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£~.,~m Q ~£~I) anciently Fifer­ -.. ··-=._;.;.> sham, is a seaport, market, union, and County Court town and borough; of four parishes, , Ospringe, Davington, and Preston, lying on Faversham creek, adjoining the Swale, and forming several streets near the \Vatling street, half a mile north of the London and Canterbury road. The town is seven miles S. W. of Whitstable, and east of , nine west of Canterbury, and 47 from London. The population in 1851 was 7,450. The living of Faversham is a vicarage, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral. The church, dedicated to St. Mary of Charity, is a large ancient building of flints, quoined with Normandy stone, in the shape of a cross. The town has four streets, forming an irregular cross, lighted with gas, and paved. The market days are Wednesdays and Saturdays. OSPRINGE, three quarters of a mile S.W. of Favershl!Lm, part in the borough. The living is a vicarage, in the patronage of St. John's College, Cambridge. The church is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul. DAVINGTON adjoins on the N.W., on the opposite side of White-hall stream, .over Stone bridge. The living is a donative, in the patronage of Thomas Willement, Esq. The church is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen. : .PRESTON adjoins Faversham on the south. The living is a vicarage in the patronage of the Archbishop of Canterbury~ The church is dedicated to St. Catherine. Brents Town is a hamlet on the opposite bank of the cyeek.. Ewell is one mile east ; Marnade half a mila east ; W estwood three­ quarters of a mile S.E ; Copton one mile S.E. ; Perrycourt quarter of a mile south ; three quarters of a mile south ; White Hill one mile south ; Bysing \Vood one mile west; Sindall one mile west; Judd's Hill half a mile west; Hemstead Fostal two miles S.W.; Painters Fostal two miles S.W.; Elverland three miles S.W.; Scooks three miles and a quarter S.W. Stone, one mile and a half west, is a parish with a population of 86. The church • • • Is m rums. PosT 0FFICE.-John B. Sharp, sen., Postmaster. Money Orders are granted and paid at this Office.

PL.A.CES OF WORSHIP •. Faversham Church-Rev. Charles Collins, M.A. Vicar; Rev. William Joseph Randell, B.A., Curate Ospring·e Church-Rev. William N athaniel Griffin, M.A., Vicar Preston Church-Rev. James Peto, LL.B., Vicar Davington Church-Rev. Henry Cosgrave, M. A. Incumbent Independent Chapel, Partridge lane Rev. Henry J. Rook, Minister