International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Wheat Grass Benefits

Opinion Opinion

Wheat Grass is nature’s finest medicine. Many Herbal Volume 3 Issue 5 - 2016 healingpractitioners capacity. prefer It intakeis a powerful of Wheatgrass concentrated powder orliquid juice nutrientbecause Baldeep Kour* of its many basic components and trace elements with immense Deep Ayurveda, India having immense benefits (Figure 1). *Corresponding author: Baldeep Kour, Deep Ayurveda,

H.N.161A, Dasmesh Nagar, Sector-16, Kharar, Mohali, India, Received:Tel: 9216582020; Email: | Published:

April 27, 2016 May 25, 2016

of , , antioxidants, enzymes, and

phytonutrients, wheatgrass is also a powerful detoxifier, fromespecially carcinogens, of the liver including and blood. Superoxide It helps Disumates neutralize (SOD),toxins thatand lessens environmental the effects pollutants of radiation in the and body digest and toxins protect in the us

Figure 1: Wheat grass. body.

i. Two ounces of wheat grass juice has the nutritional vii. disorderIt is an effective is assumed full body due tocleanser the highly also. accumulatedAs per the concept toxins of Naturopathy, reason behind each and every disease or As compared to Carrots, it has approx. twice the amount ofequivalent ofA fiveand pounds is higher of the in bestVitamin raw organicC than oranges!vegetables. It inside the body. It due to the uncontrolled diet, lack of natural contains the full spectrum of B vitamins, as well as , foods, fresh air, polluted water, pollutants, lack of exercise, phosphorus, , sodium and in a mental stress, uncontrolled intake of pharmaceuticals, etc. WheatOur body Grass. naturally expels out these toxicants but when it supplying all of the essential amino acids, and more. It has goes beyond the limits, and then there is no best way than balanced ratio. Wheatgrass is a complete source of protein, of poly peptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids juice: about 20% of total calories coming from protein in the form viii. Things need to be considered while consuming Wheat Grass

that are efficiently used in the blood stream and tissues. ix. The wheatgrass juice must be consumed fresh - within ii. It is a living food and has bio-electricity if consumed fresh. fifteen minutes of juicing for the best results. This high vibration energy is literally the life force within the x. The juice should always be taken on an empty stomach for living juice. This resource of life-force energy can potentially Componentsthe efficient of absorption Wheat Grass of the & nutrients. its Benefits unleash powerful renewing vibrations and greater iii. connectivityIt also helps in to preventing one’s inner DNA being. destruction and from various The main components found in the Wheat Grass are- iv. ongoingMany researches effects of showpre-mature that only aging living and foods cellular and breakdown. juices can I. Vitamins - A,B,C & E

restore the electrical charge between the capillaries and the II. Proteins & Amino Acids cell walls which boosts the immune system & wheatgrass III. Enzymes juice is the best among living juices. IV. Minerals - Calcium, , Sodium, , Magnesium, v. Wheatgrass possesses antibacterial activities which destroy V. PotassiumChlorophyll & the germs, even it is also useful in tuberculosis and intestinal cigarette and vehicles. VI. Antioxidants disorders. It protects body from radiations, smoke of

vi. In addition to flooding the body with therapeutic dosages

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Int J Complement Alt Med 2016, 3(5): 00092 Copyright: Wheat Grass Benefits ©2016 Kour 2/2

The benefits of these components are hormones are formed. Muscle growth and power depends on protein. : infections inIt ear,is useful nose for and eyes throat. & skin It care. is also It cures useful night for blindness,dry hairs, protects kidneys from stone formation, and prevents repetitive Beside these there are also some of un-investigated unknown factorsWheat found grass in chlorophyll the Wheat Grass (most which important are useful for component) human body. blackVitamin round B: around the eyes & wrinkles on the skin. Useful in digestive & nervous sytem diseases, appetisis, beriberi, mouth infection, aging, insomnia, mental health, the It is one of the main & most useful component of Wheat Grass LitrielVitamin from C: B-17 helps in healing of wounds. having 70 % occupation in it. The researchers assume that the andWheat chlorophyll Grass chlorophyll has many has similarities. the power Whenof sun freshly & that’s made why intoit is being a natural antibiotic, it helps in increasing also called as a blood of grass. The Hemein from the hemoglobin immunity & sex disorders. It is also useful in the healing of wounds sunshine, plus the electric current necessary for the revitalization alongVitamin with E: taking care of the health of teeth & gums. drink fresh wheatgrass juice, chlorophyll contains synthesized sugar and helps in the activation of regeneration system. It Useful in various degenerative diseases like cancer, other food or medicine can, it acts to strengthen the cells, detoxify of the body. Chlorophyll can protect us from carcinogens like no metabolizes lipids, provides energy, promotes sperm formation elements themselves. Wheat grass minerals the liver and blood stream and chemically neutralize the polluting and treats the problems of potency & abortion. Opinion of Renowned Doctors about Wheat Grass Minerals are useful for the muscles and cells. It maintains Acid

-Calcium: Base balance. Uses of Wheat Grass minerals are- i. Noble prize winner for the research on RBCs of blood, Dr. Hans plantFischer chlorophyll. (German scientist Dr. Hans in and organic Dr. Latner chemistry in an & experimentMedicines) disquiet, varicoseUseful of veins health etc. of bones, in old age bone density, growth proved that there are more similarities in human blood and of child. Useful in body swelling, bleeding, blood circulation, animals. Iron: found out that Wheat Grass chlorophyll increases the RBCs in ii. Burcher says that chlorophyll is a concentrated sun power Useful in blood formation in anemia, particularly in pregnancy,Sodium: tiredness, sweating, laziness & sleeplessness. and regulates functions of heart, intestine, kidneys and lungs. Useful in digestion, body purification, maintaining acid- ulcers. It is blood purifier, antibacterial & also useful in stomach basePotassium: balance & kidney stone inhabitation. Useful in sleeplessness, high blood pressure, loss of iii. The scientists Dr. Marisita & Dr. Cono Hota say that chlorophyll memory, weakness, fearing, willingness of suicide, sex disorder, is a good germicide and body deodorant. In his book beautyMagnesium: problems and aging. “Chlorophyll - Natures Green Magic” he says- for pyorrhea, It keeps intestine and muscles healthy, useful in anemia, asthma, indigestion, acidity, joint pains can be cured hepatitis, late month cycle, dysentery, and weakness of mind, Lookingby Wheat for GrassEasy Availabilitychlorophyll. of Wheat Grass Products? teethZinc: ache, smelling of stool, cold & indigestion. Selenium: It keeps hairs and prostate glands healthy. Wheat Grass in form of capsules is available at Deep Ayurveda Wheat grassUseful enzymes in various kinds of cancer. Deepclinics Ayurveda for easy &using immediate only organic use. There and is genuine no need quality for any wheat extra grasseffort nowas raw to findmaterial this nutrient to manufacturing at any unhygienic wheat or grass unsafe powder, place.

There are various kinds of enzymes which are useful in various ways. It is a catalyst; it activates the functioning of the parts of the capsules and Juices. You can also buy Wheat Grass capsules online body.Wheat grass proteins and amino acids by visiting the product page. away from you. Proteins are important food ingredients on which generation Your good health & nutritional supplement is now just a click of body cells and growth of body depends. Amino acids, plasma,


Kour B (2016) Wheat Grass Benefits. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(5): 00092. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00092