Great Britain’s junior gymnasts Maisie Methuen, Lucy Stanhope, Taeja James, Alice Kinsella and Megan Parker have taken the junior European team silver medal in Bern (SUI). The girls were outstanding throughout to match the medal won in 2014, scoring 163.912 to place behind Russia 168.179 and above Romania (163.678).

Alice Kinsella and Maisie Methuen led the team with superb all-around performances across the four apparatus that see them both into Friday’s all-around final but more importantly helped the team to silver, the other team members also playing vital roles across the competition.

Alice said after: “It feel absolutely amazing. We didn’t really expect this; of course we came in positive and aiming for a medal but we knew it would be close and I don’t think can really believe it until now.”

Maisie adding “It’s unbelievable. We’ve all worked so hard in training and it means so much to us all to have won this medal for Great Britain.”

The British girls took to the arena in the final round of the day in front of a hugely supportive crowd, of the five girls in the team four competed on each apparatus with the top three scores counting.

On beam the controlled spins and twisting dismount of Alice Kinsella (Park Wrekin) impressed for 14.000 points, British all-around champion Maisie Methuen (Cardiff) the other standout routine for 13.933. On 13 year old Taeja James (City of Birmingham) was lively and tidy in her skills for 13.033 with Megan Parker elegant for 13.533 and Alice’s performance wowing the crowd and judges for 13.666.

On Lucy Stanhope (City of Liverpool) put in a very tidy pass scoring an impressive 13.933 to start the girls off. Maisie then vaulted twice (as she was also aiming for the final which is taken from the average of both scores) her first pass scoring 13.866 and second 13.566 to average 13.716, Alice then matching Lucy’s vault score for another successful rotation. Ending on bars the team were in top form, Maisie, Taeja, Alice and Megan all putting in good routines under pressure. Again it was Alice who led the way with 13.866 for the team total of 163.912.

The championships continue with the senior women’s qualifying competition tomorrow (Thursday) where our GB team are aiming for the top 8 to make Saturday team final and also individual gymnast aiming for top 8 placing on apparatus to make Sunday’s event finals.

From today Alice qualified for Sunday’s bars, beam and floor final with Maisie in beam and Megan Parker in floor.


Notes to Editor:

 British Gymnastics is the UK Governing Body for the sport of gymnastics. It exists to support, lead and inspire all those involved or interested in gymnastics; from creating new programmes and activities at grass roots to helping the development of top-level talent and delivering world-class events across the UK.  Visit the British Gymnastics website at  British Gymnastics partners with all four UK home nations.  Those interested in taking part in this spectacular sport, regardless of age, ability or fitness level, should visit  British Gymnastics includes Women's , Men’s Artistic Gymnastics, Trampoline Gymnastics, Acrobatic Gymnastics, Pre-school Gymnastics, FreeG (Freestyle Gymnastics), Adult Gymnastics, Disability Gymnastics, GymFit, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Tumbling, MYClub, TeamGym, Aerobic Gymnastics and Double Mini Trampoline. Those interested in knowing more and taking part in this spectacular sport, regardless of age, ability or fitness level, should visit  British Gymnastics is there every step of the way, from welcoming new participants to the sport, to offering opportunities to compete at every level and perform at fun gymnastics events, competitions and/or festivals.  British Gymnastics is funded, primarily, through its membership and Government funding.