1 Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 16th 5 - 8 January 2017

2 Questions to the Area Manager 9 - 16

3 Cabra Area Office Report, Fergus Synnott, Administrative Officer 17 - 18

4 Strategic Housing Dev (SHD) Application to An Bord Pleanala under the Planning 19 - 20 & Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016 (for information purposes only) - Location Former "Matts of Cabra" public house and lands to the rear, Fassaugh Ave, Cabra 7 - for student accommodation, Siobhan O'Connor, Senior Executive Planner, Avril Feeney, A/Senior Executive Officer, Planning & Property Development Department

5 Cabra-Finglas Housing Report, Derek Healy, Housing Manager 21 - 28

6 Presentation on derelict/vacant properties and sites in the Finglas Area, Derek Healy, Housing Manager and Aidan Maher, Assistant Area Manager

7 A Verbal Update on Scribblestown PPP - James Nolan, Executive Engineer and Mary Davis, Staff Officer, Social Housing PPP Bundle 1

8 Finglas Area Office Report, Aidan Maher, Assistant Area Manager 29 - 32

9 Nomination to the Finglas-Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force

10 Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan

That the Manager arranges for some of the all weather pitches in the Mellows Leisure Centre to be converted for use in other sports other than soccer. At present the pitches are being under-utilised. Can we look into the potential of Basketball,Tennis or Padel Courts to increase the usage of these pitches

11 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That this area calls for a site development master plan for Finglas west and south.

12 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That this committee supports the agreed position in relation to a tenure mix on the Valley Site in Finglas south.

13 2018 North West Area Programme of Works 33 - 36

14 Public Domain Report, Patrick Smith, A/Public Domain Officer 37 - 42

15 Community Grants Scheme 2018, Larry Dooley, Community & Social 43 - 54 Development Officer

16 Sports & Wellbeing Partnership Report 55 - 60

17 Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting 61 - 76

18 Motion in the name of Councillor Cieran Perry

This Committee calls on the Chief Executive to include any planning applications submitted to An Bord Pleanála as a Strategic Housing Development to be included on the weekly Planning List circulated to Councillors.

19 Motion in the name of Councillor Cieran Perry

This Committee calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Minister for the Environment requesting extra resources for An Bord Pleanála due to the substantial extra workload created by the new Strategic Housing Development process.

20 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That this Committee is provided with a full list of development projects in all stages of preparation for the North West area

21 Motion in the name of Councillor Cieran Perry

This Committee calls on the Chief Executive to investigate the suitability of the council depot sites vacated due to the construction of the ‘Super Depot’ in Ballymun for public housing. I am aware that the funds generated by the sale of these sites was to contribute to other projects but given the ongoing housing crisis I believe housing should be our priority.

22 Ballymun Area Office Report, Mary Taylor, Assistant Area Manager 77 - 84

23 Proposed Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way at the entrance to the 85 - 86 archway at 61-72 Druid Court, Ballymun, Dublin 9.

24 Naming of new development Daneswell Place, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 87 - 88

25 With reference to the proposed disposal of two sites at Balbutcher Lane/Cranogue 89 - 92 Road,Ballymun, Dublin 11.

26 Motion in the name of Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager initiate a process for extinguishing the right of way in the laneway off Glasnevin Avenue to the rear of Grove Park Avenue.

27 Motion in the name of Councillor Norma Sammon

That this Council commits to working with Grove Park Residents, the Gardaí and HSE to find a speedy resolution to their issues including:

1. Permanent signs "Neighbourhood Watch Area" to be installed. 2. Better lighting on the south side of Grove Park Avenue and Crescent, it's these areas that are affected mostly at night. 3. Effective Speed Ramps to be erected on Drive, Crescent and Avenue. 4. Restricted access to laneway off Glasnevin Avenue to the rear of Grove Park Avenue. 5. Request Garda Divisional Superintendent to detour ALL Garda vehicles to our area that travel between Finglas, Ballymun and Santry. 6. Rat infestation

28 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That this Committee fully considers using sponsored naming of busy roundabouts in the North West area to raise funds for the works required to upgrade the roundabouts on McKee Avenue and Jamestown Road. (see Q 94 council meeting 5th Feb 2018).

29 Motion in the name of Councillor Noeleen Reilly

That the Manager puts together a schedule for the repair of footpaths in Wadelai Road, Wadelai Green and Clonmel Road and has a look at some of the trees to access their suitability for the area. This will be done in conjunction with residents if any decisions are made.

30 Motion in the name of Councillor Noeleen Reilly

That the Area Committee write to the Minister for Housing to request the site cost for the Depot on Collins Avenue as it would be wrong to sell off this land. This land should be retained within DCC for social and affordable housing.

31 A.O.B.



TUESDAY 16th January 2018

NWA/1/2018 Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 12th December 2017.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/2/2018 Questions to the Area Manager.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/3/2018 Cabra Area Office Report, Fergus Synnott, Administrative Officer.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/4/2018 Proposed extinguishment of the Public Right of Way over the laneway to 2-24 Kinvara Grove, 72-110 Kinvara Road, between 34 & 36 and rear of 32 Park Road, Navan Road, Dublin 7.

ORDER: Agreed.

NWA/5/2018 Strategic Housing Development (SHD) Application submitted to An Bord Pleanála under the Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016 (for information purposes only), Former CIE Lands, 2-4 Carnlough Road, Cabra, Dublin 7. Elaine Power, Executive Planner, Aisling King Executive Planner, and Avril Feeney, Administrative Officer Planning and Property Development Department.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/6/2018 Cabra-Finglas Housing Report, Derek Healy, Housing Manager.

ORDER: Noted. Clarity to be given on the Tolka Valley Site in relation to the mixture of housing units (i.e. social and private).

NWA/7/2018 Finglas Area Office Report, Aidan Maher, Assistant Area Manager

ORDER: Noted. A Letter of Condolences to be sent to the family of Sean Hughes.

NWA/8/2018 Nomination to the Finglas-Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force.

ORDER: Timing of the meetings to be raised with the Task Force as the current morning start does not suit Councillors.

NWA/9/2018 The proposed disposal of land at the rear of 45 McKee Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11.

ORDER: Recommend to City Council.

Page 5 NWA/10/2018 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That the NWAC notes from the Pobal data the absence of whole day childcare services in the Finglas South area and commits to finding a solution to this prior to developing any more sites in that area for social or affordable housing.

ORDER: Motion deferred to the February Meeting. Planning to be contacted regarding the Social Infrastructure Audit of childcare facilities.

NWA/11/2018 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That a timeline for the development on the Scribblestown site is issued to councillors and residents and that the council sets up a liaison mechanism with residents.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/12/2018 Allocation of 2018 local service funding to the North West Area.

ORDER: Agreed.

NWA/13/2018 Discussion on regeneration of Older Person’s Apartment Complexes.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/14/2018 Public Domain Report, Patrick Smith, A/ Public Domain Officer.

ORDER: Noted. Simon Brock, Administrative Officer, Waste Management to be invited to a future NWAC Meeting. Waste Management to be requested to send a letter to collection companies regarding the possible provision of extra collections at Christmas.

NWA/15/2018 Sports & Wellbeing Partnership Report.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/16/2018 NWA Community Development Annual Report 2017 – presentation by Larry Dooley and Ciaran Mahony.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/17/2018 Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting.

ORDER: Noted. The North West Area Committee to write to Dick Brady, Assistant Chief Executive, requesting that an Engineer from Traffic attend the next meeting of the Drumcondra/Glasnevin Community Forum to discuss the Drumcondra Traffic Cell Project.

NWA/18/2018 Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan

That this area committee agrees to put in a submission to the Boundary Commission (Local Electoral Boundary) which could call on the commission to;

Page 6

(i) extend the Dublin Northwest boundary to the M50. The M50 being a sensible boundary considering there are area's under the remit of Fingal County Council (Dunsoghly, Heathfield, Lanesborough etc) which are cut off from the rest of the County Council area. Residents here are still taken in by the Northwest General Election area at present so it would make sense to have them as part of the Local Electoral Area also.

(ii) revise the anomaly which see's the vast majority of the Finglas Village area and Finglas East area contained in the Ballymun Electoral ward. The Finglas Area Office being a few hundred yards away is ideally located to deal with any issues that may arise here. Up until the last boundary change these areas were under the remit of the Finglas Area Office.

ORDER: Members submissions to be collated by the Area Office and discussed at the February NWAC Meeting.

NWA/19/2018 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That this committee calls on the Chief Executive to make public (on the planning website) all emergency planning orders made over the last 4 years.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/20/2018 Ballymun Area Office Report, Mary Taylor, Assistant Area Manager.

ORDER: Noted. The dates of housing voids to be included in the report.

NWA/21/2018 Proposed grant of licence of a ground floor unit at No 2 Longdale Terrace, Ballymun Dublin 9.

ORDER: Recommend to City Council.

NWA/22/2018 Proposed grant of licence of 1st and 2nd Floor units 54-56 Gateway Crescent, Ballymun, Dublin 11.

ORDER: Recommend to City Council.

NWA/23/2018 Proposed disposal of land at the rear of 3 Bellevue Cottages, Old Finglas Road, Dublin 11.

ORDER: Recommend to City Council.

NWA/24/2018 A.O.B. Email to be sent to Councillors with a date to visit the Ashton Pound on 25th January 2018.

Page 7 NWA Councillors

Attendance Members: Councillors Noeleen Reilly, Seamus McGrattan, Emma Murphy, Norma Sammon, Paul McAuliffe, Cathleen Carney Boud, David Costello, Cieran Perry, Andrew Keegan, Teresa Keegan, Anthony Connaghan, Aine Clancy and Andrew Montague.

Apologies: Cllr Brendan Carr.

Officials: Dave Dinnigan (Area Manager), Aidan Maher (Senior Executive Officer), Mary Taylor (Senior Executive Officer), Fergus Synnott, (Administrative Officer – Cabra), Patrick Smith (A/Public Domain Officer), Derek Healy (Area Housing Manager), Declan Ronan (Area Housing Manager), Mary Bellew (Staff Officer), Bridget Gilbert (Senior Staff Officer), Larry Dooley (Community and Social Development Officer - Finglas), Ciaran Mahony (Community Officer, - Ballymun), Helen Smirnova, (Senior Executive Engineer), Sean Callaghan (Area Engineer) Elaine Power, (Executive Planner), Aisling King, (Executive Planner), Avril Feeney, (Administrative Officer), Planning and Property Development Department.

Councillor Noeleen Reilly Chairperson

The meeting concluded at 5.00pm

Page 8 Question to the Area Manager North West Area Committee Meeting Tuesday 20th February 2018

Q.1 Councillor Teresa Keegan

To ask the Manager to provide an update on the issue of stray horses in the Dublin North West Area, the number of horses which were seized in the past six months, the number which were subsequently reclaimed by their owners and the total cost of this work.

Q.2 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager to outline the process through which requests for repairs to roadways and footpaths are graded in order of urgency and scheduled for completion by the Road Maintenance Section in light of the very high demand they encounter.

Q.3 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager to provide details of the amount of money that was spent by the Council on HAP payments for properties that have failed to meet minimum environmental standards since the scheme commenced.

Q.4 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager if his attention has been drawn to ongoing issues with access to a property and related traffic issues in the vicinity (Details supplied) and the steps he intends to take to rectify the issue given that issues at this location were first highlighted in 2014.

Q.5 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager if he will engage with Waterways Ireland to ensure that adequate lighting is installed along the Royal Canal adjacent to the new transport connection mode in Broombridge.

Q.6 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager if he will engage with TII to ensure that adequate pedestrian facilities including pathways and lighting are installed and maintained along Broombridge Road and through Tolka Valley Park so as to allow pedestrians safe access from Finglas to the new transport connection mode in Broombridge.

Q.7 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager to draw up a scheme that would allow for parking bays to be installed at a location (details supplied) as earlier measures here have failed and have exacerbated the problem in many ways.

Q.8 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager to bring forward proposals to address the ongoing and dangerous issue of short-term parking at the schools on Glasanaon Road and will he consider the provision of parking bays in these areas where the footpaths are especially wide.

Q.9 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager if arrangements can be made to allow an individual to surrender a property and be re-accommodated.

Page 9 Q.10 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager to provide details of the guidelines that the Environmental Health Section are using to issue pass-fail notices to HAP properties and to provide, in tabular form by reason, the details of HAP properties which failed to meet minimum rental standards upon inspection.

Q.11 Councillor Teresa Keegan To ask the Manager if ownership and right of way can be established of a laneway (details supplied).

Q.12 Councillor Andrew Keegan To ask the Manager how many properties does Dublin City Council presently own on the valley Park Estate, Finglas.

Q.13 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager can the Derelict Site Section consider purchasing (details supplied) as part of the ongoing CPO process? The property has been vacant for the past 5 years and was on the Derelict Sites register in the past.

Q.14 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager to confirm the ownership of the vacant lands opposite (details supplied)?

Q.15 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager to confirm the drain cleaning schedule for (details supplied)?

Q.16 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager to provide an update on the request for two litter bins on (details supplied)?

Q.17 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager to confirm a contact for (details supplied)?

Q.18 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager to confirm the ownership of the land currently being used as a car park for (details supplied)?

Q.19 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager to provide an update on the finish of the new bridge wall at the (details supplied)? This issue was originally raised during the initial construction phase of the works.

Q.20 Councillor Cieran Perry To ask the Manager to provide an update on the request for a tree planting scheme on the (details supplied)? Due to the location of underground services it isn’t possible to plant trees on the existing paths. An alternative suggested was to build- out the paths which may result in the loss of parking. Have the Parks Department progressed this suggestion?

Q.21 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager to have an accessibility assessment done of the (details supplied).

Page 10 Q.22 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager if there is any further information regarding the development at the (details supplied). What the social mix breakdown will be and the location of the development on the site.

Q.23 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager to deal with the maintenance issues at (details supplied).

Q.24 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager to have the markings on the ramps on (details supplied) repainted or cats eyes placed at them as they are difficult to see at night.

Q.25 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager to have the damage on the surface of (details supplied) repaired. Also could the ramps be repainted and repaired.

Q.26 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager to examine the feasibility of a (details supplied).

Q.27 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager if there are any plans to upgrade (details supplied).

Q.28 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager if parking enforcement can come up with a plan to tackle the illegal and dangerous parking taking place in (details supplied).

Q.29 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager to ask parking enforcement to continue to monitor the parking around the (details supplied) as there is ongoing dangling parking. Could they also liaise with (details supplied) in relation to finding a solution to this problem?

Q.30 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager to keep monitoring the lane between (details supplied) as there is constant dumping going on here.

Q.31 Councillor Emma Murphy To ask the Manager if there is a possibility of having public domain improvements around (details supplied).

Q.32 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to fix the damaged speed ramps on (details supplied).

Q.33 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to arrange to have the sweeper clean (details supplied) on a more regular basis.

Q.34 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager what are the long term plans for caretakers in our (details supplied).

Q.35 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to have the damaged raised banks at the entrance to (details supplied) repaired.

Page 11 Q.36 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to contact the owners of the (details supplied) and request them to prune the tree adjoining (details supplied) as the debris from the tree is damaging resident’s cars.

Q.37 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to provide a report into the turn over time for houses in the (details supplied) as waiting times seem to be getting a lot longer.

Q.38 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager for an update on plans to upgrade (details supplied).

Q.39 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to consider contacting Dublin Bus requesting a bus shelter on (details supplied).

Q.40 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to paint the new concrete planters on (details supplied).

Q.41 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to erect no parking signs beside the (details supplied).

Q.42 Councillor Séamas McGrattan To ask the Manager to have the gully outside (details supplied) cleared.

Q.43 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to apply for (details supplied) to find suitable places in Dublin North West.

Q.44 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to arrange for the driveway to the front of (details supplied) to be widened so as to allow vehicular access

Q.45 Question Withdrawn

Q.46 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to arrange for a special needs swing to be placed in one of the Finglas playgrounds. Does the Council have any plans to include special needs in all of its playgrounds?

Q.47 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to arrange for parking bays to be placed along Glasanaon Road to try and alleviate the parking issues at peak times. Can the grass verges alongside the schools be considered please?

Q.48 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to arrange for a full inspection of Glasanaon Road. There are damaged ramps along the road and potholes also. Can the Manager say when this road was last re-surfaced?

Q.49 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to arrange for a general clean up of the Sandyhill Gardens. This area seems to be in a very poor state recently. Can the Manager say when road sweepers last visited the area?

Page 12 Q.50 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to arrange for a review of the footpaths along Balbutcher Lane between Baile Na Laochra and the Poppintree Roundabout. There is no footpath from Baile Na Laochra and the bus stop just down from this estate.

Q.51 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to clear the footpaths on the green at Mellows Ave/Mellows Road. There was vehicles repairing lights on the green recently and there was grass and muck pushed onto the footpath along here.

Q.52 Councillor Anthony Connaghan To ask the Manager to arrange for a clearway to be marked opposite St. Fergal’s School, Cappagh Road. There are no markings in front of the houses opposite the school and cars are parking along here creating difficulty and danger for the school traffic warden at peak times.

Q.53 Councillor Andrew Montague To ask the Manager to address the black mould in (Details supplied). A new shower has recently been installed, and the tenant is grateful, but an extractor fan was also to be installed and that hasn’t happened yet. There is no other source of hot water in the house, beside the shower. Can the council fix the hot water?

Q.54 Councillor Andrew Montague To ask the Manager to clear the lane behind 59 Shanowen Drive.

Q.55 Councillor Andrew Montague To ask the Manager install disability friendly swings in Johnstown Park and Albert College Park.

Q.56 Councillor Andrew Montague To ask the Manager to change the designation on the e-charger parking space on Hollybank Road, so that only electric cars can park there? The space is regularly occupied by non-electric cars, preventing the electric cars from using the charger.

Q.57 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to provide details of the subcontractors and schedule in place for litter collection on (details supplied) and surrounding roads. To increase litter collection as it has gotten worse recently.

Q.58 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager if the Council have any information on the recent installation of gates behind (details supplied).

Q.59 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to increase parking enforcement checks on (details supplied). Parking on footpaths and failure to pay for a parking ticket are commonplace on this road and no clamping appears to be taking place.

Q.60 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to prioritise the request for a parking scheme on (details supplied). Residents are concerned that the introduction of the scheme on other roads will result in even more non-resident parking on (details supplied).

Page 13 Q.61 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to investigate with and work alongside the (details supplied). The problem has escalated recently and is in need of urgent attention.

Q.62 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to remove graffiti at the south side of the junction of (details supplied). The graffiti is on a wall behind railings.

Q.63 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to repaint the markings on the ramps on (details supplied). They are faded and difficult to see in the dark.

Q.64 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to install new signs or repair in (details supplied). The second one has been in poor condition for many years.

Q.65 Councillor Norma Sammon To ask the Manager to meet with residents from (details supplied) to discuss outstanding landscaping works on the estate.

Q.66 Councillor Áine Clancy To ask the Manager can a filter light be installed to facilitate a right turn at the end of (details supplied).

Q.67 Councillor Áine Clancy To ask the Manager f he will as a matter of safety agree to communicate with landlords of the strip of shops at (details supplied) to reinstate the footpaths immediately. There have been very nasty falls here over the years the pavement is a hazard and not fit for purpose never mind the high volumes of footfall using this retail area.

Q.68 Councillor David Costello To ask the Manager to provide a list of cycle lane upgrades and maintenance works to be commenced this year in the area.

Q.69 Councillor David Costello To ask the Manager why has a "no fishing" sign been placed in (details supplied)?

Q.70 Councillor David Costello To ask the Manager to examine the erecting of wildlife education boards at the entrances to the Tolka valley park and other parks along the river.

Q.71 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager to commence a deep clean in (details supplied)

Q.72 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager to amend the scheme of lettings for the (details supplied) to look at families from area (details supplied).

Q.73 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager if moveable cameras can be located in (details supplied) to address reports of anti social behaviour.

Q.74 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager for the current route of (details supplied).

Page 14 Q.75 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager if gates can be built at (details supplied) down the steps to address anti social behaviour.

Q.76 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager for an update on the Kissing Gate in (details supplied).

Q.77 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager to arrange for (details supplied).

Q.78 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager for an update on the claim for (details supplied) as the resident is waiting to buy the house.

Q.79 Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager for an update on the pollution in the pond in (details supplied).

Q.80 Councillor Paul McAuliffe To ask the Manager to look at installing more bins for dog dirt and litter in or around (details supplied).

Q.81 Councillor Paul McAuliffe To ask the Manager are the remaining pavements on (details supplied), due to be repaired this year under the programme of works?

Q.82 Councillor Paul McAuliffe To ask the Manager to arrange for the removal of the (details supplied).

Q.83 Councillor Paul McAuliffe To ask the Manager if the removal of tress from disputed land behind (details supplied) is permitted.

Q.84 Councillor Paul McAuliffe To ask the Manager to provide me with any reports or information which support his decision to clear the shopping centre site and redevelop it rather than the alternative plan of refurbishing the existing building.

Q.85 Councillor Paul McAuliffe To ask the Manager what is the current law on (details supplied) in Dublin City Council?

Q.86 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager to clarify the status of maintenance issues at (details supplied); (see also Q34 to NWAC on 17/10/2017)

Q.87 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager to confirm when the trees at (details supplied) will be pruned as requested previously.

Q.88 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager that the gutters be cleared at (details supplied).

Q.89 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud

Page 15 To ask the Manager to provide an updated report on proposals for the (details supplied) including details on improving safety measures, funding and possible timeframes.

Q.90 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager to arrange for further landscaping at the gap at (details supplied). Some landscaping was carried out at one side and not at the other.

Q.91 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager for an updated report on the vacant houses at (details supplied). Is there a prospective buyer, is the council considering putting in another offer, or are their grounds to consider a compulsory purchase order?

Q.92 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager to reconsider the matter of providing gates at the front of (details supplied) to provide added protection to the tenants there. Other units were provided with gates and a commitment was given years ago to provide gates here but it was never followed through.

Q.93 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager to monitor the speeding issues on (details supplied) which is a small residential street with cars speeding to cut through down to (details supplied) and possibly as a rat run down to (details supplied). The speed ramps are ineffective. Could SLOW signs be installed and warning signs that children are walking to school?

Q.94 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager to do more to tackle the rat problem on (details supplied) and the surrounding area. This issue is ongoing for at least 2 years now with the problem yet to be identified. Several residents have paid the cost of having their pipes checked with no success of finding the source of the problem. Rat holes are clearly evident on the green verges of the public path and more needs to be done to address this issue.

Q.95 Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud To ask the Manager if there has been any attempt by the council to engage with local soccer and GAA clubs in the vicinity of (details supplied) to identify if there is enthusiasm for an all weather pitch to replace some of the unused tennis courts there. This issue has been raised several times with the Parks Department and the manager was open to the idea but it doesn’t seem to have been followed up.

Page 16

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 3

Cabra Area Office Report

Abbey Drive Parks Department will plant shrubs to enhance the environment along the wall facing residents’ houses and to deter people from climbing into the convent grounds to take shortcuts to Ratoath Road. This has been a long standing problem and the convent is also taking measures.

Cabra Road Residents have been seeking the installation of trees along the stretch from St Peter’s Church to Charleville Road. The footpaths have been surveyed and have been found to contain restrictive underground services and are therefore unsuitable. The alternative is to provide build outs on to the road. Again, the roadway would have to be surveyed to see if it is suitable for build outs to support trees. We are consulting with the relevant road and traffic sections within DCC before conducting a poll amongst property owners, particularly as this would involve the loss of parking spaces.

Community Gardai Community Policing Cabra is holding an Information Stand/Desk from 7pm-8.30pm on the First Tuesday of every month, at the River Centre, Rathborne, River Road, Dublin 15.

Dublin Bikes Many of the planned new stations, while not in the North West Area itself, are located nearby in Dublin 7.

No. Name and Location DCC Area 1-3 Grangegorman Lower Stations No1- 3, D7 Central Area 1. Ivy Avenue 2. Clock Tower 3. St Brendan’s Way 4 Rathdown Road, D7 Central Area 5 Charleville Road, D7 North West Area 6 Road, D7 Central Area 7 George’s Lane, D7 Central Area 8 Western Way, D7 Central Area 9 Avondale Road, D7 Central Area 10 North Circular Road, Drumcondra, D1 Central Area 11 Mountjoy Square East, D1 Central Area

Page 17 Glenbeigh Road We met with residents’ representatives recently and they indicated that they intend to appeal the decision to grant planning permission for a petrol station on Old Cabra Road. We explained the reasoning behind the decision to refuse their application for a pedestrian crossing on Old Cabra Road.

Royal Canal Congratulations to the Volunteer Clean Up group: as part of Dublin Clean Canals, which organises the annual Dublin Canals Action Day amongst other things, they have won the Most Devoted to the Environment award from Outsider Magazine in association with Clean Coasts and Leave no Trace Ireland.

Community & Social Development

Dunard Community Centre A landscaper has been engaged to upgrade the grounds of the centre. DCC and the management committee have met with the landscaper to agree on the improvements. This will make a huge difference to the Centre and to the entrance of the estate. The Centre is a great resource to the local community.

Dunard Court Senior Citizens Complex A new group is meeting weekly in the community room. It includes approximately 30 women with an interest in knitting and crochet and provides a social outlet for residents and also women from the surrounding neighbourhood who enjoy sharing their skills. There is also a group of men who enjoy playing pool in the centre and they travel to other centres to take part in competitions.

Creative Writers This group, which meets in Cabra Library, have asked for assistance with producing a book of their work. Community Staff are supporting their work on the project as they plan to apply for funding in the autumn. They will also seek other sources of funding.

St Finbarr’s Court Senior Citizens Complex Community Staff are working with the Housing Manager to identify suitable temporary meeting places for the various user groups while the planned major building work is taking place. Broome Lodge and Convent View complexes are being considered as possible alternatives and we will keep the community groups updated on progress.

International Women’s Day International Women ‘s Day will be held on Thursday 8th of March. From 11am-1pm Cabra Parkside will host a celebration event with Speakers, Music, Dance, Chat, Food and Information. It is at the planning stages and is being organised by Centre Staff with the support and assistance of DCC Community Staff and local community groups.

Phibsborough Tidy Towns AGM The AGM will be held in Clarke’s Phibsborough House (36 Phibsborough Road) at 7.30 pm on Thursday 15th February. The meeting will be followed by a Panel Discussion on avoiding waste and creating a sustainable community in Phibsborough. DCC community and Area Office staff will attend.

______Aidan Maher Assistant Area Manager

Page 18

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 4

DCC SHD Application No.: SHD0001/18

ABP SHD Application No.: ABP-300666-18

Location: Former 'Matts of Cabra' public house and lands to the rear, Faussagh Avenue, Cabra, Dublin 7.

Description: Student Accommodation

The above Strategic Housing Development Application submitted to An Bord Pleanála under the Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016. Section 4(c)(i) of the Act requires the planning authority to notify elected members of the making of the application, details of where the application can be inspected/purchased and including details relating to observations/submissions etc.

With regards to the above, the Area Office is requested to please notify all members of the North West Area Committee of the following:  Application was submitted to An Bord Pleanála on 12/01/2018.  The application, may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during public opening hours at the offices of:  An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, at the following times 9.15 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Monday to Friday (except on public/bank holidays) and

 Dublin City Council, Planning and Property Development Department, Block 4, Floor 0, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 at the following times: Monday-Friday, 9.00a.m. – 4.30p.m. (except on public/bank holidays) The application may also be inspected online at the following website:

 Submissions/Observations Any person may, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by An Bord Pleanála of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20, may make a submission or observation in writing to An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1,

Page 19 relating to the implications of the proposed development, if carried out, for proper planning and sustainable development in the area or areas concerned and the likely effects on the environment or the likely effects on a European site, as the case may be, of the proposed development, if carried out.

Paul Clegg ______Executive Manager

Page 20

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 5

Housing Matters: Cabra-Finglas Report 1st January – 1st February 2018

Estate Management


No of Anti social complaints per 1997 act Drug Related 4 1

No of Anti social complaints per 1997 act Not Drug Related 3 1

No of other Complaints 19 11

Total Complaints 26 13

No of Anti Social Interviews per 1997 act 1 0

No of Other Interviews 17 10

Total Interviews 18 10

No of Requests for mediation 0 0

No of Complaints referred to central unit for Action 1 0

No of Section 20 Evictions 0 0

No of excluding Orders applied for by Tenant 0 0

No of Excluding orders applied for by DCC 0 0

No of surrender of Tenancies due to Anti Social Behaviour 0 0

No of possession application sent to Central Unit 0 0

No of Court Orders Granted 0 0

No of Appeals / Judicial Reviews Challenges 0 0

No of Warrants executed (Evictions) 0 0

Page 21 Housing Allocations

Category Housing Transfers


Bands 2 & 3 1 0 1 0

Medical 0 0 0 0

Welfare 0 0 0 1

Homeless 0 0 0 0

Travellers 0 0 0 0

De-tenanting 0 0 0 0

Estate 0 0 0 0 Management

Maintenance 0 0 0 0 Grounds

Surrendering 0 0 0 0 Larger

Unable to afford 0 0 0 0

Total 1 0 1 1

Senior Citizens Allocations

Category Housing Transfers


Bands 2 & 3 0 0 0 0

Medical 0 0 0 0

Welfare 0 0 0 0

Homeless 2 1 0 0

Travellers 0 0 0 0

Estate 0 0 0 0 Management

Page 22 De-tenanting 0 0 0 0

Maintenance 0 0 0 0 Grounds

Surrendering 0 0 0 0 Larger

Unable to afford 0 0 0 0

Financial 0 0 0 0 Contribution

Total 2 1 0 0

Voids Report

To the 1st February 2018 there are 30 vacant housing units in the Finglas Area Address Type of unit Date of Remarks vacancy 7 Barry Avenue House 19/12/2017 Works in progress 21 Barry Close House 08/12/2017 Works in progress 73 Berryfield Road House 18/09/2017 Works in progress/on offer 29 Cardiffsbridge Avenue House 11/07/2017 Works in progress/on offer 84 Cardiffsbridge Road House 03/01/2017 Works in progress / On offer 25 Cardiffcastle Road House 18/12/2017 Works in progress 52 Casement Drive House 09/06/2017 Works in progress/on offer 60 Clancy Road House 17/07/2017 Works in progress/on offer 33 Deanstown Green House 06/11/2017 Works in progress 35 Finglaswood Road Maisonette 03/11/2017 Works in progress 54 Heath Square Duplex 11/12/2017 Works in progress 65 Kippure Park House 15/12/2017 Works in progress 54 Mellowes Avenue House 02/01/2018 Works in progress 35 Mellowes Park House 27/11/2017 Works in progress/on offer 107 Mellowes Road House 23/10/2017 Works in progress 26 McKelvey Avenue House 14/11/2017 Works in progress 92 North Road House 22/09/2017 Works in progress 7 Plunkett Crescent House 25/08/2017 Works in progress/on offer 109 Plunkett Road House 10/10/2017 Works in progress 60 Rathvilly Park House 09/11/2017 Works in progress

Page 23 17 Ratoath Avenue House 04/09/2017 Works in progress 42 Ratoath Avenue House 17/07/2017 Works in progress/on offer 77 Ratoath Avenue House 05/10/2017 Works in progress 61 Ratoath Avenue House 27/06/2016 * 63 Ratoath Avenue House 26/07/2016 * 90 Ratoath Avenue House 04/07/2017 Works in progress 5 St. Canices Court Apt 22/11/2017 Works in progress/on offer 1 Scribblestown Close Apt 18/12/2017 Works in progress 60 Valeview Drive House 01/08/2017 Works in progress/on offer 25a Valeview Gardens House 04/07/2017 Works in progress/ on offer

*61-63 Ratoath Avenue

An application for single stage approval has been submitted to the Department of Housing Planning and Local Government.

This site will cater for six one bed units for tenants in the area to downsize.

There are 15 vacant housing units in the Cabra Area

Address Type of unit Date of Remarks vacancy 273 Bannow Road House 30/01/2017 Works in progress / On offer

17 Blackhorse Grove House 08/06/2017 Works in progress / On offer

82 Blackhorse Grove House 01/08/2017 Works in progress / On offer

29 Broombridge Road House 03/10/2017 Works in progress/ on offer

79 Broombridge Road House 16/11/2017 Works in progress

160 Carnlough Road House 02/06/2017 Works in progress / On offer

449 Carnlough Road House 30/10/2017 Works in progress

470 Carnlough Road House 20/12/2017 Works in progress

41 Cross Guns Quay Apt 21/09/2017 Works in progress

50 Dunard Avenue House 20/12/2017 Works in progress

31 Dunard Drive House 15/12/2017 Works in progress

139 Fassaugh Road House 24/03/2017 Works in progress / On offer

Page 24 297 Saint Attracta Road House 10/03/2017 Works in progress / On offer

17 Roosevelt Cottages House 01/11/2017 Works in progress/on offer

87 Ventry Park House 27/11/2017 Works in progress

There are 6 vacant senior citizens units in the Finglas area Address Type of Unit Date of Remarks vacancy 26 Brookville Court 1 bed 11/12/2017 Works in progress 3 Clareville Court 1 bed 29/01/2017 Works in progress 11 Clareville Court 1 bed 10/10/2017 Works in progress 20 Clareville Court Bedsit 16/01/2018 Works in progress 26 Clareville Court Bedsit 11/12/2017 Works in progress 32 Clareville Court Bedsit 23/11/2017 Works in progress

There are 13 vacant senior citizens units in the Cabra area Address Type of Unit Date of Remarks vacancy 44 Broombridge Road Bedsit 13/11/2017 Works in progress 196 Carnlough Road 1 bed 04/12/2017 Works in progress 10 Convent View Cres Bedsit 15/01/2018 Works in progress 23 Convent View Cres Bedsit 05/10/2017 Works in progress 37 Dunard Court 1 bed 19/09/2017 Works in progress/on offer 39 Dunard Court Bedsit 31/08/2017 Works in progress 44 Dunard Court Bedsit 16/11/2017 Works in progress 59 Dunard Court Bedsit 09/08/2017 Works in progress 67 Dunard Court 1 bed 24/11/2017 Works in progress 24 Dunmanus Court 1 bed 08/12/2017 Works in progress 12 McKee Court 1 bed 30/01/2018 Works in progress 33 Rowan Hamilton Ct 1 bed 08/12/2017 Works in progress 43 Rowan Hamilton Ct 1 bed 24/11/2017 Works in progress

St Finbarr’s Court: Stage 1 approval was granted in December 2017. A design team will be appointed.

Rents Update: The Finglas Area Office continues to provide a rent assessment service for tenants living in the Finglas and Cabra areas.

Page 25 Finglas Rent Assessment Update

Assessments 101

Permission To Resides 7

Refunds 2

Insulation Works Dublin City Council has commenced Phase 2 of the insulation programme on their houses in the Finglas area.

Woodbank Drive (3 Units) Construction works commenced on the 3 units in Woodbank Drive on 29th January and is expected to be completed by May 2018.

Rathvilly Park/Virginia Park (13 Units) Construction works commenced in mid November and is expected to be completed by May 2018.

Page 26 Valley Park Site At present this site is been surveyed. Due to the complexity of the site the survey is taking longer than anticipated.

Finglas Housing Programme Update Update provided in presentation at the NWAC meeting.

______Aidan Maher Assistant Area Manager

Page 27

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 8


Update on Kildonan Lands


An in-house Project Team to prepare a Brief for the engagement of design consultants for the Kildonan Lands held its first meeting on the 13th February.


One of the actions arising from the December, 2017 letter from Brendan Kenny, Deputy Chief Executive, in relation to the Kildonan Lands is the formation of a consultative and liaison group for the development of the Kildonan Lands and the Abigail Centre in advance of the reconfiguration of these services. Previous groups that were in place at earlier stages of this process (Kildonan Master Plan Development Group; Oversight Group; Abigail Liaison Group) no longer operate.

It is intended that the group will provide a forum to  Exchange information between the stakeholders involved in the Kildonan Lands Consultative Group: DCC Finglas Civic Office, Councillors, Local Community (WFTRA) and the Abigail Service Providers.  Consult with and co-operate with the interested parties in the development of the lands.  Address concerns that may arise in the planning and development of the lands.  Address concerns that may arise in relation to serious incidents arising from the operation of the Abigail Centre.  Updates on the work of the Group will be provided to the North West Area Committee.

Proposed Representation on the Group o Two Councillors representing the North West Area Committee (representatives to be agreed by Councillors at the February NWAC meeting). o Two representatives from the local community (WFTRA). o Two representatives from the Council’s Finglas Civic Office. o Two representatives from Novas. o Two representatives from DePaul (Tus Nua).

Page 29 I will Chair the meetings. Subject to agreement by all representatives it is intended that the first meeting will take place in March.

New Finglas Library In June 2015 a feasibility assessment of site options for the delivery of a modern public branch library in Finglas was prepared by Dublin City Public Libraries (DCPL). Four potential sites were examined by staff from DCPL, Development Department and the Finglas Area Office. In December 2015 the preferred site was identified as the former An Post Sorting Office and former DCC Waste Depot, Seamus Ennis Road. Negotiations have been ongoing since but are complicated. I will update Councillors on the final outcome of these negotiations.

An initial allocation has been included in the capital programme for the project.

Finglas-Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force John Bennett has advised that the schedule of meetings for this year was recently issued. He acknowledges the difficulty Councillors have in attending mid-morning meetings. He intends proceeding with the 23rd February meeting as already arranged, but the timing of future meetings will be discussed then. I will update Councillors on the outcome at the March meeting of the NWAC.

Community & Social Development

Better Finglas Better Finglas has operated in the Finglas area for the past number of years. The group provides a number of services to the local community including parenting, early years services and a literacy programme. The programmes are now well embedded and supported within the community. The Better Finglas Programme will be funded until December 2018.

International Women’s Day 2018 To mark International Women’s Day, the Finglas Community and Social Development Section has organised a performance of a piece entitled “Midwife of the Nation“, by the Carnation Theatre.

Midwives celebrates the often forgotten contribution of women to the events of 1916 – the big and the not so big characters of which there are so many: Elizabeth O'Farrell, Margaret Skinnider, Countess Markievicz, Winnie Carney to name but a few.

This event will take place on Thursday 8th March 2018 at 11am-1pm in WFTRA Hall, Mellowes Road, Finglas. Light refreshments will be served.

Facilities for Community Groups A small number of community groups based in the Church of the Annunciation have contacted Dublin City Council in relation to accessing new premises. The groups are due to leave their current facilities by the end of February 2018.

The groups include Finglas Racing Pigeon Club and Narcotics Anonymous. Dublin City Council’s Community Development Section is working closely with the groups to ensure that they can access alternative premises in the near future and continue providing a service to the local community.

Page 30 Dublin Tenement Museum Historian Donal Fallon, and Charles Duggan DCC Heritage Officer, have been working on connecting people from Dublin's north side suburbs with the new Dublin Tenement Museum. Finglas is an integral part of the story of tenement Dublin, as many families were moved out to the suburbs from the tenements and have roots in the city. Charles gave a talk about the museum last October in the Finglas Civic Centre. Following this, the Finglas Community Section organised for the group of thirty local people to go on a tour of the Dublin Tenement Museum at the end of January. The group thoroughly enjoyed the experience and we received great feedback.

North West Area Older Person’s Council The NWA Older Person’s Council met on Wednesday 31st January in Finglas Civic Centre. Information on upcoming events was circulated. The OPC will visit the Finglas Men’s Shed in the coming months. The development of the Men’s Shed was a direct result of a need identified by the OPC. The NWA OPC agreed to alternate meetings between each of the area offices in Finglas, Ballymun and Cabra to encourage new members and to embed the Age Friendly ethos across the areas. The issue of transport and access to transport dominated the January meeting.

Dublin City Council Community Grants Scheme Payments to Community Groups under Dublin City Council’s Community Grants Scheme 2018 will commence once approval is received at the City Council’s March meeting. The development of an online Community Grants Scheme is underway. This new system will require the Community & Social Development Staff assisting a number of groups with applications. However, in the long run the online system should improve the speed of processing and payment of grants

______Aidan Maher Assistant Area Manager

Page 31

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 13

2018 North West Area Programme of Works


Location Proposed Works Amount € Comments Whitworth Road Improvements 165,000 Regional (Phibsborough to Carriageway Drumcondra Lower Botanic Road (Botanic Improvements 162,800 Regional Ave to Prospect Way) Carriageway

St Attracta’s Road Improvements 99,000 Regional Carriageway

Poppintree Park Lane Improvements 99,000 Regional West Carriageway

Ashington Avenue Improvements 66,000 Regional Carriageway

Nephin Road Improvements 57,200 Regional Carriageway

Sycamore Road Improvements 110,000 Regional (Jamestown Road to Carriageway Grove Road)

Griffith Avenue (various Improvements 200,000 Regional sections between St Carriageway Mobhi Road and Swords Road)

Subtotal (Regional Carriageway Improvements) €959,000

Location Proposed Works Amount € Comments

Home Farm Road Improvements 138,000 Regional (Valentia Road to Footpath Drumcondra Road)

Botanic Avenue (Botanic Improvements 72,000 Regional Road to Griffith Park) Footpath

Page 33

Sycamore Road Improvements 126,000 Regional (Jamestown Road to Footpath McKee Road)

McKee Avenue (various Improvements 220,000 Regional sections) Footpath

Glasnevin Hill (Tolka Improvements 36,000 Regional House to no 44, west side Footpath footpaths)

Nephin Road Improvements 78,000 Regional Footpath

Cappagh Drive Improvements 72,000 Regional Footpath

Casement Road (Barry Improvements 54,000 Regional Avenue to Plunkett Road) Footpath

Swords Road (Larkhill Improvements 78,000 Regional Road to Shanowen Road, Footpath both sides)

Subtotal (Regional Footpath Improvements) €874,000

Proposed Works Local Other Amount Comments €

Miscellaneous Direct Labour 365,000 Local

Street Name Plates 5,000 Local

Winter Maintenance 15,000 Local

Incident Response Unit 5,000 Local

Various Location Gullies 10,000 Local

Subtotal (Other Works – Local) €400,000

Miscellaneous Direct Labour 365,000 Regional

Street Name Plates 5,000 Regional

Winter Maintenance 15,000 Regional

Incident Response Unit 5,000 Regional

Various Location Gullies 10,000 Regional

Subtotal (Other Works – Regional) €400,000

Total Road Maintenance Expenditure €2,633,000


Location Proposed Works Amount €

Balbutcher Pedestrian Crossing 125,000 Lane/Poppintree Community Centre

River Road Pedestrian Crossing 124,334

Dane Road 3 No 4.5m ramps 15,000

TBC Ongoing Traffic Calming in Finglas (40,000 Area Office funded)

Total Traffic Expenditure €264,334


Location Proposed Works Amount €

Mellowes Park Paths 5,000 Nephin Park Synthetic goal mouth repairs 10,000

Griffith Park Repair/replace railings and other 20,000 improvements

(12,500 Area Office funded)

Johnstown Park New railings at perimeter and path 15,000 improvements

(20,000 Area Office funded)

Coultry Park General improvements 5,000

Tolka Park Seating/planting/relief of ponding on 15,000


Meakstown Allotments Canopy (12,000


Cost Centre)

Finglas Park Planting for biodiversity 5,000

N2 Roundabout Upgrade planting 5,000

Total Parks Expenditure €80,000

Dave Dinnigan Executive Manager

Page 35

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 14


North West Area Complaints received via CRM The CRM is the system used by DCC Customer Services Centre and all departments to log and track complaints. Please see details below of the number of complaints received / investigated and closed by the North West Area Office in January 2018.

All Operational departments have their own CRM Complaints procedures and a large number of complaints received in our office are put directly through to contact persons in these offices.

Count of Incidents Type of Complaint January 2018 Illegal Dumping 73 Remove Hazardous Waste 1 Report Graffiti 5 Report Litter Offence 1 Total 80

It is important to note that a significant number of additional complaints were also investigated, as all area staff pick up complaints when carrying out daily duties but due to lack of resources all complaints are not logged.

Finglas Clock A decorative clock was erected on Tuesday 30th January. The clock and civic space is a welcome enhancement to Finglas Village. The clock will be dedicated to Finglas Village Tidy Towns. The Tidy Towns Committee have indicated that they wish to install a seat at this

Page 37 location to allow the people of Finglas to sit and relax after a busy days shopping in the many and varied shops within the village.

Gully Cleaning Report

Total Cleaned: 628 Total Omissions: 35

Total Repairs Noted: 48 Total Street Visits: 213

Total Inspected: 681

Dog Fouling Initiative The Public Domain Team has commenced a Dog Fouling Initiative in partnership with the Dog Warden Service. This commenced with a visit to the Educate Together School, Bannow Road, Cabra on Tuesday 30th January. The children of the school supported this initiative as there is a serious problem with dog fouling outside their school. This initiative is twofold: firstly, a high visibility campaign to raise awareness on the responsibility of dog owners to ensure that they clean up after their dogs; and secondly, the Dog Warden Service have called to all residents living along Bannow Road and have requested any resident who owns a dog to produce their dog licence.

This campaign will continue every Tuesday for the foreseeable future at different locations within the North West Area. If any Councillor has a location which has a specific problem with dog fouling we would be happy to visit this area as part of this initiative.

Page 38

Enhancements Projects A number of planting and painting projects have been completed in Finglas; these include Cappagh Drive/Road and Berryfield/Cardiffsbridge Road. The painting of the railings around Cappagh Drive/Road was also completed as a separate contract.

Before and after pictures of planting project:

Page 39

A photo of the painting and planting enhancements at Cappagh Drive/Road:

Pride of Place Event On Thursday 25th January, 2018 Dublin City Council held an event to acknowledge and thank the D11 Transformers for their great achievement in coming 2nd place in the National Pride of Place Competition. Each of the Courts were presented with a plaque to thank them for all their hard work. On the night of the event the D11 Transformers declared that they wish to carry on this good work in the Courts and extend their work into surrounding areas in Ballymun. Several locations have been identified and work will commence in March, 2018. The Public Domain Team and the Community Section have agreed to support them in this endeavour.

Page 40 Enforcement Issues The Public Domain Team has arranged a number of meetings over the last number of weeks with Inspectors from the 7/7 Public Domain Crews, Waste Management Power Washing Programme Co-ordinator and with the local Supervisor of ISS Litter Picking Contractors. We aim to establish a co-ordinated approach to cleaning/enhancing litter black spots within the NWA. We have started our initial campaign by prioritising the areas highlighted in the most recent IBAL Report.

Patrick Smith A/Public Domain Officer

Page 41

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 15

Community Grants Scheme 2018

Applications for financial assistance have been received from a number of bodies under the City Council's Community Grants Scheme 2018. These applications have been assessed in the context of available finance, value to the community and compliance with the relevant policies and objectives of the Council and in particular with relevance to the Social Inclusion Strategy.

Set out below are details of the applications together with recommendations in relation to the amount of grant assistance for each applicant body. It is recommended that Dublin City Council make the grants to the groups listed below. There is provision in the 2018 budget to meet this expenditure.

NORTH WEST AREA COMMUNITY GRANTS BALLYMUN 2018 Group Name Category Amount Recommended Children / Young 18th Dublin (Santry) Scout Group People €500.00 3 Bridges Boxing Club Recreation €400.00 Children / Young 44th Whitehall Scout Troop People €500.00 Active Living Ballymun Older Persons €450.00 Children / Young Aisling Project - Poppintree People €500.00 Children / Young Aisling Project - Woodhazel People €400.00 BADIG (Ballymun Active Disability Interest Group) People with a Disability €500.00 Children / Young Ballymun Boxing Club People €400.00

Page 43 Ballymun Adult Read and Write Scheme CLG Educational €400.00 Children / Young Ballymun Child and Family Resource Centre People €350.00 Children / Young Ballymun Child and Family Resource Centre People €350.00 Ballymun Communications LTD Educational €400.00 Ballymun Guild Irish Countrywomen's Association Recreation €350.00 Ballymun Ladies Club Older Persons €350.00 Ballymun Men's Centre Group Recreation €400.00 Ballymun Men's Shed Association Environmental €400.00 Ballymun Writers Group Recreation €400.00 Ballymun Youthreach Environmental €350.00 Belclare Avenue Community Project Environmental €350.00 Belclare Park Residents Association Environmental €350.00 Belclare Way Residents Association Environmental €350.00 Children / Young Bernie/Sharon's Preschool People €400.00 Botanic Senior Citizens Complex Environmental €350.00 Coultry Ladies Club Older Persons €350.00 Coultry Way Tidy Road Committee Environmental €350.00 Courtlands Residents Association Environmental €400.00 Crafts & Chat Recreation €250.00 Dogs and Animal Sanctuary Environmental €500.00 Domville Court Gardening Group Environmental €350.00 Doon Court Environmental Group Environmental €450.00 Gaelscoil Bhaile Munna Educational €400.00 Gaeltacht Park Residents Association Festival / Event €400.00 Gaeltacht Park Youth Club Social Inclusion €350.00 Glasnevin North Active Retirement Association Older Persons €350.00 Glór na Gael Older Persons €300.00 Greenfield Park Residents Community Club Recreation €500.00 Hail Head Bangers Environmental €350.00

Page 44 Hampstead Residents Association Environmental €300.00 Hollytree Square (Hollytree Screwballs) Environmental €300.00 Children / Young Home Farm Football Club People €400.00 Home Farm Monday Club Older Persons €400.00 Iona District Residents Association Environmental €350.00 Joe's Patch Belclare Park Environmental €350.00 Knowth Court and Druid Court Residents Environmental €500.00 Larkhill Active Retirement Association Older Persons €350.00 Lorcan Estate Residents Association Environmental €350.00 Magenta Crescent Residents Association Older Persons €400.00 Magenta Ladies Club Recreation € 300.00 Majella Ladies Club Older Persons €350.00 Men's Networking Resource Centre of Children / Young Ireland Ltd People €400.00 Muck and Magic Environmental €450.00 Oakpark Clean Green Environmental Group Environmental €400.00 Our Place Environmental €300.00 Poppintree Environmental Project Ltd Environmental €400.00 Radharc Ceilteach (Ballroom of Romance) Older Persons €400.00 Children / Young Radharc Ceilteach (Ceoltoirí Setanta) People €400.00 Santry Community Association - Positive Aging Week Older Persons €1,200.00 Santry Community Association Ltd Recreation €1,000.00 Santry Seniors Summer Project Older Persons €400.00 Shangan Green Residents (49-69 Shangan Green) Environmental €300.00 Sillogue Ladies Club Recreation €500.00 Sillogue Neighbourhood Centre Environmental €100.00 Sillogue Neighbourhood Centre Festival / Event €200.00 Solas Development Centre Festival / Event €200.00 Solas Development Centre Older Persons €300.00 Sports Across Ireland Festival / Event €500.00

Page 45 St Anne's Road Pocket Park Environmental €350.00 Children / Young St Margaret’s Preschool Ltd People €250.00 St Margaret's Preschool Ltd Educational €250.00 St Margaret’s Traveller Accommodation SMTCA Environmental €1,000.00 St Pappins Bowls Older Persons €350.00 St Pappins Green Group Environmental €250.00 St Pappins Ladies Club Older Persons €350.00 The Cupa Tea Girls Environmental €400.00 The Gossip Girls Environmental €350.00 The Green Fingers Junior Gardening Club Environmental €350.00 The Holding Court Theatre Group Recreation €500.00 Children / Young The Larks Youth Project People €400.00 The Northside Sensations Recreation €350.00 Tolka Rovers Basketball Club Recreation €400.00 U3A University of the Third Age Older Persons €400.00 Whitehall Active Retirement Association (WARA) Older Persons €500.00 Whitehall Church Men’s Group People with a Disability €400.00 Woodhazel Environmental Group Environmental €350.00 €33,500.00 INFORMAL ADULT EDUCATION Informal Adult Ballymun Child and Family Resource Centre Education €756.57 Ballymun Guild Irish Countrywomen's Informal Adult Association Education €504.38 Informal Adult Ballymun Writers Group Education €756.57 Informal Adult Coultry Craft Club Education €756.57 Informal Adult Global Action Plan Education €504.38 Informal Adult Larkhill Active Retirement Association Education €756.57

Page 46 Informal Adult Le Chéile, St Michaels House Education €756.57 Informal Adult Naíonra Glór na nGael Education €504.38 Informal Adult Norah & Josie's Kitchen Education €756.57 Informal Adult Ross Art Group Education €504.38 Informal Adult Setanta Strings Late Starter Adult Orchestra Education €756.57 Informal Adult Sillogue Centre Painting and Drawing Group Education €756.57 Informal Adult Sillogue Ladies Club Education €504.38 Informal Adult Solas Development Centre Education €504.38 St Josephs Schools Home School Informal Adult Community Liaison parents Education €504.38 St Margarets Travellers Community Informal Adult Association Women's Group Education €504.38 Informal Adult St Pappins Ladies Club Education €504.38 Informal Adult The Northside Sensations Education €756.57 Informal Adult Virgin Mary GNS/Virgin Mary BNS Education €504.38 Informal Adult Volunteer Stroke Scheme Education €756.57 €12,609.50

Page 47 NORTH WEST AREA COMMUNITY GRANTS FINGLAS 2018 Group Name Category Amount Recommended 75th/95th Dublin East Finglas Scouts Festival / Event €500.00 Children / Young 76th/122nd Finglas West Scouts People €500.00 Avila Park Travellers Men’s Group Recreation €500.00 Ballygall Active Retirement Older Persons €350.00 Ballygall Art Studio Recreation €350.00 Ballygall Community Council Ltd Social Inclusion €1,000.00 Ballygall Ladies Club Recreation €300.00 Ballygall Tenants Association Environmental €350.00 Beneavin Residents Association Festival / Event €500.00 Children / Young Buion gemm Guides Brigin and Cygnets People €500.00 Chairan's Youth Club People with a Disability €500.00 Cloonlara Fairlawn Hazelcroft Development Group Environmental €350.00 Collins Area Ladies Club Older Persons €350.00 Daisy Roots Gardening Group Environmental €500.00 Dean Swift Green Fun Day Festival / Event €350.00 Dublin Brigade Irish Volunteers History Group and Reinactment Group Educational €500.00 Children / Young Earlybird Breakfast Club People €350.00 East Finglas Residents Association Festival / Event €500.00 Erin's Isle Pitch & Putt Club Recreation €350.00 Fairlawn Prospect Community Garden Environmental €500.00 Fairways Residents Association Environmental €350.00 Finglas Afternoon Tea Dance Older Persons €400.00 Finglas Celtic FC Festival / Event €800.00 Children / Young Finglas Concert & Marching Band People €500.00 Finglas Division Senior Citizens Parliament Older Persons €200.00 Finglas Historical Society Educational €1,000.00

Page 48 Finglas Horse and Pony Project Recreation €300.00 Finglas Ladies Club Older Persons €350.00 Finglas Men’s Shed Recreation €500.00 Finglas Old Folks Group Older Persons €350.00 Finglas Racing Pigeon Club Recreation €600.00 Finglas South Combined Residents Association Educational €500.00 Finglas Support & Suicide Prevention Sub Group Educational €500.00 Finglas Tidy Towns Environmental €850.00 Finglas West Active Retirement Association Older Persons €500.00 Forever Young Chorus Older Persons €250.00 Glasilawn Avenue Residents Association Environmental €300.00 Glasnevin Lawn Tennis Club Festival / Event €200.00 Griffith Area Community Association Social Inclusion €1,000.00 Children / Young Griffith Youth Club People €600.00 Kildonan Court Residents Recreation €350.00 Kilshane Residents Association Environmental €350.00 Meeting Place Arch Club People with a Disability €500.00 Merville Court Senior Citizens Older Persons €350.00 Merville Court Voluntary Garden Group Environmental €200.00 Movement for Fun Recreation €400.00 North Road, Brookville & Heath Square Residents Association Environmental €350.00 Over 55 Happy Ramblers Older Persons €200.00 Children / Young Parent & Toddler Group X 3 People €1,200.00 Patrickswell Court Residents Association Festival / Event €350.00 Pleasure Painters Recreation €350.00 Rainbow Junior Arch Club People with a Disability €400.00 Rivermount Boys F.C. Recreation €800.00 Rivermount Ladies Club Recreation €350.00 Scribblestown Residents Association Festival / Event €350.00 St Brigid's Horticultural Society Environmental €350.00

Page 49 St Canices (C of I) Indoor Bowling Club Recreation €500.00 St Canices Church, Select Vestry Environmental €1,000.00 St Canice's Court Residents Association Environmental €200.00 St Canices Old Folks Group Older Persons €350.00 St Finians Women's Development Group/Craft & Arts Group Recreation €300.00 St Helenas Ladies Club Older Persons €350.00 TKS Mother & Toddler Group Recreation €500.00 Tolka Rovers Indoor Bowling Club Older Persons €500.00 Willow Park Crescent Residents Association Environmental €300.00 €30,000.00

INFORMAL ADULT EDUCATION Informal Adult 75/95th Dublin East Finglas Scouts Education €252.19 Informal Adult Ballygall Tenants Association Education €252.19 Informal Adult Ballygall Womens Group Education €504.38 Informal Adult Finglas Responders Education €504.38 Odin's Wood Day Care Centre for Older Informal Adult Persons Education € 252.19 €1,765.33

NORTH WEST AREA COMMUNITY GRANTS CABRA 2018 Group Name Category Amount Recommended Angels Ladies Club Older Persons €250.00 Annamoe Project Older Persons € 250.00 Annamoe Youth Group Children / Young People €200.00 Bí ag Caint Educational €250.00 Brendan Behan Residents Group Environmental €200.00 Buttons Community Playgroup Children / Young People €250.00

Page 50 Cabra Community Development Project Social Inclusion €200.00 Cabra Community Growth Environmental €200.00 Cabra Drawing & Sketching Group Recreation €200.00 Cabra Drive Residents Association Festival / Event €250.00 Cabra For Youth CLG Recreation €300.00 Cabra Halloween Project Festival / Event €1,000.00 Cabra History & Folkore Educational €300.00 Cabra Kayak Club Recreation €250.00 Cabra Men's Shed Social Inclusion €250.00 Cabra Park Residents Association Environmental €250.00 Cabra Road Residents Association Environmental €250.00 Cabra Road Residents Association Environmental €150.00 Cabra Senior Breakfast Club Older Persons €250.00 Cabra Senior Newsletter Older Persons €200.00 Cass Residents Association Festival / Event €250.00 Christ the King Community Day Centre Recreation €200.00 Christ the King Community Day Centre Recreation €200.00 Christ the King Community Day Centre CLG Environmental €200.00 Christ the King Day Centre Festival / Event €200.00 Christ the King Day Centre Older Persons €200.00 Clareville Centre Ltd Older Persons €200.00 Clareville Court Activity Group Older Persons €200.00 Clareville Social Group Older Persons €200.00 Connect Children / Young People €200.00 Dalcassian Downs Residents Association Environmental €200.00 Dingle Road Environment Group Environmental €200.00 Dingle Utd F.C Children / Young People €200.00 Drumcliffe Road Residents Association Recreation €300.00 Dunard Community & Youth Project Environmental €300.00 Ellesmere & Adjoining Avenues Res. Assoc. Environmental €250.00 Gaeilgoirí Fionn Uisce Older Persons €200.00 Golden Girls Convent View Older Persons €200.00 Golden Girls Social Club Older Persons €200.00 Iona Active Retirement Older Persons €200.00 John Paul Park Bowlers Cabra Recreation €200.00

Page 51 Kinvara Park Environmental Group Environmental €250.00 Leinster Ulster & Munster Streets Res. Assoc. Environmental €275.00 McKee Court Tenants Association Older Persons €250.00 Naomh Fionnbarra GAA Children / Young People €750.00 Navan Road Community Council Festival / Event €250.00 Pelletstown Educate Together School Garden Project Environmental €250.00 Phibsboro Village Tidy Towns Environmental €300.00 Phoenix Flower Club Older Persons €250.00 Polish Scouting Association - Cabra West Division Children / Young People €250.00 Prospect Architectural Conservation Area Environmental €250.00 Rathborne Community Association 1 Festival / Event €250.00 Rathborne Community Association 2 Recreation €250.00 Rathborne Community Association 3 Environmental €250.00 Regal Park Residents Group Environmental €250.00 Rowen Hamilton Court Gardening Committee Environmental €200.00 Royal Canal Clean-up Group Environmental €200.00 Royal Canal Park Community Association 1 Festival / Event €250.00 Royal Canal Park Community Association 2 Festival / Event €250.00 Royal Canal Park Parent & Toddler Group Children / Young People €300.00 Sancta Maria Day Centre Older Persons €250.00 Sancta Maria Ladies Club Older Persons €250.00 Shandon Residents Association Festival / Event €300.00 Silver Surfers Older Persons €250.00 St Finbarr's Playschool Children / Young People €250.00 St Finbarr's Senior Bingo Group Older Persons €200.00 St Oliver Plunkett's GAA Club Children / Young People €250.00 St Peter's Avenue Environmental Group Environmental €250.00 St Peter's Environment Group Environmental €250.00 St Peter's Garden Party Children / Young People €250.00 The Adventure Project Social Inclusion €250.00 The Green Bubble Gardening Club Environmental €250.00

Page 52 The Nifty Fifty’s Older Persons €250.00 The Ring Environment Group Environmental €200.00 Tower View Residents Environmental €200.00 €18,875.00

INFORMAL ADULT EDUCATION Phibsboro Active Retirement Association Informal Adult Education €504.38 Iona Active Retirement Informal Adult Education €252.19 Cabra Community Development Project Informal Adult Education €504.38 Golden Girls Convent View Informal Adult Education €504.38 Clareville Centre Ltd Informal Adult Education €756.57 Clareville Centre Ltd Informal Adult Education €252.19 Convent View Senior Citizens Group Informal Adult Education €252.19 Iona Writers Informal Adult Education €252.19 €3,278.47

Page 53

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 16

Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Partnership Report

 The Lord Mayor's 5 Alive Challenge is back for 2018! The initiative is a partnership programme between Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership and the Lord Mayor’s Office. The Challenge is in its 6th year and has encouraged hundreds of people to take up regular exercise over the past 5 years.

This year we are going back to our roots and have targeted people who are interested in taking up jogging or those who have started and need some encouragement to keep it going. For 2018, we have also introduced Mentors - people who have completed the challenge in previous years and who will run with slower joggers/walkers and encourage them around the course.

The challenge is to complete five Dublin road races –

Tom Brennan Memorial 5k New Year's Day Road Race on 1st January AXA Raheny 5 on 28th January BHAA Garda Cross Country 2 Mile/4 Mile on 3rd February MSB St. Patrick's Festival 5k Race and Family Fun Run on 18th March BHAA Dublin City Council 10k race on 7th April

The Tom Brennan Memorial 5k took place in the Phoenix Park on New Year's Day. It was a cold and breezy day but there was a great atmosphere amongst the committed and enthusiastic Five Aliver’s helped along by their Mentors who provided great support.

The Raheny 5 Mile was a huge success for our Five Aliver’s with some saying that it was the furthest they had run or the first time they had run five miles without stopping.

 Get Dublin Walking: DCSWP Sport Officers, in partnership with the HSE and DCC Community Section are rolling out a series of walking groups across the city under the banner of ‘Get Dublin Walking’. This programme commenced on 10th February and will run until 3rd March at 9.30am in Tolka Valley Park Finglas.

 Change for Life: DCSWP Sport Officers will combine resources to deliver a community based health related fitness programme to members of the public in north Dublin. The programme will run in tandem with the Operation Transformation TV show and combines weekly exercise sessions, nutritional advice and structured walks to help improve overall health, wellbeing and quality of life.

Page 55  Active Schools Flag The local DCSWP Sports Officer is working with various schools in the North West to help them achieve the Active Schools Flag by facilitating Sports Days in Finglas Leisure Centre on 8th and 9th March.

 Thrive Thrive is a programme geared towards engaging people with mental health difficulties. This can range from people who suffer with anxiety or depression right through to people who may have suffered an acquired brain injury and need assistance in re-integrating into their communities from a personal independence, social and general wellbeing viewpoint. The Thrive Programme will take place as follows:

A Table Tennis/Pool Programme (in partnership with HSE occupational therapists from the North West Area and Drumcondra who refer local clients) will recommence at the end of January every Tuesday morning at 11am in Poppintree Community Sports Centre. It is also hoped to run an introductory gym session with the group.

 A 'Forever Fit' Programme commenced in early February with members of the Iona Road Active Retirement Group. The programme will run for 6 – 8 weeks. Programme will run from 1st February – 8th March from 2pm-4pm in St. Helena’s Family Resource Centre. The programme is aimed at older adults and will focus on gentle games and activities that improve balance, co-ordination and fall prevention in a fun and sociable environment.

 A Positive Wellness Parents day will take place in Erins Isle GAA club on March 7th from 9am-4pm.

 A Laser Run programme with various schools in the North West will run every Tuesday from the 20th of February to the 27th of March in conjunction with Pentathlon Ireland. This will finish with a final event in Mellowes Park on March 27th.

Cabra Parkside Community Sports Complex

Two exciting new classes are commencing shortly in Cabra Parkside:

 YOGIBEANS is yoga for kids. A great way for youngsters to develop important skills in a fun, non-competitive environment; there is no judgment in a yoga class about how a child does a pose or plays a game. We incorporate games/dance and free movement in our classes so that our yogibeans remain free spirited during our classes. The aim of yoga is to nurture a child’s inner strength and self acceptance and allow the children to experience the fun side of yoga. During our classes children are also encouraged to respect and pay attention to their bodies - as children grow and their bodies change quickly, this becomes an important skill. All our classes are fully inclusive and we welcome every child to try them out.

Start date: Saturday 3rd February, at 11am - 12pm, Venue: Cabra Parkside Community Complex for children aged 4-12years

 CROSS FIT KIDS: Our new strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for younger people and helps them develop a lifelong love of fitness in a group setting. Children and teens participate in fun and engaging workouts that deliver measurable results and prepare them to be well-rounded athletes. Cross Fit Kids workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is

Page 56 broad, inclusive, general and scalable for any participant at any level. The functional movements involve exercises that are fundamental to all things that kids need to do when they play i.e. pull, push, run, throw, climb, lift & jump. All of the movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of a fully qualified athletics coach and PT coach. Our workouts will increase physical competence in 10 fitness domains: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy.

Start Date: Saturday 3rd February, at 10am -11am, Venue: Cabra Parkside Community Centre for children aged 7-12years

For info on prices please contact the centre directly on 01-2227551

FAI/DCSWP Football Development Officers – Update

 Youth at Risk. The FAI/DCSWP Football Development Officers in conjunction with Rivermount FC and The Den Youth Resource Centre, Finglas South will run a weekly coaching session in February/March for boys between 10-13 years. The programme is already up and running and has been an instant success with the attendance doubling to 20 in the first three week in the Rivermount Hall, Finglas South on Tuesdays 3.30pm – 5pm.

 FAI Coaching Course. There will be an FAI Kick Start 2 Coaching Course taking place for soccer clubs/coaches in the North West Area on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February. The course was originally planned to take place in Leisure Point, Finglas but will now be delivered in Oscar Traynor Centre, Coolock. 2Twentyfour coaches have registered to attend this course.

 FAI Intercultural After School Programme. Plans are in place to deliver two afterschool soccer programmes in Finglas in February/March. The programmes are aimed at schools with 20% or more of their students of ethnic minority backgrounds. The aim is to link these children into mainstream soccer clubs.

IRFU/DCSWP Rugby Development Officer

The Rugby Development Officer is facilitating a Tag Teacher Training Workshop on Wednesday February 28th from 4-6pm in Cabra Parkside.

Boxing Development Officer Update

 The Bronze programme will be coming to an end in mid February. The North West Area is well represented with Transition Year participants from schools, such as New Cross and St Kevin’s in Finglas; Beneavin in Glasnevin and Trinity Comprehensive in Ballymun. Our primary school participants have packed the programmes, with schools from Our Lady of Victories and Virgin Mary of Ballymun and St. Josephs of Poppintree.

Page 57  All interested participants will progress from Bronze to the Silver Stage in March, where sessions will become more intense and technical.

 In the Silver Stage, participants will wear headgear and gum shields for the first time as we conduct body sparring sessions and this gives us a better idea on whether or not the student will have what it takes to continue to the Gold Stage.

 Students are weighed and graded in the Silver Stage for suitable sparring.


 Get Going … Get Rowing This initiative, jointly supported by DCSWP, Sport Ireland, Healthy Ireland, Active School Flag and Trinity College, has been successfully rolled out for a number of years by Rowing Ireland’s Leinster Women’s Development Officer, Michelle Carpenter. This is a 4/6 week school’s programme for girls (second level). Rowing machines and a community coach are provided to each school for the duration of the programme.

A Transition Year Programme gives students the opportunity to get on the first step of the coaching ladder and enables them to be involved in a youth leadership role, working in a fun and interactive environment with younger students and hence, bringing value to the school.

 Olympic Values Education Programme (accompanies above programme) Students will be taught values such as fair play, respect, dignity etc… through rowing. Get Going ... Get Rowing will be the first programme in Ireland to roll this out.

 Phoenix Rowing Club: A recreational rowing club for adults based in Dublin Municipal Rowing Centre. The club is purely aimed at getting people on the water to enjoy the activity and surrounding environs of the Memorial Gardens, Phoenix Park and River Liffey. No previous experience required and members can progress at their leisure to a level of their comfort and choosing.

 Active Age Rowing - Tuesdays and Fridays from 12.20pm - 1.30pm in Dublin City Municipal Rowing Centre, for new and on-going participants aged 55 and over. No previous experience required.

Cricket Development Officer update

 Our Cricket Development Officer is liaising with DCSWP Sports Officers in the area to plan programmes for the coming months.

 Schoolyard cricket sessions will be delivered in the area during this period. In particular, we will focus on schools that are entered in the Leprechaun Cup (primary schools cricket competition) and the Secondary Schools competition.

We will be focusing on the following schools in the area during this period: 1. St John Bosco’s NS Cabra (Fridays 11.00am-12.30pm) 2. St Declan’s Cabra (Tuesdays 1.00pm-2.00pm) 3. Scoil Mobhi Glasnevin (Tuesdays 11.00am-12.30pm)

Page 58  Provincial cricket sessions are on during this period on Friday nights from 5pm - 9.30pm in North County Cricket Club where we have a number of players from the North West area involved in these sessions. Players are between 10-18 years of age.

 Our annual Dublin City U12, U14 and U17 camps will in North County Cricket Club from the 14th-16th of February from 10.00am-16.30pm where we have participants from all Dublin City areas. Participants attending from the North West area will be from the Phoenix Park/Cabra area.

Contact details

Antonia Martin, DCSWP Programmes & Services Development Manager: [email protected] Alan Morrin, Acting Senior Staff Officer, DCSWP: [email protected] Paul Donnelly, Sport Officer: [email protected] Michelle Waters, Sport Officer: [email protected] John McDonald, Sport Officer: [email protected] Eileen Gleeson, Sport Officer: [email protected] Jamie Wilson, FAI Football Development Officer: [email protected] Paul Whelan, FAI Football Development Officer: [email protected] Oisin Fagan, Boxing Development Officer: [email protected] Fintan McAllister, Cricket Development Officer: [email protected] Stephen Maher, Rugby Development Officer: [email protected]

Alan Morrin Staff Officer

Page 59

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 17

North West Feb Area Agenda 20/02/18 (TAG Date: 30/01/18) Page 61 Page Item TAMS Ref Sharepoint Road Post- Topic request_description Request Date Rec'd TAG Result TAG Comments sec Ref Code by 1 90047182 SP_36034 COLLINS Dublin Traffic on Collins Ave West, Member 18/01/2017 Not From inspection there is 0 AVENUE 9 Island west of junction with of the 16:24 Recommended a continuous white line (NW/NC) Swords Road Public on the west-east approach to Swords Road on Collins Avenue, and under the Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations, 1997, Section 25: Where traffic sign number RRM 001 [continuous white line] has been provided on a roadway or where two such traffic signs are provided in parallel, a driver shall not cross the lines. Any illegal activity in this regard should be reported to the Gardaí 2 7000012 CONNAUGHT Dublin Disab Park removal of bay Member 24/10/2017 Recommended Rescind Disabled 0 STREET (NW) 7 Bay Resid requested of the 12:07 Parking Bay outside No. (Rescind) Public 30 Connaught Street on the north side of the road and replace with Pay & Display & Permit Parking. Starting from the common boundary of 28/30 extending west for 6m. Operating Mon-Fri 08.00-18.30.

3 7000436 PROSPECT Dublin Cont. White Rescind part of the Internal 16/11/2017 Recommended Rescind continuous 0 AVENUE (NW) 9 Line single white line on 15:05 centre white line on (Rescind) Prospect Avenue at the Prospect Avenue, junction with Prospect Starting from a point Way. 2.4m north of Lamp Standard 7 rescind line heading south for 7.7m approx to the start of the ramp. Page 62 Page 4 7000930 GLENDUN Dublin Double Double Yellow Lines Member 15/12/2017 Not "It is not recommended 0 ROAD (NW) 9 Yellow for jnct Glendun Road of the 16:47 Recommended to introduce double Lines and Larkhill Road to Public yellow lines at this facilitate buses. location.Under The Road Traffic (Traffic & Parking ) Regulations, Section 36 paragraph(2) k, it is illegal to park “in a manner in which it will interfere with the normal flow of traffic or which obstructs or endangers other traffic;”Under The Roads Traffic Act (Traffic & Parking ) Regulations, Section 36 (c) a vehicle shall not be parked on a public road within 5 metres of a road junction.Illegal parking should be reported to the Gardai or Dublin Street Parking Services, for enforcement under the law." 5 7001242 RATOATH Dublin Continuous Continuous white line Internal 16/01/2018 Recommended Install Continuous Single 0 ROAD (NW) 7 White Line on the Ratoath Road 12:17 Centre White Line (RRM Railway Overbridge. 001) on Ratoath Road. Starting from a point 4m south of Public Lamp Standard 45, extending north for 394m approx to meet up with existing centre white line on the opposite side of Ratoath Road Railway Overbridge.

6 90044783 SP_12906 FINGLAS Dublin Disab Park and rescindment of Member 24/06/2014 Recommended Rescind Pay & Display 0 ROAD (NW) 11 Bay Pay and Display of the 10:16 Parking and Install a General Parking at the parking Public Disabled Parking Bay in bay nearest the the two existing parking pedestrian lights to bays located 10.3m facilitate the Museum. (approx) south east of Public Lamp Standard

Page 63 Page 23 on the outbound side of Finglas Road.

7 90044809 SP_13806 FINGLAS Dublin Cycle Review of line Member 01/09/2014 Recommended Recommend the 0 ROAD OLD 11 Track markings at exit of of the 13:14 installation of a Yield (NW) Tolka Vale estate, at Public Sign (RUS 026), Cycle junction of Old Finglas Track Yield Marking (M Rd & Finglas Rd. 115C), and Cycle Track Yield Line (RRM 018C) on Finglas Road at the south side of the junction with Tolka Vale Development. Rescind current Cycle Symbol (M 116) at this location and relocate 2m south. Drawing attached outlining proposed works 8 90044978 SP_16529 CONNAUGHT Dublin Speed on the road. Member 05/02/2015 Not Following a recent speed 0 STREET (NW) 7 Ramps of the 12:13 Recommended survey over a 24 hour Public period, it was shown that the 85th Percentile average speed was less than the speed limit along Connaught Street. Therefore it is not advised to install speed ramps at this location at the moment.

9 90045021 SP_16876 FAUSSAGH Dublin Speed on the road. Member 24/02/2015 Not Following a recent speed 0 AVENUE (NW) 7 Ramps of the 13:36 Recommended survey over a 24 hour Public period, it was shown that the 85th Percentile average speed was less than the speed limit along Faussagh Avenue. Therefore it is not advised to install speed

Page 64 Page ramps at this location at the moment. 10 90045113 SP_17800 FINGLAS Dublin No U Turn outbound at the Member 23/04/2015 Not It is not recommended to 0 ROAD (NW) 11 junction of Ballyboggan of the 14:58 Recommended install a “No U Turn” Road, preventing a U Public Sign on Finglas Road at Turn onto the inbound the junction with lane. Ballyboggan Road. From inspection this turning motion would be difficult and no traffic was observed making this manoeuvre during a site visit. 11 90045299 SP_19433 DRUMCONDRA Dublin Yellow Box at the entrance to the Member 30/07/2015 Not It is not recommended to 0 ROAD UPPER 9 Nest Creche/Skylon of the 15:55 Recommended install a yellow box at (NW/NC) Hotel. Public this location. Yellow boxes are intended to prevent blocking of junctions. Side road traffic flows should be significant and the side road should serve a minimum of fifty houses or a major traffic generating facility. This location serves less than 50 properties. Page 65 Page 12 90045353 SP_19908 BOTANIC Dublin Right Turn Filter light for junction Member 01/09/2015 Not Dublin City Council 3 AVENUE (NW) 9 Filter Light of Saint Mobhi Rd & of the 12:48 Recommended makes every effort to Botanic Ave. Public ensure that all road users are accommodated within the phasing and sequencing of traffic signals and management of traffic movements. The ITS section Dublin City Council has evaluated the junction at Botanic Avenue and Mobhi Road and cannot, at this time, recommend the installation of a right turn filter from Botanic Avenue to Mobhi Road. In order to provide a right turn filter as requested signal timing would need to be removed from

Page 66 Page other approaches which would increase overall congestion and delay buses. ITS will however continue to monitor traffic movements at this junction and, if necessary, consider what changes may be beneficial. ITS have given more time to Botanic Avenue which will hopefully help alleviate traffic delays. ITS have put in a pedestrian delay so that cars have time to clear the junciton before the pedestrian green man comes on. ITS will continue to monitor the junction and see what other changes could be made. 13 90045501 SP_20868 CONNAUGHT Dublin Disab Park outside No. 37. Pay Member 19/10/2015 Recommended Rescind Pay & Display 0 STREET (NW) 7 Bay and Display and Permit of the 13:50 Parking and install a Residential Parking will have to be Public Disabled Parking bay rescinded. outside No. 37 on the south side of Connaught Street. Starting from the common boundary of 37/39 Connaught Street, extending eastwards for 6m.

14 90045740 SP_28729 DALCASSIAN Dublin Double and rescindment of Member 08/01/2016 Recommended From inspection it was 0 DOWNS (NW) 11 Yellow Pay and Display and of the 14:32 noted that there was Lines Permit Parking Public conflicting parking opposite Nos. 11-14. resulting in obstructions to traffic flows due to parking outside the houses and in the Pay & Display & Permit Parking bays opposite.

Page 67 Page To mitigate this, it is recommended to rescind the Pay & Display & Permit Parking on the western side of the green of Dalcassian Downs and replace with the installation of Double Yellow Lines on the eastern side of the road (on the western side of the green), starting from a point located at Public Lamp Standard 10 extending north for 56m. 15 90045758 SP_28816 DALCASSIAN Dublin P&D/Permit Request to review the Member 12/01/2016 Recommended From inspection it was 0 DOWNS (NW) 11 Parking Pay and Display and of the 15:21 noted that there was Permit Parking Public conflicting parking opposite Nos. 12-14. resulting in obstructions to traffic flows due to parking outside the houses and in the Pay & Display & Permit Parking bays opposite.

To mitigate this, it is recommended to rescind the Pay & Display & Permit Parking on the western side of the green of Dalcassian Downs and replace with the installation of Double Yellow Lines on the eastern side of the road (on the western side of the green), starting from

Page 68 Page a point located at Public Lamp Standard 10 extending north for 56m.

16 90046204 SP_31760 BALLYGALL Dublin Speed on above road Member 03/06/2016 Not Ballygall Parade is 0 PARADE (NW) 11 Ramps of the 14:32 Recommended currently traffic calmed Public with the provision of 6No. speed cushions adequately placed to reduce vehicle speed. The installation of additional cushions/ramps will further encourage harsh braking and consequent heavy acceleration in between. 17 90046348 SP_33012 MCKEE Dublin Double on above road Heath Member 29/07/2016 Not It is not recommended to 0 AVENUE (NW) 11 Yellow Square end. of the 11:38 Recommended install double yellow Lines Public lines on Heath Square as this road is not in charge of Dublin City Council.

From inspection on McKee Avenue is and there was no traffic issues observed and no additional double yellows are required.

18 90048131 SP_36990 HOME FARM Dublin Disab Park Outside No. 26. Member 13/03/2017 Recommended It is recommended to 0 ROAD (NW) 9 Bay of the 15:33 install a disabled parking Residential Public bay outside No.26 Home Farm Road. Stat – Install a disabled parking bay starting from the common boundary of

Page 69 Page 26/24 Home Farm Road extending west for 6m. 19 90048245 SP_37107 GLENBEIGH Dublin Pedestrian at junction of Member 21/03/2017 Not In relation to the request 1 ROAD (NW) 7 Crossing Glenbeigh Road and of the 09:26 Recommended for a pedestrian crossing Old Cabra Road. Public at the junction of Glenbeigh Road and Old Cabra Road, It was previously reported that assessments for a pedestrian crossing at this location showed extremely low numbers of pedestrians wishing to cross the road and, therefore, did not meet the criteria for the installation of a Pedestrian Crossing. It was noted however that traffic numbers and speeds would make crossing difficult.

The potential Bus Rapid

Page 70 Page Transit route along the Old Cabra Road does not bar the introduction of a pedestrian crossing or traffic calming in the future. However, with the potential installation of a BRT route on this section of road in the coming years, the National Transport Authority will not provide any funding for traffic management civil works that may restrict or conflict with any future deigns of the Bus Rapid Transit route. 20 90048493 SP_37356 BALLYMUN Dublin Disab Park Request for additional Member 05/04/2017 Not From inspection there 0 ROAD (NW) 9 Bay bays outside the of the 11:58 Recommended are two Disabled Parking General Ballymun Civic Centre. Public Bays located outside the Ballymun Civic Centre. It was observed that these have been free to use on several site visits to the area. It must also be noted that should the bays be full, disabled blue badge holders can park in normal parking bays, and it was noted that there was a number of free bays in the location. Following this, it is not recommended to install additional Disabled Parking Bays in the location at this time. Page 71 Page

21 90049021 SP_37892 GRIFFITH Dublin Speed on the section between Councillor 08/05/2017 Not Griffith Avenue is a 0 AVENUE 3 Ramps No. 380 and 560. 15:20 Recommended regional Link Road (NW/NC) connecting the Ballymun Road, Swords Road and The Malahide Road, it also serves several bus routes. All roads within the city limits have a speed restriction of 50km/hr or 30km/hr unless otherwise stated. This includes Griffith Avenue, therefore the provision of speed signs and ramps are not recommended on this road. 22 90049054 SP_37925 MAIN STREET Dublin Loading outside Massey Member 08/05/2017 Not From inspection there is 0 (NW) 11 Bay Brothers Funeral of the 20:43 Recommended sufficient room to load Home, No. 1/2. Public and unload on the double yellow lines to the north of the property. Double parking on double yellow lines is illegal and infringements should be reported to Dublin Street Parking Services Telephone no. 01 6022500.

23 90049129 SP_38002 BENEAVIN Dublin Loading request for loading bay Member 12/05/2017 Recommended Recommend the 0 ROAD (NW) 11 Bay of the 15:56 installation of double Public yellow lines on the southern side of Beneavin Road to facilitate the loading and unloading of goods to the nursing home. Stat - Install double yellow

Page 72 Page lines on the southern side of Beneavin Road starting from a point 4m west of Public Lamp Standard 8 extending west for 12.5m.

24 90049565 SP_38441 SHANDON Dublin P&D/Permit Introduction of a Member 31/05/2017 Recommended Accepted at ballot, Mon- 0 PARK (NW) 7 Parking Scheme on the road. of the 16:41 Sun 07.00-24.00. 118 Public votes returned, 95 for, 23 against. 9 invalid votes returned. Pro-rata vote was 79 for, 16 against.

25 90049637 SP_38514 SHANDON Dublin P&D/Permit Introduction of a Member 06/06/2017 Recommended Accepted at ballot of 0 DRIVE (NW) 7 Parking Scheme on the road. of the 13:20 residents, Mon-Sun Public 07.00-24.00. 71 votes returned, 44 for, 27 against. 9 invalid votes returned. Pro Rata vote was 33.75 for, 20.25 against. 26 90049773 SP_38655 CLAREMONT Dublin Continuous requests continuous Councillor 13/06/2017 Recommended It is recommended to 1 COURT (NW) 11 White Line white line at junction. 09:20 extend the centre white (Extend) line at the entrance to Claremont Court to prevent vehicles from parking close to the junction and the traffic lights.

Recommend extension of centre white line at the entrance to Claremont Court starting from a point 8.5m approx south- west of existing stop/traffic light line extending south-west for 6.5m. 27 90049910 SP_38793 SHANRATH Dublin Disab Park outside No. 51. TD 19/06/2017 Recommended Install Disabled Parking 2 ROAD (NW) 9 Bay 15:55 Bay, East side, from the Residential point in line with the

Page 73 Page pedestrain entrance to no. 51 extending southwards for 6 metres.

28 90050377 SP_39272 SAINT PAPPIN Dublin Disab Park By the shops on St. Member 20/07/2017 Recommended It is recommended to 0 ROAD (NW) 11 Bay Pappin Road (near of the 15:55 install a Disabled General pharmacy) Public Parking Bay in front the Pharmacy on Saint Pappin/Ballymun Road. Install a perpendicular Disabled Parking Bay on the west side of Ballymun Road in the existing first bay south of the separator island, starting from a point 3.4m south of the northern gable end of Property No. 127 Ballymun Road. 29 90050754 SP_39652 BANNOW Dublin Loading outside no 280. Member 10/08/2017 Recommended Recommend the 0 ROAD (NW) 7 Bay of the 18:53 installation of double Public yellow lines on the north side of Bannow Road starting from a point 5m west of the eastern gable of property 76 Bannow Road, extending west for 21m approx to the common boundary of properties 76G/280 Bannow Road.

30 90050761 SP_39659 FAUSSAGH Dublin Disab Park outside set of shops Member 11/08/2017 Recommended It is recommended to 0 AVENUE (NW) 7 Bay where spar is located of the 10:17 install a Disabled General Public Parking Bay with associated road markings and signage in front the shops on Fassaugh Avenue in the existing indented Page 74 Page parking. Recommend a Disabled Parking Bay (perpendicular) on the northern side of Fassaugh Avenue 7m west of Public Lamp Standard 74. 31 90051302 SP_40205 FAIRFIELD Dublin Disab Park outside No. 20. Pay Member 11/09/2017 Recommended Rescind Pay & Display & 0 ROAD (NW) 9 Bay and Display and Permit of the 16:27 Permit Parking outside Residential Parking will have to be Public No. 20 Fairfield Road on rescinded. the south side of the road, and install a Disabled Parking Bay. Starting from the common boundary of houses 18/20 Fairfield Road extending eastwards for 6m. 32 90051553 SP_40463 OLD CABRA Dublin Pedestrian for Old Cabra Rd, at Member 26/09/2017 Not In relation to the request 0 ROAD (NW) 7 Crossing junction with Cabra of the 00:00 Recommended for a pedestrian crossing Drive. Public on Old Cabra Road, It was previously reported that assessments for a pedestrian crossing at this location showed extremely low numbers of pedestrians wishing to cross the road and, therefore, did not meet the criteria for the installation of a Pedestrian Crossing. It was noted however that traffic numbers and speeds would make crossing difficult.

The potential Bus Rapid Transit route along the Old Cabra Road does Page 75 Page not bar the introduction of a pedestrian crossing or traffic calming in the future. However, with the potential installation of a BRT route on this section of road in the coming years, the National Transport Authority will not provide any funding for traffic management civil works that may restrict or conflict with any future deigns of the Bus Rapid Transit route. 33 90051596 SP_40506 PROSPECT Dublin P&D/Permit Introduction of a Member 28/09/2017 Recommended Pay and Display and 0 SQUARE (NW) 9 Parking Scheme on Prospect of the 00:00 Permit Parking Square, St. Teresa Public proposed, subject to Road and St. Teresa ballot of residents Place. indicating a majority in favour of the proposal. 34 90051632 SP_40542 CABRA ROAD Dublin Clearway clarkes bakery towards Member 02/10/2017 Not A clearway is not 0 (NW) 7 phibsborough of the 00:00 Recommended recommended on this Public section of road as there were no observed issues to traffic flow. Pay & Display & Permit Parking can be considered if residents on the street apply to Dublin city Council Parking Enforcement Section.

35 90051703 SP_40617 DRUMCONDRA Dublin No Left Requests turn to be Member 04/10/2017 Not The Left Turn Ban from 0 ROAD UPPER 9 Turn allowed at allocated of the 00:00 Recommended Home Farm Road onto (NW/NC) (Rescind) times Public Upper Drumcondra Road was introduced to facilitate the pedestrian crossing of Upper Drumcondra Road just north of Home Farm Road. If the ban were to be removed an Page 76 Page additional cycle on the lights would be required to ensure vehicles exiting Home Farm Road did not conflict with pedestrians crossing the Upper Drumcondra Road.

Upper Drumcondra Road is part of the Quality Bus Network and an additional traffic light cycle would cause unacceptable delays. 36 90051813 SP_40727 ADDISON Dublin Disab Park outside no. 1 Member 10/10/2017 Recommended Install Disbaled Parking 0 PLACE (NW) 9 Bay of the 00:00 Bay from the common Residential Public boundary between No's 1 and 2 Addison Place, extending northeast for 6 metres.

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 22

Ballymun Area Office Report

1. Community Update 2. Housing/Estate Management 3. Ballymun Economic Development/Town Civic Alliance 4. Safer Ballymun/Drumcondra Glasnevin

Page 77 1. Community Update

General Community The Community team held a number of internal team meetings in relation to plans for the year ahead. The Community Grants Lists were presented to the area Councillors at a meeting on Monday the 8th January. Ciaran Mahony presented a summary of the Community Team’s work for 2017 at the Area Committee Meeting on 16th January. A number of meetings have taken place with the local Sports Development Officers in relation to ideas for upcoming Sports and Wellbeing events for the year. The following meetings were attended: Our Lady of Victories School, Summer Project Network Meeting, Poppintree Health For All Group, Santry Forum Art Group, Santry Community Association, Aisling Poppintree, Ballymun Tidy Towns Committee.

Environmental The Community Team is working alongside Public Domain Staff in relation to local environmental initiatives and distribution of planters, blue bags, brushes etc. A number of meetings have taken place with residents in relation to a planting project in Shangan Green. A celebratory night was organised for the D11 Transformers to acknowledge their recent prize winning initiative at the National Pride of Place Awards. This took place in the Civic Offices on Thursday the 25th January and was a very successful event with over 50 local residents in attendance. A number of meetings have taken place with the Ballymun Farm Committee in relation to bringing the project to the next stage of development.

Social Inclusion A number of meetings have taken place with staff in Sillogue Neighbourhood Centre in relation to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of systems in the Centre. The Centre has grown in popularity over the last two years and is used by over ten local user groups, the majority being ladies groups. A number of information meetings for user groups are scheduled to take place during the year. Tthe Community Development Team will offer advice and support in relation to best practice which will better enable the sustaining of community groups using the centre. A number of meetings have taken place with the FACT (Autism Support Group) in relation to expanding the range of activities and supports available to the group members. Meetings took place with the following Older Persons Groups: Active Living Group, U3A, BADIG, Poppintree Bowls Group.

2. Housing/Estate Management Updates

C.C.T.V The C.C.T.V system is working well. The work on upgrading the system and the cameras are continuing on a phased basis and should be completed before the summer. We are looking at a couple of locations for additional cameras.

Druid Court Dublin City Council has commenced the process of extinguishing the public right of way, following a number of meetings and local consultations.

Estate enhancement Work has been completed to the bottom of Carraig Road. This area has been resurfaced and new railings erected to allow for an extension to the existing community garden. The car park space to the front of Cromlech Court (in front of St Josephs Church) has been resurfaced. Bollards have been reinstated in Sandyhill Gardens at the request of the residents. Snagging in Baile na Laochra is being completed at the moment. Some of these properties required extensive work on the ground floor insulation. This has been completed.

Page 78 Illegal Dumping DCC continues to investigate all reports of illegal dumping that are made to the office. We are working closely with the Public Domain Team and the Litter Warden. Dumping continues to be a major problem in the area. We have installed a number of covert cameras in the area.

Anti Social Behaviour DCC is currently working with the Gardaí on a number of anti social cases in the area. There has been an increase in the volume of complaints relating to drug dealing. This information is shared with the Gardaí.

Burren Court DCC has met with the residents of Burren Court with regard to the serious anti social issues residents are experiencing. It was suggested that the residents form a committee to work with DCC and the Gardaí. This is being facilitated by the DCC Liaison Officer assigned to this complex.

Glasanaon Court Work was completed on 9th February. The work consisted of converting eight bed sits into one bed units. Three of the original tenants are returning and the balance will be allocated next week.

Drumcondra Traffic Restriction The consultation period for the above runs until 20th February.

Ballymun Lettings

Allocation Category Housing List Transfer List Band 1 Priority Welfare 1 1 Travellers 2 Surrendering Larger 1 Medical 1 Homeless 1 Band 2 3 1 Band 3 3 Sub Total 11 3 Total Lettings 14

Estate Management

No of Anti social complaints per 1997 act Drug Related 16 No of Anti social complaints per 1997 act Not Drug Related No of other Complaints 25 Total Complaints 41

Page 79 No of Anti Social Interviews per 1997 act 6 No of Other Interviews 7 Total Interviews 13 No Requests for mediation No of Complaints referred to central unit for Action No of Section 20 Evictions No of excluding Orders applied for by Tenant No of Excluding orders applied for by DCC No of surrender of Tenancies due to Anti Social Behaviour No of Tenancy Warnings sent to Central Unit No of Court Orders Granted No of Appeals / Judicial Reviews Challenges No of Warrants executed (Evictions)

Ballymun Rent Assessment Update

January 2018

Assessments 301

Permissions To Reside 6

Refunds 16

Opening of Accounts 13 (including 3 successions)

Closing of Accounts 6

Front Counter Calls 326

Window Replacements 2

Ballymun Voids Address Number Type Date of Vacancy Status Carton Close 3 2 Bed 05/01/18 On Offer Carton Way 12 1 Bed 02/07/17 On Offer Poppintree Cres 49 2 Bed 17/09/18 Under Repair Carton Terrace 6 2 Bed Used for Pyrite On Offer Forestwood Ave 61 2 Bed 15/10/17 Under Repair Owensilla 6 2 Bed 24/09/17 Under Repair Carton Way 16 1 Bed 08/11/17 Under Repair Woodhazel Close 13 1 Bed 08/10/17 Under Repair Carton Road 10 4 Bed Ready to Let On Offer Marewood Cres 48 2 Bed 06/02/2018 Under Repair

Page 80 Owensilla 23 1 Bed 22/10/17 Under Repair Shangan Road 318 3 Bed 28/09/17 Under Repair Shangan Road 312 2 Bed 03/10/17 Under Repair Coultry Way 26 1 Bed 06/11/17 Under Repair Longdale Terrace 92 2 Bed 17/12/17 Under Repair Longdale Way 1 2 Bed Ready to Let On Offer Carton Court 1 1 Bed Used for Pyrite On Offer Oak Park Close 5 4 Bed 12/01/18 On Offer

Older Persons Address Number Type Date of Vacancy Status Hampstead Court 1,15,27,49 OPU On hold 2 into 1 units Burren Court 12 OPU 09/07/17 Under Repair Burren Court 37 OPU 08/10/17 Under Repair Burren Court 40 OPU 03/09/17 Under Repair Botanic Avenue 115 OPU 04/08/17 Under Repair Sandyhill Gdns 23 OPU 30/08/17 Under Repair Sandyhill Gdns 26 OPU 17/09/17 Under Repair Ard Na Meala 41 OPU 25/01/18 Under Repair Ard Na Meala 43 OPU 08/10/17 Under Repair Griffith Cres 12 OPU 05/12/17 On offer

Dumping Public Domain has been working tirelessly to tackle the illegal dumping in Ballymun by setting up a new linked database alongside Estate Management. We are identifying people through telephone calls, counter calls and addresses that come up on our radar. These people will be sent a warning letter to provide proof of their bin collector as part of their tenancy agreement and if they fail to do so they will be interviewed by our Estate Officer and if they still fail to produce receipts they will be issued with a fine by our Litter Warden. We are constantly carrying out bin surveys in the area to try and establish who has a bin collection in place.

Pride of Place Congratulatory Dinner The D11 Transformers are a group of local residents groups who combined to enter the National Pride of Place Award competition. The ceremony was held in The Clanree Hotel in Letterkenny on the 2nd December. The group came in second place. Public Domain alongside the Community Section held a celebratory dinner in the Civic Centre in Ballymun where plaques were handed out to each group to hang on their green space showing their achievement. After years of tireless volunteer environmental work done by the residents alongside DCC we were delighted to reward them with this heartfelt recognition.

Environmental Projects Public Domain identified Shangan Green as being problematic and made contact with a tenant through our Community Team. We encouraged residents that were willing to engage and improve their green space/street to work with us and create a sense of community. As a result of this we now have a new Environmental Group who have engaged and have carried out amazing work in this area putting in flower beds, planting in green spaces, painting walls and cleaning the street, with Public Domain providing all the materials needed. We encouraged them to set up Environmental Groups to avail of DCC’s Community Grant for next year. We are organising planters for the corner of the road and kissing gates to stop motorbikes cutting through and ruining the new planting project, and posing a danger to people living here.

Page 81 Beehives in Ballymun We all know how important bees are in this world and Public Domain has been working with other agencies and local residents to try and introduce bee hives to Ballymun. Staff have attended courses on bee care alongside locals working in the Community Gardens. We are hoping to start with two beehives and see how well they work and hopefully expand this project further next year.

3. Ballymun Economic Development/Town Civic Alliance

Ballymun LAP

Food Enterprise The 1st draft of the feasibility study report has been received from Deloitte. The report will be published shortly.

Stimulating Economic Activity StartUp Ballymun Planning has commenced for the next ‘StartUp Ballymun’ event which will focus on exporting. A provisional date of Wednesday 11th April has been set.

Ballymun4Business (B4b) B4b held its first networking meeting of 2018 in the surroundings of the newly refurbished Metro Hotel. The focus of the event was on some good old fashioned networking and Maureen Byrne encouraged everybody present to swap business cards and to arrange to meet at least one person before the next meeting. Dublin Footballer Shane Carthy shared some motivational techniques that have helped him in his sporting and professional career.

Marian McCullough talks about her business Kate Kirby, Metro & Robert Murphy, Chairman

CoderDojo The Ballymun CoderDojo continues to go from strength to strength. There are over 20 kids now attending the Dojo every Saturday morning in the Child & Family Resource Centre with a waiting list of several more.

Page 82 Reactivating Enterprise Space

Vacant Neighbourhood Commercial Units

There continues to be a consistent level of interest in the vacant units in Ballymun, however, none as yet have lead to a formal expression of interest so far this year.

Location Ownership Status Comments Coultry Unit B DCC T&C’s offered for a MUD issues very new café close to being resolved. DCC waiting on solicitors from both sides. Coultry Unit C & D DCC Vacant 2 viewings January Sillogue, Unit 3 DCC Vacant Available Shangan Unit 2 DCC Vacant 2 viewings January

Shangan Unit 3 DCC Vacant 2 viewings January Shangan, Unit 4 DCC Vacant 2 viewings January Turnpike, Unit 1 & 2 DCC Vacant 2 viewings January

Civic Alliance Update

A review day will be held in the near future to discuss the future structure of the Civic Alliance. Eileen Adams, Community Representative and Civic Alliance member has sadly passed away.

Northern Site Lidl were granted planning permission on the 26th January. The last date for lodgement of an appeal is the 23rd February.

Shopping Centre The Job Centre is due to vacate by the end of February. A Part 8 process will be required. Services are currently being checked and it is hoped to commence demolition in the autumn.

Site No 22 Balbutcher Lane Site, Cranogue Road Terms were agreed with O’Cualann Housing at the end of January. There will be a residents’ consultation meeting on Tuesday 20th February.

4. Safety Fora Updates

Safer Ballymun A meeting was held Tuesday February 13th 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Ballymun Civic Centre.

Drumcondra Glasnevin Community Forum The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 21st 2018 at 7pm in the Maples Hotel, Drumcondra.

Drumcondra Traffic Restriction The consultation period for the above runs until 20th February.

Page 83 Naming of the Bridge

The Commemorative Naming Committee approved an application at its meeting dated 16th November 2016 to name the bridge over the River Tolka at Botanic Avenue/Millmount Avenue, ‘The Frank Flood Bridge’. On the 20th December 2016 the North West Area Committee supported/agreed this proposal.

Report No. 51/2017 (Report on proposed naming of Drumcondra Bridge) was approved by the City Council on 6th February 2017.

Frank Flood was a 1st Lieutenant in the Dublin Active Service Brigade during the Irish War of Independence. He was executed by the British authorities in Mountjoy Jail on 14th March 1921 for his part in what is known as the ‘Drumcondra Ambush’ which took place on 21st January 1921 beside the bridge over the Tolka. He was one of the men commonly known as ‘The Forgotten Ten’.

The Frank Flood Bridge will be named/unveiled on Wednesday 14th March 2018 by Ardmhéara Mícheál MacDonncha at 11.00 a.m.

Mary Taylor Assistant Area Manager

Page 84

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 23

Proposed Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way at the entrance to the archway at 61-72 Druid Court, Ballymun, Dublin 9.


A request to have the public right of way extinguished over the above was received by the Ballymun Area Office in July 2017. The residents of Druid Court requested the centre of Druid Court be blocked following a public meeting relating to anti-social behaviour.

The extent of this proposed extinguishment is shown on the attached Drawing RM36948.

Service Checks

A service check will be undertaken to establish the extent of the services located on this area. Suitable arrangements will be put in place prior to completion of this proposal.

Statutory Requirement

The statutory procedure involves giving public notice of the proposal in one or more newspapers circulating in the City and the affixing of that notice at each end of the right of way for a period of not less than 14 days. Any objections or representations made and not withdrawn shall be considered. The extinguishment of a public right of way is a function reserved to the elected members of the City Council.


I recommend that procedures be initiated under Section 73 of the Roads Act 1993 to extinguish the public right of way over the area indicated on attached Drawing RM36948.

Dave Dinnigan Area Manager

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The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 24


Naming of new development at Daneswell Place, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. ______

Scanron Limited have submitted a proposal for the naming and numbering of a new development at former Printworks Smurfit site, Botanic Road, Glasnevin , Dublin 9.

The development consists of 43 houses, 76 Apartments and 2 Commercial Units as follows:

Units Proposed Address Quantity of Units Houses 1-43 1-43 Daneswell Place, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 43 Block A 101 & 102 Daneswell Place, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 2 Commercial Units Block A 103-127 Daneswell Place, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 24 Apartments Block B 201-224 Daneswell Place, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 24 Apartments Block C 301-328 Daneswell Place, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 28 Apartments

The proposed name “Daneswell Place” was chosen for reasons stated below:

“The name “Daneswell Place” is proposed for the development as it is of closest relevance as a place name, referring to the townland adjacent to the developments.

The Irish translation for Daneswell Place is “Plás Thobar na Lochlannach”

The Heritage Officer considers the proposed name appropriate.

The name above is considered suitable and is recommended for adoption.

Dave Dinnigan Area Manager

Page 87

Page 88

The Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee.

Meeting: 20th February 2018

Item No: 25


With reference to the proposed disposal of two sites at Balbutcher Lane/Cranogue Road, Ballymun, Dublin 11. ______

The prevailing tenure type in Ballymun is predominantly local authority social housing. In recognition of the lack of private housing in Ballymun, the Ballymun Local Area Plan 2017 set as one of its objectives “to provide a choice of tenure options and house types, promoting social inclusion and integration” within the Ballymun Area. Co-operative Housing is seen as one method of allowing members who have the financial capacity to build or buy their own homes.

Two sites at Balbutcher Lane/Cranogue Road were identified as being suitable for residential development and were recently the subject of an advertising campaign and tendering process. Following on from this process only one bid was received, from Ó’Cualann Co- housing Alliance CLG, with a proposal for an affordable type cooperative housing scheme.

Ó’Cualann Co-housing Alliance CLG is an Approved Housing Body which is currently in the process of constructing forty nine affordable type houses on a nearby site in the Ballymun area. The proposal from Ó’Cualann is considered to represent a realistic means of achieving an acceptable form of housing development on the subject sites.

Accordingly, it is proposed that the sites which are shown outlined in red on attached Map Index No.SM-2017-0451 are disposed of to Ó’Cualann Co-housing Alliance CLG subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. That the subject plots are located at Balbutcher Lane/Cranogue Road, Ballymun, Dublin 11 and are shown outlined in red on attached Map Index No.SM-2017-0451.

2. That the disposal price shall be in the sum of €39,000 (thirty nine thousand euro) plus VAT (if applicable), on the basis of planning permission being obtained for thirty nine residential units, on a cooperative type structure. In the event whereby planning permission is granted for less than or more than thirty nine units, the disposal price shall be adjusted on a pro-rata basis to reflect this.

3. That the Council shall dispose of the unencumbered registered Freehold Title in the subject sites to the applicant, following the receipt of the requisite approvals ie Housing Department and Council approval. This disposal shall complete on or before 29th June 2018.

4. That the proposed purchaser shall obtain planning permission for and construct in the region of thirty nine residential units, for its cooperative members only. The

Page 89 completed housing units shall be conveyed for owner occupier purposes only, under an affordable type cooperative housing scheme. The completed units shall not be conveyed to any other party.

5. That all details of the affordable type cooperative housing scheme, including inter alia, method of operation, rules & regulations and assessment criteria, shall be agreed in writing with the Council’s Housing Department prior to the disposal.

6. That Dublin City Council shall claw back the site value of each individual residential unit in the event that a completed unit is sold or let by a Cooperative member, within 20 (twenty) years of the first purchase date of each completed unit. The claw back percentage shall be applied to the subsequent sales price at that time or, in the case of a letting, to the market value at that time. Where the amount payable would reduce the proceeds of the sale (disregarding all costs) below the price actually paid, the amount payable shall be reduced to the extent necessary to avoid that result. This clause shall also apply to the market value estimate in the case of a letting.

7. That the claw back percentage shall be calculated and agreed in writing prior to the first purchase date as follows:

Site Value (January 2018) X Subsequent Sales Price/Market Value Affordable Cooperative (First) Purchase Price

8. That the claw back amount shall be reduced by 10% per annum, in years 11 to 20.

9. That the proposed purchaser shall be permitted to lodge a maximum of two planning applications to the Planning Authority and a maximum of one planning appeal to An Bord Pleanala.

10. That the proposed purchaser shall be responsible for all costs in relation to the planning process and the development of the sites including any relocation of services.

11. That in the event that the Planning Authority refuses permission for the proposed development, the vendor reserves the right to withdraw from this disposal and take back title and possession of the sites, at no cost to the Council. The disposal price shall be refunded to the applicant without the payment of interest.

12. That in the event that planning permission is not obtained within one year of the disposal date, the vendor reserves the right to withdraw from this disposal and take back title and possession of the sites, at no cost to the Council. The disposal price shall be refunded to the applicant without the payment of interest.

13. That the benefit of the planning permission and design of the scheme shall transfer to Dublin City Council in the event that the applicant does not proceed with the development.

14. That the development of the sites shall be completed via one continuous building contract, with all infrastructural elements completed as a priority. All roads and footpaths shall be completed to taking in charge standard and to the written satisfaction of the Council’s Roads & Traffic Department. A suitable bond shall be lodged with Dublin City Council prior to the commencement of the development.

15. That the applicant shall commence development on the sites within four months of receipt of Planning Permission.

Page 90

16. That the sites shall be disposed of in their current condition and the purchaser shall satisfy itself that the services at the sites are of sufficient capacity for the development proposed.

17. That should the development not be substantially complete within 18 months following the grant of planning permission, Dublin City Council reserves the right to withdraw from this disposal and take possession of the sites and all housing units, partially completed or otherwise, at no cost to the Council (subject to Term 18 below).

18. That this agreement shall not be transferable save, if applicable, in the case of a financial institution which has entered into a mortgage with the purchaser. The mortgage must be approved by the Council in writing and must have been entered into specifically for the purposes of financing the purchaser to undertake the development.

19. That Dublin City Council and its nominees shall retain a general right to connect to any services on the lands. The purchaser shall have a right to connect to DCC’s services.

20. That each party shall be responsible for their own costs and fees in this matter.

21. That the purchaser shall be liable for any VAT or Stamp Duty arising on this transaction.

22. That the disposal agreement shall include any amendments and/or conditions as deemed appropriate by the Council’s Law Agent.

23. That any of the dates/time frames outlined above may be extended by the Assistant Chief Executive at his absolute discretion and all notices must be given in writing.

The dates for the performance of any of the requirements of the proposed agreement may be amended at the absolute discretion of the Assistant Chief Executive.

The disposal shall be subject to any such covenants and conditions as the Law Agent in his discretion shall stipulate.

No agreement enforceable at law is created or is intended to be created until exchange of contracts has taken place.

Richard Shakespeare Assistant Chief Executive

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