Solar Radiation and the Solar Wind • External Sources of Neutral Gas Or Plasma

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Solar Radiation and the Solar Wind • External Sources of Neutral Gas Or Plasma Exploration of the Solar System: A Long Way in a Short While: • When New Horizons reaches Pluto in 2016, we will have visited all of the objects we call ‘planets’. • The time from first to last is 55 years! Less than one human lifetime. (if we don’t count Pluto we were done in only 26 years) • Each planet has its own challenges (and targets) for study that make them unique. • We’ll explore the planets briefly during the rest of the class, including a focus on both their SPACE environments and the challenges we face in exploring them. Space Environment? • We define the space environment as that part of a planet-system that is controlled not from pure solar heating, but from energy/matter coming in from the outside. • There are 4 major factors that determine the characteristics of a space environment. • Magnetic Field (intrinsic/induced/external) • Atmosphere/Ionosphere/Exosphere • Solar Radiation and the Solar Wind • External Sources of Neutral Gas or Plasma • Every planet (and planet satellite) has its own unique combination of these factors controlling the space environment. Mercury: • Mercury is the smallest of all the ‘planets’, less sizable (but much more massive!) than two outer solar system icy moons. Mercury: • Mercury is the densest object in the solar system. • It’s core is composed of mainly Iron and is 65% of the diameter of the planet! • The surface of Mercury is most like that of the Moon. It’s very old and crater scarred. • However the Moon is rock-based object that has the least in common with Mercury’s interior. Mercury: • Mercury’s core double the relative size of the Earth’s. • What happened? • Volatile Stripping in the Protosun? • High Formation Temperatures for planetesimals and protoplanets? • A Giant Collision? Evolution: • The early history of Mercury had some spectacular impacts. • The Caloris Basin (left) • Left a visible scar on the far side of the planet! Evolution: • The early history of Mercury had some spectacular impacts. • The interior of Mercury appears to have cooled. • As with some icy bodies this cooling contracted the interior and left cracks on the surface. A Year and a Day: • Mercury is about 38% as far from the Sun as the Earth. • The Sun exerts strong tidal forces on Mercury. • The result is that Mercury has become ‘tidally locked’ to the Sun. • Each ‘year’ on Mercury (88 days) is 3 2 Exactly 1.5 ‘days’ (59 days) long! • This means that a night on Mercury 4 is very long, and, with no air to 1 circulate heat, VERY cold. 7 • Mercury has the largest day-night temperature swings in the solar 5 system – 600 K! 6 Atmosphere: • The atmosphere of Mercury is not like that of Earth or Mars. • The reason has to do with the smaller gravity of Mercury and its very high daytime temperature. • What you feel as temperature is actually T motion of gas particles. They hotter they are Vgas the faster they move and the greater their M momentum. • If a gas has an average speed close to the escape velocity, then it will leak away! • Heavier gasses are slower and more easily held (the Earth has Oxygen, but not Hydrogen…. ) • Mercury’s escape velocity is 4.25 km/sec and it is very hot (700K). It doesn’t hold any gasses! Atmosphere: • Because it can’t hold an atmosphere, the surface pressure of Mercury is very low. • However, it does posses a slowly evaporating exosphere of gasses that are slowly leaking away. • These gasses make up a corona around the planet, that contains, Hydrogen, Neon, Sodium, Oxygen, and Potassium. Magnetosphere: • One of the most startling features of the Mercury system is the presence of a magnetic field. • Unlike the Earth’s dynamo field, Mercury’s is ‘Frozen In’ like a bar magnet. • This field traps any of the ‘atmosphere’ that is ionized and also forms a shock boundary with the Solar Wind (very strong at 0.38 AU). • The Solar wind interaction stretches out Mercury’s field into a long ‘magnetotail’ in the anti-sunward direction. Some solar wind plasma is able to leak into the magnetosphere. This also happens near the poles. Ice!: • Another very bizarre aspect of Mercury is the possible presence of ice at its poles! • Radar images show regions of high reflectivity near the polar regions that are consistent with substantial icy deposits. Incoming Sunlight Ice • At the poles, deep craters are in permanent shadow. Things are never warm enough for evaporation of the ice to occur. Challenges: • We have only visited Mercury once (Mariner 10). • We still have only a partial map of its surface. • There are two big challenges to going back. • The most obvious is temperature. • The most difficult is velocity! • A spacecraft from the Earth is moving much too fast to enter orbit. • How do we slow down? • Two missions are headed there in the next decade! Messenger: • MESSENGER is a NASA mission to study the geology of Mercury and to complete our map of the surface. • Messenger has to use Earth and Venus to slow down. This will keep it from entering orbit until 2011. • To protect itself, MESSENGER hides behind a heat shield. BepiColombo: • BEPICOLOMBO is an ESA mission to Mercury that will launch in 2013 (after the completion of MESSENGER’s mission). • BEPICOLOMBO will actually consist of two spacecraft with different missions. • The Mercury Planetary Orbiter will study the atmosphere, surface and close-in magnetic field. • The Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter will study the interaction between the solar wind, Mercury’s magnetic field and atmosphere..
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