LIMESTONE Produccion/tabid/121/Default.aspx Production inColombia.In System-SIMCO,OfficialMineral UPME, 2015.ColombianMiningInformation INGEOMINAS, 1987.’s MineralResources,Volume II.Bogotá National AcademicRegulationMeeting.Medellin. EAFIT, inColombia- 2008.Structureandbehaviorofthecementindustry COLOMBIAN CHAMBEROFINFRASTRUCTURE.2013.InfrastructureLog.In: References Limestone inthefollowingyears. past decade,willdemandahighconsumptionof for thenext10years,andincreaseinGDPover plan The construction boom, the infrastructure government in cementmanufacturinganditsderivate. Colombia is produce by constructioncompanies focused the Caribbeanregion.TheLimestoneexploitationin andCentralMountainRange,in in theEastern rocks fromthePaleozoictoNeogeneage,distributed is mainlyassociatedwithmetamorphicandsedimentary Limestone iswidelydistributedthroughoutthecountry, and rock. asornamental construction industry manufacture process,andinsmalleramounts,forthe as a flux in the lime limestone is used in the steel industry limestone productioninColombia.Theremaining20%of Mton of gray cement representing about 80% of the producedapproximately12 market. By2014,thecountry of themostdynamicproductsinColombiandomestic With aproductionof15.3tonsin2014,limestonesisone


Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano COAL

With a production of 88.5 Ton in 2014 and a contribution Santander, Antioquia, Valle and Cauca. These coals are of 69.9% to the Mining GDP, coal has become the largest mostly thermal type. However, in the mining areas of contributor to Colombia´s GDP. The coal reserves Santander, Norte de Santander, Boyaca and Cundinamar- measured are around 5,000 Mton and the potential ca, coal is metallurgical type and supplies the domestic resources were estimated at 15,500 Mton, from which and international markets. The mining activities in these 87.5% is thermal coal and 12.5% is metallurgical coal regions is underground, corresponding to the geological (SGC, 2012). formations Guaduas (in Cundinamarca-Boyaca from the Maastrichtian-Paleocene age); Amaga (in Antioquia, from The 90% of the country´s production is exploited by the Oligocene-Miocene age); Los Cuervos and Carbonera multinational companies in the Cesar and Guajira (in Norte de Santander, from the Paleocene-Eocene age); departments. These projects are developed by open Cienaga de Oro and Cerrito (in Cordoba, from the pit mining on the Cerrejon and Los Cuervos Oligocene-Miocene age), and Guachinte and Ferreira formations - both from the Paleocene-Eocene age. These (in Valle del Cauca, from the Eocene – Oligocene age). coals are of thermal type and are mostly exported through the ports of Santa Marta and Puerto Bolivar. Coal production in 2014 by department

The remaining 10% of the production is performed by DEPARTMENT PRODUCTION TON. TYPE OF COAL small and medium scale miners in the departments of CESAR 47.306.242,61 Thermal Cordoba, Cundinamarca, Boyaca, Santander, Norte de LA GUAJIRA 34.357.761,92 Thermal

CUNDINAMARCA 2.387.677,50 Thermal + Metallurgic

NORTE DE SANTANDER 2.198.035,67 Thermal + Metallurgic

BOYACÁ 1.772.054,15 Thermal + Metallurgic

COAL ANTIOQUIA 264.708,30 Thermal CÓRDOBA 136.772,74 Thermal

SANTANDER 102.117,11 Thermal + Metallurgic

VALLE 25.336,09 Thermal

CAUCA 24.311,97 Thermal

CASANARE 2.961,97 Thermal

TOTAL 88.577.980,04

References National Mining Agency, 2015. National Mineral Production 2014. In INGEOMINAS, 1987. Recursos Minerales de Colombia, Volumen II. Bogotá INGEOMINAS, 2004. El Carbón Colombiano. Bogotá COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL SERVICE, 2013. Colombia’s Carbon Potential Map 2012 – Detailed Memory. In Metadato.aspx?CID=241986 COAL

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano COPPER

As a result of this work, numerous copper prospects of COPPER interest such as Acandi, El Infierno, Río Chili, Piedrancha, Patascoy, El Pisno and Mocoa, among others were discovered.

In Colombia we have defined three porphyry copper belts with the following prospects: - West (Eocene age): Pantanos-Pegadorcito, Andagueda, Murindo, Acandi and Piedrancha - East (Jurassic age): Andes and El Infierno - Chili, California, Dolores and Mocoa - Central (Miocene age): El Tambo, Dominical, Piedrasentada and El Pisno.

Of these prospects, the porphyry copper of Mocoa is the one with the most information.

The first official production record in the country dates from 1951 (25 tons). Since then, copper has been produced intermittently in Mina Vieja (Tolima department) and La Equis and El Roble (Choco department). Today, El Roble mine is the only project in production.

Currently some companies are developing copper With a production of 19,000 Ton of copper concentrates exploration projects in several places in the country, and in 2014, Colombia is far from the largest copper have discovered new deposits of gold and copper. producers in the region such as Chile and Peru. While this figure may be discouraging for the investment market of References this mineral, Colombia has a high potential of this INGEOMINAS, 1987. Recursos Minerales de Colombia Tomo I, Bogotá. resource. During the decade of the 70s, INGEOMINAS UNITED NATIONS, 1976. Base Metals Project in the Central and Western (now the Colombian Geological Service - SGC), in Cordilleras. Inf. Col / 72/002. New York partnership with the United Nations, developed a program SILLITOE ET AL, 1982. Setting, Characteristics and Age of the Andean porphyry copper belt in Colombia. Economic Geology V.77. of geological exploration in the search for metals in the UPME, 2015. Colombian Mining Information System - SIMCO, Official Mineral central and western mountain ranges. Production in Colombia. In Produccion/tabid/121/Default.aspx COPPER

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano

Emeralds in Colombia have been exploited since pre-Hispanic times. The mining activity of this mineral has been concentrated in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyaca, in the denominated East and West belts.

These two belts extend in NE-SW direction in the central part of the western flank of the Eastern Mountain Range, where the mining districts of , Gachala and (Eastern Belt) and , Coscuez, Peñas Blancas, La Palma-Yacoi and (Western Belt) are located. The most representative mines are Muzo, Cunas, Coscuez, La Pita and Chivor.

Colombian emeralds are associated with veins, hydrothermal hydraulic breccias that affect sedimentary sequences of the formations Paja, Rosablanca and Villeta Group in the Eastern Belt and the formations Calizas del Guavio and Lutitas de Macanal in the western belt (Early Cretaceous age). EMERALDS

Historically, small national companies have developed underground mining operations, however, recently multi- national companies have been investing in local mines to exploit the mineral. Emerald total production during 2014 was 1.5MCarats consolidating Colombia as the second largest producer in the world.

References NATIONAL MINING AGENCY, 2015. National Mineral Production 2014. In INGEOMINAS, 1987. Recursos Minerales de Colombia, Tomo II. Bogota INGEOMINAS, 2004. Estado del conocimiento de la exploración de Esmeraldas. Bogota. In tor%5C220%5C04%5C1000%5C23452%5Cdocumento%5Cpdf%5C21052345 21101000.pdf EMERALDS

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano IRON

With a value of 676,000 Ton for 2014, iron production is limited to a few mines that provide this IRON mineral for the local steel industry. The most representative deposits are found in the department of Boyaca; Paz del Río, which exploits oolitic iron from Concentracion Formation (Tertiary age) and Ubala, where iron comes from limonite and hematite alterations in the Fomeque Formation (Cretaceous age).

Although the country's iron production comes from depos- its found in 1938. In recent years multinational companies have begun exploratory activities of iron and coal for steel production in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyaca.

Iron production by department in 2014



BOYACÁ 230.654,12

CAUCA 246,36

TOTAL 676.180,24

References NATIONAL MINING AGENCY, 2015. National Mineral Production 2014. En INGEOMINAS, 1987. Recursos Minerales de Colombia, Tomo I. Bogota www.portafolio.co7negocios/dream-team-pacific-rubiales-abrira-aceria-zipaquira UPME, 2013. Estudio para la caracterización del Mercado nacional e internacional de minerales. Report prepared by CRU for UPME. Bogota IRON

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano URANIUM

Since the decade of the 50s until the 80s, public institutions URANIUM from the Colombian government and private companies developed Uranium studies in the country without any production progress.

As a result of these studies, they have identified prospects in the country associated with sedimentary rocks (marine and continental origin) and igneous rocks distributed along the eastern and central mountain ranges - from the department of Huila to the department of Norte de Santander.

In recent years, with modern methods, multinational companies have made exploration campaigns in the area of Samana (eastern flank of the Central Mountain Range in the department of Caldas), rediscovering an ancient prospect. This type of exploration projects can open new perspectives in uranium exploration in Colombia.

References INGEOMINAS, 1987. Colombia’s Mineral Resources, Volume II. Bogotá IAEA. 2010. Red Book – Uranium: Resources, production and demand. Viena U308 Corp., 2013. Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Berlin deposit, Colombia. Canadá. En: URANIUM

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano PLATINUM

Most of the platinum in Colombia comes from alluvial deposits located on the Colombian Pacific Coast, where PLATINUM Afroamerican communities extract the metal using traditional methods. The production for 2014 was 1,134.65 kg.

The platinum mined in Colombia is mainly concentrated in the tributaries of the San Juan, and rivers. Although the primary source of platinum is still unknown in the country, in 1992, geological studies were carried out and proposed the Ultramafic-Zoned Complex in the Alto Condoto (approx. age 20 Ma), as the primary source of this metal. Currently, private companies are exploring the complex.

The Atrato –San Juan Basin, has a very high geological potential for the exploration of platinum. There are numerous secondary sources of platinum and gold within the region, although the primary sources of this metal haven’t been discovered, it is assumed that there are several ultramafic-zoned complexes in the area.

Platinum production 2014


CHOCÓ 34.930,77

NARIÑO 477,97


CAUCA 428,11

GUAINÍA 121,79

CALDAS 34,73


CÓRDOBA 6,51 References NATIONAL MINING AGENCY, 2015. National Mineral Production 2014 In VALLE DEL CAUCA 2,49 economicas 36.480,00 TOTAL U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2013 1.134,66 Kg PLATINUM

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano PHOSPHATE ROCK

The production of phosphate rock for 2014 was 30,000 Ton. This production has been rising due to an increase in the demand for phosphate rock by the fertilizers production. Nonetheless, Colombia still needs to import the mineral to fulfill its domestic demand.

The phosphate rock comes from phosphoric sandstones located along the Eastern Mountain Range from marine sequences from the Cretaceous age, from the Hermitaño and La Luna formations and Olini and Guadalupe groups. The P2O5 content of these sandstones varies between 20% and 30%.

Even though the geological exploration of mineral resources in Colombia dates since the early 40s, however, it is only until the decades of the 60s and 70s when major phosphate rock deposits in the Norte de Santander, Boyaca and Huila departments were discovered.

Currently, the Colombian Geological Service is carrying out exploration programs that will allow the discovery of new phosphate rock reserves.

Phosphate rock production 2014 PHOSPHATE ROCK PHOSPHATE References RESOURCES DEPARTAMENT NATIONAL MINING AGENCY, 2015. National Mineral Production 2014. In Ton economicas FAO, 2007. Utilización de las rocas fosfóricas para una agricultura sostenible, BOYACÁ 21.541 Boletín FAO fertilizantes y nutrición vegetal No. 13. Roma HUILA 6.802 INGEOMINAS, 1987. Recursos Minerales de Colombia, Volume II. Bogotá UPME, 2013. Estudio para la caracterización del Mercado nacional e internacio- NORTE DE SANTANDER 2.000 nal de minerales. Report prepared by CRU for UPME. Bogotá www.aca- CAUCA 53 borde_occidental_de_la_Cuenca_del_Valle_Superior_del_Magdalena_Colombia TOTAL 30.396 PHOSPHATE ROCK

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano GOLD AND SILVER

Colombia is the country with the longest history of mining The gold production comes from deposits found since the and production of gold in South America. It goes back to twentieth century. Transnational mining companies have pre-Hispanic times, when this metal became the focus of developed aggressive exploration programs and found interest for the Spanish conquistadors of the sixteenth major deposits, increasing the foreign investments for century. The official reports of gold production date back exploration of this metal in Colombia in the last two to 1931, showing significant increases in the level of gold decades. production since the 80’s –from 25.7 Ton in 1985 to 57.15 Ton in 2014, highlighting the 2012 highest produc- Silver is obtained as a subproduct of a gold mining due to tion peak in the history with 66.178 Tons. its direct association with gold.

In Colombia, gold is associated with different types of Gold and silver production in 2014 by departments geological environments, including a distribution of occur- rences in almost all of the territory . Due to the geotectoni-

PRODUCTION PRODUCTION cal country conditions, the main gold deposits correspond DEPARTMENT Au Troy Ounce Ag Troy Ounce to porphyry, epithermal, intrusive-related gold, orogenic ANTIOQUIA 903.150,47 267.260,13 gold, volcanogenic massive sulfide and alluvial gold. CHOCÓ 363.871,91 12.710,09

NARIÑO 166.785,84 120,06

CAUCA 138.711,94 2.671,56

BOLIVAR 88.289,31 16.062,88

CALDAS 67.172,83 66.848,93

GUAINÍA 35.974,87 20,60 GOLD VALLE DEL CAUCA 23.099,52 52,79 CÓRDOBA 15.974,56 367,63

SANTANDER 8.725,91 789,65

RISARALDA 8.216,18 150,37

TOLIMA 7.968,54 2.374,37

HUILA 3.452,85 254,02

QUINDÍO 1.001,48 ------

PUTUMAYO 670,78 ------1.833.066,98 369.683,08 TOTAL 57,015 Ton 11,5 Ton

References NATIONAL MINING AGENCY, 2015. National Mineral Production 2014. In ELORO.compressed.pdf tabid/121/Default.aspx GOLD AND SILVER

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano NICKEL

Nickel production in Colombia is exploited by a single NICKEL operation, the , located in the department of Cordoba (Caribbean Coast), with a production of approximately 41,000 Tons in 2014. This deposit was discovered in 1940, but the project only went into production during the 80s, and since then, it has continuously developed exploration activities that have extended the lifetime of the mine.

The nickel exploited in Colombia is from lateritic soils

generated from ultramafic rocks (Cretaceous age). In these soils, metal enrichment is present due to the transformation of the into saprolites rich in iron and nickel, during the weathering process. Other known deposits, not exploited, associated with the same type of rocks from the same age, are found in and Ure, north and south of Cerro Matoso. There are also manifestations of nickel associated with lateritic soils from ultramafic rocks in Morro Pelon, Ituango and Medellin, in the Antioquia department.

Although, there is no new discoveries of nickel deposits in the recent decades in Colombia; there is a potential of lateritic nickel deposits associated with ultramafic rocks in the Western Mountain Range of Colombia.

References NATIONAL MINING AGENCY, 2015. National Mineral Production 2014. In UPME, 2009. Níquel en Colombia. In .co/Docs/Niquel_Colombia.pdf NICKEL

Mapa Geológico Colombiano, 2015 • Mapa de Zonas Potenciales, 2011 • Fuente: Servicio Geológico Colombiano