Crimn'Y-KlGlT- I'lUCK TWO CENTS. H YKAR. NEW YOBkTIFaY. JUNE23 1871. i i USL J i i . l,lli.a im i a IXlii ones tit Magic, with th Idler ind Wanderer following-I- was Dr. lainshan iwdpe resort If hs waated STORM. A lean more lovingly toward Internal Improvement WINDING UP THE SCANDAL. books lor that trial and could get them 1.1 no other A FT lilt THE GREAT Till-- : (ill MAT EARTHQUAKE. In the future, and forbear to wish THE SKIMMERS OF THE SEA. tlielr wake, way, Hut he did not want them lor Ihe trial i he Astheycsm round lh point of th nook, ths wanted them for A further general examination lo hunt msTHUCTIO!) TO Till U0EBII CANAL. Colombia still kept th lead, but was pressed very ont irom them evldencrs lo maintain hit genersl a m C, (tome Magic Idler kept a clean lead etiarges o( (raud and corruption No other business Liiivixa or iitK it it mwtts ia " years ago," aald Mr. Tsrnllllisr. " a closely by ihe Th avsiMixa vr xrmnxcit ix rar. i r.rr.n thu lT-- X. thjs Tit jx In , TMK myart: mors stxKixa or young a it Ftxr.Bi rt.xr.i bebx was covered with canvass and T. establishment tail city wootd retain In their scrvtc 4 LL STHlil-.- I'lCSTCltVA t men, wild teller, lell horn on mornlt.' and IT 11 ofth Wandrr.who AX A 11 AX TillAT.. (or one who pursua home AMEltlCAX AT HS, had set an enormous balloon Jib and monster stay- hour so oflicer or aeiit should nr.n of tin: Mounts vaxai.. didn't comeback to his (nver yen nlth Wssn leer a course. They should promptly uitmlss this ' horn sam wat mad In . Cooing U Ington) for eighteen year, Whtn his old rnati asked sail. Coming th mlitik Testimony nil lor the enemy e( th Concern (roni sny part in us msaage-meni- Tho Hnmpant nulla lllte Tart la. . pop, I was Day Clnb regard lo the bcoy at Hie outhwst Spit, nd tho Tb i. ' I'uUnoirn Cavern tinder the Hlnte of him whet h'd been to be said, 'Well, The il tht Mss YrU rehl Upon-T- lovri-T- b hloclt Mnrkot again ,U nl -- golni buoy li Tim Hmlilrti llUnwpoarnnc hunting up at tie loot ol th mountain. All of a -- 1 Mpectnlors I'llly Hlenm-e- r although right out, nuaded Tribunal to I'n Arunient Tbe summing up Is to be concluded to day. Hew Jersey Nrly 00.000 nd in-r- l he "- - F!rrr- - Vandcrblit fl' su Ident I felt in) self going down, and down I went ka 8V coming home, followed by lh Maile yiemin-T- (,'ne Mimed Irotn Opposite Tlirovr lO.OOi n Vnliima ol Wiiter-T-Ii Oldest Accompanying lb Fleet Crnlor-T- to round buoy 10 at lh ' ly ,t tnul into the alrth for ever so long I lost my senses, other. The first 8lnndlolnl-- A Conclusion To.dny. A Ilurlrm upon tho fllnrkrt. 1'uit.IkI. 1 Tim and Order. was Idler, who squared away xota ii Lit wnnmxa, Inlmkll.tnl but when I come to was In China, l'v bean there Soulhwttt Spit the The I.anaban trial was resumed at 10 ooi.nnx Vcttcrday rras in somo respecU a more terrible !Jn . of The bun. ago. You The day of tho for horn at L'rJ.lB.trollowed by ths Wanderer st ytsf tYit,-- 'i. .' uic ever eenss. nil elx months ar, I'd got Kla of Wall N. 82. I into a sink aud had slid through lo other The Coining, Halcyon, Kvs, Tarollnta. and day morning, Illahop Scott appeared fii th first Tbe llrldcgroom tbo Father f th Presi- day thsn the precotllhg for lh brokers iJjj. Stiwi.tjtiiL, J., June readied hot, th passed off very ploaaahtly yeslcrdty, and tome hun- 4:.50 named. All bow side,' That was all th old mau tonld cltout of Dsnntleas followed tn th order time wlh tb lTishopt, The bbelncss pending si dent o(l1ie United Minle-- Tb President slreet. The eidtement atlcndanl upon a panic suck ;Vl, . and this morning persons advantage annnal and as the breeia r. '. F' . Mt itrt nKl! all him, yet he knowed bis son lie I " dred thousand took of the were then pointed for home, historical, serreg 11111 requisition. adjournment last night was the reeolu nboul to ltevlll tho Hcoiie of hi Child ss that which baa msde Wednesday and ,:"ex ,r4ln for ,csn gcok'ral among Intelligent In- regatta enjoy a lightship and view the iii,Lnn.,i ati th kite were brought loto tl tlmt of lojk Morris ' Th Impression the to trip to the liood-drnn- l'a Objections. closo-- I. e open Mother' In some sense lo withdraw the mind from too m Mortis Canal, a very fair tut habitants of this teglun Is thai lhe-- atnkhoirs ar ever OF TACUTJ I Hon of the Iter. Dr. Woodruff proposing to tho recent hrrsk thu contest between the floret fleet of yacht Tm Tim I'rcsidonl and lilt wife spent the last two 1 cauaed bi (lis totting or decomposition or th lime- (or lh admission of trior ganerat testimony Grant ly scanning the details ofllli calamity, Ol Ihat daj or whica sppaeret In Stm o( In Never fi.lT.eiill. UaMWp. t.lT.Sptt. doors t Mitl account Tin stone which uni'erliee lh iiifsce,eitending tome-time- masted together Amstlcsn waters. Xam. days Mr. Jesse ruling Rj n, . n. , s. n. x. by defonce. The C.islr ruled that the eonsldera with th President's father, Grsnt wild, rcklcss, unbridle! passion was the I disitnbarkej tt llruadway. a to a dspth. day 1 th )(,ter,liy mort.lo;. rtrat Other bllev that th th memorable la last August, whenlh racfor TTtnderer t 1 DO.... Il 10 31 M sod his wife, who have been staying; for the l.vt two pause wa csrthqttake of Monday was 17 Hon matter could be resumed without a .a tut Sleek Ktchfs., aptj Utile , lo Y.irrrn counlr, N. J., about ten miles last which felt down Hi Queen's Cap created inch a ssnsation In yacht-In- Fleetwlng I U I.0....S 10.. ...Mot timed of this cot .,.,'. Union way spent 1 J7 5 weeks with Mrs. Corbln. Mr. Jesse Grant cam to A )our Iterir up here In the novels of the l.'orniog ... Jl M....t i i.....s suspension of the rules. A mollon to suspend was msdo lo sllow Judgment to Influence tl e proceed' J E ston. and at once Matted lor tho canal. old whom I cl'cles, hae there been sucli an excltemeat In Kv i & So 4 M N fton oirth. One gentlemsc with have Inst U.. ti Nw York to see his youngest daughter, Mrs. bought a dlsra-- il brougat m t , K,, s iri lb lost, ana Chair announced the order of tbe Ints. Mtn snd told with reckless wtik of lomelliO? tTr a mile lo a bad ft log; talk, declares that l ls visitation of Oo-- aSew York harbor as that witnessed 'atterJay. ln't; ) then the Halcyon I M .... IS Cramer, off to Europe, where she Is going with her gain il-j- i (outc! a CorruDl Ca&al Compaay , but ha foreet. that ' day. A communication wu received from th Iter. gard to consequences, without pausing lo nnr - a,,nfll stream, where I a :;Co Bom fifty IncJodlcg the ciub boat Co.uinhla 1 SI M. II ,1lnoyH Vt'je 1,1 ' tleamert, .... I ti. two little children lo Join her husband, the Minister th ,kfi while tie breaks of list Mondty east the I'umpany Alice....".. . . . I s Notllmed Dr. Caillon as follows : clear conception of actual slsts of affairs. It lime lino of ic .I UtifS fasl aground. Their deck $3011, poor ot whom several hun lh Judges' and press boats, Beth Low and i as U 4 two onlr the boatmen, rivo I ....! rt It ti to Denmark. Mrs. Cramer sailed about weeks was, In ihott, the undlipulsd reign of Panic, and us ( 111 re- M AX INVIJT10ATI0.H Of TOI BOOII BgUAXDgO. were with ut.wushcd and unkopt women and died have been kept all tb time pending E. Da iter, th polic boat Beneca, Qusrsnllne bogt nimbler.....:::. I S fj Noltlmtd Jesse (Iraut and hi wife have tin a I 4 eJ S sgo, Blnce Ihen Mr. msn dsred or cared to question her authority. j tow-pat- np; pairs, loss thouean Dannlltit " H....S la u ... To (A ?oc CommlUH. i rd on llic overlook. tlie Andrew Fletcher, Brooklyn ferry boat Winona, D, I l .. 5 fO Nottlraed at resident of Mr. Corbln In rdlirri. MnnlsV...... Understsnamg Thai certain her- been staying tb Til rtSLIXa TRSTIBDAT. !mi ntnlet known as ViHige, etood two or It. Vlsrtln, Magenta, F.ltza Hancox, Valley, wive...... Buoy K ... &J lionytx. run ItarriiRixi Nt A Tirt!XTT.HtSCOXJi UAUD JtVllDBIt. Pleuant Notllmed eout are eeeaing to create tne Inipreition on the puhllc Blltsbeth, N. J. Out yeslcrdsv mornin; a vry different spirit b ,irr cullm-- ot ladelelae....'... nVK Ihat I am or have been unwllliug to have the bonj horss ttitilr rations oati from New Champion, Rlj Yta y'lnkle, Amerlena, L. Uuor IM ....Not timed Nottimed mind Ived Long Dranch on I ikt (lmVd....NotMm1... cheet bnokt, caeh boom, and certain olher voucher! Th President art from cams manifest. The wild men of Will street had 'hi boxes. An IuetTdialve Alan Knocked Dawn nnd Seawanakl, N. I). Star foam...... VNOI .Notllmed deem II cwker Doardman, Eastern Qneen, Sot timed.. ..Not limed Not timed o( ihe Hook Concern examined, t belt lo and after a brief trip lo Newark, where he slept, debtuched, over lh thing. There war, ln Kllled-I- U Bnntnne...... tollcll, at 1 hereby do, that you appoint tome person or j'jj The bare btuks of the canal, stilt wet and sllmr, Neck Found to be IMslocMed back, lUltlsr. R. C Smith, Woodruff, steam yacht Hoy ....S I'... .imo) X papers paid his respeeta to Senator Frellngbuysan, he re- -- Mailth Ilnoy B ...-- ' 3 Huoy H or tersons to examine sach boots and at inch deeJ,no leu ptailon atlrrlng th multitude thai jjjfl dowa to the level of the waif r, now only about Tho Asaollnnl n l'rlzo Vlglitar uud W. J.. and In wav may artlie, it beinc my doped Edgar Stnsrt and Emily, James UcMahon, Add e..V. .. Huoy H M.... "my ;H time inch at tou turned to Elisabeth end remained with his parents thronged th walks and even the etreets In ol im) j (Jaiubler, Hooy H with that lh examination lhall be ai loll and early aa front s foot In drpth, end bore lout evidence to Ir.e (act Fletcher, Oyster Bay, Port Itoyal. Moaes Taylor, II. urclc ., Ilaof H papers be Imme- until 1 o'clock yeebsrdsy afttrnoon, wbsn he return- IPfl Last uiglit, about 9 o'clock, one Smith, better Not limed,... Nol tlmei fjot timed pottible All such books and snail the Kxchaiige j but calm, eober Judgment had com, nether phenomenal In lie nature 8, K. were congre- Vixen? - l M. diately placed in your handa ror Ihat nurnos. I'ait Brown, John Fuller, and Eaton ... . . rmey CH r H ed lo Long Dranch. Ills visit had a special purpose. govern tiger eplrll and prevent manl- - ;l'.l j known sa UiguHn, at residing Four- ' 1 H TIIUMAB CAIILTUN, Agent. to the tucl us a or time, bad boatman, at Pf.rtea. 110 H ... J5 "or V or si or.tmary the 'van: occurred gated off tbe third landing at hlatta Itlaod, waiting 23. 8)4 Kxw Voac. 1S7I Mr. J Grant Is looking forward for to morrow day witnessed, Ths teenth street and Second avenue, was met In front Kaltct tvithelm.. liucy ?S ...3 ,.lloy Junsil. tut fettatloos as the before hsd to re ie 'ry land where onlj a few hours before foi th start. sU'j was tam , Mr. Fancher.on tho part of the prosecution, with- at tbe fiftieth nnnlvertsry of hit marriage, snd the position had been realised by the ij'j of the grocery aloro 6J7 West l'orty lhlrd street The rsce to the boma boat rather exact of the crisis teen w..tcr enough to float a fleet. Theto were TDK COCRSJ. ns the wind oted awiy toestderahly, but the Tidal drew all objections heretofore msde to the recep- ftmlly Intended to celebrate the day In tumpluout speculslors. They knew ireclsely where thej VI l.l by Michael Kenny, Cunningham, a . barges ai this point nearly high and drjr. Patrick and James The court vras from tbe anchorage to the buoy Wave did verr well, closely followed up by t.i or by defence concerning th style, only of tbe rare occasion, but etood, and they returned 10 the battlefield with Incite unfortunately round- tion testimony th not beesuse anlft, the burden )k Mcflay, Smith was rudely Jostled by Kenny, and It west aad Columbia, who. however, had Hied determination to if posslole, The list In Ihe llnr, but the drat that struck mr eje, on Ihe Southwest Spit, passing lo the nt spit un way borne. treatment of th Assistant Agent by the Agent. because, as Mr. Jetse Grant proudly sild. " It wu to eomo luckleaa neighbor. They MJ1 asked him what ho meant; whereupon lie wa at. ed the wrong buoy tho the from themaeltee wa the gsllv relited Three Brothers ot Newark. I oath, and thence to the llchl ehlp, roandlng It lo Idler acpt tn lead oflh Wanderer. The fleet Judte Ileynolds said the Jefenco had been re-a- ll not ever given before to a married couple to cele- were mad, raging, to think how completely this on til; or was tacked by Kenny, who knocked blm down several returning over slake boat in the following mtn, Woodward, bad don for thsui; bat thoy held Hll This sail ml rralt brought up the rear what tb northward and taatward, the paeied the let J to th mere matter of suing out th manid brate a golden wedding, lo which the President of ill, tlnirs, Kenny then tan off, followed by bit com. : down tho passions to which on Wednesday they had once a flotilla, now flotilla no tonecr, seeing that earn course ; paislng to th east, going and re outixit they had proposed to go Into tho whole th Tolled Slatee could come as a ton." graled 11 fl TFVJA mut, but given rree rein. They llielr teeth and p.inlnns, who had witnessed th affray. llai. y Ihtlr rounued sides were fast In the mud. To l'i turning, of all the buoy on th west bsnk, vlt! once. of th relations between tbe two Agents A several members of the family nrol that It clenched their hands In silent sgony. Il wat a scents h : ilrrfMl. llmioftlKt. nialtir once I to OSlcrr Ulcenbolham, while pstrclllB.-- his peat, 13, tne westward ol tho w. a. ll. tl. . B. a. . such as Wall ttreet ha witnessed or twlc In Urate skippir of the Three Iliothere I made hisie No. No. II, and No. 9, and to ii, from the time or Dr. Lsnahan's entrance Into the would be Impossible for them to be at the golJen , I found Smith lying Insensibl on Ihe tlaewalk, 11.11 Vftvo a is J JM on llshlslori lhclm which llis or avail storm hul a'l p sy my lie was (reding his horse, a raw-- and flag boat off Vandrtblll's Landing. on a M house, Tber had now dismissed their witnesses given up, and U I respect", Inner Coliimbla I SI 10 Jl Mn cloaed wedding, the plan wa President np toinewheie, aud ready to burst when the propel ent (or a atrctcher. Smith was conveyed lo Ihe J! l M II M.7e the points that bad been objected to. and had of slxtren bands, and bore the Th Ileegtta Committee, eomprlslaa; Mr. Philip Palmer I a rebutting testimony. Grant and his wire went away lesterday. Mr. Jesse time thsll come. l'orty-ievent- Addle a ;7 u i their case excepting little IboaeJJado Job-lik- street police atatlon, and l'ollce i or pitlence, I asked htm: tferiayler, Mr. Stosrt M. Taylor, and Mr. W. nailer Mltle W l 7 t H 7Sl Tne delence then introduced their Grant and wl( wilt start this morning st ( o'clock rut or thi victikj. U' Butgeon ltiborg waa summoned. On his arrival on tb Idler...... t ID a t a tl SS MM They could not now go on a mor genersl scope In Will! l'LlXLII T'lK CAMALMSK. Dqdcsb were Ihe iielh Low, and after seeing 31 m o (0 rc ovar lh Pennsylvania Central llallroad for Coving- Hrotl er Woodward had not yet put an appOif. !' ' Smith w as Jes J. An examlnetioil disclosed a dislo renins unles Ihe Commute would take an adjournment, .... in ti.1 crowd of fearlullv (fct 11; "What has become of ell lh water In the canal, all In line, fired tbe preparatory can at 11:33. Ktiser Wi!fieim... II H 41 al .... them time to get their testimony together. ton, Ky., wher they reside, and where .they expect arnsi 11 1 c 41 o 41 and rive Ka-- h IK cation of the neck and several severe cohUslODi up In between a Wanderer.,,.....! tt be reedy at tome future time lo the President lojoln them tn two or three weeke. bu'iriess day ol Wall slreet began. one wat Ctplmn !" The schooners wer drawn line . r C M They would about Ihe head and face, with much discoloration. V'.itj...... I n president "Nul wails to visit lh scenes or his bent on slelltnlslng his nelhbor and siring Idsown If. Aud he replied : ' That ' re question I hav been Stake boat anchored abrett of the lower landing, 41 5 ) 1. 1 JKTO A (1IHBSL INVrsTIUATIOJf 111 C'apl. Killale Immediately surled In pursuit of tlucie j ?' 00 clilldlood, which Just twrnly.flve rules fioin credit, The smsli-n- of tho Woodward clique had the murderers, Keuny .Mice ti j ; 4i.jj Irl o( In stability all l ulc: myself I l.ctrd of the break. No r, tez He traced to ills resi- about S50 yards from shore, and another In an east- Corning e 4J SS S tl in of lb affairs of tLe Concern, as l.e understood such that place, In Trcmont couhlr. Ohio, white he used spread a wide irit distrust the ol dence, Tenth avenue, near Forty-thir- alreet, 2 play a cnlld, stock securities, and ell wero snilous to sill i some Fl I to P')lf, V,' ere Joct It go to ? There ain't no erly line with this about three quarters of a mile Ilslryon MU TOSnfl an li.vcsllfatlon was proposed. He didn't see "rat to romp and when Covlntto and Ihe where he bad concealed Idmsslf, As the Captain liaintiet 7 a Ii) ton7 U Ii 7 IS S7.U on otner aide had to recast the surrounding country has lso other reminiscences few over whom tbe panic had not thrown the manll l'i escape In a .1 10 11 right council the Ul spricnt aTenro through which It can enleied the front door Kenny leaped through a rear from tho shore. Th sloops were anchored llambler 7 11 7 H t U (or there, his eldest son wat born ol Ita power wars willing to buy, rrov ded pup S) 7 whole case st this stags ol the proceedings. lor him, second - I, tnu-- l window, thence over a Llgh board fence to Ihe ISO F.erlwlng 7 It H .... chases could be made, as the experience of Wrduol- PI lirougn ; then, think rei It kinder soak In." parallel llnr, about yards to the southward. Tbe i 7 13 1 79 M.77 Mr. the routisel the other when lie was. nineteen je.irs sre, crossing Willi his happha...... 7 t Fancher thoniht in at ostravagant sarr llces on th streot. and rndesvored to escape. lie was closely il 14 troops tne Writ, on way dav made probable, , it Mjn Corrotponaeui When did )cu pass the following Is a Hit of yachts that stakl In the order lariillnii .... 9 6 7 7 ll Ult side dwelt In tbe realm of suspicion. In Ihe eourse the wilderness of Far his ut per pursued by Capt. Klllelea, who ai reeled blm altar a .7 D Georgetown li was bulls' part. Itock Island opened Ill's-- oim I! Madeleln 7 SI SI II a 1 J .5t of Ihe discussion the previous altcrnoon he had tn CaliforidA ; and In himself o( hard chase, and locked him up. oncer Ilictnbolhara ol their position, rommenrlnr the Platen 7 47 0 7 SO 0 7 SI 1JJII cent, below tbe closing rat' Wodnesday. Like It prortiIaW.itifl a Alum... gatbereJ that some memners ol the Committee de- reared. l Slilpper night. 1 bad heard about It. an.l I C'uunlnglam and McUay to their hiding Is'ai d shore, and alii) the s Is on tlrao Foum Not prose Jesse will arrive In Coving Miore, which lnd sold at 113'f lh day bo'oro, wai List tinid. sired to hear certain testimony, to which the Tie venerable Grant New York Central Northwest. I places, and arrcsleJ them liowanc: all hsd sailed the right course, th objected, ou account of Ita Irrelevancy, Ion to morrow afternoon, nt S o'clock, so that there down to IMi toM. In'i bcilcvclti Unit wasn't Ions afore I foanJ Kenny I a a If th ytc'ita cutlon had era 73 ; abnndanco ot slock offered t thee 'J i notorious chsractet, a prlte lighter, srnoo:sm. Wav hsv won all three orlxes, narue-ly- . had been out. He waa not anxloua would be plenty of time lor the roldrn wedding. If lo and tut II at the as out o' the klrnawl professions! gsinblor, an of Tllal would and It ruled lo press. It appeared sa It the holJirs of slock wera jli wrier r and thletes. Xamt. Jtfatvremrnt Ilegattt, Cha!lnj:e, au 1 Suhscrmllon Cups, and keep any testimony that would throw I Is lit on Mrs. Oram would particularly caie for the celebra- I yet Wheu s- -t t 0tntr ttt ono get It owrboard aud OUl II In iif nrrr. and I'll be dutne.l el know how. arrcated he that Smith nad him vr. I ftrii-cl'- infected with Idea: lo etruck llsmhier Ismes Hanker toi Addle Ihe same In the il"ops j but If the subject, or which any member of tho Commit tion. Ilul aa ah has been opposed to It altogether, ' 1 ne sklj.per ! i1 the correspondent the w any provocation. He he 1 the way us soon a possible. ! that Itbout said thai remarked orV,Jr I.SM is held good that Htiov No. 10 should be tee II withdrew nil his afraid "Ihat It would bring betor puhllc i o of tjeir lr, k, r wkaUy-- he called, waa bmllh, " Young fellow you nad Com. s II. llsnnetl, I ' the rule derlied. then lor bow turn " ml'ht lo belter not hll Dauntless Jr rounded, the Idler will win c'l In th objections lo each tostimonr. lice, as ehe aald to her Hiiband, plan or cele- TUB Tl'JSL Or TIIK SgABS AMD DULLS. , il' s'M.nt a .ind that Mr. biipcr whereupon flnittn strucn a Alarm .... A C Kintiland X tirre irises tie ' null to trwesst. Titu, me:" him scond urn. Corning Subscription Cuo. 1 h chjecllons brating tno gulden wedding was stopped alto- V'isturii Division, at work He then pushed 1th, fell on e sMcwalK Wanderer I.. I. lrlliaid t 711 schooners, and the the Chair ruled that the withdrawal of For time It appeared probable that a darker diy . kittndir.tfrTtio nidbein bn who II and A of tub sloops went round waa Irregular thought gether. !or liuiira In his T'almr It. mnvvessnt I.7 nonn the New York I at this limo, and th cite that of We isrsday was dawning upon Wall " S trnl rr .uflnj the imsre. broke neck. CuaulDgnani and McUav are held K. Hunt 9!i Huoy 10. the- - will probably to ngaln re.ulnrly. Corbln her I, cr brother thin I Hun.hlnr Ornbh... No. have tall, ought to t roceed Mr. eulerltinrd Uthtrsnd or was upou he I ari;e at this mint were rll bound west, and as witnesses. Hsppho . W P. 9T sheet. Aa the flood slocks poured t. liouitai for the Itegut and Challenge Cops. The Commit liandsomrly. The residence or Mr. Corbln in llroad (1 heavily laden with Iron ere rrum Itorkiway, Sullli tall, or light complexion, Halcyon I TliSTIMOXT. the market, men looked al each other with blick, (J irere it lather with ll.S'tmu !.! street. Kltr.abeth, Ik a tniniilliul house lor rnter'aln-Iur- . T (I w. Kldd I J te will cue their faces, Tha wild passlou raving within i liur.ailo. end oti er nlni!ii centres donn tlie line fan.It nair and whlskiri, and is not known to the Alles t The (lev. Mr Puceler, of conniet lor ihe defence. Is sumptuous, lielliilug brother-in-la- I'espohdeut cam.:-Itr- Ilear-- USPS II Ihe Id i ...i :o of the bridge were a ut'.mLtr of s police. He nas Identified by a Columh.ft nm. P Orgootl to Hi ktipllcatlau (or e tho great throng wrre its plaln'y written on thele I. cillieu, whosiht tetttOd ai tah ia,lc o( ihe Pres. dent the United Slates. Tho grounds I p qaarrel-some- , II n. Kent ISM r ( - o' Hps .irti i ii.' their n wnichlrg err In tl al he was a qalet, man, uot Tvolln'a' i'a isa ens. bo suahsL'sex'ii ma'tan wss not clr- d flower-heil- b'ow as tliough they bad dropped from the 3' u'e. cullr tnotlenaive I le-tr- r i tut: iikacox mi .t, uai are with and laaieinl with too ftiv nrtl-- i. w. o r.s Msgie Wsilse v. Application ; ma: fiairai.t they were tlruggling hard. T.iey 1 q .ab 'is ol Krn I.'flte's though some toal aadtcied to drluk. hep-r- I W7 at the nine ol mat the iominltiredi.t throuah whUli .if Krtani Unmans. ... ixc-ii'H- ou , most beatilcul terden ornamiulul.on. In the mi l d i a nipil sketch or tuc pieture'iiua srtnc, O 1.45a 6-- n t c laio sci nail niirrward that wic-tls- with esch other, ihey cored ard they niiui lal.r T. Hnram (lold.mllli Muld Wlnnluv tho 000 Pur.o Oouge ayed rnaklrg nppnc.rloa Hire- - ii die or lot slam's a r.otle pile or stone. ol I bad de lor tie hut Ihe bear had tho bsst of t.iu game. eri t oratory to itlinc the luam oiut lu, crest. Kva v varus J. Macy Mi -- on iif books, do so, be all ll harms en Hi ex- hugted, Tin; j jtt.wcii Assi:3int.r. W. I dinrrlian lilrl llrnsvii Arriiunt ar though cirerted to Atchileelui his lavished i Hock Island u,,t easby lu be ral- - t Tim Tidal Wave... Voorhl 41 rsme. as be laid, no-- laLlug ol lo many books ftt or house, II Is with silk The failure uf wai mti'lHO". .Sot SlrLnr Wlinlebonc llrnllug llio terior the witoin , Klrclulng Uaorte in coo J measured the o( tho Onneem i opto lied rrum. we (intnhetln I lie-- f eitiDarrsst biitinet and precious win Parisian luxuries Wire Ihe artlt had fl.ilshed his notes strolled Ilefle Jnvernmrnt C'nn rirtsr In tbe 'JiUO Itncr. the Hi. e ol .ludae t!cynoiti' aorllcsiion for tne books Wucre waa Brother woodward f u M." i.' the I'lI lK u had patsei, an.l leaving It l.lrrllon-T- he cusi unrJ. was dm y at work on the x '(he Thing were at this when session of lb dldales lor Ilulslrr of W Hoiion, June Tho rsce for tlio purse of (lolige i tminallons. loss tie ji a'.ul I .lov, the towpatli. Orarle II Johisnn 1,t ii. perM i.s in pnvatc d by Or 1 Aiivan dur-in- formally openo Tho evldeudy hav- - :. in: t iti'i S.-- t d the loom r. Hoard '. bara, J ' IlcltiruliiB to 1'arla. 1.11 meamr to- - 1 ox Tin: nr.Avn - . i t:.o a croup or plilloo3inT Prerleai taxell t3,CU0, free for all horses, was the attraction th s i xsmioatl- o Mr. Hooper, whom uo '! at nociiAirA Ing of ey- s, had 1 i in uid of rural l , r.o lear Itmire latluro their A. 11. r V n I. I.lvinislnu vi.-e- Mr Api-'l- Hi . Laos I tt c and side Ihe enna. and J'akis, Juno 24 The Dilati of i y Maid, Lucy know, sir o in cou.uel of tree1)' of reduced rates, U sl.iudiuz o:i the of Art.lle W It l.ausl-- I.tfl day. Uoldsmith American Uirl. and -- were the stuck oili red al ihe Un". ard one or tws iners wn.j cnxagedon llrllllnnt Openlm of the Orennus Clnb of vras by Com- - ! tiin with nil line trimly the mrrlta of 'he proposes the election of a second Chamber by the Arialoe T. A. Mr.inee (lee. eagerl) icanned at they sped up figuring, lir l.unMhun' conns. 1, who were A row o'ement u( ilteiuih nlordod j tlio opp. eld 1) I Palmer rrrje extervid (.inhering report- Vnndt 1.00) (1 tn.ii' liilern i"s ctenl. t)n llle rnrnlcr It Tucker... Not measure I u-- Tr) weie Tl right, Mr. Oliver Hot t, Mr John llroolil) of the moJore rbllt, wiio oflered shares of tha (1 111 Conittti GiniTaux. similar to the late Scaate. The warming up work, lot sh iriy meu w ro buy it e up tlie brcacn Kalier ni htIm..Oeo. A Hell: i- "0 and down the etietch, for tbe K.lioit and lr John . lortcr. Ihe examination was ing l'nlitlclniia-liiiinen- s? Consumption uf llnrlem Ih.iiroad, which were Immediately liken it Assembly will Ita elec- m-,- ' rtv i .rtli utid ti r.e, which they Inrt Drought In a continue sessions daring the The sreni- - treparalorv to thestirt was nne that (loldsmlth waa so dtelded'y the favorite that ehe was I'ucoLtir.tiefi wren tie I on mittee nljoiirneil. tf'm ('umsder nud ('linniiuiiiiip. up; 9.500 011?;, en MUM at A Utile coufidince would ! 11 scow. We now hid an opportunity to learn tions. A gunboat left Paris yesterday for the moulli I long be remembered, the Narrows ive with be- Imonnatlon received Ihat the llooden.mnh suit begin In ho Inspired atnn( tne dealers In stock. bre wi dropped from the belting, and American Girl more. 1 ! Luna The Oceanus Club, a lloiiruhing llrooklyn I lUi uboot the pluDomenon. In water ntver be heard ol aur nitueatcu lir 'Cue leadeia u( the priiieitfat cliques exrrleJ t'lem- - siiuu ol the Seine. The mortality la increasing In yacht. Ac, esch low the with came tLe choice ag.ln.t Lucy cnJ Pa.incr. Alter han to d.rnii-- s Hi areomiianis; but ho said he would f , a Paris Amcrl-cu- s 11.0 r j h : eirs tie driver ol bnnt coming from their living freight. The starling gun was urcd at were oil. Palmer have go un Im u waa aimewh it after tho snodil of the idles to the utmost to savo credit their nday x. In consequence of the arrival of scleral attempts, the fliers tent lo wiin cimiaaiiuu taaliuii waa. noon, n reeling ol C Tin 'ii'ilurg on Mi lnornli when patting this lsr;e rumbera of 11.51, and on tho In'lant tvervbodywas alive on slightly on the lead. Qoldaauth aecond. the Uirl started arala. Cub of thu cny, opened Its thlid annual searon stock", end the leult at t, iia n;aitlei! and til ir at hearing a tfrrtb e Snnanlna waa the firs I Cr A portion of the o( Dr. coaiparsllia leetirlty preralled. and the great cloud it fun emlgranta from the ceded provinces. Neither board the yachls. The little third, and Lucy bringing up Hi rear, (loldsmlth ssetsm.ned , rein'ti by an ruu thunOeiin; mund which seemed to hallowed by Palmer, Lanalian s ciiniuatloti wus put Inpi-'i.t- toM'l Allow yesterday entertainment at lis beau which turestened destruction to thousands In th J H luinr, lomt tn get under weigh, and the and waa not lieadod t I cholera nor typhus Is, however, prevalent. 'Ihe soon sped to the liont, y ,'is'iir-uu- cie-r- the ishulared lot 'lom i ho lint and the water, au from a rolnt Magic, and Msdnlelne, lay np on the port tack in the luring Lucy aecond place, passing oi ai tens slate llful grotinda at Ilockaway Peach. The members, passed liar.ulossly by. j j or 100,000 troops Longehamps baa now the best. look m-- wt. eh was incorporated lu l'r. I.auuiiar,'t auiwer not rrnny crds ahead him. llcfore lit tian review of at direction of Fort Itlchmond. Tee was vers (lirl came In Tnar widely Chnihuu-d- . I uf (he Clubwcie prceent to about MOllDWAUIl's I.ITTLX SCQEUI. e Palmer, while An.erle.n home fourth. on t e foiiuer tr nl. wit the number of UrtOTIlStl cu. i be itocped md tt apeed ol the loit checked, been Axed lor next It is said that M. Oam. low getting nnder weigh. The sloors rot off well of made it a to rruinclgaie tho o( uoure'a , a u ne bunJar. the modrrale time S'.ny. to'iit reiuil eeienty-Hvo- together with sorro twenty Are or Hut wheie was Piolher Woodward New da- - j be in ecolro of mimic strom, whicli toicther, wtih the Per'eas leadlnr. rioselv fn'I" led flint fl.rl wrs drawn an wi.erevrr I could fi'-- a hea.icg. Du tali ' I - ni' betta refuse to acknowledge the mandate of the After the heal Amrrlesn light upon tho Piu- - I S h'- ed ;.n t hilled and turgod like the water In ihe br th Addle, Vii'n, Kslser WUhrlm, and Oncle. account or wi.tcl made her lo counteract l!,J:iii!!T.l.,"iuTijrjoied veloiuient which threw much ruui-h- " strknes, announcement ?"&Arv&s.cJpii&i ca.alumt'."'"Tle) i c caldron. At the samti moment the Assembly, accompanying bis refusal with the decla- lhero km pleassnt brteie from the southeast at IliE F.' LIiaHiAll.s u, IU vnp..siln opon Hoard iria olc' ', J i' - veering round to the r3cVwas"vir"lu liy siims uius.l. acts up ru was moat ig sound was agsln be.r.l. this time evld- ntly ceasert Ihe start, bui ii wa stidily over, thotuli larae were still rei i used the c lolitlclacs. bat, like Its uo scheme, It now appear, one of the ration that the Assembly to exist when II Didn't ute (loute's runted orl facu Wall L ' pruoeilint fn-- 1 pjint witliliinrew (oel, and, southward. . peiidlug on the second rlsce. (loldmttn wmi the lu II li ch I uew in) self. or eligibility to membership. elaborately designed In the records of street. soled to ratify lh treaty of peace. Hubtcrlelions V: political test t p.ira'ticl nl'.'i tear, looktn: to lalt it at Palng Fort Lifavette the Tidsl sve led the second aud third heats, uaucr a ationg pull. In A long i io-- s exsmmation followed, relating tn the It admitted u( but two alternatives. Buccssa to lilm rj W Vo irlils tha ooo!.s. was an rgrceable surprise to ra my to see the bank of the cana. he (or the new l'rcucn loan will be opened on Monday sehooneia. with si and -.; I wit.ic si's riirtions ro the ex it..iuaiMba ol the It meant utter ruin to tltcusandt around hlin. Should 1 toilh 1 w - In er nme Ihe Palmer, 1 1 ho Her. Dr. I snshau as called, and liililled that who aiding hlin In- I B holm. Followlnt wike 11. , I 1 n popuh.r President, the Hon. John C. Jacobs, In tae be lall. Ihe (rlenils wero mutt aw ma next, Dabla'sb m Oolitmllh't Mall with he did not say - euiu lis Fleetwlng llitle lo wlntwan', and the 11 m Lucy 3 2 In the conversations l'r In Ihe umelstrotn of dottruc- S I, CAKPIbtTIS TH ASSEMDLT. with the W. .lobe's h. t the commlit. e i he sil l aa a palnlul rumor I prevslled that, owing evilahly be enculied a moment rOl In fact, Oe-ir- S s l.e did nol care lor hook chair, hi - timing trcea aud rocks with It, and tn Magic awav up to windward of her. 1). Mac' b. g 1'a'mer J rat did not Intend lo ttun. This was thn scheme, ns Irlend aid foe bitter- , - way. or landed at Is Halcyon la th 11. G cr'-- the Hook to mittee certalnlr by his recent great und trium- I th- wann had given and thi water the canal The Duke d'Aun.ale has Calatt. and or the sehoorers. The fi'iwd Dantelt't b n. American ri i blm ol access lo ihe boots, and K H ey old irey to (atlgue, occasioned ly cried In the strci t yesterday, which WooJwarJ n cavity with Irlrhtful lone, M. of the with Ihe Waudersr un to y.'isff. He did lay Into this his frlcin wei bur-- J E .. lutbtnc Into Ue expected In Pans Migne, loriterly wak Fltwlnr. or 7lm Q'tilritr. Ml' hal no authort'y to do to. not that (r. ph ant pedestrian effort al Pro peel Park Course, he bad tor.coc ed: and en in e a current thai threatened to a raw th boat windward of her, rollowlng the Magic. The rest Fintnest HX Carlton and he were me Ueeeral Conference i he did ried, as It seems, Willi their eyes wtdo open. Ti.a 7 Minister of Finance under le Umpire, stands aa a would be unable to attend, lie was looking In ex- A iiuo tne tjclhlns orlei. The boatman ran tbe lit fleet wsre all heal cs1:".1K till JrSV say that unner ceiUIn ri'snlcilani lir Carlton and history 01 the inaiiwa pntcnt to all Wull altret. bank, ftosped his team, m di for Ihe Asseu bly from the Department of llilid hesl 1:10 witness lepreseutcd Ihe lleneial Conference. He condition, and was warmly congratulated In sperulitlons befoto, ' b..ri- into tlie tiht candidal PRgtrr TOosTrtgn. U awav lro:u tne homo cellent He had engaged Just auc'i ..nd wlthoai delay Lurried u Ue stop gates or Com- closi In ihe Slid race lor a o( $1,550. there wore did lake ce.iain soiuoert field of un Had tailed twice lor millloni ul dollars. I S list. I'ordogne. M. Llssagaray, a member the 1 rurt witn a paper aea:er s sccounis i ineie, upon hi success lu this new labor. Ills aud an eupply ot water cut off. In I mean Th Tidal Wave went nbout et and was bui P.oral John was s.i decide I a to icmpere ad tho mune, who was reported dead, has been arrested. eleven entries, with one or Iwoexcel lions, were all un vouchers ho McGroartr, Tlie , T by the Palmer and The wr--a fortunate competitor, Aldermaa who coitxtn. I, .i i or., r boatmen had come within sl:ut ol tne la said tnat Martha! MacMabon his relinquished soon followed l'ietinr; anions tn ports that l.e dropped Irom ever iook awav from th" Cooe.-r- somo of the vonci-er- i. Il on port tick, and had to ebocl to waa also present, snowed some traces o( exhutlo 1, Mr J !3 hri-- k, lelor.' lunic th phenomenon was known army. Msglc held tbe gi pools ('Lane Green was recjnd cliolre, and he rei rrom Mr. iioodenouxh he toox to On Tuesday, the rool of which Wocdtvnrd and his Intention lo reswn the command of th or the thai ened Mayor I occupied lb at tn e aud crowje or cui ! us pe ple give way for the IM..I Ware, who had Ihe right Held, co"nprllnt nine and examined them, ann ihen returned Kalhllelsc seal ol honor Ihe ostensible head held Imi.050 share 01 Hock fj ti igts near lir. The Ministry or Finance It reluming to Paris, and brought t55 while the hur'ea, his liooie there or Gen on the wat fields to wl.nets iheslracgelrex war. Tne Magic tilled quIcaD.nnd sUilkent the lead, only 30. Alter considerable scoring they them to tne Concern I arlton never told him mat the right thr chair, and Ilillisr sat ami stock. T he caplial stock of the Coa pauy Is am red otar ice will take up Its quarlera at Ihe Louvre. Th candi- upon Ihe sold lor jr'.l ihelrboots ( r lh purpor ol tho leit. Dan Norlhun o( the Water llosrd, acted a l. j cf ii iture. Assembly of ihe while the Palmer drew the got tbe word, and Climax, ouo or Ihe fielders, start- he in ciaui'ce limited lo 17U.0IO, lull tha gamblers In this sort ol 'J date for the from the Department and Palmer went snlt i be rcluscd a general ciamlnAllon, Vice, but the board ou this ocrasion was protlJed Hug opera- - a few mlnnles or the first break a second Ilenuti-lici-b- Magic, Tidal Wave, Fleetwtnr. ed on lead, while I.)tlia Iboicstn wat dancing thing are not lurtlcutar in reatih thrlr ,3 Uitinn Nurih are (leu. Falilherb and M, 'leiieiln, came up the Holli sides rested. Willi every fluid but water. The "old Dutchman" ol cinal, at a point I.c,ltl-mlrla- . about at lStlOtftll, and the Eva lo leeward a d behind Climax went to stock nclu illy ixlstlng. It Is aa to hel , f cem red on the nirih bank the and MM. Dtredoccltel and Duront. In the air nearly stance was arranged that tne summing up should apeech In reply to a lions Ihe Palmer. l.alf-mli- bv It then nude a neil, bilef, and piihy n aa a aubsiance. Mr. Woodward, 1 dirrctlv opposite ; and Iniultinoinly with this the The rumor Ihat M, Lefrane has gone to ol to tho po'e In 1.1P. closely preted as follows: Mr. Uuckier to peak flrst on imnglnary real waa the next on the list, followed W Trout l.e conducted toast to the city of Hrorkijn. Ills roeecli elicited day. a as ho suppose 1. r.h t me war In a eorn Held about thirt) feet Is false The Wanderer the bay tali bone, wl o ruued to the at the by Mr. Faucner (or In Ihe ailernoon ul that iw, Kntland Ma telelne, for the defence, to ho followed applause, and al ch be wat nomi- gave or- - iflfa n by the llalrion, )nrii ine, t'rtn'nils, pole and won tae heal lu the teeth of unbounded lit tr sn opportunity to corner Hock Ho liio lovtpun. ma ma-te- miNcis Alarm, tfireo quarter prosecution, then Jud.r Iteynol Is (or Dr. Lana-- I reflection, was unani- f Alice, Dauntless. Hauitih r, Timlin's, and all the livorili s tn :!"; the nated for snd the nomination dcrs to his brokers to purchase O),0(X additional f , an cnasw. a Peer-lee- s an, and llunyon lor the prosecution, to close I of party, and - ( kxoimoci LoNnot. June S3, The Count of Paris will leave HjPiIio. The sloops wer rill she id. wltMh Tli second heat cloeely resemble 1 lie (list, but mously ralifle without distinction elides for hlmreir. Irresiictue 01 lh- pool. Willi IJ Hardly had tho crashing sound ot the Immense r.iigl.n.l on Fridny lor Paris, and will subsequeully, leading, lollmieit bribe Kalr Wllhelm, Com- was a magnificent buret ot spec up th home the caie. with the createst enthusiasm. und tho amount already consolidatad In lh Magic there short recess the Her. Mr. lluckley spoke a reo-- Ili, Cia. ol (tiling earih Mil rtcks and away wl.tu. on In company with tbo Duke d'Auraale and Prince de ing, Adcile, Grade, Vixen, and Arlsdne. The aireich be wocn Wnaicbone und Itoyal John, tne A'tira lien. Hlll)tr thco delivered ten minutes' pool, Ilroti er Vntlerwood would hsvi the con'rol ol (' . - 1 Wave, and as follows: in a roar. was not , l..e ,utli bank of th.- canal, more H.V square Jotnvnle, pay avlelt to the Count de Cbamlord. lay np lo the lndward of the 'lidil the gsllaut lill e bay winning only by a neck la Wlt. which kept the table There Sid (III sfiari s, 'fd.lnW mo: e Ihnn actually exlited, anil ;i I rinh-n- s remark-till- bailing on i I nking but Mr I.umbaid edidod l feet ol the earth's sirf ice dtsippeare Willi u t Wanderer waa dolnj well, In the third heat Wha.ebone was Uiclc iucce-elvel- ma nrr. n. nrcgLgr's sumiiino vr. much. after this, by u juJlct- us ayslem 01 Dulling o could run tt j' 7 w il company by two or three tonts, given with Ihur.derlng soand; and then ihirti the Flee' leg The bret freshened roisiderahlr by lloy-.- l John, llelle of Torotuo, Cli ney j Ihe pi Ico up I .dc'inltely, and dually by his corner broak ,1 crosulnr. iiAMi'Miint: ui ti.i.oTixr. big This is not to no determined bv aVotntc Collins, llrooklyn, (.. t mure the bank went In, lulloaeJ by a volume tjih xinr alter passing the Narrows, and the gaff topsail of Orren, and flnaliy, op the stretch, b Thomp- Tlie he weighed In voice and iffecl. Mr of the entire be.r fraternity. Had h succeeiod In r ol Ldii toree ot teitlnionr- evidence mini company rt very bal r.( auCclent to float a n..ty. lly thl tm.e the Hippho began to show moru to the :runt The son ; but the Judges decided tho bial lo 'J. 30 in his and candid manner, to tho end that a also fatored the with bemtllul lully I.erutUtlrig for tin slock, Itock 1'land would K 3 air ihe moil irant I y thfie was hut a little more than two anil a hair liet TK- Ileinoeriil Piscina Thine In F.vrry I'nrt Tidal Wave tacked nl and rased a coup! of (at or and awarded hlin the race. )uii nnd equitable JudgmeLt may be reached. Ihe de- lad. The company then lor i.n our's have old on Wedn-eda- (or ViKI and millions would t U - lid Mnglc, led been placed m on Ihe aea shore before lakiiix the bout to fl m vcr in the enna', where a (ew minute before or Ihe (irnuln- Mule. hundred yards astern of tie who the b g I 1 1 lence reiirets the leilrirttoni thai base ramblo pouied Into llrolhir Woodward' coffert. attar Mailc. v. H. Woodruff's Ilsy Yhalebone tho testimony. When ths accuied wat plai-r- u idrr hue f lur .le, th had been live leei. CoNroan, June S2. Tlio unseating in the chooners I'll Waudorer followed tin .1 J Itow. o'sg. g lloyai John 3 Canarsle. P.t ho h oven stun ted his uwu capacity. To If up on Coming. 13 rutiiriish n It was supposed iioti the oiioiiiia.'.y would 1 grounds of this flout Cub lltuatcd Whiu It Is cunucred that the divllon ol tne Tbe Crude commenced to plrx th It 1Oninls'a s, g. I Umax 3 4 j aud c lie art earn OI.OW shares uf Hock Island at tho runs It - Mr. Crowell of Londonderry, waa done up to wind- 3 e oe presented lo ducloie all the facts rcamtanecs half a east of lli lii-- lintel an 1 Iront J12.UOtl.Uii), c i,i, whlih th- mcuned ! a mile and Uouss of nd Anally paed her, nd then went lleo. P. Carpeuitr't g. in. Uelle of loroulo 3 tn tclln ItlS Ilnnk ConCPI n. Which t ll OUtv about mile t liruuxi.t on litesduv would require some ItJl in Wll- n 5 H 2 r.innerllnn Hay. They are rqun in In tnin-vtlv- wide, some nottoa may was clearly shown the ward o( me Addle. The Peerless and Kslser ll Maee'a b. in. l.yuia Thompi I so needs. upon Jamaica air and It Is this point Woodward slipped, ,4 ralfl mc by (eel without opposition, It that g 6 8 5 He to mneh des'ie and Ihe huren murb It snd al that awal-lu- leading Ihe (leet, and having a verr cloae John Mori hy t b. Chirley tlreen suppose t and bathing and fishing (acilitius lu t lie Isiauu, and ale money wns not lorlh- - i t be (ornied o( the Immenae qniuiilr ol water Vhem only one helm were 7 7 7 was uot tnat these lacti elrcnnistances When WedneJa caire the volatile tolls of the town emltled to C . (Ireen'is in. Hot Itolrtduit eip-m- .ivti-iu- 1 lit than a match, but the former had the windward poalilon. coatd be pilised upon la this trial, hnl tlielr lotion oiuer i.. - The stuck was forced uptn the market, , t e by these mysterious openings In 11. A. Hall's b. m. Laa Ktaiiklm 9 e w rouiins- or A little Ujurmc will idi w th..t representative. He waa allowed mileage per diem The csm next. Tho Wanderer was steadily would be vsluaido in setilni tae Chiiren l rest, and Une commendable feature Is, psculia r - n l l l oiuter an hour. Vnn Iinf- HI" would snow the of Dr. l.anahan In Ihe proceed- One day In week apart j i no Use 4W,USJ cubic ol water gaining on ihe Magic, and looked a pr(ct picture, Am. ifwtrttr. animus to thi Club. esch set 111 r.x 1 tn lint lime llun ltt to dale. First heal 1:11 S S iHS ings he tins tssea. Hut that evldtnca was ruled out. of Tim uihuLi at onck coLL.irsxn. j surrouudlug country la nol dresied In the rrost perfect eolt of canvass of ny n a ladies djy, end member are In habit il.s .ppred. As th was occnpied In a warm hecondheal ,vi hli-- t iajav, aad l.anahaa wai held to 11 a lellled conviction on llio strcrt' U In Th afternoon sssloo yarht 111 Hi fleet Th Sappho appeared to be lr bringing their wives and families with them on thai has become j( Couied, aud as the itrean.e the ntlfhbortiuoa Tntrd heal liU aea. Woodwsrd' uneratlon were undertaken wllh u or liberally lnen aied, dlicueslon of a reaclutloo, called up from the table doing a little better, and lay about eleveolh inn utrtR TtcnicALtrr day tn share wltit them In the delighls of thla that I s no suns having been a to skin ll.e street. H aa to show (or Ihe by acnooner. of applying to the courts (or a mundanut. Counsel side rclrcat. view aad no visible slyn remains by Mr. Dinghara (Dam.), removal, TUB HOOT It LACK'S were Hon. was o( that CO.fJUO shares, for which h ft Hon. Samuel I'pton, Police a of AT Till BITOT. llAlll. ip' sc ol the wliietpreat picjudno existiar in th Among Hie gentlemen iresent the ll rarl wiieri rni ivivin has oox, oftho ci urCi and ont of it ftxalntt lir. l.anahan. and the de James Oakley, the lion, fmlih ('. la)lls, the Hon. had not paid, that won Or.t api.led' Wcduetday 'I was finally referred to Spit . t, Manchester he resolution Aa the yachts spproached the fionfiwest the reu ove him. t.i , morning." one gentleman jestonlay. Ills fair to presume that lequl'.lion as been msde What Orrjrer Diarovrrrd In n Public tne thai rxt.led to tiotwlthtiandtiu George II. Fisher, lleorj C Heiinett, Kq llarbur salt a Committee. scene became very lively, and lie fleet of steamers si Inn nd ae.vic to ihe CI nrcl lis removal McOmba, Ihe Hon S. He has leathered his net well, you can bet," j i) upper imic'i to ma.e up 1 Muster Tola, p.i. tie worll lor iut si A resolve to remove, by address, the Sheriff or following the race commrnced to congre- llulldlng-n- a Fixture, Door Knob, mill would bs Lesirahie lo ii.nn who looe forward to tne Ihe j that were w 1). Charles Gcodwiu, Kq., Messrs, A. Doty, qunlh tlie 0' eufiereis. Villi diflcieiiey In "th waters ui.der the larth Caleb ofl-T- bo v Confeieuc mo Morri', b- - Hocklngham counts, having psased Moullon buoys at the Spit. TaklnJ a general I'lpe Wrenched Thlrs approachlnc lienerat in amiiit'oui will have a new carp-- t ; 1.1 me morning three other sink-toin.- gate round the Wnler also uii'lutilitcit) to Gcoige King, ai.d others, Yet. and the church In tut coure of or Hampton, was then preasnied on a ca and nay of the surrounding scene.overro steamers were tires. It would he long. benevolent Woodward I" a csll them, were view Cnuglit In tho Act. Csrl'on. the stnior Agent, who, as eon p'nlnant. fore Tbe Jin the natives vote and carried by 1M yesa to 123 neyt. counted, all decked In their ho Iday costume and (r T he ol till this disturbance has not been f, M urt ox I a" all speik hercalter. being po. Tho Commissioners of the new Jefferson Mar- was naturally anxloua to have his rhnrges susia.nel as ol t'Jtiie The axe it In earnest laid to the tree. covered with flags. Tbe Heth Low took up her well as a Irotlbletome aisocHtf lemoved und his The fiilrld Hllehler. seen on tho street since Wednesday. Filly eight jnj In a with Mr. Til lis I leaned that the arrl-vi- build-in- ; hate Inn; talk adjoining huoy No 1U. and awaited the l ket Court House hare letted for two years a anpiovet. Hnl bus there bieu Yesterday a man, supposed to bo shr.res Hock Il.n;d were sold undoi (: 11 by Ural suJueu depression or giv-A- i sltlon tiinrniiig IhoiiranJ o( tsv I) ii'ale tho An unfortunate inlsnko occurred to this Ciuiniit'-- any good reason lor Dr. or Ms Kxchauge ye- - I. ol tne canal The .llnglclnn or the Milliard Tnble r.x. or tho yachts. at the corner of Macdougal street and Waverly suhtuttied - flileklcy, sprang (Mn the bounty ninth the nil (er one brukeis In tbe ny ol Ihe earth on the south bank n boat being removarr- Thalia the question. James 1 or Clly. at the Soiitnwest Spit, owing to flake Is Lanahau's leiday. It na at least Wfiet deep. The depth Ihe scconJ hlblllnir In Jeraey Some or yarhts. In- place, to be. used as a court till the new botldlng Une o( Or .anahan'a charges was mat (Irani had and was drowned, lie had been nriund o( anc'inred off buoy No. S the or Was street pier wa to i to great by 10 Teet. That tne third In Friuk'a billiard rooma In Jcracv City last Magic. Wave, Palmer, Madeleine, Mr. Charles A. L. (ioldey, Justice Cox's not properly kept the books tne Concern. 3 3) leM. diameter cluding th Tidal erected. he Ihe man to supers lie Dr. l.anahan Dr l.anahnn the neighborhood Ihe (lay before, and st night had A l.ellcr In Delenro or Sir. Woodsrnrd. 'j (in tne canal) was more than lis SOO Oracle, Addle.Vlxen. aud be night Joseph Dion played a gime of points with Kaiser Wllhelm, Peerless. has general superintendence of this building. would havo been a simpleton to have atcepied thn Mr. McDonald, a 7"i 1 or i si was about 10 (eel. Do not let me 8- clerk, rr requested permission from Pelcr itii dl'or tht linn. fie surlace t buoy a slake boat tuner-visio- of Howe by KOI to C3. Arliiine, went round ie the mtistun to insk the examination under iucii '2 ami. sl'iod a. sating that tho banks the canal Norman L. Ilotvo and defeated Yesterday afn moan, about S o'clock, ho saw three tnat Hr. l.anahnn had Loalman al t l.e foot or beventy-sccou- street, to Hut: A letter in Sun, in connectioi ', water. 1 i misted tnem. Taeroforc Ills contended arre forced by the pressure o( the was between Cyrlllo Dion and Spit, floor, knowing access books. Is admitted Ihat access to j? esses sudden The aecond gime Tho first jacht to round the Southwest boys on the eecond and they not to the It remain all night in his house. II was granted, at d with tl e Hock brevk, does not tell the truth, tinaks were In each o( tho three Tluoy 10, wns W anderer. tollowen about two certain hooks-ih- e essti and rheoa n ahso (on the rimrlca Frtnk. tho noted expert of Jersey City. No. the bad no bushiest there, be chased them to nad (or a was fixed him on the Mr Mc- II, Mr, waa aboul ol the earth. In the third break bv tne Fleetwlng. The Wanderer, Intely denied Dr. Carltou numerous bed for aud tho nrller ktew Woodward waa solid and aironr Tar eoma Dion came off tlstor by 1,008 tn 3H. Dion's largetl minutes later Ho wh cn aie uure itcilhoui;hlreni sua Donald, on awakiug, missed Ids visitor. Looking tanali the bank 33. a three-bal-l Ihe Magle and 1 1dal make lor Huoy the roof and ctotured them. fitird tin. rrlmsl.scmoot the slreet all day, end was not absent. The break j n cavity had (ormed In the ol run was and Frlnk's 'lh third was seeing somcmrr' y pretence. he found a pocketbook on the floor, lo which I'couds alter the rcir 100 nbout, so as to go round II herself, and building had been plundered of gss fu- aboui, ".j body ol solid French carom, point up. Cyrlllo aud 8's', went that the I.AMAnAK If. fY Treasury notes, the follow- was caused through the treachery o( a certain red :j it In the other two tr.elir.cea the sure ol being right. Tb third yaclil that leaden pipe, and everytclug me- Pin niOHT To sl'spgsn PR. were three (1 and and Ihu uncut soil behind It Joseph were tho competitors, Joseph waa defeated make tures, door knobs, tiist receipt written on the back of an envelops ; ofUclal or the ltock Island Cu. We bellevt ' euth lormlng lh bmk on tho Spit was the Coming, with be cairlrd off. The water pipes i It was they coull do, ing bearded In words, by '.'I runs, although he made a rnn of 35 Ids last rounded tallic that could nnder the clrcutnitanors t.i Mfut down In a lump olher the Kvsnext. followed br the Idler. Halcion, and cut, and tbe building was In Imminent danger we are hereto try the qucsilou whether Dr. Kecc.ved from James tlrlcklsv twelve dollsrs for on thot most closely Identified in this fall, aud wht . Inning bv careful playing. The elder Dion executed were llul low lal 01 rua auourtD Among Th Alice followed boot two minute of being severely damaged betore plumbers could I.anahsu was JnitlQed or nol In the roars he took, month's tent ta advance, fioui 1st si Mar lo June, blitcg 4 tiNi into sume pretty fancy aliola, eliciting applauso Columbia. ercuo rooms house street. 111. are at present heavy sufferers, are tie Waal M a Tarollnta about a quarter or a mile be- be The total loss and damage Is estimated sir ituikiev i.toeeeded lo lhal the defendant for in l.'auiiilih as au turned Iron-da- would sink Into the the most noted bllllardlsta In tbe room were Prof. later, with obtslnM. have uo raotlse lor hit action in applying lor MAltx J, Ll uNS. Is contemptible, .. last ovir Town-eon- and came next, with could towards Mr. Wcodw ard, It low, J 8. Ilrady John llsrrlsn, genial Uenrge hind. Ihe Uimbler Daontleas at 1 1.000. but com:. ullton i be forced to that ex- April 15, 1687. Lea. Abner All the the writ wi Dkookltx, a S a (ew paces from the ex- Water Corainleiioner teihan, and olhera, the Sappho tome three minutes later. In tne basement Mr. Ooldey found Ihe burglara' tremity to secure what no believed to be and cowardly to link person' religious or other I crossed lbs canal, and off see, and made a long leg on Ihe premises. always business, acurilU C) bank, aad dlrectlv aonlh ol tae Drat breach, I yachta liy to blacking boiea filled with the ttolJn property. They his lights la tho He hsd A nilaslug Hoy and n Cbnrs or.llurder. private matters with his and audi touth lack. Handing out about nine mllea be- locked up In the Mercer strosl atatlon house been entitled of right to make any examination 011s cannot alter the good opinion of thot alnk-hol- a 'JO with a diameter at starboard were attacks f f 'ound a feet deep, Guilty or 51urdr. about. Much of t e Interest In the gave ,.nd as follow of the books and aTalis o( the Concern tnat he Nicholas Ollinau, a German, was arreslctl in gentleman. L1 Ihe eight reel. The rronnd all fore they wrnl They their names residences most inllmalelr connctod with this I lop of perhars OitiiAM, June 22. Hie trial of Charles had now subsided, aa to many or tho Mulherry street ; John Itvan, desired. Tll he undertook to eaiabliih from ihe nil on tuipleion of killing Usury If we do not yet see him as was craiaed and broken In wlae flssuns, Ntw race, howevsr, Timothy Connors, iU of the Chuich. Newark yesterday am gristly mistaken wound It yachta had 343 and James S'x) Mott cipline and promlneiit a with every creditor tilendlnn in clrelis atound the opening, Earle end John Oarve) lor murdering Mrs. Sal best Elizabeth siref'l Mac. lllackenthlrr, a lad who had been In his employ in sliong evH, ifr I The bovs are 14 lo 10 years old. There TIIKT CAM I'h'POl'DTePLT ItKMOTK UlU. lully but we hcr. next time he will us , J (.'lire fully approaching the mouth or the cavity aged years, and robbing her house or oomi wiiono coensr. slreet. Ms Tril- tiifiidi linrer. 1i thi arretted, among Hum Invlngtun, The lad ranled lo terminate lie wlt'i htm la I tnat In one direction as lar aa I could are otheis Implicated not jet Another rolnt wai Incited upon , that all the Jl aboni m.ire caul. on a lo whom atsoclales I uitcovered UX) 23J ol nt the lUl t ship was Immense, H; there was no wall on the east aide, anil Jl, ou the nlahl of tbe April, concluded Tlie exclte.nent the dcljnrr or the robbery, who Ii, however, present inuit concur witu the iinjonty of the commit, lions wnn oilman on the l'Uh lust., but wat unable sue'i gigtntli: opctatlntn. Youie, ; lee toll thirty and forty ateamers lay tossing The IlitOAti J . that covering a large area ol the cavity w .ia a simple this afternoou with a Turdict or guiliv or murder In aid between known to to the do. lee. tee In order lo i emote tne delindai.t. reverend his wages. He went to Newark end Nxw Yoi.K. Juneirt bTBHT. j In about wni liu for the arrival of the yachts, making counsel spike tor about tlnee houis, rlosinir hv thow to collect crust ol moid nut u.ore than thiee leit thick. Jury wa composod entirely w up I ll.e first degree The the air dismal with the shrieking or their whiailcs Cotigrra. log Unit the I vmnnltce at iiit.t tn their anaings lu routtht the adtlce ol the clly attorney, who give htm ? words, the ground on which Irodsocm n- Thr Turf itncr. 1 a nour towx. other of colored nu Tin n auproiel to be the drat and th playing or t o'r bandt. When the !hT i tie t" the tliat lis been atldiired In tut a note to his employer (lie lal then returned to joiuxus a mer shell that couhi not bear Ihe To Tho n Tln-- J uot tlousl) wi.e capital case nor tiled In the Lnited Mates he re a Seth Low ran up alongside or the club boat Middle Br. I.oi'is, June 'ii. fust race wai for cour.o ol tho trial could avutl ihenuelves Irvlngtun, and since lime he has been r. wi or 300 poumi". so thoroughly ol any l.nowledje tliei iiuglil porest concerning the are open. L ihl a lolorvd Juty. Tne case bat been ion, Charley Mlnton, the handsome secretary ol tho twrepttakoa lor s year olds, mllo heats; 71 proven Oilman's I eputallon it bad. Hot ki.uwit to hav The dee baths i , I'M feci from this no.o and In irr In imie olher thsn han hem on Ibis Not more than vir.ulittd bi the dunng tho preliminary ex- Club, on the hurrlcaue deck, smnkiiu a cirar, matters tno ltd, art! the contradictory stories on Ihe this evening. j hi It 1 murb larger. Its ire, stood entrance, $4i added. There were sli ttarts. The The) limit Horn their mlndi nil former maltreated Music Ilatteri "2 wiih found amination Ihat no wlilio juror could bo oblalntd, speculator the Both shouted, 10 hern regnidliig Ihe mtskiinr boy was or more. W hat l An anxious Irotn Liw lot eiti-- 'i ions, and r. iiflne themstti ei ihe lnen winch he has told hue signal uffico prcdicla light lam to day. it fl wi Ith si the Inn fllteen liit all formed opinions, Ihe prlco of Hoc Island J ' frsl heat was taken bv I'.tt.i Powell, the second by out. iua have know Im1o o( He wns committed for eiuiuiiiitiun. Tho was the aud rocks fell tn Is l.uvmz "Charley, whit's ui.d no.t brought 'ihet led tutus atrrtt. Men, i A hefure oinh you some ut 110," wat the prompt reply no Moshr-- i r's coll, by Zero, and tin' third ami loitilh matters o( t, l.Tth Ihe Hl-- p- - kix w uothln.'. l ull the) The Frogtown ltipgert haw a plculc next mure 1 conjecture, "hill I M that can tug by Cieolo Dance. TTuh P17, 1:49, au 101 ciinuol use in (oiming a Judgment, U JliStlllverPatk. '1 , Tlir (lovernineui Winn tho Vnchl Itocc, Luer, 1:1,ill A Crnali nl I lit" llergen Tiiiinel. M Tllg DEPTH Or Till! CAV1TT. Alter tossing about for nearly half an hour Pie 1 he tocond race waa a mile and a h dash, Irio un. rANcueit'a itgMARKS ton rnorctTioNS. O'Donovtn Iloisa la wTitlt g sketches of his praJCji ,J a Lono Hkancii, Juno 22. A lare number of all, a purso !!Wfl, won hi Ada the - an Kite C04I train batkej Burre nonon of it mai be foimed from knonl jsclus I t'giiii to show ne'ir, and finally, nt 3:1.15, for for of and wis Vcsk'itla)- bfleril'ion for the is't 1'ioiiH. ji Vols. healing Joe. Aiken, Marion. Adclal le, Mr. Fancher men nddrniedllio tribunal on bt;hal(v( llle f ol th r ct that several oung clusmtit trtos, minister arrived here tolay tho Now Ihe Cornlrg sailed round and squared uwny for Idocqus, ill.m. prouusln his oil of while turning a ' ft' ng Tunc-tt.ll- 't. Ihe that reiusrkt cm the track cast the luuurl thttf A 11 rcling of Clnb No. S of the Irish PcmOCttTM 1j r i" Ik 1;lI, had pluu.ped down Into II. Iea wua followed aliorlly after by the Pal- und Kitty T.iggiri. t He chaigcd Hook Con. i id Vuik Vschl C'Ub race. President (Iraut and wile home, iuii.u ut usborl lime. that llu and a Is cd for Juac SI. j' jui I or C feet ol their topt above the surtacc. tl olr mer and Peerless, woo roundod exactly togotlier. rc. had been biouahl lulo diiicputc by ronton or Ihe curve, tho locomollvo struck small cotlago I'uiou ste-nn- Jesse Hoyt, Whllo they , U iieing completely and he'd In position arrived l.j the Addle camo Tidal Wave A t 'pet ol 'he defend tnt la there pioeeediu.-s- till aud neatly demolished It, Th were The newest novelty Is the Court Cialn thi r'oia coerd The next, and the ueul Wnuinii Horned lo Dentil. i,,. ctr btnken. tl S J) to s uud lui a ui cuvlly on uoro cocilag dowu the bay the )achts were making ai at'iM, closely followed by the VUen, in it it was daily spoken ol In (t rim ol contetupl br " t! aud Hi5 leet Iri.i-- K wns dettroyed, tuoa un or.glnal Hollar htore, OCT llroadw ay. fris round On Wednesday' oveninj; J. 11. Jones, Soxtoti of This I oftue ll (i .... .round, perhaps l&u leet Iroiu tne canil. In Magic followed about tno minutes but situlartre's dcfcti ml, l'r. l.a' wai .i II. 1 o'c'uck to repair the truck. 11 la said thut the widow of Dr. Conno'ly hat d ,'. their home tack, and President (Irant und wife The later, p an A'.'eul hv His (lenerai Coii(eten;'e - in l 1 round traces of what a paling away. the Hanson Place DapUst Chuich, HrouMyn, went .inted niAlitant CId 0 to i nter the Coiivcut t ( Hie havrsd Heart. it neUhbbrnoii acceptid the invitation of lleorge W. HcnlUy, Man lost over nunule TheWnndeur defend Hie IConeein. lunead ot dcleuding 11. ho I at one In tho past came next, I lo in Ki.iijre must have been time agrr of the New Jcisey Southern llallroad, to wit and tne sloop Kaiser Wllhelm round to light up tbo lecture room, leaving his wlfo un two inoi'iaiit Kieat (mid', coriili'ilor. and n.linian Twciily-llirc- c Pci sons Killed. Wl'liam Crotay wts killed by lalling from Ibl i Hi' r formed In the win wav. losety followed by tho Columbia, w,.o had gained ngement afitiirs, and it J cult in tho yachts from ti e pilot house. Arriving at i daurhtora at home. Mrs. Jones went Into Ihe Ulc',-en- , In ihe conduct of Hi sail occurred root ol a tt bJlluinj ta ll.Th sliect, uear I'cutth jii Ihe ci'iial, I went ovirlnto Mr. Mc mi liumcdialely went to hie considerable ground during the last half hour. Th he shall Pe glad when Ihe opportunity occurt to b.Ii.g IIkrlin, June 22. A tcriiblu Occident cuue, t 'I the lirauch the President and clothing cntighl Are from a piece or llgl t 1 Ruin's corurleld, where I iw the bolus before got at 3:ll:n3, tin! the Madeline and her theie mmort Into tha civil Cuiuit, no troubles in con- 1,1 Idler round upon Hio on the line uf lallw.i) la a train or HI M tm M'Klnny an (armor, as turn-ir- ed p.'pi r which the carelessly threw floor tins i and al' tuipleion l'i lo Its luiiiiaae Th annual eiamlnalldn ll ibrlel's Otsmmsl Mio.ned. Mr. it 1'red (Irani, John Hoev and wife, end a Dauntless cam uext, and fouled they were , uncein teiartl Hi i tnd Jesse Sue ran screaming Inti (he presence ol her diuu.i-ten- ment were al hy till Couunlttre. and lh" eying Pumernnlan troops Horn France, Four car- Krhoo) was h.ghly c.cdltable 10 both lea. .ion aud nd r beautiful com lilt broad wis Orant'e Irlends, lit West the lightl.lp. Tho Madeleine wat steering 'it nit ,4L) t blades of Ihe liea.ihir crop, nutiihcrof Kriilerlck ridoti ou tho westward, but who wetu so psralised with fear as lo he tin friends ol Ihe' hoi'i'd llie) had heard tne lint ol riages (rom the end two officer pupi.i. In:' lt:i the unlit In revenue-cutle- r .Northerner lo tbout south, mil paying to tlie in when tuddtuly Dr. l.inshan rakai Ihein all wer thrown truck I 10 upou ills Point, wsnt out tho all to render her any assistance ('omideiely Johu Ptckford. , sacs that Hon. Frank ni ai l'i ol. aeemed be amlllni otlorls turning too quick, sue fouled the bow of the Daunt- , up Ihem to Ihe world. and twenty one piivnies wire killed, and one oflkcr Jr tie it the yacht race. In Mm. Jones fled Into the stivi-l- and promulgate! alreih Huffy picks Hie elan-.- i 01 .IK) i o his Hut witness waa on tho port tack, paying off. enveloped Dimes, id made up Ihe and and forty Injured. nil ol oul the or.eulal CUI th kHihiTS. lint less, who alto ahe was completely con- Un nil. win lo dcitroy ciedlt privates chowder before ll is served up. W Madeleine's loretopmasl, whom Ml. Her ciolhlitr uiiilioii 1. Hi" Honk Concern, and no obilaries. no llolKS IK Tllk ritl.D Penn. The foul carrlud aiva the ri'. P.ti lb llrscendnuls of Wllllnm During rumpus sumed, She lingered In atony until yeiteri.ay, coii-- iir.illons will ptevcul huti (run puriuiug that A T hird Asiomblt District James 1'. I.smbert ', 1 who and toie her foresail badly, the i 11 omli.our, an I add lo Mi. Terr.lllner, 22. In IIouso off.'ominonj, wlieu death elide her sulfeilngs. Thric ni'iMMi'iut pr.ciedlngt were Lus.iKs r Is to nikht Kauliuaii -, I.o.nuos, Jimv the caused by the collision, additional excitement was luij'u.o. Aisoitutltn to rjaniud in a '.ill itMimp-ime- in- "This will hurt the ciopir th 'ie Ilauk's Hall, 7 Hayird slieel. !' IF bi ho'ea mace , won t It t And Mr. Lowe sld It waa Impossible to discontinue tbe lent to the scene by the cries of A I'AliT Or HIS GENgntL I'l'Kl'tUS. Hi't' meie - l)f p The llipllst church In Wakefield, Mass. ; 10,00) Tn it Jovial old fli'iertiian, Cspt II I!. Holmea, j as JOI.OoO MAN OVgHBOACb," Thr- CulH'ornla llrmurrnry'a irluro. 1'lic pretence Is he al. ill 'lirwililur spoke follows: pensloc or lo Ihe descendants of William " raised that wantod the books rr au to tin.-- lTslilng SAtui' ,1 I Deinouiatic The atablca in the rear of 'ilJ Fifth aticel, Loss, lerllio's cscurnon Haaki uu 'Mi MiKiiu lu teen piolunlng this cauanl 8N I'mNlTaCO, Jliuo the imrpi set of the lioodeuough lull That hai day, In llie .Sew CiiaiM,tlou. I - Penn. The present rtclpi ent of the pension It one Thftlnillvlduul In question, huwercr. sppearo l to to aliiiady . dt allude to It 10. stea'iier I fr or more He h.n been scillj moral- nonv-bale- hut comucl surd to r fl'iien usr Willlmi Stawurl Mr. I.uwe added that he wonld cool y a tug eieamed up Slalc Convention In Sacramento yesierdsy wns Henry Kanlpaugli, aged six y.ars, fell .1 l(i d u. thu suI'JblI ol IMS here ranawl. lis li.e take ll liig l err and when hi ..iiothor i. It not for the i mpoei of tnat Nine stores were burned in Champaign, III , les- nverbosrl an invesugalioa at in li e puitlnility of his would-b- deilv ou I he wanlej the luok'i, lit enamel hulad-viie- d (rom thehargo at ot FourloeuU , I', (reqii i be d I U he i..ihu to his rotcoe, quietly requested Gov. II sight for rsiilcctlou the first ballot, lull terday. Loss, iw.wo. hlaatibiirah the loot ii'tm awored tl, ihat hM him, ' no attempt .1 I the pentlon Into Gomnuieut thuo per cent, go to hell, which they charitably responded at it is la triiimony her i.nd hal inert. Norm Hirer, and waidrdwned. u Uolii't pra) that l ie il d Hunt would alnk, an jest en lo on the anil railroad subsidy platform, Judge Lewis to deu It he oioirdiii'im Tne Shady Oak shoddy mill In I. atiltulilei, by hauling the would-b- suteide on boatd. The ut'.n mad lhal coitlduTcel Bclluste, It. ot the I'nlver'ltr of ,jZ 1 his has (niched, Her ratinwl to Liiiilcnaiit-Ooieri.or- , was by 13,000 no Tho commencemenl etercliss lit what ia,.cr lie followed by Halcyon, of Tehama una nominated for nil Unit titi ie The moii.' niui iiiuel Ihe Lou, Insurance, II I i ' a siiiliiug ; Fleetwlng rounded next, th T the lltyol lb orb's Iheaiw ystcrdsy, f 'lulling, ul McK liny is with it uud Temple and bel len b, W right for Judges Bupiem Court he llondetiough mil wat pendiuu In A tire was racing last cuiieni, It me H I was Ins, I'd git up Nol l.ooii, Then, liv-s- Tarollnta, Alice, llambler, and bippho In the Jackson nni'iucr com I. 'Mill other coutt could uot Uiue a ulslit al the Atlmtlc coal weieslt nded by insny dnlingit.ihsd T that Into Court, h op.osi.s oil ruflucry al Polut or I vngo-nc- u Juno 22. In Hie Cortes, last evening, named. Hunning free the fleot slipped ovsr of the Suprom VI pl'illorra writ of mamdimui, but it could litue, at llreeto.houih Philadelphia, Mai. of ami ml heloio cjmes," Manmn, order a Davis, prominent Tenth Wud PfiHjieiin, pais f iminli-ratlo- ni'iflliei to railroads, every lawyer a tubpu?na diicei A Lugo three-stor- PI n 1 MihuilK't house It aln oat In a line with the Minister of the oloi.lts diclaied that Spain Ihe water in crand style, and made lor the crl anotvi, Itcum. building In Cherrv Valley, In Poritlb street, wai locli"d up la the Kldiids. iie iiuiei all-i- lh ruaulU of nay and the which would have brought all the booka of which was o( (he lauainaulj Is tn., ol tlie amk hoVs, and it on low grouinl. Ills would pransrve th lntirily ol Cuba so long at men the Hook, The Columbia did remarkably well ICIIiiese la tlieunVa tlaiHU, Fonda's buol and Police btatlou Islt uijhl, lur hiauui tit Lh loUowad by U tb Conuixu kui court ahcbsiw named, Ihat AiuMtliira.Dajl'a UnleJur iUuu. Ac. spout IT.vOO. lg he hoped, for t'iu aaa r( hit ..ioa, that be Will aad stmt ntte (otthoimiiu. Ire ka suou led (WI. ukxi UUdt. Lou,