The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan

Vo!. V, Suppl,, 1955

*jrelgL !llili!ik2 BuT7z/ii?i7TLms AND MOTffS

(TheTransaetions of the Lepidopterological S6ciety ef Japan)

Recent Japanese Literature on

(The year 1953 ; letterpress-print only)

Compiled by TARo IwAsE

4, Shinhana-cho, Hongo, Tokyo

A. General

"Some 1, SAIToH, KAzuo et al,, investigations on a lycaenid butterfly W2zgimo signataBuTLER'',

variation of wing-markings, life-histery, chromoseme and male genitalia are discussed.

2・ SAIToH, KAzuo & HIRoNAo YAMAucl{I, "Seme investigations on a Jycaenid butterfly, uragimO , Signata BuTLER, (2) Supplementary Notes", (In Japanese, English resume). New Entemo-

logist, vol. 3: pp. 15-17, 1 fig. August.

B. Systematic & Nemenelature

``Notes 3. INouE, HmosHT, on the scientific name ofsomemoths (2)'', (In Japanese). Trans. Lep. Soc. Jap. vol. 4: pp. 7-8, Sept, Synonymy and key for Albara acuminata ogasawarae MATsuMuRA and Betalbara manleyi LEEcH (Drepanidae). "On 4, INouE, HiRosHi, the genus PtiloPhora (Notodontidae)" Trans. Lep, Soc. Jap., vol.4:pp.

13-15, 7 figs.,Sept. Synonymy and distribution of R nohirae, PIumigera, ie2oensis .and sutchana. Genus Ptilopkoroides synonymized. "Notes ''. 5, INouE, HiRosHi, on some Japanese Larentiinae and Geometrinae (Geometridae) Tinea vol. 1: pp. !-18, 1 pl,, 21 text-figs. (mostly maleugenitalia), Nov. 6 new genera: Echthro- coUix (type min"ta BuTLER), Herbulotia Ctype agilata CHRisTopH), Rseuderannis (type gotnozemia PRouT), Rantobia (type basijuscaria LEEcH), IVipPonalcis Ctype rimosa BuTLEH) and Gymno- cleora (type charon BuTLER) ; 4 new species: Abraxas minax (Honshu), Rainobia mediodivisa (Hon$hu), Alcis silvicola (Honshu, Kyushu) and AsPitates oblieui2ona (Honshu) ; 3 new sub- species : H]ydriomena coerulata insugata (Honshu), Racotis boarmiaria 1-aponica (Honshu, Kyushu)

and Genodontis bidentata harutai (Honshu), Abraxas minax INouE is a remarkable sibling

specie$ allied to common A, miranda BuTLER. Minax is single brooded while miranda is double

brooded, Immature stages of the former unknewn.

"On 6. MuRAyAMA, SHu-ITI, some new Lycaenids from Japan (1)'', (In Japanese, English summary). Trans. Lep, Soc. Jap,, vol. 3: pp. 17-21, 19 figs., Apr. Described as new: Celastrina albocaerulea yamamotoi (Yaku Island), Jciponica lutea onoi (Hokkaido), Favonius saPhirinus niPPonicus (Honshu), Es. tie2onicus CHokkaido) and E hayashii borealis (Hokkaido).



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(2) uetItrfi CVol, V

F`On 7. MuRAyAMA, SHv-rrl, some Lycaenids from Japan (2)", (In Japanese, English synopsis).

Trans. Lep.Sec,Jap. vol.4: pp. 10-12, 11 figs,,Sept, Described as new: FZivonius J'ezoensis magnijicans (Honshu), ATeozePhyrus smaragdinus luxrians (Honshu), and Araragi entkea yucara

(Hekkaido). Revive j-o2anus MATsuMuRA as the Hokkaido subspecies of thvonius ultramarinus

FIxEN from Korea.

``On 8, MuRAyAMA, SHu-iTi, a new subspecies of Aranda schrencleii from Honshu (Satyridae),''

(In Japanese, English synopsis). Trans. Lep. Soc.Jap,, vol,4: p, 9, 1 fig. Sept, Described

A, schrenchii carexivora (sic !) (type Nagano), as distinct from Hokkaido subspecies menatcas,

"Seme 9. MuRAyAMA, SHu-icm, new forms of butterfiies from Honshu'', (In Japanese, English resume), Ngw Entornolegist,vol.3: 35-37, August. 3 aberrant forrnsof lycaenids named, pp. Spring farrri of Pieris napi is named as juponica ' J'uvenata. "Explanation 10. 0KADA, YosHIo, of Sasakia charonda HEwlTsoN (Nymphalidae)". Trans. Lep,

Soc. Jap,, vel. 4: p, 5, 1 fig. Sept. 6 Genitalia well figured. 11. 0KAGAKi, HiRoMu &' MAsANAo NAKAMuRA, "Notes on the Japanese species of the subfamily Stauropinae (Notodontidae),'' (In English, Japanese resume), Trans. Lep. Soc. Jap. vol, 4: pp, 16-18, 10 figg., Sept. Described Genus IlalaeostauroP"s as new (generotype obliterata

WILEMAN et SouTH). Genus StattroPus with its 2 Japanese forms explained.

"Une 12. 0KANo, MAsAo, nouvelle sous-espece de Coreana raPhaelis OBERTHVR de Japon (Lycae-

", nidae) (In French, Japanese notes). BulL Tohoku Ent. Soc,, vol, 2: pp. 47-48, 1 pl,, Sept. Described as new Coreana raphaelis yamamotoi (type Rikuchu, Honshu), Food plant: Frarinus Jopentca,

"IIIustrated ", 13. SmRAI, TADAHARu, in the Kansai district of Japan (1) CIn Japanese).

Trans. Lep. Sec, Jap,, vol, 3: pp. 25-28. 5 figs. July. Iiphesia rutha, connexa and n"bila

illustrated and described.

"New 14. SmROzu, TAKAsHi, er little known butterflies from the north-eastern Asia, with some

synonymic notes. IL'' Sieboldia, vol. 2: pp. 149-159, 1 pl. 1 text fig. Apr. Described as 'pro, new: E"rema esafeii (Formosa) (Pieridae>; Mbculinea euphemus matsumurai nom. nov, ]'e2oensis MATsuMuRA (Hokkaido), Jdmides bochus ishigahianus (Ishigaki Island, Loochoos). Nacaduba leurava sePtentrionalis CSouth Japan) and Lycaeides argyrognomon shirahatai (Yama-

gata Pref., N. Japan) (Lycaenidae).

C. Morphology & Cytology

irMorphology 15, SHiR6zu, TAKAsHI & HIDEI{o YAMAMoTo, ef the male genital organ of Argyrenome

laodice l'aPonica MENETRiEs (Nymphalidae),:' Sieboldea, vol, 2 : pp, 161-168, 4 pls. Apr. The

skeletal and membranous parts and muscles are described and illustrated minutely. '

D. Variation & Genetics

``Geographical 16, ITo, YosmAKr, variation of butterfiies, an interpretation of Dr. HovANiTz's

theses'', (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vol. 6, no. 10: pp. 2-6. 3 figs,, Sept. "Dr. '', 17. IwAsE, TAI?o, HovANiTz and Colias (Pieridae) (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vol. 6, no.

13r pp. 2-4, 2 figs., Dec, Furthef comments on ITo's paper. (No. 16). "7 18, KvRosAwA, YosHIHIKo, melanic fQrms of Argynnis in the collection of the National Science

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Museum of Japan. Notes on aberrant forms of Japane$e butterflies (1)", (In English and

Japanese). Natural Scith.nce And Museums, voL 20. nos. 1-2: pp. 13-16, 2 pls., 1 fig. on cover.

Jan. 7 aberrations all unnamed:5 laodice juponica, 1 rusaana lysiPPe and 1 charlotta basali-s (Nymphalidae).

"Aberrant 19. KoBAyAsHI, HiRosHi, form ef Taraha hamada DRucE CLycaenidae)'', (In Japanese),

Trans, Lep. Soc, Jap., vol, 3: p. 16, 1 fig. Apr, Beautiful specimens Df. ab, abrreviata

ESAKI et YAsuMATsu are displayed ln half-tone photos.

`fSeasonal 20- MiyAo, TAKEo, variation in the wing-length of Colias hyale PoliograPhus MoTscHuLsi{y CPieridae)," (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vel, 6, no. 5: pp, 16-2e, 2 figs., 5 tables. May,

The length of forewing is shortest and most variable in the May brood fr'om hibernated larvae,

"Une 21・ OKANo, MAsAo, forme aberrante de IlrPilio machaon hiPPocrates FELDER et FELDER", (In Japanese). Bull. Tohoku Ent. Soc. vol. 2: p. 49, 1 fig., Sept. A melanic di, unnamed.

"On 22. SAITol{, KAzuo, an example of gynandrornorphism of Colias hyale PoliograPhus MoTscHuL・

SKy (Pieridae)", (In Japanese, English resume). Kontyu, vol,20: pp. 18--21,1pl.Oct, Male

valvus and aedoeagus side by side with female bursa copulatria and lamina dentata. .

"Erebia 23. YoKoTA, ErzABuRo, niPhonica JANsoN from Uono-Kemagatake, its variation (Satyridae)", (In Japanese), Essa Konchu Dokokaiho, vol, 7: pp, 86-87. Sept.

E. Distribution & ?henology

``Milionia ", 24. EsAKi, TEiso, Prpteri DRucE, a new pest in Kyushu CGeometridae) (In Japanese)・

Shin Konchu, vo], 6, no. 3; 14-15, 1 fig., Mar, The caterpillars damage POdocarPus macroPhyUa (Podocarpaceae),

`CButterfiy `Japan 25, HosoNo, ATsusm, fauna of North Alps'", (In Japanese), Shin Konchu, vol. 6, no. 7: 2-9, 10 figs. July. Regional and altitudinal distrtbution explained,

"Butterfiy 26. ImMA, KAzuo, fauna of the Kushiro District with some phenological notes", (In Japanese). Kushiro Hakubutsukan Shimbun, no. 17: pp, 2-4, 1 fig. May; no, 18: pp. 6-8, 1 fig.,

June;no, 19:pp. 5-6, July;and no, 20:pp. 6-8, August. Enumerates 84 species in thisi

district of Hekkaido. 27, IMANISm, KINJT, "Nature in Nepal Himalayas", (In Japanese). Kagaku, vol:23: pp. 406-416,

4 pls. 1 map. August, pp. 464-468, 1 fig., Sept. Ecelogical and zoogeographical accounts

of author's 1952 expedition to this district. Many butterflies, identified by Mr. T. SmR6zu,

figured and discussed,

"On 28. IwAsE, TARo, the distribution and northern limit of Zinina otis aloPe FENToN (Lycaenidae)'', (In Japane$e, English resurne). Entomological Review of Japan, vo!. 6, pt. 3: pp. 19i20,

Dec. 1952. Northern lirnit in Japan 360 40' N,

"On 29. 0KAMoTo, HiRosHr, an unrecorded species of Lycaenidae irom Shikoku, Japan", (In

Japanese), Gensei, vol. 1: pp. 13-14, 2 figs,, Dec. 1952. 1 9 CatochrysoPs cnej'us FABRicii]S

captured on, Sept. 3, 1951,

"An 30, NAKAHARA, WARo & KIMiyosHi ODA, unrecorded Lycaenid butterfly from Japan'', (In

Japanese). Trans. Lep. Sec, Jap. vol.4:p. 20,2 fig$. Sept. Coreana raPhaelis jlamen LEEcH from Iwate-ken (=Rikuchu), with $ome notes on its immature stages. Foodplant: Fraxinus ju?onica,

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(4) kqt,-bthR (vol, v

" '', 31. NoHiRA, AKio & SEIsAKu OGINo, Tentative list ef Moths in Niigata-ken (In Japanese). Essa

Konchu Dokokai Kaiho, vol. 7: pp, 31-37, March; pp. 66-71, Ju4e; pp, le2-108, Sept. Enurne-

rate all recorded species as a preparatory measure for a revised faunal list.

"GlaercQPsyche 32. SArroH, KAzuo & HiRoNAo YAMAucHI, lycormas BuTLER.of Tappi district,

Aomori-ken (Lycaenidae)", (In Japanese, English summary). Ecology, vel, 4, no. 11:

pp. 63-69, 1 pl. 2 rnaps, 2 tables, Dec. 1952. 0currence in the northern tip of Hon$hu


"Avoyage '; 33. SAKAGAMi, SHoicHi, te the Marcus Island (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vol, 6, no. 5: pp. 23-29, 18 figs,, May. Utethesia Pulchella (Arctidae) and Heptse convolvnti (Sphingidae)

are recorded, among other , in this tiny island between the Bonins and the Wake,

"Luehdony7as 34. SmRAHATA, KoTARo, in Yamagata-ken", (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vel. 6, no.5: pp. 30-32, 2 figs., 1 map, May. Sympatric occurence of L. j'aPonica nakamurae and L, Puxiloi , znexPecta reported along Megami River.

F. Biology & Immature Stages "Yearly 35. FuKuDA, HARuo, life-cycle of Celastrina albocaerulea MooRE in Kyushu

(in Japanese). Shin Konchu, vol.6, no. 5: pp.21-22, May, FQod-plants: Prun"s (Rosaceae), Dicalix (Symplocaceae), ilex (Aquifoliaceae), and vaburnzam (Caprifoliaceae),

"Preliminary 36, IMADAcHI, GENTARo et al, notes on the life history of ArhoPala ganesa loomisi

", PRyER (Lycaenidae) (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vol, 6, no. 13:pp, 28-30, Dec. Foodplant:

Q"ercus gilva,

`'Jumping 37, IsHII, SusuMu, of the larvae of Zigeeria tnaha KoLLAR (Lycaenidae)",(In Japanese)・

Insect Ecology, vol. 4, no. 11: p. 93, Dec. 1952, First instar larvae jumped as far as 10cm, by

drawing head and tail together.

"Life 38, IsHiwARA, SEiicHI, history of Theretra eldenlandiae FixBRicius (Sphingida'e)]', (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, voL 6, no, 10: pp, 23-25, 4 figs. Foodplants: AmPlopsis, Cayratia, ' Vitis (Vitaceae), 'IwAsE, "Lessons 39. TARo, from here and there (6), (7)'], (In Japanese). Trans. Lep. Soc, Jap. vol. 4: p. 6, 3 figs, & p, 19, 3 figs. Sept. Pinnacle of eggs and sward-shape horned pupae

of lkPilio demolion (Java), and monkey-faced pupae of Spaigis and Feniseca.

"Biology 40. KoBAyAsHl, HmosHI, of lichen-feeding moths (1)'Z (In Japanese). Trans, Lep, Soc.

Jap. vol. 3: pp, 9-10, 4 figs. Apn PZirasiecia altaica LEDERER (Arctidae, Lithosiinae), 41, KuBoTA,HmEKo etal."Some observations on Pieris raPae in the farm", (In Japanese), Shin Kenchu, vol. 6, no. 2: pp. 12-14, 6 tables, Feb, Laying site for eggs, sitting position ef

larvae, pupation site and flying activities observed,

"A 42, NAKAMuRA, MAsANAo, food-plant of Schij7'ermablleria hoptalitha MEyRIcK (Oecophoridae)'', (in Japanese). Insect Ecology, voL 4, no, 11:p. 89, Dec, 1952. Fungivorous on Mbrulius

lacrymas (WuLF.) FR.

"Notes `swell 43. NAKAMuRA, MAsANAo, on the inch-worm on Ilex crenata THuNB.' which was

", recorded by Dr. T. SAsAKI (1899) CIn Japanese, English summary). Trans, Lep. Soc. Jap. vol. 3: pp. 11-12, 3 figs., Apr. The resulted was identified as RhynchobaPta flavicePs BuTLER (GeQmetridae) and not as Nemoria sp. Pupal characters described.

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`tEcological 44. 0HGusHI, RyoHicHI, notes en EPiPonPonia nawai DyAR, a parasite of Cicada in

'', Japan (Epipyropidae) Trans. Shikoku Ent. Soc. voL 3: 185-191, 6 figs. 2 tables, Nov.

Habitat preference and morphological structure of cieada Tanna j'aPonesis DisTANT may be key

points of the hest determination of E. nawai, the author suggested.

"A '', 45. SuGi, SHiGERo, feeding plant of Ilagyda guineuetineata HERiNG (Pyralidae) (In Japanese),

Insect Ecology, vol. 4, no, 11:p, 74, Dec, 1952, CaUicarPa 1'aPonica THuNBERG (Verbe-

naceae) reported,

"On .46, SuGI, SHrGERo, some lichenophagous Acontiinae irom Japan CPhalaenidae)" (In Japanese, English resume). Tinea, vol. 1: pp. 19-21, Nov. 2 species of EnisPa and 4 species of

Corgatha listed, .

"Life `alpine' ", 47. TABucHi, YuKio, of Celias Palaeno sugitanii EsAKI (Pierldae) (In Japanese), Kagaku Asahi, voL 13, no, 11: pp. 60-63, 15 figs., Nov. Full of fine photo-gravures. Food- ・ plant: Vdccinium sp.

"Wintering 48, TABucHI, YuKio, eggs, larvae and pupae ef butterfiies'', (In Japanese). Kagaku AsahL vol, 13, no. 12: p. 3, 5 figs, (Celored photos), Dec. "Rearing 49・ TAKAKuRA, TADAmRo, Limenitis Populi J'ezoensis MATsuMuRA (Nymphalidae)", CIn Japane$e). Shin Konchu, vol, 6, no. 12: pp. 6-8, 11 figs. (10 in frontispiece), Nov, Foed-

plant: thPulus sP.

" 50・ WAKABAyAsHi, MoRIo, "Larva of Lethe marginalis MoTsuHuLsKy (Satyridae) (In Japanese).

New Entomologist, vol.3: p. 25, August. Foodplant: Sasa sP. (sic!)., . 51・ YAMAMoTo, JozABuRo, "On the distribution and foodplants of Everes lacturnus kawaii

", MATSUMVRA & Celastrina pmsPa umenois MATsuMuRA (Lycaenidae) in Kochi-pref, (Shikoku) (In Japanese). Gensei. vol. 1: pp. 15-16, Dec. 1952. Foodplants: Pesmodi"m PolycarPum

(for kawai-i), and Rosa Wichuraiana (for umeneis).

G. Physiology & Behavior

i`Resitance 52. AsAHiNA, Eizo et a], mechanism to frost injury of overwintering slug caterpillar

(C"idocamPa flavescens WALKER (Cochlidionidae)", (In Japanese, English resume), Kontyu,

`rextra vol. 20: pp. Il-17, 2 pls. Oct. Freezing process seems to be the cellular freezing" -15eC, and exerts no ha'rmful effects on the caterpillar, even at

EXTRA FuKuDA, SoicHi; Papers on diapause and voltimism in the silkworm (Bombycidae).

(Papers in Japanese omitted), (1) Facters determining the production of the non-diapause eggs in the silkworm, Proc.Japan

Acad,, vol. 27: pp, 582-586, (1951) (2) The production of the diapause eggs by transplanting the suboesophageal ganglion in the sllkworm. Proc. Japan Acad. vol. 27:pp. 672-677. (195!) (3) Function ef the pupal brain and suboesephzgeal gangllon in the pkoduction of non-diapause and diapause eggs in silkworm. Annot, Zool. Japon, vol. 25:pp. 149-i55. (1952) (4) Determination oi voltimisni in the univoltine silkworm. Proc, Jap. Acad., vol, 29:pp. 381-

384. (1953) (5) Determination of voltimism in the multi-voitine silkworm, Proc, Jap. Acad. vol. 29: pp.

385-388, (1953)

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(6) ect [Vol. V

(6) Alteration of voltimism in the silkworm following transedtion ef pupal oe$ophageal connec- tives. Proc, Jap, Acad. vol. 29: pp. 389-391. (1953)

"Wing-dimention 53. MIyAo, TAKEo, of butterflies in relatien to copulation flight'', (In Japanese),

Shin Konchu. voL 6, no. 11:pp. 18-19, 1 table, Oct. 6a have more capacity to flight than

99 do in Pieris rcipae crucivora BoisDuvAL (Pieridae).

H. Migration

"Large 54. KAwAsHiMA, KENJiRo, mass ef Rxrnara guttata BREMER et'GREy (Hesperiidae) passed ", through Tokyo (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vol. 6, no. 11: p, 14, Oct. South or seuthvvest

flight was observed on Sept, 12 (13 in err. typopr.) 1953 (cloudy, windless,), in a belt of ca.

2km. in width.

"Ilarnara 55. KvRosAwA, YosmmKo, guttata BREMER et GREy (Hesperiidae) migrate over Ueno

Park (Tekyo)",

1953. Mass fiight in southward direction following light wind.

"Migration 56. IwAsE, TARo, of Ilarnara guttata (Hesperiidae)", (In Japanese). Trans.Minamiuwa

Ent. Soc. vol. 2: pp. 7-8, Apr. Migration in Shikeku suggested.

I. Technique

J. Mis ¢ ellany

"History 57. EsAKi, TEiso, ef EntQmology in Japan (1), the Yedo Era'', (In Japanese). Sbin Konchu, vol, 5, nos. 8-12 & vol. 6, no. 1, In all 35 pp. 21 figs. Aug.-Dec. 1952 & Jan. 1953. Many accounts on the history of Iepidopterology in Japan included. Very excellent work by

the outstanding author.

"Foreigners' 58. EsAKi, TEiso, collecting in Kyushu", (In Japanese). Shin Konchu, vol, 6, no, 3:

pp. 2-7, Mar. Itineraries of J.J. REIN, S, LEwls, J.H. LEEcH, A,E, WILEMAN, H, FRUHSTORFER

and F. SILvEsTRI recorded. Chronology for 1690-1939 supplemented. 59, EsAKI, TEIso, ``A chat en the`National Butterfly'", (In Japanese). Trans. Lep. Soc.Jap. vol・ 4:pp. 1-4, 3 fig$., Sept. thPilio xuthus L. (Papilionidae) gained 75 votes against 34 votes for Sasakia charonda HEwiTsoN (Nymphalidae) in a ballot sponsored by the Zephyrus (1936),

but failed to obtain majorlty.

(5flll, 1954)


r tt

Published by H 1st ma pm e}i E}r 2 \R .!YE- e: gst"

M 2N ma. di \ ft The Lepidopterologieal Society of Japan

ci,o OGATA HOSPTTAL, No.18, 3-chome, smth'mxeas3trNls nt " fi mN diurBptstzz15914ts Srt:glata(23)3255 re Imabashi, Higashiku, Osaka, Japan.

1955tpt2fi 20 H an. Feb., lg55

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