International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020, pp.2084-2089, Article ID: IJARET_11_11_204 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499 DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.11.11.2020.204

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Laxmi Goswami Department of Electrical Engineering, Sanskriti University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India.

ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to combine the solar roadways electricity generation with a piezoelectric system and the thermocouple system. Smart highways and smart roads are the terms of various proposals to include technology for the use of solar energy in roadways. Solar roads use solar panels, LEDS, photovoltaic effects and circuit board microprocessor chips. The future of the roads will be solar routes that include energy efficiency and artificial intelligence. The renewable energy produced by panels of would replace the current fossil fuel requirements that used as an electric power as well as gasoline used to drive vehicles and eliminate greenhouse gases in effect by almost half. The implementation of solar routes will generate a clean energy boom; stimulate massive private investment at relatively low additional costs. It is important to collaborate with solar routes in the idea that piezoelectricity and thermocouple technologies not only improve the efficiency of solar power generation but also lead to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and thereby to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases from combustion of conventional energy supplies. Keywords: Solar Roadways, Renewable energy, Green energy, Piezoelectricity, Thermocouple Technology, crowd Farm Cite this Article: Laxmi Goswami, Solar Roadways Embedded With Thermocouple Technology And Piezoelectric System, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology,11(11), 2020, pp. 2084-2089.

1. INTRODUCTION Every Solar Road panel is roughly 12 feet × 12 feet and connects the solar road to surrounding panels. The prototype of the solar road panel consists of 1024 modules which include each , an ultra-scale capacitor and a light-emission diode. The solar road produces electricity from the sun and becomes the open, intelligent energy supply network that eliminates the degradation of our current power distribution infrastructure [1], [2]. A solar path can better be described as a collection of solar panels clubbed together to produce electricity on highways. Moreover, this involves the replacement of solar road panels for highways, parking areas, etc., so that energy 2084 [email protected] Solar Roadways Embedded with Thermocouple Technology and Piezoelectric System can also be provided for various agricultural, domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. The cooperation between piezoelectric power and solar route technologies can be a phenomenon that can help to reduce the difference between the energy supply and the energy demand. It is predicted that the total energy capacity will rise by approximately four times compared to current power generation when all roads of the world are lined with solar energy panels [3], [4]. And the dark half would be driven by the lit half of the world. It can be called "secure energy" in other words.


2.1 Concept of Piezoelectricity can be Incorporated into Solar Roads for the Generation of Electricity Electricity generation can be applied by walking or combined with solar roads because it not only improves energy production levels but also rises and bounds the efficiency of solar energy. As piezoelectric machinery deformation produces electricity through the considerable pressure from road vehicles. A sensor is used to calculate acceleration, pressure, force or strain by converting it into an electric charge. Products like Lead Zirconate Titanate crystal (PbZiTio3) can produce observable piezoelectric strength if the static structure is deformed by approximately 0.1% of the static dimension of the crystalline substance when the external electric field is used. It is used in useful applications, such as sound production and sound identification, high voltage generation, electrical signals, micro balance and ultra-fine optical part focusing [5]. The scanning probe microcopies, like AFM, STM, SNOM, MTA etc. can also serve as the basis for a number of scientific instrument techniques of atomic resolution. The majority of the used crystals may be quartz, tourmaline, topaz, Rochelle salt (Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetra hydrate) and cane sugar. Nevertheless, the most piezoelectricity is exhibited by quartz and Rochelle salts. Lead Titanate, Barium Titanate and lead Zirconate are ceramic materials and crystals that demonstrate piezoelectricity when twisted, compressed or deformed [6], [7]. It gives the transducer a comfortable interaction between mechanical and electrical oscillations. Rochelle salt can be utilized to produce high compression voltages.

2.2 The Thermocouple Technology Implanted Solar Highways This can also give some additional benefits, because if solar cells fail it can work at night. Thermocouple technology (a connection between two different metals generating a temperature- related voltage) also could be used in warm water storage plans. The water collected under the freezing line will stay under 60 Fahrenheit and can also be pumped into the surface of the road using electric pumps to cool solar cells so that they can be rendered more effective. Thermocouples can be located between cold and hot water pipes and the cooling process can produce voltage. The opposite could be done in winter as the air runs over an almost frozen surface between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This technique works in the night too. Both these technologies are taken into account for future improvements. Solar highway reuse and lifespan embedded within piezoelectric power and technology for thermocouples [8], [9]. The main aspect of this development is that it reduces the reliance on fossil fuels to generate energy. The life span of the roads is almost 30-40 years on average and that is a huge difference on average for asphalt roads, for example, 7-12 years.

2.3 National Security and Self-Reliant Nation In situations of an emergency, the electricity derived directly from these roads is used as a renewable energy tool, which is accessible at all corners of the country. This also makes the country decentralized and stable by growing its oil dependence as one barrel of oil is necessary 2085 [email protected] Laxmi Goswami to produce 42 gallons of gasoline which are very costly to produce. Our decentralized power grid will not encourage terrorists to steal our power. On several ways, the solar roads provide national security, such as: • Our road infrastructure: vehicles can be tracked and supervised with hazardous materials. Vehicles of suspected terrorists may be monitored. It is very easy to track traveler buses and school buses. Everything is in real-time. In case of any sort of emergency, these vehicles can be paired with control systems to shut down automatically. • Our power grid: The power grid cannot be threatened by nature, by hackers, by power companies and not by anyone. No more brownouts, no more blackouts, no more disruptions anymore. • Global warming: As the energy is renewable and therefore free of all kinds of pollution, e.g. CO2 that means no global warming. • Dependency on Foreign Oil: Again, nature is free and thus no longer dependent on foreign oil to make the nation independent. • Nuclear Threat: No more radioactive waste stockpile. Solar road panels can be supplied worldwide, helping all countries to achieve their dream of safety.

2.4 Military Applications Be able to place— eyes and ears— anywhere in the world without endangering human lives. Drop a through Parachute into the hills. The Parachute goes on and is removed under the plate. Open and target camera modules in all directions. A satellite dish is built in any part of the world for communications. Marines manage the infrared camera and watch the pictures on their computer screens and request strikes when necessary. The Solar Road Panel does not make noise and therefore does not cause thermal footprints to be identified by enemy combatants as opposed to the conventional generators. There is no refueling needed to prevent damage to our troops. Entire bases can be installed on solar panels everywhere throughout the world. Generators that require constant refueling are automatically supplied with no electricity [10]. When the process is complete, the solar road panels will be installed and used elsewhere.

2.5. Health Benefits Solar highways will save countless lives across northern climates with the elimination of snow and ice, night road lighting and wildlife warnings. It also avoids contaminants flowing into ponds, streams, lakes and oceans to provide a healthy and safe atmosphere.

2.6. Usage of Existing Roadways for the Desired Purpose As the solar radiation hits the earth's surface, the sunshine intensity has dropped at noon on a cloudless day to about 1,000 watts per square meter. Averaged over the whole planet's surface, 24 hours a year, almost a barrel of oil is produced each year by every square kilometer or 4.2 kilowatts a year in approximately energy equivalent. Deserts earn the most sun more than six kilowatt-hour days per square meter with very dry air and a very low cloud cover. Secondly, solar roads are most important because the existing roads can be used for the production of electricity, so there is no need for additional land and infrastructure.

2.7. Charging Electric vehicles can be utilized more and more and can be charged anywhere in a convenient location, where drivers can turn in and refuel their vehicles when driving. The induction plating mechanism inside roads can be recharged for electric vehicles, such as motors and cars while on the road, without wasting time on queues for hours by the use of the concept of mutual induction. 2086 [email protected] Solar Roadways Embedded with Thermocouple Technology and Piezoelectric System

The need for petrol will be reduced by rising EVs. The vehicles are easy to drive by removing the internal combustion engine.

2.8. Aesthetics First of all, the images of the terrible power lines are disappearing. Only imagine the journey and therefore the absence of these hindrances. The Solar Highways keep snow and ice from collecting on these lines from power failures. This will also make the environment safer For Solar Roadways, no unnecessary utility poles, relay stations, mingled wires, cooling towers, coal stacks etc., data such as telecommunications, television, internet, cable etc., which are included in the individual highways, and therefore no more trees hacking to allow room for power lines. Central electricity plants, such as coal and nuclear power plants, will make the skies cleaner. Solar power generated by solar roads can be electrified utilizing automatic traffic management routes. Solar Roadways is a smart road that provides free, renewable energy, safe driving conditions and data distribution. With the constant increase in congestion and the continuing deterioration of decade-old streets and bridges, both State and Central Governments are failing to meet the needs of existing infrastructure and capacity development and this is the right time to say "Good-Bye to crumbling roads." When researchers placed RFID tags (Radio Frequency Identification) on dangerous vehicles, which people want to monitor, solar roads track them in real time and can quickly know the exact path of the roads at once. Compared to the dark roads on which people travel at night, the solar roads will have LEDs that illuminate the roads and therefore there is no need for energy to light the roads. If the microprocessor is controlled automatically, traffic congestion does not save fuel on larger scales.

2.9. Generation of Electricity • Transportation of clean water to agricultural or municipalities centers. • Renting the internal or on-road leads to businesses like telecommunications, high- speed internet, cable TV etc. • Through selling advertising on the road or in the parking lot with the LEDs. • Paying company or people to charge their electric vehicles. • For 83,333 KWh to be generated by a solar road system, it requires an average daily production of 11.4 KWh to cover its initial cost over 20 years.

2.10. Water Management There have been serious concerns about the adverse effects of climate change on water resources and Freshwater Ecosystems. Because ocean stress is multiple, ocean oil is occurring at high risk of entering a process of extinction of marine species such as acidification, warming and over fisheries which lead to serious assessment of the current threats to future life risks for marine and human life. Rain and melted snow wash water on city roads, parking spaces and raspberries, and collect many chemicals, bacteria, anti-freezing, gasoline, brake fluid, trash and dirt. The term of the waste is "storm water." And when used often, solar roads can solve various problems and obstacles associated with an energy-demand-energy disagreement, thereby reducing fossil-fuel utilization and, consequently, no more pollution to create a safe, paradise-like atmosphere.

2.11. Waste Management of Recycled Material The products recovered may also be added to the internal support system. According to figures, nearly 50,000 bits of litter of plastic now float on every square mile of the shore. Certain waste such as water bottles, trash bags and other plastic wastes and rubber tires can be combined with the other organic materials, which enable 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to be concurrently 2087 [email protected] Laxmi Goswami processed through the right kind of waste management. This idea of reducing, reusing, recycling waste will be able to turn this project of Solar Road Panel Roadways – from production to installation and maintenance – into a green project.

2.12. Other Applications There are several locations that can be integrated with the concept of "piezoelectricity thermocouple technology", such as parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, bike-paths, pool surroundings, courtyards, airport surfaces, outdoor dance floors, racetracks, cemeteries, outdoor sporting arenas, colleges, schools and other establishments so on. For example, let's imagine a playground that let the LEDs customize itself in every possible way. It can be drawn at anytime and at anywhere, four square courts, hop-scotch, dodge ball circle, chess-checkers or basket-ball court. Nevertheless, the different trends can be reconfigured every day and even basis on hour. The only element restricted to your imagination can be generated such as spelling games, chasing the moving circles, tic-tac toe and several others. The more often the Solar Highways can be pictured the more thrilling and magnificent it is. An additional internet service and this time the chance to get it right. For decades, developers have tried their best to build the current web infrastructure. With the capacity of Solar Roadways to provide internet services to all residential areas and company items associated with the network, it is possible to connect a brand new internet infrastructure to existing internet networks. The alternate internet and the current internet structure can be a very simple and flexible idea. The discomfort of death spots was correlated with ipads, cell phones, kindles etc. The new concept can be eradicated. Since the capacity of the Solar Roadway to carry the data lines along the road provides a means for moving signals anywhere on deeper hills or higher elevations. Consider, for example, reception of mobile phones: mobile towers cannot cover vehicles inside tunnels. Leaky Cable Trip: a coaxial cable with a hole in the outer conductor can be considered the alternative. At the main entrance to the tunnel is a source, such as an antenna, attached to the leaky cable running along the breadth of the pipe. The leaky cable slots provide for cellular signals to be collected and transmitted. This leaky technology would now wipe out cell towers by using solar highways. An excellent cell phone reception will then be held everywhere along the side of the road and can therefore be found everywhere. The dead spots are almost gone, so that the problem of signal propagation is removed, and a leaky cable will operate over a hundred meters. So this can also be an effective means of generating the company revenue plus the signals that link every nook so corner of the world.

3. CONCLUSION The solar roads will make a significant contribution to fulfilling energy needs and demands. The reliance on fossil fuels can also be decreased by the generation of electricity from solar roads. As a renewable source, greenhouse gas emissions, aerosols, or all types of pollutant surveillance into the environment are therefore not available. It is projected that the use of half CO2 pollution can be avoided. The piezoelectric principle integrated into the solar roads can also boost the system's performance. The heating devices used in the house will lead to the removal of ice in the colder regions, saving a great deal of money for cleaning highways. In the case of traffic signals or crosswalks, LEDs can also be helpful. All traffic management is responsible for the microprocessor used in solar roads. For the construction of projects such as the oil asphalt roads, no agricultural land can be lost. Through current solar road systems, both future development sites and parking lots of cum are designed so that our carbon footprints are as small as possible. The solar roads supply clean renewable with safe driving conditions and power supply. The solar roads will also pay for themselves by generating electricity and other income. 2088 [email protected] Solar Roadways Embedded with Thermocouple Technology and Piezoelectric System

The use of solar roads will generate approximately —2.5 million assembly workers, extracting the world from its pause employment and rendering solar roads the country's biggest employer and the economic salvation of the nation. Accidents are preventable because drivers can be advised that the solar road panel loads will be able to detect whether something is on the panel floor. Load cells act like machines for weight. When the animal joins the route the drives are warned by embedded LEDs and the driver therefore has ample time to slow down. Of example, the future looks human and planet-friendly from Evacuated Tube transportation (ET3) to what people term "antigravity." The substitution of normal roads by Solar Roadways is going to generate Green Color employment and offer the solar manufacturing industry a significant boost. If this effort fulfills its promises, many more side effects will be avoided.


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