Jewish Federation of Reading Non-Profit Organization Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 Reading, PA Change Service Requested

Jewish Federation of Reading Non-Profit Organization Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID JewishPO Box Federation 14925, Reading, of Reading PA 19612-4925 Non-Profit OrganizationPermit No. 2 Cultural Center U.S. PostageReading, PAID PA POChange Box 14925, Service Reading, Requested PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 Reading, PA Change Service RequestedShalom The Journal of the Reading Jewish Community Published as a community service by the Jewish Federation of Reading, Pa.

JewishVolume Federation 40 of No.Reading 3 MARCh 2010 -NisanNon-Profit Organization 5770 Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 www.ReadingJewishCommunity.orgINSIDE Reading, PA Change Service RequestedShalom1100 Berkshire Boulevard The Journal ofShalom the Reading JewishIt’s been Community an Publishedincredible as a community year. service Hope by you’ve the Jewish beenFederation here! of Reading, Pa. TThehe JJournalournal ofof the ReadingIt is hardJewish to believe Community.Community that a year Published Published has gone as as by a a since community community we relocated service service to the by by Jewish the the Jewish Jewish Cultural Federation Federation Center at of1100 of Reading, Reading, Berkshire Pa. Pa. Volume 40 No.Boulevard 5 in Wyomissing. If you haven’tMAY been here,2010 we hope to see you in the very near future.- For those of you 5770 who VolumeVolume 46, 40 No. No. 5 5 use the Center regularly or from ‘time MAY MAY to time’, 20102016 we always appreciate your visits and encourage Iyar-SivanNISAN-IYAR your feedback. 5770 5776 INSIDE And, thank you all for your support throughout the year! ReflectionsINSIDE on Paul D. Cohn, President, Jewish Federation of Reading Cindy Balchunas, Chair, Jewish Cultural Center Committee ShalomFamilyTammy Fun K. Mitgang, Day Executive highlightDirector, Jewish Federation of of Reading/Jewish Annual Cultural Meeting Center The Journal of the Reading Jewish Community Published as a community service by the Jewish Federation of Reading, Pa. Page 12 ByThere Amanda J. Hornbergeris no freewill start lunch at 12:15 and — continue or placeis atthere? Wyomissing Hills Park, We only ask that you kindly Volume 40 No.Building 3 on the fun from last until 4 p.m.MARCh 2010 53 Valley Road in Wyomissing. Adar-NisanRSVP to Brenda by Tuesday, 5770 May year’s annual meeting and family The fun outdoor games will be Free parking is available at the 17, at 610-921-0624 or brendas@ County Jews have gone to the JCC’s preschool to look at all expenditures, making sure that we picnic,By Paul please D. Cohn join us for this back, and new this year will be Wyomissing Hills Pool or on the Federation president for its excellent learning curriculum.Many times are being good stewards of your contributions. Celebrate year’s Annual Meeting and Family Israeli dancing with an instructor street by the park. We hope community members FreeINSIDE Jewish The 2010 Jewish the preschool is a gateway for Jewish families in We are making progress in all areas of your Program at Fun Day on Sunday, May 22, from from Philadelphia. Learn the A picnic lunch from Boscov’s of all ages will join us for this fun duringbooks special for FederationEllen Azrael, JewishLarry Rotenberg Annual and Hilde GernsheimerBerks County, where they can meet and make Federation. We are now in a position to focus FreeAlvernia Jewish to noon to 4 p.m. at the Wyomissing basics1100 of Israeli Berkshiredance from an Catering Boulevard and all the fun, games afternoon! kidsMay available 11 event Campaign is under way.Photo by Jeremy Drey: Courtesyfriends of with Reading other Eagle Jewish families. In addition, on those programs and services that our booksfocus foron EllenHills Azrael,Park (same Larry locationRotenberg as and last Hilde experienced Gernsheimer dancer and instructor! and activities will be provided Questions? Please contact through This campaign is the since the school is open to everyone, it provides community wants and needs. kidsto bepeace heldavailable at JCC year). At noon there willPhoto be a veryby Jeremy Dancing Drey: startsCourtesy at 2:30of Reading p.m. Eagle free of charge to all community Amanda at amandah@jfreading. Federation Federation’s majorIt’s source been an incrediblea diversity experience year. at an earlyHope age. you’veHowever been the bottom here! line is that we are through briefMaking annual meeting, sure but the fun we Thenever meeting and forget fun will take members. org or 610-921-0624. FederationPagePage 233 of funding,It is hard and toit believehelps that a year has gone• Cultural by since Programs we relocated and Services to the Jewish— The Culturalasking for, Center and need at 1100 your Berkshirehelp. And guess support the many important Federation provides many interesting and what? People do need a free meal every so MakingByBoulevard Paul D. Cohn in sureWyomissing. we If andyou never political haven’t context, been forget here,nothing we can hope to see you in the very near future. For those of you who programs and services that requested programs and services.Lectures, often. Seniors do enjoy the company and Page 3 Federation Chairman mask the darkest side of human Communityhelp Jewsuse inthe our Center community regularly and invited abroad. or from Most ‘time films, to to time’,discussion attend we groups,always and appreciatetalk holiday eventson your are visitsmedical friendship and encourage that our servicesethics your feedback.provide. Parents Federations By PaulAs I D. write Cohn andbehavior.Could political context, one view nothing our ability can Program helps Federationof you are notChairman new to the Campaign,mask And,and arethe thank darkestjust you a fewside all examples. offor human your In supportaddition, the throughout Federation theare year! relieved as they drop their preschooler Guitaristhelping thisOpen column to the it entire community,and responsibilitythe on toEating “never forget” as Led by Dr. Richard Alweis, Program seniors and accustomedAs I write to why this is such an behavior.Couldimportant allocates one view funds our abilityto local synagogues to help off at our school, knowing that their child is in toin perform Haiti Maimonidesis the day after Society’s next dinner onan Juneobligation? Well,” I think and so. No an matter Director of the internal medicine residency Reflections on thispartPaul columnof your D. Federation.Cohn,it President, Others Jewishmayand be responsibility Federationnew with totheir “neverof Reading programs. forget” as WeCindy offer Balchunas, programs and Chair, excellent Jewish hands. Cultural Jews Center in Israel Committee and around the othersGuitaristat annual work 2your features Federation Rabbi Jonathan K. hard itedited is to recall volume the horrific program for Reading Health System and PassoverPage 4 isto theour daycommunity. after Tammy Here are K. a Mitgang,few pointsan obligation? Executivethat I services I think Director, so. that No bring Jewishmatter our communityFederation together. of Reading/Jewishworld are gratefulCultural for Center the funding we supply. withtomeeting performtechnology sponsoredRabbi Crane our serves as the Raymondevents F. of thetentatively Holocaust, titled those who Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine yourwould Federation like you to consider: how hard it is to• recallIsrael the and horrific Jews around the world Making a pledge to the Campaign is more at annual SchinaziHolocaust Scholar in Bioethics and survived,Jewish and“Race the generations with that at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College Page 12 sponsored• Jewish our Family Services — eventsJFS now of the —Holocaust, Federation those has who a long and rich history of than the money, at least it should be. It should meetingPage 22 ThoughtRemembrance in the Center for Ethics atfollowed, Emory haveJewish to remember Ethics.” and at Thomas Jefferson University, the HolocaustservesThere all age groupsis no and is free dedicatedsurvived, lunchto and helping the generations Israel. — Although thator isour worldthere? is rapidly be your way of saying that you believe in and Foes of Israel University.Day, which He is the immediatecontinue past- toHe put thefounded events of the Society brings together Jewish medical Remembrancemaintaining and strengthening thefollowed, quality havechanging, to remember Israel isand still a young country, and support our local Jewish community. It should start Pagecampaign 2 presidentwas held of theat Society of JewishHolocaust Ethics intoand modern-day co-edits context. professionals who continue the tradition There’s plenty Day,ofBy individual Paul which D. Cohn and family life in thecontinue Jewish to putunfortunately,County the Jewsevents have ofsome thegone groups to the JCC’sand countriespreschool beto lookyour at way all expenditures, of saying that making you want sure tothat help we toCelebrating question andKesher will lead an interactive discussionSurvivors and needthe toJournal continue of to talk of tikkun olam – healing the world. of good news wascommunity.Federation held presidentJFSat runs a monthly foodHolocaust pantry intodofor modern-day itsnot excellent recognize context. learning Israel’s curriculum.Many right to peaceful times PhotoJewsare being byaround Jeremy good the Drey:stewards world. Courtesy It of should your of contributions.Reading be your Eagle way withnation’s Ethiopian textSynagogue. study at Reform I want Congregation to thank about Oheb their experiencesJewish Ethics. and educate The 40 members of Reading’s Program at KesheropenThe to bothZion2010 the JewishJewish and non-JewishSurvivors needcoexistence.the topreschool continue is Givento a gatewaytalk Rabbiits forchallenges, Jonathan Jewish K. Cranefamilies Jews in ofWe saying are making that you progresshave resources in all areasto help of others your Celebratinglegitimacy aboutJews Israel SholomKesher in ZionWyomissing Synagogue on Jewish for attitudesJews and non-JewsRabbi alike. Crane Maimonides Society integrate Jewish Alvernia to Synagogue.communities,Federation Jewish helpingI want Annual all to to thank meet theirabout dietary their experiencesthroughoutBerks County, and the educate where world theyhelp canIsrael meet with and funding make PhotowhoFederation. byare Jeremy less We fortunate, Drey: are nowCourtesy and in aat ofposition times Reading destitute. to Eaglefocus with Ethiopian towardhosting intervening this event, at as the well end as of life. Jews aroundcompleted the world continue a to values with community medical needs, focusPage 7on Kesherneeds.Campaign DidZion is you underSynagogue know way. JFS for coordinates Jews and non-Jewsandfriends resources alike.with other so sheJewish can families. remain strongIn addition, and Iton should those be programs your way toand say services you care. that our JewsPagePage 64 thankJonathan Dr. Minna is aBromberg much sought-after for be victims of Ph.Danti-Semitism. in Modern In addition, Jewish Thought at the helping to improve the lives of people here peace hostingtransportationThis campaign this event, for the is elderlyas the well and as infirmed Jews and around vibrant.since the theworld Our school continue funding is open to also to helpseveryone, Jews it providesin other communityFor everyone wants who and hasneeds. already pledged, I teacher.her spiritual He hasleadership. spoken Tammy at conferences Israel faces newUniversity and existing of enemies. Toronto in Canada. In at home and in Israel. thankprovidesFederation’s Dr. counseling Minna major Bromberg tosource members for of ourbe Jewishvictims of anti-Semitism.countriesa diversity who experience In addition, want to at move an early to Israel, age. or who say However“thank you.” the For bottom those line of you is thatwho arewe stillare Page 4 aroundMitgang the did world an excellenton Jewish job ethics However, and with2014, each hepassing received year we a Doctor of Letters, Preregistration for the June 2 program Page 2 hercommunity?of funding,spiritual leadership.andIn addition, it helps Tammy JFS provides Israel faces an newhave and• Cultural seriousexisting enemies. needsPrograms in their and own Services country. — The waitingasking tofor, pledge, and need I am your asking help. for Andyour guess help. HolocaustIt’s time for ethicalof facilitating themes, the including afternoon’s bioethics, are losing ourhonoris Holocaust causa, survivors from and Wheaton College in is required. Jewish Family Mitgangoutreachsupport the programdid many an andimportantexcellent acts as ajob clearinghouse However, with Federation eachAs passingI mentioned provides year weabove, many the interestingfunds raised and by Pleasewhat? Peoplepledge donow. need As ayou free have meal previously every so Israel’seducation factions politics,session. warfare, My thanks food also choices, go to Dan comparative their families, Massachusetts. along with the valuable As a Wexner Graduate Reading Hospital designates this Service offorprograms facilitatingother agencies and servicesthe inafternoon’s our that area. As economicare losing our Holocausttherequested Campaign survivors programs represent and and the services.Lectures, largest portion of heardoften. meSeniors say, Jewsdo enjoy have thea rich company tradition and of spreadingHolocaust in religionTannenbaum, and coordinatorinterfaith relations,of the stories and and Fellow,memories theyhe havereceived to both rabbinic continuing medical education activity for toFederations stop fighting session.conditionshelp Jews My inhave thanks our worsened,community also go to JFSand Dan abroad.has their seen families,Most an thealongfilms, Federation’s with discussion the valuable budget.groups, Lastand yearholiday you events helped are leadingfriendship by thatexample. our services All of us, provide. no matter Parents how educationBerks GandhianHolocaust philosophy.Library and Resource pass to futureordination generations. and Venues a Master of Arts in Hebrew a maximum of 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 andhelping joinPage forces 8 Tannenbaum,increaseof you are in notpeople coordinatornew lookingto the Campaign, offor thehelp. stories and areand memoriescontributejust a few they examples. $600,000 have to In to addition, the Campaign. the Federation A few largeare relieved or small asthe they contribution, drop their have preschooler a chance spreading in Center,He is thea partnership author of “Narratives between the and such Jewish as the Letters United States from Memorial Hebrew Union College – Credits™. in Haiti Holocaustaccustomed• Lakin Library Early to why Educationand this Resource is such Center an passimportant – JCC’s to future yearsallocates generations. ago, funds our Venues Campaign to local synagogueswas over $1 help tooff become at our school, leaders. knowing It all adds that up. their All childof us iscan in BerksPagePage 14 7 Bioethics”Federation (2013) and Albright and co-editor College. withHolocaust Elliot Museum,Jewish Institutethe Holocaust of Religion. For more information about the Center,preschoolpart of ayour partnership and Federation. kindergarten between Others have the amay longsuch be history asnew the UnitedSowith you their States can programs. seeMemorial that ourWe annual offer Estherprograms campaign Bratt and is changeexcellentLarry theRotenberg hands. world Jews withfor thegrandchildren in Israelbetter. and Talya around and the Eli DorffI ofalso “The want Oxford to thank Handbook Hilde of CenterJewish at Albright,The the Maimonides Anne Frank Society of the Jewish Maimonides Society’s dinner and program PagePage 74 Federationofto providingour community. and quality Albright Here education College.are a few in apoints Holocaustnurturing, that I Museum,moreservices important the that Holocaust bring than our ever. community The Federation together. has worldFree are lunch…I grateful don’t for the think funding so. It weis worth supply. its EthicsGernsheimer, and Morality” Ellen Azrael(2012.) and Forthcoming House in Amsterdam,Federation and of Readingthe Yad sponsorsEsther programs Bratt withLarry Rabbi Rotenberg Jonathan with grandchildren Crane or Talyato join and the Eli positivewouldI also like environment. wantyou to toconsider: thankMany generations Hilde Center of Berks at Albright,taken• Israel thesteps Anne toand help Frank Jews reduce around our expenses the world and weightMaking in gold. a pledge to the Campaign is more JEWISH booksLarry includeRotenberg “Eating for sharing Ethically: their Religious,Vashem Holocaust of interest memorial to both in Israel the medical and general Maimonides Society call the Federation Gernsheimer,• Jewish FamilyEllen Azrael Services and — HouseJFS now in Amsterdam, — Federation and the has Yad a long and rich history of than the money, at least it should be. It should FAMILYFoes of SERVICE: Israel Philosophicalpersonalserves all stories. age and groupsEach Scientific story and had isPerspectives itsdedicated serve as to valuablecommunityhelping educational Israel. throughout Although and theour is rapidly officebe your at way610-921-0624. of saying that you believe in and Jewish Family Larryown senseRotenberg of sadness, for sharing fear and their (at Vashemhistorical Holocaust repositories. memorial in Israel startHelp campaign with maintaining and strengthening the quality changing, Israel is still a young country, and support our local Jewish community. It should Service personaltimes) renewed stories. Eachhope storyand resolve. had its serveAll as of valuableus have aeducational responsibility and to Jewishtotransportation question Family Meirownof individual sense ofPanim sadness, and family fear distributesandlife (atin thehistorical Jewish repositories. unfortunately, 3,000 some challahs groups and countries a week be your to way Israel’s of saying that you needy want to help nation’s Still,community. it was difficult JFS runs to listen a monthly to and food “never pantry forget” do and not to standrecognize up for ourIsrael’s right to peaceful Jews around the world. It should be your way availableService times)comprehend renewed their hope stories. and Ifresolve. anyone rightsAll andof us beliefs have asa responsibilityJews. We must to legitimacyPage 6 openMeir to Panim, both thean organizationJewish and non-Jewishshopping cardscoexistence. annually, Given we its challenges, Jews of saying that you have resources to help others Still,has itany was doubt difficult about to listen the Jewishto and “nevercontinue forget” to educateand to stand those up who for our do Page 6 establishedcomprehendcommunities, to their helphelping stories. alleviate all If toanyone meetand theirwantedrights dietary and to beliefs dothroughout something as Jews. the Wespecial world must help Israel with funding who are less fortunate, and at times destitute. Page 127 diminishpeople’sneeds. theDidwill debilitating toyou survive, know one effectsJFS only coordinates fornot the believe Sabbath.” inand the resourcesHolocaust orso whoshe can remain strong and It should be your way to say you care. hasneeds any to doubt study aboutthe Holocaust. the Jewish continueattempt to to twist educate the truth those of what who actually do ofpeople’stransportation poverty will in toIsrael, forsurvive, the has elderly one started andonly infirmednotTherefore, believe and in vibrant.the every Holocaust Our Thursday, funding or who also helps Jews in other For everyone who has already pledged, I aprovides newAlthough program. counseling one In canthe to membersstudy“Challah the of ourMeirhappened. Jewish Panim‘s Again,countries goal a special is towho thankprovide want you to move to Israel, or who say “thank you.” For those of you who are still needs to study the Holocaust. attempt to twist the truth of what actually Trudy Katz and Ellen Azrael David, Larry and Alison Rotenberg foreventscommunity? leading upInProject,” theaddition, Holocaust MeirJFS and provides eachto Hilde, patron an Ellen with andhave twoLarry serious large, for sharing needsfreshly their in their own country. waiting to pledge, I am asking for your help. try Althoughto put these one events can into study historical the happened.thoughts and Again, memories a special with thank us. you Jewish Family Panimeventsoutreach leadingdistributes program up the 3,000 and Holocaust acts challahs as and a clearinghouse bakedto Hilde, challahs. Ellen and LarryAs I mentionedfor sharing their above, Trudy the Katz funds and raised EllenPhotos Azrael by by PleaseBarbara pledgeDavid,Nazimov Larry now. except and As asAlison you noted haveRotenberg previously Service weeklyfor other to agenciesneedy people in our atarea. the As economicAt the program’sthe Campaign launch represent this the largest portion of heard me say, Jews have a rich tradition of try to put these events into historical thoughts and memories with us. Photos by Barbara Nazimov except as noted 2010 totals organization’sconditions have six free,worsened, restaurant- JFS hasyear seen Meir an Panimthe Federation’s restaurants budget. Last year you helped leading by example. All of us, no matter how as ofPage Feb. 8 19 styleincreaseYashek soup in kitchens people lecturelookingand through for help. in to Jerusalem focuscontribute and onthe $600,000southern France to the Campaign. A few large or small the contribution, have a chance theirYashek •Meals-on-Wheels Lakin Early Educationlecture program. Center townto – JCC’s focusof Dimona years were onago, beautifully our France Campaign was over $1 million. to become leaders. It all adds up. All of us can preschool MeirThis Panim andyear’s kindergarten restaurants Richard have J.are Yashek a longdecorated historyefforts withSo to a you betterfestive can understand Sabbathsee that our these annual campaign is change the world for the better. Jewish lecture will be held Thursday, May terrible events actually accomplished Community openof providing ThisSunday year’s qualitythrough Richard education Thursday. J. Yashekin a tablenurturing, includingefforts moreto a better white important tableclothunderstand than ever. these The Federation has Free lunch…I don’t think so. It is worth its Thepositive6, organization at environment.8 p.m. in servesMemorial Many nearlygenerations Chapel and at of Berkscandlesticks.their aims?taken steps“DinersOr have to helpwere they reduce actually our expenses and weight in gold. Campaign lectureAlbright will College. be held The Thursday, speaker will May be terribledistorted events historical actually understanding accomplished $110,708 400,0006, at 8 hot,p.m. nutritiousin Memorial meals Chapel very at excitedtheir aims? about Or the have Sabbath they actually annuallyRichard to J. hungryGolsan, andPh.D., lonely a professor atmosphere and challenged we created thewith notion the emotionof the when I handed something Sternbuch. “However, everyone 20162010 totals Albrightof French College. at Texas The A&M speaker University. will be distorteduniqueness historical of the Holocaust understanding as well as peopleRichard in these J. Golsan, free restaurants. Ph.D., a professorprepared and challengedSabbath tables the notionand asof simplethe as these challahs to this wishes for a bit of tranquility asas ofof AprilApril 1519 He”Our is restaurants the author are or noteditor open of moreenjoyable the terrible background singularity music,” of the fatewoman. of its She is weak and home- in their challenging lives. We 2010 totals ofthan French a dozen at Texas books. A&M He hasUniversity. been a uniquenessvictims? This of lecturethe Holocaust will explore as well these as as of April 19 onHe Fridays is the andauthor the or Sabbath,” editor of morenoted theSternbuch. terrible singularity of the fatebound of its and can’t make her way to hope that donors will recognize Jewish explainedvisiting professor Goldie Sternbuch,at the Sorbonne inIn issuesa particularly through a touchingdiscussion ofthe recent Meir Panim free restaurant. that sweet, Sabbath challah JewishCommunity Community thanParis, a wheredozen hebooks. taught He courses has been on the a victims?works of This literature lecture and will filmexplore as thesewell as CampaignJewish Directorvisiting of professor Overseas at theRelations Sorbonne moment, in issues an throughelderly, ahomebound discussion of Herrecent house is bare. She took the adds a special sweetness to Campaign for memoryMeir Panim. of World “Though War II inwe postwar woman the in 1990’sDimona trials received of French her citizens challahs, on smelled them for a long impoverished people’s lives and Community Paris,French where literature he taught and coursesculture. on the workscharges of ofliterature crimes againstand film humanity as well foras $309,362Campaign distributememory 30 of percentWorld War more II infood postwar challahs the 1990’sby personal trials of delivery.French citizens moment, on and broke down in tears. will want to support this endeavor.” $273,000 on ThursdaysFor more to helpthan people three getdecades The volunteercomplicity who in thedelivered Final Solution. the It was a very sobering moment.” Meir Panim receives support *Includes transfers from FrenchFrance literature has been and preoccupied culture. with chargesThe oflecture crimes is against held in humanity memory for of Donor$273,000 Advised Funds throughFor themore weekend than three and decadeswe challahs complicity related in to the the Final Dimona Solution. “Meir Panim helps everyone from our community through the alsotraumatic provide overmoments 100,000 and food events branch of Richard head, J.“I Yashek,cannot apossibly Holocaust survivorin need, whether they observe Jewish Federation of Reading’s Franceits recent has past. been Butpreoccupied have national with andThe longtime lecture Berks is held County in memory resident. of packagestraumatic and moments about 5,300 and foodevents convey of Richard the J.magnitude Yashek, a Holocaust of my survivorthe Sabbath or not,” shared Israel Now campaign. 2010 totals its recent past. But have national and longtime Berks County resident. as of Feb. 19 Jewish Community Campaign $110,708 Page 2 SHALOM May 2016 Changing our tune By Richard Nassau of our community and our talk turned to education and how their father’s Jewish would be, too. Our ability to adapt is a Development Director Jewish legacies. community priorities were different from big part of our vibrancy and strength as Recently one of All right, songs and melodies generally theirs. But I got it. a community. my children along are not the first thing I think of when I speak Jews and tradition are one of those Legacy gifts reflect personal values with some friends with people about creating their Jewish pairs we easily link together. When I think and personal traditions. A bequest to attended services legacy. My thoughts focus more on how of my own traditions, I know my choices Federation in any amount helps sustain at a synagogue in critically important Federation legacy reflect many of the ways my parents and us. More importantly, each individual another community. funds are for ensuring our Jewish future. grandparents expressed their Judaism. legacy gift contributes to moving This group had gone How contributions to our legacy funds How it was displayed through their choice our community forward, sometimes several times before provide camp scholarships, leadership of social groups, their involvement with traditionally and sometimes in new ways. and liked it. So I was surprised when development, reinforce Jewish identity, institutions such as their synagogue and Please give some thought to what they returned and my child said, “We’re and engage people in new ways. I will the JCC, their passion for Israel, and in you would like your Jewish legacy to be. probably not going back. There was a now be adding how critically important the ways they practiced their own Jewish What is your Jewish passion? What is bunch of new songs and melodies we making a Jewish legacy gift is to also traditions. important to you? Then please consider didn’t know.” I restrained my parental helping us change. So for me, songs and melodies making a contribution to Federation instincts and simply said, “Okay.” As I sat speaking with this person are a good reminder of how well we through a bequest in your will. It’s a good Now the reason they are not returning about their Jewish legacy, they said, as a community adapt and respond to tradition to follow. You can contact me to may or may not be “songs and melodies,” “You know, Richard, my tunes aren’t the changes within our own tradition. My discuss confidentially ways of creating but my child’s comments came back to same ones my father sang.” Now please tunes aren’t the same ones my father your own Jewish legacy. You choose the me when I was meeting with a member know they were talking about Jewish sang. I’m thankful for that and expect he song and melody. Technology got you down? Come to the JCC By Amanda J. Hornberger support with the newest technologies (not please feel free to bring it but the class is A list of classes and topics are below. I think most people have seen (and just seniors) this series of class will be also open to anyone who does not have the Friday, May 6 at 1 p.m. — can relate) to the Ally Bank commercial taught by those “in the know”…millennials technology and would like to learn. You can Smartphones: Android and iPhone featuring grandparents and grandchildren. who are experts on how to use the latest attend just one class or the entire series. Friday, May 13 at 1 p.m. — Tablets: As the advertisement states “grandkids technologies! The JCC is offering the classes for free Microsoft, Google, Android and Apple = free tech support”. In order to combat Each week we will cover a different but we are requiring RSVPs so that we can Friday, May 20 at 1 p.m. — Kindle or this and allow for some intergenerational technology with hands on experiences and prepare materials ahead of time. Nook: Accessing e-books from the Reading bonding instead of just tech support, the handouts with instructions to take home. Please RSVP to Brenda at brendas@ Public Library JCC is offering a three-week series of The classes will be an hour long, and or 610-921-0624 by the day Questions? Please contact Amanda at FREE technology classes! there will be plenty of time for questions before the class. Please specify if you are [email protected] or 610-921-0624 Geared for those who need more and answers! If you have your own device attending the entire series or just one class. ALL ARE WELCOME. Diplomat’s book sheds light on Israel-U.S. relationship

Thanks to the wisdom of Moisey great peril for Israel, resisted all requests Schneider, who chose the book, the for defensive weapons. Despite this, Israel Book Club read Dennis Ross’ book Nasser aggressively pursued relations Book Club: ‘Saving Israel’ “Doomed to Succeed.” Ross served in with the USSR, and no other Arab leader By Amanda J. Hornberger the book, Gordis and select our next five United States administrations, worked was prepared to work with us beyond Is Israel worth saving, and if so, book on Wednesday, May 18 at 7 with six Israeli prime ministers and was a what they were already doing. In other how do we secure its future? The p.m. at the JCC. political consultant and strategic designer words, Eisenhower’s policy of distance answer to this question and much “Saving Israel: How the Jewish of the Middle East peace process. His book from Israel created no benefit for the U.S. more can be found in the JCC Israel People Can Win a War That May analyzes the posture and policies on Israel in the Middle East. Book Club’s latest book, “Saving Never End” can be found at the of the last twelve U.S. presidents beginning The second assumption is a corollary Israel: How the Jewish People Can Exeter Public Library, Amazon or with Harry Truman. He has unparalleled of the first. It is repeatedly believed that Win a War That May Never End,” by other major book retailers. If you experience in Washington and Middle cooperation with Israel has significant Daniel Gordis. have questions or would like more East politics, making this a great choice for negative political costs in the Middle “Saving Israel” addresses the information about the JCC Israel general information in our campaign year. East. An example of this fallacy is most pressing issues faced by Israel Book Club please contact Amanda Examining the historical record, Ross that Truman recognized the Jewish and lays to rest some myths about at [email protected] or 610- was surprised to find that Middle East State of Israel against the advice of Israel. We’ll be meeting to discuss 921-0624. policies, positions, and agreements every one of his advisers. This was were recycled from administration an extraordinary example of his vision to administration. Many were even and courage. Contrary to dire warnings pressed that issue, and the resulting and equality of gender, race, creed and couched in the exact same terms. Ross of Arab reprisals, the result was no peace deal and Sadat’s visit to Israel sexual orientation; interests such as believes the greatest mistake of U.S. cessation of relations and full access to confirms this. The present conflicts in economic and strategic security, being administrations was and remains the oil from Middle East countries. Syria, Libya and Yemen are clearly a positive benefit and aid to the world at failure to learn from historically disproven The third assumption is that resolving unrelated to the Israeli-Palestinian large; and threats such as brutal terrorist assumptions. the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is critical to conflict. Ross states that linkage between extremism are principles that Israel and He talks of three specific errors. First, resolving all Middle East issues. Analyses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other the United States have in common. it was and is wrongly believed that an of the Carter, George H.W. Bush and Middle East issues is the mother of The Israel Book Club is proud to have emotional and strategic distance from Obama administrations showed that all myths. Although there is a moral motivated the Federation to bring Dennis Israel will result in an emotional and Arab states rarely did anything tangible imperative to solve this conflict, it will not Ross to Reading in September. Our next strategic closeness with the Arab and for the Palestinians other than posture. be a regional game changer. book is Daniel Gordis’ “Saving Israel.” If you Muslim world. As an example of this error, It was always self-interest and inter- In the end, Ross believes that the are confused, conflicted and/or upset with Eisenhower tried to develop allies in the Arab competition that drove Middle Israel-US relationship is doomed (in the result of the recent Pew study on Israel’s Middle East to contain the Soviet Union. East priorities. As an example, Carter a good way) to succeed because we internal divides, join us for this discussion on In an attempt to accomplish this, he believed Sadat would not make peace share the same values, interests and Wednesday, May 18, at 7 p.m. at the JCC pressed Israel to accommodate all Arab with Israel unless Palestinian issues threats. Values such as freedom of Prepared by Moisey Schneider, Andi states’ demands. He also, at a time of were addressed. However, Sadat never speech, press, and religion, rule of law Franklin and the Israel Book Club Yemin Orde celebrates French heritage of teen residents Yemin Orde Youth Village is home and leafy trees reflecting both France teens reappeared on stage wrapped a part of Israel, but they have difficulty to 110 French-Jewish teenagers, many and Israel. in Israeli flags, whirling and twirling like integrating so we must help them.” of North African descent whose families Everyone was treated to two short dervishes. This special evening of so many moved to Israel from Paris, Bordeaux, plays, one about the upcoming Passover The evening’s songs, plays, and nuanced moments concluded with the Marseilles, Nice, and Toulouse. seder and the other about , the skits were trilingual, delivered in performers asking the audience to rise For the past two years, the French festival in which Jews of North African French, Hebrew and Moroccan Arabic. and sing HaTikvah, Israel’s national youth have organized French Day at heritage bring the Passover holiday to The mix of languages and cultural, even anthem. Everyone stood, put their Yemin Orde, sharing their culture, food, a close. To act out Mimouna, everyone culinary, references—as one sketch arms around each other’s shoulders music and more with their new Village got involved: the singers and dancers put it, “couscous, not croissants”— or waists, and sang while swaying side friends from other countries. donned fezzes and white (traditional expressed the teenagers’ engagement to side. And then they and their sons This year’s French Day featured long garments worn in North African with a complicated three-fold identity. and daughters proudly belted out “La a production of a student written and countries) and even staff member, As David Ouaki, French Program Marseillaise,” the national anthem of produced show: “Israel is My Home.” Yossi Zohar, took on the role of a Coordinator, said,“The show was France. The Village’s gymnasium/basketball Moroccan elder and accompanied his authentic. It came from them. The Yemin Orde is supported by local court was converted into a theater students on the darbuka (small goblet- children have their own customs and dollars through the Jewish Federation with a painted backdrop of skyscrapers shaped drum). At the conclusion, the traditions and . They ask to be of Reading’s Israel Now campaign. October 2012 SHALOM Page 3 May 2016 SHALOM Page 3 From the President’s Desk Looking forward to a great New Year DON’T MISS OUT By Alvin Katz in need. Providing food, assistance with visit, among other sites, Yemin Orde, and Be sure to pick up the October Chairman expenses and many other aspects of getting Meir Panim, which we support through Recent events show powerI wantof to takeour this communitythose less fortunate back on their feet. your contributions. Yemin Orde is a youth Berks County Living time to wish all of you a Our ܁nance committee has been working village in the Carmel mountains near Haifa magazine featuring a special By William D. Franklin upon their support for Israel. lifelong learning to celebrate our rich to seek your input and constructive very Happy and Sweet overtime ensuring that our funds are well which caters to youth in need, providing President In reviewing the Federation programs heritage and contemporary relevance criticism. supplement produced by the New Year. cared and accounted for. I also want to them with shelter, emotional support and One of the most and services being scheduled for our next — PJ Library, Jewish Community High An exciting development that supports Jewish Federation of Reading. As we enter into the recognize Tammy Mitgang and her entire an excellent education. Meir Panim is, for interesting take-aways fiscal year, it struck me that there is one School, 92nd St. Y presentations, Great our goal is that we have arranged for New Year, we reflect Federation/JCC staff who work tirelessly the lack of a better description, similar to from attending the goal that I hope we can agree on. Let Decisions, Israel Book Club; holiday Ambassador Dennis Ross to come to Special thanks to Campaign on what we have for you. what we would call a soup kitchen but with recent AIPAC Policy us work together to expand the number celebrations; the Yashek and Leo Camp Reading on Sunday, Sept. 25 and address Co-Chairs Howard & Victoria accomplished this past As we enter the New Year, I am happy to a different concept. Here those in need can Conference was of Reading community Jews actively lectures, interfaith programs. our Leadership Gifts dinner, our local year and what challenges lie ahead for us announce that we have a Mission to Israel get hot meals that are SERVED to them, not Hafetz for spearheading the witnessing 18,700 engaged in communal Jewish life. c) Caring for people in times of college students at an Albright College in the coming year. Your Federation has this month in conjunction with the Allentown cafeteria style as here in the States, so that project, which raised $19,200 for people representing all We hope to achieve this by: need locally and globally — our JFS Hillel event, and to our community later provided many interesting programs and Federation. With the numbers participating, they don’t feel like they are getting a handout. elements of American a) Nurturing a welcoming and counseling and financial aid services, that evening. Details for these three Federation! See Page 7 for a list speakers this past year. We have attended this should be a very worthwhile Mission. In addition, Meir Panim serves thousands society agreeing on inclusive community that makes providing a community food pantry, events are being worked out, but we hope of advertisers and patrons. to those less fortunate, maintained our state They will be visiting many sites and meeting of hot meals to schoolchildren throughout one goal. Whether they were Democrats, participation in communal Jewish life support for Israeli Social services (Meir you reserve the date and attend. certi܁ed Nursery School. We completed with some well-known names in Israel Israel and maintains a Goodwill-like facility Republicans, or Independents, young compelling and accessible — Community Panim, Yemin Orde, JAFI, and JDC). Although the Torah teaches us to treat Look for it at local retailers and a very successful Gratz College program politics and military. I feel certain that many to help furnish clothing and furniture to those teens or seniors, Jewish or Christian, , annual meeting picnics, We are fortunate to have many strangers well, let us not be strangers for our teenagers and a wonderful senior if not all of them will return with a better in need. For both of these organizations and libraries and at the Berks Encore Caucasian, Hispanic or African-American, chevra and seniors’ events; cultural trips volunteers serving on our Board and amongst ourselves. Please join us in program. Our Jewish Family Service has understanding of Israel and its position in Jews throughout the world who receive your Senior Expo Oct. 23 at BodyZone. pro-Netanyahu or anti-Netanyahu and to New York and Philadelphia. committees to help us fine-tune ways building vibrant Jewish life in our community. again done a wonderful job helping those the world and the Middle East. They will support, I thank you. agreed on nothing else, they agreed b) Promoting education and of accomplishing this goal but continue May your Passover be sweet. From the President’s Desk Shalom, goodbye, au revoirBeing Alma By Larry Rotenberg if that were not enough, the British So what does this have to do with flame alive will continue. Chairman Government issues a White Paper, Bythe Tammy fact that K. thisMitgang is my last article for EastIn troubled conclusion, her, anotherand she Ben knew Gurion that ground in Ethiopia — the Jewish Agency bears their name, and as the ܁rst female There is an old, which severely limited the number of PresidentShalom? Probably nothing; although lifeanecdote for Israel comes — to though mind. itHe was is a sitting ܁rst-­world for Israel and the American Jewish Joint President of the Jewish Federation of no doubt apocryphal Jews, who could come to Palestine, at myAlma psychoanalytic Lakin would be friends would say economyaround with like world the leaders, USA, wasall of dif܁cult whom and Distribution Committee (JDC) — feared Reading, she and Dan Tannenbaum, story about David Ben a time of desperate need. thethis is ܁rst my unconsciousto pooh-­pooh way of dealing complicated.were complaining about their jobs and for the Ethiopian Jewish community’s an executive director of the Federation, Gurion, the George At the same time, the British, who anywith notionmy separation that she anxiety. And they howWhen difficult I interviewed it was to manageher for apeople. video safety when rebel forces threatened brokered a partnership with her alma Washington of Israel. were hard-pressed by the Nazi armies waswould amazing, be right. special thatEach recognized leader thenher gaveand heran example husband, of to overrun Mengistu Haile-Mariam’s mater, Albright College, that would Supposedly a in Egypt, allowed the Jews to form what or thatI leave she inspiredthis job withthe both satisfaction Ed’sa particular community problem. service When it cameand timethe Commmunist government. establish the Holocaust Library and reporter came up to became known as the “Jewish Brigade,” extraordinaryand regret. I startedin others. two years ago in the establishmentfor Ben Gurion of to the speak, Holocaust he said: Library “how What followed was one of the most Resource Center on the campus. him and asked: “How come most people consisting of Jewish volunteers from Petite,hope thatbig heartedwe would and accomplish much andwould Resource you like Center to rule at Albright3 million College, people dramatic rescue operations in Israel’s Being Alma meant tireless service have one word for hello, and another Palestine. This Brigade distinguished deliberate,more than timewe have. spent And I finished, by she(approximate did not talk population about her effortsof Israel to atraise the history. Over 34 hours and four minutes, and no fanfare — certainly no pictures word for goodbye; but the use itself on the battle fields of Europe, and withrealizing Alma that was social never change is a very moneytime), alland of resettle whom Sovietthink theyJews are in ourthe 34 Israeli cargo and passenger planes if she was expected to be in them. the same word, Shalom for both.” Ben threw terror into Nazi hearts, when their aboutslow process. her. All you can do is your best, community.Prime Minister. Instead, she spoke of how worked around the clock, airlifting 14,310 Accolades were not her style; but she Gurion, a genius never lost for words, jeeps, flying the Star of David, patrolled andShe leave cared it to about the younger others generation — strangers, thrilledSo letshe me was end to withmeet the with last Natan verse and of Ethiopian Jews to Israel from Addis was not without opinion — thoughtful replied without hesitation: “we Israelis occupied German streets. familyto move and things friends. a little And more she inworked the right to Avitala poem Sharanksyby Swinburne: — refuseniks who at Ababa. Alma would have beamed having and at times, determined. But, no matter never know whether we are coming or Back to Ben Gurion: when he was improvedirection. the world — here at home, in extraordinary “Let us thank personal whatever risk Gods and might sacri܁ce heard MK Sholomo Molla’s incredible life what she put her efforts behind, you could going, and as a result, we have to use asked how he was going to deal with IsraelIt hasand beenaround a thejoy work When with youBill helpedbe; to spark and later ignite a global story that he credits to the work of the be sure that she was right by your side, the same word. both the War and the White Paper, he wereFranklin with and Alma, his itstaff. was Heall aboutand his you, wife it movementThat no to life free lives Soviet forever; Jewry. Between Federation system that saved his life. working hand in hand with you and others On another occasion, during the replied wisely: “we shall fight the War wasare trulyyou whoa very were positive front and force center for good and 1990That and dead 1997, men Federation’s rise up never’ Operation (see page 5) to do great things. Second World War, Ben Gurion had to as if there were not White Paper; and madein our tocommunity. feel special. ExodusAnd evencampaign the weariest nationally river raised $1 Alma shared her excitement and pride Alma considered herself privileged deal with the threat of the Nazi armies, we shall fight the White Paper as if there AlmaThe passionbelieved thatrequired we are to responsible get things billionWinds to rapidly somewhere rescue andsafe resettle to see”. more that helped to raise nearly $1 million to have enjoyed so much of life. One of who were not far from the . As were no War”. fordone, each to other make according progress, to and the to principles keep the thanShalom…. one million Soviet Jews in Israel and locally toward the capital campaign that her favorite memories was crossing over of chesed (caring and compassion), North America. PS – Alma marched with would build the U.S. Holocaust Memorial into Jordan when the borders with Israel Torah (Jewish learning), tikkun olam others in our community on the National Museum in Washington, America’s were reopened. “To think, she would JCC to mark Holocaust Memorial(repairing the word)Day and tzedakah with (social filmMall in Washington screening during one of the national institution for the documentation, reminisce; “that we along with other justice). And her life was an embodiment largest marches in American history. That study and interpretation of Holocaust Federation mission-goers, met with King By Amanda J. Hornberger 7 p.m. of those principles. rallyreceived would from become the a Jewish turning communitypoint in this history. She reଂected on the mixture of Hussein. Ed and I were so fortunate.” In honor of Holocaust Memorial The documentary tells the true story She believed in the bold collective greater Philadelphia in order to raindrops and tears that fell the night of Her family was her heart. She Day, Yom Hashoah, the JCC will of the Krauses, a Philadelphia couple of Federation and knew that together fundShe the spoke trip aboutand thenthe unity place of the its dedication as she, Ed and others from considered a better world, her be hosting a FREE screening of who left their two small children behind we could mobilize ܁nancial and social Jewishchildren world in homes that upon resulted their inarrival the our community donned their construction responsibility and life — a special reward. the documentary film “50 Children: to go to Vienna and save Jewish children resources that could rescue Jews, Operationin the United Solomon States. rescue mission that hats and toured the vast and important I think those of us who knew Alma were The Rescue Mission of Mr. & Mrs. in 1939. strengthen the Jewish people and tookI hopeplace you in Maywill join1991. us atThe the state JCC ofat structure. the truly the fortunate ones. Kraus” followed by a commemorative This remarkable story tells of the literally, change the world. Israel,7 p.m. together on Wednesday, with Jewish May Federation 4, as we At home in Berks County, the JCC’s Alma Lakin passed away Aug. 27 at candle lighting by our local survivor courage of one couple who could not sit TheThe ongoing film turbulencealso shows in the Middle the ofremember North America’s the Holocaust major partners and onhonor the Lakin Early Education Center preschool the age of 82. community on Wednesday, May 4 at back and do nothing. remarkable support the couple those who survived. Please join us as we celebrate FederationIt’s Simcha mission Supplement to Israel time begins Oct. 21 If you had or are having a bar/bat mitzvah or graduation Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha’atzmaut A joint mission composed of chaired by Michael and Susan Fromm and Berks County will be joining the group purpose and heightened appreciation community(high school members or fromhigher) the Reading in your familyVictor and this Dena Jewish Hammel. year, In addition share to on the mission. and connection to Jewish identity. area andthe the good Lehigh news Valley with will leavethe community. for Mitgang, Jayne Please Kleinman, submit Cultural a few Center The Reading Jewish community has Mission participants will visit Reading’s Israel Oct. 21.sentences about the personprogram along director with and a photo. Mark Goldstein, bene܁ted from teaming with the seasoned Israel Now projects — two important ForText the and Reading photos community, can be it sentis the toExecutive [email protected] Director of Jewish orFederation to the of mission-goers from the Allentown area humanitarian efforts that both save ܁rst mission the FederationFederation has ledin the office. Lehigh Valley will staff the mission. and Lehigh Valley Federation’s “well- and change lives — Yemin Orde Youth more than 15 years. A goal of Federation Rabbi Brian Michelson from oiled” mission process. Village in the Carmel Mountains and Meir President Tammy Mitgang and Federation Congregation Oheb Sholom and Rabbi “Mark Goldstein and his staff have Panim’s new nutrition center in Kiryat leadership,PLEASE the SUBMIT Reading ENTRIESmission is co- ASAP.Yosef WE Lipsker, CANNOT Chabad-Lubavitch GUARANTEE of created over the years a network of Gat, where the community will dedicate PUBLICATION OF ITEMS SUBMITTED AFTER MAY 1 resources and processes that have the kitchen that was made possible bene܁ted our community — newbies, thanks to the Reading community’s if you will, when it comes to mission funding efforts. SHALOM planning. And, we are neighbors. The The dedication will be a big thank you AA newspapernewspaper servingserving thethe JewishJewish communitycommunity ofof Reading,Reading, Pennsylvania,Pennsylvania, mission project is just the start of future to our community and a proud moment. andand publishedpublished monthly,monthly, SeptemberSeptember throughthrough June,June, underunder thethe JewishJewish joint efforts,” Mitgang said. With two out of every ܁ve children in FederationFederation ofof Reading.Reading. FundedFunded byby thethe ReadingReading UnitedUnited JewishJewish Campaign.Campaign. There are many details that need Israel living below the poverty line, to be addressed when moving a group Meir Panim’s network of soup kitchens, GeneralGeneral Offices:Offices: 11001100 BerkshireBerkshire Blvd.,Blvd., SuiteSuite 125125 of more than 50 people across Israel. restaurants and feeding centers, ensure Wyomissing,Wyomissing, PAPA 1961019610 Jewish Federation of North America’s warm, nutritious meals for thousands of Phone:Phone: 610-921-0624610-921-0624 FAX:FAX: 610-929-0886610-929-0886 Missions Department and its staff in children and families every day. WebWeb site:site: Israel along with Kenes Tours will further At Yemin Orde, the group is anxious to ensure that each and every day of the see ܁rsthand the progress that has been Jewish Federation of Reading Jewish Federation of Reading mission is maximized. made at the village since the wild܁res Chairman: Alvin Katz Chairman: Larry Rotenberg Federation missions are travel devastated it in 2010. President: Tammy K. Mitgang President: William D. Franklin experiences unlike any other. Along The group is honored that Chaim Peri, Communications Director: Mark Nemirow, Editor By Amanda J. Hornberger We will have a moment of Communications Director: Mark Nemirow, Editor with visits to historic and sacred sites, beloved educator and director of Yemin Proofreaders: Esther Strauss & Federation staff Join us on Wednesday, May silence to honor the fallen for Israeli Proofreaders: Federation staff museums and popular tourist destinations, Orde for 30 years, will personally be hosting Member: American Jewish Press Association 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the JCC for a and then celebrate Member: American Jewish Press Association Federation missions provide exclusive, the group during a tour and lunch. The opinions expressed in Shalom are of the writers and not the Jewish Federation of Reading community event commemorating Israel’s Independence Day with The opinions expressed in Shalom are of the writers and not the Jewish Federation of Reading insider access to residents, community Young people from the village will join Israeli Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron) Israeli food and music. Deadline for the November issue is Oct. 5 leaders, area experts, and political the group for the tour and share their and Israeli Independence Day (Yom The entire community is invited to personalities and provide a sense of experiences. Ha’atzmaut). this FREE event at the JCC. Next deadline, May 5 Page 4 SHALOM May 2016 Software developed by Israeli Remembering the railroad firm helps unlock killer’s iPhone

The U.S. government successfully Cellebrite’s range of mobile forensic accessed the data stored on San products, the UFED Series, is the Bernadino shooter Syed Farook’s iPhone prime choice of forensic specialists in as a result of the FBI enlisting the help law enforcement, military, intelligence, of Israeli mobile software developer corporate security and eDiscovery Cellebrite. agencies, with more than 30,000 Cellebrite offers mobile forensic UFED units deployed in more than solutions to help law enforcement agencies 100 countries. crack the encryption on smartphones to Founded in 1999, the company, a access data and unlock the intelligence of subsidiary of the Sun Corporation, is mobile data sources to extend investigative headquartered in Petah Tikva, Israel and capabilities, accelerate investigations, employs over 500 people.I has offices unify investigative teams and produce in Israel, the U.S., Brazil, Germany, solid evidence”. Singapore and the United Kingdom. Daily vitamin drink could slow progression of Alzheimer’s

Israel it helped conserve memory and the ability The international science community to think and perform everyday tasks. is buzzing with excitement as results of “Today’s results are extremely a breakthrough study have shown that valuable as they bring us closer to consuming a daily vitamin-enriched drink understanding the impact of nutritional could help improve memory, reduce brain interventions on prodromal [early-stage] shrinkage and slow the progression of AD which we are now better at diagnosing early Alzheimer’s disease (AD). but unable to treat due to a lack of Tel Aviv University neurobiologist approved pharmaceutical options,” said Daniel Michaelson, who has been Prof. Hilkka Soininen, a neurologist at studying the effects of diet on AD in the University of Eastern Finland, who animal models for nearly two decades, headed the clinical trial. was one of 19 members of the European Michaelson said he and the other LipiDiDiet Consortium to take part in members of the European LipiDiDiet the EU-funded dementia trial involving Consortium have been collaborating Matthew Dodd sings songs and tells stories of the old railroad days during an appearance at the JCC’s patients with very early AD. for years on research into the effects of Friendship Circle. See the Centerpiece for the upcoming schedule of activities. It was the first randomized clinical trial nutrition on disease. in the world to investigate the effects of “We have known for a while that a nutritional intervention in these “pre- diet can reduce the risk of developing dementia” patients. dementia. Indeed, certain nutrients have That the shrinkage of the brain was been found to have a neuroprotective halted by this treatment is amazing,” effect on the brain,” said project Michaelson said. “To think that by simply coordinator Tobias Hartmann of Saarland taking a ‘milkshake’ today, you can slow University in Germany. “Today’s clinical The Jewish Federation of Reading down the shrinkage of the brain, which trial results have shown that the key is is what this study has shown, I think it’s combining certain nutrients, in order to wishes to express its gratitude to the following: fantastic.” increase their effect,” said Hartmann. That “milkshake” is Souvenaid, costing The scientists say the results just $4 for a daily dose. Its nutrients represent a real step forward for patients Kevin Moore and Bill Blumer include omega-3 fatty acids, choline, with very early signs of AD in the absence uridine monophosphate, phospholipids, of effective drug options, especially for of the law firm Leisawitz Heller antioxidants and B vitamins. Souvenaid those who start the intervention early. can slow progression of dementia, While Souvenaid did prove promising for graciously donating their time according to an international consortium for dementia prevention, the study did of scientists. The drink, also referred to as not find it afforded a significant benefit and legal expertise. Fortasyn Connect, is already approved in broad cognitive function. Hartmann and available for established mild AD explained that this was likely because the patients, but this was the first time it was cognitive decline over the study period Don Fox and Fox Theatres shown that Souvenaid can benefit people was less than originally expected when for sponsoring with very early signs of the devastating the study was designed back in 2007. disease that affects 47 million people. Yet overall, the researchers say the the Reading Jewish Film Series 2016 Study results showed that in people clinical results are positive and they’re with the pre-dementia stage of AD, already looking forward. drinking the Souvenaid cocktail on a daily Michaelson said there are two paths Sandy Solmon basis helped reduce brain shrinkage. And ahead: “Drive this forward and have it for those who started the intervention implemented. And secondly, take this early and consumed the drink regularly, approach to other diseases.” and Sweet Street Desserts for sponsoring the dessert receptions following the films. In our prayers, we say “May He Who blessed our ancestors bless all who are involved faithfully in the needs of the community Trust the pest experts and send blessing and success to all their handiwork.” With over 80 years of experience, we’ve seen and solved just about every pest problem imaginable. Thank you.

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Call Ehrlich at (855) 226-0075 or visit May 2016 SHALOM Page 5 PJ Library program expanding its reach in Reading area

By Amanda J. Hornberger Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Israel, PJ Library books, and we’re hoping to other kids across the country. Look for In mid-April I had the opportunity to Russia, Mexico and a handful of other expand even further. more information on a PJOW launch spend three days with my peers from Latin American countries. Books are If you’d like to sign your child or event this summer! across the country at the annual PJ now printed in British English, Hebrew, grandchild up for PJ Library please Interested in signing up for PJOW? Library Conference in Reisterstown, Russian and Spanish. Since most PJ contact Amanda at amandah@jfreading. With the help of a parent, kids can go to Md. More than 200 participants came Library books are read with parents org or 610-921-0624. and sign up today! After filling to learn best practices for PJ Library and grandparents, the organization Two years ago PJ Library decided out the secure online form, parents will programming and to learn more about estimates the free Jewish themed books to expand from offering books for kids receive a confirmation email. Once you PJ Our Way, the new program for kids are reaching more than 1 million people from 6 months through age 8. We are have confirmed your sign up via email, between the ages of 9 and 11 years old. each month! reaching children up to age 11 through PJ look for your first PJOW book “Jordan and PJ Our Way just launched here in Jewish Federation of Reading has Our Way (PJOW). Reading was selected the Dreadful Golem” by Karen Goldman Reading in March. been a proud PJ Library implementing as a pilot community through a grant to arrive within two weeks! Then every One of the amazing things I learned organization since 2010. Thanks to the last year. Now kids between the ages of month from the first through the tenth, go at the conference was the breadth and generous support of Sue and George 9 and 11 can go online and CHOOSE to the PJOW website and select your next reach of PJ Library. The program, which Viener, JFR has been able to meet the their own free book to be mailed to them book. It’s super easy and puts kids in the is only 10 years old, is now in 11 countries growing demand of PJ Library books monthly. The interactive website gives driver’s seat! and last month mailed 435,695 books locally and not have a waiting list to kids the opportunity to read reviews of Still have questions? Please contact around the world! The program has join PJ Library. Currently more than books from their peers as well as discuss Amanda at [email protected] or expanded beyond the United States to 80 children receive the free monthly current topics through blogs written by 610-921-0624. Will plan to improve conditions for Arabs be implemented? Prime Minister Benjamin was doled up disproportionately to its “It would be terrible were we to reach this as a national plan, an imperative Netanyahu’s cabinet recently approved Jewish populations to share it with a key a situation where only by resorting to of reality, to provide equal opportunity, a plan intended to boost the status of disadvantaged minority. violence would we achieve anything. as minister of social equality, to the Arab towns, with an unprecedented aid In Netanyahu’s own words, the plan We want the establishment to know that entire Israeli population. This plan is package of about $4 billion that hopes approved by his cabinet in December if we deserve something it’s because we being implemented, for the first time, in to redress decades of lopsided funding aims to provide a significant increase deserve it, not because there is violence. cooperation with all local council heads and close wide income, education and in funds intended to help the minority We don’t have to receive something to and MKs from every party. It is aimed at infrastructure gaps with predominantly population and narrow gaps between silence us,” he says. understanding all the needs of the Arab Jewish cities. Arab citizens and other Israelis. Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel, population and translating that into an The planned infusion of funds to the The OECD, bankers and financial whose job it is to oversee implementation operative plan,” Gamliel adds, also noting Arab sector is described by some officials experts all warn that Israel’s own of the Arab sector plan, said: “The plan that she has “broad support from the as revolutionary. Unlike past willy-nilly economic growth will soon be stunted is a historic change, for the first time Finance Ministry” for the policy. allocations that were never actually unless it changes its tune and adopts being expressed as part of an overall She calls it a “first-rate national handed over, the latest plan earmarks a more inclusive approach toward program — a very, very, important one interest” to stem a dropout rate of one specific sums in the state budget for its Arab population. Arabs number that will close social gaps and redress in three Arab pupils, which she says, projects in Arab towns and villages about 20 percent of the population, yet the injustice done to Arab society over “hurts our entire society.”Another key ranging from infrastructure improvements account for close to 40 percent of its the years.” national interest, according to Gamliel, to building more homes and schools — poor, according to a recent report by “We will see many results already is to integrate more Arab women into developments seen as critical to making the Research and Information in 2016, where budgets will be handed the workforce. Many experts see the Arab citizens equal participants in the Center. over to resolve infrastructure, sewage, high unemployment in that group as a Israel economy. A portion of the sum has been included education and public transportation key factor driving poverty and inequality. The allocations are considered in the 2016 state budget, so officials issues, and integrating women into the Experts on the country’s troubled unprecedented in that, at least on paper, expect some of the fruits of the plan, such labor market and integration into higher Jewish-Arab relations also see the fact they are proportionate to the number of as infrastructure and road improvements, education. There will be a revolutionary that the treasury is so invested in the plan Arab citizens in the country. For the first to be visible in the coming months, if not change; this is a very fundamental and as essential to Israel’s future economic time, Israel is actually taking money that by early 2017. professional plan,” she says. “I see growth as reason to be optimistic. Israel must expand religious freedom for non-Orthodox Jews

By Sue Fishkoff of a new Israel-diaspora partnership, weddings, the only Jews permitted to but individual federations can choose Any discussion about religious Freedom of Religion for Israel, and its marry within Israel are halachic Jews, or whether they want to support the effort freedom in Israel has to include Rabbi Uri Israeli counterpart Hiddush. those accepted as such by the Orthodox- financially. So far, Regev said, New York, Regev. A lifelong advocate for religious He was in California recently for controlled Chief Rabbinate. “Israel is the Miami, Los Angeles and Boston have liberty in the , this Jerusalem his grandson’s birth. He addressed only democracy in the world where Jews done so. attorney and activist has devoted more a meeting of the American Jewish cannot marry,” Regev said. Sam Salkin was sitting next to Regev time, more successfully, to securing Committee, which is spearheading a It’s not only a question of doing the at the AJC luncheon. Former CEO of rights for the non-Orthodox in Israel than broad-based American Jewish initiative right thing, he said, but of protecting the San Francisco-based Federation just about anyone. pushing for religious equality in Israel. Israel’s strategic interests. American and currently the executive director of So when he notes that 666,000 Launched in 2014, the Jewish Jews are the linchpin in the U.S.-Israel Sinai Memorial Chapel, Salkin joined the Israelis can’t get married in their own Religious Equality Coalition is trying to alliance, which is predicated on the notion coalition more than a year ago. He does country, it’s worth paying attention. And end the Orthodox rabbinate’s monopoly of shared values. The more Israel is seen it because he loves Israel, and he wants when he points out that more than half over Jewish lifecycle events, specifically to stray from those values, the less likely his grandchildren to feel the same. the children growing up Jewish in the marriage, divorce, conversion and it is that future generations of American “Israel is the only major democracy United States would not be accepted as burial, and has gathered under its Jews will see themselves reflected in in the world where Orthodoxy trumps Jewish in Israel, alarm bells should ring. umbrella some of the most powerful Israeli reality. Should that come to pass, democracy and pluralism,” said this proud Regev has been at the forefront of Jewish organizations in North America. he warned, American Jewish support Zionist. “That means most American the battle for religious equality in Israel It includes Orthodox Jews, notably now taken for granted could wither away. Jews face the possibility of becoming for decades, first as the founding director the coalition’s co-chairman, former “This is the most pro-Israel initiative alienated from Israel. If not us, certainly of the Israel Religious Action Center, Undersecretary of Defense Dov Zakheim. you could identify,” he said. “Support for our children and grandchildren. I want my where he won key victories for the liberal The coalition has decided to focus first Israel can’t just be about crisis. It’s about grandchildren to care about Israel and not Jewish movements in Israel’s Supreme on marriage rights because they affect deciding what is the vision of this joint feel like second-class citizens.” Court, then as the president of the the greatest number of Israelis. Since enterprise.” Sue Fishkoff is the editor of J., World Union for Progressive Judaism, there is no civil marriage in the country The Jewish Federations of North the Jewish newsweekly of northern and currently as the president and CEO and only Orthodox rabbis may conduct America is cooperating with the coalition, California. Israel expands Palestinian fishing zone off Gaza coast Israel has expanded the Palestinian there would be proper protection for Shrafi said that his boat had been fired on can be impounded.” fishing zone off Gaza’s coast to 9 nautical the fishermen in the expanded zone, and impounded within 4 nautical miles of The Israeli Navy and the office of the miles from 6, allowing fishing in areas complaining that Israeli naval forces Gaza’s coast and that his son, fishing with Coordinator of Government Activities that had been off limits for a decade, sometimes opened fire on boats even him, had been injured. When contacted in the Territories, known as Cogat, Reuters reported. Palestinian officials within the permitted area. by Reuters, Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a the Israeli agency that serves as a told the news agency that they welcomed The Israeli military enforces a naval spokesman for the Israeli military, had liaison with the Palestinians on civilian the decision. blockade on the Palestinian coastal no comment on the case involving Shrafi. affairs, had decided on the recent “I can see hundreds of fishermen and enclave of Gaza, which is controlled by Lerner denied tnaval forces had fired at expansion to coincide with the opening boats — we are excited,” said Zakaria the militant group Hamas. Israel says boats within the permitted fishing zone. of the fishing season. Cogat officials said Baker, the Gaza-based head of the the blockade is necessary to prevent But he said, “Anybody who breaches the the expansion was part of a policy of fishermen’s committee of the Union of weapons smuggling. Ismail al-Shrafi, limit is stopped or arrested, and those loosening restrictions on the Palestinian Agricultural Work Committees. 62, a fisherman, said the Israelis had who don’t comply with the navy forces’ population of the West Bank and Gaza to But Baker questioned whether confiscated his boat five months ago. calls to turn back — then, yes, their boats improve the economy and foster stability. Page 6 SHALOM May 2016

Syrian girl, 5, gets lifesaving cancer treatment in Haifa Israel has a policy to treat in its Israel’s Secret Service to track down the Hospital near Tiberias – have treated A 5-year-old Syrian girl underwent hospitals any wounded Syrians who reach relative and secure his entry into Israel. some 1,000 Syrians willing to trust the lifesaving bone-marrow transplant its border seeking help even though the The mission was successful. so-called enemy (Israel) with their lives. treatments at the Ruth Rappaport countries are considered enemies. The girl, her mother and the donor Some of the outstanding humanitarian Children’s Hospital on the Rambam Rambam doctors discovered that were to stay at the hospital for one month, cases in the last three years include the Health Care Campus in Haifa. their young patient, though suffering light says the Rambam spokesperson. Details 12-year-old boy who rode a donkey from The young patient made headlines wounds, also had cancer. And they were about the girl’s identity and her donor’s Damascus to Israel to receive medical aid, in Israel because of the audacious and not about to let her be discharged without home country are classified. a Syrian doctor’s handwritten note to his clandestine mission undertaken by Israeli proper treatment. Another patient from Syria, suffering Israeli counterparts that was attached to health professionals to save her life. The doctors set in motion a search severe burns, currently is being treated at a patient’s clothing, a Syrian opposition Like most Syrians to have been treated for a suitable bone-marrow donor — the Haifa medical facility, the spokesperson chief thanking Israeli doctors for medical in Israel since the outbreak of the Syrian and found a match with one of the girl’s adds. aid and the pioneering titanium jaw Israeli civil war, this young girl and her mother relatives, who lives in a nearby country Since February 2013, when Israel doctors created for a civil war victim. made their way to the Syrian-Israeli designated as an enemy state. Under opened its border to wounded Syrians, Most patients return to Syria after being border to seek medical help, a Rambam Israeli law, residents of enemy states are the Rambam Health Care Campus has discharged from Israeli hospitals. The spokesperson said. not allowed to enter the country without treated more than 120 Syrian patients. Rambam spokesperson tells ISRAEL21c The girl was caught in a firefight special permission. Other hospitals in Israel’s North — Ziv that the young girl and her mother will between rival militias, according to a According to a Channel 10 Hebrew Medical Center in Tzfat (Safed), Medical make a decision where to go following the broadcast reporst. news report, the Haifa doctors turned to Center of the Galilee in Nahariya, Poriah outcome of the bone-marrow treatments. Israeli researchers develop mobile ultrasound for disaster areas Ultrasound imaging is one of the That means there isn’t a way to do probe that eliminates the need for the treatment for patients in developing world’s most common noninvasive, mobile ultrasound imaging of people large ultrasound devices currently used countries, under the guidance of Israeli radiation-free medical tests. The hurt in disaster areas or road accidents, at most clinics. doctors.” technology helps doctors safely for example. Prof. Yonina Eldar, who heads Eldar’s lab is dedicated to developing assess and diagnose the condition The Signal Acquisition Modeling the SAMPL lab, said such a system innovative data-processing methods of body structures based on the and Processing Lab (SAMPL) at the would allow emergency medical teams using only a small portion of the data pattern of high-frequency sound Technion-Israel Institute of Technology’s to take and send ultrasound images sampled. Reducing the quantity of data waves emanating from these internal Faculty of Electrical Engineering is even before transporting a patient, and has dramatic positive implications: organs. working toward commercializing a quickly receive medical instructions shortening the data acquisition and However, ultrasound scans must solution to this problem that relies on from the treating physician based on processing time, miniaturizing the be performed at clinics and hospitals two innovations. the findings. systems and accelerating their operation, using a probe connected to a large, First, lab members developed an Dr. Shai Tejman-Yarden, a reducing power consumption and saving cumbersome and expensive device. algorithm that reduces the image at the cardiologist at Israel’s Sheba Medical money. Results are collected by computer and initial scanning stage. It can be uploaded Center, explains that in the case of She has been working on the interpreted by a radiologist, who sends to the cloud or to a remote processing injuries, “The development will provide ultrasound project with doctoral the diagnosis to the patient’s doctor. The unit and transmitted immediately without a doctor who is not at the scene with candidate Tanya Chernyakova, with images are too large to be uploaded to harming image quality and without loss information in real time, enabling him to technical assistance from Alon Eilam at the cloud and viewed on a smartphone, of data on the way. instruct the paramedic at the scene. This the Technion and Dr. Arcady Kempinski so results are not available right away. Second, they developed a special development will also enable remote at GE Healthcare in Haifa. Nanotech formula could prove to be skin’s fountain of youth Technion-Israel Institute of Technology delivery system she developed, she While the researchers focused on skin, All day long, our skin is assaulted in Haifa. was able to stimulate the activation of the same formulation could prove to be by pollutants, UV rays, radiation and “The approach of using the body’s the Nrf2 pathway and mimic the body’s effective in enhancing the body’s natural other stressors in the environment. own defense system is very effective. natural way of coping with a variety of protection against the damaging effects When these substances filter into the We showed that activation of the body’s stress conditions. of free radicals in other parts of the body, body through our pores, they can create defense system with the aid of a unique “Currently there are many scientific such as inflammation in cardiovascular reactive oxygen species — otherwise delivery system is feasible, and may studies supporting the activation of the diseases, heart attack, cancer, multiple known as free radicals. leverage dermal cure,” said Hebrew body’s defense mechanisms. However, sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Oxidative stress caused by excessive University researcher Maya Ben-Yehuda none of these studies has demonstrated Ben-Yehuda Greenwald worked on free radicals is responsible for a host of Greenwald. the use of a nanotechnology-based her research with guidance from Prof. skin conditions, including inflammatory In her experiments at the Myers Skin delivery system to do so,” Ben-Yehuda Ron Kohen, director of the Hebrew diseases, pigment disorders, wrinkles Research Laboratory at the university’s Greenwald said. University School of Pharmacy’s and some types of skin cancer. It can School of Pharmacy, she was able A new tool for dermatologists? Institute of Drug Research; Prof. Shmuel also damage internal organs and cells to activate the skin’s natural defense This invention could be used by Ben-Sasson from the department of that produce essential lipids, proteins system by applying nano-size droplets dermatologists to control a variety of skin developmental biology and cancer and DNA. of micro-emulsion liquids containing a pathologies and disorders. research at the university’s Institute An innovative nanotechnology cellular protective pathway inducer. This “The formula we have created for Medical Research Israel-Canada; devised in Israel boosts the body’s natural activates a powerful antioxidant protein could be used in topical medication for and Prof. Havazelet Bianco-Peled from defense mechanisms against oxidative called Nrf2 that normally coordinates treating skin conditions. Our formula the Technion’s department of chemical stress, helping to produce adequate every single cell’s response to internal could be used both as a preventive engineering. antioxidant enzymes to maintain the and external stressors. means and for treatment of various The study was funded by the David skin’s proper balance, according to report In addition, she discovered a new skin conditions, such as infections, and Ines Myers Fund of Cleveland, Ohio; in the journalCosmetics by a PhD student family of compounds capable of activating over-exposure to UV irradiation, Yissum, the technology transfer company from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem the Nrf2 pathway. By incorporating these inflammatory conditions, and also of the Hebrew University; and the Hebrew in collaboration with researchers at the compounds into the unique nanotech internal disease,” she said. University Fund. Israeli firm, kibbutz team to turn organic waste into clean energy Methane, a gas produced in the the farm and primarily serves the needs new construction and infrastructure using Israel’s first facility built to produce stomachs of livestock, can be converted of the kibbutz.” “green” approaches. And that led to the biogas out of organic waste from into biogas for generating electricity. When Doral was founded 20 years ago, establishment of Doral Energy. kibbutzim will soon get under construction “In Israel, there are three facilities for its focus was on real-estate development Kibbutz Lahav had long sought at Kibbutz Lahav, north of Beersheva. handling agricultural manure,” Tsemach and urban renewal in Israel and abroad. a better solution for dealing with the “We will handle about 150 tons of waste said. “These are regional facilities At that time, a big change was brewing problems of wastewater treatment and per day and we are planning to produce and large-scale facilities. The same in Israel’s . Most of disposal caused by waste from its pig- about 600 to 800 kilowatts per hour technology also exists in Israeli food the communal agricultural villages that farming enterprise, Tsemach explains. depending on the organic waste capacity plants and sewage treatment plants. typified the early days of the state were Doral Energy is also involved in dozens from [kibbutzim in] the surrounding area,” In the food factories, the biogas plants privatizing and modernizing. Doral saw of ongoing solar- and wind-electricity says Yaacov Tsemach, CEO of Doral produce steam that powers the factories. an opportunity to help the kibbutzim projects on kibbutzim throughout Israel, Energy, a subsidiary of the Doral Group in The uniqueness of the facility we are upgrade and expand. The company adding up to about 30 megawatts per Ramat Gan. planning to establish is that it is a link to helped collectives plan and implement hour in total, according to Tsemach. May 2016 SHALOM Page 7 Congregational News Feeling good about Israel By Rabbi Matthew Abelson all the more so to this day. Some Jews good about Israel the year round, but I feeling about Israel on Yom HaAtzmaut. Kesher Zion Synagogue struggle to feel good about Israel. A know that some of my fellow Jews wrestle For those of us who lived through Holidays are plethora of negative coverage in print a great deal with Israel’s leadership the extraordinary events of Israel’s interesting events. and TV media has driven many Jews and its decisions. The function of Yom independence in 1948 or the Six Day War Occurring as they do near despair about the state of the HaAtzmaut is to compel us to appreciate in June 1967, we should allow ourselves for a designated period Jewish state. One of the most distressing the wonder and privilege of living in a to recapture the feeling we had at that of time each year, they indications of the degree of negativity time when the Jewish people enjoys moment. That emotion carries with it force us to adjust our many Jews feel toward Israel is the sovereignty in eretz Israel. Our ancestors more truth than any host of reasons a mood according to the involvement of Jews in the Boycott, dreamed of this possibility, yet for us, it is person can cobble together for feeling calendar. The clearest Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, a daily fact. Israel’s Independence Day, good about Israel. example of that is the a movement that effectively seeks to end like our own birthdays, is an opportunity The purpose of a birthday is not to birthday. No matter how Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. to feel good about Israel. feel good about oneself one day a year a person’s life is going, when her birthday As a human-made entity, the state of I could list a host of reasons why one and miserable the other 364 days but to arrives, she must be joyous and celebrate Israel is fallible. Because of the military should feel good about Israel — from recalibrate a relationship with oneself it. Ideally, one would celebrate every day power at its disposal, some of the mistakes medical and technological innovations that allows the truth and wonder of that of one’s life, but the tribulations of life may Israel makes can lead to the loss of life. to the safe haven the country has one day — the day of birth — to infuse render that difficult; holidays are arbitrary, This is, of course, a painful recognition, provided to more than a million Jewish the other 364 in spite of the challenges but they force us to reset our minds and but we should neither imagine that Israel refugees to the freedom it provides its that we face in our day-to-day lives. seek a state that comes closer to the ideal. never makes mistakes, nor kid ourselves non-Jewish citizens, a rarity in its region The same may be said about Yom From the evening of Wednesday, that Jewish statehood is not an affair — but sometimes the seeking of reasons HaAtzmaut. It is not one day for us to feel May 11, until Thursday, May 12, we that harnesses all the forces of political ignores the cultivation of an inner feeling good about Israel, but a day that has the will celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s existence, including the use of force and that needs no reasons. Just as a parent power to infuse the other 364 days with Independence Day. The function of its consequences. does not have reasons for loving his good feelings toward the Jewish state holidays that I have articulated applies I admit that I have little difficulty feeling child, so should we strive for that kind of throughout the year. Yom Hashoah Lecture with Rabbi Matthew Abelson at Kesher Zion Synagogue Thursday, May 5 1 to 3 p.m. & 6 to 8 p.m. Topic: Rethinking the Holocaust Helping at Opportunity House Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom members Barbara Perilstein and the Tomlinson Family (Rick, Cindy and Zachary) gather at Opportunity House April 10 to prepare lunch for its clients. May ✡ -Iyar

Tot Shabbat Families Save the Date Shabbat Candle Lightings Torah Portions Tot Shabbat Social May 6 May 7/Nisan 29 Sunday, Aug. 28 7:47 p.m. Acharei (Leviticus 16:1 – 18:30) 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. May 13 May 14/Iyar 6 7:54 p.m. Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1 – 20:27) introduce your child May 20 May 21/Iyar 13 to the joy of shabbat! 8:00 p.m. Emor (Leviticus 21:1 – 24:23)

May 27 May 28/Iyar 20 8:06 p.m. Behar (Leviticus 25:1 – 26:2) Tot

LOCAL CONGREGATIONS AND SERVICE TIMES KESHER ZION SYNAGOGUE (610) 374-1763 Weekly services Saturdays: 9:30 a.m.; Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Friday Evening Service – Please call for service information Shabbatjoin us for tot shabbat, 10:00 am, saturday REFORM CONGREGATION OHEB SHOLOM (610) 375-6034 a musical, story-filled may 14th Friday, May 6: 6 p.m., service with guest speaker Pastor Sonja Ware shabbat morning experience Tot Shabbat services are held Friday, May 13: New Member Shabbat, 7 p.m. geared towards families with Saturday, May 14: Tot Shabbat,10 a.m. Saturday mornings at 10:00 am young children through Fridays, May 20 and 27, 7:45 p.m. at Reform Congregation Oheb Saturday, May 21: Andy Primack Bar Mitzvah, 10 a.m. grade 2. bring your family Sholom, 555 Warwick Drive, Saturday, May 28: Ribh Fulcher Bat Mitzvah, 10 a.m. and friends to celebrate Wyomissing, PA 19610 CHABAD CENTER OF BERKS COUNTY (610) 921-0881 with rabbi michelson, and Members & non-members are Saturday mornings: 9:30 a.m.; Friday evenings: 6:30 p.m. stay for a pint-size oneg invited! No registration is required. CONGREGATION SHOMREI HABRITH of juice, challah, and child Please call the Temple office friendly treats. 610.375.6034, with any questions. Page 8 SHALOM May 2016 Chabad cooking class is all about the babka By Jodi Spiegel powder, chocolate pudding, cinnamon, and I love babka. There is something so a streusel topping. She showed us how to magical about it. It evokes happy memories roll the dough to the right size and shape, of my childhood in New York; whenever we roll it up, cut it, and twist it. We were able had company, someone always brought to make 4-6 mini babkas, which meant we a babka. It was always a chocolate one, could experiment with the fillings. and they always came from the bakery, While our babkas baked, we sampled which now always reminds me of that a babka Chana made as well as some “Seinfeld” episode when they ran out cookies, coffee and tea. Conversation chocolate babkas and had to take (the flowed freely throughout the room as if we lesser) cinnamon one to the party. were all old friends. Chana brought the Baking a babka seemed like an enigma baking rack out with the cooked babkas, to me. That is, until Chana Lipsker hosted and the smell was incredible. There was a babka making class at the Chabad warmed chocolate that we could drizzle Center in April. I arrived to find that I on before wrapping them up to take home. knew more than half of the women who All of the babkas were a hit in my house, attended. That was a pleasant surprise. rivaling the best New York bakery; though There were four tables beautifully set up the chocolate babka’s disappeared first. with a work station at each seat complete It really was a nice group of women and with everything we would need to create a fabulous way to spend a Sunday night. I our own babkas. In the center of the table look forward to more classes with her, and were various fillings — oil and chocolate hope to see you there too. Obituaries --- Charlotte (Mueller) Hirsch, Edwin Jacobson, 89, of Pennside. 106, of Langhorne, and formerly of Edwin served in the Navy during Reading. Charly, as she was called World War II. He was the president of by her friends, provided bookkeeping Consumer Fuel Products in Reading for her husband’s business, Weiss and a former Kesher Zion Synagogue Brothers. She was an active member board member. He is survived by his of Kesher Zion Synagogue and the sons, Lee Jacobson of Downingtown Reading Chapter of Hadassah and and Peter Jacobson of Reading. He was honored as Hadassah’s Woman is also survived by his granddaughter of the Year in 1997. Charlotte is Marissa Roach and her husband, survived by her sons, Peter and Ron, Matthew, and a great-granddaughter. her four grandchildren and 12 great- --- grandchildren. Rae (Peyser) Rudnick, 99, of --- Reading. Rae was a member of Reform Craig C. Keuscher, 76, of Sinking Congregation Oheb Sholom, where she Spring. Craig served in the Navy and was a member of its Sisterhood. She had worked for Carpenter Technology was a life member of Hadassah. She is for 29 years. He is survived by his wife, survived by her two children; Cathy wife Suzan J. Keuscher, and two sons; of Whitney Sanders II of Wyomissing; Bradley of Wyomissing and Douglass and Marcia Rudnick, of Reading. Other of Exeter Township. Other survivors survivors include two grandchildren, four include his four grandchildren and one great-grandchildren and several nieces great-grandchild. and nephews.

New BALIS AWARD DINNER Member RCOS Balis Award Dinner Warmly Thanks Our Sponsors PLATINUM LEVEL UP TO $500 Shabbat! Lynn & Jeff Driben Lisa & Jeff Nemeroff Tali & Don Fox Amicie & Allen Zimmerman Hilde Gernsheimer Jewish Federation of Reading

GOLD LEVEL UP TO $250 Anonymous Haia & Meir Mazuz Ellen & Marshall Azrael Sharon Scullin & James Rothstein Janet Gernsheimer & Nancy Wolff Sue & Alan Weisberg Dena & Victor Hammel Rosalye Yashek

SILVER LEVEL UP TO $150 Shirley Boscov Judith Katz Andrea & William Franklin Harriet Anne & Don Kelly Frances & Lawrence Gross Nancy Knoblauch Please join RCOS for a Shabbat service to Ruth & Conrad Heisman Pam Charendoff & Jonathan Primack Judith Kraines & Neil Hoffman Barbara & Seth Rosenzweig honor new members, including a Leon Kaplan Kaye & Robert Ullman “Covenant of Welcome” ceremony. BRONZE LEVEL UP TO $75 Harriet Baskin Betsy & Alvin Katz Special oneg to follow offering Norma & Marty Beckerman Holly & Rabbi Brian Michelson Barbara & David Bender Elizabeth & Richard Nassau wine and catered hors d’oeuvres. Cindy & Brett Chronister Barbara Nazimov Carol & Stuart Cohn Elaine & Jesse Pleet Jeri & Russell Diesinger Lynn Salpeter Friday, May 13, 2016 Marcia & George Eligman Mindy & Richard Small Sandra Fishman Judy Synnamon Shirley Friedman Sue & George Viener 7:00pm Deborah Goodman & John Moyer Sue & Herbert Wachs Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom Karen & Myron Kabakoff Laurie & Andrew Waxler Deborah & Eric Zelnick 555 Warwick Drive, Wyomissing DECORATIONS DONATED BY Wishes by Boscov’s Members and Non-­‐members are welcome

May 2016 SHALOM Page 9 Sweet times for students, seniors at Jewish Community High School

By Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner because this is not what she expected Reading JCHS Director from this program. Before Passover, instructor Shira In short, this is not what I expected. I Simon reminded students of the various was very bewildered by this situation. In international locations where Jews are my ignorance, I assumed that she was celebrating Passover and the available a “grumpy old lady.” I proceeded to ask ingredients from which to make haroset Rabbi Dov for help with understanding — also spelled “charoset” — for their why this woman would be so dismissive, Seder table. so reluctant to attempt to learn about the Students received two whole pages of Torah. nations where Jews live and have lived His answer was one that I could with an indication of their primary fruits, have never predicted. He asked me if I nuts and liquids from which to make their had attended Hebrew school as a child. Seder sweetness. These pages were I said why yes, of course I did. Rabbi part of a “Haroset Handbook” copies of then said that she, a woman of that age, which are available to the community for most likely had not. This struck me. I Passover 5777 / 2017. have never liked Hebrew school, I never Some were a Hawaiian haroset liked reading Torah, I never liked being emphasizing pineapple, some from the a “Jewish kid.” This woman, however, Middle East, especially Iraq using dates never got the opportunity. Although I did to make “chalak” — a syrupy haroset, not enjoy Hebrew school at the time, I’m and Texas which emphasizes pecans! lucky that I had the opportunity to go and Another Better2Write entry learn Hebrew as well as comprehension Watch for an announcement of our of the Torah. Better Together students and seniors at work. community ceremony for celebrating This opened my eyes to the issues of our first cohort in Better Together, our gender inequality in the 1960s that are becomes too difficult, you must give societal norms; this woman was purely a program that brings teens and seniors still affecting women today. I thought that up. I am fairly certain that this woman victim of her society. together for mutual education. Here is a this woman was simply being rude and holds this rule to be true. Allow us to Through my intergenerational second entry from our submissions, the insensitive. I never considered the fact venture back to those two words, gender experiences, both good and bad, I have sum of which we are very proud. This that she was uneducated, unlike her male inequality. Gender Inequality does not learned to become a better person. This essay was written by Jamie Zamrin, peers at the time, so at this present day only affect wages, it affects a woman’s elderly woman as well as many other 10th grade. she still feels incompetent. mind. women have taught me to become a What makes older people so Through Better Together, I have Gender inequality possesses a stronger, more confident girl. I have unhappy? gained a new perspective on an issue disease-like effect that infects a woman’s witnessed women in our branch of That’s the question I asked myself that I thought I had already mastered. brain with thoughts of incompetence. Better Together who believe in their own as I sat with what seemed to be the Gender inequality. Gender is the state They truly begin to believe that men opinions and I have now witnessed quite stereotypical “grumpy old lady.” We of being male or female. Inequality is are smarter and more powerful than the opposite. were asked to discuss a Torah portion the difference in circumstances between women. She will constantly be thinking, Although I did not live through the gender at this Better Together meeting, and we different groups of people. So, gender am I smart enough? Am I too naive to inequality of the 1960s, I am currently living were about to have an engaging and inequality is the unequal treatment or understand? through the gender inequality of 2016. The enlightening conversation about this perceptions of a person based upon their Better Together has not only taught year that may lead to a woman president portion, or so I thought. gender. We, as Americans, hear these me this new perspective but also to but still has women making on average From the moment we were paired two words all the time, but when do we look past the quickly put out emotions a lower wage than men. I see in my high together, the woman I had the pleasure ever stop to think about how it affects the of a person. I have learned to evaluate school the societal pressures on girls to of talking to was, well, very grumpy, She everyday woman? We look at an issue problems that I have with others with fit a certain standard of being intelligent, did not wish to be at the meeting, she like gender inequality through statistics questions other than what did I do wrong? just not more intelligent than their male did not want to talk to me, and most of and graphs that pinpoint the exact ways A person may act out with deep emotion competitors. The year that will lead to all, she did not want to read or discuss that men lead a better life. This issue is towards others, but for what reason? thousands of women rape victims who feel Torah. When asked to answer a few not a matter of mathematical statistics. The reason may be because of what the as though they are the ones encouraging thought-provoking questions, she was This issue is a matter of self-confidence. others did to make the person upset but it the assaults. Women constantly follow immediately stumped. She claimed that It is my opinion that this woman could also very well be because of deep the rules that society thrusts onto them she did not comprehend the portion presents herself as someone who gives insecurities and feelings of inferiority because they still feel incompetent. This or any of the questions regarding the up easily on simple tasks. I, as well as which are perpetuated by the culture we woman lived through the 1960s and still portion. There were multiple instances the people around me, thought that she live in. I immediately judged this woman feels incompetent through 2016 because where I told her I understood the portion was just being stubborn and dismissive. for her stubbornness, asking myself what society continuously teaches her to follow and I could help her, however I was Since she was so incredibly pessimistic, I could have done to deserve this. What these guidelines. constantly rejected. she was perceived as an uncivilized, I didn’t realize is that her problem was I applaud the Better Together program After being hit by a minor sense of ill-mannered person. And yet, she only never with me, or Rabbi Dov, or Better for shining a light within me as to these disappointment I wasn’t sure how to acted in such an impolite way because Together, but rather society has taught gender inequality issues that are still handle the situation. Eventually, I gained this is what she was taught. She was her to act this way. affecting the women all around me. the courage to mention the issue to my taught that women are incapable of Now, when someone approaches The wonderful ladies involved in this rabbi. Rabbi Dov Lerner apologized to learning Torah, so there is no point in her me with negative emotions and I am program have taught me that I am smart the woman, saying that because this educating herself on the subject. Through unsure of what action I did to cause these and capable of achieving my dreams was a Jewish program, we were going this demeaning act of past professors problems, I know to look under their skin and that I do not need to follow the rules to be discussing Torah portions quite and men, women have been taught to for their underlying demons. What is truly that society sets for me. I have learned frequently. She responded angrily by ignore the problem at hand. causing these issues, me or society? We valuable lessons through this program saying that she would not be back When a topic or problem in life are the product of our upbringing through that will not be forgotten. Local teens have memorable experience at youth conference By Jojo Ure and Alexa Chronister Beth Chaim teens. Talking before As members of BBYO and NFTY the offices of our state senators and we attend gatherings with hundreds representatives was truly amazing. of Jewish teens multiple times Before this weekend we did not realize throughout the year; however, L’taken in how much of a difference we could Washington, D.C., left a different impact make as teens. By simply talking to on us than our youth group conventions. our representatives and senators and It was amazing to sit and learn showing them that we do care, we can with other Reform Jewish teens from help change the way our government Tallahassee, Fla., to Tarzana, Calif., is run. specifically learning about social justice The immense passion we felt issues that we all are passionate about. throughout the weekend sticks with us Not only were we able to connect today and we would love for another with these teens from across the opportunity to go back to Capital Hill country, but we were also able to create and lobby with the RAC again. relationships with other teens from Beth Lastly, we wanted to give a special Chaim; we spent a large portion of our thanks to Rabbi Pearlman for giving time getting to know and learning with us this amazing opportunity. Sharing our group. this weekend with her and taking just We ate meals, traveled throughout a piece of her incredible passion for DC, and lastly, walked the halls of the Judaism and social justice issues was Russell State Senate and the Rayburn truly amazing. We cannot thank her House Office buildings with the other enough! Page 10 SHALOM May 2016 Israeli researcher finds way to quickly stop bleeding wounds Until now, the only blood-stopping abdominal surgeries and homeostasis. blood. This avoids the highest risk of the Cure — a US-based nonprofit solutions for the type of deep wounds Now Rogosnitzky has existing technologies that run the risk organization.The researchers urgently caused by such violent stabbings unintentionally discovered that gallium of causing deadly internal blood clots. need funding to move forward to the sustained by the injured have been — a biometal currently used to stop According to Rogosnitzky, gallium next stage. either too weak or so strong that they bone loss in cancer patients — in has the potential to “dramatically “Unfortunately, there seems to cause deadly blood clots. Even the liquid form (known as gallium nitrate), increase the chances of survival be no immediate end in sight to the most able medical first responders can rapidly halt bleeding from deep by victims of terror or accidents. kind of violent attacks facing Israelis. often do not have the most effective wounds without causing blood clots. However, it is vital to get this discovery Gallium can provide instantaneous solutions to save lives when every The use of gallium for stopping from the lab to the clinic as quickly as help to victims in Israel. Our goal is to second counts. bleeding from deep cuts provides possible. The sooner it gets to the place gallium in every first aid kit and Moshe Rogosnitzky, director of the additional benefits. market, the sooner it can be used every ambulance, ensuring that every Center for Drug Repurposing at the Extensive research has shown effectively to save lives.” stabbing victim has an increased university and co-founder of the non- that gallium is a very powerful anti- At this stage, gallium has to undergo chance of survival. In order to move profit MedInsight Research Institute, infective and speeds the healing of studies to determine the optimal dose forward quickly we need resources he has spent his career advancing injuries caused by deep gashes which and delivery method prior to filing for for clinical testing.” said Rogosnitzky. the field of personalized medicine and are often produced by the knives marketing authorization by the health “Moreover,” he added, “as blood successfully innovating new uses for and other type of weapons used by authorities. In addition, a comparative loss remains the leading cause of existing drugs. terrorists. efficacy trial with other technologies death from stabbings and other His discoveries have benefited Gallium, he explained, works by for stopping bleeding needs to occur, external injuries, it is our hope that hundreds of thousands of patients, inducing “flocculation” of the clotting he added. this innovation can help innocent and his scholarly publications span protein in blood known as fibrinogen. To speed up the process for victims of violent crime or accidents a wide range of subjects including: This results in external clot formation. clinical development and availability throughout the world by significantly liver, pancreatic, breast and In stark contrast to other treatments of gallium, an online fundraising reducing mortality rate and providing prostate cancers, Crohn’s disease, for bleeding wounds, gallium does campaign called Stop the Bleeding, an effective and safe answer for blood eye disorders, gastrointestinal and not induce clotting mechanisms in the has been initiated through We Fund loss from wounds.” Thousands of Ethiopian immigrants to be brought to Israel New immigrants from Ethiopia will themselves from votes in the Knesset session that begins May 23. Amsalem municipality. start coming to Israel in June, 1,300 plenum for two months, protesting the and Neguise will vote for the next state But Neguise protested the day those will be brought by the end of the year, lack of implementation of a Cabinet budget. immigrants arrived and then got elected and pending budget approval 9,000 decision about the immigrants made When a flight of 400 Ethiopian to the Knesset on the Likud slate and over the next five years, according to last November. Without them, the 61-MK immigrants arrived in August 2013, continued his protest until now. Two an agreement Prime Minister Benjamin coalition failed to pass a Likud-sponsored the Jewish Agency celebrated that it weeks ago, he led a protest of 1,500 Netanyahu reached with Likud rebel MKs bill limiting the fundraising of political had completed the process of bringing citizens of Ethiopian origin outside the David Amsalem and Avraham Neguise. organizations and had trouble advancing every potential Ethiopian immigrant. Prime Minister’s Office during a cabinet Amsalem said he and Neguise proved a bill that would enable the suspension The agency handed over the keys of the meeting. to Netanyahu in negotiations that the of MKs. Jewish school in Gondar, a transit point “This was a Zionist struggle,” Amsalem cost of absorbing the immigrants was For their rebellion, the two MKs run by the agency, to the city’s mayor. said. “I thought all along that these people less than the Finance Ministry was telling accepted a punishment barring them The school and all its facilities, which need to come home, and I am glad the him, so he agreed to budget bringing the from proposing bills and parliamentary the agency says provided education for prime minister realized it. They won’t be immigrants. inquiries and speaking in the Knesset 2,500 Jewish students in preparation here for this Passover, but as we say at Amsalem and Neguise absented plenum for the entire Knesset summer for life in Israel, were given to the the Seder, ‘next year in Jerusalem.’”

Maimonides Society Presents Rabbi Jonathan K. Crane Raymond F. Schinazi Scholar, Bioethics and Jewish Thought Center for Ethics—Emory University

Jewish Attitudes Towards Intervening Thursday, June 2, 2016 at the End-of-Life 6:30 p.m. Program & Deli Dinner an Interactive Text Study Preregistration required OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY $55.00 per person Kindly RSVP by May 20 Call 610.921.0624

Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom Wyomissing, PA

The Reading Hospital designates this continuing medical education activity for a maximum of 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Page  Shalom March 2010 Community News Obituaries

Lucy Suzanne Knoblauch L. (Sulman) Moyer. He is also survived Zeidman, 96, Wyomissing. by his daughters, Aileen D., widow Surviving are a son, Bruce F., of Neal H. Endy, of Pennside, and E. husband of Geraldine L. Zeidman, of Roxanne, wife of Les Walker, of Batavia Shillington; a brother, Harry Knoblauch, Ohio; sons, Stan B. , husband of Kristine husband of Edith Knoblauch, of Reading; K. Moyer, of Sinking Spring and Jay a sister, Ruth Balis of Wyomissing; and H., husband of Margaret R. Moyer, of several nieces and nephews. Muhlenberg Township. Other survivors --- are grandchildren: Brett A. Endy, Chad Irene S. Zeidman, 62, Wyomissing. M. Endy and Elizabeth K. Moyer; and She is survived by her brother Bruce great-grandchildren, Carson N., Logan Images from F., husband of Geraldine L. Zeidman C., Ardyn N. and Ava L. Endy of Shillington. --- Yemin Orde --- Shirley Robinson of B’nai B’rith Area resident and recent college Robert Berger, 54, Reading. Apartments. Survived by her Friendship graduate Jessica Flamholz sent us He was the former spouse of Lea Circle friends. these pictures from her recent visit Berger, Reading. He is survived by --- to Yemin Orde, an Israeli village two daughters, Molly R. Berger, State Louis Malamud, 95, formerly for children and youth supported College, and Bethany S. Berger, of Temple. He is survived by a son, May 2016 by our Federation. SHALOMReading; and one brother, Dr. Barry M. Mitchel, husband of Laura PageMalamud, 11 Berger, husband of Kathleen A. Vieweg, of Las Vegas; grandchildren Barry GardeningBoston, Mass. with Vicky husband of Johna Malamud, Deborah All Around the Town______--- Babbit-Malamud and Sheri Malamud; Turning David Moyer, 85, Reading.lawns intoand great-grandchildren: meadows Jessy Babbit, By MazelJoan G. tov Friedman to Jo and Paul Cohn birthBadal of, whotheir has third received son, Samuel the honor John of He is survived by his wife, Marjorie Carly Malmud and Ian Malamud. andCongratulations to Hal Cohn on theto Koreyengagement Blanck of onbeing March chosen 27. asMazel the tovChild to Advocategrandfather of By Vicky Sokoloff theirand to daughter/granddaughter Edith Blanck on the Abigail’sbirth of Charlesthe Year Diamondfor the State, Jennifer’s of Pennsylvania. father, and Two of the most pressing issues in engagementtheir new granddaughter to Matthew Wargo, and bothgreat- of great-grandfather Al*** Diamond. Samuel suburbiaPlan forare stormyour Bar/Batwater runoff and Mitzvah & Wedding Guests! Hoboken,granddaughter! N. J. is AlBest ‘s eighth wishes great-grandchild. to our Berks County pesticide pollution. There are more than 48 ****** athletes competing in the 2010 Maccabi million acres of lawn in the U.S. Converting We love good news about members Mazel Tov to the Bluestone Family of: Games: even a portion of that landShalom into meadows Newspaper (Joan Friedman) Drs. Jennifer and Bryan Currie of our community! Please share it by Winchester,To David and Va. Marianna proudly announceon their new the Emily & Jared Baksic, swimming and rain gardens would be a big step in daughter and to grandparents Eric and emailingAndrew [email protected]. Blickle, basketball addressing those problems. It would also 5” (2 col.) x 7” Marissa. Matthew Eisenberg, swimming reduce erosion, have a healthy impact on Questions? Food for *** thought Hannah and Alexis Glassmire, the soil food web and provide both food Contact Jodi Gibble, Marketing Director Congratulations to Charles and swimming and shelter for wildlife. BrendaBy Anne Diamond Seltzer on the engagement wouldBrandon not contain Missan gluten, soccer would contain I learnedREADING recently that lawns first The Highlands at Wyomissing of theirHaving son two Brett children and to grandfather Al eggs or butter; another that was nondairy appeared2801 in Papermill Europe Roadas a sign of wealth.2000 CambridgeDaffodils cut Ave., from our yardWyomissing, PA 1910 Diamondwith dietary. restrictions would contain gluten. I looked in my low HavingWyomissing, a lawn meant Pennsylvania you had so much currently blooming 10-288-3405 because of health*** — sugar,Until gluten next free, andtime: vegan Shalom! cookbooks. land that you could afford to have some of throughout the oneMazel for stomach Tov to issues, Rosalind Hyman and It became[Email apparentall your simcha to me thatnews one to cannotjoan@ it notGROUP being RATESproductive AVAILABLE and that you could lawn. herthe other daughter, for food Attorney. allergy Cathy Hyman] all with one recipe. I guess afford to pay people to tend it. Large areas reasons, I pay attention that is why restaurants always offer CallToday’s Alice lawns for area Site not Tour much different. are devoted to to what foods I makeKEEP in UP WITH THEseveral COMMUNITY dessert options, besides there are While they might provide a play area for tall ornamental our home when they chocolate and no chocolate (i.e. those we kids(610) or pets, 736-2082 they have very✦ little other grasses. We grow are around.Visit Or food don’t trust) people out there. And those function. And maintaining a lawn requires many varieties to send them in care packages. Myself, I who prefer a fruit-based or custard-based water and chemicals; mowing contributes ranging from just don’t tolerate corn, nuts in great quantities, dessert, not to mention several types of to air pollution. a foot tall to one or rice. Alan doesn’t like cheese. I don’t eat ice cream and sorbet. You get the picture. The biggest impediments to creating (Arundo Donax) meat. And one of our boys has decided Everyone has their food needs and/or meadows are zoning laws and homeowner that can reach 20 Two shades of wild violet he’s Paleo. There you have it! Bet you’re preferences. association rules. So working to change feet tall. These grasses provide shelter glad we aren’t coming to your Seder! Anyway, I started scouring the organic thoseII laws hadandhad rules is something nono we for wildlife, idea!idea! nesting material for birds, are But seriously, noneou’ve of us worked ever requests hard to accumulatesection at the your grocery wealth. store and came up canWe all hear consider this againas a way and to againhelp the from attractive residents to look of Theat, and Highlands. provide winter anything special;YTrust we just it towork someone around whowith will Mango work Sorbet. even So harder Mango to Sorbet and environment. If you want to learn more interest.• Chemical-free People are so friendly.grass clippings and what people are serving. There’s usually fresh strawberries it was. A perfect spring about meadows as an alternative to lawn, leaves become compost for the vegetable • There’s so much for me to do. enough othergrow stuff toyour eat! assets and providedessert! you with Light peace and refreshing.of mind Cannot contact Penn State and request publication garden. • I love the independence and While everyoneas you shouldplan for read the labels future. to Fromwait for financial the local planning berries inand another few PA Wildlife #5 — Meadows and Prairies: These changes have reduced our use see what is added to your food, or what is weeks! Below is a recipe for a nondairy, Wildlife-Friendly Alternatives to Lawns. of water andprivacy nearly at eliminatedThe Highlands. the need for in it, some peopleinvestment have to management do so in order to notcustom chocolate credit dessert solutions, I promised someone Single copies are available at no charge. chemicals.• I don’t This worrycan be about a really my importantfuture. to not becomedeposit deathly products ill. For example, and more. a Clermont recipe for. Wealth Strategies There are also a number of books on the change• Diningfor families is like where a fine restaurant.allergies are have you recently looked at the sodium Jumbo Oatmeal Raisin Cookies subject available from the public library. a problem.• My kidsThe arechemicals so glad I’myou here. put on – personal, focused and highly confidential. content of canned soup? Having been in ¼ c. canola oil ½ c. flour You can also visit the lawn• I canfeel likebe tracked I’m at ainto resort. the house charge of the food at several dinners in the 1/3 c. packed light brown sugar natural-resources/wildlife/landscaping-for- on shoes,• This by waspets, a smartand blow and in valuable doors or past few years, I have become even more wildlife/pa-wildlife-5 windows. The only people promoting wide ½ tsp. baking soda financial decision. aware of food allergies and intolerances. ¼ c. granulated sugar I have had a vegetable garden in expanses of turfgrass are the people who • They do things first class. WhereasFinancial it was notPlanning considered as a main Comprehensive½ Investment tsp. salt Management my front yard for almost 20 years. The sell you the chemicals to maintain them. choice at dinner 10 years ago, usually now garden was originally located in that One• of I wishthe recent I’d moved trends hereis the sooner.promotion Custom Credit Solutions Bank¼ Depositc. unsweetened & Convenience applesauce Products you find a vegetarian or fish option as a 1 ½ c. rolled oats spot because it was the only spot that of vinegar• I loveto kill it! Somehow people choice today.Wealth Restaurants Preservation and & Transfer hotels Services have Retirement1 T. Planning ground flaxseed was flat and sunny. Over the years we have come to think that natural means become very accommodating and have ¾ c. raisins 1 tsp. vanilla have introduced more and more planting safe. Nothing could be further from the truth. good options (read, not boring) available, In a large bowl whisk oil, both sugars, beds to reduceCome the amount tour of lawn area.The People Highlands. have gone blind from exposure to so no one feels deprived. applesauce and flaxseed. Stir about 1 We have Findalso accepted out first that hand if we do why not itvinegar. is the The best concentrated place for forms (over 20 This past weekend we were trying to minute until well mixed. Mix in vanilla. Sift want to use herbicides and pesticides, percent) are especially dangerous. juggle allergies or intolerancesCLERMONT to dairy,W EALinTH flour,STRA soda,TEGIES and salt until mixed. Add we won’t have one of thoseretirement perfect living.Since vinegar kills only the top growth chocolate, eggs, gluten, nuts and certain AToats and raisins. Scoop onto parchment- lawns. So we think of the lawn area as of the plant and is not transferred down vegetables. At first I thought, wow, then lined baking sheets, using about ¼ c. merelyIf you’re the spaceexploring between options the and planting choices into the ground, repeated applications my curiosity and creativity overcame that dough per cookie. Flatten a little with your beds.for Whileyour retirement I am not a years,fan of dandelions,be sure to call are needed to kill a weed. And caution is and I became determined to find a dessert hands. Bake at 350◦ for 12-14 minutes, I enjoyus for thea tour. many You shades too can of be violets a part ofrequired when applying it. that would suit all. Well, I started combing until edges are lightly browned. Cool this wonderful lifestyle. We have every- all my cookbooks and found out that was on sheets 5 minutes, then transfer to a thing from a studio apartment to gracious easier said than done. One recipe1.866.332.8393 that cooling rack. Enjoy! Gardencottages. We would to lovebloom to meet you at RCOS andThe answer Social your Action questions. Committee at than 1,000 pounds of food, and this year Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom is the committee expects to donate more. Securities and Insurance Products: establishing a garden on the synagogue The new garden is designed with raised Not FDIC-Insured • Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency Call for lunch and a tour today. No Financial Institution Guarantee • May lose value • Not a deposit property. Produce grown there will beds and 3-foot high planters so someone be donated to area food banks.10-775-2300 The could stand or sit while helping to plant or

committeeEQUAL HOUSING also has plots at weed. To donate materials, seeds, etc or OpportunityOPPORTUNITY House. volunteer your time, please+++++ contact Mimi A garden the committee planted on Gavigan at 610 373-1109 or mag1835@ another site last year produced more 610‐376‐3956 311 Penn Ave West Reading Page  12 SHALOMShalom MayMay 2016 2010 JewishJewish Family Family ServiceService CarHelp donation with transportation helps sustain is availableJFS programs By Sari Incledon, M.Ed. a boarding pass. This is a half fare Family Service started a transportation donation and we get the proceeds from JFS (and get a tax donation at the same Simon and VeeVee Scott. We could not run Pesadich desserts. Thanks to Jeff Bornstein By TransportationSari Incledon, M. Ed. program.You can fill out an application program that has provided a your vehicle being auctioned. To learn Thank you to Dave time) call me at 610-921-0624 or go to the food bank without them. and Corinne Wernick for their assistance in in Berks for this card at their Special Services tremendous service to hundreds of more about this great program call Sari Walker for participating On April 2 JFS sponsored a Seder at serving the meal. Generous contributions County can be Center. The base BARTA fare is $1.70. seniors and disabled people in the at 610-921-0624. in our car donation Each month our food bank serves more the Manor at Market Square. The Manor’s made in memory of Natalie Adelglass by challenging for Discount tickets are available including Jewish community. Supported by Passover Assistance program. The proceeds and more people. (In March we served residents were joined by residents of family and friends underwrote the Seder. non-drivers. Berks a 31-day ticket for $47. More details contributions to the Federation and to JFS purchased Passover food from his auctioned car 182 people in 62 households). We could Providence House and Friendship Circle Finally, thanks to the bakers of the Area Regional about fares, transfers and eligibility for the United Way, our program provides for 15 households, some inmates at will help support our not provide this important service without seniors. Boscov’s provided a delicious meal, Kesher Zion religious school and Temple Transportation programs are available on the BARTA $75 worth of taxi rides for $25. Clients Berks County Prison and sponsored 10 programs. If you would dedicated volunteers. Thank you to long- enjoyed by all. A big thank you to baker Oheb Sholom’s sisterhood for providing us Authority (BARTA) website. (seniors and disabled people) purchase people to attend Synagogue sederim. like to learn more about time volunteers Karen Sherman and Norman extraordinaire Sheila Bornstein for furnishing with hamentashen that were distributed to does offer 20 In 1978 BARTA Special Services coupon books for $25 and use the JFS also sponsored an afternoon seder this easy way to help Wilikofsky and to our new volunteers Jan participants with a vast array of gourmet seniors in long term care residences. different routes Division was established offering trips coupons to pay for the rides from for seniors with The Manor at Market to all parts of between the customer’s homes and Reading Metro Taxi. Clients use this Square which was enjoyed by all who Berks County, and the service is very destinations not well Living served by fixed with program Loss to go medical appointments, attended. affordable. Seniors, 65 or older may routes. Special Services operates for shopping and assorted errands, to JFS Discussion Groups ride free on the BARTA Fixed Route during limitedMondays, hours and specific May 10 travel and attend 24, 3:00-synagogues 4:30 andp.m. JCC events. Encore — a discussion group bus system ALL DAY/EVERY DAY! To areas. Various funding programs Some people have found that the for seniors meets monthly at the participate in the program, register with cover aFor majority more (if notinformation all) the costs call program Sari atis especially610-921-0624 valuable when JCC. We talk about what is in the BARTA to obtain a Commonwealth of for seniors and those with disabilities. they are no longer able to drive at night news and what is on the minds of Pennsylvania ID Card. You can fill out BARTA requires an application for and others have found that giving up the participants. Our next meeting an application and receive your card those wishing to use the service and driving is not quite as painful as it could is Monday, May 9 at 3 p.m. All are immediately by stopping at the Special the reservation process requires two have been. To learn more about the welcome. Call Sari at 610-921-0624 Services Office – 1700 N. 11th St. in working days’ notice to schedule most Taxi TransportationWhat happens Program call Sari afterfor information. Reading (betweenDid you 8 a.m. know and the 4Hampton p.m.) appointments.Inn Wyomissing Despite is newly being a door- or Carole at 610-921-0624. Living with Loss — a support group or the BARTArenovated? Transportation It’s true, Center, when yourto-door family service, comes shared-rideto town, does not Howa your hospital old car can help stay? others for people who have lost a loved one Eighth and Cherry Streets in Reading permit “taxi service” and is not a non- Do you have an old car (motorcycle, within the last year, we meet once a (between 9 a.m.why andcrowd 5:30 your p.m.) home? You We havestop a ride heated for indoorone person. pool, Everyone truck orJoin boat) us thatfor this you informativeno longer need? seminar month. presented For moreby information call Sari must providecomplimentary proof of age hot inbreakfast, order to andrequesting a good night’s transportation sleep on our must fill Our vehicle donation program is a win- at 610-921-0624. Our next meeting will receive your card. This program is out an application. Processing and win for you and for JFS. You get a tax be Monday, May 23, at 3 p.m. provided byfamous the Pennsylvania Cloud 9 bed. Lottery’s Did you approvalalso know of thatthe applicationwe wash our may take up Free Transitcomforters Program and pillowsfor Senior with everyto 21stay? days. Wouldn’t All applicants you want will receive a Jewish Family ServiceThursday, Food Pantry May 20 Collection • 11:30 am Citizens. your loved ones here with us insteadletter of to worrying inform them where of you’ll their eligibility, at Manor at Market Square People with qualifying disabilities for more information about BARTA call and Medicare cardholdersfind room? With (who the are Hampton’s 610-921-0601 100% guarantee and for BARTA Special We areSome serving patients more require families additional under 65 years old) can registeryou can’twith goServices wrong. call 610-921-2361. eachcare month! after their Please hospital bring discharge. BARTA to obtain a Reduced Fare Jewish Federation Taxi Program donations of cannedPlanning tuna, ahead soup, will make Transit Identification HamptonCard to useInn as WyomissingMore than 25 years ago Jewish fruitsthings andeasier vegetables for you after to you leave. 1800 Papermill Road, Wyomissing, PA 19560 KesherLearn aboutZion orthe the services JCC. available for you or a loved one! 610-374-8100 Thank you! WE WALK WHILE YOU WORK! Please RSVP by calling 610-373-0800.  Vacation coverage We also need plastic and paper grocery bags!  Pet feeding  Houseplant care Pediatric and Adult Patients  Free consultation Treating Ear, Nose, Throat Problems  FREE parking in INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING the Berks Encore [email protected] Thyroidparking lotNodules, NeckMeals • Housekeeping Masses • Activities& Sinusitis • Transportation located at 9th All-Inclusive Monthly Rent • No Buy-ins and Court Street. Insured & bonded pet care in the comfort & safety of your own home 803 Penn Street • Reading, PA 19601 2347_Shalom_update:Layout 1 3/30/10 12:21 PM PagePhysicians: 1 • 610-373-0800 James P. Restrepo, M.D., FACS, ECNU Charles K. Lutz, M.D., FACS Af finiJeffreytyBa S.n Driben,kPA. cM.D.,om FACS, ECNU Scott J. Cronin, M.D. GROOVY! Nurse Practitioner:  Rosemarie Montgomery  BankMS,in CRNP,g FNP-C Join us for a GROOVY TIME with refreshments and entertainment by the Way It “Me, Myself & I” Monday, May 16 • 1-3pm Please RSVP by May 14 to Jill at 610-616-5112 FREE parking in the Berks Encore lot at 9th and Court Streets Should Be. Audiologists: Doors Open at 12:45am Kathleen D. Vivaldi, AuD, FAAA Melanie A. Appler, AuD, FAAA Matthew R. Bonsall, AuD, FAAA

Providing diagnostic and rehabilitative services for all types of hearing loss, for any age group. Hearing and Balance Disorders State of the Art Hearing Aid Fittings AWARD-WINNING In House Hearing Aid Repairs COMMUNITY

We are conveniently located only WYOMISSING | READING ENT Head & Neck Specialists, PC 1 block* from the new Affordable All-Inclusive Monthly Rent with No Buy-In Fees including SINKING SPRING | MUHLENBERG | EXETER DoubleTree® Hotel and Nursing Care • Meals • Housekeeping • Activities • Transportation 985 Berkshire Blvd., Wyomissing Convention Center on Penn Street! Schedule a tour today and see why so many seniors are choosing Manor at Market Square as their new home! 610-374-5599 • 803 Penn St., Reading, PA 19601 • • 610-616-5112 610.898.7700 May 2016 SHALOM Page 13 May 2010 Shalom Page 10 Federation Honorial - Memorial Card Information HonorialsHonorials and and Memorials Memorials ContributionsContributions may may be be made made to to the the following following Funds: Funds: Please mail your payment with complete information to the Jewish FederationUJA-Federation Jewish Campaign Community Campaign $10 $10 Federation, PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612-4925 or bring to the Jewish Jewish Family Service $10 Jewish Family Service $10 Cultural Center, 1100 Berkshire Blvd, Suite 125, Wyomissing. You may set up Leo Camp Lecture Fund $10 a “savings account” for the purpose of sending cards. Please contact the JFSLeo FoodCamp Bank Lecture Fund $10 $25 Jewish Federation at 610-921-0624 for further information. JFS TaxiFood Transportation Bank Program $25 $20 JFS Taxi Transportation Program $20 ContributionsContributions asas ofof April April 16 15 Holocaust Library & Resource Center $18 Holocaust Library & Resource Center DorisHolocaust Levin Library Fund & Resource Center $18 $10 In honor of: Doris Levin Fund $10 UJA-Federation Campaign Get well/speedy recovery: In honorSid and of: Esther Bratt’s anniversary – Ellen and Don Abramson Carol Gerber – Rob and Yvonne Oppenheimer JewishSarah FamilySimon’s engagementService – Vic and Dena Hammel Michael Clymin (Ellen Abramson’s father) – Susan and Richard D’Angelo Alma and Ed Lakin’s new home – Vic and Dena Hammel, Mildred & Ivan Frank Mehringer – Edith Mendelsohn In honor of: In memory of: Gordon Birth of Shari and Dave Seltzer’s grandson – Andy and Corinne Wernick Gene Friedman – Marcia Gross Sam Goodman’s engagement – Alma and Ed Lakin Engagement of Irv and Arlene Ehrlich’s daughter Melissa – Carol and Gordon David Hyman – Marcia Gross PerlmutterAlyse Corbin’s marriage – Carol and Bernie Gerber, Alma and Ed Lakin DorisBarbara Levin Solowey Fund – Marcia Gross Sue Viener’s Birthday – Yvonne & Rob Oppenheimer Barbara Fromm being appointed as President of JFS Board of Directors In memoryAndi Kleinman of: – Carol and Bernie Gerber Birth of Selma Cutler’s great-grandson Jacob - Debbie Goodman and John Dr. Walter Gershenfeld – Stephanie and Dennis Arbige, Carole and Mike Palm Desert – Debbie Goodman and John Moyer Gerald Zeigerman (Debbie Goodman’s stepbrother) – Carol and Bernie Moyer Robinson Sid and Esther Bratt’s 65th anniversary – Louise Zeidman Gerber Birth of Carol and Gordon Perlmutter’s new grandson – Debbie Goodman and AnitaShoshana Lipson Tannenbaum (Dena Hammel’s – Carole mother) and Mike – SueRobinson and Mel Blum InJohn memory Moyer of: Peter and Helaine Schiffman’s daughter Janet – Judy, Bob and Susan Elaine Krause – Edith Mendelsohn HolocaustPollack Library and Resource Center Get well: In memoryRae Rudnick of: – Dena and Vic Hammel FederationHarold Leifer Jewish – Rob and Community Yvonne Oppenheimer Campaign Shoshana Tannenbaum – Ken and Mary Holt, George and Sue Viener, Sue YeminSchlanger, Orde Gordon Youth and VillageCarol Perlmutter, Leah Kanter-Salis, Rosemary and John In honor of: InDeegan, memory Naum of: and Lyudmila Ger, Louis and Katherine Danzico, Florence and EvelynAbigail Thompson Cohn’s engagement Nursery – SchoolDena and Fund Vic Hammel In memory of: MarvinDena Segal, and VicVic Hammel’sand Dena Hammel,anniversary Emma – Ernestine Holder, SusanUrken Gallagher, Mildred & Birth of Selma Cutler’s great-granddaughter – Debbie Goodman and John Shoshana Tannenbaum – Beth and Bob Caster Ivan Gordon, Carrie & Stephen Latman, Judy, Bob & Susan Pollack, Anna & Moisey Moyer FriendshipSchneider, Norman Circle & RitaFund Wilikofsky, Audrey Williams, Alan and Esther Strauss, Bat Mitzvah of Sue and George Viener’s granddaughter – Debbie Goodman JayIn honor and Evelyn of: Lipschutz, Carol and Bernie Gerber, Barbara and Seth Rosenzweig, andJewish John FamilyMoyer, Hilde Service Gernsheimer In honor of: JohnRachel Castrege Silverstein and family, on Michael her engagement Geraci, Maxine to Kyle & Dick Shedd, Henry, and Piekara to parents Family, Birth of Carol and Bernie Gerber’s grandson – Sue and Mel Blum Birth of Carol and Gordon Perlmutter’s new grandson – Sue and George Viener, LauraLaurie Higgins and Jim Silverstein and grandmother Rita Litvin – Glenn and Gaye Sid and Esther Bratt’s 65th anniversary – Elaine Safir, Hilde Gernsheimer, Betsy and Al Katz Corbin Rob and Yvonne Oppenheimer Bat Mitzvah of Fran Mendelsohn’s granddaughter – Rosalye Yashek Gerald and Raie Fogelman’s 65th anniversary – Elaine Safir, Marlene and In memory of: George Weiss FriendshipLarry Weiss Circle – Tootie Moyer In memory of: Get well: Shoshana Tannenbaum – Jill and Gladys Skaist Harold Leifer – Glenn and Gaye Corbin HolocaustIsraeli medical education team helps spreading to heal children’s in Berks Countyhearts in Tanzania Shadia Jirani, an 18-month-old The SACH team worked with Godwin SACH’s Dr. Alona Raucher worked memorable case because while Dorice ContinuedTanzanian girl,from was Page born 5 with a giant alsoand pediatric that the cardiologist students Dr.are Naiz genuinely Majani, withOn Majani a wider to screen note, scores there of children have justicewas in andsurgery Holocaust her mother remembrance went into today. labor silencehole in isher not heart. the reason Without why surgery survivors her interestedwho was intrained hearing by their SACH stories. in Israel.I know beenfrom Tanzaniamany recent and developmentsZanzibar. Some in Iand am heartenedgave birth to at hear Wolfson that three to aadditional healthy arechances invited of survivalin. Instead, were grim.that factor is myThough students these were Tanzanian genuinely physicians interested work in Holocaustwill be travelling education to Israel in Berks for lifesaving County schoolsgirl. Dorice in Berkswas checked County outwill inbe Tanzania offering presentShadia because was theof the first immense child respect wheeled hearingindependently Hilde’s withstory their and teammany instill JKCI, talk andtreatment the surroundingin the near future. areas. Within theseand pronounced courses for healthy.their students. studentsinto the haveoperating for these room individuals at Jakaya and aboutSACH it sends now, several volunteer weeks medical later. teams theThe past Israelis month oftenI have do met checkups with two or ThoughThen there the was fourth Esther, quarter an orphanof the Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI) in Dar three times a year to assist with the large individualsfollow-up procedures who are onin patientsthe process they schoolwho had year been has begun,treated there in Israel are still in es Salaam, Tanzania, during a weeklong number of children waiting for lifesaving oftreated developing months aor Holocaustyears previously. course to many2010 foradditional rheumatic opportunities heart disease. that medical mission in March undertaken treatments. However, it was the first be Oneoffered catheterization at their local patienthigh school. was remain.She told I just Raucher spoke tothat an undergraduateshe hopes to by a team of cardiologists, nurses and time they were doing catheterizations. In One5-year-old gentleman Muhammed was Alifrom from Lancaster Zanzibar, ethicsbecome classa medical at doctor,Penn maybeState evenBerks a volunteers from the nonprofit Save a their first procedure, they repaired a life- County.treated in The Israel other, four yearsGerry agoEvans, for PDA, is a regardingcardiologist. the Her ethical/moral echo showed implications very good Child’s Heart (SACH) at Wolfson Medical threatening hole in a child’s artery, sparing teachera persistent at openingHamburg between High School.two major I ofresults the Holocaust.and as far Ias found the medicalthe students team Center in Holon, Israel. her from surgery and weeks of recovery. haveblood vesselsbeen in leading contact from with the two heart. other tocan be tell, receptive she won’t beand needing inquisitive any further and “It would seem the SACH team arrived A catheterization of this nature had never local“The teachers, medical Peteteam knewRuckelshaus at the time at havetreatments been in asked the near to deliverfuture. a similar just in time,” said Randi Weiss, SACH been performed in Tanzania before. Twinthis would Valley beand part Jim Koneckeone of a attwo-part Wilson programAmong in thethe newclasses patients that wasthe samefour- Young Leadership director in her blog The Israelis brought along medical Hightreatment School. for his Pete complicated has resurrected issue,” said a professoryear-old Khaifu, also teaches brought at in Reading by his father, Area about the mission, which was sponsored equipment as well as items such as courseWeiss. “Foron Holocaust four years Literature now, his atmother Twin CommunityAbraham. Khaifu College. had been sickly for by Save a Child’s Heart Canada. bubbles and coloring books to cheer the Valley,has been and taking its him first to meetoffering our medical is during twoAs years, mentioned but the above,clinic in Kim the Yashek,family’s Shadia was doing well after a three- young patients. Non-medical volunteers theteam current on missions fourth toquarter. Zanzibar, He and is veryhas daughtervillage 10 ofhours the fromlate localDar EsHolocaust Salaam hour operation by SACH lead surgeon from Los Angeles and Israel included excitedbeen waiting about for offeringthe day that this she’ll course be told to survivordid not knowRichard how Yashek, to help. is Aspeaking doctor onat Dr. Lior Sasson and Dr. Godwin Godfrey, Dafna Jackson, personal assistant of hisshe studentsneeds to return and hasto Israel even with lined him forup Twina humanitarian Valley, Hamburg visit from and the Fleetwood. UK finally Tanzania’s first pediatric cardiac surgeon, major SACH supporter Morris Kahn. severalhis final guest treatment.” speakers including Rabbi diagnosedRight now Khaifu Albright and Collegereferred isAbraham hosting who trained with SACH specialists for “The Tanzanian and the Israeli medical BrianHowever, Michelson, due to Kim recent Yashek advancements and Hilde anto JKCI. exhibit They titled, arrived “Stories three weeks Among before Us: six years in Israel with the support of the teams fell right into place as if they’d pediatric catheterizations and the WashingtonSACH and Majani State feltConnections it best to wait to thefor Australian Pratt Foundation. Assisting them all been working together for years,” expertiseJim Konecke of the visiting is teaching Israelis, at the Wilson child Holocaust,their Israeli Lessonspartners. in Genocide.” The was Dr. Yayehyirad Mekonnen, currently Weiss said.“They quickly and efficiently Centralwas able Junior to have High his but final will treatmentbe moving that up exhibitA grateful includes Abraham the stories told of SACH: five Holocaust “Every training in Israel through SACH to become prepared their departments for their today Wilson and will High not Schoolneed further at the surgery. beginning survivorsday I pray and to Godone toliberator rescue andmy hasson Ethiopia’s first pediatric cardiac surgeon. respective procedures, and within a few of nextAnother school emotional year. He reunion will be offeringwas with a receivedbecause Igood know reviews.he is in trouble. It is definitely He does While Shadia’s surgery was underway, hours they began attending to the long course19-month-old on Nazi Dorice Germany. and Hisher studentsmother, worthnot enjoy a visit! life It becausewill be at Albright’sof his bad Gingrich heart. Dr. Akiva Tamir and Dr. Sagi Assa were lines of children and their parents outside willElieth, be whostudying came this in periodfor a follow-up of German to LibraryI tried in through so many May ways 10. to save my son. leading a team performing cardiac of the cardiology clinic, each anxiously historyDorice’s in lifesavingdepth, including operation a study in Israel of the in Now we are here and*** you are here, and catheterizations one floor below. waiting for an echocardiogram.” riseDecember of anti-Semitism, 2015. This the was initial an especially period of I willJennifer just pray Goss and teaches pray.” social studies the Holocaust and the Final Solution. The in the Fleetwood School District and latter part of the course will look at post-war specializes in Holocaust education. Plan for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah & Wedding Guests!

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(610) 736-2082 ✦ Page 14 SHALOM May 2016 Why dueling camps in Israel need each other By David Bernstein difference in improving Israel’s international Both camps fear the imagined agree with. The discourse between Jewish groups standing and combating delegitimization is consequences of acknowledging that If both camps could set aside for a that engage in traditional Israel advocacy and reaching a peace agreement. Peter Beinart the other might have a point. The human moment their self-righteousness and those that attempt to alter the government’s recently argued, for example, that “the only rights/peace groups worry that lending suspicions, they could do Israel a world of stance on peace and human rights leaves way to do that [stop delegitimization] is to credence to advocacy gives the Israeli good. The human rights/peace supporters much to be desired. prove that Israel is making a serious effort government a free pass on peace and are more effective in countering BDS than The discord is sad because it pits Jew at ending the occupation.” human rights. The traditional advocates anyone in the traditional advocacy camp. against Jew. It’s sad because it makes it In writing off advocacy, they ignore the worry that calling attention to Israel’s The traditional advocates could be much hard for Jews with different viewpoints to possibility that Palestinian leaders might not internal problems gives ammunition to its more effective in urging the government celebrate together the miracle of modern be willing to cut a peace deal and that a deal adversaries. Both concerns have merit. to protect its democratic institutions and Israel. It’s sad because it pushes away might not end the conflict. They place the And both are overblown. Each camps advance the two-state vision. many young Jews, who don’t know why entire burden of achieving peace on Israel underestimates the other. The advocates Here’s a humble suggestion for how their elders can’t talk in a civil manner. It’s and ignore abundant evidence of Palestinian often regard the human rights advocates as both camps can stop fighting, find synergy sad because it crowds out nuanced thinking intransigence. They also discount thoughtful sellouts, and the human rights supporters and help Israel: and exploration. pro-Israel advocacy, which has stopped often see the traditional advocates as Recognize that you may be wrong Above all, it’s sad because it neglects boycotts and strengthened America’s intellectual lightweights. about what will bring Israel peace and an opportunity to both strengthen Israel’s connections to Israel. I can assure the traditional advocates security. Be 90 percent rather than 100 standing in the world and enhance the For its part, the advocacy camp often that the human rights/peace supporters percent certain. It’s a lot easier to work country’s commitment to democracy and downplays Israel’s very real internal threats. are much more committed to Israel — often with someone whom you feel has a 10 peace. Fanatical right-wing Israelis, especially, desperately so — than you realize. They or 20 percent chance of being right than Indeed, both camps could benefit Israel want to turn the country into a modern worry that the country is putting itself at risk someone whom you regard as positively if they stopped trying to discredit the other monarchy in the entirety of the historic land by not taking steps for peace. and irredeemably mistaken. and joined forces when possible. of Israel. And, whether or not the traditional And I can assure the human rights/peace If more of us can do that, then maybe Let’s start with the human rights/peace advocates admit it, absent a peace deal, supporters that the traditional advocates are we can find opportunities to work together camp, which often pays short shrift to there is a long-term demographic threat to often much more well-informed than you to fortify both Israel’s body and soul. advocating for Israel. It frequently argues Israel’s Jewish majority and a political threat give them credit for. They’ve heard all your David Bernstein is a president and CEO that the only thing that would make any to its legitimacy. brilliant arguments, which they may not of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. Your Life – Your Legacy... What’s in Your Heart

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