Salunga beret

A lightweight lace beret will keep you warm and stylish all winter. This starts with a circular cast-on at the (this is a great technique for , shawls, or anything else that begins in the center of a circle); it ends with a tubular bind-off. The tubular bind-off is one of my favorite techniques—few techniques give me more satisfaction than one that’s been perfectly executed. It’s a bit time-consuming, but the clean look makes it worth the effort.

finished size About 21" (53.5 cm) head circumference, stretched. yarn Fingering weight (#1 Super Fine). Shown here: Spud & Chloe Fine (80% superwash , 20% silk; 248 yd [227 m]/65 g): #7818 Green Bean, 1 skein. needles Size U.S. 3 (3.25 mm): 16" (40 cm) circular (cir) and set of 4 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. notions Markers (m); tapestry needle; smooth, contrasting waste yarn and 10" to 11" (25.5 to 28 cm) diameter dinner plate for blocking. gauge 28 sts and 40 rnds = 4" (10 cm) average gauge in lace patts from charts, worked in rnds.

cold / 91 STITCH GUIDE Salunga SALUNGA BODY CHART, 36 BLUE-SHADED STITCHES 34 In order to keep the pattern properly aligned, it 32 will be necessary to “borrow” 1 stitch from the end of the previous round to work the double 30 decrease at the start of Rnds 46, 48, 50, 58, 28 and 66 (shaded in blue on the chart). Prepare for each “loan” by knitting the previous 26 round to the last stitch, temporarily the 24 last stitch (shaded in blue) to the right needle, 22 remove the marker, return the slipped stitch to the left needle, and replace the marker. 20 Work the blue-shaded double decrease at 18 the start of the following round over the “borrowed” stitch and the next 2 stitches 16 after it. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

1-st repeat inc’d to 34-st repeat

crown knit With dpn and using Emily Ocker’s yo method (see Glossary), CO 5 sts. k2tog Arrange sts on 3 dpn, place marker ssk (pm), and join for working in rnds, being careful not to twist sts. sl 1, k2tog, psso

Work Rnds 1–37 of SALUNGA CROWN no stitch CHART, working each chart row 5 see Stitch Guide times in each rnd, increasing as shown, and changing to cir needle pattern repeat when there are too many sts to fit comfortably on dpn—170 sts; 34 sts each patt rep.

92 / everyday lace Salunga Body *66 *65 64 62 60 *58 *57 56 54 52 *50 *49 *48 *47 *46 *45 44 Thread contrasting yarn through the top of the ribbing 42 to prevent it from stretching while the lace is blocked. 40 38 38-st repeat dec’d to 24-st repeat See Stitch Guide.

body finishing NEXT RND: Work Row 38 of SALUNGA Run a strand of smooth waste BODY CHART 5 times around, inc each yarn threaded on a tapestry needle 34-st patt rep to a 38-st patt rep as through the boundary between the shown—190 sts. body and ribbing. Wash the beret according to the instructions on the Work Rnds 39–66 of chart ball band, then insert the blocking (see Stitch Guide), decreasing as plate into the damp beret. Pull on shown—120 sts rem; 24 sts each patt the waste yarn to prevent the ribbed rep. brim from stretching while the lace pattern is stretched around the Knit 1 rnd even. plate. Set the plate on top of a mug NEXT RND: *K1, p1; rep from * to end. or canister so that air can flow freely on all sides. Allow to air-dry thor- Rep the last rnd until rib measures oughly before removing the plate. 1" (2.5 cm). Weave in loose ends. Use the tubular k1, p1 method (see Glossary) to BO all sts.

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