
82°/ 79° Lots of sun; breezy, pleasant Monday, January 13, 2020 Issue No 477 Complimentary

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Referendum Question Tweaked  COMMUNITY NOTICES — A2

Government Issues RFPs for National Heroes Day Celebrations


Full story on page A3 >> US AND IRAN - STILL ON THE BRINK

 REGIONAL — A6 Ministry of CPI announces staff appointments The Ministry of Commerce, Planning and Infrastructure wishes to announce the recent appointment of Darvy Whit- taker and Leah Watson to new positions within the Ministry. Mr. Whittaker will now serve as the Deputy Director, Service Delivery in the Koffee, 19, will perform at Super Computer Services Department with Bowl responsibility for all aspects of infor- mation systems user experience across the Cayman Islands Government. He  LOCAL NEWS — A7 will provide strategic management and administrative support to the Director of Computer Services Department with oversight for service management and

 Darvy Whittaker  Leah Watson ... Continued story on page A3 Celebrate Veganuary in Cayman! By Lindsey Turnbull

Royal Bank opens new of�ice in ‘Veganuary’ has caught on in leaps Camana Bay and bounds in recent years, a global movement that encourages people to turn their backs on meat and dairy just  CLASSIFIEDS — A8 through B7 for January, in the hope that it will in- spire them to become vegan for good. According to The Vegan Society, if the world went vegan, it could save eight million human lives by 2050, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds and lead to healthcare-related savings and avoided climate damages of $1.5 trillion. They say that interest in ve-

years between 2014 and 2019, accord- ingganism to Google increased trends. seven-fold Other sources in the �ivesay that veganism in the United States has grown 600 per cent in the three years

Daily Classi�ieds ... Continued story on page A5  Fresh Offerings at Island Naturals (Photo credit


FRONT PAGE BANNERS NOW AVAILABLE Contact 916 2000 for rate and to book this space COMMUNITY NOTICES | CIGTV PAGE A2 Monday, January 13, 2020 | Issue No 477 C�������� T����

COMMUNITY NOTICES CIGTV GUIDE FOR WEEK OF JANUARY 14 - 17 Government Proposes Tuesday, 14 January 12:00 AM Sunrise Adult Training Centre The Lion King 1:10 AM Miss Lassie Painting Conservation 1:20 AM Miss Lassie Architectural Conservation and Restoration Changes to Cayman 1:30 AM Miss Lassie Vision and History 1:35 AM Miss Lassie CNFC Board Perspective 1:40 AM DEH - Antimicrobial and the Environment 1:50 AM Ecosystem Services with Lauren Dombowsk 2:00 AM News Update Islands Funds Regime 2:20 AM Cruise Berthing and Cargo Facility Press Conference 3:30 AM Down to Earth with the Premier As the demonstrated leader in the 4:00 AM Sunrise Adult Training Centre The Lion King 5:10 AM Miss Lassie Painting Conservation global investment funds industry, the the process. 5:20 AM Miss Lassie Architectural Conservation and Restoration istry of Financial Services as part of 5:30 AM Miss Lassie Vision and History Cayman Islands is making legislative 5:35 AM Miss Lassie CNFC Board Perspective changes to enhance the oversight of Summary of the Bills 5:40 AM DEH - Antimicrobial and the Environment 5:50 AM Ecosystem Services with Lauren Dombowsk open-ended and closed-ended funds. 6:00 AM News Update The changes being put forward by those funds not previously covered 6:20 AM Cruise Berthing and Cargo Facility Press Conference 7:30 AM Down to Earth with the Premier the Cayman Islands Government seek The Mutual Funds Bill would require 8:00 AM Healthcare Conference September 26 2019 to modernise regulation for open-end- 10:00 AM News Update 10:25 AM Healthcare Conference Dr. Lewis Warrington ed funds, i.e. mutual funds, and fewerunder investorsthe existing capable Mutual of Fundsappointing Law, 11:20 AM Healthcare Conference Dr. Jason Markle close-ended funds, i.e. private funds, orspeci�ically removing thosethe operators, funds with to register 15 or 12:00 PM Healthcare Conference Dr. Erick Gryzbowski 12:45 PM News Update in the Cayman Islands. The changes with CIMA and be subject to regula- 1:05 PM Healthcare Conference Nasolo Thompson would provide additional surety and tion. 1:45 PM NiCE Project An Overview of the Winter 2018 Initiative 1:55 PM Healthcare Conference Dr. Kerry A. Rood transparency for investors and man- 2:50 PM Healthcare Conference Dr. Ravi Kishore agers of Cayman Islands investment funds would also need to register with 3:35 PM News Update 4:00 PM Sunrise Adult Training Centre The Lion King funds, while better aligning with best CIMAUnder and the be Private subject Funds to Bill,regulation. private 5:10 PM Miss Lassie Painting Conservation 5:20 PM Miss Lassie Architectural Conservation and Restoration market practices, enhanced anti-mon- 5:30 PM Miss Lassie Vision and History ey laundering and other key regulato- private funds to have appropriate and 5:35 PM Miss Lassie CNFC Board Perspective 5:40 PM DEH - Antimicrobial and the Environment ry standards. consistentSpeci�ically, internal the Bill procedures would requirefor the 5:50 PM Ecosystem Services with Lauren Dombowsk proper valuation of their assets. In 6:00 PM News Update 6:20 PM Cruise Berthing and Cargo Facility Press Conference keeping with what exists currently for 7:30 PM Healthcare Conference Carole Appleyard The Private Funds Bill, 2020 (the 8:00 PM Healthcare Conference Dr. Troy A. Gatcliffe 8:40 PM News Update “Private Funds Bill”) and the Mutu- 9:00 PM Healthcare Conference Professor Virginia Murray al Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2020 mutual funds under the Mutual Funds 9:50 PM Cruise Berthing and Cargo Facility PB July 29 2019 11:00 PM Special Commemorative Town Hall Ceremony similarly(the “Mutual sensible Funds and Bill”,commercially together annuallyLaw, the Privateby a CIMA-approved Funds Bill would auditor also responsivethe “Bills”) regulation re�lect and that seek has to adoptbeen inrequire accordance that a withprivate international fund be audited audit Wednesday, 15 January the mainstay of the Cayman Islands standards and have proper custodial 12:00 AM Legislative Assembly November 18 2019 P2 Re-Air open-ended funds regime, and seek to and cash monitoring processes. 2:55 AM Legislative Assembly November 18 2019 P3 Re-Air EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY3:15 NOTICESAM Legislative Assembly November 20 2019 P1 Re-Air maintain the Cayman Islands’ position 6:05 AM News Update as the preeminent jurisdiction for in- the Government’s intention to update 6:25 AM Legislative Assembly November 20 2019 P2 Re-Air 10:10 AM Legislative Assembly November 20 2019 P3 Re-Air vestment funds. thePAGEThe investment publication 2 funds Wednesday,of theframework Bills signi�ies while October 18,2:25 2017 PM Legislative | Issue Assembly November No 132 21 2019 P1 Re-Air Caymanian Times 4:45 PM Legislative Assembly November 21 2019 P2 Re-Air The Bills were drafted in consulta- staying mindful of industry realities. 6:00 PM News Update tion with a working group comprising The goal is to ensure that the Cayman 6:20 PM Legislative Assembly November 21 2019 P2 Continued Re-Air 8:00 PM For the Record Cayman-based funds professionals, Islands continue to effectively compete 10:00 PM Legislative Assembly November 21 2019 P2 Continued Re-Air including accounting, audit, admin- at a high level, allowing for innovation 11:15 AM News Update otic11:35 AM Down toE Earths with the Premier andE marketditorial development, based on a N and associations to provide opera- regulatory framework that effectively istration, governance and legal �irms Thursday, 16 January tional and industry perspectives. The supervises the industry and strength- Customs12:00 AM Sunrise Adult Training Registration Centre The Lion King of Importers begins Cayman Islands Monetary Authority 1:10 AM Miss Lassie Painting Conservation To help importers start using a system for entry declaration, the Department will lands fund vehicles.  1:20 AM Miss Lassie Architectural Conservation and Restoration start registering1:30 AM Miss importers Lassie Vision starting and History Monday, 16 October 2017. ens investor con�idence in Cayman Is- 1:35 AM Miss Lassie CNFC Board Perspective 1:40 AM DEH - Antimicrobial and the Environment (CIMA) was also consulted by the Min- The registration1:50 AM Ecosystem is required Services with by Lauren the Dombowskimplementation of a new online electronic system for2:00 AMentryNews declaration. Update Effective 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands 2:20 AM Cruise Berthing and Cargo Facility Press Conference Customs3:30 Department AM Down to Earthwill with implement the Premier the new system. This will require importers Government Issues to complete4:00 AM andSunrise submit Adult entriesTraining Centre electronically The Lion King to Customs using the new gateway 5:10 AM Miss Lassie Painting Conservation portal COLS5:20 AM (CustomsMiss Lassie Online Architectural System). Conservation Importers and Restoration will be able to access the portal through 5:30the AM websiteMiss Lassie Vision and History RFPs for National 5:35 AM Miss Lassie CNFC Board Perspective 5:40 AM DEH - Antimicrobial and the Environment Tips of the Week For individuals5:50 AM Ecosystem who have Services not with yet Lauren received Dombowsk training in the use of the system, Customs will provide in-house training. Motivational Tip 6:00 AM News Update However,6:20 AMbeforeCruise they Berthing can and use Cargo COLS, Facility importers Press Conference will have to be formally registered and recognised as an importer by Customs. Heroes Day CelebrationsThe Power of Music This will7:30 require AM Down each to Earth individual with the Premier to come in and provide Customs with relevant information including a government-issued 8:00 AM Healthcare Conference September 26 2019 This year’s annual Heroes Do not underestimate the power 10:00 AM News Update 10:25 AM Healthcare Conference Dr. Lewis Warrington Day ceremony in Grand Cay- of music. Music can heal the sick, their business11:20 AM licenceHealthcare and/or Conference companies Dr. Jason Markle registration including directorship. man will be held on Monday, 27 mend the broken heart, relieve stress identification,12:00 PM e.g.,Healthcare driver’s Conference licence Dr. Erick or Gryzbowskipassport. Additionally, it will be necessary for companies and businesses to provide As a result,12:45 PM CustomsNews Update will begin the registration process starting Monday, 16 October through 27 October 2017, from 8:30am January. The National Heroes and even help you to live longer. Just 1:05 PM Healthcare Conference Nasolo Thompson Day Celebration is an annual ask some of our seniors who are still 1:45 PM NiCE Project An Overview of the Winter 2018 Initiative Roberts 1:55Drive PM (locallyHealthcare known Conference as Dr. Airport Kerry A. RoodRoad). patriotic event that serves to playing music and dancing. They will 2:50 PM Healthcare Conference Dr. Ravi Kishore toHowever, 4:00pm Monday if they missto Friday. this period Registration to be registered,will take place Customs on the will 1st continue floor of Customsto register Headquarters, importers during located normal at #42 business Owens recognize outstanding citizens agree that music has added value to 3:35 PM News Update hours. Although4:00 PM Sunrise most Adult importers Training Centre were The previously Lion King registered in the old system, it is necessary for all importers to be registered for service to the country. It is their life and also a few more years. 5:10 PM Miss Lassie Painting Conservation After a long stressful day, close your in the new5:20 PMsystem.Miss Lassie Once Architectural registered Conservation with Customs,and Restoration importers can then submit entries electronically and do business with EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES 5:30 PM Miss Lassie Vision and History by the Cayman Islands Govern- eyes turn on your iPod or CD player Customs,5:35 without PM Miss having Lassie CNFC to attend Board Perspective in person. ment.the largest of�icial event hosted and just enjoy the mellowing sounds Cayman5:40 Islands PM DEH Customs - Antimicrobial Management and the Environment thanks importers for their cooperation and understanding and looks forward to PAGE 2 of music. If you have energy left you 5:50 PM Ecosystem Services with Lauren Dombowsk Wednesday, OctoberIn 18,preparation 2017 the | IssueProtocol No 132 continued6:00 partnership.Caymanian PM News Update Times may even dance a jig. 6:20 PM Cruise Berthing and Cargo Facility Press Conference 7:30 PM Healthcare Conference Carole Appleyard fromLive the longer. Government Live happier. Administration Live life to 8:00 PM Healthcare Conference Dr. Troy A. Gatcliffe Of�ice has issued two Requests for Pro- erationits fullest may with collect MUSIC. the RFP package 8:40 PM News Update • Special Event Services 9:00 PM Healthcare Conference Professor Virginia Murray Air-Conditioned Storage posals (RFPs) for: to [email protected]. 9:50 PM Cruise Berthing and Cargo Facility PB July 29 2019 oticEs 11:00 PM N Special CommemorativeSea Town Grape Hall Ceremony Editorial Interested businesses who would Building Reception or email requests Units - Kingbird Drive like• Foodto submit Vendor a Servicesproposal for consid-  Friday, 17 January Available for Immediate Customs RegistrationResponses to the RFPs of are dueImporters on 17 12:00 AM beginsLegislativeSecretarial Assembly November 22 2019 P1 Re-Air Services To help importers start using a system forFriday, entry Januarydeclaration, 2020 the by Department 5pm. will 2:25 AM Legislative Assembly November 22 2019 P2 Re-Air Rental Services:7:15 AM WorkLegislative Permits,Assembly November Trade 25 2019 andP1 Re-Air Business Applications start registering importers starting Monday, 16 October 2017. 9:00 AM News Update 9:20 &AM RenewalLegislative Assembly Annual November Returns, 25 2019 P2 Re-Air General Letters Various Sizes from GovernmentThe registration is required by the implementation to Further of a new online electronic 12:20 PM Legislative AssemblyPlease November call for 25 2019 other P3 Re-Air services 2:30 PM Legislative Assembly November 25 2019 P4 Re-Air 80 sq. ft to 190 sq. ft system for entry declaration. Effective 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands Contact: Susan 4:55 PM LegislativeCellular: Assembly November 345 26326-9953 2019 P1 Prayer Re-Air Customs Department will implement the new system. This will require importers 5:00 PM Legislative Assembly November 26 2019 P2 Re-Air Please call: 326-3800 Health Tip 6:00 PM NewsAddress: Update Unit #2, Grand Plaza to completeEnhance and submit entries electronically Cayman’s to Customs using the new gateway 6:20 AM Legislative Assembly November 26 2019 P3 Re-Air (Opposite Hi-Tech Electronics) Drinking alcohol and Blood 8:00 AM For the record or portal COLS (Customs Online System). Importers will be ablePressure to access the portal 10:45 AM LegislativeEmail: Assembly [email protected] 26 2019 P4 Re-Air through the website Business Hours: 9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri Email: [email protected] Benefi cial OwnershipDrinking too much alcohol can Tips of the Week For individuals who have not yet received raisetraining blood in the pressure use of the to system, unhealthy Customs will provide in-house training. Motivational Tip However, before they can use COLS, importerslevels. will Having have to more be formally than three registered drinks and recognised as an importer by Customs. The Power of Music This will require each individualRegime to come in inand one provide sitting Customs temporarily with relevantincreases information including a government-issued your blood pressure, but repeated Do not underestimate the power The Cayman Islands Government is binge• The drinking Limited canLiability lead toPartnership long-term of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. increases. Advertise mend the broken heart, relieve stress identification,As a result, Customs e.g., driver’s will begin licence the or registration passport. Additionally,process starting it will Monday, be necessary 16 October for through companies 27 October and businesses 2017, from to provide8:30am and even help you to live longer. Just Heavy drinkers who cut back to cialpresenting ownership three regime. bills to further re�ine (Amendment) Bill, 2020 ask some of our seniors who are still moderate drinking can lower their l Free Consultation - New Clients Welcome l Full & Partial Dentures RobertsandDuring improve Drive the thenext(locally jurisdiction’s meeting known of as the bene�i- Airport Leg- Road).corporateThe bills service provide provider clari�ication responsi- to playing music and dancing. They will systolic blood pressure (the top to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Registrationthe will de�inition take place of on bene�icial the 1st floorowner of andCustoms Headquarters,l Specializing located at #42in Cosmetic Owens Dentures l Re-Lines/Soft Liners agree that music has added value to islativeHowever, Assembly, if they missthe followingthis period bills to be bilities.registered,number Additionally, in Customs a blood pressure willthe availablecontinue reading) toex- register importers during normal business your l Dentures Over Implants l Athletic mouthguards & night guards their life and also a few more years. hours. Although most importers were previouslyby 2 registered to 4 millimeters in the old ofsystem, mercury it is necessary for all importers to be registered After a long stressful day, close your in the new system. Once registered with Customs,of(mm Companies Hg) importers and have their can beendiastolic then examined submit blood entries electronicallyl Over 30 andYrs Experiencedo business l Denturewith Repairs while you wait! eyes turn on your iPod or CD player Customs,Bill,will be2020 debated: without having to attend in person.andemptionspressure addressed. and (the powers bottomThese of changesthenumber Registrar inwill a and just enjoy the mellowing sounds • The Limited Companies Liability (Amendment) Companies blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 Cayman Islands Customs Management thanksregimemm Hg. importersin theHeavy Cayman drinkers for their Islands. who cooperation want to and understanding and looks forward to of music. If you have energy left you continued partnership. may even dance a jig. strengthenlower blood the pressure bene�icial should ownership slowly (Amendment) Bill, 2020 reduce how much they drink over Live longer. Live happier. Live life to one to two weeks. Heavy drinkers its fullest with MUSIC. who stop suddenly risk developing Air-Conditioned Storage Sea Grapesevere high blood pressure for Caymanian several days. Units - Kingbird Drive CaymanianSecretarialIf you haveServices high blood pressure, Available for Immediate Times avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only Rental Issue # 477 Services: Work Permits, Trade andin moderation. Business Moderate Applications drinking is & Renewal Annual Returns,generally General considered Letters to be: Various Sizes from Publisher: Ralph Lewis Please call for other services here - Two drinks a day for men 80 sq. ft to 190 sq. ft Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd Contact: Susan younger than age 65 #19 Walkers Road (next to Tomlinson Furniture) Cellular: 345 326-9953 Health Tip Address: Unit #2, Grand- PlazaOne drink a day for men age 65 Please call: 326-3800 Telephone: 345 916 2000 Drinking alcohol and Blood (Opposite Hi-Techand Electronics) older or Email: [email protected], Fast, Pressure Email: [email protected] One drink a day for women of or [email protected] GardenerDesigner Business Hours: 9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri Email: [email protected] Drinking too much alcohol can any age Website: Cameraman raise blood pressure to unhealthy A drink is 12 ounces (355 levels. Having more than three drinks milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 Efficient, in one sitting temporarily increases milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces your blood pressure, but repeated (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled Caymanian Secretary binge drinking can lead to long-term spirits. increases. Affordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Advertise Times Heavy drinkers who cut back to calories and may contribute to Issue # 132 Driver moderate drinking can lower their l Free Consultation - New Clients unwantedWelcome l weight Full & Partialgain — Dentures a risk factor systolic blood pressure (the top Publisher: Ralph Lewis l Specializing in Cosmetic Denturesfor lhigh Re-Lines/Soft blood pressure. Liners number in a blood pressure reading) Only 48 hours’ your Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd l Dentures Over Implants l Athletic mouthguardsAlso, alcohol & night can guards interfere with by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury the effectiveness and increase the Telephone: 345 916 2000 Dive instruct (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood l Over 30 Yrs Experience l Denture Repairs while you wait! side effects of some blood pressure Email: [email protected], Director pressure (the bottom number in a medications. or [email protected] blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 notice required mm Hg. Heavy drinkers who want to - By Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Website: Hairdresser lower blood pressure should slowly reduce how much they drink over one to two weeks. Heavy drinkers who stop suddenly risk developing severe high blood pressure for several days. If you have high blood pressure, Designer avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only in moderation. Moderate drinking is generally considered to be: - Two drinks a day for men here younger than age 65 - One drink a day for men age 65 and older Fast, - One drink a day for women of GardenerDesigner any age Cameraman A drink is 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 Efficient, milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled Caymanian Secretary spirits. Affordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Times calories and may contribute to Issue # 132 Driver unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Publisher: Ralph Lewis Only 48 hours’ Also, alcohol can interfere with Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd the effectiveness and increase the Telephone: 345 916 2000 Dive instruct side effects of some blood pressure Email: [email protected], Director medications. or [email protected] notice required - By Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Website: Hairdresser Designer LOCAL NEWS C�������� T���� Monday, January 13, 2020 | Issue No 477 PAGE A3 Referendum question tweaked Cabinet has agreed and gazet- would be acceptable in place of the national referendum on the mended that the word “proceed” proposedted a slightly cruise revised berthing question and en-for hanced cargo port project to assist would“move be forward” acceptable and in the place words of in resolving any concerns with the “enlarged and “refurbished”

17“enhanced”. December, Cabinet took the referendum question. viewIn itsthat �inal whilst meeting there last was year noth- on grantedShirley leave Roulstone, to pursue a memberjudicial ing wrong with the original word- reviewof CPR Cayman,of the Government’s �iled for and pro-was ing, it would none-the-less be cess in relation to the holding of pragmatic to tweak the wording in the referendum. As a result, the order to help save time and costs referendum has been delayed un- in the case. til after the decision of the court. that the Government’s proposed “ShouldThe revised the Cayman question Islands on the con- ref- One of Ms Roulstone’s claims was tinueerendum to proceed ballot will with therefore building thebe: Cayman Islands continue to move cruise berthing and enlarged and forwardreferendum with question building “Should the cruise the berthing and enhanced cargo port The new wording was pub- lishedrefurbished in the cargo Government’s port facility?” public gazette, available online, on the stone’sfacility” waslegal not neutral.counsel recom- 18th of December, 2019.  Submissions made by Ms Roul- Ministry of CPI announces staff appointments ... Continued story from page A1 Director of Computer Services, Mr. Si- Ms. Watson, who previously served as She further stated, “Similarly, over the mon Spiers has congratulated Mr Whit- years Leah has worked on her own de- integration of data centre and network taker on his appointment stating, “After Gray High School and is currently pur- velopment plan with our team. She has services, database management, desk- a year of development, Darvy stepped suingExecutive an Associate Of�icer, is degree a graduate in Public of John Ad- been given the opportunity to learn new top support services and service desk up to the plate, competed in an open re- ministration at the Cayman Islands Civil tasks to help her excel in areas where management. cruitment and was clearly the best can- Service College. she needed development. Both Darvy Mr. Whittaker, who has over thirty In regard to her new assignment, she and Leah have worked hard and I join years of experience in information tech- Mr Whittaker said he looks forward to noted her enthusiasm for the “opportu- my Ministry colleagues in congratulat- nology service delivery, has held sever- “managingdidate for the the job”. successful implementa- nity to engage in a range of policy issues al posts within the Computer Services tion and operation of the organizations’ within a highly collaborative environ- Department including as Acting Deputy overall information technology service bothTamara of them Ebanks, on their commented achievements”. on the Director for Service Delivery, Informa- management processes to ensure the appointments,Acting Chief Of�icer“I could in not the be Ministry, more tion Technology System Manager, Sen- thement”. Ministry of Commerce, Planning proud of the talent we develop and cul- ior System Administrator and Computer formation technology infrastructure andChief Infrastructure, Human Resources Ms. Melinda Of�icer Mon- in tivate within the Computer Services De- Technician. anddelivery operations of an ef�icientto meet the and needs reliable of the in- temayor said “it was a pleasure work- partment and the Ministry on a whole. He holds a Master of Science degree in ing closely with Darvy in his acting Darvy and Leah are incredible contrib- Information System Management from Ms. Leah Watson has now assumed capacity and watching him succeed utors and team members who will con- the University of Liverpool and a Bachelor theCayman position Islands of Government”.Policy Assistant within in each area of his development plan. tinue to grow and impact our work in of Business Administration from Howard the Ministry. In her new role, she will as- He took on each challenge with enthu- their roles. Both of them are outstanding University. He is also a graduate of the In- sist with the delivery of commissioned siasm and a can-do attitude. Darvy is Caymanians who are hardworking and ternational College of the Cayman Islands projects, undertake research activities a great asset to the Computer Servic- capable professionals and I am pleased where he completed an Associate degree and support the administration of pro- es Department and is well respected to see them progress within the ranks of in Business Administration. jects and policy development. 

amongst his peers”. the civil service”. UCCI welcomes Girl Power Cayman nity to interact with some of the faculty thinking about University and apply- tertiary education. and staff. ing for scholarships so this was a much Cayman Islands (UCCI) to learn about "We hope that Girl Power Cayman needed and timely discussion," said tion that aims to inspire, nurture, and members consider UCCI to continue Pamela Small of Girl Power Cayman. empowerGirl power young is awomen non-pro�it in the organiza- Cayman their professional education and work- UCCI offers dual diplomas to students Islands. UCCI's President & CEO, Dr. force training programmes; we are who wish to obtain the local degree in Stacy McAfee and Admissions Manager addition to US and UK accredited de- Camile Angel welcomed the members ter of their story," said UCCI's President grees, respectively. If you are interested and introduced them to UCCI's differ- &equipped CEO, Dr. to Stacy assist McAfee. students at any chap- in starting your success story at UCCI, ent programmes of study, information "The seminar at UCCI was very inform- visit our website at or set about the different scholarships availa- ative and insightful. We truly appreciate up an appointment with our admissions ble, and what steps to take to enrol at Ms. Stacy and Ms. Camille for educating team by calling 623-0567. UCCI. The young members toured the us on scholarships, applying to universi- On 4 January 2020, Girl Power Cay- campus, experienced a day in the life of ty and all about programs at UCCI. Many er, please contact girlpowercayman@ man visited the University College of the an UCCI student and had the opportu- of our Girl Power participants are now more  information on Girl Pow-

ForFor a complete update of Local News, Notices and Events, log on to www.ctimes.kyw The only website that allows you to download your daily news and upload your advertisements LOCAL NEWS | INTERNATIONAL PAGE A4 Monday, January 13, 2020 | Issue No 477 C�������� T����

POLICE NEWS Motor Vehicle Collision on Linford Pierson Highway The incident occurred when two vehicles travelling for treatment. All injured parties are believed to have uary, police and other emergency services were along Linford Pierson met in a head on collision due non-life-threatening injuries at this time. dispatchedJust before by 9:45AM to a motor on Thursdayvehicle collision morning, that 9 tookJan- to one of the vehicles travelling in the wrong direction. The roadway was closed for a short period while of- place on the Linford Pierson Highway in George Three persons were reported injuries as a result Town. of this incident and were transported to the hospital The matter is under investigation.  �icers conducted preliminary investigations. Cash Turned over to the Statement on Arrest Investigators from the Anti-Corrup- 1. Breach of Trust – contrary to s.13 Police, Owner Located tion Commission arrested an individu- al on Thursday morning in connection headed to the bank at the time. Police with an ongoing investigation and pre- of 2.the Being Anti-Corruption Concerned Lawin an (2016 Arrange- Revi- January, a member of the public at- were able to identify the rightful own- vious arrests made on 19 September sion); and tendedJust beforethe George 5:45PM Town on Police Tuesday Station 7 er of the cash and it has since been re- 2018. to s.134 of the Proceeds of Crime Law and handed over a container with a turned to him. ment (Money Laundering) – contrary ous allegations of corruption the In- different denominations. reporting party for making such an vestigatorsResponsible arrested for investigating the 43 year seri- old (2014 Revision). signi�icant It was reported sum of that CI cash the incontainer, several honestThe RCIPSdecision would to turn like over to the thank cash the in male, from the Bodden Town area, on TheHe has investigation been detained continues for questioning therefore at which was found in the area of Cama- hopes that the owner could be found. suspicion of committing the following nothe further Prisoner details Detention will Centrebe released (Fairbanks). at this na Bay, was lost by the owner who was Your integrity is commendable.  time. 

offences: US AND IRAN: Still on the brink A few days ago the President of the Iran had also threatened to attack Is- United States, Donald Trump, took to rael and Dubai as part of its retaliatory Twitter, his preferred communications action and had vowed to restart its nu-

It was in response to a ballistic missile tions by President Trump that the US tool, and tweeted “all is well”. clear programme in de�iance of asser- used by American forces. capability. attackThat byattack Iran followedon a military the USbase killing in Iraq of wouldPrime not Minister “allow” IranBoris to haveJohnson a nuclear has Iran’s top commander Qassem Suleima- called on Iran to desist from further at- tacks on the US. US a few days before. “Iran should not repeat these reckless ni No(also Americans spelt Qasem lives Soleimani)were reported by the to and dangerous attacks but must instead have been lost in the Iranian retaliation. pursue urgent de-escalation," he said in On that basis primarily, President parliament. Trump assessed that all was well. Mr Johnson also repeated his condem- But is all really well? nation of the actions of the slain Irani- The United States and Iran appear to an general saying General Suleimani have stepped back, at least for the time had "the blood of British troops on his being, from the brink of an all-consum- hands." What appeared to be a few days ago A lot is at stake beyond the belliger- The result down the global economic to be a perfect storm of aggressive ence. ‘pipeline’ for countries such as the Cay- itchy,ing military the sobering con�lict. spectacle of a passen- circumstances with war a most like- man Islands could be severely disrup- While trigger �ingers still appear to be ly outcome, has somewhat morphed the two nemeses remains ‘a real and tive, if not devastating. casualty of the belligerence between the into a perfect opportunity to resolve presentThe risk danger’ of military even to con�lict those countries between With the belligerent face-off between ger jet going down in �lames, reportedly a the longstanding rift between the two not directly involved but who are more the US and Iran now threatening to en- It may yet lead to a further uptick in nemeses. than likely to suffer the effects. snare other countries, the world has tensionstwo sides, as has Iran given insists pause that for re� was not But is that wishful thinking a thought The British government has des- now entered a new period of uncertain- responsible for the shooting down of the too far? patched two battleships to the Strait of ty. aircraft and is refusing to hand over the All is far from well. Although they tat, cat and mouse game to what now the vital sea lane for world oil shipments. have been forced to step back from the One hundred and seventy-six people From the abysmal lows of their tit-for- HormuzAny disruption to protect in UK-�lagged the strait ships which in edge, this is brinkmanship on the brink. including�light recorders. Canadian and British citizens washes the shores of Iran would have died in the incident. areseems, too todire quote to contemplate. a BBC journalist, “a con- serious knock-on effects on world oil Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Pres- �luenceBut they of cock-ups”,must be faced. the consequences entWho stand-off, will be athe fragile �irst tocalm blink? hovers un- ident Trump, Prime Minister Justin The world waits for the next salvo in nomic impact. derFor a darkthe momentcloud of palpablethough, intension. the pres-  Trudeau of Canada and other Western the seeming, for the moment, mainly prices with consequential global eco- leaders have suggested that information verbal war of attrition between the two available to them indicate that the plane belligerents. might have been shot down accidentally Amidst calls for a de-escalation of tensions, every utterance hinting at a di- Iran had launched a wave of ballistic alling-back of their rhetoric is more of- by Iranian missile �ire. ten than not accompanied by excessive used by American forces as retribution breast-beating, veiled and even open formissile the killingattacks of on General military Suleimani. bases in Iraq threats.

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Contact Ralph at 916 2000 or email [email protected] TASTE OF CAYMAN | LOCAL NEWS C�������� T���� Monday, January 13, 2020 | Issue No 477 PAGE A5

TASTE OF CAYMAN Celebrate Veganuary in Cayman! ... Continued story from page A1 from 2014 to 2017. Whatever your be- liefs on the subject, smart restauran- teurs and supermarkets are ensuring that they cater to vegan’s needs in grow- ing numbers here on island. Where to eat Embracing the growing worldwide trend to turn from meat to a plant-based diet, people in Cayman have never had it so easy when it comes to enjoying vegan food. Bread and Chocolate in George Town is an obvious starting point for vegans as their entire menu is vegan, so diners can be assured that everything they or-  Attractive looking plant based dish at Grand Old House  Sunshine pancakes at Bread and Chocolate der is meat and dairy free. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all plant-based Vegans are spoilt for choice when it breadfruit gnocchi in our house-made able to increase the number of specialty and with items such as their breakfast comes to the milk alternatives that they marinara sauce is another very popular products they offer, including those suit- scramble, sunshine pancakes, island ed to people on a vegan diet. bowl, shepherd’s pie and black bean ta- almond milk. Unusually for an Italian restaurant, Le cos, you honestly don’t miss the meat. offer, including oat, quinoa, coconut and Velechoice,” also he caters advises. to those who cannot eat Island Naturals is another popular offers a convenient location to grab, gluten, with gluten-free pasta and pizza obviousFoster’s starting Marketing point when Senior thinking Manager, of choice, not just for vegans but also for breakfast,Owner Lindsaylunch and Allen dinner says: making “The cafe a options available. aJulian vegan Foster, diet. says fresh produce is an vegetarians (an important distinction in more balanced and healthy lifestyle eas- Grand Old House, situated on South “Our range of fresh fruit and vegeta- that vegetarians don’t eat meat or ani- Church Street, is a lovely spot for lunch bles include organic and locally sourced mal products but they do eat dairy and Dining as a vegan can be problematic or dinner and the chefs there are tuning products, that are essential for a bal- ifier you than are ever.” dining in a group that wants into the vegan movement with their ve- follow a healthy diet. Their emphasis to eat at a mainstream restaurant, but gan curry. meat alternative products from Beyond iseggs) on aseating well asnutritious, those who chemical-free, just want to some restaurants in Cayman are rising Meat,anced which diet,” include he advises. sausages “We alsoand burg- stock to that challenge. Old House we love to welcome vegans ers, both fresh and frozen. We’ve also a wide-selection of food for those with Italian restaurants have traditional- andManager our chefs Dunja are always Yeap says: happy “At to Grand con- expanded our vegan product selection specialhigh quality diets, ingredientsvegetarians andas well they as offer ve- ly not had a huge vegan offering aside sider a vegan composition of the guest’s in our freezer department, with meals, from a bowl of pasta in a tomato sauce, choice. Our chefs can really prepare ‘a snacks and ice cream varieties offered oatmeals and açai bowls or a breakfast but Le Vele, situated on the waterfront la minute’, depending on availability, to wrapgans. Forwhich breakfasts, can be served vegans as can a wrap, enjoy in George Town, has been responding There are plenty of dairy-free options to the growing trend and now offers a tofor traditional those on a dairy, vegan so diet.” vegans don’t miss Notable lunch/dinner options include strong selection of vegan offerings, in- our guestsVegan liking.” at home out. aover buddha quinoa bowl, or Thai over crunch a bed salad, of spinach. spicy cluding their Sunshine pizza with cash- If you want to prepare your own ve- “In our dairy department at our Ca- pan-Asian bowl, and a black bean and ew paste, kale, roasted peppers, tomato gan menu at home, Cayman’s supermar- mana Bay store, we have increased our avocado wrap. kets have lots of great options. range of non-dairy, vegan products. People also use Island Naturals as With the recent opening of their new With everything from Waitrose vegan havecon�it vegan and avocado. curry and our house-made cheese, plant-based bacon and hot Owner Paolo Cognolato says: “We also dogs, ready-to-bake products, milk, yo- their quick pit stop for amazing coffee. Camana Bay store, Foster’s has been says. gurtsMany and vegans ready are to takingcook meals,” the next Julian step and not using any products at all that may have been tested on animals, but vegan beauty products are not always

“Head into our Health & Beauty de- partmenteasy to �ind and or obviouslywe’ve got vegan. you covered with vegan products including brewer’s yeast, protein snacks and powders and

Market Café also caters to vegans and theirmore,” bakery Julian says,can produceadding that made-to-or- their Bay der treats. “We’re trying to make it as easy as possible for people on any diet or who have dietary restrictions to enjoy what they eat. That’s why we’re advocating that everyone should live to eat, not eat  Vegan pizzas at Le Vele  Coffee options at Island Naturals Photo credit 

to live!” he says. Vibrant Crop Creates Buzz Horticulture Specialist Curtis W. Smith, - such as nam doc, as well as what are they were surprised to see mango, gua- have been blooming a bit earlier this known as ‘Jamaican apples’ - usually va and apples this time of year. year,Fruits surprising trees inlocals the and Cayman residents Islands and are known to bare at this time of year. In 2018 the Cayman Islands imple- creating great debate in the community Ph.D. notes” Though she accepted that guavas had mented a programme to cull the inva- about what might be causing the prema- can“Fall occur blossoming if the tree in is fruitstressed trees during (and somewhat surprised her too. sive green iguana that plagued farmers ture bounty. theother summer. spring �lowering While stressed, trees and the shrubs) tree “I think environmental conditions are for years, with over 1 million of the Theories have ranged from global may become dormant, and then when very favorable and we’ve had some rain creatures being taken out during the warming to the fact that 2020 is a leap- the weather moderates, if conditions recently, which is not overly common for programme. year. are just right, the tree comes out of dor- December. If trees are very healthy and It remains to be seen how crops will re- One theory that has been catching spond over time, though farmers say they steam is that the decrease in green time. The trees do not usually expend all are relieved for there has been a marked iguanas - known for their love of eating theirmancy blossom and �lowers buds atas this if it time, were so spring- there anddo notsunlight have it scales could ormean white that �lies, they andare decrease in the animal’s numbers. blossoms - has meant that the plants are there is adequate or abundant water The latest green iguana survey, car- coming back stronger than ever, after She added that some of the crops ried out by the DoE in August, indicated being stunted for many seasons. shouldAgronomist be more at �lowers the Cayman next spring, Islands’ and couldresponding in fact to be that.” late crops as well. that the cull appears to have made a big A simple google search regarding fruit Departmenthopefully fruit.” of Agriculture Claudette “I’ve seen them around. some plants difference in the overall picture, with trees blooming in fall produces several Bowen noted that she did not feel fruit may have ‘come-in’ later this year but population numbers dropping more scholarly results that would somewhat trees were baring early; necessarily. nothing really convinced me that it was than 90% since last year’s count. substantiate this claim; not the least of She explained that given a few weeks Earlier surveys, done over the pre- which comes from the New Mexico state here or there, some of the trees being she noted. University’s website, where Extension discussed as early bloomers this year something that was out of the ordinary,” green iguana population had increased Thompson Way, the sentiments were vious �ive years, had shown that the mixed,At the with Farmer’s many Market,patrons nearnoting Bobby that 254,000 to about 1.3 million.  �ivefold from 2014 to 2018, from about

 A stall at the Cayman Farmer’s Market in the Island’s Capital  Farmer’s Market in George Town REGIONAL PAGE A6 Monday, January 13, 2020 | Issue No 477 C�������� T����

CARIBBEAN BRIEFS Dominica rated highly Jamaica targets Asian for ecotourism market Dominica is one of the top 20 tourism Jamaica will be targeting new destinations of the future, in a recently markets this year with atten- tion on the Asian market, par- Strategy ranking. It praised Dominica ticularly India, Japan and China. published Foreign Direct Investment “The Indian market is huge, 'Ecotourism' and 'Health and Wellness and we believe that our new- Tourism.'in two specialism awards categories: ly crowned Miss World – To- The 'Nature Isle of the Caribbean,' ni-Ann Singh – can play a major Dominica excels at offering eco-con- role in this regard. We will be using all the assets at our dis-  Jamaica’s tourism trade continues to grow only the island's natural beauty, well-  Dominica lives up to his ‘Nature Island’ tag posal, and as I said, we have scious tourists a unique experience that a very strong hand going into these back from both China and Japan and kind people can provide. tion, the island has managed to build nessDominica facilities, valiantly exquisite overcame locations the mass and enough monetary reserves to sponsor Tourism, said. White said. devastation following Category 5 Hurri- large scale rehabilitation and moderni- markets,”White said Donovan that connectivity White, Director will also of willHe besaid taking that aimfocus in thatwill direction,”be placed cane Maria in 2017. The same ranking sation of the country. This ranged from be very important, noting that Jamaica on cruise shipping, while adding that bestowed upon Dominica the bespoke rebalancing the ecosystem and invest- has excellent cooperation with some Jamaica stands ready to welcome the of the major airlines in the world. world’s largest cruise ship – the Sym- and 'Voluntourism,' two titles it holds reinforcing roads, bridges, hospitals, He added that Jamaica has made phony of the Seas – in May. exclusively.awards for 'ClimateDominica Resilient was awarded Strategy' as schools,ing in sustainable homes and energy natural to �ixingsites. The and major inroads into the Latin American “The visit by the largest cruise ship one of the top countries receiving be- Citizenship by Investment Programme market, while consolidating gains with spoke awards for 'Hotel Development is at the heart of the country's remark- the US, Canada and the UK. able recovery. CBI continues to support “Now we have an opportunity to isin also the another world, Royal feather Caribbean’s in our cap. Sym- Yes, covery.' the island's hope to become "the world's take the same approach into Asia, thephony cruise of the numbers Seas, to have Falmouth not been in May ex- andThanks Investment,' to reputable 'Incentives,' foreign investors and 'Re- where brand Jamaica is as popular as actly where we would want them to wishing to become citizens of Dominica they come. In addition to India, we be, but there are signs that things are in exchange for an economic contribu- praised�irst climate-resilient by National Geographic. nation" as pledged have been receiving some great feed-  by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and about to change.” Trinidad �ilmmaker St Lucia adds ‘tourism fee’ St Lucia plans to introduce petitions for star director a "tourist accommodation fee" on hotels, guesthouses, villas, apartments and Airbnb stays to has launched a petition asking fund destination marketing and A Trinidadian �ilmmaker development. maker to make award-winning English �ilm- charged a nightly rate of US$3 grandfather. onFrom accommodation April 1 visitors costing will up beto a The �ilm inpetition TT, the on home of his $120 a night, and $6 on accom- was created by award-win- modation priced beyond $120.  St Lucia will tax visitors to fund tourism marketing Accommodation sourced screenwriter Teneille Newallo  Teneille Newallo is a filmmaker through sharing platforms such as Air- accommodation fee or levy paid for by (‘Thening Cutlass’, �ilmmaker, ‘Bazodee’, actor ‘Man- and stay-over visitors." cent tourist accommodation fee on the Its budget currently stands at US$35 She said that Mendes recently won fessionals are cut off from the rest of fullbnb cost or VRBO of the will stay. be subject to a 7 per- million a year, which the SLTA says is thegroves’). Golden Globe award for Best Direc- but it is more dif�icult in TT, as the pro- modest in comparison to more estab- lished destinations with greater re- that in his speech Mendes, whose di- theinternational �ilm industry. representation, She added that which being activitiesFunds accrued by the Saint via the Lucia charges Tourism will Au- be sources, which include other Caribbean rectorialtor for his debut �ilm ‘1917’.‘American She Beauty’ pointed won out leavescut off alsoworld-class made it dif�icult talent tounrecog- get thorityused to in �inance key markets, destination including marketing the UK nations. St Lucia’s proposed fee struc- him the Academy Award and Golden nised. and Europe. ture is like the Maldives. Globe for best director, dedicated the "The business of promoting a tour- The cash will also be used to support win to his Trinidadian grandfather nancial support without an interna- ism destination is becoming increasing- village tourism and local product devel- Alfred Mendes, novelist, short-story tional“Additionally, celebrity thereattached is notto a much project. �i- ly challenging and highly competitive opment, and for other destination man- writer and World War I veteran. We Trinidadians have so many stories as countries worldwide try to capture agement purposes. Sam Mendes also directed the James to tell that can only be told by Carib- a greater share of the growing tourist St Lucia currently attracts around bean people living here. We have so market," said an SLTA spokesman. 350,000 stay-over visitors annually and much talent to share but we need just "Given this, it is now common prac- is targeting 541,000 by 2022. The SLTA torsBond have �ilms been ‘’ working and diligently ‘Spectre’. to one opportunity to break into the in- also wants to increase airlift to the is- Newallo said TT �ilmmakers and ac-  of their tourism product through an land.  tice for countries to �inance marketing make �ilms at an international level, ternational industry.” Grenada wants Indian Guyana cranks up for med students oil wealth Grenada’s St George’s University, Guyana is on the cusp of the leading international medical great oil wealth develop- school in the Caribbean, is offering ment and wants everyone in Indian medical students the chance the diaspora to return home to study to be a medical doctor. to contribute to growing the The lack of spaces in Indian med- economy. ical schools is well documented Guyana is celebrating its and is leading to many potential historic oil discovery of half students looking abroad for the a billion barrels and Minister

 Grenada is attracting Indian med students wants oil and gas Guyanese chanceSt George’s to qualify University in their is now chosen the professionalsof Finance Winston to return Jordan home  The discovery of huge oil reserves in Guyana second�ield. largest source of doctors for the In addition to the university campus could change the future of the nation entire US workforce and its 20,000 grad- in Grenada, SGU also allows its medical Jordan said expatriates uates comprise physicians, veterinar- doctor students to apply to complete up wereto �ill welcomejob openings. to return to their home- ians, scientists, and public health and to 50 percent of their degree in the Unit- land and apply for these positions emphasized Jordan, adding, that the business professionals. An MD course ed Kingdom at Northumbria University without any restrictions. country’ster where oilyou industry live, this should is your be home,” a spe- at St George’s University provides ambi- in Newcastle. The academic program in “I tell Guyanese to take a page out cial lure to come home. tious students with the chance to study the UK is identical to the program deliv- of the Jamaicans’ book, you don’t have He is excited that Guyanese citizens and work in multiple countries as part ered in Grenada - with the same content, to give any reason to come to a place of their training. examinations, and schedule.  where you were born, it does not mat-  will enjoy its new wealth “will bene�it from the cradle to the elderly”. New LIAT chair is Koffee gets former PM Super Bowl LIAT has appointed a new gig strapped airline in former Barbadoschairman ofPrime the �inanciallyMinister Owen Arthur as chairman. line-up of performers for Super Bowl weekend. Antigua and Barbu- TheReggae announcement singer Koffee comes has after been her added Coachella to the da Prime Minister Gaston Browne said Arthur would replace Jean Holder, who re- con�irmation.The Jamaican Koffee, acts 19, will will join join Cardi previously B, Chris an- tired in December after 16 Brown,nounced Migos, dancehall DJ artistesKhaled, ShenseeaGunna, Megan and Squash. Thee years. Stallion, Burna Boy, Jeremih, Ty Dolla $ign and Browne said that he be- Safaree. lieves that Arthur is the right  Owen Arthur is the new LIAT chair Super Bowl weekend in Miami, is from Jan. 31 person for the job, given his of Antigua and Barbuda, Barba- gua-based airline, whose major dos, Dominica, St Vincent and the Feb. Shakira 1 at Marlins and Jennifer Park. Super Lopez Bowl will headline54 is on Feb. the shareholdershistory of �ighting are the forgovernments the Anti- Grenadines and Grenada.  half-time2 at Hard show.Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Flor-  Koffee, 19, will perform at Super Bowl LOCAL NEWS C�������� T���� Monday, January 13, 2020 | Issue No 477 PAGE A7 Royal Bank opens new of�ice for RBC Dominion Securities, private banking in Camana Bay Town Centre to give all clients more access to GrandRoyal Cayman’s Bank of Canada Camana (RY Bay on commu-TSX and banking services. nityNYSE) on (RBC)Monday, will January open a 13, new 2020. of�ice The in has a proud history in “RBC Royal Bank ritiesnew location along with on Foruma team Lanefrom willthe bank’shouse Malynda Gibson-Nix- Privatethe operations Banking for service. RBC Dominion Secu- on,the Country Caribbean,” Manager, said “We are incredibly proud to be moving Cayman Islands. “With over 55 years of ser- Andrew McCartney, Managing Director, vice to this commu- into the Camana Bay community,” said a sign of our contin- cialRBC hubs, Dominion Camana Securities. Bay offers “As world one of class the uednity, investment our new of�ice in the is servicesregion’s leadingand solutions �inancial for andCayman commer- resi- Cayman Islands. We offerings while giving our clients a one- strength of this market stop-shopdents. RBC’s for new all of�icetheir willwealth add manage- to those andare we con�ident are excited in thefor what the future holds matelyment and 30 private employees banking to the needs.” more than 2,500RBC’s who new currently of�ice willwork add in approxi-Camana Dominionhere.” Securities hasFor helped 50 years, individuals, RBC families, busi- unparalleled wealth management solu- insurance and trust and asset manage- Dominion Securities and private bank- nesses, charitable foundations, and tions. Building on a 120-year history ment services to a wide range of clients, ingBay. employees This move from will across consolidate Cayman RBCinto other organizations in the Cayman around the world, with over 400,000 including individuals, small businesses, one convenient location. In the coming Islands build on, and preserve, their clients globally, and more than $402 general commercial entities, regional and multi-national corporations and mated Teller Machine in Camana Bay’s ning, trusted investment advice, and minion Securities is one of the world’s weeks, RBC will also install an Auto- wealth through sound �inancial plan- leadingbillion infull-service assets under investment care, RBC and Do- please visit governments. For more information, About RBC wealth management �irms. RBC Royal Bank is the proud recipient nancial institution with a purpose-driv- of Global Finance magazine’s 2020 Best en,Royal principles-led Bank of Canadaapproach is ato global deliver- �i- Private Bank (North America) Award. ing leading performance. Our success BestThe publicationPrivate Bank, also Best gave Private RBC Bank its topfor comes from the 86,000+ employees who Entrepreneurs,accolades in the and Caribbean, Best Private speci�ically, Bank bring our vision, values and strategy to life so we can help our clients thrive and communities prosper. As Canada’s big- for Families.About RBC in the gest bank, and one of the largest in the Caribbean world based on market capitalization, With more than 110 years of ded- with a focus on innovation and provid- presence in 17 countries and territories, ingwe haveexceptional a diversi�ied experiences business to our model 16 withicated 52 service branches to the and region, over 3,200RBC has em- a million clients in Canada, the U.S. and 34 ployees serving more than one million clients. As one of the Caribbean’s lead- We are proud to support a broad range ofother community countries. initiatives Learn more through at‎ dona- tions, community investments and em- mercialing diversi�ied banking, �inancial wealth services management, compa- ployee volunteer activities. See how at corporatenies, RBC providesand investment personal andbanking, com- 


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