: die Wurst, die Wi.irste small, thin sausage: das Wi.irstchen, die Wi.irstchen medium sausage: die , die Bratwi.irste

MUNCHENER WEIRWURST (white pork sausage) "Stuffed" in - A Tale of Wei8wurst Gently simmered, never boiled, t,hese delicate creations have a rich history and a huge following of hungry admirers sausage would be fresh. Of course it escribed by Bavarian poe t can be - and is now - eaten any time H erbert Schneider as the of day, and with various a dditions, "Queen" of the sau sage su ch as and potatoes. realm, the Wei13wurst is as Some non-purists even add ketchup Dmuch a part of Munich as the Hof- and french fries. brauhaus and Oktoberfest, and the Veal and pork b acon provide the treasured treat celebrated its one b asic ingredients to which are hundred fiftieth anniversary in added various spices, onions, and 2007. Apparently developed by parsley. History tells us that Sepp sheer coincidence in 1857, this -:vfoser invented Wei13wurst on unique sausage has become firmly February 22, 1857, at an inn, Zurn entrenched as an esscnlial elemen t Ewigen Licht, located at the Marien­ of B avarian cuisine , and attained platz in Munich. Today the inn is a worldwide popularity as well. bistro, Am Marienplatz, but does Best served warm with sweet mus­ bear an inscription denoting that it tard, c runchy Brem (English: pret­ is the "Geburtsstatte der Wei13- zels; High Gennan: Brezeln), Wei13- wurst," or "birthplace of the Wei13- wurst is best wash ed down with a wurst .. , v\lh en it came time to stuff glass of crisp Bavarian Wei13bier. the sausage, Moser could not find Con sidered the "quintessential" the necessary sheep intestines that Bavarian , Handlmaier's provide d the casings for the Sweet Bavarian Mustard is a "must" sausage, so he made use of the with Wei13wurst - brown in color thicker pig casings instead , which and coarsely ground, it is known for were light in color and larger, and its delectable sweet taste. make for the distinctive appearance Tradition holds that Wei13wurst of Wei13wurst. Not fried or grilled, as sh ould be consumed before noon (a they might burst, WeiBwurs t was custom that d erives from the days then warm ed up in hot water and before refrigeration), so that the served. An instant hit, WeiBwurst