Buckinghamshire Sessions Records County of CALENDER to the SESSIONS RECORDS VOLUME 1. 1678 to 1694 Edited by WILLIAM LE HARDY, M.C., F.S.A.

AYLESBURY: Published by Guy R. Crouch, LL.B., Clerk of the Peace, County Hall. 1933. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE QUARTER SESSIONS AND COUNTY COUNCIL. [All Rights Reserved] Printed by HUNT, BARNARD & CO., LTD., . CONTENTS PAGE Preface ...... vii-xxi Schedule of Offences and Punishments xxii-xxiv Calendar to the Sessions Records, 1678 to 1694. . 1-508 Appendix List of Justices of the Peace for the County, 1678 to 1694 509-511 Index ...... 512-622 ______

PREFACE vii In October, 1930, I was asked to visit the Muniment Room at the County Hall, Aylesbury, with a view to making a report on the documents in the custody of the Clerk of the Peace and to advise as to the best method of making the information which they contained more avail- able for official use and of greater benefit to the student of economics and to the local historian. I found that the main body of early documents consisted of the following classes:— Quarter Sessions Books, commencing in 1678 and continuing to the present time. These contain the names of the Jurors, a record of the indictments setting out the nature of the offence and punishment awarded, the presentments of the Constables, Orders of Court, and recognizances. The offences with which the justices were called upon to deal mainly comprised breaches of the peace, riots, assaults, etc., refusal to attend church, neglect to repair highways and bridges, insults and opprobrious words used against the Justices, poaching, pound breach, encroachments upon the common, etc., neglect of duty by the Constables, irregular conduct by the alehouse keepers, common nuisance, etc. The Orders of Court relate to County rates, to payments from the County funds, rates for servants’ wages, repairs to highways and bridges, the appointment of County officials, etc. The recognizances were bonds entered into by persons who were charged to appear, and by those who were bound over to prosecute or to give evidence, or to be of good behaviour. Quarter Sessions Minute Books, commencing in 1727 and continuing to the present time. These books were written up in Court by the Clerk, and it was from these that the Quarter Sessions Books were subsequently compiled


viii PREFACE Quarter Sessions Rolls, commencing in 1701 and continuing to the present day. These rolls contain the original jury lists, indictments, presentments, recognizances and Orders of Court. Enrolments, of awards and of indentures relating to the purchase of land for County purposes, commencing in 1768. Gamekeepers’ Books, containing the lists of persons licensed for the purpose, the name of the Manor and of the Lord of the Manor. They commence in 1711. Receipt Books, recording the names of persons who received money from County funds for various purposes; which cover a period from 1758 to 1785. Treasurers’ Accounts, stretching from 1736 to 1850. Militia Receipt Books, containing a record of sums of money paid to wives and dependents of Militia men from 1762 to 1778. Subsequent to the commencement of the nineteenth century various other classes of records are preserved. Generally speaking, the documents are well preserved and in good condition, a possible exception to this being the Sessions Rolls, some of which were packed on the top of the shelves and were covered with dust: however, these are now being cleaned and pressed flat, with a view to being bound in course of time. At a meeting of the Standing Joint Committee of Quarter Sessions and the County Council, held on 7th January, 1931, it was decided that a Calendar should be compiled, com- mencing with the earliest records, i.e., the Quarter Sessions Books, and that such calendar should be comprehensive of the information contained in all classes of records in existence for the period covered by the Calendar. The Volume to which this Preface has been written is the outcome of this resolution. It covers the period from Midsummer, 1678, to Easter, 1694, and therefore deals only with the Quarter Sessions Books. The fact that Sessions records existed prior to the date of those now calendared is proved by many references to orders to the Clerk of the Peace to search the records as to


PREFACE ix the liability of the County in respect to various payments, and especially when Thomas Willis, Esquire, was “to have the liberty to peruse the antient Record and Books belonging to this Court, to search in what manner and by what contributions Bridge, in Newport Hundred in this County, hath been antiently repaired” (p. 334); and when the Clerk of the Peace was ordered to hand over to the Under Sheriff the “Old Books of Orders of this Court.” (p. 346). The dangerous system of putting the onus of selecting items of outstanding interest or importance upon the shoulders of the editor has been avoided, at the risk of making the volume somewhat bulky and tedious to read, but it is doubtful whether any editor living has so general a knowledge as to be able to select references which will comprehensively satisfy the ever-growing army of students and historians. The present volume therefore contains the name of every person and of every place mentioned in the original records, and refers—sometimes exceedingly briefly—to every subject, so that a student of biography or topography may rest assured that, subject to typographical errors which humanly arise, he will find a reference to his subject in the comprehensive Index at the end of the Volume, if there is any mention of it in the original records. The original books from which this Calendar is com- piled were kept with method, system, and meticulous care. Consequently, it has made the work of the Editor simpler in some ways, though more arduous in others, as it has been found extremely difficult to abridge the original entry when it has already been noted with such conciseness. The more usual routine entries have been standardized or tabulated. For the reasons above set forth, the Calendar, taken page by page, must inevitably be rather dry reading, but its value must be measured when taken in the aggregate, and from the small details which it supplies to general history rather than from the actual fresh items which it adds. In order to give the reader a general idea of the most important items which the Calendar contains, I will now refer to a few events of political, social and economic history, which must clearly have had an effect upon the lives of the ______

X PREFACE people of Buckinghamshire in the latter half of the seventeenth century. In Midsummer, 1683, reference is found to the Rye- house plot, which had been discovered in the previous June, when the grand jury and the freeholders of the County join with the Justices in expressing to King Charles their “sincere Joy for the preservation of his sacred person from a most Wicked and horred Conspiracy against the precious lives of his Majestie and his Royall Brother, James, Duke of Yorke” [p. 129]. The activities of the Duke of Monmouth are again alluded to in 1685, when a certain David Stanley was arrested as a “daungerous person” for drinking the Duke’s health in the house of John Saunders at Akeley [p. 183], and at the same sessions the Clerk of the Peace was paid £30 for “dis- tributing the King’s Commands in Relation to the late Rebellion” [ibid]. The disturbances attendant upon the coming of William and Mary (called, on page 304, “the late Revolution in this Kingdome”) may be noted from the entry in April, 1689, when “there being no dedimus for the swearing of their Majesties Justices of the Peace named in the new Commis- sion of the Peace at the opening of the Sessions, there was no writt issued to the Sheriffe of this County for the summons of a Jury” [p. 281], and at Michaelmas, 1690, when it is remarked that “forasmuch as the fines and issues of Easter Sessions last past and other Sessions before have bene pardoned by the late Act of Indempnity, whereby the Sheriff of this County has bene disabled to defray the Justices wages as by Act of Parliament he is impowered with the fines and issues of the Sessions” [p. 356]. References to the Army and Navy are numerous, mostly in cases where pensions are granted to old or maimed soldiers. Edmund Serch, for instance, is granted a pension upon the claim of “having faithfully served his Majesty 4 yeares att Tangier and being burst in the said service” [p. 205]; Richard Brugis was awarded a total pension of £8 a year for “haveinge beine a Comissioned Officer and an Eminent sufferer for his loyalty in the Late Civill Warrs” [p. 247], and this pension was increased later when he showed that he had “lost a Considerable Estate of the value of five thousand pounds and upwards” through his adherence to the Stuart ______

PREFACE xi cause [p. 260]. Another beneficiary was Thomas Cranke who “did serve his late Majesty King Charles the first in the warrs against the then Rebells in and Scotland,” and said “that he was imprest so to do by the Constables of West Wycomb” [p. 365]. Ralph Thompson also stated that he “was imprest and sett on shipboard the Vanguard in the Warrs against the Dutch in the year 1666, and the two Fleets being Engaged on St. James’s day in the same year and there was wounded” [p. 394]. John Clements was also disabled by a wound “received in a sea fight in the service of the late King Charles 11” [p. 412], and William Hobbs was a soldier under Charles 1 and 11 “both by sea and land in the Warrs against the Dutch” [p. 506]. Thomas Horwood served as a Lieutenant of a Foot Company “in Garison at Dunkirk from the time of his said late Majestyes happy Restauration till the Surrender of the said Garison to the French” [p. 483]. The index will reveal many more cases. It is clear that only a limited number of pensioners were allowed to benefit at one time, regardless of the number of deserving cases, as constant references occur to persons petitioning to receive the pension formerly enjoyed by an old soldier or sailor who had died. The County Militia takes a prominent place in the work of the Justices, and the accounts compiled by the deputy lieutenants are frequently submitted [pp. 235, 367, 436, 465]. In Michaelmas, 1690, an entry refers to the fact that “dureing the late Invasion of this Realm by the French, it was thought Expedient by her Majestie in Councill that the Militia of this Kingdome should be continued in Arms longer than a Moneth for the most necessary defence thereof” [p. 355]. This refers, presumably, to the landing of James II in Ireland which was supported by Louis XIV. The billeting rates are given in Easter, 1691, and repeated two years later [pp. 380 and 462]. From these, it appears that the inhabitant providing a billet received for a “Com- missioned Officer of Horse being under the Degree of a Captain” for diet, small beer, hay and straw, 2/- a night; for a Commissioned Officer of Dragoons being “under the Degree of a Captain,” 1/6; for a Commissioned Officer of Foot “under the Degree of a Captain” for diet and small beer 1/-; for a light horseman’s diet, small beer, hay and ______

xii PREFACE straw, I/-; for a dragoon’s diet, 9d.; and a foot soldier’s diet and small beer was valued at 4d. While these rates, considering the value of money at the time, appear to be sufficiently generous, it is doubtful whether much profit would have accrued to the householder of 1914 if beer had been included in the rate allowed for the reservist who was in those critical days thrust upon him. Complaints of “irregular quartering of souldiers” are dealt with in 1693 [p. 470]. The Mutiny Act of 1689 was the main statute controlling billeting, and its provisions for the protection and payment of the inhabitants were the result of very many years of complaint. Since the seventeenth century, billeting was practically never resorted to until the necessity of the Great War re-introduced it. A curious military incident is related in 1693 when “a foot souldier in the Company of Collonell Cambon, in his March with the said Company from Beconsfield to in this County, fireing his Musquett the same broake too peices accidentally in his hands, whereby one of his hands was so broken and meighmed that he was rendred unfitt for his March” [p. 482]. The Justices appear to have carried on a ceaseless battle against the corruption of the age, both inside the County itself and with outside officials. In 1680 they presented an address to the King “against the farmers of the Revenue and their officers” stating that the revenue collectors, when there were bills of Indictment against them for extortion “well proved in Court,” always produced a Certiorari to remove all proceedings against them into the King’s bench [p. 56]. This procedure would naturally add to the expense of the action, and, no doubt, created a feeling among local inhabitants that justice would be harder to obtain. Various revenue officials were indicted for extortion; e.g., three collectors at Amersham in 1679 [p. 30], a “woolconner” in 1684 [p. 146], and another official in 1690 [p. 337]. In this last year there were numerous complaints against the methods of “the gawgers of their Majestyes excise” [p. 333]. The original petition eventually had some effect, for in 1690 two Justices were ordered “to attend the Right Honourable Richard Hampden, esquire, Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of their Majestyes Court of Exchequer, and the Right Honourable Thomas Wharton ______

PREFACE xiii esquire, Comptroller of their Majestyes Household, and to returne them the humble thanks of this Bench for the great Care they have bene pleased to take for the preventing their Majestyes Subjects of this County from being oppressed by the Under Officers of their Majestyes Office of Excise ” [p. 356]. Inside the County matters appeared little better, for it seemed impossible to administer the most complicated Poor Law system of the day without encountering much corrup- tion. In 1682, the executrix of the late County Treasurer, Thomas Freer, was ordered to produce his accounts which she was detaining and also “to give an accompt of the Taxes to the King’s Bench and for deteyninge the pensions of divers persons uppon accompt after they have been dead many yeares” [p. 100]. In the following year, the succeeding Treasurer was warned “to give in a list of all pensioners liveing or dead” every Session, and it was alleged that money had been paid to pensioners “when they have beene dead” [p. 121]. The office of County Treasurer, or Receiver General, was abolished on the death of Joseph Rawson in 1688, and his duties were split up between the four treasurers elected annually for the King’s Bench and Marshalsea and for the Maimed Soldiers. Rawson’s accounts were submitted to the Court in 1689 and are given at some length in the Calendar; they show that matters had not been going well for some years [pp. 304-5]. The accounts of the new treasurers, examined by the Justices in 1692, showed that things were little better, and it was ordered that each treasurer should keep a proper account in “a Book, con- sisting of two Quire of good Dutch paper handsomely bound” and that in future all “allowances of charges and disbursements” should be defrayed by the treasurers themselves [pp. 426-7]. Apparently “Homage fees” were payable on the passing or journeying of the King through “any of his Majesties Countyes, Corporations, or into any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church” within the Kingdom “upon the first tyme next after his Majesties accession to the Crowne.” In the case of Buckinghamshire, the fees amounted to £36 6s. 8d., which the Sheriffs had had to pay by order of the Court of Exchequer, but it was subsequently held that it should be paid by the inhabitants of the County [pp. 196, ______

xiv PREFACE 202, 246 and 259]. It will appear from these references that James II must have visited the County during his brief reign, and presumably the County was again liable if, and when, William and Mary passed through the County. Reference is found to the Proclamation of James II in 1685, when the deputy Clerk of the Peace received £3 for “procleymeing the King in the Chilterne parts” [p. 184]. In 1686 the proper form to be used when claiming exemption from “Hearth money” is given [p. 206]. Elections to Parliament receive two mentions—the first in 1685, when Joseph Cock was fined £1 for assaulting Mr. Richard Collyns “att the Election of the Knights of the Sheir” [p. 184], and the other in 1688, which refers to “writs for Election of Members to sitt in Parliament” [p. 275]. The principal business of the Justices, as may be seen from the entries, was the administration of the Poor Law, and the number of settlement orders recorded increases throughout the period. Many orders were issued dealing with settlement and with the attempt to prevent begging and vagrancy. In the very first session there is an order concerning appeals from removal orders [p. 3], and in the next session an order concerning the removal of “cripples” [p. 15], which is dealt with more fully in the following session [p. 37]. At Christmas, 1679, it was provided that all beggars in Aylesbury were to be struck off the pensioners’ roll and imprisoned [p. 43]. The question of what constituted a proper settlement and the proper methods of removing an intruder receive interesting entries [pp. 76, 119 and 120], while special orders against vagabonds, and especially “Scotch and other peddlers and petty Chappmen” are given on pages 156 and 258. The conveyance of “cripples” is again mentioned at the end of the volume, when “the Constables of Taplow are ordered to hire a horse and cart for this purpose. . . .” [p. 492]. The Justices were, it will be seen from the index, by no means sparing in ordering relief, but the inhabitants of the did not always agree as to the benefit of this procedure, as is exemplified in the complaint of the inhabitants of that since the wife of Thomas had been in receipt of relief she had “wholly given herself to an idle life” and was now in gaol [p. 425]. The County Gaol at Aylesbury naturally comes in for ______

PREFACE xv considerable mention. A rebuilding of the gaol upon a different site was proposed in 1682 and a Surveyor for the work was appointed in the following year, but the project came to nothing [pp. 112 and 141]. In 1683 Nathaniel Birtch, the gaoler, petitioned to be paid his arrears of rent for the gaol, which had been owing to him for the last eight years at the rate of £20 a year [p. 141], but he probably did not get his money, for he was fined £5 at the next Session “for sufferinge the Quakers comitted by this Court to goe att lardge,” and was dismissed from his post [p. 149]. His successor, William Benson, received various small sums for repairs to the gaol from time to time [pp. 196, 200, 413, 505], and in 1692 was paid for looking after “many dangerous, disorderly and rude prisoners” [p. 444], while in the follow- ing year £25 10s. was spent in rebuilding two rooms after the escape of a prisoner [p. 463]. Deaths in the gaol were not infrequent [pp. 323, 337, 366, 380 and 492], but there were many births of children during the imprisonment of the mothers [pp. 224, 234, etc.], which caused a great expense to the County for maintenance. Medical treatment was given to the prisoners at the County’s expense, but apparently not much was expected from it if one can judge from the case of Mr. John Piddington, apothecary, who was paid £2 10s. for supplying medicines to prisoners which “by the blessing of God had good Effect” [p. 483]. Mr. Tilcock, a “chirurgeon,” appears to have performed a miracle in effecting “the Cure of one Manne lately Executed for felony” [p. 464]. Allowances are given to prisoners who would otherwise have starved [pp. 241, 492, 505, etc.], while a man im- prisoned for debt was ordered to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by his creditor [p. 43]. The release of poor prisoners for debt under the provisions of the Act for that purpose is mentioned several times [pp. 18, 32, 382, 383]. The bridewells or houses of correction, of which there were three, at Aylesbury. and , were under the supervision of the Justices and the salaries of the governors of these houses were paid quarterly [see p. 3, etc.]. In 1683 the bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell was discharged for negligence [p. 128]. The gallows at Aylesbury were rebuilt in 1680 at a cost of £2 6s. [p. 52], and references are also found to the stocks ______

xvi PREFACE [pp. 195 and 342], the “cage and pillory” [p. 187], and the ducking-stool [p. 267]. The offences dealt with by the Justices were generally of a minor order, common assaults and minor religious offences, such as absence from Church, but the law was no respecter of persons, and one case of interest is found when Nathaniel Withers, described as a “gentleman,” forfeited his recognizance of £100, while his sureties, Thomas Tallwood of , a mercer, and John Edwards of Slapton, a labourer, forfeited £50 for the non-appearance of the principal. It is unfortunate that we do not learn the nature of the offence with which Withers had been charged [p. 5]. Sir George Longe, knight, of Chipping Wycombe, was indicted in 1678 for assaulting Frances, the wife of Nathaniel Peirce [p. 6]. Perhaps it may be imagined that the Justices were not always successful in carrying out their orders made against important bodies, if one is to judge by presentment of the Grand Jury in Michaelmas, 1681, that the “Provost and fellows of Eaton College” were to rail a certain ditch [p. 80], and the order of Midsummer, 1682, which set out that “the process against the provost and fellows of Eaton College be stayed until further order” [p. 98], and we hear no more of it. There are several references to highwaymen [pp. 17, 43, 434, 471 and 493], but the most interesting of these is the case of Joseph Perkyns, an ostler at the Arms, at Gerrards Cross in Fulmer. It appears that in December, 1691, he was “goeing with Armes to defend a waggon loaden with their Majestyes money that was assaulted by severall Theives and Robbed near the said Inn. The said Theives discharged two Pistolls upon him” so that he was seriously wounded in the arm and in the body. The case is mentioned as the result of a claim by Mr. Gray, a surgeon, who “undertook and (through the blessing and mercy of Almighty God) in great measure has perfected, his cure and demands of him £20” which Perkins is unable to pay [p. 422]. The Justices ordered the account to be settled from the County funds [p. 434]. Edward Swannell. of , was brought before the Justices for saying of James II, “that the King of England ______

PREFACE xvii was not King until he was Crowned,” and although the statement seems harmless and obvious enough, he was com- mitted to gaol [p. 176]. In 1692, Gilbert Wondrum and Patrick Cambell were also imprisoned for “speaking danger- ous and scandalous words against the Government” [p. 432]. Ralph Lacey, however, was only fined £5 for “speaking scandalous words against the King and Queen” [p. 364]. The relations between master and servant were looked after by the Court. Moses Burroughs was indicted for “receiveing servants without testimonials” [p. 159], while there are several cases of servants being ordered to work under penalty of imprisonment [pp. 234, 319, 322]. From the economic point of view, especial interest attaches to the rates of wages for “Servants, labourers and workmen,” published for the first time in the Easter Ses- sions, 1687. The wages varied between yearly and daily, and those with “meat and drink” and those without. Apparently labourers “in the Chilterne” received more than those “in the Vale.” The highest paid were “men- servants in husbandry, who received £4 10s. a year “in the Chilterne,” and a free mason who received 1s. 8d. a day without meat and drink. The lowest paid were women maidservants who received £2 a year, and a “yelmer” (thatcher's assistant) who received 2d. a day with meat and drink [pp. 227-229] This table is repeated, with slight alterations, every Easter Sessions. The rates for carriage of goods were laid down by the justices in Easter, 1692, in accordance with recently passed Act of Parliament [pp. 476, etc.]. Thomas Stephens was three times presented for picking the lock and damaging the clock of the Chapel at Colnbrook [pp. 116, 181, 187]. There was obviously some unrest in this parish, for a clerk named Brice was presented for unlawful preaching there [p. 389]. It would be interesting to know the cause of the disturb- ance at Winslow Market, in 1681, when twenty women were indicted for riot and assault [p. 73]. Other offences which may be noted are: keeping a dangerous mastiff [p. 159]; keeping greyhounds [pp. 6, 40, and 360]; cheating and counterfeiting [pp. 11 and 90]; keeping a bowling alley [p. 360]; illegally milking cows [p. 159]; poaching rabbits, fish, etc. [pp. 230, 238, 266, ______

xviii PREFACE 351]; changing corn [p. 487], and the most curious charge of cutting off and taking away the manes and tails of horses [p. 361]. The case of a reward being given to an informer is given on page 52. The lists of persons presented or indicted for recusancy or absence from church contained several well-known names and assume very large proportions until the Declaration of Indulgence in 1687, there being nearly 200 persons presented for recusancy at a single sessions in 1683 [pp. 125-6]. “Con- venticles” were rigidly suppressed and the allotment of the fine, or “conventicle money,” is dealt with frequently [pp. 26, 52, 128, 134, 135, 149, 156, 162, 169, etc.]. The rigourous enforcement of the laws against Dissenters and Conventicles is insisted upon in 1682 by special orders [pp. 95 and 111]. In the following year it was stated that Thomas Read was adjudged unfit to be petty constable of Aylesbury, in view of the fact that he was a Dissenter and a frequenter of Conventicles, though such deprivation can- not have caused him much hardship [p. 128]. No person was to be licensed to sell ale or beer “but what are loyal and well affected to the Government” [p. 134]. In 1691, the vicar of Olney complained against the activities of dissenters in his parish, and especially against a certain Mr. Davis for “promoting unseasonable Meetings and unlawfull Oaths” [p. 403]. At the same session the Court made a special order as to Sunday observance and gave a list at length of all the Acts in force, which were to be fully enforced. They stated that they were convinced that “great Profanation of the Lords day, the too Common Practice of Cursing and Swearing,” etc., had increased lately, and that they were resolved to take measures to suppress them in view of “her Majestyes pious and earnest desire for redressing and punishing the same, in acknowledgment of the Mercies of God of late vouchsafed to these Kingdoms (and being sensible that the Severe Judgments of God have usually fallen upon Nations and Citties persisting in such Impieties)” [p. 403]. The Clerk of the Peace was in 1683 ordered to interview the Bishop of Lincoln (in whose diocese Buckinghamshire then was) to “intreat” him to give his “positive” order that special care be taken to see that only good church- ______

PREFACE xix wardens and [those] well affected to the government” be appointed [p. 112]. To those who are interested in meteorological items, the references to the weather during the period of the Calendar will no doubt be useful. In January, 1690, the inhabitants of Beaconsfield and Haddenham were given further time to repair their highways and bridges owing to the “unseasonableness of the Weather” [pp. 320, 321], while at the same sessions a petition for assistance was presented by Rose Roberts of “Evershaw Oldwich in Luffeild Abby” because her house had been “blown downe by the late great wind” [p. 323]. In the Michaelmas Ses- sion, 1693, time was given to the inhabitants of to repair their bridge “by reason of the Great Raines and ill weather that hath happened this sommer” [p. 480]. The diversion of a watercourse by Rev. Robert Pead, the rector of Horton, between his yard gate and the house of Solomon Stephens, resulted in the drowning of a child of the said Solomon, and the rector was ordered to make a bridge for the passage of carts and carriages over the ditch [p. 400]. It will be remembered that it was incumbent for every house or land owner to undertake the work of repairing the highways or else to provide labour or wagons for this purpose. This duty was known as “Statute Work,” and constant references are found in the calendar to persons refusing or failing to undertake this duty. The onus of repairing bridges sometimes fell upon the lord of a Manor, sometimes on the inhabitants of a parish, and sometimes on the County. Those interested in the history of bridges in the County will find many references in the index. Certain matters affecting the County itself may be noted: the division of the parishes of and St. Leonards [p. 30], of Great and [p. 33], and of and Woodham [pp. 44 and 99]; the tolls at Eakley Bridge [p. 75]; the maintenance of Colnbrook Bridge out of the tolls of the markets and fairs held at Colnbrook [pp. 343-4]; the loss of some of the County records in 1691 [p. 382]; and the liability of the vicar of a parish to provide work upon the highways [p. 261] and to subscribe towards “robbery money” [p. 482]. ______

XX PREFACE The exemption of Royal servants from discharging public duties is exemplified in the case of Mr. John Ferrers, “his Majesties immediate servant” [p. 257], and Robert Bartlett [p. 275], who was “in dayly Attendance in and about his Majesty att his Majesties Palacee att Windsor.” In 1679 Richard Flutt of Taplow was granted a “Fire Certificate” under which he could solicit the alms of the charitably-minded throughout the country to recompense him for his losses by fire [p. 25]. In two other cases, the Justices provided compensation out of the County Stock [pp. 183 and 357]. The compilation of a Freeholder’s book to determine who was eligible for jury service receives three mentions [pp. 110, 122, and 423]. Other references of miscellaneous interest are to a person suffering from “the Gout” [p. 59]; licences to sell coffee, chocolate, tea, and “aromatick” [pp. 61 and 306]; the price of beer at 1d. a quart [pp. 62 and 66]; the wages of molecatchers and haywards [pp. 155 and 183]; a mention of the “Broad Seal of England” [p. 382]; and references to a “bone-setter” [p. 379] and to a tobacco-pipe maker [p. 493]. An interesting case is found in 1680 of the Vicar of refusing to allow the overseers of that parish to examine his parish register. He was ordered to hand over the registers to certain of the Justices [p. 51]. It was in 1694 that an Act [6 and 7 William III, Cap 6] was passed which placed a tax on births, marriages, and burials and compelled the incumbent to register these events. It also insisted that the records were to be open to public inspection upon payment of a fee. The long lists of persons who took the new oaths prescribed in 1689, which start in the Midsummer Session of that year should certainly be studied with interest, for they contain the names of all office-holders and of most persons of importance in the County. They also contain the names of all dissenters, and the lists of Meeting Houses registered are also of considerable interest; it will be seen that “New Jordans” at Chalfont St. Giles, is amongst them. The Mansion House of “the Right Hon. Philip Lord Wharton” was also registered as a Meeting House [p. 340]. Famous names abound throughout the Calendar, and ______

PREFACE xxi amongst the Justices of the Peace many are to be found. To save space, these names of the Justices, which recur constantly each session, have been put together in an Appendix [pp. 508-511]. Other names which may be mentioned are Sir Thomas Longueville [p. 14, etc.], the Earl of Carnavon [p. 20], Sir John Borlase [p. 94], the Earl of Middleton [p. 189], Lord Sidney [p. 378), and the Earl of Northampton [p. 346). Many others will be found in the index. The system of spelling adopted throughout the volume is for Christian names to be spelt in modern spelling, and to be spelt as in the original; place names are spelt as in the original in the Calendar, but in modern spelling in the index. In conclusion I would like to record my deep appreciation of the sympathetic attention which the Standing Joint Committee has always given me in the preparation of this work, and to the Clerk of the Peace for his advice and assistance. I would also like to show my appreciation to my partner, Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd Reckitt, M.C., who has not only assisted me greatly in the compilation of the Calendar, but has also taken upon himself the very arduous task of compiling an index to the work. William le Hardy. SCHEDULE OF OFFENCES AND PUNISHMENTS TAKEN FROM THE SESSIONS BOOKS, 1678-1694 Offence Punishment Page Alehouse, Keeper of, refusing to lodge travelers . . Fined 3s. 4d.. 453. ,, Keeping a disorderly ,, 3s. 4d. . . . . 368. ,, ,, ,, ,, 6s. 8d. . . . . 130, 506. ,, ,, “Suppressed” . . 9, 66, 471, etc. ,, Keeping an unlicensed Fined £1. . . . . 347, 183, 414. Assault ...... Usually fined 3s. 4d… (See Index.) ...... Fined £1. 6s. 8d. . . 88, 217, 453...... „ £2. . . . . 10, 61, 237, 324...... „ £3. 6s. 8d. . . 171...... „ £6. 3s. 4d. . . 190. , at an election. „ £1. . . . . 184. ,, by a “gentleman”. „ £5. . . . . 104. ,, ,, ,, . . „ £10. . . . . 262. „and insulting a J.P.. . „ £3. 6s. 8d. . . 135. „ ,,. „ £3. (reduced to £1.) 54. Barratry ...... „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 453. Beer, selling at more than 1d. a quart ...... „ £1. . . . . 66. selling to unlicensed ale- house-keeper . . „ 13s. 4d. … . . 395. Bowling Alley, Keeping a . . „ £2. . . . . 367. Bridge, non-repair of a . . „ £5. . . . . 316. Cheating ...... „ £2. 10s. . . 5. Church, absence from, for l months . . . . Fined £20. . . . . 415. ,,absence from, for2 months . .. £40. . . . . 406. Constables, refusing to assist . . „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 315. ,, refusing to obey . . ,, 3s. 4d. . . . . 315. “Conventicles,” holding ,, £20. . . . . 128, 135. „ ,, £42. 13s. . . . . 134. Court, absence from, by bailiff ,, 5s. . . . . 72. ,, ,, ,, ,, „ 6s. 8d. . . . . 157, 446. „ ,, ,, ,, „ 10s. . . . . 406. „ ,, ,, ,, „ £1. . . . . 18. ,, ,, by juror Usually fined £1., £1. 6s. 8d. or £1. 10s. (See Index.) „ ,, ,, ,, Fined 10s. . . . . 19, 29. „ ,, ,, ,, „ 13s. 4d. . . . . 53, 83, 271. „ „ „ by treasurer „ £5. . . . . 58. „contempt of „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 184, 243, 249, 265. „ ,, . . . . „ 6s. 8d. . . . . 130. „ disobeying order of . „ 10s. . . . . 105. ,, ,, ,, . . „ £2. . . . . 18. ,, ,, ,, . . 10 days hard labour . . 163. ,, „ ,, . . 1 month hard labour. . 120. ,, ,, „ . . Hard labour, at discre- tion of Court . . . . 169.g „leaving, without leave . . Fined £1. 13s. 4d. . . 278.


SCHEDULE OF OFFENCES AND PUNISHMENT xxiii Offence Punishment Pack Forcible entry ...... Fined 3s. 4d. . . . . 38, 315, 324. ,, ,, ...... „ 10s...... 211. ,, ,, ...... „ £2...... 142. ,, „ ...... „ £5...... 211. ,, ,, ...... „ £20. . . . . 316. Forgery, of an assessment . . ,, 5s. and 10s. . . 474. ,, of a certificate . . ,, 3s. 4d. . . . . 54. „ of a warrant. . . . ,, £5. . . 465. Gravel, digging and carting . . ,, 3s. 4d. . . . . 414. Highways, non-repair of . . „ 10s. . . . . 217. „ „ ,,. „ £5. . . 313, 316. „ „ ,,. „ £10. . . . . 385. „ „ ,,. „ £20. . . . . 194. „ not working on . ,, 1s. 6d. a day . . 395. „ „ ,, . . ,, 10s. a day . . 367, 405, 414. Inmates, entertaining . . . . „ 10s. . . . . 395. Justices, disobeying orders of . . „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 263. „ „ „ „ 5s. . . . . 61. „ „ „ „ £2. 10s. . . 105. „ „ „ „ £5. . . . . 212. „ insulting the . . „ £2. . . . . 38. „ „ ,, . . „ £5. . . . . 104, 227. King, the, “scandalous words Against” . . „ £5. . . . . 364, 368. „ „ “scandalous words against” Committed to Gaol . . 176. Larceny ...... Whippedd in Gaol . . 16, 28, 103. Whipped at whipping post ...... 44, 452. ,, ...... Whipped at cart’s tail . . 38, 50, 04, 113, 189, etc. (See Index.) ,, . . . .. To be enlisted . . . . 465. „ of a paper box. . Filled 6s. 8d. . . . . 383. Neglect of duty, by bailiff . . „ 10s. . . . . 495. ,, ,,by constable „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 484, 494, 506. “Night walking”. . . . 1 month in bridewell . . 433. Nuisance . . . . Fined 3s. 4d. . . . . 241, 262, 265, 473. Poaching, etc. . . ,, 3s. 4d. . . . . 3, 39, 395, 414, 427. ,, ,, . . „ 5s. . . . . 237. ,, ,, . . „ 6s. 8d. . . . . 414. ,, ,, . . „ £1. . . . . 212, 315. ,, ,, . . „ £6. 13s. 4d. . . 306. Pound breach. . . . „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 171, 357, 358, 405. Prisoners, allowing escape of . . „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 445. „ „ ,, . . „ 13s. 4d. . . . . 122, 135. „ ,, „ . . „ £1. . . . . 494. „ „ „ . . „ £5. . . . . 236. Quakers, gaoler allowing “to go att lardge” ...... „ £5. . . . . 149. Recusancy ...... Committed to Gaol . . 25. “Rescuing” cattle, etc. . . Fined 3s. 4d. . . . . 5. „ „ „ . . „ 6s. 8d. . . . . 453. „ „ „ . . „ £1. 10s. . . . . 61. Riot and unlawful assembly . . „ 3s. 4d. . . . . 58. „ „ „ „ . . „ 5s. . . . . 184. „ „ „ „ . . ,, 6s. 8d. . . . . 135. 157. „ „ „ „ . . ,, 10s. . . . . 157, 164. „ „ „ „ . . ,, 13s. 4d. . . . . 157. „ „ „ „ . . ,, £1. . . . . 157.


xxiv SCHEDULE OF OFFENCES AND PUNISHMENTS Offence Punishment Page Riot and assault . . . . Fined £1. . . . . 217. Sabbath-breaking and swearing ,, £1. 6s. 8d. . . 164. Sabbath, drinking on the . . ,, 13s. 4d. . . . . 465. Swearing ...... ,, 5s. . . . . 413. Trespass ...... ,, £2. 3s. 4d. . . 190. Vagabonds and vagrants, har- ,, 3s. 4d. . . . . 321, 324, 338, bouring ...... 384, 395. Vagabonds and vagrants, har- ,, 6s. 8d. . . . . 367, 506. bouring ...... Wages, non-payment of . . Committed to gaol . . 52. Watch, refusing to keep . . Fined 3s. 4d. . . . . 436, 444. ______

Buckinghamshire Sessions Records VOLUME I. MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 18 July, 1678 [30 Charles II] p. 1. Jurors for the body of the County. Henry Sheapard, gentleman, John Newman, Oliver Penne, William Tompkins, John Brincklee, William Edwin, Richard Swaine, John Johnson, Edward Davison, John Benham, Thomas Saunders, William Howes, Richard Madge, John Yates, John Webbe, Richard Lea, John Woolhead, Matthew Adams, William Hazle, Francis Seabrooke, and John Bradbury. (Signed) [Sir] Compton Read, Bart., sheriff. p. 2. Indictments. Samuel Smith of , for cheating Thomas Fastnedge and John Prince out of £5 each. [And see post p. 8.] Nathaniel Withers of Wendover, for assaulting Mary Clark. [And see post p. 33.] The inhabitants of , for not repairing a highway called Kite Close Lane. [And see post p. 5]. Philip Gunne and Nathaniel Gune [sic.], both of Brad- well, for assaulting William Abbott. The inhabitants of , for not repairing Lidcott Lane. [And see post p. 28]. Mary, wife of Toby Bowyer, Joseph Fryer, John Bovingdon, yeoman, Robert Coleman, Philip Harvey, and Richard Langley, all of Great Marlow, Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Toovey, both of Turfeild with Ipstone, and Elizabeth Keane of , for recusancy. 1 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Samuel Graunge of St. Leonards and John Guy of Wendover, for not working six days with their teams. William Welch, constable of Aylesbury, and Francis Warr of Biddlesdon, for neglect of duty. p.3. Presentments. The constables of and Waldridge, for not bringing in their presentments and their “quarterly money.” Mary, wife of Toby Bowyer, Joseph Fryer, John Bovingdon, yeoman, Robert Coleman, Philip Harvey, and Richard Langley, all of Great Marlow, and Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Toovey, both of Turfeild with Ipstone, for being absent from church. Nicholas Bazill of Brill, James Osburne, John Bayly, and John Drapier, all of Great Marlow, and Anthony Banfield of (the last presented by Henry Ridley, tithingman), for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Richard Jeffery of , for a “dangerous chimney.” Elizabeth Keane of Fingest, for recusancy. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Burnham town . . Geoffrey Stevens and Thomas Goddard vice Thomas Giles and Edward Bayley. Steeple Cleydon . .William Stevens and Thomas Snow vice Richard Goodin and John Fry. Maidsmorton . . Matthew Ruttley vice Richard Shaw Berton . . . . William Dover vice Richard Norcott. . . . . William Painter vice John Gates, junior. Calverton . . . . Michael Martin and John Rolfe, junior, vice Simon Makins and James Miller Foskett . . . . Thomas Daines and Thomas Willmott vice Thomas Knight and Thomas Greene, junior. Wooborne . . George Tredway and Richard vice William Wright and John Watkins. Badger licensed. Richard Bennet of Chalfont St. Peters. 2 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1678. Presentments of the grand jury. That the bridge called Greate Bridge, in Lethenburough, is much out of repair. Richard Jeffery of Tingwick, for a “dangerous chimney.” p. 4. Orders. “Ordered that the receiver of the moneys for the Kings bench Marshallseys and meighmed souldiers of this county pay to Ambrose White, Governor of the house of Correction att Newport Pagnell, £7. 10s., and to Thomas Freer, Governor of the house of Correction att Aylesburey, £7. 10s. and to Thomas Fisher, Governor of the house of Correction att Chepinge Wiccomb, fifty shillings, for their severall sallarys for this Quarter.” “Ordered for the future that in case any inhabitants within this County shall thinke themselves agreeved by any order made by two Justices of the peace for removeall of any person or persons, that then they shall give timely Notice to the other parish from whence they came if they intend to appeale the next Sessions from such order.” Order for the removal of Edward Goodman and his wife from Shenley to Stoney Stratford. Leave to appeal granted. [And see post p. 14]. Order allowing the appeals of Toby Goodrich and John Dell against their assessments to poor rate at Chalfont St. Peters. p. 5. Order allowing the appeal of Denham against an irregular warrant of certain Middlesex justices, under which Richard Harrison was sent back to Denham after he had been duly removed from there by warrant to Uxbridge, in the parish of Hillingdon, co. Middlesex. Andrew Nightingale of Newton Blossomvile “suppressed for keepinge, victuallinge, and sellinge Ale, it appearinge to this Court he is not a fitt person.” 3 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. The overseers of ordered to pay John Saunders £2, spent by him on “the lyeinge in of one Mary Saunders of a Bastard child begotten by one William Clarke.” William Biddle, a vagabond, to be discharged from the bridewell at Aylesbury and passed to his birthplace “with a passport.” The inhabitants of Clifton Reynes ordered to pay £20 as security for the repair of their highways “before the feast of St. Luke next.” p. 6. Order adjourning the appeal of Whadden against the removal of Henry Golder and his family from Borstall. William Humatt to be allowed 4s. a week by the overseers of in Fulbrooke. Order allowing the appeal of Chittwood against a warrant removing William Keely and his wife from Gawcutt. Ellen Shires of Shabbington “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse as she is “a very unfitt person.” Richard Boreman to be allowed 1s. 4d. a week by the overseers of Chittwood, as he is “in greate want and necessity.” p. 7. Order allowing the appeal of against a warrant removing Robert Parker and Jane, his wife, from Aylesbury. Robert Edmonds of Aylesbury, yeoman, ordered to pay William Stratford, of the same, £1. 10s. for wages due to him and for the costs of appealing to the last session. [And see post, p. 33]. Order adjourning the appeal of concerning the maintenance of the bastard child of Thomas Norman and Joan Burt. [And see post, p. 14]. 4 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1678. p. 8. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. William Beeson of Wendover, for assaulting Thomas Smith and “rescueing” cattle from him. Fined 3s. 4d.; paid in court. Samuel Smith, for cheating Thomas Fastnedge and John Prince out of £5 each. Fined £2. 10s. for each offence, and committed until payment. John Collett of Wendover, gentleman, Richard Stratfold of Berton, gentleman, William Illinge of Little Horrwood, yeoman, and Thomas Newton of Fullmere, yeoman, fined £1 each for being absent when summoned on a jury. Nathaniel Withers of Wendover, gentleman, forfeits his recognizance of £100 for non- appearance, and his sureties, Thomas Tallwood of Princes Risburrough, mercer, and John Edwards of Slapton, labourer, forfeit £50 each. Recognizance entered into. Samuel Graunge of St. Leonards, gentleman, in £40, for his appearance at the next session. p. 9. Discharged. John Dell of Penne, William Harris, junior, of , Robert Shillingford of , John Lunne of Iver, gentleman, Jonas Turner and Richard Williams, both of Chesham, Edward Arnold of Fulmer, and William Stuard of . The last-named had been indicted for assaulting [blank] Pitkin.

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHESHAM 10 October, 1678 [30 Charles II] p. 10. Jurors for the body of the County. Timothy Lovett, Isaac Smith, Thomas Whitchurch, Thomas Beckes, James Reynolds, Richard Herne, Robert Streame, William Seare, Richard Burnard, Samuel Treacher, Charles Perey, Richard Norwood, William Child, John 5 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Weston, Bernard Collins, George Thorpe, John Webb, Stephen Graves, Thomas Kinge, Thomas Woodale, and William Chadd. (Signed) [Sir] Compton Read, Bart., sheriff. p. 11. Indictments. George Cowley and John Sandwell, both of Buckingham, for keeping greyhounds contrary to the statute. Susan, wife of John Halsey of Chesham, for “forcible deteyner.” Susan, wife of Daniel Kingham of Upton, for assaulting [blank] Wigginton. George Stiles of Westwiccomb, for assaulting Henry Taylor. [And see post, p. 17]. Thomas Evins of Beconsfeild, for assaulting Jane Rutt. [And see post, p. 17]. Sir George Longe, Knt., of Cheping Wiccomb and John Batchellor of Amersham, for assaulting Frances, wife of Nathaniel Peirce. Dorothy Pitkins of Window and John Spencer of Farnham Royall, for keeping disorderly alehouses. [And see post, p. 15]. Presentments of the grand jury. Joseph West and [blank] Child, widow, both of Chesham, for “beinge brewers and makeinge Combinations with the Alehouse-keepers their tennants to take such quantitys of Drinke of them as they consumed.” Thomas Grover, Daniel Tokefeild, Robert Pratt, and Thomas Preston, all of Chesham, for “useing the trade of a Butcher contrary to the statute.” Presentments of the supervisors of highways. Christopher Webb of Weston Turvile, gentleman, for “refuseinge to work 6 dayes with his two teames and carts furnished, haveinge 2 plow lands.” Richard Gerrard, gentleman, for “refuseinge to worke 6 dayes with his teame, keeping a draught.” 6 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1678. p. 12. Presentments of the petty constables. Daniel Dallyfeild of Waddesdon, John Drapier and John Bayley, both of Great Marlow, and John Harmon of Fawley, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Joseph Tarey and [blank] Benson, widow, both of Newton Blo[ssomville], John Bovingdon and his wife, Joseph Freer and his wife, and [Mary], wife of Toby Bowyer, all of Great Marlow, Richard Hilton of , Elizabeth West, widow, Elizabeth Toovy, widow, and Katherine, wife of John Atkinson, all of Turfeild with Ipstone, Robert Kingham and his wife of Wooborne, and William Mellmoth and his wife of Adington, for being absent from church. John Russe of , for digging up the highway. Elizabeth Keane of Fingest, for recusancy. John Burney, constable of Turfeild, for “not presenting all absenters, to witt John Plomer and others.” Richard Perryman of Farnham, for encroaching upon the highway. Robert Edmonds of Aylesbury, for refusing to obey an order of court. [And see ante, p. 7, and post, p. 33]. Thomas Austin and John Tilly, both of Lattmas, for “turninge the water called the Millpond so that his Meadow is drowned.” p. 13. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. East Burnham . . William Bass vice Arthur Taylor. Cippenham . . Richard Curtis vice John Lidgold. Hardwick. . . . . Daniel Walker vice John Edmunds. Weedon . . . . Edward Flynt vice Samuel Olliffe. Chalfont St. G[iles] James Ditch, Arthur Boddy, and William Everett vice Ralph Deane, Robert Chersley, and John Sherman. Chittwood . . . . George Chilton vice Thomas Addington. Wendover and district . . . . William Pauley, Simon Pedder, and William Weston vice John Egleton, Thomas Cordery, and Richard Eames. Weston Turvile . . William Baker, junior, and Nicholas Gerrard vice Robert Corner and John Turner. 7 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. with Ridge Thomas Pratt, Richard Turner, and Thomas Bayley vice John Ewstace, [blank], and Thomas Fellow. Fullmer . . . . William Grove vice Edward Arnold. Burnham . . . . Joseph Nash vice Richard Gallymore. Little Marlow . . Robert Tiler and Francis Devonsheir vice William Cutts and Richard Carter. Drayton B[eauchamp] . . Robert Burton vice Daniel Arnot. Radnedge . . . . Thomas Wheeler and Edward Lambath vice John Hunt and Edward Saunders. p. 14. Orders. Order concerning the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries by the County treasurers, similar to that which appears on p. 4 [q. v.]. Order revoking a former order, dated Michaelmas 1669, for “continneinge of a Cottage upon the Waste grounds within the Mannor of Fingest dureinge the life of John Stevens . . . it appeareinge to this Court that the said Stevens is a manne of a good Estate and ability.” [And see post, p. 39]. Order that the inhabitants of Wavendon shall pay Thomas Norman his costs in appearing to defend against their unsuccessful appeal. [And see ante, p. 7]. Order allowing the appeal of Stoney Stratford against a warrant removing Edward Goodman and his wife from Shenly. [And see ante, p. 4]. Order for the settlement of John Rooke at Horton. Order adjouring the “issues” against the inhabitants of Stewkly for not repairing their highways. [And see post, p. 28]. p. 15. Mr. William Johnson, tenant of Simon Bennett, esquire, ordered to pay £1. 0s. 7½d. to the overseers of Ivinghoe for poor rate. 8 MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1678. Upon the petition of Ellen Husse, a prisoner in Aylesbury gaol, the constables of are ordered to restore to her “all such clothes and wearinge apparell as are in their custody of hers.” The differences between John Woodbridge and the inhabitants of Wornall are referred to certain justices. Similar reference of the differences between John Besouth and the inhabitants of Eddlesburrough. Order allowing the appeal of Upton against a warrant removing Thomas Mills from Burnham. Dorothy Pitkins of Winslow, widow, “suppressed” for three years from keeping an alehouse, upon conviction for “suffering divers Lewd, Dangerous and Suspicious persons for severally Dayes together to drink and tipple in her House.” p. 16. Thomas Butterfeild and his son to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Iver, as they “are in greate want and necessity.” Order that £20 shall be levied upon the inhabitants of Lethenburrough for the repair of their highways and bridges. Mr. William Robinson, “who hath in parte amended the said highwayes and bridges,” is excepted from this levy, and is also to be paid “what is more than his apportionment.” Order dismissing the appeal of William Deane against his assessment to the poor rate at Great Missendon. John Hill of Amersham Woodside “suppressed” for three years from keeping an alehouse. p. 17. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Edward Dorrell of Westcott in Waddesdon and John Sear of Horridge fined £1. 10s. each, for being absent when summoned on a jury. 9 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Thomas Evins of Beconsfeild fined £2, for assaulting Jane Rutt. George Stiles fined £1, for assaulting Henry Taylor. John Cock of Wendover, gentleman, forfeits his recog- nizance of £10 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Robert Fastnedge, cordwainer, and Thomas Feild, carpenter, both of Great Missendon, forfeit £5 each. p. 18. Recognizances entered into. Richard Kimpton of Weedon in £20, with Richard Kimpton of Waddesdon and William Bowden of Weedon as sureties in £10 each, to appear at the next session in respect of the bastard child of Anne Burnard. Thomas Miller of Hillersdon, gentleman, in £20, to keep the peace towards Anne Arnburrow. Daniel Kingham of Upton in £20, for Susan, his wife, to appear at the next session. William Welch of Aylesbury, Thomas Raunce of Hambledon, farmer, and Francis Warre of Biddlesdon, farmer, in £40 each, to appear at the next session. William Matthews of Fingest, farmer, in £40, for John Brice, clerk, to appear at the next session. Discharged. Richard Brayfeild, John Perrett, Henry Smith, John Ruttley, Nathaniel Ruttley, and Richard Robinson, all of Hansloppe, Edward Mead of Risburrough, Thomas Child of Farnham Royall, Elizabeth Belson, Thomas Evans, and Thomas Floyd, all of Beconsfeild, Richard Stevens of Steeple Cleydon, Richard Kimpton of Weedon, William Emerton of Whitchurch, William Andrews of Stony Stratford, John Bennett of Chesham, Richard Stiles and George Stiles, both of Westwiccombe, George Rider and John Ferrers, junior, both of Fingest, Daniel Kingham and his wife of Upton, William Taylor and Ralph Ingram, both of Akley, Edward Wallington of Ludgershall, and Thomas Miller of Hillesdon. p. 19. [Blank]. 10 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1678-79. CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 16 January, 1678-79 [30 Charles 11]| p. 20. Jurors for the body of the County. William Hill, gentleman, Thomas Oliver, John Randoll, John Symonds, Angel Mantell, Henry Dancer, Henry Graunge, Robert Piddington, Edwards Tombs, William Warre, John Masson, Thomas Francis, Richard Major, Walter Rawlins, Jonathan Butterfeild, John Cheesman, Edward Honnor, John Wheeler, Michael Hall, Richard Chandler, and Edward Boddington. (Signed) Thomas Edgerlye, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for special cases. The following jurymen were sworn for the cases against John Brice, clerk, Francis Warre, and John Silby, alias Silvey, of Edlesburrough. John Webbe, Thomas Wheeler, Thomas Ray, Edward Lamborne, Leonard Fitch, Thomas Seare, John Kinge, , George Thorpe, Samuel Gurney, Benedict Sharpe, and Matthew Hitchendor. (Signed) Thomas Edgerlye, esquire, sheriff. pp. 21-22. Indictments. William Silvey, alias Silby, of Edlesburgh, for stealing three hurdles. John Hobbcroft of , for stealing half a bushel of wheat. [And see post, p. 52]. Jane, wife of Henry Troman of Denham, for assaulting Phyllis Church. Agnes, wife of Edward Jolly of Wendover, clerk, for assaulting William Brudenell. Mary Spratley of Cookham, co. Berks, for stealing “small linnen.” [And see post, p. 29]. Robert Holloway and Thomas Holloway, both of Eastham, co. Essex, for assaulting Constance, wife of Colburn Hodgkins, and for “cheats, gameinge, and a counterfeit Guinny.”[And see post, pp. 29 and 33]. 11 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. John Guy of Wendover, for assaulting Nathaniel Withers. [And see post, p. 26]. Ellis Sears of East Cleydon, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. The following as “popish Recusants or soe reputed”:— Joseph Tarey and [blank] Ashton, widow, both of Newton Bloss[omville], Thomas Lane of Newport P[agnell], Richard Newington and Mary, his wife, Richard Newton, junior, and Mary Newington, spinster, all of Chaley in Upton, Thomas Milborne of Horton, Matthew Paine and Joan, his wife, and John Oakley, all of Eaton, Thomas Farmer and his wife, Mary Farmer, spinster, Anne Barnes, widow, Jeremy Barnes, spinster [sic], Richard Barnes, Richard Langley, Philip Harvey, John Brinckhurst, gentleman, Joseph Fryer, John Bovingdon, and Robert Coleman, all of Great Marlow, Mary Busby, Robert Busby, Joseph Busby, and Judith Busby, all of Hogstone, Robert Collison of Luffeild, Richard Hilton of Medmenham, Elizabeth West, widow, Elizabeth Tovey, widow, and Katherine, wife of John Atkinson, all of Turfeild with Ipstone, Robert Cutloe of Drayton P[arslow], James Buckland of Radnedge. Jane, wife of Richard Hobby of , [blank], wife of John Webb, and [blank] Horwood, widow, both of Bransfee in Great Missendon, John Howse, gentleman, and Katherine, his wife, and Finch Howse, all of Berton, Edith Tyler of Dynton, John Temple, yeoman, of Great Kimble, and Sir John Fortescue, Bart., William Fortescue, esquire, Edward Waters, gentleman, John Tipper and his wife, Elizabeth Hopkins, widow, Henry Price, Anne Jennings, , John Maybey and his wife, Thomas Brampton and his wife, Mary Goodman, Dorothy Dodsworth, [blank], wife of Anthony Dodsworth, and Alice Roberts, all of Salden in . William Haley, “upon the submission [?] of Richard Perriman of Farnam Royall to be excused.” “All presented by the severall petty Constables of this County this present Sessions and soe Drawne upp into an Indictment for Recusancy being found by the Jury, and proclamation made that, if they and every of them Render not their bodys to the Sherriff of this County before the next 12 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1678-79. quarter Sessions, they and every of them will be Convicted for popish Recusants. A speciall Process to goe out against them.” p. 23. Presentments of the grand jury. Robert Collison of Luffal Abey, and Mary Busby, Joseph Busby, gentleman, and his wife, Robert Busby, and Judith Busby, all of Hogson, for recusancy. Presentments of the petty constables. John Foster of Weston Turvile, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Anthony Ruttley of Stoke Hamond, for “not scowringe of a Brooke called Lead Mead brooke soe that the water overfloes and drownes the Meadow grounds of John Hillesdon, gentleman, called the Holme att the end thereof.” The constables of Aston Mullins and Walderidge, for “nott bringeinge in their Reternes.” Presentments of the supervisors of highways. Samuel Graunge of St. Leonards, Thomas Ayres and Christopher Farmer, both of Aston Clinton with St. Leonards, and Richard How and William Nash, both of Chapell Farm in St. Leonards, for not “doeinge service with their teames for 5 dayes.” Presentments of the constables. The constables of , and Robert Hudson, constable of Shenley, for not returning their presentments or “quarterly” money. Susan Seale and Richard Collins, both of Wooborne, for bastardy. John Berkly, John Bayly, and John Drapier, all of Great Marlow, and William Tayler of Waddesden Woodham, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Mary Arnott of Newport, for selling goods on the Lord’s day. 13 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 24. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Hitcham . . . . Robert Aldridge vice William Taylor. Buckland . . . . Edward Thorne vice [blank]. Stoke Mand[eville] Henry Gardiner and John Glassendon vice Henry Whitchurch and Brocas Feild. Newport P[agnell] Thomas Warren, Christopher Lambert, William Coles, and William Timkin vice Richard Potter, James Cowly, John Burgis, and Thomas Pursell. Bletchly . . . . Thomas Mores and William Haines vice Edward Phillips and Thomas Wallduck. Cublington . . Thomas Apslee and John Grace vice Robert Fincher and George Stone. Slapton . . . . Francis Seabrook and William Turney vice John Jane and Henry Horton. Stoke Hamond . . Anthony Ruttley and William Chapman vice William Fountaine and John Franklyn. Winge . . . . Michael Rattford vice Samuel Jeffery. Great Marlow . . William Ellement vice Robert Fortune. p. 25. “A List of the severall popish recusants, or soe reputed with beinge, bound over this present Sessions did then and there in open Court severally take the oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance”:— Charles Baker, labourer, Richard Butcher, tailor, and John West, John Arrowsmith, John Fisher, John Goodwin, Edward Tims, and Matthew Langton, yeomen, all of Weston Underwood, Edith, wife of Austin Tiler of Dynton, Mary wife of John Naylor of , Thomas Masson, gentleman, “a stranger,” [and see post, p. 27], Jane, wife of Richard Hobby of Ickford, and Sir Thomas Longvile, Bart. Before Mr. Hackett and Mr. Norton. p. 26. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. 14 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1678-79. Order extending the recognizances of the following persons until next session:⎯Emmanuel Wright and Robert Masson, both of Wooborne, Richard Kimpton of Weedon, John Carpenter of Swandborne, and John Guy of Wendover. Richard Collyns of Wooborne, committed to gaol for want of sureties in a bastardy case, to be discharged. Order removing Mary Hogge from Edlesburrough to Barkhamstead, co. Hertford. Nathaniel Withers of Wendover, gentleman, who was bound over to prosecute John Guy at this session, was recently arrested by the sheriff's bailiffs on a writ of “capias ac etiam” for £30 at the suit of William Abbott. The sheriff is ordered to release him at once, and the sheriff and his bailiffs are by this order “att all tymes saved harmlesse . . . from all Actions of Escape therein.” p. 27. Orders for the settlement of Thomas Langley, Richard Norris, and John Woodbridge at , Beconsfeild, and Wornall respectively. Upon the appeal of Fullmer “concerninge the Removeall of Creeples,” it is ordered that all cripples “comeinge or goeinge Westward and brought to Denham . . . shall be from there removed . . . the direct way to Chalfont St. Peters,” and thus to their places of settlement. [And see post, p. 73]. Order that “Thomas Masson, a stranger now in Goale att Aylesbury, haveinge taken the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance and nothinge appearinge against him, be dis- charged payinge his Fees, and that his horse be restored to him againe payinge the Ordinary Rates for his keepinge since the said Mr. Masson hath beene in Goale, and he to be allowed for the workinge of his horse.” p. 28. Order discharging the indictment against the in- habitants of Stewkly upon their bringing a certificate to show that their highways have been repaired. 15 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Order for the settlement of Ananias Hoare and his wife at Radnedge. Order that warrants shall be issued “against all absenters from Church that stands Indicted this present sessions, and that the Bayliffs take them into safe Custody and them carry before some Justice of the peace for this County to be bound over to the next quarter Sessions.” Order renewing the order made at the last Easter Session “concerninge Watch and Wards and apprehendinge of Rogues, Beggars, and Wanderers.” Copies of this order are to be sent to all chief and petty constables. Order that the petty constables of Great Missendon shall appear at the next session and show cause “why they presented nott all the Family of Peterly within their said parish, beinge popish recusants.” Order that Mr. Thomas Crofts shall pay Alice Howton, his servant, 17s. 6d. for wages and costs, and shall also “deliver to her . . . her cloathes in his possession.” p. 29. [Blank] Ginger, widow, to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of Aston Clinton with St. Leonards. Thomas Baldwin, overseer of Aston Clinton with St. Leonards, to be repaid all the money spent by him upon poor relief. Mary Spratley of Cookham, co. Berks, spinster, who pleaded guilty of stealing linen, value 10d., to be whipped in the gaol and then discharged, “payinge her fees.” Mr. Turner, constable of Beconsfeild, ordered to restore to Thomas Holloway and Robert Holloway, both of Eastham, co. Sussex, [sic], “their horses and mares by him seized,” upon their paying “the ordinarie prices for keeping the same as the usuall custome of the towne is.” [And see ante, p. 21 and post, p. 33]. 16 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1678-79. Thomas Johnston, “beinge suspected for a highway- man,” is committed to gaol in default of sureties. p. 30. [Blank] Norwood, labourer, to be paid 2s. a week by the overseers of Aston Clynton, for the expenses of keeping the bastard child of his daughter, Emma. Order that the County pension of £2 a year paid to Nicholas Arris of Steeple Cleydon shall be increased by £1 a year. Ellen Berrill to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of Swandborne. Joseph Coventry to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Aylesburie. Order that the overseers of Weedon in Hardwick shall pay Thomas Burnett 2s. a week until they remove the bastard child of Anne Burnett which he is at present keeping. Robert Warner to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Flete Marston. p. 31. Evan Griffith to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Winslow. Richard Townsend to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Aylesbury. “The Major, Bayliffs, Burgesses and other officers of Cheppinge Wiccomb” are ordered to restore the following articles, which were taken from Eleanor Stokes and Sarah Honnywood when they were sent to gaol at Aylesbury:- “13 yards of Camlett, two pair of Boddice, two Blackhoods, five yards of Lace, one bitt of Tabbey, one quarter of an Ell of Holland, a cloth that theis thinges are wrapt in, one Napkin, and one hatt.” Thomas Gibbons of Cheppinge Wiccomb to be allowed a County pension of £2 a year. b 17 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 32. John Easton and Henry Jewett are ordered to be released from gaol in accordance with “the late Act of Parliament for releife of poor prisoners for debt.” An affidavit was sworn by William Robinson to the effect that the requirements of the act had been complied with. p. 33. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Nathaniel Withers of Wendover, gentleman, fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting Mary Clark. William Perkins, bailiff of the three hundreds of Buckingham, fined £1, for not attending the court. Robert Edmonds fined £2, for disobeying an order of court. [And see ante, p. 7]. Thomas Holloway and Robert Holloway fined 10s. each, for assaulting Constance Hodgkins. [And see ante, pp. 21 and 29]. John Hobcroft of Haversham, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, William Lineham of Haversham, labourer, and William Lack of Paules Perry, co. Northampton, forfeit £10 each. Samuel Winston of Winslow, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Christopher Willis, labourer, and John Dawney, both of Winslow, forfeit £20 each. p. 34. Recognizances entered into. Thomas Meare of Wendover, labourer, in £20, with Thomas Meare, junior, and Geoffrey Meare, both of Wendover, labourers, as sureties in £10 each, for bastardy. George Kinge of Great Horwood, yeoman, in £80, with Richard Missendon of Great Horwood as surety in £40, in respect of the bastard child of Christian Reyland. George Tomlynson of Simpson, labourer, in £40, with Thomas Hudson and Peregrine Rudkins, both of Simpson, labourers, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Joan Poney. Finch Howse of Berton, gentleman, in £40, with John Busby of Berton as surety in £20, to be of good behaviour. 18 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1678-79. Henry Treeman of Denham, yeoman, in £40, for the appearance of his wife, Jane. Joseph West of Chesham, barber, in £40, to appear and prosecute. Josiah Geary and Benjamin Child, both of Chesham. gentlemen in £20 each, for the appearance of Anne Child. Thomas Grover, labourer, Daniel Tokefeild, and Robert Pratt, all of Chesham, Christopher Webbe of Beddgrove, gentleman, John Guy of Wendover, gentleman, and William Welch of Aylesbury, yeoman, in £40 each, for their appearance at the next session. p. 35. Discharged. Robert Edmonds of Aylesbury, Thomas Rallason of Fenny Stratford, Thomas Miller of Hillisdon, Jane, wife of Richard Hobbey of Ickford, George Tomlynson of Simpson, William Spencer, Richard Edwards, and Thomas Ellis, all of Stoney Stratford, James West, Charles Baker, Richard Butcher, John Goodwin, Edward Tims, and Matthew Langton, all of Weston Underwood, Finch Howse of Berton, William Silby, alias Silvey, of Edlesburgh, Edith Tyler of Dynton, Thomas Meare of Wendover, Jane, wife of Henry Tremaine of Denham, Mary, wife of John Nayler of Great Horwood, William Hillier of Mursley, Thomas Bond of Swandborne, Thomas Crofts of Winslow, Thomas Marsham of Swandborne, George Kinge of Great Horwood, and Henry Markham, senior, of Tingewick. Issues of jurors who made default. The following were fined 10s. each for non-appearance when summoned as jurors in the case against John Brice and others:- Thomas Barnaby, junior, and Joseph Bampton, both of Aylesbury, Edward Rose of Haddenham, William Graves of , John Triplett and Thomas Snow, both of Steeple Cleydon, Thomas Cheney of Stoke Poges, Francis Lane and Thomas Weedon, both of Wooborne, Edmund East of Westwiccombe, and Samuel Randoll of Radnedge. pp. 36-37. [Blank]. 19 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 1 May, 1679 [31 Charles II] p. 38. Jurors for the body of the County. Edward Buttler, gentleman, Lucas Foster, Thomas Brooke, William Dover, William Egleton, Zachariah Deane, alias Collyns, John Poxon, William Warre, John Triplett, John Younge, senior, John Garrett, Jeremiah Knight, John Barye, William Goodwin, Henry Tilcock, Thomas Cannon, William Jackman, Richard Sumner, Richard Lawton, Thomas Peirson, and John Mountague. Jurors for special cases. Jurors for the cases against Joseph West, Anne Child, Robert Pratt, William Welch, Daniel Tokefeild, and Thomas Grover:— William Burnham, Edward Wright, Michael Russell, Thomas James, Richard Benham, Thomas Eeles, Thomas Cripps, Thomas Butterfeild, Matthew Butterfeild, Matthew Hitchendon, Samuel Gurney, and Thomas Perkins. p. 39. Indictments. Walter Daniell and Anne Daniell, both of Chilton, for perjury at the last assizes. John Stevens and Henry Tailer, both of Fingest, for “continneinge a cottage.” [And see ante, p. 14]. Thomas Nash, Thomas Lane, and Thomas Hare, all of Chep[ping] Wiccomb, for a riot and for assaulting John Batchelor, bailiff of the “third hundred of Chilt” [ern]. George Chilton of Chettwood, for disobeying a justices’ order. (Removed by certiorari.) Richard Defrane of Aylesbury, for putting logs in the highway. John Fonch of Agmondesham, for assaulting James Eeles. Presentments of the grand jury. Charles, Earl of Carnarvon, of Winge, and John Webb of Great Myssendon, esquire, for not repairing Drunken Lane, leading from Waddesdon to Aylesbury Market. 20 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1679. The inhabitants of Aylesbury, for not repairing the highway from Aylesbury to Ivinghoe. pp. 40-41. Presentments of the petty constables. John Temple of Great Kimble, yeoman, John Howse and his wife, and Finch, their son, all of Berton, Jane, wife of Richard Hobby of Ickford, Matthew Paine and Joan, his wife, and John Oakely, all of Eaton, Richard Newington of Upton, and Mary, his wife, James Buckland of Radnedge, Elizabeth Sherwood of Westwiccomb, Richard Parker and his wife, and Anne Bunce, all of Taplow, Mr. Henry Palmer and Marmaduke Dorrell, gentleman, both of Dorney, Mrs. Mary Busby of Hogston, and Robert Cuttler of Drayton P[arslow], for recusancy. Philip Harvey and his wife, John Bovingdon and his wife, Joseph Fryer and his wife. Richard Langley, Robert Coleman, and [Mary], wife of Toby Bowyer, all of Great Marlow, and Elizabeth West, Elizabeth Tovey, and Katherine, wife of John Atkinson, all of Turfeild with Ipstone, for not attending church. Anne Groome, singlewoman, and William Longe, Alice Spender, singlewoman, and Thomas Meare, all of Wendover and district, and Alice Todd and William Haley, both of Amersham, for bastardy. The constables of Grandburgh, for “not paying quarteridge.” The constables of Waldridge and Aston Mullins, for not making any presentments. William Arnburrough and Robert Fryday, both of Hillesdon, and Thomas Grove, Thomas Stevens, and Jeremy Brydon, all of Medmenham, for refusing to watch. John Drapier and James Osborne, both of Great Marlow, and John Pettpiatt of Edlesburrough, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. p. 42. Treasurers sworn. For the maimed Soldiers . . . . Richard Major of vice Walter Rawling. 21 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. For the King’s Bench and Marshalsea . . John Lydgold of Burnham and Christopher Rookes of Calverton vice William Noake and Thomas Wiggs. Chief constables sworn. Ayles[bury] . . John Welch of and Samuel Gurney of Berton, gentlemen, vice Roland Reynolds and Thomas Symonds. Ash[endon] . . Thomas Folliott of Grendon Underwood and Edward Hazle of Pollicott, gentle- men, vice Joseph Kettle and Thomas Vere. Buck[ingham] . . John Baldwine of and John Burtwhistle of Preston Bissett, gentle- men, vice Newman Williatt and Joseph Walker. Newport . . . . William Hartly, junior, of Stony Strat- ford and John Cripps of Newport, gentlemen, vice Richard Kilpin and Christopher Ellis. Stoke . . . . Thomas Burcomb of Horton and James Smith of Iver, gentlemen, vice John Webb and Daniel Cogges. Desb[orough] . . John Hill of Cheppinge Wiccomb and Robert Chessall of Great Marlow, gentlemen, vice Thomas Leech and T. Doily. Bum[ham] . . . . William Fellow of Burnham and Ferdinand Shrimpton of Penne, gentlemen, vice John Grimsall and Richard Bovingdon. Cottslo . . . . Humphrey Paine of Pittlesthorne and Thomas Apslee of Cublington, gentle- men, vice John Grace and Robert Thorpe. 22 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1679. p. 43. Petty constables sworn. Little Missendon . . John Stallyon and Henry Streete vice John Shrimpton and John Miles. Bransfee . . . . John Hawes and Henry Puttenham vice William Russell and [blank]. East Cleydon . . Thomas Stevens vice John Smith. Halton . . . . Michael Nash vice Daniel Flexman. [Blank] . . . . Thomas Port and George Woodfine vice Daniel Wingfeild and William Dell. . . Edward Smith vice [blank]. Thomas Heyborne vice John Wallbanck. Little Kimble . . William Franklyn vice Joseph Andrews. Chettwood . . Thomas Kinge vice George Chilton. Hilsdon . . . . Robert Horrwood vice John Spratley. . . . . Richard Toppinge and Thomas Brandon vice [blank]. Boveny . . . . John Webb vice Abraham Spooner. Bishopstone . . Francis Cleydon vice Edward Daly. Taplow . . . . John Browne vice Henry Micklyn. . . . . Geoffrey Cripps vice Ralph Rogers. Chalvey . . . . George Smith vice Thomas Pitt. Wornall . . . . John Towne vice William Tippirge. Loughton . . John Purney vice Richard Sumner. Little Wolston . . John Binion vice Henry Patrick. Thornburgh . . Edward Warr vice [blank]. Beaconsfeild . . William Newington, Ralph Younge, John Dolly, and William Collen vice William Grey, Ellis Birt, Thomas Evins, and Arthur Turnor. Denham . . . . Hugh Jenninges and Thomas Randoll vice William James and Edward Apsley. Stoke . . . . William Jones vice Thomas Godfrey. Hedgerly . . . . Henry Turner vice Richard Tredway. Horton with Colebrook . . Timothy West and John Richardson vice George Holderness and Isaac Redford. 23 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Eaton . . . . William and George Fennell vice Thomas West and Thomas Sexton. Upton . . . . Peter Hughes vice Charles Dell. Wexham . . . . Stephen Longe vice William Winter. Aylesbury and district . . . . William Edmonds and Thomas Ray, junior, vice John Coleman and Richard Robbins. Edlesburgh . . Thomas Taylor and John Wade vice James Smith and William Edridge. Great Myssendon . . and Geoffrey Stevens vice Robert Lane and John Statham. Newton Longvile . . Francis Horne and Geoffrey Hawkins vice Thomas Coote and Robert Willson. Hugendon . . Thomas Broadwater vice John Jones. Westwiccomb . . John Cracknell and James Newman vice Thomas Symonds and John Keene. Wiccomb Forrens . . Matthew Dennis vice Daniel Kingham. Great Marlow . . William Webb and William Benninge vice Robert Fortune and John Barney. Turfeild with Ipstone . . Richard Wattson vice John Scoles. . . Daniel Wingrave vice William Neighbour. Cheddinton . . John Sawell vice Francis Kimpton. Winge . . . . Thomas Woodman vice Thomas Hall. Whitchurch . . Thomas Welles and Simon Harris vice Richard Tayler and Thomas Willmott. Mursley . . . . William Pettyson vice Robert Maynard. Swanborne . . Robert Carter vice Thomas Curle. . . William Person and James Gardiner vice Robert Inwood and Thomas Welles. . . John Bettham and Thomas Millner vice John Gower and Robert Badrick. p. 44. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. 24 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1679. Order extending until next session the recognizances of Thomas Farmer and his wife, Anne Barnes, and Jeremy Barnes, all of Great Marlow. p. 45. Order dismissing the appeal of John Graunge against his assessment to the poor rate at Ivinghoe. Order that the children of John and Eleanor Bessill, namely Charles, born at Hogstone, and Elizabeth, born at Mursley, shall be removed from Swandborne to their respective birth- places. Order allowing the appeal of Joseph Martin of Drayton Parslow against an order of certain justices. Upon the appeal of [blank] Woodbridge, it is ordered that the rates at Wornall shall in future be levied equally according to a pound rate. Mary Farmer of Great Marlow, spinster, ordered to be committed to gaol as a “popish recusant,” the “oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance beinge severall tymes tendred unto her in open Court, which she altogeather refused to take.” [And see post, p. 60]. p. 46. Note referring to the agreement between Aston Clinton and St. Leonards, which is entered at the end of the proceedings. [See post, p. 54]. “Whereas itt appeared to this Court by the Oathes of able and substanciall workemen, Carpenters, and Bricklayers that one Richard Flutt of Taplow in this County, by a Suddain and Lamentable Fire, had susstained greate Losses in his howses, outhowses, come, and graine beinge all burnt, as appeared by Certificate upon oath, amounting to the summe of £204 15s. 8d., And upon examination of the whole matter itt is ordered by this Court that a Certificate be drawne upp dirrected to the Lord Channcellor of England, to desire his Honor’s assistance on the behalfe of the said Richard Flutt the poor sufferer, that he may have his 25 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Majesties Letters Pattents for to aske, receive, and gather the Charitable benevolence of well disposed persons in soe many Counties within this Kingdome as to his Honor shall seeme meete.” [Blank] Younge to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Pittlesthorne. Daniel Hawkes of Great Myssendon “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse for three years. p. 47. Order adjourning the appeal of Hurst, co. Berks, against a warrant removing Henry Pratt and his children, William, Henry, and Anne, from Little Kimble. [And see post, p. 59]. Order that the inhabitants of Ivinghoe may discontinue their allowance of 6s. a month to Richard Fowler, provided that they look after his children and find “constant worke” for him. p. 48. Francis Marvill and his wife to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Ivinghoe. Order that the inhabitants of Ivinghoe may discontinue their allowance of 6s. 6d. a month to Jane Iblethwaite, provided that they look after her children. William Welch, late constable of Aylesbury, is ordered to hand over to the present constables “divers goods and chattells which were distrained of severall persons in this County. . . for beinge legally convicted of beinge att Unlawfall Conventicles.” The constables are ordered to sell the goods and to hand over the proceeds to certain justices. p. 49. Order allowing the appeal of Richard Kimpton of Weedon against a maintenance order in respect of the bastard child of Anne Burnett of Weedon. William Bunion of [blank] is adjudged to be the father of the child, and Anne Burnett is ordered to be sent to the bridewell at Aylesbury and kept to hard labour, until “delivered by due course of law.” 26 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1679. Michael Jenkins to be allowed 8s. a month by the overseers of Cuddinton. p. 50. Roland Lyddy to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Aston Abbotts. Thomas Kinge of East Cleydon, who has already been “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse for three years, is ordered to be suppressed for another three years. Thomas Curtis to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Whitchurch. Francis Arpin of Stoake Goldington to be allowed a County pension of £2 a year, and Thomas Wallis of Whitchurch and Thomas Gifford of Aylesbury to be allowed pensions of £4 a year each. p. 51. Order that “the severall somes of money hereafter sett downe and chardged upon the persons hereunder written be forthwith Levyed upon their and every of their goods and chattells, beinge issues sett on their heads severally for nott doeinge their service to the amending of the high wayes in the parish of Aylesbury”:— s. d.

Thomas Alexander ...... - 4

John Billinge ...... 4 4 Richard Billinge ...... - 4 Samuel Bampton ...... - 6 William Blunt ...... - 2 Roger Brewer ...... - 6 John Christmas ...... 1 - “Widdow” Cooper ...... - 4 Edward Chilton ...... - 2 William Dawney ...... 1 - John Dawney ...... 1 8 Henry Dunmale ...... - 4 Thomas Dawson ...... - 6 Richard Dossett ...... - 2

`Matthew Freer, for Dockmore ......

27 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS VOLUME I s. d. William Edmonds, senior ...... - 4 William Edmonds, junior ...... - 2 Giles Firth ...... - 6 Luke Foster ...... 1 - Matthew Freer, for more ...... 3 8 Simon Godwin ...... - 4 Thomas Gifford ...... - 2 Peter Goldsworth ...... - 2 Christopher Herne ...... 3 4 John Hill ...... - 4 Henry Horrwood, carrier ...... - 4 Joseph Hardinge ...... - 2 William Hardinge ...... - 4 Samuel Jennings ...... - 4 Henry Jordan ...... - 2 “Widdow” Keymer ...... - 2 Mr. Francis Kettleby ...... - 6 William Lee ...... - 2 John Mills ...... - 4 Henry Monday ...... 3 8 Richard Monck ...... 1 - Robert Newnes ...... - 4 Alexander Norton ...... - 4 William North ...... - 2 Henry Pratt ...... 3 4 William Porter ...... - 6 William Phillips ...... 9 - Joseph Rawson. gentleman . . . . - 6 Richard Tuckwell ...... - 4 John Tokefeild ...... - 4 William Worster ...... 1 8 Robert Edmonds, for the White Angell . . - 8 “And that the said moneys be imployed for the repair of the said high wayes” p. 52 John Hobcroft of Haversham, labourer, who pleaded guilty of stealing half a bushel of wheat, value 10d, is ordered to “be well whipped in the Goale by the Goaler untill his body Bleeds, and then to be dischardged, payinge his fees” 28 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1679. “Ordered that the Assessment for wages of Tradesmen, Artificers, Servants, and Laberours sett and agreed upon att Easter Sessions, 1676, be continued.” p. 53. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. The following fined 10s. each for non-appearance when summoned as jurors in the cases against Joseph West, Anne Child, and others:— Robert Streame and George Knowles, both of Ovenge, John Towne and Thomas Bristow, both of Risburgh, William Russell of Chalfont St. G[iles], Simon Rawlins of Datchett, Thomas Newton of Fullmer, and John Madge of Long Crendon. John Guy of Wendover, gentleman, forfeits his recog- nizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Francis Russell and Thomas Squires, both of Aylesbury, forfeit £20 each. Finch Howse of Berton forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his surety, John Busby of Berton, gentleman, forfeits £20. Recognizances entered into. William Lawly of Chettwood, gentleman, in £100, with Thomas Barnewell of Aylesbury and Thomas Smith of Beconsfeild, gentlemen, as sureties in £50 each, for his appearance at the next session, and to be of good behaviour. John Tilly, basket-maker, and Thomas Aston, fuller, both of Chesham, in £40 each, for their appearance at the next session. p. 54. Discharged. Thomas Meares of Wendover, George Kinge of Great Horrwood, Edward Briggs of Great Missendon, Richard Kimpton of Weedon, Richard Chase, gentleman, and Silvester Carter, junior, both of Great Marlow, John Row of Aston Clynton, Francis Child of Amersham, William Stockly of Stewkly, John Graunge of Ivinghoe, gentleman, Mary Bridges of Waddesdon, Aaron Gibbs of , Thomas Ward of Addington, Thomas Potter of Ivinghoe, Avis Meaker of 29 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Steeple Cleydon, Thomas Betts of Winslow, and Philip Budd of Shipton. (The order referred to on p. 46, appears below.) The following agreement entered into between the inhabitants of the parish of Aston Clynton and the inhabitants of St. Leonards, “a Hamblett within the said parish,” is to be deemed to constitute an order of court. It was mutually agreed that St. Leonards should pay one-fifth of “all Taxes, impositions, and rates which hereafter shall be imposed upon the said parish, to the Church poor and Constables Bills, Kings bench and Marshallsea, and all taxes to his Majestie, his heires and successors, and all parochiall and public taxes.” It was also agreed that the inhabitants of St. Leonards should repair their own highways, “unto the gate headinge from St. Leonards to Halton called Hengrove gate.” p. 55. [Blank].

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 17 July, 1679 [31 Charles II] p. 56. Jurors for the body of the County. [Blank]. p. 57. Indictments. William Smart of Aylesbury, for putting a dunghill in the highway. Richard Martin of Little Brickhill, for “aprobious words against Mr. Stafford.” [And see post, p. 65]. John Webbe, Thomas Greene, and John Batchellor, senior, all of Amersham, for abusing the office of collector. Samuel Stevens, Daniel Dallyfeild, Thomas Williams, James Defrane, John Parker, Matthew Collcell, Richard Gamball, Alexander Olliffe, and Andrew Hill, all of Aylesbury, “for fishinge with netts in the water of Sir J[ohn] Packington, Bart.” 30 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1679. Richard Saunders, senior, and Richard Saunders, junior, both of Aylesbury, for assaulting Joseph Newton. William Arnold of Cheynes, for assaulting John Males. Joseph Gilkes of Letchenburrough, for putting a hedge and a ditch in the road at Rowly Hills. p. 58. Presentments. The constables of Aston Mullins, Studley, and Waldridge, for not making their presentments and for not “payinge quarteridge.” Jane, wife of Richard Hobby of Ickford, Mrs. Mary Busby of Hogston, Richard Newington and Christopher Griffith, both of Chaley in Upton, Matthew Paine and Joan, his wife, and John Oakely, all of Eaton, James Buckland of Radnedge, Mr. John Brinckhurst and his wife, Mr. Thomas Farmer, and “Widdow” Barnes, all of Great Marlow, John Temple of Great Kimble, farmer, and John Howse, Katherine, his wife, and Finch, his son, all of Berton, for recusancy. George Pewsy, Stephen Pewsey, Thomas Pewsey and his wife, and Henry Pewsy, all of Beconsfeild, and Elizabeth West, Elizabeth Tovey, and Katherine, wife of John Atkins[on], all of Turfeild with Ipstone, for not attending church. John Sloppe of Fenny Stratford, for selling drink on Sunday during Divine Service. Anne Day of Wendover, singlewoman, and Jonathan Garment of Lee, alias Ley, for bastardy. Abel Robinson of Wooborne, for entertaining an inmate. p. 59. Petty constables sworn. Calverton . . . . John Reeve vice Robert Turvey. Berton . . . . Robert Heywood vice William Dover. Great Horwood . . Richard Winton vice John Fennell. Wooborne . . . . James Sparrow and Zaccheus Heydon vice George Tredway and Richard Wingrove. Burnham . . . . John Ascue and James Devonsheir vice Geoffrey Stephens and Joseph Nash. 31 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Edward Herne sworn petty constable of Horton in place of Timothy West, who is discharged. Order referring the adjourned appeal of Hurst, co. Berks, to the judges at the next assizes. [And see ante, p. 47]. p. 60. Mary Farmer of Great Marlow, spinster, who was committed to gaol as a popish recusant at the last session for refusing to take the oaths of supremacy and allegiance, is ordered to be released on bail, with two sureties of £40 each, on condition that she “shall make her personall appearance before her Majesties Justices of his Court of Kings bench att Westminster on or upon the first day of the Terme of St. Michell next ensueinge, and then and there abide the Judgment of that Court.” [And see ante, p. 45]. Order adjourning the consideration of the differences between Hedgerly, Chalfont St. Peters, and Fullmer, con- cerning the removal of cripples. [And see post, p. 73]. p. 61. Order referring the differences between Mary Smalbone and the lord of the manor of Studly to certain justices. Order “that the issues of Jurrors sumoned this present sessions to try transgressors be saved unto them, it appearinge that they had nott legall sumons.” Order for the release of Thomas Collyer and John Hill from gaol, in accordance with the act for the relief of poor debtors. William Robinson swore an affidavit to the effect that the conditions of the act had been complied with. John Knight to be allowed 5d. a week by the overseers of Harridge. 32 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1679. p. 62. Daniel Ellinore, alias Mellmoth, and his wife and children, to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Hogshaw. John Hawkins to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Oakely. p. 63. Order confirming an agreement entered into, on the 5th May, 1679, between the inhabitants of and the inhabitants of Little Brickhill, concerning the liability to repair that part of the high road to London which lies between Little Brickhill and Mile House. A post was set up to mark the dividing line of the responsibility between the two parishes. The following signed the agreement on behalf of Great Brickhill:— John Duncomb, esquire, lord of the manor of Great Brickhill, Thomas Jackman, John Meridale, Henry Shepard, junior, William Edwin, Thomas Simpson, Thomas Merridale, John Wright, Luke Bush, Henry Shepard, Thomas Brett (his mark), Richard Bradnok (his mark), Laurence Merrydale, John Buckingham (his mark), and James Jeffery and Francis Wright, supervisors (their marks). The following signed on behalf of Little Brickhill:— Richard Hall, Isaac Honner, Robert Gale, William Person, John Stamford, Thomas Frayle and Robert Irons, supervisors, Thomas Sutton, Richard Martin, George Gosly, William Dewbury, George Alwind, William Benson, and Anthony Scott. p. 64. Order, upon the consent of William Willmott, lord of the manor of Fingest, that the cottage erected upon the waste of the manor shall be “continued” during the life of the present occupier, Edward East, but for no longer. p. 65. Fines and issues. Richard Martin of Little Brickhill, fined 13s. 4d., for assaulting Mr. Stafford. John Bradbury, fined £1, for being absent when sum- moned as a grand juror. c 33 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Recognizances entered into. James Cole of Whadden, yeoman, in £40, with Robert Emerton of Whadden, farmer, and Anthony Scott of Adstock, yeoman, as sureties in £20 each, to be of good behaviour, and for his appearance in respect of the bastard child of Sarah Hill. William Arnold of Cheynes, yeoman, and John Batchellor, senior, of Amersham, in £40 each, for their appearance at the next session. p. 66. Discharged. George Tomlynson of Sympson, Thomas Farmer of Great Marlow, and Anne, his wife, William Lawly of Chettwood, William Hoell of Langley, William Reeve of Whadden, Christopher Smith, gentleman, and Edward Stile, both of Turfeild, George Smith of Hambledon, Thomas Heyward of Wooborne, John Carter, William Carter, and Robert Moone, all of Great Marlow, Stephen Bigges of Winslow, James Cole of Whadden, William Edmonds of Adstock, Nicholas Bigge of Winslow, Joan Hubocke of Brill, Elizabeth Allen of Taplow, Hester Hollis of , John Sheene of Winslow, George Carter of Stoney Stratford, Matthew Paine and John Oakley, both of Eaton, Daniel Kingham, and his wife, of Upton, Timothy West of Horton, John Fuller of Stanwell, John Johnson and William Thompson, both of Newport Pagnell, Richard Martin of Little Brickhill, Joseph Clifton of , Peter Horton and Miles Norman, both of Iver, Thomas Ball and Joseph Newton, both of Walton in Aylesbury, William Arnold of Cheneys, John Stiles of Monks Risburgh, and John Bruce of Lavendon. p. 67. [Blank].

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHESHAM 9 October, 1679 [31 Charles II] p. 68. Jurors for the body of the County. Robert Worrall, gentleman, William Lamborne, John Horton, junior, Thomas Ray, William Greene, Edward 34 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1679. Tombs, William Parker, junior, Richard Cox, James Hunt, Stephen Hunt, John Deane, Richard Perryman, John Beckly, Bernard Collyns, Thomas Woodman, Thomas Wigge, William Peirson, Robert Honnor, and John Bowler. (Signed) Thomas Edgerlye, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for special cases. Jurors for the cases against Kelham Hebbes and William Bates:— John Gilby, Thomas Reynolds, Charles Bray, Richard Ware, Zaccheus Hawks, Edward Baldwin, William Groome, Michael Desburgh, Joseph Moore, Edward Payne, Daniel Tokefeild, and william Almond. (Signed) Thomas Edgerlye, esquire, sheriff. p. 69. Indictments. Kelham Hebbes of , for stealing a bushel of wheat, value 10d. [And see post, p. 75]. William Edmonds of Little Wolston, for assaulting Robert Hitchcock at Aylesbury, and Mary Midleton at Little Wolston. Peter Horton of Iver, for using insulting words about the justices. [And see post, pp. 75 and 76]. Edward Hadgood and George Horrwood, both of Aylesbury, for “forcible entry and deteyner.” [And see post, p. 76]. Samuel Treacher, junior, of Chesham, for assaulting Daniel Garment and Elizabeth, his wife. [And see post, p. 76]. John Lunne of Iver, for insulting Mr. Berringer. (Removed by certiorari). Timothy West of Horton, for disobeying an order of court. (Died). Edward Urlyn of Langley, for destroying game. [And see post, p. 76]. Ananias Barnaby of Bransfee in Hugendon, for fishing in the ponds of Charles Dormer, esquire. William Bates of Waddesdon, for stealing a petticoat, value 6d. [And see post, p. 75]. 35 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 70. Presentments. John Temple of Great Kimble, John Howse and Katherine, his wife, and Finch Howse, all of Berton, James Buckland of Radnedge, Mrs. Mary Busby of Hogstone, Jane, wife of Richard Hobby, of [Ickford], and Matthew Paine and John Oakly, both of Eaton, for recusancy. Henry Towerton of Saunderton and his wife, and George Pewsy, Stephen Pewsy, Thomas Pewsy and his wife, and Henry Pewsy, all of Beconsfeild, for being absent from church. Anne Grizzill and Nicholas Humfrey, both of Wendover, for bastardy. Robert Horwood of Tingwick, for “pound breach by unlockinge the pound and takeinge out one horse.” Richard Holtham, John Fryer, and William Webb, constables of Great Marlow, for not presenting John Brinckhurst and other popish recusants. Jonathan Upp, constable of Fawly, and Richard Wattson, constable of Ipstone, for not making their presentments. John Goodman, Robert Prince, and Thomas Dimmuck, all of Winge, for “puttinge themselves out of service.” Henry Paley of Amersham and “Widdow” Kinge of Upton, for keeping disorderly alehouses. Alexander Ayres of Chesham, for refusing to watch. The constables of Aston and Waldridge, for not making their presentments. William Cock, senior, of Cholesbury, for “laynge dunge in the high way and obstructing the way and spoyling the water.” p. 71. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers' salaries. Order extending the recognizances of the following until the next session:—William Smith, alias Bulkey Browne, Jenkin Tompson, John Saunders and Margaret, his wife, and John Crosse, all of Tingewick. 36 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1679. John Chapman to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of St. Leonards in Aston Clynton. Order adjourning the consideration of the differences between the inhabitants of Ivinghoe and Aston and John concerning rates. p. 72. John Alcroft, “an idle loose wandringe person,” who was committed to gaol for want of sureties, is ordered to be discharged, and the constables of East Cleydon are ordered to restore to him “all such Clothes of woolen and Linnen as were layd in their Custody.” Elizabeth Gibson, widow, to be allowed 10s. a month by the overseers of Wendover. Nathaniel Horod (Horrwood) to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of . Robert Heyward to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Agmondisham. p. 73. Order confirming a report of certain justices concerning the differences between Chalfont St. Peters, Fullmer, and Hedgerly, over the conveyance of cripples. The report stated that the justices had been informed “by severall Anncient witnesses” that “for threescore years past all Creeples that were brought to Denham to goe Oxon and Worcester roades were conveyed from thence to Fullmer, from thence to Hedgerly, and from thence to Beaconsfeild, they being the next parishes adjoyneinge for Conveniency, though Iver doth intervene. And that all Creeples brought to Denham to be carryed to Aylesbury and Banbury and that road were conveyed from Denham to Chalfont St. Peters, from thence to Chalfont St. Giles, and soe on; and further that Sir Marmaduke Darrell and Sir Sampson Darrell, formerly dwellinge att Fullmer, and Sir Henry Drurey, formerly dwellinge att Hedgerly, and then Justices of the peace of the said County, did never oppose the Conveyance 37 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. of Creeples in manner as is before sett forth. Wee thinke itt proper to continue the Anncient Usage.” [And see ante, p. 27]. p. 74. Joseph Herritage to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Iver. Joshua Taylor of Burnham, clerk, to “ be admitted to a pension of 40s. per annum, to begin att the first death or removeall of any of the now pensioners.” p. 75. Peter Horton of Iver, who pleaded guilty of “speak- inge approbious and vilifyinge words of Mr. Berringer and all the Justices of the peace,” is ordered to be committed to gaol until he pays his fine of £2. Kelham Hebbes, convicted of stealing a bushel of wheat, value 10d., and William Bates, convicted of stealing a petticoat, value 6d., are ordered to “be made fast to the breech of a Cart and stript naked from the wast upward this proximate fryday, about one of the Clock in the afternoone, and whipt from the Mercatt house in Chesham to the greate Elme att the upper end of the street, and soe downe to the Mercatt place againe, untill their bodys be bloody.” Henry, son of Michael Butterfeild, to be provided with “one suite of wearinge Clothes” by the overseers of Iver, who are “soe to continue him in necessary clothes untill the two next Justices of the peace for this County shall thinke fitt to alter the same.” [And see post, p. 82]. Order adjourning the consideration of the differences between Waddesdon and Ham [Woodham]. [And see post, pp. 88-89]. p. 76. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Peter Horton of Iver fined £2, for insulting Mr. Berringer and others. Edward Hadgood of Aylesbury fined 3s. 4d., for forcible entry and detainer. 38 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1679. Edward Urlyn of Langley Marish fined 3s. 4d., for destroying game. Samuel Treacher, junior, of Chesham fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting Daniel Garment and his wife. Robert Moon of Great Marlow, farrier, forfeits his recognizance of 10s. for non-appearance, and his sureties, John Bedder and Ralph Dean, forfeit 10s. each. Recognizances entered into. Thomas Elliott of Great Marlow, butcher, in £10, with Thomas Perryman and Ralph Sheepwash, both of Great Marlow, labourers, as sureties in £5 each, to keep the peace towards John Law. William Edmonds of Little Wolston and Henry Taylor of Fingest, tailor, both in £40, for their appearance at the next session. Richard Chaundler of Drayton Parslow, farmer, in £40, with John Turney of Slapton and William Stonhill of Stewkly as sureties in £20 each, to keep the peace towards his wife. Edward Toms of Barton Hartshorne, yeoman, in £40, for his appearance at the next session, and to be of good behaviour. p. 77. Discharged. William Dudley of Great Woolstone, Hannah Ives of Chalfont St. Peter, James Cole of Whadden, John Borlase, esquire, Robert Chesswell, Jeremiah Goodchild, Ralph Sheepwash, Thomas Elliott, Richard Chase, John Heyward, Sarah Tomlins, and Sarah Grey, all of Great Marlow, Thomas Terry of Chesham, Francis Barnaby of Bransfee, William Bates of Denham, Edward Hadgood of Aylesbury, Peter Horton of Iver, Anne, wife of Stephen Mansfeild of Marsh Gibbon, Richard Chaundler of Drayton Parslowe, Kelham Hebbes of Bletchly, Sextus Avery and William Kinge, both of Swanborne, William Stonehill of Stewkly, John Hollyman of Iver, Anne Knollton of Wexham, Matthew Ride and Edward Urlyn, both of Langley, and Robert Fortune of Great Marlow. 39 ______


CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 15 January, 1679-80 [31 Charles II] p. 78. Jurors for the body of the County. William Hills, gentleman, John Kippinge, junior, William Almond, Stephen Ives, Thomas Oliver, John Symonds, Angel Mantell, John Griffin, Richard Greene, John Seabrooke, John Heale, James Howes, John Wheeler, Richard Chandler, Thomas Johnson, Jonathan Butterfeild, William Sparke, George Grove, Bernard Fountaine, Peter Woodward, Nicholas Lucas, Thomas Hogge, and Joseph Markham. (Signed) Francis Knollys, esquire, sheriff. p. 79. Indictments. Thomas Walton of Lurgashall, for stealing “one asse,” value 11d. [And see post, p. 86]. William North, junior, of Fingest, for encroaching upon the common. John Ferrers, alias Turnor, junior, of Fingest, for assaulting William North. Abel Robinson of Wooborne , for entertaining an inmate. Thomas Weedon, Matthew Crane, and William Beck, all of Wooborne, for assaulting Susan, wife of Daniel Kingham. [And see post, p. 108]. Matthew Backhurst of , for damming up the water which runs from Thornton to Stony Stratford. William Turney and Roger Buncker, both of Slapton, for keeping guns and greyhounds contrary to the statute. Mary Lane, widow, Samuel Godfrey, Robert Clifton, Thomas Mercer, William Godfrey, Richard Adams, and Richard Weston, all of Eekly, for not repairing the highways there. The inhabitants of Edlesburgh, for not repairing Pavy Lane. The inhabitants of Aylesbury, for not repairing the road from Kingsbury, over Wemans bridge, to Winslow. 40 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1679-80. p. 80. Presentments. John Temple of Great Kimble, yeoman, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howse, gentleman, all of Berton, Matthew Paine and Joan, his wife, and John Oakely, all of Eaton, Mr. Thomas Farmer, Anne Barnes, widow, and Mr. John Brinckhurst, all of Great Marlow, James Buckland of Radnedge, and Mrs. Mary Busby of Hogston, for recusancy. Thomas Hardwell, Elizabeth West, Elizabeth Tovey, and Katherine, wife of John Atkinson, all of Turfeild with Ipstone, Robert Wingrove and Sarah, his wife, and Henry Towerton, all of Saunderton, and George Pewsy, Stephen Pewsy, Thomas Pewsy and his wife, and Henry Pewsy, all of Beconsfeild, for being absent from church. Joseph Monck of Hulcott, for a “new errect cottage.” The constables of Aston Mullins and Waldridge, for not making any presentments. Christopher Ridgly of Newport P[agnell], for keeping a disorderly alehouse. The lord of the manor of Fullmer, for not repairing a certain bridge. Richard Grove of Headsor, for refusing to pay the constables’ rate, and for refusing to watch. Richard Freer of Ch[epping] Wiccomb, for not repairing a bridge in Marsh green. p. 81. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. . . . . John Francklyn vice John Rogers. Wadesdon town . . William Immes and William Rice vice John Bridges and Peter Beck. Ham . . . . John Griffith vice Robert Irish. Stoke Mandaville. . John Brill and Robert Bass vice John Glassington and Henry Gardner. Stoke Hamond . . Thomas Fowler vice Anthony Rutly. Wooborne. . . . Thomas Everett vice Christopher East. Bradenham . . Nicholas Fellow vice Edward Lambath. p. 82. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. 41 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Ralph Welles, who was bound over to appear at this session to answer for a misdemeanour, is now reported to be in gaol at Newgate for felony. His recognizance is, therefore, extended until the next session, and his sureties, Christopher Johnson and John Bedder, are discharged. Order that Anne Cartwright, widow, and her five children (with the exception of the eldest son, who was born at Chinner, co. Oxford), shall be settled “in the forrens of Cheppinge Wiccombe,” unless that parish shews good cause to the contrary. Order for the settlement of John Upton at Wavendon. Order cancelling the order made at the last session concerning the relief of Henry Butterfeild of Iver. [And see ante, p. 75]. p. 83. Order confirming a warrant removing Thomas Collins and his wife from Penne to Hackney, co. Middlesex. Collins had twice been sent back irregularly from Hackney, although there had been no appeal from the warrant. p. 84. John Leach licensed to keep an alehouse in Amersham. Order that the poor rate at Ivinghoe shall be levied “accordinge to 12d. in the pound and not otherwise.” Robert Keene to be allowed such an amount as the mayor and justices of the borough of Cheppinge Wiccombe shall think fit. George Steward and his wife to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Brill. William Thorne to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Berton. 42 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1679-80. p. 85. Order that “if any person or persons, inhabitants of Aylesbury, whatsoever shall goe and begge att any Inne gate or otherwise, shall nott only be apprehended by the Constables and Tythingmen there and conveyed to the howse of Correction in Aylesbury . . . but also shall forthwith to be expunged out of the Pension Roll for the releife of the poore of Aylesbury.” Mary Payton to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Aylesbury. Order that John Butcher, a prisoner for debt in Aylesbury gaol, shall remain in custody, according to the provisions of the act for the relief of poor prisoners for debt, “dureinge such time as Mr. Hart, his creditor, shall weekly allow and pay him one shillinge and sixepence, accordinge as the said Act dirrects, and in case of default of payment thereof the said Butcher to be dischardged, accordinge to the intent and true meaneinge of the said Act.” Order increasing the pensions paid to John Winter of Chersly and Thomas Cowly by £2 a year each. p. 86. “Whereas John Stevens of Westwiccombe in this County, victualler, hath shewed unto this Court that upon the fifteenth day of September last past, he haveinge notice of a Robbery committed by three highwaymen in the parish of Westwiccombe aforesaid, did ymediately persue the said Robbers, and, att or neer Maydenhead, did apprehend two of the said Robbers and carryed them before Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., . . . before whome they confessed the said Robbery, haveinge some of the goods about them soe by them taken.” The highwaymen were committed for trial. Stevens declared “that, in pursuit and takeinge of the said fellons, he did spoile a good horse and lay out and spend money, and was bound to prosecute the said fellons.” The court, “takeinge into consideration the good service the said Stevens hath done . . . and as an Incouragment to all persons doeinge their Duties in apprehendinge and takeinge of fellons,” ordered Mr. Thomas Freer, County treasurer, to 43 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. pay him £12, namely £10 for himself and £2 for John Collyer, who assisted him. Thomas Walton, who pleaded guilty of stealing “one femal asse,” value 11d., from John Risley, esquire, is ordered to be whipped “at the post untill his body be bloody.” [And see post, p. 95 and p. 100]. p. 87. Order that “the matters in Varriance touching the Arrears of the moneys upon the Poores Rate chardged upon the Parsonage of Wendover in the said County, in the yeares 1677, 1678, and 1679, concerninge Joshua Lomax, esquire, Mr. Edward Heyminge, Mr. Edward Jolley, Mr William Brudenell, Mr. Humphrey Sheldon, and Mr. Thomas Smith, and also touchinge the Arrears of Mr. Cock for his Lands,” shall be referred to Thomas Egleton of Ellesburgh and Francis Harris of Great Missendon, gentlemen, for examination and report. The County treasurer is ordered to provide an allowance of 2s. 6d. a week for the maintenance of the bastard daughter of Susan Reymond, a prisoner in the gaol at Aylesbury. He is also to pay 15s. to Mr. Birtch, the gaoler, for money already spent on maintenance. pp. 88-89. The inhabitants of Woodham “sett forth to this Court that they live in a Hamlett in the parish of Waddesdon, they pay Tithes to the Parson of Waddesdon, and repair to Waddesdon Church, there beinge noe Church or Chappell of Ease within their Hamlett of Woodham. They alsoe sett forth that they pay all greate Taxes with the parish of Waddesdon, and therefore pray they may be joyned with the parish of Waddesdon in all Taxes for the Releife of the poore, accordinge to the statute of 43rd of Elizabeth, which provides that every parish shall mainetaine their owne poor. On the behalfe of Waddesdon itt was alleadged that they never were joyned in any Rate for releife of the poore since the said statute of the 43 of Elizabeth, that, in or about the yeare 1662, there were Articles of agreement made between the inhabitants of Waddesdon and 44 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1679-80. the inhabitants of Woodham that they should releive their owne poore seperately and not joyntly. . . . They further sett forth that, although Tythes and greate Taxes have beene joyntly paid, as the inhabitants of Woodham have alleadged, yett they were allways devided touchinge the repaire of the high waies, and they did never yett joyne in any Rate for the poore, and therefore hope that they shall nott bee compelled by this Court to releive the poore of the Hamlett of Woodham.” The court ordered that “the matter in Law” should be submitted to the judges at the next assizes. p. 90. Recognizances forfeited. Thomas Ladmaine of Burnham and William Saunders of Langley, sureties for Margaret, wife of John Saunders, forfeit £5 each for her non-appearance. John Herbert of , yeoman, forfeits £10 for non-appearance, and his surety, William Lawceby of Hanslope, yeoman, forfeits £5. Recognizances entered into. Abel Robinson of Wooborne, butcher, and William Edmonds of Aylesbury, yeoman, in £40 each, for their appearance at the next session. Recognizances extended. Ralph Welles of the city of London, goldsmith, in £20. Robert Drew of Wooborne in £10, and his sureties, Zaccheus Heydon and Richard Fellow, in £5 each. p. 91. Discharged. John Crosse of Tingewick, Jenkin Tompson, William Smith, alias Browne, and Thomas Elliott, all of Great Marlow, Richard Chandler of Drayton Parsloe, Edward Tombs of Barton Hartshorne, yeoman, William Turner of Westwiccombe, John Wick of Great Marlow, George Lowerton of Little Missendon, Abel Robinson of Wooborne, John Turner, junior, of Fingest, Robert Moone of Great Marlow, John Rowse of Lavendon, John Abraham and William 45 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Borne, both of Ludgershall, Dorothy Smith and Sarah Kinge, both of Great Kimble, John Osborne of Colebrooke, William Edmonds of Aylesbury, and Henry Stevens of Bledlow. pp. 92-93. [Blank].

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 22 April, 1680 32 [Charles II p. 94. Jurors for the body of the County. John Desburrough, Matthew Butterfeild, John Daveny, John Younge, senior, Henry Puttenham, Thomas Symonds, William Welch, Thomas Thorne, Samuel Turpin, Thomas Horrwood, William Inns, Edward Boswell, Thomas Warringe, Thomas Cooper, Robert Adams, Mark Parker, Thomas Eeles, William Rice, Edward Dorrell, Robert Streame, William Wigge, John Yates, senior, and John Yates, junior. (Signed) Francis Knollys, esquire, sheriff. p. 95. Indictments. Anne Curtis of Great Marlow, for assaulting Mary, wife of Richard Whaley. William Frarey and Thomas Wright, both of Great Marlow, for assaulting Richard Humfry. [And see post, p. 106]. Thomas Walton of Lurgashall, for stealing a “weather sheep,” value 11d., from John Follyott. [And see ante, p. 86, and post, p. 100]. John Stone of Chepinge Norton, co. Oxford, for assaulting Nathaniel Kent. Richard Redrop of Penne, for assaulting and insulting Sir Dennis Hampson. [And see post, p. 108]. Martin Hooten, William Watts, and William Betts, junior, all of Whadden, for forgery. [And see post, p. 108]. John Greene, Abraham Day, senior, and Abraham Day, 46 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1680. junior, all of Winslow, for assaulting Thomas Benboe. [And see post, p. 108]. John Nash and Richard Saunders, both of Aylesbury, for “rescues.” Mary, wife of Richard Chardge, George Chardge, and Edward Humphrey, all of Wendover, for a riot and for assaulting Nathaniel Withers. Stephen Temple and Richard Ludgate, both of Whadden, for a riot and for pulling down an outhouse. [And see post, p. 121]. Robert Moone of Lane End in Great Marlow, for assault- ing Thomas Wingrove. [And see post, p. 130]. Thomas Whipham of Blechly, for trading as a grocer contrary to the statute of 5 Elizabeth. p. 96. Presentments. John Howse, and his wife, and Finch Howse, their son, all of Berton, John Temple of Great Kimble, Mr. Brinckhurst, Mr. Farmer, and Mrs. Barnes, all of Great Marlow, and James Buckland of Radnedge, for recusancy. George Pewsy, Stephen Pewsy, Thomas Pewsy and his wife, and Henry Pewsy, all of Beconsfeild, for being absent from church. Richard Rogers and [blank] Webbe, widow, both of Great Missendon, Isaac Pauly and Matthew Goodman, both of Wavendon, and John Bayley and John Drapier, both of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Daniel Mott of Chesham, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Christopher Willins and Ralph Noon, both of Winslow, for harbouring vagrants. The constables of Aston Mullins and Waldridge, for not making any presentments. p. 97. Chief constables sworn. Ayl[esbury] . . Ralph Towne of Bledlow and Henry Whitchurch of Stoke Mandavile, gentlemen, vice John Welch and Samuel Gurney. 47 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Ashe[ndon] . . William Stevens of Granburrough and Richard Madge of Long Crendon, gentlemen, vice Thomas Folyett and Edward Hassell. Buck[ingham] . . Henry Markham, junior, of Tingewicke and John Cheneles of Thornton, gentlemen, vice John Burtwhistle and Joseph Baldinge. Newport . . . . Richard Goodman of Simpson and Thomas Peirson of Newport, gentle- men, vice William Hartley and John Cripps. Stoke . . . . Thomas West of Eaton and Luke Garnon of Denham, gentlemen, vice Thomas Burcomb and James Smith. Desb[orough] . . Thomas Wigge of Hugendon and George Smith of Hambledon, gentlemen, vice John Hill and Robert Chessall. Burn[ham] . . William Beale of Chesham and Ralph Wetherly of Chalfont St. P[eters], gentlemen, vice Ferdinand Shrimpton and William Fellow. Cotts[low] . . . . Nicholas Gafeild of Wingrove and Robert Badrick of Abbotts Aston, gentlemen, vice Humphrey Paine and Thomas Apsley. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s bench and Marshalsea . . . .Henry Bunne of Chesham and William Dudley of Great Wolstone vice John Ludgold and Christopher Rook. For the maimed soldiers . . . . Timothy Doily of Hambledon, gentle- man, and Thomas Ladyman of Marsh Gibbon vice Robert Eales and Richard Mayo. 48 ______

EASTER SESSION, l680. pp. 98-99. Petty constables sworn. Waddesdon . . John Bowden vice William Elmes. Bottle Cleydon . . Robert Hughes vice Thomas Hughes. Little Marlow . . Thomas Medwin vice William Carter. Ellesburgh. . . . Stephen Gome and Edmund Neighbour vice John Wade and Thomas Tayler. Hogshaw . . . . William Ellmerer vice John Right. Stony Stratford Westside . . Gabriel Penne vice Thomas Harris. Cudington . . William Dickinson vice [blank]. Ovenge . . . . Richard Denchfeild vice John Chripps. Kingsey . . . . Thomas Birtch vice Geoffrey Chripps. Stone . . . . Christopher Turner vice Francis Cleydon Foore . . . . Jonathan Cope vice Richard Smith. Walton . . . . Thomas Barnaby, junior, and Thomas Humfrey, junior, vice Thomas Ball and Thomas Clarke. Bransfee . . . . Richard Anthony vice John Hawes. Little Missendon . . Richard Mills and Daniel Anderson vice Henry Puttenham and John Stallyon. Great Kimble . . Francis Carter vice Robert Reynolds. Illmore . . . . Thomas Gome, junior, and William Cannon vice [blank] and John Towne. Dorney . . . . William Smith vice Godfrey Bernard. Boveny . . . . William Oliver vice Richard Webbe. Cippingham . . Francis Ive vice Richard Curtis. East Burnham . . Henry Goldinge vice William Bass. Sherrington . . Thomas Courd vice William Feild. Berton . . . . Thomas Syres vice John Hicks. Beconsfeild . . Francis Figge, William Grave, and Robert Bewcsick vice William Colen William Newingeton, and John Dolley. Aylesbury. . . . Daniel Delafeild and William Brooks vice [blank]. Stone . . . . John Mortimer vice John Fenner. Great Kimble . . John Crooke vice Richard Warden. Medmenham . . Edward Addams vice Thomas Grove. Hambledon . . John Gray and Isaac Chowne vice Francis Sharpe and George Rockall. D 49 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Westwiccomb . . Edward Randoll, Edward East, and William Wallis vice John Cracknell, James Newman, and John Beadieant. Wiccomb Forrens . . George Salter vice Matthew Dennis. Hugendon . . Samuel Lane vice Thomas Broadwater. Turfeild . . . . Thomas Barney vice William Benninge. Drayton Parsloe . . James Gardner and John Perrott vice William Peirce and Thomas Welles. Datchett . . . . William Welch and William Rutter vice John Ford and Roland Williams. Eaton . . . . George Davis vice William Cleydon. Upton . . . . Thomas Keene vice Peter Hughes. Wexham . . . . Thomas Lovejoy vice Stephen Longe. p. 100.Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order adjourning the trial of Joseph Jilks. Thomas Walton, who pleaded guilty to stealing a sheep, value 11d., from Thomas Follyatt, is ordered to be whipped at the tail of a cart “from the Goale doore to the George signe post in Aylesbury and downe again to the goale doore untill his body bee bloudy.” [And see ante, p. 86]. Order that the overseers of Illmore shall “place another Inhabitant in the howse where Emma Bigge dwells, they errectinge a Chimney and makeinge another doore.” Similar order for the house where Thomas Kinge dwells. p. 101. Anne Cartwright, widow, to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of “the Forrens of Cheppinge Wiccombe.” Order that Richard Tidder, junior, William Worcester, Thomas Briginshaw, and Robert Nash, all of St. Leonards in Aston Clynton, shall at once pay Thomas Ayres £3. 11s. 10d., under penalty of arrest for default. 50 ______

EASTER SESSION, l680. Sarah, wife of John Groome, to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Horton. p. 102. Order removing Robert Bandey from Great Horrwood to Wavendon. Leave to appeal granted. [And see post, pp. 120 and 127]. Order removing John Mills from Fenny Stratford to Whitchurch. Leave to appeal granted. Walter White to be allowed 2s. 3d. a week by the overseers of Wootten Underwood. Order referring to certain justices the consideration of the allowance of 2s. 6d. a week paid to George Steward and his wife by the inhabitants of Brill. p. 103. “Whereas Edward Jolley of Wendover, clerk, was lately distrained for nott payinge to the poores Rate, and the distresse, beinge a Cowe and a Heifer, beinge yett in Custody and nott sold,” Jolley is ordered to pay Thomas Machell 36s. 4d. or the animals will be sold. Upon the complaint of the overseers of Wendover that “Edward Jolley, the minister of the said parish, refused to suffer the said Overseers to have a view of the Register Booke for buryals belonginge to the said parish, by reason of which refuseall the said Overseers could nott gett their accounts passed,” Jolley is ordered to hand the book over to certain justices, who were appointed to settle the dispute. p. 104. The overseers are ordered to pay John Bowden and Samuel Bampton £5. 2s. 11d. and 10s. 10d., “for their reasonable chardges.” Order adjourning the consideration of the repair of the highway leading from Aylesbury to Broughton. Order referring the differences between Robert Keene and the inhabitants of Wiccombe to certain justices. 51 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Alexander Dover and John White, petty constables of Aylesbury, paid into court the sum of £2. 10s. 6d., which had been levied upon certain persons convicted of “beinge att a Conventicle.” The money was “divided publicly in Court, accordinge to the Act of Parliament and paid accord- ingly, videlicet. £ s. d. “To the Sherriffe ...... - 16 10 To the informer ...... - 16 10 To the poore of the parish of Aylesbury ...... - 16 10 2 10 4” [sic]. Order that the overseers of Whitchurch may discontinue their allowance of 1s. 6d. to Thomas Curtis, provided that they find him “constant worke.” p. 105. Order confirming the “Rates for servants wages, Artificers, and Laborers Sett and agreed upon att Easter Sessions, 1676.” Mr. Thomas Freer ordered to pay Mr. Thomas Barnewell, under-sheriff, £2. 6s. 0d. for building a new gallows, and 17s. for the maintenance of a bastard child born in the gaol. Elizabeth Stiles, widow, committed to gaol until she pays Joseph Stanmer 10s. 4d., “for standinge wages due to him.” Rachel Evans to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Whadden. The County Treasurer is ordered to pay the clerk of the peace £20,” for his expenses, paines, and dilligence in the execution of a speciall Commission and orders from his Majesty and Privy Councell.” Henry Eelinge to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Nash. 52 ______

EASTER SESSION, l680. Order cancelling two previous orders made for the relief of Richard Townsend and “Widdow” Payton, both of Aylesbury. p. 106. Recognizances forfeited. Edward Mitchell of Hambledon, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £80 for non- appearance, and his surety, John Mitchell of Ipstone, labourer, forfeits £40. William Frarey and Thomas Right, both of Great Marlow, bargemen, forfeit their recognizances of £40 each for non-appearance, and their sureties, Thomas Duffin, glazier, and Silvester Carter, carrier, both of Great Marlow, forfeit £20 each for each default. Gilbert Painter of Hanslope, butcher, forfeits his recog- nizance of £10 for non appearance, and his sureties, William Painter, butcher, and Hugh Renne, farmer, both of Hanslope, forfeit £5 each. p. 107. Recognizance entered into. Edward Jolley of Wendover, clerk, in £40, for his appearance at the next session, and to be of good behaviour. Recognizances extended. Thomas Pease of Winslow, gardener, in £40, with Thomas Goodwin and John Ambrose, both of Winslow, yeomen, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Anne Oliver. p. 108. Fines and issues. Thomas Lake of Buckland, gentleman, Richard Tidden, junior, of Aston Clinton, and Thomas Swannell of Brill, fined 13s. 4d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. John Greene, Abraham Day, senior, and Abraham Day, junior, all of Winslow, for assaulting Thomas Benboe; the first fined £1; the other two fined 5s. each. Thomas Weedon and Matthew Crane fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Susan Kingham. 53 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Richard Redrope fined £5, for assaulting and insulting Sir Dennis Hampton, Bart., “but upon further submission reduced to £1.” Martin Hooten, William Watts, and William Betts fined 3s. 4d. each, for forging a certificate. p. 109. Discharged. Edward Tombs of Barton Hartshorne, Richard Potter and Henry Gladman, both of Newport Pag[nell], Thomas Ludgate, Stephen Temple, and Richard Ludgate, all of Whadden, Thomas Gubbins, Abraham Day, senior, and Abraham Day, junior, all of Winslow, William Hiddand of East Cleydon, Richard Tringe and John Greene, both of Window, Richard Chaundler of Drayton Parsloe, Caleb Walker of Tablow, Nathaniel Kent of Buckingham, James Chamberlyn of Steeple Cleydon, Robert Ashby of Tingewick, Robert Haltham and Katherine Holdernesse, both of Great Marlow, John Arnold of Hedgerly, Martin Hooten, William Watts, William Betts, junior, and Richard Ludgate, all of Whadden. William Thompson and John Baldwin, both of Stoney Stratford, and Richard Redrope of Penne. pp. 110-111. [Blank].

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 15 July, 1680 [32 Charles II] p. 112. Jurors for the body of the County. John Garrett, gentleman, Roger Hoare, John Benham, Thomas Saunders, William , William Seare, Richard Lea, Thomas Gibbs, Henry Thorpe, William Hazell, Thomas Kinge, John Woollhead, Nathaniel Weedon, John Sawell, John Bradbury, William Illinge, Richard Swaine, John Brincklee, William Tompkins, John Johnson, and John Newman. (Signed) Francis Knollys, esquire, sheriff. 54 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, l680. Jurors for special cases. Jurors for the cases against Samuel Godfrey and others, and the inhabitants of Clifton Reynes. Joseph Churchill, Henry Markham, Richard Durrant, John Perkins, John Yates, John Hickman, John Robinson, William Upidge, Christopher Ellis, Richard Lawton, John Durrant, and John Scriven. (Signed) Francis Knollys, esquire, sheriff. p. 113. Indictments. Thomas Holdan of Nash in Whadden, for assaulting William Willis. [And see post, p. 121]. Richard Holtham, petty constable of Great Marlow, for disobeying a warrant. [And see post, p. 130]. Thomas Worrall of Whadden, and Alice, his wife, for diverting a watercourse so that it overflowed into the house of Thomas Ludgate. Thomas Benboe of Winnslow, for assaulting Abraham Day, senior. The inhabitants of , Ashwood, , Chickesly, and North Crawly, for not repairing their highways. p. 114. Presentments. John Temple of Great Kimble, yeoman, Mr. John Howse and his wife, and Finch Howse, gentleman, their son, all of Broughton in Berton, Mr. John Brinckhurst, Mr. Thomas Farmer, and Mrs. Elizabeth Barnes, all of Great Marlow, and James Buckland of Radnedge, for recusancy. Henry Towerton of Saunderton, for being absent from church. Henry Olliffe of Broughton in Berton, for “con- tinuing” a cottage. The constables of Aston Mullins, Waldridge, and , for not paying their “quarteridge” money. John Bayly, James Osborne, John Burridge, and John Drapier, all of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed ale- houses. 55 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. Robert Finsher of Cublington, for stopping up a water- course so that it overflows into the street. p. 115. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Boveny . . . . John Godfrey vice Richard Richardson. Burnham . . . . Abraham Medwin and William Harvey vice John Ascue and Thomas Goddard. Cheynes . . . . Daniel Arnold vice [blank]. Steeple Cleydon . . Edward Wallington and Thomas Snow vice Thomas Kibble and John Coxe. Aylesbury . . Joseph Brasbridge vice Ambrose Todd. Wooborne . . . . Edward Tredway and Hugh Crane vice James Spooner and Zaccheus Heydon. Denham . . . . Peter Moxley vice Hugh Jenings. p. 116. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. “Whereas divers and sundry good subjects of our soveraigne Lord the Kinge did this present sessions com- plaine to this Court of many and greater abuses to them lately done by the Collectors of his Majesties revenues, arriseinge by firehearths in this County, by takeinge Extortively of them many sums of money, and there beinge severall bills of Indictment by the Complainants preferred to the grand Jury against the delinquents, and after a longe heareinge of divers Just Complaints, well proved in Court against them, they produced a Certiorari to remove all proceedings against them into the King’s bench. Where- upon this Court thought fitt to order that they doe intend to make an adresse to the Kinge and Councell against the farmers of the said Revenue and their officers, for the regulateinge such greate and greivous oppressions of the people.” Upon the consent of Thomas Gibbs, lord of the manor of Preston Bissett, it is ordered that a cottage may be built 56 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, l680. upon a piece of ground there, called The Gleedon, for the use of Richard Gervas during his life. p. 117. Order adjourning the appeal of Whitchurch from an order made at the last session. [And see ante, p. 102]. Order that “£100 issues be sett upon” Mrs. Mary Lane of and her tenants unless they bring a certificate, before “next terme,” that the highways in Eekly have been repaired. [And see post, pp. 127, 138, 164]. Order that Robert Thorpe of Hardwick shall at once pay his servant, Robert Bayly, 42s. for wages and costs, under penalty of arrest. Order referring the differences between Michael Jenkins and the inhabitants of Cuddington to certain justices. p. 118. Order removing Thomas Clerke from Great Horrwood to Potters Perry, co. Northampton. Order that Thomas Seare shall be allowed such an amount by the overseers of Ratleise as the justices of the Buckingham division shall think fit. Order removing Thomas Tibby from Tingewick to Merton, co. Oxford. p. 119. Order that £20 shall be levied upon the inhabitants of the liberty of Lethenburgh for the repair of Lethenburgh bridge. Joseph Jilks and William Browning are ordered to collect the money and to repay to Mr. Cole and Mr. Robinson such money as they may spend on the rebuilding. p. 120. Order that Mr. Francis Woodcock of Great Horrwood, from whom Robert Bandey wishes to purchase a messuage, shall give an indemnity to the parish of Great Horrwood for any charges which this settlement may involve, until he can give a good title to Bandey and produce it at the next 57 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. “Court Leet and Barron.” [And see ante, p. 102 and post, p. 127]. Gabriel Andrews of Buckingham, labourer, “beinge suspected to be a popish Recusant,” appeared and took the oaths of supremacy and allegiance. Order that the question of the repair of Thornburrough bridge shall be referred to Mr. Woolhead for settlement. [And see post, p. 152]. p. 121. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Robert Ironmonger of Aylesbury, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non- appearance, and his sureties, John Ives, baker, and Robert Oliffe, labourer, both of Aylesbury, forfeit £10 each. Jeremy Sexton of Little Missendon, Henry Fenner and William Browne, both of Weston T[urville], and John Thorpe of Grandburrough, fined £1 each, for being about when summoned as jurors. Thomas Ladyman of Marsh Gibbon, gentleman, one of the treasurers for the maimed soldiers, fined £5, for not attending the court. Thomas Holdan fined 5s., for assaulting William Willis. Stephen Temple, Thomas Ludgate, and Richard Ludgate fined 3s. 4d. each, for rioting. p. 122. Recognizances entered into. William Goodson, junior, of Aston Abbotts, yeoman, in £10, with Thomas Goodson of Aston Abbotts, yeoman, as surety in £5, for his appearance at the next session in respect of the bastard child of Jane Illing. Thomas Cuddington, of Buckingham, tanner, in £40, with Robert French, cordwainer, and Samuel Owen, tobacconist, both of Buckingham, as sureties in £20 each, for his appearance at the next session. p. 123. [Blank.] 58 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, l680. MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHESHAM 7 October, 1680 [32 Charles II] p. 124. Jurors for the body of the County. William Bowyer, gentleman, Thomas Pitt, Thomas Cock, junior, Thomas Bastian, John Bardge, William Godwin, Thomas Tarbox, Isaac Gurney, Thomas Seare, Nathaniel Child, John Kinge, John George, Thomas Chapman, Nicholas Millward, Zachary Deane, Joseph Bamton, Richard Lamborne, Joseph Freer, James Smith, George Francklyn, Robert Chappell, Isaac Honnor, Richard Britton, William Harryotts, John Masters, John Phillips, and John Davies. (Signed) Francis Knollys, esquire, sheriff. p. 125. Indictments. Thomas Garrett of Denham, for assaulting Thomas Kinge. [And see post, p. 130]. Josias Parsons of Princes Risburgh, for being an “eaves dropper,” and for perjury. Peter Dicconson of Medmenham, for assaulting Thomas Johnson. William Cock, senior, of Princes Risburgh, for assaulting Frances, wife of William Currier. [And see post, p. 130]. John Sawell of , for “rescues,” and for assaulting William Homan. [And see post, p. 130]. p. 126. Presentments. John Howse, and his wife, and Finch Howse, all of Berton, James Buckland of Radnedge, and Mr. Thomas Farmer and Mrs. Barnes, both of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Mr. John Brinckhurst of Great Marlow, “a popish Recusant yett is a Beddrid man with the gowt.” Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Bidlesdon, for not attending church. Henry Olliffe of Berton, for a “new erect cottage.” John Bayly and John Drapier, both of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. 59 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. The constables of Winslow, , Upper Winchendon, Brill, Aston Mullins, and Waldridge, for not paying their quarteridge money. p. 127. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order that Henry Jugby of “the forens of Cheppinge Wiccombe” shall be paid such an allowance as certain justices think fit. Francis Nixon of Wendover is ordered to allow his servant, Joseph Lake, to attend the court at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Order confirming the order made for the settlement of Robert Bandey at Wavendon. [And see ante, pp. 102 and 120]. Order adjourning the” issues” against Mrs. Mary Lane. [And see ante, p. 117]. Order confirming the order made for the erection of a cottage upon the waste of the manor of Preston Bissett. [And see ante, p. 116]. p. 128. Robert Harris to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Ivinghoe. Order adjourning the appeal of William Goodson of Abotts Aston against a maintenance order. Order for the settlement of Thomas Clerke at Great Horwood, with John Clarke as his security. Order adjourning the question of the settlement of Richard Watts and his family at Datchett. Richard Piggott and David Hardinge admitted as County pensioners in place of the late Captain Feild of 60 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, l680. Wiccombe, whose yearly pension of £4 is to be divided equally between them. Ellen to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Ivingho. p. 129. Robert Keene to be allowed 10s. a quarter by the overseers of Cheppinge Wiccombe. If they refuse to make this allowance, a Wiccombe pensioner is to be discharged from his pension, and Keene is to be substituted. Richard Birtch of Chesham ordered to pay his servant, Sarah Shepard, 30s. which is due to her for wages. Order adjourning the consideration of the differences between Ivingho and Chalkmere in Ratleise. Joshua Turner licensed to sell beer and ale, and William Jenkins licensed to sell coffee. Order adjourning the appeal of Henry Churchill against a maintenance order. Miles Jenkins to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Cuddington. [And see post, p. 138]. p. 130. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. John Hickman of fined £1, for being absent when summoned upon a jury. Richard Holtham, constable of Great Marlow, fined 10s. [And see ante, p. 113]. Robert Moore fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Thomas Wingrove. Thomas Garrett fined £2, for assaulting Robert Kinge. John Sawell of Cheddinton, for assaulting William Holman, and for a “rescue,” fined 3s. 4d. for the first, and £1. 10s. for the second offence. William Cock, senior, of Princes Risburrough fined 13s. 4d., for assaulting Mary, wife of William Currier. 61 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Ralph Rutt of Beconsfeild, victualler, and Jane his wife, forfeit their recognizances of £10 each for non- appearance, and their sureties, Arthur Clisby, labourer, and John Abey, both of Beconsfeild, forfeit £5 each for each default. Thomas Bowler of Risburrow forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non-appearance, and his sureties, John Cock of Risburrow and Robert Haley of Cheppinge Wiccomb, forfeit £5 each. p. 131. [Blank].

CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 13 January, 1680-81 [22 Charles II] p. 132. Jurors for the body of the County. Henry Dancer, gentleman, William Almond, Edward Davison, Joseph Pedder, John Horton, junior, James Reynolds, John Cozens, Thomas Oliver, John Randoll, John Symonds, Thomas Beck, Thomas Sear, John Masson, John Parker, Joseph Markam, Richard Cox, John Perkins, junior, William Warr, Richard Waddupp, William Sparkes, George Grove, Thomas Leach, John Seabrook, Francis Seabrook, and Daniel Keene. (Signed) Roger Price, esquire, sheriff. pp. 133-134. Indictments. Robert Cubbidge of Brill, for “usinge a trade” contrary to the Statute. William Jeffes, Thomas Stockinge, Edward Taylor, Edward Hadgoodge [and see post, p. 142], John Grymes, William Druce, William Bell, Daniel Delafeild, Mary Toefeild, Richard Bunce, Daniel Parrish, Mary Jordan, Thomas Hall, William Adams, Richard Benninge, Anne Buttler, Dorothy Marsh, and John Hill, all of Walton in Aylesbury, “for nott sellinge a full quart of strong beer for 1d.” William Frarey, Edward Frith, and others, all of Great Marlow, for rioting and for cutting down trees. 62 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, l680-81. Thomas Andrews of Berton, Richard Whittmell, senior, and Richard How, both of Ham in Waddesdon, Daniel Ware, William Dell, Stephen Randoll, and George Feild, all of Chesham, Joseph Hardinge, Alexander Dover and Thomas Oliffe, all of Aylesbury, and Henry Proud and Jeremy Kingham, both of Aston Clynton, for being “higlers, alias carryers, buyinge and sellinge without lycense.” William Kinge of Princes Risburrow, for “nott keepinge the Assize in Candles.” Sir John Fortescue, Bart., of Salden, Sir Robert Throckmorton, Bart., of Weston Und[erwood], John Brinckhurst, esquire, Thomas Farmer, gentleman, and Elizabeth Barnes, all of Great Marlow, John Webb, gentleman, and his wife, of Peterly in Great Missendon, [blank] Longueville, widow, of Fullmer, John Howes, gentleman, of Berton, Anne Minshall, widow, Richard Minshall, esquire, and Jane Finch, widow, all of Buckingham, John Fortescue, esquire, and Dame Fortescue, widow of Sir Edward Fortescue, Knt., both of Soulberry, John Darrell, Henry Palmer, and Marmaduke Darrell, gentlemen, all of Dorney, for being popish recusants for three months. The inhabitants of Eekly, for not repairing Eekly Lane. Thomas Terrold, alias Tallwood, of Princes Risburrough, for” useinge a trade” contrary to the statute. The inhabitants of Slapton, for not scouring a river. p. 135. Presentments. Thomas Sheene of Walton in Aylesbury, for being “a common drunkard, a profane swearer, and a disturber of the peace.” William Weaver, Daniel Parrish, Robert Coxe, and John Pratt, all of Walton in Aylesbury, Simon Slater of Cuddington, Matthew Dancer of Princes Risb[orough], Dorothy Pitkin of Winslow, and Thomas Gray of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Jane Newell, widow, Richard Rose, junior, and William Plumridge, alias Ratt, all of Westwiccomb, for refusing to watch and ward. James Buckland of Radnedge, and Mr. John Brinckhurst, 63 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Mr. Farmer, and Mrs. Barnes, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Thomas Lane of Great Marlow, for being absent from church. Sir William Drake, Bart., of Amersham, presented by the constable of Little Missendon, for not repairing a footbridge between Little Missendon and Chesham. John Chrismas of Walton, for not doing his six days work on the highways. The constables of Iver, Hedgerly, and Wexham, for not making any presentments. Mr. Mosedell and Mr. Cane, both of Fullmer, for not repairing a footbridge leading from Mr. Mosedell’s land to Fullmer Church. “Widdow” Forster of Fullmer, for taking in Francis Allen and his wife as inmates. James Steeres, alias Stares, of Stony Stratford Eastside, for taking in inmates. p. 136. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order confirming the fines inflicted by certain justices upon several constables and upon the surveyors of the highways, at a special session held at Burnham. Thomas Cleer to be allowed 5s. a week by the overseers of Winchendon. p. 137. Order that the town of Buckingham shall pay 30s. costs to the overseers of Chalkmore in Ratley on account of their non-appearance at the hearing of the case of the settlement of the wife and children of the late Thomas Seare. Order cancelling an order of certain justices under which Thomas Stiles of Westwiccomb was to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week, as it appears that “he is a man of very able body to worke for his owne livelyhood.” 64 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1680-81. p. 138. Order adjourning the trial of the indictment against “Mr. Lane and his Tennants” for not repairing Eekly Lane in Stoke Goldington. [And see ante, p. 117, and post, 164]. Order confirming the allowance to be paid to Ellen Brackly of Ivinghoe. [And see ante, p. 128]. Robert Warner and his family to be allowed 5s. a week by the overseers of Fleete Marston. Order reducing to 1s. the allowance to be paid to Miles Jenkins of Cuddington. p. 139. Order adjourning the appeal of Iver against the removal of Richard Watts from Datchett. William Edwards to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Edgcott. Order confirming the allowance to be paid to Robert Harris of Ivinghoe. [And see ante, p. 128]. Order dismissing the appeal of Samuel Pery of Wendover against his assessment to the poor rate. Dorothy Pitkin of Winslow to be indicted for selling beer after being “suppressed.” [Blank] Poynter to be allowed 4s. a week by the overseers of Little Hampden. p. 140. Isabel Dormer to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of Wendover. “Whereas itt appeareth to this Court that John Clerk of Wendover, innholder, is a person of Ill life and conversation and one whoe commonly harboureth, lodgeth, and entertaineth in his barnes and outhouses Rogues and Vagabonds and such idle and disorderly persons, soe that the towne of Wendover aforesaid hath beene and yett is in greate daunger of being fired and burnt by them, it is therefore ordered E 65 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. that the said John Clerk be suppressed for three yeares for selling beer or ale (except to Travellers).” Richard Piggott of Wiccomb to be “discharged” from his pension, and Robert Keene of Wiccomb to take his place. William Newland’s pension increased by 40s. a year. p. 141. Order for the settlement of James Foster at Wingrove. William Oxlade, tenant to Richard Turner of Lane End, “suppressed” from selling beer for three years. Edward Hadgood of Aylesbury, who was indicted for “nott sellinge a full quart of stronge beer for a penny,” is discharged upon payment of a fine of 20s. [And see ante, p. 133]. p. 142. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. John Kippinge, junior, of Wendover and Henry Hill of Hadenham each fined £1, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Edward Hadgood of Aylesbury fined £1, for not selling strong beer at a penny a quart. William Massum of Parnesham, co. Northampton, yeoman, forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Richard Massum and John Wekes, both of Parnesham, labourers, forfeit £5 each. Recognizances entered into. Thomas Hicks, junior, and Thomas Hicks, senior, both of Marsh Gibbon, yeomen, in £40 each, in respect of the bastard child of Mary Butcher. Thomas Whippam of Blechly in £20, to appear and answer. p. 143. Discharged. Thomas Hicks of Marsh Gibbon, James Forster of Wingrove, Henry Taylor of Fingest, John Mossenden of Chepping Wiccomb, Henry Newell of Saunderton, John 66 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, l680-8l. Hilliard of Quainton, Thomas Hutchins of , Anne Hunt and Anne Dittus, both of Chalfont St. Peter, and Samuel Osborne of Burnham. pp. 144-145. [Blank].

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 14 April, 1681 [33 Charles II] p. 146. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Alexander, gentleman, William Edmonds, William Brooke, John Weston, Thomas Towersy, Robert Streame, Thomas Harris, Edward Dorrell, William Hazle, John Jeffes, Richard Sherriffe, Robert Lane, John Willins, William Bynion, Richard Sumner, Edward Bosewell, and Henry Rivis. Jurors for special cases. Jurors in the case against Thomas Whippham. John Bowler, Henry Honnor, William Woster, Henry Bass, John Boughton, John Verey, John Gouldsworth, Peter Gouldsworth, Richard Dossett, Thomas Ray, smith, William Welch, and John Welch. (Signed) Roger Price, esquire, sheriff. p. 147. Indictments. John Younge, Andrew Burrows, James Norwood, Andrew Walker, and Nathaniel Winfield, all of Amersham, “for beinge a Tranter and badger without Lycense.” Presentments. Mr. Thomas Moore, Mrs. Mary Longfeild, and Robert Blake, all of Fullmer, James Buckland of Radnedge, and Mr. John Brinckhurst, Mr. Thomas Farmer, and Mrs. Barnes, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Francis Cowdrey, Clement Welles, and Timothy Child, all of Hedgerly, for being absent from church. 67 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. John Drapier and “Widdow” Bayly, both of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Francis Allen of Fullmer and his wife, for being inmates “taken in by the Widdow Allen.” A bridge at Fullmer, as being out of repair, between Mr. Mosdell’s house and the church. p. 148. Chief constables sworn. Newport . . . . John Brincklow of Newton Longvile and John Boddington of Brafeild, gentlemen, vice Richard Goodman and Thomas Peirson. Buck[ingham] . . Edward Pallard of Thornburgh and Thomas Trent of Preston in Cowly, gentlemen, vice John Cheneles and Henry Markham. Ash[endon] . . John Tippinge of Wornall and William Greene of Waddesdon, gentlemen, vice Richard Madge and William Stevens. Ayles[bury] . . Robert Reynolds of Kimblewick and William Russell of Bransfee, gentle- men, vice Ralph Towne and Henry Whitchurch. Cottslo . . . . Christopher Payne of Cheddington and George Chesheir of Whitchurch, gentlemen, vice Nicholas Gayfield and Robert Badrick. Stoke . . . . John Smith of Langley and James Herne of Slow in Upton, gentlemen, vice Luke Garnon and Thomas West. Desb[orough] . . William Neighbour of Saunderton and Thomas Medwin of Little Marlow, gentlemen, vice Thomas Wrig and George Smith. Burn[ham] . . Matthew Butterfeild of Penne and John Fawsett of Beconsfeild, gentlemen, vice William Beale and Ralph Wetherly. 68 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1681. Treasurers sworn. For the maimed soldiers. . . . George Harris of Turweston and Edmund East of Westwiccomb, gentlemen, vice Thomas Ladyman and Timothy Doyly. For the King’s Bench and Marshalsea. . . Christopher Ellis of Hanslopp and George Ball of Amersham, gentlemen, vice William Dudley and Henry Bun. pp. 149-150 Petty constables sworn. Ellesburrough . . Richard Ward and Henry Bowler vice Edmund Neighbour and Stephen Gome. Bransfee . . . . Edward Fryer and George Russell vice Francis Putnham and Richard Miles. Little Missendon . . William Antony vice William Anderson. Chenys . . . . Henry Hardinge vice Daniel Arnold. Dorney . . . . John Warwick vice William Smith. East Burnham . . John Dod vice Henry Goldwin. Boveny . . . . John Freeman vice John Godfrey. Stoke Mandavile James Clarke vice William Blanckworth. Drayton Parslow . . Thomas Carter vice John Parrott. Cottingdon . . William Burnham vice William Dickson. Bishopstone . . Thomas Allen vice Christopher Turner. Boveny . . . . William Ive vice William Oliver. Sipenham . . . . William Stiles vice Francis Ive, deceased. Beconsfeild . . Thomas Evans and Nathaniel Dearne vice William Grove and Francis Figge. Aylesbury and John Hardinge, William Lee, Anthony District . . . . Todd, and Thomas Duncomb, junior, vice Peter Goldsworth, Alexander North, William Brooks, junior, and [blank]. Upper Winchendon William Bull vice Thomas Heyborne. Granburrough . . John Holland, senior, and John Wyatt, vice John Mountague and John Boyden. 69 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Easington in Thomas Saunders vice Richard . Chilton Wornall . . . . Richard Tippinge vice William Cannon. . . Richard Tattham, junior, and Thomas Brewer vice Ralph Stevens, senior, and Christopher Foster. East Cleydon . . John Stephens and Thomas Kinge vice Robert Hughes and John Miller. Bottle Cleydon . . William Barrett vice Francis Carter. Great Kimble . . Samuel Ginger vice John Crook. Little Kimble . . Daniel Buttler vice Thomas Liveinge. Hulcott . . . . Thomas Whitchurch vice Isaac Smith. Ovinge . . . . Robert Carter vice Richard Denchfeild. Aston Abbots . . Richard Green and John Betham vice Henry Stanbridge and Robert Jeffes. Medmenham . . Edward Hardinge vice Edward Adams. Hugendon . . William Newell vice Samuel Lane. Wiccomb Forrens David Shrimpton vice George Salter. Turfeild with Ezekiel Clarke and Thomas Ovey vice Ipstone Thomas Barney and Richard Wattson. Bradenham . . John Gunnell vice Nicholas Fellow. Little Marlow . . George Honnor vice Thomas Medwin. Hambledon . . William Walker vice John Gray. p. 151. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order adjourning the consideration of the indictment against Mr. Cane and Mr. Mosedell, for not repairing a footbridge between the latter’s house and Fullmer Church, until the case has been heard at the assizes. Order for the removal of Richard Watts from Datchett to Iver. Order referring to certain justices the differences between the overseers of Denham and Luke Garnon, Daniel Cogges, and Thomas Carter. 70 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1681. p. 152. Simon Slater of Cuddington, Silvester Lane of Dinton, and Matthew Dancer of Moncks Risburrough, “suppressed” from selling ale for three years. Order that Mary, wife of Thomas Mead, shall be discharged from the service of William Mathews at East Cleydon with Bottle Cleydon, and shall be settled at Chittwood. Order for the removal of Richard Miller, Agnes, his wife, and their five children from Winge to Kentish Towne, co. Middlesex. Order for the removal of Elizabeth Harwell and her children from Winge to Millbrooke, co. Bedford. Order cancelling the order which referred the question of the repairing of Thornburrough Bridge to Mr. Woollhead. It is now ordered that William Perkins, bailiff of the hundred of Buckingham, shall be responsible, and shall see that it is repaired before next session. [And see ante, p. 120]. p. 153. Order for the removal of Henry Bigges from Great Marlow to Rickmansworth, co. Hertford. [And see post, p. 165]. Order referring to certain justices the petitions of William Emett of Brill and Henry Slater of Radnedge, concerning relief. Mr. Thomas Freer, “receiver generall of this County,” ordered to produce his accounts before certain justices on the 23rd April next at the George Inn at Aylesbury. Order for continuing the rates for servants’ wages set out at the Easter Session, 1676. p. 154. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Robert Chersly of Chalfont St. Giles fined £1, for being absent when summoned as a juror. 71 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. George Chardge of Wendover fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Nathaniel Withers. William Perkins, John Batcheller, Thomas Hurles, and William Newland, bailiffs of the hundreds of Buckingham, Chilterne, Ashendon, and Cottlesloe respectively, fined 5s. each, for not attending the Court. Edward Goodman of Simpson forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his surety, Richard Goodman of Simpson, forfeits £20. Thomas Croxon of Great Marlow, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non- appearance, and his sureties, John Beavor and Thomas Chalfant, both of Great Marlow, bargemen, forfeit £5 each. p. 155. Discharged. Thomas Hicks, junior, of Marsh Gibbon, John Bryant of Great Missendon, Richard Brooks and Mary Cowly, both of Stony Stratford, Robert Thorpe of Hardwick, Robert Irish, senior, Elizabeth, his wife, and Robert Irish, junior, all of Westcott, Thomas Saxtin of Aston Clinton, William Saunders of Westwiccomb, Dorothy Pitkins of Winslow, Thomas Elliott of Great Marlow, John Lane and Edward Lyne, both of Whadden, Mary Glenister of Winslow, John Druce of Aylesbury, Robert Lane of Little Marlow, and John Snapes of Langly. pp. 156-157. [Blank].

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 14 July, 1681 [33 Charles II] p. 158. Jurors for the body of the County. William Barrett, gentleman, Ralph Towne, William Egleton, George Francklyn, John Rose, senior, Nicholas Towersy, Edward Gomme, Thomas Eeles, Thomas Bampton, Thomas Cripps, John Bagley, William Parker, senior, Thomas Scott, William Graves, Thomas Kinge, William 72 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1681. Snow, Richard Bovendon, William Child, James Hardinge, Ferdinand Shrimpton, John Wheeler, William Wigge, John Grace, Thomas Stevens, and Robert Honnor. (Signed) Roger Price, esquire, sheriff. p. 159. Indictments. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Betts, Mary Greene, widow, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Benboe, Katherine, wife of William East, Mary, wife of Richard Pitkins, Elizabeth, wife of William Powers, Mary, wife of Henry Tims, Margaret, wife of William Lovett, Joan, wife of Nicholas Miller, Eliza- beth, wife of Thomas Bigge, Hannah, wife of William Stormer, Margaret, wife of William Miller, Mary, wife of Daniel Hogston, Judith, wife of Samuel Winston, Joan, wife of James Allen, Anne, wife of Christopher Willins, Susan, wife of Ralph Noone, Ellen, wife of Thomas Swift, Mary Porter, spinster, and Ursula, wife of John Bowyer, all of Winslow, for rioting and for assaulting Robert Thornton at Winslow market. [And see post, p. 172]. John Shippery, constable of Oakley, for neglect of duty in dealing with vagabonds. Thomas Betts of Woodham, for refusing to work on the highway with his team. Margaret Buy, Elizabeth Davis, Margery Price, and [blank] Barnes, widdow, all of Great Marlow, for rioting and for assaulting John Shirley. Isaac Payne and Joan Clinton, both of Oakley, and Michael Sherly of Brill, for stopping up watercourses. John Batchellor of Farnham Royall and Mary, his wife, for assaulting Jane Palmer. Richard Robinson and Jane Palmer, both of Farnham Royall, for assaulting Mary, wife of John Batchellor. [And see post, p. 172]. John Day of Oakley, for assaulting Joan Chilton. [And see post, p. 172]. p. 160. Presentments. Peter Collingridge, John Scott, Mary Glover, widow, Mary Odell, widow, Katherine Rawbone, Mary English, 73 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Mary Hardwick, and Elizabeth Rudd, all of , Charles Noy of Aylesbury, and Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Tovey, both of Turfeild, for being absent from church. Mr. Thomas Farmer and Mrs. Barnes, both of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Anne Hillton of , for “liveinge idley out of service.” The petty constables of Aston Mullins and Waldridge, for not paying their quarteridge money and for not making their presentments. Simon Eeles, constable of Fullmer, for not making his presentments. Nicholas Jefferys of Eaton, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. James Stiles, Daniel Reddington, [blank] Curtis, widow, Thomas Smith, and James Cooke, all of Langley, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. p. 161. Petty constables sworn. Wooborne . . Thomas Kinge and William Tame vice Edward Treadway and Hugh Crane. Ludgershall . . John Hawkins vice Andrew Spyer. Steeple Cleydon . . Elnathan Wootten, senior, and Thomas Abbott vice Edward Wallington and Thomas Snow. Calverton . . . . Thomas Cox vice John Turvill. Burnham . . . . Richard Norris vice James Devensheir. Berton . . . . Thomas Dover vice William Norcott. Kingsey . . . . Thomas Birch vice George Lillingstone. Stone . . . . Richard Whiteshead vice Richard Jennings. p. 162. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order for the removal of Susan Jenkins and her child from Chesham to , co. Hertford, as she had been passed from Watford by an illegal warrant, signed by John Berrow, minister, and John Bidwell, constable, of Watford. 74 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1681. p. 163. Order for the removal of Joseph Talboys, “a person of evill fame and behaviour,” from Amersham to such place as certain justices shall decide to be his place of settlement. The same justices are requested to summon before them William Clarke and Sarah Masson, who have “often entertained the said Talboys,” and to punish them according to the law. p. 164. Upon the hearing of the case against Henry Lane, gentleman, owner of the tolls of Eekly, and against Richard Adams, his tenant, for not repairing the highways in Eekly, it was agreed by Mr. Lane that in future the profits from the tolls should be devoted to these repairs, and that he would at once see to the repairs. The fine of £100 against him is, therefore, cancelled until such time as he may make default under this arrangement. [And see ante, pp. 117 and 138, and post, p. 363]. Order that certain justices shall revise the rates at Padbury. p. 165. Henry Bigges, although removed by warrant to Rickmansworth, co. Hertford, having illegally returned to Great Marlow, it is now ordered that the warrant shall be confirmed and that Bigges shall be sent to the bridewell at Cheppinge Wiccombe and put to hard labour pending his removal. [And see ante p. 153]. p. 166. “The settlement of the rates to the King’s Bench and Marshallsea and meighmed souldiers for the liberty of Lilly Field in the parish of Headsore” is referred to certain justices. p. 167. Order referring to certain justices the complaint of Henry Osburne of Turfeild concerning his apprentice, Oliver Hunt. Order confirming the rates of Maids Morton. 75 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Order for the settlement of John Brooks and his wife at Dourton. Order referring to certain justices the complaint of Ruth Borrage, widow, against the inhabitants of Medmenham, concerning the maintenance of her daughter, Ruth. p. 168. Edmund East of Westwiccombe discharged from the office of treasurer for the maimed soldiers in the Chilterne hundred, and Jonas Taylor of Hambledon, gentleman, is sworn in his place. “Ordered by this Court that for the future itt shall be a Session Rule and Order if any person or persons takes a Tenement or Land of small value in any parish with an intent to become an Inhabitant (and such person beinge warned by the Churchwardens and Overseers of such parish to depart thence once within every month after), This Court shall and will remove such person or persons and their familys as well, as before the expiration of the statute made 14 Car. 2 was ordained, to such place or places as shall appeare to be their place of last legall settlement.” Order for the removal of [blank] Perkins, widow, and her four children from Thornburrough to Bourton in Buckingham. Order for the removal of Francis George and his wife from Thornburrough to Tingewick. p. 169. Order for the removal of Elizabeth Bigge from to Quainton. Order that the parishioners of Chittwood shall find work for Thomas Meads or provide him with such an allowance as certain justices shall direct. Order that Mr. Adiell Bethell of Westcott in Waddesdon shall forthwith pay £2 to Thomas Adams and Richard Bigge for scouring a pond in Waddesdon. 76 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1681. The overseers of Aylesbury are ordered to pay £1 7s. to Henry Pratt, “chyrurgeon,” for “cures done by him for severall poore people there.” p.170. William Genton to be allowed 3s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Sincleburgh in Great Horrwood. Nicholas Symonds to be allowed is. 6d. a week by the overseers of Stewkley. Order referring the dispute between Benjamin Leach and William George to certain justices. Order passing the accounts of Mr. Thomas Freer, “Receiver Generall,” upon the report of certain justices. The clerk of the peace is ordered to “send out warrants to the severall high constables of this County to command their petty constables to keepe watch and ward duely and make a privy search after rogues.” p. 171 [Blank]. p. 172. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. John Quarrendon, junior, of Ivinghoe, Richard White of , Robert Adams of Sherrington, and Thomas Kilpin of Woughton, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Richard Robinson and Jane Palmer, both of Farnham Royall, fined 6s. 8d. each, for assaulting Mary, wife of John Batchellor. John Day fined £1, for assaulting Joan Chilton. Mary Porter of Window, spinster, forfeits her recogniz- ance of £5 for non-appearance, and her sureties, Thomas Bigge and William Powers, both of Winslow, forfeit £5 each. William Fisher of Horton forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non-appearance, and his sureties, William Taunton and William Herne, both of Horton, forfeit £5 each. “The severall poor women of Winslow indicted for a 77 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. ryott and assault upon Edward Thornton submitted and was fined severally 3s. 4d.” [And see ante, p. 159.] William Cordwell of Penne, yeoman, forfeits his recog- nizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Robert Cordwell and John Daveny, both of Penne, yeomen, forfeit £5 each. p. 173. Recognizances entered into. Giles Quiney of Lechamstead, gentleman, in £40, with Baarach Quiney, yeoman, and John Clarke, farmer, both of Lechamstead, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Goodrich. Thomas Betts of Woodham, yeoman, in £40, for his appearance at the next session. Discharged. John Gibbons of Great Marlow, John Dover of Princes Risburgh, Edward Smith of Great Kimble, Richard Robinson and Jane Pallmer, both of Farnham, John Day of Borstall, William Grace of North Marston, Thomas White of Winslow, William Beale and William Bodington, both of Cuddington, Thomas Peele of Little Brickhill, Thomas Doggett of Waven- don, Ursula Bowyer, Elizabeth Bigge, Helen Swift, Susan Noone, Anne Willins, Joan Allen, Judith Winstone, Mary Hogston, Margaret Miller, Hannah Stormer, Joan Miller, Mary Tims, Elizabeth Powers, Mary Pitkins, Mary Lovett, Elizabeth Benboe, Elizabeth Brett, and Katherine East, all of Winslow, and Thomas Knollton of Wexham. End of this session, (signed) [Cavendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. pp. 174-175 [Blank].

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT AMERSHAM 6th October, 1681 [33 Charles II] p. 176. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Edgerton, Francis Chilton, Richard Major, 78 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1681. John Wollhead, William Noake, William Bowyer, William Style, John Phillips, John Tokefeild, Thomas Worrall, and Gustave Horne, gentlemen, Thomas Hudson and Timothy Saunders. (Signed) Roger Price, esquire, sheriff. pp. 177-180. Indictments. Henry Pantlin and William Bull, both of Stewkly, for assaulting Zachariah Wigg. [And see post, p. 188]. Hugh Lydall of Great Marlow, for assaulting Matthew Hobbs. John Burnham of Long Crendon, for a pound breach. John Heyward of Great Marlow, for assaulting Hugh Lydall and John Williams. [And see post, p. 188]. William Webb of Stoke Poges, for putting dung in the highway. James Wild of Iver, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Thomas Sly of Winslow, for assaulting Jane Gibbs. [And see post, p. 188]. Robert Rutter and Richard Bush, both of Little Brickhill, Robert Honnor and Thomas Gutteridge, both of Fenny Stratford, Guy Harris and Richard Webb, both of Sympson, William Harris and Henry Ashby, both of Woston, and John Johnson, shoemaker, John Sellers, Thomas Ingram, and Jonathan Glyn, all of Newport Pagnell, for keeping negligent watch and ward as constables. Joseph Gray of Great Marlow, for assaulting Mary Rockall. Joan Rockall, widow, Mary Corby, spinster, John Plumridge, and William Phillips, all of Great Marlow, for assaulting Joseph Gray. Thomas French, senior, and Elizabeth, his wife, Thomas French, junior, and Oliver Palmer, all of Lillingston Dayrell, for riot, forcible entry, and detainer. [And see post, p. 187]. Francis Hopkins of Great Brickhill, William Dewberry, Bernard Hadgidott, Thomas Benson, John Mitchell, Robert Gale, George Gossly, Thomas Peele, George Newell, Richard Martin, Robert Rutter, and Henry Miles, all of Little Brickhill, Benjamin Richardson, John Mills, Richard Lee, Thomas Potter, Charles Bartrum, John Stoppe, John Saun- F 79 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. ders, Benjamin Adkins, and Henry Bandberry, all of Fenny Stratford, John Blanne of Bow Brickhill, John Carter, Thomas Chambers, Thomas Warr, George Richardson, John Mansell, Gilbert Dunne, Richard Barton, Richard Gaddesdon, William Guy, Arthur Johnson, Thomas Jenkins, Richard Pincher, William Thomspon, Richard Toms, Edward Casey, Christopher Ridgley, and Anne Worsley, widow, all of Newport Pagnell, Robert Emerton, Thomas Pollard, James Stares, alias Steer, William Masslyne, Samuel Sharpe, Samuel Edy, Thomas Sams, John Clarke, tapster, Peter Hall, Thomas Browne, tapster, Robert Edge, Susan Goodwin, spinster, John Barnes, Thomas Godfrey, Anthony Forfeit, Sarah Smith, widow, Matthew Miller, John Smith, John Butcher, John Chandler, Richard Ridgly, Francis Clark, Thomas Forfeit, Thomas Funall, Elizabeth Wright, Katherine Davis, and Matthias Ayres, all of Stony Stratford, Thomas Emerton of Whitchurch, Thomas Daniel, Margaret Wyett, William Hunt, Robert Gibbs, William Prentice, Christopher Coales, John Norman, George Norris, Abraham Day, Joseph Danderidge, Robert Scott, Nicholas Miller, Dorothy Pitkins, Anne Atwood, Elizabeth Glenester, John Ambridge, Thomas Goddinge, Thomas Mitchell, Thomas Pease, David East, John Kelly, and John Livett, all of Winslow, for “not keepinge the Assize in bread and beer.” p. 181. Presentments of the grand jury. The inhabitants of Ratleiffe, for not repairing the high- way between Salsbury plain and Conduit close, leading from Banbury to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Eaton and Windsor, for obstructing a certain highway. The provost and fellows of Eaton college, for not railing in a certain ditch. p. 182. Presentments of the petty constables. Alexander Hawkins, Francis East, and Francis Smith, all of Berton, for not “digging stones for 2 dayes.” Henry Patey of Amersham and John Drapier and 80 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1681. William Lawrence, both of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Henry Browne of Denham, William Axton of Little Missendon, and Thomas East of Great Hampden, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. [Blank] Mead of Mentmore, Benjamin Wray and Thomas Browne, both of Drayton B[eauchamp], and George Honnor of Little Marlow, all constables, and the constables of Studley, Aston Mullins, Waldridge, Illmore, and Hillesdon, for not making their presentments or paying their quarteridge money. Thomas Snow, Margaret Cartwright, William Bett, alias Francklyne, and Anne Goodyer, all of Whadden, for bastardy. James Buckland of Radnedge, and Mr. John Brinck- hurst, Mr. Thomas Farmer, and [blank] Barnes, widow, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. William Moreton, John Chilton and Judith, his wife, and William Godfrey, all of Little Marlow, John Jordan, junior, John Fryer, Richard Hilton, Thomas Smith, Joseph Fryer, John Bovingdon, yeoman, Richard Langley, [blank] Ballard, widow, Philip Harvey, Thomas Lane, and Richard Widmere, all of Great Marlow, and Francis Warr and Richard Baker, both of Biddelsdon, for being absent from church. John Harris, Charles Blewett, Ralph Moore, and Richard Corby, overseers of Great Marlow, for neglect of duty. p. 183. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order for the removal of Elizabeth Gerrard from Bow Brickhill to Torcester, co. Northampton. Order referring to certain justices the complaint of Thomas Butterfeild of Iver, concerning the arrears of his allowance. Order for the removal of William Talboys and his sons from Chesham to Aylesbury.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 184. William Perkins to be paid £3. 16s. 9d. by the receiver general for repairs to Thornburgh bridge. The following persons, who have been “suppressed” from keeping alehouses, are warned that they must not continue to sell ale, as it is reported that they have been doing. They are given ten days in which to “draw off their stocks”; after this period warrants will be issued against any offenders. The names of those to whom this order refers are : Thomas Kinge of East Cleydon, Dorothy Pitkins of Winslow, William Oxlade of Lane End, Simon Slater of Cuddington, Silvester Lane of Dinton, and Matthew Dancer of Monks Risburrow. Order for the settlement of Arthur Boddy at Agmondisham. p. 185. Order for the removal of John Langstan, with his wife and family, from Monks Risburrow to Stone. Order for the removal of John Crouch, with his wife and family, from Monks Risburrow to Penton, co. Southampton. The rates for the King’s Bench, Marshallsea, and maimed soldiers for Lilly Fee and Headsore are fixed, after a report by certain justices, at 1s. 4d. a quarter for the latter and 10d. a quarter for the former. The receiver general is ordered to pay £8 to Thomas Cowly, whose pension is therefore “withdrawne to 40s. only.” p. 186. Order for the removal of William Noble from Hedgerly Deane to Stoke. William Franklyn of Cheppinge Wiccomb admitted to the pension of 40s. a year lately paid to William Thorne of Berton, deceased.

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MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1681. p. 187. Thomas French, senior, yeoman, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas French, junior, farmer, all of , and Oliver Palmer of St. Georges Southwarke [co. Surrey], yeoman, were at this session indicted for “a certaine ryott, forcible entry, and detainer of part of a messuage, and 60 acres of land, and 120 acres of pasture of Thomas Dayrell, esquire, Paul Dayrell and Richard Dayrell, gentlemen, situate and beinge in Lillingstone Dayrell.” The defendants, although they were present in court, refused to plead to the indictment, so it is ordered that “a writt of restitution be immediately made and dirrected to the Sherriff of this County to putt into possession of the premises aforesaid the said Thomas Dayrell, Richard Dayrell, and Paul Dayrell.” p. 188. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Michael Jenninges of Stoke Mandavile, gentleman, Richard Saunders of North Marston, William Widmer of Hugendon, gentleman, John Sharp and George How, both of Taplow, Robert Graunge of , and John Kidgell, junior, of Edlesburrough, fined 13s. 4d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Thomas Slye of Winslow, gentleman, fined 13s. 4d., for assaulting Jane Gibbs, widow. John Heyward of Great Marlow, bargeman, fined £1 for assaulting Hugh Lydall, and £1 for assaulting John Williams. Henry Pantlin and William Bull fined 3s. 4d. each, for assaulting Zachariah Wigge. Edward Porter of Taplow, labourer, forfeits his recog- nizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Francis Devonsheir of Headsor and Thomas Cudsden of Wooborne, labourers, forfeit £20 each. The same Porter forfeits another recognizance of £20, and his sureties £10 each. p. 189. Discharged. Giles Quiney of Lechamsted, Robert Lane, John Fawly, John Ward, Hugh Lydall, Joan Rockall, John Bovingdon, and Matthew Hobbs, all of Great Marlow, George Rockall of Hambledon, John Goodman of Woughton, Elizabeth Edge 83 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. of Edlesburgh, James Wingfield of Chcsham, Nathaniel Vise, Anne Cooke, Sarah, wife of John Bolton, and Charles Idle, all of Beconsfield, Adiell Bethell of Wadsdon, Peter Lowton of Iver, John Holland of Winge, Elizabeth Davis of Great Marlow, Richard Fessy of Mursly, Thomas French, Thomas Tims, and Tobias Quainton, all of Lillingston Dayrell, Thomas Swift. Mary, wife of Stephen Bigges, Thomas Hyde, and William Hunt, all of Winslow, Robert Jones of Mursly. Thomas Lowton of Iver. Henry Pantlin and William Bull, both of Stewkly, John Holland of Winge, William Betts and Francis Betts, both of Whadden, and John Pitts of Upton. pp. 19-191. [Blank].

CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 12 January, 1681-82 [33 Charles II] p. 192. Jurors for the body of the County. Samuel Gurney, gentleman, Thomas Brooks, Henry Lake, William Burnham, Richard Herne, Richard Towne, Thomas Oliver, John Randoll, John Bethram, Edward Tombs, John Parker, Richard Waddupp, Henry Thorp, Matthew Adams, John Bradbury, Thomas Tarbox, George Thorpe, Thomas Woodward, John Chewne, John Smith, Richard Goodman, William Foddey, John Barnes, Thomas Nicholls, and Thomas Parrott. (Signed) Niccolls Hackett, esquire, sheriff p. 193. Indictments. Henry Small, junior, and John Lane, both of Great Marlow, for allowing William Honnor, a prisoner, to escape. William Edwards and Richard Peirce, both of Hugendon, for assaulting Moses Costard and Thomas Muss. [And see post, p. 201]. Alice Saunders of Stoke Hamond, for entertaining Henry Nicholls as an inmate.

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CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1681-82. Thomas Annick of Stoke Hamond, for entertaining William Bishopp as an inmate. Robert Moone of Great Marlow, for being a common swearer and disturber, and for speaking “scandalous words against Mr. Greene and against the Court of Sessions.” The inhabitants of Princes Risburrough, for not repairing Pound Lane. Isaac Payne of Oakely, for not repairing a certain highway. Edward Lance of Winge, for assaulting William Nicholls. (Dead). pp. 194-195. Presentments. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Hugh Jenninges, junior, Henry Browne, and John Graford, all of Denham, for entertaining inmates. Joseph Moorer and [blank] Quicke, widow, both of Hedsore in Little Marlow, John Jordan, junior, John Fryer, Richard Hilton, Thomas Smith, Joseph Fryer, John Boving- don, yeoman, Richard Langley, [blank] Ballard, widow, Philip Harvey, Thomas Lane, and Richard Widmer, all of Great Marlow, Edward Bate and Robert Rowley, both of , Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Bidlesdon, Thomas Thrift, Thomas Cunningham, Edward Church, Thomas Pinney, Anne Thorneton, John Miles, Richard Sibthorpe, and Andrew Kinge, all of Newport P[agnell], and Bernard Taylor, William Foskett, Richard Marks, Joseph Yorke, Robert Newman, George Flawne, William Mouse, Walter Mabley, Thomas Glidwell, and Henry Glidwell, all of North Crawly, for being absent from church for one month. Thomas Farmer and Mrs. Barnes, both of Great Marlow, and James Buckland of Radnedge, for recusancy. Robert Moore of Great Marlow, for being a common swearer and disturber of the peace. Robert Chesall of Great Marlow, for not paying his rates. [And see post, p. 234.] John Drapier, Thomas Grey, and William Lawrence, all 85 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. of Great Marlow, and George Woodfeild, William Knight, and Richard Blunt, all of North Crawly, for keeping un- licensed alehouses. Richard Parrett and John Verey, constables of Wyrardisburry, and the constables of Denham, Aston Mullyns, and Waldridge, for not making their presentments. Joseph Clark of Wendover, innholder, for entertaining “vagrants and beggers, to the greate daunger of the towne.” p. 196. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order for the removal of Charles Lord “from the Eastside of Stony Stratford to the other side of Stony Stratford.” Confirmation of the order removing John Langstane. [See ante, p. 185.] Oliver Hunt, who had become a settled inhabitant of Turfeild with Ipstone owing to his apprenticeship there with Henry Osborne, had been sent to his father at Towersy on account of sickness and lameness. He is ordered to be returned to Turfeild “soe soone as he is well and able to travell.” Jeremiah Smallbridge admitted to a County pension of 40s. a year. p. 197. Order for the settlement of John Forster at Elles- burrough. Order for the removal of Robert Miles, with his wife and two children, to Thame, co. Oxford, from the house of Gabriel Honnor in Borstall, “where he hath as an inmate lately endeavoured to settle himself.” Order for the removal of William Piper from Fullmer to Denham.

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CHRISTMAS SESSION, l68l-82. Order for the removal of Sarah Gurney from Whitchurch to Nash in Whadden. Order for the removal of Mary Spencer and her two children from Whitchurch to Cublington. p. 198. Order for the removal of William Exon from Chesham to Wigginton, co. Hertford. Order for the removal of Thomas Chesheire, with his wife and child, from Hitcham to Taplow. Order for the removal of Mary Phillips from the house of Edward Ware in Chesham to Amersham. Order for the removal of John Hatterill from Horridge to St. Albans, co. Hertford. Order for the removal of John Kent and his family from Ipstone to Wattlington. p. 199. Order referring the dispute between Thomas Bunce and the inhabitants of North Marston to certain justices. John Fountaine to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Aylesbury. Thomas Browne to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Hardwick. William Symonds to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Weedon. Elizabeth Hodgskins, widow, to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Amersham. Ursula Porter to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Hardwick.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. Margaret Carwood to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Wornall. Thomas Payne to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Aylesbury. p. 200. Mary Porter to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Winslow. Henry Middleton of Cheppinge Wiccombe admitted to a County pension of 40s. a year. Order that “new processes be issued out against all persons indicted for nott keepinge the true assize in beer and ale according to the statute, and that the Bayliffes of the several hundreds take speciall care to execute the same.” p. 201. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. William Greene of Westcott in Waddesdon and Edward Herne, junior, of Colebrooke in Horton fined £1. 10s. 0d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. William Edwards of Hugendon fined £1. 6s 8d, and Richard Peirce of Hugendon fined 13s. 4d., for assaulting Moses Costard and Thomas Muss. Recognizances entered into. Robert Moone of Great Marlow, farrier, in £40, with Richard Goddard of Great Marlow, gentleman, as surety in £20, for his good behaviour. John Nash of Little Missendon, farmer, in £40, with Christopher Nash and James Gardener, both of Little Missendon, as sureties in £20 each, to keep the peace towards George Looton. The above Robert Moore in two further recognizances of £40, for his appearance to answer two indictments. Isaac Payne of Oakely, gentleman, John Burnham of Long Crendon, gentleman, Hugh Lydall of Little Marlow, baker, (by his attorney, Richard Goddard), and John Christ- 88 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, l68l-82. masse of Aylesbury, yeoman, (by his attorney, Francis Kettleby), in £40 each, for their appearance. p. 202. Discharged. Henry Ridley of Little Marlow, William Toppinge of Princes Risburrough, Joseph Atkins of Great Marlow, John Wilkinson of Newport Pagnell, Thomas Kempson of Great Brickhill, Elizabeth, wife of William Stevenson of Bledlow, clerk, William Nicholls, John Higgins, Henry Nicholls, John Trindall, Joseph Forster, and Robert Hitchcock, all of Aylesbury, Thomas Vaux of Newport Pagnell, John Nash of Little Missendon, William Edwards and Richard Peirce, both of Great Missendon, Matthew Evans of Agmondisham, John Wyer of Great Marlow, Peter Horton of Iver, Francis Clerk of Beconsfield, John Dorsett of Radnedge, and William Smith and Robert Moore, both of Great Marlow. End of this session, (signed) [Cavendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 203. [Blank].

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 27 April, 1682 [34 Charles II] p. 204. Jurors for the body of the County. Alexander Horton, gentleman. John Goldsworth, William Dancer, Thomas Lake, gentleman, Thomas Verey, Leonard Fitch, Richard Benham, Thomas Walter, gentleman, William Sear, William Hazle, Edward Honnor, John Younge, senior, Richard Chaloner, Bernard Collyns, William Wigge, Daniel Lucas, Joseph Everidge. William Edwin, gentleman, and William Tompkins. (Signed) Niccolls Hackett, esquire, sheriff. p. 205. Indictments. John Sheppard, junior, Jeremiah Greene, William Duncombe, William Illinge, Edward Mallett, Samuel Carter, 89 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Enoch Couley, and George Verney, all of Dunton in Lidcott, for rioting and for assaulting John Seaton. William Honnor of Great Marlow, for “fellony for severall small thinges.” [And see post, p. 212]. Samuel Almond of Chesham, for being “a cheate in deludinge counterfeit guineys.” Henry Burridge of Chesham, for assaulting Thomas Leach. pp. 206-207. Presentments. Robert Curtis of Hanslope, Thomas Ingram, John Stonebridge, William Cowley, Thomas Austoll, and Robert Nichollas, all of Newport [Pagnell], Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Bidlesdon, Joseph Moorer and [blank] Quick, widow, both of Headsore, Thomas Lane, baker, Richard Widmer, chandler, Richard Langley, William Ballard, John Bovingdon, yeoman, Joseph Fryer, Thomas Smith, Robert Beck, Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, John Jordan, junior, and John Fryer, all of Great Marlow, and Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Tovey, both of Turfeild with Ipstone, for being absent from church. Thomas Farmer, [blank] Barnes, widow, and Anne Barnes, spinster, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. George Woodfield, William Knight, and Jane Bitchnor, all of North Crawly, and John Drapier and Samuel Phillips, both of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. The constables of Aston Mullins and Waldrige, for not paying their quarteridge money. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land, and for taking in Robert Turner and [blank] Hall, widow, as inmates. John Gravett of Denham, for entertaining Richard Jenninge and Edward Bromstead as inmates. p. 208. Chief Constables sworn. Ayl[esbury] . . John Heele of Hartwell and Daniel Aldridge of the Lee, gentlemen, vice Robert Reynolds and William Russell. 90 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1682. Buck[ingham] . . Edward Buttler of Marsh Gibbon and William Egerton of Adstock, gentle- men, vice Thomas Trent and Edward Pollard. Newport . . . . William Cooke of Boe Brickhill and John Chewne of Newport, gentlemen, vice John Brincloe and John Bodington. Ash[endon] . . Robert Dancer of North Marston and John Benham of Chersley, gentlemen, vice William Greene and John Tip- pinge. Cotts[lo] . . . . Nicholas Seare of Ivingoe and William Giles of Winslow, gentlemen, vice Christopher Paine and George Chesheir. Stoke . . . . John West, junior, of Horton and Edward Camock of Colebrook, gen- tlemen, vice James Herne and John Smith. Desb[orough] . . John Sparkes of Cheppinge Wiccombe and Ezekiel Clarke of Turfeild, gentle- men, vice William Neighbour and Thomas Medwin. Burnham . . . . John Askew of Burnham and John Chase of Chesham, gentlemen, vice JohnFawcett and Matthew Butterfeild. Treasurers sworn. For the maimed soldiers . . . . Thomas Follyott of Edgcott and Nathaniel Carter of Turfeild, gentlemen, vice Christopher Ellis and Jonas Taylor, gentlemen. For the King’s bench and Marshalsea . . Nicholas Corner of Newport and John Mortymer of Stone, gentlemen, vice George Harris and George Ball, gentlemen.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. p. 209. Petty constables sworn. Great Missendon . . Joseph Stevens and John Bennett vice Francis Payne and Daniel Payne. Little Missendon . . John Wethered vice [blank]. Bransfee . . . . Henry Darvall vice Edward Freer. Cippenham . . Robert Pether vice William Styles. East Burnham . . George Fisher vice John Dodd. Boveny . . . . John Apsley vice William Ive. Aylesbury and Walton Alexander Kingham, William Hore, John Cox, and Robert Barnaby, vice Anthony Todd, [blank], Thomas Dover, and Thomas Dearinge. Hogshaw . . . . James Stevens vice John Stevens. Ellesburrow . . James Smith, junior, and William Allen, junior, vice John Ward and Henry Bowler. Cuddington . . Thomas Piddington vice Charles Fitch. NeitherWinchendon Andrew Rice vice Thomas Dewberry. Fullmer . . . . Robert Tibby vice Isaiah Lane. Cheynes . . George Welles vice Thomas Levis East Cleydon . . Thomas Smith vice Thomas Miller. Hulcott . . . . Thomas Whitchurch vice Richard Pinckard. Wotten U[nderwood]Peter Hunett vice Roger Perkins. Wornall . . . . Richard Roberts vice Richard Tippinge. Beconsfeild . . Colborne Hodgskins and Richard Symp- sen vice Nathaniel Dearne and Thomas Evans. Eaton . . . . John Taylor vice Nathaniel Tippinge. Bradenham . . Humphrey Francis vice William Gunnell. Little Marlow . . Thomas Lovejoy vice George Honnor. Westwiccomb . . Henry Bigges and John Shrimpton vice William Mole, deceased, and Leonard Burroughs. Hugendon . . John Bennett vice William Russell. Turfeild with Daniel Keene and Robert Mole vice Ipstone Ezekiel Clarke and Thomas Ovey.

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EASTER SESSION, 1682. p. 210. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Henry Monday had succeeded Thomas Freer as master of Aylesbury bridewell. Mr. Joseph Rawson appointed receiver general for the County. Order appointing Henry Monday as master of Aylesbury bridewell in place of the late Thomas Freer. Anne Hales of Little Horrwood “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse for three years and given two months “to draw off her stock.” p. 211. Order for the removal of Mary Spencer and her children from Whitchurch to Hogsden, co. Middlesex. Confirmation of an order settling the differences between and Chesham. Order for the settlement of William Piper at Denham. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of Thomas Walter of lllmore against his rates. Thomas Curtis and John Rickott to be allowed 1s. a week each by the overseers of Whitchurch. [And see post, p. 222]. Order for the removal of William Edwin, with his wife and family, from Great Brickhill to Harlington, co. Bedford. Order for the removal of Richard Stevens, with his wife and family, from Great Brickhill to Tirringham. p. 212. Order for the removal of Robert Ladnam from Wingrove to Hitchin, co. Hertford.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Order for the removal of the child of Benjamin Golder from Whadden to Borstall. William Honnor, of Great Marlow, bargeman, who was indicted for stealing a saw, a case of knives, five pheasants, and some other things from Sir John Borlase, Bart., pleaded guilty to the charge. It is, therefore, ordered that the goaler “doe, upon Satturday next about the midd time of the day, fasten the said Honnor to the breech of a cart and strippe him naked from wast uppwards and whipp him from the Goale doore to the George signe post in Aylesbury and round the same, and soe to the Goale doore againe untill his body bee bloody, and soe to be dischardged, payinge his fees.” Order for the removal of Thomas Snow “to Henner Lodge in Eppinge Forest, [co. Essex], upon discovery by the officers of [blank] in what parish the said Lodge is.” Order that Joseph Rawson, the new receiver general, shall “pay all the Pensioners, which are upon the pension Roll or by order of this Court, their severall and respective pensions.” Order reducing the allowance of Ellen Bezill of Swan- borne from 3s. to 1s. a week. p. 213. Susan Farmer to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Dinton. Order referring the settlement of the rates at Walton to certain justices. John Row to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Aston Clynton. [And see post, p. 222]. Order for the payment of £9. 14s. 11d. to Anne Freer, widow of the late Thomas Freer, receiver general, which is due to him from his accounts.

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EASTER SESSION, l682. Order that “the Lawes against Dissenters from Church be recommended to all the Justices of the Peace within this County to be putt in execution.” Order that “the table of servants wages now agreed upon and published in open Court be coppyed out and dispersed and sent to the high Constables to be posted in every Markett towne in this County, to the end Masters and servants may observe the same.” The gaoler ordered to pursue William Symonds, an escaped prisoner, and to take him into custody, with the assistance of “all other his Majesty's officers.” p. 214. Fines. Thomas Taylor of Thornburrough, Luke Garnon of Denham, William Peirson of Little Brickhill, Edward Norman of Blechly, and Thomas Welles of Eaton, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. p. 215. [Blank].

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 13 July, 1682 [34 Charles II] p. 216. Jurors for the body of the County. Tobias Churchill, gentleman, Jeremy Sexton, William Russell, Thomas Sear, Thomas Eeles, John Masson, Thomas Scott, Richard Major, William Snow, Robert Badrick, Robert Lane, Francis Woodcock, Edward Paxton, Edward Boddington, William Haynes, Daniel Ruberd, John Phillips, Robert Skevington, and Adam Barnes. (Signed) Niccolls Hackett, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy and subscribed the declaration in accordance with the statute : —Joseph Rawson of Aylesbury, gentleman, receiver general for the County ; Richard Turnor of Great G 95 ______


Marlow, gentleman, coroner; Henry Monday of Aylesbury, innholder, master of the house of correction there ; Samuel Harrison, clerk, one of the rectors of Wadesdon, and Henry Hibbins, clerk, the other rector. pp. 217-218. Indictments. Richard Tombs and Bennet Tokefeild, both of Stewkly, for not scouring their ditches or cutting their hedges. The inhabitants of Chicherly, , Astwood, and Soulberry, for not repairing their highways. The inhabitants of Fullmer, for not repairing a bridge. Richard Surman, William Illesly, and Thomas Freeman, all of Borestall, and John Theed of Horton Hall in Edles- burrow, for not doing their statutory work on the highways. Rowland Burnard, Susan, wife of John Rose, Elizabeth Rose, widow, Robert Clerke, and Elizabeth, his wife, Thomas Player, Eleanor, wife of Henry Hickman, Edward Nicholls, and Hannah, his wife, Katherine Nicholls, Richard Collett and his wife, Anne Hoar, and Margaret, wife of John Coxe, all of Cuddington, Thomas Farmer, gentleman, [blank] Barnes, widow, Anne Barnes, spinster, Thomas Lane, baker, Richard Widmer, chandler, Philip Harvey, Richard Langley, smith, [blank] Ballard, widow, John Bovingdon, farmer, Joseph Fryer, Thomas Smith, “laceman,” Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, John Jordan, junior, and John Fryer, all of Great Marlow, John Kinge and William Harris, both of Padbury, Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Biddlesdon, Harriotts French and Thomas Woodward, both of Lechamstead, John Pomfrett, Alexander Stephens, and [blank] French, widow, all of Lillingston Dorrell, Mary, wife of William Rutley, of Maidsmorton, Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Tovey, both of Turfeild, and Richard Manninge, Francis Lancaster, Henry Cooper, William Hardinge, and Edward Francklyne, all of Newport P[agnell], for being absent from church for three months. James Wild of Iver, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. [And see post, p. 238]. Anne, wife of James Wild of Iver, for speaking “oppro- brious words against the Justices.” [And see post, p. 238].

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1682. Thomas Sheene of Aylesbury, for assaulting John Wigson, constable. [And see post, p. 223]. Henry Monday of Aylesbury, for not assisting the con- stable. [And see post, p. 223]. Thomas Henne of Tingewick, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. p. 219. Presentments of the grand jury. The inhabitants of Crofton in Mentmore, John Thead, junior, of Mentmore, gentleman, and the inhabitants of Chedington, for not repairing a certain highway. The inhabitants of Lethenburrough, for not repairing Mercen Lane, leading from Preston to Buckingham. William Norman and Richard Ware, both of , for being absent from church for three weeks. John Russ of Tingewick, for refusing to do his statutory work upon the highways. Presentments of the petty constables. They presented “all the dissenters before indicted, and also”— John Drapier of Great Marlow, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Robert Chessall of Great Marlow, for refusing to pay his rates. [And see post, p. 234]. William Bayly, constable of Milton, alias Middleton Keynes, for not making presentments or paying quarteridge. The inhabitants of Langley, for not repairing their highways. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land, and for receiving inmates. John Gravett of Denham, for receiving inmates. The inhabitants of Fullmer, for not repairing a bridge. Daniel Parrish and Daniel Randolph, both of Aylesbury, for being “negligent on the watch,” and not assisting the constable. Thomas Sheene, Daniel Parrish, and John Meaden, all of Aylesbury, for putting wood in the street.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Robert Olliffe, junior, John Horrwood, junior, John Nash, and Thomas Woodward, for refusing to assist the constable. p. 220. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Stafford Morgan of Shalstone appointed a treasurer for the maimed soldiers, “in the lower Division,” in place of Thomas Follyatt of Edgcott. Order for the removal of William Worrall, alias Beeson, from Waddesdon to Thame, co. Oxford. Order for the removal of Susan Barthord, spinster, from Waddesdon to Bisiter, co. Oxford. p. 221. Order “that the process against the provost and fellows of Eaton Colledge be stayed untill further order.” [And see ante, p. 181]. Order for the removal of John Horton from Lane End in Great Marlow to Thame, co. Oxford. John Fullmer of Little Brickhill to be arrested and bound over to appear and answer an indictment for bringing in a child which is “very chardgeable” to the parish. Thomas Crouch sworn petty constable of Bransfee in place of Ralph Dennis, who is discharged on account of age and lameness. Order referring the dispute between Thomas Sharpe and the inhabitants of Pittlesthorne to certain justices. In the meantime he is to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week. p. 222. “Ordered, in regards of a Lease made from Mr. Cane to William Piper of a messuage and certanie lands in 98 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1682. Fullmer in this County, that all orders concerninge Denham, Fullmer, and Piper be vacated and sett asside.” Order cancelling the allowance paid to Thomas Curtis of Whitchurch. [And see ante, p. 221]. Order cancelling the allowance paid to John Row of Aston Clynton, upon the evidence of Thomas Bampton that “he had comeinge in £10 per annum.” [And see ante, P. 213]. Joan Daniel to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Stewkly, “untill harvest be over,” and afterwards 3s. a week. Order for the removal of Ruth Taylor, widow, and three of her children, from Grendon Underwood to Ham in Waddesdon. [And see post, p. 236]. Order for the removal of the eldest of the sons of the above Ruth Taylor from Ham to Malbington, co. Oxford and Warwick. p. 223. Order for the removal of William Cope from Ham to Waddesdon. In spite of the fact that these two places are in the same parish, they appear to have different rates and different officers. This order will, therefore, stand unless Waddesdon “doe joyne with the liberty or division of Ham in all their Rates and Taxes.” Francis Symonds and William Link are ordered to serve again as petty constables of Upstone for the coming year. Not only did they neglect to nominate “other substanciall inhabitants to serve in their place” at the Easter Petty Sessions for the hundred of Desburrough, but they also refused to “passe their accompts for the yeare past.” Ever since last Easter they have refused to collect any rates, so that “the poore have beene unpaid and in want.” They are ordered to be indicted for their neglect of duty, and to be arrested if they persist in refusing to carry out their duties. 99 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 224. Order staying all proceedings against Henry Monday and Thomas Sheene. [And see ante, p. 218]. The clerk of the peace to be paid £5 for his expenses in connection with the printing and distribution of the order against dissenters. The executrix of Mr. Thomas Freer, the late receiver general, is ordered to bound over to appear at the next session, “there to annswer for her deteyninge of the Books, papers, accompts, and other Manuscripts concerninge the County affaires, and to bringe them into Court with her, and also to give an accompt of the Taxes to the King’s Bench and for deteyninge the pensions of divers persons uppon accompt after they have been dead many yeares.” p. 225. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. William Worster of Walton in Aylesbury, Edward Dorrell of Waddesdon, William Dorrell of Wooborn, gentle- man, and John Lidgold of Burnham, gentleman, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. John Heyward of Great Marlow, bargeman, forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non- appearance, and his sureties, John Gibbons, plough maker, and Thomas Bray, labourer, both of Great Marlow, forfeit £5 each. pp. 226-227. [Blank].

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT AMERSHAM 5 October, 1682 [34 Charles II] p. 228. Jurors for the body of the County. William Bowyer, gentleman, Joseph Bampton, Samuel Grange, Henry Danncer, William Lamborne, Richard Black- well, junior, John Bennell, gentleman, James Reynolds, Robert Streame, William Warr, Thomas Kinge, Thomas Chappman, John Tokefeild, Henry Bunne, William Noke, 100 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1682. John Hill, Henry Gould, John Grimsdale, John Wheeler, Robert Thorpe, Thomas Johnson, Daniel Keene, and Henry Shepard. (Signed) Niccolls Hackett, esquire, sheriff. p. 229. Indictments. Charles Cullen of Wavendon, gentleman, for assaulting John Langly. [And see post, p. 238]. Thomas Smallbone of Winslow, for stealing a turkey and a duck. [And see post, p. 234]. William Edwards of Great Missendon, for assaulting Christopher Nash. John Moores of Great Missendon, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Edward Sale and Nathaniel Costard, overseers of Bledlow, for being negligent in their office. [And see post, p. 238]. Giles Dix and Richard Hall, both of Olney, for perjury. [And see post, p. 272]. Ruth Seacole of Grendon Underwood, for disobeying an order of court. [And see post, p. 238]. William Bovingdon of Penne, for obstructing a footpath. Presentments of the grand jury. The inhabitants of Eaton, for obstructing the highway with posts. William Hughes of Wendover, for keeping dogs and nets contrary to the statute. pp. 230-233. Presentments of the petty constables. William Groome, Luke Turner, and Jane Chrismasse, widow, all of Wendover and district, John Fawsett, [blank] Nash of Hall Barne, and Samuel Rhoades, all of Beconsfeild, and William Jones of Farnham R[oyal], for refusing to watch and ward. Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Biddesdon, John Kinge, William Harris, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh Tomlyns, Thomas Swannell, and Phyllis, wife of Richard Judge, junior, 101 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. all of Padbury, Harriotts French, John Warringe, and Thomas Woodward, all of Lechamstead, Mary, wife of Matthew Rutly of Maids Morton, John Pomphrett, and Frances, his wife, Alexander Stevens, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Norman, and [blank] French, widow, all of Lillingston Dayrell John Warren, Edward Shiklyn, John Henson, Christopher Lambert, and John Sweepson, all of Newport P[agnell], William Bear, apothecary, Rowland Forster, gentleman, Matthew Chater, butcher, William Gale, blacksmith, Joseph Jones, hosier, Francis Abraham, shoemaker, Philip Freeman, lace buyer, Joseph Jackson, tailor, John Barringer, tanner, Thomas Dison, labourer, William Brabruck, tailor, William Ashby, junior, John Asprey, hemp dresser, William Newman, shoemaker, and William Ashby, senior, all of Warrington in Olney, George Gosly of Little Brickhill, Thomas Morton, John Birch and Richard Clarke, all of Drayton Bea[uchamp], William Lawrence, Richard Deely, Thomas Gurney, Joseph Meade, Thomas White, John Webb, William Wabbor, Sebastian Hair, Elizabeth Knight, Damaris Webb, Mary Coles, John Meade, tailor, John Mead, shoemaker, Richard Coles, William Coles, and Thomas Mead, all of Stewkly, William Nutkins, senior, William Nutkins, junior, William Greene, William Johnson, Gabriel Lionell, Samuel Holt, and Daniel Lathwell, all of Winge, Thomas Lane, Richard Widmer, Philip Harvey, Richard Langley, [blank] Ballard, widow, John Bovingdon, Joseph Fryer, Thomas Smith, Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, John Jordan, junior, and John Fryer, all of Great Marlow, Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Tovey, both of Turfeild, William Pontefax, Daniel Pontefax, Abraham Medwin, [blank] Aldridge, widow, John Lacey, William Bere, Robert Hobbes, and Joan, wife of John Heyward, all of Burnham, Robert Aldridge, senior, Robert Aldridge, junior, Thomas Aldridge, William Nash, Thomas Dollyn, and [blank] Noakes, widow, all of Beconsfeild, Robert Kingham, John Smith, John Goodgame, George Monday, Elizabeth, wife of Francis Pratt, Frances, wife of Simon Perryman, George Salter, and Robert White, all of Farnham R[oyal], John Dollynge, Andrew Brother, and [blank] Batchellor, all of Dorney, and Richard Dell and Robert Aldridge, both of Hitcham, for being absent from church.

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MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1682. Mr. Thomas Farmer, Mrs. Barnes, widow, and Anne Barnes, spinster, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. The constable of Beachampton, for not making present- ments or paying quarteridge. p. 234. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order adjourning the indictment against the inhabitants of Soulbury for not repairing their highways, in order that they may have time, before next session, to bring a certificate to shew that the work has been done. Order discharging all indictments and presentments against Robert Chessall. [And see ante, pp. 195 and 219]. Thomas Smallbones of Winslow, labourer, who pleaded guilty of stealing a turkey hen, value 6d., and a duck, value 4d., from Mr. William Giles of Winslow, is ordered to be whipped in the gaol, “until his body be bloody,” and then discharged, paying his fees. Order for the removal of William Turner, with his wife and family, from Beconsfeild to Westwiccombe. p. 235. Order for the removal of Anne Brooks, aged one year, from Wootten Underwood to Brill. Order for the removal of John Horton, with his wife and family, from Westwiccombe to Thame, co. Oxford. Order for the settlement of Matthias, alias Ralph, Reeve at Bledlow. Order referring the appeal of John Russe against the rates at Tingewick to certain justices. p. 236. Order cancelling the order made for the settlement 103 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. of Ruth Taylor, now Seacole, and her children at Ham, and finally settling her at Grendon Underwood. [And see ante, p. 222]. Henry Monday, the bridewell keeper at Aylesbury, to be paid £4 in addition to his usual salary, Mr. Rawson, the receiver general, to be given a salary of £20 a year. Thomas Cowley to be given £1 in addition to his pension. “Whereas itt appeared to this Court that all the Bayliffs of the hundreds in this County have of late been extreamly remiss and negligent in executinge the processes of this Court against divers persons standinge indicted for sundrey Misdemeanors, by reason whereof there is nott only a greate failer of proceedinge to Justice against the delinquents, but also a greate encouragement of lewd, factious, disorderly, and ill liveinge people and a greate dishearteninge of the prosecutors of indictments and a Scandall to the County,” it is ordered that any bailiff who fails to execute any warrant shall be liable to a fine of £5. p. 237. [Blank], wife of John Webb, to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Amersham. Order for the removal of John Moores from Amersham to Chesham. p. 238. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. James Hunt of Agmondisham fined £1, for being absent when summoned as a juror. John Benham of Chersly, gentleman, chief constable for Ashendon, fined £1, for making a false return. Charles Cullen of Wavendon, gentleman, fined £5, for assaulting John Langley. Anne, wife of James Wild of Iver, fined £5, for speaking “approbious words” against the justices.

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MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1682. James Wild, of Iver, yeoman, forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and a surety of £40 for the non-appearance of his wife, Anne. Edward Sale and Nathaniel Costard, both of Bledlow, yeomen, fined £2. 10s. each, for disobeying a justices' order. Ruth, wife of Arthur Seacole, fined 10s., for disobeying an order of court. p. 239. Recognizances entered into. Richard Newell of Stratton Audley, co. Oxford, yeoman, in £40, with John Curtis of the same and John Newell of Shipton as sureties in £20 each, for his appearance in a bastardy case. John Batchellor, junior, bailiff of the hundreds of Chiltern, in £20, with John Batchellor, senior, of Agmondisham as surety in £10, for his good behaviour. Giles Dix, labourer, and Richard Hall, both of Olney, and John Moores and William Edwards, both of Great Missendon, in £40 each, for their appearance at the next session. p. 240. Discharged. Matthew Chater of Olney, Richard Newell of Stratton Audley, Charles Cullen, gentleman, and George Parrett, both of Wavendon, Robert Rutter and Edmund Smith, both of Little Brickhill, Thomas Hickman, Sarah Lovejoy, and Francis Wright, all of Great Marlow, Henry Turner and Daniel Gates, both of Beconsfeild, John Sivill of Chalfont St. Giles, Edward Ives of Chalfont St. Peter, Thomas Sherwood of Westwiccomb, Thomas Winslow of Borstall, Edward Sale and Nathaniel Costard, both of Bledlow, William Edwards of Great Missendon, William Wheate, Richard Symonds, and Henry Hall, all of Weedon, William Greene of Cublington, and John Moores of Great Missendon. End of this session, (signed) [Cavendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. pp. 241-259. [Blank].

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 11 January, 1682-83 [34 Charles II] p. 260. Jurors for the body of the County. Edward Baldwin, gentleman, Thomas Ray, senior, Thomas Barnaby, junior, William Hardinge, Nicholas Graunge, Thomas Thorne, Henry Olliffe, Richard Madge, William Thame, William Howes, John Allnutt, William Corby, Thomas Hogge, John Kinge, William Scott, John Howes, gentleman, Joseph Johnson, Michael Hall, Francis Seabrook, Jeremy Knight, William Earle, John Travell, and Richard Brincklow. (Signed) John Cullinge, esquire, sheriff. Thomas Barnewell, gentleman, took the oath as a deputy sheriff, in accordance with the act of 27 Elizabeth, c. 12. pp. 261-264. Indictments. Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Biddlesdon, John Kinge, William Harris, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh Tomlyns, Thomas Swannell, and Phyllis, wife of Richard Judge, junior, all of Padbury, Mary, wife of Matthew Ruttley of Maidsmorton, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Norman, and [blank] French, widow, both of Lillingston D[ayrell], John Warren [erased], Edward Shicklyne, John Henson, Christo- pher Lambert, and John Sweepson [erased], all of Newport P[agnell], William Bear, apothecary, Rowland Forster, gentleman, Matthew Chater, butcher, William Gale, black- smith, Joseph Jones, hosier, Francis Abraham, shoemaker, Philip Freeman, lace buyer, Joseph Jackson, tailor, John Barringer, tanner, Thomas Dison, labourer, William Bra- bruck, tailor, William Ashby, junior, John Aspray, hemp dresser, William Newman, shoemaker, and William Ashby, senior, all of Warrinton in Olney, George Gosly of Little Brickhill, Thomas Morton, John Birtch, and Richard Clarke, all of Drayton B[eauchamp], William Lawrence, Richard Deely, William Mabbor, Elizabeth Knight, and Damaris Webb, all of Stewkley, William Nuttkins, senior, William 106 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1682-83. Nuttkins, junior, William Greene, William Johnson, Gabriel Lionell, Samuel Holt, and Daniel Lathwell, all of Winge, Mr. Thomas Farmer, [blank] Barnes, widow, Anne Barnes, spinster, Philip Harvey, Richard Langley, [blank] Ballard, widow, John Bovingdon, Joseph Fryer, Thomas Smith, Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, John Jordan, junior, and John Fryer, all of Great Marlow, Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Tovey, both of Turfeild, William Pontefex, David Pontefex, Abraham Medwin, Hannah Aldridge, widow, John Lacey, William Bere, Robert Hobbs, and Joan, wife of John Hey- ward, all of Burnham, Robert Aldridge, senior, Robert Aldridge, junior, Thomas Aldridge, William Nash, Thomas Dollyn, and [blank] Noakes, widow, all of Beconsfeild, Robert Kingham, John Smith, John Goodgame, George Monday, Elizabeth, wife of Francis Pratt, Frances, wife of Simon Perryman, George Salter, and Robert White, all of Farnham Royall, John Dollynge, Andrew Brother, and William Batchellor, all of Dorney, and Richard Dell and Robert Aldridge, both of Hitcham, for being absent from church for three months. Thomas Williamson of Farnham R[oyal], for diverting a watercourse. Joshua Turner, Edward Cock, and William Beesly, all of Chesham, for assaulting Anne, wife of Daniel Mott. [And see post, p. 276]. Anne, wife of Daniel Mott of Chesham, and Thomas, their son, for assaulting Joshua Turner. [Entry erased]. Thomas Foottman of Little Horwood, clerk, for assault- ing William Viccars. [And see post, p. 276]. John Sheapard of Stewkly, esquire, for not repairing a certain highway. James Atkins of Burnham, for stealing a bushel of wheat, value 10d. [And see post, p. 275]. William Hickman of Aylesbury, for assaulting Thomas Collyns. pp. 265-269. Presentments. William Pontefex, Daniel Pontefex, John Lacey, Abra- ham Medwin, Robert Hobbes, Joan Heyward, and Thomas 107 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. North, all of Burnham, Richard Dell and Robert Aldridge, both of Hitcham, Robert Aldridge, senior, Robert Aldridge, junior, Thomas Aldridge, William Nash, Thomas Dollyn, and [blank] Noake, widow, all of Beconsfeild, Robert King- ham, George Monday, John Smith, John Goodgame, Eliza- beth, wife of Francis Pratt, George Salter, and Robert White, all of Farnham R[oyal], Thomas Blackman and [blank] Ellmore, widow, both of Beachampton, Francis Coleman and Mary, his wife, Joan, wife of Peter Batron, and Elizabeth Dixton, all of Thornton, John Pomphrett and Frances, his wife, Alexander Stevens, and Elizabeth, his wife, and [blank] French, widow, all of Lillingston Dayrell, Thomas Woodward, Harriotts French, and John Waringe, all of Lechamstead, Mary, wife of Matthew Ruttly of Maidsmorton, John Kinge, William Harris, Thomas Swannell, Alice, wife of Hugh Tomlyns, and Anne Phyllis, wife of Richard Judge, junior, all of Padbury, Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Bidlesdon, Philip Harvey, Thomas Lane, Richard Widmer, [blank] Ballard, widow, Richard Langly, Richard Hilton, Martha, wife of Stephen Harris, Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, Joseph Fryer, John Bovingdon, John Fryer, and John Jordan, junior, all of Great Marlow, Thomas Moreton of Drayton B[eauchamp], John Higges, Roger Kempster, John Kempster, John Bate, William Coventry, , John Bishop, John Musquett, and Henry Wheeler, all of Wingrove, Robert Knight of Mentmore, Richard Knight of Slapton, William Walter, Sebastian Hair, Thomas White, Joseph Mead, William Lawrance, Richard Deely, Thomas Coles, John Mead, shoemaker, John Mead, tailor, Richard Coles, John Webb, William Coles, Bennett Coales, and Thomas Gurney, all of Stewkley, William Nutkins, senior, William Nutkins, junior, William Nutkins, mason, William Greene, William Johnson, Gabriel Living, and Samuel Holt, all of Winge, Thomas Temple and Robert Rolles, both of Drayton Par[slow], John Hobbes, senior, of Great Horwood, John Howes of Whitchurch, William Giles, senior, William Giles, junior, Thomas Ellyott, Thomas Deely, senior, Thomas Deely, junior, John Stevens, William Firth, John Glenester, Thomas Gabins, and Daniel Coleway, all of Winslow, Thomas Tarbox, John Hall, Thomas Emerton, Lawrence Buckner, 108 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1682-83. Thomas Rogers, Richard Merydale, Henry Keech, William Kently, William Beance, Jonathan Bedford, and Thomas Stonly, all of Soulberry, and Anthony Dodsworth and his wife, Mary Goodman, John Mawberry and his wife, Richard Ellmore and his wife, Geoffrey Willison and his wife, Nicholas Harrys, Baldwin Stopp and his wife, and Matthew Webb, all of Mursley, for being absent from church. Mr. Thomas Farmer, Mrs. Anne Barnes, widow, and [Anne] Barnes, spinster, all of Great Marlow, and Robert Cuttloe of Drayton Par[slow], for recusancy. Richard Manninge and John Henson, both of Newport, for being sabbath breakers. Thomas North of Tingwick and Edward Shanke, William Truss, and Herbert Carter, all of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land, and for receiving inmates. The inhabitants of Shipton in Little Horwood, for not repairing a certain bridge, and for railing their pound insecurely. Elizabeth Adams of Little Horwood, for not repairing Hall Close footpath. John Bowden and Richard Hobbes, constables of Waddesdon, for not paying quarteridge money. The inhabitants of Aylesbury, Weston T[urville], and Stoke, for not repairing the highway between Wendover and Aylesbury. William Flatt of Taplow, for “laying muck” in the highway. p. 270. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Mr. Richard Burgaine appointed crier of the Court. Mr. Joseph Rawson, receiver general, ordered to produce his accounts before certain justices.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Order for the removal of Edward Cooper from Wootten Underwood to Shipton upon Stowre, co. Worcester. The inhabitants of Turweston are ordered to find “constant worke” for Barnaby Chattell, or to provide him with such maintenance as the nearest justice shall decide. p. 271. Order for the removal of Thomas North, with his wife and family, from Tingwick to in Buckingham. Order for the removal of Elizabeth Caine from Cole- brooke to New Windsore. Warrant issued for the constables of Edlesburrough to produce Edward Gladman in court tomorrow morning. Order for the removal of William Gregory from Tinge- wicke to Burlipp, co. Gloucester. Order for the settlement of Edward Gardiner at Ivinghoe Aston. Order for the removal of Thomas Miller from Chittwood to Steple Cleydon. p. 272. Order that “the Sherriffe of this County doe bringe in before the next assizes a List of the severall freeholders in every hundred, to be delivered by the severall Bayliffs to all the Justices of the peace in their severall divisions, and that the same Justices are desired to make a report of the persons retorned whoe are fitt to be both of the grand Jury and pettit Jury, and the said Justices to add or alter as they shall see cause.” [And see post, p. 295]. As John Very was sworn petty constable of Cuddington “by some indirect meanes of the officers of this Court,” and without the order or knowledge of the Court, it is ordered that he shall be discharged and that Thomas Piddington, whose place he took, shall serve for the coming year.

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CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1682-83. Order that “noe high Constable, pettit Constable, Headburrough, or Tythingmen be appointed by this Court but that his name be first presented in writeing to the Chayrman in open Court and the same communicated to this Court, to the end itt may bee enquired off whoe is the most fittest person for that office and particularly of his conformity to the Church.” Thomas Walton of Ludgershall, victualler, “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse for three years. Edward Williams to be discharged from gaol upon payment of his fees. Order quashing the indictment against Giles Dix and Richard Hall for perjury. p. 273. Order “that all Churchwardens, Overseers, Con- stables, Tithingmen, Headburrows, and all other officers within the County doe in their severall and respective lymitts and Libertyes dilligently inquire of, observe, and take notice of all Conventicles which shall be holden within their respective townes, villages, parishes, libertyes, and hamletts, and shall from tyme to tyme forthwith resort thither and take the names in writeinge of all such persons that shall be there assembled.” Such names are to be reported to a justice of the peace within seven days. It is further ordered that the clerk of the peace shall have copies of this order printed and distributed “to every Minister of each parish in this County, whoe are hereby desired to publish the same once in a quarter of a yeare upon some Lords day in the Church ymediately after Divine Service.” The constables and other officers are also ordered to report the names of all those “whoe doe willfully absent themselves from their parish Church.” Order cancelling the allowance of 5s. a week paid to Robert Warner. p. 274. Order for the settlement of [blank] Harris at [blank].

H 111 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I Further adjournment of the case against the Provost of Eaton. Adjournment of the case against the inhabitants of Fullmer for not repairing a bridge. Order that “the Clerke of the peace for this County waite upon the Right reverend Father in God, Thomas, Lord Bishopp of Lincolne, to intreate his Lordship’s favour from this Court for his Lordship’s positive Order and directions to his subordinate officers for the County that they for the future take special care there be good Churchwardens in every parish within this County that are good Churchmen and well affected to the Government.” Order for the removal of the three children of [blank] from Lee to Great Missendon. Order that Thomas Russell shall be discharged from his master, Edward Gladman of in Edlesburrough. Order that a writ of venire facias shall be issued out against the inhabitants of Winslow. p. 275. Order for the removal of Thomas Hardinge, with his wife and family, from Winslow to Fullham, co. Middlesex. Order for the removal of Alice Lake from Buckland to Hugendon. Order for the issue of a warrant against William Bayly of Milton, alias Midleton Keynes, for not paying his “quar- terly mony.” Order cancelling the County pension paid to John Winter, “he beinge entred into the Charity of the Charter- howse.” Certain justices requested to “draw up an order for the appointeinge persons and purchaseinge ground for buildinge a Goale for this County.”

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CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1682-83. James Atkins, who was found guilty of larceny, is ordered to be whipped at the cart's tail. p. 276. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. William Illinge of Little Horwood, yeoman, and Robert Lane of Swanborne, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Thomas Footman of Little Horwood, clerk, fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting William Vickers. Joshua Turner of Chesham fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting Anne, wife of Daniel Mott. John Lewes of Cheynes forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his surety, Ralph Skydmer of Cheynes, forfeits £10. Nathaniel Ware of Chesham forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non-appearance. p. 277. Discharged. John Batcheler, junior, of Agmondisham, William Stevens of Hambledon, John Gold of Edlesburrough, Edward Woods of Denham, Joshua Turner and Nathaniel Grover, both of Chesham, John Weatherly of Little Missendon, Thomas Foottman of Little Horwood, clerk, Robert Pollyard, junior, of Whadden, Thomas White of Winslow, Thomas Duffin and John Lane, both of Great Marlow, Charles Altoph of Chesham, gentleman, Paul Bartlett, William Mansfield, and William Urlwin, all of Iver, and Richard George of Bletchley. End of this session, (signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. pp. 278-279. [Blank]. 113 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 19 April, 1683 [35 Charles II] p. 280. Jurors for the body of the County. Robert Turney, gentleman, Thomas Lake, gentleman, Thomas Horwood, Richard Adeane, Samuel Gurney, Thomas Brooks, John Welch, Edward Gomme, Peter Hewes, Andrew Rice, Edward Dorrell, Richard Waddupp, John Cheneles, John Baldwin, Thomas Bunce, Edward Warr, Nathaniel Weedon, Daniel Cogges, Matthew Butterfield, Henry Putten- ham, Henry Cockdale, Bernard Collyns, John Howes, Bernard Hall, William Inns, George Cherry, John Cripps, John Perry, and William Egleton. (Signed) John Cullinge, esquire, sheriff. p. 281. Indictments. John Stevens of North Marston, servant to John Betham, for assaulting John Virgin. John Playsteed of Stoke Mandevile, for keeping dogs and nets contrary to the statute. Mary, wife of Ralph Dennis of Hugendon, for assaulting William Russell, and the latter for assaulting the former. Ralph Judge of Little Missendon, for assaulting Susan Miles. [And see post, p. 296]. John Drapier of Great Marlow, for assaulting Jeremy Hollys. [And see post, p. 296]. Simon Goodwin of Aylesbury, for “keepinge a disordered Strong water shopp.” [And see post, p. 314]. Thomas Mathews and Peter Beck, both of Waddesdon, for assaulting Thomas Hodgson. [And see post, p. 296]. Thomas Barnewell of Aylesbury, gentleman, for acting as under sheriff without having been sworn. Thomas Barnes of Stony Stratford, for allowing a prisoner to escape. [And see post, p. 296]. pp. 282-285. Presentments. William Drake of Little Missendon, for not repairing a bridge.

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EASTER SESSION, 1683. John Christmass of Wendover, for entertaining Michael Dancer as an inmate. Richard Baker and Francis Warr, both of Bidelesdon, Thomas Marryatts and Thomas Blackman, both of Bechampton, John Pomphrett, Alexander Stevens, and [blank] French, widow, all of Lillingston Dorrell, Harrietts French, John Wareinge, and Thomas Woodward, all of Lechamstead, John Kinge, William Harris, Alice, wife of Hugh Tomlyns, and Anne Phyllis, wife of Richard Judge, junior, all of Padbury, Francis Coleman, Peter Barton, and Elizabeth Dixon, all of Thornton, Mary, wife of Matthew Ruttley of Maidsmorton, Henry Hall, baker, Henry Conney, butcher, Richard Bunne, Cornelius Harvey, , John Battison, Thomas Coney, Thomas Arnold, Edward Cooper, John Fullford, and Samuel Davis, all of Newport Pagnell, Rowland Forster, George Masson, Philip Freeman, William Knight, gardener, William Ashby, senior, William Ashby, junior, and Joseph Robinson, all of Warrington in Olney, Thomas Mead, William Wheeler, and William Tilcock, junior, all of Great Brickhill, George Gostly of Little Brickhill Robert Fellow, Thomas Whipham, Henry Tansey, Nichols Hawkins, Daniel Philips, and William Underwood, all of Bletchly, John Hobbes, senior, and Thomas Clark, both of Great Horwood, Thomas Bell of Little Horwood, Thomas Morton, Robert Clarke, and John Birch, all of , Edward Bate and John Rowly, both of Marsworth, Richard Knight of Slapton, Thomas White, Thomas Turney, John Webb, Joseph Mead, Thomas Coles, Richard Coles, William Coles, Sebastian Hair, John Mead, shoemaker, Thomas Mead, Benjamin Coles, William Lawrence, and Richard Deely, all of Stewkly, William Pontefax, Daniel Pontefax, John Lacey, Robert Hobbes, and Joan, wife of John Heyward, all of Burnham, Robert Aldridge, senior, [blank] Noke, widow, [blank] Batterson, widow, William Nash, Lawrence Moores, and William Mores, all of Beconsfeild, Robert Kingham, John Goodgame, and Elizabeth, wife of Edward Pratt, all of Farnham, Henry Higgens, Timothy Anthony, Thomas Winter, and Christopher Wingrove, all of Penne, John Bovingdon, Thomas Lane, Joseph Fryer and his wife, and 115 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Robert Becke and his wife, all of Great Marlow, and Richard Collett and his wife, Eleanor, wife of Henry Hickman, Margaret, wife of John Cox, John Rose, Elizabeth Rose, widow, Amy Hoar, widow, and Mary Hoar, spinster, all of Cuddington, for being absent from church. The inhabitants of Lethenborrough, for not repairing the highway from Preston to Buckingham. The constables of Shenly Church End, Aston Mullins, Waldridge, and Horsendon, for not making presentments or paying quarteridge. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land, and for receiving inmates. Thomas Gravett of Denham, for receiving inmates. Thomas Stevens of Colebrook, for “pickinge the Chappell lock and breakinge the Clock.” Susan Dennett of Colebrook, for “workinge on Xmas day and sellinge goods.” Mr. Thomas Farmer, Mary Farmer, Anne Barnes, widow, and Anne Barnes, spinster, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Thomas Sheene of Aylesbury, for “drinkinge strong waters on the Lord’s day.” Edward Beck of Westwiccomb, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. p. 286. Chief constables sworn. Buck[ingham] . . Stephen Graves of Shalstone and Thomas Hillesdon of Padbury, gentle- men, vice Edward Buttler and Wil- liam Egerton. (Note: John Fitchett of Ratcliffe, who was originally sworn in place of Egerton, has died.) Ash[endon] . . Thomas Bampton of Waddesden and Edward Murraine of Borstall, gentle- men, vice Robert Dancer and John Benham. Newport . . . . Richard Laughton, alias Laton, of Lav- endon and Thomas Perrott of Lough- ton, gentlemen, vice John Chewn and John Brincloe.

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EASTER SESSION, 1683. Cottslo . . . . Isaac Gurney of Stewkly and Thomas Greene of Whitchurch, gentlemen, vice Nicholas Sear and William Giles. Stoke . . . . Hercules Aldridge of Eaton and Henry Gould of Iver, gentlemen, vice John West and Edward Camock. Desb[orough] . . James Mole of Fingest and John Fellow of Hugendon, gentlemen, vice Ezekiel Clarke and John Sparke. Burn[ham] . . Tobias Goodridge of Chalfont St. Peter and John Grover of Chesham Bois, gentlemen, vice John Ascue and John Chase. Aylesbury . . Thomas Lake of Buckland and George Francklyn of Hadenham, gentlemen, vice Daniel Aldridge and John Heale. Treasurers sworn. For the maimed soldiers . . . . John Dudsbury of Chesham, gentleman, vice Nathaniel Carter. For the King’s bench and marshalsea . . Richard Parrott of Newport and Samuel Gurney of Berton, gentlemen, vice Matthias Coney and John Mortymer. pp. 287-288. Petty constables sworn. Hugendon . . Robert Tilbury vice John Bennett. Turfeild with Ipstone . . . . Ralph Rolles vice Daniel Keene. Little Marlow . . John Chilton and Robert Adams vice Thomas Lovejoy and Ralph Illes. Mursley . . . . John Coles vice Thomas Adams. Hogston . . . . Edward Turnham vice Thomas Clemence. Wavendon . . Francis Doggett vice Jacob Allen. Stewkly . . . . Benjamin Tokefeild vice Robert Keene. Chedington . . Thomas Worster vice Thomas Stonely.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Water Eaton . . Thomas Straton vice Richard Pursell. Drayton Parslo . . William Bate and Robert Willson vice Robert Lane and William Ruttland. Dunton . . . . Samuel Fryer vice Edmund Carter. Mentmore. . . . Thomas Brandham vice William Walker. Soulbery . . . . Robert Groome vice Thomas Stevens. Hambledon . . Thomas Tiler and John Freeman vice Robert Rockall and Robert Gray. Upper Winchendon John Walbanck vice William Bull. Medmenham . . William Keene vice Richard Hardinge. Wycomb Forrens . . William Russell vice Jonas Humfry. Walton . . . . William Thompson vice [blank]. Beconsfeild . . Thomas Sills vice Richard Simpson. Cippenham . . Thomas North vice Robert Pitcher. Eaton . . . . Anthony Warwick vice Henry Moody. Bishops Stone . . Andrew Barnett vice Francis Turner. Boveny . . . . Richard Webb vice John Apleby. Shenly Brook End John Cooper vice Thomas Norman. Halton . . . . Daniel Stokes vice Thomas Hill. East Burnham . . John Goldwin vice [blank]. Dorney . . . . William Barr vice Edward Clisby. Hitcham . . . . Richard Grove vice Robert Crompton. Brill . . . . William Bulstrod and Obediah West vice Thomas Hunt and Robert Pever- ill. Westcott . . . . Thomas Greene vice John Perkins. Wornall . . . . William Coxe vice John Rogers. Nether Winchendon Peter Neighbour vice Andrew Rice. Illmore . . . . John Bowden vice Thomas Gome. Whitchurch . . Thomas Sympson and Richard Taylor vice William Bishoppe and Thomas Hobbs. Cholesbury . . John Geary vice Edward Avis. Great Kimble . . John Stiles and Thomas Reynolds vice Henry White and Joseph Goodchild. Swanborne . . Paul Collier vice [blank]. Cheynes . . . . William Cannon vice [blank]. Bransfee . . . . Francis Fryer and John Stevens vice Samuel Slater and Thomas Crouch. Great Hampden . . Robert Rydall vice Joseph Knapp.

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EASTER SESSION, 1683. Little Missendon . . William Adkins vice John Lake. Stone . . . . Richard Jennings vice [blank]. Hogshaw . . . . Robert Stopp vice James Stevens. Great Missendon . . John Haynes and Thomas Eaton vice Joseph Stevens and John Bennett. East Cleydon . . William Hughes vice [blank]. Little Missendon . . William Randoll bice John Weathered. Ellesburrough . . William Curtis and Henry Cleydon vice James Smith, junior, and William Allen, junior. p. 289. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order, “as to the settlement of any person att any towne or parish, that the officers of such parish, towne, or Liberty, where such person shall be an Intruder and endeavour a Settlement, shall within one month after such endeavouringe give notice to the party to depart, and make and enter a Complaint before some or one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for this County, and soe continue notice and the complaint entred from month to month untill the next generall quarter sessions of the peace to be held for this County, and then give notice to the party and Overseers for the poor that they will move this Court against such Intruder att the next generall quarter sessions . . . for an order to Remove such persons upon proofe of the premises made to this Court. This Court then will in such cases remove all such persons Intrudeinge as aforesaid upon presentation of notice and the Complaint entred as aforesaid. But, where any person bona fide takes a howse by Lease in Writeinge within any towne or parish, it is to be adjudged a good Settlement.” Order adjourning the cases against the inhabitants of Stoke Mandavile, Walton, and Chickerly, for not repairing their highways. p. 290. Order, in the case between the inhabitants of Hambledon and Mr. Samuel Tovey, that John East, his 119 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. tenant, shall be rated “after the rate of £40 per annum, and for what he renteth and nott otherwise.” Order referring the dispute between Mrs. Busby of Marsh Gibbon and the overseers there to certain justices. Order that the constables of Beconsfeild shall arrest [blank] Whitacre and put him in the bridewell at Chippinge Wiccombe for a month with hard labour, in default of his finding sureties for his appearance at the next session. Order for the removal of John Claydon and his wife from Ivinghoe Aston to Northall in Edlesburrough. p. 291. Order for the removal of Thomas Illinge from Wendover to Great Brickhill. John Basely and his wife, having disobeyed a justices' order for their removal from Wendover to Wattlington, co. Oxford, are ordered to be sent to the bridewell at Aylesbury for a month with hard labour. Their children are to be sent to Wattlington. Elizabeth Hillersdon to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Whitchurch. p. 292. Order referring to certain justices the case of the settlement of John Sands. Sands claims to hold a lease in writing of a house in Cheppinge Wiccomb Forrens, and, if this is a proper lease, he is to be settled there. If it is not a good lease he is to be removed to Uxbridge, co. Middlesex. Order continuing the allowance of 2s. a week paid to Susan Farnborrow of Dinton. Order for the removal of Jane Claydon from Moncks Risburrough to Princes Risburrough. p. 293. Order for the removal of William Chadwell, with his wife and child, from Upton to Stoke Poges.

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EASTER SESSION, 1683. Order for the release from gaol of John Bilby, Richard Ingram, and John Parsons, who are in custody for a sus- pected felony, as they have found security for their appear- ance at the next session. Order adjourning the case against Weston Turvile. Order for the removal of Francis Collett from North- Marston to Weedon. Robert Warner and his wife to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Flete Marston. Certain justices required to decide a suitable allowance for Anne Hickman of Cuddington. Thomas Horwood to be allowed 2s. a week by the over- seers of Tingwick. p. 294. Order that the receiver general shall not pay any pension to anyone who lives out of the County. He is also ordered to “give in a list of all pensioners liveinge or dead” every session ; no pensioner is to be added “but on the first day of every sessions and that in open Court.” Alice Hall to be allowed another 6d. a week by the overseers of Shabbington, bringing her allowance up to 2s. 6d. a week. Order that “the table of Servants’ wages now read in open Court and agreed upon all Easter Session 1676 be continued.” It has been found in the past that the treasurers have not produced proper accounts to the receiver general and that they have both omitted to pay the proper amounts to the King’s bench, the houses of correction, and other “charitable uses,” and have paid out money to pensioners “when they have beene dead.” It is, therefore, ordered that the treasurers shall from time to time produce their accounts in 121 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. the presence of a justice of the peace for the inspection of the receiver general, who shall “write the same fairely out that the same may be made a Record of this Court.” The receiver general is to enquire into and report upon all the abuses he may find, especially in the case of pensions, and he is to be allowed £5 a quarter for this extra work. p. 295. Order, in connection with the order of the last session concerning the list of freeholders to serve upon juries, that, as the sheriff has not yet had time to complete his lists, he shall deliver them to the various justices within the next month. [And see ante, p. 272.] p. 296. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. George Francklyne of Haddenham, James Smith of Iver, Humphrey Payne of Pitlesthorne, and Edward Ball and Richard Collyns, both of Stony Stratford, fined £1 10s. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Peter Beck and Thomas Mathews, both of Waddesdon, fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Thomas Hodgson. Thomas Barnes of Stony Stratford fined 13s. 4d., for allowing a prisoner to escape. John Drapier of Great Marlow fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Jeremy Hollys. Thomas Judge of Little Missendon fined 10s., for assaulting Susan Miles. James Whitacre of Beconsfeild forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Thomas Whitacre and William Carter, both of St. Giles, co. Middlesex, forfeit £10 each. p. 297. Recognizances entered into. William Hans of Dinton, yeoman, in £40, with Thomas Lucas and John Cock, both of Dinton, as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Jeremy Warner of Weston Turvil, labourer, in £40, and Robert Smith of Charndon, Thomas Warner of Frinckfort, co. Oxford, Thomas Leister of Twiford, and Thomas Warner of Westbury, in £20 each, for their good behaviour.

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EASTER SESSION, 1683. Thomas Barnewell of Aylesbury, gentleman, John Stevens of North Marston, farmer, William Russell of Hugendon, yeoman, Gillam Kempe of Great Missendon, yeoman, Thomas Williams of Farnham Royall, and Simon Goddwin of Aylesbury, blacksmith, in £40 each, to appear at the next session. John Parsons of Woodstock, co. Oxford, yeoman, in £100, with Edward Lawrence of Walton in Aylesbury, Henry Falconer of Kittlington, co. Oxford, farmer, and Richard Davis of Northlisle, co. Oxford, as sureties in £50 each, for his appearance at assizes. Richard Ingram of Blackthorne, co. Oxford, in £100, with John Tomkins, William Bland, and Edward Hunt, yeoman, all of Blackthorne, and Nathaniel Smith of Ayles- bury, as sureties in £50 each, for his appearance at assizes. John Bilby of Long Crendon in £80, with Thomas Bilby of Winge and Richard Keene of Chilton as sureties in £40 each, for his appearance at assizes. p. 298. Discharged. John Lewes of Cheynes, John Drapier of Great Marlow, John Sands of Wycomb Forrens, Jeremy Warner of Weston Turvile, Thomas Allen, Peter Beck, William Turpin, John Bridges, Thomas Mathews, and John Townsend, all of Waddesdon, William Kemp of Great Horwood, John Stephens of Northmarston, Thomas Deely of Winslow, Thomas Woodward, John Higgins, Nathaniel Smith, and Thomas Sheene, all of Aylesbury, George Chardge of Wen- dover, Thomas Williams, John White, and Henry Clarke, all of Aylesbury, William Russell of Hugendon, Anne White of Iver, Thomas Hopkins of Stony Stratford, William Thompson of Newport Pagnell, Giles Penne and Thomas Judge, both of Stony Stratford, John Batchelor of Farnham Royall, Richard Nurly of Wingrove, and John Eeles of Aylesbury. End of this session, (signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 299. [Blank.]

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 12 July, 1683 [35 Charles II] p. 300. Jurors for the body of the County. William Barrett, gentleman, William Brookes, John Jackson, William Rice, Nicholas Towersy, Richard Barnard, John Griffin, John Woollhead, John Masson, Thomas Scott, Richard Major, Thomas Chapman, Edward Browne, Robert Graunge, gentlemen, William Goodwin, Thomas Taylor, William Edwin, gentleman, Daniel Ruberd, John Smith, William Bynion, Edward Hooton, John Marsh, and Thomas Bowrey. (Signed) John Cullinge, esquire, sheriff. p. 301. Indictments. Francis Devonsheir of Headsore, for refusing to execute a justices’ warrant. [And see post, p. 314]. Richard Fuller of Sincleburrough and Susan, his wife, for assaulting William Prentice. Thomas Dell, Thomas Sexton, and Timothy Child, all of Hedgerly, Robert Moore and Stephen Pewsy, both of Beconsfeild, Richard James, William Aldridge, John Ellis, George Salter, John Smith, and William Sexton, all of Farnham Royall, William Tanner of Uxbridge, [co. Middle- sex], William Batchellor, John Dollyn, and Andrew Brothers, all of Dorney, Robert Aldridge of Hitcham, Richard Baldwin of Chalfont St. P[eter], Henry Masson of Wooborne, John Jenninges of Burnham. Edward Moore and Henry Reeve, both of Stoke Poges, and Robert Austin of Cookham, “for riotously and unlawfully assemblynge themselves.” p. 302. Presentments of the grand jury. The inhabitants of Lethenburrough and Tingewick, for not repairing Meer Stone lane, leading from Preston B[isset] to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Bradwell, for not repairing Bradwell Common road, leading from Stony Stratford to Newport.

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1683. Thomas North of Cowly in Preston, and James Smith and Thomas Oliff, both of Aylesbury, for being absent from church for five weeks. William Wall, constable of Tingewick, for not presenting Matthew Wall, John Grove, and divers other dissenters. William Cowly and Samuel Horwood, both of Newport, for being common swearers and sabbath breakers. pp. 303-306. Presentments by the petty constables. John Coxe, glover, and Margaret, his wife, Richard Collett and Mary, his wife, John Rose, Elizabeth Rose, widow, Amy Hoare, Mary Hoare, Eleanor, wife of Henry Hickman, and Elizabeth Clark, widow, all of Cuddington, John Kinge, William Harris, Thomas Swanell, Alice Tomlyns, Mary Inns, and Phyllis Judge, all of Padbury, Richard Baker and his wife, Alexander Stevens, John Pomphrett, [blank], wife of Thomas Norman, and [blank] French, widow, all of Lillingston Dayrell, Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Biddlesdon, Harriotts French and his wife, Thomas Woodward and his wife, John Wareinge and his wife, James Wareinge, and Mary Wareinge, all of Lechamstead, Abraham Medwin, John Jennings, John Lacey, William Pontefex, and Daniel Pontefex, all of Burnham, Richard Dell and Robert Aldridge, both of Hitcham, Robert Kingham, John Good- game, John Smith, and George Monday, all of Farnham Royall, Philip Harvey, John Bovingdon, Thomas Lane, and [blank] Ballard, all of Great Marlow, Jonathan Upp, senior, and Sarah, his wife, and Jonathan Upp, junior, all of Fawly, Elizabeth West, widow, Elizabeth Tovey, widow, Katherine, wife of William Rhoades, Thomas Cooke and his wife, and William Gillett, junior, and his wife, all of Turfield with Ipstone, [blank], wife of Henry Keene, and Elizabeth Sher- wood, both of Westwiccomb, Henry Browne of Denham, Thomas Bell of Little Horwood, Edward Bate and John Rowland, both of Marsworth, Anthony Norman, Joseph Abbott, [blank] Howe, Edward Peirson, and Mary White, all of Shenly, Robert Fellow, Thomas Whippham, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, William Underwood, Henry Tansey, and Daniel Phillips, all of Bletchley, William Tilcock, 125 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. senior, William Tilcock, junior, Thomas Mead, and William Wheeler, all of Great Brickhill, George Gostly of Little Brickhill, Hugh Albright, Jeremy Browne, John Leach, William Higgins, and John Ward, alias Bard, all of Stony Stratford, Thomas Peirson, James Kinge, Thomas Hooten, George Kinge, Bernard Derrick, Nicholas Steele, and John Bunyon, all of , William Cooke, Edward Cooke, and John Cooke, all of Bow Brickhill, John Rewtle, senior, John Fuller, and Sarah, wife of William Gowninge, all of Calverton, John Rogers of Stoke Hamond, , Thomas Herne, William Judgkins, Thomas Burgis, Henry Potter, Thomas Judgkins, and John Lacey, all of Stony Stratford Westside, John Joanes and Richard Wilson, both of Newton Longvile, John Shepard and his wife, Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, Henry Bigge, Robert Page, and Thomas Beatey, all of Wavendon, John Ruffhead and his wife, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Cooke, Anne Lane, Alice Lane, Henry Hair, and William Walker, all of , William Dudley of Great Wolston, Richard Markes, Joseph Yorke, William Fockett, Walter Mabley, William Mouse, George Flawne, and Robert Newman, all of North Crawly, Thomas West of Shabington, James Brittinge, William Maxwell, Thomas Thrift, Matthew Travile, Joseph Bedford, Jonathan Glenne, Samuel Williamson, William White, Robert Pitchley, William Cowley, Thomas Ingram, John Sweepson, John Gibbes, Henry Hall, Henry Cunney, Cornelius Harvey, and Richard Bann, all of Newport P[agnell], Mary Maryott of , John Scott, Peter Collingridge, Mary Hardwick, Mary English, Katherine Rabone, and Margaret Hollys, all of Gayhurst, Robert Curtis and his wife, William Curtis and his wife, Richard Sibthorpe, Francis Mortymore, Mary Rogers, Sarah Rogers, Thomas Maryott, and William Shepard, all of Hanslope, Richard Newbury, alias Parker, and George Fletcher, both of Castle Thrupp, James Brearly, Rowland Forster, gentleman, John Barringer, James Os- borne, [blank] Wildman, widow, Joseph Chambers, and Elizabeth Whitney, all of Olney, George Lawton, Joseph Millington, John Clare, Andrew Clare, and John Gillman, all of Sherrington, Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, Robert Jacks of Weston Underwood, 126 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1683. Thomas Peacock, Thomas Hancock, and John Burridge, all of Lavendon, Joseph Tarey of Newton Blossomvile, and his wife, and George Lord, [blank], wife of John Spooner, Mary Waineman, and [blank], wife of John Hall, all of , for being absent from church. Elizabeth Tovey of Turfeild, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Thomas Nicholls, John Manninge, and John Hansum, all of Newport Pagnell, for drunkenness on the sabbath. p. 307. Petty constables sworn. Aylesbury . . Richard Tuckwell vice Thomas Read. Broughton . . Alexander Duncombe vice Francis Brill. Turweston . . James Knight vice Thomas Butcher. Wooborne . . Richard Towers, alias Dowse, and William Swayne vice George Crouch and Edward Savage. Calverton . . . . Richard Garlick vice Richard Smith. p. 308 Orders. “Forasmuch as Cavendish Weedon, esquire, clerk of the peace for this County, is a gentleman of the longe Robe, it is therefore ordered that for the tyme to come he sitt Covered in Court.” Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order cancelling the payment of an allowance of 2s. a week to Margaret Carrwood of Wornall. Maintenance order of 2s. a week against Jeremy Warner for the support of a bastard child in Cottington, co. Oxford. Order reducing the rateable value of the woods belonging to John Russ of Tingewick from £51 to £48 a year.

I 127 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. “Mr. Bate paid the Sheriff in open Court 15s., being the third parte of a Conviction, there beinge noe goods or chattels to answer the fine of John Waringe of £20 for sufferinge the Conventicle att his howse.” Order adjourning the case against William Russell and Mary, wife of Ralph Dennis. p. 309. Richard Tuckwell to be sworn petty constable of Aylesbury in place of Thomas Read, who is discharged. It was shown, by the oaths of Joseph Rawson and others, that Read “is a dissenter from the and a frequenter of Conventicles, and, being a horse courser, is absent from the parish most part of his time, and therefore unfitt to serve his Majesty in that office.” A certificate by certain justices shewed that Ambrose White, the bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, “hath beene very remiss and negligent in his said office and suffered severall prisoners to escape.” It is, therefore, ordered that White shall be discharged, and that Matthew Annesly shall be appointed in his place. p. 310. Abigail Busby of Marsh Gibbon, widow, complained that “the manner of taxinge in the said parish was allways by the yard hand till the late troubles, about which tyme a pound rate there first beganne, and that till then her estate . . . was taxed att 7 yard hands and noe more”; she is now taxed “att more than the full and utmost improved yearly value of her Lands and Tenements there, and every yard hand of the other parishioners there is generally worth about £12 a yeare a yard hand and some of higher value, but the same is taxed att £10 a year a yard hand.” It is ordered that her estate shall be “rated att 7 yard hands as heretofore, after the same apportionment for a yard hand as the other parishioners rate their severall and respective yard hands.” p. 311. Order confirming the order for the removal of John Stephens and his family from Oakly to Chilton.

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1683. Order adjourning the case against the inhabitants of Eaton. p. 312. As William Gillett, senior, of Ipstone has refused to obey a justices’ order requiring him to set apart a portion of his house for the maintenance of William Gillett, his son, and his wife and family, it is ordered that he shall pay 1s. 6d. a week to the overseers there. Order extending the recognizances of various persons who did not appear at this session. Order adjourning the appeal of Stoke Poges against the removal of William Chadwell and his wife from Upton. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Fullmer for not repairing their bridges. p. 313. “Ordered by this Court that an Address be made to his Majestie from the Justices of the peace to shew their sincere Joy for the preservation of his sacred person from a most Wicked and horred Conspiracy against the precious lives of his Majestie and his Royall Brother, James, Duke of Yorke, and to shew their detestation and abhorrance to all plotts, Conspiracys, and associations whatsoever against his Majestie or his government, either in Church or State, and to shew their readiness to tender their Lives and fortunes for the preservation of the same. To which address the Grand Inquest of this Sessions in open Court doe unanimously consent in the same. And itt is further ordered that the Clerke of the peace for this County shall waite upon the grand Inquest att the next assizes to be holden for this County to desire their Concurrence herein, to the end that the freeholders of this County, as well of the gentry as comonalty, may all Joyne in the aforesaid Address, and that the Justices of the peace for this County and the grand Inquest att the next assizes or some of them be desired to agree upon the forme of an address, to the effect aforesaid, and upon some persons to present the same.” Daniel Aldridge of Princes Risborough granted a licence 129 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. “to sell beer and ale in the Anncient Alehouse there called the George.” The clerk of the peace to be paid £3 for printing and dis- tributing certain orders. “Ordered that Mr. Birtches petition be read next Sessions.” p. 314. Fines and issues. Samuel Browne of Stoke Mandavile, Thomas Sills of Beconsfeild, Richard Grimsdale of Agmondisham, George Smith of Hambledon, and Richard Phipps of Winslow, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Francis Devonsheir fined 6s. 8d., for contempt of court, and paid in court. Simon Godwin fined 6s. 8d., for keeping a “disorderly strong water shopp,” and paid in court. Recognizances entered into. Henry Reeve of Stoke Poges, Henry Masson of Woo- borne, and William Grove of Beconsfeild, in £40 each, for their appearance at the next session. p. 315. Discharged. Richard Newell of Stratton Audley, William Hans of Dinton, Jeremy Warner of Weston , Thomas Johnson, Richard Gibbons, and Nathaniel Preist, all of Great Marlow, Mary Broughton of Cublington, Robert Symonds and John Symonds, both of Charndon, John Willis of Newton Long- vile, Richard Fuller of Sincleburrough, Henry Curtis of Little Horwood, William Willis of Whadden, Charles Innards of Little Horwood, Bartholomew Francklyne of Haddenham, John Radford of Wornall, Francis Devonsheir of Headsore, Peter Horton, Sarah Horton, and Anne Wild, all of Iver, and Richard Sherriffe of Edlesburrough. End of this session, (signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, esquire, clerk of the place. pp. 316-317. [Blank].

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MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1683. MICHAELMAS SESSION At AMERSHAM 4 October, 1683 [35 Charles II] p. 318. Jurors for the body of the County. William Bowyer, gentleman, Joseph Bampton, Samuel Graunge, Thomas Wells, junior, Edward Davison, William Burt, William Warr, Thomas Kinge, William Snow, Laurence Rutt, William Newington, John Grimsdale, Thomas Whit- church, William Noke, John Lidgold, Thomas Weedon, William Wigge, John Wheeler, Robert Adams, George Scott, John Sharpe, John Masters, and John Phillipps. (signed) John Cullinge, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of supremacy and allegiance:—Edward Baldwin, esquire, recorder of the borough of , John Lane, gentleman, mayor of that borough, Joseph Petifer, gentleman, a justice of the peace for that borough, Isaac Loddington, clerk, vicar of Aylesbury, Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, and William Squire, clerk, rector of Saunderton. p. 319. Indictments. Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, Thomas Peacock and Thomas Hancock, both of Lavendon, George Lord, [blank], wife of John Spooner, and Mary Waineman, all of Emberton, William Tilcock, senior, William Tilcock, junior, Thomas Mead, and William Wheeler, all of Great Brickhill, Sarah, wife of William Gowninge of Calverton, and John Rogers of Stoke Hamond, for being absent from church for a month. Richard Widmore of Hugendon, for assaulting Edward Baldwin, esquire. [And see post, p. 328]. Richard Plomer of Westwiccombe, for allowing a prisoner to escape. [And see post, p. 328]. Abraham Glover of Burnham, for assaulting Joan Newman. [And see post, p. 328]. Thomas Barrabee and John Emblinge, both of West- wiccombe, for disobeying a justices’ order.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. pp. 320-325. Presentments. John Fulford, Robert Nicholls, Thomas Ruffhead, Richard Judkins, Henry Hall, Henry Cuningham, Thomas Cuningham, Cornelius Harvey, Richard Baun, Edward Cooper, Bartholomew Barwick, Thomas Cooper, and John Gibbes, all of Newport Pagnell, William Foskett, Joseph Yorke, Richard Markes, William Mowse, George Flawne, Robert Newman, Walter Mably, and William Church, all of North Crawly, George Fletcher, Richard Newbury, and Alice Yorke, spinster, all of Castle Thrupp, Thomas Dyson, Jane Osborne, spinster, Joseph Jones, Thomas Jackson, William Gale, and [blank] Barnes, all of Olney, [blank], wife of John Spooner, [blank], wife of John Neale, George Lord, and Mary Winwood, all of Emberton, Edward Ludding- ton and Katherine Gale, spinster, both of Clifton Reynes, Anthony Stimpson of Cold Brafeild, William Hopkins, William Rose, Thomas Simcoe, Thomas Peacock, Thomas Hancock, and John Burridge, all of Lavendon, Robert Curtis, Mary Rogers, Samuel Rogers, Richard Sibthorpe, and Francis Mortymer, all of Hanslope, John Scott, Peter Colling- ridge, Katherine Rawbone, and Mary English, all of Gay- hurst, Robert Pakes and John Fisher, both of Weston Underwood, Henry Potter, John Lacey, Thomas Burgis, Thomas Judgkins, Thomas Herne, Edward Snoxold, William Judgkins, Marmaduke Ball, and John Fulford, all of Stony Stratford Westside, Richard Wilkinson and John Jones, both of Newton Longvile, John Reeve, John Fuller, and Mary Coxe, all of Calverton, William Cooke, senior, William Cooke, junior, and John Cooke, all of Bow Brickhill, John Rogers of Stoke Hamond, Henry Haire, Thomas Walker, and [blank], wife of Richard Cooke, all of Great Linford, Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, Thomas Bressey, Robert Page, Henry Bigge, and John Shepard, all of Wavendon, William Dudley of Great Wolstone, Thomas Peirson, James Kinge, John Bunyon, George Kinge, Bernard Derrick, Joshua Bunyon, and Nicholas Steele, all of Moulsoe, George Gostiloe of Little Brickhill, Robert Fellow, Thomas Whippham, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, Daniel Phillips, and Henry Tansey, all of Bletchly, Hugh Albright, John Ward, alias Bard, John Leach, and William Higgins, all of Stony Strat- 132 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1683. ford Westside, William Wheeler, William Tilcock, junior, and Thomas Mead, all of Great Brickhill, Thomas Wigge, [blank] Kelly, Jane Morgan, and Elizabeth Markham, all of Twiford, Henry Fenamore of Westbury, John Perkins, senior, Robert Walter, Richard Hatches, John Morburne, John Hill, John Waduppe, John Grove, mercer, and Matthew Wall, all of Tingwick, Edward Dunne, senior, Michael Biddle, Joseph Church, Edward Dunne, junior, and Elizabeth Nicholls, all of Ivor, James Clarke, Richard Colett and his wife, John Rose and Elizabeth Rose, his mother, Richard Very and his wife, Elizabeth Clarke, widow, and Eleanor, wife of Henry Hickman, all of Cuddington, John Lacey, William Pontefex, Daniel Pontefex, and Abraham Medwin, all of Burnham, Robert Kingham, George Monday, John Goodgame, and Elizabeth Pratt, all of Farnham, Robert Aldridge and Daniel Grimson, both of Beconsfeild, John Rowland and Edward Bate, both of Marsworth, Thomas Bell of Little Horwood, Elizabeth West, widow, Elizabeth Tovey, widow, Katherine, wife of William Rhoades, [blank], wife of Thomas Cook, and [blank], wife of William Gillett, all of Turfield with Ipstone, Philip Harvey, Joseph Fryer, Richard Hilton, Thomas Lane, Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, Thomas Smith, lace buyer, [blank] Ballard, widow, and Robert Fortune, all of Great Marlow, Giles Child, senior, Timothy Child, Sarah Hunt, widow, Mary, wife of Thomas Farr, John Child, Giles Child, junior, Hester Hill, Thomas Chersley, Thomas Crutch, Paul Dorval, John Costard, John Younge, senior, John Younge, junior, Edward Angle, Thomas Wingfield, Hannah, wife of Thomas Peirce, [blank], wife of William Statham, senior, Richard Norwood, James, son of Ezekiel Norwood, Edward Wyer, Henry Child, William Child, yeoman, James Ball, John Morton, Sarah Hill, spinster, William Hobbes, Nathaniel Stoner, and John Brickhill, all of Agmondisham, for being absent from church. John Brooks of Olney for building a cottage at Lavendon without assigning four acres of land, and Thomas Woodcock of Great Horwood, for similarly building a cottage. The constables of Shabbington, Aston Mullins, and Waldridge, for not making presentments or paying quarter- idge.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Joan Smith of Great Horwood, for entertaining an inmate. Mr. John Ferrers and Alice Bowles, both of Great Marlow, for refusing to watch and ward. Mr. Crompton, “Maddam” Brinckhurst, Mr. Thomas Farmer, Anne Barnes, widow, and Anne Barnes, spinster, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Thomas Peirce and Andrew Borrow, both of Agmondi- sham, for selling goods on Sunday. William Tench of Agmondisham, for “triminge on the Lord’s day.” Mary Burgis, John Chesheir, and Edward Gurney, all of , for not doing their statutory work on the highways. p. 326. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Memorandum that Sir Anthony Chester, Bart., J. P., paid the sheriff in Court £14. 4s. 4d., a third part of the fine of £42. 13s. 0d. for “Conviction money” for a conventicle held at Wavendon. Order “that an order of the privy Sessions held in Desburrow hundred concerninge Winch and Westwiccomb be confirmed.” Order “that for the tyme to come noe person or persons whatsoever but what are Loyall and well affected to the Government be Lycensed to sell ale, beer, etc.” Order for the removal of John Lack and Mary, his wife, from Maidsmorton to Weston, alias Westlinge, alias West- stoninge, co. [Bedford]. Order referring the question of the relief of Margaret Carrwood of Wornall to certain justices.

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MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1683. Order “that the defalters’ Issues be reduced to 20s. apeice.” Memorandum that Edward Baldwin, esquire, J. P., paid the sheriff in court £6. 13s. 4d., a third part “(beinge his Majesties’ parte),” of a fine for a conventicle held at Agmondisham. p. 327. Order that Susan Farnburrough shall be paid her allowance of 2s. a week by the overseers of Dinton, in accor- dance with former orders of court, and all arrears due to her owing to their refusal to pay. [And see post, p. 340.] Order adjourning the case against John Shepard, esquire, for not repairing Lidcott Lane in Stewkly. The clerk of the peace to be paid 40s. for his expenses in delivering the recent address to the King. Order “that Mr. Birches petition be read next Sessions.” p. 328. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Robert Batchelor of Walton in Aylesbury, gentleman, Thomas Saunders of Northmarston, John Phillips of Wornall, Tobias Churchill of Steeple Cleydon, and Thomas Johnson of Ivingho, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Richard Widmore of Hugendon, gentleman, fined £3. 6s. 8d., for assaulting and abusing Edward Baldwin, esquire. Richard Plomer of Westwiccombe fined 13s. 4d., for allowing a prisoner to escape. Abraham Glover of East Burnham fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting Joan Newman. William Woodhowse of Beconsfeild, Thomas Dell of Hedgerly, and Edward Moores of Stoke Poges, fined 6s. 8d. each, for “being att an unlawfull assembly in a riotous manner.” Jane Hawes of Great Marlow, spinster, forfeits her recognizance of £10 for non-appearance, and her sureties, 135 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Thomas Hawes, labourer, and Arthur Playster, both of Great Marlow, forfeits £5 each. Thomas Hodgson of Aylesbury, yeoman, forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non- appearance. Richard Langly of Great Marlow, smith, forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non-appearance. William Langly of Great Marlow, maltster, forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non- appearance, and his sureties, William Weedon, senior, and William Weedon, junior, both of Great Marlow, forfeit £5 each. p. 329. Discharged. Robert Fortune of Great Marlow, John Batcheler of Farnham, John Webb of Great Kimble, Richard Webb of Hartell, Ralph Grace of Wendover, John Walker, Alice Sheene, and John Trindall, all of Aylesbury, Elizabeth Bigge and Margaret Lovett, both of Winsloe, Robert Howard of Penne, John Goldwin of Burnham, Moses Towne of Chesham, William Hole of Langly, George Russell of Bradenham, Richard Plomer and John Webbe, both of Westwiccomb, John Edwards, senior, and John Edwards, junior, both of Chesham, Thomas Beckett of Dodershall, Priscilla Lockwood of Great Marlow, John Padbury of Fingest, John Moores of Stoke Poges, Richard Eglestone of Colebrook, Hugh Gill of Wraysbury, John Bolton of Easington, Abraham Glover, Richard Worsly, Thomas Pond, and Joan Maynard, all of East Burnham, Richard Keene of Cublington, Matthew Deverill and Robert Avery, both of Swanborne, Henry Smith of Little Horwood, William Beckly, junior, of Swan- borne, and Henry Pedder of Stewkly. End of this session, (signed) [Cavendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. PP. 330-331. [Blank.]

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CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1683-84. CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 17 January, 1683-84 [35 Charles II] p. 332. Jurors for the body of the County. Arthur Claver, gentleman, Thomas Alexander, William Edmonds, John Heywood, Francis Nixon, William Baker, John Webbe, gentleman, John Symonds, Thomas Eeles, Thomas Oliver, Richard Madge, John Allnutt, John Graves, Richard Lea, Thomas Snow, Richard Coxe, John Snow, Thomas Kinge, Thomas Leach, Matthew Butterfeild, Thomas Peirce, John Hogson, Nicholas Gafeild, John Grace, Henry Tilcock, William Maxwell, John Carpenter, William Tomp- kins, Richard Willson, Thomas Norris, and William Haines. (signed) Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., sheriff. p. 333. Indictments. John Carrill and his wife, Anthony Byway and his wife, William Edins and his wife and daughter, all of Olney, for assaulting John Sargeant. Daniel Saunders of Aylesbury, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Francis Quoy of Mursly, for keeping guns, contrary to the statute of 33 Henry VIII. Elnathan Wootten of Steeple Cleydon, for housebreaking. [And see post, p. 343]. Presentments of the grand jury. The inhabitants of Hardwick, for not repairing the highway leading from Aylesbury to Winslow, “against Robert Thorpe’s yard,” and for not railing Hardwick Bridge. The inhabitants of Sherrington, for not repairing Sherrington Bridge. The inhabitants of Lathbury, for not repairing Lathbury Bridge. The inhabitants of Great Kimble, for not repairing 137 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Gibbs Lane, between Princes Risburrough and Kings Risburrough. The inhabitants of Lethenburrough, for not repairing the highway from Buckingham to Winslow. William Talboies, senior, William Welch, senior, Susan, wife of Richard Buttler, William Dancer, Robert Holland, Dorothy, wife of William Baker, Bridget Russell, widow, Thomas Oliffe, Matthias, son of Stephen , and [blank] Lucas, glover, all of Aylesbury, for being absent from church for one month. James Hazle of Aylesbury, for trading as a woollendraper contrary to the statute. pp. 334-338. Presentments of the petty constables. John Rose, and Elizabeth Rose, his mother, Richard Verey and Deborah, his wife, Eleanor, wife of Henry Hickman, James Clarke and Elizabeth Clarke, his mother, John Coxe and his wife, Richard Collett and his wife, and Amy Hoar and Mary, her daughter, all of Cuddington, John Kinge and Thomas Swannell, both of Padbury, Thomas Coleman of Thornton and his wife, Harriotts French and his wife, Thomas Woodward and his wife, and John Wareinge, all of Lechamsted, Mary, wife of Anthony Ruttly of Maidsmorton, Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Bidlesdon, John Pomfrett of Lillington Dayrell, Thomas Blackman of Bechampton, James Brittin, Thomas Arnold, Thomas Thrift, Edward Cooper, John Sweepson, Thomas Cuningham, Cornelius Harvey, Michael Sellers, and Samuel Davis, all of Newport P[agnell], Peter Collingridge, Mary Hardwick, Mary English, and Katherine Rabone, all of Gayhurst, Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, Robert Charles, alias Jacks, of Weston Underwood, James Bryerly, John Barringer, William Weyles, Thomas Dison, William Osborne, Joseph Jones, and William Gale, all of Olney, George Lord of Emberton, Robert Curtis and William Curtis, both of Hanslope, William Rose, Thomas Simcoe, and Thomas Peacock, all of Lavendon, John Gillman, Andrew Clare, and George Lawton, all of Sherrington, Joseph Yorke, Richard Marks, William Mowse, Robert Newman, 138 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1683-84. Walter Mably, George Flawne, and William Foskett, all of North Crawly, William Walker, Henry Hair, and [blank], wife of Richard Cook, all of Great Linford, John Leach, Hugh Albright, John Ward, alias Bird, and William Higgins, all of Stony Stratford Eastside, John Fullford, John Lacey, Marmaduke Ball, Thomas Hearne, Henry Potter, Samuel Smith, “speaker,” William Judgkins, Henry Herne, Thomas Burgis, and Thomas Judgkins, all of Stony Stratford West- side, James Miller, John Fuller, and John Reeve, all of Calverton, Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, Thomas Bressy, Robert Page, Henry Bigge, and John Shepard and his wife, all of Wavendon, Thomas Mead, William Wheeler, and William Tilcock, junior, all of Great Brickhill, Thomas Hooton, Thomas Peirson, John Bunyon, James Kinge, and Bernard Derrick, all of Moulsoe, John Rogers, senior, of Stoke Hamond, Robert Fellow, Thomas Whippham, Richard Underwood, William Underwood, Henry Tansy, and Daniel Phillips, all of Bletchly, Edward Bate and John Rowland, both of Marsworth, Michael Biddle, Benjamin Dun, Thomas French, Edward Dun, Daniel Browne, William Browne, and Joseph Church, all of Iver, Philip Harvey, Joseph Fryer, Richard Hilton, Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, Thomas Smith, lace buyer, and [blank] Ballard, widow, all of Great Marlow, John Lacey, Abraham Medwin, and John Jenninges, all of Burnham, Robert Kingham, George Monday, John Good- game, and [blank], wife of Francis Pratt, all of Farnham Royall, Richard Dell of Hitcham, Robert Aldridge, David Jeamson, Stephen Pewsy, William Woodhouse, and Thomas Dollinge, all of Beconsfeild, Thomas North of Preston, and Alice, his wife, and John George, John Perkins, John Grove, mercer, John Markham, John Waddup, John Hill, Richard Hookes, alias Hobes, and Robert Walker, all of Tingwick, for being absent from church. Elizabeth Sherrwood and [blank], wife of Henry Keene, both of Westwiccomb, and Mr. Crompton, “Maddam” Brinckhurst, Anne Barnes, widow, and Anne Barnes, spinster, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. The inhabitants of Aston Mullins and Waldridge, for not paying quarteridge. William Greene of Wadesdon, for not repairing part 139 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. of the highway in Collickford leading from Wadesdon to Bister. William Kendall of Newport P[agnell], for being a sabbath breaker. Benjamin Durrant of Boe Brickhill, for several mis- demeanours. Anthony Mosely of Iver, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Francis Ligo of Beconsfeild, gentleman, for refusing to do his statutory work upon the highways. p. 339. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy:⎯Edmund Stafford of Westbury, esquire, Mr. Thomas Barnewell, deputy sheriff, and William Newland, Thomas Hurles, Henry Munday, and John Batcheler, senior, bailiffs of the hundreds of Cottsloe, Ashendon, Aylesbury, and Chiltern respectively. Order for the removal of Alice Deane from Bledlow to Baldwin, co. Oxford. Order for the removal of William, son of Jane Parsons, from Ivinghoe to Grove. p. 340. Order cancelling the recent order allowing 2s. a week to Susan Farnburrough of Dinton, as it appears that she has “an estate for life of £8 per annum.” [And see ante, P. 327]. Order adjourning the case against Mr. Ligo. Order for the removal of Thomas Row from Stewkly to Shenly. Order for the removal of Matthew Allen from Chepinge 140 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1683-84. Wiccombe Forrens to Poile in Stanwell, co. Middlesex, where he used to be employed by Richard West, papermaker. p. 341. Order confirming the rate of Henry Chapman, constable of Radnedge, for his charges during the past year. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of Christopher Newell against his rates at Westwiccombe. Order for the removal of John Sear from Ivinghoe to Dagnall in Edlesburrough. Order for the settlement of Matthias Ingram at Wingrove. Order for the removal of Elizabeth Harborrough from Ivinghoe Aston to Shortgrave, co. Bedford. p. 342. William Hickman of Aylesbury, carpenter, to be paid 40s. “for his paines in surveighing a place for to build a new Goale upon.” Nathaniel Birtch, the County gaoler, petitioned the Court that he might be paid the arrears of rent for the gaol, which has been owing to him for the last eight years, at the rate of £20 a year. It is ordered that certain justices shall inspect the accounts of the receiver general to see if any County money is available to pay this amount, in whole or in part. Certain justices are requested to examine the petition of Mr. Winter and to report thereon to Sir Charles Cotterill. Jane Thorne to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Berton. p. 343. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Thomas Machell of Wendover, John Sexton of Cheppinge Wycomb Forrens, and John Dymock of Edlesburrough, gentlemen, fined £l each, for being absent when summoned as jurors.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Elnathan Wootten of Steeple Cleydon, yeoman, fined £2 for entering the house of John Wallis. William Forster of Colebrook, yeoman, and Charles Dennis of [blank], forfeit their recognizances of £10 each for non-appearance. William Newham of Aylesbury forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance. William Bull of Winslow, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his sureties, William Ellard and William Hancock, both of Addington, forfeit £20 each. Recognizances entered into. John Bolton, junior, of Easington, labourer, in £40, with Richard Bolton, senior, and Richard Bolton, junior, both of Easington, farmers, as sureties in £20 each, for his appearance in respect of the bastard child of Alice Allen. John Holland of Granburrough, farmer, in £40, with Richard Fenne of Stewkly as surety in £20, for his good behaviour. Daniel Saunders of Aylesbury in £40, for his appearance at the next session. p. 344. Discharged. John Willis of Lowton, Henry Curtis of Little Horwood, John Calcott of Dynton, Mary Jordan of Aylesbury, widow, William Wheeler, James Carter, Thomas Lucas, and William Hance, all of Dinton, William Reddinge of Little Myssendon, Charles Dennis of Farnham Royall, Arthur Warwyck of Eaton, George Clewre of Cheppinge Wycomb, William Hodsden of Westwiccomb, Thomas Gray of Great Marlow, Elnathan Wootten of Steeple Cleydon, John Moore of Stoke Poges, Samuel Evans of Stony Stratford, John Spencer of Farnham Royall, William Cock of Princes Risburrough, Thomas Terry of Aylesbury, Thomas Porter of Marsh Gibbon, and George Russell of Bradenham. End of this session, (signed) Ca[vendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 345. [Blank].

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EASTER SESSION, 1684. EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 10 April, 1684 [36 Charles II] p. 346. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Machell, William Hill, and Richard Stratfold, gentlemen, Richard Harvey, Silvester Dancer, William Lamborne, gentleman, John Bayley, Thomas Towersy, William Thame, John Hickman [senior], John Hickman [junior], Matthew Adams, John Durrant, John Hill and John How, gentlemen, Henry Pitchforke, Joseph Duncomb, gentleman, Benedict Gawdery, John Merrydale, and Richard Swaine. (signed) Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy:—Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., of Taplow, sheriff, Thomas Barnwell of Aylesbury, gentleman, deputy sheriff, Edward Sherryer of Addington, clerk, Robert Whitton, alderman and deputy recorder of the borough of Cheping Wiccomb, John Morris and Thomas Shrimpton, bailiffs of Cheping Wiccomb, and William Segrave of Aylesbury, officer of excise. pp. 347-351. Presentments of the petty constables. John Kinge and Thomas Swannell, both of Padbury, Francis Coleman of Thorneton and his wife, Thomas Black- man of Bechampton, Harriotts French and his wife, John Wareinge and his wife, and Thomas Woodward and his wife, all of Lechamstead, Francis Ware and Gregory Darby, both of Biddlesdon, Henry Fenemoore of Westbury, William Judgkins, Thomas Herne, John Fullford, Samuel Smith, Marmaduke Ball, John Lacey, Edward Snoxell, Henry Potter, Thomas Judgkins, Thomas Burgis, and Henry Herne, all of Stony Stratford Westside, Thomas Cooke, Edward Cooke, Richard Amesdon, and Anne White, widow, all of Bow Brickhill, Thomas Meade, William Tilcock, and William Wheeler, all of Great Brickhill, Geoffrey Underwood, William Underwood, Richard Underwood, Henry Tansey, Nicholas K 143 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Hawkins, Daniel Phillips, Robert Fellow, and Thomas Whippham, all of Bletchly, George Ghostily and Francis Frayle, both of Little Brickhill, Richard Willison, John Joanes, William Walker, Henry Herne, John Ruffhead and his wife, Jane Ruffhead, and [blank], wife of Richard Cooke, all of Great Linford, Thomas Harvey, Henry Bigg, and Robert Page, all of Wavendon, Hugh Albright, John Leach, William Higgins, John Ward, alias Bard, and Jeremiah Browne, all of Stony Stratford Eastside, James Kinge, Thomas Pearson, George Kinge, John Bunyon, Bernard Derrick, and Mary Steele, all of Moulsoe, John Reeve, senior, John Fuller, senior, [blank], wife of William Gubinns, and [blank], wife of William Coxe, all of Calverton, William Foskett, yeoman, Joseph Yorke, Richard Marks, Robert Newman, William Mowse, Walter Mabley, George Flawne, and Henry Glidwell, all of North Crawly, Robert Curtis and William Curtis, both of Hanslopp, John Gibbs, James Brittaine, William Maxwell, Cornelius Harvey, Bartholomew Barwick, Jonathan Glenn, Henry Cuningham, Thomas Cooper, Richard Richardson, John White, John Battison, John Wilkinson, junior, William Thorpe, Mark James, senior, Thomas Kent, John Mathews, and John Davis, all of Newport Pagnell, Anthony Stimpson of Cold Brafeild, Joseph Tarey, Jane Benson, Elizabeth Garrett, James Bryerly, John Barugham, junior, William Weole, Thomas Whitten, Jacob Whitten, William Osborne, and John Ashburner, all of Olney, Elizabeth Brittaine of Chicherly, Henry Brightman and Robert Charles, alias Jacks, both of Weston Underwood. Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, James Francklyne, Samuel Porter, John Webb, Henry Siers, and Anne Siers, all of Ravenstone, William Rose, William Hopkins, and Thomas Simcoe, all of Lavendon, John Scott, Mary Hardwick, and Mary English, all of Gayhurst, John Gillman, Andrew Clare, Hugh Clifton, Robert Church, and George Lawton, all of Sherrington, George Fletcher and Richard Newbury, both of Castle Thrupp, Edward Bate and John Rowland, both of Marsworth, Michael Biddle, Thomas French, Joseph Church, Edmund Dunne, Daniel Browne, and William Browne, all of Iver, Thomas Lane, Joseph Fryer, Grace Bovingdon, 144 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1684. widow, Richard Langly, Thomas Smith, Philip Harvey, Anne, wife of Thomas Duffin, [blank] Ballard, widow, Richard Hilton, John Jordan, and Robert Beck, all of Great Marlow, Richard Dell of Hitcham, Robert Aldridge, David Jameson, Stephen Pewsy, and William Woodhowse, all of Beconsfeild, Robert Kingham, John Smith, George Monday, and John Goodgame, all of Farnham Royall, and John Rose, Elizabeth Rose, widow, James Clerke, Elizabeth Clerke, widow, Eleanor, wife of Henry Hickman, Richard Collett and his wife, Katherine Nicholls, widow, John Coxe and his wife, and Richard Very and his wife, all of Cuddington, for being absent from church. Mrs. Mary Farmer and [blank] Barnes, widow, both of Great Marlow, Elizabeth Sherwood and [blank], wife of Henry Keene, both of Westwiccomb, and Elizabeth Pratt of Farnham Royall, for recusancy. Archibald Johnson, Robert Mitchell, James Whimsey, John Dobey, senior, John Dobey, junior, and Thomas Thornton, all of Olney, for entertaining inmates. [Blank], for not repairing a bridge at Horton. Mary Hambleton and [blank] Hawkins, widow, both of Iver, for bastardy. Elizabeth Dowglas, widow, Elizabeth Rogers, “chap woman,” Richard Hardinge, and Dorothy Harrison, all of Great Marlow, and Christopher Andrews of Taplow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. p. 352. Indictments. William Smart, Stephen Dagnall, Matthias Dagnall, Thomas Oliffe and Dorothy, his wife, James Smith and his wife, William Welch, Susan, wife of Richard Buttler, William Dancer, Robert Holland, Dorothy, wife of William Baker, Bridget Russell, widow, Matthew Roper and his wife, Alexander Merrick and Amy, his wife, William Pratt and his wife, Margaret Druse, Joseph Ray, [blank] Ray, widow, [blank] Harding, widow, and Giles Palmer and his wife, all of Aylesbury, for being absent from church for one month. John Ayres of Steeple Cleydon, for assaulting Ursula Taylor.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Richard Buttler of Aylesbury, for putting a dunghill in the highway. John Welch and Richard Welch, both of Monks Risburrough, for diverting certain water- courses. Robert Johnson of St. Andrew, Holborn, for extortion in his office as a woolconner. Presentments of the grand jury. John Stopp of Wendover, for digging pits in the highway. Jonas Humfrey of Wendover, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Presentments by Edward Baldwin, esquire, J. P. The inhabitants of Wooborne and Wiccomb Forrens, for not repairing their highways. Richard Hurles of Wooborne, for ploughing up the highway. p. 353. Chief constables sworn. Ash[endon] . . Richard Gibbens of Pitchcott and William Burt of Long Crendon, gentlemen, vice Thomas Bampton and Edward Muraine. Buck[ingham] . . Edward Warr of Thornborough and Thomas Clarke of Edgcott, gentle- men, vice Thomas Hillesdon and [blank]. Newport . . . . John Gilpin of Wolston and Thomas Pursell of Lavendon Grange, gentle- men, vice Thomas Perrott and Richard Lawton. Cottslo . . . . William Johnson of Ivinghoe and William Duncombe of Hardwick gentlemen, vice Isaac Gurney and Thomas Green. Stoke . . . . Samuel Bowry of Horton and John Ball of Langly, gentlemen, vice Hercules Aldridg and Henry Gould.

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EASTER SESSION, 1684. Desb[orough] . . John Ratleife of Cheping Wiccomb and James Fisher of Great Marlow, gentle- men, vice John Fellow and James Mole. Aylesbury . . . . Samuel Graunge of St. Leonards and Thomas Gibson of Little Kimble, gentlemen, vice Thomas Lake and George Francklyn. Burn[ham] . . Coleborne Hodeskins of Beaconsfeild and Timothy Butterfeild of Chesham, gentlemen, vice Tobias Goodridge and John Grover. Treasurers sworn. For the maimed Soldiers . . . . John Cripps of Newport Pagnell and John Chase, junior, of Chesham, gentlemen, vice Richard Perrott and John Dudsbury. For the King’s bench and Marshalsea . . Richard Blackwell, senior, of Moncks Risburrough, vice Samuel Gurney. pp. 354-355. Petty constables sworn. Eaton . . . . Joseph Wiccomb vice George Thorpe. Little Brickhill . . George Olden and Roger Curle vice Robert Rutter and [blank]. Sherrington . . John Skevington vice Thomas Hutchens. Little Kimble . . William Francklyn vice [blank]. Beaconsfeild . . Robert Jones and Richard Grove vice Thomas Sills and Richard Clark. Cuddington . . Edward Lamborne vice Thomas Piddington. Brandsfee . . . . Edward Nash and Toby Boler vice Francis Fryer and William Adkins. Nether Winchendon John Buckingham vice Peter Neighbour. Wootten . . . . John Parslow vice Peter Batts. Waddesdon . . Thomas Adams vice Thomas Beck.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS VOLUME I. Wornall . . . . John Woodbridge vice William Cox. Bransfee . . . . Thomas Tokefeild vice John Stevens. Walton in Aylesbury . . William Humfrey and Daniel Delafeild vice Thomas Bond and Richard Hayley. Halton . . . . John Shirly vice Daniel Stokes. Normarston . . James Lucas, senior, and Robert Cuth- bert vice John Stevens and James Lucas, junior. Bishopstone . . Christopher Turnor vice Andrew Barnard. Ovinge . . . . Thomas Greeneinge vice Thomas Statham. Upton . . . . Samuel Ginger, James Ravenscroft, and John Bavin vice Thomas Humfry and [blank]. Walton . . . . Joseph Bampton and Robert Batcheler vice William Ives and William Thompson. Ellesburrough . . Edmund Monday and Joseph Parnham vice [blank]. Colebrooke . . William Tillyer vice John Adams. Aylesbury . . William Worcester and Henry Symonds vice Thomas Hickman and Richard Tuckwell. Drayton P[arslow] Thomas Welles and Richard Chandler vice RobertWillson and William Bates. Soulbury . . Thomas Dell vice Richard Groome. Swanborne . . William Henly and Thomas Henly vice William Chantrell and Paul Collyer. Hogson . . . . William Butcher, junior, vice Edward Turnham. Cheddington . . William Payne vice Thomas Worcester Mursley . . . . John Knolles and William Stevens vice John Coales and Robert Adams. Dunton . . . . George Mallard vice Samuel Freer. Mentmore . . . . John Saunders and Richard Shackerly vice Thomas Brandon and William Walker.

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EASTER SESSION, 1684. p. 356. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Mr. Joseph Rawson, the receiver general, is ordered to present his accounts to certain justices at the George Inn at Aylesbury. Order “that Mr. Birtch, the late Goaler for this County, be fined £5 for sufferinge the Quakers comitted by this Court to goe att lardge, and that he stand comitted untill he pay the same.” George Hardinge of Winslow ordered to be bound over to appear at the next session, for concealing several recog- nizances which he ought to have brought into court. William Seagrave, supervisor of excise, took “the oath of a Gawger” and the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. p. 357. Anne Wyett and her three children to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Winslow. Order adjourning the case of Jane Parsons of Grove. Isaac Gurney of Stewkly, late chief constable for Cottsloe, ordered to be bound over to appear at the next session. Memorandum of the payment, by Mr. Chase to Mr. Barnewell, the under sheriff, of a third part of the fine imposed for a conventicle held at Great Marlow. Order adjourning the case against [blank] Sherrington. Memorandum of the payment by Mr. Hackett to the under sheriif of a third part of the fine imposed for a con- venticle held at Olney. Order confirming the table of servants’ wages drawn up 149 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. at Easter, 1673, and ordering that copies of the table shall be printed and distributed to all the market-towns. p. 358. “Forasmuch as the Court is sensible that Mr. Richard Turnor, deputy to the Clerk of the peace for this County, hath for many yeares beene very faithfull, dilligent, and carefull in the execution of the said office, and that itt appeared to the said Court that the said Mr. Turnor hath beene 45s. out of purse in dispersinge the Orders of this Court made against popish recusants and meeters in Con- venticles in severall parishes in this County, it is therefore ordered that Mr. Joseph Rawson, Receiver generall for the Stock of this County, doe forthwith pay the said Mr. Turnor his said 45s., and 15s. for his paines therein.” Ralph Beecroft of Horton licensed to keep an alehouse. James Lawrence discharged from his apprenticeship to Henry Newman of Datchett, baker, on account of his master’s ill treatment of him. Newman is ordered to return £2 out of the £4 premium paid by Lawrence, and also to give him back all his clothes, books, etc. p. 359. Fines, etc. [Blank]. p. 360. Discharged. John Bolton of Easington, John Holland of Grand- borrough, Thomas Morris of Upton, Henry Newman of Datchett, Joseph Fellows and William Mercer, both of Langley, Joan Sheppard of Burnham, Francis Sleymaker and William Aldey, both of Edgcott, Thomas Goodwin of Winslow, John Ayres of Steeple Cleydon, Anne Willins and William Miles, both of Winslow, and Susan Hollys and Richard Holloway, both of Great Marlow. End of this session, (signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 361. [Blank].

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1684. MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 17 July, 1684 [36 Charles II ] p. 362. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Edgerton, senior, gentleman, Valentine Sharpe, Edward Lamborne, John Jackson, Thomas Bristow, John Hutchens, Thomas Bampton, Richard Waddupp, Thomas Chapman, Nicholas Millward, John Jeoffes, John Wooll- head, James Harding, Christopher Payne, Francis Johnson, Richard Phipps, Bernard Hall, William Hampson, and William Earle. (signed) Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart, sheriff. pp. 363-364. Indictments. John Elliott of Great Marlow, for insulting Sir John Hoby, Bart. Thomas Hopkins and Richard Cardwell and his wife, all of Stony Stratford, for assaulting William Thompson, bailiff of the hundred of Newport. Moses Burroughs of Wiccomb Town, for “receiveing servants without Testimonialls.” Richard Hooper of Newport Pagnell, for assaulting Thomas Toler. John Trendall of Aylesbury, for assaulting Hugh Glover. Richard Holloway of Great Marlow, for assaulting Joan Todd. [And see post, p. 376]. George Hardinge of Winslow, for embezzling a recog- nizance of Sir John Busby. John Goodchild of Princes Risburrough, for trespass. Henry Lane of Eekly in Stoke Goldington, gentleman, for not repairing Eekly Lane. [And see ante, p. 164]. Thomas Sutton, Joseph Scrivener, John Aspray, John Clifton, John Ashburner, Judith, wife of Thomas Osborne, gentleman, George Masson, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Parker, Mary, wife of John Wild, Anne, wife of William Knight, Isaac Henly, William Ashby, Joseph Kent, Elizabeth, wife of Philip Freeman, William Babrook, Francis Dye, 151 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Joseph Masson, Samuel Jackson, Elizabeth, wife of John Cooper, Elizabeth, wife of William Gale, Francis Abraham, [blank], wife of Thomas Aspray, Elizabeth, wife of Rowland Forster, Jeremy Asaby, Samuel Aspray, Jane Osborne, spinster, Jane, wife of Thomas Sutton, William Todd, John Henly, Anne, wife of William Knight, and Samuel Porter, all of Olney, for riot and unlawful assembly. [And see post, pp. 376-377]. John Goodchild of Princes Risborough, for obstructing a cartway in Foxhills. The inhabitants of Lethenburrough, for not repairing Meerstone Glade, leading from Preston to Buckingham. William Smart, Stephen Dagnall, Matthias Dagnall, Thomas Olliffe and Dorothy, his wife, James Smith and his wife, and William Dancer, all of Walton in Aylesbury, for being absent from church for three weeks. (Note.—The persons presented below by the petty constables for being absent from church stand similarly indicted.) pp. 365-368. Presentments. Thomas Thrift, Thomas Arnold, Cornelius Harvy, William Maxwell, Robert Brittaine, James Brittaine, Thomas Cooper, and Thomas Pickett, all of Newport Pagnell, Thomas Hooten, Alice Hooten, Robert Church, Thomas Abbott, James Fynemore, and Elizabeth Brittaine, all of Sherrington, William Hopkins, William Rose, and Thomas Symcoe, all of Lavendon, John Scott and Mary English, both of Gayhurst, George Lord of Emberton, James Francklyne and Sarah, wife of Francis Potter, both of Ravenstone, Henry Brightman and Robert Jacks, both of Weston Underwood, Anthony Stevenson of Cold Brafield, James Bryerly, John Barringer, Joseph Basse, and William Brabroke, all of Olney, Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, Henry Glidwell, William Foskett, Richard Markes, Walter Mabley, Robert Newman, William Church, William Mowse, and Joseph Yorke, all of North Crawly, Robert Fellow, Thomas Whipham, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Under- wood, William Underwood, Samuel Phillips, Nicholas Haw- 152 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1684. kins, and Henry Tansey, all of Bletchly, Marmaduke Ball, William Judgkins, Thomas Herne, John Lacey, Henry Potter, Thomas Burgis, George Pendole, John Herne, Thomas Judgkins, and Samuel Smith, all of Stony Stratford Westside, Thomas Mead, William Wheeler, and William Tilcocke, all of Great Brickhill, William Cooke, junior, Thomas Cooke, senior, and Thomas Cooke, junior, all of Bow Brickhill, John Perkins, senior, John Perkins, junior, John Grove, John Hill, Matthew Wall, John Markham, and John Waddupp, all of Tingewick, Henry Finemore of Westbury, Thomas Blakeman of Bechampton, Francis Coleman of Thorneton and Mary, his wife, Harryotts French, and his wife, and John Wareinge, all of Lechampstead, Mary, wife of Matthew Ruttly of Maidsmorton, Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Bidlesdon, John Pomphrett, of Lillingstone Dayrell and Frances, his wife, William Chalfont and Rebecca, his wife, Thomas Church and Margary, his wife, Elisha Axtell and his wife, Daniel Baldwin and his wife, Francis Spire, gentleman, Anne Kingham, widow, and Richard Fellows, all of Wooborne, Mrs. Mary Farmer, Mrs. Barnes, widow, Thomas Lane, Richard Langly, Thomas Smith, Joseph Fryer, Richard Hilton, Robert Beck, Anne Duffin, Anne Ballard, widow, Elizabeth West, and Elizabeth Tovey, all of Great Marlow, Elizabeth, wife of Francis Pratt, Robert Kingham, George Monday, John Goodgame, John Smith, and Timothy Child, all of Farnham Royal, and Robert Aldridge, David Jameson, Stephen Pewsy, and Thomas Dollyn, all of Beaconsfield, for being absent from church. Edward Coxhead of Studly, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. The constables of Aston Mullins and Waldridge, for not making presentments or paying quarteridge. William Chanterill and Katherine Brasted, both of Swanborne, and Hugh Willis of Stewkly, blacksmith, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. [Blank], for not repairing a bridge in Horton, on the road leading to Stanwell. John Clarke of Wendover, innholder, for “entertaineing one Evans, a Travellor.”

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 369. Petty constables sworn. Walton . . . . Thomas Kingham vice Robert Batche- lor. Berton . . . . Henry Webb vice Thomas Whitchurch. Turweston . . John Yates of Townsesend vice [blank]. Broughton . . . . Robert Dover vice Alexander Duncomb. Burnham . . . . Joseph Hone and Robert Sexton vice [blank]. Woodrow . . . . William Rutt vice John Bovingdon. Brill . . . . John Turner, junior, and John Smith vice William Bulstrod and Obediah West. Presentments by Andrew Lawrence, esquire, J. P., surveyor-general. John West of Horton, for not repairing a bridge between Colebrook and Stanwell. The inhabitants of Langly, for not repairing the road leading from Colebrook to Maydenhead. The inhabitants of Weston T[urville] and Stoke M[andeville], for not repairing the road leading to Aylesbury. The inhabitants of Wooborne, for not repairing White Hill. The inhabitants of Wycomb Forrens, for not repairing the road leading from Cheepinge Wickham to Beconsfield. The inhabitants of Bradwell, Lowton, Shenly, Woughton alias Wofton, Simpson, and Bletchly, for not repairing the road leading from Stony Stratford to Fenny Stratford. The inhabitants of Westwiccomb, for not repairing the road leading to Cheepinge Wycomb. The inhabitants of Radnedge, for not repairing the road leading to Westwiccomb and thence to Oxford. The inhabitants of Aylesbury, for not repairing Middle Bridge, between Aylesbury and Hartwell. p. 370. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order for the removal of Rose, daughter of Brian 154 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1684. Manne, from Brill to Litchmer Heath in Arnum, co. Hertford, her birthplace. Order for the removal of John Hurst and his wife from Edlesburrough to Whipsnade, co. Bedford. [And see post, p. 389.] p. 371. Order for the removal of William, son of Jane Parslow, from Ivinghoe to Grove. Order for the removal of Peter Frayle and his wife from Quainton to Waddesdon. Order for the removal of William Chadwell, with his wife and family, from Stoke Poges to Upton. p. 372. Henry Pitchford, William Stonnel, William Sawell, [blank] Jane, widow, and George Nevell, all of Ivinghoe Aston, bound over to appear and answer why they refuse “to pay the Molecatchers and Heywards wages.” John Goodgame to be paid £2 out of the County Stock. Mary Howse to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Eekly. p 373. Certain justices requested to settle how much Alexander Dover of Aylesbury owes Edward Edwards for wages and costs. Certain justices requested to decide whether William East of Winslow is “capable of watchinge and wardinge.” Sarah Price discharged from her apprenticeship to Roger Chapman of Newport, esquire, Matthew Annesby having sworn that they “both agreed to parte, the each from the other.” William Brampstone to be allowed 10s. out of the County Stock.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 374. Order dismissing the appeal of John Russe against his assessment to rates at Tingewick. Order that the clerk of the peace shall “make out his memoriall of all payments of Conviction money of Conventicles soe as the Justices of the peace of this County may certify the same next Sessions, accordinge to a letter of dirrection from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury.” Order that “Edward Loome enjoy a cottage in Horton in this County dureinge his life, in regard his father built the same, he beinge a very poor man.” p. 375. “Whereas this Court hath received Credible infor- mation that divers Scotch and other peddlers and petty Chappmen doe travell and Wander about in this County in greate Numbers, against the Statute of the 39th of Elizabeth, cap: 4, and the 15th of Kinge James, cap: 7, and to the greate damage and hindrance of all shoppkeepers and others,” it is ordered that all parish officers shall take especial care that no such persons “doe travell or trade or expose any goods whatsoever to sale” within their jurisdictions. If any such pedlars are found, the constables are ordered to “strip them naked and whipp them openly and publicly,” and then to send them away. The clerk of the peace ordered to attend some justice for the City of London, “and desire him to bind over with suretys Rebecca, the wife of John Deale of Butcherhall Lane in the parish of Christ Church, neer Christchurch gate att the Golden Cradle,” for her to appear and give evidence concern- ing the bastard child of Martha Burton, “supposed to be murthered.” p. 376. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. John Keene of Wingrave, Thomas Stevens of Bletchly, Thomas Welles of Eaton, and Christopher Ellis of Hanslopp fined £1. 10s. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors.

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1684. Richard Holloway of Great Marlow, fined £1 for assault- ing Joan Todd. Elizabeth, wife of Rowland Foster, and George Masson, fined £1 each, Philip Freeman and Judith, wife of Thomas Osborne, fined 10s. each, and Thomas Sutton, Joseph Scri- vener, John Aspray, John Clifton, John Ashburner, Samuel Porter, Joseph Rose, Thomas Aspray, John Cooper, Edward Church, William Todd, Anne, wife of William Knight, and Elizabeth, wife of Philip Freeman, fined 6s. 8d. each for rioting and being present at an unlawful assembly at Olney, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Parker, Mary, wife of John Wild, and William Gale, fined 13s. 4d. each, for refusing to plead to the above charge. The bailiffs of the hundreds of Aylesbury, Ashendon, and Chiltern, fined 6s. 8d. each, for not attending the Court. George Hardinge of Winslow, surgeon, forfeits his recognizance of £100 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Charles Coates and Joseph Glenester, both of Winslow, forfeit £20 each. William Shinney of Aylesbury forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Thomas Shinney and John Shinney, both of Aylesbury, forfeit £10 each. p. 377. Recognizances entered into. Adam Blackwell of Drayton Beauchamp, yeoman, in £40, with Daniel Feild and John West, both of the same, yeomen, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Sarah Torrent. Martha Burton of Colebrook, spinster, in £80, with Nevill Meale, carpenter, and Joan Philpott, widow, both of Colebrook, as sureties in £40, to appear at assizes in respect of the death of her bastard child. John Wiggson of Aylesbury, chandler, in £40, with Joseph Rawson, gentleman, and Hugh Glover, both of Aylesbury, as sureties in £20, for his good behaviour. James Hazle and John Trendall, grocer, both of Ayles- bury, and Richard Hooper of Newport Pagnell, in £40 each, to appear at the next session. William Greene of Westcott in Waddesdon, yeoman (by his attorney, Francis Kettleby, gentleman), in £40, to 157 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. appear and answer for not repairing a road called Collick Ford, leading to Bister. William Ashaby of Olney in £40, with William Ashaby, junior, and Thomas Aspray, both of Olney, as sureties in £20 each, for his appearance at the next session. John Lund of Iver, yeoman, in £40, with John Turnor, gentleman, and Samuel Robinson, both of Buckingham, as sureties in £20 each, for his appearance at the next session Richard Hooper of Newport Pagnell in £40, for his appearance at the next session. p. 378. Discharged. Richard Holloway of Great Marlow, Emma, wife of Christopher Andrews of Taplow, William Thompson of Newport Pagnell, Edward Dell, senior, of Wycomb Forrens, John Lund of Iver, Martha Burton of Colebrook, James Harris of Long Crendon, Samuel Evans of Stony Stratford, John Lund of Iver, Thomas Chappell and John Trindall, both of Aylesbury, Aaron Roph of Quarrendon, Adam Black- well of Drayton Beauchampt, William Leach of Winge, Thomas Sutton, Joseph Scrivener, John Aspray, John Clifton, John Ashburner, Judith, wife of Thomas Osborne, Philip Freeman and his wife, John Alsop, Thomas Aspray, George Masson, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Parker, Anne, wife of John Wild, Anne, wife of William Knight, Isaac Henly, William Ashby, and Elizabeth Twitchinge, all of Olney, and Thomas Toler of Newport. End of this session, (signed) Ca[vendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 379. [Blank].

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT AMERSHAM 9 October, 1684 [36 Charles II] p. 380. Jurors for the body of the County. William Hill, gentleman, William Rice, John Brightwell, gentleman, Thomas Walter, gentleman, Richard Hunt, 158 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1684. William Hazle, George Grove, junior, John Gibbons, gentleman, Francis Bowry, gentleman, Henry Gibbons, gentleman, Edward Hooton, Tobias Goodridge, and William Ball. (signed) Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., sheriff. p. 381. Indictments. Richard Corby of Great Marlow, for “keepinge a dangerous Mastiff.” William Urlyn of Iver, for not cleansing a ditch. Thomas Spencer of Westwycomb, for assaulting George Stile. George Stile of Westwycomb, for being a common swearer and sabbath-breaker. [And see post, p. 392]. William Pewtris, senior, William Pewtris, junior, and John Pewtris, all of Princes Risborrough, for trading as tallow-chandlers contrary to the statute. Moses Burroughs of Chepinge Wycomb, for “receiveing servants without testimonials.” Michael Pond, Alice Pond, Richard Baldwin, and Katherine Blackwell, all of Moncks Risborrough, for “forcible entry and detainer.” George Bowden of Charndon, for illegally milking cows. Matthew Wall, John Perkins, and John Hill, all of Tingewick, for unlawful assembly. [And see post, p. 392]. Thomas Right and Joseph Right, both of Stone, for assaulting Christopher Turner. [And see post, p. 406]. p. 382. Presentments of the grand jury. Thomas Nelsam and Richard Ware, constables of Steeple Cleydon, and Robert Dennis and Thomas Mead, constables of Wycomb Forrens, for not presenting dissenters. Philip Hughes of Wendover, for keeping dogs and guns contrary to the statute. James Spikesly of Olney, currier, for being a common swearer. The inhabitants of Long Crendon, for not repairing Hawkes Bridge. l 159 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Presentments of the supervisors of the highways. Bartholomew Martyn, John Roobert, Samuel Webb, and Samuel Vaux, all of North Crawly, Thomas Spyer, senior, John Bennett, and Nicholas Sherly, all of Lurgershall, and Mary Burgis, widow, of Edlesburrow, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. Daniel Crawly of Pitlesthorne, for having a dangerous chimney. pp. 383-387. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Oliffe, Matthew Roper, Alexander Merrick, Samuel Partridge, and Joseph Ray, all of Aylesbury, James Stile and his wife, Edward Anderson. Elizabeth Fesey, widow, Mary, wife of Francis Hartwell, James Hobbes, senior, James Hobbes, junior, Susan Dennett, widow, and John Ludlow, all of Langly, Anthony Stevenson of Cold Brafeild. Richard Marks, William Church, carpenter, George Flawne, Matthew Mabley, and Robert Newman, all of North Crawley, Thomas Simcoe, William Hopkins, and William Rose, all of Lavendon, James Bryerly, John Ballingham, senior, John Ballingham, junior, William Weales, and Joseph Bass, all of Olney, John Webb, Henry Seirs, Anne Seirs, Anne Starman, James Francklyne, Sarah Porter, and Samuel Porter, all of Ravenstone, James Fennemoor, Robert Church, Thomas Hooten, and Thomas Abbott, all of Sherrington, John Scott and Mary English, both of Gayhurst, William Cowly, butcher, Thomas Cooper, draper, Joseph Jones, lace buyer, Thomas Cuningham, butcher, Thomas Ruffhead, Bartholomew Berwick, Thomas Johnson, and Thomas Thrift, all of Newport Pagnell, James King, George King, Bernard Derrick, John Bunyon, Thomas Peirson, [blank] Stell, widow, and [blank] Hooton, widow, all of Moulsoe, John Fulford, Samuel Smith, Thomas Herne, John Lacey, Thomas Judgkins, and Marmaduke Ball, all of Stony Stratford Westside, Henry Herne, John Ruffhead, and [blank] wife of Richard Cook, all of Great Ludford, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, William Underwood, James Phillips, Nicholas Higgins, Henry Tansey, Robert Fellow, and Thomas Wittwoom, all of Bletchley, Thomas Cooke of 160 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1684. Bow Brickhill, Thomas Mead, William Wheeler and William Tilcock, all of Great Brickhill, Henry Fenamoor of Westbury, John Pomphrett of Lillingston Dayrell and Frances, his wife, Frances Coleman of Thornton and Mary, his wife, Mary, wife of Matthew Ruttly of Maidsmorton, Francis Warr and Gregory Darby, both of Bidlesdon, Thomas Blackman, Mary, wife of Thomas Marryott, and Judith Goodspeed, all of Bechampton, Harriotts French and John Wareing, both of Lechamstead, William Chalfont and Rebecca, his wife, Thomas Church and Margary, his wife, Elisha Axten and his wife, Anne Kingham, widow, Mary, wife of James Fretwell, and George Stile and Joan, his wife, all of Wooborne, Thomas Lane. Richard Hilton, Richard Langly, John Jordan, and Grace Bovingdon, widow, all of Great Marlow, Elizabeth Pratt, George Monday, John Goodgame, Robert Kingham, and Timothy Child, all of Farnham Royal, and Robert Aldridge, Thomas Dolling, Stephen Pewsy, and Robert Moores, all of Beaconsfeild, for being absent from church. Mrs. Mary Farmer, [Anne] Barnes, widow, and [Anne] Barnes, spinster, all of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Edward Sawen, gentleman, John West, junior, gentleman, and John Haynes, all of Horton, for not building a bridge over the river there, on the highway leading from London to Windsore. Harry Browne of Denham and William Chantrell of Swanborne, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. John Grevett of Denham and Thomas Patchell of Tingewick, for receiving inmates. James Holmes of Colebrook, for receiving William Rice and Richard Topham as inmates. Isaac Redford and Benjamin Fellows, both of Colebrook, for not repairing certain bridges and causeways in Colebrook and Horton. Henry Stimpson of Bow Brickhill, and his son, for a pound breach. Augustine West of Brill. Christopher Peirce of Wooborne, and Richard Harding, Dorothy Harrison, Elizabeth Rogers, and [blank] Douglas, widow, all of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Ambrose Hicks of Beaconsfeild, for “negligent hue and cry.” p. 388. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order adjourning the levying of fines against the inhabitants of Westwycomb, Radnedge, Wycomb Forrens, and Wooborne, for not repairing their highways, so as to give them time to produce a justices’ certificate that the work has been done. Order for the removal of William Wyer from Great Marlow to Braintford in Eelling, co. Middlesex. Order for the removal of Robert Gray from Great Marlow to Cleworth, co. Berks. Order that “a speciall capias issue out against Thomas Stephens and Anne Dennett of Colebrook.” Order discharging the presentment against Hugh Willis. p. 389. Order that in future the prosecutor and evidence in any case shall be bound over to appear at the next session after the case has been entered. Order that the petty constables of Waddesdon shall be bound over to appear and answer for neglecting to appear and give evidence against William Greene, for not repairing a highway there. Memorandum that Edward Baldwin, esquire, paid Mr. Barnewell, the under-sheriff, £7. 18s. 3d. as conventicle money. Order adjourning the appeal of John Olliffe.

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MICHAELMASS SESSION, 1684. John Hurst to be sent to the bridewell at Aylesbury for ten days with hard labour for refusing to obey an order of court. [And see, ante, p. 370.] p. 390. Order that the children of the wife of Jonathan Bowdray who are of age shall be maintained by Chepping Wycomb Forrens, and that those who are under age shall stay with their mother at the charge of the same parish. Augustine West of Brill licensed to sell beer and ale in his house there. Order “that the grand Inquest view the Howse of Correction att Chepping Wycomb that itt be convenient and see that Mr. Fisher, governor thereof, hath heretofore faithfully performed his duty therein, and report the same to this Court next Sessions.” The receiver general ordered to pay £4 to Thomas Floyd of Great Marlow, “an aged and maymed souldier in his Majesties service . . . in regard he has beene ever truely loyall in his said services.” Order for the removal of Mary Whitchurch and her bastard child from Chalfont St. Giles to Agmondisham. The wife of William Lovett to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of Horridge. p. 391. Martha Turner to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Lattymers. Order referring the case of the maintenance of Thomas Quaintrey of Ellesborrough to certain justices. p. 392. Fines, issues, and recongizances forfeited. Alexander Duncomb of Broughton in Berton, gentle- man, Edward Buttler of Marsh Gibbon, Thomas Hudson of Cheddington, Robert Graunge and Anthony Godwin, both of Little Horrwood, Jeremiah Knight of Ivinghoe, Michael

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Sear of Marsworth, Humphrey Payne of Pittlesthorne, Edward Boddington, junior, of Cold Brafeild, John Wilkinson of Hanslop, Charles Holt of Loughton, John Fuller of Newton Longvile, and Thomas Brice of Bow Brickhill, fined £l each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. George Stile of West Wycomb, yeoman, fined £1. 6s. 8d. [And see ante, p. 381.] Matthew Wall, John Hill, and John Perkins, all of Tingewick, fined 10s. each, for unlawful assembly. John Trendall of Aylesbury and Richard Hooper of Newport forfeit their recognizances of £40 each for nonappearance. p. 393. Discharged. Adam Blackwell of Drayton Beauchampt, John Wigson of Aylesbury, John Lund of Iver, William Cutts of Little Marlow, Thomas Spencer and George Stile, both of West- wiccomb, Samuel Gibbons of Great Marlow, John Walker of Aylesbury, Philip Hughes of Wendover, Richard Baldwin, Miles Pond, and Katherine Blackwell, all of Moncks Risborrough, Robert Lane of Great Missendon, Ellen Swift, Thomas Bishop, William Miller, Robert Spooner, Nicholas Miller, James Allen, Thomas Swift, Robert Burrill, and John Kelly, all of Winslow, Mary Austin of Cheppinge Wycomb, George Grove of Penne, Richard Lasborrough of Burnham, Matthew Wall, John Hill, Robert Horrwood, and John Perkins, all of Tingewick, Joseph Right of Stone, and John Harding of Chalfont St. Giles. End of this session, (signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, clerk of the peace.

CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 15 January, 1684-85 [36 Charles II] p. 394. Jurors for the body of the County. Gresham Hackwell, Harry Dancer, John Marryott, John Collett, Henry Hawes, and Thomas Saunders, gentlemen, 164 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1684-85. Isaac Payne, Zachary Deane, alias Collyns, William Barrett, gentleman, John Greaves, Gustave Horne, Henry Bunne, and Henry Gold, gentlemen, John Howes, Arthur Smith, Richard Lawton, and Edward Boswell. (signed) Robert Hart, esquire, sheriff. p. 395. Jurors for special cases. Jurors in the case against Nathaniel Crofton:— Robert Chessall, Samuel Gurney, Henry Oliff, Richard Puddington, William Dancer, Richard Adams, James Smith, Joseph Bampton, Thomas Barnaby, Robert Batcheler, William Harding, Henry Dunwell, and Richard Tuckwell. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy and signed the declaration:—James Herbert of Kingsey and Henry Somner of Dynton, esquires, Robert Hart of Brill, esquire, sheriff, Thomas Barnewell, gentleman, under-sheriff, and Joseph Dandridge of Winslow, “gawger.” Indictments. Richard Reading of Medmenham, for assaulting and insulting Mr. Green. [And see post, p. 406.] John Day of Borestall, for speaking “aprobious words against all the Justices.” Nathaniel Crofton of Agmondisham, for stealing wood, value 10d. [And see post, p. 420.] Mary Bridges of Edlesborrough, for not doing her statutory work upon the highways. [And see post, p. 418.] p. 396. Presentments of the grand jury. Philip Hughes of Wendover, for destroying game. John Clarke and Ellen Chardge, both of Wendover, for harbouring rogues and vagabonds. [Blank] for not repairing part of Ickford bridge. Thomas Lovejoy, constable, of Great Marlow, for not presenting “widow” Lovejoy, and [blank] Snelling for keeping unlicensed alehouses.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. pp. 397-401. Presentments of the petty constables. Elizabeth, wife of Francis Pratt, Robert Kingham, Timothy Child, George Monday, and John Goodgame, all of Farnham Royal, Robert Aldridge, gentleman, David Jeam- son, Thomas Dollying, Stephen Pewsy, Robert Moores, and Susan, wife of William Harding, all of Beaconsfeild, George Bolton, Daniel Peirce, William Child, John Gaddesdon, John Mossenden, and John Jennings, all of Wycomb Forrens, William Chalfon and Rebecca, his wife, Thomas Church and Margary, his wife, Elisha Axtell and his wife, Anne Kingham, widow, and Mary, wife of James Fretwell, all of Wooborne, Thomas Lane, Richard Hilton, Joseph Fryer, and John Jordan, all of Great Marlow, Jane, wife of Edward Rose, [blank], wife of William Godfrey, Joan, wife of John Chilton, and Mary Quick, widow, all of Little Marlow, Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Tovey, both of Turfeild, Robert Jones of Cholesbury, Anthony Stimpson of Cold Brafeild, James Finemoor, Robert Church, Thomas Hooten, senior, Thomas Abbott, Rebecca Abbott, John Abbott and his wife, Thomas Marshall, John Gillman, Richard Markes, [blank], wife of John Thorneton, [blank], wife of Richard Markes, John Bedford, and John Coles, all of Sherrington, Edward Loddington of Clifton, George Lord of Emberton, John Scott, Peter Collingridge, Mary English, and Katherine Rawbone, all of Gayhurst, William Curtis and Robert Curtis, both of Hanslope, William Hopkins, grazier, William Rose, lace buyer, and Henry Simcoe, tailor, all of Lavendon, Joseph Bass, John Pilgrim, and James Whiteing, all of Olney, James Francklyne and his wife, John Webb and his wife, Sarah, wife of Francis Porter, and Anne Stanmore, all of Ravenstone, Henry Brightman, baker, and Robert Jaques, both of Weston Underwood, Thomas Thrift, Samuel Williamson, Thomas Arnold, Jonathan Glen and his wife, John Sweepson and his wife, John Fullford and his wife, Samuel Davis, John Davis and his wife, John White, William White, William Cowley, butcher, Thomas Kent and his wife, John Matthews and his wife, William Maxwell and his wife, Thomas Cooper and his wife, John Gibbes and his wife, Joseph Jones and his wife, William Thorpe and his wife, 166 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1684-85. Richard Judgkins, William Briant and his wife, Samuel Carter, John Stonebridge, James Brittaine and his wife, and Robert Brittaine and his wife, all of Newport P[agnell], Richard Markes, William Foskett, yeoman, William Church, carpenter, Robert Newman, shoemaker, Joseph Yorke, George Flawne, and Walter Mabley, all of North Crawley, John Wareing and Harriotts French, both of Lechamsted, Mary Ruttly of Maidsmorton, Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Bidlesdon, John Pomphrett of Lillingstone Dayrell and Frances, his wife, Thomas Blackman of Beachampton, Francis Coleman of Thorneton and his wife, John Perkins, senior, John Grove, and Matthew Wall, all of Tingewick, Henry Fenamore of Westbury, Richard Enegill, Robert Norman, John Waters, Hugh Goodman, and William Bass, all of Feny Stratford, William Cook, Edward Cook, John Cook, and Jonathan Crimes, all of Bow Brickhill, Robert Page and his wife, Harry Bigg and his wife, Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, John Buttler and his wife, and Adam King and his wife, all of Wavendon, Francis Howes of Simpson, William Walker, Henry Hair, John Ruffhead and his wife, Elizabeth Cook, and [blank], wife of Edward Harris, all of Great Ludford, John Fulford, Samuel Smith, Marma- duke Ball, Thomas Herne, William Judgkins, Henry Potter, senior, Thomas Burgis, Thomas Judgkins, George Pendole, and Peter Woodward, all of Stony Stratford Westside, and Robert Fellow, Thomas Whippham, Henry Tansey, William Underwood, Godfrey Underwood, Nicholas Hawkins, Richard Underwood, and Daniel Phillips, all of Bletchly, for being absent from church. Mrs. Mary Farmer and “widow” Barnes, both of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Susan Harding and Mary Bolton, both of Beaconsfeild, single women, and Anne Day and Edward Kite, both of Wendover, for bastardy. [Blank], for not repairing a footbridge in Horton. John Embling of Westwycomb, for laying mud upon, and for turning the water of the Pulbrook onto, the highway. Thomas Sherrwood of Westwycomb, and William Chanterell of Swanborne, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. William Weedon, junior, William Colsell, William Honnor, and John Hutchens, junior, all of Great Marlow, for using guns, nets, and “other engines” to destroy game. Hugh Willis of Stewkly, blacksmith, for an encroach- ment. William May of Wing, for “refuseing to lodg passengers.” Sarah Osborne, widow, and Jane Osborne, both of Olney, and Bartholomew Martyn, John Roober, Samuel Vaux, and Samuel Webb, all of North Crawley, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. John Sargeant of Olney, for harbouring rogues and vagabonds. George How of Olney and Sarah Saunday of Great Brickhill, for “liveing idley out of service.” John Curle, Richard Bell, John Henson, Richard Maning, and John Burridge, all of Newport P[agnell], for being sabbath breakers, and for entertaining idle persons. Samuel Webb, constable of North Crawley, for not paying his quarterly money. The constables of Aston Mullins, Waldridge, and Stoke Hamond, for not bringing in their presentments. Edward Harris and John Scrivener, both of Great Ludford, for keeping guns although not qualified to do so. p. 402. Petty constables sworn. Amersham . . . . William Wild and John Bovingdon vice John Batchelour and Richard Grimsdale. Stoke Mandaville . . Henry Harding and John Hoar vice Samuel Browne and John Goodspeed. Waddesdon . . Michael Batterson and Richard Walling- ton vice John Whitchurch and William Goodson. Buckland . . . . Thomas Horwood vice Edward Dayrrell. Chilton . . . . William Saunders vice Nicholas Falconer. Cublington . . John Goodrich and Matthew Denchfeild. vice Robert Fincher and John Grace. Wing . . . . John Tayler and Matthew Miller vice Thomas Bilby and Christopher Janes.

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CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1684-85. Slapton . . . . Thomas Radwell and Robert Ames vice James Turney and Francis Seabrook. Great Marlow . . John Herne, Abel Bird, [blank], Rumball, and John Stevens vice Thomas Lovejoy, John Ellyott, Roger Fletewoode, and William Oxlade, junior. p. 403. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Order that the clerk of the peace shall “waite upon the Commissioners of the Treasury and of the hearth money with such certificate as this Court shall dirrect.” Memorandum that Mr. Norton paid Mr. Barnewell, the under-sheriff, £3 as part of a fine levied for a conventicle held at Sherrington. The inhabitants of Westwycomb, Radnedge, Chepping Wycomb Forrens, and Wooborne are discharged from the indictments against them, as they have brought certificates showing that their highways have now been repaired. William Smith and Hannah, his wife, having disobeyed a settlement order, are to be sent from Aston Clinton to the bridewell at Aylesbury, to be kept to hard labour for such a time as certain justices direct, and afterwards are to be settled at Weston Turvile. p. 404. Order adjourning the case against Mr. Benjamin Fellowes. Order for the removal of Anne Truelock and Sarah, her daughter, from Marsh Gibbon to . Margaret Smith ordered to be discharged from the service of her master, John Day, who is to restore to her all her clothes.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Order that the recognizance of Moses Woodcock shall be estreated for his non-appearance. John Martyn to be committed to gaol for want of sureties. Order that “the records of three traverses of Moses Burroughs be withdrawne.” p. 405. Giles Chardge of Wendover, victualler, “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse for three years. Order that a writ shall be issued against John Clerk of Wendover and Thomas Cordery, “his Bayle,” on account of the former’s non-appearance. Order for the settlement of John Jordan at Dunton, Aylesbury. Order for the settlement of John Glave at Aylesbury. Order restoring the County pension of [blank] Mortymer. Anthony Stanton to be admitted to a County pension of £2 a year in addition to his present one. Order referring the settlement of the rates of Chesham to certain justices. John Jeoffes appointed overseer of Thorneburrough in place of Robert French. Mary Webb to be allowed an additional 6d. a week by the overseers of Berton. Order extending the recognizances of the sureties of William Leaver for another session, after which he is to find other sureties.

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CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1684-85. p. 406. Fines, issues and recognizances forfeited. Matthew Coney of Newport Pagnell, gentleman, and John Kettle of Nether Winchenden, gentleman, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Richard Reading of Medmenham fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Mr. Green. Joseph Right of Bishopston fined £3 6s. 8d. for assaulting Christopher Turner. Richard Fuller of Sincleburrough fined 3s. 4d. for a pound breach. Moses Woodcock of Hambledon, servant to John Greene, esquire, forfeits his recognizance of £5 for nonappearance. p. 407. Discharged. Samuel Puttney and Thomas Puttenham, both of Olney, Benjamin Atkins of Fenny Stratford, Thomas Sears and Nathaniel Crofton, both of Beaconsfeild, John Carpenter of Newport Pagnell, John Ben of Chilton, William Sergeant of Brill, John Grace of Newton Longueville, Richard Reading of Medmenham, William Arnott and John Day, both of Borestall, and Thomas White of Winslow. End of this session, (signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, clerk of the peace.

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 30 April, 1685 [1 James II] p. 408. Jurors for the body of the County. George Cherry and John Collett, gentlemen, Henry Oliff, Thomas Barneaby, William Edmonds, Thomas Piddington, Thomas Saunders, Nicholas Millward, William Duncomb and William Johnson, gentlemen, JohnBeckley, Benedict Gawdery, Coleborne Hoskins, John Jordan, and Edward Lamborne. (signed) Robert Hart, esquire, sheriff.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 409. Indictments. William Newland, junior, of Winge, for assaulting Richard Greene and his wife, Thomas Greene, and Robert Greene. [And see post, p. 421.] John Serch of Aylesbury, for assaulting Diana Kempster. Joseph Cook of Chesham, for speaking “aprobiously” of King Charles II, and for assaulting Mr. Collins. [And see post, p. 435]. John Denton of Shenly, for stealing a ewe and two lambs. John Ware, weaver, Timothy Downes, Joseph Moorse, and Thomas Naylor, currier, all of Chesham, for rioting and for breaking into Lady Terrill’s house. Edward Porter of Hitcham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Abraham Glover of East Burnham, for assaulting Edward Pond. William Hastings of Thame, for assaulting Samuel Roades. Richard Oxlade and Elizabeth, his wife. William Oxlade and Mary, his wife, and Anne Oxlade, spinster, all of Great Marlow, for assaulting Richard Turnor, the coroner. Edward Daniel of Great Marlow, for stealing 2 sacks and 3 pecks of wheat. p. 410. Presentments of the grand jury. John Rose, Elizabeth Rose, widow, Richard Vere and his wife, Katherine Nicholls, widow, Edward Nicholls and his wife, John Cox, glover, and his wife, James Rose, James Clarke, Elizabeth Clarke, and Richard Collott and his wife, all of Cuddington, and James Monck, Joseph Monck, Benjamin Monck, junior, Mary Monck, widow, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Richard Harding, all of Bereton, for being absent from church for one month. pp. 411-415. Presentments of the petty constables. Edward Bate and John Rowland, both of Marsworth, John Ewstace, yeoman, Nathaniel Costard, senior, William Towne, Henry Stevens, Edward Stevens, Thomas Bourne, senior, John Pearce, and Richard Gibbons, all of Bledlow, 172 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1685. Elizabeth Pratt, Robert Kingham, George Monday, Richard Bladwin, Timothy Child, and John Goodgame, all of Newport Pagnell, Robert Aldridge, David Jameson, Stephen Pewsy, Thomas Dollyn, Robert Moores, and Susan, wife of William Harding, all of Beaconsfield, William Wheeler, William Tilcock, and Thomas Mead, all of Great Brickhill, Thomas Harvey and Henry Bigg, both of Wavendon, Robert Fellow, Geoffrey Underwood, Henry Tansey, and Richard Under- wood, all of Bletchley, John Fullford, Samuel Smith, Thomas Herne, Marmaduke Ball, William Judgkins, Henry Potter, senior, Thomas Burgis, and Thomas Judgkins, all of Stony Stratford Westside, John Cook, Thomas Cook, and William Cook, all of Bow Brickhill, Thomas Cox and Sarah Gubbins, both of Calverton, Richard Williamson and John Jones, both of Newton Longvile, William Walker, Henry Hair, and John Ruffhead, all of Great Ludford, William Pix, Francis Howse, and [blank], wife of Benjamin Adkins, all of Simpson, William Dudley of Great Wolstone, James King, George King, and John Gramant, all of Moulsoe, Andrew King, John Sweepson, John Fullford, Thomas Thrift, Samuel Davie, Cornelius Harvey, William Cowly, butcher, Jonathan Glyn, Thomas Arnold, John Carter, Thomas Cuningham, William Thorpe, Henry Cuningham, Samuel Carter, Joseph Jones, William Briant, Robert Britten, James Britten, John Mathews, Thomas Kent, John Gibbs, William Maxwell, Thomas Cooper, John Davis, William White, and John Batteson, all of Newport Pagnell, Joseph Yorke, William Foskett, William Church, George Flawne, Walter Mably, and Robert Newman, all of North Crawly, Robert Curtis, William Curtis, Samuel Clifton, Samuel Taylor, and Hodgkin Taylor, all of Hanslope, Sarah, wife of Francis Porter, Samuel Porter, Francis Seirs, Henry Seirs, and Anne Starman, all of Ravenstone, Thomas Abbott, Thomas Hooten, Andrew Clare, Robert Church, John Gillman, James Finemoor, George Lawton, Richard Marks, Thomas Marshall, John Cox, and John Cuningham, all of Sherrington, Elizabeth Biittaine of Chicherly, John Scott, Peter Collingridge, Mary English, Katherine Rawbone, and Mary Hardwick, all of Gayhurst, Thomas Sinckloe, William Hopkins, and William Rose, all of Lavendon, Rowland Forster, gentleman, Thomas Cooper, 173 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. John Barringer, senior, Isaac Hendly, Joseph Rose, Joseph Basse, and Jacob Whiting, all of Olney, Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, George Fletcher and Richard Newberry, both of Castle Thurp, Thomas Reeve and George Rose, both of Warrington, George Lord of Emberton, Harry Fenamoor of Westbury, John Wareing and his wife, Joan Wareing, and Anne, wife of Harriotts French all of Lechamstead, Francis Warr and George Darby, both of Bidleston, Francis Coleman of Thorneton, and Mary, his wife, Mary, wife of Matthew Ruttley of Maidsmorton, John Pomphrett and his wife, and [blank], wife of Alexander Stevens, all of Lillingstone Dorrell, Thomas Blackman of Beauchampton, William Chalfont, Thomas Church, and Elisha Axtell, and their wives, and Mary, wife of Jacob Fretwell, all of Wooborne, and Judith, wife of William Godfree, Jane, wife of Edward Rose, Joan, wife of John Chilton, Mary Quick, and William Harding, all of Little Marlow, for being absent from church. Hugh Willis of Stewkly, for encroaching upon the high- way, and for refusing to watch and ward. William Chantrell of Swanborne, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Thomas Woodward and Francis Chandler, constables of Great Brickhill, for not presenting dissenters. Alexander Rigsby, John Paine, John Claridge, junior, Thomas Higby, Francis Arpin, Thomas Lane, Thomas Dolby, and William Byway, all of Newport Pagnell, for being sabbath breakers. William Phillips, constable of Hillesdon, and the constables of Aston and Waldridge, for not making any presentments. Edward Whitfield of Long Crendon, alehouse keeper, for refusing to lodge travellers. Christopher Stockdale and Richard Hurles, both of Headsore, for not paying quarteridge. p. 416. Chief constables sworn. Desb[orough] . . Edward Fastnedge of Hugendon and John Payne of Little Marlow, gentlemen, vice John Ratleif and Jacob Fish.

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EASTER SESSION, 1685. Burnham . . . . William Ball of Agmondisham and Lawrence Rutt of Beaconsfeild, gentle- men, vice Timothy Butterfeild and Coleborne Hoskins. Stoke . . . . John Gayler of Denham and Adrian Aldridge of Datchet, gentlemen, vice John Ball and Samuel Bowry. Ash[endon] . . Richard Deane of Towersy and John Beck of Ham, gentlemen, vice William Burt and Richard Gibbens. Buck[ingham] . . Thomas Bunce of Padbury and John King of Chittwood, gentlemen, vice Edward Warr and Thomas Clark. Ayl[esbury] . . John Jackson of Stoke Mandavile and Francis Carter of Great Kimble, gentlemen, vice Samuel Graunge and Thomas Gibson. Cotts[low] . . . . Daniel Keene of Wingrove and John Ingram of Whitchurch, gentlemen, vice William Johnson and William Duncomb. Newport . . . . Richard Edmonds of Newport and John Jancey of Bletchley, gentlemen, vice Thomas Pursell and John Gilpin. Treasurers sworn. [For the King’s bench and Marshalsea] Robert Reynolds of Dynton and Richard Stacey of Wendover, vice Richard Blackwell and [blank]. [For the maimed soldiers] Thomas Wigg of Stewkly Grange and Matthew Butterfield of Penn, gentlemen vice [blank] and John Chase. p. 417. Petty constables sworn. [Blank.] p. 418. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. m 175 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Order estreating the recognizances of William Leaver and William Cannon. Order confirming the report of certain justices upon the rates at Chesham. Henry Clarke ordered to appear at the next session to prosecute John Day. Order discharging the indictment against Mary Bridges. Order estreating the recognizances of Samuel Patridge and Henry Mills. The following persons were committed to goal until they paid their fees to the officers of the Court:—Thomas Edmonds, William Talbois, James Defrane, Richard Defrane, Peregrine Foord, John Clark, Nicholas Moores, John Chilton, Thomas Stokes, John Verey, Francis Russell, William Wildgoose, and John Pratt. p. 419. Order that “such Riotters of Aylesbury that have not yett been apprehended” shall be taken by the constables before a justice of the peace to be bound over for their appearance at the next session. Edward Swannell of Beirton committed to goal for “the scanndalouse words following against his Majestie, viz. that the King of England was not King until he was Crowned.” Order that a cottage in the occupation of [blank] may be “continued,” by leave of John Martyn, lord of the manor of [blank]. Order for the removal of George Green and Martha, his wife, from Oakly to Brill. Edward Pond of Stoke ordered to “gett himselfe into 176 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1685. some service within a month,” or to be sent to the bridewell at Wycomb. Order for the removal of Anne Ells from Aylesbury to Waddesdon. William Newland, Thomas Hurles, and William Thompson, bailiffs of the hundreds of Cottslow, Ashendon, and Newport respectively, took the statutory oaths. p. 420. Order adjourning the case against John Clark of Wendover. Order referring the petition of Elizabeth Thorne to Dennis Campion and the overseers of Monks Risborrough. Order that a copy of the indictment and proceedings in the case against Nathaniel Crofton “be graunted to any person calling (and paying) for the same.” [And see ante, p. 395] Order adjourning the consideration of the letter from the Earl of Bridgwater to the Court, concerning recommenda- tions for pensions. The clerk of the peace to be paid £64 for various charges and for his “great care and paines in publique affaires.” Mr. Thomas Barnewell, the under-sheriff, to be paid £20 for charges relating to the King’s proclamations and for his “care and paynes.” Certain justices requested to consider the case of Thomas Wingrove of Westwycomb, blacksmith, who is in “great want and necessity.” p. 421. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, Thomas Edgerton of Adstock, Robert Weedon of Fawly, gentleman, and Godfrey 177 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. Withers of Newport Pagnell, fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. William Newland, junior, of Wing, fined £10. 4s. for three assaults. Samuel Patridge of Aylesbury, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £100 for non- appearance, and his surety, Henry Milles of Aylesbury, forfeits £50. William Leaver, senior, of Aylesbury, forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his surety, William Cannon of Aylesbury, innholder, forfeits £20. p. 422. Discharged. Daniel Tedder of Little Gaddesdon, John Martin of Hambledon, John Anderton of Great Missendon, Christopher Truss of Great Marlow, Richard Cox of Newport Pagnell, Gabriel Honnor and Matthew Miller, both of Wing, Thomas Monday of Hadnam, Joseph Cock, Thomas Reynolds, Elias Cock, Jacob Harding, John Cock, and William Almond, all of Chesham, George Hack, William Hare, Thomas Sears, William Anott, Richard Hack, John Cock, William Bemont, Thomas Holmes, and Christopher Bemont, all of Beacons- feild, Elizabeth Goldar of Dinton, William Newland of Wing, William Lindall of Aylesbury, Thomas Clive of Hartwell, John Search of Aylesbury, William Harman of Great Marlow, Joshua Dowglase of Chepping Wycomb, Bernard Grove, Thomas Weedon, William Weedon, Ralph Thompson, William Clerk, Jacob Blackman, William Honnor, John Oxlade, and William Smith, all of Great Marlow, John Smith of Dudford, Edward Butterfeild of Preston, William Edmonds of Woolstone, Peter Woodward of Stoke Hamond, Abraham Glover of Burnham, William Hastings of Thame, Thomas Rawson of Iver, and Richard Harding of Great Marlow. End of this session, [signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 423. [Blank.]

178 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1685. MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 16 July, 1685 [1 James II] p. 424. Jurors for the body of the County. Edward Carter, gentleman, William Harding, William Cannon, Thomas Coles, Peter Hughes, William Greene, Thomas Gibbs, Richard Major, Thomas Snow, John Fellow, John Seabrook, John Sawell, Bernard Collyus, Richard Blackett, Henry Shepard, Richard Ellis, John Travell, Robert Adams, and Nicholas Lucas. (signed) Robert Hart, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy and subscribed the statutory declaration :— John Miller, esquire, and Michael Sear, gentleman, both of Marsworth, Arthur Claver of Oving, gentleman, William Rice of Warmestone, gentleman, Thomas Muson of Edgcott, clerk, Jonas Taylor of Hambledon, gentleman, Francis Bowrey of Wyrardisbury, gentleman, and William Dorrell of Wooborne, gentleman. p. 425. Indictments. Mary Bridges of Edlesbrough, widow, for not doing her statutory work upon the highways. William Holland, Henry Stevens, Thomas Hicks, and Richard Thurstram, all of Bottle Cleydon, for rioting and for cutting down the trees of Edmund Verney, esquire. [And see post, p. 435.] Thomas Loughton of Iver, for assaulting Benjamin Fellows. [And see post, p. 435.] John Snow of Steeple Claydon, for stealing a load of oats. [And see post, p. 447.] Richard Oxlade of Steeple Claydon, carpenter, John North and John East, both of Great Marlow, and William North of Fingest, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. 179 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. John Stiles, William Edwards, and Daniel Stiles, all of Great Kimble, for assaulting Henry Conett. William Hipper of Great Horwood, for stealing a sheet, value 4d. Thomas Newell of Radnedge, for disobeying an order of court. [And see post, p. 435.] pp. 426-429. Presentments. Henry Tansey, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Under- wood, William Underwood, and Robert Fellow, all of Bletchley, John Waters, Robert Norman, John Francklyn, and Richard Everill, all of Fenny Stratford, Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, Robert Page, Henry Bigg, Adam King, John Buttler, Richard Evans, William Gobby, Edward Mitchell, and [blank] Pallee, widow, all of Wavendon, Edward Bates and John Rowly, both of Marsworth, Mary Farmer and [blank] Barnes, widow, both of Great Marlow, Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Tovey, both of Turfeild, Henry Fenamoor of Westbury, Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Bidlesdon, Thomas Blackman of Beachampton, John Wareing and his wife, James Wareing and his son, and Harriotts French, all of Lechamstead, John Pomphry of Lillingstone Dayrell, and his wife, Francis Coleman of Thorneton and his wife, William Gibbons of Denham, Anne Smith, widow, George Mondy, John Goodgame, and Richard Baldwin, all of Farnham Royall, Robert Aldridge, Stephen Pewsy, Robert Moores, Thomas Dollyn, [blank] Nokes, widow, and Susan Harding, all of Beaconsfeild, Cornelius Harvey, Thomas Thrift, John Davy, Thomas Arnold, William Harvey, Thomas Ruffhead, William White, John Carter, Andrew King, Jonathan Glin, Joseph Bedford, James Britten, William Cowly, William Maxwell, and Samuel Allen, all of Newport Pagnell, Robert Curtis, William Curtis, [blank] Clifton, labourer, and [blank] Hodskins, labourer, all of Han- slopp, Joseph York, William Foskett, William Church, Robert Newman, George Flawne, and Walter Mabley, all of North Crawley, Henry Sear, Anne Starrman, widow, and Sarah, wife of Francis Porter, all of Ravenstone, George Lord of Emberton, Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both 180 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1685. of Clifton Reynes, John Scott, Peter Collingridge, Mary Hardwick, Katherine Rawson, and Mary English, all of Gayhurst, Rowland Forster, John Barringer, senior, tanner, James Bryerly, senior, Thomas Cooper, grocer, John Cooper, Jane Osborne, Anne Rogers, John Pilgrim, and Joseph Bass, all of Olney, William Hopkins, grazier, William Rose, and Thomas Symcoe, all of Lavendon, Robert Jacques of Weston Underwood, John Fensum, senior, Robert Babington, Richard Markes, and James Fenamoor, all of Sherrington, and Anthony Stevenson of Cold Brafeild, for being absent from church. John Peters and John Burgoine, both of Bow Brickhill, John White of Stony Stratford Westside, [blank] Pallee, widow, of Wavendon, John Dix of Dunton, Richard Forster of Aston Clynton, and Judith Davis and Katherine Hancock, both of Wycomb, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Mr. Edmund Butt of Bow Brickhill, clerk, for not doing his statutory work upon the highways. Mary Whitney of Stony Stratford Westside, for refusing to watch. Thomas Adams and Richard Falkner constables of Little Horrwood, and the constables of Aston Mullins and Waldridge, for not making their presentments and for not paying quarteridge. The inhabitants of the County, for not repairing a County bridge in Denham. Henry Browne of Denham and Samuel Goad of Colebrook in Horton, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. Thomas Gravett of Denham, for receiving inmates. Samuel Goad of Colebrook in Horton innkeeper for “not keeping the assize in ale, beer, and bread.” Thomas Stephens of Colebrook in Horton, blacksmith, for “picking the Chappell door att 10 o’clock att night.” Elizabeth, wife of Francis Pratt of Farnham Royall, for recusancy. Esaias Sapwell, Thomas Higby, John Clarridge, junior, John Henson, Alexander Rigby, Thomas Dolbey, John Burridge, and Richard Maning, all of Newport Pagnell, for being common sabbath breakers. 181 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 430. Petty constables sworn. Walton in Aylesbury . . Robert Wheeler, Ralph Tattham, William Hickman, and John Palmer vice William Worcester, Henry Symonds, William Humphrey, and Daniel Delafeild. Hardwyck . . Michael Symonds vice Richard Reading. Calverton . . Christopher Rookes and Ralph Ruttland vice Richard Garlick and John Gibbs. Bishopstone . . Thomas Allen vice Christopher Turnor. Turweston . . Thomas Strangys vice John Yates. Burnham town . . John Ive and Richard Phipp vice Joseph Hone and Robert Sexton. East Burnham . . John Chasely vice [blank], deceased. Wooborne . . Robert Nevill and Richard Church vice William Ruddle and Richard Dowse. p. 431. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. The children of William Graunt, a vagrant recently arrested for begging at Harlington, co. Bedford, are at present in, and likely to become chargeable to, the parish of Edlesborrough. The birthplaces of the children were given as follows:—John at Eginton, co. Bedford, Anne at Wingrove, Elizabeth at Aston Clynton, and Susan and Sarah at Wilstone, co. Hertford. The first three are ordered to be removed to their birthplaces at once, and the other two to be similarly removed when they are seven years old. p. 432. Joseph Maynard and Matthew Crane ordered to be released from gaol. Order extending the recognizance of John Coney of Chesham until the next session. “Whereas it appeared to this Court that David Stanley, with one James Swallow, came on the 14th of this instant 182 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1685. July to the house of John Saunders of Akely in this County, and there continued 2 dayes, and in their discourse the said David Stanley asked one Thomas Kent, then in the said howse, whether he would drink the Duke of Monmouth’s health, and declared that he, the said David Stanley, had a sonne that lived with the Duke of Monmouth a long while and believed him to be with the said Duke att this present tyme; and that then, the said David Stanley and James Swallow, being apprehended by the constable of Akely aforesaid, the said James Swallow hath made his Escape, for all which causes this Court doth judge the said David Stanley a daungerous person. And therefore it is ordered that the said David Stanley be committed to the Goale of this County, there to remaine until he shall be from thence delivered by due course of Law.” Thomas Coles of Ickford, surveyor of Ickford bridge, is ordered to be paid £30 for money spent upon the repair of the bridge. p. 433. Mary Lee to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Aylesbury. Order that the inhabitants of Whadden shall “pay their Common Heyward his wages according to their agreement (as appeared in Court), to be as followeth (viz.), for every Cowe, per weeke, 1d., and for every Bullock, halfe yearly, 1s.” William Hamond, Samuel Browne, and Edward Haw- kins, who “obstinately and wilfully” refuse to pay towards this rate, are ordered to do so at once, under penalty of arrest. Thomas Clerk of Edgcott to be paid £10 out of the County stock, “towards his great Losses sustained by a sad and lamentable fire,” and Gilbert Harris of the same is similarly to be paid £5. p. 434. Cavendish Weedon, esquire, clerk of the peace, to be paid £30 for “distributing the King’s Commands in Relation to the Late Rebellion” and for printing and sending out orders of court. 183 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Mr. Richard Turnor, deputy clerk of the peace, to be paid £3 for “proclaymeing the King in the Chilterne parts and other publique services.” The Court adjourned and met again in the Town Hall at Aylesbury on the 11th August, “to the intent for severall persons that are in Imployment from his Majestie may then and there take the oathes to Qualify them for the same.” The following persons were sworn according to the statute:— [No names given]. p. 435. Fines and issues. William Hill, gentleman, and Henry Fenner, both of , John Cozens of Long Crendon, Richard Brincklee of Astwood, and John Bowler of Eaton, fined £l. 10s. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Thomas Lawton of Iver fined £1. 6s., for assaulting Benjamin Fellows. Joseph Cook of Chesham fined £1, for assaulting Mr. Richard Collyns “att the Ellection of the Knights of the Sheir.” [And see ante, p. 409]. Thomas Newell of Radnedge fined 3s. 4d., for contempt of an order of Court. Richard Thrustram, William Holland, and Henry Stephens, all of Bottle Claydon, fined 5s. each, for rioting and cutting down the trees of Edmund Verny, esquire. p. 436. Discharged. Thomas Holdan of Whadden, Griffin Bradley of Skir- mole, Thomas Newell of Radnedge, Robert Moone of Great Marlow, William Danielson and Alexander Dowglas, both of West Smithfield, Alexander Hathorne and Patrick Mackdell, both of Wooborne, John Stiles of Great Kimble, William Burroughs and John Bilgrave, both of Stewkly, Anthony Moores and John Boneham, both of North Marston, John Smallbridg of Fenny Stratford, William Barringer of Olney, John Lovett of Lattymers, William Tokefield of Horridg, William Holland of East Cleydon, Thomas Hicks and Richard Thristram, both of Bottle Cleydon, Thomas Stevenson, 184 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1685. William East, William Saunders, Richard Welch, and John Welch, all of Princes Risborrough, and Henry Stevens of East Cleydon. End of this session, (signed) C[avendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 437. [Blank].

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 8 October, 1685 [1 James II] p. 438. Jurors for the body of the County. George Grove, junior, Samuel Graunge, Daniel Aldridge, James Reynolds, William Rice, Edward Buttler, Coleborne Hodgskins, John Askew, Ralph Wetherly, Robert Lane, Thomas Butterfield, Thomas Perryman, Edward Martyn, Joseph Duncomb, and Thomas Billington. (signed) Robert Hart, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oathes of allegiance, etc. :-William Fletewode, of Great Missendon, esquire, Robert Whitton, senior, esquire, mayor of Chepping Wycomb, and John Lane, esquire, justice of the peace for that borough. p. 439. Indictments. Richard Alley of Chersly, for “using” a trade without having been duly apprenticed. John Howes of Hardwick, for assaulting Robert Fuller an infant. [And see post, p. 447]. John Wilson of Princes Risborough, for assaulting John Lamborne and John Udale. John Jeoffes of Thornborough, for assaulting William Fineall. [And see post, p. 447]. Christopher Smyth, gentleman, William Tovey, and William Munday, all of Turfeild, for assaulting Ralph Rolles. 185 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Robert Fryer of Great Marlow, for stealing a parcel of linen, value 10d., from Joan Lane. [And see post, p. 445]. Richard Smyth of Remenham, co. Berks., for speaking “scandelowse words” against the justices. William Clarke of Great Marlow, for assaulting Elizabeth Davies. [And see post, p. 447]. Henry Stevens of Chesham, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Richard Smith of Remenham, co. Berks., clerk, William Bennett, John Godwin, William Spindlow, Charles Billington, John Pendleton, and Thomas Barnes, all of Thame, co. Oxford, and Thomas Spire, junior, Andrew Spire, and Richard Spire, all of Ludgershall, for rioting and for taking a cartload of wheat from Thomas Mason, clerk. pp. 440-442. Presentments. Mrs. Mary Farmer and [blank] Barnes, widow, both of Great Marlow, Elizabeth West and Elizabeth Toovey, both of Turfeild, Thomas Church and his wife, William Chalfont and his wife, and [blank], wife of James Fretwell, all of Wooborne, Robert Fellow, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, and William Underwood, all of Bletchley, George Lord of Emberton, Thomas Spice and William Rose, both of Lavendon, Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, Sarah Porter, Henry Seirs, John Webb, Anne Seirs, Robert Curtis, William Curtis, Samuel Clifton, and Thomas Hodskins, all of Hanslope, Richard Brincklow, John Hurst, and John Cox, all of Astwood, Walter Mabley, Robert Newman, George Flawne, William Church, William Foskett, and Joseph York, all of North Crawly, Anthony Stimpson of Cole Brafeild, John Gillman, Robert Church, Henry Glover, William White, John Gibbs, John Fulford, Samuel Davis, Thomas Kent, Cornelius Harvey, William Harvey, and William Cowly, all of Sherrington, Thomas Thrift, Jonathan Glyme, Thomas Arnold, Isaiah Sapwell, John Clarridge, junior, Richard Maning, John Henson, John Burridge, John Byway, and William Byway, all of Newport Pagnell, Rowland Forster, Isaac Henly, Thomas Cooper, Jane Osborne, and Joseph Rose, all of Olney, Edward Bates 186 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1685. and John Rowley, both of Marsworth, John Tipper and his wife, Edmund Waters, alias Ruberts, Mary Goodman, Dorothy Dodsworth, John Mobey and his wife, Geoffrey Willis and his wife, Richard Illmore and his wife, Baldwin Stapp, and Matthew Webb, all of Mursley, Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Bidelsdon, Thomas Blackman of Beachampton, John Wareing, and his wife, and James Wareing, all of Lechamstead, John Pomphrett of Lillingstone Dorrel and Frances, his wife, Francis Coleman of Thornton, Henry Fenamoor of Westbury, George Mouldey, John Goodgame, and Anne Smith, widow, all of Farnham Royal, and Robert Alderidge, senior, Stephen Pewsey, Thomas Dollyn, Robert Moores, [blank] Noake, widow, and Susan, wife of William Harding, all of Beaconsfeild, for being absent from church. Christopher Pierce of Wooborne, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. (Dead). Elizabeth Marshall of Emberton, for harbouring vag- rants. The lord of the manor of Aylesbury, for “not provideing a cage and a pillory.” William Martyn of Weston Turvile, for keeping an un- licensed alehouse. Dame Katherine Pye of Bradenham, widow, for “con- tinuing a cottage six months in Lechamstead.” Anne Richmond and George Midleton, both of Twiford, for a pound breach. Robert Gravener of Brill, for not repairing Hulls Lane. The inhabitants of Chersly, for not “haveing and provideing a settled Minister.” The constables of Aston Mullins and Walderidge, for not paying quarteridge and for not making any presentments. Samuel Goad of Colebrook, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land, and for “not keeping the Assize.” Thomas Stevens of Colebrook, for “spoileing the clock in the Chappell.” p. 443. Petty constables sworn. [Blank]. 187 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 444. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Thomas Plumridge to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Taplow on account of his “greate lameness and infirmity.” His brother, Richard, ordered to be paid 5s. for the costs of obtaining this order. Certain justices appointed to report upon the necessary repairs to a County bridge in Denham, near to Uxbridge. The dispute between Mr. Le Grice of Iver and [blank] Verney, his servant, concerning wages is referred to certain justices. Order that a special process shall be issued against Richard Oxlade of Lane End, carpenter, and William Monday of Turfield. William Martyn of Weston Turvile licensed to keep an alehouse. Mr. Thomas Coles, surveyor of Ickford bridge, to be paid £26 for repairs thereto. p. 445. Ellen Wilson ordered to be discharged from gaol. Order for the removal of the two younger children of Robert Perry from Ivingho to Edlesborrough. Order discharging all indictments and presentments against John Clerk of Wendover. Order for the removal of Ralph Woolman from Chalfont St. Peters to Chalfont St. Giles. Order for the removal of Thomas Baldwin and Thomas Quartermaine, with their families, from Aylesbury to Hartwell. 188 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1685. Mary Lee to be allowed 1s. a week, and all arrears unpaid, by the overseers of Aylesbury. The question of the poor rate at Agmondisham is referred to two justices of the hundred in which the parish lies. Robert Fryer of Great Marlow, who pleaded guilty of petty larceny, is order to be whipped at the cart’s tail from the gaol door to “the George Signe post” at Aylesbury and back again. p. 446. Mrs. Mary Poole of London admitted to a County pension of £2 a year. Order referring to certain justices the dispute between Mr. Tipping, rector of Weston Turfile, and the inhabitants there, concerning rates. Order for the removal of Daniel Croke from Whadden to Stony Stratford. Order that the poor rate at Chesham shall in future be levied according to a pound rate. Thomas Lord, a poor pensioner, to be paid £4, and “to have nothing in one whole year after.” Cavendish Weedon, esquire, clerk of the peace, to be paid £10. 1s. 8d. for expenses in connection with letters from Lord Middleton and the Lord Lieutenant of the County. p. 447. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Thomas Walter of Ilmore, gentleman, William Corby of Adstock, Newman Williett, junior, of Bidelsdon, John Desborrough of Chesham, Thomas Carter of Denham, gentleman, Luke Smith of Whitchurch, gentleman, Daniel Lucas of Wingrave, Roger Fuller of Bradwell, gentleman, Robert Stevengton of , gentleman, and Thomas Hooten of Stoke Goldington, fined £1. 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. 189 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. John Snow of Steeple Cleydon fined £2. 3s. 4d., for trespass. John Howse of Winslow fined £1, for assaulting Robert Fuller. John Jeoffes of Thorneborrough fined £6. 3s. 4d. (ten marks), for assaulting William Fineall. William Clark of Great Marlow fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting Elizabeth Davis. Robert Johnson of London, yeoman, forfeits his recog- nizance of £500 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Giles Bevell of Stepney, co. Middlesex, gentleman, and Francis Frounter of St. Dunstan’s in the East, gentleman, forfeit £200 each. p. 448. Recognizances entered into. John Stiles of Great Kimble, yeoman, John North, labourer, and John East, butcher, both of Lane End, William North, senior, of Fingest, yeoman, Christopher Smith, gentle- man, and William Tovey, yeoman, both of Turfeild, in £40 each, for their appearance at the next session. Discharged. William Everet and Thomas Sims, both of Chalfont St. Giles, John Coney of Chesham, Daniel Tedder of Little Gaddesdon, Christopher Smith and William Toovey, both of Turfeild, John Floud of Lewknor, Ralph Rolles of Turfeild, John Davis of Great Marlow, John Thorp and James Hazle, both of Aylesbury, William Eldridge of Ellesborough, William Leaver, junior, and William Smith, both of Aylesbury, John How of Hardwick, George Carter of Calverton, William Clark of Great Marlow, Thomas Whorwood of Wooborne, John Winch of Agmondisham, John Emblyne of Westwycomb, Henry Hebbon of Brill, William Topping, senior, of Princes Risborough, Edward Rants of Bledlow, Edward Spire of Marsh Gibbon, John Jeoffs of Thornbrough, Valence le Grice, gentleman, and Sarah Haughton, both of Iver, Mary Raxwell and Rachel Weaver, both of Colebrook, Thomas Phillips and Thomas Russell, both of Uxbridge, Richard Fancoult of Stoke Poges, Abraham Glover, [blank], 190 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1685. wife of John Ashly, John Taylor, and John Ashly, all of Burnham, and Hugh Willett of Whadden. End of this session, (signed) Ca[vendish] Weedon, clerk of the peace. p. 449. [Blank].

CHRISTMAS SESSION AT AYLESBURY 14 January, 1685-86 [1 James II] p. 450. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Peirson, gentleman, John Stace, William Hake- well, Edward Rose, junior, Thomas Whitchurch, John Heale, Thomas Lake, Robert Streane, Edward Dorrell, John Trip- lett, Richard Grimsdale, Robert Thorpe, Nicholas Gafeild, John Keene, Richard Phipps, John Masters, senior, and Samuel Hartly. (signed) Edward Leigh, esquire, sheriff. p. 451. Indictments. Christopher Smith, gentleman, William Tovey, and John Collins, all of Turfeild, for rioting and for “driveing sheep to pound on a common.” [And see post, p. 459]. John Bishopp of Aylesbury, for assaulting James Hazle. [And see post, p. 459]. Thomas Curtis of Whitchurch, for assaulting Robert Thorp. Thomas Simpson, William Wilmott, and Hester Simp- son, all of Whitchurch, for assaulting Thomas Curtis. [And see post, p. 459]. Presentments of the grand jury. Peter Lowndes of Adington, for not repairing a highway and a bridge on the road between Aylesbury and Buckingham. The inhabitants of East Cleydon, for not repairing such parts of the above as are in their parish. N 191 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Michael Perrott of Aston Abbotts, for not scouring a ditch near the road to Leighton Budzard. William Barrwick of Newport Pagnell, for turning a watercourse into the garden of Samuel Hartly. John Nelson of Newport Pagnell, for erecting a “house of office.” The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc. :—John Backwell of Tirringham, esquire, J.P., Thomas Barnewell, under-sheriff, Richard Franck of Cublington, gentleman, Robert Clark of Aylesbury, George Rolt of Chesham, Samuel Spurway of Beaconsfeild, and William Best of Chipping Wycomb, gentleman, supervisors and “gaugers,” Richard Anderson of Drayton, esquire, J.P., William Lea, clerk, rector of Maidsmorton, William Stafford, and Thomas Ligo of Stoke Mandavile, gentleman, lieutenants of Foot Companies, and William Finch, clerk, rector of Saunderton. pp. 452-453. Presentments of the petty constables. Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Bidlesdon, Thomas Blackman of Beachampton, John Wareing of Lech- amstead and his wife, John Pomphrett of Lillingston Dayrell, and Frances, his wife, Francis Coleman of Thornton and his wife, John Buttler, Adam King, Henry Bigg, and Robert Page, all of Wavendon, Rowland Forster, James Bryerly, Thomas Smith, John Asbery, John Chater, Joseph Scrivener, William Breabrook, Thomas Cooper, Nathaniel Rent, and Thomas Sargeant, all of Olney, Robert Jaques, Joseph York, Jane Markes, Robert Newman, and George Flawne, all of Weston Underwood, William Church, William Foskett, and Walter Mably, all of North Crawly, Anthony Stimpson of Cole Brafeild, Robert Curtis and William Curtis, both of Handslope, Richard Brinckloe, John Cox, and John Hurst, all of .Astwood, Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, George Lord of Emberton, William Rose of Lavendon, John Scott, Peter Collingridge, Mary English, Katherine Rawbone, and Mary Hardwick, all of Gayhurst, John Cunnigham, John Fensham, Robert Church, and Anne Avis, all of Sherrington, Charles Hogby, William 192 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1685-86. Byway, William Edmonds, Francis Lancaster, Thomas Dolbey, John Burridge, William Harding, John Sapwell, and Isaiah Sapwell, all of Newport Pagnell, Edward Bates and John Rowley, both of Marsworth, and Henry Fenamore of Westbury, for being absent from church. Peter Lownes of Addington, for not repairing a highway called the Bridge Grounds. William Judg of Addington, for refusing to help the constable. Henry Awad and Henry Symonds, both of Whaddon, and Richard Bowden of Wingrove, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. John Colcell, John Miles, and Alexander Oliff, all of Aylesbury, for “liveing idely out of service, being of able body.” The constables of Aston [Mullins] and Waldridge, for not making presentments and for not paying quarteridge. p. 454. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries, with the exception that the place of Thomas Fisher, now deceased, late master of the bridewell at Chipping Wycombe, is taken by his daughter, Susan, for the purpose of payment for the last quarter. Mr. Richard Turnor, deputy clerk of the peace, appointed master of the bridewell “att Chepping Wycombe for the three hundreds of Chilterne” in place of the late Thomas Fisher. Mr. Turnor presented a letter of recommendation from “the Right Honble John, Earle of Bridgwater,” Lord Lieutenant of the County, as to “his knowne loyalty and discretion,” and it is noted by the Court that “for almost twenty yeares last past he has beene a servant or officer to this Court, and allwayes dilligently and faithfully behaved himselfe.” A special warrant issued against Richard Smith, clerk, for speaking “contemptuous words against all the Justices.” 193 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 455. Mary Smith to be discharged from the bridewell at Chepping Wycomb. Order for the removal of Robert Salter from Moncks Risborrough to Chepping Wycomb. Order levying a fine of £20 upon Peter Lownes of Addington, unless he repairs a bridge and a highway there, on the road between Aylesbury and Buckingham, before next Midsummer session. Order for the settlement of the wife of Robert Perry, with her eldest child and the infant recently born, at Ivinghoe in the house where they now live; but it is ordered that the two other children, lately sent by order to Edlesborrough, shall remain settled at that place. Order for the removal of George, alias Daniel, Croke from Whaddon to Stony Stratford. p. 456. Upon producing a certificate from the lord of the manor and other “substanciall” freeholders of Horton, Mary Goad, widow, is authorized to build a cottage there for herself and her family, and to “continue” it for 81 years from today’s date. Nicholas Salter, esquire, to be paid £4 for necessary repairs done to High Bridge, near Uxbridge, as certified by certain justices and by Sir William Bowyer, Bart., deputy Lieutenant. Adjournment of the appeal of Cublington against the settlement there of [blank] Arnott. John Reading of Great Missendon ordered to take his servant, Mary Moore, “for a yeare, and provide for her according to Law.” Order referring to certain justices of the counties of Buckingham and Hertford the dispute between Nettledon 194 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1685-86. and Barkhamstead St. Peters, co. Hertford, concerning the settlement of [blank] Bugby. Sarah Edges of [blank] “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse, and given until the 1st February next to sell off her stock. p. 457. Complaint was made to the Court that John Law, petty constable of Great Marlow, has been “very malitious and vexatious in troubling his neighbours . . . under pretence of his said office.” In particular it was alleged that he “did lately seiz and take into his Custody out of the Crowne Inne in Greate Marlow one John Oxlade, and him did lay or sett in the Stocks in the publique markett place att or about 8 of the Clock att Night, tho itt alsoe appeared to this Court that the said John Oxlade is a person of Civill life and conversation and att that tyme was not in any wise disorderly or abusive to any person, neither had he dranck one flaggon of beer.” This action was apparently a malicious device to discredit Oxlade because he had brought an action for trespass againt Law recently. Law is, therefore, discharged from his office and Anthony Feild, tailor, is to be sworn in his place. Order for the removal of Thomas Quartermaine from Aylesbury to Stone. John Norman and William Powney to be discharged from gaol. p. 458. The complaint of Robert Andrews of Berton is referred to certain justices. Thomas West of Quainton licensed to keep an alehouse. John West and his wife ordered to be sent to the bridewell at Aylesbury unless they forthwith obey a justices’ order for their removal. Order discharging the presentment against Thomas Lovejoy. 195 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Order for the removal of William Pond from Moncks Risborrough to St. Andrews Holborne, co. Middlesex, unless he can satisfy certain justices that he holds a good title to his present house. Order discharging John Stiles from the indictment against him. Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £20 for work done upon strengthening the gaol. Edmund Barch to be allowed £1 on account of his great poverty. Thomas Dagley of [blank] to be admitted to a County pension of £2 a year. Order that “the Homage fees of the King’s servants be respited untill next Sessions, and that the Clerk of the peace for this County in the meane tyme to inquire into the allowance thereof by other Countyes and the Records of this Court concerning the same.” pp. 459-460. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Edward Honnor of Agmondisham, John Howe of Chesham, gentleman, James Buckmaster of Soulberry, Thomas Welles of Eaton, and Thomas Osborne of Olney, fined £1. 10s. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Thomas Simpson and William Wilmott fined 3s. 4d. each, for assaulting Thomas Curtis. John Bishope fined £1. 10s., for assaulting James Hazle. Christopher Smith, gentlemen, fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting a misdemeanour. [See ante, p. 451]. William Jones of Chester forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Samuel Weaver and Richard Wright, both of Aylesbury, forfeit £10 each. John Price of Hulcott forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Robert Cox and Alex- ander Olliffe, both of Aylesbury, forfeit £10 each. 196 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1685-86. William George of Water Eaton forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, Thomas Adstock and William Wilson of Fenny Stratford, forfeit £10 each. p. 461. Discharged. Henry Hebbon of Brill, Joan Oliffe of Aylesbury, Thomas Simson, William Wilmott and Thomas Curtis, both of Whitchurch, Joseph Newton, John Clement, Edward Mead, George [blank], John Coxe, William Coxe, and Natha- niel Cox, all of Wendover, John East of Great Marlow, John Frenham and Thomas Cromwell, both of Thornborrough, Christopher Reeve of Wing, John Barney of Little Horrwood, James Hazle of Aylesbury, Richard Grimsdale of Amersham, William Hicks of Wavendon, Bridget, wife of John Ford of Iver, Edward Beesly of Shenly, Anne Rigby and John Clarridge, both of Newport, John Embling, John Goodwin, William Eames, and Thomas Barnes, all of Westwycomb, John Tripp and Jane Shepard, both of Bledlow, and Thomas Wattson of Wing. End of this session, (signed) Caven[dish] Weedon, clerk of the peace.

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 15 April, 1686 [2 James II] p. 462. Jurors for the body of the County. John Marryott, gentleman, William Edmonds, George Francklyne, Joseph Pedder, William Rice, John Hutchens Thomas Rice, Edward Griffin, Richard Cox, John Yates, John Lidgold, Christopher Payne, Francis Seabrook, Thomas Taylor, William Edwin, John Smith, and Thomas Lane. (signed) Edward Leigh, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc. :— Sir John Busby, Knt., of Addington, Richard Turnor, keeper of the bridewell at Wycomb, John Widmer, gentleman, and Thomas Littleboy, bailiffs of the borough of Wy- comb, and William Mayne of Hogson, esquire. 197 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. p. 463. Indictments. William Newland of Wing, for extortion. Richard Fuller of Sincleborrough and his wife, for assaulting William Gayton. [And see post, p. 468]. John Lacey of Amersham, for stealing a lamb, and William Walters of the same, for stealing a ewe and a lamb. (Both pleaded the “King’s pardon”). Presentments of the grand jury. Matthew Wattson of Marsh Gibbon, for lodging rogues. Robert Fellow, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, and William Underwood, all of Bletchly, for being absent from church for three months. pp. 464-465. Presentments of the petty constables Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Biddlesdon, John Wareing and Harriotts French, and their wives, all of Lechamstead, Francis Coleman of Thorneton and his wife, Thomas Blackman of Bechampton, Robert Fellow, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, and William Underwood, all of Bletchly, William Bass, Robert Eeling, Matthew Cherry, Joseph Gardiner, John Fairey, and Nathaniel Ashon, all of Fenny Stratford, John Reeve of Calverton, John Buttler, Thomas Harvey, Adam King, Henry Bigg, and Robert Page, labourer, all of Wavendon, John Good, Robert Charles, and Matthew Butcher, all of Weston Underwood, James Bryerly, John Barringer, and Joseph Bass, all of Olney, William Bayly of , Edward Luddington and Katherine Gale, both of Clifton Reynes, George Lord of Emberton, John Scott, Peter Collingridge, Mary Hardwick, and Mary English, all of Gayhurst, Robert Curtis and William Curtis, both of Handslope, Joseph York, Jane Markes, Robert Newman, George Flawne, Walter Mabley, William Fockett, and William Church, all of North Crawly, Robert Babbington, John Clare, Theodore Walters, William Carnall; Henry Glover, William White, John Cox, Isabel Humney, and Hugh Clifton, all of Sherrington, Anthony Stimpson of Cold Brafeild, Thomas Cuningham, Bartholomew Barrick, Jonathan Glyn, John Carter, Thomas Lane, William Kendall, John Gibbs, 198 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1686. William Edmonds, William Cowly, Thomas Kent, James Britten, John Byway, Samuel Davis, and John Battison, all of Newport P[agnell], for being absent from church. Elnathan Payne, Matthew Payne, and John Oakely, and their wives, all of Eaton near Windsore, for recusancy. The inhabitants and the constables of Aston and Waldridge, for not paying quarteridge, and for not making any presentments. Thomas Browne of Beaconsfeild, for keeping an un- licensed alehouse. Peter Lowndes of Addington, for not repairing a certain highway and causeway. Matthew Wattson of Marsh Gibbon, for lodging vagabonds. p. 466. Chief constables sworn. Burn[ham] . . James Eeles senior, of Agmondisham and William Grove of Taplow, gentle- man, vice William Ball and Lawrence Rutt. Desb[orough] . . Matthew Huntley of Hambledon and Thomas Barrabee of Westwycomb, gentleman, vice John Payne and Edward Fastnedge Buck[ingham] . . William Hazle of Steeple Cleydon and Thomas Atwood of Maydsmorton gentleman, vice John King and Thomas Bunce. Ayl[esbury] . . Michael Nash of Halton and John Birtch of Haddenham, gentleman, vice John Jackson and Francis Carter. Stoke . . . . Robert Stiles of Eaton and Richard Harwood of Iver, gentlemen, vice Adrian Aldridge and John Gayler. Ash[endon] . . John Randoll of Long Crendon and William Scott of Oving vice Richard Deane and John Beck. 199 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. Newport . . . . William Tompkins of and Nicholas Chibnell of Newport vice John Jancey and Richard Ed- monds. Cotts[low] . . . . Zacheus Wigg of Stewkly and John Deverell, junior, of Swanborne vice Daniel Keene and John Ingram. Treasurers sworn. Thomas Lake of Buckland, Richard Gibbons of Pitch- cott, and George Welles of Wavendon, gentlemen. p. 467. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Certain justices requested to settle the dispute over the poor rates at Cuddington. Thomas Good, late petty constable of Chalfont St. Peter, ordered to submit his accounts to certain justices. Hugh Willis of Stewkly permitted to build a forge on the waste land next to his dwelling house, with the consent of the inhabitants and of John Gurney, lord of the manor. Order rescinding the former order as to the rates at Cuddington and laying down that “the rates there be of all acres alike, not meadow more than pasture or arrable.” Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £10 for repairs done to the gaol. Order cancelling the allowance of 1s. 6d. a week payable to Frances Playstead, widow, of Ashendon. Order for the removal of John Lacey from Coltshill, co. Hertford, to Burnham. 200 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1686. George Cluer admitted as crier of the Court in place of Thomas Monck, who has resigned. Mr. Weedon, clerk of the peace, approved of the appointment. p. 468. Andrew Willings of Colebrook licensed to keep an alehouse. Adjournment of the appeal of Eggom, co. Surrey. Order that Thomas Curtis “be admitted to withdraw his plea and traverse in respect of his Majesties late most gracious pardon.” Certain justices nominated to settle the accounts of the repairs to Eaton bridges. The surveyors of Eaton are given “till Bartholomews- tyde” to repair their highways. Richard Fuller and Martha, his wife, committed to gaol until they pay their fines of five marks each for assaulting William Gayton. Elizabeth Corbet ordered to be discharged from the bridewell at Chepping Wycomb, “in respect of his Majesties most gracious pardon,” and to be sent to Colebrook in Horton, where she is to be settled. Order referring the matter of the forest of Bornewood in relation to Brill “to the justices of the hundred of Ashendon at this next petty session at The Shipp att Wootten Underwood.” Order referring the complaint of Richard Bell, senior, of Stoke to certain justices. p. 469. Thomas Taylor of Soulbury is ordered to pay Judith Ball, his servant, 32s. for her half yearly wages. She is at liberty to leave his service and to serve another master. 201 ______

Buckinghamshire sessions records. volume I. Further enquiry ordered “as to his Majesties servants’ Homage fees.” Mr. Thomas Barnewell, the under-sheriff, to be paid £10 “in relation to the King’s Proclamation of pardon of all fines.” Edmund Serch, “having beene an old souldier in his Majesties service,” to be allowed £1 in respect of his extreme poverty. pp. 470-471. [Blank].

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 15 and 16 July, 1686 [2 James II] p. 472. Jurors for the body of the County. William Warr, gentleman, Peter Cross, Thomas Edwards, Richard Lamborne, Robert Reynolds, Thomas Hogg, William Barrett, Thomas Bunce, John George, Thomas Wigg, Richard Blackett, John Wright, William Jackman, Isaac Honnor, and Robert Gale. (signed) Edward Leigh, esquire, sheriff. p. 473. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc., John Shallcrosse of Bledlow, esquire, Francis Neale of Iving- hoe, gentleman, Henry Munday of Aylesbury, innholder, John Reeve of Bovingdon, co. Hertford, gentleman, William Gilmore of Agmondisham, gentleman, clerk of the peace, and William Barrett of Maidsmorton, gentleman. Indictments. Michael Batterson, John Rayner, senior, John Rayner, junior, Edward Flete, William Shepard, senior, Samuel Oliff, Richard Cross, and Benedict Bates, all of Weedon in Hardwick, Edward Plampyn, esquire, Richard Cockman, and Thomas Brooks, all of Aylesbury. Robert Mayne of Quarrendon, gentleman, William Smith of Waddesdon, and 202 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1686. John Haughton, alias Horton, of Apslee (dead), for not scouring a certain river, so that the highways and meadows are flooded. Edward Porter of Hitcham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. The inhabitants of Mentmore, for not repairing Mentmore Lane. Susan Jeoffs of Sincleborrough, for not repairing Little Millway, and for putting a dunghill in the highway. [And see post, p. 490]. John Coe, William Stevens, and Edward Roberts, all of Wendover, for assaulting John Cox. [And see post, p. 482]. Edmund Dixon of Middle Cleydon, for keeping an un- licensed alehouse. p. 474. Presentments. George Lord of Emberton, Peter Collingridge, Mary English, and Katherine Rawbone, all of Gayhurst, Josias Sapwell, Thomas Higby, Richard Maning, Charles Higby, Thomas Burgis, and Samuel Hoddey, all of Newport Pagnell, Thomas Cooper, grocer, Rowland Forster, gentleman, John Barringer, senior, tanner, William Ashby, junior, and Thomas Smith, grocer, all of Warrington in Olney, Robert Carnall, Theodore Waters, David Johnson, John Clare, and Thomas Hooton, all of , Robert Chardge, John Goad, and Matthew Butcher, all of Weston Underwood, Robert Fellow, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, and William Underwood, all of Bletchley, John Wareing of Lechamstead and his wife, Thomas Blackman of Beauchampton, Francis Warr and Gregory Derby, both of Biddlesdon, Francis Coleman of Thorneton and his wife, William Chalfont and his wife, Thomas Church and his wife, and [blank], wife of James Fretwell, all of Wooborne, Elizabeth Pratt, Robert Kingham, George Mouldey, John Goodgame, and Anne Smith, all of Farnham Royall, and George Salter, William Sexton, John Nellis, Richard Baldwin, and Thomas Sexton, all of Hugerly, for being absent from church. Edmund Dixon of Middle Cleydon, for keeping an un- licensed alehouse. 203 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Edward Burnham of Chersley, for being a common swearer. John Harris and Elizabeth Welles, both of Chesham, for bastardy. p. 475. Presentments of the supervisors of the highways. Richard Playstow of Wendover, gentleman, Richard Harding of Stoke Mandaville, and John Cox of Barkham Warren in Wendover, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. p. 476. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Paul Dorvall ordered to appear before John Proby, esquire, J.P., to indemnify the parish of Chesham. Order referring to certain justices the dispute between Richard Piddington, clerk, rector of Ickford, and the in- habitants there concerning rates. Timothy Wingfeild ordered to take his oath as petty constable of Agmondisham or to be indicted for contempt. Order referring to certain justices the dispute between Joan Foskett, widow, and Richard Deely concerning relief. John Bucknell and his wife to be allowed 2s. 6d. by the overseers of Thorneborrough. p. 477. Order for the removal of Edmund Gutteridge from Middle Cleydon to Lillingstone Luffeild. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Addington for not repairing a certain highway, upon a certificate by certain justices that it has been properly re- paired. 204 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1686. Thomas Phillips to be discharged from the bridewell at Chepping Wycomb and to be sent to Uxbridge, co. Middlesex, and settled there. Certain justices appointed to consider what relief should be allowed to Mary Webb and Jane Thorne by the overseers of Berton. The overseers of Padbury ordered to pay Robert Rent 20s. for his maintenance. Hugh Tomlyns is ordered to pay him 1s. 6d., William Huett 1s. 2d., James Willmore 4d., and John Rent 2d., “for trenching their commons.” p. 478. Order for the removal from Tingewick to Aylesbury of Elizabeth and Anne Harwood, daughters of Mary, wife of John Harding of Aylesbury, weaver, by her first husband, Thomas Harwood. Order that a legacy of £20, bequeathed by the late Thomas Missenden to Anne Cranwell, spinster, who has “for divers yeares last past beene greate chardge to the parish of Thornborrough,” shall, with her consent, be handed over to John Woolhead for her maintenance. Order that Edmund Serch, “having faithfully served his Majesty 4 yeares att Tangier and being burst in the said service,” shall be admitted to a County pension of 40s. a year. p. 479. Order for the removal of John Loosley and his wife from Tingewick to Kertleton, co. Oxford. Order referring to certain justices the question of the settlement of the two children of the late John Faithfull of Aston Clynton. Order for the removal of John Edwards from Winslow to Studley, co. Warwick, where he had been in service with William Baker. 205 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. p. 480. Mr. Turnor to be paid £11 for repairs done to the bridewell at Wycomb, which sum he is to repay upon his death or removal from office. p. 481. Order that “from henceforth all certificates made concerning the exemption of any person from the duty of hearth money in this County be made in the forme hereunder mentioned, videlicet:— “Wee, the Minister of the parish of . . . and . . . of the said parish, doe hereby certify unto his Majesties Justices of the peace for this County that wee doe believe that the respective howses wherein the persons hereunder written doe inhabite are not of greater value than £20 per annum upon the full improved rent and that the persons soe inhabiteing nor any other useing the said Messuages hath or useth or occupyeth any Lands or Tenements of their owne or others of the yearely value of £20 per annum, nor hath any Lands or Tenements, goods or chattells of the value of £10 in their owne possession or in the possession of any other in Trust for them, and that the howses have not above 2 Chimneys, fire hearths, or stoves in them respectively. And that noe Land, garden, [or] orchard belonging to the said respective howses since the yeare 1663 hath beene lett appart from the same howses, and that since the same yeare neither of the said howses hath beene divided into severall dwellings or lett out to any persons, whoe by reason of their poverty have beene exempted from payment of the duty of hearth mony where the duty ought to have beene paid before. Wittness our hands.” “And itt is further ordered that in case any difference shall arise about the Levying the said duty after the said Certificate made, Complaint thereof shall be made att the next quarter Sessions to be holden for this County to the end the same may be determined or represented to the Lord high Treasurer of England, if there be cause.” And it is further ordered that the clerk of the peace shall have copies of this order sent to all the chief constables, for distribution to the petty constables. 206 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1686. p. 482. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Robert Smith of Iver, gentleman, and Richard White of Bow Brickhill fined £1 10s. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. John Coe of Wendover fined £1, for assaulting John Cox. Edward Midleton of Ivinghoe, yeoman, forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his surety, Joan Midleton, forfeits £40. John Hicks of Wavendon forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his surety, John Perrott, forfeits £20. John Perrott of Wavendon forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance, and his surety, John Hicks, forfeits £20. Richard Fuller of Sincleborrough forfeits his recognizance of £10, John Helsey of Eaton forfeits his of £5, and John Baldwine of the Mews in St. Martins in the Fields, co. Middlesex, coachman, forfeits his of £40, for non-appearance. p. 483. Discharged. Amy Webb of Fawly, Thomas Fowler of Turfeild, James Atkins of Chesham, John Cox and Mary Cox, both of Wen- dover, Anne Collyns of Cublington, Harford Price and his wife, and William Price, all of Hardwyck, William Doggett of Bradwell, Thomas Fisher of Whadden, Thomas Grover, senior, of Iver, Robert Larkin of Fullmer, John Free and John Baderly, both of Chalfont St. Peters, Richard Wilby of Chal- font St. Giles, and John Butler of Eaton. End of this session, (signed) W. Gillmore, clerk of the peace.

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHEPPING WYCOMBE 7 October, 1686 [2 James II]. p. 484. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Walter, William Fenner, and Robert Moreton, gentlemen, Henry Wells, junior, Thomas Brooks, Thomas O 207 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME I. Ray, senior, William Thompson, Thomas Berry, Thomas Harris, junior, Andrew Rice, John King, Thomas Gibbs, Nicholas Milward, John Chennells, Lawrence Rutt, Andrew Hall, Samuel Harding, John Chersly, William Ball, William Prentice, John Sawell, Richard Theed, gentleman, and Robert Honner. (signed) Edward Leigh, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc.:— John Bigg, senior, mayor of the borough of Chipping Wy- comb, Cavendish Weedon, esquire, J.P., James Bringfeild of Winslow, gentleman, of Newport, gentleman, and Edward Boddington of Cold Brafeild. pp. 484 (a) [sic]—486. Indictments. Samuel Birch and Thomas Pawley, both of Weston Turvile, and Giles Child and Richard Webb, both of Agmondisham, for trading as bakers without having been duly apprenticed. William Lane, Richard Jennings, George Chardge, and William Staple, all of Wendover, for “destroying the Game, being not quallified.” William Barr of Dorney, for making a ditch and a hedge in the highway from Maydenhead to Windsor. Timothy Wingfeild of Agmondisham, for refusing to be sworn as a petty constable. [And see post, Vol. II, p. 10]. John Tanter of Edlesborough, for not repairing Pavy Lane. William Weedon, senior, and Mary, his wife, and William Weedon, junior, all of Great Marlow, for assaulting John Land. William Herring of Stoke Poges, for putting a gate and some palings on the highway which leads from Stoke Poges, through Stoke Field, to Farnham Mill, for “cutting” William Webb’s gate, and for assaulting Arthur Turnor, esquire. [And see post, Vol. II, p. 9]. Edmund Dixon of Middle Cleydon and William Earle of Ovinge, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Thomas Scott of Hogshaw, for not returning “articles and quarteridge.” 208 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1686. Peter Lowndes of Addington, for not repairing the high- way or the bridge leading to the pastures called the Bridge Grounds. Anthony Stevenson, junior, and Anne, his wife, and [blank], wife of William Bird, all of Cold Brafeild. George Lord of Emberton, Peter Collingridge, Mary English, Kath- erine Rawbone, and Mary Hardwicke, all of Gayhurst, Thomas Simpcoe, William Rose, and William Hopkins, all of Lavendon, Samuel Hoddey, Thomas Lane of Tickford Park, John Lee, Richard Manning, Thomas Dolby, Francis Lancaster, John Clifton, Charles Higby, John Sapwell, William Walduck, William Thorpe, John Gibbs, gentleman, [blank] Thornton, widow, [blank] Webb, widow, apothecary, and John Byway, all of Newport, Francis Britten and Anne, his wife, and Margaret Marshall, widow, all of Sherrington, James Brierly, alias Brely, Rowland Forster, gentleman, William Asby, alias Ashby, junior, John Barringham, junior, John Chater, Isaac Henly, Joseph Scrivener, and Joseph Watts, all of Warrington in Olney, Ralph Gooden and John Goud, both of Weston Underwood, Robert Fellow, Geoffrey Underwood, and Richard Underwood, all of Bletchly, Francis Coleman and his wife, and Mary Coleman, spinster, all of Thornton, Francis Warr and Gregory Darby, both of Bidlesdon, Thomas Blackman of Bechhampton, John Wareing of Lechamsteed and his wife, and George Salter, John Nellis, Richard Baldwin, and William Sexton, all of Hedgerly, for being absent from church. p. 487. Orders. Daniel Mott to be paid £3 by the overseers of Chesham, for “keeping Henry Hawkins when hee was disstracted.” Order giving the inhabitants of Wooborne further time in which to repair their highways, and to the inhabitants of Long Crendon time in which to repair Hawkes Bridge. Order referring the question of the bail of James Blackman to certain justices. 209 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUMEI. Order referring to certain justices the question of the relief of Hannah, wife of George Eames of Marsworth, and her three children. Further time given to the inhabitants of Eaton in which to repair their bridges. Order renewing the order for the removal of John Edwards, with his wife and child, from Winslow to Sheddle, co. Warwick, from which place he has returned after having been duly removed. Order referring the complaint of John Edwards of Slapton and his wife to certain justices. Edward Porter to be discharged from gaol upon finding sureties upon his indictment for building a cottage. Jane, wife of Andrew Marlow, to be allowed 5s. a week by the overseers of Boveny. p. 488. Adjournment of the case against Mr. Richard Play- stow of Wendover for not doing his statutory work upon the highways. Order for the removal of Sarah and Elizabeth, daughters of John Faithfull, from Aston Clynton to Aylesbury. Adjournment of the case against Robert Mayne, gentle- man, William Smith, and the inhabitants of Hardwick and Weedon, for not cleansing the brook between Hulcott Mill and Eythropp Mill. Order referring to certain justices the examination of the title of Henry Peirce to a house in Chesham. If it is shewn that he has not a good title, he is to be removed to Chalfont St. Giles. Thomas Pitt, late constable of Chalsey, ordered to 210 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1686. attend before certain justices to give an account of the goods seized by him from Joan Wigginton, widow. William Leaver of Aylesbury and Richard Hilton of Chepping Wycomb admitted to County pensions of 40s. a year each. The complaint of Joan Chapman of Buckland is referred to certain justices. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. p. 489. Recognizances entered into. Joseph Perkins of Chalfont St. Peters in £80, with Robert Butterfeild and Thomas Tredway, both of the same, as sureties in £40 each, for bastardy. Timothy Wingfeild of Amersham, yeoman, in two recognizances of £40 each, for his good behaviour and to appear and answer. Edward Porter of Hitcham in £40, to appear and answer. William Weedon, senior, of Great Marlow, in two recognizances of £40 each, to keep the peace towards Robert Rance, and to appear and answer for keeping guns contrary to the statute. Richard Robinson of Eaton in £40, with Nicholas Jeoffreys of Eaton as surety in £20, for his good behaviour. William Herring of Stoke Poges in two recognizances of £40, to appear and answer two indictments. p. 490. Fines and issues. [Blank] fined £1. 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Robert Leach fined £5, for being convicted in his absence of forcible entry. Thomas Abbott similarly fined 10s. Susan Jeoffs fined 6s. 8d. on each of two indictments. John Barrett fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Richard Robinson. William Weedon of Great Marlow fined £1, for keeping guns and nets contrary to the statute. 211 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME 1. John Heyward, constable of Burnham, fined £5 for refusing to execute a justices’ warrant. p. 491. Discharged. John Smalridge and William Thompson, both of Newport Pagnell, Thomas Hopkins of Stony Stratford, Marmaduke Masson of Wolverton, John Gregory, alias Marsh, of Great Lindford, John Tanner of Great Marlow, George Richardson of Newport Pagnell, John Bigg, junior, Joseph Francklyne, Thomas Gibson, John Gibson, junior, John Liveing, Daniel Flexman, William Bignell, Edward Adams, and Samuel Taylor, all of Great Kimble, John Smith, senior, of Wendover, Mary Baker and Mary Burtwell, both of Leighton, co. Bed- ford, John Wheeler of Wingrave, John Lovett of Wendover, William Burt of Long Crendon, Robert Mills of Twyford, John Langly of Edgcott, Timothy Wingfeild of Agmondi- sham, Thomas Bull of Stewkly, Elizabeth Tyler of Great Hampden, Joseph Perkins of Chalfont St. Peters, Richard Heywood of Headsore, Leonard Heyfeild of Hugendon, Charles Emon of Aylesbury, Thomas Birtch and Richard Ayres, both of Dynton, William Geary of Marsworth, John Suddan of Taplow, Thomas Hughes of Upton, Roger Baker and Arthur Turnor, esquire, and his wife, all of Stoke Poges, William Herring of Windsore, gentleman, John Heywood of Burnham, William Weedon, senior, and his wife, and William Weedon, junior, all of Great Marlow. End of this session, (signed) W. Gilmore, clerk of the peace.

VOLUME II. CHRISTMAS SESSION AT CHEPPING WYCOMBE 13th January, 1686-87 [2 James II] p. 1. Jurors for the body of the County. Samuel Graunge and William Lamborne, gentlemen, 212 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1686-87. William Edmonds, Thomas Ray, junior, Joseph Bampton, Richard Blackwell, junior, John Thompson, William Randolph, William Rice, junior, James Hunt, Thomas Sills, William Fellowe, John Warr, John Sparke, and Thomas Helder. (Signed) Edward Leigh, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc.:— Thomas Devoberry of North Crawley, clerk, and Francis Neale, clerk of the peace. p. 2. Indictments. Richard Chandler, senior, Richard Chandler, junior, and John Chandler, all of Drayton Parslowe, for rioting and for assaulting Thomas Chandler. [And see post, pp. 9, II, and 200.] George Chandler, and his brother Richard, Thomas Chandler, and Anthony Kemp, all of Drayton Parslowe, for rioting and for assaulting Richard Chandler, senior. [And see post, pp. 9 and 11.] Robert Davies of Ipston, for assaulting the wife of Robert Bartlett. [And see post, pp. 9 and 11.] John Trundly of Denham, for assaulting the wife of John Retheridge. [And see post, pp. 9 and 11.] John Coleman of Fawly, for a nuisance. [And see post, P. 57.] John Sherly of Chepping Wiccombe, for engrossing, upon the information of William Gilmore, gentleman, the late clerk of the peace. [And see post, p. 57.] p. 3. Presentments. The inhabitants of Aston Mullings and Waldridge, for not sending in their presentments or their quarterly money. Henry Eggleton of Weston Turvile, Thomas Millner of Aston Abbotts, and Sarah Lovejoy, widow, Richard Harding, Ellen Tower, widow, and Elizabeth Douglas, all of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. John Lacy of Princes Risborough, for receiving inmates. 213 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. John Lewes of Ellesborough, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. John Billington of Cublington, for keeping a disorderly brandy shop. The inhabitants of Ivinghoe, for not repairing their highways. John Browne of Newport, for being a common eavesdropper. John Sapwell of Newport, for being a common swearer. Peter Lowndes of Addington, for not repairing the highway in the Bridge grounds, and the lane and the bridge adjoining. William Norman and Richard Ware, both of Cleydon, John Wareing of Leckhamsted, and his wife, Francis Warr and Gregory Darby, both of , Thomas Blackman of Beachampton, Francis Coleman and his wife, and Mary Coleman, spinster, all of Thornton, George Salter, Richard Baldwyn, John Nellis, and William Sexton, all of Hedgerly, William Trinsdale and Alice, his wife, Thomas Bellch and Sarah, his wife, and John Wooton, all of Chalfont St. Peters, Geoffrey Underwood, Richard Underwood, Robert Fellowe, and William Underwood, all of Bletchly, George Lord of Emberton, Peter Collingridge, Mary Hardwick, Mary English, and Katherine Rawbone, all of Gayhurst, William Cowley, butcher, John Burridge, and [blank] Esther, gentleman, all of Newport Pagnell, Robert Church, Joseph Millington, and George Laughton, all of Sherrington, and Ralph Goodwyn and John Good, both of Weston Underwood, for being absent from church. p. 4. Petty constables sworn. Amersham Woodside . . Nathaniel Humphry vice James Ball. Bledowe . . . . Robert Norris and Joseph Eustace vice John Hill and John Tripp. Buckland . . . . Thomas Horwood vice Thomas Brandon. Waddesden . . Edward Griffin and Thomas Mathew vice William Harrison and John Sutheary.

214 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1686-87. Bletchly . . . . John Lane and Richard Turpyn vice Thomas Steevens and Daniel Roberts. Chilton . . . . John Stopp vice Thomas White. Radnidge . . . . Henry Snowe vice Thomas Newill. Wingrave . . . . Francis Bishopp vice John Keen. Slapton . . . . Thomas Fountaine and Joseph Search vice Henry Tilcock and Roger Howes. Wing . . . . John Scarborough vice Thomas Turney. Stoke Mandevile . . Francis Ledgingham and James Venner vice Joseph Smith and John Glassenden. Wendover . . William Jennings vice Daniel Walker. Wooburne . . George Tredway vice William Wright. p. 5. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Adjournment of the cases against Long Crendon and Wooburne for not repairing their highways. Order discharging the indictment against Michael Battenson, John Rayner, Edward Fleet, William Sheppard, senior, Samuel Ollife, Richard Crosse, and Benedict Grace, all of Weedon, for not scouring the brook from Hulcot Mill to Eithropp Mill, as they have produced a justices’ certificate that the brook has now been properly scoured. Order that the overseers of Langly shall pay Elizabeth Moore such an allowance as the overseers of Horton used to provide, now that she has come to live in the former parish. Order that the overseers of Shabbington shall pay Alice Hall, widow, the allowance of 2s. 6d. a week which was laid down in a former order. p. 6. Order that the overseers of Hugendon, having obtained the consent of John Webb, esquire, and Dame Mary, his wife, and Charles Dormer, esquire, the lords of the manor, 215 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. may build a cottage on the waste land of the manor “for poor people to live in . . . either att Brands lane nere the house wherein Leonard Heifeild now dwelleth, or att Kidmore end neere the house wherein George Russell now dwelleth.” Order allowing the appeal of Aylesbury against an order removing John Faithfull, and Sarah and Elizabeth, his two daughters, from Aston Clinton. p. 7. Order releasing the overseers of Wendover from a justices’ order requiring them to pay relief to Richard Hore. Order for the removal of John West and Anne, his wife, from Aston Sanford to Beirton. Order for the settlement of John Keene, blacksmith, at Great Missendon, where he has been carrying on his trade, after coming from Princes Risborough. p. 8. Order dismissing the appeal of Daniel Barefoot against a maintenance order in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Denny, born in Shalston, and committing Barefoot to gaol for refusing to obey the order. Order that all the petty constables shall attend at the next session to make returns of the names of all those who are licensed as “Common Higlers, Loaders, Kidders, Car- riers, Badgers, Tranters, Drovers, or that are Common buyers and sellers of any corne, graine, cattle, butter, eggs, cheese, henns, chickens, calves, swyne, piggs, or any other dead victualls.” All those who have no licences are to be proceeded against. [And see post, p. 26.] p. 9. Mr. William Gilmore, the late clerk of the peace, to be paid £10 for copying licences and orders. Mr. Francis Neale, the new clerk of the peace, to be paid £3 for copying certain orders. Edward Porter to be discharged upon being found not guilty. 216 ______

CHRISTMAS SESSION, 1686-87. George Chandler, Richard Chandler, junior, and Thomas, his brother, and Anthony Kemp fined £1 each for riot and assault. Richard Davies fined £1 6s. 8d. for assaulting Susan, wife of Robert Bartlett. John Trundly fined 13s. 4d. for assaulting Katherine, wife of John Retheridge. Order adjourning the imposition of the fine upon Thomas Gibson, for not serving on the grand jury. Order that all those who failed to serve on the grand jury, when duly summoned, shall be fined £1 6s. 8d. William Herring, who withdrew his pleas of not guilty and pleaded guilty on two indictments, is fined 13s. 4d. for each offence. Order discharging all indictments against Edward Barr. p. 10. William Bryant be discharged upon “prayeing the Benefitt of his Majesties late proclamation and pardon.” Order that the fine to be levied upon the inhabitants of Edlesborough, or of any other parish indicted for the non- repair of their highways, shall be 10s. The cases against William Weedon, senior, and Timothy Wingfeild are removed by writ of certiorari. Recognizances entered into. Richard Chandler, senior, Richard Chandler, junior, and John Chandler, all of Drayton Parslowe, gunsmiths, and Thomas Pawley of Weston Turvile, yeoman, in £20 each, to appear and answer. Ralph Lockwood of Great Marlow in £10, to appear and answer. 217 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Edward Lockwood and John Harman, both of Great Marlow, in £20 each, to appear and for their good behaviour. p. 11. Fines and issues. Isaac Payne of Oakely and Robert Weedon of Fawley, gentleman, fined £1 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. William Herring fined 13s. 4d. on each of two indictments. George Chandler, Richard Chandler, junior, Thomas Chandler, and Anthony Kemp, fined £1 each for riot and assault. Robert Davies fined £1 6s. 8d. for assault. John Trundly fined 13s. 4d. for assault. p. 12. Discharged. Robert Caple of Olney, William Lodge of Kingsall, husbandman, Amy Webb of Fawley, John Girnett of Water Stratford, John Harding of Aylesbury, Richard Chandler, junior, of Drayton Parslowe, Philip Hughes of Wendover, George Chandler of Drayton Parslowe, William Herring of Stoake, Thomas Chandler and Anthony Kemp, both of Drayton Parslowe, Henry Gravestock of Soulberry, Emmanuel Feild of Lavendon, Thomas Croshar of Wing, Richard Chandler, senior, Richard Chandler, junior, and John Chandler, all of Drayton Parslowe, Thomas Phillips of West Wiccombe, Ralph Lockwood of Great Marlow, Robert Davy of Turfeild, Thomas Sermon of Saunderton, John Trundly of Denham, Joseph Perkins, and Richard Robinson. End of this session, (signed) F. Neale, clerk of the peace. pp. 13-14. [Blank.]

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 7th April, 1687 [3 James II] p. 15. Jurors for the body of the County. Michael Seare and John Stacy, gentlemen, Samuel 218 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1687. Aldridge, John Bigg, Edward Rose, senior, Anthony Hedges, William Green, Richard Waddrupp, Edward Carter, Henry Bunn, gentleman, John Chase, junior, Jonas Taylor, Nathaniel Weedon, Thomas Hudson, gentleman, John Kidgell, gentleman, William Johnson, gentleman, Robert Adams, gentleman, John Wilkinson, and Thomas Hoskins. (Signed) Nicholas Salter, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc.:—Sir John Busby, Knt, of Addington, William Fleetwood of Missendon, esquire, John Edowes of Little Gaddesden, gentleman, Michael Seare of Marsworth, gentleman, Henry Monday of Aylesbury, John Widmore of Chipping Wic- combe, Thomas Barnewell and Joseph Rawson, both of Aylesbury, gentlemen, John Whitton of Chipping Wic- combe, John Shallcrosse of Bledlowe, esquire, James Harbert of Kinsey, esquire, Robert Lovett of Lyscombe, esquire, George Bate of Stoke Hamon, clerk, Robert Gainsford of Chesham, gentleman, James Tyrrell of Okely, esquire, Sir Ralph Varney, Bart.., and Edward Hart of Brill, esquire. p 16. Indictments. Jasper Geary and William Osborne, both of Great Marlow, for assaulting Charles Veery. William Bishopp, John Higgins, John White, John Walker, and Thomas Jones, all of Aylesbury, for a breach of the peace, and for “night walking.” [And see post, p.57.] Presentments. Martha Butcher and Robert Charles, both of Weston Underwood, and Francis Coleman of Thorneton and his wife, and Mary, his daughter, for being absent from church. The constables of Aston Mullins, for not bringing in their “articles.” John Lewis of Ellesborough, for “continueing a new erected cottage.” Peter Lownes of Addington, for not repairing the Bridge ground. 219 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 17. Presentments of the grand jury. Edward Stanbridge, for not repairing a bridge between Northall and Eaton. The inhabitants of Slapton, for not repairing the road to Dunstable. The inhabitants of Buckland, for not repairing the lane leading from Puttnam to Aylesbury. The inhabitants of Aylesbury, for not repairing Walton Street, between the bridge and the Bell Corner, and for not repairing the road to Wooman’s Bridge. Chief constables sworn. Aylesbury . . . . William Cocke of Wendover and Ephraim Holt of Upton, gentlemen, vice Michael Nash and John Birch. Newport . . . . Thomas Odell of Simpson and Robert Skevington of Newton Blossomvile vice William Tompkins and [blank]. Cotteslowe . . . . William Smith of Askott, gentleman, and Thomas Blake of Winslowe vice Zaccheus Wigg and [blank]. Burnham . . . . William Woods of [blank], gentleman, and Edward Honnor of Agmondesham vice William Groves and James Eles. Ashenden . . . . Thomas Sawnders of North Mason and John Hutchins of Brill, gentlemen, vice William Scott and John Randolph Stoke . . . . James Heynes of Horton and John Bavin of Waxham, gentlemen, vice Robert Styles and Richard Harwood. Buckingham . . John Yeates of Turweston, gentleman, and William Baldwyn of [blank] vice William Hazell and Thomas Attwood. Desborough. . . John Tripp of Wiccomb Forrens and Henry Fletcher of Great Marlow, gentlemen, vice Thomas Barrabe and Matthias Huntly 220 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1687. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s bench and marshalsea . . Isaac Gurney of Stukely and John Cranwell of Farnham Royall, gentle- men, vice George Wells and Richard Gibbons For the maimed soldiers . . . . John Webb of Weston Turvile, gentle- man, vice Thomas Lake. pp. 18-20. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Hudnall . . . . Edward Seare vice John Garrett. Cuddington . . John Cox, senior, vice William Barnard Northall . . . . Henry Parson vice John Urney Hugendon . . John Massion vice [blank]. Edlesborough . . Richard Shreeve vice Edward Church. Holton . . . . Francis Weedon vice William Sweby Great Missendon . . Edward Hoare and Thomas Paine vice Thomas Todd and John Ives. Bishopstone . . Francis Turner vice Edward Doyley. Cheddington . . James Deely vice Thomas Playtor Wingrave . . John Newman vice Thomas Keen. Ipstone . . . . William Road vice William Dutton, and Joseph Costor as tithingman vice John Tovey. Cheyneys . . . . Thomas Port vice William Dell, and James Wilson as tithingman vice John Addington. Weedon . . . . William Shepphard vice William Howes. Dunton . . . . Thomas Adams vice [blank]. Hambledon . . George Rockhall and Christopher Coming vice William Walker and Augustine Vernall. Wooven [Oving] . . Daniel Ginger vice John Hilsden. Wiccombe Forrens Thomas House vice [blank]. Henry Costord and Thomas Siread vice [blank]. Bow Brickill . . . . Christopher Coates vice Richard Kirke. 221 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Soulberrey . . . . Lawrence Buckney vice Richard Chandler. Medmenham . . William Haines vice [blank]. Little Brickill . . Anthony Scott and Christopher Rutter vice Roger Curle and George Alden Neither Winchendon . . Thomas Deely vice Thomas Walker Turfeild . . . . Thomas Sharpe vice John Jones. Upper Winchendon. . . Thomas Bragwell vice John Walbanke Loughton . . Richard Jones vice [blank]. Saunderton . . Thomas Jackman vice [blank]. Little Marlow . . William Morton, junior, vice Nathaniel Heycroft, and William Higgins as tithingman vice Richard Turner. Ellesborough. . Edward Woodbridge and Henry Cleydon vice John Prince and John Hitchcocke. Little Kimble . . Daniel Buttler vice Thomas Beamesly East Cleydon . . Samuel Gurney vice William Perkins Cowley in Preston Edward Butterfeild vice Richard North Borstall . . . . Edward Bowler vice Robert New Hogshaw . . . . John Steevens vice John Scott. Chippenham . . Richard Curtis vice Richard Wilder. Branfee . . . . Gilham Kempe vice William Costord, and John Denchfeild as tithingman vice George Fryar. Eaton . . . . John Duck vice [blank] Whittchurch . . Thomas Coventry and Thomas Hobbs vice [blank].. Hartwell . . . . John Horton vice Francis Horton. Hilsden . . . . Thomas Parratt vice Richard Brashead. Datchett . . . . John Seamer vice [blank]. Colebrooke in Horton. Elisha Harwood and Alexander Durkin vice [blank]. Becconsfeild . . William Newington and John Grove vice Edmund Idle and Elias Burt, and John Carr and William Tutton as tithingmen vice William Ingram and [blank]. 222 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1687. Wavendon . . . . Richard Bush vice William Tompkins. Hogson . . . . John Butcher vice [blank]. Normason . . . . Henry Cocker vice Richard Grave. Stone . . . . William Pharmber vice Robert Lee. Upton . . . . Clement Hunt vice [blank]. Ford . . . . Thomas Worcester vice [blank]. Easington in Chilton . . . . Thomas Coles vice Jonathan Hands. Braddenham . . William Stone vice Robert Morris Little Missendon . . Christopher Rayne as headborough vice Thomas Shrimp Wexham . . . . John Roberts vice [blank]. Stoke Hamon . . John Rogers and John Francklyn vice Thomas Fowler and Thomas Reynolds. Swanburne . . William Hall and William Gressham vice [blank]. Drayton Parslow . . Samuel Fenner and John Walduck vice William Rogers and Richard Bull. Dorney . . . . Daniel Inwood vice John Manerd. Mentmore . . . . Christopher Theed and William Parrott vice Gabriel Crawley and William Wells. Stukely . . . . John Belgrave vice John Green. Dunton . . . . Thomas Adams vice Edward Duncombe. Shenly Brook End Edward Feild vice William Peircevall. Walton . . . . Thomas Dover vice John Cuttler. Cublington . . Robert King and Richard Broughton vice William Green and George Stone Eaton Guildibles . . George Fennall vice Bartholomew Wilcocks Aylesbury, the parson’s fee Joseph Brasbridge vice William Edmunds. Aylesbury [the Lord’s fee] . . Matthias Dagnall vice William Ray. Berton . . . . Samuel Turpin vice Francis Oliffe. p. 21. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. p 223 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Orders giving further time, until next sessions, for the inhabitants of Horton, Ivinghoe, Edlesborough, Headsore, Tingwick, Mentmore, and Weston Turvile to bring certificates that their highways have been repaired. p.22. The question of the maintenance of Edward and John, the infant sons of Edward Gibbons of Hambledon, is referred to certain justices. Order cancelling all previous orders concerning the relief to be paid to Alice Hall, widow, by the overseers of Shabbington. p.23. Adjournment of the appeal of Stoke Mandevile con- cerning the settlement of William Browne and his children. Order cancelling the allowance of 1s. 6d. a week to be paid to Thomas Quaintree by the overseers of Ellesborough. Order dismissing the appeal of Mrs. Grace Bennett against a justices’ order requiring her to pay 19s. 8d. to the overseers of Calverton for poor rates. p. 24. Order discharging all presentments against Peter Lownes of Addington for not repairing a highway in the Bridge ground there, “and the lane, cawsey, and bridge thereto adjoyneing,” upon his bringing a justices’ certificate that the work has now been done. [And see post, pp. 37 and 53.] Mr. Joseph Rawson, receiver general, ordered to pay Mr. Thomas Barnewell, the under sheriff, £10 for public work done. The receiver general ordered to pay Mary, wife of John Southwell, 2s. 6d. a week for nursing and providing clothes for the child of Sarah Price, which was born while she was in gaol, and 15s. 10d. to Mr. Benson, the gaoler, for having maintained the child up to the present. 224 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1687. p. 25. Order that an account brought into Court by the inhabitants of Brill and Okely, pursuant to a decree of the Court of Exchequer, shall “be filed and remaine as of Record in this Court.” Richard Burges, senior, of Edlesborough, and [blank] Anderton of Stony Stratford are admitted to County pensions of £4 and £2 a year respectively. Order dismissing the appeal of Aston Abbotts against a warrant removing William Arnett from Cublington. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Long Crendon for not repairing Hawkes bridge, as they have produced a justices’ certificate that the work has now been done. p.26. Order confirming a maintenance order against Thomas East of Great Hampden, bricklayer, in respect of the bastard son of Elizabeth Tyler, singlewoman. Sir John Busby, Knt., J.P., deputed to see to the necessary repairs to Thornborough bridge. John Cobcott of Dinton committed to gaol for want of sureties. Order cancelling the order made at the last session requiring the petty constables to attend the Court to give in their returns of higlers, carriers, etc., and directing that they shall give their returns to the chief constables as usual. [And see ante, p.8.] John Shirley ordered to plead next sessions to an information against him by William Gilmore, gentleman, that he is an unlawful engrosser of corn. [And see post, p.57.] The cases against Samuel Birch and Thomas Pawley are removed by writs of certiorari, produced by Mr. Crook of the Crown Office. 225 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 27. Recognizances extended. John Coleman of Fawley in £20, for his good behaviour. Edward Middleton of lvinghoe and Joan Middleton in £40 each, for bastardy. Elizabeth Lamby of Chickly, spinster, in £20, with Alexander Lamby as surety in £10, to keep the peace. John Harman of Marlowe, bargeman, in £40, with William Tovy and Thomas Page as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Ralph Lockwood in £40, for bastardy. John Dixon of Thorneton, labourer, in £40, with John Bateman and George Grissell as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. John Higgins of Aylesbury in £20, with Nicholas Bestall and William Niccolls as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. John White of Aylesbury in £20, with Thomas Woodward and Thomas Hill as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Richard Hawkeins of Iver in £l0, with Henry Forster and John Niccolls as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. William Crowson of Newton Blossomvile in £10, with Jonathan Skevington and Henry Crouch as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Henry Crouch of Newton Blossomvile in £20, with John Mabbot. Joshua Fleit, and Francis Bostorne as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Recognizances entered into. John Clarke, junior, of Aylesbury in £40, with Richard Daniell and John Clarke, senior, as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. Edward Griffith of Toucester in £40, with Robert How as surety in £20, for bastardy. Henry Bowler in £40, with Thomas Bowler and George Bowler as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. Jasper Geary of Great Marlow, gentleman, William Osborne, William Perkins of Tingwick, and William Bishopp 226 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1687. and John Waker, both of Aylesbury, in £20 each, to appear and answer. p. 28. Fines and issues. Newman Williatt, junior, of Biddlesden, gentleman, and William Smith, senior, of Hanslopp, fined £1 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. John Walker fined £5, for insulting Thomas Farrer, esquire, J.P. The bailiffs of the hundreds of Buckingham, Ashenden, Newport, Stoke, Desborough, and Burnham, fined 10s. each, for not attending the Court. p. 29. Recognizances discharged. Richard Griffin, senior, of Toucester, surgeon, Edward Smith of St. Andrew Holborne, London, gentleman, William Smith of Aylesbury, tailor, George Barnard, senior, of Aston Clinton, Henry Bowler of Princes Risborough, carpenter, George Weaver, pipe maker, Henry Mills, sadler, John Walker, tailor, John Clarke, weaver, and John Bishopp, tailor, all of Aylesbury, Charles Scoresby of Latmas, William Archdeacon of Latimers, John Collopp of Cheneys, William Rose, Charles Veery, junior, Charles Ware, John Tilley, Charles Veery, senior, Richard Ware, and Daniel Wingfeild, all of Chesham, Jasper Geary and William Osborne, both of Great Marlow, Job Turner and Richard Atkins, both of Shabbington, John Hull and Elizabeth Atkins, both of Simpson, Charles Coates of Winslowe, John Green of Nash, and Henry Edwards of Towersy. pp. 30-31. “A Rate of the wages for Servants, Laborers, and Workmen, assessed and proclaimed this present Sessions according to the forme of the statute, as followeth:— “Men Servants in Husbandry, by the yeare:— £ s. d.

“The Cheife Bayliffe or Hyne in Husbandry, by the yeare, in the 6 0 0 Chilterne in the Vale 5 0 0

227 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. £ s. d. Every other manservant in Husbandry, twenty yeares of age and 4 10 4 upwards, in the Chilterne in the Vale 4 0 0 Every Male servant under 20 and above 16 years of age, in the 3 0 0 Chilterne in the Vale 2 10 0 Every Boy servant above 12 years of age to 16 yeares of age, in the 1 13 4 Chilterne in the Vale 1 0 0 “Woomen Servants, by the yeare:— “Cookemaids and Darymaids 2 10 0 Other maid servants 2 0 0 “Mowers or Reapers of corne or grasse, by the day:— “Every Mower or Reaper of corne or grasse, by the day, without 0 1 2 meat and drink with meat and drink, by the day 0 0 6 Mowers of grasse, by the Acre 0 1 2 Men haymakers, by the day, without meat and drink 0 0 10 with meat and drink 0 0 5 Women haymakers, by the day, with meat and drink 0 0 3 without meat and drink 0 0 6 Labourers, from Our Lady day to St. Michael, out of the time of 0 0 8 Harvest, without meat and drink with meat and drink 0 0 4

228 ______


Labourers, from Michaelmas to Our Lady Day, out of Harvest, 0 0 7 without meat and drink with meat and drink 0 0 3

Hedgers, by the day, without meat and drink 0 0 8 with meat and drink 0 0 4

“Artificers, by the day:—

“Free Masons by the day, without meat and drink 0 1 8

Rough Masons, Carpenters, Plough rights, Bricklayers, Tylers, and 0 1 2 Plaisterers, from Lady Day to Michaelmas, without meat and drink

From Michaelmas to Our Lady Day 0 1 0

With meat and drink from Lady Day to Michaelmas 0 0 8

With meat and drink from Michaelmas to Our Lady Day 0 0 8

Thatchers, without meat and drink, from Lady Day to Michaelmas 0 1 2 with meat and drink 0 0 8

Yelmers a day, without meat and drink 0 0 5 with meat and drink 0 0 2

Servers of Thatchers, without meat or drink 0 0 8 with meat and drink 0 0 4

Taylors by the day, with meat and drink 0 0 6 without meat and drink 0 0 10

Sawiers by the day, without meat and drink, from Our Lady Day to 0 1 2 Michaelmas from Michaelmas to Our Lady Day 0 0 10 with meat and drink, from Our Lady Day to Michaelmas 0 0 8 from Michaelmas to Lady Day 0 0 5

Gardeners, with meat and drink 0 0 8 without meat and drink 0 1 2


“Spinners by the day, without meat and drink 0 0 4

End of this session, (signed) F. Neale, clerk of the peace. p. 32. [Blank.]



BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. MIDSUMMER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 14th July, 1687 [3 James II] p. 33. Jurors for the body of the County. Richard Cockman, gentleman, John Weston, Richard Lamborne, Robert Reynolds, Richard Madge, John Montague, Thomas Hogg, Tobias Churchill, gentleman, Samuel Gurney, Richard Bovingdon, Nathaniel Child, John Crawley, John Fowler, Richard Burgis, junior, Robert Turney, John Chewne, and Daniel Rubard. (Signed) Nicholas Salter, esquire, sheriff. Alexander Denton of Hillesdon, esquire, and John Miller of Marsworth, esquire, took the oaths of allegiance, etc. p. 34. Indictments. Stafford Morgan and Henry Purefoy, gentlemen, and John Samon, yeoman, all of Shaulston, for a riot and a “rescue.” William Bates and Samuel James, both of Aylesbury, for assaulting Henry Niccolls. [And see post, p. 47.] John Dixon, constable of Thorneton, for allowing Henry Powell to escape. [And see post, p. 47.] Francis Brill of Broughton, for assaulting Ambrose Reade. Alice, wife of William King of Swanborne, for assaulting Richard Forster, gentleman. [And see post, p. 47.] Daniel Lucas of Wingrave, for assaulting the same Forster. James Gilloway of Stony Stratford, for extortion. Thomas Browne of Chepping Wiccomb, for assaulting William Sutton. [And see post, p. 47.] Robert Hollyer of West Wiccomb, for a misdemeanour. [And see post, p. 47.] John Money and Henry Niccolls, both of Aylesbury, for illegally keeping fishing nets. Thomas Pratt, John Money, and John White, all of 230 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1687. Aylesbury, for fishing with a “shovenett” in the common river. [And see post, pp. 47 and 53.] Henry Davies and Henry Hebbard, both of Great Marlow, for stealing twenty hens. William Weaver, William Brandon, Henry Niccolls, senior, Henry Niccolls, junior, John Patton, John Miller, James Henn, Aaron Rolph, William Warner, Samuel Stevens, William Collins, Dunstan Peaton, John Maunder, William Barnes, Edward Ludnam, Robert Ireonmonger, Edward Smith, John Adams, John Webb, John Saxby, Charles Noy, and John Wigginton, all of Aylesbury, for fishing in the common river with divers nets and other “engines” for catching fish. p. 35. Presentments of the petty constables. Richard Belson of Monks Risborough, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. James Boulton and Edward Lack, both of Becconsfeild, for “refusing to send out hue and cry.” Sarah Boulton of Becconsfeild, for bastardy. Peter Lownds of Addington, for not repairing the bridge and the causeway in the Bridge ground. [And see post, p. 37.] Robert Thorp of Hardwick, for not working on the highways in Aylesbury, where he owns some land. James Seare of Brill, for allowing tippling in his house. Henry Hurles of Brill, for not repairing Wooton lane, leading from Brill to Winslowe. John Bewe of Brill, for not doing his statutory work upon the highways. p. 36. Presentments of the grand jury. James Preston of Chesham and Thomas Adderson of High Wiccombe, for trading as plumbers without having been duly apprenticed. William Chesly of Agmondesham, for putting timber in the highway. 231 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Wooburne . . John Bates and John Hawes vice George Tredway and John Layton, and Christopher Beck as tithingman vice Robert Chilton. Little Marlow . . William Heather, junior, as tithingman vice William Church. Stone . . . . William Jennings vice William Farnborough. Fillmer . . . . John Stanlock vice Richard Gibbs. Turweston . . . . Thomas Butcher vice Thomas Barrett. . . . . Francis Brangwyn vice William Davies. Kingsey . . . . William Flite vice Thomas Cripps. Steeple Cleydon . . Henry Robbins, John Deverill, and John Triplett vice Michael Miller, Edward Taylor, and John Cox, and William Snowe as tithingman vice Henry Robinson. Ludgdershall . . William Hine vice William Hart. Brill . . . . John Guntropp vice John Turnor. Calverton . . . . John Henn vice Richard Swayne. Burnham . . . . John Henile vice Richard Lathbury, and John Nash, junior, as tithingman vice [blank]. East Burnham . . Joseph North vice John Hayward. Broughton . . . . William Browne vice William Yates. p. 37. Orders. Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. “Whereas it appeares to this Court that Thomas Prentice, the petty constable of Addington in this County, hath from Sessions to Sessions, contrary to his oath and duty of his office, made severall false presentments against Peter Lownds for not repairing a certaine high way and Bridge in Addington, which have been certified by the Justices. . . to be good and sufficient, in Contempt of the said Justices and to the great vexation and charge of the said Peter Lownds,” it is ordered that the presentments shall be dis- 232 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1687. charged, and that Prentice shall be bound over to appear and answer at the next session. No further presentments or indictments are to be made without the leave of the Court. [And see ante, pp. 24 and 35, and post, p. 53.] p. 38. Order giving the inhabitants of Wooburne until next session to bring a certificate that their highways have now been repaired. William Smith similarly given until next session, in respect of a brook which needs scouring. p. 39. The following parishes brought certificates that their highways are now repaired, and the indictments against them are, therefore, discharged: Slapton, Ivinghoe, Tingwick, Mentmore, Great Kimble, Aylesbury, Weston Turvile, and Edlesborough. p. 40. Edward Stanbridge, having brought a certificate that Batesmill bridge at Northall in Edlesborough has now been repaired, is discharged from the indictment against him. The dispute between Mr. Jolly and the inhabitants of Wendover concerning the poor rate is referred to certain justices. Order for the removal of Thomas Marriott, with his wife and child, from Castle Thrupp to Beachampton. p. 41. David Barefoot to be released from gaol as he has indemnified the parish of Shalston against the maintenance of the bastard child of Elizabeth Denny. Anne Parker of Edgcott, singlewoman, ordered to appear before certain justices to arrange for the maintenance of her bastard child, of whom John Langly is the reputed father. Richard Griffin of Torcester, surgeon, who was the surety for Edward How concerning the bastard child of Jane Bartram, is ordered to pay 1s. 8d. a week to the over- 233 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. seers of Calverton, where the child was born, until How makes some further settlement. p. 42. Order that, unless Anne Ells, who is “now liveing idely out of service att Wadsden,” shall “goe to service or else settle her selfe att some place in service out of the parish of Waddesden,” before the 6th October next, she shall be sent to the bridewell at Wiccombe. Order for the removal of William Browne, with his wife and child, from Stoke Hamond to East Cleydon. p. 43. As William Dutton “did att Easter Sessions last past surreptitiously obtaine an order for the putting in William Roade constable for Ipston,” although he had not himself finished his full year’s term of office, Roade is ordered to be discharged and Dutton is to serve for another year. Order for the settlement of Elizabeth George, single- woman, at Hartwell. Order dismissing the appeal of Mr. Piddington, rector of Ickford, against his assessment to the rates for the repairs to Ickford bridge and the highways there for the last two years. The receiver general ordered to pay Mary, wife of John South, 30s. for necessaries for a child born in the gaol. p. 44. The dispute between Joseph Munn and the inhabitants of Pightlesthorne is referred to certain justices. Richard Burges, senior, gentleman, admitted to a further County pension of 40s. a year, making £6 a year in all. Mary Powell admitted to a County pension of £4 a year. The clerk of the peace ordered to “search into the Records of this Court to see what hath been formerly paid 234 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1687. out of the County Stock att any time for the removall of the County Goale.” John Eddowes, gentleman, “Receiver and Treasurer for the weekly tax for the Militia,” produced his accounts, certified by the following deputy lieutenants of the County: Sir Richard Anderson, Bart., Sir Ralph Verney, Bart., Sir John Busby, Knt., James Tyrrell, esquire, and Francis Duncombe, esquire. The accounts showed a balance of £413 13s. 0½d. p. 45. Order renewing a former order for the removal of John Edwards, with his wife and child, from Winslow to Studley, co. Warwick, as he had illegally returned to Winslow. p. 46. Recognizances extended. John Coleman of Fawley in £20, for his good behaviour. Elizabeth Lamby of Chichley, spinster, in £20, with Alexander Lamby as surety in £10, to keep the peace. John Harman of Great Marlow in £40, with William Tovey and Thomas Page as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Ralph Lockwood of Great Marlow in £40, with Edward Lockwood and John Harman as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. John Higgins of Aylesbury in £20, with William Niccolls and Nicholas Bostall as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. John White of Aylesbury in £20, with Thomas Woodard and Thomas Hill as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Edward Griffin of Torcester in £40, with Robert How as surety in £20, for bastardy. John White of Aylesbury in £20, with Gabriel White and John Mony as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. John Higgins of Aylesbury, stonecutter, in £20, with Francis Higgins and John Meadon as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. William Crowson of Newton Blossomville in £20, with 235 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Jonathan Skevington and Henry Crouch as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Henry Crouch of Newton Blossomville in £20, with John Mabbott, Joshua Fleit, and Francis Bostorm as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. James Mackly of Aylesbury in £20, with Francis Russell and Richard Talboys as sureties in £20 each, to keep the peace. John Davies of Great Marlow in £10, with Henry Ridley and Thomas West as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Edward Frith of Great Marlow in £20, with Thomas Croxon and Thomas Collins as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Henry Herbert of Great Marlow in £10, with Silvester Herbert and William Lawrence as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Stephen Cock, butcher, and William Barker, labourer, both of Colebrook, in £20 each. Recognizances entered into. John Cobcott of Dinton in £40, with Thomas Bawdry and Francis Hope as sureties in £20 each, to appear at the next session. John Hobcroft of Upper Winchendon in £40, with Thomas Mathewes and Henry Acham as sureties in £20 each, to appear in a bastardy case. John Shirley of Chipping Wiccombe and Richard Webb of Agmondesham in £40 each, to appear and answer. Thomas Gibbons of Hambledon in £20, to appear at the next session. p. 47. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. John Fellowe of Hugendon and Edward Wiggins of Olney fined £1 10s. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. John Dixon of Thornton fined £5, for “a voluntary escape.” William Bates and Samuel James fined 5s each for assault. 236 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1687. Alice, wife of William King, fined £2, for assault. Thomas Browne fined 6s. 8d., for assault. Robert Hollier fined 3s. 4d., for a misdemeanour. Thomas Pratt fined 5s., for poaching. William Bishopp and John Walker, both of Aylesbury, tailors, forfeit their recognizances of £20 each for non- appearance. p. 48. Recognizances discharged. Edward Middleton of Ivinghoe, Richard Hawkeings of Iver, John Clarke, junior, of Aylesbury, Henry Bowler and Anthony Meakes, both of Addington, James Gilloway of Stony Stratford, Alice, wife of William King of Swanburne, William Browne of Stoke Mandevile, Thomas Stockings of Walton, John Hobcroft of Upper Winchinton, John Elliott of Bow Brickhill, Nicholas Coales of Swanburne, Ralph Dennis of Princes Risborough, Thomas Lloyd, senior, and Zachariah Lloyd, both of Becconsfeild, William Beck of Wooburne, Thomas Elliott of Marlow, William Beale of Chersly, William Church of Marlow, Robert Hollier of West- wiccombe, and Sarah Gray of Marlow. pp. 49-50. [Blank.]

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHEPPING WYCOMBE 6th October, 1687 [3 James II] p. 51. Jurors for the body of the County. John Collett, gentleman, Thomas Barnaby, John Jordan, Timothy Lovett, Thomas Olliver, James Reynolds, John Bowden, William Corby, John Greaves, John Fawsett, William Bovingdon, William Hester, Clement Heddington, Thomas Perryman, John Lane, gentleman, Richard Chandler, and William Foskett. (Signed) Nicholas Salter, esquire, sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc.: Francis Duncombe of Broughton, esquire, Richard Rutt and 237 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Thomas Bigg, both of Chepping Wiccombe, gentlemen, Richard Gilpin of Walton, gentleman, Edward Boddington of Braffeild, Richard Anderson of Drayton Beauchamp, esquire, John Theed and Thomas Ligoe, both of Ledborne, gentle- men, and Thomas Ligoe of Stoke Mandevile, gentleman. p. 52. Indictments. James Blakely of Aylesbury, for assaulting Peter Wilkins. [And see post, p. 59.] Margaret, wife of John Saunders of Upton, for assaulting Anne Webb. [And see post, p. 59.] William Bates of Chilton and John Rawbone of Charnedon, for larceny. [And see post, p. 56.] Herbert Carter of Great Marlow, for assaulting Peter Rivers, senior. [And see post, p. 72.] Thomas Greene of Whitchurch, for assaulting John Shepheard. [And see post, pp. 106 and 108.] John Lovett of Aylesbury, for assaulting William Edmonds. [And see post, p. 59.] Peter Rivers of Great Marlow, for assaulting Herbert Carter. [And see post, p. 72.] Presentments. Peter Lownes of Addington, for not repairing Addington bridge and the causeway adjoining. Thomas Wright, constable of Fingest, for not returning his “articles.” Marmaduke Baall and George West, both of Simpson, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. Thomas Church of North Crawley, for putting timber in the highway. Joseph Riggsby, John Rivis, and Marcus James, all of Newport Pagnell, William Glover of Great Linford, and Richard Collins and Matthew French, both of Stouny Stratford, for buying and selling live cattle contrary to the statute. Thomas Barr, Joseph Phillipps, and Thomas Hall, all of Newport, for unlawful fishing. Thomas Lancaster of Newport, for coursing and killing hares. 238 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1687. The inhabitants of Horton, for not “wharfeing” a footbridge leading from Stanwell to Horton. Samuel Saxon of Upton, for refusing to pay his rates for the King’s bench, maimed soldiers, and Marshalsea. Richard Harding of Middle Cleydon, for not presenting William Symonds for harbouring vagrants. William Symonds of Middle Cleydon, for harbouring vagrants. Edward Tappster, constable of Shabbington, the con- stables of Waldridge, Aston Mullins, and Weston Turvile, and Thomas Horwood, constable of Buckland, for not returning “articles and quarteridge.” Stephen Benson of Monks Risborough, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. p. 53. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Grendon Underwood . . William Perry vice William Maning. Boveny . . . . Henry Webb vice William Lawrence, and John Freeman as tithingman vice Joseph Streete. Aston Clinton . . Thomas Wells and James Kipping vice William Benning and Thomas Cock. Bradnam . . . . Robert Morris vice William Stone. Penn . . . . Henry Francklin vice Edward Browne, and Christopher Wingrave, Thomas Penn, and William Redrope as tithing- men, vice Job Carter, Daniel Honner, and William Miles. Chesham Boys . . William Sale vice Thomas Bovingdon. Weston Turvile . . John Baker and Daniel Sweby vice William Dancer and Joseph Martine. Orders. Order postponing action against Peter Lownds of Addington until the opinion of the Judges at the next assizes has been obtained. [And see ante, pp. 24, 35, 37, and 52.] The inhabitants of Wooborne given until the next session to bring a certificate that their highways have been repaired. Q 239 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Order quashing the indictment against John White, for unlawful fishing. p. 54. Order adjourning the appeal of Thomas Hobcroft against a maintenance order in respect of the bastard child of Alice Lowe of Aylesbury. Alice Lowe, who “hath fledd from Justice,” is ordered to be apprehended and sent to the bridewell if she is unable to find sureties. The differences between Edward Cammock and the inhabitants of Horton are referred to certain justices. Similar reference of the differences between Samuel Holdernesse and the inhabitants of Langley. Anthony Godred of Broughton admitted to a “double” County pension of £4 a year. p. 55. Mary, wife of William Collins, to be discharged from the bridewell at Chepping Wiccombe. Mr. Woodson, rector of Radnidge, ordered to pay his poor rates at once. Mr. Thomas Barnewell, deputy sheriff, to be paid £20 for work done on behalf of the County. Mr. William Benson, gaoler, to be paid £3 5s. for con- veying prisoners from Aylesbury to the recent assizes at Chepping Wiccombe. It is ordered that all motions or petitions for money or pensions out of the County stock shall be made by the first day of any session. [And see post, pp. 95 and 124.] Mr. Francis Neale, clerk of the peace, to be paid 17s., his fees in discharging an indictment for the repair of Denham bridge. 240 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1687. John Edwards, who has again refused to obey an order for his removal from Winslowe to Studly, co. Warwick, is ordered to be sent to Aylesbury bridewell and kept to hard labour. p. 56. [Blank] Brassendon to be discharged from Aylesbury bridewell. Adjournment of the appeal of Iver concerning the settlement of Mary Butterfeild. Order discharging the indictment against William Smith for not scouring the brook between Hulcott and Eythropp, as his part of the brook has been cleansed. As it appears that Edward Stone of Wraysbury, a prisoner in the gaol, has “nothing to subsist upon and is likely to perish for want of sustenance,” he is ordered to be given “the same allowance dayly and weekely as the King’s prisoners have beene allowed.” John Lovett fined 13s. 4d. for assaulting William Edmonds. John Rawbone and William Bates, who pleaded guilty to indictments for larceny, are ordered to be publicly whipped at the cart’s tail in Wiccombe market. p. 57. John White fined 3s. 4d. for several misdemeanours. Margaret, wife of John Saunders, fined 6s. 8d. for assaulting Anne Webb. John Coleman fined 3s. 4d. for a nuisance. Edward Lack fined 3s. 4d. for a misdemeanour. Richard Webb of Agmondisham found not guilty of trading as a baker without having been duly apprenticed. 241 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. John Shurley of Chepping Wiccombe found not guilty of unlawfully engrossing corn. The case against Peter Shippen of London, gentleman, is removed to the King’s bench by writ of certiorari. p. 58. Recognizances extended. Elizabeth Lamby of Chichely, spinster, in £20, with Alexander Lamby as surety in £10, to keep the peace. John Harman of Great Marlowe in £40, with William Tovey and Thomas Page as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Ralph Lockwood of Great Marlowe in £40, with Edward Lockwood and John Harman as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. John Higgins of Aylesbury in £20, with William Nicholls and Nicholas Bostall as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. John Davyes, alias Button, of Great Marlowe, in £10, with Silvestor Herbert and William Lawrence as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Edward Forth of Great Marlowe in £20, with Thomas Croxon and Thomas Collins as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Henry Herbert of Great Marlowe in £10, with Silvester Herbert and William Lawrence as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Stephen Cock, butcher, and William Barker, both of Colebrook, for the appearance of Philip Peirce. John Harrison of Winslowe in £10, for the appearance of his wife. William Eason of Oulney, stonemason, in £20, for his good behaviour. Thomas Hall of Chilton, gentleman, in £10, for his good behaviour. Recognizances entered into. Peter Rivers of Great Marlowe, innholder, to appear and answer at the next session. 242 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1687. John Hobcroft of Upper Winchendon in £40, with Thomas Mathews of Wadesden as surety in £40, in respect of the bastard child of Alice Lowe. John Cobcott of Dinton in £40, with Thomas Baudry of Beirton and Francis Hope of Dinton as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Tyrrell. Thomas Gibbons of Hambledon in £20, to appear at the next session. p. 59. Fines and issues. John Clerke of Edgecott fined £1, for being absent when summoned as a juror. Edward Lack fined 3s. 4d., for contempt. John Lovett of Aylesbury fined 13s. 4d., for assaulting William Edmonds. John White of Aylesbury fined 3s. 4d., for contempt. Margaret, wife of John Saunders, fined 6s. 8d., for assault. James Blakely of Aylesbury fined 10s., for assaulting Peter Wilkins. John Coleman fined 3s. 4d. for contempt. p. 60. Recognizances discharged. John Coleman of Fawley, John White of Aylesbury, William Crowson and Henry Crouch, both of Newton Blossomvile, James Blakely of Aylesbury, Thomas Prentice of Addington, William Stonnill and William Bull, both of Stewkley, John Sharrock of Draighton Parslowe, William Stockly and Richard Toms, junior, both of Stewkly, William Greene and John Greene, both of Cublington, Thomas Mountague of Whadden, Christopher Dimock and Robert Dimock, both of Wing, Thomas Tompkins of Sincleborrough, Robert Brittains of Thorneborrough, Henry Munday of Aylesbury, John King of Moncks Risborough, Robert Ironmonger, William Scott, John Lovett, and John Berry, all of Aylesbury, Peter Rivers of Great Marlowe, William Drake of Hurley, William Brasse of Farnham Royall, Thomas Peirce of Wooburne, Edward Davison of Great Missendon, David Floyd and Margaret Sawnders, both of Upton, John 243 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Cobcott of Dinton, John Hobcroft of Upper Winchendon, and Thomas Gibbons of Hambledon. pp. 61-62. [Blank.]

EPIPHANY SESSION AT CHEPPING WICCOMBE 12th January, 1687-88 [3 James II] p. 63. Jurors for the body of the County. Richard Keene, William Hill, and Michael Hill, gentle- men, John Cozens, Thomas , William Warr, Thomas King, William Hazle, Richard Goodman, John Parratt, Nicholas Lucas, Daniel Keene, Bernard Hall, Francis Seabrooke, William Greenewood, alias Sadler, George Smith, and William Urlin. (Signed) [Sir] Edward Longueville, Bart., sheriff. Thomas Barnewell of Aylesbury, gentleman, took the statutory oaths as under-sheriff. Indictments. Thomas Holdam, and Thomas Briggs, both of Nash, and William Nelmoth of Wolverton, for rioting and for assaulting George Stevens. [And see post, p. 72.] Richard Chandler, senior, of Drayton Parslowe, for assaulting Robert Willison, for assaulting Samuel Fenner, constable, in the execution of his duty, and for a breach of the peace. Richard Smith of Datchett, for assaulting Henry Newman. Edward Bowler of Borestall, for not repairing a highway. Robert Roberts, Thomas Turney, William Ive, Richard Stock, and John Askew, all of Burneham, John Wingfeild of Chesham Boys, and John Nash, junior, of Chalfont St. Giles, for a nuisance in the highway. [And see post, pp. 106 and 108.] The inhabitants of Long Crendon, for not repairing Hawks bridge. Deborah Snelling of Great Marlow, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. 244 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1687-88. John Simons of Ipstone, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Henry Ashton and William Drake, both of Horton with Colebrooke, for not executing a justices’ warrant. [And see post, pp. 106 and 108.] p. 64. Presentments of the grand jury. The inhabitants of Chearsely, for not repairing their portion of Hawks bridge. Marmaduke Baall of Bletchley, for “continuing” a cottage. Presentments of the petty constables. Richard Belson of Monks Risborough, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Richard Chandler of Wing, for receiving inmates. Richard Chandler, senior, of Drayton Parslowe, for the offences given above. [See under “Indictments.”] [Blank] Wattson, widow, and Henry Wattson, both of Bowe Brickhill, for entertaining vagabonds. Petty constables sworn. Radnidge . . . . Stephen Hutchins vice Henry Snowe. Stoke Mandevile . . John Browne and Samuel Browne, senior, vice Francis Ledgeingham and James Fenners. Wingrave . . . . Edward Gibbs vice Francis Bishopp. Slapton . . . . Thomas Ames vice Thomas Fountagne. Crofton in Wing . . William Shepheard and Samuel Orchard vice Thomas Hull and John Mayne. Wing . . . . William Greene vice John Scarborough. Waddesden . . John Busby and Richard Suderick vice Thomas Mathewe and Edward Griffin. Buckland . . . . John Turneham vice Thomas Horwood. Drayton Beachamp . . John West vice James Norton. Bledlowe . . . . John Bigg, blacksmith, vice Joseph Eustace. Bledlowe Ridge . . Ralph Stone vice Robert Morris. 245 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Little Marlowe . . Henry Lawrence vice Henry Montague. Bletchley . . . . Robert Fellowe vice Richard Turpin. p. 65. Orders. The clerk of the peace ordered to search the records of the Court and to “make enquiry into other Countyes howe the Homage fees are and were paide, and whether the same is allowed unto the Sherriffe out of the County Stock.” Usual order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. The complaint of John Butcher against Mr. Thomas Hall for not paying him his wages is referred to certain justices. p. 66. Certain justices required to decide whether the title of John Turner to the house which he rents in Burneham from Thomas Eyre, esquire, for £12 a year, is sufficient for the legal settlement of himself and his wife and children there. Order referring the appeals of Thomas Eyre, esquire, and Mrs. Mary Mitchell, concerning the rates at Burneham, to certain justices. Order allowing the appeal of [blank] Bate, tenant of Richard Chandler, senior, against his assessment to rates at Drayton Parslowe. p. 67. Henry Ashton and William Drake, overseers of Horton in Colebrooke, bound over to appear and answer an indictment for contempt, in refusing to obey a justices’ warrant concerning Edward Camock. Order for the removal of Jane Heyward, singlewoman, from Weston Turvile to Aylesbury, where she has lived as a servant to Edward Hadgood. p. 68. Richard Browne to be bound over to obey a maintenance order in respect of the bastard child of Joan Baker, singlewoman. 246 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1687-88. Richard Brugis, senior, of Edlesborough, “haveinge beine a Comissioned Officer and an Eminent sufferer for his loyalty in the Late Civill Warrs,” is admitted to a further County pension of £2 a year, bringing the total amount of his pension up to £8 a year. Mr. Hugh Rigby ordered to appear at the next session to give evidence against Benjamin Salt. Order quashing the presentments against Joseph Phillips and Thomas Lancashire. Order that Mr. Woodson, rector of Radnidge, shall be assessed at £40 for his rectory and glebe lands, pending the appeal of that parish. p. 69. Order for the removal of Mary Clements, single-woman, from Marsh Gibbon to Cookeham. She had previously been at Wooburne, and in service with Mr. Dominick at Great Marlow and Richard Spratley of Cookeham, butcher. Order giving the inhabitants of Wooburne until next session to bring a certificate that their highways have been repaired. Orders for the settlement of Mary, William, John, and Sarah Easton, and Mary Davyes at Wendover. p. 70. Abraham Glover given licence to build a cottage upon the waste of the manor of East Burneham, at Little John’s Corner, between Elson’s Enclosure and Mr. Clark’s Enclosure, with the consent of Thomas Eyre, esquire, the lord of the manor. Certain justices appointed to consider who is liable for the repair of Barnes Poole bridge in the parishes of Eaton and Windsore. Adjournment of the appeal of Chesham against an order for the settlement of the wife and children of [blank] Johnson. 247 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. David Harris of Chepping Wiccombe Forrens admitted to a County pension of £2 a year. The cases against Henry Purefoy, gentleman, and John Salmon are removed by writ of certiorari. p. 71. Recognizances extended. Elizabeth Lamby of Chichely, spinster, in £20, with Alexander Lamby as surety in £10, to keep the peace. John Harman of Great Marlow in £40, with William Tovey and Thomas Page as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Ralph Lockwood of Great Marlow in £40, with Edward Lockwood and John Harman as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. John Higgins of Aylesbury in £20, with William Nicholls and Nicholas Bostall as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. John Davyes, alias Button, of Great Marlow in £10, with Silvester Herbert and William Lawrence as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Edward Forth of Great Marlow in £20, with Thomas Croxon and Thomas Collins as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Henry Hebbard of Great Marlow in £10, with Silvester Herbert and William Lawrence as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. John Higgins of Aylesbury in £20, with Frances Higgins, widow, and John Meadon as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. John Harrison of Winslow in £10, for the appearance of his wife. Stephen Cock and William Barker, both of Cokebrooke, in £20 each, for the appearance of Philip Pearce. Henry Newman of Datchett, husbandman, in £10, with Stephen Banning of Stanwell, co. Middlesex, and John Newman of Datchett as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. 248 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1687-88. Richard Gibbs of Fullmer, labourer, in £10, with Thomas Biggs of Upton and John Messe of Stoke as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Margaret Saunders of Stoke in £10, with William Husk and Robert Pitt, both of Upton, as sureties in £5 each, to keep the peace towards the wife of John Webb. Recognizances entered into. Thomas Lake of Buckland, gentleman, in £20, to appear at the next session at the suit of the inhabitants of Buckland. Thomas Briggs of Nash in £20, to appear for assaulting George Stevens. Richard Chandler, senior, of Drayton Parslowe, in three recognizances of £20 each, for assaulting [blank] Fennor, constable, and [blank] Willison, and for a breach of the peace. John Cobcott of Dinton in £40, with Thomas Bawdry and Francis Hope, both of Dinton, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Tyrrell. Benjamin Salt and William Thompson, both of Newport Pagnell, in £40 each, to appear at the next session. William Skevington, William Foskett, Joseph Phillipps, and Thomas Lancashire, all of Newport Pagnell, in £20 each, to appear and give evidence against William Thompson. Thomas Waterfeild of Great Brickhill in £40, with Francis Gardiner as surety in £20, in respect of the bastard child of Anne Wright. p. 72. Fines and issues. Christopher Cummins of fined £1, for being absent when summoned as a juror. Richard Harding of fined 3s. 4d., for contempt. Thomas Holdham of Nash and William Nelmoth of Wolverton, fined 6s. 8d. each, for assaulting George Stevens. Peter Rivers of Great Marlow fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Herbert Carter, and the latter fined the same for assaulting the former. 249 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 73. Recognizances discharged. Edward Griffyn of Torcester, co. Northampton, Stephen Cock of Colebrooke, William Eason of Oulney, Thomas Hall of Chilton, John Hobcroft of Upper Winchendon, Thomas Gibbons of Hambledon, William Nelmoth of Wolverton, Thomas Holdam and Thomas Briggs, both of Nash, John Golden, senior, John Golden, junior, and William Lea, all of Lee, Joseph Swann of Milton, Benjamin Salt and William Thompson, both of Newport Pagnell, Francis Lewyn and William Seabrooke, both of Chesham, Henry George of Lattimers, Richard Jones of Ashly Green, William Benfeild of Lattimers, Francis Gardiner of Great Brickhill, Richard Chandler, senior, of Drayton Parslowe, Edward Woodbridge of Ellesborough, Richard Browne of Marsh Gibbon, William Church of Little Marlowe, and John Turnor of Burneham. End of this session (signed) F. Neale, clerk of the peace. pp. 74-76. [Blank.]

EASTER SESSION AT CHEPPING WICCOMBE 26th April, 1688 [4 James II] p. 77 Jurors for the body of the County. John Brightwell, William Lamborne, and Thomas Lake, gentlemen, Joseph Bampton, Michael Welles, Thomas Bampton, John Randall, Robert Dancer, Thomas Gibbs, Henry Batchellor, Nathaniel Birch, John Sparkes, John West, junior, George Thorpe, John Lane, gentleman, Robert Adams, gentleman, Richard Laughton, gentleman, Edward Boswell, and William Kilpin. (Signed) [Sir] Edward Longueville, Bart., sheriff. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc.: Edward Nicholas of Hitcham, esquire, William Crooke of Chilton, esquire, Richard Ingoldsby of Dynton, esquire, Francis Knollys of Nether Winchendon, esquire, Roger 250 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. Chapman of Newport Pagnell, esquire, John Whitton, Thomas Fellowe, James Bradshawe, Jasper Ricketts, and Benjamin Hickman, all of Chepping Wiccombe, gentlemen, Simon Mayne of Dinton, esquire, Thomas Ligoe of , esquire, and Sir James Etheridge, Knt., of Great Marlowe. p. 78. Indictments. Richard Suderick of Waddesden, for trading without due apprenticeship. The mayor, bailiffs, and burgesses of Cheppinge Wic- combe, and [blank] Loggin, lord of the manor of Bassett’s Bury in Wiccombe Forrens, for not repairing Woobridge. [And see post, p. 115.] Simon Rastall of Wing, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. [And see post, p. 130.] Philip Scolles and John Greene, both of Wooburne, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. William Dorrell of Wooburne, gentleman, for assaulting William Russell. [And see post, pp. 106 and 108.] The inhabitants of Slapton, for not repairing Broadwater Way, which runs from Laighton [co. Bedford] to Ivinghoe. The inhabitants of Cheddington, for not repairing that part of the highway from Barkhamsted [co. Hertford] and Buckingham which lies between “the gate next Mentmore and Chedding Towne.” The inhabitants of Wingrave, for not repairing that part of the highway from Tring to Winslowe which lies between Mattock’s gate and Wingrave. The inhabitants of Wing, for not repairing that part of the highway from Aylesbury to Laighton [co. Bedford] which lies between the Cow pasture gate and their town. The inhabitants of Drayton B[eauchamp], for not repairing part of the highway from Ivinghoe to Aylesbury, near Drayton Penns. The inhabitants of Cublington, for not repairing Woodway, which runs from Winslowe to Tring. The inhabitants of Mentmore and Crofton, for not repairing part of the highway from Barkhamsted [co. Hertford] to Buckingham. 251 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. The inhabitants of Slapton, for not repairing that part of the highway from Slapton to Hemstead [co. Hertford] and Dunstable [co. Bedford] which lies between Goosey bridge and their parish. The inhabitants of Pightleston and Masworth, for not repairing that part of the highway from Buckingham to Barkhamsted [co. Hertford] which lies between The Causeway and Stocking Lane. The inhabitants of Wingrave, for not repairing that part of the highway from Winslowe to Tring which lies between their parish and Abbotts Aston. John Chapman, Robert Gibbs, and William Gibbs, all of Fenny Stratford, for assaulting Lucy, wife of Richard Everell. [And see post, p. 130.] Abraham Glover of East Burneham, for a breach of the peace. [And see post, pp. 106 and 130.] p. 79. Presentments of the supervisors of highways. The inhabitants of Wendover, Halton, and Aston Clinton, for not repairing those parts of Icknell Way, leading from Tring to Wendover, which lie within their parishes. The inhabitants of Bradwell, for not repairing that part of the highway from Newport to Stonny Stratford which runs over Stone bridge. The inhabitants of Beirton, for not repairing part of the highway from Hulcott to Tring near Monks Penns or Smallydoles. (Presented by Richard Anderson and Roger Chapman, justices.) p. 80. Presentments of the grand jury. Hugh Willis of Stewkly, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. The inhabitants of Hugson, for not repairing part of the highway from Tring to Winslowe near Colling Mead. Richard Chandler, junior, of Drayton Parslowe, for a breach of the peace. 252 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. Presentments of the petty constables. Dorothy, wife of Henry Harrison, Richard Harding, and Thomas Plumridge, all of Great Marlow, Richard Bellson of Monks Risborrough, and John Turnor of East Burneham, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. The constable of Loughton, for not returning his “articles” or paying quarteridge. Chief Constables sworn. Stoke . . . . Thomas Perryman of Eaton near Windsor, and Richard Bix of Iver vice James Haynes and John Bavin. Burnham . . . . Thomas Hall of Chesham and Richard Grove of Hitcham vice Edward Honnor and William Woods. Cotteslowe. . . . John Crawley of Pightleston and William Deverell of Swanborne vice William Smith and Thomas Blake. Aylesbury . . John Kippin of Wendover and John Eustace of Bledlow vice William Cock and Ephraim Holt. Newport . . . . Edward Boddington of Cole Brafeild and William Peirson of Little Brickhill vice Robert Sherrington and Thomas Odell. Buckingham . . William Meade of Lamport and William Warr of Chittwood vice William Baldwyn and John Yates. Ashendon . . . . William Winter of Wornehall and Thomas Beke of Wescott vice John Hutchins and Thomas Saunders. Desborough . . Thomas Butterfeild of Wooburne and Thomas Winckles of Marlowe vice John Tripp and Henry Fletcher. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s bench and Marshalsea . . William Hartley of Stonny Stratford 253 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. and Edward Baldwyn of Chesham vice Isaac Gurney and John Cranwell. For the maimed soldiers . . . . Samuel Grainge of St. Leonards vice John Webb. pp. 81.-84. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Choulsbury . . Jeremiah Geary vice Henry Trumper. Caversfeild . . Richard Jessett vice Richard Yates. Northall . . . . Philip Standbridge vice Henry Parsons. Edlesborough . . Richard Culverhouse vice Richard Shreeve. Cheddington . . Hugh Fowler vice James Deely. Beachampton . . James Turner vice Thomas Walter. Little Marlowe . . Matthew Medding vice William Moreton. Adstock . . . . Thomas Everett vice Gabriel Medey. Stonny Stratford Westside . . Richard Cardwell vice John Gray. Padbury . . . . William Judge and Elisha Clarke vice Edward George and John Barton. Leckhamsted . . William Cowley vice John Adcock. Little Missenden . . Tobias Bowler vice William Anthony, and John Darvell as tithingman vice Christopher Rane. Stewkley . . . . William Bate vice John Belgrave. Cheineyes. . . . James Dell vice Thomas Port. Stoke Hamond . . Anthony Rutly and Bernard Foyntaine vice John Rogers and John Francklin. Oveing . . . . Humphrey Streene vice Daniel Ginger. Ipstone . . . . William Roade vice William Button. Turvile . . . . William Pitcher vice John Tharpe, and Robert Holland as tithingman vice [Joseph] Costard. Bottle Cleydon . . Thomas Lansdon vice Samuel Gurney. Forde . . . . William Tyler vice [blank]. Newton Longvile Richard Cooke and Benedict Tomkins vice John Brincklowe and William Smith. Horton . . . . William Browne vice Elisha Harwood. Colebrooke . . John Slocombe vice Alexander Dinton. 254 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. West Wiccombe . . Thomas Hill as tithingman vice George Russell. Little Kimbell . . William Marden vice Daniel Butler. Cowley in Preston John Chapman vice Edward Butterfeild. West Wiccombe . . John Cracknell vice William Ayre. Fenny Stratford . . John Underwood vice Henry Banbury. Cippenham . . John Wiggins vice Richard Curtis. West Wiccombe . . Richard Stile vice George Humphry. Little Brickhill . . Richard Miles and Thomas Lawrence vice [blank]. Becconsfeild . . Thomas Watson and Richard Annott, mealman, vice John Grace and William Newington, and William Larchin and Robert Bovington as tithingmen vice William Sutton and John Carr. Ashendon . . . . John Plested vice Robert Ginitropp. Brill . . . . George Hunt vice John Stanton. Upper Winchendon Martin Ives vice Thomas Brangwin. Eastington . . William Lee vice Thomas Coles. Worneall . . . . William Coxe vice William Cinnon. Borstall . . . . John Day vice Edward Bowler. Wescott . . . . John Cripps vice Thomas Greene. Dinton . . . . William Church vice John Cobcott. Medmenham . . Richard Harding vice [blank], and William Lawrence as tithingman vice [blank]. Fulbrooke in Hogshaw . . Joseph Stevens vice John Stevens. Nether Winchendon George Hawes vice Thomas Deely. Wexham . . . . Thomas Streeting vice John Robinson. Fullmer . . . . Edward Sammon vice John Standly. Bishopston . . John Dolefeild vice Francis Turner. Cublington . . James Garner vice Robert King. Holton . . . . Thomas Stocken vice Francis Weedon. Hitcham . . . . Richard Dell vice [blank]. Hambledon . . John Deane and Robert Tovey vice George Rockall and Christopher Cummyn, and Richard Burrough as tithingman vice Robert Janes. R 255 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Cheyneyes . . John Pilgram as tithingman vice James Dull. Aston Abbotts . . Richard Parker and John Harley vice Robert Greene and John Pagt. Whitchurch . . John Toogood and Thomas Harriss vice Thomas Coventrey and Thomas Hobbs. Cublington . . Thomas Mitchell, senior, vice Richard Broughton. Stoke Poges . . Thomas Smith vice Arthur Taylor. Eaton . . . . George Cooper vice Richard West. Swanborne . . William Waters and Thomas Marchan vice William Hall and William Grasham. Hogson . . . . Thomas Willis vice John Butcher. Dunton . . . . Edward Carter vice Thomas Adams. Shenley Brooke End . . John Lea, junior, vice Edward Feild. Mentmore. . . . John Theed vice Christopher Theed. Leadborne. . . . Richard Chapman vice Edward Parratt. Hollingdon in Soulbury . . Bernard Collins vice Edward Lawrence. Cheddington . . William Plater vice James Deely. Great Missenden . . John Bennett and Henry Huse vice Edward Hore and Thomas Payne, and Isaac Stevens as tithingman vice John Sanders. Dorney . . . . Thomas Grove vice Daniel Inwood. Water Stratford . . John Hickman vice William Aris. Bidlesden . . . . Robert Roberts vice Nicholas Peridge. Hillesden . . . . Thomas Taylor vice Thomas Poritt. Thorneton . . Thomas Adams and John Carter vice John Ockley and John Adams. Chittwood . . Richard Waddupe vice Thomas Pexton. Tingewick . . . . Robert Festoe and John Grovemead vice Daniel Ellett and William Stocks. Little Woulston . . Henry Patridge vice John Nicholls. Browsfee . . . . William Free and John Shrimpton vice Gilham Kemp and John Dench. Hugendon . . John Fellowe vice John Mason. 256 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. Bradnam . . . . Robert Loveday vice William Stone. Chepping Wiccombe Forrens . . . . Thomas Shrimpton vice Thomas House. Beirton . . . . William Hill vice William Stratfold. Saunderton . . William Neighbour vice Thomas Jackman. Great Kimbell . . William Barratt and Jeremiah Wickerlee vice John Allen and Samuel Ginger. Walton . . . . Henry Stratford and Thomas Clarke vice William Harding and Thomas Dover. Ilmor . . . . Francis Neele vice John Bowden. Ellesborough . . William Curtis and Edward Monday vice William Allen and Henry Cleyton. Aylesbury . . . . Thomas Shreene vice Daniel Saunders. Aylesbury—the Parson’s Fee . . Thomas Monck vice Joseph Brasbridge. Aylesbury—the Lord’s Fee . . Richard Tuckwell vice Matthew Dagnall. Aylesbury . . . . William Druce vice Thomas Edmonds. p. 85. Orders. Nicholas Fleming given leave to build a cottage “upon a certaine place of his owne ground called the Butchery, adjoyneing unto Culver Hall” in Upton cum Chalvey, having obtained the consent of Richard Winwood, esquire, “and the Lady Doe, Lord and Lady, and alsoe owners of the Mannors of Upton and Upton cum Chalvey.” Alice Lake of Buckland, singlewoman, to be bound over to appear in respect of her bastard child. Order discharging the indictment against Mr. John Ferrers for not keeping watch and ward in Great Marlowe, because it appears that he “is his Majesties Immediate servant and in Constant Attendance upon his person.” p. 86. Mr. Joseph Rawson, the receiver general, is ordered to present his accounts before certain justices at the White Hart Inn at Aylesbury on the 4th May. 257 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. pp. 87-93. “Forasmuch as the Grand Inquest hath informed this Court that the daily Concourse and greate Increase of Rogues, Vagabonds, and Sturdy Beggars is a great Grievance and Annoyance to the Inhabitants of this County, and, through the negligence or ignorance of those officers who have beene intrusted in this Concerne, they are now growne soe insolent and presumptious that they have oft by Threats and Menaces Extorted money and Victualls from those who live in Houses remote from neighbors, whilst theire Husbands and Servants have beene employed abroade in the Management of theire Lawfull Vocations, and have putt the People into a Generall Consternation or Feare that they will fire theire Houses or steale theire goods, the consequences whereof may prove very dangerous to this County if not timely prevented. Wherefore this Court, taking into theire serious consideration what remedies may be most properly applyed to these groweing Mischeifes, do Order and Command all Cheife Constables, Petty Constables, Head- boroughs, Tythingmen, and all other officers herein concerned that they doe forthwith cause all the Lawes and Statutes heretofore made against Rogues, Vagabonds, and Sturdy Beggars, Wandring and Idle persons to be putt in Execution. And to that end it is hereby Ordered—.” [Note.—The 16 orders which here follow are the pro- visions of the acts of 39 Elizabeth c. 4 and c. 17, as amended by 1 James I, c. 7.] The above orders are ordered to be printed and circularized to all officers of the County. p. 94. Order that all alehouse-keepers and victuallers shall pay the sum of 1s. to the clerk of the peace for entering their recognizances in the book provided for the purpose, in addition to paying the fee of 2s. 6d. to the Justices’ clerks for their licence. [And see post, p. 197.] Order, upon the appeal of John Thurburne, esquire, that he and Mr. Dodd shall be assessed at £30 a year for the poor rate in Ellesborough in respect of their “woods and woodground.” 258 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. p. 95. Order extending the recognizance of, and postponing the payment of the fine by, Abraham Glover. Order repealing the order made last Michaelmas Session concerning motions and payments out of the County stock. [See ante, p. 55, and post, p. 124.] Order that Thomas Biddle and John Virgo, overseers of Colebrooke in Horton, shall pay Edward Camock, the late constable there, £3. 9s. 5d., according to a justice’s order, which is hereby confirmed. As it appears that “the Vills and Hamletts of Waldridge and Aston Mullins within the Three Hundreds of Ashendon in this County pay theire severall proportions of the King’s Bench, Maimed Souldiers, and Marshalseas moneys unto or with the parish of Dinton, lyeing within the Three Hundreds of Aylesbury, according to former Orders made by this Court,” the chief constables for Ashendon are ordered not to present these hamlets for non-payment, as they have been doing in the past. p. 96. “Whereas there hath beene, and still are, Accustomed Homage fees due to his Majesties Ancestors’ servants and his Majesties that now are upon his passeing or journeying through any of his Majesties Countyes, Corporations, or into any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church within his said Majesties Kingdome of England, upon the first tyme next after his Majesties Accession to the Crowne, which doe Amount to the summe of six and thirty pounds, six shillings, and eight pence, as by a Constate thereof doth now appeare to this Court: And whereas Robert Hart, esquire, Edward Leigh, esquire, and Nicholas Salter, esquire, late Sherriffes of the County aforesaid, have beene sued in the Court of Exchequer by English Bill for the same, which said summe ought not to be paide by them the said Sherriffes nor any of them, but that the Charge of them ought to be paide and borne by the Inhabitants of the County aforesaid,” the receiver general is ordered to pay the said sheriffs £36. 6s. 8d. out of the County stock. 259 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. The petty constables of Calverton and the chief constables for the hundred of Newport are ordered to distrain upon Mrs. Grace Bennett for non-payment of her rates. p. 97. Richard Brugis of Edlesborough, gentleman, admitted to a further County pension of £2 a year, making his total annual pension up to £10. It was shewn that he “hath beene highly eminent both for his Loyalty and sufferings in the Late Civill Warrs, and is thereby greately impoverished, having, as he affirmes, Lost a Considerable Estate of the value of five thousand pounds and upwards.” p. 98. Edward Winch of Little Missendon admitted to a County pension of £2 a year. Mary, wife of John Southwell, to be paid £1. 10s. for necessaries for a child who is being brought up at the charge of the County, as her mother, Sarah Price, was recently “executed.” Order giving the inhabitants of Wooburne and Colebrooke in Horton further time until next session to bring a certificate that their highways and bridges have been repaired. Order allowing the appeal of Mr. John Piddington against a maintenance order in respect of the bastard son of Elizabeth Walton of Aylesbury. [And see post, p. 100.] p. 99. Order referring to certain justices the claim of John Butcher against Mr. Thomas Hall for wages. William Beale, gentleman, discharged from being an overseer for Chesham provided that he produces a suitable substitute to be sworn by a justice in the hundred of Burneham. Certain justices appointed to consider who should repair and rail the common bridge in Sherrington and to make an estimate of the cost. The fine levied against the inhabitants of Sherrington is in the meantime postponed. 260 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. Order for the settlement of the bastard child of Jane Heywood at Weston Turvile. p. 100. Order adjourning the appeal of Chesham against the removal of the wife and children of [blank] Johnson from Great Marlowe. Repetition of the order concerning the appeal of Mr. John Piddington. [See ante, p. 98.] Order for the removal of John Alnott from Chepping Wiccombe to West Wiccombe. Order for the removal of John Stratton and his wife from Princes Risborough to Aston Clinton. p. 101. Order that, pending the hearing of the appeal of Radnidge, Mr. Woodson, the rector of that parish, shall be assessed at £40 a year for “his Rectory and gleabe lands.” Edward Howe to be discharged from gaol, where he had been sent for refusal to obey a maintenance order in respect of the bastard child of Jane Bartram, singlewoman, as he has now married the said Jane. Upon the appeal of John Chapman, senior, of Fenny Stratford, yeoman, and Charles Bartram, sureties for John Chapman, junior, and Robert Gibbs, who were indicted for a violent assault upon Lucy, wife of Richard Everell but have now “fled from Justice,” the estreating of the recognizances is postponed until next session, and the fugitives are ordered to be arrested. p. 102. Francis Neale, gentleman, clerk of the peace, to be paid £5 for printing and distributing the recent orders concerning rogues and vagabonds. “Whereas complaint hath beene made to this Court that Mr. George Burhope, Viccar of Edlesborough, hath not sent a labourer to worke in the highwayes, and it alsoe 261 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. appeareing that neither Hee nor his predecessors, the Viccars there, were ever required or desired to doe that service before this tyme, and that now all or the greatest parte of the Inhabitants are free and willing to excuse the said Mr. Burhope, only the surveyors and one or twoe more out of prejudice to him, thereupon this Court doth order that the said Mr. Burhope be and is hereby discharged of and from the said service.” p. 103. Henry Rogers of Soulbury, labourer, committed for want of sureties to appear and answer an indictment for violently assaulting John Granestake. Order estreating the recognizances of Richard Chandler, senior, of Draighton Parslowe, bell founder, in respect of three indictments. Chandler did not appear, but, by his counsel, “tendred a Certiorari, which for want of security and for not payeing the fees of this Court, would not be allowed.” Order estreating the recognizances of Thomas Briggs of Nash, labourer, for non-appearance. “Att this present Sessions his Majesties proclamation was openly read and proclaimed, the same being for improvement of Tillage.” pp. 104-105. Order fixing the rates of wages for servants, etc., exactly similar to those set out ante, on pp. 30-32, ex- cept that the rate for a Chief Bailiff in the Vale is fixed at £5. 10s. instead of at £5. 0s. 0d. p. 106. Indictments confessed and traversed. William Dorrell, gentleman, fined £10, for assaulting William Russell. Thomas Greene fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting John Shepheard. Robert Roberts, William Ives, Richard Stock, and John Askew fined 3s. 4d. each, for putting dung in the highway at Burneham. 262 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. William Drake and Henry Ashton fined 3s. 4d. each, for not obeying a justice’s order. Abraham Glover found guilty of a breach of the peace, but the infliction of the fine is postponed until next session. The inhabitants of Buckland, represented by Thomas Lake, gentleman, found not guilty of not repairing a certain highway. Richard Harding of Stoke Mandevile found not guilty of not doing his statutory work upon the highways. p. 107. Recognizances extended. Elizabeth Lamby of Chichley, spinster, in £20, with Alexander Lamby as surety in £10, to keep the peace. John Harman of Great Marlowe in £40, with William Tovey and Thomas Page as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour. Ralph Lockwood of Great Marlowe in £40, with Edward Lockwood and John Harman as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. John Higgins of Aylesbury in £20, with William Nicholls and Nicholas Bostall as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. John Davies, alias Button, of Great Marlow in £10, with Silvester Herbert and William Lawrence as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Edward Forth of Great Marlowe in £20, with Thomas Croxon and Thomas Collins as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Henry Hebbard of Great Marlowe in £10, with Silvester Herbert and William Lawrence as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. John Higgins of Aylesbury in £20, with Frances Higgins, widow, and John Meadon as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. John Harrison of Winslowe in £10, for the appearance of his wife. Henry Newman of Datchett, husbandman, in £10, with Stephen Banning of Stanwell, co. Middlesex, and John Newman of Datchett as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. 263 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. William Thompson of Newport Pagnell in £40, with William Skevington, Joseph Phillipps, William Foskett, and Thomas Lancashire as sureties in £20 each, for his appearance at the next session. Richard Browne of Marsh Gibbon, carpenter, in £40, for bastardy. Henry Rogers of Soulbury, labourer, in £40, with Robert Rogers and Humphrey Pantling as sureties in £10 each, for his appearance at the next session. John Chapman, junior, and Robert Gibbs, both of Fenny Stratford in £20 each, with Charles Bartram and John Chapman, senior, as sureties in £10 each for each offender, to keep the peace towards [Lucy, wife of Richard] Everell. Abraham Glover of East Burneham in £20, with John Plumridge, senior, and John Plumridge, junior, both of West Wiccombe, as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Richard Morley. p. 108. Recognizances entered into. John Galer, senior, gentleman, and Thomas Carter, both of Denham, in £40 each, for the appearance of James Galer in respect of the bastard child of Miriam Lake. Marmaduke Baall of Bletchley, John Lewes of Elles- borough, and Simon Rastall of Wing in £20 each, to appear and answer. William Randall and John Randall in £20, to appear and answer on behalf of the inhabitants of Long Crendon. John Brightwell in £20, to appear and answer on behalf of the inhabitants of Chearesly. William Dorrell of Wooborne, gentleman, in £40, with Thomas Bigg, junior, and Samson Preistly, both of Chepping Wiccombe, as sureties in £20 each, to keep the peace towards William Russell. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. William Dorrell, gentleman, fined £10, for assaulting William Russell. Thomas Greene fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting John Shepheard. 264 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1688. Robert Roberts, William Ives, Richard Stock, and John Askew fined 3s. 4d. each, for a nuisance. William Drake and Henry Ashton fined 3s. 4d. each, for contempt. Richard Chandler, senior, of Draighton Parslowe, bell- founder, forfeits three recognizances of £20 each for non- appearance. Thomas Briggs of Nash forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance. p. 109. Recognizances discharged. Richard Gibbs of Fulmer, Margaret Saunders of Stoke, John Cobcott of Dinton, Benjamin Salt of Newport Pagnell, Thomas Watersfeild of Great Brickhill, Thomas Bett of Winslowe, John Boulton of Towersy, William Drake and Henry Ashton, both of Colebrooke in Horton, John Cotterill of Radnidge, John Lane and Matthew Piggott, both of Drayton Parslowe, Simon Rastall of Wing, Richard Martyn of Calverton, Edward Perry and John Richardson, both of Newport Pagnell, William Dorrell of Wooburne, John Piddington of Aylesbury, John Galer of Denham, and John Taylor of Eaton. End of this session (signed) F. Neale, clerk of the peace. p. 110. [Blank.]

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT BUCKINGHAM 12th July, 1688 [4 James II] p. III. Jurors for the body of the County. Gustave Horne, and Thomas Walter, gentlemen, William Welch, Joseph Wells, junior, John Golder, junior, Edward Gomme, John Thompson, William Randolph, Thomas Coles, Richard Waddupp, Richard Major, James Harding, Henry Putnam, Edward Browne, Thomas Wigg, John Wheeler, John Bradbury, Lucas Bush, Thomas Parratt, Edward Hooton, and Oliver Penn. Sir John Busby, Knt., took the oaths of allegiance, etc. 265 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 112. Indictments. Esau Clarke of Great Horwood, for assaulting Henry Churchill. [And see post, pp. 130 and 132.] Andrew Saunders, senior, George Saunders, and Andrew Saunders, junior, all of Wooburne, for assaulting Silvester Cooke. [And see post, p. 149.] William Simpson of Shenley Brook End, and Thomas Seare, Samuel Fountaine, and William Moores, all of Ivinghoe, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. John Poyner and Richard Christmasse, both of Wendover, and William Parker of Aylesbury, for rioting [And see post, p. 149.] Richard Gomme, Thomas Liveing, John Liveing, and Ephraim Haynes, all of Little Kimbell, for rioting and for breaking into the warren of John Stiles and taking away conies, and for keeping fowling pieces, nets, and dogs contrary to the statute. [And see post, p. 219.] Thomas Ayleworth, constable of Edgcott, for neglect of duty. William Buckett, Simon Buttfeild, Thomas Buckett, Robert Francklin, and Mary Grigg, all of Laighton Buzzard, co. Bedford, for rioting and for breaking into the warren of Samuel Ironsides at Soulbury and taking away conies. [And see post, p. 149.] John Poyner of Wendover, for a misdemeanour. [And see post, p. 149.] The inhabitants of Haddenham and Kingsey, for not repairing Stonebridge. Robert Jeffs of Thorneborough, for assaulting John Adams. [And see post, pp. 130 and 132.] George Fuller, alias Bernard, of Aston Clinton, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. John Morris and William Kidder, both of Chepping Wiccombe, for trading as mercers without having been duly apprenticed. [And see post, p. 149.] Thomas Deely of Nether Winchendon and Edward Beckeley of Swanborne, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. 266 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1688. William Thompson of Newport Pagnall, for corrupt practices when acting as a deputy chief constable. [And see post, p. 149.] p. 113. Presentments of the grand jury. John Cox of Long Crendon, for “continuing” a cottage. Charles Holt of Loughton, gentleman, for neglect of his duty as a supervisor of the highways. John Fuller of Bradwell, gentleman, for obstructing the supervisor of the highways in the execution of his duty. Presentments of the petty constables. John Giles of Iver, for selling drink without a licence. Joan Wigginton of Upton, widow, for entertaining vagabonds. John Chearsly, junior, of Chalfont St. Giles, and Samuel Smith, John Wheeler, John Stocking, and Lucretia, his wife, all of Walton in Aylesbury, for refusing to assist the constable, and the two last named for abusing the constable. [And see post, p. 220.] The lord of the manor of Aylesbury, for not providing a ducking stool. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. East Burnham . . Richard Pond vice Joseph North. Bradenham . . John Gunnell as tithingman vice Robert Loveday. Wooburne . . Zaccheus Heydon and Richard Silby vice John Hawes and John Bates. Chilton . . . . Alexander Norcott vice John Stopp. Kingsey . . . . Thomas Burch vice William Flite. North Marston . . Robert Fuller and John Carter vice Henry Coker and John Cocks. Turweston . . . . James Knight vice Thomas Butches. Steeple Cleydon . . Thomas Cox and Benjamin Bates vice John Deverell and Henry Robins. Burnham . . . . Richard Gallamore vice John Hevell, and William Turner as tithingman vice John Nash. Great Horwood . . Matthew Wise vice Richard Winton. 267 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 114. Orders. Thomas Wright of Tingewick to be bound over for his appearance at the next session. Order again adjourning the case against the inhabitants of Sherrington for not repairing the common bridge there. Certain justices are appointed to look into the matter, as it is reported that Sherrington “ought to repaire the same Bridge only as a Horse Bridge, and that it is fitt to be made a Cart Bridge, being the greate road betweene Oxford and Cambridge and cheifely the way from great parte of Northampton and Bedford sheires to Newport Pagnell in this County and soe to London.” Further reference to certain justices of John Butcher’s claim for wages against Mr. Thomas Hall of Chilton. p. 115. Order discharging the indictments against “the Major, Bayliffes, and Burgesses of the Burrough of Chepping Wiccombe” and against Mrs. Loggin. “Lady of the Mannor of Bassetts Bury” in Chepping Wiccombe, for not repairing Woobridge, as they have produced a certificate that the work has now been done. p. 116. Similar discharge of the indictments against the inhabitants of Wendover, Halton, Aston Clinton, and Weston Turvile, for not repairing their highways. p. 117. John Johnson to be discharged from gaol. The appeal of Dudley Pennard against the rates at Agmondesham is referred to certain justices. Order confirming the rates of Thornborough and dismissing the appeal of Lady Baltinglasse. p. 118. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Wooburne for not repairing their highway, upon their producing a certificate that the work has now been done. 268 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1688. Order discharging the recognizance and bail of Henry Rogers of Soulbury as he is now a prisoner in gaol. Order discharging Matthew Geary from his apprentice- ship to Thomas Finnamore of Newport Pagnell, joiner, as Finnamore has “listed himselfe a Souldier in his Majesties Army under the command of Sir Hugh Middleton and left his said trade.” Order giving the inhabitants of Slapton until next session to produce a certificate that they have repaired “Broadwater way and the way leadeing to Dunstable, betweene Slapton Towne and Goosey Bridge.” p. 119. Adjournment of the appeal of Becconsfeild against a warrant removing Joan Deacon from Ivinghoe. William Johnson to be discharged from the bridewell. Order that Mr. Woodson, rector of Radnidge, shall be assessed at £69 a year for his “tythes and gleabe lands” at the full improved value. pp. 120-122. Order giving the inhabitants of Wing, Crofton, Mentmore, Cublington, Wingrave, Pightleston, Masworth, Cheddington, Hogson, and Drayton Beauchamp further time until next session to produce certificates that their highways have been repaired. [For the particular highways referred to see ante, p. 78.] p. 123. Order adjourning the appeal of Chesham against a warrant removing Joseph Johnson and his wife from Great Marlowe. Order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Francis Neale, gentleman, clerk of the peace, to be paid £20 for printing and distributing the orders concerning rogues and vagabonds. 269 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 124. Mr. Joseph Rawson, the receiver general, is ordered to produce his accounts before certain justices. Order re-enacting the previous order concerning motions and payments out of County stock. [And see ante, pp. 55 and 95.] p. 125. Order that Mrs. Grace Bennett shall at once give up to the overseers of Calverton “Severall rates duely made and allowed. . . and severall other books, papers, and Memoran- dums” belonging to the parish, which she has in her custody and has refused to give up. The overseers are then ordered to hand these papers over to certain justices, who are to settle all the matters in dispute. Order that, until a general survey of the parish can be taken, the last poor rate made by Richard Swayne, Charles Burton, Nicholas Martin, and other inhabitants of Calverton, shall be confirmed. p. 126. Mrs. Grace Bennett of Calverton ordered to pay the surveyors of the highways £6. 13s. 4d., the sum with which the estate of the late Sir Simon Bennett was annually chargeable under his will. William Peirson, chief constable for Newport, ordered to pay Nicholas Martin and John Turvile, the late overseers of Calverton, such money as was raised by the distraint upon the goods of Mrs. Grace Bennett, according to an order of last session. p. 127. Order for the removal of Alice, wife of George Baker, and her child from Marsh Gibbon to Buckingham. Order dismissing the appeal of Chalkemore in Ratliffe against a warrant removing Margaret Seare, widow, from Buckingham. She is to be allowed 6d. a week by the overseers of Chalkemore. pp. 128-129. Order dismissing, owing to their non- appearance, the appeal of Laighton Bussard, co. Bedford, 270 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1688. against a warrant removing Elizabeth, widow of Edward Howe, and her child from Ivinghoe Aston in Ivinghoe. p. 130. Indictments confessed and traversed. Matthew Wattson fined 3s. 4d., for each of two misdemeanours. Abraham Glover fined 3s. 4d., for a breach of the peace. Robert Gibbs and John Chapman, junior, fined 3s. 4d. each, for assaulting Lucy, wife of Richard Everell. Robert Jeffs fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting John Adams. Esau Clarke fined 3s. 4d., for assaulting Henry Churchill. William Thompson and John Randall, on behalf of the inhabitants of Long Crendon, found guilty of not repairing Hawks Bridge. John Brightwell, on behalf of the inhabitants of Chearseley, found not guilty of not repairing Hawks Bridge. Simon Rastall found not guilty of keeping a disorderly alehouse. Marmaduke Baall found not guilty of building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. p. 131. Recognizances extended. The recognizances of the following are the same as those given ante on p. 107:—Elizabeth Lamby, John Harman, Ralph Lockwood, John Higgins, John Davies, Edward Forth, Henry Hebbard, John Higgins, John Harrison, and Henry Newman. John Lewes of Ellesborough in £20, to appear and answer. William Baall of St. Giles in the Field, co. Middlesex, yeoman, in £20, with James Baall, labourer, and John Baall, bricklayer, both of St. Giles, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Frances Grove. p. 132. Fines and issues. John Mason and John Gaynes fined 13s. 4d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Matthew Wattson fined 3s. 4d., for each of two misdemeanours. S 271 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Abraham Glover fined 3s. 4d., for a misdemeanour. Robert Gibbs and John Chapman, junior, fined 3s. 4d. each, for assaulting Lucy, wife of Richard Everell. Robert Jeffes fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting John Adams. Esau Clarke fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Henry Churchill. pp. 133-134. Recognizances discharged. William Thompson of Newport Pagnell, Henry Rogers of Soulbury, John Chapman, junior, and Robert Gibbs, both of Fenny Stratford, Abraham Glover of East Burneham, John Galer, senior, of Denham, gentleman, Marmaduke Baall of Bletchley, Simon Rastall of Wing, William Randall and John Randall, both of Long Crendon, John Brightwell of Chearsly, William Dorrell of Wooburne, William Cox of Little Horwood, Tobias Churchill, junior, and Richard Irons, both of Steeple Claydon, Richard Nash of Marsh Gibbon, Arthur Smith, junior, and Henry Smith, both of Little Horwood, William Townesend, junior, of Shipton, Tobias Churchill, senior, of Steeple Cleydon, William Parker of Aylesbury, John Poyner of Wendover, Silvester Cooke of Wooburne, John Rands, William Thompson, and John Miles, all of Newport Pagnell, Thomas Hopkins of Stouny Stratford, Thomas Meade and William Palmer, both of Fenny Stratford, William Martin of Calverton, John Claridge and John Richardson, both of Newport Pagnell, Isaac Honnor of Little Brickhill, and John Wingfeild of Agmondesham. End of this session (signed) F. Neale, clerk of the peace. pp. 135-136. [Blank.]

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHEPPING WICCOMBE 4th October, 1688 [4 James II] p. 137. Jurors for the body of the County. Richard Playstowe, Henry Dancer, and John Heale, gentlemen, Anthony Hedges, John Rider, Isaac Payne, William Rice, gentleman, Thomas Chapman, gentleman, 272 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1688. Henry Morton, Thomas Sills, Jonas Taylor, , William Duncombe, gentleman, James Buckmaster, and Silvester Penn. The following persons took the oaths of allegiance, etc.: George Bradshawe, Richard Rutt, and George Lluellyn, all of Aylesbury, gentlemen, and John Cleeve of Ivinghoe, clerk. Indictments. Peter Horton of Iver, for assaulting Eleanor, wife of Robert Squier. [And see post, p. 149.] Joseph Meakes of Addington, for being extortionate in the execution of his office. [And see post, p. 149.] Thomas Wright of Tingewyck, for assaulting Mary, wife of Francis Davies. Abraham Wood of Wavendon, for assaulting Thomas Williams. [And see post, p. 149.] Daniel Grace of Steeple Cleydon, for assaulting John Fry. [And see post, p. 149.] John Hutton and William Keene, both of Braggenham, for breaking into the warren of William Buckett. [And see post, p. 149.] p. 138. Presentments of the grand jury. Peter Lowndes of Ipstone in Turvile and Winslowe, for a pound breach at Addington. [And see post, p. 192.] William, son of John Baker, and Thomas Dover, both of Weston Turvile, for a nuisance in the highway. Presentments of the petty constables. John Turner, junior, of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Francis Thompson and Hugh Mosely, both of Iver, for refusing to assist the constable. Richard Mayne of Chilton, for a nuisance. Sarah Lovejoy, widow, Richard Harding, John Wigginton, senior, Henry Harrison, senior, Elizabeth Barnes, widow, and Thomas Ward, all of Great Marlowe, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. 273 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Edward Butler of Ipstone in Turvile, for not doing his statutory work upon the highways. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Chalfont St. Giles. . Samuel Evered and Henry Boddy, junior, vice John Nash and William Russell, and William Keeble as tithingman vice Richard East. Wooburne . . Thomas Weedon vice Zaccheus Heydon. Upton . . . . Richard Dorsett vice Richard Hunt. Dinton . . . . Thomas Dinton vice Simon Slater. Boveney . . . . William Bennett vice Henry Webb, and Edward Jarvis as tithingman vice John Freebon. Taplowe . . . . John Brown vice George Hollis. Weston Turvile . . Richard Turner and William Syred vice John Baker and Daniel Sweby. Hitchendon . . Thomas Leakey vice John Fellowe. Fingest . . . . John Pontifex vice William Edwards. Horsendon. . . . William Carter vice Samuel Neale. Chesham Boys . . William Nash vice William Sale. Little Marlowe . . William Mann vice William Heather. Grendon Underwood . . Richard Wall vice William Perry. Penn . . . . William Bovingdon and Francis Fryer vice Levi Francklyn and William Etherope, and John Hunt and John Grove as tithingmen vice Thomas Payne and Christopher Wingrave. Wendover Forrens Joseph Alnott vice Robert Dorsett. p. 139. Orders. Richard Playstowe appointed treasurer for the “Maymed Souldiers money raised in the Lower Division of this County.” Owing to the death of Mr. Joseph Rawson, the receiver general, the chief constables are ordered to pay their money for the King’s bench and Marshallsea to the treasurers, Mr. William Hartley and Mr. Edward Baldwyn, and for the 274 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1688. maimed soldiers to the treasurers, Mr. Samuel Grainge and Mr. Richard Playstowe. Mrs. Rawson, the widow of the late Mr. Joseph Rawson, the receiver general, is ordered to hand over to certain justices the balance of County money in his hands at the time of his death, and also all books, accounts, orders, and papers which were in his custody. The four treasurers referred to in the previous order are ordered to attend certain justices at the George Inn at Aylesbury on the 13th October next in order that they may take over Mr. Rawson’s duties. p. 140. Robert Bartlett appointed overseer of Eaton near Windsor in place of John Taylor, who is unable to perform the office as he “is now in dayly Attendance in and about his Majesties service att his Majesties Palace att Windsor.” “Att this present Sessions this Court, haveing received as well a Commission of the peace as alsoe being informed of his Majesties most gratious and Generall Pardon, together with his Majesties proclamation for recalling his Majesties writs for Election of Members to sitt in Parliament, doth Order that the same be openly read and proclaymed, which, with his Majesties proclamation for putting in Execution the Aditionall Act for Improvement of Tillage, was openly read and proclaymed accordingly.” p. 141. Order referring to certain justices the question of the settlement of the bastard child of Anne Southam of Brill. Order discharging the indictments against the inhabitants of Slapton and of Wingrave for not repairing certain highways, as they have brought certificates that the work has now been done. p. 142. Order referring to certain justices the appeal against the rates at Agmondesham by Dudley Pennard and James Norwood, senior, churchwardens, Timothy Wingfeild, over- 275 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. seer, Doctor Tanner, Nathaniel Child, Thomas Chersley, James Norwood, junior, Jonas Harding, Ezekiel Norwood, Edmund Bourton, Joseph Tench, Edward Parrott, Andrew Borrough, Richard Webb, senior, David Salter, William Hayly, Mr. Richard Whitlock, and Thomas Pearce, inhabitants. p. 143. Order dismissing the appeal of Becconsfeild against a warrant removing Joan Deacon (who had been previously married to Thomas Costyan of Becconsfeild) and her son from Ivinghoe. John Fellowe discharged from the office of constable at Hugendon. p. 144. Thomas Forster, constable of Tingewyck, to be bound over to appear at the next session for neglect of duty in refusing to execute a warrant for the arrest of Thomas Wright. Order continuing the apprenticeship of Richard Welsh to Edward Bigg, butcher, and directing that Welsh shall carry himselfe as an Apprentice ought to doe” and that Bigg shall “employ his said Apprentice about and teach him the trade of a Butcher.” pp. 145-146. Upon hearing the report of certain justices upon the case, Mr. Thomas Hall of Chilton is ordered to pay John Butcher £2. 18s. 11d. for wages due, 9s. 4d. for seven days’ work mowing oats on Mr. Hall’s behalf for Thomas Beamsly, and £1. 14s. 4d. for costs. Butcher had complained that he was owed certain sums for work on the harvest and about his master’s yard, for setting up pales, and for going to London, and that he was owed money for the purchase of “cheese, mault, candles, meale, hopps, sope, fowle, etc.” pp. 147-148. Order discharging the indictments against the inhabitants of Wing, Mentmore, Crofton, Cublington, Pightleston, Masworth, Cheddington, and Hogson for not repairing certain highways, as they have brought certificates that the work has now been done. [And see ante, p. 78.] 276 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1688. p. 149. Order discharging, as “meerely vexatious,” the indictment against Hugh Willis of Stewkly for building a cottage contrary to the statute. Order discharging the indictment against Robert Thorpe of Hardwyck for not doing his statutory work upon the highways. Orders allowing and returning writs of certiorari in the cases against Mr. Hall of Chilton, the inhabitants of Chesham, and the inhabitants of Becconsfeild. The following persons were discharged upon “appearing in this Court and craveing the Benefitt of his Majesties most gratious proclamation of Pardon”:— William Buckett of Laighton Bussard, John Poyner, Richard Christmasse, and William Parker, all of Wendover, Peter Horton of Iver, Andrew Saunders, senior, Andrew Saunders, junior, and George Saunders, all of Wooburne, Joseph Meakes of Addington, William Thompson of Newport Pagnell, Robert Horwood of Tingewycke, Abraham Wood of Wavendon, Daniel Grace of Steeple Cleydon, John Hutton and William Keene, both of Braggenham, and John Morris and William Kidder, both of Chepping Wiccombe. John Wingfeild of Chesham Boyes found not guilty of a nuisance. p. 150. Recognizances extended. John Harrison of Winslowe in £10, for the appearance of his wife. John Lewes of Ellesborough and Samuel Fountaine of Cheddington in £20 each, to appear and answer. Richard Gallimore of Burneham in £20, with John Askew of Burneham and [blank] Howe of Taplow as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Thomas Wood of Burneham in £20, with Thomas Alridge of Burneham and Christopher Andrew of Taplow as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. William Durrant of Whitchurch in £20, for his good behaviour. 277 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Recognizances entered into. Daniel Beaumont of Eaton near Windsor in £100, with John Beaumont and Richard Lewys as sureties in £50 each, for his appearance at assizes and for his good behaviour. Richard Talbot, miller, and John Taylor, both of Eaton, in £40 each, to give evidence against Daniel Beaumont. p. 151. Fines and issues. Benedict Ganderne of Whitchurch and Thomas Odell of Simpson fined £1 each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Isaac Payne fined £1. 13s. 4d., “for withdraweing himselfe from the rest of his fellowe jurors.” Recognizances estreated for non-appearance. The recognizances of the following, who appear ante on pp. 107 and 131, are forfeited:— Elizabeth Lamby, Richard Harman, Ralph Lockwood, John Higgins, John Davies, Edward Forth, Henry Hebbard, John Higgins, Henry Newman, and William Baall. p. 152. Recognizances discharged. Robert Kendall and William Keene, both of Soulbury, John Scott of Maidsmorton, John Bolton of Towersey, Edward Bigg and Richard Welsh, senior, both of Monks Risborough, John Hutton of Soulbury, Robert Greeneupp of Stonny Stratford, William Scott of Maidsmorton, Abraham Wood of Wavendon, Benjamin Atkins and Henry Banbury, both of Fenny Stratford, William Batchelor of Heath, co. Oxford, William Knight, Anthony [blank], and Edward Allexander, all of Emerton, Francis Harris of Stonny Stratford, William Watts of Whadden, John Marlowe, junior, of Hardwick, Robert Fortune and Anne Barnett, both of Great Marlowe, Benjamin Bull of Chilton, Robert Squier and Richard Allen, both of Iver, Richard West, Daniel Beaumont, and John Taylor, all of Eaton, Richard Gallimore of Burneham, Thomas Terry, junior, of Eaton, Richard Toppin and Thomas Wells, both of Whitchurch, Daniel Grace 278 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1688. of Steeple Cleydon, Richard Lea of Padbury, and John Fry of Steeple Cleydon. End of this session (signed) F. Neale, clerk of the peace. pp. 153-154. [Blank.]

EPIPHANY SESSION AT AYLESBURY 17th January, 1688-89 [4 James II] p. 155. Thomas Grove, mayor of Chepping Wiccombe, and Richard James of the same, gentleman, took the oaths of allegiance, etc. Presentments of the constables. The constables of Great Hampden, Nether Winchendon, and Braddenham, for not paying quarteridge money and for not making their presentments. Thomas Kempster of Aylesbury, for a breach of the peace. Francis Price, John Olliver, and William Harvey, over- seers of Iver, for neglect of duty. James Wyld and George Browne, both of Iver, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. John Turner of Denham, for a “new erected cottage.” Petty constables sworn. Bledlowe . . . . Richard Turner vice John Bigg. Bledlowe Ridge . . John Wade vice Ralph Stone. Wing . . . . Thomas Stevens, John Cooper, and Francis Mortimer vice William Greene, Samuel Orchard, and William Shepheard. Brill . . . . Michael Greene vice Thomas Gunthropp. Buckland . . . . James Grover vice John Turnam. Boveney . . . . John Dawson vice Henry Webb. Stoke Mandevile . . John Brill and William Ford vice John Browne and Samuel Browne.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Winslowe . . . . Samuel Norman and Francis Dorsett vice Thomas Bishopp and William Honnor. Wingrave . . Bernard Stapp vice Edward Giles. p. 156. Orders. Order for the payment of the bridewell keepers’ salaries. Mr. Richard Playstowe, one of the treasurers, ordered to make the following payments: £1. 2s. 3d. to Mr. William Benson, the gaoler, for clothing provided for Thomas Freeman, a prisoner: £5 to Mr. Tilcock, a surgeon, “for an extraordinary cure done and effected upon a prisoner” in the gaol: £1 to Mr. Richard Frank for attending the Justices during their discussions concerning the County stock. The order concerning the management of the County stock by the treasurers is continued for another session. Order dismissing the appeal of Dudley Pennard and others against the rates at Agmondesham. p. 157. Order for the removal of Katherine, daughter of Rebecca, widow of the late Nicholas Lovell, from Chilton to St. George the Martyr, Southwark, co. Surrey. Henry Dancer, gentleman, and Thomas Pilgrim, respectively churchwarden and overseer of Aston Clinton, are ordered to be bound over for refusing to obey an order of Court for the removal of John Stratton and his wife from Princes Risborough to Aston Clinton. The session adjourned until the 11th April in the Common Hall at Aylesbury. p. 158. Recognizances extended. Robert Fellowe and John Chapman, both of Bletchley, in £20 each, to appear at the next session; and John Littleheales of Edmonton, co. Middlesex, in £20, to give evidence against them.

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EPIPHANY SESSION, 1688-89. Recognizances entered into. John Hawkes, labourer, and John Buttler, both of Aylesbury, in £20 each, for the appearance of Anne, wife of Thomas Wright of Aylesbury, at the next session. Thomas Wright of Tingewick, butcher, in £100, with John Hawkes, tailor, and John Money, labourer, both of Aylesbury, as sureties in £50 each, for his good behaviour. Recognizances discharged. William Worsley of Newport Pagnell, yeoman, and Anne Dorsett of [blank]. pp. 159-162. [Blank.]

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 11th April and 20th May, 1689 [1 William and Mary] p. 163. “There being no dedimus for the swearing of their Majesties Justices of the Peace named in the new Commission of the Peace at the opening of the Sessions, there was no writt issued to the Sheriffe of this County for the summons of a Jury to inquire for their Majesties and the body of the County aforesaid.” William Fletewode, esquire, and Henry Harris, gentle- man, both of Great Missenden, and John Grubb of Horsendon, gentleman, took the oaths of allegiance, etc. Presentments of the constables. William Saunders, senior, of Chilton, for “an insufficient mound against the Church Close.” William Lyndon and John Clarke, junior, both of Walton in Aylesbury, for refusing to obey the constables. [And see post, p. 220.] John Money, senior, of Walton in Aylesbury, for abusing the constables. James Wild of lver and John Elead of Denham, for keeping unlicensed alehouses.

281 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. John Turney, junior, of Denham, for a “new erected” cottage. p. 164. Chief constables sworn. Aylesbury . . . . Henry Hawes, junior, of Princes Ris- borough and George Honnor of Great Missenden vice John Ewstace and John Kippin. Burneham . . . . William Newington of Beconsfield and Henry Puttnam of Bellendon in Chesham vice Richard Grove and Thomas Hall. Desborough . . Francis Jugby of Chepping Wycombe and Abel Rockall of Great Marlow vice Thomas Butterfield and Thomas Winckells. Stoke Poges . . William Harbor of Datchett and John Weyman of [blank] vice Thomas Perryman and Richard Bix. Buckingham . . Henry Cooper of Adstock and Francis Rogers of Steeple Claydon vice William Meade and William Warr. Newport . . . . Edward Jolly of Emberton and Nicholas Lucus of Simpson vice Edward Boddington and William Pierson. Cottesloe . . . . Henry Tillcock of Slapton and George Clarke of Nash vice John Crawley and William Deverell. Ashenden . . . . Henry Hunt of Towersey and John Bennell of North Marston vice William Wintor and Thomas Beck. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s bench and Marshalsea John Gurney of Great Brickhill and John Grover of Chesham Boyes, gentleman, vice William Hartley and Edward Baldwin. For the maimed soldiers William Rice of Warmeston and Daniel Aldridge of Lea vice Richard Play- stow, deceased, and Samuel Grange.

282 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1689. pp. 165-166. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Dynton . . . . James Dover and William Taylor vice William Tyler and William Sturch. Little Missenden . . Samuel Bunce, senior, vice Tobias Bowler. . . Thomas Milward vice Thomas Lansdale. Shalston . . . . Stafford Morgan vice William Hobcroft. Hitcham . . . . Walter Langton vice Henry Bell. Bow Brickhill . . Joseph White vice Thomas Seare. Padbury . . . . Robert Bunce and vice William Judge and Elisha Clarke. Wornall . . . . Thomas Verey vice William Cox. Studley . . . . Michael Smith vice Edward Coxhead. Borstall . . . . Henry Cox vice John Day. Oveing . . . . Jonas Smith vice Humphrey Streame. Woodrow in Thomas Liberty, vice Jonas Wilkinson. Amersham Walton . . . . Thomas Barnaby and John Jorden vice Henry Stratfold and Thomas Clarke. Amersham . . . . John Young and William Hobbs vice John and John Rutt, and Edward Lered as tithingman vice William Rushworth. Amersham Woodside Nathaniel Moreton and Thomas Worrell vice John Moreton and Henry Moreton. Sinckleborough in Horwood Thomas Whitbey, Henry Robinson, and John Durrant, senior, vice Matthew Wise, John Seare, and Richard Bradbury. Eaton . . . . William Liver vice Richard West. Cowley in Preston Richard Moyger vice John Chapman. Great Missenden . . Brook Wittney and Thomas Eaton vice John Bennett and Henry Howes, and John Sharp and Stephen Hern as tithingmen vice Isaac Stevens and [blank]. Bierton . . . . Henry Howse vice William Hill. Cheynes . . . . Thomas Harding vice James Dell.

283 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Ellesborow . . Richard Ward and James Smith vice Joseph Parnham and Edward Monday. Brands Fee . . Joseph Honnor vice William Free, and George Russell as tithingman vice John Shrimpton. Little Hampden . . Jeremiah Alnutt vice Joseph Ginger. Steeple Claydon . . Elnathan Wooton, senior, and Joseph Cox vice [blank] and Thomas Cox. West Wycomb . . Thomas Pokins and Nathaniel Wheeler vice John Cracknell and Richard Styles, and John Mortimar as tithing- man vice Thomas Hill. Wexham . . . . Thomas Lovejoy vice Thomas Streeting. Hugely . . . . Thomas Craft vice William Turner. Colebrook in Horton Thomas Partridge vice [blank]. Horton . . . . William Virgo vice [blank]. North Marston . . Richard Dencefield and John Stevens vice Robert Fuller and John Carter. Chalvey in Upton Robert Turner vice Henry Bissen, and William Martin as tithingman vice John Young. Hogshaw . . . . Joseph Worrall vice Joseph Stevens. Woburne . . . . Richard Body as tithingman vice Christopher Beck. Dorney . . . . William Barre vice Thomas Grove. Cippenham . . John Priest vice John Wiggins. Leckhamstedd . . John Warren vice [blank]. Chearsley . . . . Edward Burnham vice Edward Bigg. Cuddington . . William Almond vice John Cox. Upper Winchindon Thomas Hebbarn vice Martin Jeffs. Radnage . . . . Jasper Hunt vice Stephen Hutchins. Whitchurch . . Thomas Cheshire and John Topping, junior vice John Toogood and Thomas Harris. Lower Winchingdon . . Andrew Rice vice [blank]. Bishopstone . . Thomas Parnam vice John Delafield. Beauchampton . . William Ellis vice James Turner. Thornborough . . John Addams and Samuel Pollark vice John Carter and Thomas Addams.

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EASTER SESSION, 1689. Hillesdon . . . . John Warre, senior vice William Tayler. Biddlesden . . . . Richard Jones vice Robert Roberts. Little Kimble . . Joseph Francklin vice William Warde. Gildables in Easton Thomas Johnson vice George Fennell. Little Marlow . . John Dell vice Matthew Medwin, and William Heather and Thomas East, junior, as tithingmen vice Henry Lawrence and William Wiggons. Wycomb Forrens John Saunders vice Thomas Shrimpton. Stone . . . . William Barnett vice Richard Whites- head. Hambledon . . William Sharp and Peter Rider vice John Deane and Robert Toovey. Bradenham . . Francis Alice vice Robert Loveday. Cublington . . John Grace and Richard Worrall vice James Gardner and Thomas Mitchell. Hitchendon . . Richard Grey vice Thomas Leckey. Newton Longuevile Ralph Rutland and Richard Tomkins, vice [blank]. Wavendon . . . . Andrew Page vice John Birt. p. 167. Orders. Mr. Joshua Young of Wendover, executor of the late Richard Playstow, gentleman, is ordered to give in an account of all County money in Mr. Playstow’s hands at his death, and also to receive the quarterly money from the chief constables. The treasurers are ordered to deal with the County stock as before, and also to “pay for the cloatheing the County Child.” Order adjourning the report of certain justices upon the County stock. p. 168. Order adjourning until next sessions all appeals which might have been heard, and extending all recognizances. William Hartley, treasurer for the King’s bench and 285 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. marshalsea money in the “lower division” of the County, ordered to pay Matthew Annesley, keeper of the bridewell at Newport Pagnell, £7. 10s. for this quarter’s salary. Mr. Joshua Young, executor to the late Mr. Richard Playstow, ordered to pay Mary Sudell £1. 10s. for clothing for a child born in the County gaol. Thomas Barnewell, gentleman, under-sheriff, took the oaths provided in the act of 1 William and Mary, entitled “An Act for the abrogateing the Oaths of supremacy and allegiance, and appointing other Oaths.” [1 William and Mary, c. 8.] p. 169. Recognizances extended. Henry Connett of Ivinghoe, gentleman, in £40, with Thomas Leach and John Cary as sureties in £20 each, for his appearance. Peter Horton of Iver in £40, with Francis Hartwell and Daniel Browne as sureties in £20 each, for his good behaviour and to keep the peace towards W. Keirsey. Adrian Aldridge of Datchett in £20, with William Harber and John Dell as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. James Hasle of Chesham in £20, with William Hasle of Chesham and John Holt of Hawridge as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards J. Gilby. Thomas Floyde of Beconsfield in £40, with Thomas Sills and Edward Lacke as sureties in £20 each, to keep the peace towards Frances, his wife. James Chandler of Stanmore, co. Middlesex, in £20, with William Gilbett and John Doe, both of Chesham, as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. William Harley of Newport Pagnell in £40, for the appearance of the wife of John Sellers. William Watts of Stony Stratford in £20, for the appearance of his wife. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 170. [Blank.]

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1689. MIDSUMMER SESSION AT AYLESBURY, WENDOVER, NEWPORT PAGNELL, BUCKINGHAM, CHEPPING WYCOMB, AND COLEBROOKE 18th, 24th, 26th, 27th, and 31st July, 1689 [1 William and Mary] p. 171. [Heading only.] p. 172. Jurors for the body of the County. Michael Hill, gentleman, Thomas Bristow, Henry Whitchurch, Richard Browne, junior, William Fenner, John Baker, Thomas Nicholls, Thomas Berry, John Benham, Thomas Harris, junior, Richard Lea, Edward Taylor, Benjamin Bates, William Grenewood, alias Sadler, William Glenister, junior, John Deverell, Thomas Tarbox, Richard Blackett, William Seare, William Earle, and John Perry. (Signed) William Fletewode, esquire, sheriff. pp. 173-175. Names of persons who produced Sacrament Certificates, took the oaths provided in the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration against transubstantiation. Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., of Taplow, Alexander Denton of Hilsdon, esquire, Edward Bate of Maids Morton, esquire, John Shallcrosse of Bledlow, esquire, Thomas Egleton of Ellesborough, gentleman, Edmund Waller of Gregoryes, esquire, Edmund Waller of Beconsfield, esquire, Rev. John Porter, rector of Drayton Beauchamp, Thomas Grove, esquire, mayor of the borough of Chepping Wycombe, Rev. John King, warden of the Royal Chapel, Robert Whitton, senior, of Chepping Wycomb, gentle- man, John Bedder of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, Thomas Alford of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, John Lane of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, Thomas Barnes of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman. William Clark of Chepping Wycomb, lace buyer, John Morris of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman,

T 287 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. John Mitchell of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, George Lluellyn of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, Thomas Stevens of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, Thomas Fellow, senior, of Chpeping Wycomb, gentle- man, Samuel Freeman of Chepping Wycomb, butcher, Ralph Ayre of Chepping Wycomb, yeoman, John Bigg, junior, of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, Thomas Antwissell of Redding, co. Berks, inspector of the King’s taxes for , Humphrey Sheldon of Wendover, gentleman, assistant revenue officer for Wendover, John Dowson of Wendover, gentleman, gauger for revenue, John Lambe of Aylesbury, gentleman, officer of excise, William Eden of Winslow, gentleman, gauger, William Hodson of Waddesdon, gentleman, gauger, William Foster of Stony Stratford, gentleman, gauger, James Boughton of Olney, gentleman, gauger, Bedford Johnson of Newport Pagnell, gentleman, gauger, Francis Rastall of Little Brickhill, gentleman, gauger, Henry Connett of Ivinghoe, gentleman, gauger, Jasper Wilshire of Agmondesham, gentleman, gauger, Simon Negus of Beconsfield, gentleman, gauger, John Thorp of Colebrook, gentleman, gauger, Charles Zouch of Great Marlow, gentleman, gauger, Richard James of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, gauger, John Law of Great Marlow, mercer, John Wittewronge of Staunton Bury, esquire, Francis Duncombe of Broughton, esquire, William Busby of Marsh Gibbon, esquire, Simon Mayne of Dinton, esquire, Richard Ingoldesby of Waldridge in Dinton, esquire, Rev. Francis Coston of Haddenham, Thomas Ligoe of Burcott in Winge, esquire, Rev. Samuel Barton, rector of Great Brickhill, Rev. John Sambee, curate of Soulbury, Francis Knollys of Nether Winchindon, esquire, Rev. Thomas Chapman of Cuddington, rector of Little Kimbell,

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1689. Richard Atkins of Haversham, esquire, William Farrer of , esquire, John Backwell of , esquire, Charles Tyrrell of Hanslopp, esquire, Roger Chapman of Newport Pagnell, esquire, Thomas Chapman of Hanslopp, esquire, Rev. Thomas Bankes, S.T.P., minister of Newport Pagnell, Rev. William Pomfrett of Astwood, Rev. Henry Maurice of Filgrave, Rev. Ignatius Fuller of Sherrington, Rev. George Goodman of Molsoe, Rev. Thomas Mellor, minister of Gothurst, Rev. Thomas Dewbery, rector of North Crawley, Rev. John Stannard, minister of Simpson, Rev. Lewis Atterbury, S.T.P., rector of Milton, Rev. William Nicholls, minister of Wootton, Rev. John Stevenson of Willen, Anthony Chapman of Newport Pagnell, gentleman, Thomas Taylor of Stoney Stratford, gentleman, Matthew Annesley of Newport Pagnell, gentleman, Thomas Piggott of Doddershall in Quainton, esquire, Robert Hart of Brill, esquire, Charles Stafford of Tottenhoe, esquire, Edward Hart of Brill, esquire, William Croke of Chilton, esquire, J.P. pp. 176-180. Names of those who take the oaths provided in the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 8, sec. 12. (i.e. the new oaths of allegiance, etc.). Rev. Francis Barry, vicar of Kingsey, Rev. William Stevenson, vicar of Bledlow, Rev. John Cademan, rector of Fingest, Rev. Robert Pead, rector of Horton, Rev. Francis Gregory, S.T.P., rector of Hambledon, Rev. John Franklin, rector of Fawley, Rev. William Hay, vicar of Great Chesham, Rev. Robert Townesend, S.T.P., rector of Preston, Rev. Thomas Beesley, vicar of Great Marlow, Rev. Thomas Thistlewheat, vicar of Westbury,

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. George Wilkinson of Marsh Gibbon, schoolmaster, Rev. Charles Stafford, rector of Wandon. Rev. John Pateman, rector of Hardmead, Rev. John Woodson, rector of Radnage, Rev. Lewis Evans, vicar of Iver, Rev. Thomas Cordell, vicar of Chepping Wycombe, Rev. Samuel Hart, rector of Drayton Parslow, Rev. William Burrowes, rector of Cheynes, Rev. Richard Strickland, vicar of Stone, Rev. Josias Smith, rector of Amersham, Rev. Thomas Dancer, rector of Shaulston, Rev. John Hewes, rector of Chesham Boyes, Rev. Jonathan Dagge, vicar of Great Missenden, Rev. Robert Armsteed, rector of Muresley, Keat Waller of Beconsfield, gentleman, Rev. Ambrose Nicholson, rector of Holton, Rev. Philologus Emott of Bledlow, Rev. John Yate, rector of Great Hampden, Rev. Richard Mayo, rector of Great Kimbell, Rev. Samuel Harrison, senior, rector of Hartwell, Rev. Samuel Harrison, junior, rector of Oveing, Rev. John Vergin, vicar of North Marston, Rev. Ralph Eddoes, vicar of Little Missenden, Rev. John Wood, curate of St. Leonards, Rev. Thomas Mason, rector of Lurgarshall, Rev. John Downe, curate of Wooton Underwood, Rev. John Tipping, rector of Weston Turvile, Rev. William Harvey, vicar of Great Marlow, Rev. John Mason, rector of Water Stratford, Rev. Thomas Smart, vicar of Chalfont St. Peter, Rev. Thomas Webbe, curate of Princes Risborow, Rev. George Clewer, curate of Chepping Wycomb, Rev. George Harrison, rector of Flete Marston, Rev. Abraham Campion, S.T.P., rector of Monks Risborow, Rev. Thomas Gattaker, rector of Hogson, Rev. John Davyes, vicar of Penn, Rev. Gervase Withers, curate of Brill, Rev. Abraham Freestone, curate of Beach Hampton, Rev. John Pilkington, vicar of Swanburne,

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1689. Rev. John Crofts, vicar of Winslowe, Rev. William White, vicar of Padbury, Rev. Charles Cornish, curate of Aston Sampford, Rev. Joseph Lavington, rector of Newton Longuevile, Rev. Charles Champernoone, curate of Hulcott, Rev. Edward Taylor, rector of Bletchley, Rev. Thomas Dolben, rector of Stene and curate of Marish Gibbon, Rev. Thomas Willis, rector of Dunton, Rev. Richard Willows, curate of Walton, Rev. Robert Porter, curate of Foskett, Rev. Michael Harrison, vicar of Caversfield, John Johnson, of Newport Pagnell, yeoman, Samuel Welles, senior, of Chepping Wycombe, gentleman. Rev. William Gerard, rector of Aston Clinton, Rev. Evan Penry, curate of Wendover, Rev. Philip Robinson, rector of Beconsfield, Rev. Thomas Egerton, rector of Adstock, Rev. Edward Sherrier, rector of Addington, Rev. Nathaniel Anderson, vicar of Greenborow, Rev. Thomas Sheppard, vicar of Whaddon, Rev. James Maddox, curate of Biddlesden, Rev. Thomas Chapman, rector of Horsendon, Rev. Ralph Patefield, rector of Grendon Underwood, Joseph How of Chepping Wycombe, schoolmaster, Rev. John Nott of Great Kimbell, Rev. Archibald Hamilton of Chepping Wycomb, Rev. William Alsopp of Beconsfield, Anthony Spyer of Marish Gibbon, cordwainer, Rev. William Finch, rector of Saunderton, Rev. Edward Newbolt, rector of Cheddington, Rev. Cartwright Willmer, rector of Ellesborough, Rev. William Carpenter, rector of Calverton, Rev. Marcus Parker, vicar of , Rev. Francis Green, vicar of East Cleydon, Rev. Patrick Symmer, rector of Quainton, Rev. John Dummer, rector of Hardwick, Rev. Roger Hitchcock, vicar of Abbotts Aston, Rev. Henry Firth, rector of Slapton, Rev. George Burhope, vicar of Eddlesborough,

291 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Rev. William Lea, rector of Lillingston Dayrell, Rev. John Cleeve, vicar of Ivinghoe, Rev. Thomas Burnett, curate of Quainton, Rev. Isaac Loddington, vicar of Aylesbury, Richard Heywood of Aylesbury, gentleman, Rev. Peter Longworth, rector of Akeley, Richard Turner of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, Rev. Thomas Roe, vicar of Whitchurch, Rev. William Alport, vicar of Stewkeley, Rev. Thomas Wagstaffe, rector of Cublington, Rev. John Ditchfield, vicar of Wing and rector of Grove, Rev. George Bate, rector of Stoke Hamond, Rev. William Orme, rector of Leckhamstedd, Rev. Charles Almond, rector of Thornton, Rev. Matthew Dissney, vicar of Bradwell, Rev. Edward Chepsey, vicar of Woolverton, Rev. William Norman, curate of Lowton, Ralph Gladman of Aylesbury, schoolmaster, John Hawtrey, fellow of Eaton College, Rev. John James, rector of Lattimers, William Benson of Aylesbury, yeoman, Henry Monday of Aylesbury, yeoman, William Newland of Wing, yeoman, Henry Bell of Aylesbury, proctor, William Hunt of Aylesbury, proctor, Rev. Samuel Smith of Eaton. John Mountague of Waddesdon, Robert Goodson of [blank], William Howse of Oveing, James Lucas of [blank], William Gyles, senior, of Winslowe, James Clarke of Caddington, cordwainer, Peter Tyler of Haddenham, tailor, John Sturch of Haddenham, husbandman, William Smart of Aylesbury, husbandman, William Gyles, junior, of Winslow, Thomas White of Stewkley, Joseph Etheredge of , Robert Fellow of [blank],

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1689. Rev. George Baddeley, vicar of Little Brickhill, Rev. John Hornby, vicar of Mentmore, Rev. John Seymour, curate of Bow Brickhill, Rev. Adam Booker, rector of Broughton, Rev. Isiah Davies, vicar of Lathbury, Rev. Edward Butt, rector of Stoke Goldington, Rev. Robert Eskrigg, vicar of Ravens Towne, Rev. Thomas Kilpin, rector of Great Lynford, Rev. George Lesley, vicar of Olney, Rev. William Ward, vicar of Hanslop, Rev. William Aspin, S.T.P., rector of Emberton. Rev. Samuel Pepys, rector of Clifton Raines, Rev. Samuel Manning, rector of Newton Blossomvile, Rev. John Warburton, curate of Lavingdon, Rev. Richard Corney, rector of Little Wolston, Rev. Richard Hatch, curate of Shenley, Rev. Jonathan Read, curate of Haversham, John Round of Milton, schoolmaster, Rev. John Gibbs of Newport Pagnell, Rev. Lancelot Bland, rector of Tingewick, Rev. Peregrine King, curate of Ratcliff, Rev. Thomas Wareing, curate of Great Wollston, Rev. Francis Price, vicar of Wornall, Rev. George Pickern, curate of Maides Morton, Rev. William Butterfield, rector of Middle Cleydon Rev. John Theed, curate of Marsworth, Rev. Richard Gates, curate of Great Horwood, John Perkins, senior, of Tingewick, husbandman, John Grove of Tingewick, husbandman, Richard Ward of Steeple Cleydon, dyer, William Norman of Steeple Cleydon, grocer, John Warren of Leckhamstedd, grazier, Thomas North of Hillersden, grazier, John Perkins, junior, of Tingewick, husbandman, Matthew Wall of Tingewick, cordwainer, Robert Walter of Tingewick, labourer, James Wareing of Tingewick, labourer, John Markham, of Tingewick, fuller, Rev. Joseph Prettie, rector of Hawridge,

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Rev. John Osbaldiston, rector of Saunderton, Rev. John Breton, vicar of Dynton, Rev. John Lister, curate of Denham, William Gray of Beconsfield, physician, Rev. Thomas Evans, curate of Twyford, John Chilton of , schoolmaster, Robert Jony of Princes Risborough, barber-surgeon, Timothy Ransom of Princes Risborough, currier, Geoffrey Wild of Monks Risborough, carpenter, Thomas Headach of Monks Risborough, grocer, Edward Redrup of Amersham, blacksmith, Robert Catlin of Chesham, husbandman, Thomas Keene of Chesham, weaver, John Young of Amersham, tallow-chandler, Thomas Charsley of Amersham, carpenter, Daniel Bampton of Chesham, dyer, William Hobbs of Amersham, collar-maker, Jonas Harding of Amersham, husbandman, James Norwood of Amersham, clothier, Thomas Wilson of Chesham, carpenter, Thomas Tripp of Chesham, maltster, William Oakley of Amersham, tailor, George Spredborow of Princes Risborough, tailor, Richard Harding of Chepping Wycombe, baker, Thomas Tayler of Chepping Wycombe, lace buyer. Henry Francklin of Aston Clinton, physician, John Delafield of Stone, blacksmith, John Wade of Princes Risborow, sawyer, Robert Quarrendon of Princes Risborow, labourer, Thomas Burneham of Princes Risborow, tailor, Thomas Mountague, fellow of Eaton College, Charles Roderick, headmaster of Eaton School, John Newborough, under-master of Eaton School, [Rev.] William Fletewood, fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, Ralph Combes, “conductor” of Eton College, Rev. Thomas Beavans, curate of Upton, Rev. John Dell, curate of Stowe, John Hanson, registrar of Eaton College, Rev. John Manson, curate of Taplow.

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1689. pp. 181-182. Names of persons who subscribed the declaration contained in the act of 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1, sec. 3, namely “An Act to prevent Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament.” Richard Atkins of Haversham, esquire, William Farrer of Brafield, esquire, Francis Duncombe of Broughton, esquire, John Backwell of Tyringham, esquire, Charles Tyrrell of Hanslopp, esquire, Roger Chapman of Newport Pagnell, esquire, Simon Mayne of Dynton, esquire, Richard Ingoldesby of Waldridge, esquire, Thomas Chapman of Hanslopp, esquire, John Wittewronge of Staunton Bury, esquire, William Busby of Marish Gibbon, esquire, Thomas Piggott of Doddershall, esquire. Edward Bate of Maids Morton, esquire, John Shallcrosse of Bledlow, esquire, Rev. Francis Coston of Haddenham, Sir Dennis Hampson of Taplow, Bart., Edmund Waller of Beconsfield, esquire, Edmund Waller of Gregoryes, esquire, Thomas Grove,esquire, mayor of the borough of Chepping Wycombe, Robert Hart of Brill, esquire, Charles Stafford of Tottenhoe, esquire, Edward Hart of Brill, esquire, William Croke of Chilton, esquire, Anthony Chapman of Newport Pagnell, gentleman, Thomas Taylor of Stoney Stratford, gentleman, Rev. Thomas Bankes, S.T.P., minister, of Newport Pagnell, [Rev.] John Stannard [minister of Simpson], Rev. Lewis Atterbury, S.T.P., rector of Milton, Rev. William Pomfrett of Astwood, Rev. Thomas Dewbery, rector of North Crawley, [Rev.] William Nicholls [minister of Wootton], Rev. Ignatius Fuller of Sherrington, [Rev.] John Stevenson [of Willen], Matthew Annesley of Newport Pagnell, gentleman,

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Rev. George Goodman of Molsoe, Rev. Henry Maurice of Filgrave, Rev. Joseph Prettie, rector of Hawridge, Rev. John Osbaldiston, rector of Saunderton, Rev. John Breton, vicar of Dynton, Rev. John Lister, curate of Denham, William Gray of Beconsfield, physician, Rev. Thomas Evans, curate of Twyford, John Chilton of West Wycombe, schoolmaster, Thomas Mountague, fellow of Eaton College, Charles Roderick, headmaster of Eaton School, John Newborough, under-master of Eaton School, [Rev.] William Fletewood, fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, Ralph Combes, “conductor” of Eaton College, Rev. Thomas Bevans, curate of Upton, Rev. John Dell, curate of Stowe, John Hanson, registrar of Eaton College, John Hawtrey [fellow of Eaton College], John Manson, curate of Taplow. p. 183. Names of dissenters in Holy Orders who subscribed the declarations contained in the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 8. (i.e. Toleration Act). Rev. Samuel Smith of Eaton near Windsor, Rev. Archibald Hamilton of Chepping Wycomb, Rev. John Nott of Great Kimbell, Rev. William Alsop of Beconsfield. p. 184. Names of dissenters, who “scruple the baptizing of infants,” (i.e. Anabaptists), and subscribed the declarations contained in the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 10. John Mountague of Waddesdon, Robert Goodson of [blank], William Howes of [blank], James Lucas of [blank], James Clarke of Cuddington, cordwainer, Peter Tyler of Haddenham, tailor, John Sturch of Haddenham, husbandman, William Smart of Aylesbury, husbandman,

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MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1689. William Gyles, junior, of [blank], Thomas White of Stewkley, Joseph Etheredge of [blank], Rev. John Gibbs of Newport Pagnell, John Perkins, senior, of Tingewick, husbandman, John Grove of Tingewick, husbandman, Robert Jony of Princes Risborow, barber-surgeon, Timothy Ransom of Princes Risborow, currier, Geoffrey Wild of Monks Risborow, carpenter, Thomas Headeach of Monks Risborow, grocer, Edward Redrop of Amersham, blacksmith, Thomas Tripp of Chesham, maltster, Richard Harding of Chepping Wycombe, baker, Thomas Tayler of Chepping Wycombe, lace buyer. p. 185. Names of dissenters who took the oaths provided by the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declara- tions contained in the acts of 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1, sec. 3, and 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 1. [Rev.] Samuel Smith of Eaton, Rev. Archibald Hamilton of Chepping Wycombe, Rev. John Nott of Great Kimbell, Rev. William Alsop of Beconsfield, Anthony Spyer of Marish Gibbon, cordwainer, John Mountague of Waddesdon, Robert Goodson of [blank], William Howes of [blank], James Lucas of [blank], William Gyles, senior, of [blank], Francis Clarke of [blank], Peter Tyler of Haddenham, tailor, John Sturch of Haddenham, husbandman, William Smart of Aylesbury, husbandman, William Gyles, junior, of [blank], Thomas White of [blank], Joseph Etheredge of [blank], Robert Fellowes of [blank], Rev. John Gibbs of Newport Pagnell, John Perkins, senior, of Tingewick, husbandman, John Grove of Tingewick, husbandman,

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Richard Wade of Steeple Claydon, dyer, William Norman of Steeple Claydon, grocer, John Warren of Leckhamstedd, grazier, Thomas North of Hillersden, grazier, John Perkins, [junior], of Tingewick, husbandman, Matthew Wall of Tingewick, cordwainer, Robert Walter of Tingewick, labourer, James Wareing of Tingewick, labourer, John Markeham of Tingewick, fuller, Robert Jony of Princes Risborough, barber-surgeon, Timothy Ransom of Princes Risborough, currier, Geoffrey Wild of Monks Risborow, carpenter, Thomas Headeach of Monks Risborow, grocer, Edward Rudrop [Redrop] of Amersham, blacksmith, Robert Catlin of Chesham, husbandman, Thomas Keene of Chesham, weaver, John Younge of Amersham, tallow-chandler, Thomas Chearsley of Amersham, carpenter, Daniel Bampton of Chesham, dyer, William Hobbs of Amersham, collar-maker, Jonas Harding of Amersham, husbandman, James Norwood of Amersham, clothier, Thomas Wilson of Chesham, carpenter, Thomas Tripp of Chesham, maltster, William Oakley of Amersham, tailor, George Spredburrow of Princes Risborough, tailor, Richard Harding of Chepping Wycomb, baker, Thomas Taylor of Chepping Wycomb, lace buyer, Henry Francklin of Aston Clinton, physician, John Delafield of Stone, blacksmith, John Wade of Princes Risborow, sawyer, Robert Quarendon of Princes Risborow, labourer, Thomas Burneham of Princes Risborow, tailor. p. 186. Names of dissenters, who “scruple the taking of any oath” (i.e. Quakers), and subscribed the declarations contained in the acts of 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1, and 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 13. Clement Hunt of Donyngton, alias Dynton, yeoman, Edward Stone of Chepping Wycombe, mercer.

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MIDSUMMER SESSIONS, 1689. pp. 187-188. Registration of “the severall houses hereinafter mentioned . . . [as] publick meeting houses for Religious Worship,” in accordance with the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 19. The dwelling-houses of:— John Lawley, baker, in Princes Risborough, Timothy Ransome, currier ,, „ „ Bridget Cox, widow, ,, ,, ,, John Darvall, yeoman, at Loosely Row, ,, „ ,, Nicholas Parish, yeoman, at Loosely Row ,, ,, ,, Edward Cleydon, yeoman, at Lacyes Greene, ,, ,, ,, John Wade, sawyer, at Darvall’s Hill, ,, ,, „ Robert Quarrendon, yeoman, at Speene, „ ,, „ Nathaniel Costard, yeoman, ,, Bledlow, Samuel Partridge, „ Aylesbury, William Dancer, ,, ,, Joseph Etheredge, „ Rowsham, Elizabeth Monke, widow, ,, Bierton, Daniel Lucas, ,, Wingrave, Robert Clarke, „ Drayton Beauchamp, William Johnson, ,, Wing, [Blank] Stonly, widow, ,, Soulbury, William Gyles, ,, Winslow, John Hobbs, ,, Great Horwood, John Perkins, „ Tingewick, John Grove, „ ,, Richard Ware, „ Steeple Cleydon, [Blank] Holland, widow, ,, Granborow, Ralph Stevens, ,, North Marston, William House, „ Oveing John Beck, ,, Wood Hamm, Leonard Wilkins, ,, Lee, Richard Benham, „ Long Crendon, James Clarke, „ Cuddington,

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. [Blank] Nicholls, widow, in Cuddington, Robert Hore, ,, Dynton, Henry Goss, ,, ,, Clement Hunt, ,, ,, John Ross, „ Haddenham, Matthew Dagnall, „ „ Philip Willmott, ,, „ Rowland Bernard, „ „ William Sterch, ,, Chearsley, John Dellafield, „ Bishopstone in Stone, Henry Francklin, „ Aston Clinton, [Blank] Pickett, widow, „ Wendover, [Blank] Clarke, widow, „ Ellesborow, John Trip, „ Moncks Risborow, Richard Goodchild, „ Great Kimbell, [Blank] Goodchild, widow, „ Little Kimbell, Thomas White, „ Stewkly, Matthew Lenoe, „ Muresley, Thomas Wilson, „ Chesham, [Blank] Bennett, widow, ,, ,, Robert Catlin, at Whelply Hill, „ ,, Matthew Jones, at Ley Green, „ ,, Thomas Keene, ,, ,, John Mathews, „ Newport Pagnell, Thomas Kent (the barn of), „ ,, „ George Catharall, „ St. Margaretts, Thomas Chearsley, „ Amersham, Edward Rudrop, minister, „ „ John Noble, at Woodrow, „ „ Anthony Spyer, „ Marish Gibbon, Richard Robinson, pipe maker, ,, Eaton, Peter Silver, maltster, „ Chepping Wycombe, Thomas Tayler, lace buyer, ,, ,, ,, John Raunce, (the meeting house of), in Crendon Lane, ,, ,, „ Jane Browne, widow, „ Weston Turvile, John Child, „ Penn, John Plommer, gentleman, house called The Hamm, „ West Wycombe.

300 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSIONS, 1689. p. 189. Indictments. Richard Wright, William Moores, Thomas Shouler, and Elizabeth Miles, all of Aylesbury, for rioting and for assault- ing Mary Harding. [And see post p. 247.] John Tuffy of Lee, and Thomas Meard, junior, Philip Hughes, and John Jennings, all of Wendover, for keeping dogs, guns, and nets, and for killing hares, value £1. [And see post, p. 220.] Anne, wife of William Lee of Aylesbury, for defrauding Thomas Oliffe of 6s. [And see post, p. 219.] Anne Horwood of Buckland, widow, and John Greene of Stewkley, for not repairing the highway near Drayton Penns. [And see post, p. 214.] Richard Bampton of Buckland, for putting a fence in the highway at Old Lands. [And see post, p. 278.] Mary Robinson of West Wycomb, widow, for receiving Joseph Chambers and James Cock as inmates. Eleanor, wife of Robert Squire of Iver, for assaulting Peter Horton. (In gaol for non-payment of fine.) [And see post, p. 200.] Benjamin Smith of Brill, for keeping dogs, guns, and nets, and for killing hares, value £1. (In gaol for non-payment of fine.) [And see post, p. 200.] Elizabeth, wife of Robert Jeffkins, Anne Robinson, James Robinson and Joyce, his wife, and Mary Robinson, widow, all of West Wycombe, for rioting and for assaulting Thomas Pokins, constable, and Thomas Spencer, church- warden. [And see post, p. 220.] Presentments. Richard Major, constable of Preston, for neglect of duty. [And see post, p. 216.] The constables of Chittwood, for not “bringing in their articles.” William Lea, alias Lee, for refusing to watch and ward. Robert Axten of Princes Risborow and Henry Newman of Datchett, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Richard Cole of Datchett, for being a popish recusant. Thomas Coming, constable of Fawley, for not bringing in his returns and quarteridge money.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 190. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Aylesbury . . . . John Goldsworth, Edward Bowler, John Bigg, and Joseph Hickman, vice Nathaniel Netmaker, John Verey, William Druce, and Thomas Monke. Kingsey . . . . Thomas Harris vice Thomas Birch. Ludgershall . . William Sherley vice William Hine. Turweston . . . . Thomas Strainge vice James Knight. Adstock . . . . Richard Gilberd vice Thomas Evered. Aston Abbots . . Thomas Hobbs and Thomas Milmer vice Richard Parker and John Harley. Drayton Parslow . . Thomas Temple vice Samuel Fenner. Dunton . . . . Samuel Fryer vice Edward Carter. Stewkley . . . . Thomas Brice vice William Bate. Edgcott . . . . Francis Slemaker vice Thomas Aylworth. Swanburne . . William Cooke and Edward Ansty, junior, vice Thomas Marsham and Thomas Waters. Hollendon in Percival Chandler and John Hopkins Soulbury vice Bernard Collins and Humphrey Pantline. Burnham . . . . Thomas Andrews vice Richard Galli- more, and John Goldwin as tithing- man vice [blank]. East Burnham . . Andrew Gussat vice Richard Pond. Amersham . . . . Joseph Tench as tithingman vice Thomas Jackson, deceased. Great Marlow Forrens John Shirfield as tithingman vice Edward Chowne. Hambledon . . William Sharpe and Peter Ryder vice John Deane and Robert Toovey. Turfield . . . . Thomas Right and Thomas Cooke vice John Pitcher and William Rhoades, and David Howse as tithingman vice William Hester. Wooburne . . William Paltock and Andrew Lane vice Richard Selby and Thomas Weedon.

302 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1689. p. 191. Orders. Richard Lane of Skirmote in Hambledon, gentleman, sworn chief constable of Disborough in place of Thomas Winckles, gentleman. Robert Langdale, gentleman, discharged from his recognizance upon “the order of assizes for prosecuting John Phillips.” Order discharging the indictments against the inhabitants of Drayton Beachampe for not repairing part of the highway from Ivinghoe to Aylesbury near Drayton Penns, in order that they may bring an indictment against the owners of the ground on the south, called the Penn, whose duty it is to repair this part of the highway. Order discharging a warrant for the removal of Robert Jeffkins and his wife from West Wycombe to Bledlow, unless the inhabitants of the former parish can produce a true copy of the warrant. p. 192. Order discharging the indictment against Peter Lowndes, senior, and Peter Lowndes, junior, for a pound breach, “they haveing craved the Benefitt of the generall pardon made by the late King James, bearing teste the fourth of Octover last, their crimes being therein included.” Adjournment of the appeal of Thornton against a warrant settling the child of Peter Locker and his wife there. Order for the removal of Roger Winslow, a vagrant, from Hartwell to Southall, alias Southwell, alias Norcott, co. Middlesex, where he had been in service with Stephen Hodgekins. pp. 193-196. The following report by a committee of certain justices upon the accounts of the late receiver general, Mr. Joseph Rawson, is ordered to be kept by Thomas Smith, gentleman, clerk of the peace, amongst the records of the sessions. U 303 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. They reported that the balance of the last account taken on the 4th May, 1688, was £352. 6s. 8d., which, adding £82. 11s. 2d., the quarterly payments for the Michaelmas session, and deducting £56. 3s. 0d., the disbursements made by the receiver general before his death, leaves a balance of £378. 14s. 10d. due from him to the County stock. When Mr. Rawson was appointed, he entered into a bond, dated the 28th April, 1683, with Hugh Glover, cooper, and Thomas Alexander, pewterer, as sureties, before Sir Richard Temple, K.B., of Stow, Sir Ralph Verney, Bart., of Middle Cleydon, Sir Anthony Chester, Bart., of Chichly, and Sir John Busby, Knt., of Addington, under which the parties were bound in the sum of £300. This bond was produced to the committee by Thomas Farrer of Aylesbury, esquire, but they have not been able to institute any proceedings upon it “by reason of the late Revolution in this kingdome and want of Sufficient Authority and means for prosecuting of the same, nor are any of the said Security liveing except Thomas Alexander, who wee apprehend to be in a declining condition.” Mrs. Rawson. widow of Joseph Rawson, stated that there was £46. 18s. 0d. “in her said Husband’s house in ready money,” and £20 owing to him by Hugh Glover of Aylesbury. As regards receipts and payments for the Michaelmas quarter, the quarterly receipts were as follows:— £31. 18s. 4d. from Mr. Samuel Grainge, treasurer for “the upper division for the maimed soldiers”: £31. 7s. 3½d. from Mr. Richard Playstow, treasurer for “the lower division for the maimed soldiers”: £10. 2s. 9½d. from Mr. Edward Baldwin, treasurer for “the upper division for the King’s Bench and Marshalsea”: £9. 2s. 9d. from Mr. William Hartley, treasurer for “the lower division for the King’s Bench and Marshalsea.” This total of £82. 11s. 2d. is the quarterly amount assessed upon the County. The quarterly payments were as follows:—£24. 10s. 0d. to the various County pensioners: £7. 10s. 0d. each to the bridewells at Newport and Aylesbury, and £2. 10s. 0d. to the bridewell at Wickham: £1. 12s. 6d. for “nurse- ing and maintaining a child born in Aylesbury Goal”: 10s. “to the King’s Bench and Marshalsea.” This made a 304 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSIONS, 1689. total of £44. 2s. 6d., “which are all the reasonable and Legall Charges wee find issueing out of the said quarterly payment of £82. 11s. 2d., except the Quarterly Allowance of Bread to the Prisoners in Aylesbury Goal, of which wee can make no Certaine Computation.” Taking this last amount at the usual average of £5 a quarter, the total payments come to only £49. 2s. 6d., which leaves a quarterly balance of £33. 8s. 8d., “which wee Conceive for the most part an unnecessary over charge upon the said County in every Quarter.” The committee appended a list of the account books and papers relating to the County stock which were handed over by Mrs. Rawson. p. 197. Reference of the appeal of the inhabitants of Winslow against their rates to certain justices. Adjournment of the appeal of Chesham against a warrant for removing Thomas Gray from West Wycombe. Order for the settlement of Thomas Wright and his family at Bishopstone. Repeal of the recent order concerning fees for entering licences for alehouses. [And see ante. p. 94.] Order for the removal of Edward Pinner from Aylesbury to Woxbridge, co. Middlesex. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of John Jordan of Walton in Aylesbury concerning his assessment to rates. p. 198. Order referring the question of the settlement of Robert Jefkin and his wife to certain justices. Order that the four treasurers shall continue to manage the County stock, and that Mr. Joshua Young of Wendover, executor to the late Richard Playstow, gentleman, one of the treasurers, shall hand over Mr. Playstow’s accounts to the present treasurer. 305 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Order that John Stratton, son of Robert Stratton, who has returned to Princes Risborow, in defiance of an order of Court removing him, with his wife and child, to Aston Clinton, shall be sent to Aylesbury bridewell unless he at once obeys the order. p. 199. The clerk of the peace ordered to circulate the order, made at Easter, 1688, concerning rogues and vagabonds, to all the chief constables. Peter May of Chepping Wycombe, tallow-chandler, licensed “to keep a Common Coffee House and sell and utter Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Aromatick, and such other liquors usually sold in Coffee houses.” Adjournment of the appeal of from a warrant removing Francis Amsdell, with his wife and child, from Woborne. p. 200. Matthew Annesley, keeper of the bridewell at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his salary by Mr. John Gurney, one of the treasurers. Eleanor, wife of Robert Squire, to be kept in gaol until she pays her fine of 13s. 4d. for assaulting Peter Horton. Benjamin Smith to be kept in gaol until he pays his fine of twenty nobles (£6. 13s. 4d.) for “destroying the game.” Richard Chandler, junior, fined 6s. 8d. for rioting and for assaulting Thomas Chandler. p. 201. Recognizances extended. John Chapman of Bletchley in £20, for his appearance at the next session. Thomas Wright of Tingewick, butcher, in £100, with John Hawkes, tailor, and John Money, labourer, both of Aylesbury, as sureties in £50 each, for his good behaviour.

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MIDSUMMER SESSIONS, 1689. James Chaundler of Stanmore, co. Middlesex, in £20, with William Gilbett and John Doe, both of Chesham, as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Robert Hurles of Chalfont St. Peter, thatcher, in £20, with Thomas Price of the same, miller, and Richard Robinson of Denham as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Elizabeth, wife of James Hutchens, Recognizances entered into. William Lee, junior, of Aylesbury, carpenter, for the appearance of Anne, his wife, at the next session. Benjamin Smith of Brill in £40, for his appearance at the next session. p. 202. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Edward Rose, junior, of Haddenham, Michael Sear of Masworth, and William Haines of Bletchley fined £1. 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. Eleanor, wife of Robert Squire, fined 13s. 4d., for assault- ing Peter Horton. Benjamin Smith fined £6. 13s. 4d., for destroying game. William Osborne of Great Marlow, surgeon, forfeits his recognizance of £500 for non- appearance, and his sureties John Osborne of Cullenton, co. Devon, apothecary, and Alexander Oliffe of Aylesbury, forfeit £150 each. John Money of Aylesbury forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance, and his sureties, William Nooreys and John Mayden, both of Aylesbury, forfeit £10 each. Richard Chandler, junior, fined 6s. 8d., for assaulting Richard Chandler, senior. p. 203. Recognizances discharged. Robert Fellow of Bletchley, John Littlehales of Edmonton, co. Middlesex, John Hawkes of Aylesbury, labourer, Henry Connett of Ivinghoe, gentleman, Thomas Leach, John Cary, and Peter Horton, all of Iver, Francis Hartwell, Daniel Browne, Adrian Aldridge, William Harber, and John Dell, all of Datchett, James Hasle and William 307 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Hasle, both of Chesham, John Holt of Hawridge, Thomas Floyde, Thomas Sills, and Edward Lack, all of Beconsfield, William Harley of Newport Pagnell, William Watts of Stony Stratford, John Elesly, farrier, William Rigsby, farmer, Richard Sutton, tobacco-pipe maker, Andrew Ward, farrier, and John Johnson, farmer, all of Eaton, Henry Spriggs of Farnham Royall, Henry Ewstace, butcher, Edward Barton, and Peter Forster, all of Chalfont St. Peter, Peter Horton, victualler, Richard Allen, Christopher Saunders, Elizabeth Nicholls, widow, and Thomas Phillips, butcher, all of Iver, John Sevill of Chalfont St. Giles, Benjamin Smith, Thomas Gibson, and John Perrott, all of Brill, Robert Colborne of Beconsfield, Luke Wrench, mason, and John Tyler, both of Haddenham, Michael Hayly of Wheatley, co. Oxford, surgeon, Robert Greenwood of Haddenham, William Lee, senior, and William Lee, junior, both of Aylesbury, and John Reynor, Richard Rose, and John Cary, all of Wing. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 204-206. [Blank.]

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHEPPING WYCOMBE 10th October, 1689 [1 William and Mary] p. 207. Jurors for the body of the County. John How, gentleman, Thomas Barnaby, Joseph Bampton, Silvester Dancer, Richard Brigginshaw, junior, Thomas Lake, gentleman, John Towne, John Hill, gentleman, John Cripps, Robert Stevens, John Bowden, John George, Richard Major, William Hester, George Smith, Samuel Bowry, Thomas Seare, gentleman, Thomas Johnson, Robert Adams, Richard Purratt, and Thomas Pursell. (Signed) William Fletewode, esquire, sheriff. Names of persons who produced a Sacrament Certificate, took the oaths provided in the act of 1 William and 308 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1689. Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration against transub- stantiation. Robert Gainsford of Chesham, gentleman, Michael Seare of Marsworth, gentleman, Thomas Fellow, mayor of the borough of Chepping Wycombe. Thomas Lee of Hartwell, esquire. p. 208. Names of persons who subscribed the declaration contained in the act of 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. Rev. Henry Hibbins, rector of Waddesdon. Names of dissenters in Holy Orders who subscribed the declarations contained in the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 8. Rev. George Mills of Langley Marish. Names of dissenters who took the oaths provided by the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declarations contained in the acts of 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1, sec. 3, and 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 1. Rev. George Mills of Langley Marish. Henry Larrymore of Chilton, yeoman. p. 209. Registration of the following meeting places as “publick meeting houses for Religious Worship for the People called Quakers,” in accordance with the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 19. Part of the barn of John Jennings, in the “Wood Liberty,” in Burnham, A meeting place called New Jordens,,, Chalfont St. Gyles, A meeting place called Tiler’s, (not inhabited),at Sear Green, ,, Farnham Royall, Part of Joseph Winch’s house, ,, Amersham, Part of John How’s house, ,, Chesham, The house of Joseph Graveny at Prestwood, ,, Great Missenden,

309 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. The house of John White, senior, at Meadle, in Monks Risborow, The house of Henry Costard, ,, Guleswick, The house of Edmund Belson, ,, Haddenham, The house of Thomas West, „ Long Crendon, Part of the house of Sarah Lamburn, widow, „ Aylesbury, The orchard of George Brill’s house, „ Weston Turvile, A meeting place at Hogsty End, ,, Wavendon, A meeting place at Water Lane, , Sherrington, The house of Elizabeth Glidwell, widow, ,, Newport Pagnell, The house of James Brierly, ,, Olney, The house of Francis Warre, „ Biddlesden, Part of John Grove’s house at , „ Ratcliffe. Names of persons who took the oaths provided in the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 8, sec. 12. John Godfrey of Stony Stratford, cooper, executor of the will of Silvester Whitmill, deceased, a servant of the late King Charles II. Rev. Henry Hibbins, rector of Waddesdon. p. 210. Indictments. John Furnace of Loughton, for keeping a disorderly alehouse, and for harbouring rogues. [And see post, p. 247.] Edward Fryer and Francis Monday, both of Little Missenden, for breaking down the house and palings of Thomas Moreton. Richard Jones of Shenley, for “refusing to live as a servant.” (Found not guilty.) Richard Harding, Dorothy Harrison, Henry Harrison, Sarah Lovejoy, Joan Wigginton, John Wigginton, senior, Thomas Ward, Elizabeth Barnes, Elizabeth Dowglas, and Ellen Gower, widows, all of Great Marlow, Henry Newman of Datchett, George Browne of Iver, George Fuller, alias Bernard, of Bradwell, and Adam Edwards of Hambledon, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. [And see post, p. 278.]

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MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1689. The inhabitants of Drayton Beauchamp, Bradwell, and Berton, for not repairing their highways. Luke Welhead of Radnedge, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. John Smith, alias Beadon, senior, Thomas Newell, and Edward Barloe, all of Radnedge, for riotously breaking into the cottage of Anne Buckland. [And see post, pp. 220 and 247.] Nicholas Harly of Wingrove and Anne, his wife, for trading as bakers without having been duly apprenticed. Henry Taylor, Edward Taylor, William Taylor, and Thomas Taylor, all of Soulbery, for rioting and for assaulting Thomas Goss. [And see post, p. 220.] p. 211. Presentments. Richard Culverhouse of Edlesburrough, for not returning his articles. [And see post, p. 304.] John Turner of Denham, for “converting one tenement into two.” Adam Edwards of Hambledon, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. John Tripp and Mary Sheppard, both of Longwicke, for harbouring beggars. The inhabitants of Beconsfield, for not repairing Aylesbury Way. Petty constables and tithingman sworn. Upton in Dynton. . Henry Clarke vice Richard Dosset. Fingest . . . . William Deane vice John Pontefex. Chalfont St. Peter John Russell, blacksmith, and John Monke, weaver, vice Josias Copland and Thomas Woods, and John Ives and Peter Franklin as tithingmen vice John Tredway and Benjamin Kible. Great Marlow . . John Heyward, brazier, and Samuel Barney vice Richard Young and John Williams, and Christopher Edwards, junior, and William Thomas as 311 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. tithingmen vice George Haycraft and Stephen Stevens. Great Marlow Forrens Roger Fleetwood and John Turner vice Richard Cordall and John Plater. Wooborne . . . . William Shrimpton as tithingman vice Christopher Beck. Dagnall . . . . Robert Hill vice John Humfry. Newport Pagnell . . William Hill and Gabriel King vice Stephen Hodell and Samuel Coales. Weston Turvile . . William Fenner and William Bate vice William Syred and Richard Turner. Chalfont St. Giles Richard Lovett, junior, and William Ebborne vice Samuel Evered and Henry Body. Grendon Underwood Andrew Hide vice Richard Wall. Bletchley . . . . Stephen Daniel vice Robert Fellows. Wingrove . . William Cutbeard vice William Whitehall. Lower Winchingdon Andrew Rice vice George Hawes. Tingewicke . . John Perkins vice William Browne, deceased. p. 212. Orders. The dispute between Robert Skevington, gentleman, and Elizabeth Neale, his late servant, is referred to certain justices. John Brown, alias Daniel, released from gaol on bail and bound over in £20, with two sureties of £10, for his appearance at the next session. p. 213. Order for the removal of the child of Peter Locker, and Amy, his deceased wife, from Thornton to Whaddon. The question of the relief of Nicholas Symonds of Whitchurch and his wife is referred to certain justices.

312 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1689. p. 214. Certain justices appointed to consider the question of the repair of certain bridges over the River Colne in the parishes of Colebrook, Langley, and Horton, and the repair of a causeway near there. They are also to ascertain how much the inhabitants of Stanwell, co. Middlesex, should contribute towards these repairs. Order dismissing the appeal of Chesham against a warrant removing Thomas Gray from West Wycomb. Anne Horwood, widow, and John Green fined £5 each for not repairing the highway near Drayton Penns in Drayton Beauchamp, but the fine is remitted until next session. p. 215. Order allowing the appeal of Hedsore against a warrant removing Francis Amsdell, with his wife and child, from Woborne, and directing that Amsdell and his family shall be settled in Burnham. Thomas Wright and Anne, his wife, and Jane Bussy ordered to be released from the bridewell at Chepping Wycomb, where they were sent “for wandring vagrants and forgeing a pass,” as there appears to be “nothing of prosecution” against them. Order giving the inhabitants of Haddenham until next session to bring a certificate that they have repaired “the way to Stonebridge or Stransum River.” p. 216. Order for the removal of Thomas Wright and his wife from Stone to Great Missenden. Order for the removal of John, son of Robert Stratton, with his wife and child, from Aston Clinton to Ellesborough. Richard Major of Preston Bissett complained that he had been chosen as a petty constable for that parish in spite of the fact that he had already served as a chief constable, and that he was presented for not carrying out the office. It is ordered that the presentment against him shall be 313 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. discharged and that John Chapman, in whose place he was chosen, shall continue in the office. p. 217. Adjournment of the case against Mary Robinson of West Wycomb, widow, for assaulting Thomas Pokins and others, upon her “humble request . . . that she is infirm and not able at present to travell to this Court.” Adjournment of the appeal of Princes Risborow against a warrant removing George Ewer, with his wife and child, from Monks Risborow. Confirmation of a previous order that “all criples travelling on the Gloucester Road should be carryed from Denham to Fullmer,” upon the complaint of Chalfont St. Peter that the officers of Denham had “brought a poor woman big with child who was travelling on the Gloucester Road, and delivered her to the officers of Chalfont St. Peter.” p. 218. The Treasurer for the “lower division” is ordered to pay £2 to Rose Roberts, and £3 to William Perkins, bailiff of the hundreds of Buckingham, for repairs to a County bridge in Thornborough and Borton. The Treasurer for the “upper division” is ordered to pay 20 nobles [£6. 13s. 4d.] to Mr. Richard Turner, “one of their Majesties Coroners for the said County, in full for his Paines and Charges in and about the execution of their Majesties Service in the Vacancy of a High Sheriff.” p. 219. Adjournment of the appeal of Radnage concerning the settlement of Thomas Quaint. Order cancelling the fines imposed upon Hugh Willett of Great Horwood and Henry Tilcock of Slapton, for being absent from a grand jury. The treasurer for the “lower division” ordered to pay Mr. William Benson, the County gaoler, £3 for conveying prisoners from Aylesbury to Chepping Wycombe for the assizes, and £2. 2s. for money spent upon clothing Thomas Freeman, a prisoner.

314 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1689. The case against Anne, wife of William Lee, junior, is removed by writ of certiorari. Richard Gomme, Thomas Liveing, John Liveing, and Ephraim Haynes, all of Little Kimble, discharged from the indictments upon pleading the benefit of “his late Majesties most gracious proclamation of pardon.” p. 220. Indictments confessed. William Lyndon and John Clarke, junior, both of Aylesbury, fined 3s. 4d. for refusing to obey the constables. Henry Taylor, Edward Taylor, and Thomas Taylor fined 5s. each, for assaulting Thomas Gosse. John Wheeler of Aylesbury fined 3s. 4d., for refusing to assist the constables. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Jeffkins, Anne Robinson, spinster, James Robinson, and Joyce, his wife, fined 3s. 4d. each for assaulting Thomas Pokins and others. John Smith, alias Beadon, senior, fined 3s. 4d. for breaking into the cottage of Mary Buckland of Radnage. Thomas Meard, junior, fined £1, for keeping dogs, etc., and for destroying game. p. 221. Recognizances extended. Samuel Evans of Stony Stratford Westside, victualler, in £20, with William Foster and Henry Travill as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace. Recognizances entered into. Edward Fryer of Little Missenden, yeoman, John Furnace of Loughton, victualler, Richard Jones of Shenly, and Samuel Gourney of Bierton, gentleman, in £40 each, to appear and answer. pp. 222-223. Fines and issues. Thomas Atwood of Maidsmorton, William Hazell of Steeple Cleydon, Henry Bunn of Chesham, gentleman, and Oliver Penn of Stony Stratford fined £1. 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors.

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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. The fines of the twelve persons given on p. 220, ante, are here repeated. Grace Bennett, widow, fined £20, for forcible entry upon the lands and tenements of William Hartly, Richard Swaine, and William Thorne at Stony Stratford in the parish of Calverton. Anne Horwood, widow, and John Green fined £5 each, for not repairing the highway at Drayton Penns. The inhabitants of Bradwell fined 10s., for not appearing to answer an indictment, and the inhabitants of Kingsey fined £5, for not repairing Stonebridge, alias Stransom Bridge. pp. 224-225. Recognizances discharged. Dorothy Cox, spinster, Anthony Spire, cordwainer, Thomas Walton, yeoman, Edward Newman, senior, yeoman, and Isaac Newman, yeoman, all of Marish Gibbon, John Harpur of Twiford, cordwainer, George Wise of Buckingham, yeoman, [blank], wife of Robert Hitchcock, and Thomas Harpur, yeoman, both of Twiford, John Robbins, yeoman, Thomas Wigg, husbandman, George Bowden, husbandman, Thomas Mercer, labourer, Anne, wife of Thomas Mercer, junior, Thomas Bonham, labourer, and William Coleman, labourer, all of Charndon, Francis Ayres, yeoman, and Thomas Horwood, labourer, both of Twiford, John Hawes, labourer, and William Alday, victualler, both of Edgecott, Robert Skevington of Newton Blossomvile, gentleman, Edward Fryer of Little Missenden, yeoman, Francis Fryer of Hugendon, yeoman, Gilham Kemp of Great Missenden, yeoman, Peter Horton, victualler, James Wild, labourer, and Richard Allen, carpenter, all of Iver, John Miller of Parsinum, co. Northampton, labourer, Grace Bennett of Calverton, widow, Francis Cleer, victualler, and William Adkins, miller, both of Stony Stratford Westside, Robert Foux and John Teagle, both of Dunsanger in Parsinum, co. Northampton, labourers, Richard Harris of Beauchampton, labourer, Elizabeth Syred, spinster, Francis Gower, and William Emarton, all of Whitchurch, Thomas Tayler, junior, Thomas Tayler, senior, Laurence Buckney, Thomas Gosse, William Stevens, and James Buckmaster, all of Soulbury, 316 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1689. John Furnace, victualler, William Windmill, and Richard Newell, all of Loughton, John Collett, carrier, John Williatt, Henry Curtis, Henry Smith, and Arthur Smith, all of Little Horwood, Henry Curtis and Richard Jones, both of Shenly, Richard Newell, William Clare, William Godfry, blacksmith, and Thomas Lovejoy, farmer, all of Little Marlow, and Matthew Tompson of Cokeham, co. Berks. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 226-228. [Blank.]

EPIPHANY SESSION AT AYLESBURY 16th January, 1689-90 [1 William and Mary] p. 229. Jurors for the body of the County. Nathaniel Birch, gentleman, Thomas Brooks, John Rose, Joseph Pedder, Thomas Oliver, Andrew Rice, John Baggaley, Thomas Bunce, William Warr, William Ball, Henry Moreton, Thomas Wigg, John Wheeler, Richard Bruges, junior, John Sawell, William Deverell, William Edwyn, gentleman, Lucas Perryman, and Thomas Parratt. (Signed) Edmund Waller, esquire, sheriff. p. 230. The following persons produced sacrament certificates, etc.:— William Russell of Aston Abbotts, gentleman, Thomas Barnwell, gentleman, deputy sheriff, James Tyrrell of Oakley, esquire, Edward Boddington, junior, of Cold Brafield, gentleman, Richard Gilpin, senior, of Walton, gentleman, Thomas Gilpin of Wooston, gentleman, John Chevall of Bow Brickhill, gentleman. The following persons subscribed the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1:— John Godfrey of Stony Stratford, cooper,

317 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. William Sturch of Chearsley, husbandman, Richard Bere of Olney, apothecary, William Russell of Abbotts Aston, gentleman, Averiana, wife of the Rev. Roger Hitchcocke. The barn or house of Thomas Serjeant of Olney was registered as a meeting house for Anabaptists. p. 231. Indictments. John Billington of Whitchurch and Elizabeth, his wife, for trading as bakers without having been duly apprenticed. Alice Curtis, widow, William Claver, gentleman, Benjamin Bosswell, yeoman, Edward Symonds, yeoman, Edward Fleet, yeoman, John Provis, and William Cooper, all of Weedon in Hardwick, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. John Andrew of Little Kimbell for putting a ditch and a hedge in the highway at Briddens Lane. (And see post, pp. 304 and 354.] The inhabitants of Great Missenden and Lee, alias Ley, for not repairing part of the highway from Wendover to Chesham near Hunts Green. John Johnson, senior, and John Johnson, junior, both of Newport Pagnell, for extortion when acting as bailiffs. [And see post, pp. 247 and 278.] Thomas Ping of Winslow, for stealing three chickens, value 10d. [And see post, p. 237.] William Kemp of Great Horwood, for assaulting William Underwood. [And see post, p. 247.] Henry Smith and Thomas Oakley, both of Little Horwood, and Robert Seares of Great Horwood, for assaulting Henry Robinson. [And see post, p. 278.] John Bennett, junior, of Great Missenden, for assaulting Joseph Jennings. [And see post, p. 278.] Thomas Tatham of Swanburne, for refusing to assist William Cooke, the constable. [And see post, p. 247.] Elizabeth Gillott and Mary Lea, both of Newport Pagnell, for stealing clothes, value 10d., from Thomas Miller. [And see post, p. 237.]

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EPIPHANY SESSION, 1689-90. Alice Pond of Monks Risborow, widow, for entertaining vagabonds and for keeping “ill rule” in her house. [And see post, pp. 238 and 247.] p. 232. Presentments of the grand jury. Judith Rose, widow, and Joseph Rose, both of Aylesbury, for building a cottage “upon the wast of Aylesbury at the common dunghill, without the Lycence of the Lord and Inhabitants.” James Brandon of Aylesbury, for similarly building a cottage at Baker’s Lane End. Mary Jordan of Aylesbury, widow, for harbouring vagrants. [And see post, p. 247.] Sir Edward Longueville, Bart., of Woolverton, Richard Minshall of Boreton, esquire, John Webb, esquire, and Charles Dormer, esquire, both of Peterley, and John Howse, gentleman, and Finch Howse, gentleman, both of Bierton, for being popish recusants. Presentments of the petty constables. Henry Batchellor, constable of Chesham Boyes, for not bringing in his returns or his quarterly money. Philip Vanbrooke and [blank] Samon, both of Datchett, and Anne Buckland of Radnedge, for being popish recusants. Anne Everitt, Anne Hubbocks, and Elizabeth Bass, all of Brill, for “keeping themselves at home and not going to Service according to Law.” John Ussell of Brill, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. The constables of Shabington and Quarendon, for not bringing in returns or paying quarterly money. p. 233. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Great Brickhill . . William Sheppard, junior, a d John Newman, “of the Park,” vice Robert Chappell and William Rogers. Buckland . . . . Henry Norwood vice James Grover. Boveney Burnham in Humphrey Clarke vice John Dason, and Richard Richardson as tithingman vice Edward Garvice. x 319 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Bledlow..William Heyborne vice Richard Turnor. . . Stephen Morrice vice John Wade. Stoke Mandavile . . John Arnott and William Bankworth vice William Ford and John Brill. Brill . . . . John Wedge vice George Hunt. Winslow . . . . Robert Spooner, junior, and William Gyles, senior, vice Samuel Norman and Francis Dossett. Quainton . . . . Stephen White vice Peter Hewes. Hardwick . . . . Michael Symons vice Alexander Duncomb. Wing . . . . John Carpin, Francis Jorden, and George Coventry vice Thomas Stevens John Cooper, and Francis Mortimore. Aston Clynton . . Michael Welles vice Henry Franklin. Hulcott . . . . William Smith vice Francis Whitchurch. p. 234. Orders. Order discharging Millicent Smith from her apprenticeship to Gabriel Prentice of Wendover, as she has received “very rigorous usage” from Prentice and his wife. Order for the removal of William Boreman from Preston Bissett to Charleton, co. Oxford. p. 235. Order referring to certain justices the dispute between the inhabitants of Stoke Hamond and Mr. Bate, the rector there, concerning rates. The case of the removal of Edward Pinner from Aylesbury to Woxbridge, co. Middlesex, is removed by writ of certiorari. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of Edward Beckley of Swanburne concerning his rates. The inhabitants of Beconsfield given further time in which to produce a certificate that their highways have been repaired, owing to “the unseasonableness of the weather.”

320 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1689-90. p. 236. Order allowing the appeal of Northchurch, co. Hertford, against a warrant removing Thomas Birch, with his wife and children, from Amersham. Order dismissing the appeal of Burnham against an order removing Francis Amsdell, with his wife and child, from Hedsor. p. 237. Thomas Ping, Elizabeth Gillott, and Mary Lee, who were found guilty of larceny, are ordered to be whipped at the cart’s tail from Aylesbury gaol to the George Inn and back again, and then to be discharged. Further adjournment of the appeal of Princes Risborough [See ante, p. 217.] Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Bierton for not repairing their highways. p. 238. Alice Pond of Monks Risborow fined 3s. 4d. for entertaining vagabonds and committed to gaol in default of payment. The inhabitants of Haddenham given further time in which to produce a certificate that they have repaired the road to Stonebridge or Stansum River, owing to “the unseasonableness of the weather.” Order confirming a warrant for the removal of James Piddington from Haddenham to Thame, co. Oxford. p. 239. Order referring to certain justices the question of the settlement of Thomas Richmond, the bastard child of Elizabeth Richmond and Thomas King of Charnton in Twyford. Order adjourning the consideration of the settlement of the wife and children of John Smerlee at Loughton or Shenley.

321 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 240. Order dismissing the appeal of Great Missenden against an order removing Thomas Wright and his wife from Stone. Further adjournment of the case against Anne Horwood and John Green. [See ante, p. 214.] Upon the complaint of the inhabitants of Brill that George Hubbox and Michael Rawbone, “who are able of body for the worke and labour, yett refuse to putt themselves out or to take upon themselves any honest, industrious way of getting their liveings,” it is ordered that they shall, “before our Lady day next, severally hire themselves into some service or services in Husbandry or other lawfull employment.” If they refuse to obey this order, they are to be sent to Aylesbury bridewell for a month with hard labour. p. 241. Further adjournment of the appeal of Radnedge. [See ante, p. 219.] Adjournment of the appeal of Addington against a warrant settling John Jervase in their parish, and the appeal of Slapton against a warrant removing William Day and Elizabeth, his wife, from Ivingo. p. 242. Adjournment of the appeal of Ellesborough against an order removing John, son of Robert Stratton, with his wife and child, from Aston Clinton. Adjournment of the reference of John Jordan’s appeal against his assessment to rates at Walton in Aylesbury. p. 243. Order extending the recognizance of William Hopkins of Great Marlow, innholder. Upon the complaint of several parishioners of Chepping Wycombe Forrens, the opinion of the Court is given that “no persons ought to be burthened with parish children as apprentices against their consents.”

322 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1689-90. The officers of Stoke Hamond are ordered to deposit their parish books with the clerk of the peace, in order that Mr. Bates and his counsel may inspect them. [See ante, p. 235.] p. 244. Leonard Heyfield of Hugendon, labourer, admitted to a County pension of £2 a year in place of the late Henry Wilkinson, “upon the instance of the right Honorable John, Lord Lovelace.” Upon the petition of Rose Robberts of Evershaw Oldwick in Luffield Abby, widow, stating that she is in great poverty and that her house was “blown downe by the late great Wind,” the treasurer for the “lower division” is ordered to pay her £1 for her maintenance and £2 for finding her a habitation for the next year. p. 245. Eleanor Brackley, widow, to be paid a further allowance of 1s. a week by the overseers of Ivingho, bringing her allowance up to 2s. 6d. Upon the petition of Elizabeth Bowd, a prisoner in the gaol, stating that she is “grieveously deseased, and a lame and sickly woman, friendless and unable to help herself,” the treasurer for the “lower division” is ordered to pay her 10s. for her relief. William Benson, gentleman, the County gaoler, to be paid £1. 5s. for sums expended upon the delivery and burial of the bastard child of Mary Hadderill, alias King, “a very poor prisoner in the said goal, convicted of severall felonyes.” p. 246. Matthew Clerk to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Great Missenden. Order for the payment of the salary of Matthew Annesley, the bridewell keeper of Newport Pagnell, by John Gurney, gentleman, treasurer of the King’s Bench and Marshalsea money.

323 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. The following persons took the new oaths of allegiance, etc., provided in 1 William and Mary, c. 8. :— Piercy Langracke of Stony Stratford Eastside, gentleman, Jeremiah Carter of Woolverton, labourer, Thomas Gilpin of “Woofton de le Greene,” gentleman, John Chewall of Bow Brickhill, gentleman, John Godfrey of Stony Stratford, cooper, William Sturch of Haddenham, husbandman, Richard Bere of Olney, apothecary, Averina Hitchcocke, widow and executrix of the late George Russell of Abbotts Aston, gentleman. p. 247. Indictments confessed and traversed. Thomas Tattam of Swanburne fined £1, for refusing to obey William Cooke, the petty constable. William Kempe of Great Horwood fined £2, for assault- ing William Underwood. Alice Pond of Monks Risborough fined 3s. 4d., for entertaining vagabonds and for “keeping disorders” in her house. Thomas Newell and Edward Barlow, both of Radnedge, fined 3s. 4d. each, for breaking into the cottage of Mary Buckland. John Johnson, senior, of Newport Pagnell, yeoman, fined [blank], for extortion in his office as bailiff. Mary Jordan of Aylesbury, widow, fined 3s. 4d., for harbouring vagrants. William Moores and Thomas Showler, both of Aylesbury, fined 3s. 4d. each, for assaulting Mary, wife of John Harding. John Furnace of Loughton found not guilty of keeping a disorderly alehouse and harbouring rogues. Samuel Gurney, on behalf of the inhabitants of Bierton, found not guilty of not repairing Monks Penns. p. 248. Recognizances extended. William Hopkins of Great Marlow, innholder, in £50, with Thomas Lacey and Thomas Goodlyman as sureties in £25 each, for his good behaviour.

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EPIPHANY SESSION, 1689-90. Recognizances entered into. John Billington of Whitchurch, labourer, in £40, for the appearance of Elizabeth, his wife. Richard Bampton of Buckland, Nicholas Harly of Wingrove, Lucas Welhead of Radnedge, labourer, and John Bennett, junior, of Great Missenden, labourer, in £40 each, to appear and answer. John Bracett of Chittwood, yeoman, in £20, with Robert Bracett of Chittwood, yeoman, and Richard Bracett of Hillesden, husbandman, as sureties in £20 each, for bastardy. Thomas Meller of Gayhurst, clerk, in £20, to prosecute Elizabeth Gillott and Mary Lee. p. 249. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Richard Waddupp of Chetwood and John Baldwin of Adstock fined £1. 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of the nine persons given on p. 247, ante, are here repeated. Richard Jones of Shenley forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance to answer an indictment for “refusing to live as a servant.” pp. 250-251. Recognizances discharged. John Priest, husbandman, William Meredue, husband- man, and Edward Goldwin, maltster, all of Sippenham, William Hare, barber, William Grove, cordwainer, Richard Clarke, cordwainer, Richard Piercy, tailor, George Piercy, tailor, Christopher Piercy, tailor, and Thomas Hare, all of Beconsfield, Piercy Langracke of Stony Stratford Eastside, gentleman, Edward Chepsay, clerk, and Jeremiah Carter, labourer, both of Woolverton, John Kent of Bradwell, farmer, Richard Calvery, butcher, William Marshall, frame- work knitter, and William Wotts, ironmonger, all of Stony Stratford Eastside, William Kempe, cordwainer, Richard Varney, yeoman, and Richard Missenden, tailor, all of Great Horwood, Susan Noon, widow, Thomas Swift, labourer, Thomas Smalebones, hatter, and Ralph Bates, labourer, all of Winslow, Thomas Tattam, labourer, William Deverell, 325 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. gentleman, Thomas Turnham, victualler, and William Cooke, labourer, all of Swanburne, John Tombs, labourer, William Powers, and Christopher Stutsbury, yeoman, all of Winslow, James Woolman, victualler, Robert Burrough, labourer, and Richard Miles, labourer, all of Agmondesham, Thomas Meller of Gayhurst, clerk, Gabriel Prentice, carpenter, and William Lovett, both of Wendover, Joseph Phillips, labourer, and William Harvey, mealman, both of North Crawley, John Bennett of Great Missenden, cordwainer, Ralph Dennis of Princes Risborough, wheeler, Richard Waddup, constable, and Robert Bracett, yeoman, both of Chittwood, William Barrett of , John Bracett of Chettwood, yeoman, Richard Bracett of Hillesden, husbandman, and John Johnson, senior, of Newport Pagnell, yeoman. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 252-254. [Blank.]

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY lst May, 1690 [2 William and Mary] p. 255. Jurors for the body of the County. John Kipping, junior, Alexander Dover, Leonard Fitch, Richard Hearne, John Randolph, John Baldwyn, Thomas Gibbs, John Triplett, John Child, Samuel Randall, Nathaniel Weedon, gentleman, Francis Seabrooke, Jeremiah Knight, Robert Lane, William Garrett, Richard Ashburner, and Thomas Godfrey. (Signed) Edmund Waller, esquire, sheriff. p. 256. The following persons produced sacrament certificates, etc. :— William Busby of Marish Gibbon, esquire, William Fletewode of Great Missenden, esquire, Edward Smythe of Whitchurch, esquire, Henry Munday of Aylesbury, innholder,

326 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1690. William Duncomb of Weedon in Hardwick, gentleman, William Clark of Chepping Wycomb, lace buyer, Peter May, bailiff of the borough of Chepping Wycomb, Rev. Thomas Dolben of Marish Gibbon. The following persons subscribed the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. :— The above eight persons, and Anne Buckland of Radnedge, spinster. The following persons took the new oaths provided in 1 William and Mary, c. 8., sec. 12:— Anne Buckland of Radnedge, spinster, Jonathan Brideoak of [blank], gentleman, gauger. p. 257. Indictments. Peter Horton of Iver, for assaulting James East. George Meales, John Livis, alias Lewes, Thomas Meales, and John Surmon, all of Cheynes, for assaulting Ralph Scudimore. [And see post, p. 278.] Thomas Winckles of Great Marlow, for assaulting William Church. [And see post, p. 304.] William Hust, Christopher Hust, and William Jervas, all of Lechamstead, for rioting, assaulting Dorothy Simpkins widow, and breaking into her cottage. Edmund Bigg of Bledlow, gentleman, for libelling John Shalcross, esquire, J.P. [And see post, p. 304.] Richard Gadd of Stewkly, for stealing 10d. from William Wigg, his master. [And see post, p. 268.] John Horwood, junior, Henry Nicholls, Samuel Stevens, John Money, senior, John Mayden, John Kingham, Charles Noy, William Weaver, Alexander Druce, and Eli Rolf, all of Aylesbury, for poaching fish. Ralph Scudamore of Cheynes, for assaulting Thomas Meales. The inhabitants of Buckingham, for not repairing the road leading from Bourton to Bisceter and Brackley. [And see post, p. 303.] Sir Edward Longuevile, Bart., of Woolverton, Richard 327 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Minshall of Boreton, esquire, John Webb and Charles Dormer, esquires, both of Peterley, John Howes and Finch Howes, gentlemen, both of Bierton, Philip Vanbrooke, gentleman, [blank] Salmon, widow, and Richard Cole, all of Datchett, and Anne Buckland of Radnedge, for recusancy. Joseph Symonds of North Marston, for attempting to bewitch Elizabeth Cox. Thomas Wigg of Cublington, for breaking down a bank and obstructing the watercourse at the flood gates in Cublington. p. 258. Presentments of the grand jury. Edward Jolly of Wendover, and his wife, Sir Edward Longuevile, Bart., of Woolverton, Richard Minshall of Boreton, esquire, John Webb and Charles Dormer, esquires, both of Peterley, John Howes and Finch Howes, gentlemen, both of Bierton, Philip Vanbrooke, gentleman, [blank] Salmon, widow, and Richard Cole, gentleman, all of Datchett, Anne Buckland of Radnedge, Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, and Edward Glyn, esquire, and [blank] Freyzy, gentleman, both of Olney, for recusancy. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Gibbs of Cowley in Preston, for encroaching upon the common. Francis Hicks of Langly, for being “an idle person.” Peter Horton of Iver, for “keeping ill orders in his house.” John Turner of Denham, for “making two tenements of one house.” Henry Browne of Denham, for “a new erected cottage,” and for taking in inmates. [Blank] Gill, widow, and Dorothy Warner, spinster, both of Wyrardsbury, for bastardy. Thomas Quinter of Ellesborrough, for drunkenness. Silvester Dancer and George Barnett, both of Aston Clynton, for keeping disorderly alehouses on Sunday, at the time of Divine Service. Matthew Axtell of Great Missenden, labourer, for a “new erected cottage.”

328 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1690. p. 259. Chief constables sworn. Aylesbury . . . . Joseph Pedder of Great Missenden and William Lambourn of Cuddington vice George Honnor and [Henry] Haws. Burnham . . . . John Ware of Lash Leeth, yeoman, and William Grimsdall of Sear Green in Farnham Royall vice William Newing- ton and Henry Puttnam. Desborough . . Hugh Dorrell of West Wycomb, yeoman, and Henry Turner of Hedsor vice Francis Jugby and Richard Lane. Stoke . . . . John Buttler of Eaton and Francis Price of Iver vice William Harbert and John Wyman. Newport . . . . John Smith of Emberton, gentleman, and Hugh Smith of Little Woolston vice Edward Jolly and Nicholas Sympson. Cotteslow . . . . Alexander Duncomb of Weedon in Hardwick and John Garratt of Hidwell in Edlesborough vice George Clarke and Henry Tilcock. Ashendon . . Richard Betham of North Marston and John Bowden of Ilmer vice John Bennell and Henry Hunt. Buckingham . . Stafford Morgan of Shalston and William Graves of Padbury vice Francis Rogers and Henry Cooper. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s bench and marshalsea Robert Turney of Surcott and John Fawsett of Beconsfield, gentlemen, vice John Gourney and John Grover, deceased. For the maimed soldiers William Cannon of Long Crendon and Robert Moreton of Hampden vice William Rice and Daniel Aldridge. 329 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. pp. 260-262. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Aylesbury Hundred:— Brands Fee . . Philip Keen and Thomas Spencer vice George Russell and Joseph Honnor. Aylesbury . . William Brooks and John Clarke vice Joseph Hickman and John Bigg. Little Missenden . . John Knight vice Samuel Bunce. Cuddington . . William Freer vice William Allmon. Bishopstone in Stone John Saxby and William Wright vice William Barnard and Thomas Parnham. Walton in Aylesbury Nicholas Wooton and Thomas Humfry vice Thomas Barnaby and John Jordan. Ellesborough . . John Hitchcock and William Allen vice Richard Wade and James Smith. Dynton . . . . William Addean vice William Tayler. Great Missenden . . James Graveny and William Wrackley vice Thomas Eaton and Brook Wittney, and John Treacher as tithingman vice Stephen Hearne. Halton . . . . Daniel Flexman vice Francis Ingleton. Burnham Hundred:— Cippenham in Burnham John Lidgold vice John Priest. Dorney . . . . Andrew Brothers vice William Barre. Hitcham . . . . Richard Dell vice Walter Langton. Hedgerly . . . . Richard Salter vice Thomas Crofts. Amersham . . . . William Statham, Richard Webbe, and Timothy Lovett vice John Young, William Mould, and William Hobbs, and William Moreton as tithingman vice Edward Lered. Amersham James Ball and Robert Boveingdon Woodside vice Nathaniel Moreton and Thomas Worrall. Cheynes . . . . Thomas Forrow vice [blank].

330 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1690. :— Radnedge . . . . Thomas Wheeler vice Jasper Hunt. Hugendon . . Thomas Wright vice Richard Gray. Little Marlow . . Henry Rydley vice John Dell. Saunderton . . Henry Allen vice William Neighbour. Braddenham . . Humphrey Francis vice Francis Allice. Turfield . . . . John Hollis vice Thomas Wright, and John Michael as tithingman vice David Howse. Hambledon . . Hugh Wickens and Richard Fisher vice Peter Ryder and William Sharp. Stoke Hundred:— Eaton . . . . Robert Bartlett vice William West, and John Dickenson and Thomas Williams as tithingmen vice [blank]. Horton in Colebrook Edward Higney vice William Dunt. Wexham . . . . Thomas Knoselton vice Thomas Lovejoy. Newport Hundred:— Bow Brickhill . . John Davyes, fell-monger, vice Thomas White. Wavendon . . . . William Parratt vice Andrew Page. Brafield . . . . John Abbott vice [blank]. Cheely . . . . Thomas Lamley, senior, vice [blank]. Great Linford . . Joseph Mallaine and William Hare vice [blank]. Astwood . . . . John Higgins vice [blank]. Stony Stratford East Side William Hobbs vice [blank]. Stony Stratford West Side Henry [blank] vice [blank]. Lavendon . . . . William Gabell and Benjamin Paine vice [blank]. Little Linford . . John Bluck vice [blank]. Hardmead . . . . John Andrews vice [blank]. North Crawley . . Edward Nash and Robert Roberds vice [blank]. 331 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Little Brickhill . . Thomas Field and Henry Myles vice [blank]. Cotteslow Hundred:— Whitchurch . . James Wooster and John Gourney vice John Topping and Thomas Cheshire. Cheddington . . Robert Moores vice Francis Kimpton. Sinckleborough . . Henry Bradbury, senior, vice John Durrant. Muresly . . . . Richard Chantrell vice Thomas Elmore. Stukely . . . . John Crasman vice Thomas Brice. Swanburne . . Matthew Addams and William Tomkins vice William Cooke and Edward Anstee. Cublington . . William Breamer and George Apslee vice John Grace and Richard Worrell. Mentmore . . Thomas Fountain and Henry Brandham vice Edward Tompson and John Batchellor. Winslow . . . . Benjamin Leach vice William Gyles. Drayton Parslow . . John Parratt and Robert Thornton vice John Walduck and Thomas Temple. :— North Marston . . John Simons and Thomas Tatham vice John Stevens and Richard Denchfield. Dorton . . . . William Watson vice Francis Branwing. Brill . . . . John Bently vice Michael Greene. East Cleydon . . Joseph Morcom vice Thomas Miller. Oveing . . . . Richard Hewett and Joseph Smith vice Jonas Smith and John Benning. Waddesdon . . Thomas Crooke and Thomas Mountagne vice Francis Cripps and Ralph Rice. Ashendon . . . . Thomas Speed vice John Playsteed. Fulbrooke in Hogshaw Robert Stapp vice Joseph Worrall. Chersly . . . . William Parker vice Edward Burnham. Wornall . . . . Stephen Radford vice Thomas Verey. Studly . . . . Richard Coates vice Michael Smith. 332 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1690. Borstall . . . . James Adkins vice Henry Cox. Wescott . . . . Roland Burnham vice John Haygood. Wooton Underwood Edward Pitham vice Henry Barber Newton Longuevile Geoffrey Hart and Richard Willison vice Ralph Ruttland and Richard Tomkin. Lee . . . . Thomas Hayes vice [blank]. Hoe . . . . Thomas Tarbox vice [blank]. p. 263. Orders. Mrs. Mary Grover, widow and executrix of John Grover, gentleman, late treasurer for the King’s bench and marshalsea, is ordered to produce her husband’s accounts before certain justices. The chief constables are ordered to pay the money collected for the King’s bench and marshalsea to Mr. Thomas Barnwell of Aylesbury. John Spenser is ordered to remain in gaol until he indemnifies the parish of Farnham Royall in respect of the bastard child of Mary Freak. p. 264. The persons mentioned below gave evidence against “the gawgers of their Majestyes excise” as follows:— “Elizabeth Mitchell deposed that she hath paid for excise above 4s. per Barrell, after the rate of 34 Gallons the Barrell.” “Thomas Loveday deposeth to the like effect, and that he hath had nothing allowed for wash and wast, and that the Exciseman never left any accompt with him.” “Elizabeth Izard deposeth that Mr. Hudson, a gawger, would never discover to her what quantity he gawged her Vessells.” “William Champ deposed that he lately paid 7s. for the excise of 36 Gallons, and that he never received any noat from the Exciseman, nor had any allowance for wash and wast.” Thomas Cleydon, Robert Horwood, and John Horwood deposed that “Mr. Gilloway, a gawger, had gawged their 333 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. liquors in Warm Wort without making any allowance for wash and wast.” “George Middleton deposed that he paid 3s. 11d. per Barrell for the excise, and that the gawger never left any noat in writing with him.” “And the said deponents did severally informe the Court that they usually travelled either to Oxford or Aylesbury to pay their excise, which were not the next Markett Townes by severall myles.” p. 265. Order referring to the justices of the hundred of Buckingham the consideration of the case of Thomas Richmond, the bastard son of Elizabeth Richmond of Charnton, of whom Thomas King of East Cleydon is said to be the father. Adjournment of the appeal by the rector and certain inhabitants of Radnage against the overseers there. p. 266. Order again referring to certain justices the consideration of “Colbrook Bridges and Causey.” The bridges and the “causey” lie in or near the parishes Colbrook, Langley, and Horton, in this County, and in Stanwell, co. Middlesex, and the questions to be decided are by whom and in what proportions are the bridges and the “causey” to be repaired. The clerk of the peace is ordered to “permitt Thomas Willis, esquire, his Solicitors, friends, or agents, from tyme to tyme to have the liberty to peruse the antient Record and Books belonging to this Court, to search in what manner and by what contributions Fenny Stratford Bridge, in Newport Hundred in this County, hath bene Antiently repaired, he or they paying the fees due for such searches, and, if the said Thomas Willis shall see cause, that such Records and Books shall be brought into Court” at the next session. p. 267. Order removing George Ewer, with his wife and child, from Monks Risborough to St. Martins le Grand, London.

334 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1690. Robert Gourney, treasurer of the King’s bench and marshalsea for the “lower division,” is ordered to pay the salary of Matthew Annesly, keeper of the bridewell at Newport Pagnell. Order dismissing the appeal of Oveing against a warrant removing Jane Nelson from Winslow. p. 268. Richard Gad, who was found guilty of stealing 10s. “in money numbred” from William Wiggs, his master, is ordered to be whipped at the cart’s tail by the gaoler from Aylesbury gaol to the George sign post and back again. Mr. Bate, rector of Stoke Hamond, is ordered to be assessed to the poor rate there in accordance with the propor- tion laid down in the report of the justices who examined his appeal. p. 269. Order escheating the recognizance of Luke Welhead of Radnage, on account of his non-appearance. Order dismissing the appeal of Wicken, co. Northampton, against a warrant removing Richard Swinchin, with his wife and child, from Steeple Claydon. [And see post, p. 322.] William Bull to be allowed 2s. a week by Richard Hunt, overseer of Hillesdon, and 10s. for his immediate relief by one of the treasurers for the “upper division.” p. 270. Order for the removal of the three children of John Smerlee from Loughton to Shenly. Adjournment of the appeal of Ratcliff against a warrant settling the bastard child of Katherine Stutchbury there. The treasurers are ordered to produce their accounts before certain justices. y 335 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 271. Order dismissing the appeal of Chepping Wycomb against a warrant removing William Hancock, with his wife and child, from Penn. Adjournment of the appeal of West Wycomb against a warrant, by Thomas Fellow, esquire, mayor, and Thomas Grove, alderman, justices of the borrough of Chepping Wycomb, removing Edward Carter, junior, from Chepping Wycomb. Further time again given to the inhabitants of Hadden- ham in which to produce a certificate that they have repaired the road to Stanbridge or Stansum River. p. 272. The indictment against the inhabitants of Drayton Beuchampe is discharged upon their producing a certificate that the highway at Drayton Penns is now repaired. Order allowing the appeal of Weedon in Hardwick against a warrant removing Elizabeth Ayres from Wing, her birth- place. Order allowing the appeal of “the liberty of Coleshill in the parish of Agmundisham in the County of Hertford” against a warrant removing Francis Dell and his wife from Penn. p. 273. Order dismissing the appeal of Standell in Pirton, co. Oxford, against a warrant removing William Wooton from Haddenham. The inhabitants of Great Missenden and of Ley are given further time to produce certificates that their highways have been repaired. Order, upon the report of certain justices, that John Jordan of Walton in Aylesbury shall be allowed £2 a year upon his assessments to the poor rate there, and shall not be assessed at more than £48 a year.

336 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1690. p. 274. Order confirming a warrant removing Anne Lee from Whitchurch to Bledlow. Order for the removal of John, son of Robert Stratton, with his wife and child, from Ellesborough to Aston Clynton. The treasurer for the “lower division” is ordered to pay Mary, wife of John Sudell, 30s. for clothing a “County child called Damaris Bright, which she nurses.” p. 275. Mr. Thomas Barnwell ordered to pay the salary of Richard Turnor, keeper of the bridewell at Chepping Wycomb, out of the money paid to him by the chief constable. William Benson, gentleman, the County gaoler, to be paid £2. 5s. 6d. for the expenses incurred by him in taking prisoners to and from Wycomb at the last assizes, and in attending two prisoners who died, namely Thomas Butter- field and Henry Sinfield. pp. 276-277. Order fixing the rates of wages for servants, etc., similar to those referred to ante on pp. 104-105, except that the wages of a “Boy servant, in the Vale” is given as £1. 6s. 8d. instead of as £1. 0s. 0d., and those of a mower or reaper of corn, etc., with meat and drink, is given as 8d., instead of 6d., a day. p. 278. Indictments confessed and traversed. Henry Smith and Thomas Oakley, both of Little Hor- wood, and Robert Seares of Great Horwood, fined 6s. 8d. each for assaulting Henry Robinson. George Meales, Thomas Meales, and John Surmon, all of Cheynes, fined 3s. 4d. each for assaulting Ralph Scudimore. Richard Bampton of Buckland found not guilty of putting a hedge in the highway. John Johnson, senior, of Newport Pagnell, fined 13s. 4d. for being extortionate in his office. John Bennett, junior, of Great Missenden, found not guilty of assaulting Joseph Jennings. 337 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Joan Wigginton of [Great Marlow] fined 3s. 4d. for harbouring vagabonds. Henry Newman of Datchett found guilty of keeping an unlicensed alehouse, but discharged upon showing that “he had bene formerly punished by the Justices in the Hundred where he committed the offence.” p. 279. Recognizances extended. William Hopkins of Great Marlow, inn holder, in £50, with Thomas Lacey and Thomas Goodliman, both of Great Marlow, labourers, as sureties in £25 each, for his good behaviour. John Bracett of Chittwood, yeoman, in £20, with Robert Bracett of Chittwood, yeoman, and Richard Bracett of Hillesdon as surities in £20 each, for bastardy. Henry Parrish of Stoke Poges, brickmaker, and Tobias Goodridge, junior, of Chalfont St. Peter as sureties in £5 each, for Ursula, wife of Edward Burnett of Chalfont St. Peter, farmer, to keep the peace towards William Turner. John Davies in £10 and Charles Dennis in £5, as sureties for Jane, wife of John Davies of Farnham, to keep the peace towards Winifred Cooke. John Lewes and George Meal as sureties in £10 each, for John Surman of Cheynes to keep the peace towards Ralph Scudimore. Francis Nelson of Oveing, miller, in £20, for his good behaviour. Joseph Symonds of North Marston in £50, with John Symonds and John Stephens, both of North Marston, as sureties in £25 each, in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Cox. James Brandon of Aylesbury in £20, with John Brandon and William Brandon, both of Aylesbury, as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Samuel Weaver. John Spencer of Farnham Royall in £20, with John Cripps of Farnham Royall and Thomas Lovejoy of Waxham as sureties in £10 each, in respect of the bastard child of Mary Freak. 338 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1690. p. 280. Recognizances entered into. Joseph Symonds of North Marston in £40, with John Symonds and Richard Denchfield, both of North Marston, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Cox. Thomas Winckles of Great Marlow, gentleman, John Lewes of Cheynes, cordwainer, Edward Bigg of Bledlow, gentleman, Peter Horton of Iver, labourer, Ralph Scudamore of Cheynes, butcher, and Richard Culverhouse of Edles- borough, yeoman, in £40 each, to appear and answer. William Hurst of Leckhamstead, labourer, for Anne, his wife, to appear and answer. pp. 281-282. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. John Marriott of Haddenham, gentleman, Richard Jennings of Stone, and John Gaynes of Olney, fined £1. 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of the eight persons given ante, on p. 278, are here repeated. Luke Welhead of Radnedge forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non-appearance to answer an indictment for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. John Johnson, Henry Hurles, and Thomas Read, the bailiffs of the hundreds of Newport, Ashendon, and Aylesbury respectively, fined 10s. each for not attending the court. William Parkyns, bailiff of the hundreds of Buckingham, fined £1 for “departing from the Sessions before the same was ended.” p. 283. Recognizances discharged. William Hurst, farrier, and Anne, his wife, Robert Barrett, and Samuel Quiny, all of Leckhamstead, Edward Bigg of Bledlow, Edward Burnett of Chalfont St. Peter, farmer, Henry Parrish of Stoke Poges, brickmaker, Tobias Goodridge, junior, of Chalfont St. Peter, Peter Horton, John Gyles, and Richard Allen, all of Iver, John Lewes, cordwainer, George Meales, collar-maker, Thomas Harding, labourer, and Thomas Meales, collar maker, all of Cheynes, Susan Noone, widow, William Gibbs, Thomas Tombs, 339 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. labourer, and Henry Tombs, all of Winslow, William Hopkins, innholder, Jeremiah Hollis, William Stevens, Thomas Winckles, gentleman, Andrew Dominick, gentleman, and John Webbe, mealman, all of Great Marlow, James Hasle and William Hasle, both of Chesham, and Thomas Sheene of Aylesbury. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 284-286. [Blank.]


17th July, 1690 [2 William and Mary] p. 287. Jurors for the body of the County. George Harris, gentleman, Richard Lamborne, George Honnour, John Judge, Richard Madge, John Rider, John Griffen, James Watts, John Yates, junior, Edward Butter- field, gentleman, Nathaniel Child, Henry Puttnam, Ralph Stone, Christopher Paine, Robert Badry, John Durrant, John Keene, Richard Smallbones, and Thomas Vinney. (Signed) Edmund Waller, esquire, sheriff. p. 288. The following persons produced sacrament certificates, etc., and subscribed the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1:— Nathaniel Birch of Aylesbury, gentleman, William Rice of Waddesdon, gentleman. The following houses in Woborn were registered as meeting houses under 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 19:— The mansion house of the Right Hon. Philip, Lord Wharton, The dwelling house of [blank] Sparrow, widow. p. 289. Indictments. John Clark of Bledlow, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. [And see post, p. 319.] 340 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSIONS, 1690. Charles Dennys of Farnham Royall, for assaulting Jane Axten. William Godfrey of Little Marlow and Judith, his wife, for stealing eight geese from George Buckingham, and three geese from Caleb Rose. (Not guilty.) [And see post, p. 305.] William Burgis of Lee in Quainton, for breaking into the pound and taking away a gelding. [And see post, p. 329.] John Fryer of Penn, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. (Fined £1.) [And see post, p. 305.] Francis Sleymaker of Edgecott, for harbouring vagrants. Thomas Gibson of Little Kimble and William Stevens, senior, of “the Corner of the Greene” at Bledlow, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. [And see, post, p. 324.] Presentments of the grand jury. Francis Sleymaker of Edgecott, for harbouring vagrants. William Lea, alias Lee, of Lee, for stopping up a common footpath leading from Chesham to Wendover. John Webb and Charles Dormer, esquires, both of Great Missenden for being absent from church for two months. p. 290. Presentments of the constables. William Bowler of Wendover Forrens, Silvester Dancer, George Barnett, junior, John Rowe, and Mary Berry, all of Aston Clynton, Richard Harding, Thomas Plumridge, Dorothy Harrison, widow, Mary Adkins, and [blank] Whaley, widow, all of Great Marlow, and John Fryer, senior, of Penn, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. William, son of John Goldar of Aston Clynton, for drunkenness. William Honnor, Henry Hubbert, senior, Henry Hubbert, junior, Silvester Hubbert, and William Hubbert, all of Great Marlow, for unlawfully keeping nets. Henry Tredway of Upton, for not doing his statutory work upon the highways. Francis Thompson of Iver, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. ______

341 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. John Norman, constable of Emberton, for “not haveing a sufficient pair of Stocks.” The constables of Aston Mullins and Waldridge, for not returning their articles or their quarteridge money. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Sippenham in Burnham William Stiles vice John Priest. Burnham . . . . Thomas Rumball vice Thomas Andrews, and Elias Harvey as tithingman vice [blank]. East Burnham . . Richard Suddin vice Andrew Gaffack. Broughton in Bierton John Wise and Thomas Noar vice William Browne and Henry Howse. Hillesdon . . . . Thomas North as tithingman vice Richard Hunt. Quainton . . . . Thomas Neele vice Thomas Nash. Woborne . . . . James Fretwell and John Webb vice Andrew Lane and William Poltock, and Ralph Stevens as tithingman vice William Shrimpton. Ford in Dynton . . Henry Astin vice James Dover. Ipstone . . . . John Deane vice Thomas Cooke. . . Thomas Fountain and John Fountain vice Francis Paine and William Fountain. Aston Abbotts . . George Page and Thomas Gower vice Thomas Mildmer and John Hobbs. Nether Winchingdon Richard Buckingham vice Andrew Rice. Iver . . . . Robert Davy and Edward Tring vice John Bradford and Philip Butterfield, and Hugh Mosely and Robert Loughton as tithingmen vice James Stanborow and Leonard Bavin. Great Kimbell . . Edward Smith vice Jeremiah Wicker- slee. Fulmer . . . . Richard Turner vice Henry Pierce. 342 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1690. p. 291. Orders. Order extending the recognizance of Charles Dennys. John Reyner of Wing, yeoman, ordered to be committed to gaol until he finds sureties to appear in respect of the serious wounding of Thomas Biggs. p. 292. The inhabitants of Great Missenden and of Lea, alias Lee, are given further time in which to produce certificates that their highways have been repaired. Thomas Gray of St. Andrews Holborne, London, gentleman, ordered to be committed to gaol until he finds sureties to appear at the next assizes to answer a charge of stealing £80 from Elizabeth Harding of Walton in Aylesbury, spinster. Order dismissing the appeal of Ratcliff in Checkmore against a warrant removing the bastard child of Katharine Stutchbury from Buckingham. p. 293. John Spencer of Farnham Royall, husbandman, who was charged as being the putative father of the bastard child of Mary Freak, is to be discharged of his liability upon bringing a certificate of the death of the child, provided that the two parishes affected, namely Farnham Royall and Stanwell, co. Middlesex, have no objections to raise before the next session. Order allowing the appeal of Mr. Gerard, rector of Aston Clynton, against his assessment to rates, and allowing him £30 a year on the rectory which he “letts to farme.” pp. 294-296. Order confirming the report of the committee of justices who were appointed to consider who should repair the bridges over the River Colne, and the causeway there, near the town of Colebrooke. The committee reported that they met at the town of Colebrooke and went to view the bridges and the causeway, which they found badly out of repair. Upon examination they found that King Henry VIII, 343 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. by letters patent dated the 29th August, 1543, “did grant to the said Town of Colebrooke a weekly Markett and two Faires in each year, (vide licet) at the Feasts of St. Marke and St. Symon and Jude, and did thereby give to the said Town the Toll of the said Markett and Faires, the profitts of which (amongst other things) were to be employed in the repaires of the said Bridges and Causey.” Similarly, King Charles I, by letters patent dated the 8th October, 1635, granted two other fairs, “at the Feasts of the Annunciation of St. Mary the Virgin and St. James.” For a number of years these profits more than sufficed to pay for the necessary repairs, and the balance was devoted to relieving the poor of Colebrooke. “But for many years now past, and to this time, the Tolls of the said Faires and Marketts have decreased very much and are worth very little, and are by no meanes sufficient to defray the Charges of the said repaires. Wee do, therefore, conceive that the said Bridges and Causey ought to be repaired by the profitts of the said Faires and Marketts as far as they will go, and that what is wanting must be made up by a rate to be layd upon all the inhabitants of the said Towne of Colebrooke, lyeing in the severall parishes of Langly and Horton in this County and in Stanwell in the County of Middlesex, the whole Town being united in one Corporation.” p. 297. Adjournment of the presentments of Thomas Gibson of Little Kimble, gentleman, and William Stevens of the Green in Bledlow, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. Robert Turney, gentleman, one of the treasurers for the “lower division,” ordered to pay the salary of Matthew Annesley, keeper of the bridewell at Newport Pagnell. Order discharging the indictments against the inhabitants of Beconsfield, Haddenham, and Kingsey, upon their produc- ing certificates to shew that their highways or bridges have now been repaired. p. 298. Certain justices appointed to hear the complaints concerning the rates at Radnedge. 344 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1690. Order adjourning the appeal of West Wycomb concerning the settlement of Edward Carter. Order confirming a warrant for the removal of John Farmer and his wife from Chesham to Kings Langley, co. Hertford. p. 299. Order that the child of Jane How shall be removed from Beachampton to Calverton, but that Jane How shall remain at Beachampton with her husband. Certain justices appointed to hear the complaints concerning the rates at Agmundisham, alias Amersham. [Blank] James, widow, to be paid such an allowance by the overseers of Aylesbury as certain justices may direct. p. 300. Order confirming a warrant for the removal of Anne Lee, widow, and her child, from Whitchurch to Bledlow. Lucy Stratford of Abbotts Aston, widow, complained that the overseers had reduced by 1s. 6d. a week, the allow- ance paid to her and her two young children. The overseers declared that they did this because she “was able to worke, but so indulgent to herself as to refuse worke when offered to her.” The Court ordered that the full allowance of 2s. 6d. should be paid provided that Lucy Stratford should take such work as was offered to her, and should endeavour “by her honest labour and industry to provide for herself.” p. 301. Thomas Paine to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Aylesbury. The question of the maintenance of Frances, daughter of [blank], wife of [blank] Bowden of Nash, is referred to certain justices. The treasurers are ordered to produce their accounts before certain justices. 345 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 302. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of Timothy Lovett of Wendover against his rates. Dorothy Simkins, widow, to be paid such an allowance by the overseers of Leckhamsted as certain justices shall direct. The clerk of the peace ordered to be paid £6 for various business transacted by him, including a writ of certiorari in the case of William Bull of Hillesdon. p. 303. The clerk of the peace ordered to hand over to Mr. Thomas Barnewell, under-sheriff, the books and accounts of the late Mr. Joseph Rawson, which are in his custody, and “the old Book of Orders of this Court.” Robert Hopper of Amersham to be granted a County pension of £2 a year, having produced a certificate, “under the hands and seales of one Field Officer and two Commissioned Officers of the Regiment of the Right Honorable the Earle of Northampton, of his faithfull service to his late Majesty, King Charles the second.” Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Buckingham, for not repairing the road from Boreton to Bisceter and Brackley. p. 304. James Dallyon of Langley Marish, clerk, who refused to take the oaths of allegiance, etc., in court, is fined 15s., this being his first offence. The fine is to be paid to the overseers of his parish, for the relief of the poor. Thomas Winckles of Great Marlow, indicted for assault- ing William Church, Edmund Bigg of Bledlow, gentleman, indicted for libelling John Shallcrosse, esquire, J.P., and Richard Culverhouse of Edlesborrough, presented for not returning his articles, all pleaded” the benefitt of the late Act of this present Parliament for the King and Queene’s most gratious generall and free Pardon” and were discharged. 346 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1690. A special process to be issued against John Andrew of Little Kymble, who was indicted for putting a hedge and ditch in the highway in Briddens Lane. [And see post, p. 354.] p. 305. John Spencer of Farnham Royal, yeoman, took the oaths contained in the act of 1 William and Mary, c. 8. Indictments confessed and traversed. William Godfrey of Little Marlow and Judith, his wife, found not guilty of stealing geese from George Buckingham and discharged. John Fyer of Penn fined £1 for keeping an unlicensed alehouse, “it being his first offence.” Recognizances extended. Charles Dennys of Farnham Royall in £10, with Henry Sprigg and Thomas Rumball, both of the same, as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Henry Parrish and Tobias Goodridge, both of Chalfont St. Peters, as sureties in £5 each for Ursula, wife of Edward Burnett of the same, farmer, to keep the peace towards William Turner. p. 306. Recognizances entered into. Elizabeth Harding of Walton in Aylesbury in £40, to appear at the assizes and prosecute Thomas Gray. John Spencer of Farnharm Royal, yeoman, in £40, with Edward Gomme of Stoke Poges, husbandman, as surety in £20, for his good behaviour and for him to appear in respect of the bastard child of Mary Freak. John Bracett of Chittwood, yeoman, in £20, with Robert Bracett of Chittwood, yeoman, as surety in £20, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Katherine Makepeace. Joseph Symonds of North Marston, yeoman, in £40, with John Symonds and Richard Denchfield, both of the same, as sureties in £20 each, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Cox. 347 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. p. 307. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Francis Allnutt of Brands Fee, gentleman, Richard Jennings of Stone, and Thomas Saunders of North Marston, gentleman, fined £1. 6s. 8d. each, for being absent when summoned as jurors. William Hopkins of Great Marlow, innholder, forfeits his recognizance of £50 for non- appearance, and his sureties, Thomas Lacey and Thomas Goodliman, both of Great Marlow, forfeit £25 each. Francis Nelson of Oveing, miller, and James Brandon of Aylesbury forfeits their recognizances of £20 each for non- appearance, and John Brandon and William Brandon, both of Aylesbury, who were sureties for the latter, forfeit £10 each. Thomas Read, William Newland, Thomas Hurles, William Perkins, John Johnson, and James Hassell, the bailiffs of the hundreds of Aylesbury, Cotteslo, Ashendon, Buckingham, Newport, and Chilterne respectively, fined 5s. each, for not attending the Court. p. 308. Recognizances discharged. John Bracett, yeoman, Robert Bracett, and Richard Bracett, all of Chittwood, John Davis and Jane, his wife, and Charles Dennis, all of Farnham, John Surman, John Lewes, and George Meale, all of Cheynes, Joseph Symonds, John Symonds, and John Stevens, all of North Marston, John Spencer, John Cripps, and Thomas Lovejoy, all of Farnham Royall, William Geyton, blacksmith, Michael Geyton, and Richard Brooks, all of Stony Stratford, William Hudson. John Stanton, and Thomas Carter, all of Brill, John Stutchbury and Robert Gibbs, both of Winslow, Thomas Sear, Thomas Hughes, and Thomas Nash, all of Quainton, Nicholas Miller, Robert Spooner, and Robert Wyatt, all of Winslow, Henry Petts, John Burgen, and Thomas Cooke, all of Bow Brickhill, James Dallyon, clerk, William Barren, and Elisha Smith, all of Langley Marish, William Newman of Olney and Ellen, his wife, Matthew Annesly of Newport Pagnell, gentleman, Richard Hall of Olney, John Spencer, Edward Gomm, and Thomas Spencer, all of Farnham Royall, Walter Legg, Robert Littler, senior, clerk, and 348 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1690. Robert Littler, junior, all of Fulmer, John Fryer of Penn, victualler, Simon Negus of Beaconsfield, gentleman, John Daveny of Agmondisham, yeoman, James Atkinson, brick maker, John Kendar, and John Puttenham, all of Chesham, William Godfrey, smith, and Judith, his wife, Joseph Fryer, and William Barton, all of Little Marlow, Richard Dennys, John North, and James Hutchenson, all of Lane End. End of this session (signed), Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 309-310. [Blank.]

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHESHAM 9th October, 1690 [2 William and Mary] p. 311. Jurors for the body of the County. Edward Honnour and John Jordan, gentlemen, Samuel Gurney, Thomas Lake, gentleman, John Reyner, Henry Meade, senior, William Thompson, William Bampton, John Hickman, Daniel Ellyott, Robert Webb, John Tokefield, William Bovingdon, John Fellow, Daniel Keene, Robert Thorpe, and John Ashburnham. (Signed) Edmund Waller, esquire, sheriff. pp. 312-313. The following persons produced sacrament certificates, etc., and subscribed the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. l.:— Rev. Thomas Oldys, B.C.L., archdeacon of Lincoln, William Noke of Burnham, gentleman, Edmund Dayrell, junior, of Lampered, gentleman, Thomas Hodson of Cheddington, gentleman, William Johnson of Olney, esquire, John Reeve of Bovendon, co. Hertford, gentleman, Sir Peter Tyrrill, Bart., of Castlethrop, Edmund Jones of Loughton, gentleman, Thomas Taylor of Stony Stratford, draper, 349 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Anthony Chapman of Calverton, gentleman, John Machell of Wendover, esquire, George Wingfield of Stoke Poges, gentleman, Henry Munday of Aylesbury, gentleman, Thomas Stevens, mayor of the borough of Chepping Wycombe, John Bigg, senior, and John Bigg, junior, gentlemen, alderman of the borough of Chepping Wycombe. The following persons took the oaths provided in 1 William and Mary, c. 8, sec. 12:— William Turner of Lane End, labourer, Ralph Lacey of Princes Risborow, labourer. The house of Robert Uding of Winslow was registered as a public meeting house. pp. 314-315. Indictments. John Billington of Whitchurch, for trading as a baker without having been duly apprenticed. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 83.] John Phillips of Hartwell, for assaulting John Stirke, gentleman. Gabriel Prentice of Wendover, for assaulting Thomas Saunders. [And see post, p. 354.] The inhabitants of Brill, for not repairing Thame Lane, which leads to Thame, co. Oxford. Elizabeth, wife of Walter Herbert of Winslow, for assaulting Joan, wife of William Edmonds. [And see post, p. 354.] William Greenwood of Nash in Whaddon, for stealing three gowns, value 10d., from Richard Savage. (Not guilty.) [And see post, p. 329.] John Gutteridge of Aylesbury, for shooting pigeons, contrary to the statute. Francis Sleymaker, constable of Edgecott, for receiving vagabonds contrary to the statute. [And see post, p. 354.] Ralph Lacey of Princes Risborough, for speaking seditious words about the King and Queen. [And see post, pp. 345 and 354.] 350 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1690. Henry Tredway of Upton, for not doing his statutory work upon the highway. [And see post, p. 354.] William Honnour, Henry Hubbert, senior, Henry Hubbert, junior, Silvester Hubbert, and William Hubbert, all of Great Marlow. for poaching rabbits with nets, contrary to the statute of 22 and 23 Charles II. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 164.] William, son of John Goldar of Aston Clynton, for drunkenness and breach of the peace. William Bowler of Wendover Forrens, George Barnett, junior, John Rowe, and Mary Berry, all of Aston Clynton, and Richard Harding, Thomas Plumridge, Dorothy Harrison, widow, Mary Adkins, [blank] Whaley, widow, and John Fryer, senior, all of Great Marlow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 30.] Thomas Gibson of Little Kimble, gentleman, and William Stevens of “The Corner of the Green” in Bledlow, for not doing their statutory work upon the highway. [And see post, pp. 324 and 354.] Francis Thompson of Iver, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. John Webb and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, for not attending church for two months. John Spendor, senior, and John Spendor, junior, both of Wendover, for taking away a cartload of gravel from a gravel pit. Thomas Waters of Muresly Grove in Muresly, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. p. 316. Presentments of the grand jury. John Madge of Long Crendon, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Ralph Lacey of Princes Risborough, for keeping a dis- orderly alehouse. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, Anne Howes, his daughter, and Finch Howes, gentleman, all of Broughton in Bierton, John Webb z 351 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, and their wives, Agnes, wife of Edward Jolly of Wendover, and Esther Jolly and Jane Jolly, her daughters, Charles Palmer of Boveny, Thomas Crompton, esquire, [blank] Brinkhurst, widow, and William Turner, labourer, all of Great Marlow, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, Robert Cuttler of Drayton Parslow, and Edmund Waters and John Tippers, both of Muresly, gentlemen, for recusancy. Edward Edwards of Walton in Aylesbury, for refusing to go with a pass to carry criples away.” William Lee, junior, of Walton, for refusing to watch and for abusing the constable. Thomas Sheene of Walton, for refusing “to go with a Hue and Cry.” William Chandler of Walton, for refusing to go with a pass. Richard Clark of Broughton in Bierton, for being drunk and for refusing “to go with a Hue and Cry.” Edward Newman of Great Missenden, for building a cottage on the waste of the manor without leave. John Puttnam and John Gate, both of Ashley Green in Chesham, for refusing “to pay the duty of watch and ward according to the custome of the Towne.” Richard Dell of Beconsfield and James Neel of Saunder- ton, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Richard Harding, Dorothy Harrison, Thomas Plum- ridge, Mary Adkins, widow, and James Fish, brewer, all of Great Marlow, for selling beer by retail without licences. Henry Hubbert, senior, Henry Hubbert, junior, and William Hubbert, all of Great Marlow, for keeping and using “engines” for poaching game. Henry Browne and John Turner, both of Denham, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. Thomas Cooke of Simpson, for “having bad mounds” p. 317. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Penn . . . . Richard Birch and Richard Shrimpton as tithingmen vice George Salter and John Hearne, and William Chalfont as constable vice John Child. 352 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1690. Burnham town . . Thomas Turner vice Ellis Harvey. Weston Turvile . . William Baker, senior, and Thomas Hoar vice William Fenner and William Bate. Marish Gibbon . . Francis Syrett vice John White. Thurney in Iver . . John Wooldrage as tithingman vice Thomas Rutter. Chesham Boys . . John Gardiner vice Henry Batchellor. Chalfont St. Giles . . Henry Bedding and Henry Cock vice Richard Lovett and William Ebburne. p. 318. Orders. Orders extending the recognizances of Thomas Smalbones, “habadasher of hatts,” and Stephen Bigg, blacksmith, both of Winslow, as sureties for the appearance of Elizabeth, wife of Walter Herbert of Winslow, barber, and the recognizances of Benjamin Very, John Shaw, Richard Shaw, Francis Clark, and Robert Cossens. p. 319. Matthew Geary discharged from his apprenticeship to John Pennell of Newport Pagnel, joiner, on account of his master’s circumstances, which are such “that he has not his liberty to use his said trade nor instruct his said apprentice as he ought to do.” Order discharging the indictment against John Clark of Bledlow for illegally building a cottage. pp. 320-321. The report of the justices for the hundreds of Burnham and Stoke, who were appointed to consider the question of the poor rates at Agmundisham, alias Amersham, is made an order of court and is ordered to be filed amongst the records of the court. The report stated that they had first heard the inhabitants of the parish and their complaints and that they found that the rates were “very uncertain and not to be determined without a generall Survey of the said parish, which would occasion a very great Expence and trouble to undertake.” They, therefore, appointed “eight discreet and indifferent persons of the said parish, who had bene before 353


BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. elected by consent of the Partyes who were aggrieved,” to inquire into the matter and report thereon. Six of these persons “agreed that the said Rates to the Poor should have respect to the Quality as well as Quantity of Land in the said parish, and the Objection of the two persons who dissented was that they would have the Landlords of severall small tenements in the said parish rated for their respective tennants who were not rateable.” A vestry was held and a rate made, but, “finding the persons aggrieved not fully satisfied,” two other “indifferent persons” were nominated at a public vestry. These persons, Mr. James Boulding and Nathaniel Child, heard the complainants, Sir William Drake, Knt., James Ball, and William Child, and the two latter agreed to “acquiesce in” the rate suggested above. At a later meeting it was agreed that Sir William Drake’s complaints should be settled through his agents. p. 322. Writ of certiorari brought by Wicken, co. Northampton, in the case of the removal of Richard Swinchin. [And see ante, p. 269.] Order referring to certain justices the complaint of Sir John Packington, Bart., against his assessment to rates upon twenty acres of meadow land in Aylesbury. p. 323. Similar order in the case of Robert Thorpe, a tenant of Sir John Packington, in respect of “a pasture ground called Heydon Hill” in Aylesbury. John Webbe and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, convicted of popish recusancy. p. 324. Order discharging the indictments against the parishes of Great Missenden and “The Lee” for not repairing part of the road from Wendover to Chesham, upon their producing a certificate that the work has now been done. Order rescinding an order made in the case of Thomas Richmond, the bastard son of Elizabeth Richmond of Charndon, singlewoman, since deceased. 354 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1690. Order confirming a warrant, by Thomas Fellow, mayor, and Thomas Grove, a justice, of the borough of Chepping Wycomb, for the removal of Edward Carter, junior, and his wife from Chepping Wycomb to West Wycomb. Order discharging the indictment against Thomas Gibson of Little Kimbell, gentleman, as he has now performed his work upon the highways. [And see ante, p. 289.] p. 325. William Geyton to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Sincleborrow. Order confirming an order of certain justices in the case of Joan, the bastard daughter of Elizabeth Cox of North Marston. Order for the settlement of Hugh Birch at Hardwick. The inhabitants there are to “provide him of worke in Husbandry or otherwise whereby he may be enabled by his Labour to provide for himself and family.” “Forasmuch as, dureing the late Invasion of this Realm by the French, it was thought Expedient by her Majestie in Councill that the Militia of this Kingdome should be continued in Arms longer than a Moneth for the most necessary defence thereof, and forasmuch as the Stock in the hands of the Treasurer of the Militia was expended in necessary Trophyes on that Extraordinary occasion, and no provision was made or could be made by the Lord Lieutenant of this County nor the Deputy Lieutenants by any meanes for the payment of the said Soldiers, it was agreed by the Justices of the Peace, at a generall meeting at Aylesbury, that the Treasurers of the County Stock should pay unto the Clerk of the Militia the summe of £126 for the payment of the same. And thereupon Mr. Daniel Aldridge, a late Treasurer for this County, and Mr. Robert Moreton, a present Treasurer, have paid to Alexander Duncomb, gentleman, Clerk of the Militia for the said County, the summe of £90, and Mr. William Rice, another of the late Treasurers for the said County, hath paid to the said Mr. Duncomb the 355 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. summe of £27, and Mr. Robert Turney, another of the present Treasurers, hath paid to the said Mr. Duncomb the summe of £9 . . . . In consideration whereof, and the Extraordinary Danger this Kingdome was then in, and the Necessity for so doing, it is ordered by this Court that the said respective Treasurers shall be respectively discharged of the severall summs of [money]. . . by them paid.” p. 326. Adjournment of the petition of Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid the fees of the prisoners recently discharged at assizes. John Bowly and Anne, his wife, “aged fourscore years apiece,” to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Great Missenden. p. 327. Mr. Fawsett, treasurer for the King’s bench and marshalsea for the “upper division,” to pay the clerk of the peace £6, which should have been paid by the treasurer for the “lower division.” “Forasmuch as the fines and issues of Easter Sessions last past and other Sessions before have bene pardoned by the late Act of Indempnity, whereby the Sheriff of this County has bene disabled to defray the Justices wages as by Act of Parliament he is impowered with the fines and issues of the Sessions,” one of the treasurers is ordered to pay Thomas Barnwell, gentleman, the under-sheriff, £10 for this purpose. p. 328. “Mr. Sergeant Thurbarne” and William Busby, esquire, two of the justices, are “desired to attend the Right Honourable Richard Hampden, esquire, Chancellor and Under- treasurer of their Majestyes Court of Exchequer, and the Right Honourable Thomas Wharton, esquire, Comptroller of their Majestyes Household, and to returne them the humble thanks of this Bench for the great Care they have bene pleased to take for the preventing their Majestyes Subjects of this County from being oppressed by the Under Officers of their Majestyes Office of Excise.” [And see ante, Vol. I, p. 56.] 356 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 169O. Henry Hoare of Wendover, tanner, to be paid £10 out of the County stock by Mr. Fawsett, one of the treasurers, on account of his serious losses by “a sodain and dreadfull fire.” The total amount of the damage was assessed at £40 by Richard Munday, carpenter, and John Clemance, bricklayer. p. 329. John Lawrence to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Chersly, or to be found work by them. Gabriel Prentis permitted to withdraw his plea of guilty to the charge of assaulting Thomas Saunders. Indictments confessed and traversed. William Burgis of Lee in Quainton fined 3s. 4d., for a pound breach. William Greenwood of Nash in Whaddon found not guilty of stealing three gowns from Richard Savage. p. 330. Recognizances extended. Joseph Street of Dorney, victualler, in £20, with Daniel Winter, hatter, and Humphrey Clark, yeoman, both of Dorney, as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Thomas Godlyman. Thomas Smalbone, haberdasher of hats, and Stephen Bigg, blacksmith, both of Winslow, in £20 each, for Elizabeth, wife of Walter Herbert of Winslow, barber, to keep the peace towards Joan, wife of William Edmonds. Edward Monday of Ellesborough, yeoman, in £20 for his good behaviour. Benjamin Verey of Aylesbury, hemp dresser, in £20, with William Brookes, grocer, and John Paine, cordwainer, both of Aylesbury, in £10 each, for his good behaviour. John Shaw of Upton in Dynton, labourer, in £20, with Ephraim Holt of the same, yeoman, as surety in £10, for his good behaviour. Richard Shaw of Aylesbury, cordwainer, in £20, with John Paine of Aylesbury, cordwainer, as surety in £10, for his good behaviour. 357 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Francis Clark of Great Kymbell, miller, in £10, to appear and give evidence. Robert Cossens of Long Crendon, yeoman, in £20, with William Parker of the same, yeoman, and William Green of Brill, yeoman, as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Thomas Howlett. p. 331. Recognizances entered into. John Dyson of Chalfont St. Peter, labourer, in £40, with John Bryant, sawyer, and Edward Parkyn, husband- man, both of the same, as sureties in £20 each, in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Franklyn. Andrew Leakey of Hugenden, gentleman, in £40, with Thomas Leakey of the same, gentleman, as surety in £40, in respect of the bastard child of Sarah Ives. Henry Tredway of Upton, yeoman, John Andrews of Great Kimble, labourer, William Stevens of “the Corner of the Green” in Bledlow, yeoman, Ralph Lacey of Princes Risborough, labourer, and Gabriel Prentice of Wendover, carpenter, in £40 each, to appear and answer. William Greenwood of Nash in Whaddon, cordwainer, in £80, with Thomas Ludgate of Nash, labourer and William Newland, junior, of Wing, labourer, as sureties in £40 each, for his good behaviour. Fines and issues. Matthew Martyn of Iver fined £1. 6s. 8d., for being absent when summoned as a juror. William Burgis fined 3s. 4d., for a pound breach. pp. 332-333. Recognizances discharged. Charles Dennys, Henry Sprigg, and Thomas Rumball, all of Farnham Royall, Ursula, wife of Edward Burnett, farmer, Henry Parish, and Tobias Goodridge, all of Chalfont St. Peter, John Spencer of Farnham Royall, yeoman, Edward Gomme of Stoke Poges, husbandman, John Bracett and Robert Bracett, both of Chittwood, yeomen, Joseph Symonds, yeoman, John Symonds, and Richard Denchfield, all of North Marston, John Fowler, James Price, and Henry 358 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1690. Darvall, all of Wendover, William Turner, labourer, and Thomas Turner, both of Lane End, Richard Turner of Chepping Wycomb, gentleman, Randolph Atkyns, butcher, and Richard Oxlad, labourer, both of Lane End, Francis Deane, alias Collins, William Hunt, and Ezekiel Keen, husbandman, all of West Wycomb, Andrew Leakey, Hugh Spencer, and Thomas Leakey, all of Hugendon, gentlemen, Thomas King and John Miller, both of East Cleydon, yeomen, Mary Grove, widow, Edward Hall, labourer, Richard Ryder, “wheeler,” and Joseph Grove, labourer, all of Burnham, John Dyson, labourer, John Bryant, sawyer, and Edward Parkyns, husbandman, all of Chalfont St. Peter, Francis Nixon, grocer, Michael Hill, gentleman, and Gabriel Prentice, carpenter, all of Wendover, John Oakly, labourer, and Guy Harris, victualler, both of Simpson, John Saunders, victualler, William Lovett, blacksmith, and Joseph Newton, black- smith, all of Bletchley, John Reyner, labourer, William Newland, bailiff, and John Cary, glazier, all of Wing, Henry Smith, labourer, John Beck, yeoman, and Henry Eustice, butcher, all of Ham in Waddesdon, Ralph Lacey of Princes Risborough, William Bastian of Saunderton, labourer, William Stone of Bledlow, labourer, William Greenwood of Nash in Whaddon, cordwainer, William Newland, junior, of Wing, yeoman, Zacharias Tomkins of Newton Longuevile, tailor, John Tayler, senior, Richard Wingfield, Lawrence Buck, and John Tayler, junior, all yeomen, Thomas Goss, cordwainer, Alice Taylor, spinster, Lawrence Buckner, yeoman, and Thomas Taylor, yeoman, all of Soulbury. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 334. [Blank.]


AT AYLESBURY 15th January, 1690-91 [2 William and Mary] p. 335. Jurors for the body of the County. Nathaniel Birch, gentleman, Thomas Brookes, Michael Welles, William Hill, Thomas Oliver, Andrew Rice, Ralph 359 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Rice, Francis Rogers, gentleman, Thomas Snow, Henry Cooper, William Greenwood, Edward Bayley, Daniel Geary, Francis Johnson, Richard Keene, John Grace, Richard Redding, William Watts, and John Jackson. (Signed), Harry Tyrrell, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for the cases against Henry Tredway and others. George Baldwyn, gentleman, Daniel Harding, Peter Goldsworth, William Hoare, Henry Dunmoll, John Goldsworth, John Verey, William Lea, John Payne, Thomas Pratt, Matthew Willis, and Francis Russell, all of Aylesbury. (Signed), Harry Tyrrell, esquire, sheriff. pp. 336-337. The following persons produced sacrament certificates, etc., and subscribed the declaration contained in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1:— Harry Tyrrell of Thornton, esquire, and John Bigg, senior, of Chepping Wycomb, doctor of medicine. Thomas Barnwell of Aylesbury, gentleman, under- sheriff, took the oaths contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 8, and 27 Elizabeth, c. 12. The house of John Parkyns of Tingwick was registered as a meeting house under 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 19. pp. 338-340. Indictments. Robert Curzons of Long Crendon for assaulting Thomas Howlett. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 30.] Thomas Jorden of Broughton in Bierton, for keeping greyhounds and for killing three hares, value 3s. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 59.] Peter Atkinson of Stony Stratford and Hannah, his wife, for entertaining vagabonds and keeping ill rule in his house, and for enticing William Henshaw, the apprentice of William Gilpin, to steal 30 pounds of bacon and 9 pounds of candles from his master, and for receiving these goods. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 30.] Peter Horton of Iver, for keeping a bowling alley, and 360 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1690-91. for keeping ill rule in his house, and also for a breach of the peace. [And see post, pp. 347 and 354.] John Turner and Henry Browne, both of Denham, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. Thomas Crompton, esquire, and [blank] Bringhurst, widow, both of Great Marlow, Edmund Waters and John Tippers, both of Muresly, gentlemen, Robert Cuttler of Drayton Parslow, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, John Webb and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, and their wives, Agnes, wife of Edward Jolly, Hester Jolly, spinster, and Jane Jolly, spinster, all of Wendover, Charles Palmer of Boveney, gentleman, John Howes, gentleman, Finch Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Anne Howes, spinster, all of Bierton, and Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, for being absent from church. Henry Hubbert, senior, Henry Hubbert, junior, and William Hubbert, all of Great Marlow, for keeping hare nets contrary to the statute. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 164.] Richard Harding, Dorothy Harrison, widow, William Hopkins, Thomas Plumridge, and Mary Atkins, widow, all of Great Marlow, and James Neel of Saunderton, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. James Fish of Great Marlow, brewer, for retailing a cask of ale and a cask of “the best hop- brewed beer” to William Hopkins. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 59.] Thomas Sheene of Aylesbury, for refusing to go with the hue and cry. The inhabitants of Brill, for not repairing part of the road to Aylesbury near Wooton Lawne. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 33.] Thomas Beavor of Packington, co. , for stealing a parcel of cloth, value 10d., from Anne Coles. [And see post, p. 347.] William Henshaw of Stony Stratford, for stealing 6 pounds of candles and 30 pounds of bacon from William Gilpin, his master. [And see post, p. 354.] Nicholas Betts of Aylesbury, for breaking into the stables of John Walker at Piddington, co. Oxford, and cutting off and taking away the manes and the tails of the horses there. 361 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. William Rogers of Woolverton, for assaulting Edward Pursell, gentleman. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 79.] William Lea, alias Lee, of Lee, for building a barn across the common footpath leading from Chesham to Wendover. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 52.] William Chandler of Walton in Aylesbury, for refusing to go with a pass to convey cripples away. John Leaver of Aylesbury, for defrauding Elizabeth Harding of 45s., under the pretence of being the servant of the Duke of Ormond. Edward Newman of Great Missenden, for building a cottage on the waste of the manor. Richard Clark of Bierton, for refusing to go with the hue and cry when ordered by the constable. Ralph Lacey of Princes Risborough and Thomas Waters of Muresly, for keeping disorderly alehouses. [And see post, pp. 347 and 354.] John Madge of Long Crendon, for a newly erected cottage. [And see post, Vol. III. p. 30.] p. 341. Presentments of the grand jury. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, Finch Howes, his son, and Anne Howes, all of Broughton in Bierton, and [blank] Webb and Charles Dormer, esquire, both of Great Missenden, for recusancy. Agnes Jolly, senior, Agnes Jolly, junior, Esther Jolly, and Jane Jolly, all of Wendover Forrens, for being “reputed Roman Catholicks.” Silvester Dancer, George Barnard, alias Fuller, John Rowe, and Mary Berry, all of Aston Clynton, for selling beer without licences. Joseph Symonds of North Marston for not obeying Thomas Brandon and John Kipping, constables of Aston Clynton. p. 342. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Crompton, esquire, and [blank] Bringhurst, widow, both of Great Marlow, William Wright of Stoke 362 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1690-91. Goldington, and Edmund Waters and John Tippers, both of Mursley, gentlemen, for recusancy. William Gurney “of the Hamlett of Bottley” in Chesham, for “refuseing to pay for watching according to the Custome of the aforesaid parish.” Henry Hubbert. junior, and William Hubbert, both of Great Marlow, for “keeping engines privately to destroy their Majestyes Game.” William Smith and John Johnson, both of Wexham, and Thomas Talbott of Upton, for receiving inmates. James Brierly of Olney for building a cottage at Sherrington, in which Robert Church, senior, now lives, without assigning four acres of land. Alice Conningham of Sherrington, widow, for similarly building two cottages there, in which Thomas Course and Philip Buckingham now live. John Abbott of Sherrington for similarly building a cottage there, in which Edward Ince now lives. William Field, senior, of Sherrington for receiving Thomas Webb as an inmate for a year. p. 343. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Stoke Mandevill . . Joseph Smith and Richard Weston vice William Bankeworth and John Arnott. Marish Gibbon . . Thomas Abraham as tithingman vice Francis Syrett. Boveney . . . . William Smith vice Humphrey Clark and Edward Webb as tithingman vice Richard Richeson. Hardwick . . . . Joseph Jane vice Michael Symons. Medmenham . . Jonas Redding vice Joseph Harding. Bledlow town . . John Chitch vice [blank]. Bledlow Ridge . . Nicholas Wessen vice [blank]. Buckland . . . . Richard Pratt vice Henry Norwood. Wingrave . . . . Thomas Seabrooke and William Grace vice Bernard Stapp and Thomas Brooks. Wing . . . . John Pitchford vice Francis Jorden. 363 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Woodrow in Amersham Matthew Evans vice Thomas Libidee. Moulso . . . . John Greenwood vice John Abraham. p. 344. Orders. Orders extending the recognizances of Joseph Street and Richard Godfrey. The appeal of Francis Hatton. esquire, against the rating of his lands at Broughton in Bierton is referred to the Justices for the Hundred of Aylesbury. The appeal of Sir John Packington, Bart., is again referred to certain justices. [And see ante, p. 322.] Richard Cowly to be allowed 1s. a week by Richard Fllis, overseer of Ravenstone. Order referring to certain justices the question of the rates for repairing the highways at Brill, “which in anywise relate to the Estate of Robert Dormer, esquire, in the occupations of John Ben, Andrew Parslow, and others and which in anywise relate to the Estate of Sir Peter Apsly or his Tennants.” P. 345. The inhabitants of Lidlington, co. Bedford, ordered to appear at the next session to shew cause why Joanna, the bastard child of Sarah Tilcock, should not be removed to Lidlington, where she was born. Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary by Robert Turney, gentleman, treasurer for the “Lower Division.” Ralph Lacey fined £5 for “speaking scandalous words against the King and Queen.” William Horwood discharged from being petty constable of Buckland. 364 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1690-91. p. 346. The overseers of Great Marlow ordered to pay out of the poor rate £10 “towards the Surgeon’s Paines about the cure” of one of the servants of William Carter. The appeal of John Russ against his assessment to rates at Tingewick is referred to the justices for the hundreds of Buckingham. Thomas Burnett to be allowed 1s. a week by the over- seers of Weedon in Hardwick. p. 347. Order confirming a justices’ warrant for the settlement of Thomas Fonsham, with his wife and child, at Studham. Orders “suppressing” the alehouses of Peter Horton at Iver, and Ralph Lacey at Princes Risborough. Thomas Beavor, who was found guilty of stealing “a parcell of wearing Linnen,” value 10d., from Anne Cole, is ordered to be whipped at the cart’s tail from the gaol door at Aylesbury to the George sign post and back again. [And see post, Vol. III, p. 52] p. 348. Order for the removal of Jane Axtell from Burnham to Farnham Royall. The question of the rates at Calverton is referred to the justices for the hundreds of Newport. Mary Lovett to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of Hawridge. p. 349. Upon the petition of Thomas Cranke of Chepping Wycomb, labourer, which was “subscribed by the Mayor, Recorder, and Court of Alderman of the said Burrough,” to the effect that he “did serve his late Majesty King Charles the first in the Warrs against the then Rebells in England and Scotland, and that he was imprest so to do by the Constables of West Wycomb,” the treasurer for the Maimed 365 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Soldiers in the “Upper Division” is ordered to pay him £2 for his relief. The appeal of “Mr. Serjt.” Thurbane and Samuel Dodd, esquire, against the rates at Ellesborough is referred to the justices for the hundred of Aylesbury. The clerk of the peace is ordered to “buy a Book against the next Sessions wherein to enter the severall Receipts and disbursments of the Treasurers for this County, and an Entry shall for the future be of the County Stock and in whose hands the same is, to the end this Court may at every Sessions have the Particuler accompt thereof to have recourse to as Occasion shall require.” p. 350. Upon a certificate, signed by many inhabitants of Little Kimble, that Elizabeth Ashby, “whose husband is at present ingaged in their Majestyes service in Ireland,” has suffered the loss of all her household goods by fire, Mr. Robert Morton, treasurer for the “Upper Division,” is ordered to pay her £2 for her relief. William Benson, gentleman, County gaoler, to be paid £1. 10s. for expenses defrayed by him in connection with the illness and death of William Myles, a prisoner in the gaol. Mr. Richard Turnor, County coroner, to be paid 10s. for “takeing inquisitions upon poor Prisoners dyeing in the Goal.” p. 351. Sybil Watts to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Whitchurch. Rose Roberts to be paid £3 by the treasurer for the “Lower Division,” for her relief and to enable her to find a house. A further sum of £5 is to be spent upon repairs to Thornborough Bridge. 366 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1690-91. p. 352. Upon the petition of Thomas Bird to the effect that “he was lately an Inhabitant of Dublin in the Kingdome of Ireland and by the late unhappy warrs there forced to fly for refuge into this Kingdome with his wife, and that they have beene some tyme at Aylesbury . . . where they have industriously gotten their Livelyhoods without being chargeable to the said parish . . . and is now willing to retorn again to Dublyn but is in Poverty,” he is granted £3 from the County stock “for to bear their travilling charges from thence to the Port of Chester.” Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £10 so as to meet the fees due to the Clerk of Assize upon the discharge of certain poor prisoners at the last assizes. p. 353. Memorandum that “John Eddows, gentleman, Treasurer for the Militia of this County, did certify to this Court a duplicate of the Accompt of the fourth part of one Moneths Assessment raised by the deputy Lieutenants by a Letter from the Lord Lieutenant, dated the tenth day of July, 1687, by virtue of an Act of Parliament entitled An Act for ordering the severall forces in the severall Countyes in this Kingdome.” Memorandum that “John Maccascree, Treasurer of the Weekes Tax for the said County of Bucks, certifyed to the Justices of the Peace a duplicate of the Militia Accompt for the years 1689 and 1690, according to the Statute made in the 13th and 14th of King Charles the second, capite 3.” p. 354. Indictments confessed and traversed. Francis Sleymaker of Edgecott fined 6s. 8d. for harbouring vagabonds. Peter Horton of Iver fined £2 for keeping a bowling alley and 10s. for a breach of the peace. Elizabeth, wife of Walter Herbert of Winslow, barber, fined 6s. 8d. for assaulting Joan Edmonds. William Stevens, senior, of “the Corner of the Green” in Bledlow, yeoman, fined 10s. for each of the three days upon which he refused to do his statutory work upon the AA 367 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. highways. The fine goes towards the expenses of repairing the highways. Ralph Lacey of Princes Risborough, labourer, fined £5 for speaking scandalous words against their Majesties, and 3s. 4d. for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Gabriel Prentice of Wendover, carpenter, found not guilty of assaulting Thomas Saunders. Henry Tredway of Upton, yeoman, found not guilty of refusing to do his statutory work upon the highways. John Andrew of Little Kymbell, labourer, found not guilty of “stopping up an highway in Briddens lane.” William Henshaw, servant to William Gilpin of Stony Stratford, tallow-chandler, found not guilty of stealing 6 pounds of candles and 30 pounds of tallow from his master. p. 355. Recognizances extended. Joseph Street of Dorney, victualler, in £20, with Daniel Winter, hatter, and Humphrey Clark, yeoman, both of Dorney, as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Thomas Godliman. Richard Godfry of Eykly lane in Stoke Goldington in £40, with Robert Weston of the same as surety in £20. for killing a deer. Recognizances entered into. Robert Cursons, alias Cossens, and John Madge, both of Long Crendon, yeomen, and Peter Atkinson of Stony Stratford, victualler, all in £40, to appear and answer. John Goodchild of Princes Risborough, yeoman, in £40, with Thomas Devening and Henry Westfield, both of Monks Risborough, husbandmen, as sureties in £20 each, to keep the peace towards his wife. John Dyson of Chalfont St. Peter, labourer, in £40, with John Bryant, sawyer, and Edward Parkins, husband- man, both of the same, as sureties in £20 each, to appear concerning the bastard child of Elizabeth Franklyn. p. 356. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Robert Huntly of Penn and John Newman of Hanslop, 368 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1090-91. gentleman, fined £l. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of Francis Sleymaker, Peter Horton. Elizabeth Herbert, and Ralph Lacey, given on p. 354 ante, are here repeated. John Goodwin of Enesbury, co. Huntingdon, “hair- buyer,” forfeits his recognizance of £50 for non appearance, and his surety John Coale of Needenworth, co. Huntingdon, wheelwright, forfeits £30. pp. 357-359. Recognizances discharged. Elizabeth, wife of Walter Herbert, barber, Thomas Smallbone, “haberdasher of hatts,” and Stephen Bigg, blacksmith, all of Winslow, Edward Monday of Ellesborough, yeoman, Benjamin Verey, hemp-dresser, William Brookes, grocer, and John Payne, cordwainer, all of Aylesbury, John Shaw, labourer, and Ephraim Holt, yeoman, both of Upton in Dynton, Richard Shaw of Aylesbury, cordwainer, Robert Cossens and William Parker, both of Long Crendon, yeomen, William Green of Brill, yeoman, John Dyson, labourer, John Bryant, sawyer, and Edward Parkyns, husbandman, all of Chalfont St. Peter, Andrew Leekey and Thomas Leekey, both of Hugendon, gentlemen, Henry Tredway of Upton, John Andrews of Great Kimble, labourer, William Stevens, senior, of the “Corner of the Green” in Bledlow, yeoman, William Greenwood, cordwainer, and Thomas Ludgate, labourer, both of Nash in Whaddon, William Newland, junior, of Wing, Gabriel Prentice of Wendover, carpenter, John Mason and Michael Mason, both of Hanslopp, Peter Atkinson, victualler, and Edward Snoxall, shoemaker, both of Stony Stratford, William Cowly of Chitchly, grazier, William Gilpin, tallow-chandler, William Henshaw, his servant, and William Beavin, gardener, all of Stony Stratford, Samuel Pulley, servant to John Wittewrong, esquire, of Stanton, John Price of Simpson, victualler, Anne Coles, spinster, servant to Thomas Sellett of Hogshaw, grazier, Raphael Pulley, husbandman, William Bobbins, labourer, and Thomas Mathews, glover, all of Astwood, John Lucke, surgeon, and Alice Lucke, widow, both of Stony Stratford, Edward Bolton, labourer, John Reyner, mercer, Lawrence 369 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME II. Moores, bricklayer, and Ralph Winter, labourer, all of Beconsfield, Richard Lovelace of Chalfont St. Giles, black- smith, George Lack of Beconsfield, blacksmith, John Goodchild, yeoman, Edward Stone, husbandman, and John Smith, husbandman, all of Princes Risborough, George Thorne of Marsworth, farmer, Thomas Field, butcher, and Gilbert Geary, tallow-chandler, both of Barkehamsted St. Mary, alias North Church, co. Hertford, Peter Horton, victualler, Richard Campion, cordwainer, Francis Thompson, victualler, and James Stanborough, bricklayer, all of Iver, Philip Bates of Drayton Parslow, yeoman, John Bates of Stewkly, husbandman, Humphry Bates of Drayton Parslow, John Reynor, Matthew Miller, and William Newland, all of Wing, yeomen, John Walker and John Stevens, both of Piddington, co. Oxford, yeomen, Thomas Shirley and William Burrborough, both of Lurgashall, yeomen, Edward Steward, baker, John Draper, blacksmith, and William Dover, yeoman, all of Ivinghoe, Lawrence Bishop, David Norman, John Preston, John Major, and Thomas Winterborne, labourers, and Frances North, spinster, all of Lillingstone Dayrell. William Rogers of Woolverton, yeoman, Thomas Kent of Stony Stratford, book-keeper, John Burton of Woolverton, yeoman, Matthew Allen of Brill, yeoman, John Clarke of Oakly, yeoman, Henry Ladimore of Chilton, yeoman, and Stephen Clinch of Oakly, yeoman. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace.

VOLUME III EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 23rd April and 6th June, 1691 [3 William and Mary] p. 1. Jurors for the body of the County. Joseph Brasbridge, gentleman, James Kipping, Richard Harvey, Henry Olliffe, William Very, John Bampton, Thomas 370 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1691. Berry, John Tompson, William Scott, Edward Nelson, Thomas Chapman, Thomas Seare, Arthur Smith, John Deverell, Richard White, William Edmonds, and Daniel Saunders. (Signed) Harry Tyrrell, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for the cases against John Madge and others:— George Baldwyn, Thomas Brookes, John Pratt, Peter Goldsworth, John Paine, Matthew Willis, Henry Hawkins, William Brookes, Alexander Dover, John Very, Henry Mills, and Robert Todd. (Signed) Harry Tyrrell, esquire, sheriff. pp. 2-3. Edward Dayrell, senior, of Lamperd in Stow, gentleman, Peter May, bailiff of the borough of Chepping Wycomb, and Joseph Burkett of Chepping Wycomb, tailor, tooks the oaths contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 1 and subscribed the declarations contained in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. Joseph Palmer of Newport Pagnell, “bonelace maker,” an anabaptist, subscribed the above declarations and took the oaths contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 10. The dwelling-houses of the following persons were registered as public meeting houses under 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 19:— John Medburne of Pightlesthorne, Edward Carter of Stony Stratford, Sarah Cooper, widow, John Mallett, John Willett, and George King, all of Great Horwood, [blank] Ruffhead of Newport Pagnell, widow, and Joan Rexham of Haversham. p. 4. Indictments. Paul Burnham of Cuddington, for assaulting William Grant. Denyse, wife of Thomas Kempster of Aylesbury, for assaulting Hannah Horne, spinster. [And see post, p. 12]. Elizabeth, wife of William Osborne of Newport Pagnell, for stealing a box from Richard Pinkard. [And see post, p. 30.] 371 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. John Luck of Stony Stratford, for breaking and throwing down a sign post belonging to Peter Atkynson. [And see post, p. 30.] William Field, senior, of Sherrington, for entertaining an inmate. Silvester Dancer, George Bernard, alias Fuller, John Raw. and Mary Berry, all of Aston Clynton, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. John Abbott and Alice Conningham both of Sherrington, for building cottages without assigning four acres of land. Peter Horton of Iver, labourer, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. [And see post, p. 73.] William Gurney of the hamlet of Bottly in Chesham, for refusing to keep watch. [And see post, p. 14.] William North of Wendover, Robert Henley and Henry Myles, senior, both of Weston Turvile, Edward Standbridge of Edlesborough, John March of Dynton, John Kent of Olney, John Webster, senior, John Webster, junior, Richard North, and Anthony Stutchbury, all of Buckingham, James Budd of Padbury, John Ends of Steeple Cleydon, Thomas North, Aaron North, and Thomas Fennymore, all of Gawcott, Thomas Deely of Cublington. John Green of Long Crendon, Henry Larymore of Chilton, and [blank] Salter and [blank] Welles, both of Hedgerly, for trading as badgers without licences. Agnes Jolly of Wendover, spinster, and Richard Minshall. esquire, of Boreton, for recusancy and for not attending church. Joseph Symmons of North Marston, for not assisting the constable of Aston Clynton. [And see post, p. 54.] p. 5. Presentments of the grand jury. William Shinill of Bierton, for harbouring vagrants. John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, Finch Howes, and Katherine Howes, all of Bierton, and Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, “to be Roman Catholicks and absent from Church one moneth.” Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, John Howes, gentle- 372 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1691. man, and his wife, Finch Howes, gentleman, and Anne Howes, all of Broughton in Bierton, John Webb and Charles Dormer, esquire, both of Great Missenden, Thomas Crompton, esquire, and Mary, widow of John Bringhurst, both of Great Marlow, Richard Cole, gentleman, and Susan Salmon, both of Datchett, [blank] Mosdell of Fulmer, widow, [blank] Glyn of Olney, esquire, Sir Edward Longuevile, “Knt. and Bart.,” of Woolverton, Edmund Waters and John Tippers, both of Mursly, gentlemen, and Robert Cuttler of Drayton Parlow, for recusancy. Elizabeth Gask of Wendover, and Henry Hubbard and Anne Morgan, both of Great Marlow, for bastardy. Silvester Dancer, George Fuller, alias Bernard, John Rowe, and Mary Berry, all of Aston Clynton, and Anne Askew of Hanslopp, widow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. John Scrivener of Great Linford. for entertaining inmates. p. 6. Chief constables sworn. Aylesbury . . . . John Stacy of Wendover, gentleman, and Richard Goodchild of Great Kymbell vice Joseph Pedder and William Lamborne. Newport . . . . William Sheppard, junior, of Great Brickhill and Martin Purrier of Olney, gentleman, vice Hugh Smith and John Smith. Buckingham . . Edward Butterfield of Barton, gentle- man, and Henry Smith of Hackmoore vice Stafford Morgan and William Greeves. Cotteslow . . . . Joseph Everidge of Rowsham and Thomas Welles of Drayton Parslo vice John Garrett and Alexander Duncomb. Ashendon . .. . . William Tompson of Crendon and Andrew Rice of Nether Winchingdon,

373 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. gentleman, vice John Bowden and Richard Betham Stoke . . . . William Guy of Langley and Edward Martyn of Wyrardisbury, gentleman, vice Francis Price and John Butler. Desborough . . Thomas Leakey of Hugendon and Richard Style of Turvile with Ipstone, gentleman, vice Hugh Dorrell and Henry Turner Burnam . . . . Humphry Clark of Boveny in Burnham and John Tokefield of “le Wood” in Chesham vice William Grymsdall and John Ware. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s Bench Isaac Gurney of Stewkly and Thomas Butterfield of Woborne, and Marshalsea gentlemen, vice Robert Turney and John Fawsett. For the maimed Soldiers Robert Adams of Swanborne and Ralph Towne of Bledlow, gentlemen, vice William Cannon and Robert Moreton. pp. 7-9. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Cuddington . . William Grant vice William Fryer. Ipstone . . . . John Scolls vice John Deane. Turvyle . . . . Nathaniel Binfield vice John Hollis. Hambledon . . John Flood and Richard Dormer vice Richard Fisher and Hugh Wickins. Stony Stratford Eastside John Woolhead vice William Marshall. Bow Brickhill . . William Cooke, senior, vice [blank]. Stony Stratford Westside Thomas Kent vice Edward Snoxall. Sherrington . . James Lucas and Richard Chebnall vice [blank]. Cold Brafield . . William Leaper vice [blank]. Little Crawley . . John Bunkar vice [blank]. Lavendon . . . . John Ward and John Reynolds vice [blank]. 374 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1691. Astwood . . . . John Cocks vice [blank]. North Crawley . . William Wells vice [blank]. Wavendon . . . . John Edwin vice William Parratt. Moulso . . . . John Greenwood vice John Abraham. Stoke Hammond . . Lawrence King vice Thomas Fountain. Simpson . . . . John Cooke vice Thomas Newman. Little Woolston . . John Byneon vice William Soams. Little Brickhill . . Thomas Benson and George Gosley vice Henry Myles and Thomas Peele. Great Missenden . . John Haynes and Matthew Davey vice William Wrackley and James Graveny, Nathaniel Dell as tithing- man vice John Treacher, and John Anderson for “le Hyde” vice Joseph Atkins. Taplow . . . . William Flatt vice [blank]. Sippenham . . William Meredue vice [blank]. Hitcham . . . . Richard Holderness vice Richard Dell. Dorney . . . . John Marsh vice Andrew Brothers. Bradenham . . Edward Langridge vice Humphrey Francis. West Wycomb. . William Noble and Robert Wade vice William Hunt and Daniel Oxlade. Brooke End in West Wycomb William Leasonby as tithingman viceJohn Hill. Radnedge . . . . Samuel Randall vice Thomas Wheeler. Brands Fee . . Thomas Moreton vice Thomas Spencer and Nicholas Denchfield as tithing-man vice Philip Keene. Saunderton . . John Wingrave vice Henry Allen. Chepping Wycomb Forrens Samuel Gibbs, senior, vice Jonathan Humfry. Little Missenden . . James Hunt vice John Knight. Great Kimbell . . Richard Gomm vice Joseph Franklyn. Waddesdon . . Edward Craker and William Bennett vice Thomas Crook and William Mountague. Bierton . . . . Bernard Thorne vice Thomas Nore, and Thomas Noare as tithingman vice Francis Smyth.

375 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Hugendon . . Moses Costard vice Thomas Wright. Colebrook . . . . Samuel Hosey vice Edward Higney. Horton . . . . Edward Hearne vice William Slawter. Datchett . . . . Adrian Aldridge and John Brumzon vice Humphrey Nipping and Thomas Cooper. Eton . . . . John Aldridge vice Robert Bartlett, deceased Wexham . . . . Philip Mitchell vice Thomas Knowlton. Upton . . . . Thomas Talbott and John Webb, senior vice George Smith and William Hurst, and Thomas Hewes as tithingman vice James Gammon. Eton . . . . Edward Galloway and Thomas Gill as tithingmen vice Thomas Williams and John Dickenson. Monks Risborough Thomas Beddall and Edward Violl vice William Monke and John Gourney. Denham . . . . William Nash vice Thomas Jeffery. Parsons Fee in Aylesbury Robert Todd and Alexander Dover vice [blank]. Swanborne . . Edward Anstee and John Carpenter vice William Tompkins and Matthew Addams. Winslow . . . . Charles King vice Robert Spooner. Dynton . . . . Richard Hust vice William Addean. Sippenham in Robert Pither vice [blank]. Burnham Cheddington . . Jonathan Stonley vice Robert Moores. Great Hampden . . John Lidall vice [blank]. Newton Longueville Thomas Page vice Geoffrey Hart. Dunton . . . . William Batt vice George Mallard. Mentmore . . . . Humphrey Collings vice Thomas Fountain. Soulbury . . . . William Tayler, senior, vice Thomas Tarbox. Muresly . . . . John Harris vice Thomas Weard. Stukely . . . . John Willison vice John Crasman. North Marston . . Ralph Stephens, junior, and Henry 376 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1691. Foster vice John Symons and Thomas Tatham. Studley . . . . Robert Saunders vice Richard Coates. Bottle Cleydon in East Cleydon Thomas Smith, senior, vice Joseph Markham. Borstall . . . . Thomas Barnard vice James Adkins, and John Borren as tithingman vice John Iviatts. Brill . . . . Daniel Dodson vice John Wedge. Upper Winchingdon Thomas Willetts vice Thomas Hebborne. Wornall . . . . Thomas Hill vice Stephen Radford. Chilton . . . . Richard Bolton vice Thomas Beamsly Oveing . . . . William Yerll vice Richard Hewett. Wescott . . . . John Beck vice Roland Burnham. Great Kymbell . . John Allen vice Edward Smith. Stone with BishopStone Joseph Cleydon vice William Right. Walton in Aylesbury Joseph Bampton and John Worster vice Simon Clark and Nicholas Wooton. Ellesborough . . Geoffrey Hill and James Smith vice John Hitchcock and William Allen. Padbury . . . . John Woolhead vice Richard Lee Little Horwood . . Henry Curtice and Thomas Mitchell vice Joseph Cocks and [blank]. Hedgerly . . . . Daniel Baulding vice Richard Salter. Whitchurch . . Thomas Welles and Francis Gower vice James Wooster and John Gourney. Cuddington . . Richard Piddington and William Dickenson, senior, as tithingmen vice [blank]. Fulbrook in Hogshaw Thomas Sellett vice Robert Stapp. p. 10. Orders. Order extending the recognizance of Joseph Street. Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary. 377 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 11. “Whereas their Majestyes Attorney generall hath in Obedience to a Warrant from the Queen’s most Excellent Majestye authorized the Clerk of the Peace of this County to enter a Cessot Processus against John Webb of Great Missenden in this County, esquire, and Charles Dormer of the same, esquire, and their respective wives for Recusancy, It is ordered by this Court that the same be entered accord- ingly, and the said Warrants of Mr. Attorney generall be registered amongst the Orders and fyled with the Records of this Sessions.” The two warrants are given in full. They are dated 27th February, 1690/1, are addressed to “The Clerk of the Assizes for the Norfolk Circuit and to the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Bucks,” and are signed by , the attorney-general. The warrants mention the “Warrant from Her Majestye under her Royall Signe manuall and Countersigned by the Right Honorable the Lord Sydney, one of their Majestyes Principall Secretaryes of State.” p. 12. Orders extending the recognizances of Anthony Kight of Newport Pagnell. labourer, and Abraham Wood. John Goodchild of Monks Risborough, yeoman, ordered to pay £1 to the clerk of the peace, which shall be refunded if he can produce a receipt from his wife’s brother for this amount, which he undertook to pay to him last session. The case against Paul Burnard is removed into the Court of King’s Bench by writ of certiorari. Order staying all proceedings against Denyse, wife of Thomas Kempster of Aylesbury, victualler, until further notice. John Woolhead to be sworn constable of Padbury in place of Richard Lee. p. 13. Order discharging the recognizances of John Goodwyn of Enesbury, co. Huntingdon, and of , his surety, as his father, John Goodwyn, senior, has indemnified the 378 ______

EASTER SESSION, l691. parish of Little Brickhill against the charge of the bastard child of which his son was the reputed father. Order allowing the appeal of Shalston against the settlement there of Gilbert Parsons, his wife and six children, and directing that they shall be removed to Brill. Order removing Joanna, the bastard child of Sarah Tilcock, from Whaddon to Lidlington, co. Bedford, her birthplace. Thomas Hammond gave evidence that due notice had been served upon the inhabitants of Lidlington, but they did not appear. p. 14. Order continuing the reference of the appeal against the rates at Ellesborough. [And see ante, Vol. II, p. 349]. Order discharging the indictment against William Gurney of the hamlett of Bottly in Chesham. [And see ante, p. 4]. Thomas Hawes of Chesham asked the Court for relief in view of the fact that he had “by an accident totally lost the use of one of his hands . . . and that it hath cost him near thirty shillings to a Bone setter.” The overseers of Chesham are ordered to pay him 10s. for the bone setter and an allowance of 2s. a week for his maintenance. If he “shall be throwne out of the possession of his dwelling house,” he is to be allowed another 1s. a week for house rent. pp. 15-16. Order dismissing the appeal of John Russ, yeoman, against his assessment to rates at Tingewick. The report of the justices who heard the case is fully set out. The appeal was on the rateable value of a certain wood “of the Colledge” [? Eton] at Tingewick, with a total acreage of “eleven score and eleven acres,” of which John Stevenson, gentleman, had been the previous tenant. The value of the land was argued in considerable detail. The name of Lancelot Bland, “late Parson of Tingewick,” is given in the course of the report. 379 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 17. George Thorne of Marsworth ordered to be brought before a justice of the peace to be examined as to where he has conveyed away the bastard son of Elizabeth Cripps. p. 18. Report by certain justices upon the rates for repairing the highways at Brill. The surveyors, Anthony Davis and Thomas Turner, admitted that their method was irregular, and that, when John Bew, John Parslow, and Richard Coles, tenants of Sir Peter Apsley and Robert Dormer, esquire, “did tender their Teemes to do their Service,” they refused to accept such service, but demanded instead money at the rate of 6d. per acre. p. 19. Order staying all proceedings against Joseph Symons of North Marston. Order adjourning the appeal of Burnham against an order removing Jane Axtell and her child from Farnham Royall. p. 20. Order excusing the parish of Hawridge from paying an allowance of 3s. a week to Mary, wife of William Lovett, so long as William’s brother, Daniel, shall continue to pay this amount to her, as he now promises to do. [And see post, p. 55.] William Benson, County gaoler, to be paid 21s. by one of the treasurers for expenses in connection with the illness and death of Nicholas Betts, a prisoner in the gaol. Order that the child of Margery Roberts, born while she was a prisoner in the gaol, shall be removed to the parish of which the father, since deceased, was an inhabitant. p. 21. “In Pursuance of a late Act of Parliament, passed on the twentyeth day of December last past, Entituled An Act for Punishing Officers and Soldiers who shall mutiny or desert their Majestyes Service, And for Punishing false Musters, It is ordered and appointed in the Quarter Sessions aforesaid That all Officers and Soldiers shall pay for their 380 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1691. Provisions for one or more Nights in their Marching through the Townes, Villages and other places within this County of Bucks, And for the first night only in such places in the same County as shall be appointed for their Residence or Quarters such Rates and Prices as are hereinafter mentioned: (That is to say) for a Commissioned Officer of Horse being under the Degree of a Captain, for such Officer’s dyett and small Beer and Hay and straw for his horse, each night two shillings, And for one Commissioned Officer of Dragoons, being under the Degree of a Captain, for such Officer’s dyett . . . (etc.), one shilling and sixpence, And for one Commissioned Officer of Foot under the Degree of a Captain, for such Officer’s dyett and small Beer, each night, one shilling, And if such Officer shall have Horse or Horses, for each such Horse or Horses sixpence each night, And for one Light Horseman’s dyett and small Beer and Hay and Straw for his Horse, each night one shilling, And for one Dragoon’s dyett . . . (etc.) each night ninepence, And for one foot Soldier’s dyett and small Beer each night fourpence.” The clerk of the peace is ordered to distribute copies of this order to each of the chief constables, who are in turn to distribute copies to the petty constables. p. 22. Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid £1. 7s. 3d. “for the dyett of four souldiers by virtue of a late Proclamation taken up for their Majestyes Service and committed to his care for safe custody.” Mr. John Fawsett, one of the treasurers, is ordered to pay Mr. Smith, the clerk of the peace, £2. 3s. for money spent on “Messengers for carrying out copies of a Letter from the Lords of their Majestyes Privy Council directed to their Majestyes Justices of the Peace for this County concerning the Assisting of their Majestyes Officers in rayseing of Souldiers for their Majestyes Service,” £1 for his “paynes” in writing out 22 copies of this letter, and 12s. 2d. for buying a receipt book for the County stock and another book for entering processes and orders. p. 23. Mary, wife of John Sudell, to be paid £1. 10s. for the 381 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. clothing and nursing of “a County Child” named Damaris Bright. Thomas Barnwell, deputy sheriff, to be paid £2. 8s. for erecting a new gallows at Aylesbury, as authorized at the Easter Session, 1680. [See ante, Vol. I, p. 105.] The clerk of the peace is ordered to “demand of Mr. Guilmore, Mr. Weedon, and any others who have bene any wayes concerned in the said Office, all Records, Papers, Books, Memorandums, and other noates and papers touching or relateing to the said Office which are in their or any of their Custody . . . . And in default or Refusall to take such Course for the Recovery of them as is usuall in such Cases or make Complaint unto the Lords Commissioners of the Broad Seal of England.” The Court adjourned until the 6th June, when the adjourned session was held at the Town Hall at Aylesbury. John Page of Newton Longueville, who was committed to gaol for assaulting William Pollard, is released on bail now that Pollard has recovered from his wounds and has brought an action at common law for damages against Page. p. 24. John Knight ordered to continue as constable of Little Missenden until the question of the eligibility of James Hunt, who had been sworn constable, is decided by the Court. pp. 25-29. The following prisoners were ordered to be released from the gaol, “without paying any thing for Fees or Chamber Rent,” in accordance with the Act of 30 Charles II, entitled “An Act for the further Relieff and Discharge of Poor Distressed Prisoners for Debt”:— John White of Stony Stratford, labourer, imprisoned by virtue of a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum issuing from the Court of Common Pleas at the suit of Simon Urlyn, gentleman, “one of the Attorneys.” Francis Thompson of Emberton, shepherd, certified that due notice had been served on the creditor. 382 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1691. John Alnutt of Stoke Mandevile, husbandman, imprisoned by virtue of a writ issuing from the Court of King’s Bench at the suit of Martha Kettleby, widow, in an action for trespass. The other creditors were Francis Alnutt, gentleman, Richard Barrabee of West Wycomb, gentleman, John Sparkes of High Wycomb, gentleman, and Thomas Harris of Stoke Mandivile, blacksmith; and John Stratfold of Aylesbury, labourer, certified that due notice had been served on all the creditors. Jacob Treacher of Great Missenden, yeoman, imprisoned by virtue of a writ of latitat issuing from the Court of King’s Bench at the suit of Sir Humphrey Foster, Bart., and Dame Judith, his wife, in an action for trespass. The other creditors were [blank] Maplestone of Perriford, co. Middlesex, gentleman, [blank] Harrison of the same, widow, Jasper Geary of Chesham, gentleman, Anne Clerke of Aston Rowant, co. Oxford, widow, and Jonathan Dagg, clerk, and John Dover, yeoman, both of Great Missenden; and Samuel Chew of [blank] certified that due notice had been served on all the creditors. John Rouse of Lavindon, labourer, imprisoned at the suit of Francis Walsall, clerk. The other creditors were Samuel Coney, son and executor of David Coney of Turvey, co. Bedford, innholder, William Gabell of Laundon, yeoman, and Roger Chapman, esquire, and Thomas Pomfrett, gentle- man, both of Newport Pagnell; and Francis Thompson of Emberton certified that due notice had been served on all the creditors. Francis Thompson, another prisoner, sought the benefit of the act, but, as he could not give evidence that due notice had been served on his creditors, he was remanded back to the gaol. p. 30. Indictments confessed and traversed. Elizabeth, wife of William Osborne of Newport Pagnell, fined 6s. 8d. for stealing a paper box from Richard Pinkard. John Fryer, senior, of Penn, fined £1 for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Robert Curzons of Long Crendon, yeoman, found not guilty of assaulting Thomas Howlett. BB 383 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. John Madge of Long Crendon, yeoman, found not guilty of building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Peter Atkynson of Stony Stratford, victualler, fined 3s. 4d. for harbouring vagrants, for keeping a disorderly alehouse, and for “inticing William Henshaw, apprentice to William Gilpin of Stony Stratford, tallow chandler, to pilferr and purloyne goods and chattells of his Masters.” His wife, Hannah, was also indicted, but did not plead. John Luck of Stony Stratford, labourer, fined 3s. 4d. for “breaking and throwing downe” a sign post fixed to the dwelling house of Peter Atkynson. p. 31. Recognizances extended. Joseph Street of Dorney, victualler, in £20, with Daniel Winter, hatter, and Humphrey Clark, yeoman, both of Dorney, as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Thomas Godlyman. George Griffin of Lathbury, labourer, in £20, with Richard Pinkard of Newport Pagnell, victualler, and Jonas Smith of Lathbury, yeoman, as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Anthony Kight of Newport Pagnell, labourer, in £20, with Edward Revyes of the same, butcher, as surety in £20, for the appearance of Samuel Kight, his son, in a bastardy case. Abraham Wood of Wavendon, labourer, in £40, with Thomas Crowshaw of the same, “warrenner,” as surety in £20, for poaching. p. 32. Recognizances entered into. Charles Noy of Aylesbury, victualler, in £10, with Thomas Kempster and John Stratfold, tallow chandler, both of Aylesbury, as sureties in £5 each, that, in consideration of his being permitted to keep an alehouse for the ensuing year, he will not allow any unlawful games to be played there, nor will he allow any person in his alehouse on Sundays during the time of Divine Service, nor will he allow any “idle or disorderly persons to sitt tipling in his said house.” John Abbott, labourer, and Alice Conningham, widow, both of Sherrington, in £40 each, to appear and answer. 384 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1691. John Page of Newton Longueville, butcher, in £40, with William Page, husbandman, and Thomas Page, grazier, both of the same, as sureties in £20 each, to appear and answer an indictment for assaulting William Pollard. p. 33. Fines and issues. John Rose of Cuddington, Thomas Hill of , Tobias Churchill of Steeple Cleydon, gentleman, Jasper Geary of Chesham, gentleman, [erased], Robert Cordwell of Penn, and Thomas Norris and William Daniell, both of Bletchly, fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of Elizabeth Osborne, John Fryer, Peter Atkynson, and John Lucks, given on p. 30 ante, are here repeated. The inhabitants of Brill fined £10 for not repairing their highways. p. 34. Recognizances discharged. Richard Godfry and Robert Weston, victualler, both of Eykly Lane in Stoke Goldington, John Goodchild of Princes Risborow, yeoman, Thomas Devening and Henry Westfield, both of Monks Risborow, husbandmen, John Dyson, labourer, John Bryant, sawyer, and Edward Parkyns, husbandman, all of Chalfont St. Peter, John Goodwin of Enesbury, co. Huntingdon, “hair buyer,” John Coale of Needenworth, co. Huntingdon, wheelwright, William Guy, yeoman, Charles Deane, yeoman, and Edward Heath, mason, all of Towersey, Richard Marsh, William Saunders, and William Atkins, all of Dynton, alias Donington, Paul Burnham, William Burnham, and John Gilford, all of Cuddington, Roger Buncker of Grove, husbandman, John Stevens, yeoman, Richard Betham, yeoman, and Thomas Reeve, labourer, all of North Marston, William Fawscott, labourer, Thomas Holton, smith, and Roger Warner, labourer, all of Twyford, John Coker, labourer, Thomas Symonds, yeoman, and John Hitchcock, yeoman, all of North Marston, Roger Cuttler, butcher, Thomas Graves, husbandman, and Richard Killingsworth, cord- 385 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. wainer, all of Iver, Thomas Asaby, blacksmith, Richard Coles, husbandman, and Matthew Pye, baker, all of Olney, William Osbourne and John Hall, both of Cranfield, co. Bedford, labourers, John Luck, Samuel Evans, and Thomas Newcomb, all of Stony Stratford, Thomas Chandler of Slapton, yeoman, William Neighbour, labourer, and Stephen Radford, architect, both of Wornall, Thomas Tapling of Oakly, yeoman, John Patee, labourer, John Wigson, iron- monger, Daniel Harding, gentleman, William Hore, cord- wainer, William Welch, grocer, and Richard Clark, hemp dresser, all of Aylesbury, Elizabeth, wife of William Osbourne of Newport Pagnell, John Fryer of Penn, Robert Curzons and John Madge, both of Long Crendon, yeomen, Peter Atkynson of Stony Stratford, victualler, Edward Smith, hemp dresser, and Samuel Stephens, maltster, both of Aylesbury, John Lucke of Stony Stratford, labourer, Robert Holland of Aylesbury, glazier, and William Gurney of Chesham. pp. 35-37. Rates of wages for “Artificers, Labourers, and Servants,” fully set out. These are the same as the rates given for the Easter Session, 1687, and reproduced in Vol. II, pp. 30-31, with the exception that a “Chiefe Bayliffe . . . in the Vale” is to receive £5. 10s. 0d. instead of £5, “Boy Servants . . . in the Vale” are to receive £1. 6s. 8d. instead of £1, and “Mowers of Corne . . . with meat and drink, per day,” are to receive 8d. instead of 6d. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 38-40. [Blank.]

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT WENDOVER [16th July, 1691 [3 William and Mary] p. 41. Jurors for the body of the County. William Hill, gentleman, John Kipping, junior, Richard Brigginshaw, Thomas Piddington, Joseph Rose, John Holland, James Foster, Robert Taylor, Thomas Hogg, John 386 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 169I. Fellow, Samuel Page, Thomas Chersly, Thomas Johnson, Thomas Curle, William King, Thomas Withers, and John Ruddy. (Signed) Harry Tyrrell, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for the cases against George Anderson and Thomas Beaver. Francis Nixon, John Ginger, Thomas Dorvall, Edward Tomson, William Sly, Thomas Barton, George Harding, Isaac Hannell, Richard Moore, Ambrose Aldridge, Thomas Fryday, and William Dorvall. (Signed) Harry Tyrrell, esquire, sheriff. p. 42. The Right Hon. Henry Bertie of Nottley, esquire, the Rev. Thomas Cheshire of Padbury, and Thomas Ligo of Stoke Mandivile, gentleman, took the oaths contained in I William and Mary, c. I, and subscribed the declaration contained in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. pp. 43-44. Indictments. William Guilmore of Great Missenden, gentleman, and Henry Benning and Elizabeth Sutton, widow, both of Wendover, for not doing their statutory work upon the highways. [And see post, pp. 51 and 83.] William Nash of Beconsfield, for assaulting Philip Keene. [And see post, p. 59.] William Russell of Hugendon, for being a common disturber of the peace and for stirring up strife between his neighbours. [And see post, p. 50.] Silvester Dancer, George Bernard, alias Fuller, John Rowe and Mary Berry, all of Aston Clynton, and Anne Askew of Hanslopp, widow, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. William Shinill of Bierton, for harbouring vagrants [And see post, p. 59.] Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. William Lyndon of Aylesbury for assaulting Charles Noy. [And see post, p. 59.] Katherine Hancock of Chepping Wycomb, widow, for 387 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. breaking into the house of Richard Lansdale. [And see post, p. 83.] The inhabitants of Great Missenden and Stoke Mandivile for not repairing Honour End Lane, which runs from Chepping Wycomb to Aylesbury. [And see post, p. 109.] Timothy Lovett of Wendover and William Adkins, Hannah Lovett, and John Eldridge and Susan, his wife, all of Little Missenden, for rioting and assaulting William Myles. [And see post, pp. 109, 142 and 291.] John Scrivenor of Great Lynford, for entertaining John Richardson and his family as inmates. [And see post, p. 59.] Sir Edward Longueville, Bart., of Woolverton. Thomas Crompton, esquire, and Mary Bringhurst, widow, both of Great Marlow, [blank] Glynn of Olney, esquire, John Howes, gentleman, and Anne, his wife, Finch Howes, gentleman, and Katherine Howes and Anne Howes, spinsters, all of Bierton, Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, Richard Cole, gentleman, and Susan Salmon, widow, both of Datchett, [blank] Mosedell of Fullmer, widow, Edward Waters and John Tippers, both of Muresly, gentlemen, and Robert Cutloaf of Drayton Parslow, for recusancy and for being absent from church. John Lowe of Towersey, for taking a ewe from the pound and putting it in Richard Deane’s field. [And see post, p. 83.] John Bentley of Brill, for refusing to work on the highways. [And see post, p. 59.] Thomas Beavor of Great Marlow, for stealing a cock and four hens, each value 1d., from a person unknown. [And see post, p. 52.] George Anderson of Colebrook, for stealing a piece of raw beef, value 10d., from Isaac Holmes. [And see post, p. 52.] John Money, Ellis Rolfe, John Horwood, William Buttler, John Kingham, Francis Walton, Henry Speed, and Thomas Collins, all of Aylesbury, for taking 1,000 perch, 100 eels, 40 bream, 20 carp, 100 roach [?], 1,000 gudgeon, and divers other fish from the waters of Sir John Pakington, Bart. [And see post, pp. 109 and 142.] 388 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1691. p. 45. Presentments of the grand jury. John Webb, esquire, and his wife, and Charles Dormer, esquire, all of Peterly, John Howes, gentleman, and his sons, all of Bierton, and Sir Robert Throgmorton, Bart., of Wooton Underwood, for recusancy and for absence from church. Presentments of the petty constables. Joseph Fletcher of Wooton Underwood, Thomas Alexander of Walton in Aylesbury, John Webb and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, gentleman, his son, all of Broughton in Bierton, Thomas Crompton, esquire, and Mary Brinkhurst, widow, both of Great Marlow, [blank] Mosedell of Fullmer, widow, Katharine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, and Matthew Paine, John Oakley, and Elisha Paine, all of Eaton, and Susan Salmon of Datchett, for recusancy. John Tippers, gentleman, [blank] Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Salden in Mursley, Robert Cutlow of Drayton Parslow, and Sir Edward Longvield of Woolverton, for being “reputed papists” and for absence from church. [Blank] Brice of Maydenhead, co. Berks, clerk, for “preaching and teaching in a Conventicle or unlawfull Assembly in the Chapple of Colebrook in the parish of Horton.” [And see post, p. 74.] Richard Heyward of Walton in Aylesbury, gentleman, for not repairing Fryeridge Bridge, which goes over the brook between the common field of Aylesbury and Fryer’s meadow, which belongs to Heyward. George Barnett and Mary Berry, both of Aston Clynton, for keeping disorderly and unlicensed alehouses. Thomas Lugrove of Langley, for entertaining an inmate. Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. p. 46. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Wooborne . . . . Richard Hurles and Thomas Deane vice John Webb and James Fretwell, and 389 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Richard Heddington as tithingman vice Joseph Tredway. Quainton . . . . John Collins vice Thomas Neele. Taplow . . . . Richard Sharp vice William Flatt, deceased. Foard in Dynton . . John Dolley vice [blank]. Neither Winchingdon William Pigott vice Richard Buckingham. Little Missenden . . Ralph Towne vice John Knight. Great Hampden . . Humphrey Webb vice John Lydall. Slapton . . . . Roger Howes vice Robert Ames. Aston Abbotts . . John Bavin and William Arnott vice Thomas Gower and George Page. Sinckleborough . . Henry Foskett vice John Bradbury. Burnham . . . . John Harber vice Thomas Rumball, and John Ive as tithingman vice Thomas Turner. East Burnham . . Richard Hoar vice Richard Suddin. Bierton . . . . Richard Jordain as tithingman vice Thomas Nore. p. 47. Orders. Orders extending the recognizances of Joseph Street, John Page, William Clark of Dynton, carpenter, and Thomas Syred of Dynton, alias Donyngton, dairyman. Peter Toovey of in Turvile to be sworn chief constable for Desborough in place of Richard Styles of the same, gentleman, who was appointed at the last session, but now states that “his affaires engage his Attendance out of this County.” Humphrey Webbe to be sworn constable of Great Hampden in place of John Lydall, who was appointed at the last session, but is excused as he has formerly been a chief constable for the hundred of Aylesbury. p. 48. Order discharging the recognizance of Richard Hurst as surety for William Clark of Dynton, carpenter, as Thomas Clark has offered to take his place. The expenses of 390 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1691. Thomas Syred, the other surety, in maintaining Mary Woodbridge and her bastard child, of which William Clark is the reputed father, are to be considered by the court at the next session. p. 49. To terminate the dispute between Adam Smyth of Farnham Royall and Thomas Keyts, yeoman, who rented some rooms in Smyth’s house and a small parcel of ground for a garden, it was ordered that Keyts shall give up his occupation of the rooms and shall be permitted to remove his plants out of the garden. The dispute was aggravated by the fact that there had been “unseemly familiarity” between Keyts and Smyth’s wife, “whereupon some occasions of jellousy have bene given.” Adjournment of the appeal of Farnham Royall against the settlement there of “a young child not owned by any person which they imagin was by Contrivance imposed upon them by some neighbouring parish.” Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary by Isaac Gurney, one of the treasurers. p. 50. Order confirming the accounts of Moses Biscoe, overseer of Hugendon, and providing that William Russell and others, who have “very unjustly and vexatiously obtayned warrants from . . . (the justices) . . . to answer severall frivilous accusations of Irregularityes in his Accompts,” shall trouble him no further. The indictment against William Russell is discharged and he is found not guilty of being a common disturber of the peace. Order extending the recognizances of John Page of Newton Longuevile, butcher. William Pollard to be allowed 3s. a week by the overseers of Whaddon. p. 51. Order staying the proceedings against Elizabeth 391 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Sutton of Wendover, widow, for not obeying the surveyors of the highways. Confirmation of a justices’ warrant removing Martha Burnett, widow, from Brill to Dorton. Order referring the appeal of Robert Dormer, esquire, against the rates at Brill to the justices for the hundred of Ashendon. Order allowing the appeal of Burnham against a warrant for the settlement there of Jane Axtell and her child, and directing that they shall be removed to Farnham Royall. p. 52. William Lea, alias Lee, who was indicted for obstructing the common footpath between Chesham and Wendover by building a barn upon it and by digging it up, produced a writ of certiorari removing his case to the King’s Bench. The clerk of the peace is ordered to delay the return of the writ until the justices have obtained the opinion of the Lord Chief Justice, for they do not consider that the case should be thus removed. Further reference of the appeal of “Mr. Sergt” Thurbarne and Samuel Dodd, esquire, against the rates at Ellesborough. Thomas Beavor of Great Marlow, labourer, and George Anderson of Colebrook, who were found guilty of larceny, are ordered to be whipped, the former at the cart’s tail from the gaol to the George sign post and back again, and the latter in the gaol. [And see ante, p. 44, and Vol. 11, p. 347.] p. 53. Margery Roberts, who was convicted at the last assizes and ordered to be whipped for “picking of pockets,” has since given birth to a child in the gaol. She states that her husband is William Roberts of High Rooding near Brentwood, co. Essex, who “went for a Souldier in Ireland” six weeks ago, and that he is the father of the child. It is, therefore, 392 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1691. ordered that she and her child shall be removed to High Rooding. [And see post, p. 57.] John Wittewronge, esquire, J. P., is desired to hear the complaint of John Pennell of Newport Pagnell that his apprentice, Matthew Geary, who took “advantage of his misfortunes” to obtain an order for the discharge of his apprenticeship, has now set up in Newport Pagnell “to the very great prejudice of the said Pennell, he by all Arts endeavoring to supplant him in his trade.” [And see post, p. 76.] p. 54. Order confirming the rates at Chesham and dismissing the appeal by certain inhabitants for their alteration in view of “the late improvement of Chiltern lands.” Order discharging the indictment against Joseph Symons of North Marston for lack of sufficient evidence. Order that Alice, wife of [blank] Bowley, wheelwright, and her two children, may continue to live with her mother at Monks Risborough, but that they shall still be deemed to be inhabitants of Bierton, which is their legal place of settlement. p. 55. Order allowing the appeal of Bottle Cleydon against a warrant for the settlement of Thomas Lewis there, and directing that he shall be removed to Chittwood. [And see post, p. 73.] At the last session the overseers of Hawridge were excused from paying an allowance to Mary, wife of William Lovett, so long as Daniel Lovett, his brother, paid her 3s. a week. Daniel Lovett now refuses to continue this payment, and it is, therefore, ordered that the overseers shall receive the “rents, issues, and profits of all and every the Wood- grounds” of William Lovett, and shall devote them to the maintenance of Mary Lovett and her children. [And see ante, p. 20.] p. 56. Isabel Watts, widow, to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Whitchurch. 393 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. “Mr. Serjeant” Thurbarne, J.P., is desired to hear the complaint of the inhabitants of Great Missenden that the officers there “are very remiss is takeing due care” of the poor. Messrs. William Cannon, Robert Turney, John Fawsett, and Robert Moreton, the treasurers for the King’s Bench and the maimed soldiers, are ordered to produce their accounts before certain justices. p. 57. Mr. William Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £6 for the care, maintenance, and “for the Baptizeing,” of the child born to Margery Roberts, a prisoner in the gaol. [And see ante, p. 53.] Ralph Thompson of Great Marlow, bargeman, to be paid £2 by one of the treasurers for the maimed soldiers, upon his producing a certificate, signed by certain of the inhabitants and “some of his Officers,” to the effect that he “was imprest and sett on shipboard the Vanguard in the Warrs against the Dutch in the year 1666, and the two Fleets being Engaged on St. James’s day in the same year and there was wounded in the Right Arme, Shoulder, and Cheek, and being now very impotent.” p. 58. Mr. Thomas Barnewell, under sheriff, to be paid £5 by Mr. Thomas Butterfield, one of the treasurers for the King’s Bench and Marshalsea, as he petitioned to the effect that he had “disbursed out of his own pockett in and about public affaires a much greater summe than the fines received in Court would reimburse him, the same haveing of late amounted to a very inconsiderable summe.” The case against Thomas Walters ordered to be removed into the King’s Bench by writ of certiorari. The accounts of Mr. Daniel Aldridge and Mr. William Rice, two of the treasurers, are passed after inspection by certain justices. 394 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1691. p. 59. Indictments confessed and traversed. James Fish of Great Marlow, brewer, fined 13s. 4d. for selling a barrel of ale and a barrel of the best beer to William Hopkins, an unlicensed alehouse keeper. William Nash of Beconsfield, yeoman, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Philip Keene. John Scrivenor of Great Lynford, husbandman, fined 10s. for entertaining John Richardson as an inmate. John Bentley of Brill, yeoman, fined 1s. 6d. for not working one day upon the repair of the highways. Thomas Jordain of Broughton in Bierton fined 3s. 4d. for illegally keeping a greyhound and for killing three hares. William Shinill of Bierton fined 3s. 4d. for harbouring vagrants and beggars. William Lyndon of Aylesbury fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Charles Noy. Recognizances extended. John Page of Newton Longuevile, butcher, in £40, with William Page, husbandman, and Thomas Page, grazier, both of the same, as sureties in £20 each, to answer for assault- ing William Pollard. William Clark of Dynton, carpenter, in £40, with Charles Clark of Monks Risborow as surety in £20, in respect of the bastard child of Mary Woodbridge, and Thomas Syred of Dynton, alias Donington, dairyman, in £40 for the appearance of Mary Woodbridge. p. 60. Recognizances entered into. Thomas Clark of Dynton, carpenter, in £20, that William Clark shall “abide the Justices order” concerning the bastard child of Mary Woodbridge. Thomas Keyts of Farnham Royall, yeoman, in £50, with Thomas Punter of St. Giles in the Fields, co. Middlesex, gentleman, and Walter Barling of New Windsor, co. Berkshire, gentleman, as sureties in £25 each, for his appear- ance and for his good behaviour. William Guilmore of Great Missenden, gentleman, Katherine Hancock of Chepping Wycomb, widow, William 395 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Rogers of Woolverton, husbandman, and John Billington of Whitchurch, husbandman, in £40 each, to appear and answer. p. 61. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Thomas Osborne of Olney fined £1. 6s. 8d. for being absent when summoned as a juror. The fines of James Fish, William Nash, John Scrivener, Thomas Jordan, William Shinill, and William Lyndon, given on p. 59 ante, are here repeated. Martin Purrier of Olney, gentleman, chief constable for Newport, fined £2 for making no return and for leaving the Court without permission. Anthony Kight, labourer, and Edward Revyes, butcher, both of Newport Pagnell, forfeit their recognizances of £20 each for the non-appearance of Samuel Kight, son of the above Anthony, for whom they were sureties. Abraham Wood of Wavendon, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £40 for non- appearance, and his surety, Thomas Crowshaw of Wavendon, warrener, forfeits £20. pp. 62-63. Recognizances discharged. George Griffin of Lathbury, labourer, Joseph Street of Dorney, victualler, Richard Pinckard, victualler, Daniel Winter, hatter, and Humphrey Clarke, yeoman, all of Newport Pagnell, Jonas Smith of Lathbury, yeoman, Nicholas Hughs of Charndon, yeoman, Richard Wood, architect, Thomas Bassell, and Henry Griffin, all of Brill, William Keene, labourer, and John Bue, both of Chilton, William Dorvell, architect, Richard Hide, Edward Hutchins, and George Dorvell, labourer, all of Brill, William Lyndon, costermonger, John Vere, and William Welch, all of Aylesbury, John Bentley and John Cotton, both of Brill, Richard Sweaby, butcher, John Ovey, tanner, Thomas Cawdry, junior, cooper, Thomas Fryday, apothecary, Simon Pither, turner, William Darvill, labourer, William Grace, butcher, William Cock, wheelwright, and John Ovey, turner, all of Wendover, Katherine Hancock, widow, Levi Burnham, husbandman, and Richard Hart, labourer, all of Chepping 396 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1691. Wycomb, Thomas Keyts of Farnham Royall, yeoman, Thomas Punter of St. Giles in the Fields, co. Middlesex, gentleman, Walter Barling of New Windsor, co. Berks, gentleman, John Biddle, and Thomas Croxon, both of Great Marlow, labourers, James Hazael of Chesham, John Gibbons of Great Marlow, gentleman, William Nash of Beconsfield yeoman, Richard Gosnold of Woborne, gentleman, Elias Burt of Beconsfield, innholder, James Fish of Great Marlow brewer, Richard Hurst of Dynton, blacksmith, Anne Collins of Little Horwood, widow, James Turney of Soulbury, husbandman, Samuel Carter, carpenter, and Richard Blunt, joiner, both of Newport Pagnell, William Russell of Hugendon, yeoman, John Scrivenor of Great Lynford, husbandman, John Carter of Newport Pagnell, ostler, Thomas Jordan, innholder, and William Shinill, both of Broughton in Bierton, Anthony Davies of Brill, yeoman, Isaac Holmes of Colebrooke in Langley, and Joseph Symonds of North Marston, labourer. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 64. [Blank.]

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHEPPING WYCOMB 8th October, 1691 [3 William and Mary] p. 65. Jurors for the body of the County. John Lee, gentleman, James Rose, William Russell, gentleman, Thomas Brightwell, Richard Hearne, William Greaves, James Watts, Timothy Harding, Richard Hurles, Hugh Dorrell, Francis Seabrooke, Thomas Deane, Jonathan Lawton, Thomas Clifton, John Swepson, Thomas Ingram, and Jonathan Gleene. (Signed) Harry Tyrrel, esquire, sheriff. Jurors in the case against William Rogers of Woolverton, husbandman. John Bowden, Thomas Ray, Thomas Leach, Ephraim 397 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Holt, Abraham Glover, Richard Goodchild, Robert Chiswell Francis Ingby, Samuel Tripp, Henry Newell, Samuel Randall and Thomas Biddle. (Signed) Harry Tyrrell, esquire, sheriff. pp. 66-67. Thomas Barnes, esquire, mayor of the borough of Chepping Wycomb, William Abraham of Beconsfield, gentleman, gauger, and Richard Heywood of Aylesbury, gentleman, took the oaths contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration contained in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. William Taylor and Jeremiah Smith, both of Woborne, and John Brice of Maydenhead, co. Berks, all clerks, sub- scribed the above declaration and took the oaths contained in 1 William and Mary c. 18, sec. 8. John Jones of Newton Longuevile, husbandman, sub- scribed the above declaration, and took the oaths for anabaptists contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 10. The dwelling houses of the following persons were registered as public meeting houses under 1 William and May, c. 18, sec. 19:— Frances Denham and Mary Denham, both of Hambledon, widows, Samuel Lynn of Great Marlow (whose house, called “The Broad Arrow,” was late in the tenure of William Hopkins), William Dudley of Shenley, Adam Befin of Simpson, John Fulford of Stony Stratford (whose house adjoins The Cow Fryers), John Owen of Colebrook in Langley Marish (now in the occupation of William Gray), Richard Laughton of March End in Newport Pagnell, carpenter, Edward Pierce of Hardmeade, husbandman, Edward Watts and Richard Brinklow, husbandman, both of Astwood, and Edward Hoare and Thomas Keene, both of Great Missenden. pp. 68-69. Indictments. George Barnett, labourer, and Mary Berry, widow, both of Aston Clynton, for keeping disorderly alehouses. [And see post, p. 109.] Henry Browne of Denham, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. 398 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1691. Richard Heyward of Aylesbury, gentleman, for not repairing Fryeridge Bridge. [And see post, p. 142.] Joseph Fletcher of Wooton Underwood, yeoman, John Tippers, gentleman, [blank] Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, gentleman, all of Salden in Muresly, Robert Cutlowe of Drayton Parslow, yeoman, Sir Edward Longvield, Bart., of Woolverton, Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, yeoman, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes gentleman, all of Broughton in Bierton, John Webb and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, Thomas Crompton, esquire, and Mary Brinkhurst, widow, both of Great Marlow, [blank] Mosedell of Fulmer, widow, Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, Matthew Paine, John Oakly, and Elisha Paine, all of Eaton, labourers, Susan Salmon of Datchett, widow, and Sir Robert Throgmorton, Bart., of Wooton Underwood, for recusancy and for absence from church. The inhabitants of Simpson and Woolverton, for not repairing parts of the road from Fenny Stratford to Newport Pagnell. John Cooper of Whitchurch, for assaulting George Wingrave and Eleanor, his wife. [And see post, p. 109.] William Thompson, senior, yeoman, William Thompson, junior, labourer, and Richard Smalbones, all of Newport Pagnell, for rioting and assaulting Matthew Annesly. [And see post, pp. 109 and 186.] Thomas Kates of Farnham Royall, for wandering and for putting a child on the parish. p. 70. Presentments of the grand jury. Thomas Philips, junior, of Ickford, gentleman, Francis Fryer, labourer, Robert Burnham, and Thomas Deane, labourer, all of Hugendon, alias Hutchenden, John Fisher, gentleman, and John West, both of Weston Underwood, and William Collingridge and Peter Collingridge, both of Guyhurst, for recusancy and absence from church. p. 71. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, John Webbe and cc 399 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, gentleman, all of Broughton in Bierton, [blank] Glynne of Olney, esquire, Robert Cuttlowe of Drayton Parslow, John Tipper, gentleman, [blank] Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, Alice Jones, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Salden in Muresly, Thomas Crompton, esquire, Mary Brinkhust, widow of the late John Bringhust [sic], esquire, all of Great Marlow, Matthew Payne, Elisha Payne, and John Oakley, all of Eaton, “The right Honorable the Lord Murrey” of Langley, and [blank] Mosedell of Fulmer, for recusancy and absence from church. Edward Estoll of Clifton Reynes, labourer, for brewing and selling beer without a licence. William Burridge of Moulsoe, and John Andrews, Francis Beck, junior, Francis Spire, Thomas Weedon, and Francis Beck, senior, all of Woborne, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Richard Fuller of Sinckleburrough and Susan, his wife, for stopping up the common spring, near the road between Thornburrough and Winslow, so that the cattle cannot be watered. Richard Coles of Oakly, for not doing his statutary work upon the highways. The Rev. Robert Pead, rector of Horton, for diverting a watercourse between his yard gate and the house of Solomon Stephens, whereby the infant child of the said Stephens was drowned, and for not making a bridge “for the pasage of carts and carriages over a ditch by the corner of Burnt house Close in the said parish, leading into a certain Common there called New bridge greene.” William Virgo of Horton, for swearing. p. 72. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Broughton . . . . Gilbert Pickering vice Lawrence Smith. Chalfont St. Giles . . John Wotton and Richard Dunton vice Henry Redding and Henry Cock. Chesham Boyes . . John Parratt vice John Gardiner. Weston Turvile . . Nicholas Gerard and Thomas Dover vice William Baker and Thomas Hoar. 400 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1691. Penn . . . . Henry Long, junior, vice William Chalfont, and Andrew Blake and Thomas Inglewood as tithingmen vice Richard Birch and Richard Shrimpton. Brill . . . . John Parker vice John Bentley. Rowsham in Richard Harlye vice William Cudbeard. Wingrave. p. 73. Orders. Order remitting the fine of £2 imposed upon Joseph Everidge, chief constable for Cottesloe, for not being present in Court. Order discharging Eleanor Squire from gaol, as no indictment has been brought against her. Order discharging the indictment against Peter Horton of Iver for keeping an unlicensed alehouse, as it is found that this indictment was brought into Court after he had confessed to, and been fined for, a previous indictment for the same offence. Order that the case of the removal of Thomas Lewis from Bottle Cleydon to Chittwood shall be removed into the King’s Bench by writ of certiorari. Orders extending the recognizances of John Abbott and Alice Conningham, widow, both of Sherrington. p. 74. Certain justices appointed to consider the complaint of the surveyors, who were undertaking the repairs to Colebrooke Bridge, and of Isaac Radford, who was carrying out the work, that several persons have not yet paid their contributions as ordered. It is alleged against the com- plainants that the money has been paid, and that they have sold much of the old timber and other materials for their own profit. The presentment against John Brice of Maydenhead, co. Berks, clerk, is discharged upon his subscribing the articles, etc. [And see ante, pp. 45 and 66.] 401 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 75. Mr. Richard Turner and Matthew Annesly, bridewell keepers at Chepping Wycomb and Newport Pagnell respectively, to be paid their salaries. Further reference of the appeal against the rates at Edlesborough. p. 76. Order for the removal of the bastard child of Susan Nicholls from Newton Longuevile to Hillingdon, co. Middlesex. Order, upon the report of Mr. Wittewronge, to whom the case was referred, that Matthew Geary, the apprentice of John Pennell, shall be bound over to pay £5 compensation to his master, and that, when payment has been paid, his master shall surrender his covenant of apprenticeship. [And see ante, p. 53.] Adjournment of the case against the inhabitants of Great Missenden for not repairing Honnor End Lane. p. 77. Ralph Tompson of Great Marlow, admitted to a County pension of £2 a year. Henry Eston of Maidsmorton admitted to a similar pension, and given 10s. for his relief. In his petition he stated that “he had in the late Civil Warrs served King Charles the first and bene instrumentall in the Restoration of King Charles the second . . . and now is of a great age.” Richard Gutteridge to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Haddenham. p. 78. The County pension of William Botterill of Shaulston is increased from £2 to £4, on account of his great age and poverty and the many wounds received in the service of King Charles I. Mr. William Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £5. 18s. 6d. for conveying Margery Roberts, a prisoner, to High Rooding, co. Essex, and for taking a number of prisoners to the last assizes. 402 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1691. p. 79. Mr. John Piddington, apothecary, to be paid £1. 15s. 4d. for physic administered to poor prisoners in the gaol. Anne Troward to be discharged from the bridewell at Chepping Wycomb, “with discipline of the house.” The Rev. George Lesly, vicar of Olney, preferred a complaint, which was confirmed by one of the chief constables for Olney, that “some persons under pretence of being dissenting Preachers have presumed to disturb and inveigh against the Church of England, . . . and have kept night Assemblys, and have imposed oaths upon persons they have received into their Church or Communion to oblige them not to depart from their Principles, and especially that one Mr. Davis, a dissenting Minister, doth very much busy himself in promoting such unseasonable Meetings and unlawfull Oaths.” The justices for the hundred of Newport are required to enquire into the truth of this matter. The indictment against William Rogers of Woolverton, husbandman, for a violent assault upon Edward Pursell, gentleman, is quashed for “want of substance in the said indictment.” pp. 80-81. “This Court takeing into their Serious Considera- tion the great Profanation of the Lords day, the too Common Practice of Cursing and Swearing, Excess of drinking, and the Impudent Committing of Lewdness and Debauchery, which they are convinced have of late increased . . . and also her Majestyes pious and earnest desire for redressing and punishing the same, in acknowledgement of the Mercies of God of late vouchsafed to these Kingdoms (and being sensible that the Severe Judgements of God have usually fallen upon Nations and Citties persisting in such Impieties),” orders that all officers of the County shall take measures for suppressing such offences and for putting into execution the laws against the following:— (a) Swearing and cursing. (Under 21 James 1, cap. 20, the penalties provide a fine of 1s., and in default 3 hours in 403 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. the stocks, for those above 12 years old; for those under 12, a whipping.) (b) Travelling on Sunday. (Under the above act the penalty for a drover was £1 or 2 hours in the stocks; for using a wherry, 5s. or 2 hours in the stocks.) (c) Selling or exposing anything to sale on Sunday. (Under the same act the penalty was the forfeiture of the goods sold or exposed.) (d) Exercising ordinary callings on Sunday. (Under 29 Charles II, cap. 7, the penalty was 5s. or 2 hours in the stocks.) (e) Sports and pastimes on Sunday. (Under I Charles I, cap. 1, the penalty was 3s. 4d. or 3 hours in the stocks.) (f) “The Loathsom sin of Drunkenness.” (Under 4 James I, cap. 5, and 21 James I, cap. 7, the penalty was 5s. or 6 hours in the stocks, and bound over for the second offence.) (g) Tippling. (Under the same acts the penalty was 4s. or 4 hours in the stocks; under 1 James I, cap. 9, an alehouse keeper was fined 10s. for allowing tippling, and under 21 James I, cap. 1, his licence could be suspended for 3 years for drunkenness.) (h) “Houses of Debauchery and Evil Fame.” (Offenders to be bound over.) (i) Permitting unlawful games. (Under 33 Henry VIII, cap. 9, the keeper of the house was liable to a fine of £2.) (k) Frequenting houses of debauchery or gaming houses (Under the same act the penalty was 6s. 8d., and for artificers, craftsmen, and servants, £1.) Copies of the above order were to be printed and dis- tributed to all constables, churchwardens, and headboroughs. p. 82. Order reducing the fines of those who were absent from juries to £1. 6s. 8d. The following persons, having been absent from their parish churches for the space of one month or more, and having refused to “render themselves to the Sheriff,” accord- ing to the statute, are duly convicted of “Popish Recus- ancy”:— 404 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, l691. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, gentleman, Thomas Crompton of Great Marlow, esquire, Edmund Waters and John Tippers, both of Muresly, gentlemen, Robert Cuttler of Drayton Parslow, yeoman, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, yeoman, Agnes, wife of the Rev. Edward Jolly, Hester Jolly, spinster, and Jane Jolly, spinster, all of Wendover, John Howes and Finch Howes gentlemen, and Anne Howes, spinster, all of Bierton, Agnes Jolly of Wendover, spinster, and Richard Minshall of Boreton, esquire. [And see post, pp. 85-87.] p. 83. Indictments confessed and traversed. William Rogers of Woolverton, husbandman, discharged. [See ante, p. 79.] William Gilmore of Great Missenden, gentleman, fined 10s. for not providing a team for one day for the repair of the highways. The fine was paid to Thomas Bradley, surveyor of Great Missenden. John Billington of Whitchurch, husbandman, found not guilty of trading as a baker without due apprenticeship. Katherine Hancock of Chepping Wycomb, widow, found not guilty of trespassing in the house of Richard Lansdale. John Lowe of Towersey fine 3s. 4d. for a pound breach. p. 84. Recognizances extended. William Woster of Chesham, labourer, in £100, with William Woster and Thomas Woster, both of Bovenden, co. Hertford, yeomen, as sureties in £50 each, to observe the order of court concerning the bastard child of Mary New. William Butler of Upton, labourer, and Robert Lee of Cuddington, husbandman, in £20 each for Sarah, wife of William Butler, to keep the peace towards William Hance. Thomas Palmer of Wingrave, yeoman, in £30 for Eleanor, his wife, to keep the peace towards Daniel Lucas. Recognizances entered into. John Page of Newton Longuevile, butcher, in £100, with Thomas Page and William Tomkins, both of the same, 405 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. yeomen, as sureties in £50 each, to appear at the next assizes for violently assaulting William Pollard. Thomas Bampton, junior, of Aston Clynton, maltster, in £100, with Thomas Brandham, yeoman, and Thomas Pilgram, blacksmith, both of the same, as sureties in £50 each, for his appearance at the next session. John Cooper of Whitchurch, yeoman (two recognizances), Thomas Keyts of Farnham Royall, and Thomas Lygo of Stoke Mandivile, esquire, in £40 each, to appear and answer. pp. 85-87. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. George Harris of Turweston, gentleman, Christopher Payne of Seabrooke, and Henry Costard of Owleswick, fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. Thomas Hurles, William Newland, and William Perkyns, the bailiffs of the hundreds of Ashendon, Cottesloe, and Buckingham respectively, fined 10s. each for not attending the Court. William Hebberd of Great Marlow, labourer, forfeits his recognizance of £10 for non- appearance, and his surety, Geoffrey Hebberd, forfeits £10. The first twelve of the recusants, whose names are given on p. 82, ante, are fined £40 each for absence from church for two months. The last two are fined £20 each for absence for one month. pp. 88-89. Recognizances discharged. Richard Chibnall of Sherrington, yeoman, Martin Purrier of Olney, gentleman, Anthony Chibnall of Sherrington, Thomas Pilgram, blacksmith, Henry Welles, yeoman, Thomas Brandon, husbandman, and Thomas Brandham, yeoman, all of Aston Clynton, Richard Fitkin of Weston Turvile, farmer, and Elizabeth, his wife, John Dover of Great Missenden, yeoman, James Mortimer of Bettlow, co. Hertford, yeoman, Nicholas Grange of Aston Clynton, yeoman, Henry Scribnor of Solbury, victualler, William Lodge of Ringshall, Richard Okins of Wards, John Cooper, victualler, Thomas Welles, and Robert Groom, all of Whitchurch, Henry 406 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1691. Dennot, servant to Henry Clark, farmer, and Richard Hust, both of Upton in Dynton, John Page, butcher, William Page, husbandman, and Thomas Page, glazier, all of Newton Longuevile, Benjamin Poole, yeoman, and Francis Dorsett, both of Winslow, William Green of Cublington, yeoman, Francis Olliffe, yeoman, Thomas Thorne, and John Field, all of Bierton, Edward Pond, labourer, John Styles, “war- rener,” and John Edson, labourer, all of Burnham, Adam Smith of Farnham Royall, labourer, Edward Gomme of Stoke Poges, yeoman, Robert Dormer, of Radford, co. Warwick, yeoman, Eleanor Smith and Henry Sprigg, butcher, both of Farnham Royall, Edward Allen of Reading co. Berks, victualler, John Jones, cordwainer, and Christopher Truss, barge master, both of Great Marlow, John Billington of Whitchurch, baker, Katherine Hancock of Chepping Wycomb, widow, John Lowe of Towersey, William Rogers of Woolverton, labourer, Thomas Leach of West Wycomb, gentleman, William Page of Newton Longuevile, husband- man, William Clark of Dynton, carpenter, Charles Clarke of Monks Risborough, and Thomas Syred, dairyman, and Thomas Clarke, carpenter, both of Dynton. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 90. [Blank.]

EPIPHANY SESSION AT AYLESBURY 14th January, 1691-92 [3 William and Mary] p. 91. Jurors for the body of the County. Nathaniel Birch, gentleman, Thomas Brookes, Richard Greenwood, Henry Babham, gentleman, John Allen, gentle- man, Thomas Coles, William Rice, junior, Robert Webb, gentleman, John King, Richard Waddup, William Bovingdon, Edward Weatherley, Christopher Grimsdale, William Johnson, gentleman, Matthew Deverell, Bernard Collins, John Abraham, Thomas Brice, and John Griffin. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. 407 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Jurors in the case against the inhabitants of Stoke Mandivile. George Baldwyn, gentleman, Thomas Symonds, Francis Russell, Robert Speed, Henry Dunnioll, Henry Basse, Thomas Tompson, William Humphrey, Thomas Ray, William Symonds, Richard Heydon, and Joseph Bracebridge. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. pp. 92-93. Francis Tyringham of Aylesbury, esquire, Thomas Barnewell of Aylesbury, gentleman, John Dodd of Marish Gibbon, clerk, and Thomas Pomfrett of Newport Pagnell, gentleman, took the oaths contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. Thomas Barnewell, under-sheriff, and Thomas Read, William Newland, William Perkins, Thomas Hurles, John Johnson, and James Hasell, bailiffs of the various hundreds, took the oaths of allegiance, etc. The dwelling houses of the following persons were registered as public meeting houses:— The upper barn of Richard Langley’s house at Great Marlow (now in the occupation of William Alice, senior, and Stephen Steevens); the houses of William Coles, tallow- chandler, John Mead, William Coles, maltster, and John Webb, yeoman, all of Stewkley, John Warren of Leck- hamstedd, John Francis, junior, of Woolverton, and Peter Fransway of Stony Stratford. pp. 94-95. Indictments. Richard Dale of Sinckleborough, for breaking the windows of the house of . [And see post, p. 142.] William Virgo of Horton, for swearing. [And see post, p. 109.] Edward Estoll of Clifton Reynes, labourer, William Burridge of Moulsoe, victualler, and John Andrews, yeoman, Francis Beck, junior, labourer, Francis Spire, gentleman, Thomas Weedon, bargeman, and William Beck, cordwainer, all of Woborne, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. 408 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1691-92. Richard Fuller of Sinckleborough in Great Horwood, and Susan, his wife, for stopping up a spring near the road between Thornborough and Winslow, so that the cattle cannot be watered. The Right Honorable Lord Murrey of Langley, Sir Edward Longvield, Bart., of Woolverton, John Webb and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missenden, esquires, [blank] Glynne of Olney, esquire, Thomas Crompton of Great Marlow, esquire, Thomas Phillips, junior, of Ickford, Francis Fryer, Robert Burnham, and Thomas Deane, all of Hugendon, alias Hutchendon, labourers, John Fisher, gentleman, and John West, yeoman, both of Weston Underwood, William Collingridge and Peter Collingridge, both of Guyhurst, labourers, Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, yeoman, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, gentleman, all of Broughton in Bierton, Robert Cuttlow of Drayton Parslow, John Tipper, gentleman, [blank] Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, Alice Jones, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Salden in Muresly, Mary, widow of John Brinkhurst of Great Marlow, Matthew Payne, Elisha Payne, and John Oakly, all of Eaton, labourers, and [blank] Mosedell of Fulmer, widow, for recusancy and absence from church. William Martin of Great Marlow, for assaulting Abraham Glover. [And see post, p. 186.] Ralph Hawes of Wornall for entertaining Eleanor Bledlow, widow, as an inmate. [And see post, p. 128.] Robert Britton, labourer, John Hillier, and Thomas Fawson, all of Hanslop, for trading as grocers without due apprenticeship. [And see post, p. 291.] p. 96. Presentments of the grand jury. John Money of Aylesbury, labourer, for allowing persons to drink in his house during the time of Divine Service. Presentments of the chief and petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, John Howes of Broughton in Bierton, gentleman, and his wife, John Webb and Charles Dormer, both of Great Missendon, esquires, 409 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. John Tipper, gentleman, [blank] Goodman, widow, Alice Jones, widow, and Frances Carter, widow, all of Salden in Mursly, Robert Cuttlow of Drayton Parslow, Sir Edward Longvield of Woolverton, Edward Lynne of Olney, gentle- man, Joseph Fletcher of Wooton Underwood, the Right Honorable Lord Stewart, alias Murrey, of Langley, [blank] Mosedell of Fulmer, widow, Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, Matthew Paine, Elisha Paine, and John Oakley, all of Eaton, and Thomas Crompton, esquire, and Mary, widow of John Brinkhurst, esquire, both of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Richard Fuller of Sinckleborough in Great Horwood, for stopping up a spring. William Burridge of Moulsoe, for selling beer without a licence. The constable of , for not making present- ments or paying in his quarterly money. Thomas Waterton, William Dell, Henry Honnor, and John Gate, all of Ashley Green in Chesham, for refusing to watch when ordered to do so by the constables, William West and Richard Hodson. Edward Sammon of Fulmer, for hunting on his warren on Sunday “in sermon time.” p. 97. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Chalfont St. Peter John Ponds vice William Hutchins. Medmenham . . Jonas Breeden vice Jonas Redding. Boveney . . . . Jephthah Huntley vice William Smith, and John Godfrey as tithingman vice Edward Webb. Bledlow Town . . Nathaniel Costard vice John Chitch. Bledlow Ridge . . Ralph Stone vice Nicholas Weston. Stoke Mandivile . . John Jackson and John Gardiner vice Joseph Smith and Richard Weston. Crafton in Wing . . William Grant vice George Coventry, and John Rowe of Wing vice John Pitchford. Steeple Cleydon . . Thomas Spruce as tithingman vice Thomas Nelson, deceased. 410 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1691-92. p. 98. Orders. Mr. Richard Turner, bridewell keeper at Chepping Wycombe, to be paid his quarter’s salary. Order discharging the indictment against William Beck of Woborne for keeping an unlicensed alehouse, as he is “an aged decrepid man and also very poor,” and has pro- mised not to offend again. Adjournment of the case against the inhabitants of Simpson. Order allowing the appeal of Shabington against a warrant removing Eleanor Bledow from Wornall. Thomas Noar, late constable of Bierton, ordered to appear before certain justices in order that the charges brought against him by the inhabitants may be examined. p. 99. Pending the hearing of the appeal of “Mr. Serjeant” Thurbarne. and Mr. Dodd against the rates at Ellesborough, which appeal has been several times adjourned, Mr. Neale, on behalf of Mr. Thurbarne, appeared to say that Mr. Thurbarne was willing to pay rates “upon his share of Sir Robert Croke’s estate,” according to the last order of Court, so as to assist the collection of the rates. This offer was accepted. p. 100. Order continuing the reference of the case concerning the repairs to Colebrook Bridge. The inhabitants of Great Missenden given further time in which to bring a justices’ certificate that Honnor End Lane, on account of which they were indicted, is now repaired, as Robert Keen, one of the inhabitants, declares. p. 101. Orders referring to certain justices the complaint of the inhabitants of Aylesbury against Sir John Pakington Bart., and Thomas Newton, esquire, lords of the manors of Aylesbury and Walton respectively, and a similar complaint 411 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. by the inhabitants of Bierton against Sir John Pakington, in respect to their refusal to pay rates upon certain quitrents. [And see post, p. 134.] p. 102. Order allowing the appeal of Ilmore against a warrant removing Thomas Dancer, with his wife and son, from Stone. Mary Howe, widow, to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Rowsham in Wingrave. Order allowing the appeal of Tring against a warrant removing John Chilton and his family from Drayton Beauchampe. p. 103. The inhabitants of Woolverton and Brill are giving until next session to bring justices’ certificates that their highways are now repaired. Rose Roberts of Oldwick, widow, to be paid £3. 10s. out of the County stock for her “habitation and subsistence.” Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary. Elizabeth Bigg, widow, to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Winslow. p. 104. Mary Green, widow, to be allowed 6d. a week by the overseers of Winslow. Order for the release from gaol of Samuel Bunce, who was arrested for being an “idle, lewd, and impudent person” and upon suspicion of having stolen a gelding from William Randall, as no one has come forward to prosecute him. p. 105. John Clements, who has a wife and five children and was disabled by a wound “received in a sea fight in the service of the late King Charles II,” to be allowed 2s. a week by William Durvill and the other overseers of Langley Marish. 412 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1691-92. Evan Griffes to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Winslow. p. 106. Order that a further sum of £27s. 12s. shall be allowed out of the County stock for the repair of Thornborough Bridge. Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £20 for his “extra- ordinary expenses in strengthening the gaol” and in “amend- ing of irons that have bene cutt and broke” by “divers unruly felons who have attempted with great Arts to break out of his said Goale.” p. 107. The clerk of the peace to be paid £4. 10s. for printing and distributing certain orders of Court. p. 108. The County treasurers, who have held office during the last three years, are ordered to attend the Court at the next session with copies of their accounts duly audited by two justices. Joseph Fletcher of Wooton Underwood, yeoman, John Tippers, gentleman, Frances Carter, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, gentleman, all of Salden in Muresly, Robert Cuttlow of Drayton Parslow, yeoman, Sir Edward Longvield, Bart., of Woolverton, John Howes and Finch Howes, both of Broughton in Bierton gentlemen, Charles Dormer of Great Missenden, esquire, Mary Brinkhust of Great Marlow, widow, Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, Matthew Paine, John Oakley and Elisha Paine, all of Eaton, labourers, Susan Salmon of Datchett, widow, and Sir Robert Throgmorton, Bart., of Wooton Underwood, are all convicted of recusancy and of absence from church for one month. [And see post, pp. 112-115.] pp. 109-110. Indictments confessed and traversed. Richard Smalbones of Newport Pagnell, labourer, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Matthew Annesly. William Virgo of Horton, yeoman, fined 5s. for swearing. 413 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. John Kingham, Henry Speed, and Thomas Collins, all of Aylesbury, labourers, fined, the first 6s. 8d. and the last two 3s. 4d. each, for poaching fish from Sir John Pakington. Hannah Lovett, spinster, and John Eldridge, black- smith, both of Little Missenden, fined 3s. 4d. each for assault- ing William Myles. George Barnett, alias Fuller, of Aston Clynton, labourer, fined £1 for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. The fine was paid to Nathaniel Nash, overseer of Aston Clynton. John Spender, senior, and John Spender, junior, both of Wendover, labourers, fined 3s. 4d. each for digging and carting away gravel. John Cooper of Whitchurch, victualler, fined 3s. 4d. on each of two indictments for assault. The persons assaulted were George Wingrave and Eleanor, his wife. Henry Benning of Wendover, husbandman, fined 10s. for not sending his team for the repair of the highways for one day. The fine was paid to Joshua Young, gentleman, surveyor of Wendover. The inhabitants of Stoke Mandivile found not guilty of not repairing Honner End Lane. p. III. Recognizances extended. William Martyn, junior, of Great Marlow, gardener, in £10, with Robert Gray, wheelwright, and Thomas Martyn. junior, son of Thomas Martyn, gardener, both of the same, as sureties in £5 each, for his good behaviour. Samuel Carrell of Olney, butcher, in £20, with John Carrell and Edward Carrell, both of Olney, lace makers, as sureties in £10 each, to keep the peace towards Samuel Andrewes. Jonas Smith of Swanborne, yeoman, in £20, with Robert Powell, yeoman, and William Johnson, both of Swanborne, as sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Recognizances entered into. James Watts of Westbury, yeoman, in £40, with John Minn, yeoman, and Richard Watts, both of Westbury, as sureties in £20 each, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Joan Andrewes. 414 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1691-92. John Jones of Stow, gardener, in £40, with George Little of Buckingham, victualler, and James Watts of Westbury, yeoman, as sureties in £20 each, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Hodges. Richard Heyward of Aylesbury, gentleman, and Richard Dale of Sinckleborough, labourer, in £40 each, to appear and answer. pp. 112-115. Fines and issues. John Milward of East Cleydon and Robert Gale of Little Brickhill fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when sum- moned as jurors. The fines of Richard Smalbones, William Virgo, John Kingham, Henry Speed, Thomas Collins, Hannah Lovett, John Eldridge, John Spender, senior, John Spender, junior, and John Cooper, given on pp. 109-110 ante, are here repeated. The 16 recusants, whose names are given on p. 108 ante, are fined £20 each for absence from church for one month. p. 116. Recognizances discharged. John Jones, gardener, and John Cooke, servant to George Little of Buckingham, victualler, both of Stow, Joan Philpot, widow, and Richard Elkinton, innholder, both of Langley Marish, Gabriel Church of Iver, husbandman, William Cooke, tailor, Peter Hughs, yeoman, and William Robinson, all of Quainton, James Watts, yeoman, John Minn, yeoman, and Richard Watts, all of Westbury, Thomas Hammond, weaver, and Robert Emarton, farmer, both of Whaddon, Edward Hazell, gentleman, John Butler, and William Hazell, all of Steeple Cleydon, Thomas Goss, cordwainer, Edward Dyer, Roger Goss, Mary, wife of William Holland, labourer, and Jane, wife of William Clemens, all of Soulbury, William Newland, junior, and William Newland, senior, yeoman, both of Wing, Richard Dale, yeoman, and John Durrant, both of Sinckleborough, Sarah, wife of William Buttler of Upton, labourer, Robert Lee of Cuddington, husbandman, Eleanor, wife of Thomas Palmer of Wingrave, Thomas Bampton, junior, maltster, Thomas Brandham, yeoman, and Thomas Pilgram, blacksmith, all of Aston Clynton. DD 415 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 117-118. [Blank.]

EASTER SESSION AT WENDOVER 7th April, 1692 [4 William and Mary] pp. 119. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Lake, gentleman, Henry Dancer, junior, John Heale, gentleman, Francis Horton, John Towne, gentleman, John Baggaley, Richard Jeoffreys, John Warr, junior, William Mead, Richard Grimsdale, George Grove, senior, Henry Stanley, John Garrett, William Ashby, Richard Sawell, John Wilkinson, and John Phillips. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for the case against Richard Heyward. John Hill, gentleman, John Ginger, Isaac Hanwell, Henry Darvall, George Harding, senior, Samuel Veary, Thomas Healy, Thomas Cawdrey, John Aldridge, John Ovey, Thomas Darvall, and Samuel Gurney, gentleman. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. pp. 120-121. The Rev. John Scawen, rector of Horton, the Rev. Benjamin Archer, rector of Quainton, Peter May and Joseph Burcott, bailiffs of the borough of Chepping Wycombe, William Busby of Marish Gibbon, Richard Ingoldesby of Dinton, alias Donington, Edward Waller of Beconsfield, and Thomas Ligoe of Burcott in Wing, esquires, and Henry Redman of Ascott in Wing and William Theed of Ledburne in Mentmore, gentlemen, took the oaths provided in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration against transubstantiation and the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. The Rev. George Swinhoe of Princes Risborough subscribed the latter declaration and that contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 8. 416 ______

EASTER SESSION, l692. The houses of the following persons were registered as public meeting houses:— The barn of William Piggott’s house at Great Marlow (now in the tenure of William Harman), the houses of Mr. James Swinhoe of Princes Risborough, Anne Whitmee, widow, John Aspy, hempdresser, Joseph Scrivener, tallow- chandler and grocer, and William Ashbee, “laceman,” all of Olney, and Henry Brightman of Weston Underwood, gentleman. p. 122. Indictments. John Styles of East Burnham, labourer, for assaulting Abraham Glover and stealing some wood from him. [And see post, p. 166.] John Mathews of Wickin, co. Northampton, for chasing and killing a buck in the park of Sir , Bart., and for illegally keeping dogs, guns, and nets at Thornton. Joseph Kingham of in Princes Risborough, mason, for stealing a linen bag of beans and barley from John Buckingham. [And see post, p. 142.] Henry Hebbert, senior, Henry Hebbert, junior, and Thomas Beavor, all of Great Marlow, labourers, for stealing nine hens and two cocks, each value 1d., from Robert Tilbury. William Eldridge of Ellesborough, blacksmith, for assaulting William Myles. [And see post, p. 142.] John Low of Towersy, blacksmith, for rescuing five sheep from Simon Cocks, taken for “damage fezant.” [And see post, p. 207.] John Money of Aylesbury, labourer, for keeping a disorderly house. Thomas Waterton, William Dell, and John Gate, all of Ashby Green in Chesham, for refusing to watch. [And see post, p. 166.] Richard Fuller of Sincleborough in Great Horwood, husbandman, and Susan, his wife, for stopping up a spring. The inhabitants of Walton in the hundred of Newport, for not repairing part of the road from Newport Pagnell to Laighton. Edward Hearne of Horton, yeoman, for a breach of the peace. [And see post, p. 207.] 417 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 123. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, his son, all of Broughton in Bierton, Charles Dormer of Great Missenden, esquire, Sir Edward Longvilde, Bart., of Wolverton, [blank] Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, Alice Jones, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Salden in Muresly, Robert Cuttlowe of Drayton Parslow, Joseph Fletcher of Wooton Underwood, Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, Matthew Paine, Elisha Paine, and John Oakely, all of Eaton, John Atfield of Datchett, “Mistress” Mosdell of Fulmer, John, Lord Murrey, alias Stewart, of Langley, and Thomas Crompton, esquire, and Mary, widow of John Bringhurst, esquire, both of Great Marlow, for recusancy. Peter Collingridge and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, for absence from church for three weeks Sarah Bletsoe of Horrold, co. Bedford, widow, for building a wall on the freehold of the White Swan in Olney. Richard Fuller of Sinckleborough in Great Horwood, and Susan, his wife, for stopping up a spring. The constable of Shenly Brooke End, for not bringing his “articles and quarteridge” to Thomas Welles, chief constable for Cottesloe. Elizabeth Moreton of Datchett, widow, for not repairing the fence between her yard and Mascolls gate on the road to Colebrooke. Thomas Ware of Chesham, for selling ale without a licence. p. 124. Chief constables sworn. Aylesbury . . . . John Barraby of Great Missenden and Richard Brangwin of Haddenham, gentlemen, vice John Stace and Richard Goodchild. Newport . . . . John Goodman of Woughton and William Brightman of Weston Under- wood, gentlemen, vice William Sheppard and Martin Purryer. Buckingham . . Edward Nelson of Thornborough and Thomas Watson of Edgcott, gentle- 418 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1692. men, Edward Butterfield and Henry Smith. Cottesloe . . . . John Geary of Hawridge, gentleman, and Thomas King of Nash vice Joseph Everidge and Thomas Welles. Ashendon . . . . Thomas Berry of Brill and Edward Griffin of Wadsdon, gentlemen, vice William Tompson and Andrew Rice. Stoke . . . . Robert Dayry of Iver and Robert Pitt of Upton, gentlemen, vice William Guy and Edward Martin. Desborough . . Robert Keen of West Wycombe and William Tirrold of Hambleden vice Peter Toovey and Thomas Leakey. Burnham . . . . John Bennett of Chalfont St. Peter and Joshua Geary of Bellendon, gentleman, vice Humphry Clark and John Tokefield. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s Bench and Marshalsea Thomas Sear of Edlesborough and Henry Corker of Great Marlow, gentlemen, vice Isaac Gurney and Thomas Butterfield. For the maimed soldiers Stafford Morgan of Shalston and Thomas Gibson of Great Kimbell, gentlemen, vice Robert Adams and Ralph Towne. pp. 125-126. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Iver . . . . John Aslott and John Ford vice Richard Blake and William Littleboy, and Daniel Benning, Clement Atley, and John Saunders as tithingmen vice Edward Martin, William Courtley, and Roger Cutler. Horton . . . . John Burcomb vice Samuel Hosey. Little Brickhill . . Richard Miles, junior, and Anthony Scott vice George Gorsley and Thomas Benson. 419 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Simpson . . . . Edward Goodman vice [blank]. Water Eaton . . Robert King vice Bernard Fountaine. Bletchley . . . . William Hebbs vice Edward Narman. Cublington . . William Grace and Richard Keene vice William Breamer and George Apsley. Dorney . . . . Thomas Costard vice John Nash. North Marston . . Richard Tatham and John Stephens vice Henry Foster and Ralph Stephens. Great Kimbell . . John Tapping vice John Allen. Great Missenden . . John Ives and Thomas Stockins vice Matthew Davy and John Haines. Monks Risborough Edward Stone and Daniel Littlepage vice Thomas Beddall and Edward Viall. Stoke Hammond . . Thomas Johnson and John Francklyn, senior, vice Lawrence King and Roger Goss. Drayton Parslow . . Richard Chandler, junior, and Edward Crawley vice Robert Thoreton and John Parratt. Mentmore . . . . John Tickford and Thomas Andrews vice John Batcheller and Humphrey Collins. Stuckley . . . . Edward Britnell vice John Wilson. Cheddington . . John Seare vice Jonathan Stonley. Drayton Beauchampe . . Edward Bate vice Peter Thornton. Dunton . . . . Edward Duncombe vice William Bate. Eaton . . . . Richard Milton vice John Aldridge, and John Hevell as tithingman vice Edward Gallaway. Chersley . . . . Thomas Reynolds vice [blank]. Hedgerly . . . . Marmaduke Penn, gentleman, vice Daniel Baldwin. Braddenham . . William Wingrove, junior, vice Edward Langridge. Radnage . . . . Ralph Stone vice Samuel Randall. Hugenden . . . . John Shrimpton vice Moses Costard. West Wycomb . . Richard Plomer vice Robert Wade. 420 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1692. Lavendon . . . . John Bissenar vice [blank]. Eaton, the Gildables . . William Nethercliff vice [blank] Griffin. Datchett . . . . Humphrey Mascall and George Cross vice Adrian Aldridge and John Brumsden. Bierton . . . . Edward Hawkins, senior, vice Benjamin Thorne. Bishop Stone . . Christopher Turner vice [blank]. Stone . . . . Henry Stonebridge vice Joseph Cleydon. Fulmer . . . . Walter Legg vice [blank]. Wexham . . . . Henry Pulford vice Philip Mitchell. Upton . . . . Thomas Smith vice John Webb, senior. Dinton cum membris William Wheeler vice [blank]. Hogshaw . . . . Thomas Scott vice Joseph Sellet. Little Missenden . . Edward Burnham vice Ralph Towne. Stony Stratford . . John Halloway and Arthur Dennis vice Thomas Rent and John Woolhead. Whitchurch . . Thomas Hobbs and Thomas Sarney vice Francis Gower and Thomas Welles. Astwood . . . . John Ford vice John Cox. Turvile . . . . John Keen vice Nathaniel Binfield. Sherrington . . Thomas Course and Robert Field, hus- bandman, vice Richard Chibnall and James Lucas. Ipstone . . . . Richard Watson vice John Scoles. Soulbury . . . . Thomas Harris vice William Tayler. Halton . . . . Thomas Turpin vice Daniel Seyman. Beconsfield . . Robert Hayly and Samuel Rolfe vice Christopher Berjew and William Larchin, and William Annett, junior, and Thomas Oakley as tithingmen vice William Edwards and Thomas Clements. Ellesborough . . Edward Munday and John Prince vice Geoffrey Hill and James Smith. Addington . . Francis Winton vice Richard Smith. Princes Risborough William Redding and John Lacey vice William Siddington and Francis Cummin. 421 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Broughton . . . . Robert Heywood vice Thomas Rodwell. Walton . . . . John Todd and John Tring vice John Worster and Joseph Bampton. Ilmer . . . . William Bowden vice Francis Neale. Brandsfee . . . . Francis Burnham and Ananias Barnaby vice Nicholas Denchfield and John Shrimpton. Wooton Underwood William Richardson vice Edward Wright. Borstall . . . . John Browne vice Thomas Bernard. Chilton . . . . Richard Moreton vice William Bolton. Studley . . . . Henry Saunders vice Robert Saunders. Wornall . . . . William Goodwin vice Thomas Hill. Wooton Underwood Peter Battey vice Edward Putham. Hardwick . . Daniel How vice Joseph Janes. Little Kimbell . . Daniel Butler vice Richard Gomm. Newton Longville William Tomkins, junior, and Sextus Cooke, junior, vice William Cooke and Thomas Page. Hambledon . . John Deane and Robert Rockall vice Richard Dormer and John Flood. Sippenham . . Thomas North vice Robert Pither. North Crawley . . Robert Nash, lace buyer, and Thomas Arpin, baker, vice [blank]. Little Woolston . . John Perry, miller, vice [blank]. Chitchley . . . . Roger Samms, labourer, vice [blank]. p. 127. Orders. Order referring to the consideration of the justices for Burnham and Stoake the petition of Joseph Perkyns, ostler at the Oxford Arms at Gerards Cross in Fulmer. He stated that “in December last, goeing with Armes to defend a waggon loaden with their Majestyes money that was assaulted by severall Theives and Robbed near the said Inne, the said Theives discharged two Pistolls upon him,” so that he was seriously wounded in the arm and in the body, and that “one Mr. Gray a Surgeon who undertook and (through the blessing and mercy of Almighty God) in great measure has perfected his cure and demands of him £20,” which Perkins is unable to pay. [And see post, p. 158.] 422 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1692. p. 128. Order extending the recognizances of John Jones and Henry Hebbert. Order discharging the recognizance of James Watts of Westbury as it is now certified by Richard Harris that he has indemnified the parish in respect of the bastard child of Joan Andrews. Adjournment of the case against the inhabitants of Simpson. Order that £10 shall be levied upon the inhabitants of Woolverton for not appearing as ordered last session. Order quashing the indictment against Ralph Hawes of Wornall for entertaining Elizabeth Bledlow as an inmate. Henry Monday discharged from the office of bridewell keeper at Aylesbury and Michael Read appointed in his place. [And see post, p. 154.] p. 129. The sheriff or his deputy is ordered to attend the justices “at Mr. Chairman’s Chamber” with the Freeholders’ book. Eleanor Bledlow, widow, to be removed from Wornall to Chelsey, co. Middlesex. Adjournment of the appeal of Filgrave against a warrant removing John Watts and Mary, his, wife, from Clifton Reines. Order discharging the indenture under which the officers of Wooborne, co. Bedford, bound Joseph Harris, a “poor lame boy” apprentice to Matthew Parish of Ivinghoe, victualler, “a person adjudged by this Court not capable to take such an apprentice.” As the Court is of the opinion that the indenture was “contrived by some fraudulent practices of the said Officers of Wooborne” in order to 423 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. relieve them of the responsibility for Harris’ lameness, it is ordered that he shall be conveyed back to Wooborne. p. 130. Certain justices required to examine the petition of Henry Cooley of Ivinghoe to be released from being an overseer for the parish. In his complaint he stated that he was eighty years old, had served in all public offices, and was now “a commissioner for the present taxes.” Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary. Margaret Hatcher, an old blind woman whose husband “lost his life in their Majestyes service in Ireland,” is to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Wendover. Daniel Westfield discharged from his apprenticeship to Thomas Cawdrey, late of Wendover, silk weaver, as his master “is gone into their Majestyes service.” p. 131. Adjournment of the removal of Edward Verney, labourer, from Buckland to St. Leonards in Aston Clinton. Order allowing the appeal of Halton against a warrant removing Richard Johnson and his wife from Bierton. Upon the complaint of Sir John Pakington, Bart., that certain of his “pasture grounds and some leyes” in Aylesbury, which are now leased to Robert Thorpe, are assessed for the poor rate at £20 more than the amount of the rent received, the assessment on these lands is ordered to be abated by £20. p. 132. Order that Richard Dale may withdraw his plea of not guilty and may plead guilty to his indictment for breaking down a wall and breaking some windows at the house of William Francklin. Order adjourning the imposition of a fine upon the inhabitants of Great Missenden. 424 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1692. Order dismissing the appeal of Oveing against a warrant removing Francis Nelson and his family from Winslow. Adjournment of the appeal of Broughton against a warrant removing Henry Bunyon and his wife from Moulsoe. p. 133. Order allowing the appeal of Brill against a warrant removing Mary, wife of Edward Smith, from Weston Turvile. Order confirming a warrant removing William Wittmill from Woodham in Waddesdon to Chalgrave. p. 134. The case of the quit-rents of Sir John Pakington. Bart., and Thomas Newton, lords of the manors of Aylesbury and Walton respectively, is now referred to the judges at the next assizes. [And see ante, p. 101 and post, p. 158.] p. 135. Order dismissing the appeal of Stewkley against a warrant removing John Wright and his wife from Winslow. Orders extending the recognizances of William Martin and John Jones. Order referring to certain justices, the question of the allowance payable to the wife of Thomas Quainton of Radnage. The inhabitants allege that she is well able to maintain herself and that “since this allowance has wholly given herself to an Idle Life,” and is now in gaol. p. 136. Order that a warrant shall be issued against John Fryer of Penn for continuing to keep an alehouse after he had been “suppressed.” Adjournment of the appeal of Wendover against a warrant removing [blank] Eames from Ellesborough. p. 137. Rates of servants wages, etc., exactly similar to those allowed at the last Easter session, see ante, pp. 35-36. 425 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 138. In pursuance of a recent Act of Parliament, entitled, “An Act for the better repairing and amending the High- wayes and for Settleing the Rates of Carriage of goods,” the Court assesses the rates for all land carriage of any goods by any common waggoner or carrier as follows:— “For every five score and twelve pounds weight of Goods for every ten miles within the Chiltern parts of this County and upwards from thence towards London the summe of seaven pence, and for every ten miles within the Vale of this County and downwards from the Chiltern the summe of ten pence, from the twentyeth day of May to and upon the twentyeth day of September, and the summe of twelve pence from the twentyeth day of September to and upon the twentyeth day of May, and so proportionably for every greater or lesser weight or distance, the said Miles to be reckoned according to the Computation of the Country.” Lesser rates may be agreed upon, but the penalty for charging a greater rate is £5. Copies of the above are ordered to be hung up in a public place in every market town. p. 139. John Hill to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the over- seers of Wendover. Order that justices who are passing the accounts of the various treasurers shall in future “reject and refuse” any “allowances of charges and disbursments,” as the Court is of the opinion that by law these offices “ought to be defrayed at the charges of such Officers as are elected and appointed by this Court.” Francis Neale, gentleman, deputy treasurer to John Gurney and Robert Turney, gentleman, to be paid £4 for money spent on County affairs. p. 140. The Court, “takeing into consideration some late miscarriages in the money raysed in this County for the Kings Bench and Marshalsea and Meighmed Souldiers and some misapplications thereof,” orders that in future each of the treasurers shall “at the County Charge provide a 426 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1692. Book, consisting of two Quire of good Dutch paper handsomely bound and ruled for the entring of his respective Account.” The accounts are always to be kept up to date in these books so that they may be easily checked by a justice before being handed in to the clerk of the peace at each Easter session. The clerk of the peace is to keep a book in which he enters the balances of the accounts at the Easter session. Mary, wife of John Sudell, to be paid £2 for the clothing, maintenance, and schooling of a “County child” named Damaris Bright. p. 141. Mr. Perkyns, bailiff of the hundred of Buckingham, to be paid £3. I2s. 6d. for money paid to him for the main- tenance of Rose Roberts of Oldwick, widow. Mr. Henry Eston’s pension to be raised from £2 to £4 a year in view of his age and poverty, and as the Court is satisfied “of his adherence to the late King Charles the first and his being engaged in his Service in the late Civill Warrs.” Order referring to certain justices the petition of Mr. Richard Turner, the coroner, for a further allowance for his charges “whilest there was no Sheriff in the Change of the Government.” [And see post, p. 165.] Mr. Thomas Barnwell, the deputy sheriff, to be paid £10 for his services. The inhabitants of Brill are discharged from the indictment against them upon producing a justices’ certificate that their highways have now been repaired. p. 142. Indictments confessed and traversed. Ellis Rolfe and William Butler, both of Aylesbury, labourers, fined 3s. 4d. each for poaching fish from the waters of Sir John Pakington, Bart. William Adkins, husbandman, and Susan, wife of John 427 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Eldridge, blacksmith, both of Little Missenden, fined 3s. 4d. each for assaulting William Myles. Richard Dale of Sinckleborough fined £1. 10s. for damaging the house of William Francklin. Richard Heyward of Aylesbury, gentleman, found not guilty of not repairing Fryeridge Bridge. Joseph Kingham of Longwick in Princes Risborough, mason, found not guilty of stealing a bag of beans and burly from John Buckingham. William Eldridge of Ellesborough, blacksmith, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting William Myles. p. 143. Recognizances extended. The recognizances of William Martin and John Jones, which are given ante, on p. III. Recognizances entered into. William Tompson, senior, of Newport Pagnell, yeoman, John Mathews of Wickin, co. Northampton, gentleman, and John Styles of East Burnham, labourer, in £40 each, to appear and answer. p. 144. Fines. The fines of Ellis Rolfe, William Butler, William Adkins Susan Eldridge, Richard Dale, and William Eldridge, given on p. 142, ante, are here repeated. John Webster and Francis Johnson, both of Oakley, yeomen, Thomas Gibson of Little London in Brill, yeoman, Joseph Kingham, mason, Francis Goodchild, husbandman, Thomas Kingham, mason, Isaac Cleydon, husbandman, and John Kingham, mason, all of Longwick, John Cock, constable, and Richard Greenwood, yeoman, both of Haddenham, William Eldridge, blacksmith, and James Smith, yeoman, both of Ellesborough, John Styles, tailor, Thomas Ward, labourer, and Joshua Besouth, butcher, all of East Burnham, Matthew Parish of Ivinghoe, labourer, John Mathews of Wickin, co. Northampton, gentleman, Thomas Thornton, butcher, Samuel Orchard, and John Row, all of Wing, Jonas Smith, yeoman, Robert Powell, yeoman, and William 428 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1692. Johnson, all of Swanborne, James Watts, yeoman, John Minn, yeoman, and Richard Watts, all of Westbury, Richard Heyward of Aylesbury, gentleman, and Richard Dale of Sinckleborough, labourer. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 146. [Blank.]

MIDSUMMER SESSION AT AMERSHAM 14th July, 1692 (4 William and Mary) p. 147. Jurors for the body of the County. Robert Turney and William Fenner, junior, gentlemen, Richard Harding, William Lyndsey, gentleman, John Kipping, Thomas Edwards, William Bampton, John Wood- bridge, Thomas Attwood, John Mason, junior, William Parker, Thomas Gibbs, John Young, John Birch, Henry Cogdale, Jonas Taylor, Richard Lane, Thomas Richardson, and Thomas Vinney. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for special cases. James Eeles, John Rutt, William Statham, Nathaniel Child, Daniel Anderson, Aaron Lovett, John Chersley, Daniel Beck, William Hobbs, John Nash, William Moreton, and Richard Webb. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. p. 148. James Tyrrell of Oakley, esquire, the Rev. William Watts, vicar of Dinton, the Rev. Thomas Burnett, rector of Wexham, Thomas Hodson of Cheddington, gentleman, and John Tyringham of Neither Winchendon, esquire, took the oaths provided in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. The house of Daniel Wyer of Chesham and the barn of 429 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Mrs. Sarah Gurney of Aylesbury, widow, were registered as public meeting houses. pp. 149-151. Indictments. Daniel Lovett of Choulsbury, James Field, senior, of Chesham, and Charles Lights and John Glenister, both of Northchurch, co. Hertford, for rioting in the woods of Mary Lovett, widow, at Choulsbury and breaking down and carrying away timber to the value of 5s. 10d. [And see post, p. 186.] Edward Field, constable of Shenly Brooke End, for not paying in his quarterly money. Richard Fuller of Sinckleborough in Great Horwood and Susan, his wife, for stopping up a spring. Richard Heywood of Aylesbury, gentleman, for not repairing Fryer Mead Bridge, between Spittlefield and Fryers Mead. [And see post, p. 163.] Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, yeoman, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, all of Broughton in Bierton, Charles Dormer of Great Missenden, esquire, Sir Edward Longvilde, Bart., of Wolverton, [blank] Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, Alice Jones, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, gentleman, all of Salden in Muresly, Robert Cuttlow of Drayton Parslow, husbandman, Joseph Fletcher of Wooton Underwood, husbandman, Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, husbandman, Matthew Paine, Elisha Paine, and John Oakley, all of Eaton, labourers, John Atfield of Datchett, labourer, [blank] Mosdell of Fulmer, widow, John Lord Murrey, alias Stewart, of Langly Marish, and Thomas Crompton, esquire, and Mary Bringhurst, widow, both of Great Marlow, for recusancy and for absence from church. Daniel Lovett of Hawridge, Charles Light of Northchurch, co. Hertford, and John Budd and John Francis, both of Barkhamsted, co. Hertford, for rioting in the woods of Mary Lovett, widow, at Chesham, and breaking down and carrying away 100 oaks, value £10. Elizabeth Moreton of Datchett, widow, for not repairing the fence between her yard and Maschalls gate, on the high- way from Datchett to Colebrooke. 430 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1692. John Money of Aylesbury, labourer, and Daniel Parish of Weston Turvile, victualler, for keeping disorderly ale- houses. Christopher Abbitts of Amersham, labourer, for trading as a barber-surgeon without due apprenticeship. Edward Salmon of Fulmer, “warrener,” for working on Sunday. Thomas Ware of Chesham, labourer, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Sarah Higby, Elizabeth Burgis, Elizabeth Freeman, and Elizabeth Allen, all of Aylesbury, for stealing 11d. from Thomas Nicholls. [And see post, p. 157.] The inhabitants of Bow Brickhill and Little Brickhill, for not repairing part of the highway from Fenny Stratford to Wooborne. p. 152. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, Mr. John Howse, and his wife, and Mr. Finch Howse, his son, all of Broughton in Bierton, Sir Edward Longvile, Bart., of Wolverton, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, labourer, Mary Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, gentleman, all of Muresly cum membris, John Ashfield of Datchett, and Mrs. Mosdell of Fulmer, for recusancy. Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, and John Tippers of Muresly cum membris, gentleman, for absence from church for three weeks. The inhabitants of Aylesbury, for not repairing Fryer Mead bridge, between the common field of Aylesbury and Fryers Mead, which belongs to Mr. Richard Heywood; the bridge is on the ancient footpath leading from Setherup, Bishopstone, and other villages. Daniel Parish of Weston Turvile and Thomas Ware of Ashley Greene, for allowing tippling on Sunday. John House of Hambledon, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Edward Arnold of Amersham, for refusing to watch. EE 431 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Edward Cammock of Horton, for being a common barrator. p. 153. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Sinckleborough . . Thomas Seare vice Henry Foskett. Aston Abbotts . . Joseph Hedges vice John Bavin. Taplow . . . . John Francklin as tithingman vice Richard Walker. Aylesbury . . Thomas Brookes and John Wigson vice Thomas Sheene and Richard Headen. Quainton . . . . Henry Taylor vice John Collins. Woborne . . . . Richard Stannott and Andrew Saunders vice Richard Hurles and Thomas Deane. Kingsey . . . . Ralph Rogers vice George Livingstone. Lurgarshall . . William Parker vice William Chersley. Chepping Wycombe Forrens . . . . Thomas Pepper vice Samuel Gibbs. Brill . . . . William Peltone vice Daniel Dodson. Neither Winchendon . . Thomas Seares vice William Piggott. Burnham . . . . Robert Robins vice John Harbor, and Benjamin Harvey as tithingman vice John Ive. East Burnham . . Francis Pond vice . p. 154. Orders. Mr. Worrall ordered to pay John Sammon £2 for wages due. Gilbert Wondrum and Patrick Cambell, who were committed to gaol on a warrant for “speaking dangerous and scandalous words against the Government” and for other misdemeanours, are remanded in gaol until the next assizes in view of “a letter and paper found about the said Wondrum.” John Tringe, constable of Aylesbury, is to be bound over to appear and give evidence against the prisoners at the assizes. Order extending the recognizance of John Jones. 432 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1692. Upon the appeal of Henry Monday to be reinstated as bridewell keeper at Aylesbury, the majority of the justices agreed that the order of last session should stand, and that Michael Read, innholder, should be confirmed in the office. [And see ante, p. 128.] p. 155. Order confirming an agreement between the inhabitants of Preston and Thomas Gibbs, gentleman, lord of the manor, for the building of a cottage for John Sabin and his wife on the waste ground of the manor, at a rent of 1s. 6d. a year. Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary. On the application of Mr. Welles, the Court allows writs of certiorari removing into the King’s Bench the cases against John Mathews, gentleman. p. 156. John Styles permitted to withdraw his plea of not guilty to an indictment for assaulting Abraham Glover. Order extending the recognizance of William Tomson. Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan Ball, Mary Ball and Anne Ball, her daughters, Sarah Robinson, and Susan Webbe, all of Agmondisham, are sent to the bridewell at Aylesbury for a month on being apprehended by the constables for “night walking” and for being “notoriously knowne to be persons of ill fame and disorderly conversations.” [And see post, p. 178.] p. 157. Sarah Higby, Elizabeth Burgis, Elizabeth Freeman, and Elizabeth Allen, all of Aylesbury, who were found guilty of stealing 11d. from Thomas Nicholls, are ordered to be whipped “from the sign post of the Sarazens head Inne in Amersham to the sign post of the George Inne in the same place and back againe.” Order adjourning the cases against the inhabitants of Bow Brickhill and Little Brickhill. 433 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Orders extending the recognizances of Thomas Bampton and Judith Benning. p. 158. Upon the report of the justices to whom the matter was referred, the Court orders that Joseph Perkins shall be at once paid £20 for his surgeons bill, and that they will take further time to consider the question of a pension. [And see ante, p. 127.] Upon hearing the opinion of Mr. Justice Dolben, “one of the Judges who sate on the Crowne side” at the last assizes, the Court orders that Sir John Pakington’s quit-rents shall no longer be assessed to the poor rate. [And see ante, pp. 101 and 134.] p. 159. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Woolverton upon their producing a justices’ certificate that their highways have now been repaired. Order confirming a previous order concerning the main- tenance of Mary, wife of William Lovett of Hawridge, and referring the other matters in dispute to certain justices. [And see ante, p. 55 and post, p. 182.] p. 160. Order allowing the appeal of Aston Clynton against a warrant removing Edward Verney, labourer, from Buckland. Order allowing the appeal of Filgrave against a warrant removing John Watts and Mary, his wife, from Clifton Reyns. Order confirming Broughton as the place of settlement of Henry Bunyon and his wife. p. 161. Order for the discharge from gaol of Thomas Frayle, who was imprisoned on a warrant for “speaking divers evill and seditious words against their present Majestyes and their Government.” Certain justices appointed to hear the complaint of 434 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1692. Thomas Tyre, esquire, and other inhabitants of Burnham against certain irregularities in the rates there. p. 162. Order discharging the inhabitants of Great Missenden from an indictment for not repairing Honnor End Lane upon their producing a justices’ certificate that the work has been done. Order allowing the appeal of Leighton Bussard, co. Bedford, against a warrant removing John Earl and his family from Weston Turvile. p. 163. The inhabitants of Great Missenden complained that certain leasehold property belonging to Richard Myles, an inhabitant whom they were having to maintain, had been assigned to his son, on the latter’s marriage, and was now, on the son’s death, in the hands of the trustees of his widow, Eleanor, who had since married John Emlyn, junior. The Court ordered the trustees to convey the property back to Myles for his maintenance. Adjournment of the appeal of Wendover against a warrant removing James Piggott from Amersham. Order quashing the indictment against Richard Heywood of Aylesbury, gentleman, for not repairing Fryer Mead Bridge, as he pointed out that the indictment was “found upon the presentment of the Petty Constables . . . and upon no other evidence.” p. 164. Certain justices appointed to consider the case of the maintenance of Edward and John, the infant children of the late Edward Gibbons of Hambleden. Order quashing the indictments against Henry Hubbert of Great Marlow, labourer, and others for poaching, under the statutes of 22 and 23 Charles II, as the Court is of the opinion that “by a later Statute there is provided a more suiteable punishment.” 435 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Orders adjourning the cases against the inhabitants of Simpson and Walton in the hundred of Newport. Order reducing the fines imposed upon absent jurors to four nobles. p. 165. Mr. Turner, the coroner, to be allowed £15 for his extra expenses. [And see ante, p. 141.] Robert Webbe of Aylesbury, who was wounded in the service of King Charles II, ordered to be paid £1. 10s. out of the County stock. John Maccascree, treasurer for “the weeks Tax of the Militia for part of the year 1690 and for the year 1691,” produced his accounts, certified by three of the deputy lieutenants. p. 166. Indictments confessed and traversed. Thomas Waterton, William Dell and John Gate, all of Ashley Green in Chesham, labourers, fined 3s. 4d. each for refusing to watch. John Styles of East Burnham, labourer, fined 13s. 4d. for assaulting Abraham Glover and taking away some wood from him. Recognizances extended. William Hopkins of Lavendon, gentleman, in £10, to keep the peace towards [blank] Fletcher, gentleman. James Benning, cordwainer, and Judith Weedon, spinster, both of Aston Clinton, in £10 each, with Thomas Bampton of the same, husbandman, and Lucas Foster, junior, of Aylesbury as sureties in £5 each, for witholding wages due to Thomas Cook from William Benning, deceased, whose executors they are. Thomas Savage of Woburne, labourer, in £5, with Richard Stanninott of the same, labourer, as surety in £2, to keep the peace towards James Chabbert, surgeon. Jonathan Ball of Amersham, maltster, in £10, for his good behaviour. 436 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1692. p. 167. Recognizances entered into. Robert Buchannon, felt maker, and Thomas Franklin, tailor, both of Aylesbury, in £40 each, to appear at the assizes to give evidence against Gilbert Wondrum and Patrick Cambell. The same Thomas Franklin in £40 for the appearance of Richard Tuckwell to give evidence in the same case. Christopher Abbitt of Amersham, Daniel Lovett of Hawridge, Charles Lights of Northchurch, co. Hertford, Daniel Lovett of Choulesbury, and James Field, senior, of Chesham, all labourers, in £40 each to appear and answer. p. 168. Fines and issues. Thomas Scott of Maides Moreton, Robert Grange of Little Horwood, gentleman, Thomas Cocke, junior, of Beconsfield, bricklayer, John Ashburner and Isaac Henly, both of Olney, John Wilmin of Bradwell, and Thomas Harvey of Wavendon fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of Thomas Waterton, William Dell, John Gate, and John Styles, given on p. 166 ante, are here repeated. p. 169. Recognizances discharged. Abraham Glover, labourer, and John Heyward, both of East Burnham, John Wornall, gentleman, and James Worrall, both of Newport Pagnell, John Fonnch and William Reynolls, husbandman, both of Drayton Beauchampe, John Goodchild of Long Wicke in Princes Risborow, yeoman, John Smith and Thomas Davening, both of Monks Risborow, husbandmen, John Cracknell of West Wycomb, draper, John Sparkes of Chepping Wycombe, gentleman, Henry Fletcher of Great Marlow, gentleman, Mary Sheppard, widow, and Jasper Heywood, farmer, both of Burnham, Thomas Buckmaster and Peter Thornton, husbandman, both of Drayton Beauchampe, George Howes of Wing, Thomas Hatton, labourer, and John Smith, yeoman, both of Drayton Beauchampe, Joseph Fletcher, baker, and Peter Battey, yeoman, both of Wooton, John Vernum of Kingswood in Ludgarshall, John Jones of Stow, gardener, George Little of 437 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Buckingham, victualler, John Bolland of Burnham, farmer, John Tring, labourer, and Thomas Francklin, victualler, both of Walton in Aylesbury, Robert Buchannon, hatter, and Richard Tuckwell, cutler, both of Aylesbury, Henry Barker and Nicholas Manton, both of Guyhurst, labourers, John Evans of Little Brickhill, sadler, Thomas Nicholls of Newport Pagnell, gardener, Daniel Lovett of Choulesbury, carpenter, Charles Light of Northchurch, co. Hertford, blacksmith, John Lovett of Chesham, yeoman, Daniel Lovett and James Field, both of Hawridge, labourers, and James Watts of Westbury, yeoman. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 170. [Blank.]

MICHAELMAS SESSION AT CHEPPING WYCOMBE 6th October, 1692 [2 William and Mary] p. 171. Jurors for the body of the County. William Duncombe, gentleman, Joseph Bampton, William Veary, gentleman, Thomas Goodson, William Lea, John Reynor, Ambrose Fletcher, John Baker, William Cannon, Richard Madge, Ralph Rice, John Dannell, Richard Lea, John Chase and Jonathan Butterfield, gentlemen, Thomas Whitehart, John Theed, Samuel Smith, Robert Bawdry, William King, and William Sheppard. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for the case against Daniel Lovett of Hawbridge, labourer. Thomas Sills, Henry Newell, Henry Francklyn, Samuel Rolfe, John Deane, William Ratcliffe, Edward Wetherley, Robert Chersall, Samuel Randall, Joseph Tench, Nathaniel Child, and Thomas Watson. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. 438 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1692. pp. 172-173. Michael Read of Aylesbury, inn holder, the Rev. John Davies, rector of Saunderton, the Rev. John Theed, vicar of Marsworth, the Rev. Nathaniel Markwick, vicar of Westbury, Thomas Barnes of Chepping Wycombe, gentleman, and John Bigg, mayor, and John Blackmall, senior, alderman, of Chepping Wycombe, took the oaths in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. The Rev. Samuel Clarke of Upper Winchendon sub- scribed the same declaration and also that contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 8. The house of Matthew Butterfield of Penn, gentleman, was registered as a public meeting house. p. 174. Indictments. Thomas Reynolds of Kimble Wick in Great Kimble, husbandman, for assaulting John Topping, constable. [And see post, p. 207.] John Reynolds of Great Kimble, labourer, for assaulting Christopher Gomme. [And see post, p. 207.] Edward Cammocke of Horton, yeoman, for being a common barrator and disturber of the peace. [And see post, p. 207.] John Tippers, gentleman, Mary Goodman, widow, Frances Carter, widow, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, gentleman, all of Salden in Muresly, and Mary English of Gayhurst, widow, for absence from church. Edward Arnold of Amersham, labourer, for refusing to watch. (And see post, p. 186.] Elizabeth Robinson, widow, Elizabeth, wife of Robert Plumridge, labourer, and Elizabeth, wife of Richard Wilcox labourer, all of Lewkner, co. Oxford, and Sarah Carter and Mary Plumridge, both of West Wycombe, spinsters, for rioting and assaulting John Hollyman. John Topping of Great Kimble, yeoman, for assaulting Thomas Reynolds. (And see post, p. 186.] John Money, junior, of Aylesbury, labourer, for assault- ing James Hassell. John Lowe of Towersey, blacksmith, for assaulting Thomas Deane. [And see post, p. 207.] 439 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Samuel Rolfe, carrier, constable of Beconsfield, for allowing John Money to escape from his custody. [And see post, p. 186.] John Nash, junior, and John Wooton, labourer, both of Chalfont St. Giles, Daniel Ralphes of Heston, co. Middlesex, carrier, Matthew French and John Woolhed, both of Stony Stratford, labourers, [blank] Playstow of Winslow, carrier, Henry Hughes and [blank] Briggs, both of Great Missenden, labourers, John Billingdon of Whitchurch, [blank] Fenner of Great Marlow, labourer, Henry Pantlyn and Nicholas Rowe, both of Stewkley, labourers, and John Bovingdon and William Gunnill, both of Great Marlow, for trading as badgers without licences. p. 175. Presentments of the grand jury. Sir Edward Longuevile, Bart., of Woolverton, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, gentleman, all of Bierton, [blank] Mosdell of Fulmer, Mary Goodman, Alice Jones, and Frances Carter, widows, Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, John Maybee and Anne, his wife, and John Tipper and Mary, his wife, all of Muresly, and Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, labourer, for recusancy and absence from church. Matthew Aldridge and William Breadcott, surveyors of Monks Risborow, for not repairing Gallowes Lane, which is part of the highway from Ascott to Great Missenden. The inhabitants of Horseingdon, for not repairing part of the highway from Haddenham to Chepping Wycombe. p. 176. Presentments of the petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, John Howse, gentle- man, and his wife and Finch Howse, gentleman, all of Broughton in Bierton, Sir Edward Longvile of Woolverton, and [blank] Mosdell of Fullmer, widow, for recusancy. Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, Mary Goodman, Alice Jones, and Frances Carter, widows, Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, John Mabee and Anne, his wife and John Tippen and Mary, his wife, all of Muresly cum membris, for absence from church. 440 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1692. William Sheney of Broughton in Bierton, for refusing to lodge travellers brought by the constable in his “public house.” Philip Shelton, William Buck, junior, William Tayler, and Richard Rigsby, all of Newport Pagnell, for drinking during sermon time at the Nag’s Head, kept by Mary Tombs, and William Byway and Robert Byway, both of the same, for similarly drinking in the house of Thomas Dutton. The constables of Brayfield for not bringing their presentments and quarterly money to the chief constable, William Brightman. The inhabitants of Long Crendon, for not repairing a bridge on the road from Bissiter, co. Oxford, to Thame, co. Oxford. Edward Cammocke of Horton, for “eight severall offences.” p. 177. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Chalfont St. Giles . . Richard Stevens and Robert Hill vice John Wooton and Richard Dunton. Broughton . . . . William Howe vice Gilbert Pickering. Fenny Stratford . . Thomas Mead vice John Saunders. Penn . . . . Henry Wingrave vice Henry Long, and the following tithingmen:-Thomas Payne for Penn Street vice Edward Monday, James East for Forty Green and Notty Green vice Andrew Blake, and Thomas Hearne for Tyler End Green vice Thomas Inglewood. Steeple Cleydon . . John Cox, senior, vice [blank]. Blackgrove in Waddesdon George Cheshire vice [blank]. Chesham Boyes . . John Howe vice John Parratt. Weston Turvile . . William Woodbridge vice Thomas Dover. Chalfont St. Peter John Charsley, junior, and Swithin Butterfield vice Thomas Smith and John Pond, and John Moncke and Ralph Bampton as tithingmen vice Thomas Bradley and Ephraim Moncke. 441 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Amersham . . . . John Nash, senior, vice [blank], and Joshua Gardiner as tithingman vice [black]. Wingrave . . . . Robert Milliner and Joseph Lucas vice Thomas Seabrooke and Richard Harley. p. 178. Orders. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Simpson for not repairing their highways upon their producing a justices’ certificate that the work has been done. Order adjourning the case against the inhabitants of Walton. At the last session certain women of Amersham were ordered to be conveyed to the bridewell at Aylesbury. But, owing to the negligence of Joseph Tench, Joseph Chearsley, Nathaniel Chearsley, Thomas Wright, and Edward Hatch, whom the constables of Amersham appointed as “watchmen” to guard the prisoners, all the women escaped and “fledd from Justice.” Certain justices are now appointed to look into the circumstances of this case and to recommend what action should be taken. [And see ante, p. 156.] p. 179. Order staying proceedings on the presentments against Edward Cammocke of Horton. Sarah Johnson, widow, to be allowed 2s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Chesham. Mary Smyth, “a lewd woman,” who has given birth to a child in the bridewell at Aylesbury, is ordered to be discharged. p. 180. William Tompson, senior, allowed to withdraw his plea of not guilty to the indictment against him. Order for the issue of a distress warrant for imposing the fines against Daniel Lovett of Choulesbury and Charles Lights of Northchurch, labourers. 442 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1692. Mr. Barnwell, the deputy sheriff, to be paid £2 for “Exhibition money due in Trinity Terme last to the poor Prisoners of the Kings Bench and Marshalsea,” and paid by him to Mr. Hide. The jury “now impanelled to try traverses” is ordered to be present in court on Friday next under penalty of £1 each. Order extending the recognizance of Christopher Abitts. William Oviatts and the other overseers of Barton Hartshorne are discharged from their liability to pay an allowance of 3s. a week to Thomas Tyrrell and Elizabeth, his wife, as they have now found a house for them. [And see post, p. 202.] p. 181. Order suspending all indictments and presentments against Richard Fuller of Sinckleborough in Great Horwood and his wife, except the last indictment, which he has bound himself to answer at the next session. Order continuing the reference of the case concerning the children of Edward Gibbons of Hambledon. Orders estreating the recognizances of Ralph Beacroft of Horton and John Harris of Langley Marsh, husbandman, on account of their non-appearance. p. 182. By way of a final order in the case of the maintenance of Mary Lovett of Hawridge and her children, the Court orders that her allowance of 3s. a week shall continue and that the overseers shall continue to reimburse themselves out of the rents of her property until all their arrears have been made up; the allowance shall then cease and Mary Lovett shall enter upon the profits of her property again. [And see ante, pp. 55 and 159.] Orders extending the recognizances of Daniel Lovett, James Field, Charles Lights, and John Glenister. 443 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Order cancelling the fine imposed upon John Fellowe of Hugendon for absence from the grand jury. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Little Brickhill for not repairing their highways upon their producing a justices’ certificate that the work has been done. p. 183. Order allowing the appeal of Wendover against a warrant for the settlement there of James Piggott. John Moores of Great Missenden, who produced a certi- ficate signed by “one field Officer and two Commission Officers of the Regiment of the right Honorable the Earl of Northampton of his faithfull service to his late Majesty King Charles the Second,” is to be granted a County pension of £2 a year. Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £15 for repairing the gaol, for conveying prisoners to the assizes at Buckingham, for attending sick prisoners, and for looking after “many dangerous, disorderly, and rude prisoners.” p. 184. Mr. John Piddington, apothecary, to be paid £4. 7s. 9d. for “phisick” provided for the prisoners in the gaol. Mr. Michael Read, bridewell keeper at Aylesbury, to be paid £1. I2s. for expenses in connection with the birth of the bastard child of Mary Smyth in the bridewell. p. 185. Order for the provision of a further £5 for the repairs to Thorneborough Bridge. Order estreating the recognizance of Samuel Carrell of Olney, butcher, on account of his non-appearance. p. 186. Indictments confessed and traversed. Edward Arnold of Amersham fined 3s. 4d. for refusing to watch. 444 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1692. William Tomson of Newport Pagnell, yeoman, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Matthew Annesley. Daniel Lovett of Hawridge and Charles Lights of Northchurch, co. Hertford, labourers, fined £5 and £2 respectively for taking away 100 oaks from the woods of Mary Lovett, widow. John Topping of Great Kimble, yeoman, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Thomas Reynolds. William Martin of Great Marlow fined 6s. 8d. for assault- ing Abraham Glover. The inhabitants of Simpson and of Little Brickhill discharged of the indictments against them for not repairing their highways. Samuel Rolfe, constable of Beconsfield, fined 3s. 4d. for allowing John Money to escape. p. 187. Recognizances extended. The recognizances of William Hopkins, James Benning, Judith Weedon, Thomas Savage, and Jonathan Ball, as given on p. 166 ante. William Gilmore, gentleman, and Ralph Lacey, labourer, both of Great Missenden, in £20 and £10 respectively, to keep the peace towards Thomas Meard. Christopher Abbitts of Amersham, Daniel Lovett of Cholesbury, James Field, senior, of Chesham, and Charles Lights of Northchurch, co. Hertford, labourers, in £40 each, to appear and answer. p. 188. Recognizances entered into. Joseph Tench, barber surgeon, and Joseph Chearsley, both of Agmundisham, in £40 each, and in £20 each as sureties for each other, for their good behaviour. Nathaniel Chearsley of Agmundisham, labourer, in £40, with the above Joseph Chearsley as surety in £20, for his good behaviour. Thomas Wright and Edward Hatch, both of Agmundisham, labourers, in £40 each, and in £20 each as sureties for each other, for their good behaviour. Edward Hearne and Edward Cammock, both of Horton, 445 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. and Richard Fuller of Sinckleborough in Great Horwood, yeoman, in £40 each, to appear and answer. pp. 189-190. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. Thomas Oviatt of Aylesbury and Robert Grange of Little Horwood, gentleman, fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of Edward Arnold, William Tomson, Daniel Lovett, Charles Lights, John Topping, William Martin, and Samuel Rolfe, given on p. 186 ante, are here repeated. William Newland and John Johnson, bailiffs of the hundreds of Cotteslow and Newport respectively, fined 6s. 8d. for not being present in court. Ralph Becrofte of Horton, husbandman, forfeits his recognizance of £5 for non-appearance. John Harris of Langley Marish, husbandman, similarly forfeits £10. Samuel Carrell of Olney, butcher, similarly forfeits £20, and his sureties, John Carrell and Edward Carrell, both of Olney, lace makers, forfeit £10 each. p. 191. Recognizances discharged. Anne, wife of John Percivall, victualler, Benjamin Adkins, victualler, and Ralph Coleman, lace buyer, all of Fenny Stratford, John Holliman, labourer, Richard Morris, husbandman, and William Lazenby, baker, all of West Wycombe, Joseph Tench, barber surgeon, John Batcheller, glover, and Joseph Chearsley, Nathaniel Chearsley, Thomas Wright, and Edward Hatch, labourers, all of Agmondesham, William Wright, labourer, Robert Wright yeoman, and John Trumper, labourer, all of Chesham, Thomas Smith, butcher, and Katherine, his wife, Robert Pitt, yeoman, and Edward Blanden, baker, all of Upton, Joseph Fellowes of Langley Marish, yeoman, Edward Hearne of Horton, brewer, John Richardson, inn-holder, and John Burcombe, mercer, both of Colebrooke, Peter Horton of Iver, farmer, Mary Spencer and Mary Phillipps, both of Colebrooke, spinsters, Robert Gainsford, junior, and John Chase, both of Chesham, gentle- men, John Topping, farmer, and John Bigg, yeoman, both of 446 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1692. Great Kimbell, John Haynes, inn-holder, Thomas Tredway, yeoman, and John Pond, brick maker, all of Chalfont St. Peter, Thomas Burnham, tailor, Thomas Meard, labourer, John Bristow, labourer, and Susan Lamborne, spinster, all of Princes Risborow, John Moore of Great Kimbell, warrener, Henry Clayton of Monks Risborow, labourer, Thomas Findall, of Princes Risborow, labourer, Richard Lancaster, labourer, Giles Dix, labourer, and Thomas Hooton, tiler, all of Olney, Richard Watts, plumber, and Robert Wilkyns, gentleman, both of Brackley, co. Northampton, Jonas Hawkes of Culworth, co. Northampton, blacksmith, William Easment of Fenny Stratford in Simpson, victualler, George Loveday, senior, gentleman, Anne Loveday, spinster, and Elizabeth Parker, spinster, all of Brackley, co. Northampton. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 192. Warrant by Thomas Wharton, J. P., for the temporary appointment of John Rose as bridewell keeper at Chepping Wycombe in place of the late Richard Turner, gentleman. Nine other justices approved and confirmed the appointment. pp. 193-194. [Blank.]

EPIPHANY SESSION AT AYLESBURY 12th January, 1692-93 [4 William and Mary] p. 195. Jurors for the body of the County. Nathaniel Birch, gentleman, Thomas Brookes, Henry Dancer and Henry Babham, gentlemen, William Rice, junior, Thomas Brightwell and Thomas Oliver, gentlemen, John King, Henry Cooper, Edward Carter, gentlemen, John Parrott, John Meade, junior, John Payne, John Wyman Robert Carter, gentleman, George Thorpe, John Quarrendon, gentleman, John Hoare, and William Earle. (Signed) Henry Neale, esquire, sheriff. ff 447 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 196. Henry Harris of Chesham and William Dunscombe of Weedon in Hardwicke, gentlemen, took the oaths in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration against transubstantiation and that contained in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. The houses of the following persons were certified as public meeting houses:-Joshua Church of Stony Stratford, John Henley of Shipton in Winslowe, and Thomas Adams, John Shouler, and John Rowbottome, all of Thornborough. p. 197. Indictments. William Sheeney of Broughton in Bierton, victualler, for refusing to lodge travellers. [And see post, p. 207.] The inhabitants of Long Crendon, for not repairing a bridge on the highway between Bisseter and Thame, co. Oxford. Thomas Ware of Ashley Green in Chesham, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Philip Shelton, William Buck, junior, William Tayler, and Richard Rigsby, all of Newport Pagnell, labourers, for drinking during the time of Divine Service in the house of Mary Tombs, and William Byway and Robert Byway, both of the same, labourers, for similarly drinking in the house of Thomas Dutton. [And see post, p. 236.] Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, for absence from church. William Leper, constable of Brayfield, for not bringing his presentments and quarterly money to the chief constable. Job Gibson of Great Kimble, gentleman, for assaulting Thomas Fellowes. [And see post, p. 207.] Mary Whitton, alias Spratt, of Stony Stratford, widow, for breaking into the house of Thomas Rawbone. [and see post, p. 236.] The inhabitants of Monks Risborough, for not repairing Gallows Lane, which is part of the highway from Ascott to Great Missenden. John Temple and Michael Jennings, gentlemen, and John Jackson and William Ford, yeomen, all of Stoke Mandeville, for not scouring part of a brook near Wall Bridge, so that it 448 ______

EPIPHANY SESSIONS, 1692-93 overflowed on to the highway. [And see post, pp. 259 and 291.] Thomas Hobson, alias Thompson, of Aylesbury, labourer, for stealing a sack, value 3d., from William Gilpin. [And see post, pp. 204 and 207.] p. 198. Presentments of the grand jury. Sir Edward Longuevile, Bart., of Woolverton, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, gentle- man, all of Bierton, [blank] Mosdell of Fulmer, Mary Goodman, widow, Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, Alice Jones and Frances Carter, widows, John Mayby and Anne, his wife, and John Tippers and Mary, his wife, all of Muresley, Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, labourer, Thomas Phillips of Ickford, and [blank] Webb, esquire, and his wife, and Charles Dormer, esquire, both of Peterley, for recusancy and absence from church. Matthew Aldridge and William Breadcott, surveyors of Moncks Risborough, for not repairing Gallows Lane. The inhabitants of Horseingdon, for not repairing part of the highway from Haddenham to Chepping Wycombe. Robert Rowe, junior, of Aylesbury, for building a cottage upon the common. p. 199. Presentments of the chief and petty constables. [Blank] Alexander of Aylesbury, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, his son, all of Broughton in Bierton, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, labourer, Sir Edward Longvile of Woolverton, John Tipper of Muresley, gentleman, and Mary, his wife, Mrs. Mosdell of Fulmer, and Charles Palmer, Marmaduke Darell, and John Darell, all of Boveney, gentlemen, for recusancy. Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, and John Mayby and his wife, Mary Goodman, Alice Jones, and Frances Carter, widows, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Muresley, for absence from church. Martha Stokes and Richard Christmas, butcher, both of Wendover, for bastardy. 449 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Lydia Estoll of Clifton Reynes, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Michael Timms of Little Horwood, “for an outcry in his house at 12 of the Clock in the night.” Elizabeth Sterman and Joan Lambert, taken as vagrants at Horton and sent respectively to the parishes of St. Thomas and Ratcliff in the city of Bristol. p. 200. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Boveney . . . . Henry Messenger vice Jephthah Huntley and Francis Gibbons as tithingman vice John Godfrey. Chalfont St. Peter Andrew Burroughs as tithingman vice John Moncke. Taplow . . . . John Howe vice Richard Sharpe. Weston Turvile . . William Picton vice Nicholas Gerrard. Filgrave . . . . Thomas Goodman vice Joseph Brookes. Bledlow . . . . William Stephens vice Nathaniel Costard. Blagrave in Waddesdon. . John Syred vice George Cheshire. Buckland . . . . Thomas Brandon, junior, vice [blank]. Stoke Mandevile Roger Hoare and Joseph Goodspeed vice John Jackson and John Gardner. Edgcott . . . . Thomas Holt vice Gilbert Harris. Orders. William Vaux, gentleman, is ordered to act as treasurer for the maimed soldiers in the “lower division” in place of the late Mr. Stafford Morgan. Order extending the recognizance of Joseph Brookes of Filgrave, yeoman. Confirmation of the appointment of John Rose as bridewell keeper at Chepping Wycombe. He had received a good character and testimonials from “persons of great Quality and Integrity of his honesty and vertuous behaviour.” [And see ante, p. 192.] 450 ______

EPIPHANY SESSIONS, 1692-93 Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary. p. 201. Order for the discharge of Susan, wife of Richard Fuller of Sincleborough in Great Horwood, husbandman, from the bridewell at Aylesbury. Orders extending the recognizances of John Turner of Amersham, gardener, and of the above Richard Fuller. Orders postponing the imposition of the fines of £20 upon the inhabitants of Bow Brickhill, Walton, and Horseingdon until the Midsummer session. p. 202. Certain justices appointed to hear the complaint of Robert Paine against the rates at Wendover. Mr. Thomas Machell, one of the overseers, is ordered to produce “an antient Booke of Survey” of the lands in the parish for the benefit of these justices. Further reference of the case concerning the children of Edward Gibbons of Hambleden. Certain justices appointed to hear the claim of Richard Norris for wages said by him to be due from his master, Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., J. P. Upon the complaint of Thomas Tyrrell and Elizabeth, his wife, that, “notwithstanding their Pretences to the contrary,” the overseers of Barton Hartshorne have not yet found them a house, it is ordered that the allowance of 3s. a week shall be resumed, in accordance with a former order. [And see ante, p. 180.] p. 203. Orders extending the recognizances of Jonathan Ball of Amersham, maltster, William Gilmore, gentleman, Daniel Lovett of Choulesbury, James Field, senior, of Chesham, and Charles Lights of Northchurch, co. Hertford, labourers. 451 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Order that the allowance of 2s. a week paid by the overseers of Wingrave to Mary How shall be stopped until her son-in-law, William Norcott, gives up her goods, to the value of about £ll, which she has fraudulently conveyed to him. Adjournment of the appeal of Chalfont St. Gyles against a warrant removing John Earle and his family from Weston Turvile. p. 204. It is agreed by mutual consent that the residence of Richard Eams shall not affect the fact that his proper place of settlement is Wendover. Thomas Hobson, alias Thompson, of Aylesbury, labourer, who was found guilty of stealing a sack, value 3d., from William Gilpin, is ordered to be whipped at the whipping post in Aylesbury at twelve noon to-morrow, “being a Markett day.” Order postponing the imposition of the fine of £10 upon the inhabitants of Long Crendon until the Midsummer session. John Spratley of Hillersdon, yeoman, appointed treasurer for the maimed soldiers in the “upper division” in place of the late Stafford Morgan, gentleman. p. 205. Dorothy Turner, widow of the late Richard Turner, bridewell keeper at Chepping Wycombe, who “left her in a low and poor condition,” is ordered to be paid £7. 10s. out of the County stock. As Mr. Stafford Morgan died before he could pay out the sum of £5 for the further repairs to Thornborough Bridge, Mr. William Vaux, who is acting for him, is ordered to pay it. It is further ordered that Mr. Morgan’s executors shall give Mr. Vaux an account, and the balance of the County money remaining in their hands. 452 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1692-93. Rose Roberts of Oldwick, widow, to be allowed £3. 10s. out of the County stock for her maintenance. p. 206. Mr. William Tilcock to be paid £3 out of the County stock for curing Robert Webb, a felon in the goal, of a fistula. Mr. Tilcock also asked to be paid for curing William King, alias Macdonnell, “of wounds received when he was taken,” but the settlement of this is postponed until it is ascertained whether Macdonnell himself might not be able to pay. John Francklin to be detained in the bridewell at Aylesbury until further order. Mr. Thomas Barnwell, the deputy sheriff, to be paid ten marks for services performed. p. 207. Indictments confessed and traversed. William Sheney of Broughton in Bierton, victualler, fined 3s. 4d. for refusing to lodge travellers. Thomas Reynolds of Kimble Wick in Great Kimble, husbandman, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting John Topping, constable. John Reynolds of Great Kimble, labourer, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting Christopher Gomm. Edward Camocke of Horton, yeoman, fined 3s. 4d. for being a common barrator. Edward Hearne of Horton, yeoman, fined 3s. 4d. for being a disturber of the peace. John Lowe of Towersey, blacksmith, fined 6s. 8d. for “rescuing” five sheep from Simon Cox, the hayward, and £l. 6s. 8d. for assaulting Thomas Deane. Job Gibson of Great Kimble, gentleman, fined 6s. 8d. for assaulting Thomas Fellow, gentleman. Thomas Hobson, alias Thompson, of Aylesbury, labourer, to be whipped for larceny. p. 208. Recognizances extended. The recognizances of Jonathan Ball, William Gilmore, Daniel Lovett, James Field, and Charles Lights, as given on p. 187 ante. 453 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS, VOLUME III. Richard Fuller of Sinckleborough in £40 to appear and answer. John Turner of Amersham, gardener, in £50, with Edward Fuller of St. Mary le Savoy, co. Middlesex, seedsman, and Thomas Floyd of St. Paul, Covent Garden, as sureties in £40 each, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Mary Watkins. (Bound over by William Allestree, a justice for the county of Middlesex.) Joseph Brookes, constable of Filgrave, yeoman, in £40, to answer for the escape of Thomas Goodwin. Recognizances entered into. Thomas Ware of Ashley Green in Chesham, victualler, and Mary Whitton, alias Spratt, of Stony Stratford, widow, in £40 each, to appear and answer. p. 209. Fines and issues. Timothy Harding of Agmondesham and Henry Fletcher of Great Marlow, gentleman, fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of William Sheney, Thomas Reynolds, John Reynolds, Edward Camocke, Edward Hearne, John Lowe, and Job Gibson, given on p. 207 ante, are here repeated. p. 210. Recognizances discharged. Joseph Tench, barber surgeon, and Joseph Chearsley, Nathaniel Chearsley, Thomas Wright, and Edward Hatch, labourers, all of Agmondesham, William Hopkins of Lavendon, gentleman, James Benning, cordwainer, Judith Weedon, spinster, and Thomas Bampton, husbandman, all of Aston Clinton, Lucas Foster, junior, of Aylesbury, Thomas Savage and Richard Stanninot, both of Wooborne, labourers, Mary Ball, Anne Ball, and Mary Webb, all of Agmondesham, spinsters, Thomas Rawbone of Stony Strat- ford, butcher, Ralph Coleman, constable of Fenny Stratford in Simpson, William Gilpin of Bow Brickhill in Caldecutt, victualler, William Jennings and John Jennings, sawyers, William Trott, labourer, William Martin, cordwainer, John Clarke, labourer, William Sly, tailor, and William Coe, 454 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1692-3. shepherd, all of Wendover, Thomas Fellow and John Fellow, both of Great Hampden, gentlemen, John Topping, labourer, and Job Gibson, Thomas Gibson, senior, and Thomas Gibson, junior, gentlemen, all of Great Kimble, John Bolton, labourer, Thomas Clements, shoemaker, Robert Mitchell, butcher, and William Larckin, shoemaker, all of Beconsfield, Thomas Tyrill, mason, Richard Hurt, smith, Thomas Bishop, weaver, William Carter, shoemaker, Richard Ayres, clerk, Richard Dossett, gardener, and Richard Parker, Edward Parker, Edward Dover, John Dolly, Thomas Collins, Edward Hitchcock, and Augustine Tyler, labourers, all of Dinton, Daniel Horwood, junior, and Daniel Horwood, senior, both of Chepping Wycombe, labourers, Thomas Johnson and John Johnson, both of Langley Marish, husbandmen, William Hurst of Upton, yeoman, Dutton Hubbert, gentleman, and John Ball, yeoman, both of Langley Marish, George Gascoigne, labourer, Clare Munna, widow, and Clare Munna, spinster, all of Chesham, Richard Whitton of Wickin, co. Northampton, lace buyer, and Thomas Radwell and Roger Howes, both of Slapton. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 211-212. [Blank.]

EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 27th April, 1693 [5 William and Mary.] p. 213. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Lake, gentleman, Michael Welles, Henry Dancer, junior, Thomas Mabley, Richard Greenwood, Thomas Reynolds, James Foster, Robert Streame, Thomas Hogg, Richard Waddupp, William Mead, Thomas Bunce, William Statham, Robert Wright, William Sparkes, John Garrett, Robert Jane, John Wright, and Daniel Rubert. (Signed) Francis Duffield, esquire, sheriff. 455 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Jurors for the case against Mary Whitton, alias Spratt. George Baldwin, gentleman, Thomas Brookes, Henry Bell, senior, Robert Todd, William Brookes. Peter Golds- worth, Thomas Dover, Thomas Stockins, Richard Heydon, Nicholas Gaffield, John Grace, and John Goldsworth. (Signed) Francis Duffield, esquire, sheriff. p. 214. Thomas Barnwell, gentleman, under-sheriff, Robert Meade, gentleman, coroner, Joseph Burkett, Edward Marshall, and John Rose, locksmith, all of Chepping Wycombe, and the Rev. John Croft, vicar of Granborough, took the oaths in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declaration in 30 Chas. II, stat. 2, c. 1. The houses of the following persons were registered as public meeting houses:-Robert Fellowes of Bletchley, Robert Rolls of Drayton Parslowe, William Cole, grocer, and Thomas Bryars, carpenter, both of Beconsfield, William Grimsdale of Chalfont St. Gyles, John Mason of Olney, tailor, and John Bryon of Clifton Reynes, labourer. pp. 215-216. Indictments. William Nicholls of Aylesbury, labourer, for stealing a thimble and a hinge, value 6d., from William Penn, esquire, and Ralph Marsh of Penn, labourer, for receiving these stolen goods. [And see post, p. 236.] John Grove, labourer, and Thomas Rawson, butcher, both of Iver, alias Ever, for stealing a net, value 6d., from Thomas Fawkner. [And see post, p. 225.] Charles Palmer, Marmaduke Darell, and John Darell, all of Boveny, gentlemen, for being absent from church. Matthew Evans of Amersham, gentlemen, for breaking into the house of John Browne, senior, at Little Missenden, and stealing a gun, value 5s., belonging to John Browne, junior, and 15s. in “numbered money” belonging to John Browne, senior. Lydia Estoll of Clifton Reynes, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. Michael Timms of Little Horwood, labourer, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. 456 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1693 William Barrett of Maids Moreton, yeoman, for an indecent assault upon Elizabeth Bayly, spinster. John Darvall of Little Missenden, miller, for altering a justice’s warrant. [And see post, p. 236.] William Woodnott, tailor, constable of Langley Marish, for allowing four prisoners to escape from his custody. p. 217. Presentments of the grand jury. Isaac Newman of Marish Gibbon, yeoman, for “releiveing and not apprehending of vagabonds and sturdy beggars.” Presentments of the chief and petty constables. Thomas Alexander of the “Lords Fee” in Aylesbury, Mr. John Howes and Martha, his wife, and Mr. Finch Howes, their son, all of Broughton in Bierton, Sir Edward Longfield of Woolverton, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, labourer, Alice Jones, Mary Goodman, and Frances Carter, widows, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Muresly, Robert Cuttlow of Drayton Parslow, and Mrs. Mosdell of Fulmer, for recusancy. Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, and John Tipper of Muresly, gentleman, for absence from church. The inhabitants of Princes Risborough, for not repairing their highways in three places; namely on the Thame road between Longwick and Aston pasture, alias Wellhead pasture, and between Longwick and Ascott, and on the road from Chepping Wycombe to Bisseter in Longwick field, between William Young’s gate and Fulling Mill Water. The inhabitants of Horsingdon, for not repairing part of the road from Chepping Wycombe to Bisseter between Fulling Mill Lane and Bottome Lane. p. 218. Chief constables sworn. Aylesbury . . . . Samuel Blick of Princes Risborough and Joseph Welles, junior, of Aston Clynton vice Richard Brangwin and John Barrabee. 457 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Newport . . . . Robert Willison of Newton Longuevile and William Geynes of Olney, draper, vice John Goodman and William Brightman. Buckingham . . John Witmill of Tingewick and Edward Piggott of Foskett vice Thomas Watson and Edward Nelson. Cotteslow . . . . George Thorpe of Stewkley and Edward Playstow of Weedon in Hardwick vice John Geary and Thomas King. Ashendon . . . . John Woodbridge of Wornall and Robert Stevens of Granborough vice Thomas Berry and Edward Griffin. Stoke . . . . Thomas Virgo of Horton and Francis Hartwell of Langley vice Robert Pitt and Robert Dayry. Desborough . . Jonathan Hammond of Great Marlow and Jasper Hunt of Radnage vice William Turryll and Robert Keene. Burnham . . . . Thomas Watson of Beconsfield and Timothy Wingfield of Amersham vice John Bennett and Joshua Geary. Treasurers sworn. For the King’s Bench and Marshalsea Joseph Duncombe of Ivinghoe and Anthony Ratcliffe of Chalfont St. Giles, gentlemen, vice Thomas Sear and Henry Corker. For the maimed soldiers William Gyles, junior, of Winslow, and William Blackwell of Great Kimbell, gentlemen, vice John Spratley and Thomas Gibson. pp. 219-220. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Taplow . . . . John Francklin vice Richard Sharpe, and Thomas Beck as tithingman vice John Francklin. Dorney . . . . John Carter vice Thomas Coster. Beconsfield . . William Squire and William Ingram vice Samuel Rolfe and Robert Hayly, and 458 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1693 Richard Simpson and William Smyth, wheelwright, as tithingmen vice William Annett, junior, and Thomas Oakely. Saunderton . . Thomas Jackman vice Thomas Meade. Bishopstone . . Thomas Allen vice Christopher Turner. Hardwick . . . . John Redding vice Daniel How. Great Linford . . Richard Brinker vice William Cooke. Astwood . . . . Thomas Greene vice John Ford. North Crawley . . William Leverett and William William- son vice Thomas Arpin and Robert Nash. Chitchley . . . . John Sharpe vice Roger Samms. Lavendon . . . . Francis Spratt and Richard Morrice vice John Bitchinor and [blank]. Bow Brickhill . . Joseph White vice Thomas Brice. Cold Brafield . . William Stevenson vice William Leper. Clifton Reynes . . Richard Gale vice Richard Smith. Sherrington . . William Warr vice Robert Field. Stoke Hammond . . John Rogers and Samuel Sutton vice Thomas Johnson and John Francklyn. Bradwell . . . . John Hayly vice John Hoar. Little Brickhill . . Thomas Pell vice [blank]. Calverton . . . . Thomas Easton vice Thomas Cane. Simpson . . . . George Etheridge vice Edward Goodman. Stony Stratford West Side . . Peter Jordale vice Thomas Kent. Turvile . . . . John Boveny vice John Keen. Ipstone . . . . John Messenger vice Richard Watts. Medmenham . . Thomas Astin vice Jonas Briden. Hambledon . . Francis Denham and George Rockall vice John Deane and Robert Rockall. Brandsfee . . Thomas Gold and Edward Deane vice Ananias Barnaby and Francis Burnham. Chawley in Braddenham Edward Lambath vice William Wingrove. Hugenden . . . . John Fastnidge vice John Shrimpton. Great Missenden . . Edward Hoar and John Saunders vice John West and Thomas Wheeler. 459 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Walton in Aylesbury Richard Fountains and Thomas Kingham vice John Todd and John Tring. Monks Risborough Richard Welch and Ralph Whiteshed vice Edward Stone and Daniel Littlepage. Radnage . . . . Robert Toovey vice Ralph Stone. Bledlow . . . . John White vice Ralph Stone. Westcott in Wadsdon Francis Cripps vice John Whitchurch. Wadsdon . . . . Thomas Harris, junior, and Ralph Hawes vice Peter Beck and William Rose. Swanborne . . William Deverall vice Robert Hawkins, and Thomas Curle as tithingman vice William Beckley. Cheynes . . . . Charles Read vice [blank]. Great Kimbell . . John Allen vice John Topping. Whitchurch . . Richard Grace and Thomas Wallis vice Thomas Hobbs and Thomas Sarney. Aylesbury . . . . Joseph Brasbridge, gentleman, and John Read vice Alexander Dover and Robert Todd. Wooton Underwood Henry Barber and Richard Howes vice Peter Battey and William Richardson. Wornall . . . . Robert Fowler vice William Goding. Chilton . . . . Thomas Beamsley, junior, vice Richard Keen. North Marston . . John Bennell and Robert Cutbeard vice John Stevens and Richard Tatham. Dinton . . . . William Adlkins vice William Wheeler, and Henry Stopp as tithingman vice Thomas Bishop. Ellesborough . . Joseph Parnham and William Allen vice Edward Munday and John Prince. Bierton . . . . Henry Olliffe vice Edward Hawkins. Little Missenden . . John Shrimpton. junior, vice Edward Burnham. Upton . . . . John Webb vice Thomas Smith. Fulmer . . . . George Stanley vice Walter Legg. 460 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1693. Stoke Poges . .William Green vice Thomas Smith. Wexham . .. . Thomas Lovejoy vice William Grove. Datchett . . . . George Sterne and George Cross vice Humphrey Mascall and John Brinsdell. Horton . . . . William Sweby vice Thomas Turpin. Soulbury . . . . Thomas Tayler vice Thomas Harris. Stony Stratford East Side Gerrard Godfrey vice [blank]. Colebrook in Horton Isaac Redford vice John Burcombe. Broughton in Bierton William Stratfold vice Robert Heywood. Mentmore. . . . John Meade and John Kingham vice Thomas Andrewes and John Tickford. Cheddington . . Thomas Stevens vice John Seare. Stewkley . . . . Benjamin Coles vice Robert Britwell. Cublington . . John Billington vice William Grace. Eaton . . . . Thomas Gill, senior, and Robert Woodard vice Richard Milton and William Nethercliff, and Robert Andrewes and Thomas Laurence as tithingmen vice Henry Mundy and John Hevell. Studley . . . . Richard Watkins vice Henry Saunders. Hedgerley. . . . William Grove vice Marmaduke Penn, gentleman. p. 221. Orders. Certain justices appointed to pass the accounts of the various treasurers. Order dismissing the appeal of Stony Stratford East Side against a warrant removing James Smith and Elizabeth, his wife, from Stony Stratford West Side. p. 222. Order continuing the allowance of 5s a week to be paid to Mary, wife of William Francklin, by the overseers of Great Horwood until they find her a house suitable for herself and her four children. [And see post, p. 253.] 461 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Adjournment of the hearing of the case between Greens Norton, [co. Northampton], and North Crawley. Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary. p. 223. Order setting out the rates for carriage of goods, exactly similar to those given on p. 138, ante. Order setting out the rates for billeting soldiers, exactly similar to those given on p. 21, ante. p. 224. The inhabitants of Long Crendon given until the next session to bring a justices’ certificate that their highways have now been repaired. Order allowing the appeal of Soulbury against a warrant removing Mary Knight, widow, from Stewkley. p. 225. John Grace, who was imprisoned in the gaol for poaching in the waters of Sir William Bowyer, Bart., is ordered to be discharged for want of a prosecutor. John Grove and Thomas Rawson, who were found guilty of stealing a net, value 6d., from Thomas Fawkner, are ordered to be whipped from the gaol door at Aylesbury to the George sign post and back again. Order that owners and occupiers of houses in Brill shall in future be rated to the poor rate as are occupiers of other lands. Mary Bawdrick, widow, to be allowed 1s. 6d. a week by the overseers of Bierton. p. 226. Order confirming a warrant for the removal of Sarah Walker, alias Webb, from West Wycombe to Pinner, co. Middlesex. Order confirming a warrant for the removal of Anne Minstrell from Penn to Wooborne. 462 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1693. Order confirming a warrant for the removal of Mary Jane, widow, from Slapton to Hempsted, co. Hertford. Order reducing the fines to be levied upon absent jurors to four nobles. p. 227. Edward Carwood, pipe maker, to be discharged from the bridewell at Aylesbury, and the warrant removing him and Mary, his wife, from Brill to Aylesbury is confirmed. Adjournment of the appeal of Chalfont St. Gyles against a warrant removing John Earl and his family from Weston Turvile. p. 228. Order for the payment out of the County stock of £2. 17s. 6d. for repairs to a bridge in Denham on the road from Beconsfield to Uxbridge, which was seriously damaged by “the overflowing of the waters in Uxbridge River.” Mary, wife of John Sudell, to be paid £1. 10s. for the clothing and maintenance, and 10s. for the schooling, of Damaris Bright, a “County child.” p. 229. Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £25. 10s. for rebuilding two rooms in the gaol after the escape of a prisoner, named Busby, and £1 for the nursing and maintenance of Katherine Maxfield, who gave birth to a child in the gaol. Mr. Thomas Barnwell, under-sheriff, to be paid ten marks for various public services. The Court, being anxious “to use all probable meanes to avoyd” bearing the charge of the child recently born to the wife of Andrew Flower in the gaol, desires the justices of the hundred of Aylesbury to ascertain whether Flower may be required to maintain the child and whether it might be possible to establish Flower’s place of settlement as Moulston, near Northampton, his birthplace. p. 230. Certain justices appointed to consider the petition of GG 463 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III Thomas Style of West Wycombe, the eldest son of Thomas Style. He alleged that, on account of his lameness, he is unable to support himself upon the allowance of 2s. 6d. a week which he now receives, and asked that his father, who has an estate worth £2,000, should be ordered to maintain him. [And see post, p. 281.] The outgoing treasurers, whose accounts have now been passed, are ordered to pay the balance of their accounts to their successors. p. 231. John Rose, bridewell keeper at Chepping Wycombe, to be paid his quarter’s salary. The chief constables for the “upper division” are in future ordered to pay in all monies received by them to the treasurers, and the treasurers are to see that the salary of the bridewell keeper at Chepping Wycombe is paid when it becomes due. Mr. Thomas Style of West Wycombe to be paid £1 out of the County Stock. p. 232. Alexander Olliffe to be paid £1. 12s. 6d. for “thirteen weeks nurseing of” the child of Katherine Maxfield, which was born in the gaol. Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., ordered to pay Richard Norris £2. 10s. for work done. [And see post, pp. 251 and 329.] p. 233. Mr. Tilcock, a “chirurgeon,” to be paid £5 “for the Cure of one Manne lately Executed for felony.” Francis Martin to be allowed 1s. a week by the overseers of Chesham. p. 234. John Browne, husbandman, and Elizabeth Browne, both of Little Missenden, and Benjamin Barton of Aston Clinton, cordwainer, to be bound over to give evidence 464 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1693. against Matthew Evans of Amersham, gentleman, who is indicted for larceny. [And see ante, p. 215.] John Maccascree, gentleman, “treasurer for the weeks Tax of the Militia for the year 1692,” produced his accounts, duly passed by six of the deputy lieutenants. p. 235. Rates of wages for servants, labourers, etc., which are exactly similar to those allowed for the Easter session, 1691, see ante, pp. 35-37. p. 236. Indictments confessed and traversed. Mary Whitton, alias Spratt, of Stony Stratford, widow, found not guilty of forcibly entering the house of Thomas Rawbone. She was committed to gaol until she paid the fees of her traverse of the indictment. Philip Shelton of Newport Pagnell, labourer, fined 3s. 4d. for drinking during the time of Divine Service in the house of Mary Tombs. William Nicholls, who was in gaol upon an indictment for stealing a hook and a thimble, value 6d., from William Penn, esquire, pleaded guilty to the charge, but the Court postponed the imposition of a fine upon him and ordered that “if he be listed into their Majestyes Service either by sea or land before the next Sessions, the Gaoler of this County shall immediately sett him at Liberty.” John Darvall of Little Missenden, miller, fined £5 for altering a justice’s warrant and thus causing the arrest of John Brown upon a false warrant. p. 237. Recognizances extended. The recognizances of Jonathan Ball, William Gilmore, Daniel Lovett, James Field, Charles Lights, and Richard Fuller, as given on pp. 187 and 208 ante. Thomas Ware of Ashley Green in Chesham, victualler, in £40 to appear and answer. p. 238. Recognizances entered into. Thomas Thornton of Borestall, yeoman, in £40, with 465 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. John Day of Pitchcott, yeoman, and Duncan Campbell of Oakley, surgeon, as sureties in £20 each, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Martha Bew. William Emblem of Taplow, victualler, in £100, with Thomas Russell of Maydenhead, co. Berks, gentleman, and William Tatham of Taplow, miller, as sureties in £50 each, to appear at the next session, and to keep the peace. Matthew Evans of Amersham, gentleman, in £100, with William Ball, gentleman, and John Parratt, brewer, both of Amersham, as sureties in £50 each, to appear at the next assizes. William Barrett of Maids Moreton, yeoman, and William Woodnott of Langley Marish, tailor, in £40 each, to appear and answer. p. 239. Fines and issues. Christopher Grimsdale of Chalfont St. Peter and Robert Brincklow of Astwood, yeomen, fined £1. 6s. 8d. for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of Philip Shelton and John Darvall, given on p. 236 ante, are here repeated. p. 240. Recognizances discharged. William Emblem, victualler, William Tatham, miller, and John Browne, farmer, all of Taplow, John Lucas of Long Crendon, labourer, Jonathan Hands and Thomas Beamsley, both of Easington in Chilton, labourers. Thomas Golding, William Allen, and John Webster, all of Oakley, labourers, Thomas Staples, labourer, John Hill, gentleman, and Thomas Allen, “woodman,” all of Little Hampden, John Reynolds, Richard Goodchild, and Joseph Goodchild, all of Kimbell Wick, yeomen, Robert Thorpe of Hardwick, yeoman, Robert Smith and Samuel Punn, farmers, and Richard Wall, cordwainer, all of Grendon Underwood, John Roydon of Marsworth, John Quarrendon of Ivinghoe Aston, gentleman, Matthew Evans, gentleman, David Salter, tanner, and John Parrett, brewer, all of Agmundisham, Richard Sharpe of Taplow, barge master, Thomas Thornton of Borestall, yeoman, John Day of 466 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1693. Pitchcott, yeoman, Duncan Campbell of Oakley, surgeon, William Barrett, junior, of Maids Moreton, yeoman, John Muskett of Buckingham, innkeeper, Ralph Judkins of Maids Moreton, servant, William Piggott, Thomas Stevens, and William Tayler, all of Soulbury, William Woodnott of Langley Marish, tailor, John Burcombe of Horton, mercer, Edith Field, spinster, and William Field, farmer, both of Bagshott, co. Berks, Richard Fancott of Stoke Poges, farmer, Ralph Marsh, blacksmith, John Winter, farmer, and Tristram Salter, labourer, all of Penn, John Blackman, William Martin, and Thomas Aleworth, all of Edgcott, yeo- men, William Tatham and Charles King, junior, tailors, and Richard Punn, barber, all of Winslow, John Turner of Agmundisham, gardener, Edward Fuller of St. Mary le Savoy, co. Middlesex, seedsman, Thomas Floyd of St. Paul, Covent Garden, Joseph Brookes, constable of Filgrave, Mary Whitton, alias Spratt, of Stony Stratford, widow, John Browne of Little Missenden, farmer, Benjamin Barton of Aston Clynton, cordwainer, John Child of Penn, farmer, Elizabeth Bayly of Buckingham, spinster, John Salter of Penn, labourer, Katherine Perryman, widow, and St. John Taylor, gentleman, both of Datchett, William Cotton of Penn, labourer, Thomas Fawkner of Cobham, co. Surrey, yeoman, and Peter Horton of Iver, alias Ever. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 241-242. [Blank.]


AT WENDOVER 13th July, 1693 [5 William and Mary] p. 243. Jurors for the body of the County. John Stacey, William Lyndsey, and William Fenner, junior, gentlemen, Thomas Dover, Roger Hoare, James Francklyn, John Bampton, Thomas Berry, William Thomp- son, Edward Griffin, John Perkins, Thomas Chapman, 467 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Thomas Major, John Godfrey, John Oakley, John Howes, and John Crawley. (Signed) Francis Duffield, esquire, sheriff. p. 244. Francis Ligo of Walton in Aylesbury, esquire, Joseph Somner of Whitehall in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, co. Middlesex, esquire, and John Prince, gentleman, coroner, took the oaths in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and subscribed the declarations in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. p. 245. Indictments. The inhabitants of Wendover, for not repairing part of the road to Ellesborough, called Upper Acknell Way. Thomas Brookes, junior, labourer, and John Chapman, cordwainer, both of Aylesbury, for assaulting William Welch. [And see post, p. 259.] William Redding and John Lacey, constables of Princes Risborow, and Frederic Bowler, constable of Horsingdon, for not presenting certain highways to be out of repair nor the neglect of the surveyors therein. [And see post, pp. 291 and 361] The inhabitants of Princes Risborow and Horsingdon, for non-repair of highways, according to the presentments against them at the last session. [See ante, p. 217.] William Embling of Taplow, victualler, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. [And see post, p. 251.] Thomas Stevens and James Turney, yeomen, assessors of Soulbury, for interlining an assessment and causing money to be levied which they converted to their own uses. [And see post, p. 259. Thomas Budd of Weston Turvile, farmer, Richard Parrett of Castlethorpe, butcher, William Herbert of Little Lynford, farmer, William Panter of Hanslop, butcher, John Leech and Thomas Leech, both of Stony Stratford, butchers, and George King of Beauchampton, labourer, for trading as badgers without licences. p. 246. Presentments of the grand jury. John Webb, surveyor of Weston Turvile, for neglecting 468 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1693. his office and for putting several cart loads of stones, brought by the inhabitants, upon his own land. [And see post, p. 291.] The heirs and assigns of William Penn of Penn, esquire, lord of the manor of Weston Turvile, for an insufficient pound at Weston Turvile. Presentments of the chief and petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, Mr. John House and his wife and Mr. Finch House, his son, all of Broughton in Bierton, Sir Edward Longfeeld, Knt., of Woolverton, Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, labourer, John Tipper, John Mabee and his wife, Mary Goodman, Alice Jones, and Frances Carter, widows, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, gentleman, all of Muresley, Robert Cutlow of Drayton Parslowe, Mrs. Mosdell of Fulmer, and Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, for recusancy and absence from church. Mr. Saunders, constable of Fenny Stratford, William Gibbs, constable of Akely, and the constables of Hedsor, for not bringing in their presentments. Benjamin Stubble of Brill, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. p. 247. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Bishopstone in Stone Richard Whiteshed vice Henry Standbridge. Cuddington . . Thomas Piddington vice William Graunt. Taplow . . . . Thomas Nevill vice [blank]. Kingsey . . . . Thomas Cripps vice Ralph Rogers. Nether Winchendon Samuel Tanner vice Thomas Seare. Little Linford . . John Herbert vice John Nicholls. Sherrington . . John Vinney vice Thomas Course. Wavendon . . . . William Leach vice William Kilpin. Aston Abbotts . . George Hobbs and John Milner vice William Arnott and Joseph Hedges.

469 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III Burnham . . . . Ralph Rider vice Robert Robbins, and John Lacey, junior, as tithingman vice Benjamin Harvey. East Burnham . . John Pond vice Francis Pond. Bassetts Bury . . William Saunders vice Thomas Pepper. p. 248 Orders. William Vaux, gentleman, who was appointed temporarily as one of the treasurers on the death of Mr. Stafford Morgan, is ordered to produce his accounts before certain justices. The case against William Barrett is removed by writ of certiorari. Certain justices appointed to hear the complaint of John Wyatt of Ivinghoe concerning the “irregular quartering of souldiers upon him” by Henry Seabrooke and John Draper, the constables there. p. 249. Order discharging the indictment against the inhabitants of Munks Risborough upon their producing a justices’ certificate that their highways have now been repaired. Order that the surveyors of Hartwell may make a special rate of 1½d. in the pound upon the inhabitants there for the repair of their highways, in accordance with the act of 3 and 4 William and Mary. p. 250. Orders extending the recognizances of Jonathan Ball, William Gillmore, Daniel Lovett, James Field, Charles Lights, Richard Fuller, Thomas Ware, and Thomas Pope of Langley. Order referring to certain justices the claim of Richard Cox to wages said to be due from Rebecca Babington of Sherrington, widow, his late mistress. Adjournment of the case against the inhabitants of Horseingdon. 470 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1693. Elizabeth Robinson, widow, Elizabeth, wife of Robert Plumridge, labourer, and Elizabeth, wife of Richard Wilcocks, labourer, all of Lewkner, co. Oxford, to be bound over by the justices for the county of Oxford to appear and answer an indictment for rioting and assaulting John Hollyman. p. 251. Adjournment of the cases against the inhabitants of Bow Brickhill and Walton. The clerk of the peace is ordered to write to Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., J. P., requesting that he shall pay the wages due to Richard Norris, which he was ordered to pay last session but now refuses to pay, and signifying “the Resentments of this Court concerning his Carriage in this matter.” In order to “prevent any rigorous proceedings that may otherwise happen against him,” the case is adjourned until next sessions. [And see ante, p. 232, and post, pp. 285 and 329.] William Embling of Taplow, victualler, is “suppressed” from keeping an alehouse, as it has been reported that his house “is frequented and haunted by highwaymen, house- breakers, dangerous rogues, and persons of lewd and evill conversation . . . to the great terrour and disturbance of the inhabitants thereabouts.” The petty constables are ordered to pull down his sign post. p. 252. Adjournment of the case against the inhabitants of Prince Risborough. The overseers there are authorized to levy a special rate of 1½d. in the pound for the repairs to the highways. Order dismissing the appeal of Chesham against an order of court for the payment of an allowance of 1s. a week to Francis Martyn. p. 253. Certain justices appointed to consider whether the overseers of lvinghoe should continue to pay an allowance to Mary Pitkin, widow, whose house is in “Cheddington Towne.” 471 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. The overseers of Great Horwood appealed against an order of the last session under which they were required to pay an allowance of 5s. a week to Mary, wife of William Francklyn. They alleged that her husband, “supposed to have gone for a souldier, is now liveing in London and getts a sufficient livelyhood by his Trade,” and that Mary Francklyn “hath taken the liberty to use very insolent Language and threatening Speeches towards the Officers of the said parish.” Upon consideration of the matter, the Court orders that the allowance shall be reduced to 2s. 6d. a week and that the overseers shall try to “bring the said Mary Francklyn’s husband to his family.” She herself is ordered to “keep herselfe and her Children at hard worke and behave herselfe respectively and modestly towards her Neighbours.” [And see ante, p. 222.] p. 254. Order, with the consent of all parties concerned, that John Grace, baker, and his wife and children, shall be deemed to be settled inhabitants of Weston Turvile in spite of the fact that they have gone to live at Beconsfield. p. 255. Order referring the differences between the inhabitants of Hawridge and Mary Lovett to certain justices. Order referring to certain justices the complaint by Mr. Joseph Sexton of Aylesbury that Henry Munday, John Bishop, and John Kingham, petty constables there, irregularly quartered soldiers upon him. Adjournment of the appeal of Chalfont St. Peter against a warrant removing William Robinson from Sear Green in Farnham Royall. p. 256. Adjournment of the case against the inhabitants of Long Crendon. Order confirming a warrant for the settlement of John Earle and his family at Chalfont St. Gyles. Elizabeth, wife of William Stevens of Wendover, to be 472 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1693. allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of that parish, as her husband has “gone into their Majesties Service.” Matthew Annesly, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell to be paid his quarter’s salary. Thomas Thorneton of Borestall, yeoman, discharged from a maintenance order in respect of the bastard child of Martha Bew, as he has now indemnified the parish of Brill. p. 257. Thomas Cowley, a former pensioner when he was resident in the County, is restored to his pension of £2 a year on account of his blindness, lameness, and poverty. Mr. Thomas Barnewell, under sheriff, to be reimbursed £2. 2s. “Exhibition money” paid by him to Mr. Hide for the Trinity term last past. William Botterill of Shalston to be paid his pension of £1 for the last quarter. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of Thomas Machell, gentleman, against the rates at Wendover. p. 258. Alexander Oliffe to be paid £2. 13s. for clothes and maintenance provided for Alice, daughter of Katherine Max- field, a felon in the gaol. The clerk of the peace to be paid £1 for circulating copies of letters from “the Lords of their Majesties most honorable Privy Counsell.” The cases against William Woodnutt are removed by writ of certiorari. p. 259. Indictments confessed and traversed. John Jackson of Stoke Mandivill, yeoman, fined 3s. 4d. for not scouring a brook. Thomas Brookes, junior, labourer, and John Chapman, 473 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. cordwainer, both of Aylesbury, fined 3s. 4d. each for assaulting William Welch. James Turney and Thomas Stevens, both of Soulbury, yeomen, fined 5s. and 10s. respectively for interlining an assessment and thus collecting money for their “owne private Lucre.” p. 260. Recognizances extended. The recognizances of Jonathan Ball, William Gilmore, Daniel Lovett, James Field, Charles Lights, Richard Fuller, and Thomas Ware, as given ante on p. 237. Thomas Pope of Langley in £20, with Edward Urling, blacksmith, and William Watts, victualler, both of Langley, are sureties in £10 each, for his good behaviour. Recognizances entered into. Robert Britton, John Hillier, and Thomas Fawson, all of Hanslop, labourers, William Ford of Stoke Mandivill, yeoman, and William Embling of Taplow, victualler, in £40 each, to appear and answer. The same William Embling in £100, with Thomas Russell of Maidenhead, co. Berks, and Sampson Urlyn of Cookham, co. Berks, gentlemen, as sureties in £50 each, for his appearance and for his good behaviour. John Webb of in Weston Turvile, gentleman, in £40, to appear and answer. p. 261. Fines and issues. Thomas Harris of Astwood and John Newman of Hanslopp fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when sum- moned as jurors. The fines of John Jackson, Thomas Brookes, John Chapman, James Turney, and Thomas Stevens, given on p. 259 ante, are here repeated. p. 262. Recognizances discharged. Thomas Thorneton of Borestall, yeoman, John Day of Pitchcott, yeoman, Duncan Campbell of Oakley, surgeon, William Embling of Taplow, victualler, Thomas Russell of 474 ______

MIDSUMMER SESSION, 1693. Maydenhead, co. Berks, gentleman, William Tatham of Taplow, miller, William Holland, Matthew Seamon, William Haunch, Thomas Goss, and Percival Chandler, all of Soulbury, yeoman, Rebecca Babington, widow, and Robert Field, farmer, both of Sherrington, William How of Broughton, Thomas Brookes, junior, labourer, Lucas Foster, junior, currier, William Spencer, painter, and John Chapman and Richard Hoar, cordwainers, all of Aylesbury, Edward Porter, senior, of Hitcham, labourer, Alexander Oliffe of Aylesbury, labourer, Edward Porter, junior, of Chepping Wycombe, and James Turney, Thomas Tayler, and Thomas Stevens, all of Soulbury, yeomen. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 263-264. [Blank.]


AT CHEPPING WYCOMBE 5th October, 1693 [5 William and Mary] p. 265 Jurors for the body of the County. Edward Honnour, gentleman, Thomas Welles, John Wade, James Smith, William Collett, John Tomson, Thomas Edwards, Richard Coles, John Simonds, William Ashwell, Richard Blunt, David Salter, Adiel Howes, William Tyrroll, John Theed, Daniel Keene, John Keene, John Wilkinson, gentleman, and Thomas Saul. (Signed) Francis Duffield, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for the case against John Webb of Bedgrove. Robert Moreton and John Lydall, gentlemen, Richard Welch, Daniel Littlepage, John Parratt, Henry Putnam, James Hands, Robert Burt, Thomas Towersey, Zachariah Deane, John Alnutt, and William Hillier. (Signed) Francis Duffield, esquire, sheriff. 475 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 266. Thomas Alford of Chepping Wycombe, esquire, took the oaths contained in 1 William and Mary, c. 1, and sub- scribed the declaration against transubstantion and that contained in 30 Charles II, stat. 2, c. 1. p. 267. Indictments. Benjamin Stuble of Brill, victualler, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. John Tipper of Muresly, gentleman, and Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, for absence from church. Sir Edward Longfeeld, Bart., of Woolverton, Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, labourer, John House, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch House, gentleman, all of Broughton in Bierton, William Wright of Stoke Goldington, labourer, John Mabee, labourer, and his wife, Mary Goodman, Alice Jones, and Frances Carter, widows, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, gentleman, all of Muresly, Robert Cutlow of Drayton Parslow, husbandman, [blank] Mosedell of Fulmer, widow, and Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, for recusancy and absence from church. [Blank] Devonshire, tithingman of Hedsor, William Gibbs, constable of Akeley, and John Saunders, gentleman, constable of Fenny Stratford, for not paying in their quarterly money to their respective chief constables, Jonathan Ham- mond, Edward Piggott, Robert Willison, and Roger Chappell. [And see post, p. 334.] Richard Jordan, tithingman of Bierton, for allowing William Sheemell to escape. [And see post, p. 334.] Edward Barnes of Ivinghoe, victualler, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. p. 268. Informations Charles Harris, shopkeeper, Peter May, victualler, Thomas Shrimpton, chandler, John Morris, gentleman, Francis Jugby, junior, laceman, Thomas Heather and John Paine, labourers, Joseph Stalwood, shopkeeper, and Dorothy Kidder, widow, all of Chepping Wycombe, and Richard Groome of Hollingdon in Soulbury, John Ends of Steeple Cleydon, James 476 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1693. Winterborne of Gawcott, Edward Carter and Richard Lee, both of Padbury, Henry Thorpe of Preston Bissett, and John Watts of Tingewick, labourers, for trading as badgers without licences. Presentments of the grand jury. Sir Robert Throgmorton, Bart., John Weston, yeoman, John Fisher, Elizabeth Sturges, widow, and [blank] Harrison, gentleman, all of Weston Underwood, for recusancy and absence from church. Thomas Fawson and Robert Britton, both of Hanslop, for trading as grocers without due apprenticeship. p. 269. Presentments of the chief and petty constables. The persons indicted on p. 267 ante, with the exception of Robert Cutlow, and with the addition of Thomas Horwood of Woolverton, esquire, and John Tipper of Muresley, for recusancy. Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, for absence from church. The inhabitants of Horsingdon, for not repairing their highways. Edmund Barnes of Ivinghoe, for keeping an unlicensed alehouse. John Eveins of Soulbury, for murder. pp. 270-276. Presentment of the surveyors of highways. Thomas Edgerly of Water Stratford, esquire, and Mary Pledwell of Buckingham, widow, for not repairing part of the highway from Water Stratford to Bisceter, co. Oxford, at a place called Pingesford. The inhabitants of Akely, for not repairing part of the highway to Torcester, co. Northampton, and a gateway on it near a place called Stockings, and for not repairing part of the highway to Stony Stratford. The inhabitants of Adstock, and Ellis Clarke, Thomas Hogg, Henry Cooper, Robert Corbett, Richard Tredwell, the Rev. Thomas Edgerton, rector, Richard Jeffery, Thomas Brickwell, and William Corbett, all of the same, for not 477 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. keeping in repair a watercourse, called Ham Gutter, which runs through Home Mead and adjoins the highway from Winslow to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Twiford and Cowley, for not scouring a watercourse which runs between these two parishes. Dame Katherine Wenmam, lady of the manor of Twiford, and Alexander Denton, esquire, lord of the manor of Hillesdon, for not repairing a footbridge on the footpath from Twiford to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Stow cum membris, for not repairing part of the highway to Buckingham at a place called . William Ovietts and Richard Seaton, both of Barton Hartshorne, yeomen, for not repairing part of the highway from Buckingham to Bisceter, co. Oxford, at Round Hill. The lords of the manors of Steeple Claydon and Twyford, for not scouring a watercourse in Steeple Claydon and in the liberty of Charndon, which runs through Wood Lane, leading from Gritmore to Brackley, co. Northampton. The inhabitants of Biddlesden, for not repairing part of the highway from Bakers Bridge to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Radcliffe, for not repairing part of the highway to Torcester, co. Northampton. The inhabitants of the liberty of Chackmore, for not repairing part of the highway from Shalston to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Thornborough, for not repairing parts of the highways from Long Bridge to Winslow and from Thornborough Bridge to Layton Bussard, co. Bedford, and for not repairing a causeway leading to their parish church. [Blank] Miller of Hillesden, widow, for not repairing three highways, namely, Thomas Parrett’s Lane, which is part of the highway from Banbury, co. Oxford, to Aylesbury, part of the highway from Buckingham to Thame, co. Oxford, and part of the highway from Kings Bridge to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Caversfeild, for not repairing part of the highway from Franckford to Bisceter, both co. Oxford. The inhabitants of Leckhamsted, for not repairing parts of the highways from Whittlebury to Winslow and from Akely to Stony Stratford. Thomas Edgerly of Water Stratford, esquire, and Mary 478 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1693. Pledwell of Buckingham, widow, for not repairing that part of the highway from Water Stratford to Bisceter, co. Oxford, which lies in Tingewick. The inhabitants of Tingewick, for not repairing Broad- rideing Lane, which leads to Bisceter, co. Oxford. The inhabitants of Lillingstone Dayrell for not repairing part of the highway from Akely to Torcester, co. Northamp- ton, and part of the highway to Chapple Green. Mrs. Grace Bennett of Beachampton, for not scouring certain watercourses at Osborns Close, Richardson’s Upper Gate, and Richardson’s Neither Gate, and for not repairing part of the highway to [blank]. William Awd of Beachampton, for not repairing part of the highway from Nash to Stony Stratford. Alexander Denton of Hillsdon, esquire, for not repairing part of a highway in Preston Bissett called Cowley Lane, which leads from Cowley to Buckingham, and for not repair- ing a footbridge upon the same lane. The inhabitants of the liberty of Cowley, for not scouring a watercourse near the highway to Buckingham. The inhabitants of Padbury, for not repairing part of the highway to Winslow, and that part of the highway to Buckingham which lies between White Bridge and Great Bridge, and for not scouring a watercourse called Stickett Ford. The inhabitants of Preston Bissett, for not repairing part of the highway to Buckingham. p. 277. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Hitcham . . . . William Tayler vice Richard Holderness. Penn . . . . Henry Higgins vice Henry Wingrave, and John Fryer as tithingman for Forty Green vice James East. Penn Street . . Daniel Honnor as tithingman vice Thomas Paine. Tyler End Green . . William Fryer as tithingman vice Thomas Hearne. Wooborne . . . . William Martin and Andrew Lane vice Richard Stanninett and Andrew Saunders. hh 479 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Fingest . . . . William Rackly vice Christopher West. Chesham Boyes . . John Wingfield vice John How. Weston Turvile . . Benjamin Goodspeed vice William Woodbridge. Wingrave . . . . Thomas Keen vice Joseph Lucas. Aylesbury . . . . Thomas Brookes and John Wigson vice Henry Munday and John Bishop. p. 278. Orders. Order giving the inhabitants of Long Crendon until the Midsummer session to produce a justices’ certificate that their bridge has been repaired. They stated that they had not yet been able to do the repairs “by reason of the great Raines and ill weather that hath happened this Sommer.” Orders extending sine die the same recognizances as those given ante on p. 260, with the exception of that of Thomas Pope, who is ordered to appear to-morrow morning. Memorandum that “according to the Rules of this Court at the first day of this Sessions,” Mr. Welles, attorney, moved that Thomas Horwood’s petition be read and that the Court would consider the surgeon’s charges for curing a wounded soldier, sent from Great Marlow to Beconsfield; and Mr. Francis Neal, attorney, moved on behalf of Mr. Benson, the gaoler. p. 279. Orders that the surveyors of the following parishes may make special rates, not exceeding 6d. in the pound, for the scouring of their brooks and the repair of their high- ways:—Grendon Underwood, Stoke Mandevile, Bierton, Newport Pagnell, Walton, Weston Turvile (except upon the lands of Sir John Pakington, Bart.), Horseingdon (except upon the lands of Mr. Richard Blackwell), Muncks Risborow, and Winslow. Adjournment of the case against William Leper, con- stable of Brayfield. William Farrer, esquire, J. P., “her Majestyes Solicitor generall,” is required to consider the case and report upon it. 480 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1693. Order extending the recognizance of Thomas Chrowshaw of Wavendon, warrener. Adjournment of the cases against the inhabitants of Bow Brickhill and Walton. p. 280. The inhabitants of Wendover discharged from the indictment against them for not repairing Upper Acknell Way upon their producing a justices’ certificate that the work has now been done. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of Dr. Charles Hickman, rector of Farnham Royal, against the rates there. The inhabitants of Prince Risborough discharged from the indictment against them upon their producing a justices’ certificate that their highways have been repaired. p. 281. Order, with the consent of all parties, that Thomas Style, senior, shall allow his son, Thomas Style of West Wycombe, gentleman, who is a cripple, £10 a year by weekly instalments. [And see ante, p. 230.] p. 282. Further reference of the differences between the inhabitants of Hawridge and Mary Lovett. Orders confirming warrants for the settlement of William Robinson and Joseph Statham at Chalfont St. Peter and Wendover respectively. p. 283. The inhabitants of Horsingdon given until the Midsummer session to produce a justices’ certificate that their highways have been repaired. They pleaded that they had not yet been able to do these repairs “by reason of the great Raines and ill weather which has happened this last Sommer.” Order dismissing the appeal of Chesham against a warrant removing John Oxley and his family from Great Missenden. 481 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 284. Order referring to certain justices the appeal of John Child against his assessment to rates at Penn. The inhabitants of Radnage appealed to the Court for a ruling concerning the making of levies upon the lands of the Rector there “for Robery money on the Statute of Hues and Cryes.” The opinion of the Court was that “the Rector ought to be assessed for the same and to pay all Roberyes as other Lay fees paid, and also that the Rector was lyable to find a fitt person to watch and ward in his said parish altho’ his person be excused from the service.” Richard Jordan, headborough of Beerton, who has been indicted for allowing William Shennell, a suspected felon, to escape, is given leave to “pursue the said felon and use all lawfull wayes and meanes for the apprehending of him,” with the assistance of all the other officers of the County. pp. 285. Sarah Pinchas, who was committed to gaol and charged with stealing clothes from Thomas Ireland of Wooborne, co. Bedford, gardener, “the said goods being found upon her,” is ordered to be discharged for want of a prosecutor. Ireland’s recognizance of £20 to appear and prosecute is ordered to be estreated. The recognizances of John Hillier and Thomas Fawson, both of Hanslop, are extended sine die, and all proceedings against them are to be stayed. The cases against Isaac Newman of Marish Gibbon, yeoman, and Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., are removed by writ of certiorari. Order extending the recognizance of Henry Olliffe of Bierton, yeoman, to appear and prosecute Richard Jordan. p. 286. “Forasmuch as a foot souldier in the Company of Collonell Cambon, in his March with the said Company from Beconsfield to Great Marlow in this County, fireing his Musquett the same broake too peices accidentally in his 482 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1693. hands, whereby one of his hands was so broken and meighmed that he was rendred unfitt for his March and by his Officers sent back from Great Marlow to Beconsfield to be cured.” The cure took several weeks, and the cost of his maintenance during this time was paid by the officers of Great Marlow, who do not agree that they ought also to bear the charges of Mr. Grey, the surgeon. The detirmation of who is liable to pay the surgeon’s fees is referred to certain justices. Order discharging the recognizance of William Embling of Taplow, victualler. p. 287. Mr. Benson, the gaoler, petitioned that the Court should order the release of William Wiggons of Little Marlow, who was tried for felony at the last assizes and acquitted, “and in the Kalendar of the said Assizes, signed by the right Honorable Sir John Holt, Lord Cheiff Justice of England, directed to remaine in the Custody of the said Goaler, he being a distempered dangerous person and very chargeable to the said Goaler.” The Court referred Mr. Benson’s petition to the further consideration of the Lord Chief Justice. Anthony Fenn to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Buckland. p. 288. Thomas Horwood of Amersham admitted to a County pension of £2 a year. In his petition he stated that “he had served his late Majesty King Charles the second as a Souldier in the Quality of a Lievtenant in a Company of foot in the Regiment of Sir Edward Harlow in Captaine Robert Barbor’s Company, and that he continued in the said post in Garison at Dunkirk from the time of his said late Majestyes happy Restauration till the Surrender of the said Garison to the French, in the takeing which Town and in other services he received divers wounds.” Mr. John Piddington of Aylesbury, apothecary, to be paid £2. 10s. for supplying medicines to prisoners “that languished in the Goale under divers distempers,” which medicines “by the blessing of God had good Effect.” 483 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 289. Order passing the accounts of William Vaux, gentleman, who acted temporarily as one of the treasurers on the death of Mr. Stafford Morgan, and allowing him £2. 10s. for his trouble. p. 290. Mr. Thomas Barnewell, under-sheriff, to be paid £10 for various public services. Alexander Olliffe to be paid £1. 10s. for twelve weeks maintenance of Alice, daughter of Katherine Maxfield, who was born in the gaol. John Rose, bridewell keeper at Chepping Wycombe, to be paid his quarter’s salary. p. 291. Indictments confessed and traversed. John Webb, gentleman, surveyor of Weston Turvile, found not guilty of neglecting his office and of putting upon his own land several cart loads of stones brought by the inhabitants. William Ford of Stoke Mandivill, yeoman, found not guilty of not scouring a brook. Robert Britton of Hanslop, labourer, found not guilty of trading as a grocer without due apprenticeship. Timothy Lovett of Wendover, yeoman, fined 3s. 4d. for assaulting William Miles. William Embling of Taplow, victualler, found not guilty of keeping a disorderly alehouse. William Redding and John Lacey, constables of Prince Risborow, fined 3s. 4d. each for not presenting the highways as out of repair. p. 292. Recognizances extended. Thomas Crowshaw of Hogsty End in Wavendon, war- reners in £20, with William Kilpin of the same, farmer, as surety in £10, to keep the peace towards Samuel Browne. Recognizances entered into. Henry Olliffe, yeoman, and Roger Chappell, William 484 ______

MICHAELMAS SESSION, 1693. East, and Henry Sheppheard, labourers, all of Beerton, in £10 each, to appear and give evidence against Richard Jordan of Beerton, labourer, concerning the escape of William Shinnell; and the said Jordan in £40, to appear and answer the indictment. p. 293. Fines, issues, and recognizances forfeited. John Allen of Thornborough, Robert Pitt of Upton, and Samuel Allen of Hanslop fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of Timothy Lovett, William Redding, and John Lacey, given on p. 291 ante, are here repeated. Thomas Ireland of Wooborne, co. Bedford, gardener, forfeits his recognizance of £20 for non-appearance. p. 294. Recognizances discharged. Thomas Pope, yeoman, Edward Urling, blacksmith, and Richard Watts, victualler, all of Langley, Robert Britton of Hanslop, labourer, William Ford of Stoke Mandivill, yeoman, William Embling of Taplow, victualler, Thomas Russell of Maydenhead, co. Berks, gentleman, Sampson Urlin of Cookham, co. Berks, gentleman, John Webb of Bedgrove in Weston Turvile, gentleman, William East, yeoman, Henry Shepperd, Thomas Gibbins, and Roger Chappell, labourers, and Richard Jordan, yeoman, all of Beerton, Charles Noy, bodice maker, and Daniel Horne, labourer, both of Aylesbury, Edward Munday, yeoman, and Joseph Parnham, butcher, both of Ellesborow, William Gibbs, butcher, Thomas Ban- bury, grazier, and John Chapman, ostler, all of Fenny Stratford, Thomas Phillipps, butcher, John Powell, yeoman, and Clement Atley, blacksmith, all of Iver, William Pond and William Phipps, both of Burnham, labourers, Thomas Thornton, butcher, and George Thornton, labourer, both of Wing, Henry Olliffe and William Hoar, both of Beerton, yeoman, Richard Goodman of Buckland, labourer, John Porter, clerk, and Thomas East, farmer, both of Drayton Beauchampe, Christopher Foster, yeoman, and Elizabeth Stevens, widow, both of Hartwell, Thomas Shepperd of Wendover, yeoman, and Thomas Bristow, yeoman, and Francis Commin, labourer, both of Princes Risborough. 485 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. pp. 295-296. [Blank.]

EPIPHANY SESSION AT AYLESBURY 11th January, 1693-94 [5 William and Mary] p. 297. Jurors for the body of the County. Nathaniel Birch, gentleman, Thomas Brookes, William Carter, John Allen, gentleman, William Lea, Richard Madge, James Reynolds, Thomas Mountagu, John Bennell, Thomas Beck, Thomas Davye, William Corbey, Thomas Chersley, George Grove, William King, Richard White, and Richard Carter. (Signed) John Shallcrosse, esquire, sheriff. Jurors for the case against Alice Teague. William Very, gentleman, Thomas Piddington, Henry Hawes, gentleman, Thomas Aldridge, John Jordan, gentle- man, Joseph Bampton, Thomas Barnaby, William Harding, Thomas Ray, Thomas Oviatt, William Dawney, and John White, senior. (Signed) John Shallcrosse, esquire, sheriff. p. 298. John Shallcrosse of Bledlow, esquire, sheriff, and Thomas Barnwell, gentleman, under-sheriff, took the statutory oaths, etc. pp. 299-308. Indictments. The persons and parishes, who were presented at the last session by the supervisors of the highways for non-repair of highways, etc., are indicted at this session, and the par- ticulars in their indictments are exactly similar to those contained in their presentments. [See ante, pp. 270-276.] William Nash of Beconsfield, farmer, for refusing to do his statutory work upon the highways. 486 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1693-94. Daniel Kingham of Chepping Wycombe, miller, for changing the corn delivered to him by Thomas Stevens, gentleman, for grinding. Mary, wife of William Tayler, Thomas Tayler, junior, and Mary Tayler, spinster, all of Soulbury, alias Sulbury, for assaulting William Newland, junior, the sheriff’s bailiff, in the execution of his duty. Edward Beckley of Swanborne, yeoman, for taking away certain strays from the lord of the manor. Margaret Bampton of Towersey, widow, for building a cottage without assigning four acres of land. Alice, wife of John Teague of Aylesbury, labourer, for petty larceny. [And see post, p. 317.] p. 309. Informations. Robert Cox, William Lyndon, Nicholas Horwood, Thomas Brookes, Thomas Symonds, John Welch, William North, Matthew Parish, William Goldfinch, and Alexander North, all of Aylesbury, farmers, James Kirby of Bierton, farmer, Ananias Wright, yeoman, and Tobias Bowler, farmer, both of Hugenden, [blank] Redding, yeoman, and Thomas Smith, Ananias Stephens, and William [blank], farmers, all of Great Missenden, James Watson of Pitchcott, Richard Whitmill, senior, and Richard Whitmill, junior, both of Waddesdon, Francis Nelson of Wendover, William Adkins of Chesham, Thomas Bowler of Princes Risborow, Joseph Stephenson of Choulesbury, William Boddy of Weston Turvile, and John Norman of Emberton, all farmers, Richard Brine of Lavendon, victualler, Thomas Newman of Simpson, yeoman, Richard Cox of Newport Pagnell, miller, Richard Harboard of Little Linford, yeoman, and Obadiah Warwick of Whaddon, farmer, for trading as badgers without licences. p. 310. Presentments of the grand jury. Hugh Lydall, baker, constable of Great Marlow, for allowing William Honnor to escape, and for not executing a justices’ warrant. Thomas Olliffe and William Goldfinch, both of Aylesbury, grocers, for charging prices higher than those allowed by the statutes. 487 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, gentleman, all of Bierton, Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury and Joseph Fletcher of Wooton Underwood, labourers, John Tipper of Salden and John Minshall of Boreton, gentle- men, Sir Edward Longueville, Bart., of Woolverton, Sir Robert Throgmorton, Bart., of Weston Underwood, John Temple of Stoke Mandeville, gentleman, and John Webbe and Charles Dormer, both of Peterley, esquires, for recusancy and absence from church. Mary Bennett of Westcott in Waddesdon, widow, for not repairing Westcott Gapp, which is part of the highway leading to Winslow. Richard Buckingham of Westcott in Waddesdon, labourer, for building a cottage on Westcott Common without assigning four acres of land. p. 311. Presentments of the chief and petty constables. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, Mr. John Howse and his wife, and Mr. Finch Howse, his son, all of Bierton, John Temple of Stoke Mandeville, gentleman, and his wife, Sir Edward Longfeel, Bart., of Woolverton, John Tipper, gentleman, John Mabee and his wife, Mary Goodman, Alice Jones, and Frances Carter, widows, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Muresley, Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, and Mrs. Mosdall of Fulmer, for recusancy. Peter Collingridge, husbandman, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, for recusancy and absence from church. Benjamin Stubble of Brill, for keeping a disorderly alehouse. p. 312. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Boveney . . . . John Arden vice Henry Messenger, and Henry Tinker as tithingmen vice Francis Gibbins. Stoke Mandiville . . Richard Browne and Thomas Harris vice Roger Hoar and Joseph Goodspeed. Woofton Greene . . John Cooper vice Griffith Goodman. Bletchley . . . . William Daniell vice William Hebb. 488 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1693-94. Bledlow . . . . Robert Deane vice William Stephens. Broughton . . . . William How vice William Read. Great Brickhill . . Francis and William Tilcock vice Luke Perryman and Francis Edwin. Buckland . . . . Henry Brandon vice Thomas Brandon. Wing . . . . Daniel Parratt vice John Hewett. p. 313. Orders. Matthew Annesley, bridewell keeper at Newport Pagnell, to be paid his quarter’s salary. Edward Lawrence of Westham, co. Essex, wheelwright, discharged from a maintenance order in respect of the bastard child of Blandina Ould, upon the certificate of Robert Britton, churchwarden of Newport Pagnell, that there is no further complaint against him. Adjournment of the dispute between Woofton and Loughton concerning the conveyance of cripples between the two parishes. p. 314. Order, upon the report of certain justices, that Mary Lovett and her mother shall enter into a bond to pay the officers of Hawridge £4. 2s. 6d. which is due to them, and that, on payment of this amount, she shall be restored into possession of all her lands. Order referring to certain justices the claim of Lazarus Merry, surveyor of the liberty of Ditton in Stoke Poges, to be repaid by the inhabitants there £8. 11s. spent by him upon repairs to a bridge in Ashley Lane, on the road from Cole- brooke to Windsor, co. Berks. p. 315. Adjournment sine die of the case against William Leper, constable of Brafield. Order referring to certain justices the complaint of the inhabitants of Weedon against Edward Shepperd, overseer there. It was alleged that he refused to make a rate at 489 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. various vestry meetings which were attended by the parishioners, but that he eventually produced a rate without their knowledge. Under this rate William Shepperd, his brother, was not assessed at all on the part of Lilleyes Farm held by him, but the assessments of Michael Batson and five others, who held the rest of the farm, were increased. p. 316. Orders giving William Awd of Beauchampton, Mary Pledwell, widow, and Thomas Edgerley, esquire, (in respect of a highway in Water Stratford), until next Midsummer session to produce justices’ certificates that their repair work has been done. In the case of a highway in Tingewick, it is ordered that “farther process of distringas shall be issued” against Mrs. Pledwell and Mr. Edgerley. p. 317. Order that Edward Bate, esquire, J. P., who was supervizing the repairs to Thornborough Bridge, shall hand over the balance of the money, namely £2. 16s. 2d., to Mr. Joseph Duncombe, one of the treasurers. Alice, wife of John Teague of Aylesbury, who was found guilty of stealing a “skreen cloath,” value 11d., from the Rev. Isaac Loddington, is ordered to be whipped at the cart’s tail from the gaol door to the George Inn signpost in Aylesbury and back again. p. 318. Orders referring to certain justices the appeals of John Dover and Mrs. Bridget Duncombe, lady of the manor of Great Brickhill, against their assessments to rates at Great Missenden and Great Brickhill respectively. Thomas Roberts, a blind man, to be allowed 4s. a week by the overseers of Slapton for the maintenance of himself, his wife, and his two small children. p. 319. Order, upon the report of certain justices, reducing the assessment upon certain lands in Penn held by John Child. The previous owner of the property had been Mr. Benjamin Child, who had leased it to Thomas Birch. John Child bought the property from Benjamin Child and 490 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1693-94. sold some of it to the late William Penn, esquire. Evidence as to its value was given by John Daveny. p. 320. Order suspending a warrant for the allowance of 1s. 6d. a week to Francis Clarke of Great Missenden so long as the overseers there provide him with suitable work. Thomas Todd, one of the overseers, alleged that Clarke was able to keep a horse and that he refused work unless he was offered more than the ordinary wage. Order allowing the appeal of Chesham against a warrant removing Sarah Jenkins and Margaret, her daughter, from Prince Risborough. p. 321. Order that no action shall be taken upon the informa- tions against Edmund Carter and Richard Lee, both of Padbury, and Henry Thorpe of Preston Bissett. Richard Jordan of Beerton permitted to withdraw his plea of not guilty and to plead guilty to the indictment against him. pp. 322-325. Orders adjourning until the Midsummer session the imposition of the fines levied upon the following persons and places for various repairs to highways, etc.:— Stow cum membris, Chackmore, Tingewick, Preston Bissett, Radcliffe, Caversfield, Akely, Thornborough, Leckhamsted, Lillingstone Dayrell, Cowley, Bow Brickhill, Adstock, Twiford, William Oviatts of Barton Hartshorne, Elizabeth Miller of Hillsden, widow, the right honorable the Lady Dowager Wenman, lady of the manor of Twiford, Richard Seaton of Barton Hartshome, yeoman, the lord of the manor of Twiford, the inhabitants of Biddlesden, Hillsden, and Padbury, Grace Bennett of Calverton, widow, and Mr. Chaloner, lord of the manor of Steeple Cleydon. p. 326. Order referring to certain justices the complaint of the inhabitants of Weston Turvile that Mr. John Webb refuses to pay his rates. 491 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Thomas Wakeman, one of the officers of Ivinghoe, is ordered to be bound over to appear and answer concerning his refusal to obey an order of Court for the legal settlement of Mary Pitkin, widow, in Ivinghoe in spite of her residence in the town of Cheddington. p. 327. Order referring to certain justices the complaint of the inhabitants of Towersey that Joseph Bampton has returned to that parish in defiance of an order of Court. Bampton alleged that he was now qualified to return as he had bought land in the parish. Upon the complaint of Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., and others that those who have teams in the parish of Taplow have been “irregularly and arbitrarily charged with the carriage of Cripples,” the constables of Taplow are ordered to hire a horse and cart for this purpose, at the charge of all the inhabitants of the parish. p. 328. Certain justices appointed to consider how much Sarah Johnson shall be allowed by the overseers of Aston Clynton. Confirmation of a warrant removing Thomas Humphrey and his wife from Pollicott in Ashenden to Upper Winchen- don, where he had been a servant to Thomas Brangwill. Order reducing to four nobles the fines upon those absent from juries. p. 329. “Upon the Petition of divers poor distressed Prisoners now in the Goal of this County shewing that, by reason of the dearness of Corn, the County Allowance of three half pence per diem for bread is become so small that it will not keep them alive,” the Court decided to increase the allowance to 3d. William Knight, a poor debtor in the gaol, was also to receive this allowance. Mr. Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £2 for expenses incurred in connection with the death of two prisoners in the gaol. 492 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1693-94. Order staying all further proceedings against Sir Dennis Hampson, Bart., as he has now paid the money owing to Richard Norris. [And see ante, pp. 232 and 251.] Barbara Gray of Chepping Wycombe to be paid 10s. out of the County stock for her maintenance. p. 330. Rose Roberts of Oldwick, widow, to be similarly paid £3. 10s. Order referring to certain justices the question of the rate at Stoke Hammond. The overseers of Cublington are ordered to pay Francis King 10s. for his relief and to find work for him. p. 331. Certain justices appointed to consider how much Anne North shall be allowed by the overseers of Aylesbury. Thomas Cowley, a pensioner, to be paid £1 out of the County stock for his relief, and William Hobbs is similarly to be paid 10s. Certain justices appointed to consider how much Deborah, wife of George Weaver, tobacco- pipe maker, shall be allowed by the overseers of Aylesbury. p. 332. Mr. William Tilcock of Aylesbury, surgeon, to be paid £5 for curing James Summers, a prisoner in the gaol, who was badly wounded when he was arrested for highway robbery. Certain justices appointed to decide what relief shall be given to John Bell and Thomas Paine by the overseers of Aylesbury. P. 333. Alexander Olliffe to be paid £1. 15s. for fourteen weeks maintenance of, and Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Whit- 493 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. church, to be paid £1 for clothes provided for, Alice, daughter of Katherine Maxfield, who was born in the gaol. Memorandum that Thomas Barnwell, deputy sheriff and William Newland, Thomas Hurles, William Tompson. John Johnson, Thomas Read, and George Cleaver, bailiffs of the hundreds of Cotteslow, Ashendon, Buckingham, Newport, Aylesbury, and Chiltern respectively, took the oaths contained in 27 Elizabeth, c. 12. p. 334. Indictments confessed and traversed. Richard Jordan, headborough of Beerton, fined £1 for allowing William Shimell to escape. William Awd of Beachampton, yeoman, stated that his watercourses were now scoured, and his fine was remitted until the Midsummer session. Alice, wife of John Teague of Aylesbury, labourer, to be whipped for petty larceny. John Saunders, gentleman, constable of Fenny Stratford, fined 3s. 4d. for not paying in his quarterly money. p. 335. Recognizances entered into. Richard Corbey of Great Marlow, farmer, in £20, for the appearance of Elizabeth, his wife, at the next session and for her to keep the peace towards Elizabeth Moore. Thomas Alexander of Chalfont St. Peter, victualler, in £50, with Robert Bennett of the same, mercer, as surety in £25, for the appearance of the said Thomas and Eleanor, his wife, at the next session. William Deane of Chepping Wycombe, farmer, in £50, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Katherine Stanaway. John Eason, senior, of Wing, grazier, in £50, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Bowd. p. 336. Fines and issues. Thomas Salmon of Radcliff, Thomas Perryman of Eaton, Robert Grange of Little Horwood, Edward Bate of Drayton 494 ______

EPIPHANY SESSION, 1693-94. Beauchamp, and Thomas Helder of Bow Brickhill fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. William Newland, bailiff of the hundreds of Cotteslow, fined 10s. for “not giveing due attendance in his office.” The fines of Richard Jordan and John Saunders, given on p. 334 ante, are here repeated. p. 337. Recognizances discharged. Thomas Crowshaw, warrener, and William Kilpin, farmer, both of Hogsty End in Wavendon, Henry Olliffe, yeoman, and Roger Chappell, William East, and Henry Shepperd, labourers, all of Beerton, Isaac Loddington of Aylesbury, clerk, Arthur Evans and John Smith, labourers, and Thomas Deely, farmer, all of Nether Winchendon, Thomas Pawley of Weston Turvile, baker, Richard Browne of Stoke Mandevile, yeoman, Edward Browne of Walton in Aylesbury, labourer, Thomas Beckett, yeoman, and Richard Langley, shoemaker, both of Iver, Henry Honnor, yeoman, and Richard Silver, farmer, both of Little Marlow, William Deane of Chepping Wycombe, farmer, Thomas Alexander, victualler, Robert Bennett, mercer, Thomas Tredway, yeoman, and John Russell, blacksmith, all of Chalfont St. Peter, William Newland, junior, and John Carey, both of Wing, farmers, Edward Lawrence of Westham, co. Essex, wheelwright, Daniel Wright and George Nash, both of Cripple Gate, co. Middlesex, gentlemen, Henry Ridley of Little Marlow, victualler, Cornelius Latimer, brewer, Richard Cotterill, victualler, Richard Corbey, farmer, and William Pomfrett, innholder, all of Great Marlow, Philip Keene of Great Missenden, cooper, Thomas Gold and John Hawes, both of Little Missendon, farmers, Gerard Burnham of Long Crendon, gentleman, John Goodman and Richard Goodman, both of Simpson, yeomen, George Nayler of Shenley, yeoman, Joseph Hoare, butcher, Henry Lancaster, grazier, and Robert Pakes, labourer, all of Middleton Reynes, and John Eason of Wing, grazier. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. p. 338. [Blank.] II 495



EASTER SESSION AT AYLESBURY 19th April, 1694 [6 William and Mary] p. 339. Jurors for the body of the County. Thomas Lake, gentleman, Francis Horton, Thomas Edwards, Richard Greenwood, John Rose, gentleman, James Foster, Richard Towersey, John Rider, Thomas Milward, John Stevens, William Meade, John Ware, Peter Tovey, Samuel Smith, William Durvill, Francis Johnson, gentleman, John Howes, Richard Ashburner, cooper, and William Garrett. (Signed) John Shallcrosse, esquire, sheriff. p. 340. Edward Marshall, innholder, Andrew Miller, apothe- cary, and George Grove, bailiff, all of Chepping Wycombe, and Thomas Beesley, junior, of Great Marlow, gentleman, took the statutory oaths and declarations. Richard Robbins of Chepping Wycombe subscribed the declaration as an anabaptist in accordance with 1 William and Mary, c. 18, sec. 10. The three “bayes” or outhouses adjoining the house of Robert Darvall, senior, of Chepping Wycombe, were registered as a public meeting house. p. 341. Indictments. Edward Spicer of Chepping Wycombe, paper maker, and John Pelzer, gentleman, and Thomas English, also called “English Tom,” labourer, both of Wooborne, for rioting and breaking a pipe and a sluice belonging to George Clewer of Chepping Wycombe, lace weaver. James Gould of Braddenham, gentleman, for taking a bag of tools and 18s. in money from Hester Cassall, widow, now the wife of John Chapman. George Hawes of Oakely, labourer, for trading as a baker without due apprenticeship. John Butler of Eaton, labourer, for diverting a water- course near Strugnall Bridge, on the road from New Windsor to Colebrooke. 496 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1694. John Bigg and Richard Ratt, both of Chepping Wycombe, gentlemen, for diverting a watercourse which runs from Chepping Wycombe into the near Wooborne. Roger Flemming of Colebrooke, labourer, for petty larceny. [And see post, p. 361.] Anne, wife of James Wild, victualler, and Elizabeth Browne, widow, both of Iver, for concealing certain persons suspected of stealing a gelding from Francis Price, gentleman. [And see post, p. 361.] James Wild of Iver and Benjamin Stuble of Brill, victuallers, for keeping disorderly alehouses. [And see post, p. 361.] The inhabitants of Weston Turvile, for not repairing the Marrow Way, which is part of the highway to Aylesbury. Edward Learhead of Agmondesham, yeoman, for dis- missing Mary Gates, his apprentice, and for refusing to keep her in his service. Peter Collingridge, farmer, and Mary English, widow, both of Guyhurst, for absence from church. Thomas Alexander of Aylesbury, labourer, John Howes, gentleman, and his wife, and Finch Howes, gentleman, all of Beerton, John Temple of Stoke Mandevile, gentleman, and his wife, Sir Edward Longfeel, Bart., of Woolverton, John Tipper, gentleman, John Mabee and his wife, Mary Goodman, Alice Jones, and Frances Carter, widows, and Dorothy, wife of Thomas Waters, all of Muresley, Katherine, wife of Thomas Smith of Upton, and [blank] Mosedell of Fulmer, widow, for recusancy and absence from church. p. 342. Presentments of the grand jury. The persons indicted above for recusancy and absence from church, with the exception of Thomas Alexander and with the addition of John Frezey, gentleman, and John Fisher, both of Weston Underwood, are here presented for the same offences. The inhabitants of Ilmore, for not repairing part of the highway from Bisceter, co. Oxford, to Chepping Wycombe, near the land of William Young. 497 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. p. 343. Presentments of the chief and petty constables. The persons indicted above for recusancy and absence from church, with the exception of John Tipper, are here presented for recusancy. Agnes Jolly, senior, of Wendover, for being a “supposed Roman Catholick.” Peter Collingridge and Mary English, both of Guyhurst, for recusancy and absence from church. Silvester Lane of Dinton and Thomas Bigg of Fulmer, victualler, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. The inhabitants of Sherrington, for not walling or railing Sherrington Bridge. John Norris of Edgcott, victualler, for harbouring rogues and vagrants. Daniel Browne and Thomas Beckett, constables of Iver, for allowing Thomas Rawson to escape. p. 344. Chief constables sworn. Aylesbury . . . . Henry Mead, senior, of Princes Risborow and John Hill of Wendover, gentle- man, vice Samuel Blick and Joseph Welles. Newport . . . . Thomas Lane of Bletchley, yeoman, and Philip Freeman of Olney, lace buyer, vice Robert Willison and William Geynes. Buckingham . . Richard Waddupp of Chitwood and Robert Tayler of Thornborough vice John Witmill and Edward Piggott. Cotteslow . . . . Thomas Wooster of Cheddington and John Grace of Cublington vice George Thorpe and Edward Playsted. Ashendon . . . . Henry Cox of Borstall and William Bennett of Waddesdon vice John Woodbridge and Robert Stevens. Stoke . . . . William Style of Ditton and Henry Stanley of Iver vice Thomas Virgo and Francis Hartwell. 498 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1694. Desborough . . David Jones of Hambleden Mill, gentleman, and William Sparkes of Wycombe Forrens vice Jonathan Hammond and Jasper Hunt. Burnham . . . . Robert Aldridge of Beconsfield, gentleman, and Richard Grimsdell of Amersham, yeoman, vice Thomas Watson and Timothy Wingfield. Treasurers Sworn. For the King’s Bench and Marshalsea John Howe of Fritsden in Pightlestone and John Gibbons of Chepping Wycombe Forrens, gentlemen, vice Joseph Duncombe and Anthony Redcliffe. For the maimed soldiers Daniel Giles of Winslow and John Bigg of Little Kimble, gentlemen, vice William Giles, junior, and William Blackwell. pp. 345-347. Petty constables and tithingmen sworn. Aylesbury hundred:— Aylesbury . . . . William Edmunds, senior, and Richard de Frane vice John Kingham and John Read. Great Kimbell . . Joseph Goodchild and William Carter vice John Allen and William Barrett, and Thomas Tayler as tithingman vice John Reynolds. Little Missenden . . William Anthony vice John Shrimpton, junior, and Tobias Bowler as tithing- man vice [blank]. Princes Risborow Ralph Dennis and Richard Hatchman vice Thomas Levins and [blank]. Brandsfee . . . . Thomas Winter vice Thomas Gold, and Henry Mortimer as tithingman vice Edward Deane. Ellesborough . . Joseph Smith and William Eldridge vice Joseph Parnham and William Allen. 499 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Great Missenden . . Nathaniel Child vice Edward Hoare. Prestwood . . Edward Carr as tithingman vice Nathaniel Dell. Walton . . . . Robert Gascoigne and Thomas Dearing vice Thomas Kingham and Richard Fountaine. Broughton . . . . William Johnson vice William Stratfold. Dinton . . . . Edward Nicholas as tithingman vice Henry Stopp, junior. Halton . . . . Joseph Brill vice William Sweby. Little Kimbell . . Richard Ingram vice Daniel Butler. Bledlow . . . . James Sale vice John White. Newport Hundred:— Clifton Reynes . . James Laughton vice Richard Gale. Astwood . . . . Richard Brincklo vice Thomas Green. North Crawley . . Thomas Nash and William Bitchinall vice William Everett and William Williamson. Sherrington . . Samuel Coney and Thomas Lucas vice William Warr and [blank]. Stony Stratford Westside John Clarke vice Peter Jordale. Stony Stratford Eastside Arthur Dennis vice Gerard Godfrey. Great Linford . . Thomas Cooke vice Richard Buncker. Great Woolston . . Richard Dudley vice John Kilpin. Bow Brickhill . . Thomas Wells vice Joseph White. Eaton . . . . Thomas Smart vice William Cook. Little Brickhill . . John Smith and John Ping vice Thomas Peel and William Coates. Simpson . . . . Nicholas Luckens vice George Ether- edge. Little Woolston . . William Burges vice Hugh Smith, senior. Buckingham Hundred:— Addington . . . . William Ellard vice Thomas Ward. Lavendon . . . . William Estall and Edward Pemberton vice Richard Norris and Francis Pratt. Cold Brayfield . . William Bird vice William Stevenson. 500 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1694. Cotteslow Hundred:— Hogson . . . . William Turnham vice John Clements. Cheddington . . Edward Newnes vice Thomas Stevens. Mentmore . . . . Thomas Robards and John Saunders vice John Kingham and William Mead. Northall . . . . Edward Standbridge, junior, vice Philip Godman. Linslad . . . . John Hickman vice John Pateman. Stewkley . . . . Henry Sheppard vice Benedict Coales. Rowsham in Wingrave Matthew King vice William Gafield. Edlesborough . . Richard Bruges vice John Dimmock. Stoke Hamond . . Peter Woodward and John Horne vice John Rogers and Samuel Sutton. Soulbury . . . . Richard Groome vice Thomas Tayler. Slapton . . . . James Turney, senior, vice Thomas Fountaine. Dunton . . . . Thomas Steward vice Thomas Adams. Wing . . . . Thomas Leach vice John Carey. Drayton Parslow . . William Peirce vice Edward Crawley. Muresly . . . . Henry Pitkin and Thomas Stevens vice John Coales and John Knowles. Whitchurch . . John Harris vice Thomas Hobbs. Drayton Beauchamp Benjamin Wray vice John Johnson, deceased. Swanborne . . Edward Beckley and Thomas Curle vice Robert Powell and William Deverell. Ashendon Hundred:— North Marston . . John Lucas and Ralph Stevens vice Robert Cutberd and John Bennell. Borstall . . . . John Ivetts vice Robert Peirson. Towersey . . . . Ralph Loosley vice John Alnutt. Quainton . . . . John Hughes vice Peter Neale. Ilmore . . . . Edward Gomme vice William Bowden. Aston Stamford . . Richard Bernard vice Samuel Arnett. Studley . . . . Lawrence King vice Richard Surman. Wornall . . . . Thomas Smith vice Robert Fowler. Wescott . . . . John Fellow vice Francis Cripps. Waddesdon . . Nathaniel Piddenton and William Mayne vice Thomas Harris and Ralph Hawes. 501 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Stoke Hundred:— Eaton Gildables . . Henry Sexton vice Robert Woodward. Eaton . . . . John Markham and Francis Oakley as tithingmen vice Robert Andrewes and Thomas Lawrence. Datchett . . . . William West and Roland Williams vice George Sterne and George Cross. Denham . . . . John Gardner and Robert Tyler vice William Nash and [blank]. Horton . . . . Matthew Hemperby vice William Sweby. Coldbrooke in Horton William Frances vice Isaac Radford. Desborough Hundred:— Little Marlow . . William Carter vice George Carter, and Robert Monday as tithingman vice William Church. Radnage . . . . John Smith, junior, vice Robert Toovey. Braddenham . . Thomas English vice Edward Lambeth. Hugenden . . . . John Lane vice John Fastnidge. West Wycombe . . Thomas Russell and Francis Deane, alias Collins, vice John Russell and Richard Keen. Hambledon . . Thomas Ilbery and Ralph Ayre vice Francis Denham and George Rockall, and John White as tithingman vice William Rallings. Ipstone . . . . John Cordery vice John Messenger. Turvile . . . . John Toovey vice John Barney. Medmenham . . Thomas Horton vice Thomas Austin. Burnham Hundred:— Sippenham . . John Westcott vice John Lidgold. Dorney . . . . Richard Sudden vice John Carter. Beconsfield . . William Smyth, innkeeper, and Robert Hill vice William Squire and William Ingram, and Christopher Beamond and George Tompson, junior, as tith- ingmen vice William Smith and Richard Simpson. 502 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1694. p. 348. Orders. Order confirming the rates at Weedon in Hardwick upon the report of certain justices. p. 349. Order adjourning the case against Mary Bethell of Westcott in Waddesdon, widow, for not repairing part of the road to Winslow, called Westcott Gapp, upon her undertaking that she will repair the road and will also prefer indictments against Sir Thomas Cobb and others for not scouring their ditches which are adjacent to the road. The overseers of Ilmer are ordered to place Thomas Martin to dwell in part of the house now occupied by Thomas King. Order allowing the appeal of Husband Crawley, co. Bedford, against a warrant removing Jane Jeffe, single woman, from Water Eaton. p. 350. Order referring to certain justices the complaint of the inhabitants of Illmore that John Bowden, one of the surveyors there, used the public money to repair his own roads. Order allowing the appeal of Flampsted, co. Hertford, against a warrant removing Daniel Flexmore and his wife from Chesham. p. 351. Order referring to certain justices the question of the rates at Stoke Hammond, and especially the complaint of Mr. Bates, the rector there, that a certain Mr. Hillersdon is under rated. Mr. Joseph Duncombe and Mr. William Gyles, two of the treasurers, are ordered to produce their accounts before certain justices. p. 352. Confirmation of a maintenance order against William Deane of Chepping Wycombe, husbandman, in respect of the bastard child of Katherine Stannaway. 503 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Mr. Anthony Radcliffe and Mr. William Blackwell, two of the treasurers, are ordered to produce their accounts before certain justices. p. 353. Order that Mr. Thomas Ives, Mr. George Honnor, and John Judge, senior, trustees appointed under the will of the late Joseph Ives of Great Missenden, shall make a sufficient allowance to Sarah Ives, his widow, and her children, as directed by the will. Order discharging Richard Dover from his apprentice- ship to Charles Heyward of Aylesbury, baker, on account of his master’s severity, and directing that Heyward shall pay £4 to Thomas Jordan, a relation or friend of Dover, towards getting him bound to another master. p. 354. Adjournment of the appeal of Drayton Beauchampe against a warrant removing Thomas Moreton, junior, with his wife and family, from Chesham. Order referring to certain justices the dispute between Woofton and Loughton concerning the conveyance of cripples. p. 355. Order discharging the presentment against Thomas Beckett, constable of Iver, for allowing a prisoner to escape. Order allowing the appeal of Upton against a warrant removing Thomas Biggs, with his wife and family, from Fulmer. p. 356. Rates of wages for servants, labourers, etc., which are exactly similar to those allowed for the Easter session, 1691; see ante, pp. 35-37. p. 357. Adjournment of the appeal of Amersham against a warrant removing Sarah Littleton, widow, and her child from Penn, and the appeal of Edgecott from a warrant removing Joan Cherry, singlewoman, from Quainton. Order confirming the rates at Weston Turvile and 504 ______

EASTER SESSION, 1694. providing that Mr. John Webb shall assess himself in respect of all his lands there. The overseers of Long Crendon are authorized to make a special rate, not exceeding 6d. in the pound, for the repair of their highways. p. 358. Orders extending the recognizances of Thomas Alexander and Tobias Churchill. Order reducing to four nobles the fines to be imposed upon absent jurors. Anne North, widow, to be allowed 2s. a week by the overseers of Aylesbury. Mary, wife of John Sudell, to be paid £2. 10s. for the maintenance of Damaris Bright, a “County child.” Mr. Bridges of Edlesborough to be paid his pension. p. 359. Mr. John Piddington of Aylesbury, apothecary, to be paid £2. 10s. for medicines supplied to prisoners in the gaol. Mr. William Benson, the gaoler, to be paid £8 for money spent upon strengthening the gaol. Mr. William Tilcock of Aylesbury to be paid £2. 10s. for the cure of a prisoner in the gaol. Gerard Alcock of Gawcott, who “served his late Majestie King Charles the first in the late Civill Warrs,” to be admitted to the County pension lately enjoyed by Henry Easton, deceased. Thomas Cowley to be paid £2 out of the County stock upon his promise that “he will never hereafter trouble this County for any farther allowance.” p. 360. Thomas Winslow, a prisoner in the gaol, to be allowed a free issue of bread daily. 505 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Alexander Olliffe to be paid £1. 15s. for maintaining Alice, daughter Katherine Maxfield, who was born in the gaol. William Hobbs of Chepping Wycombe, who was a soldier under Charles I and Charles II “both by sea and land in the Warrs against the Dutch,” to be admitted to a County pension of £2 a year. Francis Willin to be transferred from the bridewell at Chepping Wycombe to the bridewell at Aylesbury. Mr. Thomas Barnewell, under-sheriff, to be paid 10s. for various public services. Order setting out the rates for carriage of goods, exactly similar to those given on p. 138, ante. p. 361 Indictments confessed and traversed. Roger Fleming of Colebrooke, labourer, found not guilty of stealing a cane from Richard Nailer. James Wild of Iver, victualler, fined 6s. 8d. for keeping a disorderly alehouse. Anne, wife of James Wild, and Elizabeth Browne, widow, both of Iver, fined 6s. 8d. each for harbouring horse stealers in the house of James Wild. Frederick Bowler, petty constable of Horseingdon, fined 3s 4d. for not presenting the highways to be out of repair. Recognizances extended. The recognizances of Thomas Alexander and William Deane as given on p. 335 ante. Tobias Churchill of Steeple Cleydon, gentleman, in £10, to appear and answer concerning a dispute with his servant Peter Claver, over wages. p 362 Recognizances entered into. William, son of Thomas Walter of Ilmer, gentleman, in £40 with Thomas Walter and Francis Neale, farmer, both of 506 ______

EASTER SESSION. 1694. Ilmer, as sureties in £20 each, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Mary Levinz. Peregrine Ford of Cuddington, yeoman, in £40, with Alexander Duncombe of Aylesbury, yeoman, as surety in £20, to appear in respect of the bastard child of Anne Butcher. Edward Spicer of Chepping Wycombe, paper maker, and James Gold of Braddenham, gentleman, in £40 each, to appear and answer. Richard Stevens, cordwainer, constable of Chesham, in £40, to appear and answer, and Job Blakeof Chesham, clothier, in £40, to appear and give evidence against him. John Eason, senior, of Wing, grazier, in £50, for his son, John, to appear at the next session in respect of the bastard child of Elizabeth Bowd. p. 363. Fines and issues. William Warr of Chitwood, William Bovingdon of Agmundesham, and Richard Ashburner of Olney fined £1. 6s. 8d. each for being absent when summoned as jurors. The fines of James Wild, and Anne, his wife, Elizabeth Browne, and Frederick Bowler, given on p. 361 ante, are here repeated. p. 364. Recognizances discharged. Richard Corbey of Great Marlow, farmer, John Eason, senior, of Wing, grazier, William Russell of Chepping Wycombe, paper maker, Richard Nailer of Colebrooke, gentleman, William Amond and Job Blake, both of Chesham, clothiers, John Law of Great Marlow, mercer, Richard Lansdall, farmer, and Edward Spicer, paper maker, both of Chepping Wycombe, Edward Ayris of Abbington, co Berks, bargemaster, Jonathan Jones, miller, and William Lawrence, bargeman, both of Great Marlow, James Gold and James Loveday, both of Braddenham, gentlemen, Edward Leerhead, cheese monger, and Timothy Harding, yeoman, both of Amersham, William Stopp of Great Marlow, labourer, Joseph Emberton, servant, Mary Billingdon, widow, William Hebbs, labourer, and Anthony Norman, butcher, all of Bletchley, James Wild, victualler, Thomas Beckett, labourer, 507 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Daniel Browne, bricklayer, and Elizabeth Browne, widow, all of Iver, Thomas Walter, gentleman, and William, his son, and Francis Neale, farmer, all of Ilmer, William Mason, farmer, and Joseph Peart, labourer, both of Biggstho in Haddenham, Edward Nash and John Darvill, millers, and Samuel Slater and John Browne, yeoman, all of Little Missenden, William Kemp of Great Missenden, Benjamin Barton, cordwainer, and William Horwood and Silvester Dancer, yeoman, all of Aston Clynton, Richard Stevens, constable of Chesham, Benjamin Salt, victualler, Christopher Carter, mercer, John Gilpin, baker, and Thomas Lane, labourer, all of Newport Pagnell, Peregrine Ford of Cudding- ton, yeoman, Alexander Duncombe and John Money, yeoman, Charles Howard, baker, Henry Mills, yeoman, and Henry Clarke, cordwainer, all of Aylesbury, John Godman, miller, and John Buckmaster, labourer, both of Pightlesto, Elizabeth Cox, spinster, and William Cox, yeoman, both of Middle Cleydon, Henry Wooton of Steeple Cleydon, yeoman, Roger Fleming, labourer, William Darvill, and Isaac Dedford, all of Colebrooke, and Thomas Lane, innholder, Richard Munday, carpenter, and Robert Beeston, bricklayer, all of Wendover. End of this session, (signed) Thomas Smith, clerk of the peace. 508 ______

APPENDIX. List of Justices of the Peace for the County of Buckingham Mentioned in the Sessions Books Between the Years 1678-1694. Anderson, Richard, 1686-88. …….., Sir Richard, 2nd Bart., 1679-83, 1686-88. Atkins, Sir Richard, 1st Bart., 1686-89. Blackwell, John, 1686-89. Baldwin, Edward, 1678-88. Bate (Bates), Edward, 1678-94. Beke, Richard, 1688-94. Berringer, Thomas, 1678-88. Bertie, Henry, 1691-93. Bigg, John, Doctor of Medicine, 1688-89. Brackley, John, Viscount, see Bridgewater. Bridgewater, John, 4th Earl of, 1686-87. Busby, Sir John, Knt., 1678-89. .. .., William, 1678-94. Chapman, Roger, 1688. Chase, James, 1690-94. .. .., John, 1684-88. .. .., Stephen, 1682-85, 1687-88, 1690-94. Chester, Sir Anthony, 3rd Bart., 1683-84, 1687. Cheyne, William, 1682-84. Clarke, John, 1679-83. Clayton, Sir Thomas, Knt., 1678-84. Crompton, Thomas, 1688. Crooke, William, 1688-1694. Dormer, Charles, 1688. ……, Fleetwood, 1693-94. ……, John, 1678-79. Duncombe, Francis, 1684-94. …. …., Giles, 1687-94. 509 ______

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE SESSIONS RECORDS. VOLUME III. Etheridge, Sir James, Knt., 1685-88. Evelyn, George, 1678-88. Farrer, Thomas, senior, 1678-84. .. .., Thomas of Aylesbury, 1678-88. .. .., William, Solicitor-General to the Queen, 1689, 1692-94. Fleetwood, William, 1678-80, 1685-88. Greene, John, 1681. Hackett, Thomas, 1679-88. Hampson, Sir Dennis, 3rd Bart., 1679-83, 1686-94. Hart, Robert, 1678-94. Herbert, James, 1691-94. Hill, Sir Roger, Knt., 1689-93. Ingoldsby, Richard, 1688-94. Jeffreys, Sir George, Knt., Sergeant-at-law, 1678-82. Johnson, William, 1690-94. Jolly, The Rev. Edward, 1688. Knollys, Francis, 1688-89. Lawrence, Andrew, 1684. Lee, Sir Thomas, 2nd Bart., 1688-94. Leigh, Sir Francis, Knt., 1685-86. Ligo, Francis of Walton, 1693-94. ...., Thomas of Burcott, 1688-94. Llewelyn, Martin, Doctor of Physic, 1679-81. Lovelace, John, 3rd Baron, 1692. Lovett, Robert, 1678-88. Mayne, Simon, 1688-94. Minshall, Richard, 1688. Norton, Owen, 1680-87. 510 ______

APPENDIX. Palmer, Henry, 1688. Piggott, Thomas, 1689-94. Plampin, Edward, 1688. Proby, John, 1684-87. Risley, John, 1678-81. Russell, George, 1679-84. Salter, Nicholas, 1683-93. Saunders, Thomas, 1679-85. Scawen, Edward, 1689-90. Serjeant, William, 1678-80. Shallcrosse, John, 1684-93. Stafford, Edmund, 1684. ……., Thomas, 1678-79. Summer (Somner), Henry, 1685-86. ……………., Joseph, 1693. Temple, Sir Richard, 3rd Bart., K. B., 1680-83, 1686-87. 1690-91. Terringham, Francis, 1692-94. ………., Sir William, K. B., 1683-84. Throckmorton, Sir Robert, 3rd Bart., 1688. Thurbarne, John, Sergeant-at-law, 1689-94. Turney, Bernard, 1678-81. Tyrrell, James, 1678-87, 1690-91. Verney, Sir Ralph, 1st Bart., 1678-87. Waller, Edmund of Beaconsfield, 1689-94. ……, Edmund of Gregories, 1689-94. ……, Thomas, 1680-81. Webb, John of Peterly, 1688. Weedon, Cavendish, 1686-87. West, Edward, Sergeant-at-law, 1681. Wharton, Thomas, Comptroller of the Household, 1692-93. Wimwood, Richard, 1678-80. Winch, Sir Humphrey, 1st Bart., 1680. Wittewrong, Sir John, 2nd Bart., 1689-94. kk 511 ______

INDEX INDEX ABBOTT (Abbitts) Adstock, Constables of, 254, 302 ... Christopher, 431, 437, 443, 445 ... John, ...... Ham Gutter in, 477 166, 331, 363, 372, 384, 401 ...... Horne Mead in, 477 ...... Joseph, 125 ...... Rector of, 291, 477 ...... Rebecca, 166 Adstock, Thomas, 197 ...... Thomas, 74, 152, 160, 166, 173, 211 Agmondesham, see Amersham ...... William, 1, 15 Akeley, x, 10, 183, 292, 469, 476, 477, 478, Abbotts Aston, see Aston Abbots 479, 491 Abey, John, 62 ...... Constables of, 469, 476 Abingdon, Co. Berks, 507 ...... Rector of, 292 Abraham, Francis, 102, 106, 152 ...... Stockings in, 477 ...... John, 45, 364, 375, 407 Albright, Hugh, 126, 132, 139, 144 ...... Thomas, 363 Alcock, Gerard, 505 ...... William, 398 Alcroft, John, 37 Acham, Henry, 236 Alday (Aldey), William, 150, 316 Acts of Parliament, see Statutes Alden, George, 222 Adams (Addams) Aldenham, Co. Hertford, 155 ...... Edward, 49, 70, 212 Aldridge (Alderidge, Aldridg) ...... Elizabeth, 109 ...... Adrian, 175, 199, 286, 307, 376, 421 ...... John, 148, 231, 256, 266, 271, 272, ...... Ambrose, 387 284 ...... Daniel, 90, 117, 129, 185, 282, 329, ...... Matthew, 1, 84, 143, 332, 376 355, 394 ...... Richard, 40, 75, 165 ...... Hannah, 107 ...... Robert, 46, 77, 117, 131, ...... Hercules, 117, 146 148, 179,219, 250, 308, 374, 419 ...... John, 376, 416, 420 ...... Thomas, 76, 117, 147, 181, 221, 223, ...... Matthew, 440, 449 256 (2), 284, 448, 501 ...... Robert, 14, 102 (3), 107 (3), 108 (3), ...... William, 62 115, 124, 125, 133, 139, 145, 153, 161, 166, Adcock, John, 254 173, 180, 187, 499 Addean, see Adeane ...... Samuel, 219 Adderson, Thomas, 231 ...... Thomas, 102, 107, 108, 227, 486 Addington, 7, 29, 142, 143, 191, 193 ...... William, 124 (3), 194, 197, 199, 204, 209, 214, 219 (2), ...... [blank], widow, 102 224, 231, 232, 237, 238, 239, 243, 273 (2), And see Eldridge 277, 291, 304, 322, 421, 500 Alehouses, Keeping disorderly, see under ...... Bridge Grounds at, 191, 193, 194, 209, Offences 214, 224, 231, 232, 238 ...... Keeping unlicensed, see ...... Constables of, 232, 421, 500 under Offences ...... Rector of, 291 ...... Licences for keeping, Cost of, 258, 305 Addington, John, 221 ...... ……………………..granted, 42, 61, 130, ...... Thomas, 7 150, 163, 188, 195, 201 Adeane (Addean) ...... ……… ……………… with- drawn, 3, 4, 9 (2), ...... Richard, 114 20, 27, 65, 66, 71, 82, 93, 111, 170, 195, 365, ...... William, 330, 376 471 Adkins, see Atkins ...... Orders concerning, xviii, 134 Adstock, 22, 34 (2), 91, 117, 189, 254, 254, 282, 291, 302, 325, 477, 491



INDEX. Alehouses, Recognizances for keeping, Allowances (by parishes), xiv, 4 (2), 9, 16, (17 Cost of, 258, 305 (6), 26(4), 27(3), 32, 33 (2), 37 (4), 38 (2), 42 And see Beer: Inns (4), 43, 50, 51 (3), 52 (3), 53 (2), 57, 60 (2), 61 Aleworth, see Ayleworth (3), 64 (2), 65 (7), 76 (2), 77 (2), 81, 87 (5), 88 Alexander (Allexander) (3), 93, 94 (3), 98, 99 (3), 104, 110, 111, ...... Edward, 278 120, 121 (4), 127, 135, 140, 141, 149, 155, 163 ...... Eleanor, 494 (2), 170, 183, 188, 189, 200, 204, 205 (2), 210, ...... Thomas, 27, 67, 137, 177, 304 (2), 215 (2), 216, 224, 323 (2), 335, 345 (3), 346, 328, 351, 361, 362, 372 (2), 388, 389, 399 355, 357, 364, 365 (2), 366, 379, 380, 391, 393 (2), 405, 409 (2), 418, 430, 431, 440 (2), 449 (2), 402, 412 (3), 413, 424, 425, 426, 442, 443 (2), 457, 469, 476, 488 (2), 494, 495. 497 (2), (2), 451, 452, 461, 462, 464, 471, 472, 473, 483, 505, 506 490, 491, 505 Alford, Thomas, 287, 476 Almond (Alimon) Alice (Allice) ...... Charles, The Rev., Rector of Thornton, ...... Francis, 285, 331 292 ...... William, 408 ...... Samuel, 90 Allegiance, etc., Oaths of. Refusal to take, ...... William, 35, 40, 62, 178, 284, 330 25, 32 Alnott, see Allnutt ...... Refusal to take, fine for, 346 Alport, William, The Rev., Vicar of Stewkley, 292 ...... taken by officials, etc., 95, Alsop, John, 158 131, 140, 143, 149, 165, 177, 179, 184, 185, ...... William, The Rev., 291, 296, 297 192, 197, 202, 208, 213, 219, 230, 237, 244, Altoph, Charles, 113 250, 265, 273, 279, 281, 286, 287-298, 308, Alwind, George, 33 309, 324, 347, 349, 360, 371, 387, 398, 408, Ambrose (Ambridge), John, 53, 80 415, 429, 439, 448, 456, 468, 476, 486, 494, Amersham, xii, 6, 9, 20, 21, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 496, 42, 64, 67, 69, 75, 78, 80, 82, 87 (2), 89, ...... taken by prisoners, 100, 104 (3), 105, 113, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 15 158, 163, 165, 168, 175, 189, 190, 196, ...... taken by recusants. 197, 198, 199, 202, 204, 208 (2), 211, 212, 214, 14 220, 231, 236, 241, 268, 272, 275, 280, 283 (3), Allen, Alice, 142 288, 290, 294 (7), 297, 298 (6), 300 (3), ...... Edward, 407 302, 309, 321, 326, 330 (2), 330, 345, 346, 349, ...... Elizabeth, 34, 431, 433 353, 364, 429, 431 (2), 433 (2), 435, 436, 437, ...... Francis, 64, 68 439, 442 (3), 444, 445, (4), 446, 451 (2), 454 ...... Henry, 331, 375 (4), 456, 458, 465, 466 (3), 467, 483, 497, 499, ...... James (Jacob), 73, 117, 164 504, 507 (2)...... Joan, 73, 78 ...... Churchwardens of, 275 ...... John, 257, 377, 407, 420, 460, 485, ...... Constables of, 168, 283, 302 330, 442 486, 499 ...... Conventicles held at, 135 ...... Matthew, 140, 370 ...... George Inn at, 433 ...... Richard, 278, 308, 316, 339 ...... Meeting houses at, 300 (3), 309 ...... Samuel, 180, 485 ...... Overseers of, 275 ...... Thomas, 69, 123, 182, 459, 466 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... William, 92, 119, 257, 330, 377, 460, 466, 499 ...... [blank], widow, 68 Allestree, William, 454 Alley, Richard, 185 Allnutt (Alnott) ...... Francis, 348, 383 ...... Jeremiah, 284 ...... John, 106, 137, 261, 363, 475, 501 ...... Joseph, 274 513 ______

INDEX. Amersham, Saracen’s Head at, 433 Apprentices, Complaints concerning, 75, 276, ...... Sessions held at, 78, 100, 131, 158, 393, 402 429 ...... Consent to be obtained before binding, ...... Woodrow in, see Woodrow 322 ...... Woodside Ward in, 9, 214, 283, 330 ...... discharged by mutual agree- ment, 155 ...... Constables of, 214, ...... discharged owing to enlistment of 283, 330 master, 269, 424 Ames, Robert, 169, 390 ...... …...... ill treat- ment, 150, 320, ...... Thomas, 245 504 Amesdon, Richard, 143 ...... poverty of master, 353, 423 Amond, see Hammond ...... Illegal dismissal of, 497 Amsdell, Francis, 306, 313, 321 Apprenticeship, Trading without due, see under Anabaptists, References to, 296, 318, 371, Offences 496 Apsley (Apleby, Apslee) And see Dissenters, Recusants, ...... Edward, 23 etc...... George, 332, 420 Anderson (Anderton) ...... John, 92, 118 ...... Daniel, 49, 429 ...... Peter, Sir, Knight, 364, 380 ...... Edward, 160 ...... Thomas, 14, 22, 48 ...... George, 387, 388, 392 Apsley End, Co. Hertford, 203 ...... John, 178, 375 Archdeacon, William, 227 ...... Nathaniel, The Rev., Vicar Archer, Benjamin. The Rev., Rector of Quainton, of Grandborough, 291 416 ...... Richard, J.P., 192, 238, 250, 508 Arden, John, 488 ...... Sir, 2nd Bart., D.L., J.P., 235, 508 Armsteed, Robert, The Rev., Rector of Mursley, ...... William, 69 290 ...... [blank], 225 Army, The, at Dunkirk, xi, 483 Andrews (Andrew) ...... at Tangiers, x, 205 ...... Christopher, 145, 158, 277 ...... Billeting of the, xi, xii, 380, 381, 462 ...... Emma, 158 ...... Companies in, Captain Barbor’s 483 ...... Gabriel, 58 ...... Colonel Cambon’s, xii, ...... Joan, 414, 423 482 ...... John, 318, 331, 347, 358, 368, 369, ...... Foot Companies, xi, 192 400, 408 ...... Enlistment in, 269, 424, 465 ...... Joseph, 23 ...... in Ireland, xi, 366, 392, 424 ...... Robert, 195, 461, 502 ...... in Scotland, xi, 365 ...... Samuel, 414 ...... Recruiting for the, 381 ...... Thomas, 63, 302, 342, 420, 461 ...... Regiments in the, Sir Edward ...... William, 10 Harlow’s, 483 Angle, Edward, 133 ...... Sir Hugh Middleton’s, Annesley (Annesby, Annersly), Matthew, 269 Bridewell Keeper at Newport Pagnell, ...... The Earl of 128 131, 155, 286, 289, 295, 306, 323, 335, Northampton’s, 346, 444 And see Soldiers, 344, 348, 364, 377, 381, 391, 399, 402, 412, Militia, etc. 413, 424, 433, 445, 451, 462, 473, 489 Arnborough (Arnburrow) Annick, Thomas, 84 ...... Anne, 10 Anott, see Arnott ...... William, 21 Ansty (Anstee), Edward, 302, 332, 376 Arnett, see Arnott Anthony (Antony) Arnold, Daniel, 56, 69 ...... Richard, 49 ...... Edward, 5, 8, 431, 439, 444, 446 ...... Thomas, 115 ...... John, 54 ...... William, 69, 254, 499 Antwissel, Thomas, 288 Apleby, see Apsley 514 ______

INDEX. Arnold, Thomas, 115, 138, 152, 166, 173, Ashley Green, 250, 329, 352, 410, 417, 431, 436, 180, 186 448, 454, 465...... William, 31, 34 (2) ...... Constables of, 410 Arnott (Annott, Anott, Arnett) And see Chesham ...... Daniel, 8 Ashly, John, 191 (2) ...... John, 320, 363 Ashon, Nathaniel, 198 ...... Mary, 13 Ashton, Henry, 245, 246, 263, 265 (2 ...... Richard, 255 ...... [blank], widow, 12 ...... Samuel, 501 Ashwell, William, 475 ...... William, 171, 178, 225, 390, 421, 459, Ashwood, see Astwood 469 Asken, see Ascue ...... [blank], 194 Askew, see Ascue Arnum, see Aldenham Aslott, John, 419 Arpin, Francis, 27, 174 Aspin, William, The Rev., Rector of Emberton, ...... Thomas, 422, 459 293 Arris, see Harris Asprey (Asbery, Aspray, Aspy) Arrowsmith, John, 14 ...... John, 102, 106, 151, 157, 158, 192, 417 Asaby, see Ashby ...... Samuel, 152 Asbery, see Asprey ...... Thomas, 152, 157, 158 (2) Ascott, 220, 416, 440, 448, 457 Assault, see under Offences And see Wing Assembly, Unlawful, see under Offences Ascue (Asken, Askew) Assize, in prices (beer, bread, candles, etc.), 63, ...... Anne, 373, 387 80, 88, 181, 187 ...... John, 31, 56, 91, 117, 185, 244, 262, Assizes, Clerk of the, 367 265, 277 ...... Conveyance of prisoners to the, 240, 314, Ashaby, see Ashby 402, 444 Ashburner (Ashburnham) ...... Judges of the, 32, 45, 239, 425, 434, 483 ...... John, 144, 151, 157, 158, 349, 437 Astin, see Austin ...... Richard, 326, 496, 507 Aston, 110, 120, 141, 155, 271, 457, 466 And Ashby (Asaby, Asby, Ashaby, Ashbee) see Ivinghoe ...... Elizabeth, 366 Aston, Thomas, 29 ...... Henry, 79 Aston Abbots, 24, 27, 48, 58 (2), 60, 70, 192, ...... Jeremy, 152 213, 225, 252, 256, 291, 302, 317, 318, 324, ...... Robert, 54 342, 345, 390, 432, 469 ...... Thomas, 386 ...... Constables of, 24, 70, 256, 302, ...... William, 102 (2), 106 (2), 115 (2), 158 342, 390, 432, 469 (3), 203, 209, 416, 417 ...... Vicar of, 291 Ashendon, 15, 200, 255, 332, 492 Aston Clinton, xix, 13, 16 (2), 17, 25, 29, 30, 37, ...... Constables of, 255, 332 50, 53, 63, 72, 94, 99, 169, 181, 182, 205, 210, ...... Hundred of, 22,48,68,72,91, 104, 116, 216, 227, 239, 252, 261, 266, 268, 280 (2), 291, 140, 146, 157, 175, 177, 199, 201, 220, 227, 294, 298, 300, 306, 313, 320, 322, 328, 337, 341 253, 259, 282, 329, 332, 339, 348, 373, 392, (2), 343, 351 (2), 362 (2), 372 (2), 373, 387, 389, 406, 419, 494, 498, 501 398, 406 (3), 414 (2), 415, 424, 434, 436, 454, ...... Bailiffs for the, 72, 140, 157, 457, 464, 467, 492, 508 177, 227, 339, 348, 406, 494 ...... Constables of, 239, 320, 362 ...... Chief Constables for the, ...... Meeting house at, 300 22, 48, 68, 91, 104, 116, 146, 175, 199, 220, ...... Overseers of, 414 253, 282, 329, 373, 392, 419, 458, 498 ...... Rector of, 291, 343 ...... Justices for the, 201, 458 ...... St. Leonards in, see St. Leonards ...... Pollicott in, see Pollicott. Ashfield, see Atfield 515 ______

INDEX. Aston Mullins, 2, 13, 21, 31, 36, 41, 47, 55, Axtell, William, 81 60, 74, 81, 86, 90, 116, 133, 139, 153, 168, Aylesbury, xiv, xv, xviii, 2, 3, 4 (3), 7, 10, 11, 174, 181, 187, 193, 199, 213, 219, 239, 17 (3), 19 (3), 20 (2), 21,. 24, 26, 27 (2), 29 259, 342 (2), 30 (2), 31, 35 (2), 37, 38, 39, 40, 43 (3), ...... Constables of, 2 44, 45, 46 (2), 47, 49, 50, 51, 52 (2), 53, 56, 58 Aston Rowant, Co. Oxford, 383 (2), 62 (2), 63 (3), 66 (2), 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, Aston Sanford, 55, 216, 291, 501 77, 81, 84, 87, 88, 89 (3), 92, 93 (2), 94, 95, ...... Constables of, 501 96, 97 (4), 100, 104, 106, 107, 109 (2), 114 ...... Curate of, 291 (3), 116, 120, 123 (7), 125, 127, 128, 131, Astwood, 55, 96, 184, 186, 192, 289, 295, 135, 136 (2), 137 (3), 138 (2), 141, 142 (4), 331, 369, 375, 398, 421, 459, 466, 474, 500 143 (3), 145, 146, 148 (2), 149, 151, 154 (3), ...... Constables of, 331, 375, 421, 459, 500 155, 157 (5), 158, 160, 163, 164 (4), 169, ...... Meeting house at, 398 170, 171, 172, 176, 177 (2), 183, 184, 187, Atfield (Ashfield), John. 418, 430, 431 188, 189 (2), 190 (3), 192, 193, 194, 195 (2), Atkins (Adkins) 196 (2), 197 (3), 202 (2), 205 (2), 210, 211, ...... Benjamin, 80, 171, 173, 278, 446 212, 216, 218 (2), 219 (3), 220 (2), 223 (2), ...... Elizabeth, 227 226 (3), 227 (3), 230 (3), 231 (3), 233, 235 ...... James, 107, 113, 207, 333, 377 (4), 236, 237 (2), 238 (2), 240 (2), 241 (2), ...... Joseph, 89, 375 242, 243 (7), 244, 246, 248 (2), 251 (2), 257 ...... Mary, 341, 351, 352, 361 (5), 260, 263 (2), 265, 266, 267 (2), 272, 273, ...... Randolph, 359 275, 279 (2), 280, 281 (6), 287, 288, 292 (8), ...... Richard, 227, 289, 295 296, 297, 299 (2), 301 (2), 302, 303, 304 ...... Sir, 1st Bart., J.P., 508 (3), 305 (2), 306 (2), 307 (5), 308, 310, 314, ...... William, 119, 147, 316, 385, 388, 427, 315 (2), 317, 319 (4), 320, 321, 324 (2), 326 428, 460, 487 (2), 327, 328, 330 (2), 333, 334, 335, 336, 338 Atkinson (Atkynson) (2), 340 (2), 343, 345 (2), 348 (2), 350 ...... Hannah, 360, 384 (2), 351, 352, 354 (2), 355, 357, (4), 359, 360 ...... Katherine, 7, 12, 21, 31, 41 (2), 361 (4), 362 (3), 364, 365, 367, 369 (2), ...... James, 349 370, 371, 372, 376, 377, 378, 382 (2), 383, ...... John, 7, 12, 21, 31, 41 384 (2), 386 (3), 387, 388 (3), 389 (3), 395, ...... Peter, 360, 368, 369, 372, 384 (2), 396, 398, 399 (3), 405, 407, 408 (2), 409 (3), 385, 386 411 (2), 414, 415, 417, 418, 423, 424, 425, Atley, Clement, 419, 485 427, 428, 429, 430 (3), 431 (5), 432 (2), 433 Atterbury, Lewis, The Rev., Rector of Milton (3), 435, 436 (2), 437, 438 (2), 439 (2), 440 Keynes, 289, 295 (2), 442 (2), 444, 446, 447, 449 (4), 452 (2), Attorney-General, The, 378 453 (2), 454, 455, 456, 457, 460 (2), 462, 463 Attorneys-at-Law, 88, 89, 157, 382 (2), 468 (2), 469, 472, 474, 475 (2), 476, 478, Atwood (Attwood) 480, 483, 485, 486, 487 (2), 488 (2), 490, 493 ...... Anne, 80 (4), 494, 495 (2), ...... Thomas, 199, 220, 315, 429 Austin (Astin, Astoll) ...... Henry, 342 ...... Mary, 164 ...... Robert, 124 ...... Thomas, 7, 20, 459, 502 Avery, Robert, 136 ...... Sextus, 39 Avis, Anne, 192 ...... Edward, 118 Awad, Henry, 193 Awd, William, 479, 490, 494 Axtell (Axten, Axton) ...... Elisha, 153, 161, 166, 174 ...... Jane, 341, 365, 380, 392 ...... Matthew, 328 ...... Robert, 301 516 ______

INDEX. 497 (2), 499, 504, 505 (3), 506, 507, 508, Aylesbury, Walton Street in, 220 509 ...... Wemans (Woomans) Bridge in, 40, 220 Aylesbury, Baker’s Lane End in, 319 ...... Whipping post at, 452 ...... Begging in, Orders concerning, xiv, ...... White Angel Inn at, 28 43 ...... White Hart Inn at, 257 ...... Bell Corner in, 220 Ayleworth (Aleworth), Thomas, 266, 302, 467 ...... Bridewell at, xv, 3, 4, 26, 93 (2), 96, Ayres (Ayre, Ayris) 104, 120, 163, 169, 195, 241 (2), 304, 306, ...... Alexander, 36 423, 433 (2), 442 (2), 444, 452, 506 ...... Edward, 507 ...... Keeper of the, 3, 93 (2), 96, ...... Elizabeth, 336 104, 423, 433, 444 ...... Francis, 316 ...... Common Hall at, 280 ...... John, 145, 150 ...... Constables of, xviii, 24, 26, 49, 52, ...... Matthias, 80 69, 92, 127, 128, 148, 257 (2), 302, 330, ...... Ralph, 288, 502 432, 460, 472, 480 ...... Richard, 212, 455 ...... Dockmore in, 27 ...... Thomas, 13, 50 ...... Fryeridge Bridge at, 389, 399, 428, ...... William, 255 430, 431, 435 ...... Gallows at, xv, 52, 382 BAAL, see Ball ...... Goal at, see County Goal Babbington (Babington) ...... George Inn at, 50, 71, 94, 149, 189, ... Rebecca, 470, 475 275, 321, 325, 365, 392, 462, 490 ...... Robert, 181, 198 ...... Heydon Hill at, 354 Babham, Henry, 407, 447 ...... Hundred of, 22, 47, 68, 90, 117, 140, Babrook, see Brabroke 147, 157, 175, 199, 220, 253, 259, 282, Backhurst, Matthew, 40 329, 330, 339, 348, 364, 366, 373, Backwell, John, J.P., 192, 289, 295, 508 390, 418, 457, 463, 493, 498, 499. Baddeley (Baderly) ...... Bailiffs for the, 140, 157, ...... George, The Rev., Vicar of Little Brickhill, 339, 348, 493 293 ...... Chief Constables for the, ...... John, 207 22, 47, 68, 90, 117, 147, 175, 199, 220, Badgers, Licences granted to, 2 253, 282, 329, 373, 390, 418, 457, 498 ...... Orders concerning licences for, 216, 225 ...... House of Correc- tion for ...... Trading as, without licences, 67, 440, the, see Bridewell, supra 468, 476, 477, 487 ...... Lord of the Manor of, 187, 267, 319, And see under Offences 411, 425 Badrick (Badry, Baudry, Bawdrick, Bawdry) ...... Lord’s Fee in, 223, 257, 456 ...... Mary, 462 ...... Market Place at, 20 ...... Robert, 24, 48, 68, 95, 340, 438 ...... Meeting houses at, 299 (2), 310, 430 ...... Thomas, 236, 243, 249 ...... Middle Bridge at, 154 Baggaley (Bagley), John, 72, 317, 416 ...... Overseers of, 493 Bagshot, Co. Berks, 466 ...... Parson’s Fee in, 223, 257, 376 Bailey (Bayly) ...... Pillory and “Cage” at, 187 ...... Edward, 2, 360 ...... Sessions held at, 11, 20, 40, 46, 62, ...... Elizabeth, 457, 467 67, 84, 89, 106, 114, 137, 143, 164, 171, ...... John, 7, 13, 47, 55, 59, 143 191, 197, 218, 230, 279, 281, 287, 317, ...... Robert, 57 326, 359, 370, 382, 407, 447, 455, 486 ...... Thomas, 8 ...... Spittlefields in, 430 ...... William, 97, 112 ...... Town Hall at, 184 ...... [blank], widow, 68 ...... Vicar of, 131, 292 Bailiffs, Neglect of duty by, 104 ...... Walton in, see Walton ...... Orders addressed to, 110 And see under various Hundreds Baker, Alice, 270

514 ______

INDEX. Baker, Charles, 14, 19 Bampton, Richard, 301, 325, 337 ...... Dorothy, 138, 145 ...... Samuel, 27, 51 ...... George, 270 ...... Thomas, 72, 99, 116, 146, 151, 250, 406, ...... Joan, 246 415, 434, 436, 454 ...... John, 239, 273, 274, 287, 438 ...... William, 349, 429 ...... Mary, 212 Banbury, Co. Oxford, 37, 80, 478 ...... Richard, 59, 81, 85, 90, 96, 101, 106, Banbury (Bandberry) 108, 115, 125 ...... Henry, 80, 255, 278 ...... Roger, 212 ...... Thomas, 485 ...... William, 7, 137, 138, 145, 205, 273, Bandey, Robert, 51, 57, 60 353, 400 Banfield, Anthony, 2 Baldinge, see Baldwin Bankes, Thomas, The Rev., Minister Baldon, Co. Oxford, 140 of Newport Pagnell, 289, 295 Baldwin, Co. Oxford, see Baldon Bankworth, William, 320, 363 Baldwin (Baldinge, Baldwine, Blad- win) Bann (Baun), Richard, 126,132 ...... Daniel, 153, 420 Banning, Stephen, 248, 263 ...... Edward, 254, 274, 282, 304 Barber (Barbor) ...... J.P., 35, 106, 131 (2), 135 (2), ...... Henry, 333, 460 146, 162, 508 ...... Robert, Captain 483 ...... George, 360, 371, 408, 456 Barch, Edmund, 196 ...... John, 22, 54, 114, 207, 325, 326 Bard, see Bird ...... Joseph, 48 Bardge, John, 59 ...... Richard, 124, 159, 164, 173, 180, Barefoot, Daniel, 216 203, 209, 214 ...... David, 233 ...... Thomas, 16, 188 Barker, Henry, 438 ...... William, 220, 253 ...... William, 236, 242, 248 Ball (Baal) Barling, Walter, 395, 397 ...... Anne, 433, 454 Barlow (Barloe), Edward, 311, 324 ...... Edward, 122 Barnaby (Barneaby) ...... Elizabeth, 433 ...... Ananias, 35, 422, 459 ...... George, 69, 91 ...... Francis, 39 ...... James, 133, 214, 271, 330, 354 ...... Robert, 92 ...... John, 146, 175, 271, 455 ...... Thomas, 19, 49, 106, 165, 171, 237, 283, ...... Jonathan, 433, 436, 445, 451, 453, 308, 330, 486 465, 470, 474 Barnard (Barnett) ...... Judith, 201 ...... Andrew, 118, 148 ...... Marmaduke, 132, 139, 143, 153, 160, ...... Anne, 278 167, 173, 238, 245, 264, 271, 272 ...... George, 227, 328, 341, 351, 389, 398 ...... Mary, 433, 454 ...... Richard, 124 ...... Thomas, 34, 49 ...... Thomas, 377 ...... William, 159, 175, 199, 208, 271, ...... William, 221, 285, 330 278, 317, 466 And see Burnard and Burnett Ballard, Anne, 153 Barnes, Adam, 95 ...... William, 90 ...... Anne, 12, 25, 41, 90, 96, 103, 107, 109 ...... [blank], widow, 81, 85, 96, 102, 107, (2), 116 (2), 134 (2), 139 (2), 161 (2) 108, 125, 133, 139, 145 ...... Edward, 476, 477 Ballingham, see Barringer ...... Elizabeth, 55, 63, 64, 273, 310 Baltinglass, Anne, Countess, widow of 2nd ...... Jeremy, 12, 25 Viscount, 268 ...... John, 80, 84 Bampton (Bamtom) ...... Richard, 12 ...... Daniel, 294, 298 ...... Thomas, 114, 122, 186, 197, 287, 398, ...... John, 370, 467 439 ...... Joseph, 19, 59, 100, 131, 148, 165, ...... William, 231 213, 250, 308, 377, 422, 438, 486, 492 ...... [blank] , widow, 31, 47, 59, 67, 73, 74, ...... Margaret, 487 81, 85, 90, 96, 103, 107, 132, 145, 153, 167, ...... Ralph, 441 180, 186 Barnett, see Barnard 518 ______

INDEX. Barnewell, Thomas, Under-Sheriff, 29, 52, Barwick (Barrick, Barrwick, Berwick) 106, 114, 123, 140, 143, 149, 162, 165, ...... Bartholomew, 132, 144, 160, 198 169, 177, 192, 202, 219, 224, 240, 244, ...... William, 192 286, 317, 333, 337, 346, 356, 360, 382, Barye, John, 20 394, 408 (2), 427, 443, 453, 456, 463, 473, Basely, John, 120 484, 486, 494, 506 Bass (Basse) Barney (Burney) ...... Elizabeth, 319 ...... John, 7, 24, 197, 502 ...... Henry, 67, 408 ...... Samuel, 311 ...... Joseph, 152, 160, 166, 174, 181, 198 ...... Thomas, 50, 70 ...... Robert, 41 Burr (Barre) ...... William, 7, 49, 167, 198 ...... Edward, 217 Bassell, Thomas, 396 ...... Thomas, 238 Bassetts Bury, 470 ...... William, 118, 208, 284, 330 ...... Constables of, 470 Barrabee (Barraby) Bastardy, see Maintenance Orders, and under ...... John, 418, 457 Offences ...... Richard, 383 Bastian, Thomas, 59 ...... Thomas, 131, 199, 220 ...... William, 359 Barratry, see under Offences Batchelor (Batcheller, Batchelour) Barren, William, 348 ...... Henry, 250, 319, 353 Barrett, (Barratt) ...... John, 6, 20, 30, 34, 72, 73 (2), 77, 105 ...... John, 211 (2), 113, 123, 136, 140, 168, 332, 420, 446 ...... Robert, 339 ...... Mary, 73 (2), 77 ...... Thomas, 232 ...... Robert, 135, 148, 154, 165 ...... William, 70, 72, 124, 165, 202 (2), ...... William, 102, 124, 278 257, 326, 457, 466, 467, 470, 499 ...... [blank], 102 Barrick, see Barwick Bateman, Nicholas, 226 Barringer (Ballingham, Bates (Bate) Barringham, Barugham, Berringer) ...... Benedict, 202 ...... John, 102, 106, 126, 138, 144, 152, ...... Benjamin, 267, 287 160 (2), 174, 181, 203, 209 ...... Edward, 85, 115, 125, 133, 139, 144, ...... Thomas, J.P., 35, 38 (2), 509 172, 180, 186, 193, 420, 494, 508 ...... William, 184 ...... J.P., 128, 287, 295, 490 Barry, Francis, The Rev., Vicar of Kingsey, ...... George, The Rev., Rector of Stoke 289 Hammond, 219, 292, 320, 323, 335, 503 Barthord, Susan, 98 ...... Humphrey, 370 Bartlett, Paul, 113 ...... John, 108, 232, 267, 370 ...... Robert, xx, 213, 217, 275, 331, 376 ...... Philip, 370 ...... Susan, 217 ...... Ralph, 325 Barton, Benjamin, 464, 467, 508 ...... William, 35 (2), 38, 39, 118, 148, 230, ...... Edward, 308 236, 238, 241, 254, 302, 312, 353, 420 ...... John, 254 ...... [blank], 246 ...... Peter, 115 Batron, Joan, 108 ...... Richard, 80 ...... Peter, 108 ...... Samuel, The Rev., Rector of Great Battey, Peter, 422, 437, 460 Brickhill, 288 Battison (Batson, Battenson, ...... Thomas, 387 Batteson, Batterson) ...... William, 283, 349 ...... John, 115, 144, 173, 199 , 39, 45, 54, 373, ...... Michael, 168, 202, 215, 490 443, 451, 478, 491 (2) ...... [blank], widow, 115 ...... Round Hill in, 478 Batts, Peter, 147 Bartram (Bartrum) Baudry, see Badrick ...... Charles, 79, 261, 264 Baulding, see Boulding ...... Jane, 233, 261 Barugham, see Barringer 519 ______

INDEX. Baun, see Bann Beck (Beckes) Bavin, John, 148, 220, 253, 390, 432 ...... Christopher, 232, 284, 312 Bawdry (Bawdrick), see Badrick ...... Daniel, 429 Bayley, see Bailey ...... Edward, 116 Beachampton, 40, 103, 108, 115, 138, 143, ...... Francis, 400 (2), 408 153, 161, 167, 174, 180, 187, 192, 198, ...... John, 175, 199, 299, 359, 377 203, 209, 214, 233, 254, 284, 290, 316, 345 ...... Peter, 41, 114, 122, 123, 460 (2), 468, 479 (2), 490, 494 ...... Robert, 90, 116, 145, 153 ...... Constables of, 254, 284 ...... Thomas, 5, 62, 147, 282, 458, 486 ...... Curate of, 290 ...... William, 40, 237, 408, 411 ...... Osborn’s Close in, 479 Beckett, Thomas, 136, 495, 498, 504, 507 ...... Richardson’s Gate in, 479 Beckly, Edward, 266, 320, 487, 501 Boaconsfield, xii, xix, 6, 10 (2), 15, 23, 29, ...... John, 35, 171 31, 36, 37, 41, 47, 49, 62 (2), 68, 69, 84, 89, ...... William, 136, 460 92, 101, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 115, 118, Beddall, Thomas, 376, 420 120, 122, 124, 130 (2), 133, 135, 139, Bedder, John, 39, 42, 287 140, 145, 147 (2), 153, 154, 161, 162, 166, Bedford, John, 166 167, 171, 173, 175, 178, 180, 187, 192, ...... Jonathan, 109 199, 222, 231 (2), 237, 255, 269, 276 (2), ...... Joseph, 126, 180 277, 282, 287, 288, 290, 291 (2), 294, 295, , 268 296 (2), 297, 308 (2), 311, 320, 325, 329, ...... Chalgrave in, 425 344, 349, 352, 370 (2), 387, 395, 397 (2), ...... Cranfield in, 386 398, 421, 437, 440, 445, 455, 456, 458 (2), ...... Dunstable in, 220, 252, 269 463, 472, 480, 482, 483, 486, 499, 502, 511 ...... Eggington in, 182 ...... Aylesbury Way in, 311 ...... Harlington in, 93, 182 ...... Constables of, 16,23,49,69,92, 118, ...... Harrold in, 418 147, 222, 255, 421, 445, 502 ...... Husborne Crawley in, 503 ...... Curate of, 291 ...... Leighton Buzzard in, 192, 212, 251 (2), ...... Hall Barn in, 101 266, 270, 277, 417, 435, 478 ...... Meeting houses at, 456 ...... Lidlington in, 364, 379 (2) Beacroft, see Beecroft ...... Millbrook in, 71 Beadieant, John, 50 ...... Shortgrave in, see Shortgrove Beadon, alias Smith, John, 311 ...... Studham in, 365 Beale, William, 48, 68, 78, 237, 260 ...... Turvey in, 383 Beamesly (Beamsley), Thomas, 222, 276, ...... Westoning in, 134 377, 460, 466 ...... Whipsnade in, 155 Beamond, see Bemont ...... Woburn in, 423, 424, 482, Beance, William, 109 485 Bedgrave, 19, 474, 473, 485 Bear (Bere) And see Weston Turville ...... Richard, 318, 324 Beecroft (Beacroft), Ralph, 150, 433, 446 ...... William, 102 (2), 106, 107 Beer, Indictments for not keeping the Assize Beatey, Thomas, 126 in, 80, 88, 181 Beaumont, Daniel, 278 (3) ...... Price of strong, xx, 62, 66 (2) ...... John, 278 And see Alehouses Beavans, Thomas, The Rev., Curate Beesly, Edward, 197 of Upton, 294, 296 ...... Thomas, 496 Beavin, William, 369 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Great Marlow, Beavor (Beaver) 289 ...... John, 72 ...... William, 107 ...... Thomas, 361, 365, 387, 388, 392, 417 Beeson, William, 5 ...... alias Worrall, William, 98 Beeston, Robert, 508 Befin, Adam, 398 Beggars, Orders concerning, xiv, 43, 258 And see Vagrants 520 ______

INDEX. Beirton, see Bierton, or Bourton Bere, see Bear Beke (Beake) Bereton, see Bierton ...... Richard, J.P., 509 Berjew, Christopher, 421 ...... Thomas, 253 Berkhampstead, Great (St. Peter’s), Co. Belgrave, John, 223, 254 Hertford, 15, 195, 251 (2), 252 Bell, Henry, 283, 292, 456 Berkhampstead St. Mary, see North- church ...... John,493 Berkly, John, 13 ...... Richard, 168, 201 Berkshire, Abingdon in, 507 ...... Thomas, 115, 125, 133 ...... Bagshot in, 467 ...... William, 62 ...... Chapel Green in, 479 Bellch, Sarah, 214 ...... Clewer in, 162 ...... Thomas, 214 ...... Cookham in, 11, 16, 124, 247 (2), 317, Bellendon, see Bellingdon 474, 485 Bellingdon, 282, 419 ...... Hurley in, 243 And see Chesham ...... Hurst in, 26 Belson (Bellson) ...... Inspector of Taxes for, 288 ...... Edmund, 310 ...... Maidenhead in, 43, 154, 208, 389, 398, ...... Elizabeth, 10 401, 466, 474, 475, 485 ...... Richard, 231, 245, 253 ...... Reading in, 288, 407 Bemont (Beamond) ...... Remenham in, 186 ...... Christopher, 178, 502 ...... Windsor, New, in, 80, 110, l6l, 199, 208, ...... William, 178 212, 247, 253, 275, 278, 296, 393, 397, Ben, John, 171, 364 489, 496 Benboe, Elizabeth, 73, 78 Barnard, see Burnard ...... Thomas, 47, 53, 55, 73 Berrill, Ellen, 17 Benfield, William, 250 Berringer, see Barringer Benham, John, 1, 54, 91, 104, 116, 287 Berrow, John, The Rev., Minister of Watford, ...... Richard, 20, 89, 299 74 Bennell, John, 100, 282, 329, 460, 486, 501 Berry, John, 243 Bennett (Bennet) ...... Mary, 341, 151, 362, 372, 373, 387, 389, ...... Grace, 224, 260, 270 (3), 316 (2), 479, 398 491 ...... Thomas, 208, 287, 371, 419, 458, 467 ...... John, 10,92 (2), 117, 119, 160, 256, Bertie, Henry, The Hon., J.P., 387, 509 283, 318, 325, 326, 337, 419, 458 Barton, see Bierton ...... Richard, 2 Berwick, see Barwick ...... Robert, 494, 495 Besouth, John, 9 ...... Simon, 8 ...... Joshua, 428 ...... Sir, Knight, 270 Best, William, 192 ...... William, 186, 274, 375, 498 Bestall, see Bostall ...... [blank], widow, 300 Betham (Bethram, Battham) Benning, Daniel, 419 ...... John, 24, 70, 84, 118 ...... Henry, 387, 414 ...... Richard, 329, 374, 385 ...... James, 436, 445, 454 Bethell, Adiel, 76, 84 ...... John, 332 ...... Mary, 503 ...... Judith, 434 Bethram, see Betham ...... Richard, 62 Betlow, Co. Hertford, 406 ...... William, 24, 50, 239, 436 Betts (Bett) Benson, Jane, 144 ...... Elizabeth, 73 ...... Stephen, 239 ...... Francis, 84 ...... Thomas, 79, 375, 419 ...... Nicholas, 361, 380 ...... William, 33 ...... Thomas, 265 ...... County Gaoler, xv, 196, 200, ...... William, 46, 54 (2), 84 224, 240, 280, 292, 314, 323, 337, 356, 366, ...... alias Francklyne, William, 81 367, 380, 394, 402, 413, 444, 463, 480, 483, Bevell, Giles, 190 492, 305 ...... [blank], widow, 7 Bentley, John, 332, 388, 393, 396, 401 521 ______

INDEX. Bew (Bewe, Bue) Bigg, Nicholas, 34 ...... John, 231, 380, 396 ...... Richard, 76 ...... Martha, 473 ...... Stephen, 34, 84, 353, 369 Bowcsick, Robert, 49 ...... Thomas, 73, 77, 238, 249, 264, 343, 357, Bezill, Ellen, 94 498, 504 , Co. Oxford, 98, 140, 158, 327 346, Biggstho, see Bishopstone 441, 448, 457, 477, 478 (2), 479 (2), 497 Bignell, William, 212 Biddle, John, 397 Bilby, John, 121, 123 ...... Michael, 133, 139, 144 ...... Thomas, 123, 168 ...... Thomas, 259, 398 Bilgrave, John, 184 ...... William, 4 Billeting, Orders concerning, xi, 380, 381, 462, Biddlesden, 2, 10, 59, 81, 85, 90, 96, 101, 470 106, 108, 115, 125, 138, 143, 153, 161, Billinge, John, 27 167, 174, 180, 187, 189, 192, 198, 203, ...... Richard, 27 209, 214, 227, 256, 285, 291, 310, 478, 491 Billington (Billingdon) ...... Bakers Bridge in, 478 ...... Charles, 186 ...... Constables of, 256, 285 ...... Elizabeth, 318, 325 ...... Curate of, 291 ...... John, 214, 318, 325, 350, 396, 405, 407, Bidwell, John, 74 440, 461 Bierton, xvi, 2, 5, 12, 18 (2), 19, 21, 22, 29 ...... Mary, 507 (2), 31 (2), 36, 41, 42, 47, 49, 55 (2), 59 (2), ...... Thomas, 185 63 (2), 74, 80, 82, 117, 141, 154, 163, 170, Binfield, Nathaniel, 374, 421 172, 176, 195, 205, 216, 223, 243, 252, Binion (Bynion) 257, 283, 299, 311, 315, 319, 321, 324, ...... John, 23, 375 328 (2), 342, 351, 352, 360, 361, 362 (2), ...... William, 67, 124 364, 372 (2), 373, 375, 387, 388, 389 (2), Birch (Birtch, Burch) 390, 393, 395 (2), 397, 399, 400, 407, 409 ...... Hugh, 355 (2), 411, 412, 413, 418, 421, 424, 430, 431, ...... John, 102, 106, 115, 199, 220, 429 440, (2), 441, 448, 449 (2), 453, 457, 460, ...... Nathaniel, 250, 317, 340, 359, 407, 447, 461, 462, 469, 476 (2), 480, 482(2), 485 (4), 486 487, 488 (2), 491, 494, 495 ...... County Goaler, xv, 44, 130, 135, ...... Broughton in, see Broughton 141, 149 ...... Constables of, 2, 31, 49, 74, 154, 223, ...... Richard, 61, 352, 401 257, 283, 375, 390, 411, 421, 460 ...... Samuel, 208, 325 ...... Headboroughs of, 482, 494 ...... Thomas, 74, 212, 267, 302, 321, 490 ...... Meeting house at, 299 Bird (Bard) ...... Monks Penns in, 252, 324 ...... Abel, 169 ...... Smallydoles in, 252 ...... Thomas, 367 Bigg (Bigges) ...... William, 209, 500 ...... Edward (Edmund), 276, 278, 284, ...... alias Ward, John, 126, 132, 139, 144 327, 339 (2), 346 Birdlip, Co. Gloucester, 110 ...... Elizabeth, 73, 76, 78, 136, 412 Birt, see Burt ...... Emma, 50 Birtch, see Birch ...... Henry, 71, 75, 92, 126, 132, 139, 144, Biscoe, Moses, 391 167, 173, 180, 192, 198 Bishop (Bishopp) ...... John, 208, 212, 219, 245, 279, 288, ...... Francis, 215, 245 302, 330, 350 (2), 360, 439, 446, 497, 499 ...... John, 108, 191, 196, 227, 472, 480 ...... Dr. of Medicine, J.P., 509 ...... Lawrence, 370 ...... Mary, 84 ...... Thomas, 164, 280, 455, 460 ...... William, 85, 118, 219, 226, 237 Bishopstone, 23, 69, 118, 148, 171, 182, 221, 255, 284, 300, 305, 330, 421, 431, 459, 469, 508 ...... Constables of, 23, 69, 118, 148, 182, 221, 255, 284, 330, 421, 459, 469 522 ______

INDEX. Bishopstone, Meeting house at, 300 154, 156, 160, 167, 173, 175, 180, 186, 198 And see Stone (2), 203, 209, 214, 215, 245, 246, 264, Bisiter, see Bicester 272, 280, 291, 306, 307 (2), 312, 359, 385, Bissen, Henry, 284 420, 456, 488, 498, 507 Bissenar, see Bitchnor Bletchley, Constables of, 14, 215, 246, 312, Bitchnor (Bissenar, Bitchinall, Bit- chinor) 420, 488 ...... Jane, 90 ...... Meeting house at, 456 ...... John, 421, 459 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... William, 500 Bletsoe, Sarah, 418 Bix, Richard, 253, 282 Blewett, Charles, 81 Blackett, Richard, 179, 202, 287 Blick, Samuel, 457, 498 Blackman (Blackmall, Blakeman) Bluck, John, 331 ...... James (Jacob), 178, 209 Blunt, Richard, 86, 397, 475 ...... John, 439, 467 ...... William, 27 ...... Thomas, 108, 115, 138, 143, 153, , 4, 78, 86, 94, 96, 105, 116, 165, 171, 161, 167, 174, 180, 187, 192, 198, 203, 222, 244, 255, 283, 333, 377, 422, 465, 209, 214 466, 473, 474, 498, 501 Blackthorn, Co. Oxford, 123 (3) ...... Constables of, 222, 255, 283, 333, 377, Blackwell, Adam, 157, 158, 164 422, 501 ...... Katherine, 159, 164 Boddington (Bodington) ...... Richard, 100, 147, 175, 213, 480 ...... Edward, 11, 95, 164, 208, 238, 253, 282, ...... William, 458, 499, 504 317 Bladwin, see Baldwin ...... John, 68, 91 Blake, Andrew, 401, 441 ...... William, 78 ...... Job, 507 (2) Boddy (Body) ...... Richard, 419 ...... Arthur, 7, 82 ...... Robert, 67 ...... Henry, 274, 312 ...... Thomas, 220, 253 ...... Richard, 284 Blakely, James, 238, 243 ...... William, 487 Blakeman, see Blackman Boler, see Bowler Blanckworth, William, 69 Bolland, John, 438 Bland, Lancelot, The Rev., Rector Bolton (Boulton) of Tingewick, 293, 379 ...... Edward, 369 ...... William, 123 ...... George, 166 Blanden, Edward, 446 ...... James, 231 Blanne, John, 80 ...... John, 84, 136, 142, 150, 265, 278, 455 Bledlow, 8, 46, 47, 89, 101, 103, 105 ...... Mary, 167 (2), 140, 172, 190, 197, 202, 214, 219, 245, ...... Richard, 70, 142 (2), 377 253, 279, 287, 289, 290, 295, 299, 303, ...... Sarah, 84, 231 320, 327, 337, 339 (2), 340, 341, 344, 345, ...... William, 422 346, 351, 353, 358, 359, 363, 367, 369, Bond, Thomas, 19, 148 374, 410, 460, 486, 489, 500 Boneham (Bonham) ...... Constables of, 214, 245, 279, 320, ...... John,184 363, 410, 460, 489, 500 ...... Thomas, 316 ...... “Corner of the Green,” in, 341, 344, Bone-Setter, Reference to a, xx, 379 351, 358, 367, 369 Booker, Adam, The Rev., Rector of Broughton, ...... Meeting house at, 299 293 ...... Overseers of, 101 Boreman, Richard, 4 ...... Vicar of, 289 ...... William, 320 Bledlow, Eleanor, 409, 411, 423 (2) Boreton, see Bourton Bledlow Ridge, 8, 245, 279, 320, 363, 410 Borlase, John, 39 ...... Constables of, 8, 245, 279, ...... Sir, 2nd Baronet, xxi, 94 320, 363, 410 Borne, see Bourne Bletchley, 14, 35, 39, 47, 66, 95, 113, 115, Borrage, Ruth, 76 (2) 125, 132, 139, 144, 153, Borren, John, 377 Borrow (Borrough), Andrew, 134, 276 523 ______

INDEX. Borstall, see Boarstall Bowler, George, 226 Borton, see Bourton ...... Henry, 69, 92, 226, 227, 237 Bostall (Bestall), Nicholas, 226, 235, 242, ...... John, 35, 67, 184 248, 263 ...... Thomas, 62, 226, 487 Bostorne (Bostorm). Francis, 226, 230 ...... Tobias, 147, 254, 283, 487, 499 Boswell (Bosewell, Bosswell) ...... William, 341, 351 ...... Benjamin, 318 Bowles, Alice, 134 ...... Edward, 46, 67, 165, 205 ...... Edward, 222 Botley, 363, 372, 379 Bowling Alley, Keeping a, see under Offences Ands see Chesham Bowly, Alice, 393 Botterill, William, 402, 473 ...... Anne, 356 Bottle Cleydon, see Claydon, Bottle ...... John, 356 Boughton, James, 288 ...... [blank], 393 ...... John, 67 Bowrey (Bowry) Boulding (Baulding) ...... Francis, 159, 179 ...... Daniel, 377 ...... Samuel, 140, 175, 308 ...... James, 354 ...... Thomas, 124 Boulton, see Bolton Bowyer, John, 73 Bourne (Borne) ...... Mary, 1, 2, 7, 21 ...... Thomas, 172 ...... Toby, 1, 2, 7, 21 ...... William, 46 ...... Ursula, 73, 78 Bourton, 76, 314, 319, 327, 328 (2), 346, ...... William, 59, 79, 100, 131 372, 405, 488 ...... Sir, 2nd Baronet, D.L., 194, 462 ...... County Bridge at, 314 Boyden, see Bowden And see Buckingham Brabroke (Babrook, Brabruck, Brea- brook), Bovendon, see Bovingdon William, 102, 106, 151, 152, 192 Boveney, 23, 49, 56, 69 (2), 92, 118, 210, Bracebridge, see Brasbridge 239, 274, 279, 319, 352, 361, 363, 374, Bracett, John, 325, 326, 338, 347, 348, 358 410, 449, 450, 456, 488 ...... Richard, 325, 326, 338, 348 ...... Constables of, 23, 49, 56, 69, 92, 118, ...... Robert, 325, 326, 338, 347, 348, 358 239, 274, 279, 319, 363, 410, 450, 488 Brackley, Co. Northampton, 327, 346, 447, And see Burnham 477 Boveny, John, 459 Brackley, Ellen (Eleanor), 61, 65, 323 Bovingdon, Co. Hertford, 202, 349, 405 ...... John, Viscount, see Bridge- water Bovingdon (Bovendon, Bovington) Bradbury, Henry, 332 ...... Grace, 144, 161 ...... John, 1, 33, 54, 84, 265, 390 ...... John, 1, 2, 7, 12, 21, 81, 83, 85, 90, ...... Richard, 283 96, 102, 107, 108, 115, 125, 154, 168, 440 Bradenham, 41, 70, 92, 136, 142, 187, 223, ...... Richard, 22, 73, 230 239, 257, 267, 273, 277, 279, 285, 331, 375, ...... Robert, 255, 330 420, 459, 496, 502, 507 (2)...... Thomas, 239 ...... Chawley in, 459 ...... William, 101, 237, 274, 349, 407, 507 ...... Constables of, 41, 70, 92, 223, 239, 257, Bow Brickhill, see Brickhil, Bow 267, 285, 331, 375, 420, 459, 502 Bowd, Elizabeth, 323, 494, 507 Bradford, John, 342 Bowden (Boyden) Bradley, Griffin, 184 ...... Frances, 345 ...... Thomas, 405, 441 ...... George, 159, 316 Bradnok, Richard, 33 ...... John, 49, 51, 69, 109, 118, 237, 257, Bradshawe, George, 273 308, 329, 374, 397, 503 ...... James, 251 ...... Richard, 193 Bradwell, 1, 124, 154, 189, 207, 252, 267, 292, ...... William, 10, 501 310, 311, 316, 325, 437, 459 ...... [blank], 345 (2) Bowdray, Jonathan, 163 Bowler (Boler) ...... Edward, 244, 255, 302 ...... Frederick, 468, 506, 507 524 ______

INDEX. Bradwell, Common Road in, 124 Breton, John, The Rev., Vicar of Dinton, 294, ...... Constables of, 459 296 ...... Stone Bridge at, 252, 316 Brett, Elizabeth, 78 ...... Vicar of, 292 ...... Thomas, 33 Brafield, see Brayfield, Cold Brewer, Roger, 27 Braggenham, see Bradenham ...... Thomas, 70 Bragwell, Thomas, 222 Briant, see Bryant Braintford, see Brentford Brice, John, The Rev., xvii, 10, 11, 19, 389, 398, Brampton (Brampstone) 401 ...... Thomas, 12 ...... Thomas, 164, 302, 332, 407, 459 ...... William, 155 Brickhill, John, 133 Brandham, see Brandon Brickhill, Bow, 77, 80, 81, 91, 126, 132, 140, Brandon (Brandham) 143, 153, 161 (2), 164, 167, 173, 181 (2), 207, ...... Henry, 332, 489 221, 237, 245, 283, 293, 317, 324, 331, 348, ...... James, 319, 338, 348 374, 431, 433, 451, 454, 459, 471, 481, 491, ...... John, 338, 348 495, 500 ...... Thomas, 23, 118, 148, 214, 362, 406 ...... Constables of, 221, 283, 331, 374, (3), 415, 450, 489 459, 500 ...... William, 231, 338, 348 ...... Curate of, 293 Brand’s Fee, 12, 23, 35, 39, 49, 68, 69, 92, Brickhill, Great, xix, 33, 79, 89, 93 (2), 115, 98, 118, 147, 148, 222, 256, 284, 330, 348, 120, 126, 131, 133, 139, 143, 153, 161, 168, 422, 459, 499 173, 174, 249, 250, 265, 282, 288, 319, 373, ...... Constables of, 23, 49, 69, 92, 489, 490 (2) 118, 147, 148, 222, 256, 284, 330, 422, ...... Agreement with Little Brickhill 459, 499 over highway repairs, xix, 33 And see Hughenden, and Missenden, Great ...... Constables of, 174, 319, 489 Brangwyn (Brangwill, Branwing) ...... Manor of, 33, 490 ...... Francis, 232, 332 ...... Mile House in, 33 ...... Richard, 418, 457 ...... Overseers of, 33 ...... Thomas, 255, 492 ...... Park, The, in, 319 Bransfee, see Brand’s Fee ...... Rector of, 288 Brasbridge (Bracebridge), Joseph, 56, 223, Brickhill, Little, xix, 30, 33 (2), 34, 78, 79 (2), 257, 370, 408, 460 95, 98, 102, 105, 106, 115, 126, 132, 144, 147, Brashead, Richard, 222 222, 253, 255, 272, 288, 293, 332, 375, 379, Brasse, William, 243 419, 431, 433, 438, 444, 445, 459, 500 Brassendon, [blank], 241 ...... Constables of, 147, 222, 255, 332, Brasted, Katherine, 153 375, 419, 459, 500 Bray, Charles, 35 ...... Overseers of, 33 ...... Thomas, 100 ...... Vicar of, 293 Brayfield, Cold, 68, 132, 144, 152, 160, 164, Brickwell, Thomas, 477 166, 181, 186, 192, 198, 208, 209, 138, Briden, see Brydon 153, 289, 295, 317, 331, 374, 441, 448, Brideoak, Jonathan, 327 459, 480, 489, 500 Bridewells (Houses of Correction), see under ...... Constables of, 331, 374, 448, Aylesbury, Newport Pagnell, and Wycombe, 459, 480, 489, 500 Hign Brayfield, Richard, 10 Bridges, Addington, 191, 193, 194, 209, 214, Breabrook, see Brabroke 224, 231, 232, 238 Breadcott, William, 440, 449 ...... Bakers (Biddlesden), 478 Breamer, William, 332, 420 ...... Barnes Pool (Eton and Wind- sor), 247 Brearly, see Bryerly ...... Batesmill (Northall), 233 Breeden, Jonas, 410 Brely, see Bryerly Brentford, Co. Middlesex, 162 And see Ealing Brentwood, Co. Essex, 392 Bressey (Bressy), Thomas, 132, 139 525 ______

INDEX. Bridges, Colne, Over the River, 313, 334, Brightwell, Thomas, 397, 447 343, 344, 401, 411 Brill, 34, 42, 53, 60, 62, 71, 73, 103, 118, 154, ...... County, see County Bridges 155, 161, 163, 165, 171, 176, 187, 190, 197, ...... Denham, 181, 188, 240, 463 201, 219, 220, 225, 231 (4), 232, 255, 275, ...... Eakley, 75 279, 289 (2), 290, 295 (2), 301, 307, 308, ...... Eton, 201, 210 319 (2), 320, 322, 332, 348, 350, 358, 361, ...... Fenny Stratford, 334 364, 369, 370, 377, 379, 380, 385, 388, 392 ...... Fryeridge (Aylesbury), 389, 399, 428, (2), 395, 396 (3), 397, 401, 412, 419, 425, 427, 430, 431, 435 432, 462, 463, 469, 473, 476, 488, 497...... Goosey (Slapton), 352, 269 ...... Bornewood Forest at, 201 ...... Great (), 3, 57 ...... Constables of, 118, 154, 232, 255, 279, ...... Great (Padbury), 479 320, 332, 377, 401, 432 ...... Hardwick, 137 ...... Curate of, 290 ...... Hawkes (Chearsley and ...... Hulls Lane in, 187 Long Crendon), 159, 209, 225, 224, 245, ...... Little London in, see London, Little 271 (2) ...... Surveyors of, 380 ...... High (Uxbridge), 194 ...... Thame Lane in, 350 ...... Horton, 239 ...... Wooton Lane in, 231, 361 ...... Ickford, 165, 183, 188, 234 Brill, Francis, 127, 230 ...... King’s (Hillesden), 478 ...... George, 310 ...... Lathbury, 137 ...... John, 41, 279, 320 ...... Long (Thornborough), 478 ...... Joseph, 500 ...... Middle (Aylesbury), 154 Brinckhurst (Bringhurst) ...... Non-repair of, see under Offences ...... John, 12, 31, 36, 41, 47, 55, 59, 63 (2), ...... Sherington, 137, 260, 268, 498 67, 81, 373, 400, 409 410, 418 ...... Stonebridge or ...... Mary, 134, 139, 352, 361, 362, 373, 388, Stransum (Haddenham and Kingsey), 252, 389, 399, 400, 409, 410, 413, 418, 430 266, 313, 316, 321, 336 Brincklow (Brincklee, Brincloe) ...... Strugnall (Eton), 496 ...... John, 1, 54, 68, 91, 116, 254 ...... Thornborough, 58, 71, 82, 225, 314, ...... Richard, 106, 184, 186, 192, 398, 500 366, 413, 444, 452, 478, 490 ...... Robert, 466 ...... Wallbridge (Stoke Mandeville), 448 Brine, Richard, 487 ...... Wemans (Woomans) (Ayles- bury), Bringfield, James, 208 40, 220 Brinker, Richard, 459 ...... White (Padbury), 479 Brinsdell, John, 461 ...... Woobridge (High Wycombe), 251, Bristol, 450 268 ...... Ratcliff in, see St. Mary, Redcliffe Bridges, John, 41, 123 ...... St. Thomas in, see St. Thomas ...... Mary, 29, 165, 176, 179 Bristow, John, 447 ...... [blank], 505 ...... Thomas, 29, 151, 287, 485 Bridgewater, John, 4th Earl of, Britnell, Edward, 420 Lord Lieutenant, J.P., 177, 193, 509 Brittaine (Britten, Brittin, Brittinge, Britton) Brierly, see Bryerly ...... Anne, 209 Brigginshaw (Briginshaw) ...... Elizabeth, 144, 152, 173 ...... Richard, 308, 386 ...... Francis, 209 ...... Thomas, 50 ...... James, 126, 138, 144, 152, 167, 173, Briggs, Edward, 29 180, 199 ...... Thomas, 244, 249, 250, 262, 265 ...... Richard, 59 ...... [blank], 440 Bright, Damaris, 337, 382, 427, 463 505 Brightman, Henry, 144, 152, 166, 417 ...... William, 418, 441, 458 Brightwell (Britwell) ...... John, 158, 250, 264, 271, 272 ...... Robert, 461 526 ______

INDEX. Brittaine, Robert, 152, 167, 173, 243, 409, Brown, William, 58, 139, 144, 224, 232, 234, 474, 477, 484, 485, 489 237, 254, 312, 342 ...... William, 173 ...... alias Daniel, John, 312 Britwell, see Brightwell ...... alias William Smith, Bulkey, 36, 45 Broad Seal of England, Lords Com- Browning, William, 57 missioners of the, xx, 382 Browsfee, see Brand’s Fee Broadwater, Thomas, 24, 50 Bruce, John, 34 Bromstead, Edward, 90 Brudenell, William, 11, 44 Brooke (Brooks) Brugis, see Burgis ...... Anne, 103 Brumsden (Brumzon), John, 376, 421 ...... John, 76, 133 Bryant (Briant) ...... Joseph, 450 (2), 454, 467 ...... John, 72, 358, 359, 368, 369, 385 ...... Richard, 72, 348 ...... William, 167, 173, 217 ...... Thomas, 20, 84, 114, 202, 207, 317, Bryars, Thomas, 456 359, 363, 371, 407, 432, 447, 456, 468, Brydon (Briden) 473, 474, 475, 480, 486, 487 ...... Jeremy, 21 ...... William, 49, 67, 69, 124, 330, 357, ...... Jonas, 459 369, 371, 456 Bryerly (Brely, Brierly), James, 126, 138, 144, Brook End, 375 152, 160, 181, 192, 198, 209, 310, 363 ...... Constables of, 375 Bryon, John, 456 And see Wycombe, West Buchannon, Robert, 437, 438 Brother (Brothers), Andrew, 102, 107, 124, Buck, Lawrence, 359 330, 375 ...... William, 441, 448 Broughton, 51, 55 (2), 127, 154, 163, 230, Buckett, Thomas, 266 232, 237, 240, 288, 293, 295, 342, 351, ...... William, 266, 273, 277 352, 360, 362, 364, 373, 389, 395, 397, Buckingham, 1, 6, 30, 54 (2), 58 (3), 63, 64, 72, 399, 400 (2), 409 (2), 413, 418, 421, 425, 80, 95, 97, 116, 124 (2), 138, 151, 152, 430, 431, 434, 440, 441 (2), 448, 449, 453, 158, 175, 179, 185, 191, 194, 202, 251 (2), 252, 457, 461, 469, 475, 476, 489, 500 265, 270 (2), 287, 316, 327, 343, 346, 372, 415 ...... Constable of, 127, 154, 232, 342, (2), 438, 444, 467 (2), 477, 478 (2), 479 (5) 400, 421, 441, 461, 489 ...... Assizes held at, 444 ...... Rector of, 293 ...... Bourton in, see Bourton And see Bierton ...... Gawcott in, see Gawcott Broughton, Mary, 130 ...... Hundred of, 18, 22, 48, 68, 71, 72, 91, ...... Richard, 223, 256 116, 146, 175, 199, 220, 227, 253, 282, 314, Brown (Browne) 329, 334, 339, 348, 365, 373, 406, 418, 427, ...... Daniel, 139, 144, 286, 307, 498, 508 458, 494, 498, 500 ...... Edward, 124, 239, 265, 495 ...... …...... Bailiffs for the, 18, 71, 72, 227, ...... Elizabeth, 464, 497, 506, 507, 508 314, 339, 348, 406, 427, 494 ...... George, 279, 310 ...... Chief Constables for the, 22, ...... Henry, 81, 85 (2), 90, 97, 109, 116, 48, 68, 91, 116, 146, 175, 199, 220, 253, 125, 127, 161, 181, 328, 352, 361, 373, 282, 329, 373, 418, 458, 498 387, 389, 398 ...... Sessions held at, 1, 30, 54, 72, 95, 124, ...... Jane, 300 151, 179, 185, 202, 265, 287 ...... Jeremy, 126, 144 Buckingham, George, 341, 347 ...... John, 23, 214, 245, 274, 279, 422, ...... John, 33, 147, 417, 428 456 (2), 464, 465, 466, 467, 508 ...... Philip, 363 ...... Richard, 246, 250, 264, 287, 488, ...... Richard, 342, 390, 488 495 Buckinghamshire, see County ...... Samuel, 130, 168, 183, 245, 279,484 ...... Thomas, 80, 81, 87, 199, 230, 237 LL 527 ______

INDEX. Buckland, 14, 53, 112, 117, 168, 200, 211, Burgaine, Richard, Crier of the Court, 109 214, 220, 239, 245, 249 (2), 257, 263, 279, Burgis (Brugis, Burges) 301, (2), 319, 325, 337, 363, 364, 424, 434, ...... Elizabeth, 431, 433 450, 485, 489 ...... John, 14 ...... Constables of, 14, 168, 214, 239, ...... Mary, 134, 160 245, 279, 319, 363, 364, 450, 489 ...... Richard, x, 225, 230, 234, 247, 260, 317, ...... Old Lands at, 301 501 Buckland, Anne, 311, 319, 327 (2), 328 (2) ...... Thomas, 126, 132, 139, 143, 153, 167, ...... James, 12, 21, 31, 36, 41, 47, 55, 59, 173, 203 63, 67, 81, 85 ...... William, 341, 357, 358, 500 ...... Mary, 315, 324 Burglary, see under Offences Buckmaster, James, 196, 273, 316 Burgoine, see Burgaine ...... John, 508 Burhope, George, The Rev., Vicar ...... Thomas, 437 of Edlesborough, 261, 291 Bucknell, John, 204 Burial Registers, Refusal to produce, xx, 51 Buckner (Buckney), Lawrence, 108, 222, Burkett, Joseph, 371, 456 316, 359 Burlipp, see Birdlip Budd, James, 372 Burnard (Bernard) ...... John, 430 ...... Anne, 10 ...... Philip, 30 ...... Godfrey, 49 ...... Thomas, 468 ...... Paul, 378 Bue, see Bew ...... Richard, 5, 501 Bugby [blank], 195 ...... Roland, 96, 300 Bull, Benjamin, 278 ...... Thomas, 422 ...... Richard, 223 ...... alias Fuller, George, 266, 310, 362, 372, ...... Thomas, 212 373, 387, 414 ...... William, 69, 79, 83, 84, 118, 142, And see Barnard and Burnett 243, 335, 346 Burnett, Anne, 17, 26 Bulstrod, William, 118, 154 ...... Edward, 338, 339, 347, 358 Bun, see Bunne ...... Martha, 392 Bunce, Anne, 21 ...... Thomas, 17, 365 ...... Richard, 62 ...... The Rev., Curate of Quainton, 292 ...... Robert, 283 ...... Rector of Wex- Ham, 429 ...... Samuel, 283, 330, 412 ...... Ursula, 338, 347, 358 And see Barnard ...... Thomas, 87, 114, 175, 199,202, 317, and Burnard 455 Burney, see Barney Buncker (Bunkar) Burnham, 2, 8, 9, 22 (2), 31, 38, 45, 56, 64, 67, ...... John, 374 74, 91, 100, 102, 107 (2), 108, 115, 124, ...... Richard, 500 125, 133, 136, 139, 150, 154, 164, 178, 182, ...... Roger, 40, 385 191, 200, 212 (2), 232, 244, 246 (2), 250, Bunion (Bunyon) 262, 267, 277 (4), 278, 302, 309, 313, 319, ...... Henry, 425, 434 321, 330, 342 (2), 349, 353, 359, 365, 374, ...... John, 126, 132, 139, 144, 160 380, 390, 392, 407, 432, 435, 437, 438 (2), ...... Joshua, 132 470, 485 ...... William, 26 ...... Boveney in, see Boveney Bunne (Bun) ...... Cippenham in, see Cippenhan ...... Henry, 48, 69, 100, 219, 315 ...... Constables of, 2, 8, 31, 74, 154, 182, ...... Richard, 115 212, 232, 267, 302, 342, 353, 390, 432, 470 Burch, see Birch ...... Hundred of, 22, 48, 68, 91, 117, 147, Burcomb, John, 419, 446, 461, 467 175, 199, 220, 227, ...... Thomas, 22, 48 Burcott, 288, 329, 416, 510 And see Wing Burcott, Joseph, 416 Burgaine (Burgen, Burgoine) ...... John, 181, 348 528 ______

INDEX. 253, 260, 282, 329, 330, 353, 374, 419, Burton (Bourton) 422, 458, 499, 502 ...... Charles, 270 Burnham, Hundred of, Bailiffs for the, 227 ...... Edmund, 276 ...... Chief Constables for the, ...... John, 370 22, 48, 68, 91, 117, 147, 175, 199, 220, ...... Martha, 156, 157, 158 253, 282, 329, 374, 419, 458, 499 ...... Robert, 8 And see Chiltern, Hundreds of, 419, 458, ...... Burtwell, Mary, 212 499 Burtwhistle, John, 22, 48 ...... Meeting House at, 309 Busby, Abigail, 120, 128 ...... Special Sessions held at, 64 ...... John, 18, 29, 245 ...... “Wood Liberty” in, 309 ...... Sir, Knight, D.L., J.P., 151, 197, 219, Burnham (Burneham) 225, 235, 265, 304, 509 ...... Edward, 204, 284, 332, 421, 460 ...... Joseph, 12, 13 ...... Francis, 422, 459 ...... Judith, 12, 13 ...... Gerard, 495 ...... Mary, 12, 13, 21, 31, 36, 41 ...... John, 79, 88 ...... Robert, 12, 13 ...... Levi, 396 ...... William, J.P., 288, 295, 326, 326, 356, ...... Paul, 371, 385 416, 509 ...... Robert, 399, 409 ...... [blank], 463 ...... Roland, 333, 377 Bush, Luke (Lucas), 33, 265 ...... Thomas, 294, 298, 447 ...... Richard, 79, 223 ...... William, 20, 69, 84, 385 Bussy, Jane, 313 Burnham, East, 7, 49, 69, 92, 118, 135, 136, Butcher (Butches) 172, 182, 232, 247, 252, 253, 264, 267, ...... Anne, 507 272, 302, 342, 390, 417, 428 (2), 432, ...... John, 43, 80, 223, 246, 256, 260, 268, 436, 437, 470 276 ...... Constables of, 7, 49, 69, 92, 118, ...... Martha, 219 182, 232, 267, 302, 342, 390, 432, 470 ...... Mary, 66 ...... Elson’s Enclosure at, 247 ...... Matthew, 198, 203 ...... Little John’s Corner at, 247 ...... Richard, 14, 19 ...... Lord of the Manor of, 247 ...... Thomas, 127, 232, 267 ...... Mr. Clark’s Enclosure at, 247 ...... William, 148 Burrborough, William, 370 Butler (Buttler) Burridge, Henry, 90 ...... Anne, 62 ...... John, 55, 127, 132, 168, 181, 186, ...... Daniel, 70, 222, 255, 422, 500 193, 214 ...... Edward, 20, 91, 116, 163, 185, 274 ...... William, 400, 408, 410 ...... John, 167, 180, 192, 198, 207, 329, 374, Burrill, Robert, 164 415, 496 Burrows (Burroughs) ...... Sarah, 405, 415 ...... Andrew, 67, 450 ...... Susan, 138, 145 ...... Leonard, 92 ...... Richard, 138, 145, 146 ...... Moses, xvii, 151, 159, 170 ...... William, 388, 405 (2), 415, 427, 428 ...... Richard, 255 Butt, Edward (Edmund), The Rev., Rector of ...... Robert, 326 Stoke Goldington, 181, 293 ...... William, 184 Butterfield (Buttfield) ...... The Rev., Rector of Chenies, ...... Edward, 178, 222, 255, 340, 373, 419 290 ...... Henry, 38, 42 Burt (Birt) ...... Jonathan, 11, 40, 438 ...... Ellis (Elias), 23, 222, 397 ...... Mary, 241 ...... Joan,4 ...... Matthew, 20, 46, 68, 91, 114, 137, 175, ...... John, 285 439 ...... Robert, 475 ...... Michael, 38 ...... William, 131, 146, 175, 212 ...... Philip, 342 ...... Robert, 211 ...... Simon, 266 529 ______

INDEX. Butterfield (Buttfield) Carnall, William, 198 ...... Swithin, 441 Carnarvon, Charles, 2nd Earl of, xxi, 20 ...... Thomas, 9, 20, 81, 185, 253, 282, Carpenter, John, 15, 137, 171, 376 337, 374, 394, 419 ...... William, The Rev., Rector of Calverton, ...... Timothy, 147, 175 291 ...... William, The Rev., Rector of Carpin, John, 320 Middle Claydon, 293 Carr, Edward, 500 Button, William, 254 ...... John, 222, 255 ...... alias Davyes, John, 242, 248, 263 Carriers, Order concerning licences for, 216, Buy, Margaret, 73 225 Bynion, see Binion ...... Rates to be charged by, xvii, 426, 462, Byway, Anthony, 137 506 ...... John, 186, 199, 209 ...... Trading as, without licences, 63, 67 ...... Robert, 441, 448 Carrill (Carrell) ...... William, 174, 186, 193, 441, 448 ...... Edward, 414, 446 ...... John, 137, 414, 446 CADEMAN, John, The Rev., Rector of ...... Samuel, 414, 444, 446 Fingest, 289 Carter, Christopher, 508 Caine, see Cane ...... Edward (Edmund), 118, 179, 219, 256, Calcott, John, 142 302, 336, 345, 355, 371, 447, 477, 491 Caldecote, 454 ...... Frances, 389, 399, 400, 409, 410, 413, And see Brickhill, Bow 418, 430, 431, 439, 440 (2), 449 (2), 457, Calverton, 2, 22, 31, 74, 126, 127, 131, 132, 469, 476, 488, 497 139, 144, 173, 182, 190, 198, 224, 232, ...... Francis, 49, 70, 175, 199 234, 260, 265, 270 (4), 272, 291, 316 ...... George, 34, 190, 502 (2), 345, 350, 365, 459, 491 ...... Herbert, 109, 238 (2), 249 ...... Constables of, 2, 31, 74, 127, 182, ...... James, 142 232, 459 ...... Jeremiah, 324, 325 ...... Overseers of, 270 (2) ...... Job, 239 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... John, 34, 80, 173, 180, 198, 256, 267, Calvery, Richard, 325 284 (2), 397, 458, 502 Cambon, [blank], Colonel, xii, 482 ...... Nathaniel, 91, 117 Cambridgeshire, Cambridge in, 268 ...... Richard, 8, 486 ...... King’s College at, ...... Robert, 24, 70, 447 294, 296 ...... Samuel, 89, 167, 173, 397 Camock (Cammock), Edward, 91, 117, 240, ...... Sarah, 439 246, 259, 432, 439, 441, 442, 445, 453, 454 ...... Silvester, 29, 53 Campbell (Cambell) ...... Thomas, 69, 70, 189, 264, 348 ...... Duncan, 466, 467, 474 ...... William, 34, 49, 122, 274, 365, 455, 486, ...... Patrick, xvii, 432, 437 499, 502 Campion, Abraham, The Rev., Rector of Cartwright, Anne, 42, 50 Monks Risborough, 290 ...... Margaret, 81 ...... Dennis, 177 Carwood (Carrwood) ...... Richard, 370 ...... Edward, 463 Candles, The Assize in, 63 ...... Margaret, 88, 127, 134 Cane (Caine) ...... Mary, 463 ...... Elizabeth, 110 Cary (Carey), John, 286, 307, 308, 359, 495, ...... Thomas, 459 501 ...... [blank], Mr., 64, 70, 98 Casey, Edward, 80 Cannon, Thomas, 20 Cassall, Hester, 496 ...... William, 49, 70, 118, 176, 178, 179, Castle Thorpe, 126, 132, 144, 174, 233, 349, 329, 374, 394, 438 410, 469 Caple, Robert, 218 Catharall, George, 300 Cardwell, see Cordwell Catlin, Robert, 294, 298, 300 Carey, see Cary Caversfield, 254, 291, 478 Carnall, Robert, 203 530 ______

INDEX. Caversfield, Constables of, 254 Chandler, James, 286, 307 ...... Vicar of, 291 ...... John, 80, 213, 217, 218 Cawdry, see Cordery ...... Percival, 302, 475 Chabbert, James, 436 ...... Richard, 11, 29 (2), 40, 45, 54, 148, 213 Chackmore, 61, 64, 270 (3), 310 343, 373, (4), 217 (3), 218 (4), 222, 237, 244, 245 (2), 478, 491 246, 249, 250, 252, 262, 265, 306, 307 (2), 420 ...... Liberty of, 478 ...... Thomas, 213 (2), 217, 218 (2), 306, 386 ...... Meeting house at, 310 ...... William, 352, 362 And see Chanterill (Chantrell) Chadd, William. 6 ...... Richard, 332 Chadwell, William, 120, 129, 155 ...... William, 153, 161, 167, 174 Chaley, see Chalvey Chapel Green, Co. Berks, 479 Chalfont (Chalfant, Chalfon) Chapman (Chappman) ...... Rebecca, 153, 161, 166 ...... Anthony, 289, 295, 350 ...... Thomas, 72 ...... Henry, 141 ...... William, 153, 161, 166, 174, 186, ...... Joan, 211 203, 352, 401 ...... John, 37, 252, 255, 261 (2), 264 (2), 271, Chalfont St. Giles, xx, 7, 29, 37, 71, 105, 272 (2), 280, 283, 306, 314, 468, 473, 163, 164, 188, 190, 207, 210, 244, 267, 474, 475, 485 274, 308, 309, 312, 353, 370, 400, 440, ...... Richard, 256 441, 452, 456, 458, 463, 472 ...... Roger, J.P., 155, 251, 252, 289, 295, 383, ...... … ...... Constables of, 7, 274, 312, 509 353, 400, 441 ...... Thomas, 59, 100, 124, 151, 272, 289, ...... … ...... Meeting houses at, 309, 456 371, 467 ...... … ...... New Jordans at, xx, 309 ...... ……… The Rev., Rector of , Chalfont St. Peter, 2, 3, 15, 32, 37, 39, 48, 291 67, 105, 117, 124, 188, 200, 207, 211, 212, ...... ……… The Rev., Rector of Little Kimble, 214, 290, 307, 308, 311, 314, 338 (2), 339 288 (2), 347, 358 (2), 359, 368, 369, 385, 410, ...... William, 14 419, 441, 447, 450, 466, 472, 481, 494, 495 Chapmen, Order concerning, xiv, 156 ...... Constables of, 200, 311, Chappell, Robert, 59, 319 410, 441, 450 ...... Roger, 476, 484, 485, 495 ...... Conveyance of Cripples, etc., ...... Thomas, 158 through, 15, 32, 37 Chardge, Ellen, 165 ...... Vicar of, 290, 314 ...... George, 47, 72, 123, 208 Chalgrave, Co. Bedford, 425 ...... Giles, 170 Chalkmere, see Chackmore ...... Mary, 47 Chaloner, Richard, 89 ...... Richard, 47 ...... [blank], 491 ...... Robert, 203 Chalsey, see Chalvey Charles, King, I, Letters patent by, 344 Chalvey, 12, 23, 31, 210, 284 ...... Service under, xi, 365, 402 (2), ...... Constables of, 23, 210, 284 427, 505, 506 And see Upton ...... II, Libel against, 172 Chamberlyn, James, 54 ...... Plot against, x, 129 Chambers, Joseph, 126, 301 ...... Servant of, 310 ...... Thomas, 80 ...... Service under, xi, 346, 402, 412, Champ, William, 333 436, 444 483, 506 Champernoone, Charles, The Rev., Curate ...... Robert, 198, 219 of Hulcott, 291 ...... alias Jacks, Robert, 138, 144 Chancellor, The Lord, 25 Charlton (on Otmoor), Co. Oxford, 320 Chandler (Chaundler) Charndon, 34, 122, 130, 159, 238, 316, 321, ...... Francis, 174 334, 354, 396, 478 ...... George, 213, 217, 218 (2) ...... Liberty of, 478 ...... Wood Lane in, 478 And see Twyford 531 ______

INDEX. Charsley, see Chearsley Chersley, see Chearsley Charterhouse, The, 112 Chesham, 5 (2), 6 (3), 10, 19 (3), 29, 34, 35, 36, Chase, James, J.P., 509 38, 39 (2), 47, 48 (2), 61, 63, 64, 74, 81, 87 (2), ...... John, 219, 438, 446 90 (2), 91, 93, 104, 107 (2), 113 (4), 117, ...... …… J.P., 91, 117, 147, 149 175, 509 136(2), 147 (2), 170, 172 (2), 176, 178, 182, ...... Richard, 29, 39 184, 186, 189 (2), 190, 192, 196, 204 (2), ...... Stephen, J.P., 509 207, 209, 210, 219, 227, 231, 247, 250, 253, Chasely, John, 182 254, 260, 261, 269, 277, 282, 286, 289, 294 Chater, John, 192, 209 (5), 297, 298 (5), 300 (5), 305, 307, 308, 309 ...... Matthew, 102, 105, 106 (2), 313, 315, 318, 340, 341, 345, 349 (2), 352, Chattell, Barnaby, 110 354, 362, 363, 372, 379 (3), 383, 385, 386, Chaundler, see Chandler 392, 393, 397, 405, 410, 417, 418, 429, 430 Chearsley, 43, 91, 104, 185, 187, 204, 237, (2), 431, 436, 437, 438, 442, 445, 446 (3), 245, 264, 271, 272, 284, 300, 318, 332, 448 (2), 451, 454, 455, 464, 465, 471, 481, 357, 420 487, 491, 503, 504, 507 (3), 508 ...... Constables of, 284, 332, 420 ...... Ashley Green, in, see Ashley Green ...... Hawkes Bridge in, 245, 271 ...... Bellendon in, see Bellingdon ...... Minister of, 187 ...... Bottley in, see Bottley ...... Meeting house at, 300 ...... Chiltern Lands, The, in, 393 Chearsley (Charsley, Chersley) ...... Constables of, 507 ...... John, 208, 267, 283, 429, 441 ...... Great Elm at, 38 ...... Joseph, 442, 445 (2), 446, 454 ...... Ley Green in, 300 ...... Nathaniel, 442, 445, 446, 454 ...... Market Place at, 38 ...... Robert, 7, 71 ...... Meeting houses at, 300 (5), 309, 429 ...... Thomas, 133, 276, 294, 298, 300, ...... Overseers of, 260 387, 486 ...... Sessions held at, 5, 34, 59, 349 ...... William, 432 ...... Vicar of, 289 Cheating, see under Offences ...... Whelpley Hill in, 300 Chebnall, see Chibnell Chesham Bois, 117, 239, 244, 274, 277, 282, Cheddington, 24, 59, 61, 68, 97, 117, 148, 290, 319, 353, 374, 400, 441, 480 163, 221, 251, 254, 256, 269, 276, 277, ...... Constables of, 239, 274, 353, 400, 291, 332, 349, 376, 420, 429, 461, 471, 441, 480 492, 498, 501 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... Constables of, 24, 117, 148, Chesheir (Cheshire) 221, 254, 256, 332, 376, 420, 461, 501 ...... George, 68, 91, 441, 450 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... John, 134 Cheely, see ...... Thomas, 87, 284, 332 Cheesman, John, 11 ...... The Rev., 387 Chelsea, Co. Middlesex, 423 Cheshire, Chester in, 196, 367 Cheneles (Chennells), John, 48, 68, Chesly, William, 231 114, 208 Chessall (Chesswell, Chiswell), Robert, 22, 39, Cheney, Thomas, 19 48, 85, 97, 103, 165, 398 Chenies, 31, 34 (2), 56, 69, 92, 113 (2), 118, Chesswell, see Chessall 123, 221, 227, 254, 256, 283, 290, 327 (2), Chester, Co. Chester, 196, 367 330, 337, 338, 339 (3), 348, 460 Chester, Anthony, Sir, 3rd Bart., J.P., 134, 304, ...... Constables of, 56, 69, 92, 118, 221, 509 254, 256, 283, 330, 460 , 4 (2), 7, 20, 23, 29, 34, 71, 76, 110, ...... Rector of, 290 175, 253, 256, 301, Chepping Wiccomb, see Wycombe, High Chepsey (Chepsay), Edward, The Rev., Vicar of Wolverton, 292, 325 Cherry, George, 114, 171 ...... Joan, 504 ...... Matthew, 198 Chersall, Robert, 438 532 ______

INDEX. 325 (3), 326 (2), 388 (2), 347 (2), 348, 358, Chilton, Robert, 232 393, 401, 498, 507 Chimneys, Dangerous, see under Offences Chetwode, Constables of, 7, 23, 256 Chinnor, Co. Oxford, 42 Chevall (Chewall), John, 317, 324 Chipping Norton, Co. Oxford, 46 Chew, Samuel, 383 Chipping Wiccomb, see Wycombe, High Chewne, see Chowne Chiswell, see Chessall Cheyne, William, J.P., 509 Chitch, John, 363, 410 Chibnell (Chebnall) Chittwood, see Chetwode ...... Anthony, 406 Chocolate, Licence to sell, xx, 306 ...... Nicholas, 200 Cholesbury, 13, 36, 118, 166, 254, 430 (2), ...... Richard, 374, 406, 421 437, 438, 442, 445, 451, 487 Chicheley, 55, 96, 119, 173, 235, 242, 248, ...... Constables of, 118, 254 304, 331, 369, 422, 459 Chowne (Chewne) ...... Constables of, 331, 422, 459 ...... Edward, 302 Chickesly, see Chicheley ...... Isaac, 49 Chief Constables, see Constables, Chief ...... John, 84, 91, 116, 230 Child, Anne, 19, 20, 29 Chripps, see Cripps ...... Benjamin, 19, 490(2) Christ Church, see London, City of ...... Francis, 29 Christmas (Chrismas, Christmasse) ...... Giles, 133 (2), 208 ...... Jane, 101 ...... Henry, 133 ...... John, 27, 64, 88, 115 ...... John, 133, 300, 326, 352, 467, 482, ...... Richard, 266, 277, 449 490 (2) Church, Absence from, see under Offences ...... Nathaniel, 59, 230, 276, 340, 354, ...... Conformity with, necessary for public 429, 438, 500 appointments, 111, 112 ...... Thomas, 10 ...... Constables to report absentees from, ...... Timothy, 67, 124, 133, 153, 161, 166, 111 173 Church, Edward, 85, 157, 221 ...... William, 5, 73, 133, 166, 354 ...... Gabriel, 415 ...... [blank], widow, 6 ...... Joseph, 133, 139, 144 Chiltern, Hundreds of, [i.e., ...... Joshua, 448 Burnham, Desborough, and Stoke, ...... Margary, 153, 161, 166 q.v.], xiv, 20, 72, 105, 140, 157, 184, 348, ...... Phyllis, 11 426, 494 ...... Richard, 182 ...... …...... Bailiffs for the, 20, 72, ...... Robert, 144, 152, 160, 166, 173, 186, 105, 140, 157, 348, 494 192, 214, 363 ...... Bridewell for the, see ...... Thomas, 153, 161, 166, 174, 186, 203, under Wycombe, High 238 ...... Rates of wages in the, ...... William, 132, 152, 160, 167, 173, 180, xvii, 227, 228 186, 192, 198, 232, 237, 250, 255, 327, 346, ...... Treasurers for maimed 502 soldiers in the, 76 Churchill, Henry, 61, 266, 271, 272 Chilton, 20, 70, 123, 128, 168, 171, ...... Joseph, 55 215, 223, 238, 242, 250 (2), 267, 268, 273, ...... Tobias, 95, 135, 230, 272 (2), 385, 505, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 289, 295, 309, 506 370, 372, 377, 396, 422, 460, 466 Churchwardens, Orders concerning ...... Church Close in, 281 the appointment of, 112 ...... Constables of, 168, 215, 267, 377, Cinnon, William, 255 422, 460 Cippenham, 7, 49, 69, 92, 118, 222, 255, 284, ...... Easington in, see Easington 325, 330, 342, 375, 376, 422, 502 Chilton, Edward, 27 ...... Constables of, 7, 49, 69, 92, 118, 222, ...... Francis, 78 255, 284, 330, 342, 375, 376, 422, 502 ...... George, 7, 20, 23 And see Burnham ...... Joan, 73, 77, 166, 174 ...... John, 81, 117, 166, 174, 176, 294, 296, 412 ...... Judith, 81 533 ______

INDEX. Civil War, Soldiers who fought in the, x, xi, Claydon, Botolph, 49, 70, 71, 179, 184 (2), 247, 260, 402, 427, 505 254, 377, 393, 401 Clare, Andrew, 126, 138, 144, 173 ...... Constables of, 49, 70, 377 ...... John, 126, 198, 203 And see Claydon, East ...... William, 317 Claydon, East, 12, 23, 27, 37, 54, 70, 71, 82, Claridge (Clarridge), John, 174, 181, 186, 92, 119, 184, 185, 191, 222, 234, 283, 291, 197, 272 332, 334, 359, 377, 415 Clark (Clarke, Clerke) ...... Bottle Claydon in, see Claydon, ...... Anne, 383 Botolph ...... Charles, 395, 407 ...... Constables of, 23, 70, 92, 119, ...... Elisha, 254, 283 222, 283, 332 ...... Elizabeth, 96, 125, 133, 138, 145, 172 ...... Vicar of, 291 ...... Ellis, 477 Claydon, Middle, 203 (2), 204, 208, 239 (2), ...... Esau, 266, 271, 272 249, 293. 304, 508 ...... Ezekiel, 70, 91, 92, 117 ...... Rector of, 293 ...... Francis, 80, 89, 297, 353, 358, 491 Claydon, Steeple, 2, 10, 17, 19, 30, 54, 56, 74, ...... George, 282, 329 97, 110, 135, 137, 142 (2), 145, 150, 159, ...... Henry, 123, 176, 311, 407, 508 179 (2), 190, 199, 214, 232, 267, 272 (2), 273, ...... Humphrey, 319, 357, 363, 368, 384, 277, 279 (2), 282, 283, 293 (2), 298 (2), 299, 396, 419 315, 335, 372, 385, 410, 415, 441, 476, 478, ...... James, 69, 133, 138, 145, 172, 292, 491, 506, 508 296, 299 ...... Constables of, 2, 56, 74, 159, 232, ...... John, 60, 65, 66, 78, 80, 153, 165, 267, 283, 410 170, 176, 177, 188, 226 (2), 227, 237, 243, ...... Manor of, 478, 491 281, 315, 330, 340, 353, 370, 454, 500 ...... Meeting house at, 299 ...... J.P., 509 ...... Wood Lane in, 478 ...... Joseph, 86 Clayton (Cleyton) ...... Mary, 1, 18 ...... Henry, 257, 447 ...... Matthew, 323 ...... Thomas, Sir, Knight, J.P., 509 ...... Richard, 102, 106, 147, 325, 352, And see Claydon 362, 386 Cleaver, George, 494 ...... Robert, 96, 115, 192, 299 Cleer, Francis, 316 ...... Samuel, The Rev., 439 ...... Thomas, 64 ...... Simon, 377 Cleeve, John, The Rev., Vicar of Ivinghoe, 273, ...... Thomas, 49, 57, 60, 115, 146, 175, 292 183, 257, 283, 390, 395, 407 Clements (Clemence, Clemens, Clement) ...... William, 4, 75, 178, 186, 190 (2), 287, ...... Jane, 415 327, 390 (2), 391, 395 (2), 407 ...... John, xi, 197, 357, 412, 501 ...... [blank], widow, 300 ...... Mary, 247 Claver, Arthur, 137, 179 ...... Thomas, 117, 421, 455 ...... Peter, 506 ...... William, 415 ...... William, 318 Clerke, see Clark Claydon (Cleydon) Clerk of the Peace, The, see under County ...... Edward, 299 Clewer, Co. Berks, 162 ...... Francis, 23, 49 Cleworth, see Clewer ...... Henry, 119, 222 Clewre, see Cluer ...... Isaac, 428 Cleydon, see Claydon ...... Jane, 120 Clifton, Hugh, 144, 198 ...... John, 120 ...... John, 151, 157, 158, 209 ...... Joseph, 377, 421 ...... Joseph, 34 ...... Thomas, 333 ...... Robert, 40 ...... William, 24, 50 ...... Samuel, 173, 186 And see Clayton ...... Thomas, 397 534 ______

INDEX. Clifton, [blank], 180 Coleman, John, 24, 213, 226, 235, 241, 243 (2) Clifton Reynes, 1, 4, 55, 126, 131, 132, 138, ...... Mary, 108, 153, 161, 174, 209, 214, 219 144, 152, 166, 174, 181, 186, 192, 198, ...... Ralph, 446, 454 400, 408, 423, 434, 450, 456 (2), 459, 500 ...... Robert, 1, 2, 12, 21 ...... Constables of, 459, 500 ...... Thomas, 138 ...... Kite Close Lane in, 1 ...... William, 316 ...... Meeting house at, 456 Coles (Coales, Cole) Clinch, Stephen, 370 ...... Anne, 361, 365, 369 Clinton, John, 73 ...... Benedict (Bennett), 108, 501 Clisby, Arthur, 62 ...... Benjamin, 115, 461 ...... Edward, 118 ...... Christopher, 80 Clive, Thomas, 178 ...... James, 34 (2), 39 Cluer (Clewer, Clewre) ...... John, 117, 148, 166, 369, 378 385, 501 ...... George, 142, 201, 496 ...... Mary, 102 ...... The Rev., Curate of High ...... Nicholas, 237 Wycombe, 290 ...... Richard, 102, 108, 115, 301, 328 (2), Coales, see Coles 373, 380, 386, 388, 400, 475 Coates, Charles, 157, 227 ...... Samuel, 312 ...... Christopher, 221 ...... Thomas, 108, 115, 179, 183, 188, 223, ...... Richard, 332, 377 255, 265, 407 ...... William, 500 ...... William, 14, 102, 108, 115, 408 (2), 456 Cobb, Thomas, Sir, 1st Bart., 503 ...... [blank], Mr., 57 Cobcott, John, 225, 236, 243, 244, Coleshill, Co. Hertford, now Co. Buckingham, 249, 255, 265 200, 336 Cobham, Co. Surrey, 467 Coleway, Daniel, 108 Cock (Cocke) Collcell (Colsell) ...... Edward, 107 ...... John, 193 ...... Elias, 178 ...... Matthew, 30 ...... Henry, 353, 400 ...... William, 168 ...... James, 301 Collectors of Taxes, Extortion by, 30, 56 ...... John, 62, 122, 178 (2), 267, 428 Collen (Colen), William, 23, 49 ...... Joseph, xiv, 178, 184 Collett, Francis, 121 ...... Stephen, 236, 242, 248, 250 ...... John, 5, 164, 171, 237, 317 ...... Thomas, 59, 239, 437 ...... Mary, 125 ...... William, 36, 59, 61, 142, 220, 253, ...... Richard, 96, 116, 125, 133, 138, 145, 396 172 ...... [blank], Mr., 44 ...... William, 475 And see Cox Collier, see Collyer Cockdale (Cogdale), Henry, 114, 429 Collingridge, Peter, 73, 126, 132, 138, 166, Cocker, see Coker 173, 181, 192, 198, 203, 208, 214, 399, 409, Cockman, Richard, 202, 230 418, 431, 440, 448, 449, 457, 469, 476, 477, Coe, John, 203, 207 488, 497, 498 ...... William, 454 ...... William, 399, 409 Coffee, Licences to sell, xx, 61, 306 Collins (Collyns) Coffee House, Licence to keep a, 306 ...... Anne, 207, 397 Cogdale, see Cockdale ...... Bernard, 6, 35, 89, 114, 179, 256, 302, Cogges, Daniel, 22, 70, 114 407 Coker (Cocker) ...... Humphrey, 420 ...... Henry, 223, 267 ...... John, 191, 390, 432 ...... John, 385 ...... Mary, 240 Colborne, Robert, 308 ...... Richard, xiv, 13, 15, 122, 172, 184, 238 Cold Brayfield, see Brayfield, Cold Cole, see Coles Colebrook, see Colnbrook Coleman, Francis, 108, 115, 143, 153, 161, 167, 174, 180, 187, 192, 198, 203, 209, 214, 219 535 ______

INDEX. Collins. Thomas, 42, 107, 236, 242, Constables, Petty, Appointment of, 2, 7, 14, 248, 263, 388, 414, 415, 455 23, 24, 31, 41, 56, 69, 70, 74, 91, 117, 127, ...... William, 231, 240 147, 154, 168, 182, 214, 221, 232, 239. 245, ...... alias Deane, Francis, 359, 502 254, 267, 274, 279, 283, 302, 311, 319, 330, ...... Zachariah, 20, 165 342, 352, 363, 374, 389, 400, 410, 419, 432, Collision, Robert, 12, 13 441, 450, 458, 469, 479, 488, 499 Collopp, John, 227 ...... Orders concerning, Collyer (Collier) 111, 258 ...... John, 44 ...... Discharge of, xviii, 28, 234, 364, ...... Paul, 118 390 ...... Thomas 32 ...... Irregular appointment of, 313 Colnbrook, xvii, xix, 23, 46, 88, 91, 110 116 ...... Neglect of duty by, see under (2), 136, 142, 148, 154 (2), 157 (2), 158, Offences 161 (3), 162, 181 (3), 187 (2), 190, 201 Contempt of Court, see under Offences (2), 222, 236, 242, 245, 246, 248, 250, 254, Conventicles, Unlawful, xviii, 389, 402 259, 260, 265, 284, 287, 288, 313, 331, ...... “Conviction money” for, xviii, 128, 334, 343, 344, 376, 388, 389, 392, 134, 135, 149 (2), 156, 162, 169 397, 398, 401, 411, 418, 430, 446 (2), 461, ...... Orders concerning, xviii, 26, 52, 489, 496, 497, 502, 506, 507, 508 111, 128, 150 ...... Bridges at, xix, 313, 334, 343, 344, Cook (Cooke) 401, 411 ...... Anne, 84 ...... Chapel at, xvii, 116, 181, 187, 389 ...... Edward, 126, 143, 167 ...... Constables of, 23, 148, 222, 254, ...... Elizabeth, 126, 167 284, 376, 461, 502 ...... James, 74 ...... Fairs and Markets at, xix, 344 ...... John, 126, 132, 167, 173, 375, 415 ...... Meeting house at, 398 ...... Joseph, 172 ...... Overseers of, 259 ...... Richard, 126, 132, 139, 144, 160, 254 ...... Sessions held at, 287 ...... Sextus, 422 Colsell, see Collcell ...... Silvester, 266, 272 Coltshill, see Coleshill ...... Thomas, 125, 133, 143, 153(2), 160, Combes, Ralph, “Conductor” of 173, 302, 342, 348, 352, 436, 500 Eton College, 294, 296 ...... William, 91, 126, 132 (2), 153, 167, 173, Combinations, Illegal formation of, 302, 318, 324, 326, 332, 374, 415, 422, 459, see under Offences 500 Coming (Commin, Cummins, Cummyn) ...... Winifred, 338 ...... Christopher, 221, 249, 255 Cookham, Co. Berks, 11, 16, 124, 247 (2), 317, ...... Francis, 421, 485 474, 485 ...... Thomas, 301 Cooley, Henry, 424 Commissions of the Peace, 275, 281 Cooper, Edward, 110, 115, 132, 138 Common Pleas, Court of, 282 ...... Elizabeth, 152 Connett (Connett,) Hery, 180, 286, ...... George, 256 288, 307 ...... Henry, 96, 282, 329, 360, 447, 477 Conney (Coney, Cunney) ...... John, 118, 152, 157, 181, 279, 320, 399, ...... David, 383 406 (2), 414, 415, 488 ...... Henry, 115, 126 ...... Sarah, 371 ...... John, 182, 190 ...... Thomas, 46, 132, 144, 152, 160, 166, ...... Matthew (Matthias), 117, 171 173 (2), 181, 186, 192, 203, 376 ...... Samuel, 383, 500 ...... William, 318 ...... Thomas, 115 ...... [blank], widow, 27 Conningham, see Cunningham Constables, Chief, Appointment of, 22, 47, 48, 68, 90, 116, 146, 174, 199, 220, 253, 282, 303, 329, 373. 418, 457, 498 ...... Orders concerning, 111, 258 536 ______

INDEX. Coote, Thomas, 24 Cottesloe, Hundred of, Bailiffs for the, 72, 140, Cope, Jonathan, 49 177, 348, 406, 446, 494, 495 ...... William, 99 ...... Chief constables for the, 22, Copland, Josias, 311 48, 68, 91, 117, 146, 149, 175, 200, 220, Corbett, Elizabeth, 201 253, 282, 329, 332, 373, 401, 418, 419, 458, ...... Robert, 477 498 ...... William, 477 Cottingdon, see Cuddington Corby, Elizabeth, 494 Cottington, see Godington ...... Mary, 79 Cotton, John, 396 ...... Richard, 81, 159, 494, 507 ...... William, 467 ...... William, 106, 189, 237, 486 Couley, see Cowley Cordell (Cordall) County, Bridges, 181, 188, 194, 314, 413, 444, ...... Richard, 312 452, 463, 490 ...... Thomas, The Rev., Vicar of High And see Bridges Wycombe, 290 ...... Clerk of the Peace for the, ix, x, xviii, 52, Cordery (Cawdry) 77, 78, 79, 100, 105, 112, 113, 123, 127, 130 ...... John, 502 (2), 135, 136, 142, 150, 156 (2), 158, 164, 171, ...... Thomas, 7, 170, 396, 416, 424 177, 178, 183, 185, 189, 191, 197, 201, 202, Cordwell (Cardwell) 207, 212, 213 (2), 216 (2), 218, 229, 234, ...... Richard, 151, 254 240, 250, 258, 261, 265, 269, 272, 279, 286, ...... Robert, 78, 385 303, 306, 308, 317, 323, 326, 340, 346 (2), ...... William, 78 349, 359, 366, 370 378 (2), 381, 382, 386, 397, Corker, Henry, 419, 458 407, 413, 416, 429, 438, 447, 455, 467, Corner, Nicholas, 91 471, 473, 475, 486, 495, 508 ...... Robert, 7 And see Gillmore, William; Corney, Richard, The Rev., Rector of Little Neale, Francis; Smith. Woolstone, 293 Thomas; and Weedon, Cornish, Charles, The Rev., Curate of Aston Cavendish Sandford, 291 ...... Coroner of the, 96, 172, 314, 366, 427, Coroner, The, see under County 436, 456 Cossens, see Cozens And see Turner, Richard; and Mead, Robert Costard (Coster, Costord) ...... Deputy Clerk of the Peace for the, xiv, ...... Henry, 221, 310, 406 150, 184 ...... John, 133 ...... Deputy Lieutenants of the, xi, 194, 235, ...... Joseph, 221, 254 355, 367, 465 ...... Moses, 84, 88, 376, 420 ...... Deputy Sheriff of the, see Under-Sheriff ...... Nathaniel, 101, 105 (2), 172, 299, of the 410 ...... Gaol (at Aylesbury), xiv, xv, 9, 15, 17, 43, ...... Thomas, 420, 458 50, 94. 112, 141 (2), 189, 196, 200, 224. 235, ...... William, 222 280, 286, 304, 305, 321, 323 (2), 335, 365, Coster, see Costard 380, 392 (2), 394, 403, 413, 442, 444, 453, 403 Coston, Francis, The Rev., 288, 295 (2), 464, 490, 492 (2), 505 (3), 506 Costyan, Thomas, 276 ...... Allowances for prisoners in the, xv, Cottages, Building or “continuing” illegally, 241, 305, 323, 492, 505 see under Offences ...... Children born in the, xv, 224, 234, ...... Licences for, 8, 33, 260, 286, 304,323, 380, 392, 394, 442, 463 56, 60, 156, 176, 194, 200, 216, 247, 257, (2), 464, 494, 506 433 Cotterell (Cotterill) ...... Charles, Sir, Knight, 141 ...... John, 265 ...... Richard, 495 Cottesloe, Hundred of, 22, 48, 68, 72, 91, 117, 140, 146, 149, 175, 177, 200, 220, 253, 282, 329, 332, 348, 373, 401, 406, 418, 419, 446, 458, 494, 495, 498, 501 537 ______

INDEX. County Gaol, Deaths in the, xv, 323, 337, son, Joseph; and under King’s Bench, and 366 (2), 380, 492 (2) Maimed Soldiers ...... Escapes from the, xv, 463 County, Under-Sheriff of the, 52, 106, 114, ...... Gaolers of the, xv, 44, 95, 141, 123, 140, 143, 149 (2), 162, 165, 169, 177, 149, 196, 200, 224, 240, 280, 314, 323, 192, 202, 224, 240, 244, 286, 317, 346, 356, 335, 337, 356, 366, 367, 380, 394, 360, 382, 394, 408, 423, 427, 443, 453, 456, 402, 413, 444, 463, 480, 483, 492, 505 463, 473, 484, 486, 494, 506 And see And see Benson, William; and Birtch, Barnewell, Thomas Nathaniel Courd, Thomas, 49 ...... Medical treatment in the, xv, Course, Thomas, 363, 421, 469 280, 403, 444, 453, 464, 483, 493, 505 (2) Court, Contempt of, see under Offences ...... Rent for the, xv, 141 ...... Crier of the, 109, 201 ...... Repairs to the. xv, 112, 141, 196, ...... Disobeying an order of, see under 200, 235, 413, 444, 463, 505 Offences ...... Justices of the, 508-511 ...... Leet and Baron, 58 ...... Lords Lieutenants of the, 189. 193, ...... Non-attendance at, see under Offences 355, 367 ...... of Common Pleas, see Common Pleas ...... Militia of the, see Militia ...... of King’s Bench, see King’s Bench ...... Pensioners, x, xi, 17 (2), 27 (3), 38, Courtley, William, 419 43, 60 (2), 66 (2), 82 (2), 86, 87, 104, 112, Coventry, George, 320, 410 170 (2), 189 (2), 196, 205, 211 (2), 225, 234 ...... Joseph, 17 (2), 240, 247, 248, 260 (2), 304, 323, 346, ...... Thomas, 222, 256 402 (3), 427, 444, 473, 483, 505 (2), 506 ...... William, 108 ...... Pensions, Orders concerning, 43, 94, Cowdrey, Francis, 67 100, 121 (2), 177, 240, 259, 270 Cowley, 68, 125, 222, 255, 283, 328, 478, 479 ...... Receiver General of the, (2), 491 see Treasurer of the ...... Constables of, 222, 255, 283 ...... Sheriff of the, x, xiii, 1, 6, 11 (2), 15, ...... Liberty of, 479 35 (2), 40, 46, 52, 54, 55, 59, 62, 67, 73, ...... Preston in, see Preston Bissett 79, 83, 84, 89, 95, 101, 110, 114, 122, 124, Cowley (Couley) 128, 131, 134, 135, 137, 143 (2), 151, 159, ...... Enoch, 90 165 (2), 171, 179, 185, 191, 197, 202, 208, ...... George, 6 213, 219, 230, 237, 244, 246, 250, 259, ...... James, 14 281, 287, 308, 314, 317, 326, 340, 349, ...... Mary, 72 356, 360 (2), 397, 398, 407, 408, 416 (2), ...... Richard, 364 423, 427, 429 (2), 438 (2), 447, 455, 456, ...... Thomas, 43, 82, 104, 493, 505 475 (2), 486 (2), 496 ...... William, 90, 125, 126, 160, 166, 173, ...... Bailiff of the, 487 180, 186, 190, 214, 254, 369 ...... Treasurers of the, xiii, 43, 44, 52, 71, Cox (Cocks, Coxe) 77, 82 (2), 93, 94 (2), 95, 100, 104, 106, ...... Bridget, 299 109, 121, 122, 141, 149, 150, 163, 224 (2), ...... Dorothy, 316 234, 257, 270, 274, 275, 280, 303, 304, ...... Elizabeth. 328, 338, 339, 347, 355, 508 305, 355, 366, 413, 419, 426 (2), 464 And ...... Henry, 283, 333, 498 see Freer, Thomas; Raw...... Joan, 355 ...... John, 56, 92, 96, 116, 125, 138 145, 172, 173, 186, 192, 197, 198, 203, 204, 207 (2), 220, 232, 267, 284, 374, 421, 441 ...... Joseph, 284, 377 ...... Margaret, 96, 116, 125 ...... Mary, 132, 207 ...... Nathaniel, 197 538 ______

INDEX. Cox, Richard, 35, 62, 137, 178, 197, 470, Cripples, Removal of, Orders concerning, xiv, 487 15, 32, 37, 492, 504 ...... Robert, 63, 196, 487 Cripps (Chripps) ...... Simon, 417, 453 ...... Elizabeth, 380 ...... Thomas, 74, 173, 267, 284 ...... Francis, 332, 460, 501 ...... William, 118, 144, 148, 197, 255, ...... John, 22, 23, 48, 49, 115, 147, 255, 308, 272, 283, 508 338, 348 And see Cock ...... Thomas, 20, 72, 232, 469 Coxhead, Edward, 153, 283 Croft, see Crofts Cozens (Cossens, Curzons) Crofton, see Crafton ...... John, 62, 184, 244 Crofton, Nathaniel, 165 (2), 171, 177 ...... Robert, 353, 358, 360, 368, 369, 383, Crofts (Croft) 386 ...... John, The Rev., Vicar of Grandborough, Cracknell, John, 24, 50, 255, 284, 437 456 Craft, Thomas, 284 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Winslow, 291 Crafton, 97, 245, 251, 269, 276, 410 ...... Thomas, 16, 19, 330 ...... Constables of, 245, 410 Croke, see Crooke And see Mentmore and Wing Crompton, Robert, 118 Craker, Edward, 375 ...... Thomas, 352, 361, 362, 373, 388, 389, Crane, Hugh, 56, 74 399, 400, 405, 409, 410, 418, 430 ...... Matthew, 40, 53, 182 ...... J.P. 509 Cranfield. Co. Bedford, 386 ...... [blank], Mr., 134, 139 Cranke, Thomas, xi, 365 Cromwell, Thomas, 197 Cranwell, Anne, 205 Crooke (Croke, Crook) ...... John, 221, 253 ...... Daniel, 189 Crasman, John, 332, 376 ...... alias George, 194 Crawley, Daniel, 160 ...... John, 49, 70 ...... Edward, 420, 501 ...... Robert, Sir, Knight, 411 ...... Gabriel, 223 ...... Thomas, 332, 375 ...... John, 230, 253. 282, 468 ...... William, J.P., 250, 289, 295. 509 Crawley. Little, 374 ...... [blank], Mr., 225 ...... Constables of, 374 Croshar, see Crowshaw Crawley, North, 55, 85, 86, 90, 96, Cross (Crosse) 126, 132, 139, 144, 152, 160 (2), 167, 168 ...... George, 421, 461, 502 (2), 173, 180, 186, 192, 198, 213, 238, 289, ...... John, 36, 45 295, 326, 331, 375, 422, 459. 462, 500 ...... Peter, 202 ...... Constables of, 331, 375, 422, ...... Richard, 202, 215 459, 500 Crouch, George, 127 ...... Rector of, 289, 295 ...... Henry, 226 (2), 236 (2), 243 Crendon, Long, xix, 29, 48, 79, 88, 123, 146, ...... John, 82 158, 159, 174, 184, 199, 209, 212, 215, ...... Thomas, 98, 118 225, 244, 264, 267, 271, 272, 299, 310, Crown Office, The, 225 329, 351, 358, 360, 362, 368, 369, 372, Crowshaw (Chrowshaw, Croshar), Thomas, 373, 383, 384, 386, 441, 448, 452, 462, 218, 384, 396, 481, 484, 495 466, 472, 480, 495, 505 Crowson, William, 226, 235, 243 ...... Hawkes Bridge at, 159, 209, Croxon, Thomas, 72, 236, 242, 248, 263, 397 225, 244, 271, 480 Crutch, Thomas, 133 ...... Meeting houses at, 299, 310 Cubbidge, Robert, 62 Crier of the Court, The, 109, 201 Cublington, 5, 14, 22, 56, 87, 105, 130, 136, Crimes, see Offences 168, 192, 194, 207, 214, 223, 225, 243, 251, Crimes, Jonathan, 167 255, 256, 269, 276, 285, 292, 328, 332, 372, Cripplegate, Co. Middlesex, 495 407, 420, 461, 493, 498 Cripples, Refusing to convey, see under Offences 539 ______

INDEX. Cublington, Constables of, 14, 168, Cutbeard, William, 312, 401 223, 255, 256, 285, 332, 420, 461 Cuthbert, Robert, 148 ...... Flood gates at, 328 Cutler (Cutloaf, Cutloe, Cuttler) ...... Rector of, 292 ...... John, 223 ...... Woodway in, 251 ……… Robert, 12, 21, 109, 352, 361, 373, 388, Cudbeard, see Cutbeard 389, 399, 400, 405, 409, 410, 413, 418, 430, Cuddington, 27, 49, 57, 61, 63, 65, 69, 71, 457, 469, 476, 477 78, 82, 92, 96, 110, 116, 121, 125, 133, ...... Roger, 385, 419 138, 145, 147, 172, 200 (2), 221, 284, Cutloe, see Cutler 288, 292, 296, 299, 300, 329, 330, 371, Cutts, William, 8 374, 377, 385 (2), 405, 415, 469, 507, 508 ...... Constables of, 49, 69, 92, 110, 147, DADFORD, 178, 478 221, 284, 330, 374, 377, 469 And see Stowe ...... Meeting houses at, 299, 300 Dagg (Dagge), Jonathan, The Rev., Vicar of Cuddington, Thomas, 58 Great Mis- senden, 290, 383 Cudsden, Thomas, 83 Dagley, Thomas, 196 Cullen, Charles, 101, 104, 105 Dagnall, 141, 312 Cullenton, see Cullompton ...... Constables of, 312 Cullinge, John, Sheriff, 1683, 106, 114, 124, And see Edlesborough 131 Dagnall (Dagnell) Cullompton, Co. Devon, 307 ...... Matthew (Matthias), 138, 145, 152, 223, Culverhouse. Richard, 254, 311, 339, 346 257, 300 Culworth, Co. Northampton, 447 ...... Stephen, 138, 145, 152 Cummins, see Coming Daines, Thomas, 2 Cunney, see Conney Dale, Richard, 408, 415 (2), 424, 428 (2), 429 Cunningham (Conningham, Cuning- ham) Dallyfield (Dolefield) ...... Alice, 372, 384, 401 ...... Daniel, 7, 30 ...... Anne, 363 ...... John, 255 ...... Henry, 132, 144, 173 Dallyon, James, The Rev., 346, 348 ...... John, 173, 192 Daly, Edward, 23 ...... Thomas, 85, 132, 138, 160, 173, 198 Dancer (Danncer) Curle, John, 168 ...... Henry, 11, 62, 100, 164, 272, 280, 416, ...... Roger, 147, 222 447, 455 ...... Thomas, 24, 387, 460, 501 ...... Matthew, 63, 71, 82 Currier. Frances 59 ...... Michael, 115 ...... Mary, 61 ...... Robert, 91, 116, 250 ...... William, 59, 61 ...... Silvester, 143, 308, 328, 341, 362, 372, Curtis (Curtice) 373, 387, 508 ...... Alice, 318 ...... Thomas, The Rev., Rector of Shalstone, ...... Anne, 46 290, 412 ...... Henry, 130, 142, 317, 377 ...... William. 89, 138, 145, 152, 165, 239, ...... John, 105 299 ...... Richard, 7, 49, 222, 255 Danderidge (Dandridge), Joseph, 80, 165 ...... Robert, 90, 126, 132, 138, 144, 166, Daniel (Daniell) 173, 180, 186, 192, 198 ...... Anne, 20 ...... Thomas, 27, 52, 93, 99, 191 (2) 196, ...... Edward, 172 197, 201 ...... Joan, 99 ...... William, 119, 126, 138, 144 166, 173, ...... Richard, 226 180, 186, 192, 198, 257 ...... Stephen, 312 ...... [blank], widow, 74 ...... Thomas, 80 Curzons, see Cozens ...... Walter, 20 Cutbeard (Cudbeard) ...... William, 385, 488 ……… Robert, 460, 501 ...... alias Brown, John. 312 Danielson, William, 184 Dannell, John, 438 Darby, see Derby 540 ______

INDEX. Darell (Darrell, Dayrell, Dorrell) Davy, see Davis ...... Edward (Edmund), 9, 46, 67, 100, Dawney, John, 18, 27 114, 168, 191, 349, 371 ...... William, 27, 486 ...... Hugh, 329, 374, 397 Dawson, John, 279 ...... John, 63, 449, 456 ...... Thomas, 27 ...... Marmaduke, 21, 63, 449, 456 Day, Abraham, 46 (2), 53 (2), 54 (2), 55, 80 ...... Sir, Knight, J.P., 37 ...... Anne, 31, 167 ...... Paul, 83 ...... Elizabeth, 322 ...... Richard, 83 ...... John, 73, 77, 78, 165, 169, 171, 176, ...... Sampson, Sir, Knight, J.P., 37 255, 283, 466 (2), 474 ...... Thomas, 83 ...... William, 322 ...... William, 100, 179, 251, 262, 264 (2), Dayrell, see Darell 265, 272 Dayry, Robert, 419, 458 Darvall, see Dorvall Deacon, Joan, 269, 276 Dason, John, 319 Deale, John, 156 Datchet, 29, 50, 60, 65, 70, 150 (2), 175, Dean (Deane) 222, 244, 248 (2), 263 (2), 282, 286, 301 ...... Alice, 140 (2), 307, 310, 319, 328 (2). 338, 373, 376, ...... Charles, 385 388, 389, 399. 413, 418 (2), 421, 430 (3), ...... Edward, 459, 499 431, 461, 467, 502 ...... John, 35, 255, 285, 302, 342 374, 422, ...... Constables of, 50, 222, 376, 421, 438, 459 461, 502 ...... Ralph, 7, 39 ...... Mascolls gate at, 418, 430 ...... Richard, 175, 199,388 Daveny (Davening) ...... Robert, 489 ...... John, 46, 78, 349, 491 ...... Thomas, 389, 397, 399, 409, 432, 439, ...... Thomas, 437 453 Davis (Davie, Davies, Davy) ...... William. 9, 311, 494, 495. 503, 506 ...... Anthony, 380, 397 ...... Zachary, 59, 475 ...... Elizabeth, 73, 84 ...... alias Collyns, Francis, 359, 502 ...... Francis, 273 ...... Zachariah, 20, 165 ...... George, 50 Dearinge, Thomas, 92, 500 ...... Henry, 231 Dearne, Nathaniel, 69, 92 ...... Isaiah, The Rev., Vicar of Lathbury, Debtors, Release of poor, xv, 18 (2), 32 (2), 43, 293 382 ...... Jane, 338, 348 Dedford, Isaac, 508 ...... John, 59, 144, 166, 173, 180, 190, Deely, James, 221, 254, 256 236, 271, 278, 331, 338 (2), 348 ...... Richard, 102, 106, 108, 115, 204 ...... The Rev., Rector of Saunderton, ...... Thomas, 108(2), 123, 222, 255, 266, 439 372, 495 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Penn, 290 Defrane, James, 30, 176 ...... Judith, 181 ...... Richard, 20, 176, 499 ...... Katherine, 80 Delafield (Dellafield) ...... Mary, 247, 273 ...... Daniel, 49, 62, 148, 182 ...... Matthew, 375, 420 ...... John, 284, 294, 298, 300 ...... Richard, 123, 217 Dell, Charles, 24 ...... Robert, 213, 218 (2), 342 ...... Edward, 158 ...... Samuel, 115, 138, 166, 173, 186, 199 ...... Francis, 336 ...... Thomas, 486 ...... James, 283 ...... William, 232 ...... John, 3, 5, 254. 285, 286, 307, 331 ...... alias Button, John, 242, 248, 263 ...... The Rev., Curate of Stowe, 294, 296 ...... [blank], (Dissenting Minister), xviii, ...... Nathaniel, 375, 500 403 ...... Richard, 255, 330, 352, 375 Davison, Edward, 1, 62, 131, 243 541 ______

INDEX. Dell, Robert, 102, 107, 108, 125, 139, 145 Desborough, Hundred of, Bridewell for the, ...... Thomas, 124, 135, 148 see under Wycombe, High ...... William, 23, 63, 221, 410, 417, 436, ...... Chief Con- stables for the, 437 22, 48, 68, 91, 117, 147, 174, 199, 220, 282, Dench, John, 256 303, 329, 374, 390, 419, 458, 499 Denchfield (Dencefield) ...... Privy Sessions for the, 134 ...... John, 222 And see Chiltern, Hundreds of ...... Matthew, 168 Desburgh (Desburrough) ...... Nicholas, 375, 422 ...... John, 46, 189 ...... Richard, 49, 70, 284, 332, 339, 347, ...... Michael, 35 358 Devening, Thomas, 368, 385 Denham, 3, 11, 15, 19 (2), 23, 37, 39, 48, Deverill (Deverall, Deverell) 56, 59, 70, 81, 85 (2), 86 (2), 90 (2), 93, 95, ...... John, 200, 232, 267, 287 97 (2), 99, 109, 113, 116 (2), 125, 127, ...... Matthew, 136, 407 161(2), 175, 180, 181(3), 188, 189, 213, ...... Thomas, 371 218, 240, 264, 265, 272, 273, 279, 281, ...... William, 253, 282, 317, 325, 460, 501 282, 294, 296, 307, 311, 314 (2), 328 (2), Devoberry, see Dewberry 352, 361, 373, 376, 387, 389, 398, 463, 502 Devonsheir (Devensheir) ...... Constables of, 23, 56, 376, 502 ...... Francis, 8, 83, 124, 130 (2) ...... County Bridge at, 181, 188, 240, 463 ...... James, 31, 74 ...... Curate of, 294, 296 ...... [blank], 476 Denham, Frances, 398 Devonshire, Cullompton in, 307 ...... Francis, 459. 502 Dewberry (Devoberry, Dewbury) ...... Mary, 398 ...... Thomas, 92 Dennett, Anne, 162 ...... The Rev., Rector of North ...... Susan, 116, 160 Crawley, 213, 289, 295 Dennis (Dennys) ...... William, 33, 79 ...... Arthur, 421, 500 Dickinson (Dicconson, Dickson) ...... Charles, 142 (2), 338, 341, 343, 347, ...... John, 331, 376 348, 358 ...... Peter, 59 ...... Mary, 114, 128 ...... William, 49, 69, 377 ...... Matthew, 24, 50 Dickson, see Dickinson ...... Ralph, 98, 114, 128, 237, 326, 499 Dimmuck (Dimock, Dymock) ...... Richard, 349 ...... John, 141, 501 ...... Robert, 159 ...... Robert, 243 Dennot, Henry, 407 ...... Thomas, 36 Denny, Elizabeth, 216, 233 Dinton, 12, 14, 19, 71, 82, 94, 120, 122 (2), Denton (Dinton) 130, 135, 140, 142 (2), 165, 175, 178, 212, ...... Alexander, 230, 254, 287, 478, 479 225, 236, 243 (2), 244, 249 (2), 250, 251, 255, ...... John, 172 259, 265, 274, 283, 288, 294, 295, 296, ...... Thomas, 274 298, 300 (3), 311, 330, 342, 357, 369, 372, Derby (Darby), Gregory, 125, 138, 143, 153, 376, 385, 390 (4), 395 (3), 397, 407 (3), 161, 167, 174, 180, 187, 192, 198, 203, 416, 421, 429, 455, 460, 498, 500 209, 214 ...... Constables of, 255, 274, 283, 330, 376, Derrick, Bernard, 126, 132, 139, 144, 160 421, 460, 500 Desborough, Hundred of, 22, 48, 68, 91, ...... Ford in, see Ford 99, 117, 147, 174, 199, 220, 227, 282, 303, ...... Meeting houses at, 300 (3) 329, 330, 374, 390, 419, 458, 499 ...... Upton in, see Upton ...... Bailiffs for the, 227 ...... Vicar of, 294, 296, 429 ...... Waldridge in, see Waldridge Dinton, see Denton 542 ______

INDEX. Dison (Dyson) Donyngton, see Dinton ...... John, 358, 359, 368, 369, 385 Dormer, Charles, J.P., 35, 215, 319, 328 (2), ...... Thomas, 102, 106, 132, 138 341, 351, 352, 354, 361, 362, 373, 378, 389 Dissenters, Orders concerning, xviii, 95, 97, (2), 399, 400, 409 (2), 413, 418, 430, 449, 488, 100 509 ...... References to, xx, 125, 128, 159, 174...... Fleetwood, J.P., 509 296, 297, 298, 309, 403 ...... Isabel. 65 And see Anabaptists, Meeting Houses, ...... John, J.P., 509 Quakers, Recusants, and under Offences ...... Richard, 374, 422 Dissney, Matthew, The Rev., Vicar ...... Robert, 364, 380, 392, 407 of Bradwell, 292 Dorney, 21, 49, 63, 69, 102, 107, 118, 124, Ditch, James, 7 208, 223, 256, 284, 330, 357(2), 368(2), 375, Ditchfield, John, The Rev., Vicar of Wing 384(2), 396, 420, 458, 502 and Rector of Grove, 292 ...... Constables of, 49, 69, 118, 223, 256, Ditton, 489, 498 284, 330, 375, 420, 458, 502 ...... Ashley Lane, 489 Dorrell, see Darell ...... Surveyor of, 489 Dorset, (Dossett) And see Stoke Poges ...... Anne, 281 Dittus, Anne, 67 ...... Francis, 280, 320, 407 Dix, Giles, 101, 105, 111, 447 ...... John, 89 ...... John, 181 ...... Richard, 27, 67, 274 (2), 311, 455 Dixon, Edmund, 203 (2), 208 Dorton, 76, 232, 332, 392 ...... John, 230, 236 ...... Constables of, 232, 332 ...... Ralph, 226 Dorvall (Darvill, Durvill) Dixton, Elizabeth, 108, 115 ...... George, 396 Dobey, John, 145 (2) ...... Henry, 92, 359, 416 Dodd (Dod) ...... John, 254, 299, 457, 465, 508 ...... John, 69, 92, 408 ...... Paul, 133, 204 ...... Samuel, 258, 366, 392, 411 ...... Robert, 496 Doddershall, 136, 289, 295 ...... Thomas, 387, 416 And see Quainton ...... William, 387 396 (2), 412, 496, 508 Dodson, Daniel, 377, 432 Dossett, see Dorsett Dodsworth, Anthony, 109 Dourton, see Dorton ...... Dorothy, 12, 187 Dover, Alexander, 52, 63, 155, 326, 371, 376, Doe, John, 285, 307 460 ...... [blank], Lady, 257 ...... Edward, 455 Doggett, Francis, 117 ...... James, 283, 342 ...... Thomas, 78 ...... John, 78, 383, 406, 490 ...... William, 207 ...... Richard, 504 Doily (Doyly) ...... Robert, 154 ...... Edward, 221 ...... Thomas, 74, 92, 223, 257, 273, 400, ...... Timothy, 22, 48, 69 441, 456, 467 Dolben, Thomas, The Rev., Curate of Marsh ...... William, 2, 20, 31, 370 Gibbon, 291, 327 Dowglas (Dowglasse) ...... William, Mr. Justice, 434 ...... Alexander, 184 Dolby (Dolbey) ...... Elizabeth, 145, 213, 310 ...... John, 455 ...... Joshua, 178 ...... Thomas, 174, 181, 193, 209 ...... [blank], widow, 161 Dolefiold, see Dallyfield Downes (Downe) Dollinge (Dollyn) ...... John, The Rev., Curate of Wotton ...... John, 102, 107, 124 Underwood, 290 ...... Thomas, 102, 107, 108, 139, 153, ...... Timothy, 172 161, 166, 173, 180, 187 Dowse, Richard, 182 Dolly (Dolley), John, 23, 49, 390 ...... alias Towers, Richard, 127 Dollyn, see Dollinge Dowson, John, 288 Dominick, Andrew, 340 ...... [blank], Mr., 247 MM 543 ______

INDEX. Doyly, see Doily Dummer, John, The Rev., Rector of Hardwick, Drake, William, 114, 243, 245, 246, 264, 291 265 (2) Duncomb (Dunscombe) ...... Sir, 4th Bart., 64 ...... Alexander, 127, 154, 163, 320, 329, 355, ...... Knight, 354(2) 356, 373, 507, 508 Drapier (Draper), John, 7, 13, 21, 47, 55, ...... Bridget, 490 59, 68, 80, 85, 90, 97, 114, 122, 123, 370, ...... Edward, 223, 420 470 ...... Francis, D.L., J.P., 235, 237, 288, 295, Drayton Beauchamp, 8, 81, 102, 106, 108, 509 115, 157, 158, 164, 238, 245, 251, 269, ...... Giles, J.P., 509 287, 299, 303, 311, 313, 336, 412, 420, 437 ...... John, 33 (3). 485, 494, 501, 504 ...... Joseph, 143, 185, 458, 490, 499, 503 ...... Constables of, 8, 245, 420, ...... Thomas, 69 501 ...... William, 89, 146, 171, 175, 273, 327, ...... Drayton Penns in 251, 301, 438, 448 303, 313, 316, 336 Dunkirk, xi, 483 ...... Meeting house at, 299 Dunmale (Dunnioll, Dunmoll), Henry, 27, 360, ...... Penn, The, at, 303 407 ...... Rector of, 287 Dunne (Dun) Drayton Parslow, 12, 21, 24, 25, 39 (2), 45, ...... Benjamin, 139 50, 54, 69, 108, 109, 118, 148, 192, 213 (2), ...... Edward (Edmund), 133 (2), 139, 144 217, 218 (4), 223, 243, 244, 245, 246, 249, ...... Gilbert, 80 250, 252, 262, 265 (2), 290, 302, 332, 352, Dunnioll, see Dunmale 361, 370 (2), 373 (2), 388, 389, 399, 400, Dunstable, Co. Bedford, 220, 252, 269 405, 409, 410, 413, 418, 420, 430, 456, Dunt, William, 331 457, 469, 476, 501 Dunton, 90,118, 148,170,181, 221,223, 256, ...... Constables of, 24, 50, 69, 118, 291, 302, 420, 501 148, 223, 244, 302, 332, 420, 501 ...... Constables of, 118, 148, 221, 223, 256, ...... Meeting house at, 456 302, 420, 501 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... Rector of, 291 Drew, Robert, 45 And see Littlecote Drovers, Order concerning licences Dunton, Richard, 400, 441 for, 216, 225, 404 Dunwell, Henry, 165 Druce (Druse) Durkin, Alexander, 222 ...... Alexander, 327 Durrant, Benjamin, 140 ...... John, 72 ...... John, 55, 142, 283, 332, 340, 415 ...... Margaret, 145 ...... Richard, 55 ...... William, 62, 257, 302 ...... William, 277 Drunkenness, Penalties for, 404 Durvill, see Dorvall And see under Offences Dutch Paper, used for account books, xiii, 427 Drurey, Henry, Sir, Knt., J.P., 37 ...... The, Wars against, xi, 394, 506 Duck, John, 222 Dutton, Thomas, 441, 448 Ducking Stool, Reference to a, xvi, 267 ...... William, 221, 234 Dudford, see Dadford Dye, Francis, 151 Dudley, Richard, 500 Dyer, Edward, 415 ...... William, 39, 48, 69, 126, 132, 173, Dymock, see Dimmuck 398 Dynton, see Dinton Dudsbury, John, 117, 147 Dyson, see Dison Duffield, Francis, Sheriff, 1693, 455, 456, 468, 475 (2) EAKLEY (Lanes), xix, 40, 57, 63, 75, 151, 155, Duffin, Anne, 90, 96, 102, 107, 108, 133, 368, 385 139, 145, 153 ... Eakley Bridge in, xix, 75 ...... Thomas, 53, 90, 96, 102, 107, 108, ...... Eakley Lane in, 63, 75, 151 113, 133, 139, 145 And see Stoke Goldington Dull, James, 256 Eales (Eeles) ...... James, 20, 199, 220, 429 544 ______

INDEX. Eales, John, 123 341 (2), 350, 367, 418, 450, 467, 498, 504 ...... Robert, 48 Edgcott, Constables of, 41, 266, 302, 350, 450 ...... Simon, 74 Edge (Edges) ...... Thomas, 20, 46, 72, 95, 137 ...... Elizabeth, 83 Ealing, Co. Middlesex, 162 ...... Robert, 80 ...... Brentford in, see ...... Sarah, 195 Brentford Edgerlye, Thomas, Sheriff, 1679, 11 (2), 35 (2), Ealinge (Eelinge) 477, 478, 490 ...... Henry, 52 Edgerton, see Egerton ...... Robert, 198 Edins, William, 137 Eames, George, 210 Edlesborough, 9, 11 (2), 15, 19, 21, 24, 40, 83, ...... Hannah, 210 84, 96, 110, 112, 113, 130, 134, 141 (2), 155, ...... Richard, 7, 452 160, 165, 179, 182, 188, 194, 208, 217, 221, ...... William, 197 224, 225, 233 (2), 254, 261, 264, 311, 339, ...... [blank], 425 346, 372, 402, 419, 501 Earl (Earle, Yerll) ...... Constables of, 24, 221, 254, 501 ...... John, 435, 452, 463, 472 ...... Dagnall in, see Dagnall ...... William, 106, 151, 208, 287, 377, 447 ...... Hidwell in, see Hudnall Easington, 70, 136, 142, 150, 223, 255, 466 ...... Horton Hall in, 96 ...... Constables of, 223, 255 ...... Pavy Lane in,40 And see Chilton ...... Vicar of, 261, 291 Easment, William, 447 Edmonds (Edmunds) Eason, John, 494, 495, 507 (3) ...... Joan, 350, 357, 367 ...... William, 242, 250 ...... John, 7 East, Christopher, 41 ...... Richard, 175, 200 ...... David, 80 ...... Robert, 4, 7, 18, 19, 28 ...... Edward (Edmund), 19, 33, 50, 69, 76 ...... Thomas, 176, 257 ...... Francis, 80 ...... William, 24, 28 (2), 34, 35, 39, 45, 46, ...... James, 327, 441, 479 67, 137, 171, 178, 193, 197. 199, 213, 223, ...... John, 119, 179, 190, 197 238, 241, 243, 350, 357, 371, 499 ...... Katherine, 73, 78 Edmonton, Co. Middlesex, 280, 307 ...... Richard, 274 Edowes (Eddoes, Eddowes) ...... Thomas, 81, 225, 285, 485 ...... John, 219. 235, 367 ...... William, 73, 155, 185, 485 (2), 495 ...... Ralph, The Rev., Vicar of Little East Burnham, see Burnham, East Missenden, 290 East Cleydon, see Claydon, East Edridge, William, 24 East Ham, Co. Essex, 11, 16 Edson, John, 407 Eastington, see Easington Edwards, Adam, 310, 311 Easton (Eston) ...... Christopher, 311 ...... Henry, 402, 427, 505 ...... Edward, 155, 352 ...... John, 18, 247 ...... Henry, 227 ...... Mary, 247 ...... John, xvi, 5, 136 (2), 205, 210 (2), 235, ...... Sarah, 247 241 ...... Thomas, 459 ...... Richard, 19 ...... William, 247 ...... Thomas, 202, 429, 475, 496 Eaton, see Eton ...... William, 65, 84, 88, 89, 101, 105 (2), Eaton, Thomas, 119, 283, 330 180, 274, 421 Eaton, Water, 118, 197, 420, 503 Edwin (Edwyn) ...... Constables of, 118, 420 ...... Francis, 489 Eavesdropping, see under Offences ...... John, 375 Ebborne (Ebburne), William, 312, 353 ...... William, 1, 33, 89, 93, 124, 197, 317 Eddowes, see Edowes Edy, Samuel, 80 Eden, William, 288 Eekly, see Eakley Edgcott, 41, 65, 91, 98, 150, 179, 183, 212, Eeles, see Eales 233, 243, 266, 302, 316, 545 ______

INDEX. Eeling, see Ealinge 198, 203, 209, 214, 278, 282, 293, 329, 342, Eelling, see Ealing 382, 383, 487 Egerton (Edgerton) Emberton, Constables of, 342 ...... Thomas, 78, 151, 177 ...... Rector of, 293 ...... Rector of Adstock, 291 477 ...... Stocks at, 342 ...... William, 91, 116 Emberton, Joseph, 507 Eggington, Co. Bedford, 182 Emblinge (Emblem, Emblyne) Eggom, see Egham ...... John, 131, 167, 190, 197 Egham, Co. Surrey, 201 ...... William, 466 (2), 468, 471, 474 (3) 483, Egleton (Eggleton, Eglestone) 484, 485 ...... Henry, 213 Emerton, see Emberton ...... John, 7 Emerton (Emarton) ...... Richard, 136 ...... Robert, 34, 80, 415 ...... Thomas, 44, 287 ...... Thomas, 80, 108 ...... William, 20, 72, 114 ...... William, 10, 316 Eldridge, John, 388, 414, 415, 428 Emett, William, 71 ...... Susan, 388, 427, 428 Emlyn, Eleanor, 435 ...... William, 190, 417, 428 (3), 499 ...... John, 435 And see Aldridge Emon, Charles, 212 Elead, John, 281 Emott, Philologus, The Rev., 290 Elections, Parliamentary, xiv, 184, 275 Enclosure, see under Offences Elesly, John, 308 Ends, John, 372, 476 Elkinton, Richard, 415 Enegill, Richard, 167 Ellard, William, 142, 500 Enesbury, see Eynesbury Ellement, William, 14 English, Mary, 73, 126, 132, 138, 144, 152, Ellesborough, 44, 49, 69, 86, 92, 93, 119, 160, 166, 173, 181, 192, 198, 203, 209, 214, 148, 163, 190, 214, 219, 222, 224, 250, 418, 431, 439, 440, 448, 449, 457, 469, 476, 257, 258, 271, 277, 284, 287, 291, 300, 477, 488, 497, 498 313, 322, 328, 330, 337, 357, 366, 369, ...... Thomas, 496, 502 377, 379, 392, 417, 421, 425, 428 (2), 460, Engrossing, see under Offences 499 Epping Forest, Co. Essex, 94 ...... Constables of, 49, 69, 92, 119, 148, ...... Henner Lodge in, 94 222, 257, 284, 330, 377, 421, 400, 499 Eskrigg, Robert, The Rev., Vicar of Ravenstone, ...... Meeting house at, 300 293 ...... Northall in, see Northall Essex, Brentwood in, 392 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... East Ham in, 11, 16 Ellett, see Elliott ...... Epping Forest in, 94 Ellinore, alias Mellmoth, Daniel, 33 ...... High Roothing in, 392, 393, 402 Elliott (Ellett, Ellyott) ...... Shortgrove in, 141 ...... Daniel, 256, 349 ...... West Ham in, 489, 495 ...... John, 151, 169, 237 Esther, [blank], 214 ...... Thomas, 39 (2), 45, 72, 108, 237 Estoll (Estall) Ellis, Christopher, 22, 55, 69, 91, 156 ...... Edward, 400, 408 ...... John, 124 ...... Lydia, 450, 456 ...... Richard, 179, 364 ...... William, 500 ...... Thomas, 19 Eston, see Easton ...... William, 284 Etheridge (Etheredge) Ellmerer, William, 49 ...... George, 459, 500 Ellmore (Elmore) ...... James, Sir, Knight, J.P., 251, 509 ...... Richard, 109 ...... Joseph, 292, 297 (2), 299 ...... Thomas, 332 Etherope, William, 274 ...... [blank], widow, 108 Eton, 12, 21, 24, 31, 34, 36, 41, 48, 50, 74, 80, Ells, Anne, 177, 234 92, 95, 101, 117, 118, 129, 142, 147, 156, 184, Elmes (Immes), William, 41, 49 196, 199 (2), 201 (2), 207 (2), 210, 211 (2), Emberton, 127, 131, 132, 138, 152, 166, 220, 222, 223, 247, 253, 256, 265, 275, 278 174, 180, 186, 187, 192, (4), 546 ______

INDEX. 283, 285, 292, 296, 297, 300, 308, 329, Ewstace, Henry, 308, 359 331, 376 (2), 389, 399, 400, 409, 410, 413, ...... John, 8, 172, 253, 282 418, 420, 421, 430, 461, 494, 496, 500, 502 ...... Joseph, 214, 245 Eton, Bridges at, 201, 210, 220, 247 Exchequer, Chancellor of the, xii, 356 ...... Constables of, 24, 50, 92, 118, 147, ...... Court of, 225, 259 222, 236, 283, 331, 376 (2), 420, 461, 500, Excise, Officers of, xii, 143, 149, 165, 192, 288, 502 333, 334, 398 ...... Geldible land in, 223, 285, 421, 502 ...... complaints against, xii, 333, ...... Constables for the 223, 334, 356 285, 421, 502 And see Revenue, Taxes, etc...... Meeting house at, 300 Exhibition Money, 443, 473 ...... Strugnall Bridge at, 496 Exon, William, 87 Eton College, xvi, 80, 98, 112, 292, 294 (3), Eynesbury, Co. Huntingdon. 369, 378, 385 296 (4), 379 Eyre, Thomas, 246 (2), 247 ...... “Conductor” of, 294, 296 Eythorpe, 241 ...... Fellows of, 292, 294, 296 (2) ...... Provost and Fellows of, xvi, 80, FAIREY, John, 198 98, 112 Fairs, Tolls of, 344 ...... Registrar of, 294, 296 Faithfull, Elizabeth, 210, 216 Eton School, 294 (2), 296 (2) ...... John, 205, 210, 216 ...... Headmaster of, 294, 296 ...... Sarah, 210, 216 ...... Undermaster of, 294, 296 Falconer (Falkner, Fawkner) Eustace, see Ewstace ...... Henry, 123 Evans (Evins) ...... Nicholas, 168 ...... Arthur, 495 ...... Richard, 181 ...... John, 438, 477 ...... Thomas, 456, 462, 467 ...... Lewis, The Rev., Vicar of Iver, 290 Fancoult (Fancott), Richard, 190, 467 ...... Matthew, 89, 364, 456, 465, 466 (2) Farmer, Anne, 34 ...... Rachel, 52 ...... Christopher, 13 ...... Richard, 180 ...... John, 345 ...... Samuel, 142, 158, 315, 386 ...... Mary, 12, 25, 32, 116, 145, 153, 161, ...... Thomas. 6, 10 (2), 23, 69, 92 167, 180, 186 ...... The Rev., Curate of Twyford, ...... Susan, 94 294, 296 ...... Thomas, 12, 25, 31, 34, 41, 47, 55, 59, ...... [blank], 153 63, 64, 67, 74, 81, 85, 90, 96, 103, 107, 109, Evelyn, George, J.P., 509 116, 134 Ever, see Iver Farnborrow (Farnborough, Farn- burrough) Evered, Samuel, 274, 312 ...... Susan, 120, 135, 140 ...... Thomas, 302 ...... William, 232 Everett (Everitt) Farnham. see Farnham Royal ...... Anne, 319 Farnham Royal, 6, 7, 10, 12, 73 (2), 77, 78, ...... Thomas, 41, 254 101, 102, 107 (2), 108, 115, 123 (2), 124, 125, ...... William, 7, 190, 500 133, 136, 139, 142 (2), 145 (2), 153, 161, 166, Everidge, Joseph, 89, 373, 401, 419 180, 181, 187, 203, 221, 243, 309, 329, Everill (Everell) 333, 338 (3), 341, 343(2), 347(3), 348 (3), 358 ...... Lucy, 252, 261, 264, 271, 272 (2), 365, 380, 391 (2), 392, 395, 397, 399, 407 ...... Richard, 180, 252, 261, 264, 271, 272 (2), 472, 481 Evins, see Evans ...... Rector of, 481 Ewer, George, 314, 334 ...... Sear Green in, see Seer Green Ewstace (Eustace, Eustice) Farr, Mary, 133 ...... Thomas, 133 Farrer, Thomas, J.P., 227, 509 547 ______

INDEX. Farrer, Thomas, of Aylesbury, J.P., 304, 509 Fessy (Fesey) ...... William, J.P., Solicitor-General to the ...... Elizabeth, 160 Queen, 289, 295, 480, 509 ...... Richard, 84 Fastnedge (Fastnidge) Festoe, Robert, 256 ...... Edward, 174, 199 Field (Feild) ...... John, 459, 502 ...... Anthony, 195 ...... Robert, 10 ...... Brocas, 14 ...... Thomas, 1, 5 ...... Daniel, 157 Fawcett, see Fawsett ...... Edith, 467 Fawkner, see Falconer ...... Edward, 223, 256, 430 Fawley, 7, 36, 125, 177, 207, 213, 218 (2), ...... Emmanuel, 218 226, 235, 243, 289, 301 ...... George, 63 ...... Constables of, 36, 301 ...... James, 430, 437, 438, 443, 445, 451, ...... Rector of, 289 453, 465, 470, 474 Fawly, John, 83 ...... John, 407 Fawscott, William, 385 ...... Robert, 421, 459, 475 Fawsett (Fawcett), John, 68, 91, 101, 237, ...... Thomas, 10, 332, 370 329, 356, 357, 374, 381, 394 ...... William, 49, 363, 372, 467 Fawson, Thomas, 409, 474, 477, 482 ...... [blank], Captain, 60 Feild, see Field Figge, Francis, 49, 69 Fellow (Fellows) Filgrave, 289, 296, 423, 434, 450 (2), 454, 467 ...... Benjamin, 161, 169, 179, 184 ...... Constables of, 450, 454, 467 ...... John, 117, 147, 179, 236, 256, 274, Fillmer, see Fulmer 276, 349, 387, 444, 455, 501 Finch, Jane, 63 ...... Joseph, 150, 446 ...... William, The Rev., Rector of Saunderton, ...... Nicholas, 41, 70 192, 291 ...... Richard, 45, 153 Fincher (Finsher), Robert, 14, 56, 168 ...... Robert, 115, 125, 132, 139, 144, 152, Findall, Thomas, 447 160, 167, 173, 180, 186, 198 (2), 203, 209, Fineall, William, 185, 190 214, 246, 280, 292, 297, 307, 312, 456 Finemore (Fenamoore, ...... Thomas, 8, 251, 288, 309, 336, 355, Fennemoor, Finnamore, Fynemore) 448, 453, 455 ...... Henry (Harry), 133, 143, 153, 161, 167, ...... William, 22, 48, 213 174, 180, 187, 193 Fenamooro, see Finemore ...... James, 152, 160, 166, 173, 181 Fenn (Fenne) ...... Thomas, 269, 372 ...... Anthony, 483 Fines, see under Offences ...... Richard, 142 Fingest, 1, 2, 7, 8, 10 (2), 20, 39, 40 (2), 45, 66, Fennell (Fennall) 117, 136, 179, 190, 238, 274, 289, 311, 480 ...... George, 24, 223, 285 ...... Constables of, 238, 274, 311, 480 ...... John, 31 ...... Manor of, 8 Fennemoor, see Finemore ...... Rector of, 289 Fenner (Fennor, Venner) Finnamore, see Finemore ...... Henry, 58, 184 Finsher, see Fincher ...... James, 215, 245 Firehearth Tax, 56, 169, 206 ...... John, 49 Fires, Certificates for losses by, xx, 25 ...... Samuel, 223, 244, 249, 302 ...... Compensation for losses by, xx, 183, ...... William, 207, 287, 312, 353, 429, 467 357, 366 ...... [blank], 440 Firth (Forth, Frith) Fenny Stratford, see Stratford, Fenny ...... Edward, 62, 236, 242, 248, 263, 271, Fensum (Fensham), John, 181, 192 278 Ferrers, John, xx, 10, 134, 257 ...... Giles, 28 ...... alias Turnor, John, 40 ...... Henry, The Rev., Vicar of Slapton, 291 ...... William, 108 Fish, James (Jacob), 174, 352, 361, 395, 396, 397 Fisher, George, 92 ...... James, 147 548 ______

INDEX. Fisher, John, 14 132, 399, 409, 477, 497 Fonch, John, 20, 437 ...... Richard, 331, 374 Fonsham, Thomas, 365 ...... Susan, 193 Fontagne, see Fountaine ...... Thomas, 207 Foord, see Ford ...... Bridewell Keeper at High Footman (Foottman), Thomas, 107, 113(2) Wycombe, 3, 163, 193 (2) Forcible Entry, see under Offences ...... William, 77 Ford, 49, 223, 254, 342, 390 Fitch. Charles, 92 ...... Constables of, 49, 223, 254, 342, 390 ...... Leonard, 11, 89, 326 And see Dinton Fitchett, John, 116 Ford (Foord) Fitkin, Elizabeth, 406 ...... Bridget, 197 ...... Richard, 406 ...... John, 50, 197, 419, 421, 459 Flamstead, Co. Hertford, 503 ...... Peregrine, 176, 507, 508 Flatt, see Flutt ...... William, 279, 320, 448, 474, 484, 485 Flawne, George, 85, 126, 132, 139, Forfeit, Anthony, 80 144, 160, 167, 173, 180, 186, 192, 198 ...... Thomas, 80 Fleet Murston, see Marston, Fleet Forgery, see under Offences Fleetwood (Fletewode) Forrow, Thomas, 330 ...... Roger, 169, 312 Forster, see Foster ...... William, J.P., Sheriff, 1689, 195, 219, Fortescue, Edward, Sir, Knight, 63 281, 287, 308, 326, 509 ...... John, 63 ...... The Rev., 294, 296 ...... John, Sir, 2nd Bart., 12, 63 Fleit, see Flete ...... William, 12 Fleming (Flemming) ...... [blank], Dame, 63 ...... Nicholas, 257 Forth, see Firth ...... Roger, 497, 506, 508 Fortune, Robert, 14, 24, 39, 133, 136, 278 Fletcher, Ambrose, 438 Forty Green, 441, 479 ...... George, 126, 132, 144, 174 And see Penn ...... Henry, 220, 253, 437, 454 , 2, 291, 458 ...... Joseph, 389, 399, 410, 413, 418, 430, ...... Constables of, 2 437, 488 ...... Curate of, 291 ...... [blank], 436 Foskett, see Foscott Flete (Fleet, Fleit) Foskett (Fockett) ...... Edward, 202, 215, 318 ...... Henry, 390, 432 ...... Joshua, 226, 236 ...... Joan, 204 Fletewode, see Fleetwood ...... William, 85, 126, 132, 139, 144, 152, Flexman (Flexmore), Daniel, 23, 212, 330, 167, 173, 180, 186, 192, 198, 237, 249, 264 503 Foster (Forster) Flite, William, 232, 267 ...... Christopher, 70, 485 Flood (Floud), John, 190, 374, 422 ...... Elizabeth, 152, 157 Flower, Andrew, 463 ...... Henry, 377, 420 Floyd (Floyde) ...... Humphrey, Sir, 2nd Bart., 383 ...... David, 243 ...... James, 66 (2), 386, 455, 496 ...... Frances, 286 ...... John, 13, 86 ...... Thomas, 10, 163, 286, 308, 454, 467 ...... Joseph, 89 Flutt (Flatt) ...... Judith, Lady, 383 ...... Richard, xx, 25 ...... Luke (Lucas), 20, 28, 436, 454, 475 ...... William, 109, 375, 390 ...... Peter, 308 Flynt, Edward, 7 ...... Richard, 181, 230 (2) Foard, see Ford ...... Roland, 102, 106, 115, 126, 152, 157, Fockett, see Foskett 173, 181, 186, 192, 203, 209 Foddey, William, 84 ...... Thomas, 276 Folliott (Follyatt, Folyett, Folyott) ...... William, 142, 288, 315 ...... John, 46 ...... Thomas, 22, 48, 50, 91, 98 549 ______

INDEX. Foster, [blank], widow, 64 Freeman, Thomas, 96, 280, 314 Fountaine (Fontagne, Foyntaine) Freer, see Fryer ...... Bernard, 40, 254, 420 Freestone, Abraham, The Rev., Curate of ...... John, 87, 342 Beachampton, 290 ...... Richard, 460, 500 French, Anne, 174 ...... Samuel, 266, 277 ...... Elizabeth, 79, 83 ...... Thomas, 215, 245, 332, 342 375, 501 ...... Harriotts, 96, 102, 108, 115, 125, 138, ...... William, 14, 342 143, 153, 161, 167, 174, 180, 198 Foux, Robert, 316 ...... Matthew, 238, 440 Fowler, Hugh, 254 ...... Robert, 58, 170 ...... John, 230, 358 ...... Thomas, 79 (2), 83 (2), 139, 144 ...... Richard, 26 ...... [blank], widow, 96, 102, 106, 108, 115, ...... Robert, 460, 501 125 ...... Thomas, 41, 207, 223 French, The, at Dunkirk, xi, 483 Foyntaine, see Fountaine ...... Invasion by, xi, 355 Francis (Frances) Frenham, John, 197 ...... Humphrey, 92, 331, 375 Fretwell, James (Jacob), 161, 166, 174, 186, ...... John, 408, 430 203, 342, 389 ...... Thomas, 11 ...... Mary, 161, 166, 174 ...... William, 502 Freyzy (Frezey), John, 328, 497 Franck (Frank), Richard, 192, 280 Friesden (or Frithsden), 499 Franklin (Francklyne) Frinckfort, see ...... Bartholomew, 130 Fringford, Co. Oxford, 122, 478 ...... Edward, 96 Frith, see Firth ...... Elizabeth, 358, 368 Frithsden, see Friesden ...... George, 59, 72, 117, 122, 147, 197 Frounter, Francis, 190 ...... Henry, 239, 294, 298, 300, 320, 438 Fry, John, 2, 273 ...... James, 144, 152, 160, 166, 467 Fryday, Robert, 21 ...... John, 14, 41, 180, 223, 254, 420, 432, ...... Thomas, 387, 396 453, 458 (2), 459 Fryer (Freer, Fryar) ...... John, The Rev., Rector of Fawley, 289 ...... Anne, 94 ...... Joseph, 212, 285, 375 ...... Edward, 69, 92, 310, 315 ...... Levi, 274 ...... Francis, 118, 147, 274, 316, 399. 409 ...... Mary, 461, 472 (2) ...... George, 222 ...... Peter, 311 ...... John, 36, 81, 85, 90, 96, 102, 107, 108, ...... Robert, 266 341 (2), 347, 349, 383, 385, 386, 425, 479 ...... Thomas, 437 (2), 438 ...... Joseph, 1, 2, 7, 12, 21, 59, 81, 85, 90, 96, ...... William, 23, 82, 147, 408, 424, 428, 102, 107, 108, 115, 133, 139, 144, 153, 461, 472 166, 349, 351 ...... alias Bett, William, 81 ...... Matthew, 27, 28 Fransway, Peter, 408 ...... Richard, 41 Frarey, William, 46, 53, 62 ...... Robert, 186, 189 Frayle, Francis, 144 ...... Samuel, 118, 148,302 ...... Peter, 155 ...... Thomas, Bridewell Keeper at Aylesbury, ...... Thomas, 33, 434 3, 93 (2), 94, 100 Freak, Mary, 333, 338, 343, 347 ...... County Treasurer, xiii, 43, 52, 71, Free, John, 207 77 ...... William, 256, 284 ...... William, 330, 374, 479 Freebon, John, 274 Fulbrook, 4, 255, 332, 377 Freeholders, List of, for jury service xx, 110, ...... Constables of, 255, 332, 377 122, 423 ...... Hogshaw in, see Hogshaw Freeman, Elizabeth, 151, 157, 431, 433 Fulford (Fullford), John, 115, 126, 132 (2), 139, ...... John, 69, 118, 239 143, 160, 166, 167, 173 (2), 186, 398 ...... Philip, 102, 106, 115, 151, 157 (2), Fulham, Co. Middlesex, 112 158, 498 ...... Samuel, 288 550 ______

INDEX. Fuller, Edward, 454, 467 Gallymore (Gallamore, Gallimore), Richard, 8, ...... Ignatius, The Rev., 289, 295 267, 277, 278 302 ...... John, 34, 126, 132, 139, 144 164, 267 Gamball, Richard, 30 ...... Martha, 201 Gaming, Penalties for, 404 ...... Richard, 124, 130, 171, 198 201, 207, And see under Offences 400, 409, 410, 417 418, 430, 443, 446, 451, Gammon, James, 376 (2) Ganderne, see Gawdery 454, 465, 470, 474 Gardiner (Gardener, Gardner) ...... Robert, 185, 267, 284 ...... Edward, 110 ...... Roger, 189 ...... Francis, 249, 250 ...... Susan, 124. 400, 409, 417, 418, 430, ...... Henry, 14, 41 451 ...... James, 24, 50, 88, 285 ...... alias Bernard, George, 266, 310, 362, ...... John, 353, 400, 410, 450, 502 372, 373, 387, 414 ...... Joseph, 198 Fullmer, John, 98 ...... Joshua, 442 Fulmer, 5 (2), 8, 15, 29, 32, 37, 41, 63, 64 Garlick, Richard, 127, 182 (2), 67, 68 (2), 70, 74, 86, 92, 96, 97, 99, Garment, Daniel, 35, 39 112, 129, 207, 232, 249, 255, 265, 314, ...... Elizabeth, 35, 39 342, 349, 373, 388, 389, 399, 400, 409, 410 ...... Jonathan, 31 (2), 418, 421, 422, 430, 431 (2), 440(2), Garnon (Garner) 449(2), 457, 460, 469, 476, 488, 497, 498, ...... James, 255 504 ...... Luke, 48, 68, 70, 95 ...... Church at, 64, 68, 70 Garrett (Garratt) ...... Constables of, 8, 92, 232, 255, 342, ...... Elizabeth, 144 421, 460 ...... John, 20, 54, 221, 329, 373, 416, 455 ...... Conveyance of cripples, ...... Thomas, 59, 61 etc., through, 15, 32, 37, 314 ...... William, 326, 496 ...... Footbridge in, 64, 68, 70 Garvice, see Jarvis ...... Gerrard’s Cross in, see Gerrard’s Gascoigne, George, 455 Cross ...... Robert, 500 ...... Manor of, 41 Gask, Elizabeth, 373 Funall, Thomas, 80 Gates (Gate) Furnace, John, 310, 315, 317, 324 ...... Daniel, 105 Fynemore, see Finemore ...... John, 2, 352, 410. 417, 436, 437 ...... Mary, 497 GABELL, William, 331,383 ...... Richard, The Rev., Curate of Great Gabins, Thomas, 108 Horwood, 293 Gadd (Gad), Richard, 327, 335 Gattaker, Thomas, The Rev., Rector of Gaddesden, Little, Co. Hertford, 178, 190, , 290 219 Gaugers, see Excise, Officers of Gaddesdon, John, 166 Gawcott, 4, 110, 372, 477, 505 ...... Richard, 80 And see Buckingham Gafeild, see Gayfield Gawdery (Ganderne), Benedict, 143, 171, 278 Gaffack, see Gussat Gayfield (Gafeild) Gainsford, Robert, 219, 309, 440 ...... Nicholas, 48, 68, 137, 191, 456 Gale, Elizabeth, 152 ...... William, 501 ...... Katherine, 126, 131, 132, 138, 144, Gayhurst, 74, 126, 132, 138, 144, 152, 160, 152, 174, 180, 186, 192, 198 166, 173, 181, 192, 198, 203, 209, 214, 289, ...... Richard, 459, 500 325, 326, 399, 409, 418, 431 438, 439, 440, ...... Robert, 33, 79, 202, 415 448, 449, 457, 469, 476, 477, 488, 497, 498 ...... William, 102, 106, 132, 138, 152, 157 ...... Minister of, 289 Galer, see Gayler Gayler (Galer) Galloway (Gallaway), Edward, 376, 420 ...... James, 264 Gallows, New, erected, xv, 52, 382 ...... John, 175, 199, 264, 265, 272 551 ______

INDEX. Gaynes (Geynes) Gibbs, Samuel, 375, 432 ...... John, 271, 339 ...... Thomas, 54, 56, 179, 208, 250, 326, 328, ...... William, 458, 498 429, 433 Gayton (Geyton) ...... William, 252, 339, 469, 476, 485 ...... Michael, 348 Gibson, Elizabeth, 37 ...... William, 198, 201, 348, 355 ...... Job, 448, 453, 454 Greary, Daniel, 360 ...... John, 212 ...... Gilbert, 370 ...... Thomas, 147, 175, 212, 217, 308, 341, ...... Jasper, 219, 226, 227, 283, 385 344, 351, 355, 419, 428, 455 (2), 458 ...... Jeremiah, 254 Gifford, Thomas, 27, 28 ...... John, 118, 419, 458 Gilberd, Richard, 302 ...... Joshua (Josiah), 19, 419, 458 Gilbett, William, 286, 307 ...... Matthew, 269, 353, 393, 402 Gilbey, John, 35, 286 ...... William, 212 Giles (Gyles) Genton, William, 77 ...... David, 499 George, Edward, 254 ...... Edward, 280 ...... Elizabeth, 234 ...... John, 267, 339 ...... Francis, 76 ...... Thomas, 2 ...... Henry, 250 ...... William, 91, 103, 108 (2), 117 292 (2), ...... John, 59, 139, 202, 308 297 (3), 299, 320, 332, 458, 499, 503 ...... Richard, 113 Gilford, John, 385 ...... William, 77, 197 Gilkes (Jilks), Joseph, 31, 50, 57 Gerrard (Gerard) Gill, Hugh, 136 ...... Elizabeth, 81 ...... Thomas, 376, 461 ...... Nicholas, 7, 400, 450 ...... [blank], 328 ...... Richard, 6 Gillett (Gillott) ...... William, The Rev., Rector of Aston ...... Elizabeth, 318, 321, 325 Clinton, 291, 343 ...... William, 125, 129 (2), 133 Gerrard’s Cross, xvi, 422 Gillman, John, 126, 138, 144, 166, 173 186 ...... Oxford Arms, The, at xvi, 422 Gillmore (Gilmore, Guilmore), William, Clerk Gervas (Jervase) of the Peace, 1686, 202, 207, 212, 213, 216, ...... John,322 225, 382 387, 395, 405, 445, 451, 453, 465, ...... Richard, 57 470, 474 ...... William, 327 Gilloway, James, 230, 237 Geynes, see Gaynes ...... [blank], officer of excise, 333 Geyton, see Gayton Gilpin, John, 146, 175, 508 Ghostily, see Gosly ...... Richard, 208, 238, 317 Gibbons (Gibbens) ...... Thomas, 317, 324 ...... Edward, 224 (2), 435 (2), 451 ...... William, 360, 361, 368, 369 284, 449, ...... Francis, 450, 488 452, 454 ...... Henry, 159 And see Kilpin ...... John, 78, 100, 159, 224, 397, 435, Ginger, Daniel, 221, 254 499 ...... John, 387, 416 ...... Richard, 130, 146, 172, 175, 200, 221 ...... Joseph, 284 ...... Samuel, 164 ...... Samuel, 70, 148, 257 ...... Thomas, 17, 236, 243, 244, 250, 485 ...... [blank], widow, 16 ...... William, 180 Ginitropp, Robert, 255 Gibbs (Gibbes) Girnett, John, 218 ...... Aaron, 29 Gladman, Edward, 110, 112 ...... Edward, 245 ...... Henry, 54 ...... Jane, 79, 83 ...... Ralph, 292 ...... John, 126, 132, 144, 166, 173, 182, Glassendon (Glassington), John, 14, 41, 215 186, 198, 209 Glave, John, 170 ...... The Rev., 293, 297 (2) Gleene, see Glyn ...... Richard, 232, 249, 265 ...... Robert, 80, 252, 261, 264, 271. 272 (2), 348 552 ______

INDEX. Glenister (Glenester) Goldinge, Henry, 4, 49, 69 ...... Elizabeth, 80 ...... John, 118, 136, 250, 265, 302, 341, 351 ...... John, 108, 430, 443 ...... Thomas, 466 ...... Joseph, 157 ...... William, 341, 351 ...... Mary, 72 Goldsworth (Gouldsworth) ...... William, 287 ...... John, 67, 89, 302, 360, 456 Glenn, see Glyn ...... Peter, 28, 67, 69, 360, 371, 456 Glidwell, Elizabeth, 310 Goldwin, see Goldinge ...... Henry, 85, 144, 152 Gomme (Gome) ...... Thomas, 85 ...... Christopher, 439, 453 Glin, see Glyn ...... Edward, 72, 114, 265, 347, 348, 358, Gloucestershire, Birdlip in, 110 407, 501 ...... Gloucester in, 314 ...... Richard, 266, 315, 375, 422 Glover, Abraham, 131, 135, 136, 172, 178, ...... Stephen, 49, 69 190, 247, 252, 259, 263, 264, 271, 272 (2), ...... Thomas, 49, 118 398, 409, 417, 433, 436, 437, 445 Good (Goud) ...... Henry, 186, 198 ...... John, 198, 209, 214 ...... Hugh, 151, 157, 304 (2) ...... Thomas, 200 ...... Mary, 73 Goodchild, Francis, 428 ...... William, 238 ...... Jeremiah, 39 Glyn (Gleene, Glenn, Glin, Glynne) ...... John, 151, 152, 368, 370, 378, 385, 437 ...... Edward, 328, 373, 409 ...... Joseph, 118, 466, 499 ...... Jonathan, 79, 126, 144, 166 173, 180, ...... Richard, 300, 373, 398, 418, 466 186, 198, 388, 397 And see Lyne ...... [blank], widow, 300 Goad, John, 203 Gooden, see Goodwin ...... Mary, 194 Goodgame, John, 102, 107, 108, 115, 125, ...... Samuel, 181 (2), 187 133, 139, 145, 153, 155, 161, 166, 173, 180 Gobby, William, 180 187, 203 Goddard, Richard, Attorney-at-law, 88(2) Goodin, Richard, 2 ...... Thomas, 2, 56 Goodlyman (Godliman, Goodliman), Thomas, Goddinge, see Goodwin 324, 338, 348, 357, 368, 384 Godfrey (Godfree) Goodman (Godman) ...... Gerrard, 461, 500 ...... Edward, 3, 8, 72, 420, 459 ...... John, 56, 69, 310, 317, 324, 410, 450, ...... George, The Rev., 289, 296 468 ...... Griffith, 488 ...... Judith, 174, 341, 347, 359 ...... Hugh, 167 ...... Richard, 364, 368, 385 ...... John, 36, 83, 418, 458, 495, 508 ...... Samuel, 40, 55 ...... …… The Rev., 289 ...... Thomas, 23, 80, 326 ...... Mary, 12, 109, 187, 389, 399, 400, 409, ...... William, 40, 81, 166, 174, 317, 341, 410, 418, 430, 431 439, 440 (2), 449 (2), 347, 349 457, 469, 476, 488, 497 Goding, see Goodwin ...... Matthew, 47 Godington, Co. Oxford, 127 ...... Philip, 501 Godman, see Goodman ...... Richard, 48, 68, 72, 84, 244, 485, 495 Godred, Anthony, 240 ...... Thomas, 450 Godwin, see Goodwin Goodrich (Goodridge) Gold (Gould) ...... Elizabeth, 78 ...... Henry, 101, 117, 146, 164 ...... John, 168 ...... James, 496, 507 (2) ...... Tobias (Toby), 3, 117, 147, 159, 338, 339, ...... John, 113 347, 358 ...... Thomas, 459, 495, 499 Goods, Carriage of, Rates for, xvii, 426, 462, Golder, see Goldinge 506 Goldfinch, William, 487 (2) Goodson, Robert, 292, 296, 297 Goldinge (Golden, Golder, Goldwin) ...... Thomas, 58, 438 ...... Benjamin, 94 ...... Edward, 325 ...... Elizabeth, 178 553 ______

INDEX. Goodson, William, 58, 60, 168 146, 159, 163, 165, 172, 198, 220, 231, Goodspeed, Benjamin, 480 245, 252, 267, 273, 319, 328, 341, 351, ...... John, 168 362, 389, 399, 409, 449, 468, 477, ...... Joseph, 450, 488 488, 497 ...... Judith, 161 Granestake, John, 262 Goodwin (Goddinge, Goding, Godwin Gooden) Grange (Grainge, Graunge) ...... Anthony, 163 ...... Henry, 11 ...... John, 14, 19, 186, 197, 369 378 (2), 385 ...... John, 25, 29 ...... Ralph, 209, 214 ...... Nicholas, 106, 406 ...... Simon, 28, 114, 123, 130 ...... Robert, 83, 124, 163, 437, ...... Susan, 80 446, 494 ...... Thomas, 53, 80, 150, 454 ...... Samuel, 2, 5, 13, 100, 131, ...... William, 20, 59, 124, 422, 460 147, 175, 185, 212, 254, 275, 282, 304 Goodyer, Anne, 81 Grant (Graunt) Gosley (Ghostily, Gorsley, Gostiloe, Gostly), ...... Anne, 182 George, 33, 79, 102, 106, 115, 126, 132, 144, ...... Elizabeth, 182 375, 419 ...... John, 182 Gosnold, Richard, 397 ...... Sarah, 182 Goss (Gosse) ...... Susan, 182 ...... Henry, 300 ...... William, 182, 371, 374, 410, 469 ...... Roger, 415, 420 Grasham, see Gressham ...... Thomas, 315, 316, 359, 415, 475 Graunge, see Grange Gothurst, see Gayhurst Graunt, see Grant Goud, see Good Gravener, Robert, 187 Gould, see Gold Graveny, James, 330, 375 Gouldsworth, see Goldsworth ...... Joseph, 309 Gourney, see Gurney Graves (Grave, Greaves, Greeves) Gower, Ellen, 310 ...... John, 137, 165, 237 ...... Francis, 316, 377, 421 ...... Richard, 223 ...... John, 24 ...... Stephen, 6, 116 ...... Thomas, 342, 390 ...... Thomas, 385 Gowninge, Sarah, 126, 131 ...... William, 19, 49, 72, 329, ...... William, 126, 131 373, 397 And see Grove Grace, Benedict, 215 Gravestock, Henry, 218 ...... Daniel, 273, 277, 278 Gravett (Graford, Grevett) ...... John, 14, 22, 73, 78, 137, 168, 171, 255, 285, ...... John, 85, 90, 97, 116, 161 332, 360, 456, 462, 472, 498 ...... Thomas, 181 ...... Ralph, 136 Gray, see Grey ...... Richard, 460 Great Brickhill, see Brickhill, Great ...... William, 363, 396, 420, 461 Great Hampden, see Hampden, Great Graford, see Gravett Great Horwood, see Horwood, Great Grainge, see Graunge Great Kimble, see Kimble, Great Gramant, John, 173 Great I.inford, see Linford, Great Grandborough, 21, 48, 58, 69, 142, 150, 291, 299, Great Ludford, see Linford, Great 385, 456 Great Marlow, see Marlow, Great ...... Constables of, 69 Great Missenden, see Missenden, ...... Meeting house at, 299 Great ...... Vicar of, 291, 456 Greatmoor, 478 Grand Jury, Address to the King by the, x, 129 Great Woolstone, see Woolstone, ...... ……… Bridewell at High Wycombe inspected Great by the, 163 Greaves, see Graves ...... …… Presentments of the, xvii, 3, 6, 13, 20, Green (Greene) 80, 97, 101, 138, ...... Francis, the Rev., Vicar of East Claydon, 291 ...... George, 176 ...... Jeremiah, 89 ...... John, 46, 53, 54, 223, 227, 243, 251, 301, 313, 316, 322, 372 554 ______

INDEX. Green, John, J.P., 85, 165, 171, 509 Grigg, Mary, 266 ...... Martha, 176 Grimsdale (Grimsall, ...... Mary, 73, 412 Grimsdall, Grymsdall) ...... Michael, 279, 332 ...... Christopher, 407, 466 ...... Richard, 40, 70, 72 ...... John, 22, 101, 131 ...... Robert, 172, 256 ...... Richard, 130, 168, 191, 197, 416, ...... Thomas, 2, 30, 117, 118, 146, 172, 238, 255, 499 202, 264, 459, 500 ...... William, 329, 374, 456 ...... William, 34, 68, 88, 91, 102, 105, 107, 108, Grimson, Daniel, 133 139, 157, 162, 179, 219, 223, 243, 245, 279, 358, Gritmore, see Greatmoor 369, 407, 401 Grizzill (Grissell) Greenborow, see Grandborough ...... Anne, 36 Greeneupp, Robert, 278 ...... George, 226 Greeninge, Thomas, 148 Groome, Anne, 21 Greens-Norton, Co. Northampton, 462 ...... John, 51 Greenwood (Greenewood) ...... Richard, 148, 476, 501 ...... John, 364, 375 ...... Robert, 118,406 ...... Richard, 407, 428, 455, 496 ...... Sarah, 51 ...... Robert, 308 ...... William, 35, 101 ...... William, 350, 357, 358, 359, 360, 369 Grove, 140, 149, 155, 292, 385 ...... alias Sadler, William, 244, 287 ...... Rector of, 292 Greeves, see Graves Grove (Groves) Gregories, 287, 295, 511 ...... Bernard, 178 Gregory, Francis, The Rev., Rector of Hambleden, ...... Frances, 271 289 ...... George, 40, 62, 159, 164, ...... William, 110 185, 486, 496 ...... alias Marsh, John, 212 ...... John, 125, 133, 139, 153, Grendon Underwood, 4, 22, 99, 101, 104, 239, 167, 222, 274, 293, 297 (2), 299, 310, 274, 291, 312, 406, 480 456, 462 ...... Constables of, 239, 274, 312 ...... Joseph, 359 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... Mary, 359 Gressham (Grasham), William, 223, 256 ...... Richard, 41, 118, 147, 253, Grevett, see Gravett 282, 416 Grey (Gray) ...... Thomas, 21, 49, 256, 279, ...... Barbara, 493 284, 287, 295, 336, 355 ...... John, 49, 70, 254 ...... William, 8, 69, 130, 199, ...... Joseph, 79 (2) 220, 325, 461 (2) ...... Richard, 285, 331 And see Graves ...... Robert, 118, 162, 414 Grovemead, John, 256 ...... Sarah, 39, 237 Grover, James, 279, 319 ...... Thomas, 63, 85, 142, 305, 313, 343, 347 ...... John, 117, 147, 282, 329, 333 ...... William, 23, 294, 290, 398 ...... Mary, 333 ...... [blank], surgeon, xvi, 422, 483 ...... Nathaniel, 113 Griffin, see Griffith ...... Thomas, 6, 19, 20, 207 Griffith (Griffes, Griffin) Grubb, John, 281 ...... Christopher, 31 Grymes, John, 62 ...... Edward, 197, 214, 226, 235, 245, 250, 419, Gubbins (Gubinns) 458, 467 ...... Sarah, 173 ...... Evan, 17, 413 ...... Thomas, 54 ...... George, 384, 396 ...... William, 144 ...... Henry, 396 Guilmore, see Gillmore ...... John, 40, 41, 124, 340, 407 Gunne (Gune) ...... Richard, 227, 233 ...... Nathaniel, 1 ...... [blank], 421 ...... Philip, 1 Gunnell (Gunnill) ...... John, 70, 267 ...... William, 92, 440 Guntropp (Gunthropp) ...... John, 232 ...... Thomas, 279 555 ______

INDEX. Haley (Hayley) ...... John, 459 ...... Michael, 308 ...... Robert, 62, 421, 458 ...... William, 12, 21, 276 Hall, Alice, 121, 215, 224 ...... Andrew, 208 ...... Bernard, 114, 151, 244 ...... Edward, 359 ...... Henry, 105, 115, 126, 132 ...... James, 246 ...... John, 108, 127, 386 ...... Michael, 11, 106 ...... Peter. 80 ...... Richard, 33, 101, 105, 111, 348 ...... Thomas, 24, 62, 238, 242, 250, 253, 260, 268, 276, 277, 282 ...... William, 223, 256 ...... [blank], widow, 90 Hall Barn, 101 And see Beaconsfield Halloway, see Holloway Halsey (Helsey) ...... John, 6, 207 ...... Susan, 6 Haltham, see Holtham Halton, 23, 30, 118, 148, 199, 221, 252, 255, 268, 290, 330, 421, 424, 500 ...... Constables of, 23, 118, 148, 221, 255, 330, 421, 500 ...... Rector of, 290 Ham, see Woodham Hambleden, 10, 34, 48 (2), 49, 53, 70, 76, 83, 113, 118, 119, 130, 171, 178, 179, 199, 221, 244, 236, 243, 244, 249, 250, 255, 285, 289, 302, 303, 310, 311, 331, 374, 398, 419, 422, 431, 435, 451, 439, 499, 502 ...... Constables of, 49, 70, 118, 221, 255, 285, 302, 331, 374, 422, 459, 502 ...... Meeting houses at, 398 ...... Mill at, 499 ...... Rector of, 289 ...... Skirmote in, see Hambleton, Mary, 145 Hamilton, Archibald, The Rev., 291, 296, 297 Hammond (Amond, Hamond) ...... Jonathan, 458, 476, 499 ...... Thomas, 379, 415 ...... William, 183, 507 Hampden, Richard, Chancellor of the Exchequer, xii, 356 Hampden, Great, 81, 118, 112, 225, 279, 290, 329, 376, 390 (2), 455 ...... ……… Constables of, 118, 390 (2) 556 ______

INDEX. Hampden, Great, Rector of, 290 Harding, [blank], widow, 145 Hampden, Little, 65, 284, 466 Hardmead, 55, 290, 331, 398 ...... …….. Constables of, 284 ...... Constables of, 331 Hampshire, Penton in, 82 ...... Meeting house at, 398 Hampson, Dennis, Sir, 2nd Bart., ...... Rector of, 290 J.P., Sheriff, 1684, 43, 46, 137, 143 (2), 151, Hardwell, Thomas, 41 159, 287, 295, 451, 464, 471, 482, 492, Hardwick, 7, 17, 57, 72, 87 (2), 137, 146, l82, 493, 509 185, 190, 202, 207, 210, 231, 277, 278, 291, ...... William, 151 318, 320, 327, 329, 336, 355, 363, 365, 422, Hance (Hans), William, 122, 130, 142, 405 448, 458, 459, 466, 503 Hancock, Katherine, 181, 387, 395, 396, ...... Bridge at, 137 405, 407 ...... Constables of, 7, 182, 320, 363, 422, 459 ...... Thomas, 127, 131, 132 ...... Mill at, 210, 215 ...... William, 142, 336 ...... Hulcott Mill at, 210, 215 Hands, James, 475 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... Jonathan, 223, 466 ...... Weedon in, see Weedon Hannell (Hanwell), Isaac, 387, 416 Hardwick, Mary, 74, 126, 138, 144, 173, 181, Hans, see Hance 192, 198, 209, 214 Hanslope, 10, 45 (2), 53 (2), 69, 90, 126, Hare (Hair) 132, 138, 144, 156, 164, 166, 173, 180, ...... Henry, 126, 132, 139, 167, 173 186, 192, 198, 289 (2), 293, 295 (2), ...... Sebastian, 102, 108, 115 368, 369, 373, 387, 409, 468, 474(2), 477, ...... Thomas, 20, 325 482, 484, 485(2) ...... William, 178, 325, 331 ...... Vicar of, 293 Harley (Harly) Hanson, John, Registrar of Eton College, ...... Anne, 311 294, 296 ...... John, 256, 302 Hansum, John, 127 ...... Nicholas, 311, 325 Hanwell, see Hannell ...... Richard, 401, 442 Harbert, see Harbor ...... William, 286, 308 Harboard, Richard, 487 Harlington, Co. Bedford, 93, 182 Harbor (Harber, Harbert) Harlow, Edward, Sir, Knight, 483 ...... John, 390, 432 Harman (Harmon) ...... William, 282, 286, 307, 329 ...... John, 7, 218, 226, 235 (2), 242 (2), 248 Harborough, Elizabeth, 141 (2), 263 (2), 271 Harding (Hardinge) ...... Richard, 278 ...... David, 60, 360 ...... William, 178, 417 ...... Daniel, 386 Harpur, John, 316 ...... Edward, 70 ...... Thomas, 316 ...... Elizabeth, 343, 347, 362 Harris (Arris, Harrys) ...... George, 149, 151, 157, 387, 416 ...... Charles, 476 ...... Henry, 69, 168 ...... David, 248 ...... James (Jacob), 73, 151,178, 265 ...... Edward, 167, 168 ...... John, 69, 164, 205, 218, 324 ...... Francis, 44, 278 ...... Jonas, 276, 294, 298 ...... George, 69, 91, 340, 406 ...... Joseph, 28, 63, 363 ...... Gilbert, 183, 450 ...... Mary, 205, 301, 324 ...... Guy, 79, 359 ...... Richard, 118, 145, 161, 172, 178, ...... Henry, 281, 448 204, 213, 239, 249, 253, 255, 263, 273, ...... James, 158 294, 297, 298, 310, 341, 351, 352, 361, 429 ...... John, 81, 204, 376, 443, 446, 50l ...... Samuel, 208 ...... Joseph, 423, 424 ...... Susan, 166, 167, 173, 180, 187 ...... Martha, 108 ...... Thomas, 112, 283, 339 ...... Nicholas, 17, 109 ...... Timothy, 397, 454, 507 ...... Richard, 316, 423 ...... William, 28, 96, 106, 165, 166, 173, ...... Robert, 60, 65 174, 179, 187, 193, 257, 486 ...... Simon, 24 ...... Stephen, 108 557 ______

INDEX. Harris, Thomas, 49, 67, 208, 256, 284, 287, Harwood, Richard, 199, 220 302, 383, 421, 460, 461, 474, 488, 501 ...... Thomas, 205 ...... William, 5, 79, 96, 101, 106, 108, Hassell, see Hazle 115, 125, 256 Hastings, William, 172, 178 ...... [blank], 111 Hatch, Edward, 442, 445, 446, 454 Harrison, Dorothy, 145, 161, 253, 310, 341, ...... Richard, The Rev., Curate of Shenley, 351, 352, 361 293 ...... George, The Rev., Rector of Fleet Hatcher, Margaret, 424 Marston, 290 Hatches, Richard, 133 ...... Henry, 253, 273, 310 Hatchman, Richard, 499 ...... John, 242, 248, 263, 271, 277 Hathorne, Alexander, 184 ...... Michael, The Rev., Vicar Hatterill (Hadderill) of Caversfield, 291 ...... John, 87 ...... Richard, 3 ...... alias King, Mary, 323 ...... Samuel, The Rev., Rector Hatton, Francis, 364 of Hartwell, 290 ...... Thomas, 437 ...... Oving, 290 Haughton, see Horton ...... Waddesdon, 96 Haunch, William, 475 ...... William, 214 Haversham, 11, 18 (2), 28, 289, 293, 295, 371 ...... [blank], 383, 477 ...... Curate of, 293 Harrold, Co. Bedford, 418 ...... Meeting houses at, 371 Harryotts, William, 59 Hawes, George, 255, 312, 496 Hart, Edward, 219, 289, 295 ...... Henry, 164, 282, 329, 486 ...... Geoffrey, 333 ...... Jane, 135 ...... Richard, 396 ...... John, 23, 49, 232, 267, 316, 495 ...... Robert, J.P., Sheriff, 1685, 43, 165 ...... Ralph, 409, 423, 460, 501 (2), 171, 179, 185, 259, 289, 295, 510 ...... Thomas, 136, 379 ...... Samuel, The Rev., Rector of Drayton Hawkes (Hawks) Parslow, 290 ...... Daniel, 26 ...... William, 232 ...... John, 281 (2), 306, 307 Hartell, see Hartwell ...... Jonas, 447 Hartley, Samuel, 191, 192 ...... Zaccheus, 35 ...... William, 22, 48, 253, 274, 282, 285, Hawkins, Alexander, 80 304, 316 ...... Edward, 183, 421, 460 Hartwell, 90, 136, 154, 160, 178, 188, 222, ...... Geoffrey, 24 234, 309, 350, 470, 485 ...... Henry, 371 ...... Constables of, 222 ...... John, 33, 74 Hartwell, Francis, 286, 307, 458, 498 ...... Nicholas, 115, 144, 152, 167 Harvey, Benjamin, 432, 470 ...... Richard, 237 ...... Cornelius, 115, 126, 132, 138, 144, ...... Robert, 460 152, 173, 180, 186 ...... [blank], widow, 145 ...... Elias (Ellis), 342, 353 Hawridge, 9, 32, 87, 163, 184, 286, 293, 296, ...... John, 126, 132, 139, 167, 180 308, 365, 380, 393, 419, 434, 437, 438 (2), ...... Philip, 1, 2, 12, 21, 81, 85, 96, 102, 443, 445, 472, 481, 489 107, 108, 125, 133, 139, 145 ...... Constables of, 286 ...... Richard, 143, 370 ...... Rector of, 293, 296 ...... Thomas, 126, 132, 139, 144, 167, Hawtrey, John, Fellow of Eton College, 292, 173, 180, 198, 437 296 ...... William, 56, 180, 186, 279, 326 Hay, William, The Rev., Vicar of Chesham, 289 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Great Haycroft, see Heycroft Mallow, 290 Hayes, Thomas, 333 Harwell, Elizabeth, 71 Haygood, John, 333 Harwood, Anne, 205 Hayley, see Haley ...... Elisha, 222, 254 Haynes, see Haines ...... Elizabeth, 205 Hayward, see Heyward Haywards, References to, 453 ...... Wages of, xx, 155, 183 558 ______

INDEX. Hazle (Hasle, Hassel, Hazael, Hazell) Henly (Hendley) ...... Edward, 22, 48, 415 ...... Isaac, 151, 158, 174, 186, 209, 437 ...... James, 138, 157, 190, 191, 196, 286, ...... John, 152, 448 307, 340, 348, 397, 408, 439 ...... Robert, 372 ...... William, 1, 54, 67, 89, 159, 199, 220, ...... Thomas, 148 244, 286, 307, 315, 340, 415 ...... William, 148 Headach, Thomas, 294, 297, 298 Henn (Henne) Headboroughs, References to, 111, ...... James, 231 223, 258, 482 ...... John, 232 Headen, Richard, 432 ...... Thomas, 97 Headsore, see Hedsor Henry, King, VIII. Letters Patent by, 344 Heale (Heele), John, 40, 90, 117, 191, 272, Henshaw, William, 360, 361, 368, 369, 384 416 Henson, John, 102, 106, 109, 168, 181, 186 Healy, Thomas, 416 Herbert, Elizabeth, 350, 353, 357, 367, 360 (2) Hearne, see Herne ...... Henry, 236, 242 Hearth Tax, xiv, 56, 169, 206 ...... James, J.P., 165, 219,510 Heath, see Hethe ...... John, 45, 469 Heath, Edward, 385 ...... Silvester, 236, 242 (2), 248 (2), 263 (2) Heather, Thomas, 476 ...... Walter, 350, 353, 357, 367, 369 ...... William, 232, 274, 285 ...... William, 468 Hebbard, see Hubbert Herne (Hearne) Hebbarn, see Hebbon ...... Christopher, 28 Hebbert, see Hubbert ...... Edward, 32, 88, 376, 417, 445, 446, 453, Hebbes (Hebb) 454 ...... Kelham, 35 (2), 38, 39 ...... Henry, 139, 143, 144, 153, 160 ...... William, 420, 488, 507 ...... James, 68, 91 Hebbon (Hebbarn, Hebborne) ...... John, 169, 352 ...... Henry, 190, 197 ...... Richard, 5, 84, 326, 397 ...... Thomas, 284, 377 ...... Stephen, 283, 330 Heddington, Clement, 237 ...... Thomas, 126, 132, 139, 143, 153, 160, ...... Richard, 390 167, 173, 441,479 Hedgerley, 23, 32, 37, 54, 64, 67, 124, 135, ...... William, 77 203, 209, 214, 284, 330, 372, 377, 420, 461 Herring, William, 208, 211, 212, 217, 218(2) ...... Constables of, 23, 284, 330, 377, Herritage, Joseph, 38 420, 461 Hertfordshire, Aldenham in, 155 ...... Conveyance of cripples ...... Apsley End in, 203 through orders concerning, 32, 37 ...... Berkhampstead, Great (St. Peter’s) in, Hedgerley Dean, 82 15, 195, 251 (2), 252 Hedges, Anthony, 219, 272 ...... Berkhampstead St. Mary in, see ...... Joseph, 432, 469 Northchurch in Hedsor, 41, 75, 82, 83, 85, 90, 124, ...... Betlow in, 406 130, 174, 212, 224, 306, 313, 321, 329, ...... Bovingdon in, 202, 349, 405 469, 476 ...... Coleshill [now co. Buckingham] in, 200, ...... Lilly Field in, see Lillifee 336 ...... Rates for King’s Bench, etc., at, 82 ...... Flamstead in, 503 ...... Tithingman of, 476 ...... Gaddesden, Little, in, 178, 190, 219 And see Marlow, Little ...... Hemel Hempstead in, 252, 463 Heele, see Heale ...... Hitchin in, 93 Hoifeild, see Heyfield ...... Justices for the County of, 194 Holder, Thomas, 213, 495 ...... King’s Langley in, 345 Helsey, see Halsey Hemel Hempstead, Co. Hertford, 252, 463 Hemperly, Matthew, 502 Hempsted, see Hemel Hempstead Henile, see Hevell NN 559 ______

INDEX. Hertfordshire, Letchmore Heath in, 155 Hickman, Thomas, 105, 148 ...... Nettleden in, 194 ...... William, 107, 141, 182 ...... Northchurch (Berkhampstead St. Hicks, Ambrose, 162 Mary) in, 321, 370, 430 (2), 437, 438, 442, ...... Francis, 328 451 ...... John, 49, 207 (2) ...... Puttenham in, 220 ...... Thomas, 66 (3), 72, 179, 184 ...... Rickmansworth in, 71, 75 ...... William 197 ...... St. Albans in, 87 Hiddand, William, 54 ...... Studham in, 365 Hide, see Hyde ...... Tring in, 251 (2), 252 (4) Hidwell, see Hudnall ...... Watford in, 74 Higby (Hogby) ...... Wiggington in, 87 ...... Charles, 192, 203, 209 ...... Wilstone in, 182 ...... Sarah, 431, 433 Hester, William, 237, 302, 308 ...... Thomas, 174, 181, 203 Heston, Co. Middlesex, 440 Higgins (Higgens) Hethe, Co. Oxford, 278 ...... Frances, 248, 263 Hevell (Henile), John, 232, 267, 420, 461 ...... Francis, 235 Hewes, see Hughes ...... Henry, 115, 479 Hewett (Huett) ...... John, 89, 123, 219, 226, 235 (2), 242, ...... John, 489 248 (2), 263 (2), 271 (2), 278(2), 331 ...... Richard, 332, 377 ...... Nicholas, 160 ...... William, 205 ...... William, 126, 132,139,144,222 Heyborne, Thomas, 23, 69 Higgs (Higges), John, 108 ...... William, 320 High Booding, see Roothing, High Heycroft (Haycraft) Highwaymen, References to, xvi, 17, 43, 422, ...... George, 312 493 ...... Nathaniel, 222 ...... Apprehension of, Rewards for, 43 Heydon, Richard, 408, 456 Highways, Non-performance of statu- tory ...... Zaccheus, 31, 45, 56, 267, 274 work on the, see under Offences Heyfield (Heifeild), Leonard, 212, 216, 323 ...... Non-repair of the, see under Offences Heyminge, Edward, 44 ...... Special rates for repair of the, 470, 471, Heynes, see Haines 480, 505 Heyward (Hayward, Heywood) ...... Supervisors of the, Present- ments by ...... Charles, 504 the, 6, 13, 154, 160, 204, 252, 477, 478, 479 ...... Jane, 246, 261 Higlers, Orders concerning licences for, 216, ...... Jasper, 437 225 ...... Joan, 102, 107(2), 115 ...... trading without licences, 63 ...... John, 39, 79, 83, 100, 102, 107, 115, Higney, Edward, 331, 376 137, 212 (2), 232, 311, 437 Hill (Hills) ...... Richard, 212, 292, 389, 398, 399, ...... Andrew, 30 415, 428, 429, 430, 431, 435 ...... Geoffrey, 377, 421 ...... Robert, 31, 37, 422, 461 ...... Henry, 66 ...... Thomas, 34 ...... Hester, 133 Hibbins, Henry, The Rev., Rector ...... John, 9, 28, 32, 48, 62, 101, 133, 139, of Waddesdon, 96, 309, 310 143, 153, 159, 164 (2), 214, 308, 375, 416, 426, Hickman, Anne, 121 466, 498 ...... Benjamin, 250 ...... Michael, 244, 287, 359 ...... Charles, The Rev. Dr., Rector of ...... Robert, 312, 441, 502 Farnham Royal, 481 ...... Roger, Sir, Knight, J.P., 510 ...... Eleanor, 96, 116, 125, 133, 138, 145 ...... Sarah, 34, 133 ...... Henry, 96, 116, 125, 133, 138, 145 ...... Thomas, 118, 226, 235, 255, 284, 377, ...... John, 55, 61, 143 (2), 256, 349, 500 385, 422 ...... Joseph, 302, 330 ...... William, 11, 40, 143, 158, 184, 244, 257, 283, 312, 359, 386 560 ______

INDEX. Hilldersdon, see Hillesdon Hobbs, John, 108, 115, 299, 342 Hillesden, 10 (2), 19, 21, 23, 67, 81, 174, ...... Matthew, 79, 83 222, 230, 256, 285, 287, 293, 298, 325, ...... Richard, 109 326, 335, 338, 342, 346, 452, 478 (2), 491 ...... Robert, 102, 107 (2), 115 (2) ...... Thomas, 118, 222, 256, 302, 421, 460, ...... Constables of, 23, 174, 222, 256, 501 285, 342 ...... William, 133, 283, 294, 298, 330, 331, ...... Thomas Parrott’s Lane in, 478 429, 493, 506 Hillesdon (Hillersdon, Hilsden) Hobby, Jane, 12, 14, 19, 21, 31, 36 ...... Elizabeth, 120 ...... Richard, 12, 14, 19, 21, 31, 36 ...... John, 13, 221 Hobcroft (Hobbcroft) ...... Thomas, 116, 146 ...... John, 11, 18, 28, 236, 237, 240, 243, ...... [blank], 503 244, 250 Hilliard, John, 67 ...... William, xi, 283 Hillier, John, 409, 474, 482 Hobes, alias Hookes, Richard, 139 ...... William, 19, 475 Hobson, alias Thompson, Thomas, 449, 452, Hillingdon, Co. Middlesex, 3, 402 453 Hills, see Hill Hoby, John, Sir, 2nd Bart., 151 Hilton (Hillton) Hoddey, Samuel, 203, 209 ...... Anne, 74 Hodell, Stephen, 312 ...... Richard, 7, 12, 81, 85, 108, 133, 139, Hodeskins, see Hodgkins 145, 153, 161, 166 Hodges, Elizabeth, 415 Hine, William, 232, 302 Hodgkins (Hodeskins, Hodgskins, Hoskins) Hinton, Richard, 211 ...... Coleborne, 11, 92, 147, 171, 175, 185 Hipper, William, 180 ...... Constance, 11, 18 Hitcham, 14, 87, 102, 107, 108, 118, 124, ...... Elizabeth, 87 125, 139, 145, 172, 203, 211, 250, 253, ...... Stephen, 303 255, 283, 330, 375, 475, 479 ...... Thomas, 186, 219 ...... Constables of, 14, 118, 255, 283, ...... [blank], 180 330, 375, 479 Hodgson (Hodsden, Hodson, Hogson) Hitchcock, Averiana (Averina), 318, 324 ...... John,137 ...... Edward, 455 ...... Richard, 410 ...... John, 222, 330, 377, 385 ...... Thomas, 114, 122, 136, 349, 429 ...... Robert, 35, 89, 316 ...... William, 142, 288 ...... Roger, The Rev., Vicar of Aston Hodson, see Hodgson Abbots, 291, 318 Hoe [?], 333 Hitchendon, see Hughenden ...... Constables of, 333 Hitchendon (Hitchendor), Matthew, 11, 20 Hoell, see Hole Hitchen, Co. Hertford, 93 Hogby, see Higby Hoare (Hore) Hogg (Hogge) ...... Amy, 116, 125, 138 ...... Mary, 15 ...... Ananias, 16 ...... Thomas, 40, 106, 202, 230, 386, 455, ...... Anne, 96 477 ...... Edward, 24, 221, 256, 398, 500 Hoggeston, 12, 13, 21, 25, 31, 36, 41, 117, ...... Henry, 357 148, 197, 223, 252, 256, 269, 276, 290, 501 ...... John, 168, 447, 459 ...... Colling Mead in, 252 ...... Joseph, 495 ...... Constables of, 117, 148, 223, 256, 501 ...... Mary, 116, 125, 138 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... Richard, 216, 390, 475 Hogsden, see Hoxton ...... Robert, 300 Hogshaw, 4, 33, 49, 92, 119, 208, 222, 255, ...... Roger, 54, 450, 467, 488 284, 332, 369, 377, 421 ...... Thomas, 353, 400 ...... Constables of, 49, 92, 119,222, 284, 421 ...... William, 92, 360, 386, 485 ...... Fulbrook in, see Fulbrook Hobbs (Hobbes) Hogson, see Hodgson ...... George, 469 ...... James, 160 (2) 561 ______

INDEX. Hogston, see Hoggeston Honnor, George, 70, 81, 92, 282, 329, 340, 504 Hogston, Daniel, 73 ...... Henry, 67, 410, 495 ...... Mary, 73, 78 ...... Isaac, 33, 59, 202, 272 Holborn, Co. Middlesex, 146, 196, 227 ...... Joseph, 284, 330 ...... St. Andrew’s in, 146, ...... Robert, 35, 73, 79, 208 196, 227 ...... William, 84, 90, 94, 168, 178, 280, 341, Holdan (Holdam, Holdham), Thomas, 55, 351, 487 58, 184, 244, 249, 250 Honnywood, Sarah, 17 Holderness, George, 23 Hookes, alias Hobes, Richard, 139 ...... Katherine, 54 Hooper, Richard, 151, 157, 158, 164 ...... Richard, 375, 479 Hooten (Hooton, Howton) ...... Samuel, 240 ...... Alice, 16, 152 Hole (Hoell), William, 34, 136 ...... Edward, 124, 159, 265 Holland, John, 69, 84 (2), 142, 150, 386 ...... Martin, 46, 54 (2) ...... Mary, 415 ...... Thomas, 126, 139, 152, 160, 166, 173, ...... Robert, 138, 145, 254, 386 189, 203, 447 ...... William, 179, 184 (2), 415, 475 ...... [blank], widow, 160 ...... [blank], widow, 299 Hope, Francis, 236, 243, 240 Hollingdon, 256, 302, 476 Hopkins, Elizabeth, 12 ...... Constables of, 256, 302 ...... Francis, 79 And see Soulbury ...... John, 302 Hollis (Hollys) ...... Thomas, 123, 151, 212, 272 ...... George, 274 ...... William, 132, 144, 152, 160, 166, 173, ...... Hester, 34 181, 209, 322, 324, 338, 340, 348, 361, (2), ...... Jeremiah, 114, 122, 340 395, 398, 436, 445, 454 ...... John, 331, 374 Hopper, Robert, 346 ...... Margaret, 126 Hore, see Hoare ...... Susan, 150 Hornby, John, The Rev., Vicar of Mentmore, Holloway (Halloway) 293 ...... John,421 Home, Daniel, 485 ...... Richard, 150, 151, 157, 158 ...... Francis, 24 ...... Robert, 11, 16, 18 ...... Gustave, 79, 165, 265 ...... Thomas, 11, 16, 18 ...... Hannah, 371 Hollyer (Hollier), Robert, 230, 237 (2) ...... John, 501 Hollyman (Holliman), John, 39, 439, 446, Horod, see Horwood 471 Horridge, see Hawridge Holman (Homan), William, 59, 61 Horrold, see Harrold Holmes, Isaac, 388, 397 Horsenden, 116, 274, 281, 291, 440, 449, 451, ...... James, 161 457, 468 (2), 470, 477, 480, 481, 506 ...... Thomas, 178 ...... Bottom Lane in, 457 Holt, Charles, 164, 267 ...... Constables of, 274, 468 ...... Ephraim, 220, 253, 357, 369, 398 ...... Fulling Mill Lane in, 457 ...... John, 286, 308 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... Sir, Lord Chief Justice, 483 Horses, Fees for keeping prisoners’, 15, 16 ...... Samuel, 102, 107, 108 Horton, xix, 8, 12, 22, 23, 32, 34, 35, 51, 77 (2), ...... Thomas, 450 88, 91, 145, 146, 150, 153, 154, 156, 161 Holtham (Haltham, Holton) (2), 167, 181 (3), 194, 201, 215, 220, 222, 224, ...... Richard, 36, 55, 61 239, 240, 245, 246, 254, 259, 260, 265, 284 (2), ...... Robert, 54 289, 313, 331, 334, 344, 376, 389, 400 (2), ...... Thomas, 385 408, 413, 416, 417, 419, 432, 439, 441, 442, Holton, see Holtham 443, 445, 446 (2), 453 (2), 458, 461 (2), Homage Fees, xiii, 196, 202, 246, 259 467, 502 (2) Homan, see Holman Hone, Joseph, 154, 182 Honnor (Honnour) ...... Daniel, 239, 479 ...... Edward, 11, 89, 196, 220, 253, 349, 475 ...... Gabriel, 86, 178 562 ______

INDEX. Horton, Bridges at, 239, 313, 344 Hosey, Samuel, 376, 419 ...... Burnt House Close in, 400 Hoskins, see Hodgkins ...... Colebrooke in, see Colnbrook House, see Howes ...... Constables of, 32, 254, 284, 331, Houses of Correction, see Bridewells, under 376, 419, 461, 502 Aylesbury; Newport Pagnell; Wycombe, High ...... Lord of the Manor of, 194 How (Howe) ...... New Bridge Green in, 400 ...... Daniel, 422, 459 ...... Overseers of, 246 ...... Edward, 233, 261, 271 ...... Rector of, xix, 289, 400, 416 ...... Elizabeth, 271 Horton (Haughton) ...... George, 83, 168 ...... Alexander, 89 ...... Jane, 345 ...... Francis, 222, 416, 496 ...... John, 143, 190, 196, 308, 309, 450, 480, ...... Henry, 14 499 ...... John, 34, 62, 98, 103, 203, 222 ...... Mary, 412, 452 ...... Peter, 34, 35, 38 (2), 39, 89, 130, ...... Richard, 13, 63 273, 277, 286, 301, 306, 307 (2), 308, 316, ...... Robert, 226, 235 327, 328, 339 (2), 360, 365, 367, 369, 370, ...... William, 441, 475, 489 372, 401, 446, 467 ...... [blank], 125, 277 ...... Sarah, 130, 190 And see Howes ...... Thomas, 502 Howard, Charles, 508 Horton Hall, 96 ...... Robert, 136 And see Edlesborough Howell, Richard, 432 Horwood (Horod, Horrwood, Whor- wood) Howes (House, Howse) ...... Anne, 301, 313, 316, 322 ...... Adiel, 475 ...... Daniel, 455 (2) ...... Anne, 351, 361, 362, 373, 388 (2), 405 ...... George, 35 ...... David, 302, 331 ...... Henry, 28 ...... Finch, 12, 18, 19, 319, 328 (2), 351, 361, ...... John, 98, 327, 333, 388 362, 372, 373, 388, 389 (2), 399, 400, 405, ...... Nathaniel, 37 409, 413, 418, 430, 431, 440 (2), 449 (2), 457, ...... Nicholas, 487 476, 488 (2), 497 ...... Robert, 23, 36, 164, 277, 333 ...... Francis, 167, 173 ...... Samuel, 125 ...... George, 437 ...... Thomas, xi, 46, 114, 121, 168, 190, ...... Henry, 283 (2), 342 214, 239, 245, 316, 477, 480, 483 ...... James, 40 ...... William, 364, 508 ...... John, 12, 21, 31, 36, 41, 47, 55, 59, 63, ...... [blank], widow, 12 106, 108, 114, 165, 172, 185, 190, 319, 328 Horwood, Great, 14, 18 (2), 19 (2), 29, 31, (2), 351, 361, 362, 372 (2), 388, 389 (2), 399, 51, 57 (2), 60, 77, 115, 123, 133, 134, 180, 400, 405, 409 (2), 413, 418, 430, 431 (2), 266, 267, 283, 293, 299, 314, 318 (2), 324, 440(2), 449 (2), 457, 468, 469, 476, 488 (2), 325, 337, 371, 409, 410, 417, 418, 430, 496, 497 443, 446, 451, 461, 472 ...... Joseph, 291 ...... Constables of, 31, 267 ...... Katherine, 12, 21, 31, 36, 41, 47, 55, 59, ...... Curate of, 293 372, 388 ...... Meeting houses at, 299, 371 ...... Martha, 457 ...... Sincleburgh, in, ...... Mary, 155 see ...... Richard, 460 Horwood, Little, 5, 83, 93, 107, 109 ...... Roger, 215, 390, 455 (2), 113 (3), 115, 125, 130 (2), 133, 136, ...... Thomas, 221, 257 142, 163, 181, 197, 272 (2), 317, 318, 337, ...... William, 1, 106, 121, 292, 296, 297, 299 377, 397, 437, 446, 450, 456, 494 And see How ...... Constables of, 181,377 Howlett, Thomas, 358, 360, 383 ...... Hall Close in, 109 Howse, see Howes ...... Shipton in, see Shipton Howton, see Hooten 563 ______

INDEX. Hoxton, Co. Middlesex, 93 Hulcott, Curate of, 291 Hubbert (Hebbard, Hebberd, Hull, John, 227 Hebbett, Hubbard) ...... Thomas, 245 ...... Dutton, 455 Humatt, William, 4 ...... Geoffrey, 406 Humney, Elizabeth, 198 ...... Henry, 231, 248, 263, 271, 278, 341 Humphrey (Humfrey) (2), 351 (2), 352 (2), 361 (2), 363, 373, 417 ...... Edward, 47 (2), 423, 425 ...... George, 255 ...... Silvester, 341, 351 ...... John, 312 ...... William, 341, 351, 352, 361, 363, ...... Jonas, 118, 146 406 ...... Jonathan, 375 Hubocke (Hubbocks, Hubbox) ...... Nathaniel, 214 ...... Anne, 319 ...... Nicholas, 36 ...... George, 322 ...... Thomas, 49, 148, 330, 492 ...... Joan, 34 ...... William, 148, 182, 408 Hudnall, 221, 329 Hundreds, see Ashendon, ...... Constables of, 221 Aylesbury, Buckingham, Burnham, Cottesloe, And see Edlesborough Desborough, Newport, and Stoke; also Chiltern Hudson, Robert, 13 Hunett, Peter, 92 ...... Thomas, 18, 79, 163, 219 Hunt, Anne, 67 ...... William, 348 ...... Clement, 223, 298, 300 ...... [blank], officer of excise, 333 ...... Edward, 123 “Hue and Cry,” Statute of, 482 ...... George, 255, 320 And see under Offences ...... Henry, 282, 329 Huett, see Hewett ...... James, 35, 104, 213, 375, 382 Hugendon, see Hughenden ...... Jasper, 284, 331, 458, 499 Hugerly, see Hedgerley ...... John, 8, 274 Hughenden (or Hitchendon), 24, 35, ...... Oliver, 75, 86 48, 50, 70, 83, 84, 88 (2), 92, 112, 114, 117 ...... Richard, 158, 274, 335 (2), 123 (2), 131, 135, 174, 212, 215, ...... Sarah, 133 221, 236, 256, 274, 276, 285, 316, 331, ...... Stephen, 35 359, 369, 374, 376, 387, 391, 397, 399, ...... Thomas, 118, 342 409, 420, 444, 459, 487, 502 ...... William, 80 84, 292, 359, 375 ...... Brands Lane in, 216 Huntingdonshire, Eynesbury in, 369, 378, 385 ...... Bransfee in, see Brand’s Fee ...... Needingworth in, 369, 385 ...... Constables of, 24, 50, 70, 92, 117, Huntley, Jephthah, 410, 450 221, 256, 274, 276, 285, 331, 376, 420, ...... Matthew (Matthias), 199, 220 459, 502 ...... Robert, 368 ...... Kidmore End in, 216 Hurles, Henry, 231, 339 ...... Manor of, Lords of the, 215 ...... Richard, 146, 174, 389, 397, 432 ...... Overseers of, 391 ...... Robert, 307 Hughes (Hewes, Huse) ...... Thomas, 72, 140, 177, 348, 406, 408, 494 ...... Henry, 256, 440 Hurley, Co. Berks, 243 ...... John, 501 Hunt, Co. Berks, 26, 32 ...... The Rev., Rector of Chesham Hurst (Hurt, Hust) Bois, 290 ...... Anne, 339 (2) ...... Nicholas, 396 ...... Christopher, 327 ...... Peter, 24, 50, 114, 179, 320, 415 ...... John, 155, 163, 186, 192 ...... Philip, 159, 164, 165, 218, 301 ...... Richard, 376, 390, 397, 407, 455 ...... Robert, 49, 70 ...... William, 327, 339 (2), 376, 455 ...... Thomas, 49, 212, 348, 376 Husborne Crawley, Co. Bedford, 503 ...... William, 101, 119 Huse, see Hughes Hugson, see Hoggeston Husk, William, 249 Hulcott, 37, 41, 70, 92, 196, 241, 252, 291, Husse, Ellen, 9 320 Hust, see Hurst ...... Constables of, 92, 320 564 ______

INDEX. Hutchenson, James, 349 Ingram, John, 175, 200 Hutching (Hutchens) ...... Matthias, 141 ...... Edward, 396 ...... Ralph, 10 ...... Elizabeth, 307 ...... Richard, 121, 123, 500 ...... James, 307 ...... Thomas, 70, 90, 126, 397 ...... John, 151, 168, 197, 253 ...... William, 222, 458, 502 ...... Stephen, 245, 284 Inmates, Entertaining of, see under Offences ...... Thomas, 67, 147, 220 Innards, Charles, 130 ...... William, 410 Inns, at Amersham, The George, 433 Hutton, John, 273, 277, 278 ...... The Saracen’s Head, 433 Hyde (Hide) ...... at Aylesbury, The George, 50, 71, 94, ...... Andrew, 312 149, 189, 275, 321, 335, 365, 392, 462, 490 ...... Richard, 396 ...... The White Angel, 28 ...... Thomas, 84 ...... The White Hart, 257 ...... [blank], Mr., 443, 473 ...... at Gerrard’s Cross; The Oxford Arms, xvi, 422 IBLETHWAITE, Jane, 26 ...... at Marlow, Great; The Crown, 195 Ibstone (or Ipstone), 1, 7, 12, 21, 24, 31, ...... at Newport Pagnell; The Nag’s Head, 441 36, 41, 53, 70, 86, 87, 90, 92, 99, 117, 125, ...... at Olney; The White Swan, 418 129, 133, 213, 221, 234, 245, 254, 273, ...... at Risborough, Princes; The George, 130 274, 342, 374 (2), 390, 421, 459, 502 ...... at ; The Ship, 201 ...... Constables of, 24, 36, 70, 92, 99, And see Alehouses 117, 221, 234, 254, 342, 374, 421, 459, 502 Inns, Mary, 125 And see Turville ...... William, 46, 114 Ickford, 12, 14, 19, 21, 31, 36, 165, 183, Inquest, The Grand, see Grand Jury 188, 204, 234, 399, 409, 449 Insulting Behaviour, see under Offences ...... Bridge at, 165, 183, 188, 234 Inwood, Daniel, 223, 256 ...... Rector of, 204, 234 ...... Robert, 24 Icknield Street, 252, 468, 481 Ipstone, see Ibstone Idle, Charles, 84 Ireland, Army in, xi, 366, 392, 424 ...... Edmund, 222 ...... Dublin in, 367 Ilbery, Thomas, 502 Ireland, Thomas, 482, 485 Illes, Ralph, 117 Irish, Elizabeth, 72 Illesly, William, 96 ...... Robert, 41, 72 (2) Illing (Illinge) Ironmonger (Ireonmongor), Robert, 58, 231, ...... Jane, 58 243 ...... Thomas, 120 Irons, Richard, 272 ...... William, 5, 54, 89, 113 ...... Robert, 33 Illmore, see Ilmer Ironsides, Samuel, 266 Illmore, Richard, 187 Iver, 5, 9, 22, 34, 35 (2), 37, 38 (4), 39 (2), 42, Ilmer, 49, 50, 81, 93, 118, 189, 257, 63, 65, 70, 79, 81, 113, 117, 122, 123, 130, 291, 329, 412, 422, 497, 501, 503 (2), 506, 133, 84 (2), 89, 96 (2), 104, 105, 139, 140, 144, 507, 508 145, 158 (3), 159, 178, 179, 184, 188, 190, 197, ...... Constables of, 49, 118, 257, 422, 501 199, 207 (2), 220, 237, 241, 253, 267, 273 (2), ...... Vicar of, 291 277, 278, 279 (2), 281, 286, 290, 301, 307, 308, Immes, see Elmes 310, 316, 327, 328, 329, 339 (2), 341, 342, Ince, Edward, 363 351, 353, 358, 360, 365, 367, 370, Indictments, see under Offences Indulgence, Declaration of, xviii Informers, Rewards paid to, xviii, 52 Ingby, Francis, 398 Ingleton, Francis, 330 Inglewood, Thomas, 401, 441 Ingoldsby, Richard, J.P., 250, 288, 416, 510 565 ______

INDEX. 372, 386, 401, 415,, 419 (2), 446, 456, 467, James, King, 11, Landing of, in Ireland, xi 485, 495, 497 (2), 498 (2), 504, 506 (2), 508 ...... Libel against, xvi, 176 Iver, Constables of, 342, 419, 498, 504 ...... Proclamation of, xiv, 184 ...... Overseers of, 279 ...... Visit to County by, xiv ...... Thurney in, see Thorney Jameson (Jeamson), David, 139, 145, 153, 166, ...... Vicar of, 290 173 Ives (Ive) Jancey, John, 174, 200 ...... Edward, 105 Jane (Janes) ...... Francis, 49, 69 ...... Christopher, 168 ...... Hannah, 39 ...... John, 14 ...... John, 58, 182, 221, 311, 390, 420, ...... Joseph, 363, 422 432 ...... Mary, 463 ...... Joseph, 504 ...... Robert, 255, 455 ...... Martin, 255 ...... [blank], widow, 155 ...... Sarah, 358, 504 Jaques, see Jacks ...... Stephen, 40 Jarvis (Garvice), Edward, 274, 319 ...... Thomas, 504 Jeamson, see Jameson ...... William, 69, 92, 148, 244, 262, 265 Jefferys (Jeffreys, Jeoffrey) Iviatts (Ivetts), John, 377, 501 ...... George, Sir, Knight, J.P., 510 Ivinghoe, 5, 8, 21, 25, 26 (3), 29 (2), 37, 42, ...... James, 33 60, 61 (2), 65 (2), 77, 91, 120, 135, 140, ...... Nicholas, 74, 211 141 (2), 146, 155 (2), 163, 188, 194, ...... Richard, 2, 3, 416, 477 202, 207, 214, 224, 226, 233, 237, 251 (2), ...... Samuel, 14 266, 269, 271, 273, 276, 286, 288, 292, ...... Thomas, 376 303, 307, 322, 323, 370, 423, 424, Jeffkins (Jefkin) 428, 458, 466, 470, 471, 476, 477, 492 ...... Elizabeth, 301, 315 ...... Aston in, see Aston ...... Robert, 301, 303, 305, 315 ...... Constables of, 470 Jeffs (Jeffe, Jeoffes) ...... Overseer of, 424 ...... Jane, 503 ...... Vicar of, 292 ...... John, 67, 151, 170, 185, 190 (2) Izard, Elizabeth, 333 ...... Martin, 284 ...... Robert, 70, 266, 271, 272 JACKMAN, Thomas, 33, 222, 257, 459 ...... Susan, 203, 211 ...... William, 20, 202 ...... William, 62 Jacks (Jacques, Jaques) Jenkins, Margaret, 491 ...... Robert, 126, 152, 166, 181, 192 ...... Michael, 27, 57 ...... alias Charles, Robert, 138, 144 ...... Miles, 61, 65 Jackson, John, 124, 151, 175, 199, ...... Sarah, 491 360, 410, 448, 450, 473, 474 ...... Susan, 74 ...... Joseph, 102, 106 ...... Thomas, 80 ...... Samuel, 152 ...... William, 61 ...... Thomas, 132, 302 Jennings (Jenings) James, John, The Rev., Rector of Latimers, ...... Anne, 12 292 ...... Hugh, 23, 56, 85 ...... Mark (Marcus), 144, 238 ...... John, 124, 125, 139, 166, 301, 309, 454 ...... Richard, 124, 279, 288 ...... Joseph, 318, 337 ...... Samuel, 230, 236 ...... Michael, 83, 448 ...... Thomas, 20 ...... Samuel, 28 ...... William, 23 ...... William, 215, 232, 454 ...... [blank], widow, 345 Jeoffes, see Jeffs James, King, 11, General pardon by, 303 Jeoffreys, see Jefferys Jervase, see Gervas Jessett, Richard, 254 Jewett, Henry, 18 Jilks, see Gilkes 566 ______

INDEX. Joanes, see Jones Jordan, Mary, 62, 142, 319, 324 Johnson (Johnston) ...... Richard, 390, 476, 482 (2), 485 (2), 491, ...... Archibald, 145 494, 495 ...... Arthur, 80 ...... Thomas, 360, 395, 396, 397, 504 ...... Bedford, 288 Jordans, see Chalfont St. Giles ...... Christopher, 42 Judge, Anne Phyllis, 108, 115 ...... David, 203 ...... John, 340, 504 ...... Francis, 151, 360, 428, 496 ...... Phyllis, 101, 106, 125 ...... John, 1, 34, 54, 79, 268, 291, 308, ...... Ralph, 114 318 (2), 324, 326, 337, 339, 348, 363, 408, ...... Richard, 101, 106, 108, 115 446, 455, 494, 50l ...... Thomas, 122, 123 ...... Joseph, 106, 269 ...... William, 193, 254, 283 ...... Richard, 424 Judgkins (Judkins) ...... Robert, 146, 190 ...... Ralph, 467 ...... Sarah, 442, 492 ...... Richard, 132, 167 ...... Thomas, 17, 40, 59, 101, 130, 135, ...... Thomas, 126, 132, 139, 143, 153, 160, 160, 285, 308, 387, 420, 455, 459 167, 173 ...... William, 8, 102, 107, 108, 146, 171, ...... William, 126, 132, 139, 143, 153, 167, 175, 219, 269, 299, 349, 407, 414, 429, 500 173 ...... J.P.,510 Jugby, Francis, 282, 329, 476 ...... [blank], 247, 261 ...... Henry, 60 Jolly (Jolley) Jurors, Names of, 1, 5, 11, 20, 34, 40, 46, 54, ...... Agnes, 11, 352, 361, 362 (2), 372, 59, 67, 72, 78, 79, 84, 89,95, 100, 106, 114, 405 (2), 498 124, 131, 137, 143, q51, 158, 164, 165, 171, ...... Edward (Edmund), 282, 328, 329, 179, 185, 191, 197, 202, 207, 212, 218, 230, 349, 352, 361 237, 244, 250, 265, 272, 287, 308, 317, 326, ...... The Rev., J.P., 11, 44, 51 (2), 340, 349, 359, 360, 370, 371, 386, 387, 397, 53, 233, 405, 510 407, 408 (416(2), 429(2), 438(2), 447, 455, 467, ...... Esther (Hester), 352, 361, 362, 405 475 (2), 486 (2), 496 ...... Jane, 352, 361, 362, 405 Jury, Absence from a, see under Offences Jones (Joanes) ...... Grand, see Grand Jury ...... Alice, 400, 409, 410, 418, 430, 440 ...... List of freeholders for service on a, xx, (2), 449 (2), 457, 469, 476, 488, 497 110, 122, 423 ...... David, 499 ...... John, 24, 126, 132, 144, 173, 222, KATES, see Keyts 398, 407, 415 (2), 423, 425, 428, 432, 437 Keane, see Keene ...... Jonathan, 507 Keeble, William, 274 ...... Joseph, 102, 106, 132, 138, 160, 166, Keech, Henry, 109 173 Keely, William, 4 ...... Matthew, 300 Keene (Keane) ...... Richard, 222, 250, 285, 310, 315, ...... David, 62, 92, 101, 117, 175, 200, 244, 317, 325 349, 475 ...... Robert, 84, 147, 166 ...... Elizabeth, 1, 2, 7, 359 ...... Thomas, 219 ...... Henry, 125, 139, 145 ...... William, 23, 101, 196 ...... John, 24, 156, 191, 215, 216, 340, 421, Jony, Robert, 294, 297, 298 459,475 Jordale, Peter, 459, 500 ...... Philip, 330, 375, 387, 395, 495 Jordan (Jorden) ...... Richard, 123, 136, 244, 360, 420, 460, ...... Francis, 320, 363 502 ...... Henry, 28 ...... Robert, 42, 51, 61, 66, 117, 411, 419, 458 ...... John, 81, 85, 90, 96, 102, 107, 108, ...... Thomas, 50, 221, 294, 298, 300, 398, 480 145, 161, 166, 170, 171, 237, 283, 305, 322, 330, 336, 349, 486 567 ______

INDEX Keene, William, 118, 273, 277, 278, 396 375, 377, 419, 420, 439 (3), 445, 447 (2), 448, Keirsey, W., 286 453 (2), 455, 458, 460, 499 Kelly, John, 80, 164 Kimble, Great, Constables of, 49 (2), 70, 118, ...... [blank], 133 257, 342, 375, 377, 420, 439, 453, 460, 499 Kemp (Kempe) ...... Gibbs Lane in, 138 ...... Anthony, 213, 217, 218 (2) ...... Meeting house at, 300 ...... Gillam, 123, 222, 256, 316 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... William, 123, 318, 324, 325, 508 Kimble, Little, 23, 26, 70, 147 (2), 222, 255, Kempson, Thomas, 89 266, 285, 288, 300, 315, 318, 341, 344, 347, Kempster, Denyse, 371, 378 351, 355, 366, 368, 422, 499, 500 ...... Diana, 172 ...... Briddens Lane in, 318, 347, 368 ...... John, 108 ...... Constables of, 23, 70, 147, 222, 255, ...... Roger, 108 285, 422, 500 ...... Thomas, 279, 371, 378, 384 ...... Meeting house at, 300 Kendall, Robert, 278 ...... Rector of, 288 ...... William, 140, 198 Kimblewick, 68, 439, 453, 466 Kendar, John, 349 Kimpton, Francis, 24, 332 Kent, John, 87, 325, 372 ...... Richard, 10 (2), 15, 26, 29 ...... Joseph, 151 King (Kinge) ...... Nathaniel, 46, 54 ...... Adam, 167, 180, 192, 198 ...... Thomas, 115, 144, 166, 173, 183, ...... Alice, 230, 237 (2) 186, 199, 300, 370, 374, 459 ...... Andrew, 85, 173, 180 Kentish Town, Co. Middlesex, 71 ...... Charles, 376, 467 Kently, William, 109 ...... Francis, 493 Kertleton, see Kirtlington ...... Gabriel, 312 Kettle, John, 171 ...... George, 18, 19, 29, 126, 132, 144, 160, ...... Joseph, 22 173, 371, 468 Kettleby, Francis, Attorney at law, 28, 87, ...... James, 126, 132, 139, 144, 160, 173 157 ...... John, 11, 59, 96, 101, 106 (2), 108, 115, ...... Martha, 383 125, 138, 143, 175, 199, 208, 243, 417, 447 Keymer, [blank], widow, 28 ...... The Rev., Warden of the Royal Keyts (Kates), Thomas, 391, 395, 397, 399, Chapel, 287 406 ...... Laurence, 375, 420, 501 Kibble (Kible) ...... Matthew, 501 ...... Benjamin, 311 ...... Peregrine, The Rev., Curate of Radclive, ...... Thomas, 56 293 Kidder, Dorothy, 476 ...... Robert, 61, 223, 255, 420 ...... William, 266, 277 ...... Sarah, 46 Kidders, Orders concerning licences ...... Thomas, 6, 23, 27, 50, 54, 59, 70, 72, 74, for, 216, 225 82, 100, 131, 137, 244, 321, 359, 419, 458, 503 Kidgell, John, 83, 219 ...... William, 39, 63, 230, 237 (2), 387, 438, , Co. Oxford, 123 486 Kight, Anthony, 378, 384, 396 ...... [blank], widow, 36 ...... Samuel, 384, 396 ...... alias Hadderill, Mary, 323 Killingsworth, Richard, 385 ...... alias Macdonnell, William, 453 Kilpin, John, 500 King, The, Castle of, at Windsor, 275 ...... Richard, 22 ...... Chapel of, 287 ...... Thomas, 77 ...... Charles I, xi, 344, 365, 402 (2), 427, ...... The Rev., Rector of Great 505, 506 Linford, 293 ...... Charles II, x, xi, 129, 172, 346, 402, 412, ...... William, 250, 469, 484, 495 436, 444, 483, 506 And see Gilpin ...... Henry VIII, 343 Kimble, Great, 12, 21, 31, 36, 41, 46, 47, 49 (2), 55, 70, 118, 136, 137, 175, 180, 184, 190, 212, 233, 257, 290, 291, 296, 297, 300, 342, 358 (2), 369, 373, 568 ______

INDEX King, The, Homage fees for servants of, xiv, Knight, John, 32, 330, 375, 382, 390 xv, 196, 202, 246 259 ...... Mary, 462 ...... James II, xiv, xvi, 176, 303 ...... Richard, 108, 115 ...... Personal attendants of, xx, 257, ...... Robert, 108 275, 310 ...... Thomas, 2 ...... Proclamations by, xiv, 177, 183, ...... William, 86, 90, 118, 151, 152, 157, 158, 184, 202, 262, 275 278, 492 ...... William III, x, xiv, 350 “Knights of the Shire,” Election of the, xiv, 184 Kingham, Alexander, 92 Knollton, Anne, 39 ...... Anne, 153, 161, 166 ...... Thomas, 78 ...... Daniel, 6, 10 (2), 24, 34, 40, 487 Knolles, see Knowles ...... Jeremy, 63 Knollys, Francis, J.P., Sheriff, 1680, 40, 46, 54, ...... John, 327, 388, 414, 415, 428, 461, 55, 59, 250, 288, 510 472, 499, 501 Knoselton (Knowlton), Thomas, 331, 376 ...... Joseph, 417, 428 (2) Knotty Green, 441 ...... Robert, 7, 102, 107, 108, 115, 125, And see Penn 133 139, 145, 153, 161, 166, 173, 203 Knowles (Knolles) ...... Susan, 6, 10, 40, 53 ...... George, 29 ...... Thomas, 154, 428, 460, 500 ...... John, 148, 501 Kingsall, see Kingsey King’s Bench, Court of, xii, 32, 56, 242, 378, LACEY, John, 102, 107 (2), 115, 125, 126, 132, 383 (2), 394, 433 133, 139 (2), 143, 153, 160, 198, 200, 213, 421, King’s Bench and Marhsalsea Money, xiii, 468, 470, 484, 485 30, 75, 82, 90, 121, 259, 274, 304, 333, ...... Ralph, xvii, 350 (2), 351, 358, 359, 362, 426, 443 364, 365, 368, 369, 445 ...... Treasurers for the, xiii, ...... Thomas, 324, 338, 348 3, 22, 48, 69, 90, 117, 147, 175, 221, 253, Lack Green, 299 282, 285, 304 (2), 323, 329, 333, 335, 374, ……...... Meeting house at, 299 394 (2), 419, 458 499 Lack, Edward, 231, 241, 243, 286, 308 Kingsbury, see Kingsey ...... George, 370 King’s College, Cambridge, Fellow of, 294, ...... John, 134 296 ...... Mary, 134 Kingsey, 23, 40, 49, 74, 165, 218, 219, 232, ...... William, 18 266, 267, 289, 302, 316, 344, 432, 469 And see Risborough, Princes ...... Constables of, 23, 49, 74, 232, 267, Ladimore, Henry, 370 302, 432, 469 Ladmaine, see Ladyman ...... Stonebridge at, 266, 316 Latlnamn, Robert, 93 ...... Vicar of, 289 Ladyman (Ladmaine), Thomas, 45, 48, 58,69, Kings Langley, see Langley, Kings Laighton, see Leighton Buzzard Kingswood, 437 Lake, Alice, 112, 257 And see Ludgershall ...... Henry, 84 Kippinge (Kippin) ...... John, 119 ...... James, 239, 370 ...... Joseph, 60 ...... John, 40, 66, 253, 282, 326, 362, ...... Miriam, 264 386, 429 ...... Thomas, 53, 89, 114, 117, 147, 191, 200, Kirby, James, 487 221, 249, 250, 263, 308, 349, 416, 455, 496 Kirke, Richard, 221 Lamhath (Lambeth), Edward, 8, 41, 459, 502 Kirtlington, Co. Oxford, 205 Lambe, John, 288 Kittlington, see Kidlington Lambert, Christopher, 14, 102, 106 Kite, Edward, 167 ...... Joan,450 Knapp, Joseph, 118 Lamborne (Lamburn) Knight, Anne, 151, 152, 157, 158 ...... Edward, 11, 147, 151, 171 ...... Elizabeth, 102, 106 ...... James, 127, 267, 302 ...... Jeremiah, 20, 106, 163, 326 569 ______

INDEX. Lamborne, John, 185 Langley, Richard, 1, 2, 12, 21, 81, 85, 90, 96, ...... Richard, 59, 202, 230, 340 102, 107, 108, 136, 136, 145, 153, 161, 408, ...... Sarah, 310 495 ...... Susan, 447 ...... Thomas, 15 ...... William, 34, 100, 143, 212, 250, 329, ...... William, 136 373 Langley, Kings, Co. Hertford, 345 Lamby, Alexander, 226, 235, 242, 248, 263 Langley Marish, see Langley ...... Elizabeth, 226, 235, 242, 248, 263, Langracke, Piercy, 324, 325 271, 278 Langridge, Edward, 375, 420 Lamley, Thomas, 331 Langstane, John, 82, 86 Lampered, see Lamport Langton, Matthew, 14, 19 Lamport, 253, 349, 371 ...... Walter, 283, 330 And see Stowe Lansdale (Lansdon) Lancaster (Lancashire) ...... Richard, 388, 405, 507 ...... Francis, 96, 193, 209 ...... Thomas, 254, 283 ...... Henry, 495 Larceny, see under Offences ...... Richard, 447 Larkin (Larchin) ...... Thomas, 238, 247, 249, 264 ...... Robert, 207 Lance, Edward, 85 ...... William, 255, 421, 455 Land, John, 208 Larrymore, Henry, 309, 372 Lane, Alice, 126 Lasborrough, see Lathbury ...... Andrew, 302, 342, 479 Lash Leeth, (?) Ashley Green, q.v...... Anne, 126 Lathbury, 34, 137, 293, 384 (2), 396 (2) ...... Francis, 19 ...... Bridge at, 137 ...... Henry, 65, 75, 151 ...... Vicar of, 293 ...... Isiah, 92 Lathbury (Lasborrough), Richard, 164, 232 ...... Joan,186 Lathwell, Daniel, 102, 107 ...... John, 72, 84, 113, 131, 183, 215, Latimer, Cornelius, 495 237, 250, 265, 287, 502 Latimers, 7, 163, 184, 227 (2), 250 (2), 292 ...... Mary, 40, 57, 60 ...... Millpond at, 7 ...... Richard, 273, 329, 429 ...... Rector of, 292 ...... Robert, 24, 67, 72, 83, 95, 113, 118, Laton, see Lawton 164, 185, 326 Lattmas, see Lattimers ...... Samuel, 50, 70 Laughton, see Lawton ...... Silvester, 71, 82, 498 Laurence, see Lawrence ...... Thomas, 12, 20, 81, 85, 90, 96, 102, Lavendon, 7, 34, 45, 116, 127, 131, 132, 133, 108, 115, 125, 133, 144, 153, 161, 166, 138, 144, 146, 152, 160, 166, 173, 181, 186, 174, 197, 198, 209, 498, 508 (2) 192, 209, 218, 293, 331, 374, 383 (2), 421, 436, ...... William, 208 454, 459, 487, 500 Lane End, 47, 66, 82, 98, 188, 190, ...... Constables of, 331, 374, 420, 459, 500 349, 350, 359 (2) ...... Curate of, 293 And see Marlow, Great ...... Lavendon Grange in, 146 Langdale, Robert, 303 Lavington, Joseph, The Rev., Rector of Newton Langley (Langley Marish), 34, 35, 39 (2), Longville, 291 45, 68, 72, 74, 97, 136, 146, 150, 154, 160, Law, John, 39, 195, 288, 507 215, 240, 309 (2), 313, 328, 334, 344, 346, Lawceby, William, 45 348, 374, 389, 397, 398, 400, 409, 410, Lawly, John, 299 412, 415, 418, 430, 443, 446 (2), 455 ...... William, 29, 34 (2), 457, 458, 466, 467, 470, 474 (2), 485 Lawrence (Laurence, Lawrance) ...... Bridges at, 313, 344 ...... Andrew, J.P., 510 ...... Constable of, 457 ...... Edward, 123, 256, 489, 495 ...... Overseers of, 412 ...... Henry, 246, 285 Langley (Langly) ...... James, 150 ...... John, 101, 104, 212, 233 ...... John, 357 ...... Thomas, 253, 461, 502 570 ______

INDEX. Lawrence, William, 81, 85, 102, 106, 108, Lee, William, The Rev., Rector of Lillingstone 115, 236, 239, 242 (2) 248 (2), 255, 263 (2), Dayrell, 292 507 ...... Maids Moreton, 192 Lawton (Laton, Laughton, Loughton) Leech (Leach) ...... George, 126, 138, 144, 173, 214 ...... Benjamin, 77, 332 ...... James, 500 ...... John, 42, 126, 132, 139, 144, 468 ...... Jonathan, 297 ...... Robert, 211 ...... Richard, 20, 55, 116, 146, 165, 250, ...... Thomas, 22, 62, 90, 137, 286 307, 397, 398 407, 468, 501 ...... Robert, 342 ...... William, 158, 469 ...... Thomas, 179, 184 Legg, Walter, 348, 421, 460 Leyton, John, 232 Le Grice, Valence, 188, 190 Lazenby (Leasonby), William, 375, 446 , Packington in, 361 Lea, see Lee Leigh, North, Co. Oxford, 123 Leach, see Leech Leigh, Edward, Sheriff, 1686, 191, 197, 202, Leadborne, see 208, 213, 259 Leakey (Leckey) ...... Francis, Sir, Knight, J.P., 510 ...... Andrew, 358, 359, 369 Leighton Buzzard, Co. Bedford, 192, 212, 251 ...... Thomas, 274, 285, 358, 359, 369, (2), 266, 270, 277, 417, 435, 478 374, 419 Leister, Thomas, 122 Leaper, see Leper Lenborough, 3, 9, 31, 57, 97, 116, 124 138, 152 Learhead (Leerhead, Lered), Edward, 283, ...... Great Bridge in, 3, 57 330, 497, 507 ...... Mercen Lane in, 97, 124, 152 Leasonby, see Lazenby ...... Rowly Hills in, 31 Leaver, John, 362 Lenoe, Matthew, 300 ...... William, 170, 176, 178, 190, 211 Leper (Leaper), William, 374, 448, 459, 480, Lechamstead, see Leckhampstead 489 Leckey, see Leakey Lered, see Learhead Leckhampstead, 78 (2), 83, 96, 102, 108, Lesley, George, The Rev., Vicar of Olney, 293, 115, 125, 138, 143, 153, 161, 167, 174, 403 180, 187 (2), 198, 203, 209, 214, 254, Letchmore Heath, Co. Hertford, 155 284, 292, 293, 298, 327, 339 (2), 346, 408, Lethonborough, see Lenborough 478, 491 Letters Patent, 26 ...... Constables of, 254, 284 Leverett, William, 459 ...... Meeting houses at, 408 Levis (Levins, Levinz) ...... Rector of, 292 ...... Mary, 507 Ledburn, 238, 256, 416 ...... Thomas, 92, 499 ...... Constables of, 256 Lewes (Lewis) And see Mentmore ...... John, 113, 123, 214, 219, 264, 271, 277, Ledgingham, Francis, 215, 245 338, 339(2), 348 Lee, 31, 90, 112, 250, 282, 299, 301, 318, ...... Richard, 278 333, 336, 341 (2), 343, 354, 357, 362 ...... Thomas, 393, 401 ...... Constables of, 333 ...... alias Livis, John, 327 ...... Meeting house at, 299 Lawknor Co. Oxford, 190, 439, 471 And see Quainton Lewyn, Francis, 250 Lee (Lea) Ley, see Lee ...... Anne, 301, 307, 315, 337, 345 Libel, see under Offences ...... John, 209, 256, 397 Libidee, Thomas, 364 ...... Mary, 183, 189, 318, 321, 325 Licences, see Alehouses, Badgers, Carriers, ...... Richard, 1, 54, 79, 137, 279, 287, Coffee, Cottages, Higlers, Tea, etc. 377, 378, 438, 477, 491 Lidall, see Lydall ...... Robert, 223, 405, 415 Lidcott, see Littlecote ...... Thomas, 309 Lidgold (Ludgold, Lydgold), John, 7, 22, 48, 100, ...... Sir, 2nd Bart., J.P., 510 131, 197, 330, 502 ...... William, 28, 69, 250, 255, 301 (2), 307, 308 (2), 315, 341, 352, 360, 362, 392, 438, 486 571 ______

INDEX. Lidlington, Co. Bedford, 364, 379 (2) Little London, see London, Little Lights (Light), Charles, 430 (2), 437, 438, Little Marlow, see Marlow, Little 442, 445 (2), 446, 451, 453, 465, 470, 474 Little Missenden, see Missenden, Little Ligo (Ligoe, Lygo) Littlepage, Daniel, 420, 460, 475 ...... Francis, J.P., 140 (2), 468, 510 Littler, Robert, 349 ...... Thomas, 192, 238(2), 251, 406 ...... The Rev., 348 ...... J.P., 288, 387, 416, 510 Littleton, Sarah, 504 Lillifee, 75, 82 Little Woolstone, see Woolstone, Little ...... Liberty of, 75 Liveing (Livinge) ...... Rates for King’s Bench, etc.. at, 82 ...... Gabriel, 108 And see Hedsor ...... John, 212, 266, 315 Lillingstone, George, 74 ...... Thomas, 70, 266, 315 Lillingstone Dayrell, 79, 83, 84, 96, 102, Liver, William, 283 106, 108, 115, 125, 138, 153, 167, 174, Livett, John, 80 180, 187, 192, 292, 370, 479, 491 Livingstone, George, 432 ...... Rector of, 292 Livis, alias Lewes, John, 327 , 204 Llewelyn (Lluellyn) Lilly Field, see Lillifee ...... George, 273, 288 Lincoln, Co. Lincoln, 112 ...... Martin, Doctor of Physic, J.P., 510 ...... Bishop of [Thomas Wood], 112 Lloyd, Thomas, 237 Lincolnshire, Lincoln in, Archdeacon of, ...... Zachariah, 237 349 Loaders, Order concerning licences for, 216, ...... Bishop of, xviii, 112 225 I.indall, see Lyndon Locker, Amy, 312 Lineham, William, 18 ...... Peter, 303, 312 Linford, Great, 126, 132, 139, 144, Lockwood, Edward, 218, 235, 242, 248, 263 160 167, 168, 173, 212, 238, 293, 331, 373, ...... Priscilla, 136 388, 395, 397, 459, 500 ...... Ralph, 217, 218, 226, 235, 242, 248, 263, ...... Constables of, 331, 459, 500 271, 278 ...... Rector of, 293 Loddington (Luddington) Linford, Little, 126, 331, 468, 469, 487 ...... Edward, 126, 131, 132, 138, 144, 152, ...... Constables of, 331, 469 166, 174, 180, 186, 192, 198 Link, William, 99 ...... Isaac, The Rev., Vicar of Aylesbury, 131, Linslade, 501 292, 490, 495 ...... Constables of, 501 Lodge, William, 218, 406 Lionell, Gabriel, 102, 107 Loggin [blank], Mrs., 251, 268 Liscombe House, 219 Lomax, Joshua, 44 Lister, John, The Rev., Curate of Denham, London, 1, 161, 189, 190, 242, 268, 276, 426, 294, 296 472 Litchmer Heath, see Letchmore Heath ...... Charterhouse, The, in, 112 Little, George, 415 (2), 437 ...... City of, 45, 156 Littleboy, Thomas, 197 ...... Christ Church in, The Golden ...... William, 419 Cradle in, and Butcherhall Lane in, 156 Little Brickhill, see Brickhill, Little ...... Newgate Prison in, 42 Littlecote, 90 ...... St. Andrew, Holborn, in, 227, 343 ...... Dunton in, see Dunton ...... St. Martin’s le Grand in, 334 Little Crawley, see Crawley, Little ...... Westminster in, see West- minster Little Gaddesden, see Gaddesden, Little And see Middlesex Littlehales (Littleheales), John, 280, 307 London, Little, 429 Little Hampden, see Hampden, Little And see Brill Little Horwood, see Horwood, Little Long (Longe) Little Kimble, see Kimble, Little ...... George, Sir, Knight, xvi, 6 Little Linford, see Linford, Little 572 ______

INDEX. Long, Henry, 401, 441 Lovett, Daniel, 380, 393 (2), 430 (2), 437 (2), ...... Stephen, 24, 50 438 (3), 442, 443, 445 (2), 446, 451, 453, ...... William, 21 465, 470, 474 Long Crendon, see Crendon, Long ...... Hannah, 388, 414, 415 Longfield, see Longueville ...... John, 184, 212, 238, 241, 243 (2), 438 Longueville (Longfield, Longvile) ...... Margaret, 73, 136 ...... Edward, Sir, 3rd Bart., Sheriff, 1688, ...... Mary, 78, 365, 380, 393 (2), 430 (2), 434, 244, 250, 319, 327, 328, 373, 388, 389, 443 (2), 445, 472, 481, 489 399, 409, 410, 413, 418, 430, 431, 440 (2), ...... Richard, 353 449 (2), 457, 469, 476, 488 (2), 497 ...... Robert, J.P., 219, 510 ...... Mary, 67 ...... Thomas, 388 ...... Thomas, Sir, 2nd Bart., 14 ...... Timothy, 5, 237, 330, 346, 484, 485 ...... [blank], widow, 63 ...... William, 73, 163, 312, 326, 359, 380, 393 Longvile, see Longueville (2), 434 Longwick, 311, 417, 428 (2), 437, 457 (2) Lowe (Low) And see Princes Risborough ...... Alice, 240, 243 Longworth, Peter, The Rev., Rector of ...... John, 388, 405, 407, 417, 439, 453, 454 Akeley, 292 Lowerton (Looton), George, 45, 88 Loome, Edward, 156 Lower Winchendon, see Winchendon, Nether Looseley Row, 299 (2) Lowndes (Lownes), Peter, 191, 193, 194, 199, ...... Meeting houses at 299 (2) And 209, 214, 219, 224, 231, 232, 238, 239, see Risborough, Princes 273, 303 (2) Loosley, John, 205 Lowton, see Loughton ...... Ralph, 501 Lowton, Peter, 84 Looton, see Lowerton ...... Thomas, 84 Lord, Charles, 86 Lucas (Lucus) ...... George, 127, 131, 132, 136, 152, ...... Daniel, 89, 189, 230, 299, 405 166, 174, 180, 186,192, 198, 203, 209, 214 ...... James, 148 (2), 292, 296, 297, 374, 421 ...... Thomas, 189 ...... John, 108, 466, 501 , The, 25 ...... Joseph, 442, 480 Lord Chief Justice, The, 483 ...... Nicholas, 40, 179, 244, 282 Lord Lieutenant, see under County ...... Thomas, 122, 142, 500 Loughton, 23, 116, 142, 154, 164, ...... [blank], 138 222, 253, 267, 292, 310, 315, 317, 321, Luck (Lucke) 324, 325, 439, 489, 504 ...... Alice, 369 ...... Constables of, 23, 222 ...... John, 369, 372, 384, 385, 386 (2) ...... Curate of, 292 Luckens, Nicholas, 500 Loughton, see Lawton Luddington, see Loddington Louis XIV, King, xi Ludford, Great, see Linford, Great Loveday, Anne, 447 Ludgate, Richard, 47, 54 (2), 58 ...... George, 447 ...... Thomas, 54, 55, 58, 358, 369 ...... Robert, 257, 267, 285 Ludgershall, 10, 40, 46(2), 74, 111, 160, 186, ...... … Thomas, 333 232, 290, 302, 370, 432, 437 Lovejoy, James, 507 ...... Constables of, 74, 232, 302, 432 ...... Sarah, 105, 213, 273, 310 ...... Kingswood in, 437 ...... Thomas, 50, 92, 117, 165, 169, 195, ...... Rector of, 290 284, 317, 331, 338, 348, 461 Ludgold, see Lidgold ...... [blank], widow, 165 Ludlow, John, 160 Lovelace, John, 3rd Baron, J.P., 323, 510 Ludnam, Edward, 231 ...... Richard, 370 Lovell, Katherine, 280 ...... Nicholas, 280 ...... Rebecca, 280 Lovett, Aaron, 429 573 ______

INDEX. , xix, 12, 13, 323 Maintenance Orders, 26, 127, 216, 225, 233 ...... Evershaw Oldwick in, see (3), 240, 245, 260, 261, 489, 503 Oldwick Major, John, 370 Lugrove, Thomas, 389 ...... Richard, 11, 21, 78, 95, 124, 179, 265, Lunatics, Reference to, 209 301, 308, 313 Lunne (Lund), John, 5, 35, 158 (3) ...... Thomas, 468 Lydall (Liddall) Makepeace, Katherine, 347 ...... Hugh, 79 (2), 83 (2), 88, 487 Makins, Simon, 2 ...... John, 376, 390 (2), 475 Males, John, 31 Lyddy, Roland, 27 Mallaine, Joseph, 331 Lydgold, see Lidgold Mallard, George, 148 Lyndon (Lindall), William, 178, 281, 315, Mallett, Edward, 89 387, 395, 396 (2), 487 ...... John, 371 Lyndsey, William, 429, 467 Manerd, see Maynard Lyne(Lynn) Mann (Manne) ...... Edward, 72, 410 ...... Brian, 155 ...... Samuel, 398 ...... Rose, 154 And see Glyn ...... William, 274 Lyscombe, see Liscombe House Manninge (Maning) ...... John, 127 MABBOR (Wabbor), William, 102, 106 ...... Richard, 96, 109, 168, 181, 186, 203, 209 Mabbott, John, 226, 230 ...... William, 239 Mabee, see Maybey Manors; Aylesbury, 187, 267, 319, 411,425 Mabley, Matthew, 160 ...... Bassett’s Bury, 251, 268 ...... Thomas, 455 ...... Brickhill, Great, 33, 490 ...... Walter, 85, 126, 132, 139, 144, 152, ...... Burnham, East, 247 167, 173, 180, 186, 192, 198 ...... Chalvey, see Upton Mablington, see Mollington ...... Claydon, Steeple, 478, 491 Maccascree, John, 367, 436, 465 ...... Fingest, 8, 33 Macdonnell, alias King, William, 453 ...... Fulmer, 41 Machell, John, 350 ...... Horton, 194 ...... Thomas, 51, 141, 143, 451, 473 ...... Hughenden, 215 Mackdell, Patrick, 184 ...... Preston Bissett, 56, 60, 433 Mackly, James, 236 ...... Stewkley, 200 Maddox, James, The Rev., Curate ...... Studley, 32 of Biddlesden, 291 ...... , 487 Madge, John, 29, 351, 362, 368, 384, 386 ...... Twyford, 478 (2), 491 (2) ...... Richard, 1, 48, 68, 106, 137, 230, ...... Upton, 257 340, 438, 486 ...... Upton cum Chalvey, 257 Maidenhead, Co. Berks, 43, 154, 208, 389, ...... Walton in Aylesbury, 411, 425 398, 401, 466, 474, 475, 485 ...... Weston Turville, 469 Maids Moreton, 2, 75, 96, 102, 100, Mansell, John, 80 108, 115, 134, 138, 153, 161, 167, 174, Mansfield, Anne, 39 192, 199, 202, 278 (2), 287, 295, 315, 326, ...... Stephen, 39 437, 457, 466, 467 (2) ...... William, 113 ...... Constables of, 2 Manson, John, The Rev., Curate of Taplow, ...... Curate of, 293 294, 296 ...... Rector of, 192 Mantell, Angel, 11, 40 Maimed Soldiers, Money for the, 259, 426 Manton, Nicholas, 438 ...... Treasurers for the, xiii, 3, 21, Maplestone, [blank], 383 48, 58, 69, 76, 91, 98, 117, 147, 175, 221, March, see Marsh 254, 274, 282, 304 (2), 329, 374, Marchan, see Marsham 394, 419,450,452, 458, 499 Marden, William, 255 Markets, Tolls of, 344 Markham (Markam) ...... Elizabeth, 133 ...... Henry, 19, 48, 55, 68 574 ______

INDEX. Markham, John, 139, 153, 293, 298, 502 Marlow, Great, Lane End in, see Lane End ...... Joseph, 40, 62, 377 ...... Meeting houses at, 398, 408, 417 Marks (Markes) ...... Stocks at, 195 ...... Jane, 192, 198 ...... Vicar of, 289, 290 ...... Richard, 85, 126, 132, 138, 144, 152, ...... Little, 2, 8, 49, 68, 70, 72, 81 (2), 85, 88, 160, 166 (2), 167, 173, 181 89, 92, 117, 166, 174 (2), 222, 232, 246, 250, Markwick, John, The Rev., Vicar 254, 274, 285, 317, 331, 341, 347, 349, 483, of Westbury, 439 495 (2), 502 Marlow, Andrew, 210 ...... Constables of, 8, 49, 70, 92, 117, ...... Jane, 210 222, 232, 246, 274, 285, 331, 502 ...... John,278 ...... Hedsor in, see Hedsor Marlow, Great, xii, 1, 2 (2), 7 (2), 12, 13, Marriott (Marryatts) 14, 21 (2), 22, 24, 25 (2), 29, 31, 34 (2), 36, ...... John, 164, 197, 339 39 (4), 41, 45 (3), 46 (2), 47 (3), 53 (2), 54, ...... Mary, 126, 161 55 (3), 59 (3), 61, 62, 63 (2), 64 (2), 67, 68, ...... Thomas, 115, 126, 161, 233 71, 72 (3), 73, 74, 75, 78, 79 (4), 81 (4), 83 Marsh (March) (2), 84 (2), 85 (5), 86, 88 (2), 89 (3), 90 (4), ...... Dorothy, 62 94, 96 (2), 97 (2), 98, 100 (2), 102, 103, ...... John, 124, 372, 375 105, 107, 108, 109 (2), 113, 114, 116 ...... Ralph, 456, 467 (2), 122, 123, 125, 130, 133, 134 (2), 135, ...... Richard, 385 136(6), 139(2), 142, 145 (3), 147, 149, 150, ...... alias Gregory, John, 212 151 (2) 153, 157, 158, 159, 16l (3), 162 (2), Marshall, Edward, 456, 496 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172 (2), ...... Elizabeth, 187 178 (4), 179, 180, 184, 186 (3), 189, 190 ...... Margaret, 209 (3), 195, 197, 208, 211, 212 (3), 213, 217, ...... Thomas, 166, 173 218 (2), 219, 220, 226, 227, 235 (2), 236 ...... William, 325, 374 (3), 237 (3), 238 (2), 242 (6), 243, 244, 247, Marshalsea, see King’s Bench 248 (5), 249, 251, 253, 257, 261, 263 (5), Marsham (Marchan), Thomas, 19, 256, 302 269, 273, 278, 282, 288 (2), 289, 290, 302, Marsh Gibbon, 5, 39, 48, 58, 66 (2), 72, 91, 307, 310, 311, 312, 322, 324, 327, 338 (3), 120, 128, 142, 163, 169, 190, 198, 199, 247, 339, 340, 341 (2), 346, 348 (2), 351 (2), 352 250, 264, 270, 272, 288, 290, 291 (2), 295, 297, (3), 361 (4), 362, 365, 373 (2), 388 (2), 389, 300, 316, 326, 327, 353, 363, 408, 416, 392, 394, 395, 397 (3), 398, 399, 400, 457,482 402, 405, 407, 408, 409 (3), 410, 413, 414, ...... Constables of, 353, 363 417 (2), 418, 419, 430, 435, 437, 440 (2), ...... Curate of, 291 445, 454, 458, 480, 482, 483 (2), 487, 494, ...... Meeting house at, 300 495, 496, 507 (4) Marston, Fleet, 17, 65, 121, 290 ...... “ Broad Arrow,” The, at, 398 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... Constables of, 14, 24, 36, 169, Marston, North, 70, 78, 83, 87, 91, 114, 121, 195, 311 123 (2), 135, 148, 184, 220, 223, 267, 282, 284, ...... Conventicles held at, 149 290, 299, 328, 329, 332, 338 (2), 339 (2), 347, ...... Crown Inn at, 195 348 (2), 355, 358, 362, 372, 376, 380, 385 (2), ...... Forrens of, 302, 312 393, 397, 420, 460, 501 ...... Constables of, 302, 312 ...... Constables of, 70, 148, 223, 267, 284, 332, 376, 420, 460, 501 ...... Meeting houses at, 299 ...... Vicar of, 290 Marsworth, 85, 115, 125, 133, 139, 144, 164, 172, 179, 180, 187, 193 OO 575 ______

INDEX. 210, 212, 219, 230, 252, 269, 276, 293, Maybey (Mabee, Mawberry, Maybee, Mobey) 307, 309, 370, 380, 439, 466 ...... Anne, 440 (2), 449 (2) Marsworth. Curate of, 293 ...... John, 12, 109, 187, 440 (2), 449 (2), 469, ...... Stocking Lane in, 252 476, 488, 497 ...... The Causeway in, 252 Mayden, John, 307, 327 ...... Vicar of, 439 Maynard (Manerd) Martin (Martyn) ...... Joan, 136 ...... Bartholomew, 160, 168 ...... John, 223 ...... Edward, 185, 374, 419 (2) ...... Joseph, 182 ...... Francis, 464, 471 ...... Robert, 24 ...... John, 170, 176, 178 Mayne. John, 245 ...... Joseph, 25, 239 ...... Richard, 273 ...... Matthew, 358 ...... Robert, 202, 210 ...... Michael, 2 ...... Simon, J.P., 251, 288, 510 ...... Nicholas, 270 (2) ...... William, 197, 501 ...... Richard, 30, 33 (2), 34, 79, 265 Mayo, Richard, 48 ...... Thomas, 414 (2), 503 ...... The Rev., Rector of Great Kimble, ...... William, 187, 188, 272, 284, 409, 290 414, 425, 428, 445, 446, 454, 467, 479 Mead (Meads) Marvill, Francis, 26 ...... Edward, 10, 197 Mason (Massion, Masson) ...... Henry, 349, 498 ...... George, 115, 151, 157, 158 ...... John, 102 (2), 108 (2), 115, 408, 447, 461 ...... Henry, 124, 130 ...... Joseph, 102, 108, 115 ...... John, 11, 62, 95, 124, 221, 256, 271, ...... Mary, 71 369, 429, 456 ...... Robert, County Coroner, 456 ...... The Rev., Rector of Water Stratford, ...... Thomas, 71, 76, 102, 115 (2), 126, 131, 290 133, 139, 143, 153, 159, 161, 173, 272, ...... Joseph, 152 441,459 ...... Marmaduke 212 ...... William, 253, 282, 416, 455, 496 ...... Michael, 369 ...... [blank], 81 ...... Robert, 15 Meaden (Meadon), John, 97, 235, 248, 263 ...... Sarah, 75 Meadle, 22, 310 ...... Thomas, 14, 15, 186 ...... Meeting house at, 310 ...... The Rev., Rector of Ludgershall, And see Risborough, Monks 290 Meaker, Avis, 29 ...... William, 508 Meakes, Anthony, 237 Masslyne, William, 80 ...... Joseph, 273, 277 Massum, Richard, 66 Meale (Meal, Meales) ...... William, 66 ...... George, 327, 337, 338, 339, 348 Masters, John, 59, 131, 191 ...... Neviil, 157 Matthews (Mathew) ...... Thomas, 327 (2), 337, 339 ...... John, 144, 166, 173, 300, 417, 428 Meard, Thomas, 301, 315, 445, 447 (2), 433 Meare (Meares) ...... Thomas, 114, 122, 123, 214, 236, ...... Geoffrey, 18 243, 245, 369 ...... Thomas, 18 (2), 19, 21, 29 ...... William, 10, 71 Medbume, John, 371 Maunder, John, 231 Medding, Mathew, 254 Maurice, Henry, The Rev., 289, 296 Modey, Gabriel, 254 Mawberry, see Maybey Medmenham, 7, 12, 21, 49, 59, 70, 76, 118, Maxall, Humphrey, 421, 461 165, 171 (2), 222, 255, 363, 410, 459,502 Maxfield, Alice, 473, 484, 494, 506 ...... Constables of, 49, 70, 118, 222, 255, 363, ...... Katherine, 463, 464, 473, 484, 494, 410, 459, 502 506 Medwin, Abraham, 56, 102, 107 (2), 125, 133, Maxwell, William, 126, 137, 144, 152, 166, 139 173, 180 ...... Matthew, 285 May, Peter, 306, 327, 371, 416, 476 ...... William, 168 576 ______

INDEX. Medwin, Thomas, 49, 68, 70, 91 Middlesex, St. Giles in the Field in, 122, 271, Meeting Houses, Registration of, 395, 397 for dissenters, xx, 299, 300, 309, 318, 340, ...... St. Martin in the Fields in, 207, 468 360, 371, 398, 408, 417, 429, 439, 448, ...... St. Mary-le-Strand in, 454, 467 456, 496 ...... St. Paul, Covent Garden, in, 454, 467 Mellmoth (Nelmouth) ...... Smithfield, West, in, 184 ...... William, 7, 244, 249, 250 ...... Southall Norwood in, 303 ...... alias Ellinore, Daniel, 330 ...... Stanmore in, 286, 307 Mellor (Meller), Thomas, The ...... Stanwell in, 34, 141, 153, 154, 239, 248, Rev., Minister of Gayhurst, 289, 325, 326 263, 313, 334, 343, 344 Mentmore, 23, 81, 97, 108, 118, 148, 203, ...... Stepney in, 190 223, 224, 233, 251 (2), 256, 269, 276, 293, ...... Uxbridge in, 3, 120, 124, 188, 190, 194, 332, 416, 420, 461, 501 205, 305, 320, 463 ...... Constables of, 23, 118, 148, 223, ...... Whitehall in, 468 256, 332, 420, 461, 501 And see London ...... Crofton in, see Crafton Middleton (Midleton) ...... Ledburn in, see Ledburn ...... Charles, 2nd Earl of, xxi, 189 ...... Mentmore Lane in, 203 ...... Edward, 207, 226, 237 ...... Vicar of, 293 ...... George, 187, 334 Mercer, Anne, 316 ...... Henry, 88 ...... Thomas, 40, 316 (2) ...... Hugh, Sir, 4th Bart., 269 ...... William, 150 ...... Joan, 207, 226 Meredue, William, 325, 375 ...... Mary, 35 Merrick, Alexander, 145, 160 Midleton Keynes, see Milton Keynes ...... Amy, 145 Milborne, Thomas, 12 Merry, Lazarus, 489 Miles (Myles) Merrydale (Meridale, Merridale) ...... Elizabeth, 301 ...... John, 33, 143 ...... Henry, 79, 332, 372, 375 ...... Lawrence, 33 ...... John, 23, 83, 193, 272 ...... Richard, 109 ...... Richard, 69, 255, 326, 419, 435 ...... Thomas, 33 ...... Robert, 86 Merton, Co. Oxford, 57 ...... Susan, 114, 122 Messe, John, 249 ...... William, 150, 239, 366, 388, 414, 417, Messenger, Henry, 450, 488 428 (2), 484 ...... John, 459, 502 Militia, County, Clerk of the, 355 Michael, John, 331 ...... Mobilization of the, xi, 355 Micklyn, Henry, 23 ...... Tax for the, Treasurer for the, 235, Middle Cleydon, see Claydon, Middle 367 (2), 436, 465 Middlesex, 3 Millbrook, Co. Bedford, 71 ...... Brentford in, 162 Miller, Andrew, 496 ...... Chelsea in, 423 ...... Agnes, 71 ...... Covent Garden in, 454 ...... Elizabeth, 491 ...... Cripplegate in, 495 ...... James, 2, 139 ...... Ealing in, 162 ...... Joan, 73, 78 ...... Edmonton in, 280, 307 ...... John, 70, 179, 230, 231, 316, 359 ...... Fulham in, 112 ...... Margaret, 73, 78 ...... Hackney in, 42 ...... Matthew, 80, 168, 178, 370 ...... Heston in, 440 ...... Michael, 232 ...... Hillingdon in, 3, 402 ...... Nicholas, 73, 80, 164, 348 ...... Holborn in, 146, 196, 227 ...... Richard, 71 ...... Hoxton in, 93 ...... Thomas, 10 (2), 19, 92, 110, 318, 332 ...... Justices for the County of, 454 ...... William, 73, 164 ...... Kentish Town in, 71 ...... [blank], 478 ...... Perivale in, 383 Milliner, see Milner ...... Perreford in, see Perivale in ...... Pinner in, 462 ...... St. Dunstun in the East in, 190

577 ______

INDEX. Millington, Joseph, 126, 214 Missendon, Great, Surveyors of, 405, 491 Mills (Milles) ...... Vicar of, 290 ...... George, The Rev., 309 (2) Missenden, Little, 23, 45, 49, 58, 64, 69, 81, 88 ...... Henry, 176, 178, 227, 371, 508 (2), 89, 92, 113, 114 (2), 119 (2), 142, 223, 254, ...... John, 28, 51, 79 260, 283, 290, 310, 315, 316, 330, 375, 382, ...... Richard, 49 388, 390, 414, 421, 456, 457, 460, 464, 465, ...... Robert, 212 467, 495, 499, 508 ...... Thomas, 9 ...... Constables of, 23, 49, 69, 92, 119 Millward, see Milward (2), 223, 254, 283, 330, 375, 382, 421, 499 Milner (Milliner, Milmer, Millner) ...... Footbridge in, 64 ...... John, 469 ...... Vicar of, 290 ...... Robert, 442 Missendon (Missenden) ...... Thomas, 24, 213, 302, 342 ...... Richard, 18, 325 Milton, Richard, 420, 461 ...... Thomas, 205 Milton Keynes, 97, 112, 198, 250, 289, 293, Mitchell, Edward, 53, 180 295, 495 ...... Elizabeth, 333 ...... Rector of, 289, 295 ...... John, 53, 79, 288 Milward (Millward) ...... Mary, 246 ...... John,415 ...... Philip, 376, 421 ...... Nicholas, 59, 151, 171, 208 ...... Robert, 145, 455 ...... Thomas, 283, 496 ...... Thomas, 80, 256, 285, 377 Minn, John, 414, 415, 429 Mobey, see Maybey Minshall, Anne, 63 Mole, James, 117, 147 ...... John,488 ...... Robert, 92 ...... Richard, 63, 319, 328 (2), 372, 405 ...... William, 92 ...... Robert, J.P., 510 Mole-Catchers, Wages of, xx, 155 Minstrel), Anne, 462 Mollington, Co. Oxford, 99 Missendon, Great, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 26, Monck (Monke) 29, 44, 47, 63, 72, 89, 92, 101 (2), 105 (3), ...... Benjamin, 172 112, 119, 123, 164, 178, 185, 194, ...... Elizabeth, 299 216, 219, 221, 243, 256, 281, 282, 283, ...... Ephraim, 441 290, 309, 313, 316, 318 (2), 322, 323, ...... James, 172 325, 326 (2), 328, 329, 330, 336, 337, 341, ...... John, 311, 441, 450 343, 351, 352 (2), 354 (2), 356, 361, 362 ...... Joseph, 41, 172 (2), 373, 375, 378, 383 (2), 387, 388, 389, ...... Mary, 172 394, 395, 398, 399, 400, 402, 405 (2), 406, ...... Richard, 28 409 (2), 411, 413, 418 (2), 420, 424, 428, ...... Thomas, 201, 257, 302 430, 435(2), 440(2) 444, 445, 448, 459, ...... William, 376 481, 487, 490, 491, 495, 500, 504, 508 Monday (Mondy, Munday) ...... Bransfee in, see Brand’s Fee ...... Edward (Edmund), 148, 257, 284, 357, ...... Constables of, 24, 92, 119, 221, 369, 421, 441, 460, 485 256, 283, 330, 375, 420, 459, 500 ...... Francis, 310 ...... Honour End Lane in, 388, 402, ...... George, 102, 107, 108, 125, 133, 139, 411, 435 145, 153, 161, 166, 173, 180 ...... Hunts Green in, 318 ...... Henry, 28, 140, 200, 461, 472, 480 ...... Hyde, The, in, 375 ...... Bridewell Keeper at Aylesbury, 93 ...... Manor of, 352, 362 (2), 96, 97, 100, 104, 219, 243, 292, 326, 350, ...... Meeting houses at, 398 423, 433 ...... Peterly in, see Peterley ...... Richard, 357, 508 ...... Prestwood in, see Prest- wood ...... Robert, 502 ...... Thomas, 178 ...... William, 185, 188 578 ______

INDEX. Money (Mony) Morris, Stephen, 320 ...... John, 230 (2), 235, 281 (2), 306, 307, ...... Thomas, 150 327, 388, 417, 431, 439, 440, 445 Mortimer (Mortimore, Mortymar) ...... Thomas, 409 ...... Francis, 126, 132, 379, 320 Monke, see Monck ...... Henry, 499 Monks Risborough, see Risborough, Monks ...... James, 406 Monmouth, James, Duke of, x, 183 (2) ...... John, 49, 91, 117, 284 Montague (Mountagne, Mountague) ...... [blank], 170 ...... Henry, 246 Morton, see Moreton ...... John, 20, 69, 230, 292, 296, 297 Mosedell (Mosdell) ...... Thomas, 243, 332, 486 ...... [blank], Mr., 64, 68, 70 ...... Fellow of Eton College, 294, ...... [blank], widow, 373, 388, 389, 399, 400, 296 409, 410, 418, 430, 431, 440 (2), 449 (2), ...... William, 375 457, 469, 476, 488, 497 Moody, Henry, 118 Mosely, Anthony, 140 Moone, see Moore ...... Hugh, 273, 342 Moore (Moone, Moorer, Mores, Mossenden, John, 66, 166 Moorse More) Mott, Anne, 107 (2), 113 ...... Anthony, 184 ...... Daniel, 47, 107 (2), 113, 209 ...... Edward, 124, 135 ...... Thomas, 107 ...... Elizabeth, 215, 494 Mould, William, 330 ...... John, 101, 104, 105 (2), 136, 142, Mouldey, George, 187, 203 444, 447 Moulsoe, 126, 132, 139, 144, 160, 173, 289, ...... Joseph, 35, 85, 90, 172 296, 364, 375, 400, 408, 410, 425 ...... Lawrence, 115, 370 ...... Constables of, 364, 375 ...... Mary, 194 Moulston, see Moulton ...... Nicholas, 176 Moulton, Co. Northampton, 463 ...... Ralph, 81 Mountague, see Montague ...... Richard, 387 Mouse (Mowse), William, 85, 126, 132, 138, ...... Robert, 34, 39, 45, 47, 61, 85 (2), 88 144, 152 (2), 89, 124, 161, 166, 172, 180, 184, 187, Moxley, Peter, 56 332, 376 Moyger, Richard, 283 ...... Thomas, 14, 67 Munday, see Monday ...... William, 115, 266, 301, 324 Munn, Joseph, 234 Moray, see under Stewart Munna, Clare, 455 Morburne, John, 133 Murder, see under Offences Morcom, Joseph, 332 Murraine (Muraine), Edward, 116, 146 More, see Moore Murray, see under Stewart Moreton (Morton) Mursley, 12, 19, 24, 25, 84 (2), 109, 117, 137, ...... Elizabeth, 418, 430 148, 187, 290, 300, 332, 351, 352, 361, 362, ...... Henry, 273, 283, 317 363, 373, 376, 388, 389, 399, 400, 405, 409, ...... John, 133, 283 410, 413, 418, 430, 431 (2), 439, 440 (2), 449 ...... Nathaniel, 283, 330 (2), 457 (2), 469, 476 (2), 477, 488, 497, 501 ...... Richard, 422 ...... Constables of, 24, 117, 148, 332, 376, ...... Robert, 207, 329, 355, 366, 374 394, 501 475 ...... Meeting house at, 300 ...... Thomas, 102, 106, 108, 115, 310, ...... Mursley Grove in, 351 375, 504 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... William, 81, 222, 254, 330, 429 ...... Salden in, see Salden Morgan, Jane, 133 Muskett, John, 108, 467 ...... Stafford, 98, 230, 283, 329, 373, 419, Muson, Thomas, The Rev., 179 450, 452 (2), 470, 484 Musquett, see Muskett Morley, Richard, 264 Muss, Thomas, 84, 88 Morris (Morrice) Mutiny Act, The, xii, 380 ...... John, 143, 266, 277, 287, 476 Myles, see Miles ...... Richard, 446, 459 ...... Robert, 223, 239, 245 579 ______


NARMAN, see Norman Nether Winchendon, see Winchendon, Nether Nash, 52, 55, 87, 227, 244, 249 (2), 250, Netmaker, Nathaniel, 302 262, 265, 282, 345, 350, 357, 358 (2), 359, Nettleden, Co. Hertford, 194 369, 419, 429, 479 Nevell, see Newell And see Whaddon New, Mary, 405 Nash, Christopher, 88, 101 ...... Robert, 222 ...... Edward, 147, 331, 508 Newbolt, Edward, The Rev., Rector of ...... George, 495 Cheddington, 291 ...... John, 47, 88, 89, 98, 232, 244, 267, Newborough, John, Under-master of Eton 274, 420, 440, 442 School, 294, 296 ...... Joseph, 8, 31 Newbury (Newberry) ...... Michael, 23, 199, 220 ...... Richard, 132, 144, 174 ...... Nathaniel, 414 ...... alias Parker, Richard, 126 ...... Richard, 272 Newcomb, Thomas, 386 ...... Robert, 50, 422, 459 Newell (Nevell, Nevill) ...... Thomas, 20, 342, 348, 500 ...... Christopher, 141 ...... William, 13, 102, 107, 108, 115, 274, ...... George, 79, 155 376, 387, 395, 396, 397 486, 502 ...... Henry, 66, 398, 438 ...... [blank], 101 ...... Jane, 63 Naylor (Nailer, Nayler) ...... John, 105 ...... George, 495 ...... Richard, 105 (2), 130, 317 (2) ...... John, 14, 19 ...... Robert, 182 ...... Mary, 14, 19 ...... Thomas, 180, 184, 215, 311, 324, 469 ...... Richard, 507 ...... William, 70 ...... Thomas, 172 Newgate Prison, 42 Neale (Neele) Newham, William, 142 ...... Elizabeth, 312 Newill, see Newell ...... Francis, 257, 426, 480, 506, 508 Newington, Mary, 12 (2), 21 ...... Clerk of the Peace, 1686 to ...... Richard, 12, 21, 31 1689, 202, 213, 216, 218, 229, 240, 250, ...... William, 23, 49, 131, 222, 255, 282, 329 261, 265, 269, 272, 279 And see Newton ...... Henry, Sheriff 1692, 407, 408, 416 Newland, William, 66, 72, 140, 172, 177, 178 (2), 429 (2), 447 (2), 198, 292, 348, 358, 359 (2), 369, 370, ...... James, 352, 361 406, 406, 408, 415 (2), 446, 487, 494, 495 (2) ...... John, 132 Newman, Edward, 316, 352, 362 ...... Peter, 501 ...... Ellen, 348 ...... Samuel, 274 ...... Henry, 150 (2), 244, 248, 263, 271, 278, ...... Thomas, 342, 390 301, 310, 338 ...... [blank], 411 ...... Isaac, 316, 457, 482 Needingworth, Co. Huntingdon, 369, 385 ...... James, 24, 50 Neglect of Duty, see under Offences ...... Joan, 131, 135 Negus, Simon, 288, 349 ...... John, 1, 54, 221, 248, 263, 319, 368, 474 Neighbour, Edmund, 49, 69 ...... Robert, 85, 126, 132, 138, 144, 152, 160, ...... Peter, 118, 147 167, 173, 180, 186, 192, 193 ...... William, 24, 68, 91, 257, 331, 386 ...... Thomas, 375, 487 Nellis, John, 203, 209, 214 ...... William, 102, 106, 348 Nelmoth, see Mellmoth Newnes, Edward, 501 Nelson (Nelsam) ...... Robert, 28 ...... Edward, 371, 418, 458 Newport, Hundred of, 22, 48, 68, 91, 116, 146, ...... Francis, 338, 348, 425, 487 151, 175, 177, 200, 220, 227, 253, 260, 270, ...... Jane, 335 282, 329, 331, 334, 339, 348, 365, ...... John, 192 ...... Thomas, 159, 410 Nethercliff, William, 421, 461 580 ______

INDEX. 373, 396, 403, 417, 418, 446, 458, 498, 500 Newton Blossomville, 3, 7, 12, 127, 189, 220, Newport, Hundred of, Bailiffs for the, 151, 226 (2), 235, 236, 243, 293, 316 177, 227, 339, 348, 446 ...... Rector of, 293 ...... Bridewell for the, see Newton Longville, 24, 68, 126, 130, 132, 164, Newport Pagnell 171, 173, 200, 254, 285, 291, 333, 359, 376, ...... Chief Constables for the, 22, 382, 385, 391, 398, 402, 405, 407 (2), 422, 458 48, 68, 91, 116, 146, 175, 200, 220, 253, ...... Constables of, 24, 254, 285, 333, 270, 282, 329, 373, 396, 418, 458, 498 376, 422 ...... Walton in, see Walton ...... Rector of, 291 Newport Pagnell, xv, 3, 12, 13, 14, 22, 34, New Windsor, see Windsor, New 41, 48, 54, 79, 80, 85, 89 (2), 90, 91 (2), 96, Niccolls, see Nicholls 102, 106, 109, 115, 117, 123, 124, 125, Nicholas (Nichollas) 126, 127, 131, 132, 138, 140, 144, 151, ...... Edward, 250, 500 152, 155, 157, 158 (3), 160, 164, 167, ...... Robert, 90 168, 171 (2), 173 (2), 174, 175, 178 (2), Nicholls (Niccolls) 180, 181, 186 192 (2), 193, 197, 199, 200, ...... Edward, 96, 172 203 208, 209, 212 (2), 214 (3), 238 (3), 249 ...... Elizabeth, 133, 308 (2), 250, 251, 252, 264, 265 (2), 267, ...... Hannah, 96 268, 269, 272 (3), 277, 281, 286 (2), 287, ...... Henry, 84, 89, 230 (2), 231 (2), 327 288, 289 (4), 291, 293, 294 (3), 297 (2), 300 ...... John, 256, 469 (2), 306, 308, 310, 312, 318 (2), 323, 324, ...... Katherine, 96, 145 326, 335, 337, 344, 348, 353, 364, 371 (3), ...... Robert, 132 377, 378, 381, 383 (2), 384 (2), 386, 391, ...... Susan, 402 393 (2), 396 (2), 397 (2), 398, 399 (2), ...... Thomas, 84, 127, 287, 431, 433. 438 402, 408, 412, 413, 417, 424, 428, 433, ...... William, 85, 89, 226, 235, 242, 248, 263, 438, 441, 445, 448, 451, 462, 465, 473, 456, 465 480, 487, 489 (2) ...... The Rev., Minister of Wootton ...... Bridewell at, xv, 3, 128 131, Underwood, 289, 295 286, 304, 306, 323, 335, 344, 364, 424, 451 ...... [blank], widow, 300 ...... Keeper of the, xv, 3, Nicholson, Ambrose, The Rev., Rector of 128, 131, 286, 306 323, 335, 344, 364, 377, Halton, 290 381, 391, 402, 412, 424, 433, 451, 462, Nightingale, Andrew, 3 473, 489 Nipping, Humphrey, 376 ...... Churchwarden of, 489 Nixon, Francis, 60, 137, 359, 387 ...... Constables of, 14, 312 Noakes (Noke) ...... March End in, 398 ...... William, 22, 79, 100, 131, 349 ...... Meeting houses at, 300 (2), ...... [blank], widow, 102, 107, 108, 115, 180, 310, 371, 398 187 ...... Minister of, 289, 295 Noar (Nore), Thomas, 342, 375 (3), 390, 411 ...... Nag’s Head at, 441 Noble, John, 300 ...... Sessions held at, 287 ...... William, 82, 375 ...... Tickford Park at, 209 Noke, see Noakes Newton, Joseph, 31, 34, 197, 359 Noon (Noone) ...... Richard, 12 ...... Ralph, 47, 73 ...... Thomas, 29, 411, 425 ...... Susan, 73, 78, 325, 339 And see Newington Nooreys, William, 307 Norcott, see Southall Norwood Norcott, Alexander, 267 ...... Richard, 2 ...... William, 74, 452 Nore, see Noar Norfolk, 378 581 ______

INDEX. Norman (Narman) 370, 430 (2), 437, 438, 442, 445 (2), 451 ...... Anthony, 125, 507 North Crawly, see Crawley, North ...... David, 370 Northlisle, see Leigh, North ...... Edward, 95, 420 North Marston, see Marston, North ...... Elizabeth, 102, 106 North Mason, see Marston, North ...... John, 80, 195, 342, 487 Norton, Alexander, 28 ...... Miles, 34 ...... James, 245 ...... Robert, 167, 180 ...... Owen, J.P., 14, 169, 510 ...... Samuel, 280, 320 Norwood, Emma, 17 ...... Thomas, 4, 8, 102, 106, 118, 125 ...... Ezekiel, 133, 276 ...... William, 97, 214, 293, 298 ...... Henry, 319, 363 ...... The Rev., Curate of Loughton, ...... James, 67, 133, 275, 276, 294, 298 292 ...... Richard, 5, 133 Normaston, see Marston, North ...... [blank], 17 Norris, George, 80 Nott, John, The Rev., 291, 296, 297 ...... John, 498 Noy, Charles, 74, 231, 327, 384, 387, 485 ...... Richard, 15, 74, 451, 464, 471, 493, Nuisance, see under Offences 500 Nurly, Richard, 123 ...... Robert, 214 Nutkins (Nuttkins), William, 102 (2), 106, 107, ...... Thomas, 137, 385 108 (3) North, Aaron, 372 ...... Alexander, 69, 487 OAKLEY, 53, 73 (3), 85, 88, 128, 176, 218, 219, ...... Alice, 139 225, 317, 370 (2), 386, 400, 428, 429, 466 (2), ...... Anne, 493, 505 467, 474, 496 ...... Frances, 370 Oakley (Ockley) ...... John, 170, 190, 349 ...... Francis, 502 ...... Joseph, 232, 267 ...... John, 12, 21, 31, 34, 36, 41, 199, 256, ...... Richard, 222, 372 359, 389, 399, 400, 409, 410, 413, 418, 430, ...... Thomas, 108, 109, 110, 118, 125, 468 139, 293, 298, 342, 372, 422 ...... Thomas, 318, 337, 421, 459 ...... William, 28, 40, 179, 190, 372, 487 ...... William, 294, 298 Northall, 112, 120, 220, 221, 233, 254 Oaths of Allegiance, etc., see Allegiance, Oaths ...... Batesmill Bridge at, 233 of ...... Constables of, 221, 254 Ockley, see Oakley And see Ellesborough Odell, Mary, 73 Northampton, George, 4th Earl of, xxi, 346, ...... Thomas, 220, 253, 278 444 Offences; Alehouses, Keeping of dis- orderly, ...... Regiment of, 346, 444 fines for, 130, 266, 506 , 268 ...... indict- ments for, 6 ...... Brackley in, 327 346, 447 (2), 477 (2), 19, 81 (3), 101, 114, 137, 186, 251, ...... Culworth in, 447 310, 351 (2), 362 (2), 372, 398 (2), 417, 431 (2), ...... Greens-Norton in, 462 448, 456, 468, 476, 497(2) ...... Moulton in, 463 ...... present- ments for, ...... Passenham in, 66 (2), 316 (2) 13, 36 (2), 41, 47, 86 (6), 116, 187, 214, ...... Paulerspury in, 18 231, 328 (3), 341, 351, 389 (2), 469, 488 ...... Potterspury in, 57 ...... Keeping of unlicensed, fines for, ...... Steen in, 291 347, 383, 395, 414 ...... Towcester in, 81, 226, 227, 233, 235, ...... indict- ments for, 12, 250, 477, 478, 479 96, 203, 208 (2), 244, 310 (14), 341, 351 ...... Whittlebury in, 478 ...... Wicken in, 335, 354, 417, 428 (2), 455 Northchurch (or Berkhampstead St. Mary), Co. Hertford, 321, 582 ______

INDEX. (10), 361 (7), 372 (4), 387 (5), 408 (7), 431, Offences: Bowling Alley, Keeping a, xvii, 360, 456, 476 367 Offences: Alehouses, Keeping of un- ...... Bridges, Non-repair of, see under licensed, presentments for, 2 (5), 7 (4), 13 Highways (4) 21 (3), 47 (6), 55 (4), 59 (2), 63 (8), 74, ...... Burglary, 137, 142, 324 (2), 388, 448 90 (5), 97, 109 (4), 127, 140, 145 (5), 153, ...... Changing corn, 487 161 (6), 181 (8), 187, 193 (3), 199, 203, 213 ...... Cheating, see Fraud (6), 231, 239, 244, 253 (5), 267, 273 (6), ...... Chimneys, Dangerous, 2, 3, 160 279 (2) 281 (2), 301 (2), 311, 319, 341 (11), ...... Church, Absence from, fines for, 406 352 (7), 362 (4), 373 (4), 389 (2), 400 (7), (14), 415 (16) 410, 418, 431, 450, 477, 497 (2) ...... indict- ments for, xviii, ...... Apprentice, Wrongful dismissal of 96 (44), 107 (88), 125 (3), 131 (13), 145 (25), an, 497 152 (8), 209 (54), 351 (2), 361 (17), 388 ...... Apprenticeship, Trading with- out, (16), 399 (22), 430 (21), 439 (5), 448 (2), 456 see Trading (3), 476 (18), 497 (17)...... Assault, fines for, 5, 10 (2), 18 (3), ...... present- ments for, 33, 39, 53 (5), 54, 58 (3) 61 (4), 72, 77 (3), xviii, 2 (8), 7 (15), 21 (12), 31 (8), 36 (7), 41 78, 83 (4) 88 (2), 104, 113 (2), 122 (4), 135 (12), 47 (5), 55, 59 (2), 64, 67 (3), 73 (6), 74 (5), (2), 137, 157, 159 (3), 171 (2), 178, 180 (3), 81 (17), 85 (35), 90 (23), 97 (2), 102 (103), 109 184 (2), 190 (3), 196 (4), 201, 207, 211, 217 (127), 116 (100), 127 (190), 133 (184), 138 (6), 236 (2), 237 (2), 241 (2), 243 (3), 249 (10), 139 (146), 145 (168), 153 (115), 161 (4), 262 (2), 264 (2), 271 (4) 272 (4), 306 (114), 167 (176), 172 (21), 174 (158), (2), 307 (2), 315 (7), 324 (3), 337 (6), 181 (103), 193 (61), 198 (4), 199 (73), 203 (49), 367, 388 (5), 395 (2), 413, 414 (3), 427 (2), 214 (36), 219 (5), 341 (2), 372 (2), 389 (11), 399 428, 436, 445 (3), 453 (4), 473 (2), 484 (8), 400 (20), 418 (2), 431 (3), 440 (23), 449 ...... indictments for, 1 (2), 5, 6 (4), (26), 457 (3), 469 (18), 477 (7), 488 (14), 497 11 (3), 12, 20 (2), 31 (2), 35 (2), 40 (2), 46 (16), 498 (2) (4), 47 (2), 55 (2), 59 (4), 73 (28), 79 (10), And see Recusancy 84 (2), 85, 90 (9), 97, 101 (2), 107 (7), 114 ...... Combinations, Illegal, 6 (2) (6), 124, 131 (2), 145, 151 (3), 165, 172 ...... Constables, Refusing to assist or obey, (10), 179, 185 (6), 186, 191 (5), 198, 203 fines for, 315 (3), 324 (3), 208 (4), 213 (9), 219 (2), 230 (6), 238 ...... present- ments for, 97 (6), 244 (6), 251, 252 (3), 266 (5), 273 (3), 98 (4), 193, 267 (5), 273 (2), 281 (3), (4), 301 (10), 311 (4), 318 (5), 327 (10), 318, 362, 372 341, 350 (3), 360, 362, 371 (2), 387 (2), 399 ...... Refusing to be sworn as, 208 (4), 409, 417 (2), 439 (10), 448, 457, 468 ...... Contempt of Court, fines for, 104, 130, (2), 487 (2) 184, 243 (3), 249, 265 (2) ...... Assembly, Unlawful, see Con- ...... indictments, etc., for, 7, venticles, and Rioting 20, 96 ...... Barratry, 432, 439, 453 …… Conventicles, Holding of, fines for, xviii, ...... Bastardy, imprisonment for, 26 128, 134, 135 ...... presentments for, 13 (2), 21 ...... present- ment for, 389 (6), 31 (2), 36 (2), 81 (4), 145 (2), 167 (4), ...... Corrupt practices, 267 204 (2), 231, 328 (2), 373 (2), 449 (2) ……. Cottages, Erecting and “continuing” illegally, indict- 583 ______

INDEX. ments for, 20, 97, 172, 179 (4), 203, 245, Offences: Guns, nets, etc., Illegally keeping, see 311, 340, 351, 361 (2), 362 (2), 372 (2), Poaching 387, 398, 487 ...... Highways, Non-performance of statutory Offences: Cottages, Erecting and “con- work upon the, fines for, 27 (15), 28 (32), 367, tinuing” illegally, presentments for, 41, 55, 395, 405, 414 59, 81 (3), 85, 90, 97, 109, 116, 127, 133 ...... indict- ments for, 2 (2), 146, 153 (3), 161 (2), 167 (2), 174, 181 (2), 73, 96 (4), 165, 179, 251 (2), 266 (6), 318 (2), 187 (2), 214, 219, 238 (2), 245, (7), 341 (2), 351 (3), 387 (3), 388, 486 252, 267, 273, 279, 282, 311, 319 (3), 328 ...... presentments for, 6 (3), 352 (3), 363 (3), 373, 389, 449, 487 (2), 13 (5), 64, 74 (5), 80 (3), 97, 134 (3), 140, ...... Court, Contempt of, see Con- tempt 160 (8), 168 (6), 181, 204 (3), 231 (2), 274, 341, of Court 400 ...... Disobeying order of, fines for, ...... Highways, Bridges, etc., Not repairing, 18, 105 (3), 219 fines for, 194, 217, 313, 316 (3), 385, 428 ...... imprison- ment for, ...... indict- ments for, 1 120, 163, 169 (2), 40 (3), 55 (5), 63 (2), 65, 85 (2), 96 (5), ...... indict- ments for, 107, 151, 152, 203 (2), 208, 209, 244 (2), 251 35, 101, 131 (2), 180 (8), 252 (3), 266, 301, 311 (3), 318, 327, ...... Non - attendance at, fines for, 350, 361, 388 (2), 399 (2), 417, 430 (2), 431, 18, 58, 72 (4), 157 (3), 227 (6), 339 (4), 348 448 (3), 468 (2), 486 (25), 497 (6), 406 (3), 446 (2) ...... present- ments for, 3, ...... Cows, “Illegal milking” of, xvii, 159 13, 20, 21, 41 (2), 64 (2), 68, 80, 97 (4), 109 (3), ...... Cripples, Refusing to transport, 352 114, 116, 124 (3), 137 (3), 138 (2), 140, (2), 362 145, 146 (2), 153, 154 (15), 159, 161 (5), 165, ...... Dogs, Keeping dangerous, xvii, 159 167, 181, 187, 191 (2), 193, 199, 214 (2), ...... Drunkenness, 63, 127 (3), 328, 341, 219, 220 (4), 231 (2), 238, 239, 245, 252 (4), 351, 352 311, 389, 400 (2), 418, 431, 440 (3), 441, ...... Ducking-stool, not providing a, 267 449 (2), 457(2), 477 (4), 478 (12), 479 (9), 488, ...... Eaves-dropping, 59, 214 497, 498 ...... and encroachments, 7, ...... Housebreaking, see Burglary 40, 168, 174, 328 ...... “Hue and cry,” Negligently keeping the, And see Nuisance and Tres- 161, 231 (2), 352 (2), 361, 362 pass...... Inmates, Entertaining of, fine for, 395 ...... Engrossing, 213, 225, 238 (6) ...... indict- ments for, 40, ...... Extortion by officials, fines for, 324, 84, 85, 301, 372, 388, 409 337 ...... present- ments for, ...... indictments for, xii, 31, 64 (2), 68, 85 (3), 90 (2), 97 (2), 109, 115, 30 (3), 146, 198, 230, 273, 318 (2) 116 (2), 134, 145 (6), 153, 161 (3), 181, 213, ...... Forcible entry and detainer, fines 245, 363 (3), 373, 389 for, 38, 211 (2), 316 ...... Insulting behaviour, fines for, 38 (2), 227 ...... indict- ments for, 6, ...... indictments for, 30, 35 (2), 35, 79, 83, 159 (4) 151, 165, 186 ...... Fraud and forgery, fines for, 5 (2), 54 (3), 474 (2) ...... indictments for, xvii, 1, 11, 46 (3), 90, 151, 301, 362, 468 (2) ...... Gaming, 11 ...... Greyhounds, Illegally keeping, see Poaching 584 ______

INDEX. Offences: Jury, Being absent from a, fines (6), 301 (3), 310, 319 (3), 342 (2), 410, 418, for, 5 (4), 9 (2), 19 (11), 29 (8), 33, 53 (3), 441, 469 (2) 58 (4), 61, 66, 71, 77 (4), 83 (7), 88 (2), 95 Offences: Nuisance, fines for, 241, 262 (4), 265 (5), 100 (4), 104, 113 (2), 122 (5), 130 (5), (4), 473 135 (5), 141 (3), 156 (4), 164 (13), 171 (2), ...... indictments for, 20, 30, 31 (2), 40, 178 (4), 184 (5), 189 (10), 196 (5), 207 55, 73, 79, 96 (2) 101, 107, 146 (3), 152, (2), 211, 217, 227 (2), 236 (2), 243, 249, 159, 203 (15), 208 (2), 213, 244 (7), 301, 318, 271 (2), 278 (3), 307 (3), 315 (4), 325 327, 362, 409, 417, 430, 496, 497 (2), 339 (3), 348 (3), 358, 368 (2), 385 (7), ...... presentments for, 7 (2), 36, 56, 80 396, 406 (3), 415 (2), 437 (7), 446 (2), 454 (2), 97 (3), 101, 109, 146 (2), 167, 192 (3), 231, (2), 466 (2), 474 (2), 485 (3), 494 (5), 507 238, 273 (3), 341, 410, 418 (2) (3) And see Enclosures ...... Larceny, fines for, 383, 428, 445 (2) ...... Parish, Bringing in persons chargeable to ...... indictments for, 11 (3), 35 (2), the, 98, 399 40, 46, 90, 101, 106, 165, 172 (2), 179, ...... Peace, Breach of the, fines for, 271, 453 180, 186, 198 (2), 231 (2), 238 (2), 318 (3), ...... indict- ments for, 252, 327, 341 (2), 350, 360, 361 (3), 371, 388 387, 417 (2), 417 (4), 449, 456 (4), 487, 496, 497 ...... present- ments for, 252, ...... whippings for, 16, 28, 38 (2), 279, 450 44, 50, 94, 103, 113, 189, 241 (2), 321 (3), And see Assault, and Rioting 335, 365, 392 (2), 433 (2), 452, 462 (2), ...... Perjury, 20, 59, 101 (2) 490, 494 ...... Pillory, Not providing a, 187 ...... Libel, fines for, xvii, 364, 368 ...... Poaching, etc., fines for, 39, 237, 306, ...... imprisonment for, xvii, 176 307, 315, 395, 414 (3), 427 (2) ...... indictments for, 85, 172, 327, ...... indictments for, xvii, 6 (2), 30 350, 431 (9), 35 (2), 40, 208 (4), 230 (2), 231 (25), 266 ...... Minister, Not providing a, 187 (9), 273 (2), 301 (5), 327 (10), 341 (5), 350, ...... Mounds, Having bad, 352 351 (5), 360, 361 (3), 388 (8), 417 ...... Murder, 156, 477 ...... presentments for, 101, 137, ...... Neglect of duty by constables, etc., 159, 165, 168 (2), 238 (4), 352 (3), 363 (2) fines for, 61, 104, 212, 484 (2), 494, 495, ……. Pound breach, fines for, 171, 357, 358, 506 405 ...... indict- ments for, ...... indictments for, 79, 341, 388 2 (2), 7, 55, 73, 79 (12), 99, 101 (2), 125, ...... presentments for, 36, 161, 245 (2), 266, 430, 448, 468 (3), 476 (3) 187, 273 ...... pre- sentments ………. Prices, Illegal overcharges in, 62 (18), 63, for, 2 (2), 13 (4), 21 (3), 31 (3), 36 (7), 41 66 (2), 80 (89), 181, 187, 487 (2), 47 (2), 55 (3), 59 (6), 63 (3), 74 (3), 81 ……….. Prisoners, Allowing escape of, fines for, (13), 86 (5), 90 (2), 97, 103, 109 (2), 116 122, 135, 236, 445, 494 (4), 133 (3), 139 (2), 153 (2), 159 (5), 165, ...... indict- ments, etc., for, 168 (4), 174 (5), 181 (4), 187 (2), 193 84 (2), 114, 131, 230, 440, 457, 476, 487, 498 (2), 199 (2), 208, 213 (2), 219, 238, 239 (3), (2) 253, 267, 279 ...... Rescuing, 47, 59, 61, 230 (3) ………. Quakers, Allowing “to goe att lardge,” fine for, xv, 149 585 ______

INDEX. Offences: Rates, Refusal to pay, 41, 85, 97, Offences: Trading without due appren- ticeship 239 or licences, informa- tions for, 487 (31) ...... Receiving stolen goods, 360, 456 ...... indict- ments for, 47, ...... Recusancy, imprisonment for, 25 62, 63 (13), 67 (5), 159 (3), 185, 208 (4), 251, ...... indictments for, xviii, 1 (9), 12 266 (2), 311 (2), 318 (2), 350, 372 (20), 409 (3), (59), 63 (17), 328 (10), 372 (2), 388 (16), 431, 440 (14), 468 (7), 476 (11), 477 (5), 496 399 (22), 409 (29), 430 (21) 476 (15), 497 ...... present- ments for, 6 (15) (4), 138, 231 (2), 477 (2) ...... presentments for, xviii, 2, 7, ...... Travellers, Refusing to lodge, 168, 174, 13 (5), 16, 21 (19), 31 (16), 36 (9), 41 441, 448, 453 (12), 47 (8), 55 (8), 59 (7), 63 (2), 64 (2), 67 ...... Treason, 183 (7), 74 (2), 81 (4), 85 (3), 90 (2), 103 (3), ...... Trespass, fines for, 190, 315, 384, 414 (2) 109 (4), 116 (4), 134 (5), 139 (6), 145 (5), ...... indictments for, 151, 310, 351 161 (3), 167 (2), 181, 199 (3), 301, 319 (9), (2) 328 (15), 351 (6), 352 (12), 362 (14), 363 And see Enclosures, and (2), 372 (4), 373 (17), 389 (20), 399 (8), 400 Nuisance (20), 410 (5), 411 (17), 418 (21), 431 (10), ...... Vagrancy, 450 (2) 440 (19), 449 (30), 457 (12), 469 (18), 477 ...... Vagrants, Harbouring, fines for, 321, 324 (21), 488 (28), 497 (16), 498 (17) (2), 338, 367, 384, 395, 506 (2) And see Church, Absence from ...... indictments for, 310, 319, ...... Rioting, fines for, 58, 135 (3), 157 341, 350, 360, 372, 387 (20), 164, 184 (3) ...... presentments for, 47 (2), 86, ...... indictments for, 47 (2), 62 (2), 165 (2), 168, 187, 198, 199, 239, 245 (2), 267, 124 (22), 152 (31), 159 (3), 172 (4), 179 (4), 311, 319, 341, 457, 498 186 (10), 191 (3), 266 (3), 311 (3), 388 (5), ...... Wages, Non-payment of, imprisonment 430 (8), 496 (3) for, 52 ...... Sabbath-day offences, see ...... Warrant, Altering a, fine for, 465 under Sunday ...... Watch and ward, Refusing to keep, fines ...... Servants, Receiving, for, 436 (3), 444 without testimonials, xvii, 151, 159 ...... indict- ments for, 372 ...... refusing to work, 36 (3), 74, 417 (3), 439 168 (2), 193 (3), 310, 328 ...... present- ments for, 21 ...... Stocks, Not providing, 342 (5), 36, 41, 63 (3), 97 (2), 101 (7), 134 (2), 174, ...... Sunday offences, fines for, 164, 465 301, 352 (3), 363, 410 (4), 431 ...... indictments for, 125 ...... Witchcraft, 328 (2), 159, 431, 448 (6) Okins, Richard, 406 ...... presentments for, 13, Olden, George, 147 31, 109 (2), 116 (2), 127 (3), 134(3) 140, Oldwick, xix, 323, 412, 427, 453, 493 168 (5), 174 (8), 181 (8), 409, 410, 431, 441 And see Luffield Abbey (6) Oldys, Thomas, The Ven., B.C.L., Archdeacon of ...... Swearing, fines for, 164, 413 Lincoln, 349 ...... indictments for, 85, 125 (2), Oliver (Olliver) 159, 408 ...... Anne, 53 ...... presentments for, 63, 85, 159, ...... John, 279 204, 214, 400 ...... Thomas, 11, 40, 62, 84, 137, 237, 317, ...... Theft, see Larceny 359, 447 ...... William, 49, 69 586 ______

INDEX. Olliffe (Oliffe) Oving, Constables of, 49, 70, 148, 221, 254, ...... Alexander, 30, 193, 196, 307, 464, 283, 332, 377 473, 475, 484, 493, 506 ...... Meeting house at, 299 ...... Dorothy, 145, 152 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... Francis, 223, 407 Owen, John, 398 ...... Henry, 55, 59, 106, 165, 171, 370, ...... Samuel, 58 460, 482, 484, 485, 495 , 406 ...... Joan, 197 , Aston Rowant in, 383 ...... John, 162 ...... Baldon in, 140 ...... Robert, 58, 98 ...... Banbury in, 37, 80, 478 ...... Samuel, 7, 202, 215 ...... Bicester in, 98, 140, 158, 327, 441, 448, ...... Thomas, 63, 125, 138, 145, 152, 160, 457, 477, 478 (2), 479 (2), 497 301, 487 ...... Blackthorn in, 123 (2) Olney, xviii, 101, 102, 105 (2), 106, ...... Charlton on Otmoor in, 320 115, 126, 132, 133, 137, 138, 144, 145, ...... Chinnor in, 42 149, 152 (2), 157, 158 (3), 159, 160, 166, ...... Chipping Norton in, 46 168 (3), 171, 174, 181, 184, 186, 192, 196, ...... Fringford in, 122, 478 203, 209, 218, 236, 242, 250, 288, 293, 318 ...... Godington in, 127 (2), 324, 328, 339, 348 (2), 349, 363, 372, ...... Hethe in, 278 373 (2), 386, 388, 396 (2), 403, 406, 409, ...... Kidlington in, 123 410, 414 (2), 417, 418, 437, 444, 446, 447, ...... Kirtlington in, 205 456, 458, 498, 507 ...... Leigh, North, in, 123 ...... Conventicles held at, xviii, 149, 403 ...... Lewknor in, 190, 439, 471 ...... Meeting houses at, 318, 417, 456 ...... Merton in, 57 ...... Vicar of, xviii, 293 ...... Mollington in, 99 ...... Warrington in, see Warrington ...... Piddington in, 361, 370 ...... White Swan Inn at, 418 ...... Pyrton in, 336 Orchard, Samuel, 245, 279, 428 ...... Stratton Audley in, 105 (2), 130 Orme, William, The Rev., Rector ...... Thame in, 86, 98 (2), 103, 172, 178, 186, of Leckhampstead, 292 321, 350, 441, 448, 457, 478 Ormonde, Duke of, 362 ...... Watlington in, 87, 120 Osbaldiston, John, The Rev., Rector of ...... Wheatley in, 308 Saunderton, 294, 296 ...... Woodstock in, 123 Osborne (Osburne) Oxlade, Anne, 172 ...... Elizabeth, 371, 383, 385, 386 ...... Daniel, 375 ...... Henry, 75, 86 ...... Edward, 172 ...... James, 21, 55, 126 ...... John, 178, 195 ...... Jane, 132, 152, 168, 181, 186 ...... Mary, 172 ...... John, 46, 307 ...... Richard, 172, 179, 188, 359 ...... Judith, 151, 157, 158 ...... William, 66, 82, 169, 172 ...... Samuel, 67 Oxley, John, 481 ...... Sarah, 168 ...... Thomas, 151, 157, 158, 196, 396 PACKINGTON, Co. Leicester, 361 ...... William, 138, 144, 219, 226, 227, Packington, see Pakington 307, 371, 383, 386 (2) Padbury, 19, 75, 96, 102, 106, 108, 115, 116, Ould, Blandina, 489 125, 138, 143, 175, 205, 254, 279, 283, 291, Ovey, John, 396 (2), 416 329, 372, 377, 378, 387, 477, 479, 491 (2) ...... Thomas, 70, 92 ...... Constables of, 254, 283, 377, 378 Oviatts (Ovietts) ...... Great Bridge in, 479 ...... Thomas, 446, 486 ...... Strickett Ford in, 479 ...... William, 443, 478, 491 ...... Vicar of, 291 Oving, 29, 49, 70, 148, 179, 199, 208, 221, ...... White Bridge in, 479 254, 283, 290, 292, 299, 332, 335, 338, Padbury, John, 136 348, 377, 425 Page, Andrew, 283, 331 587 ______

INDEX. Page, George, 342, 390 Pantlin, Humphrey, 302 ...... John, 382, 385, 390, 391, 395, 405, Papists, see Recusants 407 Pardons, General, 202, 275, 356 ...... Robert, 126, 132, 139, 144, 167, 180, ...... pleaded by defendants, 198, 201 192, 198 (2), 217, 277 (17), 303 (2), 315 (4), 346 (2) ...... Samuel, 387 Parish, see Parrish ...... Thomas, 226, 235, 242, 248, Parker, Anne, 233 263, 376, 385, 395, 405, 407, 422 ...... Edward, 455 ...... William, 385, 395, 407 (2) ...... Elizabeth, 151, 157, 158, 447 Pagt, John, 256 ...... Jane, 4 Paine (Payne) ...... John, 30, 62, 84, 401 ...... Benjamin, 331 ...... Marcus, The Rev., Vicar of Ilmer, 291 ...... Christopher, 68, 91, 151, 197, 340, ...... Mark, 46 406 ...... Richard, 21, 151, 157, 158, 256, 302, 455 ...... Daniel, 92 ...... Robert, 4 ...... Edward, 35 ...... William, 11, 35, 72, 266, 272, 277, 332, ...... Elisha, 389, 399, 400, 409, 410, 413, 358, 369, 429, 432 418, 430 ...... alias Newbury, Richard, 126 ...... Elnathan, 199 Parkin, see Perkins ...... Francis, 92, 342 Parkyns, see Perkins ...... Humphrey, 22, 48, 122, 164 Parliament, Members of, Election of, xiv, 184, ...... Isaac, 73, 85, 88, 165, 218, 272, 278 275 ...... Joan, 12, 21, 31, 41 Parnesham, see Passenham ...... John, 174 (2), 199, 357 (2), 360, 369, Parnham (Parnam) 371, 447, 476 ...... Joseph, 148, 284, 460, 485, 499 ...... Matthew, 12, 21, 31, 34, 36, 41, 199, ...... Thomas, 284, 330 389, 399, 400, 409, 410, 413, 418, 430 Parrish (Parish) ...... Robert, 451 ...... Daniel, 62, 63, 97 (2), 431 (2) ...... Thomas, 88, 221, 256, 274, 345, 441, ...... Henry, 338, 339, 347, 358 479, 493 ...... Matthew, 423, 428, 487 ...... William, 148 ...... Nicholas, 299 Painter (Panter) Parrott (Parratt, Perrott, Purratt) ...... Gilbert, 53 ...... Daniel, 489 ...... William, 2, 53, 468 ...... Edward, 256, 276 Pakes, Robert, 132, 495 ...... George, 105 Pakington (Packington), John, Sir, 2nd ...... John, 10, 50, 69, 207 (2), 244, 308, 332, Bart., 30, 354 (2), 364, 388, 411, 412, 414, 400, 420, 447, 466 (2), 475 424, 425, 427, 434, 480 ...... Michael, 192 Paley, Henry, 36 ...... Richard, 86, 117, 147, 308, 468 Pallard, see Pollard ...... Thomas, 84, 116, 146, 222, 265, 317, 478 Pallee [blank], widow, 180, 181 ...... William, 223, 331, 375 Palmer (Pallmur) Parsinum, see Passenham ...... Charles, 352, 361, 449, 456 Parslow, Andrew, 364 ...... Eleanor, 405, 415 ...... Jane, 155 ...... Giles, 145 ...... John, 147, 380 ...... Henry, 21, 63 ...... William, 155 ...... J.P., 510 Parsons, Gilbert, 379 ...... Jane, 73 (2), 77, 78 ...... Henry, 221, 254 ...... John, 182 ...... Jane, 140, 149 ...... Joseph, 371 ...... John, 121, 123 ...... Oliver, 79. 83 ...... Josias, 59 ...... Thomas, 405, 415 ...... William, 140 ...... William, 272 Partridge (Patridge) Paltock (Poltock), William, 302, 342 ...... Henry, 256 Panter, see Painter Pantlin (Pantling) ...... Henry, 79, 83, 84, 264, 440 588 ______

INDEX. Partridge, Samuel, 160, 176, 178, 299 Pedder, Joseph, 62, 197, 317, 329, 373 ...... Thomas, 284 ...... Simon, 7 Passenham, Co. Northampton, 66 (2), 316 Pedlars, Order concerning, xiv, 156 (2) Peele (Pell), Thomas, 78, 79, 375, 459, 500 ...... Dunsanger in, 316 Peirce, see Pearce Patchell, Thomas, 161 Peirson, see Pearson Patefield, Ralph, The Rev., Rector Pell, see Peele of Grendon Underwood, 291 Peltone, William, 432 Pateman, John, 501 Pelzer, John, 496 ...... The Rev., Rector of Hardmead, Pemberton, Edward, 500 290 Pendleton, John, 186 Patey (Patee) Pendole, George, 153, 167 ...... Henry, 80 Penn, 5, 22, 46, 54, 68, 78 (2), 101, 115, 136, ...... John, 386 164, 175, 239, 274, 290, 300, 336 (2), 341 (2), Patrick, Henry, 23 349, 352, 368, 383, 385, 386, 401, 425, 439, Patridge, see Partridge 441, 456, 462, 467 (4), 469, 479, 482, 490, 504 Patton, John, 231 ...... Constables of, 239, 274, 352, 401, 479 Paulerspury, Co. Northampton, 18 ...... Forty Green in, see Forty Green Paules Perry, see Paulerspury ...... Meeting houses at, 300, 439 Pauley (Pawley) ...... Notty Green in, see Knotty Green ...... Isaac, 47 ...... Penn Street in, see Penn Street ...... Thomas, 208, 217, 225, 495 ...... Tyler End Green in, see Tyler’s Green ...... William, 7 ...... Vicar of, 290 Paxton (Pexton) Penn (Penne) ...... Edward, 95 ...... Gabriel, 49 ...... Thomas, 256 ...... Giles, 123 Payne, see Paine ...... Marmaduke, 420, 461 Payton, Mary, 43, 53 ...... Oliver, 1, 265, 315 Peace, Breach of the, see under Offences ...... Silvester, 273 ...... Commissions of the, 275, 281 ...... Thomas, 239 ...... Justices of the, for the County, 508- ...... William, 456, 465, 469, 491 511 Pennard, Dudley, 268, 275, 280 Peacock, Thomas, 127, 131, 132, 138 Pennell, John, 353, 393, 402 Pead, Robert, The Rev., Rector of Horton, Penn Street, 441, 479 xix, 289, 400 ...... Constables of, 479 Pearce (Peirce, Pierce) And see Penn ...... Christopher, 161, 187 Penry, Evan, The Rev., Curate of Wendover, ...... Daniel, 166 291 ...... Edward, 398 Pensions, see County Pensions ...... Frances, xvi, 6 Penton, Co. Hants, 82 ...... Hannah, 133 Pepper, Thomas, 432, 470 ...... Henry, 342 Pepys, Samuel, The Rev., Rector of Newton ...... John, 172 Blossomville, 293 ...... Nathaniel, xvi, 6 Percevall (Percivall) ...... Philip, 242, 248 ...... Anne, 446 ...... Richard, 84, 88, 89 ...... John, 446 ...... Thomas, 133, 134, 137, 243, 276 ...... William, 224 ...... William, 50, 501 Perey (Pery) Pearson (Peirson, Person) ...... Charles, 5 ...... Edward, 125 ...... Samuel, 65 ...... Robert, 501 Peridge, Nicholas, 256 ...... Thomas, 20, 48, 68, 126, 132, 139, Perivale, Co Middlesex, 383 144, 160, 191 ...... William, 24, 33, 35, 95, 253, 270, 282 Peart, Joseph, 508 Pease, Thomas, 53, 80 Peaton, Dunstan, 231 Pedder, Henry, 136 589 ______

INDEX. Perjury, see under Offences Phillips, Edward, 14 Perkins (Parkin, Parkyns) ...... James, 160 ...... Edward, 358, 359, 368, 385 ...... John, 59, 79, 95, 131, 135, 303, 350, 416 ...... John, 55, 62, 118, 133, 139, 153 (2), ...... Joseph, 238, 247, 249, 264, 326 159, 164 (2), 167, 293 (2), 297 (2), 298, ...... Mary, 87, 446 299, 312, 360, 369, 427, 467 ...... Samuel, 90, 152 ...... Joseph, xvi, 211, 212, 218, 422, 434 ...... Thomas, 190, 205, 218, 308, 399, 409, ...... Roger, 92 449, 485 ...... Thomas, 20 ...... William, 28, 79, 174 ...... William, 18, 71, 72, 82, 222, 226, Philpott, Joan, 157, 415 314, 339, 348, 406, 408 Phipps (Phipp) ...... [blank], widow, 76 ...... Richard, 130, 151, 182, 191 Perriford, see Perivale ...... William, 485 Perrott, see Parrott Pickering, Gilbert, 400, 441 Perry, Edward, 265 Pickern, George, The Rev., Curate of Maids ...... John, 114, 287, 422 Moreton, 293 ...... Robert, 188, 194 Pickett, Thomas, 152 ...... William, 239, 274 ...... [blank], widow, 300 Perryman (Perriman) Picton, William, 450 ...... Frances, 102, 107 Piddington, Co. Oxford, 361, 370 ...... Katherine, 467 Piddington (Piddenton) ...... Lucas (Luke), 317, 489 ...... James, 321 ...... Richard, 7, 12, 35 ...... John, xv, 260, 261, 265, 403, 444, 483, ...... Simon, 102, 107 505 ...... Thomas, 39, 185, 237, 253, 282, 494 ...... Nathaniel, 501 Person, see Peirson ...... Richard, 377 Peterley, 16, 63, 319, 328 (2), 389, ...... The Rev., Rector of Ickford, 204, 449 488, 511 234 And see Missenden, Great ...... Robert, 11 Peters, John, 181 ...... Thomas, 92, 110, 147, 171, 386, 469, 486 Pether (Pitcher, Pither) Pierce, see Pearce ...... John, 302 Piercy, Christopher, 325 ...... Robert, 92, 118, 376, 422 ...... George, 325 ...... Simon, 396 ...... Richard, 325 ...... William, 254 Piggott (Pigott) Petifer, Joseph, 131 ...... Edward, 458, 476, 498 Petitions and Addresses, to the King, x, xii, ...... James, 435, 444 56, 129 ...... Matthew, 265 ...... expenses of, 135 ...... Richard, 60, 66 Pettpiatt, John, 21 ...... Thomas, J.P., 289, 295, 510 Petts, Henry, 348 ...... William, 390, 417, 432, 467 Petty Constables, see Constables, Petty Piglesthorne (or ), 22, 26, 98, 122, 160, Pettyson, William, 24 164, 234, 252, 253, 269, 276, 371, 499, 508 Peverill, Robert, 118 ...... Causeway, The, in, 252 Pewsy, George, 31, 36, 41, 47 ...... Fritsden in, see Friesden ...... Henry, 31, 36, 41, 47 ...... Meeting houses at, 371 ...... Stephen, 31, 36, 41, 47, 124, 139, ...... Stocking Lane in, 252 145, 153, 161, 166, 173, 180, 187 Pilgrim (Pilgram) ...... Thomas, 31, 36, 41, 47 ...... John, 166, 181, 256 Pewtris, John, 159 ...... Thomas, 280, 406 (2), 415 ...... William, 159 (2) Pilkington, John, The Rev., Vicar Pexton, see Paxton of Swanbourne, 290 Pharmber, William, 223 Pillory, The, xvi, 187 Phillips (Philips) Pinchas, Sarah, 482 ...... Daniel, 115, 125, 132, 139, 144, 167 Pincher, Richard, 80 590 ______

INDEX. Ping, John, 500 Poaching, see under Offences ...... Thomas, 318, 321 Pokins, Thomas, 284, 301, 314, 315 Pinkard (Pinckard), Richard, 92, 371, 383, Pollard (Pallard, Pollyard) 384, 396 ...... Edward, 68, 91 Pinner, Co. Middlesex, 462 ...... Robert, 113 Pinner, Edward, 305, 320 ...... Thomas, 80 Pinney, Thomas, 85 ...... William, 382, 385, 391, 395, 406 Piper, William, 86, 93, 98, 99 Pollark, Samuel, 284 Pirton, see Pyrton Pollicott, 22, 492 Pitchcott, 74, 146, 200, 466, 467, 474, 487 And see Ashendon Pitcher, see Pether Poltock, see Paltock Pitchford (Pitchforke) Pomphrett (Pomfrett, Pomphry) ...... Henry, 143, 155 ...... Frances, 102, 108, 153, 161, 167, 187, ...... John, 363, 410 192 Pitchley, Robert, 126 ...... John, 96, 102, 108, 115, 125, 138, 153, Pitham, Edward, 333 161, 167, 174, 180, 187, 192 Pither, see Pether ...... Thomas, 383, 408 Pitkin (Pitkins) ...... William, 495 ...... Dorothy, 6, 9, 63, 72, 80, 82 ...... The Rev., 289, 295 Pond (Ponds) ...... Henry, 501 ...... Alice, 159, 319, 321, 324 ...... Mary, 73, 78, 471, 492 ...... Edward, 172, 176, 407 ...... Richard, 73 ...... Francis, 432, 470 ...... [blank], 5 ...... John, 410, 441, 447, 470 Pitstone, see Piglesthorne ...... Michael, 159 Pitt (Pitts) ...... Miles, 164 ...... John, 84 ...... Richard, 267, 302 ...... Robert, 249, 419, 446, 458, 485 ...... Thomas, 136 ...... Thomas, 23, 59 ...... William, 196, 485 Pittlesthorne, see Piglesthorne Poney, Joan, 18 Pix, William, 173 Pontefax (Pontefex, Pontifex) Plampin (Plampyn), Edward, J.P., 202, 510 ...... Daniel, 102, 107 (2), 115, 125, 133 Plater, John, 312 ...... John, 274, 311 ...... William, 256 ...... William, 102, 107 (2), 115, 125, 133 Player, Thomas, 96 Poole, Benjamin, 407 Playstead (Playsteed, Plested) ...... Mary, 189 ...... Edward, 498 Poor Rates, see Rating Appeals ...... Frances, 200 Pope, Thomas, 470, 474, 480, 485 ...... John, 114, 255, 332 Port (Poritt), Thomas, 23, 221, 254, 256 Playster, Arthur, 136 Porter, Edward, 83, 172, 203, 210, 211, 216, Playstow, Edward, 458 475 (2) ...... Richard, 204, 210, 272, 274, 275, ...... Francis, 166, 173, 180 280, 282, 285, 286, 304, 305 ...... John, The Rev., Rector of Drayton ...... [blank], 440 Beauchamp, 287, 485 Playtor, Thomas, 221 ...... Mary, 73, 77, 88 Pledwell, Mary, 477, 479, 490 ...... Robert, The Rev., Curate of Foscott, 291 Plested, see Playstead ...... Samuel, 144, 152, 157, 173 Plomer (Plommer) ...... Sarah, 160, 166, 173, 180, 186 ...... John, 7, 300 ...... Thomas, 142 ...... Richard, 131, 135, 136, 42of ...... Ursula, 87 Plumridge, Elizabeth, 439, 471 ...... William, 28 ...... John, 79, 264 (2) And see Potter ...... Mary, 439 Potter, Francis, 152 ...... Richard, 188 ...... Robert, 439, 471 ...... Thomas, 188, 253, 341, 351, 352, 361 ...... alias Ratt, William, 63 PP 591 ______

INDEX. Potter, Henry, 126, 132, 139, 143, Prestwood, Meeting house at, 309 153, 167, 173 And see Missenden, Great ...... Richard, 14, 54 Prettie, Joseph, The Rev., Rector of Hawridge, ...... Sarah, 152 293, 296 ...... Thomas, 29, 79 Price, Francis, 279, 329, 374, 497 And see Porter ...... Francis, The Rev., Vicar of , Potterspury, Co. Northampton, 57 293 Pound Breach, see under Offences ...... Harford, 207 Poundon, 169 ...... Henry, 12 Powell, Henry, 230 ...... James, 358 ...... John, 485 ...... John, 196, 369 ...... Mary, 234 ...... Margary, 73 ...... Robert, 414, 428, 501 ...... Roger, Sheriff, 1681, 62, 67, 73, 79 Powers, Elizabeth, 73, 78 ...... Sarah, 155, 224, 260 ...... William, 73, 77, 326 ...... Thomas, 307 Powney, William, 195 ...... William, 207 Poxon, John, 20 Priest (Preist) Poyner, John, 266 (2), 272, 277 ...... John, 284, 325, 330, 342 Poynter, [blank], 65 ...... Nathaniel, 130 Pratt, Anne, 26 Priestly (Preistly), Samson, 264 ...... Edward, 115 Prince, John, 1, 5, 222, 421, 460, 468 ...... Elizabeth, 102, 107, 108, 115, 133, ...... Robert, 36 145, 153, 161, 166, 173, 181, 203 Princes Risborough, see Risborough, Princes ...... Francis, 102, 107, 108, 139, 153, Privy Council, The, 52, 56, 355, 381, 473 166, 181, 500 Proby, John, J.P., 204, 510 ...... Henry, 26 (2), 28, 77 Proclamations, Royal, Cost of, 177, 183, 184 ...... John, 63, 176, 371 Proctors, 292 (2) ...... Richard, 363 Proud, Henry, 63 ...... Robert, 6, 19, 20 Provis, John, 318 ...... Thomas, 8, 230, 237, 360 Puddington, Richard, 165 ...... William, 26, 145 Pulford, Henry, 421 Preist, see Priest Pulley, Raphael, 369 Preistly, see Priestly Punishments, see under Offences Prentice (Prentis) Punn, Richard, 467 ...... Gabriel, 320, 326, 350, 357 358, 359, ...... Samuel, 466 368, 369 Punter, Thomas, 395, 397 ...... Thomas, 232, 243 Purefoy, Henry, 230, 248 ...... William, 80, 124, 208 Purney, John, 23 Presentments, see under Offences, Grand ...... Samuel, 369 Jury, Highways, Supervisors of, etc. Purratt, see Parrott Preston, see Preston Bissett Purrier (Purryer), Martin, 373, 396, 406, 418 Preston, James, 231 Pursell, Edward, 362, 403 ...... John, 370 ...... Richard, 118 ...... Thomas, 6 ...... Thomas, 14, 146, 175, 308 Preston Bissett, 21, 22, 50, 57, 60, 68, 97, Puttenham, Co. Hertford, 220 116, 124, 125, 139, 152, 178, 222, 255, Puttenham (Putnham, Puttnam) 283, 301, 313, 320, 328, 433, 477, 479 ...... Edward, 422 (2), 491 (2) ...... Francis, 69 ...... Constables of, 301, 313 ...... Henry, 23, 46, 49, 114, 265, 282, 329, ...... Cowley in, see Cowley 340, 475 ...... Cowley Lane in, 479 ...... John, 349, 352 ...... Manor of, 56, 433 ...... Thomas, 171 ...... The Gleedon in, 57 Puttney, Samuel, 171 Prestwood, 309, 500 Pye, Katherine, Lady, widow of 1st Bart., 187 ...... Constables of, 500

592 ______

INDEX. Pye, Matthew, 386 Radwell (Rodwell), Thomas, 169, 422, 455 Pyrton, Co. Oxford, Standhill in, 336 Rallason, Thomas, 19 Rallings, see Rawlins QUAINTON, 67, 76, 155, 195, 289, 291, 292, Ralphes, David, 440 320, 341, 342, 348, 357, 390, 415, 416, Rance, see Rands 432, 501, 504 Randall (Randoll, Randolph) ...... Constables of, 320, 342, 390, 432, 501 ...... Daniel, 97 ...... Curate of, 292 ...... Edward, 50 ...... Doddershall in, see Doddershall ...... John, 11, 62, 84, 199, 220, 250, 264, ...... Lee in, see Lee 271, 272 (2), 326 ...... Rector of, 291, 416 ...... Samuel, 19, 326, 375, 398, 420, 438 Quainton (Quaint) ...... Stephen, 43 ...... Thomas, xiv, 314, 425 ...... Thomas, 23 ...... Tobias, 84 ...... William, 119, 213, 264, 265, 272, 412 Quaintrey (Quaintree, Quinter), Thomas, Randolph, see Randall 163, 224, 328 Rands (Rance, Rants, Raunce) Quakers, References to, xv, 149, 298, 309 ...... Edward, 190 And see Dissenters, Recusants, ...... John, 272, 300 etc...... Robert, 211 Quarrendon, 158, 202, 319 ...... Thomas, 10 Quarrendon, John, 37, 77, 447, 466 Rane, see Rayne ...... Robert, 294, 298, 299 Ransom, Timothy, 294, 297, 298, 299 Quartermaine, Thomas, 188, 195 Rants, see Rands Quick (Quicke), Mary, 85, 90, 166, 174 Rastall, Francis, 288 Quiney, Baarach, 78 ...... Simon, 251, 264, 265, 271, 272 ...... Giles, 78, 83 Ratcliff, see St. Mary, Redcliffe ...... Samuel, 339 Ratcliffe (Radcliffe, Redcliffe) Quinter, see Quaintrey ...... Anthony, 458, 499, 504 Quoy, Francis, 137 ...... William, 438 Rates, Appeals against, see Rating Appeals RABONE, see Rawbone ...... Neglect of constables to collect, 99 Rackly, see Wrackley ...... Non-payment of, distraint for, 51, 260, Radcliffe, see Ratcliffe 270 Radclive, 57, 61, 64, 80, 116, 270, 293, 310, Rating Appeals, 3, 8, 9, 25 (2), 37, 42, 44, 45, 335, 343, 478, 494 65, 75 (2), 93, 94, 103, 120, 127, 128, 141 (2), ...... Chalkmere in, see Chackmore 156, 170, 176, 189 (3), 200 (2), 204, 224, 233, ...... Conduit close in, 80 234, 246 (3), 247, 258, 261, 268, 269, 270, ...... Curate of, 293 280, 335, 336, 343, 353, 354 (2), 364, 365, ...... Salsbury plain in, 80 366, 379, 380, 392 (2), 393, 411, 424, Radford, Co. Warwick, 407 425, 434, 435, 451, 462, 490 (2), 503, 504 Radford (Redford) Ratleife, John, 147, 174 ...... Isaac, 23, 161, 401, 461, 502 Ratleise, see Radclive ...... John, 130 Ratt, Richard, 497 ...... Stephen, 332, 377, 386 ……… alias Plumridge, William, 63 Radnage, xiv, 8, 12, 16, 19, 21, 31, 36, 41, Rattford, Michael, 14 47, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 85, 89, 141, 154, 162, Raunce, see Rands 169, 180, 184 (2), 215, 240, 245, 247, 261, Ravenscroft, James, 148 265, 269, 284, 290, 311 (2), 314, 315, 319, Ravenstone, 144, 152, 160, 166, 173, 180, 322, 324, 325, 327 (2), 328 (2), 331, 334, 293, 364 335, 339, 344, 375, 420, 425, 458, 460, 482, ...... Vicar of, 293 502 Raw, see Rowe ...... Constables of, 8, 141, 215, 245, 284, 331, 375, 420, 502 ...... Rector of, 240, 247, 261, 269, 290, 334, 482 593 ______

INDEX. Rawbone (Rabone) 339, 348, 358, 369, 378, 385, 390, 396, 406, ...... Katherine, 73, 126, 132, 138, 166, 173, 415, 423, 428, 437, 446, 454, 466, 474, 192, 203, 209, 214 486, 494, 507 ...... John, 238, 241 Recognizances, entered into, 5, 10, 18, 19, ...... Michael, 322 29, 34, 39, 44, 53, 58, 79, 88, 105, 122, 123, ...... Thomas, 448, 454, 465 130, 142, 157, 190, 211, 217, 226, 236, Rawlins (Rallings, Rawling) 242, 249, 264, 278, 281, 307, 315, 325, 339, ...... Simon, 29 347, 358, 368, 385, 395, 406, 414, 428, 437, ...... Walter, 11, 21 445, 454, 465, 406, 474, 485, 494, 506 ...... William, 502 ...... extended, 15, 25, 36, 42, 45, 53, 170, Rawson, Joseph, 28, 157 182, 226, 235, 242, 248, 263, 271, 277, 280, ...... County Treasurer, xiii, 93, 94, 286, 306, 315, 322, 324, 338, 343, 347, 353, 95, 104, 109, 128, 149, 150, 219, 224, 257, 357, 364, 368, 378, 384, 390, 395, 401, 405, 270, 274, 275 (2), 303, 304 (2), 346 414, 423, 425, 428, 436, 445, 451, 453, 465, ...... Katherine, 181 470, 474, 482, 484, 506 ...... Thomas, 178, 456, 462, 498 ...... forfeited, 5, 10, 18, 29, 39, 45, 53, 58, ...... [blank], Mrs., 275, 304, 305 62, 66, 72, 77, 78, 83, 100, 105, 113, 122, Raxwell, Mary, 190 135, 136, 142, 157, 164, 170, 171, 176, 178, Ray (Wray) 190, 196, 197, 207, 237, 261, 262, 265, 278, ...... Benjamin, 81, 501 307, 325, 335, 339, 348, 369, 396, 406, 443, ...... Joseph, 145, 160 444, 446, 482, 485 ...... Thomas, 11, 24, 34, 67, 106, 208, 213, Recusancy, see under Offences 397, 408, 486 Recusants, Popish, Convictions as, 404, 405, ...... William, 223 413 ...... [blank], widow, 145 ...... taking oaths of allegi- ance, etc., Rayne (Rane), Christopher, 223, 254 14, 58 Rayner (Reynor), John, 202 (2), 215, 308, ...... References to, 150, 354 343, 349, 359, 369, 370, 438 ...... refusing to take the oaths, 25, 32 Read (Reade) And see under Offences ...... Ambrose, 230 Redcliffe, see Ratcliffe ...... Charles, 460 Reddinge, see Reading ...... Compton, Sir, 1st Bart., Sheriff 1678, Reddington, Daniel, 74 1, 6 Redford, see Radford ...... John, 460, 499 Redman, Henry, 416 ...... Jonathan, The Rev., Curate Redrop (Redrope, Redrup, Rudrop) of Haversham, 293 ...... Edward, 294, 297, 298, 300 ...... Michael, Bridewell-keeper ...... Richard, 46, 54 (2) at Aylesbury, 423, 433, 439, 444 ...... William, 239 ...... Thomas, xviii, 127, 128, 339, 348, 408, Reeve (Reeves, Revyes) 494 ...... Christopher, 197 ...... William, 489 ...... Edward, 384, 396 Reading, Co. Berks, 288, 407 ...... Henry, 124, 130 Reading (Reddinge) ...... John, 31, 132, 139, 144, 198, 202, 349 ...... Henry, 353, 400 ...... Matthias, alias Ralph, 103 ...... John, 194, 459 ...... Thomas, 174, 385 ...... Jonas, 363, 410 ...... William, 34 ...... Richard, 165, 171 (2), 182, 360 Registers of Burials, Refusal to produce, 51 ...... William, 142, 421, 468, 484, 485 Remenham, Co. Berks, 186 (2) ...... [blank], 487 Rebellions and Plots, References to, x, 129, 183 (2), 365 Recognizances, discharged, 5, 10, 19, 29, 34, 39, 45, 46, 54, 72, 78, 83, 89, 105, 113, 123, 130, 136, 142, 150, 158, 164, 171, 178, 184, 190, 197, 207, 212, 218, 227, 237, 243, 250, 265, 272, 278, 281, 307, 316, 325, 594 ______

INDEX. Removal Orders, see Settlement Orders Rider, Richard, 359 Renne, see Wren Ridge, see Bledlow Rent, John, 205 Ridgly, Christopher, 41, 80 ...... Nathaniel, 192 ...... Richard, 80 ...... Robert, 205 Ridley (Rydley), Henry, 2, 89, 236, 331, 495 ...... Thomas, 421 Rigby (Rigsby) Retheridge, John, 213, 217 ...... Alexander, 174, 181 ...... Katherine, 217 ...... Anne, 197 Revenue Officers, xii, 288 ...... Hugh, 247 And see Excise, Taxes, etc...... Joseph, 238 Revyes, see Reeve ...... Richard, 441, 448 Revolution, The, 304 ...... William, 308 Rewtle, John, 126 Right, see Wright Rexham, Joan, 371 Ringshall, 406 Reyland, Christian, 18 Rioting, see under Offences Reymond, Susan, 44 Risborough, Monks, 34, 71, 82 (3), 120, 138, Reynolds (Reynolls) 146, 147, 159, 164, 177, 194, 196, 221, 231, ...... James, 5, 62, 100, 185, 237, 486 239, 243, 245, 253, 278, 290, 294 (2), 297 (2), ...... John, 374, 453, 454, 466, 499 298 (2), 300, 310, 314, 319, 321, 324, 334, ...... Robert, 49, 68, 90, 175, 202, 230 368, 376, 378, 385, 393, 395, 407, 420, 437, ...... Roland, 22 440, 447, 448, 449, 460, 470, 480 ...... Thomas, 35, 118, 178, 223, 420, 439 ...... Constables of, 221, 376, 420, 460 (3), 445, 453, 454, 455 ...... Gallows Lane in, 440, 448, 449 ...... William, 437 ...... Guleswick in, 310 Reynor, see Rayner ...... Meadle in, see Meadle Rhoades (Road, Roades) ...... Meeting house at, 300, 310 ...... Katherine, 125, 133 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... Samuel, 101, 172 ...... Surveyors of, 440, 449 ...... William, 125, 133, 221, 234, 254, 302 Risborough, Princes, xvi, 5, 10, 29, 59 (2), 61, Rice, Andrew, 92, 114, 118, 208, 284, 312, 62 (2), 63 (2), 78, 85, 89, 120, 129, 138, 142, 317, 342, 359, 373, 419 151, 152, 159, 185 (2), 190, 213, 216, 227, ...... Ralph, 332, 360, 438 237, 261, 280, 282, 290, 294 (6), 297 (2), 298 ...... Thomas, 197 (6), 299 (8), 301, 306, 314, 321, 326, 350 (2), ...... William, 41, 46, 124, 158, 161, 179, 351, 358, 359, 362, 365, 368 (2), 370, 185, 197, 213, 272, 282, 329, 340, 355, 394, 385, 416, 417 (2), 421, 428, 437, 447 (2), 457 407, 447 (2), 468 (2), 470, 481, 484, 485, 487, 491, Richardson (Richeson) 498 499 ...... Benjamin, 79 ...... Constables of, 421, 468, 484, 499 ...... George, 80, 212 ...... Curate of, 290 ...... John, 23, 265, 272, 388, 395 446 ...... Darvall’s Hill in, 299 ...... Richard, 56, 144, 319, 363 ...... Foxhills in, 152 ...... Thomas, 429 ...... Fulling Mill Water in, 457 ...... William, 422, 460 ...... George Inn at, 130 Richmond, Anne, 187 ...... Lacyes Green in, see Lacy Green ...... Elizabeth, 321, 334, 354 ...... Longwick in, see Long- wick ...... Thomas, 321, 334, 354 Rickmansworth, Co. Hertford, 71, 75 Ricketts (Rickett) ...... Jasper, 251 ...... John, 93 Ride, Matthew, 39 Rider (Ryder) ...... George, 10 ...... John, 272, 340, 496 ...... Peter, 285, 302, 331 ...... Ralph, 470 595 ______

INDEX. Risborough, Princes, Loosely Row in, see Rogers, Anne, 181 Looseley Row ...... Elizabeth, 145, 161 ...... Meeting houses at, 299 (8), 417 ...... Francis, 282, 329, 360 ...... Pound Lane in, 85 ...... Henry, 262, 264, 269, 272 ...... Speene in, see Speen ...... John, 41, 118, 126, 131, 132, 139, 223, Risley, John, J.P., 44, 510 254, 459, 501 Rivers; The Colne, 313, 343, 344 ...... Mary, 126, 132 ...... The Stransum, 313, 336 ...... Ralph, 23, 432, 469 ...... The Thames, 497 ...... Richard, 47 Rivers, Peter, 238 (2), 242, 243, 249 ...... Robert, 264 Rivis, Henry, 67 ...... Samuel, 132 ...... John, 238 ...... Sarah, 126 Roads, see Rhoades ...... Thomas, 109 Roberts (Robards, Roberds, Robberts) ...... William, 223, 319, 362, 370, 396, 397, ...... Alice, 12 403, 405, 407 ...... Daniel, 215 Rogues and Vagabonds, Harbouring of, see ...... Edward, 203 under Offences ...... John, 223 ...... Orders concerning, 16, 77, ...... Margery, 380, 392, 394, 402 258, 261, 269, 306 ...... Richard, 92 Rolfe (Rolph, Roph) ...... Robert, 244, 256, 262, 265, 285, 331 ...... Aaron, 158, 231 ...... Rose, xix, 314, 323, 366, 412, 427, ...... Eli (Ellis), 327, 388, 427, 428 453, 493 ...... John, 2 ...... Thomas, 490, 501 ...... Samuel, 421, 438, 440, 445, 446, 458 ...... William, 392 Rolles (Rolls) Robins (Robbins) ...... Ralph, 185, 190 ...... Henry, 232, 267 ...... Robert, 108, 117, 456 ...... John, 316 Rolph, see Rolfe ...... Richard, 24, 496 Rolt, George, 192 ...... Robert, 432, 470 Roman Catholics, see Recusants ...... William, 369 Roobert, see Ruberd Robinson, Abel (31, 40, 45 (2) Rooke (Rookes) ...... Anne, 301, 315 ...... Christopher, 22, 48, 182 ...... Elizabeth, 439, 471 ...... John, 8 ...... Henry, 232, 283, 318, 337 Roothing, High, Co. Essex, 392, 393, 402 ...... James, 301, 315 Roper, Matthew, 145, 160 ...... John, 55, 255 Roph, see Rolfe ...... Joseph, 115 Rose, Caleb, 341 ...... Joyce, 301, 315 ...... Edward, 19, 166, 174, 191, 219, 307 ...... Mary, 301 (2), 314 ...... Elizabeth, 96, 125, 138, 145, 172 ...... Philip, The Rev., Rector of ...... George, 174 Beaconsfield, 291 ...... James, 172, 397 ...... Richard, 10, 73, 77, 78, 211, 218, 300, ...... Jane, 166, 174 307 ...... John, 72, 96, 125, 138, 145, 172, 317, ...... Samuel, 158 385, 456, 496 ...... Sarah, 433 ...... Bridewell keeper at ...... William, 9, 18, 32, 57, 415, 472, 481 High Wycombe, 447, 450, 464, 484 Rockall, Abel, 282 ...... Joseph, 157, 174, 186, 319, 386 ...... George, 49, 83, 221, 255, 459, 502 ...... Judith, 319 ...... Joan, 79, 83 ...... Richard, 63, 308 ...... Mary, 79 ...... Susan, 96 ...... Robert, 118, 422, 459 ...... William, 132, 138, 144, 152, 160, 166, Roderick, Charles, Headmaster of Eton 173, 181, 186, 192, 209, 227, 460 School, 294, 296 Ross, John, 300 Rodwell, see Radwell Round, John, 293 Roe, see Row 596 ______

INDEX. Rouse, see Russ Rutt, Jane, 6, 10, 62 Rowbottome, John, 448 ...... John, 283, 429 Rowe (Roe) ...... Lawrence, 131, 175, 199, 208 ...... John, 29, 94, 99, 341, 351, 362, 372, ...... Ralph, 62 373, 387, 410, 428 ...... Richard, 237, 273 ...... Nicholas, 440 ...... William, 154 ...... Robert, 449 Rutter, Christopher, 222 ...... Thomas, 140 ...... Robert, 79 (2), 105, 147 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Whitchurch, ...... Thomas, 353 292 ...... William, 50 Rowland, John, 125, 133, 139, 144, 172 Ruttley (Rutley) Rowley (Rowly) ...... Anthony, 13, 14, 41, 138, 254 ...... John, 115, 180, 187, 193 ...... John, 10 ...... Robert, 85 ...... Mary, 96, 102, 106, 108, 115, 138, 153, Rowse, see Russ 161, 167, 174 Rowsham, 292, 299, 373, 401, 412, 501 ...... Matthew, 2, 102, 106, 108, 115, 153, ...... Constables of, 401, 501 161, 174 ...... Meeting house at, 299 ...... Nathaniel, 10 And see Wingrave ...... William, 96 Royal Chapel, Warden of the, 287 Rydall, Robert, 118 Roydon, John, 466 Ryder, see Rider Ruberd (Roober, Roobert, Ruberts) Rye House Plot, The, References to, ix, 129 ...... Daniel, 95, 124, 230, 455 ...... John, 160, 168 SABIN, John, 433 ...... alias Waters, Edmund, 187 Sacrament Certificates, 287, 308, 317, 326, Rudd, Elizabeth, 74 340, 349, 360 Ruddle, William, 182 Sadler, alias Greenewood, William, 244, 287 Ruddy, John, 387 St. Albans, Co. Hertford, 87 Rudkins, Peregrine, 18 St. Dunstan in the East, Co. Middlesex, 190 Rudrop, see Redrop St. Giles (in the Fields), Co. Middlesex, 122, Ruffhead, Jane, 144 271, 395, 397 ...... John, 126, 144, 160, 167, 173 St. Leonards, xix, 2, 5, 13 (3), 16 (2), 25, 30, ...... Thomas, 132, 160, 180 37, 50, 147, 254, 290, 424 ...... [blank], widow, 371 ...... Chapel Farm in, 13 Rumball, Thomas, 342, 347, 358, 390 ...... Curate of, 290 ...... [blank], 169 ...... Hengrove gate in, 30 Rushworth, William, 283 ...... Overseers of, 16 Russ (Rousse, Rowse, Russe), John, 7, 45, 97, ...... Taxes in, Agreement with Aston Clinton 103, 127, 156, 365, 379, 383 concerning, xix, 30 Russell, Averina, 324 And see Aston Clinton ...... Bridget, 138, 145 St. Margaret, 300 ...... Charles, 25 ...... Meeting house at, 300 ...... Eleanor, 25 St. Martin in the Fields, Co. Middlesex, 207, ...... Elizabeth, 25 468 ...... Francis, 29, 176, 236, 360, 408 ...... Mews in, 207 ...... George, 69, 136, 142, 216, 255, 284, ...... Whitehall in, 468 324, 330 St. Mary-le-Savoy, see St. Mary-le- Strand ...... J.P., 510 St. Mary-le-Strand, Co. Middlesex, 454, 467 ...... John, 25, 311, 495, 502 St. Mary, Redcliffe, 450 ...... Michael, 20 And see Bristol ...... Thomas, 12, 190, 466, 474 (2), 485, St. Paul, Covent Garden, Co. Middlesex, 454, 502 467 ...... William, 23, 29, 68, 90, 92, 95, 114, 118, 123 (2), 128, 251, 262, 264 (2), 274, 317, 387, 391, 397 (2), 507 Rutland (Ruttland) ...... Ralph, 182, 285, 333 ...... William, 118 597 ______

INDEX. St. Thomas, 450 Saunders, Richard, 31 (2), 47, 83 And see Bristol ...... Robert, 377, 422 Salden, 12, 63, 389, 399, 400, 409, 410 413, ...... Thomas, 1, 54, 70, 135, 164, 171, 220, 418, 430, 439, 488 253, 348, 350, 357, 368 And see Mursley ...... J.P., 510 Sale, Edward, 101, 105 (2) ...... Timothy, 79 ...... James, 500 ...... William, 45, 72, 168, 185, 281, 385, 470 ...... William, 239, 274 ...... [blank], 469 Salmon (Sammon, Samon) Saunderton, 24, 36, 41, 55, 66, 68, 131, 192, ...... Edward, 255, 410, 431 218, 222, 257, 291, 294, 296, 331, 352, 259, ...... John, 230, 248, 432 361, 375, 439, 459 ...... Susan, 373, 388, 389, 399, 413 ...... Constables of, 24, 222, 257, 331, 375, ...... Thomas, 494 459 ...... [blank], 319, 328 (2) ...... Rector of, 131, 192, 291, 294, 296, 439 Salt, Benjamin, 247, 249, 250, 265, 508 Savage, Edward, 127 Salter, David, 276, 466, 475 ...... Richard, 350, 357 ...... George, 50, 70, 102, 107, 108, 124, ...... Thomas, 436, 445, 454 203, 209, 214, 352 Sawell (Sevill, Sivill) ...... John, 467 ...... John, 24, 54, 59, 61, 105, 179, 208, 308, ...... Nicholas, J.P., Sheriff, 1687, 194, 219, 317 230, 237, 259, 510 ...... Richard, 416 ...... Richard, 330, 377 ...... William, 155 ...... Robert, 194 Sawen, Edward, 161 ...... Tristram, 467 Saxby, John, 231, 330 ...... [blank], 372 Saxon, Samuel, 239 Sambee, John, The Rev., Curate of Soulbury, Saxtin, see Sexton 288 Scarborough, John, 215, 245 Samon, see Salmon Scawen, Edward, J.P., 510 Sams (Samms) ...... John, The Rev., Rector of Horton, 416 ...... Roger, 422, 459 Scoles (Scolles) ...... Thomas, 80 ...... John, 24, 374, 421 Sanders, see Saunders ...... Philip, 251 Sands, John, 120, 123 Scoresby, Charles, 227 Sandwell, John, 6 “Scotch Pedlars,” Order concerning, xiv, 156 Sapwell, Isiah (Esias), 181, 186, 193 Scotland, Service in, xi, 365 ...... John, 193, 209, 214 Scott, Anthony, 33, 34, 222, 419 ...... Josias, 203 ...... George, 131 Sargeant (Sergeant, Serjeant) ...... John, 73, 126, 132, 144, 152, 160, 166, ...... John, 137, 168 173, 181, 192, 198, 222, 278 ...... Thomas, 192, 318 ...... Robert, 80 ...... William, 171 ...... Thomas, 72, 95, 124, 208, 421, 437 ...... J.P., 510 ...... William, 106, 199, 220, 243, 278, 371 Sarney, Thomas, 421, 460 Scribnor, Henry, 406 Saul, Thomas, 475 Scriven, John, 55 Saunday, Sarah, 168 Scrivener (Scrivenor) Saunders (Sanders) ...... John, 168, 373, 388, 395, 396, 397 ...... Alice, 84 ...... Joseph, 151, 157, 158, 192, 209, 417 ...... Andrew, 266 (2), 277 (2), 432, 479 Scudimore (Scudamore), Ralph, 327 (2), 337, ...... Christopher, 308 338, 339 ...... Daniel, 137, 142, 257, 371 ...... Edward, 8 ...... George, 266, 277 ...... Henry, 422, 461 ...... John, x, 4, 36, 45, 79, 148, 183, 238, 241, 243, 256, 285, 359, 419, 441, 476, 494, 495, 501 ...... Margaret, 36, 45, 238, 241, 243 (2), 249, 265 ...... Mary, 4 598 ______

INDEX. Seabrook, 406 Servants ordered to take situations, xvii, 177, Seabrooke (Seabrook) 234, 322 ...... Francis, 1, 14, 62, 106, 169 197, 244, ...... Penalties for, for frequenting gaming 326, 397 houses, 404 ...... Henry, 470 ...... refusing to take situations, 36 (3), 74, ...... John, 40, 62, 179 168 (2), 193 (3) 310, 319 (3) ...... Thomas, 363, 442 ……… Wages of, Masters ordered to pay, 4, ...... William, 250 16, 52, 57, 61, 201, 276, 464, 471, 493 Seacole, Arthur, 103 ...... Rates of, xvii, 29, 52, 71, 92, 121, ...... Ruth, 101, 104, 105 149, 227, 262, 337, 386, 425, 465, 504 Seagrave (Segrave) Setherup, see Southrope ...... William, Officer of excise, 143, 149 Settlement Orders, xiv, 3 (2), 4 (4), 8 (2), 9, 15 Seale, Susan, 13 (4), 16, 25, 26, 42 (3), 51, (2), 57 (2), 60 Seamer, John, 222 (3), 64, 65, 66, 70, 71 (4), 74, 75 (2), 76 (4), 81 Seamon, Matthew, 475 (2), 82 (4), 86 (6), 87 (7), 93 (5), 94 (2), 98 (3), Search (Serch) 99 (3), 103 (4), 104 (2), 110 (6), 111, 112 (3), ...... Edmund, 202, 205 120 (6), 121, 128, 129, 134, 140, (4) 141 (3), ...... John, 172, 178 155 (5), 162 (2), 163 (2), 169, 170 (2), ...... Joseph, 215 176, 177, 182, 188 (3), 189, 194 (4), 195, 196, Seare (Sears) 200, 204, 205 (5), 210 (2), 216 (3), 225, ...... Edward, x, 221 233, 234 (2), 235, 246, 247 (3), 261 (4), 270 ...... Ellis, 12 (3), 275, 276, 280, 303, 305 (2), 312, 313 (4), ...... Henry, 180 320, (2), 321 (3), 322, 334, 335 (2), 336 (4), ...... James, 231 337 (2), 343, 345 (3), 355 (2), 365 (2), 379 (2), ...... John, 9, 141, 283, 420, 461 380, 392 (2), 393 (3), 402, 411, 412 (2), 423, ...... Margaret, 270 424, 425 (4), 434 (3), 435, 444, 461, 462 (3), ...... Michael, 164, 179, 218, 219, 307, 309 463 (2), 472 (2), 481 (3), 491, 492, 503 ...... Nicholas, 91, 117 (2), 504 ...... Robert, 318, 337 ...... Disobedience of, im- prisonment ...... Thomas, 11, 57, 59, 62, 64, 95, 171, for, 120, 169 195, 241 178, 266, 283, 308, 348, 371, 419, 432 (2), ...... Leases as proof for, 246 458, 469 ...... Orders concerning, 3, 119 ...... William, 5, 54, 89, 287 ...... Statutes concerning, 76 And see Siers Sevill, see Sawell Seaton, Richard, 478, 491 Sexton (Saxtin) Seer Green, 309, 329, 472 ……… Henry, 502 ...... Meeting house, called Tiler’s, at, ……… Jeremy, 58, 95 309 ………. John, 141 And see Farnham Royal ………. Joseph, 472 Segrave, see Seagrave ……… Robert, 154, 182 Seirs, see Siers ………. Thomas, 24, 72, 124, 203 Selby, see Silby ……….. William, 124, 203, 209, 214 Sellers, John, 79, 286 Seyman, Daniel, 421 ...... Michael, 138 Seymour, John The Rev., Curate of Bow Sellett, Joseph, 421 Brickhill, 293 ...... Thomas, 369, 377 Serch, see Search Sergeant, see Sargeant Sermon (Surman, Surmon) ...... John, 327, 337, 338, 348 ...... Richard, 96, 501 ...... Thomas, 218 Servants, Discharge of, by order of court, 112, 169 ...... Masters ordered to take, 194 ...... Masters receiving, “without testimonials,” xvii, 151, 159 599 ______

INDEX. Shabbington, 4 (2), 121, 126, 133, 215, 224, Shepherd, Mary, 331, 437 227, 239, 319, 411 ...... Sarah, 61 ...... Constables of, 239 ...... Thomas, 485 ...... Overseers of, 4 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Whaddon, 291 Shackerly, Richard, 148 ...... William, 126, 202, 215, 221, 245, 279, Shallcrosse, John, J.P., Sheriff, 1694, 202, 319, 373, 418, 438, 490 219, 287, 295, 327, 346, 384 (3), 496, 510 Sheriff, The, see County, Sheriff of the Shalstone, 29, 98, 116, 216, 230, 233, 283, Sherington, 49, 77, 126, 137, 138, 144, 147, 290, 329, 379, 402, 419, 473, 478 152, 160, 166, 169, 173, 181, 186, 192, 198, ...... Constables of, 283 203, 209, 214, 260, 268, 289, 295, 310, 363 ...... Rector of, 290 (4), 372 (2), 374, 384, 401, 406 (2), 421, 459, Shanke, Edward, 109 469, 470, 475, 498, 500 Sharp (Sharpe) ...... Bridge at, 137, 260, 268, 498 ...... Benedict, 11 ...... Constables of, 49, 147, 374, 421, 459, ...... Francis, 49 469, 500 ...... John, 83, 131, 283, 459 ...... Conventicles held at, 169 ...... Richard, 390, 450, 458, 466 ...... Meeting house at, 310 ...... Samuel, 80 ...... Water Lane in, 310 ...... Thomas, 98, 222 Sherly, see Shirley ...... Valentine, 151 Sherman, John, 7 ...... William, 285, 302, 331 Sherriffe, Richard, 67, 130 Sharrock, John, 243 Sherrington, see Sherington Shaw, John, 353, 357, 369 Sherrington, Robert, 253 ...... Richard, 2, 353, 357, 369 ...... [blank], 149 Sheddle [?], Co. Warwick, 210 Sherryer (Sherrier), Edward, The Rev., Rector Sheemell, see Shinill of Addington, 143, 291 Sheene, Alice, 136 Sherwood (Sherrwood) ...... John, 34 ...... Elizabeth, 21, 125, 139, 145 ...... Thomas, 63, 97 (2), 100, 116, 123, ...... Thomas, 105, 167 340, 352, 361, 432 Shicklyn (Shiklyne), Edward, 102, 106 Sheeney (Sheney), William, 441, 448, 453, Shillingford, Robert, 5 454 Shinill (Sheemell, Shennell), William, 372, Sheepwash, Ralph, 39 (2) 387, 395, 396, 397, 476, 482, 485, 494 Sheffield, Francis, 489 Shinney, John, 157 Sheldon (Shelton) ...... Thomas, 157 ...... Humphrey, 44, 288 ...... William, 157 ...... Philip, 441, 448, 465, 466 Shippen, Peter, 242 Sheney, see Sheeney Shippery, John, 73 Shenley, 3, 8, 13, 125, 140, 154, 172, 197, Shipston on Stour, Co. Worcester, 110 293, 310, 315, 317, 321, 325, 335, 398, 495 Shipton, 30, 76, 105, 109, 272, 448 ...... Constables of, 13 ...... Meeting house at, 448 ...... Curate of, 293 And see Horwood, Little, and ...... Meeting house at, 398 Winslow Shenley Brook End, 118, 223, 256, 266, 418, Shipton upon Stowre, see Shipston on Stour 430 Shires, Ellen, 4 ...... Constables of, 118, 223, 256, Shirfield, John, 302 430 Shirley (Sherly, Shurley) Shenley Church End, 116 ...... John, 73, 148, 213, 225, 236, 242 Shepherd (Sheapard, Shepard, Sheppherd) ...... Michael, 73 ...... Edward, 489 ...... Nicholas, 160 ...... Henry, 1, 33 (2), 101, 179, 485 (2), ...... Thomas, 370 495, 501 ...... William, 302 ...... Jane, 197 ...... Joan, 150 ...... John, 89, 107, 126, 132, 135, 139, 238, 262, 264 600 ______

INDEX. Shortgrove, Co. Essex [not Co. Bedford as in Singleborough, 77, 124, 130, 171, 198, 203, Calendar], 141 207, 243, 283, 332, 355, 390, 400, 408, 409, Showler (Shouler) 410, 415 (2), 417, 418, 428, 429, 430, 432, ...... John, 448 443, 446, 451, 454 ...... Thomas, 301, 324 ...... Constables of, 283, 332, 390, 432 Shreene, Thomas, 256 ...... Little Millway in, 203 Shreeve, Richard, 221, 254 And see Horwood, Great Shrimp, Thomas, 223 Sipenham, see Cippenham Shrimpton, David, 70 Siread, see Syred ...... Ferdinand, 22, 48, 73 Sivill, see Sawell ...... John, 23, 92, 256, 284, 420, 422, 459, Skevington, John, 147 460, 499 ...... Jonathan, 226, 236 ...... Richard, 352, 401 ...... Robert, 95, 220, 312, 316 ...... Thomas, 143, 257, 285, 476 ...... William, 249, 264 ...... William, 312, 342 Skirmett, 184, 303 Shurley, see Shirley And see Hambelden Sibthorpe, Richard, 85, 126, 132 Skirmole, see Skirmett Siddington, William, 421 Skydmer, Ralph, 113 Siers (Seirs, Syres) Slapton, xvi, 5, 14, 39, 40, 63, 108, 115, 169, ...... Anne, 144, 160, 186 210, 215, 220, 233, 245, 251, 252, 269, 275, ...... Francis, 144, 173 282, 291, 314, 322, 386, 390, 463, 490, 501 ...... Henry, 160, 173, 186 ...... Broadwater Way in, 251, 269 ...... Thomas, 49 ...... Constables of, 14, 169, 215, 245, 390, And see Seare 501 Silby (Selby) ...... Goosey Bridge in, 252, 269 ...... Richard, 267, 302 ...... Rector of, 291 ...... alias Silvey, John, 11 Slater, Henry, 71 ...... William, 11, 19 ...... Samuel, 118, 508 Sills, Thomas, 118, 130, 147, 213, 273 286, ...... Simon, 63, 17, 82, 274 308, 438 Slawter, William, 376 Silver, Peter, 300 Sleymaker (Slemaker), Francis, 150, 302, 341 ...... Richard, 495 (2), 350, 367, 369 Silvey, see Silby Slocombe, John, 254 Simcoe (Simpcoe, Sinckloe, Symcoe) Sloppe, John, 31 ...... Henry, 166 Slough, 68 ...... Thomas, 132, 138, 144, 152, 160, 173, And see Upton 180, 209 Slow, see Slough Simons, see Symonds Sly (Slye) Simpkins (Simkins), Dorothy, 327, 346 ...... Thomas, 79, 83 Simpson, 18 (2), 19, 34, 48, 72 (2), 79, 154, ...... William, 387, 454 167, 173, 220, 227, 238, 278, 282, 289, 295, Small, Henry, 84 352, 359, 369, 375, 398, 399, 411, 420, 423, Smallbone (Smalbones, Smalebones) 436, 442, 445, 447, 454, 459, 487, 495, 500 ...... Mary, 32 ...... Constables of, 420, 458, 500 ...... Richard, 340, 399, 413, 415 ...... Meeting house at, 398 ...... Thomas, 101, 103, 325, 35 3, 357, 369 ...... Minister of, 289, 295, 375 Smallbridge (Amalridge) And see Stratford, Fenny ...... Jeremiah, 86 Simpson (Simson, Sympson) ...... John, 184, 212 ...... Hester, 191 Smart, Thomas, 500 ...... Nicholas, 329 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Chalfont St...... Richard, 92, 118, 459, 502 Peter, 290 ...... Thomas, 33, 118, 191, 196, 197 ...... William, 30, 145, 152, 292, 296, 297 ...... William, 266 Smerlee, John, 321, 335 Sims, Thomas, 190 Sinckloe, see Simcoe Sincleburgh, see Singleborough Sinfield, Henry, 337 601 ______

INDEX. Smith (Smythe) 441, 446, 460, 461, 469, 476, 487, 488, 497, ...... Adam, 391, 407 501 ...... Anne, 180, 187, 203 Smith. Thomas, Clerk of the Peace 1689- ...... Arthur, 165, 272, 317, 371 1694, 286, 303, 308, 317, 326, 340, 349, 359, ...... Benjamin, 301, 306, 307 (2) 308 370, 381, 386, 397, 407, 416, 429, 438, 447, ...... Christopher, 34, 185, 190 (2), 191, 196 455, 467, 475, 486, 495, 508 ...... Dorothy, 46 ...... William, 49, 69, 89, 169, 178, 190, 202, ...... Edward (Edmund), 23, 78, 105, 227, 210, 220, 227 (2), 233, 241, 253, 254, 231, 326, 342, 377, 386, 425 320, 363 (2), 410, 459, 502 (2) ...... Eleanor, 407 ...... alias Beadon, John, 311, 315 ...... Elisha, 348 ...... alias Bulkey Browne, William, 36, 45 ...... Elizabeth, 461 Smithfield, West, Co. Middlesex, 184 ...... Francis, 80, 375 Smyth, see Smith ...... George, 23, 34, 48, 68, 130, 244, 308, Snapes, John, 72 376 Snelling, Dorothy, 244 ...... Hannah, 169 ...... [blank], 165 ...... Henry, 10, 136, 272, 317, 318, 337, Snow (Snowe) 359, 373, 419 ...... Henry, 215, 245 ...... Hugh, 329, 373, 500 ...... John, 137, 179, 190 ...... Isaac, 5, 70 ...... Thomas, 2, 19, 56, 74, 81, 94, 137, 179, ...... James, 22, 24, 28. 59, 92, 119, 122, 360 125, 145, 152, 165, 284, 330, 377, 421, 428, ...... William, 73, 95, 131, 232 461, 475 Snoxold (Snaxall, Snoxell), Edward, 132, 143, ...... Jeremiah, 398 369, 374 ...... Joan, 134 Soams, William, 375 ...... John, 23, 68, 80, 84, 91, 102, 107, 108, Soldiers, Billeting orders for, xi, xii, 380, 381, 124 (2), 125, 145, 153, 154, 178, 197, 212, 462, 470 329, 370, 373, 437 (2) 495, 500, 502 ...... Maimed and old, Pensions, etc., paid ...... Jonas, 283, 332, 384, 396, 414, 428 to, x, xi, 82, 163, 202, 205, 365, 394, 402 (2), ...... Joseph, 215, 332, 363, 410, 499 412, 427, 436, 444, 483, 505, 506 ...... Josias, The Rev., Rector of Amersham, ...... Treasurers for the, see 290 Maimed Soldiers ...... Katherine, 399, 410, 413, 418, 430, And see Army 446, 469, 476, 488, 497 Somner, see Sumner ...... Lawrence, 400 Soulbury, 60, 63, 96, 103, 108, 118, 148, 196, ...... Luke, 189 201, 218, 222, 262, 264, 266, 269, 272, 278 ...... Margaret, 169 (2), 288, 299, 302, 311, 316, 359, 397, 406, ...... Mary, 194, 425, 442, 444 415, 421, 46l, 462, 467, 468, 474, 475 (2), ...... Michael, 283, 332 476, 477, 487, 501 ...... Millicent, 320 ...... Assessors of, 468 ...... Nathaniel, 123 (2) ...... Constables of, 118, 148, 222, 302, 421, ...... Richard, 49, 127, 186 (2), 193, 244, 461, 501 421, 459 ...... Curate of, 288 Robert, 122, 207, 466 ...... Hollingdon in, see Hollingdon ...... Samuel, 1, 5, 139, 143, 153, 160, 167, ...... Meeting house at, 299 173, 267, 438, 496 South, see Southwell ...... The Rev., 292, 296, 297 Southall Norwood, Co. Middlesex, 303 ...... Sarah, 80 Southam, Anne, 275 ...... Thomas, 5, 29, 44, 74, 81, 85, 90, 92, Southampton, County of, see Hamp- shire 96, 102, 107, 133, 139, 145, 153, 192, 203, Southcott, 329 256, 377, 399, 410, 413, 418, 421, 430, Southrope, 431 Southwark, Co. Surrey, 83, 280 602 ______

INDEX. Southwark, Co. Surrey, St. George’s in, 83, Squire, Robert, 273, 278, 301, 306, 307 280 ...... Thomas, 29 Southwell (South) ...... Welham, 458, 502 ...... John, 224, 234, 260 ...... William, The Rev., Rector ...... Mary, 224, 234, 260 of Saunderton, 131 And see Sudell Stacey (Stace) Sparke (Sparkes) ...... John, 191, 218, 373, 418, 467 ...... John, 91, 117, 213, 250, 383, 437 ...... Richard, 175 ...... William, 40, 62, 415, 499 Stafford, Charles, 289, 295 Sparrow, James, 31 ...... The Rev., Rector of Wavendon, 290 ...... [blank], widow, 340 ...... Edmund, J.P., 140, 511 Speed, Henry, 388, 414, 415 ...... Thomas, J.P., 30, 33, 511 ...... Robert, 408 ...... William, Lieutenant, 192 ...... Thomas, 332 Stallyon, John, 23, 49 Speen, 299 Stalwood, Joseph, 476 ...... Meeting houses at, 299 Stamford, John, 33 And see Risborough, Princes Stanaway (Stannaway), Katherine, 494, 503 Spencer (Spenser) Stanborow (Stanborough), James, 342, 370 ...... Hugh, 359 Stanbridge (Standbridge) ...... John, 6, 142, 333, 338, 343, 347 (2), ...... Edward, 220, 233, 372 348 (2), 358 ...... Henry, 70, 469 ...... Mary, 87, 93, 446 ...... Philip, 254 ...... Thomas, 159, 164, 301, 330, 348, 375 Standell, see Pyrton, Standhill in ...... William, 19, 475 Stanley (Standly) Spender (Spendor) ...... David, x, 182, 183 ...... Alice, 21 ...... George, 460 ...... John, 351 (2), 414 (2), 415 (2) Spice, ...... Henry, 416, 498 Thomas, 186 ...... John, 255 Spicer, Edward, 496, 507 (2) Stanlock, John, 232 Spices, Licence to sell, 306 Stanmore, Co. Middlesex, 286, 307 Spikesly, James, 159 Stanmore (Stanmer) Spindlow, William, 186 ...... Anne, 166 Spire, see Spyer ...... Joseph, 52 Spooner, Abraham, 23 Stannard, John, The Rev., Minister ...... James, 56 of Simpson, 289, 295 ...... John, 127, 131, 132 Stannot (Stanninott), Richard, 432, 436, 454, ...... Robert, 164, 320, 348, 376 479 Spratley, John, 23, 452, 458 Stanton, Anthony, 170 ...... Mary, 11, 16 ...... John, 255, 348 ...... Richard, 247 , 288, 295, 369 Spratt, Francis, 459 Stanwell, Co. Middlesex, 34, 141, 153, 154, ...... alias Whitton, Mary, 448, 454, 456, 239, 248, 263, 313, 334, 343, 344 465, 467 ...... Bridges at, 313, 344 Spredborow, George, 294, 298 ...... Poile in, 141 Sprigg (Spriggs), Henry, 308, 347, 358, 407 Staple (Staples) Spruce Thomas, 410 ...... Thomas, 466 Spurway, Samuel, 192 ...... William, 208 Spyer (Spire) Stapp, see Stopp ...... Andrew, 74, 186 Stares, see Steeres ...... Anthony, 291, 297, 300, 316 Starman, Anne, 160, 173, 180 ...... Edward, 190 Statham, John, 24 ...... Francis, 153, 400, 408 ...... Joseph, 481 ...... Richard, 186 ...... Thomas, 148 ...... Thomas, 160, 186 ...... William, 133, 330, 429, 455 Squire (Squier, Squires) ...... Eleanor, 273, 301, 306, 307, 401 603 ______

INDEX. Statutes: Stat. Winton, 13 Edward 1. Stat. II, 340, 360, 371, 397 (2), 416, 439, 496 c. 6, (1285), (Hue and Cry), 482 Statutes: 2 William and Mary, c. 6, (1690), ...... 33 Henry Vlll, c. 6, (1541), (Game (Mutiny Act), xii, 380 Laws), 137 ...... 3 & 4 William and Mary, c. 12, (1691), ...... 33 Henry Vlll, c. 9, (1541), (Unlawful (Carriage of Goods, and Highways), 426, 470 Games), 404 Steele, Mary, 144 ...... 5 Elizabeth, c 4, (1562), (Apprentices), ...... Nicholas, 126, 132 47 Steen, Co. Northampton, 291 ...... 27 Elizabeth, c. 12, (1585), (Oaths for ...... Rector of, 291 Sheriffs, etc.), 106, 494 Steeple Cleydon, see Claydon, Steeple ...... 39 Elizabeth, c. 4, (1597), (Rogues and Steeres (Steer), alias Stares, James, 64, 80 Vagrants), 156, 258 Stell, [blank], widow, 160 ...... 39 Elizabeth, c. 17, (1597), (Vagrants), Stene, see Steen 258 Stephens, see Stevens ...... 43 Elizabeth, c. 2, (1601), (Poor Laws), Stepney, Co. Middlesex, 190 44 Sterch, see Sturch ...... 1 (2) James I, c. 7, (1604), (Rogues and Sterman, Elizabeth, 450 Vagrants), 156, 258 Sterne, George, 461, 502 ...... 4 James I, c. 5, (1606), (Drunkenness), Stevengton, Robert, 189 404 Stevens (Stephens) ...... 15 James I, c. 7. [error for 1 James I, c...... Alexander, 96, 102, 108, 115, 125, 174 7.] ...... Ananias, 487 ...... 21 James I, c. 7, (1623), (Alehouses), ...... Edward, 172 404 ...... Elizabeth, 108, 472, 485 ...... 21 James I, c. 20, (1623), (Swearing), ...... Geoffrey, 2, 24, 31 403, 404 ...... George, 244, 249 (2) ...... 1 Charles I, c. 1, (1625), (Sunday ...... Henry, 46, 179, 184, 185, 186 offences), 404 ...... Isaac, 256, 283 ...... 13 & 14 Charles II, c...... James, 92, 119 3,(1662), (Militia). 367 (2) ...... John, 8, 20, 45, 70, 92, 108, 114, 118, ...... 13 & 14 Charles II, c. 12, (1662), (Poor 123 (2), 128, 148 (2), 169, 222, 235, 284, 332, Law), 76 338, 348, 370, 385, 420, 460, 496 ...... 22 & 23 Charles II, c. 25, ...... Joseph, 92, 119, 255, 284 (1670), (Game Laws), 351, 435 ...... Ralph, 299, 342, 376, 420, 501 ...... 29 Charles II, c. 7, (1676), (Sunday ...... Richard, 10, 93, 441, 507, 508 offences), 404 ...... Robert, 308, 458, 498 ...... 30 Charles II, c. 7, (1677), (Poor ...... Samuel, 30, 231, 327, 386 debtors), xv, 18, 382 ...... Solomon, xix, 400 ...... 30 Charles II, Stat. II, c. 1, (1678), ...... Stephen, 312, 408 (Disabling Act), 295, 297, 298, 309 (2), 317, ...... Thomas, 21, 23, 73, 116, 118, 156, 162, 327, 340, 349, 300, 387, 397, 408, 416, 429, 181, 187, 215, 279, 288, 320, 350, 461, 467, 439, 448, 456, 468, 476 468, 474 (2), 475, 487, 501, (2) ...... 1 William and Mary, c. 1, (1689), ...... William, 2, 48, 68, 113, 148, 203, 316, (Oaths of Allegiance), 287, 297, 309 (2), 371, 340, 341, 344, 351, 358, 367, 369, 472, 489 387, 398, 408, 416, 429, 439, 448, 456, 468, Stevenson, Anne, 209 476 ...... Anthony, 152, 160, 181 ...... 1 William and Mary, c. 8, (1689), ...... Elizabeth, 89 (Oaths of Allegiance), 286, 289, 310, 324, ...... John, 379 327, 347, 350 ...... The Rev., 289, 295 ...... 1 William and Mary, c. 18, (1689), ...... Joseph, 487 (Toleration Act), 296 (2), 297, 298, 299, 309 ...... Thomas, 184 (3), ...... William, 89, 459, 500 604 ______

INDEX. Stevenson, William, The Rev., Vicar 282, 329, 331, 353, 374, 419, 422, 458, 498, of Bledlow, 289 502 Steward (Stuard) Stoke, Hundred of, Bailiffs for the, 227 ...... Edward, 370 ...... Chief Constables for the, 22, ...... George, 42, 51 48, 68, 91, 117, 146, 175, 199, 220, 253, 282, ...... Ralph, 70 329, 373, 419, 458, 498 ...... Thomas, 501 And see Chiltern, Hundreds of ...... William, 5 Stoke Goldington, 27, 57, 65, 151, 189, 293, Stewart, John, Lord Moray (3rd son of 5th 352, 361, 363, 368, 385, 405, 431, 449, 457, Earl), 400, 409, 410, 418, 430 469, 476 Stewkley, 1, 8, 15, 29, 39 (2), 77, 79, 84, 96, ...... Eekley in, see Eakley 99, 102, 106, 107, 108, 115, 117 (2), 135, ...... Rector of, 293 136, 140, 142, 149, 153, 168, 174, 175, 184, Stoke Hammond, 13, 14, 41, 84, 85, 126, 200 (2), 212, 221, 223, 243 (2), 252, 254, 131, 132, 139, 168, 178, 219, 223, 234, 254, 277, 292 (2), 297, 300, 301, 302, 327, 332, 292, 320, 323, 335, 342, 375, 420, 459, 493, 370, 374, 376, 408, 420, 425, 440, 458, 461, 501, 503 462, 501 ...... Constables of, 14, 41, 223, 254, ...... Constables of, 117, 223, 254, 302, 332, 375, 420, 459, 501 376, 420, 461, 501 ...... Holme, The, in, 13 ...... Grange at, 175 ...... Lead Mead Brook in, 13 ...... Lidcott Lane in, 1, 135 ...... Rector of, 292, 320, 335, 503 ...... Lord of the Manor of, 200 Stoke Mandeville, 14, 23, 41, 47, 69, 82, 83, ...... Meeting houses at, 300, 408 109, 114, 119, 130, 154, 168, 175, 176, 192, ...... Vicar of, 292 215, 218, 224, 237, 238, 245, 249 (2), 251, Stile (Stiles, Style) 263, 265, 279, 320, 363, 383 (2), 387, 388, ...... Daniel, 180 406, 408, 410, 414, 448, 450, 473, 474, 480, ...... Edward, 34 484, 485, 488 (3), 945, 497 ...... Elizabeth, 52 ...... Constables of, 14, 23, 41, 69, ...... George, 6, 10 (2), 159 (2), 161, 164 (2) 168, 215, 279, 245, 320, 363, 410, 450, 488 ...... James, 74, 160 ...... Honour End Lane in, 388, 414 ...... Joan, 161 ...... Wall Bridge at, 448 ...... John, 34, 118, 180, 184, 190, 196, 266, Stoke Poges, 19, 79, 120, 124, 129, 130, 135, 407, 417, 428 (2), 433, 436, 437 136, 142, 155, 190, 208, 211, 212, 256, 338, ...... Richard, 10, 255, 284, 374, 490 339, 347, 350, 358, 407, 461, 467, 489 ...... Robert, 199, 220 ...... Constables of, 256, 461 ...... Thomas, 64, 464 (3), 481 (2) ...... Ditton in, 489 ...... William, 69, 79, 92, 342, 498 ...... Hundred of, see Stoke, Hundred Stimpson, Anthony, 132, 144, 166, 186, 192, of 198 ...... Farnham Mill at, 208 ...... Henry, 161 ...... Stoke Field at, 208 Stirke, see Sturch Stokes (Stock, Stocks) Stock, see Stokes ...... Daniel, 118, 148 Stockdale, Christopher, 174 ...... Eleanor, 17 Stockinge (Stocken, Stockins) ...... Martha, 449 ...... John, 267 ...... Richard, 244, 262, 265 ...... Lucretia, 267 ...... Thomas, 176 ...... Thomas, 62, 237, 255, 420, 456 ...... Thomas, 176 Stockly, William, 29, 243 ...... William, 256 Stocks, see Stokes Stone, 49 (2), 74, 82, 119, 159, 164, 195, 223, Stocks, The, xvi, 195, 342, 404 232, 285, 290, 291, Stoke, see Stoke Mandeville Stoke, Hundred of, 22, 48, 68, 91, 117, 146, 175, 199, 220, 227, 253,

605 ______

INDEX. 294, 298, 300, 313, 322, 330, 339, 348, 359, 144, 151, 153, 154, 158, 160, 167, 173, 181 412, 421, 469 (2), 189, 194, 212, 225, 230, 237, 238, Stone, Bishopstone in, see Bishop- stone 252, 253, 254, 272, 278 (2), 286, 289, 295, ...... Constables of, 49 (2), 74, 119, 223, 308, 310, 315 (2), 316 (2), 317, 324 (2), 325 232, 285, 421 (2), 331 (2), 348, 349, 360, 361, 368 (2), 369 ...... Vicar of, 290 (3), 370, 371, 372, 374 (2), 382, 384 (3), 386 Stone, Edward, 241, 298, 370, 420, 460 (3), 398, 408, 421, 440, 448 (2), 454 (2), 459, ...... George, 14, 223 461 (3), 465, 467, 468, 477, 478, 489, 500 (2) ...... John, 46 Stratford, Stony, Constables of, 421 ...... Ralph, 245, 279, 340, 410, 420, 460 (2) ...... Cow Fryers, The, at, 398 ...... William, 223, 239, 257 ...... East Side of, 64, 86, 139, 144, 324, Stonebridge, Henry, 421 325 (2), 331, 374, 461 (2), 500, 448, 465 ...... John, 90, 167 ...... Constables of, 331, 375, Stonehill (Stonhill, Stonnell), William, 39 (2), 461, 500 155, 243 ...... Meeting houses at, 371, 398, 408, Stoner, Nathaniel, 133 448 Stonly (Stonely) ...... West Side of, 49, 86, 126, 132, 133, ...... Jonathan, 376, 420 139, 143, 153, 160, 167, 173, 181 (2), 254, ...... Thomas, 109, 117 315, 316, 331, 374, 459, 461, 500 ...... [blank], widow, 299 ...... Constables of, 49, 254, Stonnell, see Stonehill 331, 374, 459, 500 Stony Stratford, see Stratford, Stony Stratford, Water, 61, 218, 256, 290, 477 (2), Stopp (Stapp, Stoppe) 478, 479, 490 ...... Baldwin, 109, 187 ...... Constables of, 256 ...... Bernard, 280, 363 ...... Pingesford in, 477 ...... Henry, 460, 500 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... John, 79, 146, 215, 267 Stratton (Straton) ...... Robert, 119, 332, 377 ...... John, 261, 280, 306, 322, 337 ...... William, 507 ...... Robert, 306, 313, 322, 337 Stormer, Hannah, 73, 78 ...... Thomas, 118 ...... William, 73 Stratton Audley, Co. Oxford, 105 (2), 130 Stowe, 294, 296, 304, 371, 415 (2), 437, 438, Streame (Streene) 491 ...... Humphrey, 254, 283 ...... Dadford in, see Dadford ...... Robert, 5, 29, 46, 67, 100, 191, 455 ...... Curate of, 294, 296 Street (Streete) ...... Lamperd in, see Lamport ...... Henry, 23 Strainge, Thomas, 302 ...... Joseph, 239, 357, 364, 368, 377, 384, Strangys, Thomas, 182 390, 396 Stratford, Henry, 283 Streeting, Thomas, 255, 284 ...... John, 383, 384 Strickland, Richard, The Rev., Vicar of Stone, ...... Richard, 5, 143 290 ...... William, 257, 461, 500 “Strong Water Shop,” 114, 130 Stratfold, Henry, 257 Stuard, see Steward ...... Lucy, 345 (2) Stubble (Stuble), Benjamin, 469, 476, 488, ...... William, 4 497 Stratford, Fenny, ix, 19, 31, 51, 79, 80, 154, Stuckley, see Stewkley 167, 171, 180, 184,197, 198, 252, 255, 264, Studham, Co. Bedford, or Co. Hertford, 365 272 (2), 278, 334, 399, 431, 441, 446, 447, Studley, 31, 32, 81, 153, 283, 332, 377, 422, 454, 469, 476, 485, 494 461, 501 ...... Bridge at, lx, 334 ...... Constables of, 255, 441, 469, 476 And see Simpson Stratford, Stony, 3, 8, 9, 10, 19, 22, 34, 40, 49, 54, 72, 80, 86, 114, 122 (2), 123 (2), 124, 126 (2), 132, 133, 139 (2), 142, 143, 606 ______

INDEX. Studley, Constables of, 283, 332, 377, 422, 290, 302, 318, 320, 324, 326, 332, 374, 376, 461, 501 414 (2), 429, 460, 487, 501 ...... Manor of, 32 Swanbourne, Constables of, 24, 118, 148, Studley, Co. Warwick, 205, 235, 241 223, 256, 302, 318, 332, 376, 460, 501 Stukely, see Stewkley ...... Lord of the Manor of, 487 Sturch (Sterch, Stirke) ...... Vicar of, 290 ...... John, 292, 296, 297, 350 Swann, Joseph, 250 ...... William, 283, 300, 318, 324 Swannell, Edward, xvi, 176 Sturges, Elizabeth, 477 ...... Thomas, 53, 101, 106, 108, 125, 138, Stutsbury (Stutchbury) 143 ...... Anthony, 372 Swearing, Penalties for, xviii, 403 ...... Christopher, 326 And see under Offences ...... John, 348 Sweby (Sweaby) ...... Katherine, 335, 343 ...... Daniel, 239, 274 Style, see Stile ...... Richard, 396 Suddan (Sudden, Suddin) ...... William, 221, 461, 500, 502 ...... John, 212 Sweepson (Swepson), John, 102, 106, 126, ...... Richard, 342, 390, 502 138, 166, 173, 397 Sudell, John, 337, 381, 427, 463, 505 Swift, Ellen, 73, 164 ...... Mary, 286, 337, 381, 427, 463, 505 ...... Helen, 78 And see Southwell ...... Thomas, 73, 84, 164, 325 Suderick, Richard, 245, 251 Swinchin, Richard, 335, 354 Sumner (Somner, Summers) Swinhoe, George, The Rev., 416 ...... Henry, J.P., 165, 511 ...... James, 417 ...... James, 493 Sydney, Henry, 1st Viscount, Secretary of ...... John, 468 State, xxi, 378 ...... Joseph, J.P., 511 Symcoe, see Simcoe ...... Richard, 20, 23, 67 Symmer, Patrick, The Rev., Rector Sunday, Trading, Travelling, or Playing on, of Quainton, 291 Penalties for, xviii, 404 Symonds (Simons, Symons) And see under Offences ...... Edward, 318 Supervisors of the Highways, see Highways, ...... Francis, 99 Supervisors of the ...... Henry, 148, 182, 193 Supremacy, Oaths of, see Allegiance, etc., ...... John, 11, 40, 62, 130, 137, 245, 332, Oaths of 338, 339, 347, 348, 358, 372, 377, 475 Surcott see Southcott ...... Joseph, 328, 338, 339, 347, 348, 358, Surgeons, Fees paid to, 365, 422, 453 362, 380, 393, 397 Surman, see Sermon ...... Michael, 182, 320, 363 Surrey, Cobham in, 467 ...... Nicholas, 77, 312 ...... Egham in, 201 ...... Richard, 105 ...... Southwark in, 83, 280 ...... Robert, 130 Sutheary, John, 214 ...... Thomas, 22, 24, 46, 385, 408, 487 Sutton (Tutton) ...... William, 87, 95, 239 (2), 408 ...... Elizabeth, 387, 392 Sympson, see Simpson ...... Jane, 152 Syred (Siread, Syrett) ...... Richard, 308 ...... Elizabeth, 316 ...... Samuel, 459, 501 ...... Francis, 353, 363 ...... Thomas, 33, 151, 152, 157, 158 ...... John, 450 ...... William, 222, 230, 255 ...... Thomas, 221, 274, 390, 391, 395, 407 Swaine (Swayne) ...... William, 221, 312 ...... Richard, 1, 54, 143, 232, 270, 316 Syres, see Siers ...... William, 127 Swallow, James, 182, 183 TAILER, see Taylor Swanbourne, 15, 17, 19 (2), 24, 25, 39, 94, Talbot, Richard, 278 113, 118, 136 (2), 148, 153, 161, 167, 174, ...... Thomas, 363, 376 200, 223, 230, 237 (2), 253, 256, 266, QQ 607 ______

INDEX. Tallboys (Talboies) Taylor, Joshua, The Rev., 38 ...... Joseph, 75 ...... Mary, 487 (2) ...... Richard, 236 ...... Richard, 24, 118 ...... William, 81, 138, 176 ...... Robert, 386, 498 Tallwood, Thomas, xvi, 5 ...... Ruth, 99, 104 ...... alias Terrold, Thomas, 63 ...... St. John, 467 Tame, see Thame ...... Samuel, 173, 212 Tangiers, Soldier having served at, x, 205 ...... Thomas, 24, 49, 95, 124, 197, 201, 256, Tanner, John, 212 289, 294, 295, 297, 298, 300, 311, 315, 316 ...... Samuel, 469 (2), 349, 359, 461, 475, 487, 499, 501 ...... William, 124 ...... Ursula, 145 ...... [blank], Dr., 276 ...... William, 10, 13, 14, 283, 285, 311, 330, Tansey, Henry, 115, 125, 132, 139, 143, 153, 398, 421, 441, 448, 467, 479, 487 160, 167, 173, 180 Tea, Licence to sell, xx, 306 Tanter, John, 208 Teagle, John, 316 Tapling, Thomas, 386 Teague, Alice, 487, 490, 494 Taplow, xiv, xx, 21, 23, 25, 34, 54, 83 (2), 87, ...... John, 487, 490, 494 109, 143, 145, 158, 188, 199, 212, 274, Tedder, Daniel, 178, 190 277 (2), 287, 294, 295, 296, 375, 390, 432. Temple, John, 12, 21, 31, 36, 41, 47, 55, 448, 450, 458, 466 (4), 468, 469, 471, 474 488 (2), 497 (2), 475, 483, 484, 485, 492 ...... Richard, Sir, 3rd Bart., K.B., J.P., 304, ...... Constables of, xiv, 23, 274, 375, 432, 511 450, 458, 469 ...... Stephen, 47, 54, 58 ...... Conveyance of cripples through. 492 ...... Thomas, 108, 302, 332 ...... Curate of, 294, 296 Tench, Joseph, 276, 302, 438, 412, 445, 446, Tapping, see Toppinge 454 Tappster, Edward, 239 Terrill, see Tyrell Tarbox, Thomas, 59, 84, 108, 287, 333, 376 Terringham (Tyringham) Tarey, Joseph, 7, 12, 127, 144 ...... Francis, J. P., 408, 511 Tatham (Tattam, Tattham) ...... John, 429 ...... Ralph, 182 ...... William, Sir, K.B., J.P., 511 ...... Richard, 70, 420, 460 Terrold, see Tallwood ...... Thomas, 318, 324, 325, 332, 377 Terry, Thomas, 39, 142, 278 ...... William, 466 (2), 467, 475 Thame, Co. Oxford, 86, 98 (2), 103, 172, 178, Tattenhoe, 289, 295 186, 321, 350, 441, 448, 457, 478 Taunton, William, 77 Thame (Tame), William, 54, 74, 106, 143 Taxes, Extortion by Collectors of, 30, 56 Thames, The River, 497 ...... Inspector of, 288 Tharpe, see Thorpe And see Excise, Revenue, etc. Theed (Thead) Taylor (Tailer, Tayler) ...... Christopher, 223, 256 ...... Alice, 359 ...... John, 96, 97, 238, 256,438, 475 ...... Arthur, 7, 256 ...... The Rev., Curate of Marsworth, ...... Bernard, 85 293 ...... Edward, 62, 232, 287, 311, 315 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Mars- worth, 439 ...... The Rev., Rector of Bletchley, ...... Richard, 208 291 ...... William, 416 ...... Henry, 6, 10, 20, 39, 66, 311, 315, 432 Theft, see under Offences (larceny) ...... Hodgkin, 173 Thistlewheat, Thomas, The Rev., Vicar of ...... John, 12, 92, 168, 191, 265, 275, 278 Westbury, 289 (2), 359 (2) Thomas, William, 311 ...... Jonas, 76, 91, 179, 219, 273, 429 Thompson (Tompson) ...... Edward, 332, 387 ...... Francis, 273, 341, 351, 370, 382, 383 (2) 608 ______


Thompson, George, 502 Thorpe, Robert, 22, 57, 72, 101, 137, 191 (2), ...... Jenkin, 36, 45 231, 277, 349, 354, 424, 466 ...... John, 213, 265, 370, 475 ...... William, 144, 166, 173, 209 ...... Matthew, 317 Thrift, Thomas, 85, 126, 138, 152, 160, 166, ...... Ralph, xi, 178, 394, 402 173, 180, 186 ...... Thomas, 408 Throckmorton (Throgmorton), Robert, Sir, ...... William, 34, 54, 80, 118, 123, 148, 3rd Bart., J.P., 63, 389, 399, 413, 477, 488, 151, 158, 177, 208, 212, 249 (2), 250, 264, 511 267, 271, 272 (2), 277, 349, 373, 399 (2), Thrustram (Thristram), Richard, 179, 184 (2) 419, 428, 433, 442, 445, 446, 467, 494 Thurbarne (Thurburne), John, Ser- geant-at- ...... alias Hobson, Thomas, 449, 452, 453 law, J.P., 258, 356, 366, 392, 394, 411, 511 Thornborough, 23, 58, 68, 71, 76 (2), 82, 95, Tibby, Robert, 92 146, 170, 185, 190 (2), 197, 204, 105, 225, ...... Thomas, 57 243, 266, 268, 284, 314, 366, 400, 409, 418, Tickford, John, 420, 461 448, 478, 485, 490, 491, 498 Tidder (Tidden), Richard, 50, 53 ...... Constables of, 23, 284 Tilbury, Robert, 117, 417 ...... County Bridge at, 58, 71, 82, 225, 314, Tilcock, Henry, 20, 137, 215, 282, 314, 329 366, 478, 490 ...... Joanna, 364, 379 ...... Meeting houses at, 448 ...... Sarah, 364, 379 ...... Overseers of, 170 ...... William, xv, 115, 125, 126, 131 (2), 133, Thorne, Benjamin, 421 139, 143, 153, 161, 173, 280, 453, 464, ...... Bernard, 375 489, 493, 505 ...... Edward, 14 Tiler (Tyler) ...... Elizabeth, 177 ...... Augustine, 455 ...... George, 370, 380 ...... Austin, 14 ...... Jane, 141, 205 ...... Edith, 12, 14, 19 ...... Thomas, 46, 106, 407 ...... Elizabeth, 212, 225 ...... William, 42, 82, 316 ...... John, 308 Thorney, 353 ...... Peter, 292, 296, 297 And see Iver...... Robert, 8, 502 Thornton, 40, 48, 108, 115, 138, 143, 153, ...... Thomas, 118 167, 174, 180, 187, 192, 198, 203, 209, 214, ...... William, 254, 283 219, 230, 236, 256, 292, 303, 312, 360, 417 Tillage, Improvement of, Royal pro- ...... Constables of, 256 clamation concerning, 262 ...... Rector of, 292 Tilly, John, 7, 29, 227 Thornton (Thorneton) Tillyer, William, 148 ...... Anne, 85 Timkin, William, 14 ...... Edward, 78 Tims (Timms) ...... George, 485 ...... Edward, 14, 19 ...... John, 166 ...... Henry, 73 ...... Peter, 420, 437 ...... Mary, 73, 78 ...... Robert, 73, 332, 420 ...... Michael, 450, 456 ...... Thomas, 145, 428, 465, 466, 473, 474, ...... Thomas, 84 485 Tingewick, 2, 3, 19, 36 (2), 45, 48, 54, 57, 76, ...... [blank], widow, 209 97 (2), 103, 109, 110 (2), 121, 124, 125, 127, Thorpe (Tharpe, Thorp) 133, 139, 153, 156, 159, 161, 164 (2), 167, ...... George, 6, 11, 84, 147, 250 447, 458, 205 (2), 224, 226, 233, 256, 268, 273, 498 276, 277, 281, 293 (8), 297 (4), 298 (5), 299 ...... Henry, 54, 84, 477, 491 (2), 306, 312, 360, 365, 379 (3), 458, 477, 479 ...... John, 58, 190, 254, 288 (2), 490 ...... Broadriding Lane in, 479

609 ______


Tingewick, Constables of, 125, 256, 276, 312 Tompkins, William, 1, 54, 89, 137, 200, 220, ...... Meeting houses at, 299 (2), 360 223, 332, 376, 405, 422 ...... Rector of, 293, 379 ...... Zacharias, 359 Tinker, Henry, 488 Tompson, see Thompson Tipper (Tippinge) Toms, see Tombs ...... John, 68, 91, 187, 352, 361, 363, 373, Toogood, John, 256, 284 388, 389, 399, 400, 405, 409, 410, 413, 431, Toovey, see Tovey 439, 440 (2), 449, 457, 469, 476, 477, 488 Topham, Richard, 161 (2), 497, 498 Toppinge (Tapping, Toppin) ...... John, The Rev., Rector of Weston ...... John, 284, 332, 420, 439 (2), 445, 446 Turville, 189, 290 (2), 453, 455, 460 ...... Mary, 440 (2), 449 ...... Richard, 23, 278 ...... Nathaniel, 92 ...... William, 89, 190 ...... Richard, 70, 92 And see Tipper ...... William, 23 Torcestor, see Towcester And see Toppinge Torrent, Sarah, 157 Tirringham, see Tyringham Tottenhoe, see Tattenhoe Tirrold, see Tyrrell Tovey (Toovey) Tithingmen, see Constables, Petty ...... Elizabeth, 1, 7, 12, 21, 31, 41, 74, 90, Todd, Alice, 21 96, 102, 107, 125, 127, 133, 153, 166, 180, ...... Ambrose, 56 186 ...... Anthony, 69, 92 ...... John, 221, 502 ...... Joan, 151, 157 ...... Peter, 390, 419, 496 ...... John, 422, 460 ...... Robert, 255, 285, 302, 460, 502 ...... Robert, 371, 376, 456, 460 ...... Samuel, 119 ...... Thomas, 221, 491 ...... William, 185, 190 (2), 191, 226, 235, ...... William, 152, 157 242, 248, 263 Toefeild, see Tokefeild Towcester, Co. Northampton, 81, 226, 227, Tokefeild (Toefeild) 233, 235, 250, 477, 478, 479 ...... Benjamin, 117 Tower, Ellen, 213 ...... Bennett, 96 Towers, alias Dowse, Richard, 127 ...... Daniel, 6, 19, 20, 35 Towersey, 86, 175, 227, 265, 278, 282, 385, ...... John, 28, 79, 100, 349, 374, 419 388, 405, 407, 417, 439, 453, 487, 492, 501 ...... Mary, 62 ...... Constables of, 501 ...... Thomas, 148 Towersy, Nicholas, 72, 124 ...... William, 184 ...... Richard, 496 Toler, Thomas, 151, 158 ...... Thomas, 67, 143, 244, 475 Tombs (Toms) Towerton, Henry, 36, 41, 55 ...... Edward, 11, 35, 39, 45, 54, 84 Towne, John, 23, 29, 49, 308, 416 ...... Henry, 340 ...... Moses, 136 ...... John, 326 ...... Ralph, 47, 68, 72, 374, 390, 419, 421 ...... Mary, 441, 448, 465 ...... Richard, 84 ...... Richard, 80, 96, 243 ...... William, 172 ...... Thomas, 339 Townsend (Townesende) Tomkins, see Tompkins ...... John, 123 Tomlins (Tomlyns) ...... Richard, 17, 53 ...... Alice, 108, 115, 125 ...... William, 272 ...... Elizabeth, 101, 106 Trading, without due apprenticeship, see ...... Hugh, 101, 106, 108, 115, 205 under Offences ...... Sarah, 39 Transubstantiation, Declarations against, Tomlinson (Tomlynson), George, 18, 19, 34 287, 309, 416, 448, 476 Tompkins (Tomkins) Tranters, see Carriers ...... Benedict, 254 Travell (Travile) ...... John, 123 ...... Henry, 315 ...... Richard, 285, 333 ...... John, 106, 179 ...... Thomas, 243 ...... Matthew, 126

610 ______


Treacher, Jacob, 383 Turner, Christopher, 49, 69, 148, 159, 182, ...... John, 330, 375 421, 459 ...... Samuel, 5, 35, 39 ...... Dorothy, 452 Treason, see under Offences ...... Francis, 118, 221, 255 Treasurers, see County Treasurer, King's ...... Henry, 23, 105, 329, 374 Bench, and Maimed Soldiers ...... James, 254, 284 Treasury, Lords of the, 156, 169, 206 ...... Job, 227 Treby, George, Sir, Knt., Attorney- General, ...... John, 7, 45, 61, 154, 158, 232, 246, 250, 378 253, 273, 279, 311, 312, 328, 352, 361, 451, Tredway (Treadway) 454, 467 ...... Edward, 56, 74 ...... Jonas, 5 ...... George, 2, 31, 215, 232 ...... Joshua, 107 (2), 113 (2) ...... Henry, 341, 351, 358, 360, 368, 369 ...... Luke, 101 ...... John, 311 ...... Martha, 163 ...... Joseph, 390 ...... Richard, 8, 66, 222, 274, 279, 312, 320, ...... Richard, 23 342, 359 ...... Thomas, 211, 447, 495 ...... County Coroner, 95, 172, 314, Tredwell, Richard, 477 366, 427, 436 Treeman, see Tremaine ...... Deputy Clerk of the Peace, and Tremaine (Treeman, Troman) later Bridewell Keeper at High ...... Henry, 11, 19 (2) Wycombe, 150, 184, 193, 197, 206, 292, 337, ...... Jane, 11, 19 (2) 402, 411, 447, 452 Trendall, see Trindall ...... Robert, 90, 284 Trent, Thomas, 68, 91 ...... Thomas, 353, 359, 380, 390 Trindall (Trendall), John, 89, 136, 151 157, ...... William, 45, 103, 267, 284, 338, 347, 158, 164 350, 352, 359 Tring, Co. Hertford, 251 (2), 252 (2), 412 ...... alias Ferrers, John, 40 Tringe (Tring) Turney (Turvey) ...... Edward, 342 ...... Bernard, J. P., 511 ...... John, 422, 438, 460 ...... James, 169, 397, 468, 474 (2), 475, 501 ...... Richard, 54 ...... John, 39, 282 Trinsdale, Alice, 214 ...... Robert, 31, 114, 230, 329, 344, 356, ...... William, 214 364, 374, 394, 426, 429 Triplett, John, 19, 20, 191, 232, 326 ...... Thomas, 115, 215, 244 Tripp (Trip) ...... William, 14, 40 ...... John, 197, 214, 220, 253, 300, 311 Turnham (Turneham) ...... Samuel, 398 ...... Edward, 117, 148 ...... Thomas, 294, 297, 298 ...... John, 245, 279 Troman, see Tremaine ...... Thomas, 326 Trott, William, 454 ...... William, 501 Troward, Anne, 403 Turpin (Turpyn) Truelock, Anne, 169 ...... Richard, 215, 246 ...... Sarah, 169 ...... Samuel, 46, 223 Trumper, Henry, 254 ...... Thomas, 421, 461 ...... John, 446 ...... William, 123 Trundly, John, 213, 217, 218 (2) Turryll, see Tyrrell Truss, Christopher, 178, 407 Turvey, Co. Bedford, 383 ...... William, 109 Turvey, see Turney Tuckwell, Richard, 28, 127, 128, 148, 165, Turvill (Turvile), John, 74, 270 257, 437, 438 Turville, 1, 7 (2), 12, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 50, 70, Tuffy, John, 301 74, 75, 86, 90, 91 (2), 92, 96, 102, 107, 117, Turfeild, see Turville 125, 127, 133, 166, 180, 185, 186, 188, 190 Turnam, see Turnham (3), 191, 207, 218, 222, 254, 273, 274, 302, Turner (Turnor) 331, 374 (2), 390, 421, 459, 502 ...... Arthur, 16, 23, 208, 212

611 ______


Turville, Constables of, 24, 50, 70, 92, 117, 239, 243, 249 (2), 257, 267, 274, 284, 294, 222, 254, 302, 331, 374, 421, 459, 502 296, 311, 341, 351, 357, 358, 363, 368, ...... Ipston in, see Ibstone 369 (2), 376, 399, 405, 407, 413, 415, 418, Turweston, 2, 69, 110, 127, 154, 182, 220, 419, 421, 430, 446, 455, 460, 469, 476, 485, 232, 267, 302, 406 497, 504 ...... Constables of, 2, 127, 154, 182, 232, Upton, Butchery in, 257 267, 302 ...... Chalvey in, see Chalvey ...... Townesend in, 154 ...... Constables of, 24, 50, 148, 223, 274, Tutton, see Sutton 311, 376, 421, 460 Twitchinge, Elizabeth, 158 ...... Culver Hall in, 257 Twyford, 122, 133, 187, 212, 294, 296, 316 ...... Curate of, 294, 296 (3), 321, 385, 478 (4), 491 (3) ...... Manor of, 257 ...... Charnton, in, see Charndon ...... Slow in, see Slough ...... Curate of, 294, 296 And see Dinton ...... Manor of, 478, 491 (2) Upton, John, 42 Tyler, see Tiler Urlyn (Urling, Urlwin) Tyler’s Green, 441, 479 ...... Edward, 35, 39 (2), 474, 485 ...... Constables of, 479 ...... Samuel, 474 And see Penn ...... Sampson, 485 Tyre, Thomas, 435 ...... Simon, 382 Tyringham, 93, 192, 289, 295 ...... William, 113, 159, 244 Tyringham, see Terringham Urney, John, 221 Tyrrell (Terrill, Tirrold, Turryll) Ussell, John, 319 ...... Charles, 289, 295 Uxbridge, Co. Middlesex, 3, 120, 124, 188, ...... Elizabeth, 249, 443, 451 190, 194, 205, 305, 320, 463 ...... Harry, Sheriff, 1691, 360 (3), 371 (2), ...... High Bridge at, 194 387 (2), 397, 398 ...... River at, 463 ...... James, D. L., J P., 219, 235, 317, 429, 511 VAGABONDS, Orders concerning' 16, 77, 258, ...... Lucy, Lady, widow of 2nd Bart., 172 261, 269, 306 ...... Peter, Sir, 2nd Bart., 349 Vagrants, Harbouring of, see under Offences ...... Thomas, 451, 455, 443 Vale, The, Rates of carriage of goods in, 426 ……… ...... Sir, 3rd Bart., 417, ...... Rates of wages in, xvii, 227, 228 ...... William, 419, 458, 475 Vanbrooke, Philip, 319, 328 (2) "Vanguard," The, xi, 394 DDALE, John, 185 Varney, see Verney Uding, Robert, 350 Vaux, Samuel, 160, 168 Underwood, Geoffrey (Godfrey), 125, 132, ...... Thomas, 89 143, 152, 160, 167, 173, 180, 186, 198 (2), ...... William, 450, 452, 470, 484 203, 209, 214 Vennor, see Fenner ...... John, 255 Vere, John, 396 ...... Richard, 125, 132, 139, 143, 152, 160, ...... Richard, 172 167, 173, 180, 186, 198 (2), 203, 209, 214 ...... Thomas, 22 ...... William, 115, 125, 139, 143, 152, 160, Verey (Veary, Veery, Very) 167, 180, 186, 198 (2), 203, 214, 318, 324 ...... Benjamin, 353, 357, 369 Upidge, William, 55 ...... Charles, 219, 227 (2) Upp, Jonathan, 36, 125 (2) ...... Deborah, 138 ...... Sarah, 125 ...... John, 67, 86, 110, 176, 302, 360, 371 Upper Winchendon, see ...... Richard, 138, 145 Winchendon, Upper ...... Samuel, 416 Upstone, see Ibstone ...... Thomas, 89, 283, 332 Upton, 6, 9, 10 (2), 12, 21, 24, 31, 34, 36, 50, ...... William, 370, 438, 486 68, 84, 120, 129, 148, 150, 155, 212, 220, Vergin, see Virgo 223, 238,

612 ______


Vernall, Augustine, 221 Wages, Rates of, for haywards, 155, 183 Verney (Varney) Wagstaffe, Thomas, The Rev., Rector of ...... Edward (Edmund), 179, 184, 424, 434 Cublington, 292 ...... George, 90 Waineman, Mary, 127, 131 ...... Ralph, Sir, 1st Bart., D.L., J.P., 219, Wakeman, Thomas, 492 235, 304, 511 Waker, see Walker ...... Richard, 325 Waldridge, 2, 13, 21, 31, 36, 41, 47, 55, 60, ...... [blank], 188 74, 81, 86, 90, 116, 133, 139, 153, 168, 174, Vernum, John, 437 181, 187, 193, 199, 213, 239, 259, 288, 342 Viccars (Vickers), William, 107, 113 ...... Constables of, 2 Vinney, John, 469 And see Dinton ...... Thomas, 340, 429 Walker, Andrew, 67 Violl (Viall), Edward, 376, 420 ...... Caleb, 54 Virgo (Virgin) ...... Daniel, 7, 215 ...... John, 114, 259 ...... John, 136, 164, 219, 227 (3), 237, 361, ...... The Rev., Vicar of North Marston, 370 29 ...... Joseph, 22 ...... Thomas, 458, 498 ...... Richard, 432 ...... William, 284, 400, 408, 413, 415 ...... Robert, 139 Vise, Nathaniel, 84 ...... Thomas, 132, 222 ...... William, 70, 118, 126, 139, 144, 148, WABBOR, see Mabbor 167, 173, 221 Waddesdon, xix, 7, 9, 10, 13, 20, 29, 35, 38, ...... alias Webb, Sarah, 462 41, 44, 45, 49, 63, 68, 76, 84, 88, 98 (2), 99 Wall, Matthew, 125, 133, 153, 159, 164 (2), (2), 100, 109, 114, 116, 122, 123, 139, 140, 167, 293, 298 147, 155, 157, 162, 168, 177, 179, 202, 214, ...... Richard, 274, 312, 466 234, 243, 245, 251, 282, 288, 292, 296, 297, ...... William, 125 309, 310, 332, 340, 359, 375, 419, 425, 441, Wallbanck (Walbanke), John, 23, 118, 222 450, 460 (2), 487, 488 (2), 498, 50, 503 Wallduck (Walduck) ...... Blackgrove in, 441, 450 ...... John, 223, 332 ...... Church at, 44 ...... Thomas, 14 ...... Collickford in, 140, 158 ...... William, 209 ...... Constables of, 41, 49, 109, 147, 168, Waller, Edmund, of Beaconsfield, J.P., Sheriff, 214, 245, 332, 375, 460, 501 1690, 287, 295, 317, 326, 340, 349, 416, 511 ...... Ham in, see Woodham ...... of Gregories, J.P., 287, 295, 511 ...... Rates at, dispute with Wood- ham ...... Keat, 290 concerning, 44, 45, 99 ...... Thomas, J.P., 511 ...... Rector of, 96 (2), 309, 310 Wallington, Edward, 10, 56, 74 ...... Westcott in, see Westcott ...... Richard, 168 ...... Woodham in, see Woodham Wallis, John, 142 Waddupp (Waduppe, Waddrupp) ...... Thomas, 27, 460 ...... John, 133, 139, 153 ...... William, 50 ...... Richard, 62, 84, 114, 151, 219, 256, Walsall, Francis, The Rev., 383 265, 325, 407, 455, 498 Walter, Robert, 133, 293, 298 Wade, John, 24, 49, 279, 294, 298, 299, 320, ...... Thomas, 89, 93, 158, 189, 207, 254, 475 265, 506 (2), 508 ...... Richard, 298, 330 ...... William, 108, 198, 506, 508 ...... Robert, 375, 420 Walters, see Waters Wages, Rates of, for servants, etc., xvii, 29, Walton (in Aylesbury), 34, 62, 63 (2), 92, 100, 52, 71, 95, 121, 149, 227-229, 262, 337, 386, 123, 135, 148, 152, 182, 267, 281 (2), 305, 425, 465, 504 322, 330, 336, 343, 347, 352 (4), 362, 376, 389 (2), 411, 425, 438, 460, 468, 495, 500

613 ______


Walton, Constables of, 92, 148, 182, 320, Warr (Warre) 376, 400, 500 ...... Edward (Edmund), 23, 114, 146, 175 ...... Lord of the manor of, 411, 425 ...... Francis, 2, 10, 11, 59, 81, 85, 90, 96, Walton (in Newport), 49, 64, 94, 118, 119, 101, 106, 108, 115, 125, 138, 143, 153, 161, I48, 154, 223, 237, 238, 257, 291, 317, 417, 167, 174, 180, 187, 192, 198, 203, 209, 214, 422, 436, 442, 451, 471, 480, 481, 510 310 ...... Constables of, 49, 118, 148, 154, 223, ...... John, 213, 285, 416 257, 422 ...... Thomas, 80 ...... Curate of, 291 ...... William, 11, 20, 62, 100, 131, 202, 244, Walton, Elizabeth, 260 253, 282, 317, 459, 500, 507 ...... Francis, 388 Warren, John, 102, 106, 284, 293, 298, 408 ...... Thomas, 40, 44, 46, 50, 111, 316 ...... Thomas, 14 Wandon, see Wavendon Warringe, see Waring Warburton, John, The Rev., Curate Warrington, 102, 106, 115, 174, 203, 209 of Lavendon, 293 And see Olney Ward (Warde) Warwick, Anthony, 118 ...... Andrew, 308 ...... Arthur, 142 ...... John, 83, 92, 374 ...... John, 69 ...... Richard, 69, 284, 293 ...... Obadiah, 487 ...... Thomas, 29, 273, 310, 428, 500 Warwickshire, Mollington in, [now ...... William, 285 Co. Oxford], 99 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Hanslope, 293 ...... Radford in, 407 ...... alias Bard, John, 126, 132, 139, 144 ...... Sheddle [?] in, 210 Warden, Richard, 49 ...... Studley in, 205, 235, 241 Wards, 406 Watch and Ward, Orders concerning, 16, 77 Ware, Charles, 227 ...... Refusing to keep, see under ...... Daniel, 63, 418 Offences ...... Edward, 87 Water Eaton, see Eaton, Water ...... John, 172, 329, 496 Waterfield (Watersfield), Thomas, 249, 265 ...... Nathaniel, 113 Waters (Walters) ...... Richard, 35, 97, 159, 214, 227, 299 ...... Dorothy, 389, 399, 400, 409, 413, 418, ...... Thomas, 431 (2), 448, 454, 465, 470, 430, 431, 439, 440 (2), 449 (2), 457, 469, 476, 474 488, 497 And see Warr ...... Edward (Edmund), 12, 352, 361, 363, Waring (Wareinge, Warringe) 373, 388, 405 ...... James, 125, 180, 187, 293, 298 ...... John, 167, 180 ...... Joan, 174 ...... Theodore, 198, 203 ...... John, 102, 108, 115, 125, 128, 138, ...... Thomas, 302, 351, 362, 389, 394, 399, 143, 153, 161, 167, 174, 180, 187, 192, 198, 400, 409, 413, 418, 430, 431, 439, 440 (2), 203, 209, 214 449 (2), 457, 469, 476, 488, 497 ...... Mary, 125 ...... William, 256 ...... Thomas, 46 ...... alias Ruberts, Edmund, 187 ...... The Rev., Curate of Great Water Stratford, see Stratford, Water Woolstone, 293 Waterton, Thomas, 410, 417, 436, 437 Warmestone, see Waddesdon Waterford, Co. Hertford, 74 Warner, Dorothy, 328 ...... Minister of, 74 ...... Jeremy, 122, 123, 127, 130 Watkins, John, 2 ...... Robert, 17, 65, 111, 121 ...... Mary, 454 ...... Roger, 385 ...... Richard, 461 ...... Thomas, 122 (2) Watlington, Co. Oxford, 87, 120 ...... William, 231

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Watson (Wattson) (2), 354, 361, 362, 373, 376, 378, 389 (3), 399 ...... Henry, 245 (2), 408, 409 (2), 421, 449, 460, 468, 474, ...... James, 487 475, 484, 485, 488, 491, 505 ...... Matthew, 198, 199, 271 (2) Webb, John, J.P., 215, 511 ...... Richard, 24, 36, 70, 421 ...... Mary, 170, 205, 215, 454 ...... Thomas, 197, 255, 418, 438, 458 (2), ...... Matthew, 109, 187 499 ...... Richard, 49, 79, 118, 136, 208, 236, ...... William, 332 241, 276, 330, 429, 436 ...... [blank], widow, 245 ...... Robert, 349, 407, 453 Watts (Wotts) ...... Samuel, 160, 168 (2) ...... Edward, 398 ...... Susan, 433 ...... Isabel, 393 ...... Thomas, 363 ...... James, 340, 397, 414, 415 (2), 423, ...... The Rev., Curate of Princes 429, 438 Risborough, 290 ...... John, 423, 434, 477 ...... William, 24, 36, 79, 208 ...... Joseph, 209 ...... [blank], 12, 47, 209 ...... Mary, 423, 434 ...... alias Walker, Sarah, 462 ...... Richard, 60, 65, 70, 414, 415, 429, Webster, John, 372 (2), 428, 466 447, 459, 485 Wedge, John, 320, 377 ...... Sybil, 366 Weedon, 7, 10 (3), 15, 17, 26, 29, 87, 105, ...... William, 46, 54 (2), 278, 286, 308, 325, 121, 202, 210, 215, 221, 318, 327, 329, 336, 360, 474 365, 448, 458, 489, 503 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Dunton, 429 ...... Constables of, 7, 221 Wavendon, 4, 8, 42, 47, 51, 60, 78, 101, 104, ...... Lilly's Farm in, 490 105, 117, 126, 132, 134, 139, 144, 167, 173, ...... Overseer of, 489 180, 181, 192, 197, 198, 200, 207 (2), 223, And see Hardwick 273, 277, 278, 284, 290, 310, 331, 375, 384, Weedon, Cavendish, Clerk of the Peace to 396 (2), 437, 469, 480, 484, 495 1686, later J.P., 78, 89, 105, 113, 123, 127, ...... Constables of, 117, 223, 285, 331, 130, 136, 142, 150, 158, 164, 171, 178, 183, 375, 469 185, 189, 191, 197, 201, 208,382,511 ...... Conventicles held at, 134 ...... Francis, 221, 255 ...... Hogsty End in, 310, 484, 495 ...... Judith, 436, 445, 454 ...... Meeting house at, 310 ...... Mary, 208 ...... Rector of, 290 ...... Nathaniel, 54, 114, 219, 326 Waxham, see Wexham ...... Robert, 177, 218 Weales, see Weyles ...... Thomas, 19, 40, 53, 131, 178, 274, 302, Weard, Thomas, 376 400, 408 Weathered, see Wethered ...... William, 136 (2), 168, 178, 208 (2), 211, Weatherly, see Wetherly 212 (3), 217 Weaver, Deborah, 493 Wekes, John, 66 ...... George, 227, 493 Welch (Welsh) ...... Rachel, 190 ...... John, 22, 47, 67, 114, 146, 185 ...... Samuel, 196, 338 ...... Richard, 146, 185, 276, 278, 460, 475 ...... William, 63, 231, 327 ...... William, 2, 10, 19, 20, 26, 46, 50, 67, Webb (Webbe) 138, 145, 265, 386, 396, 468, 474, 487 ...... Amy, 207, 218, 241 Welhead, Luke (Lucas), 311, 325, 335, 339 ...... Anne, 238 Wells (Welles) ...... Christopher, 6, 19 ...... Clement, 67 ...... Damaris, 102, 106 ...... Elizabeth, 204 ...... Edward, 363, 410 ...... George, 92, 200, 221 ...... Henry, 154, 239, 274, 279 ...... Henry, 207, 406 ...... Humphrey, 390 (2) ...... Joseph, 265, 457, 498 ...... John, 1, 6, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 30, 63, 102, 104, 108, 115, 136 (2), 137, 144, 160, 166, 186, 221, 231, 249, 254, 319, 328 (2), 340, 341, 342, 351,

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Wells, Michael, 250, 320, 359, 455 West, John, 6, 14, 91, 117, 154, 157, 161, ...... Ralph, 42, 45 195, 216, 245, 250, 399, 409 ...... Samuel, 291 ...... Joseph, 19, 20, 29 ...... Thomas, 24 (2), 50, 95, 131, 148, 156, ...... Obediah, 118, 154 196, 239, 278, 373, 377, 406, 418, 419, 421, ...... Richard, 141, 256, 278, 283 433, 475, 480, 500 ...... Thomas, 24, 48, 68, 126, 195, 236, 310 ...... William, 223, 375 ...... Timothy, 23, 32, 34, 35 ...... [blank], 372 ...... William, 331, 410, 502 Welsh, see Welch Westbury, 122, 133, 140, 143, 153, 161, 167, Wendover, xx, 1, 2, 5 (3), 7, 10, 11, 12, 15 174, 180, 187, 193, 289, 414, 415 (2), 423, (2), 18 (3), 19 (2), 29 (2), 31, 36, 37, 47, 51 429, 438, 439 (2), 53, 60, 65 (2), 66, 72, 86, 101 (2), 109, ...... Vicar of, 289, 439 115, 120 (2), 123, 136, 141, 146 (2), 153, Westcott, 9, 72, 76, 87, 118, 157, 253, 255, 159, 164, 165 (2), 167, 170 (2), 175, 333, 377, 460, 488 (2), 501, 503 177, 188, 197, 203, 204 (2), 207 (2), 208, ...... Constables of, 118, 255, 333, 377, 460, 210, 212 (2), 215, 216, 218, 220, 233, 501 247, 252 (2), 253, 266 (2), 268, 272, 277, ...... Westcott Common in, 488 285, 387, 288 (2), 291, 300, 301, 305, 318, ...... Westcott Gap in, 488, 503 320, 326, 328, 340, 341 (2), 346, 350 (2), 351 And see Waddesdon (2), 352, 354, 357, 358, 359 (2), 361, 362 (2), Westcott, John, 502 368, 369, 372 (2), 373 (2), 386, 387, 388, 392 Westfield, Daniel, 424 (2), 396, 405 (2), 414 (3), 415, 424 (2), 425, ...... Henry, 368, 385 426, 435, 444, 449, 451, 452, 467, 468, 472, West Ham, Co. Essex, 489, 495 473, 481 (2), 484, 485, 487, 498 (2) Westlinge, see Westoning ...... Barcombe Warren in, 204 Westminster, 32 ...... Constables of, 7, 215, 274 ...... Court of King's Bench at, 32 ...... Curate of, 291 Weston, see Westoning ...... Forrens of, 21, 274, 341, 351, 362 Weston (Wesson) ...... Meeting house at, 300 ...... John, 6, 67, 230, 477 ...... Minister of, 51 ...... Nicholas, 363, 410 ...... Overseers of, 451 ...... Richard, 40, 363, 410 ...... Parsonage at, 44 ...... Robert, 368, 385 ...... Revenue Officers for, 288 ...... William, 7 ...... Sessions held at, 287, 340, 386, 416, Westoning, Co. Bedford, 134 467 Weston Turville, 6, 7, 13, 58, 109, 121, 122, ...... Surveyor, 414 123, 130, 154, 169, 184, 187, 188, 189, 208, ...... Upper Icknield Way in, 468, 481 213, 217, 221, 224, 233, 239 (2), 246, 261, Wenman, Katherine, Dame, 478, 491 268, 273, 274, 290, 300, 310, 312, 353, 372, Weole, see Weyles 406, 425, 431 (2), 435, 450, 452, 463, 468 (2), Wesson, see Weston 469 (2), 472, 474, 480 (2), 484, 485, 487, West, Anne, 216 491, 495, 497, 504 ...... Augustine, 161 163 ...... Bedgrave in, see Bed- grave ...... Christopher, 480 ...... Constables of, 7, 239, 274, 312, ...... Edward, Sergeant-at-law, J.P., 511 353, 450, 480 ...... Elizabeth, 1, 7, 12, 21, 31, 41, 74, 90, ...... Lord of the Manor of, 469 96, 102, 107, 125, 133, 153, 166, 180, 186 ...... Marrow Way in, 497 ...... George, 238 ...... Meeting houses at, 300, 310 ...... James, 19 ...... Pound at, 469 ...... Rector of, 189, 290 ...... Surveyors of, 468, 484

616 ______


Weston Underwood, 14, 19, 63, 126, 132, Whitchurch, 10, 24, 27 (2), 51, 52, 57, 68, 80, 138, 144, 152, 166, 181, 192, 198, 203, 209, 87 (2), 93 (2), 99, 108, 117, 118, 120, 175, 214, 219, 399, 409, 417, 418, 477, 488, 497 189, 191 (2), 197, 222, 238, 256, 277, 278 (2), ...... Meeting house at, 417 284, 292, 312, 316, 318, 325, 326, 332, West Smithfield, see Smithfield, West 337, 345, 350, 366, 377, 393, 399, 405, 406 Westwiccombe, see Wycombe, West (2), 407, 414, 421, 440, 460, 501 Wethered (Weathered), John, 92, 119 ...... Constables of, 24, 118, 222, 256, 284, Wetherly (Weatherly) 332, 377, 421, 460, 501 ...... Edward, 407, 438 ...... Vicar of, 292 ...... John, 113 Whitchurch, Elizabeth, 494 ...... Ralph, 48, 68, 185 ...... Francis, 320 Wexham, 24, 39, 50, 64, 78, 220, 223, 255, ...... Henry, 14, 47, 68, 287 284, 331, 338, 363, 376, 421, 429, 461 ...... John, 168, 460 ...... Constables of, 24, 50, 223, 255, 284, ...... Joseph, 494 331, 376, 421, 461 ...... Mary, 163 ...... Rector of, 429 ...... Thomas, 5, 70, 92, 131, 154, 191 Weyles (Weales, Weole), William, 138, 144, White, Ambrose, Bridewell Keeper 160 at Newport Pagnell, 3, 128 Weyman (Wyman), John, 282, 329, 447 ...... Anne, 123, 143 Whaddon, 4, 34 (3), 39, 46, 47, 52, 54 (2), 55 ...... Gabriel, 235 (2), 72, 81, 84, 87, 94, 113, 130, 183, 184, ...... Henry, 118 189, 191, 193, 194, 207, 243, 278, 291, 312, ...... John, 52, 123, 144, 106, 181, 219, 226, 350, 357, 358, 359, 369, 379, 381, 415, 487 230, 235 (2), 240, 241, 243 (2), 310, 353, ...... Hayward for, 183 382, 460, 486, 500, 502 ...... Nash in, see Nash ...... Joseph, 283, 459, 500 ...... Vicar of, 291 ...... Mary, 125 Whaley, Mary, 46 ...... Richard, 77, 207, 371, 486 ...... Richard, 46 ...... Robert, 102, 107, 108 ...... [blank], widow, 341, 351 ...... Stephen, 320 Wharton, Philip, 4th Baron, xx, 340 ...... Thomas, 78, 102, 108, 113, 115, 171, ...... Thomas, Comptroller of 215, 292, 297 (2), 300, 331 the Household and Custos Rotu- lorum, J.P., ...... Walter, 51 xii, 356, 447, 511 ...... William, 126, 166, 173, 180, 186, 198 Wheate, William, 105 ...... The Rev., Vicar of Padbury, 291 Wheatley, Co. Oxford, 308 Whitehall, Co. Middlesex, 468 Wheeler, Henry, 108, 317 Whitehall, William, 312 ...... John, 11, 40, 73, 101, 131, 212 265, Whitehart, Thomas, 438 267, 315 Whiteshead, Ralph, 460 ...... Nathaniel, 284 ...... Richard, 74, 285, 469 ...... Robert, 182 Whitfield, Edward, 174 ...... Thomas, 8, 11, 331, 375 Whiting (Whiteinge) ...... William, 115, 126, 131, 133, 139, 142, ...... Jacob, 174 143, 153, 161, 173, 421, 460 ...... James, 166 Whimsey, James, 145 Whitlock, Richard, 276 Whipham (Whippham, Wittwoom), Thomas, Whitmee, Anne, 417 47, 66, 67, 115, 125, 132, 139, 144, 152, Whitney (Wittney) 160, 167 ...... Brook, 283, 330 Whipping, see under Offences ...... Elizabeth, 126 Whipsnade, Co. Bedford, 155 ...... Mary, 181 Whitacre, James, 122 ...... Thomas, 122 ...... [blank], 120 Whitbey, Thomas, 283

617 ______


Whitten (Whitton) Wild, William, 168 ...... Jacob, 144 Wilder, Richard, 222 ...... John, 219, 251 Wildgoose, William, 176 ...... Richard, 455 Wildman, [blank], widow, 126 ...... Robert, 143, 185, 287 Wilkins (Wilkyns) ...... Thomas, 144 ...... Leonard, 299 ...... alias Spratt, Mary, 448, 454, 456, 465, ...... Peter, 238, 243 467 ...... Robert, 447 Whittmill (Whitmell, Witmill) Wilkinson, George, 290 ...... John, 458, 498 ...... Henry, 323 ...... Richard, 63, 487 (2) ...... John, 89, 144, 164, 219, 416, 475 ...... Silvester, 310 ...... Richard, 132 ...... William, 425 Willen, 289, 295 Whitton, see Whitten Willett, Hugh, 191, 314 Whorwood, see Horwood ...... John, 371 Wiccomb, Joseph, 147 ...... Thomas, 377 Wiccomb Forrens, see under Williams, Edward, 111 Wycombe, High ...... John, 79, 83, 311 Wick, John, 45 ...... Richard, 5 Wicken, Co. Northampton, 335, 354, 417, ...... Roland, 50, 502 428 (2), 455 ...... Thomas, 30, 123 (2), 273, 331, 376 Wickens (Wickins), Hugh, 331, 374 Williamson, Richard, 173 Wickerlee (Wickerslee), Jeremiah, 257, 342 ...... Samuel, 126, 166 Widmer (Widmore) ...... Thomas, 107 ...... John, 197, 219 ...... William, 459, 500 ...... Richard, 81, 85, 90, 96, 102, 108, 131, Williatt (Williett), Newman, 22, 189, 227 135 Willins, see Willis ...... William, 83 Willis (Willings, Willins) Wigge (Wiggs, Wrig) ...... Andrew, 201 ...... Thomas, 35, 48, 68, 133, 175, 202, ...... Anne, 73, 78, 1501 265, 316, 317, 328 ...... Christopher, 18, 47, 73 ...... William, 46, 73, 89, 131, 327, 335 ...... Francis, 506 ...... Zachariah (Zaccheus), 79, 83, 200, 220 ...... Geoffrey, 187 Wiggins (Wiggons) ...... Hugh, 153, 162, 168, 174, 200, 252, ...... Edward, 236 277 ...... John, 255, 284 ...... John, 67, 130, 142 ...... William, 285, 483 ...... Matthew, 360, 371 Wigginton, Co. Hertford, 87 ...... Thomas, ix, 256, 334 Wigginton, Joan, 211, 267, 310, 338 ...... The Rev., Rector of Dunton, 291 ...... John, 231, 273, 310 ...... William, 55, 58, 130 ...... [blank], 6 Willison, see Wilson Wiggs, see Wigge Willmer, Cartwright, The Rev., Rector of Wigson (Wiggson), John, 97, 157, 164, 386, Ellesborough, 291 432, 480 Willmore, James, 205 Wilcocks (Wilcox) Willmott (Wilmott) ...... Bartholomew, 223 ...... Philip, 300 ...... Elizabeth, 439, 471 ...... Thomas, 2, 24 ...... Richard, 439, 471 ...... William, 33, 191, 196, 197 Wild (Wyld) Willows, Richard, The Rev., Curate of Walton, ...... Anne, 96, 104, 105, 130, 158, 497, 291 506, 507 Wilmin, John, 4, 37 ...... Geoffrey, 294, 297, 298 Wilshire, Jasper, 288 ...... James, 79, 96 (2), 104, 105, 279, 281, Wilson (Willison, Willson) 316, 497 (2), 506 (3), 507 (2) ...... Ellen, 188 ...... John, 151, 157, 158 ...... Geoffrey, 109 ...... Mary, 151, 157 ...... James, 221

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Wilson, John, 185, 376, 420 Wingfield, John, 244, 272, 277, 480 ...... Richard, 126, 137, 144, 333 ...... Nathaniel, 67 ...... Robert, 24, 118, 148, 244, 249, 458, ...... Richard, 359 476, 498 ...... Thomas, 133, 204 ...... Thomas, 294, 298, 300 ...... Timothy, 208, 211, 212, 217, 275, 458, ...... William, 197 499 Wilstone, Co. Hertford, 182 Wingrave, 48, 66 (2), 93, 108, 123, 141, 156, Wimwood (Winwood) 175, 182, 189, 193, 212, 215, 221, 230, 245, ...... Mary, 132 251 (2), 252, 269, 275, 280, 299, 311, 312, ...... Richard, J.P., 257, 511 325, 363, 401, 405, 412, 415, 442, 452, 480, Winch, Edward, 260 501 ...... Humphrey, Sir, 1st Bart., J.P., 511 ...... Constables of, 215, 221, 245, 312, 363, ...... John, 190 442, 480 ...... Joseph, 309 ...... Mattock's gate in, 251 ...... [blank], 134 ...... Meeting house at, 299 Winchendon, Nether, 23, 92, 118, 147, 171, ...... Rowsham in. see Rowsham 222, 250, 255, 266, 279, 284, 288, 312, 342, Wingrave (Wingrove) 373, 390, 429, 432, 469, 495 ...... Christopher, 239, 274 ...... Constables of, 23, 92, 118, 147, ...... Daniel, 24 222, 255, 284, 312, 342, 390, 432, 469 ...... Eleanor, 399, 414 Winchendon, Upper, 23, 60, 64, 69, 118, ...... George, 399, 414 222, 236, 237, 243,;244, 250, 255, 284, 377, ...... Henry, 441, 479 439, 492 ...... John, 375 ...... Constables of, 23, 69, 118, 222, ...... Richard, 2, 31 255, 284, 377 ...... Robert, 41 Winckles (Winckells), Thomas, 253, 282, ...... Sarah, 41 303, 327, 339, 340, 346 ...... Thomas, 47, 61, 115, 177 Windmill, William, 317 ...... William, 420, 459 Windsor, New, Co. Berks, 80, 110, 161, 199, Winslow, xvii, 6, 9, 17, 18 (2), 19, 30, 34 (3), 208, 212, 247, 253, 275, 278, 296, 395, 397, 40, 47 (2), 53 (3), 54 (2), 55, 60, 63, 65, 72 489, 496 (2), 73 (2), 77 (3), 78 (2), 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, ...... Barnes Pool Bridge at, 247 87, 91, 101, 103 (2), 108, 112 (2), 113, ...... Castle at, xx, 275 123, 130, 136, 137, 138, 142, 149 (2), 150 (2), ...... Eton near, see Eton 151, 155, 157 (2), 164, 165, 171, 190, 205, Wing, 14, 20, 24, 36, 71 (2), 84 (2), 85, 102, 208, 220, 227, 231, 235, 241, 242, 248, 251 107, 108, 123, 158, 168 (2), 172, 178 (3), 197 (2), 252 (2), 263, 265, 277, 280, 288, 291, 292 (2), 198, 215, 218, 243, 245 (3), 251 (2), 264, (2), 299, 305, 318, 320, 326, 332, 335, 365, 269, 272, 276, 279, 288, 292 (2), 340, 348 (2), 350 (2), 353 (2), 357 (2), 367, 299, 308, 320, 336, 343, 358, 359 (2), 363, 369, 376, 400, 407, 409, 412 (2), 413, 425 369, 370, 410 (2), 415, 416 (2), 428, 437, (2), 440, 448, 458, 467, 478 (3), 479, 480, 489, 494, 495 (2), 501, 507 (2) 488, 499 ...... Ascott in, see Ascott ...... Constables of, 320, 332, 376 ...... Burcott in, see Burcott ...... Market at, xvii, 73 ...... Constables of, 14, 24, 168, 215, 245, ...... Meeting houses at, 299, 350 279, 320, 363, 489, 501 ...... Shipton in, see Shipton ...... Cow pasture gate in, 251 ...... Vicar of, 291 ...... Crofton in, see Crafton Winslow, Roger, 303 ...... Meeting house at, 299 ...... Thomas, 105, 505 ...... Vicar of, 292 Winston (Winstone) Wingfield (Winfeild) ...... Judith, 73, 78 ...... Daniel, 23, 227 ...... Samuel, 18, 73 ...... George, 350 Winter (Winton) ...... James 84 ...... Christopher, 115

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Winter, Daniel, 357, 368, 384, 396 Wood (Woods) ...... John, 43, 112, 141, 467 ...... Abraham, 273, 277, 278, 378, 384, 396 ...... Ralph, 370 ...... Edward, 113 ...... Thomas, 499 ...... John, The Rev., Curate of St. Leonards, ...... William, 24, 253, 282 290 Winterborne, James, 477 ...... Richard, 396 ...... Thomas, 370 ...... Thomas, 277, 311 Winton, Francis, 421 ...... Bishop of Lincoln, 112 ...... Richard, 31, 267 ...... William, 220, 253 Winwood, see Wimwood Woodale, Thomas, 6 Wise, George, 316 Woodard, see Woodward ...... John, 342 Woodbridge, Edward, 222, 250 ...... Matthew, 267, 283 ...... John, 9, 15, 25, 147, 429, 458, 498 Witchcraft, see under Offences ...... Mary, 391, 395 (3) Withers, Gervase, The Rev., Curate of Brill, ...... William, 441, 480 290 Woodcock, Francis, 57, 95 ...... Godfrey, 178 ...... Moses, 170, 171 ...... Nathaniel, xvi, 1, 5, 12, 15, 18, 47, 72 ...... Thomas, 133 ...... Thomas, 387 Woodfield (Woodfine), George, 23, 86, 90 Wittewronge, John, J.P., 288, 295, 369, 392, Woodham, xix, 13, 38, 41, 44, 45, 63, 73, 78, 402 99 (3), 104, 175, 299, 359, 425 ...... Sir, 2nd Bart., J.P., 511 ...... Constables of, 41 Wittmill, see Whittmill ...... Meeting house at, 299 Wittney, see Whitney ...... Rates at, dispute with Waddes- don Wittwoom, see Whipham concerning, xix, 44, 45, 99 Woburn, Co. Bedford, 423, 424, 482, 485 And see Waddesdon Wolstone, see Woolstone, Great Woodhouse (Woodhowse), William, 135, Wolverton, 55, 212, 244, 249, 250, 292, 319, 139, 145 324, 325, 327, 328, 362, 370 (2), 373, 388, Woodman, Thomas, 24, 35 389, 396, 397, 399 (2), 403, 405, 407, 408, Woodnott, William, 457, 466, 467, 473 409, 410, 412, 413, 418, 423, 430, 431, 434, Woodrow, 154, 283, 300, 364 440 (2), 449 (2), 457, 469, 476, 477, 488 (2), ...... Constables of, 154, 283, 364 497 ...... Meeting house at, 300 ...... Meeting house at, 408 And see Amersham ...... Vicar, 292 Woods, see Wood Wondrum, Gilbert, xvii, 432, 437 Woodside, see Amersham , 2, 7, 13, 15 (2), 19, 31 (2), 34, 40 Woodson, John, The Rev., Rector of Radnage, (2), 41, 45 (3), 56, 74, 83, 100, 124, 127, 130, 240, 247, 261, 269, 290 146 (2), 153, 154, 161 (2), 162, 166, 169, Woodstock, Co. Oxford, 123 174, 179, 182, 184, 186, 187, 190, 203, Woodward (Woodard) 209, 215 (2), 232, 233, 237, 239, 243, 247 ...... Peter, 40, 167, 178, 501 (2), 251 (2), 253, 260, 264, 265, 266, 267, ...... Robert, 461, 502 268, 272 (2), 274, 277, 284, 302, 306, 312, ...... Thomas, 84, 96, 98, 102, 108, 115, 123, 313, 340, 342, 374, 389, 397, 398, 400, 408, 125, 138, 143, 174, 226, 235 411, 431, 432, 454, 462, 479, 490, 497 Woofton, see Woughton-on-the-Green ...... Constables of, 2, 41, 56, 74, 127, 182, Woolconners, xii, 146 215, 232, 267, 274, 284, 302, 312, 342, 389, Wooldrage, John, 353 432, 479 Woolhead (Woollhead), John, 1, 54, 58, 71, ...... Meeting houses at, 340 79, 124, 151, 205, 374, 377, 378, 421, 440 ...... White Hall in, 154 Woolman, James, 326 ...... Ralph, 188

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Woolstone, Great, 39, 48, 126, 132, Wotts, see Watts 146, 173, 178, 293, 500 Woughton-on-the-Green, 77, 79, 83, 154, ...... Constables of, 500 317, 324, 418, 488, 489, 504 ...... Curate of, 293 ...... Constables of, 488 Woolstone, Little, 23, 35 (2), 39, 256, 393, Woxbridge, see Uxbridge 329, 375, 422, 500 Wrackley (Rackly), William, 330, 375, 480 ...... Constables of, 23, 256, 375, 422, Wray, see Ray 500 Wraysbury, see Wyrardisbury ...... Rector of, 293 Wren (Renne), Hugh, 53 Woolverton, see Wolverton Wrench, Luke, 308 Wooster, see Worcester Wrig, see Wigge Wootten, see Wotton Underwood Wright (Right) Wootten (Wootton, Wotton) ...... Ananias, 487 ...... Elnathan, 74, 137, 142 (2), 284 ...... Anne, 249, 281, 313 ...... Henry, 508 ...... Daniel, 495 ...... John, 214, 400, 440, 441 ...... Edward, 20, 422 ...... Nicholas, 330, 377 ...... Elizabeth, 80 ...... William, 336 ...... Emanuel, 15 Worcester (Wooster, Worster, Woster) ...... Francis, 33, 105 ...... James, 332, 377 ...... John, 33, 49, 202, 425, 455 ...... John, 377, 422 ...... Joseph, 159, 164, 171 ...... Thomas, 117, 148, 223, 405, 498 ...... Richard, 196, 301 ...... William, 28, 50, 67, 100, 148, 182, 405 ...... Robert, 446, 455 (2) ...... Thomas, 46, 53, 159, 238, 268, 273, Worcestershire, Shipston on Stour in, 110 276, 281 (2), 302, 305, 306, 313 (2), 322, 331 ...... Worcester in, 37 (2), 376, 442, 445, 446, 454 Worminghall, 9, 15, 23, 25, 68, 70, 88, 92, ...... William, 2, 215, 330, 352, 361, 362, 118, 127, 130, 134, 135, 148, 253, 255, 283, 377, 405, 431, 446, 449, 457, 469, 476 293, 332, 377, 386, 409, 411, 422, 423 (2), Writs; “English bill,” 259 458, 460, 501 ...... of “capias ac etiam” 15, 162 ...... Constables of, 23, 70, 92, 118, 148, ...... of “capias ad satisfaciendum,” 382 255, 332, 377, 422, 460, 501 ...... of “certiorari,” xii, 56, 217, 225, 242, ...... Vicar of, 293 248, 262, 277, 315, 320, 346, 354, 378, 392, Wornall, see Worminghall 394, 401, 433, 470, 473 Wornall, John, 437 ...... of “dedimus potestatem,” xi 281 Worrall (Worrell) ...... of “latitat,” 383 ...... Alice, 55 ...... of “restitution,” 83 ...... James, 432, 437 ...... of “venire facias,” 112 ...... Joseph, 284, 332 Wyatt (Wyett) ...... Richard, 285, 332 ...... Anne, 149 ...... Robert, 34 ...... John, 67, 470 ...... Thomas, 55, 79, 283, 330 ...... Margaret, 80 ...... alias Beeson, William, 98 ...... Robert, 348 Worsley, Anne, 80 Wycombe, High (or Chipping), xv, xvi, 3, 6, 17 ...... Richard, 136 (2), 20, 22, 41, 42 (2), 50, 51, 61 (2), 62, 66 ...... William, 281 (3), 75, 82, 87, 91, 118, 120 (2), 123, 131 (2), Worster, see Worcester 141 (2), 142, 143 (2), 146, 147, 151, 154 (2), Woston, see Woughton 158, 159, 162, 163 (2), 164, 166, 169, 177, Wotton Underwood, 51, 92, 103, 110, 147, 178, 181, 185, 192, 193 (2), 194 (2), 197 (2), 289, 290, 295, 333, 389 (2), 399 (2), 410, 413 201, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, (2), 418, 422 (2), 430, 437, 460, 488 ...... Constables of, 92, 147, 333, 422 (2), 460 ...... Curate of, 290 ...... Minister of, 289, 295 ...... The Ship Inn at, 201

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213, 219 (2), 220, 221, 230, 231, 236, 237, Wycombe, High, Sessions held at, 207, 212, 238, 240 (2), 241, 242, 244, 248, 250, 237, 244, 250, 287, 308, 397, 438, 475 251 (2), 261, 264, 266, 268, 272, 277, 279, ...... Vicar of, 290 282, 285, 287 (9), 288 (8), 290 (2), 291 (3), ...... Woobridge in, 251, 268 292, 294 (2), 295, 296, 297 (3), 298 (3), 300 Wycombe, West, xi, 6, 10, 19, 21, 24, 43, 45, (3), 304, 306, 308, 309, 313, 314, 322, 327 50, 63, 64, 69, 72, 76, 92, 103 (2), 105, 116, (2), 336 (3), 337 (2), 350 (2), 355 (2), 359, 125, 131 (2), 134, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, 360, 365, 371 (2), 375, 383, 387, 388, 145, 154 (2), 159 (2), 162, 164 (2), 167 (2), 395, 396, 397, 398, 402, 403, 405, 407, 411, 169, 177, 190, 197, 199, 218, 230, 237, 255 416, 432, 437, 438, 439 (2), 440, 447, 449, (3), 257, 261, 264, 282, 294, 296, 300, 301 450, 452, 455, 456, 457 (2), 464 (2), 475 (2), (2), 303, 305, 313, 314, 329, 336, 345, 355, 476 (2), 484, 487, 493, 494, 495, 496 (5), 359, 365, 375 (2), 383, 407, 419, 420, 437, 597 (2), 499 (2), 503, 506 (2), 507 (3) 439, 446, 462, 464 (2), 481, 502 Wycombe, High, Aldermen of Borough of, ...... Brooke End in, see Brook End 143, 336, 350, 365, 439 ...... Churchwarden of, 301 ...... Assizes held at, 240, 314, 337 ...... Constables of, xi, 24, 50, 92, 255 ...... Bailiffs of Borough of, 143, 197, (3), 284, 301, 375, 420, 502 251, 268, 327, 371, 416, 496 ...... Ham, The, at, 300 ...... Bridewell at, xv, 3, 75, 120, 177, ...... Meeting house at, 300 193 (2), 194, 197, 201, 205, 206, 240, 304, ...... Pullbrook, The, at, 167 337, 402, 403, 447, 450, 506 Wyer, Daniel, 429 ...... Keeper of the, 3, 163, ...... Edward, 133 193 (2), 197, 337, 402, 411, 447, 450, 452, ...... John, 89 464 (2), 484 ...... William, 162 ...... Crendon Lane in, 300 Wyett, see Wyatt ...... Curate of, 290 Wyman, see Weyman ...... Forrens of, 22, 42, 50 (2), 60, 70, Wyrardisbury (or Wraysbury), 86, 136, 179, 118, 120, 123, 141 (2), 146, 154, 158, 159, 241, 328, 374 162, 163, 166, 169, 220, 221, 248, 251, 257, 285, 322, 375, 432, 499 (2) YATES (Yate, Yeates) ...... Constables of the, 24, 50, ...... John, 1, 46, 55, 182, 197, 220, 253, 340 70, 118, 159, 221, 257, 285, 375, 432 ...... The Rev., Rector of Great ...... Manor of Bas- sett's Bury Hampden, 290 in, 251, 268 ...... Richard, 254 ...... Justices of the Borough of, 355 ...... William, 232 ...... Market at, 241 Yerll, see Earl ...... Marsh Green in, 41 York, James, Duke of, x, 129 ...... Mayor of the Borough of, 131, Yorke (York) 185, 208, 251, 268, 279, 287, 295, 309, 336, ...... Alice, 132 350, 355, 365, 398, 439 ...... Joseph, 85, 126, 132, 138, 144, 152, ...... Meeting houses in, 300 (3) 496 167, 173, 180, 186, 192, 198 ...... Recorder of the Borough of, 131, 143, Young (Younge) 365 ...... John, 20, 46, 67, 89, 133 (2), 283, 284, 294, 298, 330, 429 ...... Joshua, 285, 286, 305, 414 ...... Ralph, 23 ...... Richard, 311 ...... William, 457, 497 ...... [blank], 26

ZOUCH, Charles, 288