The G a z e t t e


No. 2224 , TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2014/ PAUSA 2, 1936

LABOUR & E. S. I. DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION The 12th December 2014 No. 10170—li/1-(J)-15/2008-LE.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Award, dated the 14th November 2014 in Industrial Dispute Case No. 25/2008 of the Presiding Officer, Industrial Tribunal, , to whom the industrial dispute between the Management of Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Ltd., Vanivihar Chouk, Janpath, & their Workmen represented by General Secretary, O. H. P. C. Employees Union, At Bariniput, was referred for adjudication is hereby published as in the Schedule below :—


INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE CASE No. 25/2008 Dated the 14th November 2014 Present : Smt. V. Jayashree, O.S.J.S.(Sr. Branch), Presiding Officer, Industrial Tribunal, Rourkela.

Between : Chairman-cum-Managing Director, . . First Party—Management Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Ltd., Vanivihar Chouk, Janpath, Bhubaneswar.

And Their Workman, represented by . . Second Party—Workman General Secretary, O.H.P.C. Employees Union, At. Bariniput, Koraput. ’

Appearances : None . . For the First Party None . . For the Second party

AWARD The Government of Odisha in Labour & Employment Department in exercise of their powers conferred under sub-section (5) of Section 12, read with clause (d) of sub-section (1) of Section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act have referred the following dispute vide Order No. 7844-li/1(J)-15/08- L. E., dated the 19th July 2008 for adjudication : "Whether the demand of the O.H.P.C. Employees Union, Bariniput, Dist. Koraput for payment of project allowance / remote area allowance to the workmen of Upper Kolab Hydro Electric Project, Bariniput at par with that of Upper Indravati Hydro Electric Project, Balimela Hydro Electric Project and Potteru Small Hydro Electric Project is legal and / or justified, If so, what should be the details?" 2. On notices being sent, both parties appeared and the workman filed their statement of claim. But thereafter both parties are found absent on several dates. From this, it can be presumed that either they have settled their dispute outside the Court in the meantime or they have no interest to conduct the case. Hence no dispute award is passed.

Dictated and corrected by me.

V. JAYASHREE V. JAYASHREE 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 Presiding Officer, Presiding Officer, Industrial Tribunal, Industrial Tribunal, Rourkela. Rourkela. ———— By order of the Governor M. NAYAK Under-Secretary to Government

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