Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 9046-9050, October 1991 Neurobiology Inhibition of sleep in rats by inorganic compounds, inhibitors of D synthase (electroencephalogram/microdialysis/dithiothreitol/brain temperature/food and water intake) HITOSHI MATSUMURA*, RYuICHI TAKAHATAt, AND OSAMU HAYAISHI* *Osaka Bioscience Institute, Furuedai 6-2-4, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan; and tDepartment of Neuropsychiatry, Osaka Medical College, Daigakumachi 2-7, Takatsuki, Osaka 569, Japan Contributed by Osamu Hayaishi, July 15, 1991

ABSTRACT Prostaglandin (PG) D2 has been postulated to a microdialysis probe. The results obtained add further be an endogenous sleep-promoting factor in rats, and SeC14 and support to the hypothesis that PGD2 is involved in the Na2SeO3 recently have been shown to inhibit the PGD synthase promotion of sleep under physiological conditions. (prostaglandin-H2 D-isomerase, EC activity of rat brain. The effect of these selenium compounds on sleep-wake activities was examined in freely moving rats along with their MATERIALS AND METHODS effects on brain temperature, food and water intake, and Experimental Animals and Surgical Procedures. Thirty-nine behavior. Test substances were administered for 6 hr into the male rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain (Japan SLC, Hama- third ventricle of rats, using a microdialysis technique. SeC4, matsu City, Japan), 8 weeks ofage (%250 g), were acclimated time- and dose-dependently, inhibited sleep at perfusion rates to environmental conditions of 250C, 60% relative humidity, of 60 pmol/0.2 jcl per min and higher, and the inhibition was and a 12-hr light (0800-2000 hr)/12-hr dark (2000-0800 hr) almost complete at rates >200 pmol/0.2 gIl per min. The effect cycle for 12-13 days prior to the surgical operation. was reversible and was followed by a rebound. Na2SeO3 At 9-10 weeks of age (310-380 g), each rat was anesthe- exhibited similar effects, but Na2SO3 did not show any effect on tized by intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital (50 mg/kg sleep. Simultaneous administration ofdithiothreitol eliminated of body weight), mounted on a stereotaxic instrument (Na- the sleep-inhibiting effects ofthese selenium compounds. These rishige, Tokyo), and subjected to surgery. Through a hole findings indicate that the decrease in sleep is due to inhibition bored at 0.8 mm posterior from bregma and 0.9 mm left lateral of the PGD synthase activity in the brain by SeCL4 as-well as from the midline, a guide cannula (o.d., 0.9 mm), for locating Na2SeO3. During the inhibition of sleep, the rats in general a microdialysis probe at the third ventricle, was inserted into showed an activation of behavior with moderate elevation of the brain 8.05 mm deep from the level of bregma at an angle brain temperature and a detectable increase in food and water of 6' from the sagittal plane according to the stereotaxic intake, suggesting that the sleep-inhibited state of the rats was coordinates ofPaxinos and Watson (12). Five Teflon-coated, similar to the physiological state of wakefulness and that the wire electrodes for electroencephalogram inhibitory effect was not due to the general ofselenium. (EEG) recordings, bared at the tip, were attached to the skull with their tips inserted in the frontal cortex ofthe brain, three (PGs) D2 and E2, which are the major PGs in on the right and two on the left hemisphere. A stainless steel the brain of , have been postulated to be endoge- screw attached to the frontal region of the skull served as the nous factors for regulating sleep-wake activities in the rat and earth electrode. A thermistor probe (o.d., 0.75 mm; Technol monkey (1, 2)-the former promoting sleep (3, 4) and the Seven, Yokohama) was inserted into the right hemisphere latter augmenting wakefulness (5-7). through a hole bored in the skull with the sensor portion 2 mm Naito et al. (8) reported the effects of intracerebroventric- below the surface of the brain. The cannula, electrodes, and ularly and systemically administered inhib- thermistor probe were affixed to the skull with dental acrylic itors such as indomethacin and sodium on the resin and four stainless steel screws anchored to the skull. sleep-wake activities of rats. However, these inhibitors are Two stainless steel wire electrodes for electromyogram not specific for PG0)2 but prevent the synthesis ofPGH2 from (EMG) recordings were inserted into the neck muscles. arachidonate, which in turn affects the consequent produc- Experimental Protocol. After a recovery of 8-10 tion of various eicosanoids, including PGD2 and E2. The rat days in individual cages, each rat was moved to a cage set brain PGD synthase (prostaglandin-H2 D-isomerase, EC inside the experimental chamber (Medical Agent, Kyoto), as was purified to homogeneity and characterized by depicted in Fig. 1, and acclimated for 4 days in the experi- Urade et al. (9, 10). More recently, Islam et al. (11) demon- mentally controlled environment. A microdialysis probe for strated in an in vitro study that inorganic quadrivalent sele- administration of a test substance(s) into the third ventricle nocompounds, such as SeCL4 and Na2SeO3, inhibited the was inserted via the guide cannula. Prior to insertion, the activity of the rat brain PGD synthase whereas other en- microdialysis probe was perfused with artificial cerebrospi- zymes in the arachidonate cascade were not affected. There- nal fluid (a-CSF), which was continued until the end of the fore, these selenocompounds may serve as useful probes for experiment excluding the 6-hr experimental period during elucidating the role of endogenous PGD2 in the physiological which the test solution was perfused. Baseline day recordings sleep-wake regulation. began at 0800 hr, 39-42 hr following the insertion of the In the present study, the effects of selenocompounds on microdialysis probe. The experimental period was assigned sleep-wake activities, brain temperature, food and water from 1100 to 1700 hr on the day following the baseline day. intake, and behavior were examined in freely moving rats by Recordings were continued until 48 hr elapsed following the administration ofthese compounds into the third ventricle via experimental day.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge Abbreviations: SWS, slow-wave sleep; PS, paradoxical sleep; EEG, payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" electroencephalogram; EMG, electromyogram; PG, prostaglandin; in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. DTT, dithiothreitol; a-CSF, artificial cerebrospinal fluid. 9046 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Neurobiology: Matsumura et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) 9047

FIG. 1. Flow diagram of the experimental system for administration of test substances into the third ventricle of the brain and recordings of sleep-wake activities, brain temperature, food and water intake, and behavior in the freely moving rat. VCR, video-cassette recorder; SWS, slow-wave sleep; PS, paradoxical sleep. The test solutions examined were prepared by dissolving tored using video cameras set within the experimental cham- the following compounds in a-CSF: (i) SeCl4 (Mitsuwa Chem- bers. icals, Osaka), (ii) Na2SeO3-5H20 (Merck), (iii) Na2SO3 Microdialysis. Test substances were administered using a (Fluka), (iv) SeCl4 plus dithiothreitol (DTT) (Wako Pure microdialysis technique that minimized the influence of ve- Chemical, Osaka), and (v) Na2SeO3-5H2O plus DTT. The hicle on physiological milieu of the rat brain. The microdi- purity of the two inorganic selenium compounds and the alysis probe had a semipermeable membrane 1 mm long and compound was >99%o; DTT was at least 97% pure. The 0.22 mm o.d. with a 50-kDa "cut-off" value (EiCOM, Ky- pH ofthe solutions was adjusted to 7.2 by bubbling a mixture oto). The a-CSF used as vehicle (Na' = 155.0 mM, Ca2+ = of95% C02/5% 02 or by addition of0.2 M NaOH. SWS, PS, 1.1 mM, K+ = 2.9 mM, Cl- = 132.76 mM, Mg2+ = 0.83 mM, and wakefulness were scored on EEG and EMG recordings D-glucose = 5.9 mM, pH = 7.2) was derived from the by visual determination, as described (6). The minimal scor- Karolinska Institute formulation (13). Hamilton gastight sy- ing interval for each vigilance state was set at 15 sec. On ringes were used to perfuse the vehicle and test solutions with completion of each experiment, the accuracy of the location the aid of microinjection pumps (Carnegie Medicin, Stock- of the microdialysis probe was verified by histological ex- holm). Two solutions were alternated with the aid of a liquid amination of brain sections. switch (Carnegie Medicin). The flow speed of the solution Experimental Conditions. Rats were kept at an ambient was fixed at 0.2 jul/min. temperature of250C and relative humidity of60%o while in the acclimation cabinets during pre- and postsurgical phases and while in the experimental chambers (Medical Agent, Kyoto). RESULTS Soundproof cabinets and experimental chambers were used, Sleep in rats was markedly inhibited by the administration of which were maintained on a 12-hr light (0800-2000 hr)/12-hr SeCl4 into the third ventricle. Perfusion of SeCL at a rate of dark (2000-0800 hr) cycle. Illuminance at the bottom center 400 pmol/0.2 ,ul per min between 1100 and 1700 hr began to ofeach cage was kept at 30-50 lux during the light cycle. The inhibit SWS and PS about 2 hr after the commencement ofthe interior of the experimental chambers was electromagneti- perfusion (Fig. 2). Maximal inhibition commenced 3 hr after cally shielded. Rats had free access to food and water the beginning of selenium perfusion and lasted until 2 hr after throughout the period of experimentation. the cessation of perfusion. During this maximal inhibition, Experimental Devices. Each cage in the experimental cham- the hourly amounts of SWS and PS were about 10 min or less ber was equipped with a slip ring through which EEG and and 0 min, respectively. Sleep inhibition manifested itself at EMG signals were led to an EEG machine (model 1A98A, least 3 hr after the cessation of selenium perfusion. There- NEC San-ei, Tokyo) and signals on brain temperature were after, the hourly amount of SWS, followed by PS, switched led to a thermistor-data logger (type K722, Technol Seven). to recovery phases, resulting in noticeable increases in these Each cage was equipped with an automatic monitoring sys- values beyond baseline levels. Thus, inhibition of sleep tem for food and water intake ofthe rat (Osaka Microsystem, occurred between 1300 and 2000 hr. Osaka, and Medical Agent). The automatic monitoring sys- The amounts ofSWS, PS, and wakefulness scored between tem (Fig. 1) counted the number of food pellets (45 mg per 1300 and 2000 hr were clearly related to the perfusion rate of pellet) (Bio-Serv, Frenchtown, NJ) and drops of water (50 Al SeCl4 (Fig. 3). At perfusion rates of 60 pmol/0.2 Al per min per drop) consumed by the rat. Data on brain temperature and above, SWS and PS decreased, and wakefulness in- and food and water intake were stored in a computer system creased, in a dose-dependent manner. The dose-response (Respy Laboratory, Osaka). Behavior of the rat was moni- curves also showed that PS was more strongly inhibited than Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 9048 Neurobiology: Matsumura et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) sws 1300

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FIG. 2. Effect of SeCL4 perfusion into the third ventricle on sleep FIG. 3. Relationship between amounts of SWS, PS, and wake- in rats (n = 4). o, Hourly changes in SWS and PS on baseline day, fulness and the rate of SeC14 perfusion. Amounts of SWS, PS, and obtained by continuous perfusion of a-CSF through a microdialysis wakefulness observed between 1300 and 2000 hr are represented probe chronically implanted in the brain of freely moving rats. *, separately: o, baseline day; e, experimental day. The perfusion rates Hourly changes on the experimental day. On the experimental day were 20 (n = 4), 60 (n = 3), 100 (n = 4), 200 (n = 4), 400 (n = 5), and SeC14 was dissolved in a-CSF and perfused through the probe at a 600 (n = 5) pmol/0.2 ul per min. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P rate of 400 pmol/0.2 ,ul per min between 1100 and 1700 hr (repre- < 0.001 (by paired t test). For further details, see the text and the sented by the horizontal bar); otherwise, a-CSF was continuously legend to Fig. 2. perfused. Vertical bars represent SEM. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 (by paired t test). between 1800 and 1900 hr, the brain temperature declined slowly to the baseline level. SWS. Perfusion with Na2SeO3 resulted in a similar response The mean brain temperature during the period of sleep to that of SeCl4 in the sleep-wake activities of rats (Table 1). inhibition by SeCl4 from 1300 to 2000 hr was elevated at However, Na2SO3 did not have any effect on sleep-wake perfusion rates of60 pmol/0.2 ,&l per min and higher (Fig. 5). activities when perfused, even at a rate as high as 600 However, the magnitude ofthe temperature increase was less pmol/0.2 Al per min (Table 1). dependent on perfusion rates when compared with the Islam et al. (11) have shown that DlT added at concen- changes seen in the amounts of SWS, PS, and wakefulness trations about 50 times or higher than the concentration of (Fig. 3). selenium prevented the selenium-produced inhibition ofPGD Food and water intake of the rats was apparently altered synthase activity in vitro. The present finding that simulta- during the period ofsleep inhibition from 1300 to 2000 hr (Fig. neous administration of DTT at concentrations 50 or 100 6). The mean food intake increased correspondingly with an times higher than either SeCl4 or Na2SeO3 produced no increase in perfusion rates of 60 pmol/0.2 ,ul per min and inhibition of sleep (Table 1) is consistent with this observa- higher, whereas the dose-response curve for water intake tion. showed a bell-shape pattern. The apparent changes in the SeCl4 perfusion at the rate of400 pmol/0.2 ,ul per min also mean value seem less significant, since the magnitude of the resulted in an increase in brain temperature after 1300 hr (Fig. response to selenium varied greatly in individual rats. How- 4), but the minimal increase observed between 1300 and 1400 ever, 19 of the 21 rats that received SeCI4 perfusion at 60 hr cannot explain the profound inhibition of SWS and PS pmol/0.2 A1 per min and higher ate more pellets, and all 13 during this period (Fig. 2). After reaching a peak of 39.6°C rats that received SeCl4 perfusion at 100, 200, and 400 Table 1. Effects of seleno- and sulfur compounds on sleep-wake activities of rats Seleno- or sulfur compound perfusion rate, Wakefulness, Treatment pmol/0.2 I.d per min n SWS, min PS, min min No. 1 2 Control 281.7 ± 11.9 51.8 ± 7.7 86.5 ± 4.3 Na2SeO3 200 158.3 ± 25.7 8.8 ± 3.6 252.8 ± 29.3 No. 2 2 Control 257.3 ± 5.7 58.0 ± 4.3 104.8 ± 10.0 Na2SeO3 600 41.7 ± 5.7 1.9 ± 1.9 376.4 ± 3.8 No. 3 3 Control 267.3 ± 10.3 58.8 ± 3.9 94.0 ± 9.7 Na2SO3 600 282.1 ± 8.3 56.7 ± 6.4 81.2 ± 14.1 No. 4 3 Control 274.7 ± 16.6 46.9 ± 4.6 98.4 ± 14.6 Na2SeO3 + DTT* 200 273.1 ± 12.2 47.2 ± 5.5 99.8 ± 11.8 No. 5 3 Control 274.2 ± 13.7 53.5 ± 3.0 92.3 ± 16.2 SeC14 + DTT* 400 268.6 ± 6.2 59.6 ± 5.5 91.7 ± 1.7 Test substances were administered to the third ventricle between 1100 and 1700 hr on the experimental day by microdialysis. The compounds were dissolved in a-CSF. Each value (mean ± SEM) shows the amount of SWS, PS, or wakefulness observed during the 7-hr period (1300-2000 hr) during which effects of selenocompounds on sleep-wake activities were commonly induced. Control values are the amounts of SWS, PS, and wakefulness scored during the same period on the baseline day, during which a-CSF was continuously perfused at a rate of 0.2 Il/min. *DTf perfusion rate, 20,000 pmol/0.2 ,J per min. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Neurobiology: Matsumura et aL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) 9049

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Clock time Perfusion rate of SeCI4 FIG. 4. Changes in brain temperature with time due to perfusion (pmol/0.2p1/min) of SeCt1 at a rate of 400 pmol/0.2 Atl per min. Temperature values recorded at an interval of 3 min during every 60 min are averaged in FIG. 6. Effect of SeCL4 perfusion on food and water intake. Each each rat, and the obtained value is defined to be the temperature circle represents the mean food and water intake during the sleep- during that period for that rat. Each circle represents the mean ofthe inhibition period (1300-2000 hr). o and *, intake during the same values obtained from separate rats (n = 4) by this procedure. o, period on the baseline day and experimental day, respectively. Baseline day; e, experimental day. Vertical bars represent SEM. The Vertical bars represent SEM. The numbers of rats used for SeC14 horizontal bar represents the period of SeCt1 perfusion. *, P < 0.05; perfusion at 20, 60, 100, 200, 400, and 600 pmol/0.2 ,ul per min were **, P < 0.01 (by paired t test). For further details, see the text and 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, and 5, respectively. *, P < 0.05 (by paired t test). the legend to Fig. 2. endogenous sleep-promoting factor (1-4). Hence, our pres- pmol/0.2 Al per min drank more water compared with the ent results support the hypothesis that the PGD synthase food and water intake during the same period on the baseline activity in the brain can be inhibited by administration of day. selenocompounds and that the inhibition of PGD synthase No evidence for selenium intoxication was observed dur- activity, which to a reduction in the PGD2 levels, results ing and after SeCt1 administration, except for two of the six in sleep inhibition. rats that received SeCl4 perfusion at the highest rate of 600 This hypothesis is further supported by the following two pmol/0.2 Al per min. The general posture of these two rats observations. (i) Na2SO3 had no effect on the sleep of rats in looked worse after the selenium administration. Although the present study, consistent with the finding by Islam et al. their food intake on the experimental day was 1.5 and 2.8 (11) that the sulfur compound does not inhibit the activity of times higher, respectively, than on the baseline day, showing PGD synthase. These results reveal that, although sulfur and no difference in their behavior from other rats, food intake on selenium belong to the same in the and the second day following the experimental day was much less than on the baseline day and water intake on the days possess similar chemical properties, only selenium affects following the experimental day was almost nil. Deterioration sleep and PGD synthase activity. (ii) Simultaneous perfusion in their body condition developed probably later in time after ofDTT at rates 50 or 100 times higher completely neutralized the period of sleep inhibition produced by selenium admin- the sleep-inhibiting effect of selenium in the present study, istration. and DTT at concentrations about 50 times or higher elimi- nated the inhibitory effect of selenium on PGD synthase in vitro (11). It was also shown that the inhibitory effect of DISCUSSION inorganic selenocompounds was specific for PGD synthase, The administration of SeC14 and Na2SeO3 into the third and other involved in the arachidonate cascade ventricle of rats clearly showed a time- and dose-dependent were not affected by the inorganic selenocompounds (11). inhibition of sleep. Further, selenium administration at per- PGD2, possessing a sleep-promoting effect, is actively syn- fusion rates >200 pmol/0.2 Al per min produced an almost thesized by PGD synthase in the brain of rat (9). The complete inhibition of sleep. Islam et al. (11) have recently temperature elevation elicited by selenocompounds in this demonstrated that inorganic quadrivalent and divalent sele- study can also be explained by the inhibition ofPGD synthase nium compounds inhibit the activity of the PGD synthase in the brain, because PGD2 was reported to decrease the body from the rat brain. PGD2 has been postulated to be an temperature ofrats (14). Thus, the inhibition ofPGD synthase may provide a plausible explanation for the selenium- produced inhibition of sleep. Although there are many reports on selenium toxicity (15, 16), it seems unlikely that the sleep inhibition was caused by general toxicity of the selenocompounds. Two of the six rats that received SeCt4 perfusion at the highest rate of 600 pmol/0.2 Al per min lost their appetite for food and water and also showed posture distortion in the post-sleep-inhibition 20 60 200 600 Perfusion rate of SeG14 . However, other rats, including those exhibiting pro- (pmoVO.2p1/min) found sleep inhibition, did not show any manifestation ofthis kind. Furthermore, during the sleep-inhibition period, all rats FIG. 5. Relationship between mean brain temperature during the showed normal behavior similar to that observed during the period of sleep inhibition and the perfusion rate of SeCt1. Temper- natural awaking phase. These results indicate that the sleep ature recorded at a 3-min interval during the period from 1300 to 2000 inhibition should not be attributed to selenium intoxication. hr was averaged in each rat. Each circle represents the mean of the values obtained from separate rats by this procedure. Vertical bars Neither the increase in food and water intake nor the represent SEM. The numbers of rats used for SeC14 perfusion at 20, temperature elevation was a likely cause for the sleep inhi- 60, 100, 200, 400, and 600 pmol/0.2 Al per min were 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, and bition, because the changes in food and water intake were 5, respectively. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 (by paired less significant and the temperature elevation did not corre- t test). spond well with the degree ofsleep inhibition. It is more likely Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 9050 Neurobiology: Matsumura et a!. Proc. Nad. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) that the increased activity during the sleep-inhibition period Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of influenced the food and water intake and brain temperature. Japan and a grant from Yamanouchi Foundation for Research on Sleep inhibition began to occur about 2 hr after the com- Metabolic Disorders. mencement of selenium administration. This time lag may be 1. Hayaishi, 0. (1988) J. Biol. 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