[email protected] Zakaria el Bakkali
[email protected] Jurian van Dalfsen
[email protected] Eveline van der Schrier
[email protected] Lodewijck Vogelzang
[email protected] COACH Nicolas Dintzner
[email protected] CLIENT Rune van der Meijden
[email protected] FORMER APPLICATION DESIGNER Noud Brasjen
[email protected] COURSE COORDINATORS Martha A. Larson
[email protected] Felienne Hermans
[email protected] Delft University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science July, 2014 FOREWORD This report serves as the official end deliverable for the TI3800 Bachelor Project. This project, also referred to as “Bachelor Eindproject” or “BEP”, is the course that finishes the Bachelor of Computer Science at Delft University of Technology. It is carried out by groups that are given the assignment to work together like a software development team, producing a real product to be used by a real client, solving a real- world problem. In this sense all knowledge that is gained in the three year studies is needed to successfully finish this project. In the case of our team, we have done a very practical project at the Nuon Solar Team. In short: our goal was to reengineer an existing telemetry application for the chase car of the Nuon Solar Car. The contents of the Bachelor Project were revealed on February the 17th. After that, the project would officially start on the 21th of April (Week 17).