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Thursday, January 19, 1989 The Voice of the Students of Florida A& M Univeritv -Tal'lha-scic,Florida Vol. 70 - No. 1 FAMU says 'yes'to Prop 42 By JOHNATHAN M. THOMAS the NCAA today, I'd do it. What the rule does is prohibit standardized test requirements, which FAMUAN Managing Editor -Dale Brown, Head Coach Division I institutions from providing even the testing agencies concede could athletic-related I'm not black, I have nothing to State University finanicial aid to high be culturally biased. school gain, but you have to call it for what it (source: Tallahassee Democrat, Jan. 16) graduates who do not have at least Proposition 42 is an amendment to a 2.0 grade is. What they're saying is that 'We have Dale Brown is not alone in point average in 11 core- Proposition 48, which was established in curriculum courses a colored waterfountain here, a white one expressing extreme displeasure with the and a minimum score 1985. of 700 on the Scholastic there. We'll allow you to drink out of passage last week of a National Aptitude Test or Proposition 48 permited students 15 on the American who had the 2.0 GPA but the white one if you pass this test.' It's Collegiate Athletic Association rule, College Test. who did not really disgusting. If I could drop out of popularly known as Proposition 42. The real problem appears to be the See PROPOSITION, page 3 Floor repainted garnet, gold


When the Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center was built both Florida A&M University and Florida State University contributed money to its construction with the understanding that the playing surface of the floor would be painted in neutral colors. Recently, however, the floor was painted - in FSU's colors, garnet and gold. Ron Spencer, Civic Center director, said the Board of Regents contributes $250,000 in order for FAMU and FSU to use the Civic Center rent free. When the floor had to be refinished because of "normal wear and tear," FSU asked the BOR that the floor be painted in their colors and the request was approved. "Both FAMU and FSU like to say A dance with expression Wate( Goder The F"MUA that the money is theirs, but I've been Orchesis Contemporary Dance Theatre poses after performance on Thursday in Charles approached by other schools (in the State University System) who say that one- Winter Wood Theatre. The troupe presented "A Concert in Dance" for four thrilling ninth of the money is theirs," Spencer performances. said. All schools in the State University System contribute a portion of their tuition money to the Board of Regents' budget. Renovation creates confusion FAMU has only played four basketball games in the Civic Center, the Goodwin, university planner, to alter the The problem with the Core caused a last of which was in 1984 and FSU has By iHENRY FITZGERALD JR. plans. re-evaluation of the plans to move the played every home game there since its FAMNUAN Special Projects Editor "Originally, the faculty and staff were faculty, but the leaking pipes were not the construction. More than 75 faculty and staff to be moved to other floors of Perry-Paige only reason for not moving in. "When FSU made the request to members were without office space at the as the construction progressed, but we ran "The flooding of the Core was not the change the colors of the floor, there was start of classes this semester due to into a problem when we found out the air main reason for not using that building .. no indication that FAMU would ever renovation of the Perry-Paige building. conditioning and heating could not be shut . security was," said Col. Robert Rollins, play there. After the floor was painted, Some of the faculty members were to off or on for individual floors," Goodwin assistant vice president for academic the (FAMU) athletic director indicated he be moved to the William H. Gray Plaza, said. "This forced us to look to the Core, affairs. wanted to play some games there, but by or the Core, which is located between but it was flooded and it couldn't be used. "It would've been difficult to secure then it was too late," Spencer McGuinn and Cropper halls. However, a We had to look elsewhere and there wasn't the computers and other office equipment maintained. lack of individual privacy for each office time to find space before the start of the because of the configuration of that and a leaking water pipe forced Robert semester." See FLOOR, page 5 See CONFUSION, page 5

Fire closes Archives for spring Page 1 2 The Famuan / January 19, 1988 College Briefs Hispanics, poor and less-educated One alternative they said, is to ask students to become full members immediately after a brief time, skipping the traditional pledge period. less apt to borrow funds for college "Despite our best efforts, the hazing and the death continue," said Drury G. Bagwell, president of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity and assistant vice president for student affairs at the University of Maryland. "Nothing seems to eliminate hazing and (CPS) -- The people for whom most student aid programs are designed are the death from the structure of pledging." least willing to use those programs, a new report says. "Our survival is at stake," he continued. "If we can't eliminate pledging, Hispanics, low-income students and people with little education generally are less colleges and universities will eliminate it for us." willing to borrow money to go to college than their wealthier peers, the American While the national frat presidents -- all of whom are no longer students -- called College Testing (ACT) program found in a study of student attitudes. for reform active fraternity members disagreed. The author of the report said that some groups don't view loans as favorably as "Membership should be earned, not given away," said Delta Tau Delta's Todd others, which affects access to higher education. Mantz, a senior at State. Thomas G. Mortenson, a senior ACT researcsh associate and author of the report, Some national leaders, too, felt that dropping the pledging process would be too added that most college aid now is loaned, as opposed to granted, to students. drastic. Loans now account for about 67 percent of all federal student aid, compared to 21 "I don't support the notion that pledging and hazing are synonymous," said percent in 1975-76. C. Cherry, a Sigma Nu official. "Idon't agree that all efforts to eliminate Low-income students have been forced to borrow because funding for Pell Grants, James hazing have failed. Many of our chapters have found success with a judicious the major source of scholarships for the needy, has not kept up with rising college application of education and enforcement." costs. "With the lack of growth in Pell Grants, the lowest-income kids don't have any The NIC, representing more than 400,000 students on 809 campuses nationwide alternative but to go into a loan program if they're going to pursue higher education," and in Canada, cannot pass binding resolutions. But it does carry great weight because Mortenson said. "But poor folks have a less-favorable attitude toward borrowing, and it reflects the consensus of the fraternities, Executive Director Jonathan Brant said. that's when the warning flag goes up." Students invited to join a fraternity are known as "pledges" during a period in Mortenson also found that people older than the age of 24, those without college which they're supposed to prove their fitness to belong to the chapter. Many degrees, those who had family incomes under $22,000 a year and women had the most fraternity chapters subject their pledges to arcane rituals -- much of it harmless, but conservative attitudes about borrowing, and were generally unwilling to go into debt to some of it degrading , dangerous and in some cases deadly -- before initiating them as pay for college. full members. Pledging incidents have included sexual assaults, destructive parties, and racial Greek leaders to end hazing, insults. Last year, in just one of several similar episodes, two black women brought charges against the University of California at Santa Barbara Delta Tau chapter when a criticism, by ending pledging pledge shouted racial and sexual affronts at them. Alpha Psi brothers were charged with assault (CPS) -- National fraternity leaders, hoping to end a rash of hazing deaths and Six Univerity of Tennessee Kappa beating a pledge with a paddle during an induction ceremony. injuries and to stave off simply being banned from many campuses, say they are in June after down hard. Cal-Santa Barbara, for one, banished Delta Tau considering a radical reform: Ending pledging. Schools have cracked seriously Psi on indefinite probation. The national presidents of 59 fraternities voted to ask their organizations to study Delta while Tennessee placed Kappa Alpha has become synonymous with hazing," Tau Kappa Epsilon's Woerpel alternatives to pledging during the annual meeting of the National Interfraternity "Pledging is moving against us. If we don't move soon, we will die Conference (NIC), held in December in Burlingame. Calif. argued. "Our environment like the dinosaurs who could not adapt."

I i I i 1

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By ELIZABETH MCMILLAN and English, as well as books in other the register to find the book they need. good because there's another edition." FAMUAN Staff Writer major courses. Although buying books through this SGA is still looking for interested "This system, to be tried this system will be cheaper, Olden said that students to sell books and volunteers to Two ambitious and enterprising semester, will work like the Yellow the register is not in competition with Pages to direct students operate the register. Florida A&M University students who need books the book store. to students willing to "The Book Register is going to discovered an "organized" way for sell. It connects "No way is this system a direct books from buyer with need interested people," Olden said. students to purchase used seller," Campbell said. conflict with the university's book The register will be fellow students - cheap. Well, cheaper computerized store," Olden said. "SGA does not and distributed by SGA "I think this program can work with than buying new books. and will be receive money for the service." funded by either SGA or the Student the necessary man power and the stick-to- Suleiman Aziz, university bookstore The Book Register, a pilot program, Senate, according to Earl Olden, secretary it-tiveness, " said SGA president, Pia manager, agreed with Olden. will help connect students in need of of student welfare for SGA. Boston. "It can stand the test of time." "This system has not affected book books with students who have books to "No one has committed to take on Olden proposed $100 book sales in the book store. I even offered to sell. the cost as of now," Olden said. scholarships for volunteer students who help," he said. Steven Campbell, freshman class A student wishing to sell a book register the most people and scholarship Aziz said he would notify SGA president, designed the Book Register to, would register his/her name, telephone funds to the school who registers the about what books are or are not "Make sure students have books for number, school, major and the book(s) being most students. used. lower prices." they have to sell, with SGA. Olden said the first printing of the Campbell said this system sells The Book Register will be printed "If a student is trying to register a register will be a limited number of commonly sold books in general courses and distributed by each respective school. book that is in it's second edition," he copies and SGA hopes it will be out such as finite mathematics, humanities, A student in need would look through explained, "I would tell SGA that it's no sometime next week.

r - - w - n - __ - _r r r l ~ Iir t wirn

PROPOSITION proposition because "it was Board (of The purpose for ratifying "It's an attempt to limit athletic Continued from page 1 Regents) policy". Proposition 42 was to make sure athletes participation by black athletes," Clayton "Personally, I wouldn't have voted get an education, according to Patrick said. for it," he said. "I think it's a piece of bad Riordan, director of public information meet one of the other requirements to legislation." for the Florida State University System. receive athletic-related financial aid, but "We're not trying to exclude people, FAMU the students could not participate in President Fredrick S. "The purpose but to motivate people," Riordan said. Humphries did not mention of the university is athletics for a year and would have only the BOR, education, not athletics," he said. "We want to send a message to junior three years of eligibility remaining. but said, "42 is nowhere as serious as 48 high and high school students: you must because that's the thing that's seriously Thompson and others argue that prepare yourself to do college work." Proposition 42 denies the student- hamperinlg the education of the black Proposition 42 will keep underprivileged athlete that first year of free education, athlete." blacks from getting the financial "I felt that the proposition ought to and that is what has caused the furor. assistance they need in order Reed to get an be given an opportunity," Humphries John Thompson, said that Propostition 42 was education. Studies show that 90 percent coach of third- defeated 151-159 the first time it was said. ranked Georgetown, walked off the of the victims of Proposition 48 were basketball court Saturday as a symbol of brought up on Monday, but was black, and opponents of Proposition resurrected Tuesday by a 175-137 vote. 42 protest. say they fear that number will increase. John Chancy, coach "It was voted down, but on Tuesday of Temple up for reconsideration," he said. University, it came calls the NCAA a racist "That's when proponents for it went out organization. and did some politicking." of Indiana and other The proposition FLIGHT ATTENDANTS nationally prominent figures also was later adopted denounce the legislation. 163-154, a 12 vote margin. Women's basketball head coach But Florida A&M University voted Mickey Clayton agreed with Reed. for Proposition 42. "Proposition 42 is trying to close all Walter Reed, athletic director, said open corners on a coffin by not letting that FAMU voted in favor of the some students in," he said. a manmsmrm

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FLOOR Continued from page 1 Bishop Holificid, FAMU attorney, nr. : d l ltonu saidShe wa- nit onn the has a different story. He said the number 'The official Civic Ccntr Authority when the of games FAMU has played at the Civic decision to change the color of the floor Center is "not a valid criteria" and the was made. however, she said that the original understanding that thc colors university position reason the color of the floor w'as changed would be neutral should be kept. night be because FSU paid for the is a return to relinishing. w 7' lie addcd that the Civic Center neutral colors, or Flamer indlicted that he voiced Authority, not the Board of Regents, strong opposition to the change "on voted to change the color of the floor. two floors that principle". can be installed I"lie official utuver it, p t hiioni a The Civic Center Authority is made when either team return to neutral colors, o tw o floors up of citiens in Leon County, including that can be installed when either team Dr. Richard Flamer, FAMU vice- plays," Iflolil icld said. "Also, when the president for student affairs, and Pia plays' Governor's Cup game is played at the Boston, FAMU student government Bishop Holifield Civic Center, theI floors should be president. Bishop Hoifield alternatedl if two floors are )built.'

CONFUSION. I Continued from page 1

building," Rollins said. list of new class assignments posted," Ebony Fashion Fair said Israel Branton III, a senior criminology major rom Tallahassee. The Core also needed so m e comes to FAMU restructuring, such as partitioning, which 'The only way anyone could have Special to the FANIUAN More than 201e)e\LjLisi garments would have been time consuming and been lost without a class was if they complete with the latest accessories, 10 costly according to Rollins. The didn't see the list posted anywhere," he The 31st Annual Ebony Fashion female and two male models, problems with the Core made it said. Fair will appear in Tallahassee at Charles commentator, music director, stage and necessary to find space elsewhere and that Winter Wood Theatre on the Florida business managers, and wardrobe staff caused the delay at the beginning of the The renovation began in the summer A&M University campus on Tuesday, travel from coast to coast on a special semester. '88 session two months late because of demand for sponsorsnlp ot UUuI~cL ILi11 II(~.I~ir\ show is produced -by Ebony Magaine unprecedented charitable organiations "There was a problem finding found on virtually every floor. and is sponsored by Florida A& M the show by asbestos to around the country, Ebony Fashion Fair offices, but during a meeting on Jan. 11, "We had to wait for the University to benefit the scholarship to seasons - The East and space was found for the faculty members be removed and the budget problems fund. now tours two September throtgh in Jackson-Davis Hall, the hotel unit and be resolved," explained Goodwin. Midwest from the Southwest from the M.S. Thomas Industrial arts Mrs. Eunice W. Johnson, producer December and "The original requested budget of - appearing in more building," said Charles Kidd, dean of the and director of the show, personally January through May million was not granted. However, College of Engineering Science, $5.5 selects fashions from the exclusive that 191 cities. get $3.2 million for the cost of as Technology and Agriculture. we did collections of famed designers such planning and construction," he said. Frank Composto, Bill Blass, Bob Mrs. Trudie Battles, general of handicapped The construction Mackie, Giorgio Sant Angelo, Fabrice, chairperson of the benefit performance, replacement of the air The 48 classes that had to be moved access areas and Patrick Kelly and Bruce Oldfield. expects ticket sales to go well and she units are the were not subject to a delay and went conditioning and heating anticipates an even larger attendance than main part of the construction, he said. appeared here. much smoother than the office and the last time the show "We hope the work will be done by Mrs. Johnson is meticulous at the FAMIU relocation. most Tickets may be purchased the summer session," said Goodwin. thorotgh in purchasing the or call 599- for Ebony Office of Student Activities "I had a couple of classes in Perry- "If the budget allows it, another spectacular fashions available 3400. Paige that had to be moved but I diLn't elevator will be added to help Perry-Paige Fashion Fair audiences. have 4ny problems because there was a better facilitate the handicapped." Jan. 24 at 8 p.m.i WE ALWAYS Charles Winter Wood Theatre NEED LEADERS The Air Force iskolung for pits... navigators... missile ... engineers... managers and ... more Our posi- A racamnpus repro',-lrta y you', be responsible fD"r (-in tions are important *u can get one advertising materials on bullein through Air Force ROTC boards and working on As an Air Force ROTC cade , 'ube trainedm marketing programs for clients such as American Express. in eadersFip and management practices Ytr may Boston University, Eurail, and also apply fIr our scholarhip pogram that helps pay various movie companies. college expenses, plus $100 per acadmc month, tax free among others Part-ime work. After graduation, oull have all the prestige and respon- choose your own hours No world sales Many of our reps stay sibility o an Air Force office! \bu'll disw~a a new with us long after graduation If where ou'l be challenged to e .el..and rwarded for your you are sel motivated, hard success Let us gi eou the details today working. and a bit of an entrepreneur, call or write for CAPT JIM TURNER more information to AMERICAN PASSAGE 644-3461 NETWORK 521t W HnWARD STREET 1- A r~r3 IL50548R n " ------1(800) 221-5942 or (312) 647-6860 CHICAGO DALLAS LOSANGELES NEW YORK SEATTLE Lea f eijue Cslamls Hr 6 The Famuan / January 19, 1989 STUDENT ( OVERNMENT 4\SSOCIATION

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V- T q.4 Welcome back to the School Daze of Spring '89 Positions Available: Senate Positions:

" Liaison for State Council 6 Senior Senators " Minority Affairs Coordinators 5 Junior Senators " Public Relations Assistant 4 Sophomore Senators " Financial Assistant

*If you are interested in any of these job positions please inquire upstairs in the Student Union, Room 202. SGA NEWS SGA first open meeting tonight at 5 p.m. in the Embassy Room

A Conference Just For Students Are you interested in: " The Future of Student Financial Aid Programs " The Issues Facing Minority Students " State Legislation on Higher Education " Challenges Facing Students and Their Leaders " Developing Successful Lobbying Skills Then Participate in the... 5th Annual State Student Leadership & Educational Conference Tallahassee, Florida February 3-5, 1989 How to Make a Difference: Hilton Hotel "Develop Leadership Skills

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"WORKING FOR FLORIDA'S FUTURE" Florida Student Association & Florida Student Educational Foundation WHO ISINVITED: Any Student/ Political Organization, Student Leader, or Student at Large, Please Contact SGA at 599-3114, Student Union Building Note: There is a $25.00 Registration Fee The Famuan/ January 19, 1989 11 FORMULATE YOUR FUTURE Campus

Engineering and science Notes students, the Air Force needs Your degree plus Air Force WHO IS FLORIDA'S and Vice President for Student Al lairs. Syu. Deadline for appfication is Feb. 17 and ROTC equals a commission as an Air FINEST STUDENT? the awards willhe made by April 17. For Force officer You'll really use your degree and Florida Leadr mtacazine is lIxoking information, call 599-3277. for Florida's finest suJents. The contest work at the forefront of technology Find out recognizes students who care about about our success formula and Air Force important issues, work to support themselves through school and earn TAKE THREE ROTC scholarships. Contact: superb grades. The winner and 19 others The National Society of Arts and will earn more than S15,CX)() in Letters will hold its district competition scholarships and prizes. For for North Florida Feb. 25 at Florida CAPT JIM TURNER information, see the dean of your Community College in Jacksonville. The 644-3461 respective school. Deadline for award ill hbe given in the area of drama. application is March 1. For more The National Competition will be held in =Ma - u inlormation call 373-6907. Boca Raton May 25. For information, call Marion Conner Price at 9(}-388- I - /3*- W, - WRITERS BLOCK? 4500. The FAMUAN is holding an editing Leadership E'r-dlence Starts Here workshop for FAMUAN staff writers and those interested in writing for The BOOST IN TIlE NAVY FAMUAN Jan. 28, 10 a.m. until noon. The Navy is offering a new program to Games will be played, prizes will be students who have or have already given and food will be provided. completed their sophomore year. The The workshop will focus on finding progiram is called Broadened Opportunity an attractive lead, tightening flabby copy, for Officer Selection and Training FEDERAL RESERVE BANK verifying accuracy and other aspects of (BOOST). Graduates of the program are editing. For information, call 599-3840. offered scholarships, or, if eligible, an appointment to the Naval Acadeiy. For OF NEW YORK SAC MEETIN(; information, call I8(X)-999-NAVY. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's CAREER INFORMATION SESSION social action committee will meet tonight LEARN AND EARN at 6 p.m. in the Embassy Room. If you are completing our sophomore year, then the U.S. Navy's TAKE A SABBATICAL baccalaureate degree coinlmetition degree Monday, Jan. 23 7 p.m. Applications are available for may be for you. The program will pay up instructors for Sabbatical or Professional to S2,(X)0 per month during your junior Development Leaves for the school year and snior years. Upon graduation, EMBASSY ROOM I 1989-90. The applications are available in participants may earn a commission. For each schools deanolffice, Univcrsiiy information, call Lt. Commiander Darryl Come discuss opportunities with the New York Fed. Personnel Office or the Office of Provost English or Ron Beasley at 668-3233. ALL IVIMJt vVoX- =oo.. The 31st AnVt-' RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS EBONY I* Fashion Fai1 N.5 V496

$275000 mED S~DUGTnn j OAD SEB /, R4ti mta~t Sponsored by Florida A&M University

Tuesday, Jan. 24 Charles Winter Wood Theater YOUR UNCLE WANTS TO PAY FOR COLLEGE. 8:00 p.m. BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH. Tickets: $10 with studen mrr.vROTC offers q aLed s dents two- ID $18 adults year and threeyear scholarships that pay for tuition and required educational tees and provide an allowance for textbooks and supplies Proceeds will benefit You'll also receive up to a $1000 grant fund. each school year the scholarship s in effect FAMU scholarship So find out today if you qualify. Show will feature Tamiko Glass a former FAMU student. ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE 4) COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. Ticket prices include one year Find out more. Contact Captain Jason Smith suhsription to EBONY or is months to JET. 101 Barker Hall, 291-3107. 12 The Famuan /January 19, 19Sf Classified Ads

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a ,, Owusu makes good on promise to self Boutique is dream come true By AFRICA GORDON FAMUAN Staff Writer cloth Owusu uses in her designs. For woven material, Abenaa Owusu, 36, dreamed that one example, she uses hand Ghana, Nigeria, day she would own her own store. An which is importedi from Liberia, and Kenya, for many of her ambitious dream, but one that has been realized. ti dcicns. Agyeiwa's African Boutique, located flair braiding and threading is also at 2245 S. Monroe, is Owusu's dream. It done at the boutique. features her own custom-made, African- designed clothing and more. Osusu describes her boutique as a 'Years ago I made myself a promise Abenaa Owusus boutique at 2245 S. Monroe St. to start my own business," said Owusu. place for Tallahasseans to discover "I opened the store in the hopes that Africa. Tallahassee might taste and experience "We are bringing Africa to the rich culture of Africa." Agyeiwa's features jewelry and many professor at the FAN1U/FSU School of Tallahassee, in love," she said. Owusu, originally from Ghana, other African objects but the focus is Engineering, are also sold. designs and sews the clothing she sells in clothing - which includes African dresses, And Owusu's boutique is much more Agyciwa's African Boutique is open the boutique. She has, in the past, skirts, shirts, hats, belts, bags, and than a store. Tuesday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. entered her designs in competitions and tapestries. Leather sandals made with the There, the shopper can learn about to 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. to 6 pin on fashion shows. of help of her husband, Dr. Yaw Owusu, African languages and also gain a Saturdays. ---I


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Nana, Abeneaa, Kwabena, Afua, Papa Yaw and Yaw Owusu Hand-carved statuettes highlight African heritage 14 The Famuan /January 19, 1989 Features J-school alumnus realizes his dream

By RODERICK D. CARTER Bell resigned as assistant Sports me before it is actually aired." FAMUAN Staff Writer Information Director, after working from Although working at WO9BI is August '85 to December '88, because, "I exactly what Bell dreamed of doing after wasn't "I never imagined that working could being paid enough money and I graduation, his expectations are still wanted more for my career." be so much fun," said Antoine Bell about high. his position with television station Bell thinks that journalism students WO9BI, TV9. and other students should, "get as much Bell expressed that half his plans are A Florida A&M University alumnus experience as possible." complete at this time. He also said that and native of Birmingham, Ala. 23-year- "Learning to take constructive his plans after WO9BI include the old Bell began working as the sports criticism," Bell explained, "getting the possibility of owning his own regional producer for the station in December. '_." most experience you can and making sure sports network, catering to college Bell's experience is extensive. His that the career you choose is what you sports. many credits include Famuan staff writer, really want to do and sticking with it, WO9BI, which broadcast for the first WAMF announcer and Democrat staff you can almost be ensured success." time in October is extremely pleased writer. For Rattler football games Bell He is in charge of sports production with Bell's performance. was the on-air correspondent for Black for WO9BI , the new, independent, low- "We couldn't do it without Antoine," Entertainment Television (BET). He was power television station in Tallahassee. said Chuck Sawyer, general manager of also a staff writer for the Birmingham Speaking about his responsibilities the station. Times. Most recently Bell was assistant at the station, Bell said, "Anything "We are very pleased with his Sports Information Director for FAMU. dealing with sports will have to pass by performance." Antione Bell Men, women find sharing housing ideal

CHERYL MORRISON person's daily routine. began to ask her a series of questions would not approve. FAMUAN Staff Writer Page said, "With a female around the about the young man, as did her father, Tanya Sutton, a sophomore from seem to mind the idea. Tampa, majoring in social welfare said men and house, the kitchen is more organized, but later didn't While some people view that she would share living quarters with especially the refrigerator." He said he Orr said some advantages to having a women sharing living quarters a sin, a male student, but said that it depended others who view it as a matter didn't know what he was missing. housemate are security and whenever she there are on who the guy was. She also said that of modern convenience. Page said that he is happy now, and has something heavy to lift she has For some Florida A&M University that if he had been aware of the advantage someone to lilt them for her. her parents would not approve. students, persons of the opposite sex of having a female housemate, he would Another student, Shavn Benson, a sharing living quarters (POSSLQ) is the have started out in that direction. sophomore architect major from Detroit, Wanda Capers, a sophmore from St. ideal living arrangement, despite definite Other FAMU students who have shares living quarters with two females. Augustine, majoring in criminal justice chances of conflict and disagreements. POSSLQs agree that it is the best way to He said that living with them is like said, "I see nothing wrong with having a There are several cases of FAMU live. having a real family relationship. His guy as a housemate." Although she said students, male and female, sharing an Reva Orr, a senior from Detroit has parents don't mind that he shares living that her mother would not mind her apartment or house as "strictly a male housemate. quarters with the opposite sex. having a male housemate, her dad would housemates," with no romantic or Orr said, "I like having a male "There are definitely some advantages not go for it at all. immoral notions. housemate. It is a lot better than having in this arrangement," said Benson. his Laila Capers, a sophomore industrial Cary Page, a senior from Pittsburgh a female housemate. You can go your roommates are both older than he and he engineering major from Jacksonville, majoring in print journalism, has a separate ways, there are fewer conflicts, feels that they can take care of him, in a was only one of a few who said she female housemate. He has a girlfriend, and by having a male around, it makes it sense. wouldn't have a male housemate. but said "I guess she doesn't mind." He much easier on me. It's safer." "There is more freedom, and home said his mother thinks it was one of the and she said that here in school seems just like home in Orr has a boyfriend "No, I would not have a guy best ideas he ever came up with. In the Michigan," he said. He is very happy and he doesn't mind, or is not threatened by roommate. It would be a very past, he has had male housemates and the situation at all. When she first asked doesn't know what he'd do without both uncomfortable situation and he might they weren't as responsible as he thinks a a male his housemates. her parents about having intimidate my other male friends. My female housemate would be. housemate, her mother responded in a Although several students approved parents would never settle for my having Housing with a student of the joking manner before she realized that her of a mixed housemates, some students opposite sex can have an impact on a daughter wasn't kidding. Her mother did express concern that their parents a guy housemate!" she said. Student poet publishes second book By SHARON MAPLES his family of 10 children to attend coming to the university where I could One of Black's goals is to find a FAMUAN Features Editor college and credits his parents with his take advantage of the opportunities company that will publish, market and successful studies at FAMU as well as presented to me is the greatest publicize the book for him. He Clinton Black is a struggling author said that the financing of his books. He dedicated accomplishment to me," he said. he is currently in the process of who hopes that his writing will one day his latest book to them. Black has gone to great lengths to submitting his work to the big help to pay his way through medical Although Black cited his strong publicize his book. publishing companies such as Random school. interest in writing and love of poetry as He has sent copies to Micheal House and McGraw-Hill. He is not raking in any profits yet the inspiration he used to write the book, Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby and "I'm excited about the possibilities. but he has plenty faith. he admits that he published the book for Altanta mayor Andrew Young. He has It may be that some big publisher may "All you need is a pencil, a piece of another reason. also traveled to major historically black take an interest in me and publish my paper and a desire," Black said. "The primary reason for publishing universities throughout the Southeast and book," Black said. This philosphy was used for his the book was to further my pre-med Southwest. latest "Lyrical and Poetic Literature From book, "Lyrical and Poetic studies and continue my love for He admits that having a literary Literature The Emotions of The Mind" can be From the Emotions of the writing," he said. agent would be great, but says that Mind," found in the FAMU bookstore, the second he has published since Black said that every aspect of the money is tight and agents are expensive. becoming a Florida A&M University book was his original work - all but the Coleman Library, Baker's Pharmacy, - student. His first was "The Best of cover photo of the Rev. Dr. Martin The book took three years to write Economy Drugstore, and Smiles and Clinton Black's Poems and Lyricals." Luther King Jr. That, he received special and cost about $4,000 to publish. Styles Beauty Shop (South Adams Black, 21, is a native of Marianna permission to use. Black said that he is still making Street). The book's retail price is S9.95, who came to FAMU in the fall of '85 to "This book is no doubt one of my monthly payments that began when he but students can purchase the book for major in pre-medicine. He is the first in greatest accomplishments," he said, "but submitted the book in January of 1988. $7. The Famuan / January 19, 1989 15 Sports Sheridan honors football players I'______Special to The FAMUAN Buck, Central State defensive back, was named the Mel Blount Defensive Player PITTSBURGH - Three Florida of the Year. A&M University Rattlers were among The Sheridan teaun is made up of 11 24 football players honored here offensive players and a placekicker plus Saturday night at the Sheridan Black II defensive players and a punter, all colleges. Sheridan College All-American Dinner. from historically black Senior punter Vaughn Wilson, Each of the All-Americans received junior defensive lineman Bryan Brewer a bronze, Heisman-like trophy, and sophomore placekicker James Col1ege approximately 15 inches tall. Black Vertuno represented.FAMU at the dinner The complete team: which was held at the Vista International Hotel and sponsored by the Offense SAll-.American Sheridan Broadcasting Network. Quarterback - Earl Harvey, North The dinner was a two-hour affair Carolina Central. Running Backs - Lewis with a lineup of marquee names, Tillman, Jackson State; Fred Killings, Howard. Dinner including Deborah Crable, co-host of Wide "Ebony-Jet Showcase;" Ronald R. Receivers - Shannon Sharpe, Davenport, chairman of SBN and Savannah State; Johnnie Barnes, Grambling State University's Eddie Hampton. Linemen - Robinson, who has won more games Bryan Herd, Central than any other college football coach in State; Tim Brown, Jackson State; history. Patrick Boyd, Howard; Darren Peebles, Winston-Salem State; Ken Perry, Also present was Sophie Maslolt, Virginia Union. mayor of Pittsburgh, and a lineup of Tight End - Jimmie Johnson, familiar SBN names: Jay Williams, Howard. president; and air personalities Jonas Kicker - James Vertuno, Chaney, Dave Hamburg and Dee Florida A&M. Thompson. Former Pittsburgh Steeler all-star Defense wide receiver John Stallworth, a Linemen - Bryan Brewer, graduate of Alabama A&M, was the Florida A&M; Harold Hogue, keynote speaker and Mel Blount, a Central State; Tony Robinson, Morris graduate of Southern University, was a Brown; Charles Jackson, Jackson State. I special guest. Stallworth and Blount Linebackers - Cammic Collins, played on the Steelers' teams that won Jackson State; Rod Reed, Tennessee four Super Bowls. State; Darion Conner, Jackson State. Doug Williams, of Grambling and Defensive Backs - Kevin Dent, the Washington Redskins, was Jackson State; Steve Calhoun, Morris scheduled to be present but had to cancel Brown; Vince Buck, Central State; I because of illness. Stacy Sanders, Hampton. Punter - Vaughn Wilson, Joe of Central State Billy Florida A&M. University was named Coach of the Year; Lewis Tillman, Jackson State Sheridan's Final Top 10 Poll running back and the only of the 1. Central State, 2. Jackson State, honorees who did not attend the dinner 3. North Carolina Central, 4. Winston- was in California participating in Salem State, 5. Bowie State, 6. (He Photo Special to the FAMUAN the East-West Shrine All-Star Game.), Grambling State, 7. Albany State, 8. and Bryan Brewer at Sheridan was named the Doug Williams Virginia Union, 9. Florida A&M, From left, Vaughn Wilson, Jimmy Vertuno Offensive Player of the Year; and Vince 10. Howard. awards banquet. Is FAMU concerned about blacks?

By ARTHUR R. BROWN, JR. been proven cultually biased, last year, University, a school that has been taking FAMUAN Sports Editor 90 percent were black. In fact, the top black students and making them Arthur R. four schools who had the most tomorrow's leaders, voted in favor for the What in the hell is going on!? Proposition 48 victims were adoption of this bill. First, there was Proposition 48, a { Brown Jr. predominantly black institutions. How Our president, Frederick Humphries, (Proposition ruling that required high school seniors Sports Page Editor many more do you think will be affected said he "doesn't think its to have a 2.0 in 11 academic courses and by Proposition 42? 42) as bad as Proposition 48." a 700 combined score on the Scholastic Head basketball coaches at What!? Aptitude Test or at least a 15 on the Propostion 48, that's what the athlete predominantly white institutions have We need to open our eyes! American College Test, or the athletes was getting, an education. He could not been crying foul. Isn't this another attempt to pull had to sit out a year and lose a year of play, he could not practice, he was just a John Thompson, head coach at blacks back down. For some on the eligibility, yet the athlete was on student, until he made the grades to play. Georgetown University, walked off the lower economic side, an athletic scholarship. court and refused to coach at one of his scholarship is their only way to try to Now there's Proposition 42, an With Proposition 42, however, the basketball games. break the chain of economic poverty, and amendment to 48, which says that if one education is taken away. Without the Louisiana State University's head you agree to help eliminate that. does not have both, the g.p.a. and the scholarship, a whole lot of students will coach Dale Brown called the ruling If coaches at predominately white tesst scores, one not only loses a year of not get a chance to even attend school. "disgusting" and said "if I could drop out institutions are supported by their eligibility, and cannot receive a Isn't that the opposite of what officials of the NCAA today, I'd do it." presidents, why can't ours do the same? If scholarship as well. supposedly want? Temple University head coach John this institution is about furthering According to some, the purpose of Of the players that were disqualified Cheyncy called the NCAA "a racist educating our race, how can FAMU Proposition 42 was to make sure that for playing becuase of Proposition 48, organization." support a measure such as this? athletes got an education and with which requires scores from a test that has Yet, our school, Florida A&M What is going on? 16 The Famuan /Januarv 19. 1989 Sports Lady Hurricanes Intramurals blow into town Shoney's sponsors By ARTHUR R. BROXWN, JR. "We're typical of a young team in FAMUAN Sports Editor that we play sometimes with a lack of intensity" he said. "I want us to avoid the season The Florida A&M Rattlerettes return real high emotional peaks and just play home Saturday to face the University of on the same level every night." Miami after winning four out of their Last Saturday, the Rattlerettes, By OLIVIA JONES last five games, two of which were on riding a two-game win streak, lost to the Famuan Staff Writer the road. Teddy Bears of Mercer, 93-92 in The game, set to tip off at 6 p.m. at overtime, as Ferguson's last second shot The intramural basketball season the Gaither Athletic Center, follows the was short. has been tipped in a new direction as Rattlerettes win over New South The Rattlerettes were led by senior a result of sponsorship. Women's Athletic Conference opponent Shelly Hart who had 20 points. "For the first time intramural Georgia State, 84-72, Monday night, In that game, Mercer went to the basketball is being sponsored by behind Donyale Ferguson's 22 points. line 44 times, 20 more than the Shoney's resturant," said Robert Miami crushed FAMU 104-63, in Rattlerettes, who blew a 14-point second Carroll, coordinator of intramural the clubs' first meeting in Miami. half lead, including some crucial free- FAMU's Donyale Ferguson sports. Rattlerette head coach Mickey throws. Despite having fouled out four Clayton hopes his club can put enough players, the Rattlerettes still had a chance NSWAC Player of the Week Shoney's is sponsoring $1,350 for pressure on the Lady Hurricanes to to win in overtime. the season. avenge that loss. Ferguson stole the ball with two "The money will help pay for eight "We have to put pressure on a ball seconds remaining and called time-out, will eclipse the recored for steals in a different color jerseys for each team," club to win," said Clayton. "Miami setting up her last second attempt. season (16.1) set last year byt Wright Carroll said. "Last year, we only had two handled our pressure last time. If you can Offensively, the Rattlerettes have State. different jerseys, so this will definitely handle our pressure, you have a good been on a tear. They are among the top Ferguson was named New South help." off her 28 chance of winning," he said. five in the nation in scoring average and Player of the Week coming The annual Men's slam dunk contest in FAMU's win over Clayton is also hoping his team's lead the nation in steals (18.3). point performance is being sponsored by Shoney's as well Georgia Southern. intensity level will be up for this game. If they continue at this pace, they Carroll said. The winner of the competition will receive a jacket and a trophy. Second and third place winners will also receive trophies. Csr intramural team champions will The receive dinner on Shoney's. This year there will be the first annual women's Hot Shot contest, but it Swim team will not have a sponsor, Carroll said. He said the main goal for the season is to increase the number of participants. strokes for success "The program has something for George Ellis 1 everyone and tries to generate interest rather than judge the individual's ability," he said. LIVINGSTON JR. improved overall," said Ellis. By HERMAN "The fall semester intramural FAMUAN Staff Writer "We lost this meet due to the depth of our team," he said. program had an extremly high number 1988-89 Florida A&M Since there are only three returning Seven out of the 12 members on the of participants and hopefully, students will feel the need to participate and University Men and participants from last year's swim tear.l, men's swim team were in competition one another." Women Swimming head coach George Ellis characterizes this against Georgia Tech. interact with Schedule season as a rebuilding year. "Today we had a poor turn out," said "The number of men's teams has The 18-member team, which is Jason Montgomery, a freshman business been limited to 32," Carroll said. "There comprised mostly of freshmen, has administration major from Frankfort, Ky. is no limit on the number of women's Jan. 21 -- Georgia Southern already competed in two meets, one "The team would be better with teams." University -- 1 p.m. -- Statesboro, against Georgia Southern and the mere people," said Montgomery. Carroll said he's looking foward to Ga. Christmas Invitational Competition in Michael Wright, an architecture this season being the best. "Each one Atlanta. major from Wilmington, Del., who won will get better," Carroll said about the Jan. 28 -- Auburn and Alabama Although, the outcome of the meets first place in the 200-yard Intermediate upcomming intramural basketball A&M University -- 2 p.m. - did not produce Rattler victories, Ellis Medley, said that a personal goal is an season. "Enthusiasm is real high, before Montgomery, Al. said, "We did pretty well, we took two important part of competition. the season started people were looking first and second place prizes." "Winning is nice, but I'd rather for the banner about basketball season." Feb. 4 -- University of Miami -- 2 The team, which competes in the swim to my potential and improve my p.m. -Miami NCAA Division-1 A competition, is As it shapes up now, here are the time in the event," said Wright. now in the process of getting into the preseason picks for the season. For the "A lot of long, hard hours of work Feb. 10 -- University of South Mid-Eastern Atheletic Conference. women's teams: the defending are put in by them every day in the Tennessee and Union College -- 2 "We will be able to compete against champions AROTC, The Leggetes, pool," Ellis said. p.m. -- Sewanee, Tenn. schools such as Florida State," said Ellis. and the Deltas. "The first semester practices weren't Saturday the Rattlers squared off in The picks for the men are Storm really that hard, but this semester it's Feb. 11 -- Delta State College and their first competition of the new year Patrol, Rattler Heat, Phi Beta Sigma, getting tougher," Wright said. Northeastern Louisiana -- 2 p.m. -- against Georgia Tech University and were and Slick Six. Cleveland, MI defeated 61 to 38 in a contest here in Ellis who has been the swim coach Tallahassee leaving the team with a 0-3 for the Rattlers since 1984 would like "There will be a mandatory managers Feb. 16-18 -- Southeastern record. more people to know about his program. meeting on Mon. Jan. 30 to discuss Swimming Championship -- TBA - "They did pretty well," said Ellis, "We don't receive as much exposure rules", Carroll said. The season is - Atlanta commenting on the last performance of as some of the other teams, nor should scheduled to begin on Wed. Feb. 2. All the team. we, but we deserve more recognition," persons except varsity basketball players "The times of the team have Ellis said. are invited to participate.