(A signed notice of the meeting had been displayed on the village notice boards from 19 April 2018 and the meeting had been promoted on the Parish Council website from the same date. Leaflets promoting the meeting had been distributed to houses in the village.)

2018/1: CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS Tim Moss, Chairman of Thorpe Mandeville Parish Council, welcomed those present. He explained that the meeting was not a meeting of the parish council.

2018/2: ATTENDANCE AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Present: 14 parishioners (including four parish councillors and the parish clerk) South Northants District Councillor Rosie Herring (from her report onwards) PCSO Graham Suppiah HS2 representatives: Nisha Mejer (HS2 Community Liaison Manager), Lorraine Kelly (Fusion jv Community Liaison Manager) and from the contractor joint venture Eiffage/Kier: Simon Matthews, Olivia Perkins and Chris James Apologies: County Councillor Ian Morris (illness), District Councillor Mary-Anne Sergison-Brooke, Tony Limb and Christine Isted.

2018/3: MINUTES OF THE 2017 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 2017 were approved and then signed by the Chairman.

2018/4: POLICE REPORT PCSO Graham Suppiah advised that the reported crime in the parish since 1 April 2017 was relatively quiet but it included two thefts. He summarised the current structure of policing in the locality and referred to various methods of communicating with the police. He advised that although the police neighbourhood team is based at Brackley, emergency calls are dealt with by officers.

2018/5: REPORT FROM HS2 REPRESENTATIVES All five representatives contributed to an illustrated presentation, primarily referring to how community liaison will operate, an overview of construction stages with particular reference to the parish, and key design issues on the Lower Thorpe viaduct. Both non-intrusive and intrusive ground surveys will be undertaken in 2018, main construction work is planned to start in the second or third quarters of 2019, and Lane at Lower Thorpe will be closed for about 30 months. Monthly community liaison ‘drop on sessions’ will start in May at Village Hall.

2018/6: REPORT FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR ROSIE HERRING Councillor Herring reported on various issues including her support for Horton hospital’s facilities, the likelihood of a new local government unitary body in the county and its potential implications.

2018/7: REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR IAN MORRIS The Chairman advised salient points from the written report submitted by Councillor Morris including unitary considerations, adult care and road repair issues, and financial constraints resulting in reduced library facilities.

2018/8: PARISH COUNCIL MATTERS Parish Council Chairman Tim Moss advised the following: 2018/8a: The Parish Council precept for 2018/19 again remains unchanged from recent years.

2018/8b: LED lamps have recently been installed on the 12 streetlights, replacing sodium lamps. Material electricity cost saving is anticipated, in addition to maintenance reduction.

2018/8c: The Council has received £4,882 in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy. This can only be expended in certain ways, primarily arising on costs arising from infrastructure development but it is understood that it may be expended on village hall aspects. It is early days and careful consideration will be given as to how this fund is utilised.

2018/8d: The Parish Council is pursuing the possibility of vehicle-activated road safety signs with some funding from the HS2 Road Safety Fund. At last year’s meeting it was suggested that there should be a sign at the Three Conies approach to the village in addition to the approach from the direction. Tim Moss requested comments about this and suggestions for the best location. Most people at the meeting favoured a sign on the roadside near the location of the former telephone box. Other road safety suggestions were made, including the possibility of speed restriction on the Banbury Road starting near the village name sign.

2018/9: RABBIT RING Mags Durham referred to recent social activities of the Rabbit Ring ladies club. Interest from prospective members would be welcome.

2018/10: THUMPERS Tim Moss referred to the varied activities of the men’s club.

2018/11: THE THREE CONIES INN Tanicha Boneham summarised a number of special events organised in 2018, with some benefitting both the village hall and the church. Appreciation was shown for Tanicha’s and Leigh Chambers’ support of the village, particularly the amount raised at the recent Fayre.

2018/12: THE VILLAGE HALL Mike Pringle reported on encouraging finances bearing in mind the material expenditure on repairs and redecoration in the last year. It is intended to investigate the continuing dampness despite the replacement of rainwater goods. Thanks were expressed to a number of helpers in the recent projects, particularly John Clouston, Danny Caswell and David Wright.

2018/13: PARISH CHURCH Churchwarden Maurice Cole reported on the successful roof repairs and completion of the wall and gates to the churchyard extension, expressing thanks to the village for its financial support. Repairs to the old churchyard wall will be undertaken in the summer. Concern regarding some movement in the east wall of the church will be investigated. Thanks were expressed to the small team mowing the churchyard. More assistance would be welcome.

2018/14: NHS FIRST RESPONDER David Wright advised that unfortunately he had to resign as an NHS First Responder because of a health problem but he still has a defibrillator and other equipment and therefore he can assist on emergencies in the parish. David advised his telephone number to those present (currently available on the Parish Council website). The Chairman expressed thanks to David for his past help to the community.

2018/15: ANY OTHER BUSINESS 2018/15a: NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Mike Pringle referred to the benefit of having Neighbourhood Watch representations and wondered how this could be best progressed. The Chairman hoped that volunteers would come forward.

2018/15b: FOOTPATH: Lori Reid wondered if a footpath could be provided outside her home on Banbury Road. The danger of having to walk on the road is heightened by the building of the adjacent new home and imminent material usage by HS2 construction traffic. The Chairman indicated that the parish council would give consideration to the position, probably contacting the highways authority.

2018/15c: ATTENDANCE: Disappointment was expressed about the low number attending the meeting despite all the meeting notices promoting the attendance of HS2 representatives.

MEETING CLOSED 9.45pm with the Chairman’s thanks to those attending.