Approved: March 11, 2021


The meeting was called to order by Chairperson at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, in room 582-N of the Capitol.

All members were present except: Representative Virgil Weigel – Excused

Committee staff present: Adam Siebers, Office of Revisor of Statutes Andrew Finzen, Legislative Research Department Betty Boaz, Committee Assistant Chris Waggoner, Office of Revisor of Statutes Jill Shelley, Legislative Research Department

Conferees appearing before the Committee: Mike Hoeme, Transportation Director, KCC

Others in attendance: No list available

Chairman Proehl called the meeting to order.

Committee and Staff Introductions The Chairman asked members to introduce themselves and state what districts they represent. He then introduced staff to the Committee.

Request for bill introductions The Chairman recognized Representative who requested a bill introduction providing for the proud educator license plate. (rs 0030) Without objection the bill was approved for introduction by the Committee.

The Chairman recognized Representative Nick Hoheisel who requested a bill introduction providing for Braden's Hope distinctive license plates and changing the requirements to begin production on distinctive license plates. (rs 0087) Without objection the bill was approved for introduction by the Committee.

Chairman Proehl recognized Gary Robbins with the Foulston Law Firm on behalf of People for Bikes concerning electric bicycles. (rs 0725). Without objection the bill was approved for introduction by the Committee.

Chairman Proehl recognized Representative who requested a bill introduction

Unless specifically noted, the individual remarks recorded herein have not been transcribed verbatim. Individual remarks as reported herein have not been submitted to the individuals appearing before the committee for editing or corrections. Page 1 CONTINUATION SHEET MINUTES of the Committee on Transportation at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, in room 582- N of the Capitol. concerning antique tags for automobiles. (rs 0063) Without objection the bill was approved for introduction by the Committee.

Chairman Proehl recognized Representative Leo Delperdang who requested a "move over bill". (rs 0062) Without objection the bill was approved for introduction by the Committee.

The Chairman recognized Representative Trevor Jacobs who requested a bill concerning lowering production rates of license plates. (rs 0493) Without objection the bill was approved for introduction by the Committee.

Chairman Proehl requested a bill allowing cement trucks and dump trucks to have license plates on the front of the trucks. (rs 0606) Without objection the bill was approved for introduction by the Committee.

Approve Committee Rules Chairman Proehl drew the Committee's attention to the 2021 Committee Rules that had been sent to each member and asked if anyone had any questions or comments. There were none. Without objection the 2021 Committee Rules were approved.

The Chairman then opened the hearing on HB2007.

Hearing on: HB2007 — Updating motor carrier laws and the regulation of motor carriers by the state corporation commission.

Staff briefed the Committee on this bill (Attachment 1) and answered questions.


The Chairman recognized Mike Hoeme. (Attachment 2) According to Mr. Hoeme HB2007 amends and updates many of the Transportation Division's Economic Statutes to remove outdated language and introduce updates to conform to changes recently adopted in their motor carrier regulations. He referred to this bill as "clean-up" with no changes to current policy issues. He said they had worked with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, KS Highway Patrol and the KS Motor Carriers Association.

There were no other proponents, opponents or neutrals.

Chairman Proehl closed the hearing on HB2007.

Unless specifically noted, the individual remarks recorded herein have not been transcribed verbatim. Individual remarks as reported herein have not been submitted to the individuals appearing before the committee for editing or corrections. Page 2 CONTINUATION SHEET MINUTES of the Committee on Transportation at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, in room 582- N of the Capitol.

Informational briefing:Tom Whitaker, Trucking 101 Chairman Proehl introduced Tom Whitaker who presented an informative "Trucking 101." (Attachment 3) After the presentation Mr. Whitaker answered all the Committee's questions.


The Chairman announced that the next Committee meeting will be on Thursday, January 28th. The Committee will hear HB2014 and have an informational briefing by Julie Lorenz, Secretary of the Department of Transportation.


There being no further business before the Committee the meeting was adjourned.

Unless specifically noted, the individual remarks recorded herein have not been transcribed verbatim. Individual remarks as reported herein have not been submitted to the individuals appearing before the committee for editing or corrections. Page 3