Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2017; 46: 343–349, available online at

Clinical Paper

Clinical Pathology

1,2 3 1

M. Gao , Y. Hao , M. X. Huang ,

1 4 4

D. Q. Ma , Y. Chen , H. Y. Luo ,

Salivary gland tumours in a 4 5 1

Y. Gao , Z. Q. Cao , X. Peng ,


G. Y. Yu


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial

northern Chinese population: , Peking University School and

Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, PR China;


Department of Geriatric Dentistry, Peking

a 50-year retrospective study of University School and Hospital of 3

Stomatology, Beijing, PR China; 2nd Dental

Centre, Peking University School and Hospital

of Stomatology, Beijing, PR China;


7190 cases Department of Oral Pathology, Peking

University School and Hospital of


Stomatology, Beijing, PR China; Oral Medical

Information Centre, Peking University School

M. Gao, Y. Hao, M. X. Huang, D. Q. Ma, Y. Chen, H. Y. Luo, Y. Gao, Z. Q. Cao,

and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, PR

X. Peng, G. Y. Yu: tumours in a northern Chinese population: a 50- China

year retrospective study of 7190 cases. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2017; 46: 343–

349. # 2016 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published

by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abstract. The aims of this study were to investigate the epidemiological and clinical

characteristics of epithelial salivary gland tumours in a northern Chinese population

and to evaluate the current TNM classification system. A demographic and

descriptive analysis of 7190 epithelial salivary gland tumours was performed. There

were 4654 benign tumours and 2536 malignant tumours. The percentage of tumours

located in the parotid, submandibular, sublingual, and minor salivary glands was

62.66%, 9.92%, 2.57%, and 24.85%, respectively; 22.26%, 35.76%, 92.97%, and

61.89% of the tumours, respectively, were malignant. Over 90% in the tongue and

maxillary sinus were malignant. Warthin tumour, , and

were predominant in males, while ,

myoepithelioma, and were predominant in females. Further,

2.55% of the tumours were in children and adolescents: 44.81% of the tumours were

malignant, as opposed to 35.02% in adults. According to the 7th TNM classification,

Key words: salivary gland; tumour; histological

the percentages of T3 and stage III tumours were approximately 10%. Salivary

type; TNM classification; epidemiology.

gland tumours show distribution patterns according to histological type, location,

and patient age and sex. The limitations of the current TNM classification of Accepted for publication 22 September 2016

salivary gland carcinoma should be considered and revisions made. Available online 19 October 2016

1,2 1

Salivary glands are widely distributed in sinus, etc. They are associated with a 100,000 individuals. Further, the fre-

the oral and maxillofacial region and in- highly heterogeneous group of tumours quency of malignant salivary gland neo-

clude the three paired major salivary that show great diversity in the morpho- plasms ranges from 0.9 to 2.6 cases per

1 3–6

glands and 600–1000 minor salivary logical features of their cells and tissues . 100,000 individuals. According to data

glands located in the , buccal region, The global annual incidence of salivary from the seven main dental schools in

, tongue, retromolar area, paranasal gland tumours is 0.4–13.5 cases per China, salivary gland tumours account

0901-5027/030343 + 07 # 2016 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

344 Gao et al.


for one-third of all oral and maxillofacial proportion of tumours classified in the Union Against Cancer (UICC). The cri-


tumours. It has been reported that of the T3 subgroup are low, often accounting teria for staging of squamous cell carcino-

69,902 cases of oral and maxillofacial for less than one-tenth of the whole group ma (SCC) were used for the clinical


tumours registered at these seven schools, of T classes (T1, T2, T3, and T4). It is staging of the minor salivary gland


23,010 were cases of epithelial salivary therefore possible that this group of tumours.

gland tumour, accounting for 32.92% of tumours is underestimated with the current


all oral and maxillofacial tumours. T classification system.

The World Health Organization (WHO) The authors’ institution is one of the Results

histological typing of salivary gland largest research centres on salivary gland

Distribution of tumours according to

tumours of 2005 identifies 10 subtypes diseases in China and has gathered data on

histological type

of benign epithelial 7190 cases of salivary gland tumours over


and 24 subtypes of malignant tumour. the last 50 years, from 1963 to 2012. The A total of 7190 patients underwent surgi-

The usual tumour of the salivary gland aims of this study were to investigate the cal treatment over the 50-year period at the

is a tumour in which the benign variant is epidemiological and clinical characteris- stomatology institute. Among these

less benign than a usual benign tumour, tics of epithelial salivary gland tumours in patients, 4654 (64.73%) had benign epi-

and the malignant variant is less malignant a northern Chinese population and to eval- thelial salivary gland tumours and 2536


than a usual malignant tumour. Benign uate the validity of the current TNM clas- (35.27%) had malignant tumours.

salivary gland tumours, in particular pleo- sification of salivary gland carcinoma. This case series encompassed almost

morphic adenomas, are prone to recur- This is the first such study in this popula- all of the WHO histological types of epi-

rence and malignant transformation. In tion, which makes the findings highly thelial salivary gland tumour, except for

patients with malignant salivary gland valuable in this field of study. sebaceous lymphadenocarcinoma and

tumours such as , metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma. In

despite recurrence and distant , this study, pleomorphic adenoma was the

10 Materials and methods

the survival rate is quite good. Nonethe- most common salivary gland tumour.

less, more data are needed to clarify the Research participants There were 3062 cases of pleomorphic

clinicopathological features of this specif- adenoma, accounting for 42.59% (3062/

This study included patients admitted and

ic group of tumours. 7190) of all epithelial salivary gland

treated at a stomatology institute between

The histopathological findings are suf- tumours and 65.79% (3062/4654) of be-

January 1963 and December 2012, who

ficient for the diagnosis and treatment of nign salivary gland tumours. There were

were diagnosed with an epithelial salivary

benign epithelial salivary gland tumours. 751 cases of ,

gland tumour.

However, for malignant tumours, apart accounting for 10.45% (751/7190) of ep-

from histopathological examination, the ithelial salivary gland tumours and

extent of tumour spread is an important 29.61% (751/2536) of malignant salivary

Research methods

index. The TNM classification of malig- gland tumours. This was the most com-

nant tumours is based on the primary All of the medical information relating to mon malignant epithelial salivary gland

tumour size, local tumour invasion, lymph the patients, including sex, age, location of tumour. The most common epithelial sal-

node metastasis, and distant metastasis. It the tumour, pathological findings, and ex- ivary gland tumours were pleomorphic

is the most widely used system for de- tent of the tumour, was collected and adenoma, Warthin tumour, mucoepider-

scribing and classifying the anatomical analyzed using SPSS version 13.0 soft- moid carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcino-

extent of cancer spread. However, there ware (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). ma, and basal cell adenoma, in

are some limitations to the current T clas- With regard to malignant tumours, the descending order of their incidence. The

sification of primary salivary gland clinical staging was carried out according data are presented in detail in Tables 1

tumours. For example, the number and to the 2010 criteria of the International and 2.

Table 1. Location and histopathological type of benign epithelial salivary gland tumours.

Major salivary gland Minor salivary gland

Total (%)


Parotid Submandibular Sublingual Palate Buccal Tongue Lip Retromolar sinus Nose

Pleomorphic 2044 438 8 431 49 6 30 51 2 3 3062 (65.79)


Warthin tumour 930 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 937 (20.13)

Basal cell adenoma 326 5 2 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 341 (7.33)

Myoepithelioma 118 9 1 47 2 0 3 1 3 0 184 (3.95)

Cystadenoma 46 1 1 22 4 1 6 3 0 0 84 (1.80)

Oncocytoma 32 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 36 (0.77)

Canalicular 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 6 (0.13)


Ductal papilloma 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (0.04)

Sebaceous 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (0.02)


Lymphadenoma 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (0.02)

Total (n), (%) 3502 458 13 506 61 7 41 58 5 3 4654 (100) (75.25) (9.84) (0.28) (10.87) (1.31) (0.15) (0.88) (1.25) (0.11) (0.06)

Salivary gland tumours in a Chinese population 345

Distribution of tumours according to


With regard to tumour location, the

Total (%)

tumours were located in the major salivary

glands in 5403 patients, and therefore the

major salivary glands accounted for

75.15% (5403/7190) of all epithelial sali-

vary gland tumours. Among them, 3973

(73.53%) tumours were benign and 1430

(26.47%) were malignant. The total num-

ber of tumours located in the parotid,

submandibular, and sublingual glands

was 4505 (62.66%), 713 (9.92%), and

185 (2.57%), respectively. In 1787

patients, the tumour was located in a minor

salivary gland, and these tumours

accounted for 24.85% (1787/7190) of all

epithelial salivary gland tumours. Among

the minor salivary gland tumours, 681

(38.11%) were benign and 1106

(61.89%) were malignant. Most major

salivary gland tumours were benign, that

is, about three-fourths of them. However,

most minor salivary gland tumours – more

than three-fifths – were malignant. There

was a significant difference in the propor-

tion of malignant tumours between the

major and minor salivary gland tumours

(P < 0.001). The common locations of

epithelial salivary gland tumours were

the , palate, and submandib-

ular gland.

As shown in Table 3, the ratio of benign

to malignant tumours varied across loca-

tions. Most of the epithelial salivary gland

tumours in the parotid and submandibular

glands were benign, while over 90% of the

tumours located in the ,

tongue, and maxillary sinus were malig-


Distribution of tumours according to sex

Among the 7190 patients, 3563 (49.55%)

were male and 3627 (50.45%) were fe-

Major salivary gland Minor salivary gland male, giving a male-to-female ratio for

this population of 1:1.02.

There was an obvious sex-based trend 3 1 3 28 6 2 1 2 0 0 46 (1.81) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (0.04)

Parotid Submandibular Sublingual Palate Buccal Tongue Lip Retromolar Maxillary sinus Nose

in some histological types of salivary

gland tumour. Warthin tumour, salivary

duct carcinoma, SCC, cystadenocarci-

, and not otherwise

specified (NOS) were more frequent in

male patients: the corresponding male-

to-female ratios were 9.65:1, 6.17:1,

4.67:1, 2.00:1, and 1.78:1, respectively.

However, basal cell adenoma, pleomor-

phic adenoma, myoepithelioma, acinic

cell carcinoma, and mucoepidermoid car-

cinoma were more common in female ), (%) 1003 (39.55) 255 (10.06) 172 (6.78) 599 (23.62) 132 (5.21) 135 (5.32) 40 (1.58) 138 (5.44) 61 (2.41) 1 (0.04) 2536 (100) . Location and histopathological type of malignant epithelial salivary gland tumours.


patients, with the male-to-female ratios

being 1:1.75, 1:1.55, 1:1.49, 1:1.38, and adenocarcinoma Table 2 Mucoepidermoid carcinomaAdenoid cystic carcinomaAdenocarcinoma, NOSCarcinoma ex pleomorphic adenomaAcinic cell carcinoma 325Cystadenocarcinoma 107Myoepithelial carcinoma 126Polymorphous low-grade 94 38 22 107 112 25 65 40 28 8 108 4 8 9 201 190 9 54 2 37 2 29 1 39 10 22 30 23 10 83 5 9 12 9 12 6 1 10 5 71 36 3 2 0 3 0 5 9 31 1 9 3 0 0 0 1 3 7 12 0 751 (29.61) 733 (28.90) 1 0 0 4 210 (8.28) 0 214 (8.44) 0 0 158 (6.23) 104 68 (4.10) (2.68) Basal cell adenocarcinomaSalivary duct carcinomaLymphoepithelial carcinomaSquamous cell carcinomaEpithelial–myoepithelial carcinomaOncocytic adenocarcinomaClear 19 cell carcinoma 21Sebaceous 21 carcinomaMucinous 23 adenocarcinomaCarcinosarcoma 33Sialoblastoma 17 5Small cell 3 carcinoma 3Large cell 10 carcinomaLow-grade cribriform 0 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 3 8 0 6 6 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 4 0 2 1 3 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 43 0 1 0 (1.70) 0 32 (1.26) 34 (1.34) 43 (1.70) 34 (1.34) 0 0 0 23 0 0 (0.91) 0 0 20 0 (0.79) 6 (0.24) 0 6 (0.24) 0 0 3 (0.12) 2 (0.08) 2 3 (0.08) (0.12) Total ( NOS, not otherwise specified. 1:1.37, respectively.

346 Gao et al.

Table 3. Location-, sex-, and age-based distribution of benign and malignant epithelial salivary gland tumours. .

Benign Malignant


No. % No. %

Location Parotid 3502 77.74 1003 22.26 <0.001

Submandibular 458 64.24 255 35.76

Sublingual 13 7.03 172 92.97

Palate 506 45.79 599 54.21

Buccal 61 31.61 132 68.39

Tongue 7 4.93 135 95.07

Retromolar 58 29.59 138 70.41

Sinus 5 7.58 61 92.42

Lip 41 50.62 40 49.38

Nose 3 75 1 25

Sex Male 2316 65.00 1247 35.00 0.632

Female 2338 64.46 1289 35.54

Age (years) 16 101 55.19 82 44.81 0.006

>16 4553 64.98 2454 35.02

Distribution of tumours according to age these young patients, 101 (55.19%) had system. The T classification and clinical

benign tumours (86 had pleomorphic ade- stage of the salivary gland tumours are

The age of patients ranged from 8 months noma), while 82 (44.81%) had malignant shown in Table 4. Regardless of whether

to 89 years, with the median age being 47 tumours (43 had mucoepidermoid carci- the tumour was present in the major or

years. The median age of patients with noma and 10 had ). minor salivary gland, the proportion of T3

benign tumours was 46 years and with With regard to the adult patients, 35.02% tumours was 9.55% and of stage III

malignant tumours was 48 years. No dif- had malignant tumours. Compared with tumours was 10.25%.

ference was found between the two large the adult patients, the children and ado-

groups of benign and malignant tumours lescents had a greater percentage of ma-

(P > 0.05). The median age of patients lignant tumours (P = 0.006). The


with Warthin tumour was 59 years and distribution of benign and malignant epi-

with was 62 years. The me- thelial salivary gland tumours based on This study presents the epidemiological

dian age was over 50 years for patients location, sex, and age are summarized in and clinical features of salivary gland

with malignant salivary duct carcinoma, Table 3. tumours in a northern Chinese population.

SCC, adenocarcinoma NOS, mucinous The validity of the TNM classification

adenocarcinoma, and oncocytic carcino- system for salivary gland tumours was

Distribution of salivary gland carcinomas

ma. The peak age of patients with epithe- examined.

according to the TNM classification

lial salivary gland tumours was 30–69 Through classification with the new

years – this age group comprised Among the 2536 patients with malignant WHO histological classification system


75.94% of the total population (5460/ tumours, 662 had loco-regional recurrent published in 2005, this case series encom-

7190). malignant epithelial salivary gland passed all of the types of benign tumour

Among the 7190 patients, 183 (2.55% tumours. Therefore, the remaining 1874 and a vast majority of the malignant ones,

of the total population) were children and patients had primary malignant tumours with the exception of metastasizing

adolescents under 16 years of age. Among that were classified according to the TNM pleomorphic adenoma and sebaceous lym-

phadenocarcinoma. According to the liter-

ature, the ratio of benign to malignant

Table 4. Distribution and comparison of different T classes and clinical stages of salivary gland

tumours is 1.17–3.76:1 for salivary gland

carcinoma by different TNM classifications.


tumours. The common benign

7th TNM New TNM

classification classification tumours are pleomorphic adenoma and

Warthin tumour, while the common

No. % No. % malignant tumours are mucoepidermoid

T class T1 536 28.60 513 27.37 carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcino-


T2 691 36.87 645 34.42 ma. The findings of the present

T3 179 9.55 248 13.23 study are consistent with those of previous

T4 468 24.97 468 24.97 studies: the malignant tumours accounted

T4a 363 19.37 363 19.37

for 35.27% of all salivary gland tumours,

T4b 105 5.60 105 5.60

with the ratio of benign to malignant

Clinical stage I 523 27.91 500 26.68 tumours being 1.84:1. Further, the com-

II 665 35.49 621 33.14 mon benign tumours were pleomorphic

III 192 10.25 259 13.82 adenoma, Warthin tumour, and basal cell

IV 494 26.36 494 26.36

adenoma, and the common malignant

IVA 360 19.21 360 19.21

tumours were mucoepidermoid carcinoma,

IVB 99 5.28 99 5.28

adenoid cystic carcinoma, and adenocarci-

IVC 35 1.87 35 1.87

noma NOS.

Salivary gland tumours in a Chinese population 347

Table 5. New T classification for high-grade salivary gland carcinomas. acinic cell carcinoma, and mucoepider-

T3 Tumour of any size moid carcinoma were more common in

T4a Tumour invades skin, , ear canal, or female patients.

T4b Tumour invades base of skull, pterygoid plates, or encases carotid artery

Salivary gland tumours are found across

High-grade salivary gland carcinomas comprise salivary duct carcinoma, high-grade mucoe- all age groups. In this study, the age of the

pidermoid carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, oncocytic carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, patients ranged from 8 months to 89 years,

large cell carcinoma, and . For other salivary gland carcinomas, the primary

with the median age being 47 years. No

tumour classification is in accordance with the 7th TNM classification.

significant age-based difference was

found between benign and malignant sali-

The incidence of tumours is greater in tumours accounted for 54.21%, 68.39%, vary gland tumours, which is in agreement


the major salivary glands than in the minor 70.41%, and 49.38% of the tumours in the with other studies. However, it


salivary glands. However, it is important palate, buccal region, retromolar area, and was found that patients with benign sali-

to note that the proportion of major and lip, respectively. These results are consis- vary gland tumours were relatively young;

minor salivary gland tumours varies tent with those of previous Warthin tumours and oncocytoma were


across different types of hospital. Among reports. An important finding the exceptions, which were more common

the 2579 cases of salivary gland tumour was that the percentage of malignancy in in elderly patients. Further, malignant sal-

reported by Seifert and Sobin, which were the maxillofacial sinus and tongue base in ivary gland tumours were common in the

mainly from general hospitals, tumours in the present series was as high as 92.42% elderly, especially oncocytic adenocarci-

the parotid, submandibular, sublingual, and 95.07%, respectively, which is similar noma, salivary duct carcinoma, and SCC,

and minor salivary glands accounted for to the percentage of malignant sublingual with the median age being 55 years.


80%, 20%, 1%, and 9% of the total sali- gland tumours. According to the literature, teenagers


vary gland tumours, respectively. The Certain types of tumour are prone to account for only 1.7–5.0% of all patients

findings from the present study are similar occur in specific salivary glands. For ex- with epithelial salivary gland


to those reported from two other main ample, in this study, almost all Warthin tumours, but the proportion of ma-


stomatology hospitals in China. The tumours, basal cell adenomas, and onco- lignant tumours is higher among teen-


proportion of parotid, submandibular, sub- cytomas, and most acinic cell carcinomas, agers. According to these studies,

lingual, and minor salivary gland tumours , oncocytic carcino- malignant tumours were found in more

was 62.66%, 9.92%, 2.57%, and 24.85%, mas, and epithelial–myoepithelial carci- than half of the patients who were less

respectively, in the present series of 7190 nomas occurred in the parotid gland. than 16 years old and in more than 80% of

cases. Therefore, in contrast to the study The most common salivary gland tumour patients who were less than 5 years


by Seifert and Sobin, the proportion of in the sublingual gland, base of the tongue, old. The common histopathological

parotid gland tumours was lower, while and maxillary sinus was adenoid cystic tumour types among adolescents are

that of minor salivary gland tumours was carcinoma, which accounted for 58.38% reported to be mucoepidermoid carcinoma


higher. One possible reason for the rela- (108/185), 58.45% (83/142), and 46.97% and acinic cell carcinoma. In the

tively high number of tumours in the (31/66) of the tumours in these regions, present series, 2.55% of all patients with

minor salivary glands in these studies respectively. The percentages were ade- epithelial salivary gland tumours were

(including the present one) is that they noid cystic carcinoma in the salivary gland children and adolescents, and the ratio

are located in the oral cavity and the tumour of specific sites. Polymorphous of benign tumours to malignant tumours

patients first seek treatment at a stomatol- low-grade adenocarcinoma was mainly in these patients was 1.23:1. Compared to

ogy hospital. The most common site of located in the palate. More than 50% of adults, for whom the ratio of benign to

minor salivary gland tumours is the palate, salivary gland carcinomas in the retromo- malignant tumours was 1.85:1, children

with an incidence of 8–22% among all lar region were mucoepidermoid carcino- and adolescents were more prone to ma-


epithelial salivary gland tumours. mas. These results are consistent with lignant salivary gland tumours. This is

5,6,8,10,14,15,17,19,20 15,25–29

The proportion of minor salivary gland those of other studies. consistent with previous reports.

tumours in the palate was 15.37% in the No significant differences have been In 2002, the UICC and American Joint

present series of 7190 cases. reported before in the incidence of epithe- Committee on Cancer (AJCC) released the

The proportion of benign and malignant lial salivary gland tumours and the ratio of 6th edition of the TNM classification. The

tumours in the salivary glands varies benign to malignant tumours between clinical staging for salivary gland carcino-


according to location. Most tumours in male and female patients. Of the ma, lip carcinoma, oral cavity carcinoma,

the parotid gland are benign, while an 7190 cases in this study, 3563 were male and maxillary sinus carcinoma underwent

equal proportion of benign and malignant and 3627 were female, giving a male-to- major revision. In addition, anaplastic car-

tumours is found in the submandibular female ratio of 1:1.02. For the male cinoma of the thyroid gland was classified


gland. Further, it is well known that patients, the ratio of benign to malignant under a separate stage. Regardless of the

the majority of sublingual gland tumours tumours was 1.85:1, and for the female size of the tumour, anaplastic carcinoma


are malignant in nature. In this study, patients, the ratio was 1.81:1. However, of the thyroid gland was defined as a

22.26%, 35.76%, and 92.97% of tumours significant sex-based differences were locally advanced lesion.

located in the parotid, submandibular, and found in the incidence of certain tumour After in-depth research on the biologi-

sublingual glands, respectively, were ma- types in this study. Warthin tumour, sali- cal behaviour of tumours, the UICC pub-

lignant. These findings indicate that the vary duct carcinoma, SCC, and cystade- lished the 7th edition of the TNM


smaller the size of the gland, the higher is nocarcinoma were more common in male classification in 2010. Malignant mela-

the possibility of malignancy. Further- patients, especially Warthin tumour, noma of the upper aerodigestive and re-

more, more malignancies (61.89%) than which had a male-to-female ratio of spiratory tracts was classified and staged

benign tumours were found in the minor 9.65:1. However, basal cell adenoma, separately: T1 and T2 were abolished,

salivary glands in this series. Malignant pleomorphic adenoma, myoepithelioma, tumours limited to the epithelium and/or

348 Gao et al.

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