Pendrin—A New Target dominant polycystic disease, and hyponatremic syn- dromes. Moreover, the efficacy of blocking salt for Therapy? absorptive pathways is often limited by the plasticity of the renal tubule and its ability to stimulate the growth and Carsten A. Wagner activity of downstream segments contributing to treatment- National Center for Competence in Research Kidney.CH and resistant hypertension.3,6 Then, combinations of diuretics act- Institute of Physiology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland ing in subsequent segments and on distinct pathways may help fi J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3499–3501, 2016. to improve diuretic ef cacy. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2016070720 The collecting duct is the last site of salt reabsorption and contributes to up to 2% of absorption of the filtered salt load. Renal salt reabsorption in the collecting duct depends Diuretics are among the most frequently used drugs to treat hy- on several factors and transport pathways. Distal delivery of pertension, congestive , and edema and play a role and chloride is determined by GFR and the rate of – in the prevention of some forms of recurrent nephrolithiasis.1 3 reabsorption of both ions in upstream nephron segments. Most commonly used diuretics act by directly inhibiting tubular Particularly, NaCl reabsorption by the thick ascending limb of transport processes, such as the loop diuretics blocking the fl 1 1 2 the loop of Henle and the in uences Na /K /2Cl (NKCC2) in the thick ascending the delivery of sodium and chloride to the collecting duct. limb of the loop of Henle, the and chlortalidones inhib- 1 1 2 There, sodium is reabsorbed in part by the epithelial Na iting the Na /Cl cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted channel ENaC, which is stimulated by angiotensin II and al- tubule, or the potassium-sparing diuretics of the or dosterone. Chloride absorption occurs via different routes, in type blocking the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) part through the paracellular pathway requiring claudins 4 and in the connecting tubule and collecting duct. Other classes 8 and through intercalated cells.7,8 In nontype A–intercalated of diuretics interfere with metabolic or endocrine mecha- cells, chloride can be directly reabsorbed in exchange for nisms linked to tubular transport processes, such as in the cases bicarbonate, a process mediated by the anion exchanger pen- of the rather infrequently used carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 1 1 drin, or chloride absorption can be coupled to sodium absorp- (e.g., ) that mostly reduce Na /H exchanger tion involving a more complex scheme. Secretion of two activity and the more widely used mineralocorticoid receptor bicarbonate ions and absorption of two chloride ions by blockers (e.g., and ) reducing the are driving the activity of another transporter, the 1 stimulatory effect of aldosterone on ENaC–mediated salt ab- Na –dependent bicarbonate-chloride exchanger (NDBCE), sorption. Two novel classes of substances increase diuresis but exchanging one intracellular chloride for one extracellular do not act primarily on salt reabsorptive pathways: the aqua- bicarbonate plus one sodium (Figure 1). This results in the retics blocking the V2 receptor reducing AQP2 netabsorptionofNaCl.8 water channel activation by the antidiuretic hormone (e.g., 1 Insights into the relevanceof pendrin in renal salt handling tolvaptan) and the inhibitors of the Na / come from human genetics studying patients with the rare 2 (SGLT2) (e.g., canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, and empagliflo- Pendred syndrome and various mouse models. Patients with zin) primarily reducing proximal tubular glucose absorption Pendred syndrome caused by mutations in pendrin causing osmotic diuresis.4,5 (SLC26A4) suffer most notably from sensorineural deafness The use of diuretics from the first group directly blocking and frequently develop hypothyroidism and goiter. However, salt reabsorption can be limited by hypo- or hyperkalemia or their renal phenotype has been studied very little to date. hypercalcemia. In patients with CKD and increasingly lower Hypochloremic alkalosis was reported in two patients with GFR, the efficacy of drugs can be reduced, requiring escalating Pendred syndrome; however, the condition occurred only doses or alternative drugs.The indications for SGLT2inhibitors during acute illness or therapy with thiazides primarily caus- and antagonists are distinct and currently, ing volume depletion.9,10 Next to these incidental reports, de- mostly restricted to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, autosomal tailed studies in mice suggest an important role of pendrin in renal control of salt excretion and BP. Salt depletion or aldo- Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at www.jasn.org. sterone stimulates pendrin expression and activity in parallel to other chloride and sodium transport proteins, such as NaCl Correspondence: Prof. Carsten A. Wagner, National Center for Compe- 8 tence in Research Kidney.CH and Institute of Physiology, University of Zurich, cotransporter NCC or the epithelial sodium channel ENaC. Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland. Email: Wagnerca@ Mice lacking pendrin lose more salt during salt depletion and access.uzh.ch have lower BP, suggesting that pendrin is required for the re- Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology nal capacity to conserve salt and maintain BP. Moreover,

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3499–3510, 2016 ISSN : 1046-6673/2712-3499 3499 EDITORIALS www.jasn.org

Figure 1. Transport pathways involved in salt absorption by the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and collecting system as targets of diuretics. Scheme of a nephron depicting the major transport pathways targeted by commonly used diuretics. In the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TAL), and chlortalidon inhibit the NKCC2 cotransporter, and in the DCT, thiazides blockthe NCC cotransporter. In the collecting system (first cellsstartingin thelate DCT), potassium-sparingdiureticsinhibitENaCactivity inprincipal cells (PCs). Chlorideabsorption occursin part through a pendrin-dependent process located in type B intercalated cells (B-ICs; basolateral V-ATPase) and nontype A/nontype B intercalated cells (non-A/ non-B ICs; apical V-ATPase). V-ATPase–driven proton secretion energizes chloride/bicarbonate exchange by pendrin. Coupling of pendrin activity to the NDCBE allows for NaCl absorption. NDBCE may also be targeted by thiazides, whereas pendrin can be blocked by novel inhibitors. 2 1 1 1 AE1, anion exchanger 1; CIC-K, ClC-K chloride channels; Cl , chloride; ENaC, epithelial sodium channel; H ,proton;K ,potassium;Na ,sodium; 1 NCC, NaCl-cotransporter; Pds, Pendrin; ROMK, renal outer medullary K -channel; V-ATPase, V-type proton pump. pendrin-deficient mice are partly protected from developing Verkman and colleagues14 identified novel compounds se- hypertension during high-salt/aldosterone treatment. Vice lectively inhibiting pendrin with high affinity using a func- versa, mice overexpressing pendrin develop chloride-sensitive tional chemical library screen. As reported here in this issue hypertension.11 of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,these Because salt absorption by the collecting duct is influenced compounds given to mice had, per se, no effect on diuresis or by salt delivery, the role of pendrin in compensating for reduced acid-base parameters in urine and blood.15 However, when salt absorption by earlier segments has been studied. On the one given in combination with furosemide, pendrin inhibitors hand, chronic inhibition of NCC activity with thiazides increases potentiated the diuretic effect of furosemide. Importantly, pendrin expression, whereas on the other hand, concomitant the pendrin inhibitor even further increased diuresis in mice genetic ablation of NCC and pendrin causes a severe syndrome givenchronicallyfurosemide.However,micetreatedwith of renal salt loss and volume depletion.8,12 Similarly, deletion of plus pendrin inhibitor showed a paradox- NCC and the NDBCE transporter working in conjunction with ical reduction in diuresis.15 pendrin also leads to salt wasting.13 Taken together, the biology Several issues are of major interest, and some questions of pendrin and its interactions with other salt–transporting remain unanswered. Next to tests of safety and pharmacoki- pathways make pendrin an attractive target for novel inhibitors netics in humans, the question remains of whether pendrin that may be useful as diuretics standing alone or used in com- inhibitor will have a similar diuretic potency in humans as in bination with existing drugs to enhance their efficacy. rodents. The relative number of pendrin-expressing cells may

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