Sl Chapter Description Page No no 1 Introduction EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 2 Chapter-I General Information of the district 8

3 1.1 District Profile 8 4 1.2 Demography 9 5 1.3 Biomass and Livestock 10 6 1.4 Agro-ecology, Climate, Hydrology and Topography 11 7 1.5 Soil Profile 16 8 1.6 Soil Erosion and Runoff Status 17 9 1.7 Land use Pattern 18

10 Chapter-II DISTRICT WATER PROFILE 26 11 2.1 Area Wise, Crop Wise irrigation status 27 12 2.2 Production and Productivity of Major Crops 33 13 2.3 Irrigation based classification 34 14 Chapter-III WATER AVAILABILITY 35 15 3.1 Status of water availability 36 16 3.1.1.A Irrigation potential created by 2014-15 36 17 3.1.1.B Irrigation area in 2014-15 36 18 3.2 Ground Water 39 19 3.3 Status of command area 40 20 3.4 Existing type of irrigation 41 21 Chapter-IV WATER REQUIREMENT/DEMAND 43 22 4.1 Domestic Water Demand 44 23 4.2 Crop Water Demand 45 24 4.2.1 Crop Water Demand block wise 45 25 Crop wise water requirement in Bhadrak block 45 26 Crop wise water requirement in Bont block 46 27 Crop wise water requirement in Bhandaripokhari block 47 28 Crop wise water requirement in Dhamnagar block 48 29 Crop wise water requirement in Chandbali block 49 30 Crop wise water requirement in block 50 31 Crop wise water requirement in Tihidi block 51 32 4.2.2 Crop Water Demand of 52 33 4.3 Livestock Water Demand 53 34 4.4 Industrial Water Demand 53 35 4.5 Water Demand for Power Generation 53

36 4.6 Total Water Demand for the District for Various Sectors 54 37 4.6.1 Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors 54 (Present) 38 4.6.2 Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors 54 (Projected 2020) 39 4.7 Water Budget 55 40 Chapter-V STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN FOR IRRIGATION IN 56 DISTRICT UNDER PMKSY 41 V Strategic Action Plan for irrigation in Bhadrak district under 57 PMKSY 42 5.1 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (AIBP) 57 43 5.2 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (Har Khet Ko Pani) 57 44 5.2 Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY 58 45 5.3 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (Par Drop More Crop) 61 46 5.4 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (Watershed) 62 47 5.5 Convergence with MGNREGA 65 48 5.6 State Planned Irrigation Schemes 66 49 V.A Component wise Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation Under 68 PMKSY (Short term) 50 V.B Component wise Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation Under 71 PMKSY (Long term)


Sl Chapter Description Page no No 1 Fig-I Different blocks of Bhadrak district 9 2 Fig-1.2 Demography of the Bhadrak district 10 3 Fig-1.3 lock-wise distribution of different live stocks in 11 Bhadrak district 4 Fig-1.5 Soil Profile 17 5 Fig 1.7(a) Overview of total geographical area, area under forest, 18 6 Fig 1.7(b) Block-wise distribution of area under forest 19 7 Fig-1.7c Block-wise distribution of area under wasteland 20 8 Fig-1.7d Block-wise distribution of area under other uses. 21 9 Fig-1.7e Block-wise distribution of Gross Cropped Area in 22 Block-wise distribution of Net Sown Area in Bhadrak 10 Fig-1.7f 23 district Block-wise distribution of Area Sown more than once 11 Fig-1.7g 24 in Bhadrak district 12 Fig-1.7h Cropping Intensity (%) in Bhadrak district 25 13 Figure-2.1.1 Total area under cultivation in Bhadrak district. 27 14 Figure-2.1.2 Area under cereals cultivation 28 15 Figure-2.1.3 Area under pulses cultivation 29 16 Figure-2.1.4 Area under oilseeds cultivation 30 17 Figure-2.1.5 Area under fiber crop cultivation 31 18 Figure-2.1.6 Area under any other crop cultivation 32 19 Figure-2.2.1 Total annual production of major crops in Bhadrak 33 district 20 Figure-2.3 Irrigation based classification 34 21 Fig-3.1.1 Sources of surface irrigation in Bhadrak district 37 22 Figure-3.1.2 Sources of ground irrigation in Bhadrak district 38 Block-wise profile of Ground Water in Bhadrak 23 Figure-3.2.1 39 district Block-wise profile of canal command area in Bhadrak 24 Figure-3.3.1 40 district Profile of existing type of irrigation in the Bhadrak 25 Figure-3.4.1 42 district DISTRICT MAP WITH *AVAILABLE LAYER 26 Appendix A 73 OF ATTRIBUTES: Soil map of the Bhadrak district: (Source: 27 iii 74 Space Applications Centre) 28 Soil map of the Bant Block, Bhadrak district 75 29 Soil map of the Basudevpur Block, Bhadrak district 76 30 Soil map of the Bhadrak Block, Bhadrak district 77 31 Soil map of the Bhandaripokhari Block 78 32 Soil map of the Dhamnagar Block 79 33 Soil map of the Tihidi Block 80 34 Soil map of the Chandbali Block 81 35 ii Slope map of the Bhadrak district 82 36 Slope map of the Bant Block 83 37 Slope map of the Basudevpur Block 84 38 Slope map of the Bhadrak Block 85 39 Slope map of the Bhandaripokhari Block 86 40 Slope map of the Dhamnagar Block 87 41 Slope map of the Tihidi Block 88 42 Slope map of the Chandbali Block 89 43 Appendix-A District Map with *available layer of attributes 90 44 i Land Use of the Bhadrak District 90 45 ii Land Use of the District: BANT Block 91 46 Land Use of the District: Basudevpur Block 92 47 Land Use of the District:BhadrakBlock 93 48 Land Use of the District:Bhandaripokhari Block 94 49 Land Use of the District:Dhamnagar Block 95 50 Land Use of the District:Tihidi Block 96 51 Land Use of the District: Block 97


Sl Chapter Description Page No No Agro ecological situations and blocks covered 1 Table 1.4 16 under each AES of the district Total area under cultivation in Bhadrak 2 Table-2.1.1 27 district 3 Table-2.1.2 Area under cereals cultivation 28 4 Table-2.1.3 Area under pulses cultivation. 29 5 Table-2.1.4 Area under oilseeds cultivation 30 6 Table-2.1.5 Area under fiber crop cultivation 31 7 Table-2.1.6 Area under any other crop cultivation 32 Total annual production of major crops in 8 Table-2.2.1 33 Bhadrak district Sources of surface irrigation in Bhadrak 9 Table-3.1.1 37 district. Sources of ground irrigation in Bhadrak 10 Table-3.1.2 38 district Block-wise profile of Ground Water in 11 Table-3.2.1 39 Bhadrak district Block-wise profile of canal command area in 12 Table-3.3.1 40 Bhadrak district Profile of existing type of irrigation in the 13 Table-3.4.1 41 Bhadrak district Annexure-I , Tables for 14 collating information General information of the District 98 DAP 15 Table-1.1 District profile 98 16 Table-1.2 Demography of Bhadrak district (Total) 98 Demography of Bhadrak district-Blockwise 17 Table-1.2A 99 (Details 18 Table-1.3 Biomass & Livestock 100 AGRO ECOLOGY, CLIMATE, and 19 Table-1.4 HYDROLOGY & TOPOGRAPHY of 101 Bhadrak 20 Table-1.5 Soil Profile of Bont Block 102 21 Soil Profile of Basudevpur Block 102 22 Soil Profile of Bhadrak Block 103 23 Soil Profile of Bhandaripokhari Block 104 24 Soil Profile of Dhamnagar & Tihidi Block 105 25 Table-1.6 Land Use Pattern 106 Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation status 26 Table-2.1 107 Bhandaripokhari block Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation status 27 Table-.1 108 Bhadrak block Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation status Bont 28 Table-2.1 109 block Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation status 29 Table-2.1 110 block Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation status 30 Table-2.1 111 Chandabali block Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation status Tihidi 31 Table-2.1 112 block Production and Productivity of Crops, 32 Table-2.2 113 Bhadrak & Tihidi Block Production and Productivity of Crops, 33 114 Basudebpur & Chandabali block Production and Productivity of Crops, 34 115 & Bhandaripokhari block Production and Productivity of Crops, Bont 35 116 block 36 Table-2.3 Irrigation based classification 117 37 Table-3.1 Status of Water Availability 118 38 Table-3.2 Status of Ground Water Availability 118 39 Table-3.3a Status of Command Area: Bhadrak block 119 40 Table-3.3b Status of Command Area: Bont block 123 41 Table-3.3 c Status of Command Area: Tihidi block 124 42 Table-3.3 c Status of Command Area: Basudebpur block 127 43 Table-3.4 Existing type of irrigation 131



Agriculture is the principal livelihood of people in Bhadrak district. Out of 2,70,164 ha of total geographical area, the cultivable area is 1,74,063 ha. The annual rainfall of the district varies from 1100 to 1600mm with a mean value of 1468 mm.The irrigated area is 1,08,268 ha in kharif season while only 33,897ha in rabi season. The district comes under North Eastern Coastal Plain agro-climatic zone depending upon the soil types, topography, rainfall and the cropping pattern.

As agriculture development is directly proportional to irrigation potential of the district, the “Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana” (PMKSY) was promoted by honourable President of in his address during 16th Lok Sabha for bringing revolution to agricultural sector by enhancing crop production and productivity. The main thrust of PMKSY yojana is Har Khet Ko Pani and Per drop more crop. The government of India has mandated different state governments to prepare District Irrigation Plans (DIP) which would strategically plan for the expansion of irrigation area of the concerned district which would trigger higher crop production and productivity.

The DIPs has emphasized to enhance the water potential of the district by creating diversified water sources by promotion of water harvesting structure, lift irrigation system, open well, dug well, cement lining of canal system and enhancing the existing command area.


The Associate Director of Research (ADR), Regional Research & Technology Transfer Station (RRTTS), Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Ranital has been entrusted to prepare the District Irrigation Plan (DIP) for Bhadrak district by the Dean of Research, OUAT, . The ADR selected a team of two scientists and one Research Assistant consisting of 3 members working under him to visit the Bhadrak district and conduct meetings in consultation with DLIC members. The University was assigned to prepare DIP for Bhadrak district in the capacity of Technical Support Agency (TSA) whose main mandate is to prepare the DIP in consultation and coordination with DLIC. The role of TSA is to provide hand holding and technical support to DLIC in preparing a good, relevant and tangible irrigation plan for the district. The data for the preparation of DIP was collected, collated and organized in DIP templates by the Project Director, Watershed Mission, Bhadrak district and was handed over to OUAT after a through discussions in DLIC meetings. The role of OUAT after receipt of data was to scrutinize the authenticity, reliability and credibility of the data. The final selected data was analyzed and interpreted for the preparation of DIP for the Bhadrak district.

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The prime vision of the District Irrigation Plan is Har khet ko pani and Per drop more crop. The thrust is to improve the production and productivity of agricultural crops by provision of irrigation facilities and improve income from farm sector.


The broad objectives of PMKSY are:

a) Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level (preparation of district level and, if required, sub district level water use plans). b) Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation (Har Khet ko pani), c) Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices. d) Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent, e) Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More crop per drop). f) Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices g) Ensure the integrated development of rainfed areas using the watershed approach towards soil and water conservation, regeneration of ground water, arresting runoff, providing livelihood options and other NRM activities. h) Promote extension activities relating to water harvesting, water management and crop alignment for farmers and grass root level field functionaries. i) Explore the feasibility of reusing treated municipal waste water for peri-urban agriculture, and j) Attract greater private investments in irrigation.

Strategy and Approach

To achieve above objectives, PMKSY will strategize by focusing on end-to end solution in irrigation supply chain, viz. water sources, distribution network, efficient farm level applications, extension services on new technologies & information etc. Broadly, PMKSY in preparation of DIP for Bhadrak district will focus on:- a) Creation of new water sources; repair, restoration and renovation of defunct water sources; construction of water harvesting structures, secondary & micro storage, groundwater development, enhancing potentials of traditional water bodies at village level like Bandhas (Odisha) etc.

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b) Developing/augmenting distribution network where irrigation sources (both ) are available or created; assured and protective c) Promotion of scientific moisture conservation and run off control measures to improve ground water recharge so as to create opportunities for farmer to access recharged water through shallow tube/dug wells; d) Promoting efficient water conveyance and field application devices within the farm viz, underground piping system, Drip & Sprinklers, pivots, rain-guns and other application devices etc.; e) Encouraging community irrigation through registered user groups/farmer producers’ Organizations/NGOs; and f) Farmer oriented activities like capacity building, training and exposure visits, demonstrations, farm schools, skill development in efficient water and crop management practices (crop alignment) including large scale awareness on more crop per drop of water through mass media campaign, exhibitions, field days, and extension activities through short animation films etc.

The PMKSY will have following programme components:

A. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP): To focus on faster completion of ongoing Major and Medium Irrigation including National Projects. B. PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani) a) Creation of new water sources through Minor Irrigation (both surface and ground water) b) Repair, restoration and renovation of water bodies; strengthening carrying capacity of traditional water sources, construction of rain water harvesting structures (Jal Sanchay); c) Command area development, strengthening and creation of distribution network from source to the farm; d) Ground water development in the areas where it is abundant, so that sink is created to store runoff/ flood water during peak rainy season. e) Improvement in water management and distribution system for water bodies to take advantage of the available source which is not tapped to its fullest capacity (deriving benefits from low hanging fruits). At least 10% of the command area to be covered under micro/ precision irrigation. f) Diversion of water from source of different location where it is plenty to nearby water scarce areas, lift irrigation from water bodies/rivers at lower elevation to supplement requirements beyond IWMP and MGNREGS irrespective of irrigation command. g) Creating and rejuvenating traditional water storage systems like Jal Katas, Bandhas in Odisha at feasible locations.

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C. PMKSY (Per Drop More Crop): a) Programme management, preparation of State/District Irrigation Plan, approval of annual action plan, Monitoring etc. b) Promoting efficient water conveyance and precision water application devices like drips, sprinklers, pivots, rain-guns in the farm (Jal Sinchan); c) Topping up of input cost particularly under civil construction beyond permissible limit (40%), under MGNREGS for activities like lining inlet, outlet, silt traps distribution system etc. d) Construction of micro irrigation structures to supplement source creation activities including tube wells and dug wells (in areas where ground water is available and not under semi critical /critical /over exploited category of development) which are not supported under AIBP, PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani), PMKSY (Watershed) and MGNREGS as per block/district irrigation plan. e) Secondary storage structures at tail end of canal system to store water when available in abundance (rainy season) or from perennial sources like streams for use during dry periods through effective on- farm water management; f) Water lifting devices like diesel/ electric/ solar pump sets including water carriage pipes, underground piping system. g) Extension activities for promotion of scientific moisture conservation and agronomic measures including cropping alignment to maximize use of available water including rainfall and minimize irrigation requirement (Jal sarankchan); h) Capacity building, training and awareness campaign including low cost publications, use of pico projectors and low cost films for encouraging potential use water source through technological, agronomic and management practices including community irrigation. i) The extension workers will be empowered to disseminate relevant technologies under PMKSY only after requisite training is provided to them especially in the area of promotion of scientific moisture conservation and agronomic measures, improved/ innovative distribution system like pipe and box outlet system, etc. Appropriate Domain Experts will act as Master Trainers. j) Information Communication Technology (ICT) interventions through NeGP-A to be made use in the field of water use efficiency, precision irrigation technologies, on farm water management, crop alignment etc. and also to do intensive monitoring of the Scheme. D. PMKSY (Watershed Development) a) Effective management of runoff water and improved soil & moisture conservation activities such as ridge area treatment, drainage line treatment, rain water harvesting, in-situ moisture conservation and other allied activities on watershed basis.

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b) Converging with MGNREGS for creation of water source to full potential in identified backward rainfed blocks including renovation of traditional water bodies Calculation Factors

• 100 litres of water per day was considered for domestic consumptions both per rural and urban population. • The annual population growth rate from 2001 census to 2011 census was considered for projecting population growth from 2015 to 2021. • The crop water requirement as standardised by Indian Institute of Water Management, ICAR, Government of India, Chandrasekhrpur, Bhubaneswar was used to calculate the water requirement for crop, small & large ruminant animals and poultry birds. (Annexure-1). • Around 80% water requirement for kharif crop is assumed to be met from seasonal rainfall and hence the net crop water demand for kharif season will be 20% of the total crop water requirement. • For rabi crop 100% of the water requirement is assumed to be met from assured irrigation • The existing water resource potential has been calculated by combining the water requirements for both kharif and rabi crops, water utilized for domestic and livestock purposes, water consumed by cottage, heavy and power generation industries, etc. Calculated per annum basis. • For estimation of projected crop water demand for the year 2021, the present irrigation crop water demand ( 2015 value)was multiplied by a factor of 1.1365 (as the agricultural growth rate for five years is 13.65% as per the estimate of Planning Commission, Government of India). • For estimation of projected livestock water demand by the year 2021, a factor of 1.15 is multiplied to present (2015) livestock water demand.


Irrigation is one of the most important critical inputs in agriculture which has the potential to enhance crop production and productivity by more than 45 % alone. Hence, there is a need to increase the irrigation potential of cropped area to obtain higher crop production and income from agriculture sector. The Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) is such initiative floated by the Government of India to improve the irrigation potential of the districts in India by converging the resources of different government departments and focusing on infrastructure creations in agricultural sector to enhance livelihood security of the farming people.

The present irrigated area of Bhadrak district of the state of Odisha is 64.4% in kharif season (1,08,268 ha) while only 20.1% in rabi season (33,897 ha). The rain fed areas are subjected to high risk of crop production. Theerratic behavior of monsoon significantly affects the production of the district as the cultivation in un-irrigated

Page | 7 areas is subjected to high risk and is a less productive farming profession. The constraints of Irrigation Projects to deliver water in rabi season significantly reduced rabi cropped area which ultimately limits the cropping intensity to around 126 per cent. To make the farming a profitable enterprise and to provide substantial employment opportunities to the future generation for their sustainable livelihood security, promotion of assured irrigation system is a viable option. Empirical evidences suggest that assured or protective irrigation encourages farmers to invest more in farming technology and inputs leading to productivity enhancement and increased farm income. The overreaching vision of PMKSY will be to ensure access to some means of assured irrigation to all farming community in the district, to produce ‘Per drop more crop’ thus bringing much desired rural prosperity. As per the guideline of PMKSY, DLIC is to prepare a perspective and strategic plan for irrigation facilities development in the district based on the priorities of the blocks and indicate implementation strategy and expected outputs/outcomes, financial outlays and approach. The detailed strategic plan of Bhadrak district has been prepared based on the objectives, thrusts and approaches of PMKSY. The strategic approach in preparing district irrigation plan for Bhadrak district of the state of Odisha has been to create 26,551 ha of additional irrigated area and take up extension, strengthening and restoration activity in 65,866.4 ha of ayacut which will remarkably change irrigation scenario and cropping intensity of the district. To achieve the proposed target by the end of 2021, the District Irrigation Plan has been designed with an estimated expenditure of Rs.485.50 crores spread over an period of five years from 2016-17 to 2021-21.

Chapter-I:General Information of the Bhadrak district:

1.1 District Profile:

Bhadrak district is one of the administrative district of Odisha state in eastern India known for its rich heritage and history. According to legends, it derives its name from the Goddess , whose temple stands on the bank of the river Salandi. The District is named after the town of Bhadrak, which is the district headquarters. This district came into existence on 1st April 1993. It is located at 20°9’ to 21°05’ N Latitude and 82°41’ to 83°42’ E Longitude.It has seven community blocks namely Bhadrak, Tihidi, Basudevpur, Bonth, Dhamnagar, Bhandaripokhari and Chandbali. For revenue administration, the District is divided in to 6 Tahasils namely; Bhadrak, Tihidi, Basudevpur, Bonth, Dhamnagar and Chandbali. The District has 1311 revenue villages, out of which 1243 are inhabited and 68 are uninhabited. These villages are under the jurisdiction of 193 Gram Panchayats. This District is bounded by District on the north, District and river Baitarani on the south, Keonjhar District on the west and and Kendrapada District are on the east.

(Annexure-I Table-1.1)

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Fig-1.1: Different blocks of Bhadrak district.

1.2 Demography:

Bhadrak is one of the most populous districts of the state having a population of 13,42,264. It occupies only 1.61 percent of the total land mass of the state but accommodates 3.59 percent of total population. The total population of the district is 1,506,337 with676,485 males, 665, 779 females and 164005 children. The District recorded higher sex ratio of 981 than State average. The District has high concentration of Scheduled Caste (SC) population (286,723) as compared to Scheduled Tribes (25,141). Majority of population in the District is Hindu followed by Muslims. Hindus constitute 92.84 percent of the total population in the District. Percentage of Muslim is 6.92 which are higher than the State average of 2.17 percent. Population of other religion in the District is marginal (Source: ODISHA CENSUS 2011 DATASHEETS).

(Annexure-I: Table-1.2)

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*CH: child, M: Male, and F: Female

Fig-1.2: Demography of the Bhadrak district

1.3 Biomass and Livestock:

The majority of livestock farming is centered on rearing of indigenous cows followed by poultry and goats. However, pigs, sheeps, ducks, hybrid cows and buffalos are being reared in very small scale. Total livestock population of the district is 689, 086 which consists of 192014, 6933, 434, 144126, 1820, 317028, 22819, 3912 number of poultry (No.), ducks (No.), pigs (Nos.), goats (Nos.)sheeps (Nos.), indigenous Cow (Nos.), hybrid Cow (Nos.), and buffalo (Nos.) respectively. The concentration of different category of livestocks is shown in Fig 1.3. (Source: Livestock Census:2007)


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Figure-1.3: Block-wise distribution of different live stocks in Bhadrak district

1.4 Agro-ecology, Climate, Hydrology and Topography:

Bhadrak district falls under North Eastern Coastal Plain Zone of Odisha which covers 29 blocks of Balasore, Bhadrak and Keonjhar districts. The zone lies between 23°.43' and 2°.59'N latitude and beetween 860.16' and 87°.25' E longitude. It has an altitude range of 0 to 50 M above MSL. Climate is hot and moist, humid to sub-humid, characterized by hot summer early kharif with heavy rains, cyclone during September-October almost every year. The annual rainfall varies from 1100 to 1600mm with a mean value of 1468 mm. The temperature varies between 24° and 38°C. The major soil types of this zone are (1) Red and laterite (2) Deltaic alluvium (3) Coastal saline soil. Page | 11

An annual average rainfall of 1428 mm is received through 67 numbers of rainy days in the Bhadrak district. The distribution of rainfall across the block is not uniform. Bhadrak and Bhandaripokhari receive average annual rainfall of 1605 and 1532 mm respectively. However, Bonth receives less amount of rainfall i.e 1140 mm. Two blocks namely Tihidi and Dhamnagar receive an annual average rainfall of 1221 mm with average 63 numbers of rainy days. Basudevpur receives highest amount of rainfall i.e 2109 mm in the district however Chandbali gets only 1166 mm of average rainfall

The area basically is comprised of deltas formed by two major rivers namely Salandi & Baitarani and half a dozen of rivers and rivulets. Thus the whole district is a fertile monotonous alluvial plain that slops from West to East following the river gradients. The plain is usually intersected by its own set of rivers and marshland can be seen here and there prominently close to Sea line. Thus the district is devoid of upland and hills.

River System All the rivers have their source inside the State and thus they are midstreams and shortstreams The main Rivers of the District are 1) Baitarani, 2)Salandi, 3)Gamei, 4)Kansbans, 5)Mantei, 6)Kochila, 7) Genguti, 8)Reba, 9)Kapali. The river systems in the district is classified mainly into two categories i.e (i) Baitarini River System & (ii) Salandi River System.The main distributary rivers of Baitarini are Genguti & Kochila but Reba , Kapali, & Mantei are the tributaries of Salandi. Maps indicating river Baitarani & Salandi system is at annexure-


It rises among the hills in the north-west of District and enters Baleshwar near the village Balipur.After flowing in a winding easterly course across the delta where it marks the boundary line between and Baleshwar it passes by Chandbali and joins its water with the Brahmani. After their confluence the united stream is named Dhamara which meets the sea after 8.05 k.m. It is navigable as far as Olekh, 24.15 k.m from its mouth but beyond this point, it is not affected by the tide and is fordable during the hot season. The river is subject to annual heavy floods which travel inland to an average distance of 6.44 k.m to 19.32 k.m., when it causes considerable damage to the standing crop. A large weir has been constructed across the stream at Akhuapada in order to dam the water during the dry season and supply water to the High Level Canal between that place and Bhadrak. The river is identified as the Styx of Hindu mythology but the name is possibly a corruption of Avitarini meaning difficult to cross. A legend relates that Lord Rama when marching to Lanka to rescue his wife Sita halted on its bank

Page | 12 on the boarder of Kendujhar and in commemoration of this event large numbers of people visit the river every year in January.


This is a distributary of river Baitarani and bifurcated from the main river at Ramarakul under Dhamanagar block and after running a length of 10 KMs it merges with river Baitarani at Gandhighat sashan near saanlpur village under Dhamanagar block.


This a distributary of river Baitarani and is bifurcated from the main river near Anandpur under Keonjhar district and after crossing Dhamanagar and Tihidi block it merges with river Salandi at Nandpur under Chandabali block.


Its origin is in Keonjhar District from a place called Muduli Pada in Hatadihi block and after running a length of 76.85 KMs through Bont and Bhadrak block of this district it merges with Genguti River at Bhatasahi under Dhamanagar Block.


This river is originated from Palasa under Bont Block and after running a length of 67.30 KMs through Bont and Bhadrak of this district block falls into Reba River at Kasimpur under Dhamanagar block.


The Salandi possibly a corruption of Sal Nadi takes its name from the Salforest through which it traverses. It rises on the southern slope of the Meghasani Mountain of Mayurbhanj and throughout its upper course is a black-water river with high banks and a bottom of muddy sand. In January, it scarcely exceeds anywhere one meter in depth. Luxuriant vegetation clothes its banks which at places rise almost to the dignity of cliffs and for kilometers the river runs through continuous groves of mangoes, palms and bamboos.It has no tide but it is navigable for country boats as high as 9.66 k.m (6 miles) from its junction with the River Baitarani. Its lower course breaks up into a network of channels which are interlaced with those of the Mantei.Among its tributaries mention may be made of the Raba which joins it before it meets the Baitarani.

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It is a distributor of Salandi River and is bifurcated from the main river at village Durgapur under Bhadrak block and after running a length of 18.5 KMs it merges with salandi at Baro under Tihidi block.


The Mantei brings down the drainage of the country between the Kansbans and the Salandi and after a tortuous course over a muddy bed and between densely wooded banks,enters the Dhamara near its mouth. This river attains a considerable volume at Charbatia, where it is joined by the Coast canal. It is tidal as far as Rukunadeipur, 12.88 k.m east of Bhadrak and is navigable up to that point by country boats.


The southern branch of the Kansbans receives the name of Gamei and falls into the sea 9.66 k.m. south of the latter. Due to the Coast Canal, the the river has been silted up with its passage to the sea almost closed. About 4.83 k.m from its mouth is situated the old port of Chudamani, once an important centre of export trade but now an insignificant village. Like the Kansbans, the Gamei is liable to heavy floods but a great part of its flood water runs south-westwards along the old Churaman or Ricketts Canal into the Mantei which drains the country east of Bhadrak.

Irrigation System

AES I have the highest irrigated area mostly covered under canal irrigation. 87% of the total area under this AES is irrigated through different sources. In AES II, about 66% of the total net sown area is irrigated out of which 60% area is irrigated by canal irrigation system. In AES III, maximum area comes under rainfed farming since the irrigated area constitutes only 39% of the total net sown area of this AES. Creek forms the major source of irrigation for about 50% area of this zone.

Baitarani System High Level Canal Range III

The High Level Canal Range III was a part of the ambitious canal project intended to connect Cuttack with Calcutta by means of a 368 km. long navigable canal. The High Level Canal Range III, which is 30- 57 km. long was completed in the year 1891. This irrigation canal derives its supply of water from river Baitarini at Akhuapada. There are seven distributaries with a total length of 109-03 km. taking off from this main canal to irrigate an area 19653 hectares of land in Bhadrak district. Page | 14

Salandi Irrigation Project Left and Dasmauja System.

The Salandi irrigation project is located in Keonjhar district and it irrigates both in Bhadrak & partly . The dam across river Salandi intercepting a catchment of 673 sq. km. has been constructed near village Hadgarh in Keonjhar district to impound water and release the same for irrigation purpose. The Salandi left main canal which is 7 km. long, has branches for 36-50 km. and there are 7 distributaries, 26 minors and 79 sub-minors on the downstream of river Salandi. Below Bhadrak town there is a cross regulator at village Aharapada where the two canals namely Gopalia and Dasamauja have taken off to irrigate an area of 7,112 hectares in Bhadrak District. The project was started in the year 1961-62 and has been completed during the year 1981-82. The project was executed with World Bank assistance. This project is providing irrigation to an area of Bhadrak, Bonth, Basudevpur& Tihidi blocks of Bhadrak district.

Lift Irrigation

Aquifers occurring in multiple layers alternating with clay beds provide vast scope for installation of all types of irrigation wells. But the behavior of coastal saline tracts is a little different. Due to the intrusion of saline water top in this region, aquifers are contaminated with salinity over a large area. Hence, it is not suitable for installation of irrigation wells. Basins of river Salandi provide good scope for integrated development of surface water and ground water. Serve as the main drainage system for the district and provide large scope for installation of river-lift projects. Up to 2015 529 numbers of lift irrigation projects have been installed which irrigate 7326 ha of area in Bhadrak district.

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Table 1.4: Agro ecological situations and blocks covered under each AES of the district

Sl.No AES Soil type Topography Rainfall Irrigation Delineation .

1 Alluvial Alluvial 15 to 5 m 1354 mm Canal Bonth,Bhandaripokahri, Canal (Older above MSL Tihidi,Dhamnagar, parts of Irrigated alluvium ) Basudevpur, Bhadrak

2 Low Alluvial Low 1417 mm Rainfed & Tihidi,Dhamnagar, parts of lying elevation Canal Basudevpur, Chandbali and characterized flood by low land prone area

3 Saline Sandy Plain, low 1143 to Rainfed Basudevpur, Chandbali , parts soil loam and lying, water 1627 mm of Tihidi, Dhamnagar group Clayey logged and and saline drainage impeded.

* Source: Orissa Agriculture Statistics, 2011

1.5 Soil Profile:

In general, three groups of soils are found in the district of bhadrak. These soil groups are classified in to Matured, red & lateritic soil (alfisols), mixed grey soil (inceptisols),unaltered soils with coarse parent materials (entisols) and Unclassified soil (with mud flats). Among all these, soil groups inceptisols are found to the most dominant group of soil in most ofs the blocks of district (Dhamnagar, Tihidi, Chandbali, Bonth, Bhadrak and Basudevpur ) except Bhandaripokhari block where alfisols are the domiant soil group. Maximum area of inceptisols and entisols are found in Chandbali block while least is observed in Bhandaripokhari block. Unclassified soils with mud flats are concentrated in Basudevpur Block.

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Fig-1.5: Soil profile of the Bhadrak district.

1.6 Soil Erosion and Runoff Status: Data not available.

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1.7 Land Use Pattern:

Fig-1.7a: Overview of total geographical area, area under forest, wasteland and under other use.

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Fig-1.7b: Block-wise distribution of area under forest

Maximum coverage of area under forest is seen in Tihidi block followed by Bonth block while in blocks like Baudevpur, Bhandaripokhari and Dhamnagar, forest cover is absent.

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Fig-1.7c: Block-wise distribution of area under wasteland.

Wastelands are mostly predominant in Basudevpur followed by Chandbali and Dhamnagar blocks.

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Fig-1.7d: Block-wise distribution of area under other uses.

Maximum area under other uses is concentrated in Chandbali followed by Basudevpur while lowest area under other uses is found in Bhandaripokhari followed by Dhamnagar.

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Fig-1.7e: Block-wise distribution of Gross Cropped Area in Bhadrak district.

Highest gross cropped area has been seen in Chandbali followed by Basudevpur block while lowest is recorded in Bonth followed by Bhandaripokhari blocks respectively.

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Fig-1.7f: Block-wise distribution of Net Sown Area in Bhadrak district

With respect to net sown area, highest value has been recorded in Chandbali block followed by Basudevpur block while lowest value has been recorded in Dhamnagar followed by Bhandaripokhari and Bonth Blocks.

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Fig-1.7g: Block-wise distribution of Area Sown more than once in Bhadrak district

Maximum area in Chandabali has been recorded to be sown more than once.

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Fig-1.7h: Cropping Intensity (%) in Bhadrak district

Maximum cropping intensity of 150.83% is seen in Dhamnagar block followed by Tihidi (142.2%) while in Chandabali block, minimum cropping intensity of 109.32 % is recorded among all the blocks in Bhadrak district.

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Chapter-II:Water Profile of Bhadrak District

2.1 Area Wise, Crop Wise irrigation status: Out of total cultivated 2,10,629 ha area, 1,42,165 ha and 68,464 ha area are cultivated under irrigated and rainfed conditions respectively in the Bhadrak district. Among different bllocks, maximum irrigated area for cultivation lies in Bhadrak block (28,282ha) followed by Basudevpur block (22,326ha) while lowest area under irrigated conditions falls in Chandbali (11,382ha) block. Similarly, under rainfed conditions, maximum area (27,602) falls in Chandbali block and significantly lesser area lies Bont Block (495ha) (Table-2.1.1 ,Figure-2.1.1 & Annexure-I-Table-2.1) (Source: Agriculture Department of Bhadrak district, Odisha)

Table-2.1.1: Total area under cultivation in Bhadrak district

Figure-2.1.1 Total area under cultivation in Bhadrak district.

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Table-2.1.2: Area under cereals cultivation.

A greater chunk of the areas for cereal cultivation are lies in Chandbali block followed by Basudevpur block while they are being covered to a smaller extent in Bonth block followed by Bhandaripokhari block. Chandbali block stands first among the entire block for rain fed cultivation of cereals while Bhadrak ranks first for irrigated cultivated area of cereals.

(Table-2.1.2, Figure-2.1.2 & Annexure-I-Table-2.1).

Figure-2.1.2: Area under cereals cultivation

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Table-2.1.3: Area under pulses cultivation.

Among all the blocks, Dhamanagar occupies higher area under pulses cultivation followed by Tihidi block while area under pulses is significantly lesser in Chandbali followed by Basudevpur and Bonth. Pulses are cultivated both under rain fed and irrigated conditions in the entire Bhadrak district. Under irrigated conditions, Bhadrak occupies larger area followed by Tihidi while under rain fed conditions; larger area is covered under pulses in Dhamnagar block followed by Tihidi block.(Table-2.1.3 , Figure-2.1.3 & Annexure-I-Table-2.1).

Area under pulses cultivation (ha) Irrigated Rainfed Total Bhadrak 2172 1143 3315 Dhamnagar 1527 2500 4027

Bhandaripokhari 1602 1360 2962 Bonth 505 435 940 Basudevpur 319 480 799 Chandbali 120 110 230 Tihidi 1970 1587 3557 Total 8215 7615 15830

Figure-2.1.3: Area under pulses cultivation

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Table-2.1.4: Area under oilseeds cultivation.

A total of 3,433ha of land are cultivated for oilseeds in the Bhadrak district. Out of this area, maximum area under oilseeds is cultivated in Bhandaripokhari block followed by Bhadrak block. Bhandaripokhari block stands first in terms of oilseeds area under rainfed cultivation while Bhadrak ranks first for oilseed area under irrigated conditions. (Table-2.1.4 & Figure-2.1.4, Annexure-I-Table-2.1)

F i g u F igure-2.1.4: Area under oilseeds cultivation.

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Table-2.1.5: Area under fiber crop cultivation.

All the fiber crops primarily are grown under irrigated conditions in the Bhadrak district. A total of 353 ha crops are cultivated for fiber crops in Bhadrak district. Most of the areas under fiber crop cultivation are concentrated in the blocks of Bonth followed by Bhadrak. (Table-2.1.5 & Figure-2.1.5, Annexure-I-Table-2.1)

Figure-2.1.5: Area under fiber crop cultivation.

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Table-2.1.6: Area under any other crop cultivation.

An area of 23,353ha is under cultivation of any other crops apart from cereals, pulses, oilseeds and fiber crops. (Table-2.1.6 & Figure-2.1.6, Annexure-I-Table-2.1)

Figure-2.1.6: Area under any other crop cultivation

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2.2 Production and Productivity of Major Crops:

Rice is the principal crop in different blocks of Bhadrak district. Basudevpur stands first in terms of annual rice production followed by Bhadrak and Bonth block. (Table-2.2.1 & Fig-2.2.1, Annex-I-Table 2.2) Table-2.2.1: Total annual production of major crops in Bhadrak district

Figure-2.2.1: Total annual production of major crops in Bhadrak district Page | 33

2.3 Irrigation based classification:

Entire area of Bhadrak district is classified into four different groups based on irrigation such as gross irrigated area, net irrigated area, and partially protected/protective irrigation and un-irrigated or totally rainfed areas. Among all the blocks, Bhadrak block has highest gross and net irrigated area followed by Bonth and Basudevpur block. Similarly, highest un-irrigated or totally rainfed areas are in Chandbali block.

(Figure-2.3, Annex-I-Table-2.3)

Figure-2.3: Irrigation based classification

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Chapter-III: Water Availability

3.1 Status of water availability

3.1.1. A Irrigation potential created by 2014-15

Sl Sources Kharif Rabi Total No

1 Major & Medium Irrigation 90595 12000 102595

2 Minor Irrigation Tanks 2857 95 2952

3 Lift Irrigation points 23184 13777 36961

4 Deep Bore well 0 0 0

5 Other sources created by OLIC & OAIC 30181 24332 54513

Other sources created by Agril. Dept. & 6 578 42 620 OAIC

Total 147395 50246 197641

(Source: Department of Water Resource, Govt. of Odisha)

3.1.1.B Irrigation area in 2014-15

Sl Sources Kharif Rabi Total No

1 Major & Medium Irrigation 68539 5860 74399

2 Minor Irrigation Tanks 2085 247 2332

3 Lift Irrigation points 7326 7326 14652

4 Deep Bore well 0 0 0

5 Other sources created by OLIC & OAIC 0 0 0

Other sources created by Agril. Dept. & 6 30318 20464 OAIC 50782

Total 108268 33897 142165

(Source: Department of Water Resource, Govt. of Odisha)

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Table-3.1.1: Sources of surface irrigation in Bhadrak district.

The surface irrigation sources of Bhadrak district primarily includes canal (Major & medium irrigation), various water-bodies including rainwater harvest and perennial sources of water. Total of 0.297 BCM per ha of water is available through the canal irrigation. Perennial sources of water contribute to majority of surface irrigation.

(Table-3.1.1, Fig-3.1.1, Annexure-I-Table-3.1).

Sources BCM per ha Surface Irrigation in Bhadrak district Kharif Rabi Summer Total Canal (Major & Medium Irrigation) 0.289 0.008 0.297 Minor Irrigation tanks Lift Irrigation/Diversion Various Water Bodies including Rain Water H 0.000658 Treated Effluent Received from STP Untreated Effluent Perennial sources of water 0.84 0.84

Fig-3.1.1: Sources of surface irrigation in Bhadrak district

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Table-3.1.2: Sources of ground irrigation in Bhadrak district.

Total ground water availability is primarily contributed through shallow tube wells (0.772 BCM per ha) followed by deep tube wells (0.312 BCM per ha) and medium tube well (0.075 BCM per ha). There is a total of 0.265 BCM per ha, 0.723 BCM per ha and 0.236 per ha of ground water available during kharif, rabi and summer season respectively in the Bhadrak district. (Table-3.1.2, Fig-3.1.2, Annexure-I-Table-3.1).

BCM per ha Sources of Ground Water in Bhadrak district Kharif Rabi Summer Total Oper Well 0 0.052 0.013 0.065 Deep Tube Well 0.208 0.078 0.026 0.312 Medium Tube Well 0.057 0.014 0.004 0.075 Shallow Tube Wells 0 0.579 0.193 0.772 Total 0.265 0.723 0.236 1.224

Figure-3.1.2: Sources of ground irrigation in Bhadrak district

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3.2. Ground Water:

There is a highest recharge and gap of ground water in Chandbali block followed by Basudevpur compared to other blocks.

Table-3.2.1:Block-wise profile of Ground Water in Bhadrak district

3.2 Ground water (BCM) Block Draft Recharge Gap Basudevpur 0.0388 0.0779 0.0392

Bhadrak 0.0729 0.1082 0.0353 Bhandaripokhari 0.0629 0.096 0.0332 Bonth 0.0431 0.0772 0.0342 Chandabali 0 1.1006 1.1006 Tihidi 0.0222 0.0372 0.015 Dhamnagar 0.0268 0.0576 0.0308

Figure-3.2.1:Block-wise profile of Ground Water in Bhadrak district. Page | 39

3.3 Status of command area:

There is a higher area under developed command area in Bhadrak block (32,610ha) followed by Tihidi block (12,287ha) and Basudevpur block (11,953ha). In terms of undeveloped area under canal command system, Tihidi block stands first in the Bhadrak district.

Table-3.3.1: Block-wise profile of canal command area in Bhadrak district

Information on canal command area in Bhadrak district Area (ha) Tota l A r e a Developed Undeveloped Area Area Bhadrak 32801.28 32610.81 190.47 Bonth 2637.17 2472.27 164.9 Basudevpur 13596.14 11953.51 1642.63 Bhandaripokhari Chandbali Dhamnagar Tihidi 16800.79 12287.86 4512.93

Figure-3.3.1: Block-wise profile of canal command area in Bhadrak district

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3.4 Existing type of irrigation:

Government canal is the major source of irrigation in the Bhadrak district. Among the blocks, majority of the area under government canal lies in the Bhadrak lock (13,944ha) followed by Tihidi (7,363ha) and Basudevpur block (5,560ha).

Table-3.4.1: Profile of existing type of irrigation in the Bhadrak district

Among other traditional water harvesting system (WHS), maximum area falls under Chandbali block (6000ha) followed by Tihidi (400ha) and Bhadrak block (400ha)

Existing type of irrigation in Bhadrak district

Area (ha) Block Govt. Canal Other traditional WHS Total

Bhadrak 13944.89 400 14344.89 Bonth 1370.95 0 1370.95 Tihidi 7363 400 7763

Basudevpur 5560.35 200 5760.35 Dhamnagar 946 946

Chandabali 6000 6000 Bhandaripokhari

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Existing type of irrigation




Total Basudevpur Area (ha) Other traditional WHS Govt. Canal Tihidi



0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Figure-3.4.1: Profile of existing type of irrigation in the Bhadrak district

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Chapter IV: Water Requirement/Demand Water is life as it is vital for any life process and there can be no substitute for it. Besides human and livestock, it is essential for survival for crops and required for power generation and industries also. The effectiveness of rainfall, even in high rainfall areas is often vitiated by its temporal and spatial variation. Droughts alternating with floods in one or other region cause immense damage to crop production processes. The main concern for productive agriculture is the effective and efficient supply of water to crop fields. The general inadequacy of irrigation water and growing demand for crop production including remunerative cropping in modern times need a systematic study of irrigation problems and methods of efficient and economic use of water. Since irrigation potential is created at a huge cost, it is necessary to derive maximum benefit from the created potential. Often, a gap exists between irrigation potential created and its utilization, and that makes the situation more serious. Conveyance losses in by ill-maintained canal system, improper scheduling and faulty method of irrigation in crop fields leads to wastage of water. Proper planning is required to maximise crop production per unit of water. 4.1 Domestic Water Demand The present human population is likely to increase by 1,38,308 nos. By 2020. This will raise the domestic water demand from 0.0505 BCM to 0.0555 BCM. Hence an additional demand of 0.0050 BCM is to be met from the existing sources of the district. 4.1 Domestic Water Demand Source: Census report & Department of Water Resources in District Projected Gross Water Demand (BCM) Population Blocks Population in in 2015 Present Projected 2020 2020 Bonth 156687 172356 0.0057 0.0063 Bhadrak 224474 246921 0.0082 0.0090 Chandbali 257640 283404 0.0094 0.0103 Basudevpur 225771 248348 0.0082 0.0091 Bhandaripokhari 131025 144127 0.0048 0.0053 Dhamnagar 186794 205473 0.0068 0.0075 Tihidi 200691 220760 0.0073 0.0081 TOTAL 1383081 1521389 0.0505 0.0555

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4.2 Crop Water Demand

Crop water demand is calculated for the existing cropping pattern.

4.2.1 Crop Water Demand block wise. Crop wise water requirement in Bhadrak block

In Bhadrak block paddy is the predominant crop covering an area of 24,540 ha followed by pulses and oilseeds. Vegetables also are grown in substantial areas. However out of 28,282 ha of gross irrigated area the rabi irrigated area is only 4,472 ha which is only 15.8%. Under present cropping pattern, the existing water potential is more the crop demand. However the situation may change by increasing the cropped area during rabi season.

4.2.1 Crop Water requirement Water Crop Water Existing Area potential Irrigated water potential Water Block Crops Sown to be area (ha) demand required potential (ha) created (mm) (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paddy 24540 22330 1100 0.0560 Maize 20 20 500 0.0001 Sugarcane 15 15 2000 0.0003 Jute 110 110 500 0.0001 Chilli 228 228 600 0.0009 Spices 120 0 550 0.0001 Green gram 2240 2240 350 0.0078 Black gram 1030 670 400 0.0041 Bhadrak other pulses 45 40 350 0.0002 Mustard 455 420 350 0.0016 Til 240 220 400 0.0010 Sunflower 5 5 350 0.0000 potato 60 60 550 0.0003 Onion 60 60 550 0.0003 Coriander 70 70 550 0.0004 Other vegetables 2602 1794 550 0.0077 TOTAL 31840 28282 0.0809 0.3304 0.2495

Page | 45 Crop wise water requirement in Bont block

In Bont block paddy is the predominant crop covering an area of 17,260 ha followed by pulses and oilseeds. Vegetables are also grown in substantial areas. However out of 21,435 ha of gross irrigated area the rabi irrigated area is only 2,595 ha which is only 12.1%. Under present cropping pattern, the existing water potential is more the crop demand. However the situation may change by increasing the cropped area during rabi season. Crop Water requirement Water Crop Water Existing Area potential Irrigated water potential Water Block Crops Sown to be area (ha) demand required potential (ha) created (mm) (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17260 17260 1100 0.0391 Paddy 5 5 2000 0.0001 Maize 135 135 500 0.0001 Sugarcane 336 386 600 0.0009 Jute 58 0 550 0.0001 Chilli 480 255 350 0.0017 Spices 420 215 400 0.0017 Green gram 40 35 350 0.0001 Black gram 270 270 350 0.0009 other pulses Bont 25 25 400 0.0001


45 45 350 0.0002 Til 42 42 550 0.0002 Sunflower 69 69 550 0.0004 potato 56 56 550 0.0003 Onion 72 72 550 0.0004 Coriander Other 2617 2565 550 0.0081 vegetables 21930 21435 0.0543 0.3934 0.3391 TOTAL

Page | 46 Crop wise water requirement in Bhandaripokhari block

In Bhandaripokhari block paddy is the predominant crop covering an area of 17,586 ha followed by pulses and oilseeds. Vegetables also grown in substantial areas. However out of 19,866 ha of gross irrigated area the rabi irrigated area is only 3,954 ha which is only 19.9%. Under present cropping pattern, the existing water potential is more the crop demand. However the situation may change by increasing the cropped area during rabi season. Crop Water requirement Water Crop Water Existing Area potential Irrigated water potential Water Block Crops Sown to be area (ha) demand required potential (ha) created (mm) (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paddy 17586 15821 1100 0.0449

maize 29 29 500 0.0001

Wheat 18 18 350 0.0001

Sugarcane 221 221 2000 0.0044

Chilli 177 177 600 0.0007

Spices 49 49 550 0.0001

Green gram 1580 853 350 0.0055

Black gram 1291 698 400 0.0052

Other pulses 91 51 350 0.0003

Groundnut 831 100 400 0.0033 B.pokhari Mustard 249 200 350 0.0009

Til 15 15 400 0.0001

Sunflower 102 102 350 0.0004

Potato 44 44 550 0.0002

Onion 39 39 550 0.0002

Garlic 29 29 550 0.0003

Coriander 75 75 550 0.0004

Other 1415 1345 550 0.0081 vegetables TOTAL 23841 19866 0.0753 0.2881 0.2128

Page | 47 Crop wise water requirement in Dhamnagar block Crop Water requirement Crop Water Existing Water Area Irrigated water potential Water potential to Block Crops Sown area (ha) demand required potential be created (ha) (mm) (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paddy 18345 14938 1100 0.0603

maize 19 19 500 0.0002

Wheat 45 45 350 0.0002

Sugarcane 250 250 2000 0.0050

Jute 20 20 500 0.0000

Chilli 405 405 600 0.0019

Spices 80 0 550 0.0001

Green gram 1415 535 350 0.0050

Black gram 2512 932 400 0.0100

Other Dhamnagar pulses 10 60 350 0.0004

Groundnut 152 152 400 0.0006

Mustard 53 53 350 0.0002

Til 15 15 400 0.0001

Sunflower 28 28 350 0.0001

Potato 110 110 550 0.0006

Onion 80 80 550 0.0004

Garlic 75 75 550 0.0004

Coriander 130 130 550 0.0007

Other vegetables 2480 2380 550 0.0088

TOTAL 26224 20227 0.0950 0.0841 -0.0109

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In Dhamnagar block paddy is the predominant crop covering an area of 18,345 ha followed by pulses and oilseeds. Vegetables are also grown in substantial areas. Besides, sugarcane is also cultivated. However out of 20,227 ha of gross irrigated area the rabi irrigated area is only 6,335 ha which is only 31.3%. Under present cropping pattern, the existing water potential is less the crop demand. Hence there need for creation of more irrigation facility. Crop wise water requirement in Chandbali block

In Chandbali block paddy is the predominant crop covering an area of 34,947 ha. Vegetables also grown in substantial areas. However out of 11,382 ha of gross irrigated area the rabi irrigated area is only 3,214 ha which is only 28.2%. Under present cropping pattern, the existing water potential is less the crop demand. Hence there need for creation of more irrigation facility. Crop Water requirement Water Crop Water Existing Area Irrigated potential water potential Water Block Crops Sown area to be demand required potential (ha) (ha) created (mm) (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paddy 34947 7627 1100 0.0946 maize 29 29 500 0.0001 Wheat 45 45 350 0.0002 Chilli 226 226 600 0.0007 Spices 61 0 550 0.0001 Green gram 95 72 350 0.0003 Black gram 110 25 400 0.0004 Other 25 23 350 0.0001 Groundnutl 24 24 400 0.0001 Chandbali Mustard 18 18 350 0.0001 Til 0 0 400 0.0000 Sunflower 0 0 350 0.0000 Potato 35 35 550 0.0002 Onion 58 58 550 0.0003 Garlic 28 28 550 0.0002 Coriander 98 98 550 0.0002 Other 3185 3074 550 0.0067 TOTAL 38984 11382 0.1043 0.072 -0.0323

Page | 49 Crop wise water requirement in Basudevpur block

In Basudevpur block paddy is the predominant crop covering an area of 31,568 ha followed by pulses and oilseeds. Vegetables also grown in substantial areas. However out of 22,326 ha of gross irrigated area the rabiirrigated area is only 5,607 ha which is only 25.1%. Under present cropping pattern, the existing water potential is more the crop demand. However the situation may change by increasing the cropped area during rabi season. Crop Water requirement Water Crop Water Existing Area potential Irrigated water potential Water Block Crops Sown to be area (ha) demand required potential (ha) created (mm) (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paddy 31568 18036 1100 0.0930 Spices 100 0 550 0.0001 Basudevpur Green 310 125 350 0.0011 Black gram 450 155 400 0.0018 Other 39 39 350 0.0001

Groundnut 60 30 400 0.0002

Mustard 230 170 350 0.0008 Til 138 113 400 0.0006 Sunflower 200 200 350 0.0007

Potato 90 90 550 0.0005

Onion 60 60 550 0.0003 Garlic 60 60 550 0.0003 Coriander 65 65 550 0.0004

Other 3208 3183 550 0.0116 TOTAL 36578 22326 0.1114 0.144 0.0326

Page | 50 Crop wise water requirement in Tihidi block Crop Water requirement Crop Water Existing Water Area Irrigated water potential Water potential to Block Crops Sown area (ha) demand required potential be created (ha) (mm) (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paddy 23135 12245 1100 0.0772

Wheat 20 45 350 0.0001

Sugarcane 10 10 2000 0.0002

Jute 75 75 500 0.0001

Sweet 10 0 10 0.0000

Chilli 305 305 600 0.0013

Turmeric 50 0 550 0.0001

Ginger 48 0 550 0.0001

Green gram 1962 1090 350 0.0069

Black gram 1520 815 400 0.0061 Tihidi Other pulses 75 65 350 0.0003

Groundnut 0 0 400 0.0000

Mustard 150 150 350 0.0005

Til 48 48 400 0.0002

Sunflower 80 80 350 0.0003

Potato 73 73 550 0.0004

Onion 50 50 550 0.0003

Garlic 75 75 550 0.0004

Coriander 101 101 550 0.0006

Other vegetables 3455 3420 550 0.0125

TOTAL 31242 18647 0.1072 0.1391 0.0319

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In Tihidi block paddy is the predominant crop covering an area of 23,135 ha followed by pulses and oilseeds. Vegetables also grown in substantial areas.Besides Jute is also cultivated. However out of 18,647 ha of gross irrigated area the rabi irrigated area is only 7,720 ha which is only 41.4%. Under present cropping pattern, the existing water potential is more the crop demand. However the situation may change by increasing the cropped area during rabi season.

4.2.2 Crop Water Demand of Bhadrak district

In Dhamnagar and Chandbali blocks the existing water potential is less than the crop demand. However the overall situation is just reverse for the whole district. The situation of projected crop water demand will change by increasing the cropping area under rabi crops. Hence in 2020, in addition to Dhamnagar and Chanbali, two more blocks namely Basudevpur & Tihidi, the water potential will be less than the crop demand. This calls for increasing the irrigated area for these four blocks.

4.2.2 Crop Water Demand Water Present Projected Existing potential Area crop crop Irrigated Water to be Block Sown water water area (ha) potential created (ha) demand demand (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) (2020) by 2020

1 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bonth 21930 21435 0.0543 0.1133 0.3934 0.2801

Bhadrak 31840 28282 0.0809 0.1402 0.3304 0.1902

Chandbali 38984 11382 0.1043 0.1485 0.072 -0.0765

Basudevpur 36578 22326 0.1114 0.1712 0.144 -0.0272

Bhandaripokhari 23841 19866 0.0753 0.1178 0.2881 0.1703

Dhamnagar 26224 20227 0.0950 0.1367 0.0841 -0.0526

Tihidi 31242 18647 0.1072 0.1598 0.1391 -0.0207

TOTAL 210639 142165 0.6285 0.9876 1.4511 0.4635

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4.3 Livestock Water Demand The present water demand of livestock of Bhadrak district is 0.0039 BCM which is likely to increase by 15.38% by the year 2020. The additional water demand is 0.0009 BCM. 4.3 Livestock Water Demand Total number of Present water Water demand in Block live stock demand (BCM) 2020 (BCM)

1 2 3 4

Basudevpur 160378 0.0009 0.0010 Bhadrak 137797 0.0007 0.0008 Bhandaripokhari 67805 0.0004 0.0005 Bonth 50575 0.0002 0.0003 Chandabali 96285 0.0006 0.0007 Tihidi 91736 0.0004 0.0005 Dhamnagar 84510 0.0006 0.0007 Total 689086 0.0039 0.0045

4.4 Industrial Water Demand There are two industries namely M/s Facor Power & D.P.C.L, Bhadrak operating in the district. The present and projected water demand is much less than the existing water potential. 4.4: Industrial Water Demand Name of the District:Bhadrak Water Water Existing Water Potential Demand Water Sl No Block Name of Industry Demand to be in 2020 Potential (BCM) created (BCM) (BCM) (BCM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M/s FACOR 1 Bhadrak POWER 0.0036 0.0043 0.1300 0

2 Chandabali D.P.C.L.BHADRAK 0.0018 0.0022 0.2500 0

TOTAL 0.0054 0.0065 0.3800 0

4.5 Water Demand for Power Generation There is no scope for power generation in the district.

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4.6 Total Water Demand for the District for Various Sectors Demand from four sectors i.e. domestic, crop, livestock, industrial were taken into consideration block wise while calculating total water demand of the whole district.

4.6.1 Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors (Present)

At present total water demand of the district is 0.6883 BCM. Highest demand is noticed in Basudevpur block followed by Chandbali, Tihidi, Dhamnagar and Bhadrak, respectively. The lowest dewater demand is observed in Bont block followed by Bhandaripokhari.

4.6.1 Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors (Present) Total, Components Sl. BCM Block No. Power Domestic Crop Livestock Industrial generation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Bonth 0.0057 0.0543 0.0009 0 0 0.0610 2 Bhadrak 0.0082 0.0809 0.0007 0.0036 0 0.0934 3 Chandbali 0.0094 0.1043 0.0004 0.0018 0 0.1159 4 Basudevpur 0.0082 0.1114 0.0002 0 0 0.1199 Ti5 Bhandaripokhari 0.0048 0.0753 0.0006 0 0 0.0807 6 Dhamnagar 0.0068 0.0950 0.0004 0 0 0.1022 7 Tihidi 0.0073 0.1072 0.0006 0 0 0.1151 Total 0.0505 0.6285 0.0039 0.0054 0.0000 0.6883

4.6.2 Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors (Projected 2020), At projected total water demand of the district will increase to 1.0541BCM by 2020. Highest demand will be from in Basudevpur block followed by Tihidi, Chandbali, Bhadrak, and Dhamnagar, respectively. The lowest water demand is observed in Bont block followed by Bhandaripokhari. Among all components, the crop demand will significantly increase by 57 per cent due to possible expansion of irrigated area in rabi season. There is scope for expansion of rabi irrigated area by 50,000 ha which will utilised for covering more areas under crops like sunflower, sugarcane, wheat, potato and vegetables in different blocks of Bhadrak district.

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4.6.2 Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors (Projected 2020) Total Components BCM Sl. No. Block Power Domestic Crop Livestock Industrial generation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Bonth 0.0063 0.1133 0.0010 0 0 0.1207 2 Bhadrak 0.0090 0.1402 0.0008 0.0043 0 0.1543 3 Chandbali 0.0103 0.1485 0.0005 0.0022 0 0.1615 4 Basudevpur 0.0091 0.1712 0.0003 0 0 0.1806 5 Bhandaripokhari 0.0053 0.1178 0.0007 0 0 0.1238 6 Dhamnagar 0.0075 0.1367 0.0005 0 0 0.1447 7 Tihidi 0.0081 0.1598 0.0007 0 0 0.1686 Total 0.0555 0.9876 0.0045 0.0065 0.0000 1.0541

4.7 Water Budget The water budget takes in account the existing water availability which includes exploited, underexploited and unexploited sources. The projected water demand takes into account the possible increase in cropping intensity due to more exploitation of existing water from unexploited sources and by efficient utilisation of exploited and underexploited water sources. Besides, the projected water demand is calculated taking into consideration the projected increase in human and livestock population and the demand from industry. In Bont block of Bhadrak district, the water demand for present and projected scenario is less than the existing water availably. However, the crop water demand will significantly increase by 2020 by raising the cropping intensity by covering more area in rabi season. This is only due to possible expansion of irrigated areas. Similar situation is also observed in Bhadrak and Bhandaripokhari blocks. 4.7 Water Budget Existing water Total Water Demand Water Gap (BCM) Name of Blocks Surface Ground (BCM) Present Projected Present Projected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bonth 0.3164 0.0770 0.3934 0.0610 0.1207 0.3324 0.2727 Bhadrak 0.2224 0.1080 0.3304 0.0930 0.1543 0.2374 0.1761 Chandbali 0.0720 0.0000 0.0720 0.1159 0.1615 -0.0439 -0.0895 Basudevpur 0.0660 0.0780 0.1440 0.1188 0.1806 0.0252 -0.0366 Bhandaripokhari 0.1901 0.0980 0.2881 0.0700 0.1238 0.2181 0.1643 Dhamnagar 0.0471 0.0370 0.0841 0.1018 0.1447 -0.0177 -0.0606 Tihidi 0.0815 0.0576 0.1391 0.1151 0.1686 0.0240 -0.0295 TOTAL 0.9955 0.4556 1.4511 0.6756 1.0541 0.7755 0.3970

At present more water demand than existing water availability is noticed in two blocks i.e. Chandbali and Dhamnagar. However, in projected scenario, two more blocks i.e. Basudevpur and Tihidi shows more water demand. However, the crop water demand will be multiplied by 2020 due to increase in the cropping intensity by covering more area in rabi season. This is only feasible due to possible expansion of irrigated areas.

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V. Strategic Action Plan for irrigation in Bhadrak district under PMKSY The PMKSY includes Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP), Har Khet Ko Pani, Per Drop More Cropand Watershed development programmes. The Convergence with MGNREGA and all State planned schemes for irrigation are taken into account while preparation District Irrigation Plan of Bhadrak district. 5.1 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (AIBP) One new minor irrigation project i.e. Mahesh Project will be carried out by M.I. department in Bhandaripokhari block with an estimated cost of Rs.200.00 lakh under AIBP programme.

5.1 Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY Total Name of the Connected Command Period of Sl Number/ Blocks/Sub Ministry Component Activity Area/Irigation Implementation Estimated Cost (in Lakh Rs.) No. Capacity Districts Department Potential (Ha) (5/7Yrs) (cum) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2016- 2017- 2018- 2020- 2019-20 17 18 19 21 TOTAL Bhandaripokhari DoLR- New 1 AIBP 1 50.00 5 years 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00 Bhadrak MoRD(MI) project

5.2 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (Har Khet Ko Pani) In Har Khet Ko Pani programme, Department of Water Resources has proposed to take up reconstruction, renovation and restoration of water bodies in 7217.40 ha area with an estimated expenditure of Rs.4075.88 lakhs. The Minor Irrigation Department will also take up RRR activities in 1366.0 ha area with an expenditure of Rs.1024.50 lakhs. OLIC will take up river lift irrigation programme and carry out ground water development works in 3000.00 ha with a cost of Rs.2250.00 lakhs. CADA will take up new projects to create irrigation potential in 2606.0 ha area with an estimated expenditure of Rs.1303.00lakhs while it will take up Extension Renovation and Management (ERM) works in 43703.0 ha with an expenditure of Rs.15897.50 lakhs. Under Har Khet Ko pani programme, total estimated cost of Rs.24550.88 lakhs is earmarked to carry out the aforesaid activities.

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5.2 Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY Connec ted Total Command Period of Sl Name of the Ministr Compo Number/ Area/ Implement No Blocks/Sub Activity Estimated Cost (in Lakh Rs.) y nent Capacity Irrigation . Districts ation Depart (cum) Potential (Ha) (5/7Yrs) ment 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2020- 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 21 TOTAL 1 Major irrigation Salandi division

RRR of Bhadrak 2 370.00 5 years 60.00 60.00 60.00 55.00 55.00 waterbodies 290.00 RRR of Bont 1 140.00 5 years 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 waterbodies 60.00 RRR of Tihidi 3 288.00 5 years 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 waterbodies 200.00 RRR of Basudevpur 4 824.40 5 years 80.00 80.00 80.00 55.00 60.00 waterbodies 355.00 TOTAL 1622.40 195.00 195.00 190.00 160.00 165.00 905.00 Baitarani

division MoWR Har RRR of Bont (DOW Khet ko 31/24.48 1894.18 5 years 300.00 301.33 250.00 250.00 250.00 R) Pani waterbodies 1351.33 RRR of Bhadrak 10/1.465 199.99 5 years 45.00 43.00 40.87 40.00 40.00 waterbodies 208.87 RRR of Bhandaripokhari 19/1.50 1400.83 5 years 85.00 85.00 80.68 80.00 80.00 waterbodies 410.68 TOTAL ` 3495.00 430.00 429.33 371.55 370.00 370.00 1970.88 Jajpur irrigation

division RRR of Bhandaripokhari 1100 5 years 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 waterbodies 3 RRR of Dhamnagar 500 5 years 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 250.00 waterbodies 1 RRR of Bhadrak 500 5 years 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 250.00 waterbodies 1

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2100.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 1200.00 TOTAL SUB

TOTAL 7217.4 1025 824.33 761.55 730 735 4075.88 Surface Minor

Irrigation DoLR- MoRD( RRR 13 1366 5 years 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 24.50 1024.50 MI) Lift Chandbali irrigation (River lift) 25 500.00 5 years 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 375.00 Ground Bhnadaripokhar Water

i Developme nt 20 400.00 5 years 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 300.00 Ground Water Dhamnagar Developme nt 20 400.00 5 years 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 300.00 Ground Water Tihidi 20 400.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 DOWR Developme /OLIC nt 5 years 300.00 Ground Water Bhadrak 25 500.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 Developme nt 5 years 375.00 Ground Water Bont 20 400.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Developme nt 5 years 300.00 Ground Water Basudevpur 20 400.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Developme nt 5 years 300.00 TOTAL 150 3000.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 2250.00 New Basudevpur 50 5 years 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 DOWR project 25.00 /CADA New Bhadrak 524 5 years 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 262.00 project 262.00

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New 133.0 Bont 266 5 years 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 project 0 133.00 New 680.0 Dhamnagar 1360 5 years 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 project 0 680.00 New 203.0 Tihidi 406 5 years 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 project 0 203.00 SUB 1303. 2606 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1303.00 TOTAL 00 Ongoing & 790.1 Bhadrak 8770 5 years 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 3190.19 ERM 9 Ongoing & 1271. Bont 15865 5 years 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 0.00 5771.09 ERM 09 Ongoing & 188.2 Basudevpur 2167 5 years 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 788.27 ERM 7 Ongoing & 107.3 Tihidi 2357 5 years 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 857.39 ERM 9 Bhandaripokhar Ongoing & 872.8 9822 5 years 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 3572.87 i ERM 7 Ongoing & 217.6 Dhamnagar 4722 5 years 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1717.69 ERM 9 SUB 3447. 15897.5 43703 4150.00 4150.00 4150.00 0.00 TOTAL 50 0 TOTAL 46309 4150 4150 4150 0 4751 17201

SUB TOTAL 57892.40 5925.00 5724.33 5561.55 1380.00 5960.00 24550.88

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5.3 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (Par Drop More Crop)

5.3 Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY (Per Drop More Crop)

Comm and Total Period of Name of the Connected Area/ Sl Number/ Implemen Blocks/Sub Ministry Component Activity Irigatio Estimated Cost (in Lakh Rs.) No. Capacity tation Districts Department n (cum) (5/7Yrs) Potenti al (Ha) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2020- 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 21 TOTAL Bhadrak 50 25 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 10.50 5 years Tihidi 50 25 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 10.50 5 years Chandbali Non- 50 25 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 10.50 5 years DPAP Basudevpur Drip 80 40 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 16.85 5 years Bont 200 100 8.41 8.41 8.41 8.41 8.41 42.05 5 years Bhandaripokhari MOA & FW- Per drop 50 25 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 10.50 DAC & FW more crop 5 years

/Horticulture, (Micro 100.9 TOTAL 480 240 20.18 20.18 20.18 20.18 20.18 Odisha Irrigation) 0 Bhandaripokhari 500 200 5 years 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 39.20 Non- Dhamnagar DPAP 500 200 5 years 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 39.20 Sprinkler Bhadrak 875 350 5 years 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 68.60 147.0 TOTAL 1875 750 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 0 SUB 247.9 2355 990 49.58 49.58 49.58 49.58 49.58 TOTAL 0 In Per Drop more Crop (Micro irrigation) programme, 480 nos. of drip irrigation system will be installed which will cover an additional area of 240 ha under irrigation with an estimated cost of Rs.100.90 lakhs in the district. In addition, 750.0 ha will be covered Page | 61 under sprinkler irrigation programme with an expenditure of Rs.147.00 lakh. So for entire district under this programme additional area of 990.0 ha will be brought under irrigation with an estimated cost of Rs.247.90 ha. 5.4 Strategic Action Plan Under PMKSY (Watershed) Under PMKSY (Watershed) programme, state department of soil conservation will construct farm ponds, check dams, nallah bunds which will create an additional 14,780.0 ha of irrigated area with an estimated cost of Rs.9645.00. While state Minor Irrigation division will construct additional check dams which will cover an additional 390.0 ha of irrigated area with an estimated cost of Rs.1088.00. Under this programme, for the entire district, 15,170.0 ha will be brought under irrigation facility with an estimated cost of Rs.10733.00 ha (Table 5.4 and Ch.V1) 5.4 Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY (Watershed)

Comm Period and of Total Area/ Name of the Connected Imple Irigati Sl Number/ menta Blocks/Sub Ministry Component Activity on Estimated Cost (in Lakh Rs.) No. Capacity tion Districts Department Potent (cum) (5/7Yr ial (Ha) s) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2018- 2016-17 2017-18 2019-20 2020-21 19 TOTAL Newly Created WHS Farm Ponds 40 300 5 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 200.00 years Check Dams 40 300 5 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 200.00 years Nallah Bunds Renovated WHS Bhandaripokhari DoLR-MoRD PMKSY 5 4 (Soil Farm Ponds 80 600 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 40.00 Watershed years 400.00 conservation) Check Dams 5 Nallah Bunds 100 750 150.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 years 500.00 215.0 215.0 TOTAL 2250 360.00 360.00 150.00 0 0 1300.00 Newly Created WHS Chandbali Farm Ponds 40 300 5 55.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 25.00 200.00 Page | 62

years 5 Check Dams 50 400 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 years 250.00 Renovated WHS

5 100.0 100.0 Farm Ponds 110 800 150.00 100.00 100.00 years 0 0 550.00 Check Dams 5 100.0 100.0 Nallah Bunds 120 900 200.00 100.00 100.00 years 0 0 600.00 290.0 290.0 TOTAL 2400 465.00 300.00 255.00 1600.00 0 0 Newly Created WHS 5 Farm Ponds 40 300 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 years 200.00 5 Check Dams 35 450 75.00 75.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 years 250.00 Renovated WHS 5 125.0 Basudevpur Farm Ponds 100 750 125.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 years 0 500.00 5 Check Dams 5 30 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 years 15.00 5 100.0 Nallah Bunds 80 600 100.00 80.00 80.00 40.00 years 0 400.00 355.0 TOTAL 2130 355.00 265.00 235.00 155.00 1365.00 0 Newly Created WHS Farm Ponds 20 150 5 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 100.00 Check Dams 40 300 5 60.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 200.00 Renovated WHS Bhadrak Farm Ponds 80 600 5 100.00 100.00 100.0 50.00 50.00 400.00 Check Dams Nallah Bunds 100 750 5 100.00 100.00 200.0 50.00 50.00 500.00 TOTAL 1800 290.00 290.00 360.0 140.0 120.00 1200.00 Newly Created WHS Farm Ponds 30 230 5 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 150.00 Bont Check Dams 33 270 5 60.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 180.00 Nallah Bunds Renovated WHS Page | 63

5 Farm Ponds 100 750 150.00 150.00 80.00 90.00 30.00 years 500.00 Check Dams 5 100.0 Nallah Bunds 80 600 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 years 0 400.00 TOTAL 1850 360.00 330.00 230.0 190.0 120.00 1230.00 Newly Created WHS Farm Ponds 40 300 5 80.00 50.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 200.00 Check Dams 50 400 5 70.00 70.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 250.00 Nallah Bunds Tihidi Renovated WHS Farm Ponds 95 750 5 125.00 125.00 80.00 80.00 40.00 450.00 Check Dams Nallah Bunds 130 1050 5 150.00 150.00 150.0 100.0 50.00 600.00 TOTAL 2500 425.00 395.00 310.00 230.00 140.00 1500.00 0 0 Newly Created WHS Farm Ponds 45 300 5 80.00 50.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 200.00 Check Dams 40 300 5 60.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 200.00 Renovated WHS Dhamnagar Farm Ponds 105 750 5 125.00 125 100 75 75 500.00 Check Dams Nallah Bunds 110 800 5 150.00 150 100 75 75 550.00 TOTAL 2150 415.00 375.00 260.0 200.0 200.00 1450.00 Newly created WHS 0 0 Bhadrak Check Dams 4 60 5 35.00 35 35 35 28 168.00 Tihidi Check Dams 6 90 5 50.00 60 60 44 40 254.00 DoLR-MoRD Basudevpur 5 (Minor irrigation) Check Dams 4 60 30.00 40 30 30 30 160.00 Bont Check Dams 6 90 5 60.00 60 60 40 32 252.00 Dhamnagar Check Dams 6 90 5 60.00 60 60 40 34 254.00 TOTAL 390 235.00 255.00 245.0 189.0 164.00 1088.00 1517 2195.0 1709.0 SUB TOTAL 2895.00 2650.00 1289.00 10733.00 0 00 0 The total budget proposed under PMKSY is Rs.35731.78 lakhs which includes AIBP Rs.200.00 lakhs, Har Khet Ko Pani Rs.24550.88 lakhs, Per Drop More Crop Rs.247.9 lakhs, PMKSY Watershed of Rs.10733.00 lakhs.

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5.5 Convergence with MGNREGA

5.5 Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under convergence with MGNREGA

Command Period Total Sl Name of the Area/ of Connected Number/ No Blocks/Sub Ministry Component Activity Irrigation Impleme Estimated Cost (in Lakh Rs.) Capacity . Districts Department Potential ntation (cum) (Ha) (5/7Yrs) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2016- 2017- 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 17 18 TOTAL Newly Created Bhadrak 150 300 5 years 100 150 150 100 100 600 Water Tihidi 100 200 5 years 50 100 100 100 50 400 Conservation, Basudevpur harvesting,creati 150 300 5 years 100 150 150 100 100 600 100 200 5 years 50 100 100 100 50 400 Bont MoRD on of irrigation Bhandaripokhar (DRDA) canals, land 5 years 50 100 100 100 50 i development 100 200 400 Dhamnaar 150 300 5 years 100 150 150 100 100 600 TOTAL 1500 450 750 750 600 450 3000 Convergenc 5 e with Renovation

Bhadrak MGNREGA 120 240 5 years 50 100 50 50 50 300 Renovation of Tihidi water bodies 120 240 5 years 50 100 50 50 50 300 Basudevpur including 160 320 5 years 50 100 100 100 50 400 Bont desilting & 120 240 5 years 50 100 50 50 50 300 maintenace of Bhandaripokhar 160 320 5 years 100 100 100 50 50 400 i irrigation channel, drains Dhamnagar 120 240 5 years 50 100 50 50 50 300 TOTAL 1600 350 600 400 350 300 2000 SUB TOTAL 3100 800 1350 1150 950 750 5000

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Under convergence programme with MGNREGA, DRDA will take up water conservation, water harvesting, land and canal development woks in 1500 ha with an estimated cost of Rs.3000 .00 lakhs, while renovation of water bodies including desilting and maintenance of channels and drains will be made in 1600 ha with an expenditure of Rs.2000.00 lakhs. For the whole district, under this programme an additional area of 3100.00 ha will be brought under irrigation with a total cost of Rs.5000.00 lakhs. 5.6 State Planned Irrigation Schemes Under state planned irrigation schemes, State Irrigation Department will construct check dams and take up canal improvement works which will bring 2185.0 ha of additional area under irrigation with an estimate cost of Rs.1028.00 lakhs. The State Agriculture Department will dug 2147 nos. of bore wells and shallow tube wells which will bring 9640.0 ha of additional area under irrigation with an estimated cost of Rs.6305.00 lakhs. The Orissa Agro Industries Corporation (OAIC) planned to cover 750.0 ha area under irrigation by micro river lift and community river lift irrigation with an estimated cost of Rs.486.20 lakhs. For the whole district, under state planned irrigation schemes, 12575.0 ha additional area will be brought under irrigation with a total expenditure of Rs.7819.20 lakhs.

5. 6 State Planned Irrigation Schemes

Total Command Sl Name of the Area/ Connected Number/ Period of No Blocks/Sub Ministry Component Activity Irrigation Implementation Estimated Cost (in Lakh Rs.) Capacity . Districts Department Potential (5/7Yrs) (cum) (Ha) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 TOTAL State Planned Scheme of Irrigation Check dam & Bhadrak canal 3 322.00 5 years 45.00 45.00 40.00 40.00 27.00 197.00 improvement Canal Tihidi 1 144.00 5 years 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 State improvement 6 MIP Irrigation Canal Basudevpur (Improvement) 1 50.00 5 years 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 46.00 Department improvement Canal Bont 2 266.00 5 years 35.00 35.00 25.00 15.00 12.00 122.00 improvement Canal Dhamnagar 3 1403.00 5 years 120.00 120.00 123.00 120.00 120.00 603.00 improvement

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TOTAL 2185.00 230.00 220.00 208.00 195.00 175.00 1028.00 Borewell and Jalanidhi 1 shallow 365 1000 5 years 125.00 125.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 575.00 & 2 Bhadrak tubewell Borewell and Jalanidhi 1 shallow 200 400 5 years 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00 & 2 Bont tubewell Borewell and Jalanidhi shallow 506 2020 5 years 300.00 300.00 300.00 290.00 100.00 1290.00 Dhamnagar tubewell State Borewell and Agriculture Jalanidhi shallow 78 1560 5 years 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 170.00 1170.00 Chandbali Deptt. tubewell Borewell and Jalanidhi shallow 364 1880 5 years 300.00 300.00 260.00 200.00 200.00 1260.00 Basudevpur tubewell Borewell and Jalanidhi shallow 322 1940 5 years 300.00 300.00 300.00 230.00 200.00 1330.00 Tihidi tubewell Borewell and Bhandaripokhar Jalanidhi shallow 5 years 100.00 100.00 120.00 80.00 80.00 480.00 i tubewell 312 840 TOTAL 1465.00 1465.00 1345.00 1140.00 890.00 6305.00 9640 Micro RL & Community 5 years 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 86.20 486.20 BKBY OAIC RL 96 750

TOTAL 750 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 86.20 486.20

12575 1795.00 1785.00 1653.00 1435.00 1151.20 7819.20 SUB TOTAL

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V. A Component wise Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation Under PMKSY (Short term) For entire Bhadrak district under PMKSY alongwith with convergence with MGNREGA and state planned irrigation schemes, 89277.40 area will be brought under RRR and new irrigation with an estimated expenditure of Rs.48550.98 lakhs. The additional area will be utilised for coverage under promising rabi crops and kharif crops in different blocks of the district.

Chapter V: 1. Component wise Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation Under PMKSY Name of the State:Odisha Name of the District: Bhadrak Command Area/ Sl Concerned Ministry. Estimated cost (Rs. in lakh) Component Activity Irrigation Period of No Department Potential Implementa 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 (Ha) tion TOTAL DoLR/MoRD (Minor 1 AIBP Irrigation) New project 50.00 5 years 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00

2 MoWR/DOWR RRR 7217.40 5 years 1025.00 824.33 761.55 730.00 735.00 4075.88 DoLR/MoRD (Minor Irrigation) RRR 1366.00 5 years 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 24.50 1024.50 Ground Water Har Khet Ko Pani DOWR/OLIC Development 3000.00 5 years 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 2250.00 New project & DOWR/CADA ERM 46309.00 5 years 4150 4150 4150 0 4751 17201

SUB TOTAL 57892.40 5925.00 5724.33 5561.55 1380.00 5960.00 24550.88 Per drop more crop MOA & FW-DAC & FW Drip & 3 (Minor irrigation) /Horticulture, Odisha Sprinkler 990.00 5 years 49.58 49.58 49.58 49.58 49.58 247.90 Farm pond, DoLR/MoRD (Soil check dam, conservation) Nallah bunds 14780 5 years 2660 2395 1950 1520 1120 9645 4 PMKSY Watershed DoLR/MoRD (Minor Irrigation) Check dams 390 5 years 235 255 245 189 164 1088

SUB TOTAL 15170 2895 2650 2195 1709 1284 10733 PMKSY TOTAL 74102.40 8909.58 8463.91 7846.13 3178.58 7333.58 35731.78 RRR of existing RWHS, 5 Convergence with traditional MGNREGA DRDA WHS, Irrigation 3100 5 years 800 1350 1150 950 750 5000

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structures, Canals and development of new structures Checkdam & canal State Irrigation Deptt. improvement 2185.00 5 years 230.00 220.00 208.00 195.00 175.00 1028.00 Borewell & State planned 6 State Agriculture Deptt. shallow 9640 5 years 1465 1465 1345 1140 890 6305 scheme for irrigation Micro RL and OLIC community RL 750 5 years 100 100 100 100 86.2 486.2

TOTAL 11825.00 1795.00 1785.00 1653.00 1435.00 1151.20 7819.20

GRAND TOTAL 89027.40 11504.58 11598.91 10649.13 5563.58 9234.78 48550.98

ABSTRACT A. Irrigation potential to be created(Ha)

PMKSY AIBP 50 PMKSY-other components HKBP 5,606 WD 5,080 Sub Total (PMKSY) 10736 Convergence with MGNREGA DRDA 1,500 State plan Minor 2,185 Medium 0 Agriculture 10,390 OLIC 750 Sub Total (SIP & Others Scheme) 13,325

TOTAL 25,561

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B. Extension, Strengthening and Restoration of Ayacut (Ha) HKKP RRR 52,286.4 Watershed Renovation 10,480.0 Convergence with Renovation 3,100.0 MGNREGA TOTAL 65,866.4

C. Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation(Ha)

PDMC Non-DPAP Drip 240

Non-DPAP Sprinkler 750

Total 990



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V. B Component wise Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation Under PMKSY (Long term) Under AIBP programme, the irrigated area will expand by 1300.0 ha with an estimated cost of Rs,111100.00 lakh. While under Har Khet Ko Pani Programme, additional 22000.0 ha area will be brought under irrigation with an estimated expenditure of Rs.17694.00 lakh. Under Per Drop More Crop (Minor Irrigation) programme, Rs.750.00 lakh will be spent to increase crop coverage by 3000.ha with use of sprinkler and drip irrigation systems. Under PMKSY Watershed programme, 20030.0 ha will be brought under irrigation with an expenditure of Rs.13078.00 lakh. Convergence with MGNREGA, an additional area of 12,400 ha is targeted to be irrigated with an estimated cost of Rs.14926.00 lakhs. Under state planned irrigation schemes, 23,400.0 ha more area will be irrigated with an estimated expenditure of Rs.12,536.00 lakh. As a whole for Bhadrak district, 93830.0 ha additional area is targeted for irrigation with an estimated cost of Rs.170084.00 lakh.

Chapter V: B. Component wise Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation Under PMKSY (Long term)

Name of the State: Odisha Name of the District: Bhadrak Command Area/ Sl Concerned Ministry. Period of Component Activity Irrigation Estimated cost (Rs. In lakh) No Department Implementation Potential 2021-2025 2026-30 2031-35 2036-40 Total (Ha) Construction & 13000 20 years 57785.00 37785.00 7780.00 7750.00 111100.00 1 AIBP MoWR/DOWR renovation Ground Water DOWR/OLIC Development 12000 20 years 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 14400.00 Har Khet Ko 2 New project, Pani DOWR/CADA strengthening & 10000 20 years 1125 844 500 825 3294.00 TOTAL 22000 4725.00 4444.00 4100.00 4425.00 17694.00 3 Per drop more MOA & FW-DAC & FW crop (Minor /Horticulture, Odisha Drip & Sprinkler 3000 20 years 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 750 Farm pond, check PMKSY DoLR/MoRD (Soil conservation) dam, Nallah bunds 19250 20 years 3580 3140 2400 2110 11230 4 Watershed DoLR/MoRD (Minor Irrigation) Check dams 780 20 years 470 510 490 378 1848 TOTAL 20030 4050 3650 2890 2488 13078 Page | 71

RRR of existing RWHS, traditional WHS, Irrigation 5 structures, Canals and Convergence development of with MGNREGA DRDA new structures 12400 20 years 3200 5400 4600 3800 14926 Checkdam & canal State Irrigation Deptt. improvement 4400 20 years 460 440 416 390 1706 State planned State Agriculture Deptt. Borewell & shallow 19000 20 years 2930 2930 2690 2280 10830 6 scheme for irrigation TOTAL 23400 3390 3370 3106 2670 12536 93830 73337.50 54836.50 22663.50 21320.50 170084.00 GRAND TOTAL

List of proposed new construction works under AIBP and Har Khet Ko Pani Sl Concerned Ministry. Location/ Command Budget Component Activity No Department BLOCK Area/ (Rs. In 1 Kochila Dhamnagar, 3000.00 300.00 MoWR/DOWR AIBP Ardalua Dhamnagar, 3500.00 320.00 Renovation of Chandbali, Tihidi 2000.00 9.75 Malisahi Jora Chanbali 1500.00 4.00 Gajabagi sluice 1000 2.00 Har Khet 2 MoWR/DOWR Jagati bandha Ko Pani on Reba left Dhamnagar 1500.00 3.50 Lengara sluice on Reba 800.00 2.00

TOTAL 13300.00 641.25

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iii. Soil map of the Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Soil map of the Bant Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Soil map of the Basudevpur Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Soil map of the Bhadrak Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Soil map of the Bhandaripokhari Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Soil map of the Dhamnagar Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Soil map of the Tihidi Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Soil map of the Chandbali Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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ii. Slope map of the Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Slope map of the Bant Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Slope map of the Basudevpur Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Slope map of the Bhadrak Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Slope map of the Bhandaripokhari Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Slope map of the Dhamnagar Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Slope map of the Tihidi Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Slope map of the Chandbali Block, Bhadrak district: (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Appendix A : District Map with *available layer of attributes: i. Land Use of the Bhadrak District : (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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ii. Land Use of the District: BANT Block (Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Land Use of the District: Basudevpur Block:(Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Land Use of the District:BhadrakBlock:(Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Land Use of the District:Bhandaripokhari Block:(Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Land Use of the District:Dhamnagar Block:(Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Land Use of the District:Tihidi Block:(Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Land Use of the District:Chandabali Block:(Source: Odisha Space Applications Centre)

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Annexure I Tables for collating information DIP Chapter I: General Information of the District:

Table‐1.1: District Profile




20°43’ to BHADRAK 378 86°16’ to 87° 0’ E 250 235.92 1 21°13’N

Table‐1.2: Demography of Bhadrak district (Total): ( Source: ODISHA CENSUS 2011 DATASHEETS)

CD Total Total Total Total Children Children Total SC SC Total ST ST District Block Households persons Male Female Children Male Female SC Male Female ST Male Female Code Bhadrak 0104 275392 1342264 676485 665779 164005 84430 79575 318823 160628 158195 26980 13648 13332

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Table‐1.2A: Demography of Bhadrak district‐Blockwise (Details): (Source: ODISHA CENSUS 2011 DATASHEETS)

CD Total Childre Househ Total Total Total Childre Total SC SC Total ST District Block Block TRU Childre n ST Male olds persons Male Female n Male SC Male Female ST Female Code n Female Bhadrak 0098 Bant Total 32019 152063 76918 75145 18009 9243 8766 37926 19003 18923 7932 4040 3892 Bhandaripok Bhadrak 0099 Total 28090 127158 63751 63407 14325 7437 6888 29632 14979 14653 4134 2001 2133 hari Bhadrak 0100 Dhamanagar Total 36726 181281 91334 89947 21092 10808 10284 41917 21218 20699 1077 555 522 Bhadrak 0101 Bhadrak Total 45070 217849 110916 106933 26592 13672 12920 42876 21777 21099 11750 5913 5837 Bhadrak 0102 Tihidi Total 39408 194768 97557 97211 23708 12240 11468 58023 28978 29045 619 399 220 Bhadrak 0103 Chandabali Total 47755 250037 126367 123670 32376 16543 15833 56192 28440 27752 885 442 443 Bhadrak 0104 Basudebpur Total 46324 219108 109642 109466 27903 14487 13416 52257 26233 26024 583 298 285 Bhadrak 0104 Sum 275392 1342264 676485 665779 164005 84430 79575 318823 160628 158195 26980 13648 13332

1.3 Biomass & Livestock: (Veterinary Department, Bhadrak District)

Small animals Large animals In Hybrid descriptive Hybrid Poultry Ducks Pigs Sheeps Indigenous Cow Buffalo Buffalo (No.) (No.) (Nos.) Goats (Nos.) (Nos.) Cow (Nos.) (Nos.) (Nos.) (Nos.) Total Basudevpur 54242 989 68 25539 14 71580 6973 973 160378 Bhadrak 42787 1039 249 33615 1057 54315 4696 39 137797 Bhandaripokhari 16331 865 7 13709 197 35796 760 140 67805 Bonth 15537 860 30 13414 125 19823 656 130 50575 Chandabali 13504 1260 30 24200 126 52981 2548 1636 96285 Tihidi 37036 1030 20 13815 191 33669 5650 325 91736 Dhamnagar 12577 890 30 19834 110 48864 1536 669 84510 Total 192014 6933 434 144126 1820 317028 22819 3912 689086

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1.5 Soil Profile of Bhadrak District:

1.5 Soil Profile Source: SLUSI, NBSS, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Department of Land Resources Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Name of the Block: Bonth Soil Type Land Slope Major Soil Classes Area (ha) 0-3%(ha) 3-8% (ha) 8-25% (ha) >25% (ha) HABITATION 0.00 0.00 MATURED, RED & LATERITIC SOIL (ALFISOLS) 32.77 32.77 0.79 MIXED GREY SOIL (INCEPTISOLS) 24216.53 21795.02 UNALTERED SOILS WITH COARSE PARENT MATERIALS (ENTISOLS) 1249.05 931.64 18.18 Unclassified soil (with mud flats) Waterbody 285.57 Total 25783.93

1.5 Soil Profile Source: SLUSI, NBSS, Indian Institute Institue of Soil Science, Department of Land Resources Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Name of the Block: Basudevpur Soil Type Land Slope Major Soil Classes Area (ha) 0-3%(ha) 3-8% (ha) 8-25% (ha) >25% (ha) HABITATION MATURED, RED & LATERITIC SOIL (ALFISOLS) MIXED GREY SOIL (INCEPTISOLS) 42955.76 39311.38 63.48 UNALTERED SOILS WITH COARSE PARENT MATERIALS (ENTISOLS) 1640.83 697.05 33.05 Unclassified soil (with mud flats) 1629.38 1629.38 Waterbody 2171.08 TOTAL 48397.05 Ref: DDA office, Bhadrak

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1.5 Soil Profile Source: SLUSI, NBSS, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Department of Land Resources Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Name of the Block: Bhadrak Soil Type Land Slope Major Soil Classes Area (ha) 0-3%(ha) 3-8% (ha) 8-25% (ha) >25% (ha) HABITATION 375.25 MATURED, RED & LATERITIC SOIL (ALFISOLS) MIXED GREY SOIL (INCEPTISOLS) 32426.36 29260.15 1.47 UNALTERED SOILS WITH COARSE PARENT MATERIALS (ENTISOLS) 1176.04 623.86 2.04 Unclassified soil (with mud flats) Waterbody 279.77 Total 34257.42 Ref: DDA office, Bhadrak

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1.5 Soil Profile Source: SLUSI, NBSS, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Department of Land Resources Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Name of the Block: Bhandaripokhari Soil Type Land Slope Major Soil Classes Area (ha) 0-3%(ha) 3-8% (ha) 8-25% (ha) >25% (ha) HABITATION MATURED, RED & LATERITIC SOIL (ALFISOLS) MIXED GREY SOIL (INCEPTISOLS) 21453.45 18808.33 1.55 UNALTERED SOILS WITH COARSE PARENT MATERIALS (ENTISOLS) 1937.69 1488.80 6.28 Unclassified soil (with mud flats) 0.00 Waterbody 633.89 Total 24025.04 Ref: DDA office, Bhadrak

1.5 Soil Profile Source: SLUSI, NBSS, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Department of Land Resources Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Name of the Block: Chandbali Soil Type Land Slope Major Soil Classes Area (ha) 0-3%(ha) 3-8% (ha) 8-25% (ha) >25% (ha) HABITATION MATURED, RED & LATERITIC SOIL (ALFISOLS) MIXED GREY SOIL (INCEPTISOLS) 50281.18 48089.90 72.24 UNALTERED SOILS WITH COARSE PARENT MATERIALS (ENTISOLS) 3650.64 2331.66 31.38 Unclassified soil (with mud flats) 28.63 28.63 Waterbody 6581.09 Total 60541.54 Ref: DDA office, Bhadrak

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1.5 Soil Profile Source: SLUSI, NBSS, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Department of Land Resources Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Name of the Block: Dhamnagar Soil Type Land Slope Major Soil Classes Area (ha) 0-3%(ha) 3-8% (ha) 8-25% (ha) >25% (ha) HABITATION 115.25 MATURED, RED & LATERITIC SOIL (ALFISOLS) MIXED GREY SOIL (INCEPTISOLS) 22882.11 21343.51 1.06 UNALTERED SOILS WITH COARSE PARENT MATERIALS (ENTISOLS) 1887.46 1057.70 4.02 Unclassified soil (with mud flats) Waterbody 499.75 Total 25384.57 Ref: DDA office, Bhadrak

1.5 Soil Profile Source: SLUSI, NBSS, Indian Institute Institue of Soil Science, Department of Land Resources Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Name of the Block:Tihidi Soil Type Land Slope Major Soil Classes Area (ha) 0-3%(ha) 3-8% (ha) 8-25% (ha) >25% (ha) HABITATION MATURED, RED & LATERITIC SOIL (ALFISOLS) MIXED GREY SOIL (INCEPTISOLS) 30700.04 29193.95 15.00 UNALTERED SOILS WITH COARSE PARENT MATERIALS (ENTISOLS) 1157.44 583.17 5.81 Unclassified soil (with mud flats) Waterbody 252.98 Total 32110.47 Ref: DDA office, Bhadrak

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1.6 Soil Erosion and Run off status for Bhadrak district: data not available.

1.7 Land Use Pattern:

1.7 Land use pattern Name of the State: ODISHA Name of the District: BHADRAK Area in ,000 Ha Area under Ag ricualture

Area Number Tota l Area Name sown Area of Gram Geograp Gross Net Cropping under Area under Sl. more under of the Panchay hical Cropped Sown Intensity Wastelan other uses No. than Forest block at Area Area (1) Area (2) (%) d 1 once (1‐ 2)

2 34567891011 1 Bhadrak 32 35.424 31.84 26.17 5.67 121.66 0.000027 2.797 6.25

2 Basudevpur 204 52.923 36.578 30.376 6.202 120.417 0 4.131 14.857 3 Bhandaripok h 19 23.024 23.851 17.747 6.094 134.33 3.046 2.115 4 Bonth 22 28.23 21.93 18.9 3.03 116.03 0.026 2.294 7.01 5 Chandabali 33 68.411 38.984 35.66 33.24 109.32 0.001 4.02 28.542 6 Tihidi 159 31.644 31.242 21.935 9.307 142.42 0.079 2.518 7.11 7 Dhamnagar 30 24.24 26.214 17.379 8.835 150.83 0 3.577 2.244 Total 499 263.896 210.639 168.167 72.378 895.007 0.106027 22.383 68.128

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2.1 Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation status.

2.1 Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation Status Source: Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of State, Agristant Name of the State: Name of the District: Name of the Block:Bhandaripokhari

Kharif (Area in ha) Rabi (Area in ha) Summer Crop (Area in ha) Total (Area in ha) Crop Type Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Horticulture & Plantation Crops (Area in ha)

A) Cereals 15110 1765 16875 729 729 15839 1765 17604

B) Coarse 2 2 27 27 29 29 Cereals C) Pulses 0 1602 1360 2962 1602 1360 2962

D) Oil 0 417 780 1197 417 780 1197 Seeds E) Fibre 55 0 55

F) Any 795 70 865 1179 1179 1974 70 2044 otherTotal crops 15912 1835 17747 3954 2140 6094 0 0 0 19866 3975 23841 0 0 0

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2.1 Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation Status Source: Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of State, Agristant Name of the State:Odisha Name of the District:Bhadrak Name of the Block:Bhadrak

Kharif (Area in ha) Rabi (Area in ha) Summer Crop (Area in ha) Total (Area in ha) Crop Type Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Horticulture & Plantation Crops (Area in ha)

A) Cereals 22100 2210 24310 240 240 22340 2210 24550

5 5 15 15 20 20 B) Coarse CerealsC) Pulses 2172 1143 3315 2172 1143 3315

645 55 700 645 55 700 D) Oil SeedsE) Fibre 110 110 110 110

1595 150 1745 1400 1400 2995 150 3145 F) Any Totalother crops 23810 2360 26170 4472 1198 5670 0 0 0 28282 3558 31840 Ref: DDA office, Bhadrak

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2.1 Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation Status Source: Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of State, Agristant Name of the State: Name of the District: Name of the Block:Bonth

Kharif (Area in ha) Rabi (Area in ha) Summer Crop (Area in ha) Total (Area in ha) Crop Type Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total

Horticulture & Plantation Crops (Area in ha)

A) Cereals 17135 17135 130 130 17265 17265

6655 1111 B) Coarse CerealsC) Pulses 0 505 435 940 505 435 940

0 340 340 340 340 D) Oil Seeds E) Fibre 135 135 0 135 135

1564 60 1624 1615 1615 3179 60 3239 F) Any otherTotal crops 18840 60 18900 2595 435 30300002143549521930 0 0 0

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Name of the Block:Basudevpur

Kharif (Area in ha) Rabi (Area in ha) Summer Crop (Area in ha) Total (Area in ha) Crop Type Horticulture & Plantation Crops (Area Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigatedin ha) Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total

A) Cereals 15360 13532 28892 2686 2686 18046 13532 31578

2299 1111 B) Coarse C) Pulses Cereals 0 319 480 799 319 480 799

0 513 115 628 513 115 628 D) Oil E)Seeds Fibre 55 0 55

1352 125 1477 2080 2080 3432 125 3557 F)Total Any 16719 13657 30376 5607 595 6202 0 0 0 22326 14252 36578 0 0 0 other crops

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2.1 Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation Status Source: Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of State, Agristant Name of the State:Odisha Name of the District:Bhadrak Name of the Block:Chandbali

Kharif (Area in ha) Rabi (Area in ha) Summer Crop (Area in ha) Total (Area in ha) Crop Type Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total

Horticulture & Plantation Crops (Area in ha)

A) Cereals 5610 27320 32930 2062 2062 7672 27320 34992

15 15 14 14 29 29 B) Coarse C)Cereals Pulses 0 230 110 340 120 110 230

04242 4242 D) Oil E)Seeds Fibre 33 0 33

2540 172 2712 976 976 3516 172 3688 F) Any otherTotal crops 8168 27492 35660 3324 110 3434 0 0 0 11382 27602 38984 0 0 0

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2.1 Area-wise, Crop-wise irrigation Status Source: Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of State, Agristant Name of the State: Name of the District: Name of the Block:Tihidi

Kharif (Area in ha) Rabi (Area in ha) Summer Crop (Area in ha) Total (Area in ha) Crop Type Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Horticulture & Plantation Crops (Area in ha)

A) Cereals 9260 10890 20150 3005 3005 12265 10890 23155

2255 77 B) Coarse C)Cereals Pulses 1970 1587 3557 1970 1587 3557

278 278 278 278 D) Oil SeedsE) Fibre 75 75 75 75

1590 118 1708 2462 2462 4052 118 4170 F) Any otherTotal crops 10927 11008 21935 7720 1587 9307 0 0 0 18647 12595 31242 0 0 0

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Annexure‐I Table‐2.2 Production and Productivity of Crops:

Name of the State: Odisha Name of the District: Bhadrak Name of the Block: BHADRAK Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total Productivi Cost of Cost of Cost of Season Coarse Fibre Any other Name of Production Production Productivity Production Productivity Cereals Pulses Oil Seeds Area (ha) ty or Yield Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cereals Crops crops the crop (qtn/yr) (qtn/yr) (Kgs/ha) (qtn/yr (kgs/ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) A. Kharif 243105001101745 650 Paddy 773301 3181 46875 7889 3430 49125 781190

B. Rabi 240 15 3315 700 0 1400 1198 Jute 0 0 0 42350 38500 34900 42350

Summer Maize 0 0 0 91 1811 35600 91 Horticultural & Plantation Mung 3389 435 20650 8269 566 21150 11658 Total Biri 1710 475 20650 3585 535 21150 5295 Mustard 0 0 0 2184 480 20150 2184 Sunflower 0 0 0 67 1335 33550 67 G.Nut

Name of the Block: TIHIDI Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total Productivi Cost of Productivi Cost of Cost of Season Coarse Fibre Any other Name of Productio Productio Productio Productivi Cereals Pulses Oil Seeds Area (ha) ty or Yield Cultivation ty Cultivation Cultivation Cereals Crops crops the crop n (qtn/yr) n (qtn/yr) n (qtn/yr ty (kgs/ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) A. Kharif Paddy 436248 2165 46875 91759 3074 49125 528007 B. Rabi Jute 0 0 0 25313 33750 34900 25313 Summer Maize 0 0 0 31 1530 35600 31 Horticultu ral & Plantatio n Mung 4456 511 20650 6758 620 21150 11214 Total Biri 2743 389 20650 4385 538 21150 7128 Mustard 0 0 0 713 475 20150 713 Sunflower 0 0 0 1028 1285 33550 1028 G.Nut0000000

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Name of the Block: BASUDEVPUR Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total Productivi Cost of Productivi Cost of Cost of Season Coarse Fibre Any other Name of Productio Productio Productio Productivi Cereals Pulses Oil Seeds Area (ha) ty or Yield Cultivation ty Cultivation Cultivation Cereals Crops crops the crop n (qtn/yr) n (qtn/yr) n (qtn/yr ty (kgs/ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) A. Kharif Paddy 811287 2808 46875 84829 3170 49125 896116 B. Rabi Jute 0 0 0 1418 28350 34900 1418 Summer Maize 0 0 0 193 1756 35600 193 Horticultu ral & Plantatio n Mung 0 0 0 1643 530 24450 1643 Total Biri 2002 445 20650 0 0 0 2002 Mustard 0 0 0 1088 473 20150 1088 Sunflower 0 0 0 2792 1396 33550 2792 G.Nut

Name of the Block: CHANDBALI

Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total Productivity Cost of Cost of Cost of Season Coarse Any other Name of the Production Production Productivity Production Productivity Cereals Pulses Oil Seeds Fibre Crops Area (ha) or Yield Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cereals crops crop (qtn/yr) (qtn/yr) (Kgs/ha) (qtn/yr (kgs/ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha)

A. Kharif Paddy 618755 1879 46875 58291 2890 49125 677046 B. Rabi Jute Summer Maize 0 0 0 415 1430 35600 415

Mung 99 428 20650 320 444 21150 419 Total Biri 348 410 20650 128 510 21150 476 Horticultural Mustard & Plantation Sunflower G.Nut

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Name of the Block: DHAMNAGAR

Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total Productivity Cost of Cost of Cost of Season Coarse Any other Name of the Production Production Productivity Production Productivity Cereals Pulses Oil Seeds Fibre Crops Area (ha) or Yield Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cereals crops crop (qtn/yr) (qtn/yr) (Kgs/ha) (qtn/yr (kgs/ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha)

A. Kharif Paddy 301406 1875 46875 69803 3075 49125 371209 B. Rabi Jute 0 0 0 7520 37600 34900 7520 Summer Maize 0 0 0 332 1746 35600 332

Horticultural Mung 4558 518 20650 3175 590 21150 7715 &Total Plantation Biri 9006 570 20650 5601 601 21150 14607 Mustard Sunflower 0 0 0 358 1280 33550 358 G.Nut 0 0 0 4074 2680 46300 4074

Name of the Block: BHANDARIPOKHARI

Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total Productivity Cost of Cost of Cost of Season Coarse Any other Name of the Production Production Productivity Production Productivity Cereals Pulses Oil Seeds Fibre Crops Area (ha) or Yield Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cereals crops crop (qtn/yr) (qtn/yr) (Kgs/ha) (qtn/yr (kgs/ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha)

A. Kharif Paddy 417825 2476 46875 22816 3209 49125 440641 B. Rabi Jute Summer Maize 0 0 0 476 1640 35600 476

Mung 2981 410 20650 5434 637 21150 8415 TotalHorticultural Biri 3309 558 20650 4090 586 21150 7399 & Plantation Mustard 0 0 0 1235 496 20150 1235 Sunflower 0 0 0 1357 1330 33550 1357 G.Nut 11827 1920 44800 6407 2980 46300 18234

Page | 115

Name of the Block: Bonth

Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total

Season Productivity Cost of Cost of Cost of Coarse Any other Name of the Production Production Productivity Production Productivity Cereals Pulses Oil Seeds Fibre Crops Area (ha) or Yield Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cereals crops crop (qtn/yr) (qtn/yr) (Kgs/ha) (qtn/yr (kgs/ha) (Kgs/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha)

A. Kharif Paddy 695338 4058 46875 49312 3945 49125 744650 B. Rabi Jute 0 0 0 70740 52400 34900 70740 Summer Maize 0 0 0 199 1810 35600 199

Mung 1058 470 20650 1581 620 21150 2639 Total Biri 1048 511 20650 1238 576 21150 2286 Mustard 0 0 0 1274 472 20150 1274 Sunflower 0 0 0 580 1288 33550 580 G.Nut

Horticultural & Plantation

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2.3 Irrigation based classification

2.3 Irrigation based Classification Source: Agriculture Statistic, Irrigation Statistic of CWC, Indian Statistic, Open Government Data plat form Name of the State:Odisha Name of the District:Bhabdrak 2.3 Irrigation based Classification Source: Agriculture Statistic, Irrigation Statistic of CWC, Indian Statistic, Open Government Data plat form Irrigated (Area in ha) Rainfed (Area in ha) Block Gross Irrigated Area Net Irrigated Area Partially Irrigated/ Protective Irrigation Un-Irrigated or Totally Rainfed Bhadrak 24348 23810 538 2360 Tihidi 11174 10927 247 11008 Basudevpur 16860 16719 141 13657 Chandbali 8378 8168 210 27492 Dhamnagar 14192 13892 300 3487 Bhandaripokhari 16237 15912 325 1835 Bonth 18900 18840 60 60

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Annexure-I Table-3.1: Status of Water Availability.

3.1 Status of Water Availability Source: CWC, CGWB, District Irrigation and Agriculture office records BCM Per Ha S. No. Sources Kharif Rabi Summer Total Reference 1 Surface Irrigation (i) Canal (Major & Medium Irrigation) 0.289 0.008 0.297 Exe. Engineer, Baitarni Division, Bhadrak (ii) Minor Irrigation tanks (iii) Lift Irrigation/Diversion (iv) Various Water Bodies including Rain Water Harvesting 0.000658 Exe. Engineer, M.I. Division,Balasore (v) Treated Effluent Received from STP (vi) Untreated Effluent (vii) Perennial sources of water 0.84 0.84 Exe. Engineer, Salandi Canal Division,Bhadrak 2 Ground Water (i) Oper Well 0 0.052 0.013 0.065 Exe. Engineer, L.I. Division, Bhadrak (ii) Deep Tube Well 0.208 0.078 0.026 0.312 Exe. Engineer, L.I. Division, Bhadrak (iii) Medium Tube Well 0.057 0.014 0.004 0.075 Exe. Engineer, L.I. Division, Bhadrak (iv) Shallow Tube Wells 0 0.579 0.193 0.772 Exe. Engineer, L.I. Division, Bhadrak

Annexure-I Table-3.2: Status of Ground Water Availability

3.2 Status of Ground Water Availability Source: CGWB

Name of the State: Name of the District:Bhadrak Name of the Block:

Status of Block as per Central Ground Water Board Notification Ground Water (BCM)

Critical Semi-Critical Safe Draft Recharge Gap

Basudevpur Safe 0.0388 0.0779 0.0392

Safe Bhadrak 0.0729 0.1082 0.0353 Bhandaripokhari Safe 0.0629 0.096 0.0332 Bonth Safe 0.0431 0.0772 0.0342 Chandabali Safe 0 1.1006 1.1006 Page | 118 Tihidi Safe 0.0222 0.0372 0.015

Dhamnagar Safe 0.0268 0.0576 0.0308 Reference: Executive Engineer, LIC, Division, Bhadrak

3.3a: Status of CommandArea: Bhadrak block

3.3 Status of Command Area Source: CADA, CGWB Name of the State: Name of the District: Name of the Block: Area in Ha S.No. Name of the Village Name of the Block Information of Canal CommandInformation on the other Services Total Area Cd Tota l A r e aDeveloped Undeveloped Tota l A r e a Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped Area Area Area Area Command Command (4+7) (5+8)

1 2 3 4567891011 1 Erein Bhadrak 760.46 737.24 23.22 2 Tentuligadia Bhadrak 234.42 234.75 3 Palasinga Bhadrak 157.90 157.95 4 Saragadhia Bhadrak 603.51 601.75 1.76 5 Kuntala Bhadrak 283.18 285.18 6 Bhagabanpur Bhadrak 384.54 382.07 2.47 7 Maliaruan Bhadrak 152.26 124.08 28.18 8 Bhadrak 479.02 479.02 0.00 9 Mirjapur Bhadrak 86.88 86.88 0.00 10 Nachhipur Bhadrak 7.58 9.16 11 Paribindhamarpur Bhadrak 90.38 113.18 12 Taragan Bhadrak 363.35 363.65 13 Jitanaga Bhadrak 316.46 316.46 0.00 14 Kedarpur Bhadrak 358.71 358.61 0.10 15 Serapur Bhadrak 132.64 115.39 17.25 16 Goramati Bhadrak 468.41 494.85 17 Haripur Bhadrak 643.20 643.20 0.00 18 Saharada Bhadrak 789.01 789.01 0.00 19 Bania Bhadrak 530.18 528.87 1.31 20 Kodabaruan Bhadrak 710.71 710.34 0.37

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21 Kodagambhiri Bhadrak 538.29 538.12 0.17 22 Chhatish Birajpur Bhadrak 15.45 329.35 23 Palli Bhadrak 358.67 358.35 0.32 24 Atto Bhadrak 612.77 610.78 1.99 25 Toranapada Bhadrak 325.54 324.46 1.08 26 Baranga Bhadrak 504.45 504.45 0.00 27 Sabaranga Bhadrak 1193.26 1191.74 1.52 28 Bhatatira Bhadrak 132.64 140.18 29 Gabasahi Bhadrak 242.63 242.53 0.10 30 Gobindapur Bhadrak 174.00 172.32 1.68 31 Ogalpur Bhadrak 162.28 162.28 0.00 32 Geltua Bhadrak 365.15 367.88 33 Baudpur Bhadrak 187.96 185.17 2.79 34 Panchapada Bhadrak 962.26 963.26 35 Thorada Bhadrak 187.25 187.08 0.17 36 Talanga Bhadrak 1004.61 1006.22 37 Baralapokhari Bhadrak 310.99 310.58 0.41 38 Charampa Bhadrak 709.22 705.82 3.40 39 Bagamara Bhadrak 875.00 875.00 0.00 40 Mathasahi Bhadrak 236.91 165.03 71.88

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40 Mathasahi Bhadrak 236.91 165.03 71.88 41 Susiladeipur Bhadrak 1234.29 1226.23 8.06 42 Daisinga Bhadrak 430.10 430.10 0.00 43 Chadheya Bhadrak 356.20 356.26 44 Ambroli Bhadrak 997.93 997.93 0.00 45 Banitia Bhadrak 810.73 810.73 0.00 46 Jayarampur Bhadrak 217.74 217.34 0.40 47 Bandhagaon Bhadrak 777.70 777.70 0.00 48 Kudiamal Bhadrak 210.69 210.69 0.00 49 Nalagara Bhadrak 165.97 165.97 0.00 50 Srirampur Bhadrak 78.64 78.64 0.00 51 Balanta Bhadrak 228.24 215.82 12.42 52 Tigiria Bhadrak 301.64 228.07 73.57 53 Bahadalpur Bhadrak 329.35 329.35 0.00 54 Asura Bhadrak 320.61 317.34 3.27 55 Ranja Bhadrak 982.54 979.28 3.26 56 Kantapal Bhadrak 18.46 14.71 3.75 57 Samia Bhadrak 167.64 167.64 0.00 58 Dharmasaranbindha Bhadrak 123.81 96.87 26.94

59 Basudevpur Bhadrak 106.85 44.37 62.48 60 Kuapada Bhadrak 31.54 31.48 0.06

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61 Jalanga Bhadrak 882.91 820.47 62.44 62 Chandigaon Bhadrak 585.88 585.73 0.15 63 Chandanpur Bhadrak 15.53 15.53 0.00 64 Olanga Bhadrak 599.49 593.33 6.16 65 Tisalpur Bhadrak 209.23 199.27 9.96 66 Pagada Bhadrak 542.19 542.15 0.04 67 Erada Bhadrak 971.98 646.61 325.37 68 Khorasahi Bhadrak 171.32 171.11 0.21 69 Tagira Bhadrak 260.93 256.6 4.33 70 Chudangapur Bhadrak 278.93 278.64 0.29 71 Kespur Bhadrak 184.19 184.19 0.00 72 Rambhila Bhadrak 1365.96 1363.24 2.72 73 Jagadalpur Bhadrak 202.36 201.47 0.89 74 Sarasatia Bhadrak 107.10 106.70 0.40 75 Kalidashpur Bhadrak 55.79 55.79 0.00 76 Nurupur Bhadrak 78.01 78.01 0.00 77 Bijegangadharpur Bhadrak 1.98 1.98 78 Bental Bhadrak 188.00 188.00 0.00 79 Jagannathpur Bhadrak 241.61 208.40 33.21 80 Bhabanibindha Bhadrak 23.14 23.14 81 Paribindharasalpur Bhadrak 49.23 49.23 0.00 82 Chakabental Bhadrak 100.97 111.53 83 Basalpur Bhadrak 32.51 31.5 1.01 84 Sahaspur Bhadrak 87.94 87.84 0.10 85 Harisankarpur Bhadrak 226.37 203.23 23.14 86 Aharapada Bhadrak 69.86 170.63 87 Gopalabindha Bhadrak 276.60 276.21 0.39 88 Gujidarada Bhadrak 52.30 52.30 89 Panibhandar Bhadrak 291.04 290.6 0.44 Basuapada Bhadrak 220.91 90 Kasalpur Bhadrak 105.13 105.13 0.00 TOTAL:- 32801.28 32610.81 190.47 91

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3.3b: Status of Command Area: Bonth block

3.3 Status of Command Area Source: CADA, CGWB Name of the State:Odisha Name of the District:Bhadrak Name of the Block: Bonth S.No.Name of the Name of the Information of Canal CommandArea in Ha Information on the other Services Command Total Area Village Block Total AreaDeveloped Undeveloped Total Area Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped Area Area Area Area Command Command 1234567891011(4+7) (5+8) 92 Kundi Bonth 17.82 17.04 0.78 93Halaldipah Bonth 139.68 139.96 ani 94 Kandaba Bonth 283.91 269.45 14.46 95 Sahupada Bonth 326.09 248.66 77.43 96Markanda Bonth 86.86 81.19 5.67 pur 97 Tulipada Bonth 95.83 77.27 18.56 98Gopinathp Bonth 188.59 188.59 0.00 ur 99Panichhatr Bonth 45.09 44.21 0.88 a 100 Tajpur Bonth 145.10 145.10 0.00 101 Balikana Bonth 116.14 96.59 19.55 102 Pahadapur Bonth 209.40 209.40 0.00

103 Telanoti Bonth 274.45 267.63 6.82 104 Itua Bonth 119.57 119.57 0.00 TOTAL:- 2637.17 2472.27 164.90 105Chakarapa Bonth 179.57 179.57 0.00 dhi 106Mohantipa Bonth 409.07 388.04 21.03 da

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3.3c: Status of Command Area: Tihidi block

3.3 Status of Command Area Source: CADA, CGWB Name of the State:Odisha Name of the District:Bhadrak Name of the Block: Tihidi Area in Ha S.No.Name of the Name of the Information of Canal Command Information on the other Services Command Total Area Village Block Total AreaDeveloped Undeveloped Total Area Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped Area Area Area Area Command Command (4+7) (5+8) 1234567891011 107 Talapada Tihidi 306.96 226.61 80.35 108 Achaka Tihidi 247.70 226.93 20.77 109Mah aram p Tihidi 635.82 625.91 9.91 ur 110 Gudpal Tihidi 819.68 819.68 0.00 111 Bodhapur Tihidi 117.64 102.57 15.07 112 Jhinkiria Tihidi 52.6 8 4 6.03 6.65 113 Arsa Tihidi 572.49 572.49 0.00 114Kanchanp Tihidi 185.08 168.59 16.49 ur 115 Kalimegha Tihidi 213.07 178.13 34.94

116Mukundap Tihidi 99.72 98.37 1.35 ur

117Bidyadhar Tihidi 262.08 198.47 63.61 pur

118 Bhatapada Tihidi 866.50 694.91 171.59

119 Mirzapur Tihidi 632.86 622.31 10.55 120Man g arajp Tihidi 489.18 435.11 54.07 ur

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121 Dahapania Tihidi 196.62 172.55 24.07

122 Isanpur Tihidi 173.36 173.36 0.00 123 Kubera Tihidi 687.73 615.10 72.63 124 Kasoti Tihidi 80.72 80.72 0.00 125 Jayapur Tihidi 90.73 90.73 0.00 126 Deula Tihidi 398.40 385.57 12.83 127Duteibind Tihidi 23.95 12.04 11.91 ha 128 Barikpur Tihidi 67.10 61.29 5.81 129Gopalama Tihidi 46.18 30.45 15.73 dhava 130 Hatuary Tihidi 164.11 127.14 36.97 131Paliabindh Tihidi 453.98 443.94 10.04 a 132 Nuananda Tihidi 695.71 519.76 175.95 133 Jujharpur Tihidi 152.54 0 152.54 134 Santrapur Tihidi 493.37 424.19 69.18 135 Gajipur Tihidi 218.50 0.00 218.50 136 Radhanga Tihidi 108.21 0.00 108.21 137 Guamal Tihidi 246.90 214.98 31.92 138 Dolasahi Tihidi 384.78 352.30 32.48 139 Sridharpur Tihidi 348.81 348.81 0.00

140Sadanand Tihidi 394.09 372.02 22.07 apur 141Chaka Tihidi 108.40 105.40 3.00 Ag iria 142 Budanga Tihidi 87.25 78.35 8.90 143 Agiria Tihidi 38.21 35.97 2.24 144Haladharbi Tihidi 123.61 99.32 24.29 ndha 145Chakasrid Tihidi 256.06 256.06 0.00 harpur 146Gadadhar Tihidi 35.22 34.21 1.01 pur 147 Gopa Tihidi 155.68 143.28 12.40 Page | 125 148 Kandapur Tihidi 183.72 166.30 17.42 149 Nandapur Tihidi 274.24 196.70 77.54 150 Kanatia Tihidi 72.46 0 72.46

151 Tihidi 229.76 0 229.76 Arjunbind 152ha Tihidi 155.23 0 155.23 Chandraka 153ntbindha Satiuti Tihidi 174.22 0 174.22 154 Tihidi 61.26 61.26 0.00 Barikbindh 155a Badagalo Tihidi 125.36 122.12 3.24 156 Tihidi 270.32 265.42 4.90 Golapokha 157ri Fatepur Tihidi 357.16 357.16 0.00 158 Tihidi 180.84 159.71 21.13 Nischintap 159ur Orada Tihidi 383.03 362.63 20.40 160 Kolha Tihidi 375.36 294.69 80.67 161 Musanga Tihidi 235.88 0 235.88 162 Mangalpur Tihidi 272.45 0 272.45

163 Amarpur Tihidi 117.71 108.22 9.49 164 Sindol Tihidi 560.54 0 560.54 165 Kamaria Tihidi 168.27 0 168.27 166 Senbad Tihidi 84.02 0 84.02 167 Aruha Tihidi 237.47 0 237.47 168 Indriya Tihidi 303.05 0 303.05 169 Tihidi 246.76 0 246.76 Santhapur a TOTAL:- 16800.79 12287.86 4512.93

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3.3c: Status of Command Area: Basudevpur block

3.3 Status of Command Area Source: CADA, CGWB Name of the State:Odisha Name of the District:Bhadrak Name of the Block: Basudevpur Area in Ha S.No.Name of the Name of the Block Information of Canal Command Information on the other Services Command Total Area Village Tota l A r e aDeveloped Undeveloped Tota l A r e a Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped Area Area Area Area Command Command (4+7) (5+8) 12 3 4567891011 170 Albaga Basudevpur 253.63 387.47

171 Chandia Basudevpur 86.89 86.89 0.00

172 Bhasahi Basudevpur 50.64 50.64 0.00 Manmathp 173 Basudevpur 265.39 264.14 1.25 ur 174 Bhoisahi Basudevpur 113.75 113.75 0.00 Narendrap 175 Basudevpur 309.29 283.52 25.77 ur 176 Baulapur Basudevpur 57.73 57.62 0.11

177 Gaudapur Basudevpur 16.62 16.62 0.00

178 Ayatapur Basudevpur 69.47 69.47 0.00

179 Bachhipur Basudevpur 126.30 126.84 Ta m b a k h a 180 Basudevpur 80.20 21.05 59.15 ndi

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180Ta m b a k h a Basudevpur 80.20 21.05 59.15 ndi 181Kamaraga Basudevpur 199.80 1.06 198.74 on 182Nachhibin Basudevpur 116.36 100.92 15.44 dha 183Gobindha Basudevpur 164.94 151.3 13.64 bindha 184Bishnubin Basudevpur 248.40 196.31 52.09 dha 185 Barandua Basudevpur 1011.95 1004.36 7.59

186Chandanp Basudevpur 211.90 210.07 1.83 ur 187Dixitbindh Basudevpur 96.51 85.95 10.56 a 188Madhusud Basudevpur 104.61 98.45 6.16 anpur 189Naichhanp Basudevpur 258.08 266.9 ur 190 Ratanga Basudevpur 538.95 443.15 95.80

191Sangrama Basudevpur 48.62 45.97 2.65 pur 192 Tulamtula Basudevpur 704.69 701.37 3.32

193Harisarana Basudevpur 65.82 65.82 0.00 bindha 194 Bakharpur Basudevpur 57.08 57.08 0.00

195 Kalasia Basudevpur 61.89 61.81 0.08

196 Sunguda Basudevpur 309.82 309.82 0.00

197 Kiapada Basudevpur 274.26 199.23 75.03

198Bagadabin Basudevpur 502.16 136.29 365.87 Page | 128 ayakpur 199 Samia Basudevpur 72.70 49.33 23.37

200 Basathi Basudevpur 129.53 121.09 8.44

201Sukadevp Basudevpur 82.34 12.98 69.36 ur(M.S .) 202 Balibindha Basudevpur 88.49 88.49

203 Sabarpur Basudevpur 106.17 106.17

204Kharida Basudevpur 7.47 7.47 Binayakpu r 205Basudevp Basudevpur 53.10 53.10 ur (M.S .) 206Radhaball Basudevpur 47.73 47.73 avpur

207 Bania Basudevpur 61.37 55.08 6.29

208 Bhagapur Basudevpur 77.61 75.64 1.97

209 Kanthisahi Basudevpur 135.97 121.58 14.39

210 Chhatria Basudevpur 140.97 139.22 1.75

211 Hatpada Basudevpur 135.61 123.14 12.47

212Sanachan Basudevpur 68.05 62.60 5.45 drabhanu pur 213Salamaga Basudevpur 81.47 80.52 0.95 dia 214 Aruha Basudevpur 700.01 677.35 22.66

215Baikuntha Basudevpur 701.38 680.04 21.34 pur 216Brahmani Basudevpur 759.52 717.22 42.30 gaon 217 Sugo Basudevpur 766.81 652.11 114.70

218Sugopatn Basudevpur 92.28 92.28 0.00 a Page | 129 219 Kalyanpur Basudevpur 83.68 44.25 39.43

220Kusunibin Basudevpur 90.19 90.07 0.12 dha

221 Kanjikhia Basudevpur 60.44 60.44

222 Edtal(MS.) Basudevpur 263.64 263.64 0.00

223 Kalidaspur Basudevpur 295.49 286.62 8.87 Kam araga 224dia Basudevpur 87.69 87.11 0.58

225 Makhalpur Basudevpur 142.75 131.64 11.11

226 Basudevpur 110.96 107.11 3.85

227 Jaipur Basudevpur 297.24 281.33 15.91 Badachan 228drabhanu Basudevpur 145.38 145.38 0.00 pur

229 Arandua Basudevpur 436.77 399.33 37.44 Bada 230Anandapu Basudevpur 136.28 117.18 19.10 r Narasingh 231pur Basudevpur 314.63 309.13 5.50

232 Guagaon Basudevpur 416.67 416.67 0.00 TOTAL:- 13596.14 11953.51 1642.63

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Annexure-I Table-3.4: Existing type of irrigation

3.4 Existing type of Irrigation Source: NWDA, CGG Name of the State: Name of the District: Name of the Block:

SourceName of of the Block Surface Irrigation(1) Ground Water (2) Other Sources Treated Water Total Irrigation including effluent extraction Traditional discharged devces/Lift WHS (3) from STP Canal Based Tanks/Ponds/Reservoirs Tubewells Open wells Borewell Electricity Diesel pumpOthers (6) Irrigation Water pump (4) (5) sources extracting Govt. Canal Community /Pvt. Community Individual/ Govt. Govt. Pvt.Community/G Pvt. Govt. Pvt. (1+2+3) units (4+5+6) Canal Ponds Including Pvt. Ponds Reservoir/Dam ovt. Small s

1 2 3 4 5 67891011121314151617181920

SalandiBhadrak 13271 400 13671 Irrig ationBonth 1067 01067 ProjectTihidi 6798 400 7198 Basudevpur 5501 200 5701 Chandabali Creek 6000 6000

Bhadrak 673.89 673.89 Bonth 303.95 303.95 Tihidi 565 565 Basudevpur 59.35 59.35 Dhamnagar 946 946

M.I. Division, Balasore

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Prepared by:

District Level Implementation Committee, Bhadrak, Odisha

Technical support by:

Dr. S. S. Mahapatra, District consultant Associate Director of Research & Professor (Plant Pathology) Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station (OUAT), Ranital Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar

Compiled and edited by:

Dr. A. Khuntia Associate Professor (Agronomy) & Technical Officer, AAS Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa, Ranital,Bhadrak. Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station (OUAT), Ranital,Bhadrak. Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar Dr. Chinmaya Kumar Das Junior Scientist (Plant Breeding & Genetics) Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station (OUAT), Ranital,Bhadrak. Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar

For more information please contact:

Collector & District Magistrate

At/Po: Bhadrak

Dist: Bhadrak

Phone: 06784-25436(O), 06784-240220(R)

+91-9437061000 (M)


Email:[email protected]

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