Business Opportunities for Norwegian Companies in the Pomerania (Northern ) seminar at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Norway, Trade & Investment Promotion Section Invitation Business Opportunities for Norwegian Companies in the Pomerania Region (Northern Poland)

The Regional Development Agency – the Administrator of the Slupsk Special Economic Zone jointly with the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone would like to cordially invite to a business meeting and with a seminar which will be held at the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Norway. Address: Uranienborg terrasse 11, Oslo 0351 Date: 8 2012, 16:00 The seminar is under the patronage of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Norway as well as the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce. Who we are: We are public companies with a dominant share of the government of the Region of Pomerania. We administrate the Slupsk Special Economic Zone. The Partner in the Project administrates the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone. We as the administrators of the special economic zones offer investment lands which are intended to run a business upon preferential conditions (tax exemptions). Moreover, we represent and promote investors located within both zones. The Project: We are a beneficiary in the Project co-financed within the European Regional Development Fund named as “INVEST IN POMERANIA - Promotion of the investment attractiveness of Pomeranian Region in Scandinavian countries with the consultancy regarding to services of potential investors”. The main aim of our visit is the promotion of economical attractiveness of Pomerania Region in Norway. We do believe that direct business contacts established during our seminars will give a chance to start a fruitful coopera- tion between Pomeranian and Norwegian Partners. We would like to focus on companies active in the industrial sectors. Highlights and speakers: 1. Economic Cooperation between Poland and Norway – a representative of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in Oslo ( 2. Economic Profile of Pomerania Region – Mrs Beata Slawkowska-Domurad, Director of the Regional Develop- ment Department ( 3. Business Opportunities in Pomerania Region – Incentives for investors • on example of the Slupsk Special Economic Zone – Mr Bartosz Świtała, Project Manager at Investors Services Department ( • on example of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone – Mr Jarosław Szponarski, Project Manager at Invest- ment Development Department ( 4. Discussion and food and drinks.

To register please fill in the electronic registration form at (The deadline is February 29th) For further information please contact Mr Bartosz Switala, Project Manager: e-mail: [email protected], telephone: +48 59 840 11 73, mobile: +48 604 450 206

Project is co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund.

„Invest in Pomerania – the Promotion of the investment attrac- tiveness of Pomeranian Region in Scandinavian countries with the consultancy regarding to services of potential investors.”