Predicting military and veteran suicide risk: Cultural aspects

Paul Thompson Chris Poulin Craig J. Bryan Dartmouth College Durkheim Project National Center for Veterans Studies [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

network user behavioral intent enabling interven- Abstract tion; facilitated by social / online data sources, powered by a medically-validated suicide risk This paper describes the three phases of classifier. the Durkheim Project. For this project we developed a clinician's dashboard that 2 Suicide risk and military culture displays output of models predicting sui- cide risk of veterans and active duty mili- The suicide rate among members of the United tary personnel. During phase one, we States Armed Forces has continued to rise for the built the clinician’s dashboard and com- past decade, beginning soon after the onset of pleted a Veterans Affairs (VA) predictive military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sui- risk medical records study, based on an cide is now the second-leading cause of death analysis of the narrative, or free text, por- among military personnel, with more service tions of VA medical records, In phase members dying by suicide in 2012 than by com- two, we will predict suicide risk based on bat-related causes (Zoroya, 2012). In response to opt-in social media postings by patients steadily rising suicide rates among military per- using social media websites, e.g., Face- sonnel and veterans, researchers, clinicians, poli- book. We describe the software infra- cy-makers, and military leaders have responded structure that we have completed for this with an overwhelming and concerted effort to phase two system. During phase three reverse these trends. Despite these considerable we will provide a three layer intervention efforts, however, no evidence of effectiveness strategy. We discuss our methodology has been observed to date, resulting in consider- for the three phases, including IRB- able frustration for all involved. Although specif- approved protocols for the first two phas- ic reasons explaining the lack of success to date es and a soon-to-be approved IRB proto- are not yet known, it has been noted that most col for phase three. suicide prevention efforts used with military and veteran populations lack cultural relevance and 1 Introduction do not incorporate several critical characteristics of the military culture that can create unique Diagnosis of psychological health and the predic- challenges from a suicide prevention perspective tion of negative events, such as suicide, or sui- (Bryan et al., 2012). For instance, mental tough- cide ideation, is limited by: a) a lack of under- ness and suppressive , fearlessness of standing of the true differentiating risks of sui- death, and self-sacrifice are qualities that are val- cidality (Health Promotion, 2010; Treating Sol- ued in the military, but can serve as barriers to diers, 2010) and b) a lack of near real-time reac- traditional prevention efforts. tion capability to large volumes of data. There is a need for broader coverage suicide risk detec- The military culture values strength, resilience, tion and a better understanding of the expression courage, and personal sacrifice when faced with of suicide ideation through data mining of text adversity. Weakness is not tolerated, and service and images. The Durkheim Project’s proposed members are expected to “shake it off” or “suck solution is to provide continuous monitoring of it up” when experiencing problems or illness. text based information, such as found in social

1 Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical : From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality, pages 1–6, Baltimore, Maryland USA, June 27, 2014. c 2014 Association for Computational Linguistics Suppression and avoidance have long been in every situation. In the military, one’s life linked to mental health problems and emotional might actually be viewed as subordinate to other, distress (Hayes et al., 1996), including suicidal higher “goods” such as the well-being of others ideation and suicide attempts (Najmi et al., or ideals and principles such as freedom and jus- 2007). Yet despite this “common sense” piece of tice. Laying down one’s life for a greater good is knowledge, suppression and avoidance are none- widely considered to be one of the highest hon- theless taught and reinforced within the military ors a service member can achieve. A considera- culture as a coping strategy because, in the short ble amount of research has converged on a very term after a stressful or traumatic event, suppres- suicide-specific and dangerous thought process sion can actually reduce emotional distress and for suicidal behavior: perceived burdensomeness. foster adaptation to extreme adversity (Beck et Perceived burdensomeness entails the mistaken al., 2006; Bonanno 2004). This is especially rel- perception that “others would be better off with- evant in combat situations, when natural out me” or that one’s death is of greater value responses may need to be suppressed to sustain than one’s life. Perceived burdensomeness and adequate performance and achieve mission ob- self-sacrifice are in many ways opposite sides of jectives. For example, crying in the midst of a the same coin, and it is not yet clear how or when fire fight is not adaptive or conducive to survival, perceived burdensomeness (“taking” one’s life) and therefore must be stifled. Suppression and becomes mistaken for self-sacrifice (“giving” avoidance therefore presents the first paradox for one’s life) among military personnel and veter- understanding military and veteran suicide: a ans. skill that is adaptive and useful in the short-term following a traumatic event can be detrimental These characteristics simultaneously function as and impair adaptive functioning in the long-term. an asset (in terms of military performance) and as a liability (in terms of suicide prevention) for Military personnel are also explicitly trained to military personnel and veterans, thereby creating overcome their fear of injury and death, typically a paradox for suicide prevention in military and through repeated exposure to scenarios and envi- veteran populations, and contributing directly to ronments that increasingly mimic actual combat mental health stigma. Furthermore, the values of situations, which habituates them to fear and the military culture are generally at odds with the eventually replaces this fear with exhilaration values and ideals of mental health systems, and/or other positive emotions (i.e., the oppo- which value emotional vulnerability and help- nent-process). Indeed, greater exposure to com- seeking, and focus on deficiencies and clinical bat, especially combat marked by higher levels disorders, thereby reinforcing stigma even more. of violence and injury, are associated with less In essence, traditional prevention approaches fear of death among military personnel (Bryan have conceptualized suicide in a way that con- and Cukrowicz, 2011; Bryan et al. 2011). Fear- flicts with the core identity and values of military lessness is an essential quality of a service mem- personnel and veterans. To be effective, suicide ber; retreating from danger and life-threatening prevention efforts must be culturally-relevant situations are generally not conducive to an ef- and integrate these values and ideals of military fective fighting force. Yet at the same time, fear personnel and veterans. of death is a well-known protective factor for suicide, given that individuals who are afraid to 3 Related work die are unlikely to attempt suicide, and fearless- ness is associated with more severe levels of sui- In addition to the work related to military culture cide risk among military personnel relative to issues discussed in section 2, there are many lin- civilian samples, and is associated with increased guistic approaches to analyzing suicide risk severity of suicide risk among military personnel (Barak and Miron, 2005; Jones and Bennell, (Bryan et al., 2010). Consequently, fearlessness 2007; Lester, 2008a; Lester, 2008b; Lester, about death paradoxically serves both as a neces- 2010a; Lester, 2010b; Lester et al., 2010; Lester sary strength and asset for military personnel, yet and McSwain, 2010; Stirman and Pennebaker, also serves as a risk factor for suicide. 2001). In 2011, one of the Informatics for Inte- grating Biology & the Bedside (i2b2) shared The military culture also places a premium on tasks was a sentiment analysis task to identify selflessness in the service of a higher good, and emotion in suicide notes (Combined Objective, does not necessarily view life as the highest good 2011). Of this literature only Barak and Miron

2 (2005) considers online text. Most other text imize tree size and genetic to ensure tree species analysis suicide research concerns analysis of diversity. In our prior research we have found suicide notes. There are studies of the writings that MOSES consistently outperforms standard of suicidal poets (Lester and McSwain, 2010; text classification approaches, such as Support Stirman and Pennebaker, 2001) and studies in- Vector Machines (SVMs). The primary hyper- volving distinguishing genuine and simulated parameter that we used was the dynamic feature suicide notes (Jones and Bennell, 2007; Lester, size. The resulting inference accuracy was at 2010a). first 65% and then consistently 67% or more. This was the prediction accuracy for assigning a 4 The Durkheim Project patient to the correct cohort. These data suggest that computerized text analytics can be applied to 4.1 Overview unstructured sections of medical records to esti- The Durkheim Project consists of three phases. mate the risk of suicide (Poulin et al. 2014). The During the first phase, described in section 4.2, a resulting system could potentially allow clini- clinician’s dashboard was built and a Veterans cians to screen seemingly healthy patients at the Affairs (VA) predictive risk medical records primary care level, and to continuously evaluate study was completed, based on an analysis of the suicide risk among psychiatric patients. narrative, or free text, portions of VA medical records. Also during the first phase, the initial 4.3 Phase 2: Predicting risk with opt-in social software infrastructure to collect and analyze the media postings social media data for phase two, was designed Although data collection and analysis for phase 2 and implemented. During the second phase, sec- is just beginning, the software development re- tion 4.3, now underway, opt-in social media quired for this data collection and analysis was postings are being collected and will be ana- completed during phase 1. A phase 2 protocol lyzed. During the third phase, section 4.4, a pilot for collecting and analyzing opt-in social media program will isolate serious suicide risk for indi- postings and presenting predictions to clinicians viduals in real-time, and develop a prediction via the Durkheim Project’s Clinicians’ dashboard triage model for improved suicide intervention has also been approved by our IRB. When the system is fully operational, a clinician will see 4.2 Phase 1: Veteran Affairs medical records predictive models of suicide risk for a patient study constructed from the patient’s medical records and the patient’s opt-in social media postings. During phase 1 linguistics-driven prediction Subjects are being recruited via targeted efforts. models were developed to estimate the risk of Subjects will be recruited through our collabora- suicide. These models were generated from un- tion with Facebook (PR Newswire 2013). A Fa- structured clinical notes taken from a national cebook pop-up window will be used to recruit sample of United States VA medical records. people that Facebook has identified as being mil- The protocol for this study was approved by the itary personnel or veterans. Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the VA Medical Center, where the study was conducted. 4.4 Phase 3: Intervention We created three matched cohorts: veterans who For phase 3, a protocol has been completed, completed suicide, veterans who used mental which will soon be submitted to a final IRB. health services and did not complete suicide, and This protocol includes an unblinded, 3-cohort veterans who did not use mental health services design, for a pilot program, which proposes to and did not complete suicide during the observa- isolate serious suicide risks for individuals in tion period (n = 70 in each group). From the clin- real-time and to develop a prediction triage mod- ical notes, we generated datasets of single key- el for improved suicide intervention. Plans are to words and multi-word phrases, and constructed use and improve upon the linguistically-based prediction models using a supervised machine- prediction capabilities of the model developed learning algorithm based on a genetic program- during phase 1. The phase 1 retrospective study ming framework, MOSES (Looks, 2006, 2007; was able to predict with limited accuracy before Goertzel et al., 2013). MOSES can be described suicides occurred. The theoretic assumption is as a variant of a decision-tree forest, with certain that wording chosen by those at risk will vary at genetic and maximum entropy techniques mixed different stages of risk. By building from ongo- in: maximum entropy to apply pressure to min- ing observations from the phase 2 study and

3 feedback obtained during the conduct of the that used certain word pairs had significantly phase 3 study, the aim is to adjust the linguistics- better scores than single-word models, driven model to predict suicide risk within the though they are far less human readable. The critical period for interventions of various levels phrases “negative assessment for PTSD” and of severity. “positive assessment for PTSD" carry differ-

ent meanings. This phrase-based approach In this protocol, ongoing monitoring of the net- work will allow continuous updating and change was more accurate than a single-word ap- in value of risk alert levels among the green-to- proach. For pre-selected word pairs, the in- red color coding. When the predictive system dividual model scores ranged from 52-69%, detects postings that indicate a certain threshold with an average of 64% (for 100 models). In level of potential suicide risk, risk alerts are trig- the final experiments, the combined Cohorts gered in real-time and sent to either a monitoring ‘1v2v3 classifier’ had a peak performance of clinician or a pre-identified buddy monitor, or to 70%, and an average performance of 67%. an automated system, which will generate sup- portive messages that are sent to the at-risk indi- 6 Discussion vidual. Our analyses were successful at determining To better characterize the risk for the population useful text-based signals of suicide risk. We of active-duty military and veterans, the analysis obtained accuracies of greater than 60% for for this study will be limited to the primary par- ensemble averages of 100 models, and our ticipants. These primary participants may be individual model accuracies reached 67- newly recruited via the dedicated Facebook and 69%. Given the small size of the dataset and mobile applications or, through that same dedi- the fragmentary nature of the clinical notes, cated application, from among those already par- ticipating in the phase 2 study. In either case, all this performance level represents a signifi- primary participants must provide informed con- cant achievement. For a classifier, these re- sent for this specific study. That is, those already sults represent a statistically significant ‘sig- involved in the phase 2 study must provide sepa- nal’. Meanwhile, we showed that, methodo- rate consent to participate in the phase 3 study. logically, word pairs are more useful than However, outside of the context of this study, the single words for model construction on elec- computerized intervention will be open to mem- tronic medical record (EMR) data. Fur- bers of the general public who might wish to take thermore, the predictive feature words that advantage of the program’s intervention poten- distinguished each group were highly reveal- tial. Primary participants are active duty U.S. ing, especially for the suicidal cohort, and military or veterans with English as a primary or were consistent with the existing medical secondary language, who agree to post to social media using English. The age limit for primary literature on suicide. Many medical condi- participants in the phase 3 study, as with phase 2 tions have been associated with an increased study, targets the age group most likely to active- risk for suicide, but these conditions have ly use social media, i.e., those between the ages generally not been included in suicide risk of 18 and 45. assessment tools. These conditions include gastrointestinal conditions, cardiopulmonary 5 Results conditions, oncologic conditions, and pain conditions. Also, some research has emerged So far results are only available for the phase that links care processes to suicide risk. The 1 study. For single-word models, the predic- word "integrated" emerged as a key term in tive accuracy was approximately 59% (the our study and is also reflected in the inte- average for 100 models), and scores for indi- grated care literature (Bauer et al., 2013). vidual candidate models ranged from 46- 67%. Because our training sets are balanced, Although the text on which our predictive we have used accuracy as a surrogate for model was based for the phase 1 medical precision and recall. Accuracy was comput- records study was text written by a physician ed using five-way cross-validation. Models or other healthcare provider, our hypothesis

4 is that some of the highly predictive features cult problem. We believe that studies such learned during phase 1 will carry over to the as our phases 1 and 2 studies, which use su- predictive modeling of opt-in social media pervised machine learning techniques, can postings during phase 2. This text is written uncover predictive risk factors that are not by the patient. However, we expect that clearly understood by the medical communi- some of the features, or concepts, will be the ty. At the same time, we also believe that same due to the ability to do software based more effective suicide risk prediction sys- synonym matches Additionally, a physician tems can be built based on the integration of or other healthcare worker may sometimes machine learning methods and the expertise quote or paraphrase what a patient said when of suicidologists. In particular, building an adding a note to the clinical record. A key understanding of military culture into our predictive feature, such as the word “anxie- methods will be important. ty,” may be used either by a clinician or a patient. We believe that the use of special- References ized text-analytic resources such as linguistic Amy M. Bauer, Ya-Fen Chan, Hsiang Huang, Steven inquiry and word count (LIWC) would also Vannoy, Jurgen Unützer. 2013. Characteristics, help improve our results. Some preliminary Management, and Depression Outcomes of Pri- results have been obtained using LIWC on mary Care Patients Who Endorse Thoughts of Death or Suicide on the PHQ-9. J Gen Intern our dataset. Med. Mar; 28(3):363-9. doi: 10.1007/s11606- 012-2194-2. Epub 2012 Aug 31. In future research we plan to scale up the phase 1 medical records study from our cur- Azy Barak, Ofra Miron. 2005. Writing Characteris- tics of Suicidal People on the Internet: A Psycho- rent study where each cohort had 70 subjects logical Investigation of Emerging Social Envi- to a study, using the same protocol, with at ronments. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior least 1000 subjects in each cohort. We also 35(5) October. plan to transfer the predictive model built Ben Goertzel, Nil Geisweiller, Pennachin, Cassio. from the phase 1 study to the analysis of 2013. Integrating Feature Selection into Program phase 2 opt-in social media postings. Once Learning. Proceedings of AGI-13, Springer. our phase 3 protocol has IRB approval, we plan to begin the phase 3 of the Durkheim Chris Poulin, Brian Shiner, Paul Thompson, Linas Project, informed by the results, and on- Vepstas,Yinong Young-Xu, Benjamin Goertzel, going follow-on research, of our phase 1 and Bradley Watts, Laura Flashman, Thomas McAl- 2 studies. In our future research we plan to lister. 2014. Predicting the Risk of Suicide by Analyzing the Text of Clinical Notes. PLoS ONE use additional features from the structured 9(1): e85733. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085733. portions of the medical record, as well as to Combined Objective & Subjective Shared Task An- use LIWC. In both our medical records and nouncement: Call for Participation. 2011. social media research we plan to use tem- poral analysis. Craig J. Bryan, Kelly C. Cukrowicz. 2011. Associa- tions between types of combat violence and the ac- 7 Conclusion quired capability for suicide. Suicide and Life- Threatening Behavior, 41,126-136. Although the phase 1 study was successful in distinguishing the cohort of completed sui- Craig J. Bryan, Kelly C. Cukrowicz, Christopher L. cides both from the control group cohort and West, Chad E. Morrow. 2010. Combat experience and the acquired capability for suicide. Journal of the psychiatric cohort, it was difficult to dis- , 66, 1044-1056. tinguish text based noise from signal with Craig J. Bryan, Keith W. Jennings, David A. Jobes, high accuracy in our initial results. We ex- John C. Bradley. 2012. Understanding and pre- pect that our planned follow-on study with venting military suicide. Archives of Suicide Re- 1000 subjects in each cohort will have much search, 16, 95-110. less problem in distinguishing signal from Craig J. Bryan, Chad E. Morrow, Michael D. Anestis, noise. Suicide risk prediction is a very diffi- Thomas E. Joiner. 2010. A preliminary test of the

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