Page 16, Hourglass, Tuesday, December 29,1987 World News Super Collider SnowstorlTI Hits East After Finalist Named(" (" Burying Plains, Midwest WASHINGTON (AP) - Texas, Anzona, Colorado, Ten­ By The ASSOCIated Press west, and f100dmg contmued serVIce station employee takIng nessee, New York, IllInOIs, unabated m the South dozens of tow calls "We get MIchIgan and North CarolIna The Northeast braced today The foul weather Monday more busmess thIS way I like are the fmaltsts 10 competitIOn to for the arri val of a deadly w10ter frustrated holiday travelers, un­ thIS stuff" land the $4 4 bIllIon super col­ Volume XXIV No 243 Tuesday, December 29, 1987 storm that has turned highways less they happened to be 10 MI­ Other dIsruptIOns were tem­ IIder atom smasher, Sen Jesse mto parkmg lots and packed arr­ ami, where the 83-degree high porary power outages 10 the Helms, R-N C , saId today ports With stranded travelers as It tIed a record for the date Chicago area - between 6 and Helms made the announce­ plodded across the Plams and In Hastmgs, MICh , halfway 12 mches hit northern IllInOIS - ment from his Raleigh, N C , Iran Condemned At Arab SummIt MIdwest between Milwaukee and DetrOit, and several Iowa CItIes, rural office Without attrIbut10g It to The snow tapered off 10 the nearly 10 mches of snow had maIl undelivered around any source By Aly Mahmoud val force to protect shlppmg 10 strategy for defendmg their have been attacked In the gulfby Midwest after the storm, blamed fallen by Monday mght Rockford, III , and cancellation The Energy Department, ASSOCiated Press Writer the regIOn's mternatIOnal wa­ coasthnes, offshore Oil Installa­ Iran and Iraq 10 the most devas­ for at least 12 deaths, moved east "Traffic's movIng all nght of greyhound racmg m Water­ WhICh wIll bUIld the 53-mIles­ ters" tIons and tankers agamst IranIan tatIng assault on shlppmg ofthelr In SIX hours overnIght, the storm now, but a lot of people are get­ loo, Iowa around 1OstallatIOn If Congress RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - He was answenng a questIOn attacks 7-year-old war dropped 2 mches of snow on tIng stuck on hIlls," SaId KIrk Snow 10 Denver and Chi­ appropnates funds, declined PersIan Gulf Arab leaders ended about reported U S WIllingness The group also discussed Early today, shlppmg execu­ Cleveland and Toledo, OhIO, and Bmder, a Kalamazoo, MICh, cago caused long flight delays confrrmatlon of the finaliSts a four-day summIt today, de­ to study the Idea of aU N force, whether It would ask Egypt for tIves reported that Iranian navy BInghamton, Buffalo and nouncmg Iran's "aggreSSIve which has been supported by the milItary asSIstance to forge a warships mtercepted and seIzed ElmIra, N Y acts" agrunst Saudi ArabIa and Soviets defense strategy agaInst escalat­ the 31,205-ton West German The storm, whIch hIt the Police Identify Suspect In Slayings Of Boys Kuwrut and welcommg the Idea The leaders of the gulf Arab Ing IranIan attacks, the sources freighter Norasla Pearl Colorado fOOthIlls WIth up to 34 of a UN naval force to protect natIOns SaId m a final commum­ SaId, speak10g on condItIon of They said It was taken to the mches of snow, reached New By Alan FlIppen lIce headquarters "He IS con­ the nght man," he saId gulf shlppmg que that they agreed on mIlItary anonymIty IranIan port of Bandar Abbas England today wllh strong ASSOCiated Press Writer sldred armed and dangerous" Sarmento lIved at hiS parents' The SIx-natIon Gulf coopera­ cooperatIon measures recom­ But these tOpiCS were not The IranIans usually mtercept wmds, the NatIOnal Weather PolIce reportedly received a home about a mIle from the tIOn CouncIl conference urged mended by therr defense mmlS­ specifically mentioned 10 the ships they belIeve are carrymg SerVIce SaId It extended from PROVIDENCE, R I - Po­ note from a man who SaId Satan ponds where the boys' bodies Iran to "abIde by the pnnclples of ters, and affirmed the need to fmal report cargo for Iraq, and return them MIchIgan to West Vlrgmla, Vrr­ lIce announced a natIOnWIde forced hIm to kIll Frankie Bar­ were dIscovered earher thiS good nelghborllOess" and accept better develop therr defense ca­ The closmg communIque after they seize anyth10g of value gmIa, Maryland and Delaware manhunt today for a 21-year-old nes, 9, and Jason Wolf, 6 month Mancuso declIned to say a UN Secunty CouncIl resolu- pabilItIes deplored the "dangerous escala­ to their enemy "It's blowmg pretty good man who IS accused of kIllIng "I hope you wIll kIll me, cops, whether Sarmento knew hiS aj~ -, callIng for a cease-fire 10 the But the report contamed no tIon of IranIan attacks on gulf In RIyadh, the closed-door ( now," pohce dIspatcher Shelley two young boys whose bodIes because I don't know why I leged VIctims ~ ftr-old Iran-Iraq war detaIls on these Issues shlppmg lanes" It SaId the at­ councIl meetlOg, led by KIng Haynes SaId on Nantucket Is­ were found 10 ponds about a mIle kIlled the children," the note Mancuso declIned comment The Saudi foreign minIster, On Monday, conference tacks were a VIolatIOn of mterna­ Fahd of Saudi ArabIa, mcluded land, Mass, where 8 mches were form hIS home srud "Keep boys and kids away on the contents of the note The PrInce Saud a1-FaIsal, told a sources SaId the alliance dIs­ tIOnal law and the UnIted Na­ representatIves from BahraIn, expected PolIce searched Wilham from me" PrOVIdence Journal and WJAR­ news afterward that the councIl cussed the formatIon of a jomt tIons charter KUWaIt, Oman, the Untted Arab "They're puttmg the chaIns Sarmento's PrOVIdence home Sarmento may stlll have been TV reported over the weekend "welcomes an mternatIOnal na- arms Industry and a common ThIS month alone, 26 ships Emirate and Qatar Together, on the crUisers now" Monday nIght and eVIdence col­ 10 Rhode Island as late as thIS that the author srud Satan had they own half the world's known Forty-fIve trucks began salt- lected there prompted them to morn1Og, but was expected to ordered him to kIll the boys Oil reserves 109 and plowmg streets 10 Cleve­ ISSUe arrest warrants for hIm thiS flee the state once he was pub­ Frankie was mIss10g smce Although the counCil has land before the mornmg rush morn1Og, srud ProVidence PolIce lIcly mdentIfied as a suspect, Nov 4 His body was discovered Nine Bodies Found At forged common defenses agaInst hour, WhIle Akron mobIlized 32 ChIef Anthony J Mancuso Mancuso said Saturday In Tongue Pond In aIr and ground threats, they have salt trucks and crews were plow- "He IS presently still at large A note received by polIce on Cranston, about a half-mIle from not so far revealed any jomt strat­ 109 major streets III Toledo and a natIonwide broadest man­ Saturday led them to Sarmento, hIS home 10 PrOVidence's west Suspect's Residence egy for defend 109 therr shlppmg MeanwhIle, a new PaCifIC hunt has been Issued," Mancuso Mancuso SaId, but he declIned to end Jason's body was found from Iranian attacks, a spillover storm blustered mto the North- saId at a news conference at po- elaborate "We're sure we have Dec 14 By Mary Freeman of at least seven other people, house at nearby Dover, SaId of the Iran-Iraq war ASSOCiated Press Writer IncludIOg five famIly members Shenffs Deputy JIm Handy MeanwhIle, two U S war­ Ben Mhol, governor of the Nusa Tenggara Islands, ordered local and a woman who had spurned The bodIes appeared to be shIps today safely escorted two Briefly authontIes to proVide medical aSSIstance and food for the VIllagers RUSSELL VILE, Ark hIS advances those of four young adults and an reflagged KuwaIti tankers north The volcano IS 13 mIles from the Central Flores town of Ruteng, AuthontIes found nIne bodies The 16 deaths are among the older woman, Handy srud, but through the StraIt of Hormuz, about 1,000 mIles southeast of Jakarta today near the reSidence of a man worst mass kIllmgs thIS decade IdentIties were not ImmedIately gateway to the PerSian Gulf, *** suspected m the shootIng deaths Twenty people were fatally shot aVaIlable accord 109 to the U S Central BEIJING (AP) - Twenty-eIght chIldren were trampled to death HONOLULU (AP) - Wilbur Schramm, a pIOneer 10 modem at a McDonald s restaurant m Earher, Pope County Shenff Command 10 Tampa, Fla and 100 mjured when hundreds of pupIls at a central ChIna pnmary commUnICatIOn research and the author of 30 books, IS dead at 80 San YSIdrO CalIf, 10 July 1984, Jim Bolm SaId that Simmons' The convoy was the 22nd school fell over each other on an unlIghted stalTcase, the Chma Schramm, who apparently suffered a heart attack whIle watch- 14 people were shot to death atan Wife and eIght of thelT chIldren SInce PreSIdent Reagan agreed to Youth News reported today 109 televlSlon at home, was pronounced dead at a hOSPItal Sunday Edmond, Okla, post offIce m and grandchIldren were unac­ have 11 Kuwrutl tankers re-reg­ The dally SaId most of the dead at the school In Shanyangcounty, nIght, accordmg to Webster K Nolan, publIc affrurs dIrector for the August 1986 counted for Istered m the UnIted States, entl­ Shaanxi provmce were less than 10 years old East-West Center Seven bodIes were found In a Simmons, 47, was ordered tlmg them to protectIon agaInst Eight of the mjured were 10 senous condItion, It SaId HIS latest book, "The HIstory of Human CommUnICatIOns," WIll shallow grave ncar the home of IranIan attacks Iran conSIders The report srud the aCCIdent occurred early Monday when pupils held WIthOUt bond today by Pope be publIshed soon, Nolan saId Schramm was the retlTed dIrector of R Gene Simmons, the man County CIrcUit Judge John D KUWaIt an ally of Iraq 10 the four-story school bUildIng were called outside for a regular the East-West Center's InstItute of Culture and CommunIcatlon On Monday, Iran's offiCial mornmg meetmg on the playground charged 10 two of the shootmg Patterson *** deaths Monday, and two chIl­ SImmons IS charged With two IslamIC RepublIc News Agency * * * WASHINGTON (AP) - The State Depaartment would be srud an "IraqI spy" convIcted m a JAKARTA, IndoneSIa (AP) - The 7,710-foot Mandosawu dren were found 10 the trunk of a counts of capital murder and four wlllmg to study a SOVIet proposal for a UnIted Natlons naval for vehIcle parked outSide the house, counts of attempted capItal mur­ car bombIOg that mjured 30 volcano erupted early today, causIOg forest frres 10 Central Flores for the Persian Gulf, but a spokeswoman says UN Secunty Conci accordmg to Edle Deal, warrant der 10 Monday's 45-mmute people 10 Tehran two years ago In the East N usa Tenggara Islands, the OffICIal Antara news agency approval of an arms embargo agrunst Iran IS more urgent officer for the 10 was publIcly hanged reported Pope County shootmg spree RussellVille At least 26 ShIPS have been attacked m the gulf by Iran and Iraq Shenff's Department The bodIes were found when Three executions for bomb­ The report saId VIllagers near the volcano have been evacuated thiS month, the most devastatmg assault on shlppmg of the coun­ The seven bodies were found mg charges have been reported to safer areas, but there were no casualtIes from the eruptIon tries' 7-year-old war about 150 feet from SImmons' Continued on page 2 sIOce Saturday • Pa g e 2, Hourglass, Tuesday, December 29, 1987 W0 rid New s Hourglass, Tuesday, Deocmber 29, 1987, Page 15 I Bishops' Conference To rr~~~~~~~~~ ALL PCSING RESIDENTS to udal acUon Holes up to 15 feet Fire At Morton deep along the reef next to the Kwajalein OFFICIAL II WHO HAVE WEAPONS REG­ Reconsider AIDS Paper ISTERED WIth the KwaJalem causeways will be created after Thiokol MX Missile n NOTICES PolIce Department must contact the coral has been excavated SUpport Project. NEW YORK (AP) - A May wrote the other bishops, "I ~_ . _ the PolIce Department Armorer Your conunued cooperauon dur- Employees To Roman Cathohc POSition paper am sure that all of us are pamed and check out With thiS office 109 the constructIon operatIOns Building Kills Four that earher thIS month gave by the publIc recepuon of the ATTENTION PET OWNERS Hours of operauon are 5 30 a m - m the hOUSlOg area IS apprecI­ Pay For quahfled approval to church- document It IS clear to me that If you are a pet owner PCS' 109 2 30 pm, Monday-Saturday ated BRIGHAM CITY, Utah The company's Wasatch sponsored InStrucUon on con- the admlmstratlve board's state­ K waJalem you must be cleared FIrearms must be packed 10 Medical/Dental (AP) - Fire broke out today at a Operauons were on a hmlted­ doms Will get another look from ment needs to be discussed In by the AnImal Controller, Bldg your household goods Noufy FOR INFORMATION concern­ Morton ThlOkol Inc bUIldIng staffmg hohday work schedule, US biShops, SaId CardInal John greater depth by the member- 1142 pnor to departure ThIS the Armorer's office 48 hours mg confllcUng reports regardmg Services where work on a stage of the MX so "there were very few people In O'Connor's offIce ship" must be done before you clear pnor to packout USAKA pohcles and proce­ missile IS done, and four workers that area at the tIme of the fue," The 380-member UnIted The poSitIOn paper, Utled HouslOg Also, a remlOder to persons dures, other than routIne Job-re­ As or January l. 1988. were killed, company officials Russell SaId States CatholIc Conference Will "The Many Faces of AIDS A HouslOg wIll be your last stop who have custody of regIstered lated problems, call the USAKA there will be- a charge for an saId A spokeswoman at Bngham dlscussthepohcypaperonAIDS Gospel Response," had SaId that pnor to departure weapons for an organlzauon, If Commander's Hot Lme at 1404 m«J.ical and dental services Rocky Raab, spokesman for City Commumty Hospital SaId a m June m Mmnesota, said the InstructIOn about condoms could you are leavlOg, a newly as­ between 8 a m and 3 pm, provided at tJSA]{A for t the company, SaId the fire broke man was taken there from Mor­ statement Issued by O'Connor's be perrmtted If presented WithIn Signed responSIble party must Monday through Fnday InqUIr­ KSP employ~ and ~ 1 RE-BADGING FOR GLOBALI dependents who reside at out at 6 20 a m at the plant 25 ton ThlOkol and later flown to the office Monday the context of church teachmg, Sign for the weapon (s) Ies 10 most cases WIll be an­ f miles west of Bngham City UnIversity of Utah's Intermoun­ O'Connor has called the pa- which advocates "abstInence KENTRON EMPLOYEES - swered on the same day, or as USAKA in accordance with The blaze erupted dunng taIn Burn Center In Salt Lake per a "grave mistake," and ex- outSide of mamage and fidelity Pnor to Fnday, Jan 1,1988, all TAKE 5 MINUTES TO REGIS­ soon as poSSible by the PublIc the USAKA Ftnandat Pol. removal of castIng eqUIpment City pressed surpnse when It was IS- WithIn mamage " It did not ad­ Global and PRC Kentron per­ TER YOUR BICYCLE With the Mfrurs Office of USAKA icy and Rate Manual.. from a loaded first-stage motor, Morton ThlOkol, which sued by the conferences's 50- vocate the use of condoms sonnel to be employed by Pan K waJalem PolIce Department It he SaId Raab SaId four workers manufactures the space shuttle member admInistrative board O'Connor was JOIned by Am/DynCorp and theIr depend­ may not be the law, but It makes were killed and one Injured, and booster, also produces rocket Dec 10 that It had not been sub- other conservative bishops In ents will be reqUIred to be re­ sense the bUIldIng was destroyed engInes at Its Wasatch mItted for a full vote by the cnuclZlng the paper May srud badged Re-badgmg Will take The fire was put out shortly Operauons Nuclear warheads group the Issue would be on the agenda place at Entry/EXlt, located on UNOFFICIAL USE OF GOY­ afterward, SaId Tom Russell, for the MX, dubbed the The conference preSident, at the next full conference, set for the fIrSt floor of Bldg 901 ERNMENT VEHICLES PublIc TUESDAY vice preSident of corporate de­ Peacekeeper by the Reagan Archhlshop John L May of St June In CollegevIlle, MInn The (USAKA TermlOal) commenc- law, US Army and local regula­ velopment and strategic plan­ admmlstratlOn, are produced LoUIS, agreed to present the Issue admInlstrauve board speaks for 109 Wednesday, Dec 23 The uons and procedures prohibit the Tonight On Television nIng at company headquarters In elsewhere to the larger forum the larger group between general followmg extended hours of unoffiCial use of government Kwajalein Chicago The AIr Force announced In AccordIng to the release, meetmgs operauon have been establIshed vehicles ThIs lOcludes personal "It's not somethIng that's July It had decided to Withhold o your conveOlence use, domicile to duty transporta­ Channel 9 threatenIng the entue faclhty," 10 percent of monthly contract Uon, and usmg vehIcles to go to he SaId payments to Morton ThlOkol Sentences ReducecP Tues, Dec 29 8 a m -6 p m lunch, eIther to quarters or publIc 4 59 General Hospital Russell srud the flre was In "a Inc, or about $1 mIllIon a month, Wed, Dec 30 8am-6pm dmlOg facdlues Due to local 5 44 Head Of The Class strategic area" three to four mIles for "poor workmanship" In fabn­ For Police Convicted ThuTS, Dec 31 8 a m -6 p m. condIuons and lack of POYs, 609 CBS News west of the plant admInistratIOn caung the first-stage rocket mo­ there are specIfic Instances 6 38 CNN Sports TOOlght In additIon to the extended bUlldmg tors where recreauonaVmorale use of 7 04 CommuOlty Bulleun Board Of Killing Priest Entry/Exlt hours on KwaJalem, vehIcles are authonzed These and Entry/Exlt representauve 7 06 60 Mmutes Nine BodIes Found condItIons are detaIled 10 804 Hunter (12 14) WARSAW, Poland (AP)­ Pietruszka ongmally was sen­ Will be at the ROI-Namur PolIce Pro­ USAKA Reg 56-4 and GA (1 Jrompage 1 The Supreme court has sharply tenced to 25 years In pnson, but Department Sunday, Dec 27 cedure 1184 Each unoffiCIal use 8 55 Knots Landing 05) 200 yards from the Simmons' cut the pnson sentences of four hiS sentence was reduced a year from 8 am -4 pm must be accordlOg to the gUIde­ 947 "The Blood Waters Of Dr Z" (1 57) crews began searchIng at Sim­ home, Slid the small chIldren secret pohce convicted In the ago EffectIve Fnday, Jan I, hnes and authonzed on a GA 11 17 CNN HeadlIne News appeared to be "sweet lIttle mons' home where hiS son, killIng of pro-SolIdarity pnest Urban said he did not have Global!Kentron badges will be form 1051 and forwarded to the 11 46 Entertamment TOOlght kids," but that the family kept to daughter, theu spouses, and a the Rev Jerzy Popleluszko, before him the exact amount of lOvalid and access to retail facIlI­ GA Automouve Department grandchild were found Monday themselves Wren saId SImmon Poland's chief governmen t the reduction of the sentences for ues will be deOled In order to UnoffiCIal use of government Channel 13 amid Chnstmas decoratIOns and "was kInd of strange He was spokesman SaId today the other two officers, but SaId It receIve a new badge, you must antI-socIal" vehicles can cause cItatIons and unopened presents, polIce SaId The deCISIOn, which govern­ was proporuonal Lt Leszek turn 10 your current badge loss of vehIcle use pnvdeges 4 30 NBC TOOlght Show Simmons surrendered to the WIllIam "Dub" Brown, who ment spokesman Jerzy Urban Pekala was sentenced to 10 years 5 30 CNN Sports TOOlght operates a grocery near the polIce chIef after a 45-mInute said was made for "humam tarIan In prIson and Lt Waldemar AIT ISLAND RESIDENTS A 6 00 ABC Nightiine shooung spree through a law house, SaId of SImmons, "He reasons," was taken Dec 17, the Chmielewski to eight years THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST didn't have much to say He was Corps of Engmeers contractor, 6 30 CNN HeadlIne News office and three former day two men were granted parole The two ongInally were sen­ OF FOUND PROPERTY that Clement PaCIfic, IS haulmg rock unfriendly" 7 00 The Candidates workplaces Monday In which from theu sentences for killIng a tenced to 15 years and 14 years In Will be sold at publIc aucuon recently blasted from the east PolIce gave thIS account of 756 LIberty Bowl Arkansas vs GeorgIa two people were killed and four polIceoffIcerdunng maruallaw pnson respecuvcly Their sen­ Saturday, Jan 23 Items may be reef ConstrucUon truck traffic the rampage through thiS town of 11 00 NBC TOOlght Show others wounded, offiCials srud The four officers were con­ tences also were reduced I£1St clauned by contacung the Found WIll be routed along Ocean Road Authonues say the gunman used 14,000 people about 70 mIles Victed m February 1985 of the year Property Officer, Randy Thur­ (from 5th St) VIa 8th St and two 22-calJber revolvers northwest of LIttle Rock kidnap and murder on Oct 19, Edward Wende, a lawyer for man,at4448 Roi-Namur The fIrst vlcum Monday was Lagoon Road to the south end of The bodies of the famIly 1984, ofPopIeluszko, an outspo­ Popleluszko's famIly, said Island ReSidents should be on members were found at Sim­ secretary, Kathy Kendnck, 24, ken supporter of the banned Soh­ 441 Donahue Pekala's and ChmIClewskI's vanous eyeglasses the watch for truck traffiC 10 thIS mons' home about 15 mIles shot to death at her desk The darlty movement sentences were reduced to SIX vanous sunglasses 5 30 General HOspItal gunman then kIlled J D ChaffIn, area 630 CBS News north of RussellvIlle after the Urban said the Supreme court years and four years respcc­ chIlds TImex watch To gam access lOto the ocean 33, and wounded Rusty Taylor, rampage, but charges had not ordered a lO-year reductIOn In uvely UnderPohsh law,aCfl~~ ... 'jmm camera & case area, three causeways WIll be 645 Cheers 38, a former employer of Sim­ been filed In those deaths Pope the 25-year sentence of the nng­ nal may be releaSed for good lW Vtult rruncoat constructed on the reef The 7 11 SImon & SImon mons', at Taylor 011 Co At SIn­ Country Shenff Jim Bohn Slid leader, Capt Grzegorz PIOtrow­ havlOr after servmg two-thuds of dlvlOg mask causeways wIll be 6' hIgh and 20' 802 Hotel Simmons IS the only suspect claIr MInI-Mart, also owned by ski The 15-yearsentenceofCol hiS sentence dlvlOg fms 8 53 "Zandy's Bndge" Taylor, he wounded manager WIde Residents are cauuoned to Authonues would not specu­ Adam Pietruszka, who was Urban said none of the four (8) bIcycles - mens and ladles stay off the causeways The 10 31 EntertaInment TOOlght DaVid Salyer, 38, and employee charged With InstIgatIng the late on a mouve were elIgible for release from Huffy bikes and (2) unknown causeways may be unstable due BIll Wren, who hved about Roberta Woolery, 46 murder, was reduced to 10 years prIson, "for the time beIng" make mens bIkes Page 14, Hourglass, Tuesday, Decelllber 2<), 1lJS7 W 0 rId New s Hourglass, Tuesday, December 29, 1987, Pa g~ 3

still on (sIZe 32) $6 pr, toaster THE MICRONESIAN HANDI­ Israel $10, slow cooker (lg) $10, CRAFT SHOP Will hold Its breakdown pool cue $5, bull­ January Committee MeeunPl'\ worker exerciser $15, food proc­ Tuesday, Jan 5 at 7 p m at~_ r1irmy Trlples Force In Gaza essor - new, $25, large frymg 224-B pan $20, 2 foldlng lounge charrs By Arthur Max The U S Consulate 10 Jerusa­ Israel that deportations could an Israeli the day before $8 each Call4391 TEEN CENTER NEW YEAR'S ASSOCiated Press Wnter lem sent a polIucal oftIcer to trIgger more VIOlence At the trIals 10 the West Bank $35, custom couch & charr cush- EVE DANCE - Dance your Nablus, a CIty 10 the West Bank, Most West Bank reSIdents and Gaza, army prosecutors HELP WANTED Ion covers - fits KwaJ standard PORTABLE PANASONIC way mto 1988 at the Teen Center JERUSALEM - Israel has to observe the thIrd day of the are Jordaman cIUzens, whIle were basmg their cases on tesu­ furniture - $80 for the set, VHS PLAYER & TUNER and on Thursday, Dec 31, 8 pm - flooded the OCCUpied lands With mIlItary trIals of900 Palesumans most reSIdents of the Gaza StriP mony from soldiers and secunty III..:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!.I II earthenware dlsh set - "Gerz" battery charger, plus case, $450 1230 a m troops because It expects new arrested dunng two weeks of are stateless agents, and on Video films and brandpg E126mAAFEEScata­ or best offer Call 4391 after 6 ThIS IS a dance for ages 13-18 nots Fnday on an anmversary unrest earlIer thIS month Shomron, releasmg revised photographs taken dunng the LOOKING FOR A JOB CHAL­ log - $100 Call 3626 pm plus return10g college students celebrated by a Palestmlan guer­ At least 21 Arabs were kIlled casualty fIgures from the two noung LENGE THAT WILL DE­ 18-20 thiS IS one dance you nllagroup, the mlbtary'schlefof 10 clashes wIth secunty forces weeks of not1Og, srud 21 Arabs Rabm told Israeli Parhament MAND THE MOST FROM STAINLESS SERVICE FOR 8 LARGE METAL PATIO don't want to miss' staff was quoted as say 109 today that started on Dec 8 No IsraelI were killed by army gunfire and on Monday thatdetamees will be YOU? Do you hke to work WIth - Eight forks, salad forks, tea­ COVER m excellent condlUon, See ya Thursday to rock 10 the Lt Gen Dan Shomron srud soldIers were killed dunng that 179 were wounded He srud 41 entItled to proper legal proce­ the pubhc? spoons, table spoons and kmves, $100, two new bikes, With bal­ New Year Israel doubled the number of Ume Israeh soldiers and 27 CIVIlians dures However, 10 Gaza no Wit­ If so, Bank of Hawall IS now $15 Call 2322 loon UTes, $75 each, 3-speed troops 10 the occuplcd West Rabm said Israel WIll "go on were mjured by stones or fire­ nesses gave eVidence and no accepung applIcauons for part­ ladles bike, With basket $25, 1 ON SALE NOW AT TEN-TEN Bank and tnpled the number of usmg" deportallons to pumsh bombs thrown by Arab demon­ famIly members were allowed to ume teller posluons Apphcants YOUTH GOLF CLUB SET $20 men's lO-speed $10, At Tr 586, - Tradluonal Japanese Mochl troops 10 thc Gaza StrIP, postmg secunty offenders, despIte con­ strators watch the proceedmgs while 60 must be friendly and courteous, (1 & 3 woods, 3,5,7 and 9 lTons, call 4584 after 5 p m and ManJu fresh from Hawall more troops there than It used to cern that "10 the long run they One more Palest1Olan, Hosm pnsoners were trIed able to operate a 10-key addlng puuer & bag), CaslO keyboard Supply IS hmlted, so hurry capture the tern tory from Egypt (expulSIOns) can corrode the Saada MuselTeh, died from a All but 10 of them confessed machme, type 35 wpm and be $60, radlo and cassette player MENS BIKE, KwaJ condltIon 10 1967 support for Israel 10 Amencan heart attack after Israeh pohce to the charges and were con­ able to work well under pressure $25 Call 2698 $5 Call 2790 or 1414 NEW YEARS EVE AT THE The precauUons were taken publIc opmlon " dispersed a demonstrauon 10 Victed, offiCIals srud Many re­ Apphcauons will be accepted YUK - The restaurant Will be forthe23rdanmversary on Jan 1 "DeportatIOn IS a meanmg­ Jerusalem With tear gas Arab ceived three-month pnson terms from 8 a m -5 p m Monday-Fn­ HUFFY 314 100SPEED BIKE, GOLF CLUBS - Wilson open for normal d10ner seTVlce of the foundmg of Al Fatah, the ful pumshment," Rabm told the sources count him as a not casu­ for stone-throwmg, while some day excellent condluon, $45 Call WS 1000 - complete new set, 8 from6-10p m Makeyourreser­ largest guernlla group under the Haaretz newspaper alty, rrusmg thelT toll to 22 got 20 days for takmg part 10 a 3597 lTons,4 woods, SW, putter and vauons early smce seatIng Will umbrella of the Palestme Libera­ B utForelgn Mimstry spokes­ The nots began after a traffIC demonstration KAPS NEED AIDS - We have bag $275, balls $3/doz Assorted be hmlted Call 3409 from noon- tion Orgamzauon, Shomron SaId man Ehud Gol srud Israel has not aCCident 10 which an Israeh truck "There IS no use appeanng," opemngs for part-ume teacher's 9 X 12 PEACH RUG $40, two fishmg reels Call4330 5 pm, Monday-Fnday 10 a bnefing to Israeh milItary yet decIded on expelhng nng­ dnver hit two Arab cars 10 Gaza, SaId FalZ Abu Rahma, one of 300 aIds and substitute aIds If you rust-peach shag rugs $15, low­ The lounge will feature deejay correspondents leaders of the nots kIlhng four passengers Rumors Gaza lawyers boycottmg the have early childhood educauon pnced plants - less than what lWO 3-WHEEL BIKES - 1 Ray Clements from 9 p m -JT t \ "Fatah Day," as It IS known The U S State Department spread that the kIlhng was done proceed1Ogs West Bank lawyers expenence, lots of energy and pots are worth Call 3762, Tr With baby seat (upholstered 10 a m No reservauons requlT~.' '\ kong Palesllmans, has often saId Monday It had cauuoned to avenge the stabbmg death of SaId they may Jom the boycott enJoy bemg With 3-6 year olds, 670 farr condluon) 1 Just like new taken been marked by violence and please apply now Call 2158 for $250 for both Call 2298 or see at bloodshed mformauon and an appomtment ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Tr 589 THE BARGAIN BAZAAR has "The nots 10 the terntones $30, 9x12 beige rug, like new, extended thelT hours They are Will not happen aga1O," Defense World Record CosInonaut KWAJALEIN JOB CORPS $75, shde trombone $200, canlS- now open the 2nd Saturday of Mmlster Y Itzhak Rabm said 10 CENTER IS seekmg volunteer II II ter vacuum cleaner, excellent FOUND the month, 8 30 am -9 45 am, an mtervlew publIshed today tutors to asSiSt 10 teachmg Eng­ condluon, $15, mlSC rugs, ram _. 10 addluon to regular hours "Even If we have to use maSSIve Returns Safely to Earth hsh as a second language and Job barrel w/faucet $15, golf clubs l.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.1 Tuesday - 1 30-3 pm & force, we wIll not allow last corps math program to Mashal­ w/bag and pull cart $55 Call WILL THE OWNER OF THE Wednesday-3 30-5pm Stop week's events to repeat them­ By Mark Porubcansky about what the medical tests The cosmonauts' famIlies lese students, Monday-Fnday 4584 GOLD TWIST EARRING 10 and see us selves" ASSOCiated Press Wrtter showed, but reported doctors were waltmg there, prepanng to Hours are fleXible, between 8 30 which I found near the PDR were paymg "close attentIOn" to celebrate the New Year's hoh­ am and4lOpm MICROW AVE, old but a good pleasebnng me the mate so I can SQUARE DANCE CLUB Financial News MOSCOW - Yun Roma­ Romanenko's conditIon day If 1Oterested, contact Ro­ one, $50 Call H2426, W2037 have a parr, or I wIll give mme to meets each Tuesday mght at 7 nenko, the SOVIet cosmonaut A later Tass dIspatch saId Arkalyk, a city 10 the north­ sanne Martlllaro, 1244, between you Call H2650 P m 10 Room 1 of the CRC All who set a world endurance rec­ "upon landmg, the cosmonauts central part of the ASian repubbc 7 30 am -4 30 pm, Monday­ DOLLAR CLOSING PATIO SALE - clothes, bl- club members, former members In Tokyo was ord by spendmg nearly 11 feel well " of Kazakhstan, IS 1,240 miles Fnday months 10 space, returned to cycles,arrcondluoner-13,ooo and newcomers who dance 12350 yen SClenllsts say the 43-year-old southeast of Moscow Earth today on the snowy steppe Romanenko's ablhty to handle a The return of Romanenko, and 10 Bonn BTU,465 kItchenware, toys, etc ll ______ll Malus nstream are mVlted to Jom of SOVIet Kazakhstan, the Tass long penod 10 weightlessness Alexandrov and Levchenko left 1 5955 West German marks news agency srud will help them determ10e the two cosmonauts - VladlffilT IIIL...... F;;;;O;;;;R;;;;S;;;;AL ... E...... ;;;:"III gs7 -A. 6 am -lIOOn Call _ C~~W_ CLOSING TOTALS Gold Down $3 10 to $485 70 "The descent capsule of the feaslblhty of manned flIght to Tltov and Musa Manarov - Soyuz TM-3 spaceship soft­ Mars, which they say would take - - SEARS RUG (30 x 54, avocado Stiver Down $0 08 to $675 aboard the Mlr Tltov and Mana­ 10 color, 5-year warranty on landed 10 the deSIgnated area 10 about three years round-tnp rov are to contmue a yearlong PlatlOum $503 - $504 Romanenko's extended stay LARGE COVERED PATIO (at backIng) $10, also, many other THE KWAJALEIN SCUBA DOW JONES SOVIet tern tory , near the town of flight that would break Ro­ Qtrs 481-A), covered bike park- scatter rugs (vanous SIZes, colors CLUB would like to thank all CLOSING AVERAGES Arkalyk," the offiCIal Soviet 10 space aboard the orblt1Og manenko's record space staUon Mlr wIll help sClen­ 109, fenced yards, 3 arr condl­ and pnces) Call 2322 those who helped make our tnp to 30Industrtals news agency srud TeleVISion showed film of usts determme whether a space­ uoners, drapes, dishwasher, car­ BlgeJ poSSible, especially the Down 1608 to 192689 It said the capsule carrymg Romanenko, Alexandrov and RMI office, USAKA Provost craft travel10g to Mars will have pets, plcmc table & benches, WORK T ABLE/DESK (very 20 TransportatIOns Romanenko, who spent 326days Levchenko saymg goodbye to Marshall's office, EC Services, 10 quality construction Call H3612 sturdy, has storage space, can Down 5 86 to 747 71 space, flIght engmeer Alexan­ to produce ItS own gravity, or Tltovand Manarov before dlsap­ Boy Scouts, the FOM and manne whether man can h ve that long 10 pear10g through the hatch of the and see to appreciate hold TV, computer, VIdeo and 15 UtIlItIes der Alexandrov and test pIlot stereo) about 6' X 18" X 32", for­ departments Anatoly Levchenko landed at zero gravity Soyuz craft to prepare for thelT Down 1 12 to 173 13 PIONEER LASER DISC mica top, $25, 19,000 BTU arr t. 12 15 pm Moscow time (4 14 After the medical examma­ return , 65 Stocks PACIFIC STARS & STRIPES uons, the cosmonauts were The five, dressed 10 gray-blue PLA YER $150, standard condluoner, 31/2 years old Call Down 5 64 to 710 21 a m EST) RadIO Moscow SaId BOOKSTORE HOURS - taken to the BaIkonur Cos­ flight SUits, crowded before the w10dsurfer w/saIl and trailer 2322 Volume 111,580,000 the cosmonauts underwent Monday-Saturday-IO 30a m - modrome, also 10 Kazakhstan, teleVISion camera 10 the hatch $750, 9mm German luger pistol See Llsungs medIcal exammauons at the VACUUM CLEANER $30, 4 1 pm, 3-730 pm, Sunday­ landmg SIte from which Soviet space mIS­ area, and then hugged and kissed "Erfurt"1918 $1,500, wmdsurf- 10 Grace Sherwood Library 109 HaWaII brand harness/vest prs brand new long pant wltags closed RadIO Moscow SaId nothmg sions blast off before parung Commentary I1ourglass, Tuesday, December 29, 1987, Pag~ 13

Face Of '87 ",o•• wo'd By Eugene Sheffer ROSS 39 Skating DOWN 18 Gear part Your Individual ~Tnck's milieu 1 Kmd of 21 Portfolio counter 40 Apiece bobsled mvest- Copzng Wzth Spotlzght part 42 Actress 2 Clinging ment Horoscope 6 Zip-code Moore fish 23 Synan bit 43 Ending 3 Before leader ===== Fraftces Drake =====::::=~= 11 Veer for com 4 Eager 25 Fraternal suddenly 44 Lethal 5 Belief member FOR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1987 In Turbulent Year ARIES __ You still need to exercise patience 12 Draws out 46 _ de 6 Ten Sided 27 One 14 Enter guerre figure Dwarf (Mar 21 to Apr 19) ?,RI;'\ With close tIes A tendency to be f By Robert Barr and VISIt and facmg blunt talk from hIS own worldWIde SImply dIsappeared 15 Occur 47 EntiCing 7 Worshiped 29 Testifies Thoughts center on one fnend you bossy or demandmg needs checking Associated Press Writer bIshops about the lOdependence of AmerIcan In the aftermath of the crash, Reagan 16 -, amas, line one 31 Bit of weren't able to see thiS holiday Today, you re not at your best m Cathohcs abruptly dropped hIS "make my day" OppOSI­ amat 49 Gam 8 Candy land penod A tendency to argue tomght expressmg yourself tIon to tax mcreases and cut a deal WIth Con­ 17 Car conscIOus counter 32 Difficult about money needs curbmg Don t let SAGITTARIUS Dunng Its moment 10 the spotlight, no Kurt Waldhelm found he could not return sticker ness buy conditIOns place looked better this year than MIdland, to the UnIted States The JustIce Department gress on a package of defiCIt reductIOns others provoke you (Nov 22 to Dec 21) That dIdn't Sit well WIth hiS party's nght 19 Dined 51 RadiO tube 9 Old cold 33 Weakness TAURUS There are some thmgs which could Texas barred the AustrIan preSIdent and former 20 Swede s 52 News hour spell 34 Critic I wlOg, whIch was even more upset about the (Apr 20 to May 20) JlIf get your goat now, but try to On Oct 14, Jessica McClure fell loto an UN secretary general because of hIs alleged name 53 Hourglass 10 Old Reed A matter at a distance remainS remember that all problems can t be abandoned well behIOd her home Two days wartime actIVItIeS 10 the NazI army new treaty ehmIOatIng lOtermernate-range 22 Dress (up) fill German 36 SWISS nuclear arms confused A small bUSiness venture IS solved m a day Patience Will wm out later, the 18-month old girl was freed But some of 1987's major events did not 23 Old 54 Dinner 11 Do to do city at a stalemate A partner or close tie Persevere It was 58 hours of excruclatIOg drama, have IdentIfiable faces to cue the pubhc In the days before Gorbachev arrIVed for contest course 13 Use cash 37 Overacted the summIt, an exasperated preSIdent ac­ 24 Mother s 38 "Broad- seems demanding, but you should CAPRICORN compelhng 10 Its slmphcIty There was ajob mood WIth a gnn or a glower hear thiS person out (Dec 22 to Jan 19) to do, and people pulled together to do It The stock market collapsed, for reasons cused hIS CrIllCS of acceptIng the lOevItablhty relative way I1 26 Unex- Bound GEMINI Some momes due you may be A country that couldn't balance Its stIll bemg mvestIgated On Oct 19, "Black of nuclear war Howard PhIlhps, chaIrman of (May 21 to June 20) ~ delayed Tomght you need extra care the ConservatIve Cau{,us, responded that pected wnter budget, couldn't compete 10 mternatIonal Monday," the Dow Jones average fell 508 gift 41 Prepares It s not what others do, but It s how not to get mto an argument With a Il commerce and couldn't figure out what poIOts 10 a frenzy of tradIOg Computers Contwued on page 5 28 " - potatoes you react that needs watchmg now If friend or loved one Some good news happened to the stock market could still get dumped stocks faster than a broker could DeVil 44 One of you let anger take hold, effiCiency comes from a family member a kid out of a hole 10 the ground twitch, and an estImated $1 wlllon 10 wealth Moon" Taylor s Will be undermined to your detn- AQUARIUS But many others Just plam wilted when 30 Some exes ment (Jan 20 to Feb 18) the spothght came theIr way JIm Bakker, refusals 45 Soft CANCER Both home and the Job reqUIre your Gary Hart, Joseph Blden, Robert Bork, Blood- drink (June 21 to July 22) attentIOn now In your rush to get hound, 48 Long ."\\& Douglas GIOsburg Even that consummate O Tomght IS probably not the best things accomphshed, try not to be trouper, Ronald Reagan, had some bad out­ at times time Well-Meaning Regulationf 35 Zoo 50 DIrector time for dating One of you could get brusque With others One minor lOgS over the Iran-Contra affaIr, the Supreme Brooks easily upset now and fly off the dlsappomtment may occur now Court and a nuclear arms treaty that was handle Do what you can to mmltnlze PISCES )o!IIID better receIVed 10 the Krem 1m than 10 parts of That Boomerang Badly tensIOns (Feb 19 to Mar 20) .-..c the Repubhcan Party LEO .~ Whether It s busmess or pleasure, Others, after a few startled blmks found By John CUlliff John R Urn beck, associate professor at (July 23 to Aug 22) "rtI. you Just can t seem to get across what the attentIon gratIfymg Donna RIce became AP BUSiness Analyst Purdue UnIversity's Krannert School of Some changes In schedule could you mean now Some receive some­ a hot property, Jessica Hahn bared body and Management, had made a specialty of exam­ upset your mornmg today A work thmg mce hy mall AVOId pm qUdf­ soul, Fawn Hall got an agent, Oliver North NEW YORK - The best lrud plans of mmg how laws and regulatIons Influence matter needs further clarification Try rels If you can collected stacks of telegrams mice, men and the federal government often human behaVIOr not to take office problems home IF BORN TODAY you are usually At the WashIngton summIt, there also turn to naught or worse, producmg Side and He has found that laws agaInst drunken With you tomght good at commumcatmg your Ideas, was a little nudgmg and shovmg for the reverse results that worsen rather than Im­ drlvmg may m some cases cause mdlvlduals VIRGO though at times you can be fixed m spotlight, but for the most part PresIdent prove conditIOns to react 10 unexpected ways Stiffer penalties (Aug 23 to Sept 22) ~j> your Vlewpomts You work well With Reagan and SovlCt leader Mikhail Gor­ Those who examme the varIOUS causes of agaInst drunk drIvers, for example, can lead You II receIVe good adVIce about a groups and would make a fine bachev stressed teamwork as they met to sign the Great DepressIOn of the 1930s are well to more hIt-and-run aCCidents finanCIal matter, but there IS some educator, psychologIst or adVIser a treaty ehmInatmg a class of superpower aware that the Smoot-Hawley tanff, de­ For speCIfICS, he refers to a study he made chance for arguments now You call a The profeSSIOnal fields usually attract nuclear weapons from Europe Signed to protect AmerIcan Industry, de­ of a more strIOgent drunk drIVIng law en­ spade a spade, but today you need to you and many of your blrthdate Will "Glasnost," Gorbachev's concept of pressed world trade and damaged mdustry acted 10 OhIO that reduced drunk dnVIng by be more tactful be found m law or mediCine You are conSCientIOUS and ambitiOUS But try "openness," entered the English ldnguage 10 here and abroad almost 20 percent SImultaneously, the LmRA ~ 1987, and Reagan, who once beheved there More recently, Uncle Sam raIsed the tax number of hlt-and-runs mvolvIng alcohol (Sept 23 to Oct 22) ~~~ not to be domIneermg With others was no RUSSian word for "freedom" was due when capital lOvestments are sold m an rose 8 percent If there are any quarrels today, they Mamtam your sense of humor for delighted to flOd one for "verIficatIOn" effort to raIse revenue But studies suggest Smce the strIcter drunk-dnvIng laws will be about money Try to meet happmess In life BIrthdate of Sandy "Doveryru no proverYaI" - trust but the reverse has happened - mvestors m­ mcreased the chances of a flOe and gomg to others half way, as you re not at your Koufax, baseball star, Rudyard venfy, he told Gorbachev over dnd over stead prefer not to sell, and therefore do not JaIl, Urn beck observes that "It Just makes best In tenSIOn-laden atmospheres Klphng, wnter, and Carol Reed, film dIrector The face of hunger reappeared In Afnca, pay sense that drl vers who nsk drInkIng are more SCORPIO © 14Hi hv \\lnj.( h"lurt'~ ..,yndlldlt' Ilil where EthIOpia and other countrIes gr dPpled And very recently, Amencans witnessed lIkely to flee the scene of an aCCident " (Oct 23 to Nov 21) "lItE agam With acute food shortages Floods 10 an attempt by the Federal Reserve to raIse Hmdslght proves mSlght, of course, but to Bangladesh and earthquakes 10 Ecuador lOterest rates m order to defend the dollar too late help Moreover, many sound laws each killed more than 1,000 people and, by extenSIOn, the Amencan economy­ might never have been passed If mankmd had an mklIng of what might happen 10 th~r" The KwaJalem Hourglass IS an unoffICIal pubhcatton authonzed under the provIsions of AR 360 81 It Oscar Anas, the preslden t of Costa Rica, thus helpmg to precIpitate a stock market pubhshed by Global ASSOCiates Monday through Fnday (excludmg hohdays) at the directIOn of the Commanding OffIcer Col RIchard G Chapman Jr won the Nobel Peace Pnze for gettmg Nica­ collapse wake In lawmakIng, Ignorance might.., mmandmg officer, US Army KwaJalem Atoll Marshall Islands under contract DASG60 82 C- Public AffaIrs OffIcer Pat Robbins pracucal e EdItor Brett A Marsh ragua and other Central AmerIcan countrIes Such events have resulted 10 what some 0063 This IS an offset I?ubltcatton WIth a dally Circulation of 1 450 The views and opInions expressed Copy EdItor Roberta Consalvl might call Umbeck's law, that "every regula- It probably was the mtentIon of most herem are not necessanly those of the Department of the Army CommUnIcations should be addressed to agree on a peace plan, though peace to the Hourglass POBox 23 APO San FranCISco CA 96555 or call 3539 (AUTOVON 254 3539) Acting Feature WrIter Megan Stegmann remruned elUSive 1.10n, whether It IS Imposed by a government Matenals appeanng m the Hourglass may not be repnnted wnhout the approval of the commanding Pope John Paul II returned to the UnIted or a company on Its employees, Will have Contwued on page 5 offIcer U S Army KwaJalem Atoll All want ads and nollces must be submllled OIl GA Form 8028 R- States, draw 109 smaller cro Nds on hiS sec- unexpected effects " 4 by 12 30 g m the workmg day gnor to gubltcatlOll I Pa g~ 12, Hourglass, Tuesday, DC'cember 29, IllS7 Hourglass, Tuesday, December 29, 1987, Pag~ 5 W Regulations The Artists: I o Z F nnd Boomerangs New Gives Wagnerians A Jrompage 4 R I Cause For Rejoicing lawmakers to encourage home ownershIp D D when they allowed most mterest on home eqmty loans to remaIn tax-deductIble ItIsn't By MIke Silverman fell In love WIth " lIkely that they mtended so many people to Associated Press Writer Once hooked, he began studYIng VOIce go out and hawk the house full time, movmg to Santa Barbara, CalIf , When generous dIsabIlIty rules were NEW YORK - Gary Lakes was not to enroll at the MUSIC Academy of the West gIven torur-trafflc controllers,It was wIth the even born when Launtz MelchIOr sang hIS HIS profeSSIonal debut came In 1979 when intentIOn of reducmg stress But an undesrr­ last Wagner at the , but he sang the small tenor part of Froh In able and unforeseen sIde effect was to en­ today the strappmg Texan often hears the the 's productIon of Wagner's courage more "near mIsses" legendary Damsh tenor's name In connec­ "," the fIrst of the Rmg B B Why? Because, says the professor, con­ tion WIth hIS own E A trollers Judged to be overworked could go on At 37, Lakes IS one of the hottest talents In 1981, Lakes won, along WIth fellow dIsabIlIty and draw generous salanes wIth­ to emerge for some tIme In the vocally under­ Amencan TImothy JenkIns, the LaurItz E I out havmg to work, resultmg, he states, 10 a nounshed world of Wagnenan opera, pos­ MelchIOr Heldentenor Award gIven through T L doublIng of dIsabIlIty claIms after the rules sessIng a fresh, robust tenor sound that IS stIll the J mIllard School of MUSIC m New York were mstituted developIng In power The prIze, from an endowment started by L E In New York state, many resIdents com­ 'There aren't many of us," Lakes saId In MelchIOr to encourage young smgers, was E Y plaIned to lawmakers that they weren't suffi­ an mtervlew, refernng to the current state of worth $5,000 cIently compensated by theIr Insurance heIden , the German term for the "he­ Soon afterward, Lakes won the Met's compames for lost or stolen cars A resultmg roiC tenors" who must make themselves national audItIons and started to work 10 law compelled msurers to rruse theIr settle­ heard over Wagner's heavy orchestratIons Europe He made hIS Met debut m 1985, In ments EarlIer thIS fall, Lakes sang hIS first major the small role of the HIgh Pnest 10 Mozart's H Result Cadillacs began dlsappeanng or Wagner role In New York - two perform­ " " The next season he sang an catchmg frre, Umbeck says HIS explanatIon ances of SIegmund In the Met's productIon equally small part m Wagner's "Tann­ A ause of therr poor gas mIleage, the cars of "DIe Walkuere," the second of four operas haeuser" G ( ren't worth as much 10 market trade as that make up the epIC Rmg Cycle Last spnng, he had the opportumty to A !dey were accordIng to the "blue book" of The audIences cheered hIS youthful, ar­ smg two major roles at the Met - fIlhng 10 current values dcnt SIngIng as the tragIc warnor who falls In for Jon Vickers once In SaInt-Saens' "Sam­ R To aVOId unexpected SIde effects, Um­ love WIth hIS SIster and then IS condemned to son and DelIla" and three tImes for Jose beck, an economIst, offers thIS adVIce dIe by the gods for stealIng her from her Carreras In BIzet's "" "Any lawmaker who IS really concerned husband He also sang Siegmund In the frrst mstall­ about remed ymg a problem WIthout creatIng Lakes grew up In IrVIng, Texas, outSIde ment of the Met's complete Rmg Cycle re­ any more problems should consult a speCIal­ Dallas, and sang In church chOIrs as a boy, cordIng, and has been flooded With offers ISt such as an economIst" though he never attended an opera He en­ from opera houses around the world, all But hIndsIght comes !Ike the cavalry to rolled at Southern MethodIst UmversIty's desperate to latch onto anythIng approachIng the rescue School of MUSIC but was more Interested In a genume Wagner sound G The reflectIve observer asks Could It plaYIng college football, untIl a back injury Lakes now spends four months each year ever be demed that a good many of the U S ended hIS career In Europe, travels WIdely 10 thIS country, and, A economy's predIcaments reflect the well-m­ "WhIle I was stIll m college, I needed a about fIVe days a month, VISIts Pittsburgh R tentIoned "solutions" offered by speciahsts Job, so I JOIned the Dallas CIVIC Opera Cho­ That's where hIS WIfe, Dee, lIves and teaches F In economICS rus," he recalled "It was 'RIgoleuo,' and I frrst grade I more mterested In the rescue of JesSIca E Coping With The Spotlight McClure than 10 the preSidentIal race L Polls SaId the darnedest thmgs Another waged an off-agaIn, on-agaIn campaIgn Jrompage4 found that a bIg majorIty - 69 percent - D After bemg caught spendmg the weekend was very concerned about the defiCIt The Reagan was "a useful IdIot for SOVIet propa­ with a women other than hIS Wife, the ex­ solutIon,large majOrItIes agreed, should not ganda" senator gave up the race May 8 But seven mclude eIther of the followmg hIgher taxes TO LIKE fO Amencan conservatIves suspected that months later, as New HampshIre's prImary or lower spendmg EXCHANGE. THIS II CL-A5f-1E.S WIf/-1 My' fIrst lady Nancy Reagan was pushIng her neared, Hart Jumped back mto the crowded MCOSE:HEAD LAMP "COWS FEET COFFEOE TABLE husband to carve himself a peacemaker's preSidential fIeld place m hIStOry Sen Joseph Biden dropped out of the Repubhcan preSIdentIal candIdate Pat DemocratIc race after some of hiS stImng B. Robertson srud hIS WIfe "has never suggested oratory was traced to other polItICIanS Then c. at I make an accommodauon to the SovICt another candIdate, Gov MIchael DukakIS of , man In order to WIn the Nobel Peace Massdchusetts, parted company WIth a cam­ --tnze .. Robertson had the bad luck to take paIgn aIde caught leaking the truth about thIS potshot Just as It was beIng announced Bidcn's plagIarIsm that Mrs Reagan faced surgery for breast With only 12 months to go to ElectIon cancer, but hIS candIdacy survIved Day '88 the Los Angeles TImes commiS­ On the Democratic SIde, Gary Hart SIOned a poll that found readers were far Page 6, Hourglass, Tuesday, Decemher 29,1987 . Hourglass, Tuesday, December 29, 1987, Pa ge 11 'American Masters' Looking Back At Pays Tribute To .rhapter 11 Means Buster Keaton A Year On By Jerry Buck No Dividends AP TeleVISIOn Writer Investors' GUIde By Bill Doyle LOS ANGELES - Although he re­ Kwajalein mamed m the mOVIes long past the SIlent era, , Buster Keaton's greatest trIumph flttmgly Hourglass File Photos, Layout by Megan Stegmann Q I have 900 shares of stock whIch and 18 still m bosmess, who 18 enough was 10 a film 10 which he never saJd paId me diVIdends for many years responsible for the dIVIdends on a word The company became embroIled m my preferred stock? The 1927 SIlent film "The General" IS a major law snit, tiled under A Perhaps no one, but the answer conSIdered by many to be hiS best work Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy law depends on the terms of that merger "It was hIS own personal favonte because and stopped paying dIVIdends Owners of a ml\Jonty of the votmg the whole thmg was hIS Idea," saJd hIS Now, the market pnce of the stock of the company whose pre­ WIdow, Eleanor, a former dancer who mar­ stock is too low for me to sell ferred shares you own had to approve ned Keaton 10 1940 and appears 10 a public Hence, I am stock WIth a stock the merger teleVISIon tribute to the great silent clown that doesn't pay the dIVIdends I Although you say that company IS In "The General," Keaton played a need for mcome The company 18 "stili m busmess," It'S probably oper­ Southern locomotIve engmeer who recovers profitable Can't It resume paymg atmg as a diViSion or subSIdiary of the a tram stolen by Northern spIes 10 the CIVIl dIVIdends in the near future? company mto wluch It was merged War Keaton deftly combmed adventure, A No, not untIl It comes out of It's no longer a separate corporation romance, comedy and some breathtalung Chapter 11, wluch protects the com­ owned by you and other stockholders stunts mcludmg a spectacular traJn wreck pany from Its creditors wlule It works who bought Its shares "It's a true story from the CIVIl war, and out a plan for reorganIZation That DetaIls of the merger and Its effect he thought It would make a great movie," could take years Wlule It might be on both common and preferred stock Mrs KeatonsaId "HehadhIsgangofwnters accomphshed WIthm a reasonable had to be sent to you and other and a technIcal man, and he passed around a tune, don't expect It to happen m "the stockholders before the merger was book about the locomotIve chase He ~ ~ near future" voted upon If you didn't save the couldn't do the real endmg of the story be­ " In years gone by, companies filmg literature sent to you at that time, cause the Northern spIes were all hanged" for Chapter 11 protection usually contact the office of corporate secret­ Keaton, whose career began when he was were m bad financial shape and ary of the merged company barely old enough to toddle on stage and needed tune to strrughten out their You might learn that the $1 50 per ended WIth hIS death In 1966, IS saluted m a affairS A company contmues to share offer for your stock IS the best three-part senes on "AmerIcan Masters" on operate while m Chapter 11, basically pnce you'll ever be able to get You PBS The first two parts of "Buster Keaton because Its creditors can't seize also might learn that offer has expired A Hard Act to Follow" was shown In No­ I corporate assets and there IS no way you can sell your vember More recently, an mcreasmg num shares "Buster really loved the Silent era," SaId ber of companies - mcludmg some Q I had 100 shares of stock in a Mrs Keaton "Buster started With Roscoe big ones - have sought Chapter 11 company that was taken over by a 'Fatty' Arbuckle He was gomg to do a protection when facmg law SUits dIfferent company I sent m my Broadway show when he ran mto Roscoe, That has left many mdlVldual stock­ 100-share certIficate and was sup­ and Roscoe mVIted him down to watch some holders such as you high, dry and posed to receIve 80 shares of the fllmmg When he got there Roscoe got hIm to hurtmg for diVidend mcome merged company I never dId throw a pIe As a stockholder, you are a part I have wntten tWIce, asking for "B y the time the day was over, Buster had owner of that company The company my 80-share certdlcate and have practIcally taken the camera apart He went can't pay diVidends to stockholders receIved no answer I receive back to the Shubert Theatre, qUit hIS $250 Job while creditors are figuratively "Slt­ prmted statements but no stock 10 theplay, which wasalotofmoneym 1917, tmg on the corporate doorstep" What can I do? and went to work for Roscoe for $40 a week .. wrutmg for bills to be prud A Send your next letter by certIfied Keaton, whose trademark came to be a Q I mvested $40,000 m pre­ mall, return receipt requested Make It squashed fedora and a morose look, was born ferred stock m 1983 and receIved clear that, 1f you do not receive your IOta a vaudeVIlle famIly and crawled onto the quarterly diVIdends untIl January SO-share certIficate WIthm a week, stage for the fIrst tIme when he was 9 months 1986 By then the company seemed you WIll contact that Secuntles and old to be m trouble LIke a chump, I Exchange CommISSIOn He was a knockabout comic throughout held on, tIunkmg they would pull Although you don't come out and hIS career, but he was hurt only tWice Once, out of It About the mIddle of say so, your mentIOn of receIVmg hIS floppy shoe caught m an escalator, and he 1986, the company was merged statements leads me to bebeve you fell two stones Another tIme he was mto another company sent In the tOO-share certificate knocked off a tram and broke hiS neck, but The other company tned to buy through a broker If that's the story, didn't know It untIl a medIcal exammatIon ~ my pr ferred stock for $I 50 p r the brokerage firm IS holdIng your years later share I had paId $15 and dId not stock Sometunes It'S like pullmg Alcohol, as well as the commg of talkies, sell Smc the company m whIch I teeth gettmg stock certIficates from destroyed hIS career as a fIlm star In 1936 he bought stock dId not go bankrupt brokerages fmally found work at $300 a week wntmg Jokes for such stars as the Marx Brothers, Abbott and Costello and Red Skelton Page 10, Hourglass,, December 29, 1987 . Hourgl:.lss, Tuesday, December 29,1987, Page 7

Wrong Zip Codes v New Barber "\ Island Plague K waj Mail Shop, Beauty KW AJALEIN - The Hour­ spondence has had a 9410 1 ZiP Shop Hours glass reported last month that code which IS apparently a gen­ For customer conven­ News Pacific Bell (AT&n had placed eral delivery ZiP code for San Ience, effective Jan 1, the wrong ZIP code number on FranCISCo 1988, the beauty shop and K waJ customer phone bills caus­ Any USAKA reSident who the Barber Shop hours of mg a delay m therr amval at receives regular mall from a par­ operauon will be as fol­ Kwajalem The problem of ucular company and has not been lows By Tony Dmz wrong ZiP codes IS apparently recelvmg therr mail as normal, From The Pacific Dally News New Year's Hours For not Just a Pacific Bell problem should contact that company to Sun-Mon Closed Tape Escape, Ten-Ten In recent weeks It has come to msure the ZiP code IS correct Tues-Frl lOa m -7 p m (Edztor's note The/ol/owmg artlc/e ran m the Fruiay, Sept 18, the attention of the US AKA Post AddttIonally, any reSident who Sat 9am-6pm 1987, lssue o/The Pacljic Dazly News and lS reprmted wllh pernus­ Ten-Ten and Tape Escape Office that customers are recelv­ has received mall With the wrong szon) will be open New Year's Day mg mad from other sources with ZiP code should notify the com­ Note The Barber Shop from 9 30 a m to 12 30 p m the wrong ZiP codes The pre­ pany so It can be changed The Will close for lunch daIly Who IS the biggest, baddest, meanest toughest person to ever put dominate number of wrong ZiP US AKA Post Office has a form from 1230-1 30 P m on football pads on Guam? codes seem to be commg from which should also be filed With If you SaId "me" and your name Isn't Art Rabon then you Bank Of HaWaIi compames operaung out of the the Post Office which requrres an want to have your headgear exammed West and Southwestern Umted offiCial Post Office mqUiry from If your name Isn't Art Rabon, but you still thmk you're ~Y'b'''~' Bank of Hawal1 will be open States mdlVlduals, the problem should than he IS, then you must be a tank Or a bulldozer Or a UQLIU""'UIl New Year's Eve from 9 30 am The maJonty of thiS corre- be solved Or a wreckmg ball Or a to 1230 P m and will be closed Get the picture? New Year's Day Nothmg human was tougher than Art Rabon on a football field Art was called "An1ffial " He played fullback People who tned to tackle Art were called "anImal feed " They played nervous £ , ) You could ask a group of Islanders who was/Is Guam's greatest Art was 5-foot-10 mches tall and weighed 210 pounds He softball player, baseball player or basketball athlete and have room not that large compared to many of the hulking military lmemen who for arguments that might go on and on and on mto overume and New Year's "opposed h1ffi double overtime Names lIke Tavares, Kmsella, Roberto, Farnum, But he had tremendously large calves and legs And he came at Taltano and Gogue will be kicked around you low and fast, lIke a rhmo Eve Retail But wonder who was football's toughest, and the answer will Someumes, he would spend a lot of Ume trymg to beat up the almost always be "Art Rabon," the former fullback/defensive end for blocking back that he would forget about the other back, the one With Hours the UmversIty of Guam the ball, SaId Calugay Four out of five doctors recommend Art Rabon They recom­ I remember one UOG/NavCAMS day game at the Naval Arr mend you stay out of hiS way Beauty Shop lOam to Station's BonDle Bowl one season It sticks out 10 my mmd because 6pm "When you talk about outnght meanness and crazmess, I would Rabon seemed to be more explOSive than ever that day Everyume have to talk about Art," said Angel Calugay, who starred With Rabon Barber Shop 9 a m to It's All Art rounded the comer or burst through a hole as a blocker, a 12 30 dunng the Tntons' Guam Football League glory days of the mld- defenSive guy moved m hiS way Smack' There was literally a loud 1970's and early '80's pm Happening At sound from the colllSlon The defenSive guy would fly backward and 1 30 to "The guy IS crazy Football to him IS pamless " the local people watchmg from the nearby SidelInes would start to Art was such a devastatmg player, league offiCials tned to outlaw 530pm crack up m laughter Macy'sAnd lOam to him from playmg a certaIn poslUon m the GFL SaId Jimmy They enjoyed that I enjoyed that We all got aklckfrom watchmg The Teen Center Naholowaa, another long-ume Tnton teammate He was so pumsh­ 1230 P m a local guy like Rabon make kelaguen out of opposmg players Macy's West 4to6pm mg at defenSive end, they told him he had to SWitch to another The former George Washmgton High School player IS no longer posItIon, Said Naholowaa Surfway lOam to m Guam so whenever the "old boys" get together for an exhibition 1230 P m They moved Rabon to fullback And "The Ammal" began game, big Art's never there He moved to HaWaII about three years Thursday, Dec. 31 IS huntmg down linebackers and noseguards mstead of tight ends and 4t06pm ago and IS now IIvmg 10 K waJalem, probably bendmg coconut trees Laundry 8 am to New Year's Eve and runnmg backs m hiS spare time 530am everyone who's anyone Different targets Same results Rabon still comes home to VISit once 10 a whIle But we may never "He didn't care what size you were, he went after you," SaId Ten-Ten 10 a m to see Guam's bIggest, baddest, meanest, toughest football player on 12 30p m from ages 13-18 and Calugay, who played 10 the defenSive secondary "Personally, I got the field agam out of hiS way" 330 to 6 returnmg college stu­ Too bad He was one typhoon we dIdn't mmd havmg around pm dents 18-20 years old been getung? Tape Escape lOa'll t06 " pm Will be there . ... And The Rest Of The Story "I don't like to brag but It brought back some great memones," TV Reparr 830 ,In to Well, It looks as though Guam wIll be gettmg their local he SaId 12 3G pm hero back as Rabon has deCIded to return to Guam after How does he feel about leavmg? \j Don't miss It. 1 30 to 530 spendtng New Year's Eve m Honolulu Rabon - better "Great balls of fire, I'm gomg ballIstIc, Hello?" pm known to hiS fnends as Arr Boss -leaves on tomorrow's Arr Looks hke Rabon won't be happy unless he's gomg mach 10 Micronesia flIght after IIvmg on KwaJalem for five years With hIS harr on fire Sound famIlIar? What does he thmk about all the hoopla and attentIOn he's We'll mISS ya - Roger, over and out Page 8, Hourglass, Tuesday, December 29, 19X7 Hourglass, Tuesday, December 29, 1987, Page 9 USAKA Tutors Alumni, Forces Game 3 ~lzing Up The NFL Playoff PIcture By Megan Stegmann Alumm got them out of the 10- Alumm's hopes 5 15 pm on Brandon Field" By The Assocmted Press landmetMondaymghtmagame the playoffs, and I would guess kings quarterback Wade WIlson nmg by turnmg a double play The USAKA VICtory evened determme who shaH have the ! USAKA came through WIth a The SIXth mnmg saw Johnny the challenge senes at one game braggmg nghts for thiS holIday that meant nothmg they'll all be emotIOnal," he saId SaId after watchmg the Cardmals wm over the KwaJalem Alumm Thomason start a two-run rally apIece The thrrd and decldmg event That thIs was a year of sur­ But PatrIots' quarterback "The fact that It'S a do-or-dle lose to Dallas on teleVISion "But I pnses 10 the NFL IS attested to by Steve Grogan was somethmg SItuatIon - If they lose It, therr that was Just some emotIons squad, 7-6, 10 a do-or-dIe SItu­ after reachmg on an error and game Will be played tomght at the quartet of teams playmg on Grogan, 34, concluded hIS seasonIsover-maYPIckthmgs gomg I'm relIeved and real ex- atIOn Monday mght on Brandon Sam Garland cracked a dou~b~le~ ______-:----1 Sunday 10 the APC and NFC 13th NFL season by throwmg for up a lIttle" cIted" FIeld after losmg the frrst game that brought Thomason 10 WIld-card games 238 yards and two touchdowns Mmnesota made the playoffs The V Ikmgs had one of the 10 EnJoymg a two-run lead 10 i a best-of-three softball senes, " 4-2, on Saturday the bottom of the SIXth, the The Mmnesota VtkIOgs will as the PatrIots beat the Dolphms despIte losmg Its final regular- league's best records 10 non- Supnsmgly, the Alumm Alumm could not hold back travel to New Orleans to play the 24-10 Both teams had been season game m overume to the strIke games, 8-4 But ItS strIke squad OUthit US AKA two-to­ the USAKA team Samts, whIle the Seattle ellmmated from playoff conten- Washmgton redskIns and flmsh- replacement team went 0-3 and Seahawks WIll be m Houston to 109 10 one but couldn't stnng them It was almost a replay of tIon Sunday at 8-7, second the NFC the regular team lost three of Its together for the runs they needed the fourth for USAKA as take on the OIlers Grogan converted 10 of 15 Central, behmd the ChIcago last four for the wm they scored another three New Orleans only fimshed thIrd-down situatIons and com- Bears, 11-4 The Vlkmgs needed the Both teams began the game runs, lead off by three second 10 Its dIVISIon, the NFC pie ted 21 of 32 passes despIte a To go any farther, the VI- Cowboys to pIck them up WIth rallIes that put them on the walks This tIme, however, West, because the San FranCISCO broken bone 10 hIS left, or non- kmgs had to have help from the "They dId us two favors," scoreboard USAKA took the lead, 7-6 4gers have been awesome m throwmg, hand Both teams fm- Dallas Cowboys on Sunday saId Mmnesota defensIve coordI­ John Mernll began a cham of The AlumnI challenged recent weeks, fmlshmg the regu­ Ished 8-7, one game behmdAPC They got It 10 the form ofa 21-16 nator Floyd Peters "They lost to hItS that put the Alumm ahead 4- the one-run lead but lar season at 13-2 The Sanlts East DIVIsIOn champIOn IndIan- Dallas victory over St LOUIS, us (44-38 on ThaoksglVlng) and won therr last mne games, fm­ apolls WhICh knocked the hopeful Car- then they beat St LOUIS for us 1 10 the second mnmg couldn't bnng home any of Not to worry though, the four that got on base It Ished WIth a 12-3 record - the JIm Mora, the Sanlts' coach, dmals out of postseason play Thanks, Cowboys It really IS a frrst wmmng season 10 therr 21- satd an emotIOnal game on Sun- On Saturday, after losmg 27- crazy league" USAKA tIed up the game, 4-4, 10 was the top of the seventh the bottom of the fourth The frrst and the last chance for the year history - and stIll came up day would not surpnse him 24 to WashIngton, the VIkmgs Houston, plaYIng 10 the tough WIth only a wIld-card and the "It's the first playoff game 10 left the fIeld a broken, dejected APC Central DIVISIOn, began the three batters took walks 10 that Alumm to make a come mnmg to load the bases Ron back that would gIve them home field m the frrst round the history of thiS organIZatIOn team season With few asprratIons and, Mansfield took advantage of the the senes WIth the bases WhIle the wIld-card teams and the frrst time they (the VI- "QUite a few guys were out- With a boost from a 2-1 replace­ SItuatIon and drIlled a ball deep loaded and one out , the were lookmg forward to the kIngs) have been 10 the playoffs spoken about that we didn't de- ment team dunng the early-sea­ mto the outfIeld for a sacnflce fly AlumnI failed to capitalIze playoffs, MIamI dTId New Eng- smce 1982 Thereare 10 teams 10 serve to be 10 the playoffs," VI- son stnke, made IttO the playoffs and an RBI The bases were as a flOe play by the for the frrst time SInce 1980 loaded agaIn WIth one out when USAKA thrrd baseman and 0 The Oilers were 9-6, Just shortstop Tony Medcnos of the then a long fl y ball ended the behmd dIVISIon champIOn Cleve­ KWH!.I8LE I N RUNNING CLUB land, 10-5 Houston Coach Jerry Glan­ 1988 CRLENDRR OF EUENTS VIlle didn't sleep much Sunday Olght after hIS team held off Cm­ DRTE TIME EUENT 01 RECTOR(S) cmnatI 21-17 to clInch Its playoff berth DECEMBER 31 11 00 LRST RUN ON ERRTH M/M WILLIRMS "I was afraid to go to sleep because I might wake up and fmd JRNURRY 17 530 R I DE RND PRRK U MRSTIC It was only a dream," the second­ year coach SaId JRNURRY 24 530 FUN RUN M/M TRYLOR Seattle also was 9-6 and sec­ ond m Its dIVISIon, the APC West, FEBRURRY 7 530 FUN RUN M/M TRYLOR behmd Denver, 10-4-1 But the Seahawks, unlIke the other three FEBRURRY 14 800 AM SWEETHERRT RELRY M/M MOORE WIld-card teams, had every hope FEBRURRY 28 530 DOWN W I NO DRSH o ESTEN when the season began that they would not only be mvolved 10 MRRCH 13 5 00/5 30 CROSS ISLRND ROMP/FUN RUN M/M SHOLRR post-season play, but would wm (Above) Alumni pitcher therr dIVISIon Sam Garland shows hiS MRRCH 20 530 RUNNIN6 OF THE 6REEN M/M B I ESTERFELD Houston's VIctory and form as he fires from the Seattle's41-20 loss to the Kansas mound In game 2 RPRIL 10 530 DR IFTWOOD CLRSSIC M MINRRDI CIty ChIefs on Sunday cost the Seahawks the home-field In the RPRIL 24 530 FUN RUN M/M TRYLOR frrst round and sent them hmpIng (Left) USAKA shortstop mto the playoffs, rather than Ken Williams relays the MRY 1 330 RUST MRN M/M COM ITTH struttIng ball to second baseman MRY 8 430 RUSTY FRMILY M/M GUILD Among the blows suffered by Jim Miller for the force Seattle on Sunday was the loss of out on Alumni'S .w"~ .. '" MRY15 530 FUN RUN M/M TRYLOR star runmng back Curt Warner Corey ., WIth a badly spraIned left ankle .,.,. MRY 29 500 FEET RND ERT M/M JOURDRN The dIVISIon champIOns - San FranCISco, ChIcago, Wash­ (photos by Beth Sholar, PRC rJUNE 5 530 HRRE RND HOUND E GOFF/E HILLMRN mgton 10 the NFC and Denver, Kentron Photo Lab) CLIP AND SAVE Cleveland and IndIanapohs 10 the APC - get thIS week off