PUBLISHED DAILY ander order of THE PRXZDENT of THE UNITED STATES by CO.MITTEE pn PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERN.RENT Activities Vor. 2 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. No. 474 PAPER RESTRICTIONS REMOVED SECRETARY M'ADOO INFORMS BANKERS ON ALL PUBLICATIONS EXCEPT OF U. S. FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS; THE DAILY AND WEEKLY PRESS ANOTHER BOND SALE IN THE SPRING ORDER TAKES EFFECT IMMEDIATELY CERTIFICATE ISSUES Rules Governing Weeklies Are to Be IN THE MEANTIME Lifted Dec. I and Those on Dailies Thanksgiving Holiday For Railroad Probably Within 60 Days, Chair- Employees First-of These for Not More man Baruch Director General of Railroads Mc- Than $750,000,000 to Be Announces. Adoo has sent the following tele- B. Ml. gram to all regional directors: Miade Dec. 5, and Weekly Baruch, chairman of the War In- In view of the unusual signifi- dustries Board, authorizes the following: cance of Thanksgiving Day this Thereafter - Interest at Announcement is made of the complete year, 1918, and of the extraordinary withdrawal by the Pulp and Paper Divi- reasons why the American people 41-2 Per Cent-"War Bills sion of the War Industries Board of all should give thanks to Almighty God Must Be Paid and a Hand- restrictions affecting the inublication of for the unusual blessing we have re- all periodicals, excepting daily, Sunday, ceived, please direct that all work some Peace Secured to the and weekly newspapers, effective imme- not absolutely necessary on Govern- diately. ment-controlled railroads be sus- World." Publishers of daily and Sunday news- pended on Thanksgiving Day. papers, in recent conference with the War Secretary McAdoo has addresoed the Industries Board, requested that the W. G. McAnoo, Director General of Railroads. following circular letter to the presidents board continue for the present to exer- of all banks and trust companies: cise control over the use of newsprint. TREAsURY DEPAaTMENT, November Reports Called For. Yovember 27, 1918. Publishers of daily newspapers are DL-a SiR: I am sure that every patri- urged to send in promptly their November MORE CLERKS INWASHINGTON otic banker, as welLas every patriotic citi- reports. It is explained that the regula- zen in the United States, recognizes the tions governing the daily newspapers may THAN NEEDED, SAYS SECRETARY imperative duty of financing the Govern- be withdrawn within 60 days, but that in ment not only to the- conclusion of the case of further eventualities it will be W. B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor, au- armistice, but until peace has been deter- very much to the advantage of the indi- thorizes the following statement: mined and war bills have been paid. Un- vidualrpnblisher for his complete reports - " Such available reports as are now til the peace treaty is signed a splendid to be on file, so that should this work before me indicate that more clerks are Army of American heroes must be kept be turned over to any other department, in Washington than are needed. Persons on duty in Flance as a guaranty that the when the War Industries Board disbands, in different sections of the country who kind of peace for which America has it will have full and complete informa- are contemplating coming to Washington fought will be secured. The expense of tion at its disposal. for work, before leaving their homes, maintaining our forces in Europe, both Weekly *Newspapers. should get renewed assuranbe from some upon lawl and upon sea, and other Nat authorized Goi ernment official in Wash- bills must be paid. They can not be paid Restrictions governing weekly news- ington that they are needed." unless the Treasury continues to have the papers will be lifted December 1. In The Secretary took occasion to say, adequate support of the bankers and making this announcement, the board is also, that the Government appreciated. people of America. prompted by the fact that the amount of the patriotic service of those who have No " Unfinished Patriotism." paper consumed by weekly newspapers is come to Washington. not sufficient to' materially affect the " They all deserve much credit." said I am ,ure that I do not I+ e to emplia- newsprint situation, and, as the holiday he, " and are truly civil veterans of the size the appeal to the patriotism of season is at hand, it is felt that it is de- great war." America. That patriotism is not of the sirable to remove the restriction at this incomplete or unfinished sort; it will not time so that merchants and publishers be content with half doing the glorious may profit by the holiday activities. work we have so auspiciously begun. It Gen. Crozier to Retire will be content only with a realization of Wall Pager Rules Lifted: From Active Service all of the fruits of our glorious victories, All rules, regulations, and restrictions and this can not be accomplished until the war has been financed and peace-the governing the manufacture of wall paper The following special order has been and the making and cutting of wall paper handsomepeace which America wishes to designs are also withdraa n, to take effect made public by the War Department: secure to the world-has been escorted at once. By direction of the President. Maj. back to America as well as to the other Gen. William Crozier, United States nations of the world. $5,600,000 CREDIT TO BELGIJTf. ArmY, upon his own application, is re- It is, therefore, necessary that a ra- tired from active service, to take effect tional program of Government financing The Treasury Department has extend- January 1, 1919, after more than 42 shall be executed. The policy adopted ed an additional credit of $5,600,000 to years' service. Maj. Gen. Crozier will in February last and again in June, of , ma king a total of $198,120,000 proceed to his home. lay lng before the banking institutions in credits to that country and a total of 11aj. Gen. Clarence R. Edwards will of the country as nearly as may be the, $8,184,576,66 to all cobelligerents of the succeed Gen. Crozier in command of the requirements of the Government during United States. Northeastern Department. the period prior to the third and fourth 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918.

Liberty Joans, met with very gratifying response which provided adequately for SEVERAL ENEMY-OWNED SEATS STANDARD CONTRACT CLAUSES the neceities of the Government with- mnt strain or inconvenience; and I am ON VARIOUS EXCHANGES SOON FOR RAILROADS ARE AMENDED writing now to inform you 9 the pro- grain for the ensuing five months, so far * TO BE SOLD TO CITIZENS OF U.S. The United States Railroad Adinuis- n4 one0 can be made at this time, in ordeP tratioln issues the following: that every bank and trust company in PRIVATE SALES ARE PERMITTED the United States may have adequate WASHINGTON, NOVCmbCr 12, 191S. noticQ and be able to prepare itself to Alien Property Custodian Statement SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO GENERAL. Ommunu meet patrioticalLv the requirements of No. 12. the Government. I am sending a similar Says Purchaseis Must Be Satis- letter to evry bank and trust company The " standard clauses " for the con- in the United States. factory to Exchanges - List of tracts between the Gov erilnent and the Revfew of Expenditures. Properties to Be Disposed of. railroad companies provide that " prompt The expenditures of the Government, notice " shall be given the company of the, excluding transactions in the principal A. Mitchell Palmer, making or ordering of additions, better- Alien Property Cus- ments, of file public debt-duiing this fiscal year, todian, announced yesterday that several road extensions, equipment, etc., heqinnin July 1, 1918, to, and including enemy-owned costing more than $1,@00, with an esti- seats on the various ex- mate November 23, 1018, a period of less than changes of the country are shortly of the cost thereof, and that " such to be notice five months, anounted to $8,213,070,568.63, sold to American citizens. Under a re- shall be gix en before the begin- according to the Treasury daily state- cent Executive order of the President ning of the work or the acquisition of the m1outs. Such expenditures during the those exchange seats may be sold at pri- property whenever in the judgment of the current month of November, to and includ- vate sale if the Allen Property Custodian Director General it is practicable to do ing November 23, amounted to $1,577,- fnds it advantageous to do so. The pur- so." In order the better to comply with 148,144.93, or at the rate of nearly $2,000,- chasers must be satisfactory to the ex- said agreement, patagraph " Fifth " of General Order No. 000,000 for the month. The proceeds of changes, a consideration which makes a 12, dated March 21, the fourth Liberty loan in excess of the public sale not practicable. 1918 (which authorized in certain circulh- amount of Treasury certificates issued in The following is a list of the enemy- stances work in olving charges to capital anticipation of that loan have been ex- owvned exchange seats now in account not in excess of $25,400 to be con- the cus- tracted for and commenced hausted and the remaining installment tody of Mr. Palmer: in advance of payments to be made on subscriptions to approval by the Director General), is th1e fourth Liberty loan will but little NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. hereby amened, effective January 1, more than cover the Treasury certificates Franz Schutte, jr., Bremen, Germany. 1919, so as iereafter to read as follows: of indebtedraWs issued in anticipation of Emanuel Haac, Bremen, Germani. Fifth. A requisition for. authority on that loan and as yet unpaid. Evidently Hermann Hagedorn, Bremen, Germany. the form prescribed by D. C. E. Circular some time must pass before the readjust- Iloinrich Mluller Peurse, Bremen, Ger- No. 1 and Supplemnt 1, and by other ment from a war to a peace basis can re- many.. Supplements issupd or that may be is- flect itself in material diminution of the Paul P. Schmitz, Bremen, Germany. sued thereto shall be prepared and a copy thereof shall be 'forwarded by mail daily cash outgo from the Treasury. In- NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. deed, the wise policy of prompt liquida- to the president of the company to be tion of contracts might actually result for Henry Budge, hamburg, Germany. charged flierewith, as provided in said circular, as notice of the making or or- a time in the acceleration of demands MARITIME 18SOCIATION O PdRT OF NEW upon the Treasury, while strengthening YORK. dering of such addition, betterment, road extension, equipment, etc., required by and making more liquid the banking posi- Hermann Seicken, West Baden, Oer- tion of tile country. said agreement; and such copy should many (now dead). be so forwarded before the beginning of Bond Sale in the Spring. BUTTER, CIIEEsE, AND EC EXCHANGE, NEW the work or the acquisition of the prop- Uncertainties with respect to pending YORK. erty except in cases of emergency or revenue legislation make it Impracticable other cases where the delay incident to Estate of Karl Thalmann, Mannhelin, and inexpedient to borrow further at this Germany. the preparation and forwarding of such time in anticipation of taxes. In this requisitions will be detrimental to the period of readjustment it would be diffi- NEW YORK PRODUCE ]xCHANGE. Government, tile service, or the com- cult In set In motion any plan'for the con- Paul Strauss, Budapest, Hungary. pany; and in all such exceptional cases tiious sale of Government bonds afid it William Volckens (sometimes known the requisitions shall be forwarded as seems that the wise policy -,iII be to plan as Claus Heinrich Wilhelm Vojekens), soon after the beginning of the .work as for one more grtat popular campaign Hamburg and' Altona, Germany. - reasonably practicable. No work involv- in the spring for the sale of bonds, which ing a charge to capital account of $1,000 should be of short maturities, and mean- COFFEE EXCHANGE Or THE CITY 01 NEW or more shall be contracted .for or com- while to provide for the Government's \ORlK. menced unless it be authorized by the necessities by the issue of Treasury cel- Edw ard Ludwig Befirens, Hamburg, regional director exccpt in cases of tificates at fprtnightly intervals. The Germany. emergency; and no work involving a first issue of tke certificates will be dated NEW ORLEANS COTTON EXCHANis. charge 'to capital account in excess of December 5, 1IL, and will mature May 6,- $40,000 shall be contraqted for or com- E. 1919, with inteest at 43 per cent; and Hanc, Bremen, Germany. menced unless it be authorized by the similar issues, it is expected, will be Franz Schutte, jr., Bremen, Germany. director of the division of capital ex- 'made on Thursday of every other week Alfred Niepenberg, Bremen, Germany. penditures except in cases of emergency following December 5. and in other cases where the delay inci- from time to time in pursuance dent to awaiting such authority ol the Estimate of Certificates. of this program, which amount can be figured usual form would be detrimental, in It is not at this moment possible to roughly to equal 24 per cent of the gross which latter cases prelim'nary authority forecast the cash disbursements of .the resources of each bank and trust com- should be obtained by telegraph when- Government during the period of some pany for every porlod of two weeks, or a ever practicable. five months which must intervene before total of 5 per cent monthly. W. G. McADoo. the proceeds oX another great public loan I appeal with confidence to the patriotic Director General of Railroads. could reach the Treasury, nor, therefore, bankers to continue to furnish the finan- to annpunce at this time tile minimum cmil assistance imperatively required by amount of each fortnightly issue of cer- the Government to support America's ROLLER MILL LOSES LICENSE. tificates further than to say that in all sons on land and on sea until the final Failure to observe regulations govern probability it will not be less than $500,- consummation of their wonderful vic- ing the sale of flour and wheat-flour sub- 000,000 nor more than $750,000,000. The tories. - stitutes has caused the Huntington Roller Federal reserve banks will advise all Cordially, yours, Mills, of Huntington, Utah, to lose its national and State banks in their respec- W. G. McADoo. Food Administration license. The revo- tive districts of the amount of certifi- To the president of the bank or trust cation became effective cates, November 15 and which they are expected to take company addressed. remains In force for an uillimited period. THE OFFICIAL U. S.73ULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NQVEMBER 27, 1918. 3 $600,000,000 OFFERED ' ORDER CONCERNING DISCHARGE CAMPAIGN TO KEEP SOLDIERS INTREASURY CERTIFICATES OF ARMY OFFICERS ISAMENDED AND SAILORS INSURED BY U.S. Issue Dated December 5 to Bear The following circular has been issued AFTER RETURN TO CIVIL LIFE by the War Department: Interest at 4%/ Per Cent and campaign to keep Amer- DISOIARGE OF OFFICERS. A Nation-wide Is Payable May 6, 1919. ica's soldiers and sailors insured with Paragraph 3, circulai??o. 75, War De- the United States Government after they The Secretary of the Treasury, under partment, 1918, is amended as follows: have returned to civil 4ife was inaugu- In the second line strike out the the authority of the act approved Septem- words rated by Secretary McAdoo yesterday. "tenders of resignation will not be re- " Hold on to Uncle Sam's insurance!" ber 24, 1917, as amended by the act ap- ceived nor considered." is the slogan that is being sent to every proved April 4, 1918, offers for qubscrip- Add the following: Army camp here and overseas, and to tion, at par and accrued interest, through Resignations submitted by officers may A-cry ship and station of the Amnerican - the Federal reserve banks, $600,000,000 be considered when the officer's command- Navy. or more Treasury certificates of indebted- ing officer or the chief of the staft corps To impress upon all fighting men the ness, Series V A, dated and bearing inter- concerned states that the services of the fact that they can keep up their Govern- est from December 5, 1918, payable May officer can be spared. In such cases the ment insurance even after they have left 0, 1919, with interest at the rate of 43 officer will be discharged by his command- the military service, a spirited educa- per cent per annum. Applications will be ing officer or the chief of the staff corps tional campaign has been started in the received at the Federal reserve banks. as provided in this circular. Attention is Army and Navy. Subscription books will close at the close directed to paragraph 3, circular No. 73, of business December 10, 1918. Certifi- War Department, 1918, and circular No. Educational Program. eates will, be issued in denominations of 85, War Department, 1918. Relatives of soldiers and sailors will ,$500, $1,000, $3,000, $10,000, nd $100,000. (210.8, A. G. 0) be reached by an'educational program Said certificates shall be exempt, both By order Qfthe Secretary of War: conducted with the, assistance of nunimer- as to principal and interest, from all tax- PEYTON C. MARCII, ous national patriotic organizations. ation now or hereafter imposed by- the General, Chief of Staff. No soldier or sailor -will be discharged United States, any State, or any of the Official: from the service until his rights and possessions of the United States, or by P. 0. HARRIS, privileges under the war-risk insurance any local taxing authority, except (a) The Alfjutant General. act have been fully explained to him. estate or inheritance taxes, and (b) The fact that lie may continue his pres- graduated additional income taxes, com- ent Government insurance at subston-, monly known as surtaxes, and excess Treasury Certificate tially the same low rate for a period of profits and war-profits taxes, now or here- five yeas's, and during that timat may con- after imposed by the United States, upon Issue Series T Closed vert it into standard after-the-war forms the income or profits of individuals, part- of Government insurance, will be par- nerships, associations, or corporations. Secretary McAdoo announces that the ticularly impressed upon hini. The interest on an amount of bonds and issue of 4y per cent Treasury certificates certificates authorized by said act ap- of indebtedness, series T, dated November Appreximately 4,000,000 Insured. proved September 24, 1917, and amend- 7, 1918, will close at the close of business Approximately 4,000,000 officers and ments thereto, the principal of which Noveqiber 27, about $700,000,000 of these men of the Army and Navy are now in- does not exceed in the aggregate $5,000, certificates having been subscribed for surM with the United States Govern- owned by any individual, partnership, to date. Final figures of'the subscrip- ment for a grand total of almost $40,000,- association, or corporation, shall be ex- tions by districts will be promptly an- 000,000. empt from the taxes provided for in nounced upon receipt of final reports from The average aniount of insurance laid clause (b) above. Upon 10 days' public the Federal reserve banks. per man is approximately S9,000, or I' notice, given in such manner as may be within $1,000.of the nmaxiamum permnitted determined by the Secretary of the Treas- AIDS TELEGRAPH DELIVERY. by la-w. ury, the certificates of this series may be redeemed as a whole at par and accrued Post-Office Address Records Opened to Question of Observing interest on or after any date, occurring Wire Company Employees. before the maturity of such certificates, Clothing Conservation set for the payment 'of the first install- The Post Office Department issues the ment of the subscription price of any following: Schedule Left to Trade bonds offered for subscription by the One of the advantages of coordination United States after the offering and be- of the telegraph and telephone with the B: M. Baruch, chairman of the War In- fore the maturity of such certificates. Postal Service will be in the facilities to dustries Board, authorizes the following: The certificates of this series, whether the wire companies in locating persons After conferring with representatives or not called for redemption, will be ac- to whom messages are sent without ade- of the entije clothing industry, the woolen cepted at par, with adjustment of ac- quate address. section and the conservation division of crued interest, if tendered on such in- Postmaster General Burleson' has is- thb War Industries Board have decided stallment date in payment on the sub- sued an order amending the postal regu- that the question of continuing the con- scription price then payable Vf any such lations whieh forbids furnishing post- servation schedule should be left to the bonds subscribed for by and allotted to office information as to addresses, so as various branches of the industry as a holders of such certificates. The certifi- to allow access by telephone and tele- trade matter. cates of this series do not bear the cir- graph empioyees to post-office records to Inasmuch as wholesale clothiers have culation privilege and will not be ac- enable them to locate persons who can not already taken their orders for the coal- cepted in paylWent of taxes. The right Is otherwise be located, ing spring seasoniand have a considerable reserved to reject any subscription and -portion of the goods ini the process of to allot less than the amount of certifi- manufacture, and retailrs have made cates applied for and to close the sub- their customers up to an amount for their commitments in accordance with the scriptions at any time without notice. which each shall have qualified in excess conservation schedule, it appears to be in Payment at par and accrued interest for of existing deposits when so notified by the general imnterest that the conscivation certificates allotted must be made on and Federal reserve banks. As fiscal agents schedule should be carried out by the after DeJtember 5, 1918, and on or before of the United States, Federal reserve wholesale clothiers and retailers for the December 10, 1918. After allotment and banks are authorized and requested to re- spring and summer season of 1919. -pon payment, Federal reserve banks ceive subscriptions and to make allot- In order to assist in stabilizing condi- will issue interim receipts pending de- ment in full in the order of the receipt tions in the industry the War Industries livery of the definitive certificates. of applications up to amounts indicated. Board earnestly hopes that the wholesale Qualified depositaries will be permitted by the Secretary of the Treasury to the and retail clothiers will continue to ob- to make payment by credit for certifi- Federal reserve banks (of the respective serve the conservation schedule for the cates allotted to them for themselves and districts. spring and sunuier season. 4 THE OFFICIAL ;. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. @mrfidal 1 0. ~ddletin MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF FOUR MINUTE f4EN WILL BE Published* Every Week Day, Except COLORED CALF AND KID SHOES DISBANDED ON DECEMBER 24 Legal Holidays, Under Order of the President of the United -States and by Authority of Congress. B. M. Baruch, chairman of the War In- The Division of Four Mnlaute Men of dustries Board, authorizes the following: the Committee on Public Information, is- Ofice: Continental Trust Building, It has-been reported to the oflice of C. Fourteenth and H Streets NW. sues the following: Washington, D. C. 'Tel. Main 5900 F. C. Stout, Chief of the Hide, Leather, and Leather Goods Division, that, through The work of the Four Minute Men of Copies of ThE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIX will shoe-recom- the Committee on Public Information be furnished without charge to every post office a misunderstanding of the in the United States (to be posted daily, for mondations of the War Industries Board, n ill concinde on Christmas Eve and the the benefit of the public under order of the the retailers are returning to tile manu- Postmaster General) : io executive offcer& organization will be disbanded. of the United States Government, and to diplo- facturers colored calf and kid shoes, the matic representatives of all foreign Govern- retailer claiming that the public is not This decision was arrived at after a mCnts.-EDWARD S. RoclensTEIOR, Editor. purchasing shoes of light gray, field- series of consultat ions in which full 8 eight was given to the views of the WAES BY MATI.. mouse, pearl, smoke, natural chrome, etc. One year------$5 00 various (lepartments of the Government, Six months -. . 0-0 May Be Sold When in Stock. of the National Advisory Council of the One year, postage prepaid to Mr. Stout stated that there never was a Four Minute Men; of the headquarters Daily_ foreign countriespa ag prp00-- Six months, postage prepaid to time since the first shoe recommendations staff and reliresentatives of the field foreign countries ----...... 0 were promulgated that the public should workors: the results of which were laid Back numbers and extra 'before the President by George Creel, copies ------each- . 05 not purchase shoes made of leather Ahd Make all checks, money orders, and drafts fabrics of colors restricted by the War chairman of the committee. payable to Tirm OrFTCIAL U. S BumtbI. Industries Board for, in the spirit of con- In arriving at the decision to discon- servation, the public may buy such shoes tinue the activities of the orgaunigation at of restricted colors as long as the retailer the conclusion of the campaigns already SILVER LOVING CUP PRESENTED has them on his shelves. - provided for, dlue consideration was In the recommendations of June 29, given to the fact that th6 period of INDUSTRIES CHAIRMAN BARUCH 1918, it was stated that the manufac- transition from a war basis to a. peace turers should not cut leathers or fabrics basis will be fraught with momentous The War Industries Board authorizes of light gray, pearl, smoke, natural problems upon N hich the public will re- the following: chrome, etc., for shoes on and after Octo- quire frequent enlightenment. ber 1, 1918, and this date was later ex- Members of the organization of the Partisan Discussions May Arise. War Industries-Board, including board tended to October 31, 1918. But on No- members, division and section chiefs, and vember 18, I918, the War Industries It was felt. however, that the Subjects employees to-day presented to Chairman Board advised the trade that all stocks whi Aihill present theimiselves during this B. M. Baruch a silver loving cup in token of such colors which had been restricted period will of necoesity involve economic of their confidence and esteem. Each of could be cut for shoes or stocks in process and political questions from the discus- the " dollar-a-year men " contributed his of manufacture and such shoes sold to sion of which it would be practically im- annual " salary,'" and employees down to the retailer at any time after that date. possible to exclude partisan views. Since the youngest messengers contributell to- Therefore, as the matter now stands the Four Minute Men are strictly non- ward the cup, which carried the following shoe manufacturers can cut all the stocks partian, it would not be posible to use inscription: of leathers and fabrics which, they may theni for disLeminating information upon have on Iland or which may be in process BERNARD M11.BARUCIH, such questions. of manufature into shoes, and the pur- Flirthermore. the organization was CH1AIRMAN OF THE UNITED STATES WAR chasing publie, through the retailer, can created for and by the war onmergency, INDUSTRIES BOARD. buy such shoe until all such stocks of As a taken of confidence and affee- which actually ended with the signing tin from the iemtbers of the organi- leathers and.fabries are exihausted. of the armistice on November 11. The zation, which, under hig leadership, In order that there might be no restric- appropriation from Congress under which aided in the inianing of the war. tion in trading in the shoe industry, Mr. it has operated was distinctly an emer- WASINCTOZ, NOVEMBER 20TH, 1018. Stout suggested that the trade cooperate gency appropriation, and n hile a balance The tribute came as a complete sur- in the adjustment of existing contracts, is still available, it is not felt that it prise to Mr. Baruch, who was attending and stated that the cancellation of con- should Le drawn upon any longer than is another meeting at the time that tile t acts is purely a trade matter over which absolutely necessary. members of the War Industries Board the War Industries Board has no juris- The situation in the comimnunities in were gathering for the ocasion in the diction. which the local organizations are estab- open space between the War Industries It is plainly stated in the statement lished also inldicates the desirability of Board Building and' the D. A. R. Build- ,issued November 18 that all shoe recoin- disbanding the body, since the speak~ers ing. He was simply asked to step outside mendations and restrictions of the War are selected from anyong the busiest men to have his picture taken with the per- Industries Board are inoperative on and in each coimmunity, and the rush of re- sonnel of the organization. - , after June 1, 1919. construction work would compel a great The presentation speech was made by number of tlem to tender resignations in Judge Edwin B. Parker, of the priorities any (vent pearls, rubies, anl emeralds valued at committee, who declared that the future, Campaigns Yet to t3 Completed. even more than the presint. would appre- more than $200,000. ciate the full measure of the support 'The sale of tile once enemy-owned The interests of th imotion picture w hich the War lidustries Board under jewels will be under the supervision of theaters which have so generously and the guidance of Mr. Baruch had contrib- Joseph F. Ouffey. director of Bureau of 1uselishly cooperated in tile work had uted to the winning of the war. Mr. Sales of the Alien Property Custodian's to be given careful coinsideration also, Baruch replied with feeling. office. The jewels have been appraised and it was felt that it w oulQ not be fair by William D. Perine, one of the leading to ask them to continue to -deviate from jewel experts of the country, who has their accustomed programs now that the SALE OF ENEMY OWNED TEWELS. placed his services at the disposal of Mr. termination of the emergency might in- Palmer. He formerly owned a well- cline some among their patrous to be 1vss Pearl Necklace Valued - at $70,000 known Fifth Avenue jewelry concern. patient with such interruptions. Among Items to Be Offered. The necklace consists of 54 perfectly The following campaigns remain to be A pearl necklace, valued at more than matched high rose pearls of exceptionally completed, after which the orgalization $70,000, will be the feature of the public high quality, graded and strung. Only will be officially disbanded: sale of enemy-owned jewels by A. Mitch- American citizens can take part in the December 7, Red Cross Home Service. ell Palmer, Alien Property Custodian, on sale of these jewels. Full particulars can December 8-14, '

WORK OF CONGRESS Oversea Convatescent Detachments BRIEFLY TOLD I For Incapacitated Soldiers in- U. S. The War Department authorizes the Since it is the intention to discharge Chairman Simmons, of the finance all oversea convalescents as aoon as pos- the following statement: committee, yesterday submitted to sible consistent with the maximum physt- committee the 1920 plan of taxation. Ac- Soldiers who have been or N ho may be incapacitated while on duty ox erseas cal improvement, commanders of.general tion on the subject was postponed until send to study and who are convalescent in this country hospitals will, as far as practicable, members had a full opportunity convalescents to the camps nearest to the outlined. The plan con- will not be transferred to development the procedure General Orders, homes of the men to be discharged. In- templates reducing income tax rates for battalions in the ftiture. No. 45, War Department, 1918, is hereby tensive treatment and training of all indix iduals, intome tax rates on corpora- convalescents assembled in oversea con- tions, and the excess profits rates pro- modified in accordance with the above. In each camp, cantonment, and post valescent detachments will be immedi- portionately so as to limit collections to ately undertaken and continued in order not more than $4,000,000,000 for the 1920 where oversea convalescents may be as- sembled there will be formed an oversea that their cure or maximum improvement tax year. The details of these proposals and subsequent discharge may be accon- are as follows: Individual income tax: A convalescent detachment. This detach- ment will consist of such officers, noncom- plished in the shortest possible time. On normal income tax of 8 per cent, with the the last of each mouth commanders will provision that on the first $4,000 of in- missioned offcers, cooks, and other grades of enlisted ien, as it may be nec- report to The Adjutant General of the come after deductions have been made . Army the number of men received in and the rate shall be only 4 per cent. In the essary to detail for the purpose of admin- istration, supply, and training, and such the number of men discharged from over- pending bill the normal rate is 12 per. sea convalescent detachments during the cent, and 6 per cent on the first $4,000. convalescents as are sent to the camp, cantonment, or -post who have been In- month. Corporation income tax: A-rate of 8 per Commanding officers, upon xwhom the in capacitated by virtue of having been on cent on the net income of corporations duty of organizing oversea convalescent place of the 12 per cent now imposed. duty overseas. The detachment will be quartered and messed separately. While detachments (Gevoli es, should bear in mind Excess profits tax: A rate of 20 per cent the importance of the work to be per- on the amount of net income not in excess serving in overseas convalescent detach- ments men will be carried on the detach- formed in these detacimneats. It is only of 20 per cent of the invested capital, by the selection of competent line and and 40 per cent on the amount in excess ment rolls in the grades held by them in pro- their permanent organization. medical officers and thorough coopera- of 20 per cent. The pending bill tion on the part of these that the best re- x ides for 30 per cent on the income below In order to relieve conaestion in gen- of sults can be obtained. The object spught 20 per cent, and 60 per cent on the excess, eral hospitals, commanding offi-ers with the added tax of 80 per cent on war such hospitals are hereby authorized to is the return to civil life of these men in profits. The 80 per cent tax will go out send oversea convalescents whose hos- the best physical and meontal condition. of the 1920 hill. The committee yester- pital treatment has been completed to Conialescents whose teeatncnt and day struck from the bill the Houise provi- oversea convalescent detachments in the traiing has been compl!eled will be sion for a Federal license on all autono- following camps: promptly discharmed in accordance wxih biles ranging ,from $6 to $25 according Beauregard, Custer, Devens, Dix, Dodge, Funston, Gordon, Grant, Hancock, existing instructions, A itlout reference to horsepower. which was estimated to to the War Department. yield $35.000,000 in revenue. The pro- Jackson, Kearny, Lee, Lewis, MacArthur, posed tax of 5 per cent on essences and -McClellan, Meade, Logan, Pike, Sevier, By order of the Secretary of War: patent medicines fo be paid by the manu- Shelby, Sherman, Sheridan. Taylor, PuvYTo- C. 11 mNir, facturer n as changed to a stamp tax of 1 Travis, Upton, Wadsworth. Wheeler. Gen ei al, Chicf of Staff. cent on each 25 cents or fraction paid by the consumer for such articles. During hearings before the Appropria- Sleeping-Car Passage PERSONAL ADVISER ON WIRES tions Committee of the House Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Leffiugwell ex- Charges Are Reduced TO THE POSTMASTER GENERAL plained the reasons for the request that Director General -McAdoo authorizes the salaries of the assistant secretaries The Post Oflice Department i-ue the of the Treasury be increased from $5,000 the following: to $7,500 a year. The Viereased cost of Effetixe December 1, the additional folowing: living and other added burdens incident passage charg of 102 per cent of the Mr. Theodore N. Vail, pehielnt of the to the war and reconstruction problems normal one-way fare now required from American Telegraph & Telephone Co., passengers traveling in standard sleeping were among the reasons advanced. A has consented to gixe Postnaster Gen- request also was made for an increase cars and parlor cars, anq 8 per cent of in the compensation of the chief clerk the nol mal one-way fare required from eral Burleson the benefit of his wide ex- from $4,000 to $5,000 a year. Many other passengers traveling in tourist sleeping perience in the organization of the wire branches of the Treasury were repre- cars, will be abolished. This means a re- systems under Government control. Mr. sented at the hearing on the le2islative, duction of one-half cent per mile in the Vail will be consulted by the Postmaster executive, and, judicial bill, which pro- fare of passengers using standard sleep- General as-his personal adviser, and will vides for the I'deral pay roll. ing or parlor cars, and one-fourth cent a prepare for the Postmaster General for Surg. Gen. Braisted told the Naval mile in the fare of thoe using tourist his assistance .in directing the wire con- Committee that the total deaths in the sleeping cars. trol a-comprehensive-report upon the wire XNa yfrom all "war ca uses" were 1,233, The charge in question has served a service, with a view to the iore extended not including, hofyever, those who died useful purpose in consering sleeping- use of the telephone, telegraph, and cable from disease. Admiral Braisted told the car equipment. during Gox ernment control. committee it 'Would require about $9,-00,- The years of study xieh Mr. Vail has 000 for his department during the next CHRISTMTAS LETTERS TO FATHER. gix en to the problem of universal wire fiscal year. This estimate is based upon service and a unified and extended cable a personnel of 435,425, which includes )IFICE OILTHo E SEco-ND AssrsTAxT system, anid his preeminence as an au- 60,000 marines. POSTMASTR, GESERAL, thority on the organization of electrical Washington, Korember 20, 1918. communtication, will render his adxice and "Stars and Stripes," the official news- asslstence of great value to the Postmas- 1REE LIST SUSPENDED. paper of the American Army in France, ter General. Hereafter no copies of the Official has asked each member of the Army in U. S. Bulletin will be furnished free Europe to write a letter to his father on except to executive offlicers of the November 24 as a Christmas gift. These handle these letters expeditiously, so that United States Government, and to letters -will be expedited in France and to their delivery to addressees will not be diplomatic representatives of all - New York in th6 hope- that they will be dlelayedl. foreign Governmeits. .delivered by Christmas. OTTO PAEGER, All .postal employees will epdeavor' to. Second Asst. Postmaster General. '710-18-2 6 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. Removals from and Modifications of the Export Conservation List Announced by War Trade Board

The War Trade-Board announces in a Tin, as follows-Continued. Machnes, as follows Sundry articles, all, either made of tin Aeronautical, their parts and accessories. new ruling (W. T. B. R. 342) the removal plate or coated or dipped tin, such as- Boring (horizontal and vertical). of the following conimodities from the Continued. Drilling (radial). export conservation list, effective Noveiia- Lanterbs. Milling, plain and universal (except hand Nlvelties. millers). ter 27, 1918: Oil squirt cans. Marine boilers. Picture frames. Marine engines and parts. REIVIOVALS. Rivets. Marine fireroom parts. Roofing disks. Marine steam turbines for mechanical drive. ! Tin, Babbitt Metals, Etc. Signs. Micrometers. AlMo3<. as follows: Specialties. Mills, plate rolling. Containing tin.* Spouts. Necdles, comber. Dental. Stoves. Open-hearth blast furnaces. Antifriction metal, bars and pigs and all Sundries. Plate-rolling mills. shapes, unless an integral part of a com- Tableware not silver-plated. Presses, hydraulic. plete machine. Tacks. Pyroueters, equipipent and thermocouples. Pabbitt metal, bars and pigs and all shapes, Tags. .Radlal drilling machines. unless an integral part of a complete ma- Tops and bottoms and fastenings to Railway cars completely assembled and un- ,hine. be used in the manufacture of fber assembled and parts thereof. Bearings, as follows: containers. Reamers. Antifriction (unless an integral part of Toys. Rolling mills, plate. a complete machine). Wire. Saw blades, circular, hack, and band. Babbitt (unless an integral part of a com- Wire cloth. Sextants. plete machine). To3 s, tin. Ship bolers. Richloride of tin. Tubes, as follows, Ships' compasses. Pottle caps or covers of tin foil. Collapsible (tAn). Slotters. Bottle or jar closures, tin. Type metal. Steel furnaces. Cans, as follows : pe, printer's. Stud-link chain cable. Oils, second-hand crushed. Utensils, kitchen (tin). Superheaters. Oil squirt. White metal. Surgical instruments. Caps, as tollows: Wire cloth, tin. Tachometers. Tin-foil botile. Wire tin. Thermocouples for pyrometers. Car seals, tin. Tools, 'as follows: Calipers, drill chucks, Chaplets, tin. Machinery, Tools, Etc. drills. files, . abrasive (see Files), lathe Chloride of tin. chucks, micrometers, reamers, saw blades, Closures, tin bottle or jar. Aeronautical instruments. cfrcular, hack, and band. Cl 1h, as follows: 'Aeronautical machines, their parts and acces- Tuibines, marine steam, for mechanical drive. 9 Tn wire. soriqs. Twist drills. Collapsible tubes, tin. Antiaircraft in'truments, apparatus, and acces- Vertical boring maclimes. Composition foil containing tin. sories. Vertical boring mills (all sizes). qrks, crown, tIn. Band-saw blades. Sovers, tin-foil bottle. Blades, saw (circular, hack, and band), Iron and Steel. Crown corks, tin. Blast furnaces, open-hearth. Boilers, as follows: Alloy stee+. Curtain rollers, tin. Bands, iron and steel. - Dental alloys. Afffrine. Bars, iron and steel (including fla's 6 inches Disks. tin roofing. Ship. wide and narrower). Foil and composition foil containing tin. Boring machines, horizontal and vertical. Boat spikes. Pounts, lamp (tin). Boring mills (vertical, all sizes). Boiler tubes. Frames, tin picture. Cable, stud-link chain. Bolts, iron and steel track. Kitchen utensils, tin. Calipers. Boring tubes (oil-well casing). Lamp founts, tin. Cars, railway (completely assembled and unas- Cable (iron and steel, consisting of 6 wires Lanterns, tin. sembled and parts thereof). or more). Metals, as follows Chain, as follows: Casing, oil-well (frequently described as " bor- Antifriction. All iron and steel chain, either welded, cast ing tubes "). Babbitt. or stamped. Cast-iron pipe. Type. Chronomet-rs. Fabricated structural steel, iron and steel, White. Chucks, drill. including angles, channels, beams. tees and Novelties, tin. Chucks, lathe. sees, and plates onp-eighth of an inch thick Oxide of tin. Circular-saw blades. . abd heavier, punched or shaped, including Phosphorized tin. Comber needles. tanks made of plates one-eighth of an inch Picture frames, tin. C ompasses, ships'. thick and heavier. Printers' type. Condensers. Progs and switches. Rivets. tinned. Dental instruments. High-speed steel. Rollers, tin curtain. Drill chucks. Hoops and bands, iron and steel, including Roofing disks, tin. Drilling machines, radial. hot-rolled and cold-rolled stril steel. Salts, as follows: Drills, as follows: Iron-and steel, as follows: Tin. Carbon and high-speed twist. Alloy steel. Seals, tin car. Twist, . Bars (including flats 6 inches wide and Signs, tin. Engines, marine and parts (individual licenses narrower). Silverware contagling tin. not required to Canada and Newfoundland Boiler tubes. Solder. for engines of 00 horsepower and under). Dolts, track. Specialties, tin. Files, abrasive. Fabricated structurals, including aigles, Spouts, tin. Fireroom parts, marine. channels, beams, tees, and zees, and Stoves, tin. -Open-hearth blast furnaces. plates one-eighth of an inch thick and Sundries, tin. Steel 4urnaces. * - evier, punched or shaped, including Tableware, tin, not silver-plated. Grinders, internal, plain and universal. tanks made of plate one-eighth of an Tacks, tin. Hack-saw blades. inch thick and heaviet. Tags, tie. Hydraulic presses. Frogs and switches. Tetrachloride of tin. Instruments, as follows: High speed steel. Tin, as follows: Aeronautical. Hoops and bands, including hot-rolled Any metallic alloy containing tin., Antiaircraft. and cold-rolled strip steel. Bichloride of. Chronometers. Mechanical tubes. Bottle-caps or covers of tin foil. Dental. Nails, iron cut. Bottle or jar closures. Pyrometers, equipment and therio- Nails, Ateel wire. Can (oil), second-hand crushed. couples. Oil-well casing (frequently described as Chloride of. Sextants. 'boring tubes"). 0ollapsible tubes. Ships' compasses. Pipe, cast-iron. Crown corks. Surgical (individual licenses not required Pipe, drive. Compounds'of. to Canada and Newfoundland, when Pipe, line. Crystals. consigned to hospitals and government Pipe, wrought iron and steel. Foil and composition foil containing tin., officials). Pole. Oxide. Tachometers. Rails. 50 poundhk per yard and le4, and Phosphorized. Lathe chucks. splice bars. Salts. Lathes, all sizes. Sheets less than one-eighth f an inch Silverware, containing tin. Locomotives and parts thereof. thick. Tetrachloride. Machine tools, as follows: Skelp. Sundry articles, all, either made of tin Grinders, internal, plain and universal. Spikes, boat. plate or coated or dipped tin, such as- Horisontal and vertical boring machines. Spikes, railroad. Buttons. Lathes. all sizes. Spikes, steel wire. - Car seals. Milling machines, plain and universal Tie plates, steel, railroad. Chaplets. (except hand millers). Tool steel. Curtain rollers. 1laners. Wire. Household devices. Radial drilling machines. Wire rods. Kitchen utensils. . lottersb Wire rope, cable or strand, coiisi-ting of Lamp founts. Vertical boring mills, all sizes. - six wires or more. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 7 Removals from and Modificationsof'Export Conservation List

Mechanical tubes, steel. Milk, sugar of, Hair, as follow,,: Nails, iron, cut. Muriatic acid. Animal, manufactures of. Nails, steel wire. Mustard oils. Animal, raw. Oil-well casing (frequently described as "bor- Nux vomica and products. Horse, manufactures of. J ing tubes "). Oils, as follows: Horsehair, as follows: Pipe, as follows: China-wood. Manufactures of. Cast-iron. Mustard. Raw. Iron and steel, driv. Santalwood. Iron and steel, line. OxIde of zinc (zinc white). HODIFICATIONS. Wrought iron and steel. Ofokerite. The War Trade Board announce the Plates, as follows : Peroxide of barium. Tie plates, steel, railroad. Phosphate of soda. modification of the following items on Poles, iron and steel. Philocarpino and its salts. the export conservation list, effective No- Railroad spiksa, iron and steel. Plaster, land. vember 27, 1918: Railroad tie plates, steel. Poudrette. Rails, 5d pounds per yard and less, and splice Resin, guaiac. Iron and Steel. bars. Mar soda. Rope, wire (iron and steel), consisting of Salts, as follows: Plates (all classes, one-eighth of an inch and six wires or more. Atropine. heavier and wider than 6 inches in diameter. Sheets, iron and steel, less than one-eighth of Belladonna. This includes No. 11 U. S. gauge, but not an inch thick. Bismuth. No. 11 B.W. gauge) ; has been modified to read skelp, iron and steel. Emotine. as follows: Plates (all classes one-fourth of Spikes, boat. Epson. an inch thick end heavier and wideg than I3 ",pikes, iron and steel railroad. Formic acid. inches, or over 6 inches in diameter). Sipilkes, steel wire. Hyoscine. Rails and splice bars; has been modified to Strand (iron and steel), consisting of -ix wires lyoseyamine. read as follows : Rails, over 50 pounds per br more. Pilocarpine. yard. Tie plates, steel railroad. Strychnine. Shapes, including angles, channels, beams, Tool steel. Uranium. tees, and sees; has been modified to read as Track bolts. Zinc. follows: Shapes, 3 inches and larger (plain, Tubes, as follows: Santalwood, oil of. i. e., not punched or formed), including an- roiler. Scammony. gles, channels, beams, tees, and sees Boring (oil-well casing). Sodium compounds, as follows: Mechanical tubes, steel. Bisulphate. Fibers. Wire, iron and steel. Bisulphite. Fibers, as follows: Products manufactured Wire rods, steel. Fluoride. from vegetable fiber, except cotton; has been Wire rope, cable, or strand (iron and steel), Ilyposulphite. modified to read: Fibers, as follows: Products consisting of six wires or more. Phosphate manufactured from vegetable fibers, except Sulphate. cotton, hemp, and manila. Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. Sulphide. Hemp and products manufactured there- Sulphite. from; has been modified to read : Hemp. Acids, as follows: Soot. Manila fiber and products manufactured Formic and it, salts. Strophanthine and its compounds. therefrom; has been modified to read: Manila Ilydrochloric. Strophanthus and its products. fiber. 11ydrocyanie. Strychnine and its salts. Vegetable fibers, products manufactured


SECTION 1, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. WOOD, William. Miss Josephine Wood, 4039 WEBSTER, George W. J. II. Webster, Day- Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. ton, Va. The following casualties are reported CORPORALS. PRIVATES. by the commanding general of the Ameri- ACUFF, John F. Hugh A. Acuff, Ooltewah, ALI, Rosco. l'ortunato Diamasi, 6322 Four- can Expeditionary Forces. Tenn. teenth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. AUGUSTINE, Joseph P. Mrs. Lilian Atigus- Killed in action- - - 358 ALLEN, Frank F. Mrs. Victoria Allen, 530 tine, 475 New Brunswick Avenue, Perth South Morgan Stioet, Bluffton, Ind. Died of wounds ------104 Amboy, N. J. ASIRE, Myron J. Mermin E. Asire, 1020 Died of disease ------213 BROOK, Clarance J. Mrs. Eulalie Brock, 4124 North Front Street, Marquette. Mich. Labadis Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. BAIRD, Verner A. Marion A. Baird, Bruns- Wounded severely------42 COBB, Bruce. Mrs. Maggie Cobb, Iowa Park, wick, Nebr. Wounded (d e g r e e ndeter Tex. BELL, Harry T. Thomas B. Bell, R. F. D. 2, mined) ---- 95 COLEMAN, Roy E. Terrence Coleman, Uall Copper Hill, Va. Heights, Mont. I BJORBECK, Lars. Ole I. Bjorbeck, Clear- Wounded slightly ------36 CREGO, Arthur V. Mrs. Mary B. Crego, brook, Minn. Missing in action 3------364 Claverack, Columbia County, N. Y. BLAIR, Floyd L. George T. Blair, Dubois, FLECKENSTEIN, John 0. John A. Flecken- . Pa. stein, Burke, Wash. BLAIS, Frederick. Mrs. Lydia Blais, 80 Total ------1, 212 GALWAY, Thomas F. Mrs. M. V. Galway, School Street, North Attleboro,. Mass. 132 West One hundred and twenty-sixth BLEAMINO, Raymond L. Mrs. Fannie Blem. Killed in Action. Street, New York, N. Y. ming, 53 Straw Street, , Mich. CAPTAINS. GILL Edward. James T. Gill, Echo, Minn. BOLAND, Louis J. Miss Nan Boland, 2450 K &HN,Russell C. Airs. Florence W. Kuhn, Creston Avenue, New York, N. Y. MARKWICK, Robert W. William A. Mark- 258 Souder Avenue, Golumbus, Ohio. BOURGET, George A. Airs. Sylvia Joyce, wic, Philadelphii, N. Y. PRIFFER, -Walter E. Mrs. Edith A. Peiffer, 146 Alain Street, Worcester, Mass. RIGGIN, Charles H. Mrs. C. H. Riggin, Her- 288 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BRILL, Clifford W. David Brill, 3439 Fay rick Street, East Rutherford, N. J. PERDUE, Marshall V. Mrs. Lucy Perdue, Street Cincinnati, Ohio. SMITH,- Joseph W. Mrs. Delia M. Smith, Blacksburg, Va. BROE, Lawrence. Robert Nelson, 47 West 1225 Dewight Street, Holyoke, Mass. TOOLE, Jamef J. James Toole, 187 State Tenth Streft, Reno, Nev. . LIEIDENANTS. Street, Auburn, N. Y. CARLSON, Erik AL Carl John Carlson, 4224 ANDERSON, Charles Oscar. Mrs. Levi in- CROSBY, Harry E. Mrs. Nellia M. Crosby, North Thirty-third Street, Omaha. Nebr. .,2 Cornell Avenue, Kenmore, Buffalo, N. Y. ler, 708 Aspinwall Avenue, Elkhart, Ind. CARNEST, John. Frank Carnesi, 351 East DEDERER, Ellsworth H. Mrs. Martha M. ARNOLD, Jesse N. Mrs. Algie Arnold, T7tty second Street, New York, N. Y. R. F. D. 9, Shelbyville, Tenn. CARROLL, Edward L. Joun E. Carroll, Dederer, 88 North Broadway, Nyack, N. I. BENNETT, Dee. Dick Bennett, Lanty, Ark. BOLSTER, Thomas L. Mrs. Clara Fordtown.. Tenn. 0. Bolster, BRADY, Bernard J. James Brady, R. F. D. CASCIANO, Stefano. Aiss Filliciu, 3 West Berwyn, Pa. 1, Union, N. J. REILLY, L. G. E. Mrs. Grace Reilley, care Forty-eighth Street, Aurray, Utah. of Manhattan Savings Bank & Trust Co., BRAWLEY, John Al. David A. Brawley, 606 CASSIDY, Joseph. Mrs. Cathetine Cassidy, Memphis, Tenn. Kanawha Street, Charleston, -W. Va. 85 Jefferson Street, BrIdgeport, Conn. CANTWELL, Joseph R. Mrs. J. Cantwell, CIiERWINSKI, Leonard B. Airs. Valaria ROSENFIELD, Merrill. Israel Rosenfeld, 2318 Flourney Street, Chicago, Ill. 2221 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. Purtz, Oshkosh, Wis. DAVIS, Bryce E. Mrs. Amelia J. Davis, 456 JACOBS, Joseph E. Ganin Jacobs, 579 Main CONLIN, Edward P. Tom Conlin, R. F. D. 1, Goshen Street, Salt Lake City, TItah. Street, Torrington, Conn. Lovington, Ill. EPSTEIN, William. Mrs. Bessie Epstein, 511 KAUFMAN, Morris. Mrs Dora Kaufman, 11 CONNELLY, John A. Patrick J. Connelly, West One hundred and seventy-seventh Essex Street, Chelsea, Mass. 033 Conway Street, St. Paul, Minn. Street, New York, N. Y. KELLY, William C. Airs. Bessie Walsh, 166 CRONKITE, Walter B. George W. Cronkite, PARTSCH, Herman D. Mrs. Sue M. Partsch, Parker Street, Newark, N. J. R. F. D. 7, Kalamazoo, Ai. 562 B Street, Hayward, Cal. MONGUE, Lawrence A. - Joseph Mongue, CUNNINGHAM, Cecil M. Horace L. Cun- GIIOLSON, Samuel C. Arthur Gholson, Holly Hubbard Avenue, Pittsfield, Mass. ningham. Barry, Ill. MOONEY, John. -Mrs. Mary E. Mooney, 79 DAOMI, Patrick. William Daomi, Water- Springs, Miss. Webster Street, Revere, Mass. SMITH, Tillman Henry. Mrs. Ellen Smith, bury. Conn. post-office box 24, Burlington, Vt. MULLER, Michael. AIrs. Mary Muller, 20 DAY, Jerome L. II. B. Day, Ellicott City, Romaine Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Mld. SBRODANTS. RUSSELL, Donald J. Mrs. Maretta Russell, COHEN, Edward J. Robert Cohen, 3012 5:1 Euclid Avenue, Hackensack, N. J. DEARMAN, Joe G. Clara Dearman, Plains, Barnes Avenue, New York, N. Y. SATCHFIELD, Maynard I. Airs. Nora T. Tex. CONWAY, Matthew. Thomas Conway, 505 Satchfield, R. F. D. 1, Drewrys Bluff, Va. DEGREGORIO, Angelo. Mrs. Mary Degre- Fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. ALGER, Earl R. Fred R. Alger, R. F. D. 1, corio, 310 Saratoga Street, East Boston, CRANDLE, Ray M. John L. Crandle, Grover, Oneida, N. Y. Mass. Pa. AU,- Charle& Emil. Emil An, 166 Davey VINCENZO, Desario. lPasqualo Secodeso, 320 HARPER, Joseph H. Mrs. Ceelia R. Harper, Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Olive Avenue, Syracuse. N. Y. 416 Willow Street, Waterbury, Conn. CLARK, Buford. Bailey Clark, R. F. D. 2, DE WITT, Roy. Mrs. Minnie Do Witt, 71 LITTELL, Martin W. Mrs. Bertha Vanhesley, Whitleyville, Tenn. North Second Street west, Logan, Utah. 1313 William Street, Keokuk, Iowa. COHEN, Samuel. Mrs. Lena Cohen, 207 Six- DUNLAP, William C. Mrs. Eliza Dunlap, 27 MOSES, John W. aMrs. Florence H. Moses, teenth Avenue, Newark, N. J. Lake Avenue, Middletown, N. Y. 46 Clarkson Street, Dorchester, Mass. COLENSO, Herbert Henry. Edwin Colenso, EANES, Edward P. Henry C. Eanes, 818 ROACH, Frank. W. L. Roach, Rock Hill, S. C. lock box 403, Houghton, Mich. Eighth Avenue SE.. Roanoke, Va. SAGER, Oscar. Mrs. Anne T. Sager, 76 EPPLE, Emil F. William Epple, Monroeville, ADKINS, Marion. Mrs. Dempy Baker, Kra- Forty-first Street, Irvington, N. J. N, J. , gon, Ky. BLANRENSHIPa Everett L. Airs. Lula Wil- HOWARD, Frank W. Mrs. Blanch Howard, son Blankensh'ip, Parish, Fla. Clerks Lake, Mich. AGIIINA, Silvic Mici. Mrs. Lena Formsra, BURNS, Patrick. Mrs. Annie Pollard, 014 MASON, Melechor W. M. B. Mason, 954 Main St. Johns Place. New Rochello, N. Y. Sti et, Buffalo, N. Y, - BAKER, William E. William E. Baker, Mag- West Main Street, Plymouth Pa. nolia, Va. COLLINS, Hugh A. Mrs. Mary Manning, SMITH. Charles. Joseph Smith, 06 Buffalo 5005 E1lsworth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BENNETT, Elias S. Elias Z. Bennett, Rail- DURENBERGER, Peter 0. Mrs. G. G. Ham- WARE, Hugh H. Airs. John E. Ware, general road Avonue, Jamesburg, N. T. ilton, Silver City, Nev. delivery, Chickasha, Okla. - BLANCHARD, Joseph AT. James Blanchard, EGAN, Leo L. Mrs. Clara Egan, 226 Nor- BUGLERS. Addis, La. folk Street. Newark, N. . BUECHLER, George J. Mrs. Tillie Buechler,_ FITZGIBBONS" James. Mrs. Bridget Fitz- ALLEN, George F. Mrs. Charles Moun, 330 187 Second Avenue. New York. N. Y. gibbons, 400 East Twenty-fifth Street, New South Seventh Street, West Cedar Rapids, BYERS. Toseph A. -Mrs. Mary Crowder, 309 York, N. Y. Iowa. Oak Street, Covington, Va. LAWSON, Herman T. Airs. J. M. Lawson, MADSON, Oscar J. Ludwig B. Aiadson, Dal- CAMPPIELD. George F. Miss Regina Wald- Cannonstille, N. Y. ton, AlMn. ron. 16 Ooble Street, Newark, N. J. LUNDY, Charles D. Mrs. Annie Lundy, 3158 DELMORA, Alexandra. Joe Delmora, Ridge- CASSITDY, Joseph J. Patrick Cassidy, R. F. Jackson Boulpvard, Chicazo, Ill. wood, Pa. D. 1, Princeton. N. . MCCAWLEY, John A. Mrs. Teresa M. Me- MCITANIC. COLLINS, Earl T. Mrs. Annie Collins, 180 Cawley,!28 River Street, Carbondale. Pa. McCOY, John W. Robert B. McCoy, R. F. D. Wot Utica Street, Buffolo, N. Y. MADDEN. James Al. Mrs. Freeling Madden, 1, Statesville. N. C. CONNOLLY, Charles. John Connolly, Paints- Rock Hiilj Furnace, Pa. ville, Ky. MATTHEWS, Milton A. Zebedee Matthews, WAGONDRS. Angier, N. C. BTRNS, .esse L. Silas B. Burns, Monrovia, COOK, Newton. Albert Al. Cook, Monaville, RAGOVIN, Harry. Airs. Rachel Rago-in, 130O Md. W. Va. Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. COOPER, Ray E. H. R. Cooper, Sunapee, (ORHlN. Strother A. 'Wilford Corbin, Broad ROSS, Arthur S. C. E. Ross, Axtell. Kans. K H.- Run. Va. DELANEY, A. A. Frank Delaney, 5 Rumsey LAWLOR, Reuben. Airs. Ada Lawlor, 280 COURTNEY, Earven B. Earl W. Courtney, Street, Port Jervis, N. J. Whitmore Street, Oakland, Cal. Silver Springs. N. Y. NEWELL, C. S. Airs. Leona D. Newell, 165 CZERNIRJEWSKI, Louis. Matt Czerniejew- Leonia Avenue, Leonia, N. J. COOKS. ski, 87 Detroit Street, Buffalo, N. Y. PRENDERGAST, J. L. John Plendergast, BOISYERT. Bernard L. Jacques Bolsvert, DAYJ5IN, Glen H. Mrs. Jennie Daykin, R. F. Duff, Nebr. 263 Hildreth Street. Lowell. Mass. D. 1, Britten, Mich. 10 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING DI0COWSKI, Edward. Mrs./Caroline Decow- CANAVAN, Charles E. Mrs. Elizabeth Can- MILER, Harvey. Jerry P. Miller, R. F. D. ski, 1700 West Superior Street, Chicago, avan, 331 Lexington Avenue, Brooklyn, 1, Fort Hill, Pa. N. Y. NEIWMAN, Walter T. Mrs. Lydia Newman, ELKEY, Harry M. Mrs. Lillie Elkey, 516 CLAYTON. Arthur. Mrs. Arthur Clayton, 1714 West Street, Wilmington, Del. Asylum Street, Flint, Mich. 510 West One hundred and twenty-third O'BRIEN, John L. Mrs. Jolanna O'Brien, 61 FOy, Thomas. Mrs. Jane King, Torresdale, Street, New York, N. Y. Reeves Place, Brooklyn N Y. Pa. CLIMIE, John S. Mrs. Virginia Climie, Yale, OISETH, Gusrav A. Rrs. Alvilda Oiveth, GRAY, Clifford. Mrs. Nancy J. Gray, R. F. Okla. Kasson, Mimn. D. 1. Hot Springs, Ark. COLEMAN, Howard R. David R. Coleman, OLSON, Ole B. Mrs. May Olson, 110 West GREEN, Frederick M. Mrs. Virginia Green, 44 Greenwood Street, New Britain, Conn. Water Street, Olean, N. Y. 420 West Fourteenth Street, South Rich- DAME, Henry W. Mrs. Coppenrath, 1 Har- PARKER, Guney Burr. Longley Parker, R. mond. Va. rington Avenue, Rozburg, Mass.' F. D. 1, Coon Rapids, Iowa. IIAMDIOND, George C. Mrs. S. C. Ham- DISHICK. Harry. Nathan Dissick, 278 South PiET, Charles J. Mrs. Louisa Murillo, 401 mond, 934 Steubenville Avenue, Cambridge, Sesond Street, Biooklyn, N. Y. East North Street, Visalia, Cal. Ohio. DOTY. Algy. Frank Doty, Rose, Kans. PROSZCZ, John. Mrs, Alice Wisnesti, 342 HOLLOWAY, Willie Joseph. Mrs. Annie Iol- DUANE, Alexander C. Alexander Duane, Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. loway. post-office box 18, Shelby, Ala. 139 East Thirty-seventh Street, Now York, QUIGLEY, HARRISON B. Daniel Quigley, JUSTIOE, Henry W. Bud Justice, Woodman, N. Y. 200 Colle-e 'Street, Palmyra, Pa. r Ky. DTTLE. Michael J. William Dule, Ashley, Pa. QUINTANILLA, Victor. Jose Conde, La EANES, Arthur L. Mrs. Harry Eanes, 1312 Flor Catalena Teniente Rey, Habana, Cuba. KEEN,. Earl A. Albert T. Keene, Nampa, RIPSHAW, Alex. Idaho. 4 Tlirtenh Street, Roanoke, Va. Tony Ripshaw, 15 Star BLOOM, Fred L. Mrs. Peulah Determan, Street, Ansonia, Conn. KELLEY, James M. Mrs. Michael Kelley, Claypool, lId. ROBERGE, Joseph H. Mrs. Louise Roberge, Green Street. Hingham, Mass. CHRISTENSEN. George A. George A. Chris- 14 Notre Dame Avenue, Manchester, N. H. KINDELAN, Thomas. W. W. Dixon, 105 tensen, 176 Market Street, Perth Amboy, ROBERTS, Bertice. James Roberts, Whit- South La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. N. T. man, Tenn. KOERNIG, George C. Mrs. Minnie Koernig, ROGERS, Marion E. Otis E. Rogers, M1esa, 595 East Annapolis Street, St. Paul. Minn. EASTMAX, Guy. Tony G. Frohu, Hood Aria. LEWIS, Herman. Roy Lewis, Holly Springs, River, Oreg. SANGSTON, Joseph J. Mrs. Eva McDonald, Miss. ELWORTHY, Henry W., jr. Mrs. Henry W. 1405 Gri.nd Avenue, Everett, W Eworthy, 164 Cypress Avenue, Flushing, slh. LOFTIS, John William. Mrs. Delia Norvell, N. Y. SCHMITT, Froderick Ferdinand. Mr. Fred- 625 Euclid Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. erick Schmitt, Rockaway Avenue, Vallcy LITTLETON, James L. Bailey Littleton, Pur- PFRHRTS, Ladre Stanley. Mrs. John Wright, Stream, N. Y. yenr, Tenn. box 213, Norwich, N. Y. .MITil, Lewis. Frank Smith, Wellsbura, N. Y. LIZZI, James1V. Mrs. Louisa Lizzi, 260 Pratt FIELDS, Lewis S. Mrs. Nellie Fiebil, Twen- STITH, Ruissell Joseph. Isaac Smith, 1300 Str'et, Meriden, Conn. ty-first Street, Columbus, Ga. West Fifth Street, Dayton. Ohio. AL LEN. GUARD W. Mrs. Carrie Austin, New FLAIIERTY, Patrick. Martin Flaherty, 1086 SMITH, Stacy. James Smilb, Etizabethton, Iichmond, Ohio. Magnolia Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Tenn. ARISTRtONG, Robert M. Mrs. Catherine M. PILICE, Giovanni. Lewis lilice, 1055 Secail STI1tt, Thomas S. John A.' Smillh 7121 Armstrong, 3 West Preston Street, Balti- Street, Woonsocket, R. L Thirtieth Avenue SW., Seattle, Wash. more, Md. HELTON, Lee R. Dave N. Helton, R. F. D. SMITH, Victor H. Robert L. Smith, Station Georke Devriest, 1. F. 3, Goodspring, Tenn. D, CharleSton, W. Va. DERIEST, William. IHTTCHESON, Jessie 0. John Hutcheson, STAMBAUGI, Chester J. Mrs. Florence D). 1, Kalamnazoo, Mich. Buckner, Ark. Stambaugh, 1308 Ninth Avenue, East Al- DO INSKI, Sylvester. Frank Dobinski, 8809 IGO. John Thomas. toona. Pa. Houston Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 'Lafayette Igo, general P. delivery, Lexington, Mo. STEVENS, Joseph R. -irs. David Stevsens, DOCTIITT, Arthur T. Mrs. Lillian ISHERWOOD, Douthilt, Stanley, Ky. John W. Mrs. Ellen Isher- County Downa, Ireland. DOWNING, Bob. Henry Downing, Tipton- wood. 255 South Fifth Avenue, Mount Ver- TSILONIS. George 1. Mr-. Angelo I. Tselo- Tenn. non, N. F. nis, Tarsina Korinthos. Greece. vilkl. JACOB, Joseph. Tony Jacob, R. F. D. 3, box WEIINTV, Romanus. Mrs. F. Nagel, 3708 FEATHERS, Edgar. Mrs. Irene Pierce, 113, Pulaski Road, New Castle, Pa. Folett6 Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Piney Flats, Tenn. KOEllLER, Herman G. Mrs. Mary Koehler, WOINTCZ, Stanley J. John Woiuicz, 105 Mil- IIALYORSON. Halvor L. Rev. Nols. Halvor- 2418 Ninth Street, Rock Ishind, Ill. wauko Avenue. Kenosha. Wis. son, R. F. 1). 3, Lake Park, Miinn. MeCQUILLAN, Patrick J. John MeQuillan, ZEBANTALAR, Ernest. Mrs. Otlij Zebanta- IARKINS, Hiram J. Mrs. BertlIn.Harkins, 410 East Sixty-sixth Street, New York, lar, l'owtiesoka, Wolanska. Rui-a. 97 Longs Avenue, Tonawanda, N. Y. N..Y. LINEHAN, William J. Mrs. Ellen G. Line- Orvillo S. Mrs. Sarah J. Harper, l11LIPER, MARTINEZ, I'atio. M. Florencio Martinez, han, 210 North Second Street, Donnison, Marengo, Jnd. Grepo. Tex. , Ohio. JOINSON, Ernest IT. Mrs. Mollie Johnson, MATLOCK, James F. Mrs. Charlie Matlock, ELIAS. Lomon 0., Mrs. Moarion Elias, 1914 1. F. D. 4, Little Fall, Minan. Lloas, Okla. Sarah Street, Fresno, Cal. CURTIS. Dudd. Mrs. Iva Julia Mann, Pri- FRICKSON, Ernest J. A. Alfred Frickson, . day Harbor, Wash. ilURIIAY. John Joseph. Miss Catherine Mur- R. F. D. 8, Wilton. N. Dak. MIT LL, Frank II. Adam Clarence Miller, ray. 159 uNilroad Street, Cortland, N.' Y. FONTANELLA, Charles D. G. Fontanella, U. F. D. 1, Port Washington. Ohio. ROTCH, Le-ter J. Mrs. Rosa Rotch, 1290 West Laue, box 167, Stockton, Cal. M'ORIN, Elol. Werford Mardale, Grovner- Washineton Street, Boston, Mass. FRANKOVICII, Milo S. Mrs. Efta Medigo- dale. Conn. FQSTER, Lawrence W. Mrs. Mary E. Foster, vich. Bishoe, Ariz. Grasit Street, Foxboro, M. Michael Morris- Mass. FU'LTQN, Egl'ert P. C. Mrs. Ida Fulton, R. MORRISSEY, Thomas GATLIN,, Ben L. Mrs. Garrett F. Gatlin, I'. D. 1. BloonAng Grove, Tex. sey. 125 Railroad Avenue, Bridgeport, Erect, N. C. GEAR. John. Thomas Gear, BULcke, Mich. Conn. GRYTER, George. Lucen Goyter, 1502 Forty- GELOTIBICKI, Jacob. Peter Monchunski, RO E. Freeman I. Mrs. Fannio D. Rose, fourth Street, Rock Island, Ill. % 3454 South Morgan Street, Chicago, 111. Washtuena, Wash. IANKS. Peter A. Mrs. Ida M. Hanks, Gra- GERNOLD, August James. Peter Gernold, SONNE:NBERG. Carl J. Angush H. Sonnen- ham. Moot. 689 McrKinley Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. berg, R. P. D. 3, North Qugntral Avenue, IARDIES. William A. Fred A. Hardles, 2231 GOLOS, Phillip. Sol Gola, 204 North Main Rochester, Minn. Cortez Stroet, Chicago, Ill. Street, Geneva, N. Y. TIR(CI, Joe. Mrs. Mary Norgese, 3079 Pleas- HARPER, Albert S. Jim Harper, Nashville, GORTZ, Bert D. Mrs. Lillian Gortz, 4427 ant Avenue, New York, N. Y. Tenn. Gamma Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. YOKNG, Chauncey. Mrs. Campbell V. Young, IASKELL. Fred. Mrs. Magdalena Haskell, GOSSIR, Vincent P. Mrs. Isabella Gossic, 982 3824 Vincent Avenue, South Minneapolis, Afogote, Colo. Concord Avenue, Detroit, M ch. Minn. HAYNE, James F. James Hayne, 20 Elm GT'ISKI, John. Valych, Sayreville, ADAMS, Grover P. Mrs. Sarah E. Adams, Street, Cooperstown, N. Y. N. J. i. F. 1). 2, Connellsville, Pa. HEFFELFINGER, DAniel. Mrs. Cora Heffel- 'HANDLEY, Clyde C. Clyde C. Handley, R. ALLEN, Ernest. Everett E. Allen, I. F. D. finger. R. F. D. 1, Dorset. Ohio. F. D. 1, Culloden, W. Va. 1. box 39, Louisville, Miss. I1EINTZ, Clarence. Mrs. Barble- Heintz, Pal- HANSON, Earl C. -Peter Hanson, 3711 ALLEN, Ralph E. Philip S. Allen, North myra, Ind. Louisiana Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Berwick, Me. HOGAN, Charles R. John Hogan, 50 Minot HARDY, Kennedy. Mrs. Pauline Culbert, ANZIANO, Alfredo. Raffaile Tarantino, 1365 Street, Nenonset, Mass. Clayton, Okla. Sixty-third Street, Brooklyn, N, Y. HOLLER, Harry R. Miss Emma C. Holler, IIARROLL, Robert Lee. Joss sh A. Harroll, BARRETT, Philip. Mirs. Hanna Barrett, 632 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. Bedford, Ind. Montgomery Street, Fultonville, N. Y. HUNGER. Clarence J. Mrs. Martha K. Hun- HANSON. Earl C. Peter Hanson, 371 1 BACI R. John P. Joseph Bauer, Hankinson, ger, 1404 South Tenth Street, Burlington, HARRISON. Robert P. Eddie B. Harrison, N. Dak. 134 Gary Street, Spartanburg, S. C. Iowa. HART, George T. Alonzo Hart, Fifth Street, BERRY, Frank. Mrs. Sarah Berry, 2302 INTELISANO) John. Ignazio Intolisano, LE- Greer. S. C. Arctic Avenue, Atlantic, N. J. tozanniper, Galladoro, Italy. BISHOP, Walter. John C. Bishop, Mabem, KALOUDES, Nickolas. Jemos Kaloudes, JA QIETTE, Dan C. Mrs. Janett Ja Quette, Miss. Verto Samos, Greece. Grover 11111,Ohio. D1ACI'31AN, Newton U. Mattle M. Black- KRINGEL, Albert C. August P. Kringel, JESTERAlton Kirk. Mrs. Rlhoder R. .ester, man. Evergreen, Ala. Wauwatosa. Wis. High Point, N. C. BORONDA, Phillip R. Mrs. Lucy Borondo, LAFFERTY, Robert L. Mrs. Julia W. Laf- JOHN, Tom. Nosho John, 1-132 Front Street, King, Cal. ferty, Lead Hill, Ark. Alliance. Ohio. BOATEL, Frank L. Miss Lillian Bostel, 811 LAPINSKY, Victor. John Koats, 2118 Third KUTBEC, James J. Mrs. Marie Kubec. 4274 Elizaleth Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Avenue, New York, N. Y. East One hundred and twenty-eighth Street, BOURGATILT, Paul. Gilbert Bourgault, 50 LATGHREY, Pearl C. Everett C. Latighrey, Cleveland, Ohio. Dow Street, Salem, Mass. Sullivan Motor Route, Dennison, Ohio. BRODRECK, Ernst August. John Matthews MAcDONALD. Douglass. Carrick MacDonald, LAMB, Randolph. 53 Morris Sticet, Yonkers, Brodbeck, R. F. D. 1, Wichita, Kans. 405 Hazel Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. N. Y. BTRRICK, Maurice T. Miss Rose Burrick, MASON, George. Christ- Mason, R. F. D. 1, LANCASTER, Guy L. Melville E. Lancaster, 41 Trlnty Place, Albany, N. Y. Moline, Ill. Kingman, Me. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 11 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING LINDAUL, Walter S. Andrew Lindahl, 249 PUCCI, Toney. Peter Felicotta, 168 Muttle- MOUNTS, Roy E. Bert S. Mounts, Poplar Fourteenth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. ven Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Bluffs, 10. McCUNE, Raymond F. Edward F. McCune, RAINWATER, James .B. Harvey S. Rain- ALLEN, Irving H.Mrs. Anna B. Allen, 553 415 Tenth Street, Troy, N. Y. water, R. F. -D. 1, Morrison, Colo. Woodland Alipue, Toledo, Ohio. MILLER. Stanislanus J. Joseph J. Miller, RASTENBERGER. Gustav. John Grimm, TURNER, Elzie E. Mrs. Mary E. Turner, 1309 Sycamore Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 300 Wierfield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Seat Pleasaut, Mde MONA1lAN, Edward. Alexander Monahan, REESE, Edward Henry. Henry W. Reese, 2613 Oakford Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 2217 North Twdhty-second Street, Phila- PRIVATES. MOORE, Bert B. Miss Ruby Gambill, West delphia, Pa. ACORD, Charles Herbert. Mrs. Marglfret Frankfort, Ill. RISJ, Bernard. Mrs. Melvina Rissi, 232 Acord, MORGAN, Roy J. Mrs. Amanda Koontz, Mc- South Gares Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Dunmore, W. Va. Kdcean Street, Dawsonsprings, Ky. ROSEN, Israel. William Rosen, 770 East ARNOLD, Frank II. Charles E. Arnold, New MORRIS, Cleo. Mrs. Laura Morris, 725 Dale One hundred and fifty-fifth Street, New Berlin, N. Y. Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. York, N. Y. BEETS, James H. Rufus Beets, R. F. D. 2, Dirr, Vinta, Okla. MOTL, Michael3 J. Mrs. Lizzie Motl, R. F. D. IWAN, John Patrick. Mrs. George Philip, 2, box 4, Juneau. Wis. 816 McPherson Avenuo Cincinnati, Ohio. BROOKS, Lloyd W. Robert E. Brooks, Lizzie M, Rus- S. Dak. NEWMAN, Robert R. Mrs. Emma Newman, RUSSELL. Melvin M. Mrs. BUCKLEY, Daniel J. Miss Julia Bucsley, 275 Valley Station, Ky. sell, 002 Tuwenty-fourth Avenue, squth, Montello Street, Brockton, Mass. PERRY, Fred A. Mrs. Mary E. Perry, 1800 0 Seattle, Wash. 214 CHARLES, Robert H. Jesse Charles, Chats- Streot. Sacramento, Cal. SALTIN, William. Mrs. Emma Falk, worth, Ga. PETERSON, Chris. Mrs. Sina Williams, Gal- Lengly Street, Escanaba, Mich. DOREY, Hugh J. Mrs. Hulda Dorey, 400 Ilib- lop, N. MAex. SAMPLE, William L. Albert F. Sample, bard Avenue, Detroit, Mich. P'URDY, George R. Warren Purdy, 18 Wil- route 1, Reno, Okla. Sanford, FARBER, Charley A. Jacob Farber, R. F. D. liams Street, Donsville, N. Y. 9ANFORD, James M. Leroy S. 5, Erio, Ia. RAASCJJ, George. Andrew Christoperson, Neeses, S. C. Clifford. No emergency address Oconomowoc, Wis. I SARDONI, Frank. Mrs. Millie Sardoni, 462 FISHER, RICHTER, Fred. William Apitz, sr., Hender Monmoutih Street. Jersey City N. J. given. Sha- FREDERICKSON, Charles R. John Fre(- son. Minn. SHUMBRIS, John. George Shumbris, Georgetown, Conn. RIGII, Amnedeo. Phillip Lombardi, 318 bana Avenue, Plymouth, Pa. ' erickson, Smith, Bland GRIMjR, John P. John W. Grimer, Tarn- Franklin'Avenne, Elwood City, Pa. SMITH, 1ldridge D. W. Doane Ville, S. C. ROPBARS, Arthur G. Philip Robars, 314 East route, Wytheville, Va. Allen. Nathan Harris, Wel- Main Street, Malone, N. Y. SNELL, Stephen J. Michael Snell, Greeley, IARIS, James ROSENIERGER, Leslie W. Mrs. Mary A. Nebr. lington, Tex. Miller, HUDSON, Leslie A. Mrs. Elizabeth HIudeon, Rosanberger, Jeffersontown, Va. STROlERGER, Grover C. Mrs. John Oskaloosa, Kans. RVDOLiI, Aloysius J. Mrs. Kathrino Ellis, Evergreen, Va. Petro Kason, Ifraderichi- 204 Starr Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. TERWXILLIGEII, John E. John J. Terwilli- KASON, Christ. RUMSEY, Jewel Bird. Albert Jackson Rum- gcr, Newfoundland, N. J. koc, Odessa, Russia. Delbert Turnbull, KENT, Donjamin. Mrs. Julia Kent, lnting- soy, Vivian, Okla. TURNBULL, Albert. ton, Md. SANDS, Joseph. Thonias E. Sands, 501 Achille, Okla. Rlirby, R. F. Archer Street, Baltimore, Md. VESTAL Vance. T. J. Vestal, Mecca, Ind. KIRBY, aennis L. Mrs. Francis Vitale, SAUNDERS, Rowan. William S. Saunders, VITALE, Domenick. Miss Virginia KiETRTIMER, William A. Mrs. Augusta WV. R1.F. P. 2, Wilkeshoro, N. C. 104 8ullivan Street,.New York, N. F. Kretscbmer, Greenock, Allegbany County, SCIILRiMER. Harry. Mrs. Ida Scharmer, Ar- WALKER, Arla. Mrs. Mona Walker, Olive lington, Miss. Hill, Ky. Pa. 204 KITYKENDALL, Samuel A. Benjaimin S. Kuy- SCILIGHT, Carl E. Mrs. Augustus Schlight, WILAND, Paul. Mrs. Rose Crawford, kendall, general delivery, Skull Valley. Ariz. 1714 South Ninth Street, La Crosse, Wis. Taylor Street, Findlay, Ohio. LIAN, Hans E. Mrs. Anne Lieu, Olli-, SMITH, ZIEGfLER. Andrew A. Mrs. Francesca Zieg- Thomas E. Mrs. Eliza Smith, Paoli, Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Minn. Okla. ler, 1z20 Madison LINK,* George E., jr. George E. Link, 27S5 SNELSON, Zeb. Mrs. Nannie J. Snelson, R. Died 'of Wounds. West North Avenue, Baltimore,- P10. F. D. 5, Winchester, Tenn. .JOYD, Mitchell V. Mrs. Maggie Lloyd, 105 TRAINUM, Major H. Mrs. Emma D. CAPTAIN. Brewer Avenue, Suffolk, Va. McGILL, Puarlie R. Mrs. Sallie McGill, For- Trainum, Pocahontas, Tenn. Helen McC. Bur- WEIRICII, Emanuel I. E0phraim Weirich, R. BURRAGE. Percy F. Mrs. est, Tex. 3 -F. 1). 10, Kalamazoo, Mich. rage, 0it Glenwood Avenue, East Orange, MAIIH, Leonard. Richard March, 32 Fruit N. J. WERTANEN, Eli. Nester Wertanen, Kaleva, Street, Northampton, Mass. Mich. LIEUTENANe' MOONEY, Anthony. John V. Mooney, 211 Smith Street, Dunmore, WIETEN, Dork T. Mrs. Carrie Wieten, Node, ALDIITciH, Perry II. Leonard Aldrich, North Pa. Street, Essex Junction, Vt. MOONEY. Peter Aloyius.\ John X. Mooney, Wyo. Pearl 40 North Lincoln Avenue, Rocka-way Park, WOODWARD, Joln H. Mrs. Sarah Mf. Wood-. N. Y. ward, 'Hamburg, Iowa. PENCE. Grover. Allen Pence. St. Paris, Ohio. McGILL, Joseph 1. Mrs. Hazel McGill, JOHNSON. Hiram D. John Ruhl, 0832 North RICKERTS. Lawrence J. Mrs. Mary Rick- licks Street, North Vernon, Inld. - Camac Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (rts. 3308 Webster Aveaue, Pittsburgh, la. McGOLERICK, Judge. Mrs. Minerva McGol- MOORE, Ernest L. Mrs. Landon D. Moore, ROBFRTS, Vernon L,-- Paul I. Roberts, Faith, drick. Point of Rocks, Md. I Raton. N. Dak. S. Dak. McGRAW, Michael E. Miss Mary McGraw, MAXWELL, Kenneth A. Irving Maxwell, ROOSA, Elting W. Mrs. Maly R. Rooa., It 1317 Frank Street, MeKees 'ocks, Pa. Meadowbrook, N. Y. Independence Place, Ossining, N. Y. MAFFUCCI, Vincezo. Guiseppe De Mole, PURCELL, Douglas B. Ralph L. Purcell, RU'I1. Iavid F. Mrs. Mary Rush, R. F. D. 2, 180 Forest Street, Montclair, N. J. Maxton, N. C. Callicon, R C. MAIDO, Nicola. Gio Tazano, 104 Hill Street, cbaroRALs. SARAN, Simon. .Toseph Skotz, 323 Weber Clarksburg, W. Va. Street. Toledo, Ohio. MAYES, Turner. Mrs. Fannie Mayes,. 333 BROOKS, Ross. Jerry AT. Brooks, Spurgeon, SHANKS. Luther C. Mrs. Callie B. Shank<, Jeffesrson Street, Huntsville, Ala. N. C. R. F. B. 7, Paris, Ky. MAYNARD, Albert C. Francis Maynard, 1528 CARNES, Ray. Leonard Carnes, Fort Scott, SHOAL, John. Mrs. Mary Shoal, Siedlick, Pleasant Street, Fall River, Mass. Kans. Gaberni Powint, Biala Gmina Bobr n, MICHAEL, Augustus. Mrs. Anna Michael, KANER, Wallace J. Mrs. Mary Kaner, 23 W10suhaznla Russian Poland. 1468 Lehman Street, Lebanon, Pa. Oxford Street, Rochester, N. Y. SIMPSON, Estle E. James M. Simpson, MILLBERG, Cheater Arnold. Mrs. Edna Mill- KELLY, William C. Michael Kelly, 148 Campbell, Tex. 1- berg, box 40, Glen Richey, Pa. Princeton Street. East Boston, Mass. TIlllLE, Adolph Fred. Fred Thiele, 526 MILLER, Hiram. William Miller, Dresden, MARTIN, Glynn C. William Cunningham, Thirty-third Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Ind. Randolph, Ill. THOMAS, David. Mrs. Annie Thomas, 1517 MILLIRON, Lee. Mrs. Lee Milliron, Mount PARADES. . Mrs. Matilda Grey, San Mulberry Street, Augusta, Ga. Pleasant, Pa. Jose, Cal. THURBER. Lynn A. Mrs. Edna J. Thurber, MOORE, Thomas B. Lawrence B. Moore, SMITH, Joseph A. Mrs. Margaret Smith, 479 Boringville. N. Y. Sturgis, Ky. Irving Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. TRICKETT, Walter E. James Trickett, Pales- MORGAN, Verner I. Samuel L. Morgan, Ear- YORGES, Lawrence C. Frederick J. Yorges, tine, W. Va. 323 West Ninth Street, Columbus, Ohio. YOUNG, James R. John A. Jones, Cole-te,- lington, Ky. 0 An- OBERLE, John. Mrs. Florence Oberle, Bilt- ANDERSON, Clifford C. Mrs. Josephine Tex. more Apartments, Los Angeles, Cal. derson, 099 Stanley Street, New Britain, ZNOMENACEK, . Mrs. Roie Znome- PAGANINI, Ben. Mrs. Katherine Paganini, Conn. BOGUE, Irving E. William F. Bogte, Nor- nacek, Grover, Colo. R. F. D. 2, L~ckport, Ill. wich, Conn. BABCOCK, Clarence E. Dell Babcock, rural PALUKE, Walter. Mrs. Anna'"Paluke, 805 CARDILLO, Benjamin A. Mrs. Louis M. Car- route 2, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. East Eighteenth Street, Erie, Pa. Mass. BADGER, Armond J. Joseph Badger, Little- PANASIK, Samuel. Salvar Panasik, Eighth dillo, 179 Jackson Street, Lawrence, Street, Chester, Pa. CHURCHWELL, Omar. William HI. Chiftch- ton, N. H. 15 well. R. F. D. 5, Altus, Okla. BALLA, Alvin. Mrs. Mary F. Balla, 337 PARK, Carles T. John Park, Addison, Ala. Hanover Street, Baltimore, Md. PARKMAN, Harry E. R. L..Parkman,.Thom- CURTIS, Manson F. Dr. Robert R. Curtis, Thir- Rogers, Tex. BANNAN. James L. 11ugh Bannan, aston, Ala. Avenue and Newton Street, Newark, PPARTHIE, Carl A. Frederick Parthle, Hall POPHAM, Glenn Ashton. Roy A. Popham, teenth Minneapolis, Kans. N. J. Avenue, Marinette, Wis. Walter. jrs. Dora Tegge, PATRICK, Joseph, Gus Patrick, 14 Fairview ROBINSON, Ervin J. James S. Robinsoa, R. BARANOWSKI. F. D. 2, Moore, Ohio. ' 1521 -Noble Street, Chicago, Ill. Avenue, Somerville, N. J. BARLOW. Joe W. Andrpw J. Barlow, Ma- PATTERSON, Robert E. Robert I. Patter- COOKS. hnnk. Tex. son, R. F. D. 1, Kent Boulevard, Ilion, BROWN, Conrad. Mrs. Catherine Brown, 6213 BARLOW, Joseph G. Mrs. Iose Barlow, 41 N. Y. 11. Farragut Avenue, Providence, R. I. , Morgan Street, Chicago, Brad- PRIGGE, John ft. Bernard Prigge, 2324 Gas- CHLOUPEK, Rudolph. Jacob Ohloupek, Gary, BENTLY, Anthony. Stanly Bently, kin Court, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Minn. ford Street West, Kittanning, Pa. 12 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2., 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

BRICKELL, William W. I. B. Brickell, R. F. DAVIS, Joe Johnson. William II. Davis, 705 DONAHUE, Leon H. Mrs. Mand Donahue, 59 D1. 2, Halafar, N. C. Trenton Stret, Harriman, Tenn. Prospect Street, Gloucestr, Mass. BROWN. Willie C. John Henry Brown, R. F. McCONAGIY, Thomas. Mrs. Susan Mcfon- DORAY, Walter L. Mrs. Robiua L. Doray, D, Millhaven, Ga. agh. )1348 North Thirty-firdt Street, Phil- 270 Conway Sheet, Greonf1eld, Mass. BRYAN, Albert M. Mrs. Alice Bryan, Wau- adelphi, Pa. DYER, Samuel C. Mrs. Maymie W. Dyer, R. ebula. Fla. MTRRAY, Seldon H. C. S. Murray, Liberty, F. 1). 1, Pikeville, Tenn. BUCKLEY, Edward J. Mrs. Mirgaret T. Mo. FARDON. Horace J. Mrs. ladeline Collier, Buckley, 184 Hollywood Axenue, East Or- WARD. George W. Columbus Ward, Roches- 163 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. anze, Nv J. ter, Ky. FRAHM, William II. Mrs. Hans Frahm, 4971 BURRIS, James B. J. F. Burris, Coficord, McGEE, Gilbert M. R. P. McGee, Cooke- Military Avenue, Omaha. Nebr. - N. C. ville, Tenn ALEXANDER, James W. Mrs. Mahala B. Alex- CAIRPEX:NTlR, Thaddeus C. Christana S McHUGII, James JT. Mrs. Elizabeth McHugh, ander, Downieville, Cal. ('irpenter, R. F. D. 4,. Hickory. N. C. 93 Clinton Street, Albany, N. Y. ANDERSON, Louis C. Firs. Cleo Anderson, ChEEK, Charles C. Charles A. Cheek, Way- MOORE, Arle F. Mrs. Bertha L. Moore, Pro- Iamsey, Ill. noka, Okla. tection, Kans. ANDERSON, Mannie. Mrs. Mary L. Ander- CIIESSER, Claud T. Miss Nola -Chesser ROWLETT, -George B. Mrs. Emma Rowlett, son, Live Oak, Fla. . Forestburz, Tex. FMedina, Tenn. - ANDREWS, Ilenry. Mrs. Maggle Ward, R. F. CR LVE'NS, Joseph B. John W. Cravens, WELLS. Gus. Fred Wells, 933 East Broad- D. 1, box 30, Bethel, N. C. Rome, Ky. way, Toledo, Ohio. BAKER, John B. H. Firs. Elizabeth Keese, DEGISI, Joseph, Mrs. 6onzatta Maiello, 105 1004 Spruce Street, Camden, N. J. Mount Vernon Axenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 4fELD CLERK. BARRON, RalDh. Mrs, Matilda Barron, FORSTER, Harold R. Mrs. Robert Forster, SANDALL. John Chester. Andrew Sandall, Glasford, Ill. b6. South Park Street, Clyde, N. Y. C03 Academy Avenue, York, Nebr. BARTELT, Carl. Mrs. Mary Bartell, Good- FOX, Fred F. Thomas F. Fox, Hedgesville, rich Star Route, Medford, Wis. Mont. MECHANIC. BECKER, John A. Adam Becker, R. F. D. 1, FTG LGZZI, Savio Joseph. Mrs. Carollata LATRD, Leroy. Mrs. Emma Laird, R. F. D. Kimmswick, Mo. Fugazzi, R. F. D. 3, box 147, Stockton, Cal. 4, box 26, Pine Blufl Ark. Bell, Griffin, Ky GRETZINGER, Fiedrick Gallep. Lotti Gret- BELL, Richard. Bolne WAGONERS. BENNETT, Jesse J. irs. Pearl Bennett, 201 zinger, Bridgeport, Ohio. North Stonewall Avenue, Ada, Okla. H TARRIS.Lucian W. Mrs. Florence 1larris, BURKE, Michael J. Mrs. Crqedon, 801 Hud- BERMAN, Benjamin. Isadore D. Berman, Venable, Mo. son Street, New York, N. Y. 1071 North Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. JOTINFON. Charles E. Harry Johnson, box MILLS, George. Firs. William Klabunde, BICKERSTAFF, Robert. irs. Annie M. Boyd, 271, Sayxille, N. Y. 2034 Aubert Street, Chicago, Ill. Ala. K\lilERAS, John G. George Kameras, Bra- R. F. D. 2, Billingsley, COOK. BLANTON, Lee. Will Blanton, Burg, Ark. voa, Levadia, Gieeee. BOEIM, Kurt A. Albert Boebi, 3841 Gladys KHIEWPON, Otto A. Jay M. Krewson, gen- DAVIS, Van T. Aaron . Davis, Maypearl, Avenue, Chicago, Ill. niIl deliverv, Bloomfield, Iowa, Tex. BOLDON, Alvin E. Mrs. Laura Boldon, Alven, LA'1KINS. Walter C. F. W. Lamins, 297 PRIVATES. Iowa. Westland Street, Hartford, Conn. AARON, Charlie F. Clifford 0. Aaron, R. F. AIl)ONALD, Frank. Mrs. Anna Blanche, BONAR, Charles M. Miss Jessie Gow, 3108 D., Starsville, Ga. Winter Street, Los Angeles, Cal. J.essup, Pa. Agee, Raymond- M lRUZZI, Lawrence. Marco Marcuzzi, Ber- AGDlE, Lee F. Mrs. Nancy BRACK, Jacob E. Mrs. Marion T. Brack, ville, Mo. 68 Central Avenue, Albany, N. Y. wind, W. Va. D. Charles F. Akridge, MAUS, Philip. Mrs. Emma A. Maus, 271 AKRIDGE, John BREEN, William E. John T. Breen, sr, R. R. F. D. 2, Camilla, Ga. F. D. 1, Camon, Ill. West One hundred and ninetienth Street, Valentine P. Firs. Jessie M. Allen, New York, N. Y. ALLEN, BROADICE, Odice. Mrs. Susie Broadice, R. F. D. 1. Benton, N. Y. Church Street, Cedarville, Ohio. PELPIIREY. Joe B. Henry V. Pelphrey, box Albert J. Aussem, sr., 22. Oil Fields, Cal. AUESEA Arthur D. BRODERICK, William T. Michael J. Brod- 623 Canal Avenue, Ottawa, Ill. 263 Roxbury Street, Roxbury, Mass. PROKO, James. George Cocoras, 781 Atlan- 393 erick, tic Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BACHRACHI, David. William Bachrach, BROWN, Georee R. Mrs. Julia Brown. R. P. South Second Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. 3, box 55, Alban, S. C. PUGH, J. L. J. Oafecock, Edgemoor, Del.* B, SKIFF, Clayton B. Mrs. Maude Skiff, Spar- BAKER. Golias. Samuel Baker, R. F. D. BURGENGER, Fred. Mrs. Emma Burgenger, tansburg, Pa. box 100, Marianna, Fla. Fremont, Ner. THOMPSON, Major McK. W. M. ThomDpson, BALLANCE, Lucian. Mrs. Lola Ballance, BUTLER, Legal T. Dorl1 Butler, Bessville, R. F. D. 6, Elizabeth City, N. C. Mo. Damascus, Va. S Ethel A. Barrett, TOBENS, Alfred J. Mrs. Mary Tobens, St. BARRETT, Earl. Mrs. CAMPBELL, Ora. Firs. Lizzie Campboll,- R. Mairs, Ohio. Downs, Kans. F. D. 4, Vandalia, Ill. BENNETT, Elijah, Perry Bennett, R. F. D. TOOLE, Edward. Baraha R.. T. Silveston, 1. Sumeiton, Clarendon. S. C. CARTER, Robert E. Mrs. Delia Newcomb, Cohasset Avenue. Lakewood, Ohio. Bentrop, box 63, Coquille, Oreg. WOLF, Aupust. Mrs. Margaret Wolf, 5705 BENTROP, George F. William B. CHEEK, Charles. Mrs. Jean Cheek, Winston. New Utrecht Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. q 12 South Twelfth Street, Quincy, III. - BEYER, Emil G. A. Valentine Boyer, Fred- Salem. N. C. CROCKER, Wilbert W. Miss Alice Krueger, Died of Disease. ricksburL, Tex. 519 Winslow Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. BIBLER, Charles. Mrs. Jessie Bibler, Etna, CUNNINQGAM, Mathev W Mrs. Minnie LIEUTENANT, Ohio. BIRCH, Fred 0. William J. Birch, R. F. D. Cnningham, S24 Main Street, Peekskill, PRICE, Grover C. Mrs. G. C. Price, Jud- 2. Peoria. Miss. N. Y. son, Ind. BOERGER, Alfrbd B. William H. Boerger, DAVIS. Ben. Sivg Davis. Birleson. Tex. iNUnsES. 1914 Ssoth Hanna Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. FIELDS, Alexander. Jamos Fields, Ketchum, Okla. McDONALD, Elizabeth. Williani McDonald, BOND, Thomas M. Robert Bond, Hanesville, Teeswater, Ontario, Canada. ' La. FIORINO, Joseph. Gui'seppe Trozzi, 1038 BARTLETT, Frances E. Charles L. Bart- BRADLEY. Cecil D. Miner Bradley, 938 First Wa shington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. - lett, Andover. Me. Stieot. Webster City, Iowa. FISIER. Ran D. George Keton, 309 South MAcGREGOR, Edith. Mrs. Mary MacGregor, BRADLEY, Sam Waldo. Mrs. Grace P. Brad- Mai Street, MFemphis. Teoa. Ncw Castle, New Brunswick, Canada. ley. 324 McLemore Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. FRANCKS, Mallum. Miss Fara Freneks, BULLACK, Andrew. George Bullack, 10308 Trenton, N. C. SERGEANTS. Erickson Street, Pullman, Ill. GRAHAM. Harry H. Philamon Graham, BUNSEY, Aelville G. Mrs. Lilly Johns, 501 BURKE, William J. Michael Burke, 211 Glassbow. Mont Norton Avenue, Kansas City,-Mo. Olean Avenue, Jersey City. N. J. GRIFFIN, George D. Firs. 14trah E. Griffin, DIEEIE, Joseph. George Gagne, 278 Park BURKEY. Jacob C. Mrs. Sophia Burkey, R. 608 Cumberland Avenue, Tamna, Fla. Sireet, Gardner, Mass. F. D. 2. box 130, Thrichsville, Ohio.- GROTEVANT, Earl E. Albert Grotevant, R. MOORE, Frank J. Thomas F. "Moore, 60 BYRNE, John B. Mrs. N. Byrne, 434 Wayne F. D. A, Lake Charles, La. . East Paterson- Street, Columbus, Ohio. Street, Jersey City, N. J. GUXBY, Roger W. Firs. Jennie C. Gunby, READING, Harry A. John Reading, 32 CARLISLE, Stanley B. Mr-. Clista A. Car- box 443, Laurel, Del. North JIermitnae Avenue, Trenton, N. J. lisle. 203 College Street, Winfield, Kans. HADDOCK, Alvin N. Mrs. Hellen Haddock, WEGMANN. John W. Theodore Wegmann, CASSELR. George H. Firs. D. Cassels, 2350 Sharp, Ark. Pirk Rapids. Minn. Granite Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HALL Patrick TH. Mrs. Ronie Hall, R. F. D. DIBLIK, James. Mrs. Mary Kretochvil Dib- CHAPPELL, Raymond E. Franes. Chappell, 3, Elberton, Ga. lik, 2744 South Keeler Avenue, Chicago, 18 Ash Street. Lowell, Mass. Ill. CLAEgSENS. Charles. Pete H. Claessens, HAMMLEF, Herey. C. Iammlef, 227 Mar- FLEMINS. Robert. Mrs. Mary Flemins, box Waverley Minn. ston Street. Detroit, Mich. 8. Murfreesboro, Tenn. COOK. Charles E. Thomas Cook, R. F. D. 2, HARRIS, John W. Thomas Robitson, R. F. LACEY, Walter J. W. S. Lacey, 3106 Sac- S1ell Creek. Tenn. D. 3. Fairfax Courthouse. Va. rnmento Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. COVEY, John W. Mrs. Elizabeth Covey, HARRIS, Taylor. George M. Harris, R. F. D. MORTON, Levi B. John A. Morton, Boone- Gravnville, Tex. . 1. Chilakagee, Ala. villa. Mits. CUNNINGIAML Martin U. Mrs. Margaret HARWELL, Howard Lee. T. Coleman Har- MU RPITY, Fran Is T. Mrs. Jane Murphy, Cunningham, box 129, Stratford, Conn. well, R. F. D. 4, Prospect, Ten-n, 188 Main Street. Beacon, N. Y. CZERWONKA. Vincent. Mrs. .Tadwiga Cze- HOLUSTROM, Alfred C. Mrs. Freda Holm- SELWIN. Richard R. Edmund P. Selwin, 308 n onka. r. F. D. 1. Richland. Nebr. stront, Goodwin' S. Dak. Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. DAVIS. Randolph. Mrs. Lessie Peterson, In- IIOVEY, Thomas E. Miss Nettie Nensterger. gram, Tex. White Salmon, Wash. CORPORALS. DAY, John P. Mrs. Mary E. Day, R. F. D. 1, HOWARD, Walter. Mrs. Clara Howard, 711 BLANEJEWSKI, Steve. Mrs. Victoria Blane- Pruer, Miss. Jefferson Street, St. Charles, Mo. jewski. 67 Barry Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. DEFORD. Fletcher G. John Deford. 333 ALLEN, Glen C. Stephen W. Allen, R. F. D. BLOWER, Arthur N. No emergency address North First West Street, Salt Lake City, 1. box 20, Wynnewood, Okla. given. I'tah. ALLEN, Ira. Mrs. Susa Allen. 3621 Fourth CHRISTENSEN, Harold. Mrs. Marie Ras- DENTON, Steve. Ross Denton, St. Anne, Ill: Avenue South Minneapolis, Minn. muaerl. 1629 Torth Rockwell Street, Chi- DODSON, James L. William M. Dodson, ALMARAZ, Juvenclo. Emeterio Almaraz, R. cago, Ill. Sperryville, Va. P. D. 2-, Iobstown, Tex. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN:- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 13 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

BISHOP, Roy. William S. Bishop, Prints- TRIPLETT, Norman. Mahlon Triplett, 7326 MECHANIC. ville, Ill. Sycamore Avenue, Lam tt, Pa. HAYES, Francis J. Mrs. M. J. H. Tracy, 123 CALL, James C. James S. Call, 48 Friends TWAITS, Harold. Mrs. Sarah Twaits, 628 Street, Lynn, Mass. Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. Spring Street, Watertown, Mass. CRISS, Guy Harley. Miss Belle Criss, Little- VIVIAN, D. L. Mrs. Fannie Vivian, R. F. D. PRIVATEs. birch, W. Va. 2, Carthage, Miss. BERTELSON, Peter. Mrs. Susanna Bertel- ELLIOTT, Adam. Bert Woodbin, Marion, WALKER, John H. Joseph T. Walker, Ja- son, 2418 Thirtieth Avenue South, ilnne- N. C. cinto, Ark. aois, M11inn. HUNT James R. Mrs. Rose B. Hunt, R. F. WILLIAMS, Claude M. George E. Williams, BISBIS, Peter. Mrs. Cosdantina Bisbis, Ama- D. Y Claysville, Pa. 683 East Main Street, Maryville, Tenn. lida, Elias, Greece. JOHNON, Eric I. Mrs. Emelia Bernhard- WILLIAMSON, Leo 0. Mrs. Helen -K. Wil- DEWITTE, Adiel. Pete Xanhoaley, Capac, son, 320 South Sarah Street, Escanaba, liamson 5)7 Clematis Avenue, West Palm Mich. Mich. Beach, 11la. KELLENBACH, Leonard E. John E. Kallen- JOHNSON, George M. Siguart Johnston, i. GILYARD, Jim. Dan Gilyard, R. F. D. 2, bach, general delivery, Tuseumbia, Mo. F. 1). 1, Montevideo, Minn. Muskogee, Okla. KIBLER, Frank R. Mrs. Mary Kibler, 3_ RODRIGLIE, Paul L. Mrs. Marie Luyan, GRIFFON, John F. John 0. Griffon, Mar- Adams Street, Tonawhnda, N.W. 316 Monterey Street, San Antonio, Tex. Miand,ss. AIEIER, Walter William. Henryflleir, Riga, HUMBLE, John H. R. R. Humble, R. F. D. HANNA, Robert A. James R. Hanna, Rich- Mich. 9, Ottumwa, Iowa. wood, Nicholas County. W. Va. PATTEN, Joseph. Elmer Patten, Jesup, Iowa. KAUTZ, Wilhelm J. Wilhelm Kauts, Her- HANSEN, Edward J. Mrs. Claudina Esper- PETARDI, Nick. Cosmo Petardi, Vinchia- rick, S. Dak. sea, Hollinsville, Cal. ture, Compobasso, Italy. KELLEY, KailPL J. B. Mapes, 610 Pleasant HARPER, Albert. Willis Harper, R. F. D. REYNOLDS, Audi. Tom W. Hightower, 117 Street, Chicago Junetion, Ohio. 4, Pomeroy, Ohio. North Drake Street, Jonesboro, Ark. KIDD. William G. Mrs. Julia A. Kidd, 638 HARVEY, .Tesse R. Jesse E. Harvey, R. F. D. STEFFEN, Harry Herman. Herman Steffen, M Street SE., Waqhington, D. C. ' 1, Btighton, Iowa. R. F. D. 4, box 3, Elroy, Wis. KNAPP, Loien A. John Knapp, R. F. D. 2, KALVlO, George J. Peter Kalvio, 10 Oak WELLER, Th6mas 0. Mrs. Frank Bionda, Street. Belleville, N. J. Ukiah, Cal. North Manchester, Ind. KUNZ, William P. John Kunz, Lake Elmo, KNOWLES, Austin L. Edwin D. Knowles, Minn. ADAMS, Allan. Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, 68 2720 Reso Street, *Philadelphia, Pa. MARCUS, Emil C. Mrs. Letla Marcus, 252 West One hundred and second Street, New KNOWLES, Harry R. Mrs. Mary .Pent, 726 Cal. Yosk, N. Y. White Street, Key West, Fla. North Rosemond Avenue, Los Angeles, ANDERSON, Elmore T. Alfred Anderson, KOZLOWSKI, John. Mrs. Stella Muroska, MARTINEZ, Richard. Mrs. Mary Martinez, R. F. D. 8, Beresford, S. Dak. 143 Fifth Street, Long Island City, N. Y. BARBERIS, Aberham. Mrs. Guida Barberis, Cunola, Pa. MITCHELL, Huey V. Mrs. Mandy Mitchell, LAUER, George P. Martin Lauer, 1053 R. F. D. 8, Sparta, Tenn. box 133, Broadwater, Nebr. Seneca Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MOLITOR, Henry. Nick Molitor, R. F. D. 3, BURNAM, Blythe J. George 0. Burnam, LAUSEN. Henry I. Mrs. Mace C. Lausen, Aurora, Ill. Glencoe, Ol. R. V. D. 8, Missouri Valley, Iowa. MOLSBEE, Samuel K. Mrs. Grace C. Mols- COMBS, Wesley. Nicholas Combs, Staub, Ky. LOOP. Estell W. Mrs. Vester Loop, R. F. D. bee. Marne, Iowa. CROSS, John Benlamin. Mrs. Frances Vir. 1, Tazewell, Tenn. MORTON, Tazewell N. Joseph W. Morton, ginia Cross, R. P. D. 3, Dorranceton, Md. LOVELL, Belton W. Mrs. Emma Lovell, R. F. D. '4, Oxford, N. C. FORTUNE, Harry H. Mrs. Howard H. I or- Trumbull. Tex. MUNFORD,* William. Handy M'unford, R. tune, Covington, Va. MCCORMkCK, Thomas J. Mrs..Annie McCor- P. D. 1, Jacksonville, N. C. IKENBERRY, Charles W. Daniel D. Iken- inick. Three hundred and second Street, NYSWANDER, Jett H. Mrs. Francis Nys- berry, R. F. D. 15, Leeton, Mo. Colleae Point, Long Island, N. Y. , wander, Greentop, Mo. LANCASTER, William R. John IH. Lancaster, McFADDEN, Frink. James McFadden, Dal- PETERSON, Johannes S. Mrs. Lars H. Pet- 215 Nineteenth Street, Columbus, Il1s las, N. C. LUSK, William M. William Mt. Lubk, Wylum, erson, R. F. D. 1, St. Paul, Nebr. Ala. McNALLY, Patrick. Thomas McNally, 919 PROWER, John P. Mrs. Ruth Prower, 9 LYBARGER, Thomas F. Daniel Lybarger, Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Russell Street, Everett, Mass. Seventy Six, Mo. MAASS, Robert. Paul Maass, R. F. D. 2, PYETT, Dink E. William H. Pyatt, Fayette, MCCOY, Lanty S. Andrew S. McCoy. Spive, Brenham, Tex. W. lVa. W. Va. MANIGO. Fred. Mrs. Ellen Swinton Manigo, PYLE, Hugh I. Mrs. Myrtle Pyle, Balboa, 1IANTEISE, Salvatore. .oe Merlino, Main box 328, Georgetown, S. C. Heirhts, Panama, Canal Zone. Rapkin, 66 Stret Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. MARCIIBANKS, Noble F. Mrs. Martha T. RAPICIN, Edmund L. Clarence MISZEWSKI, Charley. Mrs. Catherine Mis. Marchbanks, R. F. D. A, Campo, Colo. Broadway, New York, N. Y. zewski, 891 Warren Avonue, Milv aukee, MARKLAND, Bliss. Emery Markland, Wa- RAYBURN, William H. Mrs. Nora Rayburn, Wis. kita, Okla. R. F. 3, Adams, Tenn, RICHBUR1 . Emmett N. Mrs. Makala E. PECIIELIS, Joseph Frank. Mrs. Anna Peh- MARTEN, William A. August Marten, R. F. Richburg, R. P. D. 2, box 88, Castleberry, ells, 211 Seneca -Avenue, Niagara Falls, D. 2, box 119, Jefferson, Wis. Ala. N. Y. MAYBERRY, Buford. John H. Mayberry, SHAULIS, Leonard P. David J. Shaulis, R. SELINSKY, Frederick C. John D. Selinsl.y, Centerville, Tenn. R. F. D. 2, Liverpool, N. Y. F. D. 3, Somerset, Pa. ' SKULMIS, John. Mrs. MELBY, Harry. Lewis Melby, R. F. D. 1, SIMS, Jason. Mrs. Lolie Smith, Lexington, Lizzie Jugla, 5111 Mount Angel, Oreg. Miss. Hoops Street, Philadelphia, Pa. METLKS, George. Mrs. Agnes Metbkus, 107 SENIER, Arthur. Ryans Senier, box 47C, STRINGER, Luna. Mrs. Lovie Stringer, 237 South Bryant Street. Shenandoah, Pa. - Lake Charles, La. East Marion Street, Decatur, Ill, MILLS, larence T. Miss Mary Connelly, 345 STROMME, Knute. Mrs. Carrie Solberg, 4320 SULLIVAN, Thomas. Ed Sullivan, Gary, S. J lens Lane, Dbuque, Iowa. Park Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Dak. MONROE, Charlie A. Mrs. Eliza Monroe, THORNTON, Howard. Howard Thornton, ergentine Station, Kansas City, Kans. Rains, La. Wounded (Degree Undetermined). MORGA N, David R. Alexander D. Morgan, TIPTON, Charles H. Joe G. Tipton, Mon- CAPTAIX. box 73, Virdell, Nebr. tana, Ark. NEWMAN, Clarence I. Mrs. Lillian New- WARE, Ollie G. Mrs. Magnolia Ware, Sham- GATEWOOD, Lee C. Mrs. Grace -B. Gate- man, R. F. D. 8, Union Grove, Wis. rock, Okla. wood, 5432 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Ill. NIXON, Ethan C. Joshua-R. Nixon, R. F. D. WEIGER, Albert M. John C. Weiger, R. F. LIEUTENANTS. 7, Watson, W. Va. D. 2, Hartington, Nebr. O'BYRNE, Patrick J. Joseph O'Byrie, 85 WORONIK, Ludwik. Majk Ersyk, box 13, McHUGII, Thomas J. Mrs. Thomas J. Mc- Lansing Street, Auburn, N. Y. East Pepperell. Mass. Hugh, R. F. D. 1, Murfreesboro Road, Nash- PAINER. William. Mrs. Louisa Painer, 3646 ZEMAN, Walter F. Mrs. Anna Walters, 1001 ville, Tenan. Bless Avenue, Cincinnati; Hamilton, Pa. North Eighth Street, Manitowoe, Wis. McINTIRE, Merrill II. Horace H. Mc~n- PATTERSON, tpgene, Mrs. Catherine Patter- tire, Napleton, Me. son. Heidelbe, Miss. Wounded Severely. PAYNE, William M. Mrs, Mary Payne, Mary- SERGELNTS. ville, Tenn. LIEUTENANT. ANDERSON, Carl G. Gust, Anderson, 2012 Twelfth Avenue, South Minneapolis. Minn. RICHARDSON. Ralph W. Fred E. Richard- GOODEARL, George D. Mrs. 1. E. Goodrarl, BRESETT, Wallace. Miss Martha Bresett, son, 200 Butler Street, Manchester, Iowa. 40 Oak Street, Stoughton, ROLL, Frederick C. Hegbart G. Roll, R. F. Wis. 82 Commonwealth Avenue, Detroit, Mich. N. Dak. SERGEANTS. EVANS, William HoNard. Mrs. Nellie D. 2, Brinsmade, Evans, 115 South Twenty-first SANDUSKY, Frank. Mrs. Mary Sagan, 8 Elk BACTILE, Fred. Mrs. Ifyrile Bachle, Ralston, Street Street. Amserdam, N. Y. Pilttburgh, Pa. Pa. GIENTY. James 3W. Mrs. Mary J. Gienty, SCRGGS, El er J. Jose T. Reich, R., P. D. COLE. Amuel. William A. Cole, 321 West 133 Chichester Avenue, Jamaica. N. Y. 1. Hawkins, Tex. Bridge Street, Big Rapids, Mich. HUNTER, Herbert. Charle, A. Hunter, 202 SETE, Domenico. Mrs. Katie Sele, 1228 South COLLINS, Lester J. Mrs. Nora C. Collins, Wood Avenue, Muskegon, lich. Sv-enth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 127 Halleek Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. HUTTE, William E. William P. Hutte, Lake SMITH, Dole M. Mrs. Lillian McCoy, Van DARLING, Samuel J. Mrs. Catherine Noblet, Wart, Ohio. Victor, Tex. 311 Smith Avenue, Lansing, Mich. HYDER, John. John L. Ilyder, East Flat SMITH, Edward J. William L. Smith, Ce- ALEX INDER, Charles. Mrs. Elizabeth Van Rock, N. C. - lent'- Street, Hughesville, Pa. W uen, box 803, Constantine, Mich. McNIFF, Terence. -Mrs. Mary MeNiff, 225 SMITH, tames E. Miss Marion Simms, 1151 CORPORALS. Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. First Street XW., Washington, D. C. - MURRAY, Harry. Charles Murray, 26 Day STOXE, William A. Mrs. Emma Ridgley, R. MARLIX, Jesse. L. C. Hall. Billifiqg, Mont. Avenue. Toronto, Canada. F. D. 2, Allendale, Ill. SEXON, Newton W. Mrs. Lizzie Sexon, We- TNhELSON. Carl R. Mrs. Mary Lovig, R. V. TARR, Roy. Mrs. Josephine Tarr, Saeger- Noks. Okla. 1. 52, Bridgeport, Conn. town, Pa: DRAKE. Fred. Will Drake, Carthage, S. Dak. NOYES. John W. AUred E. Jones, 406 TAYLOR, Victor II. John W. Taylor, R. F. D. FARLEY. James. Mrs. W. E. Farley, Nofth- Washington Avenue, Chelsea, Mass. 4. Huntington, Ind. port, Ala. THOMAS, Jack. No emergency address given. BUGLER. CORPORALS. TIMMERMTAN. John A. . George Timmerman, GERSON, Louis. Mrs. Fannie Levine, 1105 CAMPANA, Michael. Oreste Campana, 215 Oshkosh, Wis. Castleton Avenue, West New Brighton, N. Y. Spring Street, Hoboken, N. J. 711-184 14 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING CIDADO, August 5. Mrs. , Victoria Cidado, McCLELLAND, Charles A. Mrs. Mabel Mc- ENNENGA, Herman. Mrs. Jane Ennenga, 520 331 Vine Street, East Cambridge, Mass. 01elland, 814 McClure Street, Homestead, Columbus Street, Grand Haven, Mich. FOX, Edward J. Mrs. Ailna Fox, R. F. D. Pa. FEGELY, Byron S. Rev. W. 0. Fegely, 1, Crown Point, Ind. McDONALD, John. Miss Katherine McDon- Trappe, Montgomery County, Pa. FOY, August. Rose N. Foster, 5515 Superior ald, Manhattan State Hospital, Wards FIFE, Virgil. Mrs. R. H. Fife, New Haven, Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Island. N. Y. Ohio. GITTERMAN, Albert J. Mrs. Kate Gitter- McEWEN, Alexander. John McEven,"6658 FLACK, Milton D. Samuel R. Flack, 822 maln, 707 East Maple Street, Canton, Ill. Hickory Street, St. Louis, Mo. / Madison Avenue, Chillicothe, Ohio. HERRING, Ilansford A. J. L. Herring, Lake McGOEY, Bernard Joseph. Miss Anna The- FLY, William F. Mrs. Elsie Fly, general Park, Ga. . rosa McGoey, 151 Spring Street, Kingston, delivery, Sparta, Mo. ICENOGLE, Herman. Otis Icenogl@, R. F. D. N. Y. FULLER, Miles H. William A. Fuller, Sat- 3, Jewett, Ill. Mc GRATI, Philip M. Mrs. Byron Snow, box sop, ash. MITCHELL, George C. Mrs. Myrtle Mitchell, 40, Nantucket, Mass. GARRTSON, Charles B. Mrs. Gertrude Gar- Hempstead, Tex. MAIAHON. James. Mrs. Mary MeMahon, 212 retson. Franklyn Park, N. J. ROEDING, Howard F. Herman Roeding, 97 Kingsland Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. GORDON, Jessie James. Mrs. Belle Martin, Miller Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MANNIX, William J. Mrs. Julia Coyle, 40 Tishomingo, Okla. Clurch Street, Beacon, N. Y. JOLLETTE, Armand E. ,Joseph A. Jollette, BUGLERS. MILES, George C. Mrs. Leila Mills, 163 325 Grafton Street, Worcester, Mass. KREitMER. Robert, Jr. Robert Kremer, sr., North Comerse Street, Spartanburg, S. C. LEPORE, Luigi. Jack Lepore, 3048 J Street, 507 East One hundred and forty-fifth MINGELE, Domeneki. Mrs. Anna Mingele, San Diego, Cal. Street, New York, N. Y. 848 South Jefferson Street, Chicago, Ill. McKINNEY, Raymond W. William McKin- ROBERTS, Virgil H. Mrs. B. B Farrar, East MOLFETTO. Gaetano. Nicholas Zack, 113 ney, R, F. D. 12, Gibsonia, Pa. Dover, Me. Viion. Alenue, Brook1 n, N. Y. 1 MACKLIN, Clayton Herman: Mrs. Anna WAGONERS. MORSE, Lawrence E. A. J. Page, Ashfleld Macklin, 401 Lafayette Street, Ionia. Mich. Street, Shelburn Falls, Mass. MALASCHEK John. Joseph Matus, 129 West KLOCKENGA, Ben. Ben Idiockenga, 1101 NELSOIN. Harry L. Mrs. Ella Nelson, 744 One hundred and twenty-eighth Street, New State Street, Pekin, Ill. North C1i Tor A enue, Oak Park, Ill. York, N. Y. SMITH.ILRoger 11. Mrs. G. V. Smith, Atkin- NYFFELER, William. Arnold N) ffeler, R. F. MANNING. James H. Mrs. Susan Manning, son, N. C. 1). 6, Columbus, Nebr. 1015 Fifth Avenue, Pine Court Apartments, MECHANICIAN. PALLETT, Edward. Marie Pallett, 453 East Seattle, Wash. Seventy-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. MELVILLE, Clarence. Mrs. Thomas Melville, 38 ENROl, Matthew. Mrs. Margerite Me- PIRENT, Arthur Sylvipster. Mrs. Josephine 314 Neptune Court, Scranton, Pa. Enroo, care of State Hospital, Kings Park, Parent, 013 State Street, Bay City, Mich. MORN, Sivert. Mrs. A. F. Moen, Centerville, PKIN, Walter F. Mrs. Lizzie Parkins, S. Dak. PRIVATES. F. D). , box 7, Do Kalb, Ill. NELBANDIAN. Dickram. Sitrag Nelbandian, ABDEY, Elvey J. Mrs. C. M. Abbey, box PASQUARELL, Carl: Corman P'asquarell, 2Y 150 Solvay Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 244, Victorville, Cal. Elm Street, Winsted. Conn. ROSCH, Charles R. John Rosch, Long ABBRUZZESE; Rocco. Miss Felomena Corpo, PEERIAN, George W. Mrs. Dollie Nann Prairie. Minn. 99 -MacDougal Street, New York, N. Y. Hinton, Gladi s, Va. STTLLIVAN, Dennis. Mrs. Susie Iearn, 78 ADAMS. Charlie. Mrs. May Belline, Sum- PORRY, Albert. Mrs, Maudy Baker, 1234 West Twenty-first Street, New York, N. Y. alerfield. Okla. I Jobuson Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. ANDERSON, Herbert. Buse Anderson, 437 PORRECCA, Joseph. Tony Pecrreeca, 806 Missing ig Action. West Washington Street, Phoenix, Ariz. South Percy Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ANDERSON, Nils. Louis Anderson, Hamil- PORTER, John II. Katherine West, 1051 LIErTENANTS. ion, Wis. We.t Sixth Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa.' MARCHANT, John R. Geosge F. Marchant, ANDREWS, Earl F. Mrs. Osee Andrews, 417 PORTO, Patrick. Mrs. Martha Porto, 200 1420 South Rockwell Street, Chicago, Ill. South Grand Street, Clinton, Ill. Charter Oak Avenue, New Haven, Conn. SIATZER, William Warren. Mrs, Flora C. ARKIN, Loon. Mrs. Sarah Arkin, 311 Lott PRATER, George. Iloyt Prater, Jadie, Okla. Shatzer, 126 West Charles Street, Lewis- Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. REGGIO. Ernest. Pasquale Reggio, 2198 town, Pa. BAILII, Edwin Joseph. Mrs. A. D. Cheat- Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. PRESTON, Harry C. E. J. Preston, ham, 4426 Ninth Street NW., Washington, REID, Frank M. Mrs. Emil) Cuthbert, Wash- 68 West D. C. incton Street, Keene, N. II. End Avenue, New York, N. Y. BRADY, Clifford W. Mrs. Mary Brady, 624 SHOLLEY, Robert J. 1avid Sholley, Camp- STEPHENSON, Mac~rea. J. E. Stephenson, West Randolph Street, Enid, Okla. bellstown, Pa 2056 North Penn Street, Indianapolis, Ind. BRAY, John Oscar. Saul B. Bray, Daniels- STEVENS, Lee A. Mrs. Thomas T. Stevens, SERGEANTS. Ville. Gia. .7 Walker Aenue, McAlester, Okla. BROI N, George W, Mrs. Mary Brown, STEWART, Ralph T. Joseph W. Stewart, R. ERNSTINE, Fred C. Mrs. Anna Schleuse, 121, Whnnll, Mills, N. C. F. 1) 1, Cross Timbersr Mo. Sherman Street, Buffalo, N. Y. COSS. Frank. John Coss. Bridgeport, Ohio. TIFI ANY, Charles B. Mrs. Alice P. Mog- HUFFMAN, Charles E., Jr. Charles E. Huff- COWELL, Clarence. Charles Cowell, North rides, Hancock, Delaware County. N. Y. man, sr., 518 Cherry Street, Gadsden, Ala. Alain Street, West Bridgowater, Mass. VAN RIPER, Lewis P. Mrs. Agnes Baker, MIODYNSKI, Edmund. Cas-mere Bledowski, CREED, Howard A. William J. Creed, Coler- Galesville, Wis.* 617 East Sixth Street, New York. N. Y. ain Avenue, Mount Airy, Ohio. WEST, William A. Mrs 3'.Era E. Griffith, MURPHY, James A. Mrs. Isabella Murphy, CURRAN. James. Mrs. Elizabeth Curran, nimaCreek, Mo. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 2096 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. NELSON, Victor A. Mrs. Minna Nelson, DANKI. Frank J. Stephen Danke, 15 Quincy Wounded Slightly. - Britt, Iowa. Street. Passiac, N. J. PAPKE, Charles Henry. Mrs. Augusta Papke, DONALDSON, Randall. Mrs. Rachel Samp- LIEUTENANT. R. F. D. 1, Dushore, Pa. McFARLAND, Peter S. Mrs. Mary McFar- son, 43 Lindsey Street, Fall River, Mass. GORDON. William C. Mrs. Stella B. Gor- DORAN, Edward T. Mrs. Anna Hofley, 211 don, 621 Brighton Street, Kansas City, Mo. land, 2400 East Alleghany Avenue, Phila- Seventeenth Street, College Point, N. Y. delphia, Pa. DOSSEY, Robert. Mrs. Martha A. Dossey, SSERGIEANTS. FRANKLIN, Earl S. W. S. Franklin, Route 2, 1410 North Palmetto Avenue, San Antonio, Goodwater, Ala. Tex. CHEEKS. William. Mrs. Anna Walker, R. ELIAN. John. Cospa Ellan, 320 Twenty-fifth F. D. 2, box 20, Merigold, Ala. CORPORALS. COOPER, Charles H. Mrs. J. Traphager, 4 Street, New York, N. Y. - BATJMANN. Jess. Mrs. Nellie E. Baumann, EPSTEIN, Max. Ike Kottler, 1009 Edgemont Anderson Street, New Rochelle, N. Y. R. F. D. 3, Clearbrook, Minn. Avenue, Chester, Pa. PACE, Donato. Michael Pace, 131 Thomp- BUTSII, Ilarry L. Alfred E. Bush, Park FECTEAU. Joleph F. Mrs. Delena Fecteau, son Street, New York, N. Y. Ridge, N. J. 17 Italley Street, South, Lawrence, Mass. CORPORALS. DUFFY, John F. Mrs. Elsie Hugg, 103 FITTON. Tohn T. Mrs. Eliza Fitton, Cogges- Barker Street, Burlington QN.J. ball Street, New Bedford, Mass. BOUCIETTE, Norman Theodore. Mrs. Jose- EASTERDAY, Arthur . Mrs. El1a M. Eas- FITZGERALD, Iegis. Mrs. Mary FitzgeTald, phine Bouchette, 221 Park Avenue, Osh- terday, 2003 Cornell Avenue. Indianapolis, 1100 Metropoh'an Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. kosh, Wis. Ind. FLETCHER, Samuel Johnson. Victoria Sut- BRECHEEN, Dennis. David C. Brecheen, GRICE, George H. Airs. Mary Grice, 1524 phin, Jonesville, Va. Sulphur, Okla. Ridge Avenue, North Braddock, Pa. FOX, Gerald. James F. Bradley, 25 Liberty KARNOWSKI, Anthony. Mrs. Anna Kar- PETERSON, Roland. Anton Peterson, Seper- Street. New York, N. Y. nowski, 722 Minnesota Avenue, South Mil- ton, Wis. FOWT ER, Edward Jacob. Barker Fowler, waukee, Wis. RAUM, George J. Mrs. Elizabeth Rilum, 28 3925 Shenandoah Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. PARADY, Victor. Mrs. Walter Smart, Han- South Emily Street. Craftop Pa. FRISCO. John. Mrs. Mary Zank, 125 Johnson cock Street, Boston, Mass. RITLAND, Harold. Mrs. Jenite Rasmesen, Avenue. Wallington. N. J. PASCHALL. Lewis M. Arthur E. Paschall, Trufant, Mich. GRIEENBLATT, Harold. Pincus H. Green- Manson, N. C. TRETTEL. Joseph P. None given. 416 West blatt, 207 West One hundred and eight- PRITATES. Seventh Avenue, Tarentum, Pa. ((nth Street, New York, N. Y. ATCHISON, Henry William. Mrs. B. E. At- WILLIS. Esterbrook. Miss Fay Willis, 846 IIAILIN, Toe. Mrs. Josephine Williambon, chison, Agricola, Kans. Woodland Park, Chicago, Ill. R. F. D. 2, Camden, Miss. CORLEY, John R. Mrs. John Corley, WhIs- DEMMTER. Edward. Charles Demmer, R. F. D. HECHTIAN, Samuel. ' Mrs. Bertha Kaiser, tler. Ala. 5. Wilkinsburg, Pa. 192 Ellery Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. DAVIS, Tom. Mrs. Mattie Mink, Conway, HAYNES, Tillman C. Robert E. Haynes, HENDRICKS. Worley. Mrs. Alva Hendricks, Ark. Democrat, Tex. Thirty-second and B Streets, Lincoln, Nebr. DONNELLY, Rowland M. T. J. Dorsey, 950 HOPKINS. Harold M. Charles W. Hopkine, ITEYER, Herman E. Emma Haas, Monroe Main Street, Peekskill. N. Y. Harland, Iowa. Avenue, Fairview, Mass. -DOTY, Ray Harrold. John Loyal Doty, Ran- LORD, Phillip A. A. Lord, .6 Osgood Street, KLEKOTTA, Frank. Mrs. Klekotta, 121 som, Kans. Lawrence, Mass. Tepcobs Street, Berea, Ohio. DOWNS, David M. 3. A. Downs, St. Charles,. OSTROWSKI. Steven 0. Mtrs. Salome Os- FLINGER, John A. William Klinger, Wil- Iowa. trowski, 8455 Burley Avenue, South Chicago, liamstown, Dauphin County, Pa. ELMER, Lee. Joseph A. Elmer, general de- Ill. KNOP, Arthur F. T. Louis Knop, Thienspille, livery, Moab, Utah. WILLIAMS, Herbert H. B. L. Williams, Wis. EMIGH, Carl. Emil Emigh, Salmon, Idaho. Brooklyn, Ala. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 15 CASUALTIES REPORTD BY GEN. PERSHING

BOYER, Joseph. Oliver M. Boyer, R. F. D. 1, HUNTER,-Olan. Mr.s. Maggie C. Hunter, 959 ALBIN, Harry. Conle Albin, Paris, Ill. Medford, Okla. Holmes Avenue, Inditnapolis, Ind. ALLEN, Nathan G. John F. Allon, Bryson, CLATTERBAjJGH. Erman W. Mrs. Ada D. HURLEY, Patrick H. John Hurley, 80 Main W. Va. Landes, 40 Peyton Street, Staunton, Va. Street, Upper Lehigh, Pa. ALSAYS, RoberT L. William T. Alsays, Ilet- GILES, George A. George C. Giles, King- IMUS, Loren N. John F. Imus, R. F. D. 1, denhelmer, Tex. wood, W. Va. box 26, Snohomish, Wash. ARCHER, Harry. George S. Archer, R. I. D. GREELY, Frank. Thomas Greely, 886 Cen- IPPOLETO, Angelo. Miss Rosoner Ippoleto, 2, Sarcoxie, Mo. tral Avenue, Newark, N. J. 42 West Twenty-fifth Street, Bayonne, N. J. BORAN, Paul. John Kimick, Lewis Run, Pa. HENDERSON, Robert L. Mrs. Lillian Hen- IRELAND, Carl E. Charles B. Ireland, R. F. BOWLES, Charles. George R. Bowles, R. F. derson, Graham, Tex. 1). 1, Ashburn, Ga. MURRAY, William A. Mrs. Mollie Murray, D. 1, Callaway, Franklin County, Pa. IRWIN, Nova N. Albion C. Irwin, 315 Center BOYD, Gordon R. James P. Boyd, R. F. D. 5, R. F. D. 2, Utica, Ky. Street, East Pittsburgh, Pa. Winnsboro, Tex. ROSSBERG, Walter. Emil Rossberg, 902 ISCHINT, John. Pete Isebini Gallitzin, Pa. BRENNAN, Martin. Margaret Coyle. 250 Tinton Avenue. New York, N. Y. JENSEN, Fred L. Mrs. Martha Jensen, 311 Brussels SIIAY, Walter L. Mrs. Laura M. Shay, Street, St. Marys, Pa. Highwood Avenue, Glen Rock, N. J. BROOKS, Washington . Hiram Brooks, Knox, Pa. KOMSTELLER, Lewis H. Henry Komsteller, Cascade, NebA VINsh, Erbie C. Mrs. Kate Vines, McKenzie, R. E. D. 1, Ottawa Lake, Mich. , BROWNING, Ala Roy. Samuel J. Browning, R. 1'. KRAUSE, Harry L. Mrs. Elsie Westphal, D. 2, Mulkeytown, Ill. MUSICIAN. 13854 Holten Street, Milwaukee, Wis. BUNK, Dick. Abbo Bunk, Kanawha, I0n a. BREEN, James Aloysius. Mrs. Mary E. KRAUT, Robert E. Thomas Bryand, R. F. D. CANIO, Joseph. Antonio Cania, 2120 West Moeen, 2614 Carp Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 3, West Alexander, Pa. Clearield Street, Philadelphia, Pa. LASH, Patrick W. Mrs. Margarite Alk.Lash, CIRMINARS, Frank. Miss Grace Cirminars, MDORANICS. 808 South Street, Portsmouth, Va. 532 Howe Street, Akron, Ohio. LAWRENCUg, James R. Frank PHILLIPS, Harold F. Mrs. Mary Phillips, M. Lawrence, CLARDY, Edger E. Mrs. Josie Clardy, 1418 R. F. D. 2, Tazewell, Va. Caddo Street, Dallas, 144 Jacques Street, Elizabeth, N. J. ADDISON, Louis 11. Arthur Addison, Lees- Tex. WOOTIN, CLOWER, George A. George W. CloN Cr, John. W. M. Wooten, Hulette, Ky. "vji]e, La. R. F. D. 1, Quinlan, MeQUAID, Frank. Hugh J. McQuaid, 4812 ANDERSON, Arthur. Mrs. Anna 0. Ander- Tex. St. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, IlL. COFFMAN, Elmer S. Irvin D. Coffman, R. son. R. P. D. 2, Dalton, Minn. F. -D. 1, Acme, Pa. - PRIVATES. ANDERSON, Juran R. Juan R. Anderson, COSTIGAN, Fenton. Mrs. Elizabeth R. P. D 1 Andersonville, Va. Costigan, ABDALLA, George. Abraham Abdalla, gen- 10 Poplar Street, New York, N. Y. ANGIOLILL6, Antonio. Mike Basil& 107 DAVIS, Charles P. Earl Starks, 17 Barth- eral delivery. St. Paul, Mimn. John Street, West Manayunk, ADAMS, Alfred. Charles Pa. man Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Al. Adams, R. F. D. ANTHES, Otto C. Johnadian Anthes, Au- DINANDO, Umbert. 1. Elea College, N. C. dubn. Iowa. Lawrence Dinando, ALEXANDER, Christopher, Ill. Hugh C. Mrs. Hazel Birton, BARNES, Jesse. James Barnes, Fairchance, DUTTON, St. Anthony, Iowa. Pa. Jesse L. Mrs Harry Hartman, ALLANSON, Frank. 320 Welcome Avenue, Norwood, Pa. I Thomas F. Allanson, BARTON. Alva R. Mrs. Lucinda Barton, FARACCA, Attilio. Vinaent Faracca, 1111 R F. D. 2, Roctsburg, W. Va. W t Terre Haute, Ind. ANWEILER, Louis A. John Anweller, Titan Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 238 BAR'fOSCII, Vladin J. Charlie Bartosch, R. FISHER, Frank L. Mrs. Agnes Olsen, Beach Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. P. D. 2, Weimar, Tex. Alden, BERKEY, Benjamin H. Eli Berkey, Minn. Weyant, BEGLEY, Nathan. George Begley, Hazard, FLURKEY, Otto. Mrs. Ella Pa. Ky. Flurkey, 2614 BERNHARD Howard. Mrs. West Eighteenth Street, Chicago, Ill. Anna S. Bern- BOHANNON, George F. Millard Bohannon, FRAIN, John J., Michael Frain, 319 North hard, 823 I-ast Eighty-eighth Street, Clew- R. F. D. 2,-Goldthwaite, land, Ohio. Tex. Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. BOTTS, Walter William. Henry T. Botts, GABEL. John M. Mrs. Catherine BUSH, Arthur E. Mrs. Belva Hutchinson, Hurdland, Mo. Gabel, 922 Athens, Me. West Twenty-sixth Street, Erie, Pa. BUCKBEE, .Tohn C. Mrs. Fannie Ledbetter, GANDER. Hoat. Mrs. Laura Gandee, Clen- CADMUS, Theodore. Miss Minnie Yahnke, R. P. D. 2, Wills Point, Tex. 52 Camp Street, Newark, N. J. denia, W_ Va. BUCKLEY, William F. Mrs. Winnie E. Buck- GARCIA, Juan. Jesus CARUSO, Nick. Mrs. Grace Caruso, 289 West ley. 282G East Avenue, Polytechnic, Tex. Barren, Brownsville, *Goodell Street, Columbus, Oh1. BURCII, George L. Charles E. Burch, Mool- Tex. CASTRONOVO, Frank. Cauqutino Castro- eyville, Ky. GARDNER, Isaiah D. Mrs. Bennie Rusk, La novo, Glen Campbell, Pa. CLOUDT. Freddie. Fritz Clondt. Guy, Tex. Rue, Tex. CLARK, Arlo. Henry Clark, McKenzie, N. CONWAY, William 0. Mrs. Alice K. Con- GARRISON, Ivy L. William R. Garrison, Mc- Dlak. wa, 80 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Afillanu Okla. COYLE, John S. John L. Coyle, Sclo, N, y. GE HAS, Charles A. Boleslav Nobelinski, DEAN, Albert J. i}Its. Ida V. Dean, For- COYLE, Thomas 'Ellsworth. Mrs. Mary Car- 166 North Fremont Avenue, Konosha, Wis. land, Mo. rol Coyle, R. F. D. 1, Erlanger, Ky. GEDNILL. Peter. Joe Wysocki, 4622 Whipple 'DELANEY, Joseph F. Miss Julia Delaney, C01TTSh, Henry L. George S. Cruse, Egypt, Street, Chicago, Ill. 229 South Tenth Street, Newark, N. J Tex. 4IARARDI, Ciro. Nick Girardi, Rock Falls, DELUCA, Domenic. Mrs. Battista Del'ca, DAIL, Anthony. Mrs. Minnie Henshel, 365 Ill. Harrison, Idaho. Kercheval kvenue, Detroit, Mich. GOLDSTEIN, Harry. Mrs. Rachael Goldstein, DE LUCA, Leonardo. Mrs. Angelina Sear- DALLESANDRIS, Giovanni. Mrs. Yaden- 108 Greenwood Street, Dorchester, Mass. cello, R. 1, box 10, Rothdrum, Idaho. tine Cristoforo, 252 Van Buren Street, DUCKWORTH, Mil- GOODMAN, William. Philip Goodman, 1079 Hally o. Mrs. Alma Kohl- waukee, Wis. Simpson Street, New York, N. Y. man, Vernon, Colo. DATGHERTY, John E. Mrs. Rachael Daugh- GOULD, Frederick DUGAN, Willie W. Mrs. Rose A. Gould, J. Michael M. Dugan, 1810 erty, Chrisney, Ind. box 310, Meredith, N. H. Clairborn Street, Richmond, Va. DAVIDSON, Herbert F. J. A. IDavidson, R. F. GREENFIELD, Jacob. Samuel Greenfield, DURKIN, -John F. Mrs. Marie B. Durkin D. 2, New Castle, Pa. 126 Hazel Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. 124 Oak Street, Youngstawn, Ohio. DAVIS, Irving. Miss Estelle David, Cullman, GRIMES, Tom. Mrs. Bettie Afford, High ERCOLAND, Cesare. Antonio Ercoland, 33 Ala. Bridge, Ky. Downing Street, New York, N. y. DAVIS, Jacob A. Mrs. Fred Rehfeld, 1195 FIGGATT, James. HALPIN, Teremiah J. Joe'Halpin, 408 West Mrs. Anna L. Figgatt, Prospect Avenue, New York, N. Y. Grant Street. Streator, Ill. 2292 Bathgate Avenue, New York, N. Y. DAVITT, James. Mrs. James Davitt, 1802 FRADY, Jesse C. Robert F. BROWN, Otis. Mrs. Clara Burton, 1301 West Frady, R. F. D. Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. '1ulsa, Okla. 2, Adelo, Tex. DAWSON, Albert B. Mrs. Julia Ann Dawson. Archer, FrIANCIS, William H. HORTON, Jobn S. Milton H. Horton, Lex- Mrs Sarah Dyer R. F. D. 1, Streetman, Tex. ington, Miss. 600 Fairbank Street, Iron Mountain, Mich. DEER, Richard 0. Jim Deer, Rosebud, Tex. FRAZIER, Charley. Mrs. Eliza Frazier, R. DE FOREST, Alvin. Milo Do Forest, Devils JOHNSON, Andrew. Thedy Johnson, 207 F. D. 1, box I Fraziers Bottom, W. Va Lake. N. Dak. East Taylor, Portland, Oreg. FREUND, Sylv-ster Albert. Mrs.. Anna DERMODY, Charles D. James E. Dermody, JOHNSON, Orland E. Mrs. Ida Johnson, 519 Freund, 213 Onyx Avenue, Mount Oliver, Lebanon, Ill. Horatio Street, Charlotte, Mich. Pa. DUKE, Luther. G. F. Duke, 379 Trigg Ave- JORDAN, James Arthur. Mrs. Christine Tor- FROM, George P. Mrs. Clara From, box nue, Memphis, Tenn. dan, 1905 Water Street, South Brownsxille, 275. Woodbridge, N. J. DZIENGELESKI. Stanislaw. Boleslaw Kon- Pa. FROST. Harold II. Mrs. Mabel A. Frost czek, 044 Cortlandt Street, Perth Amboy, KASPARIAN, Harly. Frank KasDarian, 301 45 Walnut Street, New Britian, Conn. N. J. West Forty-second Street, New York, N. Y. FULTON, William H. James Fulton, Sagl- 254 North 1naw Ala ENGBERG, John T. John Swedland, Hetland, KENT, Joseph D. Albeit M. .Kent, S. Datk. Twenty-second Street, West Philadelphia, FUNK, ArthuA Mrs. Pauline Funk, 413 Pa. Portage Street, FARQTIIAR, Maurice L. Lee Fsrqohar, Ken- Fon du Lac, Wis. KILLEN. Ralph GRAVES, Willie Franklin. John David nedale. Tex - P. Mrs. Dorris . Killen, Graves, R. GAMERDINGER, John T. Charles Gamer- 2920 Helena Street, Houston. Tex. F. D. 6, Holden, Mo. LATAK, Carl. Joseph HAYNES, Lubie T. Thomas G. Haynes, Bu- dinger, 105 Summit Street, Newark, Licking Szezurch, 63 Vermont ford, Ga. County, Ohio. Street, Blue Island, Ill. HEINZE, Albert. Mrs. Rose Heinze, 806 GAZAWAY, James G. Robert Gasaway, R. LEAHEY, James H. James II. Leahey, 136 George Street, Chicago, III. F. D. 2, Duluth, Ga Fifth Street, Fall River, Mass. HELLER& MATSON, Henry. Nat Karkainen, R. F. D. 1, Nicholas. Nicholas Heller, 1214 GEORGE, Sherman G. Mrs. Nannie E. George, Pailsbo. Wash. Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 1528 West Carey Street, Richmond, Va. MAGIFICIO, Biagio. Salvatore Antigiovaho, HEMA'PHILL, Joseph W. William H. Hemp. GILLAND, Thomas C. W. M. Gilland, Field, bill. 701 -York Avenue, Connellqville, Pa. 427 Alexander Street, McKees Rocks, La. MOUIIOWSKT. Joseph Walter. Mrs. An- Pa. GILLARD, HILT, Jake: Mrs. Mary Hilt, 1223 Van Ness CharlefG. W. M. Giard, Field, drew Pathy, 5045 Thirteenth Stceet, Cicero, Street, San Antonio, Tex. La Ill. HOPP, Leigh. Mrs. Hazel Hopp, R. F. D. 1, GRAY, Luther B Dee D. Gray, Knob Lick, MUNN, Grant T. John Maunn, R. F. D. 1, Sea- Mount Morris, Mich.' Ky. forth, Minn. HORNE, Orbon 1T. Frank Horne, Norton, GREINER, Charles. Mrs. Emily Colabeck, PHILBEN, Gilbert R. Mrs. Lillie Llniden, Wise County, Va. 732 Second Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Broodater, Nebr. 16 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVkMBER 27, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING PHILLIPPI, Henry. Jerelah Phillippi, Mar- NEWSOME, Robert W. Mrs. R. W. Newsome, HOLDER, Thomas S. Mrs. Nervy Holder, ldeten. Pa. , Regency, Tex. Fockler, Ala. FINCKNEY, John T. M. Pinckney, 838 Val- NOBLE, John J. Eugene Yechley, Madella, HORNBECK, Richard K. Lewis N. Horn- ley Brook Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. J. Minn. beck, Drumright, Okla. PITZENE,RGER, Ira. Mrs. Rosa Camp- O'BRIEN, Richard L. Mrs. Catherine O'Brien, HOWARD, William C. Mrs. Mary Howard, belle, leClungs, 'W. Va. 36 Rock Street, Whitman, Mass. Bonners Perry, Idabo. PLTSKE, Cassimar K. Nick Pliske, 2015 O'DOHERTY, William II. Mrs. Mabel E. HUBLER, Fred. William F. IHubler, Half- Wabash Street, City, Ind. O'Doherty, 1779 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, ay. Oreg. PLUMMER, Christopher C. Miss Grace Neal, N. Y. JOHNSON, Louis H. Mrs. Martha Johnson, Matthens, Mo. O'DONNELL, William. Mrs. Mary Lee, 923 box 161, Lake Preston, S. D. PODGIRSKi. Marion. Mrs. Katy Falber, 613 Hazel Street, New Haven, Conn. JOHNSON, Porter W. J. W. Patterson, North Calloway Street, Philadelphia. Pa. OVERLOCK, William V. Alvin Overlock, Ban- Royse. Tex. POWERS, Francis X. Mrs. R. W. Rhoads, gor, Mo. JOHNSON, Taylor. Thomas A. Johnson, R. 907 Chestnut Street, Iebanon, Pa. PANKEY, Oscar. Thomas Pankey, Booz, Ala. F. D. 1, Clarksville, Ark. RASHER, Edward S. George Rasher, R. F. rERRY, Frederick L. L. William Ferry, Crys- JONES, James S. John Jones, 31 East Hale 1). 6, Ggrden Road, Des Moines, Iowa. tal City, Mo. Street.. Lewiston. Pa. RAWSON, Ben. Mrs. Maggie Rawson, 224 PERRY, Walter. James Perry, Kermit, W. KECK, William, Mrs. Marie Mundoff, 294 West Grande, Hot Springs, Ark. Va. West Exchange Street, Akron, Ohio. REESE, Edward M. David J. Reese, 1645 PERRY, William E. Rev. B. H. Perry, East KROUT, William A. Martin Krout, Eugene, West Huntington Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Durham, N. C. Ind. RIECI, Louis E. Mrs. Bernardino Reich, 416 PETERSON, Frank. Mrs. Mary H. Peterson, KWIATKOWSKI, Marcel. Mrs. Mary Lutkie- Ingleside Avenue, Catohsvile, Md. Tooele, Utah. vies. 45 A Galvany Street, Waltham, Mass, REITZ, John G. Mrs. Sophia Reitz, R. F. D. PETRI, James T. Peter Petri, 3230 Hurley McCORMICK, Dudley T. Stephen McCor- 1, Blue Ask, Ohio. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. mick. Caseville, Mich. REST, Emanuel L. Mrs. Mary Rest, Ellicott PINKERTON, Thomas Ivie. Marion Pinker- MARILO, Joseph. Luilgi Malkiar, 4832 Lan- City, Md. ton, Athens, Tex. caster Avenue, PhiladelphiL, Pa. REYNOLDS, Hugh A. John A. Reynolds, gen- FOLISKI, John. Joe Schliski, 50 Henry MARTIN, James G. Mrs. Mary Martin, oral delivery, Wentworth, Mo. Street, Charleston, Mass. Alvarado, Tex. RICHARDSON, Benjamin J. Mrs. Lillian PORTIS. Mark W. Mrs. Maggie Portis, Go- MAYER, Alvin L. Louis P. Mayor, Swedes- Ricihardson, 876 Seventieth Street, Brook- lisd, Tex. boro, N. J. lyn, N. Y. QUIRK, Edward W. Mrs. Sa'rah Quirk, 71 MILLER, Arthur Edwin. Mrs. Amaida RIVERS, Dewey. Mrs. Roe Rivers, 1296 Ocean Street, Providence, R. . Miller. Mount Wolf, Pa. South Main Street, Chico, Cal. ROWOLD, Ernest H. Ernest F. Rowold, 1918 MILLER, German, Sam Miller, Monchalanta, RIZLEY, William. Miss Mande Blackman, Kennedy Street, Murphysboro, III. Ky. R. F. D. 1, How, Ark. SAFRANEK, James. Mrs. Anna Safranek, MILLER, Joseph A.-Mrs. Frances Miller, 13 ROACH. Walter H. Mrs. Mary Calahon, 10 Garfield Avenue, Canton, Ohio. Thomas Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Itubbardston, Mich. SAYLORS, Luther. Mrs. Mary E. Saylors, MILLER, Victor H. Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, RORINht.N, George A. Mrs. Gertrude H. R. F. D. 4, Ada, Okla. R. F. D. 4, box 70, Harrisonburg, Va. Rohinson, 4 Moulton Street, Georgetown, SCIIROER, William J. John J. Schreer,#box MILLS. Christopher E. Mrs. Ida Thomas, Mes. 773, Donora, Pa. 918 Euclid Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah. RIOLENKO, Harrison. Boru Crasanko, 30 SCHWABE, Louis J. Louis R. Schwabe, R. MILSTEAD, Carlos. Mrs. William B. Watkins Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. P. D. 1. box 47. South Milwaukee, Wis. Wortham, Garrison, Tex. RUNGE, John F. Mrs. llta Runge, 577 SELVAGGI, Frank. John Selvaggi, 898 Cres- MO'RGAN, Joan D.' James T. Morgan. New Ninth Avenne, Astoria, N. Y. cent Street, Long Island, N. Y. §lem. Tex. SCOTT, Stewart. George Scott, Hopewell, SENECAL, Adolph. Wilfred Girard,, 2 Pine Kv. Street, Providepce, R. I. MORISETT, Eugene. Miss Rose Morisett, 48 SH1FF, Henry M. Wilber Shaff, Barnes- SHAW, John. Harvey Shaw, Phoenix City, Seaview Street, Jersey City, N. J. ville, Minn. Ala. NOLAN, Robert. Mrs. Minnie Nolat, Beau. SHAPIRO, Samuel. Morris Seitlin, 86 East SHOUP, Merl W. Mrs. Ida Shoup, 953 Lisle mont, Tex. One hundredth and tenth Street, New York, Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. OVERTHUR, Henry. Angus Overthur, R. F.D. N. Y. SILVERNAIL, Louie E. Mrs. P. D. Silver- 135, South Kaukauna, Wis. SHORTALT., Jame$-E.- Mrs. Agnes -Shortall, nail, Burton, Ohio. O'BRIEN, Ray. Edward O'Brien, 5227 Lex- Oxford, Md. SUROW, Harry J. Mrs. Clara Skurow, 1612 inaton Street, Chicago, Ill. SIMPSON, Theron Hoil. Sim Z. Simpson, R. South Clifton Park Avenue, Chicago, Ill. ORAVETZ, George, Mrs. Ella Oravetz, 8110 P. D. 2, Waxhaw, N. C. SMITH, Edgar B. Author Ba-bit Sheffield, Rawlings Avenue, Cfveland, Ohio. SKOSTI, Andrew. Mrs. Anna Skosh, 5h2h Spurger, Tex. PADGETT, Edward. Robert L. Padgett, Brick. Sfreet. Allentown, PA, SMITH, Robert W. Mrs. Fla Smith, 2123 Grand Saline, Tex. SMITH, Clayton L.- William C. Smith, R. F. Keene Street, Houston, Tex. PEKAREK, Stanley. Martin Pekarek, 0062 D. 3, Savannah, Mo. SULLIVAN, Clarence. Mrs. Clestine Sullivan, Hillman Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. SMITh. Cleon P. Mrs. Emma Smith, 335 Labenon, La. PIDCOCK, Henry 0. Mrs. Nancy Pidceock, Owl Street, Sunbury, Pa. I SUNDSTEIN, Axel. Peter Sundstein, Ro- R. F. D. 1, New Marshfield, Ohio. SMCITNSKT, Frank. John Smucinski, 841 sean, Minn. PLUMMER, Charles L. Mrs. Charl. .s L. Pa. SWENSRUD. Elmer. Mrs. E. E. Swensrud, Plummer, 2615 Twelfth Street SW., Cn- Washington Avenue, Braddock, ton, Ohio. TAYLOR, Marion L. Mrs. J. B. Taylor, Gordonsville, Minn. 1424 Sloane Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio. TERRY, James A. Mrs. Malinda I. Dunivan, POOL, Sigman B. Mrs. Mcliai'Pool, R. F. D). THOMPPON, Richard P. James Thompson, Sulphur Springs, Tex. * 4, Union, Miss. Wood River, 111. VIGIL. Daniel. Mrs. Daniel Vigil, San Juan, PRICE, Frank T. Theodore Price, 83 Mill TOWNSEND, William D. Mrs. Ellis Towns- N Mex. , Street. Bloomfield, N. J. (nd. Josserand, Tex. TROMAN, Robert C. Mrs. Bertha Vroman, PRIESTER. Francis J. Mary Sim. 1758 Pa- TTKER, Joseph H. Thomas F. Tucker, 630 general delivery, Wolverine, Mich. cific Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y, WAIBEL, Bernard J. Barney Waibel, 1624 REDWINE, Wesley C. William H. Redwine, TETRNER, Charley. Elijah Turner, Vanoss, North First Street, St. Cloud, Minn. R. le. D. 1. Carlton, Tex. Ol:n. WEBEI Frederick R. Mrs. Anna Gertrude RODGERS,- Harvey E. Mrs. Grace Rodzers WALTER, Chester W. Dr. Francis Walter, Weber, 5128 ,Harlin Street, Philadelphia, Aliver, Brook Drive, Maple Heights, Ohio. Street, Cleve- Pa. ROWELL, Harold A. Almond' A. Rowell, 11;5 East Eighty-seventh R. F. 3, Union, Mo. Tanl. Ohio. WELSH, George H. David Welsh, Beadling, JI. WAMPILFR, Allan J. Mrs. Efie M. Wam- Pa. RTNGE Edward R. Honry Runge, R. F. D. pler. 544 Sixth Avenue, McKeesport, Pa. 4. bog 10.5, Davenport Iowa. WET ING, Thomas. Andrew Welling, 940 WEST, Wallace. Mrs. Carolina West, general RUSSELL, Charles L. Alex G. Russell, An- Aeinq road, Cleveland. Ohio. delivery. Clarksville, Tenn. derson, Tenn. WENYAWDI, Samuel. Mike Wonyawd, 117 WIHTEMAN, Joe. Mrs., Sarah J. Whiteman, 1500 Penn Avenue, Jeannette, Pa. SABOL, John. Mrs. Annie %abol, box 143, T'srnisli Street, Allentown, Pa. Anson, Me. WHITE, Claude. Mrs. Jennie McClellan, Pat- WINEMILLER, Arthur N. William Wine- mos. Ark. miller, Whitingtor IlL SAGER, Raymond D. William F. Sager, WHITTIER. William. Aaron Whittier, En- WURST. Frank B. Mrs. Mary Worst, 420 Stanberry, Mo. field, N. H. Walnut Street, Newark, N. J. SAAISA. Frank. Mrs. Gertrtd'e D. Samsa, Niver, 1129 1387 Thirty-ninth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. WILLLI.S, Lem, Jack Williams, Tallapoosa, ZIRBES, Wesley F. Mrs. Mary 0a. Clay Street, Dubuque, Iowa. SANDERS, Dennie L. Mrs. Dora Clevia Wil- GRIFFIN, Van Buren. Ben Griffin, Summer- der, Dike, Tex. WINKLER, Joseph. Frank Winkler, 808 field, Okla. Routh Bloominaton Street, Streator. Ill. SCHULTZ, Joseph. Mrs. Tosejl, Schults,708 WINTERLTNG, Charles W. Mrs. Christinia HAGEN, James S. Mrs. Rose Hagen, 2251 East Seventh Street, Erie, la. WitnorliNg, 903 South Clinton Street, Balti- Shamwood Street, Philadelphia. Pa. SHAW, Eugene H1. Mrs. Mary Logan, 1.5 East more, Md. HALL. Fronk P. Mrs. Nora Mcahon Brown, Clapier Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 885 Brook Avenue, New York, N..Y. SHELLEY, Francis. Walter Shelley, 649 St. WIRL. John Frank. Mrs. Margaret Wirl, 1128 Voskemp Street. Pittsburgh, HIARL. Joseph M. Mrs. Anna Harl, 1016 Ann Street, New York, N. Y. Pa. West Illinois Street, Evansville, Ind. SHIPLEY, Paul R. Mrs. Robert B. Shipley, YECH. Anthony J. Anthony Yech, R. F. D. 1, L-dington, Mich. *HARMON, Barney M. Mrs. Letbia Harmon, 1482 Chapin Street NW., Washington, D. C. LONG, Marion W. Mrs. Anng11. Long, Wa- 213 Woodland Avepue. Charleston, W. Va. SHONK, Edwin. Mrs. Jane Shonk, C'ay City, tona. Okla. IA18ECOSTER, Adam II. Mrs. Flora Hase- Ind. MAIMARY, George A. Mrs. Minnie A. -Shu- coster, 2407 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Hamil- SCHOOK. Francis Al. Mrs. F. M1. Shook, man, bog 261. Lockbart, Tex. ton Countv. Ohio. West Frankford, Ill. MANTOVAXI, Domenico. Andrew Pericolon, HASKELL, William G. Charles S. Haskell, SIS. Thomas J. Arch Morris. Devine, Tex. 151 Central-Avence, Torrington, Conn. Elysian, Minn. SINKIEWICZ, Joseph C. John Sinkiewiz, MTERS, Dan. Jim D. Miers, Iowa Park, Tex. HAYES, Bert 0. Mrs. Gladys Hayes, R. F. D. box 28, Lincoln. N. H. MONTOYA, Jose C. Jaccho Montoya, 424 1. Dublin, Tex. SLOPPY, Ivan K. Keyze A. Sloppy, New Palace Avcnue, Santa Fe, N. Mex. HECKMAN, Joseph A. Mrs. Marion A. Heck- Millport, Pa. NASH, Robert R. Mrs. Jessie Nash, 1012 Lin- man, 319 North Kings Highway, St. SLUGAY, Stanislaw. Walter Risner, Me- toln Avenue, Peoria, Ill. Charles, Mo. Keesport, Pa. , THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 17 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING - SMAR.TESSE, James. Mrs. Manddalin Smar- HIDUGENS, William Augustus. Mrs. Lucia T. UPTON, Phillip H. Homer Upton, R. F. D. jesse, Riverton, Ill. Hudgens, 129 East Earle Street, Anderson, 1, Bradley, S. Dak. SULLIVAN, Joe. Mrs. F. C. Simmons, Berk- S!C ADAMS, Leslie. Claude Adams, Superior, ley, Ark. KNAPP, James C. George W. Knapp, Forest- - Nebr. ville, N. Y. BURNS, John James. Mrs. Margaret Burns, SMITH, Raymond J. Mrs. C. J. Smjth, 6424 SPRATT, William Polk. James Polk Spratt, 39 Fort Avenue, Roxbury, Mass. Howe Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Livingston, Ala. CASTOR. John H. Mrs. Mary E. Castor, SMITH, William R. William T. Smith, 6036 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Whetstone, Ky. SE11GDANTS. DURY, Charles W. Mrs. Margaret Dury, SNEE, Michael. Mrs. Mary Jane Snee, 326 BOHLS, John F. John Bohis, Shakopee, Minn. 3731 Spencer Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. South Water Street, Kittanning, Pa. - BRAMER. Alfred P. J. Bramer, 1409 Eighth GARRETT, George A. Mrs. Bertha Garrett, SNOWDON, Elmer E. Mrs. Phoebe Snowdon, Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 286 Harrington Avenue, Kingland, N. J. .6025 Webster Street,- Philadelphia, Pa. BRANNON, Robert W. Mrs. M. V. Brannon, GOSHEN (George), A. B. Mrs. George W. SQUIRES. Charles B. Mrs. Emma Squyres, 733 Dale Road, Eufaula, Ala. Goshen, 955 Cauldwell Avenue, New York, star route, Oletba, Tex. BROTHERTON, John G. Mrs. Katherine N. Y. STACY, Wiley E. John E. -Stacy, box 13, Brotherton, 82 Columbus Avenue, New JACOBSON, Ira J. Mrs. John F. Amos, Yukon, W. Va. York, N. Y. Charlotte Station, Rochester, N. Y. STULL, Charles N. John Stull, R. F. D. 1, EELLS, Frank M. Mrs. Mary A. Eells, 82 KERRICK, Herman. Mrs. Eliabeth Kerrick, Leechburg, Pa. Stockton Avenue, Walton. N. Y. 115 Sassafras Street. MilIville, N, T. SYPER, Anton. Felix Rynkiewiez, 410 West FREEDMAN, Isaac "N. Hayman Freedman, MITCHELL. John R. Mrs. Elizabeth Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa. 965 Fox Street, New York, N. Y. Mitchell, Burk. Va. - R. TACK, Fred 'M. Mrs. Etta Millerachone, GIBSON, Samuel R. Mrs. Eva R. Gibson, 1053 MEIrCHrANICS. P. D. 1, Savanna, Ill. Poland Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. TEAGUE. James W. Mrs. Mary J. Teague, STORM, George P. Edward Storm, Weissport, BRADY. Benjamin W. Isaac E. Brady, R.-F. It. P. D. 2. box 6, Urnicoi, Tenn. Carbon County, Pa. D. 3. Hope Mills, N. C. THERIAULT, Charles J. Mrs. Georgiana TEUNIS, John W. Mrs. Herman Tennis, box OAKES. Frank II. J. H. Oakes, Cascade, Va. Therinult, 33 Williams Street, Woonsocket, 94, Spring Lake, Mich. MILLER, Adolph. George Miller, 417 South R. I. BUSH, Ivory. Willard Jolly, Vandalia, Ill. Fourth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. THOMPRON, Arebie L. Mr2s. Clifford Brown- BUTERA, Albert W. Mrs. May Butera, 114 ville, Ilart:.sburg, Ark. Paterson Plank Road, North Bergen, N. 1. WAGON'RS. TIPTON, Andrew S. William J. Tipton, FARMER, Leo R. Mrs. Mildred McClanphan, ELLIOTT, Tmes R. Mrs. Sarah Elliott, 71 Broadway, Mo. Sigourney, Iowa. Staei Street, Ossining N. Y. TODD, Van. Mrs. Price Todd, R. F. D. 2, MOSCIENIOSE, Edward H. Charles Mosehen- BUTVILOWICH. Stanley. John Chuzn, 128 Danvers, Ill. rose. *Newton, Ill. Anslee Place, Elizabeth, N. J. TOMASSO, Carmine. Roffaele Tomasso, I WILLIAMS, Charles V. G. Mrs. Annie L. Wil- MAIXN, Hansen. Houston Mahan, Thorn- Dates Avenue. Quidnick, I. I. liams, R. F. D. 2, box A-292, Chino, Cal. field, Mo. TUCKER, Edwin AT. Mrs. Mary E. Tucker, DUTKOWSKY, JTobn J. Mrs. Louise Adams, 6 cooK. 620 Etna Street, New Castle, Pa. - I irst Street, Brooklyn, 1d. TULLY, Edwin L. Mrs. Anna Tully, 339 HANNA, Alexander Leslie. Joseph V. Ianna, KING, Roy L. Mrs. Anna King, 100 Jane First Street, Conemaugh. Pa. 21 Grand Place, Harrison, N. J. Street, Pekin, Ill. VERNON, John 0. John Vernon, Aiken, S. C. SCIHESLER, August J. Charles Schuessler, PRIVATES. WOOD, Merl M. Mrs. Electa J. Wood, Zanes- 406 East Fifth Street, New York, N. Y. ville, Ohio. ADAMS, William H. Albert Adams, R. F. D. WYALNN, John S. Mrs. Lena S. Graves, CORPORALS. 3, Ocilvie, Minn. Andover, -Me. AXELSEN, Sheldon A. Adolph Axelsen, Elmo, ASTBURY, Thomas W. Mrs. Emrha Astbury, Utah. 1643 Allengrove Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BAXTER, Flo3d L. Mrs. Lena F. Baxter, 30 AVILLA, Frank. Mrs. Mary Avilla, 732 East SECTION 2, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. Ilieh Street, Carthage, N. Y. . Sashington Street, Petaluma, Cal. BLANKS. Siner B.. Mrs. Ida J. Blanks, 334 BAKER. Frank. Mrs. Anna Baker, Washing- The following casualties are reported Tyler *Street, Trenton, N. J. ton Mills, N. J. by the counnanding general of the Ameri- HAGEN, Fred L. Dr. Gilbert L.' Hagen, 3245 BARR, John Raymond. I. 0. Barr, Bruce- Bloomington Avenue. Minneapolis, Minn. . ville, Ind. can Etpoditionary Forces: BARR, Oscar. Mrs. Josephine Barr, Hanson, HALL, Eugene L. Mrs. Sallie J. Hall, At- Ky. Killed in action ------358 more, Ala. HERRIG, Charles W. Annie Werner, 428 BEAN, William C. Mrs. Laura Ogden, Lime- Died of wounds------712 Penn Avenue, Midland, Pa. stone, Ark. Died of airplane accident -_- I ATTHEWS, Harold 11. Bernard Matthews, BENTHAGEN, George M. Ole Benthagen, R. F. D. 2, Borup, Minn. disease ------134 156 Sfate Street, Boston, Mass. Died of PEPPARD, Paul L. Georee Peppard, R. F. D. BUSICK, Clarence J. H. S. Busick, Vallene, Wounded severely ------74 Lockvood 2. Chemung, N. Y. Ind. (d e g r e e undeter- SCIOONOvER, Charles A. Harry L. Dibker- CIAMBRUSCHINT, Julius. Vincent Clam- Wounded brusehini. 18. Greenmount Avenue, Balti- 177 son, 018 East One hundred and sixty-third mined) ------Street New York, N. Y. more id. Wounded slightly ------204 SHARRATT, Arthur. Mrs. Mary Scott, R. F. CLEAVER. Harri-on T. Mrs. knna Maunire, Missing in action ------170 D. I, Sonti Greenfield., Mo. 202 South Twenty-third Street, San Jose, THOMPSON, Roy A. Dan Thompson, Athen*, Cal. Tenn. COONEY, Aloysius B. Mrs. Alice Collinuan, Total------1, 190 WHITLEY, Ellsworth C. Mrs. Mary E. Whit- 1170 South Wellington Street, Memphis, 1ev, 730 Windsor Avenue, Elmira, N. Y. Tenn. WISE, Ford. Cyrus Wise, Grand Haven, GOWEN, Arthur L. Miss Edith Gowan. 16 Mich. Hi-h Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Killed in Action. WOODY, A. P. Mrs. Annie Seabalt Woody, D AHM, John M. Joseph Dahm, Kinder'took, R. F. D. 4, Acworth, Ga. N. Y. MAJOR. WRIGHT, Sydney. Miss Anna L. Wright, DOLAN, Beanard J. Hugh Dlan, 11 Court Sumas, Wash. Square, Brooklyn, N. Y. SMYTH, Roy Melvin. Hugh M. Smyth, 1725 DOODY, William T. Richard T. Doody, 179 Lafayette Street, Alameda, Cal. BETTER, William. Philip Better, 455 Forty- eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mareev Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. CAPTAINS. DUNCAN, Clinton Earl. Mrs. Amand Lavina EASTWOOD, Henry. irs. Mollie Eastwood, Dunean, 1.00 Cedar Street, Port Huron, Buffolo Junction, Va. - GRANT, Edward L. George-H. Grant, Frank- Mich. FETTING, Albert F. Mrs. Eliza Fetting, R. Im, Mass. F. D. 1, Frankenmuth, Mich. DUNNING, George E. Thomas F. Dunning, Madi- DEILEY, Paul C. Mrs. P. C. Deiley, 1754 Alden. Iowa. GOLDEN, William. Harrg Rubin, 176 North Western Avenue. Chicago, Ill. son Sereet. New York, N. Y. GALLAGHER. George. Mrs. Winfred Gal- GRAVEq, Brooks. GAFNEY, Joseph F. Mrs. Kathleen M. Gaf-, lag'ier, 7311 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Triney Graves, Rldge- ney. 212 William Street, Chattanooga. Tenn. way, S. C. GREEN, Virgin. Burison T: Green, Cona- GR.AY, Floyd. William A. Gray, Harwood, BENJAMIN. Howe H. Oliver H. Hewit, sara, Tenn. Mo., Brushmende Way, Hollidgysburg, Pa. HAILS, Joseph N. F. F. Hails, Frederick- HAAS, Toseph. Mrs. Veronica Haas, R. F. D. McLEOD, Lamar Young. John William Mc- town, Me. 3. Perry, Mich. Leod, 255 South Georgia Avenue, Mobile, KELLY, Walter W. Richard Kelly, Marion, HANSON. (arl A. Gunder Hanson, Elbow Ala. Va. Lake. Minn. LIEUTENANTS. MALKOWSK, Jams I. -Mrs. Mary Musial, HARCHAR. John. John Harcher, 84 East 2412 Mission Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Twenty-third Street, Bayonne, N. 4. FUNKHOUSER, Paul Taylor. Albert Punk- MINNARD, Wilbur Evans- Lloyd. Mr, . Sin M. ITT-GHSON, Walter J. James A. Hughson, houser, 920 Washington Avenue, _Iianard, R. F. D. 2, Otsego. Mich. 209 Campbell Avenue, West Haven, Conn. ville, Ind. MEEHAN, Thomas A. Mrs. C. Meehan, O HUNT, Willard. Mrs. John Lacy, 20D North AARVIG. Truman. Rasmus Aarvig, R. P. D. Lake Street, Winsted, Conn. Horton Street, Jackson, Mich. 8, Pontiae, Ill. O'B LNNON. Leslie R. Lucian W. O'Bannon, JOHNSON. Ernest B. Call J. Johnson, box RAZIER, Hilary Reid. Mrs. R. F. Frazier, Burdick, Ky. 32. Lindetrom, Minn. care of Mrs. Bartley, 1404 Fifteenth Street SHAGER. Theodore. Ole Shager, R. F. D. JOHNlXON. Oscar It. Mrs. Bena Johnson, p NW.. Washington, D. C. 1, South Wayne, Wis. 102 Mill Street. Erc Claire, Wis. Eli Johnson, Irvington, GARRETT. Norman Ashton. Mrs. Norman SHERIDAN. Walter E. James C. Sheridan, JOHNSON, Verdie. Garden Street, Ky. Ashiten Garrett, 832 West 1216 East Commercial Street, Springfield, KARi, Alfred 3I. William Karr, Williams- Pennacola, Fla. Mo. field. Ohio. STONE. Lester A. Mrs. Carrie J. Stone, 187 SOFOLO, Stanley. Mrs. Lena B. Sofolo, 97 KEATING, Charles A. Charles T. Keating, osson Street, Fitchburg, Mass. Hennepiro Avenue, Dixon, Ill. 26.33West Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. TROTT ER. Clyde A. Mrs. Irene Trotter, 214 TORREGROSSA, J oseph L. Joseph Torre- REELER, James A. Samuel Keeler, R. F. D. Amand Avenue, Mount Oliver, Pa. grossa, 5 Hamilton Street, New York, N. Y. 1, Coral, Mich. 18 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING KENEDY, James Mrs. Mary Iennedy, 31 SUTTON, Fletcher B. Miss Kate Sutton, loJoeph B. Miss Margaret Ken- Norwell Street, Dorchester, Mass. Mount Lebanon, La. nedy, inderhook, N. Y. KENNEDY, Walter. Mrs. Angeline M. Ken-- STABILE, Carmine. Ansello Sibilia, 2500 KERL Chester R. Mrs. Minnie Kerl, nedy, Wyndham, Pa. Belmont Avenue, New York, N. Y. isnee City, Nebr. 'KINNEAR, Worthy. Robert Kinnear, R. Jt. I, SUTFIN, Daxid Lee. Mrs. Maud Sutfin, 316 IMSEY, Claude L. Mrs. Eva Liebel, 403 box 22, Prove, Utah. East South Street, Kalamazoo, Mich. Corning IStreet, Red Oak, Iowa. KIRBY. Richard C. Dawson J. Kirby, Strat- SVOBODA, Joseph. Mrs. Agnes Svoboda, 905 KLAIBER Paul. Paul Klatber, sr., 630 tonville, Pa. West Eighteenth Place, Chicago, Ill. Hopkins Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ADAMS, Alvey Herman. Mrs. J. M. Adams, SYVERSON, Miles I. Anton Syverson, West- KORiINOA, Herman, Louis D. Londstra, 302 Catherine Street, Chesterville, Pa. by, Wis. 311 Ro ey Place, Grand Rapids, Mich. ANDERSON, James D. Mrs. Mary MeNeal, TALBOT, William R. Miss Anna Talbot, 94 KOVICII Kris. Savo Kovacevich, 981 Ever- R . . 2, Thompsons Station, Tenn. High Street, Ansonia, Conn. ott Stre et, Los Angeles, Cal. ASIMAROS, Panageotos J. Anton Barros, TAYLOR, Barney G. Mrs. Jennie Taylor, R. LARSEN. Albert C. 111rs. Christina Larsen, box 102, New Butler, Wis. F. D. 7, Winhester, Tenn. 21 Piea santview Avenue, Norwalk, Conn. AUSENHUS, Herman N. Nels A. Ausenhus, TOBIN, Wilson II. Kemuel G. Tobin, Wash- LEACH, elfred W. G. V. Leach, 117 Union Kensett, Iowa. ington, Va. Street, Olympia. Wash. ATTSTIN, Howard II. Mrs. W. M. Austin, MiH- MOS, Fred C. Fred C. Moss, sr., Wheaton, LYNCH. 7 illiam H. Lodis C. Lynch, Gaines- dlebury, Vt. Ill. Ville. Fl a. BECHTOLD, Elmer G. Joseph Bechtold, 352 WARD, Marquard. lenry G. Ward, 1018 trOys, Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson , Solo Street, Rochester, N. Y. Madison Avenue. New York, N. Y. R. F. D. 2, Troy, S. C. BECKER, Gustaze Alexander. Mrs. Kate WARGON. Samuel. Morris Gottlieb, 571 MACI, 'T seph A. Mrs. Myrtle Mack, 630 Beker, 4411 'Kimbal Avenue, Richmond Southern Boulevard, New York, N. Y. Troost Vvenue, Kansas City, Mo. Hill. N. Y. WARBY, Keith. Mrs. Myrtle Warby, Manila, ADDOX, Lewis R. Mrs. Martha W. MAd- BEIlM, Charles F. Henry Belim, 138 Elm U'tah. dox. Wa re Shoals, S. C. Street, Wyandotte, Mich. WARNER, Ralph. Mrs. Esther A. Warner, MANN, Is y. Mrs. Louise Mann, R. F. D. 4, BENJAMIN. Roy IV. Richard L. Benjamin, 1923 Last Twentieth Street, Cleveland, Marion, Iowa. B. F. D. 4, Red Oak, Mo. Ohio. MANNINO . Frank. Mrs. Julia Manning, 523 BLADE, Eric E. Ture Blade, Prompton, R. I. WHALEN, Thomas M. Mrs. James Whalen, Baltic Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BOT DOURIS, Chris N. George Boudouris, Grafton. III. H NI ,acob. John W. Manning, R. 1. 1301 Leavensworth Street, San Franicsco, WHITSON, George F. Mrs. Sara Whitson, andtidge, Tenn. Cal. 1441 L3 ioming Street, Philadelphia, Pa. oseph. Frank Manco, Dawson, Pa. BRAY, Frank II. Mrs. Irma R. Bray, 1405 WILIJAMS, Tohn A. Mrs. John A. Williams, Ira P. Mrs. Emma V. Martin, Alna Street, Houston, Tex. iooiary, N. C. g, Miss. BREHL, John A. Mrs. Theresa Brehl, 439 WILLI VMS, Walter K. Mrs. Georgeana Wil- Taltez. Mrs. Lus McCoy, Liwrece- South Fifth Street, Columbus, Ohio. liams, Purcell, Okla. yule. Ill BRETr, Johmn .. John Brett, 2210 Watkins WOLLTM, Torlif. Martin Wollum, Cranfills MiLAUGI LIN, Patrick T. * Mrs. Katie W. Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Gap, rex. McLaug hin, 25 Capitol Street, Memphis, BRIGHT, Virgil. Mrs. Lucinda Bright, Kel- YORK, Melin Gu. Emmett York, Breeding, Tenn. loge, Minn. Ky. MCLX H LIX Stephen 0. Mr'. Margaret 0. BROWN. Arthur G. Mrs. Ella Brown, R. F. ZIELIAN, Asgor. Mrs Freda Zielian 727 MeLaugi hin, 217 West Center Street, Balti- D. 0. Meadville, Pa. East lourth Street, Brooklyn, N. more, di. BITNO. Michael. Mrc. Mary Bruno, New PRIVATES. * CNAIER, Alan M. Mrs. Walter . McNalier, Hartford, N. Y. Silo We t One hundred and seventy-ninth CASON, Dudley R Joe R. Ceson, Stephens, ALLEN, Tiomas Benjamin Allen, Black Street, New York, N. Y. Mo. Diamond, Wash. MEATIT, Frank A. Mrs. Annie Curley, 50 CECIL, Robert. Mrs. Florence Cecil, 322 BAILEY, Otis I. Mrs. Grace Kouse, 47 West' Newest Street, Newark, N. J. North Twenty-ninth Street, Richmond, Va. Street, Oneonta. N. Y. MERRILL, Henry C. Mrs. Lidia Merrill, CITAUVIN, Leo J. Mrs, Jed Chauvin, 50 Cen- BANG, .Tohn. lans K. Mosby, Lewistown, Gastonia N. C. ter Street, Malone, N. Y. MoAt. MESHER, Frank L. Miss Mary Mesmer, CIEVOYA, Clarence. Mrs. Romona LaSalle, BARKER: Louis. Mrs. George ITlins, Ma- 1411 lre ape Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 1415 Olive Avenue, Fresno, Cal. renco, Iow4 2.ALLAM. Cresswell L. Mrs. Ernest Dawson, CHRISTENSEN. Charles. Mrs. Mary Chris-. BARSE, Horace C. George Barse, Wanbay, 3642 Va a Buren Street, Minneapolis lian telisn, 724 Charles Street, Kenosha, Wis. S. Dak. MILLER,' Vill B. George M. Miller, R. F. D. CLEARY, James P. Agnes Tahey, Hubbard, BENJAMIN. Simon. Nathan Benjamin1 1514 3, Jel: ags, Okla. East Lombard Woods, Ill. Street, Baltimore, Md. Joseph. Mrs. Fannie Minarik, CRESWELL, Fred R. Airs. MIabel Creswell, BLACK, Charles A. James Black, R. F. D. 1135 Fir st Avenue. New York N. Y. R. F. D. 2, Sanhorn, Iowa 07, Parkers Landing, Pa. POHLKER John A. Miss katio Pohlker, DUBEY, Amery . Phillip J. Duhey, I50 BLAKESLEE, Admiral T. Mrs. Bertha Wayzata ,Minn. Allen Place, Hartford, Conn. Blakeslee, 1305 West Hill Street, Urbana, FOWLER. Dexter W. Mrs. Viana F. Dea- EASTMAN, Wesley M. Mrs. Rose N. East- Ill. years, B ankston, Ala. man. Easton, N. H. CARTAZZO, Emelio. Mrs. Catherine L. Car- FULCO, Dominic. Rock Fulco, R. F. D. 2, EASTWOOD, Walter A. Prank Eastwood, tazzo, 88 Sixth Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bay Cit , Mich. 25 Walnut Avenue, Plymouth, Mass. CHEENEY. Francis E. Thomas E. Cheeney, GEISTWE DT, Albert I. Henry Geistweidt, FAIR, Robert K. James K. Fair, Catawba 524 Fifth Avenue, Greeley, Color Doss, Tox. Street, Asheville, N. C. CRAMER. Howard. Mrs. Rosie Schuster, 520 FALL, William P. Miss Robina Fall, Ilse, South Fourteenth Street, Reading, Pa. DON, Carl Elet. Alexander P. Gordon, Colo. DICKIE, John H. Mrs. Agnes C. Dickie, 219 3548A Missouri Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. - Hamilton Street, Dorchester, lass. GRAINGE R, Luther E. George Grainger, FINE, Benjamin. Samuel Fine, 240 Market S. C. Street, Briebton, Mass. DRISCOLL, Mert. 'John Driscoll, 13 Palmer GROyA Street, Providence, R. I. erle F. Mrs. Nora Gross, 453 Cen- MICHTEL, domer. Charles Davis, 58 Vin- EICH. John Mathias. Philip T. Eich, Farmer, ter Stre et. Richmond, Va. cent Street, Dayton. Ohio. IIETSSR, Edward F. Mrs. MUENCH, S.ICI. Julia Heusser, Christ L. Mrs. Christine Mauencb, ELDER, William W. Agnes Bock, Farming- Sre 2st One hundred and forty-sixth 109 Grey Street, Buffalo, N. Y. New York, N. Y. MURRAY, . Mrs. Nettle Mirray, R. ton, W. Va. Oscar Eiphick, 548 HYSELL, Ira R. Harvey H sell, Middle- F. 1). 6, Lewisburg, Tean. ELPHICK, William. io. NELSON, William. Clyde Nelson, R. F. D. Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, N. J. port, Oh 3, Care, Mich. EIRAMINAS, Silvestras. Mrs. Caroline Za- KEITH. F uist. Earnest Keith, R. F. D. leckms. 1910 Cubaback Avenue, Niagara 2, Villa Rica, Ga. O'CONNELL, Ralph D. George O'&nnell, Falls, N. Y. KIRBY, JOha P. D. J. Sweeney, 2113 Liberty It. F.Di.1, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Pittsburgh, Pa. PARKEll, FARRELL, John. Richard Farrell, 213 South Avenue. Alfred. Mrs. Lillian Prince, R. Madison Street, Woodstock, III. LOVETTE Louis lirs.M Vmicent D. Amore, F. D. 1, Fayetteville, Tenn. - Street,ew Britain, Conn. PASMUTCSKI, Ignatz. Alex Pasmueskl, 11 GALLAGHER. John F. Mrs. Mary Gallagher, L0 Arch 751 West Seventy-seventh Street, Chicago, Edgar B. Thomas B. Lowerre, Lincoln Avenue, Schenectady, N. Y. LOWERPE Pect Avenue, Flushing, N. Y. PATE, John T. Elige Pate, Blackwell, Tex. Ill. Cornelius F. Mrs. Joseph B. Mann, PFAFF,2, Carl C. Mrs. Lila C. Pfaff, R. F. D. GEORGE, Alex.. Charles George, 1501 Wayne So Sprag ne Avenue. Middletown, N. Y. Winston-Salem, N C. Avenue, Dayton. Ohio. MARCUS, Clement G. Mrs. Anna Marcus, REARDEN, John. Mrs. Katie Dunn, 688 GERITAUSER, John A. Charlie Gerhauser, 315 Eel Connell Street. Olean, N. Y. Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 99 Howell Street. Covington, Ky. HARRAN, Fred S. Mer. George Westerman, SCHIERHORST. Conrad, Mrs. L, H Schier- GRANT, Wiliam H. Mrs. William H. Grant, Kenslngt on, Kans. - burst, Sea Cliff, N. Y. 429 East Sixty-fourth Street, Apartnient 59, MASsERA, Angelo. Guedo Mlewsera, La- SCOTT, Clarence L. Enoch H. Scott, Dula- New York, N. Y. gronil, Pa, ney, Ky. GRIGGS, William I. Mrs. Maggie Griggs, MERLEI: Marsdield. Avenue, Willimantie, Conn. N, Fred G. Mrs. Babbet Merklein, SEELAND, Albert. Cornelius B. Oien, R. F. D. ylor Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. 2, St. Hilaire, Minn. GREEN, Herbert D. Frank Green, Buffalo, 1308 Ta dward. Peter Mihm, 498 Hemp- SEMR - Arthur W. Mrs. Ida Semro, Wilson Ohio. MIHM,stad StrE eet. Dubuque, Ill. CreeiC Wash. GROSSMAN, Samuel. Israel Grossman, 780 MILLER, Julan D, W. M. Miller, Luray. Va. SITARP Fred Luther. Henry Sharp, 121 New Tersey Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MINUS, Al lex. Mrs. Anna Minus, 165 Theo- West Third Street, Anderson, Ind. GUARINO, Tony. Tony Guarino, 180 Fur- dere Str eet. Detroit, Alich. SHAW. Archie S. Mrs, Lee Hammond, nace Street, Akron, Ohio. MOLYNEA IX, -Patrick. William Nilog, Le R. F. D. 1, Ipava, Ill. GURZYNSKI, Henry G. Mrs. Agnes Gur- R N. Y. SHERIFF. Russell H. George W. Sheriff, zynski, 531 Filmore Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. MOORE, Xecel. Mrs. Eline Moore, Mount Vernon, Wash. GUTHRIE, Elmer. Roy A. Guthrie, 511 East Westriew, SILMESTRT, Joseph. Stephen Silvestri, 173 Sixth Street, Beardstown, Ill. MORGAN, Walter A. Aaron K. Morgan, R. F. Richardson Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. HYATT, Earl. Samuel Hyatt, Versailles. Ind. D. 1, Po rtland, Tenn. SIMS, George D. Willie, C. Sims, R. F.. D. 3, JONES, Keneth W. Mrs. Frances E. Jones, MORRIS. Mathew W. Mark L. Morris, R. F. Sumter, S. C. 033 Water Street, Watertowh, N. Y. D. 1, Sp ringfield, Tenn. STIITH, David R. James A. Smith, R. F. D. KEIPER, Arthur 0. Newell Benson, 10 An- MORRIS; 1fereda E. Albert J. Morris, R. F. 1, Tullolsoma, Tenn. drews Avenue, Binghamton, N. Y. D. 2, hox 60, Sardis, Tenn. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 19 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING MORRISEY, Jack A. Miss Catherine Morrisey, ROCHESTER, Nathaniel N. Mrs. Edith BUGLER. Sisterswille, W. Va. Rochester, 603 SoAth Broadway, Santa BARBEE, Daid B. Mrg, Evelyn Barbee, MOTT, Thomas St. C.' Thomas J. Mott, Jr., Ana, Cal. 3430 Locust Street, St. Louis, 1111 May Street, Jacksonville, Fla. ROSE, Cornelius. James A. Rose, Walden, Mo. MUNDELL. Charley. Frank Mundell, Middle- N. Y. WAGONERS, town, Ind. SCHERER, Walter J. Jake Scherer, R. F. WHIDDEN, Carl V. Harold r. Whieddn, 64 OLD, Efton R. Mrs. Lucy J. Crawford, D. 2. Shakopee, Minn. Eighteenth Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. Clareston, Wash. SCHMITT, Edward F. William Schmitt, 22 WRENN. George C. Mrs. Mary A. Wrenn, Rex Place, Buffalo, N. Y. 3020 Thirty-fifth Avenue, Oakland, Cal. PERELLI, Alexander. James Fudilli, 332 SEIFERT, Herbett Joseph. August Seifort, Washington Street, Keiser, Pa. New PETERSON, Rudolph. Mrs. Harrison ]R. Gobel, Baltimore, Mich. COOK. SEMMELROCK, Emeal M. Emeal M. Sem- STORY, John Michael. Mrs. Mar Story, 23 4 Lila Street, Lfrbon, N. J. melrock sr. 733 Warrington Avenue, Pitts- PUGMIRE, Angus. George Y. Pugmire, 1037 Chestnut Street, Chicopee, Mass. Pocatello, Idaho. burgh, ia. North Hayes Street, SHIFFLER, GEORGE L. Mrs. Ada Shiffler, PRIVATES. RADLOFF, Louis N. Mrs. Mary Radloff, 41 2237. Brighton Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. State Street, Pawtucket, R. I. ABLETT, William S. James J. Ablett, 603 SHUMAN, Leon B. Mrs. Ellen C. Shuman, South Third Street, Camden, N. J. RAY. Carl. Joseph Ray, 120 Sibley Street, Sptrta, N. J. Ashiabula, Ohio. ANDERSON, Thadius. Mrs. Daisy Single- RAYFIEYD, Nelson. Gofer Thornton, Lexing- SICILIA, Louis.- Frank Sicilia, 910 Freeman ton, box 50, Charleston, S. C. ton, N. C. Street, New York, N. Y. BROWN, Floyd B. Mrs. Bessie Brown, R. RAYSON, Homer. Charles T. Rayson, Pitts- SILLS, Lemmon. Mrs. Mamie Sills, 1811 F. D. 3, Holton, Ind. North Twenty-third Street, Omaha, Nebr. BROWN, William. Mrs. Mary Brown, R. F. ford, N. Y. 1). 1. Howard City, Mich. ReedyrR. F. D. SINNINGER, John J., Jr. Mrs. Katie Sin- REEDY. Everett K. Rush M. ninger, Park Avenue. Maywood, N. J. BRYANT, Harry T. Clayton Hayes, Indian 1. Rugby, Va. SLOS'I, Martin. August Slomski, general Pond, Via Lake Moxie, Me. SARCONA, Jack. Mrs. Kathrine Sarcona, 75 delivery, Tonganoxie, Kans. BURGESS, Frank A. lirs. Sallie H. Burgess, Marcy Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. SMITH, Charles J. John Smith, 20 Win- R. F. D. No. 2, Eastanollee, Ga. SCHICK. Valentine F. Mrs. Minnie Schick, throp Street, Trenton, N. J. BURTON, Everett C. Walter W. Burton, R. 360 West One hundred and twenty-seventh SMITH, William T. Christopher Smith, 41 F. D No. 1, Waggoner, Ill. Street. New York, N. Y. CHAMP, Clarence. Mrs. Laura A. Champ, E. Scho- Harrison Street, Belleville, N. J. SCHIOFIELD, William I. William SNYDER, Howard. Jeremiah Snyder, 424 Bidwell. Iowa. field, 133 First Street, Melrose, Mass. West Greenwich Avenue, Reading, Pa. CHAPMAN, Otto. Mrs. Georgic MIll2er, 427 SHULTZ. Clarence William. George Shultz, STRAFFI, Adolph. Pasquale Zega, 412 New St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Greenville, Ohio. Brunswick Avenue, Perth Amboy, N. J. CHAPPELL, William. Dan Massey, R. F. SCHWARTZ, Jerome. Mrs. Pauline Schwartz, SULLIVAN, Dan. Miss Mary Sullivan, 1278 -D. No. 5, Chester, S. C. 2381 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. CHILDS, Jake. Anna Rankins, Verdery, S. C. Segal, 120 Con- Sanchey Street, San Francisco, Cal. SEGAL. Nathan. Miss Rose SWEET, Leonard. 4138 Woodbridge Avenue, CLEMENTS, Robert Thomas. Mrs. Mary B. vier Street, San Francisco, Cal. Cleveland, Ohio. Clements, 2805 Gillham Road, Kansas City, STARR, Isidor. Hyman Starr, 47 Rutgers TAYLOR, Mo. Place. New York, N. Y. Cyrus S. Mrs. Mamie S. Taylor, Thomas W. Mrs. Kate Stephens, 012 Caren Street, Tampa, Fla. DUNCAN, Fred B. Charles B. Duncan, 658 S'IEPHINS, TAYLOR, William A. Mrs. Utha May Taylor, Born Street, Columbus, Ohio. Leesville. La. Selmer, Tenn. DUNN, Walter A. Charles Dunn, 2226 Polk ST. IIILAIRE, Emile. Mrs. Arithimise St. Street, San Francisco, Cal. Berlin, N. H. THELEN, John E. Mrs. Pauline McClure, Ililaire, Forbush Park, 710 Orange Street, Syracuse, N. Y. FANKIIUSER, Rolla E. Mrs. Ada Fank- STINEBROOK, Vornie. Clark Stinebrook, Pa- -THORNTON, Joseph W. Mrs. Thoroughgood hauser, R. F. D. No. 1, Mineral Wells, W. gus, ?Io. Thornton, 2013 Sumter Street, Coluinbia, Va. STUNICARD, Harvey. S. L. Swigert, Ca- S.C. FARINA, Pangrasio. Joseph Patricca, 06 margo, Ill. Mill Street, Leominster, Mass. TURNER, Albert Lee. Mrs. Cora Turner, SULLO, Benizio P. Donato Sullo, 2452 Ar- Okemah, Okla. FLEMING, James. Andrew Fleming, 59 thur Avenue, New York, N. Y. VENDEGEELLE, Isaac. Mrs. Susanna Van- South Fruit Street, Youngstown Ohio. THOMASON. Soloman L. Mrs. Jessie. T. degezelle, Iloekzae Gost Burg, Zeeland, FREDERICK, William. John T. Frederick, Bruce. Joplin, Mo. , 643 South Third Street, Louisville, Ky. KIRKUP, Ralph. Harry Kirkup, 8940-102 A FRIEDMAN, Morris. D. Friedman, 15 West WILSON, Glen M. Noah Wilson, North Sixty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Capada. f Y. KISTELEROS, Reman. Mr . Mary Tyrszka, Western, N. GILL, George V. Miss Minnie Gill, Julian, box 07, Staten Island, N. Y. WILSON, James W. Mrs. Sarah Wilson, R. Pa. KNAPP, John. Goettlieb Kna~p, 1679 Ave- F. D. 3, Upton, Ky. GREEN, Louis. Mrs. Sarah Green, 41 Tenare nue A. New York, N. Y. WINTZ, George J. Mrs. Amella Koch, 305 Street. Pittsfield, Mass. KNIGHT, Joseph. Mrs. Mary J. Knight, 62 Warwood Avenue, Warwood, W. Va. YOUNG, Edgar L. Mrs. Edgar L. Young, HALL, Marechal Earnest. Clarence A. Hall, East Sheridan Street, Miners Mills. Pa. R. F. Dudley Mo. . KN9pTT, Carlton V. Mrs. Bertha D. Pheifer, D. 8, Pulaski, Tenn. HAMSHIRE, Edward A. Joseph Hamshxre, iRamond, Minn. WALECKA, Wencel. I Wencel Walecka, R. F. D T. Luxembourg, Wis. R. F. D. No. 2, Marshall, Wis. KOENIG, Edward T. Mrs. A. M. Koenig, WALKER, Harry S. Mrs. Clara W. Mathews, HUSS, Edward. Barney Huss, R. F. D. No. Alma, Wis. 504 Fifth Street, Lynchburg, Va. 1. Scranton, Pa. KOROB, Martin G. Miss Sadie E1. Korob, 191 WASELESKI, Frank J. George Waseleski, JORDAN, Dewey. W. P. Jordan, Roseville, Westville Street, Dorchester, Mass. Mount Forest, Mich. Ind. LIPSHITZ, Isane. Max Liply, Lockhaven WAY. Arthur E. Mrs. Anna J. Way, 1626 LUTZ, John E. Mrs. Edward Lutz, 6 Ca- Street, Lockhaven, Pa. Union Street, Schenectady, N. Y. lodian Street. Eggertsville, N. Y. LtNEIS, Walter A. Edward C. Lynels, 362 WHITWORTH, Fulton. Mrs. Gertrado S. LYONS, Wingle. Louis L. Lyons Fielden, West Scott Steet, Fond du Lac Wis. Whitworth. Garfield, Ky. Ky. McCORMICK. George. Mrs. Margarette Me- WIRKUS, Lauren Paul. Julius Wirkus, McGRATH, Joseph P. William Rodden, 24'd3 Cormick, 2075 Seventh Avenue, New York, Minto, N. Dak. Manning Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. Y. WISCIIMEIER, Otto F. Frederick C. Wisch- Mo-MILLAN, John. Mrs. Lillie McMillan, 11 MCMULLEN, John M Mrs. Mary E. McMul- meier, IR. F. D. 2, W. Burlington, Iowa. Walker Avenue, Sumter, S. C. len, Yuot, Mont. WOLF, Jerry. Frank Wolf. 404 East Sev- MAHONEY, James J. James Mahoney, TO MAJOR, Georae F. Mrs. Josephine Major, enTY-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. South Steect, Waterbuy, Conn. Monticello, Minn. WORTH, John. Mrs. Bert Wieser, 178 Clif- MAHONEY, Steven V. Mrs. Mary M. Ma- MANNARINO. Gregory Savero. Vincent Or- ford Street, Detroit, Mich. honey, 74 Walnut Street, Lea rence, Mass. lene, 1417 Fiftathird Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MANNING, Richard S. Roy Manning, Keo- MARTIN. Miles HI. John J. Martin, Fergus Died of Wounds. - kuk, Iowa. Falls, ainn. MARS, John II. W. T. Mars, Pelham, Ga. MEYER. William T. Mrs. Sophia Meyer, SERGEANTS. MARTIN, Conrad. Miss Maria Martin, 411 1725 Sixty-third Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. Prospect Street, Jamaica. N. Y. MINER, Victor St. C. Charles S. Miner, sr., GRAVES, Robert I. Winston W. Graves. R. MASON, William R. William R. Mason, Anderson, S. C. * F. 1). 2, Ackerman, Miss. R. F. D. No. 1, Camp Douglas, Wis. MOORE, George L. Mrs.- Sarah A. Moore, SEGUIN, Romeo N. Rev. .T. A. Freddette, 10 MOHAN, Arthur A. Mrs. Gertrude Mohan, Spanish Fork. Utah. - Percy Street, Chicopee Falls, Mass. 17 Tames Street, Woburn, Mass. MORRISSEY, rWdward J. .Tohn Morrissey, MORROW. Howard II. Mrs. Grace A. Paune, 303 Seventh Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. CORPORTLS. 700 Irving Street, Washington, 1). C. MOSES, Erman Weymore. Edwin 1. Moses, GRABOWSKI. Fred. Tine Grabowski, 122 MUNDAY, Corda A. Mrs. Elizabeth Munday, R. F. D. 3, Chebalis, Wash. Culbert Street. Syracuse, N. Y. ronte No. 2, Hamilton, Tex. MUSCOVAGE, Stanley L. Mrs. Anna Mus- JENNESS, Albert J. Mrs. 0. Jenness, 21 MYERS, HLarry .. Mrs. Mary Williamson, covage, Arnsbry, Pa. Kelsey Steet, Waterville, Me. Manchester, Md. O'MALLEY, Peter. Miss Anna O'Malley, 126' MOROZ. Gabriel. Fagan Moroz, Wct Hazle- OAKLEY. Arley. Mrs. Edith M. Wheelock, Ocann Street, Lynn, Mass. 223 Kinzsley Street, Buffalo, N. Y. OXEINDINE, William R. Alonzo 0. Oxendine, ton, Pa. PARMENTER, Floyd I. Mrs. Annie Long- R. F. DP 1, Rules, N. C. RAEBIGER, Adolph, jr. Adolph Raebiger, well, 714 John Street, Elmira, N. Y. PIPE, Marion. Mrs Anna S. Pepa, 24 James 6103 Hazel Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. PENZA, Josrph. Edward Penaa, Bridgeport, Street. Lodi, N. J. SCOTT, Charlie L. Miss Susie J. Scott, Conn. PPETERSON, William L. Mrs. Elizabeth Mil- Carrsville, Va. RELSl,, Pless F. Mrrs. Charlie A. Reese, ler, Arco, Idaho. SEELEY, Francis E. - Mrs. Jennie Seeley, R. F. D.1, Harris. Tenn. PITTMAN, Randolph. William H. Pittman, Washington, Conn. ROURKE, Christopher T. Miss Ma-gett R. P. D. 3, Tarboro, N. C. SUMMERSBY, Kenneth .T. Mrs. Emily Kirk- Rourke, Railroad Aenue, Unionville, Conn. PUSKAR, Michael. John Puskar, South Bur- wood Summersby, 5036 Cabanne Avenue, RUDZIN. Joseph. Manne Rudzin, 283'1 gettstown, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. Twelfth Street, Chicago, Ill. REED. Floyd. Wiam R. Reed, R. F. D. WASSON, Brosig T. Mrs. Mary Wasson, An- RUTHMAN, Orvllie H. Mrs. Rosana Ruth- 3, Brentwood, Tenn. I derson, Tex. man, 883 Crinnel Street, Fall River, Mass. 20 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING SF TH. Clarence E. Mrs. Blanche Seth, 701 ARNETT, Andy M. Mrs. Andy M. Arnett, JONES, Early B. Mrs. Ellen N. Jones, Mon- North McKinley Street, Champa gn, Ill. Marble City, Okla. ticello Miss. SIiJELLHAMMER, Harry D. Mrs. D. A. Shell- ASMTUS, Edgar A. Mrs. Esther Asmus, R. F. KNECHT, Emil Oy. Edward Knecht, Trempe- hammer, 50 North Vine Street, Hazleton, Pa. D. 3, Strawberry Point, Iowa. lean, Wis. SPELLMAN, John Anthony. Mrs. Annie ASTONE, Gaetano. Philip Astone, 913 Mary KOLICEK, Charles P. Alois Kolicek,' Michi- Spellman, 4143 Sarpy Avenue, St, Louis, Mo. Street, Utica, N. Y. cot, Wis. SPIES, George. Mrs. M. Spies, 41 Wads- BARRY, Edgar S. Owen B. Barry, Maybank, KURTZ, Levi. James Kurtz, R. F. D. 3, Del- worth Street, Rochester, N. Y. Tex. mond, Iowa. STONE, Harry. Mrs. L. Stone, Clarendon, Va. BEARD, Kirkie M. Mrs. Estella B. Payne, LAHTI, William H. Alex Lahti, box 160, SI'LLINS, Harry. Lincoln G. Sullins, Ozark, 1020 West Elm Street, Enid, Okla. Cook. Minn. Ill. BEARD, Ralph R. John Beard, 1209 West LANDERS, Simon M. ' Pete Landers, Scotts- TAYLOR, Harry M. Mrs. Annie B. Taylor, Fifth Street, Topeka, Kans. Ville, Ky. Kidds Fork, Va. BEECHER, Charles W. Mrs. Charles Beecher, LINGER, Joseph A. Mrs. Sarah Linger, R. F. THOMPSON. Hubert L. Mrs. Anna Thomp-- Poeoria, Ohio. D. 27, Topeka, Kans. son, Kellogg, Iowa. BELK, Aura II. Fred Belk, R. F. D. 3, box MADDEN, Ellis. Miss Idelia Mason, Hitch- TOIIN, Nolan W. Robert H. Tobin, Harper, 51, Muskegon, Mich. cock, Okla. Tex. BENCH, Robert N. John Bench, Advance, MANCITEE, Winchell H. Mrs. Elenora Man- WALKER, James C. lames A. Walker, Ber- - Ark. chee. 605 Huron Street, Toronto, Canada.,- nie. Mo. BE'NNETT, Charles W. Miss Laura B. Ben- MEFFORD, John W. Mrs. Lizzie Mefford, WillTE, John. James White, Patton, Pa. nett, R. F. D. 2, Fouke, Ark. R. F. D. 1, Springdale, Ky. M OODHOUSE, William B. John Woodhouse, BERDAII, Henry T. Jim 0. Berdahi, Col- METHE, Armond D. Moise Methe, R. F. D. Yowler, Cal. ton, S. Dak. 3. South Burlington, Vt. BEVERS, Frank. Theodore Bevers, 333 Cres- MEYER, Charles W. Rev. Richard Schwhid- Died from Airplane Accident. cent Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. terman, St. Marys Novitiate, Burkettsville, BLASING, Harry G. lirs. Josephine Biasing, Ohio. LIEUTrNANT,. Chicken Point, Port Washington, N. Y. MILLER. Charles S. Charles R. Miller, 2322 BLUE, Walter R. Mrs. Ida May Blue, 1801 Brown Street, Philadelphia, Pa. RlID, Kenneth If. George R. Woodward, 402 Ira. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Mills, R. F. Eat 'Thirtieth Street, Paterson, N. J. Wyoming Avenue NW., Washington, D. C.. MILLS, BROWN, Bernard A. Frank Brown, R. F. D. D. 3, Valparaiso, Nebr. Died of Disease. box 4, Swanville, Minn. MONCRIEF, Joe S. Mrs. Mammie Belcher, BROWN, William S. Mrs. Margaret Brown, R. F. D. 4. Tifton, Ga. CAPTAIXN. Scotch 11111, Lonaconing, Md. MORRIS, Johnie L. Mrs. Battle Morris, R. DRADIEPRY, BUTLER, John A. Afrs. Mary M. Butler, F. D. 1. box 48, Hermitage, Tenn. Samuel H-. Mrs. S. H. Brad- NAGEL, Walter. frs. Sophia Nagel, Warren, bury, jr., 361 Vose Avenue, South Orange, Schaghticoke, N. Y. N. J. BUTLER, John R. Mrs. Martha Butler, Many, Oreg. SUltGDANTS, La. NORMAN, Clinton H. Harman D. Norman, iTKINS, Laurence B. Bruce B. Atkins, Ilol- CARPENTER, Fred. Ruben H. Carpenter, McKittriek, Mo. R. P. D. 2, Albemarle. N. C. OLDEN. Alexander. lirs. Anna Olden, 31 ;ev N, Y. Stree't. Bayonne, N. J. BUTTS, Herbert S. Mrs. Emma S. Butts, 227 CIIRISTENSON, Arnold F. Mrs. Martha East Twenty-third C0 apel Street, Hampton, Va. Christenson, 785 Jessamine Street, St. Paul, PHELPS, Maryin K. Lee Phelp, Texarkana, CTODORA, John L. Mrs. Theresa Chodora, Minn. Ark. 2100 South Sawyre Avenue, Chicago, Ill. CLARK, Roy F. Charles C. Clark, Moore- QUESENBERRY, William 0. Mrs. Gladys H. DINNAG IN, Sam R. Mrs. Lucy R. Cochrum, field, Nebr. Quesenberry, 1400 M' Street NW.. Washing- L[al(,,, Tenn. CUBLER, Raymond J. Jacob Cubler, 4917 A ton. D. C. IiARDY, .Tohn W. William M. Hardy, Cor- Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Q INN. William T. Mrs. Mary Fanning, 500 nelia, Ga. DAVIS, Miles. Mrs. Laura Woodwards, gen- West Thirty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. MONTGOMERY, Charles. No emergency ad- oral delivery. Salartia, Miss. RANTANEN, John A. lirs. Amanda Ranta- (lr'ss given. DICKERSON, Elliott. Miss Nettle Dickerson, nen. box 598, Calumet, Mich. F \T'L, Archibald S., jr. Archibald S. Paul R. F. D. No. 1, Freeport, Ohio. REDDEN, Lemuel L. Mrs. Evelyn Horton, 1837 South Seventeenth Street, Philadel- FINDLEY, Charles, Mrs. Ivy Fahrenholtz, 4183 West Bell Place, St. Louis, Mo. )' i, Pa. 1118 Clark Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. REED, Benjamin R. Jonas J. Reed. Snow- SD ION. Eugene Frank. Frank J. Simon, R. FINDLEY, George E. George N. Findley, vill, Pla. 11. T). 7, Chillicothe, Ohio. McComb, Mo. RHODES, Clayton H. lirs. Francells Rhodes, WLT.'ERS, Arthur. Mrs. Georgiana Walter, IORGETTE, William L Mrs. Emily M. For- 162 North Diamond Street. Ravenna, Ohio. 1113 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. gette, R. F. D. No. 2. Mayfield, N. Y. ROWE, William T. Mrs. William T. R'owe, WILSON. George W. William A. Wilson, Ra- FRENCH, Roy 0. William French, Water R. F. D. 1, Grove City, Pa. cuei, Minn. Valley. Ky. SASSIN, Joe It. Mrs. Margeta Sassin, route SAIITIT, Howard II. William E. Smith, De FRYE, Anton. Too Frye, R. F. D. No. 1, 6, Lagrange, Tex. Queen, Ailk. Ludington, Mich. SCHIENBAUM, Izzy. Mrs. E. Schianbaum, TAYLOR, William C. William Taylor, South- PULMER, El1eck. Robert Pulmer, Aiken, S. C. 2642 Iowa Street, Chicago, Ill. port, Conn. GAGE, Harry R. Orville Gage, 415 First SCHIFFNER, Herman F. Emil Schiffner, 14 Street, Menasha, Wis. Union Street, Gowanda. N. Y. CORPORALS. GARSKE. Bruno A. Fred Garske, R. F. D. SCHUMAN. John L. Mrs. Clara Schuman, No. 1, North Freedom, Wis. 854 North Eleventh Street, Springfield, Ill. CADE, George. Mrs. Hanner Pritchet, 311 CRAWFORD, Jim C. Mrs. Myrtle Crawford, SCOTT, Archie R. Thomas A. Scott, I. F. D. mawreStreet, Selma, Ala, Center Point, Ark. 2, Bellaire, Kans. 'OLDMAN, Henry. George B. Coleman, Han- OLSON, Frank W. Gust Olson, R. F. D. 3, SELVIDGE, Therman C. Mrs. Mary E. Sal- oec Bridge, N. . lioxbeim, Iowa. vidge, Hendriclson. Mo. DUIIAM, Allen. Mrs. Katy Durham, Blyth- PALMER. Lester A. Willard Palmer, Corn- SEXTON, Joseph. Mrs. Susan Sexton, Willa- V-ood. S. C. ing, Ohio. Juce, Ky. 'ORNW 'iLT. Faul J. Maurice Fornwalt, 130 REID. Edwlard A. Thomas Reid, Oceanic, SHADE, Louis F. Mrs. Gladys Shade, 501 T11'ira Street. Hokendaugua, Pa. N. J. West Street, Blair, Nebr. GRAYSON, Henry. Eli Grayson, Oktaha, RIZNAl, Albin. Anton Risnar, 12 Dobje SHEA, Francis B. Mrs. Mary H. Shea, 11 Street, Radna, Austria- Leedsville Street, Dorchester, Mass. 11TCITELL, Stephen D. Samuel Mitchell, ROBERSON, Leon H. Mrs. Cora B. Rober- SHIFFER, Charles H. Barton B. Shiffer, 630 600 Harrison Street, Pottsville, Pa. son, Crawfordsvllle, Ark. Monroe Street, Newport- Ky. SMITIL Le Roy. William Smith, Admire, VAN DE PERRE, Florent Mrs. Johnna SMART, Arthur C. Mrs. Marguerite Lambert, Kans. Van De Perre, Hibbing, Mina. 142 North Sichel Street, Los Angelec. Cal. SPANG, Elwood P. Mrs. Anna P. Spang, GOAD, Russell. Hooker Goad, 1822 East STROBERGER, Herbert F. Mrs. John Miller, Woodstown, N. I. Maryville Street, Evansville, Ind. Evergreen, Va. Id WEST, Roe. Mrs. Bertha West, Calhoun, GRAYRON, Charles C. William E. Grayson, THOMPSON, Robert. Charles E. Thompson, Tenn. -2202 Seventh Avenue, Lewiston, Idaho. 524 East First Street, Mitchell, S. Dak. BUGLER. GUSTAFSON, Carl E. John G. Gustafson, THRASHER, Harry F. Mrs. Nina Stoner, CHAQUETTE. Neely 0. Mrs. Carrie Cha- R. F. D. 1, Forest Lake,, Minn. Cleveland, Okla. aontte. 4320 Prospect Place West, Kansas GWIZDALSKI, Henry P. Mrs. Anna C. TIGHE, James T. Mrs. Anna Tighe, 3455 City, Mo. Gwizdalski, Bedford Road, Bedford, Ohio. Kein Street, Philadelphia. Pa. MuSCIANT. HANSMAN, Edward J. . John Hansman, 102 - TODD, Frederick H. Joseph Crawford, R. F. D. 2, Warsaw, SANDERM, Earnest P. Miss Nina L. Sanders, North Main Street, Carroll, Iowa. Mo. 311 Reynolds Street, HARDY, Wyatt H. Cornelius Hardy, R. F. VROBLOVSKY, Joseph J. like Vroblovsky, Charleston, W. Va. D. 6. Franklin, Ga. R. F. D. 4, box 70. Le SueuY Center, Minn. MECHANICS. HARPER, Doctor P. J. E. Harper, R. F. D. WARD, Dennis W. Charles Ward, Greens- ANDERSON, John T. James W. Anderson, 1. Malvern, Ark. boro. N. C. Churchill, Md. HARRIS, Andrew. Mrs. Martha Harris, WARREN, Alvie L. John Wu. Warren, R. F. BURGE, James L. Almon Burge, Cybur, Miss. Egypt, Miss. D. 4, Albertville. Ala. HAWK, Sherman R. Oscar Hawk, R. F. D. WASHINGTON, Allen. Mrs. Lottie F. Wash- WAGONE1. 5, Orleans, Ind. iarton, R. F. D. 3, Cedar Hill, Tenn. WALSHI, John F. Mrs. Margaret Walsh, 564A HELMAN, Guy I. James A. Helman, Camp WESTMORLAND, William A. Mrs. Lcy Lexington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hill, Pa. Wectmorland, R. F. D. 4, Marion Ill. HODGE, Llewellyn A. Joe F. Hodge, Min- WINDIIAM. Brown F. Mrs. Nancy Wind- COOK. nesota Lake, linn. ham, Smithrille, Tenn. PARTLAND, Bernard J. Mrs. Annie Fagan, HOLBROOK, Charles lW. William H. Hol- WOOLLEY, Howard F. Samuel Woolley, '& 211 Avenue C, New York, N. Y. brook, R. F. D. 2, Duluth, Ga. Farmingdale, N. J. HOOVER, John S. George Hoover, Rojcy PRITVATES. Ford, Colo. Wounded Severely. ALEXANDER, Clyde E. Edward H. Alexan- JENSEN, James Albert. Soren C. Jensen, LIEuTEXANTS. der, Peaster, Tex. box 11. Clinton, Wis. AMORUM, Samuel W. Mrs. Genevia Amorum, JOHNSON, John A. Luther W. Johnson, R. KOLPIEN, Kenneth H. Charles H. Kolpien, R. F. D. 1, Summerville, S. 0, F. D. 3, Essex, Iowa. Ripley, N. Y. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 21 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

CONNEtLLY, Edmond J. Mrs. Edmond Con- SMITH, Moatio I. Mrs. Mollie Smith, Portia, TRACY, Albert J. Thomas Tracy, Uxbridge, neth, 201 West Fifty-seventh Street, New Ark. Mass. York, N. Y. STARKEY, Edward R. Mrs. Jenny Starkey, ACORD, Nealy John. Mrs. Maudle Blades, SErGD~ANTs, 1155 Clarenclon Avenue Southwest, Canton, Winifred, Mont. Ohio. BENBOW, Amo E. Ira Benbow, 1408 West MCLAUGHLIN, Imes. Patrick McLaughlin, STEVENS, Lunsford C. Mrs. Emma Stevens, Sixth Street, Muncie, Ind. 454 Saint Nicholas Avenue, New York, N. Y. Dangerfield Tex BROOKS, James A John W. Brooks, R. P. WHITE, Edward R. Mrs. Ida White, Fenton, WALTER, H'erman A. Mrs. Emma Walter, D., East Lafayette, Ind. Waterford, Mich. CALLICOATT, Floyd. Mrs. .Sarah J. Calli- FLANA AN, Thomas. Miss Nellic Flanagan, WIENER, Max. Louis Wiener, 499 East coatt, Cowlington, Okla. 15 lDlmhurst Avenue, Providence, R. I. One hundred and seventieth Street, New CLEVELAND, Paul. Mrs. James L. Jones, NUMBERR. William. Mrs. William Numbers; York, N. Y. Brownsville, Tenn. 3203 Federal Sti ect, Camiden, N. J. BRYGIDI, Iuala. Martin Brygdis, Provenzig, COLLINS, William P. Elmer Collins, 1556 WASIIERN, Rufus '. Mrs. Jennie Wash- De Grossets, Incomm, Italy. Main Street, Peckxille. li. burn, 07 Martin Street, Hartford, Conn. CANTAPIO, Dominick. Miss Mary Pouitant, CONNORS, Cornelius. Mrs. Elizabeth Con- 1139 South Jefferson Street, Chicago, 111. nors, 183 County Street, New Bedford, CORPORALS. CIESLAK, Lawrence. Mrs. .Josie Symes, 8702 Mass. BROWN, William U. Mrs. Augusta Brown, Exchange Avenue. South Chicago Ill. FLEISCHATER, Fred G. Mrs. Mary Fleisch- Bay Avenue, Bayport, N. Y. COHEN, Meyer. Philip Cdhen, 719 West Oe auer. 115 Hawkins Avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. FITZGERALD, Thomas. Patrick Fitzgerald, hundred and eightieth Street, New York, FLOMENDORP, Joseph Mrs. Annie Flomen- Waterbury, Conn. N. Y. dorf. 222 Rivington Street, New York, N. Y. GREEN, Willie. John D. Green, Hastings, DRZYMALO, Peter P. Clyde Peck, 737 West JOHNSON, Fred Hilding. 'harles Fred Okla. Madison -Street, Chicago, Ill. Johnson, Alba,,Mich. IIUMBLIN, Harry Warren. Mrs. G. A. Wil- EDDY, Thomas H. Mrs. Ada Eddy, 342 Cur- JONES, Arthur. Mrs. Edward Dheill, Dheills, eon, 77 Huron Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. tin Street, South Williamsport, Pa. N. Y. McGREW, Gerald N. Valentine M. McGrew, FALK, Forrest. J. F. Falk, Claremont, Al- NYE, David Edward. Mrs. Ellen Nye, Pike- R, F. D. 1, Bliss, Okla. berta, Canada. town, Pa. PRANKENBERGER, Henry J. E. Franken- SHAW, Maxfield W. Victor Shaw, 94 Wood- TECITANICS. berger, Pocohontas, Ark. side Avenue, 'Waterbury, Cone. WIGEN, Bert. Mrs. Elizabeth Wigen, 632 GERSTMAN, Emil.' Paul Gerstman, R. F. D. WATTS, Sidney F. Edwin Crockett Watts, Linden Avenue, Mankato, Minn. 2, Sherburn, Minn. Ashland City, Tenn. YARWOOD, William A. Charles F. Crick, PATTERSON, Jesse H-. Mrs. Belle Patterson, Crick Block, Pall Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 1825 South Adams Street, Marion, Ind. WAGONERS. PRIVATES. PETERSON, Frank A. John Peterson, 59 BYRNE, Williatn. Francis Byrne, 820 Four- Hallis Street, Brockton, Mass. teenth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ANDRESEN. Hans Henry. Thieodore Andre- PUTER, William S. Mrs. Puter, 1517 .sen, Saddle SOICK, William C. Mrs. Pauline Torpey, 510 643 Barry Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Spruce Street, Berkeley, Cal. Grand Street, Hoboken, N. J. ARAGON, Anastacio. Mis. Valentina Aragon, SIVERLY, Harry L. Mrs. T. R. Wall, 1111 Villanueva, N. Mex. CHANDLER, Kennett 11. Mrs. Mary Chan- Benton Street, Boone, Iowa. dler, 4153 Morgan Street, St. Louis, Mo. \BAIR, John H. Mrs. Elizabeth Bair, R. F. STILLWELL, Elias. Mrs. Bertha Stillwell, D. 2, Columbia, Iowa. Brandon, Oreg. COOK. BENNETT, Raymond Dixon. Miss Be.tha WEIDNER. John B. Joseph Weidner, Golden Bennett, 7 Hildreth BURIIANS, Roy Edward. Miss Irene Bur- Street, Marlborough, Valley, N. Dak. hans, Park Falls, Wis. Mass. WHITE, Joseph A., jr. Mrs. Reba A. Thorn- BORGES,-Fred. Frank Borges, Concord, Cal. , ley, Westview Road, Elkins Park. Pa. PRIVATES. BOWEN, Fred Cyclone. Mrs. Clarissy Wel- WILEY. Daniel P. Mrs. Lizzie Wiley, Lake- thia Bowen, R. F. D. 3. Saranac, Mich. BARGO. George. Robert Bargo, Scalf, Ky BUCK, iew, Tex. BARLUND, Emil A. John Barlund, Snell- Joseph J. Mrs. Helen G. Buck, Clif- man, Minn. ton Hlill, Mo. Wounded BUPKLER, John E. (Degree Undetermined). BENNETT, Charles P. Jay 0. Bennett, 209 Prank Buckler, 1236 Monterey Avenue, Ridgeway, Sixth Street, Fort Madison. Iowa. MAJOR. Pa. BUSH. George W. Mrs. Addle L. Bush, 310 BERRYMAN, William D. David M. Berry- William Street, Martinsville, N. Y. CHASE, Porter B. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Chase man, 17 West Street, -Concord, N. II. CARLETON, Harry. Mrs. Annie Carleton 52 Hillside Avenue, West Newton, Mass. BROWN, John B. Saprilla Flack, Chillicothe, 2736. West Madison Street, Chicago, Ill. Ohio. COATEg, Sandy. Mrs. Bell Williams, Ethel, LIEUTUNANTS. BUTLER, Clarence G. Garden T. Butler, Va. DEMER, Herbert P. Mrs. Esther Demer, 118 R. F. D. 2, Cristfield. Md. DAHLBERG, Arthur Waldemar. Mrs. Anna Rohr Street, Rochester, N. Y. BYERS, Robert T. Mrs. Nora Forbes, De Nelson, FISCHER, Adolp K. Mrs. Winifred Fischer, Queen, Ark. 324 Williard Street, Jambitown, James J. Mrs. Margaret Cana- N. Y. care of Mis$ McGrow's School, Sharon Hill, CANAVAN, DANIELS, James Franklin. Mrs. Amanda Philadelphia, Pa. van. Shelden Court, Hornell, N. Y. Daniels, 114 -East Elm Street, Rice Lake, KIRKHAM, Rowland E. J. E. Kirkham, 205 CASSIDY, Lawrence H. Elmer Cassidy, 650 Wis. Hyland Avenue, Amos, Iowa. North Dihision Street, Buffalo, N. Y. CHEEK, James W. George Cheek, Georges DYER. William L. John Drer. Harris, Ky. SERGEANTS. ELVEY, James' W. Mrs. Mary Elvey, Hall- Creek. Tex. stead, Pa. GLEIFORST, Fred A. Mrs. Marie Gleiforst, COLLINS. Emery. Ira Collins, 275 Canal FAVLHABER, 2020 Palmetto Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Street, Nelsonville, Ohio. Otto F. Charles Faulhaber COMINOS. DImitries. Nick Kassimetis, Plaza Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, Cal. MECKING, George. - Herman Mecking, 1044 FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Andrew Franklin, Hall Place. New York, N. Y. Hotel, Pottsville, Pa. Toniea, Ill. SCHNELL, Lawrence J. George L. Frison, CUELLAS. Domingo. Salamone Cuellas, San FRATARCANGEL4A, Loretta. Mrs. Angela 416 East Sumner Street Portland, Oreg. Marcia, N. MAex. Fratarcaugela. Bl Bovila, Runica, Italy. WALKER, WILLIAM S. irs. Lillie Walker, CURRIE, Raymond J. Mrs. Annie Currie, 31 GAMBLIN, Fred A. William B. Gamblin, 482 Lake Avenue, Manchester, N. H. Bridge Street, New York, N. Y. Comell. Ill. WARTHEN, -Edward. William T. Warthen, DAILEY, Albert E. Mrs. Grace Dailey, South GRIFFIN, Chester J. Mrs. Carrie l. Griffin, 542 Lafayette Street, St. Paul, Minn. Haop Avenue, *Litteton, Colo. Evant, Tex. MILLER, Lawrence McK. Mrs. Francis T. ERICKSON, Henry H. Joseph Erickson, Ash- burnham Hill Road, Mliss. HORTON, Robert Thomas. Mrs. Edwin Lo- Miller, 1118 Madison Avenue, New York, Fitchburg, raine, R. F. D) 5, South Haven, Mich. N. Y. EVANS, John. - J. B. Evans. Brewton, Ala. HOWARD, Willim H. Mrs. Hattie Howard, HENDEE Ceorge-H. Mrs. Rosella Dill, R. P. FABIAN, Ernest J. H. Mrs. Eliza Fabian, Hope, Ind. D. 1, Los Angeles, Cal 2341 Smith Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. IVIE, Lloyd W. Mrs. May Ivie, Capitol IVISON, William S. Gregory Ivison, 3812 FEATHERS, Clarance D. Cassius Feathers, Hotel, Salem, Oreg. North Rohey Street, Chicago, Ill. - Berlin. N. Y. TONES, George E. Edward Jones, general KEOGH, Joln L. Ms's. Mary Keogh, 1317 FITZGERALD, Otha. Mrs. Annie Fitzgerald, delivery, Golden Eagle' Ill. Columbus Street, North Side, Pittsburgh, Lueders, Tev. KEARNS, Charles F. Frank Kearns, Drum- Pa. FRENCH, Roy. George W. French, R. E. D. right, Okla. ZUKER. Henry. Mrs. Margaret Zuker, R. F. 3. BloomIngton, Ill. LEE. Alfred A. Jay T. Lee, Moxia. Tex. D. 3, Rosebush, Mich. FROBERG, George A. Mrs. Selma Froberg, R. LOTT. Robert. * Eddie Lott, R. F. D. No. 1, F. ). 12, Rockford, Ill. box 11, Mayfield, Ga. CORPORALS, FROST, George. Mrs. Sadie Roberts, Mexico, McKENNA, Joseph P. Mrs. Rebecca Healy, BADURA, Peter G. John C. Badura, Ash- Me. 69R Pacific Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ton, Nebr. FYDENKEVEZ, John. .Tohn Fydeokevez, MARKS, David. Bernard Marks, 54 Ludlow _BOGAN. Richmond. Mrs. Anna Watson, 310 R. 1' P. 3, Amerst, Mass. Street. New York. N. Y. Elmira Street, Mobile, Ala- GALLAGHER, William Francs. Mrs. Kath- MICHAUD, Roy. Mrs. Julia. Michand, 3334 BOUCK, Lowell Harold. Mrs. Blanche Hard- erine Gallagher. 42:1 West Thirty-first lisouri Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. ing Bouck. Corunna, Mich. Street, New York. N. Y. MORPET, August. Pictio Moret, Treviso, DALTON. Arthur J. Wilfred Dalton, Everett GREEN, Jay P. Mrs. W. S. Green, MeMinu- Italy. *1 Street. Pawtucket, R. I. ville, Oreg. MUSE. James F. J. A. Muse, Dublin, Miss. FUHRM XN. Joseph J. Andrew Fuhrman, GREENFIELD, Clyde W. Mrs. Maud, Green- PNIELSEN. Lauritz M. Niels Nielsen, Nyk.. 1107 Fifteenth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. field. Britton, Mich. bin. Denmark. GARNET, James. Philip Garnet, 1418 Beach HAWORTH. Dewitt. Mrs. Clara Haworth, NOVACK. George A. Mrs. Anna Novack, 74 Street. Youngstown, Ohio. Bandon, Oreg. - Mason Street, Pittton, Pa. JONES, Ramond W. Mrs. Lura Jones, 427 JACKSON, Howard. Stephen E. Jackson, R. PAYTON, Lewle. Mrs. Martha Payton, Edge Margaret Street, Herkime. N. Y. F. D. 1. Miller Cltv. III. HilH. Va. KERCHER. Clarence LeRoy. Mrs. Katie JONES. John P. Alfred Jones, 45 Lowell PECHT, Fred. Mrs. Caler Pecht, Manor, Kerchier. 941A. Penn Street, Reading. Pa. Street, Methuen, Mass. Tex. LANCASTER, Roland. Mrs. V. M. Lancas- LIAINGSTON, Luzern. Mrs. Frank Rowe, REYNOLDS, Frank. Mrs. Ida Reynolds, 117 A ter. La Grange, Mo. 1411 Clinton Avenue, Cortland, N. Y. i'ifteenth Street NE., Washington. D. C. MPCREA, Edward S. Mrs. I. S. McCrea, 355 LUMBERT, Myron S. Jasper S. Lumbert, SAIN, Samuel. Mrs. Ella Sain, Ewen, Mich. East Second Street, Newport, Ky. Walmouth, Mass. 22 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2T, 1918.


MARTIN, Carl Emil. Per Martin, Brantevik, WEST, Harold A. Enos A. West, 34 Wiona KALISKA, William Gerald. Martin Kaliska, Sweden. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 61 Congress Street, Buffalo,,N. Y. PENA.AL, John. Mrs. Lena Penkal, 5228 WEST, Homer P. Mrs. Missouri West, Val- South Clinton Avenue, Chicago, Ill. ley View, Tex. LIEUTEANTS. PTAU, John. Charles Pfau, 2281 West WHITEAKER, Edgar M. Mrs. Alice White- BURGESS, Freterick V. Frederick E. Bur- 'Twelfth Street, Chicago, Ill. aker, Rosalie, Nebr. gess, 227 South Willard Street, Burlington, SHER, Max. Benjamin Sher, 25 Englewood WIDGER, Elton E. Mrs. Samuel Widger, Vt. Avenue, Englewood, N. J. 6613 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. MOORE, Benjamin A. Mrs. Lou Alley Moore, SHERWOOD, Willard B. Mrs. Elisah Sher- WOOD, Alvin H. Calvin Wood, Westbury, R. F. D. 2, Chattanooga, Tenn. wood, Newaydo, Mich. N. Y. CIIAMBERLIN, Ward B. Mrs. Elistheth B. SIMONS, Delos it. Mrs. Minnie Simons, R. F. ZANINA, Frank. John Lombardi, 720 Fourth Chamberlin, 2 Rector Street, New York, D. 2, Alma, Mich. Avenue, Corgopolis, Pa. SN. Y. SZALAY, Alexander Albert. Alexander Sza- BAIN, James S. George Bain, R. F. D. 5, lay, 60 Westland Axvenue, Boston, Mass. Enis, Tex. SERGANT MAJOR. WALDO, Carlos E. Mrs. Ida G. Waldo, 342 BAIRD, Harry W. Bert W. Baird, Brewster, HERON, James J. Miss Catherine Heron, 69 Main Street, Bristol, Conn. Kuns. Hamilton Avenue, Englew ood, N. J. WHITE, Fabe. Miss Anna White, Kings BARLOW, Ferd L. M. J. Barlow, Chester- County Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. town, N. Y. stucAANTS. WOOD Robert F. Mrs. Clara Wood, 16 Hor- BARRETT, Mike. Strother Karls, East Front ton Street, Providence, R. I. Street, Madison, Ind. LACK. Percy A. Mrs. Betty Black, general HYDE, Robert Harris. Mrs. L. L. Hyde, BIRD, Jim M. Mrs. Alice Bird, Lyons, Tex. delivery, Addison, Ky. Sturgis. S. Dak. BONANNO, Joseph. Salvatore Bonanno; 896 CONLIN, John J. John Conlin, 228 Monitor JOHNS, Raymond R. Edwin Johns, Rocky Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. BORDANERO, COOK, lercy. Mrs, Bertha Cook, 38 West Ford, Colo. Francisco. Arazio Leonardi, Ninety-eighth JONES, Pay L. Mrs. Sarah A. Jones, Derby, 2401 East Thirty-eighth Street, Cleveland, Street, New York, N. Y. lowa. Ohio. HUTHMAKER, Willard. Mrs. Ida Huth- Joseph, 918 _Chis- maker, 523 Luzerne Street. Scranton, la. JOSEP1I Elias. Edward BORKER, Maurice. Mrs. Fanny Borker, 2231 MURPHY, John T., Mrs., Margaret Murphy, holm Street, Alpena, Mich. Iowa Street, Chicago, Ill. Karrip, 127 Franklin R. F. D. 1, Oconto, Wis. KARlRIP, Toufik. Sam BOWANS, Arthur L. Link Bowans, general NALLEY, Edward F. Mrs. Anna F. Nalley, Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. delivery, Bird City, Kans. No. 1, Red Mill Road, Rensselaer, N. Y. KAVANAl'GH, Frank James. Mrs. Margaret BRANNEN, Kenna P. Buf- Patrick L. Brannon, SCfIICK, Victor. Anton Schick, R. F. D., Kavanaugh, 229 West Topper Street, East Bank, W. Va. Menominee, Mich. - falo, N. Y. , BRILL, Harry C. John W. Brill, 119 South ARMS, Newton T. Roger N.' Arms, 228 West KLEVELAND, Beint R. Bjopn L. 'Kleveland, Laurel Street, Hazelton, Pa. Dak. Seventy-first Street, New York, N. Y. Mayille. N. BROSE, Paul M. Hugo Brose, 14 Brendan DEMAYO, Antonio. Ralph DeMayo, 789 Flat- KUNSTLICTI, Irving R. Mrs. Margaret Avenue, Tonawanda, N. Y. Sealy. 242 Third Street, Fond du Lac, Wis. bush Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BROWN, Lynne A. A. C. Brown, 220 Gra- HUXFORD, David J. Irs..Saugh Huxford, LOMUSCIO, Nicholas. William Lomuscio, 93 ham Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa. box 06, Tipperary, Iowa. Milton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BUCIIAK, Louis. John Buchak, Stryjowha, STEPHENS, LUCAS, John Raymond. Mrs. Gertrude Zbaras, Galicia. Harry. Mrs. J. I. Hoy, Marys- Poers. box 6038, Leechburg, Pa. ville, Ohio. CHAITYN, Harry. David Chaityn, 1184 NELSON, Harry. MrJ. Nellie Antlerson, Wa- LUTA 5, Karl L. William Kianka, 41 Water Forty-third Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. t, Ansonia, Conn. taga, Ill. Stre CIIEANE, Mat. Mrs. trony Cheaney, It. DILLARD, Ben T. B. J. Dillard, Lebanon, LITNi)R. George Ingral. John C. Lunde, R. F. D. 2, Ilebbardsville, 1;y. Dak. Tenn. P. 1. 2, Astoria, S. CHURCHMAN, Jessie M. G. C. Churchman, HARRISON, MelONALD, CI'arles P. Mrs. Bessie Mc- Havanna, Ark. Frank. William J. -Harrison, Donf, Arcadia, Nebr. Monroe. Okla. CLARK, Milton Ephriam. Mrs. Nellie Clark NOACK, Hego E. Mrs. Lena Noack. 331 East McLAMB, William E. Mrs. Adella McLamb, 150 Hampshire Street, San Francisco, It. F. D. !, Newton Grove, N. C. Cal. 'Tiry-lhird Street, New York, N. Y. COLLINS, George S. Mrs. Alice E. Webster ROWLAND, Edward J. Thomas Rowland, MlL1kUIILIN, Francis F. Mrs. Cecelia Mc- 217 West Newton Street. L ni lin. West Port royal Avenue, Phila- Boston, Mass. care of J. F. Quinn, 409 North Chicago CONAMY, James A. Thomas Conmv, 2630 Street, dolp"i, Pa. Daunhin Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Joliet, Ill. McMONIGLE, William. Mrs. Jane McMon- PEINGST, Daniel J. P. Mrs. Helen Yeingst, GALVIN, John J, jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Galvin, 442 North Sixth Street, Lebanon, Pa. 1ig, 31 59 North Sheridan Street, Philadel- 102' Truxton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. phia, Pa, GATES, Erwin W. Mrs. Emma Knapp, R. CORPORkLS. McNELLIS, Patrick T. Mrs. Sarah McNellis, F. D. 1, North Bennington, Vt. lra,x Point, N. Y. GILL, Daniel J. William Gill, 5021 Market CORLISS, Richard J. Mrs. James Corliss, 521 McAY, Amel L. Mrs. Rose McVay, Aubaun, Street. Philadelphia, Palisade Avenue, West New York, N. J. Pa. GURST, Adolph. Mrs. Anna Gurst, box 17, GISOLONIO, . . Arthur Gisolonio, MAiKtioWITZ, Sam. Mrs. D. Markowitz, 2105 Conga, Rome, Italy. Thebes, Ill. Sharii Avenue, Spokane, Wash. CRARFE, Arthur V. August Graeid. 1516 FISCHER, Guy V. William Fl eber, Pender, MEACCI, Thomas. Fauqtino Meacci, Bellever- South Seventh Street, Sheboygan, Wis. Nebr. ann. Pa,,oette County, Pa. GRAVES, Albert W. Mrs. II. A. Graves, 825 FURBUR, Wallace R. Mrs. Grant Sage, Orio, ich. MERRITT,1 William B. John L. Merritt, Sa- Malin Street, Athol, Mass. en'a , 1o. 'GRISIHAM, Wesley B. George A. Grisham, KAERCIIER. Edwin H. Mrs. Edward Kaecher, MI1LLl. Ryle L. Irvin F. Miller, 316 West Wheeler, liss. 513 Sixth Street. Watertown, Vis. I rt Setret, Clearfield, Pa GUSTAFSON, George W8. Ernest Gustafson, LOUNGDIE, Villison Joseph. Benjamin MiTIS. Robert G. Mrs. Texana Mims, West R. F. D. 2, Londale, Minn. Loungdue. 28 Fifth Street, Rochester, N. Y. IIANRATT, James. Thomas, 74 Chicagol BUSH, William G. George Bush, 35 Ogden MONRtOE, John T. Mrs. Martha H. Monroe, Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Street, Giraraville, Pa. 1112 South Thirteenth Street, IHerrin, III. HILL, Fred W. William M. Hill, box 56, CASSIDY, .Warren T. Miss Eulalia Gill, 001 OLE. John W. 3Villiam S. Ogle, R. F. D. 2, Centerville, Tex. Ligonier Street, Latrobe, Pa. Fairmount. N. Dak. HOOVER, John L. Harry F. Hoover, Kings DOYLE, David. David Doyle, Tullour County, O'ROFRKE. Charlce J. James O'Rourke, 66 Park, New York, N. Y. Carlow, Ireland. Prentiss Street. Roxbury, Mass. HUTCHISON, Robert N. Mrs. Louise W. HERNANDEZ. Francisco. Mrs. James Her- l.FFIATH, John P. Mrs. Margaret Psff- Hutchison, 1041 Edgemare road, Los An- naandez, Spofford, Tex. rali. 430 James Street, East Palestine, Ohio. geles, Cal. MARLONKARSKI, Joseph. John MIarlonkar- ski, 201 Eighteenth Avenue, North, St. PANTA LOTO, Antonio. Mrs. Felomena Fran- DAMIANO, Michael. Joseph Damiano, cano. 2051 Seltzer Street, Philadelphia. Pa. 1703 Cloud, Minn. I Castle Hill Avenue, Westchester, N. Y. BROADHEAD, William H. Mrs. Peter W. PATTON', John I. Mrs. R. F. Patton, R. F. D. DEMARSE, James D. Mrs. V. Demarse, 3, Rochelle. Ill. Tel- Broadhead, 101 Linden Avenue, Middletown, mar House, Marquette, Mich. ,N. Y. PATI SON, Darwin J. Eleck Paulson, Osage, DOSS, Leo A. Mrs. Mary Venkemp, 13 Cross Iowa. l Street, Goshen, N. Y. COLLINS, James C. Mrs. Sarah E. Collins, DUBARENKO, Afonasi. Picture Rocks, Pa.' PAYNE, Alvin A. Joe L. Kennedy, Ponta, Pattap Duba-enke, DABNEY, Tex. 218 Ferry Street, Springfield, Mass. Frank W. Mrs. Gussie Dabney, EDGERTON, Robert J. C. P. Edgerton, R. F. 514 East Seventh Street, Hopkinsville, Ky. PECK. Albert N. Albert E. Peck-, 315 Arling- D. 1. Crown Point, Ind. FARAGHER. Edward David. Mrs. Mary Far- ton Street, Framingham, Mass. EDWARDS, Walter D. Robert L. Edwards, agher, R. F. D. 6, box 71, Modison, Wis. PETITT, Walter. Mrs. Hattie Petitt, Fair Asher, Okla. GETTY, Clyde S. Mrs. Hand Getty, 20 Am- Oaks Addition, South Beloit, I1, BISON, Verbie V. D. S. Eison, Alpharetta, herst Street, Rochester, N. Y. RHODES, Brian Hamilton. Mrs. Nettie Ga. HABERSACK, Louis. Mrs. Anna Pritchard, Bishop, Woodridge, Va. 112 Jones Street, Monongahela, Pa. RICE. Ray R. F. E. Rice, Berkeley Springs, ERVINE, George B. Berry Ervine, 1767 Gal- HUNTINGTON, Otis F. Mrs. Edna Hunting- W. Ya. laway Avenue, Lynchburg, Tenn. ton, Harmon, Okla. ROCKWELL, Guy Clyde. John W. Rockwell, FINK, James G. Mrs. Emma C. Fink, 720 MILLER, Arthur. Mrs. L. Miller, 2316 North Dow City, Iowa. Fifth Avenue, Juniata, Pa. Maplewood Avenue, Chicago, Ill. RUSSELL, Forrest. Chester J. Russell, FORBES, Nathaniel. Edward Forbes, R. F. ROBERTSON, Alexander. Mrs. Josephine Grafton, Cal. D. 3, box 341, Bellevue, Pa. Robertson, 46 Kearney Street, East Orange, SHAMIP, Cbristy. Mrs. Margaret Creighton, FOWLER, Charles C. Benjamin Fowler, Heis- -N. J. Larimer, Pa. lervile, N. J. RONGOTES, Christo G. John Carkitso, 307 SHEDDAN. Paul. Tom Old Sheddan, 423 FULA-3NLOGER. Floris W. Mrs. Hattie 1111- North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. East Main Street,. Morristown, Tenn. ton. Osawatomie, Kans. SHEARER, Gordon. Mrs. Manson Shearer, SMITH, Tead C. Holly Smith, R. F. D. No. Petoskoy, Mich. * 2, Garland, N. C. Wounded Slightly. SIMPSON, Maurice Anthony. Mrs. Marcella STATEN, Albert. Mrs. Wease Staten, Merri- CAPTAINS. Simpson, 393 Audubon Avenue, New York, mac, W. Va. N. Y. VERNON, Lewis E. Mrs. Mary D. Vernon, BENETT,. Harry L., jr. Mrs. Harry L. Ben- TRABUCHI. Paul. C. Trabucbl, 54 Roose- Clanton, Ala. nett, 709 Calhoun Avenue, Houston, Tex. velt Street, New York, N. Y. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1918. 23 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING WAGINERS. BATES, Charlie L. T. B. Bates, ice, Va. WOOLCOCK, William T. Mrs. Mary Wool. BEINETT, Henry J. G. W. Behnett, 181 cock. 111(5 East Dalley Street, Walkerville, FOGARTY, Charles. Mrs. Mary Fogarty, East Merrimack Street, West Lowell, Mass. Mont. Tower City, Pa. BONIECKI, Frank. Julia Kowalska, 529 East YATES, John II. Joseph R. Yates, Phillips- HAMILTON, Henry. Mrs. Margaret Hamil- Thirteenth Street, Erie, Pay . burg, Ky. ton, Dundonald, Ireland. BRYANT, Fred 1I. Mrs. Agnes Bryant, CLARK, Warren W. Mrs. Alice Clark, enus, n ECHANIO. Blossburg, Pa. Pa. BUELTER, Robert George. Frank Buelter, COLODNY, Abraham B. Meyer A. Colodny, BR E NEMAN, Thomas C. Mrs. Mary Cim- 510 North Third Street, Hamilton, Ohio. Hajanhoradock, Russian Poland, Russia. nings. 35 Washington Street, Lancaster, Pa. BURD, Thomas J. Henry S. Burd, Markleys- CLOER, Wilburn. John L. Cloer, Alaska, burg, Pa. N. C. - PRIVATES. BURNS, Collie H. S. B. Barns, Wade Street, DICKSON, John H. Mrs. Dillie Dickson, 1424 BAlijPO, Lee. Mrs. Grace Barco, boxt 865, Wadesboro, N. C. West Dakota Street, Denver, Colo. Otsego, Mich. CITAPPONL, William A. Mrs. Mary Chap- DE MOTT, Earnest. Mrs. Cora Sampson, ,01 BATTIN, Elwood Warren. Mrs. Maud Hamil- poni, 812 Stanley Street, New Britain, West First Street, Fulton, N. Y. ton, Middleville, Mich. Conn. DUSCIIENE, Herbert Augustus. Mrs. Miles EMTS, Claude. Joe Bemis, Boulder, Idaho. CHIDSEY, John. Kial Chidsey, Farmington, Me8weney, 078 Bleecker Street, Utica, BOWLES, James R. Mrs. Mary Bowles, box Conn. N. Y. 201, Parmington, Iowa. CICCOLONI, Agostino. John Cigeoloni, Ter- DWARSHIUS, Leonard. John Dwarshiu, BOWEN, Edgar Thomas. Nelson P. Bowen, amo Ab Ruzzi, Canzano, Italy. Coffee Greek, Mont. 636 West Grey Street, Elmira, N. Y. CLARK, Elbert. William T. Clark, Sulphur DWYER, Richard J. Miss May Kendrick, 303 BROWN, John. William Brown, South Wayne, Well, Ky. - West Forly-first Street, New York, N. Y. 11is. , . DOWNING, Edmund Dunlap. Mrs. Jane EKAZIAN, Ilaook. James Ilamiarian, 16 BUCKtNER, Wallace P. Mrs. Lizzie Buckner, Downing, 122 West Graviers Lane, Chest- West Ninet-eighth Street. New l ork, N. Y. M

REILLY, Edward. Mrs. Emma McLander, WORK, Daniel. Mrs. Louis McCurter, 182 REILLY, William J. Thomas J. .Reilly, 1190 388 Eleventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. East Russelk.Street, Columbus, Ohio. Osceola Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. REMMERS, Henry E. Mrs. Lottie Fnders, ROOT, James Ross. Mrs. Frank Root, R. F. Wounded in Action (Degree Undeter- D. 0, Erie, Pa. Diller, Nebr. SAREN, John. Gay Diodoro, 2 Laeuffer mined), Previously Reported Killed in ROMEDEIK, John. John Puck, 1417 Re- Street, Pont Canavese, Torino, Italy. Action. a bucka Street, Pittsburgh Pa. SCHOIEPFLIN, Edward J. Mrs. Florence SCHUTT, John. John Kingson, 17 Essex Soeopilln l531 Camp Street, Sandusky, PRIVATES. STreet, Springfield, Mass. Ohio. KLIMOWECZ. Edward. Joe Kilmoweez, 4100 SHELTON, Henry C. Mrs. Mary Susic Bar- S(IIAEDER. Cuss A. Willie Schraeder, R. Odgen Avenue, Chicago, Ill. her, R. F. D. No. 1, Palmersville, Tenn. I'. D. 3, box 32. Lorena, Tex. KAVANAGH, Frank H. Mrs. Rose Kavanagh, SMITII Earl. Mliss Bernice Smith, 2229 SIIEA, Louis T. Rebecca D). Weir, 647 South 247 East Fifty-second Strcet, New York, West 'ixty-first Street, Seattle, Wash. Fifty-fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. V. STROUSS James Ralph. James Strouss, Clairk Street, Franklin, Pa. SHEARS, Otis H. Ralph Shears, Grant, in Action (Degree Undeter- Mich. Wounded SWEENEY, Howard E. Edward Sweeney, SIMPSON, John II. Clay Simpson, Reids- mined), Previously Reported- Missing in Rcimond, Va. ville. N. C. TIKA L, Wenzel Frank. Mrs. Wenzel Tikal, Action. 2003 South Thirteenth Street, La Crosse, SOBERG, Paul J. Peter Soberg Lakeville, COarORALS. Wis. Minn. G. Bond, Bethany, SOZER, Mike. Mrs. Rosa Souzer, Lyndora, BOND, Frank E. Andrew TRAYLER, 1ffuis E. Mrs. Maggie Trayler, Ot- Okla. well. Ind. Pa. 4 Parry Street, STACEY, Irn E. Mrs. Emma R. Stacey, 203 LEAVY3, Mike, John Leavy, WALKER, Willie L. Mrs. Lizzie Walker, R F. Spri gflld, Mass. D. No. 4, Thomson, Ga. Raymond Street, San Autonla, Tex. Mussolman,. STANLEY, Harold W. Mrs. Ida Tatum. 1131 MUSSELMAN, Leroy L. William WARAIOUTI, Bert. Miss Aliza Mitchell, 210 South Adams Street, Fort Worth, Tex. Argeata. Ill. North Sixth Street, Marhalltown, Iowa. STRASSER. OIer M. Mrs. -Kate Strasser, WELLER, Lauren W. Herbert D. Weller, 354 STENGLEIN, George J. John Stenglein, 26 Pa. Gregory Stret, Pittsburgh, Pa. 73 Mountain Street, Pittsburgh. O'Farrell Street, San Franci'sco, Cal. Ilyman. Mrs. Minnie F. Stokol- YOUNG, Robert B. Frank II. Young, 7053 WHALEN, John C. W. II. Whalen, Sioux STOKOLS, Pittsburgh, Pa. ',ikl. Voronove, Wilna. Rucin. Monticello Street, City, Iowa. STRAUS, Raymond. Mrs. Rebecca -Straus, PRIVATE.S WILLIAMS, Howard. Mrs. Malissa Williams, N. Y. U Rock, 4'9 North Main Street, Clinton, Mo. 1908 Crotona Avenue, New York, ATEN, Ivan F. Frank L. Aten, Round WILSKMAN, Alex. Eric Wils-nan, 502 Sixth SWOPE, Harry A. George Swope, Wells Tan- Tex. btreet, 3Ionessen, Pa. ney, Pa. BARTI OLOW, John. Michael Bartholow, TIOMPSON, Joseph. Martin Thompson, 85) (C'aneysville, Pa. Wounded Slightly in Action, Previously Third Plisc Brooklyn. N. Y. Brown, 1t. F. D. DROWN, Earl Z. Mrs. L'la Reported Missing in Action. WATERS, Thomas J.' Thomas Waters, 438 No. 4, box 93. Mexia, Tex. Vally Street, Providence, R. 1. Gastabo. Tony Fisher, Wash- PRIVATIES. WEBB, Arthur L. Clyde E. Webb, Marsden CARDUCCI, ingto Street, Lowellville, Ohio. ALLEN, George David. Mrs. Liva Allen, Okla. CARMFE. Louis. Pedell Carmel, R. F. D. No. ito-uth Branch, MieL. WEISNER. John W. Frank V. Weisner, Box 2. Pittaburg, Eans. AUSTRA, Joseph Edward. Mrg. Margaret 65, Rosenberg, Tex. CAVENER, Jacob B. George E. Cavener, Mo- Austra, 38 East South Street, Mahanoy TAKIMOVICII, Alexander. Miechiel Yakimo- hawk, Tenn. Citv. Pa. vich, Egomerskie, Preginct, Russia. CORSON, Nicholas Michael. Mrs. Victoria BLAIR, Charles C. Ernest L. Parks, R F. D. Coreon Vulcan, Mahanoy City. Pa. No. 2, Cardington, Ohio. Patrick Dalton, 402 San CORRECTIONS IN CASUALTY LIST. DALTON, James F. DAVIS, Maurice. Mrs. Mary Davis, 2186, East .lose Avenue. San Francisco, Cal. Seventy-first Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Killed in Action, Previously Reported DAWSON, Collier. S. W. Dawson, Bauxite, DELANY, Hnry II,, jr. Henry II. Delany, - Wounded Severely in Action. Ark. * 'r.. 1107 Dolman Street St. Louis,. Mo. . DAY, Floyd. Mrs. Emma Day, 515 South EMBL1RE. Lester WV. A. L. Embr'e, bo.x 3gG, CENSOTE., Masilo. private. Miss Ainsato Bovd Street, Decatur. Ill. Sunnyside, Wash. Ansoto, Rihmond Furnace, Mass. DAYTON, Arthur C. Henry Dayton, Western FISHTER, Eugene A. William N. Fisher, 3- Killed in Action, Previously Reported Port, M.d. C(amnbrildge Street. Boston, Mass. DETROY, Charles. John Green, Farmington, FITZGERALD, Benjamin. Iffnry J. Fitz- Missing in Action. W. Va. gerald, 111 Park Street, El Paso, Tex. ERCANBRACK, Raymond, private. Thomas DOW, William N. .C. S. Dow, R. F. D. No. 1, FOhTER, Clarence II. Mrs. Sadie Foster, 44 Erianbrark, R. F. D. No. 3, Buckholts, Tex. Astoria, Oreg. First Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. DUNCAN. Kenneth Carl. Mrs. Emily Dun- KOHANOVITH, Ailcxis. Nich Takush, 198 Died from Wounds Received in Action, can. 307 East Third Street, Mount Vernon, Brook Avenue, New York, N. Y. Previously Reported Missing in Ac- N. Y. MEDEL. Charles. Sam Phillips, 2036 Lodge Ariz. tion. DURAN, Jose S. Jose Duran, Winslow. Avenue, Detroit, Mich. EBERT, Oscar. Ienry Ebert, R. F. D. No. MOORE, Anson. Irwin W. Moore, R. F. D. FOSTER. RYron Edward, corporal. Charles 1, Watertown. Wis. No. 1. New Stanton, Pa. Allein Foster, R. F. D. No. 2, Pittsford. Mich. EUSTRATIO. Theodotions. A. Eustratlo, RODGERs, William E. William E. Rodeers, ILlDDIX, Hiarry, private. Mrs. Polly IHaddix, 1312 Broadway, Tacoma, Wash. ,r.. It. F. D. No. 2, box 0D, Baxter Springs, larhall. Il. EVANS, Alva B. John E. Evans, Stratton Kans. Died of Disease; Previously Reported Park, Colorado Springs, Colo. ROPEl. aleon. George Rose, Corbin, Ky. FOX, Francis J. Mrs. Caroline L. Fox, 2170 SHORT. Benjamin F. Walter A. Luna, Tren- Missing in Action. East Lehigh Street, Philadc-plhia, Pa. ton, Tox. TOMANIO, Philip, private. Bruno Tomanio, GRISWOLD, Earl Heywood, Forrest E. Gris- TR LYIS, John P1. John II. Travis, Marion, Danbury, Conn. wold, 39 Arlington Avenue, Jcrsey City, Ky. N. T. WAKELY. Vern B. E. N. Wakely, 337 South Wounded Severely in Action, Previously GRUiS. Robert P. Mrs. Marinda Grubbs, Prosuect Street, Marion, Ohio. Reported Died from Wounds Received Proximity Station, Greeneboro, N. C. WATERS. Leon J. Miss Efie Waters, Sebas- in Action. ITARTNES., John B. - Mrs. Martha Hartuess, tian, Fla. Collinsville, Okla. MDONALD, Arthur E., lieutenant. Mrs. KIEFER. Henry S. Anna J. Wisinter, 2204 Missing in Action, Previolsly Reported Eva McDonald, Main Street, Thoumaston, Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Wounded Slightly in Action. Nip. West KLEVEN, Henry. HI. R. Kleven, Hillsboro, PRIVATE. Wounded Severely in Action, Previously N. Dp k. LEE, Hobert A. Lewis Lee, 1234 Lexington, MURRAY, Ernest L, John W. Murray, Al- Reported Mlissing in Action. Indianapolis, Ind. tamahaw, N. C. GREEN, Horace, corporal. William V. Green, LEHMAN, Martin G. Frank Lehman, S75 Cisco, Tex. East Forest Avenue. Detroit, Mich. Returned to Duty, Previously Reported PRIATrES. MEDLIN, Joseph R. John Y. Medlin, R. F. D. Missing in Action. No. 1, Louisburg. N. C. BATES, Hugh H1. James W. Bates, Homer, Mill CORPORALS. Tex. O'HARA, Martin R. Miss M. O'Hara, Valley. Cal. MAHPR. Robert J. Frederick S. Maher, 34 BAUMAN, George. Mrs. Elizabeth Bauman, Oppen- South Iloyne Avenue, Chicvao, Ill. 253:12 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OPPENhIEIM. Arlie C. Mrs. C. M. heim, Lake Park, Ga. NOVAK, Stanley. -Mrs. Josephine Novak, 501 FRANCIR, Wilhod A. Mrs. Mary Francis, Linden Eleventh Street, Wausau. Wis. hos 146, Robyville, PACINI, Joe. Mrs. Stella Pacii, 387 Ohio, Memphis. Tenn. KNUDSON, Clyde H. William B. Knudson, GOLNIK, Andrew. Mas. Frances Renkotck, Street, Hillsboro, N. Dak. Tho Lawton Avenue, Detroit, Mich. PAOLO, John. John Falzatano, 6 Sherwood IIADYCHH, Albert W. Philip Handsehuh, Court, Roxhury, Mass. PRIVATES. 3112 Laurel Avenue, Omaha, Nebr. PETERS. Lee. Miss Alberta Peters, Apalachi- ANDERSON, Curtis Ferdinand. Miss Ruth HANSEN. William W. Mrs. Anna F. John- cola, Fla. Robinson, Kane, Pa. son. 601 North Lincoln Street, Aberdeen, PETTY, Aubry. Mrs. Mary Petty, 3133 O'Don- ARSENAULT. Frank. Mrs. Mary T. Ar- S. Dak. nell Street, Baltimore. Md. senault, 207 Bridge Street, Mexico, Me. JONES, denry E. Charlie Archie, Deane, PHILLIPS, Haskell. Frank Phillips, 609 BURRIS, Eulan D. Mrs. Clemia Burris, R. F. Ark. Market Street. Little Rock, Ark. 1). No 1. Atkins. Ark. gBITER: Wilson H., John Carnatha, 2246 PICKERING. James C. Mrs. Mollie Picker- CRABTREE, Phillip. Amos Crabtree, OtWay, 7 Atlas Street, Harrisburg. Pa. ing, Phoenix, Aris. Ohio. PUL(ZNSKI; Eddie. Joe Puleanski, box 63, PINO. Elisco. Frank Pine, Albequerque, EILERS, William. Mrs. Minnie Ehlers, 1588 Greenbuh, Minn. N. Mex. Eighth Street Milwaukee, Wis. STROND, Joseph. Frank Suren, 1648 West PRIDEMORE, Wyatt. William Pridemore, FOSTER. Russell. Mrs. Nettle Sherve, 8S6j Eighteenth Place, Chicago, Ill. 318 Randolph Street, Charleston. W. Va. Main Street, Quincy, Ill. Norman W. Frank H. Reeker, 115 WELLER. Allen Luther. Mrs. Hallie Goorgi- RECKER, (Continued on page 26.) anna Weller, Imler, Pa. Poplar Street, Carrick, Pa. 26 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNE*DAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 26 GALAGIIER, James II., private, Mrs. Lulu ' omkins, mother, 5458 Merion Avenue, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Additional List of American Prisoners CAMP UX5SNOW.N. KISILL, Steve, private. Mrs. Pitr Kissill; 808 Berg Street, Cleveland, Ohio. And the Camp Where They Are Held BRALEY Elige, private. Mrs. S. N. Bralef, Milan 'Mo. WATT, !Elmer W., corporal. E. C. Sherman, BECK, Arthur A., pritte. John W. Beck, 3B6 South Clark Street, Scott, Kans. The War Department authorizes the father, Niles, Mans. BARTH, Edward, private. Jos. Barth, followiig list of soldiers who have been MORIN, Charles, corporal. Fred Morin, 2316 South Eleventh Street, St. Louis, Mo. in Germany: brother, 778 Bassett Street, Columbus, Ohio. PARSONS, John, private. Charles Pursons, reported as prisoners of war Barnard, Kans. CAMP KARLSRUIE. REPORTED IN GOOD HEALTH, CAMP RASTATT' STOPILE, Erbert F., private. W. F. Stoffme, LARRADEE, Edward Payne, lieutenant. Mrs. RUHNERS, Alwin, sergeant. Mrs. C. II. Rott- Morrowville, Kans. C. X. Larrabee, mother; Highland Drive, man, 012 South Fifty-second Street, Phila- JOHNSON, Raymond J., private. Magnus Bellingham, Wash. delphia, Pa. Johnson, father, Junction, Utah. James Douglas, lieutenant. Ephraim CARPENTER, Duncan W., private. J. A. Car- ADAMS, CAMP MUNCHEBERG. penter, father, 204 Dyer Street, Lansing, 1). Adams, 27 Salvaticra Street, Stanford C. Mich. University, Cal. GODFREY, Herschel C., private. Win. I. A. Aberst, father, 709 North Ridgeway Ave- HELLUM, Arthur C., pri ate. Hans Helium, WINKLER ' Moses Harry, lieutenant. nue, Chicg Ill. father, bex 1j54, Bar Harbor, Me. WiiklOr, brother; box 743, lidian,c Mis. Smith, father, GCTD , Oscar J., jr., lieutbaan . Oscar'3 CHAPPA, Witiiam J., private, John Chappa, SMITH, Howard. Ben. J. father; 50 Central Park West, Nbw box 38 Saugatuck, Conn. Free ort, Nassau County, N. Y. (lude, VAN S'YKLE, Miles B., private. Mrs. Ida BANTA, Frank D., private. Mrs. Jessie Banta, York, N. Y. N. Y. IELLAMY, largrove lieutenant. Robert R. Irene Roy, mother, 1006 Spring Garden 530 Bainbridge Street, Brooklyn, 509 Market Street, Wil- Avenue, Berwick, Pa. DOWAEY, Francis J., corporal. Mrs. Anna Bellamy, father: JULIANO, Jos.eph private. Mrs. Rosa Jull- Downey mother, 502 Morgan Avenue, Brook- mingtoni, N C. ano, mother, 21 32 Toronto Street, Phila- lyn,. N. V GOIJDELMNANN, Harry C., private. Phillip MOORE, Albert T.. priv ate. Mrs. Sophie II. Goedelmian, father; led Bud, I11. delphia, Pa. Maso'n, ICKES, Leo. private. Chance S. Ickes, father, Moore. mother, 444 Warren Street, Brook- MASON, Gerald B., pri-vate. John 0. Center Street, Boswell, Pa. father; 37 South Holt Street, Montgomery, Michael A~la. YODER, Frank B., prives. Mrs, Malinda , O' hIRIilb William J., corporal. Mrs. Yoder, mother, Hooversville, Somerset O'Donnell, father, 384 East Third Street, GINTER, Charles Albert, lieutenant. County. Pa. Brooklyn, IN. Y. Charles Albert Ginter, wife; 427 St. Marks Phil- N. Y. WARNICK, Robert C., private. Mrs. Jo- PHILLIPS, Benjamin S., private. R. S. Streot, Brooklyn, sephine McLaughlin, mother, Bloomfield, lips, 1711 Lincoln Place, Vroolyn, N. . MIVAS, Walter, private. Mrs. Anne Mivas, Ernest B., private. W. C. Clark, Chicopee, Mass. Ind. CLARK, mother;- 23 West Street, CAMP VILLINGEN. father 370 West Thirtieth Street, New York, MITCEL. Edward A., private (first class). N. Y. Ois. M. Mitchell, mother; 505 Twenty-ninth TODD Van WinkIe, lieutelcant. Mrs. Van 1L'iwrence, private. Edward E. Mil- Cal. Wini-le Todd, wife, 423 Lincoln Avenue, MILLER, Strcet. San Francisco, ler. father, 197 Winona Street, Buffaio, N. . CRIMIES,' Albert Thompson, private (first Orange, N. J. sister; 1920 WELLS,llorace Palmer, lieutenant. Charles AULBACII, John A., corporal. Albert An- - class). Miss Mabel Grimes, 248 Riverington Street, New Mount Vernon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. E. Wells, father, 1454 Milwaukee Avenue, bach, father, M., private. Mrs. Diere kenver, Coin. York, N. Y. KALLAIER, Homer lieutenant. Dr. Walter Harris, sister; 1507 Avenue L, Birmingham, R VODES , Carliysle, arORTED IN GOOD HEAaTI--CAMP UNKNOWN. Ala. Rhodes, brother, suite 31, Rose Dispensary, WACONER, Russell II., private. Charles -.11 Terre Haute, Id. WICKERSHAM, Jesse M9. John M. Wick- Wagoner, father; 1416 Mulberry Street, MCCHESNEY, Harold Archibald, lieutenant. ersham, father, Hereford, S. Dak. Reading, Pa. Mrs. Catherine McChesney, mother, 1496 SENTZ, Francis E,, private. Mrs. Mary E. DILULLO. Girfaco, private. Mrs. Filomena The Alameda, San Jose, Cal. SentzMmother, R. F. D. No. 8, Westminster, Dilullo, wife; Vuonanotti, Chieti, Italy. BATTLE, Blanchard B., lieutenant. Charle- Md. GORMLEY. Louis J., private. Mrs. Mary ton E. Battle, father, Columbus, Ga. SITES, Leslie, private. William Sites, father, Clarey, friend; 2904 Ellsworth Street, Phila- LEYSON, Burr W., lieutenant. Burr W. Ley- R. F. D. No. 1, Ironton, Ohio. delphia, Pa. son, father. 114 State Street. Boston, Mass. WACLAWEK, John, private. Stanley Majena, CHRISTIE, Walter. private. Mrs. Jennie HOLLINGSWORTH, 116bert L., lieutenaht. uncle, Harrison, Pa. Christie, mother; Riverside, Atrine, Ireland. Mrs. Badella Hollingsworth, mother, Van DANDY, John M., lieutenant. Mrs. John A. BURGER, Willie D., private. Dave Burger, Cleve Street, Ocean Springs, Miss. Dandy, 223 East Lafayette Avenue, Balti- father; Healing Springs, Va. REPORTED IN GOOD HRALTH-CAMP VILLINGEN more, !md. LORETI, Valantine, private. Mrs. Maria Still, HAMILTON, Edward P., lieutenant. Miss sistr;- 315 Second Street, Ithaca, N. Y. Elizabeth W. Hamilton, sister, 73 Haisted HUllER, Edward. 'private. Joith Huber, Street, East Orange, N. J. father; 118 East Indiana Avenue, Philadel- LIST OF OVERSEAS CASUALTIES phia. Pa. CAMP LANGENSALZA. CL ARK, Lee Dayton, private. D. V. Clark, SPANNUTH, Earl L., private. Mrs. Henry (Coitinued froni page 25.) Reardon, Ill Spannuth, 340 South Center Street, Potts CANDRAR, Joe, private. Frank Winer, friend, ville, Pa. HAMPTON, Roy S. John B. Daly, Inter- CAMP NEUENKIRCIy. ' national Harvester Co., Thirty-first and 1033 Sixth Avenue, North, Minneapolis, Chicago, Ill. ROBINSON, Andrew S., captain. Mrs. Alice Rockwelil Streets, FRANCIS, Thoinas, lieutenant. Thomas Robinson. 12 East Fourteenth Avenue, Co- JOHNSON, Carlton. James . Johnson, Mil- Francis, father, care Elks' Club, Warren, lumbus, Ohio. waukee, N. C. Ohio. JOHNSON, Theodore. Mrs. Clara Johnson, CAMP RASTATT. CAMP LUIDURG. Outlook, Mont. SALVITTI, Pietre, private. Miss Julia Sal- JONES, Carles L. Richard Jones, Edeu, TORTORICT, Casper, private. Michael Tor- Re na, Italy. Pea- vitti, sister, Seo Utah. lorici, father, 272 Washington Street, STHERLANDeJames, private. Danife KEATON, Albert Henry. John Harrison body, Mjass: Sutherland, father, Wybaux, Mont. Keaton, R. F. D. No. 5, Traverse City, WARENs William, covoal. 1. S. Ford, RESERVE ROSPITAL 5, STUTTGARD-WOUNDED, Mich. fathe Newport Ne KELLER, Robert E. Mrs. Emmia S. Keller, WEIN 1OLD, Walter, private. Mrs. Hattie KANDAL, Benjamin, private. A. Kandal, Beliview Avemle, Raspebnrg, Mid. Wis. Avenue, New York, Weinhiold, mother, Adell, father, 1049 Morris NOVISKI, William. Mrs. Lena Noviski, Olean, WETZEL, Rohert Bryan, private. Mrs. Hattie N. Y. Russia. Allen- T Clark, sister, 19 South Brook Street, RESERVE HOSPITAL-KREUZNACII. O'BRIEN, Bernard. Mrs. arry O'Brien, 111 town, Pa. Carrie Kohl- Rats, LUBECK, Henry, private. Mrs. South Pearl Street, Shamokin, Pa. RATM, Gordon, private. Mrs. Mary enbach, sister, 528 West Forty-seveuth VEARSOLL, Benjamin S. Mrs. Lulia Pearsoll, mother, Milberton, Ontario, Canada. Street, New York, N. Y. 337 Broad Street, Quakertown, Pa. DRIESBAUGH, Lyman W., private. Mrs. KIENZLE, Arthur, private. Mrs. Susan 1, PERKINS, Garrett. Mrs. Sarah Fuston, Gate- Jennie Driesbaugh, mother, R. F. D. No. Kienzle, mother, 278 Netherwood Avenue, way, Oreg. Dalton, Pa. Plainfleld, N. J. PETTEYS,Tred E. Fred E. Petteys, sr., 9851 MELIA, 'Wilfred, private. John T. Mdelia, CAM1PsaERsT. South Sixtieth Avenue, Seattle, Wash. father, 0723 North Fifteenth Street, Phla- POPINO, Dominick. Mrs. Jonenovbll Popino, delphia, Pa. FISHER, Edward, private. Father Ladlow, 1005 Noriman Avene. C14'eland, Ohio. DIAL, Hugh Alvin, private. J. H. Dial, friend, Catholic Guarding Society, 228 East PRANTW, Stiney. John Chnetzky, Y. West father, Ida, La. Twenty-first Street, New York, N. Cherry Street, Shenandoah, Pa. CLARK, Earnest, corporal. Mrs. La Ora FESTUNGS HOSPITAL 3, GERMERSHEI. James Probst, R. F. D. No. 2, Guilford, N. Y. PROBST, Elmer R. Rogers., R. F. D. KUBLIE Fred sergeant. Fred Kublie, father, No. 2, Bierwick, Pa. BENOVICH, Israel, private. Mrs. Rachael 411 Cherry treet, Ridgeway, Pa. REID, Allison W. Mrs: J. P. Rose. 1207 Besnovich, mother, 92 Fairview Street, MINSCH, Edward Leonard, qoporal. Miss Washington Street, San Leandro, Cal. Watcrbmry, Conn. Hattie Minsch, sister, R. F. D. No. 1, SANDERSON, J oh G. irs. G. . Sander- GASTROCK Edward Sales, private. Mrs. Phoenix, Ariz. sonl. R. F. D). No. 1, Hamilton, Okla"' Emma Gastrock, mother, 2019 Sepviva SCHWARTZ. Lewis L. Samuel Schwartz, 68 Street, Philadelphia, Pa. RESERVE HOSPITAL-TREVES. Lenox Avenue, New York, N. Y.. SPENCER, Gerno James, private. A. V. COOPER, Marion C., lieutenant. Home ad- STURM , Charles Aloysions. F. X. Sturm. Speueer, father, Terbune, Ind. dress, 326 Market Street, Jacksonville, Fla. R. F. D. No. 1, Indianapolis, Ind. BENNETT. Ralph J., private. Wilson J. Ben- WOODWARD, Granville 0.. lieutenant. E. S. SUMMERS, Francis. Mike jSummers, Hig- nett, father, general delivery, Cooprsville, Woodward, father, 729 Magnolia Avrnue, ginsville, Me. Mich. Riverside, Cal. TUCKER, Will L. Mrs. Luisa Tucker, Harris, VELIDI. Vels, private. Joe Gilotti,, uncle, ST. CLEMENS HOSPITAL-METZ. Humboldt 4Qonty, Cal. TOlMForge. Pa. WENZLER, Engplbert. Mrs. Lena Tyenzler, TOOMEY, James, private. Isaac Toomey, LTJMMUS, Williea., private. Jim II. Lum- 531 Armour Avenue, Cuilahl, Wis. father, Johnson Mill, Va. - was, father, Canton, Tax. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN/: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2.7, 1918. 27

CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE, ORDERS otn LIST OF GOVERNMENT b FiesCo Ic) I I33B Orleans, La., po- (lic.), Boston, The following is a list of contracts 11. Jos. Chalena Co., New Mass., felt, $10,260.Felters Co. placd bythearius Gvernent e-tatoes, $12,230. M5573-B3. The de- 4-2300. W. IIL Roberts, Baltimore, Md., to- 5574-B. 'The Felters Co. (Inc.), Boston, placed by the various Government Mass., felt, $3,6Q0. partments 2412-1517. GJrosvenor-Dale Co., Providence, and divisions thereof' as in- 0maioes Sub-12801. $8,000. Thee. Roberts & Co. (Ine.)* R. I.. serge, dicated below. :Philadelphia, Pa., tomatoes, $1,050. $3,294.33. Sub-173 2-718. Thos. Roberts & Co. (Inc.), 3244-2349. National Hair Cloth Co., Phila- Philadelphia, Pa., tomatoes, $600. delphia, Pa., flannel, $15,185.79. Sub-173-2-719. Thos. Roberts & Co. (Inc.), 5552. Rosenborg Bros.s & Co., Rochester, N. Y., unifgrms, Philadelphia, Pa., tomatoes, $500. $12,500. BOARD OF REVIEW Co., Winston- 5551-N. L. Adler Bros. & Co., Rocie"ter, 97-B. R. T1.Reynolds Tobacco N. Y., uniforms $13,730. Salem, N. C., cigarettes, $5,133. 1276. Colorado Rubber 1266. Ravenna Creamery Co., Ravenna, Co, Denver, Col., raincoats, $9,885.50. New Have, utr 850 The following is a list of purchase or- Nb. 8944. The Alling R uibr CO., 4-T45 repc Canning Co., Bedford, Va., Conn., raincoats, contracts approved by the Board tomatoes, $6.600. $3,119.92. ders and 3344. W. A. Miller, San Francisco, Cal., al- of Review under date of November 5, Sub 820. Gee. Close Co., Cambridge, Mass., falfa, $20,536.70. 1918: Close Co., Cambridge, 02852. Homlen & Starr, Lodi, Ohio, mixed M-390 F. Ch blnoS.os . hay, $bi100. Purchase ordersand contracts under $25,000 Co., Trinidad, Cole., al- purchase or let to low- ho59ny $7. 02728. Wood Brok made on open-market Sun $0,750. est bidi'ler and submitted to the board for coi- fa03fbu, i28.n & Co., Fort Wayne, Ind., sideration after execution and delivery: New York sty gai, $14,227.20. -white Oats, $15,100. i.,tli 2-6928. Boyertown Burial Case Co., New 1409. American Chicle Ce, New Yor City, 02779. 1a5,I Bros., Manitowoc, Wis., tim- York City, caskets, $14,860. gu 10 17 Cs . 10-1771-E. Austin Nichols & Co., Brooklyn, ot003. Ilu0r & Sutton, Newton, Ill.. tim- N.York City, prunes, $1,185.56. o hy hay, $8,100. 10-1889. National Vinegar Co., Buffalo, N. 1067. Thee. 1. Davies & Co. (Ltd.), Iono- Mackey & Co., St. Louis, *MO..03124. IToberan Y., vinegar, $5,877.20. mm, a C ar andd gelatie,R $7,920.40.o timothy hay, $9,300. _ 577. National Oats Co., St. Louis, Mo., 11864 0307s. R. L. Church & Co, Skaneatelos, oatmeal, $10,715.78. -York City. sirup, $10,600. N. y., timothy hay, $5,010. Sub-154-2-643. National Biscuit Co., New Sub 1166. Walter Raker & Co. (Ltd.), Bos- B-03188. J. Roseubaum Grain Co., Fort York City, hard bread, $11,737.50. ton City, 10 1901. cho.olate Ne F C, Worth. Tex., white oats, $20,373. 10-1873. Hobe & Bros., New York 03077. Bridge & Souter Co. (Inc.), Canas- bacon, $5,280. tatoes, $3,140. tota N. y., timothy hay, $5,040. 3794-4. Swift & Co, Baltimore, Md., ham, 10-1816. Thomas Roberts & no., Philadel- St. Marys, Ontario, P'a., tomatoes;, $15,840. timothy02,079. Louis Kaplan, $18,000. phia. Bi hay. $6,900. r-l Sub1185. Swift & Co., Cambridge, Mass., 4-1419. W. 11. Killian Co., Baltimore, 0284. 1,. G. Hall Crui, Co., Fort Worth, soap, $10,530. tomatoes, $21,805.60. Tex, wxhite oats, $7,973. 1799. Tobacco Co. of Cal. (Inc.), San Fran- 4-2418. Charles S. Arcler, Pylesville, id., 08034. Heuser & Sutton. Newton, Ill., tim- cisco, Cal., tobacco, $5,266.07. tomatoes, $9,900. 1803. Union Sugar Co., San Francisco,- Cal., 8639-G. Frankton Canning Co., Frankton, oO 24- N. Lnited States Specialty Co., -sugar, $8,590 60. Ind., tomuatoeS, $7,500. New York City, toothbrushes, $6,000. 10 1963. 0. Washington Sales Co., Brooklyn, 4-3748. S. It. Douglas, liliwopd, ld., tome- H1O-237-. Harker Manufacturiug CO., Cin- N. F., coffee, $19,073.80. toes. $13,200. cirnati. Ohio, fire extinguishers, $S8S3. 11389-PH. Messrs. Robins & Co., Baltimore, 1730. Guggenheim & Co.. Sei Francisco, HO 20(8-N. American La France Fire Extin- Md., butter, $10,842.10. Cal., evaporated peaches. $8,250. guishiing Co, Elmira, N. Y., fife extinguishers, Sub-319-4 2893. The Becker Baking Co., 10-1911. Bradley & Diiloni New Haven, $14,623. ' Baltimore, Md., hard bread, $23,250. Cbnn., butter, $6,225.71. Brainbridge & Co., New Mo., 8681-G. Cruiksank Bros. Co., Warsaw, Ind., 110-2341-N. Henry 8-004 Norwine Coffee Co, St. Louis, York City, punches, $9,498. coffee, $5,000. toma tees Typewriter Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., Sub 108-S. Mountain lce Co., St. Louis Mo., HO-2541-W. Woodstock 10-1168. Alart & McGuire, 5 Washington, D_ C., typewritrs, $5,200. pickles, $8,084. ie $3,400. Ty pewriter Co., & Bros., New York 1331. Giliusky Fruit Co., Omaha, Nebr., po- 10-2583-N. Underwood 10-1883. John Schell Washington, D. C., typewriters, $17,530. City, butter, 9,903.99. tatoes, $12,013. 1000. Pasco Tool Co, Atlania, Ga., tool, 10-1831. Food Adminitration Grain Corpo- Sub1042. Kibbe Bros. Co., Springf ration. New York City, flour. $16,537.50. Mass., candy, $3,548.80. $19,400.6. 10-1809. Wilson Canning Co., Mexico, N. Y., Mot-800. Fisk Rubber Co., Chicopee Fails, 110-2624-B. Plymouth Cordage Co., Noth liss., tubes and casings, $17,560. - Mass, manila rope, *8,;277.21. canned corn, $14.040. Plymouth. Co., Bos- 1770. Bloom Bros., San Francisco, Cal., cof- Mot-985. American Chain Ce,, Bridgeport, 1HO-2137-B. Boston Card & Index $12,073.22. Conl., chains. $20,841.30. ton, Mass., cards, $16,785 24. fee, Sb80. c.CosC. abigMs. Co., Moline, Ill., 11412-PH. Cudahy & Co., Chicago, Ill., lard 9062. W. J. Walker, Boston, Mass., motor- cultivators.IIO-2614-C. S9,250. Moline Plow substitute, $9,200. cycles $3,463. 110 2400 -N. Stanley Rule & Level Co., New 1740. J. B. Inderrienden Co., San Francisco, 3392. Pacific iotor Supply Co. (Inc.), San Cal., motorcycles,$3,775. Britain, Conn, hammers, $3,960. Cal, evaporated peaches, $12,980. Francisco, Chicago, 1804. Alameds Sugar Co., San Francisco, 561 N. M. Steinhal & Co., New York City, 110-2350C-. Sears, Roebuck & Co., blankets, $5,498.40. IIIl , .,aredrUIRnS $6 848. Cal., sugar,2 $8.50. 0. 3928. Standard Oil Co. of New Sy S.ub-11 . The Walter M. Lowney Co., Bos- 5571-N. Cotswald Comfortable Co., Syracuse, Jersey, toil. fass., chocolate, $9,100. N. F. comfortalee, $17,100. Baltimore, Md., empty drums, $3,200. 88S3-G. Monde(i- Canning Co., Mondevl, .2-5844. Cayuga Textile Co., New York City, IIO-2572-B. . E. Prentice Mfg. Co., New Wis., string beuas, $5,120. Hobatal silk, $5,750. Britain, Conn., buckles, $8,866.44. 8968-0. Jones Brothers, Peoria, Ill., hom- 2462-CR-P. Mandel Bros., Chicago, Ill., rain- HO-258-C. Ames Shovel & Tool Co., Bos- coaits, $6,184 60. ton. Mas,, shovels, $9,322. lay, $17,841.68. Co., Rhine- 1789. F. A6. Booth Co., Centerville, Cal., 8567. Franklin Rubber Co., Boston, Mass., t10-250o)C. Rhlelan der Paper ricas 1 0 paper, $6,842.50. apricots. $14 769.24. Jan'er,Met-892. Wis., J. mimeograph 11. j~illianils & Co., Brooklyn, Subt103. Boston Confectionery Co., Cam- 1238. . S. 'Rubber Co., Omaha, Nebr., rain $Ks245. N. Y., lathe tools, $11,433.60. bridge. Mass., choc1ate,t $12,25981. ocoas Quiney, -560. AinericamV Salt & Coal Co., Kansas 2--CP.United States Rubber Co., Chi- 10-2302-B. Wallaston Foundry Co., $22,984.89. Mass.,' field 'rates, $11,700. City, Mo., salt, $10,375. ca 1i. raincoats, -243 - Chicago Flexible 10-1699. American Tobacco Co., New York 116. b. S. Rubber Company, Omaha, Nebr., Shaft Co., Chi- City tobacco, $23 016.55. raincoats. $7,983.50. cago, Ill., clipping nachines, $8,080.33. 10-1872. Armour & Co., Trenton, N, J., ham, 2912-2817. United States Rubber Co., Phila HO-26:36-N. Ioffman-Corr Mfg. Co., New $6,990. - delphia, Pa.. raincoats, $8,563.44. York City, mops, $19,774.56. 1,193-PHI. Armour & Co., Trenton, N. J., 104C&P. Waterproof Garment Co., Gallon, HO-2337-P. American Steel & Wire Co., oleomargarine, $7,937.50. Ohio. fainceate, $7,034 Washington, D. C., mule shoes, $3,930. 1834. Pheuix Cheese Co., New York City, 8891. H. M. Sawyer & Son, Est Cambridge, HO-2003-N. Burden iron Co., Troy, N Y., butter, $8 47352o lnss. raincoats, $7,102.25. mule shoes, $5,830. 603A. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., fresh beef, 9036. Apaley Rubber Co., Boston, Mass., 1HO-2377-P. Bryden Horse Shoe Co., Cata- u rC,.flS. anqua, Pa., horse'hoes, $5,868.73. $5,3.1191. Roger 0. Sullivan, 'Manchester, Apse9 HO-2391-C. Phoenix Horse Shoe Co, ^Chi- N. HI., cigare. $13,792. raincoats, $8,780.98. A. F. Bernet Bro. & Co., Phila- cago, Ill..*mule shoes, $11,700: Sub 1190. Roger 44. Sullivan, Manchester, 3074-2179. 11 -2180-J. Cincinnati Horse Shoe Co., N IT., cigars, $18,343.85. delphia, Pa.. renovating. $5,490.41). & Ce., New York Clexes, Ohio, horseshoes, $11,700. 4 2487. D. S. Truitt, Lilian, Va., tomatoes, 5519-A Deering Milliken HO-2378-N. American Horse Shoe Co., Phil- $5,400. City sheeting, $D,325. Nei Fork lipsburg, N. J., Iorseshoes, $17,330. 11562-PW. Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- Co., HO-2590-P. U. s. Horse Shoe Co., Erie, Pa., ter, $17,890.30. Citss sheeting, $20.500. New York City, mule shoes, $14,623. Sub-1238. Gilinsky Fruit Co., Omaha, Nebr., 5530-A. T. L. Bailey & Co., Purchase orders or commodities purchased sheets, $16,226.99. at board of 7tatoes, $13,350. on Food Administration allotment,commandeer order Nebr., po- 5535-A. J. L. Bailey & Co., New York City, trade osr exchange pricesl, on 1240, Gilinsky Fruit Co., Omaha, or by, the Emibarkaoti on Service. tatoes, $13 350. sheets, $23,430.50. Boston, S 17 Oklahoma Mill Co., Kingfisher, Okla., 8-607. Boyle & Co., Wichita, Kans., potatoes, 8725. Blodgett, Ordkay & Webber, flour, $61,640. $9,480. Mss., towels, $9,190. 778. Northwestern Fisheries Co., Seattle, Md., to- 2-6843. Schwarzenbach. Huber & Co., New 4-3470. Beattie & Brooks, Cardiff, silk, Wash., salmon, $35,895. -watots, $7,480. York City, habata 28 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918.


10-1820. Food Administration Grain Corpo- 7635 P. Summerdale Dyeing, P. & Fin. TC-980-B. R. Wallace & Sons Mfg. Co., Wal- ration, New York City, four, $33,075. Works, Philadelphia, Pa., duck, $2,862.78. lingford. Coun., spoons, $28,999.82. 10_122. Food Admu listration Grain Corpo- 7639-P. Summerdale Dyeing, P. & Fin. I1(-1103-C. C. G. Conn & Co., Elkhe;t, Ind.,I ration. New York City, flour, $33,123. Works. Philad, Iphia. Pa, duck, $1,187.50. clarinets, $94,000. 10-1821. Food Administration Grain Corpo- 7672-N. Win. B. Bliss Jr. & Cp, New YorIP ration NewiYork City, flour, $55,125. City, stay bindini. $83,600. Supplemtental Contracts. 6624. Illvetia Milk Condensing Co., High- 7604-P. Sununerdale Dyeing, Pr. & Fin. Sup-2102. Anierican Uniform Co., New York land. Ill., evaporated nilik, $266,198.35. Works, Philadeiphia, Pa., duck, $1,286.06. - City, puttees. Number of pairs reduced sfrom 10-1826. Food AdIriimistration Grain Corpo- 7681-P. F. W. Maurer & Sons Co., Philadel- 33.000 ro 27,625. ration. New' York City, flour, $66,150. phia, Pa., stay binding, $3,510.42. Sup 2499. H. P. _fKeonnei Co., New York 11372 -PH. Purity Cross (Inc.), Orange, N. 7631-A. Wellinaton, Sears & Co., Boston, City, miar-kinaw. lining. Rduction in price J., cornedl boof, $106.300. ,Mass., duck. $3,850. from $1.575 'to $1.568. 11 . Food Administration Grain Corpo- 7392-A. Wellington. Sears & Co., Boston, Sup-233. J. B. Pearson Co., Boston, Mass., ratie. New York City. flour, 833.583.60. Mass.. duck (gray), $3,771.43. leather- jerkins. Delivery of 9.063 jerkins, 10 1830. Food Adminiitration Grain Corpo- 7007-C. Martin Bros. Co.. La Crosse, Wis., 23-cent erade leather, at 84.73 per garment, r.Ation New York Cit. flour, $110,210. mackinaws. $2.520. and 8,037 from 16, 18, and 20 cent grade 10-1923. Food Admnii tration Grain Corpo- 7408-N. The ibers Co. Inc., Boston, Mass., ilather at $4.25. ration, New York City. flour, 883,125. canteen dovers, $1",844.88. Sup-2610. Wellington, Sears & Co., Boston- 10-18.,0. Food Adfminlistration GrainsCorpo- Con'reets over $24,800. Mrs-.. Army duck. Price changed fiom ration. Ncsw York City, fdour, $5:.123. $0.4173 to $0.46023 pr yard; changed spect- 1(189. Tan Alen Canning Corporation, Og- FF-123(4)2. Sh.'rwood Brothers, Baltimore, heation. den, trch tomatoes, S38,400. Md.. motor oil, 841.303.63. Sep 946. D. Degenstein & Co., Philadelphia, 10-15:". Food -Adminiistration Grain Corpo- 7677-C. Portage Hosiery Co., Portage, Wis., Pa.. barra'k bags. Sapplement agreement ration. Ne, York City, flour, $3,123. stockings. $37,440, 2041 canreled. Amdunt already delivered to 10-1828. Fod AdiniIstration Grain Cor- 760-B. H. II. Rice Corporation, New York termin(ate (ontract. poration, New York City, flour, $55,125. Ci4y. sheets, $33,840. Sup-2318. Warrenton Woolen Co., Litchfield, 1101827. Pood Administration Grain Cor- 7690-A. Carolina Cotton & Woolen Mills, Mass.. wooten backin. Contract canceled. poration, Xvw York City, flour, $220,500. Spray, N. C., sheets, $27,570. Sup-2423. Carlisle Hemstitching Co., New 7,2. Columbia River Packers' Association, 7663-N. Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Co., Yorlk ( ity, arm brassards. Number reduced Atoria, Oi.o.. salmon. $409,300. New York Cihy, blankets. $31,250. frot 700 000 to 400,000. 8557--G. Rimyal Packing Co., Windfall, Ind., 3Iot-704. Deny Motor Truck Co., Detroit, t-up-2341. Neale, Maas & Mvyer (Inc.), New tomatoes, $.82,250. Mich.. trucks, $1.698.835. Yor. City. melton; permissipn to substitute 4-,813. H1 N. Baldwin, Chestertown, Md., Mot-780. Douby Molor* Truck Co, Detroit, in miaterial. toiatoes, 841.040. Mich., trucks, %1,090,750. Fup-2.312. National Dollar Shirt Shops, 4525-B1lanhasset Manufacturing Co., 7396-B. Chadbourne & Moore, Chelsea, New York City, shirts; number reduced from Providenie, R. I., gray duck, 5197,708.80. Mass.. webbing. $123,000. 1,920 to 580. B-03030. if. I. Baldwin & Co., Decatur, Ill., 7668-B. Catlin & Co., New York City, flan- Sup-2284. E. R. Deputy Co., Lincoln, Nebr., white ens, $37,500. net, $52,133.60. denim clothing: place of delivery f. o. b. cars B-03059. Abeller & Yoing Grain Co., Chi- TIC-1960-B. Carr Fastener Co., Cambridge, Lincoln, Nebr., instead of St. Louis. cago, Ill., white-oats, $-6,500. Mass., fasteners, $357,296.75. Sup-2479. Lark & Lark, Shamokin, Pa., Correction as to price. 7678-C. Rockford Mitten & Hosiery Co., denin trousers; number reduced from .5.028to Sub-17P-2-220. Thos. Roberts & Co.. Phila- Rockford, 1l., stockinas, $242,300. 4,472. delphia. Pa., toinafoes, increase to $321,376. 7680-B. Park-r Wilder & Co., New York Sup-2475. Central Overall Co.. :more, Sub178 2-722. Thos. Roberts & Co., Phila- City, pillowcases, $538,125. Md., denin clothing; number of u dueed 7666-B. Medford Woolen Mfg. Co., Mi dford, from 13.,000 to 5.263 trousers frolm 15,000 dlelnhIa, !'a., tomatoes, furreass to $38,400. 1,200 to Sub-178-2-5. Thos. Roberts & Co., Phila- Mass, stocklings. $,2080. to 4,480; blue denim trousers from delph: P.%. fonatoes, increase to $28,800. 7601-B. Park'r Wilder & Co., New York 1,172. City. sheets, 871.228.16. Su'i 173 2-802. Thos. Roberts & Co.. Phila- (Previously Ap- delphi', P'a., tomatoes, increase to $81,000. IC-799-N. Phillips & Clark Stove Co. (Inc.}, Contracts Canceled Geneva, N. Y., reflectors, 88,1.500. proved). Parchase Transactions Approved. ITC-1065-B. American Outical Co., South- bridge, Mass., goggles. $70764. 0920-A. Lawrence & Co., New York City, Contracts under 252,000. IIC-1020-P. Ciampion Blower & Forge Co., gray gauze, $61,500. 7(,54 P. Summerdale Dyeing. Printing & Lancaster. Pa.. stac ks and dies, $51.200. 6g28aB. The Wile -Bi-kford -Sweet Co., Hart- Fnlhinc, Works (Inc.), Philadelphia, Pa., IIC-910-C. Malleable Iron Castings Co.. ford, Conn., canteen covers, 163,050. du.k. $760. Beaver Dam, Wis., sioves. 860,000. 6344-1. Watuppa Mfg. Co., Fall River, 7399-N. Kelso Mtanufa< turing Co., Trenton, 769-B. Ernest Simons mfg. Co.. New York Mass.. webbing, $90,837.50. N. J., webbing. $20,875. City, sheets, $30.627. 6183- B. Crystal Springs Bleaehing & Dveinl 7640-. The It. C. Tack Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 7674-P. L. If. Gilmer Co., Philadelphia, Pa.. Co., issonet, Mass., bleaching twill, $1,706.25. Leol nails, $3,112. webbing, $26,187.30. 1264-N. Mamquit Worsted Co., New York 767-N. ( has. N. Dyer. Haverhill, Mass., 7591-N. Mitsui S& Co. (Lid.), New York City., shirting flannel, $48,6S7.50. stay binding. 82,750. City. hainii silk. 856,9..0. 6301 1. Bottun & Torrance Co., Bennington, 70101. Wellinuton, Scars & Co., Boston, 7327-NC. Stonewall Coton Muis., Stone- Vt.. piTow sacks, $1,000. Has.. duck, 83,50. (769- 1. Mount Vernon Woodbez'y Mills wall. Miss.. tent duck. 889043.20, duck, $86,102.95. 7682-A. Wellingten, Sears. & Co., Boston, 7637-C. Cooper Wells (Inac., gray Mass.. duck. $589.40. & Co., St. Joseph, 0,49-13I. Turner, Ialsey Co., Ealtimoro, Mich.. stoekine, 880,000. duck, $54,318.85. 74,,-1. Carter & McCarthy, Manchester, 7652-P. J. W. Ringrose Co., Philadelphia, Md.. gray _as,,escort waons. 3,7,. Pa., blankets, $108,750. 36(6-N. C, A. Potter, Gloveisville, N. Y., 741-UB Norfolk Awning & Tent Co. (Inc.), 7690-B3. Parker Wilder & Co., Now York glol es, $0,800. Norfolk. Va., esuort wagons, $5550. City, gray duck, $54,882.10. 71-75 B. Lambeth Rope Corporation, New 6920-A. Lawrence & Co., New York City; APPROVED NOVEXBER 6, 1918. Bcdford, Mass. handoleer webbing, $4.400. gray gauze, $01.500. 7398N-. Win. B. Bliss, jr., & Co., New York 7594-N. I. P. McKenney Co., New .York Purchase'orders and contract-; under $2o 000 City. tape, 84,000. City, blanket material, $1.164,260.38. made on open market purchase or let to low- 7641-B. Mount Tope Finishing Co., North 7497-N. The Felters" Co. (Inc.), Boston, est bidder and submitted to the board for con- Dihton, Ma..,. duck, $2.400. Mass., felt, $45.690.48. sideration after execution and delivery. 7038-P. Summerdale Dyeing and Printing 76.R-B. Hillian L. Barrell. Co., gray duck, 11448-II. Swift Co., hicago, Ill., ham, and Finishing Works, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., $79.515. $6.043.91. " 111., ham duk, Y178.79. 7679-B. 11416-PHT. Swift & Co., Chicago. 7144-A. Wellington, Sears & Co., Boston, Talcott Bros. Co.. Talcottsville, upd lard, $6,043.91. Mass., duck, 85.974.06. Coin.. nelten, $60,000, 7657-B. Parker. Wilder h Co., New York 1803. Spreckles Sugar Co., San Francisco, IIf-1053-BI. Bridgeport 11ardware Manufac- City. Cal., sugar, $21,339. tPiring Co., Bridgeport, Conn., tool sets, $9,000. ray duck, $100,184. 15045-G. Star & Crescent Milling Co., Chi- 68'8B. The Wiley-Blckford-Sweet Co., 11- 1068-B (reenfield Tap & Die Corpora- Hartford, Conn., cago. 111., flour, $13,395.75. tion, Greenfield. Mass., stock and dies, $8.292. canteen covers, $163,30. 1806. Bloom Bros., San Francisco, Cal., 6344-B. Watuppa Alfi. Co., Fall Rlvrr, Mass., H-1029-1 W. L. Brubaker & Bros., New webbing, coffie, 80.619.83. York City, pip rvaiers, $9,108, 890,S37.30. Sub-474-13. Bloom Bros.. 4.San Francisco, JIC-981-B. W. B. Durgin Co., Concord. N. H., Contracts awca;?rde to othr than oicest Cal., ,offee, 59,597.81. spoons. 815.000. bidder. 1808. Bloom Bros., Sain Francisco. Cal., IIC-1032-li. Taunton Rivet Works, Taunton, coffee, $9#612.53. Mas., rivets and burrs, $21,701.80. 762S-C. Broccolo Bros., Chicago. Ill., over- Sub-1083,. Boston Confectionery Co., Cam- 1180)P. Simmerdale Dyeing, Printing & coats, $23,200. bridge. Mass., candy $12,253.92. Fim".Ving Works, Philadelphia, Pa., duck, HC-1010-B. E. A. Ballou Co., Providence, 15043-G. C. S. Christenson Co., Medalia, $1,000. R. . whistles, S20,888. Minn., flour. $17,248. 733-B. Southbridge Printing' Co., South- IIC-1082-P. Unitel States florse Shoe Co., 10-1598. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., New bridge. Mass., Iuck. $17,300. Erie. Pa.. horseshoes, 92.9,2,. York City, tobacco. $13,272.29. 7i69D-P. L. IT. Gilmer Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 75683-NO. Hirsch & Baar, New Orleans, La., Sub-1179. New England Confectionery Co., wel~jog. $24.750. duck garments, 97.200. Boston, Mass., candy, $13.127. t77-N. Pelgram & Meyor, New York City, 7633-A. Wellington, Sears & Co., Boston, 764. Growers Canning Co., Council Bluffs, we hin, $20,17S. Mass., duck. $580.40. la.. canned corn, $6.760: 7648-A. Wellington Sears Co., Boston, Mass., ITIC-1040-J. Warwood Tool Co., Wheing, 10-1874. Oneida County Canning Co., Vero- duck, $3,675. W. Va., p icks, 83.000. na, N. Y.. canned 'corn, $12 500. 7648-A. Wellington Sears Co., Boston, TIC-971C. Stin-Burn Camp & Field Equip- Sub-800. The George Close Co., Cambridge, Mass., duck, $3,445.85. ment Co'7 Chicago, Ill., cook chests. $33,000. Mass., candy, $7,171.56. 7653-P. Sunimerdale Dyeing, P. & Fin. IC-1074-3. Fox Furnace Co., Elyria, Ohio, 9-1363. Charles, L. Hibbard, New Orleans, Works, Philadelphia, Pa., flick, $4,169.93. auto parts, $41,820. La., wood, $9,000. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 29


15046-G. Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill., soft 4-2772. George P. Thomas, Jr., Baltimore, 02697. C. 0. Sellen & Co., Shelby, Ohio, soap, $7,200. Md., raincoats. $5,126.50. timothy hay, $17,400. 4-1360. John H. Dulany, Fruitland, Md., 28161921. United States Rubber Co., Phila- 028 15. C. 0. Nelien & Co., Shelby, Ohio, tomatoes,I $7,624. delphia, Pa., raincoats, $13,900.16. timothy hay, $14.500. 5575-N. M. Steinthal & Co., Now York City, 1193. United States Rubber Co., Omaha, 02838. C. 0. Sellen & Co, Shelby, Ohio, blankets, $7,275.60. Nebr., raincoats, $5,581.50. timothy hay, $14.500. 5579-N. M. Steinthal & Co., Ne York City, 1192. United States Rubber Co., Omaha, 2-7195. De Haven Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., blankets, $5,584. Nebr., rainesats, $5,432.50. steel strapping, $5,448. 5576-N. M. Steinthal & Co., New York City, 2419-CEp. Kling Bros. & Co. (Inc.), Chi- 03404. Van Wie & -Moorhead, Chicago, Ill., blankets, $7,007. cago, Ill., raincoats, $5,909. straw. $6,500, 5577-N. M. Steinthal & Co., New York City, 39C&R, The Ohio Rubber Co., Cleveland, 03422. Early & Daniel Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, blankets, $12,727. Ohio, raincoats, $15,181.36. alfalfa hay, $9,000. 5578-N. M. Stelithal & Co., New York City, 106-C&E. Interstate Rubber Co., Cleveland, 83201. Eikenberry & Fitzgerald Co., Cincin- blankets $14 512.50. Ohio, raincoats, $6,861.75. nati, Ohio, mixed hay, 9,000. 5581. Cannon Mills, New York City, tow- 5546-B. Bliss. Fabyan & Co., New York 03227. Four Generations Hay Co., Hazen, els, $16,000. City, buckram, $10.72.50. Ark., prairie hay, $12,500. 2103-L. Jacob Kaiser Mfg. Co., St. Louis, 55525-1. Army & Navy Cooperative Co., 033D2. Gaines Bros. Co., Fairland, - Okla., Mo., mattresses, $12,100. Philadelphia, Pa , mnelton, $10,820.14. alfalfa hay, $7.500. 1772. H. Conniff, Mountain View, Cal, to- 2310-CE-P. Gordon & Ferguson, St. Paul, 3647. King Coal Co., San Francisco, Cal., matoes. $5,186.40. Minn.. felt-lined coats, $8,250. coal, $15,937.20. 15024-G. G. Rubicon Preserving Co., Browns- 5490-B Emile Moyer & Co., New York City, FF-122(2)7. The Barrett Co., New York town, Ind., tomatoes, $6,060. sateon, $21.996.75. City, tarvia "X," $5.960. 15003-G. Houghland Bros. Canning Co., Un- 550-B. Hlenry C. Martin, Now York City, 4227. Irn Valley Coal Co., Wellston, Ohio, oe rwood, Ind., tomatoes, $15,579. wool corge. 810,170-30. coal, $8,500. - 4-1614. Galeston Packing Co., Preston, Md.. 5,0 N. Htiekey-Freeman Co., Rochester, 4228. Essex Coal Co., Columbus, Ohio, coal, tomatoes, $18,900. N. Y.. uniforms. $18,750. $15,625. ,1025-G. Ida Packing Co., Ida, Mich., toma- 54GT-A. Wellington, Sears & -Co., Boston, 4229,. Peacock Coal Co., Pomeroy, Ohio, coal, tdbs, $6,750. Mass.. ,.heting, $7,280. $17.187.50. 15-26-G. Van die Vinter Sons, Dundee, Mich., 03209. National Iay Co., Kansas City, Mo., 3168-1.1. Cone Export & Commission Co., prairie ha3, $7,500. tomatoes, $6,300. Ncvw York City, sheeting- $22,750. 03417. 15030-G. Win. Edward]s Co., (leveland, Ohio, 5449. 1.Pt.1. Mitchell Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Raymond P. Lipe Co., Toledo, Ohio, tomatoes, $5,616. pillows, $16,000. timothy ha', $6,720. 4-3467. Rovert L. Simmons Co., Andrews, 9 1215. Le-y Mattress Co., St. Louis, Mo., 03221. Langenborg Bros. Grain Co., St. Md., tomatoes, $15,840., $1,800. Louis, Mo., timothy hay, $8,700. 4-1182. K. H4. Taylor, Westminster, Md., to- 5331-A. Joshua L. Baily & Co., New York 03419. S. C. Woolanman Co. (Inc.), Phila- iatoes. $7,040. delphia. Pa., timothy hay, $5,760. City, sheets, $18,558.99. B-023303. J. Rosenbaum 15031-G. I. Ferguson Packing Co., Elwood, .5466-. Continental Mills, Boston, Mass., Grain Co, Fort Ind., tomatoes, $15,000. sheeting.. 810,250. Worth. Tex. white oats, $14,715. 15011-G. W. I. Farrell & Co., Minneapolis, 5562-N. M. Steinthal & Co., New York City, B-03437. Webster Co., San Antonio, Tex., Minn., potatoes, 85,258. blankets, $5,751.20. white oats, $3,460. 03366. Niexer & Co., Fort Wayne, Ind., 15016-G. T. D. Randall & Co., Chicago, Ill., 5560-N. M. Steinthal & Co., New York City, tinmothy boy, 88.400. potatoes, $10,150. blankets, 55,115.20. B-03438. 5549-N. Keller Printing Co., New York City, 5450-B. Catlin & Co., New York City, blan- .Aylsworth Grain Co., Kansas City, size tickets, $5,85. kete. %22,441. Mo., white oats. $1,873. B-03353. Callahan & Sons, Louisville, Ky., Mot-931. Wood Hydraulic Hoist & Body Co., 55(OO-C West End Woolen Mills, West Bend, white Detroit, Mich., steel luaips, $20,300. Wis.. oats, $20,156.25. blankes.lS8.200. B-03434. Crowell Elevator Co., Omnaha, 272. Armour & Co., New Brunswick, N. J., 3702-U. W. H1. Duval & Co., New York City, Nebr.. white ots, $16875. fresh' beef, $13,089.78. blankets, $11.700. B03432. 95-1). R. .. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston- 5496-13. Union Carpet Lining Co., New York Farmers' Terminal Elevator Co., clgarettes, $12,882.50. Omaha, Nhe., white oats, $17,187.30, Salem, N. C.. City, comforts, $7,200. B-0343. Fianley Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., Sub-538-4-3744. L. .J. Upton & Co., Norfolk, 5472-N. Bronx Company, New York City, white oats, $11,937.50. Va., potatoes. S14.450. sheetings, $10,150. - B-03429. 1. I. French & Co., Champaign, Ill., 4-5787. H-. B. Walker, Newport Nqws, Va., -5008-B1. Riverside & Dan River Cotton white oats, S7.100. poiatoes, $14,500. Mills. Danville, Va.. sheets. $23,250. 0,269. Kendrich & Sloan Co., Indianapolis, 4-3 740. J. C. Loib Co., Baltimore, Md., pota- 507-11. Riverside & Dan River Cotton Ind.. timothy hav, $5.130. toes. 8.075. Mills. Danville, Va.. sheets, $23,230. 5046i-B. Mount Hope Finishing Co., Nouth 10-1099. Win. Wrighley, jr. (Inc.), Brook- 5509-Bi. Riverside &. Dan River Cotton Diahton, Mas4.. tent lyn. N. Y., chewing gum, $14,304. Mills, Danville, Va.. shoets. $23,250. drill, $11.000. 5620-N. J. Ferber. New York City, aprons, 10-1592. Lutz & Schrammn Co., Pittsburgh, 5510-11. Riverside & Dan River Cotton $7,154.69. Pa., pickles, $17,227.74. Mills. Dnnvllle, Va., sheets, $23,250. 766. Alaska 0a.nitary Packing Co., Seattle, 5474-A. Hunter Mfa. & Commission Co., New IM-524. Belknap IIdw. & Mfg. Co., Louis- Wash., salmon, $8,766. York City, sheoting, $5,125. villv, Ky.. Tield lines, $6.I00. 767. Alaska Sanitary Packing Co., Seattle, 548(-U. Maount Hope Finishing Co., North 5621-N. Rochester Button Co., Rochester, Wash.. salmon, $12,000. Diabton, Mass., sheeting, $7.000. N. Y., buttons, $17.500. 11323-11. Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill., eleo- 54ST-. Mount Hope Finishing Co., North 5620-N. Art i buttons, Rochester, N. Y., margarine, $7,937.50. Diahton, Mass., sheeting, $7.000. buttons, $6.781.25,. 10-1793.. Armour & Co. Chicago, Ill., prunes, 02675. .1. L. Elliott Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 5603-N. Patsy & Lapthorn (Ltd.), City $882.63. straw. $0,100. Island, N. Y.. psulins. $13,705. 10-1805. Bennett, Day & Co., New York City, 02787. Raymond P. Lipe & Co., Tolelo, Ohio, 9638. Browntoi. Louis, Co., Los Angeles, prunes, $6,474.94. timothy hay, $10,440. Cal-, trousers. 89,12). 10-185. Corn Prodnets Refining Co, New . 02863. Kanson Commission Co., St. Louis, 5604-N. Berkowitz Bros., Brooklyn, N. Y., York City, sirup, $19,652.40. Mo.. tiiothy hay. $3,220. flannel shirts, $1590. 10-1785. J. F. Stanley Co., New York City, 02620. Moon Taylor Co., Greensboro, N. C., 5631-B. Everlastik (Inc.), New York City, soap, $7,500. throthy hay,'89,000. webbing, $17.588.75. 5630-B. Anchor Webbing Co., Pawtucket, 1863-E. Catz American Co. (Inc.), New 02P3I. Albert Miller & Co . Chicago, Ill., R. I. webbing, York City, prunes. $23.169.48. limothy hav. 87.680. 87,500. B-0827. Upaike Grain Co., Omahn, Nebr., Sub-190-2-622. W_ M. Lowney Co., New 02831. Albert Miller & Co., Chicago. Ill.. burlaps sacks, $5,400. York City, candy, ,105. timothy hev, $18,600. 5619-B. Lewiston Bleachery, Lewiston, Me., 1717. Sprcikele Sugar Co., San Francisco, 02844. Ilour Stores,. Hicksville, Ohio, tim- sheets, $7,032.16. Cal., sugar, $10,246.73. othy .hay, 85,220. 5622-B. 1718. Union Sugar Co., San Francisco, Cal., 02856. Toberman. Mackey & Co., St. Louis, 0?nunon Mills, New York City, Mo.. timothy hay. $9,000. sheets, $22.70.40. sugar, $10.308.72. 2 -7210. Mt. Stointhal & Co.. New York City, Fi38. Union Sugar Co, San Francisco, Cal., 02700. Vinita Hay Co., Vinita, Okla., prairie olankets. 824.000. - sugar, $15,373.08. hay, $13,500. - 02699. Webster Co., 2-7207. A. Steinthal & Co., New York City, 1719. Sureckels Sugar Co., San Francisco, San Antonio, Tex., blankets,. $8,700. Cal.. sugar, $141 36 72. prairie has, $6.720. Bros. Grain Co., St. 2 7508. M. Steinthal & Co., New York City, t715. Spre$ s3 ar . Co., San Francisco, 02600. Lanuenberg blahets,A$17,875. Cal., sugar. $10,224.72. Louis, Mo.. timothy hay. $18,000. 02640. North Bros., Kansas City,-MHo., al- 13-38. United States Rubber Co., Seattle, 1739. Spreckels Sugar Co., San Francisco, Wash.. raincoats, 86,489.05. Cal., sugar, $15,337.07. falfa bay, $9,440. 02830. Albort Miller & Co., Chicago, Ill., 11552-PH, Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., lard, 10-1862. Catz American Co. (Inc.), New timothy hav, $19,200. $18,040. York City, prunes, $13,317.26. B-02771. Kendrick & Sloan Co., Indian- 1785. J. W..McCarthy & Co., San Francisco, 10,1617. H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., apolis. Ind.. white oats. $18,250. Cal. cherries, $15,948.19. pickles, $15,001.60. B-02878. Halliday Elevator Co., Cairo, Ill., 10-1216. Stromberg Export & Import Co., 772. Nelspy Lagoon Packing Co., Belling- New York-Citv, matches. 87,437.60. 11am, Wash.. salmon, $16,048. white oats, $14.750. City. soap, B-02881. Un.les & Edwards Co., Chicago, Ill., 10-1983. Geneva Preserving Co., Geneva, 10-1790. Larkin & Ce., New York white oats, $18,062.50. N. Y., canned corn, $7,862.50. 9020. 1 St. Louis, Mo., B-02880. Flanley Grain Co., Omaha. Nebr., 1507341. C. S. Christensen & Co., Madelia, 2120. St. Louis Coffin Co., white oats, $17,250. Minn.. flour, $18,70.05. coffins. $7 98. Grain Corpo- 5462-B. Dean & Shark Corporation, Boston, 2287. Mideo Gasoline Co., Tulsa, Okla., 10-1831. Food Adminietration Mass.. thread, $18,800. gasoline. $13,000. ration, New York'City, flour, $16,537.50. Fitzgerald Co., Cincin- 1540. California Peach Growers (Inc.), 5503-B. Smith & Dove Manufacturing Co., 02715. Eikenberry & Fresco, Cal., evaporated -peaches, $7,302. Andover, Mass., thread, $24,500. - nati. Ohio. timothy, hay, $9,000. 02855. Tomerman, 2Ackey & Co., St. Louis, 1537. California Peach Growers (Inc.), B-02623. Alente & Co., New Orleans, La., evaporated peaches4 $15,212.50. burlap bags, $12,737.50. Mo., timothy hay, $9,300. Fresno, Cal., 30 . THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 1918.


1753. ijbby, McNeil & Libby, San Francisco, 7692-B1. Lbuls Hurwitz & Son, Baltimore, 7603-C. David Adler & Sons Clothing Co., Cal., loshes, $11.400. Md. pyr tent $15,000 Milwaukee, WiS., overcoats, $38,000. 171. Libby, McNeil & Libby, San Francisco, 769)81i. Sparkes & Co. (Inc.), Baltimore, 7557-P. Ginsberg Bros., Philadelphia, Pa., Cal.. peaches, $8,000. Md., pyr. 'tts, $11,625. coats and trousers, $17,220, 4-41L7. W. McDonald Lee, AIillenbeck, Va., 7676-N. Bernhard Uim4nn Co. (Inc.), New 7606-N. Lipsky & evine, New York City, tomatoes, $8,050. York City, webbing, $3,000. overcoats, $20,000. Sub-10. Hickel Commission Co., St. Louis, 7700- Clidgar W. Heinrich, trading as 7602 N. Sigmund Eisner Co., Red Bank, Mo., butter, $11,400. Michigan Tent & Awning Co., Chicago, Ill., N. J., overcoats, $152,000. 4-1755. R. IW. Roberts, Princess Anne, Md., pyr. teats, $23,250. 761-11. Lamm Bros., Baltimore, Md , duck tomatoes, $9,960. 1 7697-B. Chas. H. Cousena, trading -as Cous- trousers, $12,720. 4-4056. J. L. Hopkins, Hrarrington, Del., to- ons & Pratt, Boston, Mass., pyr. tents, $14,600. 7566-C. Wiite Goods Mfg. Co.. Chicago, Ill., matoes, $5,353 60. 76,2-P. F. W. Maurer & Bons Co., Philadel- coats and trousers, $9,360. 10-1286. Lis4ett & Myers Tobacco Co., New phia, Pa., stay binding p7,427.08. , 7608-N. Munves & Berlin, New York City, York City, cigorettes. $10.316.80. 7683-B. J. 5. Mason & Sols, Westboro, Mass., overcoats, $90,240. 10 2004. Cudahv Packing Co., New York serving tape, $3,958.33. 7567-J. The Roehm Riebards Co., Dayton, City, flesh beef, $6.025. 74868. Topeka Tent & Awning Co., Topeka, Ohio, coats and trousers, $19,260. 266. Swift & Co., Boston, Mass., fresh Kans., wagon covers, $7,375. 7615-N. Alfred Benjamin Washington Uni- beef. 814.22C 7588-P. Sidney C. Bernheimner, Philadelphia, \form Co., New York City, overcoats, $80,400. 11680-I111. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., butter, Pa flannel shirts $8 180. 7617-N. Cohen, Endel & Co., New York City, $12 050. 11C-1097-B. H. L. YudO Co., Now York City, overcoats, $100,400. 785. Deep Sea Salinon Co., Seattle, Wash., sliding loops, $1,585.88. 7554-F. Kloessner, Heynemann Co., San salmon, $16,765. 110-818-N. Herbert Brush Mfg. Co., Kinston, Francisco, Cal., coats and trousers. $16,740. 10-901. Klein Chocolate Co., Elizabethtown, N. Y., brushes, $22,040. 7569-F. Neustedter Bros., San Francisco, Pa., candv. $16,000. HC-1026-J. ifart Manufacturing Co., Louis- Cal., coats and trousers, $47,520. 1756. Pratt-Low Preserving Co., Santa villt, Ky., bake pans, $4,224. 7563-B. Empire Manufacturing Co., Boston, Clara,, Cal., peaches, $16 000. 7650-A. Wellington, Sears & Co., Boston, Mass, coats and trousegs, $18,000. 1778. California Packing Corporation, San Mass., D. & P. duck, $4,218.75. 7551-C. Charles Carnes Co., Aurora, Ill., 656.29. Fran'Isco, Cal.. cherties, $15 Contracts over $25,000. coats and trousers, $4,242. Purchase orders or commodities purchased 7668-N. Plotkin & Grundfast, Brooklyn, at board of trade or crehange prices, on Food L 15-C.' Clintoh Saddlery Co., Clinton, lowa, N. Y., coatq and trousers, $24,000. Administration allottment, on commandeer or- pistol holsters, $0,000. 7645-N. Quinto, Cohen & Levin (Inc.), New d( r, or by the Embarkation Service: 11-10il-108. quitable Leather Buffing Co., York.City, overcoats, $55,680. B-03435. Trns Misssippi Grain Co., Oma- Newark, N. J., pistol holsters, $74,000. 7627-N. Ullman Bros., New York City, over- ha, Nebr., white oats, $34,437.50. HC-834-P. T. A. Wills~n & Co., Reading, Pa., coats, $58,40. B-03300. .T. Rosenbaum Grain Co., Chicago, goggles. $00,000. 7604-C. The France Co., Chicago, Ill., over- Ill., white oats, $35,875. go%341. Cataract Refining & Mfg. Co., New coats. $46,400. 1783. Libby, MeNeil & Libby, San Francisco, York City, axle grease, $154,042.20. 7619 N. Heidelberg Wolff & Co., New. York, Cal., cherries, $36,326.94. 10333. Stephen P. Whitman & Son (Inc.), City, overcoats, $76,000. 1549. Guggenhoim & Co.,. San Francisco, Philadelphia, Pa., candy, $73,500,. 755-P. Vaniver & Berger, Philadelphia, Cal.. evaporated peaches, $25.678.70. 19335. Wallace & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., Pa., coats and trousers, $40,200. 15306i. California Peach Growers (Inc.), candy, $78,500. 7549-C. Kling Bros. & Co., Chicago, Ill., Fresno, Cal.. evanorated peaches, $85,190. 10337. El. Greenflelds' Sons, Brooklyn, N. Y., coats and trousers, ,$18,120. 1547. California Peach Growers (Inc.., candy $49,000. 7570-S Angelica Jacket Co., St. Louis, Mo., Fresno, Cal.. evaporated peAches, $89,376 48. 10336. E. Greenfdelds' Sons, Brooklyn, N. Y., coats and trousers, $12,720. 1542. California Peach Growers (Inc.), candy, $30,000. 7571-NO. Haspel Bros., New Orleans, La., Fresno, Cal , evaporated peaches, $60,850. 10330. Soluble Coffee Co. of America, New trousers, $28,440. 1545. California Peach Growers (Inc.), -York City, cofTee, $5Q2,000. 7610 N. Conway & Co., New York City, Fresno, Cal., evaporated peaches, $57,929.20. 7605-J. The Henry Goiershofer Clothing overcoats, $76,000. 1546. California Peach Growers (Inc.), Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, overcoats, $45,600. 7618-.T. Feehheiner Bros. Co., Cincinnati, Fiesno. CI.. evaporated peaches, $30,425. 76009-P. Cohn & Lipkin, Philadelphia, Pa., Ohio, overcoats, $11,160. 14014- Thomas Buddy Co., Kansas City, overcoats, $2,000: 7628-N. Kahn Dreyfus & Co. Inc., New Kans. fresh beef, $121,756. 7608 . Missouri Tent & Awning Co., St. York City, overcoats. $120,320. 4-955 Warren J. Courtney (Inc.), Mundy Lcuis, Mo., pyr. tents, 45,750. 7629-B. Schwartz & Webber, Boston, Mass, Point, Va., tomatoes, $59,800. 7600-N. Everlastik (Inc.), New York City, overcoats, $28,960. 787. George T. Myers & Co., Seattle, Wash., webbing, $3Q.670.6. 7564-N. Wender & Golds in Inc., Brooklyn, salmon, $72,035. 7665-B. Ainory Browne & Co., Boston, Mass., N. Y., coats and trousers, 8,720. 1-C. Armour & Co., Hattiesburg, Miss, fresh flannel, $32,370.59. 1607-N. A Mendelson & o. Uniform Co., beef, $735960.65. 7016-P. Louis Fleisher & Co., Philadelphia, New York City, overcoats $27860. 764. Alaska Pacific Fisheries, Seattle, Wash., Pa., overcoats, $74,000. HC-867-J. Warren Tool & Porge Co, New salmon. 851,300. 6854-B. A. M. Gutterman & Sons Co., Bos- York City, railroad pickh. $20,440. 10-1735. American Rugar Refining Co., New ton, Mass., half soles, $202,800. IIC-982-C. Twentleth Century Stop & Tool York City, sugar, $87 9006. U831-8. Brauer Bros. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Co.. Aroma Park, Ill., spoons, $12,080. 10-1079 Food Administration Grain Corpo- Mo, revolver clips, $53,580.85. HO - 1018 - B. Russell Manufacturing Co., ration, New York City, rice, $77.500. 760i-1. StevensonMcGee Co., Baltimore, Greenfield, Mass., stocks and dies, 1i.9060. 763. Kpnsi Packing Co., Seattle, Wash., MGd pyr. tents, $45,000. HC-1039-P. Verona Tool Works, Pittsburgh, salmon. $34,720. 7620N. Henry Somuneborn & Co. (Inc.), New Pa, railroad picks, $68,000. 10-1736 B. H Howell Son & Co.. New York York City, overcoats, $273.600. TP-940-J. Buckeye Jack Manufacturing Co, City, sugar $43 953. 7t621-B. Trimount Coat Co., Boston, Mass., Alliance, Ohio, wagon jacks, 123,750. Cub -27-.-8 ]uisiana State Rice Milling overcoats, $60,800. IIC-1007-N. Grafi Wshbourne & Dinn Co., Co. New Orleans, La., rice, $D3,755.79. New York City, whistles, $48,100. 15051-G. B. A. Eckhart Mfg. Co., Chicago, 7601-N. Fifth Avenue Uniform Co., New 7613-N. H. Labovits Clothing Cf, New Ill., flour, $47,970. York City, Overcoats, $76,000. York City, overcoats, $38,000. Eckhart Mfg. Co., Chicago, 7500-N. Superior buck Clothing Co. (Inc.), City, 15044-G. B A. coats, $25.920. 7612-N. A. Austern & Co., Now York Ill.. four, $53.200. New York City, trousers and over~oats, 844.400. Framer Canning Co., Dex- 6912-0. Scot Oitha Tent & wning Co., 15028- . Dexter Om a, Nebr., paulius, $34,252.50. 1556-F. Goldatone BEos., San Francisco, Cal, ter. Iowa, canned corn, $32.500. coats and trousers, $25.500. Co., In- 7(01-F. Wmn. . negee Co., Los Angeles, 15026 G. -Central States Canning Cal. . tents, 7555-N. Leo Finksuberg, New York City, dianiapolis, Ind., tomatoes, $30,000. 0. coats and trousers, $10,801. 1717. California Packing Corporation, San 7 P1 J. The StAard Tent 4 Awning Co., 7630-N. Frankel Uniformui Co., New York, Prancisco, Cal., cherries, $40,686.44, Toe. Oio, pyr. thiTts, $76,000. City, overcoats, $76,000, 6 Co., Santa Clara, HC-1045-P. Oliver Iron & Steel Co., Pitts- 787. Pratt Low Preseving railroad picks, $135,000. 540 -N. Nantex Mfg. Co., New York City, Cal.. cherries. $2d.014.72. burgh. Pa., coats and trousers, $V45,110. 1775. F F. Boath Co., Centerville, Cal, HC-905-C. American Cutlery Co., Chicago, cherries, $50,787.08. Ill.. knives, $80,625. Supplemental Contracts. 7626-N. Schneider & Blumberg (Inc.), New Purchase Transactions Approved. York City, overcoats, $30,240. Sup-2079. H. A. Grunewald Co., Evanston, 7590-N. The Linen Thread Co., New York Ilj,, cotton breeches; providing for delivery as per specifications. Contracts under $25,000. City, thread, $45,858.25. Sup-to Sub-319-2-2. American Can Co.. New Or- 133 O9. Detroit 6Machine Co., De- 7691-B. A. P. LTd, Belfast, Me., pyr. tents, leans. La., hard bread cans, $130,000. troit, Mich., engine supports; number redi-ed $3,875. 1489. Sextop %pn Co., Boston, Mass., hard from 3,000 to 1,500, en irely canceled. 7694-8. Dougherty Bros., St. Louier-Mo., breqi cans, $60,000. Sup-1161. Remington Typewriter Co., Ilion, pyr. tents, 815,800. Io15. Knox & Morse Co., Boston, change in delivery. Taylor Co., Cave, Mass., shoe N. Y., typewriters; 75624J. Burroughs & dubbing, $49,873. Sup-1138. Remington Typewriter Co., Wash- Ten.. trousers, $1,776. ington, D. C., typewriters; change in deliver3. 75gS -B. New England Co., Boston, al., Contracts evarded to other than lowest Sup-250. Holtite Thistle Co., New York dunk coats, $11,280. bidder. City, overseas caps; place of delivry changed. 7547-B. Ideal Mfg,. Co., Tilton, N. IT., coats Ltup-2250. J. C. Taylor Manufacturing Co., and trousers. $6.840. 7550-P. Joseph Bros., Milville, N. J., coats number reduced & Fin. and trousers, $15,750. Boston, Mass., mosquito bars; 7037-P. Summerdale Dyelug Pr. from 8,000 to 3,775. Wks.. Philadelphia, Pa., D. & F. duck,$S.915,89. 7544-C. MT.Snovwer & Co., Chicago, Ill., coats Sup-1154. Snell Manufacturing Co., Nev- 7552-J. Metropolitan Mfg. Co., Cleveland, and trousers, $4,200. Yqek City, bits; bits may be either black or Ohio, coats and trousers, $5,700. brl~ht finish. Tent & Awning Co., 7611-C. Morgenthau Bros., Chicago, Ill., 1522-0. Scott Omaha overcoats, $84,000. b9ip-1157. Blaisdell Pencll Co., Philadelphia. Omahba, Nebr., panel sets, $18,648.60. to one-half City, 7624-P. A. B. Kirsebbaum Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., pencils; changed from gross 7095-N. Patsey & Lapthorn, New York per box. pyr. tents, $22 875. Pa., overcoats, $114,000. gross THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. 31


Sup-1152. Lamb Kitting Machine Co., Chic- FLOUR. opc Falls, Mass., draw gauges; change in N. J.; Food Administration. New York 2860094. 1Wboter fg 68., Riverton, I price from $1 to 97 ceats, a1so l delivery. City, Sup-1133. .Tames Swan Co., Philadelphia, 5,8 pounds, 5.65 cents. 86695. Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co., New Pa., tap borers; place of delivery changed. Midwest Milling Co., Abilene, Kans., York City; ,800 barrels fuel oil, $2,092.50. 355 740 pounds, 5.33 cents. Sup-1138. Whitaker Glessner Co., Washing- Fluastca P roleunm Co.; 3,800 bar- ten, . C., steel barrels; deliveries to be com- ' C. S. Christensen Co., Medalia, Minn., rel -8l6696. fuel oil, $2,9112.50.r pIlete by 10/26/1. 244,800 pounds, 5.85 cents. 86697. J. W. Gastelger & Son. Brooklyn, Sup-1151. Warren Axe & Tool Co., Warren Wolf Milling Co., Ellinwood, Kans., 181,860 N. Y.; 25,000 pQunds timothy, $622.50. Pa., chipping axes; addition to price on 579 pounds, 5.35 cents. 80698. Western Industries Co., San Fran- dozen handles, or 44 cents pep dozen. J. W. Denio Milling Co., Sheridan, Wyo., ci 0, Cal.; 8,000 gallons alcohol, $5,300. lI92,000 pounds, 5.28 cepts. M idwest C6699. Macbeth Evans Glass Co., New York Contract Canceled (Previously Ap- Milling Co., Abilene, Kans., City;2,500 shades, $1,185, 266.240 pounds, 5.85 cents. 8 700. Universal Trading proved). Midwest Co., Brooklyn, Millipg Co., Akilene, Krans., pounds shellac, $3,948.50. 0912-C. Scott Omaha Tent & 61076 pounds, 5.90 cents. N. F.;05,000 Omaha, Awning Co., Pa 1. . B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Nebr., paulins, $34,232,50. X. P. Dousman Milling Co., De Pere Wis., Pa.; 2 books, $10. 198,900 pounds, 5.241 cents. 8(i702. Wincroft Stove Works, Middletowii, Wolf Milling Co., Ellinwood, Kans., 406,220 Pa.; stove parts, $179.70. pounds, 5.35 cents. 86703. Edison Electric Appliance Co., Chi- J. P. Dousman Milling Co., De Pere, Wis., cago Ill.; electrical SUBSISTENCE DIVISION 100,100 pounds, 5.31 cents. material, $2,390.97. Duluth Universal Milling Co., Duluth, w6704. Thos. Laughlin Co., Portland, Me.; Minn., 1,372,000 pounds. wirei sockets, $21.18. Omaha Flour Mills, Omaha, Nebr., 951,700 86705. Paragon Machine Co., Rochester, The following is a list of awards made pounds. N. Y.; 1 cylinder, $42. Lee 80706. . S. fay & Egan Co., Cincinnati, by the Subsistence Division, oflice of the Warren Millih@ Co., Salina, Kans., Ohio, 1 hand saw, Director of Pijciase: 1,960,000 pounds. $183'1. 86707. Flannery Bolt Co., Pittsburgh, 4'a., Sleepy Eye Ylour Mills, Sleepy Eye, Minn., staybolts and sleeves, $1,084.75. MILK, EVAPORATED. 3,880,000 pounds. 86708. J. Baunigarten & Sons Montana Flour Mills, Co., 'Wash- Vailcia Evaporaled Lewiston, Kans., ington, D. C., 2 seals, $7.90. Milk Co., New York, 500 2,440.000 pounts. 86709. Iver 1pound cases, $6 less 25 cents less 5 cents Leavenworth Johnson A. & C. Works, Fitell- Milling Co., Leavenworth, burg, Mass., bicyole parts, $145. Kyas., 882,000 pounds. 80710. SUCAR, Leavenworth Ingersoll-Rand Co., New York, N. Y., POWPERED AiD CUT-LOAF, Milling -Co., Marshall, Mo., parts for rammers, $35. Western Sugar Refining Co., 882,000 pounds. 80711. Henry Disston Ran Francisco, Barber Milling & Sons (Inc.). Ta- Cal., 60,000 pounds cut-loaf, $9.2706 fLe. b. Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 2,- COny, Philadelphia, Pa., 100 ret nery. 940,000 pounds. diggers and 2,172 Lexington M. & M. Co., Lexington, tiles. $540. Western Sugar Refining Co., San Francisco. Nebr., 80712. Henry Disston & Sons (Inc.), Ta- Cal., 20,000 pounds granulated, $8.5356 f. o. b. 980,000 pounds. cony, Philadelphia, Pillsbury Flour Co., Minneapolis, Pa., 3,396 files, $480. refinery. Minn., 86718. iale & Kilburn Co., Washington, Franklin Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia, 329,300 pounds. D. C., seats and cushions, Wasdiburn Crosby Co., Minneapolis, $12,700. Pa., 400,000 pounds.granulated, $8.7900 f. o. Minn., 86714. American Brass & Copper to,, New b.refinery. 15.050,000 pounds. York, N. Y., 21,500 Consolidated Flour Mills, Newton, fuses, $752. Franklin Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia. Kais., 86715. Nason Manufacturing Co., New York, Pa., 400,000 pounds granulated, $8.7006 f. o. b. 98.000 pounds. N. Y.. bowl and tank, $55. refinery. Ulpdike Milling Co., Omaha, Nebr., 980,000 86710. Texas Co., New York N. y., 1,000 Franklu Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia., pounds. gallons Pa., Empire Milling oil, $265. 240,00 poundAgranulated, $8.7000 f. o. b. Co., Janesville, Minn., 1,- 86648. R. Wallace & Sons Manufacturing refinery. 460,000 pounds. Co Wallingford, American La Grange Mills, Red Wing, Minn., 1,960,000 Conn., 1,500 spoons, $51. Sugar Refining Co.. Boston, Mass.. 86649. Iroquois China Co., Syracuse, N, Y., 200 000 pounds grauulated, $8,7900 f. o. b. pounds. 1,200 dishes, $300. refinery. W. X. Jennison Co., Appleton, Mln. 1,960,- pounds. 86650. M. S. Brooks & Sons, Chester, Conn., Pennsylvania Sugar Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., 000 2,100 screw eyes, $117. 300,000 pounds granilated, $8.7906 f. o. b. Schultz Blarjanm & Co., Bearstown, Ill., 980, refinerv. 000 pounds, 86051. R. W. Goldart, New York City, 600 padlocks, $954; 144 latches, 288 Pennsylvania Sugar Co., PhiladelphIa, . Wolf Milling Co., Ellinwood, Kans., 392,000 locks, Pa., pounds. $308.10. 4,000 pounds,eut-loaf, $9.5256, extras 30 cents 86652. The American Brass Co., Ansonia, each per pound. Pillsbury Flour Mills, Minneapolis, Minn., Conn.. 2,570.700 pounds. 235 pounds copper, $81.66. Pennsylvania Sugar Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 86653. The Deming Co., Salem, Ohio, 9 tube 1,000 pounds plaini, $8.9876, barrels, extras Great Northern Flour Mills, Minneapolis, 30 cents each per Minn., -. 176.000 pounds. $52.80. pound. cylinders,86654. Hays Manufacturing Co., Imperial Sugar Co., Sugar Land, Tex., Atkinson Milling Co., Minneapolis, Minn., Erie, Pa., 1,000-000 pounds. 56 cocks, 879.64. pounds granulated, $8.9400 f. o, b. 1,960,Q00 86655. Loeb Co., Louisville, refinery. Big Diamond Milling Co., Morristown, Miln., Ky.. 120 toes, American 1,"(1,000 pounds. .$48. Sugar Refining Co., New Orleans, 8650. Nason Manufacturing Co., New York La., 2,6100,000 pounds granulated, $8.7906 Teunant & Hoyt Co., Lake City, Minn., 2,- f 0. b). New Orleans. 940,000 pounds. City, pipe ittilgs, 86007. Zahner Mapufactuling$115.70. Co., Kansas Colonial Sugar Co., New Orleans, La Kallspell Milling Co., Great Falls, Mont., 2,400,000 pounds 1470,000 pounds. City, Mo., battery of urns aid stand urn, granulated, $8.7906 f. 0. . $495. New Orleans. .-Royal Milling Co., Great Falls, Mont., 3,- American 889.000 pounds. 86658. United Brass Manufacturing Co., Sugar Refining Co., New York Cleveland, Ohio, gauge valves, $830.50. City, 4,714,700 pounds, $8.7906 f. o. Money Milling Co., Omaha, Nebr., York. b. New - 3,920.000 86659. J. C. Grinnan, Norfolk, Va,, insulated pounds. mineral rubber flooring, $02.50. L. ft. Ifowell,--Son & Co., New York City Washburn-Crosby, Minneapolis, Minn., 13,- 6,000,000 pounds, 80660. Chicago Eye Shield Co., goggles, $9. $8.7906 f. o. b. New York. 690,000 pounds. 86661. Brennan Motor Arbuckle Bros., New York City, 2,000,000 Mfg. Co., 'ylinders, pounds, $8.7906 f. . b. New York. $80. Warner Sugar 86662. American Car & Foundry Export Co., Refining Co., New York City, New York, spare parts 4,000,000 pounds, $8.7906 f. o. b. New York. for conveyer 'ars, INderal Sugar Refining Co., New York City, THE PANAMA CANAL $135.60. 2,000,000 poan~s, 83663. IIaggard & Marcusson Co., 1109 $8.7100 f. o. b. New York. wenty-9eventh Street, B. 1. Howell Son & Co., New York City, Chicago, Ill., bunks, 5,000,000 pounds, $8.7906, f. o. b. New York. 80664. General Electric American Sugar Co., New York City, The following is a list of orders placed Co., Schenectady, 3,714,700 N. Y., Parts for reloaders, $100; viaduct car pounds, $8.7906, f. o. b. New York. by the Panama Canal: . prts. $76.80. Arbuckle Bros., New York City, 1,500,000 pounds, $8.7906, 86085. Frank W. Swett & Son, Chicago, Ill.; 86665. T. I. Williams & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., f. o. b. New York. 19' saws, $58.9. engineer's wrenches.210. Warner Sugar Co., New York City, 2,000,000 86086. National Sash & Door Co., New Or- 86066. McQua-.Norris' Mfg. Co., Washing- pounds, $8.7906, f. o. b. New York. leans, La.; 380 sash, Federal Sugar Refining $1,144. ton. D. C.. 36 piston rings, $35.64. Co., New York City, 86687. Rudolph & West Co., Washington, 86667. Buffalo Specialry Buffal 1,500,000 pounds, $8.7000, f. c. b. New York. D. Co., , N. Y., American C.; 432 handles, $38.88. 48 fluid tubes, $4.50. Sugar Refining Co., New Orleans, 86688. Worthington 86668. Kemp Mach~iery La., 2,600,000 ponmt(1s, $8.7006, f. o. b. New Pump & Machinery Co.', Baltimore, Md., York. Corporation, Washington, D. C.; 2 pumps, 2 sets pipe dies, $26. Colonial $319. 8609. Public Printer, Wahiington, D. C., Sugar Co., New Orleans, La., 80689. Wrought Washer bills, 2,400.000 jwrtnds, $8.7906, f. o. b. New York. Mfg. Co.. Milwan- etc. kee, Wis.; 2.610 pounds washers, $249. 86670. Public Printer, Washington, D. C., RICE.. 86600. Oxweld Acetylene Co., Newark, N. 1 welder truck, $14.50. 3: Congressional Record. NEWPORT NgWS, 80071. Babcock & Wilcox Co., New York, 86091. The Win. Powell Co., Cincinnati, strainors U. S. Food 'Administration Grain Corpora- Ohio- 40 valves, $37.60. and gaskets, $36. tion, 42 Biwamdway, 86672. Thomas Somerville, Washington, New York City, 0. D. 0. 86492. The B3. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., D C., 10 gate valves, $211.20. & 8, GO,096.pounds, 7 cents per pound. Akron, Ohio 20,500 feet cable, 128,000 . S. Food Administration feet 86673. New Jersey Zinc Co.. New York, Grain' Corp'a- wire. $8,406.40. 4,000 pounds zinc, $600. tion, 9,375 pounds, Tj cents per pound plus 86693. Texas Co. actual cost double (New York) ; 7,000 gal- 80674. Foster Engineering Co., Newark, sackulig. Ions oil, $2,970. N. J., 12 valves, 16 springs, $436. 32- THE OFFICIAL U. S. BJLLETIN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918.

LIST OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND- PURCHASE ORDERS I I 86675. F. N. DuBois & Co., New York, pipe 86645. Texas Co., New York, N. Y., 6,400 130503. November 12, 1918. General Elee- fittings. $12.16. gallons oil, $2,443. tric, Schenectady, N. Y., 1 wave micrometer, 86676. Kalamazoo Loose Leaf Book Co., 86646. Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia, $40. Washington, D C., 3 binders, $75.30. Pa., 3,000 pounds cup grease. $28M. 130595. November 12, 1918. National Elec- 86677. Reed & Prince Mfg. Co., Worcester, 86647. Franklin Brush Mfig. Co., Philadel- tric Supply Co., 1330 New York Avenue, Wash- Mass., 2,800 stove bolts, $8.70. phia, Pa., 144 brushes, $163. ington, D. C., 5 coils, reslstance, $1.50 each. 86678. Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San 140412. November 11, 1918.. Kellogg Switch- Francsco, cal, 26,000 feet b. m. lumber, board & Supply Co., Chicago, Ill., switchboard- $2,283.40. Jack panels, $666. -86679. United States Steel Products Co., 150512. November 11, 1918. National Car- New York City, 7,000 pounds boat spikes, ARMY SIGNAL CORPS bon Co., Jersey City, N. J., 1,400 batteries, dry, 5307.50. 27 cents each. 86080. Aldrich 19Ianufacturing Co. (Inc.), 150522. November 8, 1918. Weston Electric, Buffalo. N. Y., 36 cuspidors, $60. 303 Penfield Building, Philadelphia, Pa., 8 86681. William G. Scarlett & Co., Baltimore, The following contracts have been made voltmeters, $37.50 each. Md. 60 bushels oats, $79.20. by the office of the Director of Purchases 150324. November 8, 1918. J. H. Bunnel & 80682. 8ehronk & Co., New York City, 118 Co., 20 Park Place, New York City, 100 rheo- Panes glass, $463 20. for the Signal Corps of the Army: stats, 03 cents each. 86683. Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole, Mass., 15,- 000-yards cheesecloth, $1,106.25. 170316. November' 9, 1018. Smith & Ilemen- 80684. Anglo Mexican Oil Co., 3,800 barrels way Co., 114-130 Colt Street, Irvington, N. J., fuel oil. per barrel. $0,7875. 1 belt and safety strnD, $4.50. 86613. Charles Schaefer & Son., Brooklyn, 170317. November 9, 1918. Hubbard & Co., N. Y., 230,000 pounds oats, $7,950. Pittsburgh. Pa., 1) thimbles, guy, 37 cents. GENERAL SUPPLIES DIVISION 80614. Joseph V. Ferguson 170318. November 9, 1918. National Elec- & Co., New Or- trio Co., Washington, R.C., 25 supports, in- loans, La.. 30,000 pounds straw, $815. sulator, 30 cents each. 86615. Universal Trading Co., New York, The following is a list of purchase N. Y., 700 grease cups, $160. 180429. November 6, 1918. Sprague Elec- 86616. The Buda Co., New York, N. Y., 2 trical Works, 527 West Fifty-fourth Street, orders of the General Supplies Division, saint arm plates, $11.90. New York City, 500 feet wire. $36.50. not passed on by the Board of Review, 180443. November, 1918. Rome Wire 86617. Wallace & Tiernan Co., New York, Co., dated November 3, 1918: N Y.. 1 pressare gage, $27.50. Rome, N. Y., 23 feet wire. 24 cents. 86618. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Wash- 180444. November 6, 1918. Peerless Insu- Bridgeport Hardware & Manufacturing Cor- lated Wire & Cable Co., 90 West Street, New poration, Bridgeport, Conn., 2,500 pliers. ington, D. C., 5 bars one-elghth-inch steel, York $0.33. City, 2,000 feet wire, 31 cents per pound; Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City, 2,000 feet, wire, 31 cents per pound; 5,000 N. J., 4 gross pencils. 86619. Robeson Process Co., New York, feet, N. Y., 2 barrels glutrian, $27 50. wire, 32 cents per pound; 2,000 feet wire, Eagle Glass & Manufactoring Co., Wells- 86 cents per pound. burg, W. Va., 780 oilers. 86620. Westinghouse Air Brake Co., New 100482. York, N. Y., air-brake material, $905.47. November 12, 1918. Paragon Ma- Defiance Pressed Steel Co., Defiance, Ohio, . 86621. Underwood Typewriter chine Co.. 77 South Avenue, Rochester, N. Y., 5,900 sugar boxes. Co., Wash- 1 canvas .helt, $18. Dover Stamping Co., Cambridge, Mass., 100 ington, D. C., 7 typewriters, $472.50. 120460. November 9, 1918. Eastman Kodak oilers. 86622. Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, Co., Rochester, N. Y., 408,000 feet film, Dover Stamping Co., Cambridge, Mass., 50 400 graphite balls. $5. 513,0315. 86623 Walworth Mfg. Co., Boston, Mass., oilers, 120461. November 10, 1918. Hitt Wire' Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Washing- 73 unions, $30. ton, D. C., 14 machines. 86624 New Departure Manufacturing works Co., Seattle, Wash., 275 lares, $400. Co., 120462. November 11. 1918. Bauseh & Lolpb The E. C. Brown Co., Rochester, N. Y., 60 Bristol, Co., coaster brake parts, 82608. hand 86625. Peck Bros. & Co., New Haven, Conn., Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y., 200 eye guards, sprayers. rubber, 40 cents. Tucker Tool & Macline Co., New fork City, 150 bibb cocks, $110.75. 1,220,000 lock washers. 8620 Ford Motor Co., Long Island City, 120463. November 11, 1918. Dennison2 ALan- motor truck parts. $1,010.69. utacturinq Co., Framingham, Mass., ,500 la- Undirwood Typewriter Co., Washington, 80627. Sidney B. Strouse, Atlantic City, bels, $2.17 per thousand. D. C., 250 typewriters. N. T., 72 couplings, $89.64. 120464. November 11, 1918. Burke & James Ro, al Typewriter Co., Washington, D. C., (Inc.). 240 3 typewriters. . 86628. F. N. Du Bois & Co., New York City, East Ontario Street, Chicago, III., Woodstock Typewriteri 73 bends, $32 50. 2,000 lantern slides, $4.50 per thousand. Co., Washington, 120467. D. C., 50 typewriters. 86629. Hibbard Spencer Bartlett & Co., Chi- November 6, 1918. Burke & James Graham Paper Co., St. Louis, Mo., 8,000 cago, Ill., 216 snaths, $177.12. (Inc.), 223 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y., 1 dozen ferrotype plates, $5 per dozen. rolls for adding maefines. 86630. The Cleveland Osborn Manufacturing Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York City, 50 Co., Washington. D. C., -00 handles, $60. 120480. November 12. 1918. Chas. G. Wil- dictionaries. 86631. Jackson Mfg. Co., Harrisburg, Pa., loughby, New York City, 1 Eastman back- Defiance Manufacturing Co., New York City, 300 handles, $150. - ground carrier, $6. 120483. November 12, 1918. 500 inkstands. 86682. R. L. Reuther Handle Works, Nash- Devry Portable Pittsburgh Steel ville. Tenn., 2.700 handles, $295. Projector Co., Cleveland, Ohio, I Devry projec- Co., Washington, D. C., tor, $180. 34,700 pounds staples. 86633. H. A. Stiles & Co., Boston, Mass , 36 J. H. Hansey' & Co., Hastings, Nebr., 4 lwks, $198.15. 120485. November 13, 1918. G. Gennert, 24 grease guns. 86084. Anchor Sawmills Co., New York City, East Sixty-third Street. New York City, 1 mo- The Allentown Spining Co., Paterson, N. J., 125 pairs oars, $443.75. tion picture machine, $200. 9,000 pounds jute sail twine. S4635. The Manhattan Rubber Manufactur- 130582. November 9. 1918. United Battery-* Natonal Enameling & Stamping Co., Balti- ing Co., Passaic. N. J., 6,000 feet hose, $1,350. Corporation, 42 Broadway, New York City, more, Md., 500 cuspidors. 8636. The National Fire & Rubber Co., 50 tunestOn dry batteries, 10 cents. Ames Shovel & Tool Co;, Boston, Mass., st Palestine, Ohio, 2,100 linear feet rubber, 1304109. November 6, 1918. Manhattan Elee- 3.600 shovels. $186 42. tric, 1T Park Place, New York City, 100 bat- Mack & Co., Rochester, N. Y., 200 wood 80637. The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., tery, bheostat, 0 cents. planes. New Kensington, Pa., 18 pots, $434.43. 130383. November 8, 1918. Blake Signal & Singer Sewing Machine Co.-New York City, 86038. Lehnert & Co.. New York City, 330 Manufacturing Co., Boston, Mass, 1,000 sta- 11 thread unwinders, 14 machines and tables. shower heads, $693 ples, $1.12 per thousand. The Peek. Stow & Wilcox Co., Southington, 8639. R. E. Diets Co., New York City, 288 ' 10384 November 8. 1918. Western Elec- Coun., 300 tinner's snips. Ianto n, A230.40. tric, 463 West Street, New York City. 3 tins The Bucks Stove & Range Co.. St. Louis, 81*46. B. B. Neal Hardware Co. (Inc,), amberoid solution, 73 cents each. Mo., 1,000.000 identification tags. New York City, 18,288 saw blades, $863.28. 130386. November 8. 1918. Scott Omaha Dover Stamping Co., Cambridge, Mass., 98 86641. A. L. Moras Co., Boston, Mass., 325 Tent & Awning Co.. Omaha, Nebr., 2 panels, oilers. chain shackles. $128.25. 2 squares, and 8 strips, $47.70. Jtanes Smith & Sons Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 80642. Public Printer, printing 5-1241, 130587. November 8, 1918. National Elec- 12.300 sailnakers' palms. withheld. tric Supply Co., 1330 New York Avenue, Champian Blower & Forge Co., Lancaster, 86643. Public Printer, printing 8-1242, Washington. D. C., 50 posts, 15 cents each. Pa.. 230 sets screw plates. withheld. 130588. November 8, 1918. Boston Woven National Enameling & Stamping Co., Wash- 86644. National Waste Co., Philadelphia, Hose & Rubber Co., Boston, MasS,, 24 pounds ington, D. C., 10,000 tea kettha. Pa , 30,000 pounds cotton waste, $4,425. tape, $8.51. Bxifnington Scale Co., New York City, 25 platform scales. North & Judd Manufacturing Co., New Brit- ain. Conn., 400,000 tongfiless bar buckles. Frederick Osann Co., New. York City, I but- Early Copy of Government Contracts Desired ton sewing machine. Thomas A. Edison. Orange, N. J., 5 dictat- Purchasing Agents of all Government departments are requested to ing machines. Underwood Typewriter Co., Washinaton, continue sending to this office at the earliest possible moment all lists of D. C., 67 typewriters. contract purchases, bids, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Washiagton , proposals, etc., intended for puhlication in the D. C., 4 machines. OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN. It is necessary that this copy be handled Ansonia NoveltI Co., Ansonia, Conn., 100 thimbles. - promptly in order to insure publication in its proper place and sequence, A. B. Dick Co., Washington, D. C., I mimeo- and this can only be accomplished graph. through the earnest ceoperation of all Underwood Typewriter Co., Washington, those who are charged with responsibility. D. C., 2 typewriters. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Washing- ton, D. C., 4 calculating machines.