Via Nazareth, 400 00166 ,

Duquesne University Italian Campus

A Walk Down Memory Lane: The last month of the semester! During April & May, the Italian Campus is bringing you a special series direct from Rome covering the end of the Spring 2010 semester. Come along for the ride down memory lane!! Rome Weekend!!

ROME— The April showers months, the backstreets of Rome well as a visit to a very special turned into early May flowers for had become as easy to navigate Caravaggio exhibit with Prof. Liz us during our Rome “Eternal as the streets of Pittsburgh. Lev, marking the 400th anniver- City” Weekend. We caught our From our Saturday night Scaven- sary of the artist's death. Another first glimpse of the flowers on ger Hunt filled with smiles and highlight of the weekend was the while racing laughter, we woke up Sunday “Sports Day” with our neighbor- around the city finding clues for morning & headed to an peace- ing Italian high school, the Isti- the Scavenger Hunt! The group ful & quiet St. Peter’s Square. tuto Bachelet. After singing our “Where in the World is Carmen Faculty, staff, students, friends & national anthems, mixed Italian Roma” won first prize by solving family all gathered to worship and American student teams clues with information from together at our Private Mass played soccer, volleyball & bas- their Baroque & Christian Art next to the Tomb of John ketball. On the sidelines, some of courses. Passers by could hear Paul II in the grottoes of St. the Italian students were learning shouts from students such as Peter’s Basilica. As with any what cheerleading was & how to “That’s the statue in Campo de’ early morning opportunity we chant, cheer & jump! All in all, Fiori!” or “Agrippa...that’s the have in Roma, after Mass we Rome Weekend was a success & Pantheon!”. Romans & tourists headed to the closest cafe to get filled with so many activities & alike where stopping the group some cappuccino! After that, events to make us appreciate not named “Non Parlo Italiano” & there was a tour through the only the city of Rome & our Ital- asking them about their spray- Italian “White House”, called the ian campus, but a true testimony painted shirts & painted faces. It Quirinal , which is the of how much has been learned was very clear that after three residence of the President, as over these past three months.

Guide to photos top to Join us in Rome for bottom: the Italian Campus’ 10th Anniversary Photo 1: Team “Ninja Turtles” participating in October 7-12, 2010 Rome Weekend Scaven- Visit our website for ger Hunt .Photo 2: more information Team “Non parlo italia- no” finishing the Rome italy10years Weekend Scavenger Hunt at the Foun- Email us at tain.. Photo 3: [email protected] Duquesne/Bachelet Sports Day Photo 4: SP10 Student Ambassa- Deposit deadline dors, Photo 5: SP10 at the . June 1, 2010