The Cultural Landscapes of the Pacific Islands Anita Smith 17

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The Cultural Landscapes of the Pacific Islands Anita Smith 17 World Heritage Convention Cultural Landscapes of the Pacific Islands ICOMOS Thematic study Anita Smith and Kevin L. Jones December 2007 ICOMOS 49-51 rue de la Fédération – 75015 Paris Tel +33 (0)1 45 67 67 70 – Fax +33 (0)1 45 66 06 22 – [email protected] Contents Part 1: Foreword Susan Denyer 3 Part 2: Context for the Thematic Study Anita Smith 5 - Purpose of the thematic study 5 - Background to the thematic study 6 - ICOMOS 2005 “Filling the Gaps - An Action Plan for the Future” 10 - Pacific Island Cultural Landscapes: making use of this study 13 Part 3: Thematic Essay: The Cultural Landscapes of the Pacific Islands Anita Smith 17 The Pacific Islands: a Geo-Cultural Region 17 - The environments and sub-regions of the Pacific 18 - Colonization of the Pacific Islands and the development of Pacific Island societies 22 - European contact, the colonial era and decolonisation 25 - The “transported landscapes” of the Pacific 28 - Principle factors contributing to the diversity of cultural Landscapes in the Pacific Islands 30 Organically Evolved Cultural Landscapes of the Pacific 31 - Pacific systems of horticulture – continuing cultural landscapes 32 - Change through time in horticultural systems - relict horticultural and agricultural cultural landscapes 37 - Arboriculture in the Pacific Islands 40 - Land tenure and settlement patterns 40 - Social systems and village structures 45 - Social, ceremonial and burial places 47 - Relict landscapes of war in the Pacific Islands 51 - Organically evolved cultural landscapes in the Pacific Islands: in conclusion 54 Cultural Landscapes of the Colonial Era 54 Associative Cultural Landscapes and Seascapes 57 - Storied landscapes and seascapes 58 - Traditional knowledge: associations with the land and sea 60 1 Part 4: Cultural Landscape Portfolio Kevin L. Jones 63 Part 5: The Way Forward Susan Denyer, Kevin L. Jones and Anita Smith 117 - Findings of the study 117 - Protection, conservation and management 119 - Recording and documentation 121 - Recommendations for future work 121 Annexes Annex I - References 123 Annex II - Illustrations 131 2 PART 1: Foreword Cultural landscapes have the capacity to be read as living records of the way societies have interacted with their environment over time. This record may present highly distinctive settlement patterns, or it may present landscapes that reflect common approaches widely scattered in space and time. Both of these are true for the Pacific where the study of cultural landscapes is opening a large window on particularly distinctive interactions found in the Pacific Islands, which also have strong associations with collective memories of migrations, stories of origins and sacred rituals. The compilation of this study coincided with the first meeting of the World Heritage Committee in the Pacific Islands Region in Christchurch, New Zealand, in June/July 2007. A draft version was presented on that occasion and elicited strong interest and support from Committee members. ICOMOS thematic studies are produced to support possible nominations for World Heritage status through summarising available evidence in a specific theme (original research or survey work is not undertaken), and highlighting the potential of regions to contribute to the World Heritage List. They do not aim to identify outstanding universal value in individual sites – as this could compromise the subsequent assessment process – but provide material that could help States Parties identify potential sites and undertake comparative assessments to show how the value of the sites might be justified and the Word Heritage criteria met. World Heritage sites are inscribed if they can demonstrate outstanding universal value and have in some way been, and still are, influential in a wider than local or national arena. Susan Denyer World Heritage Adviser, ICOMOS Acknowledgements Many people have contributed ideas and data for this study, particularly representatives of the State Parties covered by this study* through workshops that highlighted the need for this work. The study has made use of both published and unpublished material and we are grateful to authors acknowledged in footnotes for their permissions. In particular, the authors wish to acknowledge the help of the following: Matthew Campbell, Tim Denham, Paul Dingwall, Julie Field, Helen Gardner, Ian Lilley, Bronek Kazmierow, Matiu Prebble, Nigel Prickett, Christophe Sand, Matthew Spriggs, Glen Summerhayes, Ariihau Tuheiava, Albert Vaea, Richard Walter, Marshall Weisler, the Alliance Française (Wellington) and the Auckland Museum. 3 The study was supported by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. *States Parties covered by this study: Aotearoa/New Zealand, Chile, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji Islands, France, Great Britain, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Kingdom of Tonga, Kiribati, Niue, Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, United States of America, and Vanuatu. The authors: Dr Anita Smith is an archaeologist who has worked in the Pacific Islands since the early 1990s. Since 2002, she has worked closely with Pacific Island State Parties and the World Heritage Centre to increase capacity in the identification and management of cultural heritage in the Pacific region, and since 2004 on programs associated with the World Heritage Pacific 2009 program. From 2005 – 2007, Anita was the convenor of the Australia ICOMOS World Heritage reference group and she is currently a member of the Australian delegation on the World Heritage Committee. Kevin L. Jones has worked in Thailand and has published many papers and books on aerial photography and the field archaeology of New Zealand, including the recent Penguin Field Guide to New Zealand Archaeology. He currently works for the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai, New Zealand. In preparing this Thematic Study, ICOMOS would especially like to acknowledge the contribution of Anita Smith and Kevin L. Jones who wrote the text, Susan Denyer for her important insights and the International Secretariat (Joan Domicelj and Regina Durighello) who coordinated and edited the study. 4 PART 2: Context for the Thematic Study Anita Smith Purpose of Thematic Study The Pacific Island region spans a quarter of the globe and contains the cultural heritage of more than a two thousand islands ranging from the continental islands of New Zealand and Papua New Guinea to the tiny remote atolls of the central and east Pacific Ocean. This Oceanic world has given rise to traditional indigenous ways of life that are unique to the region and expressed through outstanding cultural landscapes and seascapes, settlements and monuments and in the intangible heritage of traditions, knowledge, stories, song, music and dance. This heritage reflects the common origin and interaction of many Pacific Island societies and the distinct traditional ways of life that have developed in each archipelago. Pacific Island societies include the linguistically diverse communities of Melanesia, those of Polynesia where histories tell of a single homeland and the Micronesians, some of the world’s most isolated communities that attest to the great navigational and seafaring skills of their ancestors. The Pacific Island region is currently one of the most underrepresented regions on the World Heritage List. The reasons for this are many, but central is that few of the Pacific Island countries or territories have documented their cultural heritage places or have legislation to protect them. The character and diversity of cultural heritage places in the region is therefore not well known. This Thematic Study of Pacific Island cultural landscapes is the first regional study of cultural heritage properties in the Pacific Islands to be undertaken in the context of providing comparative data to support the selection of cultural properties for nomination to the World Heritage List. It is an important landmark in the recognition of cultural heritage places in the Pacific Islands, their regional and international significance and the need for heritage conservation policies and programs at national and regional levels to protect and sustain the values these places reflect. The study is an over-view of cultural landscapes in the Pacific Islands, and the various defining characteristics that account for their commonalities as well as their diversity. As such, the study is essentially introductory, a broad analysis of cultural landscapes, from the information that is available, rather than a detailed assessment of possible individual nominations to the World Heritage List. The broad aims of the Thematic Study are to: a) Provide a general understanding of the attributes that characterise cultural landscapes in the Pacific Island, their diversity, the cultural, social and economic processes that have shaped these landscapes, their genesis and their associations; b) Illustrate by means of a portfolio of examples of various types of cultural landscapes found across the region; c) Identify gaps in current knowledge of particular kinds of cultural landscapes and/or sub-regions in order to set priorities for further detailed studies. 5 Background to the thematic study The Pacific Islands are among the least represented regions on the World Heritage List. As part of the World Heritage Committee’s initiatives towards a credible, balanced and representative World Heritage List in 1997, the Third UNESCO World Heritage Global Strategy meeting was held in Suva, Fiji. Representatives of Pacific Island nations noted an
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