THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 7,N 1918. GERMANS FIGHT HARD TO HOLD POSITIONS ALONG THE villages and throwti wo great cities Solssnns and Chateau Thierry 200 Map Showing How Closely the Allied Troops RESCUE MEN FROM SCOW the enemy back on a front of sixty-tw- o miles. HERTLING GOESON ERICAN OFFICERS The amount :t war booty captured by the Allies in the Marnc salient Have Driven Germans to Their Old Positions ON BRINK OF NIAGARA; is reaching staggering proportions. In only half the territory taken by MAROONED ALL NIGHT the Americans alone fifteen long trainloads of German ammunition al- FOOLING GERMANS BRIDGE THE been collected and sent to the rear. ready have Were 3.000 Feet Above Horse Shoe indication cf the effectiveness of the American machine gunners An Halls When Craft LoJged on by the Associated Press correspondent at the front, lie says IN PEACE is described TERMS Shelf of Rock. UNDER HOT if an entire German battalion attempted to prevent Americans from build IAOAUA FALLS, N. Y Aur. ing a bridge over the Veslc. The Germans came under the fire of N' 7 Henry James Harris of masked American machine gun battalions and were wiped out. Ob- Still Talking In- Buffalo, and Oua Lofbcrfr, of Payment of a Perforin Tasks (o Which They declare not one man escaped and no German strctcffer bearers sailor cnpiiKed In dredging tho servers demnities and Restoration of Niagara ltlver and Hydraullo Refuse io Expose Men indicating that every one was killed and not one wounded. approached, Conditions Before the War. Tower Company's for In- creased power development, wero Under Their Command. rescued this morning from a scow GERMAN HEAVY ARTILLERY BERNE, Aug. 7. Replying to ques on which they worn marooned WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY 3,000 fcot abovo tho tions from members of the Right in Horseshoe ON THE VESLE, Aug. 7 (Associated the Relohstog recently. Chancellor von Kalis nnd S50 feet from tho Cana- IN ACTION TIME dian shore. Tho scow lodged on Press). The Germans appear to bo FOR FIRST Hcrtltng declared Germany In- that n shelf of rock In tho rapids above determined not to permit American tends to keep Belgium until tho Allies tho cataract yesterday afternoon engineers to throw bridges across tho OURCQ conditions, Including tow line' It SINCE THEY CROSSED fulfill certain after a between and Vesle, nnd ns a result several Amer the tug broke while payment of Indemnities and the vessels ican odlccrs havo had thrilling expe- were a short distance abovo the i llshmcnt of Germany and Austria as riences. The bridge builders had been COUNTER-BLO- upper rapids. FOCH'S W before the war, plus tho advantages eager to proceed with their work de Americans at Fjsmcs and Allies at Other U BOAT MUTINY Harris was the taken off, SPREADS; obtained through the Russian and first spite tho Ocrmnn fire, nnd their offi- ' 8.40 o'clock. was land- MOST BRILLIANT IN WAR, Roumanian pcaco treaties, according at Lofberff cers have had to hold back. Points Under Heavy Fire From ed an hour Tho men made them to advices received hero later. Lieut. D. F. Mull HIGH GERMAN OFFICIALS QUIT; the trip from tho stranded scow of California on Above the Aisnc. 1L0YD GEORGE DECLARES Tho peace conditions laid down by Tuesday was under cover with sixty Ilcrtllng were as follows: to tho roof of the great power ARMIES IN PRANCE, Aug. 7 (United men on the south bank nwaltlng a WITH THE AMERICAN 'Itccognltlon of Germany's Integrity, plant In n breeches buoy operating DESPAIR NATION GROWS on lull In tho German shelling In order to heavy artillery is in action foi the first time since they IN Premier Says ISO U Boats Have as beforo the war. lines shot across the scow by Press). German the United Quard build n bridge, it was Intended to Renunciation of all claim to Alsace-Lorrai- States Coast the Ourcq. The firing is now the most violent since Been Sunk and That Britain Has from Fort Niagara. build n footbridge on the foundations were driven across by . of a bridge 6,250,000 Men. Hoth. men collapsed after they destroyed by the German retreat the Marnc. Sailors Revolt Against Continuation of Subma- Recruited Restoration of German colonies, or and then to put up larger the enemy from "wcro brought ashore. Their con- a structure. Aug. 7. "Marshal Foch their equivalent. Rather expose his IONDON, Is be- than men. Lieut. is first indication that the German guns have reached the Austria-Hungary- dition Is not critical, It This the rine Warfare Leaders Sentenced to Death has tho Recognition of 's Mall, carrying Two planks, on by his counter strike 'driven lieved, but long hours of hard started line wherc'the enemy intends to make a stand. Some arc probably tiring enemy back, und, although the danger Integrity, as before tho war, plus ter- on nn exploration trip by himself. of Economic work without food terri-bl- o Ballin Out Council. n sanguine ritorial and economic advantages ob- and the The from north of the Aisne, but the main line of resistance appears to be wns not over, ho would la nerve told heavily on Lieutenant reached the south LONDON', Atl if. 7. Humors of a rc- - through peace. strain ern nmn on tho German General Btart tained the Bucharest them, pier Just as tho German machine along the heights between the Aisne and the Vesle. Urcst-Lltovs- volt by Ucrmnn sailors nt WilhclmB-have- n who would now predict that Germany Recognition of the k gunners commenced a heavy Arc. german despair peace. The American rear areas are being shelled and Fismcs is under a In protest tho contin- could obtain a military victory," nald This did not stop him. He tossed one good Premier Lloyd. Oeorgo to-d- in the Recognition of Courland, Lithuania, plank Into a temporary position and terrific fire of high explosives and gas. Our gunners are giving as uation of tho nubmnrlno wnr nro In grows each day; Ksthonla as Included in House of Commons. The Premier and Livonia then put tho other in place from tha as receive, or cve,n better. circulation, according to n despatch dermanj's sphere of Influence. they Gen. Koch's counter of- south pier to the pier In tho mlddlo to the Express rrom characterized Payment of Indemnities to Ger- Increasing German terror of falling into the hands of the Americans Amsterdam. Illusions broken fensive as tho most ibrllllant In tho many by tho Allies. of the river. Tho enemy lire becom- It Is reported that propagandists of war. Recognition of Germany's solution SOON AS ing warmer, Lieut, Mall jumped into can be observed. A hill southeast of Fismcs was littered with German annals of Polish question. POSSIBLE, among tho men Incited pallors about Tho Germans, said tho Premier, had the tho river nnd took cover on tho north dead, all shot in the back when the position had become untenable. They One Socialist Organ Says Hour Is Liberty of tho seas. bank. Afterward he recrosscd to tho to leave on at- attempted their land offensive because bv - Allies of overv submarine cruises to Renunciation - the . . - south bank and rejoined his command had fled rather than surrender. "Black and Dark," Another boycott tack their officers and surrender tho submarine offensive had failed. form of against Germany WAR DEPARTMENT PLAN umld cheers from the soldiers. Two wounded Germans, who had been biding three days, begged "War Can Be Lost." Ono hundred and fifty German sub- after tho war. At another point further west of tliclr ships or seek un opportunity Mr. Renunciation of Italy's claims Fismcs Mujor Francis It. Ncwcombcr IONOON. Aug. despondent marines have been destroyed, gardlng and Cnpt. P. Growdcn, not to be killed when they were brought in. They said their officers told to sink them In- ".Tho the Adriatic. James during and set themselves tone of tho lntcst German press com- Lloyd George announced; more than daylight, felled a tree across the Veslo terned In them the Americans took no prisoners. neutral harbors. ments Is emphasized dally In special half of them In tho last year. Ho (Continued From First I'asc.) nnd crossed to tho north bank. Thero Moro than fifty they chopped down An American balloon a submarines are despatches from Holland. A despatch said that until all the Atlles wcro de- another tree. observer made sixth daring leap to safety said to h.ivo disappeared. i HOTTEST DAY EVER which full toward tho southern bank. to tho Dally Mall from Tho H.aguo to- feated at sea Germany could never be asked to appear before Soon they completed when a German plane brought down his gas bag. In five previous at- Twcnty-thrc- o of tho ringleaders of afterward had day Includes an editorial by the Dus-soldo- rf triumph. advisa- footbridge with the tree trunks as tho revolt nro reported to have bcon the commlttco to discuss tho 11 tacks the Bodies had not got his balloon, but had forced him to jump. Nachrlchten, which says that Slnco August, 1914, Including those bility subject. stringers. Ncwcombcr and Growdcn arrested and sontenced to death. of the hnd gone uhcad of tho bridge building his ob- nobody looking Into tho can ulrcady colors, Great Britain Yesterday afternoon balloon was shot down in flames, but the Jinny others havo been at futuro with tho Senator Chamberlain said he was gang to tho position, and when tho nrrcstcd nn to war. said raised server landed safely after a parachute ride. Kiel and olsowhcre. It Is nd'dcd, see end tho alono, tho Premier, had not suro Just when tho committee gang arrived they found the work well "For though It Is truo that tho end for the army and navy G.MO.OOO men, would be nblo to report out tho bill. startcu. xne enemy discovered tna The recent resignation of Admiral footbrldgo slnco might como quickly," It adds, "It voluntarily. The re- soon afterward nnd von Iloltzcndorff us Chief of tho for tho most part Secretary Baker Is expected to has subjected It to n lively lire. could only un of terror In 1,000,000 i de- Naval Staff Is declurod to havo been bo end as dominions had contributed turn Saturday, nnd the committee GERMAN ATTACKS REPULSED Husslu." connected Km-per- men and India 1,130,000 men. sires to hear him beforo taking any with tho scandal. says CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. William, It Is added, has aban- Tho Vonvncrts of Herlln that Tho American army, the Premier action. of recent days at last (Continued From First Page.) doned mi Intended visit to tho fleet events have said, would soon bo not far short of Prohibition controversy may hold With nH cbarccv frou prrrlooa clone. ON VESLE AND IN CHAMPAGNE shattered tho Illusion, created by In- Jet at Wllhclmshnvcn this week because tho German army Itself. more from drowning, kept the pollco up consideration of the Draft Hill. Ilich lJUt. oh'ti, optimism, In- Ali.V-- .1 of tho ferment there. spired that Germany is In alluding to tho subject of peace, Under tho unanimous consent agree i floM illnf.. .H, (a vincible. It says; and ambulances on the run and filled .... .114 an'a ;i.i'i ZURICH. Aug. 7 (Havns Agency). ho said that tho people who had hospitals to overcrowding. ment for vacation recesses proposed .m. I'ar ti KJrr.. M' M people the Thero Am. Can , .. 401 4IIS Albert Hallln and Holzcndorff. "Tho German nt last realize In evidence, prohibition Is to bo taken up Railroad Station Occupied West of Braisne Hcrr mado tho war wcro still were twenty-eig- ht cases of prostra- wartime ,im, nwii, un TS'i as Ilnmburg-Amcrlca- n the colossal gravity of tho situation, Am. Sum. Toh J.'to directors of tho and they could not havo peace so 1 whon the Senate reconvenes, with a hi us nave courago to as tion In Manhattan alono up to Am. Tel. Tel. Co. 1Ui lHIi New Advance in Montdidier Area. Steamship Line, havo resigned as Let admit that long ns thoy we're predominant In tho final vote on Aug. 20. This can only Am. Tolrtvu IVl... 1IIO IK7 l.VI a long as tho war Is not ended It Is not o'clock. Am. AWtolU-- ., M'i r. r."i s members of tho German Kconomtc councils of the enemy. Kvoryono Jinny manufactories, shops and of be sot aside by unanimous consent. Anamnda Minim; ., 1X14 M, kl REPORT' says despatch received won and can bo lost. At., Top. tc N. C, M 3 Mt 'I FRENCH Council, a wanted peace, the Premier added, flees closed early In tho afternoon, Sonator Sheppard of Texas, prohibi llal.twin 1H. IMS 1J4 Tho principal .V !. W. to-da- y North Oerman orjran Kilt. lllil.i fill, PARIS, Aug. 7. The statement issued hero from Hamburg. peace half-holid- tion leader In tho Senate, expressed Klt r4'.s by the War Office of tho majority Socialists, tho Hucrg-c- r but It must be a that was Just giving a to thousands of IMh. M.vl II M Kl4 l'ood conditions In Vienna became und durable ono with power be- the opinion that unanimous consent II. It. T 4l'4 reads as follows: every during the Zoltung of Ilromen, says: employees. llil, lr. Wmt. --IS a:; more critical month It. agreement could not be obtnlned un rjj.. ji. .v ,st. t..v.. Is hind Mayor Ilylan Issued an order that ! "In the region of Montdidier our troops have made some local first half it 1318, according to an "Wack and dark tho hour. The up ('. M. fi S. t. 7T.; peoplo should havo tho uso of the less tho Draft Hill can bo taken I III, llii .v f.lec. . mC ii official report. It Is stated that the sacrifices mado by tho peoplo are Im- the I'rM To. ... 41 4.1 progress Framicourt Mesnil-S- t. of practically no 0m l, 4' 11 south of and southeast nf Georges (west city Is paying 42,000.000 crowns a measurable, and those of tho fifth year FINDS U. S. NEGROES parks for sleeping accommodations nnd disposed with I'pl.lle Mih ... (uii: t Ctrtn IVuw .sugar. . .HI'I .toi of Montdidier). month towurd tho support of soldiers' of the wnr will be gigantic, but no as long ns tho heat wavn lasts. debate. IliM. Kv. Oon. .. f.7S rsv 'i, families. The expenditure BAYONET lien. Mrttrrs Co. . . l.'--is 1411 total relief refreshing breath of freedom and EXPERTS WITH Tho thermometer rose steadily. lin-n- Nor. Ore... .11 1, "Along the Vesle the French last night ri pulsed German attempts up was 4S.000.000 WALL GOSSIP. .Hi till the end of June clvtc equality blows through the op- Jumping thrco degrees between S nnd STREET Imri1ratin I'oiijvr K La crowns. Smelting and Ilcfinlng lnliT. .N'ickeJ . . , . , M'i WS S against Grange Farm (west of Braisne) and occupied the station at pressive night of our discontent." o'clock, four in the next hour and American KennTnit rrr,ir, Mi 'I HOM13, Aug. 7. prisoners Veterans, De- Company Quarterly dlcldenda lof 1V4 l.ih. 3 Van... Kai.ia) I'l.tM ou.oS:S 2 Qry-Salsogn- e. Austrian Excel Even French 94 11 o'clock. . , We made too prisoners east cf Braisne. declare mutinies, und rcnchlng degrees at The per cent, on coinnion stock, and l?i per istan mi in. HI. JO IM.'JI IB that desertions Gou-rand- 's Uh. 1wn at is Austria-H- clare Officers of Gen. humidity stood 60 degrees "In Champagne a local attack was directed this morning against our riots are occurring constantly In LITTLE ITEMS SHOW at at that cent, on tho preferred. Common paya "VIS IM.flll IM.IH C i Mb. til n.i.M V.I.-.- 11.1.40 18 ungary, according to despatches Forces. hour, and the brcezo had died down hie Sent. IB to stock record Aug. 23. Pre Iaw Vt,, position south of Auberive. It was thrown back." 3 Irib. lvvn lat Il 40 III n :io 10 arc to three miles an hour from .tho fcrred puyable Sept. to stock record Mer. Marine itit. from tha Italian front. Deserters HOW BADLY SCARED 7. returning Aug. 12. .Mer. pf 117. fHOT 1, - PARIS. Aug. Officers Marine forming bands of outlaws, and In Mo- un- northwest, a mcro puff of air. It is .viei. HUH from tho front descrlbo with Miami lnoi 40,000 or- - ht V. W. Wool worth Company July . ravin one armed band of predicted that will bo tho , lpirt GERMANS REALLY ARE measured admiration the valor of the 19-- ;i..-- . . . , , RECAPTURE GROUND gunlzed, tho despatches said. At year moro uncom- nli tS.rIS.l2. Increase ncr cent Mo. I'aelfie BRITISH American negro troops brigaded with hottest of tho and Increased 0 per tho 97th seven months" sules Mo. I'wifle pf il.l Regiment, consist- tho French under den. Oouraud, of fortable than nny of tho preceding cent. .N'eia.U OinMotMatcil SO'i i'nl, jssi ing of 2,000 soldiers, mutinied on May Norfolk lc Wett... laVi v: Nervous Air Raids, Rhclms. Tho negroes nro marveffous nights. V, Central 23, looting head- Over Situation Sinclair Oil Company- - Iteport for S, .... 7; TAKEN YESTERDAY BY and setting fire to fighters with tho bayonet. In tho uso lames J. Monahan, forty, a bar N, Y. N. II 4011 40 4014 J quarters. They were quelled after in Russia, Failure of Drive three months shows net earnings of nMo cm nu of which they excel even tho French tender, of No. 20C West 80th .Street, JI.1M7.W1. Surplus after charges, tuxes (int. HIIitt sh one iiflcer and four soldiers were veteruns. They have broken all French $2,IS7,W'J. IViin Kit 4.1 Kaiser Appeals io Austria. 10 und Interest 4.", - In ilrtir! In was stricken In front of No. West Pennie s Ola 4 s killed, Might soldiers wcro executed. nrm. Mdnnt. .illtnr ll.t frtint V;'' i', SOth nt 1 o'clock and died be I'ltl foal On etf. .M'i Bray-Corb- ie 7. - j knife Street American Tobacco Company Dlvl lUy (Vr.H;r. . Advance Along the Road, WASHINGTON, Aug. Docu- of Ihnm with the luvoner. r.ill. Bl, SI North of medical aid could him. 111 111 Pi.innh nftlrprrf luivo nri.rH mnrn foro reach It dtnd u S per cent. In scrip on tho com- ID. mm Sonne. .. . NOMINATIONS IN QUEENS. ments captured by Ilritlsh uirmcn bo. negro regiments and divisions bo ssnt wns said that death was caused by mon stock payable Sept. 3, to stock Ileaillrw H7'i r to tight alongside apoplexy, superinduced by Aug IS. lleii Steel II- -' li 1U K Somme River and Along Clarence River. which at their side and the heat. record ri'aleunl Air Moe.. IU 111 V tray tho stato of excltomcnt colonial divisions. :12 African French Mneialr Oil s :cl :2S 4--i Hoard nf l'.lretlunn Aiiiinnnrr tlir prevails along Ocrmnny's Hhlncland Copper Conference adjourned nnd Mrm.SlieffieM 111 111 BRITISH REPORT (.'mi ill en CABINET CRISIS IN SPAIN. 1 Hontlwni I'aelfic. . . . K4 dnt for onler. price fixed to Nov. nt 2614 cenU, an Southern ItalNay... ni'l Counter-attackin- because of tho persistent bombing by one-nu- n ai'i LONDON, Aug. 7. g between the Ancre and the Tim Hoard of Klcctlons y an- SARATOGA WINNERS. advance or ccni. Sluilellu Cn 44", 441; 1 Germany Teiaa Company.... 11 1.-- nounced for nomination In Queens Kngllsh aviators. DUIiIrd on Action Against Tirfiaivo . Somme, British troops early this morning regained all three-year-ol- 1'rMliha. ns4 the more important County tho following: FIHST RACK For maidens; for Sinking Ship. Floating Mine Found Off Morlchcn, fulled Oimr hlorm. Phi w IKI'i When tho Allied bombers wero over nnd upward; purse C00; six I'mon Pacific fiHi Ul l"l J. positions lost yesterday southwest of Morlancourt, and took a number of Stanley C. Fowler, lawyer of Nopon-se- t, furlongs. Out tho Way, 115 (Hobin-son- ), MADRID, Aug. 7. A Cabinet crisis Kivlal lo Tho Errnlca Workl.1 II. H, O, I. I'llw.. II VVi i:iH 1 - I'J-- 'J Coblenz alarms were rung In Col- 7 to 6. 3 to 6. 1 to 3, won; QUOGUE, L. I.. Aug 7. A floating I'. S. Ind. Alni... 127 ' to-da- y. for Congress; for Senator In Uie I'orto Is Impondlnsas the result of the sink- H. lUilh'.x prisoners, Field Marshal Haig announced (Imp.), 115 (IJuxton), C to 3, l;. Ill 1'I Second District, ogno stopped. was as Drapcnu ships by to be of tho typo used by H. Henry Uaum, news- and work It 1 3, ing of Spanish German sub- mine said I' Steel 1lli llHi K it 4 to 5, to second; IVInflrmlerc l.lih M) The text of the London War Office statement reads as follows: paper man of Woodhavcn; In the Third It llaltlmore should ceaso work in (Imp.), 110 (Ensor), 30 to 1, 10 to 1, marines. Ministers are divided as to flermuny was washed un on the beach IIiwht Nli win l' be If any. west of Moriches Const Guard Station Vlni..Cani t"ltn.. M WIS MIS British Senatorial District, Charles A, Woods alarm at un attack on Washington. 5 to 1, third. Time, 1.11 Mancha. what action shall taken. Wal'aah pf. A. . 37 s a?; 1, "At an early hour this morning the troops holding the sector Tortonl, rtarono. Feasant, last night. Government officials buvo Wift K. A- SI..., 4)'I 41 of Long Island City; for County Clerk, Itlscult, exploded i a Mr. Ilrlght Angel, d, viewed the mine, which will be Weel, Un. Tel. . 77 ; TN,, counter-attacke- 7,-- Tho Nolawn, Ned, of Wis- - on our front southwest of Morlancourt d and regained all State Senator Farrenkopf ; for 8hcrlff, 55UIUCIT, Aug. Ncuodunch- - Rppresentntlve llnvlilion removed. A llfn belt was washed up WlllrannUinl (ii. 19S ion ; Star Hen. Itubbcr 2d. Wingold, or K lll, 11. ronaln Dead. hoach at Westhampton with the itltMen.1. Dr. Arthur Keating; for the Assem- richer Nachrlchten doclares that tho Cousin O'Mlne, Point to Point and on the Hlm k 1M.40O. of the more important portions of the ground taken from them by the WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 representa namo San Diego stencilled across the Totl aalce. bly, Peter Lenlngcr In the First Dis- Gorman Ithcima Man 'o tho Hour also ran. retreat at and Arras H. Davidson of Oskosli. Wis,. front. enemy in his attack yesterday. All the objectives of our counter-attac- k trict, Joseph Oanilngcr of Middle Vil- tive James wus duo to tho necessity of sending last nlBht in NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. lage In the Second District, Henry 13. died of heart failure this I. 1 I In ',have been secured and a number of prisoners captured by us. troops to Russia, SARATOGA ENTRIES. city. Ho was u member of tho Military Norivny out Vesneln July. upon, nigii. i)w, CT0.1. l'llco of Jamaica In tlm Fourth Dis LONDON. Aug. 7. Norway lost four- Aug...... 28.85 2R.S5 2S.H js.lg Commiliea oi mo iiuusc, ,n 311 "As the result of the action of our patrols yesterday and during the trict, Uilwln A. Thompion of and was serving hi iy through war causes durlnir Oct ... 29.30 29 2S 05 28.1:1 Richmond IIRIINK, Aug. 7. The Kaiser has FinOT It.rB l'.w diiminr years old. ninth teen vessels Dec .. 2S.2fl 2S.SH 27 fi4 27.B4 ! lml( frl"nir.- - "nimnl. St ijnwi-Un- , Congress. Hill In the Fifth District, and William fita li": term In month of It was announced by . 27.911 night we have advanced our line a short distance astride the Clarence appoalcd to Hmperor Karl to start Jlft; .triumphant ilm;,. (n; Sin Knorhr. the Jul, Jan. 2S.5H 27.K5 17.67 M. . . . . 2S 00 28.15 51 O'llurn In tho .sixth District. lid: Antulnftt,. limn I, H7: 1'nulUior. 10; . tho Norwegian Legation hero to.dn. March 27 27 51 mother offensive on tho Italian front, I'lrnli-- . .River (in the Lys iector) and captured a few prisoners and two machine l (Nttirrmin iin.i.i. rf.qii, us; ,ir. Chltil Killed nn Wnr lo Th tonnage of lh" vessels lout aggre- May .... 28.20 28 24 28 00 28.00 lo relieve tho pressure against tho rile limit. 1IJ. 'IllUllnlnil.i: HW lla.trtin. 101: TltlONTON, N. J., Aug. 7 Angelina gated 15.111. Flfiy-llv- o sailors wore lost Market rinsed weak, off 75 to 123 guns. PLENTY OF ICE TO HAD Iwon Juir, 11:.': Kttiutuuu. 105; MiiIto 1'.. 11:.'; during Uio month points BE Germans on tho west front, accord Yuumvl. 11- -. Helvlml, eleven years old, of No. SSI "A party of our troops successfully rushed one of the enemy posts NIX'OX!) HACK V,r tlirrc.j.-t- r 1.U: mndl. wns ing to a Vienna despatch received r.--J: Itnebllng Avenue, crushed tn Ileum; on nilte, I'jnMi (Imp.) y last night north of Yieux Uerquin (on the north side of the Lys sector). No ll 1 of MmrtnKp or 1,'Kmuii uinr.i.i, Tinll death when an automobile IinI lllnlnir horo (Imn.l. 110: 11: UMwr, US chil- I'rli't'o, ('oiiiiiilmiliiiicr (Idi-- I lailnlmrt, IIS; AhH Him..). lM. truck mien wun singing sciinui "The hostile artillery lias been active east Hobecq iii Mer-vil- le !ii)a way of and the T1IIUII' ll.U.r Km now )cMl rl l,n-- dren on their to a picnic at and Dickebusc'i sectors." lorKcm watching tho mercury 7IUIUCH, Switzerland. Aug. 7. Tho wftni: Miinj: tlx .m.iiiiic, in: jviii. I 'ark was struck by a trolley creep up tho while hope of ending tho war by rnr nt Division and Hamilton Avenuex tube tho persplrutlon German a SKe,''Tio:,"f,n,K.uri, S' None of the others wus Injured. ' creeps down their spines may find military decision beforo tho arrival of !,j''VV,m4'1. ''"'IV.- ,V.f,,'..'v ,nff .'iSKii' jPENNYA POUNDPRO FIT In the fact that the ten homes tlm Amerlcnius wns blasted by tho Hatiiy avlirv. HI I'Uaauit la&jna, HU: ii.i-.i-i I'ope Wrltm Irish t'ndlolIrA mi H11Z.1 UITI I j YANKEES IN WOEVRE tn tho II. SECTOR city have a bountiful supply nf recent Allied offensive, says tho So- - lMritTil UACM; Tin AU1'm: fv fllllr: I'ntrlollu Duty, tho frozen blessing. nowspapor, SCeltung thri-.- ' iiur ultli: out' mil ami a ipurtpr liU'lM, KOMI:, Aug. 7. Tho Popo hits writ- cl.illst Arboltcr of II. ltjui"it, r.oiiituo uk:. i, jijuur to Irish episcopacy, pointing out Trnde MnrU. 1'iuiii the nfflte of Olell u.mrjr. 111. lit; ten tho Vienna. f the patriotic duties of Irish Catholics, BEAT OFF TWO FOE ATTACKS Slate Ico Conitntsiloncr, coined won P1PPII HArK Th lluwm: Hiiw.jfur Mid-Wee- ," news-pape-, sas announced Tho letter will k Extra Special: Wednesday Is unit thero Is no possibility "Tho Allies says the r, and urittanl: h.uulliun: .flints: rai mil. It the Last Day nf an UW .Man. IN' MivMl lato llmnV 112: HanV lie published Immediately upon Its niiruiKe wim oasnn, nor is thero any "have n Chief whoso namo In- Mil lurr, Nianmui, ldi. !niunir. Iin CIIOCOI.VTK I'OVHUKU, CHKOI.i: l'CTl'KUJIINT I'ATTIKN The.e meets reason for tlm raisliiK of the prlco of .Mimoiran, jui: 'iocviueari.r lime irntrin "f rlelilv Milrril ream, flimirnt wllli riiiet Oil nf 1'rnorrinln ih; , ...-- . . ., .(,i,-,iii- spires conlldcnco and whose ability ION; rWklin, Hi, nriKJIiriin 11 iiKioi in ...... iraiuTn no unyuiicie in the city. lUin.t. l Cliiiculatr. u Ten More Is no way Inferior to SIXTH HACK Pr niaWpn two fire a rlimk nf mir rlrh. fnmninl. leltrtr It' uomlerfulir Americans Are Commended in General in that of aixl a nan inriimia. - vnunH, no;iwltii lilic eunili' liiirKiiln "I me nnre nuirii nv name. l l'Ol'Nl) 1IOX FOOD RIOTS IN SPAIN. or von Hmdenburg." 11.1: l!m, 11.1; llruiwmaml, 115: ITnr WeilneMliir the Ut ilav. 25c Orders for Gallantry in Action in tivu. IKi; 1'iuitoral Ktln. l'.a. vut I oil. 11.1 .Skrlrfiv. 11L: .Stuilor Ohm. ll.V Talk.r JU1.I Offerings Wednesday, Ilulinuny Girl US. M'lir Mrj, IIS: I'eiw, US: iVoKiantlno Saying Attractive for Aug. 7 Vosges on (iiiiKliililJiiru llreniilnrrrl. (Innii.l, lin. I'an.lU. l.'irlil limn 1, 110: Manda- iS Raid July 20. Outlirrnli line In Poor MT. K1SCO, N. J , Aug 7 rin'. (W. Il.": US. Mailraj IjIiu Olady Mm.mill. .1 1: 1. 1 v 11'-- lUwmiiatlt- - 110. llrrinl lluilllt). Horton, Marie D.ivls and (lladys Ouu- - lum. ': AsonTr.i i i: it i: ii askii) WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Aug. 7 (Associated 'Aliwtira al'on,v Truk f4t (11111,1. S Thene lire riiijsii nn KiMln. Aim. 7 thlcr, who escaped Monday from tho 1,1 a, Kiiiirktlnir nf Jieilri of friili Press.) Two raids in the W'oevre were eve- m'ADA1AJ.UA. No sugar is rt rinr, rlneneil fnill I, enemy beaten off Monday Stuto ItefonmUory Women Ded-for- tn n linrlnu, Serious outbreaks hnvo ocrurrrd here for at (irnln Slilpments Are Ini'rennlnlt. rrmliitll'i'd Jellied rlrlin..., ('..lleetlnn ore. ning by the Americans. owing to tho hlKh cost of living mid tho wcro captured lato yastcrday In WAHIIINOTON, Aug. with the prrnenteil In uii. Ilhirklirrrlei., Hiikii. poor Suired nrietv of linn-nl- quality of bread. Shot Imve been tho woods near the Institution and not atlng the assertion that grain produc- ilenlne IViiiIii-- . llununnH. The following officers and men have been commended in orders food ure to lil for exchanged bet ween the demoiutranU fur from tho citato of Mr, Seth Ixiu. tion this year has been larger than this flaior, mill fherrle. ei err menilii'r ol ilhuieil In gallant conduct during the raid in the and the police. The nro es- Thinking ihcy cro walking IHrl ri,., July 20, Vosges: Capt. Roy N. crowds toward the Government nnd her associates in the Hi, fiimlli from the iiniluni ('renin ,n, pecially Incctued ngulnst the shop- line, they figures y iHiNhlr rniereil E, Connecticut travelled In a war had hoped for, revealed v w Vnrk, ivllh Perkins, hrst IJeuts. Will Rolf, Paul W. Masters, Louis Scott and keepers public In the ten day period between niinshter Slnrrit Nf und the authorities. circle around the reformatory grounds. that In Drooklrn NrnurU Mill."' Walter S. L. July 15 -- grain shipments Krundiis. ( Kirkpatrick; Second Lieut. Arthur Theles, Sergt. .ludsnn They wero seen by a and exceeded IIOX 34c 'hnrntntt. l chauffeur and In 1917 by Grapettuts J or locnllonn Gundaliijnrit of period h provincial capital wero by thno tho same fiaft tt rnr.Nn nox 54c Walker, Corp!. Carl W. Turner and Privates Earl captured two men 611 tririiiiuiie D. Sullivan and Earl P. thirty-fou- r miles northeuat of .Madrid, and a 15 cars. The total movement this tiiiriiorT woman marshal who were sent by Miss ear was tt),vi cars, against z,sa cars The speclflcit nelsht (nrludee the container. OJuser. It has a population of about 12,000. Helen Cobb, tho Superintendent. in 1317. I n ii. i i, M4iimt ii fr W . - i . y ' . It ; . .,''