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By-Schein, Martin W. . Report of the ActionCommittee on Bioengineering. Commission onUndergraduate Natural Resot ?s,Washington. D.C.; Commission on Educationin and Education in theBiological Sciences,Washington. D.C. Pub Date Oct 67 Note- 1,4p:, CUEBSPublication No. 21c EDRS Price MF-SO.25HC-SO.80 *Educational Programs, Science, ConferenceReports, *Curriculm, Descriptors-*BiologicalSciences, *College Sciences, Specialists,Undergraduate Study Higher Education.Mathematics, Physical Education in * , Natural Resources.Comm. Undergraduate Identifiers-CEANAR, Com&Education in Agriculture Biolog. Sciences,CUEBS of knowledgegained by a Bioengineering hasbeen defined as'the application be more and the biologicalsciences sothat both will crossfertilization of engineering Bioengineering has atleast six areasof for the benefitof mankind' (3) fully utilized (2) environmentalhealthengineering. application:(1)medicalengineering. engineering. and(6) human (4) bionics,(5) fermentation their agricultural engineering. bioengineerswillspecializein factors engineering.Tofillfuture needs, be to thebiologist as the quantitativebiology. Theseengineers will knowledge of Recommendationsfor a four-year electrical engineeristo today'sphysicists. mathematics are in biologicaland plAysicalsciences and undergraduate program is discussedand concepts tobe presented in thisreport. A corebiology program (BC) included in thiscore are listed inthe appendix.




R. E. Stewart (Chairman) L. D. Jensen Department of Agricultural Engineering Department of Environmental Ohio State University Engineering Science Johns Hopkins University J. H. Anderson Department of Agricultural Engineering K. H. Norris Mississippi State University Animal Division United States Department of K. K. Barnes Agriculture . Department of Agricultural Engineering University of Arizona V. H. Scott Department of Water Sciences and C. W. Hall Engineering Department of Agricultural Engineering University of California , Davis Michigan State University F. J. Hassler Department of Biology and Agricultural Engineering North Carolina State University

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Committee Sponsored By

Commission on Undergraduate Education Commission on Education in Agriculture in the Biological Sciences (CUEBS) and Natural Resources (CEANAR) 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. 2101 Constitution Avenue , N . W. Washington, D. C. 2003 6 Washington, D. C. 20418

CN CUEBS Publication No. 21c 00 October,,19 67


In 1965 the Commission on Undergraduate Education in the Biological Sciences (CUEBS) established a Panel on Preprofessional Training in the Agricultural Sciences (PPTAS) to consider the following questions:

(1) What preparation in basic biology, physical sciences and mathematics is desirable for students planning careers in the agricultural sciences? (2)To what extent can agricultural curricula include the same biology core program taken by other biological science majors? The panel early recognized that it would be an Herculean task to evaluate adequately all the implications involved in the questions posed, especially when students in such di- vergent areas (e.g.,forestry, wildlife, food science, agricultural engineering, pre- veterinary medicine) were to be considered. In an effort to obtain the broadest thinking possible, six action committees composed of scientists from universities throughout the country were created in cooperation with the Commission on Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (CEANAR). Each action committee considered one of the following areas: animal sciences, plant and soil sciences, natural resources,food sciences, bioengineering, social sciences; and each was charged with the responsibility for studying and recommending desirable preparation in the biological sciences and cognate disciplines for undergraduates majoring in the committee's area of specialization. The committees were asked to think in terms of requirements for students who will be pro- fessional scientists and agricultural production workers in the 1980s.' The following report is from one of the action committees. The ideas expressed in the report are those of the action committee members and not necessarily those of either of the sponsoring Commissions. The PPTAS position paper itself is available as CUEBS Publication No. 17.

Martin W. Schein Director, CUEBS INTRODUCTION

This report was originallydesigned to study the meaningand value of biology with respect to future educationof agricultural engineers.(A secondary goal was to study and recommend desirableinstruction in the physical sciencesand mathematics.) How- ever, it was soonapparent to the committeethat most areas of engineeringpractice will require some degreeof systematic biologicalknowledge for the fullest measure of service in the years ahead.

It was thereforedecided to consider thebiological content which mightbe valuable for all engineering curricula ofthe near future; in addition,special emphasis was given to those curriculawhich have a strong biologicaldimension at present and whichwill have an even stronger one inthe future. of Since 1893 engineeringeducation has been improvedand stimulated by a series distinguished reports andrecommendations. These includedthe Wickenden Report Report of 1952- of 1923-29,the Hammond Reports of1940 and 1944, and the Grinter 55. Currently, the "Goalsfor "report is under discussion throughout the . None of these reports contains morethan passing reference toneeds of engineering students for study of biology,although the "Goals" reportdoes indicate that biology should be taught to some engineersand that bioengineering maibe an engineering science of the future. Someignore biology completely,while others assume that a course or two willhave been taken in highschool, or as a casual collegeelective. Thus, it appears that a trulyserious examination ofthe place of biology inengineering education has not been accomplished.To avoid misunderstanding,it must be real- ized that this present report is not anattempt to present such anexamination; it is the hope, however, that this report maystimulate the profession tocareful consider- ation of how biological sciencemight contribute a majorcomponent to engineering education of the future. The Grinter Report states that:"The obligations of anengineer as a servantof society involve the continualmaintenance and improvementof man's material environment, within economicbounds and the substitutionof labor-saving devices for human effort." The overall,continuing objectiveof engineering is tomodify man's environment and to makethis earthly home abetter one in the material sense. Engineers have been doing thisfor countless centuriesby purely empiricalmethods. In fact, engineeringtechnologies long preceded therise of science andthe scien- tific method. The 19th and 20th centuries,however, brought trainingof engineers into the univers- ities and brought science intothe training. Nowthe study of physics andchemistry precedes the design ofmachines and processes,and with this change has comethe -2- rising status of a professional who applies scientificprinciples to solution of human.problems. The successof this approach is self-evident.The question is whether theapproach is adequate to meet thedemands which will be exacted of future engineers. Up to now, superficialknowledge of human mass, dimension,and capacity for physical force has been adequatefor design of vehicles, buildings,roads, bridges, and similar.devices. Likewise,systems of food production andwaste disposal have been engineered by using onlyempirical knowledge of macro-. andmicro- scopic forms of life.It is believed that this era is nowcoming to a close. Aspopulation sharply increases, communicationsimprove and great wars areeliminated, the needs for more complex food-preducing systems,increased control of waste products,and rational transportation media(to name a few) will require detailedand precise knowledge of living systems (includingman), their response to externalstimuli, and environmental tolerances. The empirical methodsof engineering interaction withliving systems will inevitably be replaced by newforms of science utilized by newkinds of engineers. This new approach will demand morethan a casual acquaintance withthe life sciences as future engineers areeducated. The greatest biological problemengineers will face in the future isrecognition and definition of the problem itself. This isbecause the behavior of that whichlives is less predictable that that which doesnot live. Even so, biology israpidly emerging as a quantifiablescience; its premises and parameters arebeing quantified; therefore, biology is ready to enter engineeringeducation in the way physics wasready 60 years ago. With this in mind,it seems evident that mostfuture problems with which engi- neers will beconcerned will contain a strongbiological dimension. Some ofthese future problems are:(1) the produCtion of an adequatefood supply, including develop- ment of food sources otherthan traditional agriculture;(2) the processing, .packaging, and transport of food, worldwide,and perhaps interplanetary;(3) maintenance of an adequate water supply; (4) the managementof waste and pollution; (5)appropriate uses for land areati; (6) design of newand better structures, vehiclesand systems of public transport; (7) provision of engineeringservice to the biomedicalneeds; (8) improvement of communications, problem-solving,and data processing systems. There are, of course, other problems atthe engineering-biologyinterface; many cannot yet be defined, even in suchgeneral terms.

This committee therefore recommendsthat all engineering curriculainclude much more life science instruction in the nearfuture. Details are discus Sectlater in this report. Beyond the situation just outlined,there is emerging a classof engineers whose needs for formal biology are moredetailed and comprehensive.The word "bioengineer" is widely used to describe theseengineers, althouah itsdefinition is still in the unsteady state. -3

Bioengineering is being practiced in a broad spectrum.Subcommittee B (Instrument- ation) of the Engineers Joint Council, Committee on EngineeringInteractions with Biology and Medicine, has defined bioengineering as"the application of knowledge gained by a cross fertilization of engineering and thebiological sciences so that both will be more fully utilized for the benefit of man." Bioengineering has at least six areas of applicationincluding: Medical Engineering - the application ofengineering to medicine to provide replacement for damage structure. Environmental Health Engineering - the applicationof engineering principles to control the environment so that it will be healthfuland safe. Agricultural Engineering - the applicationof engineering principles to problems of biological production and to the external operations andenvironment that influence it. Bionics - the study of the function and principlesof operation of living systems with application of the knowledge gained to the designof physical systems. Fermentation Engineering - engineering related tomicroscopic biological systems which are used to create new productsby synthesis. Human Factors Engineering - the applicationof engineering, physiology, and psych- ology to the optimization of the man-machinerelationship. At any rate, it can be seen that many,if not most.future problems listed previously will be engaged by persons qualified as bioengineers. The present generation of bioengineers is largelylacking in formal study of biology. They function qt:Lte effectively throughsympathetic communication with biological and medical practitioners , and through in-servicetraining and study. This is waste- ful, inefficient, and inconvenient. The futurebioengineer must have a knowledge of living systems approaching that possessedby professionals in biology. There are those willing to predict that bioengineeringis the next great expansion frontier of engineering. This is based on thereasonable assumption that most future engineering problems will be sOlved in abiological context of one kind or another. The expanding space program is an example:engineers are now designing closed environments for use far from the earthly home,in territories which are frighteningly hostile to man. These engineering systems arebuild around the most subtle physio- logical needs of the human, so that the man andthe machine are perfectly adapted to each other. Perhaps some day our automobileswill be designed in a similar fashion. Many other examples of present and futureinteractions of engineering with agriculture, biology and medicine could be advanced. However, itis perhaps sufficient to say that we are sure that future graduates., in the nextdecade or so, will be required to solve problems that are presently ill-defined.Therefore, programs of study should be soundly based on fundamental principles of biologicaland physical science as well -4 as mathematics.It is deemed of high importancethat the biological sciencebe taught from an analyticalviewpoint; that is, study offunction and mechanism by use of chemistry, physics, andmathematics. To fill these future needs, someengineers (bioengineers) will behighly specialized and concentrated in theirknowledge of quantitative biology.These engineers will be to the biologist as theelectrical of today is tothe physicist. However, all engineers will be increasinglyconcerned with biological processes.To facilitate communication across the spectrumof engineering, all engineerswill need some training in biological science,and some engineers will needconsiderable training beyond that. It is in this frameworkthat the following recommendations aredeveloped.

SUGGESTED .BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE'INSTRUCTION ,FOR 'ENGINEERS Physiology and *ecology shouldcomprise the main foundation inbiological sciences for engineers. The eMphasisshould be placed on themechanismsof biological systems rather than on thestructures. A biology "cOre" of one yearof 3 or 4 hours per weekshould be available for engi-. neering students. Additional coursesof specialized nature should beavailable for the third or fourth year to meetthe needs of particular engineeringfields. The core should be unified and integrated topresent, for engineers, aclear and concise view of the unity of function in livingsystems. Above all, this unity amongliving organisms should be stressed; it should bethe basis of the core; however,diversity among organisms should not beoverlooked. Emphasis should be placed uponthe cellular foundationsof organisms. The physical- chemical and biological influencesof the environment upon everyorganism should be presented to illustrate the waysin which various organisms meetthe challenge of the environment. The biology core should bepreceded by one year of mathematics,one year of chemistry, and taken at leastconcurrently with physics.Further, it is important that these courses (math andphysical science) be used as abasis for teaching the biology courses. Engineers mustbe challenged in these courses.So Me biological science courses are taught tonon-science and non-engineeringstudents, who are often lacking in physical sciencesand mathematics, thus forcing adescriptive approach.It is emphasized thatthe student engineers will notbe challenged by descriptive teaching methods; theywill, however, respond well to arigorous analytical approach. This may requirespecial courses for studentsof engineering and physical science. -5-

which the committeebelieves would constitute a A general outlineof subject matter given in valuable one-year corecurriculum in biologyfor students of emphasis should beplaced on unity offunction and a quantitative Appendix A. Again, be assigned forself-study. mode of teaching.Some of thesuggested topics might Some will havebeen presented inhigh school. interests of mostengineering disciplines.Beyond this, The core would serve common similarities in interests and needswill divergeconsiderably. There arenot enough objectives in each ofthe engineeringfields to identify courses needs or clarity in common interests needed by all,beyond the core. At afuture date, should more bioengineering) , additionalsubject matter forthe core develop,(i.e.,for the field of should emerge. however, additional commonrequirements for theentire field of bio- At this time, needs must be metthrough a flexible system engineering cannotbe identified. Special knowledge of micro- example, fermentationengineering requires of electives. For water and wastetreat- biology, medicalengineering requiresknowledge of anatomy, ment requiresbiochemistry, etc.

SCIENCES RECOMMENDATIONSCONCERNING PHYSICAL mathematics--are essentialto a The physicalsciences--physics,chemistry and of engineering;instruction in this areawill strong undergraduateprogram in all areas level. How- the colleges anduniversities at anincreasingly advanced De offered in curricula in the various areasof ever, thecomments in thissection apply only to bioengineering. special preparationin mathematicsand physical The committeebelieves that some curriculum is science beyond thatusually expected in anaccredited engineering biological subject matterbeyond the core needed for fullestcomprehension of organic Such specialpreparation wouldinclude probability, recommended above. biochemistry, chemistry, modernphysics, and perhapsbiophysics and

M6thenlatics of the most commonlyused and powerfultools of the engineer. Mathematics is one solution for bothbiological It can often bethe only linkbetween a problem and a Recommendations of theCommittee on theUndergraduate and physical systems. reviewed.* It isrecommended that theproposed Program inMathematics-have been serve as a General Curriculum,consisting of five courses, basic program of the bioengineering field. minimum for allengineering studentspreparing for the

P. 0. Box1024, * The Committee onthe Mathematici, Berkeley, California94701. -6-

These courses are: Mathematics 1.Introductory Calculus (3 or 4semester hours. Prerequisite: Elementary Functions). Mathematical Analysis (3 or4 semester hours each. .Mathematics 2 and 4. Prerequisite for Mathematics2: Mathematics 1.Prerequisite for Mathematics 4: Mathematics2 and 3) Techniques of one variable,calculus,series, multi-variablecalculus, differential equations. Mathematics 3 .Linear Algebra (3 semesterhours, Prerequisite: Mathematics 1). Systems of linear equations,vector spaces , lineardependence, bases, dimension, linear mappings ,matrices,determinants, quadraticforms, orthogonal reduction to diagonalform, eigenvalues, geometricapplications. Mathematics 2P. Probability(3 semester hours. Prerequisite:Mathematics 1). An introduction toprobability and statisticalinference making use ofcalculus developed in Mathematics 1. Variation in the above sequence mayarise through differinghigh school background. This series of coursesvaries from the usualengineering requirementsby the groater emphasis on linear algebra andinclusion of probability.The latter is considered to be essential for introductoryand advanced courses inbiological sciences.

Chemistry The field of bioengineeringwill rely heavily upon athorough background inchemistry, including biochemistry, forsolution of problems in foodprocessing, storage, waste management, soil and waterplant relations, and designof systems for environmental control for humans andanimals. In addition to inorganicchemistry, an introduction to the basic conceptsof both physical chemistryand organic chemistry isessential. It thay be desirable tosubstitute organic chemistryfor analytical chemistryand/or quantitative analysis becauseof the importance ofcarbon compounds inbiological systems. Topics whichwill need to beAncluded arethe basic laws ofchemical combination, equilibrium ,oxidation-reduction, energyrelationships, reactions as influenced by density, volumeand pressure. Laboratoryexperience is considered essential. Physics The physics courses shouldstimulate the interest ofstudents in the laws of nature, and in the application.s ofphysics to engineeringtechnology. They shouldfamiliar- ize the student withbasic principles of bothclassical and modernphysics,which include concepts andtechniques that facilitatesynthesis, analysis anddesign by the engineer. -7--

Modern physics is importantfor the bioengineer becauseof the increasing interest in atomic and molecularphenomena in the biologicalsciences. Concepts that should beincluded are mechanics,properties of matter,electricity, magnetism, heat, wavemotion, sound and light,and atomic and nuclearphysics. Laboratory sections foreach of these topics areconsidered desirable.It is expected that a minimumof two semesters of4.hourseach, and more likely3 semesters, would berequired to cover thematerial. In addition, a coursein biophysics would bedesirable.

October, 1967 scm APPENDIX A

MOLECULAR-CELLULAR BIOLOGY The Cellular Basis of Biology Anatomy of the Cell - characteristicsof protoplasm Cellular and Tissue Organization Types of cells and tissues Unicellular and multicellularorganisms Origin and differentiation ofcells and tissues Tissues - organized cells,functional basis The Chemical and PhysicalProperties of Protoplasm Matter and energy - relate toprotoplasm Chemical composition of protoplasm Inorganic constituents Organic constituents Enzymes and chemical reactions Bioenergetics Molecules and macromolecules Physiology and Regulation of Protoplasm:Hotneostasis Chemical regulation Nervous regulation Synthesis processes Autotrophic synthesis - photosynthesis Heterotrophic synthesis -microbiological degradation Respiration , nutrition and energydynamics in protoplasm Carbohydrate metabolism Protein and lipid metabolism Secretion and excretion Transport systems Reproduction and Development Cellular reproduction: mitosis-meiosis Asexual vs. sexual reproduction Reproductive cycles-environmentalinfluence Embryonic development Morphogenesis Regulation and control ofdevelopment

Heredity The chemical basis of heredity -the gene Mechanisms of inheritance Appendix A

Recombination andchromosome mapping Mutation Extra-chromosomal geneticsystems Variation inchromosome number Probability and statistics Population genetics Quantitative inheritance Applied Genetics Response andCoordinationBelovior Irritability - stimulusand response The nervous system Tropisms - responsein plants Innate and learnedbehavior

ORGANISMIC BIOLOGY Diversity of Organisms Non-organisms - viruses Protists and themicrobiological level Plants, simple tocomplex Animals, simple tocomplex Physiology Protist physiology Plant physiology Transpiration - guttation Photosynthesis - light,pigments, CO2 fixation Energy transfer Respiration; anaerobic -aerobic Synthesis and digestion -proteins, fats,carbohydrates Plant products -cellulose, lignin,enzymes, vitamins, gums, alkaloids,etc. Cellular structureand function inmetabolism Metabolic pathways Conduction of materialsthrough the plant Regulation of plant processes Mineral nutrition Essential elements Absorption of minerals Animal Physiology Physico-chemical properties(water, pH colloidalsystems) Chemical compositionof protoplasm Stimulus-response concept Appendix A

Skeleto-muscular system Skeleto-smooth And heart muscles The nervous system Lymphatic system Digestion, absorption,assimilation, energy andintermediary methbolism Nutrition Respiration Circulation - blood andimmunology, cardio-vascularsystem Excretion and secretion Endocrine systems Lipid, proteins andnucleic acid metabolism Growth andDifferentiation Plants Gametogenesis Fertilization Morphogenesis: vascular -non-vascular Meristems Factors influencinggrowth: external, internal Regulation and differentiation Types of tissues:meristematic - permanent Animals Gametogenesis Organization of the egg - sperm Fertilization Cleavage and blastulation Gastrulation Organogenesis Tissue interaction -inductions Hormones and development Human development Asexual development Regeneration Morpho loav Plants Lower organism structure Higher organism structure(roots, stems, leaves,seeds, flowers) Vegetative phases ofnon-vascular and vascularplants Reproductive phases,vascular, non-vascular Animals Lower organism structure Higher organism structure Comparative anatomy amongselected groups Reproduction Asexual Sexual life-cycles Endocrine control system Appendix A

Heredity The chemical basisof heredity - the gene Mechanisms of inheritance Recombination andchromosome mapping Mutation Extra-chromosomal geneticsystems Variation in chromosomenumber Probability and statistics Population genetics Quantitative inheritance Applied genetics


The Ecosystem The concept of theecosystem Trophic structure withinthe ecosystem The concepts of habitatand ecological niche Biogeochemical cycles(nitrogen, phosphorus, e Food chains Energy exchange andflow in ecosystems The concept of productivity Physical limiting factors(light-temperature-radiation) Biological limitingfactors(density-Predation-competition) Populations and Communities Properties of populations Population energy flow Population structure Density effects Rates of growthand death species- Organization at theinterspecies populationlevel-interaction between predation-parasitism-commensalism-mutalism ,etc. i The concept of bioticcommunity Ecological dominance Succession, climax,stratification, andperiodicity of communities Community structure inthe past; paleoecology Habitats lentic communities, Fresh water ecology(types of limitingfactors-lakes, ponds, lotic communities) factors-formation of the sea ,quantitative Marine ecology(types of limiting estuarine waters) study of plankton, structure Terrestrial ecology(types of limitingfactors-biogeographic regions, of terrestrial communities ,major terrestrialcommunities) Appendix A

Ecoloav and HumanWelfare - applicationof ecological concepts Agriculture management, Natural resources(conservation, land use,pollution, range pond management) biological Public healthapplications (plantand animalpopulation control, pest control) of isotopes) Radiation ecology(waste disposal, thefallout problem, fate Applications of ecologyto humanproblems (culturalpatterns, suboptimal environments ,nutrition)

! October, 1967 scm