Distribution' WettHer Today y deudy today, tonJ|W and tomwrcw. Kltfaek temper- WDBANK 117,175 ature today »; knrwt, tonight 18. II to a m.p.h. Easterly winds today becoming variable tomor- MONDAY THUOVGUrBlDAY-MST. JOT SH I-OOIO row., See weather," page I. »• ZR WEEK Issued dally, Monday tnrough Friday. Second Cilia Pottage RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 17 iPald at Red Bank and at Additional Malllnc OUtces. I CARRIER New Steeple Fishermen Hit Shark Chemical's Military Boost Value Stressed ASBURY PARK—Officials from. But before the meeting in 12'seashore towns, plus a smat-:Convention Hall dispersed, the ering of other citizens met here group left a message with the esterday to learn how a chem- host, Assemblyman Clifton T. Discussion Set ical compound that "smells like Barkalow of Monmouth, and two dead shark" and has the color other assemblymen present. It of a squid's ink can scare live was: sharks off bathing beaches. i Keep party fishing boats and The speaker said the black, commercial moss bunker boats ainted powder is unoffensive to off &ote so theY won'' at!ract lumans. the sharks in the first place." Leads Attack By U. S., Allies Mrs. Dorothy Noe, Point Pleas- 'Ridiculous' ant, led the latter attack. Her complaint was against the com- mercial fishermen who draw To Meet large supplies of fish into their Beaches holes and later, after washing, flush the residue back to sea. Sharks follow blood. A^d Berlin these boats pump blood into the water right off swimming areas," Proposal she said. With the backing of others, she Threat told Mr. Barkalow and Assembly men Maurice Brady of Hudson WASHINGTON (AP) — Scored and William Hierin^ of Ocean, TRENTON (AP) — Richard J. there should be a law prohibit- The United States was ex- Hughes, the Democratic can- ng flushing of fish wastes into pected today to begin im- didate for governor; has repeated he sea within three miles of his call for unrestricted access to beaches. mediate consultation with New Jersey's beaches. Wants Report the Allied powers on Presi- At the same time, in a state- The assemblymen asked state dent Kennedy's decision for ment yesterday, he criticized his biologist Paul Hamer, who was opponent, James P. Mitchell, the present, to give them a report reinforcing Allied military power Republican candidate, for sug- later on existing regulations and to meet the Soviet threat over ;esting that shore towns handle also what changes might Berlin. the explosive beach restriction beneficial. Kennedy met with his top situation on a local basis. (See SHARKS, Page 2) diplomatic and military advisers Hughes called the Mitchell pro- in a session of the National Se- posal "ridiculous" and added: curity Council at the White House "Such statements are to be ex- late yesterday. pected from a man who knows Third Caucus Press Secretary Pierre Saling- little and says less about the er said after the meeting "there needs and hope of the people of This Week w»re decisions made.H He said UP IT GOES—Riggers yesterday raised n ew steeple for the First Baptist Church, in New Jersey." that the administration now en- Holmdel village. Church's steeple and part of roof were damaged by fire last Has Obligation Is Scheduled ers into "the phase of consulta- August. Since then, Charles B. Hembling and Sons, Red Bank builders, have been ion with our Allies." Mitchell had said, "A munici- LONG BRANCH-City Council The first talks wera expected repairing damage to the church, whose history dates to 1468. For » view of the pality with very little beach space will have its third caucus of the PRESIDENT KENNEDY gestures during news conference to be with Britain. France and certainly has an obligation to pro- church with steeple in place, see page 2. week tonight with two pressing in Washington when he announced he is making final West Germany, probably through vide for its own residents." He problems before it. their ambassadors in Washington. added that towns should co-oper- The new nine-member body, decisions on U.S. military maasures to meet the Soviet Those three countries are re- ate on beach space for the pub- with Mayor Thomas L. Me Clin- challenge to the Western Powers' position in Berlin. lic." garded by Kennedy and Rusk as tock presiding again after return Kennedy said, "We intend to honor our commitments." having a primary concern with Hughes said: from his 10-day wedding trip, will the Berlin problem, but discus- School Aid Revival "Our state now spends a million try to rule in a dispute between (AP sions with all IS NATO AlMes will dollars a year to preserve the its lone councilwoman and its foHow quickly in the NATO per- beachfront. This money comes woman acting city manager, and manent oounefl at Parll. The Impacted Areas Program Seen as Key from every taxpayer in the state. in a difference of opinion between Levitt Development U.S. NATO representative, Am- "The funds are spent in recog- its city attorney and acting city bassador Tfoomaa R. Finletter, WASHINGTON (AP) •<- Ito The ptcgram involves about billion public school grant bil nition of the fact that our.beaches attorney. participated in the NSC meeting are one of New Jersey's most congressional pilots of the frozen $300 million of annual aid to shelved in the House Rules Com Councilwoman Lucy Wilson yesterday. mittee Tuesday. valuable assets — valuable to the general federal aid to education school districts whose enrollments has been accused by Miss Sanita Board Wants Sewer are swollen because of federal Many House members and sen shore municipalities, in particu- J. Camassa, the city clerk and Kennedy's specifia decisions bill tried to bring it back to life ators have been demanding that lar, and the state, in general." acting manager, of violating were not disolosed, but it i* be- installations. It expired June 30. lieved that he made a basic pol- today through demands for con- The aid, known as the impacted if the general education bill is "Yet, Mr. Mitchell proposes state laws by giving orders to Plant in Township tinuance of a popular, separate dead, a separate impacted areas that New Jersey taipayers be city employees at the beachfront icy determination to increase the areas program, Would be revived size of U.S. armed forces to meet •chool program. i by provisions in the general S2.55 extension bill be put through prohibited from enjoying some of instead of moving through the MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — De- board at the time that "the wholi the benefits obtained with their council and manager. thlng was a misunderstanding." the Berlin crisis, H« made dear before Congress quits for the veloper William J. Levitt, Jr. at hii news conference yesterday year. own money. Declines Comment asked the Planning Board last Survey Check Bookmakers Names Is he oonaiden the threat to be SeetaVeto If Mr. Mitchell's theory Mrs, Wilson, though she de- night to confirm in writing where He said tha letter had bee: worldwid*. However, Rep. Frank Thomp- carried out to its absurd con clined comment today, has said it wants the sewer plant for the written to the borough withou son Jr., D-N. J., chief sponsor elusion, use-of our magnificent she has only made various rec- Levitt project located. the knowledge of Levitt officials Strength o( Forces of the general bill in the House, coastline would be limited to res- ommendations. She has said that The answer was unanimous— and was only part of a genera idents of the beachfront commun- Pretsnt V.S. regular Army and Collichio Disputed said, "It is my considered judg- her ideas were discussed with the Matawan Township. survey check being made by th« Marine Corps ground strength to- ities." ment that the President would council and were given to Miss Mr. Levitt said the state health engineers. tals about 1,033,000, of which Hughes said he'had n» quarrel Camassa in writing and that her veto any separate impacted area department had asked him for the Mr. Levitt last night also pre 856,000 is Army. In the reservoir legislation unless it was cut well with municipalities who charge only contact with employees has confirmation before it would dis- sented the board with a sketc beach fees to residents and non- been during tours on observation. of ground forces are about 399,- below the current level." cuss specifics of the sewer fa- of the project's sales exhibit t 000 National Guardsmen, 300,000 By Detective Chief residents alike. The Council rebuked Mrs. Wil- be constructed on Rt. 34 mid Thompson noted that 319 con- cilities in the planned 1,300-house trained Army Reserves and 208,- son at a caucus Monday for hav- gressmen — far more than a project. (See LEVITT, Page 2) (See MILITARY, Page 2) KEANSBURG - John M. Gaw- of being used In bookmaking op- majority — represent districts It Was 90, ing issued a statement to news- "If you will give us a clear- ler, chief of county detectives, erations. where schools receive help under papers calling beachfront oper- cut expression of your feelings, •aid yesterday that Mayor Louis Mr. Collichio at that time told the 10-year-old impacted areas But No Record ating conditions "chaotic." She we can then proceed with a study Collichio "is wrong" when he said The- Register that bookmaking program. . had said lifeguards were ~EONG BRANCH ~ fhnhep and ^it Tricky Weather THaTtRe names of bookmakert-in was a big—business in the bor- Sen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., trained and were-not-pay ing at- ommendations for your review," mometer climbed to 90 at noon tention to their duties: that the borough are known to the ough and that the names of the chairman of the Senate Educa Mr. Levitt told the board, prosecutor's office. bookies were well known through- yesterday, but no record was set. beaches were dirty, and that hun- Still Big Space Shot Problem tion subcommittee which would dreds of bathers were going on Dolan's Motion At Tuesday night's Borough out town. have to handle any separate Sen- The weather bureau here has reported thafrecord high for the the beaches without "paying fees Council meeting, Mayor Collichio He also charged that "payoffs ate extension bill, told newsmen On a motion by Harold J. Do- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) som's tint attempt Tuesday, And charged that the prosecutor need were being made" so that book- day was in 1957, when the tern because of unsupervised openings Ian, the board directed a letter —For the third time astronaut again Wednesday after he 'spent flatly he would do nothing to get perature was 96. in fences. go no further "than his own rec- ies were able to operate in the such legislation enacted. to Mr. Levitt stating its desire to Virgil I, (Gus) Grissom — and 314 hours lying in his space cap- ords"-to learn the names of the Highest temperature forecast "Yes" Votes 5,000 men giving direct support- community. "It is my opinion," he said, have the sewer facilities "built ule atop a fully-fueled rocket. persons the mayor was speaking In his letter, Chief Gawler for today is 80 degrees, but the But when a vote was taken on and mainained in Matawan gambled today against tricky Pulie Races Up of. "that the aid provided in the im Newark Airport bureau predicts a proposal to remove Mrs. Wil weather to permit his ride into asked that the mayor turn over pacted areas laws will and should Township." Grissom's pulse raced up to The mayor's statement at the any information he had on the a possible 91 with cooling brief son as a co-chairman of the Board members again voiced space tomorrow. come to an end unless the Con- showers expected tomorrow beaches and public property 120 countt g minute during the council table was prompted by subject to the prosecutor. [heir wishes ihat the sewer sys- Early, weather odds indicated a countdown that fell 10'/j minutei a letter from Chief Gawler ask- (See AID, Page 2) night. (See CAUCUS, page 2) In reply Mr. Collichio charged tem be in no way connected to 6-10-4 chance skies would be clear short of blast-off, ing that he make known the that he had revealed names when ihe Matawan borough system. enough at 6 a.m. (EST) Friday names of any bookmakers active he appeared before the Grand The question of the sewer sys- for a go-ahead. In the borough. Jury in 1959 on another matter. The gamble now Is apparently Related Story, PbotM, Pag* 17 Register-Story- lem location, had caused some- —MrrGawler-said"thlrstSteTTfenf Selected forPe£iceJJorpsJ*os£ hing of ah uproar last month all on weatner. The letter was in reply to a was not true. when the board learned that the For in summer, this central But his doctor called that ex- statement appearing in The Reg- He challenged Mr. Collichio to Levitt firm's engineers, Albright Florida section is one 0' the pectable in the excitement, and ister last week in a story dealing make know* the names. Assignment Seen and Friel, Philadelphia, had writ- world's greatest areas for thun- said Griasom was always in fine with a raid on a home suspected (See GAWLER, Page 2) ten to the borough, inquiring about derstorms, and is often beset by shape. To Nigeria a possible hookup with the bor- clouds which, for a pre-set launch Excitement also stirred many ough system. . time, could obscure the eyes of of the 5,000 engineers, scientists, "WEST"LONG BRANCH —' Wil- The Planning Board immediate- cameras to irack manned rocket technicians and sailors, stationed liam Jackson, 21, a June graduate flight, said ill. S, Weather Bu- at this missile base, on island Tun isiaBreakingOff of Monmouth College, learned ly rejected any such arrange- ment. reau expert. tracking stations, on ships at set yesterday that he will spend most Cloudy weather postponed Gris-i (See WEATHER, Page 2) of the next two years in Nigeria, Mr. Levitt explained to the French Relations teaching English literature to African high school students. TUNIS (AP) - French and and 20 wounded in clashes with Tunisian troops exchanged fire the Tunisians yesterday and early Mr. Jackson will be the first Church Finds New Site •gain early today on the fringes today. Monmouth College man to enter of the sprawling French Naval The French also said their com- the Peace Corps, He learned; Base at Bizcrte, and President (See TUNISIA, Page 2) early this month that he had been Blocked in Runison, May Build in Fair Haven Habib Bourguiba announced he accepted for training. Yesterday Is breaking off diplomatic — but the corps sent him a telegram FAIR HAVEN — The Fair A variance will bpnecded, he lands by concentrating people not consular — relations with telling him his probable destina- Haven Methodist Church has said, for a technicality concern- and cars In the area on certain France, tion. found a new location here for its ing the road to be built on the days. The Tunisian president, trying Index ..! had been expecting to go to proposed new building. hand, he said. However the need Seen Unlalr to drive France from the b i g; paae:South America, since he speaks Rev. James C. Rupert an- (or the variance will in no way After the decision, Rev. Rupert naval base it retained after its Amusements 18 a little Spanish, but expressed de nounced yesterday Ihat the delay or halt the church's plans charged the church had not been Tunisian protectorate gained in-! Births 2 light with the African assign- church will be located in the 1 (c> "build or buy," be indicated. treated fairly by the board. His As the result of action last dependence in 1956, told a news Jim Bishop « ment. center of the Lovett Nursery charges were promptly denied month by Boroup.li Council, resi- conference 24 Tunisians had been Hal Boyle 12 •>pe." he said, "that I may tract, 575 f-H off Ridge Rd., in by Rumson Mayor Peter Cart- dential lots in the Lovett tract killed in clashes with French Bridge : 19 be able to contribute to better this borou' tncll. which do not front on Ridge Rd. troops. Classified , HW7 between us, as In May, the church was denied The preliminary plans for the must cover at least one acre. The casualties, Bourguiba said, Comics .'. „ 19 Americans, and the African peo- permission by the Rumson Zoning contemporary style church will Included 20 kjlled Tunisian troops Crossword Puzzle _ It ple we wijl be working with." Board of Adjustment to build the Rev. Rupert yesterday pointed not be altered because of the during the night threw back a Editorials fi History Major proposed new building in that out that the Fair Haven zoning change In site location Rev. Ru- French unit trying to force its Herblock 6 Mr. Jackson, who lives at 1904 borough also on a site off Ridge code, unlike Rumson's docs not pert said last night. The church way through a roadblock at Men- Kitty Kelly ."'Z 20 iCleveland Ave., West Belmar, Rd. have an amendment requiring will accommodate 500 persons. - variances for the construction of zel-Bourguiba, on the outskirts of Movie Timetable 13 was a history major at Monmouth The new five-acre site will have "It is to be an "all-family churches in residential zones. the Bizerte area. French authori- Obituaries 2 College. He was an Honor So- AFRICA BOUND — William Jackson, left, of 1904 direct access to Ridjje Rd. Part church," he said, offering a place ties in Paris denied the clash had Sylvia Porter .' 6 ciety member, and finished 19th j Cleveland Ave., West Belmar, a June graduate of Mon- of the land abuts on the dead end The Rumson zoning unit ruled for worship, education and fellow- Occurred. In a class of 224, - I of McCarter Ave., where a rear in May that construction of a ship. • • ;•• Radio-Television 18 mouth College, discusses Nigerian Peace Corps as- 30 Wounded Social 20-21 He applied to the Peace Corps | entrance to the property Is paved parking lot adjacent to the Size of the area will permit The French had reported 30 of George Sckolsky ; 6 last April, and took two day-long" signment letter with George Noel, college dean of planned. proposed building would create not only parking lots and pos- their men wounded in the shoot- Sports 24-25 examinations for corps entrance instruction. It was Mr. N»el who, at Mr. Jackson's Rev, Rupert said the church drainage problems. In addition, sible expansion but also the con- in May and June. has an option on the property the board said an institutional struction of recreational facilities. ing yesterday. Stock Market . S history teacher, encouraged the youth to apply for the Sources in Paris said two Successful Investing 1 His parents, he said, were which is "tantamount to getting use of the property would detract A softball field and picnic grove Frencjj soldiers had been killed W. S. White 8 (See NIGERIA, Page 2) corps. , it." from the usefulness of nearby figure In ths plans, ha »ald. -%-ThiinSaj, July 20, 1961 RED BANK REGISTER WeoHier New Jersey New Jersey — Raia ending Births County Says No Nigeria early this morning with fair News Briefs OBITUARIES y y weather the rest of the day. High (Continued) near 90 in most places, Fair to- Rlvcivlew Associated Press p R F somewhat apprehensive when night with low mostly in the 60a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane, 48 FRANK JT. MOLJCAR po Request For word of his acceptance cami except near " South Bay Ave., Highlands, JERSEY CITY—A new salary HIGHLANDS — Frank J. Moli- early this month, but he has "ex- in the south daughter, yesterday. schedule and administrative code car, 67, of 409 Bay Ave., died plained away" their fears, an east cornei Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dworne- have been adopted by the Jer- Tuesday in Veterans Hospital, Noting Machines now they seem quite enthusiastic Tomorrow fair, kowski. Clover Knoll La., Holm- sey City Council. They were ap- East Orange. I" FREEHOLD - New York City about his far-away post. quite warm anc del, a son, yesterday. proved without amendment yes- Mr. Molicar was born to New- l':Mll have to look further than He will leave Sunday for Har- more hum! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Balady terday, 7-2, after opponents as- ark and had resided here 50 years. SMbnmouth County In its search vard, where he will have a six- with high nea; West Richards St., Hazlet, a son, sailed the measures for an hour. He was the proprietor of Mulli. L Jdr voting machines for use in week period of intensive training or slightl yesterday. The schedule provides $6,000 a gan's Tavern here. '••Its three-party primary election in the history, customs and mores above 90 i Mr. and Mrs. David Hull, 29C year for counciimen, $15,000 for Mr. Molicar was a veteran of ^•W^itests in September. of Africa, and especially of N most sections. Dartmouth Rd., Fair Haven, department directors and $22,500 World War I, a member of the •'; > *The Board of Freeholders yes. geria. MARINE son, yesterday. for the business administrator. Elks, Long Branch; Masons, New- I'-teyday turned down a request of He will also undergo a physica Cape May to Mr .and Mrs. John Flynn, 41 Council President John J. Kd]ew- ark, and American Legion, and rtfie Shoup Voting Machine Com- "toughening" program designec Block Island- Dartmouth Dr., Hazlet, a son ski said changes sought by critic Chamber of Commerce, both pany, which supplies county ma- to prepare him for the strenuou Variable winds five knots this Monmouth Medical Center of the measures may be consid- here, and the United Tavern Own- •ttbines and also services New life ahead. morning becoming southerly 1( Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rikei ered later. But he said the codi ers Association. ? (York City, to lend its more than Train In Africa to 15 knots this afternoon. South 830 Center St., Union Beach, had to be adopted without delaj Surviving are his wife, Mrs. "450 vote counters to the city for When this course is completed west to west winds about five son, this morning. "to get the city moving." Coun- Cora White Molicar; four sisters, -• the primary. he will have two week's leave tc knots tonight becoming south to Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Marino, ciimen Fred Martin and Thoma Mrs. Milicent Hull of Brielle and ' Though New York City would bid farewell to home and friend: southwest 10 to 15 knots Friday 3 Private Rd., Highlands, daugh- Maresca offered amendments Mrs. Mae Hildebrand, Mrs. Viola guarantee transportation and in- and then go to Africa. After h( afternoon. Rain ending this morn- ter, this morning. that would have pared various Kaufman and Mrs. Anna Rowe, surance, the proposed return date arrives he will have further train ing with fair weather this after- Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Smith salaries by $3,000. all of Union, and a brother, Jacob :; would be early in October. Free- at the University College ol noon through Friday. Visibilit) 584 Clinton PI., Belford, a son, Molicar of Bloomfield. holders agreed this would be too Ibadan, Nigeria. near one mile in rain and some this morning. TRENTON—Firemen In ad- The funeral will be Saturday at late to allow proper servicing, re- Tog this morning but otherwis Mr. and Mrs. Dale Burd, 1( jacent Hamilton Township are 11 a.m. in the Posten Funeral • pair and delivery to local polling These plans are subject t change, he pointed out, since ne- five miles or more. Hiawatha Ave., Oceanport, a son a little perplexed about human Home, Atlantic Highlands. Burial places in time for the November TIDES yesterday. nature. The desk man got a call will be in Monmouth Memorial general election. gotiations about the program are still under way. However, if th (Sandy Hook) Mr. and Mrs. John Krutak, RD from an excited woman last Park. Nigerian assignment doesn't work Today — High 1:52 p.m., lo 4, Jackson Hill Rd., Freehold, nlght-'There's a fire at 2490. Military out, he and his group will go to 8:10 p.m. son, yesterday. The whole place Is on fire." MRS. NORA LOFTUS Friday — High 1:51 a.m. am Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mark, The lady didn't give her street KEANSBURG — Mrs. Nora (Continued) another African country, Peac< Corps authorities have explained. 2:43 p.m., low 8:26 a.m. and 9:1 207 Oakwood Ave., Long Branch, before she hung up, and the O'Neill Loftus, 76, of 33 Lohsen desk man called police to see 000 in the ready reserve of the By January, it Is planned, he p.m. a son, yesterday. Ave., died yesterday at home. Marine Corps. (For Red Bank and Rumsoi Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Bestle, If they knew of any fire. They She was born at Carbondale, will be teaching English in sent out cars to check. Then Administration officials hac Nigerian high school. He will live, Bridge, add two hours; Se; 4 South View West, Middletown, Pa., and had lived In Keansburg been saying privately for several Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Lonj a son, yesterday. the same woman called. "Never four years, moving here from dress and eat as those living in mind, we have it under con- weeks that the developing threats that area do. He will get a sub- Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High Mr. and Mrs. Don A. KarHdc, Newark. She was a member of • against Berlin by Soviet Premier ands Bridge, add 40 minutes). 347 Maple PI., Keyport, a son, trol now." "You forgot to tell St. Ann's Catholic Church. sistence allowance while he is me the name,of the street," Khrushchev provide the focal abroad, and $75 a month will be CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) - yesterday. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. •point of danger at present bu Flash floods hit Charleston, W. SAFE LANDING—It took an hour and 15 minutes for the desk man said. "Oh, you Mary Stewart of Keansburg; a banked for him here in the United weren't even going to bother that the peril to U.S. interest in States, to be saved for him until Va., after torrential rains, caus workmen to raise and put in place the new steeple for sister, Mrs. Mary McNamara of 'such distant places as Southeas to come eh?" the woman re- he has completed his time ing the deaths of at least four tha First Baptist Church in Holmdel village. Church Pennsylvania; and four grand- Asia, v/hich Kennedy himse! persons. Hundreds of persons- Aid plied. children. Her husband was the mentioned at the news confer abroad. officials estimated that repairs'to the building will be The new Peace Corps member's more than 100 families—were (Continued) late John W, Loftus, who died • ence, must be taken into ac- forced to flee their homes. Com- gress proceeds to pass a general completed soon. The church will be placed back into JACKSON, Miss.--Joan Pleune, April 25. " count. first act when he learned of his 22, of South Orange, N. J., was assignment was to go straight to munications were disrupted. education bill." use in the early part of September. A high mass of requiem will be Another Security Council meet The heaviest rain in more than among those released on bond Monmouth College, to tell faculty Reject Proposal offered Saturday at 9 a.m. in St. ing was scheduled for today. But 10 years, more than five Inches yesterday after being arrested Ann's Church. Burial will be in it was understood to have been members who had encouraged Morse, who piloted a $2.55 bi as a "freedom rider." The $500 him and written recommendations drenched the West Virginia city St. Joseph's Cemetery, Keyport, called to deal with problems oth- of 85,000 and nearby areas In lion general grade and high schoo Arrest Pair De Forest bond for her was posted by to officials. bill through the Senate in May CORE, which sponsors the riders. under direction of the John J. er than Berlin. five-hour period last night. Hard- Ryan Funeral Home. The President has clamped Interviewed there yesterday he est hit were the narrow valleys noted that more than one-third o: .secrecy lid on yesterday's deci- said. the nation's children are educated After Raid Will Filed TRENTON—A Hillside man of numerous streams flowing Into MRS. BESSIE SLOTSKI . sions pending a report to the "I wish I could claim to know the Kanawha River, which di- In districts which benefit from LOS ANGELES (AP)-Dr. Lee and a Camden County woman nation next Tuesday night ond rather more than I do abou' the impacted areas program. have been penalized for viola- LAKEWOOD (AP) - Mrs. Bes- vides Charleston. On Tavern de Forest whose invention of the sie Slotski, 57, of 801 Clifton Ave. a message to Congress on Nigeria, but if you'll ask me again Lightning killed four constru' His subcommittee, in acting on three-element vacuum tube helped tion of the state Pharmacy Act, Wednesday. The half hour re- in six weeks, after the training the general measure, rejected a CLIFFWOOD—George Meinzer, Attorney Gen. David D. Fur- died yesterday of injuries suf- tion workers near Cambridgi spawn the vast electronics indus- fered Sunday night when she was port to the nation Tuesday night at Harvard, I'll be able to answer Ohio, when they took refuge un Kennedy recommendation that Middlesex Rd.p will have a pre- try, left only $1,250 in cash. man said yesterday. Joseph R. at 9 pjm. EST will be carried all questions." this aid be cut down. liminary hearing in Municipa Schafman, owner of Miller's struck by a car while crossing der a tree from a severe electrii Dr. de Forest's will was file Rt. 9 at 4th St. live on ali radio and TV net- "they if you'll ask me about al storm. President Kennedy told a news Court Tuesday night on a charge for probate yesterday by hii Pharmacy, Hillside, suffered a works. Nigeria two years from now, I conference yesterday that the two of bookmaking, police reported six-month suspension of his reg- The driver of the car, Mrs. Thunderstorms battered,, wesl fourth wife, former actress Marii Yolanda Troisi, 21, of 121 Cedar Basks Policy hope I'll be able to answer in a issues should be kept in one bill. According to Police Chief J. Mosquini. The famed inventoi istration for dispensing legend central Kansas. One man was Edgar Wilkinson, Meinzer was St., Nutley, told police Mrs. Slot- Meanwhile the State and De- Nigerian dialect!" killed when he tried to pull Congress would not meet its re- died June 30 at 87. drugs without a prescription sponsibilities, he said, if it passed arrested Tuesday afternoon after and failing to record narcotics ski was crossing the highway fense Department, Budget Bu- broken power line off a natural Mrs. de Forest's attorney sal against a red light. Mrs. Troisi reau and otlher government agen- only impacted areas legislation. three Division of Alcoholic Bev- her husband held patents which properly, Furman said. He said gas meter behind his home at erage Control agents and Troop- said it was raining and her car cies involved are to put into Plainville. Kennedy also gave heart to could yield further income, but Mrs. Ruth M. Weeks, of Col- Sharks supporters of the general bill at er Peter Coughlin of the Keyport wick, was fined $100 tor sell- skidded as she tried to avoid Mrs. precise end detailed form the Wind gusts were clocked at 121 they are not doing so now. Slotski. plans for action growing out of (Continued) the Capitol with his assertion that state police raided the Cliffwood The will, signed in 1954, left ing a drug without a proper m.p.h. at the Hays, Kan., Airport, nn. prescription. Mrs. Slotski suffered a broken yesterday's basic policy deci- The demand temporarily pu where three planes were damaged the general school bill is "prob- all property to Mrs. de Forest sions. Foreign governments chemist Howard B. Reiffel, presi ably the most Important piece of Chief Wilkinson said that the except for bequests of $1 each to arm, broken ribs, broken leg and and the doors of a hangar blown agents and the trooper "placed internal injuries. whose co-operation is considered dent of the Presto Dyechem Co. off. Hailstones ranged from the domestic legislation I have re- three daughters. TRENTON —Esteran DelvaHe, essential to the success of the Yonkers, N. Y., in the back- quested." bets" with Meinzer, a bartender The Hollywood Blvd. home, thi 21, of 106 Bridge St., drowned in sire of golf balls to tennis ball atMhe tavern. U.S. action program will be in- ground. He had helped build up n the storm belt. Heavy damage Shortly after his news confer- inventor shared with his fourth 10 feet of water while swimming formed in the meantime and pre- to the audience remarks by con- ence, the Senate Labor Commit- The chief said that the man- wife is owned by her, the lawyer 50 feet from shore in the Dela- Weather was reported. Hail and rain meas ager, George Pouzenc, Jr., who sumably congressional leadens ceding with Mr. Hamer tha tee approved 11 to 4 anothei said. ware River Tuesday. Louis Mai- (Continued) ured up to four inches north oi lives on the premises was v^MI be consulted. chum used for fishing bait and Hays, along the Saline Klver. piece of school legislation on bonado, 15, Delvalle's brother-in- charged with maintaining a build- law, witnessed the drowning and and In technical centers, who TTie President's decisions are blood attracts sharks. Some early morning tempera- which the President had put an understood to fall In three cate- ing for bookmaking purposes. called police. Malbonado said were geared up for Grlssom's Later both Mr. Reiffel and Mr. tures; New York 73, rain; Chica- urgent tag — extension of th Levitt ride. Hamer agreed that, even with 1958 national defense education He also will receive a hearing DelvaHe appeared to tire as he go 73, cloudy; Boston 73, cloudy; Tuesday night. (Continued) neared the shore and went un- Grissom was to spend the day Those requiring actions for elimination of all fishing activi- Washington 78, rain; Atlanta 70, act. Which he has the authority to Both have been placed under way between Broad St. and At der. in seclusion resting and continu- ty, sharks historically swim in cloudy; Miami 79, partly clear; The committee voted to broaden ing training for his trip designed ti>ka himself. For example, as large numbers in Jersey waters. $500 bonds pending the hearing, lantic Ave. Louisville 72, cloudy; Detroit 67, this law to cover some Kenned; the chief said. to gain additional Information in cbmmander-in-chiel he can send Cautions Approach clear; St. Louis 72, partly clear; recommendations as well as tc The exhibit will consist of six EUZABETH-Israel Alvarez, one or more divisions to strength- homes, one of each model to be Jr., 7, Is home after a two- the wake of Cmdr. Alan B. Shep- Mr. Hamer suggested a cautious Minneapolis 67, cloudy; Kansas include several new features ol ard's May 5 fight. en NATO defenses in Europe and approach to anti-shark moves, City 74, cloudy; Denver 62, part- its own. constructed in the project. months' effort by relatives to cm redeploy VS. air and naval It will be some 630 feet in get him out of Cuba. The boy New Countdown contending that traditionally mos ly clear; Dallas "81, clear; Phoe- Controversial Feature Hughes Picks forces.— all move* which have nix 89, clear; Seattle 67, clear; length and will be set 130 feet off was sent to Cuba 15 months A new countdown began this sharks fear man and avoid him The authorizations in the bil morning to ready the Friday been under serious consideration and that between 1917 and 1959 San Francisco %9, clear; Los An- the highway. There will be park- ago to attend school, but when with the prospect that tHey would for the current fiscal year woul Nine Aides ing space for about 100 cars. his parents sought to bring him launching. Liquid oxygen was re- New Jersey had no shark biting geles 67, cloudy; Anchorage 58, total $495 million as compared be ordered if and when the Ber- TRENTON (AP) — Richard J. Only one of the houses — thj back It was learned that his moved yesterday from the rocket, mishaps. cloudy, and Honolulu 77, clear, with about $22$ under present lin crisis grew more serious and Hughes, Democratic candidate one to be used as the official re-entry permit had expired. but the kerosene fuel was left in, threatening. "This product," he said of the law. With the aid of the State De- and space officials said they ex- Presto repellant, "is admittedly for governor, yesterday an- sales office—is to be equipped The President also may declare Most controversial feature of partment and Rep. Florence P. pected everything to be ready on only 97 per cent effective," Mr. nounced the names of nine aides with utilities. a national emergency, * step Tunisia the measure Is a provision for who will work in his campaign Mr. Levitt says he expects thi »wyer, R-JVJ, and others, the time. which under the law enacted by Hamer said. "What happens family got the Immigration De- a shark who isn't convinced by (Continued) $125 million In loans each year John C. Giordano of Long display to be completed "some- There remains the weather, with Congress five year* ago, would mander in Bizerte had turned to parochial and other private Branch, former Monmouth Coun- time in the fall." partment to allow Israel to re- a final report and decision set for Rive him automatic power to call it comes up to the beach. He wil turn. come through anyhow." down a Tunisian request for » schools to build classrooms for ty Judge, will be state vice chair- It is planned that the six house 10 p.m. (EST) tonight. up to a million armed forces re- truce this morning on the ground teaching of mathematics, science, man of Lawyers for Hughes. Weather must be fairly clear Mr. Reiffel explained that the will be tied in directly with the servists to active duty. Similarly that a truce could only be ar- foreign languages and physica William P. Reiss of South NEWARK-The Public Utility not over Cape Canaveral but also It is within the power of the ex- Presto compound diffuses in the over-all layout of the subdivision. ranged between military forces. fitness. Orange will serve as secretary- Asked by the board about the Commission said yesterday that the recovery area 290 miles out ecutive branch to Increase the ocean and creates a solid anti- Psftsate has filed an application shark barrier. The French commander called Morse defended this as constitu- treasurer of the lawyers group, status of his subdivision maps, n the Atlantic. draft call. on the Tunisians to withdraw thi tional and sound, and said he was and five county chairmen will be to eliminate the Erie-Lackawanna Friday, the problem may be Possessing the color of an ink Mr. Levitt said he was "hope- Additional Fund* women and children among the confident It would be retained on John T. Glennon of Elizabeth, Railroad tracks that run on Main more the Atlantic cloudiness than discharged--by__squld-jvjj£ii._this ful" they would be ready for sub- Ave. A similar application in 1949 h^i the floor. But a sharp-flgh^was eharies-JHM«ton-of-JeMey-Cuy, mlssion-Trt-next^month's-board here, said E. A. Amman of the legislation in order to make them under sea anti shark monster is Sanford L. Hollander of Newton, against the "Erie Railroad was about to attack, and the smell of ranks of the Tunisians toldien in prospect there. meeting. Weather Bureau. effective. Any substantial In- around the base, Senate Democratic leader Mike William F. Hanlon of Interlaken, approved by the PUC, but there crease In the level of the armed a dead shark, which other sharks In other business, the board re- wasn't enough money in the city's Bourguiba Mid a special Tunl Mansfield of Montana said the and Joseph C. Murphy of Somer- ceived an inquiry from Dominick forces or stepup in the rate of are know to detest, the com- ville. track elimination account to do pound persuades live sharks to sian representative would *rriv< bill might be called up for debate Grandinetti, Long Branch, regard- Caucus armament would require addi- late next week. A companion Dr. Martin R. Snook of New- it The Erie and Lacakawanna tional funds. The administration turn tail and flee, Mr. Reiffel in New York tonight to presenl ing the township's regulations on measure was shelved In the House ton and Donald L. Masten of merged last year. If the tracks (Continued) has made an Intensive study of said. Tunisian complaint against multiple-unit dwellings. were eliminated service would Security Rules Group Tuesday. Penns Grove will serve as Sus committee, Deputy Mayor Sam- the adequacy of U.S. military Film Showed France^ to the U. Mr. Grandinetti plans to build be diverted to other tracks which uel Marks and Councilman Mil- Council. He called for a council sex and Salem County chairman, efficiency apartments on a 10-acre power in the light of Its global He showed a film made by the respectively, of the citizens for also run through Passaic, but ton Untermeyer were the only responsibilities since Khrushchev meeting tonight or tomorrow. site off Matawan Road near the federal government about 10 Hughes organization. not through the busy Main Ave, ones to vote yes. announced about two weeks ago years ago demonstrating effec- The break in diplomatic rela- Garden State Parkway. Four council members ab- that he had halted the planned tiveness of the chemical. Handy tions will consist of closing the College Joseph P. Stenger, board chair- stained, two were absent, and cutback In the size of Soviet Individual packets have long been Tunisian Embassy in Paris and man, told Mr. Grandinetti thai PHILADELPHIA — A for- Mrs. Wilson voted in. her own forces. standard gear on life jackets of the French Embassy in Tunis. Education Seek to Ban the present zoning ordinance pro- mer assistant purchasing agent behalf. City Attorney Louis 3. Those decisions requiring all Navy personnel travelling over Bourguiba said Tunisia would hibits multiple-unit dwellings, bu for Campbell Soup Co. was Aikens ruled the 2 to 1 vote was Joint action with U.S. Allies. Such or through shark infested waters, continue to maintain consular rep- Drivers With that a substandard housing ordi fined $15,000 today for falling valid but Assistant City Attorney id On the Cuff nance was being worked on. .to file Income tax returns for Jacob Rand disagreed. The at- In conventional military strength As manufactured for beach use, let the French do likewise Tn TRENTON (AP) - A college Mr. Stenggf~estlnlHtganhrTiew ~flve~yeaTs. Louis~GnBallUick- torneys have been studying their !n NATO forces in 'Europe. The the chemical is packaged in Tunisia. education on the cuff? Heart Trouble" irdinance would be ready in abou rodt, 48, of Davids, was placed opinions and are to make new Kennedy administration for sev- bomb-like open-sided plastic The president said that besMe That's how 290 New Jerseyans TRENTON (AP> — A ban on two months. on probation for five years by reports tonight. eral months has been pressing carriers which are strung on a 20 Tunisians killed at Menwl- are handling their higher educa drivers with heart trouble has Mr. Grandinetti said he hoped Federal District Court Judge Meanwhile, the city manager's the European Allies to Increase cable 15 feet apart about 150 feet Bourguiba, two Tunisian troops tion. o start out with about 60 units, C. William Kraft, Jr. The gov- office disclosed that lifeguards the size of forces In being which been put forth for thestate's-con at sea. A dozen bombs cost $27 were slain at Menzil-pjemil and During the first year of the slderation by Attorney Gen. Da- :hree or four units to a building, ernment charged Malllnckrodt will undergo a life saving test would be ready for Instant ac- two guardsmen at an undisclosed and will give protection to a 200- state's education loan program fid D. Furman. failed to file income tax re- tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.^ tion should an armed conflict de- place. turns for five years through foot front for nine hours. They they borrowed $155,000 from 40 Furman said yesterday that Find Mayor's Car The test will be directed by velop as a result of the dispute should only be used when patrols He said another section of 130 participating banks. 1958. The government charged Howard Rowland, Asbury Park with Russia over the future of quite a few traffic deaths are he had an Income of $54,000 ;ee signs of sharks moving to Tunisian soldiers had been cu In reviewing the academic year the result of heart seizure or In Middlctcmn Fire Department captain, who is West Berlin. off and had not been heard from from Campbell, of Camden, eaches, though they could be which ended June 30, Education stroke. RED BANK — Mayor George director of water safety for the used daily. He also accused the French of Commissioner Frederick M. Rau- A. Gray's car, stolen Monday N. J., and $27,838 from trust Monmouth County American Red In discussing the proposal with funds and rents during the He's Convinced utting off water supplies to the binger said yesterday that, the the state Council on Traffic Safe- night from the parking area back "ross chapter. idjolning the period. East "Mr. Reiffel said the chemical :lty of Bizerte students were using their loans ty, Furman said the obstacle of the municipal building, was re- Guards Tested is now in use off Long Beach, laval base. it 85 different colleges in the would be getting doctors to re- covered yesterday by police here Mr. Rowland said yesterday he L. I., and soon will be employed tate and at schools in 22 other port such conditions to the state It was located behind the Middle- NEWARK-^Mayors from five ested Long Branch guards last Keansburg off Fire Island, N. Y- tates. town Township High School ad- yf the state's largest cities met year with disappointing results. Motor Vehicle Divisionn. here yesterday to discuss com- Fish and chips will be sold the Mayor Eugene Lowenstein of In the coming academic year, Furman said he agrees that ministration building on Tindall He said only five of 20 guards Ground $500,000 in loans will be available, mon problems and ways to solve were able to swim out, with a first and third Friday of each Bradley Beach said he was con- loctor-patient relationships must Rd. Raublnger said. them. The five were Leo Carlin, life-saving buoy, to meet him Jlionth in the First Aid hall by vinced of the value of the com- )e kept confidential, but he Police Chief George Clayton Broken For A student can borrow up to $5,- said James Murphy, 305 East Rd., Newark's mayor who served as some 150 to 200 feet at sea. the Ladies' Auxilary of the First pound and bought a dozen cani- idded, "There is safety for all lost; Arthur Holland, Trenton; .Aid Squad. Mrs, Alan Frenchman sters. When they will be put in UOO to finance his studies. Belford, had called police after How many of those he consld- Pays Interest o be considered." lfred Pierce, Camden; Frank red unqualified remained on the and Mrs. Donald Younc were use, he said hasn't been deter- "I've discussed this with the spotting the car while he was New School While he is at college he pays working around the property. He Graves, Paterson, and Steven eaches during the summer or •hostesses at the moeting July 11. mined yet. ward of medical examiners and HIGHLANDS — Ground-break- nly the interest on his loan, said he had read reports of the Bercik, Elizabeth. Absent was may be there this year, he said, •f hey seemed inclined to go along Thomas Gangemi of Jersey City. The old City of London, which!'"? p to 5 per cent. Once he gradu- theft in local newspapers. he didn't know. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geltincs. ates, he must start making ith doctors reporting on a vol He notified the group he could Monmouth Pkwy., have relumed consists of one square mile, has ! night for the start of construction of the new 27-room junior-senior monthly payments and wipe out mtary basis," he said. "But not not attend because of a previous home after spending three weeks "nly 4,900 permanent residents. s a requirement with penalties Cross-Exnininalion commitment. The five indicated However, it is London's financial Henry Hudson Regional School his debt In no more than six Gawler Mr. and Mrs. Frank Get- on the Trask property here. cars. igainst the physician for non-re- Of Eichmann Enlls they would meet every two tlngs, Jr., and family of Wichita, district and some 400,000 ppeoplp e jorting." months and discuss such prob- (Continued) Samuel P. Brown, regional Raubinger also reported that JERUSALEM (AP) - Attorney Kara. work there during a business The council voted to study the lems as health, traffic flow and Mr. Gawler also said that Mr. day. board president; Atlantic High- •Jew Jersey's six state colleges General Gideon Hausner conclud- larking. lands Mayor Robert S. McTague, lave a summer enrollment of 6,- iroblem, and also to look into :ollichio should act himself as Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nestor ed his cross-examination of Adolf :hief executive in the borough to and Herman Black, president of 038 students, some 27 per cent he use of tranquilizers and Eichmann today, forcing a final and family, Ocean Ave., are New Jersey leads all other ;xempt narcotics by motorists. rid the town of bookmakers. He states in thr Union In farm in- the Highlands Borough Council, more than last year. confession from the ex-Gestapo SOVIET HELP spending three weeks at Lake Furman said state law might urged the mayor to use his police come per acre. participated In the ceremonies. He said the state schools have officer that he was part of a Nazi ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga George, N. Y. Mrs. William Construction of the $1,077,096 xpanded their facilities by also ie changed to provide for penal- orce to do so. BJloomenfeld, Shoreland Ter., ac- conspiracy to camouflage the AP)-Moise Tshombe's Katanga "And if he can't do the job school Is expected to start this lolding classes off-campus in lo- ies for those driving while under mass slaughter of the Jews be- lovernment threatened today to companied them. Mrs. hobert Stainton was hostess month. al high school classrooms. ie influence of such drugs which himself," said Chief Gawler, "we July 20. hind a blanket of lies. eek Soviet help to prevent thtS will be glad to do it for him if Hie school will be located be- Enrollments at the stale reportedly can produce symptoms But after two weeks of blister- icb secessionist province from Members of the Floridian Club he supplies us with names. hind- the Twin Lights Monument chools: akin to drunkenness. ing attack, the former head of jeing forced trf join a united will hold Its annual outing in New Mrs. Anna L. O'Neill, formerly Mayor Collichio'said yesterday overlooking Sandy Hook Bay and Trenton, 1,082; Montclair, 1,153,; Jewish affairs for the SS main- -ongo. York City in August. Mrs. Cor- of Belford and now residing in that he personally gave the names the ocean, ewark, 1,545; Paterson, 1,026,; No problem finding tenants tained to the end that his actions rine Breton recently entertained Miamiii , Fl visiting Mrs. Cor- of suspected bookies to the pros- Target date for completion It lassborol , 780; and Jersey City, when you advertise The Register were done on orders from his It pays to advertise in members at • rard party and rine Breton pi Ocean Ave. September of next year. 452. The ecutor and "it's up to him to L way.—Advertisement. superior officers. egister.—Advertisement. act." rt r ft To Match Ground "Forces RED BANK REGJ^TEH Hwraday, July Successful Investing Court Rules Join Guardian Lite..,. Closed-End Funds Present May Call Up Ai* Units, Too Spare Tree j Conservative Investment By ELTON C FAY Associated Preu Military AMaln Writer Of Neighbor ROGER E. SPEAR WASHINGTON (AP)—Any mobilization of National Guard Millar, 10 TRENTON (AP) — Neighbor, By and Reserve ground forces may be matched by action to increase ipare that treel (Q) "We have become interest- either Madison Fund or Lehman correspondingly the tactical air support and air lift transport for If you should get an urge to ed in closed-end investment com- Corp. is worth while. foot soldiers. More Getting chop down one of your neigh- And this could mean that some Air Force Reserve and Air panies, especially Madison Fund (Q) "What is your opinion ol bor's sturdy shade trees, get the National Guard men would be called to active duty. city to do it. That was the ad- and the Lehman Corp. What is Eli Lilly?" J. K. Final details of President Kennedy's over-all plan for aug- Army Honors your opinion of them?" W. L. & (A) Eli Lilly (OTC) had strong vice today from the Appellate Di- menting conventional war capa- vision of Superior Court. W. K. earnings gains during the middli bilities in the face of the Ber- Saturday Parade It said that William F. Ruff (A) you 1950's, but the trend has since lin crisis and. other world ten- Backs Claim Set for Croup want turn been slipping. Important scien- sions were assembled in a long may have to shell out some more your money tific breakthroughs are always White House session yesterday. On Retirement reenbacks for toppling some reen foliage on the property of over to pro- possible as a result of the com Earlier, in his news confer- Oh Program pany's large research program FORT MONMOUTH - Col Jul-Mr. and Mrs. Gerry G. Dreisbach fessional man- ence, Kennedy declined to indi- ian E. Millar, assistant vice pres- agement, m y but, at current market levels, the cate how much the plan might of Indian Lake. Five trees, to be shares have only moderate at- ident of the Western Union Tele- exact. opinion is that cost. Speculation has ranged For Relief graph Co., in the communication the closed-end traction for appreciation, in my widely, up to as high as $5 bil- network's research and engineer- The Superior Court ordered funds opinion. NEWBURGH, N. Y. (AP)-City Ruff to pay $500.60 to the Dreis- lion. Manager Joseph McD. Mitchell ing department, will retire from good a way military service here Saturday. bachs, but the higher court said as any to do Present at Meeting has presented new figures to back that didn't seem to be enough At the White House meeting' his claim that the threat alone of Col. Millar is a development so, since the trees were worth $1,810 Albert B. Vanderhoof John A. Ploplis CoLTrigg were the President, members of his city's new 13-point welfare engineering expert for Western and it would cost $950 to fix up SPEAR You will pay Union. the National Security Council, code brought a cutback in relief damage to 10 other trees and the SHREWSBURY — The George fields. They will operate out of a management fee, indirectly, but He, seven other officers and and Pentagon military advisers. even before the rules went into lawn. A. Hollywood agency of the the Hollywood Agency officeg at there is no sales charge aside Gets Executive The session intensified specu- four enlisted men — all with 20 effect. New Estimate Guardian Life Insurance Com- 759 Broad St. here. from the usual New York Stock lation that, among other things, Coming up with his third set of or more years of active or re- Exchange commission. serve military service — will be It sent the case back for a new pany of America recently an- Army Post Kennedy would declare a state of: figures in 10 days, Mitchell yes- nounced the appointment of two The portfolios of these compan- limited emergency under which given retirement honors at a post stimate of damages. FORT ^MONMOUTH — C terday said aid to dependent field representatives, Albert B. ies are managed by professionals he could summon some National garrison review starting at JO Ruff took matters (a saw and Thomas R>Trigg, 46, a residenl children cases dropped from 130 Vanderhoof and John A. Ploplis. Housing Called who are free to shift their po- Guard divisions to federal serv- a.m. axe) into his own hands in 1958 on the post here, has been ap- in May to 119 in June, a decrease tltion in order to follow a par- ice and call in reserves, either Retiring officers reviewing the and 1959 after a utility company Mr. Vanderhoof, of 51 Hillside pointed director of the Surveil- of Jl cases. Previously, he had ticular investment policy. as individuals or small, special- parade also will include: Col. and contractor refused to send St., River Plaza, was associated Big Problem lance Department of the Army's reported the decrease as 29 Madison Fund (NYSE) is a ized units. Royal S. Copeland, director of the trees groundward. for eight years with Goodyear Signal Research and Development cases. $150 million, trust with broad By law, Kennedy can bring up He said home relief declined by logistics services at the Army He contended that they were in Tire and Rubber Company in holdings, including many quality Laboratory to succeed Col. John Signal School; Lt. Col. Enor K. the public right of way and he Michigan. He is a graduate of By Mitchell L. Wilson, who retired June 30, to 1 million men into active fed- 31 cases, from 60 in May to 26 Stocks and some lesser known era! duty under a state of lim- in June. Matson, secretary of the Fort had a right to cut them down Asbury Park High School and LAKEWOOD (AP) - Housing situations. You will find that for ited emergency. More than that The city manager explained Monmouth officers' open mess. because they scraped against Colgate University. He served as ranks with education and employ- the 10-year period ending last would require Congressional ac- that the latest figures came from Maj. James E. O'Malley, chief cars. a first lieutenant in the Euro- ment opportunities as major prob- December, the adjusted net tion. Acting Welfare Commissioner of the Morale and Welfare Divi- Ruff even produced a map andpean Theater as a bombardier- lems confronting New Jersey Ne- navigator with the Eighth Air groes, James P. Mitchell, Re- value of its assets showed a gain Most public attention has fo- Doris Harding, while the pre- sion; Major Lester M. Flynn, as- i letter from the. township at- Force and was awarded the Dis- publican candidate for governor, of 153 per cent as compared with cused on the possibility that Ken- vious figures had come from John sistant post engineer; Maj. Fraz- orney to bolster his case. tinguished Flying Cross. He and says. the 185 per cent advance of the nedy would decide to beef up O'Donnell, who resigned as wel- ier J. Haynes, adjutant of the But the Appellate Court didn't his wife, the former Theresa Standard 500 stock index. readiness for conventional war fare commissioner last week in Army Signal Research and De- see it his way. Mitchell, speaking last night at Healy of Red Bank, have three Better grade stocks also domi by -calling up more ground troops. protest against the new code. velopment Agency; Capt, Shelby "The trees in question were out the N. J. State Federation of children. nate the portfolio of the Lehman However, Pentagon officials havej Denying that the decrease was C. Alward, chief of the Training side the traveled portion of the Colored Women's Clubs,, added he Corp. (NYSE), which had total emphasized that the review made; seasonal, Mitchell told a news Facilities Division; Office of Lo- highway," the three judges said. Mr. Ploplis, who resides at 17 thought it was strange that no assets exceeding the $340 million by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as conference: gistics Services, and Capt. Roy "Clearly they did not constitute Harrison Ave., Red Bank, served Negro has been appointed to mark earlier this year. This guidance for Kennedy was "I think that the work of the B. Kittell, chief of the Signal an interference with the public's with distinction for four years as the five member state Housing fund's 10 year record shows net across-the-board—air and naval ! Welfare Department, plus the inv School's Training Aids Division. use of the road." a radar operator with the Air Council. asset value appreciation of 183 as well as ground forces. pict of the actions of the city Enlisted men being honored are Force during the Korean cam- "Does this mean that In the OPERATION CAR WASH per cent, with capital distribu- Military doctrine calls for a council (in ordering the new code Master Sgt. John G. Archibald, paign. He is a member of the opinion of the present administra- tion included. fairly constant ratio of tactical into effect) has caused this." "o. D, Signal School Regiment; BELFORD — The Middletown Greater Red Bjnk Junior Cham- tion there is not an able, profess- Drum and Bugle Corps will hold 1 Perjodic dividends from income air power and ground forces. Mitchell said welfare cases Sgt 1c Jack D. King, of the ber of Commerce , and prior to ionally qualified Negro in the a car wash Saturday at Murphy's and capital gains distributions During the past three years, would be processed under the new regiment's Headquarters and coming with the Guardian was a state to serve on a council of Sinclair Station Rt. 36 between are paid by both these closed-end the size of the tactical air force code at the rate of one a day —Headquarters Company; Staff member of the sales staff of the paramount importance to Ne- Seventh and Eighth Sts. companies. If you wish to invest has been reduced gradually, now a pace that would require more Sgt. Leopold E. Grippando, of the Alumni Offset Printing Company groes?" he asked. conservatively for gradual appre- standing at 32 wings. The first han two years to go through the latter company, and Sp4 Lee C. Adult leaders and corps mem of New York City for five years. He reviewed his civil rights ciation over a period of time, I military budget submitted by thej entire welfare roll of about 900. Sasaman. bers will be there between 10 Mr. Vanderhoof and Mr. Ploplis records as U. S. secretary of believe that patient holding of Eisenhower administration for "What difference do es it Maj. Gen. William D. Hamlin, a.m. and 6 p.m. to wash cars have completed the Guardian's labor and pledged to take effec- the new fiscal year proposed make?" he commented when post commander, will conduct the with proceeds being used to help training course in the life insur- tive action for full and equal op- pay for instruments and uni- Col. Thomas K. Trlgg again clipping the tactical air asked about this. "We want to review parade. ance and accident and sickness portunities if elected governor. force, to a 31-wing total for the investigate each case positively.' Col. Millar, of Summit, has forms. Stock Prices Col. Trigg saw service in thi year ending next June 30. Unwed mothers will be advised been with Western Union for 30 Army's Coast Artillery after hi New Emphasis in advance that bearing addition- years. He was commissioned in graduation from Mississippi State This process may be halted al children out of wedlock would the Army Signal Corps reserve Firm, Early College in 1937 until 1950, when now, in light of the new em- disqualify them for relief, Mitch- in 1923, called to active duty in Help yourself to a he transferred to the Army Signal phasis oh conventional force ell said, and each welfare client March, 1941, served as executive hefty heap of savings! Dip Reversed Corps. strength. will be advised that the new code officer of the Army Signal Board The 500-man surveillance de- Among other things, Jet fighter- limits welfare to three months in and was on duty in Europe from RAYCO NEW YORK (AP) — The stock partment, centered at the Evan: bombers of older design, sched- any one year. June, 1943, to April, 1945, as sig- market reversed an early de- area, West Belmar, develop: uled for disposal by the tactical The city manager said each nal officer of the Normandy and oMne yesterday and firmed after techniques and equipment foi arm of the USAF, may be re- client will be asked what he is Loire sections. more than two sessions on the battlefield surveillance, electronii tained even as newer models ere doing to get off relief and thai downgrade. Trading continued warfare and meteorology. added to squadrons and wings. the answer will determine the •low by 1961 standards. He has held the command o! The first of the supersonic series welfare commission's decision in Howell Crash Even though it was practically the 39th Signal Support Battalioi ,of fighterJbombers, the FlOOs, each case. avstandoff between plus and mi- at Fort Gordon, Ga., was deput; [have been in process ocf being OPEN SUNDAY nus signs — 50? gainers and 503 signal officer of the 7th Army ii supplanted by the newer F105s. Injures Four losers among the 1,250 issues West Germany, chief of the com- Soon after taking office, Ken- HOWELL TOWNSHIP - Fou traded — a case would be made munications branch of the Re- nedy moved to provide, at a Eight Drown persons were injured yesterday 10 AM. TO 5 P.M. for calling it a higher market. search and Development Divisioi faster rate, more airlift for when the car in which they The Dow Jones Industrial Av- at the Office of the Army's Chiel troops to move them long dis- were passengers spun around on erage rose 3.44 to 682.74. Signal Officer; chief of plans am tances, including overseas. As Floods Rt. 9 and turned over on its side. Volume was 2.94 million shares programs of the Research an In April Secretary of Defense compared with 3.01 million Tues- According to police, the injured Development Division, and deputy Robert S. McNamara announced were Miss Grace Becker, Eliza- day. signal officer of the 8th Army that as part of the speedup the Hit Charleston American Telephone rose beth, whose shoulders were p and signal officer of the 1st Corps Defense Department had diverted CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP)- bruised; Mrs. Ida Grindell, Un and GeneraGl l Motors H U. S. Group in South Korea. from production as tanker planes Low, thundering cloud* dropped Steel gained a point and Jersey ion, cut scalp; Frederick GrindeJI, Col. Trigg, who was born In 17 of the KO135 jet tankers, to a cloudburst Into suburban her husband, multiple bruises Standard %. Greenville, Miss., went to Har- be converted instead into trans- Charleston last night. Authorities Twelve of the 15 most active tnd Mrs. Henrietta Heckman ll'« like "mom/ vard University and 'Massachu- ports. confirmed that at least eight per- wife of the driver, cut lip. stocks advanced and three de- setts Institute of Technology foi The first of these were de- sons drowned and others were In the bankl"... Just clined. All were treated and released advanced scientific studies and livered last month and the rest missing today. cut out th* coupon Polaroid rose 5%, 'Zenith 3 and attended the Industrial College ol from Fitkin Hospital, Neptune. are due to be delivered at the" The heaviest rain on record Police said Henry Heckman. J.J. to tl!c« tht prlctl Texas Instruments V/A. the Armed Forces and the Army'i rate of two a month. here—5.14 inches between 8 p.m, Dayton Power & Light was the Union, driver of the car, was General Staff College. In the reservoir of ground and midnight—fed the flash flood. Sprue* up your car volume leader, falling '4 to 22% He and his wife, Joyce, have proceeding south on the highway en 55,900 Shares. Second was forces which Kennedy can tap The <|ownpour turned small when he attempted to pass two with famed RAYCO three children, Thomas K. 4th, 16 are about 900,000 men. This in- streams into churning destruction Standard Oil (New Jersey), up Joyce, 13 and Christopher, 3. cars. As he passed the second . Ut th* '/£ at «V4 on 38,300 shares. Third cludes approximately 399,000 in as they swept through narrow val- ts driver. Miss Rose Frank, West the National Guard divisions, leys on the fringes of this hill- wul §«*! iki Sik mL coupon3! sav* you a was Ampex, up % at 18% on 35, Farms Rd., Farmingdale, at- «00 shares. 300,000 in the trained reserve of rimmed city of 85,000. tempted a left turn into the Shop- pocketful of dollari! Worthley May UifeAnn)LaiHL208.000Jnihe.r«idy,: Yesterday's closing stocks. ••- jrardest_hjt Rite marked parking lot. In order reserve of the Marine Corps. vine called Magazlne Hollow, to avoid a collision, Mr. Heck- CLIP COUPON AND SAVE ACr Inil 5TM I-T-B Oct Brit Mi Leave TJoard Present ground troop strength were pulled from Adams Sx 29(4 John* Man Four bodies man swerved off the highway, Air Ralue 74*4 of the regular Army and Marine there. Alleg Cj> 10\i JoriM & L RED BANK — George Worth police said, and lost control of o Ii THIS COUPON Alleg laid 41U Joy Mf» 39 ley, Jr., may resign from the Corps totals about 1,032,000, of Wreckage of flimsy frame his car. Alleg Pw 45 Killer Al 37K houses and trees piled into a heap Allied Ch S3U Board of Education in the near which 856,000 is Army. tfflH IS WORTH CLIP COUPON AND SAVI Allli dial Kennecott future: While the decision may be to 20 feet high at a street intersec- Trooper John Truck* of the * VI » Alcoa Koppera 45(4 tion near the hollow'i mouth. stats police barracks here, who Am Alrltn 23T4 I KrewKrsage BBS 32'4 Mr. Worthley last night said call up units such as Guard di- w Am Brie 8b investigated the accident, said the •-1 W^ $050 J& THIS COUPON w 46K Krofer "there's a possibility" he may visions, the probability was that The known dead were two men, Am Can s Lehlgh OftN car was towed from the scene. y^r is WORTH -J Am Cyan there also would be a substan- two women and four children. The •< Am MAPdT 42 Leh Port 0 24«i be transferred by his firm, Homi 4274 tial levy on individual reservists identities of most were not im- The Freehold Township First Aid Am Mot Leh Val Ind IS Insurance Co., to Chicago. He rto towardi Iht purchaie of any Rayco lifetime •* 00 Am Smelt 43»i Leh Val RR Squad transported the injured to 17 4 currently supervises the com- or small units of reservists. mediately established. guaranteed Auto Seal Coven < Am Std LOB* t-nvt file m<4 MOM by use of reservfstsrwho-rtreadv|with^-winches—pulled—dnnvn Ashl Oil 26'4 54 "4 was named to fill out the term BjTlipfning: Atchlaon Minn MAM 78»i are trained and ready. wrecked dwellings while search- Atl ReOn Mo Pac A 39 li of Clarence S. Gale. He was Borough electrician Frank Les Avco Corp 231s*4 Monl Ward WT4 In addition, as an army is ers looked beneath them for vic- Babeock * W U»4 Nat Rise TSTi elected to a three-year term in tims. lie was called to make repairs. CLIP COUPON AND SAVE Bald Lima 1914 Nat Dairy 1957, and re-elected In 1960. expanded, there is mounting need The system was out of service Bait ft Oh 2»>4 Nat r>l«tllt for specialists and technicians. MurrUri and Shocks Bayufc Clf M% Nat Oypa Mr. Worthley lives at 8 Caro from 3:35 to 4 o'clock. Ball ft How 57»* Not Steel Here again, the reserve force of No problem finding tenants NY Central Installed F'»« gd|KK — .JSLK Ct, with his wife and three chil- the Army and Marine Corps could when you advertise The Register THIS COUPON IS WORTH Beth Steel KSTMPw '"" 4S dren. Astrophysicists believe explora 5 Boeing No Am Av *»% help meet that requirement. way.—Advertisement. in |ust 15 minute* Borden s Nor Pac 40 ion of the moon will unlock • Borg Warn Nw«t Alrlln 32 V4 60 Norwich Ph many of the mysteries of the so- Brunswick 40H 52". Buckeye PI Ohio oil tr>i ar system. 52% Outb Mar $coo Bucy Erie 19W Market 44 % Bulova Owens III Gl HH Burl Ind Pan A W Air Caie JI Param Plcl NEW YORK (AP) — (USDA) Cater Trae Penney JG — Wholesale egg offerings of Pa PwftU 5 Celanese KM 38\ Chei A Oh Pa RR U Eaat KM I Sinclair Whites IS WORTH < End John 24!; I Hmllli AO IS WORTH Erie Lack 4*ii ] Socony Extras (47 lbs. min.) 3S'/2. i a 5 Flreitone 45 ii I flou Pnc 38'/ ; extras medium (40 lbs. towardi FMC Cp 67 /2; smalls (36 lbs. average) 1 •S Plywrl Open Dally to 9 P.M.; Sati. 'til 6 P.M. firr-yholind 2.V ; I'B Itiili 24-25; peewees 17-18. • marksmen are insulators." Aside from lost of power ouif on j5>. •H • AMPLE PARKING • LI 2-1333 RAYCO Hammer Pap rtl '3 Rlcrl BO', to hospital operating rooms, defense facilities, vital COAST TOCOA51 • IW


free! 2 fitted sheets save on 39" rollaway family dining comfort a dozen drawers! 42-COIl IWHRSFRINO CRW MATTRISS COMFORTABLE INNIRSPRING MATfRISS 7-PIICI QUALITY DINETTE, REG. 89.95 CHIST MAN ESPECIALLY FOR WARM Smooth top, firm support for A88 Ideal for extra sleeping oc- You'll experience real dining Deluxe P'onderosa pine chest baby's comfort, covered with commodations. Quality mattress comfort on padded wide- 188 has 12 drawers for more stor- wet-proof vinyl. 6-year size m woven stripe ticking, with backed chairs. Woodgrained 79 age space and versatility. 15x fits standard crib. Fitted, fine- MATTMfl ANB quilted sisal pads—won't sag! M* plastic top wipes clean—won't 56x36*. Fully assembled, ready quality crib sheets, free! s cum SHUTS, 39" rollaway bed...... 29.88 39.95 mar. Bronze finish. NO MOHIT DOWN to paint. Use in any room. big size. big value NEW DISTINCTIVE STYLING, EXTRA-ROOMY DRAWIftf * 88 179 * men NO MONEY DOWN • 64" 6-drawer doubl* drtur • Large 40" 4-drawer chest • Luxurious panel bed made to highest standards! restful comfort at thesi Dress up your bedroom at this low price. Choose silver gray or canyon mahogany finish in finest wood veneers. Same set with bookcase bed.. 199.00 Night stand with 2 drawers.... 29.95

RIO. 3.98 ROOM ACCESSORIES ' SAVE $40! CHARMING 5-PC. foam seat comfort! MILK STOOL OR BLACKBOARD COLONIAL SOFA-BED GROUP Homey, colonial accents for your home— save 13 foam-back rug DRAMATIC NEW COCKTAIL CHAIR lOVi" tall milk stool, and combination Salem Square is now sale-priced I You Modern style, tufted contoured blackboard and cork pin- A •« get "sleep-two" sofa-bed, chair, 3 ta- NEEDS NO PAD, NO INSTALLATION back, button trim. Full 1 * foam up board. Both made of "••• bles! All wood is solid |OQ Ofi No extra pad to buy—its own ^Bfc ^tt Q A • layer over cotton-cushioned no- hardwood in maple finish. northern hard rock maple. «« j« « foam rubber pad adds to life of M IfOO sag springs. Smart cotton cover 12 •MULARIT I4.V1 Sofa in textured tweed. fj DOWN run! Tweed pattern. 6 colors. in 5 colors. Floor glides. REG. 42.95 9x12 28 SAVE UP TO 50<^o ON FLOOR AND WALL COVERING Armstrong Felt-Base Linoleum. Enamel Surface, assort- jr 0, Enameled Surface Wall Covering. Tile Design; ideal for M A € ed patterns and styles; 9 and 12 ft. widths sq. yd. O O bathroom and kitchenkitchenss BJ| Q i;n. ft>

GOODYEAR COUNTER-TOP COVERINGS lin ft X O C Vinyl-Tex Printed Linoleum Protected with Vinyl coat Assorted Colors, and Styles * ' ing; 9 and 12 ft. widths sq. yd. q. yd 78 Sandran CounterTop Covering tin. ft. C Sandran Linoleum in assorted printed patterns. 6x9* Fibre Porch Rug—Interwoven Tweed Design 12-ft. width 1.69 sq. yd. 9*sq widt. ydh. 1" Aviv Siz<:~e 12.8r>o8o 9xi2. 11§|8 8 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your money backl Wards policy sinco 1872H NO MONEY DOWN when you buy on credit at Wards olution which began when nun RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, July 20, 1961—$ T and Henry Clay THOMAS IRVING BROWN, PnNliher ittS-lMt Honeymoon Plans IAMES J. HOGAN, Editor M. HAROLD KELLY, Genera) Manater W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Production Manager The trouble with being a newspaperman is that, Member of the Associated Press In time, it makes a schemer and part-time politician Tt» Auoeutft Prc» IJ entitled eiciuaivcir to the u»* for rcpubiietuoa ol ftU tAt weal atwa ftrlmtd I* till out of what used to be a good cub reporter. I'm In the Member Audit Bureau ol Circulation' craft 32 years and I'm working more angles than a Th* R«6 Bink Ritflttr uiumia n» linanciu rtipunobllltlei lor lypo|r«pmeal trron IB «~ '""".H™WW'' A New Will, Maybe? ness. Placed before him has been ob- dangerous words unless we are "thinking," most of them being vious United States acceptance of a But then there are many who call themselves ra- My lawyer, Harriet Pilpel, was kind enough to ready to back those words with tionalists who often go beyond reason in matters of dangerous setback in Cuba and the strength. Ahead, it appears, there 3. A sinister anti-Bowles plot wish me a good assignment and to remind me that the religion. They fear beyond words that a child may among the entrenched career men old will is getting older. Why not a new one before I fact that while America bristled over will be some heavy expenses to meet. at the State Department. These, grow up to know God, or Moses or Jesus, or Micah, but leave. Funneeee? My agents, MCA, phoned to say tfiat the Laos situation, it did not carry they have no fear of Karl Marx or Frederick Engels or in the same mythology, are sup- But never should national honor be posed to be "out" for Bowles just pending T.V. contracts could wait until I get home, If out its mentioned plan of sending placed on the gambling table in this even Stalin. Some persons, these days, are so secular because he is Under Secretary of I get home. Hysterical. that they worry lest their children discover that Man State. troops there. But the word from international contest. has had a long history and that history did not start That so many tales involving Our only real problem was Kelly's two beautiful in 1§33. such mixed conspirators can si- daughters: Karen, 8, and Kathleen, 6. These are the Your Money'* Worth: multaneously be set going by sweetest cherubs, and they will probably stay with Associate Judge Marvin R. Dye called the prayer leaks is a tribute to the advertis- their dad, Ray Stone. The transfer of toys alone may "a form of state-sponsored religious education." How ing talents of those very "liberal" Democrats who spent eight yean take two days. They have them hidden in every room iheJearned-judge-reached-4his-conclusion,-it4s-difficult denouncing—the-Madlson Avenue inKheJiouse, and^a few-mghts-ago, when-I-tried to slip —^SodahSeturity^asieMo Get Now^— approach" of the Republicans in to understand, particularly as he makes the .point that Into bed quietly, I learned what a "Barby Doll is. the use of the prayer overstepped "a clearly defined Eisenhower'a time. For Bowles By SYLVIA.PORTER himself once was a most success- Of course I had to let Big John know about th. e line of demarcation between church and state." ful advertising man on Madison V you know any older person dar year since 1950.against onon cently as last fall, they have just He was an early advocate of you're eligible, you could ^ lnt0 »e Open. been eased agata. As a result, Kennedy for President In a state, at least 180,000 elderly Ameri- benefits beginning with a check| During the Roosevelt regime, the trend in all things Connecticut, where no Democra- cans are ^oing to be entitled tn' in r p lbe ri becan e !il Ym,YOU 'ii|| ' bSe !Sable .to get, ubenefit. „ s ' i «ral and many liberals moved over into ic politician could be sensibly monthly checks amounting to a^ g ft anything else. Then a member of now If your hbhusband d hhad credit communism. This was true among the clergy as it was minimum of $40— which isn't Congress, he took the extraordin- for at least 1VJ years of work of professors and students in universities, and every much but is better fhan nothing j ary course of announcing that he under Socjal Security. and these little checks will reach! once in a while, it was shocking to "'•-would not run again because he • total of $65 million in the next I man supporting and defending a doctrine which is Tlllst staiid availahie to serve 12 month*. J 1 -**-- = - = - in the essence, and a party which has i '^nneriy in a far higher capacity. "One of th" moil frustrating 1 and tragic »s^nrm nf. nur Job," rlaim. I was turned down, part of its creed This dichotom• y was often Fie meant as Secretary of State. Kennedy did not relish having naid an official of the New Yorkj should I do? explained but it was never understandable. Social Security office. "i» thati the nrm put on him in public. But A. The same thing—reapplv at However, since those days, this trend has lessened,i!le accei"f(1 the situation patient we often can't pet in touch with once. If vour husband had the people who most desperately credit for only Vfr years of work as has the trend to bring sects together into go-opera- In the meantime, even accord- need the benefits. They don't under. Social Security, you'll get tive efforts. Today, each religious group makes its ing to Connecticut sources friend- read the column*, don't know benefits. how the law« have been changed. strongest appeal to its own kind to keep it distinct, ly to Bowles, there was much Q. I'm going to be 65 next They can't get benefits unless separate, and segregated. The assimilationist is not as doubt that he could have been month, but I've been In a job re-elected to Congress anyhow. and until they file a claim. Some- covered by Social Security only popular as he was when Hitler stirred men's con- one tiaa to guide these people." Came the inauguration, and a short time. What about me? sciences. Today, each group prefers to stand alone and President Kennedy made Bowles Here it the last in a s*"rio^ nf A. Under the new law, *}ue»tlons and nnswers on the M61 you Under Secretary of State. He need credit for only 2'/$ years of brooks no interference. Sodal Securitv law wh'<-ii will •ould not possibly have been en- work under Social Security help you help yourself and The atheist has also been active, fighting for his itled to more. against V/t years under the old others. cause. He is always the spearhead in a battle against Rut he chose tn regard himself ,•••>•w. • v.nu,Checkn witwillhl youVUIIrI Socia.lUUIHIl ;iP- • . , , *' The New Rule* , .curity office nn your eligibility, sucn evidences of religion as prayers in schools. He op- ot as the practical administrator Q, Exactly what are the new it the State Department, which jask what you should do. (poses prayers per se as opiates. We shall have to mako s wlmt the job calls for. He pro- •liability rules? l 1 wt ve l ee denied U our minds: A. To qualify for benefits, you' ,?i»i ? J,M i!' , ! 1 P whether our moral sanctions are to be Maimed his role to be primarily • ~ '"" " "•"" .Social Security benefits-because ihat of "creative thinking," a •M4 have worked only one 6—Thur.'day, July 20, 1961 |my work time under the system determined by religious creeds or by atheism and ra- quarterly period for each calen- role assigned already to his boss, was short. Any hope for me now? tionalism. The atheists may be forcing the issue Secretary of State Dean Rusk. Shop 10 m Daily Till 9:30 PXTuesi Sat. Tni 6-Tel U 2-2150 MONTGOMERY WARD assistant managers SAVE '20 to '267 on BOATS and MOTORS Save $5O ARISTOCRAT TRACTOR Performs Like Full Size Tractors

• Heavy-duty 5% h. p. engine • Recoil starter • Swing-up hood ms-it, ,,.. :-J/~ $ • Spring-mounted contour seat • Optional attachments available. 388 12" ALUMINUM CAR-TOP Take off en your next fishing trip with your own boat. This on* is light enough to lift on car roof or pack in your station wagon. Varnished wood seats with flotation for added safety. 159 Oarlock sockets, stern handles. No Money Down SAVE $36 ON 25 H.P. MANUAL MOTOR When you're ready to change fishing spots this baby has the power to get you there, fast. It Idles down $ to I'/i-mph for trolling . . has a top speed of 25* mph. Features a full-gearshift. 6-gdlon fuel tank 344 Safe enough for a child to oper- Incnioeoj. No Money Down ate. Use It year-round; attach- ments do everything from plow- THE COMBINATION-OF-THE-YEAR ing to bulldozing. 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT COMPLETE AND 2 CU. FT. GARDEN CART SAVE '25 SEA-KING 5 H.P. MOTOR You can't afford to miss Regular 5.95 150-Ib. BOAT TRAILER (Newly Repossessed} 249 the buy of the season from Sturdy "A-frame" con- our Garden Shop. Steel struction, built to handle rigs up to 15 feet long. $ construction, balanced for 88 Carpeted tilt-bunks, rub- Hawthorne Holiday CAMPING TRAILER $ easy carting, green and • 2 Comfortable 46x80" beds - ber keel rollers, shock 99 S525 white enamel finish. absorbers. • Additional 30x80" sleeping space on floor ^' 1

BOAT ROD TACKLE BOX TROLLING REEL PICNIC JUGS WATER SKI BELTS REEL MOWER BARBECUE GRILL ROTARY TILLER Salt Wafer-Glass 1 Tray, Plastic, Salt or Fresh 1 gal. Capacity Nylon, Assorted 18" Cut 24" with 24" Tills 30" Swath Chrome Seat Rustproof Water Fishing Fully Insulated Colors 4-cycle Engine Extension Table 4 Cycle En., 3 hp 477 97' 97s 97C V1 $47 497 77 Reg. 9.95 Reg. 1.88 Reg. 177 Reg. 1.99 Reg. 2.99, 3.99 Reg. 64.50 Reg. 9.95 Reg. 134.95

VALUES GALORE-LIKE NEVER BEFORE ... SAVE IN THIS ONCE-A-YEAR EVENT SALE! 28" PortaNe Fan SAVE 70% UNA-TEM INSULATION 88 An Investment, not an expense! Quickly pays 16 ON BUILDING NEEDS for itself by re- Use It on the floor, counter, window ducing heating 99' sill. 2 powerful speeds move up to WINDOW SHUTTERS and cooling BAG LOUVIRED, UNPAINTED. YOUR bills. Lasts the 3500 CFM;' exhaust manually. Thlnllne Choke 7, 8, 9" By 28, 32, 36" ..... lifetime of the COVER 20 *q. ft. styling. Guaranteed 1 year. UL ap- _ 99' and S" DEEP building. Fire- proved. proof and non- LOUVERED DOORS Reg. 1.39 UNFINISHED PINE conducting. Choice 12.15,16,18"x81« . Sam* Doors — white finish .:...... -. $8.88 WHITE HOUSE PAINT LIGHT-FIXTURE CLEAR-A-WAY CLOSET SEATS Titanium Pigment REG. 9.95 PLASTIC IN ; 88 COVERALL Contains finest BLACK OR WHITE —_—, HOUSE PAINT pure lineseed oil base and 50^0 OFF BOX AWNINGS __ good titanium GREEN CLOTH STRIPED pigment. Maxi- 47 30 and 36" widths mum hiding PULLDOWN FIXTURES PORCH FIXTURES R*g. 4.98-5.98-6.98 . power, excep- 3 gal. Reg. 10.95 to 14.95 in Black Reg. 4.98 to 7.98 In Black, 048 tionally long- and Brass. Brass and Antique Copper. lasting. 5 ATTIC LOUVERS ALUMINUM ASSORTED BATHROOM FIXTURES ASSORTED GROUP STYLES—Reg. 2.98 ?.... INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT Reg. 4.98 to 5.98 Wall Type 048 Ceiling Porch Lanterns Brackets. Bath Brackets. 99 Reg. 4.98 to 7.69 gal. dropped colors. 67c qt. gal. 1.97 OTHER MODELS ALSO REDUCED THE TIME'_S• 88ALWAY* S RIGHT TO SHOP MONTGOMERY WARD July 20, 1961 BED BANK fiEGISTEB iRules Committee HOMES FOR AMERICANS In Pirate Role WASHINGTON (AP) — Tbj well ai political undercurrents House Rules Committee, enlarged which entered Into the school con- to "protect" President Kennedy's troversy. legislative, ship of state, played The effect 'of the committee1! the role of pirate yesterday as theaction is that two of the Presi- new administration came to th< dent's "big.five" bills won't b* end of its first six months in of- acted on at this session of Con- fice. gress. If the President-Is chagrinei The House Ways and Meam MID-SUMMER about his deteriorating relation Committee earlier had decided to with Capitol Hill, he can lay much put off until next year action on of the blame on the doorstep of a health insurance plan tied to the committee he helped reorgan the social security program. ize after taking office six months Despite lack of progress on ago. those two measures, the Presi- SALE It dealt him a telling blow ident's batting average on major Tuesday by shelving, probably for legislation was above par, as keeps as far as 1961 is concerned, presidential batting averages a school aid bill ranked amonj have gone in recent years, at the top five Kennedy legislative the end of his first six months. proposals. On the Books On the statue books was Ken- II5Z-& The committee's action was b; a vote of 8 to 7. It affected not kedy-supported legislation dealing SINGLE LEVEL: This seven room ranch-type horns It Ideal only the president's public schoo with unemployment compensa- for people who dislike climbing stain. All Its rooms are on proposal but other bills for fi- tion, aid for depressed area, high- one leveU.Chle/Jeaturet art cross-ventilation through living nancial aid to nonpublic school! er minimum wages, broadened and dining rooms end anL-»hflpcdwor* counter In the kitchen. and for loans and scholarship: highway construction, housing and The architect is Jan Reiner, P.O. Box 96, New Port Rickey. for college students. extension o' Korean War taxes. Fla. and the plan is HA164R. Active Part Congress acted quickly on those measures before it started The President took an active, balking on others. It turned down ITS TEAMWORK seamstress. When the couple though not open, part in increas- the President's proposals for re- moved to Norwalk from Mans- ing the size of the rules commit- organization of the Federal Com- NORWALK, Ohio (AP)-Brlck- tee early this year in a move layer Mike Hergatt married a field, Ohio, he continued as munications Commission and the bricklayer and she opened a let- designed to break the control Securities and Exchange Com- •eeond baseman and their team- tering and embroidery service. a conservative coalition. His pro work it continuing in • thriving gram was supposed to have at mission. FINE FURNITURE AND CARPETS FROM The embroidery bu s i ne s s The House Agriculture Commit- business. prospered, requiring a 2,100- 8-7 edge in the committee whicl Hergatt managed a girls' soft- controls the flow of legislation tee has rewritten the administra- square-foot addition, which Her- to the House floor. But the so- tion's proposed new farm pro- ball team a few years ago, andgatt now is engaged in erecting. gram, ditching the President's AMERICA'S FOREMOST MAKERS, eventually married the girl who called "packing" failed to take The couple has two married chil- into consideration religious a: plan for allowing Congress only played second base and was team dren. review or veto power over pro- duction programs developed by DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR advisory committees. In deep trouble Is the Presi- dent's proposal for authority to loan money to foreign nations for FLOOR SAMPLE CLEARANCE military and economic help over a five-year period. Congress li IN THIS, THE LARGEST SALE IN ALL OUR 92 YEARS! in a mood to cut down not only the length of the program but the size of it. 7-PC. WHITE WROUGHT IRON GROUP . . . Finest 2-PC. CURVED SECTIONAL ... Danish modern styllling. Except for the annual appropri- quality rust-proof frames. Foam filled reversible Cushions Walnut trimmed units with foam rubber seating. Da>ari k ations bills, the foreign aid mea- in cheery florals. Four-pc. sectional and three tables. blue cover for the modern home. S1EA.0O sure is the last big "must" mea- Value $350 THIS SAMPLE 275' sure standing between Congress Value $248 THIS SAMPLE

Air conditioned for your shopping comfort Opm Monday thru Saturday 9 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. I'LL LOOK ALL OVER 1961 TOWN FOR YOUR WEST FURNITURE CO. » ASBURY PARK - ROUTE 35 LOST ARTICLES If you've lost something—put (Asbury Park Traffic Circle) me to work for you. I'll find it Tel. COlfax 4-0181 Free Parking Opposite Store Keyport KRTH AM1OY, 365 Smith Strut fast. I'm 0. Howia^ Hustles, a Register Classified Ad, and the MtUN, U. S. Highway 1 at Omn St. Traffic Orel* >eople who find things come look- Ing for me. Dial SH 1-0010 today Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until 9 P. ML Ample Parking at All Stores and let me bring you together. which he taBceainuch In the cam- not on the original list, were cently came up-with a MS bil-j RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, July 20, 1961—9 His Administration's Record paign—because of the fiasco of passed. Tax revision if moving lion tag on the Increased cost of the Cuban invasion. forward slowly.' the Kennedy program over the es- y appeared to be shaking; out would b» more ftdag tt *peeH5e On the credit side of the ledg- Kennedy currently is engaged timates made by the Eisenhower ime of the kinks of his organ!- responifWHry, perhaps jksss boette administration for the current fis- er, however, .Kennedy has been In the most intensive personal ifion. There were signs there but probably more result*. cal year. Kennedy's First Six Months able to stop, at least temporarily, campaigns put on by a presi- dent In a long time to get ap- More and more will be heard ' By JACK BELL the dangerous flow of gold deployment of U.S. armed felt hi needed to devote to all of proval of his foreign aid pro- from the Republicans on this Is- •IMd JOHN M. fflGHTOWER ' forces. , ' • • ' !th "e domesti' c problem* pressing abroad. Without much Help from his: administration, the economy gram, including the long-range sue as the 1902 congressional WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi In the late spring, as East- upon.him. has turned upward, eliminating loan provision. elections approach. dent Kennedy Is completing per- West tensions mounted, the Pres- As a result, major pledges he the possibility of deficit-breeding The foreign aid proposal Is giv- Thus far, however, Kennedy haps the most nerve-trying first ident traveled to Europe for talks made to the American people In en a chance of approval because six months any new chief execu- tax cuts, or any mammoth spend- has been able to chart a political new with two allies—French Presi- the 1960 campaign In which he of the threatening turn of Inter- tive has encountered since Abra- ing program. • course that has not given the dent Charles de Gaulle and Brit- won the presidency by a whisker national developments. On the Republicans much they could put ham Lincoln plunged* into the ish Prime Minister Harold Mac- appear likely to go unfilled, at With three or four major ex- other hand, it suffers from an at- task of saving the union 100 years ceptions his legislative program their teeth into. He has got along millan—and a somber conference least In 1961. tack in Congress on administra- rather well with Congress on the •go. at Vienna with Khrushchev. At has rolled along surprisingly well Unless the signs fall, there will tion spending policies. Any fur- whole. With only a razor-thin mandate that session in the Austrian cap- in a Congress heavily dominated PONY PUMP be no action in this Congress on ther request for defense funds In the operation of the presi from the electorate, Kennedy has ital Kennedy and the Kremlin medical care for the elderly, by the Democrats. would intensify attacks on do- been swept in his first half year boss took each other's measure, By avoiding any recommenda- dency, Kennedy has spent a lot Is the only self-priming THIS 6H-LB.. 6"x4" WORKHOUSE linked to social security.' -The mestic outlays. of energy trying to put his per- In office into the vortex of world but the deadlock appeared to har- chance for enactment of an aid tions for civil rights legislation will Dump UD to 250 GPH. <->!•• events he could not control. Cris- den. which would stir up the Dixie Conservative Support sonal imprint on nearly every de- 110V pump In this size water 20 faet. perform tndlMI Jobi to education bill supplying grants cision. His staff has worked with for plumben, farm«n. camptra, is has tripped over crisis as he In the transition of the govern- for school construction and teacH- members of his party, the Presi- Republicans are beginning to and price range. has sought to adjust his theories loose guidelines in a manner that gardentri, boata, trailer!, Indmtrl&l ment from the Eisenhower ad- ers' salaries is almost nil. ' dent has been able to maneuver make their voices heard on this plants. Ita only movable part !• « to the hard, practical realities of some important break-throughs in issue, with support from conserv- seemed far from orderly. ministration, . the new chief-ex- Congress has rejected his do-it- replaceable, durable, oil and iolverjt day-by-day operation of the pres ecutive has evidenced greater de- the usual Republican-Southern ative Democrats. The House Re- As he turned the corner on his .50 reilatant impeller. 1/12 HP motor Idency. yourself farm program and is Democratic coalition. publican Policy Committee re- first half year, however, Kenne- termination to regain the initla- writing one of its own. His re- 29 hai automatic thermal overload eat- Lincoln—end for that matter, ive from the Communists by cul- Of 16 priority measures he list- off twitch, 6-ft., 8-eonductor •l«c» Franklin D. Roosevelt in the de- quest for five-year authority to trlcal cord. Shaft fa atainleia aUel. tivation of the neutrals and ex- make $8.8 billion in development ed in February, Kennedy has re- pression — were presented with panding International economic] ceived 10: Body is cbrom* plated tangible problems with which loans to fledgling nations may caat braae. Porta arc planning. He has put fresh stress Social security broadening, ANNUAL SUMMER they could deal directly. have to be compromised. %" oatilda thr«*ded on disarmament and a ban on emergency unemployment bene- for garden hoaa, with An Oversupply nuclear testing. < Outside the legislative field, CLEARANCE SALE Kennedy has found no solution for fits, aid for dependent children of %•' Inalde pip* tbrwd. Kennedy has an oversupply of But the Kennedy administration unemployed fathers, depressed these and hat made vigorous ef- the problem of Increasing unem- has yet to evolve any clear new ployment at a time when employ- areas, minimum wage, feed forts to grapple with them. But policies for dealing with recur- grain, government reorganization, 110-volt A.O. ment Is reaching record levels. dnlihedln he has greater and graver de- ring crises. The style may have establishment of an Office of In- TU- mands upon him in internation- He has revised downward his MSN'S frees. Pony Corner changed, but the policies scarce- campaign contention that unless ternational Travel, creation of 73 ers APPARIL Pump alto Highway S5 SH 1. al areas—the toughening policies U. S. judgeships and ratification available In ly differ from those followed by economic growth is spurred ma- (, It, M, 31- and West of the Soviet Union, for example Dwight D. Eisenhower. of the treaty for the Organiza- 10 BROAD ST. MID BANK, N. 1. volt D.C., 3333 —where he alone cannot call the terially Russia soon will be catch- «ch dllfrrrnt Front St. \»&/ Enmeshed in international af- ing up with the United States. tion for Economic Cooperation color-coded. shots and where his decision and Development. "for the apparel oft proclaims the man" alone cannot be compelling. fairs, Kennedy has not had the He has had to accept a- lower- The Congo . . . Cuba . ime nor freedom of action he Ing of U. S. prestige—about Highway financing and housing. Laos . . . Berlin . . these crisis have flashed across the screen, with one picture hardly fading before it was crowded with another. Kennedy has met •11 of these with ringling declar- ations. But his performance has not always matched his talk. Short Sleeve FAMOUS WELCH In the Congo, he made it abun- GE ELECTRIC dantly clear that U. S. forces would be committed to prevent a SPORT SHIRTS BABY STROLLER Russian takeover. With the aid of Sanforized, made In America. ALARM CLOCK RED PLAID the United Nations, this worked Silent Service with Dependable Alarm Reg. 6.95 Vain* In Laos his talk was not backed Sizes small, medium and large. up with troops. He found that with Hill coupon tome SEATO allies, when con- REG. sulted, had little urge to fight 4.98 He faced almost insurmountable supply difficulties. He had to re- VALUE sign himself to the vague hope WITH THIS COUPON that a neutralist governmen might somehow materialize from r Interminable talks in Geneva. In Cuba there was fiasco and disaster. The American-trained invaders had no air cover and were defeated. Somebody in the administration slipped up, it is 9x12 Room Sin Wool and Rayon not quite clear just who, but Ken- nedy took all of the blame. In Berlin? The answer is yel Foam Backed Rugs to- be supplted. Kennedy rallied Three colors only: Nutmeg Tweed, Copper U. S. allies for stiffly worded and lime , .....Rtgnlar 4I.S8 notes rejecting Soviet Premier Khrushchev's demand that the al- lies abandon Berlin. The next move seems up to Khrushchev. Open talk of the danger of war has caused Kennedy, meanwhile, to start developing plans for re- €oldsmith Tells Of Merger Plan I NEW YORK — Bernard M. Goldsmith, Holmdel, N. J. presl I dent of Nytronics, Inc., speaking Combed Cotton Solid Color before a number of security an- alysts and other members of thi financial community at the Bank- I BROADCLOTH ers Club, has announced that thi directors of Nytronls, and New 2 TO 20-YARD REMNANTS York'Transformer Co., Inc. have I agreed to merge their companies YOU'LL BE SAVINGS AHEAD WHEN YOU CUT AND SAVE If on full bolts, Me yard. and to consolidate their sales ac- tivities subject to stockholder ap- I proval. With this Nytronics, Inc., has plants in coupon Berkeley Heights, N. J., and Lex. ington, Ky. Essex Electronics o: Canada, Ltd. in Trenton, Ontario, jGOOD ONLY FRI. & SAT.2 , 3*L00 Is a subsidiary. The corporation manufactures patented X-L colls, * 6 Transistor Fidelity Tone Transistor Radio 6* Aluminum Step Ladder with new safety features, wee-ductors, chokes, transformers and allied components and a widi • with leather case, reg. 21.95 value with this coupon ... reg. 14.95 val. with this coupon. On sak> basement... jtmge j>f electronic equipment. New York Transformer ^€o. Inc., with offices in Alpha and 12x12' ovtrshed fibre reversible rags, perfect for "J # AA Phillipsburg, N. J., was organized Spoitscraft Beginners Golf Set, complete with 5 Irons, *WA AA In 1952 to handle the distribution 2 woods and golf bag, reg. 39.95 vol. with coupon .... Jb"|«# # porch or playroom, reg. 39.95 vol. with this coupon IOo mm of electronic transformers, power On sale basement. , supplies, filters and related de- vices used in television receivers, I 14-In Tricycle with whit* wall tires, Deluxe Trim, computers and similar equip- Handy brass roll around bar cart with no-staln tray & ment. The company is the ex- reg. 12.95 val. with this coupon elusive sales agent for NYT Man 7.77 service shelf, reg. 12.95 val. with this coupon Ufacturing Co., Inc. 1 The merger agreement will be submitted for stockholder ap- I Ladies' and Misses' printed Muu Muu Dusters, Corduroy covered foam rubber throw pillows with proval in October. Nytronics, Inc, will be the surviving company, reg. 2.98 values with this coupon : « 1.99 zipper, reg. 2.98 val. with this coupon and Mr. Goldsmith will remain its president. Ironing board pad, cover and clothes hanger set, no Men's Summer Weight Casual Slack, washable dacron ^ OO scorch heat reflecting cover. polyester prc-cuffed, reg. 6.98 val. with this coupon pr. 0* # # • reg. 1.98 val. with this coupon -

Better Quality Lawn Croquet Set, 6-player with Men's quality swim trunks: plaids & solid colors, wooden rack, reg. 9.95 val. with this coupon ..... 5.99 Siies S-M-L, reg. 2.98 vals. with this coupon only pr. Wonderful new Du Pont -Lncite" Wall Paint takes the I mess out of painting 1 Creamy- COME, SEE BARGAINS GALORE thick, won't spatter or drip. No stirring or priming. I Spreads easily with brush or roller. Dries in minutes to a. ill lovely, flat, washable flnislv I Clean up with soap and water. I Famous Columbia 19" MOTOROLA CONSOLE LUCITE I PORTABLE °aniih Modern and WALL PAINT «D«mkr

Tel. SHadysldo 7-3900 Buy the paint that's worth the work •J. J. NEWBERRY CO DOWNTOWN RED BANK <'Hl!]lI> PAINTS I OPEN WEDNESDAY EVE TIL 9:00 - FRIDAY NITE TIL 9:30 m July 20. 1961 RED BANK REGISTER Port The World T»d»y* Monmouth SEARS DIAMOND JUBILEE YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Leonird Moon It's Confusing recently celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary at a family dinner at Shore Point Inn, Key- By JAMES MARLOW has happened is a duplicate of what happened before, it doesn't port. Present were Mrs. Susan Associated Press News Analyst need much imagination to Zawislak, Dover, and their chil- dren, Wayne, Judy and Delores. WASHINGTON (AP)-So far gest there will be some more duplicates. In the evening they entertained it's just some more conversation Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wentworth, between two hard - of - hearing Berlin Plan Belford. ALLSTATE people trying to tell each other For instance, th„„-..«•„.e Western„ what they told each other•before. wjth Rus. The third birthday of Therese All in a few days the West*™; « ^^ a famous All in a few days the ; FForejj MiiMinistet r ^^ Keeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Khh Forej Minister allies, an^er.ngPrMn,erKhrush-y « • u 1959 George Keeley, was celebrated ehev'cnevs threamreati tiuo Kge^t the--.m . ou—jt I fi ^ ^Wes t offereoffered aa ^Berli np]a plann Sunday. Present were Patricia name you of Berlin, tolld hih m he wawas en en-11 hjch -^ Russian rejected and and Catherine Stryker, Susan dangering the peace and a Mos- d wh, h (he West; Schade, Linda Thompson, Karen cow radio replied that >n <*™


21 •Month Guarantee Guaranteed 27 Months . Guaranteed 30 Months RAYON CORD- NYLON CORD TIRE -TYREX* RAYON CORD ?5 GUARDSMAN SUPERTRED Cushion ( 6.70x15 99 • ^l l.nxis •»». IT" tube-type Tubt-Typi • M pi tu BlackwaU u 19 plus tax NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED .And OM Tlrt Off Your Car Mor» tread, more rubbar than on n«w A totally new concept in tire design 7.1 Ox 15 ... 16.99* car tires . . . offers you greater tire . . . greater stability, longer mileage 7.60x 15 19.99* miltage. Drive in today! than .on new'ear tires. 14 or 15-ln. tubeles* block 670x15, 7.50x14 16.99* Tubv-Typt •lockwoll Tube-Type •lockwoil 7.10x15, 8.00x14 18.99* 7.1 Ox 15 ....21.99* '7:60x15, 8.50x14 ™~~:r::-: ™:.::21.99* 7.60x 15 22.99* 7.60x 15 _ 24.99* 1.00x15, 9.00x14 .i ™;.24.99* *Piui tax-no trade-In required •Plui Ux-no trade-in required •Plui tax and old tire TubeUfi only $2 extra Tubeless only $2 extra •TM of Tyres, Inc. WhltewaHi St extra

CRAFTSMAN JT"""*-' 20-in. Rotary Mower Cuts Trimming Time

NO • in Diamon • in fold Jewelry MONEY 99 DOWN 24-in. 4-vrhcel • in Coloted(jem • in Watches...... 59 Rider Mower • in Sterling Silver • in everything we sell 3-HP, 4-cycle engine with no-pull starter. Handy 95 speed controls. Grass cleaning wiper baffle. High- 159 wide-side discharge. Steel housing. Handy Top Self-Starter! Fill and Drain Oil Spout. Trims grass at front and Powerful 4-ITP, 4-cycle en- jine. Kuy wheel adjustment for 4 cutting height*. side of mower. om, money 4ac&'[ f f A DC U WHITE STREET ^ OpM DflUf » - 5:30; W«dL mi M. 9 . f-SH 7-2700 RED BANK 11:00 ».m. Appeared la awrt idiots. The oM boncb won't have asce of tickets as soon as a Call Pays Off HE GOT A GOOD ONE Back in Jail 11:15 turn. Pleaded guilty, or' anything to dp with me because Overtime meter bad run oiji has prompted TOPEKA, Kaa, (AP) - WUf many people to leave the town NUNEATON. England (A?)- WNDON (AP) - Imrt BUMO, dered Jjejd for seotesdog. they think we've turned snob, Landon, the 1MB RepabHeaa prts- 12:30 p.m. Back in jail. Fraal&y, Tm footly. What to do? and thus hu hurt the tourist Valerie Cope, 16, won a free trie- a JS-ywr-flfcl Ciedc, was bade fa business. phone call in | movie house con- idestla! nominee, hu amOtoi Jill yesterday tlter 10 miautet of Outcast Warnings Dear Outcast: -The borough attorney was in- test. Tuesday night she called her why he still drives « WM model freedom that had this result: boy friend, gunner Jim Brogaa, car. 7:40 ft.ni. Released from Pen- It adds up! More and mort Show both groups you are both structed to study the proposal people use The Regif ter ads each versatile and willing to"compro- Proposed and make his recommendations. with the British army in West "I have promised myself if it. tonvill* i«U. (No problem too trivial for The. Germany. . mise. Invite all of them to a par- KEANSBURG — Mayor Louis ever costs $75 in a year to fix it 7: SO t.m. CiUght stealing radio issue because result* come (as* George Instant Solution to All Brogan proposed. Valerie ac- up, I'll trade it in," Landoin said. ty—serve sauerkraut and pigs Collichio Tuesday night proposed KEATING BAPTISMS from an auto' and arrested. ter.—Advertisement Ufe's Problems Society, Ltd. knuckles and serve them while cepted. "So far it hasn't." Write now.) a courtesy warning system for wearing leotards. (If you're go- overtime parked autos in the UNION BEACH — Michael! ing to be an outcast you may as borough. Leonard and Victoria Ann Keat-i Dear George: well go whole hog.) ing, children of Mr. and Mrs. TOYS •GRHTING CARDS • GIFTS Since my wife started running The mayor said that under such Robert Keating, Front St., were around with an arty crowd all Dear George: a system, police would issue a baptized last week in Holy Fam- RUG CLEANING PARTY GOODS • FUGS • HOME SAFES •he talki about is ballet. She is Is a journalist the same as a 15-mlnute warning sticker to ily Catholic Church by Rev. Jo- AT ITS actually taking lessons. (She newspaperman, and, if not, what cars where the time on a parking seph G. Fox. Sponsors for Mi- STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES weighs in at 155 and the whole is the difference? meter has expired: The sticker chael were Mr. and Mrs. James FINEST AND FASTEST house shakes when she jumps Coed would advise the motorist of the O'Brien, Union Beach. Victoria's la Your Horn* • Or In Our Medcn Mont ART & DRAFTING MATERIALS around like a demented frog.) Dear Coed: fact that time has run out and sponsors were Mrs. Robert Bo- We used to run around with a A journalist is a newspaperman that the car should either be gart, Union Beach, and William Tdtphont gang whose mairj interests are with two suits. moved or more money placed in Kenney, Elizabeth. down-to-earth — beer, bowling, the meter. A reception followed in the Vil- LEON'S SH 1.0001 backyard barbecues and so on. A parking ticket would be lage Inn, Jersey Ave. SINCE 1912 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LEADING There are 85 million Ameri RUG CLEANERS Now, the cultural bunch won't cans licensed to operate automo- issued when the motorist had RED IANK have anything to do with me be-biles. This is 81 per cent of the ignored the warning sticker. Venice has some 150 canals and WHITE ST. SH 7.2800 MD IANK cause I think they're a bunch of country's adult population. The inayor said that the issu- 'more than 400 bridges.



Th«r« art clam diggers, play shfrfs, pullovtrs, knit shfrfs, btrmudas, Jamaieat. short shorts and 2-pe. Jamaica s«ts, all tht*lat«st sportswoar by this famous makor. Pack thtm all In your suitcase in a riot of colors—solids, stripes, patterns. The entire eolleetlon in sites 8 to 18, but of course not every sfie in every style or color.

JAMAKAS fJMKff OR SHIRTS COTTON KNIT PLAYtftfRTS Regularly 3.98 to 6.98 2.79 to 499 Regularly 3.98 to 7.98 2.49 to 499 Rtgularly 2.98 to 4.98 1.99 to 359 SUM PANTS OR fKIRTf •4DAL PUSHIRS 1-PC. JAMAICA SITS Regularly 4.98 to 10.98 3.29 to 6.99 Rtgularly 4.98 to 7.98 3.99 to 5.99 Rtgularly 7.98 fo 10.98 499 to 6.99

Sorry, no phone or mall orders. Bamberger's-by-the-Sea (Dept. 10»), Mall Level. Boul evsrd of Fashion. Bamberger's Monmouth and at Paramus, Menlo Park, Newark, Mor rlstown, Plainfield and Princeton. On C.O.D.'s add Me for handling,

WHEN YOU'RE SHOPPING TONIGHT, OR ANY SHOPPING NIGHT, HAVE "DINNER FOR A DOLLAR" IN While you're shopping, enjoy dinner out for just $1 and set everything, including appetizer, entree, dessert and coffee. This special price ii Bamberger's way of making shopping nights BAMBERGER'S MONMOUTH GARDEN STAn TEAROOM more fun for the family. Won't you join us? Vtr—Thursday, July 20, 1961 RED BANK REGISTER bolder Charles I. Smith, former Cbariine will call, for square! A i^egock cavalcade will bj Beau Geste, 83-Foot Yacht 4-H Fair 4-H leader. dancing. presented at 7:30. More Sun 100 Sen. Richard R. Stoat, West Saturday at 10 a.m., a rouad of 4-H girto intl take part In a Poor Man's Philosopher; AUenhurst, u*lst«d by the 1360 games ptayed on horseback will fashion review jtartaf *t «:W. Calls Red Bank Its Home Opens Today queen, Betty Freiberger, Allen- start, continuing until 4 pjn. An award ceremony will begin at town, will crown the new queen. Dennis Elgrim, 4-H club agent 9:15. rom Passalc County, will judge Favorite Letters RED BANK - Hie Be«u Geste, and has an auxiliary electrical At Freehold Tomorrow's program will get and 83-foot yacht, has returned system. he dairy show, starting at 11. FREEHOLD — The three-day under way at 9:30 a.m. with a The Freehold Junior Chamber people use The Register «d« each By HAL BOYLE from a month's cruise in Lake The boat carries a crew of three horse show. A baby beef show Champlain and Canada. and is skippered by Capt. Thomas 1961 Monmouth County 4-H Fair if Commerce will serve a chicken issue because results com* fas- 'NEW YORK (AP)—More fragments from letters will open at 11. Judging the arbecue from 5 until 8. jter;—Advertisement . The vessel is owned by William Sweetman, Belmar. will open at the Freehold Race- horses will be Mrs. Stockton fame people would like to get—but rarely do: G. A. Conuell, Westfield, and is Mr. Connell, a shipping execu- way at 1:30 o'clock this after- Hopkins, Matawan, and Mrs. A. "Gee, mom, I hate to tell you this—but I can moored at Irwin's Yacht Works tive, is a former U. Si Navy noon. A full program of con- R. Gilman, judges of the con- RED BANK'S ONLY here. This is the first season the commander. tests, exhibits and entertainment dition of tack and grooming; bring my pet snake home from summer camp after al boat has been in this area. It got away. And more bad news. My pet frog isn ARMY MEETING SET have been planned. Mrs. Herbert Stewart, Mount During its cruise the ship FORT MONMOUTH - Dr. El- William C. Lynn, assistant sec- Holly, the English classes, and going to have kittens. It's a boy." docked at the Shelburne Harbor Ray Bastedo. Clinton, the West- COLD STORAGE VAULTS mer C. Easton, dean of Rutgers retary of agriculture, will ad- "It is with real pleasure we inform marina, Sh,elburne, Vt. Access to University's College of Engineer- dress visitors at a welcoming ern classes. Donald Kniffen, live- FOR FURS AND WINTER WOOlfNS stock specialist at Rutgers Uni- you your recipe for making chocolate- the lake is reached by way of ing, is chairman of the Army ceremony that Will start at 7:45 the Hudson River and the Lake Signal School Board of Visitors tonight. Highlights of the eve- versity, will judge the baby beef fiavored peanut butter patties has wo Champlain Canal. which will hold its semi-annual ning program will be selection show and, at 2 p.m. the sheep SPECIAL BOX STORAGE PLAN first pnze in our national contest. Yo The boat is fully air conditioned meeting here July 24-26. The group of a 4-H queen from among seven show. • BONDED ROUTEMAN • ECONOMICAL RATES and your husband can pick up thi and carries radios, television, ra- will study instruction and evalua- contestants. Judges are Mrs. Ura A parade will be held through dar and a high fidelity set. The tion procedures followed in the Dunn, commentator on Radio the streets of Freehold to the $10,000 check—and the two round tri interior is nut paneled. Signal School and will devote con- Station WJLK, Asbury Park; raceway at 7:30 and a dancing UON'S RED IANK tickets to Paris—at our office wheneve Weighing 28 tons, it is powered siderable attention to testing and Earl B. Garrison, county super, party will start on the raceway WHITE ST. SH 7-2800 you ..." by two 350 horsepower engines counseling service methods. intendent of schools, and Free- patio with five bands, at 8. Dick BOYLE "Your boy's feat in pitching a no hit victory for his kindergarten baseball team has come to the attention of our organization. In keeping with the program of the New York Yankees for long-term player development, we are willing to give your lad a $60,000 bonus to sign with us now. Naturally, before reporting to us, we would prefer that he go on witf his schooling—as later it will be necessary for him tc GRAND autograph baseballs." Cancel Outstanding Loan "We are returning your check for $75, covering the latest installment due on your loan. When Bascom G. Goodheart, our president, died last month, he left •a proviso in his will that all outstanding loans be can- celled. So you owe us nothing. Would you like to start all over, and borrow some more?" "Frankly, despite what your wife says, the tes RAN we gave your daughter shows she has a tin ear ani EVEN MORE* absolutely no native musical talent. In our opinion ii would be a waste of your money to buy her a piano, ifou could do more for her sense of rhythm by buying tier a yo-yo." ". . . And so, in recognition of the fact that you are the million'th customer for our new cars this year, the manufacturer is pleased to offer you the model of LUXURY FABRIC your ohoice with our compliments, plus free repairs for the life of the vehicle." DISCOUNT PRICE EXTRA DISCOUNT "Often through the years I have bitterly regretted EVERYDAY LOW CLEARANCE PRICE rejecting your proposal. Since father passed away am SWIMSUITS REG. 3.47 MISSES' TERRY ROBES left me his great big bank to run all by myself, I have Baited, white, knea length _. felt even more lonely. So if you'd ask for my hanc again, I'd be glad to share . . ." 1.77-1.97 MISSES' COTTON KNIT T-TOPS Six Kids on Relief Perfect for the warm days ahead! Many colors! S-M-LI "Just one more nugget of news in closing, Maude. 84* Remember that big handsome halfback that stood you 1.77-2.77 MISSES' COTTON BLOUSES $m $ up at the senior prom—the guy our class voted most Many Summer styles and colors! Sizes 32-38! likely to succeed? Well, he finally lost his job at the M S tl d ll Si 3238! I' post office, and he and his wife and six kids are on relief." 1.57 JR. BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS EVERYDAY LOW PRICE 6.47 fo 13,97 "No wonder you can't grow anything on that old 100% washable cotton. Sizes 3 to 6 farm you bought for your retirement years! The soil Our entire stock of this Season's most ••sample you sent is heavily saturated with ground oil. 3.57 MEN'S CALYPSO AND SURFACE wanted styles, colors and fabrics! Our advice to you: Quit planting and start drilling— Washable cotton. Sizes 30 to 38 Helancas! Lastex! Cottons! Knits! and then buy a home in Palm Beach. You ought to be Solids! Prints! All famous make! A able to bring in 10 gushers an acre." 3.97 MISSES' 2-PC. PLAY SUITS truly fabulous purchase! Available in ". . . It was one of those unfortunate mix-ups Casual and comfortable! Sizes 10-18, l4'/2-24'/2 sizes 32-38! which I'm sure you'll understand. But the fact is we had the wrong X-rays. It is not your wife who is going 2.77 MISSES' CAPRI PANTS to have triplets ..." The fashionable pants of the year! 10-18! "The President was so impressed with your pro 1 posal to reduce income taxes that he is placing a spe- 3.97 MISSES' COT'N SHARKSKIN SKIRTS cial plane at your disposal so that you can fly to Wash- So cod and popular in the fashion world! 10-18! ington to explain it to him in person. While all the cabinet posts are presently filled, there is always the MEN'S SPORT &KNIT opportunity that ..." 1.84-2.77 GIRLS' SUMMER DRESSES Assorted styles! Better maker! Sizes 1-3, 3-6X, 7-141 "The company has awarded you a year's leave of •1 absence with full pay—plus expenses—on the Island of HIRTS Tahiti. Every check made by our new electronic per- 1.84 GIRLS' SWIM SUITS sonnel computer machine recognizes you are the most Knits, cottons and lastex! Sizes 2-4, 3-6X, 7-14! •I misunderstood husband, father and faithful employee $•47 -of-the-century. s 94c CHILD'S PLAYWEAR "Your brotheNn-law, who installed the machine, Assorted styles ..... has been found and returned to his own firm in fair shape." $1 BOYS' BOXER MODEL PLAY SHORTS Assorted colors! All around elastic and tab frontl 10-12! Gels Hospital Post 66' EVERYDAY LOW PRICE 2.98-3.98 LONG BRANCH — Donald A. '1.77 BOYS' COTTON SPORT SHIRT! $|47 .. Lacey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Assorted colors and styles! 6-16! [Cotton knit shirts: A handsome assortment to choose from! H. Lacey of 602 Ocean Ave., Sea Fancy cottons! Collar models! The latest colors! Sizes S-ML-XU Bright, has been named admin- istrative assistant at Monmouth Medical Center. Sport Shirts: Short sleeve prints, novelties and solids! Cottons, JR.,MISSES',HALFSIZE rayons, blends! Button down & regular perma stay collars! He assumed his duties this Sizes S-M-L-XL! week, according to the announce-' _.inent by George J. Bartel, hos- pital administrator. Mr. Lacey, a graduate of Long 2.59 MEN'S SANFORIZED DENIM JEANS $|.47 Branch High School, received his Sanforized cotton! Side elastic! Sizes S-M-L-XL!.... BS degree-in business administra- tion from Monmouth College and his master of science degree in 1.98 MEN'S BOXER MODEL SWIM TRUNKS $|50 hospital administration from 2-4 6 Built in supports! New styling! Sizes S-M-L! Northwestern University. Sheaths! Full skirts! 1 & 2 pc. styles! Sleeveless! He had been employed since Short sleeve! Roll-up sleeve! Cottons!. Rayon/ 1957 at Monmouth Medical Center 1 Acetates! Broadcloths! Arnels! The latest Sum- a« supervisor of accounts receiv- able. Imercolors! Sizes 7-15, 10-20, 14V4-24VM Donald A. Lacey

oiniTniicf '>•" K l.W!

F. R RlSTINE & CO. LTTTT— Established 1902 Memben New York and I'hila.-llalli. Shirk Exchanges American Sfock Exchange •Al STOCKS - BONDS . MUTUAL FUNDS Lester 1{. Ross, Mgr. II EAST FRONT ST. RED BANK, NEW JERSEY Telephone SHadyilde 7-1414 — WX-1200 STAfE HIGHWAY 36, KEANSBUTC, i Look... You Can Save More Than Hal ... INVENTORY

n loo r models, some scratched; some dogs, But All Brand New... We don't want to count

13 c« 'ft 'em away! t WOOR-BUSHR

t-*_ fl«fricO«er $Ofl00 * SPECIALS!

" A Reg. 178.95 Famous WESTINGHOUSE

with the purchase of the freezer WESTINGHOUSE riCBie Wsefe "SPACEMATE" WASHER For Only $ 227 VReg. 239.95 washer *> Use them side by side *> Stacked—No home is too small! A«omotfc Washe, V Put them under the counter J> Build them in up on the wall

• Laundromat holds 8 lbs. of clothes Vi at much soap... 10 gals, lots water! * Dryer has look-in door, direct air flow for faster drying, over-heating protec tionf 715 MAIN ST-ASBURY PARK NO \\V DOWN RT 37 6L RT 9-TOMS RIVER PAYMENT 3 YEARS SHREWSBURY AVE AT RT. 35 TO PAY (SUPERAMA) New Shrewsbury , July 20, 1961 R£D BANK REGISTER festival is planned for July 22 inentertained Saturday at a picnic Anti-Shark Leonardo the Ridgewood Inn. A rummage lot Mr, and Mrs. RfloaM Logan, which have proved effective: sale will be held Aug 10-11 in theMr.,and Mrs. William De Marco Cover the tide with ordinary, Patrice Stanley, daughter of Dre bouse. Mrj. Waiter Camp- and children Antoinette, Camilla MEDICAL petroleum jelly (Vaseline or with Protection Mr, nod Mr*. Gwrge Stanley, >ell was hostess. wd Billy ^Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mr. kerosene o/ lighter fluid. This Center Avc, celebrated her birth- md Mrs. George McBee and f am- keeps the air out, smothering the Is Sought day- Saturday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McBee "ily, Nancy and Billy. MEMOS tick which will let go and come Andrea and Ray Rovito, Sally, out quickly. Another way is to JERSEY CITY (AP) —AsPau- l and Patricia Collins, Kim light a natch, blow it out, and semblyman Maurice V. Brady, and Douglas Furce, Claudia and apply the hot end to the tick. It D-Hudson, plans to. introduce a Alfred Copertino, George, Fran- will drop off promptly. bill in the next session of the ces and Ann Stanley, Mrs. Eliza- What li the best way to re- BUSES TO NEW YORK CITY Never crush a tick with the Assembly, designed to protect New beth Brown and Mr. and Mrs. move ticks or other insects whic fingers. It may have a certain Jersey's ocean bathers against Andrew Rovito. (EXPRESS VIA N. J. TURNPIKE) bury their heads deep under th type of bug within its intestinal the danger of attacks by sharks. •kin? tract which could get into the Brady said Tuesday that his skin of your fingers and cause Col. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis and bill would direct the New Jersey daughter Oe Lowra of Spring- TWENTY ROUND TR.PS DAILY serious infection of the body. It commissioner of health to evalu- better to lift it away gently witl field, Va., spent several days re- ate the usefulness of shark cfently with Mr. and Mrs. Louis tweezers if the head is not em repellant chemicals in protecting bedded in the skin. Blood. Mrs. Louis Giberson and Buy 10 Trip Books and Save shorelines. Mrs. Norma Davies, Middle Riv- Nonchemical methods of pro-er, Md. were week-end guests of For Schedult and Raft Call SHadysltf* 1-0285 tection against sharks are being Mr. and Mrs. Blood. 1,676 Teachers ruled out, Brady said. At least one of these methods, a so-called Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G'Froe- HOLLO'S CHARTER SERVICE Have No Degrees "bubble fence" has been found herer, Center Ave., recently spent "I can hear your watch ticking, Dad, bur I can't find it!" in recent tests to be ineffective, two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. TRENTON (AP) — There were he said. Clarence Woodard, De Land, FOR GROUPS Obviously, if you try to pull 1,676 teachers in New Jersey'; The bubble fence is composed Fla. them out, the head may be left in public schools fast year who di Arthur Gledhill of New Bedford, The overo Pinto horse has air bubbles released through per- Offer the Best in Comfort and Experience the skin and cause irritation am not have college degrees, the Nev Mass. white patches which seem to forated hoses under water. It was possible infection. Jersey Education Associatioi originate from the underside believed that sharks would not Mr. and Mrs. Walter Belke and PHONE PRospect 4-2727 Here are a few simple way;said today. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott and .work upward. The tobiano penetrate the bubbles which could children, Dale and Craig, spent The NJEA said federal aid tcand their daughter Joyce, Cooper strain's more sharply defined be used to fence off areas of wa-the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. :ducation would help to eliminat Rd., have returned from a va- white areas extend downward ter near beaches. Warren Rice, Danbury, Conn. Asbury Pork -New York Transit Corp. those who aren't fully qualified cation to Nova Scotia. from the back and the head is by raising teachers salaries. usually dark. .Guests this week at the home of Mrs. Joan Stone and Mrs. Joan 401 LAKE AVENUE, ASBURY PARK "Professional salaries will help No problem finding tenants Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blood are Maxson were welcomed as new attract professional, fully certi- when you advertise The. Register The state flower of Montana Mr. and Mr,s. William Anderson, members to the Community fire —UNDER ROLLO MANAGEMENT— fied teachers. In fact, the teach- way.—Advertisement. is bitterroot. Miami. auxiliary Tuesday. A summer CAN SAVE er shortage will end when teach ers receive realistic salaries,11 MORE THAN the teachers organization said. In addition to those withou ' 25% ' college degrees who hold emer- ;ency teaching certificates, there were 4,807 teachers with provi- Rat/Drugs sional certificates last year. Both SUNRAY DRUG groups are required by the stati to complete their training so thai On they can be fully certified. AUTOMOBILE 46 BROAD ST. INSURANCE Fairvlew written by Miss Mary Sullivan's recen THE TRAVELERS guests were her sister and brother-in-law, MaJ. and Mrs RED BANK The Company Harold Hill of Texas. Miss Sulli- That Invented van resides at Rt. 35. Automobile Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Barto, Cooper Rfi., and Mr. and Mrs Nationally Advertised See... 79c VALUt Rtt«tar

Anothtr First From Reg. 59c Regular 99c San Ray!! L»u Weight with GUARANTEED CHARM-CAL' Unbreakable "Poif LIQUINET 29c Value MUIURID CJU.OUI BAT and DUPONT NYLON BRISTLE fOOO COMCINTMTf 1J8V«tue fOB WHOM! CONTROL WorMt$l.19ACan BALL 16 ex. CHROME PLATED TOOTH BRUSH CANS SOME ONE A Ac ! How **c HAMMER QQc SPRAY i BUWXI Only OO with Rubber Brip 77 CAN STYU 19" oooo wrm coupon TO JUIT li "OOOO WITH COUPON TO JUIY 11 •OOO WITH COUPON TO JUIY 13 MUST WIN •OOO WITH COUPON 1OJKTM OOOO WITH COUPON TO JUIY 11 Regular*.50 Regular $ .49 79c Value Regular)! .98 $1.00 MENNEN PERCALE! Durable Plastic PINOCHLE SUNRAV $ for Regular! 9 01. SKIN BRACER PILLOW RAIN BLUE PLAYING SAVE BOOTS BLADES CARDS 34c 43C OiipmMr •OOO WITH COUPON TO JUIT 11 I > WRH COUPON TO JUIY M THIS •OODWrtH COUPON TO JVtT 11 •OOO WITH COUPON TO JUIY 13 •OOO WITH COUPON TO JUIY 11 * SunRaii THRIFT COUPON I SunRau THRIFT C O U P O NI Sun Ran THRIFT COUPON I §unltait THRIFT COUPON I Sun/ran THRIFT COUPON Regular $1.25 Regular 29c Giant 98c Value 49e VALUII ^1 Regular 29c Value SUNDAY! KILLING ICECREAM mty GUM 1 STEAK or FRANTZ SCOOP & CANDIES UTILITY PEANUTS MURSHMMLLWVS , ChoiotofiOrMC*SUe«s | DIPPER ortpatmintUaMt g KNIFE It Could Be You! •C1QMT lOOZ. AUMMNUM \C C 52c BAG FINISH -74* BOTH FOR' 16 Over 330 persons have collected over r M cot ON TO wr *i • OOO» WTM C0M|OH TO MN.T M •OOO WITH COUPON W> JWT 11 OOOD wim COUTON TO JULY as | I WIM COUPON MfMM $315,000 cash. No puzzles! No letters! No Gimmicks! Just spot your Social Security number in the New York Journal-American. Regular Me Value j Reg. $I.M Value g $2,500 offered daily—$3,500 on Sunday! /] ALUMINUM I TUCK 69c BRYL CREEM \ MEN'S '' FOIL I CELLOPHANE 3 12"x 25' TAPE SAVE Sttin Stripe and Whit* WxlOOO" mctrm OVfR 21c 48< C A JERSEY WOMAN MX 10 'h 81 OOOO HUH COUPON TO aiY li i Save nt Suf Ray • Save a' Su>- "a* • 5a/o til Sun Roy Save a1 SJ-' RI Memorial Service end *&«. Joba Wtnfe*, satisfying We. My future plain? RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, July 20, 1961—15 president, conducted the services. College at Kansas State Univer- For Mm. Fitzgerald A theater trip i» planned for! sity, and then back to the farm this talL A tricky tray party wa*i for more dairying. Only digger LEONARDO - A manorial and better! Worst Aviation Disaster service wu held last week for held in the post home July 12. Mr». lUlpfa Fitzgerald la Poeten'i Funeral Home by American Le- No problem finding tenants Due for More Study by CAB gion auxiliary members. Eolker Will when you advertise The Register (AP) — The volved in history's worst aviation Mra. Charieg Rhoades, chap- way:—Advertisement. WASHINGTON Civil Aeronautics Board today disaster, the collision of two air- Among 15 takes another look at factors In liners over New York City last Dec. 16. iay $50 a month to his wife, The death toll was 136—128 per- Probated Sarah Ann Johnson. The rest of sons aboard the planes and eight FREEHOLD -The will of Ed- Us estate was left to his wife. on the ground. ward Folker of Rumson was Fannie Beanum, Sea Bright, The board prepared to hear 26 among those probated this week who died June 27, left her estate echnical experts during two days by Surrogate Edward C. Broege. to her son, Edgar Beanum. if public hearings at "its head- Mr. Folker, who died July 2, Lawrence F. Murphy, Shrews- quarters here. More than 70 left a marital trust fund to his bury, who died June 24, left his persons, including eye witnesses, wife, Dorothy, the income of istate to his daughter,-in-Iaw, were heard over eight days last which shall be $25,000 a year, or Marie E. Murphy. anuary in Brooklyn. money may be taken frbm prin- Sara Alterman, Long Branch, CAB member G. Joseph Min- cipal to make up this amount. In who died June 14, left her estate etti, who took part in the inves- this fund is to be 51 per cent of to her children. tigation at the accident scene and the common stock of Folker Fab- was chairman of the first hear- Arthur A. O'Brien, Ocean Town- rics Corp., plus all other stock ings, scheduled the new inquiry. ship, who died July 4, left his in the firm, as well as his pro- The 26 technical experts to be perty known as1 Riverfields in estate to his son, Arthur O'Brien, interviewed here also were avail- Rumson. and his daughter, Mildred Weber. able for questioning by attorneys William H. Curley, Freehold Ten per cent of the remaining for the various parties involved- Township, who died May 27, left United Air Lines and Trans stock in Folker Fabrics is to behis estate to Alice Curley. divided among his brothers, World Airlines, Lockheed and Mary J. Waire, Freehold, who Douglas Aircraft companies, the Frank and Walter Folker, and died Feb. 23, left her estate to sisters, May Folker and Geraldine Air Line Pilots Association, the her sons John A. and Leonard F. 'light Engineers International Algor. The rest of the stock is Hawkins. to be divided between his brother, Association and the federal avia- George H. Sleator, Red Bank, MONEY Charles Folker, and his daughter tion agency. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- who died May 21; Charles W. The CAB has made public a re- For Any Worthwhile Purpose ert Berg. Wagner, Middletown, who died port summarizing interviews by May 20; David O. Merrill, Mid its Investigators with 125 per- Mr. Folker willed $5,000 each dletown, who died June 5; Fred ILOYD LYNN JR.: "Extra-curricular activitiei at ichool are lomewhat limited." sons, including the eyewitnesses, to his grandchildren, Patty Ann A. Leonard, Matawan, who died safety experts, pilots, air traffic A MERCHANTS TRUST Brenda Lee and Susan Berg. The June 30, and Joseph L. Gruener, control personnel and others. residuary estate was left to his Marlboro, who died June 20, left The board investigation U the PERSONAL LOAN CAREER KIDS: Teen-Aqer on tiie Farm daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Berg. their estates to their wives. most extensive ever. Other Wills Elizabeth Tuttle, Long Branch, The New York hearing pro- Clara D. Dixon, Red Bank, who who died June 18, left her estate duced evidence recorded by a Provides Easy Payments died March 13, left a diamond to her husband, Robert Tuttle. flight measurement instrument ring to her daughter, Mary D. that survived the crash. Low Bank Interest Rates A Day Is Much Work, LittlePlayRoemer. The rest of the estati Sent to Jail in Default It showed that United's DCS jet was divided as follows: 15 pe was flying higher and faster than YOU PAY MONTHLY cent to her husband, Ralph Dix Of $135 in Fines it should have been when It col- •OUOW 12 MO. It MO. 34 MO. on; 40 per cent to her son, Karl RED BANK - Jeffrey Vowels, lided over Staten Island with a $300 $ 26.30 $ I S.I 7 $ 14.00 For Farm Boy Who Thrives on ItDavis; 25 per cent to her daugh- 40 Central Ave., Atlantic High TWA Constellation. 300 44.17 30.28 23.33 ter, Mary D. Roemer, and 20 pei EDITOR'S NOTE: There I cannot answer for all farm 7:30, so we can be on our way lands, was sent jail for 50 Several pilots testified that they 800 70.67 48.44 37.33 rent to her grandson, Ralph . 46.t7 might be a problem keeping boys, but I can tell you about ito school by 8. Johnny will be a days yesterday default had difficulty on the day of the 100O SS.33 40.56 Learn. accident in getting their position WOO 132.30 90.13 70.00 'em down in the cities after by own life on the farm. Since seventh grader at Hocker Junior $135 in traffic fines imposed by 1500 320.8* 131.39 11**7 they read about Lloyd Lynn, my father works away from High next year,, and I'll be a Ralph F. Johnson, Rumson Magistrate John W. CroweJl. signals from a communications Jr. This 16-year-old Kansas home, in Kansas City, I take senior at Shawnee Mission North. /ho died June 28, left his bus: Vowels pleaded guilty to leav- station at Colts Neck, N, J. They Join the ever increasing number of people who say youth operates a prize dairy most of the responsibility for I drive the seven miles to school, ess known as Johnsons Florist, ing the scene of an accident said this may have caused the farm, does all the milking, field operating our 55-acre dairy mainly to save time. his brother Walter E. Johnson, and driving while his license was jet pilot to bo mistaken about •POIt MY MONBY IT'S ... revoked. his position. chores, bookkeeping and what farm plus about 40 acres of When school is over, it's hurry ith the request that his brothe not and still finds time to be a rented land. home to start the evening chores leader in 4-H Club activities My day starts about 5:45 a.man. d extras jobs such as feed and keep up on his school work. grinding, fence repair and main- RED BANK when I take over the dairy It's satisfying life, he says, for chores, which include milking taining the machinery. On Sunday those who love the land. there are more jobs: field work, PAIR HAVBH about 25 Holstein cows, cleaning the dairy barn and equipment, hauling and spreading manure, PROWN'S By LLOYD LYNN, JR. and caring for all the other live- etc. HOLMDIL Written for The Associated Press stock, calves, pigs, etc. The feed- Occasionally in the evening, Vhat Is the life of a farm ing of the cows is done by myafter chores and supper are over, M.mbir T^rmt K««r« Sfiun fUtmltr Ttlmt Difult tuuruct boy like? Does he work all 12-year-old brother, Johnny. I may take time off to relax by 36th Anniversary the time? What does he do watching TV, or there may be a r for recreation? We try to be in the house by 4-H meeting to attend. But usual- ly it's an hour or two of home- work, or working on our dairy farm records which I have to ; Sale Ends Saturday keep. I try to be in bed by 10 o'clock. MANY ITEMS ON SALE THROUGHOUT THE STORE Our farming operations center around Grade A dairy herd which Shop Today, Tomorrow and Saturday Only for These Buys AMERICA'S GREATEST BEDDING SALE...S7M7S TOMORROW! my father and I have worked hard to build up. In the last four PLASTIC years, since I have been old enough to take more responsibil- Full One Inch Thick WASHABLE ity, we have tripled the size of Scalloptd and Fringed the herd and joined the Dairy ALUMINUM Herd Improvement Association in order to have complete and ac- WINDOW curate records on each individual cow. COMBINATION STORM Along with improving the herd, SHADE we have built a new walk-through type milking parlor, enabling us and SCREEN DOOR to milk more cows in less time, and installed a new 300-gallon bulk milk tank. Our other operations Include a green-chopping feed program for the dairy cows, and the irrigation of several acres of sudan grass and alfalfa. We raise only enough to fill the silo, and usually put up about 2,000 bales of hay each year, enough to carry us'through the winter. This past winter, with the help of my brother-in-law, David Anderson, we completed • Installation optional two concrete pig parlors, enabling us to feed about 200 pigs a year, • Complete, ready to hang! raising them from weaned pigs to about 225 pounds. Complete, ready to Install. Price Include* piano Extra-curricular activities at hinge door with 2 glass and 1 screen Insert, storm school are somewhat limited ON NEW chain, weather stripped, air closure, knob and hard- Sports I have had to forfeit com ROLLER pletely, since it is impossible to ware. Sizes 23, 27, », 31. 35" wide stay after school to practice. My grades probably suffer a little too, due to my work schedule, but I managed to make the hon- or roll part of the time and none of my grades fell below average. Prices Slashed You may think my life is jus one dull routine of work, bu that is not so at all. I have found time to take part in the Future Lawn & Summer Furniture Farmers of America, serving as president of the local chapter this past year and taking part in such activities as public speaking, live- Regular 9.95 stock and soil judging, and at Reg. 59* tending the state convention a h mittrws so fine ...with so many outstanding features that Sealy says: Manhattan, Kan. PLASTIC PLASTIC I also take an active part in 4- GARBAGE H club work, attending county and state fairs, family picnics CAN you must be satisfied...or and get-togethers, hay rick rides, DUST judging tours and club parties Of course there are girls at al the affairs. I am really not al- lergic to them, but I don't have a 99 PAN steady girl friend. I guess I Just don't have time for girls. i In nine years of 4-H club activi WE'LL BUY IT BACK! ty, I have completed about 4( projects, such as tractor mainte Sturdy, durable plastic can with steel COMPARE THIS! FIATIMIS WITH THOSI You ctn't help being mor* thtn utitfltd with thle (treat nance, conservation, field crops ON MATTRESStS SILLING FOR tM.W comblnitlon of comfort, quality, and cosily feoturae at thia low prlc«— lock lid and side handles. 24-gallon size • mattresa buy ID big It can't b* baatl In fact, If you can find a junior leadership, etc. But m ea faaturas you eouid pay bailer mallreit for lets money wllhln 30 daya (and you can be the greatest thrill in 4-H achievemen in new copper color with black lid. judg*) • • • buy ill Return your Golden Sleep mattnu to Ihli atora Saaly'a Edgt Gird Conitructlort *».W came last year. After winning the 9 for ftill purchat* prlcal EDGE CARD" country tractor driving contesi ; 59.50 ands aagQlnQ border Heavy Dimtik Cover THESE DIG FEATURES MAKE THIS BUY UNBEATABLE AT 130.11 for the third consecutive year, Sit on1h»«dg», lltclotilo Iht irlgi Life Line Flangt Construction 90.90 • Saaly'a fd

LADIES' Daily til 10 Sundays 'til 6 MEN'S and BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS JAMAICA SHORT FLOOR COVERING Comparable value 2.39 SPECIALS! 00 FAMOUS BRAND 3 SETS >Mix Em! REG. 3.99 VINYL >Match Em! LINOLEUM Vi SLEEVE • First qtratiry KNITS • AvaHabfe • Asst. styles & patterns 6*. > cmd 12'wkhhs • Green, blue, t Large selection of white, grey, patterns and colors yellow & solid colors • Cat from fuH rolls • Siies S-M-L

1 ©' WIDE 9' width. 1.09 sq. yd.—12 width. 1.19 sq. yd. 1/2 SLEEVE • Guar. washable • Woven check fabrics First Quality - All Wool SPORT SHIRT Needlepoint Wilton FIBRE 100% • Pink, blue, lilac, beige BROADLOOM RUGS COTTONS • Sizes 10 to 16 Reg. 16.95 Installed wall to • Wash 'n Wear Reversible for wall, t a c k I e s s LADIES' 99 double wear. • Asst. Patterns method, over heavy waffle pad- Sq. Yd. J Tremendous selection of fibre • Sizes S-M-L ding.. Reg. 9.95 • rugs—oil colors—all pattern* SWIM SUITS 6 ! ail sixes—big savings. COMPLETELY INSTALLED ••••••••••••••••HBtl GUY LOMBARDO Lastex and knits included in group PITTSBURGH FLOOR TILES "DECK MATES" Season's newest styles PLASTIC WALL • • Asphatt tile and colors • Vinyl asbestos BOATING Novelty and button trims TILE • Rubber Sizes 32 to 38 Reg. 8.99 Famous brand. Ideal for • Linoleum SHOES kitchens and bathrooms. Popular multi-colors. Foil line of corners, capping • Solid vinyl Reg. 8.95 SALT WATER * ft. by 8 ft. and adhesive to make in- 2-PIECE stallation more beautiful Lowest Prices Anywhere and complete! 99 TARPAULIN Free Use of TMe Cutter FREE TOOLS! BOAT ROD • 10-oz. single filled • Sturdy wood handle duck • Locking aluminum • Fully guaranteed 3 88 • Use fo3r boating, tennis, 1 reel seat Value 3.95 1.69 Ideal for camping; Value*** beach. Size* • to 12.

Reg. 178 95 WESTINGHOUSE A*Ho Ar On,, ONLY $227. Black for greater strength. MOUNTED FREE Use Either Side By Side. Stacked. Under Counter Or Up On The Wall I T«be-Type • Newest tread design for greater control. l WHILE YOU SHOP BAMBOO • 1000's of sides for sure T« UnM Qo»n«llfii Famous Make HETTRICK SrOftS CHKI STOpS* PADDED OUTDOOR FURNITURE * MOUNTED FREE WHILE YOU SHOP

CAFES BLACKWAIX BLACKWAIX SIZE TUBE-TYPE TUBELESS 9.49* 750x14 12.99* 48x26 670x15 Bamboo cafes, ideal 710x15 11.99* 800x14 14.99* tor summer homes, 760x15 13.99* 850x14 18.99* porches, home decorat- 'All prices plus tax and your racappable tire off ing, cottages. Save now your car—whitewalls only $J extra each tire. at these fabulous low NO MONEY DOWN prices. GLIDERS lint Insure longer tire life with our precision wheel balancing. I'ndrirct Bark, Scat, Arm Rest 33.33 Ask about ow sale special—FREE WHEEL WEIGHTS . . . Use Your [SIZE Natural Wood jWhite Spattered CHAISE 48x26 56c Sale 2U.90 lUt EASY CUm . 91c Aluminum Tubing 17.97 SHOCK ABSORBERS 60x30 Sale 86c Sole 7.31 Installed FREE while you shop 60x36 Sale CHAIR 17.90 list 96c!Sale 1.61 11.97 • Ph/m. '51-'56 •Chevrolet '49-'54 ~£ACH 60x45 Sale 1.26 Sale 1.91 Prints in weather-resistant fabrics • Ford '52-'56 • Other cars at lowest prices ^ 56c Valance Safe 91c Innerspring coil pad construction • Sturdy for years of wear . ATLANTIC'S... TM SHORTS FIRST MSCOWT DtPARlHEHT STORil ... Mil WHERE "fLl A D^»E IT" YOU CAN WrlARuc IT

UNLIMITED REFUND POUCY * SHREWSBURY AVE. AT ROUTE 35 • NEW SHREWSBURY * PLENTY OF FREE PARKING : JUs% Our Want Ads Home Delivery Quick Results SH I.QOI#: Independent Daily f 35*'Wo"k Dial I uotiDAYTiupvmrupAr-tfT.un J SH Ul 110 NI6HT

Section Two RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1361 7c PER COPY Bayshore Project Repeat Performance Tomorrow Freehold's Gibson Beach Erosion Mayor to Quit Meeting Topic

MIDDLETOWN — The Town- Mr. Gehlhaus was scheduled to Post on Board ship Committee will meet Tues- meet yesterday with township of- day with officials of the state ficials but was unable to do so. E. FREEHOLGibson, whD o —wa sMayo appointer Frand tok tTho eth ela towp posstatet si s onlnoty automaticthat the. Department of Conservation and At the request of Thomas A. that post Monday night by-Bor- board must appoint a president Economic Development to dis- Varetoni, 223 Cherry Tree La., ough Council, is expected to re-within 30 days after a vacancy cuss the .Army Corps of Engi- Mayor John T. Lawley, Jr., said sign from the Board of Educa- occurs. neers proposed beach erosion he would inspect the property of ion of which he is president The Democratic party has not project for the Bayshore. Thomas T. Oxley, Taylor La., for by the next regular meeting of as yet selected a candidate to Local officials asked. for the an alleged operation of a the board Aug. 21. oppose Mr. Gibson in the Novem- meeting to get a.breakdown of camp. , ' • Though Mr. Gibson may legally ber mayoralty race. the cost figures for the project. Mr. Oxley currently has an ap- hold both posts he has said that Party leader Michael J. Merola Figures released so far lump plication before the Zoning Board he would resign his board posi- said that the party leaders would the cost of work in Keansburg of Adjustment to use his property tion to enable him to devote get together to make a decision and East Keansburg-together into for such purposes. 'ull time to his new duties. between now and Sept. 1. He one sum. Mayor Gibson stated that he would not speculate as to the Want Breakdown would however like to remain party's choice, but did say no Local officials also want a com- the board until the school names were ruled out. wor plete breakdown of the k in- Indonesia referendum is held Aug. 8. The Those being mentioned are, be- volved and are expected to make referendum is asking for approval sides Mr. Merola, Councilman a plea for state aid to help pay of a $277,000 nine to 11 classroom Carl M. Vanderveer and Leonard for the project. addition to the present Interme- J. Conway, and former Council- Estimated dost of the work for Flexing diate School on Park Ave, tw man Harry Sagotsky. the O areas has been estimated No names have been mentioned Mr. Sagotsky has made the it $3,805,000 with both municipal as possible successors for either statement that he has retired les being asked to contribute the board vacancy or the presi- from politics. $1,142,000. Muscles dency. Mr. Conway stated he would JAKARTA (AP) — Indonesia In other business at an ad Nathan Katz is serving as board not consider running for the. Journed meeting yesterday, the is flexing her military muscles vice president, but his suecession mayor's job at this time. township committee announced it as the result of an arms deal would meet with Frederick A. with the Soviet Union. CHECKUP FOR GRISSOM—Astronaut Virgil Griisom Gehlhaus to discuss an undis- Two Soviet-built TU16 long- smiles as he undergoes final medical examination. Dr. President Alarmed closed proposal for property he range jet bombers are here. William K. Douglas, the astronauts' physician, conducts owns at Leonardo Beach. Eight more are expected soon to the exam. Thick cloud banks forced a postponement Several times in the past, Mr. bolster the young republic's air ASTRONAUT GRISSOM carries his portable air con. Gehlhaus has proposed commer- of the flight until Friday. force to a degree where it will be ditioner ai he emerges from hangar for ride to the Physical Fitness cial developffierit"^ the 'andcapabl. e of "attacking targets be- (NASA Photo via APWir.photo) Each time the proposal brought yond our borders," according, to launching pad. (AP Wirephoto) objections from Leonardo resi- Air Force Chief Suryadarma. He dents. said: "If necessary we will use If It's Lost at Sea Program Pushed the planes to end colonialism in West Irian." WASHINGTON (AP) - Presl- In hi« message to ichoo! a* dent Kennedy, alarmed lest this They Spend This is the area tofNe w Guinea ministrators — the first of th« turn into a nation of weaklings, booklets will so out next week- ruled by the Netherlands. Indo- will soon send a message to every Kennedy says: Little Time nesia contends it is the rightfu' Their Job: Search school administrator saying why "Although today's young people heir to the territory. it's urgent that each student be The Indonesian Air Force al- are fundamentally healthier than On Phone physically fit. the youth of any previous genera- ready had plenty of tactical air For Space Capsule This will be followed by a tion, the majority have not de- NEWARK (AP) — College girls, power, including Ilyushin medi- second message, going to 144,000 like most women, seem to think um-range bombers. In addition to veloped strong, agile bodies. the Willie Fudds can act as aerial schools, showing how he thinks they don't spend too much time squadrons of MIG 17s, Indonesia ABOARD AIRCRAFT CAR- "The softening process «f our relay points for radio transmis- this can be accomplished. on the phone. is believed to have some of the RIER RANDOLPH (AP) — Four civilization continues to carry en of the Navy's newest and hottest sion between aircraft carriers The kickoff of the physical fit- A Rutgers-Newark College sur-latest MIG 19 fighters. its persistent erosion." aircraft for detecting submarines and far-away airplanes and de- ness drive came yesterday, with vey said that they studied, on The Soviet arms deal is also by radar are poised for a job stroyers. Kennedy calling for a minimum How much it has softened was the average, about 17.4 hours in known*to cover the supply of at everyone hopes won't come — of 15 minutes of vigorous activity licked off today by Kennedy's a normal five-day week and spent least one cruiser, destroyers and They also can provide so-called searching for the Liberty Bell 7 each day in each school in thespecial consultant on youth fit- 43.5 minutes in telephone calls other naval craft. "bell-hop service" in the radar ness, Charles B. (Bud) Wflkinson. space capsule if It's lost at se» country. during those hours. Suryadarma has stated' that field — that is, taking a radar coach of the University of Okla- Miss Mary O. .Farayplo, advi- bases will be built all around the The four planes, parked on theview of an area within their own homa football team. sor to women students, surveyed archipelago for the new Soviet han8ar.deck °'this vision, and then transmitting it ery ship for the scheduled Fri to a carrier. AMA Fori^s 1. Several itudies show that 100 girls, 25 in each of the four jet bombers, which, according to American youth do worse on classes. military sources, have a range of day launching of astronaut Virgil The big, twin-engined, grey- simple tests than youngsters of Only 17 of the 100 felt they more than 4,000 miles. I. Grissom are WF2S — Thecolored craft were ready today, Political Unit other nations. Navy's latest airborn defender for possible search duty over wide, spent "too much" time on the This would make Australian CHICAO (AP) - The Ameri- Samples: One test, which 57.9 phone during periods set aside cities vulnerable to air attack— against Russia's fleet of sub- areas if anything had gone awryl marines, estimated by the Navy can Medical Association, which of- per cent of the U. S. youngsters for'study. if the "West Irian" issue ex with the space shot. ten steps into the political arena at more than 400. flunked, was given a similar Three of the four calls divert- ploded. Australia governs Eastern to fight for or against legislation, group in Italy and Austria. The ing seniors came from men, for New Guinea and sides with the The weird-looking aircraft, each announced today that a political sporting a huge radar dome that European* had only 8.9 per cent the other classes, half the calls Netherlands on the West Irian action committee is being set upfailure. looks like a flying saucer, were came from other girls. dispute. County OKs for physicians. And on »even different tests developed originally as early- The new group it called the warning radar planes for use given to boy» and girli in the 10- ASTRONAUTS' WIVES - Mrs. Grissom, center, is American Medical Political Ac- aboard attack carriers. $85,000 For 17 age bracket, British girls ran shown with wives of other astronauts on the lawn of tion Committee (AMPAC). The ahead of American girls 7-0, while Defensive Weapon chairman is Dr. Gunnar Gunder- British boys won by 6-1. The her home at. Newport News, Va., after Capt. Grissom'i But officers of the Navy's sen of La Crosse, Wis., a for- U. S. boys were superior only in Sea Wall mer president of the AMA. famed> Task Force Alfa — the flight into space was postponed. At left is Mrs. Rene "arm power." special "hunter-killer force" of FREEHOLD—Action to repair Carpenter. At right is Mrs. Marge Slayton. The purpose is to help medical 2. Not only are today's young- the storm-damaged north beach the anti-submarine warfare serv- men organizeJUoE mote effective sters behind foreigners, they're sea wall in Sea Bright and to (AP Wirephoto) ice, told newsmen aboard the participation in political and gov- not so sturdy as their fathers build a new section of wall at ernment affairs." were. Springfield College has been Randolph it was later found they South Beach got under way here also offer a powerful new de- The move takes doctors along giving tests periodically since the yesterday. a course that labor unions took ensive weapon for detecting sub- 1920s. Recently not one school long ago. marine snorkels and periscopes. The Board of Freeholders in More Data Is Sought measured up to the national aver- "Other organizations, such as aje established jn previous tests. So, only last April," the 'WF2— traduced a resolution approving use of $85,000 of county funds, to the AFtClOi committeToiTolitfr ~3rStudies show that"7lpeFc«nT nicknamed the "Willie fudd" — cal Education and other groups was made operational for anti match a similar grant by the of the nation's schoofs have in- state, to do the work. A public For Hotel in Rumson of similar purpose, have been adequate physical education pro- submarine warfare duty. And the functioning for a number of hearing and final action is slated RUMSON — The zoning Board grams. Randolph is the only anti-sub was made by Edward Donner, Al- years," Dr. Gundersen com- for Aug. 2. of Adjustment will seek more in- And somewhere Wilkinson carrier so far equipped with len St. who said that the newmented. them. Freeholder Director Joseph C. formation prior to making a de-building would depreciate the val- dredged up this dreary statistic. Membership in AMPAC will be The average red blooded Ameri- Details of their radar range Irwin said the' board plans to cision on an application request- ue of the area. open to all licensed physicians can youth spends less than 1 per confer with state officials on theing permission to construct a ho- Charles J. Vollhardt, Ward Ave., and definition capabilities are who want to join, plus their spous- cent of his time on physical edu- possibility of expanding the proj- tel at the site of the River House submitted a variance application strictly hush-hush, but Task Force es and adult members of their cation, and much of that ect to include additional South Inn, Bingham Ave. to build a swimming pool in his Alfa officers said the planes have families. Physicians in this coun- won't be in vigorous activity. But Beach construction in line with front yard which fronts on the "the best airborne radar in the Acting chairman Norman Ram- try number 254,877, including 180- fie will spend 10 per cent of his local requests. The estimated ad- say asked the applicant Martin Navesink River. Navy for long-range detection." ditional cost of the state and time watching television. Aboard the Randolph, the air- Walsh, the hotel owner, to sub- NEWLYWEDS— David Patrick Ruilc, 20, son of Secre- county 50-50 project would be mit drainage and sewerage data craft got their first extensive $57,000 to $60,000 each, he added. tary of State Dean Rusk, looks up as his Argentine Workout in practice maneuvers one week prior to the next board America's Funnybone The South Beach wall has been meeting, Aug. 16. bride, the former Delcia Bence, points out the sights off Guantanamo Bay in May and June. x hard hit by storms within the Mr. Walsh plans to demolish last year. in Buenos Aires Tuesday. They were married at a civil Radar Pictures the existing 40-room building and ceremony in Buenos Aires July 12. The bride is the Besides exploring on their own In other action, the freeholders build a 14-room hotel at the same New Secret Weapon reappointed Dr. Julius A. Toren location.. daughter of a wealthy Argentine physician and rancher. —such as taking radar "pictures" of areas the size'of the entire as county physician at $7,500 a R-« Zone- (AP Wirephoto via radio from Buenos Aires) year. He has been serving on NEW—YORK—(APr-Prcsidehr Escar cites a few examples of :government under which It Is lm- southern New England coast— Thlne DUbuildinSg liss locallocateMd In an Kennedy probably isn't aware of t ' way to harpoon Russi'a jposslble to lose an election bet." temporary appointment since „ 'T ' it, but he has available a power- where it hurts: Apririil i1 , u,h»when hi.his loclasti I.™term ,ex ..-. R-6 zone where hotels are per- x j "Communism is a system of mitted. But the board must first ful secret weapon he could use "Communism is system ofiBOvcrnment under which free pired, pending selection of a new in the cold war struggle with assistant. approve health and safety fac- - speech merely means the right tors. Russia—America's funnybone. to talk your head off. . , a sys- Dr. Toren has served notice He could use it to whack com- Previously the board asked for! tem of government where people that the assistant will be Dr. munism over the head around information about parking facili- Hit By Car either sing in the same key or Harry L. Harwoo('nif Eatontown, world, says Evan Escar, an ties, fire exits and drainage for' suffer behind the same lock." who will receive ?li,000 a year out expert and lifelong scholar on presentation.at last night's-meet- Escar, author of many works of funds paid to Dr. Toren. He humor. |t might even be the ing Boy Suffers on humor, including the recently will succeed Dr. Herbert A. decisive factor, Escar added. Mr. Walsh said the parking lot published "Humorous English." Knapp of Bradley Beach. "In the cold war," Escar said, would accommodate at least 60 says examples of this sort RO "we have neglected a powerful The freeholders accepted in itscars. If required, he said he will Minor Injury winding around the world almost county road system for main build a fire escape or enclosed tenance and repair the road ex stairway at the west end of thej^ tending from Rt. 520 in Holmdel c jnflucna of humor Township, through Everett and R' J "Lonn before the cold war.r( "rr(l multiple bruises and scrapes < Live Better Middletown Township, to Rt. 35, Restaurant, Lounge [America dominated world com- al'out the body yesterday when lie An American tourist in Mos- Raritan Township. The move et| was cow asked an English-speaking A total of 250 persons can be y. whereas Russian humor hasj struck by a car while walking .native: "How do people live un- was said to be part of the coun- accommodated in the downstairs virtually no influence aboard— °n Rt. 35 near Conover La. ty's obligation in assisting con- thanks to the rigid controls over der communism?" restaurant and cocktail lounge of He was treated in Riverview "Better," was the reply. struction of the $20 million Bell the proposed structure, he said. downs, variety performers and Hospital and released. "Better in what way—econom-. Labs project under way in Holm- Approximately 10 to 15 employees topical satire. ically or socially?" del Township. would b needed to operate the According to police, the boy was e Propaganda Value "Better not say." Lawes Coal Co., Shrewsbury, hotel, Mr. Walsh said. ''A ,;ag or funny story, carries walking with several friends along received a contract for supply of The architect is Thomas Smith, more propaganda value in the the highway when the accident oc- And still another one: 350,000 gallons of number four River Rd. Mr. Walsh last night battle for men's minds than a curred. Two German fishermen were fuel oil, at 8.15 cents per galwa- s represented by Ernest Fas- hundred speeches from slates- Driver of the auto, Mrs. Bartryin- g their/ lucj on opposite lon, and M. and O. Economy Oil ano, Red Bnnk'attorney. len. Though we make no effort bara J, Brounley, 86 Bamm Hol- sides of a strc, dividing East Co.r Freehold, received a con- and West. Ti fellow on the The board last night also re- to spread them, our anti-Com- lo....w. aiu.Rd., , tolinidu J/VIH.Ipolice, iJIIshCe wa*>na s IIUtra* .,- . LI* ract for 150.000 gallons of num- stern bank was landm one ceived the variance application munist quips and anecdotes arc veling south on the highway and! , R ber two fuel oil for 10.85 cents of Otto Stromonger, Lafayette St. repeated in the uncommitted as her car approached the group!aflc,r anolhcr while llie second per callon. Both firms were the Mr. Stromcng2r wishes to build lands, like India, where the of boys, the De Maria youth sud-;ane'er dldn'' Rpt " nibble- low bidders. REFUGEES from Communist East Germany line up at West Berlin's Temp.lhof Air- a one-family dwelling on a lot people laugh with us while they denl' 'y ran in front of her auto. "How do you manage, to catch adjoining his Allen St. property, laugh at the-Russians. port yesterday for a flight to West Germany. Charter planes were ordered to so many while I can't get one?" It adds up! More and more which is 500 square feet short of "And once a country becomes He wan taken to the hospital by the Easterner yelled across. thc Fairvie Mlay to West Germany fh. increasing flow of refugees that has come into Cbm- people use The Register ads each the minimum 6,000 square feet a laug^g s.ockru'finds7nZ; * *»« Aid "Very simple," was the an- issue because results come fas- munist.surrounded Wast Berlin. (AP Wir.photo via radio from - B.rlir>) required In the zone. difficult to export its humorless Patrolman William Ghamplin in- swer. "Over here the fish aren't ter—Advertisement. An objection to the application way of life.'^ Instigated. afraid to open their mouths* July 20, 1961 RED BANK REGISTER Channel 2. -WCBS-TV WABC-TV gal Humphrey: TELEVISION Channel 4 -WNBC-TV wo»wrv D-Day Ch«nnd5 _WNEW-TV RADIO THURSDAY AFTERNOON (I) Almanac Kewsreel t;M_ (4) Great Ghent Tales Shows to Watch 12: W-(Z) love of Life WMC 771 WNEW 11M UU- (1) A* The WorM Turn. (7) Untouchable* lfcW - (Co. 2) CBS - CBS Re- the national crisis — caused by WCBS IN WPAT tot (I) Truth or (4) Dial Four ! Redone (I) Strange Stories the Algerian war — that estab- WHS Mil WQXR Consequences port* (Choice Viewing) — Docu- UM <$) Movie • (11) Rendezvous With lished de Gaulle as leader of the WNBC WOR 711 (7) Camouflage By BOB THOMAS mentary repeat of "The Trial* of <7) Susie Adventure French Republic. Two men played Illl—WCBS Kenneth Banghart 12:34— (2) Search For Tomorrow (9) Understanding Our PARIS (AP) - The voice of Charles de Gaulle." The story of «rnM l»:0J- (2) key roles in his stormy rife: WHTe Dow Jones Averages (4) It Could Be You World CBS Reports MiM—WABC ChtriU GIMT W0M Radio New York Darryl Zanuck came over the Jacques Soustelle, member of (5) Cartoons (11) Movie (4) Groucho wen Mtw> III*—WHTO Newa; Relaxing telephone loud and clear. parliament, and Jules Roy, Muslo (7) Number Please 2:00- (2) Face the Facts Crime Does Not Pa; WHT« Monmouth-Oc.au Illl—WABC News French-Algerian author, tell the N«w« Svnmur 12:45- (2) Guiding Light (4) Jan Murray () Victory at Sea I had expected to see him at IVININO story. David Schoebrun narrates. WHBC N.wi: Jim Low* 12:55- (4) News (7) Day In Court (IS) Movie his Paris headquarters, but he WNKNm: Jack Scott •IOO—WAICJack Carnw Third Man Hill—WOR Th« Fitlgeralds WCII News 1:00- (2) News (9) Guy Madison 10:30- (4) was off filming one of the actors WCII Paris Report WHTO Headlines: (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers 2: SO- (2) House Party (7) Silents Please for his new movie. The actor: 7:30 — (Ch. 2) CBS — Summer WHTO This Ii Monmouth Dinner Music (9) Movie County WNIC Ni*s: Sports (5) Cartoons (4) Loretta Young the United States 6th Fleet. Sports — "Laconia Motorcycle (H) Shotgun Slade UlIO—WHTO County Agrnt WOR New: Lyl* Vsn (7) Ray Milland (7) Seven Keys . Hollywood has long known that Races," annual event which •ill—WCBS Sports 11:00- (2) News WCIS Allen Gray WNBC Art Ford 1:05— (2) Burns and Allen (8) Star and Story draws upward of 20,000 cycle en- ItilO—WHTO News: News Zanuck does things in a big way. Rslaxing Music WOK News: John Wingst 1:20— (9) News and Weather 2:55- (5) News (4) thusiasts to scenic Laconia, N.H., «:>•—WABC Paul Hsrvey ^ 1:25— (4) News (5) PM East.. .PM We This time he is topping himself. taut—WABC Ntws: Farrtll Smith • HO—WCBS News: Business 3:0*- (2) Millionaire occupies the sports spot of this WNIC Emphasis News Cecil B. DeMille used to brag 1:00—-WClt Newt; Hollywood WABC News Reports (S) News (4) Young Dr. Malone (7) week. The country's top riders WKTQNewn: Dinner Music News that only two men had parted the WHTO Headlines, Egg WOR News: (5) Theater Five (H) compete on the tortuous five- Prices, Musio Weather Red Sea—himself and Moses. WNIC News; Jim Low* Henry Gladstone 10H0—WCBS Dance Music ' (7) Queen for a Day 11:10- (2) sided Belknap Course. A parade 10141—WOR Bible Reading Weather WOR News IMC—WCBS Financial News (9) Film Drama (4) Zanuck is duplicating another sea and fireworks display preceding lilt—WCII Bob Dixon WNBC Financial News ions—wABC News; Scott Muni (141—WABC Howard Cosell l»i00—WCIS Newa (11) Movie 11:12—(7) Weather feat: D-Day at Normandy. He's the races are also on film. WHTO Beach Report WNIC News; Bob Haj-mes WOR Carlton Fredericks WCBS Lowell Thomas 3:25—(13) Community 11:15— (2) Movie staging the Allied invasion once llSO—WHTO Newa; WOR Snorts, Stan Lomai WOR News 8: SO - (Ch. 7) - ABC - Th- WNBC Three Star Eitra lllll—WCIS Starlight Sslute News Reel (4) Jack Paar more for his production of "The Relaxing Music WOR Jean Shepard Real McCoys — When a new li- 1,(1—WABCNewi: Farrell Smltb •ill—WCBS Sports Tim* illlO—WCBS Music °Til Dawn 3: JO- (2) Verdict Is Yours (7) Movie Longest Day." brarian comes to town, Grandp- WNBC Eraphaiia • 00—WABC Edward P. Morgan 1100—WCII News; Woman's 11I9S—WAIC News: Happlnasa (4) From These Roots (11) Movie RUDY VALLEE, whose theme, and his pal, George MacMichael, WCBS NBWSI Interviews Exchange "I'm in Corsica shooting am- Report on WHTO Headlines: Music 12100—WNBC News; All Night In (7) Who Do You Trust? 12:00- (9) Midnight Mysteries "My Time Ii Your Time," be- go for her — and at each other — Washington WNBCNtwa: Wayne Howel N.Y. Sherlock Homes phibious maneuvers of the 6th WHTO Headilnea. Music WOR Fulton Lewis (9) Movie 12:30- (5) in a big way. Sara Seger plays WO* Long John Evening Prayer WNBC News: Jim Lowe /111—WABC Chick Dunawar (IS) Jack La Lanne 12:45- (7) fleet," Zanuck announced on came known around the Miss Feeny. Walter Brennan and WOR Newa. Lei Smith WOR Business: News MORNINO PROGRAMS News Illl—WCII Bob Dlzon THO—WCBI Newa: Ed Jojc. TlOO—WAIC Herb Oscar Anderson 4:00- (2) Brighter Day 1:00- (4) the long-distance wire. "This is irld, can be found enter Andy Clyde have a ball in this WOR Galen Drake WHTO News; WCIS Jack Sterling (4) Make Room for (S) News the first of three maneuvers the tlSO—WHTO News; repeater. Relaxing Music WHTO Monmoutb-Ocean Daddy (») Almanac Newsreel Relaxing Unilo WNBC Morgan Beatty News Sumary Navy is putting on, and I've got taining nightly at the Ad- 10:00 - (Ch. 7) — ABC - SI- •ill—WAKNewa; Jack Carney Egg Prices (5) Mr. and Mrs. North 1:$*- (2) Movie WNBC Empbasla WOR Newa: six cameras shooting the ships lents Please — John Barrymore Gabriel Heater WOR Newa; (7) American Bandstand (4) 13th Hour venturer Club, on the ocean, tlOIWCHNiwi; Personal Storj Till—WOR Capitol Clo.e-Up and these wonderful Marines. is featured in a shortened version WHTO Headlines. Music John Gambling (13) Cartoons (») News and Weather WNBC News; Jim Low* Tl4l—WNBC New York City WNBC News; Bill Cullen "I'm very fortunate in that all Long Branch, starting tomor- of one of his lesser movie hits, Talking TiSO—WHTO. Newa; 4:15— (2) Secret Storm 1:35- (4) News WOR News: Lyl. Van WOR Carlton Fredrlcks the ships are the same as those "Tempest." Produced in 1928, •111—WOR Arlen* Francis Wake up to Muilo (13) Cartoons 1:40- (4) Sermonett* row. Vallee, one of the all- TilO—WNBC Wayne Howell TI4S—WHTO Civil Service N*wa that were actually used in the film shows Barrymore as a peas- WCIS Martha Wright Till—WABC News; Chuck T.»5—WABC News; 4:30- (2) Edge of Night 2:20- (2) News Site—WHTO News: Dunawny Normeftidy invasion — landing time greats of show business, ant whose outstanding army rec- Relaxing Music Herb Oscar Andersor (4) Here's Hollywood 2:25- (2) Give Us This Day craft and all. I was afraid we •ill—WABC News: Jack Cams; ItOO—WCIS World Tonight aioo—WC1J World News ord gets him promoted over h'~ WHTO Headline*: Music (5) Mr. District Attorney would have to fake them or write will be appearing twice WNBC Emphasis (Sign Off 8:30 p.m.! WHTO Headlines; FRIDAY MORNING aristocratic brother officer. 4100—WCII News-. Information Wake up to Muslo (11) Laurel, Hardy and around it somehow. Central WNBC New;,; Wayne WOR News 8:15- (2) Previews nightly through Judly 27 with Love interest was provided b-' Howell Chuck Shooting At Sea WHTO Closing Stock WOR News. World Today WHBC News: Bill Cullen 6:20- (2) Give Us This Day G rman actress Camilla Horn, Report: Muslo • 111—WOR Dorothy and Dick 4:55—(11) Spunky and Tadpole "We're shooting all our shots an added dinner show on| f WNBC Newa: Art Ford •ill—WCBS Ed Joyce WCBS Jack Sterling 6:25— (2) News whose "star" flickered only ••10—WOR Sports 5:00- (2) Life of Riley out to sea. Then in August we'll WOR Newa: John Wingate •US—WOR My True Story • ISO—WHTO Newa (4) Sermonette Saturday at 8:30. briefly in Hollywood. 4ill—WCM Kenneth Banghart ••II—WABC News; Chuck Relaxing lluslo (4) Movie start shooting at Normandy, us- WOR Radio New York I.SI—WABC News; 6:30- (2) Sunriss Semester 41**—WHT« N.wi; Relaxing DuBftway Herb Oscar Andersor (5) Dateline Europe ing our own landing craft and • i«a—WNBC News: Bob Hamas (4) Astronomy and You Mosio WCBI Newai World Of liOO—WCIS News: Jack Sterlln, (9) Jet Jackson troops. We're assembling the 4ill—WABC Newi: Jack C.mef WHTO Headilnea; 7:0 (2) WALTER READE THEATRES WHTO Fort Monmouth Musio (11) Bozo the Clown Newt landing craft from England and »U0—WON News: McCalloagh Strlotlr for Women (4) Today ' Newa AEIibt WNBC News; BUI Cullen (IS) Cowboy G-Men France; a lot of it is still in WNBC Empbasla (5) Call To Prayer •100—WCII News; Sidelight* (111—WABC News; Scott Muni WOR News; Galen Drake 5:25—(11) Clutch Cargo use though not in first-class con- WHTO Monmoath-Oceaa 10100—WCIS News • HO—WHTO News: 9:30- (2) Movie 7:15- (5) News WNBC News; Bob Haymss Relaxing Muslo dition. In Normandy we'll shoot Newa Summary 7:28- (7) Morning Prayer EATONTOWN WNBC Newa: Art Ford WON News: Les Smith •ill—WNBC Emphasla (5) Heckle and Jeckle toward the beach, matching the 1OHI—WOR McCallougb A Eliot WABC News; Breakfast Club 7:30- (5) Ding Dong School DRIVE-IN THEATRE WOR News; John Scott 10)00—WCBS News; (7) Rocky and His stuff we're getting now." ROUTE IS nl the CIRCLE Arthur Godfrey Friends (7) Early Bird Cartoons Zanuck said he would spend the Shows NItely From Dnik WHTO Headilnea; Muslo (S) Movie 8:00- (2) News WNBC News; Art Ford summer gathering six battle se- WOR News Reports (11) Three Stooges (5) Sandy Becker AT RADIO STATION quences—he has already filmed a Idlll—WOR Martha Deane (13) Combat Sergeant (7) Little Rascals 10110— WHTO News: British paratroop operation at BOTH THURSDAY EVENING 8:10- (2) News 1410 Relaxing Muslo Cyprus. In October he'll start the WOR Interviews, 1:00— (4) News and Weather 8:15- (2) Captain Kangaroo THEATRES Martha Deane human part of the story. He hopes NOW SHOWING (5) Felix and Diver Dan 8:30— (7) Chubby's Rascals ON 10:9s—WABC News: to use many of the original lo- Charlie Graer (7) News 9:00- (2) People's Choice cations, including Von Runstedt's WNBC Emphasis (11) Popeye (4) Family Y0UR lliOO—WCIS News; House Part; bunker in France, Rommel's villa WHTO Headilnea; Musis (13) I Led Three Lives (7) Beulah and Southwick House in Plym- IWHTG! WNBC News: Art Ford 1:05— (4) Movie 9:25- (5) News WOR News outh, where Gen. Eisenhower di- DIAL llllS—WOR McCanns at Rom* 1:15- (7) Local News 9:30- (2) My Little Margie rected the invasion. WHTO Beach Report Topper The Vo.ce of the North Jersey Shore liltO—WCBS Garry Moore 8:20- (7) Weather (5) WHTORed Bank Register 6:25- (7) Sports (7) Memory Lane "Big name actors aren't hard Newa, fete Hoffman 8:30- (4) Local News I Love Lucy to get for a project that has the Report Directly from Beachfront 11:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m. 11140—WCIS Croiby-Clooney 10:00- (2) llrSS—WABC News (5) Cartoons (4) Say When backing of four governments, POLICY ALSO MONMOUTH PARK RESULTS AFTER EACH RACE WNBC Emphasis (7) Eichmann Trial (5) Movie Including a former enemy," said lltll—-WHTO Midday Stock Report Feature Screened at At Eatontown Jim Bishop, Narrator 10:30- (2) Video Village Zanuck. "In fact, the actors have 2:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:30 ESTHER WILLIAMS (11) Huckleberry Hound (4) Play Your Hunch been writing me." (IS) Movie (7) I Married Joan War Colonel 2 Complete Matinee* "THE BIG SHOW" «:40- (4) Weather 11:00- (2) Double Exposure Zanuck was a wartime colonel THIS IS HOT MERCHANDISE «:45- (4) News (4) Price Is Right who happened to be in the Aleu- 7:00- (2) News (7) Gale Storm tians on June 6, 1944—"but I had (4) Long John Silver 11:25- (5) News been in on a Commando raid in (5) Mister Magoo 11:30- (2) Your Surprise Pack 1942." He bought the Cornelius BUT NOT STOLEN (7) Vikings age Ryan book as his most ambitious (9) Terry toon Circus (4) Concentration project since relinquishing the (11) News (5) Romper Room reins of 20th Century-Fox studios Bergman "WE SOLEMNLY STATE THAT ALL THE 7:05- (2) Local News (7) Love That Bob* and going independent. GOODBYE 7:10- (2) Weather "I haven't been entirely satis- MERCHANDISE BELOW HAS A FREE TITLE (11) Local News fied with the independent films AGAIN" 7:15- (2) News I've made so far," he admitted. 7:20- (5) MOVIE TIMETABLE News 'I kept to reasonable budgets, 7:25—(11) RED BANK Weather and only now have I found a REGARDLESS OF WHAT OUR COMPETITION MAY IMPLY" Carleton—Parent Trap 2:00; 4 7:30— (2) Summer Sports subject that I found completely 10; 7:00; 9:35. Spectacular fascinating." (4) Outlaws EATONTOWN "The Longest Day" won't be BRIGHT ACRES OPEN EYES.—OPEN SUN. 8-6 (5) Rough Riders Drive-In—Parent Trap 8:40 the most expensive movie of all (7) Guestward Ho! 1:10; The Big Show 11:10. time, he said, but it won't be (9) Movie COLUNGWOOD USED MOWERS NEW MOWERS cheap, either. He said he had no (11) You Asked For It Shore Drive-In—Morgan Thi problems in convincing the 20th- 8:00- (5) City Reporter Pirate 8:50; 12:10; The Greei FAIRBANKS-MORSE 22" SELF PROPELLED Fox brass on his project, and no (7) Donna Reed Helmet 10:45. wonder—he's the largest single (11) Divorce Court HAZLET ROTARY stockholder. RIDING ROTARY WITH (13) Mike Wallace Loew's Drive-In—Parent Trar. WITH BRIGGS ENGINE 8:20—(13) News 8:50: 12:20; Police Dog Story The studio has had some rocky BRIGGS & (2 only) 8:30- (2) Zane Grey 11:20. times since his departure as head STRATTON .50 (4) Bat Masterson ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS man, and I asked if he ever re- Way Below (5) Four Just Men ' Atlantic—The Pleasure of His gretted his decision. ENGINE 49 Cost (7) Real McCoys Company 7:10; 9: IS. "Not for a minute," he replied. 39 HIGHLANDS I wanted to leave five years (13) Betty Furness 9:00— (2) Gunslinger Marine—Young Savages 7:20 before I did. I'm confident the LAWN BOYj TORO 2V 9:20. studio will pull out of its slump." KEANSBURG He added that he will be re- WITH RECOIL . (5) Wrestling 88 (7) My Three Sons Casino—The Last Sunset 2:00 turning to Hollywood after film- ROTARY STARTER (J) Fiesta In Puerto Ric 6:30; 9:00. ing abroad for four years. He'll 74 (11) Target KEYPORT make his next two films there, (Needs Engine Work) (On* Only) Strand—Parent Trap 8:45; 9:04, including Ernest Gann's best sell LONG BRANCH er, "Fate Is the Hunter." EVENING PERFORMANCE ALL SEATS RESERVED Monmouth Opera Baronet—Pepe 2:20; 7:00; 9:50 FREEHOLD STARTS FRI. AIR CONDITIONED BEACH UMBRELLAS—FULL SIZE FESTIVAL Strand—The Parent Trap 7:00 SS Giordano, Mafineeat2 CONVENTION HALL 9:45. WITH OAK POST JULY 21 LYRIC PAR? ASBURY PARK ASBURY PARK Lyric—Ladies Man 3:00; 7:40 Hanlon, All OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER This Fri., July 21 9:55. RESERVED SEATS NOW ON 5 Mayfalr—Goodbye Again 2:40 SALE AT BOX OFFICE - i 7:25; 9:50. Out for Hughes MAIL ORDERS FILLED BOHEME Ocean—Never On Sunday 7:30 TRENTON — Former Mon- Kiln Dried Redwood PEAT MOSS 10:00. mouth County"" Judge John C. SHOWN TWICE Dun.r Box Office Now Open Giordano, Tong Branch, yester- ::0O * 8:30 P.M. (JUST 15 WEATHEEATHER BEBEATEA N BALES) Paramount—The Guns of Nav- Prleri (Tsx Included) arone 2:30; 7:20; 10:10. day was named state vice chair- 6 CU. FT. Res. PR 5-0900 EVPS. txc. Sat. Orch. 2.00, PICNIC SET 6 CU. FT. St. James—Spartacus 2:00; 8:0C man of the Lawyers for Hughes Men. 3.50. Loue 3.50. Sal. • All Clear Redwood organization. William F. Hanlon, Eve. Orrh. 3.50, Mezr. J.00. ^.88 PER Interlaken, was appointed chair- Loge 3.50. Mats. exc. Sun. & LA • 60 Inch 88 BALE man for Monmouth County. Hoi. Orch. 1.(9. Mczz. 2.00. Lone 3.50. Bun. it Hoi. ill • With 2 Benches THE AMAZING ARNI The selections were announced day. Orch. 2.00, Men. 2.50, DOLCE 15 Cash & Carry jy Adrian M. Folye, Jr., state Lose 3.50. chairman of the group which is America's Young Master of Magic PR 5-108Ef VITA working for the election of Rich- : M W» •ttUl> J SALTERINI WROUGHT IRON FURNITURE ard J. Hughes, Democratic can- RECOMMENDED FOR MATURE ADULTS ONLY Magic unexcelled, entertainment unsurpassed didate for governor. ONE COCKTAIL TABLE WITH PLATE GLASS TOP In a statement, the two and •rid comedy unequalled. ither new members of the 21 AIR-CONDITIONED .95 county organization said: "To NOW REGULAR 125.00 NOW ONLY FOR BOOKINGS Write PO Box 22" the Bar of New Jersey, the out- PARAMOUNT WALTER READS THEATRE Call HI 3-1821 Highlands, N. J. standing qualifications of Judge 39 Hughes are particularly familiar. SHOWING ASBURY PARK ALL OTHER SALTERINI FURNITURE REDUCED For almost 10 years, he was a judge in the County and Superior DUPONT CHEMICAL STARTING TOMORROW Courts, including the Appellate The greatest high adventure ever filmed! BUNTING FOLDING Division. He compiled a distin- CHAISE LOUNGE the ever popular vagabond lover guished record and became mm mutts imse SPRAYER *V88 ONE OF THE ALL TIME GREATS known as one of New Jersey's OUR OF SHOW BUSINESS most respected legal voices in the REG. 6.95 4# fields of civil liberties and juve- GREGORY PECK LOWEST PRICE 88 lile problems. JUST ATTACH TO HOSE EVER 9 RUDY VALLEE! MVDNIfEN • •*» continuous dancing to 30 MONMOUTH ST. Vincent Bell Trio and Les Kennedy's Velvetoncs ANTHONY QUINN RED BANK, N. J. 2 Shows Nightly - Special Dinntr Show Sat. 8:30 p.m. • Delicious Home Cooking • Never a Cover Charge OAtIS OPtW HO '.M.-MOVItS AT DUSK SH 7-2222 uiooniuiu-mrr «i. awrwn For the fullest enjoyment of "The Guns of Nova* M/A RESERVATIONS CA 9-1000 TON1TE „ WALT DISNEY rone," we requettfully urge that you see It from BROAD ST. AL NOW\ HAYLEY MIUS-MVUT MILLS' the beginning. HIBBLER MSP-PAREMTTRAP! SHREWSBURY / , 'in TECHNICOLOR [l Features: Monday thru Friday, 2:30, 7:20, 10:20 Saturday: 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 and 11:00 SH 7-5555 UpjmM • BRIAN HUH | CLUB Sunday and Inclement days: 1:30, 4:20, 7:20, 10:10 OCIAN FROHT, LONG BRANCH. NX ICHILDRCM UNDCR 12 FREE l Tm leotcttmcutmiawl STEVE ROPER By SAVNDERS and OVERGARD RED BANK REGISTER .Thursday, July 20, 1961—19 CO/ITOWJ spades. Now when South runi the clubs, West can ditc&rd the five Woman Uses By ALFRED SHEINWOLD of diamonds and the king of dia- monds! Only the rich man is worried After some agonized thought, Pockeibook about burglars. Only the player West discarded the three of DAILY QUESTION with values in two or more suits spades. By this time South had Partner opens with one heart, Has discarding problems. no doubt as to what -was going and the next player doubles. YouOn Officer Declarer won the first trick in on. He gave up a diamond to hold: Spades A, hearts K Q 8 2, dummy with the ace of spades The Hand diamonds 9 8 7 4, clubs J 10 7 4, SEA BRIGHT - A ipecial of- and hit upon the idea of leading South dealer ' What do you say? ficer said he was belted with a a diamond from dummy rather North-South vulnerable Answer: Redouble. This is the popketbook Tuesday night when than a club. It was a fortunate NORTH best way to show a good hand choice. 4> A overman opponent's takeout dou- he tried to halt a domestic argu- West won with the king of dia- V K Q S 2 ble. At your next turn you expect iment' monds and looked around for a 0 9 8 7 4 * J 10 7 4 to bid three hearts to complete! The victim was Special Officer way to get to his partner. He ledWEST EAST •our message. Edward Dillon. a club to,East's ace and got a * Q832 For Sheinwold's 36-page book- His assailant, charged with as- spade return, just as he wished. THESe BQ FORESTRY RETIREMENT AGE WERE the state's, William Jennings of film! And you'll receive tele- 3& Mountain TREES-OUR FLOWERS HEAO- REPLACING THEM Bryan. The state's anti-evolution laka OUAKTERS WITH COLLEGE vision signals from around the II IX law was upheld./' world. SLOonnnntt 7RAINED MEN S&BtretchM UKE VOU/ out l> M 10 % The Day Under Your Sign 34. Garbage l«> pert Hi ARIES (Bora Match 21 to April 19) LIBRA (Sept. 2} «o Oct. 22) S7.Glrf« •» il If someone tries to win your coafl6eoc«t Watch your step with itruccrit While nickname aa try to find hit motires. you re about it, watch your parse 1 38. Large Urd % TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) IS The unexpected tn*y be exacted todiy. SCORPIO (Och.23 fo N«v. 21) .> 40. Girl's name Go it alone today, as tnott people 43. Cot % % News may come from surprising source. aren't in a co-operative mood. it '••/ GEMINI (M.y 21 to JUIM 21) 44.A shade of Be patient. Tedious routine £oei along; SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 tp Dec 21) difference Jo •H V -•ith the most glamorous of jobs. Get Plenty of sleep. Health natters are 47. Biblical CANCER (Jun. 22 to July 21) problematical for a few days. weed % % A 31 33 NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRANDALL It's been much too long since you 48. Strikes spent sn eTcnini; con?erstng with an. CAPRICORN (DM. 22 to J«n. 20) % old friend. Resentful attitude can only do yon 49. German 01AP YOU'RE FINALLY TAKIN I JUST WANT TO SEE barm. Keep cares to yourielf. ' i/ 3o LEO (July 22 «o Aug. 21) river A INTEREST IN THE CAME.' THAT RULE ABOUT GIRLS DOWN \. HAVING Keep party light and gay and above AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Fab. 19) ft all, try to aroid controversial discus* Read all you can about latest develop- 1. Graceful sions. ments in your particular line of worlc % FOR A BOO* VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sopf. 22) IT ABOUT GOLfV ISN'T VHKT PISCES (Ftb. 20 fo March 20), 2. Toughen Don't be bitter about riiiappointmcnt. 3. Firm ^A 90 MUCH- The • other person probably had no Be objective, even though it is might; choice. difficult to look at things unselfishly. 4. Corridor 6. Mom O 1%1, Field Enterprises, Inc. J1O

Until 1959, paleontologists be- lieved mankind to be 500,000 years old. Then Dr! L.S.B Leakey reported the discovery in Tanganyika of an earlier man who lived and hunted on the shores of a long-vanished lake some 600,000 years ago. POGO By WALT KELLY The hottest days in the United States usually occur in late July and August when the oceans and air have warmed. Once the ocean and air have stored up heat, less sunshine is needed to sustain high temperatures. MORE 'Jama Bag Clown 661 FRESH FOOfr MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDERS and KEN ERNST


MODEL TA-244V tX8 CU. FT. NET STORAGE VOtUMC 13.6 CU FT. GENERAL ELECTRIC REVEREND By BILL P'MALLEY REFRIGERATOR THERESGNE WHAT 0USIMESS ARE IT'S i\ ffUSIMESS TH/yr THEPEPPER THING I MUST SA/ YOU IN NOW PEOPLE WONT BUSINESS BIG 11.6 CU. FT. FRESH FOOD STORAGE SPACE FOR NOSES IW... LARGE FAMILIES... IDEAL FOR OWNERS OF FREEZERS BELIEVE • RUL WIDTH FREEZER-2 ca. ft • 4 CABINET SHELVES-Two *W^ • SIEAI6HT-UIE DESIGN-Needs oo door clearance at side liook! He's a clown doll and PLUS... BIG TRADE-IN handy 'Jama bag, too! Delight a • Door storage ... deep shelf for V gal. milk con- child and his mother, loo. t tainers - one shelf adjustable for tall bottles. ALLOWANCE "It's more fun lo be tidy," says this 'Jama clown. He's easy to • Dial defrost convenience NO DOWN make nf remnant?, zips up the • Butter compartment hack. Pattern 561: pattern pieces; THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY transfer of face. • 2 Porcelain Vegetable Drawers PAYMENT Send thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern — add 10 cents FMWMS Cmral Electric Dqindiblty! S Mittioa fr€ bfrigfrHqn la Iw 10 Ton Or fcrt. MOM, fVE THE MOST TONIGHT, \OUNG LADV .THAT'S JUST WHAT / WOMDERFUL VOURE STAVING HOME, for each pattern for first-class SAYING NO TO EVERY- mailing. Send to Laura Wheeler FOR TONIGHT/ BODY AND SONG TO care of The Red Bank Register, Needlecraft Dept., >. 0. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP II, N. Y. Print plainly pattern number, name, address and zone. 46 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Send now for our exciting, new 1961 Needlecraft Catalog Over Telephone SH 1-4310—Open Wed. and Fri. Nights 125 designs to crochet, knit, sew, embroider, quilt, weave — fash- ions, homefurnishjnKS, toys, Rifts, FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE ENTRANCE bazar hits. Plus FREE—instruc- ON WHITf ST. PARKIN* LOT tions for six smart veil caps. Hurry, send 25c now! < 20—Thursday, July 20, 1961 Visiting Students Like US. KifryKellyt 1 Plays Wailing-Wall Part Offer Criticism, But General Opinion Is 'Great! Dear Kitty: cause of the expense. He says (Editor's note: Betieviag that Imagine th« exchange students epple than material, things white prayer book adorned with o foreign countries." MEN'S SPORT JACKETS a white orchid. Ciel, who followed the presi- RE6. 45.00 RE6. 39.95 REG. 29.95 Maid of Honor chedule Trip lential campaign and inaugura- Miss Barbar Schible, Union ion with avid interest, remarked .95 Beach, was the maid of honor. o Bronx Zoo hat the American teenager is Her full-length gown of mint ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-The luch more Interested in politics green organza had cap sleeves ecreation Commission will spon- than the average youth of Nether- and a round neckline. A circular or s bus trip to the Bronx Zoo lands. veil covered the matching mint few York City July 31 as part She would like to correct the green crown and she carried a its summer recreation pro- idea of some Americans that colonial nosegay of pastel roses ;ram. Buses will leave from Fire- Holland Is the land of "windmills SPECIAL and carnations. en's Memorial Field at 9 a.m. md wooden shoes." GROUP Richard Schaeffer, South Dako- hose registered for the trip must "This is not so," Ciel claims. REG. 17"-24" eport at the field by 8:45 a.m. MEN'S SUMMER SLACKS ta, was the best man. Thomas We are very much like you." MEN'S tn MADEMOISELLE Mills, West Keansburg, brother of Reservations for children and She cited a humorous incident the bride, was the usher. urents will be accepted by Wil- if her stay in America as the RES. 16.95 REG. 12.95 RES. 8.95 SUMMER and PALIZZO After a reception at Palmer's iam Entwhistle commission di- lay she gave a talk for an au- Cocktail Lounge, Palmer Ave., rector on week days from 9 a.m. ience of a thousand people 13-50 SUITS West Keansburg, the couple left p.m. ressed in an old Dutch costume. for Wildwood and Atlantic City. Reg. to 55.00 When they return, they will re- ide in West Keansburg. The bride wai graduated from !?; o SPECIAL GROUP 19.95 Keyport High School and is em- o. ployed as a secretary In the HALF SIZE to MEN'S Quartermaster's Office Fort NATUttALIZER Monmouth. KNIT JOYCE DRESS SALE SHIRTS MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS LIFE-STRIDE SHERMAN'S 121/2 to 24 W Reg. to 7.95 RES. 5.95 REG. 5.00 REG. 4.00 PENAUO 1.99 4.79 3.99 2»" 2 for 7.50 2 for 5.89 FOR 5"-8 " Draperies Mid and Hi-Heel flats, casuals and .Slipcovers 1 wedgies. All colors. 4-10 In group. Knit Shirts Swim Trunks Walk Shorts Straw Hats Upholstering Bedspreads Reg. 6.95 5.49 Reg. 7.95 5.49 Reg. ,,,95 6.99 Reg. 695 4.99 SPECIALS! Curtains Reg. 5.00 399 Reg. 5.00 359 Reg. 5.00 3 99 R«g. 3.95 2 99 Shop-at-Home Service Phone SH 1-2M* Sherman's REG. 12.99-19.99 REG. 8.99-11.99 Decorators Come early for best selection FLATS-SANDALS 448 Broad St. Shrewsbury DRESS SHOES FREE PARKING WEDGIES-CASUALS QOLDIN'S MEN'S SHOP .00 .99 RENEE'S BROAD ST., CORNER MECHANIC ST. RED BANK 5 3 19 MONMOUTH ST. Sizes 4-10 In Group Site* 4-10 la Group RED BANK nro Sportswear • Faultiest Pa|«mat • McGregor Sportswear • Swanic Jewelry • Bay shore Club Susan Lynn RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, July 20, 1961—H GOP Festival to Honor Is Baptized No Rockin' Chair Mother Mrs. James Mitchell In St. Ann's Betty Hart Featured at Old Mill UNION BEACH — Mrs,. James KEANSBURG — Susan Lynn, John T. Lawley, past president daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Don- By ELEANOR MARKO o the layman as well as the ex- (Mr. Hart) there's no doubt, P. Mitchell, wife of the Republi- of the county federation; and LITTLE SILVER — Betty Hart pert without need of comments will be on hand to quiet the but- can candidate for governor, will ald Dorer, 175 Highland Blvd., Mrs. John Flynn, chairman of was baptized Sunday in St. Ann's is a victim of butterflies. Her )r interpretations." terflies. No. 4 will be their mar- be guest of honor Aug. 1 • at a the State Federation. first one-man show in eight years If this year of working toward ried son, John Hart of East summer festival sponsored by the Catholic Church by Rev. Anthony Festival chairman is Mrs. Luisini. Godparents were Mr. opens tomorrow in the Old Mill new collection has taken a toll Orange. Federated Women's Republican George Tappin, Matawan Town- Gallery, Tinton Falls. Her sever- >n the petite housewife, it is Formerly of South Orange, Mrs. Club of the North Bayshore Area. and Mrs. Fred Harvey, Sea ship. Bright. est critics however are as cool as ;ot apparent. Hart has exhibited in the Mont- The festival will open at 12:30 Her committees include Mrs. A party followed in the home cucumbers.. However, she says "Right now, clair Art Museum, Red Bank p.m. in Pete's Hall, Florence Anthony Matovcik and Mrs. Wal-of Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Thomas, Full-time wife and mother, don't think I can pick up a Festival of Arts, and is a former Ave. Mrs. Mitchell is expected to ter Edwards, decorations and 112 Ramsey Ave., Keansburg. Mrs. Harold H. Hart, Jr., of 60 brush I'm drained." member of the American Artists arrive between 1:30 and 2 p.m. publicity; Mrs. Edwin Malcolm, Guests attending were Donna Point Rd., Little Silver, has taken The reception, open to tiie Professional League, Sorority Other guests will be Mrs. Harry refreshments; Mrs. Vincent Car- and Keith Dorer, Mr. and Mrs. a year to prepare a collection of public, will be tomorrow from 8 sisters also will like to know Neuberger, national and state delse and Mrs. Edwards, mem- Edward King, Mrs. Anna Wilcox, her new work. She has set to to 11 p.m. Family critic No. 3 she's a Kappa Kappa Gamma. committeewoman; Mrs. Thomas bership; Mrs. Edward Brandi- Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hammond, canvas two of her critics — Morford, co-chairman of the Re- gan and Mrs. Malcolm, hostesses; Mrs. Michael Kelly, Joan Kelly, Judy Hart, 9, and Harmon Hart, publican County Committee; Mrs. Allen Weaver, Jr., and Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. Lester Struwe, Wil- 12 — her daughter and son, in Mrs. George Conway, president Brandigan, invitations. liam Struwe, Mrs. Gen Kite, Rob- individual paintings which will be of the Monmouth County Federa- The affair is open to the pub- ert Schwing, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- included in the show of 22 oils tion of Republican Women; Mrs. lic. eph King, Ned Hammond, Jr., in a wide range of Hart-styling. and Miss Louise Meile. Her children's portrait work Also, Mr. and Mrs. Alvia could very well be considered an Squad Auxiliary Adams, Miss Judy Adams, Mr. j answer to the pointed question 35 Years and Mrs. William Faas, Mr. and raised recently by an art critic Mrs. Dave Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. (not in the Hart family): "Where To Hold Party Alden Lambert, Merri, Douglas, SET TO CANVAS are Judy and Harmon Hart, by their have folk artists gone to?" These momenta: of childhood with time- KEANSBURG — The Women's and Kenneth Lambert, Mr. and mother, Mrs. Harold H. Hart, Jr., of Little Silver, pic- With Bell Auxiliary to the Keansburg First Mrs. Paul Maresca, Ann Mares- less gaze, static pose and treas- Aid Squad will hold a card par- ca, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bol, Mr. tured with the portraiti included in her one-man show ured possessions are portrayals monmouth shopping center RED BANK — Edward J. Wei- ty Aug. 24 at 8 p.m. in the first and Mrs. Vernon King, and Pa- opening with a reception tomorrow night at the Old of the sentimental side of the •enbach, Hurley School Rd., Wall versatile part-time artist. Township. Farmingdale, will aid building. tricia, LeRoy, Debbie, and Mar- Mill, Tinton Falls. mark 35 years of service with Mrs. Neil Harrington is the sha King. An alumna of Syracuse Uni- Air-Conditioned New Jersey Bell Telephone Com chairman and Mrs. Harry Albert, versity, Mrs. Hart sometimes is pany today at a luncheon in the assistant chairman. caught going "off the beam," in Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. Members approved a donation Club Gets ;he words of critic Harmon who of $130 to the squad at a recent Monmouth Names s beginning to come around to meeting. The squad plans to pur- understanding (and liking) his LOLLIPOP chase a resuscitation Three New mother's sentimental-less mood- The special award was pre- What was the genealogy of Monmouth's forebears abstracts. These are in a pure sented to Mrs. Edward Fox. Host- before they came to America to live? Many came as antasy of color but representa- esses were Mrs. Walter Roese- Members tional in structure. man, Mrs. George Manual and indentured servants to serve out their time and gain "Allegretto" is a horizontal lin- THEATRE Mrs. Karl Strauch. KEYPORT — Three new and their freedom, many were land speculators, but the ear theme in cool greens. Its EVERY WED. 1 pm and 3 pm one reinstated member were wel- greatest numbers were those who had been persecuted partner in abstraction Is "For- comed at the regular board of tissimo," a linear interpretation Sat. 11 am - 1 pm & 3 pm governors meeting recently in the for religious beliefs like the Quakers and the Pilgrims. spiraMng In warm reds. Meet to Plan Yacht Club. Some were tradespeople who saw chances of mak- Choice of styling by Mrs. Hart ALL SEATS: $1.00 tax included Clifford Martin, fleet captain, ing their fortunes; many s like tossing a coin. Landscapes | Famous Favorite Children's Storybook Classics Fund Raising requested the boat owners fill out by brush, leave the realm of Phone for title* were Dutch artisans escap- friend and aide to General belief and enter futurism ("Ice identification cards so they can Washington. KEYPORT - The United He- be notified in case of emergency. ing the poverty at home; On Fire"), yet on the other Hart STARTING SAT., JULY 22 brew Congregation met Thursday Peter Clinton, the son of Pe- side, "Winter Forest" and "I ate The Raritan Bay Yachting Rac- some were Hugenots from ter Clinton, may have been of Children's Favorite in the home of Mrs. Bertrand ng Association will hold auxiliary Snow" by palette knife are deli- Goldstein, West Keansburg, to France; many were English and Cranbury. Can anyone supply cate and impressionistl&"4' races at the club on Aug. 5. the family details? plan fund raising activities for the Members and friends will leave Scotdi. Another folk-style painting in "JACK AN9 coming year. the dock at 2 p.m. on Aug. 6 for Sometimes the genealogy is (V: H. O., Conn.) the exhibit whioh will continue at Present were Saul Diamond, Great Kills for the annual ren- hard to trace because many set- Monmouth Names is written by the mill through Aug. 11 is a THE BEANSTALK" congregation president; Mrs. Gold- dezvous. tlers could not write and^ their the staff of the Monmouth Coun- group portrait of teenagers Rus- stein, sisterhood president; Man- Plans are being made for a names were corrupted. Some had ty Historical Association and ap- sell, Martha and Jeff Munrer, WITH BROADWAY CAST ny Baron, Wally Ogens, Saul Sah beach party Aug. 19. changed their names to avoM pears weekly in The Register. children of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Edward J. Welsenbach ner, Harry Himmelfarb, Jerry debtors prison. Other names had Questions may cover genealo- Thomas of Rumson. WED. & SAT., JULY 26-29 Feuer, Mrs. David Goldberg, Mrs. been changed in their homes gy, local history or aHied fields. "I've really got to get to know Ham Christian Anderson's A chief switchman in the Red Jack Goldberg and Mr». Leonard Belford Couple through the years—Bowne may Full names and addresses of cor- the children before I decide to Bank plant department, Mr. Wei' Miller. have been Bohun. Hendrickson respondents must be given hu paint their portraits," Mrs. Hart "HANSEL AND lenbach is a member of the Red The next fund raising meeting Supper Hosts be?an as Hendricks. only initials will be published. explained. She also has to try Bank Council, H. G. McCully will be held tomorrow at 8:30 Some surnames were taken Answers must carry the num- to corner them to pose — which Chapter, Telephone Pioneers of p.m. in Mr. and Mrs. Diamond's BELFORD Mr. and Mrs. rom those of She masters, as bers of the questions and th is not easy these davs, she ad- GRETEL" America. home, 32 Bucknell Dr., Hazlet. Raymond J. Bossinger, Clinton our slaves adopted names of their date of the issue in Which they mits. Her well-lighted dining WITH BROADWAY He is steward and chairman of Ave., entertained at an informal masters—Van Lanveldt became appeared. Sources of information room is her studio and a favorite CAST the pastoral relations committee, supper in their home Saturday. Longfield, Salter was changed to must be given and these may be spot for neighbors and teenagers Farmingdale Methodist Church; Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ste- Saltar bv caprice of the first family records, family traditions to drop in. president of the Farmingdale Ki- Completes phen H. Faller, Mrs. Bossinger's Monmouth settler of Hie name, and the like, as well as manu- Formulating an idea from her wanis Club, and a committeeman mother and step-father; Mrs. Hel-Richard Saltar. Also there is a scripts, articles and books. gamut of interests, Mrs. Hart for the Boy Scouts of America, en Kornek, Mrs. Bossinger's ma tradition (hat the name In Paris This department merely pre- quickly sets it down in sketch Farmingdale. Weisenback is mar Course ternal grandmother; Miss Betty was "Saltaire" and we also find sents the questions and later pub- form. ricd to the former Charlotte Kehoe and Miss Ruth Anne Fal- the spelling Psalter. lishes the answers as they \r, "The creativity realty begin I.'aull, and they have two son« ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mrs. ler, her sisters, and James Even the town clerks used most turn are received from othei when I set it on the canvas," she and two daughters. Thomas R. Jensen, Jr., 233 First said, "And from there on it Ave., recently completed a spe- Kehoe, her brother, all of High unusual spelling and any name readers—therefore no guarantee lands. might be written several ways of authenticity can be made straight work." cial training course in eyewear She admits this year she de- selection sponsored by the Tura Also, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bi- So we must understand that our Answers known to be incorrect, A CHILD'S genealogy is difficult and some- however, will not be printed. voted her time to painting above Foundation, Great Neck, N. Y. anchi and daughters Karen and other interests, whioh include CLASSIC SUMMER-TIME Linda, and Miss Patricia Woods, times uncertain. Please address communica- tions to Mrs. I. T. Barllett, gardening, club and community Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. work. She also teaches two art Bridge-Mix Thomas H. Wood and daughters, QUESTIONS Genealogy Committee Chair- WED. & SAT., AUG. 9 - 12th man, 46 Kings Hwy., Middle- olasses for children. Sue Ann, Debbie, Michelle and S. Parker-GasWn: I arfi Constructive ylticism of he Kathy, Riverside Heights; Mr. searching for information con- town, or In care of The Reg- Kef- -90 0 # Full lb. ister. work being important to her, "LITTLE RED and Mrs. Anthony A. Papa, Jr., cerning my great-grandmother, Mrs. Hart has found heartwarm- 9 Fill Your Candy Dlah and Mrs. Wilma Bridges, Red Mary Parker, who married ing the words of Emily Genauer RIDING HOOD ' Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Grim- Aaron Gaskin April 9, 1831. and f the New York Herald Tribune mer and daughter Denise, Shrews- had two brothers, John and Jo- ichael Lenson of the Newark WITH BROADWAY CAST BlRNN ANDY bury; Mr. and Mrs. Robert De- seph; also the names of the lunday News Realm of Art, and Groast and children Robert and children of James and Mary 1 91 Broad St. Red Bank" Jeza DeVegh, director of th Lorraine, and Mr. and Mrs. Mat Coulton Borden. nill. WED. & SAT, AUB. 16 • IS thew Le Pree, Hazlet; Mr. and (N. K. DeV., New Jersey) Mrs. Albert DeMiers, Red Bank; At the debut of her work in Miss Jeanette Calendrillo, Way- 953 critic Genauer privately re- "ALI BABA and 4. Van Mater: I am Inter- •iewed the work and commented side; Miss Patricia Largey, ested in learning about the Keansburg; Robert Crawford, "The artist is obviously a skiBed family of John Van Mater and Iraftsman with imagination and a THE 40 THIEVES" Middletown, and Thomas Maffia, Lena (Hans or Hance) Van Atlantic Highlands. ;ense of fantasy. She definitely Mater who had a son Isaack, »nveys a mood." Lenson: "He baptised Feb. 13. 1780. The vork has a realism which family may have settled in niquely and unmistakably he Party Proceeds Cayuga County, N. Y. Also, >wn . . . . She is innately an -I-wmrid-Hfce-fte-namet-oMihe A PRETTY SMILE . . . lumihalor." X>eVegh:"""Tl»ug i • ' other children, if any. ier pictures are abstract in ohar it a beauty asset. To have Mrs. Thomas R. Jensen, Jr. 'o Aid Patents (E. D. T., New York) icter, they are accessible boti one you must have white LONG BRANCH — The Hebrew teeth. See your Mrs. Jensen is employed as an Ladies Auxiliary 'to Monmouth 5. Clinton-Lyons: I would like dentist regulargul; - ophthalmic technician by Dr. Medical Center held its annua to pull together some odd bits ly and brbrushu , Jerome S. Lasky, Long Branch. your teeth after i summer card party Tuesday in of information on the Clinton meals. Eating^ Auxiliary Hall.... and Lyons families In or around the right foods Englisihtown. Catherine L. Clin- Proceeds of the party will aid VIA SUPERJET — Joan Mar- is importantS Seventh Birthday indigent patients at the center. ton married Morris C. Green too. A ready]i KEYPORT — A barbecue was Committee members were Mrs. and moved to Newark. Accord- garet Atwood, 16 East But- smile is a habit, ing to a newspaper cliooin.s» she and one that is worth devel- given for Julie Ann Poling, daugh- Abe Grossman, Mrs.' Saul Poret- tohwood La., Rumson, smiles ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pol- zky, Mrs. Louis Schneider, Mrs. was born on a farm near Ene- oping. I'shtown. Her father, Peter goodby from the stairs of the A good permanent is a defi- ing, Jr., Green Grove Aye., re- Lottie Morrison, and Mrs. Ralph cently at their home;. Miss Pol- Miller, auxiliary president, all of Clinton, was a nioneer and TWA Superjet taking her to nite beauty asset. If you would oame from ' Revolutionary like soft, lovely, manageable ing celebrated he~r seventh birth- Long' Branch, and Mrs. Charles Europe for a six-week tour. stock. hair, get a cold wave at< day. J Zimmerman, West Long Branch She is the daughter of Mr. Stephen Hairdressers, Camp-< " Guests were Alfred and Cath Mrs. Green's maternal grand- bell's Junction, SIS Main St., erine Poling.'ijlinny Lynn Capek, father, William Lyons, was a and Mrs. Rawson Atwood. Belford. Phone 787-0655. Under Eileen Kavak, Doris Walsh, Da- CROSS-COUNTRY personal direction of Mr. vid McKinny, Donald, Donna and SEA BRIGHT — Mrs. William '"I Stephen. Air-conditioned. Diane Poling, Jeffry Keller, Bon- Lindman, Sea Bright, and Mrs.: ' nie and Sandy Bose, Mrs. Robert Frank J. Nary, Rumson, recent-]r; _ McKinny, Mrs. George Keller, ly returned from a 23-day cross GRAND James Matthews, Rose Ann Fur- country bus tour. They stopped mato, Mrs. Matthews Furmato, off in Chicago and Denver to and Eileen and Victoria Hicks. visit friends and relatives. OPENING Enter the Wonderful World of Luxury with Tomorrow DIAMOND-ITE® cordially invites you to attend our second exclusive showing of July 21 The World's Finest Simulated Diamond I . . . bears an amazing resemblance to ihe natural gem in brilliance and color. Cut, faceted and polished by diamond cutters ... set in 14 kt. Hand Printed Serigraph Framed Pictures gold by diamond setters, it costs but a fraction of the price of diamonds. MADEMOISELLE Available in many fine settings in One to Twenty Carats, $16* P*r carat, For two days only . . . Friday and Saturday, July 21st and 22nd . . . HAIR STYLIST plus cost of setting. the representative of the Van Amitel Co. will display here their entire at new collection of limited edition Serigraph Picturei framed to your order.. You will find subjects to fit any decor. They are colorful, unusual, subtle 12 W. FRONT STREET RED BANK . . . tremendously exciting . . . and they'll solve your.decorative problems Under the personal management of with distinction. And prices are moderate. NINO . .,. formerly of Lady Fair, Long Branch Whether you have walls to decorate or just enjoy nice things, come to JAMIAN this Friday or Saturday. FREE—GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! Setting, up to 5 carats, $36* Settings, 5 carats and larger, $50* FREE SOUVENIRS with every permanent wave, a tube of "'• additional. additional. Deal KE 1-0599 ALBERTO VO5 hair conditioner) .. . Offer expires July 29. 274 Norwood Ave. *Plut Tfcl daily 9 to 5:30 w«d. and fri. nights 7 to 9 APPOINTMENTS—SH 7-9430 STEINBACH'S JEWELRY, Street Floor and Asbury Park Hed Manic Kegisttr

igh up in the Berkshire' Mountains of M_Ba-| Hchufietts, about nine miles east of Lee, lies one of the world's most famous dance centers, Jacob's Pillow, home of the summer dance festival and the University of the Dance. -Founded by its director, Ted Shawn* the "Father of American Dance," Jacob's Pillow is in its 28th year of the Festival and 19th year in the Ted Shuwn Theater. With ballet, modern and ethnic dance studied in the school, dance is repre- sented In Its entirety at Jacob's Pillow, Each sum- mer day, under thebright, sunshine, students andper- formers from the world over, can be seen studying and rehearsing their steps. This year, Nel Roos, for- mer ballet mistress of the Netherlands Opera in Am- sterdam, is choreographer in residence at Jacob's Pillow, and will chore- ograph a work using the students which will be seen during the Festival. The University" of the Dance is at capacity this summer with 61 students taking the six week course and 67 in the three week course. The ages vary; the youngest is IS, the oldest 46. The students are bas-" ically divided into % two groups. The younger ones are preparing for profes-^ sional careers and the old- (vi er ones are mostly teachers ^ polishing, extending and en- Working for balance, a group of ballet students at riching their backgrounds.' Jacob's Pillow warm up for class with barre exer- -• Students of the dance and cises on the outdoor platform adjoining Studio One. ballet at Jacob's Pillow are pictured here.

1 Ted Shawn, right, helps Students relax their Hanne-Marie Ravn and muscles after long Hemming Plindt, of the Ethnic dance expert La Meri, Elinor Coffee and left, explains a "Moudra" morning class at Ja- Royal Danish Ballet, Robe/t Tilrow cob's Pillow. The rub- with their rehearsal for 4 (hand gesture) during in- 1 read mail from formal session on lawn. bing helps relieve the the "Moon Reindeer. ' home. aches and tiredness.

Naomi Marritt and Steven Rayow practice lifts between classes. Both are winter students atthe Metropolitan Opera Ballet School in New York.

TMi W»Vt MCTUtt SHOW-AP I Secret Service Agents RED BAm REGISTER Thursday, July 20, 1961—23 ( by HANK KFTCHAM They Guard the President DEISMS JHB MENACE Editor1. Not«-Ti*y'r* U.S. Secret Service, took * re- works out to about $3.36 an hour. to Ity down their lives, if nec- porter in tow, looked around, Charlie can count on a total of •Mwry, to Mve the lite of the spotted Charles Hall as a rather nearly $8,000 a year. That isn't WINES and LIQUORS chief. They're also asked to typical agent, and even' started wealth and when it comes to fi- work overtime at less than reg- the interviewing himself. Need- nances, Mrs. Hall isn't much dif- ular pay, buy their own tuxe- less to say, Hall talked readily. ferent from other wives. IT'S BACK AGAIN—HERE ONLY! does, and cover part of their Since Baughman doesn't want "Sometimes she wishes there road expense* with their own names and pictures of his agents was a little more pay," her hus- THE ALL TIME FAMOUS money. Yet there's no shortage printed widely, the name is fic- band says. of volunteers for the White tion but the initials are right. But she is proud of him, his House assignment in the Se- Hall is a well-knot chap with cret Service. work and his responsibilities. And close-cropped, curly brown hair. while Charlie is away from home He carries 185 pounds on a 5 GIBSON'S a lot and his son can't understand By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL foot 11 frame—and a .38 revolver why, the job has rewards for ALL STRAIGHT on his left hip. He looks as if him. WASHINGTON (AP) - Thirty- he could have turned in a pret- five men around the President ty fair performance as a half- "Partly," he said, "it's the constantly turn their backs on back in college. But he was an wide experience you get and the him—and get away with it. end instead, at Concordia Col- type and variety of people you WHISKIES These aren't ordinary men. lege in Western Minnesota. meet. GIBSON WHISKEY IS FAMOUS FOR ITS AGE, They watch the people who watch "How old are you?" the chief "You get a lot of satisfaction the President. Carefully picked, asked. out of knowing the first family HIGH QUALITY AND MILDNESS. appreciates the protection you rigorously trained, they are Se- "Twenty-nine." A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME AT THIS PRICE cret Service agents responsible "Married?" give them. You sense it even tor the life and safety of Hie Yes, and he has a son 4'/£ when they don't come right out chief executive and his family. and another baby due in Octo- and say so." , What is a typical agent like? ber. He rents a semi-detached Give Their Lives What tempts him into a job that house in the suburbs. What are his orders if some- keeps him away from home a Never while he is on duty is body tries to attack the Pru- lot, costs him money out of his Hall without that gun on his hip.dent or one of the family? own pocket for expenses, and ex- Most of the time it's a revolver "I would automatically respond pects him to put his own life on * 1780VOIS HE VXSHT HAW: with a four-inch barrel. With and protect them at all costs, no the line, if need be, to protect evening clothes, a less conspicu- CUP M THAT WAY)' 1 matter what the cost to myself the man* in the White House? Ous gun with a two-inch barrel might be. if ., • ,. .. .,, m y Hall said, Typical Agent j is permissible, although it isn't "One of the understandings we ffA n'' t '* .i™' Fifth as demand- Who U. E. Baughman, chief of the| accurate. have is that we'd give our lives ;*"%** s * ^ a real chal- Varied Wardrobe if necessary. We aren't told that. "nee" That matter of evening clothes It's^just one of the things we un- points up a problem. Since Se- derstand when we get the job." Regardless of that unwritten The new Church of England cret Service agents accompany Cathedral in Coventry, which will SAVE the President and Mrs.'Kennedy requirement, there are men lined up waiting to get into the SS. be consecrated in May, 1962, Is everywhere they go in public, rising near the carefully pre- to all sorts of official and so- "We don't have to go out re- cruiting," Chief Baughman said. served ruins of the famous 15th cial functions, they need a varied Century church. The old church wardrobe. It's a uniform in ef- A few agents at the White THE House have fixed assignments— was destroyed in a World War II fect, but (hey get no clothing bombing raid. allowance. with Mrs. Kennedy or with Hall inyested $85 in a tuxedo. daughter Caroline, for example. When he has to turn out in white Most of them are assigned to One of Europe's oldest wildlife COST tie and' tails, for state dinners the President and are split up preserves is on Fame Island off or receptions, for example, he into three eight-hour shifts. England's Northumberland coast. LIQUOR STORES rents them for $12.50 an evening They change at midnight, 8 It was established in 675 A.D. by —$12.50 of his own money. a.m. and 4 p.m. The agents ro- St. Cuthbert, and is still vigilantly When the first family goes out tate from one shift to another protected. — RED BANK OF of town, to Middleburg, Va., Newevery two weeks so as to spread it the judge's 39 BROAD ST. — FREE PARKING ft DELIVERY — SH 7*3334 York, Palm Beach, Cape Cod, around the night duty. It pays to advertise in The Hall goes along. But he and the "Your time for yourself or your Registers-Advertisement. daughter. other agents don't live in the style of a President. They can't ALL afford it, not on $12 a day to cover room, food, laundry, odds Ask your deiltr about a real cool •xtrieotf opUon-Ch«vrol«t air conditioning, and ends—everything but trans' portation. THESE It isn't that Baughman or the President are stingy. The limit, is set by law, and there's a bill passed by the House and pending in the Senate to boost it to $16 WITH But in these times, a hotel room or a single meal In a swank spot could wipe out even $16 aH in one swipe. OUTSIDE So when an advance agent for a presidential trip moves into a town, he tries to arrange for most of the Secret Service men UMINALL to stay in hotels or motels where the manager will give them spe- LATEX-ALKYD cial rates. r PAINT for While the expense allowance is fixed, except for assignments on CONCRETE - BRICK military posts and overseas, pay-! checks vary in the Secret Service STUCCO according to promotions and length of service. In time, an ASBESTOS SHINGLES agent might work up to $14,000 or: $15,000 a year. ! C.55 Hall is in Civil Service grade ^Cjfll. 10. That pays $6,995 a year. In October, he will have been in the DEEP COLORS SS three years and should go up SLIGHTLY HIGHER to grade 11 and $7,560. Pay Scale As do most of the other agents | KIMMERLE PAINT on the detail, he gets a fiat $975.75 a year for overtime, re- and WALLPAPER CO. gardless of how much overtime 20 Whir* St. Red Bank he works. (eft Parking Lor) He averages about seven and a half- eight-hour days of overtime /ItL SH 7-1129 a month. This means he gets New Chevy Conair 700 i-Door Sedan— New Impak Sporl Coupe with elegante fi? "^ W» Deliver about $1.35 an hour for his over- a bundle of Jim at a tave-a-bundle price. you'd expect to pay a lot mare for. time, whereas his regular pay Summertime is saving time at your Aquainted Chevrolet dealer's one-stop shopping center You just can't beat your Chevy dealer for a July buy! Summer- the sporty Monzas) and the family-minded Greenbrier and SABATOS time savings.are in full swing. And—because those Jet-smooth Lakewood wagons. Corvette bug biting you? America's goingest PORK STORE Chevies are outselling all other makes—he's in a position to sports car is just itching to make you happy. And so is your make the savings even better. Take your pick from luxurious Chevrolet dealer, who has about everything on wheels you could AND MEAT MARKET Impalas, popular Bel Airs, thrifty Biscaynes and that best want, wisjh forrrOrlallJnJove with. Thirty^one models in all. —FEATURING— selling bevy of - six full-size Chevrolet wagons. Corvairyour Live it up, save it HOME MADE BOLOGNA dish? See those trim, easy going sedans and coupes (including up, see him now. JCt-SITlOOtll CHOICE BEEF-PORK-VEAL-LAMB AND POULTRY New Bel Air 4-Door Sedan $ Popularly priced, the big Bel / * * - *<& New Impala Convertible »(V£ t , f What a wonderful way to THE OLD FASHIONED BUTCHER SHOP WHERE Airs pack a full set of Chevy I. ,& i <. * %' mect thc gun, At)d thBgtartj virtues. Among 'em: Jet- FRIENDLINESS AND QUALITY ARE FIRST ! * Ixjts of hidden treasure here, gmooth ride with Full Coil *?Pjf ' too. like extra-rigid X-buUt suspension, a cavern for a s Safety-Girder frame and four HOME MADE KIELBASY 89* ,„ trunk and Body by Fisher supple coil springs to gentle elegance. 'M#' * i the ride. HOME MADE LIVERWURST Sliced 79* Ib. New Nomad New Chevy Corvair GENUINE SPRING LEG LAMB 59* 9-Passenger Station Wagon Monia Club Coupe Most luxurious Chevy wagon Sports car spirit family style! of them all. Low loading Just plump down in that 49* lb. deck, cargo opening almost BABY STEER LIVER front, bucket soat and try five feet wide, up to 92.7 I his one for easy, eager steer- cubic feet of load space—and "STOP IN FOR A TASTE" all the comfort you could ing, for "git" and for traction possibly want. that kopps you clamped to OF ANY HOME MADE BOLOGNA the road. AT See the new Chevrolets at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Center CAMPBELLS JUNCTION 506 MAIN ST. BELFORD CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY 787-9119 325 MAPLE AVENUE RED BANK SHadysicU 1-3130 Favored Sea Spirit Wins N. J. Futurity Another Sky Next, Third Seeded Schooley Decade Is Third Upset in Red Bank Open By HY CUNNINGHAM RED BANK — An upset in the But Bob Weston had full con- second round of the boys singles rol in the group's third contest OCEANPORT — Avonwood Stable's Sea Spirit, Bednarik provided the only break from easily downing Dick Zeldin, of with Sammy Boulmetis in the irons, ran true to form' form in the Red Ba:>k Open Ten- Now Shrewsbury, $-0, 6-1. here yesterday as the 6-5 shot won the New Jersey nis Tournament ,at the Marine M a n n i e Lobdell, Monmouth To Coach Park courts yesterday. Hills, had to battle for a win in Futurity, $15,000 added, with 3y2 lengths to spare. Third-seeded Bill Schooley, Red the only second round match in Sea Spirit, dark bay colt owned by Charles E Bank, was the unexpected victim, the men's singles, finally topping At Neptune as he fell to Chris Dormant, an Ronny Spevak, Perth Amboy, AS, Mathers'2d, of Farhills and Philadelphia, stole the show unseeded.player from Monmouth 8-6, 6-3. - John Bed- from the local stables. It was the third win in 13 NEPTUNE (AP) Beach, 3-6, 6-4, 6-4. The first round of the boys starts for Sea Spirit. Up,~ narik, twice an Alt-America In the first round of the men's doubles had a tight contest be- tween four Middletown players until vpstprrfav vas, terday's renewal of the New Jersey Futurity at Monmouth Park. Third in line was system. In front the rest of the way. Jhihis rider.rider. Daly wass riding hihiss ! Colonial Farms of Scobeyville, while Rosie Redmond doubles match was even more Decad/ furlongs; «ce. Daly was born In Charles E. Mather, whose breeding farm is in Far Hills, took a $750 award as breed- and Tim Annin also went into 2 ing football. extra games, with Bradshaw pull win at the expense of Jill La- was 1:05 flat. Bednarik was graduated from ing it out at 8-6. He then copped marche. Red Bank, and Shirley William G. Helis, Jr.'s Another jhis initial race. Harraway oper- William and Mary in 1955. His the next set 6-2 to win the match, Boll, New Shrewsbury. Sky, ridden by Thomas Barrow, ates a public stable at Lincroft. brotfler is Charles Bednarik, who finished second and Colonial One of the largest fields in plays for the Philadelphia Eagles. Farms' Decade slid into show hurdle racing at Monmouth Park position. Another Sky, brown fil- went off for a mile and one- Steelers Get Big Daddy, half third race with 12 jumpers. County Breeders Take Top ly Spartan Valor-Toomba by Wilkinson LoBes Rounders, paid $3.80 and $2.80. Wililam C, Robinson Jr.'s Sero- FOREST HILLS, N. Y. — Todd Decade, brown colt - ual with jJames Murphy in the Nutter From Baltimore Wilkinson, Rumson, N. J., faded Mid's Mom by Arabs Arrow, re- irons, won in 2:42.1. Backers of I after a strong start and lost his WESTMINSTER, Md. (AP) - has to fill are fullback, because turned $2.60. Seroual were well rewarded with' Awards in Yearling Show $23.80, 8.00 and 4.40 returns. I match yesterday to eighth-seeded Coach Weeb Ewbantc opened of the retirement of , Local Runner James E. Thornton, riding | Frank Satterthwait, Short Hills, training camp for his veteran and left offensive guard, a spot Colonial Farms' Decade was Meadoon, failed to get far in the N. J., in the Eastern Junior and Baltimore Colts here yesterday filled by before he the only local entry to get a race. His mount fell on the first Boys Championships here. The by immediately dealing off two quit. b'te, winning third place purse. jump. Both rider and horse were score by sets was 3-6, 8-6, fi-1. of them, Gene (Big Daddy) Lips- will re-convert Colonial Farmj is owned by John Champ; 3 Evans uninjured. Earlier Satterthwaite had defeat- comb and Madison (Buzz) Nutter, FieramoBca, Scobeyville. to offensive center to take Nut- 1ST—S3.0OO.: l-jtr. olds.-. Clmn.: IH I. ed Nick Federici, Patterson, for three younger players from ter's place. He played there the Mrs. Mitton Erlanger, who had Peak PerformePerlormtr 8.20 4.20 3.20 Entries Cited N. J., 6-3, 7-5. the . year after graduating from Notre the champion In tfhe Yearling My Lltbich«n (Hln'ia) -- 3.20 3.00 Rn! O'Hare (Block) — H.80 In obtaining , Joe Dame. He then went into the show, ran Rosie Redmond and "Tim*—1:06.T1064 4 OCEANPORT - Mrs. Milton so—*3.ooo; ci.: maid.; M« T.O.: t t. Monmouth Entries Lewis and Dick Campbell, the Army and when he came back Cleres which finished fourth and Erlanger of Oakhurst yesterday Ollen (Blum) 4 00 ?.4O 2.10 I—« (.-, Cl.; 13.500; 4 Md up. Colt coach said he was "bringing was turned into a middle line- seventh, respectively. Marlton Pike 'Monsxelll) — 3.40 2.40 threw the spotlight on Monmouth Sunny Gem 117 I Gr'd-Dad Oahi 107 'rnh Tom .... — — 5.60 a-nelmuad 114 | Ukely Mlsa 109 down our overall age." backer. Fort Flower, black filly owned Time—1:11.3 County when she registered her Prime Boy 114 | Precious Metal 117 by Amory L. Haskell, Middle- 3D—«3,ooo.: maid.; 4 r.n; l!( m.; It. first success in the 15th annual R'l Muat'ng Jr. 114 Easter Crystal 114 Ewbank thus tipped that after Both Lipscomb and Nutter were geroual (Murphy) 53.110 8.00 4.40 Minnie C. 103 Air Delight 114 town Township, finished eighth. De-Voo« fAltcheson) ...-. —"3.80 .100 yearling show of the Thorough- Star Buckle 114 Father Christ's 114 his Colts were toppled from the acquired by the Colts at castoffi Another local entry, Mrs. Wil Frairor (Bmlthwlck) — — 2.60 Kenfky Sun 2d 114 | Trlway 103 championship throne of the Na' —Big Daddy by the Los Angeles Tlm«—2:42.1 bred Horse Breeders Association Quiz Mar 102 i a-Nlght Piper 114 liam V. Vaughan's Tour Wise 4TH—(3,SM. rimr.l i Jr. old«: • f. tional Football League last sea- Rams and Buzz by the Washing- Stolen Secret fBarrow t.. 15.80 7.00 4.60 of New Jersey held in the walk- a-John S. Kelly entry. t—i'A I.; Cl.: W.ono; • j.o. mda. son he had decided to break up was 11th in the field of 12. Mrs. Miss Btuegrau fBoulm«tla) —0.40 3.«0 ing ring at Monmouth Park, Our Girl Mary 118 I Mid BUI ton Redskins. Vaughan's farm is In Everett. ^iMHnis Bt«r — — 4.00 the old gang. Time—1 slO.f Declared champion was Mrs. Eldoob 118 | Hold the Phont Orr is likely to be the priz* In Completing the local contingent »TH—H.WO: lull jr. olds: 1 f. Hellenic Queen 118 1 Call Hastily 118 Whlppleion (Rogers) .330 160 2.S0 Erlanger's brown filly by Career PrIJCIf M. 11» I Her Babu 118 He observed that Lipscomb, de- the big Pittsburgh package for was Larsa, of Chasm a r Stud Cartridge (FraMer* — 8.00 ?.2O Immediately 118 | Swlfty Nifty 111 fensive tackle, and Nutter, offen- the Colts. The year after he grad- Bronze Jet (Htnojoss) — — — Boy out of Ria Mooney, she by Our Jennifer lis' i 'Miss'Lehighto" n 118 Farm, Wall Township, who fin- Time—1:10.1 imported Royal Charger, when Sheila Lynn 118 I Princess North 118 sive center, "had both contributed uated from Georgia, he was ished in 10th position. «TH—•l.soo. t jr. olda: « (or. Judl Sue 118 j Pinpoint IIS (Brooks) .. ... 92.40 10.40 ».20 judge Charles A. Kenney, mana- 3—1 1/M m.; much" to the Colt championships named best rookie of the NFL Barrow, who came out of the Winning star lYeaiaf — 3«0 2.60 ger of the Stonsr Creek Stud of Jarred B. (I.: N.500; 4 and up. in 1958 and 1959. with Los Angeles before being Young: Gui (Grant* — — 3.20 8ome Tan 115 I Sea Tread II pate sixth,- urged Another Sky Time—1:11.3 Paris, Ky., turned in the results. Powder Cap 120 I Campos Jr. 11 But both are 30 years old and traded to Pittsburgh. " '2nd 115 I DIsuttr 11 from that position to third in the mi—118,(100; til. i jr. aids tanlrd In 115 | Mon Key Do 1! Lipscomb has had eight years of stretch awi then whipped Ms way N. J. 5H far. The reserve championship also 4—1 1/1« m.: ri.: 13,500: 4 and op. Sea Spirit (Boulmetlm ....«.«O 2.80 2.40 stayed within the county when June's Croc'd'* 115 I Notable Gent professional wear and Nutter sev- to second. Another Sky (Barrow) — 3.80 2.flO Main Street 115 I Poet Ofllce Decade (Blum) -. — — 2.60 David O. Evans copped that title| en. Orr, an offensive end, and Decade, came out of the gate SuoalKrn 115 ! Jlepress Middletown Time—1:08 with a bay colt by Fabricator Doshay 115 j Jodhpur Boots 117 Campbell, center and linebacker, In eighth spot but under the ex- 8TII—U.MO: 4 jr. nidi: • y 110 j Moon Shot iBarrovi . tl.M 120 Rlch'y Endow'd 120 Time—Jl:45.TimJl4544 with a black filly by Fabricator- Cost Plus as a beefing up of his team's GUI'* Falcons - -. 8 er, with the meet's leading jock- tO.Kl Muloel. |I,U4,3.W Mr. Nino 120 Fancy Hill 120 Dana's Girl. Third award went to S—» I.; Cl.; I3.5O0; 3 j-.o. defensive strength. Harmony Keglers _ 8 Helis Stock Farm's bay filly by SHE'S TOPS — This filly, owned and bred by Mrs. Mr. Marine ' Princess A.O. 109 Ambeeinnlni; Get Happy 114 "Our big trouble last year was McDonald's Raiders ..., ( Spartan Valor-Drifting Maid, and Milton Erlanger of Oakhurst, was declared champion Red Tears Loft 117 defense," Parker said. "Our four M & M _ ( Party Package 109 Red Rex 314 fourth went to Evans' bay filly by St. Mary's Friars I Major Leag of the annual New Jersey thoroughbred yearling show 7—1 m.: Cl.; $4,000; 3-ap F.*M. front linemen were pretty good! Chics Town of Fabricator-Free Time To Sell 116 I Autumn Haze at stopping ground attacks, but]Suburban Sox 116 pg _„ 3 Advice. staged at Monmouth Park yesterday. She is a daughter Lucle Manetta 113 i Moyi St. Mary's Blue Jays S Acrosette 107 ! Mlray R. 109 not too hoh t at rushinhi g thh e passer "' In the colt division, Evans' colt of Career Boy-Ria Mooney, by Royal Charger. Reserve Wlnnlnt Pitch 102 j Rera'l Beauty 107 8—1 1/U m.: Cl.: M.ooo; 4 mi up. on play," said Parker: NATIONAL LEAGUE was followed in the awards by champion was a Fabricator-Llanfair colt from David O. RWw 1201 Arch Rival 118 "That's why I made the trade Mrs. W. E. Snell's chestnut colt Third Sean 112 I Peace Isle Evans' Evandel Farm, Holmdel, winner in the colt divi- Qeuhead 118 I Dunraven 114 for Lipscomb." Pt. Monmouth First Aid by the imported Royal Serenade- Plenllunlo 2nd 114 I Tllurnlum 113 The departure of Lipscomb and Navesink Indi; Win My Way, she by Coldstream Hellotlda 114 | Small E. By The Aiioclated PrtM sion. Nutter brings to 10 the number Leonardo Field Club ..^ in second position; The Carrier of players from last year's squad St. Mary's Angels NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Farms' bay colt by Bimelech- of 38 Colts who are missing from Navesink Chiefs W. L. Pet. G.B. Lea Angeles Penny Bouquet was third and Ewbank's plans for his eighth Belford Blues (twt-night) Sam Serpico's bay by Helvetian- Cincinnati M 35 .IIS team. Greeley's J7 .588 Cleveland 4-», Boston 14 (t^fdiW^td fourth tonirTin WLB Loses in Carleton Loop, Los Angeles . _5J 4 There may he more to the Belford Seals San Francisco .47 42 .528 "•'"' I this group Pittsburgh trade than meets the Pittsburgh 4J 3» .524 S'A W h 0 l l2> N8W Y rk !f iT? !. !/ ° "I th«e w«* Evans again backing up eye. Orr is the second offensive Milwaukee 42 4S .484 11 uwi-nignt) ..v! champion and reserve chanv CWcago «, Kansas City $ (night) „ 4-2, Missing Title Chance end the Colts secured in a swap. Ed Carleton St. Louis M 4$ .489 pion with filly b chics Town Dee Mackey came earlier from SO Baltimore 4, Detroit 2 (night) ' Chicago M .432 VEST-^NG-BRANCfl-^Sec^how-tharconte5rgo«i;^esrL^ San Francises. Memorial League ToSaji'iT Games third in show. Fourth went to ond-place West Long Branch!Branch must wait another year Furrugiaro slugged a 300-foot Both of the stellar Colt ends, Yesterday's Results And Probable Pitchers Mrs. Snell's colt by Royal Sere- failed in its last-chance bid for for the title. triple for West Long Branch in and Jim Mut- Last Night's Results Baltimore (Barber 10-7) at De-jnade-Win My Way. the bottom of the sixth, which Milwaukee 8-1, Philadelphia 5-1 the Southern Division crown in] The, Rams took first place in scheller, had knee troubles last Oakhurst 4, West Long Branch 2 trolt (Mo«sl 10-2), 2:M p.m. ! The Department of Agriculture the Ed Carleton Baseball League the Nortiiern Division, which end- drove in Bill Bohrens and Bill! Ewbank apparently is Standings Owl-night) Boaton (Delock 5-5) at Cl«velam1|which co-operates with Monmouth year St. Louis J, San Francisco 2 last night when it lost its final ed play Monday night. NORTHERN DIVISION (Bell 6-8), 8 p.m. Park and the breeders association Bame of the season, 4-2, to Antiy Left-hander Vinny Gopman (night, 10 Innings.) Only games scheduled in staging the show, made awards WL T P Los Angeles 8, Cincinnati 1 Garrity's fired-up Oakhurst paced Oakhurst to tfhe win, pitch- He also threw out a strong Tomorrow's Schedule to the top yearlings as follows: ing four-hit ball and holding the game to be callad before West Ranw ( 2 2 14 (night) ,„ squad. hint that the Steeler trade could West Long Branoh men scoreless Long Branch could try again in Long Branch YMCA .. 4 5 lead to others. S Branoh one point behind lead- until the sixth inning. the seventh. Long Branch IAMA .... 4 < postponed, rain) "We have excessive players in Keansburg OKI! | Baltimore at Chicago, 9 p.m. $25 to fourth place. ing Neptune, while the win Marty Brueckner oHnohed the Onkliant (4) ABR1I Today's Games 1 Stutter! ct ..'..'.. 4 1 0 some spots," he said. SOUTHERN DIVISION Detroit at Kansas City, it p.m. Representing the state's de- into a tie for I victory with a three-run single in Brueckner. c 4 The next thing he wants is a WL T P And Probable Pitchers IWashlngton at Los Angeles,' II partment of Agriculture were third place with Asbury Parkithe fifth, which sent home Al German. p_ _ „ 3 defensive halfback or two. Neptune I 2 1 13 Milwaukee (Spahn 9-11) at Phila- p.m. Phillip Alampi and William C, at two games behind. Bble, G. M. Stetter, and Al Ber- RlDpi. rf .311 Last year's regulars, Jackie West Long Branch . .5 3 2 12 delphia (Short 3-5 , 8:05 p.m. Lynn. Honorary steward of the The decisive game of the sea-'nard. Kiayton. ']t"'.'Z~Z.^.'..'^ZH 2 Sheridan, is - 3 0 2 Simpson was dealt to Pittsburgh Asbury Park .5 S 111 show was J. Samuel Perlman, Eble. 3b 3 1 1 Ch'caeo (CurtUM) at Pittsburgh!pr| pUEjljg. son will be nlayed Fridav when! Oakhurst added some icing r j publisher of Triangle Publica- Bernard, cf — 3 1 0 in a previous trade and Milt Oakhurst .5 4 111 (Gibbon 7-4), 8:15 p.m. i «£'••»* puousner oi inangie ™bhca-|Asbury Park journeys to Neptunelin the next frame as Dick Sherl- t ons ; Totals J7 4 7 Davis retired. Friday's Game S.-T Francisco (Marichal 8-7) at Blind 37 Years ' . . nonorafy chairman was witn tj,e home team having a!dan scored Mike Ripps on a ! Wr«t Lonir nrenck (I) AB Bll The other big positions Ewbank Asbury Park at Neptune S-. Louis (Clcotte 2-5), S p.m. Virginia Helis of the Helis Slock]ohance t0 tie it Lp, But n0 matter single to right. V. Christopher, «s * .10 0 CAMDEN (AP) — Frank Con- Farm, and acting chairman wasj- Boker. lb 30 2 In* Angeles (Drysdale 7-5 or way, one-time professional boxer McCorrolcli,, 3b . 3,0 0 __Kpj!jfaxJidD_«t .Cincinnati .(Jay B«hren«. c. p 2 10 who had"been-blind-for~over'3T Farm. R. Chrlstophar, If, c - 3 0 1 15-4), 9:05 p.m, years, died in Cooper Hospital Gaughaji. cf 1 1 0 THRILL Awards were presented by Monmouth Park Furniclaro, rf -. 3 0 1 Tomorrow's Schedule I yesterday at the a e of. 59. Can-] Amory' I. Ha"skell,7rcsident and rifivla.. 2t> ., 2 0 0 fi y VanBriint, p „ 10 0 TO Chicago at Philadelphia, 8:05 .cer was given a, the cause. Ichalrman of Mbnmouth Park INTHE-MONEY TOD A Y S PICKS East-Kick. If 10 0 'A Camden native, Conway n.m. Jockey Club. Mr. Haskell also SELECTIONS AT OCEANPORT Totals V 3 4 started out as a bantamweight, hosted a luncheon for breeders, Oakhurat 000 031 THOROUGHBRED Milwaukee at Pittsburgh, S: 15 By DOTTIE GORMAN By SAM West Long Branch ...000 002—J | later' moving into the feather- owners and trainers in the patio 3B—Furntgiaro. Hits off VanBrunt 7 !wci ht of the clubhouse. i 5 Innings, Bthreni 0 in 1 Innlngfi. T.r>< Angeles at St. Louis, 9 p.m. « class.'His eyes were in- Grand-dad Oaks Prime Boy Gorman 4 In 6 Innings. Struck out by micii.fi San Francisco at Cincinnati, »:05|iurcd '".« ''Kht w't" Jl""ny Men- Prime Boy Easter Crystal VanBrunt 4 by Behrens 2 by Gorman 1 4. Baaes on balls off VanBrunt 2 off p,m Io in 1923, He fought five more Likely Miss Grand-dad Oaks Behrens 0 off Gorman 5. imcs AT AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' before enforced retirement. Tops Pinpoint Princess North 9 W. L. Prt.(CXBT '" operations failed to prevent Princess North Pinpoint NPW York 5R 32 ,M4\ blindness. Conway was In 175 Mid Bill Eldoob LADIES PAY BEAUTIFUL n-froit 5» .Ml \ 'tahts all told. In his last vear Asbury Card Powder Cap Sea Tread P'!t'more 51 41 ,S!vf P he ran a tavern In nearby West- Campos Jr. Mon Key Do C'»vcland 47 •7 .•iflO % imont. •..« - ASBURY PARK — .lohnny Val- 3 Sea Tread Jarred B. Thlcaco 47 47 .50(1 IS : entine takes on Big "O" Bob Or- Jodhpur Boot' Subaltern P-Wilma Rudolph stole Budd of Villanova in the 200 the show away from the men meters in 20.7 seconds — just one Reds, 8-3 SEA BRIGHT — Coach BUI 2. Steve Golden (D) J. Joe dill- again last night by speeding to tenth of a second off the Ger- aimer's Driftwood Beach Club berg (D) Time : :38.7. a 'world record 11.2 secoads in the man's European Record. Budd Senators Associated Press SummerProgram swimmers had an easy time 50-Meter Freestyle, Girls 9 arid 100 meter dash as the American also was clocked in :20.7. The Los Angeles Dodgers are Tuesday night defeating an out- 10 — Won by Debby Learn (D) males defeated West Germany, The large crowd was beginning back in business In the National classed Surfrider Beach Club 2. Sue Halfacre (S) 3. Sue Hoff- 14-6 and 120-91 in points. to believe an upset was possible. Clobber League race, and all it took was Slates Arts and team, 105-27, in Driftwood's man (S) Time: :41.6 The Olympic triple gold medal But the Americans collected a pair of four-run innings and Olympic-sized 5; -meter pool here. 50-Meter Freestyle, Boys 11 and 1st, competing in a special race two unexpected firsts to fill the Johnny Podres' first complete Crafts Contest Coach Dave vom Lehn's losing 12 Won by Chuck Callman on the dual meet program, breach. of Fort Yankees game at Cincinnati in four years. forces managed to pick up only (S) 2. Joe Conlin (D) 3. Pete clipped one-tenth off the world Lee, Va., captured the 3,000 meter Those two big innings, plus Pod- RUMSON — The fourth week two first places in the individual alatro. (D) Time: :35 mark of 11.3 she shares with two steeplechase in 8:47.4 and was Mickey Mantle res' nine^hit pitching, gave the of the summer program was cli- events and failed to catch the 50-Meter Freestyle, Girls 11 and . others in beating teammate Wilt followed home by Bob Schul of second place Dodgers an 8-3 vic- maxed with a hobo dress contest speedy Driftwood swimmers in 12 — Won by' Maureen Martin ye White by two yards. Barbara tory In the opener of a two-game the Air Force. Clouts No. 36; recently in Victory Park here. any of the six relay races. (D) 2. Chris Hoffman (S) 3. Pat Brown of New York was third. Then John Gutknecht, a slim showdown series at Cincinnati Chuck Callman copped the 50- Jones (D) Time: .36.5 Willowy Wilma of Tennessee New York Athletic Club distance Maris Hitless ast night and shaved the Reds' Priies of ice cream sodas, meter freestyle for boys 11 and 12 50-Meter Freestyle, Boys 13 and State University is co-holder of runner from Poland, Ohio, won Associated Press National League lead to 1>h books and yo-yo's were awarded in :35 and Paul Stack won the _ won by Paul Stack (S) 2. the listed record with Mrsi Shir- the 10,000 meters in 29:46.8. This Memo to the Washington Sena games with their fourth straight to the winners. The following 50-meter freestyle for boys 13 Brian Cavenaugh (D) 3. Brian ley De LaHunty of Australia and gave the United States another >rs: No, no! You guys got it loss. "" were the prize winners: and 14 to collect Surfrider's only Kelly S Time: :33.7 Vera Krepkwa of Russia. She five important points even though wrong. The New York Yankees NEW YANKEE — Pitcher Al It was just five days ago that Ruler of the hoboes, Martha Sat- victories. 50-Meter Freestyle, Girls 13 and tied the : 11.3 standard in the Charles Clark of San Jose, Calif., are supposed to Murder You! Downing has been brought he Dodgers were six games be- singer; her court, Ann Karinja, Surfrider's best effort came in 14 — Won by Lois Conlin (D) 2. meet against Russia at Moscow dropped out. You remember the Washington hind the Reds, But now the Dodg- Stack's victory as Brian Kelly Polly Corvaly (D) 3. Linda Berry last weekend. up from the minors by the Marie Keiber, Mary Ellen Cava- The travel-weary Americans, lenators, of course. They're one ers, all even at 7-7 in the sea- naugh, Kathleen Cavanaugh, Jan- collected third place points for (D) Time ::34.2 New York Yankees to give Stayed Close who defeated Russia last week- if those two castoff clubs the son series, have closed in by win- ice Cavanaugh and Jackie Fish; the Surfrider team. 50-Meter Freestyle, Boys 15 and Miss White, who excels in the end, were given a tremendous American League put together to them extra mound help in ning four of six since the All- family of hoboes, Cindy, Robby, Skip- Berry and Bobby Nagle 16 — Won by Skip Berry (D) 2. Star break while the Reds have broad jump helped push Wilma, ovation by the spectators. fill in ninth and 10th place in its their pennant drive. Vicki, and Pattl Shea, stood out for the winners. Berry Chris Cassatt (S) 3. Paul Stack her teammate from Tennessee Easy Winner expanded standings. lost five of seven. The athletic week for the base- won the 15 and 16 freestyle event (S) Time: :31. -State, to the record.. Willye was With no pressure on him, John Well, the Senators are seventh Cards Red Hot and then swam a leg on Drift- 50-Meter Freestyle, Girls 15 and clocked in : 11.5 and Miss Brown Thomas of Boston U. relaxed and at the moment, just one game St. Louis, the hottest club of ball team included two losses suf- fered at the hands of the Mo- wood's winning 10-16 medley re- 16 — Won by Diana Hosten (D) In :11.9. won the high jump, clearing 7 shy of sixth, and they're 5-5 for Signaleers the moment, kept third place San lay team and the squad's win- 2. Arlene Conlin (D) 3, Linda There was no noticeable sup- feet. V4 inch. World record hold the season against New York aft- Francisco eight games behind by hawk nine. The Rumson Recrea tion Commission team dropped ning foursome in the 10-16 free- Mulford (S) Time: .34 porting wind and officials were er of Nashville, er making off with an 8-4 and 12-2 beating the Giants, 3-2, in 10 inn- style relay. 200-Meter Freestyle Relay, Bow, 17-2 ings. It was the fifth straight the first encounter by a 10-4 confident that Miss Rudolph's rec- Tenn., captured the broad jump iweep last night that left the Boys 10-16 — Won by Driftwood success for the sixth place Cards. score and met with another de Nagle also came out a winner ord would gain recognition. with a 26-3>4 leap. Yanks holding first place by only FORT MONMOUTH-The Mil- '.a three events. Nagle won the (Boby Nagle, Joe Conlin, Eric "I felt real good," said Wilma. The other events went pretty three percentage points. tary District of Washington Milwaukee beat Philadelphia 8-5, feat in the second game, 14-5. but the last place Phils, took the and 10 freestyle race and swam Ayers, and Skip Berry) Time : "But I certainly didn't expect to much according to form, although The Detroit Tigers — the on- trounced Fort Monmouth, 17 to Walter Spiliane introduced pop- on the winning 10-16 freestyle 2:25. 2, last night at Dean Field as the second game of the twi-night pair break the record. I think Willye Cliff Cushman of Grand Forks, ly outfit that's done better (6-5) sicle craft in the arts and craft team and the victorious 12 and 200-Meter Freestyle Relay, was a big help to me. She stayed Colonials bombed three Signaleer with two ninth-inning runs for a N. D., had a king-sized scare against New York—blew a chance program. Place mats, jewelry under freestyle quartet. Girls 10-16 — Won by Drift- right with me during most of the to pass the Yankees, losing 4-2 to hurlers for 21 hits. 2-1 victory. Rain washed out Chi- thrown into him in the 400-meter boxes and letter holders were Maureen Martin and Lois Con wood (Debby Learn, Maureen race." the third place Baltimore Orioles. While the MDW outfit was post- cago-Pittsburgh. made. hurdles by Helmut Janz, an old in did a similarly outstanding Martin, Lois Conlin, and Diana Wilma was off the blocks fast rival from the Olympics. Indians Sweep Boston ing its 10th victory In 25 tilts, The Dodgers came from behind with the first of their four-run Fifteen youngsters are taking job in the girl's department. Miss Holsten) Time: 2:34.3. but she had to turn on the steam Going into the final turn, Cush- Cleveland took two from Bos- Charley Richardson twirled a tennis lessons from Miss Vicki five-hitter as the righthander bursts, in the third inning, Martin won the 11 and 12 free- 200-Meter Freestyle Relay in the last 50 meters to shake ofl man and Janz were running stride ton, 4-1 and 9-8; the Chicago Edelmann, a member of the sum Miss White. White Sox beat Kansas City, 6-5, from Buckingham, Va., fanned against losing right-hander Bob style event and competed on the Boys 12 and under — Won by for stride. Down the homestretch mer program staff. two winning freestyle teams. Driftwood (Pete Galatro, Don and the Los Angeles Angels, the 12 Monmouth batters. He lost Purkey (ll-5)jtSlngles by Norm After the race it was discovered they went and it wasn't until the This week's special event will that Wilma had suffered a pull other castoff club, took eighth his bid for a shutout when the Larker, CharlilrNeal, Willie Dav- Miss Conlin copped her Indivi- Rovegno, Bobby Nagle, and Joe final step that Cushman managed be an arts and crafts contest in the hamstring' muscle of her place from Minnesota by beating Signalmen tallied twice in the is and Wally Moon, plus Purkey's dual victory in the 13 and 14 Conlin) Time: 3:03.8. to throw himself across the line tomorrow at 2 p.m. right leg. It was believed, how- In front. Both were caught in the twins, 2-1, after losing the seventh inning. error and an infield out, did It. freestyle event and swam a leg 200-Meter Freestyle Relay, A community dance will be ever, she will be able to compete 50.4 seconds. opener of the twi-night double- The visitors tagged starter and Larker, who had three of the on the 10-16 freestyle and the 16 Girls 12 and under — Won by In the remaining meets with Bri- header 6-0. loser Dick Fleury for nine hits Dodgers' 11 hits, and Neal singled held July 28 in the park with the and under medley relay team. Driftwood (Pat Jones, Candy Cushman went down In a heap music being furnished, by the Conklin, Maureen Martin, and tain and Poland, the first in Lon- when he broke the tape, but got Bennie Daniels (5-5) and Dick and seven runs, six earned, in again in a four-run sixth, with Summaries Cavaliers. Ronnie Gorlin) Time: 3.04.3 don July 21-22 aad the second in up grinning. Donovan (6-8), a pair of right- the five and two-third innings he Neal's hit driving in two. Driftwood 105, Surfrider 27 Warsaw July 29-30. "Whew," said the tall, blonde handers, beat the Yankees, hold- worked. Larry Kaneshiro was Podres (11-2) beat the Reds for 25-Meter Freestyle, Boys 8 and 200-Meter Medley Relay, Boys The tall Tennessean's outstand- graduate of the University of ing Roger Marls and Mickey shelled for seven hits and as the third time without defeat this under — Won by William Metzger 16 and under — Won by Drift- ing performance far overshad- Kansas, "that guy can run." Mantl,e l° tw<> hits in 15 at-bats. many runs in the one stanza he season. The southpaw veteran Freehold Track (D) 2. Robert Lawrance (S) 3. wood (Eric Ayers, Don Rovegno, owed the injury-riddled American Cushman was second in the Maris was 0-for-7. Mantle was 1- worked in relief. Curt Brewton walked only one and struck out Donald Metzger (D) time: :21. Skip Berry, and Sam Balsl) Time: team's sweep of eight of the ten Rome Olympics last year and for-4 in each game, belting his finished up. Fleury, who won four in his first complete game 25-Meter Freestyle, Girls 8 and 2:55.4 finals in the closing day of the Janz was fifth. 36th home run in the nightcap, his first two mound assignments, at Crosley Field since July 28, Sets Honor Days under — Won by Lynn Gersten 200-Meter Medley Relay, Girls two-day meet. Tuesday the Yanks Burleson, who couldn't run off Donovan. That broke a tie now has dropped six in a row. 1957. Gordle Cojeman drove In D 2. Jill Ciccone (D) 3. Karen 16 and under — Won by Drift- FREEHOLD — The honor day won six of the ten events {or a against the Russians because of with Marls for the major league two of the Reds' runs, with a Cummings (D) Time: .19.1 wood (Lois Conlin, Kathy Roveg- schedule for this year's harness glim 56-50 advantage. - an upset stomach caused by eat- lead and put the Mick 19 games double and single, and Wally Post 50-Meter Freestyle, Boys 9 and no, Linday Berry, and Diana race meeting at Freehold Race- • Just before the start of the twi- ing a hero sandwich, plassed ahead of Babe Ruth's record-60 Toulon doubled home the other. 10 — Won by Bobby Nagle (D) Holsten) Time: 2:54.5 way is the heaviest in the track's light meet before 50,000 fci Neckar Klaus Lehman of West Germany pace of 1927. Stu Miller Loses history. Stadium, pulled out of in the last 100 yards and won as Southpaw Bud Daley (8-11), FRANCE I Bill White was at-it again for the 1,500 meters with a sore he pleased. working with only two days rest the Cards. After tying the major As the final preparations begin throat, and John Fromm had to Jay Silvester, an Army lieuten- at his own request because of SPAIN league record with 14 hits in two for opening day, Aug. 5, the pro- withdraw from the Javelin throw ant from Tremention, Utah, be- the Yanks' pitching problems, consecutive doubleheaders, he motional department reports there because of a muscle pull. came a double winner by adding lost the opener. He gave up hom- SARDINIA made it 16 hits for five consecu- will be many days on which more Budd Nipped , the shot put to his discus gold rs by Harry Bright and Gene tive games—batting in a first-inn- than one group will be feted. This American coach Jumbo Jim El- medal. He had a heave of 60 feet, Sreen and put the deciding runs ing run with a triple and then is due to demand exceeding the liott pressed his two decathlon 5 inches, beating Gary Gubner, on base before Jim Coates re- breaking a 2-2 tie with a single number of racing days allotted men — there was no decathlon the New York U. freshman. Gub- lieved and gave up a two-run in the 10th. White's error gave the track. Freehold, like New competition in this meet — Paul ner, winner against the Russians, double by Chuck Hinton in the the Giants their first run, and Jersey's three flat race tracks, Herman and Dave Edstrom into had a throw of 59-2. sixth inning. Harvey Kuenn's homer tied it In has a 50-day session. service. Herman, of Westmount, The Yank 1600 meter relay The nightcap was a nightmare the ninth. A New Jersey Lions Day Is on r»rf. finished fourth in the 1500 team of Adolph Plummer of debut for Al Downing, the young Rookie Craig Anderson (3-1) this year's docket with members meters won by Brooklyn and New Mexico, Jerry southpaw the Yanks called up was the winner in relief, retiring from all over the state slated to of Oregon in 3:50.2, and Edstrom Siebert of Willets, Calif., Earl from Binghamton in the Eastern all six men he faced and fanning attend. was fourth in the spear throw won Young of San Fernando, Calif, League. The Senators cashed him three. Stu Miller, beaten only for Other days will be dedicated h" Germany's Rolf Herings with and Ulis Williams of Compton with seven runs in the second the Cards this season, was the Knights of Columbus, Freeholi feet. Calif., scored easily in 3:06.1 The inning—when they put together loser In relief for a 7-3 record. Chamber of Commerce, Lake- The U. S. prospects looked German quartet was clocked in four singles, three walks, a hit The Phils were blanked on three wood Township, New Jersey black indeed when Germany's 3:12. batsman and one of the Yanks hits for eight innings by Carl Wil- Travel Agents, Jesters, Edison six errors of the night. It was ley (3-4) in the nightcap, then Township, Heart of Trenton, the first double-header defeat for beat the Milwaukee right-hander Jewish War Vets, Long Branch Drew, Waters, Win SSYC the Yankees this season, and the on singles by plnch-hitter Elmer Daily Sports Bulletin, Essex first time they've lost two in a Valo, John Callison and Lee Walls County Shriners, Newark Fire- in the ninth. Winning Southapw row in three weeks. men, American Legion, 32nd and Don Ferrarese (2-5) held the Races; Mallory Cup Sat. Jim Gentile of Baltimore re- Templars Club of Monmouth gained the RBI lead in the AL Braves to three hits—one a sev- enth-inning homer by Joe Adcock. County, New Brunswick, Hamil- OCEANPORT - Shrewsbury with 85, leap-frogging both Mar- ton Township, Old Guard of Poin Sailin gand Yacht Club Comet is and Mantle with a two-run, The Braves had won their Pleasant, Middlesex County, State Middletown fourth in a row in the opener third-inning homer than beat De- TROUBLE SPOTS — Map Police Chiefs, Asbury Park, N. J. ikippers Jerry Drew, Jr., and troit's Jim Bunning (10-7). Jack with Rookie Mack (The Knife) locates Bizerta (I) where Realtors, Little Falls Square Club, Leighton K. Waten shared first Softball Loop Fisher (3-8) was the winner, with Jones batting in three runs with Tunisian troopi opened N. J. Bakers, and Kiwanis. place honors in the club's sailing Last Night'* Results three perfect Innings of relief by a triple and two singles. Bob Skinny Brown. Buhl (6-8) was the winner, with Sponsors will have a race schedule recently. Other classes Jersey Blue Jays %, Idle Hour fire on a French military Chuck Essegian and Johnny Ro- relief help, while Art Mahaffey named in their honor, and will did not compete because of in- Bar 2 helicopter, according to mano did it for the Indians. They (7-12) lost his fifth in a row. present a trophy to the owner of vitational regattas elsewhere. Standings wrapped up the opener by driv- announcement from French the horse winning the event. W LPct. Drew won the first Comet race ing in two runs in the second Premier Debre's office in HIGH-FLYING EAGLE — Tommy McDonald, star pass Jersey Blue Jays ... ..10 2 paratroopers have been with Hank Milterberger runner-up inning, Essegian with a double, Jockey Bill Hartack led the na- _8 S .727 Parii. Tunisian "volunteers receiver for the National League champion Philadelphia Loori's Pier Bar ... Romano with a ground out. Ro- ordered to Bizerte. The tion's riders In victories in 1960 and Alan Schneider, third. Waters Molly Pitcher Homes v. « 4 .«M Eagles,: It• "tossed high Into the air by teammates as the iopk the nightcap, followed by mano followed with a two-run of death" were reported first paratroop regiment, with 307 Winners. It was his fourth Idle-Hour Bar * 7 .417 title since he began riding late Ruffy Ruthrauff and Lea Adam- homer that gave Cleveland a tie marching to the rich roughly 1,000 men, have Birds begin training for their football title defensa at Herb's Place 5 8 .455 In the nightcap fourth, and paired in 1952. ion, 3d Comets have now com- Leonardo Sportsmen .. 0 12 .000 Edjele oil field (2), being been on'the alert at Bone Hershey, Pa. pleted four races in their 12-race with Essegian again in a clinch summer championship series. Tonight's Game ing, three-run eighth inning. Es- developed by France. A (3), eastern Algerian sea- Molly Pitcher Homes vs. Loori's leglan singled home one run in French spokesman said port. (AP Map) Turnabouts held a make-up Pier Bar the rally, then scored on catcher Tace, in which Jim Andrews Russ Nixon's error after Ro- copped first. He was trailed by The Cleveland Indians have lost mano's RBI double. Barry Lat- David Brewster and Louise Pot- 13 straight games in Yankee Sta- man (9-0) and reliever Frank Touring Pros Check In ter. dium. unk (10-8) wer the winners, The SSYC will hold its Mallory e Whitey Ford is the first Ameri- Gene Conley (4-8) and Arnie Ear- Cup eliminations for men this ley (1-3) the losers. At Milwaukee Golf Open can League left-hander to win Saturday. Sunday will see a full Sixth In a Row (round of races for all classes in eight games during one month. MILWAUKEE (AP) — Most oi to cancel out because of a pre- Start Saving NOW The A's lost their sixth In a the summer championship series. He did it in June. the nation's top touring pros — vious television match commit- tow, giving up two unearned runs with British Open champion A ment. as the White Sox came from be- nold Palmer and U. S. Open A heavy rainfall which soaked hind with three- in the sixth king Gene Littler the notable ex most of the metropolitan area RT 34 against ex-maffe (3-5). DIVIDEND for DOWNPAYMENT "VMiD ^ELMAR ceptions — Were down to tee ofl skirted the North Hills course Frank Baumann (7-7) was the today in the opening round of th pw Jersey winner in relief. yesterday as tournament officials $30,000 Milwaukee Open. The Twins and Angels set a breathed sighs of relief. Costly major league record with 39 In the absence of Palmer vat. rain.forced a change in sponsor- 3 V27O on a NEW HOME %% strikeouts in their twinbill. Los .ittler, Masters champion Gary ship of the Milwaukee Open two Angeles batters tied another mark Player, the visiting tourist from years ago. PER YEAR PER YEAR by fanning 24 times. Camilo Pas- South Africa, and two-time Mil- Lack of recent heavy rain has cual (8-12) struck out 15 while waukee winner Ken Venturi left the 6,410-yard course in ex- COMBINATION ilanking the Angels on five hits headed a field of 145 in the four- cellent playing shape and par 70 n the opener. Harmon Killebrew day, 72-hole test at the North may be in for a wholesale beat- ind Bob Allison drove in all of Hills Country Club. ing. Venturi, who won with a :he Twins' runs with homers, two The pros planned to use thi nine-under par total in 1960, noted STOCK CAR - % MIDGETS by Allison, and beat Eli Grba (5- seventh annual tournament as that the rough Isn't as difficult to 0). final tuneup for the PGA cham- play as a year ago. He said that Killebrew's second home run of pionship next week in Chicago, barring rain the winning score :he night, his 29th of the year, But they weren't overlooking thi this year probably would be a few iroke up a four-hit shutout by op money of $4,300, won last yea strokes under his 271. by Venturi. Im Donohue, who was making One of the best practice rounds Palmer, who added the Brilisl ils first major league start, in was turned in by Rex Baxter, 1957 Open to his string of titles last he ninth inning of the second runnerup for the U. S. amateur Saturday, decided to pass up thi game. But Lee Thomas then broke title from Amarillo, Tex., who Milwaukee to sharpen his gami the tie and beat Ray Moore (4-3) carded a brilliant 64. Many other for the PGA, one of the fe ith a two-out homer in the pros shattered par, but did not Angels' ninth. Art Fowler (4-2) championships which has elude keep cards. i the winner. him in recent years. Littler hai Among the long list of big mm ey winners on hand were former RED BANK SAVINGS National Open champions Cary RENT Mlddlecoff, Tommy Bolt and Bill A NEW FORD OR OTHER Casper Jr., -former PGA kings FINE CARS AND TRUCKS Bob Rosburg, Doug Ford and Jackie Burke Jr., and such young PHIL WALDMAN'S players as newly-crowned Cana RID BANK NEW JERSEY GULF dlsn Open tltlist Jackie Cuplt and Doug Sanders. The handful of Insured Savings Accounts Home Mortgage Loans SERVICE STATION amateurs entered was topped by Money Orders Travelers Cheque* Home Improvement Loans MITE A-Two 30-Lop features Maple Ave. & W. Front St. Jack Nlcklaui, 1939 national ama Gift Drafts Save-by-Mail Christmas Clubs 20 U| Novlet Rae- Open Dally and Sun. 7 A.M.-18 PJVI. teur champion and recent winner V? •* * * P of the NCAA tournament, and l(«mb«f WtuU Sandf* «na Loan Iniuruet Oor*. • Urabtr frtnil Boa* Lou Buk tntua SAT. CALL SH 7-0308 Don Cherry, the golf-playing Wtmt»r Niw imn S»T1O|I ul Loan Ltifut 8:30 A- 8 Thrilling Events rooner. F0BSAUB 86—Thursday, July 20, 1961 RED BASK REGISTER ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOS AND TRUCKS •OATS t ACCfSSORJIS HELP WANIED-Mal* - Fenak .FO* SALE MT PLYMOUTH — Two-door. IM*I ACTIVsl AffEUCT wts> tell tins jsUM LOST AND; FOUND lent ronsjlDg coalition. Prints owner, W CABW CRUIHIB — XxctUtst COB- bcrp. Seal Mate *x»erlenc. DM rt HA. OS MSW or «H 1-TKs). ijttloo. VH tup. CbTJfOtT mOat. $1,850 quired. CaB BARONET REALTY. CO AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS LOST—OS Wednesday, Jira* 1». OB 4:US Zt ZOBTL tltin — Cm*"*' Crown 4>2W» "FRESH OUT" bu» from NewirV-HJitUEdi. On* brows IBM FtfBD — F-100, yldt-op hand TSJIM. Paper* tni film are I. (ruck. &W turn. Call 77' COU3UBU. CRUMBt. «« WOMAN OR COUPLI—Man can htr of Storage Warehouie ...... and your* porlant, Reward. Cell 7W-SS90. J87-J4M V OHRB1 CIUJT CJMKBWR — Twin ouutdi employment to talcs cbargt of LOST *-' Yellow ajul green paraktel . screw. MOO. motherltsa boou. Tore* children, other for unpaid balance m OHEVRQUCT Bel Air — Six- 1 help. Attrstctlve riverfront setUnc. «sa- Sundry morning ID little Sliver, P cylinder sulomatlc transmission, radio it CHfiM CRAW txurr — 100 n,p. •rr'oMl. Call evenings. BH 1-MUM. pect Ave. or LVurelwood Dr. Xmr better, very low mileage. 7H7-2JM. BUMBON YACHT BASIN, INC. ONLY! to name 'Toby". Reward. BH 1-742IJ SCHOOL BUS DBJVJB»«—Malt or fs- 1HI1 PLYMOUTH — sKatloa wagon, DIALER 7OS OHRYslLIR MARINI $5 DEPOSIT LOST — Puibook No. RIM. Find. AND VOLVO PENTA msie. Apply now for work starting In runs food, 150. •*. September. R. Kelfrtch «c Son.' Laurtl please return ,to .Monmouth Coum BH 1-KSS YACHT PAINTS AND HARDWARE National Bank. Red Bank. RU 1-2900 . \v.. West Keansburg. 787-8796. 1957 FORD — Ranch wagon, radio, small weakly paymtnti .«,.•• ,, heater, $405. WH (-4822 •USINESS NOTICES SITUATIONS WANTED, Female OUTFIT #431 (u«.d) AUTOMOTIVE * Big convertible 3-pc. curved Mcttand WELL HELP WITH PARTIES, dinners, AUTOS AND TRUCKS Us U Dock * Bulkhead contractors. or other occasions. Call * 3-pc. grey bedroom suite, boakcua bed MOBILE HOMES Docks rebuilt, piling letted, hammered. SH 1-8881. I960 CORVETTE Estimates given BE 21744. * 4-pc. dinette 270 H. T. MOTHER — Will care for children In PLUS A MOBILE HOME MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS. CA- her own home, for working mother Four-Speed Box TERING. BOB FORLENZA. OB 1 "all BH 7-0588. Used Refrigerator Full Cam To Fit Your Budget 2471. 11C CARTHY CHEVROLET WOMAN deslrea day work. Call SH 7 Take over unpaid balance ATl-3830 • Small down payment on new and used FOR TRKK WORK. C4O tree service. 9154 Mnny to choose from. Low rate U- Topping, trimming, removal. Call LI after 4 p.m. fwf^HRYBLER NEW YORKER nancing. 2-4220 for Us* estimates. FuU lnsuranc $174 Need! muffler, 175. Call WE REFUSE TO BE UNDERSOLD coverage. GRADUATE experienced in child care AT 1-3239 desires five day weekly position. SH OUTFIT #708 (uied) ^ ' SECURITY DETECTIVE AGENCY — LIST OF 1961 CHEVROLET HALF TON PICK 7-3979. + 3-pc. living room suite Uniform guards, plant protection, con- UP. BRAND NEW. SACRIFICE. CAL HOLLY HILL ntructlon, sporting and special events. WOMAN wishes work on Wednesdays * 3-pc. charcoal bedroom suite AT 1-3831. Mobile Hornet Sales Experienced investigators. 293 Mali and Saturdays. Will do ironing In own * 5-pc. dinette 1960 PLYMOUTH St., Keansburg, N. J. 787-9255. home. 8H 1-9523. PLUS Two-door hardtop convertible. RJ. 35 PArkway 1-6868 South Amboy MASON — Dry wells, laterals, patios, MATURE WOMAN with diversified ex SH 1-9214 sidewallu and septlo tanks. Call SH 1- perlence wishes part-time office posi- 9x12 Rug and Washer 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air. alx-cyllnde: MOBILE HOMES 1078. tion. Bookkeeping, general offica work. Hied . 10» down Mlddletown area. OS 1-3203. four-donr sedan, standard shift. 130; 14' DUMP BODY TRUCK, available to $263 CO 4-3917. New • 7-year ftnanclns remove trash from yards, attlca, cel- 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Twi ROBBINBVILLE lars, etc. Also, equipped' for contract- OUTFIT #1263 (new) door hardtop. Black, First offer of TRAILER BAIZES, INC. ing work. 8H 7-2144. SITUATIONS WANTED, Male + 9-pc. modern bedroom grata "all 787-6606. Brsnch location - Rts. 33 and 34 ColllnRwoort Park. N. J. HAVE SEDAN WILL TRAVEL-To Ai PART TIME MULT1UTH 1250 opera * 10-pc. living room group (convertible) CADILLAC AIR CONDITIONED odd lobs auch as cellars pumped oul tor. Xerography. Evenings and week- * 5-pc. dinette, and ... •*— .. BEST BUYS 49 In MINT CONDITION. Radio, heate GREAT LAKEBhouie trailer. 41' by small lawns, fence building, wlndo\ ends. BH 1-1923 after 6 p.m. custom interior. All new whlta wall; 8'. cleaning and minor repairs. All wor Reconditioned Refrigerator $595 RU 1-1473 alter 6 p.m. CO 41046 guaranteed and reasonable. Call TotO THREE RELIABLE BOYS available Plus Utility Cabinet and Rugs— at LI 2-0242. for yard, attic, cellar cleaning. Qeneral 1952 HARLEY DAVIDSON — Good co 19SS MARLETTE - 10x46. with 8130 outdooi work. Call evenings. 8H 7-1869 ALL NEWI • dlllon. Inquire Mr. Carl Free, 526 Coo aluminum awning. Two bedrooms, JNTERIOR AND EXTERIOR painting man Ave., Asbury Park. clean and attractive. Maybe seen al reasonably done. Estimate cheerfully LAWN AND GARDEN WORK DONE Mlelevllle Trailer Court. West Keaiis- given. BH 1-8055 or OS 1-1783. BY EXPERIENCED MAN. $378 1956 FORD STATION WAQON foul burg. Call CA 2-2594 or SH 7-0437. CALL SH 7-0319 door. Fordoraatlc, power steering, radl TREES. STUMPS, heavy limbs. Col- heater. A-l, low mileage. Must sel 1958 CHAMPION — 42x8'. Two bed lege experts majoring In FORE8TRY. ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER — Part NEWorUSED (550. 15 Maplewood Ave., Rumaon. rooms. Excellent condition. Must sell Call SH 1-4839. evenings 6-9. time, experienced, all phases, senera THRIFT WAREHOUSE Call 63J22524 alter 5 p.m. «nd week- ledger, statements, complete charge or KARMANN-OHIA _ 1058 hardtop COUI ends. LAWN AND GARDEN WORK DONE assist. CO 4J5O54 22 Eait Front Street, Ktyporf, N. J. excellent condition, two-tone green, r; BY EXPERIENCED MAN. dlo, heater, 34,000 miles, 11375. 8K CALL SH 7-0319 CELLARS, attics, backyards cleaned. For appointment dial CO 4-3022 0067. Also light hauling. Call "Pnll" AT 1- TRACTORS ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS — Sidewalks, 3507. 1957 CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER, e: patios, masonry, cesspools, laterals, STORE HOURS: Monday thru Saturday 9:00 A. M. to*;00 P. M. cellent condition. Priced for quick sa CASE --- 90 six-ton trailer $779. Tag- trenching. Additions, grading and fill. PLUMBER'S HELPER Thursday and Friday Evenings 'til 9 RUSSELL SH 7-10M. Along four-five ton trailer with stee Dial 787-39(5 or 787-4940. Experienced mat $479. AT 1-3410. Call CO 4-8SS7 1959 SIMCA DELUXE — Black. Ibui CAN OFFER YOU MUCH door, whltpwalls, radio, heater. Perfei condition. 30 miles to gallon. One owl EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE PETS AND LIVESTOCK MORE IN THE WAY OF er. J675. BH 1-1230. BOATS & ACCESSORIES FINANCIAL HELP WANTED-FEMALE SLEEP LATER PUREBRED COLLLE—A mala b«tuty 1951 CADILLAC COUPE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES In coat, structure, expression!, disposi- SAVINGS, SERVICE AND WHITE. JIM GENERAL FACTORY WORK and op WINDOW SHADES tion; blue Merle, 28 monthi; famous CALL AT 1-3504. A & B BOAT SALES erators. Apply In person, Arttln Mllli MOBILE SERVICE STATION tor lease Champion Bell Haven bloodline; AKC Inc., 10 Pearl St., Long Branch, N.J Front Street and Olobe Court. Red ON YOI.'K ROLLERS registered, papers; show or pet; hous«- DEPENDABILITY . . . 1962 PONTTAC—Four-door, good tire! Offers Bank. Reasonable rent. Limited Invest- WHILE YOU WAIT radio, heater. 9100. broken. Will sell at fraction of cost «• • BE8T PRICES DENTAL ASSISTANT — Experlencei ment. Excellent opportunity. 9-5 call right home most Important. LI 2-0700, 811 71528 • LARGEST SELECTION or Inexperienced, full time. Write "As CA 2-8049. after 7 call 8H 7-5918. • HIGHEST QUALITY 1948 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER slitant." Box 511, Red Bank. DELICATESSEN — Fully equipped. 833 1.59 suit Oood condition 160, Call On all boats, motors and trailers. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS to work at Broadway, West Long Branch. Going AT 1-3410 Also a complete line of paints, hard- horns for fund raising organltatlon. In business. CA 3-4250. PROWN'S RED BANK REAL ESTATE FOR HINT ware, water skis and accessories. FTROT WITH 1160. Cash, takes It* Atlantis Highlands area. Call VA e- A CHANCE TO BECOME THE Raw- 32 Broad Bt. 8H 1-7600 APARTMENTS Cadtllas. DISCOUNTS TO 40% 7888. High Dealer ID nearby Townships. Don't DE WALT MODEL MB — Power Shop, LI 2-209» TELEPHONE SALEB, NEWSPAPER pasa up the opportunity. Permanent ft" Joiner planer; 12" »*, 42" wood TWIN OABLB^^Apartmenu. Srour-room 1961 MERCURY — Nin« passanfer s A*B BOAT SALES SPECIAL BDITION. Part or ttll time year-round Income. Uany earning 9100 lathe bed, drill press, floor model with apartment on riverfront. U6» month. tlon wagon. All power equipped. Ci Hwy. M Bslfon from your home. Excellent earnings. weekly and up. Writ* Rawlelgta'a Dept. mortise attachment. LO J-0063 after SH 1-23W. Between Kean«burt and Write "Special" Box 511. Red Bank. NJ<2-13c-117z, Chester, Fa. 5 p.m. 08 1-0770. Atlantic Highlands SPACIOUS FIVE ROOMS — Oarden LAMBRETTA MOTOR BCOOTER OB AND BOA. Television apartment. Two btdroonu, Urg* living Model Nr. 150. PRICE J240, Call O TS7-8000 RELIABLE WOMAN — Care for bab; Call room, dining room, modern kitchen, 4-6334. and do light housework, two half dayi HU 1-1678-M tile bath. Centrally locUed In fine FLYING FINN — 18', convertible top. per week. RU 1-2782. INSTRUCTION residential area ID Bel Bank. (140 per 1959 CHEVROLET — Impala, two-doc full Cover, . running lights, electric TWO OOIL BPRINOS — Full size, month. Available immediately. BH 1- hardtop. Excellent condition, $1575. 8! bilge,' CO h.p. Evlnrude with generator. TUTORING — Experienced teacher. good condition. Clean, 19 each. 8H 1- 7S73. 1961 Oldsmobile RlJ 1-11-1379—. SECRETARY for general office worl Grades 3-7. Math, English, Reading. 3215. 1-5667. Any time. permanent position, shorthand and typ. Call after 6, AT 1-1647. RED BANK — Immediate occupancy. 1956 MERCURY MONTEREY — Fo LYMAN RUNABOUT—15 h.p. Bcoti Ing required. SH 1-5700^ First floor, modern four-room apart- SUPERB, WONDERFUL TO DRIVE electric starting motor, navy top, wind- YOU'RE MISSING FIND VALUES door sedan. Oood condition. 4450. Ci SECRETARY — For school principal. TUTORING — College scholarship slu ment. Tile bath, private antranca. On 787-2105. shield, full cover, remote controls and dent. High school French, English, so- Many take advantage of our huge sav- bus line. Call SH 7-30O4. AND EASY TO OWN. BRlftG steering wheel, trailer, cushions, many Annual beginning salary $2,700. Twelve cial studies. Reasonable. SH 7-5662. 1955 FORD Falrlane, automatic foul Dther accessories. Reasonable. AT 1-000 month position, four weeks vacation. ings passed on to you. Need room, FOUR ROOMS furnished, private en- YOUR FAMILY IN FOR A door, good condition and transportatlol evenings and weekends. Write "SCHOOL" Box 611. Red Bank. FRENCH — For groups of CHILDREN, trance. Convenient to atatlon. Inquire leaving state. KB 1-4821. 8-14, and ADULTS. For details, please sacrifice contents of fin* home. Come 153 Chestnut St., Red Bank. INSURANCE — Marine, outboard-al! OPERATORS — Collar setters and call. SH 7-5335 after 7 p.m. DEMONSTRATION. 1958 CHEVROLET — Four-door statli forma. Rolston Waterbury, Realtor, seam sewers. Apply at 4 Catherine In and brown. RUSCIL'S, 29 E. Front St. THREE-ROOM — Modern furnished wagon. Good, condition. Phone RU since 1825. 16 W. Front Bt. SR 7-3500. St., Red Bank. WANTED — Spanish conversation les- apartment. Garage. Also near Fort sons. CaH 2029. MARK 15 Mercury outboard DEALERS for Wonderware. Easy mon- ANTIQUES — If you like them visit Monmouth. Call SH 7-1S47 or BH 1-3213. Immediate Delivery— 1960 COUNTRY BQUIRE good condlti. ey, promotion, $75-$200 weekly. Full or LI 2-3188 This tt That Bhop. Main St., Holmdel. IJILDCHBACK APAR.TMENTS-KEY- 11.850. 1956 Plymouth Plaza 131)5. W ' RU 1-O730 after « p.m. part time. Contests, social events, meet- Weekends only. 12-6. PORT—First offering of three-room Ings. Call OI 6-4213 reverse. sell on» or both. Call evenings SH SAILBOAT SWEET CORN — Picked every morning apartments. Maybe leen by appoint- 3362. 20" "B" Scow sailboat, complete with GIRLS wanted for pleasant telephone MERCHANDISE from our own fields, Jersey tomatoes. ment, phone CO 4-6334. Dr. E. 1. Bll- I860 THUNDERBIRD — White with r sails. $295. CO 4-3*45. work. Apply Room 5, 157 Broad St. You can't buy fresher produce. Gahler derback, 119 First St., Keyport. Red Bank. FOR SALE Bros. Farm and Nursery, South St., Interior. Price *280O. Excellent con 16' CUSTOM LAPOTAKE SKIFF — Holmdel. (Opposite Bendlx Plant). FURNISHED — Three, rooms, bath, tlon. 811 19182. Excellent fishing boat. Mercury 40 h.p. utilities, private entrance, parking. Hwy CLEANING WOMAN one day a wee 35 bus passes door. 8H 1-7&79. PONTIAC 1950 — All metal stall Eitras. 811 7-1242. own transportation. Call after 4:30 p.m. LEATHER LOUNGE CHAIR — With HAMMOND ottoman, chartreuse, }25. Club chair, wagon, |125 firm, .Call MARINE ENOINK — Owen Flagship, 787-2677. coral. 120. Good condition, SII 1-1184. THREE ROOMS and bath. Good for 811 1-4640 complete Inboard. Ready for boat. Call WOMEN —' Free dinner. Brass dish, ORGAN STUDIO :ouple or single person. Hwy. 35, Red ANTIQUES — Nice 1930 PONTtA CA 2-9611. surprise gift. Only during August. Cal OF ASBURY PARK ALMOST NEW baby crib, Slrollo chair, Bank. 811 1-3014. SEDAN. One owner. 186« Plymout OI 6-4213 reverse. Thomas Spinet Organ _ % 595 car bed, carriage. Reasonable, going Vj ROOMS, unfurnished, good location, 16' JERSEY SKIFF, 2« T Bird en overseas. AT 1-0866. «450./BH 1-O710. glne. Three years old. $1500. Csll AT For The Best Available Help Call Hammond Chord 8-6 $ 79! children, pets permitted. Available) Au- 1-0745. EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Conn Spinet Organ . \ 54! CONTENTS OF HOME—Three bed- gust 1. SH 7-1772. SH 1-8115. 195*^ RENAULT DAUPHINE — »54! Hammond M-3. walnut f 996 RassaS" Bros. Pontlac. 395 Broad 8t 60 Broad St. SH 7-0577 Red Bank rooms, living room, dining room, kitch- SAILBOAT — 16' Comet. In water SALES AND SERVICE en, den. 18' diameter, 3' depth Dough- 1961 Cadillac Red Bank. SH 1-5180. ready to go. Two sets of sails. $279. GERL — Part-time typist about ten RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION boy plastic pool with fence. SH 1-T112. 1955 PONTIAC — Six passenger stall Phone SH 7-1500 or AT 1-0186. Hours a week. Typing, mailings, etc. COMMERCIAL RENTALS Must be neat and capable. Ouardlan Open Dally Till 9 — Saturday Till 5:30 MOVING—Baby furniture, ironer, stu- ELEGANCE, THE ULTIMATE IN AN 1 wagon, $595. Rassas Bros. Pontlac, 39! 12' CHRIS CRAFT RUNABOUT with BTORB FOR RENT — On White SL Broad St., Red Bank. SH 1-5180.. Life, 789 Broad 8t., Shrewsbury. BH 7- COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. dio couch, round table, toys, lawn mow- Mercury Super 10 Hurricane. All paint- 1876. . er, Ice skates. Other Items. SH 7-24M. Call your own broker or Call 8U 7- AUTOMOBILE. DRIVE ONE AND 1H55 FORD — Station wagon, $39! ed; ready to go. Boat and motor in PR 5-9300 uoo. good condition. Priced at $200. Call CLERK-TYPIST — 22-40 years, short- HOMEMADE-UTILITY TRAILER. Rassas Bros. Pontlac. 305 Broad 8t ORGANIC OLAUCONITE — Bulk seed LODGE ROOM! for rent. Center of YOU DRIVE THE FINEST. Red Bank. 8H 1-5180. LI 2-0S51 before 4 p.m. or SH 1-2021 hand required. Permanent position, Red after 4 p.m. Bank area. 37ty hour work week. Give and farm supplies. SWARTZEL'S Holm, CO 4-6017 town. Could be used also tor oflict 1958 BUICK - Special, two-iloor han details and experience. Write "C. T.", del Rd. by railroad. Hailct. space. Approximately 2.400 sq. It Writ top, $1105. Rnssas Brim. Pontlac. 31 BARGAIN — Any boat you want ELECTRIC MEAT 8LICER — Meat •LODGE" Box 511. Red Bank. Box 511. Red Bank. TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines. cuber. National cash register. All ex- All Makes & Models Hroad Bt.. Red Bank. SH 1-5180. own. Low bank rates. Financing FACTORY LOFTS for rent approximate rangements completed In one call at SIX FRIENDLY WOMEN — Needed All makes new or used. Guaranteed. cellent condition. Call 787-0208. 1955 FORD — Two-door, $205. Rail Low as 125. Berplco's, 101 Monmoutb ly 3,000 ft. each. Ons loft street levp -I any of our offices. THE MONHOIJTH -Ight away lo help start shop-by-mal other separate building. Writ* "MAC Bros. Pontlac. 395 Broad 8t., Red Banl COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. SH I- club. You help your rrlenda, they navi. St. Next to theater. SH 7-0485. A LARG£ BAG of scrap foam rubber SH 1-6180. for toys, etc. 75 cents. . Box 511, Red Bank. When you buy from RUSSELL you'ra 1000. money. You get famous products free. EXERCYCLE — Like new. S225, 110 FOAMART Rte 35 EATONTOWN 1956 FORD —- Falrlane, hardtop, $421 I960 17' PENN YAN. 35 h.p. Evlnrude Send today for cletmij ami free 276- per month. Call SH 7-1524 assured of the best tervice avail- Raflsa* Bros. Pontiac. 395 Broad 8 page catalog. No obligation. Popula evenings motor complete, canvas, electric start. Club, Dept. D862. LynbrooK. N. Y^ Red Bank. 811 1-5180. Ing, mahogany, windshield. Exceptonal WE BUY AND SELL anything and Free Installation HOUSES FOR RENT able. Our factory trained mechanic* ly good condition. Reasonable. PR 4 WOMEN —Full or part-time for tin everything. Olve the blgbost prices. 1954 BUICK •— Super four-door sedan 7241. ALUMINUM COMBINATION UANV FURNISHED RENTALS - l. $190. Rassas Bros. Pontlac. 395 Broai Red Bank-Mlddletown area. Salary and Call William Left Furniture, Inc.. Hwy. STORM. WINDOWS all prices and sizes. £Ua Wiltshire have the know how to keep your car St., Red Bank. SH 1-5180. car allowance. Part-time 9-1 as repre- 35, Mlddletown. SH 1-3213. Open eve- Agency, 1480 ocian Are,, Sea Bright MARINE SUPPLIES tentative of Lullabye Diaper Service. nings till 9 p. m. Everything For Tin Boatman. New 6 for $77 BE 2-4004. Open seven days. Trouble Free 1958 PLYMOUTH—Station wagon. |850 Call SH 1-2642 for appointment, be- OIL PORTRAITS. 18x24 from color Rassas Bros. Fontlac. 305 Broad St. Jersey's largest marina supply house. een 9-1 p. m. only. Thret-channel tilt, triple Insert, SUMMER RENTAL — Three rooms, Red Bank. SH 1-5180. Xvtnmds) Sales and Service snapshots, $15. No payment if not sat- kitchen, pantry, hath room. Furnished. SHOP RUSSELL' & BE SURE HOUSEKEEPER — Live in. capital isfied. OS 11017 or Box 103, Middle- triple tilt action! 140 week. Inquire 31 Oak It., Keans- 958 RENAULT DAUPHINB — Ferlei THE BOATMAN'S 8HOP woman for general household duties, town. N.J. PROWN1! 32 BROAD ST.. RED BANK burg. clutch, radio, heater, new transmission M Wharf Ave. Red Bank help with care of three children, op USED LAWN MOWERS J25 and up. 30 BHadyslde 1-7500 WIDE SELECTION OP RENTALS - $728. CA 9-2178. 8H 1-S78O. portunity for right person. CaH CA 9 gallon hot water electric boiler. 2.000 VARIETY FURNITURE STORE — Go- 3477. Furnished and unfurnished, lmmed- 951 CHEVROLET — Two-door, gooi Open Sundays and Holidays watt generator, gas heater, Hundreds ing out of business sale. Used furniture ate occupancy. Samuel Teichsr Agency 'tinning order. $95. 9 A.M. - l P.M. of other things must be sold, need department. Kitchen tables, chalrB. Oceanport Ave.. OceanporL Call or dial For The Finest In OS 1-3414 room. Fsnner' Mower Shop, 140 Hwy. beds, springs, dressers, chests, youth LI 2-3500 or LI 2-5501. 4' CHRIS CRAFT — 15 h.p. Evlnrude. 36. Belford. 787-9629. beds. Many, many more items. No 1954 RAMBLER AMERICAN — REA arrier, anchor, oars, $1SO. HELP WANTED-MALE reasonable offer refused. Must dispose FULLY AIR CONDITIONED split level iONABLE. CALL CA 9-3831 SWINGS AND SLIDING BOARD tl5 Immediately. 115 West Front St., Red Four bedrooms, living room, kitchen, Used Cars—Check These SH 1-2414 , :.V OUTBOARD FIBERQLAB runabout. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN complete. Kenmore gas clothes dryer Bank. dinette, lfi baths, family room, v $160 IHRYBLER — 19*8 WINDSOR. Full 959. Fully equipped with controls. 40 ISO. Call BH 1-2381. month. By appointment. OS 1-3712. Position available In Organic Research USED LUMBER — Enough for two- I960 JAGUAR lower, new tires, excellent condition, t.p.* Mark 55 Mercury motor electric OFFICE DESK with hidden compart- car garage bungalow. Reasonable, Call BUNGALOW — Two bedrooms, com itarllng. $600. 787-9654. Laboratory for person with applicable ment for typewriter. Swivel type chair. 1300. Call SH 1-2211. laboratory experience. Complete com- 787-6771 Rlter 7 p.m. pletely furnished. Includes all utilities XKISO coupe. Alaskan white with red leather Good condition. Will accept any 'reason- (130 per month. LI 2 0252. IUNBEAM-ALPINE Sport Roadster — 18' TERRY SKIFF — 35 h.p. Johnson, pany paid benefit, program. Applj In able) offer. SH 1-5138. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING — sn'prior. One owner, low mileage. FOR THE 960. fWBb. Call at Fantasy Quay Ms- full" y equippedequipped.. Boa- t- i•n water. 1650. person. Contents of homes, stores, estates, HUMSON — Lovely four-bedroom rench Ina, Bea Bright, N. J. Call YPfNG AT HEART. CO 4-2389. INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS SPECIAL SALE cellars attics. China, glassware, an- home, paneled living room, best sec- 954 CHEVROLET — Half ton PlcKup 5' RUNABOUT with 30 h.p. Evlnrude AND FRAGRANCES tiques, art objects and all bric-a-brac. tion on one acre. For rent commencing ow mileage, excellent condition, 15' ind trailer, windshield, steering wheel, to-i op Ruscll's. 25 East Front St. SH 1-1693. Labor Day. Also available for balance I960 CHEVROLET S00 Rose Lane Union Beach of summer season. Furnished. CaH RL •hesls: Cal AT 1-0269-R. rontrols, cushions, tank and running MAHOGANY ANTIQUE Empire buffet. Iin|i.ila two-door hardtop, power steering. Pow- , Ignis, quick sale, first (395 lakes all. GENUINE ALCOA ALUMINUM COM, 1-0780 or LO 7-1122. )H 1-1683. 1 74U" x 24V. Complete original hand • '• de, radio, heater, premium nylon white- IADILLAC — 1956 FLEETWOOD. Ful IMMEDIATE OPENINGS BINATION DOORS, heavy 1" thick, crafted brasses. Keys for drawers and SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE—OH hut. all lower. $1160. Excellent condition. Dr. 14' RICHARDSON Shelter Skiff. lPlicT any size up to giant 36x85, two glass doors. Matching solid mahogany table, Improvements. Storm windows. Fenced *'"i, black and white exterior with matching arren Fowler, 303 Broad SL, Re wo bunks, hesd, full canvas, Chrysler WE NEED MEN NOy/ Inserts, one screen 'insert, complete, 54" round. Four leaves, custom made yard for children. 71 Mala St., Utta- •i i t Interior. One owner, 14,000 original miles. ftnk. 177, 24 hours motor time. In watt-r. ready to hang. Installation optional, table pads. Excellent condition. *WII1 wan. Call TEaneck 7-2138. l •m.lO.n l CLEAN. Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 8H 1-45(10 vlthout motor, $100. SH 7-1885. Company established and doing Dull- iouaa radio, $10.50; etc. RUSCIL'S, 25 rooms of furniture now being held E. Front St. In storage warehouse. Consisting of 1960 BORGWARD IN 8' CHRIS CRAFT saa skiff, 1960. 105 ness In this area for the past SO bedroom suite, sectional and dinette LEONARDO — Four rooms and sun i.p., 32 miles ner hour, excellent con- 'cars has opening for married man with with accessories In almost new con- parlor. All improvemtnts, rent, tV). AT 1 • ibl station wagon. Black enamel paint with Itlon. Anklng $2500. transferred to Cal- ;ar, bondable, and ready to work. Open- dition. Furniture waa originally worth M781. ornla. CA 2-2032 or RU 1-1704. Ing In Monmouth and Ocean Counties. ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE (700, balance now 1360. Mr. Peters, EATONTOWN — 3%-room Cottage, • leather interior. Four-cylinder with four- Work with district manager while tr«ln- manager, will arrange terms and de- IWNER~TItANSFERRED - SiFZtihH Rent A Piano $12 per Month modest rent. 281 Wall St., east of • :1 transmission, radio, heater, whitewalls. USED CARS ing. Call PR 5-0706 for Interview. livery. I will pay storage and de- Circle. Sen Fox" fiklff, Chrysler Sea V engine, ITALIAN CHEF — Year-round. Ref- KNABE. MASON-IIAMLIN. 8OHMER livery charges. Call CO 4-3022 for I 0 miles, one owner. IXONOMICAL. 1961 Valiant V-200 sedan. Ex- ?»R 1'ian 100 hours. Extras. SH 7-0270 erences needed. Qood Job for right per- appointment. ,[ERCi.'RY~" ~io~hTp. outboard. Ex^ son. LAM Restaurant, 619 River Rd., CABLE-NELSON. EVERETT. 8TECK 1957 CADILLAC ecutive car, 2,300 miles has Fair Haven. SH 7-9270. SEVEN PIECE — Dining room set, oak rll.'nt condition. S1IHI. Cookman Ave. 4 Main St., Asbury Pk. wood limed. Westlnghouse dryer. Both FURNISHED ROOMS 1 Power Steering, Radio. Heater RV 1-1603 >e de Ville, Provincial white with black and and many extras and with a SALESMAN Open dally till 9 Sat, till 5:30 In excellent condition. Call after 5, HOTEL BEL AIR — 126 Brighton Ave.. ,' interior. One owner, low mileage, fully '"fTnipPEWA • Runabout. llKht~ast An opportunity for a capable and hsrd PR 5-9301 CA 2-2582. Long Branch. Sleeping rooma by day new car guarantee. •wly pnlnted. excellent conriltlon. leall working man who wents a permanent 10 USE SHUTTERS — Reasonable. or week. Nightly, single, 13; double, S5. " sr equipped including six.-way power seat, ror>[, -complete nrcessorles, moving. position. Call HO 2-1074. TW 9-6868. COOKWARE Weekly |10 and up. .1 " only 2200.00 u«t wll. SH 1-7458. Pine stand, S12. etc. 117 Main St. (next i' whitewalls. A SMART BUY. Beautiful 21 piece set of, matching to Port Monmouth fire house). RED BANK (Ingle, double room gentle- RAILERS -• Used, lor 14' to 17' boats 1961 HIGH SCHOOL cookware, sacrifice,'$18. Will deliver. man, couple, block to trains, busses, I960 Valiant V-200 4-dr. sta- Call SH 7-2662. DANISH MODERN-Olled walnut eight- shopping. SH 1-1856 after 5 p.m. 1956 CADILLAC ISO to 1200. Boat, SUI * Scooter Cen GRADUATES piece living room, six-piece dining room, 1 tion wagon, 10.000 miles, fully r. 75 While St.. Red Bank. 8H 1-1124. With Mechanical drawing training. LIMED OAK nine-drawer dresser with three-piece kitchen set; three-piece solid FURNISHED ROOM, Gentleman only, iupe. Black with goddess gold top and giayl equiped and guaranteed. ITBOARD MOTOR — Evlnrude 15 Write giving full resume ol training mirror, double bed with bookcase-head- oak bedroom. After 5:30. SH 1-6121. private, horns. Conveniently located. SH i ior. Low mileage, new whitewall tires'.I p. Excellent condition. Call weekendi to UDf Box 103. Red Bank. board, box springs and mattrens, ma- 1-8784^ only 2300.00 logatiy dropleaf table. OS 1-0417. TENT — 10'xl2', used once. Firm 150. :an»herry'», 899 Hwy 35, Mlddlelown. RETIRED MILITARY MAN to tervice sISaLJD ROOM — Prlvat* home. Two "i .:ED RIGHT. ' carrier boys and Post Exchanges in HAND-CARVED oak set, sofa, two Call after ft p.m. 9.19 KLoiN~dUTBOARD •- Motor. 12 Fort Monmouth area. Distribution Ar- SH 74921 blocks from Campbells Junction, CaH T959 DeSota Sportsman 4-dr. i p, 1'nnd ons sisson. $140. 25 Third chairs, two tables, orglnally $250, now . - my "Dimes, Thursdays and Fridays. |50. Also limed oak corner table, $7. TIIAYER OIUB — WIIIL mattress like 787-9192. hardtop, Power Steering, Pow- :. rturnflnn, Phone LI 2-0083. RU 11561. new, also playpen, both 120. Three speed ATTRACTIVE — Single, double rooms. Quality Service er windows. Leather trim. A 20" window fnn, J15. LO «-3«9. Kitchen privileges. Hot ind cold run- AUTOS AMD TRUCKS BUTCHER — Experienced, Tor week KODAK VERIFAX Photo Copier for let- ning water. Free TV. Hudson House. Quality Dealer • Quality Salesmen real cream puff with low mile- ends. Babstos Pork Store, 506 Alain f and legal size paper. Like new, com- TWO KROEHLER SOFAS — Convert- 131 Hudson Ave.. 811 1-9862. age. St., Belford. 787-9119. ete with Matrex paper and solution. Ible. Arm chair. Call after 6 p.m. SH I- Cost new $150, price $75. Call OS 1- 8488. ROOM AND BOARD — For elderly only 1850.00 , McCARthy WOO. person. Weekly or monthly. Country CHEMICAL OPERATOR SINOER SEWINQ MACHINE — Auto- location. Call OS 1-1802. VARIETY FURNITURE STORE — Go- matic 7.ig zaR, walnut console, In per- 1957 Cadillac 62 4-dr. sedan, CHEVROLET Butch or contlnuoui procesi experience Ing out of business sale. Bunk beds with fect condition. SH 7-0095. FRONT ROOM — Three windows, COM one owner, low mileage, in necwiiary. Complete company paid :abls springs, guard rait and ladder, nectlng bath. Quiet street. TV antenna benefit program. Apply In person, 140; five-piece dinette set, $39: 9x12 BARGAIN anil garage available. SH 1-0658. RUSSELL tip top condition. .Greenhouse glass nnd clay pots. -ugs. $25; unpalnted captains' chairs. NEEDS YOUR INTERNATIONAL FLAVORB AT 1-3410, only 1750.00 AND FRAGRANCES |6: foam rollaways, $20: kitchen cabi- 800 Roaa L*n« Union Beich nets from $9; coll springs, $8. Many REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OLDSMOBILE 1957 Plyirfbuth custom station CAR NOW! more Items. Everything at cost or CADILLAC below. 115 West Front 8t., Red Bank. MERCHANDISE WANTED HOUSES FOR SALE wagon, Radio, Heater, Auto- WE PAY THE LIMIT! SALESMAN 3) USED ROA room air condition, PIANOS and musical Instruments matic Trans. Below wholesale. FLOOR COVERINGS •rs. Automatic. «i ton. Call OS 1- wanted. Highest prices paid. H. Ten- FIVE-BEDROOM custom split. 1200 sq. Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank 1264. only 550.00 UP TO 5,000 Must be experienced In floor covering. zer. 306 Main St.. Lakewood or Vox- ft. living space. On large shaded I": S&H GREEN STAMPS Salary plus commission. Inside selling THREE-PIECE Victorian set, perfect croft 3-2100. with fruit trees. Deluxe home in Wrsl Our Air-Conditioned Showroom only. No canvassing. Excellent for ex- Long Branch, has many extras li condition. Call mornings,' 1012 SH 1- WILL TRADE 7000 BTU air conditioner 1!)56 Buick special 4-dr. hard- WITH THE perienced, aggressive salesman. Many •863. eluding three-zone heating, convenln. OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 P.M. top. Clean. PURCHASE OF ANY company benefits. Apply Thursday, 1 for 5-10 h.p. outboard motor. Air con- to schools, beaches and shopping p.m. to 10 p.m. Floor Covering Dept. IAVE ABOUT 100 pieces of school ditioner used only five weeks, will not Easily converted for professional use. only 450.00 "O.K." USED CAR Atlantic Superama, Rl. 35, ind 'urnlture suitable for play, nursery, or fit casement winnow of new home. Reduced 135.000. Shrewsbury Ave.. New Shrewsbury. lunday school. Please cull Becretnry. SH 1-4709. CORNER LOT — Fenced "in. This 1!W2 T-'onl Step-In Truck Inton Falls School, LI 2-0187 between 1955 Buick special 4-dr. 1952 I'ontlnc Hardtop MAN — Part tlmeT7o~t»iedroom suites, Victorian rockers, mod- let you assume a OI V&% mortgage 1(«« nulck..jllvlrra 2-clr hardtop and part-time available. Write "Floor," wlUi payments of f86 if you qualify. owner, clean. 10M Mercury 4-dr. I,nw Price :rn chairs, lamps and lamp tables, PETS AND LIVESTOCK Ilox Ml. Red Bank. naple dinette set, WestlnRhouse radio. TWOSTOItY stucco has three inrK" 1!W7 PonllFic Convertible. P. Steer. bedrooms, tile bath, fireplace, heated only 300.00 1M7 Ol,lnmoblli> 2-dr. Hardtop MEN WAITED— Over 1». Stockwork iots, pans, dishes, china, glassware and AKC GERMAN SHCI'IIBHD puppies. .rlc-a-brac. RUSCIL'S, 25 E. Front SL Seven weeks old, wormed xand shots, sun porch, full basement, lovely shsrlc 1HS7 Kor.l Kairlane 600 Hardtop and delivery truck driver. Apply after lould Farm. SH 7-4343. trees snd peach and cheery trees. Good transportation available, 111(17 Hulck Century 4-ilr. Hardtop 1 p.m. Carroll's Stationers, 28 Broad Taxes are low and location Is good. 1958 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan Ht., Itert Bank. N. J. VENETIAN BLINDS BASSET PUPS — CO 4-3095 guaranteed for inspection. l!»!l Kord Wngon, 9 Pnji». See the ribbons on Ule wall tn.ooo. 95.00 and up 1WW Thundprhlrd. Beautiful ROOFING AND HIKING MECHANICS. 11 Sizes 17" to 36" wide, 64" long Anytime you'd like lo call, 1M!) Kambler Station Wngon Experienced. Apply 9 a.m. Insulation A BLAINE REAL ESTATE 1W!1 Oilmen, 4 ilr.. 11*11 Hldlnj Corp., 1)05 Mnln St.. Asuury Park 2 for $5 WANTED — AKC registered English 1%D Kuril AnjtllJi MECHANIC — On Setter, stud service for our female. LI 2-1188 LI 2-2020 IWO f'orvslr. 4ilr . R*l! low temperature cabinet. Steady em- PROWN'S KE 1-1H94. mill nievriilet 4 .Ir., Auto., R*H ployment, high .salary, union benefits. 32 Broad St.. Red Bsnk. BH 1-7500 f"OODLE BIIPPIES — Small mlnla- SHREWSBURY—Three-bedroom RanclV I!M1)| Vallnnt 4-ilr Call MArkel i-OMO. Newark. lOITSEHOLn GOODS — Excellent con- ure, right weeks, malts, AKC. aprlrnt er. large living room with dining arm, ifWll Ctirnlr Mraiu, Like New lltlon. Call after 8 p.m. and brown, !A5. HI 3-2330 or BH 1-4168. dill basement with playroom. Plot flfix DENDER'S 1!HH Ilrnntilt l>niipli!ne, new OS 1-010.1 122. WalldiiR distance lo school and bu«- Chrysler. Imperial, Plymouth WILLING lo sell or share bpnulllul llne. Price JH,500. HELP WANTED-Mate - Female ABY CARRIAGES - New, $1095: lilnck rlrllng registered marc. Person MIDDLGTOWN — Three, miles M McCARthy itrollers, $5.95. Crl)>s, piny ysrol, mnt- mm! have adeqtmtA riding and graE- •lowntown Red Bank. Newr three-lii-'l- . and Valiant BARB EMPLOYMENT AOENCY resses. Save at Red Bnnk Carriage nK area. SII 7-4239. Qualified Personnel For Quality Orders, Ihop, 3 East Front flt.. Red Bank. room Split with gums room, Hi h«th>. First and Lincoln Avenues 178 Broadway, Long Branch. CA 2-4747. ENGLISH SPRINGIER. -- Bpsnlel pup' built-in garage Pries *17,600. Wmrt CHEVROLET 'RADB IN your old furniture with no py. Own with pride. Mrs. A. Luttgens, Nempth Agency, BH 1-2240. Member Atlantic Highlands, N. J. LICENSED real estate salesperson: For lown payment and gel a new parlor tl>l, Colls Neok. WH «-45O7. Mulllpld Listing. 151 Klr«t Ave. AT 1-M3D active office In Multiple Listing Service, ir dining roorrj set, at ssls prleea. Wil- AT L0I56 ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS flood floor time, good commission. Call liam Left furnlturei Inc., Hwy M, HANDSOME MALE DACHSHUND — (Mora Cluilfled Ads Open S a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday to I OB 1-0600. Harry A. Kearney Js Co., allddlttowa. IH Mm open evsntogs Puppy, fully lnoeulsted, housebroken, Mlddletown. 111 » p. m. worm free. Reasonable. SH 7-&9S5. On The Next Page) itAL KTATi FOR SAU HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RED BANK REGISTER HOUSES FOR SALE Use the COOL, - COOL ,- COOL JUST FINISHED Thursday, July 20, 1961—27- MEW tiree*edroom ranch, VA ftuiy AIRCONDITIONED INSIDE-Tall Utd baifcs, cm) dialog room, ant water B ER G beat, dry butmeBt, attached garage. Register evergreens {hade outside! Bride klLciiea .jfrtth built-io ov*n. nle« comer HOMES FOR AMERICANS VETERANS < tad frame - among the appealing: lot, excellent vuue at 117,m Realty Firm FOUR or H*e-btar<»m Cap* Cod. Two Classified NO DOWN PAYMENT features - three spacious bedroonfs full baths, dialog room, tiuBdry, at- (master 17') den, fireplace, two -* LEGAL NOTICE $79 Per Month tached garage, large screened porch, baths, lovely. kitchen with dish- fenced in yard. A good buy at 120,700. NOTICE Adds to Staff Join flit WeHvIng Club. You'll know washer and plenty of closets. NINE-ROOM split level, four or five what w» mean when you «« this bedrooms, recreation room with bar. Separate sealed blda (or tbe following lovely threMjedroom home with formal Oversized car garage. Hard to full dining room, 2H batlM. den, dry III be received by th« Middletown dlrrlnf room, science kitchen, base- imagine this beautiful setting basement, two-car garage. Lovely cor- ownshlp Board o( Education at the At Hazlet ment, mud room, range, bllndi, com- ner lot over »i acre. Wall-to-wall car- dmlnlstratlon Building, 69 Tlndall bination aluminum storm sash and a within walking distance to peting pins other extras. Only 125.700. oad. Middletown. N. J. up to 8:00 lovely landscaped lot In a central io- schools, shopping and station - '.M., E.D.8.T. on Tuesday, Aug. 1, HAZLET — N. Christian Niel- etilon. Immediate possession, at clos- $27,900. Offers invited. R. C. Collier Broker sen, president, has announced the In* 1. Curbs and Sidewalks L! 2-2268 Evenings RU 1-0933 2. Black Top Road Work appointment of Mrs. Howard J. $11,700 Full Price 3. % Blue Stone VERY LOW PRICE RANGE — Five- 4. Pianos Rohloff, 12 Roberts Rd., Hazlet, WALKER & WALKER room bungalow located near busline. Specifications and forms for bidding and Mrs. Cecelia Bailey, 1 Green- Non-Vet $355 Down Vacant. Ready for immediate occu- ay be secured at the Board of Edu- REALTORS pancy. Only 17,850. ttlon Office, 69 Tlndall Road, Mlddle- wood PI,, Middletown, as mem- Monmouth County Office >wn, N. J. bers of the sales staff of the Highway 35 Shrewsbury The Board of Education reserves the Rt. 35, Middletown, N. J. REDDEN AGENCY ght to reject sny or all bids and Baronet real estate office here. waive Immaterial Informalities." SHadyside 1-5212 SHADYSIDE 1-5660 JAMES W. DAVIDHEI8ER. THE BERG AGENCY Open 7 Days Multiple Listing Service Secretary. 301 Maple Ave. Cor. Bergen PI. uJy 20 (4.92 "Personalized Service" Two Offices to serve you better. Rt. 35 Red Bank OSborne I-1000 13300—CAN ASSUME 414% GI mort- NOTICE Member of Red Bank gage. Three bedroom ranch. 169 per CPEBIOE COURT Ot NEW JERSEY Dally 99 Saturday and Sunday 10-7 month. Price: »14,5O0. Call 787-1234. CIIANCEUV DIVISION Multiple Listing Service MONMOUTH COUNTY NICEST SECTION ot Eatontown. One- family house, six rooms. Price |15,< TATE OF NEW JERSEY: 900. LI 2*798. 'O: JOHN FRANCIS DOWLEN CHOICE NEW HOME By virtue of an Order of the Bu< Five-year old, two-bedroom Cape crior Court ol New Jersey, Chancery jlvlslon. made on the 10th day ol Cod, very clean, top condition, LINCROFT LOTS AND ACREAGE uly 1B61, In a civil action wherein garage, $95 monthly. Three large bedrooma, large dining RUMSON — Choice residential rone, 2lalne D. Dowlen Is the plaintiff and room, living room, completely modem near river. 240x400". J8.500. ou are the defendant, you are here- kitchen, two complete baths, large SH 7-SO08 required to answer the complaint ONLY $400 CASH Rarage, hot water oU tired baseboard the plaintltf on or before the 11th heat, 103x145 plot. Koma Court. Call LOTS FOR SALE — Middletown Area. lay of September 1961, by serving an BEACH'AGENCY SH 1-7062 or LI 2-95ii for appointment. Phone RU X-2029, or .nswer on Wise, Wise, Wlchmann A SH 2-0092 lerlchL Esquires, plaintiff's attorneys RUMSON RANCH — Near river and 'hose Address Is No. 54 Broad Street, New, Enlarged Quarters school. Living room 21'. Three' bed- PORT MONMOUTH — 76x100. Corner :ed Bank, New Jersey, and In defaull DINING I KITCH room«, dry basement, low taxes. $20,- lot. Water and gas. Several treei, near hereof such Judgment shall be ren 1400 Highway 35 Middletown 500. $2000 cajh qualified buyer. railroad station, 9800. OS 1-1750. lend against you as the Court shal RUMSON BUILDING LOT — 2>/4 acres, hink equitable and just. You shall file OS 1-2727 part pond, landcaped. Rumeon Road, our answer and proof of service In BEDROOM Schanck Agency R. Epple,' RU 1-2585. duplicate with the Clerk or the Su- perior Court. State House Annex, Tren- RIVER RKHWS — Bplltlevel In park 8 Linden PI, Red Bank ton, New Jersey, in accordance with 12*4*13 like arts. Docking facilities, spot SH 7-G3B7 e rulei of civil practice and pro- lefts condition. Four bedrooms, family REAL ESTATE WANTED dure. dlnlnr room. Kitchen with dining area. Member Multiple LkUnf Family room, hasement play area 2>i MIDDLETOWN RANCH—Living room, WE NEED LISTINGS — Prompt pro- The object of said action is to ob baths. Two-car attached garage. Ex- fireplace, family kitchen with dining fesslonal service. Homes shown by ap- in a Judgment of divorce between cellent value at *3:,750. area, three bedrooms, two tiled baths, pointment only. IP said plaintiff and you. plastered walls, covered porch, two- Dated: Julv in. 1061 car attached garage, hot water base- McGowan Ryan Agency WISE. WISE, WICHMANN Lawrence J. Schilling board oil fired heat. One block to buses, > Red Bank SH 7-3000 & BERICH 16 Spring street lied Bank near station. Asking ?L 3,%0. Immediate Attorneys for Plaintiff. Mrs. Howard J. Rohloff LIVING RQOM occupancy. WH 6-S551 or CA 2-2937. SHatlyslJe 7-4121 LJHT KUUK HUME WITH WAUOSH * 54 Broad Street. WALKER tlis oltict that often com Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. Rohloff, a graduate of 14-6 - 15 Member Multiple U»tln| Service RED BANK—Beven-room house, lour uly 13, 20. 27, Aug. 3 *25.46 bedrooms, one down, two baths. Alumi- plete service. We tak« houses in trade. Matawan High School and the num combinations, garage. SH 1-8526. wn finance, we appraise, and best of ail IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY we Bell. Walker A Walker. Real Estate. Berkley School of New York, re- Four-bedroom split. $25,200. Two tiled MIDDLETOWN — Applebrook, five- Insurance. Open 7 days. Shrewsbury NOTICK balril, powder room, science kitchen, room ranch, attached garage, patio. office. BH 1-5211 Rarltan office. CO i- TAKE NOTICE that application ha; ceived her real estate license last dishwasher, laundry room, gas dryer. Beautiful largo lot. OS M45i, 5212. seen made to the Director of th« Di- Many extras. IHS pays all with VA% vision of Alcoholic Beverag* Control April. Since June, she has suc- V. A. mortgage. SH 7-0666. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP — One of WE HAVE BUYERS i transfer Stats Beverage Distribut- cessfully negotiated three sales. the most desirable three-bedroom FOR RANCH HOMES or's License presently Issued to Rob* JHDDUBTOWN—Transferred. Four-bed- apartments la Vail Mutual, ready for MIDDLETOWN — Holmdel area. Two- rt Frledlander, Receiver of New Jer-She has been a Hazlet resident room split. Two baths, porch, garage, occupancy In August. Many extras, In- ;hre« or four bedrooms. Up to $l»;000. ey Shore Distributors, Inc. for prem- sidewalks. - sewers. X17.B0O. BH 1-4089. cluding oil heat, additional closets, air Call BARONET REALTY, Hazlet. CO sei located at 235 Creek Road, Keam< for the past year. conditioner and full-sire Chamber* gas 4-2010. mrg, New Jersey to Charles Kublak, NEW MONMOUTH - Minutes to Bell range. Low down payment, $69.75 Labs. Lovely three-bedroom ranch. Ex- HANDYMAN SPECIAL desired. Used, rading as Hazlet Beverages for prem- monthly pays all charges Including ies located at Lot 23, Block £8M, Box cellent condition. Full basement, at- maintenance and utilities. U 2-1039. but not abused, eight to twelve-room tached garage, screened porch, dining within 10 mile radius of Key port. Box *-A, Highway 36. Hazlet, Raritan room, ceramic tile bath, includes wall SEA BRIGHT—376 Ocean Ave. Well 23, Keyport, N.J. 'ownshlp. New Jersey; and to main- lo wall carpeting. blinds, aluminum built home. One or two-family, tear i.Ti a warehouse at Lot 23, Block Ktorms and screens. Walking dlBtance cottage, extra lot. Private ocean beach. Action! That's what The Register .M, Box 64-A, Highway 36, Harlet, to churches, parochial and public *17,900. SE 2-1765-J. Classified ads have been selling foi aritan Township, New Jersey: and to •chools. shopping center, Newark and their advertisers for over three-quar- lalntaln a salesroom at Lot 23, Block EFFICIENT SPLIT-LEVEL: This seven-room, split-level home is designed for gently sloping New York buses. Assume low it, per ters of a century.—Advertisement. WM. Box 64-A, Highway 36, Hazlet, Cent Ql mortgage. Cash $5,500. Prlncl- I'A U L a BTR V KJCK. Realtor. iHrltan Township, New Jersey. land. It has 1,196 square feet of habitable area on the main floor with garage, recreation room pals .only, pa 1-2566 after 6 p.m. Plans and specifications of building and storage space in the basement. The architect is Jan Reiner, Box 96, New Port Rickey, Fla., Farms «.ad {arm estates. But* -LEGAL NOTICE a be confltructed may be examined at CO-OPERATIVE BUNGALOW, four Highway H HolmdeL Pnont WH iie office of the Director of the Dl- and the plan is HA198R. loams and bath. 164.50 monthly Includes NOTICE 6-4144. Idlon of Alcoholic Beverage Control. maintenance and utility. Vail Homes, TAKE NOTICE that Robert Fried- Charles Kublnk resides at 5 Dlbllng LI 20612. lander, Receiver of New Jersey Shore :reet, Union Beach, New Jersey. FAIR HAVEN — Two-family duplex Distributors Inc. has applied, to the Objections, If any, should be made BPLIT LEVEL HOME — A.-1 condition. lor sale. Call BH 1-8298 after D nmediately in writing to the Direc- Attached garage. Lot 85x180. Land- p.m. Director of the Division of Alcoholic leaped. Many extras. 116,000. OS 1-0887. Beverage Control for a State Beverage or of the Division of Alcoholic Bev> Distributor's License for the premises rage Control, 1100 Raymond Blvd.* BRICK RANCH PAINTED WHITE — iewark, N. J. RED BANK — Three-bedroom house. On hall acre of beautiful. trees and situated at 235 Creek Road, Keans- Two-car garage, center of town, min- burg. New Jersey, and to maintain a shrubs, large living room, fireplace, CHARLES KUBIAK, t/a utes from schools, stores, churches And dlntng room, spacious modern kitchen, warehovise. at Z35 Creek road. Kesris- railroad. Immediate occupancy. SH 1- burg. New Jersey and to maintain n HAZLET BEVERAGES two bedrooms, tiled bath. Large hobby Lot 23. Block 66M. Box «4-A 1120. room (could be third bedroom! at- salesroom at 235 Creek Road, Keans- burg. New Jersey. Highway 36, Hazlet, IilNCROFT — Three-bedroom ranch. tached garage, big screened rear porch Karitan Twp., N. J. Newly painted. Large dining area in leads to lovely wooded area of seclu- Objections, it any, should.be made Uly 20, 27 $13.8; living room, full basement. On approxi- sion. Asking $21,500. Russell M. Borus Immediately In writing to the Director We Want mately 100x140 landscaped lot. 116,900. Realtors. 600 River Rd., Fair Haven. ol the Division of Alcoholic Beverage SH 7-IM6. SH 7-4532. Member Multiple Listing Control, 1100 Raymond Blvd., Newark, (OTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS Service. New Jersey. •UPERIOR COURT Or NEW JERSEY LITTLE SILVER — Threb-bedroom ROBERT FRIEDLANDER, ranch. On tree-shaded private acre. NEW SHREWSBURY. QUICK! Won't CHANCERY DIVISION Receiver of New Jersey MONMOUTH COUNTY Jalousied breezeway, brick pntlo. Cus- last. Transferred owner asking $27,000 Shore Distributors Inc. tom extra.!. Asklnc $32,000. SH 1-8161. for one year old split level on *i acre. 801 Bangs Avenue, Docket No. Three bedrooms, l!i baths, real family FAIR HAVEN—Early American home Aabury Park, New Jersey. STATE OP NEW JERSEY: kitchen. Dishwasher, party rooifi, utility July 20, 27 ' $8.58 O: GEORGE STIEFP HOLMNGER, on miniature estate. 100 yds. from room, two car garage, basement, hot river. Adjacent to bus, shops, schools. water heat, fully shrubbed, storm win- BETTY JANE HOLL1NOER, his wife, 17x30' living, den, pine paneled kitch- I NOTICE and THOMAS JONASEN en, etc. faxes only (380. CHARM dows and screens. SH 1-6076. You are hereby summoned and re' Mrs. Cecelia Bailey AND PRIVACY. J19.90O. SH 1-4640 or CKRTiriCATF. OF RKTIRKMENT ulred to serve upon Reussllle, Corn Broker. NEW SHREWSBURY— Fair field Homes OF CAPITAL STOCK OF /ell. Mausner ft Carotenuto, plain Section. Army officer transferred. RED BANK MANOR, INC. 1 Mrs. Bailey, a lifelong rcsiden NEWSBOYS! Rambling ranch situated on approxi- ffs attorney, whose address Is 3< ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Three bed- The location of the principal oflice Iroad Street, Red Bank, New Jersey room bungalow, modern kitchen, batli, mately H acre of welj-landscaped of Middletown has been active in grounds containing living room, dining of the corporation In this state Is ,n Answer to the Complaint filed i rull cellar. Immediate occupancy. Price Red Bank Manor, Bed Bank, New civil action, In which Patrick J. many civic organizations there. J10.500. AT 1-3026. area, kitchen with built-in range and oven, four bedrooms and two tiled Jersey. JcOann, Jr. and Joseph T. Orause She also was licensed last April UTTLJE SILVER — Ranch home, three baths. Full basement. One-car attached The name of the tgent therein and ire plaintiffs and George Stieff Ho bedrooms, dining room, fireplace in garage. Anyone regardless of age or In charge thereof upon whom process Inger et als are defendants, pending In June, she made two sales. living room, screened patio. ty acre. Income can assume thts priceless 4>£ against thU corporation may be served in the Superior Court of New Jersey. Call 8H 7-4167. per cent GI mortgage with $2,700 down Is R. Thomas Bowers. ithin 35 days after August 3. 1961 Mr. Nielsen said his firm's and take over payments. Now vacant. Red Bank Manor, Inc.. a corporation iccluslve of such date. If you fall ti June sales amounted to $200,000, THREE-BEDROOM 8PLJT — with un- organized and existing under the LAWS lo so, judgment by default may b* finished fourth. Living room, dining Immediate occupancy. SAMUEL room, modern kitchen with bullt-lns, TEICHER AGENCY, 287 Oceanport of the State of New Jersey, hereby endered against you for the relief de and included: and plenty of cabinet space, 1H Ave., Oceanport. LI 2-3500 or LI 2-1501. CERTIFIES: anded In the Complaint. You shal] baths, laundry room, 12'x22' recreation That the 699 shares of Class B Pre lie your Answer and Proof ot Serv- Purchase by Dean Van Der with custom bar, attached garage. LOVELY RANCH STYLE HOME. Three ferred Stock of the corporation Issued ce In duplicate with the Clerk ol Clute, a commercial architect ac- Storms and screens. Convenient to bedrooms, full basement with additional and outstanding are reduced by 290 .he Superior Court, State House An- schools, shopping, etc. Located In New 21x12* bedroom, and partly finished shares thereof now held by the cor- nex, Trenton. New Jersey, In accord- tive in the Middletown area, and Jtonraouth on 100x150' lot on quiet 18x11* recreation room, attached ga- poration, to 409 shares thereof, and ance with the rules of civil practlci deadend street. 117,900. Call OS 1 rage. Almost \k acre, full grown ihade the 250 sharea of Class C Preferred nd procedure. Mrs. Van Der Clute, of the resi 0838. No brokers. trees, lots of shrubs, Assume low 4*4 Stock of the corporation, being the This action has been Instituted foi dence of Mn and .Mrs. Barry El per cent GI mortgage. $5,200 down, $116 entire number of Class C Preferred :he purpose of obtaining a Judicial sslt INTERRACIAL—Ranch. Two bedrooms, per month pays all. OS 1-1006. Stock of the corporation issued, if lands and premises located at &07 gort, 16 Garden Ter., Hazlet, and tile bath, modern kitchen, finished outstanding, are reduced by 250 shares ireen Avenue, Belford. Middletown by Almo Gasperini, West Orange, basement. Extras. 113,900. SH 7-2939. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Waterfront, thereof now held by the corporation 'ownship, Monmouth County, New Jer- beautiful view. Three bedrooms, fire- to no shares thereof now outstanding. place, modern kitchen including re- y. You. George Stieff Holllnger. an regional sales manager for the frigerator and washer, oil steam heat, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Red Bank ade a defendant because you hold sr BETTER THAN NEW Manor, Inc., has caused this certificate indlvlded one-sixth Interest In part o: Lionel Corp., and Mrs. Gasperini Two-year old, eight-room split. Corner large enclosed porch, garage, 30' studio or play house and other extras, Large to be signed by Us President and laid lands and premises. You, Belt) of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo property. Basement, attached garage, Secretary and the seal of trie corpora- Tans Holllnger, are made a defendanl fully stormed. Owner being trans- lot. Excellent condition. Price $17,500. Clancy at 31 Calt Dr., Hazlet. AT 1-2143-J. tion to be hereunto annexed this 30th because you have an enchoate right o ferred, priced to sell. Must see this day of June. 1961. lower In sn undivided ane-stxth Interest •roperty and compare. Call PR e In part of said lands and premises. Sale of the residences of Mr, f512. MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE — Beauti- RED BANK MANOR. INC. fully landscaped ranch in pleasant By PHILIP J. BOWERS, Ifou, Thomas Jonasen, are made s and Mrs. Henry Mauer, at 17 Ra- NEW SHREWSBURY — Four-bedroom neighborhood, near all conveniences and President. lefendant because you hava an en Ranch. Two full baths, full cellar. Con- transportation. Three bedrooms, modern Attest: :hoate right of curtesy In an und coon Dr., Hazlet, to Mr. and veniently located to railroad station, kitchen, larg« living- room with fire* Robert Eisner, vlded one-sixth Interest In part of sal Mrs. John Alvardo, Woodbridge; •chools, churches. Five years old. In place, attached garage. 117,500. OS 1 Secretary, lands and premises. erfect condition. Lot approximately 2517. (Seal) Dated: July I, 1961. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anders, J50x200. Asking price *21,00O. Call LI 2- I. GRANT 8COTT. 2400 between 9-5. BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT property STATE OF NEW JERSEY) " Clerk ot the Buperlor Court. 16 Lammers St., Hazlet, to 917 River Rd. Fair Haven. Approxi- FAIR HAVEN — In fine condition. mately 60x90, eight rooms, within walk- as: uly 13. !0, 27, Aug 3 *36.54 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Preziosi Living room, dining room, large kltch Ing distance to school and center of COUNTY OF MONMOUTH) Eatontown; of Mr. and Mrs. Louis on and powder room, first floor. Sec town. Immediate possession. For ap- BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this NOTICE Vistica, at 16 Oregon Ave., Haz ond Door, three bedrooms, bath, and pointment call SH 1-0894 or SH 1-0232. 30th day of June, Nineteen hundred N ORDINANCE AMENDINO ANT •undeck. Recreation room in basement. and Sixty-one, before me the sub let, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lam Treet and shrubs. Asking 125,000. Con- UNCROFT — Owner transferred. AIL acr.ber, a Notary Public ot New Jer BOTPLEMENTINO. CHAPTERS 20 brick split ranch, eight rooms, 2% AND 22 OF THE ORDINANCE Stance Smith. 14 Maple Ave., FalrtHa' sey( personally appeared ROBERT EIS- -KNOWN— BY—ITS—SHORT—FORM prikos,_Garwood;—of^Mr,~ •TWSTSiTYMOK ~^~ ' bathsr^3onvenlenr""tcr~«hoppln g,~tni sesr NER—who-belng-4)y~me-duly-«worn Excellent schools. Immediate occupan- his oath, says that he is the Secretary TTTliE AS "REVISED ORDINANCES Mrs. Frank Brearly, at 22 West RIVER PLAZA — Rural section, t\ cy, SH 7*0270.— *~ of Red Bank Manor, Inc., the cor- OF 19S1". ADOPTED JUNE 5, ... Susan St., Hazlet, to Mr. and Mrs. bedroom home, over one acre, two-car poration named In the foregoing Cer- BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayoi garage. BH 7-3157. EXCEPTIONAL BUY — In Red Bank and Council of the Borough of Rec Kenneth Clark, Jersey City; and area; Immaculate eight-room bl-level on tificate; that he well knows the cor' Bank, that Chapters 20 and 22 of lh> JMIDDLETOWN — Spilt level, seven half acre In top area. Large living porate seal ~of said corporation; tba above entitled ordinance be amendei of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, a rooms. Includes breakfast nook, sliding room, separate dining room, science the seal affixed to laid Certificate is .nd supplemented ss follows: (lass door in living room leading to kitchen, 15x2' gam* room, four twin the corporate seal of said corpora SECTION 1. Chspter 20, "Traff 36 Millbrook Dr., Middletown, to large screened In porch. Fenced In size bedrooms, 2*1 bnthn, oversized tlon; that the said seal was so affixed ^ct". Article 11, "Loading Zones", Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards, corner lot. Assume 4',t per cent GI two-ear garage. Transferred owner says and the said Certificate signed and lereby amended and supplemented b mortgage, or FHA appraisal available sell for $25,800. Blwood A, Armstrong delivered by Philip J. Bowers, who Lddlng Section 11 as follows: Maplewood. 117,000 without realtor. SH 1-7787. was at the date thereof the Presiden Agency, Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., of said corporation, in the presence oi SECTION 11. On the west side of Rented by the firm was the UNCROFT HOLMDEL AREA-Beauti- Little. Silver. SH 1-4500. this deponent, and said President, a Wharf Avenue from a point 35 ful center hall colonial on 1% acres. SHORE * CREST — Split level. Eight the same time acknowledged that h< feet of its Intersection with the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert (4O.50O. Hand split shakes anil red rooms, four bedrooms, recreation Toom. ligned, sealed and delivered the same north side of East Front Street Cates, at 30 Sycamore Dr., t brick, four bedrooms, 2!4 baths, maid's Two baths. Nicely landscaped. Sewers, as his voluntary act and deed, and and running 88 feet north from BOYS... room, game room. Builder's own home. close lo schools. $18,900. SH 1-2056. as the voluntary act end" deed of nil' said beginning point. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fenton, BH 1-7733. corporation, by virtue of authority SECTION 2. Chapter 20, "Zoning" SPLIT LEVEL — Red Bank area, from Its Board of Directors, and tha Article 3, "Uses Regulations Controllln; Hazlet. (16.000 FOR QUICK SALE — In Fair Eight rooms, two full baths. Fully land '1nnonent. at the SBme time, subscribed Residence Zones", Section 1, Paragrap! Haven. Well built, excellent condition. scaped. Excellent condition. Principal! his name to said Certificate as an at , Is hereby amended and suppl You can earn extra money Six rooms, VJj baths, large porch, ga- only. Call SH 1-0932 7-10 p.m. and al lasting witness to the execution there' mentivl to read as followa: rage. Near adhool and shopping. Con- Jay Sunday. of. (d) Philanthropic or eleemosynary -LEGAL NOTICE •lance Smith' 14 Maple Ave., Fair Ha Sworn and Subscribed before me) uses or institutions, other than cor- Ten. SH 1-2308. NEW SHREWSBURY — Three-bedroom rectional Institutions, or asylums ranch. Recreation room, two baths, two- at Red Bank, New Jersey, the) NOTICE OF VARIANCE with a Red Bank Register date aforesaid.) for the Insanp. CO-OPERATIVE GARDEN apartment. car garage, patio, one acre plot. Ex- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall tsk Notice 1i hereby given tlmt the rec< Two bedrooms, living room, bath, large ROBERT EISNER. ommendatlon of the Board of Adjust- cellent, Ansutne mortgage. Price $22,500 (Seal) •ffect upon Its passage and public kitchen with dlntng area. Venetian LI 2-1438. Ion according to law. ment of Holmdel Township, dated JU' blinds. One block from Broad St. buses. Marie F. Baumann Iy fi, 1061, that Brii Telephone Labor- newspaper route. Find out Price (6,500. Maintenance 179 monthly. RUMSON — Cape Cod, two bedrooms Notary Public of N. J. PUBLIC NOTICE atories, Incoporated, he itrnnted a var- Stove, refrigerator. Washing machine large expansion attic, cellar, oil heat, My Commission Expires The foregoing ordinance was Intr iance to erect and une a flinall rrtdflt '•nd .dryers in corporation laundry attached garage, 100x100 corner, low March 13th, 1966 luced and passed first reading at Rntennn. and portable, accessory equip loom. Phone BH 1-4038. taxes, near schools. $18,000. KU 1-070C. July 20, 37 —• $30.89 regular meeting of the Mayor an ment builtllnK. to be located on tni Council of the Borough nf Red Banl* premise* known fl«: hlnrk 21, tnt how easy it is to have your held on Monday, July 17. 1061, an. of the Holmrip] Townnhin Tun Map nil come up for final connlderatloi was duly approved and the nnld var mil passage at a regular meeting . ance granted by I he Townnhlp Con laid governing body to be held on Mon mlttee of Holmdel Township. Monmoul own route and start mak- lay. Mmuit 1. 1081, at «:30 P.M.. a! County. New Jersey, on July 13, lftfil hp Council Chambers in the Municlpn Building, Monmouth Street. Red Bank The determination In on file und maj CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY New Jersey, at which time and plsci be inspected In the office of the town ing extra cash. all persons desiring to he heard ther ship clerk. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI r>n will he given full opportunity. (Binned) Dated: July 17, 1981 BEI.L TEUCPHONE JOHN BRYAN JjAROTtATORIES, INC. Borough Clerl . Applicant. uly 20 I Adding Machines—Typewriters China and Glass Repair Painting and Decorating July 20 II B \WUNQ MACHINES - Typewriters EXPERT MttNLUNU - Cnina. ilass. CARL B JONEa-P»imin» and dec- ,-- MAIL THIS COUPON TO—- sold, ranted, repaired. Serplco's. 101 silver reflnlshlng and plating. Tfisrni., orating. Qeneral contracting. Pret Konmouttl Bt. Red Bunk. SH 70(85. OS buckets, China A Olsss Shop, 147 estimate* Call BH 1-4343 24 hours Rrnad Sr. Red Bank SH 1-AIKI RED BANK REGISTER CLASSIFIED RATES THE RED BANK REGISTER Appliance Repairs Public Stenographer 1 Day _ ...40c Line Fuel Oil - Heating I Days Consecutive ..32c Line APPLIANCE REPAIR ond Inslnlla- BARR SERVICES (Ion Residential and commercial wir- FUEL OIL A HEATING—Call SH 1- TYPING — Publicity; Bookkeeping 4 Days Consecutive ..30c Line CIRCULATION nEPARTMENT ing. Allen Electric. SH 7-0612. (Win Oil llellvery, Inc., Bcrvlcs A Service, MlmeoRraphlnR. Will pickup 5 Days Consecutive _.25c Line Sales 3 Herbert Bt.. Rei|, B»nk. ami deliver. CA n-3500. SO Days Consecutive ...24c Line 10-12 BROAD STREET, RED BANK Auctioneer to Days Consecutive _-23c Line Radio-Television Repair Blind ids Mint rtia RaHstsr'i P O. Boi 3)o »!r*. B O COATS - An essential Aucttun Home Improvements Vppralinl Service "anywhere." 288 A. C RAIIIO A TlibKViSlON CO.- Norwood Ave.. Deal. Phon* KElioffE ALTEHATIONa. repairs, roofing, sid- 123 Shrewsbury Ave. SH 1-4708 SERV- Yearly Contract Rates on Request 1-3161. ing, cabinet making. Free estlmatts. ICE WHILE VOU WMT Minimum lni*rtliia Thrc* Uses Your Name , W Murray J87-W7. Right to classify, sdll or rsjsct anr adv«rtis«ment Is rsstrvsu D PKlMtlRXNO "Tin Carp«nter." by The RftKtsfsr Auto and Truck Rental Uxperlcnceri alterations, repair work, Roofing, Siding and Insulation Wa will not t» respontlbis (or errors, umsts uity fcra dauctad out-lnslde mi* 1-4151. 811 7-MB1 Dtrora tria ssRonti insertion. Street ...... AVIS—Rent a nsn car or truck. Low WORKING MANS contractor-Alter- Insulation A Biding Corp. Certified No cancellations will b* accepted or chantsa made in adraruta. rales Maple Ave.. Red Bank. SH 1- ations, additions, painting, masonry, Johns.Manvtlto contractor. PR &B4O7 ments one hour alter receipt at office. 0308. PR 1-52K Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m. all those little 1o»s LO 8-1714 or Adam Llnzmayer AT 1-0302 Town :.... OLSON CO. U!C. - Roofing. Siding « DEADLINE 5:00 P.M. Day Bifor* Publication Insulation. Installed and guaranteed for 10 years PR S-O70S— AT 1 0J4O. CLASSIFIED DMPLJiir Building Contractor INSURANCE • •.00 A.M. Ou Belort rsbUcaMoa with prool two tajs belora Your Age Phone publication. NEW HOMES, alterations, repairs. DISSATISFIED with present Insur- Highest quality work. For estimates ance? Want a better deal? Call Dunn Tel. Answering Service Insurance Agency. BH 1-5533. call Herbert Elsenraucn. SH 1-5201. LET US BE your secretary. No need Call Classified—SH L0010 or OS 10525 to miss calli. 24 hour answsrlng KKU BANK ALUMINUM PROIJIKTTS service. BH 1-4700. NIGHTS, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Storm windows, siding, awnings Painting and Decorating SH 7-28M or HH MfiM a Dial SH 1-1110 LUUIH OAS8AN Painter, decorator. pnperlianRcr 25 years experience 43 Vacuum Cleaner Repair Calls on private telephones are toll-free to OS 1.042ft from the Ohnpln Ave SH 1-1709 alter « pm followlna stations: LOwtll 6 COIfax I. TI7 (Keansburil WHItns? 1 Cesspool Cleaning ELECTROLUX uails on private teiepnonei are tolitree to SB 10010 from u>e FINK 1NTHK1OR and elterior paint- Salts Servle* tluppllM toliowlns stations. ATlantlo Hlimsndi 1. CAnltsl 9 and t. Liberty I. ing, decorating, and paper hanging 720 Mattlson Ave., Asbury Park Fot 8Bmo iANKS dry wells serviced. prompt homa servlca or fr«t checkup HUnlanda 1. OSborna t RUmson L SEa Bilint 1 and SHadyalde I Mschln* field added. Baokfeo* work. Estimates cheerfully flna w W and T. C H. Wilson. BH MHJ. Stiles HI 8-25M- on your Elactrolux. call PR sVOML Civil War Offbeat an eye wiLness, McLean's "Real: shy at first, Were quickly made way, Jr., of Widdletowa, and Mr. 28—Thursday, July 20, 1961 RED trial! did not begin until the de- ]ijty Youngsters to feel welcome and whisked and Mrs. Ailin B. Wallace ofj At- parture of the chief actors is the away to their holiday homes. lantic Highlands. surrender. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smack took On Aug. 16,. another two city McLean Flees War ReUe Hunter* Arrive to Spend two sisters to their borne in Seachildren will arrive and both of "Bargains were struck at Bright. these will stay with Mr. and Mrs. AS YOU KNOW By TOM HENSHAW jor engagement of "the war, once for all the articles In the2-Week Holiday Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Bramley Robert Metcilf of Locust. AP Newsfeatnrts .]erupted not a minie ball's throw room, and it is even said that Jr,, of Fair Haven also have tw< Mr. Zerrer, who has made local 1 from his farm. 'McLean threw some mementoes were carried RED BANK — Six youngsters, sisters as guests. arrangements for the holidays, Most people march off to war. in the sponge. off for which no coin of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDon said the program will be con- But not Wilmer McLean. He iged 7 to 12, arrived in Red Bank To Appomattox realm was ever exchanged." 'esterday to spend two-week ho)i- nell of Middletown are hosts tinued next year, and that it is the FEMALE •tayed home and, to his eternal He packed up his family and Union Gen. Philip Sheridan paid one girl, and Mr. • and Mrs. Law toped that even more city young- •dismay, the Civil War kept fol- $20 for the table at which Lee lays with families they had never rence Hill of New Shrewsbury lowing him around. retired to a quiet corner of south' iters may have Monmouth County Is deadlier than the male, especially when It comes ern Virginia where he was sure sat during the surrender confer- :een before. took the only boy in the grqur vacations then. It started in his kitchen; it ence. It was last seen, going out home with them. to mosquitoes! If these winged ladles are giving you ended in his front parlor. the war would never find him. They were met by their hosts, His new home: Appomattox the door on the shoulder of Gen. nd the hosts' thildren, and by These children — after the holi problems, Just pick up your phone and dial OS 1-2444. The story of Wilmer McLean George A. Custer of "last stand" and his flight from the Civil War Court House. John G. Zerrer, chairman of thedays they would not have hac This number Is "on call" 24 hours a day via a fame: Red Bank Lions Club — Newwithout the kindness of their local began on the afternoon of July 18, There he lived quietly and pre special recording device that will take your message 1861, in his farmhouse not farsumably prospered until the morn Gen. Edward 0. C. Ord gave York Herald Tribune Fresh Air hosts — will return to New York from Manassas Junction, Va. ing of April 9, 1865, when he metup $40 for the table at which und, sponsor of these visits. Aug. 1. Two more children wi day or night. Don't forget, please, to leave your He was entertaining Confeder- a group of gray-clad horsemen Grant drew up the surrender The visiting youngsters, arrive that day, to be guests' ol name and address, and. a full description of the terms. He wanted to give it to Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Con ate Gen. Pierre G. T. Beaure- riding down the Appomattox road scrubbed and combed, and a little problem when the machine tells you it's time to talk. gard when the big guns of the They were seeking, they told Grant's wife but they lady turned North and South began duelling him, a well-appointed house it down and Ord was stuck with If you are a it. across a little stream called Bull where their distinguished com- smart shoe Run. panion, Gen. Robert E. Lee,After the war, his home de- "A comical effect of this artil- might hold a quiet conversation nuded of furnishings, McLean buyer, you will MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP lery fight," wrote Beauregard with another general, Ulysses S.tried to recoup his fortunes by find that buying with a literary chuckle, "was the Grant. peddling pictures of his house. SOCKS - SHORTS - SHIRTS shoes here destruction of the dinner of my- McLean offered the best house But, when the excitement had MOSQUITO COMMISSION self and staff by a federal shell in town, his own. died down, there wasn't much AND UNDERWEAR AT ... will save you that feel into the fireplace." Thus it turned out that the market for them. money.as every seventh pair OS 1-2444 The general from far off Lou-man who entertained a Confed- Creditors auctioned off his WEST END VARIETY is FREE! (No time limit). isiana may have been amused erate general in his home on theproperty in 1869 and McLean (FORMERLY BARNETT'S) by the incident but the humor first great battlefield of the Civil wandered away to try his hand FAIR HAVEN SHOPPING CENTER eluded McLean. After all, it wasWar played host to. another in thesomeplace else, a beaten man 123 BROAD STREET his fireplace. final episode of the war when who just couldn't get away from RIVER RD. FAIR HAVEN Three days later on July 21 theLee surrendered to Grant. a war that started at his door- SH 7-4838 RED BANK It Pays to Advertise in The Register Battle of Bull Run, the first me- The war was over but, wrote step and ended in his parlor.

savingn Sale Friday and Saturday in Red Bank only ^ ^s

3.98 to 5.98 Men's Short Sleeve Sport Shirts Boys* Summer Specials All cotton. Daeron Polyester and cotton, wash'n Special Purchase! 2.98» 4.98 Knit shirt, 2.19 ea. 2 for 3.99 wear cotton. Spread or button-down collar. Solids, 2.98 t» 4.98 Swim Trunks „„„ . 1.99 ea. plaids, stripas, novelties. Sites S-M-L-XL 1.99 4.98 to 7.98 Bermuda 3.98 to 5.98 Inorts and Deck Pants .. 2 for 5.99 STEINBACITS MEN'S SHOP, Street Floor STEINBACH'S BOYS' FURNISHINGS, Second Floor and Jamaica Shorts 4.50 & $5 Men's Short Sleeve Dress Shirts Pajamas for Little Girls Cool Air-Weaves, imported batistes, 100'/. combed 2 for $7 Cool summer pajamas in shorty and Capri pants eotton. Spread or button-down collar styles, styles. Cotton batiste in cute checks and interest- Sanforized. Sizas 14 to 17. 2.79 tach ing novelty prints. Sizes 4-6-6x. ' 1.79 This fine group of Bermuda and Jamaica STEINBACH'S MEN'S SHOP, Street Floor STEINBACH'S LITTLE GIRLS' SHOP, Second Floor shorts includes solids, plaids, stripes and cheeks in washable drip-dry cottons. Repeat of a Jewelry Sellout Sizes 10 to 18. $4 to $6 Special Purchase Pajamas A wide assortment of choice necklaces, bracelets, Summer • comfortable pajamas in no-iron cotton 88c batiste and fine combed cotton plisse. Regular long pint and' earrings to enhance your summer costumes. plm Values to $5 pants or boxer style. Sizes 32 to 40. 2.79 STE/NBAGWS JEWELRY, Street Floor Summer Savings! STEINBACH'S LINGERIE, Street Floor 4*98 to 7.98 Blouses Savings on Seamless Stockings $25 Staffordshire China Service for 8 A fine opportunity to stock up inexpensively on and Pant Tops Beautiful English Royal China. 50 pieces in "White seamless summerfull. Choice of 2 lovely shades. Wheat", "Devonshire Chelsea", "Tonquin", "Char- 17.90 Sizes 8'A to II. 69c Pair lotte" or "Jenny Lind" pattern. Ptr Set STEINBACH'S HOSIERY, Street Floor 3. STEINBACH'S CHINA SHOP, Second Floor

A summer assortment including Daeron 7.98 Smart Eversoft Handbags Polyesters and cottons, Daeron crepes, Special Purchase! 9*Pc. Rack Set A large, varied group of attractive bags in easy to batistes and polished cottons in smart This fine set consists of eight 12-ounce glasses in clean Eversoft. White only. Also some lovely solids. Lovely print tops. Sizes 30-38. a choice of four lovely patterns with a decorative tapestry bags. brass caddy rack. . .


Summer Specials! 5.98 Beautiful Washable Drapes Red Cross*, Mannequin .&. Cobbies Shoes Truly luxurious heavyweight drapes, 63" and 90" Remarkable savings are offered on these three 5.98 to ,7.98 long. Fine Dobby Weave in a special Permel-Plus® "famous shoe brarTdi. LaTest styles Tn •Thi« 'product hflk no t-Diin.i lion wrmUui'v.r colors. with th* American National JUri CroK», 7.99 Capri and «Cyanamid STEINBACHS WOMEN'S SHOES, Street, Floor I•v CURTAINS and DRAPERIES, Second Floor i Tapered Pants Suits, Coats, Toppers, Raincoats; General Electric Fan Misset-Juniors-Petite sizes. Nor every size in every • 20" Portable, 3 blades, 2 speeds 1 ----25.97 style or color. Summer suits, coats, toppers and 3 • 20" Portable, Electrically Reversible ---31.97 raincoats! . Vi off V • Hassock-type Floor Circulator or Twin Fan AA QQ STEIN BACH'S COATS, Second Floor These summer delights are available in solids and novelty designs in a wide range STEINBACH'S HOUSEWARES, Second Floor of interesting styles and wanted fabrics. 17.98 to 19.98 Arnel Jersey Dresses Sizes 10 to 16 5.49 Famous Make Summer Blankets A famous maker's loveliest dresses in this much " "Flower Garden" pattern in rayon and Acrilan* demanded fabric. Wrinkle-free, drip-dry, never with 100% acetate binding. 72x90" for double need ironing. Comes in solids, stripes, checks, prints. STEINBACH'S SPORTSWEAR or twin beds. Washable, non-allergenic. Pink or Dressy and tailored styles. Misses sizes. Street Floor blue. 3.90 MISSES' HETTER DRESSES, Srnmd Floor •Re». T.M. nf Th« Chfm«ti»nrl Cnrpnntlim. STEINBACH'S LINENS, Second Floor SHOP STEINBACH'S Wednesday & Friday Nights 'til 9 ^fl^TtTThTs^