Dear Parents and Carers Safeguarding, Attendance & Behaviour Update Term 1 2019-20 We have had a busy term settling into our new house system and students have reported that despite reservations are enjoying life in their new vertical tutor groups. Students have been reminded about reporting and recording any welfare concerns and signposted to who they can talk to. We are continuing to offer a school nurse drop in, and on a Monday and Tuesday lunchtime Cheryl Stainer our school Counsellor is running lunchtime drop ins for all year groups. Thursday lunchtimes we welcome Coral Reef who are the Youth Group based at Whitefriars Church, who come to offer an ear for those students who want to talk. All students have received a presentation from the Police on Fearless which is the youth section of Crime Stoppers. Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality and a safe place to give information to the police about crime - 100% anonymously. Find out more at Our school day starts at 8.43am with a bell to move to learning. Student arriving to lesson after 8.45am are late and are coded as such. The minority of students which arrive after the bell are missing the start of lesson 1, which not only causes a disruption to learning but affects pupils attendance. Good school attendance is being closely monitored by school and supported by the Education Welfare Officer. Sanctions will be actioned for students who are persistently late or persistent absentees and this can lead to action taken by the Local Education Authority. Please support us by ensuring your child is on time to start learning and attending regularly. If you have any concerns then please speak to the Senior House Tutor who would be happy to support you. Most students are taking pride in their appearance and look very smart and ready to learn, but please can you continue to support us by ensuring that your child has the correct uniform which adheres to our policy. This includes school trousers (not leggings or jeans), school shoes (not trainers) and skirts that are an appropriate length. Coats can be worn over the top of blazers to keep warm in the colder weather, hoodies are not permitted. One of our jobs is to prepare students for the wider world of work where dress codes may well have to be followed. It is also frustrating that staff have to take up valuable teaching time when confronted with students who choose not to comply with the simple expectations of uniform. This also extends to excessive make up, jewellery and facial piercings (which are not permitted and must be removed or covered up at all times). Next term the field will be ‘out of bounds’ at break and lunchtime, but the 3G, the tennis courts and the eating spaces will all remain accessible. On particularly cold days we will be opening the main hall for break and lunchtime to offer as much indoor space as we can. If you wish to discuss any areas outlined in this letter then please do not hesitate to contact me at the school and I would be happy to help. Yours sincerely

Miss Kerry York Assistant Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

October 2019

Dear Parent/Carers,

All the secondary schools across the East Northants district are working closely with Northamptonshire police to ensure all secondary schools remain a safe place for your children. To maintain the safety of students and staff, Northamptonshire Police will be conducting patrols within the schools focusing on drugs and raising awareness of knife crime. This will include patrols with a drugs dog and the use of a knife arch.

The schools within the East Northants district all felt it will be useful in making the students aware of the consequences of bringing drugs or sharp objects into school. All visits will take place without prior warning. While we hope no one is found in possession, anyone that is will be dealt with appropriately by the police and in accordance with the policies of their school.

To reassure you, the dog that we use for these visits has been carefully trained and will be under proper supervision throughout. School visits by the police will generally last 2-3 hours and will include classroom visits, walking around during breaks and lunchtimes and possible before and after school.

We hope we will receive support from parents and carers and value the work that the school and Northants police do to keep children safe. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact the school or Northants police.

Yours faithfully,

Jay Davenport, Manor School Jane Burton Academy

Steve Gordon Elizabeth Dormor

Angela Smith

Sharan Wildman Northants Police