Jeffersonian to Jacksonian Democracy: Core Ideals For each Jeffersonian example listed below, find a Jacksonian parallel (or contradiction). Be sure to support the Jacksonian ideal/opinion with evidence and/or examples.

: The core political value of America is republicanism; citizens have a civic duty to aid the state and resist corruption. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: Jeffersonian values are best expressed through an organized political party. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: It is the duty of citizens to vote. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: The yeoman farmer best exemplifies civic virtue and independence from corrupting city influences; government policy should be for his benefit. Financiers, bankers and industrialists make cities the 'cesspools of corruption', and should be avoided. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: The national government is a dangerous necessity to be instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation or community; it should be watched closely. Jacksonian Democracy: ______ Jeffersonian Democracy: Separation of church and state is the best method to keep government free of religious disputes, and religion free from corruption by government. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: The federal government must not violate the rights of individuals. The Bill of Rights is crucial. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: The federal government must not violate the rights of the states. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: Freedom of speech and press are necessary to prevent tyranny over the people by the government. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: The Constitution was written to ensure the freedom of the people, but "no society can make a perpetual constitution or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation." Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: Citizens have a right to an education no matter their circumstance or status in life. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: The judiciary should be subservient to the elected branches and the Supreme Court should not have the power to strike down laws passed by Congress. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: America has a duty to spread the "Empire of Liberty" to the world, but should avoid "entangling alliances." Jacksonian Democracy: ______

 Jeffersonian Democracy: A standing army and navy are dangerous to liberty and should be avoided. The militia is adequate to defend the nation. Jacksonian Democracy: ______

Helpful Terms: Battle of New Orleans Act Kitchen Cabinet Peggy Eaton Affair Tariff of 1828 Veto

Helpful Resources: Textbook, pp. 321-332