May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Diary Dates

P&C Meeting-Tuesday 15th This Issue May-7:30-Library

P1 Principal’s Message P3 Art

P4 CAPA P7 Science P8 Science Comps P9 Languages & I.T P10 Sporting Challenge Principal’s Report P11 Support Unit P12 Social Science New Staff - This term sees three new staff joining the team at Merewether P16 SRC High. Mrs Nadene Harvey replaces Cecile Smart as Deputy Principal after being successful in her application for the Deputy Principal position via the P18 English merit selection process. Cecile had been on extended leave and during that P19 ICAS time Mrs Paula Reilly relieved in the position until the position was filled. I P20 Careers would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Reilly for her professionalism in the role. Her work in this role was outstanding. Mrs Harvey will be the P28 Uniform Shop Hours Deputy Principal for Years 7, 8 and 9 along with a number of other whole P29 Uniform Shop Prices school areas for which she will assume responsibility. Mrs Harvey comes to P30 Event Diary us from Belmont High School where she held the position of Head Teacher P35 Sports Tour PDHPE and had relieved as Deputy Principal for an extensive period of time. Mr Bruce Hill joins the Mathematics Faculty and comes to us from Lambton Sponsors High School, via the merit selection process. Mr Hill is an experienced Mathematics, Extension 1 and 2 teacher. Coming Events Ms Barbara Davis joins the English Faculty and comes to us from Swansea 15 May -Y11 Visual Art High School, also via the merit selection process. Ms Davis is an experienced English, Extension 1 and 2 teacher. Exhibition We welcome these staff members to Merewether High School and look 15th-17th May-NAPLAN forward to working with them over the next years. Y7&9 NAPLAN - The Australia wide Literacy and Numeracy testing will take place Friday 25th May-Friday 1st on Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 May. Years 7 and 9 will June-Y11 mid-course exams take part in the testing which provides us with valuable data to support us in the development of our students’ skills. This data allows us to establish plans for each student around those areas they excel in and those areas they require further support and development.

Year 12 Tutorials - All Year 12 students and parents should have received an outline of tutorials we will be running on Wednesday mornings throughout terms 2 and 3 commencing Wednesday 9 May 2012. These tutorials are to provide revision and a different perspective from teachers students don’t necessarily have on a regular basis. As well as these tutorials each faculty has put together a program of the things they do to support our Year 12 students as they move towards their Trials and the HSC.

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Anzac Day – We celebrated our Anzac Day as a school on Thursday 26 April. Many of you though, would have seen our students participating in ceremonies across the region, speaking, playing the bugle and marching. Congratulations to all of these students. Some of you will have seen the mention of Briony Beale in for the role she played in the Civic Park ceremony. Included is some of Briony’s speech – “we are the lucky generations, the ones who benefit from the sacrifice of our families. Today we remember the soldiers’ bravery and courage and recognise the aspects of the legends that are ingrained in all Australians today. We are proud to call ourselves Australian and when we do we associate with bravery, courage, mateship and endurance”.

School Development Day - Teachers had a very successful and interesting day looking at Sentral and Moodle, an all in one program, to assist us in teaching and learning, reporting to parents, attendance monitoring, student welfare and communication within the school. Staff received training from people within the school as well as regional office personnel on the programs implementation. We will be rolling out different aspects of this program throughout the course of the year.

Stellar Astronomy Scholarship for Girls Award – congratulations to Yang Ming Goh of Year 11 who received a Stellar Astronomy Scholarship for 2012. Only twelve scholarships were awarded across the state and this is a much sort after scholarship by girls studying Physics for the Higher School Certificate.

Yang Ming Goh and Verity Firth at the Stellar Astronomy Scholarship Award Ceremony.

Lions Youth Of the Year – congratulations to Elyse Hudson, Year 12 2011, for her success in reaching the State Final in this prestigious competition this year.

Invitation to attend 2012 Asian Science Camp – congratulations to Bianca Grosz, Elyse Hudson and Dean Pike for their invitation to participate in the Asian Science Camp to be held in Jerusalem in 2012. This invitation was as a result of the three receiving a High Distinction in the Big Science Competition Senior Paper in 2011.

Model United Nations Assembly – congratulations to Kate Gagulic and Sankare Siritharan for receiving the Excellent Achievement Award at the Model United Nations Assembly in Muswellbrook on the 27 and 28 April. Kate and Sankare will now represent us in Canberra in August.

Car Park - I would ask that all parents do not drive into any of the staff car parks in order to drop off or pick up their children between 8.20am and 9.00am and 2.50pm and 3.30pm. The car parks are very busy during these times and with staff cars moving in and out of the car parks, this poses a danger for anyone being dropped off or picked up. Please drop your children off and pick them up outside of the school grounds to ensure everyone’s safety.

Congratulations goes to Joshua Chapman for being selected in the NSW All Schools Team for diving. Joshua will compete at School Sport Selective Australia from 28th July to the 3rd August. Well done Joshua.

Congratulations also goes to Julia Barton, it has just been announced that Julia has made the Australian U18’s Water Polo Team. Well done Julia. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012


MEREWETHER PORTRAIT PRIZE 2012 – AN INVITATION Our Year 11 Visual Arts students have been hard at work over the past months preparing for their fantastic exhibition on Tuesday night, 15 May at 6.30pm. The Merewether Portrait Prize is our version of the Archibald Prize. Whereas Archibald Prize entrants are required to submit a painting of an Australian distinguished in the arts, letters, science or politics, our students create a portrait of a chosen teacher from our school. On the night, the audience is encouraged to vote for their favourite portrait in the exhibition in The People’s Choice Award. Numbers will be collated and the student who attracts the most votes is presented with a prize. We not only have our wonderful portraits to admire on the night, but also variety of beautiful musical presentations from Year 11 and 12 students. This indeed is a great showcase of our senior students at their best. During the evening there will be light refreshments on offer as well. The CAPA department invites everyone to come along and enjoy the evening. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012 CAPA REPORT SECONDARY CHORAL CONCERT The Merewether High School Vocal Ensemble participated in the Secondary Choral Concert at Sydney Town Hall on Monday 7 May. We were privileged to work with renowned conductor Richard Gill, who brought his wonderful musicianship, humour and decades of experience as a music educator to the rehearsals during the day as we prepared for the evening performance.

We were part of a 500-voice choir and also performed with The Arts Unit Symphony Orchestra, which is made up of school students from government schools. They certainly set a high standard. The repertoire we had prepared comprised Bartok’s Four Slovak Songs, excerpts from Vivaldi’s Gloria and a medley of Stephen Sondheim songs.

The audience really appreciated the quality of the music presented and it was an honour to be part of the event.

GORDON HAMILTON Former Merewether HS student Gordon Hamilton was the guest speaker at assembly on Thursday 3 May. Each faculty in the school will introduce a guest speaker at assembly and Gordon was invited by CAPA as he was visiting Newcastle as part of a national tour by The Australian Voices. Gordon joined the regional choir, Hunter Singers, when he was in Year 10. He also played the piano and finished the HSC with a UAI in the high 90s. He studied at Newcastle Conservatorium and joined The Australian Voices – the Brisbane based national youth choir. He was able to work with composer and conductor Stephen Leek and travel overseas for international symposiums, concerts and competitions. After finishing his music degree, Gordon moved to Bremen, Germany, where he lived for four years while working as a conductor and composer. He also started his own choir, Northern Spirit, which sang Australian music alongside music from Germany, Iceland, Spain and France. In 2009 Hunter Singers toured to Germany and were hosted by Northern Spirit for concerts and workshops in Bremen. Gordon then returned home to Australia when he was appointed as the Artistic Director of The Australian Voices. Now on a national tour, The Australian Voices continues to champion the music of Australian composers. Gordon continues to compose and Hunter Singers has commissioned him on four occasions to write music for the choir, most recently in 2011. Gordon’s presentation at assembly was adapted from a TEDX talk he presented in Brisbane. It was about creativity, and how you can find inspiration in a variety of forums, including Facebook. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

YANG MING GOH Congratulations to Year 11 student Yang Ming Goh who attained a distinction for her A.Mus.A. in piano on 5 May. This is an outstanding achievement and is a well-deserved acknowledgement of Yang Ming’s talent and dedication. A.Mus.A. stands for Associate of Music Australia and is awarded by the AMEB (Australian Music Examinations Board). Prior to attempting A.Mus.A. students complete grades 1 to 8.

ANZAC DAY PERFORMANCE The MHS Anzac Service was held on Thursday 26 April. It was an impressive and very moving assembly with an excellent performance of Ian Jefferson’s Always Remember by the Vocal Ensemble and a superb playing of the Last Post by Year 12 student Lachlan Gan on a bugle which had seen active service at Gallipoli.

——COMING UP FOR CAPA—— BIG BRASS BASH On Sunday 13 May the MHS Stage Band will be performing at the Lake Macquarie Big Brass Bash. Although they only have a very small rehearsal time each week, they have put together an amazing half hour program for the audience's listening pleasure. This group continues to thrive and flourish and are playing charts well above average high school standard. At the end of the year, many (in fact most!) of the Stage Band students will be leaving as they are in Year 12. Students who are interested in being part of this amazing and dynamic group, see Mrs McClure NOW!

PORTRAIT PRIZE EXHIBITION Don’t miss the MHS Portrait Prize exhibition at the Learning Centre on Tuesday 15 May 6.30-8pm. Look for the details elsewhere in this bulletin.

GROUNDED Congratulations to Jemima Webber and Naomi Dingle, Year 10 drama students who are in the cast of the current Tantrum Theatre production of Grounded at the Civic Playhouse. Grounded is a play set around the time of the Pasha Bulker storm of 2007. Their classmates in the Year 10 drama class will be attending the production on Thursday 17 May.

STAR STRUCK Congratulations to the students who have successfully auditioned to be part of Star Struck 2012: The Time Machine. Abby Butler is a soloist; Cameron Allen, Emma Elsley, Zac Hamilton-Russell and Campbell Moore are backing vocalists; Jamie Rea has been selected for the orchestra; and 20 members of the MHS Vocal Ensemble will be participating in the Massed Choir. The performances will be on 15 and 16 June at Newcastle Entertainment Centre. For more details, see the Star Struck website:

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

MUSWELLBROOK EISTEDDFOD All the MHS music ensembles will be participating in the Muswellbrook Eisteddfod on Monday 18 June. This annual event is a great opportunity for the ensembles to showcase their talent and we wish them all the best for the trip.

MEET THE MUSIC CONCERT The next concert in the Meet the Music series will be held on Thursday 28 June at the Sydney Opera House. Elective music students and members of the MHS ensembles are eligible to attend this concert and there are a few places left! Please see the music staff for details if interested.

LIZOTTE’S Year 12 Music Evening at Lizotte’s

When: Thursday 21st June 2012 ‐ 7pm

Where: Lizotte’s Restaurant – 31 Morehead Street, Lambton

Experience the talent and skill of Merewether High's Year 12 HSC musicians.

Sit and enjoy a delectable evening of music & food.

TICKETS: for the evening are available directly from the Lizotte’s website at $16 per person

An al‐a‐carte menu is available on the evening. The prices of the al‐a‐carte on average are entree $15‐$20, main $25‐$30, dessert $10‐$17 and the snack bar menu ranges from $6‐$17.50 and includes tapas style food.

Limited seats available

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012



The fee for Science course work in Years 7 to 10 at Merewether High School is $0 i.e. free! A fee has been charged to all Science students in Years 7 to 10 to cover the UNSW Science Competition and/or a syllabus-targeted Science presentation. The following table sets out how and what is covered in each Year group.

Year UNSW Science Presentation Total Competition 7 $7.70 Snake Tails $6.60 $14.30 (included in the (included in the total Science total Science fee) fee) 8 $7.70 Questacon $5.50 $13.20 (included in the (included in the total Science total Science fee) fee) 9 Optional $7.70 Surfing Scientist $6.60 $6.60 (included in the total Science ($14.30 if participating in the fee) UNSW Science Competition) 10 Optional $7.70 A case of Conspiracy $8.80 $8.80 (included in the total Science ($16.50 if participating in the fee) UNSW Science Competition) 11 Optional $7.70 $20 Biology $15 Chemistry $15 Physics $15 Earth and Enviro Add $7.70 if participating in the UNSW Science Competition 12 Optional $7.70 Experimentfest 1 Science $40 (compulsory; up to 2 sessions 2 Sciences $75

included in the Science course 3 Sciences $90 fee) Add $7.70 if participating in the UNSW Science Competition

The above activities have been organised to enrich the delivery of the Science curriculum at MHS. It is an expectation that all students will attend the activity/s organised for their year group.

The UNSW Science Competition will be held on one date only: June 6, 2012

We would appreciate payment of the Science fees, as payment requests have been made by the above providers.

Yours faithfully

Steve Smith Head Teacher Science May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012


There’s more to learning a language than you think !

Check out the ‘Pretzel-specs’ ! Year 9 German students were treated to some authentic German pretzels, Kirschtorte (cherry pie) and German chocolate. Of course, it’s always much more fun to play with the food before you eat it!


Attention all Year 9 students Lenovo is to carry out a service on all Lenovo ThinkPad X130e 'Silver' laptops as a result of the identification of loose cabling around the LCD screen causing intermittent screen black- outs and some faulty fan component resulting in computers shutting down intermittently. The service is scheduled on 7th June and finish 13th June.

Backup your data and return your laptop promptly to Ms Sire, from Tuesday 5th June to enable this project to take place. Label on top of your laptop with your name and class.

The maintenance stage on each laptop depends on service availability, however we will try to get it back to you within two business working days. In advance, if anyone is planning to be away during this period, I urge you to leave your DER laptop with Ms Sire before you take leave. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

NSW Premier's Sporting Challenge

Our school has registered to participate in the 2012 NSW Secondary School Sporting Challenge. The purpose of the Challenge is to encourage students to participate in sport, games and physical activity, with the goal to have more students, more active, more often! Over a ten week period, starting week four of term two, any activity that occurs during any part of their school day as well as outside school hours will count towards the Challenge award. Each student in Year 7 will be issued with a Challenge log book to record their physical activity. Your support in encouraging your child to be physically active before and after school as well as on weekends will encourage him/her to develop health lifestyle habits. You may like to join us in this venture by organising family activities such as walking, swimming and cycling. Each student completing the Challenge will receive a personalised certificate from the Premier of . Physical activity is valued for its physical, social and emotional benefits. It also helps young people to develop communication skills, confidence and resilience while having fun with family and friends. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the Challenge, please contact Mrs Fiona Druitt or log onto the Premier's Sporting Challenge website


Merewether High School is again participating in the Woolworths Earn and Learn programme.

Stickers are being collected at the school (drop of box in front office).

Please help us earn valuable learning resources for our Support Unit students. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Support Unit News May 2012

Bunnings Barbecue Fundraiser Late Term 2 the Support Unit students, parents and staff worked at Kotara Bunnings. The money raised will help subsidise our annual school camp. This November the camp will be in Coffs Harbour. Thank you to everyone who gave up their Sunday sleep in to help out on the day.

IOTAS Fun Day On a clear sunny day, Wednesday 9th May, students from Merewether HS Support Unit joined with over 200 students from across the Hunter at No 1 Sports Ground for a day of fun, games and entertainment. The day opened with a performance full of laughter and magic by Super Hubert and more giggles at the end with Ruby the Clown. Filling the hours in between the students were able to Zumba dance, get physical with Justin Ryder’s sport activities, participate in the Blackbutt animal experience, inspect the emergency service vehicles including the ladder truck from Newcastle Fire Station with water streaming, and climbing the jumping castles. Lots of excited students had a great day and a big thank you to the day’s organisers. Denise Hughes

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012 SocialSocial SciencesSciences TermTerm 11 ReviewReview

Term 1 2012 proved to be a very busy but exciting term. Students from different year groups were provided with an interesting range of guest speakers, co-Curricular activities, extra-Curricular activities and excursions to extend their knowledge and understanding of the course content which they have been covering during class-time.

Guest Speakers Michelle Lindsay made an informative presentation to students of Year 9 elective Geography about the Climate Cam Program. Our students really enjoyed considering the energy options and the energy savings that could be made by employing smart technologies in the workplace, schools and home.

Michelle Lindsay from Newcastle City Council

Stockbroker, Brad Tuckerman from RBS Morgans, addressed Mrs Campbell’s Year 9 Commerce class about buying and selling shares on the Australian Stock market. The students were enthralled by his presentation and we may have some potential financial entrepreneurs in the making.

Michael Osborne, a Newcastle City Councillor and member of the Greens, spoke to Year 10 Commerce student about political involvement.

Michael has been a long-term supporter of Merewether High School. He has been a guest presenter to students of Social Science for many year and the staff and the students value his Mr Berry, Michael Osborne and Mrs Campbell contributions. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Co-Curricular Activities

Students from the Year 9 elective Geography class enjoyed “lending a hand” as part of Merewether High School’s contribution to Clean Up Australia Day.

Extra Curricular Activities

Mock Trial The Year 11 Mock Trial team was successful in winning the first two rounds of the NSW Law Society Mock Trial competition. The team is a hard working group of Year 11 Legal Studies students.

Merewether was the defence in both trials.

In the first case, about breaking, entering and larceny, the MHS defendant was accused of stealing 50 blue ray DVDs . It was held at the Federal Courts in Newcastle.

The team successfully defended their client and won the points on presentation of their case and roles, defeating Newcastle High.

The talented legal team consisted of the barristers, Laure-Elise Kenworthy and Caitlin Nash, with the role of solicitor filled by Miriam Oliver. Eleanor Svigelj took the role of court officer. The witnesses for the case were Dean Barrie and the talented and persuasive Damon Coull. Mr. Gill is helping organise and train the mock trial team, and the team is being instructed by Mr. Michael Evers, from the legal firm Michael Evers and Co.

In round two, the team won the points against Lake Macquarie High but was unsuccessful in the case which involved the possession of a protected species of fish. The magistrate was not convinced of the defendant Damon Coull’s story about ignorance and mistake even though witness Caitlin Nash corroborated the story. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Mooting Bond University annually organises a High School Mooting Competition, involving a hypothetical legal argument set in an appeals court. The Merewether High School’s mooting team, comprised of Cameron Davy, Sadia Ahammed and represented by our barristers Jessica Lighton and Ryan Liddle, participated in the Regional Rounds.

On 30 April the team, accompanied by Mr Gill, travelled to the Administration Appeals Tribunal in Sydney to compete against Methodist Ladies College Burwood.

The case concerned a 13 year old boy who had injured himself at a Council-owned BMX track. Our school was responding for the Council’s appeal against a lower court’s decision which had reaffirmed their liability for damages to our client.

As of yet we do not know the outcome of the competition, but are confident we delivered a solid performance. Our team was fortunate to have the assistance of lawyer, Mr Michael Evers who helped to deepen our understanding of the case and we are very thankful his time and expertise in assisting us to prepare our case. We also thank Mr Gill who guided our team invaluably, right to the moment before we stepped into the court room.

Written by Sadia Ahammed (on behalf of the Mooting Team)

United Nation Youth Conference NSW 2012 The United Nations Youth Conference was held from the 23rd – 25th March 2012. Among 200 students in Years 9-12, from throughout NSW, Samara Thambar, Betrice Walker and I attended the jam-packed weekend.

The conference was a fantastic experience filled with a variety of workshops, incredible guest speaker sessions (one being the US Consul General in Australia), inspiring debates and intriguing problem solving activities.

The theme for this year was ‘People, Power and Revolution’. The conference provided a fantastic introduction to global diplomacy and the United Nations. Students were given the chance to express their views on topics such as revolutions in Tunisia, Syria, Libya and Egypt where the immense power of diverse individuals rising up against tyranny and injustice is being witnessed, to meet other excited and engaged people, and the opportunity to represent a country in a simulation of the United Nation’s General Assembly. The conference is run purely by other young individuals who are often currently studying at University themselves. Many of the organisers have previously been affiliated to the conference.

All in all, the conference is an intense, tiring but amazing experience which I would recommend to everyone. You make new friends who you would never have known and are inspired by the power and possibilities of the United Nations, especially the youth. We are all considering registering to attend again next year.

Written by Prachi Tewari May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012


Melbourne Excursion Report At the beginning of Term 1, the Year 12 geography classes attended an excursion to Melbourne as part of our ‘urban dynamics’ topic.

Whilst we were in Melbourne, we enjoyed the urban sites. We visited Federation Square, Queen Victoria Markets and the Eureka Tower. The excursion also included a guided tour of CERES Environment Park in Brunswick, a talk and tour of the surrounds at the St Kilda Eco House, and a presentation from Places Victoria on the Melbourne Docklands – our main case study for the ‘urban dynamics’ topic.

We also explored the Immigration Museum to gain an understanding of the history and development of the people and culture of Melbourne. A Yarra River Cruise helped put into perspective the various geographic processes at work in Melbourne, including seeing the development and renewal surrounding the Docklands area.

All in all, a great time was had and Year 12 Geography students would particularly like to thank Mrs Donnelly, Mrs Tonks and Mr Bailey for all their hard work and efforts, and for putting up with us for three days and two flights!

Written by Jessica Lighton (on behalf of the Yr 12 Geography class)


I would like to finish this report by thanking the staff of the Social Science Faculty for all the hard work that they have undertaken to this point in the academic year.

Kerry West Head Teacher Social Science

Parent Communication If you would like to receive email notification of school-based communications, please forward an email to the school email address, [email protected] – Attention N Glover clearly stating your current email address and requesting to be included in the parent distribution list. If you have recently changed your email address, please update this with us by following the above procedure. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

SRC A huge thank you to our SRC members who have worked tirelessly as a finely tuned team to bring a number of memorable and fun events during the past few months to Merewether High School. Harmony Day was held on the 21st of March to celebrate our cultural diversity and the theme for 2012 of “Everyone Belongs”. An out of uniform day was held along with a free barbeque for students and staff to bring our school community together. This was a very successful day which we hope may turn into an annual event. At the end of term 1 our Year 11 SRC representatives were privileged to attend the Hunter Schools Combined Anzac Service at the Civic Theatre in Newcastle. This is an enjoyable and informative student-produced service where our students were able to pay their respects to our armed service personnel both past and present. We were impressed with Bryony Beal, McLean Greedy and Edwin Johnson who participated in the service on behalf of our school and region. Well done!

This term saw our first school dance of the year held to raise money for the charity ‘Beyond Blue’, raising awareness of depression in hope to reduce the stigma, prevent depression and provide a quick response to those in need. The theme was “Used to be Cool” and paved the way for some very interesting costumes as both staff and students interpreted the theme. Leg warmers, game boys, hippie clothing, Boy George were just some of the ‘used to be cool’ celebrated items. $760 was raised for this worthy cause and the 250 students in attendance had a wonderful time. Thank you to the generosity of our staff who volunteered their time to come along and supervise the dance and to the SRC for their organization and implementation. On the same night as the dance the SRC also held our first ever welcome barbeque for Year 7 and their families. A free barbeque was held again, as students, parents, staff, P&C members and SRC members got to know each other in a casual setting. Many sausages were enjoyed and a visit from the school mascot our ‘Mighty Moo’ was a treat. Thank you to Year 7 and their families, and all other members of the school community for their attendance. This is another event we hope to make an annual event in our school. Once again we would like to extend a very warm welcome to Year 7 and their families to Merewether High School.

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

In the next few weeks we will have our senior students from the SRC attend the World Vision Global Leadership Conference and SRC nominations and elections will be held later in the term. Watch your DEC emails and school notices for more information in coming weeks. The SRC is a strong group of student leaders from all year groups who enjoy promoting school spirit and assisting both in school and the wider community. We are very proud of our members and look forward to the coming weeks of activities. Many thanks to Mrs Hughes, Mrs Druitt, Mrs Ridgeway and Mrs Taylor Goldsmith for your assistance in supporting the SRC in their endeavors.

Coreena Allen SRC Adviser

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

ENGLISH A reminder to all our students that money for the ICAS Spelling, Writing and English competitions is due by Thursday 17th May. Students were emailed a permission note last term, however, a copy of the note is attached. Dates for the competition are: ICAS Spelling (Year 7 only) and Writing (Yrs 7-12) Tuesday 19th June ICAS English (Yrs 7-12) Tuesday 31st July Please note that students in Year 7 have been invoiced for the ICAS English competition so would only need to pay for the Spelling and Writing competitions if they wish to enter.

Students who have registered for the Premier’s Reading Challenge are encouraged to continue their wide reading and fill out their Student Reading Record online.

The Write4Fun and What Matters? competitions are now closed. We wish our entrants well.

Current competitions open to students include: The Dorothea Mackellar poetry competition. Competition closes Friday 29th June. Details can be found on Global Education Project competition. Competition closes Friday 29th June. Details can be found on The SMH Young Writer competition for students in Yrs 10-12. Competition closes Monday 18th June. Details can be found on

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

2012 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS FOR ASSESSMENTS FOR SCHOOLS (ICAS) Dear Parent ICAS provides an opportunity for students to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external testing situation. It provides teachers, parents and students with comprehensive re- porting of results in the areas of English, Spelling and Writing. All students receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly and their score compared with the rest of the students tested. The tests are an excellent preparation for National tests and the student report is useful for high- lighting your children’s strengths and areas for development. The UNSW certificate and indi- vidual student report are also suitable for your child to include in their portfolio. COMPETITION COST DEADLINE FOR TEST DATE NOTES q Spelling (Year 7) $11.00 Thursday 17 May 2012 Tuesday 19 June 2012 q Writing (Years 7-12) $16.50 Thursday 17 May 2012 Tuesday 19 June 2012 q English (Years 7-12) $7.70 Thursday 17 May 2012 Tuesday 31 July 2012

Please return this section with entry fee to the Cashier at the Administration Office.


To participate in the 2012 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) please tick the relevant competition(s):

Tick as Name Examination Date Cost Dissection Code approp 1 ICAS Spelling (Year 7) 19/06/12 $11.00 054-002 2 ICAS Writing (Years 7-12) 19/06/12 $16.50 054-014 3 ICAS English (Years 7-12) 31/07/12 $7.70 054-004 Total Payment Enclosed Student Name: ______Roll Class: ______I give permission for my child______of______Childs name English Class To participate in the competition(s) indicated above.

Please find enclosed ______entry fee. Amount

______Name of Parent/Guardian Date

______Signature of Parent/Guardian May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Merewether High School Careers News Find out what’s happening in March 2012

Below you will find information about a variety of careers related topics. Please note that all dates should be checked on the relevant websites and all event/course related information is relayed for external sources and not endorsed by Merewether High School. For more information about any of the topics below students from Years 9-12 should refer to the MHS careers blog which they can access via their DEC portal (Where they access their email) or visit the careers office and speak to Mrs Abbo.

The start of this term has been very busy in the careers office with many students seeking advice for the future career pathways. I have also had the pleasure of meeting some parents I have not met before. I hope that this news letter provides you with many new opportunities to explore and keeps you informed of many important dates to mark in your calendar. In 2012 it has been very rewarding for me to see so many students attending organised events, applying for scholarships and programs and simply dropping in to have a chat about ideas they have for their future. I can definitely see a change in culture at Merewether High School with an increased value placed on careers education and future pathways for students.

Mrs Abbo Careers Adviser

DATES FOR THE CALENDAR 2012 (The insert in the brackets indicates where students can find more information about this event)

15th May Newcastle branch of Women In Engineering are hosting “Girls Talk” 18th/19th May Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Careers Expo (blog) 25th May HSC seminar Day – Singleton HS (blog, email) 1st June UMAT registrations close 31st May- 3rd June Sydney Morning Herald Careers Expo Sydney (Blog) 7th June Engineering Parents and Students Information night – University of Sydney (website). 28th June Year 12 Visit Day University of Newcastle (more details to follow) 25th July UMAT testing date Early August UAC applications open 18th August Newcastle University Ourimba Open Day 28th August Newcastle University Open Day 28th September UAC on-time applications close 4th Jan 2013 Cut-off date to change preferences for main round offer consideration 16th Jan 2013 Main Round of University offers May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Key Dates for 2012 HSC

Monday, 30 April 2012 Personalised HSC written examination timetables released (via Students Online and Schools Online)

Monday, 7 May 2012 HSC written examination timetable released

Thursday, 2 August 2012 HSC practical examination period commences

Saturday, 15 September 2012 HSC practical examination period concludes

Monday, 15 October 2012 HSC written examinations commence

No later than 9 November HSC written examinations conclude

At conclusion of exams HSC Assessment Ranks available (via Students Online)

Wednesday, 19 December 2012 HSC results available to students by internet, SMS and telephone

YEAR 12 INFORMATION Singleton HSC Seminar Day 2012 20 Year 12 students will travel with Mrs Abbo to the annual Singleton HSC Seminar Day. The day offers a series of seminars about HSC subjects with hints and tips. Each seminar is conducted by an experience HSC teacher and or marker and aims to provide students with a different view to each course enabling them to build on their study notes. The cost for the seminars is $45 per student and the bus is $15 for those who have paid their Careers Fee for 2012. The blog contains a lot of information about study websites for HSC students. Check them out.

STAT Test and UMAT 2012 reminder A reminder that current Year 12 students who are planning to study courses at university that require a STAT test or need to apply through UMAT should be checking the web site for dates for registrations and 2012 testing times etc. If you are not sure about your course check the university web site for your course requirements. Check for more details at UMAT web site - STAT Test via UAC website Many of the universities and providers (e.g. Careerlinks have scholarship updates) and even UAC are now on Facebook and will provide your news feed with information and reminders to help you keep on track. HSC timetables online HSC students can now access their HSC timetable online utilising their HSC PIN and their student number. If you have any concerns please see Mrs Abbo.

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012


May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

I encourage students to visit the expo website as given above and view the list of information sessions on offer on the Saturday and book online to attend any sessions of interest to their career pathway.

Merewether high School will not be attending this expo this year as the four major universities will not be in attendance and years 10 and 12 will visit the University of Newcastle later this year. The Saturday program provides seminars and workshops for students that are very relevant to our cohort at MHS so as I have mentioned above I would still encourage students to attend on the Saturday.

The Sydney Universities, including University of Sydney, Macquarie University, UTS and UNSW are at this stage trying to organise a roadshow to our area and this will be free for our students to attend. I will have more details on this once the event date has been confirmed. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

This is a very large careers expo and has a diverse range of providers attending. Students who have previously attended this event commented that it was well worth the trip to Sydney. I have approximately 15 free tickets to give away so students intending on going can bring me a note from their parents, to indicate you are definitely attending, and tickets will be given out on a first in best dressed basis.


For a comprehensive list of university open days visit documents/publications/news/2012/march.pdf JMC Academy offer programs in music, audio engineering, entertainment business, animation, game design and film and television. The next open day for JMC Academy is on the 18th August and more details can be found at

CAREER PATHWAYS INFORMATION Medicine and health sciences/ vet sciences - make sure that you have checked the pre- requisite requirements for these courses and registered for UMAT and STAT tests as required. For details refer to the course requirements at the University of your choice and the UAC website or call in and see Mrs Abbo if you need help finding these details. The University of Newcastle will be holding an information session in conjunction with UMAT at the Newcastle Careers Expo (see details above) on Saturday the 19th May. Visit the to register for this seminar today as places are limited.

International students wishing to apply for medicine, dentistry or physiotherapy should visit [email protected]

See the volunteering below for details about a St John’s cadet program offered for students interested in the above fields. Air Force Cadets Details of this program can be found at Contact details for the local Squadron 316 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets Phone 49853676 For more information see Mrs Abbo or the Merewether Careers blog. May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

CADETSHIPS/APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEES Migas for a range of apprenticeships and traineeships take a look at:

SCHOLARSHIPS Teach NSW If you are interested in teaching for a career you should visit the Teach NSW website and-initiatives/teaching-scholarships to find out the latest information about the scholarships on offer. Scholarship applications will open soon so keep an eye out. Teach NSW will also be at the both the Newcastle and Sydney Careers Expos in 2012. and-initiatives/teaching-scholarships

Educational Access Scheme (EAS) Scholarships are designed to help students with disadvantageous circumstances throughout year 11 and 12 to apply and receive concessional ATAR points towards their university applications. For more details on this scheme visit

I encourage all MHS year 12 students to start looking at scholarships now as different universities and courses have different due dates for applications. Be aware that many scholarship applications close in the holidays and you will need a school reference completed so you need to be prepared early and start the process early.

UNSW have introduced a new online application system so that students can keep track of their application. It also provides Careers Advisers a list of students applying and what they are applying for etc. That way I can see where your application is up to and what I can do to help.

Procedures for this process can be found on this document UNSWScholarshipsOnline_QuickGuide.pdf

Go to this link and register as a high school leaver. You will need your UAC number (which you get when you register with UAC later in the year). sc_al_users_registration.registration

Some general pointers for applying for scholarships.

Do not use bullet points (full sentences are required), as I tell the students in class not a shopping list. Fill in all components of the application. If you miss a section they will not consider your application. Explain not only your achievements and personal experiences but what affect this has had on you. i.e what you have gained professionally and personally, how it has changed your perspective on things. Demonstrate with examples that you are dedicated to your studies and likely to complete the course. Have several people read through your application before submitting it and ensure that you are selling yourself effectively. Make sure that you are prepared early by asking for references etc and that the application goes in on time (preferably early). May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Macquarie University Macquarie University has a page that students can join to get updates on programs and advise on applications. Here is a link to "7 Essential Steps to get to Uni" essential-steps-to-get-to-uni/

UNIVERSITY INFORMATION Accommodation applications It is time to start looking more closely at university accommodation. I suggest you start by looking at the university websites ( as we have done late last year in careers lessons) and looking for the accommodations style that suits your needs and budget. I suggest you start looking now as many of the colleges require you to start applying in the very near future and you don’t want to miss the boat. Once you have looked make a note of application opening dates on your family calendar.

Early Entry Programs Many universities have early entry programs and allow students to apply prior to the HSC. Students are required to complete an application including a principals recommendation. Each early entry program is different in terms of entry requirements and the courses on offer under this scheme so I encourage students to look carefully on the university websites for details. If you are unable to locate such a program for the university you are looking at attending try emailing the institutions students services to double check. I have listed some of the information that I have received to date below.

University of Wollongong have a program titled the UOW selective Entry Program. Applications for this program open 1st July and close 15th August. I have a package of information about this program or you can simply follow this link future/selectiveentry/index.html

Australian Catholic University also have an early entry program and details can be found on their website

Other universities that have early entry programs include UNE, Charles Sturt Unversity and Bond University.

Year 10 students have been given their first handout for the Student Volunteering Service Learning Program this week. This sheet is to allow students to register their interest in where they would like to volunteer. Sheets can be returned to Mrs Abbo in careers lessons or to my office and places will be allocated on a first in best dressed scenario so make sure you get your forms in quickly!

A reminder to students in year 10 to register any hours you have spent volunteering in either year 9 or 10. Many of our students are already well on their way to achieving high level awards of recognition for the many hours they have served in the community. Keep up the fantastic work year 10! May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

St John’s Ambulance Cadets St John’s ambulance cadets would be an excellent way for students to gain extra qualifications and experience in all forms of health care while increasing their volunteering hours at the same time. This program has a lot to offer the students of Merewether and in turn they can be giving something extremely valuable back to the community. If you are interested in more information about this program call in and see Mrs Abbo or check the blog in week 4.

WORK EXPERIENCE A reminder that students in years 10-12 can participate in work experience throughout the year. While year 10 are not permitted to go during any holiday period they are encouraged to look at a time in the school calendar year that will minimise disruption to their study program. Work experience has many advantages for students including the development of personal skills and allowing students to gain valuable insight into a particular career pathway. In my experience many students do not truly understand what occupations actually involve and would certainly benefit from spending a few days finding out.

Where to begin: Students MUST read the ‘Work Experience Procedures and Documentation’ post on the MHS Careers Blog. work_experience_procedure_and_documentation This post outlines very clearly the steps involved and contains the relevant documents for students to complete in order to undertake work experience. DON’T leave it too late as employers become reluctant by the end of the year after having many other students.

Remember you must have your completed forms in 2 weeks prior to the placement.

GAP YEAR INFORMATION The Young Endeavour The Young Endeavour is now taking applications for voyages between July and December 2012. If you think this may be of interest to you or you would like more information about this program visit

If you are interested in taking a gap year take a look at the careers noticeboard outside the library closest to the door and you will find information on a range of programs on offer. Also see Mrs Abbo for more options.

Uniform Shop Special Opening Hours

TERM 2 2012



MONDAY 14th 12noon – 4:00pm

THURSDAY 17th 8:00am – 12noon

MONDAY 21st 12noon – 4:00pm

THURSDAY 24th 8:00am – 12noon

MONDAY 28th 12noon – 4:00pm

THURSDAY 31st 8:00am – 12noon JUNE

MONDAY 4th 12noon – 4:00pm

THURSDAY 7th 8:00am – 12noon

MONDAY 11th CLOSED Queens Birthday

THURSDAY 14th 8:00am – 12noon

SATURDAY 16th 8:00am – 12noon

MONDAY 18th 12noon – 4:00pm

THURSDAY 21st 8:00am – 12noon

MONDAY 25th 12noon – 4:00pm

THURSDAY 28th 8:00am – 12noon JULY

THURSDAY 19th 8:00am – 12noon

MONDAY 23rd 12noon – 4:00pm

THURSDAY 26th 8:00am – 12noon

MONDAY 30th 12noon – 4:00pm



Date: ______Rec #: ______



Tartan 2 Pleat Skirts - Standard $48.50

Tartan 2 Pleat Skirts - Long $48.50

SNR White Blouses $27.00

JNR Sky Blouses $27.00

Navy Slacks $38.00

Navy Shorts $35.00


Beltloop Shorts $35.00

Elastic Waist Shorts $35.00

Beltloop Trousers $42.00

JNR Sky Shirts $26.00

SNR White Shirts $26.00


Wool Jumper $75.00

School Jacket $65.00

School Hat $15.00


Sports Polo $33.00

Microfibre Track Pants $35.00

Microfibre Sports Shorts Standard $25.00

Microfibre Sports Shorts Super Sizes $25.00

TO PAY: $______CASH CHEQUE CREDIT CARD PER ……………………………. Merewether High School Bulletin May 2012 EVENT DIARY

May MAY Wed 16/5 NAPLAN-day2/3-MPC City Zone Y7 Rugby League Gala 10s at Merewether Thu 17/5 NAPLAN-MPC-day3/3 Fri 18/5 NAPLAN catch up day-LC Career & Training Expo-Y10,Y11,Y12 at Jockey Club Zone Rugby League GALA Tue 22/5 ICAS Computer Skills-$7.70 Y9 PLG –9:00-10:30-LC Fri 25/5 Y11 Mid Course exams commence-day1/6 HSC Seminar Day-Singleton Tue 29/5 Y11 Mid Course exams-day 3/6 Y10 PLG-9:00-10:30-LC Wed 30/5 Y11 Mid Course exams -day 4/6 Welfare Y7-Verbal Combat-pm Thu 31/5 Y11 Mid Course exams -day 5/6 Waratah Cup Rugby at Waratah June JUNE Fri 1/6 Y11 Mid Course exams conclude-day 6/6 Mon 4/6 Y7,8,9 exams commence-day 1/5 Donormobile-Blood Bank Tue 5/6 Y7,8,9 exams-day 2/5 City Zone Athletics Carnival at Glendale Wed 6/6 Y7,8,9 exams-day 3/5 ICAS Science competition-$7.70 Thu 7/6 Y7,8,9 exams-day 4/5 Fri 8/6 Y7,8,9 exams conclude-day 5/5 Mon 11/6 Public Holiday-Queen’s Birthday Tue 12/6 Starstruck this week Wed 13/6 Welfare Y8-Cyberia-pm-LC Thu 14/6 Oztag Gala Day-Smith Park-8:30-3:00 Mon 18/6 ICAS Writing-LC-$16.50 Y11 Reports issued Tue 19/6 ICAS Spelling-LC-$11.00 Y11/12 Parent Teacher Interviews-MPC-3:15-5:30 P & C Meeting-Library-7:30pm Wed 20/6 City Zone Y7 Soccer Gala at Wallsend Thu 21/6 Rugby Coast Cup at Waratah Y10 exams commence-day1/4 HSC Music students perform at Lizotte’s Fri 22/6 Y10 exams-day 2/4 Mon 25/6 HSSA Orienteering Y10 exams-day 3/4 Hunter Singers commence US tour Tue 26/6 Y10 exams conclude Y11 Biology excursion at the Wetlands Thu 28/6 Meet the Music Concert-Opera House NAIDOC Assembly-MPC Merewether High School Bulletin May 2012 EVENT DIARY

Fri 29/6 Last Day Term 2 Y 7,8,9 Reports issued Y 10,11,12-Biennale of Sydney July JULY Mon 16/7 Day 1, Term 3-School Development Day-no students Tues 17/7 All students return LAST DAY for UNSW ICAS Mathematics entries Y11 Jindabyne-day1/4 P&C meeting-Library-7:30pm Wed 18/7 Y11 Jindabyne-day 2/4 Boys Volleyball State Finals-day 1/2-Sydney Thu 19/7 Y11 Jindabyne-day 3/4 Boys Volleyball State Finals-day 2/2-Sydney Fri 20/7 Y11 Jindabyne-day 4/4 NSW Cross Country at Eastern Creek Wed 25/7 Opportunity Class Placement Test-MPC-8:00-1:00 HSSA Athletics Carnival at Glendale-day 1/2 Thu 26/7 HSSA Athletics Carnival at Glendale-day 2/2 Y7,9 Parent Teacher Interviews-MPC-3:15-5:30 Fri 27/7 Y7 Science-Snake Tails-LC Mon 30/7 Y10 Reports issued Tue 31/7 ICAS English-$7.70 Y8,10 Parent Teacher Interviews –MPC-3:15-5:30 Y7 PLG-9:00-10:30-LC August AUGUST Thu 2/8 Australian Mathematics Competition-MPC Fri 3/8 City Zone Y7 Netball Gala at National Park Tue 7/8 Y8 PLG-9:00-10:30-LC Wed 8/8 Chemistry Olympiad Thu 9/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams commence-day 1/10 Fri 10/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams -day 2/10 Mon 13/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams -day 3/10 Biology Olympiad Tue 14/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams -day 4/10 ICAS Mathematics competition-$7.70 Y9 PLG-9:00-10:30-LC Thu 16/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams-day 6/10 Meet the Music Concert-Opera House Fri 17/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams -day 7/10 Mon 20/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams -day 8/10 Tue 21/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams -day 9/10 P&C meeting-Library-7:30pm Wed 22/8 Y12 Trial HSC exams conclude Welfare Y11-Cheap Thrills-LC Y11 (2013) Information Evening-MPC-7:00pm Merewether High School Bulletin May 2012 EVENT DIARY

Mon 27/8 Ys7,9,10 Poetry in Action-1pd each group Ys7 & 9 Mathematics Tue 28/8 Y9 (2013) Course Information Evening-MPC-7:00pm Y7 Board Meetings-day 1/3 Y10 Maths Assessment Task in class pd3 Wed 29/8 Y7 Board Meetings-day 2/3 Thu 30/8 Y7 Board Meetings-day 3/3 Y11 Final exams-MPC-day 1/9 Fri 31/8 Y11 Final exams-MPC-day 2/9 SEPTEMBER Mon 3/9 Y11 Final exams –MPC-day 3/9 Y10 National History Challenge due Tue 4/9 Y9 Science-Climate Change visit-LC-11:00 Y11 Final exams –MPC-day 4/9 Y7 Assessment Task in class pds 3/4 Y8 Assessment Task in class pds 3/4 Wed 5/9 Y11 Final exams –MPC-day 5/9 Zone Hockey GALA day-1/2 Thur 6/9 Y11 Final exams –MPC-day 6/9 NSW CHS Athletics at Homebush-day 1/3 Zone Hockey GALA day-2/2 Fri 7/9 Vaccinations Y7 Y11 Final exams –MPC-day 7/9 NSW CHS Athletics at Homebush-day 2/3 Sat 8/9 NSW CHS Athletics at Homebush-day 3/3 Mon 10/9 Y11 exams-MPC—day 8/9 Tue 11/9 Y11 exams conclude-MPC Y11 Final Preliminary exams conclude Y7 PLG-9:00-10:30-LC Y9 Assessment Task in class pd 4 Wed 12/9 City Zone Hockey Gala at Broadmeadow Thur 13/9 Y8 Board Meetings-day 1/3 Fri 14/9 Y8 Board Meetings-day 2/3 Mon 17/9 Y11 Hospitality-Work Placement-day 1/5 Tue 18/9 Y11 Hospitality-Work Placement-day 2/5 P&C meeting-Library-7:30pm Wed 19/9 Y11 Hospitality-Work Placement-day 3/5 Y12 Reports issued Thu 20/9 Y11 Hospitality-Work Placement-day 4/5 Y8 Board meeting-day 3/3 Fri 21/9 Last day, Term 3 Y11 Hospitality-Work Placement-day 5/5 Y12 Farewell Assembly-11:00-MPC Merewether High School Bulletin May 2012 EVENT DIARY

OCTOBER Mon 8/10 Day 1, Term 4, all staff & students return Y12 Orientation Program Wed 10/10 Donormobile-Blood Bank Mon 15/10 HSC written exams commence Tue 16/10 P&C meeting-Library-7:30pm Mon 22/10 Y11 reports issued NOVEMBER Mon 5/11 Y10 final exams-MPC-day 1/4 Tue 6/11 Y10 final exams-MPC-day 2/4 Colin Doyle Maths Competition Wed 7/11 Y10 final exams-MPC-day 3/4 Welfare-Y7,8,9,11-Cyber Shorts-9:15-3:10-LC Thu 8/11 Y10 final exams-MPC-day 4/4 Meet the Music Concert-Opera House Fri 9/11 Remembrance Day-11:00 Mon 12/11 Y7-9 final exams commence-MPC-day 1/5 Tue 13/11 Y7-9 final exams-MPC-day 2/5 Wed 14/11 Y7-9 final exams-MPC-day 3/5 Thu 15/11 Y7-9 final exams -MPC-day 4/5 Fri 16/11 Y7-9 final exams conclude -MPC Tue 20/11 P&C meeting-Library-7:30pm Thu 22/11 Y12 Parent Teacher Interviews Fri 23/11 Y10-Portfolio Training for parents DECEMBER Wed 5/12 HSSA Blues Presentation Tue 18/12 P&C meeting-library-7:30pm Wed 19/12 HSC results available Thu 20/12 Staff Development Day (SDD)-no students Fri 21/12 Last day, Term4-SDD-no students May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Merewether High School European Sports Tour 2012/13

Planning is well under way for the schools 9th Sports Tour and this year’s venture is our most challenging to-date. 69 students and 7 staff members will tour overseas on two separate tours. Tour 1 consists of boys and girl’ soccer teams while Tour 2 is travelling with boy’s rugby and girl’s netball & hockey teams. Both tours will travel to the UK to play and be billeted by host schools or clubs as well as spending tourist sight-seeing time in London, Paris and Hong Kong. Sports Tours are ingrained into the Merewether High School tradition and are extremely popular. They provide a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience different cultures and gain independence and travel the world with friends in a safe and supervised environment. MHS Sports Tours really are an ‘experience of a lifetime’.


BUNNINGS BBQ – Kotara – Sunday June 10. JOHN EARLE GALLERY ART SHOW – The Junction – Wednesday June 30. BOOK FAIR – MHS Hall – Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday of the September/October long weekend. For additional information – PHONE Karyn (4969 3855)

Merewether High School Bulletin May 2012 Merewether High School

We wish to thank the following for their generous support of our 2012-13 Sports Tours Major Sponsor

Supporting Sponsors

Associate Sponsors

Muso’s Corner Glen Geary Good Guys Vikas Ski Lodge – Jindabyne Aqua Villa Resort Sellers Quality Meats Exchange Hotel Ocean Beauty Therapy Chaddies on Regent Scenic World-Blue Mountains Cha Chaz @ The Junction Bunnings – Kotara Pulse Climbing Lizzottes Restaurant Colin Chapman Real Estate Hamilton Rugby Club Beaute – The Junction The Junction Pharmacy Q’S Books – Hamilton Abicus – Cooks Hill Sushi Castle - Honeysuckle Amore Hair Design Theos Mechanical Repairs Port Stephens Parasailing Lings Quality Trophies ANZ Hamilton Peppers Anchorage Edward Cross Photography Tip Top Bakeries Empire Furniture University Rugby Club Carla Sportswear Toronto Retravision Beacon Lighting Ric Woods Photography Jeremy Dorricott-Samsung Rebound Physiotherapy Newcastle City Holden Kathy Docker–New Direc- Darby Street Meats tion Back to Bikes Wallsend Purnells Trophies Frames Promotions May Merewether High School Bulletin 2012

Merewether High School Rugby Programs Are supported by Hamilton Rugby Club

If looking for a strong and reliable junior or senior club who contributes to your school, consider playing with Hamilton Rugby Club