Alleged Fugitive Held We the Satellites THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. ** THURSDAY, MAY S, A-33 ROSEBURG, Oreg., May 8 {IP). 1982 Fastest —James Helton, 51, accused of being an escapee from an Ohio Rules Imperiously, mm Dick Contino Reports May liquid household cleaner prison, was arrested here last NATO Coundl Get in the world! No rinsing night. He was held in jail in lieu For Basic Training of $6,000 bail. Police said Helton But Eyes of Russia Are Upon Her By It*Associated Press King Louis XlV's Stables told them that after escaping By the wage LOS ANGELES, May Associated Press from prison he went to Oklahoma By William L. Ryan There were no increases B.—Thir-| Foreign Analyst currency prices May B.—The French City, where he paid $2,000 down Associated Press News with reform, but teen months ago Dick Contino fled 1 PARIS. BLUKO Sirens shrill, traffic and pedes- were 5-20 per cent. Bread, cabinet yesterday discussed put- reduced One wipe - dirts gonel on an apartment house. He then Fort Ord, Calif., later claiming trians scatter. beef, and footwear for adults went ting the North Atlantic Treaty left for the West Coast. , from panic claustro- A sleek green American car down 5-10 per cent. The result he suffered Council in the former stables of screeches to a halt opposite the was a rude jolt for the workers. phia—“l can’t stand to be fenced I King Louis XIV in Versailles, State Bank Building on Bucha- There was a humming undercur- I ; . ¥:: w/r in.” i Andre Cornu, secretary of state rest’s Kisselev street. Three senti- rent of indignation. Luca was Today Pvt. Contino reports . for arts, proposed this. He said " Dick million nels snap to military attention. fired. But the worker is still being ir Fort for basic training. iit would cost France 800 Escort sadly •• at Ord I ($2.3 million! and the cars, crammed with exploited. The former $4,000-a-week ac-' Jfrancs bodyguards, pull up the ! NATO Council itself a similar sum behind The currency reform evidently cordionist, who served four and 1950 guard opens put the stables in shape and Oldsmobile as a had been dictated by the a half months in a Federal prison to the door. bosses who sit in on the Romanian in | build an annex. Grim and the for draft evasion connection unsmiling, ham- Communist government. Each Ro- with his flight, was inducted into , Another suggestion was to build mer-jawed first lady of Romanian near the manian ministry has a Soviet Army yesterday. NATO its own building steps the Boulogne, out and walks “counsellor” who has power like to troops,” he . Bois de at a cost of 7*a into through more “I’d entertain be rapidly the building than the minister himself. said. “Show business is my life. billion francs is 4 million) to a battalion of security militia and by NATO. Major problems of government But I’m going to do what they tell [ paid police agents. She does not even want to be good NATO is presently in temporary notice the stiff salute of her per- are submitted to Moscow- me. I simply a I OWN The buildings. YOVR soldier.” NAME Russians also direct the security sonal chief. army. Ana Pauker, for all her new The Soviet parade step has four cars, her lavish been introduced by special Soviet riches—her pe- villa, her legion of personal body- inspectors. Soldiers find the TERMS ON mtVKION guards and attendants seems culiar march step difficult. Soviet worried. Nominally, the foreign officers boss the Romanian army, minister, she has just managed to but consider it unreliable. get rid of a few high Communists Youth Taken Over. & who may have been her mortal They have taken over the na- l APPLIANCES enemies in high how RADIO places—but tion’s youth, too. Young The many more are there? How much Workers Union (UTM) is a mass longer will she last in the place organization the Communists [World of power ROOM of she has held since the to youth. Only , AIR-CONDITIONERS-J control UTM Russians obligingly evicted the members can hope for higher monarchy? education. Eyes of Russia Are Upon Her. Romanian children at 14 are The Russians have been watch- considered ready for manual ing her. Even the Defense Minis- labor. If a child is of “bourgeois” ter, Gen. Emil Bodnares, a Ukrain- origin, he likely will be sent into considered ian whom she has her manual labor rather than to sec- ally—how long would he remain ondary school. her friend if she should lose the The youngsters confidence Moscow? And there chafe at Com- RED BOSS OF —Ana Pauker, hammer-jawed first of munist discipline. There are jokes are rumors. lady of Romanian Communism, drives home a point. like this: Two men are sitting in —AP Wirephoto. It was a close squeeze with a restaurant. The man says Vasile Luca. The Finance Minis- first “Hmm.” “Yes,” says the second • power. ports: the past 'goal is to expel many Big, Oversized Cooling mMi^lS ter had a thirst for Even first angrily; In few months!i as as 200,- Free Home Trial man. The man rises ! people Capacity! | Bodnares had feared him. For Ana “Ifyou’re going mass deportations from Bucharest!' 000 from Bucharest and to to talk politics, deportations • Adjusts to Fit Any Window! it was fortunate Luca’s recent I’m leaving.” have been resumed, with city ; extend the to other currency reform caused much 'large] j Romanian cities. The ex- so The Russians pushing the people to remote Exclusive Weathrr-DUI country. gave are being sent places pulsionsj Soviet . . . chaos in the It her are said to be on » Romanian Communists into a and labor camps to make room for the Put In J'gnSGBSSGKKSX I lever. , to eliminate Mitchell—put out Summer a She and Bodnares had speedup of collectivizing farms, ;orders, “unreliable best sgmgmngMXjß , him fired as Finance Minister and new industrial workers. Com-!, ! elements,” make housing available but the peasants are resisting, de- functionaries Vice Premier. They put in a less munist and Russians ;for industrial workers and func- Shown: % H.P., spite confiscations and cruel taxes. Last November all identity and $229.95 gAjyJ ambitious man, Dimitru Petrescu, , cut down on urban con- Other models equally low priced. ' I A mighty tionaries, Lacy's. former president of the sup- bureaucracy presides ration cards were called in by the sumption< of and supply See them at | state over Romanian agriculture. -1 food man- ply commission. Petrescu, coming Bucharest police and returned power! for labor programs. special slave Deportations Reported. with markings. At • from the management division of the endj • Main Store,, Bth & E Sts. N.W. 1207 H Street N.E. reports February Party i the Workers (Communist) Party, Today there are of a new of the Communist j This is the fourth of five • 1239 Good Hope Rd. S.E. • 3100 N. Wash. Blvd., Clarendon, Vo. wave of deportations in the mak- decreed to become articles by I I is himself manageable. Bucharest was i i Mr. Ryan on Russia’s j • Go. & New Hampshire Ares. N.W.* 8511 FENTON ST., Silver Spring, Md. I “workers’ • Luca, at 54, had felt he was go- ing. The Association of Romanian a city” from which all j satellites. 7350 Baltimore-Washington Blvd., College Park, Md. group “unproductive people” Tomorrow; I ing places. A leading Communist Journalists, an exile with would be; Bulgaria’s vest- since 1919, veteran of many jails, headquarters in New York, re- deported. The association says the. i pocket Stalin. he had been a confidante of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, the present boss of the party. It took some doing to get rid of him. Helped Humble Government. Wisconsin Ay.. FrC« Luca had been secretary-gen- ¦ Bladensburg Rd. Siwi’"!!!".* On . r Daily, 10 to 6 Daily, 10 to 6 MYHm , H eral of the National Democratic n llt in PflflfltlM Front in 1944, and had a big part in forcing the government's anti- //» communist majority to bow to Soviet military demands. That Here’s the sensational news you’ve was even before Moscow’s Andrei Y. Vishinsky stormed and raged young King been waiting for: No money down, , at Mihai and forced him from the throne. name your own terms, make your own Luca soon became secretary of the central committee and showed deal at money-saving Electrical Cen- his mettle by destroying the anti- communist opposition. He took part in the Cominform meeting ter, no strings attached! And you that threw Yugoslavia’s Commu- nists out of the Bolshevik family. take your pick of the pack, nothing’s He helped send Peasant Party held back. Every famous name, every leaders to prison. But as Finance Minister, Luca I Iras ran into trouble in January of j lpst item in our whopping stock is in- this year. He decreed that old lei were to be exchanged at rates SBfiJI MWy' cluded. Don’t delay, fly to Electrical ranging all the way up to 400 old RIFR,G,RATORS for one new, on a sliding scale. Mra Wmffl JESS W Center today! At the same time prices were re- Bkß wml duced. The results was chaotic. Jj®" Ulljllffl soio »r 18838 Before currency reform, the SEA,s average ml »otsucz and co. IS JARIC Romanian worker earned Jg 6,000-7,000 a ¦ 1 lei month. Prices currency jNr w,m before reform were like IM%Ji•* . f A man’s suit, rationed, to - up o* • 1 ww a this: KjJSrJik l 8,975 lei, or up to 19,000 on the free market: rationed shoes for women, up to 4,800 and a little higher for men’s; rationed sugar, 56 lei a kilo and 200 on the free market; jam, 240 a kilo, and so f forth. ¦ yh ¦¦ jjjjjjj ‘ B m

HbS, b w H jH BBS.

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