9:00 a.m. President's Welcome Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn |​ President, ​World Food Prize Foundation,​ ​@IAHungerSummit​, ​ @WorldFoodPrize Craig Hill ​| President, ​ Iowa Farm Bureau Federation 9:15 a.m. Secretaries of Agriculture ​ S​ ecretary ​ | U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 2009-2017 ​Secretary ​ | U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 1995-2001 ​Secretary ​ | U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 2001-2005 ​Secretary ​ | U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 2005-2007 ​Secretary Ed Schafer ​ | U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 2008-2009 10:45 a.m. Who is ALICE? Deann Cook​ |​ E​ xecutive Director,​ United Ways of Iowa Darlene Barnes​ | ​ R​ egional Administrator, U​ SDA Food & Nutrition Service (FNS) Amy Meyer​ | Executive Director,​ United Way of Mahaska County Ali Wilson ​ | Volunteer Engagement Director,​ United Way of Wapello County 12:00 p.m. Iowa Hunger Luncheon Norman Borlaug Day Proclamation ​Governor Kim Reynolds reads the official proclamation declaring October 16 as Norman E. Borlaug/World Food Prize Day in Iowa

Presentation of Robert D. Ray Iowa SHARES Humanitarian Award Bishop Richard E. Pates ​ | Catholic Diocese of Des Moines

Keynote Presentation Diana Aviv ​|​ Chief Executive Officer,​ Feeding America In her luncheon keynote, Diana Aviv, CEO of Feeding America, will explore four critical trends that are reshaping the field of hunger relief: technological advances, funder expectations, last mile-efficiencies, and the legislative landscape. 1:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions | Round One F​ ighting Hunger While Reducing Wasted Food Organized by ReFED, Eat Greater DSM, and the Food Rescue Partnership ​Hunger Relief Partnerships in Rural and Urban Iowa Organized by the Iowa Food Bank Association and United Way of Story County ​ ​Food Insecurity and Child Nutrition Organized by the Farm to ECE Statewide Coalition and Midwest Dairy Council ​ ​Donation Gardens & Increasing Access to Produce Organized by Iowa State Extension and Outreach Master Gardener Program, Iowa Gardening for Good, and United Way of Muscatine ​The Outreach Program & The Alliance to End Hunger: Partnering to Empower Advocacy Organized by The Outreach Program and The Alliance to End Hunger 2:15 p.m. Networking 2017 Exhibitors\​

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AGENDA ​ | MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 2:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions, Round Two I​ owa Hunger Coalition: A New Advocacy Approach Organized by Iowa Hunger Coalition ​ ​A Partnership for a Healthier America Organized by The Partnership for a Healthier America and DMARC ​Food Security: The Foundation for Healthy Aging Organized by the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa Department on Aging, and Iowa State Extension - Human Sciences ​Growing Healthy Kids Through School Partnerships Organized by FoodCorps Iowa and Des Moines Public Schools ​Global Greens and Refugee Farming Organized by Global Greens, Lutheran Services in Iowa 3:15 p.m. Networking 2017 Exhibitors

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