ANAESTHESIOLOGY, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences W Sl
FORMAT FOR SUBJECTWISE IDENTIFYING JOURNALS BY THE UNIVERSITIES AND APPROVAL OF THE UGC {Under Clause 6.05 (1) of the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications for appointment of Teacher and Other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education (4th Amendment), Regulations, 2016} Subject: ANAESTHESIOLOGY, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences W Sl. Name of the Journal Publisher and Year of Hard e-publication ISSN Number Peer / Indexing status. Impact Do you use Any other No. place of Start copies (Yes/No) Refree If indexed, Name Factor/Rating. any Information publication published Reviewed of the indexing Name of the IF exclusion (Yes/No) (Yes/No) data base assigning agency. criteria for Whether covered Research by Thompson & Journals Reuter (Yes/No) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 ActaAnaesthesiologicaBelgica belgium 1950 Yes Yes 0001-5164 Yes Springer 0.84 Yes 2 ActaAnaesthesiologicaScandinavica Wiley-Blackwell 1957 Yes Yes 0001-5172; Yes WEB OF SCIENCE 2.355 Yes eISSN:1399-6576 3 ActaAnaesthesiologicaTaiwanica Elsevier,taiwan 1962 Yes Yes 1875-4597 Yes embase Yes 4 Advances in Anesthesia elsevier 2000 Yes Yes 0737-6146 Yes scopus Yes 5 Ain-Shams Journal of Anaesthesiology Ain Shams Yes Yes 1687-7934 Yes CNKI (China National University, Faculty of Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Medicine, Publishing's Electronic Department of Databases, Exlibris – Anesthesiology- Primo Central, Google Egypt Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, Journal Guide, National Science Library, OpenJGate, ProQuest, TdNet 6 Anaesthesia John Wiley & Sons Yes Yes 0003-2409; Yes yes Ltd., Oxford, UK eISSN:1365-2044 7 Anaesthesia & intensive care medicine Medicine publishing 1972 Yes No 1472-0299 Yes medline yes 8 Analgesia &Resuscitation : Current Research SciTechnol, 5716 2012 Yes Yes 2324-903X Yes Thomsonsreuters, Index CorsaAve, Suite 110, Copernicus, J gate, Journal TOCs, Cross Ref Westlake, Los Angeles Sl.
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