Aides Spccted V Army Decoration Day Rites on May 30 Drivingban Is Again in Effect
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"*1 THY WHIM UVB—YOU LENlV YOURMOMEY" vyMe Inbepenbent - leaber hfxh Today ruhlUhdil Kv«ry Frldaj PRICE FIVE CENTO NXXV.—No. 9 l'!tit«r(il MN Hucorul rliui mRttor WOODKRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 21, Will at 18 Orfi>n Bt.. WoodhrldKn, N. J. at I he Pont oniee, Woodbrldje, N. J. ;|), Aides AtCokma Ceremony Honoring Servicemen, Women Decoration Scrap Campaign Led By Mrs. Peck DrivingBan spccted Day Rites Brings 438,520 Pounds In Year Is Again WOODBRIDGE—During the c»l»nd«r yrir May 18, 1942, hroiifh May 17, 1943, exactly 438,520 pound* of tcrap ntetali were v Army :ollected in (Jio Townihip, itir Salvage Committee, of which Mrt. In Effect On May 30Chester Pctk.ii chairman, announced today. MM. Peck hut been oeries Of incMeiKI* aided by Mill Martha Morrow, Mill Claire Ferbel and Mill Mary Connolly. A breakdown of the poundage collected, •• lubmitted by t ( It V i Animal €«rem«fty Sla- comrfiltleel , tft"W fBilDWIfBilWIT New Order Ai DIM- _ t Show Results of Train- "In the big »prin» drive for the year 1942, which occurred on ted For Sunday At Re- May 18 and wat carritd out by tolantaer Irucki and worker*, 87,360 tic At Henderipn Ra- poundoundt of scrap were collected with a net return to the Civilian De- ing For Emergency quest Of Federal WMB FFem e TreamrT y of $305.$5$305$5 . At thihis timi e a donatiodi n of $50 wai madjr ting Last Janilary to the fund by the BloOmfield Scrap Iron Company of Avencl owned WOODRRinOK—Although the , l>IUMIKi.K — Woodbridgc WOODHHIIHiB—In complinIHC by Mr. John Rotella. ' )U police department lit* yesterday , !,||, Defense Council's vari- with the rei|ne»t made by the W; "Another all-townthtp drive wat held in the iccond week of Man-power Commissioir that n< October, 1942. At that lime 226,180 poundt of icrap werecollevted had received no official notict of .,., i-|i-es were observed at work Memorial Day celebrations be holt which netud the mm of $1,0(7.81 during the remainder of 1942. the order banning all pltnattKt* "1 '',' ,,|,| |, officials of the SUte y in the country on Monday, BO tha 44,130 poundi of jcrap were collected from (ime to time by the driving in thin area, wh«i --isV-1-^ ,', ',. cii'meil, the Civil Air Pa- no time be lost in the nation' townihip workers. Thii brought in $201.16. In January^ 1943, acute gnsojino shortage eJtilti, '; ' ,,„; Army officers, and from war plants, the dale for the oh 8,260 pounddt were collectedlld ; in FebruaryFb , 7,310 poundi; in March, Police Chief George E. K«tll)I ^ • j:,-;itii>n«"»H passed their tests 3,500 poundi; in April, 8,100 poundi; and in'May, ai a reiult of the servimce oif Memorial Day nnd •th said he hud order.ed his men "tO ,V'jf lUiiig colors. ' , _ bi(( icrap drive carried out 6n May 10 by 26 volunteer trucks and 72 dedication of the r.ervice Max her report nil obvious violations." 4 1M,-,,!,.nts were planned in bus been changed from Msiy lit t volunteer workers, 75,630 pounds were gathered, thui bringing a grand scrap total of the year of the above mentioned 4.18,310 pounds The action on the second pleas- ,. by thi' Council nnd they Sunday-, May 110. This will he th or approximately 219 tons, and a grand money total of $1,935.51." ure driving ban was taken to meet ,.,,i' divulged beforehand. first time that n Memorial Day pi a Kiis'dine crisis resulting from, '• i ,,;,„-, were placed ifi sealed rade has been held^n the snhbatl- "tremendously increased military j ',,„.._ ;,nd were opened at the So that, the program will not ir .., ,| lime by the incident of- terfere with church services, th Plaqw For WHS Men In Service demands nnd to assure adequate ' ..i,,, set the incident in parade will not be held until tl gaioline for farm production of afternoon. AH participants hav fond," the OPA snid. The dwin- iirfrn Council itself was been asked to be ut the firehout Gift To School By Class Of '43dling supply, nfarked by empty ,,i MI work durindungg the• first o later than 1 o'clock. The p: lilling stations in some cities, was " nile will proceed to the Wlli' ,-,,[r!its nnd William 0. H. The nimmilli'f in charge of the aggravated hy the breaking of tile .t lunch Cemetery where the trad Lasting Memorial To- ,,,.. [irptity Area Adminis- ledimtion servii'i' is: Kletuior Jjist, "big inch" war emergency pipe by ; tional Memorial Day program wi .,,,,1 |,is staff went "out in hiiiimaii; Shirley Jensen, Mnrie flood wiiters in Arkansas and hy -,', bo held. ken Of Respect For • I" in observe the last two 'ellegrimi, Helen Horviith, Irene the continued tieavy demand for / The parallel's will then march Alumni Serving U. S. indet, Mildred Moshell, Franklin oil. :„ r>uiiiH'l rt'portojortojT to the to the Memorial Municipal Build- Prentice M. Brown, pries) ad- ":: WOODBRIDGE—A a e r v i e e (Contimu-<1 (in I'mif il ,t;itinns at 7:45. At 7:W> ing where the Township Service ministrator, stated that he re- ', Flag will be raised and where the plaque listing the ^ames of all ulii,.,! yi>llow signal wa?s re- alutonl In the armed forces wll! grettcd the necessity for invoking ..J \i Ti'il'i the blue signal speakers of the day will be heard. Quits School For Left to riifht: Joseph McAndrew», Commiltecinan Weslty Chriitenien, Rev. John Larkin, Commit- be presented to Woodbridge High he regulation but the gakoline tnl find »t eight o'clock The annual Memorial Day teeman James Schaffrick, Mayor August F. Greiner, Jane Hynci, Clicitcr Caic, Rev. Chester A. School by the Class of '43 an its .lituation left no choice. Mr. i i.rnal was set in motion. church services, usually 'held thu Galloway and Recorder Arthur Brown, parting gift. The presentation Brown appealed for the co-op«ra- u iv no audible alarms and Sunday before Memorial Day un- der the sponsorship of the firemen will take place during the Class ion of State nnd local polite in and Veterans, will be held Sunday Night exercise* on Jun£ 4. telegrams to the Governors1 of in-i incident occurred at night, May 30, In the Congrega- The plaque is to be approxi twelve states. "~f I'.nt Reading at the cor- Infant Gas Victim Flag, Plaque Listing ISO Names tional Church. Dr. William V. D. mately four and a half ifeet by The orilor is iis drastic M was T:,ppi'ii and Third Streets. Strong, pastor, will preach the eight and n half feet and will oc- the ban put into force on January ,-umed that an incendiary Dedicated With Simple Program eerinon. cupy the space in the front ha] by Leon Henderson, Mr. Brown's • John Zullo's store caun- Parents, Sister Escape Cotnmistiof Meeti directly opposite Principal Arthur predecessor. It resembles the v laiife fire. Fire services A meeting of the Service Com- 0. Ferry's private office. Tlw previous regulation- in many re-- .. Mihiicis were rushed to the AVENEL—Funeral service^ of llyni"i, Rev. Chester (inlloway, mission, in charge of the service names are to be listed alphabeti Hie incident officer at the William L. Tarr, Jr., one-yenr-old Mayor, Legion Officers, pastor of the First Presbyterian speetsfcjind adopts the same defini- cully. The plaque will have ap Stockel. ,son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Church, Avenel, pronounced the flag and permanent records, met tions of pleasure driving. Adopt- '. projtimately 540 names listed now Tarr, of lit Lennox Avenue, who Recorder Take Part In benediction. Tuesday night in the Memorial ed also are police enforcement - 'Gai Strikes and room has bqen provided for fit succumbed to coal gas, were held Boy and Girl Scout Troops also Municipal Building and made final provisions, 'including one that tfas- \'o. 2, was staged in potential selectees in the Senior yesterday afternoon at Flynn & Stirring Testimonial assisted at the dedication, The af- plans for the dedication. The oline rations of those found driv- • i-e proper at 8:10 on Al- Class. The oldest alumnus listed Son Funeral Home, Perth Amhoy. fair closed with the singing of the commission will be assisted by the ing in defit'iice of the rule might ,I-I, I.".!) feet east of Smith COLOS'IA-^With appropriate American Legion in carrying out will be Ivins Browne, a member 1 Rev. Chester A. Galloway, pastor I iii-re it was assumed that'nits, a service flag; and national anthem. be revoked. of the First Presbyterian Church, the plans for the program. of the Class•<)? 1914. nli, evidently mustard gas plaque were dedicated here Sun- What Is Proper of Avenel, officiated. Burial was : lor nf garlic" was noted, day in honor of the men and wo- Clean-Up Week To Start As in the original rule, touringt in the Cloverleaf Park Cemetery. II was also assumed men from Colonia now in the vari- vacation travel, driving to places ^ Mr. and Mrs. Tarr and a three- In Township On Monday :iii splashed with liquid was ous services. IS Pounds Per Person Maximum year old daughter, Patricia, were of ainuscment or for social calls i-si-il urea and the wind The program opened with selec- WOODBRIDGE — Clean-up are ruled out while trips by motor •: ihc west making it noc- saved from the same fate Mon tions by the WoodbridRs: High Week in the Township of Wood- day morning by the timely ai'riva Extra Sugar Ration For Canning for shopping-, to take children' to niiikr all upprouches fiom School Band followed by the in- bridge starts Monday.