
San Jose, CO. #au 31nor Verge Choir Subs. Rate, $1.00 Presentat,Ln Per Quarter romorrow p Tollrgr Zitur,9

A 11 1.11 1, ( 01.1.1%1,1% II NIF.> Ili( Rs') \\ \IA `cumber 29 . FridaY Deadline First Student Group Dr. Geo. Barry STUDENTS ASSIGE College Verse Choir Will Donations Recital Presented For qaming In Talk Before Program the tall schedule of student Present Friday est, nal-. the first program was present., POSITIONS FOR REST To `Ch Fund the Litth. . Theater at eleven o'clrok Pre-Med Group Night Before Taking Tour , al.. morning. under the direetion Report Success Of Of AUTUMN QUARTER Chairtnen Mi-- Alma Lowry Williams. County Medical Association Apparent As DIRECTS CHOIR Miss Elizalmth Leader Campaign Itnsicim ,vell known college tal Head Lectures To -- - 10 Nears Of Speech feroup, Nov. oat a Charles Hanson, tenor and Pre-Med Club Second Six-Week "Shift" Sends di- Cot, :-. T-,ur rector ot the alc'n's Glee Club; Ken. Cadet Teachers To New

Tomorrow, November 10, Last neth iasies popular baritone; and AI - lo Barry , president of the . Locations IS FREE PER": OPMANCE Day AI:owed For Chest ke..!..n. ; there appeared a Santa Cla ra Count y N1edical Associa Contributions tea. lona ; rol- et now talent threatening lion, oink, to the Pri-Med Club at .1 The student hers ,tarted thetr - Favorite Sekrtion To Delight lo t’ ln.-, Ynterans. Among these their last regular meeting. is topic was owl six weeks of teaching October .1fttrt 1" Audience In Y-r,e Choir M1'11 the 'I.'" were D. c .11 s',. It 1. pianist. lielen Wil- 1 he Alaktu., Pro, titioner." Their IleW assignment are as follow. w hi, h Incs been assigned to Farewel! Program kin- ot r .1. and Jerry Slavich, viol- Dr. Barr'. to1,1 many experiences that ALAMEDA COUNTY ,or the 11-113 th ComM11111,Y mot I ! ...1, slavieh is widely he :oat nth, r prominent local physic- Copeland, Paul Dean, Louise . tw. campus chairmen, r., oco.- n. department, the inn hol had during their. study of . Dutra, Evelyn Smith. Kathercn - Id and Charles Pinkham. ,’,1.,0 bat, has had little Op- Meili, the and a t'nr their graduation K"aler, 1541.1 Shelve. I. 'I' 1' .,r. , valiant campaign to at- . t., cr ho work from mech.. Imo! . 0.1,KLAND requirement by Erich,. He beliesei that there are many' fields Davis, Alice Gillespie NI which is the last day al today that need petsons who have had Corvesto Ethelyn Freiermuth. 1. ribut ions. Simoni an Exp :1 11,1311.41 111 the fields Martin, Marguerite Smith. Ham, , nn,,,, hat organizations and twilit; PL.SSION CIASSES mentioned w. re pohlic health, the Strickland, A1111111'1 1111rt Mrrt'" 1 l' tttl. been contributing wit li tea, long ot tie. medical laboratory Ryan, Elizabeth Woodwonh. Muriel sugpfe:I. r.;,,re-gtt,,lualrittyh’etc:uikne.e,in, thole er...orta p[AN Au[1:{1,0N or ART assistant. auarintendents of hospitals CONTRA t'OSTA COUNTY m.1 mend., ot hospital boards. Soite. Dorinda Irons ,, ,,, close the drive lir Barr. al.:, that the stu- MARIN COUNTY to give a plink-. . Tomorrow at five o'clock is '. st II .-ce TM, magazine is Heitman. Evelyn 1. ne the name th, ..1,:ne, therefow, any contribu- WORK At BIG BAZAAR olabin 1,, .1,, hool library, and is MONTEREY COUN'I Jenk. Katherin .1.1 be turned in to Mrs. Stev- ane cart!. n. tmie for the layman. Fonfara. Lucille Hogue 1 The Verse 1 - en- . the president's office boor. It- aro, I.. :an mon without the um: Welz. Edward prtad rt3tr ttl Pictures Suitable To Decorate th.n ni tcaltni, orno ,,, that anyone can S.ACRAMENTO COUN dramatic poetry ,rii. Student's Room . ontributions to the college f und understand them 11-ald, Alice NI,-11 r , toil. under th, . . I lta Pi, Delta Pi Epsilon. lir Barr vc,nt into every phase co Burke. Harriett Freel Elizabeth Jenk- .1, m I! now be able a Spartan Knights, Del- 't the makin.: t prai r Yd1.0 COUNTY such commendati. o h)Lne makine cwt. to ,41,1rr ort h 1 11. dn. orations for that attend...1 'he meeting learned a Caldwell, Virginia Walt Katt,, r,,,, t o attend the .1..- N. r, the w db. ot their r u. without tak- ni, I,' 1 au. and the Phy. Ed. great Iran hi, %Cry intere.stin: Johnsc,n, Martha this year . m _tau pi. the ed. ing ,nant poser- ir an the bulletin Miss Elaabeth Jenks, direstor of the talk SAN FRANCE-, , board Verse Choir, which tomor- This enter, m - r fraternity. is headed 1,, . )1..ICkVeiSthel, Margaret K,, I' ilia ,.., ' ir offers th. row night in a farewell concert. last chance NI., . in sickle as president and , SAN JOAQI. IN . .1 Ind hear tic r ot four- NI I .. Martin is the president of '"'"I'"n L.tate Commerce NnIson, Mae Blanche icy,' m een memo, r .1 a.. r Katherine , mpa Sigma. and the Spartan .h"wn " TRACY - r embers To Flodges. Icor .t11. rr are led by Ambrose Nichols 'nd11.'"h Faculty Honored I operson. Ema corriveau Ronald lama K.chnrine I skat., lag. the art society . has Bett, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUN , The pictures to be sold are about Kenneth LlizAhoh president. while the Phy Jonn, Harriett Have Joint Meet ress, Edith Boas, Alto. Culbert,- , , E.:. 24 bv Is inches and are Yen brightly Dr. Graham, Mr. George, and SAN MATEO COE'NTY Welch and c'Plained b31 Jark colond paintings and chalks depicting Mr. Kelley Educators Marion Faltersok. Jewell An, student desiring to make an in- . wws wit ea. jit,t Campbell Mille Tinker. Martha *tinny r Asilomar Will Be Topic Of i:rare Murray ...ntribution to the fund ahould Sheaf. Sian NIcCormack, Patricia think. with one of these bright studies Among a -elected group of tssenty All the member. are seeran speakers tam a In to Mrs. Stevenson. All organ- out will be us,. Discussion at "Y" foe teachers. engaged in business edu- STANISLAt'S COUNTY and their voice- are resonant and clear . Williams, Norene enrd up. and with thr .olor you will cation in the Bay district, are Dn. The program stars ar eight -fifteen and afitributions should do MODESTO With an attendance ot 4` students. not only he getting ,omething bright. Jessie Graham, Guy G. George, and 15 free to the pula., Reened po,,ble. The chart near the Peterson, Vivienne a very enthusiastic meeting and dinner but -ome really w ortha bile and inter- Arthur C. Kay. man entrance to the college will show TURLOCK wa, held by the Y.W C A and Y.M.- ting art work. The aroup met at the Merritt School in the tin, thc ;.rogress of the fund. Seniors will of Corran, r, c in Oakland tor the pur Healy. Elizabeth C.A. to discuss plans for !Ilt .Asilomar ,. Community Chest picture, pose .4 lot:Ade/tine future trends of WATS(INVILLE conference to be held 1,..sda-r 2 It to tod, orientation. Miss Henry Guest bu,ine- education. especially. in high Led,ard .Mary , Lois January 1. Chinese Dinner Of Freshman Girls -0,-1- SAN JOSE Miss Anne Aalfs spoke , Will Be Given By Nature Classes Eng). y "I I.. -cut tendency is to move Claire Gusseteld. I odha hea adian Students Movement At Combined Meet nrsente. Laura Nletiker Ruth Library Club Today Visit To Pinnacles i .1 -kill subjects from the jun which she attended at mr lo.:11 - hoi.l. entirely. and if pos P.i. v. Robertine Wad,- Jeanette Ontario Reverend Htnjau.i: ' I l'ir R.- -11.I. ir-in the senior high schools. soto. Eleanor Megl, r %tired [13.-11, oi the First Con,,.. ' eld caves, and rock form- L,.i., ,,, \ 1 .,.t,r tht ' '1 Mi" 111.,anr it is because of the present Knowles, Alma Fisher ( a h, rote Church MSCUSSM1 "Religion and old r Nature Stud, (la-, corn Franc - Ilea, '. ' "'mt.". ,.,,,., n.l. ...nditions. or because people strahorn, Helen Schnabel. NI agaret rfr,t.fil Social Crisis" who', 'hoot o.I students spent a , thr 11,,.,, ,...,. .,,,..,,,,,..uf, oil' I. ,r,,, 1 ere not employing , oung men %Aomori:, S, Ivan Slalate-ta I ,e1; Ina the theme of the Asilomar comer, a, II 0,1, time at the Pinnacles address the ihr, . ,t, a ,,,, n women ac - . ont women Just out of junior high . Loraine Pe, Is. le -.1., Dec orations for the dinner were , r a Hollister List Saturda, . quaintante gr, do 1 a .r-1.1, at I: I q in i ai .1,,,,,1- oat tht lower half ot senior liett, Jon, s. I a tee ot the location of .Asilomar Itan o Room I oi Om 11 ,,,,, building hi.a, o hook. is not known, but it is Winkler, Dorothy Murgoten NIdtIrt K,Iler and Joel Carter provided the N.t. escortcal about the NI ,.., ii,,,,,, t .,_ 1,., r. ,,11 the 'acuity lir.. ,,,,,,, rii., ,... PALO ALTO ry to supply a pre- .,.,:11. r music Man 11ocka Imo t. ot , anent 1,, NIr Schilling one time in of se, eral .,,u, . nal at 'in it, ,r. ...iir.i. 35 3 PM requisite tc, the Thompson. Margaret Anderson. NI, old volcanic ' M.C.A. presided at the supper ' -midi,. rock ,,,,q.,1 ar,-.. .1, .i, in Indiana. Thi s.ANTA CLARA COUNTY nth-resting to the 0,31113 .r. 1i,..iii. r top. it: intert,t and im .Aoplegart h. Jessie S. Wiser. 11,- , .oncerning their I II' "'un- "I """n inrls all, irt arel I.:. 1,,,r,..1.. t I ri rtlill 10 11 51’1,31rIlt '5 t Floriene Freenor, I, ,refully studied 1- NI, . clothing. t Cirl - 1 rem NI Iss Henn , , r Loh consumer . shou41n1 al;n:,nw in,tin. Dorothy Wilson. I: . Dance Society Will l’ 1rvo. 411.yr Werf in eVR1 Morld 1 lot hing and til .1. It t ' ' "-t - 55111 - ii..ifiiii., about business. The meet Carbon, Dorothy Pritchard, I-1c, t thcre .u.t lloir :r ,. VAN l,1), and '' Revive "Jugglers" clothing ,,, Pr""..1.,1 along the . wren. e hole,. Hazel Thomas. Leo-, ,11.111"1,Irr:’,1-’hn1,::‘.1 ,.,r,i, ,i ,in. invited iii 1,,,'Inal determining what the consu Boble Arthur Buck. Helve AN:NOUNCEMENTS mer -hook! know, and how and where th.mlis, Marion o; lying "The Juggler N., r hear Slis Hoar, la .,.. Lon, h ma, I,,, i Ram:" which was given here four 11t 'tit h001 h 1.5111' of the Times, a Or 51,111.151 .111.iitiOn tne group clis,u-scal the nett, ago the Orchesis Honor Societ,' I. . ..lont were thanked for their r13. into which business and cum- Dr. E. Kern Speaks -or.' to create an interest in their ttoehne in putting 11517 the junior - _ 111,3.1. subjects are to be divided Before German Club ancas guest recital which is to be and Starg., As chairman of the Barbs-- Kappa Delt's Hold Ha meeting was presided over 1,, I itesclay. December 5. at .1 11. The di, - tandish and Duman Holbert State Director of Com'. t' the Dance Studio. Tryouts co, lir Ira Kibby, att bong held Aga., and is 'Lank the fidlowing students Important Meeting ha, already been held and practice merge and Education by the German society, which has for thirty. a h of their time and mute -art, thi- werk Rid, must be obtained Kappa D, mely gone under the name nf the Barbour the success There will be a regular trom a member of Orrhesis or Miss o'clock Tue Trinity Groun Hears hall". An extensive program has been la l'i meeting at 7 c0 Margaret Jewell of the Women's Phys- Course in Tea-room the home danned for the future meetings which hn. Louise iloCU111, Fran cla, evening. November 14. at Miss Leila Anderson ical Eoltic-,ition Department 35 the af is Repeated Street ,,romise to lye very entertaining Work al Peter Green of Mr. Walsh at hs Mission t open only to guests of Orchrsi, program relating to child lr, 4.1111. . r,. 11,k 1r At a meeting of the group last eve- A profitable members, Thr 11-, Th. r ren's literature is being prepared. Spe, regular noon Leila And- ning (Wednesday,. the group had the hina .111 be a special business meet Ruth Eaton. Beth Simmerville. Mor- 311 eshilin be formed to discus, ar er,,,n ot Berkel, c, the 'trinity students honor of hearing Doctor E. Kern, who Manao, tha l're Med Club today, No, ial groups will vitza Johnson. and Agnes Walden were which is ,,- ember rhilciren's tastes in react- , looyed a pleasant and profitable hour. recently returned from a trip to Germ- pre- - VR4 at 00 M in Room h of admitted to the Society recently Jean men! , hem O. hooks It is esp. tniport Nov 7. in room IS.I. Miss Anderson's an, H15 talk last night was on the hare, mg and 1,, I r odor, t was "The Religious Life of a German situation a, it exists today Sterling, accompanist. was elected to pared All members are urged to attend as. ant that evenc,ne be present brought honorary membership. Miss Sterling of cafeterl , this is a St colent." Many interesting facts were '.n., The. uery important meeting has been the accompanist since Orrhesis .lory ot tilt - Nliss Asiderson has many friends on out. and everyone present learned a the NOTICE inauguraiton four years ago and has has been n ..hre,ich the campus and her audience WU a great deal. ..11f The door:ohms committee for the contributed much to the spirit and ompanim will meet In large one. Within the next few ,seeks. Last night's meeting was held at the sth dance i5 111 Milli a meet "War and Peace" group ac.omplishment of the society. of ware lo.' ing Vaughn she will leave for the Northwest to (111 home of Mrs Brekkelbaum. .11rt000n II 4 00 in mom 17 ROOM at noon. Miss Barbara r lho i the work among the students 111 Oregon and I hiring Tom cotton], Lulu Murdc,ck, Warren will continue a discussion from the Waihington. Nliss Anderson was prom What is a first love worth. except to Jack Ficlanque, sophomore president, an opport,r Tonne, Elmer Stoll, Franklin Russell. la,t meeting on the Relationship of V.W.C.A. work both here prepare for a second ? is now at home atter being a patient Tt, k,,on1 Bruce Allen, War All, members of the inent in Carolyn Haig, Muriel Church to Hospital due to a fractured out, II Book attend the and in the East before her connection What does the second love bring? at Sas Pls. and Paul Becker. Pleaar tw student bocl, are invited to 1 there with the church Only regret for the first foot the Home N1., and be on time. disc us,ion

3._ 11144.--

sso J.e, Cal. *an Xnar Verse Choir Subs. Rate, $ 1.00 ... Presentation Per Quarter tattl Cultrgr Zitnr,9 Tomorrow

d I 1 111 )1 1.1 (.1 11 \II 1111 R1) \ \ 1 \ I R Friday Deadlin. First Student Group Dr. Geo. Barry College Verse Choir Recital Presented STUDENTS ASSIGNED Will For Donations .. , In Talk Before POSITIONS FOR REST Present Program Friday To 'Chest' Fund the tirst Prnrram was present., r at eleven 0'6..1 Pre-Med Group Night Before Taking older the dirertioi Tour Report Success Of , OF AUTUMN QUARTER Chairmen 1.4 P Art Williams. County Medical Association Apparent As DIRECTS CHOIR I sii.sofEslizpaete,,,,thh.A.,zkrouLep,ader Campaign -s1; a; ; h urn known college t Head Lectures To NOv. 10 Nears ; .;;; ir It.- Hanson, tenor and di Pre-Med Club Second Six-Week "Shift" Send.; condu-:, Thur r o. th Men's Glee Club; Ken. Cadet Teachers To New fs_, November 10, Last , I, Tomorrow, popular baritone; and Al - Dr Georg: 1..,r pro..itlent of tin Locations ; For Chest IS FREE Pf Ri-ORMANCE Day AI:owed 1111 RI-dho. 1.i tiod ; there appeared a Santa Clara C.o.d.. Nleclical Assotia Contributions ion, 1 r c: of tow talent threatening tiuu stooke t lo I ilt PIT . M ed Club at t., ..,.:... ' Favorite Sel.r:-..1 .,,, ,,,,... Athhhe the,e their last regular meeting. is topic wa ' To Delight i ,ifort to meet the qUI,ITA Audience In Choir or., Icc. dol -petti. pianist. Helen Wil- 'Aim Nlakiiig ot a Pr,ictitioner." II I 41211111,141 144 I ....ilia, has been assigned to ki, Farewell Program .,.11..n... inol Jerry Slavich, viol.. Lir. Barr) told many experiences that ALANIEDA COI Ni 1. the 10.53 h.., the hor Community 1 c,..h Nie ,..,kt, ie" widely he and ortt, r prominetit Incal physic L.:I:el:ad. Paid Dean, Louise Chi, chi The too campus chairmen. ,... 1,I,..:11, ,I !I: 144,1141,11 department. ore hats had had during their. study c,j Dutra, I.:, c1,11 -smith. K ather ,. ''.1 1,,o. . ni and Charles Pinkham. gen, r .1 .. tali n; 1,,,,1% has had little op- Medi: inc and ai:er their graduation E.,ehlo.r. Icahol Shel, ro; k .11 . ! valiant campaign to a; .. r" t,, 1,, or ho work. from medical st hood, 0.\KI..\NI) requirement hy Friths . . ______He believe4 that there are many field. Davi, Alirr r;i11,-;:i. \ 1 N., . : r 10. which is the last day al today that need persons who have had Corcesto Ethelyn Frei,. loo 1 1. r rontributions. Simoni an EypoEssiom c[AssEs a mr,,,,a, .._,i,on Some of the fields' Martin. Marguerite Sink:, i ! nnsta. :hat organizations and facidt . /1 i lli.., mrntioncrl w; re public health, the Stritklanol, Anabel NH. 1 tran.h. : h ., been contributing with ' teaching roi 11., glen; merliral laboratory ', Ryan. F:lizabeth Woodwort h. NI .. fu1;1,f414. 14 T:41.,,T.,1.4ohl,adrittshe ttsaufkni.crtrtt tOne. eqya,..rot pLAN AT:illy,' or ART ,s-ictant- -ho ricoondents of hospitals CONTRA CoSTA COUNT \ h of nien.,1., r- ..1 to,pital boards. Soite, Dorinda Irons. Kir., on, e :edeil to close the drive sin I ,r. Barr. .1_... -cod that the stu- N1ARIN COUNTV cc... Tomorrow at five o'clock is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,, ,,,,,,:.,,,,,,.,,...,,,,,,,,,..,..,:azainnde :: ihrt maNni0F.,....i,:Tel:;11R Fs cot.N1 y therefore, any contrib. WORK AI BIG BAZAAR .: turned in to Mrs. Stet.. ..., ,; eller.: to ,. ,aira. for the layman Fonfara. Lucille Homo. Eichit. ,11 laesident's office bei;:r, I.. arti les co a rat; it without the use Pictures Suitable To Decorate ,,, Wrir, Edward .,.; 11(11,1 t; rn- so that anyone can S.ACRAMENTO ( t .1 I \ Student', Room 1 . ..: ribut ions to the college fund unit, ota rid 11,31,1, Ali. .;,..1 Delta Pi, Delta Pi Epsilon. liarr o id into every phase 01 Burke. Harriett Elizabeth Jenk I. r.. now be able S;.;:: :-. nate. Spartan Knights, Del- 't th; makinr pro I:Ironer. 'rho,. \'dk.o COI N 11 'urn crimmend rti. n ;-. ""rih"! ..rations for 4M1111111 ta \ I lata, Home Making Depart- tu that att, 11: mreting a Caldoell, Vintinia Walt Kathenne t o attend the .o h .. (.1 w about tak- learned M41,7 -1...rn.t Tau, and the Phy. Ed. I h' "T hrir great deal :rho. Iii wiry interesting Johnson, Isfartha this year ing itc,;..,rt ant 1,,,,r4 IT ,4 the bulletin Miss Elizabeth Jenks, director of the Ma:. r Kappa Delta Pi, the educa- talk SAN FR.\ NUN( (1 Verse Choir, which appmrs tomor- This enter, ;in- tirt 1..nor fraternity, is headed by bmrd. Ke, c oh The Dim Vill art offers th. liuckgeischel. Margaret PO., illa last chanre - Nlacc, Sickle as president, and row night in a farewell coneeet. pr,sident of solution Works of tin 1,,pregsion cla SAN JOWL and hear I, NI17 jam Slartin is the tate Commerce N..1son, Mae Blanche r Fiathenni u ill be shown in a tin:Antic displac :een r. .1 Ks;; Kappa Sigma, and the Spartan and early piece As ill be sold for a vet, TRACI. 'lodges. Ile rr, 14141,4.11V r Knights are led by Ambrose "Y'' Members To Nichols Faculty Honored , person orrivea... Ronald lam: Kats ruye Sigma Tau the art societj. has Bert,. small sum SAN LthIS OBISPO COUNTY th V.ainc: The pictures to Ire 'told are about Kenneth V1.5...t: 1-.1:zata Gill 4$5 president, while the Phy Ed. Jones, Harriett 24 by lx inches and are very brightl.. Dr. Graham, Mr. George, and Have Joint Meet rrss, Edit: Itorisso k lice ( Itc,r1.n Majors arc captained by Jack Mengel. SAN MATEO COUNTY colored paintings and chalks depictirc. Mr. Kelley Educators 1darion jcorll M rich and Any student desiring to make au in- Campbell Nellie Tinker. Nfart ha various phases of our college life Ju-t Asilomar Will Be Topic rrace Murra dividual contribution to tbe fund :Mould Sheaf, Mary NIcCormack, Patricia Of think. with one of these bright starlit, Among a selected group of twenty - All the Mernh14.44 crt. e'eran sinakers tUrn it in to Mrs. Stevenson. All organ - STANISLAUS COUNTY Discussion at "Y" on your wall, your nom gill be liv- teachers. engaged in business edu- and their %rafts are r;sonant and clear nations which have not as yet made ened up, and with the color you will cation in the Hay district, are On. Williams. Norene *id& their contributions should do S41 as MODESTO 1Nith an attcndanrc not onl,. be getting something bright, Jessie Graham. Guy G. George. and ..: 4; students. tr; soon as possible. The chart near the but ,,ome really oorthwhile and inter. Arthur C. Kelly. Peterson, Vivienne /I very enthusiastic meeting and dinner main entrance to the college will show TURLOCK costing art work The onan, met at the Merritt School was held by the V W C \ and Y.M - in th; the progress of the fund. Seniors will enrrinicrte in Oakland for the pur Ifealy, Elizabeth C.A. to discuss plans ior the .Vilimar witra- :he Communit. Chest picture. pose of (ronsidering future trends of WATSONVILLE conference to be held lie (nlicr .c t today in orientation. Miss Henry Guest business ,ducation, especially in high Ledyard .Nlary ltdartjuirld,, Lois January. I. - Chinese Dinner 11,11. SAN JOSE Of Freshman Girls Miss Anne .Aalfs spoke . Will Be Given By Nature I la. present tendency is to move tholitigth Claire Gussefeld. Dorothea adian Students Movement , Classes Enjoy At Combined Meet Visit To Pinnacles -kill subjects from the jun kr eniente, Laura Metgker. Ruth which she attended at Eh,. Library Club Today :or high ... hoofs entirely. and if THIS- c. Robertine Warl,. Jeanette Ontario. Reverend Benjamin , ,tteakirr: 't III. Ind Their Re- trom the senior high schools. ittittit, Eleanor Siegler. Allred pastor of the First Congr.,..., th,. 1, . 14111 CANC.,. and rods form 1.110. to oar It,- Miss Whether it is because of the present Knowles, Alma Fisher. Catherine Church discussed "Religion and 1 Nature Studs Class rom .. a 'Jr, member Ind her Frames Deur economi; conditions. or because people saraliorn. Helen Srhnatiel. Margaret Present Social Crisis.- ottli h 41 H.out 93 students spent a r p ,rtment. will Id the Hon. simply are not employing young men Wano,re. S., Ivan alatest . I 'el,. ina the theme oi the Asiloncor .h dolt time at the Pinnacles nItnitit women ac- address the fltre. and women just out of junior high Paolct . Loraine Perk. Ruby Hollister LIst Saturdas a; 12,15 in Decorations for the dinner ocro - quaint:1mi. cottoolc and the lower half of senior Itold!, Bert, Jones. 1,1,rts rising building. 2.7tive of the location of Asilomar AMP Room 1 of tto bigh schools. is not known, but it is Winkler. Dorothy Murenten Nlildred oas escorted about the Keisler and Joel Carter IrlIOVIdell thy 1 Miss Ilenr, I..t n on the faculty PALO ALTO he...ming necessary tu supply TI pre- MarVill Hod:al:out. of . -noiment by Mr. Schilling of several tulle,- an:I One time I 1 liminary course as a pre -requisite to the Thompson. Margaret Anderson, NIrt the V.M.C.A. presided at the supper guides, old volcanic rock operated a :ha, dna; in Indiana. This higher skills. sAN'T.A CLARA COUNTY meeting. interesting to the grout'. the new I experience mak., in to give Another topic of interest and int Applegart h. jessie S. Wist r Harr and the results of erosion roncerning their girb advice and ideas podtinte pertains to everyone as a con Golthici, Florienc Frernor, l ..trefull, studied. Henrt.'s clothing. trona Miss sumer. Each consumer should know Malkin,on, Dorothy 1:. Dance Society Will 1 . trip. river were in evict 1.7- will model clothing and tle.tgo something about business. The meet Cart-on, Dorothy' Pritchard I . there and clothing suitable tor ertain types ing pro ceded alring the ronterrn, (tusk, . Hazel Thomas. la Revive "Jugglers" rollege use me! horl, determining what the consu Bubb. Artliur k. 11,1; IT. are invited to ANNOUNCEMENTS \ II freshmen women nter should know, and how and where thnit. Marion r:., iving "The Juggler of Notre Lunch may be hear Nliss Henry speak t,, tonh it. I aim:" o-hich was given here four Id I, daj,'c cafe - issue of the Times, a hrought or secured in thc isthool In addition the group disrussrr1 :r- 414,11 the Orchesis Honor Society is .1r. :dent, were thanked for their forms into which business and con, Dr. E. Kern Speaks ,.. to create an interest in their r r in putting over the junior trier, subjects am to he (livid.' Before German Club r eu.t recital whit ti is to he ...d . rhairman of the Barb.- Hold he meeting W3S presided over 1,-. 1.1 Tuesday. December 5, :it 4' ;() rr, ' u:' Kappa Delt's -tandish and Duncan Holbert Dr Ira Kibby, State Director of Com k in lilt: Dance St who. Tryout, and wet! diank the Important Meeting Regular meetings are bring held again following student- met., and Education have already been held and practice thirt, ah. by the German society. which has for much of their time and enrr this week Flirts must be nbtained r:. a 14P- .4 regular Kappa I o mely gone antler the name of "Wal re :king the Barbecue the success 'I la ro- NIII ican a member of Orchesis or Miss it ar,.. at 7. ,0 o'clock 1 . Trinity Group Hears hall". An extensive program has been ta Pi meeting Margaret Iewell of the Women's Phys Course in Tea-room kw. evening. November 14, at the Miss Leila Anderson planned for the future meetings whirh hidden. Louise Hocum, Fran- da, it al Education Department as the al Work is Repeated ,. tatiard Walsh at hS Mission Strret promise to be very entertaining. and Peter Green. of Mrs lair 144 on!, to guests of Orehrsis profitable program relating to child- Presenting a, guest speaker at their At a meeting of the group last eve- \ memlarrc. Hon X1,, .,.. I , pir.ment has Th, prepared. Spec- regular noon meeting, Miss Leila And. ning (Wednesday). the group had the Thr r ll,i1 he a special business meet- ren's literature is being r hall nf chins students Rath F:aton, Beth Simmerville. Mor- an exhibit e t1. i ing ., the Pre-Med ial groups will be formed to discuss var- erson 4,1 Berkeley. the Trinity honor of heating Doctor E. Kern, who Club today, Nov- citza Johnson, and Agnes Walden Were which is ii. r k m !danger- o/16er at phases of children's tastes in read- .joyed a pleasant and profitable hour. recently returned from a trip to Germ- 5.00 P.M. in Room ious to the Jean (las., - '435 been pre- 21(). especially import- Nov. 7, in room I5I. Anderson's any. His talk last night was on the AelMi,l1,1 Society retently. ment ing and books It is , harge subject was "The Religious Life of a German situation it exists today sterling. accompanist. was elector' to parer! bc All mtmbers are urged ant that everyone be present. include. the to attend as hrinorar membership. Miss Sterling of cafeteria -,r ' this is Student." NI any interesting facts were brought a %cry important meeting. d.o. Ina This MiSs Aneltrscin has many friends on out, and everyone present learned a has been the accompanist since Orchesis story of tho c NOTICE through the a inauguration four years ago and has has been 7 . -Coo Th. der orations the campus anti hcr audience was great deal. t9e committee for the contributed much to the spirit and rompanie, . r,., 1 too the gill meet in hirue one. Within the mod lew weeks. Last night's meeting was held at the r),'rtroldm .th dance is to hold a meet "War and Peace" group ` ,I; g, artery leave fur the Northwest IA dt, h,,me Of Mrs Brekkelbaum. a cromplishment of the society. nf ware wlo, lie 1111 ,Oernoon It 1 at mom. MIS5 Harbara Vaughn she will 4 00 in roorn 17 Room ,: ater there Torn dioussion from the smirk among the students oi Oregon and During in rollout, Lulu Murdock, Warren .111 continue a -, interested in of the Washington. Miss Anclermn was prom What is a first love worth, except to Jack Fitianque, sophomore president, an oppori, Torn.", Elmer Stoll, Franklin Russell. last meeting on the Relationship 44141, a Bruce the inent in V.W.C.A. work both here prepare for a second ? , is nnw gt home after being a patient T. Room \1 Alien, Carolyn Haig, Muriel Church to War All, members of Ft .1:II and in the East before her connection What floes the second love bring? j at Sae Jose Hospital dot to a fractured rouse 1,, r..,. /h.!. aid Paul Hecker. Please be doolent body are invited to attend the there the church. Only regret for the first font. the Home Nt 1 antl be on time. ilistisiton with PAGE 2 STATE COLLEGE TINIES, THURSIENV. NI /UMBER Q, eampuo Ittrrature

SECRETS OF SINISTER CANTON COLLEGE LIFE IS DENOUNCED AS REVEALED STARTLING, WEIRD CRITICS Of AMERICAN ORIGIN OF ISLANDS COLD, FRIENDLESS TO FRESHMEN inemation We ha%e by S. R. Short story building. vers. small, with damp EDucATIoNAL sysT[m by Lillian Rgdoyoj had ti,k11 This is an account of something that earthen floors upon which the pri FOUND STRANGE BY 111,11, reading "El Portgl. 1 read games. and set very to , , ,p5 not many of you sill ever see. and sooners sleep. The light of day-, even di interesting article called "Niekel in none of the new student v to, some may be skeptical as to its auth small gleams, never penetrates this dm Slot." This article was on the ),.ei It I nidhesornosiost int,\ enticity. but it is true too true Thr execution ground is about 200 FLAYED BY STUDENT LOCAL INVESTIGATOR onirienolliness and unresponsiveness of Man). will nut like to read of such feet long by 100 feet wide. and sur the professors and students. It re- look Also, we have h.i own re on the college customs things, but not everything is pkasant rounded by hitch brick sal's. Lntold by J. Hewett by Chas. Amlanian minds me very much of my NI : students are in this world. and often a little knowl- numbers have been tortured and put Is education too expensive? This How did the island begin? What action to twc, weeks of college life. interested too thing about edge of terrible things make us ap- to death in this grim yard. question is doubly important in an in- has been its history ? Being only a freshman, I had no the school, boo learned a preciate the blessings we have. On the day of execution, each pri- stitution like San Jose State College. There are two great kinds of is- idea about college life. Naturally. I thing in the tw . Someone ha.s said. "One-half of the soner is placed in what is known as the primars purpose of which is the lands. the continental and the oceanic. hoped that it would resemble my high To me. the college i world does nut know how the other a pig basket. suspended from a bam- educating of educators. A continental island was orginally part school years. but atter the first day serious, and the students P boo pole held by- two men. and car- are too reluctant to assist half lives." Let me take you to a Taxpayers groan at the mention of nf the nearest continent. The subsequent Inv hope, trashed and very quickly-. rm:: ried to the excution ground. ireshmom Ot course. . small, but very vicious part of the teachers' salaries. Parents grumble at detachment of an island may be I expected snme assistance in finding Ling Chi' A light -sounding name to In. a very serious step in "Other liali." the cost of books. The whole state de- brought about by a subsidence of part my classrooms and at least a good for one oi the must atrocious means student's life, but I don't 11 Canton the sinister... As we walk partment is roused at the mere men- of the continent as in small islands. word from other students about my 411- oi torture ever devised in the brain ousness should be overLdc:Iribi. ihr through its cramped. dim passages a tion of college appropriaions. by an erosion severe enough to break Parini., classes. and college life. In - of man. This torture or special method chill creeps over us and the thought The college student is told, "A col- through a peninsula. Many coasts DO one offered any assistance; of execution is rewrved for those who f("n of what might happen if we were to lege education is too exp:nsive. when at present coffer one the importunity I had to rush :croon,' tryino to find have committed grave offense against get lost in this maze uf crooked streets you're not even sure of a position aft- ni viewing islands in the making. mf room- All the other students had the Govemment. Ling Chi consists of Mystique is a picture not scoon to be forgotten. er you've finisher]. A degree is no longer Continental islands at* often called 11,1 0111. kind or encouraging word wventy-tso cuts on the body. each lain bun; Everywhere it is dark. with cruel, le- worthwhile since the professions have destructional by geologists, because about my teachers. I was dimmed to I have in the arm lo and cut removing a part of it. watched 14, aring faces glaring at us from shadowy tion of college appropriation. thes arise from some destruction of a terrible time and an excess the sunrise. The details of this fiendish thing are doorways. The sunshine and green of I dry land in konwsnrk Also, I picked the hard- I have sought the arm, .1 and too revolting for description. It is Such people need breadth of vision. the submergence or break- rice fields is not very far away. but , ing down of a natural land est and dullest studies in the whole found forgiveness; possible to see Ling Chi esters. day in ,Perhaps there is no one who does bridge. ta,k we wonder if we shall ever we either not). ...liege curriculum. As for the college NI) eses have been closed 'P. the interior of China. Sloss. hanging is They. should be brought to see ' Oceanic islands, on the other hand. of them again. Our guide is to be that lire. it sas evident that if cone didn't col a poet, another form of punishment. The con- a great doctor, teacher. or en- are formed by the tops of submarine T1 trusted, at least so they told us at Id g t., a certain clique, cone sere And I am proud Hul, demned man is placed in a wooden gineer is a servant of all society; that volcanoes or by the peaks of a slowls the hotel. If he should prove other- the training be literal wall -flowers. It I have rlimbed the mountal, 3 Bost frame built of poles set closely. to- the). as tax-payers, helped , rising mountain chain or by coral wise this story would have been left dr, ructhly lov seen sthat I didn't get ,that -herd by me; Finn gether. The victim is placed in this to supply was not for the selfish ends growths on the shoulders of either of to other hands. We are admonished, of the student alone, but si yet, promising start in college. I have shared the sine 61 .1 Le-lo cage in a standing position, his head for the good , these These islands are called con- not to lose sight of our guide for a of the %%hole Niio I have burnt incense Iwtor. Gilai protruding above from community. structional as they are built up. so only were the students imper- moment, and let me assure you. he altars; cover which forms a collar about his A democracy. needs leaders. No bet- to speak -ecl h. the new students' worries. and did not once have to turn his bead .are- but also the teachers. If the I haye beat my head I. neck. He stands on a little pile of ter s.ay has been devised to discover , A coral island, one of the oceanic to us all. We are bound for the ex- were questioned. they answer- and wept ; k . bricks, and each day. a brick is re- and train potential lehlers than these group. usually gains a start upon ror ecution ground. situated in the center -1 re May enough but with a bored have listened to the sail ni moved. Within a few days he can no institution.% for higher learning. The along the side of a volcanic peak. in of the city. yak's- cir However, I btliPVe now that thes harp longer rest his feet on the bricks be of these gifted. capable men can a sorn down ocean -island. Thr for- The Department of Justith of this mends' tired of hearing the same Only to learn that life and cause the pile has been lowered to a -oared). be overestimated. mation nt a coral island is one of the corrupt old Empire believes ihal ;.&in , asked many tinies a day. A, 5moke-wreaths, intermin point where he cannot reach them. The person who thinks that schools most interesting in marine history. of torture will, if applied long ennuth. loon: as I have been here, only to - I am desolate, Erma The man slowly strangles and starves are too expensive should reflect that This type of island is due to the shells compel the accused to come-, ,if my teachers 'lase offered to be on death. In some cases the keepers: the American School -y stem is the fore- or skeletons of lime formed from the :ny assistance to the new students. Oh. To this end. hundrecls are daily tor- ',lase hot. steaming food within a few most of all institutions in making all salts of the sea by vast colonies of in the Canton the offered to help us with the worn tured prisons by inshes of his, nostrils so that he may men free anci equal. It contributes more coral -polyps. related to seaanem.ones HAIR( I most cruel means devised in warped. than ans. other factor to the minimizing while the other offered her general io- Inhale the odors. The only- releas.e from The coral atolls that occur far from .V.IRC I I. twisted brains. Hundreds are decapi- and nullifying of differences in environ sistance to help the students. thew terrible tortures is welcome death. land . with deep water all around them tated monthly for various crimes. real ment. Here a street urchin is given We were given no general class out LIERY/g1 d II Even to this day one can see ths4s, are there only because a submarine or fanciful. equal opportunities with the mayor's lows nor any map oi the schnol things taking place in many parts of volcano top has been raiser] near the son to grow in character, personal grounds. If it sere not ior upper cla-- At ncrun each day. you can visit surface, near enough to give anchorage SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVE pother. and good citizenship. It is ob- men friends, I should have been con, any of the numerous prisons and see "Why 110CS not the re,t of the for the free-swimming young stages of 40c and 50c inflicted upon hundreds of poor vious that the governmental roses of a plod) lost in the general disorder .. torture sorld revolt at such treatment of hu- corals Or probably thr corals attach ' 11 . imnishments are not nation peopled with such citizens would the first week. Even ms- :fiend, seem, .1 wretches. These man beings?", y.ou may ask It is themselves to W0111 down islands thus be materially lessened. reluctant to part with inthrmation. A secret. All may see with their nil eses not easy to change a custom that building them up. what disobedience of the Law may ha- been in effect thv sear 1122 A famous educator sa.. -The effec- their answers were vague ana 1 km There am hundreds of coral islands ANNETTE bring upon their heads. The official 11C. Then too.. . -One half of the tiveness of a nation rises or falls with vets> little more than - I both in the Pacific and in the Indian in charge leisurely enters the prison world does not knoii how the other the competency of it ,thool system. tinned them. After .1: A s SCHOOL Oceans. Many of these islands have BEAUTY yard dressed in the most indgeou, of half lives!" "V5'ith so much at stake. -tarty the best diodflor and restlessness. the who- plants growing. even man inhabits them r..! 7174 29sE. San Antoni St. silks, accompanied bs. tso ,rsant, . is none too good. Hut se cannot ex- finally settled clown to liehin the ; The corals are the greatest builders in fhime-Owned, LiCeipo : One fans him while the oth, r stands pect to have first-rate teachers on third the world. Apprc.ved Scho.-,1 ready. to fill. and light lo- pipe. All Gawky Boys Shamed rate salaries When one considers the V the end of ms - Strange as it may seem. Coral rock through the terrible sloe, la, !.. he sits By Premature Lady sears spent in preparation. and the rel- I IOUFId that the student i has been found to reach a depth of utterly unconscious of th.- ,:ructscome- atively higher wages received by the 1.1r, 1.114 fvet beneath wa level in Funafuti ness of the scene beton hom The pri- I s weenie Arnold members of other prcifessions, one feels In the Fiji group there have been seen soners are made to kr,..,1 before him. 1,, got,. .n when she that the teacher is inadequately. remun- and recorder' coral reefs a thousand chained together In front of each of k!lr. A ,,uld sit crated. feet above the wa and this is by no them is placed a pot of ink and a in the o N11.1h r,om mak- So, in ansser to the question, "Is Ed- means the maximum height. piece of paper By dipping a hand in t'" 1ht ltt slalsk>' Imes ucation too Expensive?" our answer is Coral islands are fascinating, They're the ink and fon,sing it upon the sho iness :t. n, mods to the -Nco, a thousand times. No!" Anyahing seen often in ,ircles or semi -circles. At paper the prisoner signifies hi, sill- ch.,. - synuld be to SO essential to the grnsth and happin low tide when the coral animals are IDA SI C IIE ingness to conic and thereby escape ,1 i.;i. m everlasting ess of free men and women can scarcely. disclosed the island takes on the most tbe terrible torture asiaiting him An latuda, iron: :. I 0.0- of their be regarded , ton expensive at any beautiful 1:0101 one can imagine. SAT ti EIDAY G T hour or more is spent que-tinnim: rash ;wise "Everyone", wrote Charles Darsin man regarding the crime, o barged tool A - on .r. --tol in a white Juanita Hewett. %CS ,grestly interested in coral reefs," must him. if he fails to , whether nod+. I,' A 111,1. storkings. t, Ise struck with astonishment when he innocent or guilty o. i, put to tor cool 1,1.., Is do, i v f, plainness only Jade first beholds one of these vast rings ture. yso nt ft, red of her. The CG4 of coral -rock often many leagues in First they resort to the minor toor root id 1,.r her head, which The deep green of the jade god diameter, here and there surmounted tures such as driving. bamboo splints ,loct :co., her 1,, r adsantage over Leaning against a curtain of brocade by a low verdant island with dazzling ru I under the finger nails to the firt the other fraIng- tmhiles of the class rvin e)ea Is like the beginning coi twilight white shores, bathed in the outside loy joint. Should the prisoner continue to Her ?nor .:: ond blonde, just When a. glos with neither sheen nor the foaming confession the splint ar, enough nt oi 1, ion too make breakers of the ocean, withhold his either depth C'afe and on the inside surrounding a calm driven to the second or third joints. tou II rippled easily and Seeps into a bronze shadow expanse of sater which, from reflec- Another "lesser-torture is loving the per. Loa the testy down the That once sas sunlight tion is generally of a bright, but pale upon red hot , hain- IP k r r,. I n every Esplendido victim to kneel respect Erma Faxon green color Hanging by the thumbs. or lo the both her Icor oid the manner in which 45p,OtImg New Music . toes, head down, until the bl.,,,r1 1,11 - o t dr. ,1 scould have put the Maidens! shs should you worry in The best-loved man or maid in the _ . 9 from the prisoner's ears and now. i, -or' .hame. Her eyes The eye. choosing whom you shall marry? town would perish sith anguish could another diabolic method . r, .1o., Ito Tr.:hi blue GRAIG'S Choose shorn sou may, you will !hes hear all that their friends say in If the prisoner should die shilo 1,.. 1n iv- ,,ro. iod to the point find you have someone else. the o nese of a day. ing tortured. the official him., It , ri th, , r,. -n,,,, I, and full and CARDINALS liable to some of thew atr,.. 1, it , no. ti, ::gest the thin r. even decapitation. This see m ,cul nr the vamp Her ,*_,Spectalty Ede! bin meat , t.. special study of occurs, for as soon as the y 1,:ith td. r, barely rgiged, yet the We make a the correct , -Coch comes unconscious he is red laiinght not the fullness nf style of hairdress for the College Girl Cover. eh a.rof to prison, where, if he meet iptnor owl emphasized each /// 11 'sPECIAL OCCASION" ASK FOR OCR blessed death. the official is aloo.u. ran:, sn,lo. ol-t the right of blame. A man is nor oconfined Her hp- had touch of paint FORMAL COIFFURE (Including Shampoo and Rinse) $1.00 501i- prison for a long term in Chine, pri lg.,. them. but again only enough HAIR SHAPED TO YOUR TYPE .50 , sons, but only to await trial or punish , .1., them toll Justice, and not a ment. which is speedily meted out If k mnre She was the perfect ex- SUPERCURLINE MOTEL ST. CLAIM': he is rich he is held purposely so that orriplc. of a premature young lady. the official can extort money. from PERMANENT WAVE SHOP ilesrvations Bal. 8502, him. A man would rather say evil of I 79 EAST SAN ANTONIO STREET Col. 20411 The prison consists of a single - himwlf than say nothing. r CAL AGGIES BOAST STRONG DEFENSE ; !II ildcrordiTillididTiji', 1111111111111111111111 111111101111111111111111111191 Millimuumumb,_ POWER{ PONT UNE -14 IS FEATURE OF FARMER TEAM DUE SATURDAY DICK DERTRANDIAS, Assistant STEVE MURDOCK, Sports Editor BOB LELAND, a imistant This sat :r.1:: nor san Jose Stab \If; CI I. Lid HMIs \tt\ N!flfI’ s: inari their smashinx 1.- rtintpit two' the Tri,,tandliarnblara : t 1,I t. NI :oat the ( ,th, - 0 1-1 -iPARTAilFrosh Have Two More Games Schedule :re in a

t'onference r Coached SPASM I 1::rmtr SAN JOSE'S TRIPLE THREAT alifornia star. and hottnloys by vir- I CANNEL. STAR GUARD, SOCCER TEAM MEETS o oi defeat.

Mil(DOCK & BISHOP tate and Patin,. ORIN BROKEN HAND; Jose out of th, ’" ft - SAN :.:Yr, a', State MATEO rue r,,111'ISCO gridders 1, C th, SQUAD \; toW"1""' and ..., so doing reg., . n : their 161 ill! favorite, the All-Op- lost M Only two Spartans ARMSTRONG J. C. NEXT THIRE THIS SATURDAY DRIVES canta d ir in the ,Gator's eyes, '.r1;EtIGRge.00T SPARTANS In an effOrl tk.,, , tieing Captain Bud Hub- .hichmate r this reifewri, 1.. oho. drrie doun a majority of by COACH ERWIN BLESH oath lir Spartan ,iorrerites with Captain laud DeGroot Int Icy thr s ’ ir the wing post. The other 'two his no r. _ the Its al frol. Clem. filling the vacancy charges it. the uti...., die horse, namely Henry caused lay the wcek in an in the fare 1,, tor. turtling in their mole effort to imprexs I, stas donated the left inyliaibility of Doug Taylor. and 'tar- .mind- ttkins for the stoir .Srmstrong Junior , Murphy in Bob's left half post. the boss. the imp 1, rn. ing struggle. ---o College will plas the Spartan babes an ready to take on San Matto Sat- Lengths homtagy. avah 'he trisah Tht S nominees here Saturda3, at II m. as a pre urday. have been 1’ .4.1,.r of the 'las and tht, shade- of high, Hulatartl LE (San Jose) lIminary game to the Varsity vs. (1a1 The Spartans have one victory over h y 1,,,:, well on their way lanor. /Joker LT (San Jose i Aggie encounter. Thy following week the Jaysees. who have two ties with -;.tro he-.1 man has Connterl In Finn LG (San J ose the boys journys to Monterey where stanford. but no s'ictories as yet San 'Jr I Johnny grolders to Welcome Leslie (San Mateo) Ihry play a retort: nil. with the Pre- \lat. is playing good ball and hopes Hines, The Aggies boast a tomanj RG (Marin) sidio leant to win its first game at the expense tu triple is equal to any in the Sernrtr, RG (Chico) Tie CANNELL OUT 'an Jose. rontt.reat, 111 threat defensive abilits. Compoost almo,t en RT (Marin) The Irish suffered a %Tinos in 1. The Taylor incident has. quite ton- loss fullback tirely of veterans. tlo. Inuit Imo of the RE ( Chico the Stanford game nion it found irary to general opinion, fired the squad was and Furmers has retodost thy ofh-nsive (Marini fever that George Cannel!. tirt -trine guard, ce to a pitch. The Spartans are thrusts of Majoriii (Modest, Tie the pponents received a broken hand lie will prob- of determined to win yvtn without their and even su, :. t: . 1,11 (Nlarin) nlal. ably be ttut the remanyhr of the sea- the Clenn) ell center halt last iiornia versos R II (San Ntatet» scar and won All-Coitier, h.,. son. The rest of thc non :ire all in Spartans' honors BARANEK, FRA/T..R LEAD anta Rose, good %hat physit IT .1 ti .1 came new Murphy is new at left 1,11 hut knows Leading !! !brooch thy Stanford tr, III U041(1 ;sassing great promise. one,' inrli,r ,.'d take sonar of you high attack. The rest of the squa1 p lane hafte. tiered on hores. Dripite the fact FROSH LET-DOWN An and ready to ;In al....1 and Hayes Onc. P -; pikd up over double ankle are playina great ball az the fullback other is : fro r. ntade against the Gators by derided Id ri,), n notheable in .. 1. the scrimmave Tuesdas night uith thy injury posts. Johnnie Stratton is reaainina his Both le: ream, Jour Marin men tny old varsitv. the to kling and blocking being form after an ankle injury. and Lc Their ornon: Alatrans gained POSt hamper very poor. With annther scrimma.,. or land has completely recovtrtol from the Conf. relue In WI- his after affects of the flu. r !!,, IWO scheduled for the %seek. th, ! Irlpia! Fria work should be in shape and reads to The forward line that showed such 1,0.! tinilding up II, southern Conference is (level Saturday. a bang-up earne. promise against S.F.U. will be intact Taft. rrpulatii uhtle two ,,na, int.. one of those things. with Mercury 1 San Diego State tight - The coaching Taff wa far from for the game. Graff. lei( wing; Mcn Herald r r the coveted spot. Whit - plea:ell with the ono., shown against gel, lett inside; Jacobsen. tenter -I. Photo Word: Higgins, right inside. Intnalos yet in the running, al - the Stanford yearling and plenty ot those live at tth their neat thy u. Poet have lost one con- blocking has been .'re-s,t1 this week rialit wing: spirit and drive should g,.., Ifo. Mat- Towne )L this season. The boys showel 1: sigh defensive tan- a stiff battle. ,ccistain: --o abilits, hut the 1.. ....lid not ger Five started on the odor., To to the poor The Spartans are now tied r 1. rtl hr biggest upset in that Ulric at t, blot ktnit ,n loo. nwl backfield. place in the conference stands., x eh .4, lad Saturday when Ihe Indians of Stanford. Shoo! t RESEI2VED SHOW mauled Santa Barbara ford %sin over Califonaia .t: .nglc gar!, ho I, up k Occidental into ramp Two set tattl d,,,Wed San Slateo, the local- r' r m tny F,,r- ,411 In 113. hue for San of it ail. Joe partuularl into a to r the leagtie lead r, .incried Jose Saturdas and will probably It, goal line and lifted seen in the -tarting line up. They are 'red down the field only Maynard, tai kly. ch.1 Dunlap, guard R. odrunner hve up to Dunlap has shnun A u..rbl ot fight and Fresno Tangles .me and run it back to will make it a tonal, afternoon for the , opposition. With Washburn _o_. Meynard is a titt-ka lad. and wa- rimento, the varsity crew strumental along with Cannel!. Swart \ cern ber sV t wo work in earnest. The zell. Daily. and Dunlap in bolding Stan t -7 uprad at the hsii.!- (rt., ' . taken over the coaching ior tour straight downs on tht. ford Stagg Drives TiFers For Big Game State of TeMpe at Pho ma, .t. crew is Ed Salishum-, line tut, yard Ttas nieht. 27 Fresno Bulldog- 'tot- I the California crew in STARTING LINEUP UNDECIDED WAN 7.aint r!ary's Gaels Saturday ,. home today preparing tor th I sittory not so long ago We arc Linde, idrd 1,, Ow A.trl intersectional encounter of 1h o--- ing lineup, but On domes are it will Washburn College, a form: . took the J.C. Confer- I I. squad fating its toughest oppos- The Helmets came tan 4)1 their Hone consist of second crtng mon tor the from Topeka. Kansa- Friday night :dun they in yearS. is t.timing game last Saturday with the Cal nort pjart. irioti Coach A.A. Stagg :,,,,rxe.. out to the coast this %seek to 1.arle's Modestan's into has had a poor tawItog hi- College of Pacific gridders Aguies in line shape. winning It to 7 nieT the Fresnans in an Armistice Das , this virtually gives thr Thocieh Armstrong be remembered through exhaustive workouts these Both Pacific scores were made through battle in the local stadium .. rhampionship although season to date, it tan riclt-n-i the strong ha_ r to collide with R1153 that last year they brat nights in an effort to whip them into the air The first soire came in the ti4 uhat happened to the }straitens 2.0 score Arizona un J.C. outfit. Menlo frosh team of that time by a peak tondition uith their battle with soon,' perioda nicely executed .1, the contest remains entire gamy ,.nown. but the fact b that the Ti'Mpr .ame with Sacramento after being outplayed the the pou.erful St Mary's Gaels this Sat - sard runninu pass trom Hamilton to \ Ian n. I a) first year men are deter- men out -fought and outplayed iht. 01, San Malt,' plenty 1 his year's arias . November 11 at Baxter Sta- Goold. In the third period the same pound boa .. mined to revenge this defeat and will be dium. Stockton. it'aly was duplicated with Tom Wilson re-nam. ihroughtmt most ot thy (on 1h4 In... out there Saturday fiehting with ca- realizing he le up against a throwing and Randall reeeiving for a test Onls in the opening minutes, when Cr -quad thy hresno team drove 70 sards doun hail better not take rolling thes. have -mashing. steam rolling outfit. the aged vard gain and a -core Randall place in a I field. only to be set back by pen- ,,,t, lightly They were mentor is stressing his line defense par- kitked the extra point. The Aggies the Pacifit alties and for a brief period in thr -1 on last year, and vet COACH BLESH CALLS MEETING titultirls . The tackles and ends are w omit uith but a fru minutes left to ostond quarb.r, when thes again drove lit Imals a rather hard OF TRACK MEN .siming in for twice their ordinary ;Jac when Wolfe n.turned a punt St diIon thy this time to KIM. did pite of the score. 'hare of work. George Trot:kelt. All. seeds for a score. Frazer converted. mento J C coached dominate the Coach Erwin Blesh wishe to Conierence end who Wa5 injured in Spirit is high =one the Bengal% for the Harris men ball in th. phis . (Ay- did the scoring. to go into Huta: and dIF reported to have announce that there will be wrimmair last week, hags returned to the coming battle with the Moragans thy lead as the Pacific Coast's leading otokt. cl Akan: Mit:- iughest lines in the Cort- meeting of all track men in room the squad and will be fit tu play on thes all have a healths respect Die tht. :cum muter, unit 44 points to his credit. themselars.. " i, that Far R'estern Con- 17 next Thursday, November 18, Saturday. George Challis. halfback. .ttnimenirs of F'ordham but they're not tations for Arizona stores came the first, a '11 1111. 1" : have experienced great at 12:30. This not only includes plased only a few minutes against the thy least bit awed A acin over St. Mar- 11), in ROWe utl: 1’n i penetrating. track men now out, but all those ( al Angie% xvith an injured shoulder, y's would about put Pacific giver in sound and last quarters. Fresno scowl sing as 1P.d who contemplate turning out in loit he is expected to lac in top shape a football way and the men are out to more yardage from running plays. but His aerial w.,r, and Il those who re bs game time. Nursing a lame ankle do that very thing. Stagg will rely on the southerners more than made up far this season Ifirifit's passing attack to the spring la who re weeks has been Chris Tom Vs'ilson's superb passing to rock tor their deficiency in this department - norday. The Tigers found interested in track and along for twn Ihr 1 t, in other sports at the Erldson's only job. lle Is now ready the Gaels back on their heeb and the of the game with a bri1liant passing at- Shrines, Beranek's, Frazers, competing most. and the Gaels some real guard kitking of Elton Hamilton to keep them , tack The Fresno passes failed to click )..oet"nu' secoblistedhostu, ":74 "; !he 1. :,.. too much for their run - present time. To show hilly t? :play. in the hole 'for any appreciable gains.


Richard Hughes, Editor-in-Chief By Rudolph Engfer -sail Jo-, need. above ev.r)thin. enough it, auditorium." ures to pay for the Anil, Dolores Freitas Assiatant Editor !else a civic Words to this effect appear in local Jose might do well to Corrine Kibler Assiatant Editor in...lapels from time to time pro- fore it buildsbut that Catherine Woods Assistant Editor amine the multitude of advantages It is contrary to the pre DI Steve MurJock Sports Editor tic auditorium would give this.fair of city government. DEPARTMENT EDITORS aiol noble city of ours. (Not so vir- If one were to lit Evariata Uhl Copy tuous these days if one believes what he survey, he would Geneva Payne Society ..,1- in the paper). , ' football stadiums in Harry Hawes Desk iiis is all tommy-rot. Civic auditor-I but the philosuphs Paul Luke, Circulation nu* be compared to front rooms. baration seems to IR. to . are there in case company comes. enrollment rather than BUSINESS MANAGER-5 he. have little value as a utitlity chararter of the enrolm. Frnk Hamilton Jim Fi nothing 1,1if mint for the family. Or the pile, the better th. ; Phone Bal. 7800 or Bal. 1189W Go .. the howman might say. "the flash." to this doctrine. Time OfficeSan Jose, Cliforni Of tour, the chamber of commerce, Ballard about how F 7800 will -in.: another song. All Here is a story that amiitorium bring conven- will rounds of late that concert. : ciailty Adviser 16. Cart Honi lay l’’’’’’’’’’1 fi: ."""'t c'lass mutier at th. tion. to the city nestled in the foot- ian Jose Postortice. of a "human fly" and hill- whi,11 in turn will introduce vis- every school ,b.y. excels Slot, gentleman if he miela Published in 'it. day, by the Associated Siudents of San Press of Globe Printing C.,.. hex. it. r- to the city and what it has gentleman. The "humat Studen 1414 South First Street. San Jose, Calif. in turn will increase the buying Jose_ State College. . TM- 'rale a fifty story- buildin. ad nauseam. r the merchant . cis. !Mlle tirne al:0 Vat song and Whii benefits from such a man in question began and commer- dal..? Kcal estate men the "fly" upward. He ir, Simon. OVERTONES home owner. or intere,ts Not the lour:we the intoxicated ri Gm, by AJice Parrish raise a family in the man that desires to ...iced a somewhat brill ' may enjoy 1...alitv where his children -CM anywhere you can." It's easy to tell win: rootball slated for an important place in the the larger portion of the taxes for this . Thes reached the tenth game's in the offing here al State. The symphony orchestra. aoittide promulgated 'is- the pres. and building "You better thr. players study like nionk ,stece :Mur- Ili, ,rnIter of commerce When Dr. Holliday window if sou don't wain dock prophescies like C. .,-.,e sooth- talks about the will spend a million dollars music building. self." sayer and the bandah Ile. Irand! he calls it "that mad- suitable Arrow... to enter- house". Mebbe so. mebbe so. But -Go anywhere you can " wears out the turf on tla :sin Carlos tain .otting firemen-111i. happen, what's this we hear about the build- The World at Large Street field. Don 'Madsen , .ven now dseit three or four times a year at 1 hic continued during the ing of a new wingii finances go Ry Harry Hawes putting permanent wrinkl. in that the most --when plasgrounds and rec- ten! Ili the building. Vet boyish brow of his ocer Saturday's through. of course--"to extend the li- Both the army and navy of Japan Another solution for unempInsment rasicacil fascilities are needed. This is the reply was the same. stunt So far. there's Ina n bigeer brary. provide neve reading rooms. and are asking for appropriations. The army ha, been offered by Alexandre Ms lon .. r,! one of many needed improvi.- 011 can." better formation eve. iited each house the music department.' O000h, and backs up its plea. with hints of troub- ot Grey«. 40 the 2oth congress of thi rola- that might be made tor the "Well. you won't go with week. la -la! But onls at home All the ri- le with Russia along the border of Intt.rtiarliamentars Union which met at man of the city a, whole. time. I'm going to jump off a t Thr val bands have apreared here A h.. not . Manchukuo. and the navy points to the Madrid The key to the problem is case the reader scants some facts -human fly" jumped, a pare send our grand aggregation atir...1? The music department has given birth In increased shipbuilding program of that emigration from the densely settle:I ,iI.,itir civic auditoriums in the bay ened soon after. Chico. Let's give Chico a treat and send to a new male trio. It hasn't got the United States navy, and the com- countries to the sparsely settled one, lie investigate on. 'em christened yet; it's waiting till it's a .01.,.. it might be well to lie hail dropped about our bandas well as our team' in 1936 as a "cri- underaken. This might be the answer little older and more experienced. but ing naval limitations the receipts. of those in Fresno. Oak feet when a body came 11,, but most of the sparsley.populated it has made public appearances! It sis" that demands a great increase in land, San Francisco. Los Angeles and N. he went bs. Fit tht. ((latch For a while after we tuned in on rountrie, are not very desirable. cer- sang at the V.Vs..-VISI. party on Hal - the Japanes.e navy. Evidently Japan Stockton Unfortunately these cities. do till individual -. that Sherman Clay Co. program Sat- doesn't want to allow any grass to tain parts of Africa. for example. How loween night. and for a meeting of urday morning. we thought we'd mis grow under her feet as far as mil. ever, I am no attempting to dampen th. the Artisan's Club last week. It's mem- sed the college presentation and were. nary and naval strength is concerned. arder of what might be a good sol lier are Kenneth Davies, Aubrey Nunes . . listening to professional musicians. The c g ution to the problem. and Marsin Hockabout. Their pianist REEL NEWS students who went up were that good. my and navs supremacy. the other Carl Bruce. Did they sound frightened by the "old scorld powers would have to build up The incorrible royal family of Rou- Hollywoc,d .1 Director Norman we can do about thi dabil inike"? They did not. Did they their fighting firces accordingly to mania has again tome into the lime- Here's a tip to program: if you're McLeod, who is guiding the destinies airaid not." Hirt fumble and quaver? Not a bit of it balance light Prince Nicholas. second son of ever low on talent for your meetings. in Wonderland." had a night- turning to Alice, -but ir fic They mad, it plain that they were ar- Dowager Queen Marie, has decided oi "Aliee investigate these periodical student re- mare the other night. He dreamed that %hat is your attitude toward II:. c tists, Great Britain is not the only one to that court life is best after all. He has citals. They're simply spoiling for some- Gracie Allen was in Alice's place at the "I've onls been up once" -r ..1 -.- have trouble with the varied races in announced that he is divorcing his one to discover their arrays of talgnt mad tea party. Pea C, Winchell would enjoy himself in her colonial empire. The United States morganatic wile Mme Jana Lucia Stick your noses in sometime and we'll It was pretty awful. according tn set! some of the piano classics over in the i now having trouble with her colony Savenau. a commoner. This is being -Iteen up where only onii guarantee you'll iorne again, and not NIcLeod. Gracie no sooner sat down music building. Thinking that the Au - in the Pacificthe Philippines There is &DC at the requed cif his older broth -in an aeraplane-5.00t because you need Ir. -h talent. either. th,n the Mad Hatter cried, "No room' Kn dent pianist's efforts make a perfect a great enmits between the Christian er Carol. who it will be remembered titude, silly " \ room!" I" shield for all gossip, the waiting girls and the non-Chrlitian Filipinos. A Con- renounced hi, larls love for the Rou IC, dt% turn.- wept the I Remarks heard at the .radent recital 'silly." said Alice. "I don't want a P I N` tell their troubles to their favorite take 'cm or lease 'ern. stabulary patrol was ambushed and manian throne Young Prince Michael Via' talk like sour ment.. Tuesday. room. I just want something to eat " neighbors OnIs. now an.: lino the in- mu,i'al '" massacred by a band of Morns. and will be the nrvt one to carry on th. -lightls subnormal" "Ideal for An or- "It wasn't," said the March Hare, structor abruptly halt. r blundering chid Wilkins he government had to step in. The royal tradiition of having a morganati. " I I to Helen -sery nice of you to sit down without Aloe laughed pupil and gasp-provoking .infidenees "That's the %ca. it Taitild be play- trouble all arose. according to His Roy- wife. Perhaps he will grow up to la. tell all the ari invitation." girls that " A X sound loud and clear in the horror. ed"' This for Lionald s;atti al Highness. the Sultan of Sulu, from more sensible WI. Wilt OW him the ben '-'fliat's my favorite sasing." AL, 'It would be a pleaor, stricken room. Philippine independence question. efit of the ,!. -I've heard borer irom the same the Hatter "But I'm gettine admitted. "Invitation is the sinter,4 hlter< source " At Ind..) - musical half ilattery." Art- we supposed to I.. . The ladies of the Wiinon s Club who Hour. for example Faculty Spelling `Bee' 11,11,' Help!" sobbed the Door- sou r" V had charge of the food -selling booths "Where has he been keeping her- Will Be Held Soon rtiono "Call the reserves!" That's what Ma.. A. in the quad last week. got a break The . ?" Eleanor NI,Enight hiding? Hints From t Mak.. mine strawberr)." suigested .doated "You can be mad Spartan Glee Club went out and gave "It's about tim. someone did some- 11 intere-aiil in a faculty 1 he March Hare took 'cm a serenade. Anil did they like it thing about publi. icing him!" Now Paris spelling mat,h. oral or written, please "Isn't there something." the Mad the Mad flatter's deer. What we'd like to know is what kind you know about Jerry Slavich and his sign this slip and return to Mrs. lian Ilait.r asked the March Hare 11., I. 'dire t.. th. te. Hanson is of cake it was that Charles fiddle thett's box " 'No pri.vious winners id away afterwards said to have borne Hiles- San J., strtr'.. Pari, 'UP, --NIailame Schiaparel i cash prizes vsill eligible to compete Dick, the Barber mon... h.. and Ali that Tib- says that shoes must be essential!' unless challenzeil the winner of this CONTRASTS To Tell Experi, nces With three of its talented members ia... sINGs mention names simple. and to titly complete the clothes inntest just returning from a round.the world id 19.13- l4 the> must be high in th Dr. T W Nla. ()ramie answered his I.Iy I:DP.11)11W tIhrnall, upon a 1,1 -, voyage. the mu,ic department is soon throat and low irathe heel." Shr herwif slip with these words "I've had so Ile .10,d his eyesopened themthen v.,nington I.. to lose. temporarily, at least, another wears plain fice or sevin eyelet kid- many bad 'spells' Wets, that I just thin looked pleadingly at the cliiitor hook id Washington promising musician to its enemy. wan skin oxford.--iiirrect and smart on can't tempt fate again." bending over him The doctor arose - w mien. Dick the Barber .. der..1,,q, eseey oica,ion this year," is her reason Mr. A. something. Harry Cordua. E. Robinson 'ass: "I would 1.....1 the small room. trv In. hand at it. Robert Rath. and We'burnt. Robertson for it come if I could be a spectator or a The man rolled, beat his breast, cried, Dick, in his sears in A landed in San Framisio only last On the Champs Elyse.", recently the ,hairman or a leader of the applause, m..aned has shaved viiepresei : the month. after a trip which began on ,..rus of many admiring glances was a but not if I have to spell" "Doctordoctor, rlo something every Thom, July 7, un the S.S. President Monroe Pan -knew in a complete ensemble of However, some .4 our commerce I nited States since DEE as president - Now we hear that Jerry Slavich. bril owes -from the top of her taupe Page- teachers should come right in and His wife seated beside him tried to a.s three at in liant violinist who appeared on 1 1,o). beret to the tips of her taupe show what they can do. comfort himcaressing his fevered fore Hardly a senator ha, day's program, will sail on the - 111)1arlarrRil sillskin shoes. Just one startling and A'ords such as rhethononosology will head. his rhair to be shaven an,! rn Pnwident Taft the 25th of Januar) Icier snlash of colora vivid jade probably not be used, although anyone The man moanedlooked up--his Representatives, he sas d be gone the better part nf two guar ..reen scarf. wishing to do so may look it up. II eyes wild like those of a doomed man. Sometimes his custom'. I le 1 '7 1euch" ter, It rornored 'ha, 22 One does not generally consider a k ou can spell sun-MI/in, correctly your "Gorl. make memake me well 'Why not write a book." ! thances are excellent. aeskstert ink elegant, but nevertheles.s it's very again !,{1 I can work out in the fields The lUie WaS Ili When San J , WILL Mrs. Hanchett who has held her dunk of my to hir tie WM' EL PORTAL LIMIT PUBLICATION ilegant to look monkish. Cowl necks, childrenms wife. He opened up next door hale ropes around the waste, and sandals own at the State Fair at Sacramento wrung his hands. his voice faded ed from the proprietor IS.' all 1,be Due to incufficiency,of imitable mat- timing the teaihers was to es for a good many years. and is the State i taken of kidskin on foot. For the winter The sun beat down upon the bent book trade needed was if, the El Portal, ducal,'"n ',Pellet% will probably head erial for publication, tallish the worth of the magarine in there is even another monkish mode shoulders of a man laboring out in the timate story on 11ashingto in th. ! They the committee; so fatuity members, literary magazine which was published thr rlassrs. It was the belief of the roming and that's Monk shoes. open fields His clothes were saturated His book will soon In. c are very fearing Mrs 11am-hen's spelling powers by the English ( om- made of kidskin and mount ; with persperationhis back ached, his Dirk put. it: monthls last year instrurtors that it would prove of may lay their fears aside n Wa.4. high up on the instep Ake all other ; throat was dry. hi. legs felt heavy. He probably know moo position classes of the college, will be ereater value to the students to use the The spelling match will lie held in ,mart footwear just now raised his weary head and manned the ington than any man III twice during this sear. dudent publication fir one month, to In. ilie Little Theatre. and we hope. in the I ,1 only published vast area of Mail( earth set to be business" more copies of pro- near future. according to Dr. Raymond Barr. followed by one or eser)- month did not offer the instruc- overturned. Dick has heard wort' swi'm ieional magazines tor study. tors enough time to select exceptional. W'rr,11 !lard- head of the English department. 1Vith a moan he sank upon the hard from Woodrow Vs.ii.sin by the department articles, the literary value of which Cunning and trearbers are 1- th,., trod The decision of the department was It was thought the off - 'earth, and raising his hand, above his ing and Calvin Coolidge publishing of the El Portal would merit publication. spring iniaparits slat. \ made after a concensus of opinion that the head. cned, "God. I wish I were dead '' ,orniortably in the chair ribit.