alexander and Social Studies at a San Francisco pared him well for daily leadership in Wiener, Lily Wilf, Aviva Wolfson, Ezra middle school before moving into our Middle School,” said Nathan Katz, Wyschogrod, Benjamin Zak, Moshe administration. executive director. Zisblatt and Aaron Zwiebach.  Boys’ SOCCER COACH LAUDS STUDENT-ATHLETES Maimonides School student-athletes have a That lesson “kind of bonds me to the school, unique approach to sports that more than off- where we have kids who haven’t been exposed sets limited practice time and distant facilities, to technical training or structured play.” says the boys’ varsity soccer coach. Coach Barbosa played varsity soccer at Dean Hayden Barbosa, preparing for his third season College and Lasell College, where he was a first Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, at the helm, said his players are “very recep- team all-conference player in 2002 and 2003 and lŠvf Founder tive. They ask many questions—they’re very now serves as an assistant coach. His concentra- curious about the game. They are also open- tion of studies was early childhood education. Rabbi M.J. Cohn, lŠf Principal Emeritus minded, humble and supportive of one another, The coach said Maimonides soccer players which makes managing the team a lot easier.” Rabbi David Shapiro certainly have athletic ability, and “the train- Rosh Yeshiva ing I have developed for them is designed to Coach Hayden Barbosa delivers pre- Jeffrey B. Swartz game inspiration to the 2010 M-Cats. bring them up to par with our competition Chair, Board of Directors as soon as possible.” During pre-season ses- Abraham Levovitz, lŠf sions, for example, “I try to use as many balls President Emeritus as I can and spend more than half of practice with the ball. I try to fit fitness in with some Nathan Katz ’73 technical stuff with the ball, and try stress the Executive Director importance of fundamentals. I frequently stop play to make coaching points and demon- Mike Rosenberg Editor strate what needs to be done.” Erica Schultz There’s no doubt that varsity soccer is chal- Designer lenging at Maimonides. Practices and games take place at city fields four or five miles from Ariella Brunwasser Director of Admissions school, and the fields aren’t in great shape. The players navigate the demands and priori- “We are lucky to have Coach Barbosa as a MIDDLE & UPPER SCHOOL ties of the academic and religious schedules. member of our school community,” said Hal Rabbi Yaakov S. Jaffe Borkow, director of athletics. “He possesses “It is their discipline, positive attitude and Principal, Judaic Studies a thorough knowledge of soccer superior desire to learn that has contributed to our Judith Boroschek to most high school coaches, and his attention success,” the coach testified. Principal, General Studies to detail is evident during each practice and He noted a successful leadership tactic he tried Rabbi Dov Huff ’00 match. Even more, Hayden cares about our last season. Elan Baskir and Noah (“Cristiano Assistant Principal kids and makes an effort to laud their integrity Ronaldo”) Swartz were team captains, and they Brian Cohen when appropriate; our players see that, and would select a third captain for each game to Assistant Principal, Middle School in turn, appreciate how much their coach val- represent the school. “It’s a small thing, but it ues their conduct and success as young adults.” makes a huge difference. Peer recognition has ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Coach Barbosa grew up in Nashua, NH, and also played a role in our success.” Rabbi David Saltzman his development as a soccer player is a story The captains spoke of their coach with admi- Principal with a powerful message for Maimonides ration. “He understands what it’s like to be a Reena Slovin student-athletes. “I was born with club feet,” player, and treats you fairly so that you want Associate Principal he related, “which made it very difficult to to play 110 percent for him,” said Elan. “He develop my game at a young age. My touch knows how and when to work with every on the ball was unique and unorthodox. I player to get the best results,” Noah added. Kol Rambam is published remember vividly, at the age of 10 I tried out “I think Coach Barbosa is the perfect blend of quarterly by the Maimonides for a local club team, and they cut me.” teacher and motivator.” Both recent graduates School Office of Alumni and “Out of frustration and determination my used the word “passion” to define the coach’s Community Relations. approach to the sport. father (a former international pro soccer player) Comments, questions, began to train me,” he continued. “We trained “One of the reasons why I love Maimonides is and suggestions should together one-to-one for two years, every day that it’s easy to see what is expected from me. be addressed to: for two hours at a local park.” After completing The boys know how to act, and I just support Maimonides School the training, the elder Barbosa organized a new and encourage them,” he said. “I see how they 34 Philbrick Road club, composed entirely of players from other carry religion, family principles and philosophy of Brookline, MA 02445 towns and states who had been cut from other life. … It’s easy because it’s tightly knit commu- (617) 232-4452 x405 teams. “We went on to win the state cup three nity with a common goal. There’s a lot of passion [email protected] years in a row,” he said. and good intention behind all they do.”  Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage 34 Philbrick Road Paid Brookline, MA 02445 Brookline, MA Permit No. 59990 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

ote & N s s Josh Sandler has begun work as Maimonides A highlight of the Class of 2011 Senior Recognition Night on June 16 was bone School development officer. A graduate of the w e marrow screening for the Gift of Life Foundation, an annual component spon- University of Illinois with a degree in engineer-

N sored by the Osband Family in memory of Dr. Michael Osband, z”l. Most of the ing and a concentration in Jewish Studies, seniors were screened for the bone marrow registry before or after the formal Josh most recently was part of the develop- program. Yitzi Zisblatt ’05, a recent graduate, spoke to the ment staff of the Committee for Accuracy in assembly about his experiences as a stem cell donor in February 2009. “The abil- Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA). ity to save someone’s life is not something that comes along every day,” he told He succeeds Dina (Pittel) Adelsky ’02, who the seniors. “You could make a difference.” Following his remarks were those of has taken a similar position at a day school Evie Goldfine, whose life was saved by a transfusion resulting from a Maimonides near her home in Providence. Josh can be School screening in the summer of 2003. reached at [email protected] or 617- 232-4452, ext. 410. Maimonides School ninth grader Yair Wasserman finished in 11th place in last spring’s national Chidon HaTanakh at in Manhattan. He was one of eight Maimonides representatives, only two of whom had competed in previous finals. “It was a great experience for all of them,” said Ivrit teacher Efrat Lipshitz. “When we got back to the bus, they wanted to begin learning right then for next year. It’s 100 per- cent l’shma—they love Tanakh.”

The Maimonides School family is saddened by the recent petira of one of the school’s 1964 graduates, Shalom Nissen Cohen, z”l.

Members of the Class of 2011 were in the spotlight as Maimonides School closed out the interscho- lastic athletics year with the annual Sports Awards Celebration on June 12. Seniors Zach Jaffe and Elementary School social worker Lois Lange, second from left, hears Tamar Kosowsky (also the Hebrew valedictorian) accolades from colleagues, from left, Elaine Geracht, Maxine Zizmor were named male and female athletes-of-the-year, ’69, and Donna Verdun at a retirement luncheon in her honor June 21. Another highlight was a video tribute, including wishes expressed by respectively, while their classmates Aaron Zwiebach colleagues as well as several students. The reception, held in the Steg and Tifara Ramelson were cited as student-athletes Library of the Brener Building, also was an opportunity to extend best of the year. wishes to Mrs. Sheva Wieder, who retired several months ago after a  career in the Elementary School of more than 40 years.