ÜLKER BİSKÜVİ Annual Report 2019
ÜLKER BİSKÜVİ Annual Report 2019 Sustainable success Biscuit Biskrem, Çizi, Çiziviç, İkram, Altınbaşak, Halley, Hanımeller, Krispi, Ülker Pötibör, Ülker Çubuk Kraker, Ülker Susamlı Çubuk Kraker, Ülker Bebe Bisküvi, Saklıköy, McVitie’s, Çokoprens, Probis, Rondo, 9 Kat, 9 Kat Rulokat, 9 Kat İnce Gofret, Kat Kat Tat, Ülker Deluxe, Canpare, Dore, Haylayf, Taç Kraker CONTENTS 02 Key Financial and Operational Indicators 04 Sales Volume and Chocolate Revenue Growth Ülker Çikolata, Ülker Çikolatalı Gofret, Albeni, Metro, Dido, Caramio, Laviva, 04 Capital Structure Çokokrem, Napoliten, Çokonat, Ülker Flipz, Cocostar, Çokomel, Piko, 05 Ülker and Stock Çokomilk Godiva, Godiva Masterpieces, Alpella Gofret, Ülker Finger Çikolata, Performance on the BIST Hobby Krem, Hobby, Smartt Sürpriz Yumurta, Çokomel Pofti 06 About pladis 08 Ülker Bisküvi Production Facilities 10 Messages from the Chairman and CEO 12 Strategies 13 Current Economic Outlook, Global and Cake Turkish Food Industries 8 Kek, Pöti, Kekstra, O’lala Sufle, O’lala Bar, O’lala Waffle, O’lala Sufle Mini, Dankek Rulo Pasta, 14 Production and Capacity Dankek Çay Saati, Dankek Baton, Dankek Islak Kek, Dankek Lokmalık, Smartt Sütkek, Çokokrem 20 Operational Excellence Pankek, Alpella, Peki, Cup Cake, Albeni Kek, Dankek Çikolatalım 24 Investments 25 Subsidiaries and Financial Investments 28 Sustainability SALES VOLUME BY CATEGORY 34 Human Resources 36 Quality and R&D Growth in 41 Social Responsibility (Thousand Tons) 2018 % 2019 % 42 Corporate Governance 2018-2019 Principles Compliance Biscuit
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