January 23, 2017


Mayor's State of the City Address

1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held January 9, 2017.

3 - 5 2017-01-09 - Regular Council

2. Additions to Agenda:



(a) WRED Delegation - Twila Walkeden

(b) Hospital Foundation

7 - 22 (c) Snowmobile Club - Kirk Dammann Council - 4. (c) - January 23 - Snowmobile Bylaw Delegation - 2 Council - 4. (c) - January 23 - Snowmobile Bylaw Delegation - 1


23 - 25 (a) Fire Department Report - December, 2016 Council - 5. (a) - January 23 - Fire Dept Report - 2016

27 - 32 (b) Building Department Report - December, 2016 Council - 5. (b) - January 23 - Bldg Report - December

(c) Police Commission - Councillor Van Betuw

33 (d) Leisure Services Commission - January - Councillor Michel Council - 5. (d) - January 23 - LSC Minutes

35 - 37 (e) Public Works & Parks - December, 2016 - Councillor Wheeler Council - 5. (e) - January 23 - Works-Parks Report - December, 2016

39 - 40 (f) Parks Board - Councillor Chessall Council - 5. (f) - January 23 - Parks Board - January, 2017


41 (a) 2016 Business License Annual Report Council - 6. (a) - January 23 - Business License 2016 Annual Report

43 (b) Cash Activity Report - November, 2016 Council - 6. (b) - January 23 - Cash Activity Report - Nov, 2016

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(a) Accounts Payable

45 - 48 (b) Reservoir Request for Proposal Council - 7. (b) - January 23 - Reservoir Upgrade RFP

49 - 50 (c) Property Tax List of Arrears - 2016 Council - 7. (c) - January 23 - Tax Arrears List


51 (a) 2017-3354 - Environmental Committee Establishment Council - 8. (a) - January 23 - Enviro Committee Bylaw


(a) RM of Weyburn Fire Agreement

(b) RM of Griffin Fire Agreement


53 - 54 (a) Development Permit Application - Mobile Concession Council - 10. (a) - January 23 - Dev. Permit - Mobile Concession

55 - 56 (b) Home Occupation Application - Chera's Gifts and Events

Council - 10. (b) - January 23 - Home Occupation Addition




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Present were: Mayor Roy, Councillors Bailey, Chessall, Van Betuw, Michel, Wheeler & Richards, City Manager Smith, Director of Finance Missal, Director of Engineering Abram & City Clerk Richter

RES.NO. Moved by Councillor Michel and Seconded by Councillor Van Betuw that 2017-1 the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on December 19, 2016, be approved as presented.

Carried Unanimously




REPORTS OF COUNCIL: (a) Airport Board - Councillor Michel

(b) Water Treatment Plant Report - Councillor Bailey

(c) Environmental Committee - Councillor Van Betuw

(d) WRED Committee - Councillor Richards

CONSENT AGENDA: (a) Utilities Report - November, 2016

RES.NO. Moved by Councillor Wheeler and Seconded by Councillor Richards that 2017-2 the following item on the Consent Agenda, be accepted as follows: (a) Utilities Report - November, 2016

Carried Unanimously


RES.NO. Moved by Councillor Richards and Seconded by Councillor Wheeler that 2017-3 the purchases in the amount of $795,334.54 from December 17 to January 6, 2017, be passed for payment (the purchases include Quick Pays $100,664.50, Accounts Payable totaling $598,502.75 and Direct Withdrawals totaling $96,167.29).

Carried Unanimously 2017 City Clerk Richter advised that it is normal procedure for Council to make BOARDS AND all appointments to City Boards and Committees at the first Council COMMITTEES meeting of the year and noted that there is only one change from the current list of names on the lists and that is Diana Woon to be appointed to the Parks Board. City Clerk asked that Council pass a resolution to accept the list of Boards and Committee appointments provided.

RES.NO. Moved by Councillor Van Betuw and Seconded by Councillor Michel that 2017-4 the list of individuals on the document provided be and are hereby appointed to Boards and Committees on behalf of the City of Weyburn for the year of 2017 or for the term stated.

Carried Unanimously

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January 9, 2017


OLD BUSINESS: COUNCIL IT Mayor Roy advised Council members that as clarification at the December ALLOWANCE 12th Council Meeting, Council authorized a $600 one time IT Allowance for POLICY - the four year term for each council member for the purchase of hardware or MAYOR ROY software to assist in their council duties. Mayor Roy advised that this was paid out with payroll and therefore was a taxable benefit and as such received tax deduction so Council Members would not have received the full benefit due to tax deductions. Mayor Roy suggested that in the future, Council may wish to take this into consideration and amend the policy in the future.

NEW BUSINESS: HOME City Manager Smith advised of an application from Colleen Sproat to OCCUPATION operate a sewing business from her residence at 504 9th Street NE. Public APPLICATION notice was provided to neighbouring home owners within a 75 meter radius - SEWING with no responses received. Off-street parking is available and the SERVICE applicant only anticipates one customer per day during regular business hours. Therefore it is recommended that approval be given with the conditions provided.

RES.NO. Moved by Councillor Chessall and Seconded by Councillor Bailey that the 2017-5 Home Occupation application from Colleen Sproat to operate a sewing business at 504 9th Street NE (Block 2A, Lots 22-24, Plan AP5285), be approved with the following conditions:  Material deliveries and product pickups, should they occur, will be done between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, and will be provided off-street parking in the driveway of the residence;  No person other than a resident of the dwelling unit shall be engaged in the home occupation as an employee or volunteer; and  No advertisement carrying the address of the dwelling in which the home occupation occurs may be placed in any media. The face of any home business sign on-site must not exceed 0.092 sq m and must be placed within the inside half of the front yard setback.

Carried Unanimously THE Councillor Van Betuw declared a financial interest as a Creeks investor and CREEKS removed himself from his Council seat at 6:24 p.m. REQUEST Mayor Roy welcomed Doug Rogers of the Creeks Development to the meeting to speak to a request he has. Mr. Rogers advised he has two items he would like to address, the first being the storm water management design of the Tatagwa Creek that flows through the Creeks and the second item is deferral of payment of Development Levy on Parcel C.

Councillor Michel inquired of the Director of Engineering if the storm water management plan and detailed design as set out in the letter is acceptable and the Director of Engineering advised he will be satisfied if the information received meets the City of Regina Development standards adopted by Weyburn City Council.

RES.NO. Moved by Councillor Michel and Seconded by Councillor Bailey that 2017-6 Council accept the proposal from Terra Developments to provide a storm water management plan, which is necessary to finalize the Creeks Subdivision and will be prepared by Stantec Consulting, in accordance with the adopted City of Regina Standards.

Councillor Bailey inquired of Mr. Rogers if he had any questions for Council or Administration on meeting the City of Regina standards and Mr. Rogers advised that Stantec is a professional group. Mr. Rogers advised that Stantec advised they will proceed based on the last section of the first paragraph of the Stantec letter. That section states: "Stantec's design memorandum will address the comments put for the to date by the City of Page 5 of 56

January 9, 2017

Weyburn and MPE Engineering as related to Associated's SWMP, necessary to finalize the Creeks Subdivision SWMP. Stantec's Design Memorandum will be prepared in accordance with the current City of Regina Development standards Manual (DSM)."

Carried Unanimously Mr. Rogers second request is deferral of payment of the development levy. Mr. Rogers is wanting to postpone payment from August 28, 2015 to August, 2017. Mr. Rogers stated the agreement would have to be amended for this deferral of payment.

City Manager Smith stated there is a bit of a problem that the City is unsure of and waiting for a response from the contracted City Planner on whether the development permit is valid due to the conditions of the permit not being met and there may need to be another development permit application and approval.

Councillor Bailey inquired that if Mr. Rogers starts work earlier than August, perhaps in May, he would pay the levy in May prior to starting work on the development and Mr. Rogers confirmed that is how the agreement is worded.

Councillor Michel inquired if there was a service agreement signed when the grade beam was installed and the City Manager advised there was not, as Mr. Rogers was in a hurry to get started and get his development permit so the City entered into a development levy agreement to get the project going and now the payment has not been received even though the foundation is in.

RES.NO. Moved by Councillor Michel and Seconded by Councillor Chessall that the 2017-7 request of Terra Developments to postpone payment of the Development Levy on Parcel C to the date in which a Service Agreement is developed and signed by Terra and the City, however payment must be received no later than August 31, 2017.

Councillor Michel inquired of Mr. Rogers if the development levy will be paid regardless by August 31, 2017 and Mr. Rogers agreed, yes they will have it paid by August 31, 2017.

Carried Unanimously Councillor Van Betuw returned to the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

INQUIRIES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS  Councillor Chessall advised there is a new Parks calendar with local pictures and artists and will be sold at City Hall with the proceeds going toward the Tatagwa Parkway.





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WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to regulate the operation of snowmobiles within the corporate boundaries of the City of Weyburn;

NOW THEREFORE, in accordance The Snowmobile Act, 1997, the Council of the City of Weyburn enacts as follows;

1. Notwithstanding Subsection 2 and Schedule "A"of this Bylaw, no person shall drive or operate a snowmobile, whether it is licensed or not, or whether it is capable of being licensed or not in any of the following;

a. street, lane. avenue, highway, boulevard, park or playground within the corporate limits of the City of Weyburn;

b. any public reserve either owned or leased and controlled by the City of Weyburn;

c. any parking lot, parking area. or vacant land owned or leased and controlled by the City of Weyburn unless the City of Weyburn has given its prior approval to designate a snowmobile trail on City owned land.

The operation of licensed snowmobiles shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of The Snowmobile Act. 1997, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on the routes designated in Schedule “A"attached hereto and forming part of this bylaw.

a. It shall be lawfulto operate a snowmobile on the within the corporate limits of the City of Weyburn and on the portion of Eighteenth Street North East and Moore Street for the sole purpose of crossing these highways on the areas as designated and set out in Schedule

b. No person shall operate a snowmobile at a speed greater than forty (40) kilometres per hour on the routes designated as set out in Schedule "A".

c. The snowmobile routes designated in Schedule “A"shall be used solely for the purpose of entering and exiting the corporate limits of the City of Weyburn.

d. Snowmobile operators must follow the rules of the road in accordance with the provisions of The Highway Traf?c Act.

e. It shall be unlawfulfor any operator of a snowmobile to cross Provincial Highway No 13, Provincial Highway No 35 or Provincial Highway No 39 within the corporate limitsof the City of Weyburn_ except by the usage of the Souris River as designated and set out in Schedule “A”of this bylaw.

Notwithstanding Subsection 2 and Schedule no snowmobile shall be operated or otherwise used within 60 metres of any residence.

Allsnowmobile trails within the corporate limits of the City of Weybum as set out in Schedule "A"of this bylaw shall be maintained and properly signed by a snowmobile club or other recognized organization.

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5. Members of Weyburn Police Service are hereby authorized and empowered to seize and impound for a period of up to thirty (30) days; any snowmobile unlawfully operated, kept or placed in contravention of this bylaw.

a. No impounded snowmobile shall be released unless the impounding charges and storage charges, ifany, are ?rst paid.

6. Any person who contravenes any provisions of this bylaw is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction:

a. For the ?rst offense, a ?ne of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term of not less than ?ve (5) days and not more than thirty (30) days;

b. For the second and any subsequent offense.a ?ne of not less than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) and not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1.000.00) and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term of not less than ?ve (5) days and not more than thirty (30) days;

c. Where damage is done to property by an unlawful act under this Bylaw, the presiding Justice of the Magistrate's Court or the Justice of the Peace may adjudge payment of all damages occasioned by the unlawful act and the same shall be applied for the reparation and reconstruction of the property damaged or destroyed.

7. That Bylaw No. 2002-2088 of the City of Weyburn is hereby repealed.

This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect upon approval of the Highway Traf?c Board.


READ a?rst time this 8"‘ day of December ,A.D., 2003.

READ a second time this 8"‘ day of December ,A.D.. 2003.

READ a third time this 22"“ day of December , A.D., 2003 and passed.

I, Cheryl Rommann.City Clerk of the City of Weyburn, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Bylaw No. 2003-3018, passed at a Regular Meeting of the Weybum City Council on the 22"“day of December 2003.

City Clerk

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Robert Smith

From: Marlo Pritohard Sent: April-19-16 5:22 PM To: Robert Smith; Donette Richter; Sean Abram Subject: Re: Tral?c BylawSnowmobiles or should we also have designated routes for ATVS. The argument about getting gas is the same for either 1“ 9 I’ I 2:. n If council does decide to allow snowmobiles on designated trails in the city limits the aspect of speed you bring up is sonething we may want to consider ..lower speed ..and maybe even age of operator must be 16 and hold a valid operator licence ...though we would need to see if that clause would stand legal scrutiny. Interesting discussion though Marlo

St-nt [ruin it\_\ Surnsun; deuce

- Original message -- - From: Robert Smith Date: 2016-04-19 2:14 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Donette Richter.Marlo Pritchard, Sean Abram Subject: RE: Traf?c Bylaw Snowmobiles . .-. ttemhmrailsaftar-a cenaiMwum hwa

Just some thoughts Bob

From: Danette Richter Sent: April-19-16 2:08 PM To: MarloPritchard;RobertSmith; Sean Abram Subject: RE: Traf?c Bylaw Snowmobiles

The only bylaw we have concerning ATV’s/Snowmobilesother than the 20033018 is the attached bylaw (1980-1386 and amending bylaw 1010-3175) and these are just for public property and 2010-3175 was passed to allow the Police Razor in parks/playgrounds, etc. So as it is in these bylaws ATV‘sare not allowed anywhere in the City other than the Police or City owned ATV’s. Therefore, if we leave the snowmobiles as is then we can remove section 46 all together and leave these bylaws alone. If Council wishes to change the snowmobile route then they need to amend 2003-3018 and leave it out of the Traffic Bylaw. If they want something in the traffic bylaw then these bylaws would have to be repealed.

?ondlz arrmm Page 16 of 56

Robert Smith

From: Marlo Pritchard Sent: April-15-16 10:07 AM To: Robert Smith; Donette Richter Cc: Sean Abram Subject: Re: Traffic BylawSnowmobiles

ThanksBob, but is that not why they make Jerry cans??? l have never ?lled up my sled at a pump. Leaving it up to the Association to designate a route into the City ‘may reduce liability somewhat‘ though the City has authorized them to designate a route that may not be the safest....so liability risk may still exist. By leaving it to the Association to designate it takes the authority away from council and really allows them to set the routes as they see ?t, which unless there is a process restricting it could result in designation changes occurring that the City will not be aware of.

My t oughts, but we willleave it for Neilto respond. Marlo

From: Robert Smith Sent: Friday. April 15, 2016 9:56 AM To: Donette Richter Cc: Sean Abram; Marlo Pritchard Subject: Traf?c Bylaw Snowmobiles

advised that a city's perspec e one o the issue 5 l ity and fwe d the bylaw they interpreted that we take some responsibility for it and those who use it. They did say if it is provincially designated the Sask. Snowmobile association insurance covers it. I inquired what happens if they decide to close the trail like they have in the past and someone is injured on it would the insurance still cover even if closed? He said he wasn't sure. l advised that if council was to agree to the trails that it would be my preference that we have some wording to the effect;

That snowmobiles will be allowed in the city of Weyburn providing they stick to routes designated by the Sask. Snowmobile Association.and not put any map in our bylaw. basically if a person wanted to legally ride on a trail they would have to go to the SKSnowmobile Association web site to see where the trails are. My thought is that if we don‘t designate and we don't put the map out then we would have less exposure to liability.

Donette can you run something like this by Neil (lawyerlto get histhoughts on it. Thanks Bob

Robert (Bob) Smith, RMA, IPMA-CP City Manager City of Weyburn 306-8488209 Page 17 of 56

Q, Snowmobile Association Inc.

221 Centre Slreel. I-‘.0. Box 533, , Saskatchewan SDG 4CD Telephone: (306) 7294500 - Fax: (305) 72943505 - Toll Flee (SK only): 1—5oo~499 SLED (7533) 3 - E-mail Address. sasksnow

October 26, 2016

Souris River Snowmobile Club 336 7"‘Ave SE Weyburn, SK S4H 259

Dear Club Executive

RE: New Trail Application

Please be advised that your New Trail Application for the addition of 64 kilometers for a trail to access the City of Weyburn was presented to the SSABoard on October 22, 2016. Your request was approved subject to con?rmation from the City of Weyburn that they have granted your club access into the city. Once our of?ce receives this con?rmation we will update your map to re?ect the addition.

Should you have any questions regarding the ?ndings please contact our Trail FundAdministrator, Leah Thauberger at 306-729-3507 or by email sasksnowmobile@saskteLnet.

Yours in Safe Snowmobiling,

Chris Brewer

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/“" Trail Sustainability Review Program NEWTRAII.APPI.lQ‘l'lOlll FORM € 95.91:“

1. OrlyCld:stlIataremeanbersiIgoodstau\cln¢willnlIeSSAcanapply. 2. FundAdministratorbetweenApril1"andJuly 31"eadayear.

APPI.lCATU$$lSl'l$.IDE'l'|[email protected]:

1. Cornp|etedNew‘|’ra?AppIiI:atiorIFomI. 2. Newua?iden??edm?nmigind'mostw-to-date'RMMap(RurdMm?dpa?ty)wGown landmanuofaxesorcopieswillheawepted. 3. New trail identi?ed on Clubsmost reeentYou Are Here Map, where applicable. 4. signedandcompletedlandusenrmissionformsforallareasthattheproposedtrailwillbeon. Carried unanlmously@AGMJune 20,2009 Copy of all permits and approvals from required agencies for proposed trails. Financial:forthe last3years.

aubuumber: A Club?arne: 393.3 2.1.; $4-ou.«_ugb1&C/ab

Postalcode: 53H Q33

DavPhone= _3Q(-a_B6I__Q?L9_.___ EveninsPhone= .___#":e_-:_\£______

E-Ma?: s- mma : ;- vn Year,Malue&ModelofGmomer: I as Modelofbrag: T I ' ’ x 7 '

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Hasyomchhohhined§med&mmphtedhndmepurIis*onfansfwalaeas?:at wnaruyIaveua??Ie.muuuaun|suun¢uumn,uumuusmerauanar«unnuuaam l0Ianaa1BuFaaaweuuum.OounImdAoaeneusI$IIanureemuu(Ro\1n,eu: V3__..._..N0__!_I0lA____ «val “'94 50%" '3‘? P”‘'‘“‘/'’' 14cc, «:4 ‘-Eybumloo‘t«v5For ‘W’ Please llstsnowmoblle-relatedbusinesses (hotels, motelsgasstationsandotherservices) thatwillbereadsedasaresuitofdrisnewua?andindicate?rehcationsonyourmap.

Business?ame: _ Address: Llqhu-.-;lo_-€12-)L.__ 55_§m::un=L_£er_~L__: 3! I .. 3.! al in I Team!‘9].. L... Sn ?mmgg gag .3:-.zu:e_.hhaA_Beual:¢:.l_ 9'5 ’ EV» "'5 99"; nut Wi?yomdubnoelveawmmide?uuh1gwpponmdae|opdnisuaana?s?PhaseEst mmNmmmm # n-re£.:_._

SC Hasyour club consideredpartnering with surrounding clubs to maintain traits In case of break dawn? Please describeyour plan. A

Whatlsdteexpectedsnowmob?etraf?contllenewtrall? (1)3 ~39! mu! ‘.¢'o _._ 1 ‘S .


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8. Wlmkyowduhshadgetforduedevdoplnauandmalrmecuaneeof??smwum? Ie, nususcuvuuramnuu.Pleasepruvideabudaetslleetlncluanga?expensesanaau

mmm&dwwm ' 9: .‘l we!

9. Wluatlsyourdubsplanfortheaddl?onalvolunteer hoursrequiredto maintainthetrails attherequiredlevels? 1-;u:M! 5’: ...-_-gm 3 mt ,,g4e,.g. gt gig’ L‘,‘J5 so gg? ad Jag; a M gm “J1 155

10.Howwill?nnewuaIladdw?neamecsibl?ty,mnl?ymdsafetyd?IewwlndalualI system? ? gulf Loigldg 3:555 higgj ¥ ' cafe L ' ?g ,§M¢ +

1LDoes?Ienewuallavoldareaswherewndi?omorterralnmakenlmprac?calm maintain a hazard free and aesthetically desirable trail?

Iztxplaitollowttlefo?owingmake?neareasuitablefornewuailz a. Whatisthehistoryofsnowconditionslnthearea? Lou smut

I). what impact willit have on the environment? ?g“

c. Whatwillthelmpactbeonotherlandusersandadiaoentlandoumets? 424 ' 05 ON " ? C. (6 d. Howdosewi??: eua?betoexis?ngregisteredusers5ie.

13.WlIatl1aveyoudonetoensurethesupportof|ocallawenfomementandwhatwastlverrappus.oacuursuu mmMwma?

14. when would your club expect to have the trail Inplace? (gt! d ?g

1s.lstl:ereanopportunltytolnstallpermanenttrallslgnage? 73¢ 5",: 9935 -42.4.-:______.______

Page|3 Page 22 of 56

n. «V 0 mmmmmm (name, please print) (position) the containedand attached to this appucauonistrueand contact, dated this _L3__day of infjnnation—e’li6—-


Appllcationstobesubmitted betweenApril1"andJu|y31"to: saskatchewansnowmohilemsociation 221CentreStmeet Box533 Regina Beach,SK. soeaco

Forassislance pleasecontact: Leah?naubetger, TrailFundAdministrator 315-729-3507

FORSSAOFFICEUSEONLY Date Receivedfrom Ctub: Date of Distribution: Date Receivedfrom Comm! :

Zone 1&4 ' - : ChiefEvaiuatorz Chieflnstructot: SSABoatd Co-Chain’: Pres/CEO Page 23 of 56

Weyburn Fire Department

To: City Manager Robert (Bob) Smith for Regular Council From: Fire Chief Simon Almond Reference: December 2016 Fire Department Activity Report Date: January 4, 2017

Recommendation: -To receive and file

Calls for Service:

There were a total of 14 calls for service in the month of December. 10 of these calls were located in the City of Weyburn and 4 were in the rural areas. Breakdown of calls as follows:

City of Weyburn:

6 automatic fire alarm activations comprised of the following property classifications – 2 x multi residential occupancies, 2 x assembly/industrial occupancies and 2 x residential occupancies. 1 x motor vehicle accident call 2 x public assistance calls 1 x perceived emergency call

Total Calls located in the City of Weyburn = 10

Rural Calls:

1 x Medical assistance (RM of Weyburn). 1 x Fire Alarm (Village of ). 1 x Motor Vehicle Accident (RM of Wellington). 1 x Structure Fire (Village of , dollar loss of approximately $ 100,000.).

Total Calls located in the Rural Area = 4

Fire Prevention & Public Education

22 x Property inspections and/or follow-up inspections conducted. 2 x Fire truck visits (1 school and 1 daycare). 4 x Fire hall tours conducted.

WEYBURN FIRE DEPARTMENT ● 55 – 16th Street ● PO Box 370 Weyburn, Saskatchewan ● S4H 2K6 Phone 306-848-3240 ● Fax 306-842-1766 ● www.weyburn.ca “Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives” Page 24 of 56

Weyburn Fire Department

Training and Professional Development

4 training sessions were held for the Paid on Call Firefighters for a total training time of 58 hours. Career Staff training hours were 36. Training topics included fire attack, chemistry of combustion, auto and machinery extrication, standard operating guideline review and search and rescue procedures.


17 notifications of rural burning were received and forwarded; these are broken down to the rural areas as follows:

RM of Weyburn – 6 RM of Brokenshel- 2 RM of Lomond – 5 RM of Griffin – 2 RM of Wellington – 1 Hamlet of - 1

Battery recycling – a total of 139.4 lbs of batteries were collected and sent away to Retreiv Technologies for recycling.

A foreign exchange student that is currently attending the Weyburn Comprehensive School is presently attending training sessions with the Fire Department. This young man is from Orsay France, where he is a cadet firefighter with his local department and he is comparing fire services and method of operations between his home department and ours. It is important to note that he does not attend emergency responses, but merely attends and participates in our training program.

Career staff concluded the installation of the Christmas decorations prior to the commencement of the holiday season.

Respectfully Submitted

Simon Almond Fire Chief

WEYBURN FIRE DEPARTMENT ● 55 – 16th Street ● PO Box 370 Weyburn, Saskatchewan ● S4H 2K6 Phone 306-848-3240 ● Fax 306-842-1766 ● www.weyburn.ca “Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives” Page 25 of 56

Weyburn Fire Department

WEYBURN FIRE DEPARTMENT ● 55 – 16th Street ● PO Box 370 Weyburn, Saskatchewan ● S4H 2K6 Phone 306-848-3240 ● Fax 306-842-1766 ● www.weyburn.ca “Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives” Page 26 of 56 Page 27 of 56

CITY OF WEYBURN Building Department


6 TTTT .2 W A—~—441$57—4>£Street—N-E~WeyburnrSK~S4HA2 aw * ee - —K6Phone (306) 848—322l~Fax (306) 842-2001

January 10, 2017




During the month of November 2016 the City of Weyburn issued 3 building permits with a total construction value of ?fty two thousand ?ve hundred dollars ($52,500). The permits were as follows;

=4:2 permits issued for a new commercial development with a combined construction value of$12,500; and vial:1permit for residential addition and attached garage with a construction value of $40,000;

Year to date we have issued 71 building permits with atotalconstructionvalue of just under 6.5 million ($6,496,600).

Year to date in November 2015 the City of Weyburn had issued 83 building permits with a total constructionvalue of just over 10.5 million dollars ($10,534,650).

Respectfully submitted,

Amanda Kaufmann Licensed Building Official

Amanda Kaufmann ~ Licensed Building Official Direct Line ~ 306.848.3223 [email protected] www.weyburn.ca Page 28 of 56

Month of November 2016

(9 it it A Report on Building Permitsiissueid pagel

Buildin Permit Number Jobsite Job description Dwellings Value _ Q Block I_’l_am Type Class Approved

2016403 1726 Coteau Ave. PORCH / ATT GARAGE ADD|T|( 0 40,000 3 9 75R37762 RES - ADD 11/17/2016

2o16_402 122B 3rd St. N.E. FITNESS CLUB 0 2,500 24 12 31899 COM - NEW 11/14/2016

2016.401 1650 Ebel Rd MEDICALCANNABISDISPENS; 0 10,000 Unit 102167063 COM - NEW 11/1/2016

Grand Total: 3 0 $52,500


bldg this month.rpt Page 29 of 56

1/10/2017 November 2016 dwm\h\ytd comparerpt City of Weyburn

1 Building Department Monthly Report - Month to Date & Year to Date Comparisons "Permits Issued"

l‘{9_v.e!t1tzs:r. _.I:{9_v_e_r;be.r N.9ysm_ber2015 _ _ 291.6 2916 Novem ..er2015 Month To Date Year To Date Month To Date Year To Date # $ # $ # $ # § Commercial Additions & Alterations 0 0 6 359,000 1 25,000 11 2,966,000 Garage 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 15,000 New 2 12,500 7 2,317,500 1 30,000 3 2,370,000 Repair 0 0 2 13,000 0 0 0 0 ota ommercta 2 $12,500 15 $2,689,500 2 $55,000 15 $5,351,000

Industrial New 0 0 1 400,000 0 0 2 300,000 0 a u ml 0 $0 1 $400,000 0 $0 2 $300,000

Institutional Additions & Alterations 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 983,000 Totaiinstitutional 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 3 $983,000

MH Additions & Alterations 0 0 2 10,000 0 0 0 0 out 0 $0 2 $10,000 0 $0 0 $0

Residential Additions & Alterations 1 40,000 31 951,000 0 0 33 595,400 Gara2e 0 0 17 251,100 1 10,000 21 345,250 New 0 0 4 2,185,000 0 0 7 2,935,000 Repair 0 0 1 10,000 0 0 2 25,000 Total Res?entzal 1 $40,000 53 $3,397,100 1 $10,000 63 $3,900,650

' Total of all permits 3 $52,500 71 $6,496,600 3 $65,000 83 10,534,650

Number of dwellings created $ # $ Singlefamily dwellings 985,000 5 2,160,000 Multiplefamily dwellings 1,600,000 4 675,000 Total dwellings $2,585,000 9 $2,835,000

Building Inspector - Doug Mulhall Page 30 of 56

CITY OF WEYBURN Building Department

( — A e—1—5—7—3“LStreet—NE—Weyburn:SK%‘54 Phone—Ha*K6~66(306) 848-3221~ Fax (306)842-2001

January 10, 2017




Duringthe month of December 2016 the City of Weyburn issued 2 building permits with a total construction value of two hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($260,000). The permits were as follows;

=4» 1 permit issued for a new restaurant development with a construction value of $200,000; and 7% 1 permit for residential addition and attached garage with a constructionValue of $60,000;

Year to date we have issued 73 building permits with a total construction Value of just over 6.5 million ($6,756,600).

Year to date in December 2015 the City of Weyburn had issued 84 building permits with a total construction value of just over 10.5million dollars ($10,544,650).

Respectfully submitted,

gpé/7%»//U!J. Amanda Kaufmann Licensed Building Of?cial

Amanda Kaufmann~ Licensed Building Official Direct Line - 306.848.3223 akau'[email protected] www.weyburn.ca Page 31 of 56

1/ 3/2017 December 2016 dwm\h\ytd compaIe.rpt City of Weyburn

1 Building Department Monthly Report - Month to Date & Year to Date Comparisons "Permits Issued"

eDeee1nb,er_2016 eD,ecemJ2e_re201/5,,__ ,_ _ _ , 3 3 , ,, Desemb,er,2015 7 eDemn?I:2916 Month To Date Year To Date Month To Date Year To Date # $ # $ # $ # § Commercial Additions & Alterations 0 0 6 359,000 0 0 11 2,966,000 Garage 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 15,000 New 1 200,000 8 2,517,500 0 0 3 2,370,000 Repair 0 0 2 13,000 0 0 0 0 Total Commerczal 1 $200,000 16 $2,889,500 0 $0 15 $5,351,000

Industrial New 0 0 1 400,000 0 0 2 300,000

0a Ila » 0 $0 1 $400,000 0 $0 2 $300,000

Institutional Additions & Alterations 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 983,000 701a?Instztuttonal 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 3 $983,000

MH Additions & Alterations 0 0 2 10,000 0 0 0 0 ota 0 $0 2 $10,000 0 $0 0 $0

Residential Additions & Alterations 0 0 31 951,000 0 0 33 595,400 Garage 1 60,000 18 311,100 0 0 21 345,250 New 0 0 4 2,185,000 1 10,000 8 2,945,000 Repair 0 0 1 10,000 0 0 2 25,000 701a?Res?enttal 1 $60,000 54 $3,457,100 1 $10,000 64 $3,910,650

Total of all Dermits 2 $260,000 73 $6,756,600 1 $10,000 84 10,544,650

Number of dwellings created $ $ # $ Singlefamily dwellings 985,000 10,000 6 2,170,000 Multiplefamily dwellings 1,600,000 0 4 675,000 Total dwellings $2,585,000 1 $10,000 10 $2,845,000

Building Inspector - Doug Mulhall Page 32 of 56

Month of December 2016 | Report on Building Permits issued page 1

Buildin Permit Number gs Job description Dwellings Value I L_o_t Block BE Tyge Class Aggroved

2016.405 95 Government Rd. TACO TIMERESTAURANT 0 200,000 V -- 0OSE38033 COM - NEW 12/21/2016

2016.404 1505 Douglas Rd. ATT GARAGE/ PORCH ADD|T|( 0 60,000 1 19 74R29263 RES - GARAGE 12/21/2016

Grand Total: 2 0 $260,000

bldg this month.rpt Page 33 of 56


CALL TO ORDER at 4:00 p.m.

Present: Councillor Michel, Councillor Wheeler, Councillor Bailey, Lianne Cretin, Director of Leisure Services Warren, Absent: Laure Morrissette, Administrative Coordinator Neiszner

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes for the Leisure Services Commission meeting held on December 13, 2016 are approved as presented. MOTION: Moved by Councillor Bailey Seconded by Councillor Wheeler That the minutes for the Leisure Services Commission meeting held Decembe 13, 2016 be approved. Carried Unanimously

CULTURE & LEISURE PROGRAMMING REVIEW - TEMPLATE Director Warren gave an overview of the template that will be used to review culture and leisure programming offered by the Leisure Services Department. Some additions were made to the template and Director Warren will now start the review process with the Leisure Staff.

CRESCENT POINT PLACE/TOM ZANDEE SPORTS ARENA & WEYBURN LEISURE CENTRE POLICIES & PROCEDURES Director Warren presented the policy and procedures for Crescent Point Place/Tom Zandee Sports Arena and the Weyburn Leisure Centre. There were many questions and great discussion during the presentation.

LEISURE SERVICES REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2016 Members received the November report detailing programming and events happening in the Leisure Services departments for their information.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REPORT AT DECEMBER 31, 2016 Members received a detailed report of the accounts receivable for the Leisure Services department as of December 31, 2016. Outstanding accounts were discussed.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:05 pm.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 4:00 pm.


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P.O. Box 370 55-Sixteenth Street Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 Phone: 306.848.3290 Fax: 306.842.1766

Public Works & Parks Department

January 16, 2017

Public Works & Parks – Monthly Report- December 2016

Sewer & Water

During the months of December the following repairs requiring excavation were conducted:

1-water service connection renewal 2-water service connection repairs 2- curb box repairs utilizing hydro excavation were conducted.

A summary of 2016 repairs requiring excavation:

32-curb box repairs requiring hydro excavation 7-water service connection repairs 4-water service connection renewals 2-sewer service connection repairs 10-sewer service connection renewals 2-water main break repairs 2-hydrant replacements 8-sewer manhole repairs 2-water service disconnects 1- street valve replacement 4-street valve repairs 5-storm sewer catch basin barrel repairs

Regular maintenance and inspection of sewage lift stations, lagoons and storage cells was performed. Pumps at lift station #2 were pulled to remove rags and debris clogging the pumps. We have been experiencing issues with the HVAC system at lift station #1; works continues to resolve these issues.

Water meter installation, repair and maintenance continued through the period. The December city-wide water meter reading cycle was also conducted during the month.

Hydrant inspection was conducted on an ongoing basis to prevent freezing damage on any hydrants with water present in the barrel.

A good portion of sewer & water staff were involved in snow clearing efforts through the month.

Streets & Roads

During the month of December streets and roads crews were almost entirely occupied with snow clearing and removal activities:

-Primary and secondary streets were graded on multiple occasions -Collector streets were graded twice -Residential was completed once in its entirety -Three separate overnight operations were conducted in the downtown core -Downtown parking lots and lanes were cleared -Trouble areas subject to drifting and blockages were cleared on multiple occasions


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P.O. Box 370 55-Sixteenth Street Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 Phone: 306.848.3290 Fax: 306.842.1766

Public Works & Parks Department

-The Airport was cleared on multiple occasions

Prior to November 1st snow removal expenditures for the 2016 calendar year was $80,386.00. As of December 31st that total was $246,120.00 with some contractor work yet to be invoiced. In 2016, $310,500.00 was budgeted for snow removal, based on five year average expenditures.

For clarification all snow clearing/removal activities conducted by, or on behalf of the City are expensed to the snow removal budget. In addition to streets and roads it includes the Airport, sidewalks and trails, City facility parking lots, public parking lots, Cemetery etc.

In January snow clearing operations will continue with the completion of residential, downtown lanes and parking lots, windrow reduction along primary and collector streets, where required, and general cleanup. Any additional snowfall and/or blizzard conditions will result in additional clearing operations.

Regularly scheduled refuse collection occurred throughout the period.

Landfill operations continued throughout the period. The landfill gate operation contract was extended for a period of one (1) year, thru 2017, by mutual agreement between the City and the Contractor. Work continues on the Landfill Operation Plan Study being conducted by Sperling Hansen Associates. The study is expected to be complete in spring 2017.


Parks crews conducted sidewalk and trail clearing through the month of December and assisted with snow clearing operations in other ways such as street sanding and snow trucking.

The outdoor rink was made operational during the month through successive flooding and snow clearing operations.

Cross country ski trails were established in Jubilee and River Parks. Regular grooming is being conducted.

Limited tree pruning was conducted on Tom Hart Drive and Third Avenue NW as crews were required in other areas of operation.

Hillcrest Cemetery transitioned into winter operations with maintenance limited to interments and occasional road clearing.

In 2016, total interments in Hillcrest were as follows:

-22 traditional -21 cremation -6 columbarium -3 scatter garden


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P.O. Box 370 55-Sixteenth Street Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 Phone: 306.848.3290 Fax: 306.842.1766

Public Works & Parks Department


2017 draft budgets were prepared and submitted for Public Works, Parks, Utility Operating, Fleet, Landfill and Hillcrest Cemetery.

A cemetery bylaw amendment report is being prepared and will be submitted in February. It will include a comparison of service fees with other like-sized communities and recommendations for a phased increase in fees along with some changes to operations/regulations.

The software provider for the recently purchased cemetery database is working on the data conversion from the old system to the new. We are hopeful the new system will be up and running sometime in January.

The contract position for River Park Campground Attendant will be awarded in January.

C. Morin Superintendent of Public Works & Parks


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A MEETING OF THE WEYBURN PARKS BOARD Held in the Administrative Board Room at City Hall Held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.

Present: Jeff Chessall, Sean Abram, Laurie Schmidt, Winston Bailey, Linda Prokott, Claude Morin, Gary Anderson Glenn Rogers & Kristine Paul

Absent: Ray Hamm

Motion made by Winston Bailey and seconded by Glenn Rogers that the minutes of the December 5th meeting be accepted as circulated. Carried Unanimously

Additions to Agenda:

g) Other Discussion: River Park Campground Attendant Contract

a) Tatagwa Parkway Calendar

Calendars are done and now available for purchase at the City Hall Engineering Department. The board discussed and established the cost.

Motion made by Gary Anderson and seconded by Glenn Rogers that the cost of the calendar be set at $15.00 plus taxes. Carried Unanimously

b) Cross Country Ski Clinic Follow up

Chairperson Chessall spoke with the Regina Cross Country Ski Club and learned that there were no final details worked out between themselves and former Chairperson Styles regarding the hosting of two ski clinics in Weyburn. Therefore we will re-visit this project in 2018.

c) Winterfest

Winterfest is being held on Family Day, February 20 from 1-3 pm in Jubilee Park. Final event details were discussed, including:

• The Weyburn Wildlife Federation & the Boy Scouts have volunteered to help with the snowshoeing • Weyburn Fire Department will manage the bonfire • Public Works will look at the possibility of building a toboggan hill • Cross country skis: We have a good selection of junior sizes, the high school will be contacted to see if we can borrow adult sizes. Dubnyk will be contacted to see if she and another individual can assist with this activity. • Rotary Club is again doing the hot chocolate & hot dog barbecue • The outdoor rink is consistently maintained & ready to go • Picnic tables and benches will be brought to the venue by Public Works

A pre-event meeting may be necessary with City staff and a couple of board members to finalize any last minute details. Advertising is underway and will increase closer to the event. Should weather not cooperate, the public will be advised of any cancellations as close as possible to the event.

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d) Post Office Bell Update

The plaque has been ordered and will arrive at the end of January. It will be mounted on a post behind the front rail. The board reviewed the copper roof package and costs as provided by Parks Coordinator Linda Prokott, and decided to approve the package as presented less the soffit & fascia as it was felt this could be budgeted for and added next year if desired. Plywood will be painted black and added to the underside of the roof structure.

The board decided to postpone the public opening from February 20 th to April or May when the weather tends to be warmer. Advertising will begin when this date is in place.

g) Other Discussion:

• River Park Campground Attendant Contract

City Staff were made aware Fall of 2016 that long-time River Park Campground attendant, Howard Sutherland, would not be renewing his contract with the City. This is a 20 week annual contract that involves campsite registrations & park maintenance.

Staff advertised the position in the Fall and following interview processes; feel they have chosen the ideal candidate. Staff was seeking feedback on their decision from the Weyburn Parks Board.

Motion made by Glenn Rogers and seconded by Laurie Schmidt that the Weyburn Parks Board is in full support of the City of Weyburn awarding the contract for River Park Campground Attendant to the proposed candidate, Barb Benning, and are satisfied that all necessary and required processes have been met. Carried Unanimously

Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting: Monday, March 6, 2017 @ 12:00 pm, City Hall Administrative Board Room Page 41 of 56

City of Weyburn Business Licensing BUSINESS LICENSE COLLECTION REPORT Business License Reconcilliation Report January 1 to December 31, 2016


Aged Trial Balance Current Arrears Total December 31, 2015 -534.00 0.00 December 31, 2014 -124.00 December 31, 2013 1,541.00


December 31, 2015 -$534.00

Billing Business License 17,770.00 General License 82,877.00 100,647.00

Collections Collections -86,481.00 -86,481.00

Business License Adjustments Adjustments -13,401.00


December 31, 2016 $231.00

Prepared By: City Clerk

Page 42 of 56 Page 43 of 56

City of W1.-yburn Weygbuu?rén Operating Bank Account Activity For the periml ending November 30, 2016 [1115o1~r(m'1‘ ll\ <1n l-'l\-\\CE D£P.\RT\‘lE\'T

7 7


Accnunb Receivable ~ nnsuu-ssL1ccns1:s 245 00 Council Approved Cheques Accoums Rcccxvabl Inancc 77,973 14 Chcqnc 1:1o77e.1 1322 1.250340 14 Accounts Rccc1\‘;.1bIc - Taxes 155.72031 Cnnccllca Cheques 0 00

Accuun1s Rcccxvablcs G1-ncm|~ Rvc - Adm 7,179 61 D1rccx\V1|hdm\\n|s 35.411177 Accoun1s Paxzblc - Lmsun: S1:n‘Iccs 530 00 sumnm 1.33s.4z2.o1 Accounts Pa able-(EST 4.32231 Accounts 1=;nn1a1u. 1-s'r l.c1sun: 13.53 /\rcnunlTn1nsl:ls

Suspense 1 - ocncmFlnancu 10.00900 Dcb1ICardAccount #1 Finance 1500 00 Suspense 1 ~|.c1surc/\dm 15111 Dc1n1cnu1Accnun1~21:nr1r 000 Suspense! - Pol1c1:I)cb11C;.1n.| (1.720 00) DebutCard Acmnnl :13Engineer 335 72 Suspense 2 Lc1su1'cAdrmn D.-1:11cm (7.031 00) Dcb1|CarLl Accuunv-14Pchcc 51003 Suspense 2 - [’lumb1ng |‘1'm111s 495 00 Dcbn cumAccm1n| 145Fire 0 00 suspcnscs - 1.ncn1Xr11pm\'1:1'ncn1s- Fm - I'M 5.522 05 Dcbn Card Accmmi anwumlsnn 307 47 Suspunsc9 - F111- l’cnnvRau11dIng 0 15 Dcb11CardAucm11I|#7 1.cusurc-Ad 0 no Dcrcncd Rcvcnuc - Lcxsurc 111111 (274 75) Dcbu Card Accmml ~11l.:1s1m: Ccmn: 415 10 Tax 1» 1» GIL _ ss 21 Dcnncnsu Accounl #9 w'rr 0 00 Grams - Lclsun: 57.73900 River Park Accnun1 13 so Grams - Pmvxncial- L11\vrsnroncc-nu-nu 231500.39 snmn-u1 10,152.42 Grams - Pmv1nc1:1| - ‘11'onmcnI:1l 12.54594 Grunts - 1>nmncu.1Rcvcnuc Sllanng 2115.19503 Pnymll

Grams ~ Lensurc 3,000 00 1711423 310,210.34 Gmnls - Alrgorl 5,300 62 1711124 357092.32 lnlcrcsl Eammgs - sum 103 71 Rentals ~l,c1sur1' Dcpl 09.70554 snmnm 667,303.55 R1-n1a|s»C1I\' Pmpeny 19041 Fees - Lclsun: 111.70112 ITOTALDISBURSEMENTS I s2.o13.m.69| Fecs ~ Palm: Dcpl 2.230.110 Fccs-Building 15000 I-'inm:e.la11mnln\dj|1s(mtnls Fees-Envlmnmcnl NSFvU11|1n 11613

M15: » Flnancc Admin NSF - Lunsure 54 00

MISC- Fire NSF — mes 493 on

M-sc - l.I:Isur1.' 100 00 same Charms -131.10 1.49099 M151:- Pnncc 10,717 32 Snbluul 2.15122 Donalmns - Leisure 55 as Dunnlmns. Parks 1.00000 \N_uvunber3o.2o16GI. Bunk Baum | s1a.614.142.4a] Cash Balancing so00 rocmrmGI. l7aInncepIu.1Iaml rccctpu . rumm (am! dnhursemervlsl Poslxgc 100 00 NR U|1|111es 27635338 Susptr1sc- Landlill Dcb1|Caml 12.52042; 11\\1\1(1:10\1111\11n\

Refuse mspnsul » Chnrgn:Suspense (30210 42)

Dcfencd Rzwcnnc - Cus1omcrU11l1| 1 Dtpnslls 3,100 00

Ruml sumacs wu1c-n 2 as 00 Fccs - Rcrusu 34,977.19 IlhnkEnding nnlnncc | 10.17973564} Parks |ransfer 1.41595 Pr1:pa1don 400 00 IPlus:0uLs|‘.mdIng|)cpos1ls I 59.54: 401 Unndjuslcd Di11'c:cncc (0 531 Suhlanll 1.154 ‘ 5 [MimmOmslanding Cheques 1 (135037 6211 nxmscr l7EI’0SI'I’S: Ta}. PM’: 292433 00 |?l]11sledan-zk Balnnre I 510.514.142.43] U11I1IyP/\P‘s ss.9a9.s7 Rccrcauon Dcbn M’ rnncIncome 5747 so Pa|1ceD¢b11Mac|11nc Incumc 1.73000 Land?ll Dc|711M:1ch1n1- Income , / CE]?. Bank ln|crcs| lZ.‘1m1ngs Laura .11.ssnI. ?treclor n/Fuvunce sun1u1n1 [TOTALRECEIPTS | 1536,97s.91 | jL\8,2g17~

ncbm Srrulh - my ugtr

ms 2 M 2 Page 44 of 56 Page 45 of 56

CITY OF WEYBURN P.O. Box 370 157 – 3rd Street N.E. Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 Phone: 306.848.3230

To: Robert (Bob) Smith, City Manager From: Sean Abram, Director of Engineering Subject: Resolution to Award RFP - 1st Ave NW Reservoir Upgrades Date: Jan 23, 2017 For: Regular Council


The 1st Ave NW reservoir was constructed in 1959 and has been in operation since that time. The reservoir was cleaned in 2012 as a result of the Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory that was mandated by the Water Security Agency. In 2016 the City was required by the Water Security Agency to complete a Water System Assessment report for the entire City of Weyburn Water System. That report stated:

“Planning should be put in place to replace the pumps and piping in the First Avenue Pump Station. It is proposed to replace the two (2) electric motor driven vertical turbine pumps, valves, fitting, piping, and instrumentation. In addition, VFD’s would be fitted to both pumps. The First Avenue Pump Station requires significant electrical upgrades. The existing reservoir hatch requires sealing to allow for watertightness. The existing chlorine gas feed system is not compliant with the Water Security Agency Guidelines for Chlorine Gas Use in Water and Wastewater Treatment (EPB 265). Sodium hypochlorite chemical feed system for residual chlorine boosting should be considered.”

The report estimated capital costs for completing the required upgrades at $1,072,000 including engineering and contingency but excluding taxes.

In anticipation of the findings of the Water Assessment Report a Request for Proposal was issued to three Saskatchewan based engineering firms; proposals were received on November 10, 2017. All three firms submitted proposals; a copy of the Request for Proposal is attached for your reference.

The attached photographs illustrate the current condition of the facility.

For the last two years the Water Security Agency as part of their annual Compliance Inspection has stated “First Avenue Reservoir Piping and Pumping Requires Significant Upgrades”. I am unaware of whether or not similar comments were made during previous year’s inspections.


The three firms invited to submit proposals and which submitted proposal are:

Cushing Terrell Architecture Inc. $76,000.00 MPE Engineering Ltd. $67,506.00 KGS Group $31,000.00


1 | P a g e

Page 46 of 56

CITY OF WEYBURN P.O. Box 370 157 – 3rd Street N.E. Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 Phone: 306.848.3230

In selecting a consultant to undertake work there is more to the analysis that just the bottom line fee.

The City of Weyburn has worked with all three consultants in the past and has always been very happy with the service provided and the product delivered. Proposals were reviewed by me and the Superintendent of the Water Treatment Plant.

The most comprehensive proposal submitted was by MPE Engineering Ltd. and without question provided the clearest and most detailed project methodology and deliverable descriptions. It is very clear what work that will be carried out and the product that will be produced for the City of Weyburn.

MPE has also assisted the City of Weyburn with various projects at the Water Treatment Plant; they have familiarity with the SCADA system that is used and the day to day operation.


As Director of Engineering I recommend that MPE Engineering Ltd. be awarded the contract to complete the design of upgrades to the 1st Avenue Reservoir to bring it in compliance with the requirements of the Water Security Agency.

______Sean Abram, P.Eng, FEC Director of Engineering


2 | P a g e

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CITY OF WEYBURN P.O. Box 370 157 – 3rd Street N.E. Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 Phone: 306.848.3230


3 | P a g e

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CITY OF WEYBURN P.O. Box 370 157 – 3rd Street N.E. Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 Phone: 306.848.3230


4 | P a g e

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2016 Year End Property Tax Arrears (over half preceding years levy) Roll Number Legal Address Amount 505023451 UNIT: 1 PLAN #: 78R61373 787.90 505207150 LOT: 2 BLOCK: 7 PLAN #: 74R32546 888.32 525014000 LOT: 13 BLOCK: 21 PLAN #: 86R50298 1,023.09 515010700 LOT: 4, 5, N1/2 6 BLOCK: 3 PLAN #: G-3621 1,033.60 505021250 LOT: C BLOCK: 4 PLAN #: 89R26628 1,073.11 505014400 LOT: 13 BLOCK: 23 PLAN #: 99SE36354 1,116.47 485009020 UNIT: 20 PLAN #: 102136924 1,348.46 505207250 LOT: 10 BLOCK: 7 PLAN #: 101388955 1,367.65 505002900 LOT: 17 BLOCK: 40A PLAN #: S1405 1,373.01 515116050 LOT: 8 BLOCK: 16 PLAN #: 101409881 1,380.17 505001300 LOT: 31 BLOCK: 9 PLAN #: 102167108 1,401.66 515000700 LOT: 4 BLOCK: 5 PLAN #: 0-888 1,509.15 505214250 LOT: 7 BLOCK: 9 PLAN #: 75R37762 1,579.73 525002650 LOT: 74 BLOCK: 16 PLAN #: 99SE38080 1,581.68 505117800 LOT: 9, 20 BLOCK: 79 PLAN #: T-3932, 101363004 1,600.46 515009650 LOT: 24 BLOCK: 2 PLAN #: G3621 1,634.51 495022000 LOT: 11, 12 BLOCK: 96 PLAN #: S5726 1,700.17 505011250 LOT: 15 BLOCK: 27 PLAN #: 101358479 1,724.39 525005000 LOT: 22,23,24 BLOCK: 22 PLAN #: AO5311 1,798.57 505012250 LOT: 29,35 BLOCK: 47 PLAN #: M4926, 101399441 ext 6 1,820.58 495101050 LOT: 34 BLOCK: 22 PLAN #: 75R46688 1,842.08 485008401 UNIT: 1 PLAN #: 102150267 1,896.86 515118650 LOT: 25 BLOCK: 13 PLAN #: 101393861 1,898.33 515120800 LOT: 14 BLOCK: 10 PLAN #: M4926 1,922.28 515117250 LOT: 16 BLOCK: 16 PLAN #: 101410388 1,970.79 515011250 LOT: 3 BLOCK: 83 PLAN #: AR-4506 2,017.03 494913628 UNIT: 28 PLAN #: 102067141 2,018.63 515011000 LOT: 21 BLOCK: 3 PLAN #: G3621 2,038.88 525010450 LOT: 37 BLOCK: 18 PLAN #: 99SE38080 2,052.69 504916125 LOT: 17, 18 BLOCK: 49 PLAN #: 101421403, 101421380 2,103.01 515002550 LOT: 11 BLOCK: 8 PLAN #: O888 2,103.40 525001300 LOT: 68 BLOCK: 11 PLAN #: 99SE38080 2,119.26 505000600 LOT: 17 BLOCK: 9 PLAN #: M-4926 2,129.30 525027050 LOT: 2 BLOCK: 3 PLAN #: 102171877 2,133.90 495100700 LOT: 40 BLOCK: 22 PLAN #: 75R46688 2,203.26 494914650 LOT: 24, 25 BLOCK: 147 PLAN #: Z-5298 2,236.64 505005600 LOT: 18 BLOCK: 37 PLAN #: S1405 2,277.41 515012050 LOT: 18 BLOCK: 6 PLAN #: 0-888 2,285.51 505006500 LOT: 20 BLOCK: 39 PLAN #: S1405 2,313.59 504900300 BLOCK: 217, 237 PLAN #: 101371508, T1166 2,352.81 495011450 LOT: 19 BLOCK: 3 PLAN #: FZ-4842 2,353.41 505025050 LOT: 5, 6 BLOCK: 31 PLAN #: 101454094 2,359.25 505125500 LOT: 5 BLOCK: 3 PLAN #: T-5162 2,433.31 504934406 UNIT: 6 PLAN #: 101957137 2,450.32 515016975 LOT: A BLOCK: 83 PLAN #: 101981190 2,455.61 505015000 LOT: 6 BLOCK: 25 PLAN #: D2537 2,497.02 505035550 LOT: 11 BLOCK: 34 PLAN #: 99SE35476 2,512.88 505104500 LOT: 53 BLOCK: 4 PLAN #: 62R39077 2,557.82 505108000 LOT: 38, 39, 40 BLOCK: 3A PLAN #: AP5285 2,615.03 515011150 LOT: E & F BLOCK: 82A PLAN #: FT2350 2,617.16 505008700 LOT: 4 BLOCK: 27 PLAN #: D2537 2,701.30 505008400 LOT: 18 BLOCK: 28 PLAN #: 101399632 2,714.18 515002400 LOT: 14 BLOCK: 8 PLAN #: 0-888 2,759.25 495002550 LOT: 18 BLOCK: 5 PLAN #: FZ4842 2,764.36 Page 50 of 56

2016 Year End Property Tax Arrears (over half preceding years levy) Roll Number Legal Address Amount 495112900 LOT: 50 BLOCK: 15 PLAN #: 68R13707 2,829.20 505013050 LOT: 15 BLOCK: 46 PLAN #: M-4926 2,837.70 515113100 LOT: N10' 21, 22 BLOCK: 17 PLAN #: AX-1699 2,839.68 495103800 LOT: 7 BLOCK: 22 PLAN #: 75R23130 2,848.38 495105250 LOT: 26 BLOCK: 21 PLAN #: 75R23130 2,861.46 515011050 LOT: 20 BLOCK: 3 PLAN #: G-3621 2,869.61 505217700 LOT: 17 BLOCK: 14 PLAN #: 77R35154 2,876.65 505005550 LOT: 19 BLOCK: 37 PLAN #: S-1405 2,889.70 505202550 LOT: 24 BLOCK: 2 PLAN #: 64R36228 2,965.79 495100950 LOT: 36 BLOCK: 22 PLAN #: 75R46688 2,983.90 504912700 LOT: 14 BLOCK: 103 PLAN #: AL-2009 2,988.36 505206600 LOT: 1 BLOCK: 5 PLAN #: 74R05478 3,041.91 505122950 LOT: K BLOCK: 75 PLAN #: 60R01524 3,044.78 495006300 LOT: 7 BLOCK: 13 PLAN #: 65R20646 3,117.97 505101850 LOT: 10 BLOCK: 5 PLAN #: 62R39077 3,133.08 505009900 LOT: 11 BLOCK: 7 PLAN #: D2537 3,146.10 495104300 LOT: 16 BLOCK: 21 PLAN #: 75R23130 3,275.14 505003150 LOT: 8, 22 BLOCK: 39 PLAN #: S1405, 101399362 3,318.73 525000850 LOT: 62 MOUNTAIN VIEW BLOCK: 11 PLAN #: 99SE38080 3,376.37 505219000 LOT: 10 BLOCK: 13 PLAN #: 77R35154 3,466.54 495002750 LOT: 6 BLOCK: 7 PLAN #: FZ4842 3,511.70 495106400 LOT: 11 BLOCK: 20 PLAN #: 75R23130 3,523.08 495205700 LOT: 5 BLOCK: 5 PLAN #: 86R48252 3,590.51 495206500 LOT: 44 BLOCK: 6 PLAN #: 86R48252 3,762.22 485104150 LOT: 12 BLOCK: 1 PLAN #: 89R09592 3,767.31 485101950 LOT: 2 BLOCK: 5 PLAN #: 89R09592 3,879.62 495231200 LOT: 14 BLOCK: 8 PLAN #: 101931511 3,960.06 495230450 LOT: 13 BLOCK: 8 PLAN #: 101931511 4,145.61 495230800 LOT: 4 BLOCK: 9 PLAN #: 101931511 4,247.76 485101550 LOT: 10 BLOCK: 5 PLAN #: 89R09592 4,385.47 495231650 LOT: 23 BLOCK: 8 PLAN #: 101931511 4,398.55 495010550 LOT: 33 BLOCK: 11 PLAN #: 75R40066 4,595.66 505200300 LOT: D BLOCK: 1 PLAN #: 70R08477 5,962.79 485000100 BLOCK: R PLAN #: 102136249 9,301.46 505021300 LOT: A, B BLOCK: 4 PLAN #: 89R26628 16,750.36 515233000 BLOCK: 3 PLAN #: 101934974 20,810.63 505226025 BLOCK: F PLAN #: 102045978 28,967.15 505035000 BLOCK: A PLAN #: 79R08707 179,376.87 Total $475,097.10 Page 51 of 56


BYLAW NO. 2017-3354


The Council of the City of Weyburn, in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:

1. City Council shall appoint an Environmental Resource Committee (hereinafter referred to in this Bylaw as the Committee) to consist of not more than nine (9) members, of which at least one (1) member shall be a member of City Council.

2. Appointments to the Committee shall be for a one year term ending on December 31st of each year.

3. The Chairperson of the Committee shall be a member of City Council.

4. The Committee shall hold a minimum of 6 regular meetings per year, as deemed necessary by the Committee.

5. The Committee shall be accountable to the Council of the City of Weyburn, and shall report to Council immediately following each meeting, via the Chairperson.

6. The objectives of the Committee shall be as follows:

a. To identify, support, provide education on, and publicize available methods of recycling and other environmentally friendly practices in and around the City of Weyburn.

b. To aid development of new and/or different methods of recycling and other environmentally friendly practices beneficial to Weyburn and area.

c. To develop a policy regarding recycling and the use of environmentally friendly products for all City departments and employees.

7. The Committee shall:

a. In November of each year, present a budget to City Council for consideration.

b. In November of each year, present a list of priorities to City Council for consideration along with the budget.

8. Bylaw 93-1851 is hereby repealed.

______Mayor City Clerk

Read a first time this 23rd day of January, A.D., 2017.

Read a second time this 23rd day January , A.D., 2017.

Read a third time this 23rd day of January , A.D., 2017 and passed.

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Po. Box 370 157 — 3” Street N.E. Weybum, SaskatchewanS4H 2K6 We Phone: 306.848.3221 THE OPPORTUNITY CITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

T 0: Robert Smith, City Manager From: Amanda Kaufmann, Licensed Building Of?cial

Subject: DevelopmentPermit 2017.002 — Mobile Concession on City Land (Temporary) Date: January 23, 2017 RE: Mobile Concession Stand

Executive Summary A DevelopmentPermit applicationhas been submitted by Karlis Skujins, to operate a mobile concession servinghot chocolate, coffee and snacks, at the Jubilee Outdoor Rink, as well as at the South Hill TobogganHill, throughout the winter months. The concession would be parked next to the outdoorrink and at the top of the toboggan hill. He wishes to operate all days of the week, weather permitting.

Mobile concessionshave been approved on City property previously however they have been monitored by private organizations such as Ag Society and Weybum Minor Ball. Report was sent to City Of?cials for comments or concerns.

Staff Recommendation In the case of the request to operate a mobile concession, this is a typical request for mobile concessionsand presents no particularconcerns providedthe conditionsof approval are compliedwith. It is not expectedthat there will be any negative on-site or off-site impactsto allowing the mobile concessionto access the sites. As it would be a seasonal vendor a new developmentpermitwould be requiredeach year.

Council Decision Options

Option #1 — Council approves the temporary use of the mobile concession at the Jubilee Park Outdoor Rink as well as the South Hill Toboggan hill during the months specified, without further conditions.

Option #2 — Council approves the temporary use of the mobile concession at the Jubilee Park Outdoor Rink as well as the South Hill Toboggan hill during the months speci?ed, subject to the following conditions: 0 Approval from public health inspectorto be submitted,demonstratingthat the mobile concessionmeets the requirementsof the Public Eating Establishment Standards; 0 Adequate refuse containers must be madeavailable,by the operator, at all temporary use locations and the site must be kept clean at all times; 0 The mobile concession will not be parked or located as to obstructpedestrianor vehicular circulation;

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P.O. Box 370 157 — 3"‘Street N.E. Weybum, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 We Phone: 306.848.3221 THE OPPORTUNITY CITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

0 The mobile concession has approval to operate at the Jubilee Park Outdoor rink and the South Hill toboggan hill during the winter months from January 24, 2017 and not later than March 31, 2017; 0 The mobile concession SHALL NOT operate at the Jubilee Outdoor Rink on February 20, 2017 duringthe City of Weybum’s Winterfest; and 0 Upon completionof the temporary use the mobile concession, all structures associated material and signagemust be removedand the site shall be left in a neat and tidy conditions.

Option #3 — Council directs the Development Officer to refuse the temporary use of the mobile concession at the Jubilee Park Outdoor Rink as well as the South Hill Toboggan hill during the months speci?ed, for the followingreason(s): Apermitted use must have a reason forrefusal.TheO?icermaking the motion forrefusalshouldprovide reasons for thepermit is refusal.

AmandaNKaufm nn LicensedBuilding Of?cial

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P.O. Box 370 157 — 3“ Street ma. Weybum, Saskatchewan S4H 2K6 We Phone: 306.848.3221 THE OPPORTUNITY CITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

To: Ruben Smith, City Manager From: Amanda Kaufmann, Licensed Building Official

Subject: Home Occupation Application20l 7.001 — Chera’s Gi?s and Events Date: January 23, 2017 For: Regular Council

Executive Summary An applicationhas been received from Chera Sloan to operate a retail gifts / event decoration business from her residence at 98 l4"‘Street NE. (legally described as Block 8, Lots 12, Plan 62R39077), located in an R2 Zone in the Kellock Subdivision. The business, which will be called Chera’s Gi?s and Events, will operate at various hours during the week and weekends dependentupon request. There is minimal traffic increase anticipatedas the owner intends on doing mostly deliveries, however off-street parking is available in the driveway of the residence off 14"‘Street NE..

Public Noti?cation Being a ‘controversial’ applicationdue to the possibilityofclients visiting the residence to pickup their orders, notices ofthe proposal went out to area landowners within a 75 in radius ofthe app|icant’s property. No responses were received in the days after sending notices.

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P.0. Box 370 157 — 3"StreetN.E. Weybum, Saskatchewan S4l~l2K6 we Phone: 306.848.3221 THE OPPORTUNITY CITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

Planning Review Home-based occupations are a permitteduse. meaning that landowners have the right to undenake the use in accordance with the bylaw, unless provisionsofthe bylaw are speci?cally contravened. Home-based occupations generally must tneet the following provisions: 0 Be incidental to the use ofthe premiseas a residence; 0 Be compatible with residential uses; I Be limited in extent in terms ofvolume of materials sold and number ofclients; I Not substantially increase the volume oftraf?c; and - Not detract from the residential character ofthe zone.

The use is identi?ed as fully contained within the residence, and is considered a ‘controversial occupation‘ under the Zoning Bylaw as customers may visit the residence to pick up their orders. With off-street parking available to clients, no negative off-site impactsanticipated,and no negative response or concerns received from the neighborhood notice, Staffrecommends Option #2 —Approval with Conditions.

Council Decision Op ns

Option #1 — Council approves the retail gift / event business at 98 14'"Street NE without further conditions.

Option #2 — Council approves the retail gift / event business at 98 14"‘Street NE subject to the following conditions: 0 Material deliveriesand productpickups,should they occur, will be done between the hours of 9:00 am and 9:00 pm on weekdays, and will be providedoff~streetparking in the driveway ofthe residence; 0 No person other than a resident of the dwelling unit shall be engaged in the home occupation as an employee or volunteer; and I No advertisement carrying the address of the dwelling in which the home occupation occurs may be placed in any media. The face of any home business sign on—sitcmust not exceed 0.092 sq m and must be placed\vithin the inside halfofthe front yard setback.

Option #3 — Council directs the Development Officer to refuse the retail gift / event business at 98 14"‘Street NE for the following reason: 0 A discrelialzary use must have a reason forrefusal.The Officermaking the molionforrefusal slrouldprnvide reasons far [/10 permit isrefusalin [heir motion.

Amanda Kaufmann, Licensed Building Official

/, \PlanIung\W|‘DOCS\FORMS\HoIItc OccupntionD0l7\2(ll7 001 Report to Counciltlucx
