Feeling Peachy
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Take a trip back to the 70s with Retro Crafts these easy-to-do projects B1 Lake Placid, Sebring Mitey Mites look EWS UN good in jamboree A9 NHighlands County’s Hometown Newspaper-S Since 1927 75¢ New bait shop in Avon Park is A3 ‘open when fi shermen need it’ www.newssun.com An Edition of the Sun Sunday, August 3, 2014 Doty case set for trial in January UFBEST UFSUN TROPIC BEAUTY FLORIDAGLO FLORIDAPRINCE Regional Con ict Counsel Area citrus takes over Felipe’s defense growers Feeling BY LARRY GRIFFIN nding STAFF WRITER success with SEBRING — The suspects in the murder of Aaron Doty peachy peaches in June 2012 have a tentative trial date set for Jan. 12, 2015, according to Assistant State’s BY PHIL ATTINGER them out as a means of Attorney Steve Houchin. STAFF WRITER diversifying against the A status conference is also ravages of citrus canker scheduled for the beginning LAKE WALES — Take and greening, Olmstead of August. a look at the peaches said. The two main sold in your local mar- The state had peach- defendants in the ket and you may see es in North Florida in case, Jonathan them marked as “grown the 1980s, she said, Rodriguez and in Florida.” It’s not a but freezes took out Kenneth Felipe, typo; it’s new the trees. Now, are both charged J. RODRIGUEZ types of peach- Crop has it’s making a with murder- es. grown from comeback. ing Doty. They al- They’ve been “Everything legedly picked a around for 100 acres came to fruition fi ght with Doty, more than 25 15 years ago,” beat him to death years, and in in the state Olmstead said: and then, hours development 2009 to 1,200 From 100 acres later, took his more than 50 in 2009 to 1,200 body out to the FELIPE years, said Mer- acres today acres today. woods and lit it on fi re. cy Olmstead, It’s still only According to an autopsy assistant professor and a $5 million industry, performed later, Doty was still extension fruit special- but she said it’s grow- alive when he was set on fi re. ist with the University ing steadily. So much Rodriguez and Felipe are of Florida. so that consumers have facing charges of second de- UF has developed started to notice. gree murder, abuse of a dead trees that need few- “Most of them say, Kirsten Scarborough/News-Sun human body and tampering er cold nights to make ‘Wow! I didn’t know From left, Ryan Scarborough and Deeley Hunt take a short break from tending their peach orchard on the north- with physical evidence. east corner of Clinch Lake. They spend hours at a time fertilizing, spraying and trimming their trees to make sure peaches, and some cit- they are healthy and ready for the next season. Compared with citrus, peaches are more labor-intensive, Scarbor- rus growers are trying SEE PEACHES | A8 ough said. SEE DOTY | A7 County Commission to vote on Camper Corral may golf carts in Avon Park Lakes move to Sebring HOA Board supports it; Sheri , Engineer say no BY BARRY FOSTER to come up Tuesday NEWS-SUN CORRESPONDENT night, when Sebring City Council mem- BY PHIL ATTINGER Peggy Bennett is ask- SEBRING — It was bers will hear a pitch STAFF WRITER ing every disabled cit- just a year ago that fi re from former Highlands izen and anyone else ravaged the Camper County Administrator AVON PARK — Sher- who would support hav- Corral showroom on Carl Cool. Representing iff Susan Benton and ing golf carts run in the U.S. Highway 27 south Camper Corral, Cool is County Engineer Ramon subdivision to be at the of Avon Park causing slated to propose a new Gavarrete have recom- board of county com- hundreds of thousands facility on land that at mended against desig- missioners meeting at of dollars in damage. one time was to have nating Avon Park Lakes 9 a.m. Tuesday at the Now, the popular lo- been a Tuscan-style as a golf cart communi- commission chambers Phil Attinger/News-Sun cal RV sales operation upscale housing com- ty, but the matter is still at 501 S. Commerce Ave. Brandon Bennett, 23, has Kniest dysplasia, a rare bone disorder resulting could open a new loca- munity. up for a vote Tuesday. in shortened stature and painfully enlarged joints. He has been told by a tion south of Sebring. Highlands County sheri ’s deputy he could face a ticket because golf carts Concerned resident SEE CARTS | A8 are not allowed on Avon Park Lakes roads. The item is slated SEE CORRAL | A6 Watch out for heavy Business ..................... A3 Horoscope .................... B2 Puzzles ......................... B2 facebook.com/ VOL. 95 storms this afternoon newssun Classifi ed .................... B8 Obituaries .................. A6 Sports on TV ............... A10 High 93 Low 76 twitter.com/ NO. 89 Details on B12 Dear Abby ..................... B2 Lottery Numbers .......... A2 Viewpoints .................... A5 thenewssun f LLY OWN ED Avon Park Lake Placid Sebring Sun‘n Lake North community minded 800W. Main St. 600 U.S. Hwy 27 N. 327 U.S. Hwy 27 N. 5033 U.S. Hwy 27 N. www.heartlandnb.com 863.453.6000 863.699.1300 863.386.1300 863.386.1322 3068182 r; ' Q r A2 | NEWS-SUN | Sunday, August 3, 2014 www.newssun.com Indian Streets has SNAPSHOTS Neighborhood LO CAL NEWS Watch program as models wearing NEWS-SUN SEBRING — Belk’s latest fashion Highlands County’s Hometown The Indian Streets trends and styles for Newspaper Since 1927 Neighborhood Watch kids. http//:www.newssun.com program is holding Parents and legal The News-Sun (USPS 487-900 monthly meetings, guardians interested – ISSN 10748342) is published every Sunday, Wednesday & Friday every third Tuesday in having their chil- by Sun Coast Media Group, 200 E. at 6 p.m. in the Faith dren ages 4-12 par- Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34285. Pe- Lutheran Church ticipate as models riodical postage paid at Lakeland, FL and additional entry office(s). Fellowship Hall, 2740 in the fashion show All material contained herein is the Lakeview Ave. should register the property of the News-Sun, which The next meet- children at the Belk is an affiliate of Sun Coast Media ing is planned for Kids department in Group. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the writ- Larry Griffin/News-Sun Aug. 19 and will the Lakeshore Mall. ten permission of the publisher. Briana Ash, a volunteer with Horses and Handicapped, takes Candice Bench for a horse ride at the stables at 118 West College feature represen- Participating kids All material submitted for publica- Drive Saturday morning at the Summer Splash event. tatives from the will receive 15 per- tion becomes the property of the newspaper and may be edited for Highlands County cent off any pur- clarity and space, as well as re- Sheriff’s Office and chase in the chil- printed, published and used in all the Sebring Police dren’s department. media. Postmaster: Send address Water slides and pony rides Department. Belk will provide change to: News-Sun, 2227 U.S. 27 South, Sebring, FL 33870. free pictures taken at Summer Splash event LP chamber with Belkie Bear and COmmITMENT TO adjusts hours the Aarons Mascot. ACCURACY There will be cup- The News-Sun promptly cor- Heartland Horses LAKE PLACID — cake decorating for rects errors of fact appearing in The Greater Lake the models as well as its news stories. If you believe we have made an error, call the news- and Handicapped get Placid Chamber of popcorn, balloons, room at (863) 385-6155, ext. 516. Commerce has ad- bowling, face tattoos, If you have a question or comment boost from fundraiser justed its business games and coupons about coverage, write to Scott BY LARRY GRIFFIN hours. for all, mascots from Dressel, editor, 2227 U.S. 27 South, Sebring, FL 33870; email STAFF WRITER It will now be open Aarons, Belkie Bear [email protected].; or call from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sweet Frogs as (863) 385-6155. AVON PARK — At Monday-Friday from well as fingerprint- the first annual Sum- January through ing children from the OffICE mer Splash event put May and October Masonic Lodge and Location: 2227 U.S. 27 South, on by Heartland Hors- through December; much more. Sebring, FL 33870 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- es and Handicapped from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 863-385-3200, day-Friday at their ranch Saturday Monday-Friday ext. 290 for details. Phone: (863) 385-6155 morning, parents and from June through Main Fax: (863) 385-1954 children had fun rid- September; and Boys & Girls ing horses and sliding from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Club need SUBSCRIPTION Larry Griffin/News-Sun RATES down water slides. Saturdays from supplies The funds generated Christopher Wolf slides down the big water slide at the Summer Splash event Satur- January through Home day morning, intended to raise money for the Horses and Handicapped program. 12 mos. Tax Total by those who attended March. SEBRING — The $72.22 $5.06 $77.28 will go towards keeping more.” Club, Kiwani’s and the As always, should Boys & Girls Club of In Florida mail 12 mos. Tax Total Heartland Horses and Their solution not Builders Club. any member have Highlands County $107.24 $7.51 $114.75 Handicapped up and only helped raise mon- Heartland Hors- any special needs, is in need of back to Out of Florida mail running. ey for their group, but es and Handicapped, simply contact the school supplies for 12 mos.