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•all. until the nuns of Hamilton same *. sug- tim BATTLE OF HAMPDEN-AN OLI nv nnd said ho would stand tty me to spot whether resistance was or was not TiTE r 8. Strpfw.MK Court and its gested to mind the of He rose and walked across the LETTER. iast. my acquaintance doer, The horn of tlie on my was to be mad -. Maurice said t ev might :—The l S. Supreme Cctir1 The 1 It r £'[)? j?tori)-i£rllrr. r an l th fact of s lies the th" ! t form days, finding Isis and again eated him*’df hy mv si'!.'.— following ribin^ signal id ids npprou:h, and i li- do as they pleased, he should defend his m i.-t of iiiiio Judges. The following batik* rtf K t I n, ; ono of our horsemen Blake was ma- fi or n name written in full on the fly-1 if of a | ‘X iiie ! It was tUo first time h had ap 'lys l.myu med..idly galloped ship. overruled by the e, majority of one, adopt flic de- | toward us with the intellirence that the in case the Ellser -rtii American } :»• Danner,it,) an 1 writt in.«ir than t >rt v- jority. cision flip I)red Scott and it.s ue- IKach [For >ok in the library, con tinned my opin* ever addressed me t ins, and I started. j enemy was close to us ; a from an The on which we v. re which were read on threo ayo, is l from the firing ground posted companying dm-trincs. A STORY FOUNDED ON FACT. ion. X I; i .*, know I nrn ?l-»nc, and vou years ropi orig- you indep -mlent company t’aat was in a 1- was naturally strong—with the ar.sivtarr-c ! Friday by CMef Justice Taney; ^ inal manus' -: *n of its H re, then, was I.the and teach* know that mv nature crav s >n* iipt by p-' p auc iinmediat by Nru.rr. guide compnni y commenced, tho* we of breastworks, which there was ample j 1! _yr H T: Mey of . sessor: could din \-fr ?r of the child of him, who had been the "hip. My chiid w n.ts a mother. X I- nothing, owing t> the time to have thrown up, such confidence i •FiJui A Campbell of Alabama. f>g : our a Ter git would have bt < o giv to the John Catron of Tennessee. >n!y cloud in the sky of my dearest lie, do you think y m can ho that corn-1 I'm \ l*i \< ; A I artillery shortly sight: militia,that Conclusion of th.-ui and e mm m t firiu r. end W.ts it would have been and •I 1 Mr s M of Ccoruia. [ friend! Should 1 see him and his fair 1:: 20th of S *., 1 h 1 1. i j impregnable, T,Vayne pan ion—that ml ? Will he Ada’s ■; 1 you unsw a. .1 hi a howitzer from this w.i< •- j the enemy. ! though sujg -ted to Blik \ v I etcr \ U^iio-1 of , Five rears have and w wife r mother Dk.vr Mart .—Si* .••! i i!k• to s passed away y buttery then (.pin l upon thing f>f th" kind was att’mptad. If lii ,-e are a’lw s who reside in i avr an rr Mint ; .s brig — I the a ■ s of th kittle of ti, ;r s V. at in.I before an elegant sent. had been in house two nr*, I-or mom nt l sat w ith his dark ; burg hell were am -ud ng t was also j>r< pos 1 to have i:i '•r> State-. and avow country ■ parties They represent : ■ ■ t', irn d t fire i.. b:;>h in tie- ■ The ©how that wealth and lux- the < f th lurking down me, and that g river, y bushes by the sides of the 1 1'V the imw of their buildings ivatrhiog gradual unfolding upon love hi opinions section, y.-u in fie- i:T'k: !/• i, n l r diets. f ■, e;. on my su- r- >n- road. a:;l umb rcoN r of the stone walls ; l ’nt s’ iv. \< ;i n.tti m il insti th » abound. A man wh- m and confided f * mv care. when one; dav aim.; from h- art ry ution. ury approaches h-ippin>*• up my very I 1 f * he at I', r n y r. when the hnpp i:.': i to ativai at i th r- he a]s ) d : 1. :• would to * °f h'm-! ti l •• oppo- hear Tn* i, that all r t' : 1. 11 :. „:i i: d prohibition we recognize as Arthur Hamilton. il .!■.,! >; ;s id, :k nding my »;: 1 with th I: gat of hr. y. -h ; anil* i. r. Wc u r arties | having rompelled ouis t > r 'r it, in* plan from n not in r ; l.e form d non fit in t!io t rii'orics, either by Congr ss lost alar Tit i fi b. a ascends the and we will rn? ruith \da n. t u ■. an 1 « la i: r And th a < a: fri ud .<*■> >d the ; of y,n at when tiiirtv w- steps qur.g my iy l.y within rods of our line :n- hi .is,-if. and none ’opt J, jy ; ,, < r t e peop:<*. !-■ unconstitutional. The : n, ah’ -h a. r ; h\ s before an r Hump tenced tiiii ‘v: » He proceed** at once to Ids w'f-*‘s ]:■ it nay r, sai l, “l'.ipi i> my mind, I ealh d mo fVmn spun us, tdl advancing. retired to his quarters half a mile t b> !•'-v:ug Judges do.l e tho af : I v. r r, .» general Banym t o'rbu k in ■' ■ endured fiv or six in. tii ;r f-1 t .i ad', : la r • All there is hut t I. )*!i •, N-iii ; ain’t 1 : dream of hii s. di- irgi -. am*of his very ;;e-. 1 th of the boudoir. clogarv », ruing y<*u g! my > troops, tjurstion -a. 'in;*- i’ ! : If n- i.nm wle-n of and not be- with u.t to t cfon-tit 11i<>:■ ■ impatient tubing ■'mtions of the Missouri H > ;h I a id : >ui enduring pn guard a'11y Coin- r -om is tin tenanted. I *ked <1: ip- An 1 M :in. t 1 i: d. S' It f d! til I! r.» i 'll 'v t to p. •bay ascertain so If r- t" 5 < ing d r-tiirn th u. i. u rant : thatsani i, C .Mue t the .‘ Mine conclusion and was turn;;.* ".-.vav v.V, i { t with her cud tid I i. id h i.- i. T n ‘he ca Wi w r an my no*king hi that m of th intentions f .’eturn to 11 pointed cxpi their Gen d, whi Hampd.*n, 1 heard some of the;' lo I eotfc, i. e., n*'*.*' addressed to an st d his s*. irg Mu< and b .r :i into : >i m Ik it hjs or was ft wist) haver ; r. him, cjH, ,g p,.nrhaut d in- id .u'd it could’ rs iit li mi 1 Ms fM.a by are slave.-, hold- v, % by *• Frankfort, its.I a s a ma s of t h" ■' r •- n m i if if an Tie took it up and read. Su Id’ y r •; d d. i V Ma n **.\<» r ! t. ,] 's:! that it depend d on the law of Mis- !him.|| V 4 W -' of id- in th e me, f r kc 1 them ing it in his hand, he the fin v 1 1 l, ;a “(iran ! •:r, iw. 1 h< r, but lie.;ml if not mg :! rity ; laves, they 8 pared i!-l J‘A <1 ::i !■> H mi to o'fnr o;;r d 1 r -1 t It 1.1 : th it: 1 ivt I av.' If? f '' aemybs fire, expecting with an unsteady step. ‘‘Coii it ied ?if 1 motion, a I tm tl i to M ?' !. 1 NV] n of ’: 1 Xew Yor\\ t > ’• 1 s a sj'dr* V and again h r 1. W will r >n h- r t an I had r m .*•' 4*1 h v‘ *f l; •' ly.“ 'fill! h: : an on ]g- id: !•: .' C. fir r of *mm Pennsylvania. in:1 .i i'. ■ "' '1 rra 1 a!« >. hi r „• : »ffri; i. fie- d ti. th t tliit ii* n- r k •' *’ A 1 I.. I ill- w : "Arthur, ttv. ; u v _dri in*, k .. !. b > be wonder- \ Tii. ri aiv Northern Demo rats. r r m 1 ; ■' tVr km! an ho-ir oik- ■ lining r. di *. ■ l shall he far I }. iv.• n ,t n »f Is-- r h r. •.* kn *h wa v : v 5 light wl. I w i- m ms- heir «*-nirsi- is <•;-nsistent with the tribe away. ay i'l l f:i"! id: >u- [v-\ k a hut!: v .• A'. »! th I.i •;?- van's < \- ■> i a wkh { til" 1- ft !'. ! th.- 1 on t -. a (], for m tii ir should n I don wh■*: lure and I ha\o found an r nog w! \ h r ns r w at an 1 up minds, they represent. There happy away, d if. H»- hn wr. 'f a r n* e eoms t > f iv« ■ strong i:f-e- inf .rviati .n f th of ist of th miii'ia. on th-- P ! * '■> b ■(■>! li 1 d. m T.I d to tii t- t ; With r •mi bn tv.--, jndg > who, alone, have nian- xvh will make m r .*. ; I 'h 1: i not r ii-. t h r.— 5 h a \ ,. > hap; m for r h v a*’ « \Y r ! .r t ■■ < a : !:’••*. .] j ip.t dir. yfr. W •. a-'t r th b b m then had onildenee, f bly e; h i fli«* fa-fi of the nation, th * j could. I h ave Ada to take r* i -.n*-a S v -'•'fain it: aval w vt ,] > t > Frankf.rt it *itic to the .. i' you. my-t ry. ermirri d Ion.- ago. right h id .p.lit th ".-round, tlr* same tro >ps. pa 1 th-v r. *t i of th past. :;ud the universal sen- i- tha* : I i bn 1 e •• her. Do not si k m\ for it w 1 •1 I M. s 11 tmilfon r.n ! » ?h I.i- •’ ?v;rp red to aigi.t h e. Ik -a. t oo on .;n would ha- f n.f'M -111; n; ri n : new love tri .mp.iny My ] ; :r ire" t > S’ a a War. Briy 1 — .la s*. vc re nhec b and other .1■ kin of useless. JrvviTTr.” This tin ;i ,, rar*. •. ci\ was our ho >l-r* n and all th** MbLean . hr wh n Ada rnt rid fk ...m an in a he.ur l T; .it, I!—e r .m .! with th •• my me of ti. tn fir- 1 the tim s, n .r! > arts f t! mu .-avcl the I> in:n It. Curtis of Massachusetts. --- try f 1 m ? > he s. ated. a h h 11 disgrace | •ij; his emotion He lung ter, her father i nf ..y' -v an. 1 I wail .1 to watch :h. !r gravely did lie .put the o-tn 1 unt*! : h 1 c-f to t'u 11 with ml a T'"<‘. cud ■],! w,*re old an l 1 .bug'.ting igli.fl Whigs, ■ a at ; t -'. m *. A.- r« ! s- ! •• ished in his li-uoni, wh h w!. !. w-. on viper h it -going f give k a ?; ’V t- ft M I trwggie. o nineut 'Tv itiv-1-. Xo man, scarce'v w i n'.rai lv or r ! repaid his kindness ith a dug \rt‘ know' ; rath- r, th tot] -mami firm until thev were id Ma 'Saeliu-rtt > ; fibred more oppro- wo mil }»• *'• -• ■ o 1 .nk* ‘, i ran tow ed bv li" iii-i t, ,. •,1 A N 1 >! -I ■ \ 1'!. V \ .— I. sat the of r If '. •ium f’r liis s ;p ,j---l northern notions picture drip: nr 11ing I heir vessels ... ■ rn r, there Ilf; 'll r. .Is •list.;;,• I v 'he follow is tii*• I;-.!* t ol fl ■ when tune i'.^ otiVj.riu^ th sectional uu -st] n than Curtis rd her when h tir-.t kn- w h r, and ■1 5; r i1 ; 1 .. a ■» y Judge l that \ tie :r s. M .f d 11 : r ovt !!•>•.)*n !, j rei^nP | ut lie has n-V'T 1. I any other opinion * the mother of his 1. \ i M. ii •. 1 v. chill. h "\Y !! ]. < .. .• : Ad h \ !i .-’’.t -n v fhth red b\ have only r w it r d was I j] i-;’) the-- n .V :iv;.w *d i his derision, w.-. h 0 f’ r * 1; h come dear to t t u:. n n she r An th > ■ forbid j\n! *u < :r ■: v i- is .7 i i.. r. i i. i« *. and. 1 douMy bi*r, hot yi ; by ■ ir n v. ?ms *:mm of all pr ; rty, N'js 1 iv tie rout ,a" tie- arsed by h.;/ u h;idi him and ids associate in the •; 1 l. r .a ..-i Vi r tr< V : a ■ i 1 *i■".. a was Ife th or- •at -t 1 i ! j !..- is tii u'ri ,r it is bill which ha.* f‘, ■ •id rank th o dream cnd**d. slight !, T.. Mr. (' "!: r- '• -1 u'llig-J tor of ’•'■■sit’on which the *hm '* f •* at th v at a u 1'1 '■ n it mil soci was th A 1 Hof the 1 i :.S KnJi- \ >rth : iri-d. t.» th“ inroad.- of the ala- | 'ry of his child; «*h. lay r**d p in h : 1; left me. ! >:i shore :•> d man i the r f*v‘ arm-, in upon him that i:i order to T : f; if:-. : <• t. It h- a illnPtra -M ry significant h r no- ■ little cot, the fair hair—- lik r:| ; ,!;! > ■ 1 i a* -:r-t. b* h has ^nbr hv aivrtii v w 1 th: nan ! >. fir1; e lac ha i t ... across a to h. / •: on oft’- nrorr:'- of that interest to find — > s ? tlrr's in wav r r \v 1 *v ; ■ ■" falling y I A *.> *)-<■ r ml r the 11 > ymi a !. \vh a 1 -it : > if 17 / V > (! ,* ,.« 11 r of die *• ‘J j opposition. ■ > 1 i'i ha m •.* *> : rb k and brow. II jt< 1 r t :- *: 1 a-' \ b r h xv*. i 1 f ] 1 •, ; 1 will — my II -r „'ht Vr:h I ">k r: rr>' i* r rhnn tell y-; 1 was 1 j:,-, In! A Ka d ’•.■’ X oh be retreated until it has 6 pu.t .ii-j hhj of j ! .v. a-, a to t but v. oil v • as *•'. n'v : .0 ;■ ;t ot til.* u.tali. rv. \ 1. two nr :.i »r rs as aic to liis and hack of h art, th ■ugh f nrful T r f ?. • -i on part \. I it-Iy uhout ! If y position, that ’* * 1 it.>* h ;t a •. * *1 * vtorv, f moments ^ 0 ."i ir, n o: a mane r i! b i! 1 < m nine*. !’ r \ to th'* »1 • ere is nothing hut submission. would leave him. In th or f r- I Mr i t »n a: rI I. by usn;;> j complete for '• i. the milit can if t s •.t .. •. *v 1 !’i; :.'s Y\T I): .me. you any ahsr.rd. M r:r h i :it .or {.> r- prin-ijhld R p-d-liran. row did he think of t' e n I ; s ? .1: •, npnv: by ib •., 4-s_- h*r a ire. 1 Tii fins that if I hrnl men -.i rs t-dt t th or > fir •' R V.—O f the r t H given my same, erf * now t r nil un <: snnv m rit. .si •* 1 >■( 11 ..: vvi: .. II. X \vi ei. v.l arrived. must ; : 1, .. | Ath the dadr JstrAhsn the p *' ’* ■ : they evil of ,:ev t! !. cjinc to a •: Ipht it**—the 1:, ;1 ha,] (it' *’ ! .Uid t ^. i ‘.oil. itci' it:«. on •*' A at *A a b I ! b r ft ;v th* five some tie' tu a, who a. -re!: ••:**., nr n ’/ >'■ irl n1 l.‘>rae. lint then ‘y firimm by.* j; artillery .i a- — 1 fr th- I. dm dr.; -rior n N \ A ! r It r. ir threats, oft he -a ht hv t .,* r > w : 1 r. •:»’.? .. 4 ii .,. i: ■need larch do it hi a the r. lion force ! !f hi- -obi 1. o 1 I a by nUompt ;, a dr -1 i:i si \A far Up ■' *r t w pair paiita- ! I- { a -s d—! :n :. .phi- v, t i a lirert'v ia t 1 y. irh::w j by 1 -i: rnt'TV t> a s-: A nsc, ]. hulrilo b » ua linf'dit oy. if. h -revdv. 1 hi* court". \ t r tu ■: t r a. it: an roayh.ii sr; mil upon icn he i not 1 .hi h r>. th r » r promises the groan,I until it was a'un- t h ) ! ?;d at i be i. ci: 1 ut:-r t*•*> 1 *’ all h—wh«* !■"•,* , rjirit.. larg.* c:i|>. iXircg ontiiv drive 1 from h'T v b r *b Va \ nrich ; as u‘ I first -a a nap I t h* t e- ;■ thr." Iiumdr —ran tu t :ru 1 into !> '/ th r t } hni-il ’ey artillery ; ti>; was hut 1 nd! -s, th»* tlxvnnru ?*ter ■ ’. *• s *\ t fallen ail in I. n-. I \ ! r. (' tr 1 of m a 1 sf ■: .: d ruictly p, f 2.» t >:i-5 in IJ h .-.r —th- n cm r ! ■■■_■ who i 1 .’ear < 1 rt/A, o- Cai.b i;j ;it oi }< i. 1 1 .h ir. r, *‘ V/..S \ I ... *::t : v 1 and enmfunabio. i s--v •. ! : ’<• h to r m .hr unt 1 S: f on 2. or trip ,-y j 1 r ? fiC op'oro- 1? ..If ! hi l :• :* h of .my >h.v, that nt; P dvr* am:- p r- ; rvire \ !i u 11 ro 1 th" nil t. I | : 1 i. .t hr an > 'lull c-.ns h;, war ! that he ! r. t *?,;v tb ! , \;. against :. It "• Ft ':v FI: ice's Record 1 *•' '* hv me to i t l .c tn l a 71 : ... lie' pur! j op «!iccrs or : < b. n | i ■rj th v ] than v re to *■- > h r f v.'. 11a ve our 11ero aceont i n hi p thirty bo ha !,••• : ! ! f > O g corn- >r than c **t a- 1 a.* r <-i*:-h 1 t ..el 1 1, ! | V i.’ : ; a- v shall ho dee a; i of Hhi.ri,- -hiily ■ > > it 1 •, ‘‘ d si the I's more <1 elded t sh’ot 1 : r ! I." i hv the to :i w,v : ■ Convention in up reparation, b m. 1 h i> a a. I -V. a .d nn Calivi Ana. h /'/ suffer !:i r > : to “re-;. tni at at \t •: t A i.i's r 1 *, t > iver, nn i the:: ’.a: : k t :d a ■ •. jdcd.r raising :i;4 •; i. v ; r* >i .r -hi, h* pr I t m. ,r- 1 A r. ! ilia r. lk temps by ; *’ .v ie r.a / Cengi" or out of the of < ■ : turned t .. hhin five h 11 r 1 I ■ v. it, agitation his trouble; but A ia rr v s \t.»- 'r *•»■»;• I w i‘ a m xtra 1 fr mi -paw. r •>< k. my platoon to r,,ah tli"; S la rto v If t -r in a p ;• -aa.- 'i *' •' ■' «.• nee II .ilia*. 1 r ! 1 way -j j ; 0 ■ r\- ;; the at ■*' H t" ,i r tempt may he b !-.' t, ••‘tin s to th truth e: itpd ma’ a ‘an 1. '!■■ r ! -rs t •t with hi' an i *b n Vt b i ■ at rmincal t > rmbri aba .1. I! : ad mother, •' r -I to *a « ; i! 1 us r friv the* wind, the r e av.s a to ;* th -s i' i 1 h .!i*.r..\«Ty, uth ay por j •• V nv i \r-: at; h. t > t f X h.:;j u Ids f el that she was Vf* \*T I LI-“ v his TV, ; : h r. ’-ii Inair per tally *ly 11 kn v!i j.-u-ti•; uth-m *n. an i I' •ml ine.i -i,11 eei i : Iivering ■ -X k n; tin* a.-semhied e\ s»ii? r’< a, in :> I .* b r !'• hit n thou'- rich and sh should ha a.Ivan* y -leb r.i.n it :u'n Jam s -r. my ; th- justie •,, that n j 11arp J I- ai tl ! fr* at * I ■h V u of the cy- > '• : u (» tii- 1. if : : : .it deemed A ki.i.ton Capitol, With him. r w I; <. p,-\ .1 b-r-mi Ini, l I b.ui h p:. K •;-I. (•! a son, , •railtj *, possible. av.- Id "heart re!t. id of :t ::; •!. i. v. '. and.- rt i nt : approhati. ■ levs } {. .\ 1 ;• 1. and the i I mi-bed :is th 'a. v tiaa tw> a- n to be :*t ( v, i’jui; p sp: act; and within or h :rs :>••:.1 my ■ r\ : ta :,*pf |ir-> j-othl. ?. .j- vy trU'bng the i ■Y. h : mit in t th y weri the 1 it of th d lin ■. i 1 1. strengthen that the servants u .»*! ,:!«*- b -rg* \ .T « '* members of our time, y nt rs _r \ r at r 1 I have : A a. .• :!hit;. *•!.<•’,.! ar*l a’ :'?y us an a-- i 1. ml .1 i;:u *' void* d •nf’y save nor- i* X ver i 1 > a t-r '•• ■ hoping that the ed, Ada’s who .i’i l Mr. ( iii, liis r. t try. ir aftery. t rrupf 1 y t r. ■ (’•■n X and that m * ef.- >n : 1. th I mn 1- W. r ou ■ ■ section'll attached to the \ I 1 b al- ft \\ h t I. .. h :. th :a J. ill :-.e -i fir 11 child, *g ibt 1 I’h b; 1 Oa ? v. v. b’ ing ht$ ■ •- nmh'rh. -s- fanaX -d r»*

rt to id \ •, ;• ,] thv may '!"! m, a:. ; h. > v..: u 1. e a.> iy low '1 0 t t i’ ! 1 1:1 fo:: lowed to with h r. To save s~ r d. Av ! !n go .1 .. tb -stf' (if ? _T r * : :n thr n the of our hr hr. i hi!; 1 ■, on the w. s » • msti- m in.** army i, t.nming with rare, w e, l ■om am! aft.;r its durability piwsau'i?, ■ Mr. Hamilton gave o-.t inform it’ ‘bat tw a tare to d r obs.-ire the of cur b t* at* k. 1 th- he ... light j.ros- We u un \ a par 14- i*b fr >m tb h.^ juit, Horn; ted f rail ] ; 1 ill, t:.' (J Mrs Hamilton hud a’.-road f r h r b irvcs. c '*•»»'-T of two f i; rityd’ gone On j h :r*s l (e.-rnmuni'-atbrn artillery presented Ills loaded in 1 : v. M.S'. hit : s in publish ■ ■ •’ *< ijni ii". lie "<>n > nil a pin \ on health, and the hous. was to h ’. ■ "ratoon list Anj'i.t.— opposition more than t -u millions nt ruy: car ; ■ ill" v. after Ins child in the l ani i t cr a I Tho 1 I rallya ioptv.i r-> at his -t : < > lit*] ?: ry measures rope, leaving j •’ method was of them di nt and «• r- a’ m» m t I-h 1 :! iv llnavu a tho r e !. pomproii'l-c ol i w'.!! !• t .in -.! f- a .1 1 stopped y v •• 1 'i •■vhi tonus 1: 1 th > ? a lie culomzcd of his amidst n w ’.s f « ■' r -a imm -M. ••rt h ?n\ that u,-h is d t < w Vi.-f a *. r A d ! b .it. v id mother—hoping, 1. < far round, wh n th re rn itely 1 v. .m a ! 1; is 1. w h I in ria: 1 of hi- "uri’i. and who had oven boon scenes and to f 1 the -ney irtrih., and th- went was down tv tie* crowd. [ made rr> r, r- ; . excitements, j it bis errt wife. He n l in a t w \ us imm ii i* 1 v Whit n > t■ wk -I >•« .. 1 If" n u*n a,* ,] malfn i!nn .,r i,,, ;.. r ■■ of the •: t v! ! i.\ r." '.i-templntin: hr-t!.i*»g up past ; and the gr at w -rid tho _-b* h \ ■is v.ty rn : a wereoi.v mi was at i .*! la r a must bo imm nse. nion it-e!f. ip the p<-w d- r, of alb'h there was an 4 ha l to his wife. If « n' fi*xv f rst una oe to ;>K but s m r '* lit n tin gone ; : ibr.nduncu 1 < \ ■ i..*« mills iig oxriodi'Uin join gp 1 if to hive P rcn minus :. 1 i i v. \\ 1I! '1 v, how matters wer th v -ar r n t :* > v. i in, "V 'h tho two suspected ■, L't.iry u, he -point- i the Mr. i it. riv .tit !,*. U.l : U 1. "A ly. The B >st.»n Boat sad f hiving i ■ 1 -brdiiant oi :i s ’e> n»» d* u : staff, and, ott the not to their for !' t 'a ii it.- kn .v an 1 < ugh bt 1 i 1 th charge »-T'-<• ! k< I to •*" cu! 1 Ih Brown way give publicity opinion, ly it, pp;i;g m "tin >f r nothing Mn?v,a-; ?ol! in’. killing in la ir'ii h ('on ■ ■ •' iff r t of ti: -a t -| (ho f officious: v r- ti .* s ump f„rth oi. ■ the J was to u. r. ■'. I ,,t i. “was they did th would be -,l at for r v claim d :t as a r hit ami h id a’ ten : *— you thnug uikk, :rJ He y laugh aid, ive, tit v: / to /»•••/< we d m’ri rj of free t, Kin-l ithp w ho •• .do, and tho. incnce. ng »uld done risk my Ik in m .king r k- v i: Jomnrnt in reii.-’ n ! their md f«r. Mr. If n It >nhndit iment to make ’mi: pains. pi p- the niiii'i V: > ■ •■ott, hi tin' inter *y Pi th \ s*nte it migk.‘ h- \ h :\ k. i bit O"I>r. i:n : r .unis nt : — had Mr. ar statem ■ v v, ui a r; 1,1. r rh n‘err-d in t : v.i .u I :• »rr- n re of :,:i r — towards Arthur II*.milt n «ou_:h:: :g fV:i .:*y lit, *e. and little k.,,f being kill .1 :'r poi y r- 4 1 “A 1 «,» w h th ( 11 *:*?:• int o that had In loo tn ■ ;n n i use oP ill" 1 that r-ndly y k and found it. II travel!. 1 in »>. si vea, from Sinai's M ) nt (iu u! precedent. of and \isited all * « f ]) paits Ktiropc, pla- iiivo it, .m l we a:. glad t.» ;ind it i..d ! 1 V- v Next, we ace die 1V..1V. 1 ; Mr. Mr. \Y I "• o -1 It gave • hatching of the plot, ! iii l died in a !-j mgor up home- ci 1 note. In the of the foreign land while with her n secret galleries art, amidst v council. f>r tho commest of Kan- di it* i to to my, wk ; mi -d to msband. iding 11. ::i iatic r in New a ,s or 1 he future -n Auctions of mast r hands, his artist pan Kug- : to aw it on thank ot the rlv* r T •' < po: if pr >ing tnri mo j. r‘\%n g withs'an ling t ; A'i l '>!'’!> -”-f ft: n Shivery— 1 i; ■> it * was •uid d th tli *'i>Litu:ion t'.• plot iiiv.iirln f a douide lireneii of soul found rich companionship, whih Some two month* at't r th, c\ nt, I j w; i. 1 A (,f manv r'tfi v, the u.pnnuMit is unaa.y r- faith, t » i:.1- > t > u.lained :..: : of -ia- to t s h.' rf t;■* witii the and protect her try !r -iu sh irp Poont- m iki luab w re of -v.-rv tl in ty Indians, the ruins of former s- n cceived a of marring from Mr. p*: r: ihk :M grandeur, by proposal *vry. '1 i; (‘ons tit a* 1 >n it- if b Wc |; breach of a com promise I the two ig, tie re was no disc; immation of v — ctwocn the char of an Italian mo n, led Vidi. 1 had no love for th m m, but 1 was to -sen; part light :hat it ordained the /»/.•■ •. 'rent sections of tho which ivi lit in lend, th* loss f» i 1 if thing with country had any { ■ his mind to and in him, and t dcsti- n*sof lih. It says not a word ; t at nj wo s t on our i on for more than a past ages; contempla- espected knowing rly.' :ho enemy g’lt. mi’ "it ‘-t > -vet i; v ■; til ir f; i'-nb — rol'sinnsly respected » •! i i> > he v.vrc xt »b-n. •*- ib it -!:ivi and it is on r. >rd that t vn; !>•■. ;!»** k M.r l»i A is a tion of such things and scenes as these, ,ute condition of 1 felt a* .: ry, return to tl .vn: it oupp d*rk Mr Fi k d ok \ 1 j igneratien. conspiracy always my family, hi, 1 t: rs it* lull br.ik.* <• n 1 aud removed hi.- £ its a.nt cxpP 1 to or* \v» aiu: e a* |m pa-j oed for an arti and, in this eas# ho the or to but th .'ugh dn in- bred of \ hut. on.* subject forgot past, renu mbered t were him ; pkin ry tkmg barrel r* »•! .*•••. V : only my duty accept t with the word.’’ ih i can he had be* n «• t > .i 1 that lh represented wilh effect. telligence of sugar, to render that us less s -» ^ striking it as an dream. was to f tolen k fumd on t! «*1 Mr. unpleasant : — they ] k xt we have To ] ui h id la a 1 <1 an 1 w re within two j tltc meie-nrc broaeh- ;iy m x- l nr •: o.t it. Th-ra was a iiickn h iu-.'1 mi Court .-:r ‘t. top ih- v , fairly Letters from home informed him of He w t* not w hut his *a!iry wa* i before and our hero’s -althy, We understand,from th*' ten. ; ufthi. in 1 a half mil **s, we r unh 1 oar lodg- i-f hkikhk nmo ,v»ih a i- « had b a Congress, iiar- pice that from his store , \plainiuLr why tiny J that I could a**ist and t:. Atlas holds to C 1 ■:'.!••]», ofui -}i ihe i"i i.*- a -Mr. i with members ef the House for the welfare of his child ; of her beauty inch rny family, ianguag t• in- ing in the ar of all tie1 troops without that :ie of the Kngi; di officers 1>v.viug copy. j :aining g.-ner-; otes its stitution w s n t ordain d s Iii■ 11 w.!! give >10,0(1 !'■ .r reb'Mi- in favor, a of and her advancement and at -ducate the members, whi h in for suer, a being hall,d by a single uPrv. and a s. ut'd from his s 'kiims. ami ive tb>'npj hy promise public ; she younger •vu'iy g — length hoii and conviction of th" rax.-d which lie to as \\e have nam. »s v. j mtrenngc. caused he ad- il; t!. ;t the good r for not on? had been it to a 1 *.o v t > k‘- wh n 1 duly was able to write to him own nv circumstance* I could not ac- purpos | ay, -p: he -ft the with her present j March 8th, UjT. h 'ertised in the t n mmrn'. is not to :r -d. II- Binp.r, 'inn genera! go\ bound n-, pi The \t marl lag about SeVen town he called h, r to give it -wspaper. A I -hould not have -:po:i up Bii kn il wo hands. year ago, ■ Next have the tif tiny complish. \V >'■ 1 k th drum beat * arms. to | passage iho Hill 11-d, him uu 1 carried it off with lbs own i >ir- Aun »: t tw w "n-; ago a l did. j ad our here s cannon About this time I was hesitated—now f;rm us wli th; r : is i* ,n ! P. and W *’ ;. ! ,n i ! r -:n- pealing in celebm■ compelled by opini pendent, baggage. '1 ! '. cncrous etic- nan in tax city jirotnirtcni to give inn a live'* 1 ■ ion for the same on tiie the wind (' W e hold that it was not 11 v to and w r ! Hollar bill i: 1 would into Rife and. of the the death of my father, anil the compar- As I sat in the Library, by >w, rt.uiily. j belonging Ikaagor mies git. your esplanade a o of ph'-riflrt r •coets 1 T ordain? I for such a *. The (\,n.' t:t rwards •!■ tarhed to serve as artilPrv The loss of t’ -» steal ; !;::/■* him as. ,'apitol. our the moon as it rose in purpos battle rf TT atively poor circumstances of watching slowly .mpden: w x vc m a comes family, < > inM hi dc(-l of wdiich Next tltc terrible and wtituti m its-lf d- l;ir< what it was or- n. I had a command as b :i attrihut good money memorable rr-•> I hooked ■engeanee infli .-ted governess. dained for; I.i-uitena P and obtain.! it. s-omIt is true upon Greytowti for ran ilk* cowards,! v at at « * the r on. they .he k- .M and twelve o’clock one vertised, and was soon re- do. Mr. Hamilton entered of th United *n*day offering of iis inhabitants to hurl a gratified by ^ “We,tie' p -pi* State-, \Vt were drawn out in a line, our ar- but it was in a nvMsuro to i w in and tried and found ea had owing great j light y ] lottle at h to a Minister norland’s nose—tho a summons from a in search himself my side, in order form more I'm u, t in the want of Cl ! ah' <1 of me aud h > the man me ceiving lauy Seating by perk tillery 'wards the right fla'nk confidence in their in ral, for ; only gave | ^ c lombardinent of town tho S. are so seri- establish Justice, insure domestic iVilla, and v-mr damned old k* wont duo the. by 11. of a governess for her grandchild, whose asked, “Why you looking road, our right flank was defended by which they had too much apparent cause. y j no more bip-of-war Cyano. under the redoubtable I Tranquillity, provide for the common a me house and onr I n the council of war that w is called thrt any good. father and mother, I was were ous, to-night? Is there anything can ting burying-yard, informed, the V mrs an ol hod. laptuin Hollins, the of the Defence, promote gen ral welfare; left was without defence and even to the truly J( landing troops As do to remove that sober look ?” I frank- any Friday previous engagement.Blake \ ml the direful travelling. the situation offered me and secure the of to —Journal. annihilation of every hull- Blessings Liberty on disadvantageous ground being ex- opposed making any resistance, as he was a lucrative I answered, ‘’There is, Mr. Hamilton. table building in the Tiiis whole one, considered myself ly ourselves and our Posterity, do Ordain tended into a hollow. Hefora the ac- said it would serve to We learn that one of the placo. only exasperate delegation" ] cenc admits of want It shall and thin with fortunate in it. I had but I your advice.” be freely, establish Constitution for the comm I l handkerchief the Mr. a who are xaid to he the in i' being represented obtaining tion erg. tied my I enemy# Gilman, lawyer, and travelling country of America.” '‘•ar I iu 1 impuls noticed I then told him Cadi’s offer, “the of that h left witli i 1; conviction ocsin aynmst tho “Africanization" ofCu- ing interests slavery." Do that ttr v more know m ’, i:i order to on the mo t a might readily determine effect-1 tho 1 resemblance to some I better do that wh m Mr. K. • kfand Gijzrttc. they got , O.'S of St. Domingo. ““ _s?.r -• •* mtr. *w-—« --»• A. WTLJ- ••. * v -*-* ----- *_» -a. a -*-lu. .. tf«BK .-*■ N>\t the [I *.!;• $U A M'lican ] CHRONICLES- '.-ulKiii.- of S,ulo in jmin I’KOl.U Ol TH! Ill MlIV'.S: '•-‘ire Democratic Catechism- f\u' It came to not since, tint a I.HfUSLATIVi: Mor.1T. /)'/«-/: Warrior Slid El I or IRiminan ar:- the mcr piss long t;.^'Mt ado £!]C vCilsiuitvli) Bangor Democrat, in the fury of its ma- Question—Who greatest THE TWO OAKS AN ALLEGORY pP 'iffairi. and his sublime efforts to the m. ssong r came to th people of Surry, At i.rsTA. March 18, lSAT. get ant exults over the fact of the nati -n ? \ ars there wa r. in **o lign spite, tint, Many ago planted eotintrir- into a war. a M e'k man. whose sun arm- ELLSWORTH: ites say;: g that IVw persons, remote from “lines” “from th t Mr. II inlin h : .11 n t Answer—The t I living Xext the celebrated ronference of the p. rns. was I wl :, dc*;red to *p i\ to th peo- ,.f 1 l<»t’roud. are aware what a confounded J three .» t o. bottom the nunther of s!a\ ministers at Ostend, and fh, ir fa-, VitIDAY MOKMNG M AIU’H :v>7. of Senate’s Committee g' rininat' .1 nd sprang up, .:ud. nd they :m m th shd hath .!. \. in •iiom f : ple up ftiv> ki-kod up every to th.' ■ c Q.— What i« the end and aim Legislature by proclamation world that n Comm rcc.” T; re $ prop’..- valuing r 11 in growth, rumio •; •• *. .j y ; in*- Tboso must \ 15. I’\LMKK. th*- \meri- ..a Xi-r-.\ And F Tig r’s mind was much these Now, almost k«*e> who have tho [ >v..-r, ? Corporations. every ri/.fu 1.«r tie- in the fit:. who seem to take a re in Republican govern:.’-nt wall t b two at and And mutt is the aiilli- Vg-.-i ]>a; peculiar picas equally era got who can." troubled, f< r h knovn t wh< r the man Railroad in the State has some 1 IJo tnn, N'1 w York. nml 1’htln Rh-liia, sin l R A.—To t .t the strong .n 1 unsettled to the th of p: pow- stat; tre u i v. 1 !••> d wi* vi to mrnt< av l sub- proclaiming public dept', !y ; Then wo have the memorable acliicve- ilulv omi;* m<-i take ould Hit 1; sail to h •-‘■elf, 1 for us to discuss. As -s speak; F»«-1 i toll' at I’ll1 .it"- rt u i ;*<-■! u-. IiR: the ir own mrarun s>. Of *his class th erful. < v question heavy ♦mnva under the Kansas Nebraska {-1 by ijiR equal vie’nn. el. a:*.: -re nun: Vn- net, < * — » w ! 1 bi* r- i. 1 a f -. H A. a will tin! the Kider and the hi ail men monied interests arc at a out- (J.— W! it ar-- Marks re.*.d t--r : stake, strong tvhich ever to in D moc/tit. 1, 1 r.n.l I 1 at th ed t'. s in.-due might live history. I\, .i \• Iluibiiii;; N’t.'.) \ ,ir\. T- i' un»' >dg puHh bike with mfm >hi;.g of the church called and side influence is almost irresistible. Kr rn The first invasion Ituildinj:-; Pun vdlumi: \, X. E. C Fiita ami * a A —As "corner stones" of modern 1> Haptist, perad- Kansas and seizure ;ih, p.--n-i<