European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 1999; 3: 269-275 Management of antihypertensive treatment with Lisinopril: a chronotherapeutic approach


Department of Clinical Methodology and Medico-Surgical Technologies – Division of , Medical School, University of Bari (Italy) Department of Pharmacology and Human Physiology, Pharmacology Section - Bari (Italy)

Abstract. – Risk for cardiovascular events ful in the assessment of antihypertensive treat- seems to be higher in the early morning, also as ment in order to increase the therapeutic effect consequence of a rise in blood pressure (BP) already obtained with the traditional statistic values due to the characteristic circadian pat- methods. tern of BP variability. Therefore, a suitable thera- Key Words: peutic BP control should be tightest during the early morning. On the basis of the ambulatory Chronopharmacology, Antihypertensive therapy, blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) studies, it Ambulatory blood pressure, Chronobiologic rhythm, has been previously demonstrated that the anti- Blood pressure variability, Drugs administration hypertensive effect of once daily drug, generally timing. administrated in the morning, decreases at the end of the dosing period. A chronotherapeutic approach to the management of hypertension (this field has been pourly investigated so far) would allow the assessment of the optimum tim- ing of drug dosing, according to the circadian Introduction BP rhythm and to the chronorisk maps, in hy- pertensive patients affected by associated vas- Blood Pressure (BP), just as other biologi- cular pathologies. This would increase the ther- cal functions, is characterised by a circadian apeutic effects. The aim of this study was to as- rhythm, both in hypertensive and in nor- sess BP changes due to ACE-inhibitor (Lisinopril 20 mg/die) once daily administration motensive subjects; this pattern is associated at three different times (8.00 AM, 4.00 PM, 10.00 with lower BP values during sleeping time PM), in order to optimise the dosing time. 40 and periods of minimal activity and higher subjects (mean age± SD: 45±10) affected by pri- BP levels during wakefulness and mental and mary mild to moderate hypertension were sub- physical activity. At 3.00 o’clock in the night mitted to ABPM for 24 hours, by means of BP values begin to rise slowly until arousal Spacelabs 90207, before and after pharmacolog- ical treatment. Patients were randomised to take (7:00 o’clock in the morning) when BP rapid- the drug at 8.00 AM, 4.00 PM or 10.00 PM, and ly rises to its peak occurring at 10.00 AM; they repeated ABPM every two months, by while a natural fall in pressure occurs in the af- changing the dosing time. The chronobiological ternoon in untreated hypertensive patients1-5. analysis showed: 1) a sensible decrease both in It therefore is desirable that BP control Systolic (S)BP and Diastolic (D)BP without af- should be tightest during the early morning. fecting the circadian rhythm, in all evaluations; The development of antihypertensive 2) a greater reduction of SBP and DBP from 6.00 AM to 11.00 AM, period in which cardiovascular drugs with particular im- risk is higher, after 10.00 PM dosing; 3) no other pose a careful research about evaluation of sensible reduction in SBP and DBP occurred af- therapeutic effect and possible changes on ter night administration as compared to that the circadian pattern of BP due to it. Indeed caused by other dosing times. Lisinopril admin- many of this currently available drugs have istration at 10.00 PM. has been shown to be sophisticated release mechanisms or have much more useful since, although BP circadian rhythm was unmodified, it protects hypertensive long half-lives that permit once-daily admin- patients from both vascular chronorisk and istration, this increasing patient compliance Cruickshank effect (J-curve). Therefore, a and decreasing side effects, moreover they chronobiologic approach is expected to be use- are typically taken in the morning after

269 C. Macchiarulo, R. Pieri, D. Chieppa Mitolo, A. Pirrelli wakefulness. males, 18 males) aged 45 ± 10 (mean ± SD) Through ambulatory blood pressure moni- years affected by mild-moderate primitive toring (ABPM) research , it has been evaluat- hypertension. They all shared homogenous ed the distinct circadian pattern of BP and its life style, similar living habits and daily changes due to pharmacological therapy, as rhythms of life. Patient were selected after well as the period of greatest activity of the occasional sphygmomanometric measure- antihypertensive drugs. Indeed studies using ment and none had ever taken antihyperten- 24-hours ABPM have shown that pharmaco- sive therapy. Everyone had been informed dynamic activity of several drugs taken once- about the study aim and had given his con- daily in the morning (e.g. Beta blockers, Ace sent. inhibitors, Ca antagonists) is attenuated at To evaluate BP chronobiologic rhythm we the end of the dosing period6-11. have used a Spacelabs 90207 computerised This may coincide with the early-morning ambulatory blood monitor (Spacelabs, Inc., rapid increase in the BP when patients under- Redmond, Washington). This monitor was go the greatest risk of developing of cardio- programmed to measure systolic blood pres- vascular events12-14. sure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) In fact, epidemiological studies have shown and heart rate (HR) by oscillometric method. the chronobiological recurrence of many car- Recordings were performed during 24 hours diovascular diseases especially peak incidences every 15 minutes from 7 AM to 11 PM and of , angina pectoris and every 20 minutes during the night (11 PM to stroke in the early morning between 6.00 and 7 AM). 11.00 AM15,16, period in which chronobiologi- Patients began pharmacological treatment cal risk increases, due to haemodinamic and whit Lisinopril, 20 mg/die monodose, and hemocoagulative factors of platelet aggrega- they have been were randomised in three tion and neurohormonal factors, and to the BP groups to take the drug at 8.00 AM, or at 4.00 rapid increase at awakening1,17-20,21. PM or at 10 PM. Every group of patients re- It is therefore necessary a suitable thera- peated ABPM every two months, by chang- peutic BP check during that period, above all ing, after wash-out week, the dosing hour. At in hypertensive patients, showing associated the end of study all the patients had taken the vascular disease ,by choosing the most appro- drug at three scheduled hours. priate antihypertensive therapy administra- tion timing21. Statistical analysis Clinic Blood Pressure values have been Aim of the study evaluated as the average of three consecutive Timing of drug dosing to much the circadi- measurements and the difference between an BP rhythm is a fairly new concept in anti- these average values, obtained at baseline hypertensive therapeutics. At beginning of and during treatment and in three different our study in this field we have evaluated administration times (8.00 AM, 4.00 PM, Lisinopril for its pharmacokinetic features; it 10.00 PM), was assessed by Anova test and neither is metabolised at hepatic level nor it by Bonferroni test for repeated assessments. significantly blinds to plasma proteins. It The ambulatory blood pressure values reach a of 25%. analysis included the calculation, before and This study evaluate the possible changes in after treatment, of the 24h, day-time (period BP profile, all over 24 hours, induced by the between 7.00 AM and 11.00 PM) and night- ACE inhibitor drug, Lisinopril (20 mg/die) time (period between 11.00 PM and 7.00 once daily administration at three different AM) average values (± SD) and the average hours, in order to optimise the administration values for each hour of recording period. timing. Analysis was performed by traditional sta- tistic methods (hourly averages, SD of the av- erages, Anova test). Besides we have considered by statistical Patients and Methods analysis BP averages values (± SD) of the pe- riod between 6.00 AM and 11.00 AM in We studied a group of forty patients (22 fe- which chronorisk increases, and BP averages

270 Management of antihypertensive treatment with Lisinopril: a chronotherapeutic approach

Table I. Blood pressure and heart rate sphygmomanometric values found at three different administration times.

Before treatment After Lisinopril 8 AM After Lisinopril 4 PM After Lisinopril 10 PM

SBP mmHg 160.11 ± 5.23 132.62 ± 7.02* 134.63 ± 8.05* 133.12 ± 7.52* DBP mmHg 100.71 ± 7.01 85.24 ± 5.02* 87.22 ± 7.25 85.52 ± 7.05* HR bpm 85.88 ± 10.31 87.62 ± 11.43 82.74 ± 12.51 83.20 ± 10.18

Data are mean ± DS: SBP = Systolic blood pressure; DBP = Diastolic blood pressure; HR = Heart rate. * p < 0.05 versus before treatment. values (± SD) of the period between 11.00 variation has been assessed (Table I). SBP PM to 6.00 AM, in which BP falls naturally. and DBP mean values over 24 hours and par- We have calculated this BP values before and ticularly during daily (7.00 AM-11.00 PM) after treatment in the three different adminis- and nightly hours (11.00 PM-7.00 AM) tration times (8.00 AM, 4.00 PM, 10.00 PM). recorded by ABPM after treating at the dif- To evaluate, with a statistical significance ferent timing of administration (8.00 AM or whether a BP rhythm variability occurred 4.00 PM, or 10.00 PM) have been proved to and whether the therapeutic treatment affect- be significantly lower, if compared with the ed it, SBP and DBP daily profiles were values before treatment. analysed by inferential analysis (statistical No significant change has been observed as study of mathematical functions, deriving for HR and mean pressure values over 24 from original data series extrapolation). hours and at the hours periods taken into ac- We analysed ABPM original data by count, notwithstanding the timing of adminis- means of the four harmonics Fourier’s model. tration, namely: 8.00 AM, 16.00 PM or 10.00 This model emphasized once more that the PM (Table II). studies of the biological rhythms cannot be The 24-hour pressure pattern, drowned done by traditional methods because those from hourly averages of ABPM recordings methods are based on the inspective trend of before and after the treatment, clearly shows the curve representing hourly averages of a major decrease in both SBP (Figure 1) and pressure data. DBP (Figure 2) after Lisinopril over 24 hours in each one of the administration timing, compared to the values before the treatment. It can easily be noted how severe the pres- Results sure decrease is in the 6.00 AM to 11.00 AM interval, when the drug is administered at All patients after 2-months Lisinopril treat- 10.00 PM comparated to the one observed at ment, at each one of the administration tim- the other administration timings. ing, showed a major clinical SBP and DBP 10 PM administration timing pressure de- decrease (p < 0.05), on the contrary no HR crease overnight (11.00 PM – 6.00 PM) is not

Table II. Blood pressure (mmHg) and heart rate (bpm) values in estabilished time ABPM detected.

Before treatment After Lisinopril 8 AM After Lisinopril 4 PM After Lisinopril 10 PM

SBP 24 hours 137.97 ± 15.94 126.16 ± 14.37* 128.01 ± 16.40* 122.78 ± 14.03* SBP hours (7-23) 142.89 ± 14.27 130.64 ± 13.11* 133.34 ± 14.30* 130.82 ± 11.69* SBP hours (23-7) 126.63 ± 13.64 115.85 ± 11.60* 116.33 ± 14.57* 114.85 ± 12.36* DBP 24 hours 91.22 ± 15.47 80.76 ± 14.26* 83.85 ± 15.32* 81.39 ± 13.76* DBP hours (7-23) 96.42 ± 13.56 85.58 ± 12.71* 89.03 ± 13.00* 86.63 ± 11.36* DBP hours (23-7) 79.18 ± 12.66 69.69 ± 11.11* 70.88 ± 12.38* 70.06 ± 11.52* HR 24 hours 78.78 ± 14.85 77.35 ± 15.90 78.74 ± 11.72 75.26 ± 13.63 HR hours (7-23) 82.90 ± 14.27 81.49 ± 16.03 83.10 ± 14.73 79.09 ± 13.13 LHR hours (23-7) 69.39 ± 11.51 67.98 ± 10.81 69.22 ± 13.48 67.06 ± 10.80

* p < 0.05 versus before treatment.

271 C. Macchiarulo, R. Pieri, D. Chieppa Mitolo, A. Pirrelli

Figure 1. higher than the one found with the drug ad- timing shows a higher BP decrease, but it ministration at 8.00 AM or 4.00 PM for both doesn’t allow any further nocturnal reduction SBP (Figure 1) and DBP (Figure 2). compared to the one induced by the other ad- Chronobiologic analysis showed that the pre- ministration timings. vious circadian rhythm remains after Lisinopril The statistical analysis of SBP and DBP for all the three administration timings for both value averages in the 6 AM to 11 AM time SBP (Figure 3) and DBP (Figure 4). interval demonstrated how important the During the 6 AM to 11 AM interval, the pressure decrease was caused by the drug, in curve relating to the 10 PM administration each one of the administration timing, com-

Figure 2.

272 Management of antihypertensive treatment with Lisinopril: a chronotherapeutic approach

Figure 3.

pared to the same values prior to treatment. 8.00 AM or 4.00 PM (Table III). Moreover, Lisinopril administrated at 10 In 11.00 PM – 6.00 AM interval both SBP PM induced a more significantly BP decrease and DBP severely decreased in all the three compared with Lisinopril administered at timings of administration compared to base-

Figure 4.

273 C. Macchiarulo, R. Pieri, D. Chieppa Mitolo, A. Pirrelli

Table III. Blood pressure reduction following three different times of lisinopril administration.

6 AM to 11 AM Before treatment After Lisinopril 8 AM After Lisinopril 4 PM After Lisinopril 10 PM

SBP mmHg 144.00 ± 4.86 135.1 ± 6.72• 133.2 ± 4.32• 122.1 ± 4.8•* DBP mmHg 99.45 ± 3.85 90.10 ± 7.91• 91.10 ± 5.83• 80.10 ± 4.24•* 11 PM to 6 PM Before treatment After Lisinopril 8 AM After Lisinopril 4 PM After Lisinopril 10 PM SBP mmHg 125.4 ± 3.60 115.67 ± 3.58• 116.97 ± 3.66• 114.93 ± 3.73• DBP mmHg 78.10 ± 2.49 69.70 ± 3.50• 71.34 ± 3.26• 71.74 ± 3.08•

Data are mean ± DS: SBP = Systolic Blood Pressure; DBP = Diastolic Blood Pressure. • = p < 0.05 versus before treatment * = p < 0.05 versus Lisinopril 8 AM and Lisinopril 4 PM administration.

line values. Such values quite overlap for the tients. three timings of administrations (Table III), Let us therefore assume that Lisinopril ad- thus showing that no further SBP and DBP ministration at 10 PM is more favourable, be- decrease occur overnight, period in which BP cause by respecting the BP circadian rhythm, is Known to be physiologically lower, due to it protects better hypertensive patients from the evening administration, compared to the both vascular chronobiological risk, in the values related to the other timings of admin- morning hours, when pressure rises, and from istration. the Cruickshank’s effect (J curve) in night In conclusion chronopharmacology arises hours22,27-29. from the intersection of Chronobyology, the A chronobiologic approach of the antihy- study of rhythmical fluctuations of biological pertensive therapy can therefore be envis- systems, and Pharmacology. It aims at opti- aged, thus allowing the detection of the most mising the drug administration timing to en- effective drug taking “right time”, respecting hance its therapeutic effect, to reduce its the endogenous biologic rhythms, above all posology and the decrease the undesired in those patients affected by associated vascu- side-effects, by taking seriously into account lar events for whom the optimal administra- the chronotoxicologic activity of the drug it- tion timing choice could increase therapeutic self11,22. results. Drugs, following their metabolic pathway, deal with biological periodicity , at different levels, which influence their effects and dis- appearance23. References Actually, according to timing, they vary both the biosystem’s bioavailability and sen- 1) MILLAR-CRAIG MW, BISHOP GN, RAFTERY EB. Circadian variation of blood pressure. Lancet 1978; 1: 795- sivity, this conditioning its desired and unde- 797. sired effects24. 2) RAFTERY EB. Clinical significance of Blood Pressure Lisinopril, a drug inhibiting the Variability. 9th Symposium Blood Pressure converting enzyme, has already been widely Variability 1983: 51-63. 25-26 tested for its antihypertensive efficacy . 3) PICKERING TG, JAMES GD. Determinants and con- The drug efficacy was confirmed from this seguences of the diurnal rhythm of blood pres- study results, in terms of a decrease in both BP sure. Am J Hypertens 1993; 6 (Suppl 1): 166s- 24-hour values and BP daily and nocturnal val- 169s. ues for each one of the administration timing. 4) WALSH SJ, WHITE WB. The rise and fall of ambula- Data demonstrate that when the drug is tory blood pressure (abstr). Am J Hypertens administered in the evening it reduces more 1994; 7: 106A. greatly BP in the early morning, it keeps its 5) STAESSEN J, BULPITT CJ, O’BRIEN Eet al.The diurnal blood pressure profile: a population study. Am J activity at the end of the administration inter- Hypertens 1992; 5: 386-392. val and it does not induce excessive hypoten- sion, during sleep, when BP is physiologically 6) NEUTEL JM, SCHNAPER H, CHEUNG D, GRAETTINGER WF, WEBER MA. Anthypertensive effects of b-blockers lower even in essentially hypertensive pa-

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