

TURNER BIBLE RECORD submitted by Sheryl Harris

LETTER DATED 1840 George B. Turner is the son of Ralph and Mary Brient who wer• ~ supposed to be born in Tyrone County, Ireland. They emigrated from Ireland about the year 1798 - had 3 children: Willi•m, Sarah Ann, and George. William is supposed to have been born in Ireland, Sarah Ann and George in the state of New York. They , died when George was about 2 years of age. Ralph had been a clerk for a Mr. Gogan of Hagansburgh, New York and died while in his employment, George has been informed. The children wera placed in the poor house at Fort Covington, New York. George was adopted by Sterling and Mary Turner as their own child and received their name •••• is George indepted for all CmisEing worda} there• to be. Camsapolis Janu•ry 1840


STERLING A. TURNER born July 5th A.D. 1791

MARY TURNER born in the year of our Lord 1796 April 8th

GEORGE B. TURNER born the 1st March 1822

HARIET MONRO born June 15th 1827

S.A. TURNER born in the state of Virginia, South Hampton County 1791

MARY TURNER born in the state of Connecticut in the town of Chatham 1796 .. GEORGE B. TURNER born in the state of New York town of Ft. Covington Franklin County 1822

STERLING A. TURNER emigr~ted from the state of New York in the spring of 1836 with his family to Michigan

Recordwd in full the the A.D. 1839

MARY BALE born at Axmiuster Dsoans in England - October or November she believes in 1790

CHARLOTTE BOSWORTH daughter of HARLAN and HARV February 13, 1869 in Chicago ' Ji I""' '"' ,_ - - . ·- '""' - .,, 118 A - Turner Family\1JNHJ.:., vv ,,...._, , 1vv ..hJi\l\/CIO

HARLAN PAGE BOSWORTH son of HARLAN and MARY BOSWORTH M~y 27th 1871 in Jefferson, Cass County, Michigan ar 11:30 At'1

GEORGE FREDERICK on the 5th of Januar·y 1875 in Chicago

HATTIE LOUISE on the 16th of June 1877 in Chicago

ROBERT LATHROP son of HARLAN and LOUISE BOSWORTH July 10, 1897 at 11:30 AM in Buffalo, New York

HENRY BURT son of HARLAN and LOUISE BOSWORTH Januar 1' 5, 1899 in Buffalo


STERLING and MARY TURNER entered marriage on May the 4th 1823 i n town of Cornwall Province of Upper Canada (recorded in 1837 Cass Co.>

STERLING A. TURNER and MARY BALE entered marriage 16th September 1848


MARY TURNER died September 17, 1847 10:00 PM from congestion of the lungs (recorded September 1847}

STERLING A. TURNER died May 10, 1851 at 4:00 PM of congestion of the lungs - age 61 years

MARY TURNER 2nd wi fe of S . A. TURNER died March 2, 1868 at 4:30AM at aged 86

CHARLOTTE TURNER wife of G.R. TURNER died November 25, 1893 at her home at 11:10 AM faithful and loving to the end

GEORGE BRIENT TURNER, died December 15th 1848

RUTH BRIENT TURNER died July 27th 1855

HARRIET TURNER died Friday morning November 5th at 10 minutes t o 3:00 she died as she had lived, a Christian wife and mother·

MARY B. BOSWORTH died September 1, 1878 at her father 7 s house in Cassapolis. Michigan

;_QTTIE B. BANKES died May 1st 1880 at her father's house in Cassapol i!i, Michigan

ROBERT LATHROP BOSWORTH died August 3. 1897 ./


submitted by LUCILE JAEGER

Were your ancestor& ever in print? For some gen•alogista th& most important aspect of their genealogical research is to find names, dates, and places. When and where was great-great grandfather born? Who were his parents? Who were their parents? As important as it is to trace one's lineage, dilioently finding proof of their birth, marriage, death and parentage, it is equally important to add some "flesh" to the bare bones of your family history. For without an insight into the life and times of your ancestors, all you end up with is names, dates and places. One of the most common resources used to add history to your genealogy is the county history book. Many county histories were published during the period following our country~s Centennial in 1876, when patriotism was running high.

Member LUCILE JAEGER found the following biography of. her ancestor, JACOB WALTERS, in the HISTORY OF DEWITT COUNTY, ILLINOIS, published in 1882. It is an excellent example of the type of information that can be found in a county history.


JACOB WALTERS, one of the oldest settlers in DeWitt County, was born in Pennsylvania. His father and mother were ANDREW and SARAH WALTERS. He lived in Ohio before coming to Illinois. ANDREW WALTERS was a native of Pennsylvania and SARAH a native of Ohio. There were five boys and five girls in the family. When he was about seven years of age, his parents removed to Ohio, and settled upon a farm in Perry County, of that state, and in subscription schools, extant at that time, the subject of this sketch obtained his education, which was necessarily of a limited character, for most of his boyhood days were passed in hard work upon his father~s farm.

JACOB WALTERS was married to PHEBE BATESON of Ohio, by whom he has a family of ten children. He and his family removed from Ohio to DeWitt County and settled

At that time the county was sparsely settled, and both energy and courage were required to battle with the numerous obstacles to a successful and peaceful rural existence, and these qualifications JACOB WALTERS undoubtedly possessed, which perhaps, the following anecdote partly illustrates.

About two years after JACOB WALTERS came to this county, accompanied by his neighbor, THOMAS WILSON, and three boys, he came upon a wolf •s den on the prairie three miles from the timbers the boys were sent home for the dogs, guns, etc., in order to dispatch the wolf family for the sake of the bounty, which was then paid by the county for a wolf's scalp. As soon as the boys had departed, the wolf-dam, who had been lingering nearby, started hastily for another point in the timber, and as JACOB WALTERS expressed to his friend to fetch assistance, he was right in his conjecture, for in a short time she returned at full speed in company with two very large grey wolves and t he three, side by side with ruffled fur, gleaming eyes, and snapping ';lWS , made straight for the hapless hunter~ J.\I~~.@,. coura~,e and:ALlfORNP..\ GE1~t..ALOu,\iML $0CIETY 24 presence of mind displayed by JACOB WALTERS, undoubtedly saved their lives. Instead of running away as some would have done, he rushed toward them, shouting and clapping his hands. The ferocious beasts stopped a short distance from him, and squatting, snapped their jaws together in a rage, evidently surprised and hesitating to attack. He kept them at bay in this manner until the boys returned. When their dogs scared them out of range, the cubs were however secured and the five dollars bounty obtained for each of them.

When JACOB WALTERS came to DeWitt County there were many buffalo skeletons scattered over the prairies and through the timbers. Wolves were so plentiful and bold that they would come up to the doors of the cabins, snatch up a pig and successfully make off with it. The dogs could manage the prairie wolves but the large grey fellows from the timber were too much for them.

JACOB WALTERS and JOHN LASH broke the first ground and raised the first crop of corn in the township on sections 35 and 36. Their nearest market was Pekin but they were often compelled to go to Chicago, making the journey in twelve days with horses, and from fourteen to sixteen days with oxen.

The fir~t schoolhou5e was constructed of logs by JONATHAN FARMER and JACOB WALTERS. The first school was conducted by GEORGE DAVENPORT in a rude structure of round timbers, with puncheon floor and seats. He had in all a dozen pupils, including FRANK, JOSEPH, and WESLEY LOWRY, DAVID WILLIS, WILLIAM COX, LOUISA LOWRY, MATILDA WILLIS, RHODA and EMILY DAVENPORT. The textbooks then in use were the old Elementary Speller, Pikes Western Calculator and the New Testament.

JACOB WALTERS was the first shoemaker, and for many years made the boots and shoes for the settlers for miles around. It was the custom in those days for the person having the work done to furnish the leather. The shoemaker charged only for his service. Each head of a family purchased leather the same as he did other necessities.

The first death was LOUISA, a daughter of JACOB and PHEBE WALTERS. She was buried on section 26 on land belonging to her father. This was the first cemetery in the Township and is still in use. It is called the Walters Cemetery.

JACOB WALTERS by his diligence and industry was at one time the owner of a thousand acres of prairie land in addition to his home farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which he has from time to time distributed amongst his children. Mrs. PHEBE WALTERS died in her 66th year. Seven years later JACOB WALTERS was married to his present wife, Miss MARTHA BAIRD, the daughter of WILLIAM L. and MARTHA G. BAIRD, the former of Kentucky, the later of Virginia. Miss Martha was born in Kentucky, but at the time of her marriage was a resident of Woodford County, Illinois.

JACOB WALTERS has never sought an official position in the county preferring to bestow his entire business ability upon a farming life. In politics he is a democrat. His faith is that of the Presbyterian Church, while Mrs. WALTERS is a member of the Christian denomination.

JACOB WALTERS died in his eighty ninth year and is buried in the Walters Cemetery. OCCG E L 2 Walters Family WHAT IS LOVE

On a recent trip to Australia, 1e1ber LORISTINE ANDERSON attended a Sunday social gathering called "A Lovely Sunday Afternoon', in the far1ing co11unity of SMan Hill, where all attendees took part . One of the principle speakers for the afternoon was DOREEN B. SCHIFFERLE, who spoke on the topic 'What is Love•. Loristine found her co11ents so 1oving that she requested a copy of speech, which she has in turn sub1itted for inclusion in RABBIT TRACKS. The following is a transcript of Doreen B. Schifferle's co11ents on that Sunday afternoon of April 28, 1985:

What a wonderful thing it i1 to 111 10 1any of you have 11de the ti11 and the effort to co1e here today to sit with your friends and reflect on love! The world Mould be a 1uch better place in which to live I a1 sure, if 1ore people would do just what you are doing.

It gi ves us the opportunity Doesn't it, to a1k our11lves what love re1lly is. If you look Citl up your dictionary you will learn that love is a fondness, a war1 affection or an attraction. That has got to be the biggest understate1ent of all ti1e! Love is all of those thing1, but it is a host of other things as well. Love is being able to forgive and to say '1 1 1 sorry' . It is also caring, sharing, listening and putting others before yourself and 1any other things .

Love can be likened to your best piece of crystal. You hold it in your hands and you think how beautiful it is, but when you look 1ore closely and you see the lovely colors reflected in your crystal, you realize that it is far 1ore beautiful that you at first thought. Because of this you take special care to see that it isn't cracked or chipped or broken.

Do we take the sa1e care of the love that is entrusted to us? I don't think so. How often have you seen so1eone Mho will not forgive, and love is sacrificed for the sake of pride, or so1eon1 who will not hu1ble the11elves and say 'I'• sorry' and love suffers for the sake of pride. Love is caring and 1h1ring. How often do we set aside our own proble1s and take ti1e to care and share the proble1s of our loved ones. If you really want to injure love, try selfishness and jealousy, guaranteed to injure every ti1e .

Wh en I was thinking about today and what it involved and what I would say, 1y 1ind invariably went back to the days of those people that I ad1ire 1ost in the whole world - the pioneers of this country. How could they have survived without love ! Howcou ld they have endured the qrief of the loss of those tiny children that never survived infancy, without love - without love of God, without love of fa1ily and without love of neighbor. How could they have endured the loneliness without love. There were 1any re1arkable friendships foraed betMeen wo1en on adjoining properties in those days - friendships that were to last a lifeti1e. What it 1ust have 1eant to those wo1en to know that this friend could al ways be depended upon to co1e in ti1e of need no 1atter at what cost to herself. How could they have endured the hardship without love. It was thei r love of the land that enabled the1 to 1ake a ho1e •nd property to be proud of, out of the wil derness. How could they have surv ived without their love of God! It was their love of God that bound the1 together as a fa1ily. It was their love of Bod that sowed the 11eds of faith that you and I have b1en fortunate enough to hive inherited.

A fitting conclusion to a day like thi1 - not po11ibl1 hire I know - would be a nostalgic walk through the ce1etery. I kn ow what so1e of you are thinking - how 1orbid! It would only be 1orbid if you used it as an exercise in self pity. Don't renew your own gritf, but reneM the love that these people brought into your life and what an enor1ous a1ount of love they generated in a lifeti1e. Don't allow this love to die with thee.

There have been literally thousands of stories Mritten over the years of great love and sacrifice. The first story of love that I can recall, as a child, was that of a willy wagtail that built her nest on a branch overlooking the river. The river rose rap idl y in flood and she was drowned sitting on her nest trying to save her babies. Being a little girl who was easil y re duced to tears, that particular page of 1y school paper beca1e very 1essy indeed, but that story of the instinctive love of a 1other for her babies has re1ained in 1y 1ind all 1y life. When I wa& growing up there was the continuing saga of "rs. Wallace Si1pson and her prince. Whatever our oMn personal opinions of the rights or wrongs of the 1atter, it was a story of great love, and personal sacrifice 1ade for love. In recent years I read a book called '"y Love "ust Wait', the life story of an explorer. He would say good-bye to his lady love and head off across the ocean exploring, returning two or three years later. On one of his 'visits' to England, he 1arried his lady and then left again on one of his exploration trips across the seas. At one ti1e he was away for thirty-five years, having been stranded on an island. I don't know about you, but I think that l would have been saying 'right fella, enoughs enough", but she just waited and waited.

Each of our lives is a story. You are living your life story now. "ost of you are living a love story. I wonder how it wou ld read? It is up to you to see that it is a good story. It is up to you to see that it has a successful ending. 1 . . ~ - L "/" . !I\•-'~ At .'FOP 1" So what is love? In the words of Helen Steiner Rice ••..•••.••. •••••• 'No Mords can define it. It is so1eth1 ~g so 9 \~at, only God could design it'. ,,u..... l~L-r\LVUt'-.Jr\L ~(.,~II:. I 1 ,

IB 01· hvkATIO TU .. n & [i.ulh~ jo i 1.L1, duted 1868

mn JJ. _, ..s:

Hot'uti • Tu1·nar ;;: 31'"";/ Po\ tlll a.'t'ricd t Chri st Church on ::ir. 23. 1868 in tho preoonoo of Otto Edward \,o,;t I'. llru:•n J:> o1Joll by ov . Dx·. SclLJ/ l or .

At Jh •ic...t Chu.rel ApI' l 9 , 18?1 by t ho ov . ·· . \-•• Battcrsb :lll, 11lirur1 G non & Arma oual1., old~nt dnu htcr of' W11J imn •ouc l ot thin cJ.ty.

n tho 6th Septof!!b c r 18Tf at Clu•ir.t Church by the; \CV . r . Tue ·or , \!eor e c. Pot·mll. i;o Phccbe 11o aoc , >oth 01' this city. At tho Chur·ch oi' tho Eplohuny Iik>v . Hi, l l3 B6 by the Rev . Amoo "' toolo John \'. Hur :i;ud nnd Du1::iy Turmr.

At Plyi iouth Av :> . Bo.pt1•it Church Nov . 12, 1890 by t.he Rov . J . Roan Lynch ur.i..on 'urnor o.nd J . ilonry Schoenhe lt.

Uy tho Rov. vtci.. li~ ot l t .. Mor•t·is Jun. l , 1903 dlt1ard Clark 'liu•n r nntl j 4 ru.~ J_,, 1u1nn Fe.lock.

By tho ~ov . \:arron °ago .. to 'J ut fioeheot c,1·, t:J.ura I'. L . l lntGl" u H. Gl:ir-k ~obcionl ott. J'uni':i 19 , 1 Jl2. Bibla of Horatio and Mary Powell 'l'urllSr - page 2


Jan. 20. 1869 at 7130 PM ~aret. daughter of Mary and Horatio Turner was born at .34 Graig st.• Rochester• mr. • America Mazaoh 7. 1870 at 1:30 AM Marion. seocnd daughter

Pel>. 22 1874 lO~JO PM Edward Clarke• June 27• 187• 4:30 AM Phoebe• daughter of George and Phoebe Powell at Jll. Greig st.• Rochester Feb 8• 1888 Elsie Mal' daughter ot John and Daiq lhmgad Jul7 2s. 1889 John Tudor Htugad ) )children of John & Daiq (Mar- Sept. 60 1692 Isabel '!'elJl)le (HUJ!Sadf) gSPet) Hurgad Horatio Olark• first son of Marion& J.B. Sobos!Jheit born mov. 19• 1891 at 7130 AM at 59 Cottage st.

William Turner secol'Jd son born Jul7 30 0 1893 at 12 Ne Alfred Victor third son born Nov. 27, 1895 at 10:20 P?E...

Milton John :!'~th son born &>v. 24. 1896 at 6:4.5 AM.

Anna Marion first daughter born Jau. 30 1 1898 12:4S M 218 Flint st. Charles Ferdinand firth son ot J. Be & Marion Scboenbeit born at Oity Hospital Tuesday. August 2.3 at .3:30 AM 1904.

George Nelson first son of E. o. & ?JI. Louise Turner born at S64 Plymouth Ave. 1uadB;plro11a'J1 Tuesday Jan 24 at 71.30 PM 1905 Mildred L. ftirst daughter ot E.a. & M. Louise 'l'urrJar born 564 P_lJDlDUth Ave. SUndaJ'• Jan. 7. 1906• ·

Marion Enid second dangbteia of J~H. & Marion Turner Sohoel'lheit born August 28 at 9 AM 16.$ I~lagnolia st. Rochester• m: 19-07 Dorot!Q' Mabel first daughter of He 0181'k & Clora P.L. Schoenbeit born August 16• 1913 at 2 AM 55 Dix St. Roobeater• mYe Shirley Anna first daughter of Helen T. & Charles P. Schoenbeit born Oct. 1$• 1930 at 5i59 PM Highland Hospital. Sal.17 Anne second daughter of c.P. & Belen Schoel'Jheit born Sept.2. 1942 Pek Ave Hospital Rochester. I'll S1JO PM. DiblG of l!orc..tio ful•oor t: ?1.ary Powell It-nor pogo 3

1876 'll"'Se William .Powell, Sr. d.i.ocl ~opt 27 at ago 6.y J4. Greig St, t{ochcster .

villi run Powoll /1 SI'. Fob 17 /1 1073 at J4 Grcig st. age., 6J+ Hochester lN:

John Tudor ll~c.d <.liad April 1S 11 L895 Anna .Jw.... lon Schocn.'1.cit died I· ar.,h O, 1898 t.nna Po-well diod July JO , 1897 Horutio J. 'llu>mr died. lay 7, 1905 fl{5e 59 i:;dwa.rd Clark 'l'lll:-w1• diac;. Oct. 12,, 1';06 ago 32 mouths

!·.ury Tw--ner, .ri

Anna lc<1:;.ll Gilos wldow of \vri. G1lec Dc.c . 9, 1Sl9 age 82

Pasted in c.ibl o:

Dc,D.th of \~illi am Powell, 3r. ( 1878 ) By reference t o thB obltncry head, it will bo ::;con t.::.at ~, l lliam P<:n1ell» :._).,. ., di·~u lnot ovon1~ . no ~~s a native of uq;lund and practiced law thsro lllildY yonrs. 'l'hn coleb1•1.1ted Wm. '.ako~..,o"~c o Thac keray ir.lbibod hia 1.:;gnl l-:nc~llotigc~ while ti stur ont 11. l.is oi'f.ico. Con:·i ns to thio ciy, he nntcrod tho sorv i c <:i of the C>atern Union Tclogro.ph Co~o.nt , acti~ nx i n tho capacity 'Jl~ a.udl·lio::- 1'o:c noveral yoa.rs, r0ti1Ji ~ ;h. ... n thJ office of th:.. c<:>·~o.ny uus z-omovon to !tbw Yo:•k. Purticulnrs of hi::J liJ.'o aro not a.t hun·1 for an mttendod notlco. ;athour;h considv:rably C.£'1pp l ed by disoasc • :'jr • .Pouoll .1us poocos~od of a geninl c_lo".'.>o~ iti~n a:a~ roli;-ht;"".;d to ...t..ikc all l1nnpy uith whom ho cumo in contact. Ho l~ avos several soru:i and dm.lgh.tors • to uhom ~incvrc sympathy \J111 be extended in their g1~oat loss. '


. , I TABLE OF CONTENTS ·. .. - 11':::· "'\ .. Notes from the· Edi t or - -- - - · ------1 North Car olina 1790 Census· - · - -·- - ·- - - ·--· - ·- ·- · -:.... · 2 · · .Turner Bi ble (Kentucky) - · ... ~ - - -- ;... - 3 · V;irg inia 1-623 -- - · - - - ·- · - 3· ,John Turner (Te xas ) -:­ ------4· Kentucky 1790 Census ------5 - :.. f' Virgi nia 'Taxpayers 1782- 1787 · -.· --- 6 ' · .. Turners .of-Sumner County, ---- 7 Henry Turner (Missouri) ------9· , Z.adoch .- Turner (Maryla nd) ------·- ·-- · - -·- ·- - .. - · - · _ .. _ - - ·:8 · August a Cou nty, Virginia Marriage ---- .-- - · - · 8 Tl:l§l ~xner ·F.amily · -- --- ,;.. -- - ~ ·9" . - ~

.· .. ... ,, _ · ~ 11 • \• Turn~r 1 •TangJ;es - -- - . -- ;_ - "":"' - - - 1830 Census New York (Warren County ) -- 11

-.··Turner s -:- .""'.':'" ·- - ··r ""' ------·_ , _ - - --- ·- _ ; '- · · ~2 · .I'•· .. •

Rhode 1I sl and Freemen ....:: -... - ~ .- - ..,. - ;...... ; 1-3 . :

* ~ I ·°*; * .. * , --!<· . * * " - Your e~i tor hopes i; ha~ ,you wip enjoy t?is f~r~. ~Jssue of the "Turner News l e t ter" . As you can see., .. I hate t o .waste ·_;: • •• j • • spa ce . I f you ~ould . l ikE~ to ,see your family i n .pr .int, s end me the information a nd I w:Ul put . it i 11 the_ f i r s t i Sl:!\le

possi bl e . Be s.ure · ~o send i n yo_ur queries . a nd questions f be fore t he f irst of each mont h +of pr int :i,~g • . If you l ~~. . what we ,"t:_ave do_ne her e:, pl e.as_e i!~ ~ l 9thers. The mor e sUR$_cr,\ bers,

the m o r~ i nforrna t ~on we w~l l have access t9 ~ . Tha~~ t o those . I ...... · . . ... _ _ .:. - .\. who have sent queries a nd .:i,nforrna tion! I.f .y.:ou d9n ' t s ee yours • ••·,. : • ) ' - ·• .! • l '... .' , : ! . in this i ssue , i ~ ..":' ill b~ publishe d l a ter. * * * * * * * * * *


Published by Genealogical Reference':Builders Elaine Walker, Editor P. O. Box 248 jL· ·: .. ,·:~ September 1975 Post Falls, Idaho 83854 Volume .. I # 1 * * * * * ;· *'- .,. ·- *- * · *·· * · *- * ·· * · * ·· * ·· t" .. · .*:. ·.... * ·. r* it.· * *· ·* * Notes from the· Editor·-·· -- -·· -· -- - · - · -· - - .., . P.lea:se·'~adH :! H·.! ! ! Here we go·: on ·our "voyage into· the--unknown"-•:,:· .. :r~·-am(fl novice with a family newsletter,- so ·please·· bear wf.th me.·' ·This is .our .:first isau~·· I will gladly welcome ·any -suggestions and comments .• ·.This· newsletter .j.s published for ·yo1f.· ~'.·· ~~ oJ· •. ;, ... \\. • . .. ..• "·· ;:;'".i .. ; '.' \ ; .· ': ! .• :: : .• :

Our thanks· tcr Virginia ·T ·Harr-is·~ ·· The· ·~·TurneXt News~~tter" :was_. fi.rst suggested by Virginia,-· and· the materialq;nibli:'3hed.. in tb.;ie first is.~e

~ • J. ·~ . "'' was donated by~ her. ·- ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· -·· ·· ·: '( : .:.· .. ~

POLICIES AND PURPOSES- •· ... ------~ ~---· -· -~; ".- .~ - - - ~.;- ·.- - 1 • Our ma.in rim i-s ··to get- Turner material -~m.ov:ing ~abou~ and. ,i,ito the hands of the fight parties.·· So-~-de-nt·t -~-j'ast •.!.si.t'.'· o~ Jyour.-;_m~t~~ial.. We will need-Bibie-re-0ords, ··Family z-eeorda, .wills,. or ...any ·otb.e:r-:Tu.rn~rr;re-

cords available. - -· •• •• •• •• • ' • .... I :r. • • ~f.f ; :. : ('ft'•i:. • • .. • q• 2. Turner''queries will··be published :free--to subscribers •. Ge:~ 1 -.\>Usy and send them

~·~r-,.,~ ""' .. ~."?it-~. ,, , ..... ·: ~~ . .·,·... ·.. • ·!··.· ..t: .i:, r.. q.:.. , ..... , ...... ,,.t ·. i : • length. The 1 Oth issue will be the Index f6r' "tn:~ ··other·· 9 · 1ssuErn. "l'be L~: .~:. . .~·l·~ =. ·=~ ; ~r,; . . . :- ...... ,. I ? - •••• ,' • -.• .... size and times· of publication are only· for the first yea:r.; ·.It· may be ·~:!· ·.•· -~··--::.:.·: .. : .·• :: rr:·...... ~,_1:·:·'·.. :::r.·.·:.: more practical to do larger issues lessf'ofteno ··i .. !. : : >1 ' ... : ;r ;::, ~~.;, r . . ~ "'': .: .. : . ! r r. . • • .. , •. 1: ~ •• • ..• .. . - • •. ' . , • ' • 1 4. Cost of this publication is $·5 ~00 ·per· year~ d.· ·{Let's hbpe·~paper .L c: · . :. · r . ~ ·:. ~· . _ • · •. .· ~ . . costs ~ri~i postage. Yet: "'it ·~~"friaik~t :that'" .. rfguf.Ef~"> : ·~ -.·: .; " ··'' :".·r ::~·

-~ -c· /I' . .. [) !'. ~· ~ ua~-rlii../ L!..l~v 1

...... _; : . ; -~ .-· ... ~:···.!I?:~·~··:£' ~ ,;._.:.. . ,_J ,, /


Adam Turner· James Tlu·ner Reu.ben Turner ·Amos ·Tu.trier James Tur:1er Robt Turner· ;· Amy Tilrner James Turner Robt Turner ":, Andrew Turner Jasper Turner Robt Tu.rner, Sr Ann Turner Jesse Tu.!'ner Ro(;,ah Turner Aron· lfurner John Turner Roger:Turner Arthur Tm:ner .John Turner Samson Tu~ner · · Augustus B Turner ·John Tur.ner Sam Turner Bellar 'Iurner John TUrner Sam T\i-t-ner, :. ·Jr ·· Benjamin Turne~ . John Turner Samuel Turner Benjamin Turner ··j·ohn Turner Sarah TUrner Benjamin Turner· 'Joh11 ·Turner· Sarah TUrner i. · Benjamin Turner John Turner Simon·Turner Berryman Turner John Turner Simon Turner Brehabuck Turner John Turner Smith Tlii-nar · Charles Turner John.Turner .Soleman Turner Charles Turner John Turner Solqmo:p. Turner David Turner · j6hn Ttirner Stephen ~ner David Turner Capt Jno Turner ·. Susan~ Turner David Turner Jonatha."1 Turner Syl vanus Turn·er Demsey Turner Joseph irurner · · Sylvanus Turner

, Edmund Turner Joseph Turner . 1 (free. negJ:"9) .. Edmund TtirrtEir Joseph·Turner Thomas Turner Edward Turner Joseph·Tu.rner,-Junr Thom Turner Edward Turner Jo§J~ph .·Tt:a.rner .. Thomae ~n~r Edwin Turner (the younger) Thomas Turner Elias Turner Joshua Turner Thomas Turner··-· Elsbury Tnrner Lazarµs·Turner Tirasha Turner· Ester Turner Lu9y Turner Titus Turner Ezekiel Turner Mabry ·irurne1' William Turner Ezekiel Turner Martha Turner William Turner Frederick Turner Mary 'lil'rner \•iiliiam Turner George Tnrner Mathew Turner · ~lilliam ·Turner Henry Turner, .Jun: Matter Turner William.Tu+ner Henry TurneT., Sen Matthew Turner William.Turner Jacob Turner Matthew Turner Williain Turner James .. J'urp.er .. Miclla~-. Turner Wm Turner .. · Jalnes· 'T\irner Miles Turner · wn1'iam ·ifurner · : J a:mes .:'Tui-ne:I:o . ~Moses Turner .William TUrner · ·· · -~ James Turner. Moses Turner ( dece.ased -. see James Turner. ;'Myal Turner Peter· Trirner) · James Tu.rner'. Nathan·: Tur11er ., '·. Willie.m' furrier,: Jur James Turner Nedam 'J'urner William Tarner, Senr James Turner Penny Turner Winifred Turner ::: 'Petet•.:. TUrner ..l ~ • . . James Turner This is an index •. Sorry ,-;-~Philip •!Pu:cner ; : ' James Tlii-ner f9r ihose .. J;poki~· ·ror James Turner ~:-:_;_: ;'Reb'ecba· :Turner James ·or John·. ·· · ·~.. '. i , .... .:.· 2 OR/.\NGt. \~Ui~i\~: .)4L\FOHNIA GEN£f.\LOGiLML SOCIETY I

Brown's Sel:t'-'I11~e~pr~ting FamiI~r Bib1e 7 -:the· ~ol'y Bible, with note·e('by:·Rev:: John Brown; ·DD{Re\r ·~enry Cool:e, DD~LI,ll, · Hribbc,rd' Bros'.' PM.l:l.delphiS;{ no date. In 1962, in· the possessio~ cf Mrs M5.7.J .. :n_~·,TU:tner, ·".1'ere1.illes, Ky arid· '·cfopied by her··dai.1ghter, Mrs :Russell Rab~~ vo:c;::ai1lr:r.::;~ ·l<:J"~ ·..- ··-.c:: : ...[ • • . • .. • • ~ ' • • ,• •• • • ' \,,; ·: • t Johnson Milleri' b"in"Mercer co, Ky 16 Sep·t i§or(·m 7 May 1050; d·~:26~·Jtlne ·1as2 •

. ~- ; :·.; .' :... .; .. . ~ .. . ~ . ·.~ '. . : ,"' . . : .. ... } :.. ~ . :.. ~ .- •.., .. . " ~ SE Miller, b· ..·in Wqo~ford Co, Ky 4 Feb 133.\k :n. _7)'1ay 1850; .. d .. ,2~ .... J~ 1~89 •...

J A Millsr··b ~hWoodford Co, Ky 27 A:...Jr 1856;. m~·~·Feb 1e79. · .. ·::.--~':t.:· .. · ·:.· · ,. ... 'f· .' .. .- .··· ~·:.. . . "J·: . ~r· :'~ r Carrie Mi;P,?r 1:> .:..n i·fa.dj_son Co, Ky_ June ·:1~56; m _. n~b 1879· ., Annie r.ti.l~er·r:if.in W<;>pdford co, Ky 7 June-1863; d 20 May 1911'~ "·;·: ; ___ ;; ·.. · Maggie Miilc~: ..b :tn-~v~oodford Co, !C~- 15 ~c :·1·a·67·. : '. · Catheri~c·'_~~~iit:~ b in Woodford Co, K:r 2"' AP,r ·1 a58; d 1 Apr 1860 ~ '

Hem.'Y Mill~~:.b'i~P:}~p.odfo:r.d Co, Ky 11 Se:pt. 1_853i d 31 Oct 1s54,. :::·;:. ''! W J Turn~r"b 5.h '4oodfo::-d Co, Ky 25 r-~ar t~21-(m 16? Nay 18~4; d 1'904~ ···: 't'"}.: ; . ':";. .., ." •. E C ~n~~\·b ir- ~ Wo¢fo!.'d Co, Ky 10 Mar:· 1· 826 ;". :d · 13 Feb 1913 o James ~n~i: h"ifn".Wo:odford co~ Ky~ ' \::·: ·· · · :'' ..t.:.r', . ;·:_ ~. '"~··r:.:~·.-~,,:·· ·. ., ..,.··.: · ' .. ·, r~ · •. '.~, ,,., .,._..... ,_.--·: Fannie ';l\µ'~r:·b~ .. _in--Woodford Co, Ky~ ~· ... ,. l._.. .·: lj

c A Turner.. ·-1'.f .. hi \afoo'clford co, Ky 5·'Mar":1·s51o· ·: · : ii

. ;_ :·. : :.·.:. . . ': . ; ". '. >. . i ... J.. ; . . ~ \·: .~· t,. • • • •. : ·, •• ~

Mattie ~~~r ·b·.. i:p.~,j19odford Co 7 Kf, 1())YI~r ..)853 .. w T TurrieiJ'f·;frjri .vlo'c>~'ford co, Ky 17 Fel5 :1s~o ... :.:' . .- - ...... ~-.. :: . . ·:~·.:-~·:t:"t . ··~ :· ~·· ···.. · :::·-! ·.in W,0.0.dford Co, Xy 17 May 1.8~2 .. · ... -.'.,. Lizzfo Hi-rrt;1::ier: b-~· in Woodford Co~ K~r 21 I'Ia~;. 186'4;· ·n 20 Dec 1888~ •...... Joe C G~a~~~:b ·~.~_-Wpodford Co, K7 10 .so;t JBG5~.~ Josenhine( dr?..dciY,~-1:,~i1~ Woodford Co-: Ky 2 Aue; 1e)l4.i·~ - .. -·-:··:.~·r· 1 .--:·.~.:.J~... · .• ;~ .. ···.! · ,;_.... ,. .·ri Sallie -.Gradely."',) in-Woodford Co~ K:.r 20·A!>:i:. 1~9i ;· d 3 Apr 1893~ 1 J D Turnef =b· in"Wbo·dford Co, Ky 11 Jun2 1857;· m ·f1 Oct 1as3.. ·:.'·-· · ··· :. :. ·• :- . . r .U ·.: . . .: : :·· . ': . , :: ~ .:· . : ~ ~·. ·...... •. , . . . j. : : : f_, Mamie Mi-3.d:.er: b ih.. Woodford Co, :cy 12 A\~G.~·ll360J,:ii;t.(11 Oct 1883; d .. ~s Pe~ 1905i.. ~0~¥.~~~fe :~~·e,t·-b:. :ih Wood.forJ Co~ Ky .n:~,··~:~~ .1~~.~~ m 5 Apr 1910;_.·d'.27 Oo:t 1'952. Sadie·1 1E-~.!T.urner· b in Woodfo:::-d Co, Ky 21 A1'-G': ·1 esv.; :-.:d 25 Jun;~ 1890" ·:·: ·: ~e~~ie·'c(~~n~i-' ·b.~ !ti wooclfo~:·d co, Ky ·2·f't'~h !1:89.o~?rr. 5 Apr 19108 ·· " .. ,~r:· -- sr:·.-· :\·>;.,-!,. 1,rr:.·.·.~. ··:·:.r~··:.I :!· .. !-_:".. ':,.,:°"'::• ..°' .• •

.,.,F .. ~c," . ":':~·:tr.i :·~.. ··. :: .. · i·;. VIRGINIA 16 ]1ebrU~Y.- f~·23 ' · .. ~ ·Rdberl::;~ner "°'!'L'at.t~·y neak of Land ':·i':1:.Henry Tlirner -~ In the Mainer ·· -- ···-· Henry 'Thlri1er ·-.·At ·.CJi.aplain 1 s Choise ·.;... ,.wMattheii"Turner ... a.t Plantation or·· against Jat~es Cittie * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * 3 JOHN TURNER --TE~S . .' "! '_.'. r·• .. ·San Patri.cio ·Municipality Signer :.of: the Te~s Decla.rat.ion of Inde.pend~nce - . ; ~·. •I '• John Turner was born i:n:.}\Jorth Carolina ·in about 1802·and came.to' Texas froni"Tennessee· in 1834~ On June 20, · 1:B35s he :received ;tiile to<··· one league ·ai.td one labor of land·· in McMullen and :McGloin·' s Coloey aur- · veyed in what is now Live Oak County.' : · · '., · At San Patricio, on Nove'inber 30 ,· 1B35·: ·Ttirner 'Wrote Capt. Philip Dimitt .the'-· followirig ·1etter ·which Dimitt sent -.-,o'ri ·to Gov Henry Smi tH: "J:-: ·have, a "few minutias ago ·take · s6ine despa:iche's from the Mexi- cans,- which r:have sent you conc:i.ving 'that. they co!ltaihed inf.a ormation of· importance· :tO·"you.· · :[: ·thfnk from the information confa1.fried in· -them -you wilt see, the .. necessity· or· :·:You.r ·iass1st- ":.":: ance here; we have neither· meff '.nor· riiearis ·to withsta'.rid. anY' force: that may be sent' against> us·; as .. the people a~~· sti'·il .di­ vided. I therefore"hope uncier"these.distressing circuinstances you wila. · ·aend~'iis SOfnEf reinforc.einents· with ·all possible '.despa;tch:; ':" "The ·commandant·e of ta :i?ant~Cian 'has tvritten a.··1etter to· ·u:s ·d.is~ annulling:.. the authoritte·s· ·c,r this ptace, "elected· since th'~ ·l3attle,­ andi:·c1osed· it-by" j_nviting usr tb: join his ra.hks, ancf fr we" d.o·

1 .. ·._.; .. .. not7\'.tha:t 'the: vengence of'.the Mexh~an armY" wilJ:.'be poure·d. upon us; but there is st.i.11 a Remnant of patriots who wish to sup- port the ~-conati tuti on/ and:· wou1d i>rerer. dtht.th ·to:.,·s1a:~erY. .' :P1ease give lfi~f·a1.l ;the news you :"can oi th'e proceedings 'the aririy at Bexar, '" and e!L'sewh&re".; »Reports-· ha,,.e come·' t'o.. U's ·ye.sterday· that:a -party · ... ;. of Americans and Mexicans 'joined' and are. at Revu:co iri':ariris' for ... ·_:_ the cause-:· 6£ l·i ber·ty. Perhaps· ·yo'U. .may· have . some ·informat±on on :thi·s·~"Subject more corre:ct than ours."· N8thing more a·t·:pfe- sent but remain. "Please do not be mistaken in·ou.r· situation, i.Te have neighter men nor bread, and no place\' to procure·some without it comes from your quarter; as there is·: noiie' t'o be' had at: any;J>rrce' . and our· men are too few ·to" spare·;:: to send ·in· pur;sui t .. of- 'it ·• -~ • u

.. - ~ . _.-•· r· •' .:.:-:. 4

0~,~\~\!CE COUMTV C/\t~FORN1A. GE~~JLAi.OG;LAL SOCIETY John Turner was born 4 Decetnbar·-1002:"in North Carc..1 ina. His par­ ents moved to the new Stat~ .. ,.~:f T~~~~see ·.when ·he: was a child. Accord­ ing to Mrs Gordon' Paliiier'.:or 8outru1i6nt·, 11ass in her'~"6i~li~gfa~hical historY ... ~f Jt~.*?· 'fy.rne:p· .. fa1:u~ly. .in Amerio,a, John Turner"n¥a.s .a .. ·dire'c·t: · ·.

.· •. · ': descencj.ant .-Q..f ,J~e..s :.Stl~ling Turn~r, whQ· came to ::June~ica :about ·1··720 · ·'.·. '•.. . -. . . . . ' ~ . . . . . and loc~:t.eQ,..in .V,irginia •. Jo;t:m. Tu~ne.~, des.Qend.ed· from. a ·son ef ·James ., . ··· ... ·.·. , . .. · .. ·...... • ..·!:.: Sterling who settled near Willow Spring,_.. Nf:.C· ..... :· 1 :.~·... :.-:.. :·.. · i

John .. ~ner .o~e .to.. Texas:.. ee.rly .in 1.8~9. ::Although ~eTpler·. "!--: ·' ~ : • . • •• • •• ... \. • . • On June ) ,. ~42,, . ?-Urn~r:~~ ~~(wife,. J-'.la;-garet ,'.t living• on the.: : s,1 1 southwest CO!'fle~._.o.f .-~~h. ,~nd Ru~~ Sts, :sold fo.~: ·$1.00, a·:·house ad'j.Oifi~ ·:~ ing theirs to Eli Williams·.of. Fort .Bend,Gounty;·· :,. · · . : r . . ' • • : . . . . ! : ...... On August 3,:. .1.844, TQ.rn.er .. p~;titioned;;·the co~ty:

Tun?er... -~ed ilJ;. Jlo'.qston sometilJle :1?,eLt,we~n ·A:ugu.st ~27·-,:· .. 1044·; ·when he ·wa·s .• ... ·. , ...... declared a baplq:'l~P,.:t, aµ4, Noy~moji)r. 2, 1848, when his widow was married:~,to.' ~ • 1 . . \.·· . ' ' • . • . . John Bradl~Y: .QY "the .. Rey Robep:-t. W. ~~nruµi~ ·Bradl~y having, died,- Mrs.· :. ': . . . ·~: . . '...... : ......

Bradley, on November 13.,. ~ 853, mar;ried WilJ;iatn. Blanton. •''' •,· ',. -.. : • I', o • • • Captain ~~ ~.~'~ ..;:.~:q~,,ha¢t .. :one. qhild, ;M~;rthar A .Turner.,· who waa··1 married to qe_9rge. .. Dye;• .. ,. M;$ .l3lantop. ~J1d. Mr and JVIrs. .. ;Dye :.were· li'Vting: in• . ;, . -·· ..... Corpus Christi as late as May 1879. ·:· .. ·.:.- · i·: ::-:..

-.r~ ... ., ~··-.

...... _ ...... March 1790 '.7. ::a<;>;u.J:.bon C.o~.ty -r;-. Jame~/'-l:urner· .. ·.:.·. ~:: .. • ;· .. . . • •• .: , ' .~ :. ; j • • • f,: ~ , I• ! ' o _. • 21 Aµgu.st 1790 ~ ~as.on. Co~ty .~ J.a.r,ne~ .Tu17ne.;tt.: -.' .. e 1 • . ' •. .; ·,' .I ~ • •- • • • 11 January 1790 - Rodgers Turner - .Fayette County * * * * * * * *:. * * * * * * * 5

' .~ \ , . ····· :i ··•.. ·J·

· VIRGINIA TAXPAYERS 1782-1787 .); ' ... ; ·• ~-·· .~. . This shows the head of household and the county of re~idence. Admiah Turner - Bedford John Turner - Bedford Alexander Turner - Fauquier John Turner -· Hem:'lf.- : Andrew Turner - Buckingham John Turner .. - Buckingham Andrew Turner -· Accomack ·.rohri Turner - Culpepper Anothy Turner - Berkeley John Turner - Berkeley Arthur Turner - Brunswick John Turne~ ~ Capipbell Ar~hur ._Ttirhe.r -~ ·Lunenburg .John i:rurn~r - K~ng.George A~t:P.ur .TUrn~·r. - ·;Southampton John Turner'...:. Fauqu1er Arthur '.Turne·+.". ~ · Southampton ~ohn Tur~er - ~µquier... Bartholomew ~ Goochland J.ohn .. Turner - CarQlirie Ben Turner - Henrico Jphp.~Tur:n~r ·-:: carpiine Benjamin Turner - Louisa J ol)n fy~n~J:" - .. Sou:thampton Benjamin Turner - Southampton .J.ohn ~ner :- James City Benjamin Turner - Southampton J·ohn. TU~er; ·- ~ccomack Benj8.J11in Turner - Southampton J ohzi 'I\\rnex.. ~ Lqu'doun Caleb Turner - King William John F ·Turner ~ ·Norfolk Charles Turner - King William Jos~ph Turner' -: Fayette Dabney Tu.~ner.- j{ing.W~lli~ Joseph Turner, .. ~. _Soptl}~pton! .. ,. Daniel Tti.r~er ~ .Caroline Joseph ~er,,.- Southampton Daniel T,urn~r ~ Henry -!os~ep~ .~;t-n~r.'.-· "'.',.' Dinw~·ddie David Tur~er. - Southa.rQpton J o.seph 'rq.rner ·;..:. .:Pinw~ddie Edward Turner ;_ Norfolk Joseph .. Tlu.'ner. ,- Berlteley Edward Turner - Fauquier Jo~hu.a Tlir.ne~ ·- Scmthampton Elijah Turner - Bedford Joshua -~~ner ~ .A-0comack Ephraim Turner - Southampton Josiah Turner ~.Henry Fielding_ 'nurner - Loudotm Lewis ~Tv.rner ~ .Bedr"ord ,. F.r:~cis TUrner .· -. Prince William Lewie Ellzey_ Turner - Loudoun George Turner - Caroline Littlet9n TUrnel;' - Southampton Harris Turner - Southampton i,uc~ Turn~± -· sou\hampton Henry Turner - Sout1ampton Mar.tlia rr.urner - . Southampton Henry Turner - Sou thamp·ton Mary Turner - .Berkeley Rezek~~ Turner ~ Fauquier ~ar:y .Tur:rier ~ Jame.s City, H:i).lery_ Turn~r - .Accomack Mat~hew.T:urne~ .- Lun;en~urg Isaiah ~rner _;.. Bedford ... Matthew ... Turner.. - . S01,ith~pton Jacob. Tu~neJ;", - Southampton • :Nathan. Tu~ner·- South~pton Jacob Turner··.- Southampton Patie~ce TUrner .. - ··south~mpton Jaco'b.-. TuXnei- ·- southampton. Pearce Turner - Fauquier Jacob Turner - Southampton .PQ9~.be Tlµ'ner - _Squ thampton Jacob Turner - Southampton Pleasants.Turner~ ·Goochland James Turner - Culpepper R~c.haei'. Tu.rnei' =-- · K;i.ng William James Turner - Henry R~l!bin .. 'fµr~er - .K~ng William James Turner, Sr -- Bedford Richard Turner - Caroline James Turner - Bedford Richard Turner - Culpepper James Turner - Caroline Rodger Turner - Fayette J erimiah Turner'~: CUlpepper .Samuel Turner - Fauquier Jesse Turner - Brunswick. Samuel Tilrner - Southampton Jesse Turner - Southampton Thomas Tu:r;-ner ;_ - Southampton

6 Thomas Turner - Berkeley W~ll~a.iu rlilrner - Southampton Thomas Turner - King George William Turner - CUlpepper

Thomas Turner - Westmo:c.~}5;114 .. :- ·! . W~l:tci.:~ Turner - Henry Thomas Turner - Southampton William Turner - Botetourt Thomas Turner - Spotsyl \rania Williai.;s Turner ·- Accomack Thomas Turn~r - 'Spot.syil:vania" . ,_ ..._~ ... .· ... -;

... ! ·-. ·"'. .. .····:. ,.: ~· ... ·· .. '~; .· .. : :-- .: .... ~. : .• ~: : I

.. :. : ...... ~-.

~ ...... - .; . .... : ..: . ;, ·. ·:~· " ·. r:

Elizabe·th ·Bunto:n ··b'·5· ·"Jan11ai;J .. 1cu:) :..: .. ~a~:- Po~c·d~r~nrl~r .. Sunner C.:> 1 T~i· Eind d ·20 July 1 a42 ne:a.~ Rcgana, .s1~.:11Z1f'·::· c6 j· Tri; :·ni··7 ·:oecembor · 1 a.20 to ~Nel:eon ·.Bail.Sy :Ttirne·r who wue 10.::'.ri · 9:!:r.s~rJ.ai·:; i 79'7 and· wlio die.d'}1~i.May 1875"'.fil ~mt~l.· C~s •rn.. T~~~:tr· .-children were: '.I:·:· J.oseph -~JJa·sha:··'l'ul:!ner .. · ··: .·.J-olm ·.. Wheel·e11-·''iUrl1er ·· ·· '.Phoebe --.An.n:~ll'ner· 1 Y· i ., El-izabe-tl'f 'Ellen-~ne:r: -.:·,·Robert ··Bunt"On TUrner "'Mary ·A TUrner ·:,· ··James Nel'son Turner

Joim.:Wh~el~:r:-.· Turner b. ·1 se·ptember 1824 'fri ·Sumner Co,· Tn and d· 10 · ;Julr,~·~'"19-13 in ·surnner"·co.;: Tn; Pl ( 1 ) 19 Aueus·t ~ .849 ·in Gallat.:iri, ·:fl'nii.ii"o·~·1-\varilla· Coltier b 1 August 1a3q in ·$'J1nne·r. Co~ Tn and' ·d.;·-2~ July 1861 in si.unner Co, Tn : '11he.ir ·chi:l'dren were: · · r.··.'..'.":Lou Ella ..TUrner :·_c.·,·.1·;-:.·· :r.: :·.:_.::;,'!Florence Elizabeth Turner :.:__ :. :·" ,: .., ·;:-:: Wil1iam··Nelson ·Turner -,~· Joseph nrsha; T-'1r'ner m (2}' 12 No'\"eirtbei" 1863'L'in Si.i.mner Co. Tn' ;·tc) Sallie Winn b 2·1 ... ,.,u,~;J·~~Ncivembe·r. :1839.: irf :neehe:rd·, r_rn ci.r..d l .'26 .Tu.Iy 1869 in SlL1mer Co, ·...... t ~ .. · 1 .,·d··~ -.::Tn·. ·"'~Their 00.iltlr~ri'AJ°e:te ~ . . ':-.... . f .-· :_t-:· ·~···:.-~':John .wheeler .Ti1mer ·~ ·, · .'· ·. : ·Ge·orge "Robert ·:rri:trner .....•. '· ...... Williani ~Nelson Turtier ··b · 20 Octo b9r 1852 ncr1}r ·. .J3&thpage., $unmet':. '.Cc;>, " ·'·".;Tri and .d .. 16'. September· ·1915 ~!?c;.r c.:i.s<:.c.hafr~~brings," SUinner ·.Co; '.... :- Tn; ··:m 22 ·June 1881 near Casta!.ian S9:i:in5·[J;~-.;Tn· t'o Clara A.trielia· · · · ·Britt"On b · 15 December t859 nEh=l.7-' Le bafi;)n·,- · wi)lt3on Co, Tn and :. - d ;~'2 October 1935 'in Castalia.n Springs~: ·Tn/ ':'lhe:?.r children were: . . .~: . · · · ·:·, .. ·,;·:'··John. i!1olliver Turner '') .: ·):·: · .. ' · · · , '. ·Avarilla· :Turner ·~:: . r ,.. : . .:"W"illiain<~sha: 'Tu~ner : .r: -.;·_ : Bet·ti'e ·:ari t·ton'..:T\.u-ner

• =" { . J.. ·r .·; r . .. . : ~· ·:, . . ,. ;.· .. . ~ ·. '··· • .:, 1 't ... ,·~,·-~-~~:<; ..· :/ .... ._.,.,-:::·~·~·-~.: * ..·· *.-i··rr·i:~·.. * :* * * * * * * * * •*,.;·_; * .. .-:P·. ;'! . =· -·.:. ." :_,, "·~· ~- .. ··; .. ~'I.f .. -lov:e means affection, I ~: .. ".:' ,r.-u·-.;~· ·'·. ,.,. ':"·'.··:·;~.·:;:·::;~ Lo~e~_p_ld .ltJ;?~~s, hats, coa~s .. ~~~- ..~~Itiga, ,.. . ;::: ·.. ·: r .'. .·.· ·::··i•·:!:; ..·:·: .Jiny:thir~g ,that's been with Me-'.,:;·,.·:·.·.;·,· ·-·. ·; t·

::-- . : ~::;·~·::t~ .ln·~~dai~y".:.~ufferings." . ._',~·!'··!;.<.:·£ .1 _ , '.:-'~, ., by Wal +.er ..Tames Turner . .. . . HENRY ·r~R· .-· MJSSOURl . . (Amherst County, Virginias in· the ·R'1voluti9n}· ·· - ;,>· (. . . :

Henry Turner."."'.· Pike Co11nty 9 Missoari,. 15. JunE: !~49, Rachel ~ner 1 aged 89,· wi¢iow·o.f: HE3~ry, Turner wh~ furnis~ied a subs·Gitute. 1779 in Amherst Co,.

Va, .. Militia,- and i.n 1780 se::rved a~ Lt 5 ar!)Li.ed for pens~ono ~}lei~. son,' ·. St.iphen B Turner,_ same place, 7 ..Tune ·~ 852 ~ ..~pplfod for a pension for the"~· heirs of his father who he thought. wa,s .,c·, .Captain in t}le .Revolu.tion·. "Hl~" pa.rents were married 1Tf7 i.n Bedford Co, .va.. FatheJ.." died in ~er~.t, · . · 23 October 1829; Il_lother died:4. Japuar:l. 1850,, .. R~jepted; ' Bible Rec..Jrd:- · Sall; Turner ~ 19 Feb::cu:~ 11 ·

Geo:l>ge Turner·b ·14.August 177~ !.· Terisha Turnei'" .b 10 ne·cember :1704 Martha Turne:;:-, :b 27 Oc·tober 1 ·79~ Betsey·Ttirrter.'b 21 May 17_·.· .. · Henry Turner-'·b ·17 April i 787 . ,·, Samuel C· Turner b 20 ·May 1789 Ruth Turrter·b 10 October. 1790 ' ' ( Thomas Turner b 23 October 1792 Stephen B Turner b · .. ·_:. On the first page of the Bible record.: "Miss Kitty TUrner was b 29 Sept 1795." * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * ZAIDCH TURNER - MA~YLAND I Zadoch Turner was born 23 September 1729 in Worcester Co, Maryland and died 12 October 1819 in Hancock Co~ Georg1ao · He married ( 1)" Sabra Hicks; ( 2) Judi th Parker; ( 3) in 1764 :.Mary Anna Blizzard who was born 17 43 and died 6 November 1795·.1 · · · ·

Zadoch Turner served as a pri,ra-te in 2n·d Regiment, Old .. Maryland Line and saw service in the campaign. arou.Ad ·New· York,· Philadelphia-, Brandywine,' and 'J':i;e~ton., H~ wa~ a~ Valley. Fol:ge and with his· regi­ ment at Yorktown when'. CornwalllR ·s·ll.rrendered~ Papers of Revolu­ tionary Soldiers in Adjutant i ~ Jfffoe·:- Maryland~ He resided in Worcheste'.~ Co, Maryland dur~_:ng the :fi<:r~··,,luti~:m ...

r+'he children of Zadoch Turner were: 1o H~ilry 6. Phiilp, born 1767, married ·· 2:. zaaoch Judi th Parker · ..3;/John ._.. . 7. Sab:ra · .. 4.- ~i, b~·rn 1 763, marriad .. 8~ Estha '· · William Mi11er · 9" · Thomaef, l:>orn 1'774 ·5 .?.mii~~b~th._, ~orn 1769 ~ married 1 o. Hezekiah; bc>rn: 17so, married . , · William· Orea:r · Sara :Gile·fi· ; - . r ...... ·, .•; "i ~ . 4 •

..., . ~ . ' . . . AUGUSTA . COUNTY, 'VIRGINIA MARRIAGE • ) • • j, - .·1: '· . .. ~ • . 16 'May· 1 i8a John McMulior{t-0 ··Martha Ttirner * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * 8 .THE TURNER .. FAMILY I '' ; ( Taken from The Wright;-)ramiiy -~qmpµed.~ .. b~r·. G~~rge:.~,l~f.;Li~P.l. ~Jr.~gh:t' L .L.B. of Albany, Oregon in 1929)

~\:Y,·~j~~·) .·~·.~.~.. :·:r .. ·;·~i .~ . ·~*:·, ... .:· . ·: ~.··' .... ·· ... !•,, .•. ,.~:.· '·f'··· ... . ·:Ii hav~ no.t .made .a· s~aroh back. in .England for.·, the ati,cee."tor~ 01'.l. rnY ~·oth~ er'"s.. s):de, ~t her f'ath~r. Judge Joseph_ Turner, .. told. me itj lii~· 1'ife.t~e· that his~rpeople crone· from EngiC!-nd· in 8:. very ea~ly. day to Virg1nia ·qr .the Ca~p~: .. linas'• It is said· that .the first. one of the Turners whQ .~~e. "c~y!.er ·:~-~,--~""'.'-.: erica .was Robert funer,' ancf later two ·pi ~nr.ee of his': J?z:otP:~r~.Jolrol-{¢~' :,:_I him. tt is only lately. that I hav~·· trie·d. ~o obtain .the.. f.ir~~: .or' .. QW;'J~ti~. names of Grandfather ''IUXner! s fa.ther. The chiidren of 'my Uncle .~~th.ia~.... : .· Turner say his name. w¥s Mathicis. It is>sa:~d that:.'.the grandfather· o"f Judge Joseph Turner had. so.fie: · Joseph,, .RobeJ:>t~ · r.tathais, James and William. The father of Judge Joseph._.. 'P\irner wa·s. born about 1764, it is said in , and when he bee~~ dl'd .he irooved·· out: to iive with his son Judge Joseph Turner, in Rand9lph Q6unty, Missouri, 'and ·died at the residence of his son, Judge Turner, J~ Ran.dolph · Coun"t:y-, ~::1souri, and died there about 1864. He was over 10o:·years old at -the' 1'tiIJie.:0·£·his death. He married Margaret Nesbit, and ~~ey had 'th~ .. fo.llowin~·'ohildren, born in North Caro- lina, namely: ·' i ··':'('·. ; · · :."· .., .. ,. · ":";.·" . MARY TURNER, m Green-·Shelton .: .. 1-. iTfLM TilllliER·,'" m George·.Hanti~ii" 'i.: . •\ i. ~1 ( . \ • t, ELIZABETH TURNER, m Washington Rogers ., ... '1. SARAH TURNER, m Benjamin CUnningham JOSEPH TURNER, m Mary Lingo WILLIAM 'I1URNER, m Martha 1Hammitt. . .. JOHN TURNER, m Sarah McCully REJ3E"c"CA TURNER,. in . Feek Beard:·:. . . ' ;,f . '.":... .:.· • I: ":', {;' ".'. ;-;, . ELIJAH :TURNER, m- Mariiha:·:·iYates= · ·i · ... . .·• ·: ·~c! .' · : .~ ...... t f· .. r'•'.:· ODE TURNER,.: never ~ried·~ so ·far as known · . ~l'. - ...... f ..

ROBERT M TURNER, m Mary Hughes ' ....:. "~ ' ! }°

:: ...The· Colonial .. Record·s,:~6.(. North Carol·ina published· in.: .voll,JP.l~s', : re-,f~r to Joseph Turner,. Janies>Tl1rner, ,,.,Robert: Turner,. and Matiaa EMatb.ias).. ~..ne.r, some ... of whom it.appears·:serve.d .. the· new State of North Car.olina; in ·the state troops· ·against~:.the'.· Their union was; a. ,very. hap.py. ~me. Af­ ter their marriage~ in Lincoln County, Tennessee·; ·:they .m.ov~d ·with a colony of Turners, McCullys, Lingos, Holmans, Harlins, Wilkes, and others, to Randolph County, Missouri, in'1829 and settled about nine miles westerly from Huntsville. Jos~ph Turner at once purchased land from the United States, and likewise:~'.dftf his ·brOithers,. Robert, John; and others of the kin, and the first thing they did after getting settled and building their homes was to organize a Cumb-e.»1'.and Presbyterian.:·on'Urch,;. of which. my girand- •••,.I {" '. ;, . . . ·' : .

. ( . ,. •' '•',J .._

father. was a life· long and zealous memb~r. · My grandfather Lingo gave a tract· of ~and near Munker' s Creek for a·: chut?ch building and a grove and burial gr.ound and named the place Eldad Church. Here there were great revivals ~eld, and no one loved those intellectual spiritual feasts more than my grandfather and grandmother Turner. Many times I have seen my dear grandmother get so happy as to shout, ''Glory to God," and my grandfather was known for deep spiritual pray~rs, and often took charge of the services in the absence of.the minister. ' . My'grandfathei' Turner' as we11·as my grandmother Turner, was of a happy pleasant disposition, and they were both loved by all who knew them. Grandfather Turner. was appointed Justice by Andrew Jackson, and his juris­ dict~on covere.d ~· larg'? .territory'o He was afterwa:rds elected Judge for Randolph County,. Missou.ri.:· : · ·· ··:. . .. · The chi~dren ...o·f Juage. Joseph 'furner and' M~~ry ·:iirigo Turner were= .. ' ' J . ' ' • ' . • '.. ~ t JAMES ;.Ori!I'URNER; b Lincoln: County, Tenn 25 · D€·c.: 1823. MARGARET ANN TURNER b 11 Sept . 1825 in.. Tann. · ·. · ' , NANCY~·1S!?UART: TUR~. b in Linco1n- .. co, Ten~~·3 S~pt_: 1827. MATHIAS ffiVIITH TURNER h what is Randolph Co, Mo 30 July 1829. SARAH E TURNER b 15 Feb 1832 at Randolph Co, Mo. IYIARY .. ELIZABETH TURNER b 14 Aug 1834 at Rai:i.c.olph. Co, :Mo. MARTHA M TURNER b 6 Aug 1836 at aandolph Co, Mo. . . REBEt.bA::·JA~:-TURNER b 1 May 1839. at Randolph Co, Mo. (My mother).·.:.,: ISABELLA.TURNER b 24 Nov 1841 at Randolph Co, Mo. . JOSEPH SAMUEL TURNER b 24 Mar 1844 at Randolph :Co, Mo...... LOUISISA PENELOPE TURNER b f Dec .... :.s46. ..<·~: ...

·• . i,'-," .. \ ... ' , James O Turner married Emily· Adarns, .. Jlpril .9~1 :., 1.~44. He died March 26, 1875. Issue: JOSEPH TURNER ~ . ,

MARY TUPNER ... ·-~ r;!_ l .. , r·. -· MARr;.ARET ANN TURNER m Jose:]>h. Richeson ·1o··Ap:t" 1944. Issue: ELIZABETH RICHESON m Mr Mc Cully·~.' MATILDA JANE RICHESON b 28 :Mar..: 1853. _:rtu\RGARET .RICHE~ON ni Mr Cr':l~dhfield. SALLY RICHESON .m Mr Thomae.·· GILES RICHESON. '.· . ALONZO RICHESON, add~~ss.is Rothersville, Chariton Co, Mo. MATILDA. JANE RICHESON m. Jqhn :.-j B?ke.r 31 Mar 1867. Issue: .OD.A: ·LEE BAKER b 8 Nov 1868 d '24 ·Aug 1875. JENINA J3ENTON BAKER 'b'.25. Oct 1874 d 18 Sept 1875· WILLIAM M BAKER b"9 Se'.})t 1a7o·m Grace Allen 25 Oct 1892. IsSu.e: RUTH ALLEN BAKER b 21 Mar 1898 m Crayton Keyes · 10 1Mat. 1'9.1 e .). ,'Issue: :. ..: · :.. '. CRAtTON BAKER KEYES b 19 Dec 1922. WILLIAM OONALD BAKER b Nov • ANNA H BAKER b. 2·5. Apr 1.876 ·~m' Thomas H Kingbaum 31 Dec _.

;... Issue: THOMAS EUGENE KING BAUN b 14 Mar 1908. VIRGINIA NADINE·· Ki-NGBAUN b 16 Dec 191 0. :. ... MARY JANE KINGBAU~ b 25 Nov 1912. WIL~IAM Mc KINGBAUN b 13 Nov 1912. Continued in the next issue * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * *

10 .. ; : · · i · . TURNER TANGLES - . : ~ : : , .' _; ,. (Can you untangle'?.) , ·- . ;····...... d.~· ··.r•;;·. ·: .. , : . ..

' "·· ... .. : ., Want -any' information on: t,/ife ~:· children and. William ... TUrner, born '1-733 near Snow Hill,'· Maryland~;. the son TURNER ....· .... L. of~-I.Jlisha and Mary (Carroll}:. Tu'rne·r. Willia.in and,.. C~OL'L.,- ·:·':. · ... ·three brothers Zadock, Lev:ih,-· and Henry t./ere· Revo-­ lutionary Soldiers in .Maryland.:· :·All· four ·were in .· Halibook County, Ga. by 1793 where Wiili.am-:owned - '··: "land on Shoulderbone Creek that ·adjoined .land:- owned· by James Turner, who is thought to· be ··o:ne,.ot··li.i:S'.· sons·. William drew Lot' No.~ 79 in Bald'INin··coun:ty~~ · Ga. in 1805 Land Lottery and moved there ·~nd slip-' .. .. .:posedly~ died ·there in 1818 but.: J3a.ldwin Coiihty re­ .cords·. .-.were burned and no will-; has been found. I need help·. ·: ' . . . , MRS PAULINE TURNER:'FAKE, 4911·! Cambray, . San Antonio, .. . .: i; Texas. 78229f~... : ·-·.: ' •"\ l . • . : . . ' .· ,_ . ... _... ~ ·· .. : . ·:: Inf.brmat1on and parent·s· of Patience Turner who TURNER married Ri~hard Gordon· prior to 1792. '"'."1·e17. Need M~rriage Mc CRARY record..... «,: 4lszy. .p~rents· of::P~ter, Rice b 1795 and Eli~beth:McCrary b 1795 both.b Madison Co, NY (Cazinovia.~a)•· Will exchange· information. rfilS C H STILES;· .P .• o·. Box-. 802·;: ·Boul<,il.er ~ Colo 80302.

) .. ••· • i r:am·descended:from 1.Ter1Sha.(1st) Turner, 2.Stephen WILL. , · Reuben, 3.James, 4.l-'.lfred A, 5,nu.dley M, 6.Alfred · :· · (my father). Any information I have I will be &'HARE . ·, ... :· :· .. happy·· to:-. share~ Fam especially interested in con­ INFORMATION : \ . : . '! ·:\ .~ .. ··:.~ta-Ot~ng\·aescendants of"James, son df Stephen Reuben. ,.,,· ····.:·

My g-g-g-g-grandparents were Terisha Turner and wife Sarah. They lived in Amhherst County, Virginia~ His ·will was· dated 7 May -1"793 and. ·proved 19 April 1802. These children were named: · ·· , . 1. James·..: ·md Rebecca ·Hamner. 2. Stephen Reubefi - md··Busannah Hamner. 3. Jdhh - md Mildred Sliddarth. ···. · 4. Henry 5. William 6. George 7. Mary - md James London~· Jr. 8. Sarah - md Bartholomew Stovall. '· I descend fr·om .. John: whb. md M Suddarth. Their children were: ,: . 1 • Terisha - md···Mary' (Polly) Dal ton 16 March 1796 in· Albemarle·: Co, Va. 2. James - md Nancy Goodrum 1803 in S'umner Co, Tenn. 3. William S - rod Smi'th artd"inbv~d to' :Texa:~. 4. Betsey - rod Moses Til'.lsley and moved .... to Sumner- Co, T~nn. 5. Sarah (Sally) ~ md wl.~liam Caffery. · ·· : 6. Mar.y (Polly).·.:.. rod Wiiliam Reed{ SuDmer·· Co, Tenn·. ·· I descend from Te·risha and Mary IE.l ton who moved· to Sumner: co;.-Tenn. Th~Y. had 10 Qhildren. She died 1816. Then Terisha married her niece Rachel Di6Icens6h ·an'ci' they had· 4· chifcfreri: · · · ·' · · ;· :.~ ·- · . · : · . ,. : .. · Children of Terisha and Mary: ··; ... 1 •.Adam: b 1796 -. may· have married??? 2. 'John b 1798 -~ may have md ·sa:b1h \·Jhitmore or' Rachel Garrett?? 3.. Willi?Jll b 18Q9 . - may hav~ married Eliza Roberts or Virginia Underwood?? 4. bilmpter o"1B02 md. Rac~el''Daltoh~··· 1st on· 7 January 1a24· " .. · ·: .t, ., ... '" " .. · ·'.Eaizabeth Baldw1ri,'. 2·nd New Orleans·,, La ...... ·5.· ·France·$ h t804 rod Livingston· Dicke:f'sdn 11 · June 1023. .. -·, ·;· . ~. },; ... v~id.$ila'. :·b:· H306" md' ··Nigron Harper 1'7-'July 1821. '·' ' ::, · ..... 7'~-J~1i~s.d.n:_ :p ·_b; ,_180_8 rod Marth~ Dickenson. '{or Hickenson) 18 O&tobe·r 1031. 8 ... Mildred s·b 1sn md Wm ·n'Higgerson ·1 January 1827. · 9. samue-i' · s" b 1 a·14 md Maria Horton - dfed in California. 10. Mary Db 1816 md (maybe) F S Smith. or .Z G Fogg (Bogg??). Children of Terisha and Rachel were: . 'n.·~: ·yirgi.nli M b '181 f- '( fourtd 'nq marriage??) -.~.-:: " .· 1.2 .• Nidy D b 1 SH} nfq James :Hunt 4 .' Octooe:r -1834. , : 13.~ ;Mai'oma (Malvin~? r·'F b"182·0 md· Wm N· dioar·~ · ··, t:: .· 14~·lia::dd.sbury b 1023 mciMaliria ··· · b Ky.. ll:v:i.ng in·Phillips.:-:C'.!o, Ark 1050. I descend from the 4th child.of Mary "Polly" Dalton and Terisha."Turner, bilmpter, who rod Rachel Dalton in 1824.Their children were: 1. Thomas Sumpter - b New. Orl.eans, La 1833 - rod Laura Virginia Whitehead of· Gbesterfield... Co, Va. . · · 2. William.. Rol?es.

12 1 • Wilson D - age 42 - farmer - Di~trict # .14 • .:·,-; -~·~.1¥.Iartha ~ .. 46 .... , ..... , :-· 1 · Luiza· -·''1a· - b Tenn .. ~ . Mary - 14 - b Tenn 2. ~-- 'iHigge~s.on. -.,:44 .. ~ ·f~l~e~ - b rp~zm ~· Dis·:t~ic't "#"_ ·14 .. ··· -~ ·· ... · .· Miidred (Turner)~· wife ·• 39 - b Tehr?. ..· · .. :.· '. .:.' . ~ · · . · . Frances B - 17 (f) - b Tenn · ., ... JP~ -:~1 :. .b ~eri!;t. '...... David - 15 - b Tenn ; ': ..· .Ja,nies , . .. . . B. . - ". 5 - ·b. Tenn: .. ; . . r.. Richard - 13 - b Tenn , . And:rew. B .- 2 .- b Term:~ . Samuel - 11 - b Tenn · · :.. :: .. '~. ·.1 Mary A - 9 - b Tenn 3. William N Cloar - 29 (m) - District #. 17 ...... ·· . Y', Malina (Turner) - 30 I • • : \

James :-. 5.... , .. :·. ::·. ~ ·•.' .. Elizabeth,.. - .3. 1 '· ; M~y. Jane "'"" ..4 .· i . . Ma~g{iJ:~t: ~:-. 2 .'. .. • . .,!. ... • '··,, ·.. ·...... ' ··-··~·- ...... \•• "' .. ··. :· .. '· 4. James Hunt - 40 - b. Tenn' -. District # • .. '. f •• :.. : • ~·-r .. Nicy D (Turner) - )1, ~ b Tenn.. · , _, ..:· , ...... Emily - ·12 - b! Tenn · · · ·. ;ne, ~o ~y, Ark, Mo, .~ex, etc, as many others were do~ng.. I.have no 186.o _q.ensu.s so :46 rtot· ~n_o~ ·where the 5 I· hav.e listed ~may ~P.~ve .... beeri .JlY .1.860. . I hav~ a grea·t,. 4eal .'of iri.:(6rm~tion to . share with the . descendants of these pe<;>ple. an(l. hope ··this wilt ·'.P.u:t ·me in touch with some • · ·.A.a~ .we.ii a.s descendant"f~: of those ·i isted here. ·' ; ·· · ·. · · ' • . • . '. • I • ; .: . :· ,: I :. , .· ·:~ i ' ' • • • ; ~ . • .' • : ~ • • : . . · ...,_.:, : j !;i ·,.' * * *· * * * * * '* '* * * '*"*· * .., Your editor hopes in futu;~ .. ;is~es t~ P,ub1.i~ij other .. tmiiily J;inef:l~ A 1 good way to get you all together •....If you ·a.re ~#terest~d:._"in any· ·of these, be sure to write. I hope you w:t~l seri:d in your :famny·'t_f!l~S, ~o· be PU:bli~hed in forthcoming is~ef:l. . l ~~11 :Publish one or more each:· issue~ depending on len8'th • ."/TheY. will l;l~!.dcine .~s space··_-permits~. . · · · ·· · · · :. ~ . ..:.::· ... ::.~;._ ...:. . ,. •.... :. * *· * * *' * * * * * *"* .* * ...... • •' i '. 1 'lot t , : ,: , • • r , • , ', •• : I ; , , • 0

.. - t " ~ •• ~<: ~~f: !. ::·· .. RHOlE ISLAND FREEMEN. n • ...r: ...... J - 4 May 1731 at Newport - , - 6: May 1·746.·~~t_.-~~v-fde~ce - William Turner ·· .· · :: j· J·oshua .Tu.rner• -Jr .

1 · ·-· ...... 2·.:.Ma.y.:tt32 at ·providence ~ .... :·. -··May.. 1758 at ·sc·ituate Josh'lia Turner . ..: 1 r - . · ·" , ·,·:,·William.. Turner -· ·Oct'ober 1733 at· Pro'7-idenc·e · - ··: . ·. " ,;.; .~ -,r, .:... !. ·· • -1.: .· _.· ·.:· •. : ; :··. ··.. tro·shua· Turner· .. .,. _·-. 1:. · r~ ·:•. • · •. '· ·";_ ·· .. · ~ · · 6. May'- ·1735 at south Kingston·.•· ~,. • · . ·.. _; .... ·-1:· .. Pain Turner * * * * * ·*.. *13 * * * * * * * l 90J-l940 Daath:J 1(,1.4»J 25817

1\).rnell Edna Eleno!"a J.~ cCullo~h. l-l2-2l ~2S;5 " .;> J. w., In!. ...,~ ~cCullcch 7-11-29 367)0 Maney R::-lbeeca ir'tc CUllo#Zh :'.i.- 2 )•2.7 13572 St,nen Walker Ma~ulloch 7-lJ-<24 ..:~.zc (• Wil ard M.cCulloch l.:?-21-lS 6C499 \[) TUrnefi arown J-~C-05 95S6 ~·1!g.n.t• of ~ - c/ et yra. Collin -.:;-;.- !J l.3438 - 59 yrs., Male Diekona .2 .... z-i$ 6150 Int• Fem.al-3 Fisher .z ... 9-17 q,647 \5 Maia. 17 yr3. Grayson 7-v-~ 14696 tur-ner Wb.ita ? Hopkins ?-?-10 24752 '{Ihite Malo, In!. Hopkin a l C- .C::/ -0 7 J5.305 Nago,Inr. of P. c p.r.;.lMl • 4 -~ l~-13 17087 1 Whit.a i:·ema.le Inf. Kau.ftnan 1.--1-0 5 ./ 7,.,t ~., 7 .. ... 01 White FGmale Inf. Kaufman ·..:. f'!" ~ ,.,i ... l 38779

TUrner Whit& ·Fama.le, ?il."S• ;{$(! Ri 'tf •3!' lQ ... 2J-C6 4S9J3 'i.111 te F&mal'! Int. Tarran~ l-26...(i6 54369 ~·:1 1~e F ~cJ lnf. '!arrant 2-9-06 54J6i.i White ?~e In!'. Ta~ant 3-1-10 .;26a7 mi1te Female. 65yrs.W1lson ll.... 14- /-.-"~;/ 565,~9

"'(' ; Turner White Fem.ale, 76 y-..~s. Wise ) -.Z .1-05 ,,,.~:. ,_...._ .., _. A. !)l Pa.no ,~.; -r;,J9 --v'" 4 17)12 A. ;'.'f'U'S • MeLe.nn&t'1 !!-4.... 14 l i 2-tJ 7 A. •••n. Hunt 0-0•Z•..1 i.zGj .) • 1-i, "' ....- , A. J . Frea st o!!~ ~ ... ~ ~--; I ')r... ..;..I· 7c•! ·a.

1 Turn.er A. ::: .lckahamon Kaui.'lnan ll- 3 ~2$ 4 ~9 ~ 4 (' ~. .,,. " Inf. of v"'al v' ·~-.::. ·:_,· l_.;"' n ~-S -25 lt;.031~ A. c., ~=.irs. ~ills •~-' 41 .. _,,~ 6 14C07 .. - • ) A. J. Lamar- 3-21:1 -JO J.. o+ ( )> , . .; 1 - ~ 4.... Ue.m ~ l Child.c ..: :.;.::; ..-. .t...:•'-· .. 1 $ .L.,•,...... , .•

Turne:- A • '""..J • !.-tontague l v-15- Jt, JLl4\.~ A· ,; ~allas l --V-" )) 13.34 . .... , "'~ ... . A. J. XcLe.nnatt ..L.-.L._,. _; v .. - . J 3;631 i ·' ' : A. J. J Sr. Ell:ts 2 ... .. ) - .,.· ·.J 7771 4•• J • Dallas j.fj-~ ~ -.2li 31479 cq:: • l'u.rn:;sr ~. L .. ,: Inf' . ::;lllJ - ?. ·l~.-L0 5433 ,. .. i ') < y :: A• .!.i• 1 ~, :s. z>- Terry J...... 1-.. "" ~ '.J 5i?6a • ir 0::: r- .a. .. ~· ··, 2·1rs. Wcod " 1-JG-Jj 7Gll0 H Ow A. ~· ~ . Lt_ - :I;Qtla:y ~~ ')~ .2 J lJlld 1 • 'D dTju 4. l ... .:::."'C ...4 ~ 3 3J61;;.. .:\.• ... ' Inf. -o Smith

Ail:sey Ste~hens 9-13-10 2z689 Al Dal as ~-10-)? 7523 Ala.faire Orange 10-15-10 a2690 Albert Cass 4-1J-J6 19099 Albert, Inf. of Dallas 12-22-.36 5g92:c! Albert Harris J-27-40 14761 {) Albert Tarrant 6-Z.2-27 21493 Albert A. Red River l2-l

Allie Dallas 6-11-28 24971 } Allie Travis ii... 21-14 2)380 Alma, Mrs. Caldwell 4-18-24 11724 Alma Harri a 4-14-J2 16899 Alma Wal.ler ll-2.)-2) 3.3940 Alma May Newton 8-20-19 25000 Almer, Inf. of Guadalupe 10-1-ai.. )2.371 Almer, Ill.f. of Harrison 5-14-21 14.165 ' ilmero Bexar 8-17-33 35445 fl Almeta Dallas 4-J0-37 20199 Almsto, Mrs. Montgomery J-2-37 1692) Alonzo Hutcbimson 10-7.. J? 51028 ilonso Jack 10·29-32 43042 Alpha Travis lO·l.0..39 71742 Alphonso 1. Parker l0-2-30 50179

Alton Ray WoQd 12-7-17 37146 ~ Alvin. Inf'. of Throckmorton 3-27-21 15167 Alvin Flanders Galveston 7-3-29 35201 Alvin Jackso.n Collin J-5-35 12035 ,,, Alvis Loyd Hall 2-1-25 6490 Alvoyd Pecos 8-Jl-29 4.l.881 Alyse, ll~s. Dallas Z•27-J6 7470 Amanda Fisher z.. 27 ...36 8089 Amanda, Mrs. Hunt 9-11-20 29625 , Amanda McLennan 6-7-10 22691 Amanda Wharton 8-l6-J6 4.)4ll , Amanda L. Johnson a-z6-2a }6060 Amanda Parilla Raine 4-12-.36 22.563 Amee Harrisen l-30-18 a?53 America Beatrice San Patricio 4-22-aS 18428 America Tell Limestone 8-15-30 40760 Amos Jefferson u-2... 31 52315 A.mo$ E. Tarrant 5-.U-34 24768 Ana E. Cooke l-16-20 745 Andrea Wilson Bexar 3-2,3-16 5727 r Andrew Grayson 1-26-19 a6659 Andrew Gray eon -28-J..S 2Jll Andrew, Inf. of Grayson 2-11-l.5 ))2g Andrew Jackson, Mrs.Mata~orda Andrew lJ. ~r Erat ·12-£-3!- 5- g ~~m J ·~vJ-~~~u ueavae 25820 Andy Gonzalea 10-1.)•)7 50201 Angeline. Mrs. Brazos 2-17·2i 8729 .. Angeline Harrison 8-J.O-) wai Angie Tarrant 10-19-19 30720 Angy M. (3oss) Jasper 2-23-29 11217 Anita 1Uizabeth Crockett 1-19-40 1271 Ann Angelina 1-26-17 ll Ann E., Mrs. "9exar 5-S-JO 22105 ' Anna, Mra. Jefferson 6 ... 4 ...23 18704 ., Anna z., Mrs. Bexar ll-2-23 3121+9 Anna B. El Paso 9•2)-26 ).1558 Anna Fay Gray 4 ..g.3g 1~3 Anna Hayes Dallas 5-29-JS 22313 Anna Joe Anderson 3-10-22 644() Anna Loucile Jefferson 7--2c1-JJ 33167 Anna M. , Mrs. Kau.f'Jaan 6-2z.... 39 29269 ., Anna Maria Buar lO·l·ll ~1123 Amlagayne.ll Bexar 10-~-)2 40867 Anne. Miss Navarro 12-7-25 Annie Bowie S·S-40 Jm34 141 Annie Freestone ll-15-.36 54378 ., Annie Galveston 12-lJ-25 43089 Annie Gregg l-29-34 2248 .Annie Harris 1-1.-.20 1879 A.nnie, Mrs. Harris 7-15-23 21391 .. Annie Harri a 3-7-36 l5ZJ9 J Annie, Mrs. Smith 4-29-10 22692 Annie Travis 7-.3-21 20$60 Annie Travis 3-25-24 lOiiJ J Annie Bell Colorado 6-7-3g 26 1 Annie Dora Dallas 7-2-.3$ )1600 Annie Elizabeth Harris 4-lJ-JO 19045 • Annie Laurie El Paso 8-2)-.3$ 86689 Annie Mary Galveston 7-4-15 15236 Annie i't.ay Dallas 7-11-19 Z089J Annie May Na11arro 6-15-05 1+4695 Annie Odell McLennan 1-22-18 .3722 Annie Steen Dallas 6-:J.7-16 13806 Anpha Orange 4-lJ-23 l.3203 Anthony Anderson 9-25-23 25682

Apples, Mrs. Potter 9-24"•27 .31531 \~ Arch Brazos 3-9-10 22693 Arisona Braaos r-11-)0 42909 Arlesa ~i<>rris -24~24 2777 ~ ~low Hamilton 6-20-.30 293.~5 Arthur Brown l-22·19 685 .... Arthur Dallas l-31-)7 1620 Arthur, Inf'. o i' Ell.is 2-18-20 54J2 Arthur E. Harris 12-24-17 ~ Arthur Frank Lamb 5-27-l+O ~u~~ , 1903-1940 Deaths 25821 Arthur Guy Ellis g-13·17 21755 Arrena Bastrop 12-.2.3•40 53276 Artie, Yaas. YoUllg 7-21•.32 )26Jl Artis M. Ma.a on l-22-20 2556 ) Asa Orang1) 1-24-05 46169 Atheline ltautman S-27-17 2270J ) . Attie Erma Bee 4-22-40 17282 Aubrey Morris Bee 10-15-.36 4.78.SZ August Charlas Harris 7-7-lO 2269a Augustine Galveston 6-9-JO 2905 TUrner Austin Bexar 7-15-.3) 30840 ) Austin Brazos 6-25-18 23776 Austin Tarrant 8-15-10 22695 Austin Tom Green 7-17-22 Zl885 Auther Wharton 11-27-28 56J5S

Ava Jane Bos~ue 2-8-32 5343 · l Avelina Fal s 4-?-14 ?806 Avery Pott Gr a:l.4-.33 19807 Avery Bertha Nolan 4-32 35767 ') B. a. Van Zandt 6-ZO-J6 33474 a. F., Inf. of Gonzales 10-23-19 l9477 s. F. Hunt 11-20-29 54488 B. F. Johnson s-2-21 17072 .a. F • McLennan 4-21•15 8491 ·;, B. P. Milam 9-10-21 2S985 furn er Barbara Ann Jefferson 9·21-Jt 42259 Bar~ c. Taylor 4-9-JO 21067 Beatrice Tarrant .3-27•23 10251 Beatriz Norine Tarrant a-u-Js 39158 BGcky El Paso 10-l.2-)l 46733 Turner Beds, Inf. of Cooke ll-15-29 5Z69i aell Harris J-15-10 2269 Belle Wise 3-lt!-39 16490 3en Harris 5-11-28 21579 ) Ben, Mrs .. Tyler 8-25-09 5a79g Turner Ben, Mrs. Wise 1-30-.31 5846 ) Ben F. Hamilton J-26-2) 8709 3en Franklin V10tley 9....5-36 46576 Ben Hill Johnson 8-12-38 JtoJl Ben J. Dear Smith 3-3-19 9628 hrner Benjaman Franklin Limestone 10-10-.)l 48205 ~) Benjamin Bl Paso 4-8-44 12477 Benjamin Harris 1-10-)2 22a3 Benjamin Franklin Denton 1-20-13 866 ,} Benjamin H. Grayson 8-25-21 22495 er Benjamin P. Harris 1-24·33 2618 Benjamine Cook Jefferson 2-21-21 5979

Bennie Hale 7-10-22 20570 ~ ~e ~{ (Void) 8 Bennie h ;eearrant . 3!~~2~ i~ )

... - ~- 1903·1940 Deaths 25822 J ! Bernice Hunt 8-11-32 ~50)1 t Bernice Dallah Harri a 2·7-39 854 Berry n. Be• 4-1·26 14599 Bert Harris 9·21-33 41675 ) Bart L., Jr. Tom Green 1·30-)1 5234 . TUrn&r Bert Stephens Lamar 7-2-29 36472 Bertha Galveston 8-ll-.32 34256 Bertha Tarrant 8-.30·12 ao620 Bertha Wilbarger 1-26-32 4638 Bertha E., Mrs. Floyd ,..... 29-25 1)99l! -~ l'Urner Bert.ha Mae Harris 9-19-38 41902 Bertha May Harris 8-22-JO )9767 ) Berther N. Juarez, Mex. ll-30-14 22142 ilet"tram Haslam Galveston 10-29-39 46092 J Beasie Anderson 2-20-10 22749

Beae1$ A. Dallas l-9-24 S43 ) Beasie Ada Lamar 7-4--37 37.359 Be8aie c. Fannin 6-11-10 2~697 Bettie, Mrs. Guadalupe 8-28-28 .35264 J Bettie Harrison g-18-22 23730 Bettie McLennan 6-l.3-25 23010 Betti(i Gene 'J Hansford 12-20-J) 55~ B~tie M. Dallas .3-19-29 14 3 Bettie Richards Hunt 8-19--34 3 3 2 Betty Jo Dallas 8-21-33 3b 2 b4 ' Beulah Rains 9-ll-OJ i6.l58 ) Beulah Wise 10-29-0.3 801 .Beulah Jane Hunt ll-24-37 >55953 Beuna Yiata Reeves ll-22-16 26224 _, B~:verly Faye Potter 2-26-38 97li+ Bill Leon 7-16-28 Jl616 Bill Red River 2·16-lJ 4503 Bi-lle Fort Bend 2-17-33 7955 Billie Gene Denton 2-2)-34 6814 ) Billie Jack Henderson 7-27-Jl 3420.3 :Jillie Jean Wood ll-12-28 50551 Billie Quinn Young 10-29-37 53106 :CillJ..e Rae McCulloch l-~l-J2 JJ16 Billy Carroll Hidalgo 6-4-~0 28?76 ) Billy Dale Bee 12-2 -.32 49542 "i3illy Jay Potter 2-26-38 9713 3illy Joe Dallas ll-5-30 52.}88 Birdie, Mrs. Harris 4-29-28 1671+9 Birdia May, Mrs. Bexar z-11-10 22698 3lanch Galveston 6-18-l.2 15249 Blanche Nellia Dallas 9-14-37 45143 Bob Nacogdoches z-12-19 7921 " Bob Swisher 6... J-.35 }0)47 Bobbie(Maude Antil.l)El Paso 6-24-3j Bobbi~ Orange 12-24- 4 ~zm :.J 1903•1940 Deaths 25823 , .. DoQby Comanche i..-2-J6 19274. Bobby Jean Brazoria 8-26-34 )5~57 Bonnie Fay L(iJEI l2-2S-Z8 54446 Bookner G. Wilbarger ll-18-39 53.328 .Bosa Tarrant 12-l.J+-17 36531 Bossie Smith 2-15-lS 9252 Brawn Tarrant l-ll-18 4406 aruee Tarrant i-z4 .. zo )174 Bud Dallas 12 ..u-40 54396 't Bud Morris 9-18-Ja 39617 Bula Harris u-22-29 sg9;1 Bulah Elnora Galveston 8-15-.)lf. 3 -606 Burdie Lou Raill 10-26-21 28978 Burk Alleta. Callahan $-Jl-.34 )5567 Burke Adline Wood l2-i8-.37 63607 Burl. a. Tarrant 9... 9-14 19350 Burr, Illf •• of Comanche 5-20-11 10280 Burr Comanche i-as-as 970 Burr D. Comanche 10-20-17 27252 ) Burrell B. Tarrant 9-9-14 19.326

au.ton Orey Anderson 12-30-40 73824 Ci Buster Galveston 6-5-22 17309 c. E. McLomlan 3-13-13 6S07 c., E,. Young 4-18•27 14691 c. J. Leon 4-6-16 -9954 • c. F. Leon g..20-32 G. H. Harri a 5-16-2z w-1936 c •. J. Grayson 11-4-~0 .)4g96 c. J., Mrs. Harris 6-9-22 17568 .j c. J. Lamar ll..-26-24 36165 c~ L. Motley l-6-33 4274 c. T. 1 Inf. of Williamson 5-z;-12 14238 c. v., Mra. Delta u-t19 )lt!99 c. w. Taylor 4-1 -23 l35g3 Caldonia Marion 4-L-18 175 2 Caleb El Paso 8-24-15 17454 Caleb Harris l-27•36 2926 OUe'b McLennan 2-25•18 a764 Caleb Newton Palo Pinto 8-26-29 usia Callie A~lina 8-2s-;a7 255 5 Callie Johnsen 9-2-ll 20266 Callie Donia Travis 2-27-36 ll.512 Callie Dony ~ills l.Z-J-ll 26240 Callie Forney Jefferson 12-13-33 561.SO Calve C. ~ , Mrs. Ellis 10-20-32 1+1927 er Calvin Madison 2-ll-JJ 9~0 Cal.Yin Grace Jefferson 11-9-37 5 31 calvin Hayden Harris 2-ll-29 1064-9 ,. gampbell o. Coo~ 2-5-.36 arey McC och 12-5-28 §t~~' • 1903-1940 Deaths 2Sit2Jj .. · } Carl s. Denton 2-·22-27 l,.88; .., Carme11 L. Harrison 3-23-28 U014 Caroline,. Mrs. Tarrant l-30-lO 22699 Caroline Tltus 9-1,.32 40183 Caroline Amanda Harris J-28~27 9255 Turner Carolyn Ann Potter 5-18-40 2.5197 Carrie Dallas 4-16·12 973.5 Carrie Harris z-1s--ia 7046 Carrie lobe.rtson z-10-34 9454 Carrie Travis 7-30-.32 )2220 '1\lrner Carrie Berney Grime a 5-21-38 2a1s6 ~ Carrie Rebecca Cherokee 12-21-36 5 .517 Carroll Simons Wichita 7-20-19 2~3 Cartine Anderson ll-24-23 31166 ) Catherine Rob$rteon 2-10-36 10770 Cecelia Harris S-7-lJ 17~4l -~ Cecil, Mrs. Deaf Smith 4.-7-28 15 ~ Celestine Hill 7-18-37 zos27 Celia Chambers i-9-35 318 ) Ceser Galveston 2-l-)l 7749

Chandler A. Runnels s-18-21 23517 ) Obarles Bexar 2-3·1.8 5861 Cha.a., Inf. of Burleson 6-15-16 13579 Charles Jefferson s-;-1s 2l.J+Sl. ., Chas., Int. of Lamar 6-8-ll 1)941

Charles Leon l0-18-04 41530 } Charles · Nacogdoches 2-14-3S 94~ Chas. Tarrant 10-J-05 53 5 Charlsslt Inf. of Taylor .S-19·21 1515.3 } Chas. A. Houston 5--9-Jg 23808

Charles A. Matagorda ll-30-27 J7fl25 ) Charlea Arnold Hunt 10-16-JO 49187 Ch.arlea c. Dallas 1-14.... 34 U.65 Charles Carroll La11aca a-20-15 1S236 ) Charles Clarance Hale 5-.10-.30 24019 Chas. D. McLennan J-l6-J4 l4Jll Charles E. Brazos . 10-17-1$ J7.3lg Charles E. Dallas J-)-36 1.3710 . ' Charl.ev E. Jefferson l-26--35 )216 ) Charles Edward Coman eh a 12-22-30 57205

Charles Edward Palo Pinto 1+-28-37 70~2 Charles F. El Paso 1-8-17 Chas. Gardner Tara:ant ~-za-Ja Chas. H. DallaB -2 -32 r~ Charles Herbert Liberty s-2s .. 3e Jrz73 er Charles I. Grayson 12-22-34 54284 Charles J .. Elli a 7-23-.31 ))044 Chas. J. Tarrant 10-15-17 29398 Charles L. Cooke 5-l.}-25 17057 ,, Chas. L. Polk 4-lo-10 22701 ..., ~~UJ·i~J.+U Deatns 25825 " f · ·1\lrner Ghaa. M. Dallas 1-22-26 2~80 Charles Mathews El Paso 6-30.-23 19 14 Charles Morgan Wichita 2-16-) l.0675 Charles Redding McLennan 4•25-36 22067 Charles Robert Collin 9-22-37 44956 ' ·TUrne·r Charles Wilson Denton 12-28-23 349S3 Cha.rlett Eastland J-20-J? 14357 Charley Galv~ston ll-10-1.5 a440s ·Charley R&d River 7-9-2fl 32~ Charley smtn ll-14-18 52 . ·'f'u.rner Charley a. Hunt t+-6-40 19SlS Qharley Pat Tarrant 9-lS-37 471)9 ') Charley Thomas Kaufman 1-26-23 2257 Charlie, Sr. Angelina 6-25-Jl 26629 Charlie. I.n.:f • of Kendall. g-9-33 37904 Charlie.,. Inf. of Lee 6-11-21 17)$8 Charlie Smith 3-J·38 70317 Charlie Titus 2-6-25 al.7.) Charlie Demds Wood 1-9-lZ .39142 Charlie Frank Hill 10-l 36 .50372 ' Charlie Merit correi1 7-22-19 Z0768 ., Charlie R. Dal as 4-17-40 18159 Charlie R. Harris 7-25-2.) 21471 Charlie Wallace Wood ll-4·3~ 579~9 ., Chertey San Jacinto 2-z.o ...3 · ll3 9 Ch\t&tet- Glenn PottlU' 5-l-2tl 22.937 l Christian Ila, Mrs. Baxar 6-i.2-26 20433 Cicero Cass 7-45-19 20671 Clara, In.f. of Collin 5-2-33 21901 .) Ciara Donley 4-16-.3) 17573 Clara Fannin 4-10-ll 8232 Clar:a Montague $-6-Z5 3040) Clara Taylor 1-15-19 4'9.09 Clara '?ravis 6-li-17 l?t.53 ., Clara Amelia s. Jefferson 2-2 .-37 9809 Clara E. El Paao 10-15-18 39314 ) Clara Quintella Dallas 6-15-37 30540 Clarence E. Webb io·-12-1e 46703 Clarence J. Hardin 6-i-40 28298 ) Clare.nee J. Harris ll-l-.35 515g4 Clarice Dallas 6-2.3-JI+ ?.6756 _) Clarinda Cleopatra Coryell 10-J-39 45Jll. Clark Henderson 12 -.39 5.5S.30 Clark McLennan i-7... 12 10935 Clark McLennan -21-34 28937 Clarra .a. Rains l0-17-18 l+4546 Claud Panola 2•24-19 soao Claud E. Harris 12-23-40 55761 Ci:ude Col.lin C eveland Harris ~~!6 ~lifton Red River ti!iiis 2 3.20 Cloud Delta .3-~3-.33 12508 ) . . ', jC(()J - /~~D Charles Spurgeon Scurry B-10-32 36040 Claucte.-Int. ot Bell l-14-20 as Claude, ·Mra. Bell l-4-2S lt724 Claud.e,-Int. of Oldham 2-lS-.32 8276 Cla7borne w. Franklin 1-18-40 2189 ) Cleo . McLennan 6-20-36 323U Cleophus Titus 6-19-)6 3JJ2S ) Cleora TraYia s-2a-J9 25708 curtord Marion 9-19-15 20J98 Oil.Ran, Jr. Kcl.ennan 6-l7-J9 29641 Clilitr V• San Pat.ricio J-)-28 13454 Cl.Jd.a,-Inl. ot lllis 7-Jl-13 lS06J Cobey Ellis 10-27-23 29160 Coby,-Int. ot Ellis 6-14-lS 12459 Cod.7 1 -Inf'. ot Cherokee 4-4-30 17S09 ) Concept! on Leal Buar 5-5-20 1SS69 Connie Cleo· Tarrant l-lJ-19 4819 ) Connie L. ,.~ s-20-20 17.340 Cona\ance GalTeston 2-25-40 6401 Cera Dall&a 2-2)-)2 6067 Cora Tarrant 6-27-40 30272 Cora Marie Wilbarger ll-4-.32 49291 ) Cora Myrt.l.e Limestone l2-25-2S 44181 Corbin a. Dallas l-2J-22 7412 Cordelia Gregg 6-4-)8 27957 l I Coriae Dallas 3-24-32 10914 Corine Harr1acm 5-23-11 lll97 ., · Corrie Rains 2-10-06 47490 Qo~elie Korria 8-2l-J4 )8072 Cose\'t Scurry l-11-17 2769 ) Creaey Han-is l-24-21 l7SS Crinnie Ta 2-20-.34 9890 •• Cur•ia 1lanor as 10-4-37 49.)12 Cyn:thia Elizabeth Lubbock 6-29-)8 2911) D. A.,-In1'. ot Na Tarro 4-27-28 1809S ) D. B. Hardeman 1-10-17 1762 D• .D.,-Int. Of Grayson 2-12-28 6748 ) D. L. Ha7e 2-20-29 10902 D. L. Houaton 10-2-.)0 49149 D. M. ,-In£. ot Lubbock l-2)-21 2246 ) D. M. ,-Int. o! Lubbock 6-17-2) 1895.3 D. W. Runnels 7-8-)9 35022 J D. V. Titus 12-16-37 6)099 D. W. Wic:hita l-28-J? 5817 D. McNeill Nueces ll·S-J? S6S48 l)acon Carroll Cherokee 10-22-39 45175 Daia7 Harris ll-23-24 JS7J4 J Dallie A. Kautman 7-21-10 22747 Dan,.-Inf'. of Harrison 4-lS-10 22703 Dan Lampasas 4-3-.39 19SJJ .)


..,.--.-r--·-·--- __. , ~,-~ - ~,~~ ...... «o ;J w""' ,., f C( ~ 3- N l/D Dan Lavaca 12-2.1.-16 51439 Dan W1ee 6-9-40 3077) Dan Jackson Aqellna 8-1)-38 JS314 Dan lice Den1ion l-1.3-24 1037 Danial Munroe Coryell S-8-)7 25168 ) Dave Braaoa 7-8-)9 )16)9 ))avid DiJmai~ 9-23-30 43645 ) D&Tid. A. Harri a . 10-25-26 352S6 David Carson Liberty ll-lJ-)J 51,87 Dartd Larkin limb le 7-13-30 .35624 · David Owens Grayson 1-7-28 2076 Davie Hur.ta 10-27-23 297SO DaJllon Brown 2-20-ll 2812 DeaJi-ln.f. ot Ea atland S-3-)S J742l De na cameron S-25-JO 22636 Delia Lamar 2-15-)l. 9043 Ta.nan• 6-9-)2 2150, ~1t: •llen Jetfarson 6-10-29 J~1 Della Carver Falla 2-4-)6 79 ~ ," Delitha Jack eon ' l0-l-J9 469.)S l Della Caaa 7-24-25 2a691t Della Harris 6-9-23 i ·427 Della Hill J-1-10 22704 Della San Jacinto 2-8-32 8517 Della Scurry J-6-24 lOSOS \ Della E. Wichita 3-22-26 12419 hlla Lou Wharton S-23-.36 4J~J •• Delton Limestone 2-2-28 77 Deslie Ta!lor 12-23-23 )6746 Dessie D. Hal J-l0-22 8259 } Dewit1f Dalla a 8-7-)1 J?sao Dicey Lou Bexar 9-24-37 44J9l •• Dicie Harris 3-5-32 11877 Diek,-Inf'. of Burnet. 6-27-.)2 . 24)18 Dick Matagorda 4-12-28 178Jt6 Dick Navarro 2'-7-20 7549 Dock McLennan 9-27-21 2S93S Dock Navarro 2-18-)7 10842 Doggen Galveston 12-9-16 27906 Don F. Burnet 10-1-04 10002 ) Don P. Harris SJ2i7 Don.a Harris 12-,-281-2 •40 29J J Done Earl Fisher 12- 8-.35 S6.372 Donna Fa7e '.?arrant tl9-J6 22988 Dora Bexar 24-·20 18469 Dora !farria 6-21-)6 Jl2SJ Dora Frances McLennan 12-)0-18 'J7709 Dora Lee Smith 4-.30-.36 22794 Doran Van Zandt l-lS-18 4910 Doria Lee Liber ty S-24-37 27440 j 190)-1940 Dea,bs 25827 ~ Dorothy Dallaa 12-9-)l 55296 Doro~h7 Dalla a 12-13-38 '4S40 ') Dorothf Harr.is 9-26-27 l0744 Dorthy Caroline Hutchinacn 3-25-31 1)902 Doro~hy Helen Houston 10-28-)2 42981 Dorothy Helen Fayette 12-1,-.ll SS056 Dorothy Mae Jefferson ll-19-.39 51672 ) Dorot.hy Vernon Tarrant ll-lS-10 2270, Dorthy Lee Jettera on 2-11-29 llJ02 Dorthy Susan Ta7lgr l-7-37 S295 t ·turner Douglaa,-Int. of Harria )-8-19 10239 Doqlaa .Jeffereon 7-19-34 ).)101 ) Douglas Jim Wells 7-12-21 200S2 Douglas lJpahur i.-3-40 21268 Drucilla Bard.eman s ....1s-32 34502 Duke Hill 7-7-34 32908 Dura Leta McCulloch 7-12-40 )UJ.) .) Du.tobeaa K. Hill S-28-10 22706 E. ,-Int. ot Taylor ll-26-2) )J77S E. O. Wood 1-2--2) JS72 , E. C. Young S-Jl·J' 26443 E. E., Jr. Tarrant 1.-17-1? 287) E. a., Mi's. Collh S-6-Jl 22507 E. I. Harris 10-lS-29 49jl6 E. J., Xra. Tom Green 2-16-)7 11 89 ) E. .t. Andersoo 2-14-)6 5894 E. L., Mrs. Grayaon 4-29-JO 18725 ,, E. L. ,-Int. of Kerr J-10-29 . 168.35 E. L. iaiAs 10-)1-.34 lt6Sl7 E. I.. Taylor 8-J0-40 39645 i. I.. Victoria 8-26-16 20035 R. II., Mrs. Denton 4-2)-12 9874 E• .M. Upshur 9-8-JS 43~7 E. P. Briscoe J-)0-.)l ll4 ) E. S. Taylor 2-24-2.3 6S2J J i. T.,-In£. ot Dawson l2-l.l-39 72297 K. V. ,-Inf. ot Harri a 4-24-25 14530 E. V. Harris )-r3:l-39 lJ387 Ead Jet:terson ll-10-2S 401)8 Ealancl Harri sen 8-19-36 41262 Earl Harri• 1-14-JS 2699 Earl Jefferson l-Jl-37 .lSSl Earl Edward Travis ll-S-)0 SSS41 Earl ll. H.\lnt 9-2/t-29 •.S280 Enrl William Harri a 10-25-38 46o59 hrline Harrlaon 7-ll-3S 31109 Earneat, Mrs. Coleman 12-J0-2.3 34667 .J larnest Morris i0-1a-23 )0)84 Sarne~ Tom Dalla a ll-22-)9 499SJ J EarnesUne Del.las J-14-36 lJ6JS ••• _ , __, .. , ...... ~ "'"o.co :, Easter Brazoria ll-ll-2S .3S3S8 Eaater Ollie Lamar 6-1-)l 29707 ld,-Int. of Dalla a 2-1)-20 SlOl 1'1 Dalla a 8-28-21 21884 Ed Jetterson 12-,-29 S9900 f\irtler Id San Jacinto ll-2J-J2 4852) Edd Franklin l-10-16 1364 l .Edd1e,-In£. of Dallas 10-26-)2 41730 Edgar D. McLennan S-3:>-3) )82)0 Edgar R. El Paao ll-12-34 48930 turner Edie Kay Morris ll-21-34 sosoo Edith Gra7aon 2-24-l) 3772 Eddie Mae Johnson 10-28-)7. sn9g Edmond. Falls 4-27-11 Sl94 Ed.Da ,-Int. or Tarrant ll-8-17 )27)1 Kdna, MU. · Tarrant ll-7-2S 49869 Bdna Young 4-23-27 l469J t Reina Earl Cass 10-12-28 4e60o Ed.na M. Harris 1-12-JO 29)6 Edna Mae Guadalupe 12-J0-34 S4400 Er.Ina Mae Houston 4-)-)2 17226 &dward Dallas u-21-22 )1049 Eaard, Jr. Dallas 2-2·)· 647S Edward Je.tferson S-20-.34 23487 Edward Blunt, Jr. Gal Teston E4-2.S-37 41025 Edwarcl Brown Bexar 9-26-40 40256 Edward C. Galveston 10-27-20 31930 Edward L. Harris 2-S-21 465 Edvard Marmaduke Dal.las 7-6-40. )1881 Edvard Porter Dallas 3-29-)l 12018 Edwin Dallas 5-12-31 2268, Edwin A. Bexar 10-7-21 269.32 Edwin Aaby Tarrant 2-8-2, Sao, 1rn.e Jefferson 6-8-2.) 187l.S Egbert w. Harri a e-lJ-18 Jl606 ' Elaine Lindsey Harris S-20-38 23449 Elbe Jettens on 10-26-18 42304 Elbert Dayton Col Gan 10-2)-)6 48596 ilda Smith 12-2S-39 57246 Eldere Hazel Tarrant 7-lS-16 176,0 ' Eli Milam 4-4-04 4J076 Bli Red River ll-2l.-)7 S7031 ... Ell D.,,-In.t. of Dallaa 9-1-24 24963 Ill D. Floyd l0-6-JS 46419 Eli Nelson San Saba 5-14-08 SOSS7

Iliaa Tarran~ 7-24-J2 )20~ Ilic Free atone 8-8-40 .372 lliga Nueces S-27-)6 27364 ltlijah Ka~)l 4-S-lO 22707 llijah Thomas Potter 5-19-)6 27509

·1 ) r o 3-/ Cf q u Elisa Bexar 9-28-12 20'98 Elisa Brawn 12-26-07 9434 Eliza lia.ni• 10-)0-18 was ilia Red River 10-12-26 Eliza Washington 6-lS-13 ~la2tl Ella& J. Dalla• )-l-16 627J ' llisa J. Harris 12-21-19 JS461 , Eliza J. Willacy 12-22-25 45317 Elisabeth Allgelina 12-26-36 S7723 iliubeth Bowie 12-23-34 S2720 Elisabeth Cooke 10...26-20 Jl367 Klisabeth Dalla a 7-25-39 .32303 Wsabeth Denton 10-2)-29 44421 Elisabeth &llis 2-28-22 4JJl Elisabe'h Galveston J-4-24 8913 Elisabeth Barria ll-l.7-JS Sl724 ' ilizabeth Harrison 9-9-)6 45693 Bl.isabeth Jetter son 6-2.S-l.) lJ.S.38 .E.liaabe\h Jefferson 12-21-24 39444 ' lliaabeth, Mrs. Milam ,_29-40 71721 Elizabeth Iiuak 3-13-16 7786 Elisabeth, Mrs. Tan.nt S-9-17 14546 , &llsabe~h Co,hran Cameron s-1'-Jl 22))0 Elisabeth M. , Mrs. Jefreraon 2-2-18 SllO ilisabe'h Mealey Whar'°n 2-J-40 U,$)QS Elisabeth Pope Cooke 6-4-J6 29709 ilisebeth Palo Pinto 2-27-lJ 9$18 Elisibe~h. Mrs. Pott.er 12-l-ll 27387 Ella Houston 6-28-25 22485 ' ~lla Libert7 7-2-06 4191.) J Ella Tarrant l-S-19 lt844 Ella Wichita J-22-25 l2JS8 Ella May Nolan 2-s·-21 5451 Ellen c:r.. Colorado 7-7-34 )12JS Ellen Everett - El Paao 12-.3-JS S6ll4 2: )a... Ellen L. g§ I- Gra7son 5-26-JS 23542 Ellie• LL~ Anderson 3-4-32 9429 Ellie Mild.red :J (..) Potter a-16-36 Elli• V. c::t: 9 Dallas ll-S-.39 Elm_. (..) . .t) Hunt ll-1-J? 55934t~~A' >- •u•j Um.er 1--· .:r: Wheeler 9-J0-26 33414 Elmer Argyle 2 ~J W1cmi\a 3-4-38 15992 Elmer Lee =:>CJ Jowts 9-27-31 435~ 00 M Elmira ( ..) -1 .:Len nan 11-8-15 250u, Elmira _....- Tarrant · · I... 7-lJ-l) 34430 LI...:! (.i_J Elmore C!:· :.-::.">· iamlin 8-18-10 221oa Elnora z~ = .~;:.J Dallaa 12'-19-37 S93S4 .J &louse ~ (:.'.) Hurl.. 1-2-34 2493 Elvi.a c1 Coleman 1-18-10 22709 ElYira Anderscm 2-4-37 600) :J

) , /Cf() 3 - 1Cf1--/ v Ethel Bert Gra~aon 1-2-.39 2221 Ethel Lee Rua 2-2J-3S 9945 ., Ethel Lee Victoria 7-7-36 JSJ.33 Ethel M. Kerr 12-17-16 28468 Ethel Pearl Tarrant i.,.. J-16 10J34 turner Et.ta, Mrs. Tarrant S-26-24 27872 Etta Pal.lline Denton i-1a-40 1699 Ettie Fia her 2-15-17 4646 Eugene Dallas 9-lJ-26 JlliO Eugene Forest Victoria 2-28-16 547 turner Eu.gene West Dallas l-9-J6 1297 Eugenia Ba~hel Hunt 10-2S-J9 46917 Eunice w. Wilbarger ll-25-JO 55984 Eva Childress S-22-22 13588 Eva Hope Henderson l-J-J2 2;94 Turner Eva Lucetta El Paso 2-lS-J.5 7262 Evelene Nueces 3-16-32 1)448 Eveline Dallaa J-9-lS 4944 Eveline Harris ll-8-29 5'123 Evelyu Janet Dallaa 1-4-25 979 Everett Eugene Collin 4-J ... 20 13070 Evertt w. Randall 12-4-21 J478J Ewell Norman Webb 8-21-37 -3925 Ezekel,-Int. of Harrison 9-22-ll 20120 Ezell Cherokee 7-4-28 29.)71 F., .Mrs. Fayette ll-19-14 22318 F. A. Denton 1-10-21 948 F. E., Mrs. Jefferson 3-24-35 1431) 1. B. Harri a 12-11-21 JJ96l '· J. Travis S-3-2' J0978 F, L. Smith 9-l8-J4 42442 F. M. falls S-25-10 22712 F. M. Fisher 2-1-40 824]. F! M.,-Int. of Jefferson 6-;-29 JlJ~7 F. M. Lamar 7-ll-18 291 6 F. VI. ,-IJ'lf. of Harris 12-25-17 35099 Taylor l+-9-32 18816 '·Faith z. Nuttall Orange 3-l)-Jl 14932 Fanar McLennan l~-19-16 28639 Fannie ar.i 9-29-36 45219 Fannie Gra1aon 8-l-J6 40747 Fannie Harris ll-28-37 ssses } Fannie McLennan 4-19-22 l22)0 Fannie, Mrs. McLennan ll-10-25 40492 Fannie Tarrant. 8-7-17 23297 Fannie Washington 10-2.)-JJ 30182 Fa.nnie A., Mrs. Wilbarger 3-4-.)9 16198 Fannie B. Lubbock 2-12-21 S213 Fannie c. Jef£erson 7-17-JS J.3324 Fannie c. Kaufman 7-9-JS 34197

) ·r. 1903-1940 Deaths 258)2 ) Fannie Lou Jellerson 8-18-)7 ~069 Fannie Mae Galveston 2-27-J2 71 Fannie Mae Harri a J-:U.-J) lJ454 Fannie Mary Dalla a 12-30-.30 S1547 Fannie V. Smith 2-14-18 92JS Turner Fanny Anderson ll-12-26 J67Sl ' Feaby Liberty 4-24-JJ 19263 lelti; Jones Potter 12-S-29 60961 Fineaa E. Jetferson 4-21-40 l99JS Flora Johnson 5-l)-ll ll)4J f\arner Flora Jotley J-lS-.30 15216 .Florence Dallas l+-20-.35 17799 llarence Travis 1-7-14 2218 Florence L. • Mrs. Kau..f'man 2-12-40 9g~7 Florene• Rosa Bell Hopkins l-29-29 44 I+ ) ·turmr Florence s. · Jefferson l0-26-J6 50539 1loaaie Belle Dallas S-4.-ll 10.)16 ~ Floyd Grime a 6-17-39 28278 Foster Harri a 2-2-29 l060S Frances Eliaabeth Bastrop 12-27-36 S7801 I I\ hrner Frances Geneva 7 ~4-40 JJSl7 I Frances ltelley ~ft;:s l-4-J8 1209 I Frances Luellen Aransas 2-1-JS SSSl l ' 11 Frances M. Harri a ll-l)-19 .)2420 Ii Francia Case 12-12-10 22713 1 l Turner Francis Ola7 4-18-34 16758 I Francis Coryell 9-9-27 29743 } I Franois Harris 10-29-21 .28172 !, .Francis Harris 1-17-37 2906 Francis,-In.t. of Tarrant 5-4-36 278.39 ) hrner Francis Caroline, .Mrs.-Coryell 1-7... 37 1257 Francis 1., .Mrs. Dallas J-lS-JO l26ll ) Francis Lemial Dallas 7-24-26 24576 Francis Marion Grayson 12-28-Jl S6l4J Francis o. tlarrison ll-7-35 51952 ) :1 hrner Frank Falls 5-26-lO 22714 Frank Bexar 7-21-29 JJ68S Frank Bexar 124:.31-29 ;7002 Frank Bexar 1-22-38 .304 Frank Cherokee 12-27.. 19 J448J ) J'rank,-Int. or Dallas 4-1-2; lJS4l Frank Dalla a 5-31-36 2Sl42 ~ ; Frank Harris 8-22-12 20010 Frank Harri a 6-21-32 2S7S6 Frank, -In£. ot Kaufman 4-6-29 21782 ~ Frank Lavaca l-17-34 .3SJ6 .Fre.nk Orange 6-15-27 2ll94 J Frank, Jr. Orange J-6-JO 1SJ6l Frank Rains 8-lJ-08 47535 Frank Robertson 6-20-JS JOlSl J 190)-1940 Deaths 25833 ' hank Ruak 2-lS-36 10644 Frank Adams '?a7lor 12-20-19 )67)7 Frank Dodge Tarrant. 9-12-36 47145 Frank Gregory farranu ~-a-40 209S9 Frank Lee,-Int. ot Hunt l-14-24 2161 f\,lrnei" Frank Peter Potter 1-15-.34 4210 Frank s. Jefferson 11-17-29 S4S.S3 Frank Talton Je~!erson 4-10-2) 12741 Frankie Gregg 7-18-.)6 )5974 Frankie Travia 6-22-21. 2l6l0 ) Fred Freestone 7-12-).5 l299J Fred Harris S-1-14 10390 Fred Pl)tter J-21-32 13543 Fred Williamson 7-16-JS 35206 Fred !swell McLennan 3-29-40 lS700 Fred Marion,· Sr. Tra via 12-8-30 60928 Ired R. ,-Int. ot Dallas 12-17-29 57940 Freddie Lee Liberty 1-4-28 J20S 'Freeman Falls S-23-JO 2J644 Freeman Vernon Brown 9-S-17 24194 ~ G. Bosque l-2-lJ JSS ., G. A. Tarrant 8-J-J) )8862 G. B. Wilbarger 6-J0-17 17679 G. D. Tarrant 12-S-07 a. '· Collin 1-4-29 fi907. 88 ) Q. M. Harris 28S87 6-2i·39 } G. a. Tan-ant J-1 ~20 11925 G. s. Milam J-27-20 llS29 G. r. Be.xar ll-26-09 $40) G. W. Bexar l-8-25 20S G. W. Cooke 9-29-lS 19269 a. w. Dea! Smith J-26-JO l27J6 G.· W. Floyd ll-)-Jl 51292 Gara Willine Gray 4--8-JS 18094 Garland Bastrop 4--24-26 12696 Ga7 Lynne Harris 4-l-J7 21428 Geneva Hale 12-16-34 71967 Geneva Nevonia Dallas 5-12-36 24985 Georg a Dallas 2-15-34 6761 George El Paso 9-7-22 2S88S George,-In.f'. of Fannin 4-2S-1S 7002 George Galveston S-27-l) 17Sl0 ) Gaorge Guadalupe ll-12-Jg 50445 George Harris ll-7-23 J2SS4 George Hill s-20-35 24247 r George Je£ferson 9-10-34 4l.S4J George Kaufman 9-29-19 27120 Georp Morris 7-7-J6 J7)90 George Polk S-11-24 17,51 George Tarrant s-20-2e 2J289 I ftJ'3- t'7 q 0 • " " .;!.. George Vicwria 8-1,-Jl George A. 40690 Dallaa 10-17-26 ~19 George A. Ruece• ll-S-.31 53042 George Allen Colorado 2-lJ-2) 42.SS a.ore• B. Lee 9-11-40 42669 George D. Bexar 2-10-10 2271, GeGrtge Bdith McLennan 6-19-38 29174 ) George Edward Lamar lfl-29-12 2.39.)6 George llwn El Paao 7-14-34 Jl.929 O.orge Xmmett Trana 4-2-30 21265 George Everett Ellis S-lJ-26 28109 George a. Cherokee 9-23-38 40Sll George H. Bexar 12-22-0S 4121 • George H, Hacogdoc:hes 2-28-39 9JS6 George Henderaon Harris 9.. 20-2s J29S2 • George J.,-Int. ot Fannin J-4-15 5402 G*Orge L. . Madison 7-12-26 25942 Oeora- L. Taylor 1-30-1) 2JS4 Gewge N. Taylor S-20-3) 2Sl56 George Hu~• Sourry 12-10-16 58357 George t>'wen Haskell 4-20-.36 21.078 George P. McLennan 10-ll-18 4JS25 George a. Smith S-18-25 )0728 George Robert Potter 8-S-32 JS89S George 3. Jefferson ll·l.2-25 40074 l O.Orge s. Kerr 6-29-29 .)1600 George V. Han-is 7-9-1.5 15493 O.orge w. Childress 10-28-25 )5026 George w. Travis 2-S-29 1286) George Washington Collin S-8-25 17005 George Washington Diekena 2-18-18 6784 George ·William Harri eon J-l2-J8 18674 ) Bexar 11-2-lS 23541 Georgia M. Kaufman 4-10-)) l9llJ Georgia s. 1 Mrs. Young 9-27-30 1t66U Georgian Brazos ll-19-.34 71800 Gerald Hunt 8-S-J? 41899 Gertrude Bexar 9-22-34 39436 Gertrude Harris 2·29-12 4S46 Gertrude Harris ll-27-.38 So5S7 Gertruda Rockwall ll-5-23 31822 Gilbert Brazos 8-23-29 )8882 Giles 1. Hunt l-21-1, 144) OilAa 1. Hunt l-21-16 l8S8A Gladdia Ellis l2-2l!-18 ,,,)2 Gladys Hunt 9-10-22 2644S Gladys Hun~ 4-19-37. 2l7)8 Gladya Milam 9-26·2· J0.)14 Gladfs Sha ekel..tor d 6-1-28 27673 Gladys Christina Dallas l-10-21 830

J ., ) Cf tJ ) - I C/ t/ D Olea Wharton 1-18-29 76&3 Glen Franklin Harris l-12-30 2934 ~ Glora May Je.tterson 12-21-33 56~ Gloria Cameron ,_ll-37 249 Gloria Dean Harria ll-lJ-34 49644 Godtre7 Allen El Paso J-2-39 1250) Grace ?om Green 9-2J.-2l 26~ Qraee Van Zandt. S-18-28 23 Grace 1 •• Mra. Pott.er ll-ll-2) 3.3518 Grady Dallaa .S-8-13 10146 G7Qt Johnson 5-Jl-17 13952 Grant Grime a ,._16-)l 18609 Green Galveston 1-1-)l 242) Green Berry Johnson s-1e-Jo 24933 Greea Braniley Johnson 9-29-27 .31057 Greene Colorado 8-29-25 28500 Gue Montgomery 11-18-)4 50795 t G11a M. HWlt ll-29-Jl S2l91 Guaa Collin l2-lS-19 J4.56J Guaaa Jlulah Hardeman 4-5-36 20625 Gwsaie Harrison 12-6-)7 60978 GUJ',-In.f. of Naeogdoches 9-27-26 32722 Gtq .M. Bl Paso 12-10-24 )8~ R•• -Inf. ot Bexar 8-17-29 JS ' H.,-Int. of Dallas 10-17-.39 45472 ) H. A. Hunt ll-12-J4 S0078 H, C. Angelina 5-28-)2 19466 ) B. C. 1 -Int. ot Carson 8-16-.lf 39506 a. c. 1 -Int. ot Dallas 10-30..:3, 45952 a. c.,-Int. ot Hidalgo 2-17-36 91SO H. C. ,-Inf. ot Jones ll-ll-35 S2453 a. B•• -Int. ot Harris 4-7-.39 18SS1 H. H. Montgomery 10-8-2) JOJ7J lh I. ta mar J-2S-l2 7990 H. J. Upshur 4-23-.39 20869 H. M.,-Inf. ot Taylor l-10-17 2979 H. T. Galveston 9-2-24 29J9J H, T.,-Int. ot Jefferson 6-22-22 179J6 H. T. ,-In.f. of Je£feraon lJ.-9-27 J7Sl.4 H. T. ,-Int. of Jefferson ll-9-27 J?SlS , Hallie A.ogelina 9-15-2S 37877 Hallie Jackson S-6-lS 10674 ;t Hamp Jetterson 5-19-19 16)80 Hamp Wbartai 6-fS-JS 209I.l Hanah Harri.a 2- 0-lS 3.ftal ffanah Wharton ll-9-28 S0.364 Hanna Fannin S-19-14 9989 (t Hannah Collin ll-24-06 13445 B&ml&d\ rort. Band ll-4-J4 49168 Hannibal Frank Lynn 9-ll-J8 42610 •

r - -- -· --- ...... - - .. . . • .. 4i/V,IV ------/103 - {qL(O • Harq Hou1ton l-26-19 )074 Ha rely 'l'raYis 6-lJ-J' 30635 Hare' Wheeler ll-2-.30 SS900 Harley Tom Green 12-19-)4 S10J1 Harold Jetter son 8-7-26 29014 Harold Leo Harri&Cl'l J-12-)8 lJS07 HarF6tt ?itus 10-29-17 29i.70 Harriet Harrison lt-28-JS 19094 Harrie~ c., Mrs. Brown 3-S-08 9.Sll ilarrie~~ B. Tarrant l-ll-34 z.600 Harriaon Grim ea 9-lt-lS 1983) Han-y Lamar ll-17-22 )2146 ~ H&l'T'J .1 .. Bexar 3-9-36 )910) Harvey A. Johnson 7-19-27 24l71t Baney Frank Johnson 7-6-25 26405 ) Hat.tie Brasoa 8-21-28 33642 Ba\tie,-Int. ot Harris 5-28-lS 104)8 l Hattie Barria 6-1-lS 129SO i I Hatti.•, Mra. Houston 6-J0-2S 22319 !' ) •; Hat01e B. Dallas 2-24-33 7492 i. .,'I Basel 'lit.us 2-1-)6 11400 Hedvig Dalla a 2-27-39 121SS ) I Helen, Mrs. Gal..,eaton 7-J-29 3520) i Helen Wichita l-17-J) S826 ~ 11 Helen ban oes Dalla• l+-2-.38 17220 ·I !I Helen Ruth Dalla a !' 6-7-30 28401 l Hellen Bee } I ll-25-22 30379 1 Hellen Ca a a 6-30-26 206)6 i Hender a on Upshur S-17-lS 1~38 Henery Tarrant 10-10-27 34994 .} 11 I Henley Et~a, Mrs. Somervell l2-?-2J J6SSO tj Henrie' ta Dallas 2-12-JS 67g6 ) 'I Benrie~ta Nueces g-2S-J6 42418 ii Henry Angelina l-20-J9 31 !~ Henry,-In.f. ot Bexar 6-19-26 20)24 ) Henry Brazos 2-10-21 )643 Henry De Witt 3-14-)6 l.)882 ) H~ Grime a 6-19-JO 29248 Jr. I HeurJ, Grimes 10... 2.)-JS 4.S798 ! Henry Harris 4-18-18 16602 "~ " " ~ ' Henry Harris 2-lJ-22 4881 ) !1 Henry Harri a 3-6-)0 1)'8Jf'" !1 ii Henry Haye 1-25-37 3158 !! Henrr Kaufman 2-11-06 J8J.S2 ii Henry McLennan 10-7-)4 46157 ) i i Benrr MiUchell 2-22-.)2 Sil) !! B•DrJ Montague 2-27-20 7487 ~ HelU"J Rusk 11-30-40 52270 1:i' j. I Henry San Jacinto 12-2-)4 S6SS7 .) lhnry San Jacinto 4-29-40 20771 I I I :) jl J,' 1 _,_,-.. ,.,.v .,..oua / 10 3 - /Cf t../O 25837 Henry Shelby 9-18-)l 444,9 Henry Upahur )0721 Bury Waabing\on 6-263'10- -26 )6J6J Henry, Jr. Waahinaton 7-ll-2S )3004 Henry. Jr. Whar•on 4-26-36 2)56) ) Henry A. Harri a ll-22-40 S0161 . Benrr A. Travis 2-26-32 4977 l Henry ~lbert, Jr. Jladiaon 7-lJ-10 22716 Henry B. Tqlor 2-20-Ji 9891 Henry Bevins Tarrant 6-13-1 26417 Henry E. Nacogdoches 6-16-)2 26969 Henry a. Bexar 12-15-18 SJSOJ Henry Harri son Harrison 6-12-21 17027 Henry L. Bexar 4-27-26 12976 Henry Lee Housten l0-21-)6 S041S ' Hel'lrJ' Lee . Travis 0-28-ll 14557 HellrJ R., Sr. Smi.th l-16-08 Sl69l j B•IU"J Roas Limestone 7-U·3l 60676 HenrJ SylTeater Bowie S-2.3-.30 22399 Henry T. Cameron l-J0-32 772 , HenJ7 T. ,-Int. of Jefferson S-27-29 2644S Henry '?. Kerr 2-25-40 98Sl Herb en Jettenon 9-)0-28 . 40239 • Herber~ w. Chilclresa 7-22-17 182.SO Herlinda v. CUleron 12-18-24 37715 Herman Bexar 5-9-19 ~71 Herman Lutlbock ll-19-)6 j Haman Navarro 8-22-14 173,.' 16 Beran Aubre1 Potter S-28-40 2S204 Herman Clyde Wood 7-4-37 39148 ..t Herring c. Tarrant 2-25-19 8244 Heraehell Darrill sm.~ 10-10-JJ. i.8918 Heater Harrison 4.-J-Jl 19017 Hester Tarrant 12-9-JO 60669 Hi. Vernon Dallas 2-ll-26 S049 )

Hill Anderson ll-2)-~0 48567 Hillard Wichita 12-8-2 S6120 Ho•r ,-Inf. ot Ellis 6-11-17 lS793 Homer Galvestton t-:2~-38 18046 Homer Jack 2 -22 17871 J Homer Jefferson 9-10-JS 43032 Homer H. Ward 12-10-)7 6)364 Homer Hill Gonzalea 11-14-24 3S4ll Homer Horace Colauan 10-29-26 lltW Horace Je.t".feraon 4-23-JS 19143 Horace Jefferson 7-10-.38 13.34) Horace Milam 10-17-04 1iJ011 Horaee Ruak 9-.14-31 47,ll Horace William Nuec;ies 7-5-37 J79S4 Hortense Fannin J-12-.39 12681

J . - . . - . . . . ·- · ...... - . .. - _ , - , _, ...... ~~O,JO ) C/03- /Cfl-/O Howard Ellia 8-lS-39 J72S6 Hubber't Polk 9-12-0.3 47146 HU&h Brailey Dalla a 6-7-26 20831 Hughey Johnaon 4-18-22 1197, Huelee Gregg 7-29-39 JJO)l Hugh Fulton Hidalgo 12-17-32 52815 Huih W. Val Verde 6-29-32 27820 I. K. ,-In.f. or San Sal>a 12-24-29 6ll6J I. ?. Travis 4-24-22 l.2778 Ida Collin 12-ll-18 '46)3 Ida Denton l79JO Ida Tarrant t'·JS9-10 22717 Ida Bell Grayson 10-25-.36 7310) Ida Dale Angelina S-9-Jl 21507 Ida Mae Hartley 9-21-J) 41790 -, Ida Mae Hunt ll-1-)7 SS9•3 Ida~- . Wheeler l-19-29 7712 Ida v. lranklin Harri a S-7-27 16J01 Idela, Mra. Dallas )-12-10 22718 Ike Milam 12-30-17 35798 , Ila Christian Harri a 6-22-26 21878 Ila May Raina 10- -18 ;iS46A Ima Hardeman U-19-lS Ima Jene Morris 2-2J-)) 969,' J66 Imogene Bell l-28-25 8721 ') Ina Mae Runnels 11-2-.l) 52252 Inea Harri a ,_19-14 10271 J Ines Jetterson l0-26-22 29213 Iona May Travis 7-1-26 26614 lra,-Int. ot Lampasas l-ll-20 2470 ,t Ira Nelson Bexar 12-9-26 40478 Ira w. Tarrant 4-2)-)8 20414 Iaaa~ Newton McLennan 10-2J-40 3726) Iaaao R. Fannin 2-2)-.)7 JSO IaaWell Montgomeey 7-29-)1 3.5114 ) Isabell Tarrant 6-.S-.30 )1488 Isabella Fort Bend S-16-Jl 23454 ) I88.bella Jetferaon 8-17-2!5 29960 Isiah Cam~ 10.-8-)1 45979 Iaiah De itt 10-19-29 46444 Iveson Collin 12-26-28 5166) ITJ Ellia 926 J ITJ Harrison 1-1·i-2-M 41.)0 Ivy Ester Hidalgo J-1)-40 14891 J ..... Bexar 6-17-ll l.2ltl0 , J. B. Collin 12-J-)6 58606 J. B. McLennan l0-,_40 lt7~4 J. Ben Mont.aaue 9-2-31+ 420 7 ' J. c. Camp 11-15-04 112)6 J. c. Chilclre a.s 6-7-36 29S8l .J


...... ,,' _,.~- ·7,.,.., llSCl.W~ aJ8J~ J. c. Famdn 8-J.S-36 lt047S J. C. ,-Int. ot HQ"ris l-S-21 1778 J. c•• -Int. ot Tarran~ 1-12-19 4s1a J. c. 12-2~-25 4490) J. D. ~:IiOJ' 9-11-36 43715 J. D. Cherokee 12-9-29 S7S20 J. I. Dallas 6-28-23 17806 J. JJ. Kadiaon 7-7-)6 .)7180 ' J. D. 1'r1nit7 1-19-04 ,8061 J. D. Woocl 1-•-11 .)9161 J. E. Bexar l-28-04 3131 J. E. ,-Int. or Bovie J-20-20 1968 J. 1., Mrs. Kill S-29-22 2JS18 J. s., Mrs. Tarrant. 2-20-11 ,. J. 1 •• Mre. Tarrant 1-29-17 "'l29SJ ) J. 1. Tarrant 10-20-17 29396 J. Ervin Collin 2-18-04 1261.S J. F. Tarrant 10-10-14 21298 J. a. ,-Int. ot Jefferson 2-17-18 80S1 J. G. Jetterson 6-l?-22 17922 J. o. Milam l-16-19 4003 J. H., Mra. Anderson 10-)0-)0 ~6662 J. H., Mrs. Collin 8-21-22 2737 J. H. lllis l-20-13 . S706 J. J. Childreaa 2-22-;4 62'1 • J. J. Ma1;a&orda 7-26-lS 2928) J. L. Harr1a 9-12-~ 2964J • J. L., .... In.f'. of San Patricio 4-17-3 22721 J. Louis Jetter a on 7-2-26 J. M., Mra. Harris 1-16-)4 22i668 8) J. M. ,-Int. ot Jones 6-20-Jl 29S93 J. M. McLennan 2-8-1) J8)) J. M. Trav1a 4-14-08 516S8 J ·. M. ,-Int. of Wichita 7-28-25 27688 J. Ma\ Nacogdoches 2-2.5-21 S409 J • N. cass 12-8-Jl 5992S J. N. Grayson 12-20-JO .5SJ19 J. N. Tarrant 6-;28-19 19762 J l 'fp. Denton 7-l-l.3 14991 J. ·p. Ellis 7-27-lJ 15062 ,!}

J. R. 1 -In.t. ot T:mnt. ~2~11 -~ J. R. F n -9 s Hs J. R. ,-In.t. ot Harris 9-2-JS 41627 J. R. Tarrant 3-8-19 l.U22 J. R. Wood .3-25-.32 60203 - ~ J. Roy Jones l-24-17 221) J. T. Grayson 7-Jl-)5 )Jl94 J. T. Tarrant 10-31-29 s1ooa J. v. Harri.son 10-24-)5 47108 J. w. Bosque 4-8-34 16435 ) '-7Vj •.i..,,.v uea ~ns 2Slt~O J. v. ,·Int. Qf Cherokee ll-17·17 )046'. J .. w. Ellis ll-29-27 36S84 J. w. Palls l-26-36 1945 J. w. Gra7son 4-3-19 13120 J. w., Jr. Grayson 1-28-JO 2S9S Turner J. w. Harris 12-24-.35 S1230 J. w. Heuston 1-21-19 )076 J. w. Jautman 1-22-.34 ))6i J. w. Navarro a-21-21 233 6 J. w. Young J-6-37 1S7SO Turner J. Harvey Tarran1l 2-10-28 10060 J. Henry Cherokee 7-13-40 )1679 J. Richard Runnels l-21-)6 i.690 J. Walton Wood 7-8-JS JS249 J. Woodrow Nueces 2-J-27 6467 Jaek Childress J-12-32 1041.3 Jack Dallas J-6-22 1250 Jack Ellia l-21t-29 242S Jaek Ellis 7-8-)l .3J01S Jack Rardin 12-11-37 60485 Jack,-Inf'. of Harris 6-8-21 12626 Jact,-Int. ot Barria 8-20-26 28750 Jae .-rnt. oE Harris 12-19-JJ 55702 .,.Ck Kaufman 6-15-06 )81.37 Jack Lamar 2-24-10 22721 ) Jack McLennan 4-18-12 10974 Jaek Nueces 7-.30-29 )70J7 Jack Tarrant 9-10-34 42~90 Jack Frank Anderson 9-2S-28 37 45 Jack Michell Motley 2-19-29 120.)2 Jack Sidney Tarrant 4-29-40 2l0It9 Jack Thomas Travis 12-26-J2 61616 Jack Will McLennan ll-29-40 ,1735 Jack William Motley 3-12-Jl 14779 . Jaekaon Taylor S-9-28 23375 Jackson Monroe Randall 4-7-J9 20194 Jacqueline Tarrant S-J-37 28373 Jadtilee Stephens l-.Jl-23 2964 Jake Fisher S-lS-JS 23290 Jam ea Bexar 4-4-.37 19270 ) Jamea,-Inf. of Bexar 12-24-.)7 S8J06 Jamea,-Inf. ot Bexar 12-24-37 58307 ) Jam•s, Jr. Dallas 8-11-36 J9846 James El Paso 12-2-08 22780 James U Paso 3-13-21 7J7'J ) Jamee El Paso 2--21-40 8069 James Galveston 'J-7-37 l479S Jam.ea Harris J-22-27 9196 James Barris 7-22-.30 34897 Jame a Harrison 5-7-13 ioes4 ~ ------.. .,~ / q' o 3 - Lq '-l c') James Haniaon 10-16-40 46405 Jaaee Hiclalgo 8-18-.39 )8290 ·l Jame a Kaufman 9-25-06 JSJ.41 J ... lau.tman 7-3-2) 21791 Jama Haoo1c1oches 5-15-10 22722 Jua•a.-Inra. ot Orange 6-20-21 17614 Jaaea,-Int. of Wichi~a ~14-29 2Jl09 l JaJDea Alfred Collin 11-12-.l.3 49364 Jame• B. laufman S-2-JS 24585 Jamea B. Lavaca 12-17-38 56'\SO Jaua B17an.t Jefferson S-16-37 27085 Jaaea c. Guadalupe 10-20-21 279S7 Ja•a c.,-Int. or ,Jr.-Harria 2-12-40 889) James Chapman Howard James D. Harris lj:4026 2~70 18 James D. Tarrant 6-2-JQ Jl479 James Dani ea Hill 2-21-16 4671 t Jame a Daniel Navarro 10-2-Jl 48531 Jamea David Bell 12-22-20 )6S37 Jaaea David Potter 7-20-)7 J807S James Earl Jetter son 10-4-27 J4242 Jamee Earl Upshur 6-24-37 33833 Jamee Edward Moatgcmery lt-27-18 178)8 James Ellis Casa 7-lS-20 21797 ' James G. Tarrant 4-17-24 U290 • Jame• Geor &• Hidalgo 7-S-JJ )2937 James H. ,-Inf. of Ellis 6-lS-25 21426 James I. Tarrant. ll-27-38 52704 Jame a J. Hun' 10-2-)6 S04S8 James Joseph Kaufman 10-1-36 So767 Jam.ea Joseph Kaufman 12-18-J9 720J9 James Lott, 1'alo Pinto 7-20-JS 34884 James Louis Colorado 9-2l-J6 44346 James M. Bee 12-25-32 49561 James M. Haya ll-18-16 -c:t. 25739 Jamea M. z>- Lubbock )-ll-JO 14875 Jamee M. O:::~ Sherman Ow 9-9-24 JOS44 James Jil. D. LI-- Harris 2-16-.)9 802S James Monroe -u Hanis 14-1-~ )8868 --'o Jamea Nelson c::r ~ Hunt 2-8-20 6679 .) ( .) . _() Jamea Ollver "-· .~ Hardin 11-29-26 JSJ82 Jame 1 Ol"Valle r:- -.;.~ Gray 4-8-)8 l809S .j James R. z . U katland 8-2S-.31 .)7884 James R. =)CJ H0t1aton 1-14-40 )384 Jamee R. Q (_:) Ta7lor S-Jl-27 18049 J (_) -_ ..,... 1 Jamee Randol}llL.: ._ ,_j Johnson 8-8-37 42107 James Roderic:le.: _:. Woocl ll-17-.36 S76J4 , James s. c:.:. ... J Bexar ll-29-iS 46296

~ J.YVJ·J.~~ UU\ha 25'43 "l Jeaaie Ervin Harri a S-19-29 26087 Jeaeie OO!en Collin 10-4-17 27205 Jeaaie Helen Baeogdo chea 4-lJ-)4 19~ J'eaaie I. Brown S-18..04 92 Jeaaie Mae Galvea~on 4-14-)) 17968 l Turn.. Jeaaie Pearl Hunt 1-28-14 W.9 Jeuorne s. Cherokee 9-l-28 Jew.i 6-14-12 147SJ8'0l Jewel g:rr:;i S-)-)2 20412 Jewel San Jacinto 12-27-30 60J86 Turner Jewel Eugene Wooci 6-17-34 )0)64 .,. Jewell Eugene Upshur 6-17-34 29982 Jim Cherokee J-4-28 10248 Jim Colorado S-20-JS 22S07 Jim Dallaa l-lS-21 8A.i Turner Jim Madison 1-U-JO 4067 Jim lluak l-j-40 4941 Jim Travis l-21-)2 J4l.)3 Jim,-Inf. ot Wheeler 2-13-21 610t. Jim Wood 10-1-39 48815 Jim D. Hill 10-2-29 49648 Jim Ed Grime a 2-28-3, ?794 Jim R. Kerr ll-3-Jl 52489 Jillmie, Mrs. Bra so• 10-10-39 ~940 Jimi• LM Vaughn, Mra.-1.ubbock 4-2-38 l 322 Joe Angelina l-24-J4 10557 Joe .l?Jgelina 5-4-34 20706 Joe Brazos .)-ll-11 SllJ Joe Dallas 4-6-).3 17187 Joe Dallas 7-21-)S )2J84 ) Joe Falls l-20-.37 2196 Joe Qa:lveaton J-9-lS 119JJ Joe Galveston 9-18-29 44555 Joe B&qstord 7-21-24 2))96 Joe Harris · l-2J-27 2128 Joe Harris )-15-)0 l.3958 Joe Hanis 9-26-40 42102 Joe Housten l.,J.l-39 Jll2 Joe .Jetterson 3-6-28 12)95 Joe MoLennan 8-8-14 l726J Joe McLennan ll-2-30 54597 Joe Nolan 7-27-JS )47SO Joe Robertson 10-27-25 37272 Joe,-Int. ot Tarrant 1-14--15 1947 Joe Allie fravia 2-14-40 llSJ7 -~ Joe Ann Parmer ll-1,.33 52120 Joe B. Dallaa 4-17-28 1S66S _) Joe Baily Mo~le7 1-.31-31 4308 Joe o. ChilElreas 10-1-26 341)1 ~ Joe R. Tarrant 1-2-)6 4937 47V~-474~ U0&~l1JS 2,844 ~ Joe T. Trinity .3-9-39 1,839 Joel Cau 11-15-27 )6067 l Joell Aubry Elli a 2-lJ-22 4299 Johite.-W. ot Caas 11-18-)J ~9221 Jobn Burleson 7-12-36 l4S37 l Turner John Cherokee 12-16-24 37759 Johll Dallas 7-9-16 16182 l John Dalla a 2-22-18 6557 John Dalla I 9-9-24 28862 John Dallas ll-S-24 J48SJ Turner John Dallas S-5-29 ~686 John DentQ'l S-19-JS .3 .517 Johll a..l.Teston 6-ll-3S 282;3 John,-I.u.r. 0£ Garsa l-2S-2) lSJl John Harri a 10-22-18 41131 turner John Barria 12-6-JO 582.)2 Johll Harris 8-12-)~ 36987 John, Jr. Harria on )-10-1 124S2 John llarria J-6-.lS 13539 John iautman 1-7-J) )6.)6 John Lee 4-12-ll $9)8 John McLennan 12-24-18 57?16 l John Medina S-9-26 16989 John Milam 6-10-)0 30743 John Mongomery 4-10-40 20412 ) John, Mrs. Parker 2-10-)l 9690 John,-Int. or Polk 8-5-20 27S27 'J John S~phena )-28-14 John 6S~ Travis ~-ll 4.S John harls -l3 25322 J ot Johna-lat• Upshur 7-31-24 24917 ) John · Wheeler 12-7-37 6.3458 J~hn,•lnt• ot Williamson ll>SlJ John A. Bexar 12-1J-2~f 3g Si8S3 John A. McLennan l-9-19 3 20 J John Alfred Pot'er 2-5-29 12262 John Alliaon Taylor 11-14-32 48842 J John Anthony Bexar 12;-8-04 JlSl John Arvioe Harris a-;23-Jl 38722 John B. Harris 11-26-JJ ,OSJO 'J John B. Kerr J-12-27 9766 John Bin.f'ord Knox )-26-19 10791 ~ John c. Baylor 9-6-)l mos John c. .Montgomery JrlJ-J) l9S61 John c. W1eb1ta 4-25-26 16227 John E:I•-Iet. of. YoakuJ!l tt!i-18 John benwn :1-J2 ~ John II. Caatro ~..: 10-2S-29 4790S K. John Hardeman S-JO-J4 22816 ~ John Edward Dallas 2-27-40 7647

______.;...__:..._--=.....:. · . __,__. ~- ·-=-·..:....c · ~-·~· • •.• • • • • . • • •• - •• • 190)-1940 Deaiha 2ss~, l John Edward Mc.Lennan 5-31-)8 24499 John Emerson Wheeler 10-17-17 29751 John r. Harria 4-11-2~ 12850 Joba F. Lubbock 4-24-J 19,24 John Flavius Je.tteraon 11-11-23 32922 l Turner John Franklin Navarro J-17-34 14SJ2 John G. Lime atu>ne 10-17-20 32670 John H. Bexar 10-12-lS 1tso3s John a. El Paso 8-2S-l7 218 2 John R. I err 11-21-32 477)) } furn.er John a. William l0·3-2S 37902 John Harolde, Dr. Barria 6-S-40 2SJ34 l John Henry Bowie 4-17-17 96)4 John Henry Jefferson S-2S-31t 2)476 John Henry Sabin• 11-11-2a •9712 ) ·Turner John Jephtha Orange 2-14-)8 9612 'ohn Joe Hill ll-17-JJ Sl092 ohn. L. Orange ll-4-.36 S6480 John I,. ?arrant 7-lS-17 20)79 J obn Leonard Wiae 6-26-11 14785 furnar JG!m Monroe Dallas 9-10-40 410.34 John Nathan Jetteraon 7-15-37 )7091 l John 01 Dea.t Smit.h ,._U4-J9 17704 John o; lwuiea J-14-.32 13~7 John Preston Guadalupe 6-26-24 19 8 ) John R. Jetferaon J-lS-37 16062 John Jt. Ited Ri•er l-2)-.)l 4661 John Robert S-14-37 28019 John s. CoPottn 9-27-06 13430 John s. Hamilton 12-28-Jl S6292 ) John T. Bell c::r.. 8-19-25 2788) John 1'. Ma~orda z 8-21-13 188.37 ) John Thomas Travi a a::: >- 8-4-Jl ltOS77 lohn Tom r. Tom Green o tJ 8-S-25 l09S7 John w. Ellis !:!:: U 7-lJ-28 29969 ,p _Jo John w. Fannin cs (J) 7-14-05 27899 John w. Tarrant ...... J l-22-.34 46,S 9 John W. ~lor >- ~ 6-;8-ltO )0)21 John Waldotr veston ~c..J 12-J-31 S.5998 ., John Warden Eastland § CD 1-4-JS 16)S 00 John if&JD• Barri• (_)_J 4-25-27 12964 Jolin Wealey 1 Dr. Brown LLJ

} - .. -.,, - ; .y- .,...... ,w.,.g ~:>f51+1 Julia Arrie San Patricio 10-9-27 fi89J Julia o. Brazos 4-17-31 966 _, Julia Rook Delta 4-10-.36 19743 Juliet Brazoria S-S-18 19678 July May Camp 9-26.05 11327 Turner June Upshur 10-15-Jl 49.329 Junior Ellis ;:26-25 1.3726 Junius, Jr. Collin -15-19 23435 Kate Ellis 11-2-39 50240 Ka~e Rusk 10-8-32 43999 Turner Kate Washington .3-Jl-39 i59gg Kate. H. 1 Mrs. Bastrop 6-24-25 20240 Katherine Bosque 7-21-37 34779 Katherine Howard J-22-lJ 6452 Katherine Nueees 10-15-36 51392 Turner Katherine Alice Travis 9-S-21+ 30799 Katherine Faye Je.tferson 9-7-J8 42227 Katie Van Zandt ll-J-18 S.3228 Keithly Victor Harris 4-20-JJ 18449 Kenneth Dwain Wheeler 11-2-Jl 53990 Turner Kenneth Gordon Cooke $-22-40 36544 Kenneth J. Orange 6-J-OJ 46105 Kenneth Munn Leon J-22-04 41529 Kenneth Ray Hunt 8-13-Jl 39069 Kinney Dallas S-27·17 21606 , Ttn"ner Kitie Wood 2-21-33 ll04.3 L. A. Bas1irop 2-1-28 4819 L. A. ,-In£. of McLennan 1-14-34 3781 L. C. Dallas 5-14-33 21994 L. C., Jr. Fayette 8-8-17 22004 J Turner L. D. Young g_ -10 22724 L. E. Nueces 4-14-30 20422 ~ L. G. Dallas :r.. 3-25-JJ 12469 L·. M. ,=Int. of Tarrant - ~>-- 4-16-35 20812 L. o. ,-Inf. of Wichita .t:: I- J-19-25 12443 =>w L. O. ,-Inf'. of Wichita -== 0 3-19-25 12452 L. R.,-Inf. of Cottle .,.._J ...... ) 1-15-.36 1168 ~ L. S., Jr. Taylor '\ .I') 6-11-27 21559 L. T. ,-Inf. of Collin ._j ~19-37 30114 . ~ L. W. Dallas ' 12-J0-3.3 54647 . .... )- La Fa yet Scott Dallas .) ,_ _:; 12-28-27 39909 Laila Tarrant )0 g-24-Jl 403ae Larkin Tyler ) __ _J 12-22-10 22725 Laura Dallas .;:( :: !.i.J a-24-37 2oooe Laura Falls -· :==" -31-10 22727 ~"· GJ Laura Grayson .,~ .. 'j ¥•'* .._ 1-5-10 22726 Laura Hunt .....- 11-23-.32 47455 Lllµa.a, Mrs. Runnels 10-13-26 36173 Laura Smith 4-13-09 51869 l laura E. Hunt 8-10-12 20097

J •7"'..l- •7-tV uoA"ua ~,cs41 turner Laura Ellen Wood 1-3-40 60SJ Laura Nell Harris 10-12-18 40904 Lauren Edmond Dallas 1-27-J.l lS~ Laure"e Mack Bexar 10-6-34 4.JJl6 Laurine Dalla a 10-23-33 44922 l Turner Lawrence Tarrant ~) l94lS Lea. Mrs. Bexar S-4-17 12081 Leana Den•on s-26-Ja 21999 Leatiha Irine Val Verde 6-16-l 267U I.ff Angelina J-14-Jl 11121 ~ Turner L• Burleson S-lJ-22 lJ4S2 Lee Navarro 2-lJ-lO 2272S , Lee,-Ilit". or Po~ter 12-1-27 41.991 Lee F. Bexar 7-30-34 JOS92 Leila Belle• Mrs. Bell 3-29-10 22729 ) Turrar Lela May Fiah~ s- -is 10228 Lemar, Mrs. Harris 9-2-Jl 42851 , Lpma Milam ~-1-oa 4362) Lemuel A. Galveston 2-S-37 8S62 Lena Bilis 2-4-l.4 .312.) , Turner Lena McLennan 2-7-34 898S Lena Scurry 12-14-18 S8JSS ) Lenord Noah Collin 10-8-2) 28771 Leoi;Int. of Dallas ll-2-40 49512 Leo Freestone J-18-JO 13296 Turner Leon Knox J-18-28 12614 Leona Dallas 12-23-.33 54588 Leona Harri a 7-16-19 21513 Leone la Raina 10-S-J.3 47419 Leroy Harris ll-S-29 540J7 J Turner Leslie Cooke 9-16-19 26121 Leslie, Dale, Jr. Tarrant s-2s ... 2s 19665 Leslie L. Franklin l-2g_29 J02S Lessie Hugh Han-is 11-28-JS 50571 Lest.er Hansford 8-2.3-29 40269 · Turner Lester Joe Nolan ll-17-32 i82J4 Lettie Malvine Da1las 2-24-)4 774 Leurena Bexar 10-11-23 2a436 Levi Young Dallas ;.:1a... 34 2lg" Levy Harris 9-lJ-.37 46087 urner '.. Lewis Cherokee l2-4-2g 5lS4S Lewis Clay 9-.30-.)6 44287 Lewis san Augustine 4-l7-J4 19689 Lewis,-Int. 0£ Tarrant 12-14-23 36641 Lewis A. F. Montgomery 4-2S-J4 19325 er l.ewia c. Johnson ll-l-22 )2026 Lewis M. El Paso 7-29-25 25)94 Lewia P. Hutchin80n ll-6-29 54501 Libbie Casterline Lavaca 10-2.)-40 47031 Lilla Morris 7-2-29 )6927 J

) l90J·l940 Dea• ha 2,849 · Turner Lillian Dalla a J-Jl-30 9S79 Lillian Smith ll-10-16 26268 Lillian Tarrant 6-JO-lS 1)758 Lillian,-Int. of Tarrant 2-12-40 ll.J-'l ' Lillian Spoke McLennan l-22-.32 3364 Tarner Lillie Galveston 9-8-24 29404 Lillie tiall 6-8-22 17~9 Lillie Harris 7-2tJ4 J2 6 Lillie LaYa ca S-1 J8 24262 Lillie Raines 2-26-J? 11201 ~ Turner Lillie E. Galveston ll-.3-36 54405 Lillia Mae Roust.on 6-21-24 20409 Lilly Titus 8-26-Jl 40480 Lindory Tarrant ll-18-)7 57JS2 Lindsey Louis Denton a-1-;6 40154 Turner Linnie Agna's Johnson 7-9-28 llJ02 Liza Ann Brown 1-26-19 6 Li~zie Bexar 10-2)-10 227)0 Liane Bra1oa 10-Jl-JO i.nn Lizzie Dallas 9-4-JJ 40429 , turner Lizzie Harris 6-17-28 26226 Lizzie Harrison J-4-31 lJ.584 Linie McLennan 2-19-16 4958 ' Lizsie, Miss Travis 7-lJ-03 ;6to Loia Ruth Harris 2-lJ-39 79 4 ) 'furnar Lola Sae Hopgood Ellis: 3-24-JS 126)9 Lon Bexar l-lJ-38 417 Lona, Mrs. Wichita 9-J0-27 32102 Lonie Cameron 1-4-.35 836 Lonie Lavaca ll-15-18 513;1 " 'furnEr Lonnie Henderson 9-8-36 457~ Lottie Brazos ll-26-J9 1+93 Lou Rusk 4-27-16 10245 Louie, Mrs. Galveston 7-5-32 29g99 Louie Lamar J-15-Jl l.4JJO Turner Louis Orange 11-29-27 38073 Louis Jackson Refugio i+-4-J6 22617 Louisa, Mrs. Bo sqtie 1'7-23 J7g Louisa Washington 5-14-18 22912 Louise Bexar 7-12-22 19319 Leuiae Galveat.on 1-8-l.5 lOOJ Louise Jefferson 11-4--)9 51625 Louise Catherine Collin 8-8-31 lJ75S Louise Margaret Val Verde 8-.)-,0 )98.)0 Louise White Je.f.f'erson 1-10-.37 .)461 i.ouil;a c. Bexar 8-14-37 )9511 Louranie B. Johnson 5-S-JJ 2JSS) Loyd,-In.f. ot Bell 6-1-Jl 267i.2 Loyd Franklin 7-2J-40 J2S1S

.} •;?'

) t10.:5- f'1'10 , Mabel Harrison 2-10-JO 8688 Mabel, Mrs. Tarrant 9-7-29 46517 Ma burn Dallas 8-10-40 )6872 Camp l-S-27 689 Ma"Maek,-Int. Of Lamar 7-21-26 2SSS8 Mack TUl"ner o. Dallas 10-2-~ 20079 Macon Bexar lr.JO-l 264 Madie Me.Lennan J-22-JJ 14609 Mae Denten 2-23-22 42lS Mae Hutchinson 4-lS-29 21571 Turner Mae MeLennan 9-JO-l; 20459 .Mae Louisa , Mrs. Jefferson 8-4-18 )l.92) Maggie Bastrop 9-19-27 29175 Maggie Cameron l-26-27 6S2 Maggie Freestone 1-6-JJ 2251 Turner Maggie Harris 7-14-lJ 15717 Maggi• . Harris 7-4-19 21529 Maggie, Mr.a. Houa~dn 2-20-29 11100 Maggie Walker l-J-25 1+3" Maggie Williamson 4-19-12 ll7JO • Turner Maggie Alice Hunt l0-2J-Jl 47820 Maggie Anna Ochiltree 9-9-J7 47307 Maggie B. Jefferson 10-6-21 28408 Maggie Ine.z Coryell 8-21-17 21495 Maggie T. Polk 3·23-JO 15431 ,t Macgie Viotoria Hill J-27-J6 lS48j xawe Wiley Lim stone 9-2-32 3936' Magilda Cooke 9-29-28 )8626 Mair am Tarrant 7~ 6-15 l63U Maitland J. R. Kaufman j.-2.3-28 12547 Jt

Maior T. Tarrant 7-)-28 32~1 Ma com Huntt 10-18-19 29861 Malisa Dallas 1-17-16 ass Maliaa Freestone 5-22-29 JOJ59 Malvin,-Inf. of McLennan 12- -ll 27912 Mamie Lee Harrison 2-15-20 6473 Ma.my Jefferson 10-lS-li. 2D799 Mance Upshur 10-29-40 48245 Mandy Jefferson ll-26-40 51299 .Mandy Lou Red River 3-J-28 lJ.319

:t~nervia Freestone l0-6-19 29)84 Mann Franklin 2-21-10 22732 Manael Ray Henderson 12-6-Jl 60UO Marcus ~asbington 4-8a20 lS22S Ma.rein Grayson s-Q-JJ 22966 Margaret Leon J-29-J9 70269 .Margaret Tarran't 8-8-)0 41681 Margaret Lee Navarro i-as-2; J528 ,} Margaret Y.ay Dallas 7-6-26 24359 Margerette s. Jeftersc:n lU?-19 .35189 Margarite Camp 6-10-Jl 27418

) .L~VJ-J.Y,.U Deaths 2sa52 ·Turner Margie Dallas 12-Jl-37 S950? Margie Ruth Young 2-19-J.3 11049 ., Marguerite, ?Ill's. McLennan S-14-26 18951 Marguerite Tarrant 1-20-27 .3299 Margurite Dallas 6-28-2) i1soa ., furn er Maria M. Cameron 5-26-16 llll6 Mariab Dallas 8-15-.36 J9920 .Mariah Lamar l0·2S-J7 SlJ60 Marion Parmer 8-1-22 24400 Marion Franklin Tarrant 11-9-40 52463 ' Turner Marion Monroe Wilson J-23-37 136S7 Mari um Lampasas 6-27-25 22776 Marjorie Elizabeth McLennan 6-20-.32 26800 Mury Tarrai t 7-26-10 22734 ' Man-y A. Trinity S-2l•Jl 26095 ' 1'urn8E' Marshall Montgomery 10-31-28 Marshall Truman, Jr.-Lubboek 8-25-40 mgsJ 10 Martha Collin 10-it.39 4S2JO ' Martha Harris ll-2 27 37279 Martha Munt J-S-32 12500 Turner Martha Smith ll-2J-08 51692 Martha Washington 1-24-36 S5ll Martha A., .Mrs. Willi'amson 4-17-21 12408 Martha Ann Lee 2-19-26 6954 Jdartba Ann Ta7lor 10~)-JJ 47836 ,0

~~ha Catherine Gray 6-14-28 2SS69 Martha Clevelanli Harri a l-2S-J5 275) Martha E. Dalla a 8-22-17 21576 Martha E. Runnels 7-17-19 22381 Martha E. Williamson 5-24-Jl 26494 -~ Martha J. Hood J-27-Jl 1J801 Martha Jane Hardeman 12-9-23 .35467 Martha Jane Haskell 5-l-J6 26320 Mar~ May Reeves 8-1.5-37 43117 Martha P. McLennan 12-27-12 28173 Martha Ruby San Saba 5-9-34 24517 Marthy Houston 9-9-36 45t!67 Martin Galveston 4713-16 9372 Mar~in Rusk 12-25-29 61099 Mar-tin ,-Int. ot Wood ll-18-18 53606 Martin Franklin Howard 5-14-JJ 2J667 Marvin, Mrs. Dallam 10-26-24 Jl600 -~ Marvin, Jr. Titus 10-22-JJ 47866 Marvin Lee Dallaa 7-ll-)7 35241 Mary Anderson 6-7-26 20012 Marr Bexar S-26-26 19494 Mary Bexar 6-J-36 29117 J Mary Bosque 12-lS-35 54945 Nary Dallas 10-25-20 JlJ96 Mary Dallas 12-12-27 .39784 .,-~- 4',:Jl. ~V ~\»~ Z,5,) Macy Dallas 4-21-28 15718 Mary ,-Int. of Dalla a 12-28-29 SS042 Mary Dalla.a 4-24-34 17126 } De Witt lt-30-22 11009 Fort Bend 10-2t.-J9 45987 Turner = Freeat.one 10-27-34 i.47)7 Galveston ll-16-20 l4S29 Mary Harris 6-1+-16 =Mary Harris 5-23-25 tl'94 341 Mary Harrla ll-6-Jl Sl727 ~ f" Turner Hunt 8-25-JJ 37673 ~ Je!ferson 6-19-18 2S424 Mart Jefferson 2-9-2g 7424 Mary, Mrs. Lamar 9-13-10 22733 ' Mary iamar l+-13-Jl 19623 hrner Mary Lavaca ll-6-06 40440 Marr Robertson 7-29-.36 J77)2 Mary Travis 2-17-lS 42JS MarJ, Mrs. Travia 12-J0-2) .36152 JUu-1 Travis 8-19-26 30018 Tl.lrner Mary Waahir.gton 6-S-25 2)810 Mary, Mi.SS Williamson 10-15-ltO 48506 Mary Young 7-16-29 J82SJ Mary A. Casa l-l-29 l2U Mary A. Ellis 1-25-23 ll7.5 Mary A. Tarrant 7-1-18 29g36 Mary A. Tarrant l-S-34 4552 Mary A. Upton 10-l~.34 47165 Mary Ada Bell 8-17-)8 JS4.32 Mary Ann Bandera S-2-JJ 20992 Mary Ann Collin 8-20-2) 2.3345 Mary Ann Dallas 10-12-2J 28909 Mary Ann Mills 1-1-25 3424 Mary B. Tarrant 8-17-lJ 179')0 Mary c., Mrs. Kaufman 12--29-21 J4JJ2 ) Mary c. Tarrant 2-l6-J2 87JJ Mary Caroline Tarrant 8-15-.24 27841 j} Mary Creola Harris 9-4-40'- 41851 Mary D. Brown ~12-35 22211 Ma.ry E. Coleman J-J0-20 9418 Mary E. Falls 12-4.-)6 59310 Mary E. McLennan 12-17-32 SJ SS ~E. Tarrant l-25-16 2696 Mary E. Tarrant J-24-28 13682 Mary Klaa Kaufman 9-S-JO 45000 Mary .&lisabeth Dallas 2-18-40 7670 Marr Elizabeth Dallas 11-2-40 49;09 Mary Elizabeth Barris l-JO-JS 2832 Mar7 Elizabeth Kautman 8-10-29 41124 Mary Elizabe~h McCulloch l0-22-J8 47018 .J

) J..YUJ•J..~ JJeaUla 2585• Mal")' Ellen Lavaca 7-27-34 lJUl ' Marr 1-.a De Wi'-~ 9... 4 ..39 4144' Marf Emma El Paso l-22·2i lJ2J ' ll&rJ fakea T~an~ 9-14-40 IU4ll5 Mary lranoi a Robertson 7-17-25 270?) turner Mar7 J. Harri a 7-16-40 ~ Jane Brown S-8-29 filM MarJ Jane B-urna't l0-6-19 28696 KaJ7 Jane Cherokee 2~s-3, 632U Mar7 Jane Colllngswonb 8-U-40 . )6497.-!- - ...... ~ . "' - . .. Turner Kaey Jane Henderaon 7·26-JO ),062 ... ·""" Maey Jane T7ler f-16-10 2273.5 ~ ) Mary Jo Tarrant. -2-32 3'1,1 Mar7 Joe Wood. )-2.)-29 l$87l Mary Josephine, Mrs.-Buar 1~~4-40 324 ' Turner 14arJ L. . Tarrant l-24-J.S lS672 Mary L., Mrs. Wiae 3-~-JS l.65Sl Mary Lee Dawson )-)-J) 12493 Ma17 Lee, Mra. 'I' arrant ll-J0-36 S7044 Kary Lou Jones 4-14-10 22?)6 ~ ~Lou. Mrs. McLennan l-.3-20 2615 Marf Louise lllia J-lJ-JJ 12628 J1a17 M. Dalla a · ll-J-.)7 54162 !da1'J Margaret Lipe comb 6-1S-2S 22852 Mary Marga.re~ l.ubbock J-17-37 16622 ~ Mary Mitehell Harris 4-19-21 uo;a Maq Molly Van Zandt 7-18-40 )5)40 Mal"J Oneta Mitchell 10-)0-04 43155 Mary P. Cameron 2-24-25 ¥ary P. Travia S-l-lS ~~5 Mary Rivers llarris 10-8-37 501+97 Mary Stella Lavaca 12·19-1$ 57440 Mary \1f • I Mrs • Harri a 4-5-40 19226 Mary Warren Dallas 11-17-40 496)1 Mary Winfred Lime atone 10-S-.31 48228 Ma.thhew Hopkins 5-2J-J9 ~036 latilda, Mrs. Ha?Tis i2-1g-1a -~ Ma\ilda, Mrs. McLennan l.2-21-ll '27234 419 Matilda T. Tarrant 2-1-27 669i Matthew Tarrant. 4-21-37 2.33 l Mattie Ca as 6-S-40 26999 Mattie, 1"'.rs. Dallas i1-21-2a 47277 Mattie Falls 8-lO-J.3 J672J Mat.tie Harris IJ-18-1; 8048 14.a~Ue Harris ll-18-27 J72l7

Ur Mattie Hun~ 2-2-39 8522 Mattie Tan-ant 9-27-24 J0657 Mattie A., Mrs. Bexar J-16-lS 4656 Mattie A. Matagorda 8-19-29 41425 Mat.tie Bell Robertson 6-JQ-20 20717 · ~ ~~uJ-i~llJ Deaths 2ss,, Mat.tie Gooi Dallas 10-28-18 )SS27 MaUie H. Williamson 6-ll-40 40061 Matt.ie Joyce Hun\ ll-26-27 3747~ Mattie Lee Limeatone 7-6-40 3400 Ma~ti• Kay Shelby 11-12-28 497,6 Turner Mattie Oldham Harris 4-22-40 l94S9 Mattie Ruby Jetferson 7-4-)J ))215 Ma"i• Sara Rcbertaon 10-6-17 2S7SJ Mattline Ellis 10-J0-18 .3896- Maud Dallam 5-17-10 227)7 Turner Maud Wharton 11-20-18 SJ452 Maud E. Reeves 1-28-ll 2020 Mawi• )18.y Jef'ferson 11-)0-29 S4645 Mattdf Smith 2-28-Jl 991) Maxine Terry ll-17-35 5)8)9 Turner Maxine Celinda, Mrs. ·Dallas 2-11-JO 7187 Ha7 Dove 1'arran't J-S-U. 663) ~ Ma7 St.epan Cameron 4-12-Jl 17125 May w. Tarrant 2-23-23 ~6S Medora Tarran~ 10-Jl-35 4 822 ~ Melesaa s. Coahran 12-26-37 .59013 Mellasa J. Bee l-18-25 74 Melliaaa A. MadiJton 8-21-35 J91S2 ' Melvin Raina ll-U-.18 5228~ Melvin ·car1ton Robertson 7-9-39 l499 ) Melvina Wood 7-26-28 .))249 Memory Horatio Dallas 12-9-22 ))SOS } Merrell E. Dallas 9-14-ll 19400 Me~ts Alda Brown 4-4-29 19S4l Mildred Jim Wells 6-ll-22 l496S Mildred Marie Ellis l-3-2S l.46J Millard J. Fannin 9-12-36 44996 ) Milli• Freestone l-8-37 2.))2 Millie Harris 10-16-15 2226J Millie Harris S-5-36 4094~ Milly Leon 3-6-08 U7Sl Milton Harri a 1-19-i.O 2806 ,\ Mil~on Andrew Collin lQ-22-)2 4J.)96 Milton L. McLennan l-26-29 ;611 Milton M. Pot.ter ll-23-2S 4077S )

Mimia Caldwell 4-lJ-OS 17293 ) Min Jefferson l-22-14 U6J Mina Hun~ 8-22-28 J5SS9 MiMie Saylor a.-11.. 19 22974 ) Minnie Caaa 7-6-.30 ))207 Minnie Dallaa 10-Jl-)8 45126 MiDnie Dallas J-26-40 l.3S42 J Minnie El Paso 1~2-32 1,82 Minnie Fannin 9-5-03 26899 ) Minnie ?arrant 5-27-40 2S62S

) i~uJ-i~llJ Deaths 2S8S6 ., Minnie Jewel Newton l-8-.33 4JS5 MJ.niiie t. Kaufman 4-2-)0 19791 Minnie Lee Bosque 12-17-26 40713 Minnie Maud Bra so a 9-24-Jl USO? MiltYille Bastrop tt-17-19 22969 l Turn.- Mira Brazos 4-4-JO 17259 Miriam Tarrant 10-10-2.3 )0678 Misaouri Hockley ll-16-29 '4.39S Mitchell T. Hams 6-2t20 1993) Mittfe Tarrb.t 3-2 28 lJ714 turner Modesto Camaron 2-4-29 88~ Modesto J. Cemeren S-24-40 22) 8 Mollie Burleson 3-29-10 227.)8 Mollie Ellis 7-7-26 247JO Mollie Barria 6-4-lJ 1.).391 f\lrnar Mollie Harris 5-6-16 11966 Mollie Catherine Nacogdoches 12-21-39 56776 Mollie E. Wood 5-21-)6 28614 Mollie Ella Palo Pinto 6- -23 27122 ' Molly G. Nueces l-20-18 3901+ ' Turner Monk Bexar 4-22-18 14994 Mo~e Brown Lynn io-a-20 )2687 J Monte Ray Montague 12-J0-)9 S67J2 Monteque Titus 1-17-)l 5218 Moran Dallas 10-27-38 45106 Morris Camp 10-27-39 4512) Morris Morris 4-lJ-27 l.3705 Morris Wilbarger 3-ll-J8 1601; Moses Rusk l-lS-39 7008 Murle Hugh Fannin 1-4-35 J2ag9 Turner Musie Lee Bexar J-18-Ji 10877 Myrtle Collin l-lJ-) 1024 Myrtle, li'.rs. Navarro 7-3-39 Ji.6a2 Myrtle Rusk 2-12-)7 llJJ5 Myrtle K. Dallas 10-19-20 31469 j hrner N. A. Upshur 6-7-30 J18S6 N. C. Burleson 4-10-34 16S59 N. H. Tarrant 8.-26-19 2SJ20 ' N. M.,-In.t• of Iau1blan 4-22-28 17567 Na do Red River 1-14-04 48235 Nancy, Mrs. Burleson ll-10-28 Nancy Jefferson 12-20-J$ 467~S64 Nancy Rusk s-u-29 '2747 ' Nancy Upstaur 12-20-)8 ,sm _, Nancy Elizabeth Eastland 2-S-.3' 7063 Nancy Elizabeth Falls ll-29-.32 Nancy Elizabeth Potter 7-11-)6 J~8 7 ) Nancy Ellen Potter ll-6-JO S49S4 Naney Gorgia Ann Coleman l2-27-J2 50S91+ Nancy Jane Dsllas 5-21-Jl 22918

.) i~vJ-~~4v ~~ns 2S857 !llancy Jane Montara• 7-26-J8 33962 Nancy Jane Runne s J2-l6-J7 ll299 Nancy M. Lubbock 2-12-26 11177 Nancy Jiiaaouri Hale )-12-26 10171 Nallie Lavaca 12-13-34 SS670 Turner Nannie Dal.las tlS-28 10446 Nannie, Mrs. McLennan 26-29 31ass Nanni• A.• Mrs. Denton l0-30-J9 1t&GJ6 Nannie May Wise S-18-JJ 39468 Nany Burleson 6-23-40 268)2 Turner Naomi Ruth Lubbock ll-7-34 72106 krah Richardson Wood 7-12-J) 36044 ·o Nathan Bexar 12-8-10 22739 Nathan,-In.f. ot Harris l0-13... 39 46472 Na"ttie San Augtlatine 12-12-JJ 57255 Turner Neal Na Tarro $-22-l.4 17JS6 Bea.lie .Dalla a J-2-J6 1.3764 l Nelia Den1ion ll-30-JS 4974, Nell Jetterson 1-7-3.3 3482 Nellar a Dalla 3-21-32 1060.3 ~ 'lurner Nellie Kau.onan a-s-21 27848 · Nellie Kaut.man 2-9-39 6801+ Nellie Tyler 6-7-14 13507 llellict B. Bexar 2-2S-J4 5592 ' Helson Dallas 2-2-.36 720J Turner Nelaan Harris 10-9-27 JJ814 Ne~'tie Galvea~on 12-17-J7 601Sl Nettie Florence Brazos 7-28-40 Jl404 !ievl Burleaon 8-18-17 2129S Ne~on William Jackson 7-8-36 J670S Nicolas c. Culbernon 9-19-37 45039 N'1na McLennan ll-g-10 22740 Noah Hale Cooke 1-27-34 1070 Nora Hardeman 10-27-29 49197 Norah Hardeman ll-17-26 JSJ71 Norman Benson Robertson ll-J-20 JS864 o. Jetter son 7-29-27 241.34 O. B. Bell 19-18-18 JS9S4 o. c., Sr. Rev. Harri sen 7-lS-40 J).)18 O. H. Lamar 12-24-.39 S6J47 ) o. M. Collin 12-10-15 26185 o. w., Mrs. Tar1or 7-2-)9 JS4l2 ) Oakes T.,-In.t. of Da las ll·lS-36 S.3714 Octavia Dolores El Paso 2-6-27 S023 Octa.vie s. siephens 1-19-31 490S Odessa Ellis 10-27-22 2SJS7 ' Odessa Jasper J-24-)2 l2S4J Ola Grayson 4-9-lJ 8SS1 Olen Bexar 9-19-2S JlS68 Olga, Mrs. MoClll.loch ll-28-JO S4S44 ·~V)•4~~U Jlea'508 2SSS8 Olle Robertson 10-24-18 44765 Olin,-Ili!. of Wilbarger 4-12-22 13009 Olive Ri'.y Bexar S-8-lS 9209 OliYer B. Harris 7-31-34 J27JS Olivia Cameron 6-S-40 26982 ) Turner Ol,mpia Galveston .3-29-22 813.J Onelee Bell 12-12-18 S3749 ) Ophelia . Jefferson 5-17-14 lOSlS Ophelia ?1tus J-10-29 18235 Ophelia D. Hi.ll 12-17-1$ 56751 ) 'turner Ora Tarrant S-29-28 23)27 Oral Minton Fannin 2-23-21 440) ) Oret"tus Dallas l0-JO-J6 49037 Orie Navarro ll-26-JO 54791 Orin Freestone 10-2)-18 40161 ) Turner Orolee Bell· Travis 10-20-JO 5071.5 Orrick Norville El Paso 2-17-16 4024 ) Oscar Ellis ll-15-.3) 499.35 Oscar McCulloch 11-20-Jl 527.36 Oscar Carter Martin 3-ll-J7 16668 Turner Osia E.llis 1-22-19 1709 Oakel Floyd.,-Int. of-Dea£ Smith 4-25-18 lS86S ) Oaaie Mae ~ Harris 4-28-JO 18909 Otho Smi\h 10-22-37 52.)01 Q'tia Earl Po,ter 11-4-17 )2423 l Otia li. McCulloch S-15-05 421SS Ot1>o Dallas 11-8-Jl 50656 Owen a Kerr S-4-40 24573 P. A. Bowie 4-27-27 11592 P. A. Jefferson l0-2J-2.3 29984 \ P. C. Wood 7-2S-JJ 35119 P. F.,-In£. of McLennan l-29-19 Jl!9J \ Paralee Dalla a 2-7-28 6035 Paralee Tarrant 12-28-18 58481 Pascal Kau!ma.n l-lJ-22 2l7S \

Paschal Paul Dalla a 1-2~-JS 1401 Paschal &,.. Bexar 1-2 -2g 295 \ Patance Bowie 7-18-25 24519 Patricia Jim Wells i..:19-~o 3680 Patsey Dallas 2-6-J 7532 \ Patsy Dallas l-20-19 1206 Pa~sy Harrison 1-12-20 20)1 Patsy Ann Montgomery J-28-J9 14734 Pa,ty Dallas 2-is~ ..o 7'J27 Paul Bell 12-22-.32 4§1605 Paul Jones 5-S-09 J64S2 Paul Kenneth Travis 6-10-16 l.S.372 ) Pe-arl Dallaa J-8-27 8JS3 Pearl Lubbock S-18-34 70869 Pearl Milam 2-21-.36 10269 )

) ..1."7"".>- •74V "._ W1ll 4'!)0)~ ) Pearl Tarrant s-6-06 S4374 Pearlee Matagorda 4-23-24 1)720 l Pearlie Ellis 7-8-JS J26S2 Pearl7 Smit'Jl 9-S-JS 43269 Peggy Lee Taylor 9-18-39 44010 Turner Percy McLennan 6-9-27 209SO Perey M. Bexar 4-17-27 llJSlt ) Permelia Tecora Rains ll-5-36 56S9l Perri• Harri 8 2-9-JS l!O)l Pury Raymond Dallam i-17-28 34233 ) Turner PershiDg Bexar 6-25-Jlt 25707 Pete Freestone 2-3-34 7J8J ") Pete Smith 6-2-20 20784 Peter Harris .3-10-JJ lJ442 Peter R$d River S-28-15 lll20 Turner Peyten, Sr.· Bexar l0-17-2) 28490 Phela Guad.al u.pe 5-10-18 16617 Phil.omen Elizabeth Harris 12-16-.)0 S872l Pinckney Hoaa'ton 12-8-lO 227~ Pinkie,-Int. of Harrison s-:u.-21 141 SA · Turner Ptltt s., Tarrant 12-18-25 44800 Plas Thomas Upshur l-Jl-29 7399 •• Plea.a Fayette 12-27-36 ;9~70 Pleaaan~ B. Taylor 2-ll-.)9 70187 Porter Lee Van Zandt 10-20-)6 52169 l Pre•,on San Jacinto ll-7-JJ S2J27 Pryor Caldwell 6-21-28 24601 ) Queen E. Ellis l-2S-Jl 1918 R. Harri a )-J-lJ 6).31 . R. A. ,-Int. of Dallas 9-25-ll l948J R. B. M'ILennan ;-2-16 l2465 R. E. ,-Int. of Navarro 6-28-17 17115 ) R. E. Washington 4-7-37 2)780 R. G. ,-In!. of Cherokee 5-21-ll 10205 R. H. Childress J-17-18 10987 R. J ,-In£. of Smith ll.-21-JJ 52421 R. L.,-Inf. of Harri a J-lS-10 22742. R. L. Harris 4-19-20 13993 R. M.,-Itif'. ot Caldwell ~J0-20 12966 R. M. Tarrant 12-17-28 SS526 a. N. ,-In!. Of Mo Lennan l-18-2.) 2514 R. R. iise J-16-04 61006 R. s., Mrs. Harris 12-15-23 35591 R. T. Gra1sQU l-4-22 1512 R. V • Scurry S~?-2). 251)5 R. 'ti. Bosque l-J0-2,l J92 R. W. Dallas ;-20... 15 98.39 R. W. Eastland l-14-37 1SJ6 R. W. McCulloch i.-14-38 19S88 Rachael Hill 7-ll-.IO 2J06S j

) 1903-1940 Deaths 2S660 Rachel Brown 10-30-40 44595 Rachel Harrison 9-9-.)6 4,701 ') Rachel Smith 1910 2274) Rachel Ann Collin l-2)-16 611 Ralhph Bexar 1-4-ll 250 !urner Ralph Andrew Bexar 2-24-37 6JlJ Ralph Henry Dal.las 7-2J-40 .32050 Ralph s. Jeffe~son 6-2-27 20577 Ramona cam.er on 8-21-29 39049 Raul El ~iJao 5-S-37 25743 rurner R&)', Jr. Dallas 6-25-33 27127 Ra7 Victoria S-5-40 2S9J7 Ray Alvin, Jr. Ca as 7-17-37 35062 Rayman Fannin 9-29-33 41040 Raymond A. Dallas 7-14-20 21947 Turner Raymond Edward Kaufman 6-1J-J6 31952 Raymond L. Hardeman l-24-25 2l7l Reba Smith 12-lJ-lS 58379 Rep Bell Trinity 11-29-ll 2S.3ll Relieeca B. Galveston ll-28-33 50JJO Rebecca Elizabeth Jasper 12-7-29 S98Sl Rebecca M. Nacogdoches 8-13-19 24958 R:f!nald C. Dallas 2-6--.30 7)18 B. ner Colorado J-10-11 52)3 Re Ugh Bell 7-lS-34 30537 l Rendia Falls l-26-35 1948 Re\tie E. Anderson l-l-19 16 l Reuben Edward Denton lt-2-.'32 16029 Rex Walker 4-6-JS 21216 Rhoda Harris 10-22-18 l+lllJ Riehard E. El Paso 7-S-27 2J24J Richard Ephriham Cass 11-27-40 49.305 Richard G. Waller 6-22-32 27t72 Richard J. Brewster J-3-30 11945 Richard P~ Madison 10-21-32 61104 Richard R. Harris 7-27-17 l9J07 Richard Riley Denton 2-27-.32 6152 Richard S. McCulloch 1'2-14-40 74064 Rober~ Brazos l-J-36 6.)1 Robert Clay 8-Jl-29 J9124 Robertr Dallas 7-29-18 27824 Robert Dallas ;-22-2e 20SlS } Roben. ;f-r• Harris 8-9-25 '}9489 Robert,.- n!'. of ~arris J-30·-37 15477 Robert autlnan 4-10-30 19774 Der Robert Lamar 6-22-36 )20J) Robert McLennan 6-2-29 31925 Robert Montgomery 2-ll-35 9462 Robert Rains S-JO-J8 38844 -~ Robert A. Bexar a-1-J1+ .35200 _,...,J- •7"¥1 Vll:lllaV.t.UJ /903 - fCf'-/0 -''OO• Robert B. Caldwell S-Jl-)J 21642 Robert B. McLennan s-26-10 12466 ) Robert Boice Boward ll-6-24 JS888 Robert Bruce Milam 10-1)-25 37028 Robt. c. Polk 9-6-34 422'6 ft.rner Robert E. Tarrant 10-6-40 ~7887 ' iobvt E. Travis 2-17-24 960 Rober~ Elerson Coleman l-29-32 918 Robert Ely Red iiver l-16-JS 4436 Robert. 1. Grayson 2-l-J9 7567 Robe~ G. lac:ogfiocshes l-2-.)9 Rober\ Hampton Dallas 10-24-30 •Oi447 62 io~art Henr7 Travis l!-24-29 42500 • Robert J. Aus co sa 2-23-31 5969 Roben J. Cooke J-~)l um Rol>~ James Harri.a l-25-.34 2636 llob\.. K. Harrison 7-14-27 2)849 ) Robert L. Bexar 4-10-26 l282S Robert L. Hall 10-t)9 46267 Robert Leals Karnes 7-l 40 JJ71!7 Robert Lee Dallas ll-4-33 49S02 Robert Lee Victoria S-9-29 26098 Rober~ Jl. ,-Inf. of Hidalgo 8-S-JO 40156 Re-bert a. Bexar l2-l2-l7 33447 Rolaert; S~onwall Hardeman 12-21-18 S6342 l Rober1l v. McLennan 6-2S-l8 2S868 Robert W. Bexar 8-17-26 27213 Robert w. Travia J-28-10 227~ Rohert Worthy,-In.f. of-Travis 7-6-39 713 Roberta Jetferson J-9-21 8177 Rob1e,-In£. of Harris 7-5-JO .34654 Rodie Franklin $-2.3-lO 22745 Roe,-In.t. of Houston 6-U-lJ 1347g Roma Eliot Elli a 7-16-JS Jl98J Rosa Bas1>rop ~-18-18 14672 Rosa Cooke 3-2S-29 USlJ Rosa Dallas l-25-13 SOJ Roaa, Mrs. Harris 9-12-18 34272 Rosa Trinity ~~-06 582)4 Rosa Wharton 2--26-37 12341 Roaa B., Mrs. Tarrant 8-S-21 2)605 Rosa Lee Bra.sos 1-8-38 .)1200 Rosa Lee DaJ.las J-14-34 i1g20 Rosa Lee Ellia 2-19-24 48~7 Rosa Lee Li-erty S-lJ-40 )8 )J Rosco Victoria 12-6-0S S9068 Roscoe Harris ll-8-39 S0915 Roae Belle Kennedy, Mrs.-Harris 12-7-38 SS? S Roae Kenner Washington 6-19-J) 30174 Roselene Hill a-25-36 41448 ~YUJ•4~~U Ue&WUI ,,004' Rosie Ha1a 9-20-)8 4196) Rosie McLennan 6-)0-2.) 19049 ., Rosy Smith 2-14-04 51019 Roa a Tarrant 8-2S-36 4.)019 Revilla Mary Kau.tman S-7-2) 15919 ., turner Roxie Limes~one 2-14-24 6lS2 Roy,-Int. 0£ Hill 6-lS-26 220~6 Roy, Jr. Scurry .)-25-26 ll?JS Ro7 . Smith 2-20-40 11117 Boy Eiuett Tarrant 2-2s-1s 10J26 }

T\dlner, Roy Gene Denton 6-9-2S 21)~ Roy Lea Gray 4-8-)8 1809 ioy Lincoln Henderson 1-28-40 .3165 iey McClure Coleman l-l.S-11 411 Ro7 Moral Wichih 8-4-31 43977 Turner Rube B. il Paso J-9-.39 124SJ iuben Childress l0-6-19 28?7S Ruben Denton 2- -11 3126 Ruben Taylor Denton J- -li S24S Rubin Berry Bexar 6-l2~J 29015 Ruby Ann Fisher 12-18-3.5 56371 Ruby Lee Harri a 12-25-33 SS1S1 ) RubJ' Nell Hood 2-9-.32 7420 Rural E. Bill 9-10-17 2~)45 Russell El Paso 6-2-21 1 S48 ) Russell Smith 7-17-JS 70886 Russell E. Tarrant S-S-.39 25408 Ruth Galveston 8-27-22 2JJ91 RUth Harris 6-7-22 175.59 Ruth Agnes Jack 8-5-22 23871 s. Bowie 10-1-29 1+7646 S. B. ,-Inf. of Tarrant .3-8-20 l20i0 S. E. Coryell 5-7-JJ 219 ~ 3. E. Kaufman 9-29-10 2271+ S. E. J. Falls 12- -12 27309 ' s. F. ,-Inf. ot Childress l0-6--2J 287S2 s. J. Montague 4-7-32 18066 ) ~." L. Lamar 4-10-28 17642 s. L., Mrs. Tarrant 2:1e-20 8099 s. M., Mrs. Van Zandt ll-l.5-JO 55737 s. w., Mrs. Coryell J-22-16 6197 s. w. Fannin 5-26-JO 2J66J s.. w. • Mrs. Gr4y 5-6-JO 23897 Sadie Harris 4-20-20 13943 Sadie McLennan 4-10-16 lOOltl ., uer Sal 'W. Harrison 4-2.5-30 19233 Sal.lie Collin 2-4-39 6471 ) Sallie El Paso 5-8-09 24315 Sallie Gonzales 4-lS-40 18998 Sallie Tarrant 8-20-27 28649

J •'7U~-.J.'14V jlC*Wl~ /Cf O3 - IC/'1 {) 2,l5bJ 1 Sallie A., Mrs. .Elli a l-.31-22 1154 Sallie B. NavaITo 12-21-18 S792l Sallie Gen,ia Elli a 7-22-16 16J46 Sallie ill>& Lee 9-25-32 39.334 Sallie Lee Montague ~-20-)2 18068 Turner Sallie Mattie Collin 6-18-ll 12751 Sally Galveston 4-2-34 17706 ) Sally Harrison 8-22-40 3797, sam Anderson l-2-31 22 Sam,-Inf. of Dallas 10-S-24 Jl8J7 Turner Sam,-Int. ot Dallas 10-22-25 JS2l2 Sam 1 -ln.f. ot Dallas 2-1-29 9.525 l Su Ellis 6-S-20 192)1 Sam Ellis 7-24-30 33956 Sam Galveston 9-l6-J2 JSJ49 Turner Sam,-Int. o.f Johruson 4-15-11 8816 Sam,-Int. of Jo111 s 12-J-14 25050 Sam Montgomery 8-24-39 701!45 Sam Red River 2-17-40 10844 S8m Ruak ll-2)-20 3590) Turner Sam Travis l+-29-18 18702 Sam Washington 6·19-.)J J017S ) Sam Wilbarger 12-;-29 62074 Sam D. Young lt-2)-18 19062 Sam K. Williamson 12-6-32 S5601 } Sam J. Wichita 7-27-J6 J8S04 Sam V. Montague 3-16-21 8527 Sam w. Harris 9-2l-J2 .)8714 Samantha Ann Eastland 2-11-.35 7088 Sammie Lee Cass 12-6-J8 S4159 Sammie s. Dalla a ll-lS-23 31921 Samonia Rober1)son ll-5-25 4osao } Samuel Benjamin Stephens ll-8-18 525 4 Samu.el DI, Mrs. Grayson S-26-.39 J769S Samuel Henry Harris 11-21-20 3SOJ9 Samuel Presley Wiohita l-2J-29 7840 Samuel Robert Denton 7-2-40 32173 Sarah Colorado J-2~-27 8072 sarah Colorado 12-15-29 57639 Sarah Grimes 6-4-39 2827l Sarah Harris l-ll-37 2767 Sarah Je!!~rson 12-23-24 39.393 Sarah, Miss Kendall S-22-06 392S8 Sarah Panola S-17-J9 39342 Sarah Rusk 2-1-29 12371 ~ Sarah Shelby 7-26-29 J?JSB Sarah, Mrs. Tarrant S-9-06 S436S Sarah, Mrs. Titus 2-8-18 959S Sarah Tom Green 10-31-18 45704 Sarah Bryant Tarrant, 8-16-Jlt JS6;o ' ) ·~v~-·~~v uea~na ;t'~°'t ) /C/«>3 - /Cft{tJ Sarah E. Harris 7-16-22 20703 Sarah Elizabeth Bowie 6-3-28 24494 Sarah Elizabeth Upshur 12-29-)6 728J2 Sarah Francis Dallas 7-14-25 24961 Sarah Hannuh Harris 6-3-Jl+ 277S6 )

Turner Sarah J. Brazoria ll-20-21 299~6 San.h Jane, Mrs. Travis 7-22-37 J86 l ) Sarah Leemelia Rains 9-21-JJ 42962 Sarah Mildred McLennan l-31-32 3328 Sarrah Ann(Sallie) Anderson ll-8-40 lt8S89 ) !urner Savannh Bell 6-2J-)7 29.314 Seott, ~ilbarger 12-28-16 29288 ) Soo~t M. McLennan l0-10-23 J0277 Sealy Harris 7-20-15 15~74 Segril Annie Harris 9-10-29 44 88 ) Turner Sera 'l'arran1; 2-2-21+ a8lJ Seretha Harri.a j-26-40 llt6Sl ) Se'th B. Tarrtll t 4-5-16 lOJ.37 Seymour, -In.f. of Morris ll-lJ-ll 24896 Shade Morris 1-1-17 255S Shed Brazos J-18-28 10026 Sherman Upshur 1-11-Je J48SJ ) Shirley Dallas 7-4-38 Jl606 Shirley Chris~iane Hutchinson 2-23-26 66J8 Shirley Maria Wichi~a 1-7-JS SJSl } Sidney, Jr. Bexar 6-11-ll+ 11624 Sidney Dallas l-)l-J2 1298 ) Siclney ~ewis Hunt 4-6-J? 21717 Sidney Rae Denton 9-27-27 29988 Silas Mogbee Coryell 10-20-35 45657 Sillas Tom Green 1-2-28 4252 Silvia,-Int'. of Harri a 2-7-16 4535 Simon Tarrant 3-20-35 15818 Simon ?itus 7-21-JO J6959 Sina Ann Harris 12-8-32 52376 Sip Robertson 12-9-lS ;a262 Smiley ~ichita 12-12-29 61976 _) Smith 'Wichita ll-15-26 402S7 Sol Harris 12~29-15 27281 Sol1.-In£. of San Augustine 4-5-J6 73119 Spencer Harris 1-17-3.J 2s4a Statford Henderson l-15-35 29S Stan1ey1 Jr. Dallas S-29-20 l6062A Stephen Claiborn Smith 2-6-14 4193 Stfphen Stovall Grayson 12- -11 26610 Sterling Bexar 4-20-2.3 lllOl sierling Mack San Saba 10- -28 45352 S1;eve Dallas 6-11-34 266n Steve Harris 12-2-.3) 55560 Steve McLennan 2-4-.33 9,4s ~ 190)-1940 Deaths 25865 Steve Milam 6-27-06 43387 Steve Polk 4-22-07 4724) St.eve Tarrant 7-4-38 .l4Sa8 SteYen Park McLennan S-24-19 24g l Stevens Lacy Dallae 4-6-)2 1S988 Turner Suocie Touchstone Bexar 9-28-25 Jl.!694 Stonewall Bexar J-22-39 UOS2 ) Sulivan Wichita 4-lJ-20 l,302 Surrell Elarria 4-7-28 16882 Sl.lSan Brazos ll-19-32 4.5372 .l Susan Coke 10-2-)8 44762 Suun Bllia 6-8-28 2.53l9 Susan Catherine Brazos J-J0-0, 8900 Susan Ste~ena &l Paao 2-l6-2S 6040 Susann Gonzales 6-ZS-40 28115 } turmr Susan w. Robertson 8-J0-22 244,2 Susie lau£man lJ.-23-22 J2090 Suaie Kaufman 7-21-JS 34210 Susie Tom Green 9-S-23 28020 Susie Ann Tarrant 6-20-lO 22748 Syble Marion Freestone l-8-J) 2260 Sylvester Willie De Witt 9-lJ-36 44724 Synore o. Bexar 4-19-20 12790 T •• -In.f. of Diokena 7-S-29 J47J6 T. Ann Navarro ll-18-07 4S494

T. B. .McLennan '~27-18 21884 T. B. Woocl l~2l~J4 70170 T. D. Collin 6- -ll 12739 T. E. Cherokee l-2.3-20 618 T. H., Mrs. Child.re as 6-24-.34 26JS6 T. J.,-Int. of Hardeman 12-)-15 27205 T. R. Liberty l2-l7-J2 53626 T. S. Lamar ·9-2-22 26613 T. w. Bastrop 5-S-28 19.395 T. W. Tarrant ll-20-0J 52990 Taylor Dallas 12-22-32 51159 Telitha Hanis 5-ll-38 2J2JO j Tennie Bell Howard T-7-34 32968 Teresa Lavaca 10-22-12 23952 Texanna Ellis J-lO-J6 13995 Thad F. Falla .3-2-J4 12399 Thelma Hanis J-25-J? 15497 Thelma Louise Crockett 4-4-29 19895 Theodore Dallas J-2J-J6 lJS14 Theola,-Inf. of Henderson 7-Jl-JJ . 32914 Thermon Bexar 2-21-40 6350 Thomas Dallas J-27-10 22750 Thomas Fannin 9·9-ll l976f Thomas Galveston 7-24-20 22656 Thomas Harris 9-29-23 27108 •• .L90J-1940 Deaths 2S866 ) Thomas Harris 9-19-39 42298 Thomas Kou.st on ll-23-39 S147z Thomas Kaufman 8-2-07 )845 Thoma a Kauhlan l-30-22 2197 Thomas Mactison 4-25-)7 22327 Turner Thomas Rusk 4-7-32 18459 Thomas Alden El Paso l-2-32 1533 Thoms Alvin McLennan. ll-14-JS 52900 Thomae Bulgttr Wood ll-27-JS 54365 'fhomaa Carroll Tarrant 7-lJ-29 37Sl7 Turner Tllomaa Elward 1rarran~ 12-22~39 57.392 Thomas 1. Potter 9-lS-29 462.33 'I'homaa Hillard Cameron 12-ll-19 34451 Thomae J. Montague 8-14-14 17J40 Thomas Jefferson Collingsworth 7-17-Jl 32457 Turner Thomas Jet!erson Gray J-18-jJ lJl22 Thomaa Jaff'eracn Van Zandt 9-26-16 220,6 Thomas M. Bexar a-J-24 25)07 Thomu K. Montague 10-.14-27 346j) Thoma.a M. '!'arrant 9-25-20 .)0444 Turner Thoms Miller Titus ll-J0-.36 S7ll8 Thomas Oliver Ta~~ 12-21-40 51S6S Thomas Ollie Harris J-10-JS 1.3572 Thomae Payne Taylor 1-29-16 2T/2 Thomas Preston Tarrant 8-21-36 4299.3 .) Thom.as R. Grayson 10-J-)7 50232 Thomas R. Tarrant 12-S-17 )6604 Thom&• ltiemrci Tarra mt l2-lJ-40 S?SJl Thomas T. Grayson 1- -12 1J72 Thomas w. Dallam 6·28-34 26548 Thomas w. Kaufman S-26-21 23059 Thomas w., Jr. Medina 9-20-.31 4.3937 Thomason James 8-16-40 .39628 Thomes B. T!IiorE s 7-lJ-13 15061 Thurmon Harris 8-16-24 26790 )

Tibbie Modesta., Polle S-ll-J9 2505$ Tillie Kaufman s-s-1a 21597 Tillman,-Int. of San Augustine J-6-29 17809 Tinnie Kau!man l-29-32 2996 Tishia Anderson 2-20-10 22751 ) Toba Freestone 6-28-.)2 25446 Tom Franklin 3-~20 1037& Tom Galveston 8-4-26 28426 Tom Gngg 5-30-JS 23148 Tom Harris 6-a-18 25042 Tom H.a.IT18 ll-18-37 ,,489 Tom Jefferson S-11-lS )1904 Tom Tarxa nt ll-S-39 52922 Tom B. McLennan l-2J-J6 4061! Tom D. Red River 9-J0-28 4103)

) 190) - 1940 Deathe 2SS67 Tvner T• H. Tarrant 12-16-U. 25Sl2 Toma.ea Tr,evino Cameron 12-15-17 33973 'l'omaie Lea Williamson 2-lS-33 l09SO Tomy .Morris 3-10-)7 4-2739 Troy Collin 7-J-04 1262) Turner 'i'ro1 a. Galveston 3-10-Jl 12892 -~ T~ie Wilbarger 7-14-39 JS83S Tula Harris 1-2-28 2471 'fullie Lee Van Zandt 5-17-J8 2SS73 Unit•d States Harrison 11-16-34 49~36 Turner Uriah San Saba l-Jl-19 i..sso Ursula Wichita 4-JO•JS 21379 V. Beverly Harris 11-1-37 55284 v. J., Int of Limestone 12-25-29 60J67 v. s. Freestone 2-19-24 ;200 Turner Valarey, .Mrs. Denton 9-1-29 44060 Vallie Bell Dallas 2-22-23 4;02 Vara Lee Coryell 6-)-31 276.)9 Velmer Robertson 10-17-22 29771 Vera Hunt a-22-28 35858 Turner Vera Nueces 2-26-38 9534 Vera Wichita 7-3-Jl .36)39 Verana Harris ll-19-25 39730 Verda Lorena Caldwell 10-16-28 iV.93 _.jJ Verlan Suria 2-22-2.5 726 Turner Vernie Taylor 10-J0-20 33287 Vernon, Info£ El Paso 5-1-22 140.34 Vernon Haskell J-11-JJ 13689 'Jlietor Bexar l-24-28 335 {I Victoria El11a l-1-37 ld74

Turner Vict-Oria, Mrs. Lampasas .3-25-24 99211 ~ Victoria Panola 5-15-29 27257 Viney An."'lie liexar 6-ll-17 15169 Viola Lubbock 9-22-29 1+5738 } Viol.et. June Terrell J-19-37 28549 Turner Virgie San Jacinto l-25-30 4802 Virgil H. Taylor 2-12-39 10144 Virginia Dallaa 6... 30-22 l6f182 Virginia D&las 6-23-25 21273 Virginia Harris l-27-38 27'29 Turner Virginia s. Cameron 6-17-37 29998 Vivian Rockwall 4-3-38 20104- Vivian Gay Taylor 10-)0-37 525~9 W. A. Travis 12-18-28 557 g J W. B., Mrs. Barria 2-2.3-16 lt5J7 W. B. Limestone 2-15-22 SJ93 ~ W. B. McLennan 12-7-09 42303 ll. B. Parker 7-11-25 26986 W. B. Wilbarger ll-4-12 26390 w. c., Mrs. Coryell 7-17-33 )1)96 •• j 1903 - 1940 Deaths 25868 ) Turner w. c., Inf of McLennan S-24-20 17486 w. c. Montgomery l-J-.39 4028 ) w. c•• In£ of Nolan 10-10-22 29662 W. D. Boar 12-5-31 54617 W. D., Mrs. Coryell 2-12-32 578) Turner W. D., In£ of Johnson 7-7-28 Jl.399 ' W. D., Mrs. Milam 8-25-25 J0.167 ) W. E. Bell 2-16-24 J~) W. B., .Mrs. Fannin 6-16-30 28924 W. E. Pott.r 4.-10-lS S6S2 fumer w. F. Collin 6-7-20 1884.9 ) w. '· Dallas 12-25-ll+ 24150 W. F ., Mrs. Trinity 9-28-04 58063 W. G .. Tarrant 1-29-JJ 5164 W. G., Jr. Taylor 5-9-28 2.3371+ Turner w. a. Harrison 7-13-12 17904 ) \f. Ii. Hopkins 1-24-)i 2985 w. a. Tom Green 9-28-2 ))268 w. J., Rev. Brown 12-9...06 93;9 w. J. Brown Z..-16-39 17011

Turner w. J. Childress S-l8-J7 25044 ) w. J. Nolan 12-5-.32 54J.8S w. J. Tarrant 2-9-18 9362 W. L. Cherokee 2-14-Jl 670.3 ) \f • L. Collin 2-25-35 6409

Turner W. L. Lampasas .3-l7-J6 16066 ) I W. L. Tarrant J-18-29 17972 W. L. Walker 7-22-31 36210 W. M. Hale 3-S-JO 1361.5 ) W. M. Polk 1-14-39 4289

Turner W. M. Tarrant 10-2-16 24142 ) w. o. Coryell J-28-27 8121+ w. o., Inf of Harris 9-1-15 l99J7 W. P. Bell 12-6-15 25801 W. P. Bexar 6-28-26 20J84. ' Turner W. R. McLennan 6-9-24 20686 ) W. R. Parker 2-23-16 S098 w. s. Harris ll-16-16 25671 w. s., In! of Jefferson 10-13-39 46995 ) w. s. Tarrant 9-10-34 42490 hrner W. T. Harris 6-ll-28 261.56 ,) W. T., Inf of Tra via 8-16-2) 25400 W. T. Wood S-3-26 )0401 w. w. Collin S-25-16 Ula'/ J w. w., Inf ot Dallaa S-24-20 16142 w. w. Gonzalea 12-)-)l S6099 ) w. w•• Mrs. Wilbarger 4-16-)lt 20531 w. Rarvey Tarrant 6-6-)$ 20329 Wade Anderson Jt-8-25 12559 ) Wade Bexar 2·27-36 6l.S2 J l90J - 1940 Deaths 25669 Turner Wade, Inf of Ha1s 9-12-)0 lt464a 'Wallace Tarrant S-18-0J 52994. .l f allaoe Edwin Coleman 2-20-)2 ;667 lallace v. Dallaa 9-9-22 2ssn falter Bastrop 9-2-01+ 988 Turner \falter Caldvell 2-9-27 4'.02 Walter Harris s-20-22 14660 Walter Harris J-J-27 9043 ' Walter Hidalgo 7-18-JS J)lll Walter, In£ of Hill ll-12-20 )5207 Turner Walter Je£ferson 9-9-34 US79 Walter Jefferson 5-)0-JS 24406 WaJ.ter E. Bl Paso 2-10-JS 7291 Walter Eugene Brown 2-17-39 620S Walter Hugh Lampasas ll-9-40 .51507 Turner Walter J. Harris 5-7-l.3 10600 ) Wanda Matilda Milam 12-18-22 35)28 Wanda Rue Cam~ron 10-29-38 44624 Wash, In£ of Morris .3-ll-20 ll548 Wash Morris 7-ll-)2 31439 J

Turner Wendell Philip Williamson 6-18-.39 30928 } Wesley Dallas J-15-26 9.378 Wesley Harrie l0-19-J6 50021 Wheeler R. Houat,on 7-19-JS .33923 .l Wilbatine Lamar ll-14-35 .52591

Turn tr Wiley Durham Coryell l-J-39 1099 .) Wil£ord Jefferson $-J0-35 J8g17 Wilhelmina Harris 2-2-20 6355 Wilhelmine Washington 6-26-21 18050 ) Will Brazos 6-6-26 20482

Turner Will Burleaon ll-21-19 31485 } Will Burleson 5-7-'JS 24199 Will Burleson 3-7-l+O 12860 Will, Inf of Cass J-4-18 10958 ) Will, Inf of Dallas 4-2.3-16 8784 T\u-ner Will Dallas 2-25-21 3994 Will, Inf of Guadalupe ll-15-13 23370 Will Harris I+-l-35 18795 Will Harrison 12-22-35 57282 ) Will Je!.terson 8-17-36 U66J

Turner Will Travis 7-10-19 22682 ) Will Trinity 12-17-01+ 58064. Will Alfred Hill 5-15-l+O 24216 Will Emma Robertson g-2-37 ft.)J.44 Willia Houston J-lJ-30 14262 William Bexar 12-21-31 S4.684 William Bexar 2-12-39 6073 William Brazos 1-11-21 1+26 William, Int of Dallas 2-J-)6 7201+ ) William Dallas ll-lt.-J6 SJ925

) 190) - 1940 Dea~s 25870 Tvner William Ellia 6-l!-16 1)981 Wm. Falla 9-21-)0 ltl90) l William Freestone 7-17--28 30297 William Grayson 11-7-21 JOS49 William Grille a 12-11-)6 S98JS Turner William Harris s-23 .. 33 23341 11 William Harria S-31-JJ J7307 William Jefferson s-1+-to 24848 William Je££erson 10-l -34 45645 William McLennan 12·2-12 2Sl79 Turner William Tarrant 2-16-ll 10089 Wm., Int of Tr a via 9-J-20 )0528 William Waahinooton l-21-21 3050 William A. Brown 5-.31-34 2lJ6$ William A. Harria 8-28-40 37891 T\lr?ler William Asbury Kleberg . 3-8-22 6921 William B. .Ellie 11-17-)6 54061 Willia B. Harru 7-24-lS 15449 William B. Travis 2-2-39 10)32 Wm. Baxter Hard.in 1-1-31 2739 Turner William Boston Jef£erson l-10-28 284.2 William Burke Cooke 1-17-23 687 William Burl Dallas 8-27-38 )6403 William Butler Wise l-l-)6 sa23 .) William C. Coleman 4-15-40 18040 Turner Wm. C. Cooke 1-6-20 71:+9 William C. Randall 4-21-20 14799 William Curtis Hunt l-S-36 3324 Wm. D. Milam 6-29-JJ 29165 William Dunlap Brown 2-l.2-20 439a Turner William E. Travis 12-27-28 ssaoo ., William :Slmo Jackson 1-21-18 2954 Vbn. Franklin Coleman 12-9-JO 57088 William Frederick Bexar 9-14-18 33229 William H. Bexar l-J0-15 as Turner Wm. Hardee Jet!erson ll-ll-JJ 51264 William Henry !a.atland 9-20-32 37992 William Henry Hill 2-25-JS !1460 William Henry McLennan 1-29-lS 1722 ) William Henry Taylor 9-26-)l! 4349g

Turner William Henry Travis 5-28-20 1806,3 ) William Renry Wichita 11-16-21 )2391+ William Houston Bastrop 6-22-29 2a533 William Howard Jack 7-4--JS .))996 ) William I. Fannin 12-4-40 73944 William J. Dallas 8-ll-40 )6683 J William J. Pecos 10-22-34 46.485 Willtam J~ckson Montague 4-5-J~ 19309 Harris 1-24-20 ia;4 ~ Wm.William '· K. Limestone 12-20-26 1+2702

~ : 1903 - 1940 Dea the 25871 l Turner Wm. K. Robert eon 8-2.)-0) 1+94J2 William L. Bexar 7-12-35 31490 William Lewis Stonewall 3-23-37 1790) William Lincoln Brown 8-23-40 J6208 W. M.,. Inf of Cameron l0-26-20 )1232 '.' Turner William M., Inf of McLennan 2-19-20 7364 William M. Parker l-.3-3.5 4207 William Marion Burnet 12-12-21 32922 William Melvin Navarro 5-5-29 2113a William Olli£ Harris 2-4-40 gs26

Turner William R. Bastrop 9-24-33 39595 l William R. Potter 9-11-25 J.3£!22 William Raymond Harris l.0-20-lg 40826 William Rhodes Tr avu J-20-28 l.3989 Wm. Bi~bard Dallas 2-2s-11 ltDS1 Turner William Robert Ellis 8-27-Z'l 266;9 William s. Cooke 12... 26-JO S721J William S. Galveston 5-24-31+ 22522 William S. Johnson 10-19-23 30028 William S. Rolan 2-2-39 9401 Turner William Samuel Collin ll-17-26 37423 William T. Bastrop 9-24-34 J9Ji.g William T. Bexar J-a-29 13959 William T. Milam 12-27-35 56345 William T. Montgomery l-12-25 31+72 .~ Turner William T. Tarrant 4-26-38 20429 William Thomas !ilia 8-25-40 37001 William Timothy Kautlnan 12-2-14 25066 Willia W. Mewnnan 2-5-19 78.35 William W. Tarrant 12-21+-33 57581 Turner William Wallace Dallas 12-21+-Jl 554).3 William Warner Harris 9-24-36 45564 William Wiley El Paso 8-9-.37 /+0673 William Wyley Eastland 4-12-20 1JJ9l+ ) Williamson Addison Williamson 8-26-39 lt0l9l

Turner Williamson Harrison Travis 12-20-32 55150 J Will.ie. In! of Dallas 5-15-23 14671 Willie Gregg 5-17-30 23971 Willie Barria 6-l7-J6 )12.)9 Willie, Inf of Hunt l-17·21 1952 Turner Willie Navarro 2-.3-05 44925 .) Willie, Jr. Nu.ecea 6-7-38 29443 Willie Panola 2-19-3£! 7ll08 Willie, Inf o! Wharton 5-18-04 60610 J Willie Wichita 5-10-.37 26996 Willie Alexander Jones i.-2-24 l.31+71 j Willie B. Upshur 5-J0-.38 2SSJS Willie Ben Tarrant 9-6-36 Willie c., Mra. Washington 9-5-JS i!tli .) Willie F. Dallas J-12-20 9715 J 1903 - 194.0 Dea,he 25872 Turner Willie Greenver ltarria 2-11-13 .3949 Willie Holmes, Mrs. Hale 9-24-21 25262 Willie Lee Ellla S-29-17 12916 ' Willie M. Jone• 5-19-)J 2)892 Willie Mae McLennan 1-23-16 2275 l Turner Will.ie May Gre~ ll-9-.35 51400 Willia San acinto 12-2-34- 56SS8 l Willis J. Co~ell 5-29-24 15523 Willoby Lub ock 12-12-28 54518 Willoby Polk 6-1-07 1+7244 Turner Wilmer, Inf of Lime atone l-8-16 aJ.63 Winnie Robertson 7-4-4£) 725)lt Winnie Tarrant i-2s-oa 5Slt90 Winnie Bab Dallas J-19-19 9S24 Winnie Mildred Taylor 12-24-19 J67J8 Turner Witch F. ll-17-16 26JlS Wyl.ey Ector 5-27-.33 24D73 z. B. S-1916 12399 z. E., Mrs. 4-20-l.) 9151 z. T. 2-7-.)l 8936 Turner Zac c. Wichita 11-e-29 56424 Zelda Floy Jef£erson 6.l5-J7 J2l73 Zenobia 1annin 6-ltl6 ll74-9 Turnerhill Anna Bell Tarrant 7-l .)t! 34610 flirnea Jaek D!llsis 10-lJ,-lZ 49376. ~

Turnerhill Louis Tarrant l+-25-35 2086) } Turney A. James Bexar u-22-20 33707 Agnes Smith 4-30-23 lJ.)64 Alice Berry Harris 12-14-35 56991 Amy Hiley Comanche 4-6-24 11934 Turney Annie Eugene Smith J-10-20 11877 Annie Gertrude Hope Harrison 7-12-.35 JJ689 Arthur Aubrey El Paso 5-14-Jl 2.3197 Awezenia s. Johnson 12-15-JO 59324 c. L. Dawson 12-16-27 39977

Charles Augustus_ Harris 12-15-24 Ja990 j Charlotte Bastrop J-2-06 1190 Clyde Max Upshur l-20-JS 5201 Dai~heodora :Bexar 2-15-25 4909 Del Harris 9-20-22 2629$

Eftie, Mrs. Hill J-lJ-40 15016 ) Finis K. Tom Green 12-20-4.0 57755 Francia Jane Tom Green ll-11-29 56063 Frank Beal Grayson 11-22-33 50~14 j G. I. Travis 1-1+-2£, 26 27

Geo. Navarro 9-19-0~ W.JS j George H. Harris 3-1.)-2 10558 Hansboro Bell Coleman 1-11-17 680 Henry Lee Harrison 2-10-35 8269 ) J. A., Mrs. Hale 6-1a-2g 25961 J